The Sevan Podcast - Annie Thorisdottir

Episode Date: August 7, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam we're live good morning! Seven a.m. central time for those of you for those of you who are used to the show starting at seven a.m. Pacific Standard Time this is two hours earlier. Earlier? Yeah two hours earlier than normal. Oh that's why I woke up funny this morning. I wonder I feel different. I'm up two hours earlier.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Yo! Hey! Hey, good morning! Good morning! Let me in! Hi! Oh, I see you over there. Hold on. Look at you. Are you in Iceland?
Starting point is 00:00:48 Yes, I am. I keep thinking you're going to end up showing up here. Do you have plans to come to Texas? Actually, no. No. All right. It's all from home this year. All from home this year.
Starting point is 00:01:02 It's the first year I'm at home during the CrossFit game since COVID year. So are those the only two years that you didn't go to the CrossFit games? Wait, so that's the only year I didn't go? Yeah, well I obviously I wasn't competing in 2013 when I had my back injury, but then I still went because Frederick was competing. Oh that's wild so since 2009 you've been in attendance at every CrossFit game except for the year that no one else... Yes. Holy cow that's wild. Hey you know what's even crazier about that people are like I think the boys were saying I heard the boys saying something like, um, two of the boys, uh, or maybe two or one has, I think BKG is the, his first games was 2014.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Yes, I think so. And I think he will be the athlete who is the oldest, not necessarily by age, but by experience or by his experience. You would, if you you if you attend the games you'll you'll blow everyone out of the water i mean there'll be not even a close second that's crazy yeah yeah no it's it's pretty wild obviously one of those years i competed on a team all the other years for individual yeah i'm gonna even give you credit the year you came and you didn't compete it's fucking nuts nuts. Absolutely nuts man. Hey,
Starting point is 00:02:25 that's great. Ashley shut up. Yeah. Hey, congratulations on the second baby. Thank you. Thank you. What a beautiful child. I'm not with my kids because I'm in Texas and it's very rare that I'm away from my kids. I got a little emotional last night. I was digging through your Instagram and I was looking at all your baby pictures and I was was like, Oh, man, she must be happy. So happy. Are you just? Are you just in heaven right now
Starting point is 00:02:48 cuddling that little baby? Yes. Although it is a little weird, because like, you're also super aware that you need to be giving the other baby. Like, I'm very aware of not getting her jealous and feel like she's fully included. So she gets to be a part of as much as we can. And like she is so we've always talked to her kind of like an equal. So she's very, I would say mature for her age. So she does participate in just most things we do. But of course, she still wants to like everyone's in like, just talk to us and like, snuggle him and stuff. And then it's like, okay, and now Freya, come here, let me snuggle you. So and then it's like okay and now Freja come here let me snuggle you. So there's a lot of kissing and cuddling and. How old is Freja?
Starting point is 00:03:33 She's turning four years old this weekend so the 10th of August is turning four years old so if we were going to the games we just made this decision like two weeks ago not to go three weeks ago. Mainly because like I wanted to then if I will be going, I wanted to do as many things as possible, like be fully in activations and the community and do workouts and like just be fully a part of them that games like do as much as I can. But I'm still breastfeeding. So then officelas would at least have to go with me. And since it's his first birthday, there's no way I'm not going to be there
Starting point is 00:04:09 for her birthday. So she would then be going with me as well. So it would be a family trip. So it was since it's a long travel and Atlas just got some of his like needed vaccinations and stuff. I was like, no, I'm not going to travel quite yet with him if it's not needed. So it was a tough decision. Gotcha. Hey, is Frederick really bonding with Freya now? I remember when Hayley had the twins, it just gave me a ton of time with the first child. Like I just started taking the first child.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Oh, yeah, because she does so much with him. Oh, absolutely. But even before she bonded really well with him. Like we're so fortunate that our job is well, probably a little bit like yours, you get to do a lot of your work from home. So Frederick has been very good with being with her as well. So it wasn't like a crazy change. But of course, we use the opportunity if he's gonna go work at our so we have like a storage unit if he's gonna go work at that or go run errands or something she then jumps with him and it's getting to do all these different things like
Starting point is 00:05:16 constructional work stuff as well which is pretty awesome for her. Hey, are you in the same how long have you been in that house? In this house? Yeah. We're actually we're at the summer house right now. So I'm at my parents summer house. Okay, and then the house that you got, we just moved recently. Oh, you did. Yeah. So we just moved recently there. So that's been a long process like awfully long. I packed my suitcase. When we
Starting point is 00:05:44 moved from our apartment to a temporary apartment. I packed it to stay there for three months. We stayed there for two and a half years. Oh, wow. Yeah. So we just moved into our house like two months before Atlas came. So in March, this year, we moved. Yeah, you know, we had a similar thing happen. Haley and I bought a house and then we didn't move out of our apartment for a couple years. But soon as she got pregnant, we're like, shit, we better move into that house. Yeah, like, better get ready. Yeah, we were trying to but it's just like, everything was taking a while and there were a couple of potential lawsuits involved and it was it was a headache. It like sucked because it's a big thing you're buying a house. So it's like exciting and so much fun. And then you had decided all the interior and everything. And then like when we finally got to
Starting point is 00:06:33 do some of those things and get it ready. I was like, Oh, I don't remember what I chose here or what I chose there or what we have bought and is ready. But it's been fun. Did you buy a house and there were some issues with it? Was that the potential lawsuit you bought a house and then you realized like the plumbing was? Yeah, yeah, there were some issues. There was some issues that came up. So that was like a little sad. But we were building it
Starting point is 00:06:56 from so it's brand new. We were building it. And the guys that were building it, it was just some issues that came up that weren't done properly. And like we weren't going to fix it. So we had to go some other ways to get evaluations and stuff to get it, get it fixed properly. So did you, but we're in there now. Did you move Annie because you needed more space with the second child? Ah, yes and no. Yes, we needed more space, but like we bought it before I got pregnant with the second child. We really wanted to have a garage so that we could have a gym set up there as well. Not that people think it's silly that it takes like 15 minutes for me to drive to Cross the
Starting point is 00:07:41 Riga week. And I will always be the person that likes to go to the gym and it's still my like third home I would say the summer house is my second home and the cross the rake is my third home but it still it just makes such a big difference when you have a kid once you start getting busier with life work that we're doing and I want to make sure that I get my training in like that is still my job priority so having a garage where I can do my second training session or even like let's say go into the games like it kind of sucked that we weren't in there sooner because the goal was to have a sauna so I could do my heat training at home and so that I could do maybe a third training session at home when I would do extra zone two or spin work or whatever mobility being able to do that at home. So that was kind of the goal with getting a bigger house. Were both both of your children planned? Well, it makes me so happy. It makes me so happy that you have to think that makes me think you're you're normal like the rest of us. Say that again.
Starting point is 00:08:49 He was definitely not planned. That that definitely happened. I was when Freya when we have Freya, I was ready to get pregnant. Like I was scared because of my career and everything, but I was ready to get pregnant when we had her. So that was, yeah, very much excited. And Atlas, that was, I just, I never compete on bird control. And then it must have just happened like literally right after the CrossFit Games, I just got pregnant. And we welcome it. It's exciting. And we I've always wanted at least two children. But no, it was not planned. I remember when my wife got pregnant with the twins, it took her like, they weren't planned either. And it took her like 24 hours. But there was a 24 hour period, I remember where she was like, Holy shit. Like what what happened? Like,
Starting point is 00:09:43 really? Did you go through like did you did you go through a process where you had to like shift gears from being Annie, one child professional athlete to like, okay, I have to put all that aside again, I'm back to growing a baby inside of me. Absolutely, because I, I was really frustrated after the games last year, because it is just like life. I'm going to say it's just life. You can't expect to perform at 100% every single year. I've been there many years. 2016 was an off year for me where things didn't, like my body didn't feel right. That was a year after my heat
Starting point is 00:10:25 stroke. So I'm going to blame my head on that. My head was not in the right place. And then last year, my body just didn't work the way that it had done in training. I was like surprised that there's so many events that came out. I'm like, I like honestly just don't know what happened. Like things just didn't work out the way that they have been working out in training. And it's so frustrating. Honestly, that's all you can ask for when you compete is that you perform the way that you know you're capable of doing. So after the games, I was very frustrated over that happening. So I was very much ready to compete at Rogue's and I actually really excited that Tia was going to be coming back and getting to like compete along with her at Rogue's. So I was like full on training when I found out I was pregnant and it's not, I believe it was just meant to be and 100% excited and all of that. But of course, you can have mixed emotions when you find out you're like, Oh my god, how when what? And then like, okay, shifting gears, I guess I'm not competing at rogues this year. I'm doing this thing. And then it's just excitement and happy and like so much love. So now we shall see. I don't feel like I fully got a closure. But I also
Starting point is 00:11:50 know you never fully get a closure unless you're ready to stop competing. And I don't know if I am yet. Oh, closure. Closure as in like, okay, was just quit having that my last one. You know what I mean? Gotcha. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah The year you're saying you're disappointed you took 13th place 7 13 12 14 11 8 12 9. Yeah, I mean you didn't have any I mean you didn't have any just complete shit events
Starting point is 00:12:21 No, no, no, no, no, it was more just like So you're talking 2016, right? No, no, no, no, no, it was more just like, so you're talking 2016, right? No, sorry, 2023. Oh, 2023. Yeah, but I was so much better. Like, I'm super disappointed in the 5k, the run event, because I literally was training a 5k leading up to the games like mark progression for the past three months leading in I'd never done as much running never felt as good and then my legs just like didn't function properly and the same thing happened in like three two three other events where I just walked out of the event just knowing that I didn't just walked out of the event, just knowing that I didn't like do what I knew I could do. If that makes sense, like something just didn't work. So whether I was over trained,
Starting point is 00:13:15 over salted, like something, I don't know. Over salted meaning like you had too much salt in you and like you felt puffy. Yeah. Oversalted meaning like you had too much salt in you and like you felt puffy. Yeah You took 25th in that we don't actually know the distance of that But did that time seem slow to you when you ran it like were you like? Oh, yes Okay, like so much slower than I had done in training so much slower Interesting what was there a point in the race that you knew also? Were you like 1k in and you're like, shit? No, I was probably like 2k in.
Starting point is 00:13:49 And then I was like, oh, this is weird. Keep going. I know it's supposed to hurt. It's a lot too hard. Like, I know how to run in pain, but it was just my legs just wouldn't do what I wanted to do. And I'm trying to think, I think this is neither you or Katchen are competing this year. I was kind of tripping on that a couple weeks ago. For those of us who watched both of you, it's really interesting.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I think this is really sad. I think it's a little sad we don't have any daughter. Really no daughters in the games this year. Sarah's not, 30 didn't make it. So there's no daughter. Wow. That's the first time since I started competing. And I heard you say that it might not be your last game. That might not be your last games.
Starting point is 00:14:40 You might not feel like you have closure. And when I look at your Instagram, it looks like you're definitely recovering very, very, very quickly, like that you are putting your body through some tests. No. Oh, yeah, I'm putting my body through some tests and I'm recovering so much better than the last time. Like, it's so much better. So I gave a normal birth last time and it was went really badly. So this
Starting point is 00:15:05 time, I was almost recommended to go for C sections, I went for C section and pretty crazy to me, but I'm recovering so much better from that. So yes, I'm training a lot. But my abdominals, I think I recover slower than an average woman. Like my core, like the abdominal separation is pretty severe for me. So that is taking its time to go together. But it was the same last time. You're only three months out, right? Yeah. Yeah, that's wild. I don't know. That seems pretty supernatural to me. And what did you say? Oh, so you didn't if you didn't know if it wasn't planned necessarily, how did you know you were pregnant? Like, how did you find out where you like I don't feel like period. And I can also just, I could just feel it. I feel it very early on. Like, just like my breasts start hurting. I'm feeling just my ligaments start feeling good.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Oh, interesting. Yeah. Interesting. I like the best I feel in my knees and in my shoulders and everything is while I'm pregnant. What is that the woman starts producing it's something like it's even called like relaxin or something. Yeah. Yeah. Is that what it is your body starts producing that and so all your joints and ligaments and tendons start feeling all nice and Yes And then what do you really nice and then what do you do you tell Frederick you wake up one morning? You're like, hey, we have to go to the pharmacy. I need to get a stick. I
Starting point is 00:16:56 Yes, I was like, uh, I should have started by now like I've taken out the work control I should have started but I know I didn't even get like the fake. Yeah, period. So went to the pharmacy that I don't do this thing. I can't do this thing that so many women do where they, they like go do the test and have it a secret and tell their partner in like some super cute way with like a box of cookies or cake or whatever. I'm like, I can't hide anything. You'll see it as soon as I know you will know. My emotions are like on the outside. You're in the bathroom and you're like, oh my god. And then I'm trying not to freak Freya out because I'm obviously not going to tell her that anything like, I don't want her to know that I'm pregnant right away. So it's like, oh my god, oh my god. And then like, a few tears and hugging and like happy tears and stress tears and like, what, how and then we managed to have a conversation when Freya went to bed. we managed to have a conversation when Freya went to bed. Because we can't even do conversation in English. Well, I guess you guys are used to that. But here in Europe, you're like you have your kids and then you can speak like second third language, like so that your kids don't understand what you're saying. But we can speak English Freya understands in. And even now when we start speaking Danish,
Starting point is 00:18:19 she like knows some things up, she understands quite a bit and knows what's up if I start speaking Danish to Frederick. So there's no hiding anything from my kid. Yeah. And are you I'm guessing there's conflicting or maybe not even conflicting, but there's a lot of thoughts about competing again. Like whether you're done just because you're done, whether you're done because you have two kids, whether you you're not done. Like how do you what are the assessments you're doing to figure out if you're going to compete again next year? I haven't even started assessing that I actually love I think I read it yesterday from Simone Biles, where I was like, you should stop asking athletes as soon as they finish something, you
Starting point is 00:19:06 stop asking them the question. So what's next? What's after the Olympics? What's next? Like, like you enjoy the moment and you don't have to think about what's next. You get to the gym, you start moving and then you figure out what's next. There's no pressure on having to make that decision. And that has always been the way that I work, Siobhan. Like, I get asked after the game, so are you doing another year? And yes, I end up doing another year, but I never make a decision early on. And this year, the games aren't even over,
Starting point is 00:19:35 so I'm nowhere close to making a decision yet. I'm...the only thing I feel is that I have the drive and I have the longing to go to the gym. I want to train I want to feel good and strong again my core I want my core to be strong and I want to I want to make the decision if I'm competing or not when when I know that I can make that decision I don't want something else to dictate it. So yes, it's definitely harder with two kiddos. You have to structure it a lot,
Starting point is 00:20:14 but now Freya is actually joining us and so much in the gym. And she actually did 50 burpees unbroken yesterday. So she got $100. Yes. Wow. I'm not bribing my kid, My parents did this thing for other grandkids. They I'm okay with it. I'm okay with it. So she did that
Starting point is 00:20:32 yesterday. I was so proud. So this morning she's like, let's do 100 burpees unbroken today. So I'm like, yeah, okay, let's do that. Wow. Wow. Yeah. So it's it's wild. It's really fun. But yeah, I'm slowly, I'm definitely not ready to say that I am competing again, because I'm not strong enough yet. But I want to get strong enough and we get to play, she gets to be with us. But yeah, I'm not strong enough yet, but I want to get there and I want to then make that decision. So my goal now is to be at Rokes and do, hopefully they'll have legends. At least
Starting point is 00:21:11 I'm going to be broadcasting and do something at Rokes. But otherwise I would like to compete on the legends. And then I think I want to compete at Waterpalooza. I need some goal. I need to get ready for something. Sure. I love it. Do you have to make a decision? Could you just train and then the open come and then quarterfinals come? Can you play it by ear or you're at a level where you're going to roll, you're going to do what you know, you know how to train hard, you know how to train right and you're just gonna roll. Yeah, all I know is if I compete at the games again, like, I will never just compete to participate. I've already done that so many times. I don't have to participate. I will want to
Starting point is 00:22:03 compete for a podium. Yeah. So that's why I have to see where where can I get to? And that's, that's where I want to be at if I, if I can be in. Yeah, and I, you know, I don't know if it matters to you, but that's the way people see you also. And that's the way people would love to see you. They would love to see you, I think, regardless of your placement, people want to see the Annie that they know go out there and get some. Yeah, that's always how I compete. And that's also how I train. That's why it's really. Yeah, that's why I feel like I, I want to continue is because I have a drive still like I it's not freaking me out that
Starting point is 00:22:49 the games are around the corner. It's it still gets me excited. If that makes sense. Yeah, how does in a good place? I'm so happy. I have so many other things to live for and to do. But I have so many other things to live for and to do. But I still feel like I, I love CrossFit. I love training. I love killing myself on the bike on the workouts. Like I did a class last week and it was so hard because there was the first like, with a lot of different movements class I did. And it was so hard. But man, does it feel good afterwards? Like, it're so happy that you get to go to you didn't use this term, but my translation is you're so happy you get to go to the pain cave again, like you were so happy to go. It was on the bike and you're like, I'm so happy I basically get to go to this, you know, really intense spot, the go to the red line. So you do miss that when you're pregnant. Oh, yeah. It is also a relief when you're pregnant. Oh, yeah. It's, it is also a relief
Starting point is 00:24:05 when you're pregnant that you aren't allowed to go there. But then after doing that for like, nine months, yeah, like, oh my god, I cannot wait to just be allowed to go. So yes, that was so good. It was funny. I didn't do anything for like two weeks after obviously the C-section you're not allowed to do a lot but I was allowed to start biking two weeks after like I got checked and I'm not telling women that they're allowed to after C-section. I was allowed to after my C-section. And I was so happy after Breit this time around like I was, it was just incredible.
Starting point is 00:24:46 I got to enjoy it fully. I wasn't completely destroyed and broken. Yeah, it was uncomfortable and painful around that, like the cutting, but I was in such a fantastic place, but just putting my training gear back on, putting my sports bra on, like getting ready, it just brought this big smile on my face. And I was so, I felt so good here,
Starting point is 00:25:14 getting on the bike and getting to go again. It's something I've been doing this my whole life. I've been training my whole life. Like, it is weird not doing anything for an extended period of time. And you seem like you have your head wrapped around the fact that it's going to take time to get to where you are. And I watched a you know, it does at least a dozen videos. And you don't seem like you're being it seems like you're being very compassionate and very appreciative of where you're at. And you're not putting pressure on yourself being very compassionate and very appreciative of where you're at and you're not putting pressure on yourself to get to peak Annie that you're just
Starting point is 00:25:48 happy that you can go you're more happy that you can go as hard as you can rather than what your results are. Yes, absolutely. I also know that like first time around, I didn't know what was normal. And I felt like I was recovering so slowly. And I was like such a shock on my body looked and how it felt I was fine when I was pregnant. But then afterwards, it was like, you're just have this empty sack and I still have a belly and like, it just it takes me a while to recover. And first time around, I thought it was just not normal. This time around. I'm like, it will heal, it will recover, it just takes time and it's okay. It's fine that I look like this, it's fine that I feel like that and it's okay. I know I will recover, it just takes time. I recovered fully last time from Freya and I feel really good this time around even though I still show
Starting point is 00:26:45 that I just had a baby three months ago and I think that's perfectly normal and okay. There was a post you made about managing your food intake. How do you do you do you get concerned or do you how do you manage your food intake but then also make sure you have breast milk? Is there some sort of like balance there? Like do you ever think like, okay, I better eat more so that I produce more, I continue to produce breast milk? Oh, absolutely. I just want to make sure that I feel enough. But also that I feel right. It's somehow it's so odd. but I think for everyone it goes like a
Starting point is 00:27:26 little bit hand-to-hand. If you're training you eat better and healthier, which is weird. You should obviously also do that when you're not training. But it was like a little bit hard for me like for the last few weeks of my pregnancy. I maybe allowed myself to eat a little bit more. I always had very healthy food and Fredrik was so amazing cutting down fruits and vegetables and having everything ready so I could eat those things as snacks in the evenings and stuff but I always had some chocolate and things that I maybe didn't allow myself as much.
Starting point is 00:28:01 It was just cravings. I had a heartburn. I felt uncomfortable. It made me feel a little bit better in the moment. And it's hard to just stop that immediately. And then I actually had to for Atlas's stomach, I quit all dairy and it helped him so much. So it's really hard for me to get enough protein. Because I'm used to getting that for my dairy, my weight protein, my
Starting point is 00:28:26 skid, I have like skid every single day. What do you have? What do you have? What's the word you're saying? Skish. It's like Greek yogurt. Just even more protein. It's like this Icelandic. You should try it if you haven't had it. Do we have it in the States? Yeah, you do. We do.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Okay. Spell it for me. S-K-Y-R. Oh, okay. Okay. Hey, what I heard you saying too in the post or what you wrote in the post was fascinating because it's like it's the most normal thing, but I've never heard an athlete ever say this basically dealing with cravings.
Starting point is 00:29:02 That basically you're dealing with cravings. And I never hear athletes talk about it when we see all these shredded and ripped athletes. But for us normal folk, or especially at least for me, it's hard not to at night not to eat a pound of almonds or a pound of cashews or sit there and eat a bowl of grapes before you go to bed. And I was kind of like, oh good, like misery loves company. I was like, Oh, good. And he's dealing with that shit too. Great.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Oh, absolutely. And that's what I was kind of saying. That's why it's so good for me to be able to do that kind of control. It's more than knowing what I'm having for each meal. And I kind of had to figure everything out again, where I was not allowed to have dairy, then where am I getting my protein protein because I was having so much carbs. And when I have too much carbs, I crave more carbs. So that was happening in the evening. So yeah, definitely had to manage it and also just knowing how much extra is needed to have enough breast milk so that I wouldn't be worrying about that. But in the beginning, I was so
Starting point is 00:30:03 hungry all the time that I was waking up in the night and eating, I just had a bag of almonds, but next to my bed, and I was eating almonds in the middle of the night. Um, but yeah, definitely had to get that a little bit more under control for the past month or so. And I'm assuming you're drinking water, like just like crazy, right? I remember my wife, she was breastfeeding. I couldn't believe how much water she was drinking. It was absolutely nuts. Just pour she would just pour it in like a dude. So much. Yes. You just have to like always have it by hand. And also especially around training, I make sure I have like a full glass before training. Then I have a glass always ready. Then I make sure that I go through during training. And then I check a full one after training as well. Yeah, make sure I have enough. Like any different man. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's like, it's like, yeah, you just are always,
Starting point is 00:30:57 it seems like you're just all, I mean, you're feeding too, right? I mean, so you're just, you need tons of water, I'm assuming just to make ample breast milk for the baby. Yeah. Any other food you couldn't eat? I remember my wife stopped eating onions, and that really helped the baby. Is there anything else you've cut out besides dairy where you're like, oh, the baby doesn't like that and the breast milk? Well, in the beginning, I cut out a lot of different things to try to figure out, but it seemed like it was just the dairy.
Starting point is 00:31:22 And then that was it? That was it. Like a new baby. It was crazy. Anything different about this baby? Anything different about the way it sleeps or feeds? Or Yeah, what are some of the differences? Well, he's got temper. Oh, way bigger temper. He has like from zero to 100 real fast. I am Freya, I knew I was lucky with how easy of a baby she was. Always slept really well, smiled so much, never really cried. Like honestly, never really cried. It was crazy. And then he cries. He lets me hear it in if I try to keep him in the stroller and give him the pacifier when he wants to have food it's like
Starting point is 00:32:10 Screaming like there's no tomorrow and I don't know what to do with that because I am not used to that I've been like at the playground having the stroller and I had to take him out of the stroller because I couldn't I kept I'm putting the pacifier in and trying to get him him to the house back real quick, but it wasn't working. I'm like, oh my God, I'm going to be that mom. And I just picked the baby up and bouncing him on my arm and then trying to move the stroller at the same time and asking Freya to come. Jesus, it's so chaotic. What is he doing to me? But yeah, it's very different. It's different characters, but he sleeps so well. But yeah, yeah, it's very different. It's different characters, but he sleeps so well. Are there some things that like generally work
Starting point is 00:32:50 like burp him, change his diaper, swaddle him? Like, do you have some go-tos for when he is fussy? Oh, for when he is fussy? I put him on his stomach when he's fussy. Yeah, oh you do. He loves belly time, yeah. Oh, that's awesome. He's so strong. He will just stay on his belly. But yeah, obviously, I always burp him. I'm, I'm very much into routine and structure. And that's exactly how I was with Freya too. And that's why I think they sleep both slept so well. I do big feets, I burp,
Starting point is 00:33:26 try feet again, change diaper, keep them up. And then I make sure that they're up for x long and then I always put them in the stroller when they're supposed to sleep and I am diligent on them. If they're not sleeping, I will walk with them in the stroller to make sure that they sleep and then they get into the routine and get used to it. So now I don't have to do anything. I just put Atlas in the stroller and he sleeps for two to two and a half hours in the morning and then two hours just past noon. And then he sleeps inside for the third and the tiny fourth nap. But like it makes such a big
Starting point is 00:34:02 difference. I have to do this and then I can train and get work done so I forgot I forgot about that the baby's nap I forgot about that yeah there's a lot of napping a lot of nothing um so uh all of this is going on and clearly we can see you started moving again and in one of the um uh posts you say that you haven't started snatching yet. It sounds like you don't want the bar banging against your your belly yet. I tried I tried. So that's different from last time around. I couldn't snatch because of my pelvic floor last time this time around. It just like hurts so much on them. I'm still so swollen, I think from where the scar is that so I can't
Starting point is 00:34:45 snatch I hit the bar right there. I don't hit that low at the pubic bone I hit like a little bit higher. So yeah, I can I can snatch up to like maybe 235 because then I do a non contact. I like non contact snatches as well. But I can go a lot heavier than that with non contact. So I don't want to change my technique. And a good good. Any other any other movements that you're not doing? Are you doing? Oh, so many that I'm not doing. No, can't do pull ups. Yeah, can't do any toes to bar. I just started doing burpees yesterday, but I don't do it under full intensity because just I want my core to get strong. I'm not going to take any risks with that. So I'm not rowing under intensity yet. I'm just rowing at like, yeah, medium speeds because that's also abdominal work. So no crazy core work that I'm doing yet, but everything else I'm I'm able to do And I don't think a lot of people realize that but the reason why you're not doing pull-ups is because it pulls on your stomach
Starting point is 00:35:52 Yeah, yeah for core because the abdominals just aren't strong enough yet for that Yeah, and do you just play it by ear or do you have goals? um, I have play it by ear? Or do you have goals? Um, I have, yes and no, I obviously have goals, but I'm not rushing them, if that makes sense. So I play it by ear on what it feels like. And I know I'm not ready for that yet. So now I'm just doing more plank work and cross abdominal work, inner abdominal work, all the boring things that I know pay
Starting point is 00:36:24 off in the, in the long run, But I'm just making sure I'm doing those, those first and there's no rush in doing pull ups, there's no rush in doing toes to bar. I have, I have a lot longer than I had last time around. So I'm just gonna do it right. do it right. This experience you had where you didn't get to do intensity for so many months and to the point where you craved it, which is the opposite probably of people who are in games training are, they're just sort of dreading it, right? They're like, oh my God. Do you think it's probably going to be like that if you ever go back to the games it's probably your perspective of the games is going to be different also because
Starting point is 00:37:09 You're realizing that wow I get another I get another Experience like this I get another chance like this is there any advice you have for people who are going to the games whether It's their first time or their fifth time now that you kind of have this different perspective of it Well, I think first time around, there's no pressure, you're just going to enjoy it, you're going to take it in no matter what. It's when the pressure starts building up, and you've been there a few times and you have pressure on yourself and external. But that's where I think it's so important to
Starting point is 00:37:39 being able to just be in the moment, not think about I don't, I don't think it's good either to think like, Oh, this is my last year, this is my last year. There's a reason I've never said it's my last year, because that also adds pressure to it. And on you as well, to make sure that you enjoy it and so on. But I think appreciating that you've put in the work. And now you get to show what you can do and that you get to be here thinking about that you made this decision. No one is forcing you to be there. You made the call to be there. I think that's also a really important one. It's not like anyone competing at the games are being forced to. They've all worked their asses off and they know that, but it's really hard in the moment
Starting point is 00:38:23 when you're feeling really stressed out. Like I get so nervous when I'm competing, it's hard for me to eat food. But like then being able to be like, I chose to do this. And then it gives you that control, like you're in control of the situation, you could walk away and just not compete. It's your decision to stay there and compete. So better make the most of it. Go ahead. I think a lot of people would want to say like, appreciate it like it's your last. But I also think that adds too much pressure. Like, it would be great if you could always do that.
Starting point is 00:39:00 But it does add pressure. I did think about it last year competing at Rokes when I was competing. Then I had this realization because I hate going for this is what I just don't like in competition. Like the first event where it's a mass start, usually a long run, like this year at the games, a long run and not a swim. I would hate that. Very much dislike that. And I think when we were in the car, and we're driving super early in the morning, at the rogue event last year, when we went like off venue for that long run, all of a sudden, I had this thing, like, Oh, my God, what if this is the last time I am doing
Starting point is 00:39:41 this? What if this is the last time I'm in a car and I'm going to another venue, like, holy shit, I get to do this. What if this is the last time I'm in a car and I'm going to another venue like, holy shit, I get to do this. And I've gotten to do it for so many years. And I get to continue to do this again and again and again. So instead of being so freaked out and so stressed about what's coming up and feeling so uncomfortable, I all of a sudden felt this just ease. and feeling so uncomfortable. I all of a sudden felt this just ease. Yeah. So I like the way you said that you kind of attacked it from both sides. One, no one's forcing you to do this and then also you earned this and you get to do this. You made this happen. You brought yourself here and now you get to put yourself in this situation.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Yeah, you earned it. Hey, why don't you like the why don't you like the mass starts is the first event or do you just not like them at all period. I just don't think I like them at all period. I like having my lane. I am I am extremely competitive. I really am, but I am not an aggressive person. I don't push, I don't pull. I don't like it. Do you wish you were more aggressive? No, I'm happy with what I am, but I wish I was more comfortable in those situations. I don't like when you're allowed to just run and then go to the next available this or next available lane or whatever I this is my lane, like, yeah, there's a reason I've never been in a contact sport. I think I need you. That's actually my goal when I'm not competing anymore. I'm going to go on like a self defense thing or some sort of a battle sport just to like not to use the strength that I have. Right. That's awesome. Like Jason did. Jason's been so successful with Jiu Jitsu. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Yeah. Hey, when you say you're really competitive, what does that mean to you? And is it changing? Are you becoming more or less competitive? I'm not a sore loser. But I will always want to win. Does that make sense? Like, ever since I was a kid, I haven't liked it if my brothers run faster than me or if they did more pull-ups than me or did anything better. If they did something better, I would train and practice and practice and practice until I could do it better. Do you know what I mean? That was, that's just been me as a kid, growing up if someone met my dad said, like, if you go in the ocean and let the wave go over you, I'll give you like a dollar or whatever, not dangerous. But yeah, then if my brother was gonna do it, there's not a chance I wouldn't do it. Like, I would be the first one to jump in.
Starting point is 00:42:48 It's like, yes, I will do that then. So I'm very competitive when it comes to those type of competitions. However, like board games and stuff, yes, I like winning, but I'm also... I know it's just the game. Yeah, I know it's not anything more than that. And the same at the games, like if, if I get second or third or fifth or 10, like, yeah, I'll be pissed off. But I won't be, it won't show it's more like, ah, I want to be better. It will push me to want to be better. Jessica Valenzuela, she says anything you can do, I can do better. She's like trying to just, yeah, describe your mindset. Exactly. And you know what else I hear? Maybe this is a component of competitiveness, but you're not a quitter. No, I am not a quitter.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Failure is no reason to quit. For you, failure is a reason. You're attracted to failure. Yes, I think so. When it's something that matters, it will bring the best out of me. Yeah, that's pretty amazing. That's a really tough thing for kids. The other day my kid did 100 burpees and then I asked my other kid to do it and he didn't beat the time of the first kid and he was devastated. He was devastated. Yeah. But the most important thing was he said I'll try it again in a week. And I was like, wow, okay, that is so cool. Yeah. But that's something that you need to teach them. Yeah. And I wasn't like that as a kid. You know what I mean? If I felt like I was exposed,
Starting point is 00:44:37 I might shy away from that. Whereas, okay, you want another shot at it. You still believe in yourself. Okay, you want another shot at it, you still believe in yourself. Yeah, exactly. I think that's important, too. But it's so hard to teach, right? I think it's so like, I think it's really difficult as a parent, I know what I want to teach my children. But it's really hard to always get it to shine through the right way. Which is why for me right now, I'm like, okay, the best thing I can do is just be an example. Yeah, you I think a lot of times with people, they're trying to teach one thing and they accidentally teach the opposite. Yeah. You know what I mean? You want to make your kid not a quitter and then but because of the way you react to it. They they actually become a quitter.
Starting point is 00:45:28 And it's also just really hard when they are doing something struggling for a struggling with something. I am so quick at running to and helping her. And then I need to like, and then I take my hand away. I'm like, yeah, and now you try again. Yep, you try again. You try again. It's okay. You try again. You don't want to take the opportunity. Yeah, but you don't want to take the opportunity away from her. Yeah, I totally get it. Yeah. Yeah, I've had to like, stop myself multiple times. Yeah. Um, I felt like the first four years, it was all about raising my kids, it was all about just not reacting. Like the best parent version of me was the non reaction version. And I'm sure you know this, and this is
Starting point is 00:46:11 with no exaggeration. But if you take Freya for a walk, maybe she's too old now. But when she was two, if you took her for a mile walk, she would literally fall down 500 times. They tripped, they jump over curbs. And every time you go over and pick your kid up I realized at one point I'm stealing a burpee from the child. I Just took a you know what I mean? So in one hour the child might do 500 burpees if I'm a good parent
Starting point is 00:46:34 But if I'm a bad parent, I instead did 500 deadlifts and it's like that's not like this isn't about me getting strong This is about the baby getting strong That's so true. Yeah, I will be just too quick at running over every time she would start climbing us. I'm like, wait, wait, wait, let me just get it. Wait, wait, wait. Okay, hold on to me. And it's like, oh my god, you have to stop. And then I actually saw, I think it was my dad, he was like, letting her climb. So I'm like, what are you doing? It's like, if she falls, only fall once Annie, she'll learn and then she won't fall again. I'm like, you're right.
Starting point is 00:47:12 He managed to raise me and I did not die. How are your parents with the grandchildren? Are they just absolutely in love? Oh, they're amazing. They have quite a few. My brother has three, the other one has two, and then now I have two. But they're amazing with them. They're so good with them. That's what I also very often think when I don't know what to do in a situation. I'm like, what would my mom do? And I love that I still go there. So hopefully I'll be like that for Freya as well. Hopefully I'll be like that for Freya as well. How old are you? 34?
Starting point is 00:47:49 34. I'm 49. You're starting to get- I'm turning 35. I'm turning 35, aren't I? This year. When's your birthday? In September.
Starting point is 00:47:58 September. Awesome. Wait, I am masters next year. That's wild. I'm not doing year. That's wild. That's wild. Jake Chapman, Annie came to my gym in London in 2018 for a polar watch launch. We got a lovely picture of her holding my then one year old daughter. Question for Annie, is she coming to Rogue?
Starting point is 00:48:18 Does Frederick have a hotel booked yet? I am coming to Rogue's. We were just looking at flights yesterday, actually. I think we're gonna fly through Glasgow. But we don't have a hotel booked yet. Have you been to Scotland? I Yes, I have been to Ireland for a level 1, it wasn't Scotland, so I'm sorry about that. No, I have not been to Scotland yet. The venue looks absolutely stunning. It looks amazing and I'm so happy that Europe is getting an event. Yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Finally, so good job Rogue, doing that is really cool. And I bet you it's going to be, if it's, I bet you it's going to be completely sold out. I bet you it's going to be crazy. The European fans are off the chart. I bet you it's going to be amazing. Oh, they're insane. If you have not been to European regionals, it is or semis now, it is so much fun to compete at like the atmosphere is amazing. So I'm pretty sure it's going to be lit up at Brokes for everyone that gets an invite and gets to compete there. It's going to be absolutely amazing. How is it in Texas? I'm gonna go to as soon as I get off the phone with you I'm gonna go over to the venue and get my media credentials, but the pictures look absolutely amazing. It's a brand new venue
Starting point is 00:49:47 I saw Dave was showing pictures of the warm-up area and about how the fans the warm-up area is underground But there's glass on top so the fans can be outside and like Yeah, it looks really cool. Okay, that's sick. Yeah, it looks really really cool. Yeah Tell me about the skin product you just came out with. Oh, it's a sunscreen. We just came out with a sunscreen. That was kind of funny how that happened. Yeah, tell me because what I was really curious about is, did it start off as a sunscreen? is did it start off as a sunscreen or did it start off as a lotion and then someone's like, hey, it should be a sunscreen too or vice versa? No, always start off with as a sunscreen. So it kind of me and Kat have both been just like complaining about sunscreens like talked very often about it. It just like it just stings the eyes and just burns. So we never use sunscreen on our face, especially like competing never had sunscreen on the face. So it's like, okay, either you burn or, like, you will get a
Starting point is 00:50:51 sting in your eyes and it might like affect your performance. So just in general, I would just never use sunscreen in my face, I would use on my body when I was abroad. But yeah, never on my face. And then I went to see a skin doctor here in Iceland just like, okay, so what could I do for my skin just to keep it looking as good as possible for as long as possible. And she goes like, well, obviously, you're using sunscreen every day. Like, I have never used sunscreen. I actually I'm, I'm personally just
Starting point is 00:51:23 doesn't really like any creams. I've never really like body lotion. I've never used the day cream, night cream, whatever, like, I just am not a huge fan of any of those things. So don't like putting a lot of things on my on my body. But when she said that, I'm like, Oh, man, okay, maybe I should find a sunscreen that I can use. And then I just had a really hard time finding I was seeing these articles about some screens having different
Starting point is 00:51:49 Oh, you think your phone died? Oh, there she is. Maybe when it is hasn't really mattered that much to me when it is something you put on yourself every once in a while or just when you're like in a lot of sun. But if it's something you're supposed to put on daily, then it better be something that's actually safe and okay. And then I had kids and I didn't like having my kids next to me on my body getting
Starting point is 00:52:15 these things in their mouths and stuff if it's not like, okay. So I just couldn't find anything that I dare to use. I found something in the States, like child's farm sunscreen thing. And then I looked at some of the ingredients and I saw that European Union was banning like some of these things in high quantities and France wanted to ban it completely. So I'm like, it's just a really difficult market to understand anything, because I don't know how to read on anything. And then we got in contact with Helga, our new office girl in Iceland.
Starting point is 00:52:50 And she's like, was studying these things and has done a deep dive into sunscreens in her thesis. And she got a, like a sort of skin cancer early on, like a spot that got taken away. So she like was assisting us with finding different things that we could use, but still we never found anything that didn't burn. So we're like, let's just make something together. And we for some reason thought it would be a simple thing. But man, has that been a lot of work and taken us three years to actually develop and get these things up and going. And we tried multiple sunscreens where we were literally just like rubbing them on our eyes and foreheads and then me and Kat we just sit in the sauna and it hurts so much in the beginning the first ones and then this one we like we found something we managed to make
Starting point is 00:53:47 something that we're happy with and I feel safe using uncomfortable using so that's how it all started way bigger process than any one of us could have imagined but that's being naive and that's also probably how most things start. Right. And it doesn't burn your eyes? You saw you crack. It does not sting your eyes. And it protects you from the sun. And it protects you from the sun and 100% waterproof. And you're not worried about it getting on your baby.
Starting point is 00:54:18 I'm not worried about it getting on my baby. Well, congratulations for reaching your goals. Hey, did you find find do you know the product that was causes the eye stinging? No, I don't know what causes this thing so nice. We tried it was just like we were getting a different blends from so had the chemist she was like putting together different blends of sunscreen and then we always got to like try vials of the different so it's not it's not like a white label or anything we were like literally just making the sunscreens to test and try out and I'm guessing sunscreen is huge in Iceland
Starting point is 00:55:00 I'm guessing like protection from the sun is massive for your people I'm guessing like protection from the Sun is massive for your people. Well, we don't have Sun for half of the year, but even when it's cloudy, apparently you need sunscreen. Yeah. Yeah. But it is actually significantly bigger than I ever could have imagined. Yes. Okay. I recently, one of my kids got lice. So we, my three boys, do you guys have lice in Iceland? Yes. Okay. I recently, one of my kids got lice. So we, my three boys, do you guys have lice in Iceland? Yes. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:55:31 I know bugs aren't really your thing there. So we all shaved our heads with a number one. And then we went and played tennis and there was not a bit of sun. It was completely cloudy, but my scalp still got torched. Right. And so and so I understand what you're saying. Yeah, even if it's completely cloudy day, you can still get torched. Yeah, no, I never would have believed that until that actually happened to me. And it is the worst like we went on the glacier
Starting point is 00:56:03 snowmobile. So my dad has snowmobile and we've gone a couple of times on trips there. And I did not think about the reflection from the snow being so strong. Like I got so burned in my face from then. So I was like, okay, you also need to use it during winter, when the sun is out for those hours. But that was significant. What's the name of the skin product? Dotter Skin.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Dotter Skin. And is it available in the States? It's available in the States. Not shipping to Canada and Europe yet. Was that hard getting it so it's available in the States? No, that's easy. Um, we, but this product is up to European standard, which is significantly higher standard than what's needed in the United States. So the product is, um, we're already selling in Iceland and we'll start selling
Starting point is 00:57:01 in Europe, we were just going to start in the States and then start selling in Europe in January or February, but we'll probably start selling in Europe. We were just going to start in the States and then start selling in Europe in January or February, but we'll probably start selling in Europe just in a month or two, because the product is exactly the same for us in Europe because we had it. We wanted to have it too as high of a standard as possible. So it is a European standard, which is why it was very easy to sell it in the United States. And where do people go to get it? Can they just go on the internet? Yeah, Oh, that's cool. Oh, this is a great site. Wow. Congratulations. Thank you. And is it? And then you can also see all the ingredients. So for people that want to know what's in the sunscreen. Sorry, is this lady your other partner right here?
Starting point is 00:57:51 Yes. That's the chemist. Okay. Okay. Wow, God. Congratulations. This is really cool. Thank you. Wow. Thank you. I'm actually very proud. Yes. Wow, thank you. I'm actually very proud. Yes And so and waterproof Mm-hmm. Well shit. Congratulations Thank you. Thank you. Will you be what? Yeah, we're very well Will you be watching the games? Oh
Starting point is 00:58:26 My god, of course, of course. I am so excited. I look at the events and I'm like, oh, would I like this? Would I like that? I'm excited about the step ups. I think that's pretty awesome, like Chen. I love the workout that came out with the Deadlifts GSDs. It's got Annie written all over it. The run, swim, not excited about, but you gotta get that one out of the way at some point.
Starting point is 00:58:50 So good to just get it out. And then I will be a little nervous about the heat. I have to admit that I will be nervous about the heat in Texas competing in that. But I'm guessing it's gonna be very early in the morning. And it will be very interesting if you're gonna be there. It'll be interesting if they've set ever since. The super hot year where I got the heat stroke 2015 in LA, they have talked about these slushy machines. Oh, and they said they have these machines and they always talk about it when they're talking about like, making sure you're hydrating enough and staying cool so you don't get overheated, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Have these talk and then they're like, and then we have these slushy machines that you can use. Not once have they plucked the slushy machines in for us to use. Oh, is it actually ice you eat? Yes. for us to use. Oh, is it actually ice you eat? Oh, well, it's supposed to be that but they've never plucked them in. So I hope I'm not gonna get killed for saying this. A slushy machine would be awesome. What a cool thing to see all the athletes cruising around with like cone ice. Yeah, and they've had them. They've been behind the curtains. They've never plucked them in for us to use and they always talk about them. So it would be, I hope they're actually going to well
Starting point is 01:00:09 if the events are going to be outside. I'm guessing at least two or three of them are going to be outside. Hopefully early in the morning so it's not going to be warm, but it would be interesting to see if they will have the slushing machines and actually pluck them in this year. What's the word you're using? Pluck them in? What's that mean? Oh, did you say plug it in? Like, put on electricity eyes. Oh, plug it in. Plug it in. The eyes. They never have them functioning. They never function.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Yes, yes, yes. Hey, it's so interesting to hear you say that Chad looks fun. And once again, that spoken like someone who has had to take nine months break Because some of the other athletes maybe you should talk to them send them all the text Some of the other athletes are complaining or frustrated or not happy with it, but you sitting at home You're like fuck. I'll do anything like here. Let me let me hear no even me competing I'd be super nervous about it and it's not a fun workout, but it's a cool workout, right? Yeah. It's brutal.
Starting point is 01:01:08 It's like this year. I like this. It's cool that it's at the cut also. Yeah. It's the last workout before the cut. And so regardless of what you think about it, you better go hard. You better just go hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:23 I did, um, 500 step ups when it came out. Not weighted. I just did 500 step ups and my calves were so sore the day after. So I was like, okay, doing this at the games, you need to make sure that you are doing this a few times leading into the game so that your body is used to it. So you're not going to be just like a broken person the day after. But I don't know, you could also say like rowing a marathon. That's not fun. But it's also kind of fun, right? It's like you can be so proud afterwards, you're not going to do it. It's something that you'll remember always. I will never forget the marathon row I did. I don't think people are gonna forget that they did 1000 step ups. Right, with the Ruck. With the Ruck, yeah. With people going crazy in the audience. Yeah, pace yourself.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Hey, I really appreciate you coming on. Wonderful seeing you. Will miss you and thanks for doing this. I really appreciate it. Good to see you. Well, thank you. It was good to see you. I was so ready for you to bring some like, well, not ready, but I thought you were going to ask me some questions I couldn't answer.
Starting point is 01:02:38 No, you're great. You answer everything. What are you talking about? There's never been a question you can't answer. No, I thought you'd be like, so who do you think is going to win the games? Well, okay, the placings at the games and what do you think like about them being in Texas and Okay, let's talk comfortable. Let's talk about that. What is one question? One question. Should you should the athletes think that they can beat Tia?
Starting point is 01:03:05 Should they go there? Yes, you should always think that you can... Well, depending on what you're competing for, are you participating or are you trying to win the CrossFit Games? If you're trying to win the CrossFit Games, you need to believe that you can beat Tia. Everyone is beatable. However, I am very excited to see Tia. I am very excited for her. And she's looking so good. And I think it is hers to lose. Like she is so good that it will be really, really hard to beat her. But of course, it is possible. You have to believe as a competitor, it is possible. I do suspect that Laura definitely believes on some level. That's what I love about her. Yes. But what about what about important? What about Emma Lawson? So much talent, so much go. And she did an interview with Dave recently where she expressed that she was having some
Starting point is 01:04:06 struggles. Do you remember that in your early years? Struggles being a young lady and the pressure and everyone looking at you? Oh, absolutely. Like it almost broke me down 2012. It did. Oh, yeah. I remember like competing and after that, we had this like, run on the track and the snatch event where you had to switch legs, like have the left in the front
Starting point is 01:04:36 and the right in the front and I got like, I felt screwed over with the judging there. So I ended up like, I was very, I was in fifth place, but very far from first place after, after that event. And that was before the Friday night event. And I was like, I can't win the cross the game. So I was like completely broken down. I felt like I was disappointing my family and all sponsors and everyone. But then I also realized that I, well, I thought it was such an interesting thing that Carl said to me, Carl Poehly, he was like, so do you want to quit? Like you can walk away now, you can say that you're injured and just walk away, you can walk away anytime Annie. I'm like, no, no, I don't, like no, what are you talking about? And then I realized it's like, I don't want to quit.
Starting point is 01:05:26 I am here to compete, so I better not quit. And then I managed to just get out of it. The pressure was off because I couldn't win anymore. But you want and then I added. Yeah. And then I ended up winning because I could perform. I could crazy roller coaster. Yeah, I could start performing as me again. I could start enjoying competing again instead of being in this like
Starting point is 01:05:48 uncomfortable shell. But I also think it's really important. I am all for I think it's so so good and healthy that athletes are realizing that they are uncomfortable that they're realizing that the pressure is getting to them and are aware of it, because it's so important to talk about it and be aware of it. But I also want to say this the right way. I think they also need to realize that we all feel like this. That is normal to feel like to a certain extent, you should not be having multiple panic attacks and hate competing, then you shouldn't do it. If you don't like it, you shouldn't do it. But you should not be having multiple panic attacks and hate competing, then you shouldn't do it. If you don't like it, you shouldn't do it. But you should also know that it's normal to feel nervous. There's never been a competition that I've competed in where I can chew and eat all of my breakfast. Never. Most years I have a couple of bites and then I lie in bed and I'm in child's position
Starting point is 01:06:46 and I'm like having to breathe and just get centered and then I have a few more bites. Like I'm nervous every single time and I think everyone gets nervous and it's a part of it. Like you should embrace it as it's a part of it. And it's normal to feel pressure but your head is another thing that you train. It's like training your body. You train your head and you're never going to be done. You're going to continue to be sore and you're going to have to continue to work on the mental aspect of competing, but it's always going to be hard.
Starting point is 01:07:19 So you also need to be ready for it to be hard. And that it's okay that it's hard and that it's okay to feel nervous and anxious and all that as long as you feel like it's worth it. So I think it's important not to freak out if you're feeling those things and feel like you then have to go away more than maybe it's something that you can train and work on. And I'm not saying it's easy and I'm not saying it's the same for everyone. I'm just saying that everyone feels it to a certain extent.
Starting point is 01:07:55 So you had a CrossFit games where you got there. You were super duper excited. You skyrocketed. Then you had an event, and you went to the absolute worst place you could go or like completely defeated, then back up to winning the games. I think I've been chatting with a bunch of athletes about this. I don't think people it's impossible for the fans to see the emotional
Starting point is 01:08:23 drain and roller coaster the athletes go on unless you're back there and then you can start seeing it. What a fucking crazy journey you guys go on mentally. I didn't know that. I didn't know or I either didn't know or I had forgotten. So at some point in the 2012 games after an event, you basically hit rock bottom, you collapse, you were just completely, I mean, you were just near the end of surrender. And you were throwing like
Starting point is 01:08:53 a giant pity party. And then Carl said that to you. Did Carl know when he said that to you that that would like ignite you? Because I do that to my kids sometimes, like we'll be somewhere and they're crying. I'm like, Hey, we can go home. Or if they fail something, I'm like, hey, we can we can stop we can leave, you know, and they'll be like, no, no, I'm doing it again. It works 100% of the time. Did he know? But I think he knew me well enough at that point that I'm not a quitter, that I never quit. I would never walk away. I have never quit a workout unless I am actually like injured. And there's a difference between pain and injured. Because I have never wanted to, if you quit once, you're teaching yourself that it's okay to quit.
Starting point is 01:09:49 So I've always had that in the back of my mind that I will never quit. I will always finish. Even if I need to crawl, I will finish. Which is why it was so hard for me, 2015, to have to withdraw from the games. But I think he knew that about me when he said that. And that it was the perfect thing to say to me because I knew I wasn't going to do that. So I could just as well stop whining about this and just snap out of it and do what I could for the remaining of the events. And I ended up I think I wanted that Friday night event after that talk with him.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Yeah, that's what was that? Was that Isabel? No, no, that was the deep ball, deep ball, handstand push up or sandbag handstand push up events, Friday night. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Wow. Want to talk? Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Wow. Hey, another thing that was interesting is I saw Yame still coaching you while you were pregnant.
Starting point is 01:10:49 That's a pretty special relationship. I always imagine an athlete getting pregnant and then the coach just going on his way, but he stays with you. He still coach you while you're pregnant, huh? Yeah, of course. We're a team. Yeah, that's amazing. He's my team.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, obviously, I'm not having him program crazy things for me or put. Yeah. But for as long as I was able to do, it wasn't until like maybe the last month where I was like, okay, you can stop putting in programming and I will just do what feels the best to me. Now I know most of the bodybuilding and the biking
Starting point is 01:11:26 because I had just a few things, a few more things that I had first pregnancy. But yeah, up until then he programmed every single day for me. Yeah, this is incredible the 2012 leaderboard. You had to really dig yourself out of a hole 16th 14th third 33rd 4th 12th Wow, what a roller coaster it was a roller coaster So it was after that check triplet where I was like, oh, yeah, I can't win I'm done like I am done for now because I was in fifth place and I was so far down the leaderboard because that was after yeah I'd one third place finish, but I took so many
Starting point is 01:12:09 Low down and then that met Paul and some push-up. Yeah, but Paul and some was up. That was Friday night and Then I started enjoying competing again Yeah, it was like a switch Yeah, and then you crushed it after that Yeah Yeah, and it was like a switch. Yeah, and then you crushed it after that. Yeah. Wow, look at these names. Julie Fouchet, Talana Fortunato, Kristen Clever, Valerie Vobrol, Camille.
Starting point is 01:12:34 Kamila Vaughn. Wild. All right, cool. Well, thank you. Great, great having you on the show. Thank you. Yeah, thanks for doing this. Oh, it's so fun to talk with you. All right, cool. Well, thank you. Great. Great. Happy. Yeah. Thanks for doing this. It's so fun to talk with you. All right, dear. Say hi to Frederick. Thank you. Enjoy the games.
Starting point is 01:12:51 I will. I'm really excited. I can't wait to go get my media credentials today. I'm pretty pumped. I'm very excited to watch. All right. I will talk to you soon. Thank you. Thank you. Bye. The great Annie Thor's daughter Wow cool I Hope I can get rich on tomorrow. He's I think he's gonna be a little more I actually I thought Annie would be pretty difficult to do too. I know everyone's busy crazy
Starting point is 01:13:29 Yeah, she's pretty amazing. Is that Mark Uplift Quad? Mark? Mark Marshall? Is that his name? Alrighty. It looked like CrossFit has announced some new stuff. We should probably talk about that tonight. You guys want to talk about all that shit tonight? I don't know why any of the boys aren't coming on with me at night. I mean yesterday I only gave them two minutes notice. I guess the night before I only gave him two minutes notice. I guess the night before I only gave him two minutes notice. Hopefully someone will come on
Starting point is 01:14:09 with me tonight. There's some footage of the 1600 meter run. Yeah, this looks cool. Man, Friday night's going to be wild. By the way, Friday night's free. I'm sure most of you know. So it looks like they're doing the mile first. I wonder if that's what Dave's talking about. That originally was supposed to be the sprint first. So they do the mile and then they do the sprint and it's a one, two, three, four, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:15:05 We'll talk about that tonight. We got the fan favorite award over here also. All right. These look like Colton's nipples. Yeah, there we go. Alright guys. I don't remember seeing any of these. What is this one?
Starting point is 01:15:41 Oh, that's cool. Stay ready, Ariel. All right, guys, I'm going to head over to the venue. I think the boys and girls are there registering today. I was looking at an athlete schedule today and it doesn't look like there are any, um, And it doesn't look like there are any orientations. Let me see. I'll tell you what the athletes are doing today. Today's Tuesday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. the women register from 8 to 12. I think that's where they get all their gear basically let someone know at the games hey I'm
Starting point is 01:16:38 here then the men go from 1 to 5. That's happening over at Dickie's arena is is Dickie's and Will Rogers memorial the same location is that the same is that the same thing I keep seeing it used interchangeably I hope that's the same thing and then tomorrow at noon the athletes have a mandatory athlete orientation at 12 and the coaches have one at one. Okay, so that for sure I'm going to start filming there. All right. All right, guys. Thank you. I will.
Starting point is 01:17:26 I don't know how I don't know what I'm gonna do, but I'll definitely see you guys tonight. Try to think if there's anything anywhere I'm gonna maybe in my stories on my personal account. I'll show you guys some stuff from the venue. All right. Good show. Thank you, Annie. And hopefully we'll have rich on tomorrow morning.
Starting point is 01:17:43 I'll see you guys. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Maybe in my stories on my personal account. I'll show you guys some stuff from the venue. All right, good show. Thank you, Annie. And hopefully we'll have Rich on tomorrow morning and I will talk to you guys soon. Oh, Will Rogers is vendor village. Okay. Will Rogers is a separate structure.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Okay, they're close together. Okay. What's the website what's the website for the sunscreen it's doterskin doterskin all right

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