The Sevan Podcast - #877 - Live Call In w/ Hunter McIntyre

Episode Date: April 14, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam! Bam, we're live. Double bam. Like a little sputtery bam and then a good bam. Good morning. Hunter McIntyre. It's been a minute. He just texted me and said he's running five to seven minutes late. So you have to deal with my shit for a little bit. Uh, good morning. For those of you who it's morning, feel free to call in. If you think you have something important to say,
Starting point is 00:00:29 you want to share, don't fuck around. Jessica, good morning. Andy, good morning. JSM, go blue. I haven't seen you before. Thong, thong, thong, thong. Spiegel, good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Seema, good morning. Seema, someone sent me a, your synopsis of the uh show your your minute by minute breakdown very very well done i was offended by more than half of it thank you letting me know what areas i need to work on robbie myers good morning heidi hi tomorrow i thought it would actually be today heidi heidi krum i thought it would actually be today, Heidi. Heidi Kroom. I thought it would actually be today. Mr. Anderson. Elizabeth, good morning. Good morning to you and your sister. Chris, good morning. HVRSQ. Good morning. Yes, it is. It always is.
Starting point is 00:01:29 sq good morning yes it is it always is uh josh saunders the latino tony buddy oh okay okay i remember uh making that comment uh there's a mole there is uh hunter 35 years old dude this guy's making a second run can you believe it A third run? I wonder how many runs this is. And by runs, I mean not necessarily shots of the title, but like sentiment that seems like he is going to retire or switch directions and then come back to this High Rocks thing. Someone in the comments once wrote that a froning should try high rocks i wonder i wonder how much that would help high rocks if uh if rich entered i wonder i wonder if rich even would what are the movements again it's like it's like a wall ball it's a lot of running obviously it's running running. And then it's got that, uh, that wall ball piece and it's got the lunge piece
Starting point is 00:02:27 and it's got the sled piece and then it's got that broad jump. We'll ask Hunter to go through with us once again. But, um, and, and I know, and I know I have proximity bias and probably most of you do too. You'd think that Rich could kill at it. But man, dude, if you have not been to Hunter McIntyre's Instagram in the last year, his physique is crazy. And I know it's just Instagram, but it looks like he is going hard. Bruce Wayne tomorrow, I believe.
Starting point is 00:03:04 I believe tomorrow. I went and looked today i tried to sign us up for today and it said one day left uh froney wouldn't hurt the sport that's for sure yeah i'm just wondering if he actually has a a shot like can he do it in this like absurd i think when hunter started this high rocks, like breaking an hour was like unheard of. And I want to say that he's like 54 or 52 minutes now. Something crazy. High Rocks is all running. The other stuff is nothing for a normal CrossFitter.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Rich would have to sprint. I don't think he'd do well. Gotcha. All right. Yeah, Hunter is off the chains. Hunter isn't drug tested. Yeah, but he said in one of his posts that steroids is for pussies. So.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Oh, here we go. Heidi. Heidi with the deets. Ski erg. Sled pull. Sled push. Farmer carry. Burpee broad jump.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Rower. Lunges. Wall balls. sled push farmer carry burpee broad jump rower lunges wall balls that's i mean hunter's dragging along a lot of men a lot of man a lot of man yeah let's go with man hunter is dragging a lot of man on that uh run um i there's this um i'll pull up his instagram so we can all look at it, but there's a video he has right now where he's got 500 on his back. And, uh, yeah, this is, uh, I, I know, I know what some of you are going to quickly jump and say about his depth here. But it's still no joke. Building empires with the boys.
Starting point is 00:04:57 And then he's got like a 500 by five. So that's 500 pounds. Five little quarter squats. And then he's got the emoji of like an apricot, which means he got a big ass. And then the king, which means, you know, like he's the king. He's the shit. Oh, one kilometer run between each station. So it ends up being what, like seven or eight kilometers?
Starting point is 00:05:23 Yeah, for sure it's a hot it's high but dude uh for a sport that someone in the comments said is hey it's all about running 8k total thank you heidi you're pulling your weight today you're always pulling your weight it's it's still crazy right i, look at this guy. This guy is a savage. Look at this. Look at this thing. That's a lot of dude for a sport that's running. Oh, look, and it says PEDs are for pussies. So. So there we go. Good morning, Cameron.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Good morning. Good morning. How about, um, uh, what's his name? Uh, Mr. Clink. Adam Clink can run, right? How about him? Definitely won't bring the, uh, star power that a froning would bring invigorate the sport. There you go, Cameron. Leaning into it. Well, I'm a pussy. Now inject me.
Starting point is 00:06:36 By the way, I saw something I wanted to read to you guys. I'm reading this book. Sorry, more accurately. I'm listening to this book by a gentleman. It's called Hope Not Note by Dr. Dylan Caswell. I think this guy's in the CrossFit community space. And I'm going to invite him on the podcast and talk about his book. But there was this line he said in the book yesterday
Starting point is 00:07:03 that I thought would help our buddy, um, 12 daily doses that maybe he doesn't understand. Oh, where is that? Uh, dress. Let me see if I can find this.
Starting point is 00:07:19 It's the thing about, it's the thing about like, Hey, don't remember that discussion we were having yesterday. And we're like, Hey, don't give your kids candy. You're a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:07:26 You have one fucking job. Take care of your kid. That doesn't involve giving them poison. And he got all bent out of shape about it. Like, hey, a little bit's okay. And don't feel guilty if you fuck up as a parent and just all this shit. But there was this line in here uh that hey you just need purpose you need plans is that who it is yeah plans you just need purpose maybe that's the thing and it's not about perfection
Starting point is 00:07:56 the goal the goal is is like not to feed your kid that's chocolate to keep your kids healthy you don't need perfection you need the the goal. You need the purpose. It's okay if you're not perfect. It's way, way, way, way, way okay. Good morning, my pussy. Not yet. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Very soon. You just need purpose. You just need purpose. You just need purpose. And it's okay. And you don't need to avoid feeling shame or like an idiot. Feel all those things. I don't agree that it's wrong to feel shame. Feel shame. It's healthy.
Starting point is 00:08:37 It's one of your – but accept it. Enjoy it. Accept it the same way you feel excitement and happiness. Don't indulge in it. Just accept it the same way you feel uh excitement and happiness don't indulge in it just accept it it's cool oh my god i feel fucking horrible as you go to bed i yelled at my kids today okay i accept that i feel horrible i should be ashamed of myself i'm gonna work on it it's all it's all good it's not time to put a fucking gun in your mouth accept things that is all that is the only way always to get past things
Starting point is 00:09:05 feelings should drive us to improve yeah embrace those fuckers how row i'm ashamed all the time when i got my fucking pinky nail in my nose and i'm scraping a huge booger and i'm looking at it and i look over in the car someone in the car staring at me and then i accept the fact that i feel ashamed for it it's okay and then fucking flick it on the I feel ashamed for it. It's okay. And then I fucking flick it on the floor or wipe it on my pants. That's it. It's okay, though. It's perfectly okay.
Starting point is 00:09:32 It's normal. It's normal. Enjoy. There's all... How come you can enjoy being ashamed? You can accept all of those things, but you have to practice at it. You have to practice at it. You have to practice at it.
Starting point is 00:09:49 You know? You have to practice. But it's all yours. There's this, I'm sure you guys have heard this, but there's one person that you have to love no matter what as you go through life. Or if you want to have a good life. No matter what this person does,
Starting point is 00:10:04 you have to accept them and love them. And that's you. That's it. But you have to. I mean, if you don't have a cool-ass life, if you don't, your life will suck. 100%. That's the truth.
Starting point is 00:10:18 They say there's not a lot of truths. There's one. Someone, you should have Travis on or did he and I missed it when back Travis Bajan Travis Bajan I've had Travis on a couple times I'm gonna get the drafts coming the NFL drafts coming
Starting point is 00:10:39 and I can't wait to see what's gonna happen to his kid I saw something the other day I don't know which see what's going to happen to his kid. I saw something the other day. I don't know which. There was some commercial. I'm so out of touch with shit. There was some commercial.
Starting point is 00:10:52 It's like, you can do anything. A man was drafted sixth in the sixth round and is now one of the NFL's greatest quarterbacks, and I'm like, fuck, I don't even know who they're referencing, but the way they say it in the commercial is that everyone should know who it is. It's like, I don't know who that is. Shit, bitch. I know who Hunter mcintyre is who doesn't come on let's be real i can name i can name high rocks champions better than i can win
Starting point is 00:11:17 super bowl winning teams that's that's how out of touch i am fuck that's an amazing backdrop it's no big deal dude i live this kind of incredible life here in the mountains. I'm at the cabin, baby. What are you up to? Incredible life with an absolutely insane, incredible body. Dude, do you want to touch that? I do. Now, here's the truth.
Starting point is 00:11:41 I would touch that vein under your armpit. I would touch the vein underneath your left armpit. I like that. Yeah. Now, there's the truth. I would touch that vein under your armpit. I would touch the vein underneath your left armpit. I just want to rest. I like that. Yeah. Now, there's no filters on that, and I cannot say that about my competitors. I'm actually pretty disappointed with the internet these days. Do you know that France supposedly passed a law now if you post a picture
Starting point is 00:11:57 and you don't put something on there that shows that the photo has been adjusted, you'll be fined? Wow. France. Internet. Do you know how many women's lives are going to be destroyed because of this? France.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Let me see this. A French government's proposing legislation that would require influencers. Influencers. What if you're not an influencer? What if you're an anti-fluencer like me uh require influencers to label content augmented augmented with filters or retouching what if you put a cucumber in your pants that is that a filter or retouching for sure okay as well as
Starting point is 00:12:40 ban them from promoting plastic surgery as part of paid partnerships yeah yeah dude look at this i've already people say i'm on trt am i starting an only fans dude the chat is fucking on fire today are we are we on on youtube or are we in like a private matrix channel i'm so sorry i thought i i know i know you said you would never come on my show If I'm slumming it and not on YouTube But it's tomorrow Tomorrow we go back on YouTube We're still suspended I misled you to get you
Starting point is 00:13:12 Not on purpose but it still misled you I'm just disappointed I've brought this up with several friends And I'm heartbroken that you're in this position Twitch, Facebook, Twitter Rumble Are your current platforms or you've been banned from those no no only banned from youtube asshole i don't know uh only banned from uh youtube but but we come back tomorrow and and i went back and watched the show that
Starting point is 00:13:45 someone reported they got me banned and the only thing i can figure out is um they have a rule a co they have they have a whole two sheets of things you're not allowed to say about covid 19 like you can't say it's a hoax you can't say um uh there's just a whole list of shit you can't say right you can't say you take ivermectin. You can't say take hydrochloroquine. But I didn't say any of that shit. But you also- So you're not allowed to have anything outside of a narrative?
Starting point is 00:14:12 So is YouTube as a company aligned with a certain narrative and saying that that's the only narrative that's allowed to be published? Well, yes. In a nutshell, if you do anything that goes in opposition or contradicts the WHO, World Health Organization, or something called LHA, Local Health Authority, then they'll pull you down. And so one of the things you can't do is you can't suggest – those are their words – prayers, rituals, or practices that could cure you of covet 19 i just don't understand how these and i think that's what i did exercise basically broadcast porn yes all the time yes and they basically allowed people to turn their their accounts into private porn channels and like that's 100 100 allowed and is celebrated and everything like that it's probably one of the biggest money funnels in
Starting point is 00:15:12 the entire world right now yeah anything just having to do with our opinions of what's going on with public health which is i don't know i think it's almost a more unhealthy to allow people to act like this than it is not. But it's getting fucked. You want to hear an interesting story? I just let me get this out of my head before I forget. Please. One of my friends that I grew up with, my best friend from elementary school, was an executive or still is an executive at YouTube. at YouTube. And I remember the first time I ever heard about them limiting what they were going to be able to broadcast.
Starting point is 00:15:50 And it was the first person they were going to limit was Alex Jones. They were about to ban him from everything. And we're sitting there on a porch in New York city. And I was like, dude, I don't think this is right. Like I know that I don't, I don't necessarily agree with what happened,
Starting point is 00:16:02 what he said, blah, blah, blah. But I was like, you can't start this or you're going to start going down like a really slippery slope. And we're just going to start – this is going to start coming up all the time. And he's like, ah, you know, and we kind of brushed that section off and focused more on Alex Jones.
Starting point is 00:16:17 But now it's literally just like beheadings. Like if you're against the narrative, you're done. You're kind of like Martin Luther. You're the first person to transcribe the bible from latin to german and people just want to kill you you're you're given the truth me personally yeah i'm sorry no i like that thank you i don't even you're gonna be a martyr dude this is so cool oh no that's not that part's not cool i need to make coin player hey uh someone sent me this the other day.
Starting point is 00:16:45 They go, hey, dude, this is the shit that Alex Jones was saying. This is not the way I thought the show was going to go, by the way. This is the shit Alex Jones was saying 10 years ago, 15 years ago. What I'm about to show you I can't even believe is real, to be honest. This is Cindy McCain. Do you know who that is? No, I'm really not up to date. So there was this guy named John McCain, and he was a big big-time politician in the united states he was basically a war hero he
Starting point is 00:17:08 got captured by uh in some war like vietnam or something you know who that is yeah i love that dude okay this is so he's dead this is his wife on c-span saying that they knew all along that Jeffrey Epstein was fucking a pedophile and was fucking kidnapping girls, and that people all over the world were flying to his island to fuck little girls. This is her saying that her and her husband knew this. Listen to this. This is the shit that Alex Jones got kicked off for saying this, but now it's on C-SPAN, dude. Listen to this. Epstein was hiding in plain sight. We all knew about him.
Starting point is 00:17:46 We all knew what he was doing. But we had no one that was, no legal aspect that would go after him. They were afraid of him. For whatever reason, they were afraid of him. It hides in plain sight. Epstein was hiding in plain sight. It hides in plain sight.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Epstein was hiding in plain sight. How? What the fuck? But dude, you're kind of... Am I just a naive little douche and I didn't know any of this was going on? Well, I feel like you have to be part of an inner circle in some kind of circumstance. Because, like, I don't know. I bet you you and I have the inside scoop about what's going on
Starting point is 00:18:25 with some kind of CrossFit stuff and blah, blah, blah. Like, we don't know what politicians are doing and are flying to islands. But I bet you if Greg Glassman – don't take this the wrong way, but let's just say Greg Glassman – Too late. I already did. Too late. I already did. Had been doing the same exact thing, flying on jets, doing all this really perverse stuff, you'd know about it. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:18:44 And nobody else would because you're in the inner circle. God, it's crazy. I wish I had some kind of trash like that because I'd hold it over people, but I don't have anything. I've got nothing. I live in the woods. Alex Jones is not wrong about everything. I'd never watched a show.
Starting point is 00:19:03 I don't know shit about him except I do know someone.'s the most captivating person in the world he is yeah i i really only absorb his information through like clips on instagram and i send them to my brother all the time i mean he knows how to go he knows how to go uh this that's not why alex jones got kicked off okay i wasn't suggesting that's why he got kicked off I'm just suggesting that someone said Hey they sent me that And then they sent me a clip of Alex Jones saying that You know 15 years ago
Starting point is 00:19:33 When did you level up That CEO like glow in the dark Thing in the background It's pretty sweet I just saved all my money And for the last Like 10 years i would kept entering local half marathons i took a couple first couple seconds couple thirds scraped the money together and bought it so let's talk about this just so people could like young people who are maybe
Starting point is 00:19:59 watching this channel or any age what was the arc like when you started your podcast, your level of success now? Because I was one of – I mean, I've watched your stuff for a long time. When I first started hanging out with you about a year ago, you're on a totally different level now, dude. You're taking over the world. Like, how does it feel? Like, are you Oprah rich? Are you kind of like – are you like Roseanne rich?
Starting point is 00:20:21 Are you like Whoopi Goldberg rich? Yes. First, I got to tell you the truth about this sign. The people who listened to the show bought it. All ponied money for my – I think it was my birthday. And they bought it, and then they – and during the middle of the show, one day I walked in here, Hunter, and there was a box – this box of Kleenex. And I purposely do not keep Kleenex anywhere in my podcast studio because
Starting point is 00:20:45 i have this paranoia that if someone thinks sees kleenex in here they'll think i jerk off yeah and i saw this box of kleenex in here and i even in the show i'm like oh this is weird guys there's a box of kleenex here i swear i'm not jerking off and then during at the end of the show my wife came in with the sign and gave it to me and these fuckers bought it for me and i swear to god i've used this metaphor before it feels like i got a belt like a gray belt like i'm a gray belt now i went from a white belt to a i don't even know if they have my gray it's yellow yellow whatever it is for adults for kids it's gray but i'm just like i just can't even believe it and so that's it i leveled up my shit they my my my the listeners graduated me it's big yeah i i have four i have four fucking i'll tell you this i was actually
Starting point is 00:21:34 just i wish you wouldn't ask this but i was just sending a text to matt sousa this morning pouting because we have four sponsors and and we haven't we haven't um what's that called when you when you we haven't activated on any of them what does that mean like there's stuff they want me to do that i'm just like i can't be bothered to do like they want me to read scripts or like learn about them or like what are the four sponsors let's activate right now just tell about no i shouldn't do that we'll just list them that's an activation i shouldn't i should i know because i should i shouldn't do it half-ass one of them's like a great one okay i can tell you one of them one of the sponsors is birth fit oh that's that chick lindsey yes
Starting point is 00:22:16 she's really cool oh she's great and she's awesome dude and she's a perfect fit for this um she's a perfect fit for this show She's a perfect fit for this show. That's a healthy message, dude. I don't even know how. I agree. But then I got to do some stuff. I got to. I need to.
Starting point is 00:22:33 I'm having two of the people who work at BirthFit come on the show. And one of them I'm really excited to meet, Asia Bartow. I like Asia. But it's been a long time since I've spoke with him. But it just requires stuff. Where did that guy go, by the way? He's a big motherfucker. He was interesting.
Starting point is 00:22:51 He was just ass. They took him back to the heavens. They took him back to where the Titans were. Valhalla? Yeah, wherever. Nice. Have you ever thought about growing your hair really long until it got straight, until your fro got straight?
Starting point is 00:23:02 I mean, dude, I have hair down. I've had hair down to here. I used to actually have have pretty straight long hair um i don't know what to do anymore uh like i had my roommate shave the sides of my heads and we totally fucked that up he just got a razor and he's like he's like i cut my hair and i was like why don't you try mine too and he's a black guy and i'm a white guy. Totally different hair. We butchered it. Yeah. Is this the Murph guy? Where can you see the comments?
Starting point is 00:23:35 Dude, what are you talking about, man? You've got private chat and you've got comments on the right. Oh, I didn't know you could see those. Wow. Yeah, we use a similar platform on my radio show, what we do in the mornings on Monday. And you were the one who inspired me on this. I was like, I really like the fact that people can sit here and shoot the shit. And it's just funny.
Starting point is 00:23:56 It can take the show in any direction. You have a Monday morning show? What time? Morningwood Radio, 7 a.m. Oh, that Pacific Standard time? Yeah. Is it bumping to yours? That hurts it that hurts that hurts hunter that hurts you're inspiring um we'll be starting the seven on podcast at 6 55 for now on everyone there you go are you
Starting point is 00:24:14 so you uh what was i gonna say are you still working with paper street i am great love that dude i've got their coffee in the other room gotta Gotta say thug love to them. Yeah. Dude, whenever I work with sponsors, I tell them this. I say, listen, you know who I am. Like if you're, if you've done,
Starting point is 00:24:31 like spent any time doing research, you know, I'm not the kind of person that's a billboard boy. Like I do everything authentically. If I like your gear, I'm wearing it all the time. If it works, I'm using it all the time.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Other than that, like don't try to make this thing messy like don't be that clingy girlfriend and it works so if they trust you and they like you dude don't worry about how you how you represent for them oh that's good advice hey let me ask you this though who who do you host your where do you host your podcasts so we host them with buzzsprout, the audio versions. Who do you host them? Oh no, sorry.
Starting point is 00:25:06 We used to host them with buzzsprout and last week we changed to true grit. To be totally honest. I don't know. So I'm really lucky. That's how big time you are. You shouldn't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:22 I'm lucky dude. We have a media team. Now we have an operations team i i literally tell everybody that guys i want to just show up and work fucking hard you handle the rest um and that was that's been good for me uh welcome to the sevon podcast brought to you by paper street coffee birth fit vindicate and ca hormones I got to get my hormones checked again. My penis is like a lightsaber right now. It could cut down a tree.
Starting point is 00:25:51 So I think my hormones have got to be good, but I don't know. They were the last people to check my hormones and they were not good at the time. God, you look... I wonder about all those readings and stuff. That's why I don't want to get them because I feel fucking amazing and I don't need anyone to tell me my testosterone is like 34 well hillary's on all these drugs now
Starting point is 00:26:09 and he's becoming a superhuman he's producing content faster he is working out harder he's got his own event he's got his own the nope yeah the nopen i like that guy a lot he's killing it he's savage i'm gonna show you something i'm pulling something up here uh you have a set you have a new product yeah i do um i so i put on i started taking creatine 10 milligrams a day for the last 60 days you feel like a fucking beefcake yeah i put on 15 pounds can Can you fucking believe that? In a good way? No, not in a good way. I mean, probably some people would like it.
Starting point is 00:26:50 I don't like it. I'm 175. I probably put on 12 pounds. I'm only 5'5". That's good. Yeah, I launched. Go to if you can. It would just be easier for you to actually see what we're doing is this it no just go google it because the instagram just makes it hard to see what we're doing okay bldr
Starting point is 00:27:17 dude this absolutely changed my life i um ever since i got this going man it absolutely changed my life. I, um, ever since I got this going, man, it like changed my, my swagger, my opportunities, everything. If you guys are listening to this and you've got an idea, grow a pair of balls and go fucking go get it done. Cause I built this business less than 18 months ago and we're taking over the world, baby. Oh, I love to hear that. Wait, tell me. BLDER? BLDR International.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Okay. This is your company? Yeah. Who came up with that name? I did.'s fucking great that's brilliant yeah building better athletes that's our motto yeah who's that handsome devil on the screen whoo don't get my pants all shook okay so what do you mean oh look i can see your dick in there oh yeah you can dude that's a lot of beef dude before i ask you about this have you seen this genre now of dudes like working out in shorts with their penises flopping around have it's a whole genre on instagram i know dude it's driving me nuts like
Starting point is 00:28:34 i think the porn thing's got to be dropped really dude i just it's got to be bad is that is that porn a dude's exercising with their penises where you can see their penises flopping around? It's suggestive porn. Okay. It is. It is. David thinks it might even be gay. But that's cool.
Starting point is 00:28:55 You're looking, David, so that makes you gay. Hey, so if I enjoy watching those videos, that makes me gay? I mean, it makes you inspired to do stuff, but you're not acting on it. I don't think it makes me gay i mean it makes you inspired yeah but you're not acting on it i i don't think it makes me gay at all i think that if i if i question whether it made me gay then definitely i'm gay i mean dude i wear short shorts all the time and i'm packing heat so you're just seeing it all the time but it's not intentional right right right right like a girl goes outside on a cold morning and she got hard nipples is different than like right before her photo shoot she ices her nipples 100 dude yeah
Starting point is 00:29:30 i just take a little viagra before i work out i mean that's blood flow all right it's not it's i'm just trying to get a good pump um yeah seven did you see the photo of dana white in the hot tub he's jack showing a little too much dick root. Dick root, wow. Okay, bring that up in one second. I want to get to this builder thing before we look at some dick root. What's ACR? ACR is Accelerated Rehab. What is that?
Starting point is 00:30:00 Oh, people might be listening, so you got it. Why did you say that? What's up with ACR? Someone just wrote, what's up ac acr i don't know what that stands for i'm assuming um acr stands for accelerated rehab that was like a abbreviated version of that okay so what is this product here strength x2 is creatine which naturally occurs in meat and citrulline which naturally occurs in meat, and citrulline, which naturally occurs in watermelon. But you'd have to eat like five pounds of meat and ten pounds of watermelon to get one scoop of this stuff. It's just blood – like I created all of our products for – like most products in the industry are designed for bodybuilders.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Like it's the bodybuilding nutrition industry. I built products that were meant for more hybrid athletes crossfit athletes so creatine obviously it's the most studied and verified um sports nutrition product the entire world citrulline is the number one blood flow product in the entire world so if you're really really more so than um you're doing it let's go more so than um you're killing it let's go um shit what is the what's the vasodilator l-arginine arginine yeah arginine more so than arginine it's a precursor to it so it like activates it there's all these different kind of things if you like really want to get into the science of it all no i'm an idiot for interrupting go on no not at all um it's
Starting point is 00:31:22 cool dude like i nerd out on this stuff. So, StrengthX2, I started using this product when I set the Murph World record. So, I've been using products like this for years. The hydration product, you know, we've had that for a long time. That one's been really successful. Dude, as soon as we added the second product, like, our business absolutely blew up. And we sell these bundles now. Like, it's freaking awesome, man. I'm really, really, really really pumped i'm stoked for you and you don't have to take someone else's stuff you can
Starting point is 00:31:50 take your own stuff now uh vndk8 it's in pricing in euros because this is a european business um can i not get it in the united states well yeah if you go up there and you click builder us then you'll go to the u.s website and you'll just buy products in the US. Are you more popular in Europe than you are in the United States? Kind of, but also just to be totally honest as far as business structuring goes, supplement companies in the United States are total dicks. They know that they've got you by the balls and they don't care um they don't care like there's minimum order quantity basically and they they they bully you into buying massive packages so in the uk i can test things out for under ten thousand dollars and they'll get them
Starting point is 00:32:38 to me in eight weeks and i just start buying different flavors, different products, and just shoot and sell and shoot and sell. So – Hey, how do I get that 25% off? How do I sign up for that? The subscription? Yeah. If you describe, you get it every single month for 25% off of the top price. And basically there's this hydration and the BCAA and then there's –
Starting point is 00:33:05 This is the American brand, so you can only get that here in the United States right now. You can't get the Cretin in the United States? We'll have it by summer. But, dude, so I was trying to tell you. So I could buy three products. This is worse than me not being on YouTube. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:33:20 I can buy three products in the UK for the price of one product in the United States. Oh, you personally. You mean – wow. It's just the way that it works with the order quantities and the costs and the timing of it all. So I just test it over in the European market and like, okay, everyone liked that. Sell it over here now. Test it again. Reno Knobs is saying, isn't Europe more restrictive in health products, which is good?
Starting point is 00:33:45 Just asking. It can be. So like we were building a pre-workout right now and we listed all the things that we wanted and they immediately red flag something. They're like the likelihood that this is going to be pulled off and they're going to not allow this to be sold in the next six months is too high. So like we, it's definitely more restrictive. But you're taking, but you have, even though you live in the united states since it's your product you have it
Starting point is 00:34:09 like somewhere in that cabin you have your own creatine in there dude have you seen the beef on this i have it's fucking nuts yeah i'm in reality guys i just want you to all know that nothing that we sell is exclusive to our shop. You could do this on your own. We get the dosing properly for you. We get the flavoring properly for you, and we make it very affordable per serving size. That's why you'd want to get aligned with the company. But if you went down to any vitamin shop, you could isolate every single one of these ingredients and have them. If you go into my cabinet, I have 12 different pill bottles, and I'm just kind of putting things together.
Starting point is 00:34:47 And then once I find the cocktail that I really like, I'll then formulate it and put it into a product and sell it. It's interesting. I'm trying to move away from soap like Tide, right? Dude, I never use soap. Oh, you're talking about like dish like uh but but but any kind of soap let's just say sure any kind of soap that's all that shit is all tied is all that all that washing machine and all that shit is just um someone's put it all together for you but really everyone should be making their own uh dishwashing detergent not dishwashing clothes washing uh detergent it's all just it's exactly what you said you're so transparent yeah i'm gonna do it's pretty terrifying like the amount of stuff if you really just stop to think about every single
Starting point is 00:35:33 action that you take throughout the day of how disgusting it is for your body and the world so if you start thinking about it you just start spiraling downward so i'm like uh ignorance is bliss put the blinders on and keep charging kind of attitude like this 500 by five yeah that was good dude my spine almost came out of my butthole it did yeah it was a lot of weight like you know i know it's a box squat but that's still 500 pounds jumping up and down on your back. Why are you doing that? You're a – in a sport, why are you getting so big and strong? Don't you want to be like lean and mean? I mean, dude, I am – I'm particularly lean for my normal size. Like I'm 15 pounds lighter than I was when I was training a handful of months ago.
Starting point is 00:36:27 training, you know, um, a handful of months ago. And in reality, dude, like our sport is about how long you can put out power for an hour. And I can just put out more power than anybody else for an hour. So I don't do full range, uh, squats. Cause it will just make me too sore. Like right after we were done with that, we were doing intervals for another 45 minutes. I just make my body really strong. I make it really tough and then i just crank cardio as hard as fuck what's for the other um are you currently the high rocks world champion yes i won last year and i just set the world record two weeks ago three weeks ago and in the world record that you set was in a like a qualifier well technically what happens is you have two national like uh you
Starting point is 00:37:05 have the european championships and then a north american championships and then you can you have to qualify top three through there to get to the top 15 and then the last nine spots or so they allow to be uh qualified as a time spot and i have the number one qualified time spot so that's how i got in sorry so there's a european nationals and a north american nationals and then there's the is there also one that's the world championships well yeah that's you qualify through those things i just told you about and then you go to world championships which is in six weeks and why um set the world record at a qualifier. Well, it's not like why not set the world record.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I just was running at my capabilities and I set the record. You weren't even trying to set the record? No, dude. I'd only been training for like eight weeks. But in reality, I'd just been doing this for so long, it only kind of takes me a handful of months just to prime myself. So it just worked. Hunter, how many times have you broken the world record the high rocks world record do you know dude i've broken the high rocks world record five or six times and last time i did it in barcelona they gave me a hundred dollar gift card
Starting point is 00:38:18 um the first time you did high rocks what was was your time? 60 minutes and 40 seconds, 60 minutes and four seconds, four seconds. That was the very first time you did it first time. And, um, had anyone broken the one hour mark? One guy had just done it, um, by a little bit in the 59, in the 59 something range. Yeah. Yeah. And when you broke the world record, what city were you in last week, two weeks ago? Who the fuck is calling me, you little bitch?
Starting point is 00:38:51 Yeah, you little bitch. When he broke the world record, that was in Hamburg. No, when you broke the world record this last week, what city were you in? Barcelona. And what was your time? 54 minutes and 7 seconds That's fucking nuts dude Feels good baby
Starting point is 00:39:11 Wait so you're at the starting line With how many other dudes? I mean technically in my wave There's like 20 to 30 people And you're all pushing And how wide is the starting line? The starting line is i'm gonna do it it's a big box can you guys all can you guys all be on the starting line is it big enough for that no i mean like let's just say it's about 15 20 feet wide and
Starting point is 00:39:37 we like you know 10 guys line up across and then we go out and there's waves of dudes behind that but it's going all all day long it's pretty crazy um it's just like you know they're rushing at the world championships there's only 15 people that start and we're all in our own specific lanes are you guys chipped yeah we're chipped so if you look down at my left leg or right ankle um that's who yeah you can see okay so even if you're not even if you're not in the front your time still doesn't start until you cross the line yeah but you still like they specifically have a pro wave so like they really keep like monitor us when we're going that pro wave because the judges really have to be on top so you can see we probably have 20 skiers deep on this thing
Starting point is 00:40:25 we all got our lanes for sleds so on and so forth barcelona was probably the best event that i've ever been to like you can see dude we had hundreds of people lining every single um every single section it was electric it was just is this it is this it yeah this is barcelona and were there dudes there? God, look at your legs. Holy shit. Yeah, I mean, there were some really good guys. The guy who took second place to me has been top 10 in the world multiple times.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Like, you know, they're good fit dudes, but you're going to really see all. It's kind of like, I'm sure like sectionals or regionals are. Like, you know, there's always going to be good dudes there, but when it really all hits is when you get to championships. And does that guy think that – is there a guy there who thinks he's going to beat you at Barcelona when you're there? For sure.
Starting point is 00:41:18 There's people that always think that they could do something. And who's that hot chick following you with the red hair bouncing around with the giant ass? She runs – she's like head of product in the UK. For your company? No, head of product for Hyrox. Oh, wow. Holy shit. And you had retired.
Starting point is 00:41:41 I did. I did. That kind of didn't work out though. You had retired. I did. I did. That kind of didn't work out though. So I think I know what happened, but would you tell us what happened?
Starting point is 00:41:56 And what matches my story with your retirement that you were going to retire and then tell us the whole story like we know nothing. So I originally had – I've been competing in high rock since 2019. So we've been running this for a while, and it's great. It's a great sport. Got nothing bad to say about it, but I just was like, I'm on the tail end of my professional career. I would like to go
Starting point is 00:42:11 try one more thing and see if I throw my heart and soul into something else, how far I can go. The only thing that I really don't think that I've done is go to the Olympics. That was the only thing
Starting point is 00:42:21 that I think would be like, I've covered every base to be the modern Jim Thorpe. Like I've done CrossFit. I've done high rocks, I've done Spartan racing, I've done ultras, I've done every single thing. And I was like, now I want Olympic rings. Like that would be it. And I'm listening to the Jim Thorpe book right now. It's like, it's inspiring to think that somebody is unstoppable across all domains. So then, um, I picked a sport that I found and studied in the Olympicslympics called sprint canoeing i bought the boat i moved down to san diego or working out with the national team coach
Starting point is 00:42:50 every single day and you know i understood every single four years and i didn't understand this at the time because it's just a small sport they change distances they change qualifications they change the amount of athletes that are able to go. So the information is super limited on this. And I was fully convinced that the points that Iowa needed to earn were starting on August 15th, which is the national championship in the United States. States. I then on January 19th, on January 19th at practice, I come in one day and I talked to my coach and coach just goes, Hey,
Starting point is 00:43:34 everybody, you know, April 15th is the qualifying date for points. Just letting everybody know guys, just be ready. And I was like, wait, what? I was like, dude, i can't be ready for that and he just looks at me he goes yeah you're in it for the long haul 2028 and i i got in the boat i did some intervals i fell in the water a couple times like i hadn't did you cry did that break your soul when you heard that i did not cry but like i had like you know inner tears there's definitely tears on the inside i was devastated i. I was like, I have just changed my entire life. I literally bought the boat, bought the roof rack for the boat, got the
Starting point is 00:44:12 apartment, moved down there, like completely separated myself from the life that I had been living and enjoying in Malibu or Crestline. And I just dropped every other thing. I told all sponsors, I told everybody involved in my life that this was my new path. And when I get obsessed with something, I'm fully obsessed. Like that's it. That is the only narrative now. And I was a canoer now. And basically, shit, dude, once he told me that I called a couple of my other coaches and I just was like, hey guys, like I just found this out. Like, what should we do? And everyone's like, what do you want to do? And I was like, there's two options. I just keep on paddling until they I'm allowed to go compete next year.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Or I, I get in the, I get my shoes back on and start training for high rocks. And people were like, you think you could do it and i said yeah so i just contacted the canoe coach and i said man i don't want to waste your time i'm i'm heading out of town and i just got to work did you sell your canoe no i still got my canoe like this isn't completely out of the the options um but for now like there's no way i'm just going to sit and not compete for a year straight this looks so hard this does look so fucking hard it's the hardest thing i've ever done in my entire life and what can you tell us why what about it so if you look at that boat right now that thing is it is less wide than your keyboard in front of
Starting point is 00:45:41 you okay it is so narrow so probably take about six inches off your keyboard so that thing's just a giant shoe you're standing in a shoe it's impossible to balance it's made of fiberglass so literally it it basically is like so perfectly buoyant that it will just skim on the surface if you do it properly otherwise you're tipping over or the tip of the boat is actually diving into the water and it's creating drag or allowing water to go over the top. I was so powerful but also so poor in my form that water was coming over the top of the boat into the actual boat where my body was because i was just dragging myself into the water these guys they put their paddle in so perfectly not only do they paddle straight
Starting point is 00:46:31 and powerfully they skim on top of the water rather than dig into the water like i was doing so it is it i mean dude you have to hit within like probably within a half inch to an inch every single time at the right spot and not only do you have to hit perfectly but if you're off a couple degrees to the right of the left it's going to start to turn your boat and every single time you pull out of the water you have to do the same thing and you also have to counterbalance perfectly so would you fall in every practice when i first started dude i was in the water probably a dozen to two dozen times a day and how about by the end by the end i never went in and i was just getting to be a weapon dude like every single time i was getting faster and faster and faster and then i was no longer fast and And then so you just pivoted.
Starting point is 00:47:26 You're like, fuck it. I'm going to go back to high rocks. Why? Why not just take a year off? Why not just not do anything? Because honestly, I've told myself, I do not want to be this dude competing into his late 30s and 40s. I'm done by like 35.
Starting point is 00:47:41 I have the calendar year of 35 to be fully retired. Except you might go back to this boating thing. I mean, I'll dabble in it, dude, but I'm not going to be the level of athlete I am now. Like now, just every single day is four hours of training. It's the hour leading up to – and the hour coming down off every workout. So that's really around up to eight hours of like full capacity focus. Um, and like, I have to be up in the mountains all the time. And like, I have to, or if you want to do this sport, dude, you have to be at a place where all the other guys train on perfectly flat water every single day for four hours a day. And it's like, you have to get the boat, get in the boat, go from your house, get in the boat, take your boat out, paddle for hours, get done, wash the boat, stretch out, eat food, go back again. And I was like, I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to split.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Like I've watched so many dudes in their 30s to 40s destroy their family lives and their own lives trying to chase these things. I'm just not going to do that. Do you have a girlfriend? No. I'm trying the gay route. You are? Oh, okay. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Do you have a boyfriend? No, it's not working either. You said destroy the family life. Are you feeling your clock tick? Are you ready to drop some seeds? No, it's not necessarily like a, like a clock ticking thing, but I definitely don't want to be like that, that old, like that old creepy dad. Like I'd rather also align my family with my brother's families. Like all my brothers have
Starting point is 00:49:17 kids now. Like, I don't want to be the dude who's got like a one-year-old whenever all their, my, you know, their cousins are in high school yeah yeah yeah that's that's that's me uh when did you have your first kid 43 yeah that's creepy is that creepy old that's the creepy you don't want to be creepy i mean you got you got a good relationship with your kids you seem to be a really fun dad so i appreciate that okay all right all right well i just think there's like a certain point where you're so old that it creates this divide between you and your kids i'd rather have a i it's there i know it's there they think i'm disgusting and old it's fine you're right it is it is another obstacle to overcome yes yes my kids my
Starting point is 00:50:06 my kids asked me that there's a my kids roll jujitsu with a 12 year old girl named emma and or 11 and one of my kids asked me the other day if i thought i could beat her up in a fight i don't want to have a gray beard when I have young kids. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. My kids shaved their heads yesterday. And I told them that I was going to shave my head and shave my beard, and they went into a fucking panic. They were upset?
Starting point is 00:50:39 Yeah, they were upset, like I wasn't going to be an old guy anymore. Sevan will be 60 when his boys graduate from high school. My kids will never go to high school. That's rad. How's that? Are you going to be like Captain Fantastic? Have you seen that movie? No.
Starting point is 00:50:56 It's this movie with – what's the name of the actor from Hidalgo? I'm really happy for you that you're doing the High Rocks thing for some reason. Like, really happy. It's fucking awesome. This sport is blowing up so fast. I feel like a god. It's so much fun going to arenas full of thousands of people and having that kind of energy around a sport.
Starting point is 00:51:20 And people like you. You're a legend in the sport. It's nice. It's nice. I busted my ass for such a long time this is such a good movie this is exactly the kind of dad I want to be
Starting point is 00:51:31 does this thing have audio I don't know but this yeah there is this is you Siobhan what we created here made me unique in all of human existence. All the way to the top. Awesome. This is such a life.
Starting point is 00:51:54 What we're doing out here is so incredible. Our kids are amazing. Does this end bad? Have you seen this movie? Yeah, there's a lot of interesting aspects to it. It looks small. Mom needs to be in the hospital right now. Oh, no. Mom dies?
Starting point is 00:52:13 What do you want me to tell you? What do you want to know? Okay, I'll watch this. So you think I should watch this? Dude, it is so good. If you could have like 10% of a connection with your kids like this, you're doing it the right way. I have 110% connection with my kids.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Kids are such pussies these days. I mean, your kids are badass, but kids are such pussies these days. Nobody wants to do anything. The only adventure they're willing to take is which app they're going to go on on their cell phone today. You guys are such pussies. My kids were asking me about uh god last night it was like eight o'clock and they were like getting ready to ride the skateboard ramp in front of my
Starting point is 00:52:49 house and they're asking me questions about god and i basically told them that i was god and that and that um and they're like so really and i was like yeah and i said and then there's another god that i talked to and if they ever want to talk to him just talk to me and i'll get the message to him i was like that, that's rad, dude. Make sure that you still hold power over them, because the only way you're going to get to God. I'm like, that's some good-ass parenting. Dude, when I have kids, dude, I'm going to spend the majority of my day digging holes and picking up big things in the backyard, just so that I don't have to ever assert my dominance.
Starting point is 00:53:22 They can just visually see my dominance. Well, you know what i did i went out into when they asked me if i could beat that girl up i went out into the garage and i grabbed the 80 pound dumbbell and i said how much do each of you weigh and one's like 50 and one of them's like blah blah blah i'm like well imagine this dumbbell is your neck and i just grabbed the 80 pound dumbbell and jerked it over my head i'm like do you think i could beat up emma they're like yeah i'm like oh yeah and i called them all assholes don't make dad flex again yeah douchebags sometimes you just got to put that learn on it my dad's way of asserting his dominance after he got out of the era beating the piss out of us uh was was paintball did you take a lot of whoopings? All the time. But not abusive.
Starting point is 00:54:07 It was just... Have you read David Goggins' book? No. Have you? Yeah. And he talks about my dad used to put the whooping on me. He was crazy. I was like, my dad did all that. That's just what dumb dads do.
Starting point is 00:54:23 They're crazy. And I don't have anything bad to say about my dad. Would your dad take a belt off and hit you with it? Any object in the room was potentially a weapon. Wow. Wow. Yeah. And now as a man, you've accepted it. That is part of your upbringing.
Starting point is 00:54:38 I kind of respect it, dude. Think about having a house with four young boys that are insane and they're always trying to test you and we're not ever fully listening sometimes there needs to be this like earthquake of an experience to reset the balance and it's not like it was multiple strikes it would be like a wham you're like oh my god it makes so much sense why we have to listen to him now. He holds all of the power. What about the tension between your mom and your dad when your dad had to put the hammer down? I mean, there was a divorced household, but my mom definitely always tried to create and say that my dad was a monster.
Starting point is 00:55:24 And my stepmother was just she just seemed to be absent from the whole position the the women the the moms hayley does not like it when i when i turn into the human tornado and i have to put the smack down on people there has to be a hierarchy in the house and i'm not suggesting child abuse by any means but sometimes yes you need to just be like, hey. And like otherwise, you know, they just are like, oh, yeah, I'm the boss now. I'm like, okay, well, let me just rearrange your card deck real quick. I went on the trampoline the other day and they're like, hey, wrestle with us.
Starting point is 00:55:58 I'm like, no. I'm like, you guys are going to get hurt and start crying. And they're like, no, we won't wrestle with us. I'm like, okay. It's two six-year-olds and an eight-year-old and i just did the human tornado on the trampoline i just ran around in circles just trampling them you know what i mean like they were doing that like they were doing that thing in that when you run with the bulls in spain and i was the bull and i just trampled them and all three of them were crying i just got off the trampoline i'm like i told you
Starting point is 00:56:24 i told you and they come in the house five minutes later asking me to come out there and i bet you can't do that again i bet you i can having kids is great bet you i can yeah i i'd be pumped i'd be pumped i'm lucky though i'm a great i'm an uncle of shit soon to be six so i have a lot of opportunities to practice my skills and dominance so whenever i go home it's just a blast hunter what about this um this cliche um and and that's my way of kind of being a macho male poo-pooing it but what about this cliche thing that you're gonna have to go through where you're not an athlete anymore and like you lose your identity and like you're gonna have to um like figure out who you are again and like what validates you and blah blah blah are you gonna have to go through that i mean definitely i mean i i work with like a mindset
Starting point is 00:57:18 coach uh oh you do you did work with jimensel and it didn't work out, right? Terrible experience. Okay. But other than that, I've had a guy that I've worked with for a long time on and off. And I always try to keep balance in my life because I understand that this is all a game. And you get so wrapped up in it. You're so convinced you're cooler than you really are. Where in reality, dude, I'm a dancing monkey. I have to remind myself that all the time. People are paying me to run in circles and, um, you know, it's just a game.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Tell me what you mean by that. Um, uh, it's just a game. It's just a game. I mean, like everything that we're doing in life is just a game. It's just, you're, you're on just like, you know, you think that you, you're playing a game when you sit in front of a board with dice, where in reality, everything is just a board with dice. And as soon as you can recognize that and realize that there's a million reset buttons in life and that you can shift laterally, you're not stuck in the tracks that you're in, it's all a game. the only person convincing yourself of the level of seriousness and just high stakes craziness oh this this that and this is the way we all have to live it's a game and I kind of got into that mindset a handful of years ago and now I'm in a fuck it mentality like everything that I do I do with absolution and if it doesn't work out guess what I press the reset button and I know that it's going to be really tough that when
Starting point is 00:58:45 I don't wake up in the morning and have something on the calendar to kill myself for, that it's going to be tough to look at. But I think I can easily fill that presence with the development of our business and being able to support other people in their endeavors or starting my family and being able to watch that kind of growth path rather than always looking for growth with myself trying to find growth through other people so that that will probably be the path um i want to go back to this game thing because i it i like it and i see it but what does that mean that you can't ever be sincere no I think you can be very authentically sincere. Why would you say that?
Starting point is 00:59:26 I don't – because when I hear the word game, it's almost like even like is loving my children part of the game? Is being moral or having values, is it all just part of the game? Because those are things you kind of take seriously, but is it really like, hey, those are just part of the game too? Well, I mean don't get me wrong like all of these things you should have levels of commitment to that's part of the game like if you never fully commit to anything you'll never fully get it's like full potential so i there's things in my life that i really do put myself in but then all of a sudden when i hit this moment of like oh fuck i have to recognize that the oh fuck exists in me it's not anybody else that's the that's the position of the game
Starting point is 01:00:11 that you can always shift the mindset on and me sitting here and saying my athletic career is over i'm like it's only an athletic career to you like you you are putting this ownership of this idea and this intensity and these values and these like, you know, supposed needs to do's. And as soon as you quit, it's only really going to be quitting to you. Nobody else. Yeah, sure. There's going to be fans for a couple minutes writing. Oh no, Tom Brady's retiring. And then they're going to go back to their life and you're going to be the only one who really has to own those feelings. So that's why I'm saying it's a game.
Starting point is 01:00:49 It's kind of interesting. Let me put it like this and see what you think about this. There's a paradox because part of it's a game, but if you don't have purpose, if you don't have a game, then your life really just sucks. Completely. I think that's like – Purpose is why we get up in the morning. Word, whatever. Yeah. And you have to really be into it. I feel I tell people like, you know, there's so many people like in my life that don't have that direct passion and they get freaked out and they don't have anything.
Starting point is 01:01:17 I was like, dude, if you just focus on just focus on a workout routine for the next 30 days and that will be such an easy thing. Just show me that you can routine for the next 30 days. And that will be such an easy thing. Just show me that you can walk for the next 30 days. Usually before clients work with me one-on-one, like I'll sometimes work one-on-one, like face-to-face with people in Malibu. I was like, if you can walk for the next 30 days, I'll let you be my client. Like that level of intention right there will change your entire life. And it doesn't have to always be physical, but having purpose, passion, and follow through on something will align almost everything else you have. What did you say? Purpose, passion, and what?
Starting point is 01:01:53 Follow through. Yeah. Is that the same as discipline? Basically. I mean, think about it. If you just told yourself for the next 30 days that you're going to just drink a gallon of water a day, that right there will almost align everything else. You're like, well, I have to make sure that I start the morning out with at least 12 ounces. And by noon, I need to have at least 48 ounces in my system and this, and you're all of a sudden you're like, wait a second, guys,
Starting point is 01:02:19 I can't sit down and have a glass of wine until I've had my 12 ounces of water. And like, that is just a simple ask. And then all of a sudden, by the end of those 30 days, you're like, wait a second. I actually do have some control over my life. I really at first in the beginning, I was a shit show. Now, by the end, I'm just a warrior, dude. I just drink this stuff and piss it out like a warrior. Hey, and if if anyone really wants to take that commitment to the next level, just don't drink any liquids for 30 days. So it's kind of the anti-hunter approach, but it's still his commitment.
Starting point is 01:02:51 No coffee. One of my friends does water fasts, like, for days at a time. Like, doesn't drink water? Doesn't drink water at all. How about coffee? Nothing. He's a little off the reservation. He does, like, he'll do'll do like three to five days.
Starting point is 01:03:07 He's one of these kind of people that like really tries to make diet like the absolute center of everything. He's like if I can just get down to this, everything else will be like higher vibrations. And I agree to a point, but when he does the water stuff, I worry. Yeah, I don't know what do you think about do you does that guy have thoughts about drinking rainwater i don't know man i wish i could drink rainwater i don't know if i would trust would you trust rainwater as much as you trust the water in your sink i saw something that there's something in rainwater there's something about the i'm making this up i don't know what the words are's something in rainwater. There's something about the – I'm making this up.
Starting point is 01:03:46 I don't know what the words are. Molecular makeup of rainwater that you cannot find in any other water and that rainwater is the only water to drink. That being said, I also saw some shit where there was snow around one of these chemical spills and you would light the snow on fire with a lighter and it wouldn't melt because the snow is fucking toxic. I wouldn't doubt that. You wouldn't it wouldn't melt um because of the the snow is fucking toxic i wouldn't doubt that you wouldn't doubt that i wouldn't i wouldn't doubt that at all dude there's so much stuff inside of like everything i mean like i remember sitting down with this guy who was my neighbor
Starting point is 01:04:16 when i lived in boulder and he had done a study um when he was going to school there that the water had changed from the amount of college kids pissing out estrogen and stuff through their birth control. It was changing the sex of the fish in the water. Oh, I saw that. I saw that. The frog study, right? Yeah, dude. That just alarmed me.
Starting point is 01:04:37 So I was like, if it can change the sex of the fish in the water, I don't have a doubt in my mind that the properties of all these things are being just changed all the time. I don't have a doubt in my mind that the properties of all these things are being just changed all the time. I would say the majority of things in the world, especially water because it's so easy to transport, are manipulated by some kind of chemical at this point. I've heard that if you – in all water everywhere basically in the United States, if you just take the tap water, you can find pharmaceuticals in it because so many people flush pharmaceuticals down the toilet. I wouldn't doubt it at all. I think probably where you want to be is probably as far north as possible to get clean water because there's the least amount of people living up there. Like Alaska. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:23 That's probably one of the very few places you can still just get raw good stuff they're not making the the frogs gay they're making them like real trannies they're not even they're not like imaginary trannies like like americans they're real trannies there's a fair amount they were the original trannies. There's a fair amount. They were the original trannies, dude. There's a fair amount of amphibians that can change their sex in the middle of like areas where they're just kind of – there's not enough males or not enough females that can change their sex. The marijuana plant, there's a male and a female, right? Fuck hard. And if a male will eventually – I think it's the male one of them is it the male or the female one of them eventually if you grow it long enough and it doesn't get maybe it's the
Starting point is 01:06:12 female if the female grows long enough and she doesn't get pollinated and you leave her outside long enough she'll shoot out a fucking a male uh whatever flower to self to self-pollinate herself. That's incredible. That is incredible, right? I love that. Someone check me on that. I used to know all that stuff. And whatever that phenomenon was, I've witnessed it.
Starting point is 01:06:35 That wasn't something like I read in a book. I witnessed it. Both. I read it in a book and I witnessed it. How many people do you think that are producing information on the internet often and like trying to really be sources of information actually know what they're talking about how many of these people do you think just like listen to joe rogan and then started to just like regurgitate that one
Starting point is 01:06:54 podcast they listen to as if they're people who are like real sources of information well this guy's a dear friend of mine but uh give you an example. Do you know who Rob Earth is, Ronnie Teasdale? Dude, he was over at my house a couple weeks ago. Okay. He knows so fucking much. Yeah, he's a very intelligent guy. And I'm always wondering, like, how the fuck does he know all this stuff? Well, dude, there's people that are actually – and I'm not saying that books are always right because someone wrote them and it's their opinion.
Starting point is 01:07:25 And that's not a dig at Ronnie. Ronnie's my friend too. I love him. I'm thoroughly impressed by him. Go ahead. Sorry. But there's people that are like constantly – like I've got a book right here and you're just constantly reading and trying to absorb information. You're not getting your information off of a 30-second TikTok clip.
Starting point is 01:07:40 He's one of those kind of people where I remember listening to him and following through on him. He is just constantly reading and reading and reading. And eventually you kind of pick up enough information where you start to like really, you know, bundle it up and you have some solid ideas of what's going on. So that guy, I think is constantly absorbing information. Let me give you an example. And I don't know if the story I'm going to tell you is true, but I don't know if the facts are true. so i heard a guy yesterday say that the first slave owner in north america was a black man and i'm like there's no fucking way that that can be true so i so he tells me who it is the guy's name is anthony johnson i look him up on the internet and i go to wikipedia right i use wikipedia as my source and it says anthony johnson came here as an indentured servant with a lot of
Starting point is 01:08:24 white people and then whatever year it was it was the 1600s a shitload there were no slaves in the united states they were called indentured servants and they were black and white there was a there were equal amount black and white maybe even more white and after you work for four to seven years you were done being indentured servant and they have that all over the world now i don't know if you're familiar with that but like in the uaeE, that's how it works. They bring people from Bangladesh. You work there four to seven years and then theoretically – I was just in Dubai. It was crazy. You're theoretically set free. Yeah. They have like 300,000 – the UAE has like 300,000 residents and 5.7 million servants for people who don't understand how it works there. And those numbers I think are accurate. how it works there and those numbers i think are accurate anyway so then this guy who was a black guy who was an indentured servant then after he worked he was set free and then he started getting
Starting point is 01:09:10 his own indentured servants and one of them became an indentured servant for life his name was kozar or something c-o-s-a-r and that guy became the when they called him an indentured servant for life and then for shorthand that's's a slave. And so is that true? I mean, I heard one guy say it on Instagram, and then I went to two different Wikipedia pages, and I found out it is true. I don't fucking know. I know. Back then, I would say that the information was so scarce that I wouldn't necessarily say that's the guarantee,
Starting point is 01:09:41 but it probably happened. So look, Devesh is like not the first slave owner look devesh got a girl devesh maharaj uh not the first slave owner the first legal slave owner okay fine okay fine so legally documented slave but they use the term indentured servant for life and slave interchangeably also slavery's been happening for thousands of years yeah and it's just whoever you could basically get control over you know it didn't matter the color of your skin you're like hey man i got this opportunity i'm gonna take advantage of it you know black versus white black on black whatever you know but my point was is that i'm regurgitating some shit i saw on the internet, but I was like, fuck, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:10:26 I mean, yeah, I'm regurgitating some shit I saw on the internet. Hey, I wasn't. It does sound like you've got some stuff backed up. Like you've got some more details rather than this 30 second sound clip. A few years ago,
Starting point is 01:10:39 there was a sickness going around. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I heard about this thing. And it was the reason i got kicked off of youtube by talking about it but there was nowhere on the internet that there was no one in that i
Starting point is 01:10:51 knew that was saying it's not a big deal i had to do the math myself like like all all the people i knew and all my friends were panicking but i just did the math myself i'm like okay because it was when it was in china right and it's like uh% of the people who died were men who were over 65 who had been smoking for 30 years or more. The second largest cohort of people that died were the women who had been married to them for 30 years or more. So I'm like, well, I'm not over 65, and I haven't been smoking for 30 years. I'm fine. So then I didn't read that shit anyway. I just did my own discernment, and I did my own investigation based on the data out there.
Starting point is 01:11:23 A discernment, and I did my own investigation based on the data out there. I think that if you have a TV in your house that's actually connected to cable, which is a significant amount of people in the United States and probably around the globe that have cable-based networks still attached to their TVs, that literally the chance of you being manipulated is probably 1,000% higher than if you just had, you know, streaming networks and an iPhone, because I would go in the guy who owns our ranch. And even my family, when I would go visit them, these people leave a TV on at all times in their house on a, I know that people too.
Starting point is 01:12:00 And there it's just flashing. Like, remember those, like those, like those like Japanese, like techno cartoons, like, and you're like, I'm going to have a seizure. They are absorbing that same information on a high level of fear mongering. And I was like, turn it the fuck off. I was like, there's there's no wonder you are just completely enshrouded in fear of this thing because it's all you hear all day long.
Starting point is 01:12:27 You hear about the death numbers. You hear about the increasing. You hear about how people need to hide. You hear about the method one didn't work, so now we need to move to level two and have all these extra methods. And it was crazy. It was crazy. So you probably, I'm assuming, don't have a TV blaring in your house and you just said, hey, I'm going to try to have like a logical approach to this thing and source some information on my own terms. I didn't even say that. I just operate like that, I think. We've there's so many people in the United States and around the world that are just like in this in this narrative that's put out by major networks. And the reason why you probably got canceled is because you're an independent that that is against the thread.
Starting point is 01:13:14 I a friend of mine said the other day, they said someone called me and they said they were talking about a guy who was accused of being inappropriate with women. And I said, I just can't. I have no data for that. And they go, what about so-and-so said that they did it? I go, yeah, but none of the girls have spoken up. And they go, well, yeah, that's because all the girls that got paid off signed NDAs. And I go, how do you know that? And they go, because so-and-so told me. And I'm like dude there's
Starting point is 01:13:45 like like there's no information there what if I started saying Hunter what if I Hunter is there a is there is there a preschool in your area by your mountain house yeah there is right okay and let's say you ran by it every day what if I and then and then it was at the end of your run and so you always stop there in your short shorts and put your hands on your hip. What if I started spreading rumors? Yeah, I see Hunter every day at 2 o'clock with his hands on his hips, not wearing underwear, and the shortest fucking running shorts in front of that preschool. Well, you used to be innocent until proven guilty, and now it's just like – It's not fucking like that at all. Now it's just like, hey, can we get one tidbit of information out about this person?
Starting point is 01:14:23 One. Cancel the fuck out of them. Yeah. I worry about that because I definitely am a person on the fringe and I say some things that are not maybe cool in most people's eyes. But it's not like I'm doing anything that's like hurtful, hateful or whatever. But people just get scared. I'm waiting for my comeuppance where they come after me. I'm waiting for the pitchforks and the fires.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Step on the preschool is freakishly specific. Yeah, it's the one I use all the fucking time. I tell people all the time whenever they say something ambiguous, I'll be like, I bet you you drive by a preschool three times every day. We run by a school every single day to go to the gym over here. What if I started spreading rumors? Yeah, I see Hunter pass that preschool twice every day. Yeah, because he has to drive by to go to the gym and back. Well if i said what if i started spreading rumors yeah i see hunter past that preschool every twice every day well yeah because he has to drive by to go to the gym and back oh that's what you say well that's what you say next thing you know next to a school because he's a pervert yeah he's a big old perv my my kids uh my kids my kids used to for a year
Starting point is 01:15:20 went to montessori obby went there like for pre-K and it was right next to a gym. So I had to go. What about all those people? Monsters. Yeah. It's just fucking the shit that the ambiguous shit that the fucking, unfortunately it's one party does it a lot. And then people will just run with that shit in their head.
Starting point is 01:15:39 Tell me what is, what is technically the narrative of the show? Are you just hang out, have fun, shoot shoot the shit or is it considered a fitness podcast um have you ever had to think about that oh i'm just trying to think about how i categorize it i categorize you have to choose when you on youtube it's a self-help i put it in the self-help category. I don't have it in the fitness category at all, I don't think. I'm in denial about the whole CrossFit thing. You're in denial that it exists?
Starting point is 01:16:16 No, just that I'm in the fitness space at all. Like I'm not – yeah, maybe it's health and mindset or something. Yeah. You're the most interesting man in fitness. You're just the guy who is in it but kind of above it. You're like the blip that flies above it all. I don't want to say I'm above it, but I'm just – I'm in denial. You know what's – it is weird though, Hunter, if I may indulge.
Starting point is 01:16:42 So I ran the media department at CrossFit in the in the training department, in the the day, not the training department, the daily programming, the post that went every day to what the workout of the day was, was under my department. Right. So I ran that. So I was in charge of that. I was in charge and I was in charge of so much shit. I mean, it was a fucking fitness company. And then sometimes I weigh in on subjects like, uh, like a workout. Uh, that's not a good workout or that's a good workout. Or I would do that. And the people in the comments, like they can't get their head wrapped around it. Like everyone, like I bet you 99% of the people in the comments, because of the way I present myself, think that they know more about working out than I do. Yeah. Because I don't, because I don't mask around with, well, yes, you should be doing the, uh, such and such system and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Well, as soon as you make that work out a conversation, that's where all the fun starts. It's not just an action. It's a conversation now. People are like, what the fuck? But I don't really mind. See, there we go. Corbin, I know more than you. Yes.
Starting point is 01:17:40 Do you think the CrossFit is on the right path still? Or do you think it's on a – No, no, no. You should just get on the High Rocks train. I was talking to somebody who worked at CrossFit the other day, and I was like, you guys are in trouble. This thing's growing so fast, you guys might get overtaken. CrossFit will always still be part of the existence of fitness, but...
Starting point is 01:18:01 You think High Rocks is really growing that fast? It's crazy, man. Go, go look at this, go to high rocks is page and go look at their affiliates. They're spreading around the globe. It's such a rapid rate. I would not be surprised if they end up being in the mid thousands. Our CrossFit gyms also high rocks gyms. Are they also high rocks affiliates? Yeah. So they do like the double affiliation. They're like, you know, I don't know what the perks of being a High Rocks affiliate is by any means, but trust me, it's growing fast.
Starting point is 01:18:33 Eric Uli, what if changing to a fitness increased your subscription from 20K to 100K? Yeah, let's do it. Give me 30 seconds. Yeah, I'm on it. I don't know what kind of podcast this is. It's something I'm on it. I don't know what kind of podcast this is. It's something I'm passionate about. I wake up every morning fucking absolutely ecstatic to come on here. And it's a weird question that he asks.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Do I think CrossFit's lost its way? Because the affiliates haven't lost their way. It's weird. It's hard to see the thing as a whole. I want to see it as a whole. It's hard to see it as a whole. Like it's like there's pieces that feel like they're drifting. They could be drifting away. You know what it, you know what it is, Hunter? CrossFit, there's so many successful pieces of CrossFit, right?
Starting point is 01:19:21 Oh, will you bring the mic closer to your mouth? But, but there's like pieces that seem like that they want to like drift away sometimes and you're just wondering like the affiliates what's going on in the affiliates is dope i think it's great i i'm not trying to pick apart crossfit i'm just wondering what's going to happen um i i don't know if it's it's it's on the up the decline or just stationary it's clearly a conspiracy theory and misinformation podcast nice nice how many haters do you have because i think really your success is measured by your haters unfortunately i don't have any haters because these fuckers are so like this guy i bet you loves me to death this guy probably has a picture of me over his bed.
Starting point is 01:20:11 These fuckers, if anyone comes in here with a dissenting opinion, they beat the fuck out of them. Wow, that's good. Yeah. That's really good. So I don't think we're ever going to be successful because they don't let anyone in with a dissenting opinion. Like we have one token guy who tries to like – Plange, where is he? He'll – yeah, that's true. I have lurkers that report the channel. I've got a lot of haters.
Starting point is 01:20:34 I have people just out – like it just – it started before CrossFit for sure. I will never forget the first time I had a big piece of media come out. I'll never forget the first time I had a big piece of media come out it was a Reebok it was a Reebok episode about me getting ready for the Spartan Race World Championships 2014 there were hundreds of comments
Starting point is 01:20:54 and these people were shitting on me like crazy and that was the start that was the start do you ever go to Reddit? Do you have just whole entire hate threads about you on Reddit? a lot of people say that I'm on juice. But anything else? Anything else besides that?
Starting point is 01:21:10 Not really. Dude, you want to hear something super creepy? Please. One of my friends the other day, she told me about this. There's these Facebook groups on the internet now that says, says like are we dating the same guy so if you're a dude if you're a chick dating a dude and there's safety factors to this so there's value to it and there's some kind of creepy narrative to it like they're like hey guys i've been dating this guy for a little bit um just trying to check and see like what you think about him any red flags and you
Starting point is 01:21:41 post a picture and then like dude just dozens of women will come and like oh i know that creep you know fucking such and such oh shit and you know it's like it's good in the way that like if the person's truly a monster you can protect yourself but it also just creates this kind of creepy hate narrative for guys and dude these things have tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of followers it's pretty gnarly so here's the thing i'm just gonna be completely frank um it said it's to protect people against liars the first thing i saw and i'll immediately turn it off if if you if you do not accept liars and mean people and people who are fallible you will be the most miserable person ever some of my best friends in the whole world have said the biggest lies to me if you can't accept you will never ever have a good life
Starting point is 01:22:39 if you don't accept everyone you're four years into a fucking relationship and you find out someone's been lying to you and you just kick them to the curb for that. You're fucked. All you did is set yourself four years back. You're going to relive that same thing over and over and over until you learn to accept that person. This is how fucking life works. But seven, I refuse the blah, blah. Shut the fuck up. I'm just telling you the fucking truth. No one is going to be perfect. Be an easy friend. Be an easy friend. When your friend's always showing up late, just tell them. Just be nice. Be like, hey, this is the 18th time you've shown up late. I don't like it. Don't hold it inside. Accept them for it. Just accept them for it. It's who they are. Just accept. Just accept. You don't have to keep, quote-unquote, being friends with them.
Starting point is 01:23:33 If your husband's a fucking drug addict, you don't have to stay married to him. But I'm telling you, just like hating him, finding out your boyfriend cheated on you and just hating on him, only – Hunter was talking about this in the beginning of the show. At the end of the day, it's just your story story you're going to be the one stuck with the hate at the end of the day when hunter retires he's going to be stuck with the story it's his story right so so so it's just a game but man like turning turning something into just hate because it's like what you're supposed to do or because you emotionally got hurt and then carrying it around the rest of your life fuck that do not do that do not fuck yourself like that you're you're not hurting that person yeah yeah i hate that fucking website i fucking hate that it was creepy when i saw it i was like this is just bad it's just it's setting up a bad narrative for
Starting point is 01:24:21 people to all create anger in this little room and i'm sure that there's definitely some circumstances in there where they protected themselves from somebody yeah i'm sure too and i i see the value in that but then there's this other piece which is the one that we're discussing right now and it freaked me out i was like dude online culture like it's nasty hey i don't think if i you're a single. I don't think there's any problem with you if you were dating five or six girls. More like 50 or 60. Yeah, so what? What the fuck is the problem with that? They're all doing the same exact thing.
Starting point is 01:24:55 I called a friend out on this. We were hanging out, and she was trying to tell me that she was such a dainty, graceful lady. telling me that she was such a uh you know uh dainty graceful lady and i was like you've been on like several dates in the past like 48 hours and you're trying to paint yourself as a picture like you're you're in the same boat as all these guys that you're frustrated with yeah oh i'm so thankful i'm married to god thank god yeah uh i got five minutes and then we got to start training camp tell me anything you want to talk about where's the nitty-gritty you want to go into who are we gonna hate on next oh i want to know what happened with um uh bunker bunker bunker babes bunker uh the the great fucking alexander uh what happened oh so i do want to say this real quick so we were talking about typing things into the
Starting point is 01:25:38 internet and like things that you can't be protected by i just typed in the word tits into google and you can't dude you can't even believe what popped up you can't even believe what popped up is it is it a man woman no well there's it's everything but how like like they really care if youtube cares that i suggest exercise and diet as a cure for COVID, and I get kicked off. But you can just type in tits. You wouldn't even believe it. They are really some of the greatest tits I've ever seen, though. It's really remarkable.
Starting point is 01:26:20 Got to get after it, dude. Smoke them if you got them. Yeah. But you're right. There's no protection. Okay, no protection ok battle bunker what's going on with battle bunker we just finished our online basically like open piece and now everybody is moving forward
Starting point is 01:26:36 into the regional piece which will start in June and is this just a shit load of work is this just a detraction from your high rocks shit I mean I basically make sure that the workouts are good and make sure that like, you know, we're just kind of changing things up for the athletes and making sure that like this all aligns perfectly. When I say perfectly, it just like aligns the best way possible. Other than that, like Austin's really running the business. So I know he's definitely in the thick of it, but that's what happens when you start a business.
Starting point is 01:27:04 the business so i know he's definitely in the thick of it but that's what happens when you start a business okay and let him know that i'll do anything i can to help him uh promote it to get eyeballs on it um have you guys has he thought about working with um what's a hillar on this um i'm sure we should probably connect the two guys i think you'd have an absolute blast yeah and hillar's it's all it's good to get hillar's passionate dude so you get him involved in it and somehow this guy was an actual beast out here that frenchman what do you think about that form leaning back like that that's okay well in reality dude he's not bending his legs so it is a form of a strict press what i really want to say people is move move weights you know what like this is a competition we're new to the business like i'm not an asshole that guy's strong as
Starting point is 01:27:49 fuck he put the bar overhead so i'm not crying about it good for him did you watch any of the have you been following the crossfit scene at all a little bit man like i mean i try i'm always a fan of crossfit but there's just so many things going on, and the people that I used to really be fans of are kind of pulling out. I don't even know – there's always another 14-year-old that can snatch 300 pounds showing up, so I don't even know who to follow anymore. If Rich Froning – I was asking at the beginning of the show before you came on if Rich Froning could come in there at 35 years old and take this um this high rock from you and people in the comments were like there's no way the high rocks is about uh sprinting about fast running and there's no way rich is fast enough well it's definitely about fast running i mean he could probably match me on a lot of the stations but there's no way he's going to match me
Starting point is 01:28:38 on the run just the same way like i can't match him in olympic lifting he's been olympic lifting for you know decades plus and i, you know, decades plus, and I've been running for decades plus. So it's just time on your feet or time under the bar. Is there anyone in the world you think hiding anywhere that they could drag out that could beat you or there's just no way? I think there's definitely dudes that could give me a run for my money, but I think the amount of development that it would take, they're just far enough behind me that by the time i probably get out they won't catch me in time and they may beat my record i don't know um i'll tell you like roman that guy roman who took second of the games last year
Starting point is 01:29:13 like made a post on the morning chalk up thing about him wanting to compete so i said twenty thousand dollars cash if you could beat me um he did not respond i don't know if he can speak english properly so maybe that was the that was the hold back everyone speaks that twenty thousand dollars everyone speaks that yeah i said dude twenty thousand dollars cash usually when i put like bonuses up like that for people everyone will talk shit and then they never show up um i wish people offered me cash to go do stuff like that but nobody does rich actually squats to death on depth on wall balls so he would struggle on high rocks. Ouch.
Starting point is 01:29:46 He's suggesting that the people don't squat to depth in high rocks. Dude, you should go read that morning chalk-up post. The amount of hate that these people put in. Crossfitters are the biggest pussies I know. Not necessarily the athletes. I'm talking about the community. Like, you guys are so...
Starting point is 01:29:59 No, the athletes are pussies too. The athletes are pussies too. Well, here's my thought. Okay. You guys are so scared of being convinced that you're not as cool as you think you are that as soon as anybody else shows up, you start throwing rocks at them so they run away from whatever you guys think is the truth. Well, we really are that cool.
Starting point is 01:30:16 We really are that. We're the fittest people in the Starbucks and the Walmart always. Exactly. It is a hateful community. You guys are a crooked bunch of fucks. Don't be an asshole. I'm not being an asshole. I just say we should always settle things in parking lots, not online. I'll fight the fuck out of any of you guys.
Starting point is 01:30:34 But other than that, it's a pretty gosh darn cool sport. I think more people should show up that have talents and just give it a test. Roman's too big. Roman can't. Hunter is correct. Beefcakes. Hunter is just absolutely too. You're not beatable. I appreciate you showing a little bit of humility. You're not beatable.
Starting point is 01:30:54 Not today. What's the actual date of the competition, the High Rocks Con? May 26th. I'll compete next weekend in Anaheim just to get a brusher upper, and then I'll compete at the World Championships May 26 in Manchester. Okay, and one final thing. What will you look like on May 27? Will you be able to do a podcast on May 27, the day after you win?
Starting point is 01:31:19 I could. I could. I don't know, to be honest. I'll probably be off drinking and stuff. I understand. I'm a fan of this show, man. I love hanging out with you, so anything. Hey, if you guys could set up, I don't want to fight Roman.
Starting point is 01:31:30 I would love to fight the Buttery Bros. Let's set that up, dude. Let's meet them in a parking lot. I'll donate all the money to charity, and we'll just beat the piss out of these dudes. Okay, I'm going to call Susan now and have them send you a text to schedule you for May 27th. Awesome, dude.
Starting point is 01:31:47 Guys, thanks so much for having me, and I always have a blast being here, man. I cannot wait for you to get back on YouTube. You're the true hero of the day, so keep on spreading the good word. Bye, Mr. Hunter. Doug, love you guys. See you. Great training today. Bye, brother.
Starting point is 01:32:02 Hunter McIntyre. Okay. Let me see what's going on here. Let's see if we can. We'll call Sousa real quick. I should just have Sousa's phone number in here. It's weird that I don't. I don't have anyone's phone number in here.
Starting point is 01:32:27 6-8-3-1. 6831 now you know the last four numbers of Susan's phone what was the date May 27th we need to schedule him the day after May 27th Heber and Mars are doing their thing. No one needs to fight. It's peace and love. Peace and love.
Starting point is 01:32:51 Peace and love. Peace. Peace. Peace and love. All right. Short show today. What do you guys think about that thing? I guess a part of me is just in denial that the whole Epstein thing is real.
Starting point is 01:33:11 I guess we'll talk about this tomorrow. But when I see that that's, what's her name? Cindy McCain, Julie McCain, John McCain's ex-wife, living wife, John McCain's widow. That's what she's called. When I see that the widow said that they've known all along, I'm like, Holy shit. This shit really is fucked up. Oh,
Starting point is 01:33:30 Hector. Oh, Hector given the first three. Hector given the first three. Holy shit. Susan, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 01:33:43 Hey. Hey. So we accidentally gave out, we purposely gave out it's not accidental we've now given out um uh the first your area code and the last four numbers of your phone number on the air so someone would have to someone would have to guess three numbers to call you i feel like if they said we're surprised it's kind of funny i'm performing a cardinal sin right now too i'm actually coaching a class oh okay good i'll be really quick but they're on a 5k run oh kind of weird because now they they they're already warmed up and they're they're gone they're out like passed on like uh one of the larger streets so i'm kind of standing here by myself right now so it worked out perfectly tomorrow we're back on youtube fantastic i went and looked it said one day left i really wanted to get hunter
Starting point is 01:34:30 to be that premiere show i know fuck i was trying to time it too and i just couldn't tell because it was so vague i couldn't tell if it was coming back today or if it was coming back at midnight or what was happening so that was a bummer but we're back tomorrow so it's good hey um hunter is running uh the hyrox world championships may 26th and he said he will try his best to come on the show may 27th so i think we should schedule that awesome okay i'm gonna is he on right now no he's off he left okay i'm gonna um text him right now then put it in our thing while i'm remembering it all All right. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:35:07 All right, dude. Thank you. What are you doing tomorrow morning? Are you coming on the show? The welcome back to YouTube? Fuck, I wish. I'm coaching all the way until 10 o'clock. All right. Maybe we should do a crazy show, like a 24-hour show tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:35:22 Welcome back to YouTube show. 12-hour show. Midnight show. Maybe a midnight show tonight. Maybe a midnight show tonight. Maybe a midnight show tonight. If it lets us back on? Yeah. Alright. We got James Newberry tomorrow evening too. Okay, perfect.
Starting point is 01:35:34 What is tomorrow? Tomorrow's Friday? Tomorrow's Friday, yep. Alright. Alright, brother. I'll talk to you soon. Yep. Bye. Matthew Sousa. The best executive producer anyone could have for a show. Sousa best executive producer anyone could have for a show Sousa needs to hire some coaches well this show just needs to make some money
Starting point is 01:35:51 I need to just like activate on these sponsors the guy needs money to live alright Alright I'll see you guys tomorrow Still no word on the Frisbee show I'll call Brian now Thank you everyone Hope you enjoyed Hunter's return to the show Buh-bye

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