The Sevan Podcast - Bethany Flores #971

Episode Date: July 14, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:01 Watch the podcast with Scott on Clydesdale Media. Oh, yeah. Yep. Mm-hmm. Yeah. He's a good guy.
Starting point is 00:01:11 I like him. Yeah, fantastic guy and exact same shirt. Yeah. It's the only one that's like very like you know what it is kind of thing. So I try to do my best to give him a shout out who's the owner of that company he's he's absolutely tearing it up um i actually don't know his name someone will say his name in the comments there's always someone i know at all times who's doing 75 hard it's been like i feel like it's been like that for over a year now
Starting point is 00:01:42 every day i hear like someone be like oh i'm doing hard, or I can't do this, I'm doing 75 hard, or I'm reading this book, I'm doing 75 hard. It's crazy. Is he the one that started that? Yeah. They do. Say that again? They do some fun stuff. We went out there to go visit me and Alexis Raptus, and the things that they do with the employees are like, it's extreme, but it's funny. Like it's cool. They're like, yeah, we ran a marathon around the building for all the employees the other day.
Starting point is 00:02:15 I was like, what? Just kept circling the building until they hit 26 miles. Yeah. Andy Frizzella. That's the guy's name. There we go. Andy. Yeah. Yeahy yeah yeah i did yeah i did meet him i'm sorry yeah he was he's awesome he's super cool yeah he's pretty hardcore huh he's just in all his presentations and in all his social media content he's pretty hardcore he's pretty adamant about his position yeah but he's super nice too um do you have an agent yeah cooper who's oh cooper's your agent
Starting point is 00:02:48 okay is um is cooper carrie pierce's agent too um he was i'm not sure if they're still working together but he was at one point which is what brought me and danielle and carrie all together in las vegas okay and that's kind of that that's kind of why I went there. What, what, what a cool thing you had going there with Danielle and you and Carrie. Yeah. That was a lot of fun. Was that, that was kind of short lived, right? Two, one year, two years. Basically I would say a year for me as far as training goes. And then after that, it was kind of went downhill physically for me physically and mentally
Starting point is 00:03:31 i was just like in a really hard place bad place you got you got wounded you uh physically yes multiple times but also just mentally and emotionally just burnt out and tired and just not having fun anymore. How old are you? Uh, I'll be 30 next month. Yeah. Um, what do you have a firm grasp on what happens when people burn out when something becomes not fun? Like, do you understand it? The mechanism? Yeah. I mean, I mean, it's just that in itself, it's you stop having fun with what you're doing. And that's a big part of burnout, at least for me. I feel like in 2022, I just went from, I feel like 2021 was like a really big highlight for me. And then injury after injury after injury plagued me. And because of that, I wasn't able to like fully express myself in the gym, which is what I enjoy the most. And I think because of that, it just, it became not fun and caused burnout for me. Hey, Bethany, is it possible to turn your camera the other way or is it balanced? Okay, cool. Hey, let me ask you this you know if like you're in a relationship and you want and you're just like oh this isn't
Starting point is 00:04:51 working like with another human being and you want to get out or or both people want to go their separate ways is it like that at all is there any is there any similarity to be training every day and just being like hey this isn this isn't fun. Whereas, you know, like you wake up next to someone one day and you're like, this isn't fun. Is there, is there any similarity to that? I don't know. I mean, I thought everyone that I was working with in Vegas was amazing and super kind and ended up just being like a personal problem at the end of the day. And I, we spoke like Justin, I spoke about it. And I just told him, I was like,
Starting point is 00:05:30 I don't know what's going on with me because I feel like everyone's enjoyable to be around. And I'm personally just burnt out. I still burnt out. And I actually said that before, uh, semifinals West Coast Classic. I had two or a month before I went up to him and I started crying because I was like, I'm I don't know what's wrong with me, but I just I'm not having fun anymore. I'm burnt out. And so it's probably just like we were pushing so hard in the gym every single day that it's not sustainable for people like us. And like me, Carrie and Danielle, like we're the top of the tier athletes, like we're going to the games every year. And so we're super competitive. And so, yeah, we were just pushing so hard in the gym
Starting point is 00:06:20 every single day, which made semifinals at West Coast kind of like a kind of like a breeze in the sense of like, man, we're pushing this hard every single day. So just like another training weekend. But I think for, for me, and where I was at in my career, and being seven years in, and doing a lot of damage to myself, personally, even before I went out to Vegas, I just got to the point where I was like oh man my body can't keep up anymore does the burnout start between the ears or does it start in the body I think between the ears between the ears yeah it becomes mental before it becomes physical I like the way you said you're drawing that
Starting point is 00:07:05 distinction between you like those people there because like I hated school, but if someone ever asked me, did you love school? I would say I loved it. And the, and the only reason why I loved it is because I wanted to go see my friends. And that's how I kind of feel about the podcast. It's not like my favorite thing to do, but I, but, but I love coming on and just meeting new people, right? Yeah. And it's interesting that even with people there that you liked, you know what I mean? Like I could go out with my friends and just rake leaves and it would be fun. Yeah. And so you would think with friends – but it started in between. Do you know what it started?
Starting point is 00:07:40 Is there a seed? And do you know what the seed was that started it? Do you know what it comes from, burnout what it um what the original thought is I don't know I think there's probably like a lot of different things going on in my mind um I think part of it was missing my fiance who was um out in California and almost like trying to like fast forward my life a little bit of wanting to be married, wanting to start a family, all that stuff, and really just getting ahead of myself. But I think at the same time, I like the grass is not greener on the other side. Yeah. Look at
Starting point is 00:08:17 that stunning man. Anybody would want to start a family with him. Um, but yeah, I think I was just trying to fast forward my life and not be present. And I think that's kind of what got me in trouble partially. Um, and I think once that starts happening and you kind of, you're not as present in your life, then physically things can start deteriorating, I guess, and going in the wrong direction that you would like them to. And I think it all just comes with ownership and almost like self-sabotage. I did a lot of that before Vegas. And I think maybe by the end of Vegas, I was self-sabotaging once again.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Hey, I really appreciate you explaining this to me because I'm starting to understand it or at least be able to see – think I understand it. You were rushing. So you were rushing. So I'll go into the store with my kids. We buy some food. As we're walking back to the car, I'm already thinking about how I need to get them home and get new clean clothes on them for the next event. And then someone drops their food on the ground.
Starting point is 00:09:22 And if I wasn't rushing, it would be funny or I would be like, go over to him and be like, oh, I'm so sorry because he dropped his food. It's sad for him. But instead, because I'm rushing, it turns into a delay for what I want, which is to get them home and change them. So now I'm pissed. But it's only because I'm not present.
Starting point is 00:09:40 So I'm picturing it as like, you're in this fantastic situation with Carrie Pierce, Daniel Brandon, Justin Kotler, with your friends, perfect training situation. But part of you is like, shit, in three years I want to be pregnant and like – like fuck. What's Mr. Flores' first name? Randy. Randy? Where are Randy and I going to live?
Starting point is 00:10:02 And you're just kind of – you start drifting off, right? When am I going to see him? And you're just not present. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. And then it causes other problems. Like, uh, you kind of like pull yourself away from people. And I'm, I'm kind of more, I would say a mixture half and half of introverted and extroverted. I can go both ways. And I think when I start getting into my head, I can get a little bit more introverted. And so you start pulling away. And then for me, like, injuries started plaguing me, which makes you pull in even more. So I think it just it was just a recipe for a mental health. I won't say breakdown, because it's not like I broke down completely, but just burnout, just complete burnout. And I don't think my career is done. Like, and I thought it was done last year. I wanted to be done completely.
Starting point is 00:10:52 I wanted to quit and just move on with my life. But that wouldn't have been fully respecting myself and really what I wanted to do and CrossFit. That's another great explanation. Uh, yeah. When you're injured, you start to go inward because your attention is now on your body instead of like looking at the outside world. Like you're like, you always have a little bit of your attention on this shoulder, right? Or on that toe. Oh, speaking of toes, toe spacers, got them on. Nice. Speaking of toes. Toe spacers.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Got them on. Nice. I have my shoes on right now. So I'm going to have toe spacers for me. Unacceptable. Allegra. Allegra R. I'm pumped for this interview.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Here's some loot for some new pants. Thanks. What's wrong with your pants? I don't want to talk about it. I have some long johns and I posted myself wearing them on Instagram and I'm just getting tore up. People tell me I look like a homeless woman. Okay. Sorry to just dig in here. I promise you we'll get to more positive stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I figured we were going straight into it uh what does self-sabotage look like uh i mean for me it was um especially before vegas it was under eating and over exercising because i didn't feel like i was ever going to be good enough. Or like I kind of work – Under eating because you want your body to look a certain way when all the lights are on you and everyone's – yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Body image issues. A lot of body image issues. Could someone not have body image issues and be a CrossFitter? Absolutely. You should.
Starting point is 00:12:40 You could be out there with 3,000 people cheering you on in your bra and panties and not be thinking, what does my body look like? It's fucking kind of – I think you can look at your body a certain way or think about it without having body image issues. Okay. I would love to figure that out because I need two beers to take my shirt off at the beach. I'd love to hear what you mean by it i what would you guys do is crazy you're going out there so the whole world can judge every single facet of your body not only how it looks but how it moves and how it performs against other fucking people yeah i mean i like doing it but it's it's pretty it's pretty intense yeah it's crazy a lot of a lot of eating disorders over the years. So
Starting point is 00:13:27 is it is it is it conscious? When you say sabotage? I think it's conscious. But now I hear you explain it. It's not conscious. No, I don't think it really I mean, I think you know, kind of what you're doing, but you don't know why you're doing it. So I don't think it's as conscious as we think it is until we start working on ourselves. And then we realize, oh, wow, I did that for so many years. And it's kind of like you start thinking about it, you start taking ownership of stuff. And you're like, that was really silly of me. Why did I do that? Is it as simple as the event is three days away and you walk by the mirror and you don't see what – you don't look the way you want to present yourself. So at every meal, you start cutting every meal in half. You know you're supposed to eat a six-ounce steak. You eat a three-ounce steak.
Starting point is 00:14:20 You know you're supposed to eat one potato. You eat a half potato. It's just as simple as that? It can be yeah or just like going into the gym and doing extra reps and extra workouts and exercises and stuff because you don't like the way you look right more pump more sweat yep yeah more calorie burn yeah should i still do that going there if i feel like a piece of shit go in the garage and ride the assault bike for an hour at night and try to sweat off. I don't ever feel like it works.
Starting point is 00:14:51 No, I think it gives you instant gratification for maybe 2.5 seconds. And then you realize that that didn't really help at all. Do you think you ever harmed your performance doing that? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Do you think you ever harmed your performance doing that? Oh, yeah. For sure. Harmed myself, caused more injuries than necessary, caused sickness more than necessary. A lot of things. That's been my whole career.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Say that again? Your whole career? That's been my whole career. Yeah. Yeah. My whole career. Is that behind you or no? It's now you're in the battle
Starting point is 00:15:26 with it. Um, I would say that I'm way farther along in my journey than I've ever been. I don't think that you ever fully arrive from maybe your vices that you have, um, from healing, but it's very conscious now and I'm definitely taking ownership of it. And it's a, I think being as present as possible on a daily basis, I can make better decisions for myself. Can you give me an example of where maybe you make a better decision being present? Yeah. I mean, even just looking, I mean, we can use the example of looking in the mirror. Like I can look in the mirror now and maybe not like the way that I look, but my actions don't have to dictate for my thoughts. You know, like my thoughts can still be a little ugly, but
Starting point is 00:16:19 be like, Oh, I don't like that part of me or whatever, but I can make a conscious decision that even though I don't like certain things about my body, I'm going to choose to eat still and feel my body correctly and not over exercise. I was just talking with someone about this the other day. When you have some sort of observation or some sort of sensation and you don't start spinning a narrative around it, right? So for example, let's say you want to get a tattoo. And very nice, lots of tattoos. You might take pause and wonder, where is that coming from?
Starting point is 00:17:04 Whereas what I think a lot of other people do is they start spinning in a narrative around justifying getting it. So they might be like, I want to get a tattoo of my of my mom that passed away on my forearm. And the reason why is because I never want to forget her. And they start spinning this narrative about it as opposed to, you know, I mean, so you and I, the parallel would be like you walk in front of the mirror and you're like, fuck, I look a little chubby today and stop there. As opposed to then you spend the narrative.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I'm skipping my next meal and I'm going to get, I'm doing extra workout. Yeah. You just stay present and catch yourself. Yeah. That is, yep. That is the perfect way to look at it and think about it. But it's like I do with everything. It's really hard.
Starting point is 00:17:44 It's a lot of discipline speaking of um not liking yourself in the mirror do you know who this is yeah it's my doppelganger yeah do you know who it is oh other people have said that to you too oh okay good yeah i get that in ali raisman i don't know who that is but you um i mean gal it's crazy right because uh clear gal gadot's like looks like she fell from the heavens you look like you fell from the heavens and so it's kind of hard for people to welcome it i mean i i think every everyone sees it but it's just it's crazy maybe it's not even good to tell you that because that just piles more pressure on you but on this show
Starting point is 00:18:28 i always i joke around a lot about how you're fucking wonder woman i go look it's gal gadot i mean you would be better wonder woman than gal gadot or whatever name is it's crazy well i'm so glad that people told you that's your doppelganger because i thought it was just me people in the comments always make fun of me uh don't i don't see it i mean i see it but i don't see it at the same time so it's funny don't be creepy what do you mean don't it's it's part and parcel of my dna it's who i am oh jessica valenzuela bethany is way more beautiful bethany's just way more healthy looking galga dot's hot but but Bethany is healthy. Ryan Stokes, I'm all about the Bethany Flores brand.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Love her accessories videos and always share them. What's that? I don't know about that. What's that? I don't know. I don't know if it's a brand, but I mean, that's all I do on my page is accessory work and working out. Oh, those kinds of accessories. Gotcha. Yeah. Yeah. All that stuff, all the good stuff that maybe people skip out on. I like that stuff. The boring stuff. What's a, um, uh, what, what's it, what's it, what's an injury you think you had from, um, not taking care of yourself under under eating and overtraining?
Starting point is 00:19:45 My back. Your back. For sure. And what is it about your back? Do you know? If you look at it on like an MRI, it's very common. It's just bulging discs, arthritis, like osteophytes that have formed, like the bony parts have formed out because the disc has been out for so long. So it's not anything crazy outrageous mysterious it's just that's why I like I've had it since I was 12 so that's how I
Starting point is 00:20:13 know it's not just a physical thing I think there's like a psychological component to it so um it's one thing that after the 2019 CrossFit Games, I really tried to take ownership of my mind, I guess, and the things that I was doing that maybe was causing it to be in more pain than it needed to be. So it's been a journey in itself with all of that. Explain the connection. If it's physical how how is it also mental I think that I don't know I just feel like if you have chronic pain for that long like I've had it for 17 18 years there has to be a psychological mental component to it um and that's what I just started to believe, because I think your mind is a
Starting point is 00:21:06 really strong thing, and can cause you to, I think sometimes it can cause you to be sick sometimes, sometimes when you're not actually sick. And I think it can cause pain when there actually isn't maybe, maybe actual pain there. So, um, I just realized that as much as it is physical, cause there is, it's very physical, right? Like it'll get to the point where my back will go out on me completely. Um, like crawl, like crawl to the bathroom, go out on you. What's that? Carl to the bathroom. No, like crawl to the bathroom no like crawl to the bathroom oh crawl to the bathroom yeah yeah I mean yeah ever since I was 12 I've had the point where I'd have to lay in bed for a couple of days and just can't even stand up straight um so it's a it's a awful feeling um but yeah I think that there's just this I can make it worse than it actually is with my head and just being a victim of it. So maybe something that could have been fixed in a couple of days, I prolong it for six to eight weeks because I'm staying in this victimized mindset and woe is me and I'm in pain and there's nothing I can do about it and not taking ownership where maybe I could. So I
Starting point is 00:22:27 feel like that's what Perrin, my new coach has kind of brought into my life is. Oh, what's her name? What's her name? Perrin. Oh, I think I just started following her yesterday that she's the training think tank girl, right? Asian girl. Oh yeah. I did just start following her. But I think what she's helped me with this year, um, because my training has not been like it has in the past, uh, is figuring out still things to do when I'm in a bunch of pain. Um, and so there's, we have like levels basically of things that I can do. Like there's, you know, when I'm feeling fit, everything's feeling good and I have no pain. And then maybe we have to go a notch down from that and a notch down to the point where maybe I'm just doing meditations and walking. But she always has something for me to do. And I think that's a big part of staying out of like the victimized mindset of feeling like you can still do things, I guess, with your day.
Starting point is 00:23:24 you can still do things, I guess, with your day. You're describing so much, I think, what so many fucking people have gone through, like the whole back thing. I used to, my back used to go out like that, crawl to the bathroom, pee in the shower, can't move. But about four years ago, I just put my foot down. And once I had kids and I said, I'm never, I knew that I didn't know, I didn't penetrate it down and once I had kids and I said, I'm, I'm never, I knew that I
Starting point is 00:23:46 didn't know, I didn't penetrate it as deep as you're, you're going into it, but I knew that there were certain things that I was doing that was always hurting it, some reckless things. And I just, I just cut everything back in half from there. I mean, as simple as if, if, if, if, if I used to do frant 95, then I took the woman's weight at 65, and then I cut it in half and did it at 32. Like, fuck you. I'm not hurting myself anymore. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:09 I think there's just a part of like, I think a part of my self-sabotage was, I mean, I was able to do some of that with semifinals. Yeah. I mean, with semifinals, there was a lot of things that I had not touched in over a year and a half that I was expected to do on the floor. Um, so I don't know. I mean, this year has just been really crazy and the things that I've been able to do,
Starting point is 00:24:36 uh, as the years of the year has gone on is just honestly mind blowing to me. Like I thought I was going to have to pull out during semifinals because everything that I did before semifinals was causing me pain. Like the sled pool was causing me pain. I couldn't I didn't snatch over like 145. I hadn't touched the 150 pound sandbag since Guadalupe in January of 2022. So I decided to take a risk this year and go a different route. And that means for me, the risk was self-respect. So anytime I felt like my back was starting to feel a bunch of pain or intuitively, I could tell like, this is going to cause pain. I didn't do it. I stopped.
Starting point is 00:25:26 And that's, yeah, it's a really hard thing to do. And it's very risky to do as a CrossFit athlete, because there's a lot of things that we're expected to do on the floor. But this year is about taking risks in that way and a lot of self-respect. So I'm sticking with my game plan as I go into the CrossFit games this year did you ever um do you ever feel if someone says something to you your back get tight yeah I feel like if um I'm a huge people pleaser so I feel like when people aren't happy with me my back can get tight yeah it's weird it's weird that's for some reason that's gone away with me, my back can get tight. Yeah. It's weird. It's weird that for some reason that's
Starting point is 00:26:06 gone away with me, but that used to be a huge thing too. I could get upset or I could get frustrated and I could feel my back start to seize up. Is that part, is that the, is that the, the mind part you're talking about also? Yeah, I think so. I think there's a part to that. Yeah. Being able to control, um, like your perception of what is causing you frustration or making you mad, angry, whatever it is, sad. I think it's all about perception about things. So I had to work on that. came out in 2022 um msnbc put it out and then and then the article was just reposted again recently so in the last like couple days um on twitter or something and so joe rogan and elon musk weighed in on it and a bunch of people are weighing it weighing in on it and it's an old it's an old
Starting point is 00:26:55 article and the article basically says that exercise is something that's a component of the far right meaning people who are republicans right so and why is that what well it's interesting and elon and joe rogan made a lot of jokes and and laughing about it but i think that there's a without going so much into the political side of it but there's characteristics of those two political parties and maybe one of them is the reason why they think that is because one of those political parties has more personal accountability and responsibility so like to say it in the nicest way possible the democrats might see a baby fall down and go over and pick the baby up the republicans to see a baby fall down and they want to turn their back to it to make sure it's safe
Starting point is 00:27:40 so that the baby can work on itself and stand up on its own. So, so you kind of see what I'm saying there? There's a, no, follow me. No, you're good. Okay. And, and so, and so I, it's interesting because you say that you used to play, I'm going somewhere with this. You said that you used to play the, the, the, you, that you had a little bit of a victim mindset around your injury. It would be a two day injury that you, that you prolonged into a six to eight week injury.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Two questions here. Where do you think that started from to play that victim? And so another reason, another way of the victim is, is like, Hey, we think doctors are going to save us, right? Like you have type two diabetes instead of changing your diet. You think the doctor is going to save you and give you metformin. And so there's these two different ways of like thinking. And that's why they think exercise is far right, because those people in general, I'm big sweeping generalization, but they're more likely to take personal accountability and responsibility for it. Like think that they, and that's why they're called selfish, et cetera, whatever. But do you know the origins of that? Do you know the origins of why you might've played the victim?
Starting point is 00:28:54 I feel like for me, it was just like a low self-esteem and self-worth. I might've had like possibly high self-esteem like in the gym and I was working out. But as far as like my livelihood went um it was actually pretty low so I think a lot of the origin starts from there okay and then and then and then to fix it how do you fix it did you remember your first step when you said you would you would look inward, I was after the 2019 CrossFit games and just feeling like I didn't deserve anything that I had. And I wasn't, um, I wasn't happy honestly.
Starting point is 00:29:32 And I didn't feel like I had anybody to share it with. And I had a lot of people that wanted to support me and love me and I just pushed everyone away. And so when I got back from the games, um, I think for me, it was working on a personal relationship with God. So that started with literally diving into a devotion and journaling and just sitting with myself a little bit more. So having quieter moments because I felt like I was constantly busy. And I think that was like maybe subconsciously just didn't want to be by myself because I didn't trust myself or I just didn't want to be by myself. And so forcing myself to be quiet was a big thing for me, which is scary for people like me that like to stay busy.
Starting point is 00:30:27 for people like me that like to stay busy. Yeah, that's interesting. The God thing, when was God introduced to you as a kid? Yeah, as a kid, we went to church growing up and we were, my parents were involved with the church that we went to. And I just never, I never really latched onto it fully. I didn't really grasp it. I didn't understand it. So, um, like in my teenage years, got away from it. And then, yeah, in 2019, I just was like, something was pulling me towards it. So I just decided that I wanted to dive in a little bit deeper into it and see what it had to offer. How did, how did you meet your boyfriend or your fiance, your husband? How did you meet your husband? We were at a strength and conditioning conference in South Carolina, Sorenex. Why were you there? I was actually in a relationship with
Starting point is 00:31:20 someone else that really was into Sorenex. And yeah, so we met there, but I was just like, not doing this, stay away from me. He was like, he always tells the story of that I was super rude to him, but I was like, good, that's how it should be. I was in a relationship. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:31:43 And then once my relationship ended, I reached out to him because he was very good looking and I just wanted to see what was going on there. Yeah. He must. Was he shocked that you reached out to him? Um, I think so. Maybe. Because it was just kind of like out of nowhere, right? Yeah, it was. Yeah. You gave him the middle finger and then it's like, Hey, what's up? Yeah. Basically I split into his DMs on Instagram. So you knew there at the Sorenix thing that, Oh, this guy's like coming on to me hard and you just put up a big wall.
Starting point is 00:32:17 No, he wasn't coming on to me hard. Uh, but I could just tell that I was like attracted to him. So I was like, there's something there that I'm interested in, but we're going to shut her down. And so, yeah, I just didn't talk to him at all. Super rude on purpose. And yeah, then I slid into his DMs after that. Wow. And how long have you been dating him?
Starting point is 00:32:42 We're going, we'll be four years at the end of this year. We've been married for one year. So he's witnessing you take this journey. Yeah, yeah. He literally – he basically – I started right before him, and yeah, he's kind of seen me transform, and he's been a vital role in that. Does he like it? Is he enjoying it? Oh, I loved it. Yeah. Yeah. It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:33:11 He wants me to do my own journey for sure. He wants me to be my own person. Will he go to the games? Yeah. He's going to be my, he's actually going to be my coach there. Oh, wow. Yeah. Cause Karen's going to be – she has a team going, and so she asked me which one would I prefer, if it was her or him, and I said him.
Starting point is 00:33:36 So she's going to be there, but she won't be my actual coach at the games. Has this thing with the, um, taking responsibility, like complete ownership of your back, has it, has it trickled in and changed other ways you view life? Yeah, I think so. Um, I think for me just, I think just being more present in my life has been a big thing because it's helped me slow down. Because I think for me, I'm always like saying yes to everything, a goer and a doer. And it just helps me. And I think when you slow down, I think you can take more ownership of things that maybe are tendencies that you don't like about yourself.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Anything in specific you can think of like, um, uh, like, like a better relationship, even with Randy, like things that may be used to blame someone else for you're like, Nope, that falls under this bucket too. Yeah. I think in relationships I used to like put everything on that person and I didn't have like my own life. I didn't have honestly, I didn't really have friends. The only friend I had with my mom at one point in my life. And I just put everything into relationships, which is
Starting point is 00:34:56 not fair to that person. And I think for me, just that was a big thing when I started my journey in 2019 was like, praying for friendships with women. Because I never thought that I could have that because I grew up kind of more tomboy and just had friends that were dudes all the time. So that was a big thing for me that I really wanted in my life was friendships with women. So I have two amazing friends that I'm super close with and I'm in Marvellon. And I have two amazing friends that I'm super close with in Marvlin. I have a girlfriend too that I've known since I was five that I pushed away for
Starting point is 00:35:31 forever. Her name's Alicia and she's amazing too. I got some really good women on my side. That's interesting. I heard this couple I know, the – I heard the wife say her husband had a hobby. And she said, yeah, I don't like my husband to have hobbies because then I don't have anything, and then he's not spending time with me.
Starting point is 00:36:05 And she verbalized that out loud. And I was like, wow, that's fucking intense. That's like – that puts so much – Pressure. Whoa, on the relationship. Yeah. Hey, do you think that since you want girlfriends that you're in those relationships are sincere? Like, is there a fake it till you make it? They are, they are sincere.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Yes. A hundred percent. That was the, that was the hard thing for me is I thought it was just going to be a lot of work and effort, which is why I didn't want to do it. Cause I'm that type of person that I don't have to be in contact with someone every single day to form a relationship with. I like having deep, meaningful conversations, but it doesn't have to happen all the time. So I was worried. And that's why I didn't do it for so long. I just feel like sometimes women just want to constantly have conversations and more surface lovely. And I was like, that's too much work for me. That's too much effort. But I found some women that like to do it my way or like to do it the same way as me, not my way, the same way as me in the sense that we don't need to be in contact 24-7. Let's have deep, meaningful conversations, pick up where we left off, even if we haven't talked in a month or two.
Starting point is 00:37:20 So I'm grateful for that. a month or two. So I'm grateful for that. When I think of friendships, I think of them, the two pieces I think are let your guard down and don't have expectations or else you're, or else you're not going to have, you're just not going to have friends. You got to let your guard down and be vulnerable. And then you got to not have expectations because your friends are going to piss you off. And if you let them piss you off,
Starting point is 00:37:43 then they're not going to be your friends. Right. I mean, we all know people who just go through friends, right. Cause they put way too much demand and stress on the, like you have a plan with your friends. Your friends call you last minute and said, Hey, I can't come. And all of a sudden you're pissed at your friend. It's like, yo, let they're your friend. Let them off the hook. Are you a good friend? Are you like, shit, I'd make a really good friend. Are you like, you are a good friend. Yeah. I you a good friend are you like shit i'd make a really good friend are you like you are a good friend yeah i'm a great friend yeah you're easy i'm easy keel easy vulnerable easy yep i think that's what got me in trouble was i was uh in the past i was too vulnerable with too many people so i let too many people into my life to have a say. And I think that caused extra drama in my life. Unnecessary. Yeah. It was like unnecessary drama. So I realized
Starting point is 00:38:31 when I started taking more ownership, uh, and looking in my tendencies and stuff, I realized not everyone deserves to see the full Bethany. Only certain people do. Right. You gotta, you gotta close it off. Have a small intimate group of people that know everything about you, but not everyone deserves to know everything about you. You get to pick and choose. What ethnicity are you? What are you? White, Czech. My mom's side is Czech. And your dad? And my dad's side is Czech. And your dad? And my dad's side is English.
Starting point is 00:39:10 And where were you born? Well, technically Orlando, Florida, but grew up in Austin, Texas. Oh, that's right. I heard you tell Scott that. You were in Texas for the first 27 years of your life. Never moved out. And now you're in Texas for the first 27 years of your life. Never moved out. And now you're in LA. Now I'm in LA somehow, some way. I never thought that I would be here, but here I am. Yeah. How is that? How's the, um, um, when I think of Texas, I think of like, you have two trash bins behind your house and you can throw anything away you want. And when I think of LA, you have 17 trash bins and they're all tiny and you have to put each little product.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Yeah. Well, I think where we're at, we're kind of like in a small beach town. So I don't feel like I'm in LA, which I'm really grateful for because I do like we're in El Segundo. Okay. So it's like 10 minutes away from the airport. We're in the South Bay area uh so it's a little bit slower pace like i'm 10 minutes away from the gym five minutes away from grocery stores so i don't have to get on the highway which is nice i think if i lived in venice or anywhere else i would
Starting point is 00:40:18 maybe go a little crazy because it's a lot of traffic so So much traffic. It's insane. Getting in your car there, period, is insane. Yeah. Yeah. So honestly, I don't even feel like I'm in LA. So I like it here, other than the rent and like how much you're paying for everything. Do you ride a bike? Do you ride a bike to get places?
Starting point is 00:40:37 No, I drive. What do you drive? A Jeep Grand Cherokee. You like it? Love it. You you like it love it you like driving yeah i like driving my back doesn't like it but i like it you have a seat heater yeah i put that on all the time yeah even if it's like 100 degrees outside right me too that's how my back is yep seat heater on yeah yeah always feels great hey uh what about um what about uh what uh sauna icing what about laying on those what about that yoga mat that has all the like the spikes on it and you lay on it and it hurts at first do you lay on that thing i've done that before with one
Starting point is 00:41:17 of my doctors yeah it's like a bed of nails you don't own one of those you get one on amazon for like 25 bucks not really i can just put my rock mat together, I guess, from Toe Spacers. Rock mat? Yeah. I don't even know what that is. If I type in rock mat Toe Spacers, it'll pop up. Oh, yeah. You need to get yourself one.
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Starting point is 00:42:11 well dave this jingles for you not dave no problem td insurance has over 30 ways to save on home and auto. So... Save like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. Oh, yeah, okay. Hey, do you know Marianne over there? Is that her name?
Starting point is 00:42:45 Mm-hmm. Okay. Is that your main point of contact over there? Yeah, I think so. I know mainly everything's through Instagram, so you never know who you're talking to really on there, but I think that's who's in charge of that. Yeah, she's cool. I like her. You ever smell your toe spacers? No. No. Bella does. She smells your toast basers? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:15 I can't help but not smell mine. And so I always thought they smelled like cheese. But a couple of days ago, my wife said, hey, that cream's old in the fridge i put a black x on it you know it's heavy cream but she left it in the fridge to just to because you wait till garbage day and take it out right yes that's what she tells me to do so as i take it as i take it out i give it a sniff right old old heavy cream smells exactly like my toe spacers. That's rough. Do you clean them? No. Do you clean yours?
Starting point is 00:43:47 Yeah. You should clean them for sure. What do you clean them with? Do you soak them in hydrogen peroxide? No. I just soak in water underneath the sink like you wash your hands. No. Done. 20 seconds.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Janelle Winston, Sevan, that's beautiful. Thank you. Jeffrey Birchfield. Oh, wow. I'm going to start smelling my toe spacers. Yeah. Give it a shot. Look at these people. Everyone's jumping on the bandwagon. You guys are great.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Guess we're missing out. Hey, can you tell me all the gruesome details of you and Danielle and Carrie going to get COVID tested all in the same car? Can you tell me about that day? I was delusional, so I don't even remember half of it. Because you were sick? Yeah, I was so sick. You were? Oh, you were sick. You knew you were already sick.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Yeah. I was down for the count. I woke up. We got in Friday. Into Madison. Yeah. And then we worked out Saturday. And I think the last thing we did was like a 20 minute light jog. And I've never walked during a run, but I started walking. I was like, y'all go, you go ahead, you go ahead. I'm just going to walk it out. And I was like, man, I don't know what's wrong with me. I didn't feel sick at that point, but I was just like, I don't know why I'm walking or feel like I need to.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Um, and then I woke up in the middle of the night and just full on just body aches and chills and just down to a bunch of Advil thinking I'd be okay in the morning when I woke up Sunday. You did think you'd be okay. You weren't like, you didn't know right then? Oh, fuck, my games are over. No, I was like, this is I thought it was a dream. I was just like, this is fake. I'll be fine in the morning. And then yeah, I woke up Sunday, feeling even worse and just looked at Justin and I was like, I'm sick. Like, I don't know what's wrong with me, but I just like don't feel good. And honestly,, at that point too, I thought it was just like a 24 hour thing. Um, and I'd be fine the next day. Uh, but that was not the case. Woke up Monday, had to go test and yeah, positive, which is the silver lining. Cause I feel like people that had to pull out cause they were sick, maybe didn't get the same respect as people that had to pull out because they were sick maybe didn't get the same respect as people
Starting point is 00:46:06 that had to pull out because of covid at that year i don't know so that's what my thought process would be let me go back a second so okay are you guys staying in the same house when you're sick no we were in separate hotel rooms at that point um okay we had to stay in a hotel room um up until like an airbnb was open so why why did you go get covid tested you had to to compete that year yeah everyone had to and so you so carrie called and goes hey i'm downstairs in the car um danielle and bethany come on down let's go get COVID tested and you're like okay and you stumbled down to the car something like that I think we were yeah and Danielle wasn't like
Starting point is 00:46:52 yo bitch what's wrong with you get in the trunk don't sit next to me put a garbage bag over you no you guys just jumped in they saw you were a fucking train wreck and they still got in the car with you yeah I don't understand that it was just like a just i mean i don't know like you were pregnant everyone thought you were pregnant that was the rumor i was starting that you were morning sickness morning sickness no no um that'd be funny but no just we just thought it was just like whatever
Starting point is 00:47:23 bethany's just not feeling good kind of thing. OK, so so then who's driving? I don't know who's driving. I don't know if it was Carrie or Justin. It would have been Justin. So Justin's in the car, too. He's like grown ass adult. How did he let that happen?
Starting point is 00:47:40 He's like he's like he's like 74 because no one thought i was actually sick and i didn't think i was actually like super sick i just thought okay so the four of you in the car okay i think i don't even remember honestly but i think something like that so the four of you are in the car and then they come over and do the test like at your window you don't even get out of the car uh miss flores will you hang your big beautiful head out the window and you hang your head out the window and then she just stuff a cotton swab in your nose yeah i did that with everybody though everyone had to do a drive-through and then and then do you are you waiting there in the car for the results
Starting point is 00:48:22 yeah i have to wait like 10, 15 minutes, I think. And then they came over. And they told Danielle and Carrie to get out of the car. And I'd stay in. How about Kotler? I think he stayed in the car to drive me over to another point to get retested. And then I think he got out at that point oh my god and are you tripping at this time do you know you're toast yeah at that
Starting point is 00:48:54 point I was crying and stuff it was pretty sad and your back started seizing up no my back did hurt the entire time I was in Madison though though, because I was just sleeping, and I was laying down on a mattress for basically 24 hours a day because I was so sick. So it was terrible. My back was in so much pain. Yeah, that's the worst thing for us back bitches. Sleeping is horrible. We don't want to sleep. We don't want to lay down.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Yeah. We just want to move. We don't want to lay down. Yeah. We just want to move. You have to have the right mattress. You think that there's a mattress? What mattress do you have? I don't even know. It's not a great mattress. We need to get a new one.
Starting point is 00:49:37 We don't have the right mattress. I just got a mattress sponsor. Maybe I can tell my guy to get you a mattress sponsor. You want a mattress sponsor? Yeah, what is it? Is there something called Sleep 8? I don't want to say it wrong. Ooh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:50 That'd be good. I like that. Do you know that company? Yeah. Asuza has – what? Sleep 8. I would like that. They should change their name to Sleep 7.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Money since this video will get flagged. Well, thank you. Okay. So now you're in the car and Danielle and Carrie are out. And they test you again. Yeah. Ms. Flora Shadburn, can we stick this into your big, beautiful head again? Same nostril?
Starting point is 00:50:28 I think so. Okay. I think they'd try a different nostril. And, um, yeah, too much detail, Sebi. And then you, and then they come back 10 minutes later and you're positive again. Mm-hmm. And now you're just turning to gelatinous sack of shit. You're just bawling.
Starting point is 00:50:44 You just know it's over. Yeah. Oh, my God. All that preparation. And you're sitting in the back of some fucking rental car and all your dreams are dashed. Something like that. Oh, my God. Not all my dreams.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Just my dreams that year. Is it fun to talk about now are you like hey asshole why are you bringing this up this is still an open wound no I was I was at peace with it even even though it was sad during the moment like I had a lot of peace during that time um I think because I was doing a lot of work on myself personally um that I was ready and prepared for a storm, even though you never want one to happen. And, and then, and then, and then what happened to Carrie? She, she also, um, she, if she tested negative, how did she get yanked? Uh, she had, they had to continue to test both her and Danielle. Uh, and then the day,
Starting point is 00:51:43 because of their proximity to you yeah so on wednesday she tested positive and what's crazy is if kotler was in the car and his ass was just all floating around the place you know that whole event ended up turning to a super spreader event right you know that like like people got home and it was like 100 people i knew who were there all got covid yeah god i love super spreader event the crossfit covid brought to you by bethany shadburn flores you're gonna drop the shadburn eventually yeah shadburn's dropped oh it is only bethany flores yeah i was going through the name change process during semifinals, so I didn't want to change it. Flores, F-L-O-R-E-S.
Starting point is 00:52:30 And if I talk about your past accolades, do I refer to you as that as Bethany Shadburn, or no, it's just all one? It's all Bethany Flores? I feel like you can just say Bethany Flores. Okay, good, me too. Thank you, you've set me free. Keep it simple.
Starting point is 00:52:48 I see you're getting fidgety. I know we're running out of time. You've set a very strict limit. What are you going to do after this? What's so important? I have a doctor's appointment in Pasadena. I got to drive. Oh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:53:03 I mean, that's going to be fantastic. You're going to listen to your favorite audio book. Maybe something like that. Yeah, I always listen to podcasts and stuff or talk to people. What's the doctor's appointment? Is it for your back?
Starting point is 00:53:20 Everything. Yeah. Rambler. One dollar. Thank you. Thanks, rambler back one dollar thank you thanks rambler uh any what any goals for this upcoming um event what is it the crossfit games any goals for it trying to keep it um i think the same kind of goals that i had for semifinals, which is, I think for me, just continuing to redeem what last year was for me and how burnt out I felt and just not fun I was having. I was having not, it was not a great experience for me. I was crying before each day and just thought I was done competing and just wanted to quit during each event. So I just want to redeem a lot of what happened last year for me. And so I felt
Starting point is 00:54:17 like I was able to do that during semifinals and going to do it again during the CrossFit Games. So I feel like when you're having fun, then you can fully express yourself on the floor. Was it a, was it, is it true that it's a single no rep that lost you $75,000 at Waterpalooza? Something like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:36 My foot not going over the line during the sandbag walk, run, whatever you want to call it. Holy shit. Yeah. I heard you say in that interview, it's not all about the money. Yes, it is. Talk to your doctor about that too.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Tell him that you're confused. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that would have been my wedding. That's for sure. She would have helped pay for my wedding. But yeah, I mean, I wish they would have done a better job of videotaping things at Wadapalooza. Because that was the biggest problem I had with it, even though I was probably in the wrong with my foot not going over the line.
Starting point is 00:55:18 I think more of the issue was I had the potential of getting first place. I had the potential of getting first place. And I feel like you should have the camera on at least the podium finishers during the last two events, just in case something like this happens where you can kind of see, Oh yeah, her foot did go on the line or, Oh, actually, you know what? It crossed over the line. She's good. But they didn't have that. Which was really confusing to me. I was like, why, why aren't you videotaping the top athletes
Starting point is 00:55:46 if they have the potential of getting first or being on the podium? Or making or losing 75K. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So it's just kind of the judges, the floor on the judge. I did really love watching Guadalupalooza this year. I did really enjoy it. Yeah, it was fun. You'll probably go again.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Someone told me today there's going to be a West Coast Waterpalooza in L.A. Did you hear that? Just got announced today. I don't know. I'm just on a bunch of threads where a bunch of games geeks are, and they're just like, oh, my God, Waterpalooza's coming to L.A. Interesting. That'd be easy for you.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Yeah, that'd be great. Hometown advantage. interesting that'd be easy for you yeah that'd be great hometown advantage do you remember um were you at the 2017 games in madison you were right yeah it's my first year and you were on the floor for the final event the women's event i think so yeah i don't remember what it is was i don't remember the event either but when it was all over it was crazy emotional on the floor everyone was crying except for two people I was crying
Starting point is 00:56:52 but I remember looking at you and Carrie Pierce and you guys weren't crying oh really? yeah do you remember that at all? no oh I think it was you and Carrie Pierce you don't remember how intense that was on 2006 2017 on the floor there it was fucking nuts i don't think i was like i i was such a like i had no idea what was going on as far as like who was competing who were people like who had been in the game for x amount of
Starting point is 00:57:22 years like i had no idea. I was such a loose back then. I don't even know what's going on. Cool. I made it. Hey, what's your, what's your background? Mostly gymnastics. And then, uh, I got into a lot of different things like obstacle course racing, bodybuilding and long distance running. And then, Holy shit. Okay. You covered the gambit. Yeah. I think those were the good puzzle. I don't know. Those are the good puzzle pieces. I think for CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:57:53 the only thing I didn't do was anything with a barbell. So, um, I feel like with my CrossFit career, that is what is behind the most is the barbell stuff. Thank you. Yeah. fit career that is what is behind the most is the barbell stuff thank you yeah i'll see you in a couple weeks you being a good headspace i'm in a good headspace right now awesome yeah you seem it ready awesome all right girl hey thank you very much for coming on good to good to like sit down and like meet you meet you yeah you too thanks for having me see you soon all right sounds good bye um scott switzer it was tia kara finish and annie being back on the podium it was nuts out there
Starting point is 00:58:44 i'm like why am i crying It was Tia Cara finish and Annie being back on the podium. It was nuts out there. I'm like, why am I crying? Why am I crying? Manny C. Serrano, Bethany is an inspiration at our gym. My daughter Juliette and my wife Devin are big fans. Yeah, she's cool. Yeah, she's easy. I knew that she had to go in 15 minutes, so I felt a little rushed.
Starting point is 00:59:15 But she's cool. I want to hear all the juicy – I want to hear like all sorts of juicy details about just what it was like at Underdogs Athletics and just her and Danielle's relationship and hers and Carrie's. You know, I've never interviewed Carrie Pierce either. I mean, in person a little bit, but never on a podcast or anything. Rosie View Photography, love you, Bethany. Can't wait to photograph you at the games. Draw Your Dagger. Love you, Bethany. Can't wait to photograph you at the games. Draw your dagger. Glad you got through that chat, Sevan.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Her big, beautiful head was prominently displayed. Yeah. I'm so silly. I thought that I was the only one that saw her and the similarity between her and Gal Gadot. Oh, my toes. 15 minutes. I meant to ask her how long she wears her toe spacers. These things are cool. All right. Well, thank you. Great interview. Lots of viewers at this time.
Starting point is 01:00:17 Really? Eh. I think this will be a big show, though. She's over when the... She shows over when the toe spacers are off. Damn, we have a crazy schedule of people. You know who I DMed with yesterday? Is Emily Rolfe.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Oh, look it. I asked her to text me or ask for her phone number. I've never interviewed her either. She just texted. I want to see who's, is there a show tonight? No. No show tonight. Maybe I'll do a show tonight. I need to do a show tonight? No, no show tonight. Maybe I'll do a show tonight. I need to do a show tonight.
Starting point is 01:01:08 I'm running out of time. I need to get as many athletes on as possible. I wonder if I could do like five athlete interviews in a day. Dude, Friday's CrossFit Games update show is going to be awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. We have a CrossFit Games champ coming on who likes the cuts, and I love it because I love the cuts. And then also we are – Chris Hinshaw is going to come on
Starting point is 01:01:40 and tell us which CrossFit athlete – well, i don't know if i could speak we're going to talk about who has the best engine in the sport and he has some uh or one of the best engines in the sport i think you guys are going to be like oh shit oh shit it's going to be it's going to be very eye-opening for a lot of you and it's going to uh a lot of you already think you know and you're going to be like yeah i suspected but this is gonna change your whole fucking person this is really gonna rock your world uh be prepared those of you who are on there there's this athlete we're gonna talk about on friday and a bunch of you are fans already but now you're gonna go all in you're gonna be like wow no no no you guys will never guess. Well, you're not going to be surprised, and you're going to be like, oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Oh, shit. The second coming is here. I mean, it's nuts. It's nuts when you find out who it is. Okay, here. Let me see. And you know who else I invited on? Let me see if she – I invited Abigail Donut on the show. And I wonder if she responded to my DM. Oh, my DM.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Oh my God, she did. Sweet. Can we text and I'll have Sousa set it up. And thank you. And then some 805-252-40. Okay. Wow. Good to go.
Starting point is 01:03:19 That'll be cool, her and Emily Rolfe, if I could get them both on the show. David Blaine, that would be awesome. I don't know if Katrin's going to come. Oh, nice shirt, Ernie. Holy shit. With the shorts. Dang. I don't know if Katrin's gonna come on I'd like to have her on just to say hi just to touch base hey remember when I had O'Keefe on and he said she was watching the show
Starting point is 01:03:59 just to see if I was in asshole mode or not I don't know I've been just to see if I was in asshole mode or not. I don't know. I've been... I need to bug Ben Smith too. Oh, Sporty Beth. I don't know if I'm ready to have her on the show.
Starting point is 01:04:18 I did tell you guys what happened though. She called me a wanker or something on Instagram and it kind of was kind of sweet. I liked it. Oh, look at this. When someone calls you a wanker, it on instagram and it kind of was kind of sweet i liked it oh look at this when someone calls you a wanker it's kind of like they're kind of like de-escalating right the situation like if you're like fuck you you bitch and then they're like oh don't be a wanker you're i mean i'm not completely familiar with the vernacular the the the social nuances of english speak but i think that that's like look at this uh this oh shoot it's too bright in here this is uh this is the
Starting point is 01:04:55 ceo blend of paper street coffee single origin organic honey floral black cherry, medium roast, 50-50 blend. I'm so – and it's got – I don't know why. It's from some country. It's from some country. It says Colombian Sierra Nevada. And it's got – I don't know. Is that Colombia? It's got – and it shows – there's a little map, and it shows you where the beans from.
Starting point is 01:05:22 These new bags are so nice. Man. And I think if you use the code word seven you get free shipping or something something good happens to you i just got so much new coffee i can't wait to drink this i got two bags of this so i'll keep this here and keep plugging it and and if you go to paper street coffee make sure you put in paper st coffee don't type in the whole street and if you use to Paper Street Coffee, make sure you put in Paper ST Coffee. Don't type in the whole street. And if you use the code word SEVON and it doesn't give you some sort of discount, that means you're on the wrong site. So use that. Wanker is better than toxic.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Yeah, totally. I want to ask her to pull that video down. I don't want there to be a video of me on there that says the most toxic man in crossfit could i like what could i what could i do for her that wouldn't get her to pull that down hey if i could get my friends who listen to my podcast to go over and like like your video or something could you will you take it down you know or maybe just the nicest guy in CrossFit. Just change the title. How about just change the title?
Starting point is 01:06:32 Johnny, you got coffee from Tamu and put CEO on it. Is that English? Tamu? Tamu? Use code some country. No, don't use that? Use code some country. No, don't use that. Use code Sevalon. The wanker blend. Wow.
Starting point is 01:07:10 David Weed, but she ain't lying if she is lying i'm i'm you're you're fucking couldn't be further from the truth i'm not even i'm not toxic at all zero toxicity in me i'm kind i'm pleasant i'm generous i'm humble i'm open hi cat i have good hygiene i shower three times a. I change my underwear more than twice a day. I hold the door open so people can walk through like at Starbucks. So people can walk through like at Starbucks. But after like seven people, I start to get pissed a little bit. So I'm not that's I'm like I'm like seven or eight on the level of kindness that finally I'm just like, hey, someone else to hold the fucking door. Listen, if I'm holding the door open for someone and there's 15 people coming through, all 15 of you don't come through without someone just touching the door. Eventually, you got to like you got to let the guy go.
Starting point is 01:08:05 That's not his fucking profession to hold the door open for you. know what i'm saying you ever been in that situation you hold over for one person and just a line of people starts coming out and you're like fuck this your car's running it's 107 degrees outside and your kids and your dog are in there Your kids and your dog are in there. Fucking no one can fucking touch the door. Everyone's got like germ phobia. Thank you. Will Branstetter.
Starting point is 01:08:38 You changed your underwear twice today. Confirmed. You're a wanker. Darren. Hi. Darren, hi Sevan's podcast gets me through my six hour drive from NorCal to SoCal, the best out there thank you, they know, they all know but thank you, it is nice to hear that
Starting point is 01:08:59 but David knows the only reason why David isn't addicted to Oxycontin anymore is because he listens to my show. Yeah, good, good, good. Patrick Clark with some sound sage advice of wisdom. That's why you always use the automatic door. Thank you. You're right.
Starting point is 01:09:20 I should, you're right. And it's always like when I'm about to let it go, like some little kid or old lady comes out, I'm like, fuck, grab it again. I put my cart away more than people who say they put their cart away. I just don't feel obligated to put my cart away because I know it's just virtue signaling bullshit.
Starting point is 01:09:44 I just don't feel obligated to put my cart away because I know it's just virtue signaling bullshit. It's a fucking stupid rule. The rule is don't leave your cart in the way for other people. I'm going to watch the – I want to watch that Buttery Bros Jeffrey Adler piece. That's an incredible thumbnail. Oh, let's go over to Brian Spin's account real quick. How am I on time? I'm good. Let's go to...
Starting point is 01:10:20 Barbell Spin. I'm even going to invite Kelly Baker on again oh here it is Dave Castro defends cuts at the games. It is absolutely terrible. Mr. Brian, he does not defend them. He explains them. Shock jock. Tier partners with our to fight human trafficking and child exploitation.
Starting point is 01:10:56 No shit. That's something I'd like to see Danny Spiegel get behind. Wow. Like that. Or how do I like that? Bam. Child trafficking. Disgusting. Okay, here we go. Huntington Beach, California. The barbell spin. A tear. Wadapalooza is growing in 2024. There will be two. Yes, two events. Miami in january wow socal in september god that's so long from now that's more than a year away this is pretty good uh here we go that That cut. Dallin?
Starting point is 01:11:46 It doesn't affect me, so. Let's play it again. Basically, Spin asks him, hey, what about the cuts? What are your thoughts on that cut, Dallin? It doesn't affect me, so. God, what a stud. Dall he he's he's a threat he's gonna be a perennial fourth place guy i'm gonna invite chandler smith on um the podcast again the last time i invited him on he had a pretty good uh response does anyone remember what it was
Starting point is 01:12:21 i think he said his grandmother wouldn't like it because of my potty mouth. I respect that, actually. A lot. And he was very nice the way he told me. I can't. My grandma. I don't think my grandma wants me to see you on your show. All right.
Starting point is 01:12:41 David Weed. Sevan has saved my life, and i believe everything that comes out of his mouth thank you that's quite the endorsement from a man who left the country running away from the fbi thank you oh it was his it was his mom, not his granny? Don't ruin my story. I like granny. David, was it his mom or his granny? I talked to her about toe spacers. I talked to her about Guadalupalooza. We talked about her about toe spacers.
Starting point is 01:13:27 I talked to her about Guadalupalooza. We talked about her husband. We talked about her giant head and how hot she is. I don't understand why you guys think it's creepy to tell someone that they're fucking hot. You guys suck. Not you guys. Some of you. Why can't you tell someone you're hot?
Starting point is 01:13:44 They're hot. I'm not trying to fucking bang her. You don't think people want to know that they're hot? Hey, you're fucking attractive. You're prettier than Wonder Woman. Well, thank you. What a bunch of douchebags. It's creepy. No, it's creepy because you look at people from across the room and start picturing having oral sex with them. It's like that's fucking creepy. The rest of us fucking normal people don't do that. Okay, I got a good story for you guys. Ready?
Starting point is 01:14:18 And then I'm leaving. Ready? We talked. I got squeezed in some politics with Bethany. Oh, see, there's Janelle. I like to be told that I'm hot. I can't tell how hot you are, but your body is crazy. Put some fucking clothes on.
Starting point is 01:14:38 There's boys in the room. Oh, maybe use the word attractive. I'm not 50. Oh, maybe use the word attractive. I'm not 50. Oh, wait. I don't even know what this one says, but this is pretty fun. I just like... Tyler Apreli, if by hunter-gatherer you mean carry my groceries out to Aldi in the various boxes I gather while shopping, then yes, I'm a hunter-gatherer. Is that...
Starting point is 01:15:04 What's in your pants? Oh, no, that's your leg. Okay, here we go. Oh, Mooney. Fitness and attractiveness are far right as of this week. Yeah. I wanted to open the door for her to be like, yeah, personal responsibility and personal accountability and not playing the victim has changed these things in my life I wanted to see like if
Starting point is 01:15:29 she was just going to start rattling off all these things it's so obvious why fitness is far right it is far right it is far right um it is far right and the reason why it's far right and the reason why it's far right is because it takes personal responsibility and accountability and so there's this in the left in general I know it's sweeping generalization there's tons of fucking
Starting point is 01:15:55 commies that exercise but in general the right doesn't want to play the victim in general, the right doesn't want to play the victim. They want to take responsibility. They're not like, hey, I'm going to go take the metformin. I'm not going to go take the type 2 diabetes medication. In general, they're like, hey, I want to take personal responsibility.
Starting point is 01:16:19 And you can be like, I know 75 Republicans who do that. I know. I'm just saying in general. It's part of the character, the ideology. And that's why the left is so scared to wake up because it's terrifying to know that there isn't someone out there to save you. I totally understand the whole thing. Fucking crack the code on it. I get it. Oh, Cartnark?
Starting point is 01:16:42 Yeah, that would be cool. I'd like to get him on, brawl with him a little. Seve, get the guy who runs Cartnark on. Okay, so here you go. This is a story about racism. I haven't talked about racism yet today on the show. There's this market in town that I go to regularly, regularly, and it's right on the beach.
Starting point is 01:17:03 And sometimes I'll go there seven days in a week, right, depending on what I'm doing. I go down there with my kids and we hang's right on the beach and some sometimes i'll sometimes i'll go there seven days in a week right depending on what i'm doing i go down there with my kids and hang out down at the beach by the point and it's run by this guy he's an arab and his whole fucking family works there he has like these fucking nine sons and nephews that run the fucking place and they're all under 25 and they're beautiful big fucking arab men like the biggest motherfuckers you ever seen all fucking six three with shoulders huge huge motherfuckers super deep voices hello seven how are you your kids are beautiful and he's only like 17 18 eye contact with everyone i mean they've been working in the store since they've been seven. The best fucking kids ever.
Starting point is 01:17:46 All black fucking hair. Big old fucking chests and shit. Look like they fucking could carry that treasure chest from like Alibaba over there on their shoulders. And I go in there all the time with my three boys. And they treat us like gold. Even if the line's like an hour long, they treat us like gold even if the line's like an hour long they'll be like don't worry seven you pay later and I leave you know and I go in there barefoot all the fucking time all the time barefoot barefoot barefoot my kids are
Starting point is 01:18:16 barefoot we ride our scooters in there we treat the place like we own it it's a cash only place by the way no credit cards and uh my nephew went in there the other day my nephew now moved to santa cruz and my nephew is a blonde dude long blonde hair looks like he fell out of fucking surfer magazine beautiful fucking blonde kid six two thin 175 lats and broad shoulder looks just like a surfer dude he walks in there barefoot and they say yo get the fuck out of here with with no shoes and i swear to god it's because he's white. No, I don't know, but I just thought that, right? The Arabs love me. I go in there barefoot all the time.
Starting point is 01:19:12 No one says a fucking word to me. My 6'2 blonde nephew goes in there. He gets the fucking boot because he's not wearing shoes. True story. True story. So you can take it race. You can go the raceway with it. Oh, there he is.
Starting point is 01:19:29 Mr. Spin, hey. Hey, nice of you to finally return my text. Guys, Mr. Spin is getting big time. 100% because he's white. You think? The thing is, is everyone down there is white. Racism for sure. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:19:43 Well, that's cool. I'm glad. I was concerned that I was just projecting. I'm going to actually ask the owner. I swear to God I am when I see him. Yo, Hassan, how come you kicked out fucking Whitey with no shoes but me, the Jew, Jew Armenian kids get to stay? Mary Masur. Look at you uh dang uh so late i miss bethany and all that's left is seven look you got the same tattoo speaking of arabs that's you look like a fucking hot kardashian
Starting point is 01:20:17 you got the same tattoo as bethany all right i'll eat a dick David same Mary same Arab for sure yeah you are what are you I know some fucking hot Arab dudes young by the way
Starting point is 01:20:39 they're gonna be wealthy too oh shit that's the name of the fucking guy who owns the store i didn't want to say it that's his name that's the guy yeah that's awesome ah how the fuck did you get masur as your last name that's not an arab name that's not that's not like some pal oh that's that's Iraqi? Iraqi? No shit. It can't be. Oh, you're married. I bet you're married. You married like some
Starting point is 01:21:10 French dude. Monsauer? What is that? Anyway. Alright. Yeah, what a missed opportunity. Armenian girls and Arab girls that whole there's so many hot chicks over there just being kept from america send them over all right guys uh off to the skate park uh tomorrow tomorrow's gonna be wild
Starting point is 01:21:38 um it looks like there's nothing else tonight but tomorrow is a Jay Cooey, Robert F. Kennedy's Children's Defense Fund. He works over there, PhD, smarty pants. Then the Taylor and JR programming show at 11 a.m. And then the Flat Earther, Hibbler, H-I-B-B-E-L-E-R, H-I-B-B-E-L-E-R Productions. Go onto YouTube or Netflix and just watch one of his movies on flat earth. It's awesome. It's awesome. Fuck with your little peanut.
Starting point is 01:22:09 Sit down. Watch it. Grow a set of balls. Don't be a puss. Sit your whole family down and watch it. See what happens. Don't do something stupid like get stoned or go in with a closed mind or like you're going to make fun of it. Just go watch a little flat earth shit. Be broaden your perspectives don't be a closed-minded
Starting point is 01:22:29 bigot ernie garza thank you talk to you guys later bye

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