The Sevan Podcast - #863 - Sunday Service | Live Call In

Episode Date: April 3, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 bam we're live Caleb Matz who's a Sevan the Sevan podcast long song I put something in the private chat Caleb Jeremy thank you guys don't forget to tie
Starting point is 00:00:24 wow it's really sweet thank you you weren't even on and to tithe. Wow, that's really sweet. Thank you. You weren't even on and you gave $5? What if I didn't show up? Holding his cock made a comment on YouTube the other day saying that i didn't have my best show didn't give it my all that hurt that hit that hit home i appreciate the feedback that hit home that hit home it's amazing i can get like 100 dms telling me i'm the greatest ever i can't believe it you've changed my life blah blah and one dude named holden is cock says not his best work and i'm fucking i'm reeling pussy you pussy not you i'm talking to myself
Starting point is 00:01:15 that's inner talk that's not that's not to you uh mr uh holden it's my inside voice yesterday i pulled up to a freeway um i got off the freeway, and I was at the stoplight, and there's that little thin island. You know when you get off a freeway, you're lining up to make a left or a right or go straight, and next you use that lane with cars getting on the freeway. It's a pretty typical configuration here in the United States of America. And there's a lady there holding a sign. She's probably 30 years old, and it's a lady there holding a sign she's probably 30 years old it's a big cardboard sign
Starting point is 00:01:47 yay big four four feet by three feet big sign and it's got a bunch of stuff written on it and my son obby who's sitting in the front seat says i don't even know if he's supposed to he says because of you know like age and size and shit like that. He says, hey, what's that lady sign say? I'm like, I don't know. And he reads it and she's right next to our car. And he says, oh, she wants money. She has kids. I said, yep.
Starting point is 00:02:11 And he said, give her some. I said, what for? He said, because she wants some. And I said, what's she want it for? And he said, for her kids. I go, why do you want me to give her money? And he said, I feel bad for her. I said, what do you feel bad about?
Starting point is 00:02:24 He said, she needs money. She's out here asking asking for money it says on there she needs it for food and she has kids i said so you feel bad he said yeah i said yeah i said me too he said are you going to help her i said no he's looking at me and the only reason why this works is because i'm a giver uh traditionally you know my son has seen me uh you know at stores that only accept cash and there's a mom there buying a sandwich for a kid and it's 18.95 and she doesn't have cash so she's like oh shoot i don't have cash and i just cough up to 20. he's seen me do that i don't know i want to say once but it's probably a it's probably that probably had let's say let's say he's seen it eight times. It's got to be more.
Starting point is 00:03:08 He sees me all sorts of times. I pull up to a gas station pump. I get there right before someone, but an old lady thinks she got there before me. I say, no problem. I back out. There's someone playing music in front of the gas station with a violin. I give my kids a dollar each and tell them to go run over there and drop it in the case. They've seen all that.
Starting point is 00:03:30 This is why this works this next step and he says well if you feel bad why don't you give it to her and help her and i said because that's uh i i don't want to reward that behavior he goes what do you mean i said well you know how when you i see that you're really focused at skateboarding you do an amazing amazing job. He said, yeah. And I said, and afterwards I reward you guys with something. He goes, yeah, you'll take us to get smoothies. I said, yeah. And you guys can, we can do that every single time. As long as everyone works hard, everyone participates, everyone's supposed to be doing what they're doing. He goes, yeah. I said, I don't want to reward this lady's behavior. I said, I feel just as bad as you do. And I'm so proud of you that you feel bad. And you should want to give to her. But I'm going to save it and reward someone who's doing what I want them to do,
Starting point is 00:04:13 how I want them to participate. And that's selling hot dogs. That's being nice to me at Starbucks. That's, yeah, that. I'm not doing that. I'm not doing that i'm not doing that and and then that hurt if that doesn't make you feel bad if you don't want to uh give money i think probably something's wrong with you i told him that too i said hey dude that's like god you made me so proud that you feel that don't
Starting point is 00:04:38 ever let that feeling go away and you know that's not an absolute rule i'm not like do not do not let me interfere with any of you needing uh uh to give someone of those people 50 bucks if that's how you want to vote with your money i'm not i'm not judging you preferably don't pay to do that in front of my house though or in my neighborhood or in my city i would prefer you didn't do that feed the pigeons in my city or over my house but but but it was an interesting time because i because i i want my son to feel that i really want him to feel that oh david david david david really david this morning already already it's illegal to do that in virginia so you have to you like you call the cops um anyway yeah it's illegal in california
Starting point is 00:05:36 too they just it's illegal in california you can't be standing i don't think you can be standing out on an island like that uh doing interfering with traffic oh really it's illegal you would have never guessed there's so many people out here like that i know i even in even in livermore yeah let a cop tell me different but i'm pretty sure it's illegal i'm sure i'm sure there's some uh some law that makes it so you can't be interfering uh with traffic on every island they have a sign or enrichment that's called a like housing hotline or something the house how about the free needle hotline yeah that's only only the barrier that happened no david i did not call the police douche from the bottom of my heart you're a douche someone said yesterday that uh
Starting point is 00:06:21 they i remind them more of glenn beck i don't i i've seen that guy around so i went and looked him up on youtube and i watched a video of his he was on tucker carlson a couple days ago being interviewed and god that made me so sad i'm so sad if i reminded you of glenn beck he's trying to and he had some scary news he was talking about the petrodollar oh yeah boy he was he was doing some doomsday shit it was freaking me out by the way just an idea um if you guys don't know what the petrodollar is we've talked about it quite a bit on the show but imagine i grow i grow uh apricots at my house i probably have like 10 apricot trees i have a a ton of fruit trees, but I probably, the most of any tree I have is apricot tree or avocado tree. And imagine that every, if anyone else in my city, before they could buy any other fruit from
Starting point is 00:07:14 anyone else, whether it be apples or avocados or tomatoes or cucumbers, or before you could buy anything that's in my city, you had to first come to my house and buy apricots from me and then you use those apricots as currency to buy anything else you needed imagine how powerful that would make me that's basically what's going on with the united states since the 1970s more or less if you want just like the dumbed down version. Basically, the entire world has decided for one reason or another that you need to come to my house and buy my fruit before you can buy anything else. And that's given me a lot of power over the world. There's a chance that could come to an end just i mean just imagine how much how much leverage that gives me over everyone else seven you're no way glenn beck okay cool no order has
Starting point is 00:08:14 been restored uh beck is a giant douche okay good hey for 43 minutes and 43 seconds you could watch the uh principles for dealing with the changing world order by ray dalio wait wait say that again wait wait start that start what you said say that one more time it's a 40 it's 43 minutes and 43 second long video it's called uh is that some sort of illuminati shit 43 43 i don't know i don't know all right okay good one look into it ray dalio yeah you know who ray dalio is the sounds familiar. Was he on the show or did I read a book of his? He wrote a book called Principles, but he was the owner of a really massive hedge fund called Bridgewater Associates. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Anyhow, he has a series here on YouTube. It's like an animated series. It's called Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order. And he'll actually explain in that uh video how nations rise and fall and he'll show the cycles of how it happened over time and what happened to their currency and why it was strong and then how it became not the world currency and all this stuff so it lays it out pretty cool so if you guys want to check that out another way to think of it none of of these – thank you, Mr. Sousa. Another way – is Sousa 1Z? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Oh, good. Wait, why? Because yesterday, we made an insane connection yesterday. By the way, I have three cool things to talk to you guys about. We made an insane connection yesterday with someone who's huge, who everyone in the world knows who they are and they're going to start helping us get people to interview for the show so that's exciting and to the gentleman in Sweden who had the heart attack I spoke with him and the CrossFitter who had a heart attack recently he's going to be coming on the show later in the week and i spoke with uh alexander dallas alexander the jtf2 guy uh yesterday and he said he'd come on the show and walk us through
Starting point is 00:10:12 the shooter videotape uh for nashville at some point so those are three cool things that happened yesterday but anyway there's this person who's a i mean in my mind they're one of the most well connected people in the world they asked me yesterday hey who's your i mean in my mind they're one of the most well-connected people in the world they asked me yesterday hey who's your contact going to be for me to get you guests for your show and i said matt suza and i gave him matt's i sent him matt's contact from my iphone and this whole time i've had uh in my contacts uh owner of livermore crossfit guy because you know that's how i met you so i'm like i better put in his name before i push this off you know what i mean like if i like if i met caleb's wife i'd be like chick that caleb fucks like i'd literally just write that in my contacts if i got her number
Starting point is 00:10:58 and that shit doesn't fly when you forward um contact information no so i had to put in matt's name and spell it and i'm like is that tuesdays my what am i doing like looking it up oh matt you douche i think matt's the one that says i'm not that i'm nothing like glenn beck and now he's saying just making and savvy feel good just give it and take it away on that him and david are sitting in a room together smoking crack enjoying the show okay ray dalio yeah it's a weird it's a weird thing another way to kind of think about it it's not perfect, but another way is if the entire world, if there was a big pile of gold somewhere and everyone said, hey, we're only going to print as much money as gold that we've mined so that there's some sort of balance and there's something that we can actually objectively say that our money is worth something, it's value based on that gold. based on that gold well imagine if that gold is gone and now that the objective value of everyone else's money is based on our money so we can print money in the rest of the world look at our money as that pile of gold that's that's another kind of rough way to look at it and that's kind of a imagine the leverage that gives us over the world too i mean it's uh
Starting point is 00:12:21 anyway glenn beck was saying that that shit's about to come to an end and we're going to turn into venezuela he's a doomsday guy though isn't he i don't know but i was like fuck that i'm not listening to that i'm not listening i'd rather i mean i'm just doing my i'm just doing my best do you know what do you know what this is just doing my best do you get do you know what do you know what this is the tingler yeah you know about this yeah my mom worked for the company that and the guy that invented that it's called the happy company his name was mark oh will you look that up caleb fact check if suza's making that up first bruise suza's dropping ray dalio's name now he claimed i pull a tingler up
Starting point is 00:13:05 and then suza claims he's something he's one degree of separate did you ever meet him that's yeah yeah i actually i actually drove a forklift uh into the roof of the building that they were moving out of on accident and we had to blame it on another guy because i wasn't supposed to be driving the forklift oh that's cool the guy took the blame for it yeah he had to because he was in charge and he knew i wasn't supposed to be driving wow it's called it was called the blame for it? Yeah, he had to because he was in charge, and he knew I wasn't supposed to be driving. Wow. It was called the Happy Company. It was ripped off a lot, and he never did very much to patent the products, and that was kind of the issue with the company because the products started to get ripped off.
Starting point is 00:13:35 It was super easy to make, and he never really did anything about it. Jay Hartle, listen very closely, everyone. Very closely. We need to stop selling guns everywhere, and we'll save everyone's lives. Listen, this is the kind of stuff that's important. We will turn into Venezuela if they try to take our guns. More like Alex Jones. Dude, I'm a fucking paragon of health.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Alex Jones looks like he's going to pop. He's so red. What are you talking about? Definitely not Alex Jones. Dick Butter on today's show. Susan admits to insurance fraud. Hey, guys. Alex Jones did not have a man with a giant cock that sells his underwear as a contributor
Starting point is 00:14:26 to his show. Good morning, Cameron. I don't even see where you are, but yes, good morning. Did you find that, Caleb? Did you find the inventor of the tickler? Wow, that's the shittiest tickler I've ever seen. That one's horrible. Hey, that's version one, baby. Version one've ever seen that one's horrible hey that's version one maybe
Starting point is 00:14:45 version one wow look at the one i have is amazing these are so cheap the reason why i brought this on here is i think i've shown this before on here but if you have kids if you have a baby at home if your wife had a baby i highly recommend one of these i used to do this to my kids as babies they love that shit the expressions they would make the stimulus it would give them this thing's crazy this is such a fun thing to do to your baby yeah this one was made in china thank you judy look at judy pushing for her people this right here this guy was actually he became a multi-millionaire off this product right here onto the right of your screen the happy happy massager? The happy massager.
Starting point is 00:15:26 And that whole entire thing spun the whole company. Whoever took that picture is an idiot because you know what? I know that's sitting on a marble table but really it looks like it's on someone's back who has the grossest skin ever. You see that picture right there? That Caleb pulled up?
Starting point is 00:15:41 Now I can't unsee it. Yeah, it just looks like... Fuck. Put some lotion on that but that that was it the happy massager if i um my up the pool boy uh if i were a super villain i'd be called the tickler you can decide the context of that on your own yeah i diddled her man in the boat so hard that she died she was she was vaccinated though um yeah harry that was not a good judy i was talking to a friend yesterday complete and total libtard i mean like like total libtard it's like bad right like the the the he might as well be fucking moved to nazi germany and he's chinese and he was telling me that he's
Starting point is 00:16:35 a minor he was trying to explain to me that he's a minority like dude you live in the fucking Bay Area. I thought I heard my door open in my office. That's always a creepy sound. Yeah. And I can't see over there because there's a, the reason why I look so good is there's a beauty light on me. So that's my money back. No, it looks good.
Starting point is 00:17:03 You got a nice glow. That and the sign. Thank you. So for $2, so those are the things there's a couple couple lessons for you remember it's healthy to feel the desire to give to people and uh and and be be honest and think clearly when you explain that stuff to your kids and and then we have the tickler get the tickler that's a little bit after i i was like you know that that's my um pushback on glenn beck's doomsday petrodollar shit i like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:17:25 I'm going to come up with some positive. Check the show with some, you'd never push the tickler. A friend of mine and a friend of Sousa's. I actually did not see the video yet. I cannot confirm this, but a friend of mine and Sousa's I don't know if I've told you
Starting point is 00:17:47 I got into a fight with his neighbor and took a Theragun and pushed it into his mouth and he says he has video of the Theragun in this dude's mouth he said he fucking he he he beat this dude up and in our in our friends whose hand is completely fucked up
Starting point is 00:18:14 because while he was beating the guy he missed and hit the concrete oh hammer fist baby he's a i'm gonna give you a hint he's a brown brown belt in uh jiu-jitsu okay trains in southern california okay you know who it is yeah and yeah he said he um he said he put a he last time i talked to him i talked to him on the phone last week and he said he put a theragun in a dude's mouth and turned it on that's crazy right that's what i was thinking i thought about did you break his teeth out and i was just thinking just the i started thinking our buddy might be gay there's just some weird like how do you think to put a theragun in someone's mouth. Was it a lover's coral? No. Well, not the version I heard. Apparently somebody we know has the video,
Starting point is 00:19:10 says the person in the comments. Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. We can get the video. Oh, Hiller has the video. Okay. Yeah, it's amazing. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I'm torn that if I want to see, he said he was going to send me the video when i spoke to him and i was like i was like torn like i want to see it but i know i won't be unseeing that right well it messed you up you know yeah how's it look? Hi, Sarah. Good morning. Yeah. There was no relationship to California hormones and this Theragun. Theragun today. But while Sarah's here, I should mention to you guys. Hey, if you are going to do that by the way if you are interested in um uh testosterone replacement therapy and getting blood work you you should probably consider doing it sooner than later if you're just if you've just been procrastinating because there's some
Starting point is 00:20:18 weird shit going on with the with uh the laws and you want to get grandfathered in on anything stupid that they might do any extra hoops. They have you jump through. And, and I think there'll be a lot of, it's, it's kind of crazy too, because everyone I've spoken to about it, I haven't heard one negative thing.
Starting point is 00:20:35 And I've heard about the mental clarity it's given people. And the, the, the stuff that really excites me is the depression shit that kind of goes away. Um, but if you're on, um, antidepressants or any shit like that, and you're on meds anyway,
Starting point is 00:20:49 I cannot understand why you wouldn't try to get off of that and go this route. It makes no sense to me why you'd be taking Prozac or Xanax or I don't know what the fuck the other ones are. But if I was only going to take one medication, I've been on it on testosterone for a month and feel amazing. Yeah. If I was going to take any medication,
Starting point is 00:21:11 that's, that's a hundred percent where I'd go first for anything. Me personally. I mean, I'm not a doctor, but if I had any issue, I would, I would go,
Starting point is 00:21:19 I would think that route, anything. Anyway, you can, if you go to California hormones, you can go there and you can get a free doctor's consult if you put in the code word sevon and if you're in california you can get blood work and free blood work and to be honest with you i don't know exactly how this works i don't mean to speak for sarah but i think some people have flown from out of state to Newport to get to the free blood work. So I don't even know if you have to, I'm not sure exactly how it works, but in a, in catch here, we'll be coming on next week to talk about it. Philip Kelly's a great resource for it. Andrew Hiller's a great resource for it.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Gary Roberts is, and works on on vaginas too if you have a vagina oh yeah that is correct okay sarah says that is correct okay there you go i got philip kelly's flexing his uh t t numbers and underneath him is just olivia wow philip yeah that's cool crushing in. Wow, Philip. Yeah, that's cool. Crushing it in the comments. Is that a real person? That's another hot chick in the comments. Now I'm getting skeptical.
Starting point is 00:22:35 How could that be? We're going to be verifying all our women from now on. We're taking all the wrenches away. Then you have to send us proof it's you and you get a wrench. Now I feel more at home trish hi uh maybe we shouldn't use gary as a source for anything fair whatever yeah you know wow olivia is real she's real olivia is a horse girl oh she is oh wow i'm ready caleb no i just enjoyed your youtube channel a hot chick who's a horse girl stay away stay away No, I just enjoy YouTube channels. A hot chick who's a horse girl. Stay away.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Stay away. 12. Oh, here we go. I need some tea. The wife will appreciate it. True that. Dozes, you want to talk about Jon Stewart? About him schooling that guy today?
Starting point is 00:23:24 You want to just go, just get right into it? Uh-oh. You think he schooled that just get right into it? You think he schooled that guy? You think he schooled that politician? We did this already on the show. Oh, I felt my back get a little tight like I'm ready to fight.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Jody Lynn, the only drug I take is CrossFit. Oh. No, I'm the horse girl holy shit we're already fighting about it yeah oh my goodness
Starting point is 00:23:56 so now we just found out we attract horse girls to the show makes sense 12 daily doses thank you by the way, for the money. I do appreciate it. Why the shoes? No fighting today with daily doses, he says.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Okay. Where are we? You guys want to talk about viscosity? Let's go to, let's just go straight to viscosity. It's one of my, if something has more viscosity viscosity does that mean it's more uh it's more slippery it's more uh more thick more viscosity means more thick um let me see uh okay let's start here we will get to viscosity today let's 551. Now, you're going to watch this video, and you're going to think I'm showing it for one particular reason,
Starting point is 00:24:47 but I'm not. There's a moment in here. This is why you guys watch the show, because I'm fucking weird as shit sometimes, even though I really am normal. I want you to watch. There's a moment here where this girl scratches her neck. Is it scratch your neck or itch your neck?
Starting point is 00:25:08 I have viscosity as fuck yeah oh we gotta get blade back on we gotta stop yes we needed a couple more shows with blade what is it it's scratch your neck you scratch your neck but you have an itch okay this this chick at one point in here scratches her neck and i want you to notice it's very quick it's very quick but i want you to notice her technique and i and i and i was like oh yeah that's how i scratch my neck too i think that's how i do it you you know if you have a scratch you don't really go like this can you see you go like this right you hit it like this but i want you to see her and then a scratch, you don't really go like this. Can you guys see it? You go like this, right? You hit it like this. But I want you to see her. And then for women who don't know, if your balls itch, you don't itch your balls.
Starting point is 00:25:50 You pinch them and roll them. So you can't just scratch them. It's like – it's because there's a ton of skin and bumps and shit all over it. You can't – I'm trying to figure out. It would be like scratching like dough. You know what I mean? Like you just can't scratch it. It would be like scratching, like, dough. You know what I mean? Like, you just can't scratch it. It would be like scratching a blanket.
Starting point is 00:26:09 You can't scratch a blanket. You know what I mean? It would bundle up. What are the balls like? Right? You have to pinch. Yeah, pinch and roll. Is that what Caleb said?
Starting point is 00:26:19 Yeah, you got to, like, knead it out. Yeah, different body parts have different, eat it out yeah different body parts have different body parts have different uh um you don't notice the nuances of of scratching an itch until well just watch watch this let's see what just see if you can catch this where she uh does it let's see oh my god guys she's definitely in a mode today what better time to mess with her right here like North? What? Will you pause this really quick? Do you think this girl's hot, right?
Starting point is 00:26:54 She's just really plain right now and a little angry, but this girl's hot. She probably has a nice body. Yeah. We'll give her that. Yeah, okay. Sam, sorry sorry For what? For being cranky
Starting point is 00:27:11 No I'm not sorry You No I'm not sorry this time No You ain't getting in You ain't getting in Dance in the parking lot I'll turn music up
Starting point is 00:27:19 No you gotta be nice You gotta start being nice. I'm nice. You owe me an apology. No, you're not. You're not getting in now. Let me in. No, I'm leaving you.
Starting point is 00:27:33 I'm about to make a scene. I'll leave. I'll leave. Say you're sorry you didn't get in. There it is. There it is. You see it? You see it?
Starting point is 00:27:52 You don't scratch the neck like this it's a it's a gentle the neck the way the skin is on the neck you scratch the neck like this there's some spots where you on your body where you use an upstroke you saw it right yeah the nuances of movement she's really fidgety i didn't realize how fidgety she was so i was watching now she's like like fixing her purse strap and like unfortunately i wish i could tell you that this video is good but it's not right because you're like we can play to the end but you're going to be really disappointed oh okay go ahead We can play it out. Get in! Not doors locked. Say you're sorry, Dumbo. That's it? Yeah, that's it. I wish you would have taken off.
Starting point is 00:28:32 You know, if you're a woman and you really want to piss your boyfriend off, just take your shirt and bra off right there. He would unlock the door. Yeah, he's not going to like that. Some guys might. Let me tell you, if your boyfriend loves you, he's not gonna like that let's there you go uh this podcast is like a fever dream sometimes yeah i thought i didn't want to be rude but i thought she had nice boobs too
Starting point is 00:28:57 how does he know they're fake they're not fake who says they're fake what did it wow I don't know. I just put words in there. I saw Frank and then boobs. I just like, I went like that. No, Frank, no. Newt, what does that mean? A fever dream?
Starting point is 00:29:14 What are you talking about? Fever. Like just doesn't make any fucking sense? Yeah. I think, what was his name? I would have never thought Frank would comment on boobs i i i don't i can't figure anyone out anymore i just pictured frank as being stiff that's weird all right anyway there you go piece of knowledge for you this show is just full of helpful tidbits
Starting point is 00:29:42 today sunday shows add a lot of value. To people's lives? Yeah, we got the Tingler in there. The added value show. Yeah, lots of different neck scratching and other bodily part techniques. Oh, I wonder... I wanted to...
Starting point is 00:30:01 I needed help with one of my bits today. I'm seeing if someone's around to help me. I look at 545. Maybe this is old. This just popped up in my, in my search on my Instagram. Look at this hole in Stacy Tovar's head. Did you ever see this?
Starting point is 00:30:21 Oh yeah. I saw that. That was gnarly. This, thisly. This happened from taking off a weight vest. Maybe slide over one more.
Starting point is 00:30:34 There it is. Holy shit. Says the nurse. Holy shit, says the medical professional. It's probably going to need some, quite a few stitches. Like super glue? Now listen, I wonder what would happen if this is one of the fittest men,
Starting point is 00:30:55 men, take two. If this is one of the fittest women in the world, one of the greatest movers, think of how much weight and things she carries and drops and moves around but some of you for some reason want to argue that it's okay to hope for a fucking someone to hold a 35 pound barbell over a baby's head dude this happened with a weight vest are you kidding me i wonder how like she lifted it this way and it like slid out and boom she i think in there she says it flipped up look wow that's a great um that's a great yeah her head looks like a piggy
Starting point is 00:31:33 bank bank slot that's a great explanation yeah it's like a it dented her head that's exactly what it looks like it dented her head wow looks like they just used glue, too. It's not even that bad. Bruce Wayne definitely out partying. No, I believe she hung it up and then it fell on her. That's a picture with Hiller and Alexis. Oh, that's Alexis in the foreground? Yeah. My goodness.
Starting point is 00:32:02 My goodness. Goodness. My goodness. Anyway, don't, you don't want weight. You don't want heavy objects over your baby's head. I just wanted to reinforce that. While we're on the subject of weight, let's go to 543 also. There's something really perplexing about this video. really perplexing about this video before before someone uh back squat that's three plates on there right so that's 305 315 315 this is not gonna go well you by the time you get to 315 i mean like i was so proficient i never back squatted 300 pounds but i was so proficient in dropping weights
Starting point is 00:32:45 like bailing out of it dude i um at uc berkeley one time i was going for a max set of either 175 or 185 overhead squats and i just fucking dumped the steel plates right on the ground i think it was like on rep 10 went fuck this i'm out i bet you that was a lot of shit oh dude i'm sure i got kicked out of there a half dozen times like i never fucked with weights i drive no issue dropping a weight right but if you if you're going for what did you say this is 3 3 15 3 15 you have to be you have to be proficient before you ever dropping a back squat or getting away from a back squat before you get to 315, right? You should be like a master at it. You guys agree?
Starting point is 00:33:31 Yeah. You should know how to bail out if you're going to push your limits or at least have somebody who knows how to spot. Like I don't understand how you would – even if you're – I don't understand how you would get to this weight and not have a – not be a good bailer. I guess that's what I'm saying. I think the kids call it these days ego lifting. I mean this guy even has those like O-ship bars on the side or whatever they're called, the safety bars. He's got all sorts of options. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:59 You're never going to believe this. You're never going to believe this. It is a successful lift. I'll ruin that for you. But what a – believe this. You're never going to believe this. It is a successful lift. I'll ruin that for you. What a... Oh, you need a belt. Oh, look at... Ethan, Ethan. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. I got the. I got it. That was amazing. You need a belt? I love that. Hey, I don't know if I've ever heard anyone say that. You need a belt?
Starting point is 00:34:57 Okay, so right there, why doesn't he just quit right there and him and his buddy take the weight off and start again? Then he wouldn't have made his good morning. Dude, look at that posture posture what a great place to stop it kayla look at that thing oh so that is what that was that ended up being a 315 pound good morning oh wow holy shit holy shit wow no it's a Jefferson curl. That's the one that's supposed to be in your arms, right? Yeah. There's a weird kind of, hey, that's how the adaptive class does deadlifts. If you don't have hands, the missing appendage class, put your head under it.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Oh, my God. I was just going for a little equality now listen oh shit uh jason miller everyone you go 135 185 225 275 315 i this i mean this is just
Starting point is 00:36:03 uh anyway blade blade said this i mean this is just uh anyway jason's like why are you guys shitting on the world record for a good morning oh my gosh blake set up other comments but i also say the same thing i said you don't want to look like you're a dog taking a shit in a park no oh yeah that is what that is right oh my goodness oh my goodness it's actually super impressive he made it all right uh yeah too late susan don't this can't be safe caleb doesn't say much but when when he does, there's zingers. Mr. RB.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my. Oh, so he's the fastest way to the wheelchair to this. You guys. Jesus Christ. This is getting bad. Holy.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Oh, wait. Okay. Church. Looks like Castro's deadlift. It's the back squat it's faster it was faster than castra's deadlift you know how strong this dude has to be to finish that rep especially considering it looks like he's never done a back squat in his life that's what i was thinking yeah oh my goodness okay anyway listen just a small piece of advice it's okay to especially if you got to oh shit bars down there to just come back and fight another day strongly recommended
Starting point is 00:37:33 i just don't understand how he got to that weight without having um yeah what the reps before look like right experiencing bailing yeah oh oh my goodness that was good what's the deal with what's the deal with this um 540 what this uh this dylan mulvaney dude is he really sponsored by bud light now it's a 540 the twitter or the w? Uh, the, the, the, the Twitter, the Wikipedia is I went to Anheuser-Busch. I, so this is the story. The story is it's that Anheuser,
Starting point is 00:38:15 this person's been a, this guy has been pretending to be a girl for a year and to celebrate his one year anniversary of pretending to be like a girl. Oh, that was on April Fool's. You think that is April Fool's joke? Scroll, scroll up a little bit. It's not an April Fool's joke. It's actually real.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Keep going a little bit. Yeah. Is that it? Was that real skills right i got some bud lights for us so i kept hearing about this thing called march madness and i thought we were all just having a hectic month that's a dude people just so you know something to do with sports and i'm not sure exactly which sport but either way it's a cause to celebrate this month i celebrated my day 365 a womanhood and bud light sent me possibly the best gift ever a can with oh yeah that thank you there it is
Starting point is 00:39:18 that can't be real and everybody now drinks coolers light right all just like that bam man why is it dressed like a chick from the 20s and i was wondering that too probably you probably have to do if you are a guy and you want to be a girl that's kind of like the fastest way to get there is to like start doing like costume shit like that right gloves and necklaces and like you have to you're not like that other chick that was hot who was getting like fucked with by her boyfriend that's just a roll out of bed in the morning you're hot chick right no makeup just oh natural yeah just ain't just your angry, average,
Starting point is 00:40:05 angry, hot chick that I don't think if you're a dude, you never get that. You never get to experience that being that kind of chick. You're either hot and everyone believes you're a chick or you're fucking hideous. Those are the two modes. No,
Starting point is 00:40:20 no. You pass the test with flying colors or you didn't even spell your name right yeah and it takes so much work to get to like to go from hideous to pass just dudes don't make attractive girls off most often it's just a tough yeah it's a tough it's a tough leap i don't know if this next one's true but but i do want to show it to you so let's get this get this up on our radar here oh you guys want to hear something before we talk about that if i don't know if this is true uh i want to so you guys you guys remember the whole fat penis thing i was wondering if fat can accumulate on the penis if some and a nurse wrote in and said
Starting point is 00:41:05 hey i've seen more cocks in a whore and i've never seen fat on a penis but i've seen people so fat that you push down on their fat and their penis pops out and she says and it's pretty common and it can take two three four people to push the fat down someone else grabbed the penis and put a catheter in it it could be a four-person job to do that you guys remember all that yep the penis troopers so whack-a-mole whack-a-mole yeah so this one's pretty this came in this morning normally i ask if i can read this stuff on air before i read it but i didn't have time so i apologize uh a doctor friend told me that an obese person came in and there were uh there were all sorts of blue paint chips uh under the fupa that's the fat upper pussy area that's that that fat that if you gorge yourself it grows it's right over like i guess it's right over the vagina
Starting point is 00:42:02 and right over the penis right and when asked when the doctor asked the person hey why do you have all these blue chips under your fupa the person responded now i'm wondering if this is maybe caleb can help us here uh being a medical professional i'm not sure if it was a man or a woman but the patient admitted that their lover used a broomstick to push their fupa down in order to get to their genitals and then this person wrote enjoy your breakfast so this person had blue paint chip because just imagine it was a blue blue broom handle and they were pushing down the fat to get to the genitals oh oh oh that makes more sense okay okay okay okay okay like a rolling pin
Starting point is 00:42:51 okay that makes way more sense god i suck at this game i pictured it like a man standing on a boat like using the stick like to push the boat along you the bottom like a gondola ride yeah yeah yeah like a gondola ride oh might have been a gondola ride for somebody oh man good job okay anyway I was you think that was the woman using
Starting point is 00:43:17 that on the rolled it back you think it was the woman using it to find the man's penis or the man did it to the woman to find her vagina I feel like it's the man to get to her vagina
Starting point is 00:43:33 wait couldn't you just do that by moving the legs back like is it going to spill forward oh no you're right the viscosity of the fupa isn't enough to spill in yes yes well said thank you for getting viscosity No, you're right. The viscosity of the fupa isn't enough to spill in. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Well said. Thank you for getting viscosity. You're right. You can just probably throw the legs up over the shoulders. I've closed a few bars in my day. There you go. All right. Well, there you go. The saga of the fat penis continues.
Starting point is 00:44:02 But I just thought, why not? It's just intelligentsia we're just gathering intel i mean we're in a roll of good shit you guys want something really good everyone knows this but i've never heard i've never seen an instagram post of it uh number one this is put your head under. I don't know why, but as soon as you put your – if you go into a cold ocean or cold water, the second you put your head under it, it makes it like 50% more tolerable. Like if you just go – you know what I mean? Like you just put your waist in.
Starting point is 00:44:38 It sucks. Then you can put just your – up to your titties. Oh, my God. It's so cold. But for some reason, whenever you get your head under, it makes it instantaneously way more tolerable. You know that effect I'm talking about? Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Trish says, I'm using a series of rubber bands and ratchet straps to hold back Ron's fupa. Have you ever seen that Homer Simpson thing where they pull all of his fat and they tie it into a rubber band on his back and he's skinny? Check this out for those of you who are privileged enough to have an ice bath. I do not have one, but here we go. If you put your face in the water right as you go in, you activate theian dive reflex and this reflex i don't know what that is mammalian dive reflex anyway he uses a bunch of other words like autumn automatic automatic nervous system but anyway like hey duh put your head under always
Starting point is 00:45:43 he should have even put it under there even a little bit longer parasympathetic nervous system that's the one that feels sorry for you because you had to do that it's the gas it's the gas reflex it goes away when you put your head under to keep you from drowning oh here we go uh george united states marine corps uh putting your face in cold water can activate the parasympathetic whenever i see that word i just think of someone feeling sorry for someone who has no arms and no legs can activate the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system which prompts the body to relax
Starting point is 00:46:26 after a stressful event yeah for as soon as you get your head under everyone knows that i don't know why we we we pussyfoot around yeah just stick your head under uh just go get all your cold uh info from wim hof all right bye yeah there's better places to get your info on all of these subjects than the seven on podcast if you came here for um how to take an ice bath this is a it's just a little starter kit but we're experts you're ready you're ready to move on to wim hof now we've prepped you we'll give you a little uh we'll give you a little history lesson too what president is uh joe biden 46 47 46 46 okay i'd like to introduce those of you who aren't up
Starting point is 00:47:14 to your uh world geopolitical this is the 46th president of the united states of America. Number two, please. Oh, I'm sorry. This is a homage to Joe Biden. This actually isn't Joe Biden. This is a love song to Joe Biden. Have you guys heard this? No. I wonder if we're going to get in trouble for this. This is so good. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Antifa is an idea, not an organization. Dear Joe, we voted, but you still ain't calling. We burnt Kenosha and AutoZone in a precinct down in Portland and found 200,000 votes in autumn at four in the morning. There probably was a prom at the post office or something. Sometimes we used dead people's addresses when we're voting. But anyways, fuck it, what's been up, man?
Starting point is 00:48:01 How's Kamala? I'm a trans woman in California, so I'm about to be a father. If I have a daughter, guess what I'ma call her? I'ma name her Hunter. I read about your buddy Jeffrey, too. I'm sorry. I had a friend kill himself over some bitch named Hillary Bottom. I know you probably hear this every day, but I'm your biggest fan.
Starting point is 00:48:17 We even switched the balance for you in that Wisconsin scam. And we use that food to launder all your illegal Chinese cash. I like that 94 crime tattoo. That shit was bad. Anyways, I hope you get this, man. Hit me back. Just a chat. Truly yours, your biggest fans.
Starting point is 00:48:32 BLM. No one will be safe in Biden's America. I can't even call it Biden's America. That's what social media is used for. Amazing. That's what social media is for. social media is used for amazing that's what social media is for i wasted too much of my life listening to that i probably listened to that 15 times it's good i'm so impressed when people do that
Starting point is 00:48:57 um i'm trying to find the uh oh 13 looks risque as shit what is this this note to myself i am not going to apologize and yet i accept you to accept me i wonder what that means can anyone help me with my notes? They're always so vague. I have no idea where you're going to go. Oh, wait. What number is that?
Starting point is 00:49:31 I already – what number is this? This was 13. Oh, yeah. I already did – that's weird. I already did that one. That's 13? Yeah. Oh, that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:49:46 That was this lady was singing to a cow. And when I watched the piece, I was thinking to myself, holy shit, how do we eat these animals? And then Kenneth DeLapp or Eric Weiser, someone said, hey, if that cow stood up and killed that woman on accident, I wouldn't think twice about it. I was like, oh, all right, let's eat a cow. Yeah, look at even 12 12 daily doses knows if that cow rolls over okay 556 like i said i don't know if this is true i don't care if this is true i i i'm going to use it as a placeholder here we go i'm going to tell you what I just found out about lab-grown meat, and I can assure you, you are going to be disgusted. The source of this meat, they need fast-growing cells, replicating cells, just like when you have a farm that makes fruit from a tree. You don't want to plant a new tree every week.
Starting point is 00:50:36 You want a tree that gives you a lot of fruit, and this is what they're trying to do with meat. And so what do they find? Well, there's something called an immortalized cell, also known as a HeLa cell. meat. And so what do they find? Well, there's something called an immortalized cell, also known as a HeLa cell. HeLa after Henrietta Lacks, who sometime in the 1950s had cervical cancer, and they removed her cancer cells, put them in a petri dish to see how long would they continue replicating, and they're still replicating today. So if you've already started to read in between the lines, you may guess where I'm going with this, that they realized the best source for fast replicating cells to make lab- grown meat that you're going
Starting point is 00:51:05 to eat are cancer and pre-cancer cells that means taking cancerous and pre-cancerous cells literally putting them as the base and having those replicate to continue as a fastest possible pace produce the meat that you're going to eat and if that isn't disgusting enough wait for part two and i'm going to tell you the second source so i'm going to tell you what i just found all right uh don't don't eat lab grown uh oh look at let me read that comment there all criticism no solutions what have you done to feed this exponentially growing world population lately wow fuck hey uh you're standing on a railroad track and there's a train coming can you get off oh you're always full of.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Oh, no, you know, you don't even tell the person to get off. Uh, Hey, there's a train coming and you're going to get hit. Oh, you're so negative. You never have solutions. Okay. How about you get off the track? The solutions don't put that in your fucking mouth. That's pretty obvious, right?
Starting point is 00:52:06 Wow. that's pretty obvious right wow god that doesn't work there that works sometimes to say all criticism no solutions that does you know um i think the criticism is the solution as well right it's like he's explaining why you shouldn't eat it well this person's saying that there's not enough food on the planet which is also just complete horseshit yeah yeah just a fucking lie yeah oh uh uh eva clare sinkowski talked about this on one of her podcasts about fake meat hey here's the thing too i'll tell you this i don't even know i'm not trying to argue against this guy but i don't even know if arguing uh eating cancer cells uh is bad for you i'm not even gonna make that presupposition i'm just saying i don't like it that's it it's
Starting point is 00:52:57 enough for me to be like fuck you i ain't eating it i mean i wouldn't eat lab-grown meat anyway i wouldn't even taste it. I have no desire to. Anything that comes out of a package in a box is usually just fake bullshit with a bunch of sugar and salt so it tastes good, right? Yes. The nutritional value has been completely depleted
Starting point is 00:53:18 the process so much that it's just nothing, just sugar. Sorry, I'm picking potential guest are you firing a link off or something no I'm not texting seeing if I can lure this person on for a quick okay so as of now my official position is i'm not eating grown meat i don't think there's anything they could do to uh convince
Starting point is 00:53:55 you otherwise convince me otherwise anyway yeah stay away from that the weird is like and i don't know if that's true what that guy said. No one say anything stupid in the comments. It's crazy. The other day we showed that cop, right? Um, uh, shoot shooting the guy in the,
Starting point is 00:54:11 the guy in the wardrobe, the wardrobe, the guy in the bathrobe, pulling out the gun and fighting with the cops. And then afterwards I'm fucking, I openly admit, I grabbed my ankles and say, notice the inconsistencies.
Starting point is 00:54:22 I'm upset that the cops tackled this guy. And then someone was saying, that's really brave of you to show your inconsistencies and coming to terms with the fact that you can't have it both ways instead someone just ass pounds me in the comments what'd they say? like hey you can't have it both ways that guy getting tackled deserved it
Starting point is 00:54:40 I was like yeah motherfucker that was the point of the bit isn't everything both ways thou shall not kill except for when someone sent me along those same lines someone sent me um um can't remember who it is bernard russell maybe the philosopher but anyway they were basically saying that we we he was basically saying if i had to tell future generations one thing it was to work on your tolerance and i was trying to think of like the things that
Starting point is 00:55:20 that i need to work on my tolerance, and I just can't. I refuse. It sucks. I just cannot tolerate pedophiles. Not even a smidgey. Not like, not none. Like, you know how England put people on boats, supposedly they're bad guys and sent them to Australia.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Like I won't even, I won't even send pedophiles like to the moon or to Mars. And I don't, I don't want them. I think they're, they're can't, I don't, I don't,
Starting point is 00:55:58 I don't, I just can't tolerate it. Their behavior, their actions. They can't be like, you know how for a while the Democrats were pushing? I know that's going to piss someone off. But the Democrats were trying to push.
Starting point is 00:56:09 They were trying to change the name from pedophiles to people who are attracted to children. Like they were trying to read. Minor attracted or something like that. And that they were basically going to say that we're discriminatory and prejudiced because everyone has their own. Everyone's feelings and blah, blah, blah are valuable. No. I'm intolerant to that. But I am.
Starting point is 00:56:34 This is going to be another nasty thing to say, but I'm tolerant to all the correlates. I'm tolerant to all the correlates. What do you mean? other sexual like weird behavior like using tinder using grinder dating apps um uh fucking having anal um with your girlfriend uh just any any other kind of sex acts that are not part of procreation don't involve kids that two consenting adults want to do fully tolerant for 100 you want to get 600 people in a room together and have them naked and just run at each other with hard-ons and make it a pay-per-view event i'm down let me know i'll have the get i'll have this main star the guy with the biggest dick on the podcast sorry i need to be safe or the lady with the biggest vagina but just no kids i'm not doing any kid stuff yeah i just don't have tolerance for it i don't think zero i'm intolerant yeah
Starting point is 00:57:31 i'm totally intolerant well there's a lot i'm even tolerant to that growing beef grow all the beef you want i'm not i'm not just i'm tolerant, I think it's – So I must be pretty perfect or I'm just – I am the root cause of all the problems. Pretty perfect. Yeah, because if tolerance is the key, I'm pretty tolerant. 555 uh if you saw i don't know for those of you the the 12 of you that see my instagram um i made a post my wife heard the bit that i did on women can't park and she sent me a text message just trying to slap me around a little bit and then someone and then someone posted this uh
Starting point is 00:58:25 someone sent this to me it says if women are bad at parking it's only because they're constantly lied to about what eight inches is and it's a man right if women are bad at parking, it's only because they're lied constantly about what eight inches is. All right. Fair enough. I like it when bits kind of keep living. The medical 554. This is kind of can throw this in the neck scratching genre. Of content, you think I'm going to play it for you, but I'm going to tell you then afterwards what my takeaway is from this video.
Starting point is 00:59:15 OK. Who the current vice president is. Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton. um hillary clinton hillary clinton i don't know yes can you name three countries in north america us good china say it one more One more. Europe, I guess. No. Is it Europe? Yes, three. Nice.
Starting point is 00:59:48 If it's Friday in New York City, then what day of the week is it in Mexico? Friday. Tuesday. Yes, you're almost messed up. Oh, our country is finished. We are screwed. That study, that american iqs they've been declining i believe that yes do you know who the current vice that's the first time i've ever seen ben shapiro looked like a heterosexual that's all i saw during that video i was like wow
Starting point is 01:00:18 ben looks like he's straight in that video then he talked and he's not definitely not straight hey dude david david uh greatest country in the world dude he had to interview 12 million people to find those three idiots yeah that's what i was gonna say that's yeah but i think you're right i think it is the worst but but suze i think we're just being defensive i think it's actually easy let's put it to the test. Especially in Times Square. Oh, you want to make a video? You want to go out and ask people questions like that?
Starting point is 01:00:49 Yeah, let's go down. Let's go down to the beach and see the IQ of our fellow Santa Cruzians. My friend who is Chinese who told me he's a minority, I said, well, that's because you view the world by ethnicity because you're a racist. I view the world by no sizes. I don't view it by ethnicity. No, these idiots are all over TikTok 24-7. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:01:23 No, these idiots are all over TikTok 24-7. Oh, shit. Is it the people making the content on TikTok or the people consuming it that are the idiots? Probably both. I like... That guy's content's been around forever. The guy who just says yes. You've seen that guy around around forever thank you caleb
Starting point is 01:01:46 yes not thank you thank you not thank you to susan uh 553 i want to make a congratulations to the uh new ceo of crossfit crossfit amanda min putting all those years of business school to use. As of today, I'm officially a small business owner, and I will be taking on full ownership of one of my favorite places, CrossFit Loyalty. I couldn't be more excited and completely terrified all at the same time.
Starting point is 01:02:18 This gym and community have been a staple in my life for almost the last eight years. When I was writing my essay to apply to be an affiliate owner, one of the questions stuck with me, what makes you want to own an affiliate? If you don't know, life threw me an unexpected curve ball in November, 2019,
Starting point is 01:02:31 when my dad took his own life, my world completely turned upside down and my heart shattered. But one thing remained constant in my life, this gym, not only was it a place I could go to escape the never ending thoughts in my head, but the members were incredibly supportive. And I honestly don't know how I would have handled the past few years without them. So that's why to give our local
Starting point is 01:02:51 community the same opportunity to discover the magic of CrossFit. Moral of the story is that CrossFit is so much more than a gym. It's a community where you are able to push your mental and physical capabilities, but also be surrounded by a wonderful group of people. Please come check us out. If you or anyone you know is looking to try something new, send them our way or get back to something old. Next time send me this ahead of time. I'll make a few minor tweaks. Anyway, just another hot CrossFit chick wearing a CEO shirt.
Starting point is 01:03:17 That's all I see. And congratulations. And cool story. Thanks for sharing your story. Wait a second. Let me see your profile pic. No. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:03:32 No, no, no. Wait, wait, why? Why? What's wrong? You want to know the truth? When you first see it, it looks like semen dripping out of her mouth and then when you look closer it's her sucking something into her mouth and neither want you to attract the kind of people you want neither but other than that it's a great pic just you could photoshop out that straw
Starting point is 01:04:01 and it's good to go anyway congratulations on the gym and you and you make great clothing your back is fucking amazing what's coming out of her mouth i know that see that's the thing he thought there's something coming out of her mouth that's what i mean yeah exactly i thought she was just taking a sip of a good drink at a pool party yeah well that's because you looked at it a little bit longer than normal yeah well that's because you looked at it a little bit longer than normal heidi says that looks like grace's profile pic that that that any of these ones with you in the dress are good but just don't put anything in your in general if you're going to put something in your mouth for a profile pic send it to me first uh seven at seven rinsed at instagram and
Starting point is 01:04:40 i will give you free of charge and evaluation if that item belongs in your mouth or not. Anyway, but in all sincerity, congrats. Stoked for you. Taking over an old gym is hard because the previous guests are going to be, or the previous guests, the clients are really loyal to the old owners. It depends. I wonder if, I wonder too, if she, I wonder if I talked to her. I talked to like two or three people over the past, like, I don't know, four or five months that were coaches of gyms that were looking like they were going to potentially take it over. But it can be hard, man. They'll just the old clients will just start looking for. Oh, they change the toilet paper in the bathroom. I don't like it. Oh, my God. The class times, they change them all by five minutes and fuck me.
Starting point is 01:05:21 And just you'll just get this stir of just fucking negativity if you're not careful or if the owner has been absent you've been the main coach running the whole thing anyways and there's a few changes that you want to make that the members might agree with and then the owner isn't necessarily there so in that case it wouldn't are you gonna follow her back if that's talking to me i usually if i see someone wearing a ceo shirt i usually follow them that's the podcast page though yeah and and and no yeah no the podcast page can't do that in my in my and it doesn't even matter if i follow someone like i don't scroll like they have just it's just i'm just there to catch dms or try to uh 552 if you are a white person and you really care this is what you do 552 if you're some fucking libtard who you want a virtue signal like a motherfucker uh send do do this send your kid to this school hey and even his shirt was in ebonics. Look at his shirt. It says dis. It says dis boy something.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Look at his shirt. Look at it. Oh, no, it's discover. That was just me being racist. Darn it. I thought it'd be like this boy. Cool. That's like a young Chase Ingram there.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Dude, I didn't know Chase went to all black school. That's killer. No wonder he's so athletic. know chase went to all black school that's killer no wonder he's so athletic he's so patiently waiting to like show his stuff too you don't you don't think um you don't think black kids are cuter than white kids if you see this and you think look how fucked up white kids are that dude looks like he needed to be cooked in a fire in his mom's stomach another four months look at him he's a preemie oh fuck is that boy looks like he might have downs yeah typical straight from the armenian guy
Starting point is 01:07:34 we think all young white people look like they have downs i know it's because we're not used to their tiny little butt noses oh my god that is fucked up that and look at his finger his pointer finger bends backwards like that like he's got some sort of fucking genetic mutation fuck i know i know but what you gonna do don't put your white kid around fucking six fucking future michael jord It's going to get fucking, but that's my son. I mean,
Starting point is 01:08:09 that's you, Trish. That's a girl. Oh, all right. He's a good kid. This kid turned out. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:18 This is chasing Graham. He turned out perfectly. Okay. He married a hot, rich girl. He's still beautiful. Yeah. He's fantastic. Athlete. Good dad. Made it. Now, you know, he married a hot rich girl he's still beautiful yeah he's a fantastic athlete good dad
Starting point is 01:08:25 made it now you know he made it god can't even believe that that's so me i'm so i could never that's so me you know that there was that dance where the kids put their arms like this and they put them on either sides of their waists and shit? Whenever I saw that, I remember, even though the first time I saw it was probably five or ten years ago, I was just like, what is going on here? How do these kids know how to do this? 550. Now we get into some more serious shit. I wish I could tell you this is misleading.
Starting point is 01:09:06 your shit i wish i could tell you this is misleading when something is when something is so bad if i told you that like um uh the nazis killed two million jews and then you found out it was one million like i don't care fuck you like i really don't care and i don't care if someone misleads me like that if someone buys a six hundred and twenty thousand dollar car and they round it up to seven hundred thousand dollars i don't care i'm never like that person lied never i don't you're already like it doesn't matter it reaches a point right i fucked 18 girls on prom night and i find out it was 13 you pass you win it's like just yeah it's like you i get it i've had two of every iphone since they came out oh you actually only had uh two of uh 60 of them i i you win i'm fine i believe you it doesn't even matter i still think the spirit of what you said is right i get it you're fucking you won't you your half life of your iphone is half the time it takes for them to come out you get it like i'm not so when you watch this like i don't care like i i get it this is this is true enough for me you don't you don't have to um
Starting point is 01:10:17 no one can be like hey this is out of context i know that this was i know that someone fucking killed three nine year old kids and three teachers at a school. And that the same day this came out of the White House and it's just fucking completely fucking inappropriate. And I'm not one to say what's inappropriate. And I'm tolerant of it, though. I'm tolerant of it. I just I think it's completely inappropriate. OK, action.
Starting point is 01:10:47 A psychotic transgender person shot up a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee. Six people died. Three of them were children. This is what the White House press secretary had to say. People don't want their freedoms to be taken. They want us to fight for their freedoms. be taken. They want us to fight for their freedoms. And so it is shameful. It is disturbing. And our hearts go out to those trans community as they are under attack right now. But this is a president who has said many times before he has their backs. He will continue to have their backs and he will continue to fight for them. Hey, get ready. They're going to be I'm trying to think of I'm trying to think if
Starting point is 01:11:25 i've ever heard of i'm not i'm not saying it hasn't happened but i never hear of transgender people getting disproportionately beat up like if like if you leave a bar in the middle of the night and i think that uh susan and caleb and i can all speak to this if you leave a bar at two in the morning the odds of you getting beat up if you close the bar go up ten thousand percent you're drunk there's drunk people outside you just left the bar in san francisco you're walking six blocks to your car like the odds of you getting beat up skyrocket i'm not even saying like they might go from one in a million to six in a million but that's still a 600 increase we all know that any fucking man who's worth anything knows that you go out at night your chances of getting beat
Starting point is 01:12:07 up fucking skyrocket i just don't know i just don't ever hear of people getting disproportionately beat up because they're transgender ever i've never i've never heard that and if they are going to start saying it you better start saying who's beating them up too you know what i mean like like they say that there's asian hate even though we know like okay if it's asian people getting beat up then tell us who the people beating them up are we know who it all is it's the melanated people so if the transgender getting people start getting beat up i want to know are they lesbians like what's what's that person's sexual preference i want to know color hi good morning michael g how are you good just having fun i uh i have a thought on the i'm not fighting with the transgender out there bar because i'd hate to get my ass whooped oh yeah like some dude like
Starting point is 01:13:03 and you will get your ass whooped by some six foot five black guy dressed as a woman with high heels on and skull fuck you knock you out and then fucking skull fuck you yeah that'd be bad put a theragun in your mouth yeah put a theragun in your mouth yeah exactly uh so uh so last week you know and it this is more on the idea of like looking for looking for things that you consider to be racist even though they probably have nothing to do with that so you know san diego county had a huge uh indian gaming um conference for for all the vendors and all the casinos with the tribes uh and all that stuff so i was down there with uh native american michael
Starting point is 01:13:43 native american no i can say indian because I'm part native indigenous. Oh, OK. OK. OK. Sorry. Yeah, I could say, you know, I'm Italian and native. I was there with two other two other natives and Hispanic female. So the next day we were all having breakfast going over the conference and we were talking about life stuff. And, you know, one of the ladies that the Hispanic lady was like, you know, as a Hispanic woman, I face racism. And I, you know, explained to her, I said, well, what does that mean? Because if you think about it, I'm a white guy that grew up in East LA in an all Spanish speaking home with a redheaded brother and I've never fit in there and I never fit in on the reservation so I think at some point we've all felt different and if different means racism then
Starting point is 01:14:31 everybody's racist so we had gone out to dinner at a very high-end restaurant the night before um we got there at 4 45 our reservation was for five. The hostess was very polite to my friend. Tell this, please wait at the bar. Your table's not ready yet. Well, at 515, we noticed that they're sitting people and we haven't been called over. So we go back up to the hostess. She kind of ignores us as she's taking another couple. Couple happened to be an older white couple.
Starting point is 01:15:01 And they're like, excuse me, we're trying to get to eat. So I shared that with her. I said, you know, last night I was looking at that and all I could see was for the first time was like, man, are they racist? And then this morning I came to the conclusion, what if that hostess just sucked at her job? And that couple was just a rude couple. It completely takes the energy away from the idea of they're out to get me. Dude, that's exactly what it was. I've never met a single person. Have you ever met a single person?
Starting point is 01:15:36 I'm not saying they don't exist, but have you personally ever met a single person who's like, I'm going to sit the white people down first? Nope. Never in my life. And hey, just so you know, if someone did do that, let me tell you what they're really doing. Just so you know, they're sitting down the people in the best seats who they think are going to tip the best because they care about money. And if you get lumped up with someone who doesn't look like they tip because you're black or white or Italian, that's not fucking racist.
Starting point is 01:16:10 That's discriminatory and prejudiced, and there's a big fucking difference. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Hey, there was something on the show like that the other day where people just jump to these conclusions. I love the way you word that. And hey, you know what's even crazier is that you say a hispanic woman says that what's
Starting point is 01:16:29 that because just look at the history of hispanic people they're they're not even real they're the least real of any fucking ethnicity meaning they have no fucking history, dude. Those fucking people, all those Hispanic people south of fucking San Diego, those are fucking indigenous Native Americans who were raped by Spaniards in the last 500 years. All of them. And they took Catholicism. Now they're the poster children for Catholicism. They're the biggest psyop the planet's ever seen in modern times in the last 2,000 years. It's a fucking joke. They're the biggest psy-op the planet's ever seen in modern times in the last 2,000 years. It's a fucking joke.
Starting point is 01:17:12 They fucking have less fucking pedigree than the fucking pit bull. And I'm not a fan of that fucking breed. Bastardized breed. I mean, it's a fucking joke. The whole thing south of the border Is a fucking joke to me Like just That whole like Denial like all of a sudden like
Starting point is 01:17:30 Yeah I never know which way you're gonna go When I call it that's what I love about it I'm off to my Level two day two of my level two You guys have a great day Okay thank you Call us and let us know how it happened
Starting point is 01:17:44 How it went thank you triggered triggered i i'm not triggered i'm just a fucking elitist privileged armenian because my people fucking were isolated in the in those mountains for fucking millions of years they just inbred and i'm just a purebred so i think i'm just like you know lets me shit on these other these other breeds and humans it's just such a modern breed is what i'm saying just to touch on the the hosting and seating like dominican republic how the fuck are there anything called dominicans you guys are still figuring out who the fuck you are i mean you're basically just african you're african slaves who were just fucking raped by spaniard by uh europeans dominicans sorry go on yeah that's okay yeah so someone are you saying the nose is due to incest yeah probably i mean we are fucking a
Starting point is 01:18:40 tight inbred group there's not a lot of us okay go ahead sorry mr suza go ahead no no no we'll keep moving forward we didn't even have last names until this until like two generations ago you know that right armenians wait they didn't have last names no no my dad doesn't even have a middle name no why would we there weren't enough of us that's my sister uh what do you mean that's your sister i thought that was your i thought that was your aunt yeah and like why are you so judgmental yeah yeah we didn't even have last names yeah that's all that shit's those are modern uh phenomenons i thought it was your head i'm ecuadorian i'm venezuelan i'm the african the african countries have a way greater distinction uh than the south american
Starting point is 01:19:39 countries like you you you're not gonna mistake an ethiopian for a fucking uh kenyan not in a million fucking years you see them standing next to each other yeah the kardashians are armenian they're the ones that got the good genes i was more like the kind i came from like the ones that the armenians lived like in caves and shit hey so so scotland have you seen scotland's leader their prime minister or their president whatever he is he he's he's a muslim i think that country is 98 white oh you're, you're going to play this? His name is Hamza Yousaf. This is kind of crazy.
Starting point is 01:20:29 This is really long. Oh, four minutes, 17 seconds, huh? Yeah. I don't know who this lady is, Nana Akua, but she's so good. Someone needs to tell her. That hair is horrible. good. Someone needs to tell her that hair is horrible.
Starting point is 01:20:48 I would not dress her like that. That hair is horrible. But she's really smart. She's so good. Oh yeah, that was my Adoxy. Adoxy was my grandmother's name. Adoxy. It's a great name. Keeps giving.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Hamza useless. Hamza Yousaf, he's the newly elected First Minister of Scotland. It's pretty underwhelming. I mean, it's only been a few weeks we've managed to get the Prime Minister. Look at this. What was that?
Starting point is 01:21:25 It's fucking incredible, right? He's riding the scooter because he has a broken leg, and he got his bitch running behind him with his crutches. And look at, boom. Hey, that would kill Joe Biden. One question. One question. Yeah, you're probably right.
Starting point is 01:21:41 That probably would. That'd be like a broken hip, and he'd never recover. Good thing he had his mask on, though. Okay, keep going. Good stop. Caleb's killing it again. One question I have is, will it all come in? Do you regret not looking for amendments that would put rapists in women's prisons?
Starting point is 01:21:56 No, I don't. He put rapists in women's prisons, men rapists in women's prisons. Same thing Gavin Newsom did. He was just in a picture with all those women and his first comment out of his mouth is where's the men there's there's a thing up here she goes on to just destroy him he's complaining that there's only white people leading scotland and never mentions that 98 of the fucking country is white hey dude if i lived in scotland i would not want there to be an armenian leader why why
Starting point is 01:22:28 would i want there to be an armenian leader i've chosen to live in scotland you want an armenian leader come to the united states i i i don't have a not every country has to um do this what we're doing it's cool it's fun i'm glad i'm part of it i don't want some irish dude going and fucking running for office in armenia like it's it's it's okay those experiments are completely fucking okay and then there's some crazy iron and he's complaining that there's it's just all white people i don't understand why they don't go to his house pick him up and just throw him out of the country And he's complaining that it's just all white people. I don't understand why they don't go to his house, pick him up, and just throw him out of the country.
Starting point is 01:23:09 You know what I mean? Just like – Then there's a section in there where he's fighting for women's rights, but his wife is covered up. She wears the ninja outfit, and she's not allowed to pray in the room with him while he's praying. There's all these rules of what his wife can and can't do.
Starting point is 01:23:38 But yet, he's putting men in women's prisons who are rapists. I mean, it's just... Sounds like he's just a prop up for the agenda. Yeah, he should crossfit for sure. But all that being said, I'm kind of glad that Scotland has those problems. So we're not alone.
Starting point is 01:23:56 Yeah. Israel loves company. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Love it. Love it. Fuck you guys. Fuck you, Whitey. Take that.
Starting point is 01:24:02 Love it. Fuck you guys. Fuck you, Whitey. Take that. An Armenian flag CEO shirt. You know what else is the irony? I was thinking about the other day that my friend who is Chinese, who was on the phone with or texting with yesterday, who was saying he's a minority and he's a complete libtard. I was thinking he made fun of me for being Armenian all the time
Starting point is 01:24:26 I never made fun of him for being Chinese ever not once I was never like your shitty driver why does your mom have chicken's feet as part of in the cabinet in a jar two plus two is five where is that there's something good oh okay 546 so you guys send me stuff that's just crazy
Starting point is 01:25:00 crazy so someone goes this is really gonna impress you you you you didn't have respectful pickle pickleball this is really gonna impress you first of all sketchers are the worst shoes of all time their sponsor is a fucking joke but dude is this the slowest sport you have ever seen and you're like it tell me if there's a ball sport that's slower than this basketball is faster than this this is the slowest ball sport ever now granted this is a great rally look oh i even wrote that on there that's what you're laughing at slowest ball game ever why are kids playing this yeah this is for old people i thought it was like an old people this is pathetic although this chick i dying to see pathetic. Although this chick, I'm dying to see
Starting point is 01:25:45 the front of this chick. Her outfit is amazing and she's hot as shit from the back. She probably is a dude though. Look how slow this sport is. dude that was a full spike did you see that that's how fast the ball goes in a full spike we pause this you does this look like a fast sport to you i was expecting it to be slower dude i feel like you could hit it as hard as you can
Starting point is 01:26:23 like as hard as possible and it doesn't go anywhere everything's hittable yes everything's hittable it's no faster than badminton and that has shuttle cocks in it we used to play this on a concrete pad and when i was deployed and it was just like so slow it's like the only way you lose is if you're out of position because you can hit everything i'm not saying it's not a workout i'm not saying that this isn't a great rally i'm just saying this like any i could go out there and i and me and susan kate could go out there and practice for a few hours and we could have a rally like this there's nothing there's nothing going on here just dudes with just some athleticism could do this there's nothing going on here that's like holy shit like ping pong you're watching top level ping pong
Starting point is 01:27:06 and you literally are like you can't even fathom what's going on you can't get your head wrapped around it the curves the shots how fast the ball is going how do they see the ball you're never once watching this and be like god how did she get that you might like, that's a good shot. I mean, look at that. Look how slow this is. I like the comms. People were saying that that girl in the middle is a ball hog. I don't think so. I think that's just good comms. That was a spike.
Starting point is 01:27:37 That was a spike. Don't send me this stuff and tell me that this is fast. This is not fast. This is not fast. Bowling's pretty chill. Yeah, that's true. That ball moves a little bit slower.
Starting point is 01:27:58 That's fair. One point point Renee. I'm not, I'm not hating on the game either pickleball, but don't tell me that's fast. Yeah, you can't. Here it is. You can't put the ball away. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:11 I mean, at least in that game with the shuttlecocks, badminton, there's a certain hitting it slow can sometimes work for you, just like a little drop shot. sometimes work for you just like a little drop shot uh the fastest object measured in sports is the badminton birdie oh that's interesting david it's called a shuttlecock a tan tan boon huang of malaysia hit a smash measured at an eye-opening 306 miles per hour there you go wow amazing yeah air hockey's way yeah i agree air hockey's faster yes did caleb have pants on when he got up right there i don't did he i don't know we can't run it back did anyone see that god i hope not that would be amazing i wonder who's at his house yeah after you played it back the second time and i was watching a little closer you're right that that the ball just doesn't pick up enough speed to make it that quick of a game yeah are you wearing pants caleb i don't think you can hear yes caleb are you wearing pants yeah oh the shorts okay okay okay we thought we
Starting point is 01:29:28 saw you naked they're mustard colored yeah uh yeah so so there you go i just want you to know i'm not hating, but – oh, look. There's a 541, intolerance. What is this? The subject of tolerance is here. Shoot me a DM next time. We'll send you a little something. This is back.
Starting point is 01:30:06 And here's the thing. We were just talking about the knucklehead Muslim running Scotland. But I have 100% tolerance for it. Oh, we've seen this before. We have seen this? Yeah, when he comes over and he's like, I don't shake hands for religious purposes. And then she gets all bent out of shape. We played this on the show?
Starting point is 01:30:24 Yeah. Son of a gun. I all bent out of shape. We played this on the show? Yeah. Son of a gun. I have no memory of that. Zero. I don't think I've seen this. So if you want to play it, I'll – Yeah, we'll play it. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:30:35 Yeah. So I don't have any issue if you want to cover your woman's head with a cloth and your woman wants to stay hidden and all that's like do what you want to do i'm fully tolerant of it it's just it's just the inconsistencies if you're going to do that then at least tolerate women not wanting to be in jail with men and being raped by them okay sarah buckman i'm triggered by her haircut okay go you do you would you know that about me do you know me well enough to know i'm triggered triggered by her haircut. Okay, go. Would you know that about me? Do you know me well enough to know I'm triggered by her haircut?
Starting point is 01:31:10 Yeah. Okay, go ahead. For Sarah and Caleb Beaver, I dedicate this piece. I don't shake hands with women for religious reasons. In that case, I don't think I can speak to you anymore. Why? Is that what you're doing? Can you pause this?
Starting point is 01:31:26 I would be, if someone wouldn't shake hands with me, I would think it was totally their loss. She took offense to it. I would feel like I've gone to like these Jewish events where you're not allowed to hug certain women because if their husbands are there, you're not. And I always think, I'm not offended. I'm always like,
Starting point is 01:31:45 damn, that sucks for them. I'm fucking great hugger. I push my big old titties up against you. No, it's like to hug a little strong little man, little Armenian man, smell some of my pheromones.
Starting point is 01:32:01 But this bitch got offended. And he told her to his religious purposes purposes usually if somebody doesn't do that you're kind of left in your head like was it me did i smell like does it not like me but he was like oh i don't do it for religious purposes and then still engaged like friendly with the conversation yeah she he's the one who put she's the one that shackled true like does that bitch not know she's hot like everyone wants to shake hands with you. If somebody said it was because of COVID, then they'd be like, oh yeah, okay, got it. He's not excited
Starting point is 01:32:32 that he can't shake hands with you. He's like the guy who's abstaining from eating a second piece of cheesecake. He's not happy that he's not having the second piece. He has to do it a little discipline, okay here we go this is good
Starting point is 01:32:51 this is good, it shows you that they're incapable of having a conversation with someone who doesn't believe in certain values, so they wouldn't be shaking hands with a tribal leader in Africa they'd walk away from them because you're not allowed to shake hands with tribal leaders in Africa, if you had a Jew you wouldn't shake hands with them because an orthodox jew so in other words if you don't believe in our liberal values the way we accept them and the way we
Starting point is 01:33:12 shape them and the way we then we're not going to have conversations with you so that's intolerance that's liberal intolerance and i'm very happy it was on camera walk away it's feministic intolerance you have to full be a full-blown psychotic now to be a liberal. Or you just haven't come to terms with it. You're a full-blown, sorry if there's anyone liberal listening. Well, I'm not sorry. You should just come to terms with it. You want to sort of tiptoe out of the room now.
Starting point is 01:33:39 Every reason that you were a liberal originally is done. They're gone. All those reasons were gone. Every reason that you were a liberal originally is done. They're gone. All those reasons were gone. The only thing that's left, the only thing remaining that the extreme liberal fucked hard party has now is their hatred for the right. And I feel you on that.
Starting point is 01:33:57 I get it. But that's all you're left with because none of the values or morals or ideologies or things that you wanted are part of that party anymore. You wanted it because it was free and tolerant and loving and open. And it's just not at all. Zero. And so all you're left with is your hatred for the right. And I guess that sounds like a pretty shitty reason to be a part of something. Steve Flores, $5 for being late to my sunday service suza buenos dias beaver good morning morning private are you a private no oh uh and uh uh seven uh party loose body loose that means good morning in armenian wow so that means he thinks i'm mexican why would he say oh yep yeah i'll take it that was the first time I had a hate crime against me, seventh grade. So Sean Williams threw my paper on the ground and said, Mexicans, pick it up off the floor. No shit.
Starting point is 01:34:53 You know, like when your teacher puts all your stuff and it's like, hey, go get your graded papers. They're all over there. And everybody kind of like looks through for theirs. Like he picked mine up and I was like, oh, and he like literally tossed it down in front of me. He's two grades older than me. Crazy. And I was like, oh, I'm not it down in front of me he's two grades older than me it's crazy and i was like oh i'm not even mexican god i love your hair sarah i'm such a whore sebon i'm triggered by how sexy you are and all of a sudden i just love her hair one nice thing you could say to me actually and i'm absolutely a putty in your hands. Private beaver.
Starting point is 01:35:28 My dad was major beaver. Was he? Yeah. Hey, does your family ever talk about your name? Like you guys sit around at the dinner table and tell, and like, what's the best beaver joke you heard? Have you ever had? No. You ever had a one-on-one with your dad?
Starting point is 01:35:45 Dad, this name is fucking crazy um i don't know i think he like at one point i like told him about something that like somebody made a joke about it yeah and he's like yeah they're gonna get that a lot okay cool and that was the end of that man if you do end up having a conversation with him now I want to hear about it secretly record it he probably wouldn't even care he's pretty active on social media leave it to beaver you guys want to hear about
Starting point is 01:36:19 rising water 548 I have a feeling Susan's going to say we've played this before too I want to hear about Rising Water. 548. I have a feeling Susan's going to say we've played this before, too. Am I that guy today? You've played this one. Oh, no, no, no. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:36:35 I didn't mean that in a derogatory way. But I feel like, oh, I found the cum viscosity thing. Okay. But we can play this. By the way, there's a couple weird things going on here. I don't think that... I'm not hating on this chick's outfit but it's distracting i don't think it's complimented i don't think it's complimenting this i love boobs but i don't think it's necessary and you know how you like when you ride a bicycle you shouldn't tie a sweatshirt around your waist
Starting point is 01:37:06 because it could get caught in the back tire and pull you off you know i'm talking about you guys know that phenomenon you see it happen in college periodically some drunk chicks like it's pulled off her bike because something fucking gets caught in her spokes or in her wheel when she's riding her bike i i don't know i just anyway anyway her tits aren't the point of this video but since they're front and center, they kind of became it. Anyway, here we go. This is global warming. The water on the planet is going to rise up 10 feet.
Starting point is 01:37:34 That means the southern part of the United States is gone. England is gone. Most of Europe is gone. If that's the case, let's just take Florida, for example, which is one of the fastest growing beachfront condominiums on the planet. In the prospectus, when you invest, there should be in the footnotes, if global warming happens and water rises 10 feet, this investment you made is fuck all. Not one single investment prospectus written this century has alluded to global warming. Not one motherfucker. If it were really true, the banks wouldn't invest. The banks wouldn't finance with the greatest respect, ma'am.
Starting point is 01:38:17 It's the greatest fraud that's been perpetrated on mankind this century. If the one. Do you believe believe that do you think that's true yeah because because banks make bad loans knowing that they'll never get paid back right i mean that's what the the bank crisis was right the financial crisis uh that was the way that they're allowed to give like subprime mortgages out so that was different usually they is that different though yeah because i think the way that it was that they were incentivized to give out mortgages was different than the normal one like they weren't really worried about their ability to be paid back at a certain point and i'm sure i
Starting point is 01:38:54 butchered that and oversimplified it but so because what do you because i want to believe what this guy is saying yeah i mean we well you were talking about it before who who gives us the truth the bean counters right right the who who gives us the truth the bean counters right right the bean counters always have the truth the insurance insurance companies always have the truth right so they know covid's fucked are they gonna they know about the vaccine they know all that stuff they've seen all the numbers so why would it only extend to that not everything else that's being perpetrated right okay propagated yeah i'm just thinking maybe they found another way to make money they're like okay it doesn't matter if the tides rise those people will still have to pay back the money in short
Starting point is 01:39:27 term we can make our money back blah blah blah but but not if they're given 30-year mortgages and it's all doomsday every year you know what i mean right right um uh there was something really funny, um, that Renee said she used the word jugs. Oh man. Uh, you can't be taken seriously if your jugs are hanging out. Jugs. No one is focused on your verbal content. Jugs. Uh, cleavage is such a strange word. I know it's great. jugs.
Starting point is 01:40:07 Cleavage is such a strange word. I know, it's great. Cleavage. You know what? When I see cleavage, I see Caleb and Beaver for some reason in one word. I don't know why, but my brain just sees it. I see both their names. Cleavage, Beaver, Juggs.
Starting point is 01:40:28 That's such a woman hater thing to say. Juggs is? I like Juggs. Juggs are cool. Chest fat. Wow, chest fat. That's nice too. I just can't believe you're blessed with just such incredible chest fat.
Starting point is 01:40:45 It's like that video I sent you yesterday. Oh, that video you sent me yesterday was crazy. I didn't like that. Point Beaver. I told Beaver I like all boobs, and he sent me something. I don't even know what it was. You want me to pull it up? No. No.
Starting point is 01:41:07 No. That's why FEMA had to change the floodplain model. Insurance companies weren't going to be able to pay the banks back if more extreme weather events happened. FEMA knows a lot of stuff. She does. Jugs or hooters. Milkholders. semen knows a lot of stuff she does jugs or hooters milk holders milk bags knockers
Starting point is 01:41:31 wow I'd love to see beavers chest fat you know if there was one girl in the audience who would be attracted i expect her to be from europe it's this girl's from europe i totally see you attracting european women we can just we can discuss that offline if you want or we can do a whole show on why i think that i'd love to hear it uh pool boy uh i saw sema but i hear semen fair enough too jeez everyone's getting fucking destroyed breasticles nah not so much fan of that let's not let's not uh use uh mixed breasts and text testicles testicles okay okay 535 uh this is titled cum viscosity 535 is not the what's the one number is it 535 or 545
Starting point is 01:42:33 uh 535 cum viscosity here we go the shows now that your kids are awake the show's taking a dark turn sunday service yeah here we go the first guy i've ever been with who has had a vasectomy so i had some questions about that i was like when you finish is it clear like that white Gatorade flavor? Just have Glacier Frost on tap? What's going on? I'm just trying to prepare myself.
Starting point is 01:43:35 I was like, does it taste better air right like one of those pressurized keyboard dusters that's like you're like oh startles you finally i just went bill nye on his I was like, I am blowing you in the name of science. This is field research at this point. And it turns out it's like normal. I guess it's kind of like Beyond Burger. It looks the same. And then once it's in your mouth you're like something's missing this is like diet kelsey cook ladies and gentlemen
Starting point is 01:44:17 i think it helps that she's hot She's talking about blowing people Doesn't hurt That's for sure Sevan's accent has me thinking He says something different half the time I don't have an accent Not to us you don't I speak television talk
Starting point is 01:44:37 Calcium cannons That was a stretch Fuck that's some tupac shit damn cement zero wow wow calcium cannons yes you do set are you kidding me i have no accent do we have like a california accent do you hear it caleb do you think we have an accent sometimes so like you know this you know the skit californians from saturday night live like don't pronounce t's or whatever it is no it's like they're always discussing how they got to where they were going like navigating things and uh one day you guys were talking about how you drove somewhere the two of
Starting point is 01:45:28 you and it's all i could hear was that snl skit i really hate you i hate you i wish i could play it um i see if i could find it and play like a snippet of it yeah it sounded like the californians and so there's a little bit of it but is that like where they make the thing where if you're in the northern california you say 680 to 580 to 880 and if you're in la you say the five to the 405 to yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah seaman zero that's and zero. That's good. Oh, shit. Here we go. This guy was selling him on the off-ramp over by the two. Hey, honey.
Starting point is 01:46:18 I brought us some tangerines. This guy was selling him on the off-ramp over by the two. I heard that one time one time people one time yeah i that's how i'd do it if i had to do it too you don't taste it you just open the gullet and swallow yeah i i would be the i just wouldn't want to i'm just yeah i'm trying to think if there's what is it is there anything i do that with or i just don't want to taste it there's this thing when you taste something like your tongue pushes up on the roof of your mouth
Starting point is 01:46:59 right as you swallow or something so you can taste stuff is that what happens what's the mechanism are there is there any good slow motion video or inside the mouth video of what your tongue does there's this there's some action your tongue does when it wants to taste something and it's like i always think about that i'm like okay i don't want to taste this tongue chill out relax don't do whatever that thing you do that pushes it up against the roof of my mouth. I think the tongue is what's pushing the food back to swallow. Oh, is that what it is? That makes,
Starting point is 01:47:29 that makes more sense. You leave it at the bottom. Like you have to like consciously leave it at the bottom of your mouth. Oh, just take it in the gullet. Fuck. That's a great, that's fuck.
Starting point is 01:47:48 I think you could get hired anywhere. you put that in your on your resume i and i just want you to know that i don't taste semen i just uh i just take it in the gullet uh misha misha misha why don't you have a profile picture Misha how is Rusa Misha how is Rusa how is Putin Misha
Starting point is 01:48:13 Misha says why has there not been a show about team and age group qualifier I miss JR I miss the RJ he's a good man. Misha. Tomorrow night.
Starting point is 01:48:33 Want me to call Brian again? Yeah. See what happens. He's going to be pissed. You think he will be? Yes. Oh, he won't answer from the He's going to be pissed. You think he will be? Yes. Let me see. Oh, he won't answer from the podcast line.
Starting point is 01:48:56 That's the dead giveaway you're live. Yeah. Here we go. He's not going to like this at all. That sucks. Misha. Misha. Misha.
Starting point is 01:49:13 Talk to me, Misha. Misha. You probably know it's your live. He's just not going to answer now. You didn't even ask for Brian. You asked for JR. We call Brian. Dude, I do a Frisbee show with this guy. I can crank calm all I fucking want.
Starting point is 01:49:39 Brian's a normal human being. Brian isn't a normal human being. He's a rare specimen. It's fair. It's fair that's fair misha i think tomorrow night uh i saw this morning text come from suza trying to schedule a show for tomorrow night and i do think that jr was also invited on that show i don't know for sure um was that tomorrow night was that supposed to be tonight? Oh, tonight? Is it tonight? I think that's what was going on in the text.
Starting point is 01:50:08 Tonight would be great for me. Yeah, then tonight would be great for me. But we'll have to double check with Brian. Yeah. It's all contingent on that rare specimen that you call Brian. Hey, do you say the word hella? I don't, but maybe I used to in the third grade or something in fourth grade. Hella. Caleb, you never say it, right?
Starting point is 01:50:27 I say hella. You do? Yeah, yeah. I used to live in California for a little bit, too, so I think I probably picked it up a lot. Do you ever hear me say hella? I don't think I say it anymore. I think I got rid of it in the seventh grade or something. I say it all the time.
Starting point is 01:50:38 A couple of comments up ago, Heidi made fun of me. She said I sound super Cali. Well, Sousa really is in Northern California. I'm not really in Northern California anymore. And then I did 10 years in... You have to kind of... California is like... When I think of Northern California, I don't even put... I guess San Jose,
Starting point is 01:50:56 but I think of really the East Bay. Oakland. Berkeley, Oakland, and Livermore. I wouldn't even... I don't even know if San Francisco... San Francisco. San Francisco just is a shithole now. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 01:51:10 Here we go. Oh, is it combat? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh-oh. Hey, I'm live on the air right now. Okay. I was just wondering if we were going to do a show tonight. Misha wanted to know.
Starting point is 01:51:32 I think we have a plan for that, yes. Okay, and could you give us maybe just a time? You don't have to commit fully, but just something that the dedicated listeners could get some hope and rally around for some reason to not kill themselves today something to look forward to this evening no i mean like uh listening to you talk about the online age group uh adaptive qualifiers like maybe like at six o'clock or something tonight pacific standard time or 6 30 you already know that we agreed to it. I don't know. I don't know. That's not true.
Starting point is 01:52:08 That's not accurate. Hey, would you ever answer? What'd you say? Either of those times is fine. Okay. Oh, Sousa said, just to be clear, Sousa said, what time do you guys want to do it? 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. And I said, that's good. So we're just waiting for you to chime in on that thread. Oh, you're going to do it now?
Starting point is 01:52:39 Hop on. Hop on. You know, people said – oh, thank you. Okay, so Brian just responded on the text. That time works. Okay. And people – I just want you to know people in the comments thought that I shouldn't bug you live on the show. But I justified that I do a Frisbee show with you, and therefore, I have a right to call you live on the show. You can always call. You never know what's going to happen.
Starting point is 01:53:08 All right. You're a good dude. Thanks, Brian. We'll see you this evening. That was hella cool. He must have got disconnected before he was able to say goodbye. Misha HK, $15. Thank you. You're the best night. Brian's the best. Okay, so we'll just see if now we'll just see if Jr.
Starting point is 01:53:29 Hong Kong someone rolled over and showing his soft white underbelly. I will bow my head in complete humility at all cost in order to make this show succeed. You guys want to see a giant dog i i have a dog like this a 531 this dog is called a a borble borble
Starting point is 01:53:57 i have this exact same dog mine's a a little leaner than this, a little more muscular. Look at that red rocket. That thing is something. thank you mr wayne thank you bruce i love it how it's just like that is nuts dude that is nuts that's something no penis no no penis left on on uh what do we do on this show we do some we have a i have a penis gazing we need an audio i wish for all these segments like this should be just a second penis gazing like a little sound bite that plays oh we can do that i can do that god yeah even good good play that a few times i like to i kind of prefer now that i've seen it i don't like it as much i
Starting point is 01:55:18 prefer just like getting a peek at it the penis is not something you want to stare at not directly in the eye no no caleb just kind of ruined the penis one 99 out of 100 times i like your freeze frame but i just prefer watching that just kind of flop around the way it moves is almost i mean you can tell it's heavy right that's not like yeah and it's like it's it's um like you know a paper towel roll is hollow so when you move it around it doesn't move nice but that's like that that dude's that thing is uh something else and that dude's bathing it my goodness anyway a dog's gonna have hip issues for sure
Starting point is 01:56:23 oh my god hey after i have like maybe in 10 years someone could go through all the pieces and just put together like an eight-hour compilation of all just the cocks we've rolled through. Oh, my God. Oh, geez. Okay. We've met our quota today. The show's minutes quota for penises. Not exactly what you expected.
Starting point is 01:56:57 Gosh. What is this one? 526 women. The dong-a-thon my goodness demonetized yeah probably okay here we go first of all i don't mean to be judgmental but like that lady that's her look right there what do you mean her look what do you just like i mean her hair and her glasses and her her sports coat and her green turtleneck and what's that thing around her neck it's a i she's a fucking caricature. Coholy Vanger. Coholy Vanger. Is that a trick name?
Starting point is 01:57:49 Is her name a trick name? Yeah. Seems like it. Like something banger? Yeah. Coholy Vanger. Anyway, wait till you hear this. This is a joke. This woman is rationalizing that women are so shitty at sports.
Starting point is 01:58:10 This woman is rationalizing that women are so shitty at sports that men should be allowed to play in them, I think. No, no. Yeah, basically. Let's figure this out together together what she's saying here this is crazy her hair is probably healthier than yours are you kidding me that is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard anyone say my hair is so my hair is crazy healthy do you question it yes yeah i don't i my pubes't. I soak my pubes. But this thing on my head. You soak them?
Starting point is 01:58:47 Is that what you just said? Soap, soap. I lather. I lather my pubes, yeah. I lather. So my head hair. This is probably. I don't lather my head hair.
Starting point is 01:58:58 Okay. People aren't good at sports, so does it matter? This Democrat and the Minnesota House of Representatives explains that women aren't ever going to go pro in sports. So it really doesn't matter if you let transgender women into women's sports. Her outcome was going to be the same. She didn't go to the Olympics. She was going to be a D1 athlete, which only 7% of high school students go to be that. Only 7% going to play collegiate sports and 2% make it to be D1 athletes. Only 2% of that 2% makes it to become a pro athlete. So the fears that we have around a fair competition, it is fair. And a few trans girls that play with other
Starting point is 01:59:31 girls are cisgender girls will be okay. I think what she's trying to say is that women can't be real athletes. So it doesn't matter what happens in women's sports. Hey, dude, this is just crazy talk. This is... I wish I could explain how stupid this is. First of all, that's how all sports work, by the way. Yeah. That's how everything works.
Starting point is 02:00:02 If you want the purest gold, you're going to get less and less. If you want the best diamonds, you're going to get less and less. you want the best diamonds you're going to get less and less it has nothing to do with who makes it who doesn't do it it's basically um i know you guys know what i'm saying it's a it's like the crossfit games right we're just we're just doing a method to try to find who the best are but to rationalize the context so few of anything make it to the top. Yeah. She's suggesting because so few women actually become pro athletes that it's
Starting point is 02:00:39 okay to let a few men enter their sport. That's almost an argument to not let them. Once again, people, this is not like, why do you want to be part of a political party that thinks like this? Someone defend this. And who does she talk to about it before she goes on there?
Starting point is 02:01:01 You know, like these people have like other people in the room and she's like, oh, I got this thing I'm going to do today here's what i'm going to say and no one's like maybe you should think that through a little bit more isn't that just like a total isn't the pedophilia and the women hating just a total deal breaker for you and that you could just jump on the other side no matter what no matter what they do all right so they believe in angels all right they got this weird creature named God. All right, they like guns.
Starting point is 02:01:33 They want to pay people who actually work. They don't want to give out handouts. They got this weird rule, this golden rule, treat others how you'd want to be treated. Can't you jump on board with that team? I can. Isn't that just a crazy deal breaker for you that they hate women? I don't, I was, man. Or the intolerance isn't the intolerance a deal breaker. You don't think like we do you're outcasted from the group and in fact like have you been watching any alex uh stein stuff recently i saw him get attacked
Starting point is 02:02:10 dude aggressive like go like go to you know when you go to those i saw him get attacked was that in a transgender rally yeah that was love and tolerance and acceptance group and they just threw coffee on him they threw water on him they physically assaulted him they're hitting him they hit him they pulled his hat off they knocked his phone off a couple of me did right in front of the cops and they're like look and the cop isn't doing anything and the cops didn't do shit shook his head like well uh sarah buckman she looks like she's never played a sport in her life. Yeah, I agree. I like it how he's using Don Terrius.
Starting point is 02:02:50 Hey, a shirtless black guy is always good cover. Always. And then right away, yeah, someone spits something on him there. Children cannot concede! Children cannot concede! Children cannot concede! Children cannot concede! children cannot get sick children cannot get sick children cannot get sick they just mob them they just mob them did you see that lady like covered in makeup with the purple hair and all that like that might have been a man I'm gonna say something that's not gonna be really popular right here
Starting point is 02:03:27 that's how I view like a lot of just modern day women period who's this shirtless guy that's Don Terrius that's his like that that's his uh that he calls that his sister's husband that's his brother's wife's boyfriend yeah oh his wife's boyfriend that's right his uh that he calls that his sister's husband that's his brother his wife's
Starting point is 02:03:45 boyfriend yeah oh his wife's boyfriend that's right his wife's boyfriend like all these instagram chicks that everyone thinks are hot and have millions of followers and are covered with makeup i view them the same as kind of the transgender community to be completely honest i just see them as just clowns. I don't mean that in a negative way, but literally like Barnum and Bailey clowns.
Starting point is 02:04:08 Wow, he's fighting with them. That thing with the bandana fought them. Yep. She just comes over and puts water on them. Can you imagine doing that to someone?
Starting point is 02:04:21 And I thought that was they were supposed to be all about tolerance and acceptance and love. This guy says you want to be about all about tolerance and acceptance and love and this guy says you want to get spit on yeah and this is right here when he's like look the cops aren't doing nothing and he's just like yeah well is that a man or a woman that cop like that that's how i view like if you walked around walnut creek california like those are the like there's but they're supposed to be hot women like that That's how I view, like, if you walked around Walnut Creek, California, like, those are the, like, but they're supposed to be hot women.
Starting point is 02:04:49 Like, that's how I, like, so many women, like, that people think are hot, I view them the same as this. Like, if it took you an hour to leave the house, like, you're just a circus freak to me. Not in a bad way. I don't care. i'm tolerant of it more than tolerant i accept it curious uh he is allowed he would be allowed to carry a gun there probably well not in new york city you're not i don't know i mean in the bay area he could be carrying a shotgun it couldn't be concealed though yeah and they would have definitely have taken it by the way too they wouldn't have allowed that that's what that was the thing with the um black panthers if you didn't know that's what scared
Starting point is 02:05:38 the shit out of people they would walk around the bay area fucking 20 deep all carrying shotguns and no one could do anything. I mean, we should have Alex back on it's time. Yeah. That, that, like that girl,
Starting point is 02:06:00 if you're, if you're like, this is that girl throwing water at a grown man who's six foot three. know if he would have went over and punched her in the face i think that's okay she threw water on him like six times i just think that there's some like natural law i don't think you're allowed to do that i think for me it's the spitting that crosses that not the water like but why is she even like there's like some law there's like under some understanding of natural law that you're not following you think i mean i completely agree with that yeah i just don't think i'm not saying it's right
Starting point is 02:06:34 punched you know that's a different like the water he's wet and a half hour later he's dry if somebody like alex turns and punches her like you're hospitalized like if he just cleaned just cold cocks her boom right in the face i hear you i hear you so i don't think those are equal i'm not i'm not mad at him if he does it let's put it that way there's a natural law there that's just being broken like you shouldn't be allowed to do that you should yeah there should be consequences for doing that to a man who's six foot four six three whatever alex is now the coffee especially if the coffee was hot that's a different story because then you're crossing that line onto like physically hurting them right okay you guys want to get just straight richter we had too much fun looking at dog penises look this 523 this is this is where uh
Starting point is 02:07:28 Look, this 523, this is where – this is – we'll play this. We're going to play this whole thing here. This is where you have to really start – once again, how are you still voting Democrat? Just look at this, and then I'm open to it. I'm not asking facetiously or sarcastically. I want to know what the Republicans have done that's so bad or independents or libertarians or any other party you could vote for. That's so bad that you don't be like, OK, even though I hate those guys, I'm going to vote for them to stop this. Because this is this is Democrats, right? What you're about to see right here.
Starting point is 02:08:00 Here we go. Many of you know me, so I am here to discuss this atrocity of assignments i want to first say you're a liar it's not a rumor i have the proof right here in my phone of the whom with you with whom would you do it with and my daughter specifically stated that the teacher put up a will on the class board and it stated anal penetration, oral sex. So this guy's speaking to a school board and he's saying that the teacher put up on the board a wheel, like a spinning game wheel,
Starting point is 02:08:38 and asked who would you prefer to have anal penetration, oral sex, licking of ear, kissing? These are things in a classroom. Okay, go on. This is crazy. Licking of ear, kissing. And he wanted them to write down the initials of a boy or girl that they would do these activities with. Pause. he's with pause now the assignment was from the teacher at the school to write the initials of
Starting point is 02:09:08 someone you wanted to do those activities with do you think that those board members are republican or democrats do you think that teachers are republican or. We don't know. We don't know. I don't have that information for you. I just never hear any Republicans defending this position ever, ever, ever, ever.
Starting point is 02:09:35 And I hear shitloads of Democrats defending this position. These are Democrats. Like, like, what are you doing voting for that party? I, I understand you don't like the orange haired guy. I get it.
Starting point is 02:09:46 Fine. So you're going to put your ego and what you don't like of the orange haired guy because he three point shoots paper towels into people who've been damaged by a hurricane in Puerto Rico over harming your kids. I mean, this is nuts. OK, keep going. I don't know what's worse. overharming your kids. I mean, this is nuts. Okay. Keep going. I know what's worse wanting to know my child's sexual fantasy or who they're going to have anal penetration and oral sex with. What is he gaining from this? What do you gain from this information? Why has my daughter that naively did the assignment because she's scared she wants to get good grades she wants to be you know get her license she has to get good grades and so she does this assignment
Starting point is 02:10:35 where's the assignment why hasn't she had it turned back to her okay pause so his daughter not only did the assignment but now this guy's asking the school board, how come the assignment was never returned back to my daughter? I mean, this is just some fucking crazy shit. This isn't isolated. This isn't isolated, just so people think. Like we had Zach T. Lander say, hey, maybe we're putting too much attention on this. This is a constant theme that keeps reoccurring from these institutions where like 89% of all the people who work in them are Democrats. It's nuts. Patrick Bet-David did a whole thing on that.
Starting point is 02:11:26 bet david did a whole thing on that on the on basically how these uh these schools from k to graduation harvard's probably the worst are just indoctrination camps for this kind of fucking thinking it's getting way out of control keep playing caleb way out of control what is he doing with it is this for his bank bank is he literally using this for his sexual deviant these are questions that need to be answered he he verbally abused verbally sexually abused every single child in that class pause pause hey i i'd never heard this idea before uh i don't know what you guys think about it, but I think if you ask someone who, I don't know what the age is, under 18, fucking pick an age. Definitely, if you ask a 14-year-old girl, hey, tell me someone whose dick you'd like to suck, I'm fucking jail time. I'm done with you. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:12:23 I don't think anyone over 18 should be talking like that to anyone who's 14. I think that does come up as sexual abuse. I don't know what you guys think. Do you have any thoughts on that, either of you? Should anyone be saying that? I completely agree with you. Any child that's under the age of 18 that is a minor, you don't fucking even go there with a 10-foot pole. And if you do, there should be serious repercussions.
Starting point is 02:12:41 What about freedom of speech, though? What do you mean? I don't understand that question. Like you're saying that I can't – you're saying that I can't – That's a question, and I'm like perpetuating it on you. I'm not – What if I'm just standing on a street corner, and every time a little kid walks by, I say, hey, do you want to suck my dick? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:59 We're headed there. I'm only asking that because we're headed there. I protect your freedom of speech, but don't be surprised at the consequences that come with that action. I don't even know, dude. I'm only asking that because we're headed there. I protect your freedom of speech, but don't be surprised with the consequences that come with that action. I don't even know, dude. I'm struggling. I don't think you should be able to talk like that. I think that that's – I don't think you should be able to talk like that. Yeah, but you can't not – unfortunately, that's part of the double-edged sword that is freedom of speech because who's going to govern that?
Starting point is 02:13:17 And then how are you going to do it? And it's a slippery slope. And then – so there's all that. So for me, it's one of those situations that, yeah, it should not be done in any circumstance, but it will be protected under free speech because that's all that so for me it's one of those situations that like yeah it should not be done in any circumstance but it will be protected under free speech because that's how that works but if you start definitely what about a teacher okay so you're saying some crazy whacked out dude standing on the street corner saying that saying that but but he but but he hey by the way dude you only have to go to berkeley i was just speaking with one of my
Starting point is 02:13:43 members and he was like we went went to Berkeley for a few things. And he brought his daughter and his wife. And he's like, we were there for 10 minutes. And I was like, we had to get the fuck out of there. Because as he said, right when they walked out of the parking structure, just a dude fully naked right there in front of his daughter. Yes. Hey, dude, on a regular basis, on a monthly basis, I would see people walking down the street. They're screaming the craziest shit,
Starting point is 02:14:07 shit that I would never even say on this show, just through crowds of people, crazy shit, shit that makes the KKK look like nice guys. And no one did. No one does shit to them, by the way, in Berkeley,
Starting point is 02:14:18 Tom. Hi, good morning. What's up? It's Tom. Good morning, guys. Hi,
Starting point is 02:14:22 good morning. Hey, Susan, we're not going to say that that has anything to do with free speech, buddy. I love you, but no, no. But no, I don't know, Tom. Really? And not in a classroom, by the way, not in a workplace. But if you're just out on the street, how are you going to govern that? Because I know where you're going with this.
Starting point is 02:14:39 How are you going to govern it? Who's going to govern it? And how are you going to stop that from 30, 40, 50 years down the road? Yeah, Tom. Rest, restriction of all speech. What if what if it goes from this, Tom? What if the same argument? Bear with me here. I know we haven't let you talk yet. What if the same argument is like, hey, you can't yell at some girl on the street is 14 years old. Do you want to suck my dick? But you can yell. You can't enforce tell 14 year olds without their parents around, hey, it's really important you take this vaccine, you take these drugs.
Starting point is 02:15:09 And if your parents think that they're – if their parents are telling you different, your parents are fucking crazy. Do you get what I'm saying? Yeah. And that's happening. That's happening. Like, that's happening. So then what the difference is – so there's a couple of points here. Number one.
Starting point is 02:15:24 Good. Unfuck us. I want you to be right, by the way. I just think you're wrong. But I want you to be right. so they need what the difference is is so there's a couple of points here number one good unfocus i want you to be right by the way i just think you're wrong but i want you to well there's the big picture is we got to realize what the first amendment is you guys what the first amendment does is restrict the federal government's ability to uh regulate expression of speech but it doesn't restrict from passing local ordinances or laws. So what would need to happen is, you're right, there has to be some bright line about what is allowed and what's not allowed, but it would have to be a local ordinance about sexually explicit or vulgar expressions. And I would be surprised if most counties or cities don't have something like
Starting point is 02:16:05 that on the book. Um, there are a lot of like historical examples of things like that. I mean, you can't spit on the sidewalk. So like even if we want to be super libertarian about everything, which I pretty much, you know, am torn up in the comments for being a, you can't just say like you can do anything and everything. It doesn't work that way. Like, you know, obviously everybody says you can't yell a like you can do anything and everything. It doesn't work that way. Like, you know, obviously everybody says you can't yell a fire in a crowded theater,
Starting point is 02:16:29 but you can't incite things that are illegal. You can't, you know, cause chaos. Like there are restrictions to your speech. When your rights begin to infringe on the rights of other people, that is the only legitimate power that the government has is to regulate when your rights butt up against someone else's rights. And when you're sexually harassing minors, you're violating their rights. So like, if you want to stand there on the corner, you have a right to speak, but you don't have a right to be heard. You can't force a little kid to listen to you talk about sexual fantasies. What about an adult? Let me ask you this, Tom.
Starting point is 02:17:04 Can you, could I walk up to, let's say, could I walk up to you on the street if I didn't know you and just be like, Hey, what's up, dude? And you're like, Hey, I'm like, can I put my dick in your mouth? Yeah. So there is a great question. I'm not a lawyer. I think the line is if I say stay away from me and you continue to follow me, that would be harassment. So I think I have the ability to say to like, walk away or say, stay away from me. But if you stay on me, I think that is illegal. That makes sense. Steve, a lot of people are coming up with a lot of good shit, by the way, along the time. It's not free speech.
Starting point is 02:17:37 It's propositioning. It's sexual harassment charge at a minimum. Yeah, and I want to follow up on this. If you can put something about, like, where the source of this is from, because this person, this teacher needs to be, like, publicly, like, I mean, honestly, they need to be hung, but they at least need to be publicly exposed and fired. So I would love to find out, like, what school district this is from. Like some Project Veritas shit.
Starting point is 02:18:05 Yeah, yeah,itas shit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'll walk up to him and start asking him, but who's Dickie wants in his mouth. That'd be fantastic. Hey,
Starting point is 02:18:12 I was just, okay. Thank you. Great call. Peace and love. Peace and love. Hey, you had a good point because what I was talking about in terms of like the
Starting point is 02:18:19 protecting of their free speech was the context that you gave, which is what if someone's just standing on the corner yelling that, and happen to walk by with your you know 14 year old 11 year old daughter or they like say something and you know that for a fact go to san francisco yeah that's gonna fucking happen the whole time you're there go to berkeley like dude on telegraph avenue you someone would be walking down the street and any given day yelling i hate kikes or insert any other racial epithet in there and they'll be walking just screaming in the air all of them i've heard them all it's crazy yeah so and no one does shit no one says anything everyone just gets out of that person's way and that's why i was gonna say so under that context
Starting point is 02:19:05 like it is what it is but i like how tom made the separation there where he said if they came directly at you and said it and you were like hey no get away from me and you walked away and then they pursued then that changes the whole entire context and i agree with him completely there what what can you see what school district can you pull that up on the screen i want to see if i can google to see what school district that is i didn't even fact check that next up next we're going to find out that that was that thing was off stage uh um uh hi parent from that school was at the board meeting and i'm friends with that dad fox news just interviewed us and published an article about it today asking me anything we are not done this district is going down
Starting point is 02:19:44 wow yeah go ahead pop that open caleb let's see that looks good right like we might get more information on that yeah let me do some research real quick hey look at the one that says this is child abuse scroll down a little bit and it's just some it's some fuck pillow what is that lady wearing wow look at that thing that is a lot of woman that chick has 10 000 posts damn that's impressive yeah oh what someone asked right there what school is it at i didn't see if there was an answer to it but and listen listen you what about this susan you're saying that throwing water you know you have a little you patience for her repeatedly throwing water no not patience i was just saying it didn't deserve
Starting point is 02:20:37 the repercussion being punched in the face okay there's no tolerance for that i still think that that that they've violated you in some way i I just don't, you know, if someone comes over and shoulder checks you, you don't pull out a gun and shoot them in the head. Right. So some of those water, but there's, there's just like a cavalier there that you think that it's okay. There's a big grown ass man and you're just continuously throwing water at him. There's it's like pulling the tail of a, um, of a, Oh yeah. Yeah. That's like, what do you do? yeah yeah thank you for sure yeah and so once again the teacher who did this i i i don't it would be i'm so hard pressed to say whatever happens i just think is like man you kind of you pulled the lion's tail yeah and i
Starting point is 02:21:19 fuck with some dude's daughter you fuck with some dude's daughter i just and you're it's not like you're another kid right do you know what i mean if i have a 14 year old daughter and a 14 year old boy slaps her ass at school i may go over and when the boy gets out of school look and be like hey dude don't do that to my daughter again right yeah they're both minors i just scare them i just like yeah it's cool i get it i'm not i'm not i'm not a piece of shit but but you're the teacher in a position of power and you asked my daughter about oral sex i don't know dude oh yeah that's i don't know man this is you're a fucking you're a predator i also agree with tom too and he said that that teacher the school board like everything you should be like oust for that and And there should be public shaming for it.
Starting point is 02:22:06 It's Oregon, people. No, what a shocker. Dude, it's Oregon. Look at Olivia. It's Oregon. Yeah, you knew it. You knew it. You knew it.
Starting point is 02:22:19 Dang. I know. And that's the part spoken music says freedom of speech has consequences and that's the part like I wanna I wanna respect that I really wanna respect freedom of speech for those students who are absent
Starting point is 02:22:35 you will write a short story of a paragraph or two the story is a sexual fantasy that will have no penetration of any kind of oral sex holy shit no way of passing kind of oral sex. Holy shit. No way of passing on an STD. So the reason why there won't be oral sex or penetration is because you don't want to pass on, why do they call it STI now?
Starting point is 02:22:56 Sexually Transmitted... Infection. Infection. Oh. STD's way better. Sexually Transmitted Disease. Diseases are, they still have STDs, but STIs are the things that you can like get rid of.
Starting point is 02:23:07 The disease is what sticks around. You will choose three items, romantic music, candles, massage oil, feather, feather boa, flavored syrup, et cetera, to use in your story. Your story should show that you can show and receive loving physical affection without having sex. Holy shit, dude. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:23:31 This is nuts. Oh, is it a man or a woman? Please tell me it's, please tell me it's a man. Please tell me it's a man. The teacher. Please tell me it's a man. Please tell me it's a man. The teacher.
Starting point is 02:23:52 Please tell me women don't do this. Wait, but it says... What was it? A sexual something course? Human sexuality course. School officials tell us that they're aware of the concern over the assignment for Churchill's health to human sexuality course dude what does that mean human sexuality course is that a high school
Starting point is 02:24:17 Churchill that's weird yeah it says the high school maybe I'm gonna give this a pass holy shit see what happens when you get all the information Yeah, it says the high school. Maybe I'm going to give this a pass. Holy shit. See what happens when you get all the information. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:37 Churchill School. Eugene. Is that the name of the school? Churchill? It says that's a college course, not a high school. Weird. It says, I see it's a high churchill uh school eugene i i show that it's in um that it's a high school it is yeah dude all of a sudden like why was there a human sexuality course yeah to begin
Starting point is 02:25:03 with right yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a college thing after you're 18 and yeah that's weird Like why was there a human sexuality course? Yeah. To begin with. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's a college thing after you're 18. And yeah, that's weird. Cause wasn't that just like, um, shouldn't it be called human genderality?
Starting point is 02:25:16 What was the, what was, there was always like a science that you took that had that in it. Right. Like when they explained, I don't know what it was, what, what course it was,
Starting point is 02:25:24 but you would have like the, you know, puberty was explained your reproductive organs they give you i had that in eighth grade i had we had that explained and it was probably like three days or a week of um a biology course and by the way it was a big deal and you had to get a permission slip signed by your parents and it had to have those you know what i mean like you had like there had to be consent from the parents they had to know what the material was you had to they had to sign off on it they knew the day they knew they could give you an option to exempt out of it yeah and certain kids did the you know the people would come and say oh these kids come in with me and you would leave and then the person who did that course would come in and normally it wasn't your
Starting point is 02:25:59 teacher it was somebody who was specific to that course for me it was the teacher i'm trying to think like the craziest they talked about intercourse they definitely didn't talk about oral sex no there was nothing it was they talked about it in terms of reproduction they did talk about sexually transmitted diseases yeah it'd be the same way if you had the discussion with your doctor like all the medical terms right right right medical terms were used it was only talked about functionality there was no bleeding of like hey there's this is also pleasurable and there might be these options for other people and people might prefer that like none of that was in it it was just the factual information yeah and they would say semen and all the kids
Starting point is 02:26:41 would giggle all the boys i do think that they put a condom on a banana. The teacher did. I can't remember that. He went to that Berkeley school though, so. No, no, no. No, no, no. I was inland. I went to Pleasant Hill, Sequoia Elementary.
Starting point is 02:27:03 Yeah. Mrs. B. That was my teacher's name, Mrs. B. That was my teacher's name, Mrs. B. Oh, and Olivia, another good point. They broke up the boys and the girls. That's right. Not in my class, they didn't. Really? No.
Starting point is 02:27:15 Ah, see, you were indoctrinated. Yeah, they broke us up and they gave us deodorant and then I think the girls got... Yeah, that's fucking bullshit. They gave you deodorant? Yeah, it was like this really tiny stick oh my god oh shit i did too that's right and everybody was like it was like in a in a opaque bag too so like nobody knew like if you like carried around it was like a secret that we
Starting point is 02:27:38 got that's right deodorant uh they scared the shit out of us by showing us pics of general warts that were really yeah yeah i remember shankers on penises lots of lots of pictures of like bumps on the genitalia lots that'll scare you hey this is so europe my teacher took his wife dildo to put condoms on that's so europe ken walters uh small mining town northern minnesota they did the condom on the banana in the ninth grade yeah yeah they might have done it mine i just don't really remember i i will let's let's let this first if you i'm starting i'm starting we need to get more information but either way the teacher no hopefully a teacher would have the common sense to just put the kibosh on that.
Starting point is 02:28:28 Yeah, just crazy that it's important. Maybe we're just old. Maybe we're just old. I don't know about that. All right, good. I think it's a little weird. I don't think, though, that that stuff is – once again, I don't think you'll find Republicans defending that behavior. That's why you still smell a little libtard in me, right?
Starting point is 02:28:50 It's heavy. We smell it. Call her high. He's having a flare-up. Yeah. Hello? Hey, I've – like you've appointed yourself CEO. I'm appointing myself chief silly vibes officer for the call-in shows. If things just get
Starting point is 02:29:07 too weird and dark, I'm going to go ahead and call in. Is that alright with you guys? Please, yes. Self-appointed. Go ahead. Alright, cool. Do you want us to show another dog penis? That would help. So, I'm the guy that called Boz
Starting point is 02:29:23 a nerd last week, and I need to clarify my position a little bit. He is a little nerdy. I think – you mean Adrian Bosman? Yeah. Yeah, he's totally nerdy. I mean, he's a badass, but he's a nerd too, for sure. He got a little Dungeons & Dragons. No, but like the – he got picked on in high school, and that's why we got the thing.
Starting point is 02:29:43 Oh, okay. And I feel like i feel like i upset you and let me just ask this real quick do you think that there's anyone in canada who's not a nerd do you think there's any one fucking guy in canada that's not a nerd that's weird that you say that because even like i feel like who's the arm wrestler dude, Darren, or Devin. Devin, yes, total nerd. I feel like that,
Starting point is 02:30:07 he watches anime. Like, I've never heard him say that, but you can just look at him and tell, you know. There is something about those Canadian guys. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:30:16 Okay, go on. Okay, so sorry. Back to Adrian Bosman. But Canadian dudes, you're just nerds. No offense, just is. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:23 So, you got to sell me for saying that, you know, Adrian got picked on in high school and that's why we got VF. I think he's tight now, but he's still got that deep debt. He's got that nervous. He's got that. Like I got picked on a deep down in his soul somewhere.
Starting point is 02:30:38 And that's how we got VF, which I think is a better situation than like for me, by contrast, I was fucking awesome in high school. I didn't get picked on at all, but now I'm like a three out of 10 at best. Like my best days are behind me and I feel like Adrian is on his way up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm feeling you. I'm feeling you. I just want to make sure that I'm not beating on him now.
Starting point is 02:31:02 I just feel like I would have picked on him in high school. This is totally off subject, but do you think it's possible to be a 10 out of 10 in high school and kind of maintain that? Is that your fault or you're doomed for all everyone who's like, it's just rainy pussy and cock on you through high school. You just get as much as you can. You're doomed.
Starting point is 02:31:24 You're doomed because you don't can you're doomed you're doomed because you know like your your journey was too easy your path was too easy character my path was too easy wow that's amazing yeah now me like i had i had it pretty good in high school and now i'm sitting here staying home from church because i'm having diarrhea calling into like a YouTube show like that's where I'm at low budget oh that was amazing
Starting point is 02:31:54 oh my goodness why do you have diarrhea what did you do don't know hey dude I ate like three what my stomach's doing that crampy thing yeah so i think like i might have like an act not like oh i ate weird but like like a virus going on so we'll see what happens i'll call that later i ate like three pounds of lobster last night with
Starting point is 02:32:21 a fucking like probably a whole stick of butter to myself and i had enough and i had another five grilled bell peppers and and i my dude was solid this morning yeah nothing solid over here right now i could have uh thanks for letting me call you guys all right thank you for uh rearranging the show. Thank you. Yeah, that was good. Strong, strong fan. That was amazing. Jason, just straight with the name calling. I understand. Totally.
Starting point is 02:32:55 Straight assholes. Yeah, pretty much. Was he calling for the toilet? Nothing to defend. Just a straight asshole. On that definition, okay, I'm a nerd. Fair. We knew it. I can even tell by the way you On that definition, okay, I'm a nerd. Fair. We knew it.
Starting point is 02:33:10 I can even tell by the way you take your picture, Jason, that's nerdy. You got some weird cross thing going that you shouldn't have done. You got something? You missed it. All right, I have to run. Okay. I love you guys. Oh, yeah, they redefine nerd. Nothing about social awkwardness or timidity yeah have a great day bye bye suza's gone
Starting point is 02:33:35 there is a derogatory definition of nerd that i missed a person uh an unfashionable person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious as you get older nerds are more interesting right savvy privilege last night yeah dude last night's dinner was nuts i've been going to this house that has a chef and it is nuts i actually even warned that i had so much steak and you want to know it's crazy it's actually really i i after i ate all that stuff i was i was so full but was still wanted something sweet. So I walked around this house and there's a three freezers at this house. I went to all three freezers looking for ice cream. Nothing.
Starting point is 02:34:37 None. I didn't eat anything sweet. It ended up being good. That's sad. All right. good that's sad all right uh is there anything else sadder than an older man or woman who clings to their glory days i don't know oh look at there it is i was running on the treadmill why would you take that picture that explains it yeah how did you get the picture then exactly jason no one's safe no one's safe all right uh so it looks like tonight
Starting point is 02:35:17 um we'll be doing we'll be talking about the um age group online qualifier. I know nothing about that. So we shall see. Okay. Thank you, Caleb. Thank you. Are you around tonight, Caleb? Yeah, I'll be here.
Starting point is 02:35:42 Okay. No, I'm fasting today. Today I fast. No food today. Just coffee, black black coffee if that counts as fasting uh i think uh renee i think tonight shows 6 p.m pacific standard time i think we'll know we'll know shortly damn i have a splinter uh sorry what did you say caleb you think you will be yes tonight okay and then we and then we you know tomorrow we have your favorite show of the week it is my favorite keeps me engaged all right guys uh two day two days in a row probably of brian friend uh we will talk to you guys all very soon thank you fun show today
Starting point is 02:36:26 i was telling my wife i didn't want to do a negative show i don't think the show is negative do you no it was fun okay good all right buh-bye

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