The Sevan Podcast - Affiliate Series w/ James Scharnick | One Day at a Time - 525lbs

Episode Date: October 12, 2023

Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast! Help James Scharnick HERE - 3 PLAYING BROTHERS - Kids Video Programming BIRTHFIT Programs: Prenatal - Postpartum - Codes (20% off): Prenatal - SEVAN1 Postpartum - SEVAN2 ------------------------- Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - THE SUPPLEMENTS I TAKE! - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER 3 PLAYING BROTHERS - Kids Video Programming Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:53 all-you-can-everything. Book with your local travel agent or... Hey, this is easy, low stress, and here I am. I'm already breaking a sweat. Bam, we're live. Hi, good morning. Good morning. How are you doing? Dude, I'm doing great. A little slow to the start this morning. I'm glad you got to witness firsthand the technical difficulties that can occur. I don't know how there could be technical difficulties when I was just sleeping.
Starting point is 00:01:23 I left the room, everything was great, then I went to bed and I woke up and everything's jacked up. It's usually how things work, right? Right. James, why are you in bed? You didn't want to get up today? Yeah, you know, I was planning on it, but I just felt a little lazy today, so I just wanted to hang out in bed a little bit.
Starting point is 00:01:42 You're just like, hey, I'll do the podcast from my bed. Yeah. You know, I... Go ahead. No, you go ahead. I was going to say, I'd love to be up in an office with a badass light behind me like you got there. But I didn't have it set up in time. What's the deal?
Starting point is 00:02:03 You had some crazy mountain biking accident it's when i when i look at your instagram it looked like you were gonna you you were improving quite uh quickly and to be honest with you when i um scheduled the podcast i thought by the time we did it you would be like up what's going on with you can you tell us the story like what happened yeah i can um so uh i was mountain biking with a bunch of buddies from uh the gym actually for in big bear california um and i had a little accident uh not a little one actually a big accident um basically i went head first uh over the handlebars into the side of the mountain. Thankfully, you know, good. Well, one, I always tell, well, I've been telling people CrossFit saved my life twice.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Once when I started it, second, you know, I've been doing CrossFit for a little over 10 years now. And I swear by building up my muscle structure, my bone density with lifting heavy weights, thankfully I had no broken bones. But I did go head first into the mountain. but I did go head first into the mountain. We were at a bike park where you ride the ski lift all the way up, and then you just bomb the hill down, you know. So, yeah, I lost control a little bit.
Starting point is 00:03:43 The front tire hit a little boulder and kicked me off to the side side and uh kind of threw me head first at the speed i was going i was unable to get my hands out to uh support myself so um my helmet my head my neck took the brunt of the force i'm a bigger guy so uh thank thank the lord i didn't have any broken bones, but I did have herniations in my C3 through C7 in my upper spine that had to be fused and a lamine deck to me, which is creating space inside of the spinal column because of the herniation. So because of that, I'm a quadriplegic right now, incomplete, which means I don't have a severed spinal cord. It's all intact, but it's damaged. So what it means is I can get better. The problem is when we do CrossFit, everything is measured, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:47 The problem is when we do CrossFit, everything is measured for time, repeatable, and it's something that we can improve on, but we have no timetable with spinal cord injuries. I am making progress every single day. I get a little bit more movement. I do have movement in all four of my limbs. It's just not any functional movement yet. Hey, so basically speared into the ground with your head hitting first gives you a severe spinal cord injury, and you come to and you can't move anything?
Starting point is 00:05:20 Can you even talk? Correct. I could talk right away. I was hyperventilating from getting a wind knocked out of me um so i started calling for help um luckily a couple riders came up behind me were able to uh start talking to me and call the security team um at the bike park we were at uh those i was face down in the dirt. I remember thinking it felt like my arms were crossed in front of my chest, kind of like, I mean, it sounds weird,
Starting point is 00:05:52 but how people would be in a casket, you know? That's what it felt like. But when I opened up my eyes, my hand was pressed up against my goggles and it was twitching. So that really kind of freaked me out. I had to close my eyes the whole time talking to people. But I remember telling people that I couldn't feel my body right away because I didn't want them to make it worse by rolling me over or twisting my neck or anything. So right away I was yelling at people that like, I can't feel my my body i can't feel my arms and legs um
Starting point is 00:06:27 luckily the security team got to me got my helmet off put a c-collar on me they were very professional uh it took a while to get everything set up get a board under me they had to carry me off the trail to a fire road. And then from there I got into like a razor with a flatbed on it, kind of like a beefed up golf cart. And they took me down the mountain. From my crash to the time I got to the parking lot was probably about 45 minutes. So it took a while but they were very professional,
Starting point is 00:07:08 keeping my spine intact with a C-collar. And then the ambulance was already waiting for me when we got to the parking lot. And you were a CrossFit gym coach already at the time. Yes, I got into CrossFit in 2013. We opened up a gym, the original owner of the gym, and service CrossFit. I've been managing that gym for the last two years, full-time. I coach there full-time. And then I run all the admin and management uh office work as well so that
Starting point is 00:07:49 that's my full-time job i'm there at the gym every day um while i was uh and then that that's been my full-time job for a while um full-time for two years, but I've been working there since it opened in 2014. And James, at one point, you were 525 pounds? Yes, actually, when I got married, I weighed 525 pounds. Probably, maybe a little more. I don't know, when you weigh that much, you don't weigh yourself a lot. There's not a lot of means to weigh yourself. You can't buy a scale at target and then hop on it because those have a weight capacity so i was
Starting point is 00:08:31 somewhere around there when i got married you would peg the scale you so you peg the scale like if it goes to 400 it just says or if it's electronic it just gives you error message yeah it just gives you straight lines so i actually work at oh that's that's me and my wedding when i'm probably close to my heaviest um and then from there when i got into crossfit i was still about 480 pounds uh starting crossfit in 2013 um we started in a one-car garage the gym did with the original owner of myself we we met on Facebook when Facebook was a thing and then she offered to train me free of charge however I had to do accountability
Starting point is 00:09:23 contract which means I had to log a food journal. I had to log all my workouts that I did outside of what she was training me. And the first 12 months of CrossFit, I lost over 130 pounds. Wow. Wow. 10 pounds a month, more than 10 pounds a month. Yeah, it was crazy. I mean, eating right, eating clean, and then just working out. I was probably working out six days a week at the time. James, pronounce your last name for me. Sharnick. Sharnick. Just like it looks. Dude, 500 pounds wild um uh could you walk and stuff at 500 pounds like could you get into a car and drive somewhere and go see a movie and like you can do normal
Starting point is 00:10:11 stuff that way yeah i was i was active i mean active as in like walking around i wasn't running or anything i remember when i first started crossfit i couldn't make it like 100 meters barely without walking. And then from there, obviously, everything improves when you start moving your body and obviously doing CrossFit. But it started out really basic. I remember like my first workout was nothing. um, uh, 400 meter run, a few rounds of, uh, five pushups, uh, 10 sit ups, 15 air squats, and then a 400 meter run. Um, I remember on the runs I had to walk, but I mean, basically that's like a warmup, you know, you actually walked 800 meters at 525 pounds you did that yeah a walk slash jog i mean yeah dude that's that's wild um that's wild i bet you most people can't i bet you most people who weighed 525 pounds or who weigh that cannot do that i was sitting next to a lady yesterday who is probably 300 pounds
Starting point is 00:11:21 uh for an hour and i heard her breathing the whole time i could hear her breathing the whole time yeah it's it's weird i mean i'm a bigger guy i'm six foot seven holy shit i'm like 295 pounds now um wow so i'm a large guy anyways i've always been big you know i played a lot of sports in high school did three different sports in high school so I had a good athletic build I guess not really build I was a big guy but you could move yeah you're lucky yeah Wow I was playing football basketball track and field I threw shot put and discus.
Starting point is 00:12:06 So I was very active. But after high school, you get into a little partying. I was driving a truck. And then from there, you just eat like crap and you drink sodas all day and energy drinks, try to stay awake behind the wheel. And that's when going from really active to a sedentary lifestyle with no nutrition, the weight just started gradually gaining, you know, and then you get to be like 32 years old when I started CrossFit. Just, you know, luckily I was able to be active and I was able to move my body through space. But I remember starting CrossFit, just the air squats were very challenging, you know.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Yeah, yeah, I bet. Six, seven. Do you have tall parents? No, actually, my mom's about five, six. My dad's around six foot. And he was the tallest in my family on both sides. And for some reason, I entered high school as a freshman. I was 6'1".
Starting point is 00:13:12 And then when I left high school, I was 6'8". So I've shrunk a little bit. You know, as you age, your bones settle. And I have back issues. I have a lot of back issues and knee issues just from being not heavy for so long. I always tell people you can't put a house on eggshells and not expect it to crack. Jake Chapman, James, one of the guys in the comments says the milkman was 6'8". Did you have a milkman as a young man?
Starting point is 00:13:41 Yeah, he probably was, right? Dude, was your whole family shocked did you think you were done growing at six one and then you're like dude this is this just keeps going or did you know yeah they were kind of shocked but i mean when my growth and my uh my shoe size kept up with my age until i turned um 18 you know i wear a size 17 shoe. I'm just a bigger guy. And they were kind of used to it by then because I was that big, you know, I was the biggest person in class, tallest person, biggest person. I was always large framed, even when I played sports in high school and a little bit in college, you know, my playing weight was around 320 pounds as a
Starting point is 00:14:26 lineman um playing football so i was always a bigger guy uh it was just kind of the thing you know wow wow that's a size 10 versus and i'm a size uh eight that's crazy yeah my shoe fits inside your shoe oh easily yeah uh James tell me um the the I want to walk through like your progress how when was the accident the biking accident it was uh Monday after Father's Day, so June 19th. Okay. Yeah, that was an accident. I mean, it was in the afternoon. I was in surgery by midnight at Loma Linda Hospital. They flew me.
Starting point is 00:15:19 They medevaced me there, which was the closest. So four or five months. Four or five months. Yeah, Correct. Can you tell me the, the, the, the, the worst in terms of your, if the metric is being ambulatory and I'm just curious how the progress has been. You, the exciting part of this whole story, thank God it has one, is that you're saying you keep getting a little bit better every day. You're seeing progress, right? Can you walk me through that?
Starting point is 00:15:42 Like was there a point where you couldn't even drink water or you couldn't chew your food? Like where you were that unable to activate your controls to maybe now you can stand? Can you walk me through just the steps? I'm very curious. Yeah, it's a real slow process. Luckily, both of my doctors, my neurosurgeons, they expect me to walk again, but it could take three to five years. Okay. The problem is, is there some people that have the same, a similar injury to me that could walk in a year, a year and a half.
Starting point is 00:16:17 But there's others that never walk again with an incomplete spinal cord injury. again with an incomplete spinal cord injury. So one of the hard things for me is, you know, coming from a CrossFit background where everything's measurable, repeatable, we could put a time to everything, we could make sure that we're doing better, we're ahead of progress, we're behind progress. With this, there is no, there's no measure stick. So everybody could be different um oh yeah when i started i was really hard to eat because i had swelling in my neck which which bothered my um my throat it hindered the ability to eat so i had problems eating right away i had zero movement and a lot of pain throughout my whole body.
Starting point is 00:17:06 From there, I was able each day to start slowly. The problem is it's a dead slow process. So like the progress that I have every day is so tiny that my wife has to help remind me because, you know, I get frustrated. I want to see the the progress I want to be up and walk um excuse me I want to be up and walking already but the problem is I'm still bedridden I have no functional movement in my in my limb so I can't feed myself yet if my if my eye itches or something I can't itch my eye which you don't know how many times you hit your face throughout the day until you can't um so right now you can't move your hands yet uh james i have very little finger movement which is ahead of the curve which they tell me
Starting point is 00:17:57 because uh they say fingers and hands are the last things that you could do. I could bring my one hand up towards my face. Yeah. But it is like my, that's about all the finger movement I have. I don't have great wrist control yet. So I'm kind of, you know, my wrist is just limp. But in my left hand, I can bring my hand to my mouth. In fact, the other day I fed myself five bites of food, which is kind of amazing. I can't hold a spoon yet, so they have to attach it with basically like a Velcro strap to my hand.
Starting point is 00:18:38 They make those things that allow you to hold a spoon or a toothbrush. that allow you to hold a spoon or a toothbrush um and with a with a wrist support i was able to feed myself five bites of food which is a lot of progress because from there you know i haven't been able to feed myself i haven't been able to give myself a drink of water so um that's me yeah with the wrist brace wrist brace. Um, you were brushing your, you were brushing your teeth. Yeah. Some people can't even do that. Like who haven't been on a bike accident. That's impressive.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Um, so there, that's all in the hospital. My Instagram kind of went silent once I got home. I'm home now. Um, because my, uh, you know'm home now because my social media manager, which is my wife, not really manager, she just took all those videos and posted them. She became my nurse when we got home. So now we're so busy each day
Starting point is 00:19:39 because she's taken the spot of a staff, unlimited staff at the hospital. Right. Anytime I rang my bell, I could have five people in to help me. Right. And now it's just my wife and friends and volunteers that come by and hang out with me throughout the day. They help me turn side to side so I don't get any bed sores
Starting point is 00:20:03 or any more bed sores. I have a rather large bed sore that I acquired in the hospital that I'll have to go back in for surgery later this year to help repair it. So that's one of the big things that's hindering my progress right now because I'm unable to sit up like in my wheelchair without putting the pressure in my in my tailbone and in my in my butt really uh where my bed sore is so that's one of the biggest things that it's hindering my progress right now um and is is that this is might be a foolish question I apologize but so is that a workout for you now like will you do that will you be like okay bring my hand to my face uh seven times an hour and make sure you do
Starting point is 00:20:51 that every hour like do you have some sort of regimen you're doing yes yes i work with a physical therapist and occupational therapist occupational therapists are mainly for things like you saw getting me to drink, brush my teeth, put on a shirt eventually, and things like that. The physical therapist is looking for strength and making sure I have range of motion and getting my joints moving and working me through like a workout. Right. But yeah, like literally bringing my hand from extended uh point to my to my chin yeah you know 10 times and i worked that maybe three sets uh
Starting point is 00:21:33 but it's amazing how doing something like that is like uh one rep max you know so I could do that 10 times, but after about three or four reps, I'm like, I'm spent, man. I was telling our head coach at the gym, like, there's no workout I could come up with in CrossFit that replicates how hard doing that five or six times is. The way it just, like, it just taxes everything. the way it just like it just taxes everything James what is it about the spine injury that makes it so you lost like basically the picture I'm seeing is you have this spine and you have all of these extension cords plugged into it they go to different parts of the body and the cords fell out that's the only way i can imagine it like what happened and what are you waiting for to grow back that would make it so you could get your leg back like is there a cord that just fell out of the spine and you
Starting point is 00:22:34 got to wait till it finds its way plug back in or what's the deal do they understand that yeah kind of i mean you have all your nerves that go down the center of your spine um all the herniations in my upper neck block the signals that that are that allow me to move basically my body so if you have a a complete like spinal cord um where it's herniations are the movement of the discs sorry when you say herniations you mean the discs got moved and that there were things connected to those discs that maybe aren't connected anymore. Correct, yeah. Well, now they're connected with hardware. I have a fusion in my neck, so I have a scar on the back of my head going down my neck where they fuse my spine. Um, so basically it damaged all the nerve cords. Now your nerves have, I don't know how I'm not that smart. You know, I'm just a CrossFit coach, but, uh, uh, my nerve, your nerves have the ability
Starting point is 00:23:33 to help you feel and the ability to help you move and control your body. So I do have feeling throughout my whole body. You could touch my foot or my toe and I could tell you what oh what body part you're touching yeah um and anywhere you touch i i do have feeling now it's it's limited because of my where my injuries at in my lower body it's just kind of like partially numb um but i do feel it now my upper body and my arms anytime somebody touches my arms or if I move my arms, it's like a like a fiery nerve pain. So I do have pain throughout my arms and shoulders. where now I need to give it time to let my spinal cord repair itself, like all the nerves will repair itself, but it takes an undisclosed amount of time,
Starting point is 00:24:31 and it's not guaranteed that I'll be able to move or have functional movement in my body. It's just we're hoping that those things will, yes. So I have hardware from my C3 through my c6 out of fusion do you keep that forever yes that'll never come out dude that's crazy that's your neck holy shit yeah and it does limit my range of motion like my mobility uh side to side i noticed like looking left it's a lot harder and i can't really look as far left as i can right up and down isn't that bad but left and right i could definitely feel the the um i can't feel the hardware but i can feel the the limited range of motion and the limited
Starting point is 00:25:20 mobility in my neck now but yeah that's basically basically, I don't know how current that picture is of whoever did that, but basically I have a fusion that's similar to that. James, are there any drugs they can give you to speed that up? Can they give you testosterone or peptides or there's any any like uh hormonal
Starting point is 00:25:45 shit they can do that speeds growth up well you know living in california and our great government system i don't know how peptides are if they're legal yet right um but i may or may not have had uh the ability to be on peptides already and luckily throughout your show yeah i don't want to give a uh you know too big of a shout out but i am a big fan and i've heard about them uh through your show and research them and um there are i am taking peptides right now uh i've only been on them for about a week and a half uh because i was able to find a doctor uh who works out of state that was able to provide me with those what what does he say is on those is is there any is there any um information about that about uh peptides and nerve growth well the biggest thing with the peptides right
Starting point is 00:26:37 now is for my the wound that i'm trying to heal i have a i had a large bed sore and they had to um basically my tailbone is exposed uh it's that deep on my left uh butt cheek i mean i don't know what the medical term for butt cheek is but your tailbone's exposed from laying on it so much it pushed through your skin so what it did is i don't understand bed sores and they're really with our technology nowadays it's kind of like caveman-ish because basically you get this bed sore which is a dead spot on your body and mine um somehow we don't know how but it got to a rather large bed sore so as soon as i got transferred to my hometown, the first thing they did is they put me into surgery to debride the bedsore, which is basically, uh, cut out all the dead spots
Starting point is 00:27:32 or the dead spot. It was just one spot, but it was rather large. Like necrotic. So it doesn't get infected. I'm guessing. Yeah. Yes, exactly. And, um, with that, uh, they cut through, well, it was on my left glute. So they cut through all your, where they dig out all the dead areas and they see how deep they have to dig to get to healthy tissue. So with mine, they had to dig through the fatty layer. They did dig through most of the muscle and they got really close to the bone and then eventually with the infection parts of my tailbone are exposed and that's still an ongoing thing i mean it's been like you said four months but that's one of the things that i can't believe there's not any better
Starting point is 00:28:21 health care methods that would help you with that because it's just such a slow process. It, uh, it hinders me from sitting upright or sitting in my wheelchair, um, because of the pain. And then that actually with the exposed tailbone and the infection, I actually have a infection in my bone, in my tailbone now. So when they do do the surgery to fill in that, um, bed sore, they'll remove my tailbone at the same time. So they remove that infected bone. Don't you need that bone? Uh, they tell me I don't, they, uh, the doctors. And by they, I say the doctors and the surgical team I have, um, they tell me that I'll have no effects. Uh, even if I'm even if, and when I'm able to get up to
Starting point is 00:29:07 be walking again. And they'll say I have no effects and I won't even notice it. But if they keep it in with it being infected, eventually I will have like chills, feversvers and it could cause death throughout the later stages of life yeah yeah yeah um unfortunately my my wife had got a really bad infection in her knee when they were trying to put a cadaver meniscus in and you described exactly what they had to do the cutting out of the flesh the the discussion of having to amputate the entire leg it was fucking and it was barbaric like just just hearing the doctors talk like it sounded like they had no fucking idea what they were doing like it was just like all right well i guess we could do this i was like holy shit when they first told me about it they literally said uh we're not going to do anything and i it
Starting point is 00:30:02 was confusing the hell out of my wife and i'm like what do you mean you're i didn't do anything you just spent 20 minutes telling me how dramatic and how how bad this is and then you're telling me that you're just going to sit and watch it basically because i have no effects of the infection yet it's not affecting my body i don't have fevers i don't have body aches i don't have chills so since it's not affecting the body yet, they're basically just going to sit back and observe it. My wife got a crazy infection. You don't want that infection.
Starting point is 00:30:34 And she turned into a different person for 12 hours. The infection was crazy. I didn't even recognize it. Yeah, I bet. Yeah. I definitely don't want to do that because as it is, it's bad enough. And with the infection affecting your body, that's when it gets dangerous. Yeah. And yeah, it could if it depending where it's at, it would lead to amputation.
Starting point is 00:30:55 And it is a scary thing. So. Hey, I'm sure you've already heard everything already. And I apologize for us doctoring you from the internet. But what about hyperbaric chamber? This sounds like it's a good idea too. Magdalene Eggert, there's all these stories about miracle healing in hyperbaric chamber. Have you dabbled in that? Yes. In fact, the doctor that I'm working with right now,
Starting point is 00:31:20 that was able to provide me with the peptides, he did talk about that, and that is something that we're able to uh provide me with the peptides uh he did talk about that and that is something that we're able to to work through um the problem with that is just the money and right now it's the transportation like anytime i have to go to the hospital for a doctor's appointment or if i have to go see a specialist at the hospital um for transportation since i have to i'm bedridden they have have to call an ambulance. It's a non-emergency ambulance. And then they basically transfer me to a gurney and they have to take me by ambulance. And then every time they do that, it's between $600 and $1,000 each way. So right
Starting point is 00:32:02 now it's all boiling down to money and transportation so if you wanted to do a hyperbaric chamber every single day for two weeks the travel alone would be ten thousand dollars just like the taxi ride uber ride it'd be ridiculous yeah and unless i wanted to purchase a hyperbaric chamber for my bed for my home you know yeah and of course i'd love to but i uh i don't have those kind of funds being a crossfit coach caleb how much is a hyperbaric chamber how much is a hyperbaric chamber i have no idea i couldn't even guess do you have a gofundme page i do have a gofundme um i i think it's uh honestly i'm not even sure what my GoFundMe is, if I'm being honest.
Starting point is 00:32:48 It's just a site where you can tell your story and collect money. So let's say you wanted to do something. Let's say we wanted to raise money for you to buy a hyperbaric chamber. Yeah. I do have a GoFundMe. I think it's Rhythm Claps for Coach James, I believe. It was started right away actually and throughout the community and there's a whole other story with crossfit communities but uh throughout the community and and being on things like your show i mean uh my my friends of course
Starting point is 00:33:23 at the gym they're able to reach out. And it's funny that you go through this horrible thing. And then, uh, next thing I know I'm getting talked about, uh, by you and by Rich Browning and, and all these people that I listed their podcasts every day, you know, and, uh, next thing I know now I'm getting talked about it and that's just part of the community of CrossFit. So I do have a GoFundMe page. The hard thing with that is you never know what to do with that because I'm going to be here and be doing treatments and medical attention for the next, who knows, two to five to ten years. Yeah, that $67,000, that's six weeks of Uber for you. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Yeah, I totally understand what you're saying. You're basically saying like, hey, what should you spend it on? That has to last three fucking years. And you're doing the most expensive journey of your life, right? Yeah, and I haven't even got any billing for my medical. I mean, the airlifted me to a hospital. The transportation from Loma Linda, which is down south in LA area, to my home in Fresno, which is Central Valley, just that transportation, that non-emergency ambulance ride was $11,000.
Starting point is 00:34:36 So things like that add up pretty fast. I'd love to just drop 10 grand on a hyperbaric chamber, but, uh, when my bills start running in and that, and that GoFundMe goes to zero really fast and I still got five to 10 years of treatment I got to pay for, that's when it gets rough, you know? So it's hard to kind of manage those things because I have so many unknowns right now. things because i have so many unknowns right now um after the show will you have sarah um contact me and just tell me what is the best way we could help i want i we've never done that in the podcast i don't i can't think of anything like i'm unofficially we've gotten behind some people like we had some friends who lost a house or things like that but it would be cool to to uh man what a what a great i would feel so uh accomplished if we could get you a hyperbaric chamber but if sarah's like hey that's stupid it's better to get them ten thousand dollars for the peptides we'll do that but please have sarah circle
Starting point is 00:35:36 back um afterwards and tell me and let's do that let's rally and and and let these people because these people on the show want to help people like that. The premise of this podcast is, you know, Glassman's line, a cure for the world's most vexing problem. These are people who are searching for truth and who want to do good shit. Well, exactly. And it's kind of like your commercial. I always show people that when you look at CrossFitters, you're going to find the best teachers in the high schools and you're going to find the best, the best people because you have people that are down to earth that want to get better and improve.
Starting point is 00:36:10 And they also want to spread the gospel of CrossFit, I call it, because trust me, every hospital I was in and every nurse or physical therapist that I talked to, you know, I'm offering them a free week at CrossFit at my gym and trying to get them in. And I actually got a few nurses that joined the gym. And it's all basically trying to improve people's lives, you know, and that's the biggest thing. I'll definitely have Sarah reach out.
Starting point is 00:36:41 The hardest thing is we don't know how. We don't know what the best way to help me right now is because right now I'm just trying to heal my body. Once the bills start running through, that helps out. But yeah, with the doctor I have to peptide them, getting all those things, there's definitely ways to help. You don't want to just say oh yeah money helps but with the healthcare system in in the united states or especially in california everything revolves around money i shouldn't even i in my personal opinion i shouldn't even have been released to go home with a wound like i have because now my wife has to be a nurse. She's not a nurse. She has no medical training. She has to change my dressings.
Starting point is 00:37:32 She has to take care of me 24 hours a day. And with a wound like that, an open wound that's so dangerous with exposed bone, the whole reason why I was released is just based off of money and insurance. And they tell you, you can only be at the rehab center for so long because then they have to release you to be at home. So 20, 30 years ago, you could be at a rehab center for, for months or a year. I was there for four weeks and that was the limit. James, how has this is just insight that i'm curious
Starting point is 00:38:11 about how has the spinal cord injury changed other you talked about how it affected your how you feel you still feel has it affected you emotionally i don't mean emotionally like some days you cry because like fuck i can't get out of bed i'm pissed i mean like has it um has it affected you emotionally in terms of like you're emotionally more sensitive or emotionally less sensitive or has it affected your taste or your scene or the other senses the other experiences but specifically emotionally has it changed you emotionally at all? Yes. I don't mean James per se, but I mean the actual operating system.
Starting point is 00:38:52 When you look at you, do the emotional system in the body. Yeah. Well, definitely. Yes. Like James per se, it hasn't changed who I am. I'm still, luckily I was fully cognizant. As soon as my crash happened, I was able to tell the security or i mean the safety team exactly where my friends were parked in the parking lot and what they were wearing and how they could find them and luckily i was fully cognizant immediately as soon as i woke up from my crash i was out for I have no idea. I was still hyperventilating from getting
Starting point is 00:39:25 the wind knocked out of me. But luckily I was fully cognizant. Emotionally and like physically, you know, with all the medication I have, you know, my eyes will dry out a lot. I wake up and my eyes are crested over. I can't open them don't know really why if that's medication or if that's spinal cord injury um when you first get a spinal cord injury your skin's super flaky and dries out uh so peeling off all my calluses on my hands were was a was a task you know for for my wife or the nursing staff. A lot of things happen. But emotionally, you know, I have ups and downs just like anybody would. But luckily I have peace in my heart and I still have joy.
Starting point is 00:40:24 I am a Christian, so I trust that everything's going to work out and I know that God has a plan for me um and that's one of the biggest things that help keep my my emotions in check you know now I do have days where where I break down or where I'm super bummed out especially uh it sounds bad but being at home um when you're in the hospital, they keep you so busy. You have three hours of physical therapy and occupational therapy a day. So every single day I was busy for a minimum of three hours. And you have all the nursing staff coming in with medication and treatments and things that are supposed to help my spinal cord injury. And then they give you a lot of information
Starting point is 00:41:06 they teach you about spinal cord injuries and things that could happen to you when you go home and they try to really prepare you but you go from that and then when you get home um especially with my with my bed sore and being bedridden without being able to get in a wheelchair, like I was able to do so much at the hospital. Um, now being at home, I, I'm basically, uh, you know, I, I lay in bed and it's a lot more, I don't want to say sedentary, uh, because that's something that we don't want as, as being CrossFitters, but it is, I'm fully sedentary and I don't have that action. I don't have that movement. Um, so it's been, it's been a big emotional journey since I've been home. Um, how long has that been? Uh, I've been home for about six weeks, close to, I think it was around
Starting point is 00:42:00 August 23rd when I got released from the hospital. So you want more stimulus. Do you think that the more stimulus you get, the faster you're going to heal also? A hundred percent. Yeah. Yeah. And it's also, it's where you get to notice things. Like I was so busy and I was so active in the hospital that I would notice new movements. And I would notice things that I would notice new movements and and I would notice things that I would start getting back quicker now that I'm home and I'm not getting as
Starting point is 00:42:32 much physical therapy and and any therapy you know I am getting some but I only get three hours a week professional three hours a day correct and then uh everything else we do with just my wife and i um so every day we go through range of motion in fact i have uh gym members from my 9am class come over after the gym and they help me on my range of motion which is keeping my body and my joints moving. So they'll put my body through movement. I have a list of exercises we go through. And that's just to make sure that all my joints are able to still freely move. And I don't have any like calcium deposits in any joints that'll hinder movement as I heal. So it's tough because everything relies on my wife and I. I tell everybody, well, not me. I'm bedridden and I have to have somebody feed me and, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:36 give me drinks of water. But I have the easy job. I just try to get better. My wife has the hardest job because now she's not only a wife and a mom to our kids, but she also has to be a full-time health caregiver to me. And any time I'm thirsty or I sneeze and I need my nose wiped or something as simple as that, I got to call her in or a friend that's here has to help me with that. So the hardest thing is on my wife and the people supporting me. They got the hardest job in all of this, I keep saying. People will, you know, someone will win like an award
Starting point is 00:44:19 and they'll be up on stage, right? And they'll be holding the award and they're like, I'm so humbled by the win of this war. And I'm like humbled by it. You should be fucking proud as shit. What are you humbled by it? But you are actually going through, it must be incredibly humbling to go from coach to, to, to needing people. Were you accustomed to needing people ever? Are you comfortable with all these people helping you? Have you had to just be like, fuck it, I'm going to have to be comfortable with this?
Starting point is 00:44:47 Is that a huge deal? Basically, it is. I've always been like a server. Like, you know, if you're a CrossFit coach, you're serving people. So if you're, I've always been the helper. People call me if they need, if they're moving they call me if they need i was i've been a handyman before so if they need anything fixed in their house or a ceiling fan installed or and you're a big guy too probably people expect you for hugs and lean on you and
Starting point is 00:45:17 they just see you as a strong pillar emotionally too i'm guessing yeah and i've always been that helper i've always been the person that's going to, that people are going to call, um, if they need help and if they need, um, you know, uh, support or, oh, I put a, you know, I put a hole in the wall and I need it repaired or they've always called me. So it's been really, really really really difficult um being so reliant and actually you know needing help uh from people but it's been also i will say very humbling you know because i didn't earn this right uh to a point because i'll tell you one thing is when you're a crossfit coach and how you treat people,
Starting point is 00:46:07 I do this. It's the first question I ask people every time we hire a new CrossFit coach at the gym. One of the first things that we look for is that give a shit. You know, you got to have a give a shit because you got to care for everybody that comes into that gym. And you got to like genuinely care because people will weed out if you're just, if you're just faking it, they'll, they know that, you know, so one of the things is being a CrossFit coach for so long and affecting so many people's lives. You don't see it when you're doing it. You kind of do, but not very much. There's not really a measure stick. But when you get hurt like this, and you go through something that I've gone through and watch my community rally around me,
Starting point is 00:46:48 and not only my community, the Surgis CrossFit community, you know, we have about 245 members, which is great. And those members rallied greatly, but also just CrossFit community in general. I mean, having your show talk about me early on, and I'll tell you one thing, that your analogy of my first video about being on round nine of brand, it's spot on because in that first week, even in the first month,
Starting point is 00:47:20 it was so hard to do things like talk, and I was struggling in that video and that's one of the reasons why i put it out because my sister and my wife were like uh you know your friends and family don't understand what you're going through they think like you're going to get up and walk out of the hospital they don't understand how bad it is so um from there i was like i want to start these weekly videos which they fell off and I feel bad about it. But honestly, I have no control. I can't do anything for myself. So, like I said, the reliance on other people, but I wanted to show people how.
Starting point is 00:47:58 How bad it was with that first video and and when you were like, damn, he looks like he's on round nine or fran like he's struggling so bad and all i was doing was trying to talk um but when you when you circle back i sound callous i would never say that no i mean it was actually the best analogy ever because if anybody's ever done fran uh when you hit that around nine it's like i'm i'm dead and i don't know how i'm hanging on um but circling all the way back of being a crossfit coach and how you how you treat people each and every day when my injury happened and i'm watching this community rally around me so so awesome um you know i need 24-hour care And a lot of the stuff I need, like being turned every two hours. So that includes at night.
Starting point is 00:48:49 So at night, you know, at midnight, 2 a.m., 4 a.m., 6 a.m., I need to be turned onto my side and rolled over to my other side. And that's a two-person job. So we have friends. Most of everybody that's coming around are all gym members that actually spend the night at my house and then every two hours they wake up and help my wife turn me from side to side and to watch these people sacrifice you know
Starting point is 00:49:17 they're people with families, kids, I have a buddy who has five kids. I could imagine that many kids, but they still come over and they spend hours with me, you know, three times a week, or they'll spend a night with me when they have a four month old at home. They're still staying the night once a week to help me and to support me. And that's, talk about hum humbling that's big time everybody's life i know how busy life gets you know just because mine came to a screeching halt um and slowed down doesn't mean everybody else around me i mean you're so busy you only have so many hours of the day but now i have people that are that are donating and giving up three or four hours, three times a week or, or a whole night, three times a week. That's just huge.
Starting point is 00:50:13 And it's very, very humbling that people would do that. Yeah, that's wild wooden operation, huh? It's crazy. I mean, it's something you never think about. huh it's crazy I mean it's something you never think about I would never think about the inner workings of somebody that the quadriplegic or paralyzed or but once it happens to you it opens your eyes to a whole new world of how important like man how important my spouse is and that whole for better or for worse. I mean, we've been together for, we were married in 2006, but we've been dating since 2000.
Starting point is 00:50:59 So we've been together for 23 years and nobody would expect that life happens or something that would happen to where thankfully she's able to cash in sick days and take you know a couple months off of work but it's kind of amazing all the inner workings of this and how how much it takes just to take care of somebody um philip kelly's asking how long you've been a trainer was it 11 you you were you've been a cross. Was it 11? You've been a CrossFit coach for 11 years? I've been doing CrossFit for 11 years. I actually got my level one in 2016. In fact, I think you might have been there because it was the first time
Starting point is 00:51:36 Greg Glassman came in and gave his speech at a level one. It was in San Jose. I don't know where my picture is with coach Glassman, but, uh, he came in and I remember there was like 70 people in my level one. It was, you know, back in the day where they were able to be that large. Yeah. Um, we're in a CrossFit gym in San Jose and, uh, coach came and I believe you might have been there videotaping uh I was able to talk to you but I it was the first time Glassman was uh attending a level one and giving his I think it was the five buckets of death speech oh wow wow he actually
Starting point is 00:52:19 he actually taught a whole segment of our our level one and i remember our trainers telling us how big that was so i got my level one in 2016 and then from there um obviously uh i have a level two now and that's something that's a whole other thing that people need to talk more about to prospect coaches is how important that level two certification is because the level one is is groundbreaking and it you know it teaches you so many wonderful things but it basically tells the crossfit coach like how not to kill somebody right let's make sure we don't hurt these people we don't injure these people um but the level two is really telling them how to do it and that that was super big and and telling them how to do it.
Starting point is 00:53:04 That was super big. The whole CrossFit, that was at my level one there. That's awesome. What a crew. Look at that. It was an all-star crew. That was 2016 at my level one. I've been a
Starting point is 00:53:23 CrossFit coach since then. James, do you believe you're going to walk again? I do. And I know I'm not going to stop until I do. The work ethic I've had, obviously, doing CrossFit for the last 10 years, you know, it builds a certain work ethic. I'm not um my doctors you know three weeks in when they told me that uh the biggest thing it did was give me hope and it
Starting point is 00:53:53 gave me drive i already had the drive to get better but that hope of walking again and i remember one of my one of my physical therapists early on, my kids, I wasn't able to see my kids for the first three weeks. Being down in L.A. and they have age limits on visitations and hospitals. One of my nurses, I told her that my kids were in town at their aunt's house because they were and they were able to come see me but i remember my physical therapist was in the room and they walked in and the day after that she came back and she was real like kind of emotional about it i didn't understand why but after meeting my daughter who's 13 years old at the time she was 13 she's 14 now but um after meeting her uh my physical therapist told me you know there's time and i and i was like time for what she said there's time to walk
Starting point is 00:54:53 your daughter down the aisle and there's time to dance with her still at her wedding oh geez and that that really i didn't think about that yet you know there's so many other things to think about one my daughter's only 13 I'm not thinking about her wedding anytime soon. Um, but that, that right there gave me the drive to all definitely walk again. I'm not going to stop until I do. And, um, and I will walk her down the aisle one day. And that's, that's basically now that's my motivation. Now I might have to threaten her and threaten some guys to put off the wedding a little longer, but we might have to put that
Starting point is 00:55:32 into a contract, like she can't get married until I'm able to do that, but I do believe. How old are your kids? My daughter's 14 and I have a 12 year old son. How are they doing with this journey? This has gotta be a 12 year old son. Uh, how are they doing with it, with the, with this journey? This is, this has got to be a doozy for them. Uh, yeah, it is, you know, kids at that age, I'm not sure exactly how they're doing ever because, uh, you know, you have a teenage daughter in high school and, um, uh, my son just started junior high and, uh, you know know it's emotional journey for them as well because they
Starting point is 00:56:06 had this dad who's larger than life you know being a bigger guy and and since crossfit i've been super active in their lives right playing sports with them um doing everything with them you know uh we go on hikes we go on walks we go on bike rides um very active and going from that and being this big protector as a dad you know you have this giant dad who's six foot seven uh in decent shape at 290 pounds um 280 pounds you know that, that's, that's larger in life, dad, that's always going to protect you. And when you go from that to now, if I go, if I want to talk to dad, I have to go into his bedroom because he can't get out of his room because he's bedridden, you know, that's an emotional journey in itself. So I wish I could tell you how much it affected them, but honestly, I'm not quite sure yet.
Starting point is 00:57:07 I know it's difficult. And also, now my wife assumes the role of basically a single parent and a caregiver and all these other things that are lined up, a nurse, a physical therapist. She's still a speech therapist which is what her profession is but uh you know now she assumes all these extra roles with with no help and having to take care of myself as well so um really it is super it did affect him a lot i know it did because it did affect him a lot. I know it did because for one, it stole their summer break.
Starting point is 00:57:52 And if you're a kid in high school or in school, if you're like me, man, you live for summer break. And then basically at the start of summer, your dad's injured in a hospital in L.A. You don't see him for three weeks or a month, and then he gets moved to another hospital where you don't see him for three weeks or a month and then he gets moved to another hospital where you can't visit him um so yeah i had to affect him it probably has more effect than i'll ever see on him right um what what do they want to see what can you what do they want to see to know can you do that video let me go back a second that video it shows your feet on the ball and you're pulling the ball up towards
Starting point is 00:58:30 yourself that looks like a good sign are you doing that or are the people doing that or i'm doing that fully now at the time they were helping me um that's got to be a great sign right that's got to be just amazing yeah um actually like i tell, there's no measure sticks, but my wife's in all these support groups now. And actually with the ability that I have in my legs is very ahead of the curve. And it's kind of, I don't want to say unheard of, but it's very rare with how much movement and strength I have in my legs. So there you can see all the hands that are on the ball and on my feet I'm able to do that all by myself now now they do have to support my knee because uh you know that might shoot out to the side with
Starting point is 00:59:16 with a little more abductor control that I'm gaining but I can do that fully and we actually work on that single leg now which is a little more challenging so that's a big progress right there and like you can see it on my face right there that's killing me you know yeah uh i'm the with the ability that i have to do that now that we do with one leg at a time being able to control that ball in and out with my hamstrings and my abductors and my hips uh it's huge and that's a big progress um i do have great uh not great but i do have good quad strength right now um calf movement you know i can move um i can move my legs all the muscle all the major muscles in my legs,
Starting point is 01:00:07 the calves, the hamstrings, the quads. I have movement in all those, which is good, and it's kind of uncommon, I'll say. I don't want to say unheard of, like I said, but it's kind of uncommon for a spinal cord injury that's only three months in to have that much leg movement. So I will take that even though I, like I said earlier, there's not a measure stick, but when you hear people with common injuries that you're talking to in support groups and they're telling your wife, like, wait, he has, he has that much leg movement already, or he's already moving his fingers, you know, that makes me feel good. And that also gives and they're telling your wife like wait he has he has that much leg movement already or
Starting point is 01:00:45 he's already moving his fingers you know that makes me feel good and that also gives me more encouragement to yeah to work hard and and to keep driving and i know it'll stall out i know i'll have plateaus and even the the surgeons warned me of that um but they did say that you got to work through the plateau, even if it's like six months of no progress, you got to keep working your physical therapy. You got to keep working all your exercises because you can break through that and you could, you could continue to get better. Um, so that's one of the biggest things that drives me. And like you said earlier, definitely in my heart i feel like i'll walk again um yeah you need to prostitute yourself out i know you're not in control of
Starting point is 01:01:36 the phone but someone needs to be posting every single day and for two reasons and it just can be just quick and dirty right just point the phone film it james what did you do new today and if you're like nothing fine then just post it james what'd you do today i can blink seven times a minute now post it because there's going to be other people who have this injury who need to see the did i freeze uh you did oh now you're there what was that i froze when i go like that i froze What the fuck was that? Did you see I froze and there was a graphic on the screen? Yeah, it showed like a thumbs up.
Starting point is 01:02:13 It froze again? Can you hear me when it's frozen? Yeah. I can hear you, yeah. If I do that, StreamYard... What? That's cool This thing has hand gestures I mean now you make me even more jealous
Starting point is 01:02:30 I can't move my hands So listen For two reasons To help raise money Because people want to see progress right Yeah And then also this has to be documented Because the steps are so small So that someone can follow your journey Yeah. way we could raise ten thousand dollars and i'm just thinking like it wouldn't be much to ask
Starting point is 01:03:05 a thousand people who watch the show every day just to donate a dollar just to donate ten dollars be like hey can you and i can you just don't it's just a dollar a day for this for watching the show the show's free anyway so you might as well just don't i'd go every day so just donate a dollar a day for 10 days and if a thousand people do that, that's $10,000. That's just easy money. That doesn't, that doesn't affect anyone.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Yeah. You get to be a part of this huge thing and I'll definitely get with Sarah afterwards. This is this, this should be, I mean, I guess if it was easy, everyone would do it.
Starting point is 01:03:39 So it must not be easy, but it, but it should be, it should, there should be a thousand. I think we can do this i mean i think it's easy for people to have reach like yourself i mean you've built up this this community to be in the ceo and all you know thank you you built up this community one thing i gotta say though is we need to, for the larger people that are still working on their fitness, we could use a little bit more.
Starting point is 01:04:09 I need a 3X in that t-shirt. I've been trying to order one. Well, all the shirts, actually. Have Sarah send me your address, and I will send 3X CEO shirts. Vindicate will make them for you. This guy's so great travis bellinghausen housing yeah i mean the stuff that uh the stuff that he has on there all the shirts are freaking awesome um and uh yeah i'll definitely support that and rock those all day um but anyways yeah
Starting point is 01:04:39 with somebody that has your reach i think think it'd be totally doable. Um, and the hard part is, you know, as being a person like myself, it's hard to just kind of whore myself out, but it is something that I have to do because really, if I'm not going to do it for myself, then nobody else is going to do it. You know, so I'll definitely start posting more. I do need to do that. It's been on my heart for a while. People are going to want to know the littlest things. Yeah, James, people want to, Hey, today I moved my big toe. Thank you. Uh, you should, uh, I just wanted to let you know
Starting point is 01:05:12 that, um, people actually stay the night at my house to help roll me over. That's it. And then you can just post it. It can be, uh, those are, those are potent. Um, Here's the thing. Once I hear that someone's going to your house and staying the night sleeping on your couch and then getting up at 2, 4, and 6 to roll you over, I'm like, fuck, I'm giving 20 bucks. I can't even fucking believe someone's actually giving that much to you. That's giving.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Yeah, it is. That's hardcore. Yeah, all those stories are huge and it lets people know and people want to be a part of a um people want to be a part of a story a tragic story that has a happy ending where there's you know i mean like three years will go by like that and if you're up and walking and i got to see the whole thing and i could be like yeah i gave 10 bucks to that dude i'm like easy feel good points for me.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Yeah. And it's such a big thing. Like the amount that that affects somebody's life. I mean, just, just you're, you're literally changing the course of somebody's life and it's so easy. Like you said, and it makes you feel good. You know, anytime you serve somebody, anytime you help somebody, even if nobody knows about it, it makes you feel good. You know, anytime you serve somebody, anytime you help somebody, even if nobody knows about it,
Starting point is 01:06:27 it makes you feel good inside. And that's, I don't want to sound cheesy, but that's kind of priceless in itself. Right. I mean, that's the point of life. That's the whole entire point of life.
Starting point is 01:06:37 That's where all of happiness resides. It is. That's being a parent. I mean, kind of in a nutshell, right. Yeah. Being a parent,
Starting point is 01:06:44 being a coach. One thing I will tell anybody that's listening that coaches people is, man, pour yourself into them because you never know how much you're affecting somebody. I had people that reached out that dropped into my gym once. And I mean, I only had about an hour and a half interaction with this person. once and I mean I only had about an hour and a half interaction with this person and then once my injury happened they reached out and they donated a bunch of money to my go fund me and it's kind of crazy that you you you had one person drop into your gym uh I mean it was it was a couple but you have a couple drop into your gym and and you only have about an hour hour and a half interaction with this person but you're able to affect their life so much to at least where they remember you.
Starting point is 01:07:30 And they're able to, they want to reach out and help. And it's kind of, I mean, the community of CrossFit is unmatched. I can't think of any other community that would do things that the CrossFit community has done. I mean, it is humbling, and it's humbling to the point of it's like, I can't believe this is happening, you know, because you go from where all you're thinking about and all you're worried about at one point is surviving the next day and making sure that you're able to exist still.
Starting point is 01:08:08 You know, early on when I was getting a lot of support when this first happened, you know, the first couple weeks, and it was big and loud in the community, it's so humbling that it's really amazing. You know, people around the nation are talking about a simple crossfit coach from the central valley um and and before that my only claim to fame was coaching fluffy duck and that guy oh that's right anyways that's right josh josh josh yeah josh yeah he's a member of our gym he's a good friend of mine. And I love to talk crap about him. He's actually a great guy. So I can't really talk too much crap about him. But yeah, he before that, I mean, all I did was co-star in a couple of his videos. there i go to uh to this horrific accident but at the same time i'm able like you said to inspire people um you have you have simple things that are uh yeah
Starting point is 01:09:15 and i'll tell you one thing that guy's pretty fit too oh yeah yeah yeah yeah josh yeah he might play it off but when he actually gets down to it and actually works that dude's pretty fit um and i actually deserve an award for this one here because anytime you have a guy's junk in your face um right there, the payment on that video, there wasn't enough. So I'll tell you that right now. Uh, you know, Josh and Tammy know you, we know James to head judge at the central Valley throwdown. Such a good dude. So you were, you do head judging also.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Yeah. Yeah. Those guys were on my judge team for the for a comp um uh actually a competition castro dave castro came to one year uh in reedley california and it's central valley and it's a great competition i was the head judge there and josh tammy are great people they're both one of my judges i can count on. Can you bring me my wallet? I'm texting my wife. I was trying to donate to
Starting point is 01:10:29 GoFundMe right now and for some reason I guess I don't know my CRV or whatever code. Oh, the back numbers. Yeah, those things are a pain in the ass. Hey, they need to make it... You know the easiest way to buy anything is through Amazon. Whenever someone just has the option to pay using Amazon, I use it. You know the easiest way to buy anything is through Amazon.
Starting point is 01:10:45 Whenever someone just has the option to pay using Amazon, I use it. Is that the easiest way for you too? Oh, you can't buy anything. Can you not buy anything anymore? Dude, I can't do anything anymore. I haven't even been on Instagram in four months because I can't pick up my phone and scroll so like honestly anytime something cool happens you know what really killed me is uh the ability to watch the crossfit games in the hospital it's like non-existent man i had a a little ipad but i was doing therapy so trying to watch it you know second hand and
Starting point is 01:11:20 after the fact and didn't even know anything there People were coming in to visit me on Sunday. I have no idea of the leaderboard or anything and coming from a CrossFit coach that's been involved and cares so much about that stuff. That was a surreal moment where people come in and they're all asking me, hey, coach, what do you think about this? And I've only watched one event.
Starting point is 01:11:43 So it was kind of tough in the hospital to watch that. But you know what? It was pretty cool to see you there or to hear that you were there this year. Thanks for the good time. Thank you. And then actually one of the coolest things I thought was that Coach Glassman was there. Yeah, that was crazy. That was wild.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Yes. That was really cool. I couldn't believe it. That was crazy. That was wild. Yes. That was really cool. I couldn't believe it. My head coach went to the games and actually talked to Coach Glassman a little bit in the affiliate lounge. Talked to him about me and what I was going through. And then I was just super encouraged to see Coach Glassman there because it kind of will bulk you guys there. there because it kind of will both you guys there and actually with Dave being back involved in some aspect or hopefully a little bit more aspect so
Starting point is 01:12:31 the CrossFit Games kind of seems like that was really encouraging to think that like the games are coming back a little bit you know that's our head coach Joe actually a really good dude that's uh i could brag on him all day but um he's a great coach i mean um we do we do have a great staff it's a small staff uh but you know um joe and myself are full-time coaches. That's all we do for a living. We're there all the time. This girl, Cassie, looks like one of the listeners. It could be related to one of the listeners.
Starting point is 01:13:13 It doesn't look like her, but it looks like it could be her sister, Jamie Latimer. Oh, okay. Coach Cassie is amazing. All those coaches are great. Some of them are young and early on in their journey, but coming through with CrossFit coaches is harder than you think, especially when you're trying to hire. I don't know if anybody really knows this or not, but CrossFit coaches don't get paid a lot of money.
Starting point is 01:13:39 It is hard to make a living, but that's one of the understated things. I think that we should, I don't know how, I mean, I don't know how you'd fix that, but something that needs to be helped out to professionalize the CrossFit coach and get better coaches out there that are doing that job full-time that are able to devote the time and, and resources necessary to, to provide the best services is something that, um,
Starting point is 01:14:10 hopefully it would be compensated a little bit better, but that's a whole nother conversation. Um, uh, Mike, uh, pool boy, Joe is the man he's talking about.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Devaney, your head trainer, always loved throwing down with him at local competitions. The dude is fit as fuck for sure. He got that dad yeah joe's amazing he's uh what a smile is he is he fit as hell but um i'll tell you what that guy's smart man he's he's a guy that was like hey uh about a year ago he's like i'm gonna take the level three um uh test and i go all right are you gonna study for it he goes no i'm going to take it this weekend and i mean he just passed it first time um he just lives life
Starting point is 01:14:52 i'll tell you that much and the guy is so smart um he's a great asset to any any gym and he helped him and i run our crossfit gym we don't own the gym but um we run the day-to-day operations, and basically we complement each other well. But I'll tell you what, that guy, he does all of our programming, and yeah, it's a fit dude, but he's also a really smart dude and a great CrossFit coach. uh george united states marine corps there are studies that show that testosterone testosterone replacement therapy and electrally evoked resistance training enhanced muscle quality after spinal cord injury has been shown to increase skeletal muscle mass and improve metabolic prime here's the thing that's going to be true with or without skeletal injury i'm what i'm just thinking is there's got to be something that makes the the cords plug in faster and i'm glad you're you've you've embarked on peptides right i mean you don't need to be
Starting point is 01:15:50 stronger you need access to the fucking to the parts right yeah yeah i need the signal that can go from my brain and the muscles to to connect faster that's the that's a problem and one of the other things i'm so early in my in my journey you know four months you think like oh a lot could happen in four months you know there's a guy that could lose 50 or 60 pounds starting crossfit in four months and that's huge but when you deal with spinal cord injuries and when you're dealing with your nerves um it doesn't happen fast. And that's the problem.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Like even the peptides just started about a week and a half ago because I'm not able to get those when I was in the hospital. And there's a lot of things that aren't. When you're in the hospital, you know, traditional medicine isn't always, I don't want to say the best, but there's all these other things that you could try like with that uh gentleman that um was talking about with electro uh therapy and um you know there's stem cells that also i could be able to do and there's uh you know the peptides i just started i i have I, I have IV. Um, I get IV bags once a week with nutrition and nutrients to help me, um, absorb proteins better because those are the number one things
Starting point is 01:17:13 that's going to help my wound heal faster. Yeah. Not only my wound, it's going to support my body in a way that's going to, I mean, I would think it has to help my nerves heal faster as well. You know, the better that your body's running and the healthier fuel you're putting in your body, the cleaner you're eating, that has to help. I don't know all the studies on that because, like I said, nobody ever thinks about spinal cord injuries until they happen to you or somebody that you know.
Starting point is 01:17:43 about spinal cord injuries until they happen to you or somebody that you know. But doing those things and putting better fuel in your body, better food, better nutrients, those have to help you heal faster, I would think. Are you, Dave, a claims-free hybrid driving university grad who signed up online? Well, Dave, this jingle's for you. Who says with TD Insurance because he's a claims-free hybrid driving university grad Well, Dave, this jingle's for you. Not Dave? No problem. TD Insurance has over 30 ways to save on home and auto. So... Save like only you can at slash ways to save.
Starting point is 01:18:24 TD. Ready for you. This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list,
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Starting point is 01:19:03 You're going to be in a cast for six weeks, and then you're just going to do a little bit of rehab and you're going to be fine. Spinal cord injuries, or it could take a year. It could take five years. It could take seven years. Um, but it all depends on, on really, I don't want to say luck, but the rebuilding of those nerves that nobody really has control over. James, you can't text either, can you? No. Well, I do. Siri is a lifesaver, really. I'll talk about technology. I could all have, even in the the hospital the nurse would put my phone on my chest
Starting point is 01:19:47 I could text Siri talk to text and I could make phone calls but that's about it if somebody's like I want to FaceTime you I can't do that unless I have somebody that's going to hold the phone up for me same thing with Instagram if you guys have an instagram problem all you
Starting point is 01:20:08 have to do to help kick it is is just become a quadriplegic and then uh you won't be on instagram anymore hey who said you who said are you looking into an ipad right now yes i am looking into an ipad right now who set that up for you? My wife. She actually bought this attachment that when I was in the hospital like I was telling you how hard it was to watch CrossFit games. She bought this attachment that attaches to the side of a bed
Starting point is 01:20:35 frame and it has this metal cord thing that comes up and holds an iPad. That's how I was able to watch anything streaming when i was in the hospital because they only gave you about eight channels and um none of them were worth a damn but uh yeah so right now i'm gonna i i um i have this attached to my hospital bed that's in my house and and it's holding up my iPad for us.
Starting point is 01:21:05 She set it up perfect because some people, so when you look at it, your eyes are open. When my mom FaceTimes with my kids, she holds the phone down low, so wherever she holds it, it looks like her eyes are closed. I'm like, Mom, put the phone up. It looks like they're talking to someone who's asleep. But your wife set up a perfect angle.
Starting point is 01:21:23 She knows what she's doing. Yeah, she does. Feel free to grab my phone your, your wife set up a perfect angle. She knows what she's doing. Yeah. Feel free to grab my phone number from your wife. She got it. Feel free to text me anytime. Stay in touch. I'd love to stay in touch with you and anything you ever want to plug any, anything you want to shoot the shit about. I like having guests back on for like 10 or 15 minutes at a time, sprinkle them into shows. You're always welcome.
Starting point is 01:21:44 I love that. That's amazing, man. I'm a big fan. And like I said, on for like 10 or 15 minutes at a time, sprinkle them into shows. You're always welcome. That's amazing, man. I'm a big fan. And like I said, I've listened to a lot of your, a lot of your podcasts. Um, there's nobody that does it better. I mean, I can't believe you have the energy and, and, uh, how many podcasts you put out is actually amazing. It's hard to keep up as a listener. It's, uh, almost a full-time job. Even if you're not watching them, could you just push play and run them in the background, loop them so I get ad revenue? Thank you. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 01:22:13 All right, James. I have a feeling we'll be in touch. I will definitely reach out to Sarah Souser. I will reach out to Sarah today. I want to just try to do something fun, flex the power of the podcast a little bit and see what we can do. We've never done that in two years. I can't remember actually ever getting behind anything. I kind of dread doing it because like,
Starting point is 01:22:34 I don't want this to be like an obituary podcast or you know what I mean? Like I don't want it to be like that, but man, dude, you're definitely one of the homies. Uh, the, the fact that you're still recruiting people to come to your affiliate from your hospital bed is crazy. Like, you're the man. You're the real thing, dude. I mean, there's only a few things you could do and only a few things in life you have control over, right? But a couple things I like to tell everybody that I've came into contact through both the hospitals and even people well, people that come to my house already know, but
Starting point is 01:23:05 everybody that ever came into my hospital room, they knew when I was a Christian and they knew that I was a CrossFit coach. And if they were Fresno and they were local, they were getting a free week or two. I wasn't above bribing people with free week of CrossFit membership, because, you know, once we get them through the door it's not even hooking them it's just it's giving them the ability to improve their lives like you said before if somebody's doing CrossFit they're going to be the best nurse in the hospital they're going to be the best doctor in the hospital they're going to be the best teacher so on and so forth just because their ability to put themselves through challenging situations
Starting point is 01:23:49 and then prove themselves, work on their weaknesses, and just work hard, put their nose to the grindstone. Well, it's awesome, dude. You're representing, and I know we're going to talk again. And thank you very much for coming on the show and sharing your story yeah I appreciate it so long thank you so much all right dude take care I'll talk to you soon all right thanks bye-bye
Starting point is 01:24:12 bye Mr. Sharnick crazy crazy crazy crazy I'm trying to I want to give the money now before I forget like it's the kind of thing, if I get it from this chair, I'll never do it again. Expiration date, 11-23. Oh, CVV number.
Starting point is 01:24:40 Let's just spew all that. Should I ask my wife before I give him a hundred bucks? There are quite a few people that were donating, like people that we know people in the CrossFit space. It's pretty cool. But if I just, I'm just going to donate like a dollar 50. Every cent,
Starting point is 01:25:00 every dollar counts. Hey, should I donate? Should I change it to, I wonder if I could donate one penny. Let me see if there's a minimum. I feel like GoFundMe would take like 50% of that penny.
Starting point is 01:25:15 Dude, I can't get into the cents. No. The donation must be five bucks. Damn. Wow. I was going to really donate one penny. I wonder if they have a least given because i know they do like a most like the most donated yeah like that's funny yeah this isn't enough numbers mike something's wrong Oh, all right. I hate donating money.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Update my card. Yeah. Oh, and then it says now help spread the word by. OK, so then I copy this and I just paste it in the comments. Yeah. I took the tip down to zero. Is that a douche move? I'm sure I have not said that out loud.
Starting point is 01:26:12 Are people going to be like, call the cops, take your tip to zero? No, they were talking about, somebody said in the comments, they're like, what the fuck? GoFundMe asked for tips. That's ridiculous. Yeah. Oh, I'll totally sell these bags of weed. I'll totally sell these bags of weed. I'll totally sell these bags of weed. Listen, listen.
Starting point is 01:26:31 These four bags of weed. I don't know how old this weed is. And I don't know how legal this is. No, I won't sell them. Sorry. I won't sell them. If I take two, I will not sell these bags of weed. That would be completely irresponsible. But if there's some way to. Yeah. Shit weed. Yes. of weed. That would be completely irresponsible. But if there's some way to...
Starting point is 01:26:47 Yeah, shitweed. Yes, shitweed. That's fine. Homegrown shitweed. I will be happy to donate. Let's take a look at these bags. Let's take a look at these. I have four big bags of shitweed that have been in here for years.
Starting point is 01:27:02 Big old nuggies. Big old nuggies big old nugget oh marijuana um three-year-old dusty loose buds if hey if i just if i could probably if i stepped on this it would probably turn into dust you're right but big old nuggies big if these were titties, these would be D-cup. D-cup titties. Big ol' huge nipples. I got a... It doesn't even smell like anything anymore.
Starting point is 01:27:38 I got four big ol' bags. And, um... Uh... I don't know. Maybe I should donate... Maybe I should donate those to the biggest donors. Is that how I do it? Someone help me figure this out. How do I go back? I want to see. I donated because I want attention. Because I want attention. Because I want attention.
Starting point is 01:28:09 You know that'll show up to the public, right? That's fine. Fuck people. Thank you, though. I appreciate you warning me before I fuck myself. Takes opportunity to finish creating an account. I don't know. Skip to fundraiser. Let me see if my... Where's my donation? Oh, Mike McCaskey gave money already?
Starting point is 01:28:32 Donald Cordley gave... Oh, no. Just Mike McCaskey. Oh, I see my shit. Whoa, dude. Someone gave five grand a pizza parlor. Yeah, crazy, right? Yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:28:44 See all donations. Oh, crazy, right? Yeah, that's cool. See all donations. Oh, Judy Reed gave money. Anonymous gave money. Anonymous. Eric Weiss. Jeffrey Birchfield. Heidi Kroom. Rory Marlow. Austin Hartman. Jennifer Kaiswetter. Anonymous. Miss
Starting point is 01:28:59 Radau. Ryan Lesnodak Trevor Trevor Ponikowski Anonymous Mike McCaskey, Kevin McAdams We went on a little run
Starting point is 01:29:18 Yeah Reunited the page I'm in big trouble I just spent next week's grocery money look at Adler Good gave a G CrossFit Solano gave 300 look at this guy
Starting point is 01:29:34 Marcus Rivera how did he choose that number 37 35 why not just 37 I don't know yeah that's cool 37-35. Why not just 37? I don't know. Yeah, that's cool. Jamie Hagia.
Starting point is 01:29:54 Did you see that? Miss Hagia. That's what Chadburn's in there, too, I think, somewhere. Oh, an Armenian guy. Armenian guy. Ralph Boyajian. Of course. Of course. Hail to my peeps. Hey,
Starting point is 01:30:09 that's stupid. Uh, that's, oh, wait, another Armenian. Oh, Bethany Shadburn with 600.
Starting point is 01:30:18 Holy shit. Alison Krikorian. Johanna would. Would what? krikorian johanna wood would what would donate oh look at this mccaskey doing this sleuthing um odd odd number could have been foreign currency conversion yeah all right uh seven's volunteer weed plant from three years ago. I can't make that a fucking habit. Give me money to my fucking guests. He's fucking lucky.
Starting point is 01:31:00 He got invited to the show. Didn't it be the other way around? He should be giving me money? Yeah. Come on. James, have your wife send me 5% of that. 3%. 3%.
Starting point is 01:31:11 Humbly, I ask for 3%. I would kill my wife if she gave away our money. What are you doing? I'm fucking nuts I Had to change the road caster again at the beginning of the show, can you fucking believe that? Roadcaster number 20. I just went back. I just plugged in the broken one. The one that wasn't working last time.
Starting point is 01:31:50 Oh, okay. That's such a cool feature. Oh, wow. That's ridiculous. What if you wave? Haley. Oh, shit. Where's my wife? Haley. Hello. Sorry. Fuck. Haley oh shit where's my wife Haley hello sorry
Starting point is 01:32:27 Fuck Haley hi Oh sorry I don't know why it's not working I don't know why the roadcaster is not working Hey Um I donated a hundred dollars To our guest today Oh you're okay alright good Okay thank you don't don't that's our donation for the year don't give to any more causes i know you want to i know you want to give to some jewish
Starting point is 01:32:54 fun now probably it's too late all right bye bye oh my phone's not even of course this this thing's not even working Bye. Oh, my phone's not even, of course, this thing's not even working. Dude. Dude. All, go back to anyone you know. And go back to their June 20th. Instagram post. June 20th.
Starting point is 01:33:30 2020. And look in their Instagram. June 20, 2020. Those are all baby killers. Those are all people who condone baby killing. If you see the black square. Have you seen that? Black Lives Matter has made an official stance. They condone the beheading of the babies in israel did you see that 40 babies those guys killed 40 babies including beheading several of them
Starting point is 01:33:55 i didn't see that and so so basically when i when i think of blm i think of uh the democratic party When I think of BLM, I think of the Democratic Party. Oh, Mason Mitchell, they've mostly been deleted. Yeah, BLM completely condones it. How did you not know? Who posted the black square back then that knew? BLM Chicago backs Palestinian after Hamas terror attack invasion. Dude, they posted a picture of a paraglider.
Starting point is 01:34:25 Like they supported the terrorists coming in on paragliders. And beheading the babies. How stupid are you. That you thought Black Lives Matter was a good idea. What a fucking dummy you have to be. It's gone now. Go to BLM. I have the link. it's like BLM Chicago So you basically
Starting point is 01:34:48 You didn't know that Black Lives Matter Would mean that it's anti every other lives You don't You don't understand the duality in that That that means Hurt everyone else You didn't figure that out You didn't figure it out that it would come to this you
Starting point is 01:35:08 didn't know that these were the people you were endorsing are you what how stupid are you basically seriously i don't think it's a monumental leap. Remember, the Palestinians yesterday in Australia were chanting. And Greg doesn't like me to mix Palestinians with Hamas, but like. Gas the Jews. I have lots of Palestinian friends, by the way. One of my dearest friends in town is Palestinian. Great businessman. Awesome dude.
Starting point is 01:35:44 Love him. Great to my family. Great to my family. Great to my family. Unfortunately, he's not gay. Sorry. But he checks the Palestinian box. Straight as fuck. God, he's got a lot of beautiful kids too.
Starting point is 01:35:59 You can't chant. You can't support an organ. So Black Lives Matter supports gas the Jews and beheading babies, and they use the same platform to gather money. That's the platform that the Democratic Party uses, that ActBlue platform. And they're in complete cahoots, the way Morning Chalk Up is with kettlebells and cocktails. Cahoots? Cahoots.
Starting point is 01:36:24 It's a nice partnership i like it what the fuck dude how did you so so you can i think it i think it's i think it's fair like to just to go to all those people now who have the black school earthquake earthquake earthquake I think it's fair to go to all those people now and be like yo what's up you down with the baby killing I want to show you I want to show you the picture that Black Lives Matter posted. It's fucking wild, dude.
Starting point is 01:37:13 It's like basically, I don't understand how it could be any more supportive of baby killing. Look at it. These guys came in on parachutes and beheaded babies. There it is Wow Crazy right What are they doing Listen
Starting point is 01:37:35 You can't have it It can't be the other way around either No one can be supporting the beheading of babies There's no baby that should have their head Severed Either way Savvy do you still not believe in evil I just I don't know what believable is evil
Starting point is 01:37:58 Is I just need we're gonna Define it as choppy being Okay with chopping baby's heads off Hey, and you know what's crazy? I've been watching tons of news, right? I've been going over to like, I'm trying to figure out what all the fucking libs are saying. And their only response was, the Israelis did it to us. So it's okay for them to do it back?
Starting point is 01:38:20 I'm just like, dude, I'm not beheading anyone's baby, no matter what. No matter, like, even if you did the worst thing to my kids, I'm not beheading anyone's baby no matter what. No matter like even if you did the worst thing to my kids, I'm not beheading your baby. Wow, dude. Wow. So you signed up to support BLM and you didn't know back. How did the rest of us know, by the way? Hey, a bunch of us knew that you didn't need the injection. We knew. And we knew that BLM was a violent, vile, racist organization, Marxist organization that would kill in order to achieve whatever agenda it needed to achieve, including beheading babies. We knew that. including beheading babies we knew that it's not here's the thing mike i don't think it's a scam mike mccaskey blm was a scam it wasn't a scam people were afraid to just stand up against it they were afraid to be like yo it's not a scam it's a real fucking organization that leverages the color of people's skin and their insecurity around it to fucking cause harm on other people.
Starting point is 01:39:25 It is nasty, dude. If I'm a black person, I fucking, if I'm melanated, I'm terrified of this organization. They're leveraging people based on their skin color to do horrible shit like condone baby killing. It's crazy. It's crazy. Did you see what Sotomayor said, the basketball player? Let me see if I can find that. He's like, fuck you, BLM.? The basketball player? Let me see if I can find that. He's like, fuck you, BLM.
Starting point is 01:39:47 It's good shit. Let me see if I can find it. Sotomayor? Sotomayor. What did I say? Sotomayor? Yeah. I think Sotomayor is like the Supreme Court.
Starting point is 01:39:56 I think it's a... Let me see if I can find the... Let me see if I can find it. Oh, here it is. I think it's 166. Fuck BLM. Oh, yeah. Here it is. Sorry. I didn't even send you the notes. I got it. I'll pull it up. Okay.
Starting point is 01:40:29 Stoudemire destroys Black black lives matter announces he stands with israel you don't even have to stand with israel by the way i don't know who you're supposed to stand with but you can't sever babies heads i woke up man this morning with some disturbing news out of israel that hamas kidnapping children putting them in cages, killing women, killing an elderly. That's some coward shit. That's cowardly. And for all y'all Black Lives Matter who ain't saying nothing, well, let me figure out exactly what happened before I say anything. Fuck you. Figure out what?
Starting point is 01:41:04 It ain't never been cool to kidnap kids and put them in cages. They ain't never been cool to kill women and elderly. Never been. No matter where you from, what you represent, what tribe you for, it don't matter. They ain't never been no cool. They ain't never been nothing that nobody supported. And then you go and hide and put the kids in front of you as a barricade. That's some coward shit.
Starting point is 01:41:25 All you politicians who always have something to say on the contrary, I see you. Fuck you. All you Black Lives Matter people who always have something to say and always support everything else and you quiet now, fuck you too. Only place in the world where I can go and study Torah and eat kosher food. Only place in the world.
Starting point is 01:41:47 Some coward shit dog and all y'all support it. Fuck you My mama will will respect none of y'all for that These say from his mama to fuck you from his mama to we don't support any of that. I think so Dude hey dude hey i know but i but i white skin but i but i'm a white i'm a white skin black you are black i know but i but i do i do a white face i'm black but i do white face keep it on the low holy shit blm how did you not know so like could we we could probably i want to go to like some crossfit athletes instagram page right now and see if they
Starting point is 01:42:36 got the black square there what waterproof that that's is that an organization i don't want to like call anyone out i just want to look on my? I don't want to call anyone out. I just want to look on my own. I don't want to pull it up on the screen. I want to give them a minute to pull their head out of their ass. Is Wadproof? What is Wadproof? They're like a mobility app, I think.
Starting point is 01:42:57 They do movement assessments and stuff. Okay. I'm going to their... I mean, I'm not going to theirs. I'm going to their I mean I'm not going to theirs I'm going to some Instagram oh they got the fucking Wokorazzi of athletes on here so these are
Starting point is 01:43:15 all these athletes are baby killing condone baby killing they got everyone you better pull Ariel Lowen off there she ain't no baby killer I tell you that I know that for a fact. Let me go back. Holy shit. It's like their most recent post.
Starting point is 01:43:31 They got a black square in their most recent post? Yeah, go to their Instagram page. Oh, shit. Post it like this morning or something. No, no, I don't see it. It's the CrossFit Games champion. Are you looking at Wadproof? Oh, no, no, no, no. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 01:43:50 Fine, bring it up, bring it up. Let me see. All right, here we go. Let me see this. No, they have We Stand With Israel. Isn't that what you're looking for? Black Square? No, no, no, no. Okay. No, no, no, no. Okay. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:44:08 Remember that Black Square that people posted on June 20th, 2020, that says we support BLM? That one. Yeah. So you support an organization that we all knew was a hateful organization
Starting point is 01:44:24 that's openly caused thousands of extra deaths of melanated people in the last few years. And now they're condoning the beheading of babies. That's the part I'm tripping on. And yet you could go to like, you know, you could go to that top 40 list of CrossFit Games Athletes and half of them will have the black square Holy shit Sorry Wadproof we didn't mean to throw you in the bus you're good people Love you sorry
Starting point is 01:44:58 Misunderstanding And you know what and I was actually looking at the CrossFit game On Instagram Poor WAD proof No they got a we stand with Israel Good shit's on But these people are probably Jews In recent days Israel has endured some of its darkest hours
Starting point is 01:45:16 The country has fallen victim to an unprecedented Extremely brutal terrorist attack But they did it to us first Show me Show me I want to see but they did it to us first show me show me I want to see show me where they did it to you first too I want to see and by the way that doesn't mean you do it to them hey
Starting point is 01:45:35 there was yesterday they were someone was saying that they were kept in cages I went to the BLM site and looked at all the stupid shit they say about Gaza and Palestine too they said that those 2.4 million people who live there were kept in cages. First of all, a hundred thousand of them every single day commute into Israel for work. Also Israel told them yesterday time to leave. Now you may say, fuck you. I ain't leaving my house. Cool. I get it. But they're saying leave and they're saying leave that way sat down through
Starting point is 01:46:07 egypt and uh um i'm leaving i'm like if if uh japanese subs pull up to the fucking coast the west western coast uh and they start fucking firing on the coast, I'm out of here. I ain't staying. I might, I might die. I got one, raise my kids. I'm not dying. Like to fight for my fucking, uh,
Starting point is 01:46:31 going to Idaho, Idaho, Utah. How dare you? Um, opposed to black square equals equals i'm an idiot i appreciate the disclosure on their part i know it's worse than they're an idiot seven rich posted a black square oh please tell me it's not true so someone probably someone uh Someone probably posted it for them. Don't make assumptions.
Starting point is 01:47:07 What do you mean don't make assumptions? Don't make assumptions, Seve. About what? Okay, I won't. But, hey, listen. I'm going to go down to this coffee shop today at the bottom of my street, and they're going to have a BLM sign in the window.
Starting point is 01:47:24 And I'm not going to assume, but I know at that point that they're okay with the beheading of babies because they've gone out of their way to support an organization that's condoning the beheading of little babies. Severing the head of a baby dude I thought that was like Strictly the Domain of abortion clinics In the United States Oh about Wadproof Don't assume they're Jews That was tongue in cheek
Starting point is 01:48:01 They've been warning and committing atrocities against each other for a long time. They're both totally correct to consider each other terrorists from their own perspectives. Dildo. Oh, God. Rich posted one. Say it ain't so. I know. I'm not going to say it ain't so either.
Starting point is 01:48:25 That dumbass obese to beast guy made a huge doodoo about sponsoring BLM and bashing anyone that said all lives matter. I just stopped following him immediately. Oh, Nelly. Obese to beast.
Starting point is 01:48:48 I wonder if I can scroll down to June 20th on his account why would this dude play the victim didn't this dude take total control of his life personal accountability and responsibility he doesn't want anyone else to do that he just wants to play the victim yeah that makes sense. This guy also might be just a populist.
Starting point is 01:49:09 That's the problem with social media. It'll just turn people into... Just follow whatever trend is... They have no morals or values or any of that stuff. Let me see. I'm going to go see if... Let me see. I'm going to go see if... Let me see. I'm at April of
Starting point is 01:49:27 2020. This guy was on the CrossFit podcast when I was doing the CrossFit podcast there. He's probably one of the worst guests we ever had, to be completely honest. Really? Why? I... one of the worst guests we ever had to be completely honest really why um there was something about him that was um
Starting point is 01:49:53 pretty entitled he was he would have you ever had a friend who put on like 5 000 instagram followers and all of a sudden their whole persona changes? No, I can imagine what that experience was. Yeah, it was kind of like that. I don't see a black box on this dude's thing. Oh, yeah. Oh, if he did, he changed it. I'm looking at June 22nd, 2020.
Starting point is 01:50:22 Yeah, if he'd had one he's erased it oh let's see yeah I don't see I don't yeah I don't see it maybe he erased it Yeah, I don't see it. Maybe he erased it. Oh, oh, oh, here we go. Oh, shit. Yeah, he is a black guy. So he's posted a picture of himself with his niece,
Starting point is 01:51:11 his niece, who's a black girl, melanated skin girl on his shoulders, says today I was able to march with my niece to fight for equality. I believe black lives matter and hashtag black lives matter. I wonder if he's rethinking that now. What do you think about all the all the money that they donated to the good causes? Oh, wait, they didn't. They didn't donate money to good causes. They kept the money that they donated to the good causes oh wait they didn't they didn't donate uh money to good causes they kept the money they extorted it what do you think about the fact uh that they support the beheading of babies the irony is is he has a little child on his shoulder in that picture damn how did you not know? I was stupid once too.
Starting point is 01:51:49 I shouldn't say that. I remember thinking affirmative action was cool and I never once was like, oh, but that means some white kids don't get to go to college. I never thought of it like that. Oh, Philip Kelly. He woke as fuck. Hashtag baby killer.
Starting point is 01:52:11 Oh, he has a BLM section? This guy has a BLM section? Oh, shit. Oh, my God. Oh, there it is. This guy's celebrating George. Well, here we go Well that makes sense
Starting point is 01:52:26 If you're celebrating George Floyd You are a world class scumbag Please I can't breathe My stomach hurts, my neck hurts Everything hurts, they're going to kill me Dude, obese to beast He said that at all three of his prior arrests You know that right
Starting point is 01:52:42 The I can't breathe thing And you know he said that when he's in the back of the car And they took him out of the car And called an ambulance at all three of his prior arrests. You know that, right? The I can't breathe thing. And you know he said that when he's in the back of the car and they took him out of the car and called an ambulance. That's what most criminals do. What can't keep happening? You can't allow people...
Starting point is 01:52:55 The only thing that the cops were guilty of is allowing him to eat the fent... They should have grabbed the fentanyl out of his hand. He ate it. All three of his previous arrests, he ate the drugs. There's video of it.
Starting point is 01:53:04 You can see it and you can read the doctor's report. He ate the drugs. And so he was having a reaction to it. Anti-racism activist Jane Elliott leaves white audiences speechless with brilliant questions about race. Oh, here we go. Here, let me see what this guy's, let me see what he's saying. is great wow seeing the blackout and are posting uh black lives matter and if you are someone that is going to go on those posts and write hashtag all lives matter you are 100 choosing to be ignorant in this if you have not seen the explanations of the thousands of people that are saying just because you say Black Lives Matter, no one is saying any other life doesn't matter. Except for the Black Lives Matter movement is saying that. Do you get how he's telling? Is that the whole basis for the Black Lives Matter movement? That's the whole basis for the Black Lives Matter.
Starting point is 01:53:57 And they're saying it now, dude. They're saying it now. They're basically telling you now We don't care about babies dying Do you not see that? It doesn't matter what you think It matters what the organization is portraying themselves as It's an expansion of their Choosing to go on those posts
Starting point is 01:54:16 And you are choosing to write All Lives Matter You are choosing to be ignorant It is not hard to find this information Who's choosing to be ignorant? ignorant it is not hard to find this information who's choosing to be ignorant this is what a racist child looks like by the way this is this is what happens when you've been indoctrinated man what a what a joker oh here we go this uh this says um thank i've gotten a few messages saying thank you for not being afraid to speak up about this uh i'm so grateful for your kind words uh dude it was the
Starting point is 01:54:55 populist thing to say everyone was doing it and still to this day anyone who stands up against it gets hated on what i mean you didn't do anything brave you jumped on the bandwagon let me guess you live in california what a ding-dong this is like he's trying to suck his dick his own dick publicly i bet you i bet you he takes this whole thing down within within a week now that now that he's been exposed for being a condoning baby, the beheading of babies. Oh, maybe that's why he's afraid. Phillip, if he's in Florida, maybe that's why he's afraid. If he's in Florida Maybe that's why he's afraid
Starting point is 01:55:43 She was shot in the face By a rubber bullet And so you want to raise $85,000 for her Jeez Louise Wow Jeez Louise If I'm this dude Get better today
Starting point is 01:56:00 I fucking ask you to take my shit off Your fucking baby killing website wow i don't know i don't think it's any i don't think it's any big leap of faith at all or a leap of faith a leap of uh logic at all blm posting all sorts of stuff newsweek even posted something about it being like oh shit shit, BLM done stepped out on this one. By the way, there's lots of politicians that said dumb shit in the beginning that are trying to walk it back. Let me see if I can find the Newsweek article here. What a mess black lives matter borders of black lives matter blm movement expressed distaste for the organization on
Starting point is 01:56:58 tuesday after blm chapter shared a statement supporting palestinian people by the way they didn't suggest support palestinian people they posted pictures of the terrorists coming into cartoon images of the terrorists coming into behead the babies i've been a black lives matter supporter since the beginning you fucking moron that ends today wrote uh natalie w wrote Natalie W. And so Natalie Whitlock. In a statement posted on social media, the Black Lives Matter grassroots chapter responded to the ongoing fighting between Hamas militants and Israel Defense Force,
Starting point is 01:57:42 saying, as the world is faced with deep questions about self-determination as well as desire and pray for a world of peace, we must stand unwaveringly on the side of the oppressed. Playing the victim. Well, given that, no matter what, they want to play the victim. They are not giving up that stance. When people have been subject to decades of apartheid and unimaginable violence their resistance must not be condemned But understood as desperate act of self-defense. What about what about the um, the the largest act of crime in the united states is black
Starting point is 01:58:17 On black crime by far. There's no second place not even close How about that? Two shits they give two shits about that. Which undermines everything that they're saying here. Everything. And categorizing people by the color of their skin is fucking racist and you're a scumbag if you do it. I'll still be your friend. But it doesn't mean you're not a scumbag.
Starting point is 01:58:39 Some people have a problem being my friend when they know that I know they're a scumbag. You shouldn't. I'm so okay with... I such i'm chill i'm cool as long as you don't hurt kids i we can do a lot of shit still together i help you work through your shit black lives matter grassroots stand in solidarity with our palestinian family who are currently resisting 57 years of settler colonialism and apartheid. Remember, they posted this the day that the Hamas people beheaded babies. They killed 40 babies in that first attack. By the way, they didn't kill the baby. How they killed the babies is with their hands, with guns and with their hands, like face-to-face.
Starting point is 01:59:26 Like it happened in those kibbutzes. It wasn't with the rockets. As a radical black organization grounded in a ballin ball and ish a ball and ish a ball and ish abolitionists ideals good lord someone someone tell my wife i just had a stroke on the air we see clear parallels between black and palestinian people oh you do do you oh you do huh fucking you? Oh, you do, huh? Fucking idiots. Dude, jibber jabber. Well, I see clear parallels between all people, which makes me better than you. Man, these guys are scumbags.
Starting point is 02:00:23 Wow, I've supported this movement from the beginning Phone calls, emails, money Wow wow barbaric murderers Women, children raped and paraded Named, infants taken from their parents Elderly murdered live on Facebook Oh yeah did you see that what they did on Facebook What broadcast
Starting point is 02:00:38 Murdering people's families On their own Instagram account so the families Could see it I take your phone I kill you Your family sees it on your facebook page yeah it's crazy post that black square let me know listen if you're one of those idiots who did that and you and just and you need to you need me like like a Catholic. Like I can forgive you.
Starting point is 02:01:07 If you want me to like take you into a confession stand and like do you, I'll do you. Do you good? Yeah. I mean, I'm great at taking confession. I've heard one affiliate apologize to Greg. One. That dude in Florida. One.
Starting point is 02:01:28 Remember the dude who came from Cuba? Oh, yeah. I think I wore his shirt yesterday, actually. I can't remember what gym that was called. Like CrossFit Light or something? L-Y-T-E? Yeah. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 02:01:44 I think it was T E. Yeah. Yeah. You're right. I think it was that one. Seven needs an interpreter. Romans hottie will be free next year. She says. Like, I just need someone who's literate who can read for me. let me see if you can do it you you do it oh nice
Starting point is 02:02:23 uh caved astral light holy shit did you see caved astral uh uh oh nice uh cave dastro like holy shit did you see cave dastro uh uh
Starting point is 02:02:29 let's let's did you see cave dastro's bucket throw yeah it was great you want to pull it up oh
Starting point is 02:02:36 I froze can you hear me when I'm frozen I can hear you oh dude that's amazing the storm jeez Can you hear me when I'm frozen? I can hear you. Oh. Dude, that's amazing. The storm.
Starting point is 02:02:49 Jeez. I know. I agree. It's a little silly, but whatever. Very nice. Yeah, this is crazy, dude. I'm not sure. I'm not sure how I feel if this is... First of all, turn the music off.
Starting point is 02:03:05 Wait, go back. I want to count the paces. Okay. Okay. Ready? I need to click. Okay, yeah, go. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.
Starting point is 02:03:34 Okay. 20 and some change maybe wow wow that's stupid wow that's so good wow dude i love he's wearing an orange ski mask. Hey, dude, here's what makes me think it's bullshit. Like, he practiced a lot. Yeah. Because there's already rocks in it, so that means he knocked it over a couple times. He's like, okay, I gotta put something heavy in the bottom. Sure.
Starting point is 02:04:04 My pool boy, you got big dicked. That's one way of putting it. Oh my God. Great. Dude.
Starting point is 02:04:20 And here's another thing. I love his yard too. It's huge. And here's another thing. I love his yard, too. It's huge. Man. Eric Weiss, and he's taller, so he's definitely further away.
Starting point is 02:04:36 Those overalls are so fucking tight on him. He probably has a smaller gait than me. I don't know. I think it's a great throw, dude. Chris, I think it's... Dude, it's... I can't evenris i think it's dude it's i can't even believe it it's so beautiful and smooth he doesn't even fool around back there like i was like tripping i was like oh i'm i'm not even like i was so insecure in mind look at it doesn't even like skin the bucket either. It just goes straight in. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:05:08 That's good. John Wick, I'll be in Budapest tomorrow. Want me to relay anything to Laura? Does she like older guys and what does she think about polygamy? Man. Dildo. I love his yard the most dad thing To say ever
Starting point is 02:05:28 Oh geez Uh Mike McCaskey 22 paces 2.5 feet per pace 55 feet Yeah I'm disqualifying it for that Um Yeah, I'm disqualifying it for that. COVID. I have COVID. All right.
Starting point is 02:05:53 Shit. Crazy. Tomorrow, Darren Hunsucker on. Wow. Oh, I'm looking at a text from Jedediah Snelson. Wheel wads November 30th to December 3rd. That's like, oh, that's far away. Okay. I'm going to start. I'm looking at a text from Jedediah Snelson. Wheelwads November 30th to December 3rd. That's like, oh, that's far away. Okay.
Starting point is 02:06:07 I'm going to start getting, I'm going to get on the wheelwad train. Let me get through Crash here this week. The Crash Crucible. And Rogue. Oh, and Rogue. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh my goodness, Rogue. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:23 Oh, my goodness, Rogue. I watched the Shattuckin last night. Yeah? Yeah. What did you think? I liked it. Way better with the audio. Way better. Okay.
Starting point is 02:06:39 Way better. What's the beaver building a dam? No. I've been Beaver. How do I find the YouTube page? It's just CBever underscore is the username. But I'm sure if you look up
Starting point is 02:06:56 the Shattuck in it all. CBever. I got D Beaver. I'll put in CBever Shattuck in. It's like the Vatican but it's shit yeah okay yeah i like it okay dude um you have some shorts that have over 3 000 views you have a short with 8 000 views yeah it's literally just flooding roof i don't understand it but it works wow and you're um and you're in your window is amazing your
Starting point is 02:07:26 window your your screen image at the top for the uh just the toilet yeah so um can we take a tour can we do some shorts and take some tours of those cars yeah sure oh by the way, that's a ridiculous opening shot. It's been a long, long three days. For the delay. Recently, we started painting. We just used a bunch of kills. It took us about an hour to try to figure out how to use the paint sprayer. So what's going on here? Are you actually trying to...
Starting point is 02:07:57 Why are you painting? Are you actually trying to move into this house? No, we just... We don't want to move into it. We just want to use it. So my idea was it it smells horrible like just straight up cat piss um but the idea was we paint it with kills and that way it like kills the smell and it kills any mold that's kind of growing in there
Starting point is 02:08:20 and then i can just paint over it with like regular like eggshell paint or something like that um I didn't it was going to be cheaper to do that than it was me to replace all like remove all the siding and then replace it with drywall and insulation and all that yeah yeah so I was like well just go with the cheap option of painting over it and seeing if that alleviates the smell and um we don't really care to live in it i guess but but what are you gonna do like what what are you gonna do there like just hang out and smoke weed or yeah probably no um watch football games have parties that that's that's eventually we would like it to be our gym so we just turn that like big it's like a 30 by 30 foot by 30 foot space and we're gonna put all of our gym equipment in there and just
Starting point is 02:09:11 use it as a home gym in this main room there's like another part of it that's like a another garage a couple it's like so there's this building which has a room and a bathroom and a shower and then another bathroom and then there's a flat roof that somebody just like i was telling you before where they like just put a flat roof between that building and then the building behind it and the building in the back was just going to be like a storage or just a hangout area and then in the middle we were going to put like a pergola, make it like a grill space patio. What's a pergola? Like a sex
Starting point is 02:09:49 thing? Yeah, yeah. It's like a big piece of wood. It's like wood pillars that would go across between the two roofs, but it's open. Oh, oh, oh. What's this? What's this this strip right here um it's just like i can't remember exactly what's called is it is it is it a groove that like you
Starting point is 02:10:15 could put like a curtain in or something like it oh it's just a molding yeah i think it's just molding is what it's called i think that's it is. I thought like it had some sort of function. So it's just aesthetic. Yeah, it's aesthetic. God, I wouldn't even know how to paint my house. When I saw you doing that, I'm like, shit, I would hire someone to paint my shit. I don't even know how to do what you're doing. I used to do it when I was in college. Like painting and construction, renovating stuff.
Starting point is 02:10:43 Is that easy? Like I could just like, hey, my mom, my mom keeps telling me I need to spray some like protectant before winter comes on my fence. I have this crazy nice fence
Starting point is 02:10:51 that surrounds my house. Mm hmm. Dude, that's a fucking big ass hell. I'm hearing some weird noises and shit this morning. Maybe they're just maybe it's military shit.
Starting point is 02:11:04 I heard I felt my house shake again, but it's a giant helicopter flying over. I never feel that. Oh, yeah, and those computers. Dude, it's so heavy. That monitor was like 20 pounds. Hey, so if I want to spray some Thompson's water seal, that's the car I want a tour of. If I want to spray some Thompson's water seal or's the car i want a tour of if i want to play some spray some thompson's
Starting point is 02:11:25 water seal or whatever the water seal is on my fence do i brush it on or do i spray it on i think you can do you can do either um if you spray it on if you have to have i mean you have a sprayer obviously but it um can create a little bit more like dripping. Like it can, a lot of, a lot of paint can go in one spot. So then it starts to just drip down the fence. So yeah, I don't care about that. What do I care about that?
Starting point is 02:11:53 I just, just from an aesthetic standpoint, it, no one's going to see it. Okay. Well then yeah, it's clear. It's just clear.
Starting point is 02:12:00 It's, it's like, it's just treated wood. It doesn't even have paint on it. Perfect. Yeah. Then you can just spray it and it'll probably be just fine. Spray, then brush.
Starting point is 02:12:07 Fence prep first is important. Power wash first. Oh, fuck. I hate you. Spray will get on the fruit trees. Does that matter? I don't think so. I mean, as long as you wash your fruit after you pick it there won't
Starting point is 02:12:27 be fruit on for another year that that season just passed oh there you go you're good spray then roll the drippage no i'm not doing that this i'm not even doing it all why do i have to prep the fence that doesn't even make sense the only thing that we really had to do was dust around that room because there's just so many cobwebs and dirt and shit that's the only but if you're just doing it on a fence it'll just you know you should just be able to spray it should be fine i've been in the fence business for 15 years okay do i have to do what mccaskey says then do i have to do this uh do i have to he's saying it's important spray then brush power where am i going to get it i have to buy a's saying it's important. Spray, then brush, power. Where am I going to get it? I have to buy a power washer?
Starting point is 02:13:06 Don't take offense. Don't take offense. Yeah, that's good. Chase, what do I do? Do I have to do what McCaskey says? Been in the fence business 15 years. You've been fishing for 15 years. Yes. Fuck. You don't have a power washer
Starting point is 02:13:25 that's like an emphatic yes that's not a typo yeah he meant to say that if you don't sand oh great miss redoubt fucking I hate being bossed around if you don't sand or power wash then your shit won't seal
Starting point is 02:13:41 sure shit won't seal. Sure. Rent. I can never rent. I never rent. Like I'll need a lens that costs $30 to rent for two days and it's like a $7,500 lens and I'd rather buy it. I'm not renting. You don't want that on your credit score? No. renting you don't want that on your credit score no i'm not this dude this is a hundred thousand dollar fence i know some of you are going to be like what i'm going to show you guys i'll make
Starting point is 02:14:14 an instagram post of it if you want maybe 120 000 this is the craziest fence ever do you have a six foot fence or like an eight foot fence six well maybe more maybe seven legally it would legally basically what we did is we brought in a bunch of those like railroad i don't know if they're ties or what they are and then built a fence on top of that oh wow and it's all six by six um whatever those things are called it's ball ball. It's baller. Yeah. And it's got, uh, five electronic gates.
Starting point is 02:14:50 It's crazy. Yeah. Nice. Yeah. I'm so lucky to have that gate. Greg got it for me. It's good, right?
Starting point is 02:15:05 That's great. Oh, you're right you know what dave probably does have everything i need yeah probably um yeah cedar big big crazy posts crazy so many crazy posts when they the wood was crazy when they brought the wood in i was like holy shit and i remember people would stop and be like and ask the guys for build my fence they'd be like hey how much to build this and then the people would just drive away angry yeah you know electronic gates you know like come in king savon you are now safe on you are now safe yeah we need to see inside this
Starting point is 02:15:46 car yeah I'll uh take some video of it maybe today or tomorrow I have some it's pretty it's shitty like the interior is completely molded he had brand like the tires still had stickers on them
Starting point is 02:16:01 like oh they're brand new tires brand new tires and then but then we went to try to fill them up and they leaked so they're not they're not even usable brand new tires oh cracked and old from sitting there yeah yeah do you have the keys to that car yeah you do yeah to that and then uh the jeep and the truck we all have keys to them do any of them actually turn over? I haven't tried yet. That's like so far down on my list of things I care about.
Starting point is 02:16:30 Right. And you'll have to put a new battery in even before you try that, right? Yeah, probably. Battery, gas, probably oil. I hate to say it, but that car is cool. Yeah, it's a Riviera. I think it's a 64 Riviera. It's nice.
Starting point is 02:16:52 It doesn't even look like it had any dents on it. No, there's only two rust spots on the whole car. That's it. So now you take the whole kitchen out and you got to put a whole new kitchen in. That was stressing me out when you're like, these are gross. You took them out. I'm like, well, fuck. Now you got to put a whole new kitchen in that was stressing me out when you're like these are gross you took them out i'm like well fuck now you got to put new ones in yeah there's some pretty um complete cabinet uh pieces for sale on facebook marketplace and i've just been scouring them and they're pretty so they're really nice cabinets and then you can kind of just put them
Starting point is 02:17:23 wherever you want since we're basically starting from scratch, I can put them wherever, however I feel like would work the best. But the, there's a light in the wall. Like if you can see right there, there's the light is hardwired into the building somehow. And we haven't figured that out.
Starting point is 02:17:40 And then the vent from the oven is also wired into the wall yeah so that's the vent and then that brown piece that's dangling out of the wall over the sink is also hardwired in we haven't found those hey when you said that the heat wasn't up to code what do you care is it dangerous yes yeah it's incredible like're going to be breathing in gas and shit? Yeah, or it could explode. So the HVAC unit that's in there right now, we had an HVAC guy come in and look at it, and he said if they even allowed him to make it work,
Starting point is 02:18:21 it could essentially kill us at some point because the material that's within the HVAC unit is illegal. And then how the system is set up is illegal because basically it just sends gas into a ignition and the ignition lights, and then just heats the air that passes through it. And I guess that's illegal and should be condemned. The downside with that is there. I asked him, I said i said okay how much would it cost to like i guess fix it or get a new the hvac system and he said it was going to be like nine to
Starting point is 02:18:53 fourteen thousand dollars holy shit yeah yeah yeah yeah that's that's great that's to run it through the whole house yeah so basically and so what when he walked into the house he goes what the fuck did they do here like the hvac guy said that yeah you don't want to hear that no that's not good so he has like an industrial uh hvac unit on the outside and then he has like a home heating unit and another section that's supposed to be heating i guess they're supposed to converge and like heat the whole house totally but now we're kind of at a standstill because i also have to talk to the city and the cities what if you just don't put any heat in it for now and just get in just for the time being just use the uh space heaters space heaters or shit like that or like put a wood burning stove in or something um because it gets to be like negative 10 degrees in the winter and it's just not
Starting point is 02:19:51 livable it was funny though because the guy left us an entire bucket full of butane hand warmers yeah and so he's just living there with butane hand warmers and a shitty HVAC system. You're a fucking lunatic. Where did that guy move? Um, somewhere closer to the river. I don't know. It's like probably within an hour's within an hour drive of where he is now.
Starting point is 02:20:22 Does he move into a house or just stay, lives in his car and another house. Now house Now this is the highlight of the film What exactly is going on here? Here it is It looks pornographic It's been a pretty eventful past four days Hey I'm impressed that you can move like that dude That was fucking
Starting point is 02:20:39 That's almost impressive Throwing a ball in the bucket Look at this Your poor wife She has to take the brunt of that some nights. What are you doing there? So that was the countertop
Starting point is 02:20:56 that was in the kitchen. And we had to throw it in the dumpster. And the dumpster people said that we can't have it not level with the top of the dumpster. It's been a pretty eventful past four days here at the Shattuck Inn. A lot people said that we can't have it not level with the top of the dumpster it's been a pretty good past four days here the shadow stuff around a lot of things that we can't do a lot of things that we can do at least we have a toilet to be able to lay that flat on the in the dumpster when you saw that video footage were you dying laughing so that's
Starting point is 02:21:20 what you put in the beginning like what the fuck am I doing? This is so good. Yeah. I remember just being so mad at that point, too, because the HVAC dude had just told us how much it was going to cost. And I was like, what the fuck? And I was mad at the place. And I was mad at the guy who owned it last. And then I was mad that the cabinet was so heavy. And then so I was just like, fuck this. And just started beating the shit out of cabinets in this dumpster.
Starting point is 02:21:45 Extra Sloppy. Caleb, I do HVAC for a living. Feel free to send me some pics if you want my opinion. I'm just started beating the shit out of cabinets in this dumpster. Extra slobbies. Caleb, I do HVAC for a living. Feel free to send me some pics if you want my opinion. That's cool. Okay. Yeah. That'd be helpful too. I just want to look at one thing.
Starting point is 02:22:00 I know I should not do what I'm about to do. I'm going to go on the Home Depot website. Should not be using outsourcing my life to the fucking chat. What do I put in here? Oh, pressure washer. Yeah. So. I want an electric can I get just an electric one
Starting point is 02:22:30 yeah and cordless pressure washer can I do that I'm going to get tore up in the comments for this gas powered washers are the best fuck Mike where am i
Starting point is 02:22:47 gonna oh god damn it mike is this a battery powered one what do i do i just buy this thing and then hook it up to a hose? Yeah. Those are pretty easy to use. Get a fucking gas washer. Christ. Dude. No, not powerful enough.
Starting point is 02:23:21 Gas for sure. I hate you guys. I seriously hate you guys. I seriously hate you guys I'm not gonna buy a gas. So then I have to go to the gas. Oh, then I need to buy a gas can I'd need to own a gas can. Yep I'd rather post a BLM black square on my Instagram account than own a gas can. Own a gas can. The fuck you think I am? Gas can.
Starting point is 02:23:50 Look at this. Why? Because he's Mexican? Pay TDC to come wash it. Shanna knows. You're definitely from California if you buy electric. Sad face. I don't want it.
Starting point is 02:24:08 The electric one is fine. Okay. Okay. Here we go. Okay. Here we go I got one I got one. Okay back to okay, so So I buy one of these electric ones And Then I hook a hose up to it. I like this DewWalt one. It's just got a little battery on it. And I just spray the fence, both sides of it. Now, I could damage the fence with a washer too, right? Like with a high-pressure washer. Can't you damage it, like take off too many layers?
Starting point is 02:24:41 Yeah, you could. You just have to keep a reasonable a reasonable distance i think probably a foot away from it's probably fine electric not fine hombre what do you think caleb you're from the chat from the from the from the youtuber who runs the shattuck in account what do you think i think i i think don't feel pressure from the group too i know you're gonna be like you're like fuck if i say electric i'm gonna be lumped up with that old ding dong from california i'm i'm just using whatever i've got and i'm pretty sure a lot of them are electric a lot of we have our I think our paint is electric and our pressure whatever is electric
Starting point is 02:25:35 as well but they're not my tools I don't use them we have both gas and electric okay so which one caleb uh electric is buying the same uh electric is buying the same roadcaster and hoping it works well they're the only people in the business christine which which which is electric okay oh man electric will be fine For what you need okay You're gonna use it once yeah Yeah exactly I'm gonna use it once Yeah So I could either buy an electric one
Starting point is 02:26:22 With 200 foot extension cord Or A gas one with a gas can. Accessories, accessories. How about, how about the, what? Wadzami makes a good point too. If you, if you go to Harbor, I don't know if you guys have Harbor Freight. You probably do since Wadzami makes a good point too. If you go to Harbor Freight, I don't know if you guys have Harbor Freight. You probably do since Wadzami knows about it.
Starting point is 02:26:50 It's like super cheap fucking Chinese pressure washers, saws, drills, whatever the fuck. They work really well and they're cheap. It's a store? Yeah, Harbor Freight. I have the Home Depot weed whacker the Ryobi everyone makes fun of me who sees me using it takes me like four charges
Starting point is 02:27:11 takes me like four days to weed whack my lawn because I gotta keep recharging oh my god takes me like 45 minutes to mow my lawn none of the electric ones have five star I don't know I think you guys are just a bunch a mile on. None of the electric ones have five star. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:27:30 I think you guys are just a bunch of fucking conservative fucking wackadoodle Christians who only like gas because you like to hurt the environment. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck the environment. Yeah. Adam Blakeslee. Harbor Freight is a joke go to menards which rhymes with retards and you can get their medium brands on sale for better quality menard unfortunately i've met i've met mike mccaskey unfortunately and i think he and like i i
Starting point is 02:28:02 what he says means a lot to me dang like it carries a lot of weight i know i wish i'd never met him get it from ace hardware anthony will give you a discount only has a gas though he hates electric of course you guys are from fucking sticks then low die low die in Lodi Lodi weekend of fun in Lodi Shanna is like rolling out a 200 garbage bags and putting the hose out on it and calling it a water park
Starting point is 02:28:37 charging all the kids in the neighborhood $5 to come slide on it now you guys operate over there in Lodi I could show and slide on it. I know you guys operate over there in Lodi. I could show you. Shan, I should probably show you this. This happened yesterday. This is against my better judgment, by the way.
Starting point is 02:28:58 Let me see if I can. Let me see if I can. We did another. I did another podcast yesterday with Avi. We did another I did another podcast yesterday with Avi Let's see Make you do it Oh, here we go. Okay, ready? Shanna, here we go. This is... I didn't actually think I was going to show any of this, but...
Starting point is 02:29:44 He wants to come on the podcast. And so like, I bring him in here at night. This is the second time I've done it. Cause I, cause I don't really want him on the podcast, but he wants to be. So I bring him in here and we just do some runs. Tell me, let me know if you can hear this, Caleb. What's that feel like? You feel like you need to exercise or you feel like you want to get strong?
Starting point is 02:30:01 I feel like I need to exercise. If I'm not in the mood to doing anything and mama wants to work out with me, I was like, okay, let's go work out. I sense that you want to be strong. Like when I talk to you and like we're talking about working out, you're like, okay, I want to be strong. I want to be fast. Like those are some, you, is, is, am I?
Starting point is 02:30:20 Yeah, I want to be athletic. What's that mean? I want to be fast. I don that mean? I want to be fast. I don't want to... The strongest man on earth... Who's that? Brian Shaw. He can pull stuff, but he can't run like Justin Medeiros.
Starting point is 02:30:38 So I want athleticism and strength. So I can do both. You want to be able to run fast and you want to be strong. Yeah. Justin's pretty strong. Yeah. You won the CrossFit Games twice, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:55 He's actually really strong. Hey, what do you think about the fact his mom told me that he lost his first 49. No, he did his first 50 wrestling match matches justin lost 49 of them wait yeah what does he do wrestling he was wrestling when he was a kid a little bit older than you and he started wrestling and out of his first 50 matches he lost his first 49 yeah wow wow did he cry? Probably Yeah Did he cry?
Starting point is 02:31:33 Probably He wants to be a CK Kevin So he wants to be a Medeiros Yeah except for the part where you live in Lodi He doesn't want to do that part Wrestling He just already knew Did he cry? Yeah, except for the part where you live in Lodi. You don't want to do that part. Wrestling.
Starting point is 02:31:48 Well, he just already knew. He's like, did he cry? Yeah, you were right. He probably did. And he started winning. Then eventually, I think he became, I don't know if he became California state champion, but he stuck with it. He started winning, and he made it to the state championships. Wow.
Starting point is 02:32:00 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's pretty good. Does he still wrestle? No, I don't think so. But you know what I was thinking? Has his girlfriend won the call? I like it.
Starting point is 02:32:14 He immediately pivots to his girlfriend. He's like a chip-off. Let's talk about his chick. Not yet. She's strong. I think she can win. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:24 Do you know what her name is? Ellie Turner. I don't. I think she can win. Yeah. Yeah. You know what her name is? Ellie Turner. I don't think I heard of that name. You know what his mom's name is? Shanna. Shanna. That's a good name. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:35 You know what his dad's name is? What? Anthony. Anthony. You call him Tony. Tony? Tony. What's up, Tony?
Starting point is 02:32:42 What's up, Tony? Hey. Oh, shit. Sorry, guys. He's made for this. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I make you watch my... It's like you came over to someone's house,
Starting point is 02:32:55 and now they're making you watch fucking slides on the wall. It's like the 1950s of their family vacation. Look at all my dog pictures. Yeah. All right. Tomorrow, Darren Hunsucker, the most winningest coach in the history of CrossFit games.
Starting point is 02:33:14 I think he's in charge of affiliate programming for Mayhem these days. Michigan native. He has seen Rich Froney naked. We'll get into that for sure. I don't know that for sure, but it's for sure. For sure, I'm going to ask him. You ever seen Rich Froney naked we'll get into that for sure I don't know that for sure but it's for sure for sure I'm gonna ask him you ever seen Rich naked what's he got down there he packing
Starting point is 02:33:31 he packing or what alright guys thank you thank you for the good luck with the Shattuck follow the Shattuck thank you to Mr. Sharnick wow what a crazy what a crazy story thank you to Mr. Uh, Sharnick. Wow. What a crazy, what a crazy story.
Starting point is 02:33:47 Thank you to his wife, Sarah, for helping out with that. Uh, and we'll follow that story. And, uh, thank you guys today for donating to his go funny page. That was really,
Starting point is 02:33:54 really, really, really fucking cool. Makes me proud to be a part of this podcast. I'm humbled by your donations.

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