The Sevan Podcast - Affiliate Series | 650, FIVE STAR REVIEWS, CrossFit Oahu - Bryant Powers

Episode Date: March 31, 2024

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Starting point is 00:01:02 Thank you. God. You look like you're in Hawaii. I thought that was the vibe of the show. So we'll, I'll play along the Hawaiian theme. Uh, Greg said to say,
Starting point is 00:01:14 hi, Greg. Remember? Yeah. A little bit. I was like, Hey, he's like,
Starting point is 00:01:19 what are you doing? I, he called me. He was like, Oh, I'm just dropping my kids off at the airport. I go, he goes,
Starting point is 00:01:23 what are you doing? I go, I'm going to get ready. Get on a podcast with Brian powers. So what? Tell him was like, oh, I just dropped my kids off at the airport. I go, he goes, what are you doing? I go, I'm going to get ready to get on a podcast with Brian Powers. He said, what? Tell him I said hi. He's cool. He said, I know.
Starting point is 00:01:33 He's coming on the show. Definitely had a good time out here. Brian Powers, the owner of CrossFit Oahu. Do you have another gym Bryant? No, no at one time I owned five gyms And then right before the pandemic I actually ended up selling the other ones Really four of the five? I sold three and then
Starting point is 00:01:56 One of them we closed down We were going to sell it but then The manager moved back to the mainland to take care of his mother So Crazy five gyms Oh this is going to be good the manager moved back to the mainland to take care of his mother. So yeah. Crazy five gyms. Oh, this is going to be good. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:09 We can dig in. We've got all the info. Let's go way back. So I think I first met you in 2009 at the affiliate gathering. I think so. I actually, yeah, I think so. I was trying to remember it. It's one of those weird old ones like that for sure. Actually, yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:02:22 I was trying to remember it. It's one of those weird old ones like that for sure. And it was me, you, Adrian Bosman, and me, Kerry Peterson, and... There's a guy, Rudy, for CrossFit Chicago. Who was the other guy? There was a blonde-haired kid, Yoked. Oh. You and him were both jacked. You guys couldn't keep your clothes on.
Starting point is 00:02:42 The five of us played in the parking lot all night. Do you remember that? If anybody wants to look this up, if it's on Wikipedia, it was a game called Buck Buck. Yeah, Buck. That is the actual... I still don't believe it's a real game, though.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I'm looking it up on YouTube. Buck Buck. Yeah, I think it was a simpler time when there was less social media. Otherwise, there'd be Buck Buck. Yeah, I think it was a simpler time when there was less social media. Otherwise, there'd be many videos. Oh, shit. This is the game. I only played Buck Buck once in my life, and it was with you. We played this game. Once might be enough.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Boy, this is really – my viewers always wonder if'm gay this is but i never really have come out but this here we go it's not helping but you know this is uh for some reason i felt like we played against a tree did we play no i was actually gonna say that i've i've only i mean nobody might believe me but i've only played buck buck once and uh the guy was adamant that the first person hugged the tree um but it's good to know it's still thriving when is this video oh this video is 11 years ago so maybe they got to bring it back yeah buck buck we played buck buck i didn't even know you and we played buck buck no i mean that's how you make lifelong friends that's hours of buck buck in the parking lot i can't even believe i remember that. These people question my faculties. Okay, Brian, where were you born? Are you a San Diego native?
Starting point is 00:04:10 No, I was born in Blue Hill, Maine. Blue Hill, Maine. And you grew up there in a quiet suburb? On an island, Deer Isle, Maine, and a little bit in Bangor, Maine. Wait, you grew up on an island uh dear isle maine and a little bit in bangor maine you grew up on an island off the in the atlantic uh yeah i mean it's not far off the atlantic there's a there's a bridge but uh yeah now i'm all the way in honolulu i'm seeing if i could find that oh my goodness it's uh 48 degrees right now there and rain yeah just talking to my mom crazy and uh and what was life like there oh you guys got a nice bridge there yeah that green one right yeah that's really nice um and then what happened uh how did you
Starting point is 00:04:55 tell me the journey from um maine to hawaii um please yeah my mom went to college in uh please yeah my mom went to college in uh davis california got there for a while and uh didn't want to go to college which i don't know if that's a good choice so i uh walked into the army recruiting office and uh joined the infantry it was like 2001 um after uh you know doing all training doing all that stuff is that before after 9-11? I enlisted before. I did like what was called a delayed entry program. So I did that going into senior year. And I think 9-11 was senior year. And then by the time I graduated, that was like 2002 maybe.
Starting point is 00:05:41 So the summer of that was when I left. What a crazy time to get into the army. Yeah. Yeah. No, definitely crazy time. I mean, it was like a beehive. It was a hustle and bustle, right? All the bees were hustling and busting everything. Everyone was moving all the, a lot of moving pieces. Definitely my basic training. A lot of people joined obviously because of nine 11. I mean, that was, that was, that was the thing for sure. Um, yeah, pretty wild time for sure. I would sayathan ortega hey me too but i went in as a medic small world i think he probably had more sense than me like i literally had like very little like research i was like okay this looks cool they probably showed me the obstacle
Starting point is 00:06:16 course video i grew up doing like fun sports and stuff so i was like okay this seems right brian was your your mom was going to school school in Davis and you were living there with her while she was going to school. Is that? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, going to high school, middle school, all that stuff. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:30 She was going to college and you were in middle school. Yeah. And then, so you, you sign up and, and did you make, did you do your whole four years? Uh, yeah, I did like five and some, cause back then they had a thing, uh, that was called a stop loss, which you couldn't get out if you did four years or whatever your enlistment was. You'd stay in and there's certain windows you could get out. So I ended up having to do like a little bit extra. And did you find CrossFit while you were in the army?
Starting point is 00:06:57 Yeah. Yeah, I did. God, I wish I had the original post, but I was looking up something like 20 rep pull-up program or just as fast as you are on the keyboard there. I love the internet. And I was looking that up and found, I don't know if it was the message board or something. What kind of computer do you remember? It was probably like a gangster, like Macintosh, something weird. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Not like iMac, but not not a pc not a pc okay so you were already a mac guy okay good good to know okay yeah and i yeah i have a forum date of 2003 on the crossfit board on the forum there so holy shit yeah and i didn't register right away because you know of course it seemed shady of course atari laptop good guess sam good like that no shit so so you're in the army and you google your was google even around then or was it it was like ask jeeves or some shit then right it was alta vista yeah okay so pre-google you, you search a program for 20 pull-ups. Yeah. 20 straight pull-ups.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Something like that. Getting into that. And of course, back in the day, like, I don't even know if, I think you can go, if you go, there might not be a link to it, but that was the place like a lot of people went and chatted or like went against for kettlebell stuff and a lot of the people that end up becoming specialty cert coaches back in the day were just on the message board greg lived on the message board right yeah it's crazy um so you could consume all like all the content in the cross ecosystem, you could consume in two hours, maybe an hour.
Starting point is 00:08:48 But I mean, they had every, I mean, so much fun stuff on there. And it was kind of like the wild west of exploring all these things and digging through all like, you know, Olympic lifting and finding all those books and then going in like slacklining and they had to build your own equipment. And there's a post on there with bill um uh from rogue fitness founded rogue fitness building his first pull-up bar in the backyard probably the first thing he built if you go search his post i'm sure it's on there too bad it's not here it's it's yeah it's it's pretty crazy so and there was and there were some good fights on the message board too right yeah there's some good ones for sure i mean just like now i mean this i'm looking at this chat this chat doesn't look too toxic yet so no this chat's
Starting point is 00:09:35 good but we got a little hostility uh we're a little fact checking here uh brian name one street you lived on in davis i doubt you spent more than six weeks there. Oh, the fifth. Yeah, when I went there, it was only one high school, but I ended up having to go to independent study right there. For fighting? No, no. I just ditched a lot of classes and
Starting point is 00:09:57 GoldenEye was out on the 64, if you guys remember that. On the Commodore 64? No, no. Nintendo 64. Oh, GoldenEye Nintendo 64. remember that so um on the commodore 64 no no nintendo 64 oh golden eye nintendo 16 it's a first person shooter from back on back in the day when i should have been studying oh my god i've never even seen this game really i feel like of that era that was i wouldn't say the most popular one. This is kind of crazy. This is a video from 2024.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Yeah, that's the one. I do remember that game. I do remember that game. Wow. Hey, you didn't play with other people, though. There was no, like, right? It wasn't, like, through the internet just uh computer guys like so showing my age here there was four you would split the split the screen into four and you would have to play
Starting point is 00:10:56 with four people on the same tv like oh okay crt tv for that and um yeah like somebody in chat said uh who was the principal and i was like i have no clue like geez louise i am junior year i had to put this out but i'd like a 0.65 gpa i did not do very well so uh yeah yeah look at this sema this is this isn't really like her man she's really uh digging digging digging deep um yeah wow all right oh look at this this is the man who's gay and give seve the ringer wow she's bringing up our buck buck game holy shit no i listen listen i we didn't tell you who was bent over you don't know he what what makes you think i was bent over and he was running at me with the buck buck it was an equal distribution thank you thank
Starting point is 00:11:45 you we all took turns oh well tell her uh i lived in solano park and they ripped that bad boy down so that's probably all the credit i need on that was that neighborhood yeah thank you sema for uh fact checking good good quality stuff yeah no okay so so you're in the army and you're in there for uh uh uh cinco años and a bilingual audience and um and then what happens and so so oh so no no go back to go back so you're in there and you find the 20 pull-ups let's go back to when you're in the army find the 20 pull-up program and what happens yeah uh at some point they they or greg i guess greg glassman put the pdf together of what is fitness um and uh you know what is crossfit and it just really clicked with me i was like you know i grew up doing wrestling i was in the weight room for that type of stuff so i did
Starting point is 00:12:42 some the crappy olympic lifting i did gymnastics growing up. Um, I break danced all through high school, uh, all that stuff like unicycle. I liked all that weird stuff. So when I was like, Oh, well you can be well-rounded. You can do all this. I mean, that, that just clicked with me. I read that PDF. I was like, that's amazing. Um, I liked learning new skills. So, I mean, at a certain point, once the CrossFit journal came around for people that weren't back in that time, they would email you a PDF once a month, I think on the first. And I just was excited. And if there was something in that PDF, whatever it was, you know, I was going to try it that month and kind of got hooked with it that i mean equipment was super sparse back then um super sparse so it was like doing the best you could to to find any of the stuff it was something harder like a ghd or something like that but or even rings cost like a thousand bucks or something crazy right i mean it was just nuts you had to buy a gymnastic set or some shit fig laminated rings which are the real ones so When I had to make rings originally...
Starting point is 00:13:45 Those were my first ones too. Holy shit. There was a Tyler Haas ones, which were metal. All the old school people, if she's checking her things. Even before that, you take the PVC, the schedule 40 PVC, put sand in it, duct tape the ends, heat it up in the oven, bend it around
Starting point is 00:14:01 a paint can, let it dry, and then you can put a rope through that. And those are the homemade rings that I made. I had those fiberglass ones. They were pretty sweet. They were expensive, but they were sweet. I took them everywhere with me. They were crazy.
Starting point is 00:14:15 And eventually, I left them outside too long. I think eventually they split. A lot of them did. They delaminated for sure. Yeah, fuck. I forgot about those rings and now everyone's using wooden rings right yeah now now there's like somebody made them and you can just get them which nobody wanted them back in the day for sure yeah all i have is wooden rings from rogue
Starting point is 00:14:37 i wonder what if anyone i wonder what if those god where's caleb when you need them i wonder if they still sell those what were those rings called i want to see those at what'd you call them fy something oh those are the i was talking about the super fancy gymnastic ones but i think those ones are called um power powers oh man it's tyler h a ss or ha those were the he made the metal ones though right yeah but i think that after the metal ones he made those ones oh oh okay then maybe i got those tyler haas he probably got completely taken out by rogue oh yeah i'm glad i still like the history bank of of uh of crossfit stuff here this is good i didn't expect that hosh project baby wouldn't play jim uh on etsy there. Yeah, I don't see those.
Starting point is 00:15:25 You got to hit the internet way back machine. Maybe fiber, were they made of fiberglass? Fiberglass gymnastics rings, is that? I'm not sure. I think they're plastic. But the problem with those ones compared to, they use like the tie down straps for trucks. So that little buckle would always be where your wrist is.
Starting point is 00:15:43 So if you didn't have a good turnout it would just annihilate you here here yeah yeah i was annihilated there you're right i was fucked up there eventually i built a gnarly callus there actually that protected me hey fuck i can't even find plastic gymnastics rings. Crazy. Oh, polycarbonate. Oh, yeah, that's not them. Okay. All right. So so do you in at the time or other people in the army doing CrossFit? level so that was like a big draw um no i i wasn't allowed to bring chalk into base i had chalk for uh deadlifting at at scofield at the time at the main gym which i forgot what it was called they had one squat rack which now they have like a whole ninja warrior course and all that stuff um so yeah i mean crossfit had a big influence on all of that i don't think there's any bumper plates in the base. Yeah, I don't think so. So
Starting point is 00:16:48 where's Schofield? Where was that? What state is that? Oh, that's in Hawaii. Sorry, that's the main Army base in Hawaii. Oh, and that's how you ended up in Hawaii when you entered the Army? They sent you to Hawaii? Yeah. Yeah. And did you get to choose to go there? No. I finished airborne school and then
Starting point is 00:17:03 they went down. I mean mean i don't know how they pick but basically went down the line and everybody went to like 82nd airborne or something and there's like two people that went to hawaii and i was like one of the two people and what is airborne school you're basically a fighter that they drop from a plane and then you land on the ground you fight people yeah after the basic training infantry school um and other people can go to it it's i forget what forget what it is, like five weeks. You got to jump out of the plane five or six times and you get like a little badge and then you can stay in units that allow you to do airborne jumps and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Okay. And then, so you go to Hawaii and you, uh, live out your, uh, your remaining days in the army in Hawaii and, uh, are you continue to do CrossFit pretty religiously? Do you three on one off? Yeah, for the most part I had to do unit PT, but I would do second, which is physical training. But, um, at a certain point, if you scored high enough, you could kind of do certain days by yourself. So I'd always do that. And then when I was going to get out, but I had to stay in, um, they actually put me in charge of the gym. So for like the last like eight months, I didn't wear a uniform or anything. And I was just in charge of the gym, like basically personal training people, endo boarding, um, doing CrossFit. And that's when I started. Um, I met another guy, Craig Cates, who's great. He was a, a SEAL at SDV one, which is the SEAL team. And he lived very close. We'd work out in our garage together we started uh training people in the park so we had like a c2 we'd like roll that down the hill bring homemade
Starting point is 00:18:29 equipment like slam balls with there were like a basketball filled with sand all that stuff super common back then I forgot about the basketballs filled with sand they were everywhere yeah good good I was hoping you'd say yeah okay and um so okay so then you do that and then So then you do that and then you get, when you get, when you're done with the army, what happens? Like, is it like prison? They open the door and you just walk out and you're like, fuck, what do I do? Yeah. I mean, kind of actually, I mean, um, I, they know what kind of t-shirt it would have been back then. It would have been like a blink 182 t-shirt or something. But yeah, no, it got out. God, I always tell this story because I think people ask like a business, like, how do you do well in business? And I was like, I didn't have a plan.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Like literally my plan was to go on unemployment with my roommates and I bought a hot tub off Craigslist. And at a certain point that was going to run out and i'd been training people in the park so that's when i was like oh man i gotta i gotta put this stuff um we're training for free um probably yeah probably um maybe for like a donation i know i got some jamba juice yeah sure like that so yeah at that at that point um, Craig helped me and his wife, Gretchen helped me open the, um, cause I don't know what I was like 23 then or something. Um, open the first gym, CrossFit Wahoo.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Yeah. So we opened that and that's, that's when I got the job of being an affiliate owner. What year was that? 2000, I'd like to say seven. I think it's wrong. They have the date wrong on our map thing. I tried to get them to fix it, but we were doing it in the park for a long time. Um, because when I started, there wasn't affiliates obviously, and they created the affiliate program and it had, I got out. I, i would have wanted to open a gym like we would have been like way up there in the top 10 i would but we were like i think we're like 40 something
Starting point is 00:20:31 so when you open your gym you were like 40 something like the 40th in the world um but i remember if i got out earlier we would have been like the 10th or something you know way up there do you know what jim you are now oh with the ones that have not closed yeah or shuttered their doors i don't think they have a list like that so if you used to go to the old website they used to just put them in order yeah i never thought there's going to be a lot so just kept going to the bottom yeah yeah yeah hey dude uh so you might have the oldest gym in the world. No, no, there's gotta be, um, I think CrossFit East, which is now CrossFit Jacksonville, if it's the same owners. Um, who was that? Was that some guy named TJ? Is that a black dude named TJ?
Starting point is 00:21:15 Yeah, probably. Was he a cop? Cause the Greg always talks about this one dude for this one. Yeah. A lot of people on the East coast. I never met as much. Um, marshall probably owns crossfit couch god i'm gonna butcher it um you know he came in like first or second in the first games right now there's definitely people still around before us for sure because i think i think curtis bowler was sitting in the number one spot and i don't know if he has his gym anymore yeah god you must you must be up there um is the gym the only thing you do is that your full-time gig yeah yeah um pretty rare yeah was i at that location was that it's a huge location it's two it's two stories i think like yeah we walk up on the top there's some stuff you can like walk and look over the edge and see into the big common area we've continued to make
Starting point is 00:22:10 it better um if anybody in chat wants to go to our google maps there's a 3d tour you can walk through that's a little older it's from covid but uh yeah it's like 12 downstairs 12 000 square feet and there's a mezzanine upstairs yeah Yeah. It's, it's 12,000 square feet. Yeah. Our original gym was a thousand, um, something. We have a Flickr account with all those.
Starting point is 00:22:32 And then we ended up moving to the location that we're at, but we only took up half, half of the location. And then in 2013 or something, we took over the other half of the location. And then we've kind of expanded the upstairs and and kind of got some stuff up there um i went there one time to film a level one and it was massive i didn't realize it was that big but now that you say it and there was shit
Starting point is 00:22:56 loads of parking and there was a parking lot next to your gym and they were filming an episode of your gym and they were filming an episode of i don't know starsky and hutch but i think it was hawaii 5-0 like a new version of hawaii 5-0 does that does that ring a bell to you yeah and if you if you come out and anybody in the chat that's in hawaii knows this um that area that we're in kakaako was like what's it called kaka kakaako um but it was like homeless people and auto body shops and it's kind of the art type neighborhood now and they've gentrified it and that big parking lot you're talking about is like a skyscraper no shit luxury that one's probably not the most luxury but i mean that whole area is turning into skyscrapers with luxury apartments and stuff and um so it's it's a whole different vibe than probably you
Starting point is 00:23:46 were there god i love gentrified areas congratulations oh good restaurant now there's good restaurants and shit around there and less crime right uh yeah i mean i've never had any problem with the crime but uh there's there's definitely better restaurants for sure i'm looking at the chat too. Some of these questions. Yeah. They're a wild bunch. Don't get lost in them. Okay. And then, and then, and then this is an interesting thing. What is your fee there? Monthly fee? Oh, our, our fee, our fee. I mean, I was looking at that. I was like 250, 250. I'd be retired, Pat. Maybe don't let the members hear that. Um, 185. And then we have a discount if people
Starting point is 00:24:23 purchase up to a one year. So you have up to a 30% discount on that. Um, we we have a discount if uh people purchase up to a one year so you have up to a 30 discount on that um we do have a gym add-on which is 20 extra um how can it be so cheap in one of the most expensive areas in the world um probably we should raise it i mean we haven't changed the price in 10 plus years so uh holy shit yeah wow and we have a two times a week or eight times a month membership for 100 wow okay so you you you open a location and when you had five locations i'm gonna say something crazy here really test my memory i want to say they were on different islands no no same no okay that would have been too much it was already too much it was already too much but uh but tell me about that craziness how do you go from one gym to uh five
Starting point is 00:25:12 gyms tell me about the insanity of that yeah i mean it was on the time where crossfit was going up um everything was new and um i don't know how i wouldn't say it was this big thing i kind of learned in reverse so i'll put myself in a situation where i kind of don't know what's going on and then i spend a lot of time like figuring it out but we had a member that um offered to loan me you know the the funds to like do another gym and we were like hey um should we do kailua or ypo we're kind of looking at gyms that were further away from other there's only other couple gyms on the island at that point and uh he was like well why don't you just do both so i opened i went from one to three and then that went new new locations or existing gyms you bought
Starting point is 00:25:58 new new okay yeah um and then the next year i was like, Oh, maybe we should do one in Kaneohe or maybe Pearl city. And then we did two more. So we went up to five. So we went to one to three to five in a two year period. Yeah. So use my willpower to just basically when a gym would open up, I would teach a lot of classes. We had some coaches come. And then as that one started to do well, we've moved., I'd teach at the other one and kind of bump around. And we've always had pretty good staff, pretty good training. Damn, dude.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Do you know who this is, Seth Page? Yeah, yeah. I got to see the photo. I do know Will Doom. He's an old school member. Okay, yeah, there you go, Seth Page. Yeah, I see you. Right there. Do you know that guy yeah, I see you right there.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Do you know that guy? John Ortega. Yeah, no, no, no. This guy, Seth page.
Starting point is 00:26:52 He has, he has a, a show called, I want to say it's called jump ship. Seth, Seth, Seth jump ship. I think he's,
Starting point is 00:26:59 I think he's an American who, who split to Australia, but he's got, he's got this show where he looks at old crossfit videos and like reviews them it's pretty cool it's fine i'd love to i have the original vhs tapes for world's strongest lift and world's most powerful lift i learned to lift on uh vhs tapes so if you want the oldest of old i have all the old dvds of uh steve cotter's kettlebell encyclopedia all of jeff martin's hand i have a whole you know like flip of all the old DVDs of Steve Cotter's Kettlebell Encyclopedia, all of Jeff Martone's hand.
Starting point is 00:27:25 I have a whole, you know, like flip of all the old DVDs. It's probably every DVD you could buy back in the day. Except for Scott Sonnen and Club Bell stuff. I probably didn't get too deep into that. So what was it like running five gyms? You paid five affiliate fees and you, how did you do that? How long did you keep five gyms simultaneously for? Five or six years.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Yeah, they made it. I think they've made it easier now. But when I, when I did it, you weren't allowed to put your, there's a lot of things that should have told me like, Hey, this is probably not the right way to go about it. And I would definitely give advice to different affiliate owners differently now, but they didn't allow you to have like, like I couldn't have my name on five things. So I had to have an agreement with somebody and they had to sign for it. And that was kind of difficult.
Starting point is 00:28:11 And so like, we weren't allowed to say all the gyms were CrossFit Oahu, or we couldn't say CrossFit Oahu, Kailua or something like that. They all had to be distinct names. And I think Jason Kalipa got that changed when norcal crossfit or whatever popped off and that would have made it easier um but yeah i had to learn like until then i'd really just studied coaching like just doing certs on certs and studying and stuff i liked but then i
Starting point is 00:28:36 was like okay just like crossfit where you can be well-rounded i had to kind of learn all the systems and management and stuff that i didn't have to study as hard up to at that point. And that's kind of what made it possible. Were you ever on the level one team on the seminar staff? Only like less than 10, I would say, because. And so you were you were a red shirt. Now, this is before red shirts. When there was a there's a black shirt.
Starting point is 00:29:04 This is like shit ancient ancient lore um man there would be like 60 people there like like 60 trainers there like when the when you would go to an l1 and then you could come back and be a trainer at the next one you were part of that yeah right probably right around there yeah holy shit those were amazing that's where like my first five level ones i went to were like that it was fucking it was wild it was a party yeah and yeah so basically like when i had the gyms i was doing all right and um it was just a lot of traveling from hawaii and they didn't have as many international certs which i think had it either been like me not having all the locations which took a lot of work or a little further in the future where there's more international i would have loved to talk more like that i guess but um yeah only had a couple i did a couple on
Starting point is 00:29:49 the crossfit gymnastics with jeff tucker which was amazing um so they would call you who would call you would like dave or nicole or someone call you whoever was running training at the time and they'd be like hey brian can you come can you do a level one yeah it was the email it was like back in the day it was like an email. So they would have some people and you kind of asked. But again, like they would have to fly somebody from Hawaii to go to wherever. Yeah. It's not super efficient on their end. Did you, did you teach courses at CrossFit San Diego?
Starting point is 00:30:23 No. Oh yeah. Yeah, with the Gaslamp. It was Eddie Lugo and Lisa Lugo's gym. Oh, yeah. It's kind of a bigger square gym, I think. Yeah, definitely. I was there with Marcus, actually. Oh, Marcus! Marcus! He was there
Starting point is 00:30:39 for Buck Buck. What was Marcus' last name? The Dina. That's right. Yeah. It was Marcus's last name? The Dina. That's right. Yeah. It was Marcus who owns Life is Rx and then he's got the new company now which is like, yeah, all that stuff. He's been a
Starting point is 00:30:55 ton of different companies. So I think I was teaching at that cert. Hey, are you still in touch with him? Yeah. Yeah. I just talked to him. He's got a kid and everything. I forgot. It's funny. I forgot how I met him. It's probably
Starting point is 00:31:12 through us. Yeah, at that event. He seems so young to me. He seems too young to have been there. But fuck, I guess it wasn't that long ago. He's older than I am. He's just scrappy wow crazy okay uh so you have the five gyms and it's just chaos or no yeah well you've got a lot of machines and i don't know how much you want to go into the businessy stuff but yeah you've got to have a lot of communication um you got to plan out like
Starting point is 00:31:42 annual calendars you've got to kind of have a little bit more like structure with the rules. Um, and you know, as it's just like anybody in life, I get better and better as, as I go with that stuff. But, um, yeah, it was definitely cast in the beginning for a little bit. And, and plus like, you know, CrossFit coach was always a little wild. So, you know, there's always going to be shenanigans to a certain degree. How, um, how many employees did you have when you had five gyms? Do you remember the max employees you had? I think one time we were like, it just depends because some coaches obviously teach more than others.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Some teach like twice a week, but it was like 45 coaches. Holy shit, dude. Yeah. Did you know them all? Yeah. Yeah. No, we had a pretty good internship program. So they had to come through and train
Starting point is 00:32:25 at all the gyms and i made them read like all these different books and uh they had to do a thing called the murder board which was come and teach every class in a day at one of the locations and be graded so yeah did i go over to everybody's house no but i had a pretty good idea of who everybody was because we had a pretty good team uh should i do crossfit is it true that it's easy to get hurt with crossfit it totally don't do it don't stay away horrible for you horrible yeah first time you get up from your chair to walk to your car to drive to a gym you'll probably hurt yourself is it easy to hurt yourself go Is it easy to hurt yourself? Go into your fridge, you hurt yourself.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Kind of fucking... No, I love troll comments. If I had my alt account, I could just be in here just causing havoc. What's an alt account? Like a... Make a fake account. Like, you know, maybe I'm Ken Walters right there.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Maybe that's who I am on my other... No, I know all these people from the show. Okay. Isn't that a trip? Yeah. These, these are like my, this is the,
Starting point is 00:33:27 my, the gym I go to. Then this will show my internet savvy. I'm Ken Walters with two spaces. And then you wouldn't know. True. Yeah. That's how you.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Yeah. Hey, actually I'm seriously considering, Hey, you should absolutely do it. It's the great, if you want your DNA to express itself in its greatest form with the greatest program out there, get on it.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Look at the pyramid. Start eating the way the cult eats. Start moving the way the cult eats, and your DNA will express itself in its most potent and exciting and fuckable form. Prove me wrong. You should have a button that does that. And by the way, my dog's name is M-A-K-A, Maka. But it's not a Dogo. He's older.
Starting point is 00:34:10 He's 10. So he's like a pupper and all those things. He's just a dog. Yeah. Dogo's like Dave's dog. Dave has a Dogo. Maka. Oh, Maka. He's just like, what's going on in in here when's the last time you did a podcast
Starting point is 00:34:27 um not often uh maybe the norcal one or something has been a couple years um no i yeah maybe maybe i know i did one with katie hogan but i'm not sure if that's like a full-on podcast this is like professionally it's got the overlays and everything i was painting today i was painting what were you painting uh uh the skateboard ramp with my kids hey um but have you ever seen comments like this i'm just i'm fascinated by the fact that you're i would like watching you watch the comments it's turning into a weird show oh no i love reading comments because if i put like twitch or something on the background when i'm working i mean obviously i know comments and, so these are relevant to me and I feel bad. I can't answer them all. Oh no. Fuck these guys.
Starting point is 00:35:08 I love how you, yeah, that's how you run your show. So guys, if I don't answer, there it is. There you go. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, no, no. You're seen, but not answered. No, no, no. These are, um, this is a look at how pool boy CrossFit got me this body. Oh, Devin's here. I know yeah we got a lot of members in there sam runs all of our operations i mean he's he's been around he's he's our number one there yeah that was ig
Starting point is 00:35:31 live is for like paying attention to the audience these guys are these guys are all trolls in my mind oh i i don't yeah good trolls nice the best got it okay so then you so you have five and you do it for five years and tell me about um separating from the five was that um emotional how do you make the decision what happens when you are uh ready to did you know for like a year fuck this isn't sustainable um i would say it wasn't sustainable it's just just like, if I'd set it up again, I would set up differently. But yeah, I was very stressed and I got an offer from one of the managers
Starting point is 00:36:11 and then the other managers found out. And then I was like, I didn't have what a professional person would call an exit plan, which would have been maybe smarter. So yeah, I ended up selling them. I was very happy with that. And then I could focus on one location, which I've done. And I've got to do like 10 times more stuff than I could do that I personally wanted to do would make that location great.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Because when you have all the gyms, it's like it's really hard to like we want to do this new CRM system or something like that. You'd have to push it. It'd be I wouldn't know how to do it off the top of my head and the cliche is that no one cares as much as you and you need someone who cares as much as you at every single location true i wanted to make the choice of how i wanted to run a business which i like coaching i like kind of working on certain aspects of the gym and i think when i had five gyms the way it was set up i was working on all aspects of the gym. And I think when I had five gyms, the way it was set up, I was working on all the stuff I didn't want to work on. Not that I probably couldn't
Starting point is 00:37:09 set it up in a better way, but I just wasn't excited by the job I was doing with that. And I'm sure some of these other owners that do it with five gyms now or more, I don't know what the top is. They might have a different thing, but I'm not like a pure business person like that. I like to coach. I'm in, I, we do our own programming. I like to buy random equipment. Um, so has that evolved over the years? Have you become more of a business person? Yeah. I mean, in terms of knowledge, yes. Yeah. I mean, but just more business focused, like it was very, like I had a guy, I got a guy on here the other day who owns a gym up in Oregon. And he said, hey, I'm a level one and a level two. And I've spent sixty thousand dollars on business classes.
Starting point is 00:37:53 That's the way I did it. I know other people want to take sixty thousand dollars worth of coaching classes. I just I've decided to hate to learn more how to run a business than be a better coach. And I thought, and I thought that was, that was the first time I heard that. And I always thought that that was a dirty word, but as he said it and he explained to me and I see the success of his gym, I was like, okay, I get it. Yeah. You have to, there's like being an athlete is one set of skills. Being a coach is another set of skills and like running a business, like just in general is another set. So you would have to specifically study those. And I've, I've had to do that for sure. And
Starting point is 00:38:30 I mean, back in the day, they have like the virtuosity, like if you care about being good, like meritocracy, like if you're a good coach, people will find you and they'll come. But I mean, it's so much better if you answer the phone in under 24 hours if you have a follow-up system if you have uh kind of quality classes and what that is defined so um yeah you don't have trash in your parking lot yeah is that a thing that's happened to you i know i'm just like when i think of what the difference is between being a homeowner and just living in a condo or some shit or a hotel is you know if you're staying at a hotel and you walk up and you see a burger king bag on the ground you don't necessarily pick it up and throw in the trash but if it's your own house and you and you pull up to your driveway and there's cigarette butts in
Starting point is 00:39:14 your driveway you pick them up it's yours it's your shit you give a fuck i mean like you really give a fuck so um you know my neighbor told me the other day hey dude you got to sweep out the gutters i was like oh fuck all right you got to sweep out the gutters i was like oh fuck all right cool i'll see about the gutters like i give a fuck but if it wasn't my if i was just living in a condo i'd be like fuck you yeah you put more gutters yeah you sweep them out what i mean i put that dirt there okay you could swing the other way where you get an affiliate owner that has too much business knowledge and they don't have any care of the coaching and the gym is shitty in that way right so you got to strike a balance. And I, I think the people that have authentic
Starting point is 00:39:51 gyms that people really remember, and it's like, they're living their good old days, like strike a balance of both, you know? How about this? I had this chick on this morning, um, from, uh, Brazil. And she said in Brazil, this is kind of a scary thought they have licensure around athletic training you know like the way we do if you want to get a haircut you got to go to someone who's like got the stamp from the government or something shit um or so they have licensure around it and part of the licensure to open a gym and to be a trainer is you have to go to college oh and you have to get your bachelor's degree so they don't have hobby gyms your gym was a hobby gym when a passion gym when it started right and it grew into this business they don't have hobby gyms your gym was a hobby gym when a passion gym
Starting point is 00:40:25 when it started right and it grew into this business they don't have that because no one's gonna fucking go to fucking college for four years and then be like oh i'm gonna chase your passion but like their gym when they open it is a is it has to be like a bread winning like hey like you're becoming an attorney or a dentist or some shit yeah you're probably gonna get somebody to fund it then and so you could be technically correct but your classes could be boring and they just suck yeah nowadays what's a boring class look like it's like uh well there's several ways it could be boring but one would be no connection back and forth with the members so there's no like witty banter another one could be it could be like dead quiet like there's a
Starting point is 00:41:03 tumbleweed blowing through the class um there's another one where the coach is just not engaged with the class where they're sitting behind the desk playing like clash of clans or eating and not interacting with the members. I like it. Another video game. Yeah. There's like, there's like several that, I mean, that's happened to me when I've traveled. So, um, that's the only reason I use that one. It's stuck in my head. I was like, we can't let that happen at ours. But it's like a standup comedian, like where you could work on your set and there's specific things you can do to kind of have a better delivery or whatever. You can do that with coaching. You're not locked into your personality, you know? Right, right. So you said, so what year do you sell your first gym and get back down to four? So what year do you sell your first gym and get back down to four? They all sold pretty quick, like all around the same guy.
Starting point is 00:41:54 I'd say maybe like the end of 2018, early 2019. Okay, so right before COVID. Yeah, right before COVID. Wow, smooth move. Good job, dude. Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't even know what to do. And then 2020 happens. And I know you were I know the people in Hawaii were terrified. And COVID comes and they basically shut your island down, right? Yeah, I think we had the longest lockdown, something like that.
Starting point is 00:42:25 I mean, and, you know, with the culture, people were already wearing masks before. There was a lot of like the whole Pacific influence with all that stuff. And like, so, yeah, it was I think it was much longer than it was a long time. I don't know what it was compared to other people, but it was a long time. And your state was enforcing it. It was wild. wild yeah highly enforced and not only that but it took a while for tourists to come back we have a huge uh drop-in component to our business i mean we get a ton of visitors every month so um yeah basically yeah we're screwed for that for sure yeah i had two options
Starting point is 00:43:00 to go to hawaii during the pandemic and i was like fuck you you ain't shoving shit up my nose i ain't getting no fucking taking no drugs. And I'm not wearing a mask on a plane. So two trips, I didn't go there. But then you played buck buck. I played buck buck with Hawaii. You had to. I've gotten all my diseases from buck buck.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Okay. And so the pandemic happens. And did you almost lose your location, your CrossFit Oahu location? Was that tough? Yeah. I mean, we were threatened. I mean, every landlord's different. Ours was pretty, I would say strict on that. And it's probably like one of the most significant like hurdles I'm overcoming in my adult life right there. Cause they gave us a little bit of rent, but I mean, they they want all most of that
Starting point is 00:43:45 rent back and i mean that's just is it's so much so are you still paying the rent back from covid yeah we're almost done we're getting there we have chunked this thing because it's not just covid right so it's covid and it took a while for people to come back and then visitors and the whole time um you know they're not as helpful as i would want as a tenant but i'm they have their own point of view who does a does a singular person own your building or is it like a corporation no it's the largest uh landholder in the state committee of schools which i mean they've been you know like like communicating the whole thing I understand their point of view on the whole thing, but I think they could be more flexible in some ways,
Starting point is 00:44:29 but you know, I'm sure they're like, he should pay more, you know? So, right. Hey, how often has your rent been raised?
Starting point is 00:44:35 How long have you been at this location? Uh, 2008 or nine. I rent goes up 4% a year. Holy shit. You haven't raised your rates in 10 years and your rent goes up four percent a year yeah i know we've we've added so many other services and other things around that that um yeah at some point it'll have to happen for sure what we'll have oh right yeah raising kids dude um i i sent my kids to this uh uh montessori school and they raised the tuition three percent every year they only went there for two years one of my kids did but i
Starting point is 00:45:11 figured out if i sent all my kids there by the time they graduated from college i'd have given them a million bucks wow where do you send me no graduate from high school before they graduate yeah by the time they graduate now they just they're at home now they just skate they're just home i don't know yeah they're just home they have a nicely painted skate deck yeah they have a new skate they they yeah yeah water pipe skate deck what else do they need did you say water pipe quarter pipe or like half pipe i don't know what you built back there um and and then so so covet happens and you come out the other side and that's awesome to hear that you you survived it and um and then, so, so COVID happens and you come out the other side and that's awesome to hear that you, you survived it.
Starting point is 00:45:47 And, um, and now the gym's thriving. Yeah. I mean, the pressure of having to meet these payments and do all that stuff, uh, caused me on a lot of ways to take certain aspects of the gym to the next level. I think our followup with people is way better. Um, our backend systems are way better um our back-end systems are way better trying to be really efficient at everything so that's the plus i would say out of it is a lot of things that maybe i would have not been as like you know like i'm gonna work hard at
Starting point is 00:46:17 this um you know i've i've had to change we added 24-hour access which is great that ended up being great so we have unlimited open gym 24-hour access. Um, we've, we've done a bunch of it. How does that work? Do people have a key or a fob or it's an app? I love it. Um, I talked to a bunch of gym owners about it. Um, it's a hybrid AF is the app. If anybody's out there and wants to look it up, um, they're great. There's tons of ways you can set it up. We talked to a ton of gym owners. Cause of course, like the app guys guys are gonna tell you it's great. But yeah, we have it. People have to be an unlimited member.
Starting point is 00:46:49 They pay $150 to set it up. We do a walkthrough with them, which we go around the gym and show them all the stuff. They get access to the app. And once they have that, for us, Open Gym is defined as anything before and after 15 minutes in class so anybody that wants to we have a whole side of the gym that's just for open gym uh yeah so people purchase that
Starting point is 00:47:11 and then it's 20 extra a month to keep the uh the open gym once you uh do the walkthrough but did you say it's 24 hours a day yeah so if how do they get in there at three in the morning uh there's a phone and you just and you open the door. Holy shit. They know where the lights are. We've never really even had a problem with, I think. Cause we,
Starting point is 00:47:31 we set up the onboarding really well with it. Remember, I mean, members love it. I mean, we don't have a problem with them because, because I mean, the way to think about it is anybody who's doing open gym,
Starting point is 00:47:40 they're like a good enough CrossFitter that they know when they're wrong. So if they start breaking the rules, it's like they get sent back with like the peasants on the black mat you know like they're not going to do it like we just yeah we have a good time you know yeah and and who does that who who's the is there is there is that like firefighters or cops who's the is it people who who who works out at three in the morning? What vocation? Not many people at three, but tons at four and five. I mean, of our unlimited members, I think last time I looked at it,
Starting point is 00:48:10 45% of our limited members were on the open gym add-on. And there's a whole group of people that come 4.30, 5, because it's 6 a.m. is our earliest class. Then throughout the day, people are just working on their own programs, whether it's Knees Over Toes Guy, Marcus Philly, Mayhem, whatever. And then some people do their own auxiliary stuff and they go to class. And some people have open gym just because they want to stay and talk longer.
Starting point is 00:48:36 They just hang out and just be off the streets or whatever, wherever else they would be. Wow, that's cool. Hey, if you were to do it again again if you were to open it would you open another gym now would you open a second gym now uh i i would but i would probably just out here at least want to i wouldn't be able to do it by myself but own the real estate with somebody else so i could make money off of like appreciation and then just keep the gym like you wouldn't have to like stress about like running a hugely
Starting point is 00:49:05 profitable crossfit gym which you can do but like you have to be way more hands-on with it so and and if someone were new let's say there's some let's say there was some 24 year old just graduated from college loves crossfit and you wanted to open a gym is there stuff you would say to him like dude listen yeah yeah no um and i i wouldn't say i'm like officially hired by hq but they have like a mentorship thing so i've got to talk to new people it's kind of fun i hope to expand the program because i think it's very useful to new gym owners because you're uh some people do well and some people don't do well sometimes there is a best practice like there's a better way to teach you don't pick lifting even if not every teacher
Starting point is 00:49:43 the same but yeah i would tell people they have um, obviously rent is going to be the big thing and all of those basics. Um, you do want to look into all the business stuff. Um, there are a lot of like already best practices that you can copy. And, um, yeah, I could, if there's specific questions, I'll answer them. i'll go super in depth and anything that you want tell me about you so tell me about your relationship with hq what's your relationship with them in the mentor program what's i didn't even know they had a mentor program yeah they i don't know they don't advertise it that much but deep on their website somewhere they have like a mentorship program i think it's part of their affiliate tools and um people can i think they
Starting point is 00:50:23 get like one or two hours like as a check-in and then it is i'm not gonna say it's like best hour of their day or two brain or anything like that but i think they pay a little bit and you can get a bunch of stuff from hq and one of it is talking to like different people um so i've been able to help a couple people with just different stuff i don't think they have a big team i think they should expand it but um it's not like basically they're like hey there's this guy brian he has a gym in hawaii he survived through covid he's been around since 2007 he had from five gyms to one gym he's got one really fucking big gym he's got a ton of experience um and if you want to talk to him here's his number and then they fucking call you
Starting point is 00:51:02 and then and then they're like brian what do you think about this i have a partner but he cheats on his wife should i get rid of him and you're like well let me tell you and those are the things that i've experienced yeah i've got a lot of experience with that and then they talk to you about it with them wow uh bryant um the the crossfit game is going to have the echo bike in the open how many should i buy probably none unless i think anytime it's a single piece of used equipment that's not going to be in the class it'd be better with like pull-up bars rings and uh and uh like kettlebells and shit you're going to use all the time do you sell do you sell peptides at your gym no man my fucking vending machine's broken i have the sickest vending machine ever Do you sell peptides at your gym? No, man.
Starting point is 00:51:45 My fricking vending machine's broken. I have the sickest vending machine ever. And the electric company like burnt it down. They put the wrong voltage through, but we had a really good vending machine that sold a bunch of good stuff. And that was actually profitable. Anything that's behind the desk,
Starting point is 00:51:59 I think is gonna get used or stolen. So it's gotta be control in a controlled distribution some way i'd say um wow uh uh it sarah we need vending machines at um all the gyms that uh to sell peptides what if there was a vending machine that sold peptides you just a little push a little button little bottle comes down i wouldn't mind selling this stuff if it's if it's real but i mean people i mean if you're sup it's like putting a pink bow on a turd like if you're supplementing crap diet like i feel bad selling that to people like they have their habits under control and they're super strict you could put some more stuff in there for sure have you tried peptides um no i don't think what you're saying. I haven't. Oh.
Starting point is 00:52:48 If you raise your rates, even $10 per month. Oh, yeah, for sure. Your members wouldn't notice and would support you, but would make a huge difference to your business. Just saying. No, she's right. I was thinking like my weakest and strong points. Like I'll sit around and do like personal training with people and never ask to charge for that, stuff like that. So that's definitely one of my weak points in business probably could charge more
Starting point is 00:53:08 took me forever to charge for visitor drop-ins and we do now and that's a huge thing so um yeah no sarah's 100 right if anybody's listening to if anybody's on the edge they should do it and i should do it probably it's uh it wouldn't last in a vending machine oh yeah people would just kick the vending machine over and steal all the peptides. You're probably right. It's refrigerated. I don't know what the issue is. No, I think she just means people would steal them. She's probably right.
Starting point is 00:53:36 We'll see. I wonder if there is a peptide vending machine. There's a vending machine for everything. I found that out. I spent way too much time. Ours is wrapped like a tiki bar. It's got a thatched roof sam's gonna hate that i'm talking about it oh there wow there's a protein shake vending machine geez louise you're right there is a vending machine for everything it costs thirteen thousand five hundred dollars ours is a little less than that but no peptides
Starting point is 00:54:03 wouldn't last sitting in a vending machine oh oh what do you mean why not it what would it yeah they're cold they're refrigerated oh you you understood her question better than i did yeah ours has like a little elevator door so it goes up they put it put it on an elevator and the elevator comes down and you can use apple pay and all that shit. So, uh, the, what do you think's changed over the years from 2000, uh, to, to,
Starting point is 00:54:29 uh, 2002, 2003 to 2024, 22 years. My God. Uh, yeah. What do you think's changed?
Starting point is 00:54:35 Do you ever think about that? How things have changed? I mean, a ton, uh, the access to information, it was really hard to find information before. Like that was one thing
Starting point is 00:54:47 that we were talking about earlier but then also like crossfit was always competitive but you know obviously there's a big distinction between like like the philosophy of crossfit in the sport of crossfit that's a big distinction um and that was never there when i started and that's kind of a big i think splitting point of crossfit there's a whole ecosystem of products around crossfit which i always think is crazy um like crossfit used to be like anti-shoe in a way and then there's like you know then all the shoes and stuff came um which is funny so yeah just bigger but the hard part is um like i just really focus on our affiliate so even on the bigger like if stuff's going crazy and like the crossfit like subreddit or something or any of that type of stuff like i've never really
Starting point is 00:55:40 paying attention to it too much because like it's just the members that are at the gym they half the time they don't give a shit about it you know it's not serious to them so i mean our membership's great so i love them um what do you mean when you say the distinction between the methodology and the sport what what is that do you do you have a an idea what yeah i mean like training and and testing like if you want to get fitter like if you're measuring your fitness and you're like hey i want to you know increase my clean or i want to get better at handstand walking there's certain ways you can train to do that but if you were to watch people while they're doing like their max effort handstand walk in the games or cleans it's
Starting point is 00:56:21 not like the best form um and then it becomes like what is crossfit without reading all of the back stuff and having read every journal and stuff like that people can mistake like the point of i don't think the point of crossfit is like the games competition per se that's like an offshoot it's like in inside the venn diagram of all crossfit right so for us i mean all of that stuff that was still in all those original journals like we have diagram of all CrossFit. So for us, I mean, all of that stuff that was still in all those original journals, like we have members of all ages. We have people just trying to have a good time. Some people are super fit and super serious. Some people are just there kind of doing it. But everybody's there pushing themselves and having a good time. And
Starting point is 00:56:59 we care about form. We care about all that stuff. so i think when i see people arguing on the internet sometimes they're they're looking at it from like well crossfit's meant to be this sport which is not all of it you know especially if you're running an affiliate it'll be harder to be successful treating it only like that i would say uh brian look at this everyone wants you to charge more these must not be members at your gym uh thomas graves thank you thank you guys for looking out good looking but dude i don't know if you trust someone who has dogs that look like that you know those dogs make that crazy sound sarah cox oh we make them to order every week I know I have a subscription
Starting point is 00:57:47 ah there you go I have a subscription are peptides actually steroids no I'm a fuck I'm not a doctor what do I know I would oh yeah I'd have to look up on Wikipedia if I were to take them I sure as fuck don't look like I'm on steroids if i were to take them i sure as don't look like i'm on steroids uh but yeah i mean it's it's tough because running an affiliate is different than like you know being a social media influencer which is different than being like an athlete and these are all different things people can do in crossfit now um and some people do both i guess but um they're different roles. And a lot of mine is inward focused on the gym and on our members and what we can do.
Starting point is 00:58:30 And, you know, so a lot of that, a lot of the big picture stuff, I'm like, I don't know. It's not a big deal unless I make it a big deal in front of the members. I guess that'd be a good way to put it. Right, right. And they sure as fuck don't want to hear you complain. Hey, so you were a 500 a year gym yeah yeah that's a good topic yeah this is a good one and so you really um you they raised yours to uh no peptides are not steroids they're amino acids yeah i would never take steroids Um, um, you were, you were $500 a month, a year, Jim.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Yep. And recently, uh, the fee for, uh, application fee has gone from 500 to a thousand and it doesn't even go towards your first year. And then the fee has gone up to $4,500 a year. I don't know how they're doing it with other people for us. It, this year we just paid it. It went from $500 to $1,000. Then next year, we'll go to $4,500.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. So it's weird. They give you like a little step up. That's cool. Yeah, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Why not? What do you think that is? Why not? So there's so few of you. Why not? You would think you would want these experienced people around. Let me play this role here for a second. Um, you have, let's say you have a thousand gyms of the 12,000 gyms and you're like, Hey, you guys are paying 500. We want to keep
Starting point is 00:59:55 like, we want to keep the OGs around. Why not do that? Is it, do you think that ever think that, Hey, maybe they don't want the old people around? They don't want the passion gyms around? I never thought that. I mean, my assumption would be the older gyms are the ones that can most pay, but then they're the ones that we're the most loyal to. Like every gym started at, not, I would say every gym, but a lot of the gyms can trace their lineage in Hawaii to us. And I mean, I love talking to other gym owners, helping them when we needed to. But my suspicion would be the longer running gyms could pay this. So maybe that's what they think.
Starting point is 01:00:33 But I mean, yeah, I get what you're saying because. How did you receive it? How did you receive the news? People always hate me because I never get like these like black or white answers. But one, I'm going to pay it. I don't think think it affects our business and i think it's worth it to our business and there'll be a point at which i wouldn't pay it um i'm not at that point but i understand other people that would be and i think of a hundred dollars extra or whatever if it bumped up from like 35 that's something you could probably help ask people for help in
Starting point is 01:01:02 business that being said it does let me know know that HQ will change their word on anything. And that maybe changes how I view certain things. Cause that was one of like the foundational things, even though it's not like a business thing that was like, Oh, these older affiliates have this. And that just grandfathered in for the entire history of your gym at $500. Yeah. We took her. I have the original affiliate agreement.
Starting point is 01:01:29 It was on one piece of paper printed probably on Microsoft word signed by Lauren and Greg. Yeah. So it lets me know that if they're allowed to change the prices, which I haven't changed our prices in a long time, but I have changed prices on members. Right. So I get that, but it does let me know that anything else that they may or may not have promised, like they can change that whenever they want, which they always could.
Starting point is 01:01:47 But at least they had kept that one solid, you know. So did you push back at all or did you just go, OK, I can handle this. But noted, you guys, you guys might be involved with some fuckery. You know, I mean, I'm not going to like text somebody about it. I mean, I mean, email even email hq hey not cool uh no i have a zoom tomorrow i'll probably bring it up um oh oh you do oh you do have a zoom tomorrow well they have like they'd have a new legacy zoom for legacy gym owners so i'm interested to see what it's about i have no clue what the agenda is so wait what's that how do you become a legacy gym i don't even know what the definition is you just got this email saying hey brian you've been around since the fucking dawn of time you want to come yeah so we'll see but yeah um i i don't know i i didn't send an email maybe i could have but i i
Starting point is 01:02:34 didn't think i was going to change the situation like it doesn't affect our business but it would affect how many treats i could give my dog right so like it, it's not going to put us under. But yeah, I just think that they can change whatever they want at that point then, you know? CA Peptides, yes, they ship anywhere. There you go. To your house in a discreet package. It's double bubble wrapped.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Patrick Lang, Bryant. Hi, Bryant Powers. I'm headed to Hawaiiaii in october if i drop in can we play buck buck and bang out a fran yeah we'll get the class to do it the only time our class members get injured is when we play games dodgeball musical medicine ball and now buck buck that is the only time members get injured at the gym generally oh that's amazing yeah no if you go to our website you can get a drop-in pass in like two clicks and uh i'll definitely take you up on that hey that's like
Starting point is 01:03:31 in my kids jujitsu class they only get injured after class when they play these dumb fucking games they have nothing that have nothing to do with jujitsu 95 yeah someone takes a knee to the face did 70 year old lady becomes the enemy and just a dodgeball straight you know gone hey so what do you mean that um it basic you're just saying hey it's an extra four thousand dollars a year i just keep my head down and keep going but you're saying there is a rate like if they raised it to ten thousand or twenty thousand a year where you'd pop your head up and be like hey i gotta stop working to think about this i'm i mean internally i'm i i love the idea of crossfit i've spent all my time learning all i love i get usa track and field do all this i love all that stuff so i i am very loyal to the brand
Starting point is 01:04:18 so i mean there's a way that they could probably milk me with that too but um you know i could change it to powers fit or whatever i guess but for us i i think it's worth it i mean why why do you affiliate why pay it why not just call it yeah why not just call it functional fitness brian powers functional fitness hawaii's fittest and funnest oh because i think i'd be doing crossfit you know i mean i do my own programming and stuff, but I, I think, uh, I mean just internally that wouldn't jive with me. Like if I, I guess created a whole different. So it's like a moral, like a moral obligation. It's a brand loyalty payment. It's like, if you would go to church, you would put money in the plate. There's a, there's a lot of other reasons behind that. If you just look at our visitor, if I was going on like a shark tank or something and
Starting point is 01:05:07 you're like, Hey, just our, our visitors alone during the open would pay for the fees. So that's awesome. Okay. And that's not necessarily through CrossFit because I do a lot of low, if people look up our Google maps, I'm, I mean, I think we're the second highest rated in the country. CrossFit NOLA is ahead of us. We're coming up on 650 five-star Google reviews. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Yeah, people love coming to our location. I've made it easy to come to the location. So just on that alone. But what we do is CrossFit. If you're saying constantly varied functional movement, high intensity. Yeah, we do that. I have a lot of memorabilia from CrossFit stuff, like Chili's, when you go on the wall. It's on the wall.
Starting point is 01:05:52 650 five-star reviews. I just named the show that. I think it's like 628 or something right now. I don't care. Affiliate series, 650 five-star reviews crossfit oahu yeah i like that that's good that's catchy got him yeah got him and if you guys are out there watching and you dropped in you didn't leave a review bump it up yeah yeah yeah make make the 650 be true help it manifest okay so here's so here's the thing you're loyal to crossfit you're
Starting point is 01:06:24 doing crossfit you think it would be disingenuous if you de-affiliated for that it's a brand loyalty Okay, so here's the thing. You're loyal to CrossFit. You're doing CrossFit. You think it would be disingenuous if you de-affiliated for that. It's a brand loyalty payment. But also, you get value, from what I hear, from the affiliate map that's big-time value because you're a big drop-in gym, and you also can validate people's open scores. Yeah, I wouldn't say the map. People come from google i have a form so i know where everybody comes from map google yelp all that stuff google is our biggest um one but i've made it easy i'm just saying people go to crossfit gym so when they come to hawaii they want to drop in um my mom was an art teacher we make great t-shirts so people
Starting point is 01:07:00 drop in i remember your t-shirt t-shirt section when you walk in yeah we've had like 100 t-shirts over the years we're always disappointing people because we have new ones and they don't have the old ones and um so just people like you talked about like other countries i mean people come from other countries australia um fucking germany the other day and they drop in our gyms painted very hawaii it looks like a graffiti is all on the inside it's a destination um and we do crossfit stuff there so when if i stopped doing crossfit stuff i would not call it crossfit it's obvious brian care uh really cares about his members he doesn't squeeze them because he can't yeah the landlords might force it though, I guess, you know, that might be the
Starting point is 01:07:46 issue at that point. You ever had a member lose a hundred pounds, Brian? We have, um, we've had, uh, Kim Witt and, um, I'm not going to remember some other people's back in the day. Um, but that's, I would say it's pretty rare. Um, but you've had some. We've had a few. And that is us being part of their journey. I wouldn't say we're the whole journey because to lose 100 pounds, you need your family to be there with you. You need to be taking care of your lifestyle outside the gym. And if we can, you know, be five to seven hours of their week and provide support, you know, like keep going. that's a good thing too but i wouldn't say it's all us do you get people what is the most when people come in what what do they want like what do they say to an affiliate or hey i just heard of this or i'm coming from another gym or
Starting point is 01:08:36 hey i have my wedding coming up or hey i'm fat or hey i want to carry my grandkids like what are some of the things you hear why people come there oh yeah we have a mix so yeah we always have these like member personas that come in. It's, there's definitely new people that have no experience that they've either seen CrossFit or they're excited about it. And this is where I do think CrossFit is doing a better job. If you look at their website, it's not just like the stuff I like, like doing ring muscle ups or whatever.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Um, yeah, no, they're coming in to get fit. They heard it's good. Or they saw their friend that was doing it for like, usually they'll see it like it like 15 times, in which case we always have three versions of the workouts up. So we have like an easier version that kind of motivates people. But you can obviously scale whatever. We also have a whole subset of people that come in because there's five military bases here. So we have like those kind of crazy people coming in.
Starting point is 01:09:22 And then generally, because we have all kinds of equipment open gym we have like the hardcore crossfitters come in there too so hawaii is very transient so as much as we love somebody they leave oh oh yeah so we're always getting new members and there's a core group of members but um do you have any members from day one still oh yeah we have tons of members over 10 years and we have several that are um 15 we just had our 18th year party the other day um yeah we have a ton you like this do you like this website i like what you like this better than the old blog website with all the the daily blog like the yellow and white one you like this but you're hitting me with the nostalgia i guess what i'm saying if you click on the get started up top there um i think like
Starting point is 01:10:11 what is crossfit and that type of thing right there i think they've done a better job here for the person that would be looking for this type of information um okay okay i see what you're saying yeah so i think if somebody's new and they're confused, cause if somebody has already done CrossFit before they're going to like click on the map or they're really just gonna probably search on Instagram or something like that. But I think here they've done a better job showing what a class might look like versus like a picture of somebody sprinting around pylons at the games or something like that what's your zip code uh nine six eight one three we haven't updated our map i did half
Starting point is 01:10:51 of it in photoshop and i stopped so i would be embarrassed now nine six one nine six one eight three uh nine six eight one three nine six eight it's that little 30 in the middle of the pacific ocean there thank you thank you don't don't don't talk about how dare you okay oh uh uh uh honolulu right there oh oh what's this uh i'm trying to um i don't know oh you might have to put, Oh, there we go. Yeah. All I did was that put that placeholder image where, Oh, this is, it moved away.
Starting point is 01:11:31 It moved. Oh shit. I don't know what happened, but Hey dude, what the fuck is going on here? Hey, that, um,
Starting point is 01:11:37 that guy, Seth is on the same fucking Island as you. Yeah. It jumped ship CrossFit. He's also from Maine. If it's who, if I'm pretty sure it's who i'm thinking about right here yeah have you met him yeah we have met they moved out here um i haven't met him i would i'd say i know them the least of most of the affiliate owners on island Nine, six, eight, one, three. One, three. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:08 And the bottom one there. Yeah. I want to see the map. Okay. I'm going to see the map. Yeah. You can't change. That will send me an email.
Starting point is 01:12:19 I've tested it. Dude, what if your name's flagged? What are you doing sending this flagged? Like, what are you doing? Sending this in here? Oh, great. There's my number on the internet. If you send that, it sends me an email. Cause I tested it. It says, will you answer or not?
Starting point is 01:12:34 I can click no. And then HQ will flag me that I'm not answering these emails. And it'll just be this, this thing. Wait, say that again. If I email you and what happens? It emails me like, Hey, this person is looking to join. Are you going to respond going to respond to them yes or no and i'm like it's a trap to click on no probably oh wow wow i don't know if anybody's ever but yeah i can't change this header photo but there's some stuff i want to do to make this better for sure especially if you're a um how many
Starting point is 01:13:00 um how many drop-ins do you have a uh how many drop-ins do you have a year or a month? Do you have a shitload? Yeah, we have easily over 100 unique drop-ins. A month? Yeah. Holy shit. Yeah, yeah. But you're saying they come from Google.
Starting point is 01:13:18 They don't come from here. Yeah, and if you go to our website, you can see our forum. I have a question of where they come from, so i stopped focusing on stuff where they don't come from which might be a self-fulfilling prophecy in a way but uh yeah almost everybody searches google unless you're like oh i thought this was up here korea it's like trip advisor or something like that oh shit okay there you go there click on it right there and you go through the whole thing wow you can move that map around right there you can go through the gym you can drag you can drag you can free flow oh shit oh yeah i oh and that i was up there
Starting point is 01:14:04 i remember being up there yeah we did this right during covet so i really want to do it again because we've kind of it's see all the damn the gym really is huge yeah if you turn around we got the olympic lifting pit behind you god look at all i don't know if i can turn around for some reason i can't oh yeah that's God look at all I don't know if I can't turn around for some reason I can't oh yeah that's let me see Oh shit wow Oh my god, I remember I remember that now I remember your logo. Wow Yeah, people always take photos there God that's really cool. God. You really do have a lot of five-star reviews
Starting point is 01:14:42 God, that's really cool. God, you really do have a lot of five-star reviews. Probably the best CrossFit gym I've ever been to. I need a place to drop in to complete the Open Workout 24.3. Very tough workout, nice gym. One of the best gyms in America. For the week that I dropped in, this place was everything I could ask for. Great vibes.
Starting point is 01:15:05 Oh, these are all drop-ins. Crazy crazy we do have members in the previous two but yeah drop in from off the island i have crossfit experience i'm new in residue to make positive changes i'm just dropping in look at this the dog's like there's other dogs so if you do click up on um vacationing up top it'll take you to the other page but yeah we make it easy for people to come because sometimes if you're traveling it's super hard to drop in or annoying um visitors can do open gym during class hours if they want to.
Starting point is 01:15:46 They just, Hey, that is really cool. Yeah. You want it to be easy to drop in, right? You don't want someone to like, if you're just visiting from out of town,
Starting point is 01:15:51 you need, you don't need a fucking tour of the gym. Yeah. It's hard. Some people's schedule changes too. So we're pretty flexible. They get texted like a little path. They can show the coach,
Starting point is 01:16:01 um, all that stuff. Uh, Sam T, uh, bryant uh just sent sebon's request to you there you go so i'll say no i'm not we'll see what hq does when i was like i'm not answering this one this one's too hot there's too much history here uh hey do you generate more revenue from drop-ins than members no no not at all but i mean we have a fair amount of visitor revenue.
Starting point is 01:16:31 And I'm guessing you have people like who come to the island three times a year and whenever they're there, like, you know, now they've been dropped. No, we have returning members. We have like a tech system. So when I see their name pop up, I'll mess with them, man. I love messing with people on our tech. It's not like my personal phone. It's like a business tech system. And yeah, there's several long-term returning members I can think of. Um, and, uh, I love them all. Yeah. They're ridiculous. And you got the whole gambit there. Now that you've been there that long, you, you have clients who had kids and members who've had kids and now their kids are 13 years old. Yeah. Yeah. One of the members was just like, uh, the kid was a baby and now she got her driver's license, which is kind of crazy to me yeah um yeah we've we've whenever somebody's like oh yeah i used to be there it's hard for me to align what was like the the crew at that point you know like sometimes i don't know which members knew which members it blends together for sure
Starting point is 01:17:22 so um you do do you what what happens man when you've had a gym that long are there any people there like you're so close with you do thanksgiving and christmas with christmas with shit like that yeah we have um we have a ton of members and uh mark mark who's one of the longtime members the original members came in the gym started working out um he was i don't know what age he was but he ended up going to the games and getting third for masters so i had a couple people and i go i've definitely gone over to his house for thanksgiving with uh uh dimitri kokroff we brought him out and we brought that was at thanksgiving we had at mark's house with that um yeah we've had we yeah i mean how
Starting point is 01:18:01 could you not i mean because obviously they're members i guess members but a lot of people i've just known forever um so yeah there's a ton of people that and that's what makes the business hard actually if you're talking about like giving advice to new gym owners it's i'm a service oriented person so i have to have systems in place and people that help me not like always say yes to everything and they feel like their family hey why doesn't your mom move out to Hawaii? Well, her husband and stuff, they live in Maine and they're, I mean, maybe they could if they wanted to, but yeah, they run like an art studio and people come over and buy sculptures and stuff
Starting point is 01:18:41 from them and sit at a bonfire and drink. And it's, they have like a pool. They got a good thing over it, like the stained glass and it's it's a whole vibe for sure so they got a whole they got a whole life there hey how often do you go back to maine i haven't been in forever because she does like to come out here um yeah so i i should have to go back at some point for sure how long has it been 10 years uh yeah at least at least how long has it been since you've been off the island uh i've been i don't go off the island too much i got a trip planned but um i'm trying to think i went to california um like six months ago seven months ago something like that god i don't know if i would ever come off did you like coming off the
Starting point is 01:19:24 island uh i don't mind but i love what i do here we travel to the other islands quite a bit i mean there's so much to do i think hawaii um if you love hawaii like if you're especially if you're not from here if you're if you love all the stuff it's great but if you dislike one thing about it you'll eventually move like the traffic or like you want to go on road trips so um people do come out here uh stay for a couple years and then leave you mean like it festers what they don't like yeah yeah for sure i get i bet you a lot of people the psychology behind going to hawaii too is a lot of those people are running from something per se, and they can't get settled and they think they're going to go there and settle,
Starting point is 01:20:08 but they don't, they go there and it just becomes another stop. If I hadn't started the gym, I, there's a good chance I would have moved away, you know, cause I didn't really have roots here, but I wanted to stay cause I was having a good time. And I see a lot of people like that at the gym, they're out here and they're kind of working like a regular kind of just job that they, they picked up and they're having a good time and i see a lot of people like that at the gym they're out here and they're kind of working like a regular kind of just job that they they picked up and they're having a good time going out traveling doing stuff so there's a ton of people like that i also bet there's a ton of people also who come out there and think they're going to enjoy hawaii but then they end up fucking working 40 hours a week and and they don't get to enjoy it yeah and it's kind of like it sucks
Starting point is 01:20:42 if you're in the wrong spot um it's terrible traffic if you have got to do like the nine to five commute right yeah it's like it reminds me kind of of santa cruz if you live here and you have time and you're flexible it's awesome if not you're fucked and you're right the traffic is nuts in small beach towns absolutely batshit crazy because people are commuting through who have real lives yeah yeah doctors lawyers dentists shit like that teachers all the people running the infrastructure two hours on the h1 every morning would be brutal how far do you live from your gym 15 20 minutes at the most that's like by car yeah you ever how many miles not that many.
Starting point is 01:21:25 I should know that. I don't know that off the top of my head. It's not that far. What about a scooter? Are you thinking about getting a scooter? You ever had a scooter? No, man. I never lived that lifestyle, but it probably gets stolen out here.
Starting point is 01:21:36 I wouldn't know what to do with it. I think you got to be real specific on how you lock it up. I never lived that scooter lifestyle, yeah. What about electric bike? No. Some of our members have the one wheel of that parking lot you're talking about. Now that it's all built up, it's very much like what you're talking about. Like people with bikes and scooters and it's more walkable, I would say.
Starting point is 01:21:59 Now that they're putting all those buildings and stuff. Fuck, I can't believe you don't know. Is it five miles to your house? I can can figure it out what about moving closer to the gym you like where you live how long you lived where you live um probably probably like eight eight plus years i i have a great spot um my dog loves it so but i don't know yeah i forgot the dog thing god 15 minutes just each way seems like a lot to commute for eight years. Let me see. I guess not.
Starting point is 01:22:30 You can get shit done in the commute, right? You can call people, listen to an audio book. Yeah, no, that's what it is. It's like almost five miles. So, yeah. How many miles is it around the island? Can you drive around the entire island yeah you can i i know the perimeter is like 128 miles but that's not like the road that's like
Starting point is 01:22:52 if you're walking the beach but it only takes you a couple hours to drive around but it's not like fully around the island because you're kind of going through the middle up around north shore around the backside and then coming up around the bottom did you and i drive around the island i think we might have yeah we did a lighthouse hike which is makapu lighthouse if anybody's looking that up fact checking me do you live on the island where oprah lives no no that's maui oh god mark mark zuckerberg is kawaii okay i don't know who our billionaire patronage is over here on the on that island is it the best is their best island uh no they're all different um but i think people would probably say oahu is the most uh like town like built up so right that's
Starting point is 01:23:43 if you don't want to be a part of that um i think kawaii you know all those other islands are not as built up they're probably more what people think of as hawaii i'm someone in the comments that are you afraid of um volcanoes or tsunamis no volcano would be the big island which is actually called hawaii so there's a town called volcano and that's where the volcano erupts and i've we've had all these tsunami warnings since i've been here and they put on the news and you shut everything down they put the camera facing the ocean and we haven't had one yet so um are you above the tsunami line, your house? Yeah, way above it. How about your gym? Probably not.
Starting point is 01:24:28 I'm above the tsunami. We have a tsunami line just down the road from me. I'm a little above the tsunami line. Do they have the little siren that goes off on the first every month where you're at? No, I think they used to do that. They have that here. We did have a tsunami hit here. No, I haven't had had how did that go i i didn't live here then but the video footage on youtube is wild it's just i mean basically that just fucked up the marinas right like it didn't it
Starting point is 01:24:56 didn't it wasn't like one of those crazy ones in india where fucking half the town washes away yeah like first yeah but but no it did pull out i think it did pull out first but it wasn't it wasn't nuts but um but it just fucked the boats up it just like it just tosses the boats around in the marina like they're fucking nothing oh another great is he afraid of godzilla you know i like the last godzilla movie you know and godzilla goes back and forth of being like a friend to humanity and not yeah but yeah i guess godzilla would you know and godzilla goes back and forth of being like a friend to humanity and not yeah but yeah i guess godzilla would attack because there's um pearl harbor out here when we had that missile crisis thing i don't know if you saw that they sent off like the
Starting point is 01:25:35 nuclear missile alert crisis thing out here i remember that was freaking freaky i was fixing a rower and i was like well if this is how it goes i'm just going to keep going it was supposed to hit kauai right they sent everyone the residents of kauai uh batten down the hatches incoming I was fixing a rower and I was like, well, if this is how it goes, I'm just going to keep going. It was supposed to hit Kauai, right? They sent everyone, the residents of Kauai batten down the hatches, incoming nuclear attack. They at least did it on Oahu where we were at. For anybody who likes the internet, there's a thing called So you can actually go to that and then overlays on Google Maps and you can pick the different type of nuclear bomb and then the wind pattern. So we probably would have been safe.
Starting point is 01:26:04 It's come to find out later i was looking at it um if you want to put in the show notes do you know about the green lights over hawaii when the sun goes down no no no this is like a extraterrestrial like a god i wish god i fucking wish it was you don't know about the chinese uh um uh satellite lasers that fucking scanned your entire fucking islands no no i wonder if they got something good on me i wish this i wish i was gonna pull up some fucking conspiracy fucking website for you but i'm not i'm gonna pull up a fucking science website for you you don't know about these above the islands that's how maybe they scanned me so well that my brain forgot.
Starting point is 01:26:46 I'm going to, uh, on, on, on January, uh, above the islands of Hawaii and January 28th news week. These are only two places I can find.
Starting point is 01:26:52 This is news week in here. Um, uh, above the islands of Hawaii in January 28th, the green laser was, uh, seen piercing the night sky, silently tracing a path towards the horizon,
Starting point is 01:27:01 like a stutter stutter in the matrix is code. The scene was caught on camera from a telescope atop Hawaii'si's tallest peak you can check out the scanning laser of the footage uh below you never heard about this no but i i i'm just thinking about like when they're sitting around in presumably the chinese laboratory and they're like let's make it look ominous right if they have the technology to scan us they have the technology to probably like not make it look like the matrix but they wanted it to be seen right it's like the thought was is i guess i guess is it lahaina one of the islands there i guess is a is a major uh missile silo site for the u.s there's a ton there's so much military here yeah
Starting point is 01:27:43 i think has a bunch of stuff on it too the the a lot of the thought was is that they were scanning um they were just scanning a topographical scan of the terrain in hawaii a satellite some sort of chinese satellite was doing that it's crazy but anyway all right i wonder what we have if they have that what do we have like what we're scanning we will Yeah great question you ever seen that giant American base in the outback of Australia No good thank you You gotta look that one up the largest like
Starting point is 01:28:12 CIA base in the southern Is in the middle of the outback in Australia It's crazy well I know in Armenia We have also the law I think it's the largest Foreign embassy in the world it's like fucking That's a weird one yeah well It's over it's by Iran iran iraq oh russia it's just right over there in the hub all right so you don't know about the the uh the lasers oh what what about maui what about all the shit we hear about maui uh that
Starting point is 01:28:38 that was uh some sort of um uh started fire is is any is it like i see lahaina lahaina crossfit still closed but the building's ready to be moved into shit like that yeah i yeah i haven't talked to him a bit yeah dude it's terrible i mean i was there i'd like to say i was just there like going over for like a four-day weekend like two months before that it's crazy that all that is gone um are the people are the residents freaking out the internet's full of shit like it was the fires were started on purpose that it was a it's a fucking land grab i don't know anybody personally over there um talked to tom a little bit with the owner across from line and um but like yeah i don't know about all the conspiracy
Starting point is 01:29:21 theories and stuff like that i didn't stay up it. I just thought the whole thing was terrible. And hopefully people get help with that, with any of that. Like, is this crazy when you have been there? And then when you see what it looked like after, like Front Street and all that stuff, you can't believe it. All the restaurants burnt down. Yeah, it's hard to make sense of it. So it's probably not a crazy conspiracy, but I can see why people would go to that to make sense of it so i'm it's probably not a crazy conspiracy but i can
Starting point is 01:29:46 see why people would go to that to make sense of it uh conspiracy websites and science websites are mostly the same is that a conspiracy maybe my peer-reviewed conspiracy yes um okay final question oh okay do hawaii residents wear those flowery shirts on a regular daily basis like the one you're wearing is that hawaii apparel uh there is a thing called aloha shirt for business but i asked i was saying like if if i'm having a podcast or something you know we'll make it feel hawaii make it i i mean i could wear a gym t-shirt i could fit in with that vibe too but uh yeah aloha shirts is actually like what people would wear instead of unless you're like going to court or something probably like like a
Starting point is 01:30:30 whole suit or something it's kind of crazy but there's different levels of aloha shirts so like right and different things would be like the professional ones this would not be a professional one damn i should have worn something hawaiian that would have been kind of like yeah next time next time yeah culturally appropriate hey um is it humid in your house right now like are you sticky no not really um you have the ac i have a whole sliding door thing that's open here that goes out to the the backyard and stuff so yeah i mean that's a good thing about why it's really usually the same weather uh patrick lang you can see the power lines on the ground in 70 mile an hour wind sparking in the grass did the bad guys make the wind okay he's saying it wasn't uh it wasn't lasers from the sky all right fine
Starting point is 01:31:18 just power lines on grass but it would be cool though right like did you see the bridge fall in baltimore i didn't watch the actual video of it falling i kind of briefly saw the whole thing i'm like that's nuts that that happened like how does that happen it looked like a pretty janky bridge to be honest with you i look like i could have made that with an erector set by myself like one do you remember erector sets yeah i do um those are like harder than legos like oh my god and they had the bolts and shit you're like god who bought me this probably people eating them and but yeah any of those bridges you know your parents hated you if you got a rector set instead of uh legos it's like uh what was the other one there was like um lincoln logs l Logs and like Playmobil. There's a lot of like other non-Lego.
Starting point is 01:32:07 Then there's like gas station Legos that kind of be like regular Legos, but they're slightly off size. So they didn't fit. Dude, I bought this fucking $250 Lego off of Amazon and I didn't know it. And after I bought it, it was like, took like two weeks to get here. I'm like, that's fucking weird. I bought it for one of my kids for like something crazy he did. Like he'd won two golds at a jiu-jitsu tournament or something. And I saw and it said it was coming from China.
Starting point is 01:32:34 And I start reading the reviews. It says these Legos don't come with instructions. And I'm like, oh, fuck. And it fucking comes. And it's fucking just a Chinese knockoff brand that looks just like legos and they scan you a barcode so you can get the instructions but i'm not giving my kid an ipad to fucking swipe through instructions i spent 90 on fucking computer printer ink to print out the instructions oh my god it took a fucking day I think the worst thing is you're funding the Chinese space laser,
Starting point is 01:33:06 right? Like that's how they fund it. Yes. Yes. Shell companies and bad. Yes. Yes. And,
Starting point is 01:33:11 uh, yes. You're just pumping up their metrics so that they can build another satellite. Oh my God. I was, I was, and Hey,
Starting point is 01:33:19 and by the time I got it all printed out, he was over it. He's like, I'm not building that. I'm like, what? Yes, you are.
Starting point is 01:33:24 He's like, no, I'm not. We're'm like what Yes you are he's like no I'm not we're still in Fucking deliberations One page at a time you should Do it like a calendar like an advent calendar I had to print it out like that it was The the the manual is like 284 Page books but the first the First um you can my
Starting point is 01:33:41 Printer can only handle like the information from 10 Pages at a time. It was fucking ridiculous. What leads you to buy the Alibaba Legos over a traditional one? I wasn't paying attention. I wasn't paying attention. It was just a jackass move. I probably saw one for $249 and one for $312. I'm like, I'll buy the cheaper one.
Starting point is 01:33:59 And I ended up with the Alibaba. Alibaba. It'd be great if you pull back and you have the largest collection on the west coast of like knockoff legos and you're like this is my this is my thing uh this i'm already hearing that the boat intentionally took down the bridge the conspiracy people can't help themselves i mean that's the internet they don't call it conspiracy There's just options It's just options
Starting point is 01:34:26 It's just options Listen if he Was fighting with his girlfriend on the phone While he was driving Oh And he crashed into the boat That's what I heard happen Does somebody
Starting point is 01:34:43 No I just made that up i just made that up like if one person drive i don't know anything about boats like if one person drives a boat that'd be crazy if it's all up to one person the captain was blowing p diddy down below and uh wasn't paying attention i gotta tell you all roads come back to p diddy probably at this point this is there's no telling i wish i knew more I only recently got up on Not even the I want to say the tip of that situation I want to make a double entendre
Starting point is 01:35:11 I don't even know what happened either I just know the FBI raided his house The poor guy Yeah, that's probably serious And the tabloids are just I don't know I feel like I see more stories where it's not serious When the FBI raids your house Than it is serious I don't know. I feel like I see more stories where it's not serious when the FBI raids your house
Starting point is 01:35:26 than it is serious. I wouldn't want to be raided, but... No, I don't want to be raided either. Good old P. Diddy. Terrible. $17 million mansion. The poor guy can't be in there in peace. He needs the underground lair. That's what he needs. The CEO Aloha shirts. Looking at these guys. He needs the underground layer. That's what he needs The ceo aloha shirts
Starting point is 01:35:47 Looking at these guys Did you get the ghost city lego set? Oh, do you want to see uh, I don't know. No. No, they did. I don't want to advertise for these dudes. No. No, you don't You know what I was thinking though today on the in the show in the morning brian I was thinking about like You know what I was thinking though today on the morning the show in the morning brian I was thinking about like what if lego made like the hit the like they they made the dark series Like you could get 9 11 after the bombing. It's just a rumble legos with like two two towers or hiroshima You could do maui maui The maui after the fire legos and there's maybe there's a limit but there is a um,
Starting point is 01:36:21 Auschwitz auschwitz the auschwitz lego set with the scratches on the wall that's uh that's a in there um stickers stickers that you put to show the the they have the i think it's i'm not gonna say lego creator series but if you make a lego like set you can put it in for votes and if it gets enough votes lego will make it so you could submit that. What about, what about something a little more benign? The P Diddy getting arrested by the FBI Lego set. And it's just like four FBI agents next to an SUV with Diddy with his hands behind his back.
Starting point is 01:36:55 It really depends on how dark you want to go with this, this podcast, like situation, because you could probably make quite a bit of, uh, of other P Did P. Well, then you're combining them. P. Did he go to Auschwitz, right? So then you've got this whole thing. R. Kelly peeing on people. The R. Kelly Lego set. I'm thinking how the legs work with the Lego people. The mini pigs.
Starting point is 01:37:17 I don't know if they have a piece that would. Holy shit, dude. That's what some famous person should license their fucked up shit to lego let me think of something um i've never looked it up but i'm almost positive it's out there i've never like bad legos but i'm sure if i looked up bad legos um it's out there they're almost assuredly somebody's made that um naughty naughty oh naughty block toys explicit lego fun for adults holy shit it's from 2008 wow wow well that's an internet rule rule 34 is if you can think of something there's been pornography made of it on the internet wow is that rule 34 look at
Starting point is 01:38:01 this and it is pornography how did you know it was going to be pornography? No, not that. I'm just saying, well, tastefully done, I guess. I don't know. How graphic could you get with? Probably more than you'd suspect. With Legos. Adult Lego play. 2008. We're going back to early CrossFit here this is uh this is uh oh man
Starting point is 01:38:28 Legos for adults are welcome oh no uh all adult Legos oh that's Star Wars shit
Starting point is 01:38:49 use some of the pieces I mean are you into Star Wars are you into any weird movies and stuff you into movies you watch Star Wars I love like B80s movies bad you know like when a movie is so bad it becomes good again. Um,
Starting point is 01:39:07 so all of that type of stuff, like for anybody out there that wants to see a good one, hard ticket to Hawaii. If you look up the poster of hard ticket to Hawaii, that is a legitimately good, bad 80s action movie. That has to do with Hawaii. Um,
Starting point is 01:39:22 yeah, I talk about it too much in classes. If we talk about about movies or different things like that. 1987. Dude, it's so good. It's out there. You can rent it. Rent it?
Starting point is 01:39:36 Oh, yeah. Go stream it. It's on YouTube probably for free. Rent it. Nothing makes sense in this movie. It's basically two women that have a cargo business but they're secretly dea agents and um they probably are uh it might be unrated but they were like probably playboy playmate model type people because it's not like serious actors yeah i was gonna say
Starting point is 01:40:05 The theme song is bomb if you find the Theme song on here The tantalizing wetness of the blue pacific Hawaii It's a great place to visit Oh they're gonna drop the line Right after this that's Oahu right That yeah that's Diamond Head I live right by
Starting point is 01:40:22 There that's Waikiki Beach But you wouldn't want to die there. Oh, shit. Shit! Four of them. Okay. There's a radioactive snake in this. There's ninja stars.
Starting point is 01:40:43 There's nunchucks on a yacht. Yakuza. Anything that you could want in a bad B-movie. This is like 80s porn. This is what CrossFit looks like now. Yeah. Oh, shit. Look at, here's the snake scene.
Starting point is 01:41:10 Damn. Okay. It's all in there. If anybody wants to watch that. How many times have you seen this? Four or five, probably, with different people. Hey, can I recommend an amazing movie? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:23 That you would love? It's a three-part series series it's called uh phantasm oh fuck um i know this cover from like vhs memories but yes not seen this one dude this movie's crazy okay let me write it down yeah because i always think of like covers in vhs uh yeah this is a this is a really good movie I always think of covers in VHS. Yeah, this is a really good movie. Phantasm. The delusion of a disordered mind. A phantom.
Starting point is 01:41:56 A spirit. Oh, it's a remastered 2016 trailer. They'd be digging up our childhood. A ghost. They can't be doing that. For nearly four decades, it has been contained. But evil always has a way of breaking free. Like, I hate horror movies, but this one's great.
Starting point is 01:42:18 Like, I wasn't scared once. The practical effects in old ones are cool. Versus like straight CGI now. Or jump scares. Yeah, like that ball. Yeah, that ball's all wicked yeah this is gone it's hard to believe it was a good idea not to let your little brother come to the funeral yeah I don't like this place something weird is going on look at the guys he picked up a coffin by himself you You saw that, right? That's the first sign.
Starting point is 01:42:50 The funeral is about to begin, sir. Damn. I'll watch it. Dude, there's... We could go on forever with, like, bad movies. Oh, shit. Van Damme has a movie coming out? bad movies.
Starting point is 01:43:04 Oh, shit. Van Damme has a movie coming out? Yeah, just leave the bottle. Oh, they got him. Expendables 43. Yeah. Darkness of Man. Wow. Dude, they...
Starting point is 01:43:21 I don't really like movies. You know, you got some Lionheart back in the day you got some some some kind of funny ones back then time cop i like oh time i like braveheart it wasn't phantom though was it no no like i watched a new roadhouse the other day it was it's fucking completely unwatchable well they're digging up the childhood you know and serving you back everything instead of making maybe like a new movie um i haven't seen the new roadhouse yet but i would only assume if it's anything like the new stuff that's come out you know what's crazy is don't tell anyone this but i have friends who like it and i'm struggling processing it did
Starting point is 01:44:05 they see the original no well i don't know but like all my all my friends are like in their 30s and 20s they should have seen it then they should they should go watch it and like these guys don't even cry in documentaries you know what i just watched if you want to admit to bad movies here yeah straight up of my own volition nobody forced me i watched water world the other day just because oh oh i brought it back i never thought water world was as bad as people said it was i have a newfound respect for it because they made all that shit i was looking at the sets and stuff i was like somebody didn't tell
Starting point is 01:44:41 whoever wanted to make this no and they built that whole set they painted those fucking skidoos rusty and our boy fucking was out there jumping on the rigging doing real stunts and i was like i got respect they're not just in front of a green screen i think that movie killed fucking kevin costner for fucking 20 years i wouldn't doubt dude he was jumping on off everything but no but what i mean is like He disappeared He was in that movie Do you remember the postman It was an apocalyptic Kevin Costner movie
Starting point is 01:45:13 Where he's on land So I don't know if that was before or after Um He made that movie with uh I was gonna say Britney Spears but who's the other singer chick Oh um Whitney Houston Bodyguard He made that movie with, I was going to say Britney Spears, but who's the other singer chick? Whitney Houston. Bodyguard.
Starting point is 01:45:29 Yeah. There we go. That's a little out of my wheelhouse there. And then he was gone. Maybe he was in Waterworld and then he was gone, I feel like. Made his money and got out. Robin Hood. I do think he got super rich. He was in Robin Hood was amazing, right?
Starting point is 01:45:46 He just got his money and got out. After the Great War, our civilization. Like post-apocalyptic. Fuck, man. This video is horrible. Nobody's wanted to see this video. It's got a surprising amount of viewers. Jesus. I mean, dude, the best best this is a 240 240p at that point you just drink in the 144p you just go with the pixel like you don't even try to like make it better yeah you don't make it better at
Starting point is 01:46:17 that point you make it worse you take it out how god meant you to take this video in probably a poster would be better, but I mean, it's kind of the same thing. I just didn't know if this was around that. Dude, we watched another bad movie. If we're just going to go down bad movies, a podcast has been over for 15 minutes.
Starting point is 01:46:38 Now we're just like, Oh, perfect. You paid your dues. No, go ahead. Frankenhooker is a bad one. It lives up to everything that you'd want
Starting point is 01:46:45 in a terrible terrible um 80s slasher comedy movie is there nudity there's nudity a little bit of nudity i mean it's frankenhooker the first half of the movie is boring the second half it's got to be good it was made by a it said shapiro productions they don't fuck around i've never even seen the trailer for this um at some point this guy basically can create life and he kills his girlfriend with his lawnmower. On accident. Oh, on accident.
Starting point is 01:47:35 Yeah. Bring you... A date? Franken-Hooker. Jeffrey Franken has a plan. I just want to bring him back. He has the ingenuity. Oh no. Yeah. It's kind of a metaphor for life when you're,
Starting point is 01:48:00 he's smart enough to make life, but he's not socially adept to actually use it in a productive way and and his mom watches him go down in his room like this path of destruction and his mom does not stop him so i think it's a good metaphor for life god frankenhook Does she only say like, oh, she's sutured to please. And it's kind of sad that I know this. Throughout the movie, when he's tracking down and killing these women, she can only repeat the lines that they said earlier because she's made out of their body parts. He's trying to remake his girlfriend. So who did you watch this movie with?
Starting point is 01:48:49 My girlfriend. She also likes these type of movies. Wow. Honey, Frankenhooker. Oh, is she going to be excited about Phantasm? Oh, yeah, she will. She recommended Frankenhooker to me, by the way. Wow.
Starting point is 01:49:03 But if I had seen it first, why? I mean, I would have, um, let me, let me recommend another movie that. Yeah. Keep coming. Uh,
Starting point is 01:49:12 it's, it's not weird like this, but the very first hell boy, how razor? No hell boy. Oh yeah. Um, like,
Starting point is 01:49:21 uh, like the mid two thousands, right? Yeah. It was such the character development was so fucking good. Yeah, yeah, no, those were good. I can't believe I actually liked that movie. It was kind of...
Starting point is 01:49:30 He's kind of like the Deadpool guy, but more believable. The Deadpool guy is a little over the top for me. Yeah, I never read the comics of Hellboy, but that was good. That was like around Constantine, Watchmen. They all had those other ones before MCU kind of popped off.
Starting point is 01:49:44 And then I didn't like his name. I didn't like the fact he was called Hellboy or just the way he looked, constantine watchman they all had those other ones before mcu kind of popped off and then and then um i didn't i didn't like his name i didn't like the fact he was called hellboy or just the way he looked but i really enjoyed the the i i thought it was so well written i enjoyed it then i saw the second one i was like stupid they always fuck up it's if i forgot the second one it's not even worth watching just like cold or something i don't know hey in this movie in this movie roadhouse at the end these two guys fight it's the worst fight scene ever but there's c it's a bar room fight and there's cgi i feel like you have one job when you're like filming like a movie like roadhouse and it's to make like
Starting point is 01:50:15 good fights yes with not a lot that is ron perlman is hellboy no shit wow okay sorry go ahead yeah go ahead say that again no i'm just like you have one job which is good fights like you just you should choreograph a good fight that's long that doesn't have a million cuts people actually train for um yeah very well say yeah it's all cut up and shit there's punches that like he's getting hit and he's off scene there's cgi dudes flying through the air i'm like dude i didn't i'm trying to watch a movie not someone play a video game that's how they hide it is with all the cuts so if you go back to like the old jackie chan movies that's like one take like jackie chan who am i a lot of those movies
Starting point is 01:50:56 are just so good with like the stunts like actually jumping through little car windows or ladders or whatever who am i jackie chan jackie chan who am i has i think one of the greatest in movie fight scenes that's why i brought it up to you he fights on a building um and he fights one guy that only does like punches and he fights another guy that's a dutch kickboxer that only does kicks and the kick yeah right here the kickboxer guy puts his leg like straight up in the air because i I remember training the splits when I was younger and I was like, this is amazing. You have quite an eclectic
Starting point is 01:51:30 taste. Wrestling, buck buck, break dancing and unicycling. Yeah, yeah. I just looked down on my notes because I wrote that down on my notes. So the guy should put his leg up to do a standing scale like splits.
Starting point is 01:51:44 Oh, look. 144 again. Oh, no. like a standing scale like splits. Oh look 144 again Oh, no, we can get this in 7. Oh look, that's that's generous So the guy in the red can only like only punches and the other guy does only kicks. I Keep stopping and fast-forwarding because you can only do seven seconds at a time before you get dinged by YouTube. Oh, that's funny. So it's coming back to me now. Like Jackie Chan will like beat up the guy in the red. Then the other guy comes in.
Starting point is 01:52:17 He beats him up and then he beats him up both. But then fucking Jackie Chan slides down the side of this building. Like legitimately, there's like a 45 degree ramp on the outside of this like huge skyscraper because they always have the after scenes and he like oh here you go this is bringing me back to my childhood here wow that's quite the neck crack there it is so i could never do that i don't have the active flexibility there's a book called scientifically stretching by thomas curse yeah that i bought after that um wow did it help no but the cool thing about that book is that guy's been in the game so long he did suspended side splits
Starting point is 01:53:13 on the uh chairs with his daughter on his shoulder and the different editions of the book the daughter gets bigger oh but you were never you were never able to do the splits? I could do the splits, but not a standing active flexibility like splits. Oh, oh, oh. Hey, were you flexible before you started that? Pretty flexible, yeah. I wasn't just, I mean, just from doing it regular training. I don't know if they have the slide down the end at the end. They might just have the fight scene here.
Starting point is 01:53:42 Hey, did you ever have one of those machines where you sit in it with the splits and then you turn the wheel no no i question the validity of those yeah me too i wanted to get one i'm like god it looks like it takes up a lot of space and it's just fucking gimmicky right we're just doing if you look up kung fu power stretching there's a terrible video of like it looks like kind of like regular college students that go to train under like a monk and they just start smashing them down. Like it's not how you would train anybody. And they're like, please stop. And like, you know, the monks are not having it.
Starting point is 01:54:13 Yeah. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. As someone told me that you have to work through that that you have to like tear and shit and then let it heal it's like you have to tear and heal is there any truth to that um that's how they train sumo wrestlers they actually do it where they they uh like um will like push them down because sumo wrestlers have to have like that flexibility at some point you're going to be laying on the ground doing the straddle and he's like no don't do it anymore when do you injure
Starting point is 01:54:48 them well if you look up to people so that are some of the best stretchers in the world like contortionists and things like that they're not really doing this sort of you know, damaging the muscle belly, I would say. But whenever I think of like bad stretching techniques, this power stretching video comes up in my head. Yeah, dude. All right. So I just did a, to the side view of how the all right guys long story short the the tilt of the pelvis is very important in external rotational legs and that doesn't help you with that but oh yeah that's what my wife's always saying uh tilt your pelvis tilt your pelvis your pelvis rotate yeah and in front splits you're
Starting point is 01:55:42 gonna have your back leg either externally or internally rotated. So, but, but it, I mean, the problem with those foot machines, you see them just sold by people who are already flexible. Oh,
Starting point is 01:55:52 like that guy. Yeah. I saw a movie about horse breeding, but it was kind of surprised when the girl showed up in the movie. Didn't. All right. Thank you for coming on and that's the one that did it pleasure 90 minutes
Starting point is 01:56:13 of work and 25 minutes of fun that's how we yeah you have other guests that know bad movies we could have a bad movie night love it all right buddy have a good one. Thanks for coming on in the middle of the day. It's 5.30 for you, right?
Starting point is 01:56:30 Yeah, 5.30. Awesome. Congratulations. 655-star reviews. CrossFit Oahu, Brian Powers. If you're ever in Hawaii, you know who to go to. Later, Brian. Thank you. Cheers, guys. You want to talk about something controversial? He is a douchebag. He is a douchebag. This one, Pat, this one will get you really fired up, Pat.
Starting point is 01:57:12 You want to fight tonight, Pat? Me and you will go fucking to war on this, I bet. Fuck, I don't know if I want to fight you tonight. Fuck, we'll go to war when I show you this. this ready pat you want to go to war no save it for another day no it's not diddy or the bridge i have this video there's this guy god i'm so wonder what fucking this could be this could just set me in yeah i'm tired too good thank I appreciate it. I don't want to fight tonight either. It's a video some guy used of a cop beating someone up to sell their shit. No, please don't call. I can't handle you again.
Starting point is 01:57:54 That was too much. Just fight in the comments. I need people to help me when I fight with you. I need help. I can't fight you one-on-one. You're too strong. Too powerful. No, I'm not doing it tonight.
Starting point is 01:58:06 I'm going to make a news show. I'm going to actually go see actually go see i wonder what my kids are doing what if my wife's home oh on our way home okay i wonder if they brought me sushi oh i'm interviewing the ceo of crossfit tomorrow let me know if they're okay um um interviewing the CEO of CrossFit tomorrow let me know if they're okay oh cool I was fighting with one of my friends you know I was fighting there's this friend I got in a fight with like two weeks ago not even a bit like I mean if you're my friend we're gonna fight probably but I never but it kind of it does always stress me out a little bit when I fight with my friends. Just because I don't, like, I don't, like, I don't mind lighting people up, but I, like, I want to be friends again.
Starting point is 01:58:53 And I don't mind getting lit up a little bit. Oh. So, comma, we are all made up. I can't tell if we're made up or not. If I fight with you and we aren't, I fight with you and we aren't even friends. Oh, yeah. But I like you. I think I hugged you at the games.
Starting point is 01:59:24 I enjoyed hugging you No, don't worry I won't forget this This is And I'm in a weak position When I fight Pat about this If we do fight I'm not sure if he's going to agree with it or not
Starting point is 01:59:42 I'm going to be in a really weak position I'm starting Yeah, it puts me in it's it's like he'll be standing on the top of the hill and i'll be on the bottom it's not a it's not something i want to fight about but but it has to be said it just has to be said it's just it's going to make me seem like a uh it's going to make me seem like a, uh, I don't know. Oh,
Starting point is 02:00:10 when I look this way, I'm looking at text messages. When I look this way, I'm looking at my notes. Or if I look this way, I'm looking at my notes. If I look this way, I'm, I'm looking at the guests.
Starting point is 02:00:24 If I look this way, can you guys tell when I'm looking at my phone? Like when my phone calls, phone rings and I look this way, I'm looking at the guest. If I look this way, can you guys tell when I'm looking at my phone? Like when my phone calls, phone rings, and that's me looking at my phone. So now you know. Those are the things I do. Tomorrow, John Singleton's coming on. Seema, I saw your comment in the Daniel Brandon live. God, there were so many of you in there asking when she's going to come on the show. I love that shit.
Starting point is 02:00:52 God, that makes me feel good. But Seema didn't say that. Seema's like, hey, will you come on Seve's podcast and slap him around? I saw it. I think I have a screenshot of it. Tucker's show and Tucker asked. All right.
Starting point is 02:01:21 100%. Yeah, 100%. All right. See you guys tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. 100%. Yeah. 100%. All right. See you guys tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Boy, I feel like I did a lot of podcasts. I'm going to try to – I'm going to go say hi to my family. I'm going to eat a bunch of ground beef, and then I'm going to come back and make the new show. I don't know if I'm going to go live for that.
Starting point is 02:01:40 I don't think I am. I might call some friends too. Alright. Oh, should I tell you who's coming on Saturday? Should I tell you some other stuff too? Let me see. Oh, Saturday no one. John Singleton tomorrow. Saturday
Starting point is 02:02:01 no one. Oh, Sunday's fucking Easter Easter I wonder what that means I thought Easter was in April the fuck do I know hey did anyone see shut up and scribble today man the comments people are loving Taylor my god people are saying it was funny as shit might start watching that show okay talk
Starting point is 02:02:23 to you guys soon bye bye

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