The Sevan Podcast - #874 - It's About To Go Down | Live Call In

Episode Date: April 12, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning. It's time to get up. Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey. It's time to get up! Wake up, bitch! Time to get up! Good morning. Yo, Vindicate, what's up?
Starting point is 00:00:23 Good morning, Travis. Hi. Good morning. Good morning. For those of youicate, what's up? Good morning, Travis. Hi. Good morning. Good morning. For those of you who are addicted, why not? Here we go. Brooke Wells got a new book coming out. Brooke Wells got a new book coming out. What's Brooke Wells going to talk about in her new book? Hmm.
Starting point is 00:00:54 You know, I read Kayla Harrison's book. She was a guest on the show. And in that book, Kayla Harrison was, the premise of the book is that her judo instructor, who ended up being pivotal in her being the first woman to win a gold medal in judo in the Olympics, not once but twice, go on to be one of the greatest fighters who ever lived, also molested her from the age of 8 to 16. 8 to 16. Crazy. Isn't Brooke Wells a noble athlete? crazy isn't uh Brooke Wells a noble athlete this is gonna sound
Starting point is 00:01:29 maybe a little uh dickish but but I don't mean it to be don't aren't they like um like part of the woke crowd and uh climate change and save the earth and all that stuff not there um uh to play the victim how how what what would justify uh using the
Starting point is 00:01:51 resources in her for her to share her story we we already know by the way they're they're They don't care. There is no justification for it. But, and I'm happy for her that she is writing the book. Don't get me wrong. Just once again, just inconsistencies. I'm so curious what she's done with her life that makes it book-worthy. I'm so curious. Oh, shit, I can't load this page. What's going on here?
Starting point is 00:02:30 I can't get to my Instagram. I'm going to pull up her page. I can't even get on Instagram right now. What the fuck's going on? Is anyone else having problems doing that? Maybe I'm not supposed to talk about it. Maybe it's an omen. Maybe it's an omen.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Ah, here we go. I want to pull up her account. Oh, that is a trip. Oh, something is wrong here. I apologize. It's going to all settings. All accounts. It's not letting me look up accounts.
Starting point is 00:03:24 It's only letting me look up words. Only letting me look up words. Ah, here we go. Okay. Oh, look, Mike Bergeron, CrossFit training. Devesh, good morning. Tyler, good morning. Don, good morning. Sean, good morning.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Bruce Wayne, good morning. Amanda, good morning. Heidi, to be fair, Savan, you told all of us to go write a book. Fair enough. Fair enough. Very fair. Very fair. Is the book like six or 12 pages?
Starting point is 00:03:56 I'm hoping it's going to be just like this amazing book that has all these vulnerable moments and lots of sex and drugs and just all sorts of crazy shit. But she made a post basically saying that it's actually going to be about her elbow breaking and her comeback from her elbow breaking. Is that what happened to her? Her elbow broke? I want to go through here and i'm just curious i was talking with a friend and i was like man i can't believe how many negative uh that's not true i was talking with somebody i don't know if friend is the right word i was talking with somebody and i was like man i can't believe how many negative comments are in here and they're like hey dude
Starting point is 00:04:39 there's only there's less than five and she has 1.9 million uh subscribers and the post has 20 gazillion 25 000 likes look it was even liked by uh one of our own on this podcast listens to this podcast and uh there aren't that many um rude comments but but i think there are why do we i'm not hating on her at all that i'm not hating on her at all zero i'm not hating on her at all she has uh she makes a living putting out her life on her instagram look at i'm not hating on her at all uh cool picture pretty great body um drinks soda pop uh does muscle ups um lots of face shots lots of ass shots lots of vagina shots lots of stomach shots no one's hating on her she drinks some coffee stuff she drinks that podium matt fraser stuff picture over here so you can look at her incredible physique
Starting point is 00:05:42 uh no one's hating i don't think anyone's hating on her. You know? She's just, she got a new, looks like she got a new Bronco. She's strong. She drinks coffee. She takes protein powder. No one's hating on her.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Oh, she got got a training is resilience she takes money from woke companies she got a very attractive twin sister she's friends with super woke Katrin David's daughter and the champ Tia Toomey this fucking douche right here, she's friends with him. I forget his name.
Starting point is 00:06:30 He's the noble guy who thinks it's okay to make fun of dead. He made fun of dead people who died from the vaccine. Remember that bit I did? So she's affiliated with a lot of unhealthy people. That's for sure but but no one's hating on her she's got an incredible body and she shares it on her instagram that's what every post is right and she's uh gonna write a book and she's going to um uh talk about how uh her comeback from her broken novel well you don't have to take my word for it here i think she
Starting point is 00:07:04 actually says it here. Here, watch. Here we go. I've been working really hard on something super special. It's been really hard to keep it a secret. She talks like Trump, right? She uses a lot of adjectives. Unnecessarily, she uses a lot of adjectives, right?
Starting point is 00:07:21 That's kind of cool about her. Because I am so proud of it. But I have been writing a book and she's like me she's proud she doesn't use i appreciate that instead of saying i'm so humbled by my book blah blah blah she says i'm proud and she should be proud it's awesome brilliant this isn't my comeback story this it's her comeback story i mean let's face it well okay never mind isn't just what mind. Isn't just what happened. This isn't just what happened. I don't know if that's the actual cover of the book or the book's going to look like that.
Starting point is 00:07:50 That looks like it's just a manuscript, but I like that binding. This is how it happened and everything that I've learned along the way. This isn't just what happened. It's how it happened, how it happened, and everything I learned along the way. Stay tuned on how you can get your hands on a copy of my book, Resilient. Now stay tuned. She's probably going to hate me for this. She says stay tuned on how to get a copy of the book, but I'm going to tell you now. You can just go to Amazon. Just go to Amazon. I wonder if you can go to Amazon right now even.
Starting point is 00:08:30 I wonder if you can just go here, go to Amazon. Because Matt's book was released like a year in advance. Go to the official website. What's her name? Brooke Wells? Is it B-R-O-O-K-E Wells? Nope, not available yet. I don't see it yet. But anyway, that's going to be the...
Starting point is 00:08:57 She's got a book coming out. But the point of this is I wanted to look at... Nope, not available yet. But I'm telling you it's going to be there But I'm telling you it's going to be there. I'm telling you it's going to be there. Okay, here's what I want to ask you. What's her name? Brooke Wells.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Brooke Wells is her name. Thank you for repeating everything she said. No problem. While you're on Amazon, pick up a copy of I Want to Lift Weights Like My Mom by Heidi Krum. Good point. Do you think she's a Trump supporter? I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:09:31 If she is, she has to keep it to herself. She is not allowed to talk about that shit in front of her woke friends. Her friends have to be... Her crew believes it's okay to do needle exchanges in the hood because poor black people need needles and poor white people need needles, but don't do needle exchanges in Palo Alto. Oh, I feel sorry for you. I'm going to do a needle exchange in your neighborhood. No, fuck no, I don't want it. I was just at the beach the other day and i was imagining a needle exchange uh going on at the beach can you imagine a needle exchange at the beach for those you don't
Starting point is 00:10:12 live near a beach everyone's barefoot the last thing you want are needles there no matter how nice it is to do a needle exchange, what's a needle exchange? That's a great question. You don't know what a needle exchange is? It's what fucking Democrats do to poor neighborhoods. They take boxes of needles. They open up storefronts so that people come in and get shitloads of needles,
Starting point is 00:10:40 and then the needles fill with streets. It's like, look at Portland. But it's just it's just another thing it's the same reason why so many people democrats want abortion they think that they want it for women's health care they think they want it because of woman's choice but at the end the root of it the part that they won't look at yes it's compassion kill your black baby because us white people think you should kill your black baby because it's compassionate yeah that's exactly what it is it's funny if you want to be like a black panther or
Starting point is 00:11:08 blm person or fucking ride whitey at least get on the fucking right train get off the reparation train just go straight to the thing they wiped the thing there's crazy systemic racism and the fact that they want you to kill your babies. That's the origin of that fucking brand. Abortion. Kill the black baby. That's the origin of it. And don't get all high and mighty on yourself, black people, because it was to kill a lot of white people too, Jews,
Starting point is 00:11:35 any one of the inferior races. Holy shit. Yesterday was the first needle I've ever seen on the ground in South Dakota. We're such a nice state until yesterday. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I've ever seen on the ground. South Dakota was such a nice state until yesterday. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I haven't seen one in a while. I can't remember the last time I've seen one.
Starting point is 00:11:54 But anyway, those are the types of things that Democrats do in their benevolence. Okay. Just like the benevolence of letting uh it's really we have to let anyone who wants to enter women's sports because it's the right thing to do ah it looked like an insulin needle though there you go it's from fat people not from drug addicts is a live is is this a live chat in Twitch? I think. Look, it's Suza.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Okay. So I want to go through these comments real quick and make a little tally of how many negative comments there were. My friends just can't get off my job. Not my friend. My, what's the guy's name uh my uh colleague i don't even know if he's my colleague this acquaintance of mine um is telling me that there's only five negative comments in here at most okay uh lauren cleo congratulations brooke wells can't wait to read your amazing story connor murphy murphy of you. Slightly concerned with how you hold a pencil.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Oh, so in that previous post. Oh, sorry. I'm going to go back here. Sorry. I'm on the wrong post. This is the post we were referencing. Yeah, that is a little weird how she's holding her pencil. But who am I to talk? My penmanship is atrocious but you hold a pencil like this right okay here we go uh ron and i have been hard at work on ours book i think i'm going to put that as making fun of her uh you're opening up a chain of libraries f45 gyms i'm gonna uh that's making fun of her uh your l4 uh that's making fun of her i can't wait i'm so incredibly excited cole sager duh cole just probably cole probably has a line
Starting point is 00:13:53 of comments he makes um that he just posts the the hundred nicest things i could ever say to someone and he probably has that on copy and paste. Noble, just a set of eyes, ambiguous bullshit from a bullshit company. Jen Smith, yes. Coffee, I'll let that pass, but I think that's a dig. Definitive guide and flavor rankings for crumble cookie, a dig. That's four. You're working on being a coach, five. That's a dig. Built by Brooke coach uh five that's a dig um built by brook programming that's a dig
Starting point is 00:14:29 right am i right are these those are digs right anyone want to help me out is she or uh big news uh that's a dig because it's not big news new sponsorship with doritos that's a dig. That's eight. So I'm one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13. 13 comments in and eight of them are a dig. Right? Am I seeing this right?
Starting point is 00:15:01 People are just making fun of her. Going back to school to get a PhD, that's a dig. That's nine. A bomb-ass book, I'll let that pass. Podium flavors, that's a dig. Homework, that's a dig. You have a nice smile, lady. She did a great smile.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Fuck. A book, a bachelor's degree degree that's a dig you're pregnant now let that slide a book bought a crossfit gym i'm guessing it's something you're selling wants to buy that's a dig holy shit what's wrong with my friends we're assholes. Who's assholes? My buddy's telling me there's only five digs. I'm not even halfway through and it's fucking, she's getting destroyed in the comments. Christine Young, you think she wrote that book with a pencil and not a computer? No, like everything these donkeys do, it's all staged and fake. I'm being nice to her.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Y'all be nice to Brooke, you don't be racial. I think she's a beautiful white girl. I think she's a beautiful black girl. I'm not being racial at all. Maybe your buddy can only count to five. True. When I say buddy, I use that term very, very loosely. And when I say buddy, I use that term very, very loosely.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Oh, release your own book on stoicism. Should we just keep going? Do you guys like this bit? Yes, a book. I'll give that a... Really? Why do you guys want to read her book? Why does some... Tell me someone why they want to read her book.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Another miracle powder drink. Another a new sponsor another dig that's 16 you sign with the ufc um big announcement excited brooke wells twin sister wells super hairstyle crossfit well i don't know what that means. Nutrition coaching. You passed your college finals. Is that a dig? Your own brand of supplements. That's a dig. You're doing nutrition coaching. That's a dig. You're starring in one of the Avenger movies.
Starting point is 00:17:21 You're having your own brand. That's a dig. I mean, yeah, there you go. That's fair. I almost want to read the book because I don't want to read the book. Samantha Hayden, I read both T and Katrin's book, and I think they both fell flat. I'm assuming this will also fall flat.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Listen. You know whose book I want to read? I want to read someone's book who like tells the truth about exciting fun shit I want to read a book about at the after party about how she got trained by two of the male athletes I want to hear about her former meth habit
Starting point is 00:18:03 I want to hear about how her mom tried to abort her, but it was a failed abortion. I want to hear about how she has a thing for men with small penises. I want to hear about how she used to be racist, and she's not anymore, and what cured her. I want to hear something like, you broke your elbow and overcame it. It's a fucking Instagram post for me. For me.
Starting point is 00:18:35 I just, I just think that there's just a lot of inconsistencies. If you're going to, uh, and I hope me, I hope me doing this bit, uh, you helped her sell some books too. Yeah, there you go. As much rest as possible. Yeah, I want to hear about Danielle Brandon's upbringing. Yeah, that'd be awesome. All that.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Overcoming just real, real, real. I don't want to say her hardship isn't real. Fuck, what happened to her was crazy yeah there is an audience there is an audience just for me I don't walk in Brooke's shoes but I feel like every day
Starting point is 00:19:22 I see things that would be better for that are richer and deeper in my development than hearing a story about Walking Brooke's shoes, but I feel like every day I see things that would be better for, that are richer and deeper in my development than hearing a story about how someone broke their arm in front of it at the CrossFit Games and then had to come back. Went to the greatest doctors in the world, stayed with some of the richest people in the world, and healed up. I mean, I'd rather hear about all the rich people and how rich they are, the people who helped her. Fucking love rich people, my rich friends. They're fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:19:57 You know, I was tripping on some stat I saw yesterday, and I looked it up and verified it. Feel free to unfuck me, anyone who wants to, in the comments. Feels like I've been getting pounded a lot lately with my misinformation. The revenue for the WNBA. Yeah, yeah, there we go. Ricky Garrard should write a book about his bike accident. Totally. Totally.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Oh, yeah. The frowning doc was also crazy because of how he dealt with abortion when that subject came up and adopting man he's a class act uh we'll be back on youtube any day now i think two more days yeah they all no no no robbie they already all are writing books. I just finished reading Sam Briggs' book before she came on. Trying to think who else's I've read. I haven't read Rich's. I need to read Rich's. I'd like to read Rich's.
Starting point is 00:20:54 I bought it. Tyler, Ricky's book would be two page. Oh, wow. Susan. Honestly, she should do a calendar. It would sell better. So maybe I, what I heard is, is that her book, you open it and just go like that. And a calendar drops out of it. As long as her book includes pictures of her injury, the WNBA, the revenue is $60 million a year.
Starting point is 00:21:30 So for those of you who don't know, revenue is, from my understanding, is like how much you make, everything. Not profit, it's just like everything, right? So I sell you 100 donuts at $1 apiece and the revenue of my company, Sevan the Donut, is $100. That's the revenue for the Sevan Donut Company.
Starting point is 00:21:55 100 donuts sold, $100 made. Now the profits, each donut cost me $1.50 to make, and so the profits are actually negative $50. I'm in the whole $50. So the revenue for the WNBA is $60 million. $60 million. The revenue for the NBA. For the NBA. So the WNBA is where the girls play.
Starting point is 00:22:26 The NBA is where the boys play. The vaginas play over at the WNBA. The penises play at the NBA. The revenue for the NBA, $10 billion. $10 billion. Do you know how much financial activity $10 billion is? $10 billion.
Starting point is 00:23:03 This is a totally unfair characterization that I'm going to do here, but I'm going to do it for you anyway. Calculator, I'm going to put in $10 billion. That's 1-0, 1-2-3, that's 10,000. What is that? That's 10 million. That's 100 million. That's a billion. That's 10,000. What is that? That's 10 million. That's 100 million. That's a billion.
Starting point is 00:23:27 That's 10 billion, right? 10 billion. Okay. Now I'm going to divide that by $25,000. Those are like hot dog vendors and people who work at the stadiums where the events are. at the stadiums where the events are. That's four. If that $10 billion was you,
Starting point is 00:23:47 if that revenue was, that's 400,000 people making $25,000 a year. That's almost the entire city of San Francisco making $25,000 a year. They're not, it's like not even um i i don't even know how the wmba gets any like reporting on it anywhere anyhow that's not fair make it equal i hear you billion billion 10 billion
Starting point is 00:24:28 what what made me what made me sort of go off on that think about that is that that female soccer players in the news the one with the fucked up asymmetrical haircut and her and 39 of her peers probably all noble athletes are uh are signed a petition um to allow trans athletes to allow men to participate in women's sports i guess they're trying to make it a a law in the united states some sort of amendment to Title IX. So that men can't play in women's sports. No trannies.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Dude, just start your own sporting league. Yeah, Rapinoe. That lady. Yeah, the Rapinoe lady. Samantha Hayden. Wow. I can't speak for Samantha, but when you see someone holding four kids in a picture,
Starting point is 00:25:39 like in general, you should be jealous of them. That is a fucking rich life. How fun is that? Division I NCAA women's basketball players are choosing to stay in college instead of going to the draft because they can make more money as college athletes than in the WNBA. Oh, that's what that new law where college athletes can make money now? Yeah, I believe it. Oh, Mike, if you're really 5'4", that would be awesome.
Starting point is 00:26:03 I feel discriminated against because I can't dunk at 5'4". You know, there's some crazy statistic. Like, I'm 5'5", and there's some crazy statistic. I can't remember if I'm in the 9th percent or 13th percentile. But soon as you go below 5.5, then you get like into a really small percentile. You're like, which I probably will be short. I should measure myself. I wonder if I'm shorter than 5.5 now.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Yeah, the article, Susan, the article went on to to say let me see if i can bring up that lady that rapinoe rapinoe so you guys can see a picture of her i hate to be such a fucking discriminatory prejudice piece of shit but i just see her and i see mental illness i see nice skin and mental illness. But that's about as good as you can look with purple hair. Oh, she's married to this girl, the bird girl, the basketball player girl? I had to look both of these guys up yesterday. Oh, God, look how pretty she is here. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Even with purple hair. But here, this is not, this is a tough look. Oh, you guys can't see it. I didn't make it bigger. Anyway, supposedly a junior high boy soccer team beat her team. Junior high. Junior high beat her pro team. I don't believe Seve's ever been 5'5 without platform shoes.
Starting point is 00:28:04 On my driver's license, I think it says I'm 5'6". I don't remember ever lying about it. I wonder if I really thought I was 5'6". Anyway, more chaos. Anyway, more chaos. I'm having Gabe over at Paper Street Coffee send me a bunch of 50-50 blend. So before I was mixing my beans. Now I don't have to do that.
Starting point is 00:28:36 My Paper Street Coffee comes mixed. I don't know if they sell that or not. It says CEO blend on it. And if you use the 7-on-code, by the way, you get some sort of great discount, like 15% or something. I think it's great. Nice skin and mental illness, yeah. I look like I'm 4'6 on the back of Dave's motorcycle.
Starting point is 00:29:01 on the back of Dave's motorcycle. Rapinoe is opposing legislation that will keep men out of women's sports. Yeah, her and 39 of her buddies, right? Crazy. No one said anything about the clip that I started the show with, that lady saying, wake up. Thought that was cool.
Starting point is 00:29:31 James O'Keefe, Project Veritas, got his own company, OMG. O'Keefe Media Group. It's kind of catchy, right? It's kind of catchy. Here we go hello hello linda this is um rc maxwell calling from the o'keefe media group on a recorded line i'm sorry to frequently call you it's an urgent matter yes yeah why are you calling me i'm calling because i sent a request for comment to your inbox regarding a story that's coming out this evening um it's about maryland residents being used to make
Starting point is 00:30:11 thousands of political contributions um that they did not approve of in their name a story is coming out i don't know anything about that i don't have any comment you You have no comment. Can we say that? Okay. So listen, so the way that story went down, I know some of you don't like me repeating it, but you can eat a dick. That's Linda Lomain. Linda Lomain, she's the head of some sort of election policy, election group, election shitness in the state of Maryland. She's in charge of just elections in the state of Maryland, let's say.
Starting point is 00:30:46 And one of O'Keefe's guys, sounded like a black man, called her and said, hey, thousands and thousands of donations are being made under people's names. And when we contact these people, they're like, hey, we didn't make those donations. Sounds like campaign fraud, right? Sounds like a way of laundering money into sounds like
Starting point is 00:31:12 a way of laundering money into into people's campaign funds. Now let's watch this. Let's watch this. With your permission, I'd like to make a statement. Today I'm announcing that I'll be stepping down this summer as the administrator of elections for the state of Maryland. The very next day in a meeting, she steps down as the top election administrator in the state of Maryland. The next day.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Is that a coincidence? I'm so fucking pissed right now. You guys don't even know how pissed I am. I haven't told you why. i'm so fucking pissed right now you don't you guys don't even know how pissed i am i haven't told you why i'm so fucking frustrated caller hi oh hi how are you is it me yeah i'm frustrated really frustrated how come you're frustrated because my life isn't going perfectly because because because i'm not on youtube and i'm fucking my spotify is all fucked up because i switched host for my podcast. And someone said, are you going to be on Spotify again? And I'm fucking pissed.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Didn't you used to be like a famous podcaster? I'm just, I'm just, and yeah, I'm a famous spoiled brat. But you used to be like, I used to be a guy like the CrossFit podcast, right? Yeah, yeah. And now you're, and now you can't you're not even on youtube and i'm looking on your facebook you only got 28 people watching i get it i'm with you brother i'm with you i hear you i would not be happy i would not be happy if i were you either i'm a i'm a stand-up comedian my name is daryl crafty crafty ever heard that name yeah you're
Starting point is 00:32:41 actually you're one of my favorites you're my favorites daryl did my mom ask you to call me is this like make a wish foundation because my show's fucking on life support so they had the great daryl crafty call me i appreciate that by the way you're already mate lifting my spirits i can tell yeah no i'm i'm a stand-up comedian and the reason that i call this because i've sort of known i'm sort of a conservative comedian to be honest and I'm sort of known for my misogynistic comedy and a lot of people don't respond super well to it but I was reading up on you and I understand that you are a fan of the misogyny and so I was wondering if I could run by some of my misogynistic jokes to you and then and then you could let me know if they're funny because all i'm talking to is people who are not misogynistic and they don't find it funny
Starting point is 00:33:28 but they might be biased perfect could you tell me what misogynistic means i'm just before we start i think it relates to a lot of the time it has to do with um somebody who's very short but i'm not really 100 i hate short people that's right that's right okay i just how tall are you how tall are you between me and you yeah i haven't measured myself in a long time okay but i tell people i'm five five i'm proportioned perfectly except for my penis but that can't be serious, right? You can't actually, is that a joke? That's a joke you're making, right?
Starting point is 00:34:08 A comedian to comedian here. You can't actually be five foot five. That's a child's size. I know. Like stand up right now. Are you like one of those guys? Are you going to stand up and you won't get any taller? Yes, I am standing.
Starting point is 00:34:22 What are you talking about? No, seriously. Stand up right now. Honestly, stand up right now. are you talking about? No, seriously, stand up right now. Honestly, stand up right now. You're joking about being 5'5", right? I am 5'. Let me see if I have a... Here's a full-size menorah next
Starting point is 00:34:36 to me. Okay. See? Oh my god, you are outrageous. I'm not even Jewish either. I just keep this here so i can make jewish jokes and get away with it i actually understand you a little bit better now that makes sense honestly truly that you're like uh you're a short king and so that has a lot to do with your attitude towards women right like the bagel boss guy oh my god the women have treated me horribly my whole life. Yeah. Okay. Uh, the comments are saying, when are you going to get
Starting point is 00:35:09 funny? I'm going to give you a few more seconds. Go ahead. Oh, okay. I'll do my joke then. Okay. So I was at the grocery store the other day and the ladies who's working there is like trying to tell me I'm, I'm looking for basically mashed potatoes, but not the mash. Like I know you can make mashed potatoes with potatoes and maybe sour cream and things like that, but I'm talking just your instant where you can just put the fluffy in there and you put it in with the water and the hot water and it makes it. So I say, where are these exactly? These mashed potatoes, these instant mashed potatoes.
Starting point is 00:35:37 And the lady says, Oh, right down there, aisle number seven. And I come around the corner to aisle number seven. And what do you know? I got instant mashed potatoes, brown version, running down my leg in my pants, doing a poop poop right there in the grocery store. And I'm poop, and I'm giving a poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poopiooh, oh, the smell. Oh, the smell. God, that is so mean towards women. I cannot believe what a misogynist you are.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I'm sorry. That even goes beyond my hatred towards women. But thank you very much for calling. Your attitude is really weird. It's shitty. Like you're trying to be sarcastic about everything, like acting like it doesn't seem like you have a baseline, like you don't have a real way of being. That's what I feel like when I'm talking to you.
Starting point is 00:36:30 You don't have an actual way. You don't know who you are or what type of a guy you are. So you just like act in this completely non-genuine way all the time because you just have no clue how to actually act. That's correct. You figured me out. Do you have any advice for me? Exactly. You just did it right there.
Starting point is 00:36:44 You just did it right there you just did it right there 100% I did how can I fix that alright I don't know man I don't know you well do I want to fix that do I want to is that a negative thing you made me feel like maybe it's a negative thing that I don't know who I am
Starting point is 00:36:59 yeah I think it is yeah okay well thank you I love you bye Mike Halpin is easier to listen to than this guy he kind of had a nice voice um does Sevan have
Starting point is 00:37:19 a better help code for this man help code I have a code for this man. Help code? I have a code for Paper Street Coffee. He wanted to bother Sevan so badly but failed. I thought he was actually trying to be funny. He had a voice that made you want to punch him.
Starting point is 00:37:40 I enjoyed that. Is that Justin Nunley? you want to punch him i always enjoyed that is that justin nunley uh juke three johnny is this justin nunley look at that picture what a cute little boy oh speaking of cute little boys speaking of cute little boys anyway so we saw that right that james o'keefe is back at it that's all i wanted to show you guys i just wanted to show you that james o'Keefe is back at it that's all I wanted to show you guys I just wanted to show you that James O'Keefe is fucking just murdering it again the day after
Starting point is 00:38:13 they call her about election fraud bam she retires nothing to see there nothing to see there at all I wanted to show you this maybe it's down here all the way down here at the bottom oh i miss caleb
Starting point is 00:38:33 oh here it is here it is okay let's talk about this 574 so for those of you who do not know uh this past weekend and i feel like i say this a lot one of the greatest ufc fighters who ever fought ever played in the game israel adesanya i believe he's a nigerian uh immigrant uh fighting out of uh new zealand uh crazy charismatic uplifting uh a little bit quirky into anime and some weird shit a true entertainer but one of the greatest fighters that's ever ever been seen uh in the sport in the sport of mixed martial arts um he was basically undefeated and then this guy from his past from when he used to be a kickboxer came to the ufc and beat him okay so you have this guy Israel Adesanya he's 23 and
Starting point is 00:39:26 oh or some shit like that never been beat the greatest in the sport at 185 pounds and then all of a sudden a guy from his past from when he used to do kickboxing a different martial art comes and uh and beats him and so he beats Israel and Israel takes takes four or five months off and they fight again and Israel beats him. Well, when he fought this guy in the past, Alex Pahea, that's the guy's name, Alex Pahea, he had lost to this guy. This is like, I don't know, 10 or 15 years ago in a kickboxing match. And when he lost to this guy in a kickboxing match, I think it was in Thailand or something. I think it was in Thailand or something. This guy's son, Alex Pehea, who was a little kid,
Starting point is 00:40:08 ran out into the ring and laid down next to Izzy, making fun of him because he was knocked out. He was fucking, he got knocked out, and this dude's little son ran into the ring and made fun of him. Well, this past weekend, Izzy knocked his dad the fuck out cold kind of like scary cold like uh for those you don't watch fighting like there's different kinds of knockouts some people stumble they get like bambi and they wobble around some people just get knocked out and just fall down but some people start doing like weird shit with their fingers and their feet and shit and their body gets it looks scary like they're having some crazy
Starting point is 00:40:45 neurological meltdown and the kid's young i i don't think the kid's even 15 and the kid's in the audience after uh israel knocks his uh his dad out and so i'm going to play for you uh what happened this is like 10 years later. I guess Izzy remembers the kid coming in the ring and making fun of him. But here we go. Motioned someone in the crowd and took a little dive. I'm petty, bro. I remember. So the first time he knocked me out in Brazil, his son came into the ring and then started to just lie dead next to me.
Starting point is 00:41:19 And I'm like, you fucking little asshole. I'll whoop your ass if your dad don't do it for you. Oh, I hadn't seen that. So they show it they show the kid pretending in the ring showing what happened to izzy wow but then um yeah i looked for his kid and i pointed at him and i saw him and i was like hey hey hey just to remind him Wow. And so you can see Pehea, like that's knocked out cold. His knees are bent like that, not because he's trying to get up, but he's having some weird like neurological response to getting knocked out.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Oh yeah, look at, he's not even moving. The doctors rush in, crowd's going crazy. And then Israel's going to run over to the edge of the stage and point at the kid and make fun of his dad being knocked out. And what I like here is that Israel even admits, hey, I'm petty. I'm petty. Sort of motion someone in the crowd. There he is pointing to the kid in the crowd.
Starting point is 00:42:27 I'm petty, bro. I remember. So the first time he knocked me out in Brazil, his son came to the ring. Okay, so he's saying his son came to the ring. There he is. That's his son. That must be the fight like in Thailand or something. And now watch this.
Starting point is 00:42:39 His son's going to fall down and make fun of Izzy being knocked out. Lied dead next to me and i'm like you fucking little asshole i'll whoop your ass if your dad don't do it for you but then um yeah i looked for his kid and i pointed at him and i saw him and i was like hey hey hey just to remind him the kid's devastated what about that situational awareness to know where the dude's kid is in the audience i don't know man if i if i saw my dad get knocked out and i was a little kid that would be uh that would that would be bad for me i don't think i'd like that
Starting point is 00:43:17 oh here we go ty, just using some big words. Decorticate and deciberate posturing for bad knockouts based on types of brain damage. Deciberate. Deciberate. Decorticate. Decorticate. I bet you if I look those up, they mean nothing. No. they mean nothing no uh kids can be little assholes yes uh so there's there it is oxford colon a pretty dumb to taunt a kid hey you know i i agree with you but i i i don't think less of izzy for doing it um but yeah yeah um seven why don't you do one of those live ufc uh commentating shows i don't know look you got a fucking awesome family too are those just people you couples you went on vacation with you and two other couples paid a lot of money to go on vacation have sex with your wife in a random bed where tons of other people that have already had sex in the past. And all the dudes are color-coordinated, blue shirts. I bet you all those people are good-looking. I don't want to watch Sevan watch UFC.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Okay, fine. That's why. This is the worst week to keep up with the podcast. Why do you say that? Uh, seven, uh, sorry if I missed the reason, but why not YouTube this week? I was missing you until I searched. Uh, I got kicked off, dude. I got kicked off seven days suspension. I think we're four or five days into it. Sucks. Imagine being a kid and taunting a grown man who's a pro fighter fighting your dad. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:45:10 That is crazy. There's a lot of fucking dumb kids out there. You guys want to hear some dumb kid stories? Want to hear some dumb parenting stories? I got this one dumb parenting story I'm sitting on. You guys know that, do you guys believe? I shouldn't say you know. I don't know this for a fact either, but that basically your daughter or your son will go out and marry, will go out and find you in the real world. So if you're a mom and you treat your son like shit, he's going to go out and find a woman who treats him like shit.
Starting point is 00:45:39 You guys think that's how the world works? I do. It's not like definitive. It's not definitive. It's not exact. It's not exact. You fucking talk shit and humiliate your kid in public and don't show loyalty to your kid. Your kid's going to search out for those people in life you need to fuck your kid up you do it behind closed fucking doors
Starting point is 00:46:10 my wife would never talk shit to me in public never she'll stomp on my dick once we get home or once we get in the car you know how thankful I am for that. These, these, these, these people who aren't, aren't loyal to each other in public. It's so disappoints me. Don't ever, don't ever disrespect your kid in public. Do your best not to I've done it. It's horrible. It's horrible. And then all you're teaching your child afterwards is like okay uh i'm gonna find a
Starting point is 00:46:47 uh you have a little boy and the mom disrespects him in public and then later all that's gonna happen is that boy's gonna look for a woman who disrespects him in public that's gonna be one of the characteristics that he wants is that what you want for your son fuck that. Suck it up, buttercup. Just take a deep breath and fuck your kid up when you get home. To the car. Take your kid out of the situation and have a talk with him. Do not fucking humiliate your kid in fucking public.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Unless that's who you want. Unless that's the cohort you want them to be around. I wish I had more context for this next clip. I tried to find it. I spent I only spent about five minutes looking because I saw this this morning. But this is Gavin Newsom, the governor of California. I'm going to play this a couple of times for you. Sober is one of the former drug addict. I think he's been through rehab already.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Biggest damn mistakes this country's ever made. I know it's a hold your hand idealistic point of view that somehow magically, I mean, God bless some of you. If you're like me, I've been known to have a glass of wine at night watching some of the nightly news. We all need to self-medicate periodically. Clean and sober is one of the biggest damn mistakes this country's ever made. I know clean and sober is one of the biggest damn mistakes this country has ever made. Clean and sober is one of the biggest damn mistakes this country has ever made. Clean and sober is one of the biggest damn mistakes this country has ever made. Best comment of the show so far. My mom used to throw plates at me. Now I play disc golf.
Starting point is 00:48:25 I'm writing a book about it. Hey, also these couples that can't like, like if you can't, on the other hand, I could take a lot from my wife too. My wife hasn't thrown a plate at me, but if she did, like that's not a deal breaker. My wife doesn't call me plate at me, but if she did, that's not a deal breaker.
Starting point is 00:48:47 My wife doesn't call me names and shit, but if my wife called me a fucking asshole, it's not a deal breaker. I'm up for a good fight, as long as it's not regular. I just don't like long fights. I don't like long fights i don't like long fights samantha hayden i haven't had a drink in three years congrats oh great so you have a beautiful family fucking tall hot husband who wears collared shirts and you haven't had a drink in three years that's the kind of bragging i like just a little fentanyl at dinner. I haven't had a drink in three years. I've never had more clear thinking and love life to the fullest.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Makes perfect sense. Yeah. Newsome's a piece of work, piece of work. The, the, the, the-up on this post says, Gavin Newsom told his voters they should get drunk as a means of dealing with the chaos. I don't know if he said that, but... It's crazy that a guy who's been through rehab
Starting point is 00:49:58 is talking like that. Man, California's a mess. So glad I live out in the country. I can say that. I think I live out in the country. 572. Oh, who am I saying that to? I have to pull up the numbers.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Someone here to pull up shit and keep that part to myself. Okay. I really enjoyed this comedian. Here we go. Honestly, if a transgender person murdered your whole family and you're being interviewed by the news, you'd have to be like, I feel so blessed that they would choose to murder my family. So happy they can just be who they are. Look, I do think you should be able to do whatever you want. No, stop.
Starting point is 00:51:00 I have to get out of here. Stop. I do think you should be able to do whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else. Like, if you want to cut your dick off or your tits or get a dick, I think the government should pay for it. If we can pay for the whole Ukrainian war,
Starting point is 00:51:21 we could finance a couple of cops. Honestly, if a transgender person what's funny is as much as it sounds uh like a joke it's like it's like true I feel like we're that close to the insanity I feel like we're that close to the insanity that it's almost like you need to be thankful. If a tranny did kill your family, you should be thankful. We've gotten to that point. This comedian is a thousand percent funnier than the comedian that called in earlier. What's funny is is i can't see how many people are watching on facebook but he said that person that was a boy right he said um 37 people were
Starting point is 00:52:16 watching on facebook and he was one of them i think the guy i'm assuming the guy's addicted to the show and really likes the show and he just wanted to participate. That wasn't even really a joke, right? That was just like a story. Anyway, that's how sad I am. I'll accept any caller. He's right. That's how pathetic the show is.
Starting point is 00:52:44 I don't know who I, what was his premise? I don't know who I really am. So that's the way. The fuck am I supposed to know? Cause if anyone has any advice for me on how I could get to know who I really am, please, please send me a DM.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Oh, wow. That the sports illustrated article on Rapinoe is down. I wonder what happened. I had a link to it, and I wanted to show you guys it for its bias. Okay, here we go. Aren't you glad you don't live in China? Now, I see stuff like this, and I want to say this isn't true.
Starting point is 00:53:22 And it still could not be true. But look closely at this. This is a little much. What happens when your country bans apps to curtail foreign influence? Policemen in Shanghai check passenger cell phones for VPNs. For those of you who don't know what vpns are when you're in china and this is true i've been to china you can't look at like you can't go to google and you can't go to youtube they have it blocked the entire country can you imagine that can't go to
Starting point is 00:53:54 youtube can't go to google and so you can use an app called a vpn to get around their blocking the great firewall is what they call it. Yes, the Great Firewall. Thank you. McCast. And so this video you're about to see is a police team going through a subway. You know how like in the United States
Starting point is 00:54:24 they would do an alcohol checkpoint. You're driving and it's New Year's Eve and you got to stop and you got to blow into the. And then if you blow if you're not drunk they let you they let you go. Well this is a police team checking to see if you have VPNs or foreign apps on your phone. If you got get caught with installing these apps you will get arrested immediately and face months to years jail time. I'm going to hit play on this. This shit is crazy. Is this real? Look at this shit. Those are cops just going down i mean when you see those guys don't you immediately go
Starting point is 00:55:09 into your phone and erase your vpn and look someone here in the comments wrote america can you see our future dude it just it just happened to me i just got kicked off of uh youtube for suggesting a prayer a ritual or practice that i claim would cure uh a disease which which i really don't claim that it cures it just prevents you from getting it don't eat sugar don't eat seed oils exercise exercise uh are you going to get Hunter on soon apparently he broke his own high rocks record was that at a um
Starting point is 00:55:54 he is coming on he's coming on like in two or three days we haven't uh I see Suze's been chatting with him in the text we just need Hunter to commit I think he said something like he's not he doesn't want to come on unless we're back on YouTube. What a fucking snob.
Starting point is 00:56:12 What a snob. But anyway, I'm excited to talk to him. Excited to talk to him. I'm excited to talk to him. 560. Oh, I don't have to say the numbers. I will anyway. 569 fetish. Oh, you guys are going to like this.
Starting point is 00:56:36 I like this lady. I like that this message is coming from this lady. I don't know why. She opens with the statement, in a sane society okay in a sane society like one that's not crazy i'd someone who is like this who prounces about pretending there's something they're not they would be in a psychiatric ward they want to be plastered all over the internet instead of eloise at uh the plaza hotel it would be Dylan Mulvaney at the Insane Asylum.
Starting point is 00:57:08 That's something that looks like it's fetishizing, not just women, but little girls. He's prancing about a bedroom, then he ends up flopping on the bed, wearing a skirt and pigtails. It's really disgusting and it's depraved but instead the left is clapping about it it's not something that we women find funny we don't find it charming it's very offensive in a sane society someone who is like this who it's funny where she's going with this this is grooming for adults they're trying to normalize uh normalize pedophilia we cannot allow this delusional behavior to be normalized she's basically saying that dylan mulvaney is not is is playing the role of a little girl little boy even though it's an adult and then she says as long as we're in a sane uh society i guess this goes along with what
Starting point is 00:58:03 the caller was saying earlier listen to this line here we go crowns is about pretending there's something they're not pretending there's something they're not oh i'm not pretending like i'm something i'm not i just don't know who i am darn it right anyway i hadn't i hadn't i hadn't thought about that that that Dylan thing was pretending to be a child too. Yeah, this one's a trick. A man can dress up as a woman, but it's racist if I pretend to wear blackface. Not if you pretend to wear blackface. Let me rephrase.
Starting point is 00:58:38 You have to wear blackface. You can pretend to wear blackface, and it's not racist. If you wear blackface, it's racist. What the fuck has happened to the world? Seriously, guys, how did these next five years play out? Aliens come. Didn't you see the show yesterday? The aliens are here.
Starting point is 00:59:05 The aliens are here. I, uh, there's, there's a vert wall at the skate park, um, that Avi goes to. He just, my son Avi just had his worst accident in skin in his skateboarding career,
Starting point is 00:59:20 uh, three days ago. And there's a vert wall at the skate park. And, um, I'm going to, I'm going to show it to you if I can here. Actually, for those of you who are interested,
Starting point is 00:59:33 I know he's only eight and he doesn't have a lot of life experiences, but he's actually writing a book about it, his experience of crashing on the vert wall. You'll be able to see the whole thing. This is the vert wall um i am bragging but i don't mean to brag i just mean to add context but it's probably like a 13 foot drop in and the vert part's like anywhere from four to six feet meaning it's straight up and down and uh and then it has a pool coping hangout. So for those of you who don't skateboard, basically you hang out further than a normal coping edge by like an inch.
Starting point is 01:00:11 So when you drop, it's terrifying. And I've been going to this park for four or five years, and I've never seen another person ever drop in here. And this is probably the hundredth time he's done it in his life. He loves doing it. And he crashed. I don't have the footage of him crashing, but I'm going to show you this video so you can kind of see what it's like.
Starting point is 01:00:32 So he drops in and boom, you see it. And then it's this big bowl. It's called the butterfly bowl because it's shaped like a butterfly. And when I get to the park, every time i get to the park and this is how you know i'm a liar every time i get to the park i walk around the entire park and i walk into these bowls and i have trouble getting in and out of these bowls too i'm fucking old those are steep walls and and uh so i walk around i go down in these bowls. Often I have a blower and a broom, and I sweep up any pebbles or rocks that are in there. Any pebbles or rocks that are in there.
Starting point is 01:01:11 I pull the trash out, empty water bottles, Panda Express, condoms. Because that's what people do that don't know who they are. By the way, I've been there four or five years, three years now. I've never seen a single other person walk around the park and pick up trash. You fucking assholes. I don't really care, though. I'm just joking. I really don't care, but it's fascinating to me.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Yesterday, I'm at a crosswalk. Yesterday, I'm at a crosswalk yesterday i'm at a crosswalk during rush hour four-way stop sign 10 cars lined up each way i'm 10 cars back and i see a fucking 12 year old girl on her bike trying to cross the street it's a four-way stop not a single fucking car waves the girl through i finally get up there and i just stop and it's supposed to be my turn and i don't go and i roll down my window and i wave the girl through she smiles and waves it's a 12 year old girl people that's someone's daughter that could be your daughter anyway so after he skated down into this bowl down on the bottom somewhere he hit a rock and
Starting point is 01:02:27 flew off like right there and and uh and i didn't see it because from the angle that i was watching him drop in i couldn't see him one after he dropped in and he got hurt pretty bad i shouldn't get hurt pretty bad i'm thankfully didn't get hurt worse a lot of road rash a lot of road rash a lot of road rash i forget where i was going with that but but but but i felt horrible that i didn't walk around ahead of time and and clean up it's like one of the only times i haven't done that. Like I keep telling myself, if I would have walked out, that's probably going to make my OCD flare up like crazy. I never sell myself short.
Starting point is 01:03:15 I only sell myself long. No. Well, I don't know. He said he said wow look at your wife holy shit um no um um i you know i should take him there today after the show and just see he claims he's not yeah i bring a leaf blower. I got a Milwaukee one that's pretty cool. The other day I was down there, Jeremy, and it was like someone broke a bottle in there, and I swept up glass in there and picked up glass.
Starting point is 01:03:53 I actually cut my hand. I picked up glass and swept up glass for 15 minutes. Robbie Myers, Sevan, you said the word alien and my internet cut out. His back is sore um and he's he's scraped up pretty good lots of like road rash all over him lots of road rash and hey you know what it's interesting he did say i said hey did you hit your head he goes yeah i go did it hurt he goes not at all like okay and he said but if i wouldn't have had a helmet it would have been
Starting point is 01:04:19 really bad i go go, really? He goes, yeah. Interesting. Ah, Sevan said Milwaukee with a slight Wisconsin accent. I hope that's true. Nope. I didn't see any orbs last night. I I've been looking a little bit. I've been looking a little bit. I watched a Corbin parenting consulting channel on point. Thank you. You know, what's funny is I watched a video yesterday of a guy giving you advice. It was like, you know, some Indian guy who's 25 years old with perfect teeth looking into the camera and i watched it while i was in my garage on double speed and he's telling you how to have a successful youtube channel and one of the things he says is you have to post consistently it's like no
Starting point is 01:05:14 shit you asshole telling me that but but but hearing him say that made me think oh i need to start posting to my parenting consulting channel again. You know what? If I had been posting to that consistently, my consulting channel, I probably wouldn't have stung as bad when I got kicked off of the Savant podcast. Maybe this lady's right. Watch this with an open mind. Maybe this lady's right. Maybe this lady's right. Watch this with an open mind.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Maybe this lady's right. Maybe this lady's right. Brace yourself. This is the, which is kind of crazy. And I assume this is a woman. I'm assuming this is a woman. But this is the, I think, chief marketing officer. Oh, no, Bud Light's vice president of marketing. Bud Light's vice president is marketing. Think of how compromised your integrity. I shouldn't do it, but. Anyway, maybe she's right. Let's give her an open, let's be open-minded and listen. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:06:24 Businesswoman. I had a really clear job she starts off with i'm a businesswoman by the way she looks like dory from um saving nemo or finding nemo when i took over bud light and it was this brand is in decline it's been in decline for a really long time. And if we do not attract young drinkers to come and drink this brand, there will be no future for Bud Light. So I had this super clear mandate. It's like we need to evolve and elevate this incredibly iconic brand. And my what I brought to that was a belief in, okay, what does evolve and elevate mean? It means inclusivity.
Starting point is 01:07:06 It means shifting the tone. It means having a campaign that's truly inclusive and feels lighter. What does that mean? A campaign that, that campaign's not inclusive. What the fuck did she just say? Well, she's a liar, right? I'm not saying it's a good campaign or a bad campaign but having
Starting point is 01:07:27 a dude dressed as a one an ugly gross and i don't use those words very often you guys know i like my fucking women that is that is not a woman i'm telling you And brighter and different and appeals to women and to men. I could argue brighter, just like, like I could argue brighter. Representation is it sort of the heart of evolution. You've got to see people who reflect you in the work. You have to see people who reflect you in the work. That's the problem. We we're not we're not seeing ourselves we had this hangover i mean bud light had been kind of a brand of bratty kind of out
Starting point is 01:08:17 of touch humor bratty out of touch humor and it was really important that we had another approach so i'm a business woman i had a really she's a business woman that reminds me of when uh eric rosa introduced uh the affiliate director when after greg sold the company and he goes uh this is gary gaines he's a black american i was like what she introduced herself as a businesswoman maybe she's right I'm I'm I'm open to her being right except for I'm open to her being right uh I want to type in a Budweiser uh Clydesdale. I want to tell you the commercial. I don't watch TV really anymore, but I want to show you
Starting point is 01:09:09 some of these. This has almost a million views. I want to show you some of these commercials. Here we go. So we can see. Twitch prevents me from posting a comment because of a word in it
Starting point is 01:09:26 yeah twitch has crazy uh sensors i i don't think you're allowed to say like retard or any of the because there's so many kids on it and kids use these words that put other kids down that it's it's some weird words they've chosen to not allow it's a trip here we go they've chosen to not allow. It's a trip. Here we go. Guy and his horse, puppy dog. I have to stop it every seven seconds. I apologize. A man who lost his dog, who delivers Budweiser for a living, or moves horses around.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Hey, and listen to the words. It's about a man. It. It's about a man. It's a song about a man. Oh, my goodness. I'm going to start crying. horses come out and protect the dog from the wolf crazy how did they go from that to pedophilia? Clydesdale walk. And the Clydesdale pull.
Starting point is 01:11:15 I even tried hair extensions on my lower legs. And then came my big interview. And look it, this is more inclusive. This is a donkey being allowed to be a Clydesdale. This is inclusive. They looked me in the eye and said, what makes you think you can be a Clydesdale, son? And what was my answer?
Starting point is 01:11:52 There we go. I must have said something, right? Oh, shit. We should have seen it. We should have seen it. When they started letting donkeys run with the horses. I guess this masculine shit and big horses and wagons and shit's gone. We're done. We're done with that.
Starting point is 01:12:19 God, what a cool era we lived in. The ass on that horse. Oh my God. Statue of Liberty. Horses. Oh my God. Look, even they take a knee.
Starting point is 01:12:52 I know that's what I'm thinking, too, Heidi. Heidi says, why would you let a donkey take a spot of a real Clydesdale? Talk about predictive programming. That was subtle, but yeah. Holy smokes. Yo, who's that? Yo, pick up the phone. Hello? Who's that? Hey, now this would be considered racist, by the way. This would totally be considered racist. Yo, where's Dookie? Yo, Dookie! Yo. Who is that?
Starting point is 01:13:30 Who is that? Who is that? Hold on. Totally racist. How you doing? How you doing? How you doing? How you doing? Well, thanks for asking. I'm doing fine. Just got in today. My brother-in-law picked me up at the airport.
Starting point is 01:13:46 Mighty big airport y'all got here. And the people here are so nice. You want a beer? I want a bud. How you doing? How you doing? How you doing? How you doing?
Starting point is 01:13:55 How you doing? I'm doing fine. I just got here today. My brother-in-law picked me up at the airport. And the people sure are nice. Nice people. How you doing? How you doing?
Starting point is 01:14:03 How you doing? I'm doing fine. I just got here. My brother-in-law came and picked me up from the airport. It's a mighty big... That's inclusive. It's over.
Starting point is 01:14:16 It's over. Oh. Tomorrow I'm coming to the show dressed as a woman. I don't know. Maybe she's right. How are sales? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:14:32 How are sales? How are sales? Sales good? What's the difference between a governor and a lieutenant governor? Does anyone know? Full ball gown. Yeah, I'm doing it tomorrow. What's the difference between a governor and a lieutenant governor?
Starting point is 01:14:56 Anyone? Anyone? Don't make me look that shit up myself. Okay, fine. I'll look it up myself. Governor versus lieutenant governor uh lieutenant governor serves as an acting governor whenever the governor is absent from the state and automatically becomes a governor if vacancy occurs it's a fucking vice governor
Starting point is 01:15:19 why don't they call it a vice governor okay where's the plans guy if he's dying for attention okay hey uh kevin what's being forced on you it's their company they can do whatever the fuck they want do you get mad when they do the american flag i doubt it yeah it's totally well i don't know if it's i don't know what you mean by their company but i mean they have i'm assuming that they're traded i'm assuming they have a fiduciary duty to make money right so oh is that what that is lieutenant is second okay okay um and okay so so this uh next clip i'm going to show you is uh this is interesting this is the um is uh this is interesting this is the um this is the lieutenant governor of uh virginia and you know uh for those of us i know that there's some of you who are sticklers for words like i am but listen to this shit um virginia lieutenant governor winsome sears says what we are all
Starting point is 01:16:21 thinking they're misgendering and dead naming the murderer right uh anyway i think this is bill mauer but he's commenting on the fact that they're misgendering miss sexing the uh the tranny murderer and and it's it's pretty interesting how he uses the word subjective here here we go or misgendering and dead naming the murderer, right? They are referring to the murderer by their given name, not their chosen name. Right. And by their referring to her as a woman, as opposed to what her identity apparently was, was a man. Right.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Which is not the way the media usually does these things. They're usually very particular about the subjective sense of gender identity and respecting that. If someone says they're a man, then they're a man. But in this case, they're not doing that. Hang on. You know what? So he's saying that normally. Like we refer to Dylan Mulvaney as that's that dude thing, right? We refer to that as I don't know what we refer to that as.
Starting point is 01:17:20 That's that dude thing, right? We refer to that as a, I don't know what we refer to that as. Being politically correct, once someone switches from a man to a woman, you're supposed to refer to them as a woman. Like even if they just say, hey, I want to be a woman, you're supposed to call them ma'am and missus and all that, right? But he just admits that it's subjective. You can't do both.
Starting point is 01:17:48 So weird how people use the word respect. I was so disappointed the other day. I heard, uh, I don't deal in that metric of respect. Maybe that's why the caller said that I don't know who I am. I don't deal in the metric of respect. So maybe it makes people think that I'm not genuine. It's very hard to disrespect me or respect me because I don't deal in that metric. It seems like something that when I worked at CrossFit in the early days, a lot of the middle guys deal in the metric of respect and disrespect as part of sort of their metric for happiness. You want people to respect you. Like I give zero fucks about respecting me.
Starting point is 01:18:29 I don't have zero, very little. I try not to disrespect people and I try not to respect people. So I guess if you deal in that, then you would see that maybe, like it doesn't bother, most of the time it doesn't bother me if someone's taking digs at me i can just i have no issues leaning into it that's not the metric that's that i that i use for my identity for for my grounding here on earth and it's super hard to if someone yells at me or flips me off when they're driving i don't it doesn't touch me so maybe it's just that that person can't see me because i don't have that um i mean it really makes yourself vulnerable to make that one of your metrics
Starting point is 01:19:12 respect or disrespect extremely vulnerable makes well worse than vulnerable it makes you um susceptible to other people's whims makes you a a reactionary person. Makes you a drone. Makes you a zombie. Makes you a slave to the Matrix. All those things would be adequate. I don't need respect. I respect myself. A lot.
Starting point is 01:19:37 Like a shitload. Like I'm a really proud person. I know it's supposed to be one. Is that one of the sins? Am I doing one of the sins? Why aren't you supposed to be proud? Sin, proud. Oh, put skin proud. Well, what makes pride a sin? Here we go. Let's see how sinful I am. Everything we have, we have received from God. It's not wrong to feel good about something you've accomplished as long as you recognize and admit that you could not have done it without them.
Starting point is 01:20:06 Oh, okay, I can do that. Pride goes before destruction and haughty spirit before a fall. There are many other biblical warnings about the sin of pride. But why is pride so strongly warned against? Why is pride a sin? Is it always a sin to feel proud of something we have accomplished? It's very important to understand what precisely is the pride that God hates. This is from
Starting point is 01:20:33 Man, talk about owning a great domain name. Several years ago when my first book was published, I had the opportunity to meet Beth Moore and have her sign it. I stood in line just beaming as I held my precious book. to meet Beth Moore and have her sign it. I stood in line just beaming as I held my precious book. When it was my turn to meet Beth, I showed her my book and we chatted for a bit. Then she turned to her assistant and asked her to hold the line because apparently I was in a serious need of an eye-opening come-to-Jesus moment. She pulled me aside and grabbed both my shoulders.
Starting point is 01:20:59 She made sure I was looking her square in the eye and she said, Heather, keep seeking Jesus far more than your calling. She went on to tell me. Time spent with Christ was far more important than the things I do for Christ or any title I hold. Because if I wasn't careful, it would be my downfall. She even shared personally, I have no idea what this is about. Sorry, I thought it was going to say something about pride. That's why I should vet the shit I read before I read it. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Hmm. Pride is the deadliest of sins because it leads to all other sins pride is delusional spiteful and bitter oh i'm not delusional well i could might be delusional how would i know but i'm definitely not spiteful or bitter zero spiteful or bitter uh not zero one percent okay i don't know what i have maybe it it's not pride. Maybe I'm using the word wrong. Oh, here we go. You guys, of course you guys are helping me. Uh, someone raped a kid. So everyone should be able to rape kids. Wait, what? Oh, I see. So, uh, that's completely out of context for what, um, sorry, plans. I don't know what, I don't know what that's in reference to.
Starting point is 01:22:28 Darn it. I missed that conversation. Sounds like it was fun. Okay. Anyway. So be it. So be it we talked about the revenue for the WNBA and the NBA very interesting right
Starting point is 01:22:52 oh how about this what is going on here I don't know if I like the title of this article but this is worth Democrats dealt another blow. Third lawmaker leaves party, switches to Republican party within the month. Democrats were dealt another blow from their own ranks. In California, we're on a journey to make energy cleaner, safer, and more reliable.
Starting point is 01:23:20 Democrats were dealt another blow from within their own ranks this week as yet another state lawmaker declared he was leaving the party according to a Monday report by the advocate of Louisiana-based newspaper state representative Jeremy Lacombe announced he had left the Democratic Party and would be registering as a Republican it was not immediately clear what prompted Lacombe's departure however he is now the second Louisiana Democrat in less than a month to switch party affiliation. And the third nation, why? After another state lawmaker in North Carolina did the same. Last month, Louisiana State Rep. Francis Thompson gave Republicans in the state house a super majority after he switched his party affiliation.
Starting point is 01:24:05 And earlier this month, North Carolina State Rep. Tricia Cotham gave Republicans in the state house, the super majority with her switch as well. You think people are like starting to realize that the Dems are the pedophilia thing, the party. I really don't want to say that. I really don't want to say that. I know it's like some crazy Q non fucking right wing weird, but it's like, it seems like hatred for,
Starting point is 01:24:23 uh, melanated people and pedophilia have become like the cornerstone for that party. I mean, they always have been. I don't know what would have changed. Kill babies, keep melanated people playing the victim so that you can be the master, right? So you can be the master, right? Dude, what a great ploy that is. Victims need masters. Victims need masters.
Starting point is 01:24:55 Yeah, a long time ago, Jeremy, I saw it. That's the Brad Pitt one. I saw it a long time ago. Victims need masters. Like this sign, I'm so proud sign i'm so proud i'm so proud by proud meaning i i um i i i i i i i earned it i um it's my uh superficial uh validation that that you guys are my friends. How's that for fucking cheese dick? All the shit you're not supposed to say about people online. But it's how I feel.
Starting point is 01:25:35 I'm proud of it. Yeah, how amazing is that keep people down keep people down and then they need a master we're going to get all of these melanated people and all of these women and all these trainings to feel to play the victim so that it empowers the government that's's, I mean, it's amazing. As proud as I am, I'm really embarrassed about what I'm about to show you, because I'm going to tell you the truth about this. I don't know if I could do this.
Starting point is 01:26:27 A Florida man rescued his pet dog from a small alligator. The we, the we, the we is the the we is the machine the ideology the ideology the group that is the democrats the we who's the we in your let's keep people down argument who's the leader all the people who make money uh all the people who make money off of victims whether it's a a sentient being conscious or it's a group consciousness. The we is all the we is that lady saying that she's a businesswoman and she needs people to drink alcohol. The we is the all the people who made money off of pharma and who thought it was important
Starting point is 01:27:18 to get the injection. The we is all the people who support critical race theory to view the world through a racist lens, thinking that somehow that will cure racism. That's the we is all the people who support critical race theory to view the world through a racist lens thinking that somehow that will cure racism that's the we any questions you don't need a leader who's the leader of the machine you don't need a leader everyone has to take responsibility of themselves personal accountability it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if all the democrats are in on it it doesn't matter that's the point it doesn't matter i was the one person in the nazi party that didn't want the jews to fucking go to auschwitz
Starting point is 01:27:56 i had to drive the train with all the jews in it it's how i fed my family that's the argument you're saying it doesn't matter who it doesn't matter if it's how I fed my family that's the argument you're saying it doesn't matter who it doesn't matter if it's all the Democrats it doesn't matter it's enough it's enough of them it's enough that that that ideology that machine is pushing for all of this destruction it's creating it I don't know if it's pushing for all of this destruction. It's creating it. I don't know if it's pushing for it.
Starting point is 01:28:28 It's creating it. Doesn't matter, dude. It doesn't matter. We're not talking about – think of it as like a teeter-totter. We don't want it like this, and we don't want it like this. And right now it's like this with the Democrats. Fine. In a few years, maybe it will be like this and fucking the republicans will be in charge and we're having those fucking christian fucking fanatics burning people thinking they're witches then we got to get back on the other side
Starting point is 01:28:52 i'm not i'm not suggesting that there's like one almighty right i'm just saying none of these people doing this this guy right here let me ask you this, this guy right here this guy right here you think he's a democrat or a republican tell me you think this guy's a democrat
Starting point is 01:29:24 or a republican, what do you think what Do you think this guy's a Democrat or a Republican? What do you think? What do you think? And why? And why do you think he's a Republican? Why do you think this guy's a Republican? Hey, I love... I'm sorry that the Christians, if they got in power,
Starting point is 01:29:49 they would start fucking burning women as witches. You're right. That sucks. I'm not going to argue that that wouldn't happen with your plans. Like, fuck. But right now, that party is the party of fucking... destroying our cities by leaving the borders open and nurturing drug use. Nurturing drug use. Nurturing borders open and nurturing drug use,
Starting point is 01:30:05 nurturing drug use, nurturing, nurturing drug use, being codependents. All the shit that we're told as kids never to do, don't be someone's codependent. And pushing the pedophile agenda. It's not like it's even hidden hidden anymore i'll even give you this i don't think that dylan dylan mulvaney shit has anything to do with pedophilia that was a pretty strong take on it i'll give you that how's that i'll throw that back in there okay you're right in in good on bud light i hope they make a fucking shitload of money and they made the right decision like i'll go i'll do all that for you i'm open to that i'm open just not doing i'm just not i'm just not doing the party that seems to every time that there's a fucking pedophile or a victim or a drug use or a robbery that it's
Starting point is 01:30:57 fucking it's it's dem related oh my goodness i haven't talked about the dalai lama oh god i wish that wouldn't um uh the pedo agenda is so fucking ludicrous it's hillary pizza shop garbage you're just following the bs narrative borders open is a problem stop uh i don't know what the hillary pizza shop uh garbage is uh but if you don't think Jeffrey Epstein was a pedophile I didn't know him I didn't know him either and I couldn't make it through more than
Starting point is 01:31:35 a half an episode of the Netflix documentary series so I don't know for sure if he's a pedophile but just as one of a hundred data points out there, he was a fucking pedophile. And he made his fucking gazillions with Dems who were pedophiles. Oh my god. Epstein has nothing to do with your claiming the Dems are a party of pedos. Here, I'll give you this. They're not even a party of pedophiles. I don't think any of my Democrat friends are pedophiles.
Starting point is 01:32:15 You are following BS and I have no idea. No, I have no idea what Hillary pizza gate shop garbage is. I do not. I have no idea what youary pizza gate shop garbage is i do not i have no idea what you're talking about uh epstein hung with trump clinton he hung with all the rich people you're right and those were he hung with trump when trump was a fucking uh donating shitloads of money to the democrats you're absolutely right clinton you're right all the Clintons. He hung with all the Clintons. You think Epstein was a Democrat or a Republican? Plange, tell us. Tell us. And thank you for your contribution to the show.
Starting point is 01:32:59 And also tell me, who do you think? Do you think that guy saved the dog from the alligator? Is he a Republican or a Democrat? The Dalai Lama shit. You think the Dalai Lama is a Democrat or Republican? What do you think? What do you think? Why did he ask that kid to suck his tongue?
Starting point is 01:33:18 That broke my heart. Fair enough. Epstein was whoever he needed to be. I'll give you this. I'll give you this. I don't know if I'll give it to you. I don't know if this is true either. Tell me, Plange, is this true right here? Tell me if this is true.
Starting point is 01:34:02 Thomas Wadhouse, Wadehouse, was an english circus performer who lived in the 18th century that's the 1700s for people who don't know he's most famously known for having the world's longest nose which measured 7.5 inches there's no way first. First of all, there wouldn't be, they didn't have cameras then. So, I don't know. Someone in the comments wrote, bro invented the sit on my face position. I don't think that that's real. There's no fucking way.
Starting point is 01:34:54 Blanche, is that real? Hey, do you think, I have a question for you guys. Do you think a sane person has ever cut off their penis? I guess we'd have to define sane. But just bear with me here. Entertain me. Do you think a sane person has ever had their penis removed? Ever. One.
Starting point is 01:35:13 One. No, never. Yeah, I know. Or do you think that we're just being closed-minded and that, do you think maybe, you think maybe we're just being closed-minded because, and being defensive? Like, God forbid, like, what if they were right?
Starting point is 01:35:36 What if it was all the same people had their penises cut off, but we're just attached to our penises so we won't cut them cut off? What if just that, all that wisdom that's out there that the true wisdom is learning to accept yourself the shit like you know like your grandparents tell you there's one person you'll live your entire life with so you better learn to love them and you're like who who grandma and she's like yourself that's just all bullshit
Starting point is 01:36:00 fuck that cut your penis off. Get on social media. Get a bunch of likes. Your shit will be awesome. Man, kids people like Brooke Wells and people like that must be so tough to be equipped to handle. Just what's out there.
Starting point is 01:36:27 Uh, call her. Hi. Hey, I don't know if this guy you're chatting with, he knows that according to Joe Biden's own daughter and her diary, he showered with her when she was a teenager. Uh, yeah. And she said she showered at night to avoid him coming in the shower.
Starting point is 01:36:46 Right. And that, that is a documented fact. The FBI confirmed that that was her diary. They raided James O'Keefe's home in New York to get a copy, to get the copy he had back. Even though, even though he had,
Starting point is 01:37:01 even though he had already given it to them, let's not forget that. Right. Right. He'd already given it back to them, but they raided his home to get it back. Right, right. Fucking crazy. And there's numerous copies of it out there. So the president of the United States is a pedophile.
Starting point is 01:37:18 Yeah. I mean, that's documented back. I appreciate you calling. Yes. Yes. Bill Clinton stuck a cigar in an 18-year-old girl. Sevan, she's 18 years old. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:37:31 Now I want you to imagine it's your 18-year-old daughter. Your daughter, right. Yeah. Now I want you to imagine it's your 18-year-old daughter. Yep. These people are crazy. They don't see what's happening dude the president of the United States
Starting point is 01:37:48 ejaculated on an intern's fucking dress in the White House yeah I don't know if that's worse or you know showering with your daughter your teenage daughter pretty
Starting point is 01:38:00 pretty messed up I guess if you live in Norway that shit's okay but not if you're a closed-minded american we stop showering with our kids when they're i don't know four yeah yeah and i'm not a prude i have three sons and my sons see me fucking walking around naked all the time and i take some and i take some serious abuse by the way they say some shit to me hey that fucking caller who thought thinks that like i don't know who i am you fucking walk around my house naked and see what my kids say about you they will fuck you up you'll never want to walk i'm a very secure man they say some fucked up shit to me good stuff yeah it's fucking gross he's a fucking that whole party that's enough
Starting point is 01:38:47 right there that that's the thing fine all democrats aren't pedophiles fine 99 of them aren't pedophiles fine that party's ideology is trying to normalize pedophilia there's no way you there's no way you can slice it 100 because%. Because if you look at the transgender agenda, kids can consent when they're 12, 10, to cut their breasts off or take castration medicine. If they can consent to that at 10, why can't they consent to sex with an adult? A plan just saying Trump said he wanted to date his daughter. Listen,
Starting point is 01:39:25 if I was a fucking chick, I'd want to date my son. There's a big difference between the father saying, hey, I have a beautiful daughter and I fucking want to date my daughter than fucking showering with your daughter, dude. Right. Your daughter's terrified of you. His daughter came
Starting point is 01:39:41 to the White House and embraced him. This girl's avoiding her dad, dude. Biden's daughter. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Like I said, the end game is pedophilia being normalized. They have a name for it.
Starting point is 01:40:00 It's called MAP. Minor Attractive Person. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, they don't do they don't try to control the language they're they're tried they try to do it on purpose they know what they're doing and who is they the people that are running things the guy who showers with his daughter who's the president of the United States.
Starting point is 01:40:29 Plange, saying your daughter is hot and you date her is okay. Wow. That's not – now you're just taking it out of context, dude. You're taking it totally out of context, Plange. Plange probably thinks men can be women and women can be men. Plange, do you think that? All right. Hey, someone accused me the other day.
Starting point is 01:40:58 It was the first time I'd been accused of that, of the wrenches kicking people off. First of all, I don't even know who the wrenches are. And second of all, because I can't see them from where I sit. But't don't kick anyone off unless they're being an act like just a complete asshole like i like i like i i i appreciate plans being in here i really do yeah you want to debate them that's the point yeah because their arguments can't stand up and heidi says there's no wrenches in here and actually yeah and if you do get kicked out the thing is is you could always go to another platform and still comment and you would still be on here especially when we get back on youtube so don't don't this accusation that i kick people
Starting point is 01:41:35 out or try to censor only keep people in here that agree with me i i mean i've only heard it once but i don't i don't know i that kind of stung i don't i don't want that to be this place uh i need examples of dems literally using pedophilia as a measure of policy well i know this isn't pedophilia but um dems are a hundred percent okay with policy policy for men in locker rooms with your daughters. And Dems are OK. Listen to this. Here you go, Plange. They're OK with men raping women. The Dems encourage men raping women. Well, how can you say that? That's crazy, dude.
Starting point is 01:42:15 They put men there's 48 men now in women's prisons with a waiting list of 287 more just in California. And they're having to blame that on the democrats and there's women who've already been raped in the prison sorry go ahead caller sorry what'd you say that's what i said they're raping the women in prison right i'm sorry a pedophilia one doesn't come just to the top of my head plans but i think uh women being raped and the girls being raped in high school bathrooms now i don't know this for sure but the stat is that 87 of all high school teachers are democrats and 87 of the kids working in our schools are democrats well there was that yeah there was that i think it was in virginia where you're saying where there was a high school tranny who was being inappropriate
Starting point is 01:43:01 with a girl in one high school they moved moved her to another high school, and he ended up raping a girl. No, he raped her. He raped one girl. Yeah. They covered it up, sent him to another school. He raped another girl. He was charged, finally. And you should look it up now.
Starting point is 01:43:16 The superintendent of that school showed up at court as a tranny now. Oh, shit. Really? Yeah. Look it up. Hey, and you know what's interesting about that,. Really? Yeah. Look it up. Hey. And you know, what's interesting about that too is, um,
Starting point is 01:43:27 I will look it up. Um, I think you're wrong about one thing. I think the first person was sodomized and the second person was raped, but what, you know, what's, what's a,
Starting point is 01:43:34 I don't mean to be splitting hairs. I think one person like was like right with the broom handle and the other one got the penis, but right. The dude, the first one, her dad showed up at the school board meeting to tell everybody what happened and they they they had the cop beating to the ground and arresting
Starting point is 01:43:51 democrats so he wouldn't say so he wouldn't say anything yeah you think those are republicans or democrats the the no yeah right but step on the republicans aren't perfect i'm not saying they are they're fucked up too I don't like burning bitches because they're witches even though I bet you if we looked it up that was Democrats too I bet you if we looked it up that was Democrats too don't think that a lot of these
Starting point is 01:44:16 Republicans aren't in on the game as well they are Devesh Maharaj pedos don't go to prison. They go to the White House. Plans. Petos go to prison unless they are priests.
Starting point is 01:44:32 No. All the priests. Anybody that does that to a kid needs to go to prison. They should just be, I think they should just be executed. Plans 111. Drag shows aren't for kids. Parents brought them there. Yep.
Starting point is 01:44:44 And guess what those parents are? Democrats. And what does a kid seeing a man in a dress do to them? What do you think it does to them? It confuses them. Yeah, it's the same thing why your mom shouldn't berate you in public when you're fucking five so that later on you're attracted to women who berate you in public.
Starting point is 01:45:03 That's that same – I think that's how the brain works. Yeah, I would totally agree. Any parent that wants to take their kid to see some dude dressed as a woman should have some questions asked of them. Listen, Plange got it. Listen, in Scotland, men wear dresses. Those kids must be easy, buddy. Those are kilts.
Starting point is 01:45:23 Those are kilts. Kilts, bud. Those are kilts. Those are kilts. Those are kilts. Way different than wearing a dress and then spreading your legs and your junk hanging out so the little kids can see. Yeah. I appreciate you putting up a good fight. Caller, do I know you? Have you called before? Yeah, I've called before.
Starting point is 01:45:43 I needed your help this morning thank you yeah sean on youtube and then american greatness on rumble yeah i've got two daughters ah there you go yeah yeah so i'm in it man i'm in it i'm i'm in the fight how old are they? One of my daughters is 13 and 15. One of my daughters is super athletic. She's the 13 U National Champion Weightlifter. Olympic Weightlifter. Wow. She holds the 13 U
Starting point is 01:46:15 clean and jerk and total record. So, yeah, I'm in it. Cell phones? Huh? Do they have Cell phones? Huh? Do they have cell phones? And how are you dealing with that? Nope.
Starting point is 01:46:30 No. My 15-year-old just got a cell phone her freshman year. Wow. Congratulations. That's fucking amazing. Good job, dude. And neither of them have social media. Was that pretty hard?
Starting point is 01:46:44 Was that a big fight at home? No. We just always said, yeah, this is what we're doing. We explained why we're doing it, what it does to their brain, and their development. And, yeah, my daughter is a freshman, and she's the only kid in her school that doesn't have social media.
Starting point is 01:47:10 That's awesome. So I want to show something here. Plans. This is a good point here. So color is just part of the right machine. He's speaking to you, Sean, pretending drag shows are pedophilia. Well, we're not, no, no one's saying drag shows are pedophilia. We're saying drag shows that you bring kids to are pedophilia. Well, uh, we're not, no, no one's saying drag shows are pedophilia. We're saying drag shows that you bring kids to are pedophilia. Um, but, but listen,
Starting point is 01:47:30 I guarantee this guy hates gays and thinks they are sinners. Listen, what is, even if he does what now you're just throwing that in there at the end to smear his name. Like what does that have to do with anything? Yeah, no,
Starting point is 01:47:43 I don't hate gay people. So I, I, I hate people that forced uh that order how about this plans i hate people that order order coke for their fucking two-year-old kids and put it in a bottle and feed it to them i hate them how about that i don't you know if being gay is your you know that's your choice if you want to be gay but i don't it doesn't need to be forced and down my throat or in my face or anything like that i can you live your life yeah he's just he's not gonna he's he's fighting we we held him underwater too long and now when his when his mouth comes up above water plant just saying some crazy shit now yeah that's the way i love you know i try to love everybody but that doesn't mean i'm gonna you know that's like you know i have a brother who's a who's a you know an alcoholic and if i was to say hey yeah you just keep drinking i'm gonna affirm your behavior and
Starting point is 01:48:41 you just keep doing whatever you want to do that that's that's just insane to me yeah but if you but if he wants to do that there's nothing i can do about it i'm still gonna love him of course of course yeah i'll still love the person i'll still love the person who gives their their kid coke it too but i but also slap the shit out of them. Yeah, that's, I mean, again, it's... It's child abuse. Yeah, 100%. Eric Weiss, from California, Senate Bill 145 will be aimed, or sorry, Senate Bill 145 will amend
Starting point is 01:49:17 existing state law that allows judges to decide whether an adult convicted of having vaginal intercourse with a minor should register as a sex offender in cases in which the minor is 14 years or older and the adult is not more than 10 years older than the minor. So California is trying to make it so that a 14-year-old girl could have sex with a 23-year-old man and not be registered as a sex offender. That's fucking insane.
Starting point is 01:49:43 Insane. Hey, I'm even going gonna go this far go ahead go ahead it even works it even it even works for 23 year old men having sex with 14 year old boys there you go wow wow yes and i'm gonna go as far as to say is this let's say you just happen to have the most mature 14 year old girl who ever fucking lived and you have the most immature 23 year old man and they really truly are in love and they've known i don't give a fuck yeah the number has to be set somewhere and that those outliers fuck you i don't care the greatest basketball player who ever lived might be 5'3". Ever.
Starting point is 01:50:25 He has the best three-point shooting. He has the best dribbling. He's fucking, like, nine of the ten traits he's the best at. But because he's 5'3", he's just not going to make it. And I don't give a fuck. I'm not going to have him lower the hoop for him. It's ten feet, bitches. Yep.
Starting point is 01:50:43 You cannot fuck minors. And that's the end. Well, in California, too, they're trying to pass that law where if your kid is 12 years or older and you don't affirm their gender, they can take your kid away. Yeah, more or less. What a shit show of words juxtaposed next to each other. Gender affirming care. Right.
Starting point is 01:51:11 That translates to supporting someone's delusions. Yep. Hey, I had a friend who was juiced to the gills on roids. Little man, 5'6". crazy freak of nature, right? Freak of nature, professional athlete. And his wife – but took so much steroids. He was weird-shaped. And so I was at their house one time, and their wife was there telling us how much she hate hated puny men and she loved all of his muscles and i felt sorry for him yeah because
Starting point is 01:51:51 i realized oh he's with a woman who supports his pathology who supports his fucking uh um steroid abuse his destruction of his body yeah that's what and that and it's that's also that gen like i don't want to be i don't i don't want to support that kind of behavior that's the same thing it was like gender for she was gender affirming him right oh i like him he's so manly he's so buff yeah and that's the thing you're we're gonna have a a whole mess of kids that wake up and that all of a sudden it's already starting to happen. It's happened in Europe where they've, you know,
Starting point is 01:52:26 they had a huge gender affirming clinic there and they've had to shut it down because they have over a thousand kids coming back and suing them when they're in their twenties because their bodies are mutilated and they're in shambles and they can't function. And now, and they're thinking, why didn't anybody, where were the adults to stop this?
Starting point is 01:52:47 Yes. What are we going to tell people? Dude, you know what? Like, as I see all of this, I used to remember, I remember being a kid being like, how does fucking something like a genocide happen or a Holocaust happen? Why don't people speak up? And now I see it all around me. How am I going to explain to my kids what just happened? Why didn't people speak up?
Starting point is 01:53:09 Yeah. And then as people who do speak up, say we hate people and we hate gay people, just like Blanche just said. Because we're speaking up for truth. Hey, it makes me realize, like when that guy came on yesterday, the UFO guy, I was talking to some parents afterwards in my kids' jiu-jitsu class. And they're like, do you think it's real? I'm like, I don't know if it's real, but I believe him. I believe he thinks it's real. And, and I believe it. Like if I had to bet like a thousand dollars, I would bet if someone's like, Hey, you have to bet a thousand dollars. I'd bet that what he's seeing is real and and someone was like and then later on we're like it made me realize like hey i might
Starting point is 01:53:48 be seeing them but i might be in denial and i just realized all these there's so many people out there who are seeing shit who are in denial the abortion thing is just a classic we're literally watching kids get killed every day and we're in denial because we've disguised it as women's choice, women's health care, all this shit. It's a private murder. A private – wow. Private murder. Yeah. That's what it is.
Starting point is 01:54:14 Ever since I heard Seth Gruber say to that person, it rocked my world. He's like, well, what if you find out you're pregnant with a – it was a pro-choice person. And he said, what if you find out that your wife's pregnant with a girl and you don't want a girl? Um, is it okay to have an abortion? And they're like, no, like you, you can't, you can't kill a baby if it's a girl. No, it happens all the time. People do it all the time. What is the justification for killing a baby? And it's like know what oh shit when he said that that kind of fucked me up because i'm because i'm pro-choice and that fucked me up how about this devon how about say they they come up with a genetic test where they can tell you if your baby is going to
Starting point is 01:54:55 be gay or not is it okay to abort your baby then no there's no reason it's okay to abort a baby but none not even if your wife's raped there's no there's no reason okay's okay to abort a baby, but none, not even if your wife's raped, there's no, there's no reason. Okay. Reason to abort a baby. But think about that. If they had a genetic test that said, yes,
Starting point is 01:55:13 your baby's going to be gay. How many people would go in and say, you know, I think, I don't think I want a gay son. And, but you want to see who would flip if that was the case, all the pro,
Starting point is 01:55:28 all these pro choice people would say, no, no, no, you can't do that. Oh, right, right,
Starting point is 01:55:32 right. Exactly. Yeah. You can't kill that baby cause they're gay. Oh wait, what? Yeah. But I could kill it if I don't want it or I could kill it because I was
Starting point is 01:55:44 irresponsible. I could kill it if I don't want it or I could kill it because I was irresponsible. I could kill it because whatever reason I, whatever reason I want. Oh, it's a horrible, it's a horrible thing for everybody. Aren't our kids lucky? See,
Starting point is 01:55:57 this is what I mean by I'm so prideful. Aren't our kids lucky? How lucky is your daughter that you're, she's 13. You don't give her a fucking cell phone. It's a, that's what I'm supposed to do as a dad right right i mean that's that's my responsibility as a dad yeah all right brother well thank you for calling yeah love you so long keep keep it up love you too sean thank you bye bye i remember uh uh watching CNN and and and Don Lemon and um
Starting point is 01:56:34 Don Lemon and who's the other guy the guy who got fired I forget his name he was the commentator there or the the one of the hosts one of the shows there and they they were bragging that they said, I love you to each other, and that it was some groundbreaking shit. Like, I heard you say that I love you to them my whole fucking life. Plange loves great, man. Freedom. It's freedom. Plange111 from Panda.
Starting point is 01:57:04 Regarding your statement, it's important to understand that children may have different reactions to seeing a man wearing a dress or being taught about transgender people based on their age, background, individual experiences. While some children may not be affected negatively, others may experience confusion, fear, discomfort. It's important to respect and acknowledge the diversity of human experiences and emotions, including those of children. It's important to respect and acknowledge the diversity of human experiences and emotions, including those of children. Hey, I grew up going to – I can think of a half dozen plays I've been to where men were dressed as women or where women were dressed as men. Didn't adversely affect me at all. That being said, I'm not taking my kid to a fucking drag show. Now, it's different if I was walking through
Starting point is 01:57:51 Pier 39 in San Francisco, and it's a busy tourist area, and there's a giant six-foot-five black man dressed as a beautiful black woman, and he's juggling, and it's just part of his bit. And he just happens to be a tranny who does a juggling show. I mean, there's degrees to it. But what we're talking about is having little kids put dollars in the front of fucking bikinis of men who have cocks in there. That's what we're talking about.
Starting point is 01:58:23 We're not talking about a guy who said wow my my my daughter's beautiful any man would be lucky to date her i'd date her if i was if i was fucking uh uh not her dad versus someone showering with their daughter when they're a teenager and the daughter saying in her journal she's changed her showering times and waits till her dad goes to sleep so her dad won't get in the shower big difference this is my favorite live calling show in like a week i've been kind of in a bit of a uh doldrums doldrums nothing bad but i could just feel it nothing that something i just feel she eliminate to a large degree alzheimer's which is now called type 3 diabetes many forms of cancer infertility all of these things relate to food but there's profit russell in complicating the
Starting point is 01:59:20 issue the problem in america right now is that% of our diet is ultra-processed fake food, which we were not biologically made to eat. Our body is reacting to foreign substances and causing all this disease. If you took out those three ingredients, sugar, which is 100x, 100x more sugar we're eating than 100 years ago. That's a staple of our diet. Seed oils. Seed oils are the top source of American fat right now. These were created by John Rockefeller in the early 1900s as an industrial by-product from oil production. Our main source of fat, when you look at the label, canola oil, soybean oil, this is an industrial byproduct that's much cheaper than good fats like olive oil, avocado oil, ghee. That's the staple of our diet and highly processed grains. This is not
Starting point is 02:00:01 hyperbolic. You would not have heart disease, which is the number one killer. You would not have type 2 diabetes. You would actually have heart disease, which is the number one killer. You would not have type 2 diabetes. You would actually eliminate, to a large degree, Alzheimer's, which is now called type 3 diabetes. All shit that Greg Glassman's been saying since the day I met him.
Starting point is 02:00:14 Plans. Kids aren't putting dollars into pants of drag queens. That was one fucked up incident. How about some context, dude? All right. All right. All right. All right all right all right all right all right i only saw one video
Starting point is 02:00:30 of a handful of kids at a drag show i only saw one hey um i i am uh i went to i can't believe I've never told this story. My wife said, hey, it was before I had the twins and I just had Avi. We just had Avi. Or maybe my wife was at home with the twins. That's probably more accurate. She'd probably just given birth to the twins, and I was thrust into taking care of Avi full-time 24 hours a day basically
Starting point is 02:01:02 for three months while she breastfed the twins on her giant titties the titties make more milk when you have more babies so if you think your wife's boobs got huge and crazy when she had one kid if you saw two kids you would fucking trip and if you were fortunate enough to have a wife who gets pregnant and her titties get engorged, do never take that for granted. Touch them every day. Put your face in them.
Starting point is 02:01:40 Hold them. Do not enjoy those fucking 18 months like you've met like just completely your eyes are burning you're exhausted you want to go to sleep don't just go over and put your face in them you have to it's just God bless you if your wife is just completely accepting of you touching her boobs during pregnancy or boobs at all times she lets them know that
Starting point is 02:02:15 they're your boobs she just carries them around I try not to go a day without touching the boobs but when they're pregnant it's like don't go a couple hours. My God. These things are ridiculous. I actually just stare at them. I couldn't even believe them.
Starting point is 02:02:37 Just fucking ridiculous on so many levels. Okay. So I was taking care of Avi. My wife was at home with her giant tits breastfeeding the kids and uh huge dude and um and i took him to a to the berkeley library berkeley library for a reading and i get there and it was someone in fucking drag and i was a complete libtard complete libtard you have to understand just fucking think hillary clinton is the greatest person who ever lived and i sat down there with
Starting point is 02:03:14 avi and they started reading and within 30 seconds i knew it was inappropriate i knew it was wrong and i got up and left dude i i used to party with fucking tranny. I used to go to the Erotic Exotic Ball every year. Erotic Exotic Ball in San Francisco every year. Party with so many fucking trannies. But I knew that this was not fucking like, this wasn't right. I don't know. My wife's weren't that painful.
Starting point is 02:03:43 That's the thing. That's why I'm like, I kind of feel bad. Like, I think that there's some women out there who just don't want them to those that heard their hammers touch when they're pregnant. And it's like, that sucks. Ever had a clogged duck? Best way to get rid of it is your husband. Ooh, isn't it? Ooh, it's like some rancid milk in there right yeah just don't bring the kids into it just don't bring the kids into it even if it's like reading hour uh uh my wife's tits were insane yeah Yeah. You can't even believe it.
Starting point is 02:04:27 You can't even fucking believe it. Yeah, I knew what you meant. I was preferring it was like wife's, like you had more than one wife. That would be Ostrom. Oh, no, not the colostrum is great. But I mean, like if the duck is clogged, like I had a friend whose wife's nipple got infected. Oh, man, it was some not-so-good shit. Yeah. Oh, geez louise, my wife's tits are insane right now,
Starting point is 02:04:59 and she ain't pregnant. Yeah, fucking braggart. Okay, so don't eat sugar. Don't eat seed oils. Oh, what's this say? Oh, this is Sarah Sigmund's daughter. How, what did she, what's she doing Here we go. God, she's a freak of nature. She's amazing. I hope she does good. She's going to make it to the games, right? Lie to me.
Starting point is 02:06:10 She's going to make it, right? Lie to me. She's going to make it, right? Lie to me. I don't know. What's this mean? Sarah. Oh, Sarah's your boo. Yeah. She's awesome. God, she's awesome. This woke douche. I'm going to show you a woke douche here but but i thought this was kind of interesting god this guy is a douche uh this guy's a douche because he's building a 30 million dollar home but he doesn't want anyone poor near him uh i forgot to tell you what number that oh yeah good i'm i'm good what number was that yeah you. I'm just not doing the numbers anymore. That means I'm getting used to Caleb not being here. Steph Curry. He's the kind of guy that wants a needle exchange in the hood,
Starting point is 02:06:55 but not in his neighborhood. Look, he claims to have found a dead spot on the basketball court. It's weird. I never even thought of that, that there could be dead spots. Anyway, there's a little sporting knowledge. Place the ball. Oh, did that just crack a little bit when he bounced it there? Or is that just the angle of the camera? Must have been just the angle of the camera.
Starting point is 02:07:27 Anyway. There you go. Now you know. I guess basketball courts have dead spots. Bam. Just like that. You got a little bit of sporting sporting knowledge holy cow i was only planning to be on an hour and a half today i'm telling you i've been in a weird headspace ever since the uh
Starting point is 02:07:57 i've been in a weird headspace ever since the uh the youtube thing i need guests i need guests we're lining them up we're getting them we're i want it to be i need to go back to the old days i was enjoying the live calling shows too much and i started pushing guests off and uh that was a mistake i shit the bed okay this is long and i've been pushing it off but i want to um i want to play this for you guys all right what up what up pimp so uh it's tax season right now first of all i just want to give a shout out to my kids so what time of the year i ever uh play my kids you feel but yeah shout out to them you feel me uh i was gonna say was so i just got my ancestry dna test
Starting point is 02:08:43 back and i'm 2% black. The reason I'm up here today is because y'all trifling. And we need to honor my homie George Floyd, who now been sober two years. And this is going to be called to say his name. We need to honor my boy George Floyd, who's been sober for two years. That's a great line. Bill. All right.
Starting point is 02:09:03 So this is my ancestry DNA test. If y'all don't believe me, 2%. Hey, and he says he's 2% black. And for those of you who don't know what the one drop rule is, I don't know if you guys have heard of the one drop rule, another fucked up thing that the Democrats instituted. The one drop rule is that if you had one drop of fucking black blood in you, that you could be a slave.
Starting point is 02:09:29 And when the Nazis were trying to figure out which Jews to kill, they looked at this rule. And do you know what the Nazis said? Too harsh. Too harsh. The Nazis realized that the Democrats who were the slave owners in the United States until the first Republican president Abraham Lincoln
Starting point is 02:09:54 set them free I wonder how Plange would defend that just kidding I know how you defend it. The one drop rule. The Nazis were like, that's bullshit. We're not killing everyone who has one drop of 1%, one drop of Jew blood in them. And they came up with their own number.
Starting point is 02:10:16 It was like 40% or something. No, Brian, the Brian show got pushed. Sorry. I was talking with Brian this morning. It got pushed. I should have Hiller on, Brian, the Brian show got pushed. Sorry. I was talking with Brian this morning. It got pushed. I should have Hiller on, though, and we should talk about Nopin. I'm very curious about what's going on with the Nopin. So, first of all, let's take a knee to the pledge.
Starting point is 02:10:43 I love it. I love it. There it is. it is savvy do you realize how different the democratic party was in 1850 do you have any clue yeah oh yeah i totally have a clue they don't have they didn't have cars back then how about that for starters that's what you guys that's what you guys always say how about how about al gore's dad and the democrats voting against the civil rights movement how about now that the current Democratic Party pushes for the killing of black babies and now one in four black babies is murdered under the guise of abortion? How about that? Every four black babies born, one is killed by abortion.
Starting point is 02:11:21 Guess who pushes that? The Democrats. Guess where the needle exchange is pushed by? The Democrats the democrats yeah some white people get caught up in that too it's really changed a lot no you're you've been duped dude you've been duped and it's okay i was duped too the allegiance of george floyd while i recite the pledge. Everybody take a knee, please. I pledge allegiance to George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement and the causes for which they stand. One sentence, I can't breathe with methamphetamine and fentanyl for all. Let's get into it now. Nobody took a knee, I see. I guess y y'all races y'all was taking a knee back in 2020 though
Starting point is 02:12:08 am i the only one still taking knees so uh this is what's fitting to be on the bill though which will be for kindergarten through 12th grade i like how the guy behind him with his hand on his he's he gets it now it's a joke and joke. And he's enjoying it. For the month of April. So first of all, white kids need to hold their breath for eight minutes every day. White kids have to do the black kids' schoolwork. White kids have to give black kids their lunch money. Or else they'll go to the principal's office. Everyone will watch George
Starting point is 02:12:46 Floyd's sex tape and write an essay on it. Every Veterans Day, we will honor George Floyd as he served as a security guard for the Salvation Army. Kids can receive bonus points in the classroom if they hold a pregnant woman at gunpoint. Kids can receive bonus points for using counterfeit $20 bills. Kids can receive bonus points if they record themselves having a fentanyl overdose and live. Students should purposely provoke the police because they're racist and strive their best to receive police brutality and be celebrated by BLM with a peaceful protest. Students will be encouraged to do everything possible to get shot by the police and do not comply. White kids will sit in the back of the bus so that they can live the experience of Rosa Parks. Black kids will start with a baseline grade
Starting point is 02:13:40 on all schoolwork of 80% and white kids will start with zero percent in order to end racism you guys realize this is all true feels like satire not not satire students will post a black square on all social media platforms to end racism and spread equality pre-made molotov cocktails will be for sale in the school store, and it will be highly encouraged that they are used on school police cars. If a white kid acts up in the class... That part's not true. I don't think they sold the Molotov cocktails. Maybe they did, but they were encouraged to throw them at cop cars.
Starting point is 02:14:21 ...passer in the teacher will be called to put a knee on his neck. If a black kid shoots someone in school, it will be justified and labeled as self-defense because he was bullied no matter what due to skin color and he will be celebrated as a national hero. Look, the lady in the red dress
Starting point is 02:14:40 is tripping. Black kids will be issued guns in school for protection against white supremacy. Look at her hair. It dyed a little bit red to match her dress. The N word will be called a trigger word, which means they will now be allowed to pull it. Black on black crime will be encouraged as it is in Chicago in order to end white supremacy in the name of the greatest mayor of all time, Lloyd Lightfoot. I love you, Lori. Bless you.
Starting point is 02:15:08 Can you just pause for one second? Do we have to allow this to continue? I'm almost done. No, I'm sorry. I asked a question to my city attorney. I would allow this to finish and then we can go on executive session and talk about it. Oh, did you?
Starting point is 02:15:21 So now the guys are like, do we have to allow this to continue? And the chair said, this is a city council meeting. I wonder if this is in Chicago. BLM activist demands new George Floyd bill and reparations and and then basically the head of the um the head of the council up there says we're gonna let him finish but we'll talk about it uh when we uh go for a break yeah last time i checked y'all took a knee for george floyd chick-fil-a will no longer be able to sell be sold at schools and popeyes will replace them because Popeyes is nothing without black lives and Chick-fil-A is culturally appropriated chicken. High-speed police chases will be encouraged and all students who get in them will be moved up one grade and labeled as an honor student. Also, if the car you
Starting point is 02:16:16 took in the police chase was stolen, you will receive a full-ride scholarship to an HBCU. If the police chase ends in the shootout, you will automatically be given a free doctorate degree and you will get a highway named after you. Also, since I'm here, where my reparations at? My ancestors were slaves. They built this country. And since they my ancestors, I'm a slave by DNA. So where my reparations at? I mean, we need to stop this racism. We need to stop this. You feel me? Hey, stop this racism. Where my reparations at, bro? Hey, take a knee for me, mayor. Take a knee like you did in 2020. Take a knee like you did in 2020. Come on, y'all.
Starting point is 02:17:07 Shout out my kids. Follow me on Instagram, whiteboyent. $10 story promos. Shout out to my kids Follow me on Instagram WhiteboyENT $10 story promos Shout out to my kids one more time Last time you're going to see them until next tax season Thank you Peace out Man I think it's I think it was crazy valuable for all of them to listen to that. I think it was crazy valuable. Is it epic trolling or is it political commentary with entertainment? It's it's Alex is I think that that's that's value. I think that has value.
Starting point is 02:17:43 I give this guy an award. I agree. It wasn't like over the top. He wasn't screaming or yelling. Don't get me wrong. I'm not hating on Alex Stein. I like Alex. But Alex is – there's kind of like a – there's a brashness to it that I have a threshold.
Starting point is 02:18:13 Yeah, this dude's normal compared to some. Oh, yeah, yeah. If you go to the Berkeley Council meetings in Berkeley, the people who are having serious talks to the council are complete wackadoodles. Heidi, no, it wasn't valuable. They don't have the capacity to hear out anything that doesn't go along with their ideas. Just like our buddy plunge here. Plunge. Oh my goodness. Okay. Man, they have a bronze statue in new york of george floyd what a fucking joke what what is the uh what is the limit for pedophilia what how much pedophilia
Starting point is 02:19:02 do Democrats tolerate? As part of their party's agenda. What's the limit? Over 8 million people live in New York City. Exactly two of them came out to protest against Trump while 20 or so members of the mainstream media filmed it. I don't think that... well, let's watch this. Here we go. Science says Trump is over.
Starting point is 02:19:33 No one above the law. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. I'd say at least 25. Oh, maybe 30. Count the dudes in the front That a man or a woman on the right Kind of like the Bob Dylan thing. Gotta love the media. That's why we love social media so much.
Starting point is 02:20:21 It gives us that perspective. In case you didn't know, I think it was talking about this, by the way, that got me suspended from YouTube. Because that episode was the episode I was talking about the book, The Moth with the Iron Lung. New York health officials announced polio virus detected in Rockland County. For a second time, New York health officials have detected polio virus in wastewater from Rockland County. The data collected does not suggest that the virus is circulating widely in the region. However, health officials are concerned the virus could restart as we head into summer when polio transmission historically peaks. Officials say they're offering free polio boosters at walk-in clinics,
Starting point is 02:21:13 auditing vaccination coverage at daycares and schools, and working on improving vaccination message. No, they're not. Do you want a, I don't accept that it should be improving vaccination messaging. What's the presupposition there? What's the presupposition there? That the vaccine works? How far would you have to Google to find out what the leading cause of polio is right now currently on the planet? One search. One search, and you can find out what the leading cause, you don't even have to accept that.
Starting point is 02:22:09 You can just Google what's the leading cause of polio spreading in the United States right now. I bet you, I bet you most of the people who've taken the polio vaccine or give it to their kids. Didn't spend 30 minutes researching it. the polio vaccine or give it to their kids didn't spend 30 minutes researching it. You took your kid to a doctor and let them get injected with drugs and didn't spend 30 minutes researching it.
Starting point is 02:22:49 Your kids are worth that, man. They're worth it. Trust me man they're worth it trust me they're worth it they are worth it this looks like something racist brace yourself it's called black people black. They really love chicken. Black people. At the crib, they always kicking. Black people. They wear really long shorts. I said black people. They're better than us at sports.
Starting point is 02:23:16 Except for soccer. Black people. They can jump really high. Black people. But if they jump in a pool, they'll die. Black people. They're very strong and very proud. I said black people, they sometimes talk really loud.
Starting point is 02:23:32 So please don't discriminate because of their skin. It's already such a crazy, stupid world that we live in. Time is moving fast and the clock is ticking. So treat them equally and please just let them eat their chicken the name of the next song is called thank you thank you i was i was talking with someone yesterday on the phone we were talking about the um the injections and about what a great deal uh pfizer gets because people have to keep taking the injection every year twice a year three times a year whatever and i've seen the iphones the same way right god i love getting my iphone booster every year i love it i love getting a new iphone and the margins on that
Starting point is 02:24:15 you guys saw this guy obby silverberg uh broke the women's uh bench world women's bench press record as a joke. I really wish someone would do this in the CrossFit space. I so wish a dude would come in and just win the women's CrossFit Games title. That would be so much fun content. Team Canada powerlifting coach Avi Silverberg just broke the Alberta women's bench press record in the 84-plus kilogram category. Former record holder was trans-identifying male, meaning the former record holder was a man.
Starting point is 02:24:57 Wait, shouldn't that be trans-identifying female? I don't know how it works. Anne Andres had a front-row view of Silverberg mocking the discriminatory CPU policy. By also unofficially breaking the women's world record. So the lady who held the record was in the front row. Is that her right there? is that her right there that's awesome god i i just want that that just needs to happen in every sport right away hero
Starting point is 02:25:38 hero one percent rule pele was brazilian one percent rule one drop one drop all you need is one drop and you're black yeah he was black don't listen there's not even brazilian there are there is no such thing as brazilians or any of that shit don't don't believe they're i'm telling you the the the the american people has better pedigree than anyone in south america they're they are uh speaking about a loss for identity, going back to the original caller and not knowing who they are. Fuck. If you're Hispanic, man, the world's focus should be the next woke agenda
Starting point is 02:26:19 to just talk about how poorly the Hispanics have been treated. European motherfuckers just came over there and destroyed shit. Raped and pillaged and then just started creating new breeds. I already showed this. I'll show this again. Seems appropriate as we come to the end of the show. Adoptive parents loved him, but they were very problematic things that occurred during his upbringing. Colin Kaepernick. This guy Do you? Colin Kaepernick.
Starting point is 02:26:45 This guy's talking about Colin Kaepernick. You have the video of that. What's the problematic thing? Do you have the video, Taylor? Play the video of this, Taylor. Oh, your hair is not professional. Oh, you look like a little thug. Your mom said that to you.
Starting point is 02:26:57 Yeah. And those become spaces where it's like, OK, how do I navigate this situation now? But it also is informed why I have my hair long today. My God, a parent didn't like their kids haircut. Never has happened in history. Welcome to being a child and having parents. As a black man who used to be a black boy, black teenager, when I had an afro and I was getting cornrows and stuff,
Starting point is 02:27:25 same thing happened to me. Same thing happened! And I don't have white parents. I have a black mom and a black dad who did not like that. Especially when I started wearing Chuck Taylors and Snoop Dogg had that murder case. Colin Kaepernick says he knows his white adoptive parents loved him, but they were very
Starting point is 02:27:41 problematic things that occurred during his upbringing. Do we have the video of that? What's the problematic thing? Do we have the video that what's the problematic thing do you have the video taylor play the video it is taylor another nike athlete along with matt fraser and jason hopper now i wonder what plans what do you think of that what do you think of that okay so all these nike the Nike athletes demanding that melanated people play the victim. Right. Rewarding them for playing the victim so that they'll need a master. Crazy, beautiful psyop. Beautiful. You know, it doesn't require any stretch of the imagination to see how it all works. And by the way, you do it to white people too just to anyone it's how doctors work it's how all of the medical field works right
Starting point is 02:28:29 you play the victim and then they'll play the master they'll prescribe the drugs they'll do all that stuff to you they don't empower you they're not crossfit affiliates that empower you they give you skills to save yourself it becomes a relationship where you need them that's the whole that's that's the whole premise for victim victim you got the uh you got nike doing uh dylan dylan uh the that guy the guy the guy who's really a woman but pretending to the guy who's really a guy who's pretending to be a woman who's really a woman but pretending to the guy who's really a guy who's pretending to be a woman who's now selling sports bras what do you think
Starting point is 02:29:08 what do you think about that I take full responsibility for being on YouTube and I know it rots a piece of my soul to be affiliated with such a fucking shit brand do you think Jason and Matt and the people in our CrossFit space who are affiliated And I know it rots a piece of my soul to be affiliated with such a fucking shit brand. Do you think Jason and Matt and the people in our CrossFit space who are affiliated with those fucking racist brands like Noble and Nike?
Starting point is 02:29:34 Noble, both of them requiring their employees to take injections to keep working there and then think it's funny to say stuff like, we killed ourselves to get this year's shoe out. We killed ourselves to get out this product for the night for the nfl combine you think that you think what do you think about that am i supposed to care about selling sports for us no no i don't know if you're supposed to care about it or not but you're you're you're supposed to care about it or not, but you're, you're, you're okay to think about it. I'm just wondering, what do you, what do you think about that being? Are they, um, if, if, if all, if, if you were the good Nazi and it was just all the other bad Nazis that were
Starting point is 02:30:15 killing the Jews, what do you think about Nike? What do you think about the fact that they are so openly racist and yet people take money from them? You think that gets shit on them? I'm just wondering. That they're, that they openly supported an injection that got people killed kids killed little kids killed what do you think about that forcing their staff to take an injection that's done more damage than all the other injections in U.S. history, world history combined, did more damage, injuries, according to VAERS, by a hundredfold. They forced their employees to take it, and now we know people who take money from them.
Starting point is 02:31:00 To support that brand and to support their behaviors, you think that's cool? to support that brand and to support their behaviors. You think that's cool? I don't think the vaccine killed people like you do. You can't give me any names. My problem with Nike is they profit off of slave labor in China. And don't forget my phone. I use a phone that is made by slave labor.
Starting point is 02:31:22 You don't think that the vaccine killed anybody, huh? Wow. That's impressive. That's impressive. Hey, I don't think that the Nazis killed any Jews because I don't have any names either. And then you respond with, oh my goodness. And then you respond with, well, you can just look on the internet. VAERS is the least credible source on earth. I can go there right now and say both my kids died from the back. Listen, VAERS is the least credible source on earth, and they said that, and everyone's known that from the beginning, and all the argument is that it's underreported 10 to 1,
Starting point is 02:32:03 and that comes from Harvard. I know those are your gods. I know you love academia. It's underreported 10 to 1, and the reason why – one of the many reasons why it's underreported 10 to 1 is because people aren't paid to report. It's also a federal – it's a federal law. It's against the law to misreport, and it's a federal crime to misreport on VAERS. You're insane, dude. You're insane. You're absolutely insane.
Starting point is 02:32:38 Hey, I guarantee you, and you're a liar, and I apologize for the name calling, but here's the thing. If I were to give you $1,000, if I were to give you $1,000 and I were to, if I were to give you a million dollars and I were to say, hey, you have to bet that the vaccine has or hasn't killed anyone, you take the vaccine has killed someone. I know you would. Everyone would. Everyone would. What if I said two people, the vaccines killed two people. Vaccines killed five people. Vaccine's killed five people. You'd still bet. You'd still bet. Aspirin wasn't forced by Nike.
Starting point is 02:33:18 You didn't have to take... I agree. Aspirin's killed people too. No, no, you're out of context. Careful with your context thing. Don't make that your default. It's fun talking to you. Don't make it, no, you're out of context. Careful with your context thing. Don't make that your default. It's fun talking to you. Don't make it your default.
Starting point is 02:33:28 You're out of context. Aspirin was not demanded by Nike. We're talking about Nike here. In order to keep your job or Noble, they forced people to take the fucking injection. Hey, here's the thing, Plange. Let's say no one had died. So many people suspected that people died. There was such an uproar. Why would you still make your employees take it? How's that for context? How's that for context?
Starting point is 02:33:58 Hey, that's great that you're in total disagreement with vaccine mandates. So then you see my point exactly with Nike and Noble. We're on the same side. We're on the same side. I'm not coming at you. I'm holding your hand and running through the field with you. No one, nobody suspected anyone died. You're making that up.
Starting point is 02:34:22 Wow. Well, here's one person that suspected someone died i suspect someone died there's one i bet you we could find one more too man if i'm making that up i must be some i must be a fringe motherfucker did you ever wonder how do you have you ever heard about how the atms i always wondered like a gas station so in my area there's this thing saying at some of the gas stations don't use your credit card at the gas station and the reason why is when you use your credit card at the gas station gas station in watsonville that's where all the mexicans live actually california is
Starting point is 02:35:00 where all the mexicans live and they said don't um that's where Dave lives. If you don't use your, I think Dave actually is the one who told me about this. Don't use your credit card in Watsonville at the gas stations because there were so many reports that when you use your credit card at the gas station in Watsonville, there's something that they've put inside or near, I thought it was actually inside the card swipers
Starting point is 02:35:20 at the gas stations that was stealing people's credit card numbers. And I was like, fuck, how does that work? I always tripped on that. Well, here it is. Here's an image of one of those devices that steals your credit card information when you go to, and I think this was at an ATM. They call it San Jose, California.
Starting point is 02:35:39 Card skimmers found a two-state University Bank of America. Card skimmers were found at two banks. Oh, at two Bank of Americas. These things are called card skimmers, and I'm about to show you what they look like in a minute. Video shows the moment after a man discovered the hidden devices. Always keep an eye out for these devices that steal credit card information. Technology. Look at this.
Starting point is 02:36:07 Look at this. F***ing ATM. Bank of America ATM. This is a type of f***ing card reader device. It's on a state. Got better watch out. Looks just like this. Here's another one. Look it, look it.
Starting point is 02:36:27 He found another one. Yep, one more. Crazy. I better be safe. Hey, everybody. I guess your credit card just has to go right by it. I guess it somehow reads that it just reads it from far away. It's like that chip technology shit.
Starting point is 02:36:51 Man. Seven, I don't believe any Mexicans live in California. Well, here, let me one-up you. I don't believe in Mexicans. Well, here, let me one-up you. I don't believe in Mexicans. I believe that they are indigenous people who were related to Jesus Christ who were raped by Europeans. And now we call them Mexicans so that they don't feel bad that they had their shit stolen from them and raped.
Starting point is 02:37:23 And we've given them a new religion, Catholicism. Thank you. So how's that? I one-upped your ass. them and raped and we've given them a new religion catholicism thank you so how's that i one-upped your ass hi i'm mexican and i'm from california i pictured you standing up out of a uh out of a chair you said that hey, what do you want me to say? Cornejo, Omar, Cornejo? It's the truth, dude. What do you want me to say? Look it.
Starting point is 02:37:54 Here's another. This fucking white guy went back to get some more fucking indigenous pussy. He's a fucking Nordic dude who fucking is banging Mexican chicks. Magnus, I'm aiking married to a mexicana yeah he won one one one trip to the fucking to brownville wasn't enough he had to make another trip to get more brown pussy uh dude do you think the plans 111 thank you for all the content this morning i appreciate you i should pay you what if you guys found out that i paid plans to do this he was a plant hey dude the show's a little slow i'm wondering if you can come in uh throw some jabs at there don't make them too sophisticated make sure i always win
Starting point is 02:38:50 sophisticated make sure I always win and and uh and call first thing in the morning call and uh attack my that I don't know who I am plans 111 dude don't you think execs at Nike and Noble were forcing the vax don't you think maybe it's do you think do you think the execs at Nike and Noble were forcing the vax? Don't you think – maybe it's do you think. Do you think the execs at Nike and Noble were forcing the vax? Do you think they took the vaccine too? You really think they thought it was dangerous? Again, I'm not in agreement with the mandate, but the conspiracy makes zero sense.
Starting point is 02:39:20 I wasn't – I'm not saying that there's a conspiracy. I'm not suggesting there's a conspiracy. I'm not suggesting there's a conspiracy. I'm not suggesting whether they knew it was good or bad, by the way. I'm not suggesting that. I think that Hitler actually did think that it was smart to get rid of the Jews, that they were filthy and spread disease. I think he really did believe that. But it doesn't make it right. Like someone can just think for a minute, holy fuck, I'm going to force all my employees to take an injection?
Starting point is 02:39:58 Everyone always knew. There was always evidence. This argument that there were people who didn't know, there were those of us who always knew, and by knew, we didn't know we were right. We knew that the narrative didn't make sense. Dude, really? With Hitler, you're comparing cleansing? We can use a different example. We can – cleansing – you don't even know what the injection has done to humanity yet. Dude, they've openly admitted that it's untested. They don't know. They've admitted that people have died. They've admitted it, by the way.
Starting point is 02:40:47 Use another example. I don't know. Use another example I don't know use another example how about in 1890 when they were spraying arsenic and lead it was mandatory to spread arsenic and lead on all crops in the United States there were shit loads of people who knew that's what was killing and children started dying
Starting point is 02:41:03 from that there were shit loads of people who knew that that was killing children and there were other people who were just happy that it was killing the moths and allowing their crops to keep producing doesn't make it okay doesn't make it okay they always knew plans they always knew It doesn't make it okay. They always knew, Plange. They always knew.
Starting point is 02:41:30 It's too much money. It's too much money. It's too much money. I wonder how much money Brooke will make off her book. I wonder. Here we go. Oh, this breaks my heart to say this, but I realized that no one actually needs CrossFit.
Starting point is 02:41:53 I have found a better way to get control of your life. I lost four pant sizes in six months by eating Chipotle. Chipotle. Chipotle? Chipotle. Chipotle? Chipotle? Chipotle, Chipotle, Chipotle, Chipotle, Chipotle, Chipotle, whatever it is, the burrito place that sponsors CrossFit. Wow, what's this? Oh, have you seen this girl? This giant woman, she's six two.
Starting point is 02:42:23 Oh, my goodness there's the Dalai Lama sticking his tongue out that's the actual image oh no Cardi B labels Dalai Lama a predator after he asked boy to suck his tongue anyway so you don't need CrossFit Suck his tongue. Anyway, so you don't need CrossFit. You can just eat Chipotle.
Starting point is 02:42:54 You can only eat one burrito a week, but... Yeah. Brad Pitt let 105-year-old neighbor live rent-free on $39 million compound. I let fucking 40 homeless guys live in my backyard in college for two years. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:43:16 That story's pretty much accurate, that one I just told you. So fuck Brad Pitt. He ain't got nothing on me. He ain't got nothing on me. And Plange, I'll be Venmoing you cash. Thank you. And finally, man, I can't believe how many numbers I'm getting through today. Here we go. Late 2020, that's three years ago, San Francisco
Starting point is 02:43:50 created the African American Reparations Advisory Committee. On Tuesday, the committee presented a proposal to the Board of Supervisors on potential ways to make up for centuries of slavery and systemic racism. Here are a few of the over 100 recommendations listed. Payments of $5 million to every eligible Black adult, the elimination of personal debt and tax burdens, guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97,000 for 250 years, and homes in San Francisco for just $1 a family. Many of the details are still unclear, like eligibility and funding, but the board did unanimously express support for the proposal. You know one of the most significant cultural aspects of the United States,
Starting point is 02:44:38 of our foundation, of our liberty, of the only free country on earth oh in 1776 when it was made is that you're not responsible for the shit that other people do you're responsible for yourself that we don't have collectivism that you're responsible for yourself and now they want these people to be paid based – and we're not supposed to judge people by the color of their skin. And now they want these people to be paid for the color of their skin for something that was done to them and those –
Starting point is 02:45:16 something that was done to their ancestors by God knows who. By God knows who. Dude, you have to understand the people here are crazy. The people here are crazy. They're everywhere. Like people you love, your friends, they're crazy. You're responsible the the premise is that you're not supposed to you're not responsible for things that god it's nuts san francisco's a trip
Starting point is 02:46:02 oh dude it's gonna destroy unfortunately if they do go dude, it's going to destroy. Unfortunately, if they do go through it, that'll be the nail in the coffin for those communities. Toast. I don't even know what to call those communities. We'll see some crazy spiraling out of control. There's tons of case studies. Just look at the lotto.
Starting point is 02:46:24 It's nuts. It's nuts. It's nuts. Hey, next they're going to give back California to Mexico. I believe there's an open border. Chris, have you heard some of our political leaders speak about the border and communicate that the border is open? You're going to blame us all on Republican credits? Absolutely. You're not going to say that the administration and the policies on Remain in Mexico or Title 42 are stopping construction of the wall, that that had no impact? Chris, that's not what I said.
Starting point is 02:47:09 I'm just citing for you a few things, and please allow me. Migrants believe there's an open border. All you have to do is go down and if you need proof of that, you can just go to Jorge Ventura's Instagram account. Dem reporter. That's a Dem reporter. Damn, his dad was a Dem too and his dad was great.
Starting point is 02:47:37 That was when 60 Minutes had balls. Want to know more about vaccines? Go ahead and type in vaccine 60 Minutes. Look at the old shit they used to do. How fucked up vaccine 60 minutes. Look at the old shit they used to do. How fucked up vaccine companies are. Two hours and 47 minutes. We are cruising.
Starting point is 02:47:55 We are cruising. We are cruising. Wisdom from our boy Tiger Woods. Nothing's ever going to be given to you. Everything's going to be earned. If you don't go out there and put in the work, you don't go out and put in the effort.
Starting point is 02:48:10 One, you're not going to get the results. But two, and more importantly, you don't deserve it. You didn't earn it. Nothing's ever going to be given to you. Everything's going to be earned. If you don't go out there and put in the work, you don't go out and put in the effort. One, you're not going to get the results. But two, and more importantly, you don't deserve it.
Starting point is 02:48:26 Reparations. Reparations. Reparations. You didn't put in the work. You didn't earn it. But here's what's crazy. That stuff will lead to fucking mental illness, getting money that you didn't earn. If you don't have a fucking purpose in life and you have money, you are fucked. if you don't have a fucking purpose in life and you have money,
Starting point is 02:48:44 you are fucked. All you need to do is meet a few people who are like that. And you'll know, you'll know you'll see him and you'll be like, yep, you're fucking, you're fucked. Willing to do more than you're being paid for.
Starting point is 02:48:57 You'll never be paid for more than you're doing. Giving is one of the laws of the universe. You've got to willingly give and graciously receive. And if you have to think before you give, you're trading. You're not giving. If you're not willing to do more than you're being paid for, you'll never be paid. Got to earn it. You got to earn it. I know it sounds cheesy, but the best thing you could have happen to you on planet earth is be happy and money will not buy you happiness but earning earning your keep earning your keep will definitely uh bring you satisfaction which are the seeds to uh happiness well i'll take a one-way ticket to mars
Starting point is 02:49:43 on the ss hot garb express because the city the city of Philadelphia just took a stainless steel Donny Deutsch sideways up their turn cutter. As the city of Philadelphia just agreed to settle a $9.25 million suit to G-Floid protesters. This 9.25... Listen, listen, listen. You can't make this shit up. Plans writes, wait, you really think that has a chance?
Starting point is 02:50:08 Talking about San Francisco. And then I don't even mean that. That's how good this show is. Five million dollars will be distributed to over 300 protesters who claim they have physical and emotional damages due to the police response during the protest. Earlier this month, New York City agreed to a similar deal paying out $21,500 each to over 300 protesters
Starting point is 02:50:43 in New York City for the same reason. So the taxpayers of New York City and the taxpayers of Philadelphia, instead of paying the cops who got bricks thrown at them while the city was destroyed, all this money is going to go to the protesters for emotional and physical damage and not the businesses that got ruined and not the police officers that stood in harm's way while all these psychopaths destroyed these cities and now the taxpayer has to pay them yo this is grade a extortion the median salary and america's just over 50k which means these protesters are gonna get nearly six months salary for throwing bricks at cops six months salary for throwing bricks at cops
Starting point is 02:51:34 that can't be real either right plans that's not real that's not real and uh there's not 40 million black people in um uh san francisco nice try the population of san francisco is less than a million probably closer to 500 000 a million but nice try and all the people who live in san francisco aren't black great try though valiant and i know i only i only get what i pay for and i have not paid you much but I do appreciate you I do appreciate you keeping the show alive and here you go
Starting point is 02:52:14 and here you go don't waste your life to 10 years on feminism and woke culture. When did you realize that it was a lie? Probably like a year ago. A year ago.
Starting point is 02:52:28 That's the problem. What made you realize? It's interesting. I started really listening to Andrew Tate's long form content. Yeah. Nice. And understanding truly what he meant. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:52:44 And it really changed everything for me and how I viewed men and women and relationships. So you think the biggest lie of feminism was a lie, I guess? Yeah, unfortunately. What's the biggest lie that feminism sells women, in your opinion? That women don't need a man. I wasted 10 years on feminism and woke culture. When did you realize that it was a lie?
Starting point is 02:53:03 Probably like a year ago. Don't waste your life being woke. Don't waste your life. All right, guys, thank you very much. Uh, I think tonight's show has been postponed.
Starting point is 02:53:17 Um, but I'm ready to go hard in the paint with a Frisbee. Um, stay tuned. We will have announcements on the release of brooke wells's amazing and transformative autobiography um and i will talk to you guys for sure tomorrow david weed bye

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