The Sevan Podcast - BKG | Games Bound

Episode Date: July 31, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's a sad bomb podcast show. It's a sad bomb podcast show. Everybody's welcome. Peace and love. It's a sad bomb podcast show. Bam, we're live. I wonder if that's me saying that. I always wonder that. I can't even recognize my own voice. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the show. What a Dave Castro we can review yesterday. I got a very thoughtful comment after Bjorkvind Carl Gudmundsson comes on. I will address it. I got one really thoughtful comment from yesterday's show that I'd like to address. And then one very unthoughtful, very unthoughtful. What's up, Seve? How's the squirrel soaking in a yogurt and oil, cilantro and spices
Starting point is 00:00:53 marinade? And then we'll see when I come back in two weeks, me and the boys will chomp it down. Look at is that you and Dave? Look how tall Dave looks next to you. My goodness. BKG's coming on today. I'm always so proud that I learned his name.
Starting point is 00:01:14 And it's a fun one to say, right? Björgvin Carl Gudmundsson. Morning, Sevan. What's up with the black spot on your shirt? I'm not sure which black spot you're talking about. What's up, dude? What's up? Can you hear me? Yeah, your favorite activity. What? What's my favorite activity? Yeah, no, I said your favorite activity, coming on podcast and hanging out. Oh, thanks. Yeah, no worries. You know, I actually woke up Two and a half hours ago because I thought it was seven a.m. My time but i'm still a little time confused and uh
Starting point is 00:01:53 I didn't have to wake up 6 30. Oh shit. Okay. Well, I want to let you know that I do that all the time And usually it happens with australians Oh, yeah I can imagine Hey, um 11 years And I finally got your phone number. Oh, who gave it to you? Are they in trouble? Yeah, I think it's not that he's in trouble.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I was like, yes, yes. You can keep it, you can keep it. I don't have to throw it away. No, you don't have to. I'll just change my phone number next month. Oh, dude. Good. Yeah. What's up?
Starting point is 00:02:36 Good to see a staple, a staple at the CrossFit games. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's been a while now, right? I mean, 11th year. it doesn't feel like 11. It doesn't? No, it's because I think that the, you know, the years in Madison, they all kind of just like crumbling into that almost one year. And then it's almost like this is my third year, because I did, I was in LA, I was in Madison and now I'm in Dallas so
Starting point is 00:03:05 this is my third James. Yeah hey I don't like switching do you like switching? I think it's okay but I think we have kind of maxed out everything that we can do in Madison yeah so maybe it was about time to, you know, explore new locations and see what they have in store for us here. I think there's hopefully something new. I mean, just like keeping it fresh a little bit. But I'm not sure about this heat, though. Yeah. I guess for you, it's like you're the performer. So it's probably nice going to new venues for me. I like to know like, okay, that's the best spot to stand, to get that shot. I know the athletes have to walk by me here.
Starting point is 00:03:52 You know what I mean? Like selfish selfishly. I don't like the change. I like it just like, okay, I finally, I find, cause the venues are confusing. Oh, they are for me. Oh yeah. The time for me and the doors and the. Yeah. Oh, they are. For me. Oh, yeah. The time I even the doors and the yeah, I was always
Starting point is 00:04:08 Discovering new rooms and and different paths to the venue and even Madison on my last year. So Yeah, I mean this huge like the facilities that they have usually for the games are just big and Yeah, yeah, I think We'll see how it goes this year I'm I'm expecting it to be like big and I'm not sure how big the Dickies arena is like do you know the capacity like how many people can be there I want to say 12,000 but I'm just I'm just making it up and I think it's gonna be beautiful and epically clean I think it's gonna to be beautiful and epically clean. I think it's going to be state
Starting point is 00:04:45 of the art. You know where else looks nice. Hey, did your mom call you Björkvin? Yeah. So like if she was like Björkvin your car's blocking my car and I have to be somewhere in 10 minutes. Can you move at Björkvin? Exactly. Okay. Björkvin, Scotland also looks amazing. The pictures of where Rogue's doing their venue looks like unbelievable. For Rogue Invitational you mean? Yeah, for the Rogue Invitational it looks unbelievable. That is super exciting. That's also very close to Iceland. I know that a lot of people are really excited. Oh, I guess it is close to Iceland. Yeah, you just drive. It's about a 90 minute flight. No shit, I didn't know that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's super close.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Are you, if you don't qualify through the games, will you try to do the online qualifier? Oh yeah, for sure. Yeah. I want to participate there. And I think that a lot of Icelandic audience will come out and watch. Nevertheless, like if I'm there or not. And I think that a lot of Icelandic audience will come out and watch. Nevertheless, if I'm there or not, I just think that we have such a big fan base out of Iceland. I think that a lot of people see this as an opportunity to see games athletes compete at the Rogue Invitational
Starting point is 00:06:02 and the best in the world. So because it's quite hard for people sometimes to come out to the US, like especially to Dallas. I mean, it's just so far away from home. Right. And it's like it's an expensive. And you guys could melt and they could melt. Yeah, and we could melt.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Yeah, definitely. Mike McCasky, Dickies is 14,000 in the concert configuration. So I guess if they have a music playing there and Summer Vine says 9,000 in the concert configuration, so I guess if they have music playing there. And Summer Vine says 9,000 maybe for the... But I have a feeling it's going to be very reminiscent of the tennis stadium. I believe it's going to be very loud, very intense, with a ton of good seats. I think it's going to be a really intense environment for the athletes, like in a positive way. Yeah, what was the capacity in the Coliseum? I don't know. I want to say less. I want to say like 8,000, but I could be,
Starting point is 00:06:52 I could be totally wrong. I'm just making stuff up. Hey, I was thinking about this the other day about you. Are you still coached by Yami? He's here. Like I'm in, I'm currently in an Airbnb with Yami and Henrik and his girlfriend Henrik Kappelainen. Yeah in in Dallas. Yeah. Oh you you're there. Okay. How long have you been there? since Saturday I Was thinking about this I was thinking about in the early go way way back Maybe even maybe before you even went to the games. I was remembering I think that Yama was coaching Annie
Starting point is 00:07:32 Yeah, and she also had Carl Yeah, and she had You know Frederick as on the team too. So that was her team Yes, and I remember there was I don't remember who or what, but Carl was going to coach someone else. And I remember Annie being like, hey, I would like my coaches to be, I would like to singularly work with my coaches. And I think she's pretty honest about that.
Starting point is 00:07:57 And I could be paraphrasing, but I really respected that. I respected the fact that she just wanted one coach for her. Yeah, exactly. Is Jami just your coach on the men's side? No. No, who else does he coach? And how do you guys do that? Because you guys are pretty old school.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Yeah, I would say, so in the beginning it's always been like me and Andy and Fredrick, right? Right. So one boy and one girl, which seems to be a winning combination. Yeah, pretty much. But as the years go on, I mean. Henry came along. He was following the training plan and then he made it to the games. And I'm not sure when they started working together like one on one, I'm guessing it's around the time that he made it to the Games. So for a few years now it's been me and Henrik and then also Jonne
Starting point is 00:08:55 Koski, he joined the team like about two years ago. So it is me, Henrik and Jonne at this point and he is obviously coached by Jami still, but she had her second baby. So she's still kind of coming back. So let's say that everything goes by plan or let's say that any wants to come back next year, then it's probably going to be the four of us like me, Hendrik, Yanda and any. And as the do you have an issue with sharing Yami? No. And as the years go on, I'm guessing maybe the term is leverage.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Every year that goes on, maybe you need less coaching. And so he's in, so you feel maybe more comfortable sharing the coach because you can build up on top of what you guys already have. You're communicating faster, you're more advanced, etc. Yeah, exactly. And I think I've also been a little bit independent myself from the get-go. I mean, Yami now lives in Iceland, but he didn't used to live in Iceland.
Starting point is 00:10:02 He lived in London. So like I've always like throughout my career had to kind of take care of myself because he might not be there like every day, but he is actually now. So even though he lives in Iceland now, I don't feel that he is obligated to just like coach me and not coach anybody else. And yeah, it's true. Like we've been working together for such a long time that he knows what I'm capable of taking care of myself and then what I need him for basically. In Yame's program is called The Training Plan.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Yeah. Does he have other people who work at The Training Plan or is it just him? There are people that help, but he's a perfectionist and he likes to do things by himself because he... I guess he just most of the stuff by himself or he might direct another person on how to do things, but I think he has the final words on how everything should look like. And he's second to none, right?
Starting point is 00:11:18 He's kind of out of this world. You couldn't ask for a coach who's more committed. Yeah, I guess you've probably heard it from other people, right? I mean, he was coaching Khan, and like he is coaching Khan Porter as well. And he has been with the team, right? When Eni went team and like he kind of took over. And I think the people on the team then realized like,
Starting point is 00:11:40 okay, like this guy knows exactly what he's talking about. And I think he has already like earned his respect from all the coaches and other athletes and I think they like at this point respect what he's doing and and understand that he is Not talking any nonsense. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I View him You know, there was this term that Dave coined I don't know if you if you heard it, but he coined this term pop seal
Starting point is 00:12:13 one he would he referenced Navy Seals who like start like writing books or going on all the Podcasts and he started calling them pop seals. Yami is not a pop coach. No He's he's like like if you open his drawer, there's a whistle and pair of gray sweats and a stopwatch. Yeah. And that's it. Right. I mean, it's just, it's just coach. Yes. Oh, 100%. And like, he's always trying to figure out new things, right? Trying to implement. He reads a lot about like the newest technologies and we follow all the sports and what they're doing and we try to implement it into CrossFit. Some of it might work, some of it doesn't and whatever works we keep in there and then if something isn't
Starting point is 00:12:58 working we just skip it basically. So I'm really like I would say and that's also probably the reason why I'm still maybe performing at this level is because like he keeps me occupied, like he keeps me on my toes by trying to find new things that like keep me in the game basically. I mean I'm obviously not getting any younger, but at the same time, I'm not that old. I've just been doing it for a long time and I started pretty early. So I'm how old are you? I'm 31. 31. Yeah, you're not that old. No.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Oh, thank you. I appreciate that. Hey, when you started in CrossFit, there would be this discussion. It's probably towards the tail end of this discussion, but there had been a discussion going on since 2008. Oh, if someone came from the NFL, the National Football League, they could enter the CrossFit Games and win. Or if someone came from one of these other sports, the decathlete came from the Olympics,
Starting point is 00:14:00 they could win. And I wanna say around 2011, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, that conversation was put to sleep. That became just a ridiculous talk. But yesterday I was talking to someone who's not familiar with CrossFit, and they're a fan of the show, Kill Taylor that we do on Saturdays, where Taylor does a workout,
Starting point is 00:14:23 and then people try to beat it. And he said, Oh, it would be cool if other athletes from other disciplines saw it so they could just come on and win the money. And I was thinking to myself, man, I guess outsiders still think that there's a chance that they can do that. Like they don't realize like, Hey, you are not going to do 100 burpees and swim in a pool full speed. You're not going to end back and forth, whatever he did. The week he did the swim, he did, I think he did 50 yards three times in 92 burpees. And he did it in the winning time was like five minutes and 20 seconds. Okay. Who was it? It was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was it was No, exactly. No, I'm like, are you out of your fucking mind? I don't say that to them, but I'm like, wow, people still don't realize what, what the games are.
Starting point is 00:15:29 No, it's kind of like you have to be doing CrossFit, I think for a while to understand that. Okay. Like I don't think any other athlete in any other sport is going to like beat our score, especially when you have a guy like Taylor, like pretty like very fit guy and like, you know, has the potential to make it to the games, then bringing on an NFL or like a soccer player or whatever, he's not gonna, he's not gonna beat his score. was much longer and the burpees would have been way less than a swimmer could have won him or beat him. But yeah, no, it's like an old myth and I try not to pay too much attention to that. Do you hear it still too sometimes? Do you still hear it? Because I live in a bubble
Starting point is 00:16:21 and I never hear it. So when I heard it, I was shocked. Yeah, not really. I think the last, if I recall anything, it might have been in like 2019 when Hunter McIntyre was invited to compete at the games. I mean, he's fit. He practically does CrossFit, right? I mean, Cyrox and it's close enough. At least it's closer than, you know, NFL. close enough, at least it's closer than, you know, NFL. But he got caught, right, like pretty early on. I don't think it's a mistake also to say Hirox is just one CrossFit workout. I think that's a very fair characterization of Hirox.
Starting point is 00:17:00 No, I agree. Yeah, I agree. And I mean, it's movement. I don't want to say it's cross movement. It's a hero. What's that? The, the cry, the high rocks. Yeah. Yeah. It's a hero. Yeah. Yeah. It's a hero. Yeah. Yeah. It's a big one. I mean, yeah. And it's a lot of running and the times that those guys are though, finishing the high rocks world championships, it's insane to me.
Starting point is 00:17:25 I think it's not just about the run, I think also the other implements like the rowing pace and the ski pace and you know how fast they get to 80 meters of burpees, it's insane. I'll probably never do Hi-Rox though. I think I've suffered enough for a long time that when I retire, I'm probably just going to do something that's a little less painful. Do you have a plan of what to do next? No, not really. I'm growing interest in endurance sports, not like ultra marathon stuff, but more like those maybe Olympic distance swimming biking running something like that like might start there and then See if that suits me and but I'll always be lifting and I think
Starting point is 00:18:16 Keeping the Olympics lifts in there and strength and I'll do CrossFit basically, but I might turn myself into you know a little bit more of an endurance athlete and try to do some competitions maybe in Iceland and then we'll see what happens basically. Another interesting thing about Hirox is that completion of the task seems to be more relevant than range of motion. So by that, I mean like, so in their wall balls are the classic example, right? So their idea of the wall ball is, I mean clearly they don't squat below parallel and if they don't that's fine, that's up to them. But we have different, it's a different standard than CrossFit. Have you ever seen that in high rocks when they do the wall balls?
Starting point is 00:19:03 I actually haven't. You'll never see someone squat below parallel. Have you ever seen that in high rocks when they do the wall balls? I actually haven't. You'll never see someone squat below parallel. You also think on the world championship level that they don't go below parallel or is it mostly just like in the general competitions that are for the average joe? Is there a difference between the average joe that does high rocks and then the world championship? Oh, Heidi's saying, you're wrong, Savon. They require squat below parallel.
Starting point is 00:19:27 It's the lack of judging quality. Okay, because even the best guys in the world, I don't see them squatting below parallel. So I just thought that it's kind of like burpees. Like for me, in an event, a burpee is just touch your chest to the ground and jump. Like I'm not even worried about hip opening. You know what I mean? Just like bar over the burpees. I think like if you're teaching it in a class, I think it's fair to do, set whatever rule you want.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Jump up and touch something. Yeah. Make sure you stand all the way up. But in a race, I think as long as your chest hits the ground and you lower your center of mass to the lowest point and then you come up and clap, I think then the rest is just athleticism for turnover speed. That's how I think of it. Okay. The normal burpees you mean. You're not talking about over a barbell or over a
Starting point is 00:20:20 box. No, the bar or anything. Like if two guys are going to race and do burpees as fast as they can and you want it and you're going to race and do burpees as fast as they can, and you want to, and you want to, and you're going to judge it, I would take everything out, except just touch your chest to the ground, and then clap over your hands and get off the ground. If you're even if you're like this or bent or I don't even care. Okay. At that point, I just think that that's a, and then if you want to fix that in a race, you should have them have to jump and touch something over their head.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Exactly. Yeah. But other than that, you should, you should have them have to jump and touch something over their heads. Exactly. Yeah. But other than that, you shouldn't be talking about, did you open your hip or any of that shit? Because it's like, take all the subjective shit out. Yeah. And it's just like when you guys do over the bar. That's just for me, that introduces a huge part of athleticism. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Because no one's opening their hip. They're just they're doing some sort of frog maneuver. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And it's cool. I like it. Yeah, because no one's opening their hip. They're just they're doing some sort of frog maneuver. Yeah, exactly Yeah, and it's cool. I like it. Yeah, I like it. Yeah um You made this pretty wild post When you qualified this year, yeah, oh Man this time it just felt so sweet in the beginning of this season, I lost a friend due to cancer.
Starting point is 00:21:26 I lost a childhood friend that grew up in the same town as me. Is that the same guy? You're referencing the same gentleman? Yeah. This 11th trip to the Games is dedicated to him because I will never forget the impact he had on me and people around him. Wow, that's pretty intense. How old was he? He was 34. And what kind of cancer did he have? Do you remember?
Starting point is 00:21:59 Yeah, but I just can't find the right words in English. Okay, yeah, it's fine. And do you know what happened to him? Do you know how he got it? but I just can't find the right words in English. OK, yeah, it's fine. And do you know what happened to him? Do you know how he got it? Do you know what what the not just a just a freak, just a freak? Yeah, pretty much like nothing.
Starting point is 00:22:17 It was like, like, I can't really state if he got it from something. I don't think anybody can at this point. But once he got discovered, it was I don't think anybody can at this point, but once it got discovered it was already on the fourth stage and it just wasn't looking very good from the get-go. But he talked about it very openly and a lot of people followed him and saw how he took it and I, yeah, like a lot of people followed him and like saw how he took it and I think that's very admirable, like how he took it and how he battled it and how, you know, it just showed us like this heroic effort of trying to beat it and I think, you know, everybody can respect that. And it's just like, it's a slap in the face for like, obviously him and his family,
Starting point is 00:23:10 but also for like friends and like, when I, when he told me about it, for an example, when he like, told people about it, it was just such a shock, I guess. And it's just like, it's hard. It's it seems just so unfair to be 34 years old and dying from your family basically had two kids and a wife and they just built a house in Reykjavik. And yeah, it's, it was just unbelievable. And this, like I knew knew about it maybe two years ago. Then starting off the open, I think it was workout two or three, that's really when things started to not look good for him. I think for me throughout the last workout in the open and then the quarters and the semis, like it was a pretty rough time. Like I don't want to say it was a rough time for me because I can't imagine how it was for the family. But at the same time, yeah, like I was feeling it a nice appreciation or whatever, just to dedicate my 11th appearance to the CrossFit Games to him because he was a very good guy and we had a great time together.
Starting point is 00:24:38 I think we were both pretty hyperactive as boys and we spent a lot of time like we come from this very small town in Iceland of where the population is 500 people and we kind of had to be super creative and finding something to do so we did a lot of like we did I don't know we did snowboarding and skateboarding and fishing and you know whatever it was because you know in that town there wasn't much to do so people or kids just went outside and you know found something to do yeah I'm just very thankful that I got the opportunity to know him and now may he rest in peace so you what's your earliest memory of him you knew him as a child oh yeah we were like little. Like he was a little bit older than me, obviously. And he probably didn't start hanging like around me.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Well, he kind of did. Like I was very young when he took me to... Basically, like he would find me and boys that were up to doing whatever at all times. And he could definitely see it in me that I was ready to do whatever he wanted to do. And then he basically picked me out of a few other guys and we would do pretty crazy shit. And my mom wasn't always happy about it but she forgave him every time and our friendship just evolved from there. When you say you lived in a town of 500 meaning you could just ride your bike to his house or run over there? Yeah and pretty much everyone in the town knew
Starting point is 00:26:17 kind of knew each other like you would know everybody by their names and you know even if like we didn't have phones obviously at the time but you know, even if like we didn't have have phone phones obviously at the time, but you know, the parents just didn't really think about where we were, because we were always going to come back in the end, because it's such a small town and they could basically just call whoever if my mom wasn't finding me in the evening or something like she would just call my friend's house and ask if She if they knew where I was and they had probably seen me in the last 30 minutes or so and it was pretty easy for us to for them to just not
Starting point is 00:26:58 Stress about where we were all the time And I think that's also good. I mean, this might not be the reality today, but I was pretty lucky with childhood, I would say, and friends and especially him. And when you say you get in trouble, you did all the stuff that boys did through snowballs at passing cars, did pranks, just all the stuff that young boys do. Yeah. Catch animals, set traps, all that stuff. Yes, exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:29 And then one day he just calls you and he says, Björgvin, I have cancer. Yeah, he posted, he actually posted on Facebook. It was during the Christmas. 21. I actually had Or 22. Sorry. I actually had my 30th birthday party and
Starting point is 00:27:55 In I I mean I held it after the game so I held it in like October and That was about the time that he was about to find out. He didn't make it. He thought that he was just sick and it didn't come to the birthday party. No problems. But then, you know, from that kind of sickness, I think that was about the time that they realized that he had the cancer. And did he know right away that it was going to be fatal? I think the doctors told him that it was not treatable. They would do treatments, but it was already at the fourth stage.
Starting point is 00:28:37 I don't know if you say that in English, but yeah, that basically means, oh man, that the chances of recovery were pretty slim. So, yeah. And for you, I'm guessing it's some sort of crazy wake up call. Like it's like you're so young and then one of your friends pass away and then it's like a check to your own mortality. Oh absolutely, I mean... You're like what the fuck, that can't happen. No, exactly. And you also start thinking about like, what are you stressing about?
Starting point is 00:29:16 Like how on earth can you be stressed about, you know, the first event of the games? Like who fucking cares? Like I'll do as best as I can and I'll get the butterflies in my stomach. But it's like, I've also been at the point, you know, some years at the games where it's like, oh fuck, like if I don't finish this, like in a good placement or whatever, like my life is over kind of, you know, thinking. And I think that's so like childless. And by having somebody, some of your close friends go away like this, it just makes you re-evaluate life and, you know, decisions and, you know, not stressing too much about what's happening. Like, I of course care a lot about my career and
Starting point is 00:30:03 everything, but it's not the end of the world. I might as well just try to enjoy it while I'm able to do it for the 11th time in a row, man. It's just, yeah, nothing is going to happen. Like I'll just go home in three weeks and yeah, you know, I just want to be proud of what I'm doing and not stress about it too much. Like it doesn't really matter. Yeah, I guess the context is no matter what happens you get to go home and hug your mom. Right. And what happens to him is his mom and him and his mom will never hug again. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Yeah, it's wild. Yeah, wild wild wild. And it's I also think it's smart that... I think a lot of people would run away from that feeling. But I think it's probably best... it sounds like you're leaning into it. Like you want to have the experience and you're not afraid of the discomfort of it. No, not at this point at least. I mean, it's only me and Cole that have made it now to 11th games in a row. And I mean, it's- He did his in a row too. His are 11 in a row too. Isn't it? I think so. Maybe you're right. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:31:18 And then it was him two weeks later. Yeah. Crazy. That is pretty crazy. I thought that Cole had retired. Well, what happened was, I think there was some confusion, right? Because I think Ben Bergeron handed over the reins to Cole and Cole had not implied, but I think that a lot of us just assumed that as head coach, he he wouldn't still pursue the games I think there was like some blurry area Exactly. Yeah, that might have been it for sure. Yeah. Hey, are Good. We go ahead. Were you gonna say something? No, no Is your training significantly different? Is there a year that you train more than every other year? That like, you know, as they say in the states, you had your dick
Starting point is 00:32:05 in the dirt. I would say the first few years, around maybe 2014, 15, 16, I just think that I was pretty immature at the point. And I might have just like gone a little bit too much like all in everything we did. Like, let's say we we lifted, then I just maxed out. You know what I mean? It's like, I wasn't taking care of like, oh, maybe today I should just hit those like 85% before I should hit and then call it a day.
Starting point is 00:32:37 But it was always like, you know, the pan was hot. So I did the cooking in every single fucking session. And you know, that ended up leading to like maybe a little bit of nagging injuries, like I had like a pretty sore knee for a while and like a hip and but then once I got more experienced, I think I've just realized that, you know, maybe I should stick to the program and, and not worry too much about the lifts that I'm hitting right exactly at this point but rather try to keep it consistent and and trusting the process and making sure that I'm peaking when I should be
Starting point is 00:33:14 peaking which is at the games or that games weekend and trusting that I can hit those numbers but that's I think that's normal though, to just like be a little bit too excited and like horny a little. Yeah, yeah. So, um, yeah, I've never heard that word on this. We've said a lot of crazy things on this show. I don't know if I've heard the word horny. I like that. Right. Exactly. And but I think I can handle at this point way more more volume than I did when I was 20. Oh, interesting. Wow. I just think that I move much better at this time and I don't. Yeah. And you know, efficiency is just better now than it used to be and which comes in handy
Starting point is 00:33:55 because then you can do more reps, right? It's just makes sense. Caller hi. Yeah. Hi, do you have something for Björkman Carl Gudmundsson? I do. Yes. I want to say BKG, the fact that you've been doing this for this long, placing this high
Starting point is 00:34:12 for this many years, you're a freaking, if CrossFit had a Hall of Fame, you would be a pillar. You're such a stud. My question for you is when you are in a dark place, specifically like, you know, you're in an event where you're right there at the front. What are you telling yourself to push yourself ahead of the competitors? Like what is that self-talk when maybe someone's just getting slightly ahead of you and you know, you know, if I push, I could get them.
Starting point is 00:34:39 But there's also that kind of that doubt too. Yeah. Dare you ask a better question than anything I've asked him today? How dare you? Yeah, this is a great question. But first of all, thank you so much. I appreciate it that you think that I am a Hall of Famer. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:34:56 But being in that situation, especially at the games floor, it's pretty easy to push yourself because like I do most of my training alone, I would say probably like 90 percent of my trainings are alone. So like being in let's say the Coliseum and like someone is getting close, you can just hear the like, you can just hear the noise from the audience. And it's pretty easy for me at that time to just take it all in and use that as a fuel. I would say it's a lot harder to push yourself to those limits in training. But once I'm out there and on the competition floor, I don't think it has ever crossed my mind to even try to slow down or like it's pretty easy to just keep going when you're on the floor. Like it's it is so electric like I can't really describe it but pushing yourself at the games is not a problem. Wow. Okay let, let me ask you another question then. What, when,
Starting point is 00:36:06 when you were up against Frazer and he's just dominating, would that just piss you off? Like, can this guy suck at one event? Was that frustrating? You just want to beat him and the guy's just completely polished in every area and there's no holes? Like what are you telling yourself to beat someone like that? So the closest I got to you know being alongside Fraser or like seeing like his heels a little bit was in 2019 especially when we only had 10 people left which was almost the whole Saturday and the Sunday. I just told myself to try to stay as close as I could. I honestly, on some of those years that we competed against him, almost every one of us knew that we were all competing for the second place. He was just that good.
Starting point is 00:37:01 I would maybe use it to try to stay close to him to be in front of other people. And I just respected him or respect him highly for like being that good. But to be fair, like I didn't stand a chance all of those years. He was a different animal. All right. You rock, man. I appreciate it. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for the questions.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Thanks. Björgvin, you know what's interesting looking at you? You're not losing your hair. You're not aging. You look younger. Yeah, look at that. It's a bush up there. It's a it's a bush up there it's a carpet you look you
Starting point is 00:37:47 look about as healthy as someone could possibly look pushing their body that hard for 11 years thank you well I appreciate it that I'm just a like I'm a little I'm a baby face right like I don't have beard like I might have like oh you don't go hey oh you don't grow hair on that face really not really like if I try like you would probably tell me to shave it it's just patches yeah just like patches and and I've actually I've actually met people that are maybe like in the early 20s and they don't maybe know how old I am and then I told tell them that I'm 31 and they're all like a lot of them are shocked yeah I would guess like 25 26 someone in here says man he looks like he's 26 right exactly so I
Starting point is 00:38:36 want to keep that up for as long as I can and let's do to cross with right I mean I'm just staying faith staying healthy eating the right foods sleeping well Living in Iceland best country in the world probably shouldn't say it here, but no, it's fine Eleven what's the in the eleven years? What's the most you've ever weighed? Have you ever gone? gotten fat in your love in the offseason No, not really. After weight.
Starting point is 00:39:07 You ever going up to 240 or anything crazy like that? No, 200 is the heaviest I've been. That's like 90 kilos. Yeah. And what's the lightest you've been in the 11 years? That's like pretty early on, 2014, 2015, something like that. I was probably like 180, two. So you're always in fighting shape. You stay, you're ready to go all year.
Starting point is 00:39:34 I stay like pretty lean, I would say. It's just because like we trained just so much and I don't really have like I have a good appetite but I don't really like I never really lose myself or like I don't go overboard I think and I always just do CrossFit you know what I mean it's not like I come home from the games and the next three months are lifting and I don't do any CrossFit or anything like that. I'm also just like super hyper outside of the gym as well. So like even if like we're easing off the CrossFit a little bit, let's say in the beginning
Starting point is 00:40:14 of the off season or something, I just do something else. Like I go skiing, snowboarding, biking. It's just like I try to use the time that I have outside of the gym and when I can to do other activities. And I think other activities are great. It's like, it's so nice to have another hobby that's active outside of CrossFit. That probably keeps me in shape. I saw this, is this a snowmobile? I saw this tow spacers thing that you put together and in the background I was looking at that puller so that snowmobile. Yeah. Yeah, and so where you live you can just ride that right out of your garage
Starting point is 00:40:52 Yes couple of times a year I can do that, but otherwise we'll just have to drive for Maybe 20 30 minutes and then you're in into a pretty good snow and you like that snowmobiling is fun for you This is this is the most fun piece of machine you can get onto. Yeah. That's insane. But you can also kill yourself pretty easily. Yeah, it looks like that thing's powerful as all get out. It looks like a rocket ship. Yeah, it is. Hey, is that a thumb thing you push for the power? You push your thumb in? Yeah. It's a thumb. There are no gears. It's that a thumb thing you push for the for the power you push your thumb in or it's a thumb? There are no gears. It's just a thumb. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Your hand ever get tired? Yeah, it can get sometimes like depending if you're like shredding some steep hills and you know, you have to be on and off all the time. But I would say like it's not nothing close to riding a dirt bike on a track or anything. That's that's pretty that's a forearm pump. The little bit of snowmobiling I've done. I was shocked at how exhausted my thumb got. I was like this is crazy.
Starting point is 00:41:58 I actually had to take some breaks. I mean, I mean, I mean, I'm no Björkman Carl Goodman, but I was like, this is crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Have you actually gone? Snowmobiling. Yeah. A handful of times. Yeah. I love it. It's crazy. I mean, I never even got to the point to where I could fully enjoy it because the machine was so crazy, so scary, so powerful. I mean, I just cruised around. You know what I mean? Yeah. I just cruised. I mean, it was fun. It was a blast.
Starting point is 00:42:24 But I wasn't like, like the people I was with were going places and I would just stay and watch them. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah. You can get, like it's basically not what the snowmobile is capable of. It's just like, you know, how big of a heart do you have?
Starting point is 00:42:40 Like how many balls do you got? Yeah. You can ride this thing like wherever you want to as long as there's snow Are there places in Iceland where people use that like to go to like you would go to the store with that and get your groceries it was actually Not this winter but the winter before It snowed so heavily One night that I had to get to the gym and I took the snowmobile. Oh, oh you must have loved that.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Yeah, I loved that and the cars were stuck in the driveway so I had to take the snowmobile out to train. Yeah, that's awesome. And now there's no snow where you're at. No, no you mean here in Dallas? Yeah. Yeah, out of the, does it snow here? I want to say like, no, not really. I want to say like, I've heard stories of like some snow falling at the airport, you know, but I don't even think it sticks to the ground or anything. No, no, no, exactly. Yeah. It doesn't look like it, at least not now. How bad is it? How hot is it for people who aren't there yet? for people who aren't there yet. It was like 105 yesterday. Yeah, that's, and like I was saying, there's just no way you can get used to it.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Like nobody performs in this heat. And that's the reason why they have the first event at 7 a.m. in the morning and the track event is gonna be like 9, like 8 p.m. or something Friday night. Have you gone in the water yet at the swimming location? Yep. And is it warm? I thought it would be a little bit warmer.
Starting point is 00:44:14 OK, it's not cold at all, but I was just expecting it to be almost like a hot tub. And when you went there, did you see other athletes there? Were you like, oh, hey. Not really, but I've seen some Instagram posts of people going in. I would say it's probably mostly Europeans because we have to come out here a little bit early to get acclimatized and use the time difference.
Starting point is 00:44:39 I don't think a lot of the people that live in the US are here already, some maybe. So we've checked it out. I'm not still not 100% sure like what the, like how the run is not gonna be around the lake because the lake is too big. It's too far, I think. And I'm not exactly sure how.
Starting point is 00:45:00 So you think like the pictures like that barbell spin put out where it's a run, a swim or I can't remember which one was first, but basically where it's around the lake and then just swim across you think that might not be accurate? I just... that's not... so it's a four mile total. And I just think running around that lake is more than four miles. Okay. Well, I think the picture I saw was is you basically ran around half of it and then swam across or you do we even know if the swim is first
Starting point is 00:45:32 or the run is first? Yeah the run is first and then the swim. Okay yeah the picture I saw someone drew a line around half of it and then you swam back to the starting line like you started. Exactly that makes sense to me. Yeah. That's also what we have been thinking. And I think that's actually pretty accurate. Likely. And then how's the terrain look, the ground? Is it paved?
Starting point is 00:45:54 Is it a paved trail or is it loose gravel or? It's just pavement, pretty wide. So there's definitely, like if you run faster than somebody, there's definitely like an easy option to go past them. And I haven't seen any snakes. Oh, that's surprising. Yeah, I haven't seen any snakes and I'm praying that I won't see any copperheads.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Yeah, I would guess in especially in the morning, if you guys do go out there at 6 or 7, that's when they're doing their thing. Yeah, exactly. Do they have signs there? You know how you go to a park and they'll have a plaque and they're like, these are the wildlife. And there's a rattlesnake and a bird and like yeah do they have that there did you see that they have that and that scares the shit out of me because we don't have that nothing lives in Iceland not even a fly or like yeah some flies but you know what i mean it's like there's no snakes or spiders or anything that bites you and kills you nothing venomous. When I went there to film with Annie, I was way into bugs. And I remember spending a day like walking around looking for bugs. There were like no bugs.
Starting point is 00:47:11 I saw like two bugs the whole time I was there. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's pretty, it's harsh conditions for sure. And I mean, this summer, the summer hasn't really come. It's mainly been windy and rainy and average temperature probably like 55 or something. So that's pretty bad. Wow, so it's double where you're at. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Yeah, it's insane. Hey, do you make sure you go outside every day to kind of acclimate to it? Yeah. I've been trying to do most of our sessions now, like pretty early, but it's still gonna be like hot as hell, right? And we did a lifting session,
Starting point is 00:47:54 like in the afternoon yesterday, maybe at 3 p.m. and it's just, oof. Even in a gym. Yeah, in a gym. Yeah, there were no like air, there's no air conditioning, but there are those like huge fans. Yeah, and But that doesn't do much just like blows the hot air around it blows the hot air around here Hey, um, Björgen, what how does ice this is a total change of conversation? How does Iceland get its energy?
Starting point is 00:48:21 Do you guys have a nuclear reactor or how you guys use waterfalls? How do you guys get your energy there? Yeah waterfalls we use those We got turning turbines like the water hits a turbine and turns it. Yeah Okay, where we get the electricity and then there's a lot of It's just a lot of water Moving water so that's how it gets its energy moving water Yes, but there's also a lot of water in the water, so that's how it gets its energy? Moving water? Yes, but there's also a lot of water in the earth, right? Like underneath. And there's a lot of hot water in Iceland. Okay. So electricity bills and hot water bills are pretty low. So steam, so you guys use steam to push it around too. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, and she
Starting point is 00:49:09 Meaning You guys take hot water and run it through your homes to heat your homes. Yeah. Oh, I think I had heard that before Wow, that's fascinating. So there's a massive network piping system that takes this Volcanically heated water and runs it around your country to heat the people? Yes. There are a few bigger ones that supply Reykjavik because most of the population is there. And then there are different ones around the country. Waterfalls are used heavily. country, waterfalls are used heavily, or like those dams are used heavily to make electricity and it's very like self-sufficient and now it's pretty cheap to own an electric car for an example. So a lot of people have changed, but then the government taxes everything and then you know what I mean? Oh yeah, oh yeah. Hopefully we're gonna get away from that in this country.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Hey, what about electric cars there in the winter? Do they get all jacked up? Because I hear about that sometimes in the States, like all the Teslas when it gets really cold, the batteries start having issues. So I actually own a Tesla and I got it in November, so I got through the whole winter. I have my own charging station at home and the distances that I am going aren't that great. that great that I, you know, it gets reduced like how far you can go, definitely depending on the temperature. But it's definitely enough for me. It really doesn't get like crazy, crazy cold. I would say we go like in Celsius, we go to maybe minus 20. And like, whoo, in the US, like you can get like, you can get a lot of places here in the US, go a little bit further down than than that. And I would say like at this point, like it's
Starting point is 00:51:21 not been an issue owning an electric car, but if you need to like tow anything, like go somewhere with something that's heavy or something, then they're pretty unreliable for sure. And you're saying you have your own charging station, meaning when you have it plugged in, it's keeping itself warm. Yeah. And yeah, it like kind of heats the battery up and like, if you have a garage, obviously you will just drive in and keep it there over the night so it doesn't like freeze to death.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Do you have any motivation to do a year 12 now that Cole did a year 11? Yeah, it's it's been calling me a little. Yeah. But I mean, I don't see any reason at this point, at least like I'm having fun with training and I'm seeing improvements and it's just fun being around the guys. And like, I'm also just like very fortunate to be still doing it at this point. And you know, I don't see at this point the reason why I shouldn't do the 12th. Are you tripping on Janakowski at all?
Starting point is 00:52:30 On Janakowski? What happened to him? That was just like a little crazy to me. I think that he was looking very sharp and is looking very sharp. I mean, he's so good. I mean, he's a perennial top 10. I mean, it doesn't even make sense, right? No, not at all. I feel very sorry for him. I would have loved to see him qualify
Starting point is 00:52:55 and see what he would do at the games. I mean, you can basically give him the first place in that first event, for an example. Yeah, yeah. Do you know anything that happened to him? No, nothing that... He wasn't like, hey dude, three of my toes are broken and my spleen is ruptured. No, not really.
Starting point is 00:53:14 He might have been feeling a little bit off on that first day or first event or something. But it's just how the sport is sometimes. Like sometimes it's just hard to piece it all together and you know, you might lose momentum in the beginning of the competition and it might be hard to get it back and you know, not being in the last heat also plays a big role because everybody will know your times. And that's a big factor for sure not being in the last heat. Especially at the semi-finals where we only got 10 spots to the games from Europe. So you don't know anything? It's not that you're not telling me that it's personal, but you don't know?
Starting point is 00:53:56 No, honestly. I would definitely tell you if he was sick or something. Because he won the open. Yeah, and they won a quarter finals as well. Yeah, that's that's that's this is absolutely nuts. Yeah, this is this is nuts. And I mean, we were training in Iceland and like he was beating me. Before the sammies.
Starting point is 00:54:20 So you saw him, he looked he looked amazing. Yeah. Yeah, he took a 13th. He only had one good event, the last event. So yeah, it's hard to say, but he will come back with revenge next year, that's for sure even even for the rogue like i really hope that he makes it to rogue invitationals and shows us what he's capable of and he's only 29 and when he's been around forever did he go to the games before you no same time 2014 2014 yeah crazy that is pretty crazy Yeah. Crazy. That is pretty crazy.
Starting point is 00:55:11 All right, dude. Hey, thanks for coming on. Thank you so much for having me. I'll try not to abuse your phone number. Well, try not to. Otherwise, I'll probably change the next one so you can do it for another four weeks. I understand. Hey, do you still have the same girlfriend? Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. Great stability in your life. Yeah. Good job. Thank you. How long you've been with her? Four years, four and a half years. Oh, congratulations. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Is she there? No. No. She's studying dentistry and she's working now during the summer a lot. And it's just like quite the hassle to come out here from Iceland. It's expensive. Yeah, she probably it's probably killing her though.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Yeah, it is. Yeah, she probably wants to be there. Yeah, she really wants to be here and she just wants she wants summer like every Icelander right now. We just want summer and sun. But we're very quick at, you know, I'd really want to, I'm really excited about going back home because like this heat is nothing to be, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:14 you can't hang around outside, right? It's just too warm. Yeah, you could just tell her how shitty it is. Hey, you're missing nothing. Yeah, I'm just saying that. You're missing nothing. Like, yeah'm just saying that you're missing nothing. Like, yeah, I'll get caught at the games and you know, I'll come back crying. All right, brother. I will see you in a week. See you in a week. All right. Thank you for your time.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Thanks. Bye. Bye. Björgvind Carl Goodman. With the greatest agent in the space, Snorri. Does Snorri have a last name? Just call him Snorri. Thank you, Snorri. God, it's hard to get BKG. It's hard for me to get BKG. Amazing. Sean M, you're missing nothing.
Starting point is 00:57:01 It's so warm and sunny here. That's the thing. When I was a kid, 105 was nothing. I'd have been outside loving that stuff. He's the man, I agree. What a cool dude. JJ Sevon, be careful posting dead animals you killed. There are hunting seasons.
Starting point is 00:57:21 What you did is technically illegal. If someone hated you, they could call a wildlife officer on your ass ass be careful. Those are um I looked it up on google those are um ground squirrels and there's no um there's no uh hunting season on them. I appreciate it though thank you. I checked I asked Dave before we shot the animal. I was like, hey, are you sure we're allowed to do this? He said yeah, and then I googled it anyway But thank you You should have seen how many squirrels there were by the way it was like It was nuts
Starting point is 00:58:01 Screw the squirrels don't have seasons. I guess there's one kind, I guess like tree squirrels and flying squirrels. Some other squirrels have seasons. I saw. But those ground squirrels were fair game. I fucked up. My we're gonna eat the squirrels and my son wanted to save the tail so I came home and I watched a YouTube video on how to save the tail and I fucked it all up. So okay I wanted to there was thought, there was very thoughtful comment. I wanted to read you guys here. This is from Taylor Schultz. Sevan, this is in reference to yesterday I was talking to Andrew Hiller about the pride flag which I think has been completely stolen from the gay
Starting point is 00:59:11 community and you know I grew up in the Bay Area there were pride flags always everywhere. The pride flag was to denote a place where basically gay people could congregate and hit on each other, right? So you would basically see it, you'd see it at the Pride parades, you would see it in front of bars, you would see it, you know, maybe up on someone's house in San Francisco, but there were like certain neighborhoods like the Castro and Polk Street, and those were all the spots and And it was always a good time wherever the wherever those flags were You know, it was a party or like or like I would if I when I was in LA I lived in LA one summer and there was a spot in Hollywood and all the bars had the gay flags and
Starting point is 00:59:59 It denoted your sexual preference. That's that's what that flag denoted your sexual preference. That's that's what that flag denoted 100% and then recently in like I Don't know in the last five years you see the flag everywhere in California every Starbucks people's houses streets Preschools elementary schools the recycling center you just you just you see this flag denoting people's sexual preference everywhere. And the whole cool thing about it, right, was if you saw it at a bar, you know that that was a gay bar. And so if there was someone there who for some reason didn't want it, like you knew that, okay, you could go in that bar and guys could hit on guys in there. And a matter of fact to be honest with you in the dozen gay bars I've been into in my
Starting point is 01:00:49 life I can't ever remember seeing more than 1% of the population and there being women. It was always men. And to tell you the truth I always assumed if I saw women in there they were straight but I don't know maybe because I'm just an asshole or maybe because I'm smart or maybe because I'm nice or maybe some stupid whatever but I just assumed and so just like so like if you saw a flag on a ship on an oil tanker and it has the it tells you which country it's from it denotes the country and that's it that's what the flags denoted and so like and then if you saw it like in um, Uh, if you like when we pledge allegiance in school
Starting point is 01:01:28 And you looked at the flag the flag represented the fact uh, our constitution and our liberties, you know, like things like freedom of speech Shit like that and that's why you uh, would pledge an allegiance to that to that freedom Oh, why are you so fucking scared? And then there would be retards like this that would say, why are you so scared of a fucking flag dude? And like, this is so retarded. And I think we all know from how David comments that he lives in constant fear.
Starting point is 01:02:02 And so I'm not like surprised that he projects that fear onto Onto me, but there isn't there is no there is no fear at all there from the flag there's um, I mean, it's a fucking piece of cloth I Don't even know what you're you're saying saying. But you act like a man who is hyper masculine to the point of you're hiding something. Thank you. Okay. So this comment says, Sevan, it's the sign of a group. Yeah, I understand. Based on their sexual preference. I fully get that. I'm with you.
Starting point is 01:02:42 A community. Nonsense means nothing like like If it was a community Nonsense, but anyway, let's say I did go with you and I did say it represented a community then the community has been diluted so much now by all of the Lines and stripes and stuff that it means embracing mental illness as normalcy
Starting point is 01:03:08 being trans that It's becoming relevant. It would it would be like it would be like if it was an earth flag Someone it's a sign of a group of community a gay people live our entire lives in gay communities. I Don't I don't even know what that means, but okay. Now, the flag signifies our tribe. Yeah, based on your sexual preference. Look, you're not saying anything yet, but okay, I get it. Let's keep going. The various tribes represent the other minority groups. Irrelevant that it's a minority group. Represent the other groups that folks within our community that face multiple layers of discrimination.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Listen, once again, irrelevant because everyone is facing discrimination. Everyone is facing discrimination and there's never been a time in my 52 years that a group has faced more outwardly discrimination than blue-eyed white males, ever So, and you don't have a and you don't have a stripe on there for them. You have, so, but, but, but the interesting thing is, is the part that I want to thank you for is I didn't realize that. What you're saying is, is that black stripe on there, Taylor, is for gay black people, not all black people. I didn't realize that. So I appreciate that. You're saying groups and folks within our community. So everyone that that flag represents, once again, you're reiterating my point,
Starting point is 01:04:54 is based on their sexual preference relative to their own genitalia. Okay. But let me tell you where the flag has gone wrong. Trans has nothing to do with sexual preference. Who's genitalia you want in their mouth, it has to do with what you want to do with your own genitalia, your confusion around your own genitalia. And let me tell you something, what's the sad part about trans people, is they're going're going to chase something and they'll all tell you this that they're never going to get. So they're embarked on a failed mission which is okay. A lot of us are embarked on failed missions. You know, we talked about that with Lexi Neely yesterday. No matter what she's never going to get fulfillment
Starting point is 01:05:41 no matter even if you win the games. You're not going to get fulfillment from it but it's still okay to chase it hoping to get fulfillment the difference between chasing that and chasing something internally That needs to be dealt with internally externally is the ramifications and the cost for it so for Lexi that the cost is working out hard and And doing CrossFit the cost for chase chasing changing your sex is brutal and horrific and no one will know not one person will tell you different. There's no one who's like, Holy shit, that was awesome getting my tits and my penis chopped off. There's no one. And being on all the drugs and being stuck to taking them your whole life and it fucking up your immune system and shortening the length of your life, it becomes a fucking nightmare. And so you're supporting something instead of explaining to people what's really going on, like the psychological, it's nothing different that everyone goes through. Everyone's looking for fulfillment, but to start having surgeries to go through fulfillment, hey man, the same thing
Starting point is 01:06:40 is with the fake tits and the fucked up lips and the weird eyes and all that shit I like I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not saying trans are unique in that Fucking bizarre behavior of we're going under the knife to get fulfillment I was actually thinking about the other day think of how tormented these women are who like wear wigs and have all of this shit Done to their face How do they have any intimacy with anyone because they have to come home at night and that shit has to come off And how do they went when so you're they only feel like they never feel whole around another person They never just stand naked in the shower facing their mate completely free from the fucking layers and layers of masks.
Starting point is 01:07:28 But once you embark on that journey of chopping off your penis, you don't even have the option. Now you have to accept the fact of what you really did, what you did to yourself. Johnny Hayes, who really gives a fuck? Do what you want, we're all going to die someday and then none of it will matter. To some extent, you're absolutely right. But if you can enjoy, you can have a life with peace, but also, once there's certain journeys that you embark on that you can't go back on. So you chop the penis off a 12 year old boy or you give a 12 year old boy hormone blockers
Starting point is 01:08:10 and to say who really gives a fuck. I don't know if that doesn't sit well with me. My job as a parent is to keep doors open as long as I can for my child. So when hopefully they reach a point where they get a mode to come of consciousness and they're not twitching around like a fly like the rest of the people in the matrix that they could fucking make a conscious decision and choose a path that they want because I've given them the tools to leave to be capable of choosing which door to go through and have the skills
Starting point is 01:08:38 to go through it. I have a rainbow CEO shirt. Rainbow Plus. The very stripes are for a long time it wasn't safe to be feminine or gay in public. And now for a long time it's not safe to fucking be black in public in Chicago around other black people. Like okay. You're just giving me like emotional appeal. I don't know what you want me to do with this. And businesses use the gay pride flag to designate the space as safe place for people to be themselves. That flag is not doing that. You think that flag is helping those people be themselves?
Starting point is 01:09:29 You think that the toy store in my neighborhood that has your sexual preference flag hanging in it makes those people feel like they can be themselves? And what exactly does that mean? And what does that mean for the people? I don't even get what you're saying. Why can't they just be mean for the people? I don't even get what you're saying. Why can't they just be themselves without the flag? It doesn't mean that it's a signal for sex. 100% is a signal for sexual preference.
Starting point is 01:09:56 There's no other way to wrap it. There are so many more layers to LGBT plus community than sex and to suggest the opposite is reductive. Man, there's one thing in here that you helped me with. But anyway, I thought it was thoughtful, but most of it, sorry, I call hogwash hon. Now listen to this. This part fucking is the part Sevan and his crew are so much about sexuality okay, and gender and queers and trans people it's honestly exhausting every show is a tirade against homosexuals a
Starting point is 01:10:38 tirade against homosexuals you fucking piece of shit There's never been a tirade against homosexuals on the show. Not once. Not fucking once. I'll give you the example. That whole shenanigans that went down at the Olympics. That whole shenanigans that went down at the Olympics. That whole shenanigan that went down at the Olympics.
Starting point is 01:11:09 I didn't once say anything about that other than there's a guy there who has his fucking testicles hanging out. If you think that that's a tirade against homosexuals, you're a fucking piece of shit. You are the fucking problem. I don't even know if that guy is gay. I don't even really care about that guy. The whole point of that is that the Super Bowl, which I thought was a family show, has a girl rubbing her vagina and smelling her fingers, and the Olympics has a guy front and center with his testicles hanging out.
Starting point is 01:11:42 And I even own that fuck, you know, maybe I'm just old school. I mean, it used to not be cool that Elvis was swinging his hips around, right? But you're bringing your hatred or defensiveness towards gay people to it. Now, the trans people have taken an ass pounding on the show, granted, for sure. But you know who's taking more of an ass pounding on the show, granted, for sure. But you know who's taking more of an ass pounding on the show is people that defend that and are co-dependent to their mental health issues that ends up getting those people hurt. So you're like, peace and love, kumbaya, let trans people do whatever they want, and you're the fucking, you're the version of lobotomies of the 1950 which are now illegal
Starting point is 01:12:26 You're you're you're for fucking barbaric surgeries on people to help them with their mental health health issues. Yeah, I do have an issue with that Or I don't know if an issue but I have an opinion on it. I think it's fucking bat shit crazy. I think it's I don't really believe in evil but for being lazy, it's evil Encouraging people are supporting people to chop off their genitalia is fucking nuts. Absolutely fucking nuts. Giving kids hormone blockers is absolutely nuts. But if you think that I've ever gone on a tirade against gay people, you're out of your fucking mind. This is the most fucking, this is the gayest show ever.
Starting point is 01:13:05 And if you put it in relative context to other people we do go off on, I ass-pound Dave harder than I ass-pound any fucking gay people. I can give two shits. And the fact that the fucking trans people have glommed onto the fucking gay community is fucking absolutely insane and ridiculous. Jeff Virchfield, true, this show is gay.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Thank you. And you're nuts. Everyone gets made fun of on this show Everyone But to say that we go off on tirades on homosexuality you're a fucking bitch You are a fucking world-class bitch Let me tell you what the tirades do if you want to insist on calling them tirades. The way we talk on this show should make gay people feel free, should make black people feel free. This is a place where everything's fair. You can be honest. You can talk. You can you can do whatever you want.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Oh, I got my cock pump yesterday in the mail. I'm kind of afraid to open the box. Not kind of, I am afraid. This show, the way we talk about being gay or black or white or any of those things, even trans, it should make people feel free. You don't have to, this is the place where you come and you don't have to wear makeup. I feel free as a bird here.
Starting point is 01:14:48 I feel free as a bird here. Yeah I pay gay people to be in the chat just to make you feel better. Tyrate against gays. You're a fucking douche. You're the problem man. You have to know that. You're trying to keep everyone in a fucking box. Open it now. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:15:07 I want to get the money first. I want to get the sponsorship sealed and then I'll open it. Thank you though. I want this. I want this to... Maybe the reason I'm pissed off. I want this to be a place where people can just come and fucking chill and it's okay. Yeah, equal jokes. Yeah
Starting point is 01:15:29 And then you guys all know my angle my whole angle is the fucking kids I got fucking kids I didn't have fucking kids. I'd fucking maybe maybe I'd wear makeup on the show and you know Touch the black cock back there more I Had a buddy I had a buddy tell me in college, if I were gay, I sure as fuck wouldn't be with you. And that kind of stung. Not a lot, but it stung a little bit. Someone have you been watching women's rugby? No. Is that one of you been watching women's rugby? No. Love all the Fid-Aid cans.
Starting point is 01:16:08 It smells like, it smells like Fid-Aid in here. Like it smells like when I walk in my office, it smells like someone's been chewing bubble gum in here. Like if I was a gay person I would love this show. Where's the QR code for the cock pump? They gotta pay. Oh, I need to get money from them. I want money for the cock pump. I want money.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Speaking of gay, I thought Hunter was coming on. I was bugging him quite a bit to come on and then I felt kind of bad. Like, um... I felt like I was booty calling him. Do you know what I mean? Like, I was just calling him on here. Like, I don't know. That's not what I was doing. I didn't feel I was doing that. I felt like he thought maybe I was doing that
Starting point is 01:17:07 So then I I didn't want to um He got in my head about it Do a DI hire and add a gay man to the CrossFit Games update show we probably I mean I don't know how they're you could be any more gay than Taylor I'm suspect. I don't even think along those lines. You know, I was talking to Garrett, and this is a while back. I think I told you guys conversation and she was like
Starting point is 01:17:46 I'm paraphrasing. Maybe she'll if I say anything wrong, she'll tell you this what I said is bullshit on her show, which is fine I'm okay if this is made up, but this is how I remember it. I was talking to Garrett and I was like she'd done one of the shows on the channel and Then afterwards she was like, oh someone someone people are telling me that you're using me because I'm a lesbian. And I go, no, that's not true. I'm using you because you're black and you're lesbian. And she started laughing. I'm like, look, dude, like, who cares?
Starting point is 01:18:14 Like, I don't, you're, of course I fucking am interested in you because you're black and lesbian. I'm interested in Taylor because he's super fit. I'm interested in Pedro because he tells funny jokes. I'm interested in Pedro because he tells funny jokes. I'm interested in Susie because he helps me run the channel. Like, what do you want me to say? Like, if you were just a fucking regular dude, I'd have you do my show? No. I'm interested in no fucking regular dude.
Starting point is 01:18:44 If I wanted the numbers to just be massive, I would have Hiller do, I would ask Hiller to do every single one of my shows when I'm out of town. Those shows would be massive. But yeah, do I like you because, is there a component of me liking you because you're fucking black and you look the way you do and you're lesbian? Yeah, I fucking love that. It's a fucking trip to me. I'm so interested in it.
Starting point is 01:19:03 I'm curious. I don't know. Like, I don love that. It's a fucking trip to me. I'm so interested in it. I'm curious. I don't know. Like, I don't know. Are the Chicago Bears using Tyson Bajent? Map Girl, what the fuck happened to your name? God, if I've ever told you how wonderful your tits are. I'm interested in glint things because they laugh at my jokes. Yeah, I like someone who laughs at my jokes too. Wait, she's black? Yeah, she's black. She's like albino. Ask her. She's like albino black or something. That's why her shit's so crazy because...
Starting point is 01:19:41 Her shit's so crazy because she's a girl, but people think she's a boy. But she's not a boy. She's like a full-blown girl. She knows she's a fucking girl. She's happy to be a girl, but then she goes in the bathroom and the people are like, hey, you can't have boys in here. And it's like, the shit's all fucked up for her because there's fucking real boys fucking trying to get into the girls bathroom playing to be girls. The whole thing is fucked And she copes with it so well Oh Wow, I had to change
Starting point is 01:20:15 Change it because I commented on wildfire YouTube's accidentally with boobs in my name and got reported. No shit. Anyway. I love her. She's one of the few people if she calls me I actually answer. Hate answering my phone. She's one of the few people if she calls me I actually answer. Hate answering my phone. I don't really get a lot of calls anyway though. No one really calls me so I shouldn't act like. People text me.
Starting point is 01:20:58 I like it when JR calls me. Oh I haven't heard from JR after. Damn. Yesterday's Week in Review with Dave was off the hook. Holy shit Goddamn Name as a kid had to be hard built up up a thick skin. Oh, Glinton? Oh, Garrett? Is Garrett a boy's name or a girl's name? I don't even know. Oh, Seema was on Glinton? No, I didn't see that one. Seema's boobs are the eighth
Starting point is 01:21:39 wonder of the world. Jake, you have so many good one-liners, I can't even read them all. Oh shit, what's happened here? Sorry, I'm looking at a text message. Oh wow. Okay. I'm sent a wild zombie sent me a text I'm looking at the pictures he sent me. Victor Hoffer cut his hair. All right. I had a I have a friend who's got these huge tits, but all of a sudden they look different. And I was talking with a friend last night. I was like did she we finally she must have done something to him. Like had him pulled up or made bigger or something something happened
Starting point is 01:23:12 when am I headed over where to Texas I go on Monday I go on Monday by the way tonight I have a Daisy McDonald on she I met her through Australia's Haley Adams so she comes on tonight at 6 p.m. I want to try to get Annie Thor's daughter or rich frowning on tomorrow morning tomorrow I have a meeting about my media access. And then Thursday, Taylor Self and Tanner Shucker having a debate on the show. What's the best way to train?
Starting point is 01:23:58 Oh, Dr. Sean Rocket has a new book out. Oh, I wonder if it's live on Rogue. Sean Rocket Rogue. Suzu was telling me about this book. Oh, here it is. Where does it hurt? I heard this book is awesome. Sean Rocket will be on after Tanner and Taylor on Thursday, and I guess the way this book works is Can I click on it? The book delves into shoulder mechanics knee health hip function offering insights into common conditions like slap tears ACL injuries and arthritis It also addresses foot ankle and shin issues such as Achilles. Anyway, I guess you
Starting point is 01:24:43 This is the head, what's this, what are surgeons called who do like surgeries on shoulders and shit? Oh, maybe he has it in here. He graduated from Harvard University playing football and baseball. Earned his medical degree from Tufts University. Oh, orthopedic surgeon, that's what that is. His role is head orthopedic surgeon for CrossFit Games and his contributions to the fitness community. I think he's been like the head doctor as far as I can ever remember
Starting point is 01:25:23 for orthopedic injuries at the games forever. He's cool. Very approachable man. Very approachable. Cool wife too. Super cool wife. Pretty lady. I think she might be a doctor too. Anyway, you go to the book and then there's links in there. So like if you have an issue, there's a link in there and then you can watch a video on like on the injury or on the pain and what you should do to fix it and like walks you through, walks you through like if your shoulders bother you, walks you through movements and exercises and talks to you about it. It's kind of like a doctor in a book.
Starting point is 01:26:13 Dr. Rocket has got to be the best name in the history of surgeons. That's what everyone at HQ used to call Greg's dad too, Dr. Rocket, because he was the chief science officer at Hughes aircraft. He's a rocket scientist. How far down the leaderboard do we need to get before demo team would lose to the games athlete? I'm not sure I understand the question, but if Colton was there at the games, he would definitely finish in the top 20. There's no question. And then Thursday night we have Maddie Sturd on, that's cool. I wonder why we have her on at night. And then Friday, I'm super excited about this. I've never had this lady on the show before.
Starting point is 01:26:57 Perrin's coming on, one of the coaches of training think tank, the Asian lady lady I've always wanted to meet her like officially talked to her so that's gonna be cool and then Friday night the CrossFit Games update show of course that one's gonna be massive alright I don't know if there's anything else you guys want to talk about. I want to talk about. I guess they knew that the shooter was there for 90 minutes now. You guys seen this? I'll do a little update on the shooter.
Starting point is 01:27:56 I was about to let the camera roll for 90 minutes before I started talking, but then I thought I'm not the Secret Service, because new leaked messages obtained by the New York Times show that counter snipers were aware of Thomas Crooks about 90 minutes before Trump was nearly assassinated. They knew 90 minutes before he was shot at that that dude was there. Someone followed our lead and snuck in and parked by our cars.
Starting point is 01:28:30 Just so you know, I'm just letting you know, he knows you guys are up there. Kid learning around the building we are in. I did see him with a rangefinder looking towards the stage for your These are text messages between the Secret Service and the police. This is crazy. Your information if you want to notify Secret Service snipers to look out. There is a kid with a rangefinder looking towards the stage. Would you do something about it?
Starting point is 01:29:10 It's fucking nuts. I wonder how much of that's gonna get uncovered. I'm so tired of people saying that it was a 20 year old kid and they're incapable though. It's like, geez Louise. All right. Oh shit, I gotta go. I think I gotta take, oh no, not till 930. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:29:53 This one's interesting too because this one's fascinating. I think this is Thomas Massey. He's so good. Okay, here we go. Listen to this. This is regarding hush money that Congress pays out to people so to settle lawsuits. Um, you know, Congress has paid over 17 million dollars in hush money for sexual misconduct inside of the offices in these buildings. And what's more is that was taxpayer money, right?
Starting point is 01:30:20 The allegation is that President Trump paid 130,000 dollars of his own money, but here in Congress we have there may be some on this dais Did you know that that's what happened to Trump? He He settled out of court with the porn star girl the stripper the prostitute One of those she's one of those things and he paid her $130,000 to not talk about whatever, whatever, whether they had done something or not. He's like, here's 130 grand, sign this piece of paper, don't say anything. And then he's a felon because he paid with his own money and he didn't pay with campaign
Starting point is 01:30:57 money. I guess he was, I guess when you pay someone to shut the fuck up so they don't damage your campaign, you have to pay out of campaign money and he paid out of his own money and I guess the theory is if you paid out of campaign money it would turn into a new story because people would know and so they're accusing him of hiding I don't know but anyway he took it out of the wrong bank account he paid for it himself this is money this 17 million dollars is money that congress has paid to shut bitches up. I assume it's bitches because, you know, dudes are just... women don't do that shit. It's gotta be just fucking slimy dudes, right?
Starting point is 01:31:37 And... Or, or, or, or they could have paid dudes too because I'm sure there's ton of gay dudes in Congress to fucking like on sexual hyperdrive And This is just crazy, but we don't know where that money goes Trump. This is it's just fucking nuts I mean, I'm for turning loose all of these records who in here has had the taxpayer pay for their sexual misconduct charges the hush money? I bet there's some over there. There may be some over here. I don't know, but I do know it's taxpayer money.
Starting point is 01:32:15 He does know. He does know. They all know. He knows. They all know. I do know not a single penny of it has been turned in as a campaign finance expense. Is the FEC going to investigate the $17 million that Congress has paid to settle behind closed doors these sexual misconduct allegations? Congress has paid over 17 million. I pulled down that whole interview and watched it yesterday. It's six minutes long. It's so good.
Starting point is 01:32:47 So funny. It's so funny. Yeah, Clinton paid the Paula lady off. That was a lot of money though. I think that was like close to a million dollars. And I think he paid that with his campaign money. Like I think he did that right. How did a 20 year old get on that roof?
Starting point is 01:33:17 Well, you can tell a 20 year old to do anything and he's a male and he's in his peak shape and he's easily influenced and he did it. Like I would be surprised if it was a 45 year old. Like what are you doing at 45 doing that? Please Mr. Chapman, you in the back. Go ahead, ask about wall balls. Tell you about the balls that I bounce off your chin Simple they helped him up This one was interesting. We didn't talk about this. Let's talk about this just for a second. So you guys hear about the Chinese and Russian aircraft flying off the coast of Alaska?
Starting point is 01:34:36 World News, the Russian Ministry of Defense has released footage today showing a joint air patrol with China that was conducted off the coast of Aleutian Islands in Alaska. The patrol took place yesterday, featured two Tu-95M Bayer strategic bombers from Russia and two H-6K Badger strategic bombers from China. When approaching Alaska, the video shows two US F-16s and F-35s, two CF-18s from the Royal Canadian Air Force intercepting the bombers at some point. Russian fighters jets also escorted aircraft. This comes roughly two days after Russian jets intercepted two B-52 strategic bombers flying near Russia's maritime
Starting point is 01:35:18 border with Finland. And here's the thing, that's the part that's never reported in the news. We had two B-52 strategic bombers flying near their maritime border with Finland. Russia claimed they ordered the B-52s to change course when operating in international airspace. They claimed the US has refuted the B-52s ultimately made their way to Romania, marking the first time B-52 bombers have landed in the country. So they did, the U S did something so, uh, unique and, and, and, and odd with Russia that they ended up having to land in a place where they've never landed before. I mean, that's an important part of the story as opposed to like everywhere, everywhere I, uh, read it, it would it would they all they saw it on TV
Starting point is 01:36:06 All they talked about is what China and Russia did to us like listen Fly your big fucking plane over by our house. They'll fly your they're playing over by my house your house their house Dude my point is, is that a 20... people like... so my wife watched my whole tirade about how people are saying that how did a 20 year old do this? And then right after that video, Joe Rogan comes on and says, how did a 20 year old do this? And my point is, is there's nobody more capable on planet earth in aggregate than a 20 year old man a
Starting point is 01:36:48 Man between the age of 18 and 23 is perfect for brainwashing and doing any physical activity They're dumb strong capable great eyesight Want to follow orders and so stop people keep seeing how did a 20 year old do this by himself? It's like dude 12 a dozen 12 year old boys from Alabama who've been shooting squirrels since they were five could have protected the president better than the Secret Service did facts you could have given you could have taken 15 fucking Navy SEALs and told them, hey, the president's going to be here in five minutes, make sure you protect him, he doesn't get shot. And he wouldn't have got shot that day. And how old are those dudes?
Starting point is 01:37:37 They're trained SEALs and they're 22 or 23 years old and they would have fucking, it wouldn't, it would have never happened. Or you could have told 12 SEALs seals killed the president and they would have done it Just don't want it's just stupid that that argument it keeps being said it's not it's not relevant to the conversation Asymmetric ears he was allowed to do something Sevan nothing magical about it. Well, someone sent me a video yesterday I haven't watched it yet But basically the video says is that the bullet came did not come from the shooter That it came from somewhere else and then they then killed the shooter The whole thing was staged to make it so they let this guy shoot, he kills Trump, and then they kill him case closed.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Hey man, can you, the thing is, is now that let's say that is true, that there was a different dude who took a shot at Trump and it was inside job. Now that that dude should be scared for his life because now they got to kill that dude too, right? No, Hiller doesn't send me anything. Listen, listen. What a fascinating creature we are as humans. Hiller has certain ideas about what happened there that I think are pretty big picture and abstract,
Starting point is 01:39:12 but very confident about. And yet, the discussion of me being attracted to Jeffrey Adler with the vagina makes his skin crawl. Oh, there he is. Hi. to Jeffrey Adler with the vagina makes his skin crawl. Oh, there he is. Hi. Yes, I did. There you go. Mr. Hiller, hi.
Starting point is 01:39:32 We're fascinating creatures. Hiller would rather accept the fact that there was a, that this was more WWE than reality. And yet he has boundaries to his acceptance of things when it comes to me being attracted to Andrea Pinheiro. This is just the multi-facets of being a human being. I think you can up that number from 17 to 26. Don't ruin my story. I like it.
Starting point is 01:40:11 I like 18 to 23. But you're right. But just don't ruin my story. Kirsten Kettler, I'd rather think about Tia with a dick than Jeff with a vagina. I don't know. I don't know. I don't. Skin didn't crawl.
Starting point is 01:40:30 I just never imagined it. Oh, okay. It blew my mind. Oh, that's awesome. I went back and listened to you. I was so proud that I... That's the hardest I've ever seen you laugh. So last night I went back and I never go back and watch my shows and I showed my wife how
Starting point is 01:40:44 hard you left I was so proud Like oh my god. This is so awesome. How hard Hiller left Dr. Sevan knows everyone says one scoop of cretin per day. How many should I actually do now? Listen, I Have this jar of cretin. I get just generic cretin and I get generic arginine. Uh, well, I'm going to show you which brand I buy. I just, it's, it's, it's, if you go, if you just say, what's the best cretin, what's the best arginine, it's this one company and it just comes in a white
Starting point is 01:41:17 plastic bag and it's got like an orange guy on it and it's just, just pure whatever. And I take that stuff. No, I don't do arginine anymore I do what do I do Hiller I do something called citrulline I do something called citrulline and I think citrulline is a precursor to arginine and something else so your body then gets to decide what it needs whether it wants to make arginine or this other thing. Fuck, I forget.
Starting point is 01:41:50 Maybe Jeff will tell us. Citrulline is more effective than arginine. Yeah, what, what? Citrulline can be turned into arginine or something else. Anyway, and I, depending on how many times I just take a teaspoon, I take a teaspoon and like make a huge mound of it just on the tip. I don't even measure it. I don't even know how much it is. And I put that in a pint of water and chug it. And then I do another scoop of each one just on the tip of a teaspoon, but it's piled high. And I put that in a cup and just on the tip of a teaspoon but it's piled high and I put that in a cup and I fill the pint of water up again and I'll usually like I usually like to work out for an hour be moving for an hour so then I'll 30 minutes in as an excuse to take a break I'll run into the kitchen and drink that
Starting point is 01:42:40 second pint of water or I usually drink half of the pint. So I start working out, I drink a pint of it with that shit in it. So I don't know, I don't know what the dose is. I used to take the tiniest little bit of creatine, like, and then I saw on there that you could take a teaspoon at a time. So I started just putting in shit loads. So there. And then if I work out a second time during the day, I just take more. Yesterday, I went on a four mile walk with a 30 pound vest. I was terrified, but it was easy
Starting point is 01:43:09 It was actually easy. It was really easy And my boys did a four pound vest one of my boys is limping now, it's fucked my boy that hyper extended his knee I thought he was all better. I put a four pound vest on him yesterday and took him on a four mile walk We got home and he's limping fucking bad dad my wife's pissed not like pissed but pissed I'm waiting for all of the people in the space to come out with all their their shows their you know their ranking shows like all the people who do the rankings and like predictions and then I think when is the when do the game start they start on Thursday I think like on Tuesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday once God Monday is gonna be crazy maybe I'm gonna need Glenton to do the show on Monday. Speaking of gay people,
Starting point is 01:44:27 you usually walk with a 20 pound vest? Wow. I've never walked with a vest. I was really tight when I got home. The guy had to stretch out. I was pretty tight. My wires were tight. So, Tuesday and Wednesday from my hotel room, I'm gonna do just all sorts of shows. Like all the prediction shows. The only rankings I watch is Be Friendly. Good.
Starting point is 01:44:53 Enjoy. But after everyone's come out with all their shit then I'll watch all their shit and steal all their shit and then we'll do... Oh you watch porn with the vest on geez i take back everything negative i've ever said about you that's hardcore um so yeah so that's my plan t plan Tuesday and Wednesday just to do some like shows with the posse with what Dave calls the boys club. All right. Alright, uh...
Starting point is 01:45:47 Uh... Uh... Oh, shit. You want to hear something crazy? Funny story? A friend of mine text me this. I'm so glad I scrolled up and found this. Let me find this story for you guys. A friend of mine text me this. You ready? This friend of mine is fucking Mexican and I'm like like You ready?
Starting point is 01:46:25 This friend of mine is fucking Mexican and I'm like, like really fucking attractive Mexican girl. But fucking Mexican is all get out. Not like, like doesn't even look Mexican looks more like indigenous. Like just a very unique looking woman very unique could have been a fucking model what but but ethnic as a motherfucker can you say ethnic about mexicans or is that just middle easterners what does ethnic mean when i think of ethnic i think of middle eastern people can you say that about ethnic uh uh ethnicity no i just want uh the quality of fact of belonging to a
Starting point is 01:47:04 population or group of subgroup made of people who share a common cultural background. Maybe it's just a misnomer to use just ethnic like that. This chick has no fucking, this chick's just trippy looking. Like wherever she goes, probably people look at her. Anyway, and she's hot and she's something south of San Diego. Okay. My sister works at a winery. The other day she was assaulted by a woman who called her an Israeli and dirty Jew.
Starting point is 01:47:36 She punched my sister in the chest multiple times and attempted to throw her to the ground. It was all caught on security cameras. The woman was arrested. And it goes on and on. Now listen, this is the lady who did that to her at the winery. Joseph Medina, ethnic. You don't feel like you're being lumped up with Middle Eastern people? And okay, fine. You're ethnic too. Fine. No, not like East LA Mexican. No like um Like Peruvian Mexican like like like this is like the hottest chick who ever like well Like the hottest Sherpa in the world. She looks like she could she's just I can't explain to you how she looks
Starting point is 01:48:18 Without giving away like maybe who she is Perfect fucking skin. Okay, um, the the chick who punched her sister, her sister, this is her blood sister, same mom and dad. I asked all the questions. I called her. I'm like, what the fuck? Yeah, South Mexican. Like, yeah, like way south, like Peru South, you know, Argentinian Mexican. they're all Mexican to me. But, but, but, but those just like denote their tribe. They're just versions of Mexican, right? Isn't that how you guys kind of seem like Ecuadorians? It's just, it's all versions of Mexicans.
Starting point is 01:49:00 All version, all versions of native American people that were raped by Europeans. Yeah, very exotic looking. This chick's very exotic looking. And she keeps getting hotter as she gets older. You know how that works. Those fucking Mexicans. Okay. And a cross fitter, her body's crazy. Uh, uh, mediator, uh, so this chick that attacks her works at the fucking DOJ works at the department of justice. Her job is she's a community service, uh, relations expert at the DOJ, which was established under the civil rights act to address issues of discrimination based
Starting point is 01:49:42 on race, color, national origin. the Civil Rights Act to address issues of discrimination based on race, color, national origin. During her tenure, this is like her, what's that called? This is on this chick's LinkedIn page. She says, during my tenure with the agency, I mediated between community-based organizations, public institutions, school districts, police departments, and county governments to address institutional racism and assist in implementing change. I also work with a non-profit organization to develop cross-cultural and anti-bias training material. Dude, you can't even fucking make this shit up. She looks more like Ortega. Just show us a picture of her, Sevan, so we can figure out if she looks like Steven or Ortega. Just show us a picture of her, Sevan, so we can figure out if she looks like Stephen or Ortega.
Starting point is 01:50:30 I just can't fucking believe, I mean, I can't believe it. Anyway, can you imagine you get attacked, you're Mexican, you get attacked by someone who and fucking attacks you for being a Jew. And then when the police come and arrest her, she works at the Department of Justice to hold and her job's to hold peace between ethnicities. Mexicans are hot yeah every everyone who works out is hot.
Starting point is 01:51:02 Mas, masomenos. Poor chick, she wasn't even Jewish and she got attacked for being a Jew. That's a fucking... That's a, that's a tough one. Okay, good. I'm glad I had that in my notes. I'm glad I got to tell that story. That was one I thought for sure was gonna slip through the cracks. I love the real stories, just like I knew the person. Oh, oh. Now listen here, let's go back to this one more time too.
Starting point is 01:51:37 This is the guy chopped off his finger. A hockey star amputates finger so he can play in Paris Olympics. Oh man, I really fucked this story up. Australian field hockey athlete Matthew Dawson went full Ronnie Lott and chopped off a majority of his. Listen, soon as I hear field hockey, I think, uh, TAR did Olympics. I just think like, I didn't know, I didn't know, like, I thought, like, I thought like all the other hockey's like field hockey or roller hockey, I thought those were all for like, like, I don't know, like just people who were just like not complete people. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:52:21 Not like, I don't know. So now you see where I got it all mixed up. Ring finger after injuring it a week before the Olympics. I didn't have much time to make the decision. I had made the decision and then I called my wife and she just said, oh, I don't want you to make a rash decision. But I had all the information that I needed to,
Starting point is 01:52:41 I guess, make the decision for not only playing in Paris Paris but for life after and giving myself the best health. As you heard in that video he called his wife and quickly ignored her advice because this is the Olympics we're talking about. Total badass move and now the coach is forced to play him every minute of every match and his teammates better not try to come off the field for any injury of any kind unless they want to face the judging eyes of nine-fingered goss. The U.S. does not have a men's field hockey team heading to Paris because not a lot of men play field hockey here yet, but they sh- Men.
Starting point is 01:53:14 Sure as shit do in Australia. So let's all root for that. Oh yeah! Field hockey. That's why the Olympics are stupid. I heard that that dude One of those dudes in the opening ceremonies ceremonies took that guy's remaining finger the part They cut off and shoved it up his ass. I Don't know if that's true, but I heard that Joe Biden's out crazy Joe Biden's out. Crazy. Did you hear the story on that that's going around now?
Starting point is 01:53:49 The breaking news on that? Uh, Obama, supposedly Obama called Joe and said, Hey dude, Joe and Joe's team and said, Hey, either Joe steps down or I'm going to have the 25th Amendment implemented. Meaning Obama was going to talk to people in the cabinet. I guess he has the ability to pull strings like that. He has that much influence over Joe's cabinet. So I think the way the 25th Amendment works is the cabinet Joe's... If your cabinet turns against you, I think you're fucked. And so he threatened Joe with that and said,
Starting point is 01:54:23 Hey, motherfucker, you either step down gracefully or I'm going to fucking have you booted out by your peeps because I run the Democrats. And Joe said, okay. And then you know what he did to fuck Obama back? He fucking endorsed Kamala. And that was the last thing that Barack wanted. That was the last thing Obama wanted. He did not want Kamala endorsed.
Starting point is 01:54:58 He wanted it to go to the convention where the delegates would decide so Obama could then install his person But Joe was like nah motherfucker you gonna kick me out of being president United States fine Merry Christmas you get Kamala Kamala And that's it and now we're here we are. Kamala Harris. Crazy right? Crazy, crazy, crazy.
Starting point is 01:55:36 Oh Kamala. Kamala Harris is running for president as an effective prosecutor, but California's violent crime rate rose 26% during and after she was attorney general and her policies on crime and migration increased border crossings 500%, 5X, putting vulnerable women and children in grave danger. Says Michael Schellenberg. This dude's account is awesome. This guy's a full liberal.
Starting point is 01:56:20 Oh, well, this guy's as liberal as they get. Oh, we suspect automated behavior on your account. God, my account every day now. Every day. Look at that. Look at that. Every day I get a little, I get roughed up a little on the IG to prevent your account from being temporarily restricted or permanently stable and ensure that no other tools have access to you. Let me guess I have to log in again. I was wondering why that came up like that. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:56:55 Am I even logged in anymore? Someone sent me a picture of this chick and they said this is the hottest crossfitter in the world You guys want to see her? I don't know if she's a crossfitter. You guys want to see her? here. Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, of that photo. Oh, Photoshop is nice, hey, okay, so her shits all Photoshop like crazy picture is cooked Oh shit Oh shit, maybe she's a CrossFitter How are those dimensions possible
Starting point is 01:58:24 How are those dimensions possible? Alright, maybe she is a crossfitter. Anyway, someone sent that to me. I wonder if those boobs are real. Alright, enough of that. No Andrew says no, no to the boobs. Nick B getting nauseated please move on. The Beaver was nauseating you? Or the Obama story? Bernie Gannon. That's not a CrossFit physique, that's a plastic surgery physique. The thing is, there's some fucking trippy people out there, you know? And who knows what's real anymore.
Starting point is 01:59:22 Unless she photoshops just every single fucking photo. I gotta close this window. Let's open another window. Oh my goodness, this one is great. Oh, this one is great. I wonder if they're gonna let me play this. This is great. Here's this one is great. I wonder if they're gonna let me play this. This is great. Here's just some honest conversation for you.
Starting point is 01:59:50 Here we go. I'm gonna just be real honest with this. She's a black woman. They just knock him folk. I'm gonna go back to what somebody was saying where it's not voting for someone, but majority votes against themselves just to, just to. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Let me line this up. Let me line this up. Is it only because
Starting point is 02:00:13 she a black woman? Yeah. You don't, do you not see the, how how does a bad idea? Elaborate. Okay, so we're in three proxy wars. There was some of the most powerful leaders in the world. She failed at the border in which we have
Starting point is 02:00:41 an estimation of 15 to 20 million people illegally into this country that is literally overtaking and bankrupting Chicago to the tune of over $400 million per year, and they are in a deficit. Oakland is going out of business. San Francisco, ditto. California, $65 billion deficit. New York, they're literally cutting trash
Starting point is 02:01:01 in which they are the radiest, dirtiest city, and they've taken up resources as far as free health care Free hotels to the tune of $600 a day. They're literally taking over your schools Your taxpayer dollars are going to fund the migrant crisis. She was supposed to be in charge of this We have a failing economy every single day I see people getting on getting on the internet talking about We have a failing economy every single day I see people getting on getting on the internet talking about $30 an hour is the new minimum wage because inflation is fucking out of control at one point
Starting point is 02:01:29 It was at almost 10 percent depending on what city that you wear She has no policy no record to stand on One of the biggest things that she did in her career was lock up more black men than ever before but we sit here and vote Mayor burton vote her in office on identity politics. The very person that she was under as far as the president of the United States of America, she called him racist during a debate, which shows you how fake she is. And the only thing that we can stand on from a policy perspective is whether or not she's black and she's a woman. We did that during the Obama administration and he didn't do anything for black people. As a matter of fact, y'all complain
Starting point is 02:02:07 because the only person that he did or the only group of people that he really stood for is the alphabet community. And that's his landmark thing that he's still standing on today. So the only thing that we have to stand on is identity politics. That shit didn't work with Tiffany Hinyard
Starting point is 02:02:21 in Dalton, Illinois. It didn't work with Karen Bass. It didn't work with Lori Lightfoot in Chicago. It didn't work with Brandon Johnson that then took over his power position in Chicago. It didn't work with Andre Dickens in Atlanta. It didn't work with Eric Adams in New York. It doesn't work across the country. Every single democratic city is a hellhole. And we sitting here talking about identity politics? And we sitting here talking about identity politics? I'm gonna just be real honest. Kudos for the girl for just being straight up honest like that even though it's just
Starting point is 02:02:52 fucking everywhere now. The fucking racism is so strong coming from the left. It's absolutely fucking nuts. Just remember this. Just remember this. Just remember this. Every time you listen to Kamala's plan or the plan for the left, ask yourself where is the growth? It's always take from the cops and give to the homeless.
Starting point is 02:03:17 It's take from the rich and give to the poor. There's no stimulus. There's no stimulus. There's no growth. They're just pushing fucking piles around and rewarding people for bad behavior. That is the entire policy on the left. And if you're cool with that, then that's your team. And then listen to what the right does. The right is all about fucking giving opportunity to fucking invigorate the economy. And what's the fastest way to do that? More energy and cheaper energy. The single fastest and best way to do it. Trump's going to open the floodgates on energy. Prices are going to fucking...
Starting point is 02:04:02 Worst, they're going to stop inflating. And this thing, this fear that they're putting in, that if he, that he puts in all sorts of tariffs, that prices are going to skyrocket, the only items that, the only things that are going to skyrocket are things that are coming from out of the country. So if you're worried about fucking bananas being more expensive, coming from Honduras because of tariffs, just go to your farmer's market. The prices aren't going to change there. Everything there is grown locally.
Starting point is 02:04:27 Do your part. All right, guys, love you guys. See you later on today. Daisy McDonald from Australia. Love you guys. Bye bye.

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