The Sevan Podcast - BEHIND THE SCENES Episode 2 | The Post Show

Episode Date: January 8, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later. Because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Yeah. Am I normally on this side? Switch back and forth. But yeah, I would say mostly on the left or.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Bam, we're live. I want to know the actual difference between the camera lens and someone's eye level. I'm not sure what that means, but usually usually what happens. What's up, dude, by the way? Not you. usually usually what happens what's up dude by the way caveman you not you i said hi to you usually what happens is i'm walking around with the camera and i see someone and i just flip it like it'll be by my side or something or it'll be somewhere and i'm because it dangles from me i have two cameras and they're dangling from me these leather straps and i flip it off i start recording and then i pick it up like i just immediately start recording pick it up as i walk to them and i'm trying i think i'm trying to hold it up high because i'm looking at a screen
Starting point is 00:01:59 here but i'm also trying to engage them like this so So I think the lens is like, I think it's like this, whatever it was, whatever the fuck it was, my shoulders were tired and I tried to prep. My shoulders were tired. They were tired. It's like doing a seven pound, like static hold for hours and hours and hours every day.
Starting point is 00:02:19 My shoulders were tired, like numb. Tired. It was weird. Um, Oh, look at there's people. i don't even recognize angelo martinez oh shit i thought that was a drawing look at that those guys it's awesome to see all those memberships pile in to support the awesome work thanks guys yeah it's kind of it's crazy cool it's um i haven't seen one bad comment you guys are i think you guys are going
Starting point is 00:02:44 to like it more and more i watched episode two yesterday and then again this morning that's the first time i've seen him that's that's the best episode so far oh dude they just yes and the cool part about it is it just keeps going and getting better and better and the drama builds as the competition goes on yeah will said it gets fucking intense he said it gets way better crazy what's up michael mr halpin hi did you uh double up the ca peptides during the games no you know what happened was i i probably should have for the 20 days building up to the games i only ate every other day oh that's right
Starting point is 00:03:22 i forgot yeah and i remember seeing a post by um uh i think it was danny spiegel i saw an interview with her where she said she knew she had an eating disorder when she started like going days without eating or eating every other day i think she said it and i i thought to myself yeah i have a that's that sounds right eating disorder yeah like you're toggling the line huh yeah i did i'd never done that eight ever so basically in 20 yeah the seven diet thank you i basically um so i ate one day didn't eat one day and i did that because i wanted to like feel more comfortable in my skin and in my clothes um um at the event and it worked i felt great at the event and And it worked. I felt great at the event.
Starting point is 00:04:06 And then at the event, it's awesome. I can really tend to my eating disorder because there's no time to eat. So every night I just would go back to the hotel, sit with Caleb and have margaritas and a steak. It's the Jocko feel and then the steak dinner at night. Did we ever eat two steaks, Caleb? Like me and you, did we ever order two?
Starting point is 00:04:25 No, I think it was usually just one, but we would always get, like, an appetizer with it. We would, okay. Like chicken wings or something? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm going to miss that place. That's right. We won't go back.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Oh, please, Audrey. You were hot at the games. That is not true. I want to believe that, but someone the other day said i look like an italian bag lady and that's pretty much stuck that pretty much sucks i wonder if that's why i wonder if that's why i got a haircut i wonder if that one hit got too close to home you have any mirrors in your house you guys yeah do i have mirrors yeah yeah like a mirror like a mirror in a hallway or somewhere like we
Starting point is 00:05:06 have a mirror in a hallway that i never go down but then we also have a mirror in the entryway when i walk in the house so you're just always checking yourself out well i try not to but i walked in the other day and after that i think after i saw that hurt saw that italian bag lady comment i looked in the mirror and i was like oh yeah i see her i should have named her i should have fucking named her yeah usually war with my wife about mirrors i said we don't need them because they're just kind of useless like other than the bathroom you know yeah yeah why else you need a mirror makes the room look bigger oh my mother-in-law's an interior designer i um are crazy fucking rich people oh yeah rich rich and designer is cool yeah if you're not rich and you want to design not cool you have to be rich to even go to ikea now fuck i um i was laying in bed last night and um i always lie on my back first
Starting point is 00:06:11 and then i start scanning my body and i'm like man i have some pretty intense tension in my jaw very uncommon for me very uncommon and i'm starting like i'm just sitting i'm just hanging out there i'm hanging out my jaw i'm'm going through my face. I'm checking all the muscles, going through my facial structure. This is really weird. I feel no tension in my jaw. I haven't been – my teeth feel good. I haven't been grinding my teeth. I'm like, what is going on?
Starting point is 00:06:40 What is all this? I'm just doing that, and I'm lying there. Haley comes to bed. I'm like, dude, dude it's so weird my fucking jaw is tripping me out and um so this is going on for half an hour and finally i get up and i'm like i'm gonna floss my teeth and i floss my teeth and that night earlier i'd been at Greg's house, and for dinner, I had a bag of beef jerky. There was this bag of beef jerky in one of his cabinets, pantry, and I ate the whole thing. I had that and like three cans of sparkling water for dinner. Like a big bag of beef jerky or just like that?
Starting point is 00:07:18 It was like some – what's that called when it's fancy food? some um um um what's that called when it's fancy food not boutique but it was um like artisan you you could tell it was like packaged like by like okay you know what i mean yeah yeah and the way it tasted and shit you could tell like it had it was it was pretty chill like you buy it at a street fair type yeah exactly yeah like if you didn't make it at home like if like it could have been dog for all i know or dommer it's called dommer jerky it's weird weird name oh interesting jd's jd's best jd's jeffrey's best cuts anyway i fucking floss back there and i pull this fucking piece of meat out and as it comes out i hear the cow go that's how big it was dude it was and it smelled like poop it was even though it had only been back there for like probably two hours wait you smelt it after it you didn't i
Starting point is 00:08:19 smelt it as it came out like as i pull i flossed and as it came out i swear to you it was like as big as like uh an eighth of an inch of a toothpick that's how big the piece of meat was and my whole face was just like just like oh it was like busting a nut it was that kind of like i didn't eat it hey it fell out onto the sink the bathroom sink and i just looked at it and then it scampered off it ran off yeah it's like ran off it was crazy so much oh man look at sebon backwards oh it wasn't a what is that look at that pose that that hey
Starting point is 00:09:11 that that's one of those guys that got that that might be me that's like one of those guys that only has like one good body part he likes and so he's got it up in the front in the picture just a bicep pop it yeah like you hate yourself but fuck man you like your arm and it's from this one angle how crazy was it that bella found out that it was fondle the backwards dawn fall
Starting point is 00:09:31 i was like damn we missed another one not once i would have figured that out you think this is one how about this you think david weed is? That profile pic is wild, bro. Hey, that's one of those profile pics that after the show, someone sends it to you. They're like, wow, look at that. Yeah, that's wild. What's this? My name's better. Bevon Sublux Atosian. Jeez. I don't even know what that means, Sublux Potosian.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Jeez. I don't even know what that means, Sublux. Am I getting ripped on there? Sublux is like your joint pops out of place but goes back in immediately. That's mean. Episode 2 posted. I want to read you this i made a list of all the people who were in it oh shit the list isn't updated oh that sucks wow the list of people that were in the show yeah i made i made a list on the uh other computer oh son of a bitch my notes jinx me again let me see if it's on my um phone damn that sucks i kind of remember
Starting point is 00:10:52 i like i feel like i've watched it quite a few times oh here it is i got it okay ready yeah dave castro i mean you got it you think you know all these people okay you tell me if i miss anyone no caleb really okay dave castro roy mccernan they'd be honest jason jason grubb yep would you've remembered that if i didn't say that yeah because you had the dog and everything and you were interviewing right in front of the pond scott vandersloot yep ben davidson bailey rail when you're talking to him right wasn't that that episode too i know that was one b i I don't think Bailey was in this one. Fuck. Maybe, though.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I got some obscure ones. Now, Heber and Mars. Yeah. And obviously, I didn't get, like, half the people, but I saw Craig Ritchie in Jazz. Mm-hmm. Okay, I did see that. You were kicking it with him. Shanna and Anthony, or as I affectionately call him, Tony Medeiros.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Mm-hmm. Ty Jenkins. Jessica Griffin. Griffith? Griffin? Jessica. Ty's coach. Yep. Chris Hinshaw.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Yep. Nicole Carroll. Yep. Annie Sakamoto. Heather Lawrence. She's kind of like the boss that no one knows about. I was thinking yesterday. i probably shouldn't do this if i want to go next year i was i was thinking i was actually kicked out of a couple
Starting point is 00:12:11 places that it was kind of not cool to kick me out of like probably three or four times i was it was just like just and by that i mean like it wasn't necessary to kick me out like it was just like hey leave him alone it was like um hey you have power so you did it like yeah it was just a big move yeah it's like it's like um it's like it's three o'clock in the morning you pull up and you park in the red spot that's not blocking traffic to jump out of your car to go to the atm and a cop pulls up and gives you a ticket yeah you know you're like dude like really yeah i i actually saw a cop do that to a guy once and i went over to him like hey what are you doing he's like he's parked illegally i'm like
Starting point is 00:12:51 it's fucking three in the morning i was sober of course if that's you know i wouldn't done it you want to go to jail i'm like dude you're a fucking asshole this is a fucking pullout spot it just happens to be painted red. The guy's in his ATM. The whole time I'm going to sit here and talk to you, nothing's even going to pass by here. What's the rules? Who gives a fuck? Yeah. You're fucking there to serve and protect, douche nozzle.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Not just generate revenue for the city. Yeah. There were a few times where I was like, oh, but it's not fair because that's how you know someone's woke when they start saying it's not fair but it's not fair so so what it's not fair that i have a 10 inch cock it's perfect definitely unfair for those girlfriends either yeah uh jason kalipa speaking of 10 inch cocks yeah uh adrian conway speaking of that interview is awesome when he was like i got a bone to pick with you oh conway yeah he's yeah yeah brings it up from like five years ago is is this is this a real name i wonder brendan what name got you just now you heard you heard 10 inch cock and you're like okay i'm i'm a member i'm in i did it that was the tipping point jesus someone's barn they just like hog talk what they like hog talk oh just any penis talking
Starting point is 00:14:11 yeah like i'm like yes i'm in they come out of the woodwork that's funny because somebody made that based off of uh something you did not even on this channel what which one unless you talked about on here and i missed it oh the first time i heard you talk about the barn you were gonna get was on uh uh pedro's channel podcast oh oh wow and you were like yeah i'm taking all the money and i'm getting a barn uh someone's bond seriously it's like like seriously like it's not cool or seriously you have a 10-inch cock both uh jethro cardona i'm a cop and i hate cops like that yeah everyone, it's not cool? Or seriously, you have a 10-inch cock? Both. Jethro Cardona,
Starting point is 00:14:47 I'm a cop, and I hate cops like that. Yeah, everyone does. Somebody's gotta do it. Alright. I'm in. Hoping for hog picks and membership. I will be sending out picks of the hog on day 17 of your membership.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Jake Chapman. Philip Kelly has been frequenting gay bars in Miami the last few days. He's so busy. David Weed. I just hate cops. I love cops. I like cops. I love cops I like Cops I love cops
Starting point is 00:15:25 Oh David Uh Adrian Conway Uh Shannon uh Bunce I almost don't remember Talking to her That was a question I was gonna have after you went through this Like what did you see that you completely Forgot you did
Starting point is 00:15:43 Yeah I kinda don't remember. It was weird how much she was in there because I was struggling to remember that. I would have never in a million years remembered her name. She gave you the up-down, though. Like, she's checked my body out? Oh, for sure. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:15:59 When you were like, oh, I'd love to have you on the show or whatever, she's like, I'd love to be on the show. Sevan. Oh, shit. Wow, wow, wow wow someone clipped that send that to my wife big old gaze yeah competition um yeah man i'm i'm a mess i was a mess at the games with those i can't believe you got next time someone tell me like hey i guess you can't tell me i was gonna say someone should have told me about the way those shorts and just my the
Starting point is 00:16:29 way i put myself together someone should have been like dude you're a frumper but i guess i'm fucked if those are the only clothes i have and then you say that to me and then i'm insecure the rest of the week i guess it's delicate yeah when you're handling a fragile ego like mine i don't i didn't I didn't feel like you. Is this lady right? Oh, good answer. I like that. Let's leave it at that.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Okay. Susie. I didn't think she had to take it from her. Okay, let me see her. Check me out. Let me see this. Shannon. Oh, there it is.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Oh, yeah. Right there. Oh, wow. Wow. Wow. She's looking at me like I'm a sandwich. Like I'm a salami sandwich on rye with mustard. Oh, I saw
Starting point is 00:17:05 oh shit there it is right there damn and as an expert of trying to look at girls bodies without them knowing I know what that was yeah for sure wow alright alright Tyler you are a frumper
Starting point is 00:17:21 I'm gonna go with Sousa just I feel like... By the way, I will tell you this. One lucky winner today will receive... I did take that piece of meat I pulled out of my mouth and put it in a Ziploc bag. And one lucky winner at the end of the show will mail that piece of meat to them.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Do we get the toothpick, too? Yes, the floss, the piece of floss. Yes, the end of the show, we'll mail that piece of meat to them. Do we get the toothpick too? Yes. The floss, the piece of floss. Yes, the floss and the blood on it. I'm a little disappointed. These are the moments we talked about for our members only is when you film stuff like this. So that way we can, the members can enjoy it. You know?
Starting point is 00:17:59 Oh yeah. I did film the pulling out. Yes. If you're just regular, you get to hear it on the podcast. But if you're a member, you get to actually see it too. Yes, you get a little 60-second clip. My shorts weren't tight. That's the problem.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I was a mess. Let me see. There was a comment in here. I don't remember. Okay. Scott Panchik, Danny Horan. You did? i don't remember okay uh um scott panchick danny haran you did you guys saw that yep but you wouldn't have remembered that in a million years no okay good michelle bassinet uh danielle brandon quite the cameo with her what a weird what a weird uh interaction her and dave had well especially the fact that she like turned and she's like oh it's you behind the camera
Starting point is 00:18:52 long and uncomfortable uh between her and dave although all the interactions there are long and uncomfortable it's just a weird scene because everyone's like saying hi to everyone you're seeing everyone for the first time and So how you doing? Oh, you got some new shoes. Oh cool. Mmm. Anyone tell you how fucking awkward it is Cuz you're so fucking hot. I mean God she has just crazy presents a Daniel Brandon a Colton Mertens. Mm-hmm. Oh, Shelby Neal. Mm-hmm. Now, I'm going to tell you something about the Shelby Neal interaction. I really like her.
Starting point is 00:19:36 She makes me feel really comfortable. Like, I'd hang out with her. Like, if I was like, Susie, you want to come over and go to the beach i'd invite shelby too you know go rocks is she old enough to drink like i'd let her hang out with my kids and shit i like her but her coach i was getting the weirdest vibe from her coach i don't know if it translates to the video but i was getting this feeling from her coach that she fucking hates me and so i was like going extra out of my way to give her coach some attention but man it was she does hate me no i would just say it definitely translated in the video it seemed weird yeah so i was like is
Starting point is 00:20:16 she uncomfortable or she like get the fuck away from my athlete or man it was fucking weird oh maybe it's because she's black too. Yeah, two O's. That also means when you see two O's, you can switch out the word also. That's what Mr. Hartle's saying. That we're both black. Yeah, this chick.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I don't think she was flirting. I don't think she was. If she was, dude, that's crazy. If she was, it was more like, hey, I like him put a strap on on an ass pound you i think matt i think matt reynolds got it well that's how i felt too he said because you've uh but he's coming up here um well oh sorry sorry go ahead it's a because you've interviewed interviewed her before and you didn't recognize her that's the impression i got too because oh why didn't she just that's the impression i got too because oh
Starting point is 00:21:05 why didn't she just tell me that because look she's like smiling here and then you're kind of like once you go to say that she like and then you're like have you been here before she's like a couple times but she was like an individual games athlete she also used to be part of like the ben bergeron cohort like way back when when i went did the immersion thing with him she coached the classes that i attended when i was at crossfit new england what's her name how what is it yeah how am i supposed to i didn't wreck i don't i don't recognize that name yeah i don't think you would like she was and no offense to her it's amazing to anybody makes the games but she was kind of like the the bottom of the pack you know but i know who man on anganese is but i guess i wasn't as into
Starting point is 00:21:44 the games then as i am now right that's what i was gonna say and got nice and then there was five years stretch like right then there was a bunch of time when you weren't there so like my non my not yeah but she was there back in my day i think she said 2015 17 and 18 she was i met her in 2016 she looks strong she has a strong looking. You know how some people have like a strong looking head? Mm-hmm. Yeah, she looks strong. Like she looks – yeah, right? Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:22:11 And she is strong. Well, I don't know. I didn't – No, I'm telling you. She – okay, you're talking. Yeah, I worked out with her. She coached my class. Oh, all right, fine. Yeah, but that was in the fucking 1822.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Sleeky. Daniel Brand's always like that flirty with everyone she talks to dude or chick yeah I'm kind of flirty with everyone I talk to too but I don't Danielle could be harsh I don't think of Danielle's flirty I think of her as like she could be cold yeah I think of her as aggro
Starting point is 00:22:41 you think she felt left out because me and Shelby are black? Maybe. Could be. Could be. Okay, Matt Welty. It's because you didn't know who she was. I don't know. Do people really give a fuck?
Starting point is 00:22:57 I don't know if it's like that. Maybe it just threw her off if she thought that you guys had interaction and were homies to a certain extent. Because anybody you talk to in your interview like that like you always leave them feeling like warm and fuzzy and like there was a big connection made and for you that's just like another interview on the job but for somebody like that especially if they like watched behind the scenes as they kind of made their ascent to becoming games athlete like that's a big moment you know that's like one of the side effect perks that you get like you go to the games and then you look for all like you get all the free gear and shit and then you look for seven with the camera so you can get behind the scenes right like
Starting point is 00:23:31 so you think it was just awkward not her hating me yeah caleb awkward or hating me oh shit matt reynolds found it 2015 part four no shit did you find that time code motherfucker time code look at that 421 god bless oh no that's a bible verse he's saying sorry that's a bible verse that's not behind the scenes that's a bible that's seven 421 oh god i that's the coolest part about being in the bible People do that shit They're like John 422 I would love it if someone did that
Starting point is 00:24:08 Sevan 421 Look at even Sevan's barn is like dang There's a section that says Whitney Galen on it No shit Wow Wow It's a key moment
Starting point is 00:24:26 on google when you google it damn it's a key moment oh shit oh fuck hey I couldn't tell you who that other girl is right there next to her too oh my god Whitney I'm such a douche nozzle. All right.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Fuck it. Point, Whitney. Have you been to the games before? Oh, yeah. I do remember this now. Go ahead. Keep going. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Keep going. Run real fast and jump over them there hurdles. Yeah. We were all really excited when they took off the big block and just put the little block on there i don't know about you but i ran through the first four hurdles i did yes and uh tell me about these um well honestly everybody's just super awesome um and i couldn't, yeah, especially this one right here.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Who's that girl on the right? Who's that? What's her name? I have no idea. I don't recognize her at all. Caleb, do you recognize her? I see Chyna Cho and Anna Tonicliffe in the middle too. Yeah, who's, she did an open announcement. What was her name?
Starting point is 00:25:44 I could tell you that workout she did too didn't she do the overhead squat chest to bar workout yes yes yes she was a gymnastic chick yeah fucks her name she was cool her her her coach and husband was fucking tatted to the gills like from his forehead down to his toes yeah what is matt reynolds can you tell us who these people are? Yeah, no shit. Emily Bridgers? Oh, wow. Wow. God, we suck. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:26:16 All right. Okay. Oh, shit. I think maybe someone just sent me the... Oh, no. Well, that explains it. Does that... Oh, that explains it does that do that uh the other chick oh that's so cool that opt oh god james is cool thank you james actually just saw that too that's awesome all right thank you dude a chick that when
Starting point is 00:26:37 he's talking to is denae brown oh oh god i recognize that name uh matt is hired Oh, oh, God, I recognize that name. Matt is hired. Shit. All right. I'll send Matt that piece of beef jerky. Dang, Danae Brown is a four times games athlete, and I can't remember her name. Hey, and I made this video of her.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Hey, you should go to her Instagram. She – I think she was like – oh, you already found it. No, I'm just looking at her Instagram. Oh, that is her Instagram? Yeah. Yeah. I remember she was so freaking beautiful. Yeah. Oh, is that her daughter?
Starting point is 00:27:24 She's a mom. Click on that picture of that kid. What was that? What kind of animal was that? I don't know. It's like some sort of hog. Jesus Christ. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:40 She got a kid. That is awesome. It's weird. I would have never remembered her in a million years, but when I heard her name, I just remember thinking that chick was really fucking cool. Get her on the show, Danae Brown. Just be like, hey, do you remember me? She's still getting at it.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Yeah, she's shredded. shredded god so many fucking body pics I guess if you have a nice body that's what you do you show the world that's what I would do how many followers does she have see if she makes the requirement ah yeah she can come on the show wow
Starting point is 00:28:22 SNC oh she's a she her fuck me maybe that was by default no oh severe she has boobs that she does i'm so judgmental i'm so judgmental i just want to make people feel good i just want people to feel safe in my presence have you ever ridden a peloton no i would though i'd ride the fuck out of one if someone gave me one yeah you would like it too my sister-in-law just told the story she's like yeah jordan her husband my brother-in-law it's like he's been really into the peloton it's awesome like he's getting after it and blah blah blah oh oh no she goes out there and she goes i saw the screen and grace is like well which person which person was he using? And she's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:05 I just saw a huge fucking tits bouncing. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Wow. I know. Unfortunately, the pronouns are a sign of mental illness and probably a strong proclivity for being racist and all that shit. I know that's what sucks. You don't really know for sure they could just be stupid but as soon as i see it i think oh they're a fucking racist bigot
Starting point is 00:29:31 under the guise of not being a racist bigot i mean that's what that's how i think of it you have the black lives matter sign up but god forbid someone black fucking move in next door to you like you think black people are stupid like i get it and and and like and like yeah it's just like we have to accept everyone even pedophiles i mean that's just straight where i go fuck that sorry but you see that you see the connection there right it's like love everyone yeah uh no not everyone almost everyone almost almost but some uh choose you make them not the men who have an unquenchable desire to dress up as women and chop their penises off and read books to kids in the local library i actually i could even love them too i just can't love what they do they just can't come they just i just don't want them in the
Starting point is 00:30:28 library that's fair yeah you could even have fucked up pronouns too you i don't even care if your pronouns are fucked up it's when you have to announce that shit that i just think that's when i get nerd that's when i'm like oh i don't even care if you're like like if you're my friend and if missouza was like hey can you start referring to me as a she i'd be like yeah no problem that's not that that's not the issue i i don't dislike trannies or pronoun people that's just like why do you got to have that in your in your bio like that it's like uh i i know what the correlate is it's like the blue hair and the septum ring. I don't really have a problem with blue hair or septum rings. There's no strong correlate.
Starting point is 00:31:12 You remember Tai Lopez? He was the dude that's in my garage with my cars or whatever. Way back in the day. He was a games athlete? No, but it was just the same. He had this clip, and i wanted to send it to you because he he said exactly what you said he goes he goes yeah people with lots of tattoos you already know that they're extremely high anxiety oh yeah yeah yeah he goes look at
Starting point is 00:31:35 this whole like bit about it and i was like man that is exactly the same thing that you were saying do you have a problem with penis piercings i have a problem if i see your penis piercings hey you know what's really cool about yeah it's a badge melissa's odier yeah it's a badge yeah like you're letting me know i'm perfectly okay if it means someone if i if i if i can make a child molester feel good i'll do it yeah that's what it means to me yeah because it's important to me that everyone feels safe oh not not not not they can feel safe around me not around my kids like they can pump gas at the gas station not but they can't come to the kids school actually what do i care my kids don't even go to school i'm i'm i'm an elitist hey are you getting pumped out of all the stuff that's like these interviews that are coming out
Starting point is 00:32:31 of the athletes and like what had happened at the games right versus like how things are now and like some of the drama that's going to start to like unfold not only from what people will see happening at the games but like how that'll translate to right now like like in like i don't know if it's episode two or it must be an episode two i've only seen it i watched episode two for the first time last night and what's great if you're talking about this in particular in episode two danielle brandon's a brute athlete i've been a brute athlete for nine months it's great here's the dude here's the guy and then i interviewed torres the other day he's like no no she's not her own she's not a rude athlete she's her own athlete i'm like what that is definitely one of them the interactions with like rosa and roman oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah that yeah that gives it away right there
Starting point is 00:33:16 that she edited all the shit that gives it away right there you know what i'm kind of annoyed by the fact it's kind of annoyed by the fact that i interviewed roman and that she did that it's like why did i you should have just been honest with me and been like hey fuck you i ain't telling you what he's saying roman you don't even need to be here go ahead ask me the questions that would have i would that would have been fine i'd have been cool with that i like that one yeah when she's like it's just the details i'm like what just the yeah yeah yeah so you're right there's you're right i'm the whole show i'm doing that i'm like what just the yeah yeah yeah so you're right there's you're right i'm the whole show i'm doing that i'm like wait yeah and then episode three i know you haven't watched
Starting point is 00:33:50 it yet but it gets it oh really yeah i can't wait for some of these athletes to watch it there's some good stuff there especially now because like you know how things unfold you know like being like so many months like removed and in a lot of this drama is like relatively recent that's like rolling out too yeah it's such a nice like it puts like a story and like you watch stuff in retrospect with the information you know now and you're like oh man this it just makes it like that much better you know what i mean i will you you send Jason Hopper a link just in case like he wants to check in from church? Like maybe he's at church, but maybe he'll just like come on for a second. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:31 I can't find his phone number on my computer. I got it. So I text Will late last night. You were on the thread. I'm like, I cannot fucking believe how good episode two is. And he goes, dude, every episode only gets better now. It's so good. Yeah, he's like, the drama is going to start really ramping up.
Starting point is 00:34:55 What did Dave say when he asked you to move away? I have no idea. I was thinking you just turned the volume up full blast. I wonder if Will and Rios actually turned the volume down there or if it just goes down because I walked away. That was a cool shot. Oh, that was a great shot. I think what's happening there is Chuck had just given a brief
Starting point is 00:35:18 and there was something Dave didn't like about it. I think. I don't know. And so he told – I think what he was about to say i have no idea if this is true he's about to say hey if you know if you can't do the the brief just pass it off to adrian or something or if you're unclear ask someone but i could be totally wrong i could be i have no idea yeah hey there was if you pay attention to that piece as a viewer like there was some really cool lessons in like leadership in that from dave from dave just being just like yeah just
Starting point is 00:35:46 very matter of fact he walked up like even at like we don't know what he liked what he didn't like right there was a little missing context but you could tell he wasn't stoked on the way things had gone in the way that he was like addressing the team and then clearly when he was probably gonna like start correcting people's either behaviors or the actions they did he had asked you to like walk away but the cool part about it is i know for a fact i just would have went okay and freak out hit my button and like turn but the fact that you held the shot and then just kept backing it up to where you couldn't hear anything but you could still see the interaction and like his demeanor and stuff was really cool did you know that in the moment when you were doing that shot were you
Starting point is 00:36:20 like oh this will make a cool thing or were you just like fuck whatever no but because someone in our chat said that was a cool shot like i'll probably do that again like this is the first i can't remember ever watching behind the scenes before like usually the first few years i watched it because i edited it and then when i stopped editing the behind the scenes i stopped watching it and so it's kind of cool now to watch these maybe i'm excited maybe the one in um carson will be just like at the semi-finals will be the fucking the best one ever now that i'm like getting all this feedback i can incorporate that shit so people want less chest shots and more face shots oh they okay they're okay with the chest shots all right fine all right just an observation
Starting point is 00:37:02 don't get insecure right you're talking? You get the name right across the chest. Yeah. I like it. Seve, what's the mood during the ESPN announcement? What? At the end when Don Fall said that?
Starting point is 00:37:19 Is that in the press conference? I mean, people went crazy. People went bonkers when he announced it, like screaming. You know what the craziest though scream, the biggest, I know, I mean, by far the biggest response is the beer garden was full of people. And they announced that Savon was here to do the behind the scenes, and the fucking place erupted and went fucking crazy. Yeah, that was cool. I wish I could tell you that it's just me being a braggart again.
Starting point is 00:37:53 That was a cool moment. Well, it's both. It's me being a braggart, but it's also true. Hey, you know what I was thinking yesterday? I don't have any podcast shit in my life. Hmm? was thinking yesterday i don't have any podcast shit in my life like i don't go anywhere where anyone knows i do the podcast when i leave this room the podcast goes completely away i don't see like none of none of my friends watch the pro like i don't not that i have any real friends like besides you guys but like the people i enter i mean i guess i have some i have some people like i i go to dinner with
Starting point is 00:38:29 and like they're my my kids friends families but they no one knows like i was it's like here i'm all proud like yeah i have the coolest podcast in the space but i was at super cuts and some guys like so what do you do for a living i go i do a podcast he's like oh you're on youtube that's cute i'm like yeah just i'm just feel like a douche you know what i mean they always ask like how many views you have yeah all that or subscribers you have what's it about all right i just have some come on with some friends just a little hobby of mine or or the other day one of the uh one of the parents who's never talked to me i've seen him at jiu-jitsu now for two years i've said hi to him a bunch but he just doesn't want to get chatty kathy with me and he just looks at me goes didn't you used to have a man bun i was like uh-huh he's like um okay okay fuck yeah i feel just like wait was that your roadcaster kip it is yeah oh oh caleb
Starting point is 00:39:31 i thought that wasn't me i didn't hit the cricket that's good that's good yeah no so seven what uh method do you use to keep women from clamoring all over you? I need help since I've grown a beard. Dude. Once a month, I ask my wife. I'm this guy. Once a month, I'm like, hey, babe. She's like, what? You're talking to me?
Starting point is 00:39:53 I'm like, yeah. I thought I'm your husband over here. She's like, what? I'm like, do you still love me? She's like, of course. And she comes over to me and hugs me, and that's it. Nice. That's as much clamoring as there is over me my wife won't even share toothbrush with me anymore that's how i knew we were getting old
Starting point is 00:40:12 but but when you go into your gym do you see anyone caleb throughout the day from the podcast like do you just you go to an affiliate like do people know that you do the podcast like do you see anyone where you're yeah yeah there's some people that go to the affiliate that are like big crossfit games fans and just like follow all the stuff that goes along with crossfit games and so do they ever talk to you about the podcast they ever have you signed their tits or anything no no one time like when i first came back and started going to the affiliate again people were like asking to take pictures with me. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:40:47 I'm going to be here every day. This isn't like a... Get used to it, folks. Settle in, okay? Pace yourself. What's gross? Sharing toothbrush? No, no. We used to share toothbrush all the time. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:41:07 Was it like an automated one or like a manual? No, manual. Manual. Well, I don't know if she was sharing. I just used whatever one was. I used to just use whatever one was in the cup. Like there'd be just like a bunch. Use one.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Yeah, that's gross. I know that you have mutant meat back there. Mutant meat. Maybe that's why she doesn't anymore oh wow i guess sharing toothbrush isn't very popular that freaking icon geeks geez wow wow that really stirred up the crowd here yeah patrick yeah we this almost needs a poll damn let's throw it up let's see does it need a poll or do we already know the answer damn uh seven your hair looks so good well thank you the lady said in the back it's all fucking weird and i said why she's all because you're man bun
Starting point is 00:42:05 the way you pulled the hair you bent it up a certain way i didn't bent my hair but she says it'll take a week till i get unbended unbended unbended huh wow borderline psycho the the tooth right wow well that's strong that's a bit strong that's i don't know if it's borderline i don't give a lot of fucks like that whole thing's borderline i don't give a lot of fucks like that whole thing where people say they don't give a lot of fucks like you have to understand well would you share your toothbrush with your significant other s oh jesus god you're such a mill dork not that i say holy oh my god we're gonna got more people than military people use that term please we need an so do you use so anybody please no that's another poll after this i've never used so no one no one has ever used so what like gay
Starting point is 00:42:55 people do that's like partner my p with your partner surprised you didn't say p with your pr your partner someone says they have a partner Don't you think that they're gay? I do because I was born in the 80s. So that's why I think. Oh, wow. Patrick Anderson. That fucking hurt, dude. That's a little harsh. Sharon toothbrush is as bad as
Starting point is 00:43:18 eating ass. Wow. No. Wow. That hurts me a little. That's an aggressive comparison. God damn. That boy's getting active. There should be something in between you saying you don't like it and that. Only if you were sure.
Starting point is 00:43:34 We needed to be arguing before you just went straight there. Oh, Barry, my cock and her eating ass is fine. You're disgusting. Okay, who else was on the show? So relationships have changed is what you're saying susan the relationships i've captured are no longer um have evolved have evolved yes and we have more information so watching this stuff and in hindsight now it's like whoa you know what i mean it's like when you know somebody's the serial killer but they're acting all cool because they haven't been caught yet and everybody's friends and then in retrospect you're like wait that dude knew the whole time and was doing that yeah yeah yeah that's what that
Starting point is 00:44:13 there's a lot of it like that's cool uh that was pretty uh we're gonna have to talk about that one get off there what you meant there because i have some ideas hey um so maybe this is just what a fucking arrogant fucking psychopath i am but there's a scene there at the end where dave's talking to jonathan haynes and he says to give me space and he's really mean to me but you know where i went when he was mean to me i went to the point like oh i feel so bad for him because i know how much he likes me and he probably didn't enjoy being mean to me. You're probably right. That's what I think about my wife, too, when she's mean to me.
Starting point is 00:44:50 I don't know if that's just the way I deal with shit, but I'm like, God, that sucks for her. There's no way she could anyone could ever want to be that mean to me. You're like, Dave, I know that hurts you more than it hurt me. Yeah, that's what i think when someone's mean to me yeah like when you get really angry and then afterwards you're like you know he was kind of a douche but like i feel bad now yeah yeah yeah i feel always feel bad yeah when i'm mean to people yeah for sure i don't want to do that that's that's dave hey let me tell you a crazy Crazy story. I'm a hardcore alcoholic, getting drunk every single fucking night. My life's fucking falling apart. My wife has left me and my kids, and everything's bad, and I did a couple nights in jail. I quit drinking.
Starting point is 00:45:45 My life starts to come together. Everything's good. It's hard. I start going to the gym every day. Get a promotion at my job. My relationship with my wife heals. Things are getting better, but it's hard, man. It's hard.
Starting point is 00:46:03 And I'm a year in and I break and I start drinking again and hitting my wife and fucking lose my job and you know what I start telling the whole world you know what it's okay I was wrong
Starting point is 00:46:23 I've been a drunk and then I was sober and things were good, but it was too hard. This is so much better. Just being a drunk, hitting my wife, losing my job, yelling at my kids, sleeping around. This is way easier. Everyone should do that. This is my normal state. I flow like this. You want to go drinking go drinking let's go don't be so hard on yourself so what if you hit your kids they probably deserved it that's the journey that sporty beth went on i knew you're going there i knew you're going there she was fucking obese she got her shit together her whole sure fucking she talked about how great life is her family's like she'll never go back we're so glad she's done this for herself and now she's
Starting point is 00:47:11 back to being morbidly obese eating as much cake as she can pouring valium in her mouth and instead of fucking saying holy fuck i fell off the wagon i need to try to get back on she's justifying it to the world that being shitty is the way to go you know why because for her she's she's dreading going back and fighting that fight again and i get it yeah so when andrew hiller points that out like hey we have this fucking crazy fucking human being here who wants other people to join on with her reality that's's how all the racist people work too. That's the entire Democratic Party, by the way. They want you to jump onto their crazy reality because it would be too hard for them to change. So instead of changing and making themselves better,
Starting point is 00:47:57 they fight you. They want to normalize their fucking craziness. And that's what she's doing. So for anyone like these, like I see Dan Guerrero in the comments. I like Dan. But Dan being like, you need to drop it, Hiller. Fuck you, Dan. She's a perfect museum specimen case study for Andrew Hiller to look at and keep holding up.
Starting point is 00:48:22 And she should say thank you to Andrew. I don't know what the rest of her family and friends are doing, but they should be doing what Andrew's doing. Like, yo, bitch, you're going the wrong way. Stop justifying being fat and fucking popping Valiums. Tell the rest of us now we should join you. Fuck you. We work hard. We fight every day, so many of us, we should join you fuck you we work hard we fight every day so
Starting point is 00:48:47 many of us to stay on the fucking straight and narrow and when we fall off we're not like it's okay everyone come on do you have a second mic turned on i was gonna say yeah again some echoes and shit oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah i have all i have everything turned on sorry better has been echoing the whole show sorry no i haven't been echoing the whole show? Sorry. No, it hasn't been echoing the whole show, but when you got into that, it kind of was intense because it gave you some lift behind it. Yeah, I got some other mics on too.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Now full blast. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Because my kids were in here for a show or something. Yeah, they came on to it. I was like, wow. Good to hear.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Hey, you're absolutely right, though. And the craziest part about it is everybody who is propping her up and supporting her is actually just pushing her closer to the cliff of her death. And Andrew Hiller is the only thing between her and like that edge. And he's trying to like push back. And by the way, anybody else that says it, like when you get yourself out there and you become a personality on the internet and you're making these claims, you've already opened the door for everybody else to take that stuff and use it and go back to it so you can't paint her into a victim because this is kind of the price you pay once you come on youtube and you make these videos and you get a following
Starting point is 00:49:54 and you have an influence it's not like andrew's finding these people that are just out there by themselves and like picking at them like yeah she's just a fun yeah yeah she's and who are these people like dan guerrero and these other people who are like saying hillar's gone too far like fuck you what are you afraid of a little fucking contact what are you a little fucking millennial bitch you haven't made eye contact with another human being in five years fuck you how about thank you andrew that's all you need to say thank you andrew he laid out her whole journey. That's some fucking textbook shit. That's exactly, hey, that's exactly why racism was brought back. Because there were people who couldn't tolerate how racist they were.
Starting point is 00:50:34 So they came up with this bullshit like fucking affirmative action and all of these things. And then they're trying to tell other people, come on, join me, join me, join me. Yeah, trying to keep it alive. Yeah, trying to keep it alive. Oh, it almost went away. Hold on. let's bring it back and create some more division and let's create a whole entire group of people that feel that they're they're victims of everything and that victims yep they you know the white man's got the boot to the throat and you can't ever find a way out of it i'm not spending time on sporty beth uh it's good it's uh i don't know it's kind of fun. I enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Yeah, yeah, look. She now identifies the memory of her best self as bullying. Wow. Holy shit. She now identifies the memory of her best self as bullying. Fuck. That's pretty good. Hey, Jeff, I'm sore as fuck dude 300 air squats
Starting point is 00:51:30 we did max air squats for 10 minutes damn Seve how many members now almost enough to quit this fucking podcast yeah you too yeah that busted me up and i heard as i was uh crossing the nine minute mark because i could see the clock i i heard you say oh my my thighs were blown up to all hell yeah my quads were just like it wobbled around a little bit oh yeah there it is yeah i really like the that's the best my nose
Starting point is 00:52:10 has ever looked really when i took that i was like wow i have a really nice nose i've never said that about my nose great shot oh that's a dancing nose there. What the fuck is that? That's pretty good. That nostril to schnoz ratio is horrible. The legs coming out of the nostrils. Oh, wow. Eaton Beaver, I just hit 425 for four reps sumo deadlift. Wow.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Listening to the sermon. Oh, that's dope. Oh, that's almost as good as a deadlift. Wow. Oh, look it. My barn thinks I'm a handsome guy. I'm going to go in there after the show and jerk off on you for that. Where were we?
Starting point is 00:52:55 We're on this list. Oh, we're on the list. Chuck Carswell. Oh, no. Sorry. Shelby Neal. Roman Kranikoff of Facundo. Yep.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Rosa. I have Tyler. Who's Tyler? Is that supposed to be Ty Jenkins? Taylor. Taylor. Taylor's in the video. I don't even remember meeting Taylor self in person. What?
Starting point is 00:53:19 What? That was so weird. Look how much older he looks than jason not like older like wrinkly older but just like j jason has like little boy vibes and taylor's like an adult yeah especially like sunglasses and mustache versus like the backpack maybe that's what it is it's like he's like taylor's the dad that just dropped this dude off at school yes uh barry mccawkner taylor looks small compared to jason yeah and you know it's crazy too is taylor is not small he's he's an imposing man like if you saw him like somewhere
Starting point is 00:53:56 you wouldn't you wouldn't step to him but jason's a monster hey wizard this was still early when you got there had there been any weird interactions like you could see a lot of characters that we've discussed on oh like katrin's back there yeah that was weird yeah all that shit's weird everything's so weird there but i just keep telling myself hey it's just as weird for everyone else as it is for me yeah or weirder because you got the camera so you have like a job you could kind of like hide behind that like oh i got it whatever right but like if you don't you're just kind of staying in there hey um jason's not awkward at all no like zero so like he's the baseline if everyone else is um everyone else is a little awkward daniel brandon's awkward dave's awkward
Starting point is 00:54:44 i'm awkward everyone's awkward jace is like everyone's awkward jason has zero awkward he's like just walked i never even met the guy before he walks up he goes man you're a real life little bitch i know that was funny just breaks the ice i'm like all right yeah that type of dude though and like how he acts like that's how you know your homies with them though you know yeah totally no awkward he's just so chill or if he is he hides it so good like i don't i don't sniff any awkward on him the other thing too is people get more comfortable as it goes on like you like people watching it will definitely notice by like episode three like even dave and shit is like like he's super relaxed with you there now it feels like they've yes yes a little bit oh he's he's yeah he's not awkward
Starting point is 00:55:30 with he's more comfortable with me than he is anyone else there he's not all right with me yeah yeah but he's just he's just an awkward person he's a weird duck dave he killed people for a living allegedly allegedly he doesn't talk about it Colton's very awkward but there's something Really unique about Colton's awkwardness Because you can tell he accepts His awkwardness Some people don't like don't accept their awkwardness
Starting point is 00:55:56 He's like awkward but just leaning into it Yeah He talks in his weird cadence and weird voice And the volume's going all over the place But like he's making eye contact with you and fully engaged yeah i think he's definitely gotten better at it too yeah he's just trying yeah he's all right he's awkward as him but he accepts some people are awkward and they don't accept it yeah yeah yeah like he leans into it
Starting point is 00:56:21 i don't know what this is but i just like it that you think i'm humble humble like he leans into it. I don't know what this is, but I just like it that you think I'm humble, humble. That's nice. Uh, Kenneth said seven, uh, surprise.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Everyone knew about Colton's knee and seven humbly called the ski bag win. Yeah. He, he actually, Oh yeah. Colton has manners for sure, but also is very blunt. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:40 What was it before the games? He told us he was fucked up, right? Yeah. He said he had some knee problems. I don't think he told us exactly what it was, but? He told us he was fucked up, right? Yeah, he said he had some knee problems I don't think he told us exactly what it was, but he said like whenever he squats and shit. It really fucks him up Mm-hmm Taylor Matt Fraser Ben Bergeron. Mm-hmm Ben look good Angelo de Chico
Starting point is 00:57:01 He looked good Alexis wrapped this whoo, man talk about just fucking, man, she's special. She's like the girl next door. Yeah, she's cool. Chuck Carswell, God, what a statue. What a stud. Adrian Bosman. Brian McDonald. You guys know who that is
Starting point is 00:57:25 he's a ufc fighter and he he's on the l1 staff jason mcdonald oh is it jason mcdonald oh yeah you're right sorry you know who brian is you mean jason yeah yeah that's what i mean well when he said ufc fighter i was like i just remember him from the uh remember the ryan fisher thing when like dave made him apologize at that one yes and then he was like this guy's your judge the rest of the weekend and it's just like the ex ufc fire and he's just like yeah yeah yeah that guy's there he seems like a really cool dude i haven't had any interaction with him but he seems like he's cool very cool uh tony tone uh alexis Tony Tone Alexis is a certified babe Yeah totally Yeah for sure Yeah total
Starting point is 00:58:09 Marriage material He was one of my L1's Matt Reynolds Jason McDonald Victor Hoffer Victor Hoffer The French guy Yeah
Starting point is 00:58:22 Carolyn Prevost Oh I just remembered his name Victor Hoffer. Cool. The French guy. Yeah. It's funny. Carolyn Prevost. Oh, I just remembered his name. Griffith. Griffin Raleigh. Mm hmm. This is demo team you're talking about now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:35 All this. Happily. Mm hmm. Open next. Oh, oh, oh, yeah. I got my. Oh, who's the other? Who's Happily?
Starting point is 00:58:46 And Henrik Henrik. Shit. I got my... Who's the other? Who's Hapalainen? Henrik. Henrik. Shit, I got my job, Caleb. God, him, those him and those two and Maury are like all fucking scrambled in my head. I do not know why. Remember, Uldis is the guy with the massive hog? Yeah, in the sweats. Good association. That's right. Doing the pull-up. Yeah, he's
Starting point is 00:59:02 a great gymnast. I recognize him. I recognize his hog. Oh, look. Oldest nine-inch dick. Oldest nine-inch dickiness. Thick dickiness, yes. All right. Matthew Torres.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Yep. Don Fall. Yeah. right uh um and uh uh matthew torres yep uh dawn fall yeah it's it was a uh that's what i got do you think i left anyone off no that was it i i like the interaction with dawn fall because i almost when you watch the beginning of it like there's certain things have been in that not been in the position but like having a camera and like talking to people like sometimes you get the feeling of like oh they're engaging so it feels so much comfortable or like oh they're kind of standoffish so i just i just i'm gonna leave but at first when he's like getting mic'd up it almost seemed like he didn't really want to engage that much and then as you started fielding him questions he like really opened up and was like talking quite a bit so do you feel that when you're like back behind the camera or are you just like just continuing to lean into it like do you take signs from somebody like
Starting point is 01:00:09 you know what i'm talking about well i'll tell you what when that girl when shelby's neil's coach that whitney chick was acting weird to me i leaned into that i was like like i yeah yeah i sent something's up if i send something's up like and sometimes I just keep going with it. I give people a chance. Almost always I give people a chance. With Don, someone said – someone who saw that reviewed that was like, man, you were kissing Don's ass. I didn't get that I was kissing Don's ass at all. He's very easy to interview. He was crazy comfortable.
Starting point is 01:00:39 He was cool. But it is his event. He's the fucking owner of the company, i wanted him to and i in you know they sent out the fucking email company-wide email basically saying we're not affiliated with at all before the event and so i wanted him i want don during the event after the event and after the open this year to be like fuck that was that was genius. I want him to pat himself on the back and be like, we did the right thing by letting someone come there. That would make that would make my day. So that's I'm sort of taking that first step there.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Mm hmm. You know what I mean? Yeah, it was cool. I liked it because he clearly like had opened up and I don't know if he was just focused on what he had to do and you like made him calm or whatever. Or maybe he just kind of started to lean into it himself, but it was nice to see that interaction evolve a little bit. Oh, I see Karns here. Are you jealous of those guys who married these gang ladies
Starting point is 01:01:39 before they made it? Are you jealous? Are you jealous? I'm not sure I understand that even what like dylan who married ariel before she became a big time games athlete was that what he's talking about like i wish i would have married a games athlete yeah you don't even want to know my answer to that you want to know my answer to that hi karen here's what i think here's honestly what i think i think that you reach a point in your life where money is so fucking awesome
Starting point is 01:02:13 and i think that um that there's probably a lot of girls out there who married the wrong guy who like i should have probably gone with the short armenian guy who wanted to share a toothbrush i don't and i'm so happy my wife snagged me i'm so happy my wife like put up with all my shit and got me but i don't think that's how i think call me arrogant douche but i just think that uh be smart man when you choose your mate be smart smart. Oh, we can't hear you, Karn. You're muted. No. Oh, maybe you have to choose a different mic. Yes, Karn is gorgeous. Introducing TD Insurance for Business with customized coverage options for your business.
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Starting point is 01:03:56 Look, I'll move squares. Maybe we can hear in this square. Yeah. Hey, Karn, you probably have to go. Karn. Oh, she can't hear us. She has to go in the settings. Oh. Oh, Karn, you probably have to go. Karn. Oh, she can't hear us. She has to go in the settings.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Oh. Oh, yeah. Yes. She has a fancy touch sensitive mic. Yeah. You told me, you told me how to do that.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Yeah. Yeah. I'm very, I'm, my mic is very touch sensitive too. It starts working with one foot. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Thank you. Hey, you got a little hot. You, your mic wasn't working working you got a little hot and sweaty you're like fuck i'm stressing out i've been on the screen for 30 seconds no one can hear me sweat started dripping down your armpits you're like fuck i know all right you guys all right i'll show them more bodies since uh to distract them from my fucking technological fuck listen. Listen, wait, wait, wait. Congratulations on an incredible behind the scenes. Oh, I thought you were going to say scoring an incredible wife. Well, yeah, obviously. You know, I love Hayley.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Congrats on that. But seriously, behind the scenes, it's amazing. I'm a CEO member. There's no other way to be. Thank you. Thank you. I normally don't watch them, and I've been watching them, and I'm like like i like them more
Starting point is 01:05:05 than i thought i would i'm pretty pumped oh it's really special it's so nice to see the athletes like that they're actually real people nice people with personalities yep yep as well i love that 99 of them cool as shit nice who's the who's the one percent i don't know i actually couldn't think of anyone i just didn't want to say everyone. I get in trouble when I'm an absolutist. You're an absolute. Don't talk absolute. Oh, you think Karn's Rambler?
Starting point is 01:05:36 No, shouldn't have time for that shit. What's Rambler? What's that? One of the guests on the show. But what Karn equals Rambler? What does that mean? Yeah, they think that because no one knows who one of these, one of the people in the comments name is Rambler
Starting point is 01:05:48 and no one knows who Rambler is. And so they think that it's you. No, I proudly post as myself. I comment as myself. Matt has seen it. Gorgeous and muted. Thank you. Do you want to go on a date?
Starting point is 01:06:02 Just kidding. Tony Tone. Who's this lady? What land does she hail from? She doesn't look like CrossFit. We should have made it. We should have made a $50. Will Branstetter goes like this to me the other day.
Starting point is 01:06:20 He calls or I called him. He goes, fuck, dude. I go, what? He goes, I would have in a million years told you 20 bucks was completely stupid he's like it's fucking killing and i'm like i know i should have made it 50 no well you can always put up the price i think 20 is good affordable people can we'll like sign up for it well if you remember when we talked about it i said we should do that third level of 50 and you get every single episode right away oh just 50 and like you just
Starting point is 01:06:45 get them all right now all of them all 15 remember we had had we like no but i should have listened to you and also too by the way will was making the uh the the pitfall the trap that a lot of people fall into when they sell stuff never ever ever ever decide the price for somebody else never what i mean how are you supposed to decide it then? Explain it to me. Because a lot of people go like this, Oh, you know, I'm going to run whatever, you know, my gym or something. Right. And you go, okay, in order for me to make this work and for me to be really successful, I need to charge $200. And they immediately think about themselves and they go, shit, I would never pay $200. That's the worst thing you could ever do. Why did you just decide that for everybody else based off your situation and context?
Starting point is 01:07:25 You don't know. Well, I did actually think I would easily pay $40 for 15 episodes. Like I do that on iTunes all the time. I would buy a season of some show for fucking money. Yeah. The thing is, is people will be like, it's really expensive. So someone might be like, hey, the health summit is really expensive. And it's like, hey, like, did you do any of the math? It's like when people say be like, it's really expensive. So someone might be like, Hey, the health summit is really expensive. And it's like, Hey, like, did you do any of the math?
Starting point is 01:07:47 It's like when people say going to an affiliate is really expensive. Did you do any of the fucking math? Like, dude, 20 bucks is not expensive at all. When you think about how much fucking money went into making the behind the scenes, it's a shitload. Yeah. And then those same people will go out to like dinner and drop like 150 bucks on two cocktails and a meal and not think twice about it
Starting point is 01:08:05 right right and then they'll come back and be like oh that's expensive and it's like no you just mismanaged your money or oh you could get the vip package at the uh health summit on february uh third fourth and fifth and that will allow you to uh eat a chicken wing off of ronda patrick's plate you could literally do that it might might not play out well for you, but you could walk right up to Rhonda Patrick while she's eating, take a chicken wing off her plate. Like you're not going to get kicked out. It's just going to be like,
Starting point is 01:08:32 whoa, that was weird. Just make sure I find that please. Yeah. And you could be like, if she gets weird, you can be like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:08:39 I have cancer. And I asked for the make a wish foundation. I wanted to make,ish Foundation. Hold on. The Make-A-Wish Foundation, I said I wanted to share a dinner plate with you and they said no. So here I am. I paid $7.50 and did it here. Okay. Wow.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Okay, fine. Eat off of Karin's plate. We don't want to do that to any of the guests. Fine. Better, right? Absolutely. Eat off my platein's plate. We don't want to do that to any of the guests. Fine. Better, right? Absolutely. Eat off my plate all you want. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:09:09 I would love for someone to do that. Listen, if you go to the CrossFit Health Summit and you get the VIP ticket and you're in there with Gabrielle Lyons and Karin Thompson and Rhonda Patrick, I want you to walk over and say, hi, Karin, and then just take a piece of lettuce off her plate. Go for it. I'll give you my plate at that point. Here we are. I'm done with that. Cave Dastro, CEO members during the
Starting point is 01:09:37 Behind the Scenes 2000, CEO members after the Behind the Scenes 2. Cave, that's because you're extremely doubting our ability to just create and capture some fucking awesome things coming down the pipeline and we're like a gang once you're out you can't come back in it's 40 bucks for you to be ceo after that yeah yeah that's true bitch go ahead yeah get out bitch on the members rate like who knows there's lots of behind the scenes stuff coming up right super exciting i don't even care i'm i told i'm not making nothing for
Starting point is 01:10:05 anyone to stick around you don't want to stick around fuck you eat a dick hey um can we lock it off can we lock it off who can be can you lock off a membership so no more people can come into that membership great question i would love to do i would that makes me want to do that what cave said just increase the price no are you going to increase the price of the health summit tickets as it gets closer? No. Oh. Only because it is what it is, right? We didn't do the early bird specials.
Starting point is 01:10:35 We didn't do any of that marketing strategy stuff. We just came up with a price. We're sticking to it, and that's the way it is. How are things going? It's getting closer. everything good lots of updates so the crossfit for health summit is now proudly presented by go rock oh oh yes yes yes yes yes and so we will have a very cool workout with go rock the morning of the event okay that'll be officially announced on and through those channels.
Starting point is 01:11:05 So that's separate than the February 3rd workout with Dave? Yeah, separate to Dave's workout. Yeah, completely separate. And so, so we'll be doing that in association with Go Rock. And that's literally open to the entire community.
Starting point is 01:11:19 The entire CrossFit community can come join us that morning for the Go Rock, for the Go Rock Rock. And that's going to be super, super fun, very early because the actual event starts at eight and registration opens at seven. So we'll have to be done way before that, but that's going to be super cool. And then we have. Karn, wait, Karn, wait, wait, wait. I show up there on February 4th and I do the workout.
Starting point is 01:11:43 And while I'm there, excuse me, I spot, I realized, Hey, I want to stay for the whole day. Can I buy a ticket there? Yeah, absolutely. I took Venmo, cash, PayPal. We'll make it happen. Hey, can I ask you a really weird question? It wouldn't be hanging out with you if you didn't. Do you, are there any, you are, you are an extremely magnetic human being. Are there any people who you think are coming just to have interaction with you?
Starting point is 01:12:18 I can 100% assure you that there's not one single person who's just coming to hang out with me. Like I am. That means there's 20. That means there's not one single person who's just coming to hang out with me like that means there's 20 that means there's 20 the speakers that we have are so amazing huh i'm trying to avoid using the word stalker do i have i had a stalker i did yeah i did have one once karen is the best she knows more about the behind the scenes at h than I love him. So he's great. Have you met his wife too? Yes. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:12:50 Isn't she so gorgeous and so sweet. Yeah. Special human, almost like not from this planet, like an alien. Who is the singer from Iceland? Who is really weird? York. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:57 His wife reminds me of Bjork. Yeah, totally. She reminds me of a little bit as Haley, that same, like soft, gentle, beautiful, like energy. And like, it's just really nice to be around.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Yeah. They're the best people. I don't know. She seems mischievous. She seems like she might have a little mischievousness in her though too, Bella. Yeah. She looks like she'd be naughty, but fun naughty. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Fun naughty. We should organize an after party where we all go dancing and expose the the naughtiness in everyone yeah sure come on are you coming but why we'll wear it we'll start wearing them down don't worry listen come on we will have so much fun i mean even caleb's coming i sent the hq your your list of must-haves. So, like, first class, they know you got the suite to yourself, room service, it'll all be provided in there. Your shuttle to and from the event in the – yeah. I would love to see Caleb in a tuxedo with an earpiece in.
Starting point is 01:14:01 It doesn't even need to work. Just always within a few feet of Karin. That would be dope. He's really big, Karin. That would be dope. He's really big, Karin. Have you seen Caleb in person? I would love that. It's a lot of man.
Starting point is 01:14:12 It's a lot of man. He's tall, yeah. And he's broad. He has broad shoulders and slender body. He'd look like a fuck in a tuxedo. He'd be amazing. Can I tell you what I'd love to do? I'd love to have that and then I would just go up to him and just like
Starting point is 01:14:27 like gently like twist his mustache he wouldn't even flinch he'd be on duty the whole time he wouldn't even head on a swivel yeah yeah oh my god now I am excited and he's a nurse too so like if you needed a bandaid
Starting point is 01:14:44 put on somewhere, he could. Medic. You're a nurse? Fucking medic. Look at him leaning back. I am. Caleb, seriously? I'm just, like, a medic, I guess.
Starting point is 01:14:55 Yeah. We need you. I mean, there's no one we need more. Don't take me as a medic, Caleb. That was, like, I was leveling you up as a fucking medic. He's a field medic. Combat medic. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Yeah. Yep. Definitely do that. Been trained and shit. So the third is a workout. You have to pay for that one. But the morning of the fourth, at what time, Go Ruck will be there?
Starting point is 01:15:15 And I guess I'm assuming it's going to be a rucking workout. Rucking. Yeah, it's a rucking workout. We're still confirming it. So I can't share the details because I'm not 100% sure. And I don't want to tell people things that aren't true. But yeah, it will be about an hour to an hour and a half. And just a really good way to start the day with CrossFit and Go Rock and the community and have fun.
Starting point is 01:15:40 And we're going to be rocking around Lady Bird Lake, which is close to the hotel that we're hosting the summit at. So it's pretty as well. What is the hotel? Hotel Van Zandt, Davis Street, Austin. Can we see that, Caleb? The Van Zandt? Is that where the actual venue is, Karin? Yeah, that's where the actual summit's going to be.
Starting point is 01:16:01 It's all contained in there? That's where the lunch is, everything? Everything. And the lunch is going to be and it's all it's all contained in there that's where the lunch is everything the everything and the lunch is going to be so good as well you know how much i love food oh yeah this is a this is a swanky place i like this okay yeah you would look great in that suite over there with your little family yeah no my family definitely not bringing my family like oh wow it is really nice that's gorgeous the the venue the ballroom that we're hosting it in is stunning honestly it's gonna be there is there a minor marginalized uh victim class discount do you have a discount jeremy world wants to know if
Starting point is 01:16:37 there's a discount for colored folks marginalized jeremy why are you not coming i'm so confused yeah use the use the code ICE10 for 10%. That guy's 50% of the way there to being one of your stalkers. That's not really that far, but he is 50%. He's on the road to stalkerdom. I really like Jeremy. Yeah, me too. Jeremy is my friend.
Starting point is 01:16:59 He's 75% of the way on being a Sevan stalker. Okay, so the ballroom is where we're having it. Caleb has it up there. And then the Lady Bird studio is where the VIP lounge is going to be. So that's where the VIP tickets have a separate lounge. Wow, that looks nice. Can I see that again? That's the ballroom.
Starting point is 01:17:18 Just like a... Wait, wait. Is that the lounge, Caleb? Without furniture in it? This is the ballroom. I think it's just bin rooms. Let me see the lounge Caleb without furniture in it this is the ballroom I think it's just let me see the lounge I want to picture myself sitting there on the couch between Rhonda Patrick and Tom McCoy I want to see if I can visualize it
Starting point is 01:17:33 yeah yeah be like in my arm around Rhonda and Tom you know I got a podcast don't you the studio here yeah yeah let me see that no shit hey dude that's that that holds 100 guests yeah that's why we we capped that at 100 so it looks awful without the furniture but it's going to be set up like a super cool vip lounge and the speaker is going to be in there
Starting point is 01:17:58 and the food will be served there on that little counter on the side so you will have your own space to eat and we will have lounge furniture and dave and nicole um don like whoever from hq is going to be there will be there yeah ernie garza i'm off to the gym meeting y'all karen convinced evan to go i'll pick him up look at you ernie ernie's coming to help he's volunteering like so ernie's going gonna be there welcoming people at registration and just being a cool guy and he i made him through you that's good yeah these are a great group of people you use them use them i don't like they are being you know what i'm not using them they reached out even suzy tell who is just yeah is she coming fallen in love with it she's helping organize oh dude she's amazing right yeah she's so comfortable in her skin
Starting point is 01:18:47 she could talk to anyone she could walk right up to like prince or fucking anyone she could have a conversation with joe biden yeah and that's tough that's skill that's awesome um also since we last spoke the event was um CME approved. So for physicians, they will be able to get continuing Medicare, continuing Medicare. Oh my gosh. What is going on with me? Continuing medical education credit.
Starting point is 01:19:17 Yeah, you do. I'm like so nervous here. And so it is officially approved for cmes and tell me what does that mean tell me what does that mean um it basically means that for physicians they have to have these cmes um in it depends per state like the period but they have to continually educate themselves through events like ours that are cme approved in order to attain to retain their accreditation.
Starting point is 01:19:47 How did you get that? You have to apply with the medical board or the United States? Well, actually, all credit here goes to Amy Hollingsworth. She, about four years ago, got CrossFit approved as an ACCME provider. And that's huge. No other fitness company that I'm aware of in the world that's accme accredited that's an acc and accme accredited provider like it's incredible uh caleb she's thrown around these letters i'm looking this up uh is that really accme provider oh find a cme
Starting point is 01:20:23 provider okay accreditation council for continued medical education okay it's it's huge it's huge hey so if you're a doctor yeah this is a tax this is free this is basically a tax write-off correct or with your employee employer you'll have a budget so how if you're a cross-fitting doctor why would you not go to this. So if you're a CrossFit doctor, why would you not go to this? Exactly. Because you're on call or working. Just slam dunk. Yeah. Yeah. So put in CrossFit. CrossFit came up there. Yep. Oh, there it is.
Starting point is 01:20:54 No shit. Is that your phone number? Is that your personal private phone number? Yep. There we go. Is that really? No. I was going to be like, blow that shit shit up caleb if you'd like to speak to karen thompson call her at 858-603-2811 it's pretty much your photos text your photos jeremy Man. Yeah, so that's one of the updates. CEUs, we've added two panels. The panels are going to be super, super cool.
Starting point is 01:21:31 The one is called Simple Not Easy. And Miranda from Street Parking is on there. Tom McCoy, Dale King, and Mike Chee will be the moderator. Oh, congratulations. That's cool. Miranda, that's big time. Good job. It's huge, right? oh congratulations that's cool miranda that's that's big time good job right and then the other
Starting point is 01:21:45 panel we have is going to be called um simple not oh that's simple not easy the other one's performance versus fitness and we have tommy wood we have graciano the wall street weightlifter thomas de lauer cj martin and stefan roche is going to be the moderator for that crazy uh stefan roche uh what an insane fucking amount of information he's got uh cj martin maybe the only guy who's been to all 17 crossfit games one of the been on crossfit as long as anybody um on that that's the invictus owner right yeah that's the invictus guy yeah one of the biggest most successful gyms um who you got the loudest thomas yeah thomas is coming and i'm gonna do an it live with thomas on tuesday and we don't know what time because we both have kids and schedule so we're just gonna be like texting like when we can just hop on on
Starting point is 01:22:35 the crossword training instagram if anybody wants to ask questions um that's a huge account it's huge yeah i had a um it IT live with Gabrielle line on that account. I don't know. Sometime recently. I don't even remember the days anymore. And it was awesome. So that's Thomas. And honestly,
Starting point is 01:22:54 Thomas is one of the sweetest, most gracious humans I have ever met. Like in the space. And successful and rich. A YouTube superstar. Huge biceps. Huge biceps. Huge biceps. I touched him on the tricep one time.
Starting point is 01:23:08 I was like, hey, bud. Bam. Oh, shit. You can try Steel Thomas' food as well. Don't try Steel Thomas'. Hey, what's that panel called? Performance what? What was that one?
Starting point is 01:23:18 Versus fitness. So performance versus fitness. Dave last year did a 35-mile ruck with a 35-pound pack with Thomas. Yeah. With like three other guys. Yeah. He said it was fucking crazy. He said everyone's feet were completely destroyed.
Starting point is 01:23:40 They didn't fasted, yeah. Yeah, fasted. Oh, I know Thomas did it fasted. Dave did. Yeah. Somebody offered gummy bears Yeah. Yeah. Fasted. Oh, I know Thomas did it. Fasted. Dave did. Yeah. Look at this. Look at this celebrity. Member.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Nice. Oh, nice. Wow. Those are some interesting sites. Sound effects. I can't believe the size of this crowd. Crazy. High production value here.
Starting point is 01:24:07 So what are the, the panels are, are those, can you go to both panels or will they be happening at the same time? The panel is a part of the day. So essentially we have all the keynote speakers and the panels. We are also including Phoenix, you know,
Starting point is 01:24:22 Phoenix multi-sport. They have collected data on how CrossFit works with addicts and alcoholics and helping them get sober. And they're going to be presenting that as well. I haven't added that to the schedule yet, but that's going to be super, super interesting. And just looking at behavior change and how CrossFit, not only the methodology,
Starting point is 01:24:41 but the community really is at the core of changing behavior for people because it gives you a sense of belonging um uh how do people sign up for the for the panels no no no no no for the for the health summit uh cross the whole thing so crossfit for health and then you can go to the register tab and you can just purchase tickets. Um, yeah. And then we're working on some super cool event t-shirts with go rock. And you know, I love merch. So, um, remember $212 each. Oh, that's nice. Oh yeah. That's cool. Yeah. And everyone always wanted those T-shirts. So we're coming up with one for the actual event.
Starting point is 01:25:28 And as attendees, you will have those. God, the comments should start pouring in really good right now. And there was a 10% off that. I think you gave that. I said it worked. Oh, 10% off for what? You could use code SEVON right here. Oh, we do have a code for SEVON.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Oh, ICE10 does work for 10% off. Oh, Barry, yay! Is he not supposed to say that? No, of course he can. I said thank you. Bingo. Oh, okay. Awesome. Well, shit, that makes everyone feel bad who just got it for 750 buy a second ticket bye too yeah all right karen when's the last day to buy
Starting point is 01:26:16 um like at the event just please keep buying keep keep buying like we're we're adding more and more incredible like speakers and opportunities and partners and fingers crossed for one that i'm just like oh literally like make my life complete but we will have to wait for that but we've got great partners we've got phenomenal like vendor area and people signing up as vendors paper street's going to be there um paper street's actually sponsoring dave workout. So come and hang out with Paulina. Yeah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:26:50 And then obviously Caleb's going to be there. So exciting. And Matt, yeah. And then you as well, Sebi. So we will have a very fun time. Dave's going to be all there. If I come, I'm selling CEO shirts. If you see me at the event
Starting point is 01:27:06 i will be uh i will have ceo uh shirts for sale would it be out of the back of a car or like you know us so well that's exactly right that's exactly right i'll have two short thumping and uh what's my favorite word I keep getting these texts for these UPS scams crazy I keep getting these texts saying that we have a package for you click this link and then
Starting point is 01:27:36 no don't click the link never click the link Greg Gregory Perry Miss Thompson Miss Connor Thompson you mentioned it's good for cme credits any plans to get it accredited for physical therapists etc do you know that i absolutely love every single health care provider community adore? But you know how many there are? Hundreds. And so as much as I would love for us to apply
Starting point is 01:28:10 for every single one of these different groups, we're just not able to. So what we do recommend is that you go to your board, the governing body that governs your profession, and ask them if they will accept our accreditation and convert it to yours. And most people have been successful in that. We've had this, you know, issue throughout the years when it comes to CME, chiropractors, physical therapists, you know, nurse practitioners, nurses, everyone would love to have it specific to their specialty,
Starting point is 01:28:44 but unfortunately I am not able to you know apply for every single specialty i would i would love to maybe in the future when we're bigger but you can ask but you can show whoever you want it to get it accredited by and be like look these people have accredited and maybe get a waiver or like an exam yeah what's it called we'll see if they'll accept it and convert it a one-off yeah um olivia completely off subject but fair it was still good uh carl thompson how long have you been doing dressage i don't know what that is i was an event here i love your horse videos oh my god thank you so much actually okay here's the deal i've've only, it's like when you make the horse like dance, it's beautiful.
Starting point is 01:29:26 It's very controlled and, um, like very specific and you have to ride like very, um, very quietly and give, so the horse's aids is all like very specific to their muscle groups. Right. And so if I'm sitting and I want to get the horse to, to, I have to put very gently put my like inside leg on the girth. See, look, he's switching legs. Oh, my wife does dressage on me. Reverse or? She does. She very gently.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Yes. My wife does dressage. Okay. I didn't know what it was. Okay. Wait, wait. Anyway. But to answer Olivia's question,
Starting point is 01:30:07 I essentially have only been doing it for two years because before then I was like a bit of like an adrenaline junkie and I would do jumping. So show jumping, step on stop. Stephen Flores, I identify as a horse. Are you accepting applications? Sorry. Okay, sorry. It's a serious sport.
Starting point is 01:30:25 Stop fucking around guys. Wait, wait, wait. But my favorite thing in the whole world was, um, like when we would take the horses in, in South Africa and kept on,
Starting point is 01:30:33 on the beach, we would like gallop them on the beach in the morning before sunrise. It was fucking amazing. My wife's a morning galloper too. Uh, your wife does standage standage my god anyway thank you olivia you are more than welcome to message me we can have a proper conversation about this is it can
Starting point is 01:30:55 is it i remember when i had um uh brooke ants on and i was like hey like if if you go to like um this is on the crossfit podcast like if she goes goes, I don't know, like to a hotel somewhere and she goes to the pool. I go, does everyone just stare? She's like, yeah, fucking of course. Do you know who Brooke Entz is? Yeah. Yeah. Is it like that?
Starting point is 01:31:17 I guess you live in Palm Springs. All the dudes are gay. When you go out to people like if you're just in line at the grocery store, mind your own business. Do dudes just stare at you? No, no one looks at me ever, honestly. This is bizarre. Seriously. I have no idea what you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:31:32 I'm literally... I don't... No one looks at Mikey Swoosh when he goes out either. He's adorable. I mean, he's... I know, but people stare at him. I don't know. Dude but people stare at him. I don't know. Dude, people stare at Caleb.
Starting point is 01:31:49 That is true, for sure. Caleb's big with a beautiful mouth. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Caleb was in a Middle East country going, and people were staring at him. Like, what the fuck is that? You know how out of place I look? Do you have a permit for that giraffe? Hey, can I tell you something?
Starting point is 01:32:08 Here's the thing. How awful that she was like, yeah, people stare at me all the time. Like, come on. No, well, I brought it up. I brought it up. I don't think that's awful. I don't think that's awful.
Starting point is 01:32:18 Dude, she's a scene. Her body's a scene. Come on. You expect- That's true. You're right. You're right. Actually, you're 100 right if
Starting point is 01:32:26 she had to be in a bikini it would be uh quite interesting for a lot of people who may not buy into that aesthetic i would know even if you do buy into her aesthetic and if you buy into it yeah i think if she walks by if someone who has a stunning beautiful body walks by who's who's beautiful obviously spends a lot of time working on it they eat right they move right and you don't stare at it you're i think you're a douche it's like someone with tattoo like if someone has a neck tattoo you should you're i think it's you have carte blanche to stare any tattoo that's showing you're allowed to just stare aren't you I think that's why they got it right yeah you drew on yourself they want people to look at it
Starting point is 01:33:10 I would assume yeah I want to enjoy it better fucking check that tat out maybe I could show you something really quick I can tell you when people do stare is when I dance yeah dance
Starting point is 01:33:24 we're going to be dancing at the summit so come on is when I dance. Yeah. Dance. When you dance. We're going to be dancing at the summit, so come on. Thanks, Christine. You have such a cute picture of Savon with an old ass Neanderthal beard. Let me see. I don't know if you guys can...
Starting point is 01:33:44 Oh my God. Do you know who I love? It's Whitney. Who commented. Yeah. Can you guys... Oh, you probably can't see it. Can you guys see that car? Not really. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There you go. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:34:00 Look at that car. What the fuck is that? I don't like the tire. Somebody got out of that? Yeah tires somebody got out of that yeah yeah someone got it so that guy pulls up yesterday at the beach what is that and i just immediately go in and start talking to him it's like a 19 it's three cars put together all from like 1920 like 1923 1924 1927 the car only has one brake light and i just i just um i just uh uh walked in there and started talking to him now you're you obviously you're not that that guy that car is like made and
Starting point is 01:34:33 artificial you just happen to be stunning looking so i just would think that people i would look at you if i saw you i would look at caleb if i saw him too i appreciate that but no one looks at me so i always wonder what it's like for people that get looked at. This is the biggest load of nonsense I've ever heard in my entire life. I have been around you. Maybe you're just not aware of it. You're absolutely
Starting point is 01:34:57 the most aware person in the world. What? Yeah, like if you're a cop, or if you become a Sevan member, people are going to stare at you, like John. Yeah, like if you're a cop if you if you or if you become a sevan member people are going to stare at you like john yeah like there you go and if you wear a ceo t-shirt like people are going to be super excited when they people do actually stare at the ceo t-shirt i think people find it offensive that's that's kind of cool yeah why because i think they think it wrote it um like somehow represents like corporate juggernauts or shit like that. Well, can I ask you,
Starting point is 01:35:25 I've never really met Don. Is he so nice? Don fall. Yeah. Very nice. He's like, my mom wishes I was fucking Don fall. Completely shaven.
Starting point is 01:35:37 You can't tell how old you can't tell if he's 30 or 70 completely shaven, impeccable posture. I'm very courteous um uh walks that fine line between a masculine and bolder uh uh head uh what's what uh homo you know what i mean like he's he's like right like he can go either way what you know what i mean yeah no that sounds terrible no no it's good he's like a chameleon he's like a chameleon he could be he can be he could be very strong if he wanted to but he could also be very effeminate you know what i mean he's a pair of skinny jeans away from as soon as like fuck you
Starting point is 01:36:14 just fucked up seve we're not oh metro metro yeah yeah he can do it all he's a chameleon for sure really he's a fucking marine recon. Yeah. Okay. Well, I'll take your word for it. Caleb could do Metro. Well, Caleb's going to do suit. Like let's not steer away from that version.
Starting point is 01:36:34 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Suit for sure. I like, I like the branding savvy. You should go into branding because that was like, good.
Starting point is 01:36:41 Look at sneaky. Super nice. Still corporate bro. Oh, interesting. Oh, interesting. I think I had a picture. Oh, wow. Listen to Steve.
Starting point is 01:36:49 Steven Flores. The CEO shirt is the MAGA shirt of the CrossFit space. Wow. Damn. That would have offended me a year ago. Now I'm fucking feel like a stud. Wow. Holy shit. Yikes. Oh, there he is. There go cave dastro he's don falls in touch with the divine feminine
Starting point is 01:37:11 and the divine masculine oh my goodness that's really exciting i'm gonna send him a clip of that you're you're so close you you text each other like that no no but i like to push the boundaries that was wait wait how excited are we graciano's here then he's gonna be on a panel yeah that's that's cool you got smarty pants you harvested all the smart people look i honestly can't take credit for that i have to give all credit to nicole and her team for those panels that they put together i would imagine it was like stefan in a big way um and then maggie mullen do you know maggie i don't oh i think she was an intern when i worked there you know yeah she's great oh thank you
Starting point is 01:37:56 caleb say more she is literally one of the most spectacular young people her and megan way that i've ever met in my life i I don't think I know Megan Way. I think Maggie was, when they freed up my enormous salary, she was one of the 75 people they could hire. When they started breaking your bread down and handing it out. Yeah. Well, look what the world has now because of that, Debbie. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 01:38:22 Early mornings with these two hot men. I mean, it's just way better. They burnt my body and they chopped up my body and spread it out to all the seagulls on the beach. They did the same to me but not as bad as you, I suppose. All right.
Starting point is 01:38:40 Thank you for coming on. I'm excited. I'm excited. Maybe I will come. I'm getting excited about it. I'm excited. I'm excited. And maybe I will come. I'm getting excited about it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I've cracked for sure. I've cracked for sure.
Starting point is 01:38:52 Jamie's coming, my son. And he's only coming because you're coming. And he's six foot four right now. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Might be taller than me. How tall are you? About six three. Oh, God, that's hot. Oh my goodness Might be taller than me How tall are you? About 6'3
Starting point is 01:39:07 Oh god that's hot Okay kick me out Bye Karn Thompson love you CrossFit Health Summit see you soon Everyone go to the website and get it Use code SEVON and get some sort of discount Thank you Yes yes yes
Starting point is 01:39:20 Bye Karn We could fly together if you go. That'd be fun. Came in. Yeah, that'd be cool. Came in hot with just taking off the sweatshirt. Yeah. Knows how to capture some attention, huh?
Starting point is 01:39:34 It's so cool. Humans are so cool. Beauty's so great. Is 5'8 hot? Is Jeremy really 6'6"? I don't remember him being that tall. Maybe he is. Was he that tall?
Starting point is 01:39:49 No. 5'6". Definitely shorter than me. Oh, yeah. He was normal height. He's not. Yeah. I think he's like a little bit taller than me, maybe.
Starting point is 01:39:56 Like six foot. I mean, like Thomas DeLauer doesn't go anywhere without someone staring. Like every time Thomas DeLauer, I've been around him, I just stare at his arms the whole time. Yeah, the dude's freaking built. And his arms are ridiculous. They're disproportionate. Let's just face it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:13 It's more than he's built. They're too big. I don't think there's no such thing. There's no such thing as too big. His arms are too big. When talking about the male anatomy, is there such a thing as too big? That's true. Thomas his arms are too big when talking about the male anatomy is there such thing as too big that's true thomas arms thomas arms are perfect um all right uh tomorrow morning something crazy is about to happen. We were supposed to do...
Starting point is 01:40:48 James Fitzgerald was supposed to be on tomorrow. And I was actually really excited about having him on. And then at the last minute, Taylor Self... Should we call Taylor? Yeah. Let's confirm. Let's just confirm. Taylor Self's coming on. And it's going to be a multi-camera shoot and he's going to actually do start doing the wadapalooza workout he's going to do one of the workouts how long
Starting point is 01:41:13 is the workout he's doing do we know what's the time cap is on it i don't know it's going to be a big show who's commentating that is that chase and bill or me and hillar or who's doing that i know i've asked i think Chase offered to do it. So hopefully, um, okay. Hopefully he's, he's in.
Starting point is 01:41:29 I'd like to have Hiller on too, just to steal his star power. This is like where he needs to be used in times like this. Oh, this was funny. I typed in water, lose it. What a pa.
Starting point is 01:41:39 And then I clicked the wrong link. So hello. You probably follow that guy. Dude, every time you've called me from this number, I've ignored it because I think it's this person that lives in Arizona that I don't want to talk to. Oh, does it have a...
Starting point is 01:41:55 Hold on, let me see if I can get you on the main thing. Hold on. Surprise, motherfucker. Are you there? Hello? Hold on, don't go anywhere Taylor Hold on I'm disconnecting and I'm reconnecting
Starting point is 01:42:10 Hold on, hold on I don't know why I have this problem Hey, is it a chick you don't want to talk to? He doesn't want to see my fucking ugly mug He just wants to hear my beautiful voice Hey, is it a chick you don't want to talk to from Arizona Now that you're married? Some beaver?
Starting point is 01:42:24 Some old beaver? No, dude. No. His wife's in the room, too. He's tripping. He's tripping right now. Yeah, sweating. She's not in the fucking room, bro.
Starting point is 01:42:32 She's at Walmart. First off, it's Walmart. Of course she's at Walmart. She's buying you a wedding. She's getting a wedding ring. You gave her your fucking Walmart gift card so your parents gave you for Christmas and she's getting a wedding ring.
Starting point is 01:42:46 Dude, you get all fucking bold When you cut your gay ass man You're a bitch 3,000 miles from me Can't do nothing to me from there Oh shit Okay 21-15-9 Parallel bar dips Hang power cleans Into a 15-12-9 shoulder to overhead bar muscle-ups.
Starting point is 01:43:08 You're doing that tomorrow live on the air? No, I'm doing the lunge row climb one. Oh. And then the interval one. Why did you stop me, douchebag? You made me look like an ass climb. I don't know. I might do the The barbell one
Starting point is 01:43:25 Tuesday but I'm definitely going to do I'll start with the lunge Like 90 foot kettlebell mixed lunge One arm in the front rack one arm overhead With 50s then I'm assuming It's going to be 45 feet down and back I think they're doing that on Really I've never seen that before
Starting point is 01:43:40 Really That's a regional lunge What happens is the lunge down what you'll do is what happens is go lunge down with right arm front rack left arm overhead when you get to the turnaround point you'll switch arms left arm overhead right arm front rack or whatever the opposite is and then come back and then you'll do three rounds it says three rope climbs first is seated but it doesn't say it says first start seated but it doesn't say seated legless so i'm gonna ask JR, but I don't want to do it just seated into a regular rope climb and then watch everyone do seated legless.
Starting point is 01:44:09 So I think I should probably do seated legless. Okay. What do you think, Sousa? Can we ask Dylan? Or no, that's inappropriate. I'm sure you could ask Dylan. I don't have his fucking number, dude. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:20 And if I did, I wouldn't fuck it unless he owed me money. Can you text Dylan and ask him, Sousa? If it's one rep seated or two? Sorry. No, legless. If it's any of its legless. If it's seated legless or if it's just start seated, then use your feet when you get above a certain point.
Starting point is 01:44:37 Okay. Well, wouldn't it say legless rope climb starting seated if it was, in fact, legless? Who knows? It could be like the games. They don't tell you that until you get there. Maybe it's like a surprise. I've never seen a seated rope climb
Starting point is 01:44:49 that they allow you to just go into regular. I don't know, dude. It says it's El Circo, right? Right. The circus. So I'm assuming there's going to be some, you know, I would think seated legless. So it's three rounds,
Starting point is 01:45:01 one seated legless rope climb, two regular rope climb, then 18 toes to bar, then a 90-foot handstand walk. So you do your 90-foot lunge, then you do three rounds of that sequence, and then you finish with another 90-foot kettlebell lunge. So I'll do that at like 10, and then I'll rest like 20 minutes when we can talk about it, and then I'll do the next one. Oh, shit. Okay. How long is that workout going to take is that is that a 10 minute workout or a 20 minute workout how long is that workout i think that's like probably a seven minute workout okay okay so uh we'll go live at 7 a.m uh and probably like we'll see you warming up or something and
Starting point is 01:45:36 then you'll hit it and you'll do the 10 minute workout then you'll rest 20 minutes and you'll hit another one yeah 20 30 minutes we'll talk about it i don't think that'll smoke me that bad i think that's more like muscular limiting um are you stressed out that you're doing it live and that in that like you've been fucking under the radar for two years for movement no oh my movement's always impeccable dude i've sent that video to the group chat of me doing fantasy land six years ago i've been doing crossfit for four months and i have better thrusters than probably anyone in the games field movement wise. And definitely Danny Spiegel,
Starting point is 01:46:06 her reps suck. I'm just thinking to myself, how can I have been doing CrossFit for like four months and I can hit the standards, but these athletes have been at the game seven years and they can't squat low depth. It's crazy, but God,
Starting point is 01:46:17 I love you. I am a little nervous. I'm a little nervous because I don't want to look like a bitch, but also I wouldn't be doing these workouts live if I didn't know I was good at them. Right. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:46:28 Fair. Yeah. Yeah. Fair enough. Yeah. Fuck it. Yeah. Pick that shit.
Starting point is 01:46:30 Picks his battles. Yeah. That's going to be a big show tomorrow morning. That's going to be huge. Yeah. It'll be fun. For some reason, people love seeing bald dudes with mustaches and fucking with their shirts
Starting point is 01:46:39 off, fucking moving weights. Yeah, dude, it'd be fun and it'll be a good pre-show for the weekend um i think we're gonna test our camera setup like we're gonna have two cameras uh i think it'll be cool because we'll do the workout i'll come and talk about it is hillary gonna be there i would like it depends on i don't know who's commentating i'd like to have hillary
Starting point is 01:46:59 there just to like for his star power he'll draw a lot of people to the show tomorrow morning yeah it'd be awesome to have Hiller. Did you see his video about Noah Olsen doing quote-unquote Kelly, but it's the complete wrong workout? That was a while back, right? Was it? It was just the day he posted it. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:47:19 He's made so many Noah videos. No, no. He just posted this. Meanwhile, last week, I wrote Open Workout 11.1 for my gym. I wrote it all in the YouTube video. We're doing 11.1. It's totally a different rep scheme. I hope
Starting point is 01:47:37 Hiller doesn't light me up for it. What is it? I don't know. It's Kelly. Okay, let's play this. Is that what you think? You think? Three rounds per time, 800-meter run.
Starting point is 01:47:51 Noah forgets to mention that Kelly is five rounds. It doesn't matter if the ball is heavier. 30 box jumps, 30 wall balls. The stimulus has completely changed. Oh, and he's using Greg Glass. Yeah, he plays. How tall is that box jump? Hey, but on a career, the first comment says i mean to be fair he literally says it's a variation of kelly which
Starting point is 01:48:11 yeah which is cool i mean like yeah he did say it's a variation i guess i didn't i said this was 11.1 and did the wrong workout listen listen, listen to what people say. He's not even attacking Noah though. That's what's so crazy. Someone's like, who fucking cares, dude? No noob cares if it's Kelly or a variation. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:31 Well, relax. Everyone relax. It's good. 25 pound wall. Well, I haven't, you've never seen a 25.
Starting point is 01:48:43 Did I've been doing, we did a workout with one the other day. It's such a different. The 20 is like an air squat, and the 30 is like a thruster, and the 25 is like this sweet spot in the middle where you can do way more than you probably should, and it messes you up. I'm just watching.
Starting point is 01:48:57 We're editing a video right now, so I'm just watching this video. I have a confirmation on our workout from the man himself. Are we allowed to say? Did the man himself are we allowed to say did he say are we allowed to say yeah he said we're allowed to say because i i told him what we're doing it for okay okay yeah yeah so i just put a quick question is the rope climb in the workout legless or regular if you could give out that info we have taylor doing a live run through the event tomorrow morning he said sure regular but starts with the first rep seated. Meaning you can use legs.
Starting point is 01:49:26 So once you get... So you climb seated until you can get your left... Oh, that's totally different. Then it's definitely, I think, an eight-minute workout. It's fast. It's fast, but muscular limiting. So like a 90-foot lunge on either end is a minute. And then... So you have two minutes of the workout accounted for
Starting point is 01:49:45 then 36 54 toes to bar there's another two minutes max accounted for um probably like probably more like 90 seconds and you've got nine rope climbs so that's another maybe oh man i want to say if i'm hurting that's probably like 90 seconds and then 180 feet 240 feet 270 feet of hands and walking i don't know i mean i think probably seven is a good workout in competition for a good score in competition we'll see tomorrow i don't know how they're setting it up but it'll be fun i'll that in my gym at the same time and you and I will race. That'll give me a good benchmark of the time not to beat. That's what Andy puts on the board every day.
Starting point is 01:50:32 He takes the slowest person's time and he goes TNTB. What's that mean? Time not to beat. That's the shit you post. Time cap. Don't go slower than 20 minutes or you're fucking lazy.
Starting point is 01:50:50 Alright, dude. I'm pumped. Alright, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Okay, yeah. Alright, see ya. Bye. Oh, shit. Is he alone? Yeah, I wonder what she thought. Is she in that episode?
Starting point is 01:51:03 She did. She thought this. What'd she think What'd she uh Oh yeah oh god crazy Crazy Crazy inappropriate Oh can you send Can you send Ariel Yeah that was crazy can you send Ariel a link
Starting point is 01:51:22 I want to know if she thinks that that's inappropriate Okay yeah that was weird Did you mean send Ariel a link? I want to know if she thinks that that's inappropriate. Okay. Yeah, that was weird. Did you mean for it to get like that? It looked like you just went in for like a fake version, and then it just went straight hip to hip. Who went in for what? Who went in for what?
Starting point is 01:51:35 Do you need to watch it? I think you're getting a little confused here. You're CNNing me. You're talking about a clip, and you're not giving the context. Okay, okay. Bring it. Let's see. Let's bring it up.
Starting point is 01:51:43 Can we send Ariel a link? All the footage. I have okay. Let's see. Let's bring it up. Can we send Ariel a link? I have no... Hey, dude. You know who we should bring on to show right now? There's a video that Heber and Mars did I watched yesterday. It's really, really fucking good. It's the 300-pound video.
Starting point is 01:51:59 Have you guys seen that? It's a 16-minute video where they put on 300 pounds. They make themselves weigh 300 pounds and they go into a CrossFit gym and do a crossfit workout and they do a benchmark workout and um there is one thing in there though i really like the video everyone should see the video but um or i could call her if she prefers i call her and doesn't want to click the link i could call her okay can we see uh suza hugging but anyway there's a point in there where none of those dudes get below parallel in their squats and there's a point in there where like they talk about how they're getting full range of motion i'm like you guys ain't getting full range of motion oh look oh she's in her spot with her kid yeah we're doing crafts good morning yeah miss lo and what's up girl not much you caught
Starting point is 01:52:47 me unprepared so oh good okay perfect we just finished episode two and there was there were a few things that stood out i don't know if you saw dylan waving at the camera he made his first appearance no i didn't catch that do we know know about that? Uh-oh, she froze. Ariel, you froze. Oh, great question. Ariel, do you share a toothbrush with Dylan? That's a great question. Okay, you froze. Say that again.
Starting point is 01:53:14 Where is it that he waves to the camera? You had just talked to Shelby Neal, and she was on the bike killing it. Oh, yeah, yeah. I was just fixated on her coach. Okay, shit. Okay, yeah, yeah. I was just fixated on her coach. Okay, shit. Okay, I missed that. Yeah, but you like pan out to get the full view of the warm-up area. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:33 And Dylan's just in the corner just waving like Forrest Gump. Awesome. Yeah. And then so that was the fight. Do you got it, Caleb? Did you find it? Okay, here we go. You got to watch the bottom right hand.
Starting point is 01:53:46 Wait, wait. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, okay. Wow. And then... Oh, shit, it is Schwarzkopf. Oh, my God. Hi.
Starting point is 01:54:01 That's so funny. Yeah. Hey, can your daughter hear us,riel she can't should i put on headphones no it's okay i was gonna show you this thing that i do to my wife sometime like like one more i'll just tell you i'll just tell you okay we'll be driving and she won't i'll be driving and she won't be paying attention she'll just be sitting there and i'll just put my hand like on her wrist you know like like i, like I'm being affectionate. And then I take her wrist, you know, like I'm holding it like this from the top and I just start going like that.
Starting point is 01:54:30 Speaking of, and then she'll look at me and it takes her a second to figure it out every time. It's like, it's like when I fart in the car too, my wife, I roll up all the windows and I fart and I'm just, and I, you know, it starts smelling so bad in there. And I'll be like, you love the smell of my fart. She's like, Oh my God, no and then she panics but i know she does she does yeah but speaking of inappropriate things we got to bring it up who's uh wait episode two wow yeah yeah okay let's roll the tape as they say on the buttery bros let's see the footage what did you think before we show it what did
Starting point is 01:55:02 you think because that i Because I was a little I was like, whoa. We really didn't say anything all episode because we're listening. But as soon as we saw the hug, me and Dola just rewind it. It's intimate. It's intimate.
Starting point is 01:55:20 And I'm an intimate hugger, but that was intimate. I hope you bought her lunch before that hug or something damn more than that damn hey why do you think there was a discrepancy in the relationship shortly after the games where was that was that oh oh he's getting close to it he's getting close to it i can see him searching for it. That part is left on the cutting room floor.
Starting point is 01:55:48 It's towards the end of the episode, I believe. Pelvic hug, yeah, for sure. Dylan, we're live. What's up, Dylan? Dylan, are you coming on the show? Yeah. Do we have you scheduled?
Starting point is 01:56:05 Not yet. Fuck, what you scheduled? Not yet. Fuck. What is it? I'm out of here. Fuck you. I think you need to get a new executive. This is out. We'll not take that abuse.
Starting point is 01:56:17 Ridiculous. Heck yeah. But now, yeah, I told Sousa, just give me more than one day's heads up, and I'm good to go. Hey, Ariel was good with five minutes heads up.
Starting point is 01:56:28 Dude, what's going on? Yeah. I got a business to run, bro. Do you just – no, it's a lot. Games athletes have nothing but time on their hands. Dude, look at that wine rack. Oh, yeah. Dylan, did you build that?
Starting point is 01:56:43 I had somebody build it. He designed it. He designed it. I designed it. Yeah, that's nice. That's freaking sweet. So I signed up for a wine subscription just to fill it up, but we don't actually drink wine. Well, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:56:55 It's filling up. All for show. All for show. But right at the top, I have my third place podium champagne. I told Laura, do not pop it. Nobody touch this. I'm bringing it home. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:57:08 Oh, that is cool. Hey, does it say something on there? Does it say like CrossFit or anything on it? No. Hey, I got some kind of bad news for you. Ready? I'm ready. You don't want wine up there that high or anything alcohol because it's hot up
Starting point is 01:57:26 there and wine's supposed to be kept cool all right that's all i'm gonna say all right i'm done that's perfect because we don't ever plan on drinking it all right fine yeah wine for alcoholics does it does wine not get better over time yeah but i don't know if you want it warm up there it's going to turn into vinegar. Nice. Cool. We'll keep that in mind, though. All right. Sorry. Didn't mean to fuck it up.
Starting point is 01:57:49 But it looks really cool. Thanks. Appreciate it. Yeah, it looks very cool. I'm actually about to head out. I got to go to work because since we're leaving next week for Waterpalooza, I got to get the job done. Someone has to pay the bills. Ariel's not making enough money.
Starting point is 01:58:04 Someone can't be just sitting around doing crafts all day with the kids exactly we can't all live your life you know yes yes I understand awesome we all have a great day alright I'll see you soon
Starting point is 01:58:19 hey when you're out there working today I want you to think of stories that will make you extremely vulnerable and will put your marriage on borderline sensitive ground when you come on. I want to hear some really sensitive stories. You see that eye? Yeah. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:58:37 The cameras got me weird. She hit you. Yeah, she hit you. Can't wait. Ask me about that story when you bring me on. All right, all right. We got it. There it is.
Starting point is 01:58:49 And I still married her. Yeah, I understand. Because I knew she was a cash cow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everyone needs a cash cow. Oh, that's going to be fun. Okay, let's see. Let's pull up the Sousa hug. And that's it for fun okay let's see let's pull up this let's pull up the suza hug
Starting point is 01:59:06 and that's it for the show today guys thank you so much suza do you know where it's at no i think it got cut it's towards the end before don fall starts talking just right at the end of the credits caleb just go to the credits, Caleb. Just go to the credits. Just bring that up and we'll see. Dylan's my new favorite person. Yeah, he's great.
Starting point is 01:59:31 We had dinner with Dylan almost every night at the hotel upstairs. It was actually really cool and special and unexpected. He gave me something. Yeah, he made any excuse to go up to talk to you guys for dinner that he's like, Ariel, sign this card. I need to go talk to Siobhan and give it to him. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:53 So he gave me this there and then it's a signed Ariel Loewen card and then he got to sit at the dinner table every night. A peace offering, if you will. God, that was fun. The Mint training cards. I wonder if they even make this one anymore no i don't think they do this is a wad zombie this is when you call them wad zombies see caleb can't find it it's oh wait damn i just saw it there all right caleb oh here we go here we go okay stand by everyone hey if you haven't paid the membership
Starting point is 02:00:24 fee turn this off you're not allowed to see this okay here we go j Here we go. Okay. Stand by everyone. If you haven't paid the membership fee, turn this off. You're not allowed to see this. Okay. Here we go. Jody, you can see it. You've Joe, except for Jody. Yeah. She's VIP.
Starting point is 02:00:32 Okay. Here we go. God, that was. Everybody has to give you time. What the hell? What the hell was that? Okay. Hold on.
Starting point is 02:00:41 Hold on. Hold on. Like, Oh, who went for the hug? Who came? Wow. Wow. was that okay hold on hold on hold on like oh who went for the hug who came wow wow holy you can't watch this i have arrived i have arrived oh but look at the space there's space for jesus here we're good all right all right thank you all right hey ariel have you heard that that was good kayla have you heard that space for jesus that what parents tell their kids before they go to a dance leave space for jesus kayla bring that back a little bit let's see who who who's more embraced who let's go first let's just get all
Starting point is 02:01:12 the context here guys let's okay okay so who leans to who oh hey oh she gets excited and sees she dives in latches son and then oh but but you did go for an extra squeeze, Sousa, there. Who did an extra squeeze? I don't see his right hand. I don't see his right hand. Interesting. Don't worry about that right hand, Ariel. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 02:01:37 And then it lingers on the back. It does. It lingers. Y'all are welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. Hey, what's it like watching the behind the scenes for you? It's fun, but I'm so selfish.
Starting point is 02:01:52 I'm like, okay, when am I going to be there? When does Dylan show it up? But it'll come. Have you been in it yet? No. The only thing that's been in it is Dylan's wave. You weren't in it in the morning in the bike area? Mm-hmm. She was.
Starting point is 02:02:07 I was? Yeah, the conversation was actually about, like, you said that they didn't have to wear a shirt, so you came out in sportswear because it was super hot and knew it was, and then last minute they're like, hey, you have to wear a shirt here. Oh, is that part three? No. I don't think I've seen that part yet. I think you're right.
Starting point is 02:02:24 Boiler alert Oh, oops Let's just say you make an appearance And I heard Dylan's a stud In the next episode Damn No, that's a teaser That's a teaser
Starting point is 02:02:40 Look at Sarah here Alright, you think You think Suze's marriage is going to survive that? I wouldn't let her watch episode two. No. The Daniel Brandon energy. Damn. Wait, how long have you guys been friends, Sousa?
Starting point is 02:03:01 I went to high school with her. No, that's the first time he's ever met daniel brandy you ever never met her before what the fuck are you talking about i know i did meet her one time before but yeah you're basically right that's hilarious that's so funny yeah it's awkward it's awkward they're seeing everyone for the first time all sorts of awkward shit's happening it's awkward that wasn't that was that was smooth operator dude oh yeah sorry except for that that was smooth i don't know you need to put up a poll inappropriate or not and just show the hug on luke hey did you when you're there when you're there um uh do you
Starting point is 02:03:37 handle all of those introductions well like the you know the first two days are always kind of a little weird like hi you're seeing everyone for the first time in a year. You OK with that or do you not like that part? I hate that part. I love it. I'm very secluded, like 90 percent of the year, 10 percent of the year is at competitions. And I know it's such a small window that I just eat it up. And then by the time I fly home, my social bubble is just gone.
Starting point is 02:04:02 And I'm like, I'm going to be in my home for three days. fly home my social bubble is just gone and i'm like i'm just gonna be in my home for three days you probably you probably like it too because you earn the right to be there and you're just more comfortable in your skin there and you know you belong there and i'm just kind of like just they're just exploiting people yeah that was your rookie year yeah it was my rookie year all right dear well thank you so much for coming on. What a great surprise. Yeah, you're welcome. You going to Miami? I'm not.
Starting point is 02:04:30 No. Anybody's from Savan? Taylor and JR will be there and Patrick Rios will be there. Okay, cool. I'll see you guys there. All right. Hey, what are you doing there? What are you doing individual and team?
Starting point is 02:04:43 Actually, just individual. I didn't get asked to be on a team, but me and Dylan talked about this and he was like, at this point, you have to do the asking and I didn't do any asking. So it's my own fault. Yeah. That's probably true. I completely agree with him.
Starting point is 02:04:58 Yeah. But you're going there to get the money. Yes. Yeah. Good. All right. We'll be in touch. We'll be bugging you no pressure we'll send you links throughout the week the week but no pressure but if you can come on yeah if you
Starting point is 02:05:11 can't fine or you can always pass it off to to uh dylan the black guy boy is he going he is going he he's roped in he has to go to every competition with me now as much okay i love it yeah okay i told him okay no no go ahead no no tell him no. Okay. No, no, go ahead. No, no. Tell him. No, no. We're not in a hurry. Go ahead. We were talking about Christmas presents and I was like, hey, also with your Christmas presents, I got you a free trip to London, to the games, to Waterpalooza, all this stuff. And he's like, what you see as vacation, I see as stress because that means I've gone from work for a week. So we have two different, I'm on vacation. He's on work stress.
Starting point is 02:05:48 So it's a fun dynamic. Well, I love it. And Hey, we're going to be rooting for you. Everyone here at the seven on podcast. Thank you. You're the best.
Starting point is 02:05:54 Hey, thanks Beaver. I know he's already been telling me I'm going to kill it. So I ended up. Okay, good. Yeah, you are great.
Starting point is 02:06:01 You're going to do great. Bye. Bye. you are have a good night bye that big fucking fat pot of cash yeah me too
Starting point is 02:06:11 I really like them Amy I want a DB hug everyone does listen we're only picking on Susie because everyone's jealous yeah I was hoping she was going to say it wasn't, wasn't inappropriate.
Starting point is 02:06:27 And then she just went hard with like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't let your wife see it. Uh, vindicate, uh,
Starting point is 02:06:36 VNDK CEO shirts. Ariel did a water Palooza meet and greet last year at the paper street booth. Super gracious with everyone. Yeah. She's cool. She's cool. She, she had dinner with us half the nights too her and dylan and she um she was the first person at wadapalooza three years ago that like kind of came up and she's like hi hey susan i was like can i interview you and she's like yeah and that was the first person i ever pointed the camera at god yeah that yeah, that's a good one.
Starting point is 02:07:05 Second person was Sarah Sigmundsdottir. Second attempt. Second attempt. Yeah, I got all high and mighty. I was like, I got this. Easy day. All right. Thank you, everyone.
Starting point is 02:07:22 Tomorrow morning, Taylor Self, episode three. They're only going to get better and better. Oh, look at that. Connor Thompson confirmed we will have a Sousa hugging booth at the CrossFit Health Summit. Holy shit. Damn. That's included for the VIP members. $1 for a hug, $2 for kisses.
Starting point is 02:07:41 Vittorio, she didn't run away. That's good. Yeah, probably because I was holding onto her. Pepe Le Pew style. All right, guys. See you in the morning. Also, tomorrow evening, Miranda Alcarez,
Starting point is 02:07:59 the owner of Street Parking, the powerhouse that is Street Parking, its fearless leader, will be on the show tomorrow evening. All right. Love you guys. Bye-bye.

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