The Sevan Podcast - Bear Handlon | Born Primitive CEO #999

Episode Date: August 31, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. Well, I'll tell you the the most intimate thing i could share with you bam we're live good morning everyone can you see a screen can you see uh comments or can you see a screen bear no i just see you and me oh we're live so we're we're live thanks i can't see anyone oh oh i did saw, was that a rat scree across the bottom? That was one of the guys helping me set it up. Thanks fellas. Dude. How nice is your backdrop? Yeah, not bad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:13 We just set the studio up, um, uh, about a month ago and you know, for our own podcast. So it's been, it's been a lot of fun. It's sick. So, um, uh, I was wearing a, uh, man bun and live on my show. I played one of your clips from the Born Primitive Instagram and I saw your shit was down and you look like a lion. And that was it. I told everyone I said, well, I'm doing that. Hey, I'm going to their handling route. I've rocked the man bun as well, particularly at the gym.
Starting point is 00:01:41 You know that I have long hair. I didn't realize how much of a pain in the ass long hair is. So I became the man bun guy at the gym. But yeah, I try to rock it down and we can't keep it flowing. These guys, these guys in the chat tear me up for the man bun. I get tore up. Well, that's probably because they can't grow long hair, right? Because I was in the same camp. I never had long hair, so I always made fun of it.
Starting point is 00:02:01 But once you get long hair, you realize how practical the man bun is. ever had long hair so i always made fun of it but once you get long hair you realize how practical the man bun is i was looking at some i was looking at your instagram and i was looking at some older pictures of you and at first i'm like is this two different people's instagram because you look so different with short hair you got like sort of that hunter mcintyre look going you know who that is yeah yeah yeah for sure yeah it was crazy i was well, let me see if I can find, if I can find, I'm not going to fuck with this. Anyway, yeah, I was, I was like, wow, is this the same guys? And I had to scroll back up and there were, there weren't too many transition photos, like where your hair was at medium. Do you curate your Instagram?
Starting point is 00:02:38 Like you pull stuff down and archive? No, you don't. No, no, I don't give much thought to my Instagram. It's usually pictures of my dog and my daughter and you know random shit like that so it's not it's nothing crazy you are the owner of the brand the clothing brand correct the clothing company yeah company works but i'd like to i like the word brand over company brand a brand a born primitive that makes the softest
Starting point is 00:03:10 and most comfortable uh joggers around are these called joggers what are these called yeah yeah those look like that are one of our jogger styles that looks like you got the heavier versions on so must be cold wherever you are. But yeah, our joggers have been crazy, crazy popular. These are the heavy ones. These things are so silky smooth. And you want to know the truth is I used to wear them out. And then I started every time I passed in front of the mirror, I could see my cock and balls. And so I started like making a more of a home.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I wore them out this morning to get my coffee, but like, I'm not like going to kids events in them anymore. Well, if you wear underwear, you'd probably be all right. But you probably were not, which I'm guessing, but that's all good. All right. All right. Maybe I was wearing underwear, but I have a giant hog. But maybe I'll wear something with more compression.
Starting point is 00:04:00 There it is. Yeah. Yeah. Tuck it in. Okay. Okay. There is a way to there is a way to warn born primitive pants. Uh, if you have a giant hog, I just haven't, uh, cracked the code alert.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I look, Heidi already wants to see. So this is the comments. Heidi's warning everyone hog alert. See, can you see the comment? Can you see it now? Yeah. Lower left. I see the comment. Yeah. I've never done a live one like this. So this is, this is a change of pace for me. That's for sure. Yeah, I've never done a live one like this. So this is a change of pace for me. That's for sure. I want to start at the end. Why did you start a podcast?
Starting point is 00:04:36 Honestly, I just, I thought it was an opportunity for us to, you know, do long form content that we could kind of dive into just a variety of topics. And also, you know, hopefully through that content, allow people to know a little bit more about what Born Primitive is all about and kind of what, you know, our mindset and what we stand for. But yeah, it was just something we've been talking about for a really long time and we just had been putting it off. And honestly, it's kind of fun. You know, we have some really cool guests lined up.
Starting point is 00:04:57 We just, you know, interviewed Dave Castro yesterday or that just aired this morning, but interviewed last week. So it's just fun to talk to different people hear different perspectives um and try to you know just share that with other people and you know i think we're all kind of we share a lot of common experiences and difficulties so to be able to kind of have a longer forum to just get into that it's been a lot of fun you you were at red bull and isn't their whole thing shorter content like short content flashy content like if you're trying to sell something isn't the whole world going shorter shorter shorter i think they do both you know definitely if you follow their instagram page which is
Starting point is 00:05:35 absolutely epic um they do a very good job with a lot of that short form content but they also you know in their media house and i haven't been there obviously in hot minute so i'm kind of you know assuming these things are still true but they would do long form films like you know in their media house and i haven't been there obviously in hot minutes so i'm kind of you know assuming these things are still true but they would do long form films like you know if you remember the art of flight the snowboarding film and things like that where they're just absolutely epic and you know 90 minutes or so so i think they kind of do uh kind of both ends of the spectrum when it comes to content but yeah on their instagram particularly i mean they'll do a quick 60 second clip of just the wildest things and I'm sure it gets millions and millions of views. I'm tripping on this medium, the podcast medium, because it is so long.
Starting point is 00:06:16 And I've been doing it like every single morning at 7 a.m. live for let's say two years. Maybe it's two and a half years. Maybe it's under two years. I can't remember exactly. And the growth is crazy slow from my perspective, crazy, crazy slow. But, um, if you're consistent and you do a shitload of it and you engage the people and you kind of like take risks and you don't, you know, become complacent, you can, you can grow and it can be slow and you can kind of build. I guess a community that wasn't my plan. That's just what my observation in hindsight. And, you know, things like, so I, sometimes now I do voices. I never used to do voices before.
Starting point is 00:07:01 So if I were to talk to you, bear, and I would be would be like hey my mom talked to me today i'd be like oh bear you should have heard my mom today seven um don't swear on your podcast i would never take a risk and do that before right do you what are you do you have a plan like i'm just trying here's the part i'm having trouble getting my head wrapped around this is all i do how are you going to run a clothing company, raise your daughter and do a podcast? Good question. You know, I think I have a tendency to bite off a little bit more than I can chew. But, you know, we have a really good production company, Ironclad, that kind of tees everything up for us and gives us like, you know, the talking notes for like if, you know, for interviewing someone, you know, of course, like somebody like Dave, I already knew everything. So I didn't need to read like the cheat sheet, but, um, they help us line up the guests. They do post-production, they help us set up the studio.
Starting point is 00:07:51 So for me, it's one of those things, like, I don't need, I don't want to over-prepare. I just want to get in and just, you know, make it be natural, uh, and then get back to my other job. Um, and, uh, so I, I'm trying to make it so it doesn't, you know, take over my CEO response, you know, duties. But, you know, I think it's an opportunity to reach a lot of people and, you know, have them resonate with our brand. You know, there's only so much you can see in quick 60 second clips and in the copy and our captions and on our website and stuff. But to be able to kind of hear us do long form for 30 or 40 minutes every week, I think people will really get to know who we are and, you know, kind of how we're wired over here.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Will that be the cadence once a week? Yeah, I think we're going to do every Tuesday morning at 5am will be the cadence. We'll either drop one or two every Tuesday morning. And then, you know, we have a bunch of guests teed up. We're getting some really cool guests, a lot of interest. I think it helped because, and I don't know how any of this works, but in our first week, we, we got into the top 25 on the charts. So now when we reach out to guest acquisition, it's not like some garage podcast. Like we, you know, it's a, you know, we have a real studio and this is a real thing. We take it seriously.
Starting point is 00:08:59 So I think, you know, we'll start hopefully getting some momentum. We got rich for ownings coming on. We just did Ariel Lohan. That was a great interview. She's awesome. We got Tim Ferriss, Tim Ferriss confirmed, which that's a, you know, an interesting one. Looks like Riley Gaines is going to come on to talk about women's sports. So some, some cool topics, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:18 I think in this world is you probably know you probably got to be a little careful but I don't really plan on being careful. I just want to be to be us you know i don't want to be abrasive in any way but i also don't want to filter what we say uh because i think people want um to hear content that's real and relatable and and the youtube station that i just went to has been around for a while so it's not like it's a new youtube station it's just new content on the youtube station you guys have some like some videos on there that have some enormous numbers on them yeah our youtube is okay that's really not ever been a point of emphasis and in hindsight i wish we had built that earlier on um but but hopefully this you know obviously every episode will get dropped on youtube and spotify and apple and all the you know all the normal spots so hopefully
Starting point is 00:10:04 this will get more eyes to the youtube channel you We, you know, we have some cool videos we've posted, but it was never consistent where like every week we're posting, you know, different content. It was like, we would do like three or four cool videos a year and that was it, um, on that platform. So. Are you going to, uh, as you release new products and stuff, are you going to be like, like you have a shoe on the table there? Is that a new shoe? Yes. So we haven't really plugged much yet, but yeah, this is our, if we can see it in the light, this is our new Savage One, um, training shoe, um, launches September 8th. And, uh, yeah, so, you know, little by little we'll, we'll probably incorporate stuff like that. We're really stoked on this. I had been wanting to do a
Starting point is 00:10:43 shoe for a very long time. You know, I, I have always been doing CrossFit. I competed in CrossFit and I just thought there was an opportunity to improve the footwear based on some of the different shoes I had been wearing. So I finally found some shoe engineers and we spent about two years developing it and we finally took a swing. Yeah. Well, there you go. It's a good shot of that. It's a great picture too. You know, I'm a little biased, but we have tested it's a good shot of that it's a great picture so uh you know i'm a little biased but we have tested it quite a bit i think it's a great shoe and you know we have all of our employees wearing it a bunch of athletes wearing it and the early responses has been incredible and uh it'll it'll yeah we'll officially be in the footwear game uh here in a couple weeks a big shoe shoe box i'm i'm a uh don't know if you'd call me a shoe snob or shoe purist,
Starting point is 00:11:26 but I cannot wear shoes that don't have a big toe box. Basically ever since I started wearing the nano twos, I was just spoiled. Like I can't do anything else. My toes just, but your shoe box looks huge. Yeah. Yeah. The, the toe box, we, for that exact reason, we made it bigger. Um, and honestly, like as part of the inspiration of design when i started talking with the shoe engineers is i really like the nano 2 um but i thought it wasn't quite durable enough and you know i i would like i like i like to wear the nano 2s like with just going you know going to the grocery store things like that i don't necessarily like training in them because that you once they break in they're they're too flimsy but it's still a great shoe i think that's like the best nano they ever made so that was kind of the basis for the you know kind of the the thought process in the
Starting point is 00:12:09 beginning of let's start with that and let's build features that we think will make this way better and uh and make it more technical i'm getting a pair there you go we'll we'll we'll talk after i can i can we can make that happen i might might, might know a guy. Crazy. So really the Nano 2 is inspiration for the shoe. You're not pulling my leg. As, as someone who has worn like every Nano and like four or five different Metcons, that was at least like a talking point. You know, I really liked one of the, I think it was like the Metcon 5, I think was my favorite shoe ever.
Starting point is 00:12:41 It's before they started getting crazy bulky. And I, and and again it was the four or five you could actually still run in it you could actually bend it i don't know if you like the current meccans like when you get it it's an absolute brick um and they have this they totally in my opinion it's one man talking they over engineered it they there's stuff on the heel for like going up the wall which is like okay cool but we don't need to add four ounces to the shoe so to have a piece of plastic so i can slide up a wall on a handstand pushup. I don't need a giant rope climb thing on the inside of the shoe that makes it totally different. Like, yes, we do rope climbs, but we're not like, we're not fast roping. We're not burning down a rope. Um, this
Starting point is 00:13:17 is not a military application. So personally for me, I was like, man, they're, they're, they're over-engineering this. They had a great one. Stick with it. And same thing with the Nano. I thought there were some great ones. And then the next one would come out and you would get it. And you'd be like, what were they thinking? The other one was great. And it would be a totally different shoe. And so that was kind of what motivated me to say, hey, I think we can do this ourselves.
Starting point is 00:13:39 And let's take a swing at it. You know who made a shoe that's very similar to the nano 2 was a victos do you are you familiar with that brand yes i've heard of it the gunslinger brand and they basically they made one a shoe called the core and then they made a core 2 and the core 2 is too robust for me the core is great shoe the problem is it's funny that you talk about the nano 2 not being durable enough i have nano 2s that are 10 years old i would burn through a pair of cores in a month and i'm a fucking old man it's not like i do shit, but even the rubber on the bottom was so soft that like I would go down into like a skateboard and then I wouldn't be able to get out
Starting point is 00:14:13 because I'd be sliding because that within a month or two, I would just burn through the bottom of, of the victos. And, and, and then sometimes they would start peeling apart and shit, but, but a super wide shoe also looks very similar to this your shoe looks crazy low profile too it looks awesome dude sexy thank you yeah the the drop is pretty minimal um so you know i basically wanted to create a shoe like if you were going to do 400s or 800s in your workout and box jumps and things like that you can still it can still accommodate the workout because i would wear my metcons i think the last metcon i when I stopped buying them was like the seven and it's still a very bulky shoe. If I had 400s in the workout, I would have to switch shoes, right? But I like them for squatting and I like the stability of the Metcon, but anything dynamic, in my opinion, it was no good.
Starting point is 00:14:58 So I was like, all right, we need to create a shoe. If I'm going to go in and do overhead squats, box jumps, a 400, a rope climb, it needs to be able to do all of that. No one should ever have to change their shoes. Now, obviously if you're doing Olympic lifting and you're really serious about it, like throw on some lifters, of course, but for 99% of the population, if you're hitting five by five back squat, like you don't need to change your shoes. Um, you know, so that, that was kind of the thought process and that's how I tested it. You know, we had five or six different prototypes that we went through and then i would take it to the gym come back and say no this is no good the heel's too stiff you know the toe box needs to be widened um and another cool thing we incorporate is on the insole the back half of the insole is a more dense foam and it transitions halfway through
Starting point is 00:15:40 so on the on the on your the front of your foot it's more cushy so like when you're accelerating jumping etc you'll get more kind of shock absorption, but then when you're squatting and stuff, you know, you don't want that big squishy, uh, insole that will kind of absorb some of your power. So even just a little technical components like that, we really try to think it through. Uh, Allegra are a great brand born primitive, been a big fan of born primitive for a while. Great podcast they had with Dave yesterday. I agree. Dave even told me he had fun on there, which is weird.
Starting point is 00:16:09 I definitely liked that you asked him the hard questions. Too many people are afraid to anymore. You know, it's funny, Allegra. When Dave got off that podcast with him last week, he goes, dude, finally someone pushed me. Everyone wasn't a pussy like you. I'm like, oh, thanks, Dave. That's really cool. You can call me and let me know. That's really really cool can't wait for the next time you come on yeah Dave was a great
Starting point is 00:16:31 guest him and I ran into each other a few times at events over the years but I knew like he wouldn't remember me because I was just another vendor um but yeah great podcast and I told him in the beginning before we went live hey man is there anything off limits and he said no man just send it and if you know I'm just I'll answer it it honestly. And you know, you don't, you don't need to worry about that. So that was, that was cool. I didn't want to feel like I was blindsiding him with a, a gotcha question or clickbait type stuff. Um, so he was a, he was a pro and, uh, we had a good time with it. He he's taught me a lot. Um, the, the, I'm not ready to answer that, or I don't want to answer that. Or next question is a skill that he has taught me. And the first thing it requires is conscious listening.
Starting point is 00:17:14 So when someone asks you something, you can, you can be smart about your answer, not, not be fake or be overly thought out, but hey you, Hey, uh, you know, um, I'll tell you the thing, people in the comments here, we'll put, uh, Mary, what is it? Mary fuck kill. They'll give a dollar 99 and they'll say, Mary fuck kill. And they'll be like, um, you know, they'll say three people's name. You know what I mean? Like, uh, the rock, uh, John Cena or in seven.
Starting point is 00:17:43 And then when, and normally when people would do that, I would ask my guests because they paid $1.99. I got to ask because I'm a whore for $1.99. I'll ask anything. And Dave was one of the only guests ever. He kind of set the trend to be like, hey, dude, I'm not answering that. And I was like, wow.
Starting point is 00:17:56 You know what I mean? He's like, no. And I was like, wow, SEALs do it different. They can't be bought for $1.99. Yeah, and he did that yesterday. And I think it's a smart move because particularly like a lot of times, times you still have to gather more information before you can maybe have a stance on something,
Starting point is 00:18:10 or maybe things are playing out in real time, and it's okay to not have an official stance. You know what I mean? And I think a lot of times, especially in interviews, you're not willing to take a pause to just think through it, and then you end up just spouting something out that maybe you didn't fully think through, and then you have to deal with the repercussions on the back and i'm with dave being in the public spotlight a lot i'm sure he learned through you know maybe
Starting point is 00:18:33 doing it the wrong way a few times of hey i'm not obligated to answer every question i don't i don't need to do that and um i think it's a smart way to do it i i like it that he says that he's honest about why he's not answering. I also realize he doesn't own the company and I, and I'm sort of buying the fact that he doesn't want to give an answer like Floyd 19 that would fuck with some of the affiliates who can't handle the smoke. You know what I mean? Like I get it. People are trying to run small businesses and that was totally um but on the other hand dana white will be like i my brand value from the ufc is the way dana white talks uh dana will you ever allow
Starting point is 00:19:13 women to fight in the ufc fuck no never then three years later he walks it back actually yeah you know we do let women fight or dana will you let men and women fight each other in the ufc never are you fucking insane men are ruining women's sports in the UFC? Never. Are you fucking insane? Men are ruining women's sports. Get the fuck out of there. You know what I mean? And I heard you say in a podcast somewhere, don't try to be everything to everyone. You'll fuck your shit up.
Starting point is 00:19:44 And I do, in his answer, I hear a little bit of that that and I do think Don has that I've never mentioned a shortcoming Don has well except that he's extremely nice but I think it falls along with that I think that's the shortcoming that CrossFit has hey anybody can do it but this is an accountability brand and like
Starting point is 00:20:02 you have to put your foot down you're not being accountable for who you are as a man and a woman if you're going to fucking let women – or men participate in women's sports. It's not right. It's just not right. It's not right. Why even have women's sports then? Let's just be honest then and just get rid of women's sports and men's sports and just have one. know i i think that there's a missed opportunity for brand there but i also i also respect him for not like giving a bullshit answer well these are very sensitive time you know what i mean he didn't do that yeah i totally agree and that's something you know we've wrestled with over the years you know early on you know we're coming up on the 10 year mark but first five years it was congrats by the way sick thank you thank you yeah but yeah first five years it was just us in the garage no employees took over the whole house and. And because you're holding on so tight, you can be a little timid in kind of projecting your brand values because I think you do want to try to speak to
Starting point is 00:20:55 everyone. And you realize as this has evolved, I realize that's the exact opposite of what you should be doing. You should be proud of your brand values and be willing to put them out there. And if people don't resonate with that, that's okay. You know, we're, we're a patriotic company. We're always going to support our military and first responder communities. And we're always going to kind of reject that victim mentality that has, I believe, infected our society. And we're going to embrace hard work, chasing your dreams. And if people have a problem with that, then that's, that's okay. You's okay you know there's you know go shop nike they'd love to have you but uh but we have i have gotten more confident they sure would they yeah right um and over the you know now that we're coming up on 10 years and
Starting point is 00:21:35 you know i i've we're past in my mind the proof of concepts i'm a little more comfortable i'm okay being like no guys this is how we roll they can take it or leave it um don't don't, don't worry about it. That's the same thing with the podcast. There's gonna be a lot of topics we're going to cover on there that, um, people might say, Oh, well that, you know, that CEO, you know, his opinions are crap and that's fine. Um, but there's going to be a lot of people that are going to listen and they're going to go, hell yeah, finally someone fucking said it. Um, and you know, that's why, you know, we have Riley Gaines, I think coming on pretty soon to talk about women's sports and she's been an absolute why, you know, we have Riley Gaines, I think coming on pretty soon to talk about women's sports. And she's been an absolute champion, uh, for the cause of fairness in women's sports.
Starting point is 00:22:09 And, um, you know, it took a tremendous amount of courage, but there's a reason a guest like that is coming on our podcast. I'm not going to, um, not give my stance, you know, with her in honestly in alignment with her, um, because i agree with you and i think some brands need to stop being so careful and uh and and kind of give their true stance and i do agree with you i totally understand dave's answer particularly because he's not like an official spokesperson of crossfit so like that was a smart move not answering that and he's honest why he didn't answer it he did a lot of people in his position would have given like a given the jargon corporate douchebag executive answer.
Starting point is 00:22:47 But this is a fucking seal, former seal. He's not playing that fucking game. Exactly. And I do think it'll come up. And I don't understand how it's even a controversy. If you have a 315-pound bar and then a 245-pound bar, and they're doing 50 deadlifts to as a buy-in to get to the next movement and like a guy who's a biological male is able to go to the women's bar you know like that clearly has a physiological advantage like no one can dispute that how would we ever allow
Starting point is 00:23:17 that particularly you know what really gets me and and i think riley gain spoke to this and i'm sure it's like you look at women swimming anyone who who's seen how swimmers train, they're nuts, man. They're getting in the pool at five in the morning. They do thousands of yards and then they go back. They do two sessions. Some of them are doing it since they're six years old. They get to the collegiate level. They've dedicated their entire life to training and have sacrificed a ton. life to training, right? And they've sacrificed a ton. And then all of a sudden, a gentleman who has a physiological advantage can step in at the last second and podium and pump someone off the podium. Like what a smack in the face to all the girls that had trained their whole life for that moment. And they were just robbed of it. Imagine the same thing in CrossFit. We know how hard those girls train. That's a life. I mean, they're spending four or five hours in the day. They got dieticians and they got their float tub and then sauna and massage. I mean, they are totally, totally dedicated in finding that 1% everywhere. And a guy can come in on a 245 pound bar and rip 50 deadlifts unbroken when it should have been a three 15. And that now that girl's dreams are,
Starting point is 00:24:23 you know what I mean? Like, I think you have to frame it up in that. And it's not to say people don't have the freedom to make that personal decision. I have no issues with that. And I think a lot of us don't. It's like, hey, we're not saying don't go do that. All good. Be you. You know, we're a free country sort of thing. But as soon as it starts affecting the happiness of other people, that's where it becomes an argument. And that's where I think we need to draw a line. And I don's where it becomes an argument. And that's where I think we need to draw a line. And I don't think it's an unreasonable line. I think most common sense people, maybe they won't project it publicly, but in their living rooms, talking to their spouse and to their neighbor, everyone thinks that in my opinion. We need some, we need
Starting point is 00:24:59 to agree on some objective reality and I'm totally okay with what some people would call the double standard, but it's not. Um, we are not the the same i am okay with women using the men's bathroom i'm okay with women in men's sports if they want to do it there is actually a law in california that if you have a bathroom at your facility and a pregnant woman wants to use it you cannot say no and i am okay with these fucking things i'm a hundred percent okay we we are we are not the same these fucking things i'm a hundred percent okay we we are we are not the same i and there aren't uh there aren't women by the droves committing the crimes that men are committing there's an a there we are a different breed we are either um men have i'm gonna this is a little bit of hyperbole but not much men have two modes they're either courting or they're either courting or they're always courting.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Whether you're designing a shoe, inventing a light bulb or fighting, you're courting. It's something you're doing in the meantime to try to attract someone to mate with. I'm almost perfectly – I almost think it's not hyperbole. If you're between the age of 13 and 38, you're in constant courting mode, and men need to be kept busy and doing some shit. And one of those things is not to be fucking competing uh against women it's um yeah that's one of our jobs to protect our our our our cohort our peer that we're supposed to be mating with i i just feel so strongly about it maybe it's because i have boys i want i want you know what i mean well you have any boys? Well, you have a girl. And so now I feel like I have even more skin in the game
Starting point is 00:26:29 as all these things arise. Because, like, you know, she might be 15, 16, and all of a sudden she's saying, Dad, who's this guy that is now winning the sporting event? You know what I mean? And I have to try to explain that. And it's unfortunate because I don't think it should be a political issue but as you know everything becomes political and everyone takes us on a side and it's like guys we don't it doesn't always have
Starting point is 00:26:53 to be black and white um these aren't political things um so let's let's like can we get some common sense for once let me ask you this if it's's not a political – here's the thing. I'm raised hardcore liberal, tree hugger, environmentalist, love everyone, let women kill their babies if they want to. I'm like – I was full-blown liberal. And then some things started happening that I started tripping on, right? Like letting dudes – I think it was even Riley Gaines. She said that because they'd be in the locker room 18 times a week, there were women in there seeing that dude's penis 18 times a week. Our car insurance is more. Doesn't that – like we're okay charging boys more money for car insurance. Do you understand? capable of why and then and then i started seeing the stuff where they were calling um trump racist because he said that he didn't like um uh he thought uh that mexico was sending over its bad citizens and somehow that was considered racist and i started hearing all of these things and then and then you know obviously with the obamacare and all the poor people i know who were getting
Starting point is 00:27:59 actually free insurance free health care we're now having to pay for it. And like, I started looking into things. And so you say, it's not political, but I do have to abandon a party that supports child general mutilation. Like I, you know what I mean? Like, even if I'm not a Republican, I have to vote Republican to stop child genital mutilation. It's, um, I mean, I think we're starting to see that.
Starting point is 00:28:33 And that's, that's the beauty of at least living in a democracy is you, you, you do have the ability to change your party and vote for who you support. And, you know, on that topic, it's once again, it's the thing it's like,
Starting point is 00:28:43 all right, if you want to do that as an adult and, uh, you know, cause I can, it's once again, it's the thing it's like, all right, if you want to do that as an adult and, you know, because I can't personally relate to that. Like, I really I'm a dude. I'm, you know, I'm as dude as they come. So I'm not going to say someone 25 years old is that it's having kind of an identity crisis that wants to transition. Like, again, hey, we live in a free country. Go ahead and do that. But I think, again, where the line is, is when you start confusing our youth. If you think back to when we were nine or 10 years old,
Starting point is 00:29:09 at least for me, nine to 10 year olds do not have a lot of confidence. They're very impressionable. Typically there's like a kid in the class that is like the leader and everyone just wants to emulate what he does or her. Right. And you all wear the same stuff. If you go in a middle school. Some kid who's had some crazy hardship at home too, right? It's like the kid getting beaten by his dad's the leader in the class because he's already had to grow up, right? Yeah. Well, and you look at, they all wear the same stuff. I have a niece and they all wear the white high top Nikes and they all literally look identical, right? So there's clearly an effect where there's a herd mentality
Starting point is 00:29:45 because they don't have self-confidence yet. And I've joked with a few friends. It's like, imagine if we took the identity of who we are when we were like 12 years old and it was frozen and made permanent. Imagine like the goth kid that was going through a phase that had like the spikes in his ears and the black mohawk and the giant Jenko jeans and the dog collar necklace and the black fingernail. Like, you know what I mean? Imagine that kid when he was 11, it was made permanent
Starting point is 00:30:10 and said, all right, dude, for the next 80 years, this is what you're going to look like. And, you know, go get a job, go try to interview, go to try to like get a girlfriend, that sort of thing. When you're, when you're 30 looking like that. And that's like, obviously it kind of, uh, there's some, you know, some satire in that example, but now we're talking about changing someone's gender, right? So how is that possibly allowed? I have to get a waiver to join the military if I'm 17 from my parents consider a transition when I'm 12 years old. Again, this is so common sense stuff. I can't even fathom how there's a stance that would go in the other direction. I'm just an everyday dude. I'm like, there's no way people actually think this. And I don't think it's that prevalent, but you have the media and the Hollywood elites and the people in San Francisco and New York making it seem like this perception that, oh, there's this huge amount of people that
Starting point is 00:31:03 think this. And if you don't think that you're a bigot and it's like, no, that's not true. That is definitely not true because most people are reasonable. It doesn't matter whether you're Republican or a Democrat. Most people would not support that. And I'm confident in saying that. And the more you talk to your neighbors, people at the grocery store, this and that, you don't run into a single person that actually supports that. So it's like, why is this being positioned as if it's like prevailing thought? It's not. You can't have your arm amputated. You know, you can't walk into a hospital and be like, Hey, this isn't mine. Can you take it off? It's illegal, but you can go in and say, remove my penis. Crazy. Hey, when, when in the clothing business business, is it a milestone now that you have a shoe?
Starting point is 00:31:46 Is it like the difference between selling your shirts off of Amazon and then having your own printing press? You know what I mean? There's an evolution. Where does it draw? Now that you guys have a shoe, is that a huge milestone for you guys? I don't think it's like the ultimate legitimizer, but I do think it's important. What's the ultimate legitimizer? A huge factory in China? I guess owning your own production would be, I mean, that's what Lululemon does.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Having kids make your clothes is when you've made it. But we were able to build a nine-figure business without a shoe so i i definitely wouldn't say that hey it's a requirement to be legitimate i think we're definitely legitimate company and technically the shoe doesn't launch until that depending on when this airs well i guess this is live so it's airing right now but dude someone in the comments listen listen to this guys the shoe is dope fits like a nano 2 i tried them at the game there we go holy shit yeah we had we had try-ons at the games and people were like oh but no sales i think they could pre-sale it um okay i believe and then we did a 72 hour pre-sale in june which was wild because they weren't going to get it for like three and a half months and we just did it for 72 hours and sold a ton um so and that's with no
Starting point is 00:33:01 validation or no you know no testing like from the customers already, of course, they're just taking a chance on us. So, uh, but yeah, I do think getting a shoe takes you to the next level. I don't think it's a requirement. I mean, even Lululemon, I think they just like launched a shoe a couple of years ago, like finally, and obviously they're multi-billion dollar company, but I think it helps. And particularly for us, like even like sponsoring athletes, there was this awkward, like, Hey, we can do everything do everything but shoes and then like they would go like get Reebok to do their shoe deal so like wearing Reebok shoes with us and it just you know it was difficult and now we're having to like transition through that because now we have athletes that still are on their old
Starting point is 00:33:36 contracts with here and Reebok and stuff and now we have shoes so it's like eventually we're going to have to you know kind of clean slate that and get everyone you know head to toe rocking rocking the gear so um i'm trying to think of a good example here but you know there'll be like these fitness uh successful fitness models let's say like um uh hwpo uh fraser sales programming right very successful making money hand over fist and then they want to release an app and an app for someone or street parking, another one, you know, they want to release an app and apps are crazy risky because, you know, they tell you it's gonna be a hundred thousand dollars to make. And it's 4 million when you're done and you're like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:34:17 And it's all out of your control. It's in someone else's hands. And it, it rocks the boat for a lot of people. If you talk to these people, right. people, right? Is the shoe risky like that too? You're like, oh, God, this is going to be a lot of resources. Yes, it is risky because it's going to tie up about a million bucks in cash, right? There's going to be a huge lead time on getting the product. You have no proof of concept other than like rigorous testing. Like, of course we did that to mitigate risk, but there's always a little bit of uncertainty of like, what if my preferences for this shoe are not the same as everyone else's? And I just
Starting point is 00:34:55 totally missed the boat on this. Now, fortunately for me, I've been competing in CrossFit, you know, since I was, you know, 25 years old, you you know former division one athlete so i live in the world of this so like i felt like i was very qualified to be kind of a spokesperson for what makes a good shoe that being said you know what i mean you're still putting a lot on the line obviously there's a lot of human capital that goes into that just the time and bandwidth that me and the rest of the team were dedicating to this when we could have been doing other things to grow the business so yeah there's a financial cost and there's a human capital cost as well. But you can't, you can't win if you don't play a hand, you know what I mean? And I've always been very
Starting point is 00:35:32 aggressive in taking risk. And this was just another thing I said, you know, just like the podcast, the podcast was, you know, setting all this up wasn't cheap and it is taking a lot of time as well. But you gotta, you gotta you gotta you know slide your chips in sometimes and make things happen hey dude your shoe's gonna kill think so dude i'm telling you it's gonna kill as soon as that gets out that it's the nano 2 those people those people around the nano 2 in the in the what did you call the toe big toe box yeah they box. Yeah. They can't go back. They can't, I can't wear a Metcon. I did my foot. I have a little gnome feet. I cannot wear a Metcon. My foot is like thick at the bottom, big, big round toes. My kid's laughing at my feet. Yeah. Your shoes,
Starting point is 00:36:14 your shoes going to kill. They're like man shoes. Well, I hope you're right. And you know, I guess I'll tease a little bit of what they can expect that, know we are going to take the values of born primitive and in in allow that to be shown through a shoe so one opportunity is uh well actually the shirt i'm wearing right now which is the don't tread on me symbol which is something we wore on our navy uniforms it's a sanctioned uh patch that we all wear 300 000 plus sailors which somehow has also become controversial which i don don't understand. Yeah, did you see that 12-year-old boy just got kicked out of school for one? I did. And it's, again, it's like, we cannot let. The mom is like, this isn't the Confederate flag.
Starting point is 00:36:57 She's trying to explain it to the history teacher in the classroom. I'm like, what? Yeah, it's unfortunate because I think people, depending on where they consume their media and who they listen to, they don't even educate themselves. I mean, that symbol, every Navy sailor wears that on their left patch on the official uniform. You know, I think there's 300,000 plus Navy sailors, right, in our service. That could be wrong. It's got to be around there. That's, I think, in Virginia where we live, that's one of the license plates. That is that there is naval heritage in that symbol going back to the first ever naval battle.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Right. So it's how are we calling that a controversial symbol? Are we saying the American flag is controversial? Like if if someone takes an American flag. It is for some people. It is. I just I was raised in the Bay Area. I was raised in the bay area that the american flag is bad that that's how democrats are raised in california the american flag is bad it's crazy they don't even tell you why they just shame you for liking it there's no like in my in my public school system my family you were shamed for liking the flag was frowned upon it's crazy but they don't even tell you why bear yeah you weren't raised where
Starting point is 00:38:06 were you raised i was raised in god's country in the heartland indiana so that that shit did not exist where i came from it was you stood up for the flag you put your hand over your heart you said the pledge of allegiance every morning you were proud of your country you served your country you know that's that's how i was raised and you know that's all i know i mean i got i got the american flag on my arm i got the constitution i got george washington so there is no uh no mysteries if you see me in person you know what i what i think about um being proud of our country and what it stands for and an acknowledgement of everything that people have done before us to give us everything we enjoy today. Where were your parents born?
Starting point is 00:38:49 Illinois. And your grandparents? Same, I think, Illinois, yeah. And, go ahead. Yeah, my grandfather, he was a major Marine in World War Two in the Pacific. And then my other grandfather was a an army captain and was a surgeon because he was a doctor before the war and so went in and was an amputee medic. So, you know, there's a little bit of family history there for service. And, you know, just a Midwestern family, nothing crazy but uh definitely growing up was an appreciation um for you know when you think about like just take like world war ii for example
Starting point is 00:39:30 you had like 18 19 year old kids coming out of a landing craft 6600 ships in normandy if you've ever been in normandy on low tide it's like 300 yards to the berm, which would be your first line of cover, right? So you're getting off. There's a 300-yard no-man's-land sprint to the first berm where you no longer are getting shot at with machine gun nests up on a hill on the high ground. These are 19-year-old kids, never seen combat, coming across the channel there, 6.30 in the morning,
Starting point is 00:40:03 looking at a fortified position and uh it's like i wonder do people forget about what what we've done in our history to give us everything we enjoy today you know if you go to a football and nfl game or a college football game and they play that anthem and you don't get goosebumps standing up and you reflect on on that then i don't you know then you probably you and i can't relate goosebumps standing up and you reflect on that, then you and I can't relate. Because every time that happens to me, and I just wish people would think about the good parts of our history and all the heroic acts that have been done. And obviously, Normandy is just one example. But if you have the opportunity to go to Normandy, it'll smack you right in the face
Starting point is 00:40:40 when you go on those beaches and you go up to the cemetery and see thousands of white headstones of American service members who never came home. Um, that's just one sliver of the sacrifices that were made. And you know, are we imperfect? Of course we are. We, you know, we're never going to be perfect. And there's some things we all agree. We got to work some shit out, but as a whole, it's like, guys, how can you, you know, how can you have such resentment towards our flag and what it stands for i don't understand it how old are you i'm 35 god you're so sober for 35 sober like literally sober i don't know well it's 10 a.m here in virginia beach poetically speaking romantically speaking you're you're so even keeled or as they maybe say you uh you have equanimity you're you know i mean you're even killed hey what do you know what um uh medical school your grandfather went to i do not i do not and and then and then the generation um where
Starting point is 00:41:39 what did your parents do uh my dad was a an attorney and my mom was a microbiologist. Okay. And so there was a premium put on education. Oh yeah. Yeah, there was. And honestly, they didn't really shove it down our throats. I, you know, I don't know where the motivation grounded. If you got like a B or a C, no, they didn't push that at all. But for whatever reason, like me and my brothers, we were big into sports, but we were also very good in the classroom. Um, I think we were all like top five in our class out of like 500 students, like, and it was, you know, straight A's. And then, um, two of us went to Ivy league schools. The other one went to Notre Dame with a finance degree. So, um, like I don't, my parents definitely didn't, um, say you have to do this. I think what it was,
Starting point is 00:42:22 was witnessing them setting the, the, the example of what strong work ethic looks like, whether that's yard work, um, you know, working out like all those things that I think that transcends into, you know, you know, our, my habits in the gym as a young kid. And then in the classroom, you know, I'd get home and it was like, of course we got to do homework. Cause that's just the, the example I was witnessing, but it was, it was kind of cool that they weren't able, they weren't really pressing it. And it just kind of worked out like that. And I hope with my daughter, I can do the same thing. I don't want to be that super strict parent. I hope she just observes me over, you know, 10, 15 years. And that just takes care of itself because she sees how
Starting point is 00:42:56 dad does it. And it's a good example for her. Two other brothers or three other brothers? I got two older brothers and they're actually co-owners of their yeah oldest brother went to notre dame um he's actually our cfo he actually just moved out here last week in his full time he moved his whole family out here he's been kind of like our part-time cfo since like i don't know eight years ago and we kind of finally realized i was like hey man like you don't need two jobs like this is ridiculous move your family out here and let's let's do this um does he have kids yeah he's got three of them oh shit your shit's about to get and are they young like your daughter uh they're six i think 10 and 14 or even might be 15 so it's actually perfect good it's awesome because
Starting point is 00:43:43 you know it they love playing together, even though mine's only like two and a half. So I've already seen like, they go do the dolls and all that. And obviously I still watch them, but it's great that they have fun and it doesn't have to be dad, dad doing tea parties all the time. I get a little bit of a break. Yeah. Family's so good to have around. I love it when my sister and her boys are around my boys. They're a little older. I have two six-year-olds and an eight-year-old. And my sister has three boys. And they were raised on, they're motorcycle kids from Texas and they're raised on game ranches. And homeschooled, you know, boys at five years old already, you know, strapping a gun around the waist and going out and getting rattlesnakes, you know? And I, and my kids aren't like that. I have California kids, right? Skate,
Starting point is 00:44:27 tennis, jujitsu, right? Yeah. And mini, minivan. And I just love it when her boys are around my boys. It's like,
Starting point is 00:44:32 so God, family. So good. You, you, one of your brothers went to Notre Dame. Where did your other brother go? Me and my middle brother went to Yale and played football.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Oh, both of you. Both of us did yeah how did two brothers get into yale was there a trick you said you were asian you said you were black i am not any of those um you know playing football helps um you know we were we were good football players so we we got recruited and how it kind of works in the ivy league schools they can't give you a like a financial scholarship but every year the sports teams have a certain amount of slots where they can allow people with slightly less
Starting point is 00:45:10 academic pedigrees to still get in now granted you know if you got too wrong on the sat you were only top five in your class you weren't yeah i think i was fourth out of 550 students i was in all the ap classes i didn't get a single b i think i got 180 minus so it's not like i was rolling in not qualified right right so all right wait but a regular guy like me with that pedigree would definitely would have not gotten into the university without football um so it got me it got us a foot in the door um and uh yeah we had an incredible opportunity and i actually wanted to join the military out of high school and my parents talked me out of it because they're like, Hey, this whole Ivy league thing is kind of cool. Like it's probably going to open up some doors for you later in your life. And Oh, by the way, they're going to
Starting point is 00:45:51 let you keep playing football. So why don't you go do that? And then if you still have the itch, then join the military after. And that's, that's what I did. So you're 35, you have a nine figure brand six is a million so nine is like 100 is 100 million or more nine is between 100 million and 1 billion correct and you went to yale with your brother how cool is that you guys were actually on campus at the same time no i missed them by a year it sucked because it would have been cool to play together um yeah we missed me i knew a lot of his buddies you know when they were seniors i was a freshman so um got to deal with that those shenanigans but uh yeah i missed him by one year and and then you became a seal yes after i worked for red bull for four years i went into the navy and did that whole thing for about eight years and just got out last year. So, um, you know, big part of the story, a lot of people don't know about is
Starting point is 00:46:49 the, for the first eight years of the brand, it was a, it was a second job for me. Um, so I was just side hustling at night, um, with, you know, my, my former spouse, Mallory, who's our co-founder and current COO. Um, she was a dental hygienist at the time, so she ended up quitting her job and went all in on Born Primitive. And then on the nights and weekends and early mornings, we were hustling Born Primitive on deployments. I was doing Zoom calls at 2, 3 o'clock in the morning, 11 time zones away. So it was a long road, but now I'm able to solely focus on this. It's been a lot of fun. But, but for, yeah, for the first eight years, it was, it was kind of a, I guess, technically a side, side hustle. And you're only 10 years in, so it's only the last two years.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Yeah. I've, I've been out of a little over a year and a half, um, as you know, full-time on this. Out of the Navy. Yeah. Yeah. Completely. Only, wow. Only a year and a half. This is crazy. Um, and, and then you also have a dog, so you're a father, big, uh, complicated business, Yale grad seal. Are you married currently? I'm not, no single, single dad life right now. bad life right now. And so you, and how did you, so you met a girl, married her, started a business, had a kid, still have the business with the girl, but are not married. Almost true. Um, so Mallory and I were married before we started born primitive and I had this crazy, stupid idea to come up with a pair of compression shorts with a pad on the pubic bone for doing snatch call them snatch shorts and she thought i was crazy and uh that's how born primitive was
Starting point is 00:48:29 started it was not meant to be is that a real thing to protect your cock and balls well it's mainly your it's it's your pubic bone above that um if you've ever done like heavy snatch or like snatch pulls or like you know where you go like dudes have a pubic bone boys have a pubic bone yeah feel it that bone right there if you push in hard there's a bone in there okay yeah i feel it so i was damaging that area doing like heavy snatch work when we were doing ollie work um and i was like man and you know there's probably some purists that are like oh it's because you were doing it wrong in your limb to arm proportions and all that. Whatever. I got it. I did some research and there were actually Olympians who had fractured their pubic bones in competition.
Starting point is 00:49:15 So I ended up taking an old football girdle, cutting out the quad pad and stitching it into the groin area. My neighbor was a seamstress. So we went across the street. Me and her husband drank a gin and tonic. She fired up the, uh, the sewing machine and stitched the pad into the, into an old pair of compression shorts. And that was the, I thought that was it. I was just gonna, I just needed that one. And I was going to wear it twice a week when I did Ollie work. And that was the end of it. And then guys were like, Hey man, you should make that. Like you, and I was like, get out of here. No one would buy this. And I eventually did it.
Starting point is 00:49:43 And that's how it all started. And then she was a dental hygienist yeah that was the crazy part it was i was like this i wasn't even marketing it um and um you know dimitri klokov had gotten a pair he dm'd me randomly or at that point it was facebook message and i'm like holy shit then it was silver medalist just asked me if he if i could could send him a pair, I don't even know how I found out about it. And yeah, so we got a few early breaks and, uh, people were buying them and, um, that's kind of how it all started. But, but yeah, Mallory and I started it together. Um, and while I was active duty, she was doing it full time, you know, basic, I won't say solo because of course I was helping, but she was kind of the main driver of it in the early days. And then we ended up going our separate ways, got a divorce, but, um, still have a great relationship. Um, it's honestly
Starting point is 00:50:29 way easier running a business when you're not married to someone. Uh, and then, you know, I don't want to go into a lot of detail on this, but eventually I had another child, um, with someone I was in a relationship with that I'm no longer in a relationship with. So the, um, Mallory and I do not share a child, but we still run the business together she's an absolute savage um and it's gone from you know a dental hygienist to just a total badass business woman it's been cool to see that i wonder um probably not appropriate to say but i wonder when you will introduce her and it won't be your ex like like that'll happen right like like eventually like it's in the narrative now but like probably like in two years it'll be you will introduce her and it won't be your ex. Like that'll happen, right? Like eventually, like it's in the narrative now,
Starting point is 00:51:09 but like probably like in two years, it'll be like, this is the COO or this is the co-founder. You know what I mean? Like eventually it'll just, that'll fade away. It's just like the way stories go, right? Agreed. And a lot of times that is how it is. I guess it just depends on the forum because a lot of people still think we're married
Starting point is 00:51:24 and we'll say like, oh yeah, talk to your wife, Mallory. It's like we do particularly for her side, you know, she's remarried and has a kid like out of respect. Like we don't want that to keep coming up in public forums and you know what I mean? Because obviously, you know, her husband probably doesn't appreciate that and I want to make sure I respect that. So it is on a, in a way like a point of clarification. Right. But I agree, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:44 she is the CEO and co-founder and that's probably all that needs to be said you know the thing is too let me play the other side too my my parents got a divorce and they stayed friends and and that was a huge that probably i don't talk about very often but that's probably one of the biggest impacts on my life because raising a child is never – the kid's never – the teaching's never in homeostasis. You're either teaching them something good or you're teaching them something bad. There's no middle ground. people fight really i it's lent a lot to my understanding of relationships going back to what you said you want your daughter to be able to follow your example so like right now your daughter's getting you see see you have a mature relationship with a woman that um you used to have a very intimate relationship with and so then she's also going to choose a man who's not like
Starting point is 00:52:41 you know what i mean she's learning something from that and so in that respect i think it's fucking huge huge it's the same reason if i fight with my wife in front of my kids i make sure they see us make up too every time even if i gotta fake it you know what i mean like because because they got you can't just you there's got to be a positive learning experience in it totally so important to set that example. And that's something I hope, you know, we'll, when she, it's time for her to inevitably start dating. I agree with you. Hopefully by that time, she knows the positive traits she should be looking for in a man. And hopefully that'll require less conversations with that individual when he comes in and knocks on my door when she's 16 and I'm cleaning my rifle at the kitchen table. He's knocking out at the front door at the window.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Yeah, exactly. He better not be knocking at the window. Yeah, that's big trouble for him. Bear, did you graduate from Yale? I did. So you graduate from Yale, and I. So you, you graduate from Yale and I'm assuming, couldn't there have been, um, you seem like maybe you have some, uh, pathology towards success instead of towards money or, or challenge. Why not? I'm almost certain out of Yale, you could get a job that makes four times what your average college graduate makes. You know, if someone's average was making 50,000, you could have found a job at 200,000 why go to the navy and and what um uh the liberal california boy like me thinks is put your life in danger you know why why risk getting killed especially
Starting point is 00:54:18 especially as a seal fuck um for me it was really simple, I was in eighth grade when nine 11 happened and I knew when that happened, when they sent us home from school and I got the, they had an afternoon edition newspaper that was delivered as like, you know, obviously like special edition, they spun it up. I cut out that newspaper and pin it above my desk and had the towers burning. And it said something about us, you know, us being under attack. And that newspaper has followed me everywhere I've gone since then. It went with me to college. It was in my locker when I was in military training. It was above my desk before I joined the military. It's above my, it's, it's above my squat rack in the garage right now next to an American flag. You have a shirt, you have a shirt I saw yesterday on your site. Don't forget.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Yeah. Yeah. We do a nine 11 shirt every year. And just so you know, I'd never will profit from nine 11 in a tragedy. All of the proceeds go to a charity tunnels, the towers. Um, but yeah, we, we do it, the shirt every year to commemorate the, the, uh, the date. Um, but, uh, so that was it for me. Um, it was, it was, I need to For me, as a grown man who was physically capable, it did not feel right that there were other grown men putting their lives on the line to protect me, and I was sitting back in an air conditioning house watching football on Saturday afternoons.
Starting point is 00:55:40 It just didn't sit well with me, and I knew that I needed to, I needed to step up and do my part. And, uh, so that's, that's what ultimately motivated me to, to make that final decision to change my life and take a different direction. Um, and it's funny you say that too, because I'm not funny, sad, because when, when the towers went down a bear, I was, um, in college with the fucking holding a bong sitting on the couch watching it smoking weed probably after that went to the liquor store after that went to the beach and played frisbee and i never gave it fucking two thoughts to um to to to man up like like you did so uh thank you
Starting point is 00:56:23 fucking thank you yeah and honestly on behalf on behalf of my three boys thank you for giving them a place to where they can grow up and be proud men well i appreciate that you know i haven't really done anything and honestly for people that had that reaction that's okay you know what i mean it's it's not i'm not any better than anyone else that was just as an eighth grade kid living in the in the heartland you know with the patriotic values kind of instilled in me that was that was kind of the stock response you know and um but it makes me makes me know better uh that was just the path i chose and it was a really cool experience and i got a lot out of it and met a lot of really cool people um and uh but just a
Starting point is 00:57:01 just another normal dude you never thought for a second okay i had this idea remember we were talking about like uh if the goth kid had to like do that for 65 years you kind of did that to yourself you put you put something on in the eighth grade and then you carried it couldn't you've just graduated from yale and be like okay i was young now i'm just gonna be rich and i'll donate some money to the Navy SEAL Foundation instead. Yeah, that didn't really cross my mind. I think it's one of those things, like anything in life, if it's something you're thinking about all the time and it's consuming your mind, it probably means you need to do it. And for me, that was going into the military. But if whatever that is, and we can all relate to that, you have that itch. If you're staring up at the
Starting point is 00:57:42 ceiling, keeping you up at night, and it's all day long, you're daydreaming about something, you got to go do it. You're going to regret it. And that was occupying my mind quite a bit. So it was an obvious answer. And yes, I could have changed my mind for sure. It wasn't irreversible. A lot of my friends, most of my friends that I was teammates with on the football team did the kind of conventional Wall Street route from Yale. And it was the wildest thing. We had a guy who worked in the football office.
Starting point is 00:58:14 His name was Don Scharf, and he has since passed away, but he's done so much for the program. He basically was in charge of keeping a network with the alumni, the Yale football alumni, which if you look at the directory, the Yale football alumni, which if you look at the directory, it's crazy the positions these guys are in 30 years after they graduate. I mean, CEOs of major companies. We called it the Bible, Yale football Bible. He would keep everyone's contact information current. He would stay in touch with alumni. You could walk into Don's office when you're a junior and say, hey, Don, I want to work in New York next year. And he's like, what, what, what, what kind of business I want to do consulting. And he'd flip to that tab and he'd go, all right, I got John,
Starting point is 00:58:54 he'd go, he'd go, all right, I got John class of 78. He's the CEO over at, you know, like some giant consulting firm. And I got this guy. Oh yeah. He's, he was tight end in 83. We're great buddies. Let me, so he did that to me. I walked in the junior year and I got this guy. Oh yeah. He's, he was tight end in 83. Um, we're great buddies. Let me, so he did that to me. I walked in the junior year and I wanted to do a consulting gig just to get something on my resume. Cause I had mowed lawns my whole life. So I was like, all right, I got to get at least something professional. Hand pusher. Like, uh, like one where you pull the drawstring and the motor starts up and then you push it. Wow. That's right. Um, you know, that's how we, we did it. Um, and I think that that taught me a lot about entrepreneurship and just things like that.
Starting point is 00:59:26 I did that too, by the way. Listen, I've been degrading myself a lot. I mowed some fucking lawns too. I could jumpstart. Yeah, thank you. It's good for you. It's good for you. And then I would rake up the leftover grass and I would empty the bag.
Starting point is 00:59:39 I was a little scared of the blade underneath, but I did it. Anyway, so Don, when i went in there junior year i said i want to do consulting he flipped it and he said where do you want to go i said ah let's try new york he flipped in new york there was a guy that was like a major you know i use their cfo there don literally picked up the phone in front of me called this guy the guy picked up and he's he said hey bill i got bear handling he's a junior linebacker 6-2 240 starter he wants a can you give him a gig this summer in new york he needs an internship and the guy's like yeah yeah sure give him my email we'll link up and it's done it literally i was in there five minutes don got me a job so when guys
Starting point is 01:00:18 become seniors that becomes a thing for like your so what i'm getting at is i could have done that all my buddies went to wall street they made a ton ton of money, but I also, when I see them, you know, 10 years or so later, or now more than that, damn, it's going quick. Um, you know, are they, are they happy and fulfilled, you know, making a bunch of money on wall street, um, but working crazy hours and not being able to, uh, put an emphasis on fitness and, you know, they're doing, they're having to do happy hours and entertaining clients. Like some people that's, that's what they want to do for me i i wanted to cut against the grain do something different so just just to go back here a second you when you when you left uh college you left yale you then you did you did the work for a couple years and
Starting point is 01:01:00 then you worked for four years and then went to the navy i did yeah i Yeah, I went and worked for Red Bull for four years, which was awesome. I did marketing for them. So that was kind of cool because I got exposed to kind of brand and like what brand means and the way Red Bull has done it has been pretty incredible. You know, they invented the energy drink category. It didn't exist. Started in 1987 in Austria on some crazy idea.
Starting point is 01:01:24 You know, a couple guys had, they took a chance. But the fact that it's so much more than just a product and what it embodies, I was able to kind of see that by getting kind of indoctrinated as a Red Bull employee. And I think that's helped a lot with how I've looked at Born Primitive and how we've built it. Now, the brand traits aren't the same, but it's the idea that the brand almost needs to be a person.
Starting point is 01:01:44 It needs to have human traits, and those need to be portrayed through the content that you put out. I think this is one of the greatest commercials that I've ever seen. I probably have no business playing this. What do we got? Let's see it. This commercial is so good, dude. The reason why I like – I never drank Red Bull. Yeah. They're cartoons.
Starting point is 01:02:09 Yep. I never drank Red Bull probably until, I don't know, a couple of years ago, like ever. I mean, I still don't drink it, but like, like I wouldn't even, I wouldn't even like now if it was two in the morning, I was driving, I had no problem going and buying the biggest can of Red Bull before. I would have never done that for some reason. I just thought it was what bad kids drank. I still think it's what bad kids drink but i love the fact that it's i think every brand should do this it should just go to the absurdity like
Starting point is 01:02:33 they're saying this shit gives you wings but this is so absurd okay uh this is so absurd i just love go watch this oh this does not look good here have a red bull and pass it on classic how crazy is that yep that's thanksgiving origin story that's got to be sacrilege they fucking stole it that's that's that's classic red bull they they've always been very witty and that obviously was shown there in their cartoon commercials are so identifiable i mean the first two seconds you know you're about to watch a red bull ad and that's that's kind of the whole point savage uh had you seen that one i hadn't no that that's great that's one of their better ones for sure god it's fucking nuts when i saw that i said oh my i just love the ridiculousness of it that's why we eat turkey because there wasn't a red bull for him to fly with and that fucking dude's got wings already yeah um so you do that for four years and then and then what what's the the whole time it's just itching at you to join the navy yeah do you know you want to be a seal yes that was the whole that
Starting point is 01:03:59 was the plan from the beginning um and it kind of turned out i was training for it that's actually how i got into crossfit um i was like i stumbled upon it because some guys that i was training with uh doing our swimming and running workouts were doing that in the evenings and they were getting super fit and i just like hey what are y'all doing at night and that's how i got introduced to it and uh but sorry were you in the navy at the time or this is what you're trying to get in we were just i was because i had you know was a was a football player and i realized i needed to change my fitness you know being 245 pounds and being able to run a four six and squat 400 pounds is not needed nor will that be applicable so i needed to lose cut some weight get good at long distance running get good at
Starting point is 01:04:38 swimming etc um so that's how i why i changed my training style um and that that's how I got introduced to CrossFit and I ended up competing and um made it out to the games one year and competed on team which was awesome Dave and I were talking about that yesterday um but um you know but the the the intent on joining the military was there from the beginning long story short though I got a lot of family pressure that uh from you know my family as well as Mallory's family saying, hey, this is, you're never going to be around. You're going to be in danger. You're gone 300 days of the year, yada, yada, yada. And I eventually kind of caved and gave up the dream for like, I don't know, a year and kind of going back to what I said about staring at the ceiling in the middle of the night.
Starting point is 01:05:19 That's what it was every night for me. And I finally realized, hey, I need to do this. And I secretly started training again for that. So, so I was sneaking away to the track and the pool and, uh, getting proficient there. And then, you know, my CrossFit workouts, the reason I was doing them was to get that level of conditioning and no one knew what was going on. And then I eventually, once I got accepted into the program, I did not tell my parents until I was like, I think a month out from, from shipping out. And I gave them my acceptance letter into the program. And, you know, of course my mom started crying. I think my dad was pumped, but I don't think he was. You were already in the Navy. So let me just understand,
Starting point is 01:05:55 you were already in the Navy. They were just dissuading you from. No, no, I wasn't in at all. I was a civilian working the Red Bull life in Indiana. Um, you know, a good, a good, easy life. I was a great balance. And I signed up to be in the Navy without telling your wife. No, no, not the wife. She she eventually got read in. I'm not right. But no one else knew. And because I didn't want to. By the time you told your parents it was too late, they couldn't be like, come get you. Yeah, no, it was it was happening. One of those things, you know, burning the you can't there can't be an off-ramp right right and um and so that was
Starting point is 01:06:29 and i didn't want to torment my mom for like a year if she knew i was going to apply and then if because if i didn't get accepted in the program like it was there's no point stressing my mom out so that was the kind of the whole idea is like let me see if i'll get accepted and then if i get accepted i'll just tell her at the last second So she doesn't have to worry an extra three months for no reason. So that's how that went down. So we, we, we did a 180. You weren't too old at that point. You weren't too old. By now you're 26 or something. Yeah, I was, yeah. 25, 26. Um, no, I think there, there's an age waiver. I think that's around 30 to enter, uh, that part of the service. Um, but you can get a waiver if you're like 34 and super fit, I guess they might accept you, but it's not very common. Um, but so I was well under that, uh that part of the service um but you can get a waiver if you're like 34 and super fit i guess
Starting point is 01:07:05 they might accept you but it's not very common um but so i was well under that that age limit there was some dude uh um there was some guy who's playing football i want to say at the university of san diego who also who became a seal like at 34 or something it was some and he was like uh he was on the crossfit seminar staff or something it was something weird like that but of course yeah he was a CrossFitter he was like it was his fitness was absurd um so so then you go you go to do that and did you make it in the first time you you get through the uh correct yeah I made it through and it's kind of crazy um even though i'm sure it was extremely hard on the other hand people are like well this is just the way this dude does it he's an overachiever it was very hard um and yeah it was it was a punch it was a kick in the balls that's
Starting point is 01:07:59 for sure they they thinned the herd pretty quick um and I was fortunate for whatever reason to be able to squeak through and get it done. SEMA Globes, last time Dave went on a podcast with Jacko, Jacko became a sponsor. I think it's Jocko, but who am I? And Seve did the behind the scenes, just connecting the dots. Oh, oh. Wow. Born Primitive, a sponsor for the games, take over for... No way. Time to create an extra line of defense and protect that lead. That's like 2FA on Kraken.
Starting point is 01:08:46 A surefire way to keep what you already have safe and sound. Go to and see what crypto can be. Not investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. I'm trying to, I should be nice. Is that a question or is that a comment on the on the i'm thinking it's a it's a whole mix of things it's my inside thoughts comments and now so you're good i'm
Starting point is 01:09:11 reading i see i saw the one that just popped up about the jocko thing so i'm sorry i was yeah there these people are suggesting that um uh born primitive will replace uh the current um I don't know what the fuck you call that thing as the clothing sponsor for the games I don't think I can comment on that okay you know if you if you listen to the not the shameless plug here but shameless plug our episode
Starting point is 01:09:37 with Dave Castro on the born primitive podcast just aired yesterday morning and we we talk about that at one point so if you're interested tune in but dave also gave a vague answer so don't expect a whole lot yeah yeah i i yeah people should listen to that and i and dave did gave you the uh uh call me offline yeah yeah he he yeah he i think we had like 10 seconds until he had to jump on another call so it was he was a it was a quick irish exit and he was out which was appropriate so it was good he was a, it was a quick Irish exit and he was out, which was appropriate. So it was good.
Starting point is 01:10:07 I did call him and give him some feedback. And I told him that he said, what'd you think? I said, it was really good. Uh, just like you told me, but, uh, you're douchebag for giving a fellow seal hard finish. And he said, no, I didn't. I said, yeah, he didn't. And he's like, oh shit, you're right. I did have a, I did have a call. And he told me that.
Starting point is 01:10:21 So I was, I was looking at my watch. Um, yeah, it's funny when you listen back i don't know do you listen back to your stuff ever or is it just don't i've tried to listen back to this couple episodes and it's when you hear yourself talk it's brutal and i realized with dave's episode i was listening to it yesterday for whatever reason i think i said obviously like 16 times i would i would say obviously before i would make a point and it was definitely not an obvious point. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:10:45 It's an opinion, but it's not obvious, so I need to reel that in a little bit. I do not enjoy anything I say unless it's funny. And only one out of 30 things I say is funny, and the times I have listened a little bit back, I'm so disappointed at how not funny i am and i just fucking hate it i just hate it well i think we're our own worst critics so i wouldn't i wouldn't buy into that too much because obviously you're doing something right but uh i don't think you can ever listen to yourself talk and not cringe a little bit it's just i think it's just human nature you kind of see um sometimes i
Starting point is 01:11:24 think i'm being so real on the podcast and I listen and I'm just like, God, you're fake as fuck. Like, fuck, chill, dude. This guy never likes anything. David Weed. This is a male guy. Those look fire.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Talking about the shoe? Holy shit. Yeah, what do you think? David, glad you're pumped, man. I'm trying to get it in that light. We got these crazy lights above me, but I can't really get a good angle. The white ones are pretty racist.
Starting point is 01:11:48 Please, 20 burpees for being racist. Okay, Coffee Papa Mountain Mama. Wow. They had them at their booth at the games, and they were super light. Wow, even more feedback. Yeah, we're pumped. I mean, again, like I said, we put a lot into this. We R&D'd the shit out of it.
Starting point is 01:12:10 And so I'm trying to remove my bias, but I do think it's a great shoe, and I think people are going to be really stoked on it. This really sucks. I'm sorry. Heidi Kroon. God, what a fucked up thing to do. Why can't you do Mary Fuck Kill like Seon, Kermit, and Big Bird? Why do I got to be with fucking the born primitive
Starting point is 01:12:29 dude who looks like a lion and Dave? How does this work? Do you have to say because you're listed? Yeah, no, this isn't for anyone. This is just to take a shot at me so people in the comments can be like, kill Savon. Oh, okay, so now people will comment back yeah now people just harass me yeah okay yeah look at
Starting point is 01:12:48 him at heidi look at this guy knows heidi's gonna get fucking kicked off the show there goes heidi that's right someone booter uh uh wad zombie uh the born primitive dude fucks marry him for sure oh well it's funny you do this live man this is kind of fun um there's no margin for error here what they see is what they get i guess hey you know what's crazy is i don't even read them before i pull them up yeah i don't have time i just have to just just trust in the game just trust kind of like a radio show when you get those crazy guests that call in and the host has to be like uh dude i don't i don't know what to tell you um what's cool is when they say stuff that you would never say but you wanted to say and then you can just blame them well that's totally inappropriate you know what i
Starting point is 01:13:40 totally uh see my globes maryvan, fuck Bear, and kill Dave. All right. I just randomly picked that. Thank you. Thank you. I'll take it. And then you always got to read the money ones. Well, not always.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Occasionally someone will say something so crazy I can't read it, but it's rare. What will it take to see Born Primitive at the CrossFit Games? Good follow-up question. So it is something you're open. We'll primitive at the crossfit games good follow-up question so it is something you you you're open we'll start at the biggest uh it is something you're open-minded to and you did say it was like maybe a 10-year goal it was something when you started the company you're like oh i could see us in 10 years um being the sponsor of the crossfit games yeah and honestly it was kind of a joke not a joke joke, but a lofty goal at the time.
Starting point is 01:14:26 We were literally running a business out of our house with two of us. So to say something ridiculous like that when Reebok was the title sponsor and killing it was... Which is part of a multi-billion dollar team. Yeah, and here I am in my garage in Virginia Beach being like, 10-year mark, that's going to be us. Kind of an outrageous thing to say. But ironically, here we are coming up on 10 years
Starting point is 01:14:47 and there appears to be an opportunity there. So that's why I'm talking with Dave. I had to throw that last question at him. But I think it would be really cool. Again, of course, I have my own bias. But what I think I feel like is missing is in the CrossFit community, there's a huge participation from
Starting point is 01:15:06 military and first responder communities. And I feel like that's an opportunity. At least if we were to be the official apparel sponsor of the CrossFit Games, you could expect us to weave in some patriotic components to how we would position ourselves in lockstep with crossfit and i think given the the ceo's background as a force recon guy and you know naval officer as well like i don't think that would be a hard pitch but to me that was a big thing that was lost i remember when i was at the game i don't know freedom of speech is so polarizing these days well the ability to pick whatever car you want to buy very polarizing these days very the idea of raising your own kids very these are very polarizing um uh growing and hunting your own food very polarizing uh mr bear i yeah i wish i
Starting point is 01:15:57 was joking i wish no i know i know i wish it wasn't that way um but i remember i think it was at the 2013 games uh when 5 when five 11 was heavily involved, you know, and they were slinging the vests, which, you know, for Murph and all that, which was cool,
Starting point is 01:16:09 but they, they had everyone in the tennis stadium. The guy came out on the floor. I think it might've been their CEO. I can't remember, but he basically addressed every service member and had everyone stand up that, you know, was a policeman or a firefighter or first responder or,
Starting point is 01:16:21 you know, a veteran. What year was that? I vaguely remember that. I think it was 2013. And I remember I was in the stadium and everyone like started clapping and it was just a really cool thing.
Starting point is 01:16:30 And you know what I mean? That's brilliant. We need more of that. So like that's where I get excited from the opportunities. Okay, how could we put a born primitive spin on our association with the sport, particularly at the CrossFit Games? What is something we could do as an experience that, you know,
Starting point is 01:16:48 integrates our first responder in military communities in a cool, badass way? Yeah, so that's where my mind went with it. The clothing part, of course, is cool, but I think it's an opportunity to reinforce our brand values along with CrossFit, who I think should have similar values due to the nature of the people that I think are their main participants and that's just a guess I don't actually know the data but I know at least from what I'm going to know CrossFit box there's a lot of men and women with tattoos and American flag patches on their hats and that then get in their policeman uniform
Starting point is 01:17:22 and go to work you know what I mean like it's it's such a i think it's weaved into into the dna of crossfit from from my optic um bear you're okay if i i flex on you a little bit right i love that let's do it we're live so i guess there's no going back okay are you calling somebody yeah call dave and i'm showing off that i got a that i can actually i'm really flexing you like that that? You think he's going to answer? You never know. You never know. Oh, man. We're going to ask him, like, hey, can we have the first responders
Starting point is 01:17:50 and the middle guy stand up at the games next year? Let's just ask him. I'm a little scared. I've never done this before, but I'm like, fuck it. I have a feeling you have done this before. I have not. I've called other people, not Dave. He will not like to be ambushed on my podcast
Starting point is 01:18:08 that's savage I've never called Don what if I fuck with Don and call Don don't be a pussy Dave pick it up your call has been there it is for all you know that wasn't even really his number that was my wife's number and I texted her ahead of time
Starting point is 01:18:28 brilliant next time we'll get him it's all the call see it's risky right but you got to take the risk a little scary I got scared I'm not comfortable but vindicate this is the guy who makes my shirts the wrist. A little scary. I got scared. I'm not comfortable. Vindicate. This is the guy who makes my shirts. I had to have
Starting point is 01:18:49 the discussion with my 14-year-old last week that if a boy comes in the locker room, you let me know. I'll go to war. Fair enough. I'm assuming you have a girl. I'm so behind in the comments. I apologize to you guys
Starting point is 01:19:06 Let me see if there's Another thing that you become comfortable with Doing the live shows is in the beginning I used to panic a little bit when there would be down time Or quiet time And then after a while I kind of know so many of these people in here Like three or four hundred of their names I just recognize so often
Starting point is 01:19:24 That I just feel like I'm hanging out with my homies someone you know that's all uh what wad zombie this is the guy that makes the athlete athlete playing cards he makes the uh aerial loan card uh mr bear you already have a lifelong clothing customer you already have lifelong oh you already have lifelong clothing customers, your podcast is going to make them more loyal. Put a good shoe on them and you're going to have everyone head to toe. I sure hope so. Thank you for
Starting point is 01:19:54 that. That guy also has his main job is he works at a ship plant for the city and he makes cards, so be careful if you take his advice. Here we go. Dick Butter. Oh, back to the flags thing.
Starting point is 01:20:12 It has nothing to do with the actual flags or symbols. Liberals just assume you are Republican when you rock a Gadsden flag. That's the don't tread on me one? That's what I'm wearing right now. Gadsden flag. By the way, this is our best selling shirt ever.
Starting point is 01:20:27 So clearly I'm not the only one who likes this. Am I pronouncing it right? Gadsden? Yeah, I think so. Yeah. Kind of a weird. Flag or American flag. Or when you rock a Gadsden flag or American flag and being a Republican is racist.
Starting point is 01:20:45 Yeah, I don't. I don't get it all. Hey, I just went on your site there. Yes. And you have the word gender. Why don't you guys use the word sex? When I when I look up the definition of gender, I think of it as like imaginary shit. Like I don't personally have a gender. i don't wake up in the morning and be like i'm gonna put this on so i look like a man like i just i just when i when i wake up at four and take my first piss i'm like oh there you are hey what are you doing um why not use sex had not given it any thought until you just asked me so i want to submit that into the um feedback box there you go thank you because i just think of gender is like when i see the word it says um bathrooms will say
Starting point is 01:21:32 all gender bathroom i'm like they've always been all gender bathrooms like to me sex is like something that's in between or gender something between your ears and sex is like what dangles between my legs or doesn't dangle never never thought of it like that and okay um he clearly doesn't listen to the podcast people oh is that a was that an inside joke well no it's i'm really a stickler holy shit the chat is busy i'm a real stickler for words and um i don't like the confusion of gender and sex being um uh used interchangeably okay like if you look up the definition of gender gender is like is like norms right so like a cowboy doesn't wake up in the morning and get dressed to be a cowboy all that shitty wear like you didn't dress up in the morning to look like a navy seal all that shit had function right okay and so people who are
Starting point is 01:22:29 dressing for gender it's like dude why are you doing that just get fucking dressed like however the fuck you want like we have a fucking zipper on our pants so our dick can fall out of it so we can pee it's not like i'm not trying to like act like a man or nothing just it's it's it's just just functional shit you know what i mean like chaps are functional so that like i guess like when you're riding through the brush the trees and shit don't fuck your pant legs up and the spurs aren't so you look like a cowboy so you can kick your cow and the hats to keep the sun off your face so your giant armenian nose doesn't burn just shit like that totally oh here we go uh jonathan ortega gender
Starting point is 01:23:06 and sex are different because i can't have gender with your mom nice all right the the um you're in virginia yeah we're in Virginia beach. And why there, why not back to, um, the homeland and closer to your parents? You seem like a guy who'd want to be close to your parents. Well, um, by the time I got out of the service, I was stationed out here for, um, six years. Oh, I've heard Dave talk about you. You're an East coast seal. Yeah. There, there's a couple. There's East Coast and West Coast. So I was stationed out here. And by the time I got out last January,
Starting point is 01:23:53 by that time we had like 45, 50 employees already, maybe more. So I couldn't just, I think we have 75 or something now. We couldn't just pick up and be like, hey guys, we're going to go back to the Midwest. I kind of realized that I have roots here now. And I enjoy it. It's a great place to live on beach town everyone's pretty active and fit and um you know it's it's a big military community so i'm still like around all the dudes which is great um i kind of have best of both worlds i don't have to deal with a lot of the shenanigans of you know the the job uh but i still get to see him um and you know see him at the beach and stuff
Starting point is 01:24:22 like that and hang with them still so yeah i don't think i'm going anywhere anytime soon and ironically my parents are moving out next month as well as you know i said my brother moved out as well uh to be full-time cfo so i'm actually bringing them to me which is pretty badass i'm really excited about it sorry say that again about your parents your parents did move out they're moving out uh next month for good yeah it's all you know oh dude you're living a dream it's gonna be huge because then even just with uh you know my mom uh helping out with you know babysitting and stuff like that i mean she loves that and you know grandparents they love that thing so and then you know being around my nieces and nephews and being able to go to their softball
Starting point is 01:24:59 games and gymnastics meets and all that like i've i've always been a very busy uncle i would say i haven't been the most present like obviously i I maintain a relationship with them, but now I, it'll give me the opportunity to, to really be more present because I can be physically there. I know you're going to think this is a joke, but this isn't, this guy's name is Brandon Lecoq. He came on my show last month and gave away a pair of free games tickets, but he says, He came on my show last month and gave away a pair of free games tickets. But he says, let me know if you need a reliable, military friendly real estate agent. Oh, so he must be in Virginia. Brandon LeCocq.
Starting point is 01:25:31 You can't forget that name, right? OK, thank you, Brandon. I appreciate it. I have someone that I use that's that's really squared away, but doesn't hurt to have options. So thank you. A backup. It doesn't hurt to have options. So thank you. A backup.
Starting point is 01:25:43 When you, the current clothing sponsor for the CrossFit Games had a vaccine policy, they required their staff to take the government mandated injections in order to continue to work at their facility. Did you guys have something like that? Did you require your employees to take that? No, not even close. Um, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:09 the point point born primitive point, I won't even give you two points, three points. I'm gonna give you three points for that. The word for this disease. I realized, you know, you and I were talking about this when we're trying to get our camera all set
Starting point is 01:26:20 up, but Dave's podcast is trending really well from a download standpoint right now just heard yesterday and we were went from um 26 on the chart jumped up to 23 and i probably need to stop looking at the charts but but because who cares but i used to do that for the first year i love looking at the you know what i mean it's you know it's like it's kind of fun for me and i don't know how this all works so i'm just keeping an eye on it but we had we were like four below dave portnoy's podcast which was cool we had jumped harvard business review which was just funny for me because i'm a yo guy and uh and dave's aired and it's like right on this will
Starting point is 01:26:51 probably engage our crossfit audience quite a bit because we can dork out and talk about crossfit for an hour and then i i got uh woke up this morning and looked and scrolled and we weren't even in the top 50 of the there's no way we dropped off from 23 when we're going up it was a green arrow going up meaning it was trending well so i called our production company and i said hey like was like what's going on here and uh they looked into it and bottom line is um and i guess we can just say it because you don't care but you can say it all the time because we use the word covet 19 dave did and it was literally not in a controversial way we're talking about how fitness could have been a good way to combat covet right not a bit i think we could all hopefully agree on that
Starting point is 01:27:27 um that it shadow banned us from the charts um and just dropped us off you know what i mean and it's like yeah there's you know things like firearms and covid this and that so i i you know now that i realize that i just need to not be worried about that because i can't be ham you know constrained to not using certain terms. And it's just how ridiculous is it that, that even just mentioning, simply mentioning the word. And I think it's, it's symbolic of an even bigger issue that we have on, I hope people, hopefully people realize how important it is that there's not censorship, um, to, you know, particularly when it comes to science.
Starting point is 01:28:11 Science is an attempt to seek truth through objective data. And in any scientific method, there's supposed to be opposing views. That's how the truth is found. So in any scientific method, in the most pivotal moment in probably our lifetimes, all of a sudden, any dissenting thought was not allowed to be put into the conversation. Even if these people were Harvard, Stanford, it didn't matter. It's like, so why are we abandoning the scientific method when this is the one time we should 100% emphasize the scientific method and allow that to happen? You know what I mean? It doesn't mean that's going to be what wins, but at least allow that view to enter the discussion. So the scientists and allow that to happen. You know what I mean? It doesn't mean that's going to be what wins, but at least allow that view to enter the discussion so the scientists and people
Starting point is 01:28:49 that are way smarter than you and me can do their thing and figure out what is the truth. In a very dynamic situation, obviously, this was evolving in real time. There was no precedent. So I get the fact that we had to maybe take some measures to get this thing under wraps but i guess i went long on that but the we didn't go long you didn't go long we didn't mandate that at all um from an hr standpoint it was tricky because we had enough like employees by that point that i finally have an hr person which i never had before it was just me like just you know kind of just doing my thing and you know if we had to fire someone we just did it um and she was kind of concerned how do we do this and i basically at one point just told everyone, Hey guys, here's the deal.
Starting point is 01:29:28 We're going to be dealing with this for a while. If you want to get the vaccine, it's fine. It's definitely not going to be mandated. That's totally on you. No one's going to ask you. So that's a personal decision. And as far as it relates to going to work, we can't function as a business if we don't come to work, right? Now, office employees, you know, there was a little bit of flexibility. Like if you had symptoms, it's like, all right, just stay at home. Of course, we don't spread it, right? We weren't being reckless. But for the warehouse crew, you can't remotely fulfill orders. You know, we own our own fulfillment. They're all born primitive employees. So it's like, guys, if we want to stop our business for
Starting point is 01:30:01 a year, then born primitive doesn't exist. So we have to assume some risk. We're all fit. Everyone at Born Primitive is like, it's awesome. You go to the warehouse, like we call it the jungle. It's a bunch of young, fit people. Half of them aren't even wearing shirts. The girls are wearing sports bras and booties. I mean, it literally looks like a CrossFit gym, but they're fulfilling orders.
Starting point is 01:30:18 And we have a CrossFit gym in there, which is awesome. It's like, all right. You have a gym at your headquarters? Yeah. Yeah. We got a big rig, a big beaver, um, dumbbells up to 150 pounds, a couple of air runners, like I think eight rowers, all kinds of cool stuff, bumper weights, of course. Um, so they all throw down, you know, at lunch and before work and after work, we try to keep
Starting point is 01:30:37 with that name beaver fit. That doesn't sound, um, like a man's fitness program. They're Navy guys, by the way. Um, so yeah. Um, so. So anyway, I kind of realized, hey, we have to assume some risk here because if every time someone gets a scratchy throat or has body aches, like if we shut down the whole operation because three days ago that person had lunch with that guy who then did orders with this, like it's just you can't do it. So I said, you know, if you're uncomfortable with that guy who then did orders with this like it just you can't do it so i said you know if you're uncomfortable with that uh i understand but the the show has to go on and we can't let this like define our lives you know so that that's how we did it um and it worked out employees did
Starting point is 01:31:17 you have die from covid zero everyone is good and still fit and getting after it. That doesn't make sense. Hey, you know what? Uh, my buddy, um, Andrew Hiller is like, Hey, I totally figured out the, the, the wording on everything. If you don't do this for climate change, people are going to die. If you don't do this for kids, if you don't let kids get sex changed, they're going to commit suicide and die. If you don't take this injection, someone's going to die. They backstop everything with, Hey, if you don't, someone's going to die. That's like become the new thing for, uh, 2020 and beyond. It's, it's always, it's always, you're going to die or you're going to die. It's in a, it works. It works on, um, it, it works so well on people who are just
Starting point is 01:32:05 intaking the program right the people who are just like asleep in the matrix to use that simile that component of fear you just put it on them and then they're right away yes allow child to chop off penis in order to save their life yes
Starting point is 01:32:21 you know what I mean it's just it's crazy yeah it's crazy. Yeah. It's even if you say to them, even if you say to them, uh, global climate policies actually cause more people to die than save lives. They can't,
Starting point is 01:32:33 um, they refuse. Yeah. And how it's transpired to the media is, is, is, is frustrating. And like,
Starting point is 01:32:44 I think we could go really long on this, but I, I, I share your sentiment. I'll leave it, leave it at that. And I just hope in the future we can correct to having some, some common sense in, in, in, in everything we do. And I, cause I think that's where most people land and we're all, we're, we're different, but we're not that different. And i think most people just want to be able to raise families for the government to stay the hell out of their way and um for for politicians that are supposed to be making i don't know what their salary is 200 some grand a year they all become millionaires and lobby it's just man i wish it didn't have to be like that i thought i was gay because i like this fanny pack, but I'm gay because I didn't notice this girl's boobs the first time.
Starting point is 01:33:29 How the fuck did I miss that? Next year, you don't need to answer now because I don't even know if I'm going to get to do the behind the scenes next year. And I don't mean to put you on the spot, but next year I would like to ask for a formal sponsorship, uh, from born primitive and I'm very cheap. All I require is that fanny pack to wear around my waist.
Starting point is 01:33:51 And I will, um, we'll be seen all over the stadium running around. And, uh, and I, and I saw you had a black one too. And I was like,
Starting point is 01:34:00 but I, but I think it would be more appropriate if I was sponsored, if I wore one that was a little more highlighted. That's where I'll carry my extra batteries, my protein bar. I like to use those Listerine strips. There you go. I'm interviewing people. I can't have like ass old man Armenian breath.
Starting point is 01:34:20 Those strips are intense. Do you double stack them? Dude, sometimes. Or triple stack or yeah sometimes i get on with like three of them and then it's dude i'm your mouth i'll stick one to the roof of my mouth just to punish myself like if i'm interviewing daniel brandon i put one under my tongue and one on the roof there's no fucking way i'm letting her get any stink smart man uh yeah i think i can let me make a few phone calls i think we can
Starting point is 01:34:47 arrange uh getting you a fanny pack next prospect games i think that's a yeah a reasonable request i might know a guy who knows a guy god how how cool is that one so is this girl an employee how do you choose these models is this girl an employee she is not um the creative team uh handles all that um a lot of times it's just girls or guys that are local to Virginia Beach, which is cool. And sometimes we will go through agencies as well. It just kind of depends. But I stay out of that. They do a really good job with it. And the girls that come in are always awesome to work with. And we try to just get a variety of different looks just so people can relate to what they're seeing. Not everyone looked the same. So I think it's been cool.
Starting point is 01:35:28 What's your timeline like? Do you have a few more minutes? Yeah, let me see. What time are you at? 1140? You want me to call someone for you? No, no. I'm actually getting lunch with my pastor at noon,
Starting point is 01:35:42 which it's 1140. It's like 10 minutes away. Let me just text him. I only have one more question okay i can let me just actually have 20 let me just message him real quick okay um and uh you know ryan sheckler is yes yeah he was a red bull athlete oh i'm here right yeah he's got this huge, massive, private indoor skating area in San Clemente. And I'm down here. I'm hanging out. And we're going over to skate there today and tomorrow, taking the kids down there to his indoor skate park.
Starting point is 01:36:17 Oh, that's awesome. That's so cool. Yeah. Why? So you were in the military for 10 years? No, just under eight. And did you just under eight and did you get out why did you get out why do you leave i got out because i it was getting harder and harder to balance born primitive in being a naval officer um my my seniority in that community was growing i had more
Starting point is 01:36:41 responsibility you know my last deployment i was in charge of like 35 dudes and it was, you know, briefing two-star admirals. And, um, you know, and then I, you know, from my last deployment, I would carve out from like 11 PM till 3 AM in my hotel room was like my born primitive time. And I'd be doing all my zoom calls and this, and I just realized I couldn't do both to the standard that I demanded of myself. And perhaps more important than just that is then I had a daughter on the way. And I realized, okay, there's no way I can be a good dad, a good CEO, and a good naval officer. At best, I'm doing all of those at 80%. And that's probably me sleeping five hours a night.
Starting point is 01:37:22 And that wasn't acceptable to me. So I realized I had to remove one from my plate. And of course, you know, the daughter was not going to be removed because that's happening. And it's been a great experience. And I knew Born Primitive wasn't going anywhere soon. And once you start having like 50, 60 employees and you realize people's livelihoods, you know, they depend on you for benefits and payroll and that you're actually allowing families to live their lives. It, the pressure grows for sure. Um, and it's a cool responsibility to have, but, but when, when, if it was just Mal and I, then it'd be like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:37:54 maybe we can, we can take that risk. But I was like, all right, this is a real kind of serious thing now. And I can't be doing it half ass. So that's, that's what ultimately made me make a decision, a hard decision. But, you know, I was like, you know, this has been almost eight years. It's been a good run. I've had a great experience and I got a chance to do it. I got to itch that scratch and had to, you know, chapters close and you move on. That's what we did. A lot of dudes in your position, from the ones I know and from hearing Dave talk about it also,
Starting point is 01:38:22 they don't have a seamless transition like you. And what's crazy is you have these men who are eminently capable of doing so much but they don't think that they do because of their their they haven't been connected to the world but it's so interesting because so many people will say the dumbest shit they'll be like i wish crossfit would get professionalized and i've hung out with a lot of fucking professional people, and I've never met anyone more professional than my buddy Dave Castro. And I attribute it to this. This is my analysis because he hung out with guys where decisions had life and death consequences. someone who wants to get stuff done very efficiently at the highest level versus someone who wants to put on the fucking penguin suit and a fucking tie and shoot the shit it's like dude you don't even know what the fuck professional is like clarity honesty and integrity is professional
Starting point is 01:39:19 really not too much else and uh yeah i i i and i and i and you you reek of that shit too you reek of integrity honesty clarity no bullshit i mean it's just emanating off of you do you have a bias also towards hiring um uh mill guys since you well one do you agree with me that the transition can be hard because these guys with the highest level of self-esteem come out into the world and they kind of feel lost, but really they're not? Do you feel an obligation to hire those people? Sorry to put you on the spot. No, no, we're good. No, definitely not an obligation.
Starting point is 01:39:54 I hire on merit. I don't give a shit what your background is. Any demographic, hey, if you're a squared away person and you can add value to the organization, then let's do it. However, it's cool how it's worked out. I think the last time I checked, over half of our employees are either veterans, former first responders, or spouses of those individuals. We have a lot of active duty military spouses here. And that's been really cool. And it wasn't a handout, but guys would say, hey man, my wife's looking for work
Starting point is 01:40:25 and I'm deploying here. Do you think she could get an interview? They'd come in and they'd be awesome rock stars. It's awesome that we've been able to stay true to the ethos of the brand without it being a handout. It was earned and deserved. We do live those values inside our walls. And I think for a transitioning service member, the biggest thing that's difficult is particularly when you're
Starting point is 01:40:50 going from a more elite community, the standard you now hold humans to is so much different than what is realistic. And you expect- Wow. You just described him that too. That's why so many people struggle to work with Dave. People don't want to live up to the standard that he wants to hold you to where other people it's scary it's granted it's scary especially for fucking liberal ding-dongs like myself former liberal ding-dongs but dude once i fucking understood it i was anxious to fucking live up to it anxious i wanted it yeah and i think that seal believes in me. Fuck. Yeah. But it's a tough transition because most people don't, don't do that. And you, you become underwhelmed with, all right. And this isn't true with our employees. Cause like we have a bunch of studs here, but I'm just meaning everyday society, people, you know, the contractor who was supposed
Starting point is 01:41:41 to come at 9am on Friday morning and he ghosts you. And then at 1pm he's texting you like, Oh, sorry, dude. I overslept. Like just every interaction with regular humans after that, you have an unfair, you see it through a lens that will never be realistic again. In the previous life, it was because we had to live like that. And so you become, you know, that just becomes standard of what should be the expectation. become you know that just becomes standard of what what should be the expectation um but the rest of society you quickly learn isn't that anywhere near seeing the world through that lens and not kind of operating to that capacity and uh it's it's tough for guys to adjust to the girls as well of course um don't have to be a dude for that but um still working through that
Starting point is 01:42:20 um but i think i'm getting a little better at it. Yeah. You're still a year and a half. David's still Dick. Um, but, but let me tell you. So when I first started working with them, my story was he's a Dick, he's politically incorrect. He's rude. He pushes people too hard. He lacks compassion, all this shit. Right. Then, then the story changed somewhere and the story changes. He believes in me. He trusts me. He knows I can get it done. He's giving me opportunity. Like it was it was the it was the flip side of victim. It was it went from poor me to holy fuck. This guy fucking gives a shit. But I did. He didn't change. I just changed my understanding of what he was doing hey I need you to go do that boy that was rude that's efficient and clear and boy man I flourished
Starting point is 01:43:13 and became rich not as rich as you but still that's awesome I got a phone you don't got a phone I also have a phone an iPhone I'm a phone. You don't got a phone yet. I also have a phone. Oh, damn. An iPhone. I'm a high roller over here.
Starting point is 01:43:33 Mr. Bear, you are always... Oh, wait. Hold on. Sorry. One more. I got to make another $5 off of you. Born Primitive has a military program that helps military members get an internship and get work. Military to civilian process was super hard for me. Oh, that's cool. We do. Yeah, we're a licensed skill bridge program, um, which it's actually been awesome. We've had quite a few people come through that, but essentially the last six months of their service, they can come work for us. Um, and they're still in the military. Um, and they get
Starting point is 01:43:58 to get exposed to a civilian workplace. And, uh, we have a lot of people doing that right now. And we've actually hired a couple of people full time that it was able to be like yeah this person's awesome we have a position for you it's a seamless transition they come right in we just had a guy start a couple weeks ago that was a sco bridge guy um so yeah if anyone is listening that's near virginia beach or if you want to if you're interested um we'll take you the last six months you can hang with us and see how we do things over here father loves his parents went to yale runs a nine-figure company crossfitter uh just a uh great all-around dude fuck i loved uh chatting with you over um wi-fi uh you're always welcome on the show dude you have my number bug me anytime i don't sleep on my phone, but I would love to stay friends with you.
Starting point is 01:44:47 And thanks for doing this. I really appreciate it. Absolutely. Well, I appreciate the invite. And I know you've put a lot of time in building your platform and just let me be a part of it. That was a fun- You can tell, right? You can tell.
Starting point is 01:44:59 Dude, you got to get like the wild neon sign in the back. I'm on vacation. I'm on vacation. I'm on vacation. I can't even believe I'm doing it. You deserve better. You deserve me when I'm in my studio. I'm on vacation. I'm in a kitchen.
Starting point is 01:45:11 At least I'm in a good spot. I can't tell. It looks good. But thank you so much for having me, having a candid conversation. And hopefully anybody listening got a little bit out of that. Just you and me ran on the various life topics. But I really do appreciate it. That was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:45:26 Thanks, brother. And we shall talk soon. I'll be in touch. Awesome. Take care, bro. See ya. Okay. Ciao.
Starting point is 01:45:31 Bye. Bear Hanlon. Dude. Fuck. I was a little nervous in the beginning. That was weird. Vindicate, $10. Thank you for being an amazing example
Starting point is 01:45:42 of how to run a business and be a good dude. Shit. Sorry. That was cool. I think I may have got a free candy pack out of that. Next up Hunter McIntyre. I think he's,
Starting point is 01:46:02 he deserves a closer camera shot with that face. I think I was nervous because I felt like maybe he deserved... Because I wasn't going to be in my studio. I know that could be a four-hour podcast, too. Oh, fuck off, David. You're like any mill guy. Hate it when you say nice things about people. Try saying something nice about me, David.
Starting point is 01:46:37 I'm going to be all fucking jealous. Oh, here's Hunter. Oh, definitely a Power Rangers villain. Hey, dude, Hunter, did you see he has a dude I got to show you this Hunter this guy looks like you he looks like you like a few years ago he looked like you let me show you this picture dude hold on Hold on. If you go back in his... Look at this. This is like...
Starting point is 01:47:11 Dude, look at... That could be you. That could definitely be your brother. You see it? That's like a buff version of you. Just kidding. Just kidding. Easy.
Starting point is 01:47:21 That's like a buff version of you. Just kidding. Just kidding. Easy. God, that was great when you came on the show the other day, Hunter, with those glasses on. That was brilliant, by the way. Brilliant.
Starting point is 01:47:37 Yeah, sauced up version of Hunter. I don't think Seals can get sauced up. He's a football player. Craig Ritchie's brother, Doug Ritchie, as always doing the Lord's work. Good job, Seve. Thank you. God, that guy, I mean, he said everything right. He's going to have lunch with his pastor.
Starting point is 01:48:00 He got a daughter. He's still friends with his ex-wife. He sells fanny packs. He went to the games. Dude, tomorrow's show's gonna be great. So, I've been hearing crazy rumors about shit over at Brute. I don't think Seals can get sauced
Starting point is 01:48:21 up. Oh, Hiller. Let it slide, buddy. Let it I don't think seals can get sauced up. Oh, Hiller. Let it slide, buddy. Let it slide. Fucking Hillers convinced me that half my friends are on the sauce. It sucks. That's the worst part of my relationship with Hiller.
Starting point is 01:48:38 I don't even care. It sucks that my friends have to lie about it if Hiller's right. Half the people I admire are on the sauce, which i'm okay with that don't get me wrong i just i want them to have to guard their secrets stop covering my sponsors i don't know how to uncover them let me stop covering any sponsors i this show has over 10 10 i wouldn't even call them sponsors i think we have three sponsors and then we have seven friends. Friends give you real money with no strings attached. Where are my friends?
Starting point is 01:49:12 Give me money. I'll cart those guys. Oh, I have to do a show on... I don't know if I'm allowed to say... Hilar, am I allowed to talk about all the crazy peptides you just got in the mail and what they're supposed to be for? Oh, Greg Glassman's natty. Oh, I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:49:33 Okay, yeah, Greg's natty. Dave is natty. It's easier to name my friends who are natty than those that are cheap stuff. than those that are cheap stuff. Dude, how does California Hormones lady feel about Hiller jumping off the train? Dude, you have to. This lady is so cool. She doesn't.
Starting point is 01:50:09 Our relationship is so just like honest and I can't really explain it. It's just a normal relationship and then she supports the show with money and supports Hiller with what he wants to do. Sabbath Essentials is going to send some money. Sabbath Essentials is great. That's Mrs. Burns' business. My wife's been spraying something that you gave her on my kid's face. My kids don't get sprayed with nothing. They're not even allowed to use dove soap. They got to use hippie soap, like one ingredient soap. She likes that i'll be making videos on it oh that's cool we'll do a whole show on that but basically uh hiller's uh chick got crazy uh had a
Starting point is 01:50:54 crazy surgery where they basically had to break her hip and then and then and then glue it back together at a different angle to help i guess what's called hip dysplasia or something i thought only german shepherds got that but anyway but's, but she's getting on all sorts of like healing peptides, all sorts of them. And, uh, some people, some other people in the community, I know, actually it's, I can't even respond to how many people are asking me about the peptides. Seve, what do you brush your teeth with? Um, like maybe it's tom's i could be making that up something that tastes weird doesn't take i like i used to like it when i would travel because i would always sneak like a little thing of like close-up or crest
Starting point is 01:51:37 but we don't have that stuff at home i don't know what it is i think eventually my mom and my sister have the crazy whitest teeth ever and they use like baking soda i don't think i don't think killer is doing peptides right now she's supported y'all forever yeah dude a bunch of people have a bunch of people are throwing um two brains been really helpful with behind the scenes beyond helpful paper streets crazy helpful birth fits been crazy helpful everyone's been helpful toe spacers swolverine swolverine came in hard i didn't with abzuza just deals with all that no one even says anything to me
Starting point is 01:52:25 next thing I know I just see their thing down there and then our other sponsors the people that we're not as close with that we don't have like a we have someone in between us and them is 8sleep some gambling site I don't know what it is
Starting point is 01:52:44 Grand Theft Auto gambling or the grand some gambling site. I don't know what, what it is. Um, grand theft auto gambling or the grand, the buck is a gambling site. Does anyone know any gambling sites? Uh, Oh, and the ball shaver. Manscaped.
Starting point is 01:52:59 Who is, who, who, who does, Oh, draft Kings, draft Kings. I think those are the three that are like
Starting point is 01:53:07 I would consider them more like sponsors those other people down at the bottom more friends Meridian Ball Shaver I don't know my manscaped is pretty fucking good I don't use it on my balls but my face looks good. People even commenting. Shit looks good.
Starting point is 01:53:32 All right. Oh, so back to Matt Torres. So Matt Torres, I'm hearing some crazy stuff about what's going on at Brute. There's a big, big, big, big, big, big, lots of shakeup would be a dramatic way to say it but um let's say it's not a uh a shake up let's call just moves people evolving evolution evolution since if matt wasn't coming on we'd call it a shake up but since he's coming on we'll be more delicate with our language and evolution in the company natural evolution in the company, natural evolution in the process of training professional athletes. Barry McOchner, when are sporty CEO shirts coming out? Boy, I heard a crazy story yesterday.
Starting point is 01:54:20 I heard a crazy story yesterday. You want to hear it? Now, I'm not sure if the details are correct. I don't know if I should tell it. It's a Sporty Beth story. Who wants to hear it? I don't know. Should I save it?
Starting point is 01:54:33 It's a good... Fuck, it's... It's... It's... It's something else. Audrey, yes. Okay, well, if you twist my arm. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:54:46 I'm gonna... This isn't the first time. This is just a – here, let's say this. I'm going to tell this story again, but this is just a rehearsal. This is a rehearsal. This is a rehearsal. So as you guys know, my friend, Athena Perez, the founder and CEO of Scaled Nation, has large body seminars.
Starting point is 01:55:18 I don't know if that's exactly what they're called. But like there are CrossFit kids seminars, like there are nutrition seminars, like there are age group seminars, like there's adaptive seminars, like so that you know how to work with these groups of people, people who have needs that might be – require some – not require, but that could be helpful to get some cues shit doesn't even have to be the people there's elliptic lifting classes it's just more specific to the implementation of the device you're using scaled nation teaches a seminar on how to work with people with larger bodies which is crazy important and i know that firsthand because we had a class at HQ that I was integral in starting, integral with over 150 members that we did for free
Starting point is 01:56:12 for large-bodied people underneath HQ, which Jenny Lau, Michelle Moots, Rory McKernan, myself, a bunch of people were involved with. Hollis Malloy. Who's the guy over at Hallister, CrossFit, Gilroy? God, shit. One of my mom's favorite coaches.
Starting point is 01:56:37 Someone will know who it is. Jeremy Eat World's good friends with him. God damn it, how can I not remember his name? He was a games athlete. Anyway, so I'm very familiar with that group. Eat World's good friends with him. God damn it. How can I not remember his name? He was a games athlete. Anyway. So, so I'm very familiar with that,
Starting point is 01:56:49 with that group. Wes Pyatt. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Kelly. Wes Pyatt. Yeah. He was over there too.
Starting point is 01:56:59 And so I, when she started doing the seminars and we had a newsletter, when I, when I had someone doing a newsletter for me, we, I, we always put her seminars down at the newsletter at the bottom, the header or the whatever, whatever that thing's called. And I want to support her. And she's a family friend. She's friends with my mom and my sister and my wife. But also it's been a charter of this podcast.
Starting point is 01:57:21 Charter? I don't know if that's true. podcast charter to i don't know if that's true it's been a charter of this podcast to emphasize that crossfit has the cure for the world's most vexing problem nutrition and movement and i've been um i'm obsessed on when i go places that end up being basically just like like disneyland i'm obsessed with just large-bodied people just and their consumption of refined carbohydrates and i think a shitload of people who listen to this podcast are large-bodied people and their consumption of refined carbohydrates. And I think a shitload of people who listen to this podcast are large-bodied people. Because I accept them and I want change for them.
Starting point is 01:57:55 And they get that. I accept that I want change for them. And I have no judgment for them other than my notions of of their, uh, carbohydrate addiction, refined carbohydrate addiction. So I found out Athena was cut and I never, and I don't move. I don't do it. Like I just want to stay in my own little fucking world. I don't want to do anything outside of my world of just raising my kids and doing stuff for my kids.
Starting point is 01:58:23 And so Athena would say to me, Hey, do you want to come to one of my seminars? And I would say, yeah, but I never had any intention of coming to her, uh, um, seminar. I'm six, two, two 60. Am I large body? Yeah, probably. You're a girl. Yes. If you're a boy. Yeah. You're big. You're large. You're large body. Not super large, but you're a boy, yeah, you're large. You're a large body. Not super large, but you're large.
Starting point is 01:58:51 I should say something crazy now. Like, no human being should weigh over 215 pounds, period, no matter how tall you are, even if you're 8 feet tall. So I found out she's doing her seminar very close to my house like 70 miles away and it's at someone's gym who I really like who I wouldn't mind hanging out with
Starting point is 01:59:14 and it's only one day long and it's something I really believe in like I really really like her mission I think she's doing something to improve the world to improve the people in the world who make this world in. I really, really like her mission. I think she's doing something to improve the world, to improve the people in the world who make this world. Just called Philip Kelly fat. Sorry. You look great.
Starting point is 01:59:36 I saw you look beautiful. I'm wrong. How much do you weigh? That's what I'll raise the limit to, Philip. We'll do a little home cooking. My ex-boyfriend in college was 6'4", 220. Oh, that's a nice body. That's a sweet piece of ass. 5'4", 160. Yeah, that's kind of what... I'm probably like 5...
Starting point is 01:59:53 I'm 5'5", probably 170. Oh, shit. Here we go. Brandon Waddell said he's body shaming me without body shaming me. I've lost 90 pounds, still fat, according to Seve. Yeah, you could lose 90 pounds, still be fat. It's fine. I'm actually 2'12".
Starting point is 02:00:12 Oh, so good. You're perfect. There we go. No, I'm not 5'4". Stop ruining the story. Okay, listen. Dick like a Pringle can. Thank you, Audrey. Thank you. Not quite, but thank you. Jason Hopper is obese. Someone in that video said he's 230. There's no way he's 230. Okay. So she's having this seminar. It's right up the street from my house. I immediately, I didn't even give two thoughts about it. I'm like, hey, can I come
Starting point is 02:00:41 up there and film? And I'll give you all the footage for free, and I'll film it just like how I used to film the L1s. I believe the way I film the L1s is the biggest needle mover ever to happen to CrossFit. I really do believe that by far, hands down. I bet you I could get other people to believe that too. I can show you metrics for that. you metrics for that and so i want to go up there and and film it and do the interviews with the people and give her all the footage i don't want to edit it it's too much fucking work i don't like her that much that's a lot of fucking work and we got a podcast and kids are to raise but i want to film it and then give it to her and then if and then if she has an editor or someone wants to
Starting point is 02:01:23 donate their editing time i can work with them and be like hey this is how I would do it really simple videos it's just b-roll of these people learning stuff and hearing the cues and basically help her like get the word out not even sell them but just spread the word on on tidbits of information and valuable
Starting point is 02:01:39 cues and methods and steps for working with larger body people really it's probably just people who aren't in fucking shape at all but it's like like getting out of the car and walking into the gym and back to their car on the first day would be a workout like that so i offered that and then she posted and then and then and then sporty beth came out and tried to basically stop her and it escalated from like, you probably don't want to work with this guy. He's fatphobic to basically bullying Athena, like basically saying stuff like, hey – as I recall saying stuff like by the fourth or fifth or sixth back and forth.
Starting point is 02:02:21 And she saw that Athena wasn't going to acquiesce and was going to um let me come up there and film she was basically saying that um hey you're only doing this to chase uh to ride his popularity or something like that it's like whoa whoa what the fuck is going on why are you doing that it makes no sense aren, because we've seen Sporty Beth, right? She's a larger-bodied human being. someone, the person who actually has the most clout, who has the loudest voice, who has the most connections, who has the most prestigious brand, the Scaled Nation brand, why wouldn't she want to affiliate with that and support that even if it means putting aside her differences with me? But the story gets even more crazy. Listen closely, David.
Starting point is 02:03:27 Listen closely. Listen closely, Slater. Listen closely. When Athena came on this show, she reached out to me yesterday, and she said, or I reached out to her yesterday, and I was like, hey, can you come back on the show? I want to talk about uh the event you're doing on the 30th and let people know and can you come on next week sometime and she said yeah and she said hey by the way your listeners are fucking amazing i go
Starting point is 02:03:51 why do you say that she goes there's a couple people in here i don't know if i should say their names but have reached out to me and are helping me organize a a seminar in the uk i go wow that's really cool she goes hey actually it's more than help me she's like they're taking the ball and fucking running running with it and i feel so supported and it's fucking crazy especially since our last seminar in the uk got canceled we had to cancel it she said we had to cancel it she took responsibility we had to cancel it like oh i didn't know that why did your seminar get canceled? Why do you guys think it got canceled?
Starting point is 02:04:35 Now, this is the story. I probably need to have her, Jan, doing good work. Is it Jan? Okay, we can say his name, Jan. Fine, Jan. And I think it's another dude in here, the Isle of Man dude. This dude, Mr. Chapman. Athena is so lovely, why would anyone ever want to derail her in any way? Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah, that Jake, the Jake. Philip Kelly, Sporty Beth, got it, canceled. it canceled. So I guess Sporty Beth and her were talking, and Sporty Beth took the ball and started running with it to help Athena set up the seminar, the Scaled Nation Larger Body Seminar in the UK, and then had some monetary demands once they were at the 75 yard line.
Starting point is 02:05:31 And at that point, I would need to ask Athena this, don't quote me on this, but Athena and her team at Scale Nation had a meeting and decided that they didn't want to affiliate with her brand and her behaviors. to affiliate with her brand and her behaviors. But when I heard that story, I'm like, wait a second. I'm going to go there and do this for free. And you're trying to intimidate her and stop her from letting me, but you were going to charge. And yet you claim to be a bastion or hero of the larger bodied crowd. And yet you don't even see the brand value in the most superficial way or the moral or the integrity points that you should be living by in order to team up with Athena in the UK. And then it all started making sense to me. Is it that she doesn't like me or is it because I'm into her business because she wanted to
Starting point is 02:06:32 charge Athena and I'm doing it for free. I know how the, how the tables have turned, but it even gets crazier. I heard a rumor yesterday. I heard a rumor yesterday that that video that she made, Sevan, the world's most toxic man in CrossFit, that someone paid her to make that. That someone paid her to make that. someone paid her to make that. David, what? This story's worthy now, huh, motherfucker? Huh? Interesting, right? She's going to, thank you. Thank you, David, thank you, thank you, I love you, we should hang out sometime,
Starting point is 02:07:27 Andrew Hiller, dude, how much, ah, the details, the details, Hiller, they'll come out,
Starting point is 02:07:33 and I remember, when that video came out, Andrew said, wow, this is a fucking, like, he started looking at it, from the artiste's point of view,
Starting point is 02:07:43 he's like, this took a lot of time and work. And we've already established that Sporty Beth doesn't do anything for free, right? She even wants to charge Athena to do something in the UK. Anyway. It's a fun story it's funny how slowly it's it's like unfolding some some some uh some uh speculation here in the audience rosa it was rosu pater how we do it danny Spiegel paid her with crumble cookies. Yeah, exactly. Why would Athena pay?
Starting point is 02:08:34 I know. That's my whole thing. Like, how do you not? How does? I texted Athena yesterday. She was like, thank you. I go, dude, I'm happy to fucking hitch my podcast up to your brand. Suck some of the soul off your brand.
Starting point is 02:08:50 Fucking love what you're doing. I'm over here making fun of people for eating sugar, and you're actually fucking helping people lose weight. Helping people, giving people not, what did Gandhi say? You're not bringing them fish. You're teaching them how to fish. Jake Chapman, it was Dave Castro who paid Sporty Beth. That seems, God, I could, that would break my heart. I would become suicidal if I found out that was true.
Starting point is 02:09:21 Put me on suicide watch. that was true. Put me on suicide watch. Mr. Blink, dude, if that's really you, you got to come on my podcast. I've never seen a human being that looks like you. I'd love to have you on my podcast. David, we'd step on as the TMZ of CrossFit. You know what's cool about TMZ is I always thought that they were the most reliable news source because CNN will be like, so-and-so died of blah, blah, blah. And you just have to take their word for it.
Starting point is 02:09:56 But at TMZ, it's like, Suge Knight runs someone over at a famous LA nightclub. And then you have the video of Suge Knight running the guy over. And I always thought, they don't ever make up shit. They just show it to you. I'm a black China man.
Starting point is 02:10:17 Am I getting played? God, I would love to meet you. You are an exquisite looking human being if that's real. I need to see your ears there's no way that's true uh wad zombie gotta text me these stories for the evening wipe down you know what i really want you know what i would really really really want you know it would be a fucking just a dream of mine i want to show show you this video. You guys have probably seen this. I don't know if you guys think this is funny, but I think
Starting point is 02:10:49 this is the funniest thing ever. And I understand if other people don't think it's funny. I cannot stop laughing. I have watched this video so many times. And this wasn't even made for public consumption. This was
Starting point is 02:11:04 made for public consumption. This was made for... Pedro just made this and posted this into a chat that I'm in, into a thread that I'm in. The most elite, exclusive CrossFit Games chat on a text thread on planet earth more exclusive than anything anyone else has and this was pasted in there and i was i can't even believe this wait you guys hear this this is so fucking funny i would love it if pedro made one of these it was like him talking to sporty beth or something. This is so funny. Here we go. He told him not to come on the show.
Starting point is 02:11:48 No, he didn't tell him not to come on the show. But he sort of did tell him not to come on the show. But he didn't actually tell him not to come on the show. But he might as well have told him not to come on the show. But he didn't actually tell him not to come on the show. But he didn't actually tell him not to come on the show. But he sort of told him. Like, it was implied. But it wasn't actually said.
Starting point is 02:12:16 But it was implied. But then he said he'd put it in his story and share the show. To make himself look good good or to be supportive. But he told him not to come on the show. But he kind of didn't really tell him. Oh, he's a c***. Yeah, he's a c***. So he told him not to. Oh, nothing. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:12:47 Oh, shit. Very good question, Jeffrey. How elite? Who is in it? Yes. I can't even tell you who's in it. It's so elite. Like 007 is in it and shit.
Starting point is 02:13:01 You know what I mean? It's a very abusive thread. Yeah, David Weed, that is true. Hiller actually believes... Pedro is the real top G, I know. It's crazy. The shit he says in there is so funny. It's a very abusive thread.
Starting point is 02:13:18 It's not for the light of... No sensitivos. It's fucking brutal in there. It's like people are always saying shit to get in someone else's head. It's crazy. Yeah, right. And you do see that.
Starting point is 02:13:36 I just want to see Taylor tear people up. Yeah, Taylor is in there and he fucking tears people up. He's the least abstract. He's the more go fuck yourself, I'll gag you with my cock kind of guy. That's the shit he'll say.
Starting point is 02:13:53 Taylor posted a picture in there that you guys wouldn't even believe. It's the craziest picture ever. It's so crazy. Alright. Okay, Matt Torres tomorrow. Hopefully Pedro sees this and makes me another video
Starting point is 02:14:15 of the whole situation. No. This is a very good guess. And No. This is a very good guess. Audrey says, is it a hog pick? I think it would be a lie to tell you no, but it would also be a lie to tell you yes. Thank you, Jessica. I love that. Jessica Valenzuela,
Starting point is 02:14:48 great show, Sebi. Thank you. How about the fact that that guy has half of his employees are either married to military or in the military? Or were in the military? That's fucking cool. I think the show would have been 5% better if Dave would have answered that's a pretty big
Starting point is 02:15:10 5% is a lot it was 1% better because I called a half a percent no not an ass pic a great guess not even close Christian Kettler
Starting point is 02:15:24 JR's hog wow that would be amazing, Jake Chapman, did Taylor stick a carrot between his arse, draw eyes on his cheeks, and pretend to be Jason Hopper, wow, a brilliant guess, and hey, now that she said that, I wouldn't be surprised if we see that. But no, not even close. Audrey, I think the show would have been 5% better if you would have hooked me up with Bear. Got it. It does. It rains vagina on that guy, huh? All right. Love you guys.
Starting point is 02:16:09 Tomorrow, don't forget Matt Torres. And then afterwards, Torres will be on for 45 minutes, and then afterwards there's a competition called the – there's a teen competition. Teen or team? Oh, shit, I don't even remember. It has a tuh in it. And the guy who's throwing it, it's this weekend, and I
Starting point is 02:16:28 think that Mike Arsenault and that's the guy who does ask the questions on the field at the CrossFit Games. Mike Arsenault and Brian Friend will be commentating it. And so, yeah. So. Oh, shit. Okay okay Going to the
Starting point is 02:16:46 Scheckler Skateboarding Academy today Love you guys talk to you soon Bye bye

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