The Sevan Podcast - #867 - Hiller's World

Episode Date: April 5, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 we'll just go bam we're live holy dumpster fires uh no i wasn't taking a fast juice andrew hiller hi hey how you been welcome to the sebon podcast we're live my correspondent on the east coast andrew hiller i apologize for him being shirtless the storms were wildly aggressive and it blew his shirt right off but the sebon podcast is here with the latest new news from the crossfit scene yes i um saw a post andrew made about the training department and then first he made a post with that was referencing the buttery boys and um danny spiegel and i knew i needed to call him and ask him what that was about. I didn't understand it. I know.
Starting point is 00:00:51 I'm a little, I don't, I don't, I hashtagged it 51. And then I, then he did the other thing showing that the girl not squatting below parallel. And I was already tripping. I had already, Hiller and I had a long conversation. You didn't do anything regarding the girl with the barbell over her head, right? We just talked about it. Correct. So the training department is supposed to be like, you know, the pinnacle of showing what training should look like.
Starting point is 00:01:18 So I saw that lady holding 35 pounds over her baby's head and it just didn't seem right. So Hiller and I talked about that. So he has these two Instagram posts that I was just dying. I'm just laughing my ass off. I can't even believe they're they're real it's like it's almost like the gods love hillar they're just throwing them alley-oops in the comment section of the video berners a burger commented i don't know which burger but apparently it's the burner in that video giving a reason as to why they're squatting to that depth and then of course i fought back oh i can't wait he gave you some money i can't wait oh uh uh uh thank you zach hi
Starting point is 00:01:56 you've been witnessed you're a good dude thank you I like money. Yeah, I heard you. And then, as we're discussing this in the most highest level, top secret CrossFit Games threads on planet Earth that everyone knows about and everyone wants to be a part of, but you just can't. It's elite. It's the dork squad although there is like one or two dudes in there who aren't dorks um but anyway in that thread right before we went live uh just shit started unraveling i cannot believe that thread should almost be public. It's like the best news source for CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Like a live forum? Yeah, it's like what the ticker is to the stock market. Oh man, that'd be awesome. It's crazy. Should we just pull the thread open and just start going through all the messages here? This could be it.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Look, there's some chick you banged's the one how do you like her new picture it's cool it's trippy she looks european she looks like she's from space i think i've asked you that because now i'm having deja vu okay um so i was going to start with uh some uh oh here we go seven talking fitness has a game show and chase was on it. You got to step up your game. Oh yeah, I know. This is my game show. And Hiller is the contestant. Number one. What about,
Starting point is 00:03:31 uh, uh, Barry, uh, McCaulkin or what about, uh, Denise Thomas post addressing that we can get to all that. We're going to get to all that.
Starting point is 00:03:40 We're going to do it very quickly tonight. I don't have time to fuck around. I got David Weck on tomorrow morning. You can get fucking're fucking around what you can only bang me if he's home oh that's the truth all right did you just get uncomfortable no i well kind of you saw that i don't like the fact of anyone knowing you're not there i don't like the fact of like see what i'm saying yeah but it's all right she She has all the weapons ready. Okay, good. Good response.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Okay. I want to share this with you guys. Yeah, Hiller has not seen this. Andrew Hiller has not seen this. I told him that I was going to bring this up. This just popped up in the thread this is um there's this uh girl um uh nikki brazers braziers brazers and she is on the cocktail podcast and she's she's i she's she's i presume she has a vagina that's that's all i know about her she asked questions and she had
Starting point is 00:04:44 it she was pregnant and then she had a baby i think and then she also asked questions to the athletes after the um after they win sometimes at the games you see on the live feed but then she's also said some just vapid shit when she's on with danny spiegel just completely as as they say at the talking elite fitness nothing burgers like when you have the opportunity that you you have the opportunity to tell someone hey your push-ups no good because your chest didn't touch the ground and at the Talking Elite Fitness Nothing Burgers. Like when you have the opportunity to tell someone, hey, your push-up's no good because your chest didn't touch the ground and at the top your elbows didn't lock out. Instead, she just goes, that push-up's wrong. And she'll tell you that ad nauseum.
Starting point is 00:05:15 It's like, dude, either tell me how to fix it or what's wrong or shut up. But here we go. This is her. Best coach ever. That's wrong. That's wrong. How should I fix it? Yeah, I told you that's wrong. Okay, here we go. Listen up people.
Starting point is 00:05:27 This is a crazy town, banana pants, as they say in the hood. Here we go. Oh yeah. Unwatchable. She's yeah. Completely unwatchable. I don't want to be mean to her, but here we go. The truth mean brace yourself because she might be watchable to someone everyone in the comment who finds her watchable please comment now i think she's most unwatchable i think she's most watchable i'm giddy thank you barry i'm giddy because i just can't even believe this shit like five minutes before we go live this thing falls in our lap and i just am so excited to show hillar. Hiller hasn't seen it.
Starting point is 00:06:06 I, when people pick on her for the question, she asks when, after the athletes win on the live broadcast, I feel bad for her. Like, what can she ask? They have to be shallow questions. So I always feel like I have to defend her in those moments,
Starting point is 00:06:16 but she's horrible on the podcast, but here we go. Can I, can a girl be a simp or is that only dude to her simps? Whoa. What? It's even a girl anymore. Oh yeah. She's a simp or is that only due to her simps? Whoa. What? It's even a girl anymore. Yeah, she's a simp.
Starting point is 00:06:28 I think I've never called anyone a simp, but she's a simp. Here we go. Action. Before leaderboards are finalized, HQ conducts a video review process. Some athletes, they choose to make their videos public, but a big majority of them, they decide to keep them private what would be the impact if all athletes made their videos public for the community to weigh in on that's a powerhouse media extraordinary giant lauren khalil the host of this show asking uh the the participants what would it what would it what would it how would it affect the games if they made all of the videos that the
Starting point is 00:07:06 participants or the contestants or whatever you want to call them had to make them public for Andrew Hiller to see. She didn't say that. I added that. And here we go. Here's the response from Nikki Brazier. Ah, Oh my God,
Starting point is 00:07:19 Andrew. She wants you one minute on the clock. Nikki, we will start with you, man. Look, she did the little fucking Hitler thing. What's that? Oh, no. That's that's teenage. The Sabrina witch, dude. Hitler did it first and then Charlie Chaplin. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:07:35 I think this is really hard. Like I I am kind of doing this and being like, I think we should kind of let it happen because on the one hand, like the internet is just such a garbage fire. And I hate the hate that exists out there. And where do you go on the internet? That's a garbage fire. I'm wondering where you go, dude. She's talking right at you or me or us. Not me. I'm a good dude. What does she talk? Where do you go? Where do you like Twitter? I Twitter's pretty crazy. not me i'm a good dude what does she talk where do you go where do you like twitter i twitter's
Starting point is 00:08:05 pretty crazy reddit i hate the armchair experts and the people who the armchair experts you're in a fucking show as an armchair expert damn right it's no way that chair has no arms on it dude right and neither does mine right now there's no arms on this chair. Okay. I really liked your white microphone. You were not going to be oppressed by the black microphone, were you? Very good. That's the first white microphone I've ever seen, by the way. Here we go. Really make it their mission to, I mean, everybody can have an opinion, but there are some people who really make it their mission to go out there and
Starting point is 00:08:42 like personally attack people. There's some people who make it their personal mission to go out there and like personally attack people there's some people who make it their personal mission to go out and attack people is she are you talking about me i just fucking chug fronings caught for fucking an hour and a half today i'm my my slate is clear is it for attacking people are you kidding me is that what you're comparing that to well she's saying that people make it the mission to go out and attack people. I'm absolved of my sins. I had the super Christian Rich Froning on today. I confessed to him for an hour and a half. I'm good. I'm ready to attack. I'm ready to get more sins and have them back on.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Do you think you do that if she's talking to you? I know I'm reading into it, but do you think that you just go out of your way to attack people? you i know i'm reading into it but do you think that you just go out of your way to attack people i i feel as if she's directing it right at you or i or both or us and every time i get a chance to i talk that i'm talking it's as if i'm looking at a blob this there's certain blobs with more followers than other blobs and that blob didn't swap low parallel i don't care who does it it's just a bigger reaction from the world if it's got blob didn't squ below parallel i don't care who does it it's just a bigger reaction from the world if it's got blob didn't squat below parallel yeah that's no joke so like i didn't even know i like it the athlete who won with mal o'brien week week one quarterfinals i just found out that the person's
Starting point is 00:10:00 name is victor hoffer i just knew him as the dude who wasn't squat below or extending his hips on workout one yeah um and so so it's it's not your thing to hate on people or anyone in particular you're just out there just when you see things that don't don't patterns that aren't working or staying within the the the bumpers the rails that make this thing a legitimate competition you're inspired to make content about it. Yeah, it's like Flubber moving around. Yeah, exactly. Okay, I'm going to rewind it 10 seconds so we can hear that one more time. I hate the armchair experts and the people who really make it their mission to – I mean, everybody can have an opinion, but there are some people who really make it their mission to go out there and personally attack people.
Starting point is 00:10:44 So she said make it your mission to go out there and like personally attack people. So so she said, make it your mission to personally attack people. You're not personally attacking people. You're personally trying to know you, you, you, you notice blobs that aren't staying within the guidelines and the rules. And you're assisting and pointing those things out. And it just so happens that one of her friends keeps getting one of the blobs out there is one of her friends and keeps getting uh is a target for a lot of who has 1.7 million followers and gets a lot of attention which means i should be talking about this person if they mess up right correct okay oh but yes this is correct avesh i do personally attack CrossFit because CrossFit is an entity.
Starting point is 00:11:28 I do not want that when it comes to attacking CrossFit. Hiller, definitely personally. I don't even know what that means personally. Oh, you mean like you will be like me, Andrew Hiller, thinks that CrossFit's fucking up. Correct. Okay. And when I say Devesh's name, I like to say his last name too maharaj maharaj
Starting point is 00:11:47 you don't have to but it's just it seems like a missed opportunity because it's such a fun name to say and i only know how to say that because i've heard you say it 10 000 times devesh maharaj and you could also just call him the hammer even though he's got a wrench in there now too i like that the hammer all right what do you think that means his why does he have a hammer and a wrench you think he's a mechanic i figured you gave him those is that not the wrench you give people no i well i can't even see the oh oh i don't know i can't see who's i don't know who the moderators are well i know vindicate's got one is there a little symbol next to his name i not in the in the in the back end i can't see anything i just see like jake alpin jeffrey zach oh nuts no phil kelly's got a wrench and he doesn't have a little thing
Starting point is 00:12:30 oh he's pretending to be moderate can he get disqualified for that can he get kicked off for pretending no he's a good dude you only kick out no he'll kick out anybody he gave himself a wrench all right i'm pining for more of this chick okay okay okay okay yeah stay focused thank you andrew keep me on here and i think that that more of that would happen if we made more videos public for the community but i also there would be more personal attacks if we made more videos available no no no because there's no personal attacks currently how could there be more than none right so there would be more corrections there would be more attacks upon crossfit for continuously not abiding by their own rules slash only giving out 15 penalties were more ones are probably
Starting point is 00:13:22 deserved but nothing personal on any single athlete ever hey so you pointed out that rich didn't um have his thumb wrapped did he did rich have to show that video or that was by choice that was by choice and i actually think he said at the beginning of your show earlier that he didn't understand why they put it up because it was so boring right right he did now now i i don't i apologize uh um scott vander sloot um but um his you you came down pretty hard on the buttery bros hard might not be the the right word but you pointed out that the buttery bros is being some if not the premier anthropological recorders, you know, they're anthropologists recording the CrossFit space, documenting the history, that they should have known better than to show that. Do you put any of that on Scott also?
Starting point is 00:14:21 Like, dude, Scott, you fucked your homeboy, Rich. Because Scott could arguably be the biggest guy in the space too. on scott also like dude scott you fucked your homeboy rich because scott scott scott could arguably be the biggest guy in the space too yeah perhaps that was a missed opportunity i've asked pound scott you need to ask pound scott too i'm gonna go get get scott in the butt real hard however i've given him props before too people didn't understand that there is a there is an open workout where you're supposed to be throwing the wall ball to a specified height and they were unclear in the standards and it seemed as if vander salute or maybe it's ben davidson i know they've got two people over there videography right it appeared
Starting point is 00:14:53 as if they purposefully missed the target height because who knows what froning was doing the review team knows and he didn't get an adjustment so we're going to assume he was doing them the correct way well he doesn't submit those he doesn't those an adjustment. So we're going to assume he was doing them the correct way. Well, he doesn't submit those. He doesn't. Those videos that they show I heard aren't the videos they submit. I heard that they have stationary cameras. Correct. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Correct. So that was the part that people were getting confused on. The exact same thing you said. Yes, I know there's another camera. However, the one they're giving to the public, they're not going to incriminate him. And that's what I'm talking about with the buttery bros is they incriminate beagle what is it called when you have a responsibility to do something and you completely disregard that responsibility uh drug addict yeah the buttery bros are drug addicts okay i well this is incorrect i do not hate ben and his team i think that they had an athlete on
Starting point is 00:15:50 their team last year that was out of the range at which they should have been eligible but that doesn't mean i hate them they're irresponsible thank you alexis i suppose that worked and they're drug addicts. Irresponsible. Yes. Negligent. Denise with the lip gloss on says no one's talking about Laura Horvat. We'll get back to this. Please repost it. Let's get, let's get through this Nikki Brazier thing. Okay. Here we go. I think that, you know, there's something to be said about moving in the direction of being a larger, more mainstream sport.
Starting point is 00:16:27 And every other sport subjects itself to the public eye in that respect. We have replays and we have public scrutiny that happen on the world's largest sports stages. So it's really hard for me to say that. She wasted a full second with that. Kind of help get us in that direction because I just hate it. You see this comment from Trish? Nikki looks like she's about to say, oh, no, stepbrother. I'm stepping on the washing machine.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Oh, poor Nikki. I'm sweating. poor nikki one day you see how she looked up and she said to the heavens one time i was in africa and i was filming these kids and there was famine the kids were maced they looked like they were gonna die and i remember crying and dropping to a knee and screaming up to the heavens why god that's a true story, but it was still less passionate than, than her online. Look at her stages. So it's really hard for me to say that that would kind of help get us in that direction because I just,
Starting point is 00:17:37 I hate it online so much. And I do think that it's important to think about the athletes mental health and this would. Time's up. Think about the athlete's mental health. And this would... To think about the athlete's mental health? Did she really just slip that in there? They're all fucking cuckoo. Let me think about the athlete's mental health. Seriously take a toll on them.
Starting point is 00:18:00 It's a hard kind of like... It seriously takes a toll on them? Listen. a hard, it's a hard kind of like, it seriously takes a toll on them. Listen, I can't believe, I can't believe I brought up Rich's grip thing today on my podcast. I hope he's rather well. Could you imagine? Huh?
Starting point is 00:18:24 Hey, listen, any, any athlete who's having mental health issues because they gave their whole life to go to the CrossFit Games and something weird happened? Just be really thankful that no one snipped off your penis or your tits. And that you didn't have parents who encouraged that. How's that? Now do you feel better?
Starting point is 00:18:43 Be thankful you don't live in fucking somalia or better yet read the rules be thankful you're not one of those armpit hairs that's growing in andrew hiller's armpit at lightning speed because he's on california hormones dude that doesn't grow any faster it's all the rest of the body grows faster can't even fucking believe it oh it's their mental health issues that make them such great athletes anyway do you do is there anything you want to say say uh zach uh to lander crossfit is evolving used to be a bunch of kool-aid drinkers holding hands and singing kumbaya you know i like that now there are critics and commentators
Starting point is 00:19:27 catalyzing its legitimacy every sport has this it's good everyone's bringing up the anika career story but i haven't seen it so i'm going to check it out and see if it applies really quick if that's cool you mean didn't she yeah go ahead didn't she have it she had something last year we covered. She handled it. Well, is it the pink and blue post? Is it, is this the one that everyone's talking about or the story itself?
Starting point is 00:19:53 Like a Vesh Maharaj, the hammer, even worse, a pube. And that's, that depends. Some people would rather be a pube and other stands than under the armpit.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Uh, I can pull up Miss Greer's. You want me to pull up her Instagram? I'm just not sure if they're talking about last year's story as if her getting kicked out because she missed the submission deadline or if there's an actual story that she put up. I just don't know what people are talking about. Well, either way. OK, fine. I'm good until until we know i'm going to your uh instagram account okay uh congratulations lauren on the new show you know really i was expecting that to be worse i mean it wasn't good by any means and it's it's upsetting that yes she's hard to listen to i just don't do you think that when she said that she was concerned about your mental uh health when she i hope so okay okay this is the other day saying i hope that you're okay with what that
Starting point is 00:21:03 person said over there. Just somewhere completely off topic. And I was like, really? You think that that's going to get to me of all the things like that? Oh, someone who was just, someone said they looked, they were looking out for you. Yeah. You should be like, well, I didn't even see it until you pointed out. Now I'm going to kill myself. Yep.
Starting point is 00:21:22 That's exactly how I responded. Okay. now i'm gonna kill myself yep that's exactly how i responded okay so i see this post and it says the results are in and it's maury povich do you even know who that is hillar yeah he's the guy says the results are in oh really that's his one of his taglines are you kidding me no i didn't even know that i don't know who this guy is i I do. When I was a little kid, he had a show. People who have people cheating on one another and to determine whether or not their kids are. This is why you didn't get it. You've never seen the Maury show? Yeah, but I saw it like literally 40 years ago when I was 10, he was on the air, bro.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Yeah, he was. He was married to Connie Chung. That's when his show was big. That's what it is. You didn't have a TV. Maybe not. Maybe not. Is he still on the...
Starting point is 00:22:10 He had a show that was called Current Affairs, I think. What was the show you saw him on? The Maury Show. Where he has the groups of people on. There's usually three people, and it's usually a dude and two chicks. And the dude is with one of the chicks and then there's another chick and they're determining whether or not he knocked up the other girl and then they take a paternity test and the results are in they determine that you lied and you are the father
Starting point is 00:22:36 oh shit you've never seen this no the results are in i'm looking to see if i can find it uh him saying that on video that's awesome do you think a lot of people got that most in the comments tell me did most of you guys get that i seem to think so you didn't know that he's basically telling them whether or not people are the fathers of the children and and then there's a huge reaction afterwards, either if they're all angry or they're all happy. Wow. Okay. Everyone got it. Oh, look.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Yes. Yep. Yes. Yes. Oh, shit. We all got it. Oh, yes. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Too many. Oh, shit. Boomer. Oh, that hurts. Okay, fine. Okay. So now I'm no, I, okay, fine. So.
Starting point is 00:23:23 There it is. You are not the father. So I see this. The results are in. And I see that there's like over 170 comments. So I'm like, wow, what's going on here? And so then I have to click to see the next slide. And it says it's Heber Cannon, my former colleague, incredible filmmaker, hard worker.
Starting point is 00:23:44 She repeated. Holy. What? Say again. I didn't't realize it felt like this was a month ago uh heber heber says she repeated this workout after we left now what does that mean they were there on what was either a friday or saturday and they were at crossfit and victus doing the quarterfinal workouts, and that's when they would have grabbed the footage for the video they released on the ensuing Monday, where they slow-motioned her using the grips on the deadlift in a workout where it clearly states you cannot do that.
Starting point is 00:24:18 And they're saying this because after they had left on either that Friday or Saturday, they had spoken with spiegel giving her sunday potentially and saturday night to have had redone that workout and then sent that workout in instead of the one where they had used for the film that they had shot and used i couldn't have said it any smoother than that they insinuated but they but you didn't you didn't know for sure by saying she repeated the workout well what's the insinuation oh oh after we left okay okay but okay okay but but they didn't film it it was after they left
Starting point is 00:24:59 okay that's the part i misunderstood the repeated workout correct so they have no proof that she repeated the workout after we had left because if they had left that means they didn't see it correct they did okay so he's he's just standing up for his home girl who he just filmed because the the the thought would be then that they asked and she had said so yeah okay fair enough okay okay so so we move on to so we move on to the next slide and it's uh danny spiegel uh gets a major penalty for using gymnastic grips during the deadlift uh workout this is what i speculated so where it says no longer speculated yeah speculation was the score that she had put up was 553 i believe in the video yeah with the buttery bros maybe it was 555 and then the one that you'll
Starting point is 00:25:53 see on the quarterfinals leaderboard up until this post was that score and some people thought oh you're reaching maybe that's just the time that she got on the repeat because it was the end of the weekend she was tired and maybe that much but you see the score just and this is the reason why and it really whittles out a lot of the reason that that could have happened if any there's like no chance uh if it was uh 15 uh percent of 55, let's just say it's six minutes, would be 15, 30, 45, 60, a minute 15, a minute 30, which would have meant, let's say, a minute 25, which would have taken her score to about seven minutes and 20 seconds. I'm doing it right now. So that's not a 15% penalty on 555. Yes, it is. I'm doing it right now.
Starting point is 00:26:54 You're wrong. Oh, you're right. You're right. I was doing 15 out of 100. It's 15 out of 60. Dude, it's exactly. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Okay. You're right. You're right. I apologize. I was thinking there were 100 seconds. I figured out as if there were 100 seconds in a minute. Oh, man. Okay. You're right. You're right. I apologize. I was thinking there were a hundred seconds and I figured out as if there were a hundred seconds in a minute. These are minutes. These are minutes and seconds, not dollars. Okay. Fact-checked by Sevan and then fact-checked by Hiller. And so, okay.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Okay. So now we know now because of this, we can speculate that what Heber reported was not accurate we can speculate that what Heber reported was not accurate? I'm sorry. Or that she, do you think she did repeat it, but her redo time was worse, so she thought it's better to take the possible penalty? I like your thinking, Kate, but then what if they would have DQ'd her?
Starting point is 00:27:42 Well, she obviously knows they're not going to do that. She does? Yeah, well well look what happened last year what happened last year she put up a workout that was you called me that day and i don't think i've ever really spoken to you much and you're like dude that's me a workout's ridiculous you got her oh with the with the with the lockouts on the uh muscle ups correct it was 30 muscle ups and something like 18 of them wouldn't have counted and then my big thing there was if you can't do 18 of the repetitions how many of them or what reason do you even have to really finish that workout uh jeffrey birch, fifth grade math. I understand. It was very clear though mistake that I made.
Starting point is 00:28:28 I was figuring out as if it was a hundred seconds and not 60 seconds. I think you can excuse me for that. It's a. Well, Jeffrey, that's fifth grade math. Really? I don't know if it is or not, but I'm only good. I'm really good at third grade math. Okay. So I get what's going on here. I get what's going on here. I get what's going on here. Okay, so let's go to the next slide. Okay, so now we're tripping a little bit.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Oh, here we got too far ahead. The lie detector determined that was a lie. So what was a lie? Which part? What Heber said? Well, potentially no, because Heber might not be lying. But heber isn't lying it means spiegel is unless there's a an avenue where kate what kate said is correct which is she didn't want if she redid the video but the video is damaged well she had a corrupt file and didn't upload it
Starting point is 00:29:21 then it doesn't count and then she would have had to have put in the grip video and there is a world where there is a truth and everything here is for not and there's and all that has to happen is a very simple explanation it would take no more than five seconds okay right right right okay yeah here's the video here's the time stamp yeah well i'm glad it's not because this is making this is for making for some great fucking content and i like you but you said uh like you've been watching game of thrones or something like you spoke in old english and you're like then all of this would be for have not take a knee seven oh yes yeah bend the knee to spiegel okay that was and then this is just like a like you just like hey what's up girl yeah i just threw that in there because that a lot of people thought was
Starting point is 00:30:10 directed right at the situation i don't really take any pictures where you can look up my nostrils why what's up there i don't know i just if i i just when i see that picture all i see i'm concerned that her eyes she's going to poke herself in the eyes with those eyelashes and I just see giant nostrils I think that maybe she has a coke habit or did or something I don't think so I've never done when I see nostrils that's what I think I'm projecting though
Starting point is 00:30:38 okay Richard if you ever smoked pot and he said no yeah that was cool that was cool Del the sewer any other podcast he's ever been on i've had to have asked him that before no i've watched every second of every podcast you've ever done and i've never asked him that no adele vasour hey what's up dude hey okay questions like this why what's up there okay now um where are we with this has has when we were talking on the phone you said that she she someone had spoken to her i don't think we need to reveal any names or anything
Starting point is 00:31:23 well i sent you those you can pull those up no i don't should we need to reveal any names or anything well i sent you those you can pull those up no i should we pull them up do they have the person's name or do we should i just read them uh we've got clearance to show them dude i just don't want to show you want me to double ask do you want me to crop it so that there's no image as to who they came from i don't think you can see who they came oh it only says danny's name on them okay i thought i had done that already yeah okay so which rate fire away hombre yeah i'm not sure how i'm not sure how he uh god i don't know how homeboy shares these i don't want to fuck myself and show like all my text messages and shit hold on
Starting point is 00:32:06 let me figure out what I'm going to do here really quick yeah what is Caleb doing tonight so what I do is I clear out the second monitor yeah I clear everything off of it and I just yeah lay it on there then you can display the whole screen yeah smart smart smart
Starting point is 00:32:22 second monitor right the laptop okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna put it over here and put that over here i'm gonna close uh yeah this is you're smart there's good advice good advices make sure that monitor is clear it's got some shit on it but it's all good i mean it's gross but mas o menos it's good. Okay. Okay, here we go. I think this is. She should call in right now.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Pardon me? She should call in right now. She should call in right in our places. Who, Danny. It would be a monumental moment in CrossFit. People would call in and go guys i did it i'm sending you a video right now yeah chill everyone show okay here we go nice okay good work thank you so someone someone posted on their instagram the individual quarterfinals penalty list by crossfit
Starting point is 00:33:21 games is basically a lot of games athletes with major penalties blows my mind that some have the audacity to blatantly cheat lie about repeat then post how unbothered they are by embarrassing our sport yet again give a fuck if you lift heavy sand or give a fuck if she yet again i could give a fuck if she lifts heavy sandbags i think that's what it's supposed to say do better little girls looking up to you remember or was the campaign about how much you can eat just simply for more followers at danny spiegel so someone just taking shots at her bang bang bang and danny responds with before you start hating on another woman you should get the full story instead of just listening to men ramble and spread hate dude nikki's this is a mental illness how do you figure you couch everything by sex you couch everything by sex why doesn't she call you a white dude wait what are you are you
Starting point is 00:34:16 white me yeah i hope what ethnicity are you i mean if i if i'm, I'm a German and Polish. Yeah. You're, you're, you're going to just listen to European. Is it Spiegel? No. Darn. But she can call me if she wants. I know. Podcasting.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Before you start hating on another woman, you should get there. Hating on another woman. Is that how she sees the world? Something bad happened to her, dude. You want to talk about doing better? Why? Who are you to attack me? Well, that's some fucking narcissistic shit.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Who are you to attack me? I was a woman in a past life. I know that for sure yeah what'd you look like kim kardashian kim kardashian it looked like her but okay okay i could see it kim kardashian okay here we go poor danny okay here we go poor danny why this sucks for her i just it's just like she's she's just she's a she's uh oh wait sharon tarshkin she's just a goofball she's stuck in some fucking alternate reality where everything's a fucking woman or a man shit like she's here's the thing she's a she's a tormented soul it's like here's thing. She just sent this person these messages.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Yeah. And in the amount of time it took her to send this person these messages, she could have cleared her name having sent the video of her repeating the workout. It would have been easier, too. It wouldn't have taken any thumb movements. Hey, girl, just so you know, I appreciate the attention you're giving me. I know a lot of people look up to me. Just so you know, the grips were a fuck up.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I did refilm it. And when I uploaded it, I uploaded it five minutes too late. But here you can see it on my YouTube station. It sucks that I got dinged, but I'll still work my hardest. Thanks for understanding. You mean something like that? Yes, yes. And also.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Instead of fuck you, I'm a woman and you're a woman. Fuck, man. Dude, yes. And also today you had unfroaning and unfortunately for, for this conversation, he's a dude, but in this conversation where we're talking about another person that I put on my Instagram doing what I would say is a very similar rule break. It's a rule that CrossFit put there. Don't use grips on deadlifts. It's been there for a couple of years, so it's not.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Yeah. You went after the King. You went after the King. And when you ask him, he goes, yeah, I missed that. That's my bed.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Maybe. Yeah. Into semifinals. That's what he said. Yeah. Yeah. That's all she has to do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Yeah. Own it. Yeah. And she said, no, you're a woman and I'm a woman how dare you because we're women hey what if rich would have said that what have you said if i was a woman they would have never fucking hillary would have never come at me for that my car because i was driving
Starting point is 00:37:15 she says who are you to attack me and then this is where it just gets fucking just lunacy no yeah yeah keep going i hope your kids never have to deal with random strangers blasting them on the internet for things they know nothing about hey i hope her kids don't uh i oh man i hope her kids uh don't have to fucking post a picture of themselves heartedly clothed on the internet to garner attention and then yell at people when they comment on their body. That's what I hope her kids don't have to do. I hope her kids are as strong as you, but I hope that they don't play the victim like you,
Starting point is 00:37:59 and I hope they don't feel obligated to post nudes. Danny, what if you thought about maybe not posting a picture of your ass for like just go 100 days? What about that? I challenge you. Tomorrow, there's going to be one put up. Yeah. You've seen that. Remember that thing, that challenge where you had to challenge someone not to pour a bucket of water, to pour a cold bucket of water on your head?
Starting point is 00:38:20 I wish these girls who these fucking thirst girls would just like they start challenging. I challenge you to go a week without showing fucking your ass without grabbing your ankles sorry i know some dudes are going to be pissed at this nofap november october what month is that where guys just don't jerk off it'd be like a month where if women were not posting it would just be them holding back it'd be so funny because you probably haven't seen any of these things it was it's really big on tiktok no jerking off for a month it's like day one of no no fab november and they're like freaking out and they get progressively more freaking out over the course of the month to the point where they have like no poop january
Starting point is 00:39:01 ones oh day day four of not taking a dump and they're just dying looking at a toilet it's so funny it would be like that by the by the way i don't care that she does post pictures of her ass post as many as you want like i don't care i'm totally i'm here for it i'm i'm happy for you it's only it's only in response to you saying, I hope your kids never have to deal with random strangers. It's like, dude. No, not November. You don't care if she does it. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:39:31 I'm not judging her for it. But the irony is that I hope your kids never have to deal with random strangers. Like, dude, you have 1.5 million, 999,999 of them are there because you are hardly clothed. That's my point. And the 3,000 who liked my post are now there because they think that there's this thread where she could easily clear it up. So as many as, and then do I need to read this what the person responded to her it's the the best part of this statement here is where it says something about deflecting okay I'll read the whole thing so then the person responds to Danny Spiegel and they said so as a four times games athlete and someone who has done this process for many years now, you mean to tell me your fans simply forget grips were not allowed or to be used in the deadlifts, meaning you simply forgot after four years of being a pro.
Starting point is 00:40:35 That's what she's saying. And the buttery bros simply went out of their way to lie on your behalf and comment on social media that you redid the workout after the fact. But then you choose to submit the same video using your grips. This I know from their comments and CrossFit Games penalty list. Those are the facts. I've been a fan for CrossFit and a member since 2010. From an outside perspective, it looks blatantly intentional. Don't turn this into one woman hating on another woman because that is deflecting from the issue. Most of all, other women in the sports I have watched and supported for over a decade, and those women have shown their exceptional level of integrity. You calling this an attack shows lack of. And by the way, Danny, if it wasn't for people like me, Seva Matosian, fucking no one would know fucking who half the women were in the early days.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Ooh. Yeah. Why is that? Yeah. Tell me why. yeah why is that yeah tell me why for those i fucking spent i spent every waking hour 365 days a year making content for the main site never once treating the women and men differently gushing over both of them looking up to them in awe fucking dragging my ass all over fucking planet earth to film with people
Starting point is 00:41:46 and and just as many women as as men and and i never even once thought of it okay here we go is it weird that i don't think that this name along with this profile picture saying these words it's just like a black team ass it's like feminism is old tank reeves said so that that used to be a different uh that used to be a different name that dude that dude switched his name it was okay okay here we go and then the final and and i kind of lost my steam on this because i i'm i'm keeps hearing in my head that something's wrong with her and we should leave her alone but but maybe hillar fit knows uh what part of the story we are missing because he seems fairly cut and dry to me but now i'm angry woman for wanting
Starting point is 00:42:35 crossfit to hold a games athlete to a higher standard and then danny responded to her again you've taken the word of other people and don't know the true story, and I don't feel the need to sit here and defend myself against an angry woman who doesn't know me. I hope you have a great day and can let go of some of this unwarranted anger. Heart. You forgot to say heart. Heart. Is it heart? A red heart. a red heart yeah it seems like
Starting point is 00:43:06 it seems like it would have been easy just to just to say something even just like yeah I know I fucked up chill I'm going to sign a picture of myself for you and send it to your house alright well thank you for explaining it to me how so that how long did it take for you to read that message and then for her to contemplate a response and then respond and it's correct
Starting point is 00:43:33 the typos just so much easier and productive and to the point if she just makes a story that instead of saying unbothered is a link to her video because it's there, right? It had to be. Or it's what's the whole story? I don't know, by the way. I don't know the whole story. But what I do is what I do with the Sasha and the Avis thing. I see things.
Starting point is 00:43:57 I create a story around the things. And then I slowly figure out whether or not i was on or off and then if i was off i cover how i was off and then everybody learns what are we learning here nothing because she's not playing the game i mean you reported on the story from start to finish that everyone should know hey um we cover the crossfit ecosystem we We being fucking Nate Edwardson, Wiki, Craig Ritchie, Talking Elite Fitness, Brian Spin, Savamatosian, Andrew Hiller, Clydesdale Media. Apologize for – the guy from Europe. What's his name?
Starting point is 00:44:43 Jason CF Media. What's his name? Jason CF Media. Where's he been? I know there's other people I'm forgetting, which is just stupid. And then all the other people, right? CrossFit Games. All the other cool dudes out there. The Halpins, the Youngs, the people who are obsessing the brian friends like what like and you just you just basically summed up the story in shorthand that intelligent people not 51 year old dudes who wear wool caps can understand so simple yeah i think it's cool uh mason mitchell uh craig ritchie is
Starting point is 00:45:17 the best no doubt no doubt no doubt bro no doubt i'm gonna i'm gonna go go do a Craig Ritchie marathon after this. No doubt. Okay. Can I heartle? Can I vindicate? What about Nate Edwardson? Yeah, him and since CFB haven't put up a video in three weeks, one of which I take some personable responsibility for, but also then pushing that person into a world where they are killing it. Nate's absolutely murdering it the golf scene
Starting point is 00:45:47 he's like fuck you guys you assholes want to pick on me i'm out twice as much money on youtube over here without you dildos point thousand views of it video point holding a line in three months point edwardson i know does he have is he selling shirts on it already yeah he's got his own local stuff and he's just what a stud yep he's doing over there what i would wish crossfit would have done with me at some point which is he's getting into the big people in the golf scene and they're giving him props it would be as if someone at crossfit don fall whoa, that's a good idea. We should roll with it. And then everyone's sitting in the comments section rather than saying,
Starting point is 00:46:31 why won't they just listen? It makes way too much sense. They're like, whoa, they're listening to a small YouTuber like you. That's so cool. It's just idiocy that CrossFit doesn't listen to anybody. They're in there a little. It's funny. So good for you, Nate.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Sarah Cooper training. Think Tank, of course. I apologize. ETT is awesome. Maxel Hodge, the blonde guy who looks like Ken. Tank Reeves is back. I don't know why. I'm just drawn to this.
Starting point is 00:47:01 This face makes me angry. Okay, listen. We are going to talk about the most recent Andrew Hiller. Ooh, Kate. Are you talking about me, my stature in person? I'm plus 20 pounds. That's why J.R. crushes me on shuttle runs. We are going to be back in 55 seconds to look at the most recent post by Andrew Hiller, which is crazier than the first two subjects we brought up. This is truly mind-boggling, what you're about to see.
Starting point is 00:47:33 In 55 seconds, if you want, go ahead and pull up your phones and go to the CrossFit training Instagram and look at their most recent post. We'll be back in 55 seconds. We will not be using Louv on the training department thank you what is with this guy you know if howard stern and joe rogan had a baby you'd be looking at him remember the people were live so don't like start picking your nose or pull your dick out or
Starting point is 00:47:54 anything crazy like that and this is why this is the greatest show on the internet because there's a comment here that says a lot of pre-cum and then right after there's a comment that says it's so sad let's go back to hand jobs people without their names and they uh no one clipped that and played that on the internet a thumb with a mustache yes listen a guy named johan lopez called you a thumb with a mustache. Wow. I'm going to shit myself. Man, that Sevan podcast is dull as shit. Okay, you guys have a great day. You too.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Thanks for calling. Mwah. No. I was feeling familial like it was my mom I was talking to. You're back. Welcome back to the show. We're live. We're still with our correspondent on the east coast andrew hiller andrew still hasn't been able to find a shirt uh don't worry um yeah it's exactly 55 seconds i saw i saw training think tank went live today yeah and you know who's there fuck out of me the same freaking people that are in here
Starting point is 00:49:05 it was nuts oh oh trish was getting a lot of love on there though it was pretty funny yeah trish is a superstar i'm surprised that she doesn't have more instagram followers she needs more oh it's growing i don't know trish is gonna what was the the that old drywall it was that account that just posted random debauchery crossfit related stuff it's gonna be yeah uh is that what if that's who that is what if that's the same person just the new age version ron yeah ron kareen rain old content creators podcasters girls gone wad wadcast podcast and of course armin that was on the wadcast podcast that that's um eddie if yeah
Starting point is 00:49:55 eddie if you forgot armin hammer those guys aren't still doing it though but wadcast Podcast is still doing it. Drywall got ass cancer. Trish, you all right? Jesus. Where's Taylor been? He was here the other day. On the show? Quarterfinals week two. It does feel like an eternity ago.
Starting point is 00:50:24 I sent you the first post from CrossFit training again, in case you lost it. And if you want to use that at any point, you told me to delete it and then you were right. Okay. That is a, Oh, here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:37 We'll just, we'll just start here. It's a, it's a late night. What time is it where you're at? 11 53. Okay. We'll just do this.
Starting point is 00:50:46 We're good. This is enough. This is enough. Hey, there's Zach. This is enough for tonight. This is just crazy. Thank you. I want to try to understand what they thought that they were doing
Starting point is 00:51:05 i want to try to like see if we can explain their way out of this okay but if not we're going to put it some people try in the comments we can find those okay okay here we go you guys so this is the crossfit training instagram account and um that posted this and andrew's talking about it And this is the same account that last week posted the mom holding 35 pounds over her kid's head. For a minute. We're quickly finding out that the biggest issue with CrossFit is their media. And I have another example for you right here.
Starting point is 00:51:37 They just posted this to their training page. One million followers. You would figure would know everything there is to know about training. But I don't think that it takes an expert to see that the squat being performed here, along with the words being thrown onto the screen, don't match up. This isn't so much about whether or not the repetition counts. It's about the fact that they're trying to tell us what parallel is. The position they show at parallel is nowhere near parallel.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Anybody with eyes can see that. But whoever put this together and is running the CrossFit media page has no idea. They actually have legitimate documentation. Eh, kinda. If you were to take the CrossFit judges course this year, they show three separate pictures of Julie Foucher. The final repetition is clearly squatting below parallel. The second one is at parallel. And the first one is not even a questionable repetition.
Starting point is 00:52:21 They say that the second one is at parallel. And when you put the picture side by side of the person that they're showing here, who by the way, has incredible mobility, it appears as if she bottoms out the squat. There's no tension between the point in which they say is parallel and that bottom position. And it's been a couple of years since I've taken the level one. But if you ask me, it's more of an immature squat than you might think. Initiate with the knees a little bit, but the issue at hand is what they're calling parallel parallel there's an entire slew of crossfitters out there who are going to see that see that that's being called parallel and then they're going to say well if that's parallel and all i got to do is get below parallel you have an entire issue on our hands what million people now can see
Starting point is 00:52:57 this thing and this is the issue okay you're gonna have to bear with me for a minute this is this is fucking crazy. I was... I like how I kind of threw three separate issues into that. It's a great... Yeah, you killed it. I started losing my shit when I saw this. That chick's mobility, by the way, whoever that is, she's a freak of nature.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Absolute freak of nature. If I give you one take, the original video was probably 3 minutes and 20 seconds long and I cut all the crap out to get it into a minute and 29 tank Mike Litteris, wait, CrossFit has a media team? no, that was the only thing
Starting point is 00:53:36 that wasn't true in that video Hiller 3, CrossFit 0 Hiller 300 yeah, they have not she's got anything yet okay okay so um so let's let's get so so we agree that that that two inches or that four inches is supposedly how much she lowered the bar lowered then six inches then it says parallel and then it says full depth and those are supposed to be what you're looking at i've never even what's weird is i've never ever in all my years
Starting point is 00:54:10 doing crossfit seen anything denoted by how many inches you squatted well here's if you scroll a bit in these comments you're going to find something from the burgner i don't know which Rich Berger and it's coach Zach immature. Let's read. Let's read Suze's real quick. But the question is, does the new administration of CrossFit? No, it's a media team.
Starting point is 00:54:36 No, another softball, the Hiller. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking, Justin. That's what a news, not noise said as well.
Starting point is 00:54:45 I sure hope that's not six inches. Well, Alexis said stop picking. What does that mean? I got a pimple over here. Oh. And she could tell. And then somebody thought that meant that I was picking on CrossFit, so they were attacking Alexis. And I go, no, man, she's talking about my pimple oh that's awesome it's a funny thread
Starting point is 00:55:10 that's awesome uh this isn't even picking how can you have a tutorial page she meant my pimple oh that's awesome that is crazy that's so good it was pretty funny that's why i don't understand the internet what do you mean like that's why i needed that whole other post explaining me because i don't understand these nuances yeah uh it's like it's like oh there was another one here uh no one is vetting their content yes it's like on judges course there were examples to judge where the athletes were squatting in front of the camera so basically it's impossible to judge squat that from the video angle is that knee initiation yeah that's the one but wait they did not delete that it's a gym not a runway no they did not there's no way in hell they deleted what i'm checking
Starting point is 00:56:02 right now they deleted what what's what i think it's still up don't worry okay still up oh what does this mean is that the knee initiation he's saying that that four six and parallel they talk about when you've had an immature squat if you just start with the knees moving forward it's one of the things you oh yeah yeah that it was knee initiation when i first saw the video that's where i thought you were going with it oh it's just one of the things i touched upon okay um correct even power lifters know the difference yeah uh my guess is that the media team hey dude i you cannot be right what do you mean you can't be right and tell me more i'm ready for how i can't be right it's not even fucking close dude the biggest issue with crossfit is their media and i have another example for you right here
Starting point is 00:56:58 they just posted this to their training page one that's like saying that um uh um uh what's that what's that swimmer's name that wants to be a girl lily leah thomas billion followers you would figure would okay let's watch one more time no everything there is two inches two inches about training but i don't think that it takes an expert to see that the squat being performed here along with you're telling me that they actually they must be referring to something else dude what do you mean in a way how is this popping off of the comment that i cannot be right what am i what am i not right about we're we're not right we we we think that they're talking
Starting point is 00:57:42 about her being parallel there but they can't be there's well that's why we got to find this comment you got to keep okay but the problem is is after this they say full depth and then they are talking about it oh i don't know maybe you are right this is a mess where is the burner nope keep going look just for burner that that's the one because apparently that's who that is and apparently this is a weightlifting warm-up drill holy moly don't look don't read that just find bergner it's gonna pop up i like the bergners i i do too i met the the father bergner i like the girl bergner too i i think that's who commented I just don't know which one
Starting point is 00:58:25 the daughter Bergner? no no that's not the daughter Bergner maybe that's a granddaughter Bergner but it's a drill at different heights in the snatch receive position we drill 2, 4, 6 inches aka power positions then a full snatch receive position
Starting point is 00:58:41 depending on the athlete's 6 inches may be at the parallel position and some others may not this is why we use six inches or parallel but it's not parallel oh oh i see what she's saying i see what she's saying here's the problem do you see what she's saying i i do so that six they would have to um that why is in parentheses then it should say or parallel but is it is what is the fucking point of this video in the first place let me go over to the video no wait my comment on sophie because i i got back to her can you scroll a little more yeah one reply but what is parallel right Yeah, and that's a good question. Wow.
Starting point is 00:59:29 And this person was disagreeing because of the Turkish getup thing. I think I responded to that too. There's a lot of comments on that post. Why are they at the bottom? Oh, I see what's going on here. Tell me, tell me. I see. Hold on a second. Hold on a second.
Starting point is 00:59:39 I think maybe I figured this shit out. God. But either way, they got to know that they're they're putting themselves in this fucking um uh uh okay uh instagram uh crossfit training i have to go back and look at the original post give me one second let me see the replies to news not noise comment uh your comment is at the top okay let me i'm gonna i'm gonna show you guys the original post okay well sean is saying something that is the sixth position not parallel and at which rate it's still a terrible post and they're they're idiots yeah but wait a second wait a second guys
Starting point is 01:00:19 hold on a second bear with me here bear with me here so the frontal plane is the line that bisects the body into a front and back halves and connects the body's center of balance to any object supported. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. They don't tell you. So here's the thing. Thanks, Jeremy. They need to let you know that this is some sort of fucking snatch warm-up. Yes, but it doesn't matter't matter dude because it's no no because here it is like i was saying look
Starting point is 01:00:51 or parallel you see that right there hiller that's it right there or parallel remember i was saying why do they have the parentheses there they need to get rid of the parentheses and put in or there it is whether we're receiving in our power two four six or parallel basically depending on your anthropomorphics or anthropometrics or whatever that fucking thing is they're saying that you should when you're warming up for the snatch you should what i think the bergner chick was saying you should do a catch in two inches four inches six inches or parallel depending on your fucking your femur length on it but they never say anywhere here this should say learn some snatch warm-ups but it doesn't so you think that they're
Starting point is 01:01:34 doing some sort of fucking overhead squat right i suppose because i didn't take the time to read everything and i would do what i suppose that most people would do this day and age and watch the video before I read anything and get all upset. Well, they don't tell you. Even if you would have read it, how would you have known? The only reason why I know is because of what Sophie said. I still don't know from reading what they said. Phil Kelly continues to tell us to look at... Dude, she doesn't even do the snatch.
Starting point is 01:02:02 She starts in the overhead squat. Yeah, there's no way we could know that this is a warm-up nowhere does it say that i'm not hating on you oh stacking bones snap oh here it says stacking bones and snatch receive position still it's it's it's it's too vague it's a warm-up drill i get it but it's completely misplaced it should i agree too if you're going to put words there the first words should be warm up for the snatch with this positional drill but still parallel is parallel is it not yes i agree i agree well no but what they're saying they're saying that it could be either not not what they're showing you you're right they should have shown six inches and parallel they should have shown both separately you're
Starting point is 01:02:49 right dude dude dude there's an entire world of people who will be doing power cleans or power snatches and it's going to say power or not you ever heard about that this is power or not yeah and everyone's looking for whether or not the hip crease goes below the knee and if you catch right there and it's at parallel and then you stand up it's a power clean or snatch that position is what you're looking for on this chick regardless of what the hell they say this drill is it's right right right right i hear you nothing they can say is going to like get me off of that that freaking stoop where i'm just throwing crap at him uh i blame sebon because i think you have i i you have the instagram post how the fuck do you blame me for for unfucking the situation
Starting point is 01:03:41 sebon is so old he gets so hyper focused on something first of all let me tell you something old people don't get focused like a horse with blinders sorry philip all right hey here but here's the thing oh here's the thing this is what they're this is what i'll tell you what i think they're trying to say after reading what sophie said when you're doing this warm-up and you're warming up the snatch receive position. You need to warm up in the, in the four inch, the six inch and the eight inch and the six inch.
Starting point is 01:04:12 It could, you know, anywhere between six inches in parallel, depending on fucking how tall you are. That's what they're trying to say. I just, I just cracked the code. Meanwhile,
Starting point is 01:04:24 Kate, you go back to, uh, you're so young that, uh, you've. Meanwhile, Kate, you go back to you're so young that you've never met, you never had a man hit on you in real life, and you use a vibrator and spend too much time on TikTok. How's that? Did I crack your code too? Thank you. Kate knows what four inches is, dude.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Careful. No, parallel. Like, parallel. They're saying, like, parallel. dude. No parallel, like parallel. They're saying like parallel, like in the fucking squat parallel jet, Mr. Jeffrey, you know, parallel.
Starting point is 01:04:53 They're saying fucking parallel. Do you want me to stand up and show you fucking parallel? There's supposed to be an, or like in the writeup, I even figured it out before I came over here. Or what is she parallel to her shoes? The lift inserts in the shoe job playing da savvy but let it be
Starting point is 01:05:08 let it be the whole show is about fucking looking at these posts what do you want me to move to just end the show the fuck let it be I'm sorry you didn't do it I'm doing it I I'm going to do what Philip Kelly paid $2 to be done with.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Oh, okay. Do it. Yeah. As the queen of CrossFit conspiracy theories, I have to wonder if you are in cahoots with CrossFit. These CrossFit posts are made for you. I mean, that really is the only logical explanation for all of this, for this level of negligence. Phil Kelly. It does seem almost inconceivable that they would post that content without the
Starting point is 01:05:45 intent of being trolled on purpose. News, not noise. It does seem that we have a possibility we should consider. No one's awake at the wheel. A Hiller super fan grabs the controls and voila, kind of like that. Wait,
Starting point is 01:06:00 like the crank calls made to the distress channel on the Titanic. Definitely. There's a shitload of people asleep at the wheel, but what you're saying is someone over there is just feeding me content from the inside. Oh, I think that's her implication. And wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:06:17 What guy? Dude, Phil Kelly, tell me what it said. Are we missing something? But maybe, but either way, um, no, dude, that was my pimple sean this one and i did
Starting point is 01:06:32 i just think it was just a uh hello hello hello hello i just think it was just a uh uh just negligence and clarity. It needed to be bolded. Hey, they need to start with, hey, guys, this is a snatch to receive position. That needed to be just exemplified more. Mason, yeah, you think so? My post is asleep with the wheel? I don't know, man. I'm waiting for Phil Kelly to respond with.
Starting point is 01:07:04 Either way, I'm very proud of all three topics we tackled tonight lauren khalil show uh then um uh miss spiegel and her grips and and you explaining that post to me and then it's just dissecting this post um yeah this is cool i appreciate you coming on last minute well that's all we got yeah i'm ready i gotta go work out it's 11 what's midnight where you're at yeah i don't care i gotta work out i got david i got david you're ready to go another hour you're all c4'd up uh no i'll be passing out as soon as I am off this, but I'm still looking for what Phil Kelly was talking about. I feel like we're going to miss something if, but dude, why? Phil, we're not going to find it this way.
Starting point is 01:07:53 Not, not like this. Oh, oh, I would, I would do this. Okay. Uh, thank you, Zachary. I thought it was great. I thought we killed it tonight too. Good night, Robbie. Hey, um, what, what about the Nopen?
Starting point is 01:08:03 Tell me about the Nopen real quick. That's a good point. We should talk about the Nopen? Tell me about the Nopen real quick. That's a good point. We should talk about the Nopen. Oh, that is the accidental competition that I'm running starting next Monday. Next Monday being the 10th of April.
Starting point is 01:08:18 And people people already signed up and registered 500 plus. Holy shit. How much does it cost to sign up? 10 bucks. So they're going to be as accessible of workouts as possible.
Starting point is 01:08:36 How many workouts? There's going to be more than one a week. And how many weeks? Two. And how many weeks? Two weeks and more than one a week so minimum two workouts starts on a minimum minimum four workouts it starts on the 10th you've got a whole week to put your scores in you'll have to submit a video along with the scores and then the video will be public on competition corner where everybody can see and vote on it i will
Starting point is 01:09:02 now be bringing on a team of judges that will be going through the leaderboard and hey why don't you say you'll only review the the videos they get more than 20 thumbs down do they have a thumbs down and thumb up they do yes yeah why don't you do that be like hey if you see a video that's fucked up, that way no one can criticize you because everyone knows what the standard is. Correct. Hey, I'm limited by my fucking manpower. It's just fucking me. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:09:34 And give this thing 20 or thumbs down, and I'll make sure I look at it. That would work. Or 10 or whatever. That totally would work. So there are a couple of things that I'm tinkering with in my head. That's a great suggestion, by the way. No way. Thank you. And unlike the CrossFit Games, I'm going to listen to any and all suggestions.
Starting point is 01:09:55 So I like that one bit. But yeah, 500 is quite a few. And with the workouts that I've got in my head and on paper at this point. And actually, I've got a video already made for it. Have you thought about making all the workouts under five minutes so that you could easier to judge? Yeah, but I'm also trying to make them intriguing. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Okay. Don't do anything stupid. We don't think a 90 minute workout's a good idea, dude. No, no. All right. I got to make a new video. Nothing over 12 minutes nothing over 12 well then it's not that's not a complete test then yeah that's why it's called
Starting point is 01:10:32 the nopen because it can be whatever it wants it doesn't matter how is it an accident how is it an accident yeah it doesn't matter doesn't. Because I was playing around a competition. Oh, I put up the video with my way the CrossFit Games Open should have gone, kind of using the same rules that Bosman used. And through that, there was a comment in there that had 70-something likes on it where it said, hey, if you create a leaderboard and have a $10 sign up, we'll do it. And 75 people or something, 73, 75 people liked it. So I did it.
Starting point is 01:11:12 The thing that I didn't know is that Competition Corner would take it upon themselves that when I created a leaderboard to make it public on their end. So they posted it to their Instagram page. And I had a couple of clients. So I was playing around. I clicked the save button, which kicks it over to competition corner. And in the couple of hours that I was working and off of my phone, I came back and I had a text message showing that it was live. And there was 10 people signed up already.
Starting point is 01:11:42 And I just thought, well, I guess I'm doing it. How do I see it? I could type in nope in here? It should be. Yeah, that should work. There it is. The no rep open. Wow.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Are you tripping? No, I'm kind of excited i even wrote an accidental poem where's the poem the entire thing is accidental on that last page it's not a an actual poem but it's close this right here there will be prizes scroll that thing oh okay uh ladies and gentlemen say oh no go ahead you read it you read it yes what you see is what you get coming at you with common sense you probably won't like it you'll do it anyway just do it own Own it out. It's supposed to be 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. It's lying. So there's nine lines. The first line is supposed to have nine words,
Starting point is 01:12:50 but it starts at seven because it was an accident. It's called a nonet, N-O-N-E-T. I'm impressed. We'll see. Doesn't sound like it was an accident. Okay, April 10th register now well it was an accident for three quarters of it and then i realized that if i just added one more word that it was oh shit that's right ladies and gentlemen boys versus girls men versus women
Starting point is 01:13:18 i mean why not this is the space where this is possible isn't it if at the very minimum makes more intriguing makes it more challenging on myself to program, makes you wonder why it hasn't been done before. There will also be no scaled division. So this is it. One massive leaderboard for everyone. May the best man or woman win. Yeah, that was also an accident.
Starting point is 01:13:36 So as I told you, I was just playing around. So you really don't hate women. You really are just about equality. Well, no. Danny Spiegel has you totally misunderstood. I want women to keep the men down on this leader leaderboard and it's going to be totally possible oh it's 12 and 40 cents well yeah i pushed the surcharge on so he has 12 are you signing up no fuck no you you dude it's only 70-pound dumbbell snatches.
Starting point is 01:14:06 You just got to heal that bicep up. Oh, this is cool. God, this is cool. Oh, what about this? Great question, Kate. First smart thing you've said all day. Equipment list, Hiller? I don't have one on there, but that is one that I should put on there, yes.
Starting point is 01:14:22 But if you've ever been into an affiliate, you'll be able to do the first week, 100%. And you'll be able to do, this is, this would be a Dave Castro level of teaser, but not really because it's not that deep. You'll be able to do the other one just about anywhere. Oh,
Starting point is 01:14:40 this is awesome. No, no divisions, no divisions. And, and also, did you speak to somebody about this oh no did you did you know uh oh i got i got a message oh message that i got seemed as if you had said something to some maybe i did maybe i did maybe i did and and also had told this person
Starting point is 01:15:01 what i was going to make the first workout. No, I didn't say anything like that. And if that isn't the case. How would I know? I don't know what the workouts are. Well, we had talked about it and I thought I had told you what I was thinking about making it. And then I decided to make it that. And then the response from that.
Starting point is 01:15:18 No, you never told me what any of the workouts were. Did you? The response from the person was the workout anyway which is amazing because i said it's same sex oh yeah you told me that i go what's a workout that i could do and it's the workout that i chose and can you tell me in the private chat real quick what it is yeah yeah it was nuts god my memory is fucked up i don't even smoke weed i'm gonna say this and you're not gonna know what i'm talking about i responded and i go how did this is what it is. How'd you know?
Starting point is 01:16:06 You guessed the workout and I didn't even give you, Oh no, I don't even know what that is here. I'll tell you. It's okay. I'll talk to you afterwards. I don't want to waste your time anymore. Yeah. This is good. I think, right. I didn't have a guest this morning. Oh wait. Yeah. I did. Pat McCrotch. I didn't have a guest this morning. Oh, wait. Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Pat McCrotch. I sent you the workout. I haven't seen that yet. Did you text it to me? It's in the private chat. Oh. Oh, shit. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:42 I thought maybe I told you that. Fantastic. And that's what that person suggested? Yes. Which is cool. Made me feel pretty good about it. Yeah. So can you claim that that person programmed it?
Starting point is 01:16:54 Sure. Should I? Yes. Okay. Yes. Should we do a release on the Savant podcast right now? No. I want to think about that one.
Starting point is 01:17:07 Let's wait. That's good. Savant accidentally share your screen. Anything's possible. And you don't even remember who was on this morning. I think it was that froning man. Rich froning. Never smoked weed.
Starting point is 01:17:22 All right. Thank you, Andrew. Have you ever done coke coke or crack you haven't done coke or crack yeah never done uh what is heroin i've never done that meth nope why am i not in the private chat oh uh you have because you have a fucking droid bruce wayne bruce needs an iphone if there's one thing that you segregate against it's those who have droids yeah that is true that is a firm that is true i'm pretty uh discriminatory against droids all right i do have to go i have to prepare david weck tomorrow morning uh 7 a pacific standard time electric chiller yes all right guys thank you for everyone uh for hanging out with us that was a fun show talk to you guys later bye

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