The Sevan Podcast - Adam Adkins | Caerus Strength - Entrepreneurs Story

Episode Date: July 9, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian"...: 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's a sad bomb podcast show. Bam, we're live. Almost got it synced. Can't even believe the story I'm reading this morning. I'm watching absolutely the most bizarre show I've ever seen. The Boys. And just when I thought it couldn't get any more bizarre. The actress that's starlight aaron moriarty has taken a break from instagram
Starting point is 00:00:33 i this this is fucking crazy she's taken a break from instagram Break from Instagram. Holy shit. If you don't know the show, I can't tell exactly what the show is doing exactly. I can't tell if it's satire regarding the left and the right. I can't tell if it's woke or making fun of woke. It's so bad. But if you see woke stuff, you start to realize that what we think is making fun of them is actually who they are. So it's really difficult to tell it almost seems like satire that this story that she got off of instagram she's quitting social media after megan kelly went on a rant about her looks
Starting point is 00:01:19 well yeah she did she she jacked her face up the starlight character something happened to her between season three and four I just can't believe this is Actually real Like I think the guest isn't here soon, so I will um Oh, yep, here we go. We'll come back to this insanity. Yo, what's up, dude? Hey, how you doing, my friend? Good. How are you?
Starting point is 00:01:52 Oh, man, I'm doing good. Just coming off a long weekend. A good weekend. A long. Yeah. Good. Long weekend. Obviously, on the 4th of July. So, yeah, all's well. Yeah. Awesome. Well, thanks for all's well. Yeah, awesome. Well, thanks for doing this. I really appreciate it. I appreciate you. My ability to be able to help and show people what we have is dear to me.
Starting point is 00:02:14 So, I love the opportunity. Adam, can you pronounce, is it Saris Strength? So, it's Karis. So, it's Zeus' youngest son the greek god of opportunity and fortunate timings so charis strength charis strength god uh google wants me to spell it as caesar so bad charis strength hey um so there there's so many ways to look at this. I want to start at the very beginning. So you invented this device.
Starting point is 00:02:50 I did. So to give you a little bit of a background on how it came about. So during the pandemic, everybody was at home. I was in the worst shape of my life. We were looking around. You could only order food out. And I was talking to the gentleman who is now my partner, Carl Fink. Can I ask what state you lived in?
Starting point is 00:03:10 Yeah, so I live in Florida. And my partner is up in Illinois. But we were talking during the pandemic, and he's like, man, I've never felt better. I'm like, how can you feel better when everybody else can't go to the gym or do any of that? And he kind of went into it. He goes, you know, I don't have to drive to work. So I lift an hour in the morning. I do an hour of cardio in the evening. I've never been better. So I went under my own health journey, started losing weight. And in that journey, I came up with the invention that you now see as the care of strength trainer.
Starting point is 00:03:41 And I was walking and I was thinking about things. There was a condition called sarcopenia, which is a muscle strength and size disease that at the time there were only three books that were published worldwide. And my partner and I wanted to let people know that you don't have to get old and get weak. We were looking at the theory of elite aging. And so as I was looking at the books with all these people, they were sitting in front of either a big bulky machine, which obviously I know I'm an athlete that they were using, or they were pulling stuff that were off the screen. And while I'm reading the book, my daughter, who was born with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy
Starting point is 00:04:21 with microcephaly, my angel is always going to be in a wheelchair, but she was sitting in the room with me. And I looked and I was reading this. I'm like, there's nothing that somebody in her condition could use the machines that they have effectively in this picture. And so I started, you know, I was thinking about it and all of a sudden, you know, I got the vision and I went over, grabbed the pen and paper and literally drew out what you now see is the device, the system from all four angles. I started doing in my head things that weren't even ever created. We have the world's shortest functional resistance band ever made. It took us over a year, which seems like it would be easy, but it's not to be able to make sure you get a full range of motion. And yet you can have enough resistance on there,
Starting point is 00:05:06 but have it short enough that you can start far enough back. So I started drawing this all up. And my partner happens to be a patent attorney, one of the most prolific patent attorneys in the U.S. And I went to him like everybody else that talks to him. He's like, hey, I've got an idea. And he was very interested, started listening to it. And to and he's like man you're on to something big then we did our patent searches and there was nothing like it and so then we kind of went to the next phase of okay
Starting point is 00:05:36 i had a i made a rough prototype myself but then we went on the journey of having a commercially made um prototype and it took several iterations and then moved to commercialization. So there's a bunch of steps in there, but overall, it was me during my health journey, looking to start a website or start a company to help people stay and get fit, get healthy. And I just was inspired by looking at what I was seeing and the lack of a tool for people in the marketplace that made me come up with this idea. So just really quick, your daughter's born, I don't know much about cerebral palsy. She's born like that? Yeah. So she was born. So she had oxygen deprivation at birth. They told us she wasn't
Starting point is 00:06:22 going to live. She was in the NICU for 13 days. She was 41 weeks when she was born. But her brain damage affects several parts of her body. So when we say spastic quadriplegic, it means that in all four limbs, she's really tight. Her wrists turn in, her feet are really tight. And then microcephaly, because she had oxygen deprivation, the size of her head is smaller than it's supposed to be. So that's called microcephaly. And it was a trauma at birth. She aspirated meconium. But it didn't kill her.
Starting point is 00:06:56 She's with us. She's our angel. But, yeah, she was fully healthy until that occurred. And it occurred at birth. At birth. And there was nothing. I mean, there was a fetal monitor strip that went missing. There was things that we couldn't really prove.
Starting point is 00:07:15 But I got to say, I told my wife, instead of being bitter and try chasing lawsuits her entire life, let's just love our daughter the way she is. She's going to be with us. I don't want to feel bitter about her situation or whatever happened or keep griping about it. So after we looked and we knew there wasn't enough stuff that we could prove, we just let it go. We put our arms around her. You know what? I made the commitment from that moment forward that my wife will do the therapy and I'll make the money. And she's been a stay at home mom for my oldest daughter and now two other children. But it ended up working out.
Starting point is 00:07:53 So, but yeah, it was, it was definitely a mistake at birth. How old is she? She is 17. And how old are your other kids? So my younger son just turned 15, who happens to be 6'8", 300 pounds.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Wow. And then my youngest daughter is 10. How tall are you? I'm 6'4", 6'4 1⁄2". Your son is 6'8". Size 19 shoe. He has like a 7'5 wingspan. Size 19 shoe.
Starting point is 00:08:24 He has like a 7'5 wingspan. And he's very gifted as far as academics goes. So he's got both sides. He's got size, but he's also got brains. Is he playing sports? So he played football this year. He's going to play basketball. He loves basketball. And he's really into volleyball.
Starting point is 00:08:45 He really loves playing it. Beach volleyball. His arms go way over the net. I'm not sure where he's going to land. I played football at the University of Michigan. Everybody thought he would play football, but I didn't push him down a lane.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Whatever he wants to do, it's his life. I support him. If he's going to do it, he's got to do it at his best. But right now he's testing out other sports. He's always been good at basketball. But now I think he's really got a niche for volleyball. Yeah, volleyball is cool. That's a great scene. That's a great, healthy scene.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Beach volleyball is a cool scene. How tall is your wife she is five eight and a half is she is she tall for her family or she's short she's short her two sisters are six foot holy cow and my and my 10 year old daughter is five seven wow and you said your boy's only 15. He just turned 15 in April. So let me ask you this. This is totally off subject. I'm only five, five. And my kids are active all day and they don't go to school and they're homeschooled and i don't think that they're going to go through an awkward stage for two reasons because they're short and because they're moving all the time is it possible to do that with tall kids also like do all kids have to go because i've seen these kids who are just
Starting point is 00:10:19 fantastic athletes and then around boys who are like 11 years old and then from 11 to 13 they're still good but some shit kind of goes haywire right well i will tell you being that tall he had problems with his knees at football so they were having him do squats down to his ankles and all sorts of things and he's got flexible joints they say yeah so for, it was almost like a puppy growing so quickly that it almost threw off his equilibrium a little bit. He's gained a lot of that back. But there was a good year there that he was just trying to – growing so fast.
Starting point is 00:10:57 I don't think he's done. He's hoping he's done. He may be done. But, again, he just turned 15. He looks – and he's still got a baby face. So I think he's got a little bit more to go but um so it's a lot to deal with it does it your your center of mass is basically changes every morning when you wake up yeah yeah it that and again as he's growing so there's the growing pains literally grew a foot in a year so Oh, my God. So he has to be shooting up. It's like, how do you gain that?
Starting point is 00:11:27 Yeah. Keep your balance and everything with that much growth. But he's done a great job, and we got in the weight room. So like I said, most kids that are his height are skinny, tiny kids, but he's a powerful kid. Yeah. So he's getting really strong, and he's getting addicted to the weight room
Starting point is 00:11:46 where he really loves to go he pushes me and and uh so he's very healthy but nicest kid in the world he looks like he could be the most intimidating thing but he's just again he's just a sweet kid what a lifelong gift right well once if you get into the weight room when you're a when you're a kid and then you you can just have that your whole life. What a great addiction. And I love that we do it together because that's a bonding experience for me and my son that a lot of dads don't do. We're in there, and people are like, I wish my kid would come with me.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Yeah. Well, I made him come with me, but again, he loves it. We talk. I mean, I think obviously the health benefits from getting strong and doing the car doing the whole thing but the time the one-on-one time that he could tell me things and just let go it's uh i wouldn't change it for anything what was your going into the pandemic what was your job what was your vocation so I've always been in sales. I was in legal sales. So anything that you had with a lawsuit. So if it was electronic discovery, getting emails or things
Starting point is 00:12:53 off of people's computers or cell phones, all the way through what's called e-discovery, electronic discovery. So filtering all that data. So anything to do with the legal industry, that's what I was doing. I sold those services to law firms, deposition services, trial services. And then before that, I've had various sales positions in different industries. And had you ever invented anything before the Kara Strength device? I am like crazy old Maurice from Beauty and the Beast. I literally had probably 15 other things that I've come up with in life that I just didn't know how to move forward.
Starting point is 00:13:33 I've got some that I've made the prototypes and people still use them today. But this was the first one. And there's a lot of things I've done in life to chase money where I'm always going, how do I make money? This is the first thing that I've ever done that I was like, how do we change people's lives? My daughter, like just so you know, and I'll put it out there. What I've invented is the world's first body anchored strength, conditioning and therapy system that can be accessed in any position. So lying in a hospital bed to a wheelchair, to a fully functioning individual. Lying in a hospital bed to a wheelchair to a fully functioning individual.
Starting point is 00:14:11 We've got professional athletes all the way to 95-year-old grandparents using the system. Five-year-old kids to quadriplegic veterans. It really just depends. And when I invented it, I didn't realize how many areas that this would help. And we're seeing things on the performance side from people's vertical jump, like increasing multiple inches in a short period of time. We had an athlete that went into, was going into the NFL draft, and he dropped his 40 from a 4.7 to a 4.48 by doing sprinting exercises and things with our system on.
Starting point is 00:14:44 So there's a lot of different benefits that have come once the invention was created. But it literally has different benefits for different people at different stages. As you see the gentleman on your screen, it has all sorts of – these are more for your athletic moves. There's a lot more functional strengthening that goes on here. So you can do all sorts of different combinations. But again, it can also be done by my daughter. Well, she uses it for correctional positioning.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I've got Medicare codes and stuff approved to cover a back brace version of what I've done. But we're really just trying to get it on as many people as we can to change lives. And in the sports world, we're trying to give a competitive advantage to those that want to try it out. And I know you specifically are a big CrossFit guy and we've been talked to by several people. Obviously there's weight weighted bags that can go in it. So you can rock,
Starting point is 00:15:37 but we don't have it where you're doing 40, 50, 60 pounds. We literally, it comes with 10. You can probably do 20 pounds in that vest, but it's the most comfortable weighted vest I've ever worn because most of them pull down on you and it really is tough. Yeah. This thing's crazy tight to your body too, which is nice. The worst
Starting point is 00:15:54 part about all those vests and rucks and everything is just the, you know, the bouncing, the moving around. Absolutely. And this we make in every size because you do want it to fit tight like a glove. There's an internal belt that actually straps on that makes it where it does not twist at all. And our goal, and then when you have the foot straps, so you can do up to 600 pounds of banded weighted squats or you can do 600 pounds. Yeah. So there's the foot attachment has four different places that you can attach bands to. And so on the vest, there's also multiple attachments around the bottom, up in the front,
Starting point is 00:16:32 on the side, in the back. So if you take the red bands or 50 pounds and you do two of the red bands from the front hook to the inside of the shoe, to the side hook, to the side, and from the back hook to the back of the shoe to the side hook to the side and from the back hook to the back of the heel that's 300 pounds per leg and that you could be doing 600 pound uh banded weighted squats are the do the bands come in different lengths for a guy who's 6'8 versus a guy who's 5'5 versus the standard system the standard system comes with eight-inch bands, so two sets. One is at 15, and one's at 25 pounds of eight-inch bands. Then we have same-weight allotment for 10-inch bands,
Starting point is 00:17:13 and then we have 18-inch bands for the legs. We can customize and do things. We made them different lengths for a reason. So say you have somebody that 30 pounds is the lightest leg band that we give with our basic package. But say they just can't do it. They could link a 15-pound band. And imagine this one's yellow. And they can click these two together. And now they have a 15-pound leg band that's exactly 18 inches.
Starting point is 00:17:43 So you can have, with the same system you can do 15 25 30 45 up to 50 and then multiple weights all the way up and when you hook them in it feels like it just feels like one constant resistance um uh adam so can you tell me about the so you think of this and you draw it can you tell me the very first time you put it together is this like you go to home depot and get bungee cords so i went out again i i've had crazy old maurice moments so obviously i write them down i went in just so i can have a visualization i took an old fisherman uh vest uh-huh took off all the pockets i went in i still have it it's kind of funny i went in and i
Starting point is 00:18:25 used like one of those things like that my mom has that takes or i used to use as a kid to take the sleeves off my shirt those things that yeah and i was using scissors to cut it out but then i took um wire wire hangers and i broke them off and i bent them into triangles so then i put the triangles and i put them on the vest because i knew that I wanted it. And now the way that they are almost half moon, but I wanted to make sure that there was almost a cradle for it to go into. And I started putting them on and attaching them on this vest where I would put them. And it was way too loose. So I knew it was just for visualization of where these things would go. So I've got the original, but it was literally a fisherman's vest and coat hangers that were broken off and bent into triangle pieces for the different attachment places.
Starting point is 00:19:15 How long did it take you to make the first one? Is it just like you're just doing it all day, every day for a week? Do you just start assessing on it? No, so I drew it up. I made that prototype just visually in probably 20 minutes just so my wife could understand what i was talking about kind of showing her where it was at but then does she care or does she just pretend to care no well you know what i mean like you could be like you're like honey i'm gonna make this vest
Starting point is 00:19:40 that's gonna change the world and and our daughter's gonna use it and increase her strength she's like okay sweetheart when i picked up the paper i'm like oh my gosh i have an idea she's like not again no honey this is the one but no she absolutely we we've seen stroke patients that have been paralyzed on one side of their body regain movement after 15, 20 minutes of working with them in our system. We've seen people with a severe front tilt. You put the straps across the back in an X and it pulls you right back in a proper position that go from leaning over to walking in a proper gait in 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Like the stuff that we're seeing on real people, real patients is what's so motivating is that we literally have people changing their lives. Our system is being used at Fort Belvoir, the Army's largest rehab center. And we have helped reverse bladder incontinence in almost two dozen women. Wow. almost two dozen women. Wow. Because the way that it works when they're doing their pelvic floor exercises, their main civilian PT there, Anna Lynn, puts them in our system. And because you're the anchor, so you're the stability, but also the strength production, it just engages your core at a whole deeper level. So by wearing our system and doing these moves after an average of about four visits, they stop coming back to her. The bladder leak, it stops. And that's
Starting point is 00:21:12 something that every single woman will experience in their lifetime and a majority of men. And we do believe we have a non-invasive, non-surgical solution that will help people keep their dignity and not have to wear pads or diapers. And this is globally, again, an additional benefit I didn't know when I was first putting this together. But the more we have it in clinical settings and with different therapists, the more benefits that they're seeing. I just, I just, that's so funny. I just Googled, I've never seen this. I just Googled Kar kara strength to see and typed in amazon to see if it was on amazon and i got this note from the browser request
Starting point is 00:21:51 request was throttled please wait a moment to refresh print page they don't have it they don't know about it and we're not the reason we're not selling it on amazon is because if you sell over 100 million dollars of product on amazon i've heard from insiders, they end up taking your product and making their own version. And they're like, go ahead and sue me. And we already know what the value and where this is going. And so we've decided at this point we do not have it on Amazon. And that's, again, it's not about the money. It's about the mission.
Starting point is 00:22:22 And we want to make sure that we can keep it pure. So, yeah, it's not on the money. It's about the mission. Yeah, yeah. We want to make sure that we can keep it pure. So, yeah, it's not on Amazon. Does Rogue sell it? Does Rogue Fitness sell it? No, they're a competitor of ours. Oh, really? Yep. Oh, I had no idea.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Meaning they have something similar? No, just meaning that they're in the same space. Actually, we've got several potential licensing deals that we are discussing right now with some of the world's largest, I won't say their names, sports companies, as well as some of the world's largest orthopedic bracing companies in the world looking to license this. But a Rogue Fitness, I think a Peloton. Now, here's the other thing. Think about this. Peloton has an issue because they never figured out the strength training portion of anything. Then they sold you a bike with two little dumbbells that you put behind your butt.
Starting point is 00:23:11 You're supposed to do that. Now imagine you could be banded in our system while you're doing the bike, but in between you could be doing chest presses, you could be doing overhead presses, lateral raises. You could be intensifying and doing things while you're on the bike without ever having to get off. And they could do a combination of strength training and cycling that has never been done, but they don't have what we have. We have the patents, everything on our product.
Starting point is 00:23:37 So we're open for different relationships because, for me, it's how do we help people. Literally, I can't help them if they don't try it. If they don't put it on, then I'm not able to help that person. So for me, it's all about exposure, showing people what we've done, all the amazing things that it's doing for people. But typically once somebody tries it on, they want one. They want one. Their parents want one because once you feel it, I was obviously a college athlete all the way through Michigan. I never felt anything interact with my body the way that this does.
Starting point is 00:24:11 So the the bladder control was not that was just like a like an oh shit moment like that wasn't who figured that out. So Anna Lynn Parafoy, she again,'s the the top civilian pt at fort belvoir we went in and we got a presentation in front of it's like 75 to 100 of their physical therapy therapists and physical and they've seen it all by the way you know everyone's pitching everything to the government right everything and we go in the room and and the main guy at the base, the main military PT, he always is tough on vendors. Right, right. So we go in there and he's got a room full of people.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Yeah, he's got to be skeptical as shit. Got a room full of people. He's like, all right, I'll try it on. So we put him on, and I started anchoring him, man. I started putting bands on him. And he's jumping around, being goofy and everything. And he's like, yeah, but I just don't know if this is enough of a workout. Then he takes it off. His shirt is dripping wet. And everybody looks at him. He goes, I guess I was getting a really good workout. So then we demoed it with all of his people.
Starting point is 00:25:20 And every single one of them, top level doctors are like, oh, my goodness, it can do this. It can do that. And they started walking through it. And by the end of the meeting, the most skeptical person in the room, Chigurello, told Anna Lynn, order as many as you need. We're 100 percent in. So we they're using them in clinic now. We've got patients that they are prescribing the back brace version to that have the correct diagnosis that's covered by insurance. But we're getting those through there. But Anna Lynn is a 32-year pelvic floor specialist.
Starting point is 00:25:52 So she's a PT, but she specializes in the pelvic floor. And when she saw it, used it, put it on. First time she saw it actually was her daughter started the wrestling program at uh the army so at west point the female wrestling team and her daughter tried it on from one of my sales reps at an event and she she was so we have videos of her she was blazing fast in it she used it when she took it off she scrimmaged a a guy who won two national championships in high school and took him down three times in a minute. She felt quicker. She was more explosive.
Starting point is 00:26:32 And that's when Anna Lynn's like, hey, I can see this with our patients. So then she got us into Fort Belvoir and then used it on her patients. And just by putting them in it and going through their different exercises, she's the one that revealed that it stopped pelvic pain. In men, they have pain in certain areas. So it stopped the pain. It stopped bladder leakage. There was a captain that was waiting to take over an aircraft carrier but had to wait until this issue was corrected. And after four visits, it was.
Starting point is 00:27:04 So now she's able to move up in her career. And it was just an ancillary benefit that we had no idea, but it was discovered in the clinical test. Hey, because, you know, that's a huge problem. I don't know if problem is a word. I don't want to make it a problem. But I don't know if it's a problem if your bladder leaks. It is a gigantic, I would say it's an issue that a lot of people deal with.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Crossfitters have it, female crossfitters. I mean every competition I've ever been to, I'll be interviewing one girl. I'm like, how was it? And she's like, oh, I was peeing out there. Deadlifting, jumping ropes, lunges. There's a ton of people that's happening too. A hundred percent. And it's literally every single lady.
Starting point is 00:27:50 So whether it is post child, or even as they get older and gravity takes place, almost every single woman will have a problem when they sneeze, they pee, they cough, they pee. I mean, it just happens. And then the unspoken truth is it happens to a lot of guys and think about just the dignity of both of having to talk about wearing a diaper or wearing pads because you can't stop the flow it just it happens or how about the dignity
Starting point is 00:28:18 someone like me that's completely egoless and 100 enlightened a walking uh buddha thank you uh i just don't want how about i just don't want to pee in my fucking pants right that's it oh 100 well you don't want to walk down the street so yeah either you don't want to be all that and our solution because it it's non-surgical so the only way you can do it are bladder suspensions i believe are the surgical side they've got devices that have to be inserted and I'd rather pee my pants than have surgery. Yeah, I like your way. And for ours, we're actually being able to see it. So we're getting a clinical trial started with, we're in the talks with Henry Ford Healthcare up in Michigan, and then Anna Lynn from Fort
Starting point is 00:29:02 Belvoir to start putting something together because now what she has seen in the clinical setting, we're going to be doing trials. This could be the number one reason that my system is a huge success because literally billions of people on this planet will have that issue and nobody likes it. Leaky vagina. There's not really a solution for it. I mean,
Starting point is 00:29:26 you see things on TV that things that pull moisture away, it's like, let's get to the bottom of it if we can. Right. Just depending on agent and where they're at. And as long as there's not a, if there's minor lapses and things, but if there's a major prolapse,
Starting point is 00:29:41 there are a few things that it won't work on. So we're again in the clinical setting, we're going to make sure that we know all the uses. A major prolapse. Yikes. Right. So if people have certain issues, this may not work. What a great word, right? Prolapse.
Starting point is 00:29:59 I mean, as long as it's not being used on you to describe the using of you. What a great word. Hey, listen to this um if you can't if you don't want the sarah system you can just move to florida and stand outside 10 seconds outside in florida and you will be sweating oh man it was on fourth of july it felt like 112 degrees at 4 p.m i'm like man uh someone in the chat augustus i found the website and you can uh you can order them just straight online. They have a kid.
Starting point is 00:30:26 All I care about is the kid's version. Hey, what's this kid's version? I want to go back to what happened after the first prototype, but since I love my kids so much, how old, the product for kids, how old? So we have them really. Or size. Size, we have. Can I fit in the kid's one?
Starting point is 00:30:47 Depends on how little you are five i've got them in double extra small extra small small medium and large so there's five kid sizes and then at the time you're at the large of the kid sizes you're getting into the adult extra small um and we have adult extra small to 7x in men and extra small to 6X in female. Okay, and here's a size chart. A large is, okay, you got to go height. Oh, you got the height in centimeters. That's the torso. I think that's the torso height.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Okay. Okay, so you make the first prototype, and you were saying it wasn't, Adam, you were saying it wasn't necessarily functional. It was just for visualizing. Right. So then I'll fast forward to after I talk. Because before I did it, before I went and spent all this money, I want to make sure there was nothing like it out there. And there isn't. And I looked all did all my searches. And then that's when I talked to my partner. partner who he works as a litigate, a IP litigator. And he now works for one of the largest IP firms in the world. And I had him, first of all, he listened to it. We were already going to go into business. He did the international and background. And we found a few things that
Starting point is 00:32:00 were out there that were nothing like ours, we had to make sure check off the boxes and when we saw that there was nothing like it we started filing provisional patents and we've got versions that aren't even out yet I've got like 13 to 15 utility patents filed we have design patents filed we filed uh international PCT filing. So now we're going into each individual country and we should have it patented in 145 different countries. So we know what we have. We know that it's special and it's just a different way to apply the technology. But once we did that research, I started looking at prototype companies that did it's cut and sew prototyping it's different than hard like plastic molding and that stuff there's a ton of those but cut and
Starting point is 00:32:51 sew is a little bit different and and not just cut and sew like t-shirts ours is more like equipment even though it's made of fabric so it took us it took me uh eight different prototypers for me to talk to, go through. Some people are like, can't be done. One kid had no idea. He's like, do you know how expensive that is? It's like $400 per prototype, which is, I wouldn't have done a prototype for $400. We knew that it's going to cost more than that. But then we found Priority Design.
Starting point is 00:33:21 I'll give them a shout out down in Ohio. Even though I'm a Michigan guy, they're in Columbus. They are amazing. And I went to them with my drawings, with what we had, gave it to them. And we worked through and came up with our, well, it's basically not, I mean, there's been small changes, but the first version, working version of my prototype. And they sent it to me and i will tell you i was shaking when the box came because i'm like man my life like in my head this thing's gonna be big and this was
Starting point is 00:33:53 expensive a prototype's really expensive yeah it costs probably all in all between that and the like there's all the registration and stuff but it it was probably $10,000 to $20,000 just for the prototyping and the design and engineering of it. The first one. Then it gets cheaper after you start getting it. But I had them make it, put all the attachment stuff where I wanted it. But instead of having the metal attachments on there, I had webbing with rubberized stuff. But then, again, you learn that carabiners will start tearing at it, and it gets tough to get off.
Starting point is 00:34:29 So now you can just click it on and click it off. But it came, and I took it out of the box. It looked exactly like my picture, which was so cool. And I put it on, and I clicked the bands in, and we hadn't come up with the 8-inch and 7-inch bands, so I only had the 10-inch band at that point. And so the starting position was a little too far forward, and I'm like, that's okay, but the triceps, everything else worked great.
Starting point is 00:34:56 I'm like, this feels way better than I even thought it did, and it took us a year to come up with an even shorter band so that you can see where the starting position is yeah crazy and that that that those inches took 12 12 months but ultimately now we've got it where yeah you can you can make them and just to add weight you click multiple so these are 25. so the most most people do is 100 pounds on each hand now if you want to get jacked and you want to get real big i mean for hypertrophy you you literally still probably need go lift some heavy plates this is more functional strength you can do over 100 pounds to 200 pounds and pressing overhead presses 600 pounds and legs
Starting point is 00:35:38 but it's not 1400 pounds and legs so there it does have some limitations, but for 99% of people, the weight, the length, everything will be more than enough to get them where they want to be athletically or just health-wise and getting in shape. You know, when I look at it, the first three things that come to my mind are amazing for warm-up, amazing for travel, but also, um, and I, and I don't have much experience in track and field, but when I think of stuff like those guys running with like parachutes, uh, behind them or that, that kind of stuff, I see it as kind of like that, like some sort of like accessory work to, um, to, to get those last percentages out of uh like you were saying increasing someone's vertical jumper increasing someone's speed getting those final percentages out of it have you ever heard of leshawn merit uh is he a football player no so leshawn merit is a three-time olympic gold medalist in the 400 yard dash okay he recently came on to our team since two weeks ago
Starting point is 00:36:47 sold thousands of dollars of these when him and his running coach put it on he explains what this system does by adding the resistance and the neuro connection to the muscle the kinetic energy how it pulls your heel straight up instead of back and and then you push down into the turf. He's like it's the most unbelievable piece of equipment he's ever worn, and he's a three-time Olympic gold medalist. And so they're actually going to a Nike event Wednesday, and he's going to be showing all the runners at Cornell University what we're doing here because, again, as he's putting it on, and for people's warm-ups,
Starting point is 00:37:29 things they're doing before they're running, when you take it off, it almost has a weight. Remember when people used to wear the weighted ankle weights, the bags on their ankles? When you take them off, you felt like a feather. It almost has that effect but a little bit differently. And, again, it teaches you to keep proper form if you don't really concentrate it can pull you around so it really makes you work on everything and he's got it on tape where kids that have had the wrong form
Starting point is 00:37:59 after wearing the vest and going through the the protocols take it off and start running with the proper form. So we're just scratching the surface on running, but we were told by one of those large athletic companies that our system could revolutionize running. So we're working at potential things, but again, it wasn't necessarily why it was first invented, but when you start putting a really cool tool in different people's hands, everybody can see it for what they have. Golfers can see it for theirs. We've got hockey players because you can put the foot strap around the skate.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Oh, wow. Now they can skate with it. You've got tennis players out there that are using it. I mean, football players, I've got cuffs. So these hands-free cuffs, let me see if I can grab one here real quick. They, there's two of them. So you put these on and it goes around your forearm. So now you have hands-free, so you could have resistance in all planes of motion. Hands-free, so you go to catch a ball. Everything's under resistance. You go to throw the ball. You work on that draw.
Starting point is 00:39:06 under resistance. You go to throw the ball, you work on that draw. Offensive linemen, they go to punch, but they're also using their legs. They've got on the hands and the feet. You can come out of your position. So it's got functional strength. Swimmers can use it and do a dry land butterfly, different strokes to be able to build while they're not in water. It's really cool when you are the anchor that it allows a lot of different, again, functional strength moves that you really don't get if you're just traditionally using plates or the machines that they have. You can run with this. My son can use it on the volleyball court. I'll give you another antidote.
Starting point is 00:39:45 A girl at Norfolk State, their female top volleyball player, I don't have her name, she was wearing our system. And before practice, she would jump and her head was right at the top of the net. She wore our system for 15, 20 minutes just doing different drills, took it off, and her head was three inches above the net. And her coach said, we're going to buy these right on the spot. So then, again, they start ordering them. The moment that they see it and start using it, the people and athletes want it.
Starting point is 00:40:16 We have one of the top soccer players in high school that just tried it on. Him and his dad bought one yesterday. I won't say his name until we get them under agreement, but he has over 500 000 followers and he's like this is amazing for soccer because agility the foot don't even have to have the top you can just use the legs as you need to um and it's just it's phenomenal to see where it's going all the different angles and places that people are seeing benefit from it in i think it was like in 2010 i live in california and my wife went over the hill to i think it was palo alto high
Starting point is 00:40:51 school and there was a girl there um who had uh cerebral palsy and she always wore a helmet in case she fell down and she had been doing crossfit for a year and it freed her from her helmet that that's kind of that's kind of stuff that'll make you go this is why you do it yeah And she had been doing CrossFit for a year and it freed her from her helmet. That's the kind of stuff that will make you go, this is why you do it. Yeah. People with all of those. My daughter, now she is so tight. So she's sitting out in the living room, but she's got the vest on because for her, when she sits there, her left side slumps.
Starting point is 00:41:25 So her shoulder will go down and her hip kicks right. So I put her in the vest and I put one of the attachments on this shoulder and one on the other hip. So now she sits straight. She can use both hands. Her spine was starting to have forward curvature. And a lot of times people that sit in wheelchairs all day have spine issues. Right. Now we've got her in this anchor where she's sitting a lot more straight and you can see the ribs starting to move back instead of continue
Starting point is 00:41:51 to go. Now they're starting to look like they're correcting. So non-surgical correct spine correction is what we're noticing with my daughter. I can't say what happened for everybody, but even with her, she, it's now a positional correct correctional tool in a wheelchair that doesn't exist and and things that people would argue their limitations saying that hey um because they told us this girl that she would never get strong enough for it to be safe for her to move around without a helmet so there's tons of people out there arguing the limitations of people who have these disabilities and it's a fucking shame that people are doing that but then and then here you are finding a way if you put in the work you can actually make corrections and
Starting point is 00:42:28 improvements who are we who are we to ever say what somebody can or can't do right i mean just because you think they're limited you're not them and things happen for a first time all the time it doesn't happen until it happens so to say somebody can or cannot do the doctor told us if my daughter was born that she will never say mom. She'll never say dad. She'll never tell us she loves us. Her biggest words are, I love you. She talks to his mom, dad.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Aubie's her brother. Addie's her sister. What's your brother's name? What's your son's name? My son's name is Auburn. Oh, Auburn. Okay. Because my son's name is Aubie, but you said Aubie.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Okay. Yeah, his name's Auburn, but we go by Aubie, A-U-B-Y. So Aubie's his nickname. Hey, are you familiar with the practice of jelking, Adam? Jelking? No. No. Well, that's good that you don't know it.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Jelking is a practice of pulling on your penis to stretch it repeatedly to make it longer. And Brady's wondering if there's a jelking attachment where you could attach something to the penis. Brady, we can work on something together, bro. Hey, Brady, you're awesome. Hey, if you need it, you know, I'm sure we can find a way. Listen, he may have the patents on this,
Starting point is 00:43:44 but you could probably make it yourself, Brady. You could probably make your own accessory to the Kera Strength System that attaches to the penis. Wow. I like it. We have a bunch of inventors in the… You know what I mean? Get the juices flowing.
Starting point is 00:44:01 You never know what happens. It's very practical. get the juices flowing. You never know what happens. It's a very, very practical, very practical. Hey, so in, in the state, the company's in a really, it sounds like you guys are in a really good place. Like you have made it over some humps and you have product out there. I want to get to that. So you make the first prototype and when does, what happens after that? You make the first prototype. Do you have to get it in someone's hands and like start like. So I have been the ultimate salesperson for my own product.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Now I've got a team. I've got some guys that are just, and gals that are just absolutely amazing. And we've gotten it now in hospital systems. We've got one of the largest post-acute rehab companies taking it nationwide in over 1,600 locations in 47 states this year. But there's three different areas. One is the sports, fitness, workers' comp prevention tool. One is the medical space that is a lumbar sacral orthotic. It's an actual back brace version which is this it looks the same
Starting point is 00:45:06 although there's an additional tightening strap there's a thicker belt on the inside and then it comes with actual inserts to make it a brace so there's one for the back there's two for the sides and they go in to give structure so for people with sciaticaica, or there's a ton of diagnosis, they can get the actual vest covered by insurance. And then they just have to pay $80 for the adaptability kit. And that's everything else. So then they have the world's most functional back brace. So most back braces are meant to put you in an isolated position. Ours isolate puts you in that position, but allows functional movement and allows your muscles to strengthen while properly aligned. So our goal is to get you out of the back brace. And then you can use that going forward as your health, your wellness, your,
Starting point is 00:45:56 your fitness tool. And then there's the third lane is the military and the VA. And we have got talks at the highest level. We're already going to be at all the VA facilities in the state of Florida. We have a meeting next week with the top people in the state of Virginia to look at covering all their veterans, as well as all the way up to the highest level
Starting point is 00:46:19 of the federal government. Meetings are being set there. Does Joe Biden have one of these? joe biden have one of these no but it's been on some of his cabinet members okay he needs to he need you need to get him on the pelvic uh program i think that or anything just the stumbling around it will help his gait it'll help him stronger do you have a rubber band that's light enough for joe Do you have a rubber band that's light enough for Joe? I do not know.
Starting point is 00:46:47 The lightest he goes, three pounds. I'm not sure where his current ability is. You finished the first prototype. You get it. You're super-duper pleased. And then what happens from there? But do you have improvements on that one too? Or are you like, oh, but?
Starting point is 00:47:02 Yeah, so we start using it i had a several of them made after the first one just so i can have a few different sizes have our trainers start using them and noticed obviously the thing with the carabiner that's that's tied up and we knew that the the first band was too long so we had to we were working for that first year after the prototype to get the band short enough on the shoulders so that you had a full range of motion and when you say shorter you mean shorter but doesn't increase the resistance so it's right it's a it's an exploration into materials right so 10 inch band the reason being is the stretch ratio on a rubber band and the carabiners have length so if you add two of those together
Starting point is 00:47:41 and you're trying to do a press you're already a little bit off of the shoulder. So for me, the distance, when I try to put my hand back to my shoulder, I want to get it as close as possible. When it hooks here, the moment that you do it, you're going to start getting the resistance from the band. Take it from 10 inches, and this one I think is down to 7. I mean, that was such a big deal because of the starting position. Imagine like two inches further out, you're not getting nearly what you had to do.
Starting point is 00:48:11 So we have them down to the, again, the shortest ones. We patented the sizes anywhere from like five inches up to eight inches. Is it a different material in the shorter ones? The whatever the rubber is in there? No, it's the same. And all of them come with a safety sleeve on it. So eventually, it takes a while. But some of these are going to snap.
Starting point is 00:48:34 They're the least expensive part of our system. So to get two of the five-inch, it's like $10, $9. But when it snaps, it'll make a noise. It'll go bink and it just elongates and it doesn't doesn't slap you doesn't touch your skin oh because it's right it's inside the sleeve so it just elongates you just replace it and put on a new one and most of our people if they break them it's a sense of pride because they're like man we've used it this much this consistently that now we wore out the first bands.
Starting point is 00:49:06 But again, they are made with rubber, so eventually you will have to upgrade or buy some more. Some people like to buy additional bands because you can put multiple, again, 25-pounders on there. Our base set comes with 12 bands total, but then they can buy different weights, different lengths, things that they need. Hey, how long does it take to put on? First time, the foot strap is the thing that takes people the longest the first time going
Starting point is 00:49:36 around because it comes out and it just looks like material. We have videos that make it really easy to say the first time, just to put the vest on and hook that up and everything, a minute, two minutes at the most, the first time. The foot strap may take a few minutes. So in total, to get used to your system, you're looking at maybe a five to eight-minute learning curve. But once you get it on, you can put it on and be out the door in a minute,
Starting point is 00:50:03 two minutes. I mean, as you put your shoe on, you just strap, put the foot strap on, same thing with that shoe. And then once you zip up, you just click in. And once you click, I mean, it's very, very quick to get in and out of. And here's the thing is we built it with pockets because I do what I call the Karis walkout. So I'll be walking and I'll be doing a chest press, going down the street and then I'll let them sit. You can tuck them in the pockets. If you're going to run, you can take them off in those pockets
Starting point is 00:50:31 so that they don't jiggle around. Same thing if you want to do your legs. You can clip in and then tuck those in and go running. And then when you stop, click into your feet and go right in and start doing leg presses start doing different mobilities you can do weighted lunges all the different you know things that you want to do with them disconnect them tuck them back in and start running again you can also run in the system um and i would typically suggest you do it from the back anchor to the back of the heel
Starting point is 00:51:01 but you can also have different areas it works works on different foot positioning and, and, uh, core strength, but it's, uh, again, it's so versatile that it just depends on what you're trying to work. There are positions to be able to anchor into. Can you press overhead? You can, you can. If you do overhead, I would click on. So there's two clips underneath your armpits. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:24 So that when you click underneath your armpits yeah so that when you click underneath your armpits and you and you get in your handle you're starting at the top of the shoulder it's all for me and again being an athlete it's all about starting position and then when you yeah you can do overhead presses uh everything but i would again i wouldn't do that from the top of the shoulder connection i would do that from underneath the armpit so so you could you could put that vest on and let's say let's say you're working on uh your shoulder to overhead strength all the the press the push press and the push jerk and you could connect the rubber bands when you want to and take them off when you want to just quickly within seconds during your workout
Starting point is 00:52:02 but you just leave the vest on the whole time. Yeah. And the vest is very comfortable. Can you do pushups? Can you do pushups? Yeah. In this video that I'm showing you, you can do weighted pushups, diamond pushups with it. You can do, he shows different like plank moves and different things you can do there to work the core differently. Like a lot of times that move right there, you have a dumbbell, to work the core differently. Like a lot of times that move right there, you have a dumbbell, but you can go in any position. You're all engaged in the core. And we have also 85 to 100 different moves that we have just like this
Starting point is 00:52:33 recorded to show people functionality. But really it's all based on imagination. So that move right there, if you do it real fast, a squat to press, I mean you do 10, 15 of those and you're, it's going to, it's going to jack your heart rate right up. You can make all that a thruster in CrossFit. You know what I mean? In the front rack, you squat. And then when you come up, you push up. And so you can just work on those all day. I mean, there's really no limit to the type of functional movements that you can do. Hey, you know what I see the CrossFitters doing,
Starting point is 00:53:06 the elite CrossFitters, the high-end athletes, they have these cables and they're attached to a wall and they warm up with them. And I see them doing stuff like this. Yep. Like, I guess, mobilizing, they call it, their shoulders. Like, they're always doing stuff like before to warm up their shoulders.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Yep. This guy gets it done? Yeah. You can do front raises. You can do side raises. You could grab that hill. You can do a external rotation. I mean, there's, there's a lot, there's a lot of different things that you can do for that. But the beautiful thing is you just don't need a wall. The problem with a lot of the things that you have out there is that they're attached in one place. The beautiful thing about you crossfitters is that you're running and doing stuff. You're not just on a platform where one person at a time is doing this. You're going to have a bunch of people doing it all traveling at one time and being able to take it off of the wall.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Don't do a TRX, take it off of the tree. And because you're now the anchor and you're the one that's again stabilizing as well as creating that force it goes everywhere with you you can run with it jump with it you can take it with you and pat in a suitcase you throw it in a bag goes to the airport i mean very easily so there's never an excuse now that there's not a gym you can take this with you in your hotel room and get a wonderful workout, and most times, 15 minutes, 20 minutes at the most,
Starting point is 00:54:32 especially if you're doing compound moves. That's all you're going to need. You're going to be soaking wet. You're going to feel the difference, and the moment you click the vest to the feet, your whole body is under resistance, so you feel it from the moment you stand up your body is working even if you just stand there in it you're going to be your
Starting point is 00:54:49 body and muscles are going to be working increase it's like it increases gravity and as they told us at the naval operating base a lot of times when people have injuries engaging their core is the hardest thing to teach somebody well with our vest when you go to stand up with resistance it is impossible to stand up without engaging your core people don't even know that they're doing it and when they but it forces you to learn to train to use that core to get up yeah when you have the added resistance just from a normal sit to stand it's like um it uh it reminds me um i i used to train at a park and we would put the weight on the um you know on the barbells and we take them out there and you would walk out there with the barbell on the front rack and even with like 135 pounds
Starting point is 00:55:37 you'd get when you like the first thing to go would be your core you'd start feeling it like because it's in the front you would feel your core start to collapse and you're like, holy. And then you'd put it down and you'd feel almost weightless. Yep. Yeah, crazy. Have you got one of these in a CrossFitter's hands? Like I want to see someone do burpees in these. I want to see someone do ring muscle-ups in these.
Starting point is 00:55:58 I'm so curious to see the movement that we do. And I can send you some more videos. So we do have people that do burpees in them. I would love to love to mountain climbers we have all sorts of different moves that you would love to see and i'd like to see someone like squat to depth and stuff we're so particular about our range of motion in crossfit um i would i would just love to see to see that do you have any of the elite athletes using it yet yeah so we've got uh got Jaden Davis, who is a five-star athlete. He's going to be the future Michigan quarterback. He was a two-time Gatorade Player of the Year for North Carolina.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Any crossfitters? At this point in time, I don't have any on our team. I've got, again, the Olympic gold medalist, soccer players. I had boxers in it but i do do not have any crossfitters at this point at least any that are recognizable we have people that have done judo and different types of martial arts in it that love it the functional strength in it and yet still being able to move and not interfere with the correct motions but crossfit is obviously it's a area that we can see a very good marriage with i just don't have videos of anybody necessarily doing it i would open to it
Starting point is 00:57:12 would love to be able to show because we know what it would be able to do but i do not have videos of that um you have ufc fighters using it i would think it'd be a great fighting tool also we do i just don't have the rights to use their names yet but ufc um as high the thing about some of the largest boxers in the entire world we were sitting down with their teams we just had it on one of the guys who was in the last championship fight versus uh tank davis oh yeah the wrestler guy frank uh mor Morris or whatever? No. Well, so Javante Davis is a boxer, and he fought Frank Davis. Yeah. He went out and met with Frank. And Frank is a physical specimen.
Starting point is 00:57:53 And his footwork is like, unfortunately, he lost, but his footwork is second to none. Maybe the best footwork in boxing. And he loved it. He absolutely fell in love with the thing. He has one to train with. So he trained with before the fight. So everybody that puts it on, again, even after doing all his movements, he could feel faster.
Starting point is 00:58:11 And so our goal as we're building this out, we'll have more and more athletes. And, again, there are a couple very large athletic companies looking at potentially licensing this from us, and they have large stables of professional athletes in every every area the latest one that we found out was from a world uh one of the top surfers and he thinks that this could be an unbelievable tool in the surfing world for pop-ups for being able to get up off the ground all the strength and things that you would need as a surfer to help people on dry land, be able to get those functions down. So even surfing is, is a possibility with the
Starting point is 00:58:51 system. Obviously people sweat like crazy in it, but what about, um, uh, going in a pool with it? I mean, I guess the carabiners would rust at some point. Has anyone gone? I mean, it wasn't made for pools at this point. We do have versions and patents on some instead of having weighted bags, have floating blocks that you put in there. But I would be very careful doing anything with the legs in the pool. Because, again, as you're there, if you lose your balance, but upper body, strengthen and training while you're in the pool environment. Strengthen and training while you're in the pool environment. We are having versions made where the, yeah, it's not metal, where there's different carabiners that won't rust to be able to have those.
Starting point is 00:59:36 But it's not something that we, on this first version, that we're out there marketing. Hey, there's so many different kinds of attachment points. I'm sure you've seen them all. It's a really, actually, I've known some bag makers. points. I'm sure you've seen them all. It's a really actually, I've known some bag makers. It is a fascinating market of things that attach, especially the military has some really trippy, cool attachments. How do you end up deciding on carabiners? For me, it was the easiest way right now to be able to have somebody take it on and off. I looked at all sorts of different attachments and things, and there's versions of this that the top one slides through and then you only have the attachment at the bottom again everything we're talking about i've got drawings and already you know have it in our filings but i just went with
Starting point is 01:00:14 the carabiner because most people are used to them they know and when you have this on another piece of metal you just click it and it goes on and then it just clicks and comes off so the only thing is the teeth. So we have other, again, there's other iterations that'll come that'll be different, but I won't speak on those until we get there. Hey, I'm looking at this kit here with these, and you said that these were relatively inexpensive, the bands. Yep.
Starting point is 01:00:44 So where do you get the other bands at what do you mean we make all like like if i were to buy this i would want to buy all the bands yeah so you know what i mean yeah if you order the system it comes with all of those and then on the website there's just individual um so you can order a set of eight inch, 15 pound bands. So if you go down, you can just get the additional bands, the different sizes, the weighted bags look a little crazy. Our pictures are getting updated. And that foot strap that looks like a T there on the right. That's, that's one, that's the thing that at the beginning will take a minute or two for you to get used to how to put it together.
Starting point is 01:01:22 And then once you do, it's, it's very easy from there. What was the hardest part developing for this product? Was it the foot strap? No, the hardest thing was getting the resistant band. Nobody's ever done it. And most people have never thought to use it with the body. So most people are anchoring it to something else and have long. You can get them as long as you want.
Starting point is 01:01:48 You can get them a football field long. It's getting them short and getting them to be in that stretch zone that you get 10,000, you get thousands of pulls on them, really functional. But then to be able to attach it to a carabiner, which of the eight inches takes up four and a half inches of that space so the rub i mean it's very precise and how we had to get that all done to make it work um but that that was our hardest this was our hardest thing everything else
Starting point is 01:02:21 where to put we can add different hoops we've got different configurations things that we can do again and as we learn there's other pieces that on future versions of the vest will have other accessories and things built into them but the foot strap the hardest thing is like putting it together and it's really because it's a y so you have to unstrap it click it through one and then it goes over a shoe and it's even hard for me to without actually showing you how to do it but the making of that is extremely easy the the hardest part to make was was the the band um the the company in ohio that said that you i think you said they're in ohio that made the prototype do they make, do they make them now?
Starting point is 01:03:06 No. So they, obviously we own the patents, we own everything. They're just a prototype company. They're not a commercial manufacturer. So then once you get a prototype, you get it work, then you got to start looking for manufacturing. And whether you want to do it here in the US, you want to start international. That was a whole decision that we wanted. First of all, we wanted everything to be done in only the U.S. But as you're a startup and you look at the cost in the U.S. is seven times. Wow. Six, seven times what I can get it made for in Vietnam or China or anywhere else. Right. It's hard when you're starting out to not have something at least start overseas, which is what we did. And we've now got U.S. manufacturers that can make it because we're now listed
Starting point is 01:03:52 with the U.S. military. So underneath their ECAT system, their DAPA system, all this stuff, we have it where it's BAA compliant. So we have a U.S. manufacturer now. It's much more expensive. But then you have to go. But, yeah, you're looking around. And I was fortunate enough to have people in my circle that had a manufacturer that was in China that did cut and sew that is, for us, trustworthy.
Starting point is 01:04:21 And they've been an amazing partner. They've developed stuff. They've opened up manufacturing in Vietnam that they're going to open manufacturing in the Philippines to help us open it here if we want to, but finding a manufacturer, then getting them to come up with their process of putting it all together, then getting the samples made, making all the adjustments coming up. And we just started
Starting point is 01:04:45 with black because we have so many different sizes because size is key you want to make sure you have one that's snug we have all sorts of different SKUs then I had to learn about international freight brokering and get our our customs ID number making sure that we can have everything shipped over then when it gets to port we we got packing shipping companies that we now have that get our product. They pack and fill as the orders come through. I mean, from start to end, there's so many things from going from having an idea to actually going through making it, testing it, getting buy-in. going through making it, testing it, getting buy-in. And I think that's one of the things I'm most proud of myself and my team for is that we've done what 99.999% of inventors cannot do is commercially bring a product to market and be successful. Most people have a great idea
Starting point is 01:05:39 and some people can get to a product. Very few people can sell it. And then very few people have the ability to grow it at a scale. And with the commercial partners and things that we're already in with the we know it's going to be on hundreds of thousands of patients, if not millions of patients in the next couple of years, within the next couple of years, just off the contracts and people that we're working with already. And again, our goal is just to change lives. Our goal is to make people healthier and happier. So anything we can do to, like you said, with the CrossFitters, a little bit of a game changer, be able to exercise, be able to train in a whole different way, add resistance,
Starting point is 01:06:22 add functional training all the way to the people that are trying to get back to function that have gotten injuries or are in the hospital. Hey, does that code work down there? I just know, order your own care strength trainer, use promo code fitness coach Nino. So that's my guy Nino. So if you buy it, yes, you can use that. What I was going to do, and I didn't get it before this, I can have a code made, and I can give you what the code will be. We can do Savan20. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:53 With a capital S, Savan20, and that will be a 20% off coupon. I don't mean to fuck your shit up, but they could use this guy's code and get 25% off. Oh, there you go. Well, go ahead. Yeah. Yeah. Nino's, he's our original trainer, so I didn't realize that he had had that.
Starting point is 01:07:12 I don't know if that code still works. Maybe it's old. If it does work, go ahead and use it for us. Or we can do Savan25, because usually we only do 20. We can do 25. Okay. It's fine with us, and that way it's used so capital s e v a n and just do 25 and i will have that code up and running by the end of the day and we'll let that
Starting point is 01:07:33 stay up there for 30 days so you're awesome that's really cool s e v a n 20 capital s hey um business-wise speaking as you're going through all this, did you see stuff that's in place, laws in place that are just completely, anything that stands out to you that's just completely ridiculous, that impedes the growth of small business or medium-sized business in the United States and steps on the dick of the entrepreneur? Yeah, I'll give you one. The federal government, they fuck everything up. Tell me. If you have anything that says exercise... How about DiCaprio 25? Will that get you anything?
Starting point is 01:08:12 Get you a blowjob, Jake. Punch it in. Nice. What was I just saying? Federal government impeding the growth of entrepreneurs. There's government impeding the growth of entrepreneurs. So there's a rule in the federal government that Medicare and Medicaid will not cover anything that has to do with exercise.
Starting point is 01:08:34 They won't do it. If it's exercise equipment, they'll code it. It's non-reimbursable. It doesn't matter. They are so backwards in their thought that they are more reactive and do not want to be proactive on anything that can make their people healthy or keep their people healthy. They only will pay for things that will treat somebody after they've got an issue. So for us, the reason we get- They treat symptoms, not causes. They've been captured by pharma, completely 100% captured by pharma completely 100 captured by pharma another agency just
Starting point is 01:09:05 completely captured our regular system should be covered by all of the i mean the medical benefits that we're seeing which we'll go back and it's just a much longer process to get your own unique what's called a hick pick code but instead of doing that again we made a back brace version where when the person gets the back brace it's literally the vest and the five inserts for the back brace. If they want to make it a care of strength trainer, they buy an adaptability kit for the 80 bucks. So there then it only costs 80 dollars for them to get a full system once they have the back brace, again, which is covered by insurance. the back brace, again, which is covered by insurance. But we found a way for at least a large portion of the population that has at least one or more of the diagnosis that's covered by the code.
Starting point is 01:09:53 If they have a diagnosis where it's legitimate and they need a brace, why would you get one that's static that after six weeks you throw away or one that is just as good, if not better in quality, but then the person can use it going forward when they don't need the brace, they can take the inserts out. And because they're buying the adaptability kit without a pocket money, it doesn't affect the Medicare pricing because they, they they're using their own money to, to turn it into something else.
Starting point is 01:10:20 Hey, the government subsidizes sugar, but gym memberships aren't tax deductible it's ridiculous i know it's fucking crazy it's it is absolutely wild hey um so these weren't available during the lockdown this is when you invented this is when i yeah this is when i had the idea can you imagine if this would have been available? I have some friends who sell fitness equipment and they made more money than God during COVID. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:54 I mean, think about Peloton. Yeah. Peloton exploded. And the thing is, is not to talk about any specific product, but they didn't innovate. So there's only so much, and they had unbelievable content. Everybody loved it. But I know more people now that want to get rid of it or don't use their Peloton anymore.
Starting point is 01:11:13 Some people love it. I'm going to say people love different forms of exercise and sometimes they're going to love things and they're not. And Peloton did a great thing. But you're right, during the pandemic, all the home gym equipment, if you were in that space and you had product, you were making money. Look at this. When I type in Peloton news, this is the first article that comes up. Peloton founder John Foley has cycled through his second New York property deal in as many years.
Starting point is 01:11:38 A little less than one year after moving his East Hampton estate, Foley has made an off-market deal to sell his Manhattan townhouse for $35.5 million. That's double what he bought it for in 2018. But their stock, man, their stock's taken a beating. Yeah, and that's probably maybe why he's selling. It could be. And literally, now that we're coming to market, just can you imagine their trainers, everything that they do, but instead of strength having to jump off the bike, create the only cycling solution that has on board real strength training
Starting point is 01:12:21 that are not dumbbells, that are more forgiving than free weights, but more functional in a seated position than anything that they there's currently on the market. Hey, has your, has your equipment killed anybody yet? No. Oh,
Starting point is 01:12:34 that's awesome. That's a good deal. I'm just someone in the comments. I guess the Peloton bike. This isn't funny. I killed a six year old kid. She's trapped in. Wow. Jeez, trapped in it. Wow.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Yeah. Oh, my God. Oh, my goodness. And like you said, your bands are encased in that coating, so if they snap, it's nothing. It all stays internally. Yep, it stays in. It won't show.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Again, a lot of the stuff you see online with the naked bands where they're just the rubber. Yeah. They snap. That's how people put their eye out. I mean, there's all sorts of things that can happen there. And this, again, if it snaps, there's no recoil. It's all within the sleeve. So it doesn't do anything.
Starting point is 01:13:17 It just snaps. The sleeve lengthens out, and then you just replace it. Hey, Adam, where would, would you say that, where would you say the company's at? It seems like it's pretty fast. Karis, are you guys like, just are you really on getting some crazy momentum right now? Yes, we are. Let's say we have a trajectory right now. So we're at, we have multiple college teams, football teams purchasing this.
Starting point is 01:13:43 We've got several hospital systems in each of the lanes. We're set up that within the next 24 months, we should have... I lost you. Is that my fault or your fault? I think it's you because I'm still on. Can you see me? Oh, you froze.
Starting point is 01:13:59 Was that me or you? I think it was you. I could hear you. I'm not sure. Sorry. Your hospitals go on. Our company should be at a well above a 10-figure value in the next 24 months. Wow, congratulations. That's wild. Based on the contracts that we've already signed in the assisted living, independent long-term care facilities.
Starting point is 01:14:24 Again, just across the board on what we're working with. But again, our goal, it's how are we helping? And just so you know, the truth of the matter is, the majority of the money that we end up making, at least that I make, our whole plan is to give back. So I've got a plan to make a special needs amusement park where kids with wheelchairs can get in it and go. My daughter can't. We're going to start a school for special needs amusement park where kids with wheelchairs can get in it and go. My daughter can't.
Starting point is 01:14:46 We're going to start a school for special needs kids after high school so they have something that they can go do and be productive. Our whole goal is to change people's lives. Our equipment does it in different ways for different people. But even with the money and the things that our company makes, it's going to be given back to things. Again, my daughter's first bike was $2,500 just to get her. Most people's first bikes, 25 to 50 bucks. So people with disabilities get hit with a lot of different costs. So our goal is to really change, change lives and help as many people as we can. You know what else I was just thinking is it would be interesting to see people do this with balance activities too.
Starting point is 01:15:26 Like I'd be curious to see like let's say you're a slackliner. That's a really hard activity, but there's people who have mastered that. And then you put this thing on and you get on the slackline, and now you have a whole other component. You can really – God, this is really cool. Good job, dude. Thanks. I appreciate it. Did you – and you said you told your wife you knew.
Starting point is 01:15:46 What stood out from this invention as opposed to your other ideas? So the other ideas I had were, they were more limited. One had to do with babies. Not everybody's a baby. Certain things. So somewhere in the automotive industry, I've got ideas that still haven't seen in automobiles that I think would be a huge benefit. But this had application for everybody. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:16:10 Like health and fitness is obviously for anyone. And just depending on the size, I knew, A, if you're a disadvantaged, broke child or family that can't make it to a gym or can't do certain things. Again, if we can get it, we can make it affordable. So we have it where they can finance it. But the kids versions, we make less expensive because they're smaller and kids are going to grow. So if people need to do more, we, you know, we make them less expensive, but we can reach people where they're at. This whole thing is they don't have to travel that people don't have to get up. So if my daughter went to the gym, we would have to put her in a handicapped transport van, take her, get her off the van, get her into the gym. Again, the machines would be worthless for her.
Starting point is 01:16:54 But even if she had to adapt to that, then they had to get back in the van, be transported back home. There is so much non-exercise activity that has to go on before getting to the activity that a lot of times that's a burden. People don't want to make, so we, I knew it was going to be big because it eliminates a lot of the obstacles and excuses. I could have been sitting here this whole interview and just been doing chest press. I could be working out the whole time where in between calls, you can get a workout in, take it off, go to lunch, or if you want to do a walk in lunch and then take it off. It's so accessible, but you don't have to make time to even go to a gym to make sure you're getting strength training because it goes with you. And then I travel a lot. So knowing that there's not a lot of good hotel gyms and if there
Starting point is 01:17:40 are, you know, a lot of people don't use them, but if you can take the solution with you and it all just started adding up to not only is the product and what the solution can do great, but the accessibility, the transport, transport ability, that's the word. But to be able to take it wherever is really a big advantage of this as well. It's crazy cool. It's hypnot hypnotizing i keep just watching this guy do these movements and thinking of all the different movements um that can be done with it so you see him going that band in between the feet yeah you can work on lateral shuffles you can work on all sorts of things if you have somebody that's working on a hip and you clip those two feet together and stand by a chair, they can do the lateral raise a front raise a straight leg, posterior raise. They can do circles. So they can really work the function of the hip
Starting point is 01:18:35 and still be able to hold on to things. So. Hey, what about pants? Have you ever, have you ever, I'm sure you have, considered making pants with carabiners? Does that? We do, but at the same point in time, or even doing different forms of it, for us to get a majority of the population in, not everybody's going to be able, especially if they're tight, there's different sized legs, you get into sizing and fitting there. Right.
Starting point is 01:19:01 But then you've got to make it easy. Because for us to help people in a hospital condition to be able to slide a tight pair of pants up as opposed to putting one arm in, sitting them up, kind of pulling it and getting them while they're laying down, which is what I do with my daughter. Pants are tough. Now, there's going to be specialty items.
Starting point is 01:19:20 We've got some other things coming out, a shorty, which has like shorts, but it goes down a little bit further with different functionalities in them. But for the main population, we have not made pants. If it took me more than 10 minutes to put on, I wouldn't do it. Right. And that's it. I totally hear you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:37 That's why the vest is just like, you just put it on. Everyone knows. Yeah. And then we have a knee sleeve. So that comes, you see. and you don't have to put on the shoe stuff or do you does it could you just wear the vest and just use the top ones or you need to have the pants the shoes on you can you can use whatever you want so if you don't want to do legs you yeah some people that just love the upper body some people that only love the legs you
Starting point is 01:20:01 can do any combination thereof the system works without the leg bands you're gonna just imagine detaching those from your feet but you still have all the connection points around so you don't have to you can wear what you want and and not what you don't so it just depends on what you're trying to work the the the feet doesn't keep the um keep keep the vest on in order to force you to use the top bands? No. Okay. No, you can put them on there and it'll help stabilize.
Starting point is 01:20:31 So if you're doing overhead presses, it's tight. It might slide a little bit. It's not like it goes up a lot. But if you're anchored to your feet, there's no movement at all. So you can do it with upper body movements. You don't need to. And it's not going to be snug and secure so it does not move. And vice versa, you could just attach the bottom and not do the top correct correct and we have a knee sleeve that is not shown there that again
Starting point is 01:20:54 has attachment points all over the place so there's different fun there's different moves you can do there you see all these people doing like the the the glute machines or whatever? Well, you can attach these from your feet to your hip and go at the end of the bench and do your hip thrust. And you're doing the exact same thing as those machines that you're paying for just that one activity and one exercise. And you can take it anywhere. You don't have to be at home on your machine to do it. It goes with you. Oh, so you do have the equivalent to pants.
Starting point is 01:21:28 I mean, like you said, you have you have a thigh strap. Yeah. So the thigh strap helps. The reason I built the thigh strap originally is I'm thinking about people when they're sitting down. And when you sit down, your hands are so close to your hips when you stand up. It's a little different. But when you're sitting down, so if you have a thigh strap and you put your hands in them yeah your arms are straight from there you can do full you can do bicep curls you can do seated shoulder raises and front raises from them
Starting point is 01:21:55 but it at least gives you another place to anchor from and to be able to do a bicep curl anchored to a thigh so even if people are in a hospital bed and you just put that on them, they can be laying back flat and sitting there doing biceps. They can be laying there doing triceps, their chest, basically working all the muscles other than if there's a place where they say they have knee surgery on their left knee. If they work their right leg out and that left knee is stable, they still get 65% of the transitional benefit, even just being the stable and not moving limb. So they're going to strengthen, but they're also not going to let their other muscles atrophy while they're in bed. And our whole goal is to reduce length of stay to
Starting point is 01:22:36 get people back up and functioning sooner. Hey, let me ask you this. God, I'm a fucking genius. You're going to want to hire me after this what about using it for assisted pull-ups yeah so if you're on the bar and you use a short strap it'll assist if someone doesn't have a pull-up yet they can use it to assist themselves in the pull-up 100 now there is you the only thing you have is the handle that would be there that you're also gripping but i've got a version of a handle that we've got patented that the circle part will clip off and it's a flat band on your hand yeah when you're gripping anything it's flat um oh yes that will work the same way is because yes if you're elongating it it's going to want to help it's going to come back to the
Starting point is 01:23:21 position so yeah you can actually put them on there and it will help you assisted. Yeah. It can help with assisted pull-ups for sure. Has anyone done that? There's this, and now I'm getting really out there. Your, your product's amazing. I don't mean to like keep adding stuff to it, but I've heard that if you, that athletes that attach bands to themselves and jump and you know, that you'll see them jumping up really high, really high, to where they're like six, seven feet off the ground.
Starting point is 01:23:48 And then when they jump, and then it kind of conditions them to be able to jump that high, and then they take those bands off. It actually makes jumping easier, not harder. It's the opposite of this. I'm guessing that someone could also adapt this for that, that you could strap this. I mean, I'm not saying you recommend it.
Starting point is 01:24:04 I'm sure they could because the vest is very well made yeah i will say the explosiveness on the on the up as opposed and they both could work um but like i said we've seen it on our side going from the strength side but yes technically our vest is good enough that you could strap on if you had one of those systems to be able to do that but the beautiful thing about ours is you don't when you're strapping to something else you're in a isolated area right so only one person at a time only one person could do it as opposed to ours where you're doing it you're gonna have a whole team of you're gonna have 65 guys out there doing the same moves the same time the
Starting point is 01:24:45 same drills jumping or they could be playing with these on warming up take them off and just watch and just see what the increase is and we're talking as soon as you take it off and it's more than one guy so if you have a basketball team it's cool to watch one guy do it there but imagine your whole team warming up for 15 minutes, taking them off, and now they're flying around. You'll be able to see instantaneous results with a wide variety of people all at one time. Hey, congratulations.
Starting point is 01:25:19 I'd love to – if there's any athletes that you'd ever like to introduce me to, we love having athletes on the show. I really appreciate you coming on here. Congratulations on, you know, you're doing the American dream. I fucking love that. I appreciate it. And it's great to meet you, Adam. It's really cool.
Starting point is 01:25:38 Very nice to meet you. And, again, I will get that code up and active today. So, 25, 25% off. Okay, cool. Just so you're listening, audience, if they want to buy it, it'll bring it down a couple hundred bucks. Any advice on sizing? Because I know that's going to –
Starting point is 01:25:55 There's the size chart, but the way that I do it is whatever T-shirt size that you wear that is snug, something that fits underneath. So, again, if you're wearing an extra large where you're a medium it's not going to work but if you know what your under shirt size is yeah that's typically a great um so i'm a medium but i would never wear a medium because i don't want anyone to count my rolls so i would wear but in this i would get a medium if you yes because the one beautiful thing about our system is there's two side panels that stretch. So as you get it in, it's meant to conform, and then it's got tightening straps all the way around.
Starting point is 01:26:35 So, yeah, actually, you would not be worried about that in this vest. When you put it on, anybody with rolls or anything, the way that it fits and it makes you feel, it's almost like a nice compression hug. So you want it there, but I would go by. Girdle. Girdle too. The Kera system is also a girdle. Actually, the waist trainer inside, we have the belt. So a waist trainer is coming because there's a lot of people that wear those.
Starting point is 01:26:59 But anyway, you and I just created 18 different products right now. Awesome. Hey, I really appreciate you. Congratulations. You're welcome back anytime. I love sharing stuff like this. It's such a great story, the growth, the fact that you're helping people, the origin story with your daughter.
Starting point is 01:27:20 Thanks for coming on, Adam. I appreciate it. Thank you so much. All right, dude. Have a good day. All right, you too. Adam. I appreciate it. Thank you so much. All right, dude. Have a good day. All right, you too. Ciao. Adam Adkins.
Starting point is 01:27:29 Wow, crazy. I sold one to myself on accident. I'd buy one for my kids before I bought one for myself. Half the price for the kids model. Trainer Premier base model. I want to see James Sprague in one of these. Extra small and you can share it with your kids fair enough noodles uh buy one but i'll buy three i'm filthy rich or whatever i just want
Starting point is 01:28:19 i'll buy i'll buy three three different sizes and um and then throw two away in the trash, pour it out for my dead homies. So I'm watching that show. I'm watching that show, The Boys. I really... I'm tempted just to stop. Is anyone else watching it? Is Homelander supposed to be Trump?
Starting point is 01:29:01 Is that what they're doing? With the protesting people and the signs and the colors. I heard someone yell in the show, libtards. It was during a protest and someone yelled, libtard. Actually, my wife heard it and I rewound it and listen to it again and yep it was very faint now I've heard it twice in the show enough with the boys I'd rather talk about
Starting point is 01:29:35 Bryce or sporty Beth at this point Adam Blakeslee quit reading into it so much Justin Son a great show how about when that little guy climbs in the dude's anus and then is massaging his colon and then he's like, please, please. The guy's begging, please, to the prostate, to the prostate.
Starting point is 01:30:21 But the funniest part, the funniest part is this. This chick, for those of you who haven't seen the show, like one of the premises of the show is the enslavement that all the superheroes have to social media. And this is what's so funny. The boys, Aaron Moriarty,
Starting point is 01:30:42 I don't know if you can hear me. Cotton mouth. The boys, Aaron Moriarty. Cotton mouth. By the way, last night I slept all the way through the night and didn't get up once. Like didn't toss and turn, nothing. It was crazy. That does not happen very often. Went to bed at 10.30 and woke up at 6.
Starting point is 01:31:04 Didn't wake up. No tossing, turning, no shouldering turning no shoulder pain no back pain crazy the boys aaron moriarty who plays starlight has faced allegations of having allegations allegations of having had plastic surgery in recent years but how was she how has she responded to the backlash backlash it's just all crazy talk. Some have suggested the actress has undergone nose, jaw, and eyelid reshaping surgery, facial fat removal, and breast augmentation. The topic of plastic surgery has long been a controversial one, especially among celebrities. Many share the belief an augmented appearance may give a false image of beauty or provide a sample, a bad example to young girls. Jesus. I feel like every, anytime I leave the house, I see someone who's augmented and I don't even live in LA.
Starting point is 01:31:57 Speaking on the Megyn Kelly show, the titular host described how Erin Moriarty had once been a nice, beautiful, natural gal i agree and then i just started season four yesterday and yeah something's up with her something's up with her face i didn't even recognize the black guy um milkmaid or whatever his name is i guess he lost a bunch of weight expressing shock that the image was not ai generated face and adding she's done this to herself kelly went which is crazy because i feel like it's the most conservative circles like look look at the irony of this libtards chop their penises off their kids and punch holes in their face but conservatives get
Starting point is 01:32:39 fucking huge fake titties and plastic surgery and botox i truly think that the trans movement has been inspired by conservatives like the the the the steroidal growth of it because of all the augmentation they do like when you think of plastic surgery don't you just think of just like crazy conservative people no i do uh speaking on the megan kelly and when i think of the septum rings i think of um Crazy conservative people. No, I do. Speaking on the Megyn Kelly. And when I think of the septum rings, I think of.
Starting point is 01:33:11 Libtards. Speaking on the Megyn Kelly show, the titular. I think of religious fanatics, actually. And what do I mean by religious fanatics? I think. Like, like they use the word of God to hate people. No, that's, uh, yeah. Hormones. Yeah. When I think of hormone, uh, replacement, testosterone, all that stuff. I think of that as like the, the rights, um, septum ring.
Starting point is 01:33:42 I do. Janelle, Houston. What? I know no one who's done plastic surgery. Well, yeah, because you fucking, you live 35 miles down a dirt road in Alabama. Of course you don't. You don't even know anybody. What are you talking about, Janelle?
Starting point is 01:34:04 Uh-oh, clock. He's been pulled back into the lib vortex. You had another comment in here. Listen, you think I'm wrong? What do you think the ratio is of libtards to conservatives with breast augmentation? Titties. My wife's got fake boobies. Is she conservative?
Starting point is 01:34:34 Send me a photo. I don't believe you. Yeah, face fillers, all that. I'm guessing that's all conservative people. I mean, I don't see it much in my town. But when I go to, like, I i guess there's some like weird weird uh exceptions to that right i mean you go to la it's the fucking libtard hive and like everyone there is all fucked up maybe maybe i'm off god isn't that crazy most people i know i have botox at the minimum imagine injecting botulism into your face
Starting point is 01:35:11 okay um kelly uh went as far as to say moriarty's supposedly altered appearance going as far as to say a sign of mental illness. Yeah, well, she's definitely mentally ill, unfortunately, because like if you're getting off Instagram because it's bothering you, you're mentally ill. Like you should just get off because it's a waste of time or because you don't want to be on it anymore. She's got the Kim Kardashian lips. She's made her nose so skinny it looks like a pencil now. I find it like a sign of mental illness. The comments prompted Moriarty. I mean, I'll define mental illness. So Pat Lang doesn't fucking get his panties in a twist. Just not being aware of what thoughts you're reacting to on on a level that's so that's why tattoos, too, and piercings reacting to thoughts that you're not aware of that cause alteration to your body something's wrong with you the comments prompted
Starting point is 01:36:12 moriarty to announce she was taking an extensive if not permanent break from instagram in january 2024 with an emotional and since deleted post This is something I truly never anticipated writing. Oh, cool. So your life has something you didn't anticipate? Oh, cool. Exciting. Imagine having a life where you can anticipate everything. We're all subject to levels of bullying throughout our lives, but I'm horrified.
Starting point is 01:36:38 There's the victim game. Blame me. And I felt that I deserved to take a second address a second to address these things okay how about you just address them yourself and get over them transcend them to receive a message about a disgustingly false counterproductive to the degree of being ironically ironically misogynistic video of megan kelly commenting on man are misogynistic. Doesn't that mean you hate women? It sounds like the opposite to me, that Megyn Kelly's standing up for women. Pat Lang, that's not mental illness, that's stupidity.
Starting point is 01:37:18 Like, if you want to get a haircut, fair Pat, you want to get a haircut, you look in the mirror, like, my kids will be like, One of my kids will be like, hey, man, my hair's in my eyes. I got to cut it. And I'm like, what do you care if it's in your eyes? They'll be like, well, it's bothering me because I'm trying to do this and it's in my eyes. I'm like, okay.
Starting point is 01:37:39 Okay. She also stated how Megyn Kelly's comments are a primary example of such harassment harassment imagine imagine being on a show where your character has 190 on prime where your character has 193 million instagram followers and now you're concerned about harassment. That would be like if you complained that you were pulled over at an alcohol checkpoint on 4th of July.
Starting point is 01:38:28 That she has received regarding the plastic surgery allegations. I'm horrified by the reaction, the reductive assumptions, reductive assumptions, mentally ill. Don't use that word reductive. No one knows what it means. No one cares what it means. And the aforementioned video that is a primary example of such harassment. Don't use harassment
Starting point is 01:38:49 It's broken my heart. You've broken my heart Blaming not taking personal responsibility giving power away Do you want to tell me you want me to tell you who fucking harasses my gophers fucking harass me? My gophers and I have a major fucking conflict in the yard. Major. They're harassing my plants, which I have a deep attachment to. They're going under the ground and eating their roots. Yeah, I got fucking gophers. Although I saw one dead in the yard yesterday, which is awesome. I think my neighbor's cat killed it.
Starting point is 01:39:29 I've seen a dead gopher, a dead squirrel. And then my son shot a gopher in the yard, which is pretty cool Better him than me. I would have cried Moriarty spoke online bullying in june 2024 with the new york times shit rag or lying shit rag around the time of the boys' season four premiere. The actress had explained how while she was once heartbroken by the comments, she is now galvanized. Dude, she's like her real character. She's like her real character who's like, she's like fucking Homelander, who's like devastated. The character that's like the pathetic character in the show is the one that gets upset and like starts twitching and losing his shit when his
Starting point is 01:40:10 Ratings go down. She's like him It's fuck this is fucking nuts It's like TV came to life it reminds me of when a Snoop Dogg made that song murder was the case and Then later he got charged for killing someone the starlight actress improved mindset may help this the starlight actress improved mindset may help explain why she has since removed her post reacting to kelly's comments and returned to social media use dr gary linkoff who's a licensed professional in the u.s and creates related online content published a plastic surgery analysis on Moriarty on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:40:48 In the video, Linkoff examined pictures of Moriarty through the years and noted the natural changes along with some introduced of Botox to the forehead around the age of 27, just two years ago. He also pointed out a smoother dorsum or bridge to her nose in more recent pictures, suggesting she may have had some tip work done. Turning attention to images around age 28, Linkoff noted some signs of the upper blepharoplasty, the removal of excessive fat skin from the eyelids. She did go from being a very attractive to weird-looking Oh shit, and she has one two three four five holes in her lefty her left ear As Pat Lang would say stupid as Pat Lang would say, stupid. But regardless of what you think of all that,
Starting point is 01:41:50 the fact that it's affecting her is nuts. I can't wait for my wife to hear this. This is fucking nuts. As a matter of fact, I'm going to call her right now. I can't even believe this is good. This is so good. Love this shit. It's not even debatable. What's not debatable? Sevan needs that for...
Starting point is 01:42:23 Sevan needs that for his extra foreskin. Someone accused me of not really having a big penis, but just having too much extra foreskin once. Damn. Fuck. Alright, fine. Maybe she'll call back. She's probably sleeping. Oh, the phone's not even hooking up this morning oh there we go
Starting point is 01:42:53 yeah this chick needs crossfit for sure god damn she's so skinny sometimes in the shots i see her shoulders coming forward and i see like that that eating disorder emaciated look in her. Pin her superhero. Wild. Wild. And then the French dude, and I hate to say it, but in just pure French stereotypical fashion,
Starting point is 01:43:36 has come out. He now takes it in the dumper. Asebon, do you moisturize your scrotum and anus after shaving them? Shaving them? what the fuck i do not shave my anus i do this should be a dr seuss book i do not shave my scrotum that's disgusting i told you i just when when there's so much hair on there that I can grab a handful, I grab a handful and cut it off. I do like this. I do want to say this about season four of The Boys.
Starting point is 01:44:13 There's some really funny shit. Homelander is, has gray pubes and he's panicking because he's getting older. And he's like one of the evil characters in the movie, in the show. Yeah, like once every six months I'll just take a handful of pubes and I have these crazy like Home Depot scissors in the garage that can cut through anything. I'll just grab a handful and snip. And then I try to make it all the way over to the trash can without any sprinkling down no does hayley shave for me no uh spencer last question about my balls spencer uh uh but i will answer this i have a very small
Starting point is 01:45:03 i don't have big balls. They're just... They're small. There's no... There's no... There's no... Hey. Hey. Hey. Do you hear that sound? The sound of kids
Starting point is 01:45:22 doing Kumon? Competing. I was opening the blindson competing competing with our Japanese counterparts yes those damn Japanese hey um you know in the um show that we're watching the boys mhm and you know how like Homelander's like so like
Starting point is 01:45:42 like he's scared of uh Starlight's Instagram followers. Yes. And how he's like super concerned about like what the public thinks about him and the ratings. Yes. And would you say one of the premises of the show are like the part that's like most shocking about the show is this component that they kind of, they kind of like remind you of like a CrossFit games athletes or something, or just people in general who are like, I shouldn't even blame CrossFit athletes,
Starting point is 01:46:11 but this whole era or genre of people that we're not even familiar with who are just like, like, like driven and social media driven, like just they're obsessed with social media. Right. Yeah. Which is so foreign to me.
Starting point is 01:46:24 Really. I was thinking about that. like just how i can't relate at all and is this what our kids are going to grow up with or is there like is this everybody now or is this just like yes one facet of society that no it's everybody it's everybody hey the starlight character in real life no her name this karon moriarty chick she she had a social media breakdown she had to get off of social media in real life oh geez she is homelander but in real life someone comment remember you know how this you know how this season her face looks different yeah she had to get off yeah and she says she's complaining that she's being harassed and um
Starting point is 01:47:03 uh there's been a reductive a misogynistic attack on her because people are speculating that she got plastic surgery. And so she's heartbroken. That's her word. And she got off of social media. Heartbroken. Oh, my gosh. That's scary. It's real life.
Starting point is 01:47:21 I know. Humans are too fragile to handle all this. Not me. Not me. I know. Humans are too fragile to handle all this. Not me. Not me. Most humans. Not me. Not me. I'm good to vomit every single thought you think.
Starting point is 01:47:35 I'm the toughest man you know. That's why you married me. I'm a bad motherfucker. Except when you're sick. I'm kidding. All right. How are you feeling? I slept all the way through the night last night.
Starting point is 01:47:49 I didn't wake up once. Oh, nice. Awesome. You saw Albie came into the bed, into the room last night in the middle of the night. I didn't even hear him come in there. Did you? Yeah. Not me.
Starting point is 01:48:03 And he knew where I heard him him but he went right to sleep and he didn't climb in bed next to me it worked right it works yeah all right anyway it's it i'll send you a link to the article it's it's i i can't it's almost like sad it's almost like satire that the starlight character in real life got broken by social media right right well she clearly does botox or something but yeah but but and i don't care if she does it but if she's gonna i know i know that wasn't your point right but i know that wasn't your point but if she's gonna do it like just accept the criticism just accept it. It's cool. Stand behind it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:48 Okay. I'm going to get back to these guys. Okay. Bye. Love you. Bye. Wow. She acted like she didn't even want to be on the show. What the fuck's her problem? That's the greatest. I always thought this was the highlight of her day when I talked. She seemed like in a little bit
Starting point is 01:49:04 of a rush there didn't she I'm gonna get my ear pierced today Heidi I wish this show didn't start talking about TV shows. For fuck's sake, we don't have time to watch TV because we're watching your podcast. I know.
Starting point is 01:49:29 I can't... Listen, I can't wait till I'm done watching it. I'm so close. I'm so close. I read that there's only going to be five seasons. I promise I'll never watch TV again unless it's boys fighting in their underwear. I'm so close. I promise I'll never watch TV again unless it's boys fighting in their underwear. Starlight had a problem on social media.
Starting point is 01:50:13 This is the president of the largest – Jesus Christ. My tongue is like sticking to the roof of my mouth. What is going on? This is the president of, you know what I'm going to do. I'm going to get a fucking, you know, listen, I'll be right back.
Starting point is 01:50:32 I'm going to get a fit aid. That's actually is what I'm exactly what I'm going to fucking do. Okay. I'll be right back. My name is Josue Bocanegra. I'm originally from Mexico. I'm 27 and I go to Salty Ive CrossFit. When I came in here, I was 195, almost 200 pounds, and I had never been that heavy, like ever.
Starting point is 01:51:02 And then I got in here, started eating well. You know, we have the consistency is key. That's always, I don't know, ever since I heard it here like it was always in my head and it didn't just apply to the gym I applied to my eating habits to my workouts to even like just work school consistency is key so I started eating healthier started avoiding sugars I started avoiding candy because I love candy I try to avoid it as much as possible and I was, I'm now 169 pounds this morning actually. And I don't feel, I don't feel skinny either. It's like I'm actually fit, which is awesome, you know. I think it's the most fit I've ever been in my entire life regardless of playing soccer in high school. I'm actually trying for a while to get my dad in here because he struggled with obesity so throughout his life what I tell him all the time it's like you got to get in here because it's not just the gym it's not just it's not just you get in there
Starting point is 01:51:52 and people may be just judging you for what you're doing no it's a community it's somewhere they'll help you actually improve and not just lose weight and actually get strong and actually get fit and it, it's so much more than a gym. That's what I tell him. I didn't think I was going to make it back in time. Oh, I didn't even get splatter on my keyboard. I need to drink this for date slow just for when I've caught mouth.
Starting point is 01:52:25 This is the president of Betsy Pringle. What the fuck is this chick's name? Fucking psycho. Largest teachers union in the country. Three million. She represents three million people. Okay. Leader of the nation's largest teachers union.
Starting point is 01:52:46 Matthew Boudreaux's Instagram account. I did some research on this lady this morning. This is some scary shit, people. Not this. What I'm going to show you, this is just going to show you.
Starting point is 01:52:57 This is just the top, the frosting on the cake. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Here we go. Hey, delegates. We can do this work. We must do this work. We get to do this work. We will do this work because our students are depending on us
Starting point is 01:53:16 to win all the things. NEA, we have to win all the things, all the things, all the things. Our colleagues are depending on us to win all the things. Keep going, NEA. To preserve our democracy, we must win all the things. Delegates, we won't go back. We will keep going forward because we are the NEA. We are the NEA. We are the NEA.
Starting point is 01:53:58 And that's what we do. Holy shit. What did she just say? Did she just give the I have a dream speech by Martin Luther King? What the fuck did she just say? Wait till you see this chick's wiki page. So this is the person controlling the teachers. Look it.
Starting point is 01:54:29 You should never do that on stage. You know that photo of Justin Medeiros? It's on one of the... He looks like a gorilla on one of the movie posters. He's like screaming. This is... It's like she's having a fucking... Like, dude, the only person who should do that
Starting point is 01:54:46 Is if you're crossing the finish line Or like if someone's butt fucking you Look at that She did that pose on stage This is a guy who tells you how to trim pubic hair With a handful with Home Depot scissors And even this is too much for me. Judy Reed, NEA largest proponent to keep school closed during the pandemic.
Starting point is 01:55:12 Of course. This is fucking nuts. fucking nuts this is fucking nuts there's a video going around that shows um uh a guy that basically they're claiming that she stole that speech from the the office that there was a a joke speech in the office and this is identical to it that speech from the office, that there was a joke speech in the office, and this is identical to it. That TV show, The Office. I want to pull up this chick's wiki page and read to you.
Starting point is 01:55:52 I think the opening line in it is that she's a social justice warrior. What the fuck's her name? Betsy. Teacher union president mocked for channeling the office character Dwight Schrute in totally unhinged speech. Isn't that what you guys call me? Unhinged? Oh, Becky. Becky Pringle.
Starting point is 01:56:16 How did this chick get control of our kids? Let me see if I can find her wiki page you're gonna love the opening line oh let's see how much money does she make oh she makes five hundred thousand a year she makes four hundred ninety five thousand dollars a year being head of the teachers union. Crazy that this is crazy that this lady is given any power over anything to do with our kids. Born in 1955 as an American teacher and labor union leader. She's the president of a 3 million member national education association,
Starting point is 01:57:05 the largest professional employee organization and labor union in the United States. She's from Philadelphia, complete shithole. Never met anyone nice from Philly. Sorry, those of you from Philly. She received a BS from University of Pittsburgh and a master's degree in education for Pennsylvania. She's taught in Philadelphia's West Oak Lane section
Starting point is 01:57:23 before moving to Harrisburg with her husband. There's a thing in here. Somewhere I was reading about her. She's like a professional social justice warrior. Oh, here. She was elected NEA vice president on July 4th, 2014 with 92% of the vote, becoming part of NEA's
Starting point is 01:57:40 historic all-minority, all-female leadership team. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. She wants to get rid of testing, I think. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:58:25 Rebecca Pringle. What a fucking mess. Why would you send your kids to fucking school? I know, I know, I know. Because you have to work all day. I know. Sorry, I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:58:39 Because you have to work all day. I know. Look at this shit. Yeah, she doesn't give a shit about kids. If we value... This is her Twitter. If we value education, we must also value educators. must also value educators. We have heard countless stories from NEA members about how life-changing it's been
Starting point is 01:59:10 to feel the crushing burden of student debt lessened. So she, fuck it, don't make people pay back their student loans. Someone else will pay for it. Books with disability perspectives in school libraries promote inclusivity and understanding do you know like it's normal now um for young girls to have like mental health issues it's like part of the maturation process okay you're going to learn how to walk then you're going to get your period and then you're going to be mentally ill. It's like it's baked in there now. It's baked in. It's baked into the curriculum.
Starting point is 01:59:50 It's part of it. It's baked in. You have to go through some craziness. You have to have some disability. Everyone has a disability. Last night I had the honor of celebrating the recipients of the NEA Human and Civil Rights Awards. parents and children with guidance from their doctors should get to decide what medical decisions are right for them it's essential that trans youth have access to the full continuum of gender affirming care like none of none of it surprises you right kids eating pretzels she has kids eating pretzels
Starting point is 02:00:55 she uses words like allies to those advocates and allies attending our conference on racial and social justice today and tomorrow, thank you for your commitment and your courage. Absolutely fucking insane. Most of her tweets don't say anything Like thanking Congress and thanking people Oh here Billionaires don't need any more power in this country
Starting point is 02:01:40 By the way did you know that the largest transfer of wealth In the history of the world Happened during COVID in this country by the way did you know that the largest transfer of wealth in the in the in the history of the world happened during covid imagine that and and who do you think drove that liberals or conservatives they complain about rich people look they complain about rich people yet they drive all the wealth to rich people they complain about uh inequality, yet they drive all the wealth to rich people. They complain about inequality, and yet all of their programs force blacks and minorities to be dependent on the government. Billionaires don't need any more power in this country. The people do. And yet she closed down
Starting point is 02:02:25 the schools but in the chevron decision the supreme court just granted themselves a blanket authority to rewrite the rules in favor of billionaires and major corporations leaving the american people to pay the price insane what an insane take those rules that we would that we went through during the pandemic were written by the people that were empowered by the Chevron decision, the original Chevron decision. Oh, listen to this. So it's undisputed. There's no one who disputes that letting people choose their schools leads to better education.
Starting point is 02:03:15 And where the 100% the study's been done, which is kind of an easy study to do since the baseline is so low is among minority kids. So if you let their parents pick their schools by giving them school vouchers and letting them choose charter schools unequivocally across the board, 100 percent, everything gets better for them. But this is her take on it, right, because she doesn't care about the kids. She cares about the preserving the money for these lazy fat fucks that teach in our schools children deserve fully funded public schools but privatization schemes like vouchers rob public schools of taxpayer dollars and perpetuate non-heal inequality it's the exact crazy oh that's what we need this new rule will help millions of students connect to the internet at home
Starting point is 02:04:13 oh great that's what we need she's concerned about gun violence no no mention of black culture in here no mention of the the the decay of black culture it's funny i'm a year in empowering students with disabilities by the way that's just code for it's normal to be disabled to play the victim that's all that is they don't really care about disabled people they just want to normalize it make everyone disabled
Starting point is 02:04:56 no one deserves to live in fear of gun violence? Man. Becky Pringle. Meanwhile, in Europe, hey, do you think it's okay to undress adults who've gone through transgender operations, their genitals mutilated and then stand them up, put them all on stage, men and women,
Starting point is 02:06:10 and then have kids stare at them and talk to them, interact with them. You're not even going to believe this. These kids, 10, 11, and 12 years old, get the opportunity to ask questions to naked adults who've had their genitalia flip-flopped. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:50 And that woman there who had her tits chopped off, she says it was exhilarating. And then the kid says it feels like flying. And then the chick who had her tits chopped off said yes. And then this kid, this little girl says, I want that too. Right there Doesn't this seem like that movie human centipede Like sewing people's lips to their to someone else's anus so that they could shit in it and recycle the poop Hey, I
Starting point is 02:07:22 Don't care if you call me a bigot I don't care if you call me a bigot. I don't care if you call me a transphobe. But you will never be able to call me a bystander who is willing to sit back quietly while children are being sexually exploited. Even these young children have the wherewithal to know that this is not normal. But because of the way that this agenda is being presented to them, they're being convinced that this is normal. This woman even told the children that cutting off her breasts was euphoric. Parents be mindful of what your kids are watching because there is nothing subliminal about this messaging. Thank you. This is so sick and wrong. Where the fuck are their parents? Their parents brought them there. It's clockwork orange shit like we're living it
Starting point is 02:09:04 Meanwhile Men are taking over women's sports Now it's not true Sevan it's not true So the censorship of XXXY Athletics continues as you possibly Have heard this lady was on the Show a while back she is the She's the former I want to say operations
Starting point is 02:09:20 Officer chief marketing officer at Levi Strauss she was next in line to be the CEO She got a couple black boys I want to say operations officer, chief marketing officer at Levi Strauss. She was next in line to be the CEO. She got a couple of black boys. So she checks the D.I. box. She had a black husband and she I think she's pretty much a full libtard, except for the fact she was really upset at school closures. And so that kind of cracked it, cracked it for, she didn't like the fact that her coworkers at Levi Strauss, um, were sending their kids to private school and the private schools were open in San Francisco, but where
Starting point is 02:09:57 her two black sons attended school, the schools weren't open and stayed closed for two years. So she started getting vocal about it and then got fired from Levi Strauss. She wrote a book. She was a former national champion gymnast. She's a cool lady, a little, a little tense, still not a free yet, but she's working her way there, but she's teamed up with, I think like Bethany Hamilton and Riley, Riley Gaines, to try to get women, men out of women's sports. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:10:27 By now, my brand XXXY Athletics was banned from advertising on TikTok on June 18th for simply running an ad that encourages women and girls to stand up for themselves for fairness, safety, and privacy in sports. Apparently, that's offensive in the world today. But here's the thing. It doesn't end there. I've got a few more examples for you. The hits keep coming. Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram has totally handicapped our brand and our business as well. Let me explain this one. It's a little more complicated. Most brands are able to target the followers of relevant influencers. So Nike could target Megan Rapinoe's followers, for instance. Not us.
Starting point is 02:11:06 When we try to target Riley Gaines' 400,000-plus followers on Instagram, she is our own brand ambassador. The advertising targeting platform does not allow it. You put her name in, you type it in, and it doesn't show up. Look at this shit. The censorship is so fucking crazy at fucking instagram and meta it's as if riley and her 400 000 followers do not exist on instagram when when we try to target them the same is true for tulsi gabbard she has close to a million followers this is a former u.s representative
Starting point is 02:11:42 a former democratic presidential candidate and a current member of the U.S. Army Reserves. Nope. She doesn't exist in Instagram either when we try to target her followers. But if we wanted to target Joe Biden's followers or Megan Rapinoe's followers, that is just fine. I know this is a little inside baseball. It's a bit confusing. Not as simple as a TikTok ban. bit confusing not as simple as a tiktok ban so the censorship i want to know if they can um do that what was that the that trans thing that was on the budweiser can mulaney i wonder if you can i wonder if you can um put her in so basically you can go on facebook and you can go on instagram i guess and you can buy ads and you they'll be like hey where do you want to spend your money and you can be like well i I guess, and you can buy ads and they'll be like, hey, where do you want to spend your money?
Starting point is 02:12:25 And you can be like, well, I'm selling golf balls so I want to target Tiger Woods' followers and you type in Tiger Woods' name and they'll lean the campaign that way. You can't do that with Riley Gaines or Tulsi Gabbner. Fucking nuts.
Starting point is 02:12:54 And TikTok doesn't let you say that men don't belong in women's sports? Dylan. Oh, yeah, Dylan. Dylan Mullaney. Yeah, they should type in Dylan Mulaney's name. I wonder if you can target his followers or its followers or whatever it is. It's like the censorship is so fucking alive and strong in this country I don't know if you guys follow this guy this guy ass pounds the view all the time. He's a comedian Check this out. I just saw this too. Look at this. What's his name?
Starting point is 02:13:45 Damon Imani. Here we go. Today I was informed by Instagram that they will remove my account and my content from places like explore, search, suggested users, reels, and feed recommendations, basically making it impossible to gain new traction. But they also let me know that people who chose to follow my account are less likely to see my content. So they're basically killing my account. Now, the question is, what kind of atrocity have I committed to deserve a penalty like this? Well, they gave me two reasons. The first one, I stated in a video that I don't think eating a banana on air is racist. After I was accused of racism for eating a banana on air.
Starting point is 02:14:24 Eating a banana on air is racist what the fuck leap is that what kind of fucking leap is that they removed that one for hate speech the second one i, I posted on Instagram that TikTok removed a video of mine for saying that it's better to be with a man in the woods than a bear. And they removed that one because it could encourage violence and lead to risk of physical harm or direct threat to public safety. So to be clear, Instagram moderators have essentially declared that bananas are racist and that
Starting point is 02:15:09 a man is more dangerous than a bear. These are the people in charge of our online speech. Today I was fucking nuts. Fucking nuts. fucking nuts fucking nuts hey no one's crying about it I'm educating morons like yourself
Starting point is 02:15:33 dude I'm educating morons like yourself I'm just educating you just sit back and relax Patty Patty chill put your headphones on and listen to the sweet vibrations of my voice as I educate you. Try to turn off that fucking paranoid, fucking psychotic mind of yours just for a few seconds, buddy. Just for a few seconds.
Starting point is 02:15:57 There's no victim. Patrick. Patrick. Patrick. Patrick. Patrick. This is God speaking. This is God speaking. This is God speaking. This is God speaking. This is Patrick, Patrick This is God speaking
Starting point is 02:16:05 Just educating, buddy Just educating Just educating It's okay to express a little frustration If your car gets a flat tire It's okay Seve, what does your microphone taste like?
Starting point is 02:16:28 Pat's anus. Pat's anus. Pat's anus. Pat's anus. Pat's anus. Anus. Anus. Anus.
Starting point is 02:16:41 Anus. Anus. Anus. Anus. heinous uh This one's great. I guess Muslims don't like butt slams or carpet munchers too much. This is Hamshramick, Michigan, a predominantly Muslim town that made it illegal to hang the gay flag up in public space, causing a small war between the LGBT community and the Muslims that live here.
Starting point is 02:17:36 Not happy with the ban. I believe it to be unconstitutional. By the way, that's what all the people, that's what all my neighbors looked like when I lived in Berkeley. Just like fucking that. Ident identical. That's them. You just take that. That's what a She had three gay flags hanging that's cool legs torn off I'm not teaching hate against Muslims Muslims should not be teaching hate against gay people He had young people at the polls screaming kill theags during the voting. We're investigating. Kill the fags? You're not supposed to say that?
Starting point is 02:18:09 The gay flag ban thing. We're going to egg them flags. We're going to go egg them flags right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you see that flag right there? You see that, yeah. That's a gay, right? In this country, you can be who you want to be.
Starting point is 02:18:22 Religion and politics have to be totally separate. The Constitution says we're allowed to have religious beliefs. And in our religion, it says a woman who marries a woman or a guy marries a guy. Like, strictly forbidden. What was the plan at the end? A woman marries a woman or a guy marries a guy. I have this great... They need to take... All the gay men will keep the gay women.
Starting point is 02:18:45 We'll keep the gay women. We'll keep the gay women. All the gay men and all the Muslims and just like put them in Nevada together and fence it off and just see how it works out. Get all the Muslims and all the butt slammers together. Just let them work it out. I think gay men could teach Muslims a lot. A lot. Finance, architecture, cleanliness. It'd be a good, uh, it'd be a good, um, wow.
Starting point is 02:19:22 David, Islam is the biggest problem in the world. Wow. Islam just... By that, you mean like the mindset that comes along with it? Excuse me. Wow. I don't think Muslims belong in the U.S.
Starting point is 02:19:42 They're just incompatible. It's fun to see them rebel against the left. I'm so glad I found CrossFit and I exercised. God damn, I'm so glad. 40% off of Fide. Use that. That. That.
Starting point is 02:20:24 Look at Europe. We are next. What's crazy is all the Muslim guys I know are cool as shit. They're all fucking cool. I'm trying to think. I think all the lesbians I know are cool too. Not all the gay guys I know are cool. I'm trying to think if i know any shit bag and i and i know shit loads of fucked up heterosexuals i'll throw them in there
Starting point is 02:20:56 yeah i don't know one i don't know i haven't't met one Muslim guy or that is not a, that is not cool, but I haven't met any overseas. I just know the U S ones, all the ones I know own convenience stores. Yeah. Me too. Me a hundred percent. Me too. And they're crazy. Get nice to my kids and they're cool. They're yeah. And they're crazy nice to my kids and they're cool. Yeah And I don't know any asshole lesbians either now that I think about it I'm sure they're out there. I see them on instagram and shit, but like I don't know any Anyway, no gays in michigan, I thought it was a crazy liberal state I guess they got a little city there. That's like no gays
Starting point is 02:21:42 crazy I guess they got a little city there that's like no gays crazy this chick popped on my radar watching the glinton podcast actually both these chicks have kind of popped up on my radar lately Mercedes Chandler okay here we go David this one's for you and Pat you guys should listen to this closely
Starting point is 02:22:03 to help you understand how things work in the world. Listen to this. Here we go. Some straight men are attracted to trans women who haven't had bottom surgery. That's good. It's very disconcerting and confusing to women when they find this out because they think, well, if she hasn't had bottom surgery and you want to play with that part of her, then you can't be 100% straight. But that doesn't make sense because you have to remember that these are still women.
Starting point is 02:22:28 Trans women are women. They are female. The attraction to her is from the waist up, but it can also be from the waist down. And they can experience pleasure playing with that person from the waist down. But that act, again, doesn't indicate a sexual orientation it indicates an attraction to the person to the woman the trans woman actually some of these men are attracted to gender fluidity in that the person exhibits both um male and female body parts um and that's attractive to them what's wrong with that what's wrong with if you're gay nothing's wrong with it but just call
Starting point is 02:23:04 it what it is this guy's saying that if you hook up with a chick and she has a penis and you jerk off the penis That it's not gay because it has makeup on up top and presents like a girl. I'm pretty sure that's gay I don't mean that in an offensive way either just like hey, then you're gay. It's just gay You're just gay It's being gay you're just gay gay gay men are attracted to it's being gay with extra stuff it doesn't make them bi it doesn't make them straight it's like a it's gay it makes them gay okay and but trans women are not women they're not females like we know this yeah it's just gay you know i'm really sad for this guy because obviously he did not make it
Starting point is 02:23:41 past fourth grade that it was so what's the deal that? So that guy's just in denial that he's gay? And so he's made up like this, like, oh, God, I could say something so fucking funny here. It's like an intermediate step. It's like sleeping with a CrossFit girl. It's an intermediate step to being gay. Just one step away. Like, if you want to explore your gaydom,
Starting point is 02:24:04 you should date date across a girl it's like the intermediate before you go i'm fucking me in trouble for that one i don't get in trouble very often that one's gonna get me yeah so listen um if you talk if, if you ended jerking off penises other than your own, fuck, dude, maybe you're even gay if you touch your own penis. Maybe if you masturbate to your own penis, it's just like,
Starting point is 02:24:35 that's like you're at the 20-yard line. But if you touch someone else's penis and enjoy it, then you're at the, you're in the end zone doing an end zone dance all right oh good thing this is a small show man this is one of the smallest shows i've ever done uh oh tranny wheels on a gay bike yeah listen that's okay just accept it the sooner you accept it jerking off other guys if you have a penis is gay,
Starting point is 02:25:06 you can get on with your life. Just get on with it. You don't got to make an intermediate step. Yeah, if you touch your penis when you pee,'re at the 10 yard line of being gay let's see if i can find something uh oh look more um more muslim uh gay talk here we go our buddy uh mr talk. Here we go. Our buddy, Mr. Gutfeld. Here we go. A group of liberal professors recently claimed that pointing out Hamas's atrocious record on gay rights is in and of itself homophobic violence. So I've been at protests where I'm then told, you know, don't you know what Hamas would do to you if you were in Palestine?
Starting point is 02:26:04 And this is, we have to start naming this actually as homophobic This is why people are leaving the left and this is also why people feel like they're going insane Because you can't just make an observation about a thing anymore without being labeled a bunch of names Yeah, just for being an honest person now people will say you shouldn't work anymore and you should it's absolutely Flustering you're like that's a guy in a dress they go. What did you say? Wait if you wipe your penis you're gay shit what yard line Like in the end zone I wipe my penis my kid asked me the other day why I wipe my penis My kid asked me the other day why I wipe my penis. My kid
Starting point is 02:26:46 asked me that. I was taking a piss and I got some toilet paper and dabbed the tip of my cock and he goes, why do you do that? God damn it. I told him. I don't want any drops in the panties. I don't want any drops in my
Starting point is 02:27:01 panties. That is gay? Fine. Gay. Just call me Sevan the Gay. So if you tell gay people that Palestinians in Gaza would kill you if they found out you're gay, you're homophobic.
Starting point is 02:27:26 This is fucking wild. Wild, wild, wild. The Wild West. All right. All right. Anything else? Anyone? Anyone?
Starting point is 02:27:54 All right. anything else anyone anyone anyone all right uh yeah you can shake too you can shake uh i i yeah you can shake the penis too yeah i do shake i do shake uh if you have an awful car accident you have a donor hands and hog put on are you then watching a man diddle another man oh wow Hands and hog put on are you then watching a man diddle another man? Oh Wow Wow You wipe your you wipe your penis because you're old and you don't know when it stops probably But I've done it ever since I've been a little kid. I wonder who taught me that.
Starting point is 02:28:33 God, who taught me that? I don't, I don't remember who taught me that. For sure, someone taught me that though. Probably, probably my mom. And she's never had a penis. She probably taught me. I should ask her if she taught me that. How would I bring that bring that up hey mom you want to come over and play ping pong and work in the garden oh by the way did you teach me to dab uh toilet paper on my penis
Starting point is 02:28:53 wiping your willy so it tastes good for the priest okay what what's today oh today's monday uh oh my wife wants to do a yoga class yes of course i've had kids limping in the house now for two months. Is that crazy? Ankle, knee, fucking all fucked up, all beat up. That's the worst seeing your kids wounded. I'm looking to see who's on tomorrow. Oh, Samuel Cornway is on tomorrow morning.
Starting point is 02:29:41 I really like him. Matt has a show on tomorrow. Oh, I'm guessing there'll be a Dave Castro Weekend Review today. Wednesday, Greg Glassman's back. Carl Saunders in the evening. Thursday, Abigail Domet. Oh, and Jason Haber. Oh, I haven't seen.
Starting point is 02:30:01 It's up, right? Hiller put up a new video. I haven't seen it yet I'm I've been taking a break I haven't Been on the assault bike in three days because I'm really concerned about this thing on the bottom of my foot if I planter fasciitis or whatnot. And if I'm going to go to the games, I'm going to walk fucking 10 miles a day.
Starting point is 02:30:34 Okay, let's see what's going on here at Hiller Fit. My name is Abigail Dillman, and I'm a two-time games athlete. From the beginning, the aim of CrossFit has been to build a program that would best prepare human beings for any physical contingency. CrossFit Games was designed to focus for any type of test that's thrown at Abigail Doma at three CrossFit Games, but after her appearance at this year's CrossFit Games. In her rookie season, Abigail finished 26th place at the 2023 CrossFit Games. Abigail finished 26th place at the 2023 CrossFit Games, but after her incredible finish at this year's West Coast Semifinals, many heads are turning to see just what she's all about.
Starting point is 02:31:17 An impressive 30-point spread over superstar runner-up Alex Gazan and the only athlete at the semifinals to score all of her events as top 10 finishes, Abigail is setting up to be one of the athletes to keep your eyes on at this year's CrossFit Games. One thing is for certain, this year, Abigail Doman is no longer unknown or unknowable. Wait, I'm going to change that again. I'm going to edit that. Hold on.
Starting point is 02:31:40 Here's CrossFit Games. One thing is for certain. This year, Abigail Doman is no longer unknown or unknowable. Okay, one thing is for certain about Abigail Doman. Hold on, I'm going to rewrite that. Hold on.
Starting point is 02:31:58 One thing is for certain. This year, Abigail Doman is hot as fuck. Send the hot as hot as hot as hot as hot as hot as send the edit to bill grunler is no longer unknown or unknowable oh i like that strong what's up what's Strong opening. It's hot here, dude. Airwave. Airwave. Sponsor. I mean, it's summer. It's supposed to be hot. You're not wrong. I've been like. Why'd she lock the door like that? Like, super content with the weather this year because last year was so bad like it was
Starting point is 02:32:46 like 11th few days good it was like my first summer here i was like oh my gosh but is she a baller who the fuck has a dining room in their house like that look at that dining room is that her parents house i acclimated when i go up north i'm like oh my gosh is she rich is is dome it rich hey we're live on the air all right sorry. We're up. Sorry. I called you on the wrong phone accident. Hey, is Abigail Domet rich? No. What's up with that dining room in the video? What's rich? Like, you know, like fucking independently wealthy.
Starting point is 02:33:38 Don't have to worry about the price of avocados. No debt. Let's put it this way. I continuously told them to stop buying fruit in individual packets and her husband anton insisted that it was better to buy it wrapped by themselves oh okay so they are rich okay that's good yeah that's how i buy it yeah yeah yeah okay that's good all right all right thank you I like to buy in bulk so that it's cheaper, and they like to buy for convenience.
Starting point is 02:34:11 Oh, you just put this up 33 minutes ago? Correct. Oh, shit. Well, congratulations. I try to do that on a schedule, so when I do these happy videos, I post them all on Monday at 11 o'clock my time. Holy fuck, the intro gave me chills.
Starting point is 02:34:27 This is your best one yet, Hiller. Another great one, dude. Dude, this is so good. Getting one of the best commentators in the space. We got one minute of video per hour. Solid synergy. Cameraman just let her run into a dog. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 02:34:43 Is there a scene where she runs into a dog? Yeah. That's some good documentary work. She runs into a dog oh that's awesome is there a scene where she runs into a dog yeah thank that's some good documentary work excellent great capture i have a mentor well you're he's doing a great job sorry it's doing he or she's doing a great job all right dude well thank you i can't wait to watch this. Cool. I sent it to you. You were like Patrick Clark. You had an early screening of it. Oh, Patrick Clark got an advanced screening also? He did, yeah. I had issues uploading it, and I hadn't looked at my phone in like three or four days. So I was clearing my phone out, and I go, hey, I was working on this. Sorry I didn't get back to you. Oh, you're a good dude. I sent it to you, too.
Starting point is 02:35:27 All right. Well, I'm going to, when I see you have long videos like this, I purposely, like, try not to look at them until, like, because I want to, like, savor it. You know what I mean? I want it to be, like, somewhere where, like, I'm stuck somewhere and I can just, like, give it all my attention. I'm not going to tell you to ever watch anything ever again
Starting point is 02:35:45 considering your opinion on the boys though oh why are you in love with the boys no i'm not in love with it but i i only recommend things i think people will like well hey dude i'm glad i saw it because it's giving me like this huge cultural awareness hey dude did you know that that starlight chick has had a fucking mental breakdown in real life around social media? Yes. How's the irony of that? That's fucking crazy, isn't it? I don't really believe it because wouldn't it just be something if it was all a ploy? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:36:18 If it was a ploy and everything's fake. That's what I think. Okay, good. Well, I hope you're right. Yeah, I think she's fine. But then again, she did alter the crap out of her face, so who knows. How about the black dude lost all that weight? When I started season four, I was like, holy shit, they got a new black guy. And then I looked it up, and he just lost a lot of weight. And he shaved his face, so it made him look twice as weird.
Starting point is 02:36:39 Yeah. I liked him better when he was chunky. Yeah, me too. Something like his name doesn't fit anymore Like mother's milk doesn't fit with Him being skinny right We're kind of like the oppressors We want to keep them fat
Starting point is 02:36:53 I liked you better when you were fat What a horrible thing to say I had a good friend tell me more that I'm way cooler when I'm drunk That hit home That one sucks Yeah that hurt Do you still hang out with that person? I do Uh oh That hit home. That one sucks. Yeah, that hurt. Do you still hang out with that person?
Starting point is 02:37:07 I do. Uh-oh. Usually I'll hear that and I'll go, I don't want to hang out with you anymore. I like you better when your ball's deep inside of me. That one's fine. Yeah. I'll probably hang out with that person more. More. Mas.
Starting point is 02:37:23 Yeah, hang out with him more. All right. Well, thanks for answering.'t wait to see this all right later do Yeah, she's doing a handstand walk and she's gonna hit the dog that's gonna be an awesome scene you gotta leave that shit Look, I just called Hiller and my viewers went up by 20 Needle mover. All right. This is cool. Give this a thumbs up.
Starting point is 02:37:51 Can't wait to see this. I think Domet might have some hippie in her. A little bit of dirt twiler, which is nice. All right. CrossFat, the story behind Mother's Milk is from the comic. He had to nurse from his mother or he'd die. You mean like as an older person? Okay.
Starting point is 02:38:36 All right. I don't know anything else that's going on today. Make sure you check all the accounts. Here, I'll check them for you. Get with the programming. Let's see if they have a show today. Oh, Get with the Programming has a show tonight. Best Rookie Class. Okay, so they're doing it on the rookies tonight at 6.15 p.m. Best rookie class.
Starting point is 02:39:06 Okay, so they're doing on the rookies tonight at 6.15 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Let's see. Coffee. Pods. Oh, shit. I might be on at the same time as them because I sometimes do the Dave Castro Week in Review at that time. Coffee, pods, and wads.
Starting point is 02:39:22 Maybe I'll do it earlier. Nothing from Pedroro today but tomorrow uh chris ibarra oh shit pedro and then on the 12th he has uh alicia fuliano all right fine so tonight uh get with the programming and at some point I'll do a weekend review. Barbell spin. Videos. No, live. Nothing scheduled. And Thursday, by the way, Thursday, Abigail Doman's coming on the show.
Starting point is 02:40:03 I think it's the same day Abigail dome it's coming on the show. I think it's the same day that hoppers coming on Damn all these people stations are doing so well barbell spins killing it All right, do I have any other friends with podcast All right. Do I have any other friends with podcast? All right. See you guys tomorrow. Tomorrow morning. Who did I say was on? You know who's coming back on the show is Charlie Lawrence is coming back on the show.
Starting point is 02:40:40 He's going to do a hundred miler. Oh, tomorrow. Samuel Cornway. Yeah, that's cool. All right. Tomorrow's going to a hundred miler. Oh tomorrow Samuel Cornway. Yeah, that's cool. All right. Tomorrow's gonna be a great show. I Will talk to you guys soon Boobie

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