The Sevan Podcast - #871 - I Can't Believe They Did That | Live Call In

Episode Date: April 9, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And bam, we're live. Do I even play the music anymore? Here we go. I did the show for five minutes before I realized that we weren't... Oh, I never sent you the notes. I can send you the notes now. Kenny. I have to turn the loop off every morning. It's weird that you can't set that to the default.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Yeah. I could even lower the music a little bit. Okay. Live call-in show. Send to Sousa and Caleb. Man, part of me feels like, not in a bad way at all but just that the show has completely fallen apart um took 25 steps forward in the last two years and we just took one big step back only one though yeah and i was gonna say that's it's only it's very temporary i know
Starting point is 00:01:21 i just know okay i just feel like i haven't seen you or Caleb and then the YouTube thing and then I just I don't know I sent it note sent I don't I have this huge TV in front of my bed and yet I bet you in the last
Starting point is 00:01:40 and I've lived here for five years I installed the TV like right in front of my bed on the wall and I bet you I the last, and I've lived here for five years, I installed a TV like right in front of my bed on the wall, and I bet you I've watched TV in bed for less than two hours total. Yeah, and I never, ever, not even for one second, ever take my cell phone into my bed. These aren't conscious things. It just seems, do you take your cell phone into your bed?
Starting point is 00:02:04 Will you sit there at night and phone in your bed will you sit there at night and look at your phone before you go to bed like just like like this no i i really try not to like i'll do like i'll pick it up and just do one little come through and like answer anything that like because usually when i get home and we go to eat dinner i'll put it off to the side and then i'll check it real quick before i go to bed. But then I plug it in and put it on silent and I put it off to the side. Yeah. I, if I'm going to use my, if I'm in bed, so last night, this is kind of weird, but last night I went to bed, I set my alarm, I went to bed and I thought, I wonder what happened to Matt DeLugos.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I saw that text and I was thinking the same thing after I read it and so I got up I get up out of bed and I and I and I can't even reach my phone from my bed but I see but I but I I I know people do use their phone in the bed and I know people do watch tv in bed and I I um, um, I don't know. It's, um, like some people might think like how I walk around barefoot is kind of gross. Everywhere I go, I'm barefoot for some reason. I just think watching TV or using your phone in bed is gross. Yeah, I get, I get, I get agreed that I can't really explain it.
Starting point is 00:03:19 It's not for any, like, um, I get, I guess I do think I'm better than people. I guess I do think I'm better than people because I don't do that. No electronics in the bedroom? Well, they're in the bedroom. Screens maybe? Yeah, I just can't really explain it. It's not like I do it. It's not like I do it because I'm trying to be better than other people,
Starting point is 00:03:41 but I just am so proud of that trait. I just realized that this morning, last night and this morning. I'm like, oh, I'm people, but I just am so proud of that trait. I just realized that this morning, last night and this morning, I'm like, Oh, I'm, I'm really proud that I don't do that. It's I don't even really watch TV period.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I'm just proud of that. Yeah. Yeah. You should do spend a shitload of time on Instagram, a shitload. Yeah. You could justify a lot of that as like uh content and research and yeah it is it is what i'm doing occasionally i get sucked into some sort of thirst trap
Starting point is 00:04:11 but um probably you know honestly i probably i'd say five minutes a day i'd probably click on like two thirst traps a day that's the one where it's like in my search it's like some girl like this with no bra like i don't know what she gotta say i still was cracking up on one of the other shows earlier in the week and you were like i could see who's following those like don't follow those accounts if i know don't follow those i totally think less of you when i see you're following that i'm like oh my god, Nessa follows that slut? Holy shit, Nessa, what are you doing spending time watching that girl? Did one of our super Christians... I don't think they're sluts, by the way, either.
Starting point is 00:04:54 All those chicks are hot as shit. And the ones that don't use... Sorry, go ahead. No, no, no, no, no. I was just saying, did one of our super Christians say that they blocked them? Like if they popped up, did they block the profile? Oh, that's an interesting thing to do. Yeah, I thought I heard one of the people from the chat say that they did that.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Just any time in your search some super beaver shows up, you block it. Yeah, I don't do that personally. I just try to stay away from it and not click it altogether. Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah. that personally i just try to stay away from it not click it all together but yeah that would that's crazy yeah i really like um uh do you want to pull uh there's two two instagram accounts i want to talk about this morning daniel brandon's instagram account i was creeping on her shit look at look at the um her the girl she poses with it's like it looks fun. It's like college night out, like just no filters, none of this, just like – yeah, look at that one. I was actually kind of surprised she posted that, but look at this next picture, that.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Just normal hot chicks. I bet you they have a good time downtown. They're a dog. Just normal hot chicks. I just really just like this as opposed to just the 35 filters and. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, just normal hot chicks throwing down a little, getting a little saucy. They look like real people.
Starting point is 00:06:18 That's the important thing. Yeah. I so don't click the one if I just think like. Yeah, I like Danielle. I'm so biased. She's cool as shit. Oh, I didn't even see that. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:06:31 You didn't go that far, dude. I didn't see that either. Holy shit. Oh, that sucks when you got to bring a blanket to the beach. That means it was cold. It also looks like she's ready to get quiet. A little bit of some sun there. I wonder if she had one of these ciders early.
Starting point is 00:06:46 As soon as I see Jessica says it would be fun to hang with Danielle Brandon, I want to hang with Jessica. Oh, look at her at like a winery. Oh, is that what that is? Those barrels? Yeah. She's there with Jared Kushner. Yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Oh, wow. Oh, dang. Wow. Dang, her TikTok game. Dang. yeah those yeah that's cool oh wow wow dang your tiktok game dang that was actually pretty good that is good yeah and the day after oh that's awesome i didn't see any of these i guess i didn't make it past the bathing zoo one yeah that's cool yeah that'd be a good group hey look click on that girl wait go back go back click click on that girl a melly belly 29 thank you for being the greatest host and friend and bringing us together hello melly belly geez hey how come she she was hanging out with danielle but she doesn't have any pictures with danielle on her instagram is that kind of weird no well i'd be milking that
Starting point is 00:07:54 shit if i was with danielle actually i say that i'd probably forget i always forget to take pictures whenever i'm with anyone who has a lot of followers yeah Yeah, plus she has this horror where you get nervous. When I met her at the games and her people were walking by, she's like, hey, and I was like, hey, and I didn't know what to do. She reached her arm out for a hug, and I was like, oh, yeah, we're doing this. Okay. Your tongue just gets tightened. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And I try to play it Mr. Cool, you know? I know, me too. I try to play Mr. Cool too. I totally know. I got this sled and you know i live on like that just country road off to the side and so i so i can't we i live on the street where you wave to everyone and they wave back and now i'm out there pushing the sled and i can't tell if i'm like just a dork or if i'm cool do you know what i mean so every time someone drives by, I try to play Mr. Cool. I'm like, do I look at it?
Starting point is 00:08:47 Because they have to drive right. I mean, our heads have to be like within three feet of each other. Yeah. They're in their car and I'm like pushing. I can't tell you're supposed to look at them or not. No, you're like you're too focused. Either that or you're like wiping the brow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Yeah. The only two options. I wish I had a six pack. So every time someone drove by i could just pick my shirt off and wipe the sweat off my face give the nod that's a great exercise i've been i've been stoked to be doing those sled pushes yeah last night light though light buddy light empty sleds that's all right empty sleds um i i want you – God, this show is so much better when you're on it. I want to show you this post Hiller made.
Starting point is 00:09:29 I'll even send – maybe we can get Hiller on for just like – He's still in – If he wants to come on. Let's see if he'll come on. Still in Florida. Yeah. If you want to come on for 10 minutes i just sent him a text oh look at this post he made here
Starting point is 00:09:53 i'm bringing up his instagram yeah it's a it's a it's a workout that's on dot com on the website i believe right that that that's the workout of the day from dot com yep and he hillar says you can't make this shit up and it says a shuttle runs 25 feet and everywhere else shuttle runs have been 50 feet yeah is one rep yeah and since it's if it was just one shuttle run i'd understand right you got a change link let's if it was just one shuttle run, I'd understand. Right? You got to change the length. Let's say it was like scaled for like dudes with no legs, just 25 feet one way.
Starting point is 00:10:32 You know what I mean? Yeah. Adaptive. An adaptive shuttle run. But it's not. And the – it's for someone named Sadie Jane, and he says you can't make this shit up. And it really just shows that no one there gives a fuck. And, hey, there's no one over there anymore, by the way.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I'm not hating. I'm just telling you it's not CrossFit anymore. If you thought the people who made up – I know people are going to be like, well, it's not the people. It's not one man. It's not Greg. It's not the people who made up I know people are going to be like well it's not the people it's not one man it's not Greg it's not the people who work there it's the it's the it's the community it's the community no the community needs leadership
Starting point is 00:11:16 and consistency and this is crazy Hiller hi spin on that right this is absolutely not it doesn't matter that this girl passed away god bless sadie jank and congratulations you know to to all the people who are happy that she got a hero wad i'm stoked but i and i don't know what kind of first responder she is that she got a hero wad um but this is nuts this is like straight i don't give a fuck about anything
Starting point is 00:11:48 i always put these up now and wonder if you're going to understand what i'm trying to say with them so i try to make them even simpler thank you that's good you should yeah i will a 51 year old guy understand that yeah you should totally do that thank you i appreciate it are you talking about the people who are responding about i mean one one of the first things, I pinned it. And then I immediately followed it up with, thanks for the context, but 50 feet is a rep. Yeah, I'm sorry that the girl died. I'm sorry about the pain. That has nothing to do with anything that you're saying.
Starting point is 00:12:17 This isn't I'm assuming that is a date. The 16, 9, and 3. Yeah. Have we confirmed that? i have no idea i just can't believe that you have a community that you're trying to get all on the same page and you would change the length of the shuttle run here and for some people who don't do crossfit or if you're not if you're not big you don't give a shit like i get it but that's their one job at HQ. They're, they're supposed to be fixated on that.
Starting point is 00:12:54 It's crazy. Oh yeah. Here we go. Don Kaddick. Wow. That's a, is that really your name? Honoring first responders, but fuck the first responder competition and fuck how the workouts are programmed. Yeah, exactly. It's just a joke, dude. It was for the, just so we know, the lady who the roof fell on. And it didn't. Oh, in Alaska? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:14 And I don't think it had anything to do with the day because it was February 17th. That's 1693. And hey, and then no offense, but you don't get a Hero WOD either. This has nothing to do with her or not, but you don't get a Hero WOD either. This has nothing to do with her or not, but you don't get a Hero WOD. Hero WODs are for first responders. Usually it's like a – and do they define this as a Hero WOD? Is that what they're –
Starting point is 00:13:36 I don't know. They call it a memorial workout. Yeah. I mean it's pretty fucking cool I'm assuming the 23 minutes would be then for the year I don't know it's pretty cool that they did that it's actually really
Starting point is 00:13:55 cool that they did that yeah I can't actually believe that and then people are going to say things like playlist and 16 show runs. Well, it should have been eight, but it can't be eight because then you don't hit the statement. That doesn't any hero work. And I've never really looked at the stimulus doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:14:15 So if anything, it can be one rep is still down and back and it's just a bunch of show runs. Right, right. Yeah. it's just a bunch of shoulder runs right right yeah anyway um does it bother you that people say hey leave it alone she died like hey you're not uh you're not allowed to critique workouts if it's about someone who died like that doesn't even make sense i was never allowed to critique you're allowed to critique any workout what say it again i wasn't how it's written workout okay even better i'm going back and forth on the same thing that they got a lot of trouble for last year in the quarterfinals it ruined people's season and now they're going to be
Starting point is 00:14:55 confusing people all over again i didn't know this is for it should say what should it say hillar it should say eight if it's it should say eight shuttle runs there and back yeah but i'm i'm now guessing that there's something about the number 16 that's important so i'm just figuring it should still be 50 and remain 16 9 and 3 for whatever reason that is and i'm unsure but make it 50 for one are you going to any semi-fin filler? Uh, when people have asked, I've said, I'm going to both, but I don't have plans for that yet.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I wonder if we should, um, I wonder if we should start saying that. Yeah, I'm going where you're staying. I don't know when you get there. I don't know. See you there.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Yeah. I like that. Hey, are we on Rumble right now? Oh, shit, it's working. I tried to watch it yesterday on Rumble, and the magic thing just kept on playing over and over again. Yeah, it's working. We're on fucking Rumble. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:16:00 You got the stream key set up. It looked like it was correct when I saw it. I watched a YouTube video on it earlier. Rumble or how to stream to Rumble? Just to making sure because they have all these weird stipulations. Like the other one, you click one button, it's done. Rumble, you have to do like multiple steps. You have to upload this repeating video. You have to do a stream key each time. Like the friction between pressing the button versus getting on rumble is pretty vast but it seems like it looks like we got it uh savon got it got it squared away it shows your live viewers here i won't show us rumble yeah i don't see how many viewers are on rumble though do you no let me see does it break it down kind of where they're coming from
Starting point is 00:16:41 it does but only for the destinations that are marked it won't do it for the manual stream key ones so the number that you see up there is does not include rumble and then we're not able to bring up rumble comments like uh these comments here beefcakes i just want to go through these comments here uh real quick uh do you still think it was a good idea to let go of puukie, the OG programmer? Yeah, Leaf would have never let that happen, by the way, the inconsistency. I have four minutes. I'm leaving on a plane soon.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Oh, that's awesome. Will you open up those replies? Will you open up those replies? Let's see if we can go through these real quick, see if Andrew has anything he wants to say. Oh, no, back up. There were two replies. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Well, the thing that's going to get all messed up, and this is what happens, is that people are going to lose track of what I would. I leave it purposefully abstract because I know it makes people chatter a bit. Oh, that guy erased his comment, by the way. The guy replied to him. Which one?
Starting point is 00:17:42 There was a Luke McCracken who was was responding saying leave it alone hill or someone died and i said hey it's it's not there's no offense to the dead or their family just me more cf idiocy that hill is pointing out yeah that's what i'm saying so i mean i always leave it abstract and i guess it could have been to a fault here because now people are going to be jumping on the leave it alone train but it's not really what I was talking about oh we are live on rumble here's the thing well I'll tell you about that in one second let me ask Andrew one thing Andrew so what's going on with the nopen are people still registering is registration still open i put up the video
Starting point is 00:18:25 where i'm kind of walking around by the pool it's dope it's so good did you get that by the way i wonder how many because you would the microphone i stuck a wireless mic in the tip of the freaking dji or i thought that was super creative and i go anyone who knows anything knows that that microphone doesn't work the way i you know what i had actually thought you'd done i had thought you'd taken a like a mini to xlr adapter and plugged it into that road from your dji but you would actually just put the dji mic inside the the upped it in the windscreen oh that's awesome good job hey that was a good video you were giving me um i i felt like you really took some risks there i was like oh i like this hillar's taking some risks what was the risk
Starting point is 00:19:10 you thought just exploring new personality new way to present the walking around the scene by the pool the tank top the shirt the wide angle shot the full body your voice the cuts the cool the drama i just thought oh like i i know that um i know that that requires like oh shit am i really gonna do this or i know you kind of have to be like you have to set yourself free a little bit you have to explore that i don't know i'm i'm in this place and i'm wondering what the people around me are thinking as I'm shouting. Oh, the neighbors? They're like, who's over there? The guy who's house-sitted your house was in the backyard talking to himself. I wonder if I'm going to have a conversation.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Like, what are you doing just talking to yourself the whole time? That crazy guy with the camera. I'm going to use my video from today. Yeah, Shia LaBeouf vibes. vibes i know i totally got those two but better kind of like a more stable version what would you say hillary have we seen the one you did today i can't wait to hear your feedback on the one from today hey do you get what do you go home today i do okay cool well um call me when you land'm going to watch it when we're done with the show. Okay, because I have thoughts on it, and I've gotten a little bit of feedback already.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Okay. It'll be interesting to hear it from you, the media man. Hey, you have done so much, brought so much energy to this community. You're fucking awesome. It's great having you. Oh, even better. It's so great having you. And even the people that we fight with,
Starting point is 00:20:56 and I think they should even be thankful. I hope none of them truly take offense to it. The Talking Link Fitness or the Danny's or the, uh, what's the, what's the, uh, old guy.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Um, great CrossFitter that you make fun of. Hip and steel. Hip and steel. I hope everyone just realizes it's just all just energy being brought to the ecosystem. Don't, don't,
Starting point is 00:21:18 no kids are getting hurt. Yeah. Just, just chill. Yeah. Just have fun. If, if for some reason you're mad at anything hillar did
Starting point is 00:21:26 just drop a fucking dm and tell him he's funny or or lean into it in some comment on the ig it's okay you know why don't you post on his on his instagram and say hey thanks hillar you're right that was a fuck up like everyone chill just this is great shit we're lucky to have andrew what if we chased andrew away and he started doing fucking golf videos? That would suck. That would suck. I probably have a hundred thousand subscribers by now. Christina Young today was weird.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Oh, is she referencing your video? It is weird. Oh, good. I can't wait. It's interesting. Don't don't look at the comments. Remember when Seban was afraid of Hiller? I'm still afraid of Hiller. Look at me kissing his ass. It's interesting. Don't look at the comments. Remember when Seban was afraid of Hiller? I'm still afraid of Hiller.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Look at me kissing his ass. I'm terrified. You want to keep your enemies the closest. He's super afraid. Olivia Hudson. Hey. All right. Thank you, Andrew. I'll give you a call. You'll be home in a couple hours.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I landed too. Okay. I'll be getting to the skate park at 12. Perfect time to talk to you. One day. All right, brother. Thank you. Bye, guys. Thank you. Adios. Later, Andrew.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Wow. Look what the cat drug in uh you're driving and laptop and a hot spot yep just like we used to do what a boss look how clear it's coming in though i know it's like solid hey caleb if you were an 18-wheeler, that would be so awesome. Well, I'm in a truck, so it's pretty close, I guess. Yeah, it does seem like you're pretty high. Oh, lookit, you got your own emoji. Nice.
Starting point is 00:23:17 So you know you've made it. It's nice. It's nice. Beaver in a truck. All right. Finally time to get the show off. Look at this. I guess who who's gonna bring them up is it easier if suza brings it up probably yeah it's probably better if i do it
Starting point is 00:23:31 i can do it either way it's up to you really he's got that capability okay let's see let's see what kids get uh okay the 581 let's see let's see what we this is all hot spotted off your cell phone yeah yeah i know that's how i feel too Yeah, I know. That's how I feel too. The world is right again. That's how I feel. Hey. 581. Yeah, 581.
Starting point is 00:23:52 It's called – it says fact-check. I'm tripping that this post is fact-checked. Like anyone thinks that this post is real or not real? Like anyone cares? Dude, these notes are so long. I know. It's out of control. I out of control that's why I thought they were done yep it goes to the second loop it's out of control
Starting point is 00:24:12 there was something else I wanted to read to you guys oh oh go ahead okay look at false information reviewed by independent fact-checkers. It's insane that this is fact-checked to me. Like, I would just – this seems like comedy to me.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I can't believe that – okay, go ahead. Let's watch this. You know what the acronym of WOKE originally came from, right? Willingly Overlooking Known Evil. You know what the acronym of woke originally came from, right? Willingly Overlooking Known Evil. CrossFit can't be consistent with their shuttle run length, and that's the premise of their entire company is workouts.
Starting point is 00:25:03 And that's the premise of their entire company is workouts. And yet Instagram is checking acronyms and putting a fact check on them. That's crazy. It's over the top, isn't it? Yeah. I want to read to you somewhere I have. I want to read to you some of the violations of Google. It is nuts. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:35 I'm going to pull this up here and read some of these out loud to you so you guys know how crazy YouTube is for people who don't know. Don't post content on YouTube if it includes any of the following. These are things you're not supposed to post. Content that encourages the use of home remedies, prayers, or rituals in place of medical treatment, such as consulting a doctor or going to the hospital. So just so you know, the leading cause of death in the United States, I don't know what it is. It's probably like coronary heart disease.
Starting point is 00:26:07 But the third leading cause of death in the United States is medical errors. There's no one disputing that. The third – listen to this, people. The third leading cause of death in the United States is medical errors. Content to home remedies. Does that mean you're not allowed to say work out don't eat sugar and seed oils you're not allowed to say that nope that is not advice i'm giving you by the way i am not giving you the advice to don't eat sugar and seed oils and to work out regularly but um but if i was a
Starting point is 00:26:38 doctor i wonder if i was a doctor they on this unreal. They would still censor you against their ideology, though, because we've seen doctors be censored, too. You can't make claims that there's a guaranteed cure for COVID-19. I wonder if I could say... What? Didn't they guarantee there was a cure for COVID-19, though?
Starting point is 00:27:03 They did. And transition. But what's so weird is why is YouTube – why is YouTube – why is this – why does YouTube – why does our media have a whole page on this that's protecting pharma? What is it? Yeah, what's about it? Are they afraid someone's going to – like if they're really afraid someone's going to or bad shit's gonna happen they should shut down in all of youtube it's um hey listen you can't put content that discourages people from consulting a medical professional or seeking medical advice i want to tell you by the way that regardless of the fact
Starting point is 00:27:42 that doctors are um uh are the third medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the united states i do think that you should always consult the doctor did i cover my ass there is that good good nailed it yep like a list two prescript like a list two drugs by name that you can't say yes that's insane and one didn't one of them win like a... Dude, one of them is like the most given drug in the world. Yeah, but didn't the guy who invented tube won like the Nobel Peace Prize or something like that? Yes, yes, yes. Not the Peace Prize, but one of the Nobel Prizes.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Yeah, I butchered that. It's okay. This is a comedy show. We're allowed to butcher things. Didn't the guy win something for that hey you're not allowed to claim that covet 19 is not caused by a viral infection i i bet you they don't even know what the word caused means damn who came up you can't you can't claim that covet 19 is not contagious
Starting point is 00:28:39 oh you're not allowed to read the youtube policy live on the air? No, I made that up. Hey, who came up with this list? Do you think pharma just printed it out and handed it to them? It's like, here, post this. You can claim climate change is real to the fact that it's a serious threat to the world's population. But you can't offer exercise as a solution
Starting point is 00:29:07 you can't deny COVID-19 exists wow dude what do they care if you deny COVID-19 exists or not yeah what interest do they have in this like protecting it it's amazing
Starting point is 00:29:28 what the fuck hey listen to this you're not allowed to claim how about this this is serious this really says this you can't make videos alleging that setting off fireworks can clean the air of the virus and will prevent the spread of the virus. Do you see that? Yeah. So that means enough people made videos about that. Hey, you can't make a video claiming that if you avoid Asian food, you won't get the Corona virus. Someone took the time to write all this shit.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Oh shit. You can't claim that COVID-19 vaccines kill people. Oh, shit. Damn. Oh, my God. Holy shit. Hey, how about this? You can't claim people are immune to the virus
Starting point is 00:30:20 based on their race. Oh, it claims that children cannot or do not contract COVID-19. We may allow content that violates the misinformation policies noted on this page if that content includes additional context in the video, audio
Starting point is 00:30:42 title, or description. This is not a pass to promote misinformation. Additional context may include countervailing views from local health authorities or medical experts. We may also make exception if the purpose of the content is to condemn, dispute, or satirize misinformation. Oh, shit. So Saturday Night Live, you can do that if it's satire
Starting point is 00:31:01 to make fun of people who think contrary to this. How do you know if it's satire to make fun of people who who think contrary to this how do you know yeah that's i said that's a weird loophole huh yeah like whoa to me that was just satire what that guy was saying yeah everything we do satire put us put it back up there i i um once again i reiterate it is soon as uh basically pharma and the government and YouTube are all the same. Do not trust anyone who appeals to authority. I'm not saying that you shouldn't use doctors. You should use doctors. You should use all the resources you have.
Starting point is 00:31:34 But anyone who appeals to authority, that doctors are the end all, do not trust those people. That is just crazy. All right, well, now you kind of know. Part of me thinks that it's only a matter of time, but all I have to do is go through all my episodes and just start reporting shit. We have 90 days before that strike goes away. We already had a strike, by the way, for something else.
Starting point is 00:32:03 It was for violence. Do you remember there was that shot someone reported me We already had a strike, by the way, for something else. Like copyright or something? Oh, it was for violence. Do you remember there was that shot someone reported me of those two guys fighting? Even though you couldn't even see them, they were blurred. Yes. Someone reported that. Yeah. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:32:17 I just pulled up this stat because I was trying to see what percentage of ad revenue was on Facebook, like how much of that came from the pharmaceutical companies. And this one from on January 5th of this year said that pharmaceutical industry TV ad spend in the US from 2016 to 2020 was accounted for 75% of the total revenue taken in by the media companies.
Starting point is 00:32:43 So that means that they're paying 75% of all the bills to keep those lights on. You think they own anything? They own it. They own media. They literally own it. They literally own it. I can't even believe they allow us to exist, to be honest. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Well, they're slowly not. They're slowly not. They're taking it out uh 581 that's crazy we just try to burn through oh to try to burn through a hundred of these can we get through a hundred of these yeah rapid fire let's do it yeah we just did oh 580 sorry 580 just do all the bits in a satire voice. That's not a bad idea.
Starting point is 00:33:28 I like how everybody's Facebook pictures are like family photos. You know how it switched to YouTube? Bruce Wayne, I thought this podcast was all satire. Oh, that's an interesting observation, Mr. Sousa. It is all satire. What are you talking about oh this is so this this guy this is a lady making a video in the mirror and um this you can play this like three times this is exactly what i think whenever someone uses this line in an instagram post this is exactly what i think here we go a lot of you guys have been asking me...
Starting point is 00:34:06 Nobody's been asking you s***. A lot of you guys have been asking me... Nobody's been asking you s***. Yeah. A lot of you guys have been asking me... Remember, anytime you hear that on Instagram, or someone writes, a lot of you guys have been asking me what I like to eat at night before I go to bed. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:34:29 One guy who wants to fuck you asks you that in your DMs, and that's his way of making small talk. No one cares what you eat before you go to bed at night. No one. Nobody. As soon as you hear that, just assume liar, even if they're not. 579.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Who wants to tell me if this is true? I have no idea if this next thing is true, but I did go up to the Boreal Ski Resort last month, and they did not accept cash. Is it over? Is cash over? I know a couple places out here that don't accept it either. Yeah, is cash over?
Starting point is 00:35:01 I don't think legally it could be over, and I still think there might be some legal stipulations to that. Like they have to take your cash or something. Oh, really? Yeah. Well, how about this? Here we go. This is kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Here we go. Folks, this week while everybody's focused on Trump, I'm going to bring your attention to a story that nobody seems to be covering. As of April 3rd, 2023, the U.S. Federal Reserve has launched the FedNow system, which is the infrastructure that will replace the U.S. dollar as we know it, with a new central bank digital currency. Our own FedNow service will be coming online in 2023. We are examining whether a U.S. central bank digital currency would improve upon what is an already safe and efficient domestic payment system. Now let's just touch on why central bank digital currencies are a very bad idea. The White House has published several papers and worked with several organizations
Starting point is 00:35:49 talking about what they want these central bank digital currencies to be for. It has to benefit the climate. It has to be equitable. Well, I'm sure you can imagine a situation in which perhaps there's another lockdown and you're not allowed to leave your house or go to a next city. And when you try to leave and go to that next city, your card doesn't work. Or how about limiting each person to two trips per year? Well, the plane is a gas guzzler.
Starting point is 00:36:11 It's to keep your carbon footprint low. Well, if this sounds like some conspiracy theory to you or some Orwellian dream, let's take a look at a place where it already exists. China. If you cross the street and jaywalk, money gets taken out of your account. Fed now. If there's lockdown and you want to go to the next city and you try to buy a ticket, you can't. Card doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Sorry. Fed now. If you're a bad little citizen and you do something that the government doesn't approve of, i.e. like the truckers last year, they'll just shut down your account. Remember that. Fed now. Well, let me bring you up. We're fucked. Folks, this week. i hate to be negative but
Starting point is 00:36:46 some people are fucked we're we are shit is about to get really weird yeah the banking stuff's a little sketchy huh dude and don't think that they won't and here's the thing no one cares until it happens to them they shut down your yeah yeah oh my god this is terrifying i know i can't it's so scary i can't even think about it until it happens to them. They shut down your... Yeah. Yeah, oh my God, this is terrifying. I know, I can't... It's so scary, I can't even think about it. Man. I don't know if that's real.
Starting point is 00:37:17 I want to buy a gun, digital currency denied. Fed now. Fed now, yeah. No shit. denied. Fed now. Fed now, yeah. No shit. It's kind of scary, huh? The banks control everything. i hate this shit what i mean it's just it's just it's like it's all everything's relative right like okay it's it's the same thing like they're they're you're you send your kids to school and they pull your kid aside and then with other kids and they're like hey we want you to know
Starting point is 00:38:03 about gender identity and they start in your kids in the fourth grade and they're teaching about gender identity just something that doesn't even exist complete imagination and they and they're like you can pick whether you're going to be a cis male or cis and they start talking and so you're like okay that really sucks i'm going to pull my kids out of school but the digital currency thing it's just you're you it's just, you're you, it's just, there's no options. No optionality. I mean,
Starting point is 00:38:32 some choice. Yeah. It's, it's, it's like, it's getting like, it feels like it's like time to fight or, you know what I mean? Or,
Starting point is 00:38:36 or run for office or yeah, it's just weird shit. Yeah. Well, hopefully enough. And it's black mirror shit real life black mirror mirror episode happening in real time wake up yeah and then the thing is that so many people around you just don't give a fuck i'm not asking people to run around like the sky's
Starting point is 00:38:54 falling but just just friends and family and loved ones who are just retarded just don't just don't want to talk about it. Don't think it's not actually happening. My dad said to me a few months ago when we were talking, he's like, when did you become such a prude? You don't want sexual education in schools? It's like, dude, they put a condom on a banana. They didn't ask me if I wanted to be a girl. Yeah, or your preferences or explain a bunch of confusion. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Hey, you know what? That that's happening though. Do you do believe, do you believe in the power of humanity in this country at least? Meaning the more we travel down this path, the more people are picking, picking their heads up and going way, way, way. This ain't right. This ain't right. We need to change direction and we'll slowly pull back away and away and start to figure out a way out of this mess. Or do you think it's just too far down the path?
Starting point is 00:39:50 There's too many people that are on wood. No, I have hope. I do think that all problems must flourish before they come to an end. It just looks like it's like we've only, like the problem really hasn't flourished yet. Like it's going to need to get way weirder. And truth is is what should like part of me says what should i care i'm probably immune to it i'm like i'm pretty uh insulated from it yeah but uh but it's still
Starting point is 00:40:17 the world your boys are gonna grow up in right right right yeah like i said if i didn't have kids i'd probably be like just be kind of excited to watch the whole thing. Watch it burn. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that some of these things that they're doing as they're like pushing the envelope further and further is actually the only way for it to come back the pendulum to swing back around. people to action a little bit. So the more they usher all these crazy policies into schools, kind of the people that were maybe riding the line or they didn't push them just far enough to evoke action, they're starting to do it now. And you're starting to see it like Tillender told us, oh, well, you know, is it the drag queens reading in the libraries? Is it really that big of a deal? Are you guys comparing that to the same, you know, unarmed black man that was shot by the cops making? But what we're seeing is more and more of that in the curriculum, more and more teachers speaking out and saying, Hey,
Starting point is 00:41:08 this is becoming a massive issue. So how much of that will happen until we push enough people over to the other side to where they're like, hold on. I don't agree with this. I don't understand no more. We need some sort of change. And, and I think that a lot of America, I think just a lot of the world is just fat and lazy. Isn't that the best way to keep everybody down? A smartphone and a bag of chips and a soda. Just fat and lazy. Hot Cheetos.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Hot Cheetos and a soda and a Mountain Dew and some thirst traps on the Instagram and you're fucking set for the day. Susie, maybe you should pull this one up just because it was a little stuttery on Caleb's. What do you think? Because of his connection? 578.
Starting point is 00:41:54 I wonder what Caleb thinks about this video too. How is this a real job? 578. How is this a real... Hey, this is one of the craziest videos i've ever seen it's nuanced um i just don't understand how this is a real job i don't i don't even know what the fuck is going on to be honest this is absolutely insane i'd like to get this guy on the show i could maybe do a whole show on what's going on here. Watch the chains that fly around him.
Starting point is 00:42:28 There's no way. The only way this job ends is someone getting injured. Holy shit. Look at those chains and look where his hands are. These guys take turns doing the weirdest shit with this chain. Watch this. So they just passed off the chain from one guy to another. You see that? And it just keeps getting... And then there's another chain
Starting point is 00:42:53 in the foreground that keeps getting taut and slack put in it. Watch this. Here we go. Now he's got another chain. Now watch this shit. Excuse me? What are you doing with that? That can't be safe. What?
Starting point is 00:43:10 What is that? Did he just grease it? I don't know what he did, but watch this shit. Look at this. This cannot be safe. There's got to be a safer way to do that. Look at his fingers. Oh.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Doesn't it look like he just does that non-stop for eight hours yes definitely is that oil supposed to be spilling out everywhere is that that's supposed what'd you say caleb he probably does that for like 12 to 24 hours look at those chains hey yeah that is nuts. Adam Blakeslee, my job is crazy. I should send you a video of what I do. Yeah, please do. Yeah, if it's anything like this.
Starting point is 00:43:55 It's so different than what Cameron does. You know who Cameron is? The guy with the OnlyFans page who sends pictures of his dirty underwear to people for money? Yeah, a little bit different. Don't those jobs pay pretty well too? Absolutely. I mean, I don't know. But I think for sure that guy loses a finger.
Starting point is 00:44:16 What did you say, Caleb? You get paid crazy money because it's like a deployment. They'll send you out into the oil fields for like four months at a time. Mm-hmm. I think I remember hearing that. I, what's, Jeremy E. World, I bet he's concerned about his pronouns. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Adam Blakeslee, I did a hot slag pit under an electric arc furnace. No fucking idea what that is, but anything with the word arc in furnace scares me. Furnace. No fucking idea what that is. Anything with the word arc and furnace scares me. Oh, I didn't know Bruce had kids. You knew that? Two of them, yeah. I think so.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Poetry. 577. I don't know why I like this. I just like this. Every once in a why I like this. I just like this. Every once in a while I see something like, yeah, this is what really social media is for. 577, here we go. Listen to the young lady do her cosmology. There was no side to side.
Starting point is 00:45:20 There was no light. There was no dark or shape of any kind. There were no stars or planet Mars or protons to collide. There was no up. There was no down. There was no light, there was no dark, no shape of any kind. There were no stars or planet Mars or protons to collide. There was no up, there was no down, there was no side to side. And furthermore, to underscore this total lacking state, there was no here, there was no there because there was no space. And in this endless void, which can't be thought of as a place, there was no time and so no passing minutes, hours, days. Of all the paradoxes that belabor common sense, I think this one's the greatest,
Starting point is 00:45:46 this time before events. Because how did we get from nothing to infinitely dense, from immeasurably small to inconceivably immense? But before we get unmoored from the question at the start, let's take a breath and marvel at when math becomes an art. Because we don't have to understand it to know there was a time when there was no up there was no down there was no side to side for the big bang there was no up there was no down there was no side to side cool right yeah that was really cool thank you young lady whatever your name is oh she didn't write that she just read it anyway it's cool uh 576 germany's christian dorsten uh germany's christian dorsten is germany's like main guy main virologist he's the one that
Starting point is 00:46:36 fucking set everything in motion uh for the germans and he was on the who council and he's one of the guys that have set all the policies in place for covid and moving forward he wants to be part of the um the policies that go forward for the next pandemic this is dr drew talking to dr simon godick and i did do uh he's a phd in biotechnology and ceo of sun uh listen to what this guy says um what's interesting is i looked up i looked up germany's christian dorsten and i think it was in 2010 or 2014 he wrote a paper saying that you could not use pcr tests to um determine if someone has a virus or not that they were not a reliable this guy doesn't even talk about this by the way this dr simon godick he's going to bring up
Starting point is 00:47:24 another issue about christian dorsten but this guy uh christ even talk about this, by the way, this Dr. Simon Godek, he's going to bring up another issue about Christian Dorsten. But this guy, Christian Dorsten from Germany, their main virologist over there, he did a paper in 2010 or 2014 that said you cannot use the PCR test to determine whether someone has a virus or not. If you guys don't remember, the PCR test was the test that they tested everyone's samples with to find out if you had COVID or not. Everyone's known that the PCR test was horrible for that, including the inventor of the PCR test. And yet, in 2020, 10 years later after Christian Dorsen admitted that the PCR test could not be used to test people for a reliable source if people had a virus or not, this happens. And once again, these are doctors.
Starting point is 00:48:07 These are doctors. Listen to how long it took him to get the paper peer-reviewed to use PCR tests in Germany to determine if people have the virus or not. Go ahead. Action. Oh, this Drosten COVID protocol paper. It was a protocol. He didn't invent the test. He wrote this protocol. And I learned that the peer review process was better.
Starting point is 00:48:31 This guy, he's called Dr. Drosten. I thought it was Drosten. But Christian Drosten, he published a paper in 2020 about the protocols to test someone if they have COVID or not and what those proper protocols should be using the PCR test. And that's what Dr. Simon is talking about. Okay, action. Very quick. And by the time I was an editor of a quite well-impacted journal,
Starting point is 00:49:00 and I was looking through the process itself. So I learned that he um yeah past period said the period within three and a half and 27 and a half hours this was the time window pause and i was like this is between the time he published the paper but by the time he finished the paper and it was published took between three and a half and 27 and a half hours, and yet it said it was peer-reviewed. It takes – the fastest a paper can normally become peer-reviewed is six months. And this paper was the protocol that the world used for the PCR test. You guys, this is – it's just all out in the open anyway
Starting point is 00:49:46 And then you can google around to find out if this is true I if I spent about 10 minutes fact-checking this and this guy of course this guy just like dr. Fauci drawston has been around forever Since 2003 the SARS shit the avian flu he has had his hands and fucking everything the SARS shit, the avian flu. He has had his hands in fucking everything. Was Dr. Drew pushing the jab? I don't think he was, was he? I can't remember at the time.
Starting point is 00:50:19 I thought he was pretty against it. I know, peer-reviewed, exactly. It's a joke. Yes. The speed of science. Thank you, Caleb. The speed of science the speed yeah thank you caleb the speed of science yes anyway once again there you go these aren't um none of this is conspiracy this is just all the stuff that you know our friends and family and loved ones believed they lined up outside of uh walgreens to get tested and be told they had covid and then took the injection
Starting point is 00:50:43 oh he was pushing it wow that's a shame has he flipped did he flip the script interesting i mean i feel like if he's on a major network he has to push it that's just part of like the status quo of mainstream uh A mainstream. 574. Health emergency, boy or girl? I don't know what that means. Was there one that... Did I erase? Okay, let's see. Health emergency, boy or girl?
Starting point is 00:51:17 Oh, there's one without anything written on it. Here we go. I spoke to Paul Saladino last night. Oh, really? Oh, this is great. I don't think Matt Walsh is being mean. If anyone else thinks he's being mean, let me know. I don't think he's being mean.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Some people think he's mean. I don't think he's being mean here. Let's action. Okay, if you're responding to a health emergency, biological male, somebody with a penis is having a medical emergency. And they say to you, I think I'm having a miscarriage. Would you would you check them to see if they're having a miscarriage? Would you consider that a possibility for them? No, but that's because some people don't have body parts. Doesn't mean they're not a woman.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Okay. Sounds like we've established there are some people who in principle can get pregnant. And there are some people who can't. So there's two categories, otherwise known as binary. Lots of women can't get pregnant either. Yeah, but they're still of the nature to get pregnant.
Starting point is 00:52:34 You said you're an EMT? Yes. Dude. Fuck you up with that one. Never listen to EMTs, by the way. Thank you. We're all fucking stupid uh pc cards alex bernson's book pandemia quoted the social distancing measures we did was based on a school project by an 11 year old not by researchers i i can't remember who i heard being interviewed but it was someone over at the c or FDA or – fuck, where was it?
Starting point is 00:53:08 And they were asking him how they came up with that, and they just straight-up admitted that they made it up. How'd you figure it out? Did you call Paul out for dropping a liver king after five years of friendship? I didn't talk about the liver king at all. I don't know if they're – are they still not – are they not friends? I'm assuming they're friends still, but I'm just making that assumption. But it was nice talking to Paul. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:53:39 I felt like an idiot because I said something about him being in ketosis. He's like, I'm not in ketosis. I just assumed Paul Saladino was in ketosis. He's like, I'm not in ketosis. I just assumed Paul Saladino was in ketosis. He's like, I eat tons of carbs. I eat tons of honey. Oh, I would have thought he was in ketosis too. Yeah. And I was like, shit, we got to have you on.
Starting point is 00:53:57 We got to have you on again. And then I was like, I got kicked off of YouTube. He's like, well, he said, we'll wait till you get back on YouTube. How about Hunter said that to me too? Hey, is this right? No one wants to come on the show now that I'm not on YouTube. What? Did you check the thing over on Rumble?
Starting point is 00:54:13 Yeah. Wait. There's 1,300 people watching it? No, 131. Oh, this one has a point and a k next to it oh okay let's say that let's go with that okay because that's what i see on my on this end uh nathaniel green saladino changed from carnivore to animal based eats lots of honey and fruit now cool i'm open to change i'm glad he's experimenting
Starting point is 00:54:42 i wonder if they pass the pass-through numbers. I signed us up for a Locals account. I don't even know what it is. A Locals account? Is that like OnlyFans, but more locally? I'm not sure what it is. I thought it was like YouTube. Okay. And we can have like a community on there or something, but someone told me I should get the Sevan podcast on there. Sounds like a Twitter account. Is it locals?
Starting point is 00:55:07 I don't know. No, I don't think so. Twitch seems solid for me. Good. Oh, this isn't good. Wonder Woman doesn't like Twitch. Wonder Woman. Jeff Burchfield doesn't like Twitch either.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Don't worry. A few more days, guys. A few more days. A few more. do we know exactly the end too because i know we got a guest lined up to come on yes let's try to get hunter uh i will try but i was i was gonna message back and i'm like i can't remember if is it gonna be that thursday that we're allowed back or is it gonna have to wait until friday more like morning for is the only thing either either the 13th or the 14th right i just don't know when they have like will it come on midnight of the 13th you know i wonder we can do it afterwards are we still are you still taking
Starting point is 00:55:58 putting the shows on spotify yes yeah okay yeah it's just gonna take a moment because we just uh switched our host recently. And our videos in July will be on Spotify too. It looks like July is going to be a good month for us. Yes. Audio – I mean visual will be on Spotify as well. I bet Gary will come on while you're being censored. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Thank you. A lot of people are asking if the video is going to be uploaded to Spotify and Apple. Are we behind on that? No. It just comes out the next day. No, usually I've been more on top of it since I started uploading it than ever. Usually
Starting point is 00:56:39 a bunch of them come out at one day, like five or six, and then like three or four days pass and a bunch would come out. I've had it consistently rolling out at 7 a.m. East Coast time. Twitch doesn't let me run in the background, which is a pain in the dick. Yeah, that sucks. I like that about YouTube that it just plays in the background. There's maybe something
Starting point is 00:56:56 you can switch. Sevan, did Paul convince you to start wearing Lululemon? We didn't talk about Lululemon, but I don't wear Lululemon. I have one pair of Lululemon shorts that's probably 10 years old. That's all you need. They last forever.
Starting point is 00:57:13 I keep going back and forth between platforms. I'm not even sure which one I'm commenting on half the time. 573. There's nothing written here. That makes me nervous. Digital uh 573 there's nothing written here that makes me nervous let's see digital digital currency what is this crazy shit oh oh this is crazy so this i don't know if this is real you guys this is a lady that supposedly has Tourette's and she's interviewing some guy, but either way it's funny here we go Poor bitch can I tell everyone what you smell like yes of course go for it
Starting point is 00:57:57 Dick dick he doesn't smell dick. It's dick. It's dick. It's it's not dick What a bitch I'm gonna fuck i'm gonna fuck him i'm so basically i've forgotten all of my questions now oh dear god thank you um beautiful bitch um can i tell everyone what you smell like yes of course go for it dick dick he doesn't smell dick it's's dick. It's dick. It's it's not dick. I Think she's making it. I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm so basically Some people with Tourette's and they just like spazz out like that like if they're nervous like then it gets even worse Dude
Starting point is 00:58:40 Wow Mark I just checked the settings and it's in there Okay so that you can watch it in the background You can listen in the background okay Oh okay She does have Tourette's she used to play video games on Twitch Mr. Ortega Kenny
Starting point is 00:58:58 That means she constantly has dick on her mind That's what I was thinking There's an Australian guy who does it too and it's even funnier with his accent uh the tourette's thing yeah uh 572 processed foods i mean i just wonder like we just found out about her now i don't know how christine how does your uncle having Tourette's mean that she's real? I think someone could fake that. Yeah, my cousin had Tourette's, and it just seemed like maybe his tics were different or more prominent, but it was very much intrusive in the fact that it even took over his head movement and stuff.
Starting point is 00:59:37 So he'd go to say something, and as it would go, he would do it. And half the time, he would move his head a little bit and not say anything. I mean, she's just going like this, this right she's jerking her head back dick dick i guess i i don't know it's hard to tell i'm probably wrong it's probably correct but no i'm good with you she's faking that shit like she's just anything for likes because you and usually too with people with tics like that that are really like experiencing that will just kind of keep going through it like she likes full on like laughed and like stopped about it and stuff like that and i don't know 572 processed food i wonder if those people knock their teeth out their head banging around like that
Starting point is 01:00:17 here it is the question we've all been wanting to know for the last five years. Here we go. I often get asked is what is worse, seed oils or sugar? This recent paper from the British Medical Journal is informative. An analysis of over 195,000 participants concluded that seed oils increased mortality when compared to sugar when their intake exceeded about six or seven percent of energy intake and understand that most individuals exceed this six percent threshold. In fact the average Australian gets more than 13 percent of their energy from seed oils which gives you an idea of the extent of this problem. Indeed when it comes to the average western style diet it would seem that seed oils are perhaps a bigger issue than even sugar, and that will be news to a lot of people. But don't
Starting point is 01:01:08 think that knowledge of the problems of seed oils is new. This study was from 1967, and it looked at the death rate from heart disease in more than one million Indian railway workers over a five-year period. And because it was a national study, the influence of different dietary habits between regions could be assessed, and most of the fat in the diet of northern indians was derived from saturated animal fats while those in the south got their fats mainly from seed oil and the striking finding was that the risk of ischemic heart disease was seven times greater in the seed oil consuming south and this is also in the context of them consuming 19 times less fat in total now while this is only an epidemiological study which cannot demonstrate causation the relative risk of
Starting point is 01:01:51 seven times is hugely significant and more importantly randomized controlled trials soon followed which confirmed the harms a question i wait a second wait a second wait a second yeah that music is weird is that guy so so seed oils and sugar are bad don't fuck with those but was that guy just saying at the end there that the people who are getting their fat from animal products no i'm gonna have to re-look at that either Either way, don't eat. I'm going to have to look at that again. Is that Jason CF Media? God, it seemed like it's set up there.
Starting point is 01:02:32 But do not eat seed oils. Check your bags for all that shit. Just stop eating that shit. I know it's kind of hard. No, did you listen? Did I listen to what? Why did you waste the time writing that instead of telling me what you really want to say i'm gonna be of no help i'm just gonna dab at you something got weird there at the end
Starting point is 01:02:59 um but but but definitely definitely do not eat seed oils i do not eat seed oils. Do not eat sugar if you can't. Avoid that shit. I just saw a dude in an electric car driving with his mask on by himself in the car. Perfect. Safety first.
Starting point is 01:03:16 About the animal eater shithead, I thought I did listen. That's what I was saying. That's what caught my ear. I'm not a shithead gosh be helpful i am not a shithead i'm like a six-year-old i know i'm not no jerk uh oh shut it shut it you still haven't said it said we say what you heard you cunt just tell me what you heard dang thank you i do like my head i do have a pretty good head i'm always appreciative of good head tell me wet mouth tell me let's put our uh head game let's put our mouth sands let's put our differences aside and just tell me what you heard i want to see if you heard what i heard dildo caleb's not driving
Starting point is 01:04:10 there she is hi hi damn look at that hair caleb she got all the fucking hair i know she's got gray hair that's your wife yeah that's my wife damn you did good dude yeah she kinda looks like Wonder Woman Gal Gadot yeah she does look like Wonder Woman holy shit that's awesome
Starting point is 01:04:37 dude you know how I know you're gay why would you deploy I should have come up with something should have come up with something figure it out yeah uh 571 canada is done i know okay that's what i was thinking his uh uh here we go away he was saying the seed oil people had more heart disease than animal eaters even though they had less fat intake overall okay that good that makes me feel better i heard it i heard it backwards for a second good thank you he was saying the cdo people had more heart disease than the animal eaters okay good okay good for a second i thought he was saying the other way
Starting point is 01:05:19 around okay thank you thank you uh uh wet mouth. Because I didn't want to listen to that whole thing again. I appreciate you. Okay, there's Wet Mouth and I, or I love a wet mouth. hey were they like look at this crew of people look at this crew of people it truly is it truly is the bar from Star Wars Jabba the Hutt bar cantina is that what that place is called
Starting point is 01:06:04 the cantina guys look what that place is called the cantina yeah guys look at look at look at caleb for a second he's a young man he woke up he just put a hat on that that is what just a normal man looks like now look at these other people even the the white guy has a tie on. What is a tie? Look at these fucking clowns. Just the one all the way to the right hand corner. Everyone's gone out of their way to just not be who they are. Looks like Violet Beauregard's on the bottom left. Who dressed that little girl?
Starting point is 01:06:39 Is that a little girl on the lower left? Who dressed her? Who thought that was okay? It's a Willy Wonka character. And hey, come here. I'm going to tie a piece of rope around you. About 8 inches, 12 inches above
Starting point is 01:06:53 your belly button. What the fuck is going on with these people? What about the two behind her? That orange and green hair or something else? That thing on... They look like Simpsons characters. Mm-hmm. I love how there's orange and green hair or something else. That thing on... They look like Simpsons characters. I love how there's just two with masks on, too.
Starting point is 01:07:10 Oh. Whose glass of water is whose? Yeah, it is an SNL skit. It's totally an SNL skit. It's crazy. Yeah, it definitely looks like it. Well, here you go.
Starting point is 01:07:26 This shit is real. Canada, you got you are fucked. You are fucked. Nice. How'd you do that? That's a Cantina theme song. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:07:47 That was good. Okay, go ahead and play this crazy shit. That was really good, Caleb. Firstly, it enables the Attorney General to create a 2SLGBTQI plus community safety zone to prohibit within 100 meters of the property
Starting point is 01:08:04 any homophobic transphobic act of intimidation threat offensive threats offensive remarks protest disturbance and distribution of hate propaganda within the meaning of the criminal code it also comes with it a penalty so pause this twenty five thousand dollars if prosecuted so you, let's say you went by a gay bar and you yelled something like your ex-boyfriend's in there and like you yelled something. That's illegal now. They have laws
Starting point is 01:08:38 about what you can say within 100 meters of I think it's gay bars. It's a weird protected class. What the fuck is a gay bar? Or a drag show? God, they're so, what a fucking trippy place Canada is. Wow.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Okay, is there any more? No, it's done. There's like another one second. Just freedom of speech, just eroding. Hey, just because in case now you disagree with what the agenda is, they got laws. They're going to lock you up. Don't like your kids hanging out with the teacher with the rainbow flag
Starting point is 01:09:24 teaching gender identity two problem that's your problem now you're gonna say something about it they'll throw you in jail yeah exactly that's why it looks like a trailer for the suez squad uh first movie yeah it's bizarre look at that freaking icon photo um jake the snake roberts okay 570 this one is really interesting i was trying to figure out how i wanted to explain this my perception of what this guy is saying it does not there's something really big picture here that this guy that this message is sharing really really big picture here that this message is sharing. Really, really big picture.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Don't worry so much even about what he's saying. It's like it doesn't matter if what he's saying is even true or not. There's an idea here that a concept that holds these words, that's what's more important. Okay, play this. I think you guys are going to really like this. Does ever say Uyghur? And then it dawned on me.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Dawned on me the sophistication of this scam here. See, the narrative is that Negroes face the worst oppression in history. And by that measure, all other identity politics games can be waged. All other wars of identity and culture can be waged on the back of the assertion that the oppression that Negroes have faced in America and in colonial history are the standard bearer. are the standard bearer. And so we can't threaten that. Same with the Jews.
Starting point is 01:11:11 The Holocaust is the greatest genocide that's ever been waged. We can't threaten that. The entire narrative upholds the post-World War II Democratic liberal order that was first built on the graves of Jews who were slaughtered. A political scheme that was built on top of graves of Jews who were slaughtered. And then entrenched on top of the oppression of blacks who were unfairly treated and also in some cases slaughtered.
Starting point is 01:11:41 There's your cultural narrative. There's your cultural narrative. There's your identity politics. The fears of Jewish and black women coming together to tell their men never fight back against the establishment. Always remember the possibility of death. Always remember the possibility of slaughter. Always remember the possibility of genocide. And in that, you march in line, lockstep with whatever the status quo says, because it's safe. And that's why none of you Negroes will say the word China. None of you Negroes will say the word Uyghur. Tell me.
Starting point is 01:12:23 I'll wait. Why will none of you Negroes say the word Uyghur? The words even sound a little similar, don't they? I mean, I'm not going to say it here. Uyghur? You guys aren't getting it yet. You don't get it. You don't see? You don't get it. You don't see.
Starting point is 01:12:46 You don't see what's happened. And I'll say again, there is great merit to the claim that psychological enslavement, psychological slavery has usurped physical bondage. Actually, there's not even merit. That's the case. But we live in a multipolar world.
Starting point is 01:13:11 In the West, psychological slavery has replaced bondage. There in the East, they've gone back to physical bondage. And I'm on the Internet watching a clip of me calling for the freedom of a people who have been put involuntarily. OK, Paul, there's a part in the beginning there where he you had where he's saying that basically that melanated people are the the standard for the victim. That's all I hear. They're being held as the standard for the victim. They are. The left has just demanded that they be the pinnacle the pinnacle of victimhood they demand that melanated people play the fucking victim and that's their backstop for fucking everything that's their just go-to for everything that's
Starting point is 01:13:59 their backstop that's their that's their uh that's the um got their god card. There's something crazy there he's sharing big picture. There's something really – it's at the root of all systemic racism, this need for a group of people to play and just stand steadfast on the fact that they're victims. They've convinced them to hold themselves hostage. He even does it a little bit. Yeah, they have – man, it's some crazy manipulative shit. I wish I could explain it better. I want to try to get that guy on.
Starting point is 01:14:57 I've been bugging that guy. Don't let anyone tell you you're a victim, ever. Do not let anyone argue your limitations. Laugh at them. Don't your limitations. Laugh at them. Don't take offense. Just laugh at them. Who are the Uyghurs? Are the people he's talking about the Uyghurs, the people in China who are being held,
Starting point is 01:15:14 who are, I don't see, I don't see, I don't see anything about that anywhere ever. Do you guys, what's that? The Uyghurs. It's been going on since like 2014 2014 I think nobody said anything about it
Starting point is 01:15:30 probably because it's in China hey they they have people playing the victim which holds everyone else hostage so they have these group of melanated people who everyone's sort of terrified of and now they got the trans a few in the trans community doing the same thing and everyone's terrified of them and so they just hold everyone hostage by argued by playing the victim yeah and then they silence everybody else with that because what's the biggest fear here in the bay area if you're especially if you're well off and you're white what's your biggest fear you don't want to be accused of being racist. That's it.
Starting point is 01:16:05 And then what's the second biggest one? And I might have bated you a little bit on that, but it's their carbon footprint. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They want to make sure that it's always going to boil down to those two things, right? Race and climate change or global warming or whatever else they're going to replace it with.
Starting point is 01:16:26 And so you're right. That's their backstop because that's the foundation for everything they lay on top of it. Because similar to the slogans that they use in activist campaigns like Black Lives Matter, they present it in a way that you can't disagree with it because then you're going to be labeled the opposition. So even if you have a thought that might be contrary to it or just even questioning the narrative now we could just label you oh well see he's a racist oh see he's a climate change denier how stupid can you be he can't even figure out that we're ruining the world you're gonna take advice from this guy he probably doesn't even believe in science and they put shit like that believe in science in the same fucking sentence. And people all sit there, oh, yeah, I'll see.
Starting point is 01:17:05 I don't want to be associated with Sevan because he's one of those conspiracy theorists. And you know what? No one's ever said that. No one's ever said that. But you're right. It's their backstop for everything because then they could always just point to you being the bad guy if there's any sort of disagreement with the narrative. you being the bad guy if there's any sort of disagreement with the narrative and they have the people who are who are who are most hurt by it which isn't me making sure that the story stays steady and strong yep in the name of dependence imagine imagine uh being given the
Starting point is 01:17:39 tools to cut your chains free but instead you use those tools to put more chains on you it's it's unbelievable twice in my life um uh someone tried to mug me once i was a little kid i was in the eighth or ninth grade i was in the bronx uh and i was wearing i was uh listening to a walkman i had one of those big yellow ones the sony ones that had like the waterproof, not waterproof, but splash proof, right? The really tight seal. And I had a pair of headphones on and I was walking down the street in the Bronx and I would think I was probably listening to like, it was a cassette I just bought. It was an East Coast rapper. I'm never going to remember his name yeah exactly it's exactly that wow holy shit wow yeah it had radio and everything yeah yeah the front of it
Starting point is 01:18:33 pops open you put the tape in there yeah you just dated yourself crazy and this kid walks up to me and uh he said hey that's my those are my brother's headphones. No, Nas. Are you kidding me? Nas wasn't even born when I was over there. Nas. Thank you, though. I like Nas. I respect.
Starting point is 01:18:54 The Wu-Tang. Come on, guys. Come on, Bruce. Come on. It was like when rappers had names like Kid Joe or something. Kid Joe or something. Kid Joe. I'm trying to remember.
Starting point is 01:19:09 Closer. You're getting closer. Sugar Hill Gang, closer. Anyway, so Shiz, thanks for the graphics you've been making. Yeah, it actually really touches me when you do stuff like that i really appreciate it yeah it's really cool all the tvs so this kid walks up to me and he says hey those are my brother's headphones i said no they're not they're my sisters and they were my sisters and he said no they're my uh brothers and i'm like no they're not we go back and forth and he pulls out a fucking box cutter oh shit i'm not gonna tell you again yeah yeah exactly and it was like that no motherfucker i said those are my brothers and i'm like and i and i knew about box cutter was because
Starting point is 01:19:52 i would work in my dad's wine and cheese store and we would take box cutters and open the boxes to get the wine out and i'm like why do you have a box cutter i didn't even know that it was like to threaten me i was still i was in eighth grade i was oblivious you didn't even know you're being wrong no and he's like i got this box cutter in case you try to run and we're like we're on a busy street i'm like i'm not gonna try to why would i run like i still don't even know it took so long for you to realize yeah this is a jack move fool yeah and then he goes and then we're standing underneath this fucking huge building and um you know probably 30 stories bigger than any building i've ever seen and he says uh hey don't go anywhere and he's got his box cutter and he's waving it around i'm gonna go
Starting point is 01:20:31 upstairs and i'm gonna get my brother and we're gonna come downstairs and i'm gonna show that those are his headphones i was like okay he puts the he puts the box cutter away and and there's people walking right back tons of people The street sidewalks are packed. He goes upstairs. I remember I had asked him how old he was because he was six inches taller than me and huge and fat. I was probably in the eighth grade.
Starting point is 01:20:56 He's probably in the sixth grade. He goes upstairs. I see him enter the building and I just walk away. You just left? Yeah, I just left. Stay right here. I'm going to go get somebody.
Starting point is 01:21:11 Yeah, exactly. And you kept the headphones, right? You never gave him the headphones? No, I kept the headphones. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And the second time was about 20 years ago, and I was in the airport in Johannesburg. I was in the airport in Johannesburg,esburg a big massive you know like the kind of airport that has like gucci stores yeah yeah yeah and i'm going through the checkpoint
Starting point is 01:21:33 to transfer planes i was probably like flying from like madagascar to uganda or something but you still had to go south down through south africa it was some shit like that and i'm transferring um i'm in the international area and I'm transferring. You got to go through just that security. And I take my wallet out and I set it in the tray to go through. And as it comes out the other side, I grabbed my wallet and one of the T it's not TSA, but one of the guys there puts his hand on my hand and he goes, is that your wallet? And I go, yeah. And he goes goes do you have money in it and i'm like yeah and then a woman security guard came over like his co-worker like you do have money in there i'm like i do have money in there and now it's like you know what i mean like i have my hand on it in the plastic box and people are building up they're like how much do you have in
Starting point is 01:22:17 there i'm like i don't know and like do you have cash in there i'm like yeah and then the guy whispers my ear stop playing stupid oh and i'm and i still don't know i don't know that i'm how would i fucking know that i'm being mugged by the tsa in an international airport yeah wait did they take your money no they didn't they just were like no i put the wallet in my pocket. They flanked me on either side, and they just kept – calling me stupid white kid, white boy. Yeah, they're kind of like stiff army. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:22:55 You just play stupid. And then I walked out, and they were just talking shit to me the whole time in front of other people just like whispering it as all the other passengers are coming through. That's crazy. It was crazy, and I got out, and I'm like, oh shit. the other passengers are coming through. That's crazy. It was crazy. And I got out and I'm like, oh, shit. And the guy's traveling with goes, dude, don't ever put your wallet in those boxes.
Starting point is 01:23:12 Oh, damn. It's crazy how much we just don't think about in the U.S., right? You would never think that you could put your wallet in there and it's going to end. Someone's going to jack you on the other end, like stiff arm you for a few bucks. In a beautiful airport. It was like an architectural feat of fucking genius that airport there's like some crazy there's some crazy shit yeah it was nuts that's crazy on the way home from uh paris one time the whole family cut in the tsa line have you ever seen that happen uh i'm sure i've done that
Starting point is 01:23:42 when i'm late for a plane or something. Is that what happened? They were running late? Not like, hey, I'm running late. Can we get through? Like straight, like, you know, it like coils back and forth. And then one of the times we were here, they just decided to go straight and see how many times they could cut it off. But like weirdly secretively, like one of the younger sons, which I would say was probably between the age of like 18 and 20,
Starting point is 01:24:02 would kind of do it and then would hold up the line and then would call the rest of the family through and there's probably like eight of them did anyone say anything i did oh in at charles de gaulle yes yeah because you remember you remember we got stuck there right and so i was like being tied like i was gonna start a world war three just on my own and these guys come through and i'm watching about'm watching them up the thing and grace sees me. And she's at the point now we've been together long enough when she kind of, when I got the spidey sense that I'm up and going,
Starting point is 01:24:32 she's like looking to see what I'm looking at. And she sees one of the kids that she goes, don't say anything. And I go, fuck that. He's not cut in front of me from the U S bitch. I'm not playing this French shit. And they come up and I turn and I just stare at the kid.
Starting point is 01:24:45 And I'm just like, we're in like this standoff stare. Then he kind of backs off. And then as I move further up the line, there's an old man. And then he jumps in front of the old man, which has been in fact jumped in front of us. And I, and I just was like staring at them the whole entire time. And finally I said something, we got to the front and they were like, well, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:25:03 And like they went to go, they went to go leave and karma got served because they got stuck in another line where they had to stop it for somebody coming through in a wheelchair so they cut all the way up and then they got held off and they got pushed because a couple people came through in wheelchairs but cutting it to airports crazy it was a tense place it's a tense place but everybody's so afraid to fucking say anything they would cut right in front of people and kind of like how you were like relating back to the story of like you getting robbed and not knowing it. People were like, are we
Starting point is 01:25:28 I guess, okay, we'll just be behind you now and like wouldn't say shit and everybody's got their masks on and shit. Seventh instinct for mugging is to go fool who's on first. Yes. That's true. Hey,
Starting point is 01:25:44 this is actually quite a good scam here i i had a german barista shortchange me at a coffee shop at the munich airport yeah dude you could probably get away with murder at an international airport doing that to people because no one knows the money right yep easily um i think we already did uh 568 oh no no sure we could do it again it's just crazy it's just men and women's sports oh that transgender fighter broke another a woman's orbital bone holy shit oh no no it's an old one it's okay you don't have to play it but anyway just men and women's sports fucking crazy uh so yesterday i was at
Starting point is 01:26:36 lunch and i started talking with someone about um the money that barisma, the Ukrainian oligarch, was paying Hunter Biden $83,000 a year to sit on their board. And the guy I'm with was like, hey, why don't you talk about Jared Kushner, the $2 billion he got from the Saudis? And if you look at 567. So what's interesting about this is
Starting point is 01:27:06 a couple things, Jared Kushner's not a fucking crackhead Jared Kushner isn't selling isn't around private documents and been accused of selling documents to the Chinese Jared Kushner doesn't have a laptop out with all sorts of sex videos on it Jared Kushner didn't sleep with his brother's wife jared kush there's a there's just a uh he's not a drug addict um he's not under investigation
Starting point is 01:27:34 there's just all of these things that are so different than jared kushner than hunter biden that being said this guy right here this mbs I think that's the guy that chopped up the Washington Post reporter. Do you remember that story from a few years ago? The Washington Post reporter got called to go to the Turkish embassy, and he never came out, and they ended up getting audio files. And so someone told me to look at this story right here. And basically Jared Kushner opened up a private equity firm, and this guy invested $2 billion into it. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:28:16 And that's it. So, okay. And this guy's like, why would he give him that money? Why would he give him that money? I don't know. I couldn't find out in the article. To invest? Well, don't you think it's inappropriate that it's Donald Trump's son-in-law?
Starting point is 01:28:35 Yeah, maybe. Maybe he gave him. But there's no implication. No one's saying anything like he gave him the $2 billion to do X, Y, and Z. It's pretty clear why Biden went to the Ukraine and had the attorney general fired, because he was investigating his son. Yeah, both things are unknown. You look at the character of the person, it's pretty easy to determine which one might be a little more sketchy than the other. Right.
Starting point is 01:29:09 Someone, have you listened to the Schellenberg interview on Joe Rogan? No, but I've listened to Schellenberg talk a lot. Schellenberger talk a lot. And it sounds like we have the same thoughts on homelessness, that it's just drug addicts. I don't understand. Accuse your enemies of which you're guilty. Anyway, so Jared took $2 billion from the Saudis for his private equity company
Starting point is 01:29:33 to help them make more money, I guess. Oh, this next one is great. So Elon Musk, this is 566. I guess 565 is 566. I guess 565 and 566 are the same thing. Yeah. Elon Musk basically took it on his own to fuck with NPR's Twitter.
Starting point is 01:30:03 So every time NPR posts something now, Elon has something on their Twitter that says state-affiliated media. So every time they post, you know this is state-affiliated media. So every time they post, you know this is state-affiliated media. And what's funny is because NPR tries to say they're an independent media outlet. Oh, God. It's awesome. And of course they're a fucking
Starting point is 01:30:21 state-influenced, state-run media outlet. Anyway, good on Elon. I know. I like him too. He's cool. And we got lucky with people like him, right? I mean, even like, think about it. There is a couple major people that during the pandemic time, if they didn't exist, things might have turned out a little bit differently, right? Give me an example. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:30:48 Like Joe Rogan on Spotify, or if he got censored or pushed out into the Bolivian, Elon Musk being able to buy Twitter to unravel and prove some of the suspicions around state involvement with these major social media companies and platforms, right? So there's a few things like that where people kind of like pushed back and had the means and resources to see it all the way through that did. And we're lucky for that because it helped kind of shed light on what's going on. Mason Mitchell, I used to listen to so much NPR. Me too. God, I used to listen to NPR.
Starting point is 01:31:23 I loved it. It was just my go-to in the car and actually you know mason i trip i can't tell if it's just gotten really really bad and biased or if i just wasn't listening closely before probably a combination of both if i'd have to guess right i think you're right you know and they'll sprinkle some really good like journal like some journalism in those things that have nothing to do with the state narrative that make you think like, oh, no, this is good. Look, they cited everything. This person did their due diligence.
Starting point is 01:31:51 And then anything you read that has to do with policies or political stuff or anything, you realize, oh, wait, this is massively skewed. When the stories start with presuppositions, so like around the vaccine, there's just presuppositions, right? Or climate change. There's these presuppositions. So like around the vaccine, there's just presuppositions, right? Or climate change. There's these climate change. There's these presuppositions that it's real or that it's bad or there's these. And so when the story starts after the presupposition, I just start to hate you. I just think you're just like propaganda.
Starting point is 01:32:26 And so there's this presupposition that like take this injection and this will cure you of this and the story just starts with we've given out three million and we have so much success we've given out three million injections and and the people are just blindly hearing that thinking believing they don't think wait a second why is that a success yeah i've never questioned or proved oh because i'm making the presupposition that the injections are good yeah it's and those people are all so shallow that's what i mean and that's the problem with that's the thing that we were making fun of of nikki the other day brazer right or what i was making fun of like my wet mouth like there's just like a shallowness like just give me the facts go deeper go deeper my birthday is on March 16th 1972 well based on what calendar based on what like we know right
Starting point is 01:33:18 it's the earth going around the sun and like even if it's not true we believe it like I believe the earth is spinning that's 24 hours and it's a true, we believe it. I believe the Earth is spinning. That's 24 hours. And it's a belief, not a known. Yeah. Those people aren't even aware.
Starting point is 01:33:35 Hey, how about this? I want to finish with just some more, just blast CrossFit one more time. Go to 559 before I leave here, these fucking idiots. These people are so fucking stupid. It is so bad. The media team, the marketing team, just retards. Look at this. Oh, my goodness. I know.
Starting point is 01:33:54 This is awful. This – they post this. Now, click on – they're supporting this girl, Allie Hagendorf. I don't know who that is, but click on her name. Do you know who it is? No is, but click on her name. Do you know who it is? No. Okay, click on her name. One click away.
Starting point is 01:34:12 Scroll down. Look it. She's a fucking Jillian Michaels Easter. She has Jillian Michaels all over her Instagram. Like, did anyone vet her? You know Jillian Michaels just openly fucking hates CrossFit. Only to stay relevant, though.
Starting point is 01:34:33 Isn't that Jillian Michaels literally right there? Yeah, and above. Go up even further. Go up even further. Jillian Michaels is pinned. It's the first thing that's pinned. Oh, did I miss that one? Yeah, go up to the top. Look at it. And then go up even higher. Go up even look at there she is again followed by crossfit you saw the one that they how are you an affiliate how do you pay money to
Starting point is 01:34:57 the you should send a note with your affiliate money every time and be like please don't use any of this money for media you know what's shitty too is they said uh at the affiliate gathering they being dawn uh was like somebody asked the question or hey are we gonna be using like influencers in the space of you know you know fitness and whatnot to better already doing crossfit to help elevate the brand and they said oh yeah and now that i see the people that they're gathering for this i'm like damn you are so far away from the mark like you're right when you said it there's no one left there's nobody left that fucking understands it because they're gonna go after this person here and it's just crazy because they're trying to reach that that you know that core fucking mass people i have no evidence of this but the uh i don't think
Starting point is 01:35:42 i don't i'll wait a little longer but i i got some predictions but i have no evidence so i don't think... I'll wait a little longer. But I got some predictions. But I have no evidence, so I don't want to say any predictions. Usually when I say stuff, I have evidence. But I don't have any evidence, but I'm not feeling it. Wet Mouth Sands, dude. Sevan, you ding-dong. I was doing the dishes while I posted that.
Starting point is 01:35:59 Sorry it took me a minute to explain and school you. Well, next time, school me faster. Just leave me out here to explain and school you. Well, next time school me faster. Just leave me out here hanging in the fucking wind. Or just don't make a comment while you do the dishes or something. No, you should. No, no. Keep the chat busy. I like it.
Starting point is 01:36:14 No, no. Don't listen to Sousa. Did you see the windsurfing trick they did this with too? Yeah. What do you mean? There was a recent collab on not even CrossFit Games, but on CrossFit in general, and this chick is doing all this crazy calisthenics, like a bar muscle-up and then push off the bar and clap
Starting point is 01:36:29 and re-catch back onto it and doing just a bunch of crazy shit that would be fuel for anybody who doesn't understand CrossFit but wants to point at it and say, hey, look, see, that's dumb and dangerous. Look at the stupid shit they do. Well, they took the perfect role model of that and fucking put her up on there. Yes, this.
Starting point is 01:36:45 And then she does a push-off and claps and collects it. And then it's like it's so fucking ridiculous. And then they collab with her and everything else. And then Trish, Trish the Dish, if you follow that Instagram, actually made a really good post and said, wow, they found somebody who doesn't even have CrossFit when you search their name. And, like, posted up and was basically like, the only thing she has to do with crossfit is just this one post right here that crossfit collaborated with her on so they're going after these like social social
Starting point is 01:37:13 media influencer types and it's just so stupid it's it's just yeah it's the tiktok millennial fucking moron crowd running their media yes that's exactly it and then they find people that almost like they like like this chick or yeah yeah has never done the open zero crossfit related post old 2015 video doing this exact routine with the calisthenics coach oh shit who posted that trish the dish oh shit and then to go down a little bit more kill you could see the uh right here where she did the search and then look at the bottom. It's kind of blocked by reply to the Trish, but it says, does not include CrossFit. Hey, imagine all the people in the community who they could just call any affiliate and ask them to do that if they wanted.
Starting point is 01:38:00 And instead they fucking have this chick doing it. They got this chick. And what's the point behind this? I mean, you already have your base completely being ignored and falling apart at this point. And then these type of things, it's just a slap in the face. Like, hey, those of you guys that play affiliate fees and support us, especially you first responders that uplift your communities, fuck you guys.
Starting point is 01:38:19 We got these chicks now. Ridiculous. All I said is this is why people won't try CrossFit. This is a circus trick. And then they responded and then deleted my comment because too many people were liking it. Oh, shit. Alright, guys. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:38:38 Good to see Caleb. Good to see Sousa. We will see you tomorrow. Make sure you watch the UFC tonight. Going to be great fights. 7 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Fuck yeah. Are you watching them, Caleb? Yeah, I'm going to. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 01:38:52 All right. Thank you. And I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye-bye.

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