The Sevan Podcast - Abigail Domit & Jayson Hopper | Games Bound

Episode Date: July 15, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian"...: 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:01 Bam! We're live. Good morning. Yesterday I, well two days ago at night before I went to sleep, for dinner I had two cucumber jalapeno margaritas for dinner. And then I came home from the restaurant, I think it like I don't know 8 30 9 and I did that workout 30 muscle-ups uh for times 30 strict muscle-ups for time and I got uh 17 minutes and um I'm guessing I weighed like 170 so then I thought when I weighed like 170. So then I thought when I woke up the next morning,
Starting point is 00:00:48 I thought, and it took me four minutes to do the last muscle up. So then, uh, when I got up in the morning, I was like, I need to try that again, 10 pounds lighter. And in the afternoon and with a big,
Starting point is 00:01:01 huge dose of caffeine, I would, I would, I'm actually going to take a scoop of the stuff that Andrew introduced me to, NO Explode. Take a big old huge scoop of NO Explode and do it at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and do it at, I don't know, 160 pounds. And just see, can I do it in 10 minutes? I was really concerned about my shoulders that if I did 30 strict muscle-ups, my shoulders would hurt.
Starting point is 00:01:30 My shoulders are good. My triceps two days later, a crazy sore. So yesterday it's been a while since I fasted. So yesterday I, I attempted to fast. I had a two fit aids, a cup of paper street coffee in the morning, like I always do. And I had two plums that I found in the yard. And I had a big old glass of electrolytes and a cup of hot water. I finished The Boys yesterday too, all four seasons. I finally figured it out. They're gay superheroes they're gay fascist uh superheroes what's crazy is they keep confusing they keep telling the story of the uh
Starting point is 00:02:15 they keep they actually called in the final season they called the superheroes alt-right and they made them racist and shit but what's crazy and they talked about how one of the superheroes is was crazy wealthy and came from a family that used to collect slaves but what's crazy is that was the democrats not one republican the only republican on record that ever owned slaves was ulysses grant and he was a democrat at the time kind of crazy and yeah yeah's yeah uh sir trolls a lot yeah i just i realized that it's a gay superhero porn the good news is is i haven't in in and i arouse really easy and the good news is i didn didn't get aroused once in four seasons.
Starting point is 00:03:09 So there's that. God, and poor Starlight. What did she do to her face? She really did fuck her face up. She fucked her face up. I mean, just straight up. She got to, whoever her surgeon is, don't do that. Do not do that.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Anyway, I woke up this morning. I weighed 162. I took a. I got these ketone little shot ketone shots and I've been trying them out and people have always raved about ketone shots. I have felt nothing from them, absolutely zero. Like up to this point, I think they're just a complete waste of money, but I've been telling myself the reason why I'm not getting anything out of it is because I'm not in ketosis. So if I was in ketosis and I took one of those ketone shots, my body would be
Starting point is 00:04:00 like, oh, yeah, sustenance. So like I said, I'm about 36 hours with only two fit aids, two plums. And now I'm having my second cup of black coffee. And so after the show today, I'll do one of those shots of ketones and see if I feel anything, but I'll, but I'm gonna try to drop down. I don't know, maybe like to – maybe drop 10 pounds and then do the 30 muscle-ups again. My shoulders feel great. I'm really sore. I think I should still wait a week.
Starting point is 00:04:33 I don't think it should be like my first workout back. Nate, yeah, Nate's a good one. I love Nate. Nate's one of those workouts that came out. I'm like, this is a horrible workout. It's so easy for me. I'm good upside down too. And the kettlebell is one I can swing.
Starting point is 00:04:54 So, yeah, the two plums, two plums in your mouth sounds about right. Yeah. So, I normally don't weigh myself I normally don't get on the scale we have a scale it's not that I'm opposed to it it's just too much work we have one of those electronic ones you gotta like tap on it I also noticed yesterday about halfway through the day
Starting point is 00:05:19 my foot felt better for the first time in a couple months I wonder if that has to do with the not eating and inflammation going away uh do the plums not take you out of ketosis i thought ketosis was all or nothing process but i don't know i have no idea they were just on i was watering the i ate both of them on accident i wasn't on guard i was walking around the yard and there were plums. I always collect pump plums off the ground every morning and then in the evening. And so in the morning I picked one, I picked up a handful of them and I ate one. I don't think I, it's so little, um,
Starting point is 00:05:57 50 grams of carbs. I doubt it. Let's see. Uh, let me Small plum nutrients. Eight grams of carbs, seven grams of sugar, fruit sugar. Oh, 262. Good job. Nice. Good job, Jeez Louise. And then the Fit Aids, I looked, had five calories each in them. You know who eats just like me? I exactly like me, is Abigail Domet. That was my takeaway she is though that's how my kids eat my kids do that my kids bring the food to their mouth
Starting point is 00:06:53 i like to take a big handful and make it like a baseball you know what i mean like squeeze it really tight maybe you were you were a little shy so you just went for the trough method. I like to take a handful and squeeze it so it's like dense. Then it's like a hamburger and you take bites out of it. Yes. Well, I just shove the whole thing in. Okay. And sometimes my mouth gets wide open so big that I'm like, oh, fuck. I don't even give myself any room to chew. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:07:26 Because you got to get a little up room. I put so much in there that I'm just wedged open. It's going to sit in there for so many minutes and then they're just going to see me trying to continue to chew it while my mouth is so full. Abigail, you are so fucking beautiful. And then when I see you eat like this, I think, holy shit, maybe I married the wrong woman. fucking beautiful and then when i see you eat like this i think holy shit maybe i married the wrong woman i don't think there could be two of us in one house there there fucking couldn't be no that's the only way to get it down oh my goodness if um uh good thing you good thing you have a kooth husband and i have a kooth wife or we would be barbarians would you just sit i would literally just cook in a pot on the stove and eat i would never even use a fucking plate yeah and just bring it and just yeah with the hands yeah well i mean i
Starting point is 00:08:10 yeah i like utensils but but i do stupid the other you know how like there's big spoons like for like stirring stuff or like scooping like pasta sauce out or something yeah and the other day my wife made dinner and i came and i in the house, and I used that big spoon. It was a big steel spoon to eat, and it didn't really fit in my mouth, but I shoved it in anyway, and it cut my lip. It fucking – I go, we've got to throw this spoon away. She goes, why? I'm like, it's got a really sharp edge on it. She's like, you're not supposed to put that one in your mouth.
Starting point is 00:08:39 That's not what it's for. But it's a spoon, so what can you do? Yeah. First place. but it's a spoon so what can you do yeah first place beast yep there was a there was another moment like that in um uh the only other the only other time i remember something like that happening where an athlete, um, you know, pardon me if this is hyperbole, but came out of nowhere, um, and, and, and put it to the athletes that I can remember is I remember Brooke Enst did that in Del Mar one year. Okay. Yeah. She came out of nowhere and just, and just won it, you know, I mean, she was good, but she wasn't supposed to win it. Yeah. I mean, she had some, I mean, she probably, she had even bigger holes. I mean, was good but she wasn't supposed to win it yeah I mean she had some
Starting point is 00:09:25 I mean she probably she had even bigger holes I mean I can't think of any holes you have really but she had some holes and she wasn't supposed to win it and she did yeah she showed up and performed but did she only compete that one year or did she do it for multiple years that's the only year I remember she had success um But I don't know if she did it multiple years. I want to say she did it multiple years, but I think psychologically the, and I don't know that I should have her back on and ask her, but I think psychologically the, the burden of just the intensity of what it is to be a games athlete. She just wasn't up for anymore. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Like, like, pardon me. She wanted to do something else. Yeah. Or yeah, I guess maybe, yeah, I guess maybe I didn't ever thought of it like that, but one of the takeaways from the video with Hiller is you've taken, and maybe this wouldn't be your favorite word, but you've taken the burden. You've taken the responsibility of being the games athlete on full steam ahead. Yeah. I mean, cause that's the thing I don don't i know there's other things that i'm going to be doing later on like this is just for now this is temporary for however many years and then
Starting point is 00:10:34 yeah might as well just go all in while i'm doing it because i don't plan on obviously competing at this level forever i don't plan on doing it anywhere close to this years down the road. Um, I don't mean to, um, uh, be, uh, rude when I say this, but you also don't look like you're on PEDs. Yeah. I don't think so either. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I mean, obviously you're genetically gifted, you know what I mean? Yeah. But, but you don't look like you're on PED so anyone who says that you should you don't have enough you don't you're not your quads and your veins and your inside and your triceps and your shoulders you still look you still look human too real yeah yeah I mean I mean you look great you look strong as fuck you look great you look fast but you just
Starting point is 00:11:23 don't look. Yeah. I know exactly what you're saying. And I agree. That's why I was like, huh? Yeah. But. I mean, like, if you start working out, I think you would just, I think you would probably just shrink back down pretty damn quick. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I think so, too. I mean, that's what happens if I, like, when we have a really hard, like, after the games, I'll take a little bit of time off. And then I'll kind of deflate a little bit and then i gotta gotta pump back up yeah at most you look um you know you know i i realized um over the years too with certain people like they just they get inflamed like rich froning i think a lot of the times the reason why he looked the way he did is because he was so fucking inflamed yeah but he all but he well also. So it didn't manifest in the traditional, like puffy inflamed, but, but, but you know, you're doing three workouts. You're working out hard every single fucking day. So your body's always in fucking recovery. Right? Yeah. That's especially how I felt last year. I feel like my body manages it a little bit better
Starting point is 00:12:19 this year, but last year, like by the time the games rolled around, I felt just so inflamed and I didn't know if people could tell, but when I looked at pictures of myself, just looking at parts of my body, I was like, wow. I was really just inflamed during that time. I don't know this because I don't know what you're really like, but one of the cool things, I think that's the giveaway that you're all in also, is you had Hiller visiting, and you had a camera in your house for 48 hours and following you around. And you still seem to stay like yourself, like you didn't give a fuck, like you danced the same way. Like that shows me that you're singularly focused on what on the mission and you're not going to be worried about your perception. So you're eating grapes like that. You joke around about the cat.
Starting point is 00:13:06 You have the mind comp book out. You and your boyfriend are having some friendly bickering. It seemed like you were just like yourselves. Yeah. And I wasn't sure. I really liked the way it all came together because I wasn't sure what things he was going to put in, what he was going to leave out. He's really good at tying things together and leaving something still sort of up to question. But yeah, we're in the middle of training for the games. There's really no extra energy to try and put on a mask. Like I, I kind of, I've got all I got right now. So when he said he was going to come, I'm like, yeah, sure. Come on. Why not? Did you read the comments? Yeah. Um, Anton was reading them and he was kind of telling me how they were. and so i wasn't reading them as
Starting point is 00:14:05 closely as he was i don't think um it's 254 just like glowing reviews yeah most most of them are definitely positive so yeah it's cool i mean he did a great job so i told him he needs more negative reviews i said if you don't have more negative reviews, you didn't push it hard enough. Yeah, there were some negatives. But the people are kind of retarded in the negatives. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Like you can tell they were triggered by something and it's nothing really you did. Yeah, but most of them are definitely positive.
Starting point is 00:14:43 All the top ones are positive, but I did think about that cause I know a lot of his stuff does get a lot of negativity thrown at it. So, but I don't know. Can you tell, can you tell me the story of him contacting you? Um,
Starting point is 00:14:59 he just shot me a message, said, Hey, you know, I'd like to DMs. Yeah. Um, Hey, can I follow you around for a day or two does that bother you um and then I I had already seen like the video he did with Haley um and Bill so I kind of knew what it was going to be about and And so I was like, yeah, sure. Why not? The whole like PED things
Starting point is 00:15:28 kind of got added in later because he was going to come one weekend and then he ended up coming the following. But the weekend before I ended up getting tested. So I messaged him. I was like, oh, this would have been so funny. Like if you were here when all this was happening. And then he was like, oh my gosh, I'm getting a flight right now. I'm going to come tonight. But that ended up not working out. So he came the following weekend and then he had us just to kind of try and scope out and get whatever we could from those. Who filmed it?
Starting point is 00:15:57 The weekend before Anton. And was he uncomfortable filming that? I mean, that took balls. That section is pretty ballsy. It's, it's uncomfortable filming. I mean, people don't realize this, but it's always uncomfortable being behind the camera like there's just steady stream like the person in front of the camera is uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:16:12 the person behind the camera is always a little uncomfortable too if they have empathy because they know you know you're spying on the person like you're capturing them and taking them home with you yeah um was he uncomfortable it? It looked, it looked tense. It looked not in a bad way, but you could tell they didn't really want to be filmed. They didn't. That was kind of the thing. Cause we were trying to like sneak a little bit, but they did say straight up. They're like, please leave us out of the media. We don't want to be a part of this. Um, so we definitely did have to like, make sure we blurred them out and hid their identities and all that. So yeah, they, they were like, no, don't, don't film us if we can.
Starting point is 00:16:50 We'll answer your questions off camera, but. Abigail, why didn't they tell you? No, they still let you film. I mean, you got great footage. You accomplished it. Do they by law have to let you film? What's the, what's the rule on that? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:05 to let you film what's the what's the rule on that i don't know um i think that if somebody tells you straight up to not film them maybe but i don't think um because uh anton did actually look up if the like what the the laws are per state and like in texas like there's only a few states where you absolutely can't just go up and film people but texas is not one of them so we weren't sure you're going into a bathroom and you're lowering your pants and they're staring at your genitalia to pee you would think that you would be allowed to document that to document that yeah yeah i mean it sounds kind of balanced right like yeah i'm gonna do this for you how about you let me do this just for right it was more just their identities like they just it was them that they didn't want to be shown and like i don't, I guess because it makes people, I don't know if it was about their safety or something like that. Anyway, you captured it great.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Did he film that with his iPhone? He was using his camera, like his nice camera. And then, yeah, like he put the mic and everything attached. Well, it came out great i thought that they were great with you the amount they did let you film yeah and um i i think it's um fantastic that it's pretty amazing that you were tested right after yeah my finals and then you were tested again we know that the tests they're they're random in the sense they're random for you you don't know but they're not random like they don't they don't reach into a ball they don't reach into a you know
Starting point is 00:18:51 a hopper and be like oh abigail dome it they someone actually suggests like rich and matworth and t are tested a shitload right yeah and that's for that's for a reason, right? To validate, to catch them if they are cheating, but also to validate their performance. So someone obviously thought, okay, she did this great. Let's test her again. I mean, that's cool. I think it's great. It brings you validation, right? It brings you validation, right? Yeah, and I definitely think it's a good time to do it. At least that's what some people were telling me. Like, oh, it's perfect because I don't know if it's like between semis in the games makes sense to do it then.
Starting point is 00:19:36 I saw some other people also were getting tested. I know like Alex was tested and Dallin and maybe a few others, like all kind of at the same time. I would test all those people those people too i put them at the top of the list too for sure yeah i put ariel in there too fittest woman in america get fucking get her yeah um and um because i mean i don't i don't know enough about um peds and it sounds like you don't either but you would think that my logic would be okay they tested me after semi-finals if i'm going to, if I'm going to have another window to do some, it would be now. Yeah. That that's kind of the way some people worded it. So they were like, Oh, that's so good. They did that now. Yeah. Like, okay. But cause in my mind I was like, well, I was just tested a few weeks ago or a month ago.
Starting point is 00:20:28 But then they're like, no, no, that's a good time to test someone. So I was like, oh, OK, cool. Are you I remember the first time I had an AIDS test, I hadn't even ever even had sex. I was probably like I was like 16 or 17. I can't remember the. Yeah. And I remember still being scared to get my results back. were you still scared to get your results back no I mean we'll see like what if I got a bad piece of meat what if Anton's on it but that's the thing that I've thought about where I'm like if somebody is doing that stuff like that would be so terrifying to go and take a test knowing that
Starting point is 00:21:03 you did take something and then i don't know just if it comes back positive and then every like that would just be so embarrassing right you know um i guess if if i were to do if i were to be if i were to take peds i would also have a talk with myself this is a free psa to be okay with getting caught like to do it and not be okay with getting caught you're retarded yeah probably you have to have that talk with yourself um it would be like if you were a bank robber you better be like you better be okay with getting caught yeah yeah that's a risk that you're willing to take so if when you look at your performance at the semifinals, I kept just thinking of Justin Medeiros.
Starting point is 00:21:48 I'm like, wow, do we is this is Abigail cracked the code on, you know, being a champ, you know, just steady. It's the way I saw it was like. This is what I have to do here, here and here to end up here basically like you go in you know who you're competing against and then you're like okay we found out the events pretty ahead of time and so you can kind of just be like okay if i do this much here then that'll be enough to win in other, it wouldn't be enough to win, but it worked out this time. Yeah. It's, um, it's pretty wild. I'm going to pull up the leaderboard
Starting point is 00:22:33 here. Fourth, sixth, fifth, ninth, ninth, third. Yeah. Like those ninths. Um, I wasn't really happy with those, but in this situation, it still worked out. Had you done the snatch event in practice? We practiced it, yeah. And do you know what your time was? It was pretty similar to what I got. It was a few seconds slower. Were all your times pretty similar? Um, event one was completely different. Um, just cause the, obviously the stairs and all that. So
Starting point is 00:23:13 practice time was definitely faster. Um, event two, that was my best time that I got. time that I got. Three was a little bit faster. Four was the same. That one I was just very disappointed in. Five was like a few seconds faster. Six was a few seconds faster. So similar, but always a little bit faster. If I'm going to go to compete, I would always expect my times to be at least a little bit faster. Right? Because you need to show up for game day. Yeah, you're just ready. You're just like, it's time to go. You've got caffeine in your system. You're you know, everybody's around you. It's very different than trying to just like go all out at practice. Do you think that if you looked at any of those workouts, were there any of them that you look back on? You're like, I, I fucked that one up. I came out too hard or I came out too slow or I broke it up wrong. Um, I just, I really didn't like the
Starting point is 00:24:16 way I did on the row, um, handstand one that just felt slow. And I went out a little hot and then I just, I was questioning if I was just, am I just not trying hard enough? Am I, you know, um, You mean during the workout you were having these thoughts? Yeah. And then I ended, I was like, all right, well, that was just bad. The, the, um, you're you qualified in the number one spot and um you got below you is alex and ariel and hattie canyo and emily rolf and danny spiegel and bethany flores these are like staples outside of hattie canyo for the uh for the crossfit games now right last three years these these are the gals
Starting point is 00:25:06 um did you have any yeah did you have any idea you would win honestly it kind of was solidified through the weekend but i i had some confidence i after quarterfinals just because that went pretty well and then i was like well i'm competing against these same people again and we're going to have more events. So that's more opportunity to gain points. So I knew that it was possible. I wasn't going to be upset if I didn't. But as the weekend went on, I was like, well, yeah, I think I can win,
Starting point is 00:25:42 especially just seeing kind of the point spread. I was like, well, at this point point because Hattie was winning like all weekend or for a while and I was like is she gonna win and am I gonna get second that would just be crazy but that was that would have been crazy yeah because I feel like I re-expected like Alex or maybe Ariel, but I feel like they, their points just weren't close enough to get there. And so I was like, well, I guess I'm going to have to just step up and do it. So outside of a performance that like Tia would do, Hattie Cano had a perfect day until the final event. Oh yeah. She was killing it. I was surprised that her final event went like that I thought I thought she was gonna do better that's why I told myself I'm just gonna do whatever I can and you know let it fall
Starting point is 00:26:30 where it does third seventh fourth eighth fifth and then a 23rd yeah I wonder I wonder if she did you feel any surrender in in the in the last event like did you give it your all in the last event? Like, did you give it your all in the last event? Or were you kind of like... No, I knew because I was in a position where I came off the rings and like Alex, I knew she was just going to go to the dumbbells, pick them up and just go unbroken and just crush it. And so I was like, I'm just going to let her go. And then I'm going to break once
Starting point is 00:27:02 and I'm going to take my time and then I'm going to finish. Because at that going to take my time and then I'm going to finish because at that point, I mean, yeah, I don't know where the other heats were necessarily. I know there is one girl who finished ahead of me in the third heat or whenever, but yeah, I was like, I'm just going to finish it and it'll be enough. So you did put the dumbbells down. Yeah. I put them down very specifically and where halfway through or three quarters through, or it was like maybe a little over half. I just, I stepped right over the line, put them down just very intentionally. And then I literally
Starting point is 00:27:37 just like looked around and was like, okay, I'm going to take a few seconds, and then I'm just going to finish. How about the muscle-ups? How did you do those? 15. You did? Yeah. And when you pick before the race starts, do you see the line where you're going to put the dumbbells down and then be like, that's my goal, but I'll reassess as I'm doing it?
Starting point is 00:28:03 Kind of. I knew I was like, i'll break one time unless it's like a situation where i'm like neck and neck with somebody then it's like okay try and fight for it more but i had a feeling it wasn't going to be like that and it wasn't so i was like i'll get through where's halfway where's one more line Cause it was like 12 foot sections. Do one more and then put them down. Could you have gone all the way you think? Maybe. I think if somebody was like literally right next to me, I think I could have fought for it and done it. It would have sucked. It would have hurt, but I think it was possible.
Starting point is 00:28:46 It's cool to hear you say that. Cause when you were working out with, um, Hiller, when he was visiting you afterwards, he said, um, I'm sorry, I didn't push you hard enough. And you're like, no, you pushed me. And then you gave an analysis of where he was. Yeah. You're like, I saw you here. I saw this behavior on you here. I knew I started thinking you were gonna be good. And I was like, holy shit, she's a shark. Like even working out with Andrew, you're like, all right, I'm beat this dude. I'm gonna watch him. I'm like, I mean, like, you're all like, it's just in you. people's energies and like see where people are at. And you only get that whenever you're going against someone. And yeah, it's not something that I think you should do every single day because it can take away from training. But that's, that's like my favorite part of competing live is you can just read people and you know, you can tell when they're going to break down or you're like, Oh no, this person's going to hold on. This person's going to speed up. Um, so yeah, it was definitely a workout where Andrew had the big advantage. So
Starting point is 00:29:49 I figured I would just kind of follow along with him. And then towards the end, he, I think the heat just got to him and I was like, I'm just going to finish and that will be done. Do you have a training partner? No. Every once in a while, if somebody wants to jump in, I mean, it doesn't really happen often. That's cool. But right now, my coach is in town, so it's nice to just have someone there who's just coaching me
Starting point is 00:30:17 and pushing me and helping me stay more accountable in that way. When I look at the top five girls, uh, Abigail Domet, uh, Alex Kazan, Ariel Loan, uh, Hattie, can you, and Emily Rolfe, none of you just from what I can tell, have female training partners that you're going head to head in. Like you don't have like a, you're not, you're not, none of you are like in training camps i mean ariel has her boy toy yeah um uh uh i forget joel joel um but he but it sounds like he even games the workouts you know what i mean like if it's a triplet he'll just do the couplet to keep her on pace and stuff that's that's interesting right none of you guys are in and gazan is like by far just the the shit at her place so So she's probably all alone. And Emily Rolfe trains, I think, with her husband, you know, just her coach.
Starting point is 00:31:13 And I don't remember Hattie saying she had anyone. That's interesting. And then in six is Danny Spiegel and she trains in Invictus. So I'm guessing she's around a lot of top level athletes. You like it like that? Do you like training alone? In ways, I think it's good for you. I think it's fun to train with other people.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Just right now in this situation that I have, it just isn't – it's not the most efficient. I don't – this was something I thought about maybe like years ago about like, oh, what if I was training at a training camp with people every single day? But then I wouldn't be doing programming that's specific to me, which was something that later on I realized that I need so that I could work on the things that I need to work on, not what everybody else needs to work on in order to continue improving. And so it's, it depends, like, if someone wants to jump in for a workout out of the day, that's great. But I understand, like, for Ariel situation, working out with Joel, like, he's just a person that's there, you know, almost like just work out with her kind of just keep her company, just because the days can be long. and whenever you're just pushing yourself all day like it's just it's more just like mental capacity but I also think that's very good for you to go through and do for example for me my coach is here with me and so the training is completely different versus in June he was just giving me the programming and it was just a ton of just capacity and work.
Starting point is 00:32:47 And it's like, hey, you need to figure out how to do this alone and just get through it. And then by the time he gets here, then it's like a completely different situation. Were you annoyed that Hiller worked out with you? No, no. I wanted somebody to work out with me on that last piece. Cause I was just before that workout started, I was just like bitching about, I'm like, I'm so tired. I don't want to do this. Um, I was actually asking Anton to just do the workout with me. Um, but, and then Hiller was like, Oh, I'll do it with you. And so I was like, all right, let's go. Let's do it. Oh, that's awesome. So yeah, it, it helps me a lot. And I i was i was very thankful because yeah um i when i
Starting point is 00:33:27 was watching the video last night uh i had some friends over a couple friends over and they're like where's her coach where's your coach so your coach isn't with you so that was um right before he got here that was in late june my coach got here july like the first day of july where does he live so i believe he's staying in his travel trailer but where does he normally live uh in santa fe oh new mexico yeah okay and did you ever live there no and how did you find him so i was introduced by a friend they were doing a training camp um at this town nearby here and this person was basically just trying to tell me like hey like when you're gonna get a coach maybe this is something you should do here's this guy he works
Starting point is 00:34:20 with these people they're actually doing a training camp. It's like 30 minutes away. I can get you guys in contact and maybe you can go. And so I was just like, sure. Yeah. Like I'll try it out. Why not? And so I went, did the weekend camp, had a great time, great experience, met Matt and was like, yeah, sure. Like, why not? Let's work together. So we've been doing that ever since um your goals are were pretty unrealistic i think because i think a lot of people have said what you what you after watching the um hillar video you're like hey i want to go to the crossfit games but he seemed to believe in you right off the bat why do you think that is? Who are you referring to? Your coach, Matt. Yes. Every time you talk about him, it was like, yeah, he believed in me. He said, okay, let's do it. And I'm just like, wait, what? Because I think a lot of affiliate owners will get someone who
Starting point is 00:35:18 walks in and be like, hey, I want to go to the games. And the affiliate owner inside their head rolls their eyes. Yeah, for sure um but you didn't get that feeling from him all the stories you tell about him you're like hey i want to do this he's like great let's get on it yeah i'm like what i mean well he's a coach he he's able to you know see talent in people you know not not everybody can see. I feel like, and like Anton's kind of the same way. Like he was the one who first pushed me to kind of shoot higher when I started doing this CrossFit thing. Um, like even whenever the first time I competed at individual semis, he was like, I was like, okay, next year I want to qualify. I want to make it. And he was like, yeah, yeah, make it next year. And then what, you know, like what, what's after that? Like after you make it,
Starting point is 00:36:07 like, that's not it. Right. You don't want to just make it. And in my mind, I was like, oh, I don't know. I haven't even thought about that. And he was like, are you kidding me? Like, like you should have more goals than just that. Of course you're going to make it next year. Like there should be more there. And so, and it was kind of the same way. Like when I met Matt, like he was like, yeah, like you can do this. Like let's do it. Let's start working together. And you know, there's no, there's nothing really holding you back here. So, but I feel like, yeah, cause there are a lot of people who were the opposite. Um, I mean, it's crazy that you have two people around you like that who believe in you like that yeah i mean it's true it's it's it's pretty wild there's so many non
Starting point is 00:36:51 uh believers out there people who aren't supportive have you ever i don't take you as the kind of person who has the personality who's ever been pushed into anything so when i heard the story that he just signed you up and had you do the CrossFit class, is that out of character for you? You seem very, you got a little car Saunders in you. You seem very strong willed. It's your way or the highway. And Anton kind of describes you like that. And yet there's this huge piece of your life that's taken just a sharp right turn to CrossFit that he just like shoved you in the back end. Yeah. I mean, I feel like that's also kind of why he signed me up because that was the only way I would have done it. But I also have this like huge like fear of waste
Starting point is 00:37:33 where I'm like, oh, I have this thing. I need to go and do it while I'm at it. But I also, it was just kind of perfect timing because I was in a situation where I also, it was just kind of perfect timing because I was in a situation where I needed a big change in my life. I needed to really pivot and focus my energy elsewhere. So, and for me, I need to always have like a huge goal that I'm working towards. I need to have some sort of purpose. Otherwise, I'm just not,
Starting point is 00:38:05 I'll just be like a menace to society. I won't be any good. So yeah, and he knows this about me. So he's like, I signed you up. He's like, I know. Yeah, you're gonna really like this. So and then I was like, you know, hell no, I'll go. But after that, I'm done and I'll figure something else out. But that's how it happened. Yeah, the only weird part of the entire piece that Hiller did on you is the ice. The ice is very weird. But I mean, you have to be weird. You're not going to be a champion if you're not weird.
Starting point is 00:38:40 But it's some weird shit. No, no, the ice. So don't get me wrong. Our fridge, it makes ice. Yeah, you have a beautiful house and I'm sure your fridge does great ice. It does great ice, but if we're filling up a cooler every single day,
Starting point is 00:38:55 it's not going to keep up. So we got to save some of that ice. Like I can't just like empty the ice bin every single day and expect it to just reproduce the exact same amount so you got you got to go to amazon and get one of those you can order it's really cheap you know those blue things they're wrapped in plastic and you freeze them uh the the cubes it'll just be like a big it's a big thin piece of plastic and it has blue a blue liquid in it and you put it in your fridge and it freezes.
Starting point is 00:39:26 And then every morning when you wake up, you take it out of the freezer, you put it at the bottom of your cooler, and then when you come home, you take it out of the bottom of the cooler and put it back in the freezer. It's like a block of ice that's contained in a hard piece of plastic. But it's not like ice that if you wanted to eat some. No, you eat the ice too. Well, if I'm like, okay, I'm going to have some or let me put some on me or let me put some. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Yeah. I realize. All right. Because I've used like ice packs before, but it's not the same. Oh, yeah. Ice packs. That's what they're called. My favorite part of the story that's just absolutely fucking insane, but just re reaffirms what I think of fucking hospitals and medical
Starting point is 00:40:08 professionals is you took a pill and it got stuck in your throat. So like my whole life, I never, I don't take pills. Now I can like, I can take my fish oil, vitamin D, stuff like that. Now, because I've gotten it stretched out and I've gotten a routine to keep it that way. But yeah, no. What do you mean you got it stretched out? Like surgically you had it shaved or?
Starting point is 00:40:33 Yeah, they went in and they just stretched it out. Is there something in there that stays in there like a stint? No. They wanted to remove like all the scar tissue or that's what I wanted them to do. But you can't do that. Basically, the stretching out will just break it and it'll keep it like that for a while. Some people have to go every year and continue to get that. Why is there scar tissue down in your esophagus? I don't know. It just developed over the years. and so i was just used to eating extremely slow and i would choke like every day and i never took pills and yeah i thought that was just the way i was gonna
Starting point is 00:41:13 live do you have a tiny esophagus you yeah the the top picture was what it looked like yeah there's like a teeny little slit and that's like what I was like eating and drinking out of. And then they stretch it out. So the bottom one was after when they opened. Um, so do you, do you know this technique where you put pills in your mouth and then you take a little sip of water and rinse all the, and go like this and all the pills get wet and then swallow it? Do you know that technique? Yeah. Okay. Okay. Just checking. I mean, because that's what that once I didn't know that until like I was in my 30s. Someone's like, hey, dude, you got to get the pills wet before you swallow them.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Like more than one at a time or like one at a time? Any, any, but especially the ones that are like the big horse pills that aren't wrapped in plastic, like those. So you took a pill, you took a pill and it got stuck. So you took a pill and it got stuck. They told me about this supplement. They're like, oh, this is amazing. It's better than beta alanine times 10, all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:42:18 But everybody takes it, whatever. And so I had messaged the person who's the owner of the company. And I was like, hey, can I break this up and drink it like in water or something? They're like, no, it only works if you swallow it. And I was like, you know what? I've had times where I have taken a pill and like, it'll be stuck for a few hours, but eventually I can like figure out a way to get it down. So I thought that that would be the case with this. But because of what it's made of it's not like one of those slippery slidey pill it's like um calcium carbonate is like the main ingredient which is like chalk and so it was never ever going to disintegrate or whatever until it hit
Starting point is 00:42:58 the stomach acid but it was never going to get down there because it was never going to come apart was it stuck like this? Was it wedged in there like this, like a stick on two sides of a wall? Or was it just stuck to the side like super? It was just there because there's so much inflammation. There's so many ligatures. It wasn't going to go through and it's not going to slide easily. And I knew after a certain amount of hours, I was like, okay, we're just going to have to go and have somebody take this out. And when the guy did take it out, did they put you under or you do it while you're awake?
Starting point is 00:43:34 No, they put you under. Yeah. Um, they'll go in with a scope, but he couldn't even really get the scope in. And he was just like, oh my gosh, like you need to do something about this i've only seen this in like old old men who've gone through like radiation and stuff like that that's crazy anyone else in your family have that no i don't think so i don't know it's it's bizarre but and then so for two days that happened two days before the games last year? Before we left. Before we left, okay. So we got there, what was it, like Sunday? And this was happening like Friday. But yeah, and they just, they wouldn't, it was just frustrating because they wouldn't help me.
Starting point is 00:44:18 And I couldn't, I needed to stay calm because if I got more like anxiety about it, then it was just going to make it worse. And it can just, but they, they told me that there was nothing in there and I was having an anxiety attack and that's what was happening. And I was like, no, I've dealt with this for the last like 14 years of my life. That reminds me of a time when, um, I, uh, told my my mom my ankle was bothering me and i took him she took me to the doctor and the doctor's like can you leave the room and then my mom came out pissed and i'm like what happened she's like they told me that it's just like you're making it up or some shit yeah i'm like what the fuck i'm making it up and there was something wrong right uh they never found anything but my ankle my ankle hurt for like six months yeah and they
Starting point is 00:45:07 ended up giving me just vicodin so in the seventh grade i had vicodin it was the only time in all of school that i ever felt cool i would take vicodin yeah were you selling it no but i felt so cool when i took it i would felt so real in the seventh grade, uh, collar high. What's up, dude? What's up? I was just thinking this reminds me exactly of this condition that I have with my butt. Oh, please share. It's just like, like it's too small. Uh-huh. So that when you poop it, like, instead of all of it coming out and like a clean, like a neat turd, it kind of like...
Starting point is 00:45:48 Comes out like spaghetti? You have one of those Play-Doh filters on your anus when you poop? It just like puts it out like spaghetti? You know, like the Play-Doh filters? It's like a noodle maker. Taylor, are you being serious? Do you have a really tight butthole? That's a thing. Sorry,ole? That's a thing.
Starting point is 00:46:06 That is a thing? It would tear and your butthole would get anal fissures and it would bleed. Taylor, would you rather have a tight butthole or a tight esophagus? A butthole that's too tight or an esophagus that's too tight? Dude, it's definitely worse if you have a butthole because I have... Dude, i had to get a hemorrhoid removed i told this story anyways i'll leave you alone i just was thinking about my butthole um all right taylor taylor what place is uh um is abigail gonna finish in the top 10 of
Starting point is 00:46:35 the games don't get scared just because she's here don't be a pussy one or semifinal so it would be a safe bet to say they're what five semifinals it'd be a i would say it would be a safe bet the top 10 is definitely in the cards you think she's going to be danielle brandon yeah danielle's a fucking head case all right thank you hey guys hot take from taylor self isn't that nice people are empathizing with you take from Taylor self isn't that nice people are empathizing with you yeah yeah you're really touching people he felt impelled impelled is that a word yeah what's what's the word I'm looking for you read books not obligated no impelled a drive force urge yeah he felt impelled uh to he's empathizing with your uh
Starting point is 00:47:27 tight throat and he felt oh compelled thank you jesus crime me i suck with with his if he's experiencing that with his butthole it would it would just tear and little do you do you have super tight butthole too sorry i have to ask now it's just that it's just if you're not eating enough fiber okay but it's not like all your tubes are small no okay it's not like your your esophagus and your colon are both just way too small yeah they're all just connected no no it's it's just a thing that's like right here or right here. Yeah, crazy. When did you know that you had that?
Starting point is 00:48:11 Like just as a little kid, you're like, oh. No, I think the first time I like choked on food was in, well, I was in like eighth grade. And then it didn't happen for a little while. And then when I was in high school, like every time I went to lunch, happen for a little while and then when i was in high school like every time i went to lunch um it was like a thing where the if i just ate too fast or it would just pile on top of each other and i didn't allow it all to go down then i would take the water and just come back out yeah hey would you did it does it hurt sometimes when you eat like um uh sometimes this hasn't happened
Starting point is 00:48:44 to me in a long time but i remember being a kid and I would eat bread. And it was – I felt like it hurt when it went down. Like it was like stretching shit out in there. And it would like hurt as it went down. Does it sometimes hurt when you swallow? No, only if I'm having like heartburn or reflux. Oh, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:04 I only get that if I drink too much alcohol yeah like for me alcohol with chips will fuck me up yeah like fried food with like cheap wine or like just alcohol like that definitely will yeah yeah lots of reflux all right i'm really excited um for you you're awesome uh the video video Andrew did with you is awesome It's gonna be so great to see you at the games. You're surrounded by great people tell Anton I said hi, I wish I would have talked to him more at the games, but I could see was he was with you at The West Coast classic. He's a charming man. Oh, yeah. Yeah, and you're stoked I'm stoked. Are you you're going to the games i am going to the games
Starting point is 00:49:46 99 99.9 sure okay i'm sure i'm as sure as you are i think oh yeah yeah okay who knows maybe i'll have to my throat will close before i leave or something or the colon or yeah yeah my colon you're very thoughtful all right dear abigail dome it talk to you soon girl bye bye all right thorough thorough interview thorough interview even a surprise call from taylor self the superstar of kill taylor twenty five hundred dollars this um did i not send jason an invite um oh oh no it says he's coming okay great oh there he is that was perfect man 45 minutes goes by fast. Yo, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:50:47 What's up? Should you be training? I'm going to train after this. It's an active recovery day. Oh, I really appreciate you doing this. It sucks. Oh, you are. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:02 You really put it to Dallin and taylor and colton at the quarterfinals you put it i mean you destroyed them dude that was so long ago man you're not riding that high still no man five grand easy day just a couple days, beating up on your buddies. Hey, it was nice. But then semis happened, so they got the – Dallin got the best – You're only as good as your last event, and so Dallin's up. Hey, that is true.
Starting point is 00:51:38 And that's what the fans, I guess, think kind of too. Let me see. You were at the East Coast? Yeah. Men's semifinals, East Coast, fourth place. Jeffrey Adler, Dallin Pepper, Roman Krennikoff, Jason Hopper. to two let me see you were at the you were at the east coast yeah men's semi-finals east coast fourth place uh jeffrey adler down pepper roman krennikoff jason hopper dude you're you're with you're in a good crew yeah it was a good time you got a first place in the fourth event i know was that the row handstand walk yeah god you're a beast. I really wanted that echo bike legless workout, though.
Starting point is 00:52:07 And what number was that? That was event three. That was when Roman and Dallin went head-to-head, and there was a lot of no reps given for Dallin, and then Roman caught up, and then he wasn't given the no rep. Oh, oh, oh, oh. I like how you remember that. So Roman got first, Dallin second, Jeffrey third, and you fourth.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Oh, shit, and Sam fifth. God, the top five guys got the top five spots in that. Yeah, that was a good one. I put myself in a position to win and I got no rep on the last rope climb what are you weighing Jason? like 225 and are you going to show up at 225? dude I don't know how I can lose weight
Starting point is 00:52:54 yeah I mean you're pretty thin I mean I was 230 last year but that was I mean I was doing a lot more lifting I was just big a lot of bodybuilding this year. Not as much as that. So 225, but I don't think I can get any lower.
Starting point is 00:53:12 It's crazy because if someone sees you from afar, you don't look like a big guy. But then when you get next to you, you're fucking huge. I mean, you look kind of like a swimmer. You look like a lean dude who just does a lot of pull-ups. And then you get next to you you're fucking huge i mean you look like kind of like like just like a swimmer you look like a lean dude who just you know does a lot of pull-ups and then you get next to you or like when you put your arm on me at the games i felt like it was gonna crush me yeah you didn't you didn't look you don't look small uh far away either and and how tall are you six 6'1". Maybe. Our first words ever exchanged with me,
Starting point is 00:53:49 that we ever exchanged. I don't recall that. I don't recall that. Okay. All right. All right. Tell everybody what I said. I think that...
Starting point is 00:53:57 What do you think I said? I think you walked up around me, walked up to me and put your arm around me. And what sucked is I was like, I think I was like in between you and Dallin and one other giant guy. And you put your arm around me and what sucked is i was like i think i was like in between you and dallin and one other giant guy and you put your arm around me and you're like wow you're a little bitch in real life something along those lines i know i know somewhere i took i took the hit of being called a bitch dude i don't think i would ever say that to you. Okay, fine. We'll strike it from the record. You, you, the games, the games, I think there's gonna be a lot of eyes on you at the games.
Starting point is 00:54:34 People are confused. They can't, they can't figure you out. Everyone knows that you're so fucking good at this CrossFit stuff. And then last year you took a 31st. You missed the cut at the games. Do you, is any of that still in your head? Do you think about that? Is there any motivation there?
Starting point is 00:54:50 Is there any haunting there? No, I mean, there's a chip on my shoulder for sure. But it's a good, healthy chip. I don't – I'm not haunted by what happened last year. I know the reasons why last year happened the way it did. And I've avoided all those reasons. And so, I mean, I feel good. I mean, last year I was just overtrained. I was as simple as that. And then this year, our plan has been kind of a little bit different
Starting point is 00:55:21 than what our plan last year was. And so, I mean, I plan to go to the games feeling good. than what our plan last year was and so i mean i plan to go to the the games feeling good and what does that mean over trained what is that what are some of the implications or what does that look like um just too much volume and not enough intensity i just couldn't keep up the intensity and so got to the games and i was just super flat like it for us mortals does that mean you're tired? Yeah. I mean, if you go watch some of the events last year, I mean, I came in last on that last workout before I got cut Helen.
Starting point is 00:55:55 And I mean, it was a run workout. And I mean, I was, I mean, I was dead dude. And I was like, it was, it was. On day one, on day one, even. Day two. Day two. And even day, I mean, day one. I mean, I got, we did the pig flip workout and I mean, I was supposed to finish like top five.
Starting point is 00:56:21 And I got to the pig with like the top three people and the pig i mean i couldn't finish it i was like i mean i finished it i came in 11th in that workout um but i just couldn't keep up the intensity and the heat i mean it was very it was very hot out there but uh yeah it just felt flat overall so And so this year we're, uh, you know, intensity is more of a priority. Um, a few days ago, or I don't know, a week ago, uh, Brooke Wells came into town. Is she a normal training partner for you? Did she come to train with you? Did you ask her, how does that happen that she comes to town to train with you?
Starting point is 00:57:02 We wanted to, to um connect a little bit and uh we've been in the talks we trained before in 2021 she was at proven i went up to proven before the my rookie my rookie games trained a little bit there and then we've just been friends um ever since then and then she joined hdopo she's always been wanting to come down to greenville and so and invite her up for a games training and so she came it was a good time is when when you bring someone you have two high caliber athletes like yourselves when you bring someone like that is their intention like is it is it so planned out it's like hey we both need to work on our blah blah blah or um is there a reason her
Starting point is 00:57:47 specifically like are you like she's strong in this i'm strong in this or i'm weak in this she's weak in this or i'm weak in this she's strong in this and that we need to do these and we can glean these skills from each other um we're very we're very similar in a lot of ways and then there's a lot of a lot of things that she's, really great at that I'm not so great at that I selfishly wanted to kind of just see where I was at with that. And so, I mean, we did a lot of – there was like one workout we did that she would easily be like top five at the games. That would not necessarily be the case for me. easily be like top five at the games that would not necessarily be the case for me and so and at the same time like we don't we don't know where we're really at versus the field and so I wanted to do that workout with her just as like see where I was at currently with some things and so just
Starting point is 00:58:37 stuff like that but then at the same time um we're very similar in some aspects and so just having the extra push racing you know we wouldn't be able to go as fast as what we did by ourselves necessarily. And so it's just a healthy, um, it's just priming the engine for a little bit while she's here. Um, so, and how long did she stay there for? Three days. I think she's coming back.
Starting point is 00:59:02 I think she's coming back. So that's a good sign so both you felt like you got growth from that you enjoyed it yeah and in those three days do all do you guys do this this is a crossfit crash yeah and does anyone have eyes on you or do you just say hey i start my training day at 8 a.m meet me here and you guys are off to the races no jr was there um watching every bit of it oh he does yeah and does he know her does he give her does he talk to her the same way he talks to you does he talk he does not talk he actually he talked to her more than he talked to me um he uh she's actually very coachable and so they didn't know each other at all uh i don't think they've ever talked before
Starting point is 00:59:52 and then once she came here i think there was one workout we did the on day one and uh i think she gave he gave her a tip and then they kind of just hit it off. She received it well. And then, you know, like I said, she's very coachable, and so she takes the advice really well. And she enjoyed Crash. JR hosted her and us very well. And so I would say they're – I mean, they're not the best of – I mean, they're not close, but I feel like they're way closer than they were before when someone comes in we're in we're in a group chat and so we we talk regularly
Starting point is 01:00:30 now so oh shit okay friends that's tight um uh when you so who so you guys did you guys do all the same workouts those three days yeah wow shit so it's kind of like a little mini competition yeah it went very long we only did like two workouts a day the last day we did three so we kept things i mean we didn't like do like a whole games you know simulation we just did a few, a few workouts. Seven total, eight, seven or eight total. Are you sick? No. What did you think about the volume at semifinals? I feel like it was just a typical semifinal volume, six events.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Did you have any, I'm tying this to the fact that you said that you've reduced your you've you've kind of you were over trained last year did any part of you get concerned at semifinals like oh i haven't been training enough this was really hard or did you was it the other way but like oh i feel good i feel fresh no i felt really fresh at semifinals and plus semifinals is not anywhere close to the games and so it's kind of hard to really know um i mean six events um all indoor so you know heat's not a factor except when we ran outside but that was minimal um yeah i wasn't really concerned about the volume i felt good i can't remember who i interviewed if it was yella or who i interviewed but they were basically like saying like you can't really imagine how hard the games are it's like especially like the last two days it's basically like just a fight
Starting point is 01:02:14 like it's fucking hard um so that I'm guessing that experience does not happen at semifinals you don't wake up on the third day and be like I don't want to go out there no I mean at semifinals you wake up on the third day and be like, I don't want to go out there. No, I mean, at semifinals, you wake up on the third day and you're kind of just like, I'm, I'm kind of excited for this to be over with. Um, but I think that was with any competition. I mean, it's less about the actual workouts and more about the stress and the nerves over and over and over and the emotional roller coaster. And I mean, just think about like every time you're in the corral, you have this like the spike of adrenaline and nervousness and emotion and you know, all this, all these, all these emotions and thoughts. And you're just
Starting point is 01:02:55 doing that over and over and over. And I think that is the thing that takes the toll on you the most. It's not 14 starting lines. Yeah. I mean, in four days. Yeah. It's a lot, it's a lot of stress. It's a lot of like just time thinking by yourself, um, sitting around. Um, I mean, if you have a bad event, let's say you bomb an event and now you've got to wait, you know, two hours before your next chance and all you're thinking about is you know it's hard to get past what just happened and you know it's all it's it's a lot like how do you come down from a high you know how do you come down from a high if you just you know you want to do event you got to get ready for this next one there's a lot of just a lot of
Starting point is 01:03:41 you know emotions into it and I think that makes you the most just wore out i mean you hide it so well you seem so fucking relaxed back there you're talking about me specifically yeah you specifically like you you're the most like josh bridges of any of any of the athletes back there you're just hanging out cracking jokes you're smiling your body was loose like this past semifinals no even the games even the games even the games you were loose you were you i i i couldn't i mean maybe i suck at being perceptive but yeah you were loose you were cool even i would say i mean compared to some other athletes, I would say I'm pretty loose. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:30 It's interesting. You hide it. I don't see that. But I guess if it's all happening inside, but I never see your face crinkle up. You never turn into a dick. You're always approachable. I mean, some people really fucking it shows on them. You're like, whoa, that person's fucking frazzled i'm super quiet um when i'm back there do you think you would do better if you expressed it
Starting point is 01:04:51 like if you fucking came in like after like if you did bad an event you came in the back and threw a dumbbell oh i got that out of my system no i'm more i don't like take out i'm not very like aggressive like that when things go bad. I kind of just might want to be, you know, I wouldn't say alone, but I'm super quiet, don't want to talk type of. That's how I deal with those situations. The Colton Mertens way of handling it. Me and Colton are very similar when we're at competitions.
Starting point is 01:05:22 I just don't like talking in general. I mean, I could, you know, do really well talking in general. I mean, I could, uh, you know, do really well before an event. I mean, I barely talked to Jake, Jake's back there and I'm like, you know, he just tells me what to do. And we exchanged very little words. Have you ever had an outburst at the gym, Jason? You ever flipped over sled through a dumbbell? You ever had any outbursts? Yeah. I've thrown, thrown some things. Can you remember the last time? Can you tell us a story story you hit a four-year-old child i heard you hit a four-year-old child throwing a hundred pound dumbbell um i think the last time was probably last or maybe a year ago or so i chumped like a maybe a jump rope or so in vermont got missing chunked it
Starting point is 01:06:08 i mean i'm not gonna throw it at dumbbells i have respect i have respect for the equipment yeah in the middle of the workout you threw it yeah i remember last year we were we were doing a workout and i was trying to mess around with this new rope and it was too short and I just kept tripping. We were doing like sets of a hundred and it was me, Kat, and maybe somebody else. And, um, I can't, we, I think it was paired with like a row and I kept having, I kept having like a head start in this interval. So I would get a few dubs ahead and just be like, Hey, let's just get through these a hundred dubs.
Starting point is 01:06:48 I'm broken. Cause that's the pretty easy thing. And I kept tripping. And so Kat's pretty competitive and I hate losing to her. And so I think it was like a couple sets in, I was like, I'm so fed up with this, quit the workout through it. And yeah. Wow. I love that. Hey, do you have a favorite training partner? No, not necessarily.
Starting point is 01:07:15 No, there's no other? No. I mean, I don't have a training partner now. And when someone like Brooke comes into town, is that cool? Is that like when you're a little kid and you walk into the classroom and there's a substitute teacher, and you're like, oh, today's going to be a good day. You're kind of excited. Even if you like your teacher, it's like something new.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Is it cool? Does she come in there and it's like, okay, this is cool. I got a new friend here. I got something new to inspire me or bring you up. I feel like we get along really well. And we know we're similar in the fact that like we can like joke around when the time is right. And then when it's like time to lock in, it's like we can get serious. And yeah, we just know when to like kind of turn it on.
Starting point is 01:07:58 And so it's always easy to train with her. She doesn't annoy you at all. She does annoy me. Oh, she does annoy me oh she does yeah in what way what does she do just by talking you in the middle of workout or what does she do um no not necessarily anything about that just more so uh i mean she might i might be like wanting to leave the gym and she's you know not wanting to leave oh like're like, like she wants to do more shit and you're like, you just like not leave. Not necessarily more, not necessarily more. Maybe like we, we get done with a whole day of training and it's like time to go.
Starting point is 01:08:35 And you know, she's, she's slow. Oh, oh, oh. And you guys are, and you guys are carpooling. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Get your shit girl. Let's go hey um last week uh we did a
Starting point is 01:08:50 kill taylor workout that um seemingly you could have easily beaten uh taylor the star of the show taylor self um why why wouldn't you just come get that two thousand dollars so for some reason i always forget that it's actually happening oh shit okay i can see that that's that's realistic yeah i just always forget and so um last week first of all i was on a deload um i was on a deload so i couldn't necessarily do it last week but typically every every time I like, I keep forgetting about it throughout the week. And then I'll get to like on the way to the gym and I'll like go click on YouTube to like listen to something on the way to the gym.
Starting point is 01:09:34 And it's like, kill Taylor's on. And it's just like, well, dang, kind of, kind of late for that. So yeah, you, you're, you're strong, you're stronger than him. So the sandbag would have been easier. You have bigger steps and, and, and, and stronger stronger knees than him so you'd have done better in the lunge how much was how much was the weight it was uh i think it was a hunji oh dude that's easy yeah and and he had a and he had a sandbag that rolled like you know 10 feet per throw oh he did yeah he definitely gamed it yeah $2,500 this Saturday
Starting point is 01:10:11 I mean yeah you're gonna send me a reminder I'm probably $2,500 a caller hi y'all are so full of shit. Is that Taylor? I don't know. Let's see. Hello? Yeah, that's Taylor, bro. You're not beating shit. You don't think I'd beat you in that? Dude,
Starting point is 01:10:38 there's no chance. Go do it. I would easily beat you in that, bro. Dude, I would bend you over and spread that. Hold on one second. Hold on one second, Taylor. Go ahead, Jason. I have to reconnect him.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Taylor, you've never beat me in a sandbag workout in your life. Taylor, did you hear that? Taylor, did you hear that? He says you've never beat him in a sandbag workout in your life. Hello? I had to reconnect him. Maybe he got scared and hung up hello yeah he hung up well it's 20 it's 2500 this week it doesn't the money desert doesn't it deserves to go to uh it couldn't go to a better man.
Starting point is 01:11:26 8 a.m. I made that day. $2,500. That's nice. I just bought a house yesterday. Oh, shit. Congratulations. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:11:33 You lived in such a nice place already. Yeah. Are you close to the gym? No. The gym is in... It's in Spartanburg, South Carolina. I live in Greenville so it's about 30 minute drive oh that sucks why'd you do that to yourself because nobody wants to live in Spartanburg oh really yeah um and is it what do you do during the 30 minute drive
Starting point is 01:11:58 um typically listen to some podcast. And what do you drive? I drive an F-150 Lariat. Is it nice? Like, do you look forward to getting in your car? Like, are you like, okay, yeah, I love my truck. I love my truck. I just bought it a couple years ago. Yeah, it's all black. I love it. Why'd you buy a house? Interest rates are so high right now. Um, I buy a house? Interest rates are so high right now. Um, I bought a house. Um,
Starting point is 01:12:29 is it a fixer upper? No. I mean, if, if I were to buy a house with interest rates low, then I would be probably paying for the house. The price would just be higher because there would be more demand. All right.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Good. I buy the house with the higher interest rate. I'll just wait for interest rates to go down. Or for the price of the house to go down, high interest rates, cheap house, low interest rates. Not necessarily.
Starting point is 01:12:54 I'll wait for the interest rate to go down so I can refinance. But if the, if the re, if I waited for the interest rates to come down before I bought a house, then there would be a high demand and then the price would just be higher. So you get this house and how long did it take? How many houses did you look at? Um, I have had my eye out on, um, just some over the years. Uh, when we moved back to, to Greenville, we got a rental. It was our eighth rental. We've been married for four years, our eighth rental. God, dude, that stresses me out, dude. I hate moving.
Starting point is 01:13:25 four years our eighth rental god dude that stresses me out dude i hate moving yeah dude we um we actually were we tried to buy a house in um 2020 when um covid happened and we got it i got locked in with the interest rate of 2.6 oh we got a we got it we were under contract on a house and then it had radon underneath it What's that? What's radon? you don't know right on like the second leading cause of like lung cancer or something a Radon is radioactive orderless invisible gas that can build up in homes and buildings and is a major cause of lung cancer It's produced by natural decay of uranium and thorium which are found in rock soils, soils, and water. Radion can enter homes through soil, crawl spaces, foundation cracks, floors, and walls.
Starting point is 01:14:14 Look at these comments saying my logic behind the house is crazy. Dude, how is that crazy? If there is more demand for a house, you can spike the house price up. So you're going to pay over the value anyways if no no your logic makes completely sense to me if they raise interest rates then people the housing prices might go down and if you lower interest rates housing prices might go up because like if there ain't no might if i had a house that was 450 and 10 people wanted to buy it i can spike that thing up to who knows how much right well and also like um the mortgage on a million dollar house might be the same as the mortgage on a 500
Starting point is 01:14:53 thousand dollar house depending on the interest rate yeah but i mean if you buy if you buy a house with a high interest rate i mean you're assuming that rate, you're hoping that one day it would go down so you can refinance. The only way to know if your home has radon is to test it. Radon testing is inexpensive and easy. You can use the do-it-yourself kit, digital detector. Oh, I'm going to get a radon test. Does that happen in California or is that an East Coast thing? I'm not sure. I mean, I'm sure it's everywhere. I could be completely wrong, but –
Starting point is 01:15:35 Portable radon detector, $145. Yeah. Wow. I want to look this up real quick. Radon in California. Are there places where it's more... Do homes in California have radon? Radon has been found in every county of the state.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Jesus criminy. Go get that... Go get that test, dude. Wow. EPA recommends radon testing even in areas... Fuck the EPA. What types of homes have the most radon? Any homeschool or building can have high levels of radon, including new and old homes,
Starting point is 01:16:16 well-sealed and drafty homes, and homes with or without basement. With prolonged exposure, radon may pose health. Wow. So what do they do is that house just shit no one's ever gonna buy that home no i mean you can um you can live in a house with radon did your did that house have a basement no because these people are saying it's a basement issue the same people who say who say you don't know math um i mean i don't know i just i just know it had a high levels of radon can't you get a vaccine for the radon i don't know maybe
Starting point is 01:16:55 um but anyways we uh we almost got that house and then how high were they how high were they do you know was it scary is there an acceptable limit of radon jesus crime and you have me freaked out there is a rate or there is um a number that is like dangerous i don't know exactly i don't remember what it was but it was like very dangerous for me to live there i want should i get an like a two hundred dollar one or should i get like a fifteen dollar home kit i mean you get what you pay for i wasn't not so honestly they have they make fans to put underneath the house if you have radon to like blow it out or do something with it oh yeah i don't even have a crawl space i'm on a slab i think what could it not possibly come up through that as well
Starting point is 01:17:47 i mean you got me scared i'm gonna go uh i'm gonna go uh highest rated uh customer reviews let me see uh okay here's one for 99 life basis radon detection system geez okay i'll do some research okay sorry so you're gonna buy a house but it but it caused cancer yeah we were under contract and then caused cancer and so then we kept renting for a few years and and that place was nice because I remember doing podcasts with you you'd be sitting in that place and that place was dope high ceilings yeah that was the loft we were at and we uh I have enough to that and then that's when I'm the
Starting point is 01:18:43 house the market went crazy. After that, prices went up, and then we just couldn't afford a house. Then we just kept renting, and now four years later, we can afford a home. What app do you use? Are you a Trulia or Zillow guy? Zillow. Do you get notifications? Do you get emails notifications on your phone i mean i check zillow like every 10 minutes of the day so i don't really need notifications oh so you're a junkie i like that too i when i get
Starting point is 01:19:18 obsessed with uh houses i turn into a junkie too you just love looking at them right yeah you're like why is this so expensive? Why is this so cheap? Yeah. Did you put any bids on homes you didn't get? Like this year or like in my, in the whole process? This year. Yeah. Yeah, we did. We put an offer on maybe two. We didn't get it. We were in like three weeks before this next one. We didn't get it. We were in like three weeks before this next one.
Starting point is 01:19:49 We put an offer down on the house and we got we didn't get accepted. We were pretty bummed about it because we were really stoked about it. It was a good, good deal right where we wanted to be. And we didn't get it. And then that point we had so we had put offers down on houses in 2020. So many times why we were just trying to get in the house with a 2.6 industry and uh we just couldn't get it and so then we got that one the radon one and then it didn't go through so then we were just bummed and i was just like i'm never gonna be in a house and then you hit you hear everybody say like when it happens it'll be the perfect one or it's not you know if it's if it doesn't happen it's not, you know, if it's, if it doesn't happen, it's not meant to be. So I was hearing all that and I was just
Starting point is 01:20:26 kind of frustrated with that whole process. Yeah. Like, fuck you. Yeah. And then, you know, three years later, we didn't, we didn't put any offers on any houses for like the whole three years in between. And then we were like, all right, let's start trying again. When we got back from Vermont and then, um, we didn't get accepted like two times back to back. Then it was kind of good. My thoughts went back to how they were in 2020. Like this is actually never going to happen. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:51 And then, yeah. Then on this next one, I was like, I'm not, I'm never not getting accepted again. I put a hundred K over. Oh,
Starting point is 01:21:01 I'm kidding. I'm kidding. You're going to get beat up in the comments comments too I'm kidding I'm kidding can you hear the dogs I did not do that so don't think I did that
Starting point is 01:21:21 but yeah we got accepted and were people right it was meant to happen this time it was meant to happen this is a this is a good one but who does all the adult stuff that'll be my wife she does that so she didn't same with me with my wife so she like talks to the loan agents and the realtor and like you know that big stack of papers they give you to sign does she do all that yeah she reads every single word on those two and like you know all this that's going on like like you got to get like get something notarized or something that has to be official or like there's just all this that has to happen yeah she does all that
Starting point is 01:22:02 yeah god that's so awesome my wife too that. That should, yeah, that's cool. It'd be so funny. It'd be so funny. We would go to like meetings with like people to like get the stuff like done and they'll all, they all look at me for the answers. And I'm just like, look at her. It's, it's so embarrassing. It's like, I'm, I'm supposed to be the one that I never did any of that stuff. I don't even know where any of that stuff is. When my wife and I first bought our first house, the only thing I take care of is our, uh, retirement. Well, what is it like you're, you, you, you're in charge of like whatever the Vanguard or Blackrock or whatever account, make sure that 401k is full and all that. Yeah. I'll take care of that.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Do you ever go in there and look at that stuff regularly i never even look i'm not in charge of that either but i never even look at it you're not supposed to yeah okay but i do yeah i do are you ever tempted to pull it out and buy something like buy another house or something no man no you're saying you're you're conservative fiscally conservative yeah man the the warren buffett way is the way to go what do you what do you know what you haven't invested in do you have it like in long-term mutual funds or aggressive mutual funds or like you know what what it's in um i guess no i got i got some money in in different places i ain't trying to tell everybody my secrets um you got any nvidia no dude i was a little less i was a little late for that um god those people got so fucking rich
Starting point is 01:23:32 can you believe what happened over there in the last two years it might still keep happening with ai i mean maybe there's some um i mean how cool would it to just like land one of those companies before like anybody knew about it? I mean, what's crazy? You're set for life if you do that, bro. Hey, but you know what's crazy? Like we all knew at the beginning of the pandemic that the Pfizer stock was going to go up 12 billion percent. And I still didn't invest in it, but I knew. You said you knew what?
Starting point is 01:24:05 I knew the Pfizer stock was going to skyrocket before like right as the pandemic started like you just knew oh but i still didn't do anything about it i was just in the backyard you know what i mean watering plants yeah doing podcasts so even do you think it's like the if the market crashed you would be like want to take your money out no i don't even care i don't even i'm like like you said i never look i never even you won't even know you said like since you since you are like you you know like what's going on you would like have an idea of what's happening but you would never like know for sure yeah like i'm like this this is honestly don't tell anyone this but this is what i think i think i probably have like a million dollars like in the bank.
Starting point is 01:24:48 That's what I just always tell myself. Like in your in cash or like in your retirement. Yeah, just in my retirement. But that's the same as cash. I just like I think in my mind, like like between all the accounts my wife has that we probably have over a million dollars. I just think that. And so maybe we have five million. Maybe we have five hundred thousand. I don't know. But I just has that. We probably have over a million dollars. I just think that. And so maybe we have five million, maybe we have 500,000. I don't know, but I just think that. And then I just, I sleep good every night.
Starting point is 01:25:10 And so for me, and then my goal is, is like just to die and it all be in there. So do you like give your, you give, you give your money to like a manager or something? No, just my wife. So she's, I mean, I don't, to be honest with you, like, I don't even, I just know that when we both lost our jobs, it was like, it was like a year after we were, had lost our jobs. And she goes, Hey, you know, we're taking money out of our savings to pay the mortgage. I'm like, Oh, we have a savings. She's like, yeah, I'm like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:25:38 that's awesome. I don't, I'm just completely like, I'm just in the yard eating plums. You know what I mean? Like I don't even, I don't know. Hey, ignorance is bliss.
Starting point is 01:25:54 It really is. Yeah. Just put my head down and work. Yeah. Ignorance is bliss. Yeah. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:01 Look at cave. Dastro thinks he has a billion dollars. Yeah. Me and cave got beef man um so so uh so let's go back to this it's 2500 this week you think um you could set an alarm and just come get it i mean yellow yellow peeled off i want to say like 1500 bucks yeah i mean i would like to i think um is it not worth your time is it like yeah it's 2500 is good but i mean could that would that pay your mortgage half your mortgage one month half my mortgage you think my mortgage is five thousand dollars i was guessing it was six yeah i'd be house broke. So that could pay your mortgage one month.
Starting point is 01:26:46 Yeah. I mean, it'd be nice. I mean, I wouldn't say I don't want to do it. I mean. Or a free training session. Programmed by Sentinel Training. I could skyrocket your chances at the game. Dude, Taylor's not writing those workouts.
Starting point is 01:26:59 JR is, man. Oh, is that the truth? Yes, dude. I always suspected that. So when he says that him and Bryson are programming, they're really just – No, he's not. They're docking? He's not.
Starting point is 01:27:10 They're spooning? Dude. The only – so JR would be like the only person that wouldn't want me to do it. He would like guilt trip me into like not doing it. I would be like, let's do this. And he'd be like, bro, you got, you got goals bigger than that, dude. Hey, you think that, uh, you think that Taylor, um, turns the Sentinel training into JR and then JR returns it to him with like red marks on it.
Starting point is 01:27:41 They did a whole, they did a whole podcast about it. And JR basically programmed his whole week oh that's awesome he's gonna love this bit and then he thinks and then he thinks that they're equals what's what's bryson like Are you friends with Bryson? Yeah. I mean, I wouldn't say we're, we don't talk. Cause I,
Starting point is 01:28:07 cause I stayed with him for, uh, at, um, semifinals and he, he was like the coolest dude in the house. Yeah. I like,
Starting point is 01:28:14 I like Bryson. He just hangs out in the kitchen with his shirt off cooking steaks all day for everyone. Yeah. He's cool. I like him. Yeah. How did Taylor score him? Do you have,
Starting point is 01:28:22 do you have a sidekick like that? Do you have a Robin? No. Dallin. How nice would it be to beat Dallin this year, right? I mean, that's the plan. He's good, right? He's good.
Starting point is 01:28:42 You think that he has a shot at winning the games, down pepper? When everybody retires. Okay. So he needs some people to get out of his way. You don't think that some of those guys are waning? Do you think Roman peaked last year with the broken leg? No, dude.
Starting point is 01:29:03 He's good, dude. He is? Yeah. He still He is? Yeah. He still got it? Yeah. And what the fuck's going on with Pat Vellner? How is he hanging out for so long? What's the trick there?
Starting point is 01:29:14 I don't know, man. I keep telling him to retire. And he keeps telling me once I beat him, he will. So I'm trying, yo. I'm trying to get him out of there. Hey, what about this Jay Crouch dude? He was on yesterday. Jay's on the Ascent, huh?
Starting point is 01:29:31 He is. I like Jay. Yeah, he's cool, right? Is there anyone you don't like? Any of the dudes you're like, God, that dude's a dick. No, I wouldn't say anyone's a dick to me. But I definitely have favorites for sure yeah yeah and um and and then justin's always a problem right because he got the two wins under him so
Starting point is 01:29:53 like you just know you think he's still riding those highs from like two years ago i mean i i just think if i was competing and i was looking for some safety i I wouldn't look to Justin for it. You know what I mean? Like, like the guy already won twice. Like he's a problem. Yeah. I mean, he's good. Yeah. I feel like last year it probably was a fluke for him. So, I mean, I didn't put too much stock into what happened last year for him. So you think just like I didn't put too much talk about what happened to me last year, it was kind of just like, all right,
Starting point is 01:30:24 like that plan didn't work for me. And I'm sure he probably felt similar things as well for his training. And we just kind of adjusted and, you know, we went from there. Do you think that any of these athletes, like outside shit, how big a role do you think outside shit is for these athletes you know what i mean like a boyfriend's girlfriend's sponsorship deals um distractions you think you think that there's um you think that plays a huge role like in your life or do you have any distractions that you're like fuck i gotta keep that away like fentanyl use no i definitely think there are um distractions and i think everybody's situations are every situation is different for everybody i mean you could be in a toxic
Starting point is 01:31:12 relationship and i think be making you stressed out and whatnot or do you think there's any athletes who are in those i mean i'm sure like good. Like good athletes. Like good athletes. Everything's not picture perfect. People are dealing with things. And what we see on Instagram is just highlights. And so, I mean, I'm pretty sure people have relational issues. And maybe that carries over into their performance. I mean, look what happened. Look at Colton.
Starting point is 01:31:41 The Colton thing's crazy. What do you mean? His mom passed away fucking two days before the tournament like that i mean people people walk through some things that uh you just don't you just can't like necessarily uh necessarily just put to the side without you know letting it leak in into performance and do you are you working at all i mean no like you know that you never go do stuff at the church anymore you're not doing audio video or whatever you were doing at the church i was never doing audio video bouncing bouncing at the church stealing money from the place i uh i don't do that no um do you miss miss that? Do you think that if you – do you have enough structure in your life?
Starting point is 01:32:27 I have a perfect amount. Yeah. And you're good at it? Yeah. No complaining? No whining? No whining? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:40 I complain a lot. How is your relationship with your wife going? That's great. My wife. She's still supportive. She hasn't said to you. Like, I remember I wanted to be an artist. And eventually my mom's like, dude, you need to get a job at Starbucks.
Starting point is 01:32:55 Your wife's not like, hey, dude, you got to get a job. No, she supports me. That's great. Yeah. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me um yeah i mean distractions for you besides the house is the house a stressful distraction no i mean we got the keys we're not even gonna move in until after the games oh smart yeah so uh we'll do some stuff we're gonna paint it and then uh it's moving ready
Starting point is 01:33:24 so there's nothing we gotta necessarily do besides paint and clean it up and do stuff like that but i don't wanna move everything in and you know deal with all that so we'll just wait and then hopefully it'll just be a good uh coming home party yeah that is that is nice regardless of what happens at the games you'll come home to a fucking new house to move into. That's awesome. What a good way to handle your shit. I like that.
Starting point is 01:33:49 It's got a big old shed, so I'm going to have a garage gym. It's going to be nice. But won't you miss Crash? I don't think you'll use it. I think you need to go to Crash. No, I'll definitely go to Crash. Yeah. How's your relationship with JR going now that you've been back home for a year
Starting point is 01:34:06 um my relationship with jr is is the same as when i left it's uh it's nothing i'm kidding um i mean it's good we uh you ever think he gives you too much tough love are you ever like hey Hey dude, just lighten up. I tell him all the time to lighten up. He just doesn't listen. Do you think he's handling you right? Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:34:34 Um, you think there's anywhere he could improve? I mean, you can improve communicating. Oh, with you, you want more communication. I mean, I'm not like, no, like I'm, I want want I want him to say hey to me when I walk into the gym. I not necessarily like screaming. It's like it's a huge gym. So I don't expect him to like screaming across the gym. But if we if we walk past each other. Yeah. Then I for some reason it is there. It's human decency to like acknowledge that the other person
Starting point is 01:35:06 is walking by and we are very close. Maybe it's, if it's a stranger, like I get it, like, don't, you don't have to like say, but we talk every single day via text message. Um, and we talk about workouts. We talk about things all the time that when I cross paths with him um there should be some sort of acknowledgement even a head pump like the black guys do if we make eye contact so he'll give me the head pump oh he will but i'm at i'm to the point now where it's just like dude i'll just you know i expect it so i don't even i don't even care anymore hey he's consciously not saying hi to you you know that yeah like it pops in his head and he's like he's like the terminator he's like hi i feel like since i i like this is like um his persona and i talk about it he just like
Starting point is 01:36:00 he just lives it he just wants to like just carry it out oh double down on it yeah i was gonna say hi to you in 2026 now i'm not yeah he's probably he's probably listening to this or he'll listen to it later because he listened he listens to everything and um he'll be like all right yeah yeah i'll just i'll keep doing that i'll double down i won't even give you a head nod if we if we make eye contact or something. There were these fucking employees. So when I would show up to CrossFit HQ, I would park in the back and I would always walk through the gym. And there were these three employees or four employees specifically. Like peons compared to me.
Starting point is 01:36:38 Yeah. Low men on the totem pole. And every time I walked in the gym gym like it would just be me and them in this gym and i would be staring at them the whole time they'd be over there just like putting weights away and then i'd be like hey jason and they'd be like hey i'm like for years it was like that finally you know what i did yeah fuck you like i ain't saying hi to you no more i'm done like i'm done like you like you don't even get you like you know what i mean like i'm you like i ain't saying hi to you like i'm done like you like you don't even get you like you know what i mean like i'm done like i i'm done so his his uh one one thing that he
Starting point is 01:37:13 does is if i walk up to him and he's on his phone he'll be texting he'll be he'll be texting and i walk up to him to the side and i'll be like hey jr and all he'll do is this I'll walk up to him to the side and I'll be like, hey, JR. All he'll do is this. That was good. Oh, my God. I have limited experience with JR and I could totally see that. It gets to a point where you're just like dude i don't i don't even want to like i don't even want to talk to you so uh yeah all right i love him though man god i love him
Starting point is 01:37:53 because in in but but he's but he's uh consistent and committed he is does he ever just call you out of the blue no no no so all your communication is done in person no we text more than we talk oh you ever text them when you're both in the gym yeah all the time so like he's in the gym but instead of talking you text i told you that story on live last time i was on here we We were doing it. He sent me a workout to do, um, cause he programs for me and I did the workout and we were at the gym together and I, when he wasn't there, I responded how it went. Um, so I'm giving an update on like how, how it went. And a few hours later, we're in the gym together and and we're in the back room working out because class is going on.
Starting point is 01:38:46 He has this back room. We're sitting probably maybe 15 feet from each other. I haven't said a word because he's working out. I think he's in the middle of a rest break. He's on his phone, and he texts me. It's just the two of you in the room it's only two of us in the room we haven't said a word all day today and we're 15 feet away from each other and he he texts me his response to the text message two hours ago about how the workout went wow yeah um hey it's like that when i visit dave at his house a couple times like i'll go to dave's house a couple times a year like for
Starting point is 01:39:32 christmas or thanksgiving or some shit yeah and i'll go there and he'll be in one part of the house and i'll be we text still text we don't talk yeah i mean whatever floats his boat man yeah we just text i kind of prefer it i guess i kind of prefer it like i'll be at the pool with my kids at his pool and he'll be on the whole he has a pretty big house and pretty big property and he'll be on the other side sitting by the fire. Yeah. He'll even say stuff to me, like text me while I'm at his house. What are you doing? And it'll just be our two families.
Starting point is 01:40:09 I'm like sitting by your pool. Yeah. It's just, it's comical at this point. It's just kind of, I mean, I don't expect anything less. And that's what you came back for.
Starting point is 01:40:22 Yeah. We did a workout yesterday on the track though together. I feel like it's, it's so funny, dude. One of the, one of the funniest things in the world is watching that man like in the pancake because I don't see it often. And he's really good at like hiding um how he how he feels everything hiding everything he's good at hiding everything and so like every blue moon he'll like
Starting point is 01:40:53 go to that go to that space and um we yesterday we were on the turf um at a track and we were doing some intervals together and we were going, you go, I go. And, uh, I mean, we were cooked, man. It was like a hundred, a hundred something degrees out there on turf. Um, no shade. The field was hot and I mean, we were hurting. And when he goes, it takes every ounce of me not to just start geeking out whenever he's like bent over tired and like just just hurting so much and i just want to geek man um what does that mean start laughing yeah i just want to have an outburst of laughing and i'll just like i'll have to like turn turn away because it's just like why don't you just laugh at him because he's in the middle of working if i just started
Starting point is 01:41:45 laughing in the middle of his interval he would be so mad how did you get there did you drive there together no we meet there oh so you don't even go to the gym and then drive there together swing through the fucking chick-fil-a drive-through eat fist bump tell a few stories about the first time you got laid none of that none of that um there was there was one workout um dude i don't i have to find the video and send it to you um it was me him and taylor out there last or a couple years ago training for uh 22 games and uh same situation it's hot it's on the turf it's uh we're cooked out there and we made him do like some like sled drag or something
Starting point is 01:42:32 just he's like never i've very rarely do i see him lay down he gets he gets done a workout he like he's very good at like walking it off um and it is so funny when he's like crawling on the ground after workouts and and this in this in this moment it was turf and so he had all this he all that all those black pellets on his back so funny man um and me and taylor are just dying laughing at him and he's like just rolling around on this artificial turf getting all these black things on him so good man hey um uh what what what is going on with your and taylor's relationship do you guys ever any training together yeah i plan on going up there um i was supposed to go up there next weekend but he just told me
Starting point is 01:43:27 that he had something with um he won't be there and so i do plan on um going up there is he a special tool in the quiver like is he something you train for like okay i want to i want to see what it's like to train with an asshole or i want to see what it's like to train with someone who really wants to beat me or is like he like, he, is he like a, like a special kind of training partner? Okay. I'm bringing him in for a day. Not for those reasons that you said.
Starting point is 01:43:52 Um, it's more so just to compete. Um, you want to do it for charity. This is my friend who didn't make it to the games. I want to let him touch greatness. No, we do it to just race.
Starting point is 01:44:03 And then there's some for for moments like this, we'll just do a bunch of workouts that he would, like, be world-class at. Okay. That I would just, like, kind of try to keep up. Okay. So he does have that space. You want to, like, be like, okay, let's pick something in your wheelhouse. Yeah. Okay. Well, then, Kiel Taylor should be perfect for want to like, be like, okay, I want to, let's pick something in your wheelhouse. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:25 Well, then kill Taylor should be perfect for you this week. 2,500 bucks. He's picked everything. He's pickings in his wheelhouse. No, no. Um,
Starting point is 01:44:32 but I plan to go another, he would, he would probably be top three in that, uh, run swim at the games. And so we're going to do that together. Um, uh,
Starting point is 01:44:42 and who, who would he be up there with Adler and Roman? He's a better, he's a better swimmer than both of them. I mean, I think he would probably be top three. Wow. Do you think he'll ever make it to the Games? I think he has the capabilities. I don't know if he'll ever i mean that's up to him if he wants to i think that's that's kind of been my whole um thought towards
Starting point is 01:45:13 is it's definitely in his uh it's definitely in his um capabilities and potential to make it and it would be up to him if he decided i mean mean, he's got a lot of stuff going on. He has his own business. He coaches a lot. He wants to buy a house. Yeah, I mean, if he actually trained for it, then I think he could.
Starting point is 01:45:38 So you don't think he's training right for it? I mean, he got hurt. I think he admits to not training for it but he trained for it i just didn't think he had the right enough time to get ready for like what the squat volume and all that stuff and so um he has to take some time to get his knee right a little bit a little bit longer but once it's good i think he he could if he wanted to hey when he fell off the box there between me and you do you think that that was real do you think any part of that was like like just being a pussy like he just got like he just gave up or do you think he really
Starting point is 01:46:17 went to a place where like because he says he doesn't even remember some of that shit no i think he was he was blacked out i think he was not actually blacked out and i think he was not actually blacked out but i think he was into that but it shut down he went to a place where he lost control of his body yeah god that must have been did you enjoy that i didn't see it until the you know video but you were there i was there what did you do what did you do with the five grand? I mean, I put it in that house I just bought. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:46:56 Say thank you, Sarah. Yeah. Thank you, Sarah. Thank you, Sarah. Thank you. Thank you, Sarah. Sarah. Yeah. You don't have to say anything the interview's over is it yeah it was good how was it i thought it was great you really opened up at the end with the jr stories
Starting point is 01:47:19 i haven't been opened up the whole time i don't know i just felt i felt a we had a 30 we had a 30 minute clip for jr uh oh you mean just talking about him yeah yeah it's good and then taylor tried to call him okay so um can you set your is your phone there with you yeah i'll remember I'll remember Someone text me I'll remember Look they're rating the interview A 7 out of 10 That's not bad 7 out of 10 Yeah That's how it is
Starting point is 01:47:54 What else do you want to Talk about So we can get that The 10 out of 10 I'm good I just wanted to touch base We're breaking It's been a while
Starting point is 01:48:03 How long has it been I don't know A couple months I just wanted to touch base. We're breaking that. It's been a while. How long has it been? Months oh 6.9. That's not good The problem is is that there's so much like That the bars been set so high by Taylor coming on here and talking about his butthole that it's just... Yeah, what you think about is his semifinal performance. No, his semifinal analyst performance.
Starting point is 01:48:40 Wasn't he at semifinals? You're not getting what I'm saying. Semifinals analyst performance. His semifinal West Coast Classic performance. Never mind. Did something happen there? What am I missing? What happened there?
Starting point is 01:49:01 Nothing. You're not going to tell me? Y'all did recap shows. That's what I'm asking about oh oh oh yeah yeah yeah i had i had to talk with him i don't mind the um uh i don't mind all the crazy stuff but it's the cadence the cadence yeah like i don't care if he calls someone a tranny or he'll spit in their butthole or i don't mind any of that i mean i'm don't get me wrong i'm shocked by some of it but it's the cadence i don't like it when he falls into the comments like we had a talk like like hey it's like you can you have to do like one explosion and then like there has to be like a 30 second break so some other shit can happen for the next explosion he's just fucking he just napalms you have to do like one explosion and then like, there has to be like a 30 second break.
Starting point is 01:49:45 So some other shit can happen for the next explosion. He's just fucking, he just napalms. And so he says a lot of funny, great shit that just gets lost in the fucking, in the melee. Yeah. What do you think?
Starting point is 01:49:59 I just think it's his cadence is off a little bit. It's too rapid fire. I mean, I think it's a, I don't have a little bit it's too rapid fire i mean i think it's a i don't have a problem with i think the west coast classic was a little overboard but yeah i mean it's kind of just on par for him i've had some shows that were overboard it happens yeah um so yeah there's some comics like that like um uh there was a comic I couldn't stand a little short guy He's dead now but he uh
Starting point is 01:50:28 He was his whole bit was Yelling A comic a comic Trying to so maybe someone will say his name There's some comics like that it's like Hey dude like you're you're whole like you Gotta take like you gotta come back And forth like you know you know like when dudes
Starting point is 01:50:44 You do um uh what's that call when you imitate someone's voice? I don't know. Uh, but you've seen comics who do that. Like they can just go from voice to voice to voice. Oh yeah. And it's like, oh, oh yeah. Gilbert.
Starting point is 01:50:57 This isn't who I was thinking of Gilbert Gottfried, but yeah, he sucks. I can't. Do you know who that is? No. It's a comic. Yeah. He's a comic, a stand-up comic like a guy that jumps oh oh my goodness comedian oh sam kennis and oh my god i want to throw him
Starting point is 01:51:11 in the garbage it's just too much dude i thought you were talking about like uh you said comic i'm thinking like a comic book. Oh, impersonations. You know when someone does impersonations? I like it when they go back and forth. What happens when you're talking about... I like Andrew Dice Clay. Dice Clay is good. Dice Clay doesn't...
Starting point is 01:51:38 He's cool. Yeah. Who's that dude that does the puppet? Like a ventriloquist? Yeah. I don't think i know any ventriloquists there's that one dude that was kind of famous years ago that was kind of like he had that the old guy the old little puppet he had the old puppet the jeff dunham that's what that's jeffham. That's what it was. Oh, wow. Jeff. Is he good? You know who Jeff Dunham is?
Starting point is 01:52:08 No. Dude. He was so good. Life and tour of Jeff Dunham. 36 minutes of Jeff Dunham and friends. Wow, you know a ventriloquist by name. You're far more eclectic than I thought. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:26 Wow, you know your shit. Do you know who sam kennison is no i think he died a while ago but he was a comic when i was a kid and man he was too much for me if he came on or gilbert got you know gilbert gottfried is no no yeah they're long gone alright thanks you're the man you can be in the game I am see you there I'm gonna give you a hug alright I appreciate it I look forward to it Jason Hopper
Starting point is 01:52:54 later he's gonna have a great year he is gonna have a great year man there's some good dudes There are some good dudes Jay crouch. Oh, I need to get down on maybe I should text down right now, too Do I ever interview girls? Oh, yeah, I interviewed a girl just now Let me see down I feel so much better than I did last night last night. I was flat down pepper
Starting point is 01:53:29 Sousa I always have Sousa on all these Dallin Can we get you on the podcast I better invite a girl to which girl should I invite I need to look at the leaderboard Cross the games Podcast I better invite a girl to which girl should I invite I need to look at the leaderboard Oh I I text Carolyn Stanley 2024 who should I invite guys? I'll start saying names and you guys tell me Games And you guys tell me. Games. Women.
Starting point is 01:54:12 I need a woman. Daniel Brandon already invited her. Shelby Neal already did her. Gemma Rader did her. Oh, Alexis Raptor, she's coming on. Andrea Pinheiro. Emma Lawson. Oh, Chloe Gavid.
Starting point is 01:54:28 Chloe, I want to invite her. Chloe Gavon David Gavid Chloe I want to invite her Chloe Gavon David That's who I want to invite. I think someone sent me her phone number and I fucking dropped the ball on it Let me see I'll DM her Chloe Uh, I don't even follow her. Oh now I do She's a pe teacher uh chloe oh shit i just sent her a dm and it just says chloe and i can't resend it because you know it says you can't message this account unless they follow you. To connect, it may help to follow them. I do fucking follow her.
Starting point is 01:55:06 I fucked up. God damn it. Okay, I'll look in my text messages and see if someone sent me her. Chloe. Chloe. Did John Young send me her phone number? Who sent me her phone number? Oh, there it is.
Starting point is 01:55:26 Someone just texted to me. There we go. Oh, thank you. Shit. I wonder why I feel so much better than last night. Do you think my night shows or midday shows or PM shows are different? Oh, does Victoria Campos speak English?
Starting point is 01:55:54 Is she going to the games as an individual? 5-1. I guess I shouldn't give her phone number out live on the air. Chloe, this is Sevan. I'd love to have you on my podcast. That's fine, right? Just a cold, cold text someone. Paper Street Coffee.
Starting point is 01:56:39 Only thing I've had today. Not even one bit jittery um all right so i invited a girl and a boy for cruising uh those of you who like the show with Dale Saran where we talked about the the overturning of the 1984 decision in the Chevron case in the Supreme Court the one that gives the rule the control over society back to Congress and judges as opposed to outsourcing it to captured agencies if you want to see some crazy shit they're starting to bring the heads of these agencies in front of congress now and yesterday i watched a shitload of clips they brought they
Starting point is 01:57:31 brought in this guy uh who's that who's the administrator for the epa for the environmental protection agency you won't even believe it they've been bringing him in front of congress talking to him about all the money he's been spending and that really he basically kids not gonna be able to do that anymore it's like the EPA has put in more regulate Environmental Protection Agency they've put in regulation that cost the country more money than all the regulation Obama put in in eight years. It's like $1.6 trillion. It's fucking crazy. You really want to see that?
Starting point is 01:58:14 They would do that. Dale, Greg, and Sevan show. Careful what you wish for. um uh epa michael let me just type that in what's the guy's name michael michael reagan type in that dude's name Michael Regan I think it's spelled M-I-C-H-A-L Regan R-E-G-A-N
Starting point is 01:58:51 and watch some of the stuff that Forbes is putting out he's getting destroyed it's awesome Will Martin hit like for the algorithm not Michael Knight Daniel Garrity Daniel sometimes I wonder about you buddy I get suspect Radon is going to kill me
Starting point is 01:59:15 also Seve screw the EPA and it's regulations man oh man how about this sugar is's gonna kill me also savvy screw the fda and its regulations i mean that's what you sound like your suspicion is warranted thank you uh tutor magda's peace oh if they don't spend the money that can't get more they can't get more next year You should have Jake Chapman on for an affiliate show
Starting point is 01:59:51 I don't know Here's the thing like all the people in the chat Like I have these impressions of you And I don't know if I want to ruin them or change them or make them better or worse uh sugar's going to kill me also have five sparse uh spicy margaritas that's correct but I always tell the waitress skinny skinny But I always tell the waitress, skinny. Skinny. But if I were to visit a guest, a person in the chat, I'm trying to think, who would I go visit?
Starting point is 02:00:34 Jake Chapman would be fucking high on the list. I'm going to put you as number one until I think of someone else. He'd be my number one guy. Oh, I'd probably visit Janelle. Too. Oh, I know. We aren't as cool as you think we are. I know. That's the thing. That's what I'm scared about. Yeah, that's interesting. Doesn't the FitAid have you running to take a piss?
Starting point is 02:01:01 It's not like... It doesn't make me have to take a piss. Literally, I swear to God, it was like this at, um, semifinals West coast. I would drink a ghost or a Red Bull. And it was like, as I was pointing it in, I could see it coming out of my dick. It was just like a straight shot. It's not like that. But yesterday during the show.
Starting point is 02:01:26 Oh, when? Oh, good. Dallin responded. What a good dude. Wow. Wow. Holy shit. Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:01:47 This is going to be some breaking news That I'm not gonna tell you guys Wow Holy shit Well that's gonna be fun To break that story Hey Do you guys wanna see something crazy? This is pretty crazy too.
Starting point is 02:02:08 Did you see last yesterday? Oh, you guys are going to fucking trip on this. Okay, look at this. These are the two things I want to show you guys. I'm changing subjects. The thing I'm oh wowing about is something I just heard about related to the CrossFit games. Yeah, I think Spin will break it first. He's, yeah, I think he will.
Starting point is 02:02:45 Let me see. I'll send it to spin. I'll send it to spin now. And see if he knows anything Okay, check this out seven's the king of edging. No, the workouts have not been leaked. Um, okay. Um, uh, that's the problem. I got, I got text messages that are just always pouring in over here on the side. You guys know the rule, right? When I look this way, I'm looking at tech messages. When I look at this way, I'm looking at porn. I mean, uh, videos that I'm going to show you to show you okay check this out this is the first thing i want to show you but this is
Starting point is 02:03:47 this is this is just a build-up to the uh climax this is fucking crazy i just love shit like this this is just nuts okay ready here we go nancy pelosi who pulled the trigger on biden's favorite morning show it's up to the president to decide if he is going to run it's up to the president to decide if he is going to run. It's up to the president to what? What did she say? Or it was Nancy Pelosi who pulled the trigger on Biden's favorite morning show. It's up to the president to decide if he is going. What the fuck word is she saying? Democrats, civil war. It's up to the president to what? It was Nancy Pelosi who pulled the trigger on Biden's favorite morning show. It's up to the president to suicide. To suicide?
Starting point is 02:04:35 To suicide? Fired in the Democrats civil war. It was Nancy Pelosi who pulled the trigger on biden's favorite morning show it's up to the president to decide if he is going to run we're all encouraging him what the fuck dude her tits are huge uh okay but here's the part i was really tripping on here we go wait to see this part wait to see this part this here we go if he doesn't drop out in the next week or two a whistleblower will emerge somebody who has some fortitude some ethics some, some morals inside of Joe Biden's cabinet.
Starting point is 02:05:27 Somebody inside of that White House who knows what's going on, who understands the cover up. And they will leave something to you for your primetime show. Biden's about to realize that the presidency isn't. Holy shit. Holy shit. They're threatening the fucking president of the United States on Fox to step down or they're going to. You know, it's crazy. Remember all that talk that they said Trump wouldn't leave office?
Starting point is 02:05:58 And they were worried about that. How is it that everything that they say is about themselves? Drop out in the next week or two, a whistle negotiation. And if Biden thinks only God can convince him to bow out, he should prepare for this. If he doesn't drop out in the next week or two, a whistleblower will emerge. Somebody who has some fortitude, some ethics, some morals inside of Joe Biden's cabinet, somebody inside of that White House who knows what's going on, who understands the cover up, and they will leave something to you for your primetime show. Biden's about to realize that the presidency isn't the most powerful thing in Washington. The Democrat machine is.
Starting point is 02:06:41 The Democrat machine is. The difference between Democrats and Republicans is so simple. Republicans believe in individual rights. Democrats believe in taking individual rights and giving them to groups. It's the same exact ideology and mindset and software and operating system that was at the foundation of slavery. Let's take the rights away from these people and give them to these people. And it's exactly where they're at now. That's all they want to do. They want to take away individual rights and give them to groups. Everything you can see, everything that they do is like that. Everything fits right in that paradigm, right down that flow.
Starting point is 02:07:35 I'll give you an example. If you want clean water and clean air, what do you need? You need fucking economic prosperity. You need people who have an abundance of food and abundance of energy. And when we have economic prosperity, that's the rights for everybody. We get good shit. We get clean water, we get clean air, we get good cars, we get good food. But what do they do? They want to take away the rights of people and give them to climate change groups. And what do they do?
Starting point is 02:08:12 They destroy the economy. And when the economy gets destroyed, the environment goes to shit. Look at Los Angeles. The environment there. Look at San Francisco. The environment there has been completely destroyed. They tell you shit like they're worried about straws, but how many masks do you think are in the oceans?
Starting point is 02:08:34 What do you think the damage is caused by straws versus masks environmentally? What did they do? They took away the rights of the individual and gave them to groups by putting the masks. That's always their stance. Everything they do fucks everything up. away the rights of the individual and gave them to groups by putting the masks that's that's that's always their stance everything they do fucks everything up i have a heated pillow oh that sounds horrible i like a cold pillow man they're the jesse on the jesse show, they just said,
Starting point is 02:09:05 fucking hey, we're going to release a picture of him having sex with a donkey or something, right? Is the fleshlight eco-friendly? I feel like porn and sex toys and anything besides the stuffed animal you humped in the when you were seven years old is basically just a blow to my ego like anyone who uses any sex sex toys I feel like you have no pride you know what I mean it's like the people who take the escalator at the airport I just think less of them. I just think it's weak. It's how I leverage my ego to be strong. You know what I mean? I just think all those things are just weak. you need the escalator you're weak and and i don't even care if it's true or not i just i just like that because it's it's like me leveraging my ego to keep me on the straight and narrow uh my cousin's wife got him a penis extender oh that's cool
Starting point is 02:10:15 god what is a penis extender is that like it actually makes you the penis you have longer or you put something on it like an attachment sex toys are kind of gay you know what's crazy speaking of gay i was following this like pretty hardcore like foreign foreigner venezuelan chick or something and um she's a crazy hardcore conservative like always shooting guns and shit and then she started hating on gays and i think i gotta unfollow her i think i gotta i wish i could because it can anyone remember tell me who she is i want to unfollow her i want to say her name started with a v or something i can't do anti-gay shit
Starting point is 02:11:10 at all it disgusts me it's like doing it would be like i just think if you could be anti-gay well if you can be anti-anything you could be anti-anything you know what i mean like if it like the fact that i'm capable of like uh wanting to vanquish pedos means i'm capable of vanquishing anyone i get that mechanism means i have it right oh valerie something is that what it is yeah i'm over her shit i don't want there to be a i don't want there to be a uh i don't want to have a list of people that I don't like. Oh, yeah, yeah, this chick. This shit ain't fucking cool. Let me see.
Starting point is 02:11:51 I'll play you some of her shit. I'm going to unfollow her. I think I'm over her shit. Follow. Unfollow. I invited her on the show, too, but I don't know. Let me see if I can find it. That's a great song.
Starting point is 02:12:12 For those that I offended for burning two pornographic books, from the bottom of my heart, I want to apologize. Absolutely no. Okay. Today, it became illegal for non-citizens to vote. And tomorrow, the crooked Democrats. No, not that one.
Starting point is 02:12:32 Anyway, I saw something where I thought she was. Maybe I should take. Oh, let me see. They say driving a Prius is a little gay. So do I pull out? This little guy. These little guys Not that one I don't mind that one
Starting point is 02:12:51 There was just one in here where she was just Saying something about gay shit And I was like alright I can't do that Anyway I hope she gets done what she needs to get done. Oh, wait, is this it? Oh, we can get, let's see. Go broke. This company tried to keep me quiet from speaking up against the pornographic material in our children's libraries.
Starting point is 02:13:27 And today, I fire them. No amount of money, stock, or bullying would make me compromise my values. So I will never support a company that wants to empower and protect pedophiles and groomers in our schools and libraries. So feed your dog something that is not weak and gay. This is good versus evil. Don't give your dog something that's weak and gay. Don is now weak and gay. This is good versus evil. Don't give your dog something that's weak and... Don't be weak and gay. Yeah, she's conflating. I don't...
Starting point is 02:13:51 She's conflating pedophiles and... Gay people. I can't do it. By the way, you're a fucking idiot if you feed your dog anything from Purina. Anyway. from Purina anyway scroll up why would I miss Let me see your profile picture. Ah, yes. I didn't think you had blonde hair.
Starting point is 02:14:42 There was one called Gay Shit Towards the Top. I sent it in your DMS. All right. I think, uh, I wonder what's happening with Biden today. I think he's meeting with some people. Uh, Trump calls George Clooney a rat for turning on Biden. Um, isn't he meeting with people today?
Starting point is 02:15:12 The Daily Show ribs Biden over Democrat detractors. First Dem Senator calls for Biden to drop out for the good of the country. Hakeem Jeffries wants to hear from all the House Democrats before next. Biden's political position is rapidly deteriorating. Oh, okay, here it is. A staggering 24 hours that cracked the political foundation. Let me see. There's a press conference today that's going to be worth watching.
Starting point is 02:15:38 It's live. I think he's going to step in front of the press corps. Does anyone give a shit what George Clooney thinks I mean seriously anybody damn when is the press conference critical when is that press conference does anyone know? Is it today? Maybe I'll just type in Biden press conference. uh oh here we go live 31 minutes ago election to uh biden to hold news conferences pressure
Starting point is 02:16:30 from democrats grows is today thursday so thursday 6 30 eastern standard time dude should we do a party where we watch it Okay. Okay. President Joe Biden will hold a news conference at 6.30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Thursday, the key event in the monumental week for his campaign as he fends off calls for him to step aside as the party's presumptive nominee. Oh, they must be tripping man they must be tripping trump sentencing in his new york hush money criminal case was originally it's not even a hush money criminal case it's just a like a tax fraud case right like taking money from the wrong account uh they've asked a full motion is due
Starting point is 02:17:33 uh this week and prosecutors have until july 24th to respond so sentencing has been moved to september 18th So sentencing has been moved to September 18th. Hmm. All right. Good times. Kenneth DeLapp, watch party would kick all the ass. All right.
Starting point is 02:18:16 Oh, you say 530 Eastern Standard Time Oh let me check again Biden Press Conference Biden press conference. I'm checking. Hill focuses on Biden's press conference as calls to drop re-election bid continue. this article doesn't say what time jesus christ how do you title an article biden solo unscripted news conference a pivotal moment in debate rebound six hours ago from ABC News. The high stakes moment, which the White House on Thursday morning said is being moved back from 530 p.m. to 630 p.m. OK, so they moved it. All right.
Starting point is 02:19:16 That was six hours ago. So we're both right. So it is 630. So 330 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. I wonder if I can just stream that. I wonder what the rules are of that. What's gay or wearing a little bracelet from a market stall or wearing a vest in public i do both yeah i think yesterday uh jenny i think yesterday it did say 5 30 i think you're right i think they changed it someone made this for me rosie of rosie photography made this for me at the games last year. Everyone should make me something.
Starting point is 02:20:10 Bring me something at the games. Make my day. Shower me with gifts, please. I wear a fanny pack at the games, too, to hold all your gifts in. Shower me. Shower me with gifts. Peanut M&Ms hand jobs kisses
Starting point is 02:20:28 butt slaps cash coffee chocolate covered espresso beans nude picture of your husband all that stuff
Starting point is 02:20:47 I'll be there I'm going to the games this year to watch the events no to bring seven on a gift new picture of my husband old underwear cologne deodorant ring me stick of deodorant I of all the things I think the two things
Starting point is 02:21:08 that I'd be most interested in are chocolate covered espresso beans and I could probably use a stick of deodorant I do start to get a little paranoid about that
Starting point is 02:21:17 because I could start stanking there I don't give a fuck it's not cool not a weighted vest uh give a fuck. It's not cool. Not a weighted vest. Didn't someone bring you a shirt at the games and you mocked them on the podcast? Probably.
Starting point is 02:21:35 Probably. But listen, that still gives me material for the show. You know what I mean? It's a win-win. You give me a shirt and what I say, I can a win-win. Like, you give me a shirt, and what I say, I can already guess what I said.
Starting point is 02:21:47 I'm like, this motherfucker, I'm working my ass off. I got two cameras, and he hands me some cheesy-ass fucking shirt that's cheaply printed that says some shit I'd never even wear. And I have to just smile and pretend like I like it.
Starting point is 02:21:57 Oh, thank you. Oh, come here. Mwah. But it's still like, you have to, it's content for the show. It's like you're doing your part So there see everything's positive everything is good and dandy
Starting point is 02:22:20 Oh What is this? Oh, shit. They got Daniel Brandon on Talking Elite Fitness right now. Someone just sent me a link. She's wearing nothing but overalls she's naked underneath it wow oh uh wad zombies over there or he was over there is this live i can't tell if this is live it says 35 watching now. Stream started 21 minutes ago.
Starting point is 02:23:15 The comments are all from Patrick Clark and Wad Zombie. Hmm. zombie. It's never live. It's a premiere. Oh, oh, don't say that. Seven people will leave your stream. She's naked. She has her titties out. Get over there.
Starting point is 02:23:41 Now you're missing out. Now Jonathan's over there. This is pretty funny. There's three comments from Wadapalooza, three comments from Patrick Clark, and three comments from Jonathan. Mr. Clark is pulling his meat. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:24:06 I don't think he's into girls. Patrick, are you? Be honest. The reason why I don't think it's live, dude, is because when I... David, is because... Oh, yeah, maybe it is live. The dots...
Starting point is 02:24:20 The dots red Alright Go over there Tell her Tell her that we miss her Or don't When is Russell Berger interview? Hopefully soon Jesus
Starting point is 02:24:43 Hopefully soon You guys want to hear any more Biden or Trump stuff? When is Russell Berger interview? Hopefully soon. Jesus. Hopefully soon. You guys want to hear any more Biden or Trump stuff? Oh, my gardener got back to me. My sprinklers are all fucked up. Let's just do a quick rounds here really quick Coffee Pods and wads He had around the whiteboard yesterday. What's he got today?
Starting point is 02:25:19 Live On the 12th he has a list Elisa Fuliano coming on. Okay, so that's not today. Get with the programming. Too bad I can't spell programming right. Get with the programming. Let's see what they got going on. Was I on at the same time as Barbell Spin last night? Is that what happened?
Starting point is 02:25:40 Did something weird happen? Get with the programming. I don't see anything scheduled. Okay. And who else? Who else? Barbell spin. Barbell spin.
Starting point is 02:25:57 Barbell spin. Live shows. They got nothing scheduled either. Jesus Christ. I mean, Jesus Christ. Jesus's cristo sorry cheese and crackers oh austin hatfield i need to have him on and luke parker oh i have so much work to do okay 3 30 uh oh what's this emma what is this emma What's this Emma? What is this Emma? Oh You want to see this holy cow you guys want to see this
Starting point is 02:26:31 Should we fuck I? Think this is Emma McQuaid isn't she going to the CrossFit Games is this chick going to the CrossFit Games I Russell will be on I think he's scheduled. If he's not, I'll bug him now. Uh, what is this crazy talk? He's fit and healthy. High rocks is so accessible to absolutely everyone. Um, people know exactly what they're going in to do, or I think, you know, they don't want to be swinging from a bar. They don't want to be lifting heavy weights overhead.
Starting point is 02:27:03 Um, they don't want to have risk of injury to not be able to go to work on monday morning so i think if we lower the entry barrier we're going to have more people doing fitness in general right now you just want to be fit and healthy high rocks is so accessible to absolutely everyone um people know exactly what they're how the fuck is high rock safer than fucking CrossFit? Is she out of her fucking mind? You think fucking doing wall balls with quarter squats is fucking safe when you're racing against fucking people? You think that makes it somehow accessible? What other shit do they do?
Starting point is 02:27:40 That fucking broad jump fucking thing? The sandbag? Like, she's out of her fucking mind more accessible swinging from a bar where the fuck is she where does what the fuck is she talking about look at this guy whole lot of look at this guy do Look at this guy. Do you think this guy has pronouns? A whole lot of angry CrossFitters in here proving her point. Been doing it for over a decade and work out at home now because of how toxic the community is. Oh, yes, the community is so toxic.
Starting point is 02:28:33 Pussy. Yeah, it is toxic. And you're a pussy. It's got right now. You got right on in it pussy. It's got radon in it. Anyway. That's just stupid. Oh, what's this?
Starting point is 02:28:53 You take an event in 2014 and then take an event now. They're wildly different. Okay, they're not going legless up the pegboard. Jesus, John is everywhere. God, John, you're not going legless up the pegboard. Jesus. John is everywhere God John, you're a whore. I mean you're you're a busy man What is this account hybrid something You What is this account? Hybrid something? Oh, Nelly. And why I said it, because if we did, we'd crush it.
Starting point is 02:29:40 Is that what you think? That guy stole Hiller's line? We were to create something where we had a traveling series of in-person competitive community mass participation events. We would do very well at that. Good day, everybody. Welcome to
Starting point is 02:29:58 this... Oh, shut your fucking pile. I don't fucking want to hear your shit. All right. pile. I don't fucking want to hear your shit. Uh, alright. Uh, I guess I'm done. Oh, I can hear the boys playing, having a
Starting point is 02:30:19 nerf war outside. Avi! Come here, boy. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come, come, come in here. Come to, come to me.
Starting point is 02:30:45 I had a games athlete at my house a couple days ago. Come to here. Come to me. I had a games athlete at my house a couple days ago. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Just come. Come. Show me your bracelet. It's not a bracelet?
Starting point is 02:31:01 What is it? I'm playing a game. Hey, do we look alike? Who is this? I'm playing a game. Hey, do we look alike? Who is this? Just a bunch of people, my friends. What do you think I do? I just come in here and hang out with my friends every morning. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 02:31:14 How did you choose a CEO shirt this morning? I don't choose my shirt. Oh, come, come. Listen. It's a random shirt. How did you choose a CEO shirt this morning? Go ahead and answer. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:31:26 You said you don't choose shirts. Give the answer you just said. Before. I just pick random shirts. How old are you? Do I really have to answer that? No, you don't have to ever do anything you don't want to do. Fine, I'm seven.
Starting point is 02:31:41 And of your three brothers, who's the best at Jiu Jitsu? Joey and me and obvious down but who's the best out of the three of you oh um who is the most gold medals and why do you think you're the best why do you think that you have the most gold medals what characteristics do you have that make you such a... Because Joey's scared. Really scared. And obviously he's just like not going
Starting point is 02:32:09 as hard as... But aren't you scared too? Well, yeah, but I'm at least scared. Alright. I love you. That's your debut on the podcast. Good job. Good shirt. Now go put a vest on, okay? I love you. Bye.
Starting point is 02:32:38 He got his mom's nose. No, I don't think he has his mom's nose. Oh, I see what you're saying by that. We'll until um you don't know whose nose they got until they get older uh if you'd like to get a ceo shirt a speaking of shameless plug make sure you go to um vindicate vnt vndk8 VNT. VNDK. Eight. Jake Chapman, your boy looks like Nick. Good job, Jake. You are fucking, you're legit, dude. You know your shit.
Starting point is 02:33:22 Say that again? Say that again? that again Yeah go ahead Jake doesn't sound legit No not even close Alright fine On that note love you guys Let me tell you who's gonna be on here tomorrow Friday
Starting point is 02:33:36 Oh dude tomorrow I have two people Paige Demenze and Rebecca Fusile Fusile I didn't say her name right Shit tomorrow's gonna to be awesome. I love both of them. Really? I thought you loved something more. You thought I loved what?
Starting point is 02:33:51 Something more. I love a lot of things, but I love Paige and Rebecca. They're awesome guests. Well, true, but do you have anything else? Yeah, and then in the evening, I'm doing the CrossFit Games Update show. At 6.30. have anything else? Yeah. And then in the evening, I'm doing the CrossFit Games Update show. At 630. In the middle of the day, I'm going to hang out with you guys.
Starting point is 02:34:11 The middle? Yeah. What do you want to do right now, by the way? What do you want to go do? Right now, we're playing a game. Do you want to go do something? Let's go do something. You want to go to the beach? Sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 02:34:29 All right, guys. On behalf of Ari, Sevan Matosian, and Sevan Matosian, love you guys. Hopefully, I'll see you guys at 3.30 p.m. for the debate or for the press conference. Joe Biden in front of the press. Adios. Adios. Adios. Oh, do you want to hear my song? Have you heard my song? No. You don't want to hear it?
Starting point is 02:34:50 I do want to. Oh, here, listen. It's a Sebum Podcast show. It's a Sebum Podcast show. Everybody's welcome. Peace and love. It's a Sebum Podcast show. Bam. We're live. It's not awful but the singer's voice is a little off the singer's voice is a little off yeah uh but but you were laughing i know it's so funny
Starting point is 02:35:23 yeah wait let me see if i could turn your mic up go ahead now talk hello yeah that's good Yeah. But you were laughing. I know. It was so funny. Yeah. Wait, let me see if I can turn your mic up. Go ahead. Now talk. Hello? Yeah, that's good. Now talk. Say something.
Starting point is 02:35:31 I'm going to see what mic you're on. Go ahead again. Hello? Okay, so you are on mic too. Okay. Damn, now I don't even want to go because you're on here. You're good, dude. Really?
Starting point is 02:35:47 Yeah. You can hold a conversation. You laugh. You haven't said anything inappropriate that's embarrassed me yet. Now you're embarrassed me. Oh, okay. Is mom listening? Wait, can mom hear me?
Starting point is 02:36:01 Because she's looking. TV? Yeah, no one can see you, but they can hear you. Oh, that makes sense. So I'm just like a visible ghost? Yeah, you're just a voice on the show. Wait, what? You're just a voice. No one can see you.
Starting point is 02:36:19 Are there any people? Are there anybody else? No, that's it. It's just me and you left. Do you speak any foreign languages? Can you sing the alphabet in Armenian for me? who taught you that your mom why is the cord so tight give yourself yourself some room. Pull the cord. There you go. All right.
Starting point is 02:37:12 Thank you, guys. We'll see you at 3.30. You want to come watch the debate with me in here at 3.30 and be on the show? Definitely. Okay, let's do it. Ari and I will be back here at 3.30 p.m. for the presidential debate. I'll get a camera on them, and we'll do a... Why are you laughing? Okay, let's do it. Ari and I will be back here at 3.30 p.m. for the presidential debate. I'll get a camera on him and we'll do a... Why are you laughing? What's so funny?
Starting point is 02:37:31 I just love you so much. I'm overspilling with joy. I'm not laughing at you. I'm just kind of like, you know what I mean? You know when you get like so happy, you start laughing? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Man, don't worry.
Starting point is 02:37:42 My dad's crying, so that's normal. It's normal that I cry? Yeah, so normal. I've seen you cry like 10 times in my life now. 10? Or, of course, when you were a kid, but I wasn't alive. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 02:37:59 Bye-bye.

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