The Sevan Podcast - #872 - Sunday Service | Live Call In

Episode Date: April 9, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 BAM we're live Uh oh Uh oh What? I don't see any comments Does that mean it's not No it takes a second That's not from yesterday too
Starting point is 00:00:15 There it is Oh as opposed to YouTube Whenever I come in here and we're on YouTube The comments are already just pouring in Yeah they're already going Why is YouTube so much better? It's been around longer? on YouTube, the comments are already just pouring in. Yeah, they're already going. Why is YouTube so much better? It's been around longer?
Starting point is 00:00:30 Uh-huh. For sure. More money, more users, more iterations? Mm-hmm. Alrighty. Math adjacent. Paulina, hi. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Adam, good morning. For those of you who don't know uh Greg Glassman the former founder creator of CrossFit has a speaking engagement that I think I believe it's open to the public it's 579 at Hillsdale College in Michigan on the 11th. Hillsdale College in Michigan on the 11th of this month. That's in two days. So that's Tuesday. Tuesday he's speaking there. And anyone can go there and check it out.
Starting point is 00:01:18 It's kind of funny. I was reading this press release. If you go down to the bottom there, Sousa, it says something like um uh oh here we go um it says we wanted to give them a platform to present their arguments and propose solutions solutions in greater detail we hope that students faculty and the general public who attend the lecture will come with an open mind dude he's not
Starting point is 00:01:45 he's not presenting he doesn't he's not presenting an argument and please go there with a closed mind he's it doesn't matter if you go there with a closed mind or an open mind it does not matter this is just silliness a really really incredible a wiki page about hillsdale college though incredible school uh you know all the College, though. Incredible school. You know, all the crazy ironies. Like the school that had, they refused, they knew right away that affirmative action was taking money from the racists, and they refused. And yet they still have some of the highest attendance, and they were one of the first colleges. I think they were the first college. They never discriminated by color, ever, in and their oldest shit they're pre-civil war it's a pre-civil war college you know after the civil
Starting point is 00:02:35 war 80 of the colleges went out of business and closed down oh really i didn't know that yeah i just i just saw that this morning in their wiki page. Anyway, it's a great honor for Greg to speak there. It's a great honor for them to have Greg there. But basically, this broken science thing is a – the spirit of what I'm about to say is correct, and feel free to jump in, Susan, but it's basically a curriculum that gives people the tools of logic that you need in order to ask the right questions or see through if something's bullshit. So, for example, all the people out there who are taking statins or all the people out there who took the COVID shot, it gives you the tools to be like oh wait a second that doesn't make any sense or or that makes perfect sense why aren't more people doing that
Starting point is 00:03:49 and so uh that's why it's not an argument it's like if i gave you a shovel to uh dig out weeds in your yard i'm not giving you i'm not giving you an argument i'm just giving you a shovel i'm just giving you a shovel and you don't need to come with an open mind or a closed mind just the the tool. Tool for you to use. Yeah, it's just a tool. He's not trying to convince you of anything. He's not going to tell you COVID is good or bad or you should be Republican or Libertarian.
Starting point is 00:04:13 He's giving you tools, free tools. Free tools. So that's a cool event yeah that would be fun if I was capable of flying I would go I think that the whole kicking off of YouTube has made me even more timid to leave my house
Starting point is 00:04:41 has it? yeah I don't know what the I just don't like the change and it's made me want to hunker down more and not and and try to i feel like i need to gain some stability back does that make sense yeah yeah do you do that through like through like discipline or something like since this was out of your control and you just woke up and it happened now is it like everything from this point forward is like yeah yeah i'm trying exactly it's like i lost my job and yeah yeah like there's thing yes there's things i'm doing in my life to get even more control now yes anything to kind of like compensate
Starting point is 00:05:18 for it and know that that's yours yeah and usually it involves giving up things because that's the easiest way to get control you know i will not i will not buy eat cashews anymore odds here so audrey's here that's good i will sacrifice cashews oh yeah let me see i'm gonna see if we made it on rumble we didn't get the error message that's a good sign that's a great sign yeah and our callers keep our callers our subscribers keep growing on rumble oh yeah here we are we're live on rumble this is crazy uh if you want to pick me up you can look at those rumble numbers i mean obviously we migrated there but it was like 20 views 13 views 50 views and then ever since we're off YouTube, it's like 2000, you know?
Starting point is 00:06:08 Oh, that's good. Yeah. 2,500. It's like it jumped significantly, which is, I don't know, kind of cool to look at. It's super cool. A Wander Motion, Swami, Omar, Jan, Wadzombie, Yanni, J. Reed, Judy Reed, Iron Metrics. Unfortunately, we can't pull these comments up. These comments don't populate on StreamYard.
Starting point is 00:06:33 We need to tell StreamYard, hey, you need to integrate Rumble better. Yeah. Yeah, so if you want to comment and you want to stay together with the group, I think your best bet is Twitch. Do you have the rumble pulled up? Are you reading? Yeah, I can see. I can read the comments.
Starting point is 00:06:56 We'll pull it up here. Hopefully it doesn't. Basically what I do is I stop the video, but then the comments still could go. Oh, yep. Yeah, I see them now. Yeah, Wadzami, I can read the comments still could go oh yep yeah i see him now yeah wad zombie i can read the comments i just we just can't pull them up streamyard won't integrate rumble fully i um you know the the the character that guy that's um turned himself into a girl or trying trying to turn himself into a girl
Starting point is 00:07:25 the bud light one yeah and then he's got nike and he's he's just all over the place dude's a savage yeah he's i mean how the fuck he is quite the marketing uh so so you show you there's the four ways you can show your uh get attention you can show your ass that dude's not doing that. Uh, be infamous. Definitely doing that, you know, chopping off your penis and trying to turn yourself into a girl's mate will make you infamous. It's like, you know, screaming out a mental illness. I don't, I don't mean that in a mean way at all.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Something's definitely wrong when you can't accept yourself and you're in trying to get change on the outside uh but by adding things by the way that goes back to what i was saying when you try to change yourself on the outside by adding things uh oftentimes you should take a couple looks at that to make sure you're doing the right thing so maybe you want to add a workout regimen okay i understand that that actually helps you on your insides but adding a car a new car uh probably short-lived uh probably short-lived um health benefits to that and probably end up backfiring on you you're adding a problem to your world so so this person got it all through infamy they're not really good
Starting point is 00:08:41 at anything um they aren't showing ass and i i don't know if that dude's playing the victim or not i haven't i haven't seen anything but what i find amazing is that character people are calling people like kid rock if you pull up 580 they're calling them transphobic and i find it because you don't want that guy to be the spokesperson for bud light you're transphobic what i mean i could see calling kid rock a feminist for standing up for women or i could see him as being against pedophilia but i i just don't see the transphobic part. I mean, I see how they want to stick that to them. But you basically have men just canceling women out everywhere. Right?
Starting point is 00:09:40 100%. Yeah. I mean, I once heard somebody say, I forget where it was, that women have internalized misogyny so much that now that they're willing to drop their safety for men's comfort. Now they're what? Say that again? They're willing to drop safety. They're willing to give up their safety in order to make a man comfortable. Well said. When was the last time Kid Rock was relevant? Someone wrote.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Wow. That's fucking... That's right. No. He was at the UFC last night, sitting with Trump and Dana White. Mm-hmm. Was that the pic? Did you want this or the other?
Starting point is 00:10:22 Was there a photo? Was that the pic? Did you want this or the other? Was there a photo? Which, by the way, was the third largest in-person money draw in UFC history. And UFC has the, just to speak about relevancy, and just UFC has the five largest box office draws at Madison Square Garden ever of any event there. And Kid Rock was sitting there with the owner of that event or the president of
Starting point is 00:10:48 that event in Miami. So in case anyone's wondering when he was last relevant, sitting with the president of the last president of the United States who, you know, arguably should be the president today, but also had the second most votes of any president who ever voted. I mean, so it's just stupid to say when was the last relevant. Yeah, you could go ahead and play this. Yeah, play this.
Starting point is 00:11:11 It doesn't do anything for me, but that gun's a trip. Grandpa's feeling a little frisky today. Grandpa's feeling a little frisky today Let me say something to all you And be as clear And concise as possible Why That Fuck Anheuser-Bch have a terrific day hey that um
Starting point is 00:11:48 that uh that rupaul that rupaul character that's a dude yeah yeah yeah yeah the drag queen and and did rupaul have a popular tv show is that a popular was was that ever how is rupaul a famous person yeah i think you're right. Exactly. I think he was on a TV show first and there was a spinoff. Maybe that's how it went down. So, and RuPaul's been around forever, right? Yeah. Best note for producing, hosting, and judging the reality competition series RuPaul's Drag Race.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Okay, so that's been a popular show forever. Mm-hmm. Oh, he's actually a good-looking man. He's an old, bald man. 6'4", 62 years old. So this drag, it's so weird. I don't understand did you ever like peewee herman peewee herman was kind of drag wasn't he yeah it's funny to categorize him as drag but i didn't enjoy peewee herman yeah i was never a peewee i didn't enjoy square square square pants
Starting point is 00:13:03 spongebob square pants yeah i there were i like little bits of him you know what i mean like I was never a peewee. I didn't enjoy Square Pants. SpongeBob SquarePants? Yeah. I liked little bits of him. You know what I mean? Like little scenes. I liked, unfortunately, I liked all the gay innuendos. Like his enemy was the one-eyed pickle and shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:21 But I didn't like PeeWee's Playhouse. Honestly, I wasn't a fan of gumby was gumby gay maybe i don't know i didn't watch enough gumby spongebob for sure i didn't like rocky and bullwinkle really that was the that was the moose and the squirrel squirrel yeah yeah no not so much i don't know i went off on a tangent there but uh i don't know are we naming cartoons from the past well just going back to rupaul it's just i this i guess this has just been around forever and it just wasn't my cup of tea and it's just now it's like so in vogue this look at look
Starting point is 00:14:05 at this rolling stone article oh i so the article is not up but look at the instagram account this guy his name is um miles clee and he wrote an article for rolling stone calling um kid rock and people who were transphobic snowflakes so i was like oh i wonder what a guy i wonder what a guy looks like who uses the term snowflake i don't use that term maybe because i am a snowflake but if if i could beat your ass then you you can't call anyone a snowflake you you just cannot like i should be baseline i should be you know there's like crossfit athletes who just hover
Starting point is 00:14:45 around or like in the ufc there's fighters who are like guardians to the top 10 i'm i'm like up here men down here snowflakes and then there's this line and i'm standing there like this what you want up here motherfucker yeah i'm like just garden like the gatekeeper yeah i just fucking i just kicked i have a pole and i just push the snowflakes down because i'm afraid i'm gonna fall down there can do you see that guy's instagram account pull it up what was it i think miles what oh you can i have a link to it on um 580 right below the kid rock one yep yep yep oh boy okay i don't think if you honestly i think if you have a picture of a mask there's probably all sorts of criteria first of all if your girlfriend looks like that
Starting point is 00:15:33 unless that's a halloween costume or if you're a lesbian like that's if you're a lesbian that's a good girlfriend yeah that's quality but if you're if you're a lesbian, that's a good girlfriend. Yeah. That's quality. But if you're a dude calling other dudes snowflakes, your girlfriend looks like she could beat you up, dude. Sexist. Sexist. Keep scrolling. A hand photo.
Starting point is 00:15:59 I don't even know what that's for. That's borderline not cool. Okay. A vape pen, dude. Capital Records. A vape pen dude capital records a vape pen uh no you i i don't i don't think you i don't think people i think you have to suppress that you have to hide that if you if you want to be above the snowflake line you can't tell anyone that's one of the things you know how like men have to push things down like their emotions and shit vape pen look at not snowflakes vape pen snowflakes yep it goes to that line yeah because it shows a weakness you're dependent you're dependent on something
Starting point is 00:16:36 yeah you okay let's keep going i'll show you um this i know you fucking, uh, these, you Christian lovers are going to love this shit. Look at this one. Uh, look at that, um, patch the devil guy in the red. You guys are going to love this. I was like,
Starting point is 00:16:52 when I, even when I read this, I'm like, Oh great. My fucking Christian contingents going to hate him for this. This is by the way, this is the, we're looking at the guys,
Starting point is 00:17:01 uh, mile miles. Clee. This is the, his Instagram. Uh, this is the guy that Miles Klee. This is his Instagram. This is the guy that called Kid Rock a snowflake. And people who don't want a dude pretending to be a girl on Bud Light cans. This is easily the best gift I got for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Christmas, that's Jesus' birthday, right? So for Jesus' birthday, he got got a gift and it's a dazzling dad you're not allowed to use dazzling also it's tough it's tough not being a snowflake there's all sorts of oppression on you a lot of restrictions yeah yeah you're not allowed to use the word dazzling embroidered you're not allowed to use embroidered i am because i i'm i walk the line between snowflake and not snowflake but you're not allowed to use embroidered or dazzling
Starting point is 00:17:49 and it combines the imagery of tarot cards the magician and the ace of swords first associated with the potential the manifestation of desire the second indicates new beginnings and break so this guy's into tarot shit I'm gonna throw that down
Starting point is 00:18:06 i didn't know there were so many things that you couldn't bring up into the man section tarot embroidery and um now listen if you're sitting on your there's always exception exceptions if you are um uh sitting on your porch with your shotgun waiting for the fucking sunrise drinking a cup of coffee coffee doing a little embroidery before you go out hunting by all means there's balance in the universe there's that's the man section right there yeah that's yeah but if you refer to it as dazzling no it just dropped down yes there's context uh okay i don't think i've ever used the word embroidery yeah i, I know.
Starting point is 00:18:47 That's what I mean. This snowflake, this guy's not an expert. Well, maybe he's an expert on snowflakes because he is one. Wearing those yellow dish gloves. Dude, you are. I don't want to. Oh, what are those? What are those? Pass.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Let's just keep going. Keep going. keep going keep going he i mean like if this guy would have had oh let's look at it is that his girlfriend in front of a bunch of cactuses yeah like that that he likes titties that's cool but once again uh i don't your girlfriend is gay and you don't know it or you're for some reason you're dating a gay girl probably probably uh not allowed to use the word snowflake not that there's anything wrong with being gay but it's just uh you you're confused it makes sense though because maybe she's like wears the pants in relation like she's dating him for sure you know for sure the cactuses are kind of hard though yeah that's it i give me give you a fucking pass on that for sure
Starting point is 00:19:51 cactuses are badass okay uh let's keep going unless you're planted them to save water then we're back to the we're back to you're not allowed to use snowflake okay look at this picture this is the last one we'll leave miles alone brother you anyone who posted a picture of wearing a mask you're afraid of the elements and men don't usually stand contra pasta with their hands on their hips snowflake yeah and men don't usually use the word contra pasta either so that's okay you hold the line so it's different oh my goodness what i i just cannot believe people like this fucking exit dude like why are you calling kid rock a snowflake look how skinny your knife is that would be the manliest picture but he's got
Starting point is 00:20:54 he's got some rainbow happening behind him so oh and all set up on purpose like that right yeah staged dude okay so a couple a couple takeaways uh miles uh you're uh not everything is about sex stop being a pervert uh your girlfriend is gay you're you're probably gay and don't use the word snowflake and quit working for rolling stone dude do some deep soul searching get out take a philosophy class learn to think ask questions what's crazy too is the whole real whole rolling stones article is just ambiguity yeah of course he's never like um he never says you know uh not wanting um a dude pretending to be a girl on a can is transphobic because it's just another name caller. Nothing deep. Just another shallow
Starting point is 00:21:46 woke dude. Anyway, okay. So Kid Rock doesn't... A little frustrated that they put a tranny on the beer can and Rolling Stone guy is gay. Free of charge. We figured it out.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Kid Rock has fishbowl eyes I didn't know that kind of looks like you know what I mean fishbowl eyes I was trying to find some good photos I had to run out for a few to catch
Starting point is 00:22:19 my neighbor's dog oh shit when I read that I would have thought for sure that was a dude like girls go out and catch their neighbor's dog oh shit when i read that i would have thought for sure that was a dude like girls go out and catch their neighbor's dogs too fuck math adjacent does i have and it's a math girl and she has a good body this i'm all confused that must be that dude's wife girls don't catch dogs do they or do math here we go i'm about to get fucked up i know here we go
Starting point is 00:22:47 yes you're such a sex sex this probably is sexist right unless that's like a sex on like a savant but a sexist savant i'm a sexist savant yeah unfortunately sexist yeah it's not that i'm sexist i just i'm i've discriminated i have a paradigms that people i'm paradigms that people need to live in actually they don't need to i'm glad you don't live in one of my narrow paradigms chase is the name i'd love to know more about that the neighbor's dog getting out it wasn't her fault does it happen all the time yeah yeah yeah yeah sex on i know i do like that a sex on that's good sex sex don't happy easter jeffrey about time about time uh uh don could dick don what uh i know what the gay flag is and the trans flag is what's that flag
Starting point is 00:23:48 in your um it looks like the side of a shell gas station that's the no that's you like black girls flag i like everyone should have a flag that's awesome look this guy said the exact opposite thing of what someone said yesterday i love the streaming on twitch i can keep it running in background on my phone all right interesting well we've been on twitch the whole time so right for yeah ever since the beginning we've been on look at that guy's name is i'm a retard but but he just did to spell it so good look at R3DardGard3Gory R3DardGard maybe there's an orgy
Starting point is 00:24:29 in there too it's a retard orgy oh it's the U-Haul flag shit okay 578 I've been saying this forever and I mean forever and I don't even know what this clip's about but I'm sure if I said I've been saying this forever and I mean forever. And I don't even know what this clip's about, but I'm sure if I said I've been saying this forever, I'm humbly stating to you that I have been sharing this with you guys for ever.
Starting point is 00:24:56 OK, here we go. I think the most dishonest labels is calling the crisis a homeless card. Homeless to me implies you want to actually have a home. We're really dealing with here is a drug abuse and mental illness issue on a scale we've never seen before. But our public officials want to call it homelessness. And the solution is to throw a lot of money at an ideology they call housing first. We're seeing unit costs between seven, $800,000 per unit. It doesn't even have a kitchen. This whole idea of that they're gonna build their way out of it is insane.
Starting point is 00:25:29 But it's also the kind of this lack of personal accountability. We're gonna give you a close to a million dollar beach condo without asking you to go to rehab, without asking you to take even the smallest step towards recovery. Doesn't seem like in California, any of our elected officials or the
Starting point is 00:25:45 sort of influencers and powers that be want anyone to actually get better they just want to throw more money in you can't even talk about what the cause of the problem is if you can't mention the drug addiction and the mental illness going untreated how are you ever going to fix the problem well i think the most dishonest label stop calling it mental illness stop calling it mental illness we'll get to that in one second. How can I send money here? God, I don't know, but send it. Not much different on here, but I'd rather not give my money to YouTube. I hear you.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Fair enough. I hear you. These are people predominantly, like I told you, I was homeless. There's only me and one other guy raymond that were not drug addicts and we were addicted to nicotine we both smoked we had rollies five years that i fucking moved around on the streets two years on the streets another five years in a car that was it was all drug addicts every single one every single one, every single one. Not one that wasn't. Except for me and Raymond.
Starting point is 00:26:52 What do you think that percentage is across like all of San Francisco? Like if you just rallied all of them up. 106%. It's more than 100% because some of the homeless people are actually in homes. And by that, I mean they're squatting. There's a great story happening so you know what happened a couple days ago the founder of square was killed on the streets of san francisco cash app but yeah the cash app uh you know it's crazy did i tell you this have you heard this story yet i think i know where you're going with it but my friend was my friend
Starting point is 00:27:20 was uh at a party and they sent me a video of them talking to this guy the day before he was killed they were at a party with them they're like hey this is my buddy uh whatever his name is bill lee and he was saying some funny shit actually yeah bobby lee bobby lee and then the next day i see he's killed and i text my friend i'm like holy shit is that the dude you sent me a video last night he goes yeah i happened there? Like, he fucking left the party with some fucking blonde, fucking super hottie bimbo bitch and then died. Yeah, the same day FedNow came out. What's FedNow?
Starting point is 00:27:53 The cash app, but the government one that we just showed from yesterday's show. Oh. No shit. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. no shit how far down the rabbit hole would you like to go hey did you did you and yet yesterday yesterday the former we'll get there in one second because i got a clip i want to show you and then you know yesterday um the or two days ago after lee was killed the former fire commissioner 51 year old guy 53 year old guy was uh slashed with a knife and beaten with a pipe on the streets of san francisco this guy fucking call uh um crazy dude this guy fucking called the this guy's mom called the police he's the former fire
Starting point is 00:28:39 commissioner of san francisco his mom called the police and said hey there's homeless people sleeping on my porch she called like five times they never came her son came over and said hey will you guys get off my mom's porch this guy gets up and beats the fuck out of the the former fire commissioner with a steel pipe cracks his skull and puts him in the fucking hospital holy shit dude this shit's happening all over san francisco san francisco is crazy oakland too man it's all liberal shit you have to understand it's it's all fake benevolence it's all fake benevolence going back to the broken science thing that greg would say so that's the thing people want to call it um homelessness it's not homelessness yeah and so they want to fix homelessness but they're going to exacerbate
Starting point is 00:29:30 the problem the same is true with guns it's not guns you want to fix the gun problem you're going to exacerbate the the underlying problem i don't think someone has donations enabled on Twitch. Well, that fucking sucks. We'll do it. We can do it later. Yeah. After the show. A freedom of speech doesn't apply to Rumble either. And to Twitch. It's not applying to any of these it appears like
Starting point is 00:30:05 somebody on uh rumble wanted to argue a little bit with you oh what do they want you are homeless in santa barbara not exactly a representative sample oh fair fair totally true totally you're totally true totally not not well it's totally a fair representative number it's not a fair representative number of the lifestyle is different but representative number of – the lifestyle is different. But I'm telling you the numbers – most of the other shit is the same, meaning it wasn't hard being homeless there, if that's what you mean. But let me tell you, you're less likely to be – homeless population in san francisco is more drug addicted than the homeless population in santa barbara by far because in santa barbara it's just fucking it's um the threshold for being homeless is so easy it's so easy whereas in san francisco you
Starting point is 00:31:01 have to really have a drug addiction and something wrong with you to be homeless and tolerate the fucking elements and the violence we didn't have any of that violence i mean some but not like not like san francisco and so now they're going to just turn it into taxpayer funded encampments right because if you think that having those houses there and somebody that's going to sanitize the bathrooms is going to be any different than the houses they're making out of stolen property and tarps. Like how will that change anything? This person, right.
Starting point is 00:31:33 This person's a girl to wet mouth. Sands sounds. I was getting beat up by a girl yesterday. Wait, why do you think that? Look at the, look at the profile pic. No,
Starting point is 00:31:41 that's a gift pic. That's a, Oh, that's like they commented with that that's why I can't that's why I'm stuck on the borderline between snowflake and man on the regular I get beat up by women
Starting point is 00:31:52 I hate the name wet mouth because I can actually hear it somebody on rumble asked what's the difference to drugs versus mental health? Drug addicts, they need to be dealt with completely fucking differently. You put a birdhouse out in your yard to attract birds so that they'll come there and lay eggs and so that
Starting point is 00:32:27 you can have some sort of fucking romanticized experience of fucking watching owls in your yard you put a bat cage out in your in your yard because you want bats and you want them to eat your insects when you have a city with such massive excess or a country with such massive fortunes and then not on top of that people who can't think clearly what you do is you attract people who freeloaders that's what california has done great weather massive excess and people who can't think right and so what it is is a giant state of codependence. And so then people come here and they get stuff and they live a lifestyle that leads to fucking a mental health issue. I mean, we all know people like that. Anyone who's getting anything for free starts to have mental health issues.
Starting point is 00:33:19 There's this balance. People who don't have personal accountability, people who don't have personal responsibility, they're burning into their mental health equity. Anytime you outsource control of yourself, you're starting to have a mental health issue. That's what turns you into an adult. There's at some point you realize, oh, shit, no one's coming for me and I have to take care of myself. There's this whole group of people who have given up a big chunk of their mental health. You know them. They have doctor's appointments like every week or every month. And they live in this constant kind of fear. And they're always getting every bump and skin thing
Starting point is 00:33:53 and everything checked out. And they put all this investment in doctors. And I get it. I'm not saying that that's wrong. But for them, they can never believe the truth really about doctors because they've outsourced that control over themselves, so they hold these doctors and these medical professionals in this really vaulted, on top of this pedestal that they'll defend to the end. They'll even fucking inject their kids with poisons to defend the fact because they've outsourced so much
Starting point is 00:34:26 of their own personal safety and thought and mental health on the support that they need from those doctors. You see what I'm saying? There's like a balance to it. Someone looks like a jack tennis instructor. Thank you. That's exactly what I was going for. I do that every Easter. Ow. Fuck. I hurt my bicep doing that don't ever call me jacked again
Starting point is 00:34:49 see that's that borderline yeah yeah and there it is too listen if you're a tennis instructor you're not a dude you're by default a snowflake but if you're jacked now you're snowflake but if you're jack now you're getting you're you're
Starting point is 00:35:05 working on it maybe you got a cigar you know what's interesting with the with the uh homeless quote-unquote population of livermore you have to get off the drugs to get off the fucking mental health you're you're not gonna you're not gonna fix your mental health until you fucking get off the fucking fentanyl and the coke and then basically those people that that becomes the unfortunately that becomes their whole life they don't need they don't even need to worry about their mental health issues what they need to do is they need to war with their addiction until the day they die and that and that and that and that that will keep them busy that's rough how many and if you don't and if you don't believe me put yourself in a situation where you're fucking really desperate and see how your mental health is, what happens to your mental health issues.
Starting point is 00:35:49 They go away. What do you mean put yourself in a desperate situation? Go out onto the track and tell yourself that you need to run 400 meters as fast as you fucking can and then do 100 burpees as fast as you can. And that if you don't, Big John's going to come ass rape you. Give yourself some ultimatum like that. Take a gun out to the field with you and tell yourself you have to shoot yourself if you stop doing burpees after the 400 meter run.
Starting point is 00:36:18 You're going to be singularly focused on getting your shit done. That's how those people are about fucking drugs. focused on getting your shit done that's how those people are about fucking drugs so you got in it has to be a fucking real war all your problems go away when you start fucking working on yourself easy there with the raping seven i don't know what i say about raping oh big john oh why because you think some people might want to get fucked by big john it's not a big enough okay we'll switch to something else um
Starting point is 00:36:47 you're you have to bring a cobra with you a snake and say that you have to fucking climb in your car with the cobra if you i mean you have to you have to give yourself something of of equal or greater pressure in order to get off that shit. That was a bit scattered. That was a bit more of a mosaic than a clear point. Okay, what were you going to say, Sousa? Sorry. Oh, I had two points.
Starting point is 00:37:15 One, how many of them do you think would even want the help? Like would even – because I have a – Well, they all want the help, right? They just – I think everyone wants the help right no one no one wants to be addicted i don't know because the one of the officers that stops in the gym frequently here was uh in charge of in charge of kind of like the homeless basically he formed relationships with them and they kind of tagged them like wild animals you know yeah so they're like oh yeah we know seven here's where he lives this is you know blah blah and uh he said that he found one that
Starting point is 00:37:49 was that was relatively younger maybe like four or five years older than his son had just graduated high school and he said hey man you still have you know you're so young you still have your whole entire future he goes if you want out of this situation he goes i will you will come with me you will get my squad car right now he He goes, and you could live with me. I'll pay for all your grocery groceries and everything until you get back on your feet. He says, as long as you're, you know, moving forward in the right direction and you're willing to take a drug test every single week and at random, if I ever suspect that you're on drugs.
Starting point is 00:38:19 And as long as you pass that drug test, you could live with my family, everything for free. And he said, the kid sat there for a minute and was like fuck that i'd rather live in this creek the drugs talking he just you just can't imagine you can't i mean just think anyone who smoked just all of you have something in your life you're not willing to give up that you probably you should give up and just think it's that times a fucking thousand um olivia uh some people have mental health issues and don't take their meds i don't think it works that way i think what you're doing is i think you're just defending them i think you're talking about like less than one percent of one percent of one percent it's like saying some people are
Starting point is 00:39:01 born with two sexes the whole reason why they got on the meds is they outsourced their responsibility and personal accountability to begin with. They believe some doctor to begin with. Can you imagine? I mean this in all sincerity. Can you imagine getting on drugs, mental health drugs, before you have a gym membership. Can you imagine not trying to change your diet and getting on a daily workout regimen? And maybe listening to a self-help book before you get on drugs? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:39:44 It's... it's uh people the same thing is true with all that ayahuasca shit and all those dudes doing those journeys and shit those dudes all all those people doing that they there is a component of outsourcing their fucking um their their journey their control their stability there we go don says it that's literally most of america word that's such a good point you made like how could a how could a uh doctor prescribe you anything without first just checking in with the basics like Like, Hey, when was the last time you were, you know, sweaty five days a week and worked your heart rate up? When was the last time you, you got off this processed food? Cause you know that if you have all this processed food and
Starting point is 00:40:31 you're not working out, you don't really think very clearly, right? Let's start you on that. And then let's make sure you're doing it. Here's your local CrossFit affiliate. Go up and go see them. They're going to get you taken care of here and come back and check in with me in about another 30 days. No, they're just like, fuck it. What do you need? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow, that's such a good point you made. I don't think people realize how powerful that statement is and should be.
Starting point is 00:41:00 But I bet you have to people in the comments, including myself, medicate with fitness. I mean, don't we all? Isn't that the equilibrium? You're stressed. You feel like – for me, if it's two days in days in a row and yes we do think we're better than you for that and we do think we're better than you for that and the reason why we do think you're better than you for that is because we know it's better for us our drugs have positive side effects your drugs have negative we face our problems when we work out. We don't run from them. Don't throw plant medicine with oxy.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Okay, fine. Okay. Plant medicine. I kind of agree with Chris, though. There's a certain thing that at least makes it a little bit more in my mind. Of course you do. From the Bay Area. Acceptable if it comes from the earth rather than a lab. What if it comes from a lab in the rainforest
Starting point is 00:41:45 like the ecosystem of the rainforest is a lab or well that's that's god's lab and i'm okay with that god made dirt dirt don't hurt that's what my grandpa used to say uh armenian 454 definitely do i'm addicted to working out yeah for sure i thought you were a liberal i am they call me they call me someone the libtard matosian i got some funny stuff to share with you guys uh 577 is this real is this real oh god thank god i have some funny stuff. Tomorrow we have the UFO guy coming on. Pretty excited. Pretty excited. This is good. Look at that chick's ass.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Excuse me. How you doing? Fine, man. Can I do a video with you? Make my ex-girlfriend jealous? You can. Come on. This who topping me off tonight.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Yeah. Getting them balls and everything. Getting them balls off. What the hell? Excuse me. How you doing? Fine. Can I do a video with you to make my ex-girlfriend jealous?
Starting point is 00:42:58 You can. Come on. This who topping me off tonight. Yeah. Getting them balls and everything getting them balls off that's crazy you think that's real a hundred percent fake oh really yeah you know why why i always and i could be completely wrong but she answers too quickly to this question when she says come on yeah when he's like, can I make a video to get my ex-girlfriend jealous?
Starting point is 00:43:26 She's not like, what? She's not like, who are you? There's not like this weird, like I'm taking a step back to create distance. She's not thinking about it. She was just like, okay. Yeah, exactly. Okay, darn it.
Starting point is 00:43:38 See? Darn it. I was like, man, she's cool. Yeah. I mean, who knows though? And there's also a second camera right yeah somebody's filming him asking so then you're kind of like well wait a minute did she see that guy is that she weirded out by two people filming her uh you'd be surprised how willing
Starting point is 00:43:55 walmart people are and and it is the south right because that's like i i learned that that's uh the way they talk like in um louisiana and cookville they say come on you're like hey uh can i come over and they'll be like come on you know what i Cookville, they say, come on. You're like, hey, can I come over? And they'll be like, come on. You know what I mean? Come on. She's like, can I make my girlfriend jealous? Come on.
Starting point is 00:44:11 What does that mean? This is who will be topping me off tonight. What does that mean? Yeah, what is that? Is that urban? Is that urban? And the balls and everything. That's the first time I heard that.
Starting point is 00:44:23 I'm going to look at it. Maybe she's just a freak. I want to think it's real. Topping off. It looks like the chat got it for us already. Oh, it's a blowjob. Sucking someone's D. And the balls. Okay, sucking someone's D.
Starting point is 00:44:44 And the balls. And the balls. Okay, so, okay, so, well, okay. Topping me off. I wanted to, like, you know. I think my wife knows what that means, topping off. We don't know. She doesn't know that. Like, if you ask her.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Like, if you're like, hey, can I get a little top off later today? Hey, well, I don't know if I'd say it like that. Oh, shit. Someone. Huh. Well, I don't know if I'd say it like that. Oh, shit. Someone put my face in there with – I just looked at it on that thread with the Dana White thread and the Trump thread. Wow. Who are those people in there? I see Taylor and myself.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Is that Tyler Watkins in the red? I don't recognize any of the others. It looks like Hiller in the front. That is Hiller? Oh, yeah, yeah. Good eye. And then JR, maybe? Crazy. We're on this thread, and someone sent a picture of trump and dana and
Starting point is 00:45:45 kid rock and i forget who was in the back i think it's dc oh it was it yeah it's like dana trump kid rock and that's funny that's funny okay so that's not real all right fine uh how about a 576 can someone explain this to me and oh mike tyson it wasn't dc oh nice that's right that's racist no i just had the uh commentating booth uh someone looks like he's part of the band men at work today oh yeah i remember them from australia it's good shit oh i'm trying to schedule ricky on instagram because texting is not good with him so we need to start start a group thread with him okay because i suck at scheduling yeah i asked him too many questions and i think that like he just doesn't want it like i'm like
Starting point is 00:46:45 what time zone are you in and i'm then like he went silent and i'm like yeah he didn't want to answer that i wouldn't want to answer that either he didn't know he didn't care just give me a fucking time and you're better at that uh 576 can somebody explain this to me? So someone watched that show on March 17th. If we got kicked off of YouTube for a show all the way back from March 17th, someone watched it and reported it. Had to have been, right? Okay, when you watch this video here, we can talk about that money thing.
Starting point is 00:47:24 We'll talk about it. Watch this. I don't even know if this is a good video, but it's something. Here we go. Your special subject tonight is the economies of the European community. Your time starts now. Best of luck. How much does Greece owe, Roger? $367 billion. Correct. And who do they owe it to? Mostly to the other European economies. Correct. How much does Ireland owe? $865 billion. Correct. And who do they owe it to? Other European economies, mostly. Correct. How much does Spain and? $865 billion. Correct. And who do they owe it to? Other European economies, mostly. Correct. How much does Spain and Italy owe?
Starting point is 00:47:47 $1 trillion each. Correct. Who to? Mainly France, Britain and Germany. Correct. And how are Germany, France and Britain going, Roger? Well, they're struggling a bit, aren't they? Correct. Why? Because they've lent all these vast amounts of money to other European economies that can't possibly pay them back. Correct. So what are they going to do?
Starting point is 00:48:00 They're going to have to bail them out. Correct. Where are they getting the money to do that, Roger? That's a good question. I don't know the answer to that one. How much does Portugal owe? Hang on a minute. What was the answer to that earlier question? Just keep answering the questions, Roger. Where is Portugal going to get the money it owes to Germany if Germany can't get back the money that it lent to Italy? Just a minute. What was the answer to the previous question? The question was, how can broke economies lend money to other broke economies who haven't got any money because they can't pay back the money the broke economy lent to the other broke economy and
Starting point is 00:48:22 shouldn't have lent it to them in the first place because the broke economy can't pay it back. You're wasting very valuable time, Roger. How much money does Spain owe to Italy? $41 billion, but where are they going to get it? Correct. What does Italy owe to Spain? $27 billion, but they haven't got it. They're broke. Correct. How can they pay each other if neither of them has any money? They're going to get a bailout, aren't they?
Starting point is 00:48:35 Correct. And where's the money coming from for the bailout? That's what I'm asking you. Correct. Why are people selling the European currency and buying the US dollar? Because the US economy is so much stronger than the European economy. Correct. Why is that, Roger? Because it's owned by China. Correct. And very well done well done and after that round you've lost a million dollars i've lost a million dollars what you said well done yes well done okay roger your special subject tonight is i don't like that last part where it says because the u.s is owned by china but um what the fuck is going on what is this app that the u.s
Starting point is 00:49:02 government came out with a couple days ago that fed now i mean i should definitely learn more about it before we i mean i'm gonna butcher it over here but it's essentially like a um it's like cash app so you could trade you know you could you could transfer money back and forth you could do with digital currencies you could do it from from a bank and what have you are we switching to digital currency in the United States? Are we already digital currency? What does that mean? What am I even asking?
Starting point is 00:49:29 No, we weren't. And a lot of the times that like the finance people poo-poo at a time, because like the blockchain, you know, Bitcoin and Ether, when that stuff started to become more and more popular, they were worried that at some point the government was going to ban it
Starting point is 00:49:44 because it decentralizes money from governments it essentially holds the contract in the blockchain um go back to that post you just had you still have it up can you pull it back up um the write-up in there is kind of scary uh if you understand why this is a problem you can already see what's on the horizon. The world is in trillions and trillions of debt with each other. This system cannot go on forever. A great financial reset is about to occur. If you don't equip yourself with the necessary information,
Starting point is 00:50:17 you will not be able to survive in the new order. The future is going to be a world of haves and have-nots. And without the right mindset of how the world works, you will become a slave to the system yeah can you tell me um how it works so that i can can someone tell us how it works i don't want to become a slave uh the largest holder of bitcoin is the u.s government is not going away is that true interesting yeah like I said I would have to kind of do a deep
Starting point is 00:50:49 dive into it so then that way we could really dissect it but essentially from my understanding was the blockchain is the first kind of valued currency that wouldn't be owned or backed by a government
Starting point is 00:51:03 oh right who owns the most Bitcoin meet the wouldn't be owned or backed by a government. Right. Who owns the most Bitcoin? Meet the whales. According to Bitcoin-focused asset manager River Financial, Satoshi Nakamoto is estimated to be the biggest Bitcoin holder in possession of more than 1 million Bitcoins. He's also like the creator of it and uh and i think too the deal with him is that um there's uh like that a real person no one knows right yeah yeah no one knows who he is right
Starting point is 00:51:42 weird right a chinese corporation is the second largest private owner of Bitcoin. reportedly owns 140,000 Bitcoins or 0.7% of the total supply. What a trip. Is Bitcoin still in the... Bitcoin shit the bed, right? Did it ever come back? I think all of them is bitcoin shit the bed right did it ever come back i think all of them kind of shit the bed but i haven't checked it in a long time i think it might be coming back it says the country of both in this other list it says the country of bulgaria is the second largest owner of bitcoin well gary is currently sitting on one of the world's largest bitcoin assets in 2017 bulgarian law enforcement agencies cracked down on organized crime and confiscated 213,519 Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Confiscated, huh? The FBI is also one of the world's largest Bitcoin holders. They took the notorious dark web drug bazaar Silk Road and confiscated 144,000 Bitcoin. When did it peak 64 4 and the uh and the uh winklevoss twins here it says in 2013 the twins bought 1.5 million bitcoins that would put them in the fucking that would make them the largest owner that would put them in the fucking that would make them the largest owner how it's so weird they have the top 10 and and down here the the number five guy has more than
Starting point is 00:53:10 than the first four roger ver also known as bitcoin jesus god that's an awesome name bitcoin jesus speaking of jesus did you get did you watch the fights last night? I did not, no. Dude. Were they good? It was the best pay-per-view ever. I don't even know why I watch the UFC because I'm so anxious. I get so anxious watching the fights. Like sick to my stomach almost.
Starting point is 00:53:42 It's weird. I don't even know why. I don't even care that much. I was going to say, are you just like totally invested into the fighters? No, I just feel – maybe just sitting down and watching TV I don't like. I feel like I should be doing something else. Play 575. I'd love – I mean, honestly, this made my dick hard, and I'm not even joking.
Starting point is 00:54:06 I don't know why. You know when something touches you and you're not sure why? I think I'm just in such denial about some things in my life. And I appreciate everything you've done. I also want to say, greatest president in the history of the world, sitting right there. I love that guy. We also got the greatest governor of all time here in Florida. Let's keep Florida free of red state.
Starting point is 00:54:38 And let's take that. You know who? Let's go brand that motherfucker out of power and replace him. If I could get it just one time. Let's go brandon motherfucker out of power and replace him if i could get it just one time let's go brandon let's go brandon i'm out y'all 305 for life i'm a huge fan and i appreciate everything you've done dude that's the co-main event of one of the biggest pay-per-views in the fucking history of the sport. Trump's sitting down in the front row. God, it was good. Dude, did you see the last fight when Israel fought Pahea? No, I literally saw nothing of it.
Starting point is 00:55:19 This dude Pahea is like Frankenstein. Okay. He stands really tall, and he just moves forward. He's 6'4", and he looks like a 250-pound man, but somehow he gets into the 185 class. In the last fight, he got Izzy against the ropes, and he beat the fuck out of Izzy, and he threw a knee and some punches, and that was it.
Starting point is 00:55:48 In this fight, he did the exact same thing. He got Izzy against the ropes and started throwing these punches, and Izzy covered up, and he threw this knee, and then somehow Izzy just fucking came over the top and hit him and knocked him out cold. Oh, shit. So it was looking bad for him? Oh, it was looking so bad.
Starting point is 00:56:04 It was looking so bad. It was looking so bad. Cage, not rope. Fine. He claims that he was doing that. Yeah, exactly. He baited him. I don't know, dude. He claims he did it on purpose.
Starting point is 00:56:18 I ain't buying it. But either way, it was amazing. but either way it was amazing I want to show you this I'm going to show you this next video 574 and I don't want to say anything to you but I just want to see what your reaction is to it I had a pretty crazy reaction to it this is Griffin Raleigh he was on the show do we need sound for this?
Starting point is 00:56:44 probably maybe a little bit for a few seconds just to get the hype Raleigh. He was on the show. Do we need sound for this? Probably. Maybe a little bit for a few seconds just to get the hype. This is from his Instagram account, CrossFit Thor. This guy was on the show. Cool dude. Here we go. What's your first reaction? That's pretty damn fast.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Yeah. I'm trying to think if I've ever seen anyone do burpees like that. This guy is a fucking... This guy is attacking. This guy is attacking this guy is attacking how and you know what i was thinking there almost there needs to be um do you remember the shuttle runs and that we've been seeing you know why they're so lame is because in in in the ufc we get to see people fucking attack and explode. You see them pace, but you also see them attack and explode. Almost always in our sport, it feels like there's a pacing.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Shuttle runs suck because there's no attacking. I think at Guadalupalooza, they had ones that were like you sprinted. It was more necessary to sprint. Maybe it was in the team's comp. But look at this. This guy's burpees are fucking out of this world. there should be workouts that reward people who attack that shit well that's why that's why regionals was so awesome in the way that dave would always program it because that last workout would have like the rope climb thruster like you know something where there was a big dramatic finish so he positioned the programming in a
Starting point is 00:58:25 sense to where if two people were really close and it came down to that last workout you were gonna see a sprint yeah and that was always so cool i just these burpees are just nuts yeah i don't even care that he's not standing up all the way like who gives a fuck that he should be rewarded for that athleticism and that explosiveness man it's nuts someone's saying is he grid league i don't know yeah he was but i watched those burpees like so many times i was like wow that's uh that's wheels off the bus shit he's he's going for it yeah the caption said one word grid and then grit florida gridley commented down at the bottom under justin kotler and it said uh welcome
Starting point is 00:59:10 home you're going to love it here yeah that's awesome i i i sent that to adrian last night i was like look at this i don't ever remember seeing anyone attack a workout like this i didn't realize it was grid i hope he didn't think that like i was saying anything like take another shot at me huh i see yeah uh 573 this just says asshole asshole this chick again huh you like her don't you little Kelsey Cook oh my goodness this is so good yeah I love her I sent her DM last night
Starting point is 00:59:51 I said you are fucking funny I love her do you know her do you know of her just on the show just on the last clip we played here we go she's so good what clip we played. Here we go. She's so good. What I like, don't like in a relationship.
Starting point is 01:00:10 For example, I don't care how hot you are. I'm still never going to eat your ass. Not a fan of the devil's chocolate. No, thank you. And I'm fair about it. I don't ask anybody to eat mine either. Okay?
Starting point is 01:00:30 There's no need. Women have a lot of holes down there. It's like a mini golf course. Just skip the one that's in a lagoon. Just... Don't even look at it.
Starting point is 01:00:44 I have never wanted to do that to one of you guys. Most of you dudes have real blue collar assholes. Not a lot of maintenance going on back there. That thing works at Lowe's. I don't trust it. It's like blindly sticking your face between two couch cushions. It's just goldfish crackers and part of a broken Christmas ornament. It's a choking hazard, frankly.
Starting point is 01:01:19 I'm not going to swallow a paperclip so you can come a new way. At least I know now god i love anti-ass eating propaganda it's my favorite genre i would fucking love if that chick was my neighbor my wife would hate me i'd always be over there. Just hanging out, like letting her test the material. Oh my God. I'd just be sitting on her couch dying. That's awesome. I'm not going to fucking eat your ass so you can find a new way to come.
Starting point is 01:01:58 That, what a great, um, what a great, just kind of like thought. I mean, you could use it in a lot of different ways but putting your face between two couch cushions yeah just at some rando's house god that sounds
Starting point is 01:02:10 horrible i'm always shocked at what i see under a couch cushion in my own house i'm like really fuck is this here i used to collect money out of people's couches yeah yeah yeah yeah in a yeah i'd be like hey you want me to clean the interior couch and you get like you know you find a quarter in there on a good day yeah my kids love that shit yeah someone just wants to be normal uh with being afraid of anal yeah so i'm more than afraid i don't accept it i'm like spiritually like uh a hamster when it comes to anal i'm like spiritually like a hamster when it comes to anal. I'm like, I'll never be, I'll never accept it. Fuck that, I'm eating. I'm not sure which, oh.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Eating out sounds, oh, here we go. Molly. Thank you, Molly. A little common sense. You could learn this at the broken science thing, by the way. How to think about eating. Eating out just sounds like a straight path to the stomach flu. What is the predictive value of that hi uh no that i bet you the uh broken science would prove that wrong like no that's just
Starting point is 01:03:15 you're biased uh uh you gotta believe that alexis has hillar wax and bleach is a hole i ain't gonna roll it out why would anyone eat ass i i so i've thought of that i've thought about that myself i think it's just i think people just get dudes get into a frenzy dudes will just get like you don't if you're a dude and you're with a girl, like, yeah, anything's – She's getting super worked up. When I was 17, if some girl was like, hey, you have to eat my ass before you kiss me, I would have done it. I mean, it's like – I'm just 51 now. You have to understand dudes. You have to understand dudes.
Starting point is 01:03:57 Oh, my goodness. Thank you, Olivia. Finally. You guys are just selfish. Go eat an ass and get some karma points kelly's getting crazy there uh um the wad zombie eating ass is amazing yeah but you're on testosterone i would expect that comment from wad Zombie. You're on testosterone. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:27 572 accents. Here's some accents. I just like this piece because it has accents. Ass eating on the Lord's Day. You guys are... Yeah, that's not appropriate. It's Easter Sunday. The sermon this morning was don't eat ass. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:43 He's not rising out of an asshole okay here we go rock and roll click on my computer i can't see your computer no no click on my computer on your computer how can i click on your computer for my computer there is an icon labeled my computer on your computer double click it what the hell what is your computer doing on my computer double click on your computer which icon do i have to click my computer tell me where do you live i go to your house to click on your computer oh my god okay double click on my computer i like how it's a brown dude and a yellow dude. Oh, my goodness. Click on my computer on your computer.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Click on my computer. Oh, my goodness. So there you go. Okay, Frank. And daily doses. Ready to get all fucking crazy. Who here likes likes math is my math girl in the house what uh what's that yeah adjacent yeah adjacent shit adjacent something okay in 2022 in the united states there were 648 mass shootings in 2022 there were 648 mass shootings in the united states i don't even know what that
Starting point is 01:06:09 means by the way mass shootings it's it's got to be some sort of number it's four more there's four more people four more people i think is the way they define it okay are shot not killed shot okay yeah So in 2022, 648 mass shootings. Mm-hmm. That's so stupid. Excuse me. It's ambiguous. Ambiguous.
Starting point is 01:06:37 648 shootings in the United States. In Sweden, there were 391 mass shootings in 2022. 648 in the United States, 391 in Sweden. So more than half. Sweden has a population of 10 million. Sweden has a population of 10 million. The US has a population 33 times larger at 330 million. We have a population 33 times larger than Sweden's. With not even double, with not even two times the number of mass shootings. What's your point, someone? I don't have one.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Just sit with that shit. Frank, doses, daily doses, just sit with that. That's not true. It's not? it's not it's not like well let's uh susan didn't know this was going to come up go ahead and uh go ahead and dig it up dig it up what do you what do you want which way first first argent just because there's four there's four stats here do you want to know do you want to know the the population of the countries or the number of mass shootings? Which one? Which one is not true? Tell me.
Starting point is 01:08:06 I'll look it up for you. In Sweden. How is it that they have so many mass shootings in Sweden with only one-thirty-third the amount of people? We have 391 shootings in 20… Magnus Holmgren, check your facts. Not a single mass shooting in Sweden. Individual shootings, yes. Standby. If that's true, you fucked my whole story
Starting point is 01:08:34 up. I'm trying to find additional information. Oh, it won't give it to me unless I have an account. It just separates fatalities and woundings versus total. But... No, violent mass shootings. National Institute of Health.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Violent mass shootings. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. This article only goes to 1995. Well, shit, you ruined my whole piece back to the drawing board during the past few decades violent mass shootings in sweden have increased rapidly in the 36 years between 1960 and 1995. Oh, this article is so old. You may have me, Magnus.
Starting point is 01:09:35 You may have me. Because here it says, this other one says number of shootings. Yeah, because this one is, it just claims number of shootings. I was comparing apples to oranges. Is that what you're saying? Well, mass versus individual. I bet you the U.S. individual shootings is probably really high. In the thousands.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Yeah. I mean, just take Chicago alone for the year. They're probably surpassed 600 on their own. It matters. What Magnus is saying, it matters. Yeah, it does matter. Let me see this. But I didn't.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Let me see this. Yeah, it's hard to find just a straight shooting number. Yeah. Well, this is from Pew Research, and it says that in 2020, 54% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. were suicides, while 43% of the murders were. So that's interesting. Magnus, thank you for ruining my bit.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Just noticed that all the shootings done in Swedes have imported criminals. I like that. What a great way of saying something that's race-related. Imported. I like that. Imported. That's awesome. Imported criminals awesome good word choice actually none of the shootings done in the united states are uh done by low
Starting point is 01:11:12 indigenous people they're all imported people i wonder what native american shootings are and um i wonder how many what the number of shootings are by indigenous people in the united states hey all of our shootings shootings are by indigenous people in the United States. Hey, all of our shootings here are from imported people too. Okay, I'll go back to the drawing board with that. Thank you. Leave that in the notes, 570. Okay, back to shootings though.
Starting point is 01:11:39 571, Second Amendment. 571. Imported criminals. I know that's good, right? Willingly and unwillingly. Okay, here we go. So now you have to. Where the fuck does it say that you have the right to an AR-15 in the Second Amendment?
Starting point is 01:12:00 It doesn't, probably because it hadn't been invented yet. Go ahead, show me. I'm a whole civics teacher well for a whole civics teacher you are making a lot of half i've never seen the word ar-15 mentioned in the constitution go ahead show us okay civics teacher let's see if i can help here the reason why the founders used generalized terms like arms instead of specifically listing out every weapon system that existed then or could exist in the future was because they were protecting a general right. Kind of like they didn't specifically mention means of communication when they talked about your freedom of speech because they knew technology could
Starting point is 01:12:31 change. They didn't call out specific religions covered under freedom of religion. They didn't cover out specific news agencies covered by freedom of the press. It's because they were protecting general rights and they use their words very carefully to protect this from people like you well i saw it so now you have to well i what oh you're muted well i what well i saw it so now you have to that's awesome that's good shit she got schooled right, right? Yeah. I always hate these when there's just a person on the other side
Starting point is 01:13:07 like nodding. With no cleavage showing? Five, five sixty-nine. I did like her tattoo. She's a pretty girl. She didn't need to show. I mean, yeah,
Starting point is 01:13:21 but there's just, there'd be like, Was that chick gay, you think? No no i'm gonna go with no i don't know why but i would know that's another reason why i know that i'm like a snowflake i i think i'm attracted to gay girls for sure uh five five sixty nine i wonder if Kid Rock's attracted to gay girls. 569. Oh, yeah. Update arrested in brutal assault of former San Francisco Fire Commissioner Don.
Starting point is 01:14:02 What's his name? Carmen. Carmen. You know me. Karma. You know me. A brutal and brazen attack on former san francisco fire commissioner don outside his mother's marina district home left him battling for his life and neighbors on edge according to friends but you guys this is uh laguna and chestnut street and by um lombard street like these homes are crazy
Starting point is 01:14:22 expensive that i think is almost exactly where my uncle's condo is that's crazy there's like 10 million dollar homes there yes holy shit that is like listen listen a friend and former san francisco a friend and former san francisco commissioner was brutally beaten by a group of homeless people in front of his home. No, you dipshit drug addicts. They're drug addicts. Arjun, in Europe, shut it. 23 mass shootings took place in public spaces.
Starting point is 01:15:05 What does that mean, public spaces? Between 2009 and 2018, resulting in a total of 341 fatalities. This equates to an average of 2.3 mass shootings with a total of 34 fatalities a year. Oh, we had that much in my neighborhood last month. Manny Spiegel. Dear Savon and Matt, move out of that shithole state. I'm telling you where I live is so good.
Starting point is 01:15:28 You don't even know. But I hear you. It's a shithole state, but I live. Dude. I'll make a little video of you guys pushing my sled today so you can see how fucking amazing it is where I live. Yeah, now we're talking. Anyway. Crazy.. Anyway, crazy. San Francisco is crazy.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Also, I guess a couple days ago, a 10-time national fucking biking champion was hit by a car in Golden Gate Park. Probably someone on drugs there too. Damn. It's crazy to see something like that that happened to the commissioner and those in the in that marina like neighborhood because they do a really good job of keeping all that area like clean dude the cops are afraid by the way you know what else is funny is i see these articles they're saying that this is because of
Starting point is 01:16:19 covid no all of this is for two reasons, and two reasons only. The reaction to George Floyd, the fact that some people, including a lot of people we know, a lot of people we know, people in the CrossFit community who exploited the George Floyd situation, The George Floyd situation where a porn star, repeat a felon. It was his third or fourth time being arrested for being high on fentanyl, high on alcohol, and high on meth, driving around neighborhoods. Spent time in jail for putting a gun on a pregnant woman's stomach in a home invasion, got into an altercation with a cop that led to his death, and he was exalted and put on a pedestal as a hero by the left, by the left, which led to an outright war against police officers,
Starting point is 01:17:26 which made it so police officers stop engaging people and that's why we're at. That's it. That's like 99% of what happened. I just told you. Has nothing to do with COVID. Has nothing to do with guns. Has nothing to do with good cops or bad cops. That's the entire fucking thing right there. good cops or bad cops. That's the entire fucking thing right there. We allowed this country to declare war on police officers. And so they took a step back. And when they took a step back, crime escalated. What does that look like? Apple stores being robbed brazenly during the daylight all over the United States, Gucci stores, mobs of kids running into malls, stealing, tons of gun violence,
Starting point is 01:18:09 tons of fucking people being killed in the ghetto, shitloads, because the cops took a step back. Dude, the yard duty went to go take a shit and had diarrhea, and all of us kids on the playground started throwing rocks. Husband and I stayed in San Francisco for a couple days back in November, and it was awesome. Saw fewer homeless people. Sorry, drug addicts. Then you see on the boardwalk here in Virginia Beach, maybe we were in a good part of town.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Yeah, you got really lucky. I'm telling you, it's like crazy there. It's crazy. So bad. Fresno is fucked. I bet Fresno is fucked. Yeah, you guys got all sorts of gang problems too. Oh my goodness, Market Street.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Yeah, all the rich areas are fucked. Now do Oakland. Yeah, Oakland too rich areas are fucked. Now do Oakland. Yeah, Oakland too. St. Regis. I took the trolley to the wharf. Hey, great. St. Regis is amazing, but even that area is so fucked right now. I just saw some footage there.
Starting point is 01:19:18 I'll play some footage there that I saw there. I just saw some crazy footage there. Yeah, dude, that park across the street from the St. Regis is filled with homeless people now. Yeah, you got lucky. Maybe it was because it was cold or raining. I don't know. Okay. 568.
Starting point is 01:19:41 I like this because this is a – 568. I like this because this is a... This is... I just love how diverse soccer has become. Look at this. This is the... These are midgets.
Starting point is 01:20:01 So these are little people versus morbidly obese people football world championships. How crazy is that? Doesn't that seem dangerous like when everyone will fall and get crushed yeah hey dude that midget right there was running so fast and has a crazy spin move watch that first clip
Starting point is 01:20:38 watch the beginning one more time it's nuts that guy is... Look at this guy. Look at... Yeah, yeah. Good shit. That's funny.
Starting point is 01:21:08 567. The generosity of the left. Oh, yes. This is that benign generosity that you see from the left god this is so bad the man in the house rule was written to prevent welfare cheating to make sure that aid to families with dependent children would go only to families headed by mothers but the effect of the man in the house rule is to create for children an atmosphere
Starting point is 01:21:45 of investigation and surveillance. And thus, the welfare system in its operation turns out to be a system to make life harder for children. The welfare system helps the disintegration of the American family. It offers money to American family. It offers money to families if the fathers will leave them and stay away, in that sense undoing the very stability of the family and taking away one of the two parents the children, of course, need. And what I have seen, I'm afraid to say all over the country, is that the legal system works against the best kind of home for these children there you go i wonder when that was uh filled 1920 i don't know 1960 70 it's the same shit going on today it's it's more benevolence from the left we're gonna give you money dude
Starting point is 01:22:45 reparations will fucking be the nail in the coffin that'll be it that will be so that's it's so crazy uh 566 this we can do pfizer stuff right for a couple more days yeah for a few more a few more days and then we're off of the uh off of this pfizer someone's like are you gonna let them bully you i'm like uh-huh i am i have to take three months off of this kind of stuff we got slapped down yeah here we go now just now i just want you to just think did you have you ever seen anything like this ever before? Shouldn't this at least be investigated and being talked about? Would you give your – if you knew that this was happening,
Starting point is 01:23:36 would you give your kids the same drugs that these people took? Okay, action. A portion of CBS This Morning sponsored by Pfizer. Good morning, America is brought to you by Pfizer. CBS Health Watch sponsored by Pfizer. Good morning, America is brought to you by Pfizer. CBS Health Watch sponsored by Pfizer. Anderson Cooper 360 brought to you by Pfizer. ABC News Nightline brought to you by Pfizer. Making a difference brought to you by Pfizer.
Starting point is 01:24:01 CNN Tonight brought to you by Pfizer. Early Start brought to you by Pfizer. Friday night on Aaron Burnett Out Front brought to you by Pfizer. Early start. Brought to you by Pfizer. Friday night on Aaron Burnett out front. Brought to you by Pfizer. This week with George Stephanopoulos is brought to you by Pfizer. Today's countdown to the royal wedding is brought to you by Pfizer. And now a CBS Sports update brought to you by Pfizer. Meet the press. Data download.
Starting point is 01:24:22 Brought to you by Pfizer. This portion of CBS This Morning sponsored by Pfizer. On how to find the hidden sugars in the American family diet. Sponsored by Pfizer. What was that word for breezing at the end?
Starting point is 01:24:44 I don't know, but I don't know what that was. Yeah. Damn, this is disturbing, huh? And you know there's so many more. So here's the options, right? This is new, or this has been going on forever and someone just now the the the crazies like us are just are fixating on it you see this comment it's like oh guys i remember growing up watching the news you get at least a few news people passing out on camera per month
Starting point is 01:25:19 and don't get me started on athletes hell half my youth soccer team died in one day just got that's the thing so i'm open to it like it's like i'm open to it um uh like i'm i'm open to it god dude so look at this girl's body right here. I know. And then her comment, somebody is – Look at her body, and then look at her, and then she's good at math, and then she had pressure to get vaccinated, and she said no. So she's hot. She's good at math. She does CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:26:02 She can say fuck you to people under pressure, and she stayed at the St. Regis. I mean, ladies and gentlemen, this is a fucking overachiever. Are you still with – was she married or with her boyfriend at the St. Regis? I think she said it was her husband. Yeah, husband and I. Good. I'm glad I'm friends with you jessica t damn someone scooped her up you guys most of us most human beings will never stay at the saint regis by the way we just glossed that over but that place is so
Starting point is 01:26:37 nice it's so cool it's right next to the museum of modern art that there's a breakfast place across the street that's the funnest breakfast place ever they serve bloody mary's there the hotel's so clean and pleasant i don't even care if you're club-footed i hope you're fucking missing a toe and you have a bunion on the other so that there's some balance in the universe. God, someone scored with you. We saw the guy from New Zealand, right? The guy who's the president of New Zealand is dumber than Joe Biden. They asked him what a woman was, and he says, I'm sorry, I'm not prepared to answer that.
Starting point is 01:27:21 Crazy. Crazy. Okay uh 561 this is this is why if you have girls you should have them do jiu-jitsu just just pay attention closely if you have daughters make them do jiu-jitsu for until at least they get their blue belt. This poor boy. This is like some college dorm room shit, right? You never know who you're fucking with these days.
Starting point is 01:27:53 Look at this chick. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. There she is. He knows he's in trouble already, right? Hey, he handled it right. What's he going to do?
Starting point is 01:28:21 What's he supposed to do? He handled it perfectly, right? You let the girl win. You don't fight back at that point yeah i definitely aggressive she is when she does this right here this part right here that's unnecessary that's bulls by the way girls if you do that's a cool guy right there if you're a girl and you do that to a guy in the dorm room and he fucking elbows you in the face like by the way if that were me right at this point you know she knows a lot if he just would have rolled over to his back and then just
Starting point is 01:28:51 like pretended to like grab her at that point and guard or something instead he tries to resist which makes it which fucks him up and then yeah she gets more aggressive because she realizes his strength like when he just stands up and kind of like yeah like to shake her off and then she's like oh fuck that now we're gonna we're gonna end this but right yeah right here it's not a win situation for him either now that i watch it because right because what's supposed to do hurt her right there's no winning his only win is the best is to like not do this shit where clearly he's trying and then she gets more aggressive. He should have just rolled over and let her win right from the get go. I would have, I personally tried to would have make it a joke and would have like rolled to
Starting point is 01:29:30 my back and then like said, Oh man, I was just hoping she would have taken full mount. He should have, he should have copped a feel. Is he copping a feel right there with his hand around? Oh, he's in survival for his dignity. he's in survival for his dignity right there he's too worried he goes for the double arm grab he is fucked
Starting point is 01:29:53 hey dude it's so weird watching my boys do jiu jitsu because it's a mixed class right and I'm always wondering like when are they going to realize that these are girls that they have their hands all over hey you know what I would have done to save face right after that after i got choked out and tapped i would have said okay now come over we all know the what the winner gets it gets a kiss on the lips or something like dumb yeah yeah like anyway uh definitely have uh – Good on her, though.
Starting point is 01:30:25 Yeah, good on her, yeah. But also, girls, be careful because you put that guy in a situation where he's in a lose-lose situation. He handled it good. Yeah. All right. Here we go. It looks like the 560.
Starting point is 01:30:45 This is going back to what we were saying yesterday about which minority has been treated the worst. Anything with Bobby Lee is hilarious. Who's treated people the worst? What's this guy's name? Bobby Lee. Oh. He's a comedian. You don't know who Bobby Lee is?
Starting point is 01:31:04 I know him just from Instagram. Oh, shit. He's hilarious. I should watch some of his stand-up. I don't even really know if he has a special. I think the majority of his comedy is through the East. He does podcasts and stuff like that. Okay, let's check it out.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Okay. Koreans might have a God complex, but they don't have a history of oppression are you out of your mind koreans didn't have slaves did koreans have slaves yeah google that we were korea had the longest unbroken chain of slavery of any society in history spanning 1500 years that's not what it says my eyes are blurry. I want to read it. Read it out loud. Korea had the longest unbroken chain of slavery of any society in history. You guys are scumbags.
Starting point is 01:32:01 We're scumbags. Some societies. There you go. There you go. There you go. Hey, and I bet you they enslaved their own people. Always. I bet you their slaves weren't black dudes. Mm-mm.
Starting point is 01:32:15 They were Korean dudes. Okay, there you go. And that yesterday we were talking about how there's this assertion that the standard, the highest standard of the oppressed are black people and that they have to fucking maintain that in this country so the blacks that they want black people with melanated skin to play the victim. That is at its foundation. That's it. There it is. And it's with word fuckery. But there you go. You know, the melanated people are not the standard.
Starting point is 01:32:54 It's the Koreans. And the white people aren't the standard for oppression either. It's the Koreans. They got both. All right. Solve that problem. 558. Imagine if this was my kid. Here's just some gentle bragging on my part.
Starting point is 01:33:11 Not gentle. This kid is 6'10". I think he's 14 years old. Here we go, action. This 10, 14-year-old that has Under Armour and Puma competing for his signature shoe. This is Eric Kilburn Jr., and he wears a size 23 shoe, and his feet are still growing. Eric attends Goodrich High School in Ortonville, Michigan, where he plays defensive tackle. Eric has been playing football in size 22 basketball shoes because he can't find cleats big
Starting point is 01:33:45 enough to fit his feet he also wears a special football helmet a shut f7 which is the only company that makes his size eric and his family met with nike and adidas about them custom making a size 23 cleat for him to play football in but they were denied nike said they would only make it for a professional athlete and adidas said they would only do it if he went viral. After thinking he was going to have to play football in basketball shoes for the rest of his life, Rob Kopp, a representative from Under Armour, reached out. He said they will make a custom pair of cleats just for Eric because he knows how important high school sports are. After meeting with Under Armour in March, Under Armour plans to start production of the biggest shoe they have ever had to make. Who is this 6'10", 14-year-old? Dude. If that was my kid.
Starting point is 01:34:31 Interesting. He would look nothing like, I mean, if I had a kid who was 14 who was 6'10 it's just nuts that you have such a specimen and you let it turn into a pile of shit like that and I mean that with peace and love Adam Blakeslee if that was your kid Haley would need to explain herself imagine having a fucking
Starting point is 01:34:59 Lamborghini and putting diesel in the gas tank and parking it under just a rack of seagulls. Like why haven't you got your shit together? Why aren't you taking care of your kid? Did you see him sitting in that chair? He's a blob. He's a blob.
Starting point is 01:35:26 Fucking nuts. And I still think he would be small right now to play the NFL. 6'10", is too short for Lyman? Not too short, but aren't those guys like freaking three, you know, three-three? Oh, this dude's over 300 pounds, dude. Play it again. Look at him. Look at him. That has
Starting point is 01:35:49 under armor and look at us right there. Yeah. Dude, that's so fucking inappropriate. Dude, take 50 pounds off him. Give his joints a break. He could lose. He could lose 150. Dude, he has head fat.
Starting point is 01:36:12 He has head fat as a 14-year-old boy. Yeah, that's not good. Yeah, he's easily 350. This is a good point, too. I wouldn't let my 14 year old play against him i mean either i wouldn't let my 14 year old play against him either yeah he will crush you yeah it's just it's just it's fun it's fucking child abuse not healthy i wonder if that guy has the, uh, so let me ask you this,
Starting point is 01:36:46 Susie, when we go back, could I, like, I was just about to say a bit. I wonder if that kid has the injection. I can't even say that until, until after July.
Starting point is 01:36:55 Right. I just should just stay away from it. Not, not cause it's wrong, but I should just hit the reset button on all injection talk. Yeah, I think so. I think so too.
Starting point is 01:37:04 And people could blame it on me if they want to but i think we give it just a little breathing room yeah i don't care if they blame people can say all they want you're so uh-huh how come because i don't want to get kicked off of youtube i want to stay on there and fuck around on there some more uh he could join an affiliate and lose 200 pounds and hq hq still wouldn't feature it for sure yeah right about that um he the thing is he will make a great wwe wrestler one day no i i'm not being a dick to you kenny but no he won't because right now is when he should be 200 pounds lighter and getting gymnastic skills so that he could use those gymnastic skills
Starting point is 01:37:45 when he's actually 350 pounds of steroidal juice but he's never going to get that experience and learn how to move like that because he's just a complete fat fuck and i don't blame him for that i blame his fucking parents for that his parents are fucking pathetic that kid's already basically tantamount to a drug addict. We had an interesting conversation last night at my Easter dinner. And I said, hey, if somebody showed up, like if you saw a six-year-old kid and you were walking outside and that six-year-old kid just started just yelling like racial slurs like intensely at, you know, a couple walking across the
Starting point is 01:38:25 street and you saw that six-year-old kid say that right like wait that makes this hypothetical didn't happen oh uh well i act it's funny you say i was i was somewhere okay so perfect just a couple days ago and my kid said hey uh we heard this kid saying some shit, and it was some fucking crazy shit, man. And so who would you blame? And I told my kids – go ahead. No, no, who would you blame for that kid saying that? Who's responsible for that kid using that language and knowing that language? The parents.
Starting point is 01:39:00 Right. And a small part of society. It's like a small part of society societal this is like a small part of society okay and so say that same you know six-year-old then started acting out and broke your car window yeah or which is disrespectful to authority you would again you would again hold the parents responsible for those actions because of the kid's age and everything else right so you take that same kid and now we show up at a hospital and you say, Hey,
Starting point is 01:39:26 Johnny thinks that it's that, that he's a girl. Yeah. Nobody asked the parents how Johnny came to that conclusion. Right. It's just accepted. And now we're going to make some, some lifelong choices off of that.
Starting point is 01:39:41 Right. Right. Right. And so it was just funny because it was just a different perspective twist. And then I said, so the question is for me, it's not one's right, one's wrong. I said, I don't care. I said, what's the differentiator? Where did we cross the line? Where did we say this is the choice now of this individual child and not the responsibility of the parents for for programming, programming them that way but yet
Starting point is 01:40:05 we do hold that responsibility in every other action that the kid would take right so i the question i have is like who who who decided that line like who who decided the line between snowflake and man right who decided the line between socially i did on this show i've done i've done a pretty good at defining that on this show. But, yeah. Avi had his worst skateboarding crash in his skateboarding career yesterday. 13-foot drop-in with probably like a 6-foot vert wall for 6 feet or vert. For people who don't understand a lot of drop-ins have a little bit of a grade to them so they're not straight down
Starting point is 01:40:49 i mean to the layman they look like they're straight down but to skateboarders they don't but vert walls are when it's straight down so when you drop in uh your wheels don't hit the wall your wheels don't hit the wall right away yeah and not only that but it had pool coping so there's different kinds of coping on the edge that, but it had pool coping. So there's different kinds of coping on the edge of drop-ins and pool coping means you stand out further from the edge where you drop in. I had like an extra inch and a dude, he dropped in, but nothing broken. What happened? He just lost it right away? No, no, no. He made it. He made it. He dropped in. He's he thinks he hit, he thinks there was something on the – and this makes me feel really bad, actually.
Starting point is 01:41:25 He says he thinks there was something in the pool he hit, like a rock or something. And usually I always go and walk all the pools. And this day I hadn't walked that pool. Yeah, that sucked. But his back was scraped up pretty good, his shoulder, his elbow. But he told me that if he wouldn't have been wearing a helmet, I said, did hit and he goes yeah and he goes i go hard he said yeah i said did it hurt he goes no he said but if i wouldn't have been wearing a helmet it would have been the end it was like the end oh shit the end uh yeah i ob uh man i I see so many bad kids.
Starting point is 01:42:08 And it's funny because looping it all the way back around to the kid to where we started, what made me think of that is like we don't – we also don't do that when it comes to kids' weights. We don't hold the parents responsible. But if you showed up to the skate park and Avi was 50 pounds underweight. Oh, underweight. People would call CPS right away. They would say, holy shit, what is happening, right? Like your kid's on the brink of like starvation. What are you doing? And you go, no, well, he doesn't really like to eat a lot.
Starting point is 01:42:36 Or if you yelled at your kid in public in California, someone would probably come too. Yeah, but your kid could be morbidly obese staring down the the pipeline of multiple health problems if they don't already have them and in that whole entire deal not to mention the social stuff that comes with that right right right up with a lot of the other kids you might be getting teas oh i'm agreeing i agree with you but it's just so weird because then you show up to the skate park and nobody's going to go, hey, those parents are unfit. Look what they've done to their kid.
Starting point is 01:43:07 Right. So I've always just been fascinated by societal norms and what's acceptable to us and what's not, even though they basically have the same consequences of an unhealthy child. You know what's amazing? There really aren't fat people at the skate park. Fat people don't skate. They have a hard time getting around as it is. People that are really large bodied, you're not going to get on a rolling piece of wood.
Starting point is 01:43:34 That ain't going to end up. By the way, let me rephrase that. I don't think that you should, if you yell that you're kidding public in California, I don't think you should should – if you yelled at your kid in public in California, I don't think you should expect the cops to get called on you, but don't be surprised if they do. Like if you – yeah. But Suze is absolutely right.
Starting point is 01:43:56 If your kid showed up at the skate park 200 pounds overweight, no one would say shit, even if he was like an 8-year-old kid. I mean, you see fat kids, fat kid just crazy sad obese kids everywhere yeah so like cpa damage like kids who can't find their penises that fat yeah that's so sad not a bad dad good dad i asked him today the skateboard instructor said to me he's like i hope he keeps skating i'm like what this morning when he woke up i was like hey he saw me leaving to go to the podcast i was like hey you want to go skate park today he goes maybe
Starting point is 01:44:28 i go are you afraid of that drop and he goes no so yeah he's got enough experience now to where i feel like he'll be all right if like that was the first week of skateboarding probably probably wouldn't be right coming back but as far into it as he is now and some of the tricks he's able to pull off and the control he has over the board is it's fucking insane uh look at um uh 565 this is this is have you ever seen a maga hat in public have you ever seen one i don't think i have like i've definitely seen a lot but i don't
Starting point is 01:45:08 i think you're right i don't think i've ever like seen it in on somebody in public i have seen it once once this is right by my house This is like 15 miles from my house. Okay, here we go. Action. Still a free country, right? Victor F. is a 74-year-old Trump supporter who lives in Palo Alto. He casually went about his business today, still sporting the red MAGA hat that prompted a loud confrontation with a woman at a Palo Alto Starbucks two days ago. This crazy woman came over and started raving at me. She turned to the
Starting point is 01:45:45 rest of the Starbucks. Hey, everybody, here's this racist here. He hates brown people. He's crazy. He's a Nazi and so forth. The woman, Rebecca Parker Mankey, then began taking photos and posting about it on her Facebook, saying she was going to shame him, get him fired. In fact, the opposite happened. People started harassing Parker Mankey's family and her employer, Griffin Stringed Instruments, where she worked as an accountant. The store owner decided to fire her after he read her Facebook post. Victor wears a yarmulke underneath his MAGA hat. He is Jewish, and so to him, being called a Nazi is hurtful. people with an education should know stupid things like that america's still that's perfect wow and then and then she got fired wow uh
Starting point is 01:46:36 i didn't even see this. Wait till you see this. What do you got? Woman at center of Palo Alto MAGA hat up or still missing. Washington authorities say if she is found, they'll make sure she is safe and not being taken anywhere against her will. What? Rebecca Parker Mankey, 46, of Palo Alto, was reported missing to the Lake County Sheriff's Office on Friday, April 19th.
Starting point is 01:47:14 What's today? Oh, that was 2019. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, my goodness. But the post that we just showed was posted four days ago. How crazy is that? So she's had another MAGA hat uproar from 2019.
Starting point is 01:47:37 Or no. No, it's the same one because it was a 74-year-old man in a coffee shop. And this is April 9th, 2023. So now she's missing? Authorities are searching for a woman who caused national uproar and received death threats earlier this month after she publicly lambasted a 74-year-old man for wearing a Make America Great
Starting point is 01:47:55 again baseball cap at a Palo Alto coffee shop. Rebecca Parker Mankey was reported missing Friday morning when she didn't return to her home, Palo Alto, after visiting a friend in Lake County. Clark said investigators believe Mankey went off the grid to avoid the avalanche of negative attention she received. We have nothing that makes us think she's at risk, Clark said in a phone interview late Friday night. We've determined from people we've talked to that she's voluntarily missing.
Starting point is 01:48:19 Two separate cell phone pings performed by law enforcement placed Mankey in the aberdeen area of washington state on friday dude they're they pinged her phone and now they're publicly telling us where she is oh she's in oh she's homeless in portland now she's you mean she's a drug addict oh my hey uh this haircut right here lipstick, when I see red lipstick like that, hey, girls, guys don't like red lipstick like that. Not one single. If you're trying to attract a normal guy, no guy wants any girl to ever wear lipstick that color. None. Zero. I speak for all of mankind fuck uh uh good point where were we i don't think she's trying to attract guys she's not being taken anywhere king said offers it said if officers locate her, they would use caution,
Starting point is 01:49:27 ensure Mankey's safe, and not being taken anywhere against her will. What the fuck? On April 1, Mankey berated the man at a California Avenue Starbucks. I know exactly where that is. I've been there. For wearing a red MAGA cap made famous by President Donald Trump. He will never forget me and will think seriously about wearing that hat in my town ever again, she wrote. She received death threats and was forced to resign from her job at the Griffin Stringed Instrument,
Starting point is 01:49:55 a company that sells and rents and repairs used and vintage musical instruments. She also stepped down as co-chair officer, a member of the Bayshore Progressive Democrats. Oh, my goodness. Okay, so you guys see that that haircut screams mental illness. It's a strong correlate, just a correlate. A red flag. A poster of child mental illness. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:28 Math adjacent. I don't think she's trying to attract guys. Fine. Fair enough. Fair enough. Yeah. That was a presupposition I made. I appreciate you calling me out on that.
Starting point is 01:50:41 Thank you. Fair. Okay. Where are we here? My tricep kind of looks buff at that angle. Mine? Oh, yours? Yeah. Look at it. You got a vein. Are you on TRT? I wish. Thank you for accusing me of that, though.
Starting point is 01:51:00 I've always wanted to have a natty or not. Dear Andrew. 563. Prager you guy making sense again i have to i haven't finished the ufo book uh yet i have to finish it today yeah okay here we go so of course once again the issue for people known as progressives or left or whatever term one wishes to use woke whatever it might be is the problem is guns so i had a caller to my radio show who said it was guns and And I said to this person, I asked this person the following question, which I frequently ask because it helps me both make my point and determine the values and clarity of thought of the person with whom I'm having a dialogue or even debate said, if you could have a magic wand, if you, your aim were
Starting point is 01:52:08 met, what would you like more, more fathers in America, more children staying at a home, living at a home with a father in the home or more gun laws? Now you could even say you would like both by the way, that's what he said. He said, I would like both. By the way, that's what he said. He said, I would like both. And I said, that's fine. But you only called up about guns. I'm the one who raised the father's issue. I think that issue deflects in many ways from the real crises, which are moral and familial and social and religious. How many of the mass shooters of the last 20 years went to church the previous Sunday prior to the shooting? You know that that question is never asked. Never. In everything I read, every other suggestion, including about suicides, which are
Starting point is 01:53:02 rising in America at unprecedented rates among young people and among middle-aged and older people. It's never raised as an issue. Mental illness is huge. And the lockdowns, they call it COVID, which is true. The lockdowns, as you heard from me, all during the lockdowns were a spectacular error, almost a crime, and the damage that they did for absolutely no benefit. Look at Sweden, which didn't have lockdowns, as my example. The issue is never raised about maybe religion. Even if you're an atheist, don't you have the obligation to be intellectually honest? Let's say you don't believe in God whatsoever. Fine.
Starting point is 01:53:47 Why does that prevent you from asking the question, does religion help? It shouldn't. There it is. You guys heard that, right? Does religion help? You never fucking hear that stuff from the left. you never fucking hear that stuff from the left. They don't care about a solution.
Starting point is 01:54:12 They really don't. Look at Manny's ear. I don't know. I think he's pretty brilliant. I like listening to him. Man, oh, man. Well, there you go. Yeah, they don't care about the big picture.
Starting point is 01:54:37 Most people don't. Barclay says, Epstein allegations against ex-boss Jess Stalley are serious and new. This was published in The Guardian. This is, uh, number 555. Twelve, I think I've talked to you guys about this a couple times already. Twelve hundred new emails released. ready 1200 new emails released just daily resigned in November of 2021 after UK regulatory investigation into his
Starting point is 01:55:11 relationship with the convicted sex offender who was one of Staley's clients when he worked at JP Morgan my show I'm gonna read this thing to you. They had previously defended Staley's prior relationship with Epstein, which took place in February of 2020. Based on the information it had at the time and representations made by Mr. Staley,
Starting point is 01:55:38 Barclay itself has received no material new evidence from regulators. Two new lawsuits aimed at Jp morgan claim staley observed victims personally including visiting young girls at epstein's apartments and exchanged 1200 emails with the late financier jeffrey epstein that included photos of young women in subductive poses and referring to women by the name of Disney princesses. That's fucking sick. Like, dark. Now, it just says they're young. We don't know if they're underage.
Starting point is 01:56:13 Right. And we don't know if this guy, Jess Daly, was just, like, going along with whatever Epstein was saying or doing because, fuck, he's his banker and he's trying to get his money, right? So, like, if you say hey i'm into fucking 19 year old girls and love fucking eating eating their ass and i think it's fucking disgusting i might just be like oh cool and just like chat you up as long as you keep your 500 million in my bank i ain't hating on jess staley yet jp morgan is being sued by prosecutor in the
Starting point is 01:56:44 u.s virgin islands where much of the abuse is said to have taken place at a home owned by epstein on J.P. Morgan is being sued by prosecutors in the U.S. Virgin Islands where much of the abuse is said to have taken place at a home owned by Epstein on a private island. Well, the problem with that is that Attorney General has been fired, which we talked about. And the reason why this is so weird and comes on my radar is because – I just want to show you this, and then I'll drop it until more news comes out. I know I've talked about it on a bunch of shows. Biden, Epstein, JPMorgan Chase connection or coincidence, connection or coincidence,
Starting point is 01:57:23 the Virgin Islands top prosecutor who reached a more than $105 million settlement with Jeffrey Epstein's estate has lost her job days after suing JPMorgan Chase in connection with her probe, days and immediately after President Joe Biden paid a visit to Virgin Islands with its Democratic governor. So it's the second attorney general that's been fired after a Biden visit. We saw that the other one was from the ukraine i hope it's just all coincidence we talked a little bit about the ufc holy shit we showed uh masvidal's uh celebration how are you on time um i got like another uh 10 10 15 minutes or so usually just after nine
Starting point is 01:58:09 is it sunny is it sunny there it looks like it's kind of peeking out but it was gloomy before it's supposed to be nice today yeah it looks great i'm looking out the window right now it looks sunny as. A 553 definition of feminism. Masvidal for president. Rich Froning for president. Hey, man, I would really enjoy my last interview with Rich Froning. Here we go. Feminism is the idea that women are free when they serve their employers, but slaves when they serve their husbands and children. Read that again.
Starting point is 01:58:49 Okay, here we go one more time. Feminism is the idea that women are free when they serve their employers, but slaves when they serve their husband and children. It's interesting, right? I don't know if feminism is the right word, but it's important to realize that we're all going to serve someone. We're all going to serve someone. And especially if you want to be happy, if you want to be happy, if you want a peace of mind, you're going to serve someone. And isn't it funny that that's like one of the premises that i've sort of come to over the years it's not new to me but there's just been this outright hatred uh from the left on women and what they're biologically can do and it's guised as the fact that they're being kept down and so that they should go get a job
Starting point is 01:59:42 and become middle middle management over at apple and uh or mcdonald's as if that's better than being just an amazing mom and having an getting an amazing husband and raising amazing kids yeah and i'm gonna tell you it's just completely ass backwards it's not even like hey we should have both and it's 50 50 it's not it's 50-50. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. If you're a good, healthy woman and you want to continue along that path, you should do what a good, healthy woman's body is meant to do, ideally. Same with a man. If you're a good healthy man you want to continue along the path of um what a good healthy man should do you should do some shit that healthy men are designed to do and why because you'll be happy and you'll have fulfillment
Starting point is 02:00:35 and you'll have excitement and you'll have challenges and you'll have just this really a life full of fulfillment what does that mean Things that are part and parcel with your DNA, like walking and squatting and taking care of a family. You get to do those things. You get to do those things. You get to express things that you're supposed to express. that you're supposed to express. You know those rings that those women put on their necks and it makes their necks so long that if they take their rings off, they would die?
Starting point is 02:01:14 Mm-hmm. Because they're... Those rings are what a lot of society has put on people. Societal handcuffs? Yeah, and they're afraid if they take those rings off, they're going to die. 549, life is unfair. Is Dave programming for the French Open,ave castro for the french open yeah for the
Starting point is 02:01:48 i'll get to in a second i jumped okay i was like i don't even know what that is yeah i don't know if i know what that is either uh life life is oh did we already play this it's new to me okay let's play it again disagree with the fact that it is systematically harder for some people in this country based on the colors on work in, in education, because of the color of skin. Would you disagree with that fact? All of that institutional racism is gone. 100% of it is gone. Yeah, yeah, there's no institution. There's no racism that the government approves of. Nobody can get rid of the racism of human beings, the racism in human hearts, and that's going to stay. And I i lived overseas for seven years this is the least racist country on the planet so that's not true right there by the way uh i i have friends who work uh for the government and there is massive institutional racism that's blatant towards uh white people shit loads shit loads and it looks like this um people are being told to when they when they who work for the government, hey, when you can't when we need contractors or we need to contract out work, look for women of of marginalized communities.
Starting point is 02:03:00 First, they always get first priority. first. They always get first priority. Seve Sema has been doing an outstanding job recapping the podcast on the side chat. Get her on the payroll. Okay. You now make as much as Matt. Send me your social security number. Where is that?
Starting point is 02:03:25 I can see that. I know. SEMA is great. Is it in Discord or something? SEMA is great. Dude, I'm willing to pay someone if they can fucking get me amnesty at YouTube forever. Bruce Wayne says it's on ig oh thanks sema yeah someone send me someone send me a link to it and i'll start reposting
Starting point is 02:03:54 it all the time i love that thank you dave castro he is in french throwdown official dave castro oh shit it's in's in the wrong language. Is there a translate? Oh, there it is. There it is. There it is. No, you passed it. They did it in English.
Starting point is 02:04:09 Yep. Oh, thank you. Dave Castro will be present next June 23rd, 24th, 25th for the French throwdown. Oh, he's going to France. Wow. He will program the wad of the final. He promises you a nice surprise. How much do you think they're paying for that? Wait, it's on April Fool's.
Starting point is 02:04:28 Is that an April Fool's joke? Oh, is it? I don't think it's an April Fool's joke, but it is on April 1st. Well, they're not paying him anything. Because you know why? That's Dave Chafee's event, and he works for CrossFit. Yep. Got it.
Starting point is 02:04:56 And thank you, PC Cards, for sharing that. Yeah, thanks, PC Cards. No, in the IG side chat. Oh, oh, oh, PC Cards. No, in the IG side chat. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. I don't even have – I don't have – I'm not in that. I don't think you should be in that. I don't think I should be in that either. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:19 I don't have time for that. It's cool that Dave's doing the final night night if i was doing one of those events i definitely try to involve him in some way me too me too i think um i think hillar asked him to program one of his events it's good for dave you know he needs to stay in the spotlight a little bit he's kind of in the shadows these days and in this what have you done for lately lately economy he should come on my for lately economy he should come on my show more often he should come on the show more often i invite him all the time now we're talking uh riddle me this and answer me quick who says they're sane but cuts off their dick
Starting point is 02:05:57 riddle me this and answer me quick who says they're sane but cuts off their dick holy shit look at this girl's profile pic Riddle me this and answer me quick. Who says they're sane but cuts off their dick? Holy shit, look at this girl's profile pic. Jesus. Is that a real person? It's a bot? Hey, I don't mean to be... God, should I? Yeah, I'm going to.
Starting point is 02:06:21 Did you click it? Yeah, I clicked it. I don't think you're sane if you get fake tits that are that big either. You're judging someone for cutting off their penis, but you put implants in you that are so fucking big. Let me see. How do you know? I guess I don't.
Starting point is 02:06:43 Dude. I guess I don't. Dude. You put plastic in you that's so fucking, like. That comment was perfect. That just fucked me. I'm like, how do you know? Bring that up.
Starting point is 02:06:59 Okay, well. What's weird is she doesn't have her tits all over this page, which is. Oh, here. Look at that skin texture. God, that looks like that hurts, doesn't it? Do boobs that big hurt? Do we have anyone who has implants that big who watches the show? Dude.
Starting point is 02:07:21 Maybe due to like – I'm sorry. That screams mental illness to me it doesn't scream mental illness to you be honest i know it's hard to say i don't know i don't know i don't know i guess i don't really have that strong of an opinion on it but um okay i'm gonna go to the doctor's office and'm going to ask you to make an incision in my body and go below the muscle in my chest and to fill it with some artificial something. I'm telling you. I'm like Brie Borough over there. Beautiful picture.
Starting point is 02:08:04 Those eyes and that smile. God, I love your you. I'm like Brie Boro over there. Beautiful picture. Those eyes and that smile. God, I love your eyelashes. Sorry. It's stale. What size would you like? Cartoon, please. Yes. Oh, I want to Google that.
Starting point is 02:08:21 Cartoon titties. Let me see. Cartoon breasts. Cartoon breasts. Cartoon breasts. I'm going to do this carefully. Yeah. We'll be off of these platforms for a week, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:35 We'll be reduced to Instagram Live. We'll be on Instagram Live for the next four days. Oh, shit. There is a YouTube video that says says i have the biggest breasts in school wow wow hi everyone wow look this is a crazy video i bet let's see i want to see it look my name is eleanor people still call me Elia. Elia Tits.
Starting point is 02:09:07 Yes. Is this real? Hi everyone, my name is Eleanor. Still call me Elia Tits. Yes, if you didn't know, Tits is a breast. Nature rewarded me with two melons in full. And before you get jealous, tell me how cool and beautiful it is. I'll tell you about the pros and cons of such an award.
Starting point is 02:09:24 If you don't know, tits are breasts. Nature rewarded me with two melons in full. Look at her pants. Is that a cartoon character with a camel toe? What the fuck? Myself in the full-length mirror. Only then did I notice that my chest was sticking out and. Oh,
Starting point is 02:09:48 there you go. I might watch that later. Yeah. Allison's aren't Allison's or did that's her boobs. I can. Yep. I can. Yep. I can attest. Confirmed.
Starting point is 02:10:08 Yeah. Those are hers. She's born with those. She's born with those. Hey, and I don't care. I'm not like even if she wasn't, I'm not. I'm not. I'm not hating on anyone.
Starting point is 02:10:23 I'm like, I'm not hating on it. I'm not hating on anyone. The last thing I'm doing is hating on someone who chops off their penis. I would never fucking do that. Ever, ever, ever. And I wouldn't hate on anyone who chops off their tits either. And I wouldn't hate on anyone for fucking getting giant fucking tits. And when I look at those giant tits, even with everything I say, I'm like, damn, I'd like to fucking put my fucking tits. And when I look at those giant tits, even with everything I say,
Starting point is 02:10:47 I'm like, damn, I'd like to fucking put my face in those. There's inconsistencies, people. We are flawed humans, okay? I'm not like, those are disgusting. I'm like, wow, I can intellectualize these as disgusting, and God, I'd like to put my face, my nose, and maybe another body part between them. I mean, I'm not.
Starting point is 02:11:07 Those are disgusting. We need to investigate further. Let's go ahead and see those. How many couch – Do I have to eat the ass of that creature in order to touch those? What do I have to do? Do I have to put my face between the couch and the couch? Don't anyone get it twisted.
Starting point is 02:11:21 I'm not a fucking – I'm not condemning them in any way. Zero. I'm not condemning homosexuality. None of that. I'm just saying that if I acted on that, I think that that comes from a mental illness. And I think that me wanting to act on it to put my face on them is not a mental illness. I think it's like i'm just
Starting point is 02:11:45 a dude it's like my biology it's just a natural reaction yeah so there take that i'm not i don't i don't and and i and they look so taut they look pain those they look painful like overstretched like just went up like one size too big and all of us guys have had hard-ons that hurt god those are just a brutal one it's like hey easy easy on the blood flow whoever like it's full stop we're good but i just if you're going to be throwing rocks about mental illness and for someone who threw out cut off
Starting point is 02:12:35 their penis and you have fucking like like suza said you went to the fucking uh doctor and you the cartoon titties yeah they look they look totally painful, right? Those are the off-menu options. Yeah. It's like the secret menu at In-N-Out. I had a friend, I wish I could, Canadian teacher with size Z prosthetics breast on paid leave. Oh, that's the one, that was the guy.
Starting point is 02:13:12 Oh, fuck, we got to look this up sorry uh z prosthetics the canadian teacher canadian high school teacher has been put on leave after a poorly wearing prosthetic oh yeah that was the – that was that – those weren't – I think that teacher could take them off. Yeah, I think that was like trolling, that whole how we identify type deal, right? That teacher's still employed, but they put him on leave. She appears to dress as a man while not at work. Oh shit, Mr. Lemieux told the Post that the man in the images they published
Starting point is 02:13:57 wasn't her and said she had a rare condition leading her to have a larger chest than normal. I don't know if you guys have seen that picture, but... How would they do that? Oh, here's the picture. I'll show you the picture. This is the teacher in Woodshop. What if she's like, no, these are real?
Starting point is 02:14:31 What do you say? What do you do? I'm going to have to hold them. He should build himself a shelf for those to sit on. I'm going to have to motorboat those. I'm going to have to put the touch and smell test. She rejected the notion that she wears prosthetics
Starting point is 02:14:49 these are real she told the paper this is who I am this is how I look is that the one kid in the back prove it god hey so if you want to know the kind of kid I was if if that was my teacher and it was like in the eighth grade and that was our teacher, me and my friends would would make it a point to hug her. Yeah. Like somebody or like somebody pushes you into her.
Starting point is 02:15:16 You're like, oh, like there would be no fucking way. Fucking way. Like someone would have to hug her every day. And we would like Rochambeau to see who does it. I mean, it would be nuts. The shit we did as kids. There's no fucking way you get to wear those to school and no one hugs you. Even though they're members of faculty. Oh, hi, Mrs mrs z i'm here for my morning hug mason mitchell the massive nipple on those
Starting point is 02:15:52 we'll never know i don't think those kind those kind of prosthetics think they even have nipple oh man i'm i'm hot for a teacher. I'm hot for a teacher. I assume this is a dude. Yeah, Manny Spiegel. You're a hot dude? I'm hot for a teacher. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 02:16:16 Oh. Oh. I just threw an extra A in there. I thought he was saying, I'm hot for a teacher. What's this? $5.54. It doesn't hurt oh yeah yeah okay okay speaking of pain this is such bullshit i i want to fight with someone about this who wants to fight with me about this 554 this comment um it's a song okay uh so look They put be viral. This definitely hurt. This did not hurt. This definitely did not hurt.
Starting point is 02:16:58 Are they saying that that hurt her vagina? He has her vagina in the arch of her of his foot he handled that perfect see that and and kind of like her taint or her anus is kind of sitting on his heel get what i'm saying i think her vagina is protected yeah I think the face she's making is more so like afraid of falling like when she slipped down there's no way that hurt and they like caught her
Starting point is 02:17:32 yeah I don't think that's like a good okay thank you Susan and I have spoken we have agreed there's no way that hurts okay in my mind she was getting Yeah, there's no way that hurts. Okay, good. In my mind, she was getting aroused with that look on her face.
Starting point is 02:17:56 542, Tard World. Oh, good. Here we go. This one's fun. Once again, I repeat to you, there's no Republicans who think this. Not one. Here we go. Get this. The Ontario Mathematics Coordinators Association has officially deemed the equation 2 plus 2 equals 4 to no longer be objectively correct. Because instead of being a mathematically proven equation, instead they are calling it a white supremacist dog whistle. Apparently, if you are emotionally neutral about the equation two plus two equals four,
Starting point is 02:18:41 then you are participating in covert white supremacy. A, this is insane, but B, this is verbatim exactly what happened in George Orwell's 1984. You tell me if this sounds like 2023 America. In the end, the party would announce that two and two made five and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later. The logic of their position demanded it. And what was terrifying was not that they would kill you for thinking otherwise but that they might be right for after all how do we know that two and two make four or that the force of gravity works or that the past is unchangeable if both the past and the eternal world exist only in the mind, and the mind itself is controllable. What then?
Starting point is 02:19:27 So. Using that example, by the way, of gravity is not is a Orwell fucked up there. There's a presupposition with math that we're not a whole. And we all make that, right? So we're making a presupposition that Susan and I aren't connected based on our observation and our discernment. That we're two separate men. And once you have that, once you have one and then you have two, then you have three. Once you go from one, if the whole thing's a whole, cool.
Starting point is 02:20:03 Then we're all just a whole and we're a blob and we're just all one thing. And it's our ego that separates us and fine. We don't need math. It's just one unit that's moving. Cool. But once you have two, then you have three. So there's a presupposition that you can see there that you acknowledge that we can do math. There's a presupposition that you can see there that you acknowledge that we can do math.
Starting point is 02:20:36 We could all just – that the tree is not – the tree with all the oranges on us is not just one that we're splitting it up. But gravity is an idea to explain a phenomenon. Anyway, those distinctions are important if you want to hang around the truth. Grab is an idea that explains a phenomenon that can be proved over and over and over again, and it's done really well at fucking like helping us figure some shit out, like making planes fly and shit roller coasters but to say that two plus two is five is even after we've made those presuppositions it would be the same as to say once we agree that gravity is just an idea and we're using it, that we threw an orange up and we observed it. Let me think of an example here.
Starting point is 02:21:32 I had a good example. It's to blame the – to throw an orange up and then if it falls down, blame the orange. Like you cannot – that's still not going to work. Well, the good thing is most people just know that 2 plus 2 claiming it's 5 is just complete fucking idiocy. But what you're doing is that there's these things that we have to accept even if we know that they're not true in order for everything to work. And to accept two plus two is five. Everything else just falls apart. We accept that the red light means stop.
Starting point is 02:22:18 It can't be like, well, it's up for everyone else just to determine when they see it. It's up to each individual to determine whether they want to stop at a red light or not. No, then it doesn't work. Then we're not agreeing that red means stop. And a bunch of us don't like that because we know it leads to chaos. It's going to lead to car accidents.
Starting point is 02:22:41 It'll lead to chaos. Yeah. Without it'll lead to just pure fucking chaos without objective truth it it descends into chaos the question i always wonder about math it doesn't have to be objective it just has to be agreed upon so so that things can function there has to be like some sort of consistency so that we can function and move around get it's how we get security and did we invent math or discover it because if we discovered it then by nature like it couldn't be racist because it existed prior to societal definitions of racism god what
Starting point is 02:23:18 it's almost like that they're suggesting that logic is racist right well that's the point because then then you could no longer have logic and reason within your argument and then it just becomes about their moral truth you're either on the team of the good guys or you're not right yeah there can't be a logical and reasonable reasonable explanation for having opinions on stuff. You just have to agree with the home team or you're the bad guy. And if you can't use reason or logic to process those individual topics, then you're just going to be pushed to the side. You're either part of the home team, the good guys, or you're part of the bad guys. Once you see this, how do you, like, I don't see how there's anything that the right
Starting point is 02:24:06 could be doing that pisses you off enough to let someone unravel reality it's nuts that's Canada by the way those saying 2 plus 2 this scares me too those saying 2 plus 2 this scares me too those saying 2 plus 2 equals 5 are just saying it to be different
Starting point is 02:24:31 it's fascinating right that's one of the arguments that being transgender has become trendy that's terrifying to me I mean we see people do it with tattoos people get tattoos because they're trendy people committed suicide because it was trendy no shit yeah i forget exactly i'll have to remember which book i'm referencing here but they talked about that the more ideas were populated like that the more it just created more people doing it.
Starting point is 02:25:06 It was just the monkey see, monkey do. You know you can't do any more trendy shit if you kill yourself. Right. That would be the last trendy thing you do. I'm going to find it now too because this happened locally here in Walnut Creek. They started having teen suicides and they would talk about it in the school but kept making it a big deal and then they had more and more of them
Starting point is 02:25:29 and so they realized the more that they populated the idea the more it happened I wonder if talking like this is going to become trendy because it's our president talks like this hairy legs that turn like this is going to become trendy because it's our president talks like this. Hairy legs that turn that that that that that turn uh um blonde in the sun and the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again they look at it so I about roaches. I learned about kids jumping on my lap.
Starting point is 02:26:07 And I've loved kids jumping on my lap. Hairy legs that turn that turn blonde in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down
Starting point is 02:26:21 so it was straight and then watch the hair. Watch him make eye contact with this kid when he says and i love kids jumping on my lap watch this come back up again they look at so i learned about roaches i learned about kids jumping on my lap and i've loved kids jumping on my lap why does he have to look down at that kid when he says that i don't know man that whole thing was fucking weird where's David Weed
Starting point is 02:26:53 isn't he supposed to say greatest country in the world alright alright thank you guys tomorrow UFO of God gonna try to get ricky uh on this week too uh i haven't heard from brian hopefully there's a frisbee show coming up uh and we're gonna start filling the schedule with shitloads of interviews uh looks like we'll be doing hunter on the 13th which i think hopefully should be our first day back on
Starting point is 02:27:25 youtube although it's kind of hard to tell there's it's kind of hard to tell yeah it's like ambiguous it doesn't give you an exact date it just gives you like days and so we're guessing it'll be the 13th or if not the 13th then for sure by the 14th which we have james newberry scheduled for and oh we do oh yeah in the evening okay and just so you know those you guys who are what about cat sheer we had her on the schedule uh she's next sunday but um she might get bumped again okay yeah um for those of you who've made the switch to twitch this week and to facebook and to twitter and to rumble thank you for your patience um And I'll see you tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Buh-bye.
Starting point is 02:28:09 Abby's

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