The Sevan Podcast - Arielle Loewen | Changing the Game

Episode Date: February 4, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of america express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply blakely blakely what's up girl hey can she hear me what's up like yeah she actually told me she said don't put on headphones i like to listen to these people yeah blakely blakely are you wearing a robe is she wearing a robe she is should we show you the best part is you she's a unicorn oh yeah oh yeah only child spoiled good girl that's exactly right
Starting point is 00:01:30 hey Ariel I'm going to put your Instagram I'm going to add it to your name you cool with that? absolutely let's see if I got it right does that look right to you yeah it looks good hey someone in the chat's like hey uh you got to see ariel lowen's gym tour
Starting point is 00:01:52 where is that okay today at a an hour ago it went live on youtube i'm actually starting a youtube video youtube channel and this is my first video to post. And this morning it went live. I'll probably promote it a bit more on Instagram, but everybody asked for a home gym tour. And so I gave the people what they want. Oh, you were, were you on, um, you were in the born primitive podcast. I was. Oh, that's awesome. Have you been? No, I had that guy on my podcast and yeah and he's the sponsor of our you well you sent me those pants that i live in now those joggers live in them and you know
Starting point is 00:02:34 what's funny i was talking to jr howell the other day and he's like dude i have nine pairs of those he said like yeah he can't he can't get out of them but so what's funny about that savannah's i sent those to you what was was that, two years ago? Yeah. So you gave me your address. I mean, no creeper mode, but my messages don't delete. So that's how I sent you the Christmas card, was I scrolled back through and found your address. I know you were curious.
Starting point is 00:03:00 You're good. You're good. Yeah. I was like, get Siobhan. He'll never expect it. That's good. I was like, I'm going to get this, Bob. He'll never expect it. That's good. So that guy is the one who's sponsoring. It's a perfect fit for me because I think the Savage 1 is like the best shoe since the Nano 2.
Starting point is 00:03:16 And I think that – and I love his joggers. And I loved having him on my podcast. I love everything he fucking stands for, like everything. I love what the company stands for. And so I reached out to him, and I thought it was a long shot, but I said, hey, you want to sponsor? We're doing an open event, Taylor versus the world. He's going to do Dallin, Jason, Colton.
Starting point is 00:03:36 And I'm like, hey, dude, I'm not trying to float my boat or sell you anything, but this thing is going to be huge. It's going to be something the community hasn't seen before. It's going to be so fun and wild. he was in he's like i'm in whatever you need yeah yeah i've heard about that dylan already told me all about it oh good so it will be behind a paywall no we'll just go we'll just go live friday night wow yeah just we're just basically copying the crossfit open identical but we're going to use taylor versus the world and we're going to just those three guys are just guys who like are i feel like are part of the seven podcast ecosystem you know i love i've i
Starting point is 00:04:18 loved alan i'm always pumping them up i love jason and i love colton those are like so it was like hey taylor you want to go against those guys? And he's like, fuck it. And I know Taylor will talk shit to them and it'll be great. Will they go head to head in the same location? Yes. They're going to fly there.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Yes. Yes. Yeah. But we're more primitive ponied up the cash, the cash. That's huge. Yeah. Next year,
Starting point is 00:04:43 next year we need to do girls. This year, boys, next year, girls. Yeah girls. This year boys, next year girls. Who would be the Taylor self of it though? Ariel Lowen versus the world. You know I can't talk smack like you can. You don't have to talk smack. That's okay. They could come in the home gym.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Get some content. We could do it at the home gym. That would be good. Wherever Will Branstetter wants to to go he's the mastermind behind it that's what i've heard yeah he he's he's incredible he's truly incredible i'm not just saying that like he really he can do it all he could build your gym we talked to him a bit or i should say we dylan did at guadalupalooza i had meet and greet saturday at wadapalooza all day and dylan ran into pedro bless you taylor self jr howell and so he had breakfast with that little crew
Starting point is 00:05:33 and chatted with them for a while dylan's working his way in he's trying to do something he's one of the boys now i'm'm on the... Oh, tour gym. Oh, three hours ago. Okay. Well, shit. Yeah. Well, shit. Do you like the title?
Starting point is 00:05:52 Or are you done with the title? Tour the gym that got me third place at the CrossFit Games. Yeah, look at you. You're like a real YouTuber. You're like, how's my title? Is that going to draw eyeballs? Look at you. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:06:01 Is it too long? I don't know. Well, I don't think so. 10 minutes seems good. Okay. There right there subscribe subscribe right that all set all notifications like let's see yeah tour it out so that's your old gym you give me the lot you give me the live tour as we watch this without you talking now okay it's technically it's not an old gym because our new one isn't finished okay who made this who made this i actually hired a guy here in midland who's
Starting point is 00:06:37 yeah it's beautiful so we call our home gym the lion's den this is the gym kind of some wide shot angles. And then I walk through everything and break it down piece by piece. There's a story to almost every piece of equipment. And he came to my house and just started filming and was like, tell me about the home gym. And it was like 20 minutes of me talking. And I'm like, make it as small as you need to. So I'm explaining the glass garage door.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Really nice in the winter because I don't feel like i'm trapped in a dungeon i can like look out and actually i creep on the neighbors quite a bit because i mean what else do you do when you're rowing on the rower and they creep on you can they see in there it's too bright outside only if they put their face up to the glass and then i got all our rowers all all our machines. And what I'm proud of is 90% of what you see has been purchased. So I don't want people to think I've gotten any freebies. We've worked hard for this stuff. What is that glass wall? This is my handstand wall.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Dylan's a very particular guy. So I'm not allowed to do handstands anywhere else, but that wall because it'll get the walls dirty so he bought cedar wood and literally shaped this thing and then put plexiglass over it and now that's my handstand wall god it's beautiful isn't it and at the games everything we do is plexiglass so it's actually a good simulation of what I have to do at the games. Hey, what's that thing on the ground over there mounted on the wall? Is that like a heater, air conditioner? It's a mini split.
Starting point is 00:08:13 So air conditioner and heater. So I'm a poser. I posted a video on Monday that said, like, why you got to be so cold, my gym? People are like, just get a mini split. And I'm like, joke's on y'all i already have one oh my goodness hey who makes that does mitsubishi make that who makes that you know that's a dylan question and does that think do you have to turn that thing on an hour before you go in to heat up the gym i would say 30 minutes and then it's perfect but dylan's funny
Starting point is 00:08:41 because in the summer he'll use it for an air conditioner unit because he'll finish like his echo bike workout and then just lay on the floor right there by the skier and just get all that cold air blowing on him. Oh, you do rope climbs from seated because the ceiling's not tall enough. Yeah. So this is how I trained for the games. This was the length rope I used seated up, seated down. And I believe our ceilings are 10 foot. So it's not super tall, but it did the job. I, I do all my, I learned muscle ups strict and then I always did them strict. And then I always did them in kind of weird confined, confined spaces. And so like, I, I just don't ever kick when I do muscle ups. Do you feel like maybe you're losing the ability to do certain kinds of rope
Starting point is 00:09:38 climbings or work on certain techniques, even though that's harder, but because you don't have a place where you can jump on and grab a 20 foot rope that. Yeah, but because you don't have a place where you can jump on and grab a 20-foot rope. I wouldn't doubt it. Rope climbs have never been a strength, so I'm always just middle to upper pack with rope climb events. If you weren't a professional athlete, it wouldn't matter. I would say, fuck, that's awesome. You're getting more strength.
Starting point is 00:10:03 You're getting more fitness out of it. matter like that i would say fuck that's awesome you're probably you're getting more strength you're getting more fitness out of it but because time is of the essence right and your new gym will have a tall rope yes it will so i can hold out for five five ish more months so this rig i bought dylan as a christmas present back in 2011 2012 and for the first six years of its life, he would hang the barbell on it and then put hangers on it. And that's where he hung his clothes. So the first five years of his life, that rig just hung clothes. So he didn't have a closet. He'd come out there and get dressed. Yeah. Well, granted he lived with his dad at this time. This house wasn't around. But yeah, the rig's been put to work in the back half years of its life.
Starting point is 00:11:06 basically he painted it as this cold, lonely place where you just have to work out alone. And, you know, he posed the question to me and to the audience, hey, would you do that to win the games? And I think everyone wishes that – everyone, I think, wants to answer yes. Like, fuck yeah. Is it – are you – do you get lonely? I – whenever I do cardio for about 30 to 40 minutes, and then I do straight stuff for an hour. So the first 30 minutes, I always have someone there.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Oh, so you'll push harder? Like someone looking like you need that person standing behind you to kind of go to the pancake? Let me clarify. I hate when someone's standing there watching me. I have someone who works out with me. So I'll do the workout and he'll do the workout with me, but he'll just modify it to fit his needs. So I always have somebody there working out with me. Give me an example of a cardio workout. or Mondays. I'll do Mondays. Mondays was every two minutes for 15 intervals. So two times 15, that's 30 minutes. First two minute window, I had to handstand walk and then do 20 wall balls. Whatever's left over, you rest. Next two minute window, I had to do 13 cal ski, 13 cal echo bike. I had about 20 second rest. Next two minute window, a hundred double unders for sandbag cleans at one 50.
Starting point is 00:12:32 And then I just repeat all five of those until it reached 30 minutes. And then that's it. I'm done with cardio for the day. And what's it do for you to have that guy in there? Oh, so much, so much. That's what I tell him. I would not have got third place. His name's Joel spoiler alert. The next YouTube video will feature him in it so you guys can meet him he keeps me accountable if a good song comes on we're singing we're dancing if i'm like hey my barbell needs chalk joelle can you help me chalk it he'll chalk it for me like he's just there solely because he enjoys working out and he's like i want you to be the best you can be like for example training example, training for the games, I practiced running a lot and I would do intervals, run a 400, come in, do stuff at the gym, rest 30 seconds, run a 400. He would scale it. So his 400 meter run would push me. So he might run 400 meters, come in the gym gym do one clean a jerk instead of 10 but he'll do that selfish or not
Starting point is 00:13:28 even selfishly unselfishly self selflessly selflessly so he knows the next 400 meter run he's fresh enough to push me to go faster so i always say like i'm unfortunately crossfit games athletes are very selfish if you trade with a fellow CrossFit Games athlete, they're going for the best of their interests while I'm going for the best of mine. He's solely there to be like, how do we get you better? I love it. I'm here to have fun, work out, stay healthy,
Starting point is 00:13:55 but I want you to be better. There was this guy I used to train with back in the day. He has a big Instagram account now. His name's, I call him Tall Carl Carl Eagleman Carl I forget his name he was 6'7
Starting point is 00:14:14 and he does this CrossFit stuff where he writes he draws the god someone will say it in the chalk up god I don't fucking remember the name of it. But basically he tells people how to do movements, and he's published a book on it, and it's really cool, and it's all stick figures. But when we used to work out, there would be workouts like that.
Starting point is 00:14:38 I can't remember what the workout is. Maybe it's EVA or something, but there's this one CrossFit workout I'll never forget. And it had – it was five rounds, and there was an 800-meter run in it. And – something, but there's this one CrossFit workout I'll never forget. And it had, uh, it was five rounds and there was an 800 meter run in it. And, oh, whiteboard daily. Thank you. Vindicates whiteboard daily. And, and then it had deadlifts or GHD, but I used to just sit there. I remember I would just sit there on the track and I would wait for him and I would only
Starting point is 00:14:59 do the eight hundreds and I would truly try to beat him on every fucking 800. You know what I mean? Even though he's over there doing 20 sets of fuck 20 reps with three 15 deadlift when he'd come over. It's a, it's a cool way to work out. It's and I got great stimulus from it too. Like I was still running eight hundreds as fast as I can. It was still a great stimulus for me. So you're saying you would be the perfect workout partner. I would be an amazing, I would be an amazing workout partner. Cause I have no, I would still try to beat you scale with no shame.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Yeah. And one other thing I'll add about his name's Joel is he has never once in his life complained about a workout. He shows up, he looks at the workout. Okay, let's do it. That's it.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. Let's, let's take a small break from the gym tour okay and answer a question from kevin mitchell seven why can you not use profanity around other people's kids why can you not you shouldn't i do and it's it's and it's bad because all the kids parents always tell their parents, that Sebon guy swears a lot, but you should not. You should not, especially when they are known to be Christians and don't use that language. To me, it's disrespectful. I don't play the respect or disrespect game.
Starting point is 00:16:14 I don't really care if someone, I don't play that game, but I agree. Any thoughts on that, Ariel? Yeah. I think this is where, I've been parenting. You grow every day. I'm trying to live in a way that she knows the outside world, but we could talk about it and discuss like why I don't cuss. Here's why I don't. Let me explain it to you. I try and just literally have open conversations with her. We have not gotten to big topics like gays or transgenders because that's too much for her but stuff like this if she were to ask me like what does this word mean i'll be like why does dylan why does dylan's friend always swear around the house does she said that to you why does or
Starting point is 00:16:54 why does grandpa swear some shit like that why does that podcast why does that podcast host always swear that daddy listens to well the thing is she doesn't even know like if i were to say those bad words she doesn't know until i tell her hey this is bad but i don't say that so if she ever said the word i'd be like hey believe it or not there are words that give life and words that do not i don't use them because they're not needed and then i would just explain my reasoning i haven't had those conversations yet but i i grew up in a home that was sheltered. Like, don't let the outside world in. So whenever I did get to the outside world, I went crazy. Knowing things, knowing my values, and knowing that I was going to be out there in the world.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Yeah, I wasn't allowed to have bologna or white bread or mayonnaise. And when I went away to college for like two months, all I ate were bologna sandwiches with mayonnaise and white bread I still remember when I moved off on my own to college for the first time I didn't realize like if I wanted a cherry pie I could go to the store and make a cherry pie I didn't have to wait till Thanksgiving so the freshman 15 hit hard because it was like you can have whatever you want and you can make it in your house and nobody's going to want you. Yeah. I felt that way about toy stores when I was like, I don't know, 40
Starting point is 00:18:14 and I finally was making a little coin. I was like, I can go into a toy store and buy any remote control car I want and nobody can stop me. Did you ever have a gas remote control car? No, that's gangster. Dylan had one and it would break every other day. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Those are to be worked on 20 times more than you play with them.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Oh, yeah. So I do think that I shouldn't swear around my friend's kids. I do swear around my friend's kids. And I think it's inappropriate. I agree. kids i do swear around my friends kids and and i think it's inappropriate i agree and um i also have had friends in the beginning a lot of young parents wouldn't didn't want their kids around me i even have friends who won't bring their kids to my house on saturday nights when i have parties um ufc parties because they don't want their kids to see the fighting on the tv even though
Starting point is 00:19:00 none my kids don't even like that at the party, they're in their own room playing with their friends. They don't even come in, but yeah, I, um, but I do think this, I do think my kids don't emulate other adults. They emulate me. And so if you have friends that swear, as long as you, if you behave how you want to behave, my kids swear because I swear. And so they picked that up from me. But they also, if the parents, I don't think that the kids' parents who come to my, the kids who come to my house, if those parents don't swear, those kids just hear it and they just know it's naughty. What did you mean by when you said words that give life? Those words don't give life. What did you mean by that?
Starting point is 00:19:42 I think I have a couple examples. Here's a perfect example um i don't know why when hopper sees dylan first thing he says is words that do not give life so he'll say like dylan look at your receding hairline and i'm just like or you can say like hey bro nice to see you or hey i like your hat words that just make people feel better build them up nice shoulders buddy look at that jawline that's what i see when i see dill you're built like a linebacker yeah yeah words that tear people down usually when you're cussing in my experience it's like not a good thing so just like how can we rephrase that? So the words give life like, that was really kind. Wow, this is great. Examples like that.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Boys do this thing. I have a couple friends who don't want to, who don't like to get picked on. But me personally, maybe it's because I was picked on a lot. I enjoy it. I feel like I'm an alchemist. And when someone picks on me, I'm just able to take that energy. And like, in my mind, it's because they like me. Okay. Do you know what I mean? Like, when I was at some point in my life, Jesus Christ, you actually breathe through that thing in the front of your nose or Hey, dude, please don't sneeze. You know, there's other people in the room. But then it reached a point where the script flipped. And I would get sustenance from it.
Starting point is 00:21:12 It's weird. Like with maturity. Yeah. Right? You got thicker skin. Yeah. Or I just learned how to. Maybe it's because I'm a narcissist or an egotistical douche.
Starting point is 00:21:23 But I just think, wow, that person's giving me attention. That person likes me. I mean, I don't actually think that, but it feels like that. Yeah. I could see it. I'm one that words do affect me, so I have to be careful what podcasts I listen to because if it's negative about CrossFit performance, it will stay in my head too long. Oh, interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:51 So I'm like, if I can give life with words because I know receiving them means a lot to me, I just try to. Yeah, I like it. I like it. I like it. Okay, here we go. Oh, yeah. Back to the gym tour. That was from 2014 when I went to regionals.
Starting point is 00:22:05 The gym I went to at the time, took a picture of it on the legless rope climb event gifted to me i've had all this all these years i want it hung up but my my builder slash hang up guy is a little busy so so this gym right here that you're we're touring though is soon to be gone no this will stay so picture it like this this is the barn rich froden and then we're gonna have crossfit mayhem in the back oh are you gonna open an affiliate you know what we would there's there's good to bad we're like we have two pros and consides the pro is affiliates are awesome i'm a crossfit athlete i I should open an affiliate to support the company that supports me. The con is we don't have the same model as 99% of the CrossFit gyms out there. Once we reach 60 members, our doors are closed. You can join the wait list. We don't
Starting point is 00:22:59 want more members. This is at the back of our house. I don't want our address all over google so i don't want you to be able to google crossfit gyms in midland and then you show up back here so it would definitely be more of a private intimate setting where will people drop a deuce we have a shower a bathroom a sauna a cold plunge what when i say 60 members, the price will be higher than most gyms, but it's state of the art. You're paying for something nicer. Class sizes will never be more than 10 members. You will have sauna and cold plunge included. We actually have a chili goat, which is extremely nice if you've ever seen them. So it'll come at a price price but once we reach our 60 members like here's the wait list we're not just our goal isn't to get members members members members like we just want a small community and if you want to be a part of that community awesome if not
Starting point is 00:23:58 there are other gyms in town who are affiliated you're more than welcome to join them um uh sleaky you can ask for your address not to be listed if you choose to affiliate. You could, but for five grand, one of the perks of it is you want people to see your CrossFit so they come and join or drop in. I would love, me and Dylan are going to go get our L1 sometime this spring. I'd love to talk to them. They've mentioned doing an affiliate garage price. So like that, I would absolutely be interested in, but paying five grand a year.
Starting point is 00:24:30 I mean, we could do it of course, but part of the perks of the affiliate is putting your name on the map and all that stuff. Jeremy Flatter, do seen in the cold plunge. Yeah. Things to consider.
Starting point is 00:24:44 I think that would reduce your membership. Hey, so you don't even care – you wouldn't care if you got zero members is what you're saying? Yeah, because at this point it's on our land. We own the shop. We own the equipment. It's not like we have overhead to pay of here's your rent every month. But I do think we'd get some members. overhead to pay of here's your rent every month but i do think we'd get some members what if you tried this model so in just really um broad do it um it's five hundred dollars a month
Starting point is 00:25:15 there's just one class time in that class you will work out with a Ariel. Ariel will be working out with you. And you don't care if you only have three members. It's just people who want to work out with you, right? The fittest woman in America. And if no one shows up, that's fine. But here's the deal, man. And not only that, there might be some days I'm not there. The schedule is not guaranteed, Those I and not only that, there might be some days I'm out there. The schedule is not guaranteed, but but I'll be probably 80 percent on point. But there's things I have to do. I have to do semifinals. I have to do open.
Starting point is 00:25:59 You will. But it's 500 bucks a month and you will work out with me one time a day and you will get at it and you'll get that chance. And the reason why I bring that up is. I like I like, I think I cracked the code on parenting and I think like I have perfect kids. Like they just do everything right. Like they see an old lady, they open the door, they do everything on time on schedule. They're just, I have these three just studs and I know how to do it. I know exactly about the consistency, the discipline, the habits. I know it's all on me on how I, how I'm doing things. And if someone wants to pick my brain about that, I'm not, I'm not, I mean, obviously I would talk to friends or anything, but like, I would never do it for cheap. I would never talk to someone. If someone's like, Hey, can you help me parenting? I'd be like, it's 500 bucks an hour. Like, I'm not interested in giving away any of my time that I'm giving
Starting point is 00:26:42 already to my three kids but like i've cracked the code on it you've cracked the code on what you do here's you've completely fucking cracked the code that's the thing with fraser too anyone who wants to talk shit about him you can but this fucking guy has cracked the code like he knows right and so like, why not just make it like you're basically trying not to, um, you're basically trying not to have members. People who are free when I work out, which is 11 to 1, you just like dropped all the working force. Now people who want to train to go to the games to see what I'm doing to get better. People that care about CrossFit, you just dropped it to one person. And it's like, could that one person afford it?
Starting point is 00:27:38 Probably not. And also, this is what's so weird. And they can clean the outside of the barn. They could. With a toothbrush. Yeah. And they can clean the outside of the barn with a toothbrush. Think of it as goofy as it sounds. I go to the games. I go to Wadapalooza.
Starting point is 00:27:54 I go to Fit Fest. I can barely walk, which is so cool. I can barely walk around in the crowd because everybody's stopping me for pictures, autographs, all that stuff. Nobody in Midland cares. So like Jesus in his hometown of Nazareth, they gave him no respect because they're like, you're from here, get out of here. So I don't think people would care that much. We would have a greater chance of bringing in people like Dylan who work every day, but they still want to do CrossFit because they enjoy it. People who work and actually Midland has a lot of money,
Starting point is 00:28:25 people who could afford it, but they just want to be healthy, look good in the mirror, eat good, and still go out and have fun on the weekends. So the percentage of those who would actually show up to trade with me, I know people in Midland wouldn't care enough to pay for it, unfortunately. Interesting. Okay. Let me, let me propose this too. Then another thing I think, cause you've asked my advice. Yeah. I want to hear it. care enough to pay for it unfortunately interesting um okay let me let me propose this too then another thing i think um because you've asked my advice yeah i want to hear it um hey every person
Starting point is 00:28:52 when you sign up um you have to know that what you're really doing is you're subsidizing all my costs and at any moment i don't want anyone to get their feelings hurt but at any moment you could be asked not to come back it's not personal but i'm not having one iota of weirdness in here so you it's like i give my kids um uh i give my kids like a remote control car and every time i give it to them i go you have to understand that you're so happy right now they're like yeah i'm like but in three hours when you break it when you run when you drive it off the roof and it breaks you're going to be crying you have to see that's how objects work it off the roof and it breaks, you're going to be crying. You have to see that's how objects work.
Starting point is 00:29:28 They bring happiness. So let people know, hey, you're happy you signed up? Please do not be upset. Even when I kick you out, go and write a review telling me how fucking blown away you are by my fucking etiquette and my fucking discipline and my integrity. Like basically let them know like this is like – it's a sacred spot. It is. And would you put that in the fine print? Let them know this is a sacred spot. It is. And would you put that in the fine print? Let them know ahead of time. No, no.
Starting point is 00:29:49 I would lecture them once a week. You guys, you are here to make me better. No, but here's what's different. Most CrossFit gyms are to make you better. That's up to you. This one's the Ariel Loewen motherfucking gym. No, that's what's different. Give people an want like give people
Starting point is 00:30:05 an opportunity to give different so think okay rich froning example okay okay that was there for rich froning that's where he got better you show up to the barn you're on rich froning's good side you're elite that's the home gym over here that you just saw a tour of oh this back part is cross at mayhem okay so i would probably get mayhem affiliate programming and they would be doing mayhem affiliate programming so i would actually be there to make them better okay fuck if you show up look at you you really are a christian look at you i can't get it out of you the lion's den you cuss in there while i'm working out, I don't like that. You don't get to show up again.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Mayhem affiliate, think of that, the back gym. We're going to be like, how can we make them better? But at the same time, we only have 60 spots. If there's people like swingers show up and they ruin your reputation, sorry, you're cut out. Yeah, yeah. I like it how you use swingers. Now you're talking're talking my talk yeah so the pineapples will always be the right you're cheating on your wife can't have that yeah cheating on your husband can't have that this is a place of character also exactly like you're going to be pulled to a little bit better standard all right look at look at the devil was trying to talk to you and you slapped him down. Okay. No, it's good because me and Dylan have tried to have these conversations to be like, what do we want?
Starting point is 00:31:28 If we're going to charge an elite price, these people better get an elite experience. Not an overcrowded place. Ten members. We're going to have hopefully road bikes from Trek. So once a week we might be riding out on the trail. Like we're going to – we want it to be something we would want to be a part of. Yeah. That's smart. That's smart. Okay. I like it. That's yeah. That that's the advice I meant to give.
Starting point is 00:31:53 So you're going to make it something you would want to be a part of that. Okay. I like that. And for quarterfinals, I have to do rope climbs in the home gym. I cannot do rope climbs according to standard. So I will have that to fall back on for a little bit more room. Okay, I like it. Okay, here we go. Sandbags.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Three different sandbags. That's what I'm describing. We filled them up with as much sand as could fit in them. So instead of one of them being 100 pounds, it's like 114 pounds. Do you, if you go in there in in the morning do you need to warm up a lot like if you go over and try to pick up the 150 pound sandbag like will that fuck with your head and like you'll be like oh my god this is so heavy but then if you warm up and pick it up it's easier and so you're like do you have some like sort of protocol so shit doesn't get in your head
Starting point is 00:32:40 no it's always heavy usually around one i hate warming up so usually around one of the interval stuff it feels heavy but then by round two to five it's great that's i hate to say it one day it's gonna get me right now i hate warming up i don't warm up i just stretch a bit one day i won't be able to do that anymore and i'll pay the price for it you ever been at an event and you go to move something and you're like oh i just can't do it and then three two one go um it should the drone gets in and everything starts moving what was there's been events where you're terrified you're like you go over and test something at the games you're like oh shit i have to carry that down the field. We just watched the episode with Stan ski, bag ski, ski bag.
Starting point is 00:33:30 You know what I'm talking about? Yeah. The behind the scenes. Yeah. Yeah. And backstage in the warmup, I could only do two of those, like on the shoulder, two squats, and then I'd lose it. The bag would fall. So me and Dylan were like, well, this is going to be the event that takes us down.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Just go out there smile have fun with it and then I ended up doing 28 of them unbroken holy shit yeah so I'm very very thankful when I step on the floor my body shows up for me and my mind is there and ready to go like the 5k run that we had to do with the games we had a dog across North Park and then line up at the finish line and take off the jog across North Park everything hurt I was like holy crap how am I supposed to run a 5k I'm already breathing heavy my legs are tired my shins are tired 3 2 1 go take off 630 pace no big deal no problems not great so I've been very blessed that when it's go time my body's ready
Starting point is 00:34:27 damn uh and but you go through that on the regular on the regular yeah crazy very comforting because I know when it's time to turn it on like I'm very confident that I'll be ready. It'll be fine. I wonder if that's the difference between what makes a champion and what doesn't. I'm not a champion yet, Savant. Ask Laura. How old are you now, Ariel? 34? I'm 30! I turned 30 this past year at Rogue.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Alright. Back to the Lion's Den. Yep, the Lion's Den. I'm explaining this past year at Rogue. All right. Back to the lion's den. Yeah, the lion's den. I'm explaining this is a new fancy barbell my strength guy gave me. And those are our three barbells. Oh, did Rogue end up making that? So, no. Dude, I get left on red so much.
Starting point is 00:35:23 I can't reach it out anymore. So, we – so many people, even if you look on that youtube video the first comment is when are you coming out with your diamond barbell and i reached out to rogue back when they came messaged a bit with katie then she's like hey bring it to rogue so me and dylan brought it to rogue and i went up to katie and i'm like hey katie ariel thanks for coming to my house i have thebell at the back of my truck. Wait, Rogue sent someone to your house to look at it? They sent someone there to do a preview of
Starting point is 00:35:51 Ariel Lowen for the Rogue Invitational. They picked me, Victor Hoffer, and a Straights guy. Yeah, that's cool. That was a cool video, by the way. I remember that. Yeah, they did a phenomenal job. So I said, hey, here's the barbell to the back of my truck literally anytime you need me this weekend grab me i'd love to show you like to be this
Starting point is 00:36:10 barbell is more important than the rogue invitational and nothing and then we got home and i don't even think i reached out again because i'm like she knows i have it i've messaged her i've sent her a picture i went up to her at Rogue. Bug her, dude. She got a thousand employees. Yeah. You got to bug her. I bug her. Bug her or bug someone at Rogue. No, bug her. When she's tired of being bugged, she's very direct. She'll just tell you. But probably eventually what she's going to do is she's just going to point you at the right person. Dude, I'm sure they want to do it. They're very direct people.
Starting point is 00:36:49 If they're like, we're not interested at this time, they'll tell you. You've only fallen through the cracks. Oh, okay. Yeah. I mean, fuck, dude. They're so busy. Tell me this. Yes, I want it.
Starting point is 00:36:59 I'm going to bug her. I'll send her a picture today. Yeah, bug her. Once a month, bug her. Just bug her. Be like, hey, Katie, what's up? People who are busy need people to bug them so that shit doesn't fall through the cracks. We have to have it.
Starting point is 00:37:13 I mean, you know that too, right? Your daughter sometimes has to ask you for shit five times, and you're like, dude, I'm sorry. True. Right? Tell me this. Let's say they do make it, and I see it on the Rogue website. My strength guy, his name's Brian Rideout, made that bar, welded it in his backyard. He wants to name it the Rideout Barbell. I'd love for him to get a percentage.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Do you think they would give him that opportunity or are they just going to make it Rogue sells it? Ask them. Ask them. They'll tell you. Ask them. They'll tell you. Yes. Ask them.
Starting point is 00:37:44 They'll tell you ask them they'll tell you yes ask them they'll tell you who who knows there's obviously there are people who have had inventions that rogue has helped them make that that i know that get uh a percentage a percentage of it and then there's other stuff that where they're going to be like they're just going to make it and like be like thank you and it's theirs so okay so like he says they won't slinky says they won't just stay on her yeah just stay on her if i made it i think it'd be a different story but he welded this in his backyard it's his invention i would love for them to do the right thing for him yeah yeah that's funny hey but whatever happens don't let it don't let
Starting point is 00:38:26 it upset you it's just people you know what i mean but we are for our bigger gym we reached out to katie got left on red so that i reached out to rogue and now we're in talks we want a custom rig for the back of our shop the mayhem gym in the back we want a custom rig for it we are talking to rogue and they are doing a phenomenal job but we haven't got the custom price yet but the custom outline looks good even more reason to bug katie so that she's like oh that's the aerial girl that keeps bugging me yeah i like her yes keep bugging her stay close to bill and katie i know i do love them stay close yeah okay here we go these are three barbells i'm explaining one of them's a guy bar girls bar and then a shorty bar all of those i'm blessed to say
Starting point is 00:39:14 were given to me by somebody which is very nice what do you mean what do you mean who gives you a barbell give me an example like you're at a competition they're like take that girl no one of them i was sponsored by rpm for a minute the girls bar that came with the rpm package that was in my contract cool shorty bar when i was working out an affiliate in town his name was carlos he was like hey i have this cool shorty bar that weights excuse me 35 pounds do you want it i'm like what the heck this is amazing thank you so he just gave it to me what's the name of the gym what's the name of the gym i don't want to promote that i'm not going to
Starting point is 00:39:49 say it okay thank you for the bar carlos you're wonderful but i'm not promoting carlos is awesome yeah i told you some of the crap i put up with which is why i train alone yeah you wouldn't believe it but that's for uh me and you over drinks at the games time any random any random guy slap your ass while you're working out no okay all right all right cool i just wanted to just now i have a demarcation line of how good or bad it was okay good no and then the top bar which is the guy's barbell i was working out still in midland around 2015 and somebody in midland was making barbells and bumper plates named Sisu so they were just like hey Ariel you went to regionals you've had some success
Starting point is 00:40:30 use our barbell here's a barbell with weights and then that's how it came about should women train with the men's bar I used to whenever I was for like the first five years of my CrossFit, whatever you want to call it. Journey. Journey. That's a perfect word. I did. And I do feel like it helped just to work on a little bit thicker grip. And then when it's time to compete, the girl bar just feels so much smaller.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Maybe I should bring that back. Here we go. So do barbells see gender? That's another question. Yes. Very, very important question. What's that thing on the wall? That's it. Oh, a dipper, a dip?
Starting point is 00:41:12 A matador. I think that's what they call it. These are our dumbbells. That's not too wide for you? Whenever I look at that, I'm like, that's too wide for me. What I've noticed, the CrossFit Games ring standards are actually pretty wide. When we hug our rings, we'll show those in a second i reached out to fukowski so i'm like only fukowski would know this i said crossfit games how far do they set their rings apart because that's what i want
Starting point is 00:41:35 to practice and he had the exact measurement in inches centimeters you dame it so they're actually set decently wide. All right. But how about the matador? Does the matador seem wide? Like I look at that and I'm like, that's too wide. You can adjust where you put your hands. Like if you go back here more, it's super wide. If you go closer up to the base, it's closer.
Starting point is 00:41:58 And where do you grab it? In the middle. Like if I have four sets, I'll do two two of them narrow two of them a little bit wider okay of course uh constantly vary exactly hey when are you going to your l1 do you know it's really up to dylan there is one in march in abilene which is two hours from us but honestly dylan's the boss man it's hey, when can we go together? God, I'd love to film that. That'd be awesome.
Starting point is 00:42:29 God, I'd love to film that. I'll let you know once we for sure set a date and sign up for it. Okay. I mean, I don't even know if they'll let me, but God, I'd love to film that. If you pay for it, just pay for your L1. And then bring my camera. What are you doing here with your camera? I'm just, you know.
Starting point is 00:42:46 I paid for it. You can't kick me out. And look at those dumbbells. Those are weird. Yeah, those were from RPM as well. They call them squirtle. Are those rubber or metal on the end? Is that rubber on the ends? No, it's not rubber.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Steel? It's not steel. It it's i don't know it's not steel like you see in the hard jibs but it's not rubber like the 70 pound dumbbell you see underneath it yeah it's weird shit okay here we go it's different one time if you want to pause it so they're squircle right they're like round and square those dumbbells yeah and joel were doing overhead walking lunges on our concrete driveway and he set them down we started our next 400 meter run came back and his dumbbells are gone and he's like what the heck they had just rolled into the grass and they were just gone in the random field so they're not ideal. And you won that workout.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Look at, look at, see, look at, look at Daniel Garrity. Someone's nose forces him to back off the matador. So I can't use the closed grip. My nose will hit. It means he likes you. Isn't that what they say? Yeah. He loves me.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Wants to sit on my face. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Those are our kettlebells. I need more kettlebells because I don't have two of every kind. I just have one. So like I couldn't do double kettlebell
Starting point is 00:44:10 farmer's carry or anything. Oh, I like that. That's a good hat. That was from Wadapalooza two years ago. Thought that was fun. That's like a little trophy. This is my signage wall. And I'm telling the story.
Starting point is 00:44:23 I have a lot more to hang up. But Dylan says he's not hanging up anymore. Because the last time he hung it up, he used a stud finder. And saw there was something back there. So he poked the hole in the wall to hang up something. And we just hear. Uh-oh. And then water just comes out.
Starting point is 00:44:42 He had poked a hole in our water line. And the worst part, he did the plumbing for our house. So he knows where everything is. So he had to cut open the wall, plug the hole, and then patch the wall again. Oh, yeah. He was fucking crying inside. You know him. He was crying.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Yeah. So after that, he's like, I'm not hanging anything else up. Good job on your accomplishments. And when you're pointing here, what's going to go here? That's where the little hole is where the water came out. So he patched it on the other side of the wall. Oh, wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Okay. And what's that thing plugged into the wall there? Is that air freshener? Yep. Oh, you're crazy. You can't be in there. Your nose can't be snorting that garbage. So in December, it was pine smell. I've actually since gotten rid of those. Oh, you're crazy. You can't be in there. Your nose can't be snorting that garbage.
Starting point is 00:45:30 So in December, it was pine smell. I've actually since gotten rid of those. So I've read some bad things about them. Good, good, good. I know. Good. All right, good. That's very Southern of you. I always wonder when I see that shit in the grocery store, who buys that shit? It's Southern people. I know. I just realized if I just clean the house it'll smell just as good yeah yeah use deodorant of course oh non-aluminum okay if you say so
Starting point is 00:45:55 but i'm not about to to be stinking yeah you need to stink it's good no so i'm just explaining my favorite thing though is you see those sunglasses behind me i do i bought command strips with hooks on them and so i have two pairs of gooder sunglasses that i hang up on those that if i ever need them to like go out in the yard and mow or go for a run i I just grab them, put them on, and then hang them back there. Did you and Dylan fight about that, about you putting those command strips there? Too soon, Siobhan.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Did he not like that? Was he like, I could just see him because you're saying he's a perfectionist and he doesn't want your feet up on the wall. Did he come in one day and he's like, dude, what's this? No. Thank goodness. But did you see what happened on pedro's podcast no okay i'm gonna give you guys a sneak peek okay let's do it i'm gonna give you guys a
Starting point is 00:46:52 sneak peek so i used those same stickies in our master bedroom and i'm just gonna show you this do you see those holes oh nelly yeah you guys Yeah. You guys see that? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Dylan's not here to defend himself, but I'm going to lay the stage. Okay. For six months, I had a picture I wanted hung up. Six months. Cause he's a busy guy. I let it slide for six months. January 1st rolled around and I was doing laundry. I looked at the picture and I was like, it's time. This picture is getting hung up today. I gave him six months. He can't be mad.
Starting point is 00:47:31 And he told me, he's like, if you're going to hang it up, don't use those stickies because it'll ruin the wall. Use nail. But it came with stickies. So I was like, it's meant for this. Let's just make it easy. I hung it up. Dylan came home from work, went to change because we were
Starting point is 00:47:45 gonna work out in the lion's den he's like what is this and he's like you didn't listen you hung it up and he's like i told you we're gonna use a nail and he's like look what it does to the wall and he grabs the picture and rips it off oh yeah yeah i would do that too he had a temper tantrum good job and he said i told you it would ruin the wall. And I was like, why did you have to take it off? It was perfect. It made me happy.
Starting point is 00:48:12 He's like, I took it off to prove a point that those things ruin the wall. And look, they ruined the wall. But no one would have seen it if he would have left it up there. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Yeah, that's the most... I do that stuff. I do tempered. Like, if I'm looking for my kid's shoes and I can't find them instead of gently going through their shoes, I'll dump, I'll get angry and just dump the whole box out on the floor. So his defense was, you should have told me to hang it up more. So I was like, so you want me to nag you every day after you come home from work or you want me to just do it myself? And I'm like, I'd rather just do it myself no way dylan wins
Starting point is 00:48:46 this no way dylan wins this no way but he totally he was right no way i'll give him that it ruins the wall but no but but but it doesn't matter if it ruins the wall if the picture's over it exactly like it didn't ruin the wall until he tore it down exactly oh my god you guys are on are you guys out of your mind that's boy tantrum shit you guys aren't being reflective enough i mean that's just a boy having a tantrum that's ocd tantrum that's what i said and i was like his defense was at some point it would have had to come off the wall and i was like did it have to be the day i hung it up could you have given me six months? Only because he knew.
Starting point is 00:49:27 He knew. What if you would have – see, here's the thing. Let me say why it's not your fault. If you would have just said, no, I used a nail, he would have never taken it down. No one would ever know. But I don't trust myself to use a nail. Yeah, I don't blame you. I don't trust – I would have used stickers too.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Hey, I shouldn't tell this story, but I'm going to anyway. My wife, my wife this year hung the stockings. We have a fireplace with a wooden mantle painted white, and she's hung the stockings by putting tacks in the mantle. Would you have rathered stickies? and the mantle would you have rathered stickies i'm like uh in three days the stockings are going to come down and there's going to be a hole all year where attack went in i'm just like what the fuck she sounds like my type of lady i probably would have done the same thing my mom would have killed me if i had done that. Yeah, same.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Excuse me for one second. I have to wipe a butt. One second. Go ahead. Wipe the butt. We'll check some of the comments. Oh, shit. Dylan, it wasn't level.
Starting point is 00:50:36 That was the main issue. Jeez, Louise. Look at him. Look at him defending it. Yeah. Go ahead. He won't see you. When do you think you're going to stop wiping? Look at him defending it. Yeah. Go ahead, wipe me. You're good. He won't see you.
Starting point is 00:50:46 When do you think you're going to stop wiping? When do you think you're going to stop wiping? Well, I feel like with poop, it's harder. Yeah. I don't know. When did you stop wiping? I don't want to tell you. Tell me.
Starting point is 00:51:01 I haven't stopped. They're 7, 7, and 9, and they still yell at me to come in and wipe their butt. And I always say to them. So I've got time. I always say to them, I'm like, like, I was wiping my, well, I don't ever remember anyone wiping my butt, but I always had poop in my underwear. Like, always. See, I feel like that's worse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:19 I would just, because boys don't want to, when you're done Ducing and you're a boy like you Start running while you're pulling your pants up To get back to what you're doing You're not even like That's what and so I want people to comment is that true Boys out there is that true I've never heard that before
Starting point is 00:51:39 Yeah we don't yeah Boys out there did you guys Did you guys Wipe your butt or did you just fucking yank your pants up? Sometimes I would even do this, Ariel. I would just wad up a napkin and then be like, fuck it. I'm not and just throw it in the toilet. Like just like, no, just seven. OK. Oh, so true. So we got no, just seven and so true. Oh, yes. Yeah. Look at Vindicate. Ninety nine percent of the time. Oh, Jay Hartle wiped, just seven on and so true. Oh, yes. Yeah. Look at vindicate 99% of the time. Oh, Jay Hartle wiped.
Starting point is 00:52:06 He wiped. Interesting. Okay. But depends on the kid. First kid was very clean. Haven't had to since he was three, but our second was five. Okay. Bacon strip underwear.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Yeah, totally. That's it. Yeah. All my underwear had just, and my mom put me in white, tidy, whitey. So they all had just a crazy poop stain in them so she she sabotaged you from the beginning no one ever talked to me no one's like hey maybe you should wipe better uh yeah i i'm not complaining i don't mind because like you said that i i'm the one doing the laundry if i can avoid throwing away kit, when I was a young kid, I gave no shits. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Good. Yeah. I got one of my kids is pretty fastidious. What's happened? Oh, holy cow. Get some clothes on. We're going to get banned from. We're going to get banned.
Starting point is 00:53:02 Don't worry. I covered it up. You're good. Great. Great move. we're gonna get banned don't worry i covered it up you're good great great move um well one of one of my kids will uh one of my kids is kind of wild though after if he takes a once a week he'll take a deuce me like i need to shower i'm like why he's like i want because i just took a shit i'm like and you have to shower you know what that means i'm concerned he's gonna
Starting point is 00:53:20 be like ocd and shit you're gonna have to get him a bidet. Yeah, use that bidet. Stop wiping like a peasant. What's that mean? I don't want my kid to get used to something squirting his asshole. That builds soft kids. Yeah, I don't want him getting used to that. I'm explaining the water story. If you see that little white remote there, that's what I use to turn on the heater.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Good, good. I like that. This is my whiteboard. Blakely drew me that picture up there, colored it. And you look, you put tacks in your whiteboard. Oh, no, those are magnets. Magnets. I'm explaining the secret to the magnet ones.
Starting point is 00:54:07 You have to hang them upside down. One of our members told me that if I have them upside up, they get dried out faster. You write your workout down every time you work out? Every time. Because there's so much satisfaction in doing the work and wiping it off the whiteboard. So by the end of the day, the whiteboard so by the end of the day the whiteboard is completely blank gotcha so it's like making a list and putting some really easy shit on there that you can just like cross off right away and get some success exactly like i'd be in the type if it's five rounds and i didn't write five rounds i'll write five rounds and then
Starting point is 00:54:41 mark off one of them to do like, I just finished that set. Look at her with the L-sit. Good job. Yeah, she's really good. She loves gymnastics. Hey, does this ever make it out to the outside garage? This stuff, no. When will that one be ready so i'm hoping after the games are over i could seamlessly transition and we could open that up and then i'll have all of the off season to not be overwhelmed get that running find a normal schedule and then go from there hey when you say that after the games
Starting point is 00:55:22 you're insinuating that you're going to the games. I'm expected, yes. Yeah, you're expected. Do you expect that you're – tell me how is that? Does that put pressure on you? Do you expect it? Does Dylan expect it? Are you stressed out?
Starting point is 00:55:42 I mean, the semifinals are not easy. No, I would – this is how Dylan would put pressure on me which he doesn't if he were to say okay Ariel going into semifinals you need to win going into the games you need to get third again that's pressure but I think it's safe to say we're both confident in right now I'm healthy i feel fit i feel strong i will make it to quarterfinals i'd like to say the same thing to semifinals and i'd like to say the same thing that i would qualify for the games the thing that sucks is there's so many unknowns that could happen from now until semifinals but i'm confident in my ability if I show up healthy and doing what I've been doing, I'll qualify. You said something. What did you say?
Starting point is 00:56:32 You said something early in the show about being affected by people talking about maybe your movement or something you might show in a video. a video you seem to me i don't know significantly more mature than the other athletes right it maybe just maybe just appears that way on the outside but that like you make it seem easy like you're not like you're not tripping on um Instagram followers or what other people say. And to be also fair, some of these girls have fucking 2 million followers, and I'm guessing 1.5 million of them are not there because of their fitness. They're there to see them in bathing suits, right? And you have 75,000 followers. suits, right? And you have 75,000 followers. And not to say that people don't enjoy looking at your body. I would say that most of your followers are genuine, like fitness people, right? They're not, they're looking for all the thirst picks. They're supportive. The thing I'd say is I know
Starting point is 00:57:37 my, I know my, my weaknesses. I know what gets me. So I'm very aware that CrossFit doesn't define me, My weaknesses. I know what gets me. So I'm very aware that CrossFit doesn't define me, but I still know what attacks me. So what attacks me are mental things, like putting pressure on me. You have to get first place. I don't take that well. If you say like, hey, go out there, do your best.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Who cares about the placement? The show will do for semifinals. I'll have John Young on, or Brian Spinn will have John Young on, and'll start making predictions you don't watch prediction shows you don't like that that no that that it actually gets to my head so i don't like it here's a an example as goofy as it is john young had the new mountain and then the peak of it and it's like who might fall off the cliff this year yeah it's like i'm very realistic i had a great year I'm very realistic I might drop down next year but I don't like to hear it from other people even hearing Dylan talk about that I was on the peak and I might fall off yeah mentally I'm like hey don't even put that thought in my head I'm just gonna keep showing up every day doing what I love and not think about it too much
Starting point is 00:58:42 I know certain things like little outside voices can affect me. That is my weakness. So I try and just not listen to them because if I don't know about them, they never happened. Yeah, it's interesting. For some reason, I just, it's hard for me to believe that about you. Um, cause in my mind, it's almost like you're not human. Like you just live in this bubble, you work out and then you just kind of like like those little clocks where the guy comes out when it strikes 12 you just come out of your cave you go compete and then you go back in i do i do do that but what is my one weakness my kryptonite is mental give me give me another example. Another example of my mental game? Yeah, just something that might be.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Yeah, give me another example. Okay, another example was the last chance qualifier. Rolling up, I had one more workout to go, and I was feeling confident. I was in first place, and on the way to compete. Dylan was listening to this is two years ago, right? Cause there wasn't the last chance qualifier last year. Okay. Dylan was listening to a podcast called the Savon podcast. And on there, Savon had said like,
Starting point is 00:59:55 Ariel won't end up qualifying for the last chance qualifier. She's a one trick pony. And I remember when he, he called me on the way to do my last workout. And I remember the feeling of driving there, pumped up, I'm ready to go. And then after that conversation, it was just like my spirits had sank. Oh, wow. We've come full circle from the very first time you said in this show.
Starting point is 01:00:18 You don't like words that don't give life. Right. So I'm very self-aware that words are very powerful over me. So in that moment, it was a good learning lesson of, okay, I need to communicate with Dylan. Words affect me. I can look like I'm hard as a shell on the outside, but words get to me because my spirits have sunk. I'm not as motivated. I'm not as pumped up.
Starting point is 01:00:42 I'm still going to go there and kill it it But I'd rather not even know about that and then it's like la-di-da I'm in my own fairy world go out there and kill it and I did great So I have to be really careful and Dylan knows this Like whatever Brian friend predicts me to get at the games Don't even tell me whatever this person predicts me to get whether it's good or bad. Don't even tell me just say like hey You're great. You're one of the best in the world go out there and shine this person predicts me to get, whether it's good or bad, don't even tell me, just say like, Hey, you're great. You're one of the best in the world. Go out there and shine. And my little fairy brain will do great. And I'll just have that positive mantra.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Um, how did it go away? So when you, when you hear that and you're about to go out, um, how does it go away? How does it dissipate? When I see the leaderboard and saw that I got first and I'm like, okay, I'm fine. you hear that and you're about to go out um how does it go away how does it dissipate when i see the leaderboard and saw that i got first and i'm like okay i'm fine i'm not done like i had my actions prove it how about these athletes that like um like the phrasers who will put up on the you know put up his second place medal on the wall so he can stare at it every day and get irritated by it that doesn't that's not your way. No. Cause even Dallin did that. I think one year he got maybe six place and that was his screensaver on his phone for forever. And my brain just, it works on positive things.
Starting point is 01:01:54 So you want, you want God loves you and is going to give you the strength to fight through all your challenges. And you're like, I don't want go faster, push harder because my brain takes that as negative. I want you're doing great. You've got this.
Starting point is 01:02:13 You're strong. I need anything positive because my brain is just like gasoline fuel. That outfit looks awesome on you. That's exactly what he'll say. You look strong. You look beautiful. That's exactly what he'll say. You look strong. You look beautiful.
Starting point is 01:02:32 So everybody's always like, you've got Kyle Rolfe on one side screaming at Emily like, you got to effing go. Effing pick up the bar. No, bitch, you want to sleep outside? Yeah. Then you got Dylan. You're beautiful. You're strong. Like so extreme.
Starting point is 01:02:46 But I know what my brain needs because i know it doesn't respond well too um have your parents uh sat you down and talked to you at all about like like how are your parents uh reacting with like what do they say when they see their daughters the fittest woman in america oh man they're they're They're proud. They're overwhelmed with joy. They're super supportive. But I still don't know if they get it, as bad as that sounds. Like, I went on – I spoke in front of a large assembly of people, and I mentioned in there, you can't be defined by your performances. Chances are, next year at the Games, I probably won't get third place because, like like the field gets
Starting point is 01:03:27 better. It's harder. I'm realistic in that it was a, it was a God thing. I don't know if it'll ever happen again. My mom literally looked at Dylan and said, did she just retire from CrossFit? Why would she say that she won't get third place at the games next year? And Dylan had to explain, well, the games are extremely difficult difficult the chances of getting third place again it might happen but chances are it probably won't happen again so he just had to explain so it's she'll say she gets it she's always
Starting point is 01:03:54 supportive but it's little comments like that to where I'm like do you really get it or I don't know I don't think very many people get it I don't know. I don't think very many people get it. I don't think truly I get it
Starting point is 01:04:10 because there are people out there, obviously, who have these other gears that even the best athletes in the world, like, let me ask you this. Do you think you get Tia? Or do you look at her and scratch your head sometime and be like, what the fuck is going on here? I mean, you beat her in an event. How good she is?
Starting point is 01:04:32 Yeah, just how good she is, right? How much work, how hard it is, the places she goes. Like, you know how hard you had to suffer to climb to the top of 4 billion women on the planet? Right. And then you're like, what? How? I kind of do get it you do get it she trains all day i train two and a half hours a day that's it so i'm like if i can do the minimal intentionally somebody out there can do the maximum intentionally how do you know that the minimal is not perfect for you?
Starting point is 01:05:06 It is perfect for me. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Yeah, it is perfect for me. I'm thinking that you don't do better if you train more. I agree. I think if I committed more time to it, got a full-time nanny publicly in school, I would not improve. I would stay the same or drop off because it would be too much pressure.
Starting point is 01:05:24 And what I'm doing is mentally perfect and physically perfect. Let me ask you this. Do you think that all the girls who make it to the games get it? Because from the outside, we can say we get it, but you look at these people who've just been dominant for so long, and it's just like – and then you – us regular mortals try the workouts it doesn't even make sense like shit that they're doing in 15 minutes would take some of us all like literally all day you'd have to like eat lunch and then come back and do some of the shit right i don't think they do
Starting point is 01:05:57 i say that but people still love it like the what is the yes sold out so even if they don't get it they buy into it yeah yeah for sure maybe i don't think your parents can ever get it do they do crossfit no i don't i say this nicely my mom is the best person to take care of blakely if i go to the games i know she's in great hands i have no worries but if i wanted her to go to the games, I know she's in great hands. I have no worries. But if I wanted her to go to the games, I would say, hey, mom, do you want to come to the games? I'd love to have you there. Never would it be. Of course, you're going to the games. We're going to be there.
Starting point is 01:06:33 We'll be front row. Regardless if you ask us, we're going to stand there and stand in the crowd. I would have to say like, hey, would you like to come? And then we'll figure out Blakely, go from there. Would you like to come? And then we'll figure out Blakely, go from there. But even before at sporting events, they were never the ones in the front row screaming their heads off.
Starting point is 01:06:55 So it's fun that Dylan is always there. Because if I didn't have that with them, Dylan absolutely gives me that. Say it again, gives you what? Gives me the, any competition I do, Dylan's going to be there in the front row cheering for me the physical support and that's crazy and that's crazy important to you the role he plays is like vital to you vital and that's where pedro asked me at fit fest because dylan was talking to me and then you've got these professional coaches over here talking with their athletes and pedro's like do you miss not having a coach backstage and I'm like absolutely not I don't need you to tell me okay at 15 reps break it check your heart rate breathe a little
Starting point is 01:07:34 bit faster and then go I just need you to tell me I'm pretty I'm strong go out there do your thing and I'll do the rest on the floor. I wonder what Matt needed. I don't think he needed strategy. I wonder what he needed. But I was sort of thinking from other human comfort. I wonder what he needed at the games. I wonder if he needed Sammy to tell him he loved him. I wonder what he needed.
Starting point is 01:08:02 I don't think it was Sammy. It would have been O'Keefe, right? Maybe. Or maybe he doesn't need anything. Maybe not. He's the anomaly, though. He is. He is.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Because most people need that strategic person. But to me, that's just more stress. Like, let me just do my thing. No matter how competitive someone is, there are definitely athletes who are there who are just like holy shit i'm just so glad to be there like shelby neal she posted the other day that she had imposter syndrome seen it out there on the floor yeah i'm like you're so cute but you were top 20 like you're great but but for you it's not you can't rest there. You're not comfortable with, hey, I'm just happy to be here. I am happy to be there.
Starting point is 01:08:51 I know you are happy to be there, but it's not enough for you. You have expectations. I would say now that I am perfecting my craft, I would like to see improvement. The hard part is, though, how do you improve from third so for me if i can top 10 again hey that's still an improvement top five don't you want to coach there or someone giving you feedback when you're in this when you're in this gym being like um uh hey uh ariel um have you considered doing this with your toes to bar? Have you considered different breakups? Have you considered – like you really are in a vacuum.
Starting point is 01:09:30 I'm not saying it's not impressive. I'm not questioning it in the sense that you should change it. But do you ever think that? Like, hey, I have no one watching my movements to maybe give me those 1% increments I need. I did have those thoughts last year at this time and I had so many doubts going into the open going to quarterfinals going to semifinals the games but getting third place it just think of like a candle getting third place at the games um I'm lit the candle I don't have those doubts anymore but Dylan still is great whenever I go
Starting point is 01:10:03 and compete he will totally call me out and say like hey your burpees are slow you need to work on faster burpees and I'll work on it usually my weaknesses are exposed on the competition floor and I try and do everything I can to just like stay consistent but I will look back at now that I got third place, I have a whole year of workouts. I've logged in my notebook that like what I did last year, January 31st. So I have that to reference of, am I staying on pace? Okay. This was me last year at this time. I'm fine. And as I get closer to the games, all, I should be a little bit fitter than last year, but I haven't looked that far into the programming. I should be a little bit fitter than last year, but I haven't looked that far into the programming.
Starting point is 01:10:46 So I'll have that to fall back on. A great title for a book. I became the fittest woman in the United States all by myself. And then in the preface you write, the title isn't true, but bear with me. And then you just basically tell the story that you had. In one way it's true, but in another way it's not because you're obviously telling us the vital role dylan plays yeah but basically you did it yourself you're writing your own programming or everything my cardio stuff i do have a strength guy who created the barbell yeah he's the best strength guy in the business he watched footage and he'll say like okay these muscles are weak this is where you're weak here's a six-week strength style. Email it over.
Starting point is 01:11:25 I'll do it. And then I'll compete. And he'll be like, okay, here's your weaknesses from what I saw. Here's your next six-week strength cycle. So I do have him. So you do have someone's eyes on you too. I do. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:37 But it's a six-week basis. We reach out and communicate. And then he sends it over. I wonder what he looks at. You send him videos and he watches your movement and he says okay hey like you need to do go ahead sorry i he'll watch wadapalooza oh okay okay based on this competition this is where it looks like you're weak or he'll watch the games and say okay you got really good at being explosive flipping the pig but then rogue came up and the squats buried you we need to work on leg
Starting point is 01:12:08 strength so he'll watch performances like rogue waterpalooza or if I express something like hey my clean is very strong how me get strong at a clean and then he'll help me but he's the smartest guy like that's not going to tell me do five-by-five back squats followed by five-by-five deadlifts. The stuff he comes up with is so intricate and unique and different that it just blows my mind. So not only that is he good, but he knows how to talk to you. Yeah. And best quote from him ever. Because I've had coaches in the past.
Starting point is 01:12:46 I was very self-aware. I didn't like how things were going. So I ended it because it was more negative than positive. And I, he gave me a six week strength cycle last January and I didn't hear from him for six weeks. And so at the end of it, I was like, Hey, I finished the six week strength cycle. Here's what I'm feeling let's check back in on all this and it was so refreshing and I was like I really appreciate you just sending the six weeks drink cycle and trusting me to do my part and work hard and he's like yeah you don't need another cheerleader show up and do the work and that's all he said and I was like man that's so refreshing everybody wants to be the cheerleader like you got it you're great and he's like you know what
Starting point is 01:13:29 to do here's the program you do this you'll get strong end of story you found your match i found my match and he he's so great he lives a mile from our house which is the first thing. The first affiliate I ever went to, he was the owner of it. So I've known him for almost 12 years now. Is that the same affiliate? You're not going to say their name? The same gym? No. His affiliate unfortunately had to shut down
Starting point is 01:13:55 because rent was ridiculous. He couldn't afford his overhead anymore. But I'll show up to his place. We actually gave him an ice barrel as a thank you from the games. And we'll show up to his place too we actually gave him an ice barrel as a thank you from the games and we'll show up to drop it off and he's in like five-year-old jeans holes all over him instead of a belt he uses a rope to tie his pants holes in his shoes just like you picked your country strong rope to hold up his pants like he's probably doing kettlebell swings with a like a keg just like country strong in his backyard throwing down i think if he would everybody okay i'll comment
Starting point is 01:14:36 on that in a second if you don't mind my next one of my youtube videos i'm going to introduce him and i just want you guys to meet him because he's just strong. Unfortunately, I'll get messages like that in my DMs. Braylon, I'm sure you're awesome. Please don't take this offensively. But when people message me that I get so offended because so many have slid into my DMs after the games getting third place. Hey, if you need a coach, I'm here. Hey, if you need a coach, I'm here. Hey,
Starting point is 01:15:05 if you need a strength program, I'm here. And I'm like, I literally just got third place at the games doing my own programming, following this awesome strength guy. And you have the audacity to come at me and say, Hey, do my program.
Starting point is 01:15:17 You've never heard of me. My stuff is better than what you just did to get third place at the games. And I'm like, yeah, you should respond. Do you want me to train? place at the games and i'm like yeah you should respond do you want me to train is that your way of asking me to train you sorry sorry i'm not taking on any clients right now listen listen listen i have a method that's unparalleled i love you brainly that's awesome yeah so the selfish oh here, here it gets better. He'll take you to second place. Hey, that's somewhere I've never been.
Starting point is 01:15:48 You might be right. You might be right. You use the word doubt. What do you do with doubt? Do you have to wait for it to go away? Do you look at it? Do you push it down? It's there.
Starting point is 01:16:08 The only thing that'll push it down is performance. So when the open rolled around i got fourth in the open do you think you need doubt you think what's the benefits of having doubt you've been talking about like it's negative but somehow i'm also feeling like it's something you kind of need you're not wrong because the doubt could almost be like the flame behind me keeping me going yeah you're not wrong you're not wrong does it does it bum do you wish dylan worked out more do you wish he did more crossfit with you like do you wish he did work out with you if i had one rogue he said he would have taken a lot of time off from work work to work out with me it's been a perfect i'd make all the money and he'd just show up kind of like joelle work out with me for you would like you would like to work out with me. So when a perfect, I'd make all the money and he'd just show up kind of like
Starting point is 01:16:45 Joel workout with me for, you would like, you would like to work out with them. You think he'd be great with training partner. Yeah. Mental. I love having people around me to work out if they're the right fit for me. And he's awesome. I would love to have him there. And also my brain is so weird, Siobhan. So we did ret an open workout Monday night, and it was 17.5. You did nine thrusters, 35 double-unders, 10 rounds per time. So we're doing the workout, me and Dylan head-to-head. We'll train together in the evening. I should preface with that.
Starting point is 01:17:18 How are his double-unders? How are his double-unders? Siobhan, he did single-unders. Oh, good. Me too. That's what I do. That makes me feel better. That's what I do. Yeah, yeah. better. That's what I do. Yeah. Yeah. So we're doing that workout 8 PM at night. We're going,
Starting point is 01:17:31 we're going. And I laugh him because I'm just moving. I'm trying to beat my old score. And in my head, I'm thinking Dylan's probably so impressed. I'm moving these thrusters so fast. I just laughed him again. he's probably thinking i'm awesome so i just have all these silly positive goofy thoughts so if he worked out with me more i'd probably have more goofy thoughts and it's just fun for me dude i i love you even more now that is awesome that's how i can't get over myself either. That's so healthy. Like when Haley comes home and I got, and I got onions chopped on the stove and butter, I'm like, man, she, she must think I'm the greatest husband ever. I haven't done shit.
Starting point is 01:18:13 I sliced an onion and put it in butter. She must think she scored. You're crying because you cut the onion. What a man. I always tell my kids, tell me how great I am. Tell me they're like, what? Like you're a douche. I'm like, all right. All right.
Starting point is 01:18:28 All right. We'll work on that. We'll work on that. Okay. We're never getting through this video. Hey, that's healthy though. It's healthy, right? You should be having those thoughts.
Starting point is 01:18:39 That's your muse. Then you found your guy. Yeah, I do want. Basically, I interpret that as you want to impress him like i want to impress my girl i want to juggle three balls in front of her like and be like exactly yeah yeah yeah god you've scored that's awesome i scored we both scored both scored sorry well no duh he scored okay um the guy can build this is crazy was that hey was that crazy when you saw that in your yard were you just like all warm and fuzzy yeah he's the contractor he could build that himself
Starting point is 01:19:13 but it would have taken probably a year just because he's so busy he doesn't have the time to do that so he did hire this out and they built it quick dude look at him right there that's a great shot of him you got a man yeah he was so nervous to film this this was before he went on the savan podcast so he wasn't used to talking in front of a camera look at his big old puffy chest and his square jaw look at this guy yeah so this that would be a fence those pillars will put wood in there and that's part of our backyard. The pillars are sick. Sick.
Starting point is 01:19:47 Aren't they beautiful? Sick. So we're actually those same pillars, the very back of that garage, like if you're looking straight through it, there's a glass garage door that will go straight up the wall. We're going to stone that back wall, and then there will be two bays of a semifinal rig on either side. So it's going to look dope in there, but it'll be that same stone that you see there.
Starting point is 01:20:11 How much land do you have there? Do you have an acre there? Little over an acre. Wow. And you have a place to run already? Yeah. I already have it mapped out, marked on the street. The good thing is we live in the country, not in city limits.
Starting point is 01:20:26 So we will run through our neighborhood. But right now we have no more than maybe on our street, four neighbors. And our street is half a mile long. Do you have a well or are you on city water? We have a well. Oh, are you on septic or city sewage? Septic. Oh, can you get off of septic um
Starting point is 01:20:47 honestly that's a dylan question i hate septic we got off of septic but we still got our well though having a well is dope yeah it is so that's why we only put one shower not two showers back there because we don't want you stealing too much water yeah that hey that is kind of crazy and wells are expensive to dig i never even thought of that could you get could you get city water there i don't honestly i don't know that's a dylan question that's why his dylan lowen and it says aka the boss those are boss questions yeah okay um how's your water how's your drinking water? Good from your well? Not good to drink.
Starting point is 01:21:27 No. No. Could you, even if you run it through a filter, like a Berkey or something? So two years ago for Christmas, I wanted good drinking water in our house so I don't have to kill the environment and buy all these plastic water bottles. It's still been two years. We have bought the system, but I'm waiting on Dylan,
Starting point is 01:21:46 aka the boss, to install it. Just use, just to install it yourself. You're good. You imagine. What would he be more upset with if you installed it yourself or if he came over and you're like, and there was some guy there installing it
Starting point is 01:22:01 and you're like, oh, I paid this guy 1200 bucks to install it. Would he be like? Oh, that would be a heart. And there was some guy there installing it. And you're like, oh, I paid this guy $1,200 to install it. Would he be like, fuck off? Oh, that would be a heart. That's like, you think another man could do it better than me? That'd be the same as him walking in and I'm sleeping with another man. Oh, my goodness. It would hit the same phone.
Starting point is 01:22:17 Oh, my goodness. All right. You installed our water cleaner. God, I would be so excited if this was going on in my house. If you rewind it a bit, Dylan stores his garage doors in one of our garages, but he has no more room in that garage. So that's another reason why we built the shop. Half of it's his, half of it's mine. He literally for two weeks had garage doors just in our driveway.
Starting point is 01:22:46 Yeah, I think you're going too far. Give it a second and i'll come back up and you can see the doors so they just wait so so where did you work out if he's did i misunderstand that was he storing them in your garage we have a three-car garage there's the garage doors right there so he's damn who's that's your neighbor's house yeah that thing is huge yeah so that has a crazy story that house um somebody bought the lot some sketchy business happened somebody else bought the lot and started building their dream house and then the first owner of the lot comes by and says hey why is there a house on my land? So it was under a lawsuit for years. And then finally somebody bought it and they're finishing
Starting point is 01:23:31 it up to live in there. But yeah, it's a big... So someone got scammed and bought something from someone that didn't own it. I don't know if the title company messed up, the realtor messed up, but at one point two people owned the land and one person had put in all of his life savings to build this house and neither person got it i think he sold it but through that process he got divorced because of the stress he gave up on the house sold it got rid of it so he still got paid for what he put into it but not worth it if you ask me how much is that how much is that house if someone six thousand square feet they sold it for i want to say five hundred thousand dollars but oh my god no no savant it was maybe 25 built so you bought it as is. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:24:30 You still had to put in at least $500,000 to re-gut it, put in the electrical and finish it out. Oh my goodness. Yeah. So when I'm creeping, like I'm watching those construction guys over there. They better not come on our land. Start building a house Yeah
Starting point is 01:24:46 Are you sure you own your land Did you make sure that you actually own your land Yeah we got Title insurance We did something Boss questions Those are Dylan questions But yeah he needs more space for his garage doors.
Starting point is 01:25:05 As you can see, they were just all out there. 6,000 square feet is big. Isn't that huge? Huge. Yeah. Good for your property value. Yeah, it is. Are they concerned with you building that barn on there?
Starting point is 01:25:18 They try to punk you at all or send inspectors over? So if you look straight across, there's a neighbor where you can see their fence. They're the neighbors we have to worry about. They came over when we poured the foundation. We live in the county. There's not an HOA, city limits, whatever.
Starting point is 01:25:37 They came over and they're like, your shop is going to be too big. Are you sure you want to make it that big? We had already poured the whole concrete path and me and dylan after the they had talked to dylan about it and dylan's like what did they want me to do bust up the concrete to make they're so far away from you what do they care and savan their house is for sale they're moving oh god i hate how old are they how are they from california i don't know where they're from, but they're older. Probably 50s or older.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Easy, easy, easy. When I said older, I meant 70. No, sorry. They're peaking. They're 50. They're the only ones we have to worry about, but at the end of the day, me and Dylan were like, every other house in this neighborhood is breaking the community guidelines they want to come for us we'll come for all y'all yeah that that's great and you're it's like you said there's four homes in your neighborhood exactly god I hate I hate douches like that I know and so we have to stay away from them because they know all the negative gossip talk of our couple of
Starting point is 01:26:46 neighbors we're like we don't want to be part of that yeah uh sounds like they're bored yeah hey i'd be i'd be stoked to have i mean isn't that amazing too you guys are great neighbors you have a kid you're adding value to your property but someone's being a butthole yeah so one thing we did talk about me and dylan was let's say the neighbors do have a problem with it too loud we'll just say like hey this is a community gym you neighbors come and join for free if it'll make you happy like come be a part of it not against it if it comes to that oh god i hope it doesn't i know but about it. How many people would actually show up? My neighbor, I can hear his well, and it sucks.
Starting point is 01:27:33 The water one? Yeah, so whenever someone uses water at his house, I can hear his well go on. Wow. But I still like, he's my neighbor. I just told him, I said, hey, dude, your well's loud as shit. It's right against my, like, podcast studio. If I'm out here at, like, 3 in the morning just, like, looking up at the stars, I can hear someone in your house flushes the toilet.
Starting point is 01:27:52 I can hear it. He's like, okay. That's it. Like, fuck, I told him. Whatever. Like, what am I going to do? Yeah, he's my neighbor. I got to live next to him.
Starting point is 01:27:59 I like him. Yeah. But you don't like his well. No, I don't like his well. Hope it fucking goes. And hey, you want to know what's crazy? His well went empty one time. So he asked me if he could run a hose from my house to his house for a few days
Starting point is 01:28:15 until they dug a new well. Did you let him? What a good neighbor. Yeah. He did tell me afterwards, he goes, hey, I just want you to know, we never did the wash or anything like that. We were respectful of your water. I was like, Oh, that's kind of cool. Whether it's true or not. That's kind of cool.
Starting point is 01:28:30 That is cool. Yeah. I don't think my, my well is so good. Everyone else in my neighborhood has brown water. My water is like pristine. So weird. Can you drink yours or do you have a filtration? Both. We have filtration. We put it through a Berkey, but you can totally drink it. I had it tested. It's perfect. Wow. Everything you do is perfect, Savara.
Starting point is 01:28:49 That is true. That's true. It's true. This interview with you is perfect also. It is. I don't expect any different. Yes. That's a shop. Since that video, the shop from the outside is finished. How many square feet will that be? from the outside is finished. How many square feet will that be?
Starting point is 01:29:06 My side will be 2,000 square feet. But the whole shop itself is 100 by 50. Why does he need 1,000 square feet? What's he going to do over there? Believe it or not, he's a boss.
Starting point is 01:29:21 I believe it. He has a lot of material garage doors come in panels so one garage door probably has four or five panels probably more so you stack them up it takes up so much room and his contractors are always ordering doors so he legit needs the space is there gonna be like sawdust from him like sawing shit in there while you're trying to fucking do fran and no they'll we're gonna like make it pretty on the inside so there gonna be like sawdust from him like sawing shit in there while you're trying to fucking do Fran and No, we're gonna like make it pretty on the inside So there'll be a wall up for his side a separate compartment for the sauna Separate rooms for the showers separate room for the office and then all the gym
Starting point is 01:29:56 He needs to build a second barn after this For what for the Dylan barn? His man cave. Yeah, Then I'd never see him. He'd go from one shop to the other shop and then come in at midnight and I'd be asleep. Look at this. I love my water, but you have to live in the middle of Alaska and no filter. God, can you imagine the water in Alaska must be crazy. That's beautiful.
Starting point is 01:30:21 Dan Guerrero, someone's never thought of how a garage door is put together. A lot of people don't Dylan will show up to jobs and they'll be like where's the garage door they just thought it came in like one big piece that you would just like tilt up against the wall and Dylan's next Instagram post might show
Starting point is 01:30:40 you a process of what that garage building is like at Dylan bowen yeah is that steel that steel the frame i beams bought boss question is that steel or wood that frame oh it's steel steel steel this is me talking about the gym a bit more, and I think that's the end of the video. I have a shitty garage door. Look at you. You're now on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:31:11 Yeah, I'm on YouTube. Like and subscribe. Why are you doing that? Why are you – is that a good use of resources to – There's a few different things. My goal this year is to grow as goofy as it sounds. I want to grow my name more. And a lot of people don't know my story.
Starting point is 01:31:30 That's what I'm finding out. And I was waiting for somebody else to tell my story or, hey, if I hire this person, maybe they'll tell it. Maybe my sponsors will tell it. Nobody was. So, like, it's time that I tell my own story. Here's where I train. Here's a little home gym tour here's my workout partner just for people to get to know me more like so many people found out that i train out of my garage yeah now you can see the garage that i'm talking about
Starting point is 01:31:56 and actually i have merch coming soon i was almost pushed this podcast because my shirt will be in tomorrow and then i could have worn it on the podcast, but it literally says I work out of my garage and that's it. Oh, no shit. Really? Oh, I like that. Just it's, it's simple. It's like goofy. Everybody, anything I post, Hey, did you know she works out in her garage? So just to like play along with it. Well, um, Hey, I'll, I'll have you on garage? So just to like play along with it. Hey, I'll have you on again. And can we do a live gym tour where you walk around with a cell phone?
Starting point is 01:32:32 Will there be good internet out there? Yeah. How's your cell service there in the middle of nowhere? Way better. Do you remember the first time I came on your podcast? No. It was horrible. It was bad?
Starting point is 01:32:47 Yeah, it's good. Oh, yeah, yeah. You had to move from room to room yeah okay yeah now it's great all right hey um so so what so hey how about as soon as that gym's done well you'll be on before then as soon as the gym's done come on but you'll be on before then because we got the games and and semi-finals and i'll be bugging you for all that shit that gym is gonna take a process that's why i'm giving myself until august because i know once we order the rig that's gonna take time to come in the flooring is gonna take time to come in all the equipment it's gonna be a process but it'll be worth it hey do you have a um like a media strategy like are you like are you do you are you gonna make a short every day on youtube like do you know how to do shorts on youtube i hired a guy so i literally gave him the password and i'm like youtube's yours yeah you get a percentage we
Starting point is 01:33:38 both win so i'm leaving him and i trust him um uh i had a subclip station and that's what i did with uh the guy who was making my subclips it's he's he's since got busy with other stuff that's really important but basically i said um hey grow can you grow that you want to grow the subclip station and the first 1500 it makes a month is all yours wow you know because then like it's like yeah then he's got crazy incentive this guy's rich though he doesn't he i can't i can't say he's rich and talented i can't incentivize you no no no okay rich um but he but that is the way to do it completely incentivize someone else because all you're going to be doing is leveraging the media, right? Just through sponsors and all that shit.
Starting point is 01:34:29 Hey, do you make your Instagram clips? I do. So your Instagram clips are dope. Like I was watching this one just now. I think it's this one. This one's great. Right here. If you want to shine in front of everybody, you have to work in front of nobody.
Starting point is 01:34:53 So I'll just find stuff I want to. So like part of my contracts is I have to post for sponsors. So I thought that was a great way to post for my sponsor without it being like a saturated ad. That was for WODproof. WODproof app. So you could take this and you could put this just – YouTube Shorts is exactly the same as Instagram. You just take your camera, you film yourself, or you upload something from your photos, and then you just post. And does that bring in money?
Starting point is 01:35:26 Um, if you, once you get over a thousand subscribers, you can, I think apply for, um, ad revenue, but,
Starting point is 01:35:33 but either way, then you're, you can be publishing this in both places. Yeah. That's a great idea. But people would, YouTube shorts are so easy. If,
Starting point is 01:35:41 if you can get in the habit of making them, they're so easy. And I'm already making them for Instagram, so I would just have to get them. Yeah, might as well. And YouTube Shorts is totally catered for the phone. It's like, as soon as YouTube sees that you filmed something
Starting point is 01:35:56 in this aspect ratio, it just automatically puts it as a short. Hmm. Okay. Ariel, where is the flag from the games? Did you frame it? Oh, yeah, the American flag, right? Do you want to see it?
Starting point is 01:36:09 Sure, yeah, yeah, yeah. We didn't frame it yet. Come on, Blakely. We haven't really hung up much at all. We've been busy with other things. Yep, that's the flag. So this is our office, if you can see it. Oh, yeah, that's nice.
Starting point is 01:36:29 I call it, like, my shrine wall. Everything you do is so clean. You have no clutter. I have clutter. Thank you. We're minimalist modern. That's what I've discovered. Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:40 We've had all the athletes sign at my first year of the games. This is one of my favorite pictures from the games. Yeah, it's dope. Then this is my, like, trophy wall. So here's the flag. Oh, that looks good there. Yeah, Elevated Elizabeth. Third place at semifinals, third place from the games.
Starting point is 01:36:58 And that's just where I keep it for now. You brought a flag with you, Ariel? No. Did I never tell you this story? Maybe you did. Refresh me. Okay. This flag was in Lost and Found from day one at the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 01:37:13 Oh, that's right. And we walked past it, and Dylan was like, hey, if you make it on the podium, look, there's a flag at Lost and Found we could use. And then one thing led to another, and it was still there when I needed it. So that's the flag I held on the podium. And this is where I put the third place belt. another and it was still there when I needed it so that's the flag I held on the podium this is where I put the third place belt I thought it was fitting yeah that's awesome look at someone I like what Sean said seven you don't have clutter you just have a small house okay I like that no one thing I also very I'm intent intentional with with my parenting is her toys stay in her room and she can make a huge mess of
Starting point is 01:37:45 her room i don't care yeah but i live in the house every day and if i see clutter it just puts clutter in my mind so the house is like this that's exactly what we have we have a room our living our tv room no toys are allowed nothing yeah and it's so much more peaceful yeah and it gives you normalcy like my house isn't overrun with my kids toys everywhere as amazing as they are but her room it can look like a hurricane went through it i don't care um one of my kids broke the the 90 inch tv with a toy once and that was was it. Never that he was like three years old. That was it.
Starting point is 01:38:26 Never again. No toys ever allowed. 90 inch TV. 95. Let's say a hundred. Let's say it. Let's round it up to a hundred. Wow.
Starting point is 01:38:34 So you don't still have it. Did you replace it? No, no. I immediately put it. I immediately put it back. So it broke. And then I immediately went to the website and put another one in the
Starting point is 01:38:44 shopping cart. And then like three months, just, you the website and put another one in the shopping cart and then like three months just you know like you put something in a shopping cart somewhere and they keep sending you emails you left this in your shopping cart and i just let that just come at me for like three months until i was finally just bit the bullet and then you took it out of his college savings i fucking my wife picked him up and carried him away to the room because she saw me turn so red. True story. She had to protect him from you. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 01:39:08 Totally. Sorry, Richie Rich. Give me, it was a 50-inch Vizio. All right, so what? Don't ruin my story. Yeah. It was great. Thank you for coming on.
Starting point is 01:39:18 Thanks for having me. Yeah, I think Blakely's over it. Talk to you soon. Thank you for everything. Tell your husband I love him. I will. And look forward to having you on again, Ariel. Thank you for everything Tell your husband I love him And look forward to having you on again Ariel Thank you Bye
Starting point is 01:39:30 Third fittest woman in America Shooting the shit with her like she's my friend Look at that shit Fucking gangster I got friends in high places Shut up and scribble is on later on today Oh wow Part 9 approved
Starting point is 01:39:48 Floor access denied Wow son of a bitch We need to talk We need to talk Okay episode 9 is approved That's good I sent this text to Dave The CrossFit Okay, episode nine is approved. That's good. I sent this text to Dave.
Starting point is 01:40:12 The CrossFit, I guess Dickie's, there's going to be a different setup there, and there's not going to be media pits around the outside. And so I sent Dave a text this morning, and I said, Hey, I need to have floor access next year at the games. I'll behave. Thank you. And he put before then I had sent him part nine and he just wrote back part nine approved. Oh, hold on. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:40:33 Let me see. Hey, I'm on the podcast right now. Hey. Yeah. Hey, so can we talk about it live on the air about floor access? Okay. Bye. Ellie thinks she's got problems. I got problems. I can't do the behind the scenes if I don't have a media pit to go back and forth so I need to be on the floor I'm obviously I'm I'm I wonder what the chances I think it's more like I think it's significantly more likely Ariel goes to the games games which kind of sucks i i walk a tightrope i look so sad yeah i walk a tightrope
Starting point is 01:41:30 i think that's the first time uh in the history i think this is the first time in the history of the podcast correct me if i'm wrong if i've ever answered the phone when dave's calling that was nice of him to call and let me know to my face that denied. I'll still push though. I'm not going to give up. I think I have to have it. I have to have it.
Starting point is 01:41:55 If I'm stuck in one spot, I just won't be able to provide what I want to provide to you guys. Oh, this is, and Sean Lenderman needs access so he can bring Graciano snacks as he protects Seve. Yeah, it's teamwork.
Starting point is 01:42:12 Teamwork makes the dream work. I'm wrong. I am wrong. I was going to say that Hiller told me something really interesting. I wanted to share with Ariel today. We were talking yesterday and he, uh, we were talking about working out and being sore. And he's like, dude, I think he said 80%. You do realize that 80% of the people, um, when they get sore, think that they're injured. And I was kind of like having trouble processing that
Starting point is 01:42:46 because I love being sore. For me, that's like validation I worked out. I like that feeling like when you're walking downstairs and you're like, ooh, and your quads are jiggling, you know? I like that feeling when your triceps like hurt to the touch. Just makes me want to work out more. If I'm not sore, I feel like I didn't, if I'm not sore the next day or feel a little – I did dumbbell snatches yesterday, and I don't feel – and I feel sore in my back, and I'm stoked.
Starting point is 01:43:16 I'm so stoked in my upper back. I wonder if it's more than 80%. What if it's like 95% of the people think that when they're sore worldwide. Like I want to be a little bit sore every day. Being sore is not recovered. I wonder if that's true. I like being sore. I like being sore and a little tight after a workout. I feel like I should have just pushed a little bit harder.
Starting point is 01:43:54 Yeah, yeah. I mean, for me, there's no question of where that demarcation line is between being sore and injured. Like, for me, it's just clear as day. I would never, I've never, in my 51 years, I've never confused the two, ever, ever, ever. But I do know people, when he said that to me, I'm like, oh, my kids are now finally trained.
Starting point is 01:44:15 They know the difference. But when they're young and you ask kids, they'll be like, oh, it hurts, it hurts. And I'll be like, are you injured or sore? And they don't know what you're talking about. It hurts, and I'll be like, are you injured or sore? And they don't know what you're talking about. They include being sores injured when studying CrossFit injury rate.
Starting point is 01:44:39 God, I think if you're not sore, you're not, like, working out hard enough. I mean, there's times, like, not to, but there's times just to move and get a sweat, but like you need to be sore. I've, I've heard it's gets tougher to get sore as you age. It takes longer to set in. That's for sure. I used to just be able to, I remember soreness would set in within 24 hours. Always now, sometimes it can take two days. It's so weird. Baylen, I'm a CEO podcast sponsor just like BirthFit and CA Peptides.
Starting point is 01:45:13 I donated $4 in the past two days, so don't give me that BS. What BS? I like you. You're funny. Are you hurt or are you injured? No, what are you talking about? I'm not hurt or injured hurt oh that's interesting too are you hurt or are you injured being injured sucks
Starting point is 01:45:32 uh being sore is a process of recovery i get sore if you sit at my if i sit at my desk too long yeah that's different like i just drove for 16 hours the other day or whatever. My butt was, like, starting to do weird shit. As soon as I walk around, that goes away. I'm just talking. Yeah, I live sore. I think it's normal.
Starting point is 01:45:55 Yeah. It's good. It's fucking rad. All right. Shut up and scribble with Taylor Self and J.R. Howell. All right. Shut up and scribble with Taylor self and J.R. Howell. Coming soon. I'm going to try to do a 20 minute show this evening. Oh, I don't even know what this means, yes i get dan guerrero i get sore when doing unilateral
Starting point is 01:46:28 work like that's just like one side or the other lunges more than squats yeah for sure right and any isolated movement anytime i ever do any like i could make my triceps sore just by just straighten my arm out a lot g GHDO, another good one. Excuse me. Yeah. Jeffrey Birchfield throwing his big brain into the conversation. If you hurt you, some deleterious physical modification. If you hurt you, some, I don't even know what that means. Someone translate. if you hurt you some i don't even know what that means someone translate uh rambler i get sore from sex dude you've never had sex dude ever
Starting point is 01:47:18 oh wow uh kelly says saber makes me sore once or twice a week geez louise i do i do do a 20 minute show i do 20 minutes i've done two of them i want to start doing more of them i want to start doing like short shows where i talk about the difference between search engines, between Google and DuckDuckGo. Did you guys – oh, I need to show you guys this. Do you guys follow James O'Keefe? This is – this is – I should just finish this show and just play this. You won't even – if you haven't seen this, you won't even believe what I'm about to show you.
Starting point is 01:48:14 How come there's always so much beaver on my Instagram account? The explore button doesn't even work. James O'Kfe instagram 1.3 million followers this this is unheard of so james o'keefe i think he went on grinder and he got a date with you know how the white house basically hires like based on the genitalia you want your mouth and the color of your skin well they got this dude who's in charge of the network at the white house it sounds like if i remember correctly and james o'keefe gets a date with him it looks like they're on a date how this guy can work at the white house and not know who james o'keefe is is mind-boggling to me uh we're gonna watch some of this i don't i don't even know if you're gonna be able to hear this
Starting point is 01:49:19 uh well but this is gonna blow you away this is some scary shit someone was telling me the other day who's intimate with the white house they're like hey dude it's like game of thrones there biden's completely not in charge and it's just different factions trying to uh run run the country run the white house get control of the presidency this is absolutely yeah matt burns o'keefe is savage yeah this is savage uh this is absolutely savage. Okay, here we go. In the government. Yeah, I'm fairly high up. I'm good at keeping secrets until I manage two federal agencies, the State Department and USAID.
Starting point is 01:49:57 That guy said he manages two federal agencies? Is that what he said? It's like security. Like you're protecting the networks of the federal agencies. You give what he said? It's like security. Like you're protecting the networks of the federal agencies. You give all your information to them. The mission is to protect information.
Starting point is 01:50:13 We are like the president's voice when we go into meetings in terms of discussing and promoting the president's priorities. Is he going to be the nominee? Yes. And she will be the president's priorities. Is he going to be the nominee? Yes. And she will be the vice president nominee.
Starting point is 01:50:30 Yeah, I don't... There was a debate about removing her from the ticket, but sadly they didn't. She can't keep my staff. They quit on her in mass. But with him... She just said that Kamala Harris can't keep any staff. They quit in mass. Yeah, I know. I mass. He just said Biden has dementia and the guy's like yeah yeah yeah I know. Kamala Harris is not popular, but you can't remove the first black lady to be vice president from the goddamn presidential ticket.
Starting point is 01:51:13 This is the guy who's in charge of the networks for two federal agencies, including the White House. The first black lady to be vice president from the goddamn presidential ticket. Like, what kind of message are you going to send to, like, an African-American voter? How would you spin that? People would be like, what the fuck? Like, she's a woman and she's multiracial. I think that they're really concerned about this. But they won't say it.
Starting point is 01:51:45 I guess if they say it publicly, Biden is, uh, they can't say it publicly. No, no, they've got to, they've got to say it privately. His name is Charlie Crager, Cybersecurity Policy Analyst and Foreign Affairs Executive Office of the President. That's the title of this guy. But they won't say it publicly. Correct. Biden is, uh, they can't say it publicly. No, no, they've got to, they've got to say it privately. They can't say it publicly that he has dementia.
Starting point is 01:52:12 And then O'Keefe says, but, but do they say it privately? And he nods yes. Telling you what I've heard. You're just telling me the truth. Does it make sense? No, but that you what I've heard. You're just telling me the truth. Does it make sense? No, but that's what I've heard. I've had a meeting with Michelle Obama at one point when I was an intern and
Starting point is 01:52:31 someone asked her, will you ever run her office? And she said no. Empathically no. I've seen all the shit my husband has had to go through and that does not interest me. People would be like, well, I don't think we should have to get the vaccine. I'm like, come on, what are you gonna do? Like you're not gonna get the vaccine
Starting point is 01:52:50 and then you're gonna go expose my family in the hospital. You're unvaccinated COVID. So you work in cybersecurity for the White House and my question is, what are you doing on a meeting with Jamesames o'keegan let's take the cyber security and then james calls him out anyway you can go to his instagram account watch this whole thing and what's actually going to happen is today is going to be part two he's going to release part 2 and it's going to be how does anyone after seeing that continue to vote
Starting point is 01:53:30 81 million votes how the Instagram account is James O'Keefe and then he's got another one that's called um omg media there there are these two instagram accounts that just keep giving and giving and giving and since then of course like soon as he posted this this guy or no soon as he was done with this interview with this guy this guy runs off
Starting point is 01:54:00 and part two will come out today and we'll get to see what happens when he runs off and part two will come out today and we'll get to see what happens when he runs off and, and James O'Keefe follows them. But, uh, the guy already scrubbed his Instagram account. Uh, yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 01:54:21 Sean. Yep. Almost 200,000 more deaths in 2023 in the United States than 2022 nothing to see here alright love you guys Shut Up and Scribble is coming on with Taylor Self
Starting point is 01:54:45 and J.R. Howell enjoy bye bye

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