The Sevan Podcast - #866 - Rich Froning | Competing As An Individual

Episode Date: April 5, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 bam we're live yo no 7 a.m show today slept slept slept man i slept i slept good oh is this the right page i'm about to pull up i think it is uh a dear friend of mine uh sent me this. I wanted to share it with you guys. I am not a big charity guy. I don't believe in using my platform as an obituary. So you won't see a lot of this from me. But this does touch me. And the reason why I'm not a big charity guy is because I do a lot of my charity just in my daily life.
Starting point is 00:00:45 I am a walking charity and lover. And I give as much as I can. And I just I'm a humble, selfless fucking person, as you guys all know. But a dear friend of mine sent this to me and this story. I want to share it with you. I'm compelled to share with you. And this story, I want to share it with you. I'm compelled to share it with you.
Starting point is 00:01:13 This is a father who wanted to show his boys that a man could do anything that he sets his mind to. It was a father of three boys, five, three, and one. His name is Michael. After a regular sparring session, trying to get back into the fight game to show his sons it was possible to do anything they put their minds to. He had a headache. His wife said he was white as a ghost. He went to the hospital for a scan. They shipped him to a level one trauma center.
Starting point is 00:01:39 He lost consciousness in route and died. And I, you know, maybe it's the three sons. Maybe it's the fact that he was doing it for his sons. I'm not, I'm not sure why I'm compelled. It's also the charity fundraiser to help this guy. Michael will be at a CrossFit gym called, um, it's in Orlando, Florida.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Let me see if I can find, it's called the CrossFit lion's den. Let's just share the screen with you guys here. One second. What's up, Rich? What's up, Brian?
Starting point is 00:02:19 What's up? Oh, Brian. Hey, Rich. How's it going? Pretty good. A lot of meetings, Brian. Hey, Rich. How's it going? Pretty good. A lot of meetings this morning, so just plugging away. Catching up.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Orlando, Florida. CrossFit Lions Den, the April 7th at 11 a.m. This is the kind of thing I would take my kid to, by the way. Just to show stop in all this dude just for unknown reasons passed away he has three sons what uh april 7th is there a they got a i'm sure i missed all this and you're just recapping it but is there a link or something where you can participate virtually there you know that's a great question i don't i don't know i literally just got this five minutes before i went on it was from a dear friend and i was in the shower and i was stirring i'm like i don't do obituary shit i don't do obituary shit right and
Starting point is 00:03:15 then i was like you know what this guy has three sons and uh and he was doing it for he was doing something for his kids when he died and i'm just like yeah absolutely anyway that's it um as i get more details i'll show more details with you guys and i and i knew that rich was coming on the show so there'd be a lot of you knuckleheads on so i thought what a great way to leverage rich to help other hey kip i'm in love it um did you really do the workout again no no heck no yeah i'm doing a mile of shuttle runs and again unless i have to i guess dude i watched that that i watched that video you watched that i watched that so boring let me ask you this what i can't even believe we put it on the internet i i told scott i wanted to punch him for it i was like you should have just cropped out the middle
Starting point is 00:04:02 of it hey um what if you i think you guys should just put up a video of you like doing something like crazy mundane like cutting your nails rich cutting his nails maybe like you're just sitting in a chair cutting your nails and just see how many views it gets how many clip clip this slow like you're like kind of creepy yeah maybe some macro shots of like the nail clipper on your thumb and like a nail flying close up close up, close up. Rich brushing his teeth. It's a whole series of you just doing mundane shit. Just doing stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Rich slicing a piece of cheese. But extremely efficiently. Here's Rich doing 12,000 shuttle runs. Rich, why not take out the touch on the ground? After watching you touch the ground so many times, I'm like, why do they have that in there? like i get it for sprints or for agility training or for my kids tennis like if for punishment for suicide drills but but really it seems like what crossfit is doing to me um they just want you to run but they need you to stay within camera shots so
Starting point is 00:04:59 they're not having you run 400 meters on a field so they've the shuttle runs a hack well if it's going to be a hack then just don't make them touch the ground yeah yeah i mean i'm not against the shuttle run it is a way to test some type of running i guess um in the form that we do the virtual it's hard to like measure 400 and and do all that type of stuff so i'm not necessarily against i just it was just so boring to do a half mile of shuttle runs in one section. And I don't know. It was just very boring. Actually, I was talking to Brian. I shared him a workout that I would actually like to try down the road. And it was you can still do the mile of shuttle, but, you know, 25 shuttle, five bench, 15 or five rope climbs, 15 bench, 25 shuttle, five rope climb, 15 bench, 25 shuttle, five rope climb, 15 bench,
Starting point is 00:05:48 and 25 shuttle. So you still get a hundred shuttle runs. It's just a little bit broken up. I mean, it's still pretty boring to do and watch, but. No surprise, which just conveniently doubles the density of bench press. Yeah. I mean, it's a, it's not doubled. It's one and a half, one and a half, right? A right a little over i guess it is double yeah 25 and 20 so you're right but i don't know it was just a little bit a little bit boring let the money start pouring in people mike sour seven can you please introduce the term testicular
Starting point is 00:06:18 fortitude to your vocabulary i think it would fit you well what does that mean like i have balls that are like strong strong testicles I don't have strong testicles. I've never seen strong testicles. Don't those, isn't there like somewhere that they like hang stuff from the testicles or is that from their actual? Yeah, no, I think it is. I think I have seen like, like a dude put like a diaper pin through his testicle and like a kettlebell from that or something.
Starting point is 00:06:42 It's a sterilized diaper pin. It's good. Run a mile of shuttles what what about the um what about the thumb wrap you think crossfit just went to the wiki page had a bench press and copied and pasted the wrap your thumb why are professional that's my bad i didn't read that you know i tried to to read it and have a couple other people read over stuff and it just i missed it that was my bad but it's a safety thing is my only thinking um but yeah is what it is maybe it'll take me out of the top 30 and i don't have to do semi-finals there i don't think they're going to penalize you for that i mean the internet warriors say
Starting point is 00:07:18 they should no shit someone thinks that they should 15 i think is what the the going rate for that is i um i brian has anyone else gotten away with anything that's uh equal to a not wrapping my my thing too is like do we have to wrap our thumb on i mean no they preached it at level ones for a long time wrap your thumb or on the pull-up bar so we're gonna make people you have to wrap your thumb on the pull-up bar oh that's the bigger picture conversation that you can't hook grip. You can't, you know, whatever I I'm, we're just adding too many unnecessary rules. Like, Hey, you can't use, you can use grips,
Starting point is 00:07:55 but you can't use them on a barbell and you can't use them on a dumbbell. As long as you're not wrapping the thing around and like the opposite way around the thing, use your damn grips. I'm tired of this. We're just trying to make it too complicated. Like, I think we did a really good job for a long time of not necessarily taking the judges out of it, but not putting so much emphasis on the judge for them to make a split decision call. It's already a hard enough job to be a judge. And so I think when you make all these unnecessary standards, I mean, I'm for standards, like, don't get me wrong, like, there needs to be some set standards. But when you're trying to get it to like, you can use your grips, but you can't use them when you
Starting point is 00:08:32 grab the dumbbell, or you can use your grips, and you can't grab it on the barbell. Like, as long as you're, I mean, you could do the same thing with the grip if you, you know, I don't know, it's just, yeah, it. What I would say is just, especially on these massive online competitions, make it as simple as possible. Simple, simple for yourself, like for your own sake. Yeah. What are we looking at? You know, like, you know, in one of the things that said on the event for the thruster and row workout in the description on the standard, it said something about a snatch and it was like,
Starting point is 00:09:09 it blew my mind. So there's a couple of different things. And then like in the video, it says one thing. And then, you know, somebody said, I guess in the video, it said you had to be touching the box to start. I don't know. It's just, just don't, don't make it, don't overcomplicate it. Here's the thing. I know you mentioned safety. Like, does any party just want to be like, no, screw you.
Starting point is 00:09:31 That's stupid. I'm not about the thumb wrap. I've been doing it for 20 years now. Do you know anyone who wraps their thumb? Yeah, I mean, a lot of people bench press and wrap their thumbs. I'm, you know, I jerk from that suicide grip. It's just something that I've always done. I have fat, meaty palms right here, and the barbell just sits there.
Starting point is 00:09:50 It's just the way I've always done it. I mean, it's not to say it's right. On the test for a scorecard, it still says, for your convenience, the minimum acceptable weights for the snatches are. Yep, because we were looking up, because there's a big argument of, do you use a 45-pound bar or a 20 a 20 kilo bar? And so I went to grab, I was trying to stall as long as I could. Cause I really did not want to do that about 15, five again. I just, I hate that workout. It's so painful. Um, and so I actually was like, all right, well maybe I'll just go and add half pound plates. So we don't have this, you know, weird discrepancy and end up on a Hiller video. And,
Starting point is 00:10:24 uh, so I was like, we're going to add half pound plates to make it 45. Well, then Jake went and looked at the standards and says, no, you can use a kilo bar for your snatches. And so, you know, it's just, come on, if we're going to take all this time, clean it up. Yeah. And I mean, that's another one, like just present a chart like they did for one of the workouts that says, these are the conversions from kilos to pounds for every workout for their entire season why why would you change it like let alone from the open to quarterfinals but how could you have the same barbell weigh a different thing for two different tests in the same competition in the same competition yeah it doesn't make any sense and why would you do that like that you're only why would you do that why would you do that like
Starting point is 00:11:03 it's i think it's a stretch to to be worried about safety when you have people climbing ropes and snatching and just doing all sorts of shit i think the thumb wrap is just ridiculous what i really think happened is someone just copying and pasted from like some wiki on how to bench press and stuck it in there i seriously think so i can't imagine crossfit i could see them maybe saying suggesting you wrap your thumb for safety yeah yeah to enforce but to put that, I mean, it doesn't change anything. There's no advantage. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:29 There's no like, it doesn't add a new grip element to the movement. It doesn't make it more difficult unless it's just something that you don't do. I don't know. It just, I, until somebody brought it up on the, one of the media guys brought it up that somebody commented, I didn't even think twice about it. I love it when you're in the crosshairs, especially when it's – Oh, I love it too. When it's just for just completely just bizarre – well, it says you have to have your socks pulled up below your knees.
Starting point is 00:11:56 It says your knees have to be shown full and, like, you have your socks pulled up covering a little bit of your knee. I would just – let Rich preach. Preach. Fine. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I just, I think we did such a good job for a long time, especially like you're saying, Brian, for the virtual stuff,
Starting point is 00:12:15 making it easier on the judges, easier on interpretations of stuff. And then now we're just adding all these kind of arbitrary things. I don't have all the stats here, but I think this guy josh lehrman has given a hundred dollars every time you're on josh man thanks josh i wonder what you know what's the record one time someone gave 499 for something i can't remember what it was for that's crazy was that you were you on here when that happened? I don't think so. Maybe. I don't know. Yeah, that was crazy.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Okay. So, but either way, you don't, you can't, you're not stressed about it at all. No, no. I don't, I mean, I'm just, I'm doing the virtual stuff. I'm trying to get Dan to come out here, do them with us, semi-final. So have some fun. And I think Easy was talking about maybe coming out here. So maybe get the old band back together and have some fun. it was cool i mean it was a fun weekend of i mean
Starting point is 00:13:09 it's the first time i've done a weekend style other than the open you know doing multiple workouts by myself and shoot a bunch of years but this is the first virtual competition i've done with multiple workouts so one of the guys, Shane, I did pretty much every workout with him. He's just a member here that does the class once a day. So that was, that was fun. And then we had Jason Grubb and some of the other mayhem master athletes. And, uh, it was, it was a good time. There's a dude you have in your videos. If I would have known, if I would have had Caleb here, I would have pulled it up on the backend, but there's a dude in one of your videos who looks like Fraser. You were snatching with them. And then there's
Starting point is 00:13:44 another dude you have that looks like Maliolo they weren't here no do you know who i'm talking no i know but you know who i'm talking i know i know yes i know they weren't there um but but uh do you know who i'm talking about uh there's a guy you're snatching i there's a guy you're snatching you're snatching with tyler there's a class going on or something or train with rich and it's you and tyler and gee and uh and there's a guy like from certain angles looks like uh looked like matt and i thought that was funny and then later easter i think i was gonna say it could be new sam new sam um michigan sam as we call him or um what he actually refers to himself as unfit Sam compared to Sam Cornway.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Yeah. Don't call him new Sam. That reminds me too much of my governor. New some. Oh, new. Oh no. Yeah. I'm done with that. All right. Michigan, Michigan, Sam. And then there's another guy that looks like a guy on Angelo's team. He's and he's pretty strong. I guess. It might be him that was snatching with those guys. Yeah, yeah, it was definitely Michigan, Sam. Does he kind of look like Fraser?
Starting point is 00:14:51 Like a younger version, less weathered version of Fraser? He's kind of square, like, you know. Same haircut? Yeah, probably close. I can see that. And then there's another dude that looks like the Belarus version of Malaliola, like a little more European, Russian, Eastern bloc. You know what I'm talking about? Wasn't Angelo?
Starting point is 00:15:12 No, no, no, no. I know what video you're talking about. I'm trying to think of who would have been. I don't even know if he was in that video, to be honest. Anyway, I should have taken clips. You should have. Maliola was here a couple weeks ago. Quick side note from CF Talk.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Okay, if you insist. I'm sure Rich doesn't mind talking about other shit. But Rich, do you hunt bighorns in Alberta? No, would you? Would you hunt bighorns? Absolutely, I would. He's not going to hunt little horns there. My brother is a terrific guide.
Starting point is 00:15:43 We could set something up if you're interested. Programs at Email us. I'd love to talk about it. Yeah, I actually just put in for some preference points in Colorado. So anybody listening that is into Western hunting, your deadline for Colorado big game hunting is today. So by, I think, 8 p.m. So preference points. What's that mean?
Starting point is 00:16:03 So preference points. What's that mean? Well, you have to apply for tags and all these because contrary to popular belief, hunting is not just going around murdering, murdering defenseless animals. There's actually some conservation to it. And so the state only puts out a certain amount of, you know, license per year. And so to get better units, you actually have to buy points or preference points so there you go maximum number of preference points for the 2021 big game drawing there you go drawing the maximum number of preference points a hunter can have for any season is 19 i still don't know what are preference points in hunting allocation starts with the highest points holder and works its way downward oh to mean who can hunt in what area yeah so some units are more prime units so less traffic um you know different animal uh numbers and so what they'll do is you actually have to like have some seniority basically to get
Starting point is 00:16:56 a better unit so what we've been doing the last couple years kind of the any old asshole over the counter tag where you can just buy a tag and go out and screw it up yourself yeah and so the more we've done it and actually matt champs helped me a ton on kind of learning the process him and one of our other guys david on how to get points and acquire points to go to more optimal units and units means is locations zones yeah zones basically different states different states are completely different so colorado is one that has a bunch of units i think new mexico and arizona are completely lottery draw um and then i think wyoming and some others do points so it's confusing a whole new language i am um hello rich
Starting point is 00:17:39 hello um tell rich senior ron and i say hello. Hello, Trish. Do you think this is a case of Inept Games team trying to look busy by creating a bunch of rules? No, I don't think so. I think it's just probably a lack of either internal communication or just, I don't know. You know, it's not having a large media team or a bunch of people looking at stuff. I think, you know, like, um, I think there was somebody posted a video and Boz talking about decentralized leadership. And, you know, when you have a bunch of different, um, organized or parts of the organization doing different things, it's hard to make sure you're, you know, that somebody needs to just check it all. And I don't feel like there's some things always fall through the cracks and it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:18:29 But it's frustrating when it's at this level and we've been around for this long and we're having these problems. And you have to understand, ladies and gentlemen, you have to understand we education is the lowest it's been in the United States in the history of this country. And so for them not to understand kilos and pounds, CrossFit Inc. is is just par for the course. uh, CrossFit Inc is, is just par for the course. How's that? Johnny 499. Will we ever see the mayhem classic again? I don't know. I'd love to do some type of event here. Um, we had a ton of fun doing it. Um, I do miss the, I liked the sanctional model, um, for the athletes. You could just go compete a bunch and make some money. And I know it was a little bit confusing. But I think with a little bit of insight, you could figure out a way to use the point system and people collect points at certain events and go back to something like that. I feel like what we're doing right now is more like a privatized regionals,
Starting point is 00:19:20 which there's nothing wrong with it. But I liked having the ability to, to host a couple of different events and athletes to have a couple of different places to showcase what they've done this season or not, you know, do one event and be done or, um, I don't know. So it also eliminates the scenario of, well, I just happened to get sick on the wrong weekend. Yep. Yep. I, yeah, I, I liked hosting and being able to, you know, put a little bit of our flair on some events. You know, I, I would like there need to be needed to be a lot more oversight, um, or at least some type of accountability on the programming from the
Starting point is 00:19:57 programming side. But, um, I thought it was, they were getting to kind of a cool point with it. And if it could have been more cohesive and more, um, said, just a little bit more oversight, a little bit more communication from the top down to the events, I think it would have been a pretty cool system. I actually, a few years ago, worked on a plan that could have taken the sanctional model and integrated a point system like you were talking about. I'm sure I still have the work that I did on it. It would, I think, create some freedom for athletes in terms of competition and competition structure, but also a little bit
Starting point is 00:20:36 more opportunity for fans to potentially see the athletes they want to see compete in some different venues and at different times of the year. I think people loved the regionals, and the regionals were cool and were fun at the time. But the way it's grown, I think from an athlete's perspective, having the opportunity to go to a bunch of different places, you just have to figure out, hey, how do you qualify for it? And I'm sure, like you said, you figured that out. So, yeah, I'm tired of it changing.
Starting point is 00:21:02 So maybe we should stick with this for a little while at least. But in another world, I did like the sanctional system from an athletics standpoint and from an event standpoint. Have a little bit of fun and be a part of the season versus just a competitor. Simon, Rich just said Dan Bailey's name to you. Why bring Dan Bailey out? just for old school sake for like yeah have some fun throw down a little bit he's uh he's 21st i think right now uh me him in china had a text thread all weekend just complaining about how awful we feel and how old we are and reminiscing on the old days so it was a good time and and easy was part of that too and when i met
Starting point is 00:21:41 you it was you dan and easy training at uh tech, right? Is that the new school? Oh yeah. Yep. Tennessee technological university. And any, any, any crossfitting going on there still? I don't really know. One of the assistant coaches, Hank, he goes here to the, to the gym. So nice kid. You, um, Oh man, look at this. God, I love it when you come on. Uh, here we go. A miss car, Redoubt, um, oh man, look at this. God, I love it when you come on. Uh, here we go. Uh, Miss Carr Riddell, uh, Sevan, please go snipe hunting with Rich. What's that? I'll take you snipe hunting, man. Come on.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Is that shoot squirrels? Snipe is an imaginary animal. So anybody that you isn't into hunting, you tell them let's go snipe hunting and you trick them. Um, uh, since, uh, he seems easier easier to get would rich be interested in doing a dating advice call-in show oh you mean easier than uh danielle someone also asked if this is a um if it's clickbait to say that uh rich is going individual again i just took that line from uh the crossfit mayhem Empires. They loved it. Oh man, they love the clickbait stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:49 I don't think they clickbaited. So are you competing? I put my scores in. I paid my $50 to the people at CrossFit. So yeah, I guess I did compete. Are you competing? So you guys go from here to the semifinals.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Brian, has he qualified for the semifinals? He is in a qualifying position currently. Until I get my 15% deduction for your fat, meaty palms. Yeah, my fat, meaty palms. Look at those things. If he does get that
Starting point is 00:23:23 deduction, will he still be qualified uh yeah okay so it's then i'll do the semi-final you will do it yeah i might as well i'm at home i'm gonna work out anyway i probably i i'm 99.7 sure i won't be in Madison. I'll leave 0.3 on the table for you. Won't be in Madison competing or won't be in Madison at all? Competing. Sorry, I'll be in Madison for sure. I mean, we'll have some athletes there, so I'll be there for them. Yeah, you'll probably have half a dozen.
Starting point is 00:23:57 So something has happened. Something has happened. Uh-oh. What has happened? You tell me. How's your hip? How could you be so sure that you're 99.7% sure? It's just, one, I'm doing the Leadville race.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Really want to get super into and concentrate on that. What is the Leadville race? It's that 100-mile mountain bike race. And I want to try to go sub-nine hours to get the large belt buckle. Okay. So that's going to take some real concentration on that. And then also. When is that?
Starting point is 00:24:29 The weekend after the games. Okay. And then I also like the kids. This is last year before they start going to school. And so I really just want to concentrate on. We're going to got a couple trips planned. And we're going to go to D.C. a little bit. And then try to do some, some baseball games. Tricis getting into
Starting point is 00:24:49 baseball. My girls like doing that type of stuff too. So I don't want to be so hyper-focused on training for something. And I don't want to do something half-assed that I can't, uh, if I'm going to go, I'm going to try to win. So, um, yeah, it's not, not what I want to do this summer. But you will do semifinals. Yeah, I'll do semifinals. Brian, if he qualifies after the semifinals, if he qualifies for the games, will they backfill? Well, that's a great question. Rich, can you still hear us?
Starting point is 00:25:21 Someone probably called him. I don't think Rich owns a laptop, so he does everything from his phone. Potential spam. Rich, he was asking me about backfills. I'm not sure if you're even aware of this, but for the individual divisions. Do they take people? They don't give backfills? They backfill for individuals.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Well, so the language is, of course, not abundantly clear. But for the individuals, it says that they will likely backfill, basically. We may backfill if there's a significant number of spots. I guess I'll reach out and say, hey. The Masters divisions, it specifically says they will not backfill. That's definitely for the semifinals. You should do it. Don't listen to us.
Starting point is 00:26:00 We have no fucking idea what we're talking about. This is just three homies. No one can hear us, Rich. Still do it. I don't want to take somebody's spot if I know I'm not going to go. I don't give a fuck. Fuck them. I'm not actually certain about semis to the games,
Starting point is 00:26:13 but for quarterfinals to semifinals, it says that they will not for Masters. And I don't really – I was going to ask you if you could speculate as a reason why. I can't really think of one. That's ridiculous. It's online competition. Yeah. Why would you not do that especially if you give them like give them a week to you know that yeah well and i'm just looking like specifically in your division and scrolling through the list here and like the guy who's in 10th place he's also on a team that's qualified i don't know top 10 in the world right now there's another guy that's in a on a team who's sitting in
Starting point is 00:26:44 30th place. He's going to compete with Zach George's team in England, Will Kane. And so then I look at the guys that are just on the outside, and I'm like, well, they're just not going to get an invite because – Yeah, why would you do that? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever for an online competition. It's not like you're ordering jerseys for somebody and they're not having a name or a number on it. jerseys for somebody and they're not having a name or a number on it that's and we've you know we've been talking about this and you know sometimes it's less abundant or it's less relevant when you're not in the situation now you know being a master's age you might be more
Starting point is 00:27:14 privy to it but like that's half of the population that signs up for these competitions is the master's athletes exactly like why would you not well and and getting rid of the occupational games i think was a huge misstep um that's why mayhem is going to host the occupational games, I think, was a huge misstep. That's why Mayhem is going to host an occupational games on our platform. So stay tuned for that. But yeah, that's your community. Your masters and your occupational members are – it doesn't make sense. The occupational stuff is really shocking to me because you know,
Starting point is 00:27:45 you're talking about between Bosman, Justin Berg and you banks alone, something like 50 years of working for CrossFit. Like you definitely know that this thing, how this thing started. Like I said, we, we sat down when that, that came out and we're going to, we're going to do something and host something on our May on sugar wad. And then like Angela, we programmed the workouts yesterday.
Starting point is 00:28:07 So Angelo does his everyday hero track. And so, I mean, it's perfect. He's a firefighter. Like, we want to serve that community. Angelo has his own track? Like, you guys should reach out to Matt Chan. Reach out to Bill Grumman. Like, reach out to Matt Chan, reach out to Bill Grumman, like reach out to these Larry Moss,
Starting point is 00:28:27 like these guys that are critical parts of the community that are also occupational, you know, absolutely around the world and build up the participation in that. For sure. Yeah. How hard it is that they don't have occupational games. Well,
Starting point is 00:28:40 you missed it when you were peeing. I wasn't peeing. I forgot my coffee. Oh, okay. What kind of coffee is that? Caber Street coffee. Nice.
Starting point is 00:28:49 But yeah, we were just saying that Mayhem, we're going to host an occupational games on our app, on the SugarWatt app. I can't even fucking believe that. It blows my mind. That one is a complete misstep in my opinion, but that's just my opinion. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:29:05 They have the adaptive class, 30 different adaptive class athletes. And listen, I'm not against the adaptive class. I told you I'm very interested to see little people compete. But to me, whether you're talking about the adaptive divisions, the occupational divisions, the age group divisions, it's how you present the information. And when you just write a rule that will backfill for individuals but we won't for masters what message are you sending to that community if you don't have an occupational games on the leaderboard and you know you know people are going to ask about that and when they ask about it you're prep you were what you were prepared
Starting point is 00:29:38 to say was we're focusing on things that matter yeah that the wording was not the most somebody didn't pass that through their uh their chain of command or through their PR firm. That was a mistake on Burke's part. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was a mistake. They've got someone working in the White House, I think, that wrote that transcript. There would have been more stuttering. Dilberry.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Dilberry. Dingleberry? Oh, no, it's not that. Yeah, Dingleberry. $4.99 from a foreign land. Hi from Angelisa, the CrossFit Place Rich. The CrossFit Place Rich. Great to see where Mayhem is now.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Those early days in the life of Rich videos were an inspiration. Thanks, Dillberry. Rich has the coolest shirt. I like these shirts. They're just kind of like performance, old school camo. So I like them speaking of shirt seven are you serious with that one this it's a good shirt solid shirt he's just sucking up to you listen in the in the um in the i'll do some really sucking up now in
Starting point is 00:30:38 when i was 23 years old i was sitting at an outdoor amphitheater uh listening to some music and smoking weed and throwing Frisbee. And there was a guy in front of me, and he was sitting in a pair of board shorts, and he had no shirt on. He's barefoot. And he kind of had his knees up by his chest, right? He was leaned over, and he had these crazy fucking lats on him. And I remember being 23 and thinking, oh, could i get those could i get like look at you now wings like that and my whole life no one's ever complimented me on my body except one person
Starting point is 00:31:17 and it was at the crossfit games one year and i was filming and rich came up behind me and he put his hand under my armpit and squeezed my lat and goes, look at those lats. This is a true fucking story. Now, my wife's never complimented me on my body. There's no there's no nothing. Nobody. I think once when I was when I was 19, my mom told me that she thought I had knife calves. There you go.
Starting point is 00:31:44 When you were 19. So it's like my mom. And imagine, that's a true story. No, I mean, that is just insane. You need to be told you're looking good sometimes, you know? Yeah, yeah. You just needed 18 years to think about what she could say nice to you. Hey, shut up, David. It's not a story to laugh at.
Starting point is 00:31:59 It's a drop to one knee and shed a fucking tear. Listen, it was crazy. He's competing at the crossfit games and he walks by me and grabs a hunk of lat and says nice lats i was like holy shit that was probably that was 10 years after i had seen that guy who was 23 with those lats and wanted them it's like i look at you 12 million pull-ups later pull-ups yeah all them strict pull-ups. Matt Burns asks Rich if he's ever smoked weed. I have never smoked weed. My dad, so my drug talk with my father.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Both of my parents were super – You don't have to answer that. He didn't give any money. No, no, that's fine. Okay, okay. Both my parents were very trusting and were like – My dad – We're out in the barn one evening. I think
Starting point is 00:32:45 we were working on a truck or four wheeler. He goes, uh, son, we need to have a talk. And I thought, Oh no, here comes the birds and the bees. And he goes, ah, 15, something like that. And he goes, uh, you're pretty good at baseball. He goes, I was pretty good at sports. Uh, you have a chance to play in college. He said, I did too. He said, then I started smoking weed, made me not want to, made me not want to do shit. I don't recommend you smoke weed. And from then on, I never touched weed. How did that hit you? Why was, was that a good, was that an important talk? It was more of like, Hey, it's on you. Uh, this is my experience.
Starting point is 00:33:25 This is what I went through. And, um, he goes, you do what you want, but it made me lazy and made me not want to do shit. And I just never smoked weed. So I have had alcohol. I've partaken in the sacrament, but, um, I love it how it's the sacrament. What movie is that? I don't have sex, but I have made some babies. I am rich, frowning, super Christian. Yes. Yes. I, God, I love you. I, I, I drink probably
Starting point is 00:33:51 two to four times a year. I just, it, the older I get, the less, if I stay up past 11 o'clock at night, I feel hung over the next day with no alcohol. So, uh, I just don't like the way I feel if I drink alcohol. So I'll do it every once in a while. I'll get – but the problem is it just amplifies my personality. So I usually either burn things or wrestle or get a little rowdy. You are very – I was thinking about you. You don't do anything – there's very few things you do tepid. You don't do anything – there's very few things you do tepid. Like if I were to put a – if I were to be like, okay, Rich, today we're going to sew, and I put you in front of a sewing machine, you would like grab that wheel and start spinning it.
Starting point is 00:34:32 You would grab the needle. When you thread, you would come at it with the thread hard towards – I'm trying to figure it out. Yeah. You're not a tepid guy. You're not afraid to – the first time you shoot a gun, you grab it and hold it. You're not a – whatever you're doing, you're not tepid about it. I'm not halfway in on anything really is the problem probably. So I know that.
Starting point is 00:34:48 And you ooze with confidence. You, you, and by confidence, I mean, you believe in what your fingers and hands in mind and the coordination you have. If I give you anything to figure it out, like, you know, you know what I mean? Like some people you give them a tennis racket and they'll be like, they have like a fake humility. If you give them like a tennis racket and they're like, you would just grab and be like, here, turn the machine on high and fire some balls at me i'll give it yeah i'm gonna if i'm gonna do something like crossover
Starting point is 00:35:12 showed up and individuals and i've i've never done a crossover at that point um well because and so for an hour well i think you had a Joe Biden moment or you're hiding something. No, no, no. I think it was a senior moment. I don't know what happened. But yeah, so I practiced them for like an hour and was very frustrated. And then I had to just go and figure them out. And then I think two or three, two days later, it was just a bad, very angry. When I can't figure something out and then you got people trying to tell you what to do it's like just let me figure it out leave me alone you know so what about the first time you kissed hillary yeah were you were you tepid or or did she did she kiss you or did you kiss her or do you no no probably no tepid no tepid no do you remember where you were uh
Starting point is 00:36:02 probably my at my mom's house. Yeah. Bring her to your mom's house and kiss her. Yeah, for sure. How old were you? Oh, man. When we first met, I was 22. And did you know when she came over that you were going to kiss her?
Starting point is 00:36:24 Like, did you know, okay, this girl's coming to the house tonight and I'm probably gonna kiss her um actually you know you know what our first date was when fast and furious wow the first one i can't believe she went on a second date with you is that really a movie you can take a girl to and cook absolutely heck yeah all right so i told you i'd only had 30 minutes i gotta get going rich you're lost buddy nice seeing you though i agree good to see you brother you too rich see you guys later um so fast and furious on on on a tv set or at the theater no at the theater man that was in the theater it was circa 2020 so i yeah 2009 yeah because i went to get my level one the month after we met after we started hanging out we met probably in january then i got my level one in charlotte
Starting point is 00:37:13 north carolina in 2009 in june and then afterwards invite her back to your mom's house yeah that sounds weird but yeah and and then if you don't and at the time you didn't drink you don't really uh yeah i did at didn't drink, you don't really drink. Yeah, I did at that point. Okay. So maybe you poured her a drink then. No, she didn't drink. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:31 No, she was no alcohol. Wow. First kiss sober. Sober. Yep. It's love, you know. That's impressive. And she came back after Fast and Furious, you know.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Yeah. That's crazy too. So now. Rich camp camp there you go you got a weed story alcohol story and um first kiss yeah uh jeremy eat world oh jeremy asked another question i missed earlier sorry he's asked if you had if he's thinking about moving to cookville does hillary have any single friends uh i don't know no do you match making rich uh no i'm not um no i don't i gave up on that uh putting this towards the first annual wrestling with rich camp he needs to be wrestling with uh darren darren's uh darren's the wrestler and well all my cousins in michigan are wrestlers you just anytime we'd get into a scrum
Starting point is 00:38:24 you just try to stay off the ground as long as you can because as soon as it went to the floor, you were done for. I was a baseball guy. Really? He's good at it? Oh, yeah. Darren was really good. His brother was really good too. Yeah, it really pissed me off. $2 for the occupational games.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Thank you. Yes, yes, yes. Matthew Burns, $1. I think he got a free question and so he's trying to back pay uh okay gotcha oh what does this mean is that a shoe froning x3 uh yeah supposedly it's i'm supposed to have have it on my feet here soon it'll be more like the x1 which i obviously there was a comment about it in the video the other day i really like the x1 and that's the shoe that i wear and they're almost talking at this point like the toes are about
Starting point is 00:39:08 to fall off um that guy jeremy world sent me a picture the other day of a shoe he bought i think it was the froning shoe and it has a white strap over it that's the old school one yeah oh he said he loves it he says it's crazy wide yeah it is wide there was a shoe they made you the first froning shoe that was so narrow on the top do you remember that it was the compete i think compete 614 yeah it was a beautiful shoe but fuck i couldn't get the tongue down and tie it was the first time i ever wore a shoe where my foot was too thick going up and down yeah uh that might have been the the just plain froning that was like a standalone shoe yeah it looked like the nano 2 kind of but it wasn't yeah yeah yep i don't know which one you're talking about that one's
Starting point is 00:39:48 pretty comfortable though bam i'm here bam rosie you do any do you do any toe spacers i don't do i should do some toe spacers my uh big toe is starting to creep in on my middle toe there on both sides a little bit. Not bad, but I just, you know how it is with kids. The things that you should do sometimes just fall by the wayside because you get so concentrated on what they're doing. Could you take a toe sponsor, a toe spacer sponsorship, or do you have any conflicting sponsors? I don't think I have any conflicting sponsors. Okay, so you're open to that. I'm open to toe space. I'm open think I have any conflicting sponsors. Okay, so you're open to that. I'm open to toe spacers. I'm open to opening my toes.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Yeah. They need more people. When I think of toe spacers, I just think of Daniel Brandon. Yeah, I've tried. I have, like, bought those ones off Amazon that look like big, weird thing. But I've seen more people. They do, like, brass knuckles. Yeah, they really do.
Starting point is 00:40:42 But they're, like, blue gel. And then I think my dog got a hold of them. So my my my son had hammer toe. You know what that is? Oh, yeah. You're born with one of your toes on top of your other toe. Yeah. Did they do anything for it or no? But we put toe spacers on them. And then, of course, my kids are always barefoot. Yeah. And then I just forgot about it. And now his toes are just like completely open. But did i would put toe spacers on them probably i don't know i want to say i did it every night but it was probably more like once a week for like a year until you're right until you so i lost them yeah yeah and then they're gone trice has a weird one of his middle toes yeah he has like a double nail bed so his toenail is like two toenails off of one. It's the weirdest thing. Oh, off of one toe. Yeah. He will not let you clip that sucker either. He freaks out. Hey, I have I have a friend whose toes are webbed and then one of her kids toes is webbed. And I don't have a double nail bed, but I do have one toe that grows two nails.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Really? OK. You and Trice are the same. Yeah, it's weird. It's like and they're not like I don't have a double nail bed, but I do have one toe that grows two nails. Really? That's a trip. You and Trikes are the same. Yeah, it's weird. And they're not like, I don't know. They're just weird. I'm not familiar with this, but John George says he once dated a girl with a camel toe. I have no idea. I don't know if toe spacers can fix that.
Starting point is 00:42:01 I don't think so. I think they got the pants up too high, but it is what it is. Vittorio, Vittorio. What's a good, man, look at this. What is the population, before we get to this, do we know what the population increase is in Cookville? I don't know about increase, but we got a couple. You think it's increased in the last 15 years?
Starting point is 00:42:22 I'd say it's greatly increased in the last 15 years. Someone Google that and find that out i wonder do you can you say what you think your um influence on that growth has been uh no not really you know there has been a lot of growth in cookville just because of where it is geographically to knoxville and nashville too so um i mean we get a ton of drop-ins and we get a ton of traffic through here for sure i know for sure we've um affected the the travel to cross or to cookville um so but vittorio there's i mean there's a bunch of good neighborhoods around here um there's a bunch of cool towns really close there's not really that no bad area what he says vittorio says what's a good neighborhood to buy a house in being around a christian-based crossfit gym sounds like a good place to start god bless you and your mission thank you yeah no it's i
Starting point is 00:43:18 mean we got a good group of people here we've got a great community uh super supportive community and uh man it's it's fun fun to see it grow. When we first came into this facility, it was big, but I didn't think we'd ever fill it. And then you come in here on a weeknight and you've got one type of a kid's class. We've got our life class. We've got a regular class. It's packed and hopping in here here so yeah the the population of cookville may say 35 000 that's if you've been here someone so you know like the town itself in the city limits there's probably that's correct but there's so many people just outside or there's two or three towns that everything feeds into cookville so i think they say during like working hours there's
Starting point is 00:44:02 around 100 000 people and then when you get to university, there's another 10,000. I was going to say the university's got to have 10,000 students. Around 10,000, yeah. And thousands of employees, right? Yeah. So it's grown definitely. And like I said, that number's a little bit different too. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:44:20 33% to 2,000. How can you see this, Rich, if you're on a phone? I should go. You've got good eyes. It's popping up every time you post it on there. I know, but isn't the screen small? You have good eyes? I've got pretty decent eyes.
Starting point is 00:44:29 I had LASIK in 2012, 11. Cookville has grown 33.1% since 2000. Man, look at you, Robbie. Tennessee is growing somewhat quickly. It is growing faster than 69% Of similarly sized cities Since 2000 Thank you You're going to the Isle of Man
Starting point is 00:44:52 Rich It's the Isle of Man Oh you're going to the Isle of Man No I'm not I mean I would go I want to go there Is that the There's a bike race on that right Yeah it's like one of the most dangerous bike races in the world yeah they close the island and the dudes just launch on motorcycles launch
Starting point is 00:45:10 yeah i love the documentary on it's crazy crazy i i actually i actually am interested in going and watching that i i that i like i like um fast shit like that. Yeah, I do too, man. That lemons race that we do is awesome. What's that? So we get an old crappy car and you have to outfit it with all the safety, necessary safety stuff. And then you go to a racetrack. If there's this whole series or, you know, anybody can do it as long as you get enough. It's, it's basically a poor man's way to do a track day and get on the track with a
Starting point is 00:45:44 bunch of other cars. And man, we've do a track day and get on the track with a bunch of other cars. And, man, we've done a couple YouTube videos on it, but it is awesome. Do you drive it? Oh, yeah. We have a 94 BMW 325i. What would I Google? 24 Hours of Lemons. On our YouTube channel, the video title is 24 Hour of Lemons.
Starting point is 00:46:04 But, man, you talk about it's probably's the video title is 24 hour of lemons, but it's, man, you talk about, it's probably one of the most fun things that I've done without the pain of CrossFit, you know, like physical pain. It's so much fun. You're in like a fire suit, a Hans device. It's a full on you're, you're racing. There's 120 cars on the track. So this is just a month ago. Yeah. Yep. Is this dangerous?
Starting point is 00:46:29 I mean, isn't everything somewhat dangerous? Check the car. Looks like you have none. For a store for 50 cents on a price date. Well, I can buy a piece for $5. So you have to wear a fire suit and everything.
Starting point is 00:46:48 There's a couple in-car videos in there too got to have some fitness are there any shots of the cars going around the track yeah if you there'll be some like in-car look at it's me that's you
Starting point is 00:47:04 that guy carries around two buckeyes and says you want to see my nuts really that's his deal ohio he's coming he's from ohio yeah good dude but yeah did you ever how many laps did you do so what we do is every fuel stop you would change drivers and so i ran three hours on three hours straight on saturday and then two two hour two and a half hour stints on sunday oval track uh no it's a harbor motorsports park in birmingham alabama they have them all over the world i mean there's a ton out in california um but yeah you basically you're you're put into classes a b and c depending how crappy your car is you're supposed to be able to if they they offered you a certain, like, I forgot what the money dollar amount is that they could buy your car and then you can make any necessary safety improvements. So you put a cage in it, you put a fire suppression system in it and then wheels and tires, and then they put you in a class A, B, and C. So we were in the A class. And then if you have a really nice car, like some of these guys will put some money into some cars, they'll dock you laps. And then from eight to five,
Starting point is 00:48:09 you run as many laps as you can. And then they stop it. And then on Sunday from eight to five, you run as many laps as you can. We finished, I think, 16th. We had a couple incidents where we got ran into and then had to serve some... If you bump or touch or hit anybody, you have to go into the pits and basically they ridicule you as well. So, uh, try to keep the ego out of it and let you race a little bit, but not be stupid. Cause you get some guys out there that it's like any, any competition, you get some idiots out there, but man, it's, it's so much fun. Someone bumped you. Yeah. So I was, I was setting up for a corner and somebody just dive bomb me and, uh, drove right into my left rear quarter panel. Didn't really do anything. It took off the bumper cover and they had me come in and, um, he's like, uh, we saw that he actually hit you and he just wanted to make sure I didn't have a concussion, but I didn't, it didn't hurt me at whatsoever. So. Do you ever talk to the guy afterwards? The guy who hit you?
Starting point is 00:49:02 Uh, no, actually. Um, no, I didn't. It's just one of those racing things. Yeah. What a trip. And you think he knew what he was doing? Uh, maybe. Yeah. Maybe he's just trying to get a, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:14 You come in that hot on that corner. Like it was turn one and you're, you're about a hundred miles an hour and you're setting up to take a hard left and then a quick right. And so, you know, you've got a, you've got it set up on the corner and he was not set up on the corner and just drove it in there too deep. So, so do you say, um, Hey, Hillary, um, I'd like to, uh, spend some money fixing up a car and race it on the track. So what we did was lane. So lane, the guy that you said looked like you haven't, he drove our, um, hill climb car that we sponsored the um pikes peak hill climb we sponsored his car with mayhem and so it's kind of a return he had this car and was
Starting point is 00:49:55 like hey come drive with me and and then uh that was last year and then this year we just kind of like paid to help fix it up and then paid our entry fee. So the car was already bought basically. And we just bought into the car, but it's, it's worth it. It's so much fun. So that's the, that's the, that's the spiel you give her. Yeah. Yeah. I just always, she talked to you about the danger, like mental health, you know? Oh, right. Oh yeah. Good. Good. My mental health's important. Oh, and then, um, is she worried about your safety? Will she be like, yeah, she actually,
Starting point is 00:50:24 I don't think she understands kind of what we do a lot of the time. Um, I think it, she kind of just like blocks it out a little bit. Like, it doesn't for her mental health. Yeah. I think it's for her mental health. She kind of blocks out what we do. I don't know if I'd be able to talk. I get away with a lot of shit. I don't know if I'd be able to rate. Uh, it's fun. It's awesome. to talk i get away with a lot of shit i don't know if i'd be able to rate uh rich are you it's fun it's awesome rich are you excited uh for elevation worship's new album as i am we just had
Starting point is 00:50:53 elevation out here last week i actually didn't know about it oh they came out to support uh the atlas free event mayhem for freedom event we did and they're man is that a band elevation worship it's a church in uh based out of north Carolina, and their worship band does some albums. But they've supported a ton, and they matched any money that we raised for a lot of our causes with Mayhem Mission. And so really cool partner and want to support them. So looking forward to that for sure. Why do you think people, how does that work? Why do those people want to affiliate with you?
Starting point is 00:51:29 They see you're a good ambassador for Christianity or what, what, what happens? Rory calls those people and says, Hey, we're having an event. You guys want to partake? I mean, what's in it for them? That relationship we've, we've, we've had for the past four or five years. Brian had a connection there. They actually, they, I think they heard us listening to their music in one of our YouTube videos and just kind of struck up a relationship. And they're about supporting, you know, people and partnering with good groups.
Starting point is 00:51:58 And that's what we're about with Mayhem Mission as well. And so I think it's just helping people. That's that's kind of with with Mayhem, with what they do. Serve is it's just helping people. That's kind of with Mayhem, with what they do. Serve is a big part of what we want to do here and feel like we've been given the things that we've been given and we want to give back in some way. And what was the event? Tell me what the event was and what it was. So it's Mayhem for Freedom. And so we work with Atlas Free, formerly Rescue Freedom, and they go in and rescue people that are human trafficked and then help them kind of rehabilitate. There's some rehabilitation houses. And so, yeah, we support them and kind of come like with Mayhem Mission, what we try to do. Like sex trafficking? You're talking about yeah yeah specifically that yeah yeah i mean it's all all forms of human trafficking but yeah sex trafficking is is the that's probably the the biggest one so um but yeah atlas freedom they do a bunch of cool stuff jeremy runs that and uh yeah so we just want to we got another event coming up with Never Thirst, where they drill wells in areas that are lacking in water.
Starting point is 00:53:12 And so it's pretty cool to come along and be a part of it. Do you follow politics very much? Did you follow what happened in the Virgin Islands with J.P. Morgan and Joe Biden a few months ago? I follow politics, but I did not see that one. So basically, the reason why it popped on my radar today is you know about this guy, Jeffrey Epstein, right? Oh, yeah. And he had some island and he's being accused of all sorts of trafficking. And then they caught him and they put him in jail and then he hung himself right that's the story
Starting point is 00:53:49 and then they got and then they got his um his partner that giselle maxwell girl they have her they tried her as being like an accomplice i think she was like i think she somehow like if you i started watching the Netflix thing and I couldn't fucking handle it. I made it like a 13 part series. I mean, it's 20 minutes. Yeah, it's very dark. Unfortunately, it's too dark for me. And so basically, so she's in jail and supposedly there's this list of people.
Starting point is 00:54:18 And she has. Yeah. And he was a very wealthy guy and people and there's this list of people who are on his jet and who went to his island. And there's all these people like who want to condemn those people who went to the Island. And it's like, I'm sure we've all hung out with people who've done some really horrific shit and we didn't know it. So like, it's not an, for me, it's not enough. Guilty by association. Yeah. Like, like if someone said to me, Hey, do you want to go on my jet to my Island?
Starting point is 00:54:40 I'd be like, yeah, let's go. Yeah. I, so, so maybe I'm just naive. I'm fine with that but then this weird thing happens where um the the attorney general of the virgin islands a few months ago opened up a case against uh opened up a case a case against jp morgan and said hey we're going to do an investigation on you guys for child sex trafficking and and jeffrey epstein well yeah four days later joe biden flew down there this is this isn't like conspiracy shit this is like right you can just you can just go like new york times washington
Starting point is 00:55:14 you can go to all the lib mags and see this he flew down there for vacation but he did meet with the governor of one of the areas, and he said – or of the Virgin Islands. And four days later, that attorney general was fired, the one who opened up the case against JP Morgan for the child sex trafficking with Jeffrey Epstein. Well, yesterday, this guy, his name is Jay Salesley, Jess Salesley, J-E-S-S-A-Y-L-E-Y or something like that. I was just reading the article. Once again, and I always try to use liberal sources. Right, right. I try to look at both sides. I try to look at both sides. fucking this president of jp morgan had 1200 emails with epstein and with pictures of little little kids in there and them talking about sex having sex with those kids and i'm thinking and our president went over there and coincidentally four days later the attorney general who was looking into that bank uh first uh you know sex trafficking was fired it's just it's it's just too much
Starting point is 00:56:26 is jp morgan in manhattan or no yeah they're just they're one of the largest banks in the world you didn't get my reference there did you uh no manhattan man uh no somebody else got indicted in manhattan oh yes yes right right right well that that's the that's the crazy thing so this guy legally gave money to some girl he had sex with, and it's legal, and said, hey, don't talk about it. But he filed it wrong on his taxes, so they're going after him. So the whole – everything, this – both sides are just so – it's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. I'm reading a book on – I'm reading George Washington's biography by Ron Chernow.
Starting point is 00:57:03 You recommend it? Oh, yeah. It's great. I mean, it's really cool. And it's dense. It's like 925 pages. Who's the author again? Ron Chernow.
Starting point is 00:57:15 He wrote one on Washington, and he wrote another one on Ulysses S. Grant. So I have this kind of – I have a goal to read a biography on every U.S. president. I read Bill O'Reilly's killing books, all of his killing books. And so I got really into that for some reason after reading killing Kennedy, killing Reagan. So I've read Reagan's I'm on Washington's now. Um, I don't know if I'm going to go straight through or skip around, but, um, and after reading this, this one is, it's pretty good. It's, uh, I mean, it's pretty good it's uh i mean it's very it's it's like i said it's dense it goes into every and everything any and everything about george washington um you could possibly think about because he was super calculated and wrote
Starting point is 00:57:56 out everything so it goes through all of his journals and um i'm at the point now where i'm like 88 through it where he's um the first president and how much, you know, he just he didn't want to do it and then did it and then wanted didn't want to do a second term. And then basically he was the perfect man for the job at the time. So it's just crazy to look at the time then versus now. And, you know, did they try to make him a dictator? Did they try to offer him a kingship over the United States and he know it's just did they try to make him a dictator did they try to offer him a kingship over the united states and he turned it down there's some just kind of one of the main things they said was you know he was perfect for it because he had one of the main reasons people
Starting point is 00:58:34 pushed him so much they didn't want a monarch, like he had a lot of death in the family and he would always, was always super generous with his, um, with his family. And, uh, you know, everybody has their faults. never got a girl pregnant no biological kids so they don't know if it was his wife or him um but yeah so it's i mean there's no idea not that he was perfect but it's it's cool to kind of look back and see and uh i mean he definitely screwed some stuff up and they talked about you know how tack like how militarily he probably wasn't the the brightest because he was a little slow with his maneuvers and tactics but he he was brilliant in tricking the British into thinking we had more men or keeping men on. Or, you know, at one point, I think we had less than 700 rounds and no, no barrels of gunpowder and to trick the British into not attack. Like it's, it's pretty masterful what he did, but then as a president and managing people, he did a pretty good job. There was a lot of things he did not do well would he did, but then as a president and managing people, um, he did a pretty good job. There was a lot of things he did not do well would be slavery, but, um, it was, it was a,
Starting point is 00:59:51 it's a good read. If you want to, if you like history, I like history. I'm a history guy. So when do you read? Oh, well, sorry. Audio I I'm audio booking it. I have to go at one point. So I've learned I can't do at one speed. It has to be 1.5 or 1.75 because my brain, I have to be trying to keep up to hang on to the words. If I start getting ahead of it, my brain wanders somewhere else. So I listen at 1.75. When I'm doing farm work or the kids aren't around or doing a bunch of biking stuff, I'll just listen to it and so like i said i'm about 88 through it so so there was a footage of you um working on the electric fence so that would be a time when you'd be listening to it that would be a time when i'd be listening
Starting point is 01:00:34 to it yep if nobody's around if i'm by myself um for sure and and will you put your phone like on no cellular data or something like that so no one can call you and bug you? No. No, I'll just keep it on because usually, like I said, there's kids and got to be on top of whatever's going on. Would love to see Rich speak to boys 16 to 25 on dating as a young man, marriage, health going into older age. I know I'm curious what rich is going to say how old are you rich 35 almost 36 do you have any gray hairs i'm bald in the back everybody knows that everybody wants to tell me about that on the internet but do you have any gray hair i think i
Starting point is 01:01:16 got some random ones coming in my beard sometimes i usually try to yank those out if i see them though i don't know you're bald and gray can you imagine making a post on the internet? Um, excuse me, sir. Uh, I see that you're losing hair on the top of your head. You'd be surprised. It happens all the time. Thank you. I appreciate that for letting me know. Someone has to, God, think about picking up your keyboard and your fingers. Hey, good workout, but you're losing the back losing the hair on the back of your head. Thanks. Listen, people. Those fingertips that you touch your wife's vagina with, that you touch your own penis with, that you feed yourself with, why are you letting them type dumb shit on the keyboard?
Starting point is 01:01:58 Man, that's awesome. These are amazing. Don't let them. You fondle boobs with these. Don't let them do dumb things. Oh, my goodness goodness that's great it doesn't bother me anymore i'm like yeah i know and they're like just shave your head i'm like i don't want to shave my head no your hair looks good don't shave it do time i don't want great yeah thanks man i appreciate that you look you look you look great um i um i am curious what it is going to be like for you, though, to it is going to be fun to hear you talk about getting older and slowing down.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, I think you're going to enjoy it. Man, it's yes and no. You know, it is frustrating on days where I'm like, man, I should like. So take this weekend, for instance, we did quarterfinals Friday night. I did event to A and b so it was all those box jumps um a thousand shuttle runs so my calves were lit up the lunges on saturday afternoon so glutes were a little fired up so i was pretty sore leg calves and glutes and then hitting all those thrusters my My knee was a little, hey, bro, you haven't hit that depth with that weight in a long time. So it was a little angry.
Starting point is 01:03:16 And then that afternoon, we played some flag football. And so yesterday and today, I'm definitely feeling my age. But I don't want to stop doing those things because I know at some point I won't be able to do those things. So everybody's like, what are you doing going to play flag football? But if I can, I still want to. And then, like I said, I'm coaching Trice's baseball team, so I'll get out there in the yard with him and still have to show him I'm the more dominant male in our family. And so I've got to show him who's boss every once in a while. Yeah, my kid. How old is he? He'll be six in like two,
Starting point is 01:03:45 three weeks. Has he told you that he's better at you at some stuff yet? No, I kid knows. He knows who's the boss. Yeah. My kids try to tell me stuff that they're better at me then. And then I have to like find some, I have to like find some way to mush them, mash them down. For sure. You gotta like, you can't keep them humble. Right. Right. People call it bullying. I call it parenting. They need that boundary. For sure. They need that boundary. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:11 I, so I was actually thinking, you know, I started CrossFit when I was 34 and I wasn't athletic like you at all, but I pushed as hard as I could. And then around, I don't know what year it was between 39 and let's say 44, I was injured a lot, lot bad injuries all the lower back injuries where you know like i stuck in bed or i had to crawl and pee in the shower shit like that and i actually told my wife today i said holy shit i haven't hurt my back in five years and it's because i don't say that man it's because it's because i just i took the gas
Starting point is 01:04:40 way off the pedal right not in terms of frequency but just in terms of just shit to do you know i mean like this isn't gonna what what what is some of the dumbest things like when you were younger would what would be some of the dumbest things you would do like could you ever just go in and like do a warm-up with a set of 10 with 300 pounds deadlifts yeah i mean all kind of that we were notorious on no warm-up whatsoever now i can't even think about not hitting some type of machine uh before i bend down to pick up my keys you know like right okay i'm just kidding but yeah no warm it is like that you're a machine guy to warm you want to see a bead of sweat before you pick a 45 pound plate off we'll hit some intervals and i'll be like all right first round's going to be a warm up.
Starting point is 01:05:26 That might be my warm up. But yeah, I've definitely got to get some blood flowing, get the heart rate up, and definitely get some juices flowing before I'm going to try to lift anything heavy these days. And a heavy for a
Starting point is 01:05:42 day might not look like... Like I said, I hit 353 this weekend on clean and I have not hit that in two years. I haven't hit anything over 325 in a long, long, long time. So, you know, if it's their strike while the iron's hot, and then there's days where it's, you know, hey, that's, that's not what I need to be doing. Or, you know, I'm to the point to where it's, I'm trying to have a lot of fun doing fitness as well. So like, I do a lot less of the things that I need to be doing to get better and more things that, Hey, I'm going to count that because I did something today. I, I, yeah, I don't want to jinx you. I'll save it for the next time.
Starting point is 01:06:19 No, Hey, I mean, I've been there, you know? Okay. Well, are you going to, do you think it's going to take something – Big injury to – Stop you? Yeah. Are you going to go until, like, a wheel falls off? Yeah, oh, yeah. I'm going until the wheels fall off.
Starting point is 01:06:34 I want to use – when I talk to God, I want him to be like, wow, you used that – you used your body up. You know, I don't want anything – I always joke. So Thomas Lin, I don't know if you've probably met Thomas. He went to the games years ago uh as a master's 650s 50s master i think he's in his 60s now and we always joke that he's ghost of my crossfit future you know like the the christmas carol because he just had double knee replacement now he's like walking around like he's in here every day though him and his wife his wife is a coach for us she teaches what is that double knee replacement?
Starting point is 01:07:05 Meaning his kneecaps are not his kneecaps? They're like fake? It's artificial? It's not his kneecaps. It's basically both ends of his bones are not his knees. How do they do that? They cut off the end of your bone? Hack them off and then drive something into there.
Starting point is 01:07:20 And apparently it's all... God, that sounds risky. It sounds so bad. But apparently it's the greatest thing ever. It sounds so bad, but apparently that sounds risky ever. Yeah. So, but dude, Thomas is in here now and he's like, he used to kind of just kind of somber around a lot. What I think I look like when I walk.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Um, but he now is just like, you know, walks around like it's nothing. And he said, it was great. So, yeah, I don't know. You know, like my knock on wood, overall health, shoulders coming back. I can do some stuff now without with very minimal pain and I'm sleeping well with that shoulder. But the knee every once in a while, this left knee where I had that meniscus taken out, pieces of it taken out that it just it never kind of came back to what it was before that. So I've just got to be smart on those days. jeremy is uh eat world is still waiting for his reparations there you go george washington um rich you said in this video that i watched um first let me say audrey listen uh i love hearing about other shit that interests rich besides
Starting point is 01:08:18 cross yeah but listen to this question this is a crossfit question you're gonna love this one let me see if i can sway you here we go go. Stand by. You said that you have snatched 300 pounds three times in your life. 300 pounds or more. Yep. Sounds right. In a recent video. How many attempts have you made at 300 pounds? Have you only made three attempts? Probably six or seven attempts so not a lot not even it's been a while i snatched the first time i snatched 300 was in like 2013 maybe 10 years ago and then i think i hit it at the invitational one of the invitationals i almost hit it at a regional one time i missed it so that's one attempt i know i missed and then i hit it in the liftoff, which was like 306.
Starting point is 01:09:08 And then I've not even tried to get anything close. I hit 275 last year at the semifinals and felt like I could have. That was a good day for me. So yeah, those days are few and far between for me. I think the question that he started with was, do you think you'll ever PR again? I said, not on a lift. I'm just not at that point in my life anymore that i really care about that um right you know that's a good sign that's it yeah yeah i think so i want to i mean a few years ago you
Starting point is 01:09:35 kind of stopped even going to the pain cave i mean i had hayley i had hayley on a couple years ago and she's like you don't even know rich rich doesn doesn't go to the dark place and you still so fit. And then I had you on. Is that true? And you're like, yeah, that's true. I don't, I'm a big softy when it comes to that. I I'm like the event for 15, five, the row thruster. I just, I did not, I remember that workout and then I said, I'd never do it again.
Starting point is 01:09:58 And then of course it showed up and I just could not get my mind right to do it. So I procrastinated that for a good 45 minutes when I was warmed up probably an hour before that. So yeah, I just, the older I get, the less, you know, you kind of wish you had that oblivious to how bad things are going to hurt, like when you first started CrossFit, because you could go to those places.
Starting point is 01:10:18 And now it's almost like a detriment that you know how bad it's going to hurt. So yeah. Manny C. Serrano, my wife was planning to surprise me and send me to training with Rich. Uh, you just said 28th camp, right? Yep. 28. How often do you do those? Usually every quarter, every couple of months, Josh wants to do more and it's, it's fun, but it was Josh, uh, Josh Malone that runs mayhem here. on, but it was Josh, uh, Josh Malone that runs mayhem here. Okay. Uh, he's our COO too, but, um, it's, it's just emotionally taxing. Like I love it, love meeting new people, but by the time I'm done with it, cause I'm, you know, I would not say I'm an introvert,
Starting point is 01:10:57 but I'm not an extrovert either. And so you want to make sure when people are paying to come hang out that they're getting something and getting a good product. And so you're trying to be on at all times. And so by the end of that weekend, I'm just shot. We had a really good group this last time. We've had good groups every time, but this last time was a lot of fun. And, um, yeah, we just get some fitness in and hang out and, um, and you know, we've got an incredible community and people that support us. So, um, we have a ton of fun. So, yeah, we do them every we do probably four or five a year. Where do people sign up?
Starting point is 01:11:30 And I think there's a Train with Rich tab. I think in June we have our next one. It may be sold out, though. And how many? We do 30. We do 30. If we could house more logistically, but you don't want to water down the product.
Starting point is 01:11:44 And I want to have some type of connect, try to get some type of connection with each person. If you get too many than 30, then it's just not going to happen. What do you mean? Um, how, how's. Like at the gym having, you know, enough equipment and enough space for probably 50, but you don't want to, I don't want to, don't want the water down the product. Basically. It's in it's three days three days yeah friday night people come in hang out work out usually do a workout or two maybe depends on the group and what we're doing and then saturday uh kind of all day and sage bergener will come in sometimes and do some
Starting point is 01:12:16 lifting stuff sometimes henshaw has come and and taking them through aerobic stuff and then we've got pamela who runs our mayhem gymnastic stuff. She'll come in and do a little like tutorial, some Jack gymnastic stuff. We'll hit a bunch of different workouts, um, depending on what we've done. And then Sunday, uh, we have a barbecue. One of the members here, he's like a pit master. So he'll, uh, smoke some brisket and we'll have a little food bar. And then Sunday come in, have a little devotional and a workout a couple of times and send them on their way around noon, one o'clock.
Starting point is 01:12:48 So it's kind of three days to three days. Age range? All over. We've had I think we cap it at 18, but then on the young side. And then I think we had a 73 year old one of the times. And just, hey, you know, at the beginning, we're like, Hey, here to have fun. Um, we're going to tell you kind of the RX and then come to us. If you have any ailments, any scaling, leave the ego at the door. It's more about, Hey, let's have some fun. We'll talk about why we do some of the stuff that we do, why we do it a little bit different at times. And, um, it is a ton of fun. Yeah. Ever had three generations there?
Starting point is 01:13:26 Ever had a son, a dad, and a grandpa? Or a daughter, a dad, and a grandma? We've had two generations. I don't think we've had three. I could be wrong, but I know we've had two. I really like the way you said that, too. You're trying to connect. You want to connect with everyone there yeah
Starting point is 01:13:46 yeah you i mean you could like i said we could do 50 but i don't feel like you might not talk to someone yeah yeah you might not know do you normally know everyone's name by the time the weekend by the time we get to the end you get you get a read on definitely um most of them you know there's some that are still a little bit more reserved and you're almost like, dang, I feel bad at, you know, but they, you know, you'll talk to them at the end. Cause we take pictures and do all that stuff. And you're like, there are a couple every once in a while, like, dang it. I never really connected, connected with them, but luckily we have a bunch of athletes that, you know, they're kind of
Starting point is 01:14:17 circulating around and, um, are a part of the weekend too. And so, um, you know, I hope everybody has a positive experience coming out of it. What would you say to someone who's going to come to that? What advice would you give them? Hey, don't be shy. You came here to see me shake my hand. Like let's do it. Absolutely. And that's one of the things we do a couple of Q and A's. And so probably two, one hour Q and A's and I'm like, anything's on the table. We've talked any and everything. We've talked family. We've talked faith. We've talked, uh, the state of CrossFit. We've talked, um, nutrition, all of it. So that's what I tell people. I'm like, Hey, nothing's off the table. Let's talk about it. So it's like I said,
Starting point is 01:14:54 it's pretty cool. People ever cry at this thing? We've had a couple. We, uh, one of our guys that's been to a bunch of them, Travis, he got married here, him and his wife, Nick right here. At a, at a, at a richest training camp must be a good text he's reading potential spam jerks hey um was it um a um he got me he came he comes to a train with rich event and then he got he came to one with his wife and got married. Story goes, he was a recovering addict and he kind of came out of one of his his episodes and saw the games on ESPN and started following us, started coming to train with Rich and fell in love with it. Good, good, solid dude. Good friend of ours now. And then asked if we could do the wedding at mayhem. And we were like,
Starting point is 01:15:46 we've never done one, but absolutely let's go. So, um, yeah. So we've got some pretty cool stories like that. Uh, Anthony TPA, what up rich? You any good at pickleball? It's good on the joints old man. Keep killing it. I know like it's just that left cut, you know, I was watching, I actually watched on ESPN. They had it with like andy roddick uh andre agassi john mackinrow and so it was fun to watch i i would like to get into more pickleball i'm actually um we talked about putting some painting some courts in the parking lot um i've oh here we go david attaway no i've tried to sign
Starting point is 01:16:22 up for training with rich for two years now. Train with rich, but keep missing it later this year. Hopefully it sounds like it's already sold out for June. Is that true? I know Josh is probably like, Hey, asshole.
Starting point is 01:16:33 It's not sold out. Don't say that. Yeah. I don't know. Josh, Josh handles all that. We've got a waiting, we've had a waiting list a couple of times, or we'll have people added to a list that they get first.
Starting point is 01:16:42 Um, right. If they keep missing or something like that. So email Josh. He's on there. John Mc... Mc... You read.
Starting point is 01:16:54 What's the first name? McMoil? McLemoyle? Okay, good. Richard, wait, wait, wait. Don't take my job. Are you going to read Alexander Hamilton's biography? I highly recommend it.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Yeah, first U.S. Treasury and then his presidency. Yeah, I'm in the point right now in Washington's biography that him and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison have a little falling out. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison have a little falling out. I'm actually going to read the Federalist Papers next is on my reading list, where they break down the Constitution into, you know, what they what they intended. And so what's that book called? Is it called the Federalist Papers called the Federalist Papers? Yeah. So basically, they were when you're going to read that, I'm going to read that with you. And we're going to come on and do it and talk about it. I'm down. I'm down. Yeah. So basically they were trying to tell me when you're going to read that. I'm going to read that with you and we're going to come on and do it and talk about it. I'm down. I'm down. Yeah. I want to be more versed in that stuff.
Starting point is 01:17:48 I went to Boy State when I was in high school and I was really into government and actually thought about going to school for poli sci and then got into the fire department and really didn't want to do school anymore. So I switched to exercise science. But the. Hey, we'll leverage. Let's both read that and we'll leverage your popularity to get some like professor from some fucking from like hosedale college to come be like and school us on that shit i'm all for it you know i i want to be more versed on you we're talking politics like i want to i want to actually know and have a real opinion on some of this stuff because it is we're getting kind of crazy and everything else but i want to have facts to back it up not just you know reading what what do you think about like um honesty you know jimmy carter one time said i remember when i was a little kid when he was
Starting point is 01:18:38 president but he said something like he's guilty of lust he was a one of our you know he's the president united states and he said he was guilty for lusting after um other women besides his wife and like he admitted that i guess he was like a really religious man yeah very christian guy um which is interesting right because he's a democrat and now they've it's it's like almost like they've i don't know any i don't know any democrats who have like strong values like that anymore i mean joe biden's a catholic if you read the internet yeah i guess you're right uh yeah i don't they're not supposed to be into like abortion and and and like mutilating they're not supposed to be doing bad shit like that here's the deal is we're all human and we're all fallible and right you you got to be able to stand on what you believe and
Starting point is 01:19:20 um and admit your faults right just be honest be honest. Yeah. Okay. I did smoke weed in the third grade and I did look through the crack in the bathroom stall and saw the girls change. I'm guilty. You know, we talk religion. I call faith, you know, like I that's, that's why I believe in Jesus and why I need Jesus. Cause I know I screw up. I'm, I'm not perfect. And I do a bunch of stupid stuff and I do it on the regular and And, you know, that's but you got to be able to, you know, it might be different when you're in it and you're like, oh, no, no, I'm fine. But then you're going to come to terms with it eventually and be like, yeah, I screwed up. And so if you can admit that, you know, and it's it's not an easy thing to do that. And I think it comes with wisdom, comes with age.
Starting point is 01:20:03 And you realize some of those things when you're younger that you think are way more important, aren't necessarily that important. You know, we're at a point, both of us that it's like, hey, what we thought maybe when we were younger, that's what we needed to be doing. And then now I mean, kids have put me in such perspective of life and everything about just who they are and what they are and how like it's scary how moldable kids are and you don't want to like you know it's it's tough like being a parent's the hardest thing ever and so i want to have as much i want to try to answer those questions for them from my perspective and tell them hey like my parents did my parents were very and and that's
Starting point is 01:20:43 more my leadership style of like, Hey, I've, I'm going to get there, get in there and do it with you. And I'm going to do the hard work with you. I'm never going to ask you to do something that I didn't do, but then I'm also going to be real with you of like, Hey, you can do this, but this is what it did for me or did to me or did to my life. And so, um, you know, it's, it's crazy what kids are subject to now, what versus what we were subject to when we were younger, it's, it's hard what kids are subject to now versus what we were subject to when we were younger. It's hard and it's heavy to think about. I want to be – going back to what you were saying about being fallible, I think one of the biggest problems we have in society is that we don't accept people when they say sorry. Yeah. people um when they say sorry yeah and i and i use the word accept instead of the word forgive because i forgive i feel like you're still kind of holding on to a little bit but except so
Starting point is 01:21:31 like we're in this we're in these weird positions now where we and because we don't accept people for their um shortcomings people want to lie right so like you have nicholas joyal and you know he got caught for doing steroids a couple years ago and he just came out and was honest about it and like i'd like to see just a group of i would like to see the vast majority of people say hey thanks for being honest yeah we accept we accept you and instead it's like in big picture even like pfizer why can't the ceo of pfizer come out and be like, we've killed some kids. Yeah. Or we're trying to make money. And they can't say that because we're not nurturing a society that rewards honesty or acceptance. Right. And I don't know what the answer is, by the way. I'm just it's it's it's not easy to solve.
Starting point is 01:22:20 Yeah. I mean, it's not something that you can just keep. Hey, I screwed up again. I screwed up again. I screwed up again. Sorry, sorry. For big things. But yeah, you're not promoting, we're not promoting a society of honesty because people are so afraid that they're going to get canceled, you know, and especially for things they said or did 15 or 20 years ago, which, I mean, you look at George Washington, for example, he's an awful person because he had slaves. Slavery is awful and it was a terrible thing, but we have to learn from those things. And if we're going to continue to cancel people and try to push them out, how are we going
Starting point is 01:22:53 to learn from those things? And they're not going to repeat that cycle again. Like it just, you know, why, why not? Hey, he did these things. Well, he did these things bad. Let's try to mimic the leadership style that he had where he instead of, you know, went off the first whim always. He would listen to guys and different people in his circle and make an educated decision instead of a snap decision at all times. Certain situations, you got to make a snap decision.
Starting point is 01:23:21 He wasn't really good at that. But, you know and hey the slavery thing was bad let's let's figure out that that doesn't need to happen again you know so um seven said uh pickleballs for bitches that's true uh see savvy uh i told you when i sent you the pickleball ig it's a. I'm not saying there's a lot of stupid sports. We participate in one. Okay. Listen.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Okay, everyone get stopped with the pickleball. He was watching it because it was Roddick and John McEnroe. Exactly. Listen, Rich can do anything. The only good thing about pickleball that's ever happened is going to be if rich actually paints a court that'll be the first uh good thing that ever happened um josh saunders uh wearing the ceo shirt uh god he looks a little bit like a latin tony budding doesn't he can you see that a little bit yeah rich are you excited for fresh coast fitness festival yeah absolutely it's beautiful it's where uh that event i'm going to Michigan. Going to have some fun.
Starting point is 01:24:25 Going back to the homeland. And then I want to, I'm going to try to find a, wait for a Tigers game. And I'll go back to the east side of the state. But man, it's beautiful over on that side of the western Michigan. Tiger game is baseball? Detroit Tigers, yeah. I have a selfish question to ask you. I can see that we're coming to our end everyone hang
Starting point is 01:24:46 tight if you have to take a pee break don't we're about to get to some really important shit deep stuff first kissing shit so i've just bought a sled from rogue okay it is my first sled um and i think it's like the dog two or whatever it's a cheap one like 350 110 for shipping yep and it has that pole in the middle and you can put weights on it how what are what are do you love a sled like should i be using it three times a week i'm 51 like i'm a you know it's new equipment i want to go out there and just push that thing until i break it i love to hate it it's very painful and you can do a lot of different it It's pretty versatile. If you talk to, if you look at or read any of Ben Patrick's stuff, the knees over toes guy, he says every single day you should be pushing or pulling some type of sled. So I've been leaving the sled empty of weight, pushing it 25 feet, pulling it back 25 feet.
Starting point is 01:25:40 That takes about 30 seconds with no weight. And then, and then, uh, and then do that for 20 and then every minute on the minute, do it for 20 minutes is my warmup. But I'm like, dude, I'm, I'm like addicted to this thing. Yeah, it's good. I mean, it's super low impact. I think there's a ton of benefit. You get some single leg, uh, pressing and, um, you know, a lot less, you know, in our advanced age, advanced mileage, not age mileage. We're not going to talk age, but, um, I think, yeah, it was definitely healthy to push a sled. I use it a ton, especially when I'm getting ready to go out West elk hunting. I think there's a ton of crossover with that and climbing those nasty
Starting point is 01:26:14 mountains. Um, so yeah, I, I like a sled. I love, like I said, I love to hate it really, you know, it's very painful and you can add it into a ton of things and make stuff hard, um, by using it. and you can add it into a ton of things and make stuff hard by using it. What about pulling it, tying a rope to it? Yep, getting it kind of at your waist or with your hands pulling. Yeah, I think Rogue makes those handles that you just attach to it with a carabiner, and you pull and throw them on there. You can push it back, pull it back, whatever you want to do. Put it around your waist and walk with it.
Starting point is 01:26:42 It's a pretty versatile piece of equipment, and you can do some, like I said, you can, you can make up some nasty combinations with it for sure. What about, um, strength really load that thing up and, and, uh, use it for some accessory on squatting or whatever else you're doing. Uh, Rich, you were awesome on the cam Haynes podcast. I totally agree. Thanks. Thanks. I cam was fun dude he was a solid solid dude you know it's fun i'm gonna we'll go back to this legend one second i'm glad you said that normally i wouldn't pull up a post like this but you know what i liked on it it goes back to that tepid thing again it does not matter if someone gives you a wiffle ball bat like you'll hold it like it's like everything you're just like a weapon yeah like in just like i could see with the sewing machine be like yeah come here yeah i'll sew something bring that over here and that's how you were on that podcast too
Starting point is 01:27:32 that's not arrogant at all but like you get there and it's like yep there's rich in another environment he feels completely comfortable in and yeah you were awesome on it i think that just comes with age i think you know if you look back at some of the first videos we did, me and you even together, being in front of a camera, you're a little bit timid. I mean, I've been doing this for 13 years now, really. And so I've kind of grown in front of it. And I, you know, when we first started and when I first started competing, my biggest fear was speaking in front of people. competing, my biggest fear was speaking in front of people. And now as long as it's a, with a moderator or taking questions from a crowd, I don't want to give up and get, get up and give a 15, 20 minute speech, but a book report on the Federalist papers. Maybe I could do that now,
Starting point is 01:28:14 you know, like I'm getting there, but I just would rather, I want to know what people want to know, you know, like, that's what I, I want them to be interested versus me, you know, stroking my own ego on me talking BS, what I think. So what, what, what, um, what should I do sleds with, um, that it's, that's also legs. What other, I mean, obviously it would mix well with like pull-ups and whatever. Yeah, absolutely. Push pull always. Um, I mean, dude, if you, we've done one a hundred foot sled push, so 50 down, 50 back and like 15 air squats for 10 rounds, that'll get you right for sure.
Starting point is 01:28:51 OK, you can do that. Oh, yeah. 100 percent. It will be uncomfortable and you will not like it, but it'll be a good one. I mean, you can throw a front squat in there. You could thruster. I mean, any it's any and every combination you can do. It's the beauty of what we do, man. We can combine anything and make it bad. You ever had a bicep injury? Yeah. So this left, when I was having the shoulder issue, one of the problems I had was the ligament that holds my bicep tendon in its groove is torn.
Starting point is 01:29:21 So it'll sublux. And so, yeah, I get some bicep bicep stuff and i haven't in a while since i've been doing so much you get it up high up here well it starts here and then i'll feel it like rolling at the bottom a little bit which probably isn't the greatest um but all that pt stuff that i've been doing for my shoulder has helped a ton but yeah um you might have you have some tendonitis or something in that bicep or? No, I did something really stupid. I want to snatch a hundred pound dumbbell for 10. And I've been fucking around.
Starting point is 01:29:56 I heard it three months ago and I was lowering the 70 as slow as I could. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like just doing two on the minute for like 30 minutes while watching some mayhem videos probably and lowering as slow as I could. And. You know what I mean? Like just doing two on the minute for like 30 minutes while watching some mayhem videos probably and lowering as slow as I could. And something happened on the way down. I woke up in the morning and now it's the longest
Starting point is 01:30:11 I've ever not done a pull-up in my life. It hurts right here. Like I've never gone a day without doing a pull-up my whole life. And now I can't even do one fucking pull-up. I mean, I can, but it hurts. Do you have light dumbbells? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:23 You could do real slow. two pounders yeah i've been doing that curls yeah to kind of you know get everything it could be a tendon or have you had anybody look at it at all no bruising or anything no i'm not a doctor so i don't take my medical advice but but i have been doing that two pound dumbbells yeah you can go even heavier than that too you know like add a five or a 10 or something like that. As long as it doesn't hurt. Yeah, as long as you're not in a 5 of pain, like more of just kind of a dull, then you could definitely do that. Rob Miller, when are you going to get Andy Stumpf on? Andy.
Starting point is 01:31:02 I can't answer that one. That's you. Thank you. When's your podcast starting back up when when is when is your studio getting um studios done they're just i'm dragging my feet on starting it uh dollar 99 eric wise dad chats with rish josh and seven once a month i have to tell you that i had this really like when when matt stopped coming on the podcast i wanted to keep the name of the podcast still uh josh matt and savon and then just all of a sudden have rich start coming on oh geez but it was a sensitive time and it didn't ever happen but i really wanted to do it just do dad chats chats. I'd do some dad chats for sure.
Starting point is 01:31:46 This last, last question, this picture behind you. I really liked these ladies. Yep. They're good dudes. Yep. They've,
Starting point is 01:31:56 but, but, but I think that picture, it's time for that picture to come down. No, we've seen multiple pictures, you know? All right. All right.
Starting point is 01:32:02 We need last year's team. We need to get more in here. So I'm feeling a little um what's the word not romantic uh nostalgic yeah yeah and kind of like loyal like i'm just bummed that they're on another team now i'm bummed that they went somewhere else i don't blame them she's boning like she's boning her married to one of the trainers there right uh nick nick's her, Nick's her husband. Yeah. I mean, it's sports, you know, like, uh, there were some people here that were, their feelings were hurt and I'm like, Hey, people leave sports teams all the time to go to other sports teams. There's no, I have no hard feelings whatsoever. Uh, hope they do well. Uh, I mean, selfishly, I hope Angelo and them beat them. Um, but I, you know, I love Taylor and Andrea and appreciate what they did for us and them being on the team the last two years.
Starting point is 01:32:49 So I hope they get second, though. Seve, how does it feel to having to use the opposite hand? I've always been ambidextrous in all those activities. Manny C. Serrano, my son Sebastian, left of Rich. Oh, in the photo. Oh, that of rich. Oh, in the photo. Oh, that's cool. Oh, nice. Sebastian.
Starting point is 01:33:08 Is going to the U.S. Navy. God bless him. Man, thank you for the service. Stay healthy. Brother, thank you. Thank you. Thanks for having me. Yeah, you're awesome.
Starting point is 01:33:19 He's bummed. He's working with the Hayward Fire Department today. He's got a couple of cool, big contracts for him. Yeah. So, um, that's why he misses so much stuff. He's, he's out there spreading the CrossFit word. Love it. Awesome, bro. Well, come see us. All right. Thank you. Uh, I'll be bugging you again soon. Uh, good luck with semifinals. Don't worry about taking away. Um,
Starting point is 01:33:40 someone's a spot with rich and Josh would be awesome. Talk of current events. I agree. We'd get canceled. On that note. All right, brother. Love you. Bye. You heard it. He said, I love you. You heard it. Have a nice lat. And he said, I love you.
Starting point is 01:33:59 Okay. That was hard not to do a podcast this morning. Yeah, he's great, isn't he? What a stud. Judy Reed, hi. Jeffrey, hi. They knew I was kissing some ass with this shirt.
Starting point is 01:34:17 What's wrong with this shirt? It's dope. I got 10 of these, as you know. I have 10 of these and I have 10 of these, as you know, I have 10 of these and I, um, I have 10 of these and I have 10 of the other one and they, and all 20 of them hang in my closet. My wife hates it. And you know what they are? They're my nighttime shirts. They're like, after I'm, I don't normally wear them ever during the day after I'm done, like with whatever I'm going to do, I come home and I'm just like chilling to put on a pair of like, uh, silky sweats or some shit in one of these shirts almost every night.
Starting point is 01:34:49 Yeah. Seven's always going after rich. I, I know. What, what, what can I say? Uh,
Starting point is 01:34:55 good work. Savvy. I, there's a few people. Well, I guess I, especially rich. Rob,
Starting point is 01:35:01 stop. Robbie. Stop. Be cool, man. Be cool. This was a great show got to do some dan bailey talk just be cool um brandon waddell the blue check mark sevontology we don't always see Jesus, but when we do, it's rich. Okay, David Weed. Leggings.
Starting point is 01:35:30 I don't wear fucking leggings. They're long johns. Long johns and a frowning shirt. Yeah, that's my... All right. Okay, I'm off to Scotts Valley, California now. 20 minutes up the road. My kids are at skate camp. They have one hour left hopefully i can catch the last half hour uh love you guys it was cool to see
Starting point is 01:35:51 brian on the show i know a lot of you have said how come i never invite brian on uh when rich is on it's usually because i'm so selfish and i was working out today i'm like you know what i should invite brian on for a little while brian was hospitable enough to come on so that was good uh we are just to sum up a few things we are uh it does look like he's going to do semi-finals it does look like he is uh rich is going to be um working on a hundred mile mountain biking race i think it's one of the most famous races in the united states the leadville i think normally it was a run where people ran it alongside a horse or something. I can't remember. We just saw that he told us that he's reading the biography
Starting point is 01:36:30 of George Washington written by Ron Chernow, R-O-N-C-H-E-R-N-O-W. He told us he loves the sled. He may be playing some pickleball. Even the first time he kissed Hillary, he wasn't tepid about it. He was sober. He was on the couch at his mom's house. Those are some of the highlights. And I will see you guys tomorrow morning. David Weck.
Starting point is 01:36:59 Time to prepare for David Weck. Oh, you're never going to believe this. Wait till you hear this, who we got on as a guest. There's a guy. Let me see if I can find his Instagram account. UFO God, is that what it is? UFO God.
Starting point is 01:37:22 There's a guy coming on the show who is abducted by aliens. Let me see if I can find this. It's on Monday the 10th. He's the author of UFO of God. UFO of God. UFO of God. Chris Bledsoe. All right, where can I find the book?
Starting point is 01:37:52 I'm going to read this book in the next week. I'll pull up his IG here. Probably some sacrilege shit. you guys are going to be pissed but here we go this is the author of the book Christopher spelled out like Christopher and then L-E-N-T-Z
Starting point is 01:38:23 Lentz and then Bledz B-L-E-D-Z, Lentz, and then Bled, B-L-E-D-S. Christopher Bledsoe, Sr. It's a – let's see. It's a spiritual journey of missing time, clouds of fire, healing, and hitchhikers. missing time clouds of fire healing and hitchhikers i i read a little synopsis of the book and i was like holy shit let me see if i can um find a synopsis for you guys anyway that's gonna be on monday you want to read this book the author is going to be on Monday. You want to read this book? The author is going to be on. It's always better if you've read the book when the author comes on. So now you know. UFO of Gods.
Starting point is 01:39:10 Alright. Was he probed? I have no idea. Tom, bro, I'm behind, but I can't believe you're going to read the Federalist Papers. I have been preaching federalism on here for months. Yes, yes. Greg talks to me about them all the time too.
Starting point is 01:39:34 All right. I will see you guys tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time with David Weck of the David Weck Method. Bye-bye.

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