The Sevan Podcast - BEHIND THE SCENES Part 3 | Post show

Episode Date: January 11, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
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Starting point is 00:01:01 It's there. Bam. We're live. It's there. Heather, Heather, it's there. Somebody, we're live. It's there, Heather. Heather, it's there. Somebody already watched it.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Oh, yeah. It's there. It's there. It's there. Hey. Text them. I want to give... I think we should uh two brain business links to all the shows like a week before they came out come out so they can give it to all their employees oh for sure you
Starting point is 00:01:34 like that yeah i love that okay without them without ca peptides like we wouldn't be having this conversation okay okay you know oh okay good all right yeah mad love for them two-brand business ca peptides so so good to us so i got this idea or maybe maybe it was your idea it's probably your idea um friday night okay Three weeks in a row. Yep. Taylor self versus the world. We won Taylor versus Colton week to Taylor versus Dallin week three Taylor versus James Sprague. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Backup quarterback Jason Hopper in case one of those dudes can't make it. Or maybe we bring Jason in one week too too, if he wants to come in. Fuck it. He talks some good shit, right? Yeah. Yeah. Dude, those guys mic'd up doing the open workout. Look it.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Look it. Can I make a shirt? Fuck. We would be honored. Wait, no. Oh, there. Can I make a shirt? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Hell yeah. Dude, that'd be awesome. Oh, there we Can I make a shirt? Yeah, hell yeah. Dude, that'd be awesome. Oh, there we go. Oh, so can I be here if I haven't watched behind the... No, no, not at all. Lots of spoiler alerts. No Latin American people. And no, yeah, you can watch it.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Yeah, you can be here. Of course you can. This is a show strictly for the victim class. Hey, oh, shoot. Jeremy's saying we should, okay, guys,
Starting point is 00:03:09 this show's over. We're moving the show to 730 because Jeremy World can't see it until 730. Okay. We're not going to ruin anything for you. This show, the purpose of this show is not to ruin it for people. It's to make people feel bad who
Starting point is 00:03:25 aren't members yet that's it like sean sullivan like hey what's up it's not like you yeah that's it promo uh is brian uh friend what the fuck is brian friend doing a show at the same time i hope so there's stuff for everybody it's abundant out there uh Seban I have to say you look 10 years older with your haircut and your beard nicely groomed thank you glasses off glasses on
Starting point is 00:03:59 okay who gives a fuck how old I look you look good fuck like a rockstar um I'm just excited Okay, who gives a fuck how old I look? You look good. Fuck like a rock star. I'm just excited. I'm just excited. Adrian Bosman, Dave Castro. I'm going to go through the list of people.
Starting point is 00:04:16 I don't give a fuck about Justin. Who said that? God, you know what I was thinking? The last couple of years have been tough for Justin LaFrancoranco justin berg and justin medeiros yeah 2023 wasn't great i was actually thinking that pedro you know like um uh uh someone to who does shark week um oh discovery channel discovery channel thank you uh coffee pods and wads caught you can see now ped Pedro. Justin Week. Monday. Justin LaFranco.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Wednesday. Justin Berg. Friday. Justin Medeiros. Nice. If you don't do it, Pedro, I'm going to do it. Oh, I got a shirt today from Pedro. Oh, you did?
Starting point is 00:05:02 Cool. This is my wool cap from Filson. Name dropped there. I have it on backwards, yeah. It's a $110 little something. No big deal. Not these days. No.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Five members. I think of everything in terms of members. Today, I filled up my gas tank. I put in three members. Oh, my goodness local coffee shop that's a member i don't think very many people can beat justin madaris up no no i don't think so that's not a fight i would again i'm not saying i'm not saying that um i'm not saying that lazard can't hold his own i just uh it's gonna go to the ground and justin's gonna do some weird shit to you he was a wrestler guys don't forget yeah he he he um he takes ellie when he wants to there's no no one stops him he could take any he could he could have cole gray shaver did you see that shot at 12 49 with the bike seat posted
Starting point is 00:06:04 stuck right in gray shaver did you see that shot at 12 49 with the bike seat posted stuck right in gray shaver's ass that is so inappropriate will not tolerate that kind of editing that was crazy or perfectly appropriate who filmed that is that me doing that just perving out there's gonna there's gonna have to be a someone's gonna have to ask that i not show up and do the behind the scenes next year who were you interviewing when you panned over to that? He's such a pervert the way he films the girls and Gray Shaber's ass. Oh, look, this guy
Starting point is 00:06:31 put a little accent over my name. This is Savant. Oh, here we go. Patrick, oh, money shot, yeah. Crazy. Crazy, crazy. His,
Starting point is 00:06:47 his shorts. I know this isn't going to go over well, but whatever his shorts say, um, uh, get that shot of me. Yeah. Uh, six,
Starting point is 00:06:57 four, two 30 CrossFit lean, mean fighting machine. Yeah. A gray shaver. Yeah. It's a big boy, big juicy butt,
Starting point is 00:07:02 but there's a part, there's a, there's a, you gotta see it. 1248. I can't even tell you. 1248 scroll to 12ver. Yeah, it's a big boy big juicy butt, but there's a part there's a there's a you got to see it 1248 I can't even tell you 1248 scroll to 1248 You don't want me to bring it up on here. Do they get us? Nah, nah, nah, that's too crass That's too fast for here. You can bring in some other stuff to hop for TV. Yeah You want to bring up that clip from kettleettlebells and Cocktails, the satire clip, or no? Did you ever watch that?
Starting point is 00:07:30 I did watch that after we talked about it. Is that satire? Where's Caleb? We need a poll. Did this audience know what we're talking about should we no do you guys want to see something pretty wild you have to queue it up just perfectly right at that do you know can you play it from the clip that was that um yeah someone put it in the thread at the exact hold on i i think i can find it really easy i have trouble bringing those up without
Starting point is 00:08:03 screwing it up. The tier water Palooza games. I know we're going to, uh, Oh, here it is. Okay. This is not what this show is about,
Starting point is 00:08:11 but someone showed me this today. Can you set up a poll? Yeah. Okay. I could do. I want to apologize in advance to Nikki and Joe. If this is not satire. And if this is satire,
Starting point is 00:08:25 Joe, I would love to have you on the show Regularly like a five-minute piece If this is satire, I would love to just have you on regularly and do this on the show because this is wild, okay this is a I'm not sure what this is actually hold Hold on. This is on the Kettlebells and Cocktails YouTube page, and it's called The Weekly Buzz with reporter Nicole, Nikki, Nikki Brazier. She's also in this episode of the behind-the-scenes interviewing Emma Lawson. And I saw her throughout the weekend doing the behind-the-scenes. She's working her ass off.
Starting point is 00:09:08 And I did meet Joe, and I met his lovely girlfriend or his lovely wife. But today someone sent me this, and I – this is the only piece that I've – they didn't send me this YouTube clip. They sent me a clip of this, but I'm dying to know if this is – oh, wait, what's this uh kevin gainey a lazar and justin in a boxing match would kill on members only uh thank you okay i i i think this might be well did you set up a poll i got the poll ready no shit satire and i'll start it as soon as you play it if you think this is satire yes if you think this is real uh no okay uh here we go picture there yeah yeah who are sort of some of the names that we haven't been focusing on as much but yeah well colton mertens is one um who showed up for me and
Starting point is 00:10:01 and maybe he maybe he was out there before just for you jeff just for you guillermo harrows james sprague competing on the individual was that just an edit yeah it was that was your board luke parker nick i think we knew nick matthew actually yeah yeah sam corner so a lot of a lot of folks there i did see that unless i'm i think that Travis Meyer what was that joe's the guy and joe is uh the guy in charge of the morning chalk up he's taking over he's the head honcho over there dropped offpped off the individual leaderboard, but has stayed on the team leaderboard. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:10:50 I was going to say we have. Okay, good. What? That was like 30 seconds of just like, what the fuck just happened? Please tell me that's satire. Because Laura Horvath just popped on my radar, I think. I hadn't seen him compete in a while because he was injured and then had some struggles.
Starting point is 00:11:07 So that would have been great to see. But yes, if he... Oh, shit. If he did have a stroke, I apologize. If you guys ever see me doing that, someone call my girlfriend. Someone has to do, like, an intervention. Is that what that's called?
Starting point is 00:11:20 Someone has to text my wife. Better than LeFranco. If it was satire, it's brilliant. Does it have that dry sense of humor? He's too stoned. I don't think that's stoned. That's something weird happened in the edit or something. It's garbled.
Starting point is 00:11:44 It is more like a stroke but i thought it would be funny if i had that guy come on for like five minutes and i interviewed him and like caleb was nice to him but i like i made fun of him because he stuttered like he was just a garbled mess you know what i mean the whole time like what did you say shut the fuck what uh seven shot of the girls brushing a dirt off each other's butts has been on repeat oh is that what they were doing i was wondering what was going on i don't remember that shot how'd that sneak in there yeah it's only old perverts see that shot man i think that dude might be actually good at pronouncing names i think it's just a
Starting point is 00:12:21 like something happened or to him or something maybe it's freezing uh was that clip satire yes no oh okay i'm in the minority again i'm part of the marginalized class i think it might probably be satire we'll check back in later to see how many more uh votes pop up here oh that that this uh poll is sponsored by fergie. For $4.99, you too can sponsor a poll. Hey, we should do that. Does anyone want to put up a poll? Oh, shit. $49.99 for a poll. Hey, you put in what you want the poll to be, and then yes or no, and you put in the super chat.
Starting point is 00:12:55 There's a chance we'll put it up. How many polls can you do run simultaneously? Simultaneously? I don't know, but I know I think we could just keep doing them. Once you go black, you never go back. jeffrey burschield i'm with you someone yes that's got to be satire but it would be a great i need i want the show to be like sesame street and have like different characters and if he wants to do um uh like stuttering joe that would be dope someone said that he would be offended if i asked i don't think he would be.
Starting point is 00:13:25 He's a, he's a professional. He can, he understands. Professionals here. One poll at a time, but we could close and open as many as we'd like. I did the assault bike today.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Did like 115 calories in 10 minutes. And then I did, 10 calories 145 pound bench press for seven reps 10 rounds nice just chilling you know just go through the zone two pace on that zone two my mental health pace yeah good good Yeah, good, good. Adrian, this is the – oh, oh. Episode 3 for Behind the Scenes is out for members.
Starting point is 00:14:16 This is a show where we make you feel bad if you don't have a membership, and we're going to go through all the names of the people. That's Matt Souza, the executive producer for the 7-Hour Podcast, and joining us today will be Sleeky.rian bosman's in it uh dave castro nicole christiansen there were some volunteers dave eubanks chuck carswell's in it quite a bit yeah no social media for chuck it's weird he's just off the radar no social media for i wonder what he does when he takes poop great question hey i'm gonna ask him that behind the scenes next year yeah I wonder what he does when he takes poop. Great question.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Hey, I'm going to ask him that behind the scenes next year. Yeah. Is he going to old school magazine rack next to it or whatever? Yeah. Will you remind me of that question? That's good. I will. Hey, that's just a great question for me to ask everyone.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Do you social media when you poop? I just assume that's like, for me, that's either social media or that's the that's the thread Hmm, that's the thread check, you know, I love it The more I see of Adrian Bosman the more I like the dude can it still app yeah, he's oh, yeah Yeah, a Sean Rockett the orthopedic surgeon Who's been there for since the dawn of time? No, not not not Playboy magazine on the The toilet's the last place you want a hard on Hard on's so unmanageable
Starting point is 00:15:31 When you're sitting on the toilet People are saying some disgusting stuff in the chat Clean it up Wow Come on Adorable i should send i was actually thinking i should go through here and probably some of these people i should send them links so they can see themselves in the show oh like sit on their episode yeah that'd be good grace recognized fee's voice from
Starting point is 00:16:00 like i was watching in the other room and she's like is that fee sick coffee and i was like yeah how the fuck did you know that? She's like, she just has a voice. I don't know. I can remember. No, I don't do any poop or butt stuff. Seve, you never got a blumpkin? No.
Starting point is 00:16:16 What? No, no. The doc crew is in the film. You can see the doc crew. I don't think the doc is out yet. I haven't heard anything about it. I don't think we'll ever see it. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Ariel Lowen. I gave a spoiler alert last time because I got my episodes mixed up. Did you see when I was filming with Ariel Lohan, Sidney Wells was eyeing the camera. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Did you end up ever having a moment with her, talking with her? No. Sidney, you could be a star.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I've DM'd you. It's kind of interesting with the Wells sisters, right? Like, I feel like there's no real reason why they shouldn't, haven't been on the show, aren't friends of the show, but they're kind of not. No. I like both of them a lot. i like both of them a lot i like both of them a lot i think most people are afraid to interview brooke wells why she gets like snappy or something no she's just she can be hard to interview
Starting point is 00:17:14 oh not for you you interview olivia kirsten you're good to go yeah i would i would totally uplift her i don't know why i've dm both of them like three accounts back. I DM'd them. Maybe they DM'd back. Hey, I'm not going to ask you if you only date black guys exclusively or what your thoughts are on the vaccine or anything like that. I'm going to be cool to you. Like people, like no one gets ambushed on the show. It's all good. It's good.
Starting point is 00:17:44 I take the temperature. I take all good. It's good. I take the temperature. I take your temperature and we just roll slow roll. Yeah. I'm not like, I'm not even like really like a real journalist. I'm not even that good. I, I,
Starting point is 00:17:54 I let the other people dictate. I play, I play the idiot, the bad cop and the bully. And I, and I make you look good. I just shoot shots close to the basket and let you dunk you can dunk all day and the reason why i said olivia kirsten it wasn't a
Starting point is 00:18:12 dig at her it was because very difficult interview very difficult she's like a six well it's probably 17 i'm like 16 year old girl you know that's like super excited and also really kind of shy and trying to like figure it out and still made that was way easier to interview the first time i interviewed her than the second time after she spent a year at proven with brooke wells she became exceedingly more difficult to interview which was kind of weird right yeah i wonder if they do like a media thing there they train you a little bit um kenneth uh delab you do make every guest look amazing savon thank you i humbly say i know but i will say this sometimes it pisses me off how good that they look on the show and at the end i get off like fuck suze i can't stand that guest and then you guys fell in love with them i'm like son
Starting point is 00:18:52 or for me i was like that was awesome that was so good you're like really i thought it was terrible i'm like what i thought you loved them like it's. I like it when someone comes on the show and I'm just sweating balls asking them questions, just working my ass off. And then afterwards, they call me and they're like, man, that show is great. People really like me. You should have me on again. I'm like, oh. Fuck. Fucking pulled my taint interviewing you.
Starting point is 00:19:20 I stress so hard. That's right. Now you guys know why his back hurts so much from carrying all these guests around yeah yeah i do i do want to have the um uh no i don't think they're stuck up brookwell seems to have gotten stuck up i think that she's really shy i think so too i think that could be maybe perceived as that way but i feel like i think they're really shy and timid yeah yeah but when you see her interact with other people and stuff i don't get that feeling at all but but then again i don't know her yeah can we call cold call laura again soon soon it's coming she has she i she's in she's soon you know who's in next week's show
Starting point is 00:19:58 is i'm rich froning i saw a clip did you see it yeah i I saw the clip. And I think he's in quite a few shows. Yeah. Ariel Lohn, Heber and Mars, the Buttery Bros. I get to see them in action. Marcus McClain, he was the country manager for Germany. Lost the eraser to my pencil. He was the country manager for Germany, but I don't think he is anymore. But he's one of my favorites.
Starting point is 00:20:32 He's working. He's working the bike event. Good dude. Marcus McLean. Marcus McLean actually was on the CrossFit podcast. And in that episode, he tells me a story about being attacked by the Taliban. And you want to hear what's crazy? The videos of his fight with the Taliban are on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Whoa. So we showed them on the show. They're just from security cameras all over the base. The Taliban attacked his base that he was in. I wonder if there's anyone here in the chat who remembers that show. So we actually went to the YouTube station. We showed the battle between him and the Taliban. that he was in i wonder if there's anyone here in the in the chat who remembers that show so we actually went to the youtube station we showed the battle between him and the taliban and he was driving in a car on the base and a bullet went into his car into the back seat of his headrest
Starting point is 00:21:16 and missed his brain by like a quarter of an inch and i think it turned him into a man of faith yeah there we are wow crazy suza there he is talking about the attack that shit crazy right yep yeah that guy's in the video look at that that setup was cool excuse me excuse me hector it's not wadapalooza it's tear wadapalooza. It's Tear Wadapalooza. Come on, Hector. Sevan, did you see Tear Wadapalooza Mayhem Team's name? I will. 20 burpees, Hector. It's Tear Wadapalooza Mayhem Team's name. Sleeky. Mac is one of the best humans I know. Jesus, Sleeky knows everybody. Sleeky knows everyone.
Starting point is 00:22:04 I wanted to show you something hey check this out you think that i here should be listen barry barry mccalkin yourself barry mccalkin yourself tear band rad dude they paid it's tier Wadapalooza. They paid to be the fucking sponsor. Why would they let another shoe company there? This isn't the fucking Sevan podcast where you just bring everyone in and love on everyone. All boats make all tides lift up more boats and tides. It's not like that in their business. Yeah, they got contracts and shit.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah. This ain't the Sevan podcast where he's just giving handies to everyone hey check it out you think i was influenced by your show early on damn coach jesse's interview at crosswind livermore podcast and but the setup dude i straight ripped your exact setup god i love it look at that first aid kit that's virtue signaling look at who's a virtue signaling god i just love i this seven's barn has an instagram account i started following it no it doesn't really by the way guys there's so many of you I've been trying to follow that they just won't let me follow.
Starting point is 00:23:27 I can only follow four or five a day. So anyone who's like, I can't believe he doesn't follow me. Like, I think I tried to follow Vindicate yesterday and they're like, sorry, you reach your max. They got you on the shortly show there at IG, huh? Hey, at 51 years old, there are some savvyve stories that come up like once every three shows. Just imagine when I'm 61. It's gonna be like every show. You don't follow me? Yeah, I would.
Starting point is 00:23:52 If I saw your shit pop up, I'd follow you. I think I follow Cave. Yeah, I'm okay with fucking them banning Rad. Fuck all those guys anyway. Those guys are all stupid for not sponsoring this podcast. Anyone who's not sponsoring this podcast, go fuck yourself. You're stupid.
Starting point is 00:24:11 And I don't mean that just because I want your money. You just are stupid. What else do you do with your time? There's one pair of shoes that Tear just came out with that I would really like to try. I would really like to try i would really like to try them i suspect i i won't like them but it sure looks like i would love them we're gonna should we give them some love should we show it on the site here wadapalooza sure sure literally says it on their website you used to follow my business account on one of my old um accounts not those i tried on a pair of their shoes and they were absolutely horrible but then i saw this pair of shoes oh that's it that's it i really want to try those now don't get me wrong
Starting point is 00:24:57 i know that they're hideous looking but that the thought of of those actually working and in me liking those that that new Drop Zero Barefoot Trainer. I would just wear those every day. I only train barefoot. Barefoot trainer. You're a dipshit. Just train barefoot. But that looks like a dope shoe.
Starting point is 00:25:15 I can't stand the color. But, man, the shape and the Velcro, I love all that. You think those actually are good? I don't know. Let me read the reviews on those real quick let me just see that i'm not i'm not gonna buy yeah i'm not gonna buy any shoes that's the thing okay uh comfy oh oh god that feels fake as fuck doesn't it comfy just all that all that seems fake yeah because there's this is the only review i trust the four star yeah why did you only give it a four star i don't know but i trust it in on on christmas day that's a bot how about this one oh that's all on christmas day how about this one they even
Starting point is 00:25:59 fit with my bunion oh right here yeah yeah anyway those shoes look amazing tier is very narrow yeah but not those not these these this is the nano 2 cut right here yeah this is that this is that military cut shoe that's that that's the that's that format i forget what it's called that's that wide soul. Welcome to BMO ETFs. Where do you get your insights? Volatility has continued to be a hot topic. I think the Fed does have other cards to play. Are these mega cap tech companies here to stay?
Starting point is 00:26:43 Never before has there been a better time to be an ETF investor. BMO ETFs presents Views from the Desk, a show all about markets and investing with ETFs. New episodes every Thursday morning. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea, streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. me out of the water no matter what disney's young woman and the sea streaming on disney plus this friday they got all black pair they do yeah hold on no i don't think they do they do they do i just saw it right here oh shit wow yeah see now you're in business. Let me see that. What's the biggest size they have that in? Do they have that in a 14? Yeah. Let me see. Right here. Oh, weird. It doesn't show you the drop-down menu on the shared screen. Oh.
Starting point is 00:27:52 But they got it. They got all the way from 4.5 min to 14. God, those would look crazy in a 14. I have a friend who has a size 14. Hey, that's my friend with the giant. Is it? Yep. I was just going to ask that, but I thought it was too lame of a joke. But Hey, that's the dude. That's my friend with the giant. Is it? Yep. I was just going to ask that,
Starting point is 00:28:07 but I thought it was too lame of a joke, but I guess it's true. No, it's him. Oh, look at that. They got the red and black. Wow. Similar to those Air Jordans. All right.
Starting point is 00:28:18 I wear a size 8. I am not a size 14. God, that would be a disaster. I'm a perfect size 8 8 looks great I'm like I look good Yeah there's some shoes that once they get too big They just look funky Yeah these will look crazy big
Starting point is 00:28:35 Yeah those would not look good big Uh it's not Gabe you can't think of it as $150 You have to think of it as 7 members Can I buy this? How many members is it Avi? think of it as $150. You have to think of it as seven members. Can I buy this? How many members is it, Avi? Ten? You're out of your mind. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:53 I thought about buying him a Switch today. I'm like, ah, it's ten members now. Okay. Marcus McClain, so you can go back and see him. He fought the Taliban. Jason McDonald, his second or third appearance. That's a former UFC fighter. Taylor Self, our very own thumb.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Emma Carey, very, very disturbing scene with Emma Carey. Very. Maybe I shouldn't send her a copy. Maybe she doesn't want to read it. Captured by yours truly. Yeah. Oh, you caught that? In the interview with Chris.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Oh, good job. Fantastic. Yeah. that in the interview with chris oh good job fantastic yeah yeah the interview with chris is quite is uh although it's kind of like laughing at a funeral yeah i was like is it done for her yeah it's weird and funny but but uh but sad emma lawson post-workout just cramping up like a mofo right it was a great shot because if you look they're interviewing her i think it was nikki that was interviewing her and you like pull back and she looks so uncomfortable and she's trying to like give the interview but you could tell she's just like uh like and her legs are just like seizing it was on they're rocking so deep it's so deep oh my god this is actual audio from that interview. You can't even tell.
Starting point is 00:30:08 It's so deep. You can see how deep it is. Oh, my gosh. Anyway, yeah, it was very uncomfortable. Look at Kenneth DeLapp auditing my switches. Sevan, another switch. You said you have three. Listen, I bought two switches, the i use the same email on
Starting point is 00:30:27 both like a dumb fuck it's like one of my all-time besides losing the one wheel it's a parenting low for me because once you said an email do a switch you can never take it off it's crazy what a what a what scumbags those people are at nintendo but anyway, and then I have some knockoff, like, $25 video game things from Amazon. But my kids were fighting. I had the Switches put away for months. And a couple weeks ago, it started raining here, and my wife pulled them out again. And then today, I was like, my kids started fighting over it. And I was like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:30:58 I should buy another one. But you know what I did instead? I put them away again. Yeah, easier to do that, huh? Yeah. Fuck it. Done. Save you some more money, too.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Yeah. Emma lost a Brian friend. Lots of Brian friend. Audrey, get two memberships. Lots of be friendly. Lots of Brian friend. Brian friend just dropping the wisdom. The wisdom.
Starting point is 00:31:19 The wisdom. Good insights. Lots of wisdom. Oh, shut it. I'm not raising iPad kids. Fuck you fuck you no you can't factory reset it dude no okay
Starting point is 00:31:36 okay so lots of Brian Nikki Brazier Nikki Brazier Aunt Haynes is it Aunt Haynes? Mm-hmm. Or Hayes? Haynes. Yeah. Aunt Haynes. Aunt Haynes. Cole Grayshaber.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Front and back. Yeah, I was gonna say, not what we referenced earlier, but... Front and back. Cole Grayshaber. An interview. Janikowski. Lots of Janikowski. I asked someone, I said, hey hey what did you think about episode three they said it was really good maybe the yana koski interview went a little long so if you're yana
Starting point is 00:32:09 they said it was fine but if you're a yana koski uh friend oh mike sour wow uh sebi send me that switch i'll take care of it for you no shit audrey audrey audrey Is that true What do you mean you'll take care of it for me I don't know if I like No but Very vague Like he just
Starting point is 00:32:33 You just never see it again He's taking care of it It's gone I couldn't tell if the apology was taken well or not You mean the one where Lazar apologizes Apologizes to Luke Parker Oh don't give that one away the apology was taken well or not you mean the one where lazar apologies apologizes to uh luke parker oh don't give that one away here's the interesting thing about that here's the interesting
Starting point is 00:32:51 thing about that do you know when someone's let's say let's say um suza came up to me and said hey seven i'm sorry and i said no problem but really in suza's head he thought hey it's 50 50 when he said sorry to me i should say sorry back to him. And I was wondering if there was maybe a little bit of that going on. After Lazar said sorry, he's like, well, fuck you. It wasn't my fault. Interesting. This doesn't sound good.
Starting point is 00:33:24 As long as your credit card is still attached to your account i'll take care of it uh okay um lazar jukic is in it and the funniest part about lazar is listening to dave try to say his name yeah i didn't even know who he's talking about until when you interviewed him i was like oh him what a mess hearing Dave pronounce his name yeah Luke Parker Annie Thor's daughter and Samuel
Starting point is 00:33:55 Samuel Quant now it's not just those people but those are like the yeah those are the big dogs the meat and potatoes Julie Jones hi I like your profile picture
Starting point is 00:34:09 most people you can't even tell what the fuck is going on in them there you are Julie Jones I can't find it and want to watch the behind the scenes forgive me if it's somewhere obvious dude Julie you need no forgiveness because it is not obvious no one knows where the because it is not obvious.
Starting point is 00:34:27 No one knows where the fuck it is. It's a miracle that we've sold even one. Oh, it looks like Susie just put a link. Here's the thing. If you're on a phone, I don't think you can join the membership through the app. You have to go back to the browser. You have to go to YouTube through the browser. And the reason why is because YouTube doesn't want to share the money with apple if you buy anything through an app apple gets a cut a big cut like 30 so google's like fuck you we ain't giving you that money if you want to buy something
Starting point is 00:34:56 on youtube don't go through that you got to go through the browser oh that makes sense why it has it that way yeah we used to have that problem at the journal. Yeah, that's a bitch. Oh, Will says if you're on a phone, you can click that link that they just gave you. Oh, thanks, Sousa. Okay, cool. Oh, yeah, I was looking on my phone. Yeah, so if you go through the YouTube app, yeah, it's a mess.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Oh, Devesh Mahadosh. Dude, it's so obvious that you are a droid guy. Yeah, for sure. He probably knows how to use it really well, too. Those hammers say he does. It's not the real Noah, is it? There's no... I don't know. Pyro glitch became a member.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Look at that. But I will tell you this I reached out to Noah and Then someone and then and then so and it looks like there's some contact has been made So maybe Noah will be a guest on the show someday. Hmm. I Was sharing someone that story and they're like, hey that dude needs to change his name. I'm like what what? Why it's not like his name is adolf hitler adolf i wonder if there's been an adolf named adolf hey didn't they used to call um hitler fuhrer the fuhrer fuhrer the fuhrer is like father in german or something there was someone in the comments the other day whose that was their name like julie fure fure wow uh latest uh oh oh sorry
Starting point is 00:36:29 i started reading just um text messages why why does uh tier wadapalooza go so late on sunday yeah it's kind of weird you figured they would do like if they're gonna do that why won't they do it on like a saturday night yeah because i want to go to a birthday party on sunday night yeah oh it's my friend with the size 14 shoe in the in the in the large chest and he lives 90 minutes away and the party starts at 4 30. so if our last show starts at 4 15 we won we won't be done until 5.15 at the earliest, which means I wouldn't get to his house until 7. And the party's over at 7.30.
Starting point is 00:37:14 That's not going to work. Kenneth, Jeffrey, we get it. You're Nazis. Oh, that's harsh. All right. Damn. Damn. Oh, here we go. On to more important stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Deleting user account from Nintendo Switch console will also delete any saved data that is associated with the account and saved to the console. Yeah, I don't care about that. Here's the thing. You can't do it. You can't delete. You can delete the user account. You can't delete the email. And't, you can delete the user account. You can't delete the email.
Starting point is 00:37:47 And once you put the email on it, there's like also, you can't, God damn it. I've been through this a million times with people. You can't do it. Pure, pure, pure. man my favorite part about episode three is the um the different dynamic shots so like in one one shot you're interviewing um i forget who it was but you're meeting two people i think it was ariel alone and i've had i've interviewed two people at the same time before threesomes are my favorite yeah i think that's what was going down in the camera angle switches. So then we could see you interviewing them better than the shot that was in one B.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Cause one B was just kind of from behind you. This shot was from, was facing you. I wonder where that is. So everybody who was asking where the camera's being held and how that way, like you're going to get a nice, a nice shot of exactly what that looks like. But there, you know what, you know what else is cool too,
Starting point is 00:38:50 is you can't see my man bun in that. I almost look normal. Oh, I don't look like an Italian bag lady. Did you bring it up? Do you know what you're talking about? Yeah, but I,
Starting point is 00:39:00 but I can't, I'm incapable of finding it. I think it's early on. Where is it? Yeah, it's early. Oh, there it is. I found't. I'm incapable of finding it. I think it's early on. Where is it? Yeah, it's early. Oh, there it is. I found it. Yeah, me too. Who are you interviewing? 539. 540. Yeah, 539.
Starting point is 00:39:17 I can't play it, though. My shit froze. I'm not going to play it. I'm just going to show the shot. You can play it. So here's what I like about it. Oh, wait. Hold on. If you're not a paid member, take a piss or something right now. Oh, yeah. Please leave.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Wait. Not you. What happened? Uh-oh. Remember when this would happen in the past and I would just go total freak out? Okay. That's not a real name. I was almost going to say the the name but i'll put the link back in the chat so you could see so if you copy if you copy paste that link into your browser it'll bring it to your browser and you'll be able to become a member uh my cunt is itchy
Starting point is 00:39:58 okay you guys are ridiculous anyways one of my favorite parts about this is like from the the old behind the scenes like it would always just be like these angles right like just that just like his like the shot from seven's perspective but the cool part about this is it becomes dynamic show that much of it i'm not gonna show that much you guys gonna become a member. Hold on. Let's just wait for the shot to switch. Nice close-up of Ariel on his face.
Starting point is 00:40:30 I think she's beautiful and has perfect teeth. There it is. Then it swaps. That's my favorite part because then you get the more dynamic shot and you can see Sevan filming them and what that looks like. And for those of you guys that were asking too because
Starting point is 00:40:45 everybody was like oh it's just shots of like his chest or or the athlete's chest or like wherever you're holding the camera you can tell that savon is trying to stay engaged with the person he's interviewing and then as you watch right here he just like peeks at the camera every now and then to make sure that they're in frame so he's like talking to them keeping an eye contact and then peeks at the camera just to make sure they're in frame and the reason why i like that is because i think that's what actually and we'll have to ask him when he gets back hopefully hopefully he comes back soon i don't know what happened i'm just here by myself now but when when that shot goes back or the reason why he does that is because
Starting point is 00:41:27 if you just stick a camera in someone's face hey my internet went down oh shit okay you're on the phone everybody can hear you my internet went down damn all right um cool i'm still live i just started talking about the shot i just gotta get the going. How long have we been on? We're on for 39 minutes and 43 seconds. Okay. I feel good with that. Okay. All right. I'll just close it down. I'll say bye to everybody. Jake, welcome. New member Jake here. Great. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:42:01 People are now saying to restart your internet. I don't know. Dude, the whole router is down. The Wi-Fi is down. It's not like... Yeah, it's like Comcast, you know what I mean? It's 1,700 episodes. This is the first time.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Has my internet ever gone down before? No, we've had the computer reboot. I think we've had your power go out, but the internet down is a first. I checked the router. It said connecting. So, I mean, something happened. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Should I hang from it to see if you jump back? No, I'm toast. Just land the plane. Okay, I'll call you back in a minute. Let me... Okay, yeah, call me when you're done. I'm Greg Glassman tomorrow. Yep.
Starting point is 00:42:42 And... Wadapalooza show. Big, huge... big, huge. Oh, now your phone's cutting out. Tear, tear, tear. Oh, tear, tear, tear. Waterpluse. Excuse me. Yeah. Huge tear. Waterpluse a show tomorrow evening. Oh, should we send Joe? Chaka or, uh, like, since he's immediate, like, Are they real media? Should we be sending them
Starting point is 00:43:06 in the Lone Ranger podcast links? That's a good question. Should we put up a poll? We'll do that tomorrow. We'll do it tomorrow. I'll call you back in a minute. Okay, bye. This is a bad case.
Starting point is 00:43:21 It's a shitty Amazon case. That's what's up with my phone. If you guys know anything about me, I pretty much don't spend money on something until I absolutely have to. It's a safety feature. Okay. Well, I'm going to shut this down. I got like this like scratchy thing in my throat. You guys are going to be pumped. The stuff we have going for Wadapalooza is going to be off the hook. We saw a little bit of that when we did the Taylor self workout video video from before which was also a little bit of test run so like the stuff we're planning to do for the open the stuff we have going on with the um at waterpalooza a tier tier waterpalooza i think you guys are gonna be pumped about because not only are we
Starting point is 00:44:21 gonna be like absolutely crushing the pre and post shows and all of that but on top of that um we got some cool stuff in the works that'll be coming afterward right so this is going to be uh exciting um i do that is why i do you know what's funny too about the civic like so many people are like oh you're gonna get a new car like it looks so beat up and i'm like runs fine like aesthetically does it look good? Nah, not at all. Front bumper almost fell off one time, but it's cool. Gets me to point A to point B. Plus too, I don't want a fucking car loan. Like some people are insane with the bullshit they buy. And they're like, Ooh, I bought this new car. Now everybody thinks I look cool, but I'm in fucking debt and I can't save. And, uh, I have no money and I have my credit card.
Starting point is 00:45:06 It's nuts. My credit card bill is insane. Yeah, you don't need all that. Don't buy shit to impress other people and be smart about it. So many people are stuck with thinking so short-sighted. I actually got told that I think too long-term sometimes and I should try to gain more in the short term. But I don't know. I'm not about that. I'm long-term. I got a long vision. Long something. I got a big vision. It's going to take a long time to get there. And yeah, paid off. No, bought that shit straight cash, which isn't that cool when you're talking about a used beat-up Civic. But you get what I'm saying? You go in there and how are you going to finance this? With my debit card, bitch.
Starting point is 00:45:48 That's how I'm going to finance this. Taking no loan. Let's sign on down. Okay, guys. Thanks for hanging around. We'll see you tomorrow morning. We have Greg Glassman. Then we have the Tier Wadapalooza show.
Starting point is 00:46:00 This will be talking a little bit about the events. We'll be talking a little bit about the athletes. We'll be hyping up what we're going to do. And then we're going to be crushing it all weekend long from Thursday until Sunday evening. Thanks for joining us on this show and everything else that you guys do. If you're not a member, sucks to be you. I don't even know what you're doing. All right.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Bye.

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