The Sevan Podcast - Born Primitive 24.3 - We have the WORKOUT!

Episode Date: March 15, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Jesus Christ. And cap and cap it is the next day. Hopefully Caleb comes on here very soon. You're going to have to paint that picture for me.
Starting point is 00:00:40 The workout has been released, ladies and gentlemen. The workout has been released. Before we tell you what the workout has been released ladies and gentlemen the workout has been uh released uh before we um tell you what the workout is i want to show you where we uh broke the story for the workout oh oh shit sorry hold on could you guys put it Okay. Hold on. I need to close all my text messages. And I think I'm not sure exactly how to do this. I don't have the skills. I think this was last year. When we broke the workout by the way, welcome to the show, uh, bill grundler taylor self john young jy barbell Bill grundler is the owner of crossfit inferno. He was doing crossfit before there was a crossfit a legend On the west coast of the united states. I knew about him many many many many moons ago I had heard about the training he was doing 90 miles north of me in san luis obispo
Starting point is 00:01:43 And then I he was a captain of the pismo beach fire department and then i had a friend go up there and he's like holy shit this guy bill grundler's for real um i was actually thinking about it today every time you come on i'm like man what a fucking crazy history you have collegiate wrestler uh owner of crossfit inferno captain of the fire department and now uh a host of get with the programming coast with get with the programming uh taylor self the superstar superstar of Taylor Self versus the world. If you didn't know, now you fucking know. Sentinel Training.
Starting point is 00:02:12 J.R. Howell in the house. I'm hearing rumors that he's 130 in the world in the CrossFit Open. I don't even know if that's true, but fuck it. Let's just run with it. J.Y. Barbell, if you want to get strong, J.Y.y barbell that's your guy and uh we will be covering crossfit crash again this year bigger better faster uh caleb beavers in the house caleb can you play the video where we broke the workout uh last year i think we had rich froning and uh dave castro on and on hello i think it's in your text messages.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Renee Pape already making requests. Please, please go easy on JR. Okay, here we go. This is from last year's The Sevan Podcast. Oh, we don't have audio, I don't think. Oh, you got the same problem I got. Caleb, you want me to try it? You can try it.
Starting point is 00:03:11 I'll try it another way, too. Okay, I'll let you try it. Okay, I'll try it. Let me see. Share. To share audio, share a tab instead. Entire screen. To share audio, share a tab instead. I can't share a fucking tab.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Okay, here we go. Here we go. Share. Let me know if you guys can hear this. Okay. That's 30 double unders, 15 thrusters. Does that sound like what you programmed? That's out already?
Starting point is 00:03:46 Yeah. And here, let me read it. Let me read you what it says here. Where's it out at? That's great. That make wads great again. He said a follower sent this to me, said he guessed the URL CrossFit Games uses.
Starting point is 00:04:04 I tested it and it pans out. Get a head start on the dubs. Hey, I gotta go, but what a shit show. There you go. Holy shit. Last year, hey, you guys say he doesn't take criticism? There you go. There, he took some criticism.
Starting point is 00:04:20 He wasn't working for CrossFit at the time, though. Oh, shit. Damn. Now, listen, listen guys here we go You ready 24.3 listen if you don't want to know 24.3 walk away from your computer right now They posted it It's flying around everywhere I think they posted it on
Starting point is 00:04:39 On their YouTube channel on accident Do you have it Caleb can you pull it up There it is okay uh who can read this a workout 24.3 uh four time using a running clock five rounds 10 thrusters 10 chest to bar pull-ups rest one minute then five rounds of seven thrusters seven bar muscle-ups. Now, what are you saying, Taylor? This is their cap programming for tomorrow?
Starting point is 00:05:10 There's the CrossFit affiliate program for Saturday. It's a 17-minute AMRAP of burpees and front squats at ascending weights. It's like 40 front squats at 95, 30 at 135, 20 at 185, max reps at 225. So if this were the case, if this is the workout, then they just, I don't know. Cap doesn't give a fuck. CrossFit doesn't give a fuck. Why? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:05:33 What's wrong with that? What do you mean? What's wrong with that? What's wrong with having that as a cap workout and that as the open workout? The open workout is Friday and the cap workout is Saturday. The burpee front squat workout is Saturday. It's just a lot of squatting followed by a lot of squatting. So it would be 85 thrusters, and then the next day, 100 plus front squats.
Starting point is 00:05:57 It's CrossFit programming for their affiliates, and they do the race at the same time. So they just program back-to-back squatting. Whereas if you take the CrossFit programming certification, they would say not to do something like that. But listen, you're making the assumption that people are going to do the open workout on Friday. That's programs it for Friday. CAP also programs it for Friday. and CAP the same programming?
Starting point is 00:06:24 Not always. Okay. I don't think that's a big deal i think that you you can have um intelligent affiliate owners uh um fiddle with it if it's too it is a big deal it's retarded if that's the actual workout it's full-on retard fuck those questions are you gonna be colton in this workout that's why he thinks it's retarded speaking of retarded when you two retards go friday night oh it's bad huh i mean i'm gonna i'm gonna pin it to the floor but dude it is what it is you just give your best effort oh my god it's a range of motion it's a range of fuck colton i'm gonna kick him in the ass right before the workout i'm gonna fucking give him a boot to the back and send him stumbling
Starting point is 00:07:08 over his barbell and get a head start two of the very best in the world friday friday i don't know what time i wish i could tell you what time i don't even know what's going on speaking of shit shows going to 4 30 eastern 4 30 eastern time 130 pacific standard time at crossfit charlotte Eastern Time, 1.30 Pacific Standard Time at CrossFit Charlotte. Born Primitive will bring you the CrossFit Charlotte 24.3 Open. I would tell you to use their code BP Open 20, but I think all they have left is swim gear. We've sold so much shit for them.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Taylor will be in a very form-fitted shirt so you can see all his muscles doing the workout. And although he's not on CA Peptides, he sure as fuck looks like he is. JR, you haven't weighed in here. I think
Starting point is 00:07:51 these boys are being too critical. These affiliates... I mean, fuck, you got a head coach and an affiliate and two affiliate owners. What do you think? You want to weigh in on this? Oh, and even JY Young, the barbell guy, even has... I haven't really said anything about the workout. OK, OK, J.R., you go.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Do you have a problem with it being programmed with that CAP program workout? Yeah, I don't think there's anything wrong with programming squatting on back to back days. However, programming volume squatting in the front rack on back to back days is not something I would ever do, nor would I recommend other programmers do it. I think if they followed the open workout with a heavy day front squat, like a one, one, one, one, one, or even like sets of three, I think that would be fine. If they did the same workout with overhead squat and ascending weight, I would even say it's okay. Um, but the redundancy of back to back front rack is, is a little bit much in my opinion well it's just the same weights too basically you're doing 50 at 95 on friday 40 at 95 on saturday 35 at 135 on friday 30 at 135 on saturday and then you just keep getting heavier on saturday
Starting point is 00:08:59 because yeah and yeah and i mean the whole argument that some people will say is well man it's crossFit, dude. That's what it is. I'm known and unknowable. Sometimes you got to be able to hold a bar in the front rack and squat back-to-back days. Like sometimes that's what life throws at you. That is not appropriate for this argument at all. I don't buy that.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Why? Because the volume is too high or because of the movement? Go ahead, Bill. No, that applies to real life stuff. That doesn't apply to training in the gym where the coach has the ability to put out the best medicine to make the people in the gym get the best response. It isn't like, well, you didn't like it? Well, fuck it. Unknown and unknowable. That's a cop-out answer.
Starting point is 00:09:38 It's a great statement, but it's a cop-out answer when you're talking about isn't it appropriate test or isn't it appropriate programming. The test itself is fine. But again, like, okay okay why did you put it right where you put it you could have put all the rowing stuff this on this day and had this one on you know 24.2 and at least a high-skilled one i get it but like still it would have it would have fit you know and hey also two guys like we're we're discussing this operating off the assumption, unless someone here knows that it's fact, that CAP gets the open workout ahead of time. They do. They do. Okay, then there you go.
Starting point is 00:10:13 A very important distinction Mr. Grundler made on the show just now. There's a difference between it being programmed versus real life. programmed versus real life. And the point of CrossFit is that we can do this stuff in real life, but the program is supposed to enhance your training and maximize your abilities. And that's a really important distinction. In 20
Starting point is 00:10:34 minutes on the CrossFit Games YouTube channel, the official 24.3 announcement will be announced. The workout did leak. I think they leaked it. Maybe they even leaked it on purpose. It was spotted on their websites. I think it was on their YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:10:51 If you have any friends, they've texted to you already. And the workout is, the workout is for Tom. Jesus Christ. It's so fucking blurry. My God. Maybe Caleb's going to have to pull it up again. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:11:09 The workout is for time using a running clock five rounds. So that means everyone has to finish the workout, right? 10 thrusters, 10 chest to bar pull ups, a rest one minute, and then five rounds of seven thrusters, seven bar muscle-ups. And all we really care about is, holy shit, how bad is Colton going to fucking stick it to born-primitive ambassador Taylor Self. Shut up, midget. Understood. Understood. When we see this workout go today, let's just get right into it.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Ariel Lowen versus Sidney Wells. John, what do you think? Ariel versus versus sydney this is good for sydney no ariel's going to crush sydney so badly it will be almost as bad as colton versus taylor wow well you made him he had to take a breath on that one. I thought he was going to say it so loudly. I had my mic muted and I was asking somebody important, important question. You fucking idiots. JR, Sydney versus Ariel. I would take Ariel against most people on any upper body push and pull dense workouts for sure. I bet Bryson's pretty pumped, Taylor taylor i don't like the workout uh renee pay for john's triceps john can we get a little tricep
Starting point is 00:12:32 damn my god are those your legs or your arms um what do you think bill uh i think sydney's gonna do great at this no no not not i mean she can all the athletes can do this event like the weight is not heavy the skill is not too high what would be great to see is how fast they can push it in the one minute rest i mean i'm sure i don't know if they're going to make make it so that they have to do the weight changing or if it's going to automatically have a second bar there or whatever um chase yeah rabdo hedo. He's going to get Rabdo again. But I think Ariel's too good with this. Ariel's too good with this
Starting point is 00:13:09 event. Oh, it says time cap 15 minutes, so everyone isn't going to finish it. My bad. Okay, my bad. Hey, here's the thing. Do we know the weight on the thruster? 95 for the first part, 135 for the second part. Okay, so 65 and 95. Yeah. Where do you think ariel's gonna have the
Starting point is 00:13:26 greatest advantage over sydney all of it really i think she's just fitter in both of these and all four of these movements well three of these movements and uh in jay crouch versus uh roman krennikoff you think we're gonna have a race there oh yes, yes. I think we will. No, I don't. I think Jay will destroy Roman. Jay. I don't think Jay will. I mean, I agree. I think Jay, I would pick Jay to win that. But I mean, Roman's going to be fine on this, man.
Starting point is 00:13:55 I think he'll be fine, too. I just think Jay will have a top time in the world. I don't think Roman will. I think Roman will be top 50. I think Jay will be top 10. Do you think it's suitable for the elite athletes or it should be harder? Like if you're testing – I know we're not, but if you were testing the elite athletes.
Starting point is 00:14:16 This is not a workout that I'm asking you. You started with Fran, dude. How many times have we said that Fran should not be testing for the elite? Do you think there will be a lot of separation with the elite athletes? Or do you think everybody will, for the most part, be able to do it unbroken? If it's for total time, I think there for sure will be a lot of separation. I think so. Yeah, I think there's plenty of room for separation on the back half, without a doubt.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Yeah, I think that workout is a lot harder than it reads on paper. And you're going to have a lot of people that look at it, and they look at the smaller numbers on the back half without a doubt yeah i think that workout is a lot harder than it reads on paper and you're gonna have a lot of people that look at it and they look at the smaller numbers on the back half and think oh i can do that and they're just not taking into account the first 50 the first work i mean the first part of it they're not taking into account doing 50 and 50 fast and the second half is wildly more important 35 thrusters with 135 and 35 thrusters are bar muscle ups if you just take that by itself like yeah that sounds like a lot yeah how do you guys um how do you guys feel about the seven and seven versus like do you think they did five rounds of 10 and 10 and then five rounds of five and five and we're like and let's bump it up a little but 10 is too
Starting point is 00:15:22 much and five is not enough like do you think seven will be the, will be a good number there? I think. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, I was going to say, I think a lot of people will have,
Starting point is 00:15:31 I think even some better athletes will have to break seven unless they go so slow. Yeah. I think that seven is a trap. Yeah. I think it baits a lot of people into thinking they can go in broken. Just, just, uh, be stuck to be stuck at singles at the end. And like from a coaching standpoint, Taylor and Bill especially,
Starting point is 00:15:55 if you guys have a lot of athletes that are going into it like, hey, I think I'm going to have to break on the second half. Do you advise them to break thruster or break muscle up? Which one do you think is easier to pick back up or jump back up on? That depends on the person. I'd break muscle up. When we come back, we're 14 minutes away from the live announcement for 24.3. The CrossFit Games open, the final workout for the Open before people move on to the quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:16:27 When we return, we will hear from the best in the business on what the sticking point will be for these athletes. Every morning, we wake up knowing what's at stake. Freedom. Honor. Duty. This is more than a mission. It's the oath we took. It's the flag we wear on our sleeve and everything it stands for. We don't do it for money, glory, or fame, but for something deeper.
Starting point is 00:17:05 It's for our families. For our freedom. For our way of life. And to anyone who tries to take that away from us, good fucking luck. And even when the mission is complete, the training is never over. We are constantly honing our craft and sharpening our axe. That is the warrior mindset. This isn't just a brand to us.
Starting point is 00:17:58 We're a part of these stories because we've lived these stories. And while we might have hung up the rifle and body armor one last time, our new mission Because we've lived these stories. And while we might have hung up the rifle and body armor one last time, our new mission is to outfit our nation's heroes with the best apparel on the planet. By the operator, for the operator. To those still standing on that wall, we salute you, the damn few. Born Primitive Tactical, for those who defend. Representing Born Primitive on Friday will be Taylor Self against Colton Mertens.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Bryce Del Monte will be doing the workout shortly. It looks like he's fueling up. Augustus Link, here's to freedom. Here's to honor. If you can't come in her, come on her. Damn. I don't even know what that means. That seems a little forced to me.
Starting point is 00:18:55 I don't like that. That's definitely politically correct. Do you think anybody ever comments and goes, oh, crap, he's reading it out loud? No. Only my mom. I just did a my mom joke is that is that fine should bryson do the workout right now and set a world record before it was announced i think so i think you should have the first team number one on the leaderboard uh jr um
Starting point is 00:19:19 will there be a sticking point or is this just uh go like hey let hey, let's just go. They're not using the same muscles. You just do them. I think there's still a little bit more pacing here than a lot of people are giving it credit for. I mean, there's. Come on, dude. 50 thrusters and 50 chest to bar pull-ups. I'm going to break up the first part a lot. Listen, no one asked you, Meathead.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Those can be done in two sets. What do you mean? What do you mean break it up? That's easy. 50 thrusters is nothing and 50 chest-to-bar pull-ups is nothing. You rest a minute and you get back to work. What if that's a quarterfinals workout?
Starting point is 00:19:54 What do you mean? That's a great quarterfinals workout. I'd like to see that in the semifinals. I'd like to see two lanes of that shit. JR, where's the sticking point? Why are you saying there's pacing? I'm sorry to be so hostile against a professional like yourself, but Jesus, just 50 and 50.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Yeah, but I think you have to look at the back half just as it is alone. I think for a lot of people, it's going to become a grip limitation. For some people, it's going to become a pressing limitation. Although the bar muscle-up is a lot of pull, and people don't really think of it as a press, like a ring muscle up. The chances of them pulling really high and not still having to use somewhat of a dip, I think is not going to be the case after the 50 pulling reps to start the workout. I think there's going to be a lot of separation in rounds three, four and five. Maybe a lot of people can go on broken, but not a lot of people are going to be able to transition as fast as others.
Starting point is 00:20:46 John Young, go ahead. Tell us how a big, strong guy has to break this shit up. If they're fit enough, they don't have to. I just think if you have our muscle-ups, but you're not elite fitness-wise, and maybe even i i feel comfortable saying this like with like bryson's level of fitness too um you want to be as fresh as possible for the second part because the second part is where you're going to have all the separation
Starting point is 00:21:17 like everybody can do chest bars and lightweight thrusters so it might benefit you to break up that first part even though you have the one minute of rest, just so you can go into the second part as fresh as possible. And that second part is basically your workout. And you do that as fast as possible, whichever that means, like breaking that part up or going on broken, whatever, like just pushing the base in the second part. The first part- Are the second thrusters 135? 135, yeah. So it's 135 thrusters.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Bill, listen carefully, okay, to this question. You ready? I'm ready. I want you to go back to the youngest, most cockiest, badass version of yourself. Okay. So yesterday? Yeah, thank you. And then that's what Taylor is now.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Oh, I know his. I can see him. Yeah. He's a young, savage Bill Grundler. If he has to win this in his life's on the line against Colton, what advice do you give him? Because Colton's not going to pace this, is he? No. Fuck no.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Colton will do it on broken. I think Taylor will do it on broken. So here's what. Okay. So Taylor needs to get. Taylor needs to Get he needs to No humility No humility Bill Wide stance wide grip
Starting point is 00:22:30 For his I mean within reason That he's able to do To shorten it up Remember old school Tommy Hackenbrook Tied Chris Spieler doing the exact same thing On one of the Regional workouts same kind of idea that would keep them in the, in the mix on the beginning. Um, he can't kill himself on the Fran.
Starting point is 00:22:50 You can't kill yourself on Fran. That's basically what the first part is. It's a, it's a Fran plus, you know, with, with the reps on there, but it's going to come down to the second part. And I think you can, you can't really speed up bar muscle ups or as fast as they're going to be. So he needs to stay on the bar. If he's going to break up anything, it would be the thruster because that's going to send him hardly. I think if he's breaking it up, he's got no shot.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Well, you're right. I'm just saying, but if he's going to keep it up, that's where he's got to break it, not on the chest bar. It takes too long to get back up, I think. Definitely. Transitions play no role in this because everyone's in that go do no they do they do they do at the top of the top at the top of the top they do not taylor let me ask you this when uh by the way we are seven minutes away from the official announcement of 24.3 taylor will we see someone start the second round? Will Jay Crouch or Ariel Lowen start the second part of the workout
Starting point is 00:23:47 while the other person is still doing the first part? Will someone get ahead by one minute? No. No, no, no. No. What do you think, JR? Like three minutes? 3.15, 3.30?
Starting point is 00:24:00 I think they're going to do it under three. I think they'll probably push that, huh? And then I think, okay, but this goes back to kind of like what John's saying. And even, what do you think, Taylor? If you go out, like balls to the wall go out on the first part. Yeah, you have the minute, but are you fresh enough to be able to hammer the second part? And I think that's where you got to skirt that line of like three. I don't know if – can they do it under three?
Starting point is 00:24:28 Definitely. Should they do it under three? I don't know. I don't know if that 20 seconds is going to save them. Say someone gets like 240. Is that 20 seconds? Is that really going to give you what you need on the second half? Because that 20 seconds could be in a lot of places on that second half.
Starting point is 00:24:44 I think you go on broken, but you just like, you're not rushed at all. You know what I mean? I mean, that's the bar. Then you walk your thruster, your thruster,
Starting point is 00:24:51 then you watch your chest, the bar. And the second part, you, you know, you do whatever the best you can do. Like you hammer that part. I'm receiving a text right now that the workout was released on purpose.
Starting point is 00:25:03 So that we would have some time to hype up the workout so that was a they needed your help you guys obviously don't understand marketing who think it was leaked on accident this was a strategy a four time using a running clock with a 15 minute time clap cap five rounds uh 10 thrusters 10 chest to bar pull-ups 95 pounds for the men rest one minute then five rounds of seven thrusters at 135 pounds seven bar pull-ups and 95 pounds for the men rest one minute, then five rounds of seven thrusters at 135 pounds, seven bar muscle ups, 15 minute time cap. Like I mentioned,
Starting point is 00:25:29 Roman Krennikoff versus Jay Crouch and Ariel Lowen versus Sydney Wells. And this is sort of the warmup for the big event. Uh, the Colton Merton show used to be called Taylor self versus the world. Um, uh, Friday. God,
Starting point is 00:25:44 you think we hate you, taylor my goodness taylor what what do you think your strategy is uh i gotta think about it a bit i'm not concerned about you is burned down his central process do you think you can bait colton into going too fast no dude this is not a workout that i think anyone in the world looks at who's not actually retarded and says this is how i'm gonna approach this workout to trick colton to go are you kidding me it still was a great question john i feel a great question no no what i'm saying is like you like hopper blew up and you tie and y'all tied right? But I didn't bait him into going out hot. No, I know, but it did happen.
Starting point is 00:26:29 I think this workout is you can bait somebody. I don't think. You don't think so? No. You're next to each other. I don't think I can bait Colton. What's the point? If I bait Colton into blowing up,
Starting point is 00:26:42 who the fuck do you think else is going to blow up? Colton Merton's trying to give you a chance, man is going to blow up? Colton Mertens chimes in. I'm just trying to give you a chance, man. I'm trying to find a way for you to win. Listen, let me read this real quick. Colton Mertens chimes in. I'm 100% starting out too fast. Hey, he's flipping the script on Taylor.
Starting point is 00:26:57 You see what he's doing there? He wants Taylor to start. I'm trying to find a way for you to win. That's what I'm trying to do right now. Thank you, John. I love you. Well, this is what's kind of cool about this workout too, is that at the most elite level, some of these guys can be like, sure, I can just like kind of take my time transitioning on the first five rounds and go a little bit slower and not rest as much on the back half. Or I can just do the first five rounds almost for time,
Starting point is 00:27:28 be a little bit ahead of the clock and rest a little bit on the back half. Like I think at the highest level, unless there's just a, unless there's just, I went to failure on something and I failed to bar muscle up or I failed a lockout on a thruster, you're probably going to be able to go just as fast as you can go regardless of the, of the strategy at the highest level i've been which means we might see world record two the crossfit youtube station is now live they have a place card in place 13 000 people waiting
Starting point is 00:27:59 uh two minutes to the start uh world record times for this you guys have any thoughts on that already i know we just saw the workout um whatever colton does tomorrow wow oh what about what about tetlo and um uh asfield uh uh hatfield austin don't talk about don't talk about my guy like i mixed i i mean i think it's going to be hard to beat Colton in this, man. Tudor Magda. Tudor Magda. JR, Tudor Magda set the world record on this? Fuck no.
Starting point is 00:28:32 I think it's probably going to be someone with a little bit shorter limb length. Fisa Goffi. Fisa Goffi. Top five in the world? No. No. Because of the thrusters. Is that why you guys are saying that?
Starting point is 00:28:47 She's just not fit enough. Dude, she's been showing up for the Open, man. She's been showing up. What's really interesting about this workout, too, and a lot of people are going to look at it as like a muscular stamina workout, like, oh, my pull just went away or my triceps started blowing up. A lot of you out there that are saying that do not have the fitness to not let the thrusters just make you too out of breath to do the gymnastics or make you
Starting point is 00:29:12 want to pick up the bar for a lot of people. They're just going to be way too out of breath to show that they can move the bar and they can jump up and do muscle ups. Period. 100%. Yeah. Let me, let me ask you guys this bill.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Uh, Tia to me has a wrist issue. It's obviously a real issue. And she didn't want to come out there and flop around. Now that she sees this workout, is she like, damn, maybe I could have done this one. Maybe since I wasn't pushing. Because she said the push-ups were bothering her, right? The pushing movement?
Starting point is 00:29:39 Yeah. You think she's chomping at the bit? We talked about this on our show yesterday. And I really hope That she didn't know what the workout was To be able to say, you know what, I probably should back out Since I don't want to race it Since it's all thruster
Starting point is 00:29:53 I do not think she knew the workout I do not think she knew the workout I hope that's not the case They do not leak things like that It better not be the case The screen is live it is a packed house it is a beautiful stage just like you imagine there is a huge rig uh there is the it's the best i've seen the sponsors represented we got rogue uh jocko milk and go ruck uh center stage and they got a
Starting point is 00:30:22 little audio playing so you can hear the the crowd noise um it what's interesting is there's a running clock on there that says they're 30 minutes away does that make sense to any of you no uh you know what i'm thinking i'm surprised hillary's not on the thread right now, on the show going like this. Another video. Another video I get to make of elite-level athletes going way too fast on a movement that's way too easy
Starting point is 00:30:54 that they're unable to not ride the line. Mike Halpin. They told Brooke Wells in 2022 that the workout would not be hard on her elbow. Dave could have just said, based on the the injury that she shouldn't do it. Fair enough. Andrew Hiller in response to Bill Grundler, I am. I am working on a video.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Pull up Colton's last comment. I don't – oh, sorry. I don't know where it is. You get – it's on you. Oh, here we go no no his last one's have on uh I'm beating Taylor by a minute or Taylor's beating me does that mean if he doesn't beat me by a minute I win I think wow you want that handicap JR is that possible to beat to beat someone by a minute in this someone Someone as world-class as Taylor Self?
Starting point is 00:31:47 I'm not going to say it's impossible, but I think what he's saying is just that if he blows up, he blows up. And if he blows up, it's going to be so bad that he might go to failure. If he dies, he dies. Wow. Dude, if Colton blows up and then you do your last muscle upset unbroken and he's stuck on six and i'm definitely not i'm definitely not breaking any of the gymnastics up and you guys you guys tie on the seventh bar muscle up i'm just gonna freaking like like um ariel said wow get with
Starting point is 00:32:20 the programming okay i stand corrected ariel said Ariel said, maybe Bill's on to something here. Ariel Lowen, Fittest Woman in America, who is competing very shortly here on the CrossFit YouTube channel. Ariel said that Tia gave a list of movements that hurt her wrist. And Dave said she shouldn't do it then. That doesn't mean that those movements were on there. I'm fine with that though. No,
Starting point is 00:32:47 if she, if Tia came to them and gave them six movements that like, like anything in the front rack, I can't do. Even if none of those movements were in there, if someone, if I was Dave and someone gave me a list of movements and still none of them were in there,
Starting point is 00:33:00 I would still say you shouldn't do it. That would just be my default answer. The second someone had any concerns. And I bet you that was Dave's too. Do you guys follow me on that? You know what I'm saying? you shouldn't do it. That would just be my default answer. The second someone had any concerns. And I bet you that was Dave's too. Do you guys follow me on that? You know what I'm saying? He didn't, he didn't even take into consideration like what the movements were.
Starting point is 00:33:14 He's like, Oh, you got a list. You know what I mean? Like, no, you're just not doing it then. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I feel you. Yeah. Um, see, here's the thing. Uh, people are asking, was it leaked?
Starting point is 00:33:22 We presume it was leaked because we know it before the announcement. But who are we to say? We don't know what we don't know. See how objective I am? See how open-minded I am? I just got on. Was it leaked? Here, let me tell you the workout. Let me tell you what we think the workout is. Can we pull the workout up one more time caleb 24.3 thank you very much crossfit crash crash crucible crash crescendo uh the workout that we think it is going to be because of this card that's being passed around for time using a running clock five rounds of 10 thrusters and 95 pounds for the boys uh 10 chest to bar pull-ups then you rest a minute
Starting point is 00:34:06 so 50 and 50 of each then you rest a minute and then uh five rounds of seven thrusters at 135 and seven bar muscle-ups i got a question i got 15 minutes um if she was capped you know hey here are the movements i can't do she said on her video that she's been nursing this injury for two months. She's still going to do the workout, right? Why not do it in front of everybody? What's the fucking difference? What's the fucking difference? Put the little wrist wrap on.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Put the little thing on and be like, hey, I'm here. I'll tell you what. But Bill, I don't want to watch. Go ahead, Taylor. Do you think she still beats Sidney Wells? I kind of do. Oh, just take Ariel out? But, Bill, I don't want to watch. Go ahead, Taylor. Do you think she still beats Sidney Wells? I kind of do. But it wasn't against Sidney Wells. Oh, just take Ariel out?
Starting point is 00:34:47 Just take Ariel out? No, I'm saying I think Tia does better than Sidney Wells does with her wrist injury. So why substitute her with Sidney Wells? Well, behind closed doors, definitely. That's fair. Yeah, I see what you're saying. I don't agree.
Starting point is 00:35:02 I don't want to see an injured fighter on the main stage. What the fuck? Dude, she's on the main stage anyway. She's here this weekend. She's got to perform this weekend. Do you not remember the Rogue Invitational, Sevan, when Bethany Flores is on the floor not doing workouts because her back is broken,
Starting point is 00:35:19 and you're telling me to go fuck myself because she earned the right to do that? Listen, listen. I'm on Taylor's side with this, Devon. Listen, listen. I agree wholeheartedly. She did earn the right to be there. I think you're conflating issues a little bit.
Starting point is 00:35:30 She did earn the right to be there. And there were 10 other athletes. This is showcasing a race, a one-on-one race between two women. This is a fight. No, there are other men there. Hey, listen. If I found out— It's not a fight, though.
Starting point is 00:35:43 It's a slaughter. It's a showcase. It's a showcase. It's a showcase. That's all it is, a showcase. I hated 24.1 when those guys went out there and flopped around doing those, whatever the fuck they were doing in that second workout. Agreed. That was pathetic.
Starting point is 00:35:55 I do not want to watch Tia Toomey, the greatest to ever do it, the athlete who sits on a tier by herself. I do not want to see her go against Ariel and just be faking it, going through the movements out there. Is Ariel going to beat the shit out of her with a broken wrist? Is she going to be faking it over the weekend?
Starting point is 00:36:15 Yes, totally. What Taylor's saying is her score is going to be better than Sydney's score. It would still be a better match. A fucked up Tia is better than a fully healthy Sydney. I'm sorry, Sydney. You're doing great. I hope you do great this year.
Starting point is 00:36:31 We are trashing you badly. You're just not on the level of these two girls. That's all right. God, you guys are pissing me off. Hey, someone has Tia on a pedestal. I didn't put her on a pedestal I didn't put her on that pedestal
Starting point is 00:36:47 She climbed up there Has there ever been another athlete That has said hey you know what I'm not going to be able to do the open announcement Ever Would you have done it if you were injured Bill I got it If Colton hurt his wrist
Starting point is 00:37:04 Get the fuck out of If Colton hurt his wrist. Get the fuck out of here, Colton. And he said, I'm not going to do it. John's going to do it. And I'm just going to get slaughtered by Taylor in this workout. That is what this is like. Okay. So you're saying that you. I would rather see an 80% Colton.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Okay. So you're saying if they brought in Raptus, you'd be cool. Yeah. Oh, you guys are disrespecting Sydney Alright But at least I can meet you halfway there I feel that Who's your pick to win It went
Starting point is 00:37:37 Get your heat one picks in Oh that's right That's right I gotta open my mouth Have they pulled what's her name out? T out? Yep. It's Ariel plus Sydney or Sydney.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Go to the app store, download the Heat One app, scroll down to Taylor Self. I don't know how Jay Crouch is worth 140, but Sydney, if you picked her, it's worth 110. I don't see, I don't see it down there guys oh you mean they're saying that sydney is less of an underdog than jay that is what the points show yes hey i don't see i don't see a place to choose i don't see a place to choose oh thank you okay at the top you click on 24.3 it Thank you. Okay, at the top, you click on 24.3. It takes you over there. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Oh, shit. No wonder I fucked up so much. Okay, let's go through these really quick. Yonikoski, Dallin Pepper, Roman Krennikoff. You can pick Dallin. I think Dallin wants to win the Open. Who was it? Dallin, Pepper, Yonikoski, Roman? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Yon is... Yonik, he Roman? Yeah. Yanni's good. Yanni, he's good on this. It's hard to pick against Yanni, but I think Dallin will redo it. I think Dallin wants to win the Open, so I'm going to pick Dallin. Daniel Brandon or Ariel Lowen? They're showing deadlifts now that don't count at all on the proven. Oh, shit. They are showing deadlifts that don't count. Ariel wants to win the Open, too.
Starting point is 00:39:07 I'm going to pick Ariel Lowen. I'm picking Ariel Lowen. Yeah. But we can't choose... Oh, and I'm picking Colton. Don't tell Taylor. Yona is hard to pick against. Yona is going to do really, really well
Starting point is 00:39:24 in this workout I just think it's important Like down wants to win Dude Sidney Wells and Ariel are basically tied Points wise That's so dumb 75% have picked Ariel over Sidney What it looks like for Sidney
Starting point is 00:39:39 And Ariel That's what it should look like for Jay and Roman And then vice versa Oh yeah the points Hey That's what it should look like for Jay and Roman, and then vice versa. Oh, yeah, the points. Hey, Jay Crouch has only gotten better and better, huh? He was better last year than he was the year before. He looks better.
Starting point is 00:39:56 His body seems to be maturing. I'm very curious to see him show up here today. I wonder if he's going to have his A game. He should be pretty darn good at this at this workout uh seven will you um uh will you submit a score this week after all he was titillated by signing up yeah i'll submit it i think i'll submit a score this week thank you for asking i didn't know you cared i hope you heard go ahead i i commented on mason's uh butt beads this morning i hope you heard it anal beads go ahead uh mr young will you get a bar muscle up in this workout
Starting point is 00:40:34 yes i think seven thrusters at 135 i think that should be on the heat one app will seven get one bar muscle up what do you mean like will i make it through the first round in 15 minutes the 10 thrusters and the 50 thrusters and 50 and and seven thrusters with 135 oh i think that'd be a good bet man i i'm trying to figure out where i would do a bar muscle up at i might have to go to an affiliate god forbid god forbid kota scissors i'll go to uh annie sakamoto has a uh affiliate right up the house from me and then the guy um there's another place that just affiliated next to me uh fit west west fitness where my mom you're not gonna go to frank's gym where my mom goes too far i would go to Frank's gym too far it's not an affiliate
Starting point is 00:41:26 Marcio Martinez a worst open ever I don't think so at all I think it's the best open ever oh I don't I don't think it's the best open ever I I'm glad that this is the last workout I do think
Starting point is 00:41:42 it saves it a little bit I does it I think it makes it even more retarded. You wanted thrusters and chest to bar pull-ups. Explain Taylor. You make the first two weeks so accessible that virtually anyone can do it. Then you take the final week. So, so now you've created this theme where, all right, the entire open through the first two weeks, the theme is inclusivity. No matter who you are, you can do it.
Starting point is 00:42:08 You can get some reps into the workout. All right. That's the first two weeks. Then the third week, fuck all of you. None of you can do it. Who the fuck? What kind of normal persons? People aren't just randomly doing chest to bar now.
Starting point is 00:42:22 So you think it should be like a gated workout? I don't know what it should be be i just think that they're the communication you have to test skills somehow and they haven't you do it in quarterfinals i mean or every skill i see i don't agree with that too much so because you can't can't have it can't do like cindy for the open because all you're doing is like, well, even that's got pull-ups. I mean, we just now touched the rig. I don't know. I think it should have been gated.
Starting point is 00:42:51 I think that they need to have more gated because everyone can play. The better athletes get to show. We get to showcase. Chest-to-bar? Pull-ups. You just go straight to chest-to-bar? You go from no skills and no heavyweight straight to chest-to-bar in the third week.
Starting point is 00:43:04 I think that's what's dumb about it. i think at least in the first two weeks you have some sort of hey we're stepping in that direction be ready or at least make the third week pull-ups then chest to bar pull-ups and toes to bar then chest to bar then bar muscle-ups it just seems like they don't know what they're they don't know which direction they're trying to go first two weeks is for everyone third week isn't you know i do that cam thank you thank you welcome welcome to the special membership i'll be sending you nude shortly oh go ahead john it is it does feel like it's two different tests so different so different like like like like like you said what if this is a quarterfinals workout this seems like
Starting point is 00:43:47 it could be a quarter spot right this is what i would expect to see in quarterfinals because 25 percent of people could do it and only the best can freaking fly you think you think you think but like quarterfinals do you think it would be like uh five rounds of three of five and five with ring muscle ups and thrusters at 185. Jeez. You see what I'm saying? 25% of people are doing that. You're not supposed to. It's quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:44:12 This goes to semifinals. That's supposed to be the big raise. No, I'm saying quarterfinals. Oh, you mean if this was the workout in quarterfinals, what would we see in semis? No, no, no. But you would add a 5, five of 185. I still don't know because it's the same workout for the individuals, for all of the age groups, essentially. And it's the top 25%. So what, like what, what game are you playing? Are you playing?
Starting point is 00:44:38 We want to be inclusive. The game I'm playing is the right people to semifinals. I don't care. That's not the game they're playing. Cause if it's just the right people to semifinals, you do it the way you did it for the past two years. Now you expand it to 25%. And the same programming for 18 to 34 is also the same for 35 to 39, 40 to 44, 45 to 49. And I think Bill is okay with it. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:59 That's fine. But it just mixed signals. I think quarterfinals is like we're going to see who's elite. It's like a crazy psycho girl telling you she likes you at one minute. The next minute she's rifling through your phone, trying to see who you're cheating on. This is the vibe I'm getting from this programming, dude. I agree with, but then what would you, what would you have done different?
Starting point is 00:45:20 Pull-ups. Pull fucking pull-ups. Pull-ups. And then it ends on chest to bar like seven and seven with chest to bar you don't even need the bar muscle up and you don't even need the heavy i mean i don't think you even need the heavy thruster if you're keeping oh my god dude if that was the workout if that was the workout i would have said this is the worst open ever we've lost our way this is orange it's totally different john 25 go 25% go to quarterfinals. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:45:45 People want to be tested. I know we're trying to be accessible. You have to accept. It still is. Give me one second. We'll come back to this. Devon should have a chance to do one bar muscle-up and seven. Then go to quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Okay, hold on. Hold on one second. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. The open has been perfect so far let me just a christian holtay sits atop of the leaderboard oh no that's for the old ladies hold on sorry let me see if i can find um uh let me see if i can find just the regular human beings
Starting point is 00:46:17 okay uh alexander caron sits on top of the leaderboard uh then with 21 points down pepper 22 and some guy named kale layman whoa that guy's short even colton he's five is he really five foot tall five foot even and he's my wiener standing up and he should be really good at this work what if he won the open what if kale layman won the open let me get through this let me get through this list we have a very close race and look at luck it down at number 10 uh okay so we have alexanderon, Dallin Pepper, Kale Lehman, all 21, 22, 28, and then 29.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Yona Koski, Saxon Pancheck, 31, Jay Crouch, 39, Velner, 41, Ricky Mack,
Starting point is 00:46:53 49. Some guy named Miko was 67 and Brandon Luckett, 71. Good for you, Brandon Luckett. Yeah, I know. Isn't that amazing? And you said you were fitter than Brandon Luckett.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Remember that? I did not say that. I never said that. Okay. Okay. Okay. And then let me see if I can find the that. I'd never said that. Okay. Okay. Okay. Uh, and then let me see if I can find the women.
Starting point is 00:47:08 I don't know if CrossFit posts women's stuff. I think that's only the seven on podcast that does that. Uh, we are fully, uh, inclusive. Gracie Walton. Oh,
Starting point is 00:47:18 thanks. Thank you. Okay. Uh, Grace Walton, um, Grace Walton, Christine Bishop and Christine age, uh, age, uh Christine Agrabach, 11, 23, and 24.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Then Ariel Lowen sitting in fourth place. Ariel has told us she wants to win this. She's sitting at 25 points. It's still within reach of her. Amy Kringle in sixth. Sahar Kai. Who's in fifth? Caitlin Van Ziel, Caitlin Bernardine, and Brooke Wells.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Brooke Wells. Wow. Yeah. I was hearing rumors she wasn't feeling so good. She seems to be feeling great. Who's in fifth? Mirham Van Roor. Is that the chick who dropped the barbell on herself?
Starting point is 00:48:04 The super viral video? No, that was Roar. Roe. That was Roe. Okay, back to the... I don't know what's going on with the games stream. I don't know. Nothing has happened yet.
Starting point is 00:48:20 I don't know what's going on over there. You wanted something What's wrong with it? Oh, that's the guy That's the four foot tall guy Look at that guy, dude He's five foot tall He can't even see over the screen of the runner
Starting point is 00:48:32 Neither can I He can't go on the rides at Six Flags How? This guy's proportioned perfectly for a fucking dwarf That's crazy I know For a dwarf What's the legal height for a dwarf?
Starting point is 00:48:44 I think it's 4'11 Christ He's height for i think it's 4 11 christ yeah it's 4 it's 4 11 now wait what if he's five foot in shoes and he says that so he's not a dwarf how is he proportioned so perfectly if his game's profile says he's five foot tall you can 100 take an inch or two off of that and i think his friends are five three and five four wow wow listen we're getting that dude dude colton colton towers over this guy i'm not even kidding that's so crazy god i hope they go to the games together and it's like fukowski's in between this guy's not going to the games together and it's like fukowski's in between both guys not going to the games oh that sucks this guy's coming on the podcast though i'm getting
Starting point is 00:49:29 this last year last year he did 13 ring muscle-ups and 23.1 i beat him oh and he did a thruster of 225 oh yeah i think there was wall balls huh and rowing Well there's rowing this last one apparently I if it rowing didn't count Really on I'll tell you right now. I don't believe his Scores hey dude I'm gonna do I'm gonna do a CrossFit games week. It's gonna be called shorter Than seven week and it's gonna be
Starting point is 00:49:59 All Monday through Friday. It's gonna be All the athletes who made it to the games who are Shorter than me like start open up with Benny Garrard Monday. You know what I mean? Spieler on Tuesday. I guarantee you if he won one of the workouts, he doesn't have a video of it. Jedediah Snelson. He's shorter than me.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Week Wednesday. When I get desperate for athletes, I'll choose dudes in wheelchairs. Who's shorter sitting down now? Good point. I am. I'm sure you guys, I think you're just being i i think that this is a marvelously programmed workout let's let's talk about two of the workouts yeah is it exactly i agree has the open has the open and perfect for the affiliates before we get to the actual programming perfect for the affiliates what does that mean what do you mean uh just the layout the equipment yeah ease of equipment not having to tape anything okay cool
Starting point is 00:50:49 that doesn't mean it's perfect but it hasn't been easy to do sure okay perfect okay uh culling the herd allowing the the best athletes in the world to rise to the top who give a shit i mean all we can do is is based off the ones we know that all the games athletes don't give a shit we don't see the ones up there and the ones we do say see up there you know what they're saying i want the money and kudos to them i'm glad for them and go ahead go ahead john why do you think there is more money in the open than semifinals or i think that there should be quarterfinals because you have to beat 170 000 people in the open than semifinals or quarterfinals because you have to beat 170 000 people in the open you only have to beat 30 people in semifinals yeah do you think there should be money for quarterfinals then because there's not any right
Starting point is 00:51:35 there's none i don't know who fucking cares i battle every year to get about 68th percentile people like me need to see bar muscle-ups in the open because I can't make quarters. Hey, listen, bar muscle-ups is a 10 compared to crossovers is a 4 or a 3 or a 2 in terms of picking movements for the open, I think. You guys have issues? No one here has issues with bar muscle-ups, right?
Starting point is 00:51:59 No, it's just a... No. No, but look at the skill on this event versus the last two that we've had this event and the last two are just two wildly different two different people it looks like two different people programmed totally the and they didn't talk to one another skill there's been they didn't congregate at all why are you saying that tell me why are you saying it's like dave wrote a workout and two fucking interns wrote the other two workouts.
Starting point is 00:52:25 They didn't talk to each other. And then they're like, OK, you. Why do you say that? Why do you say that? My card because they're just so different. And not that they're not that they're bad, not that they're bad workouts on their on on their own. I mean, I would I agree with John. I think the deadlift should have been heavier on the second one, but whatever.
Starting point is 00:52:44 But it's not a bad workout. Whatever. It is what it is. But when you look at what you're trying to, if you're trying to find the right type of athlete to go across to the next stage, inclusive, fine. I mean, you can do all that. But what we've done up to this point is we've only had a double under as far as a skill. We haven't had any weight. All we've checked is do you have a gas pedal?
Starting point is 00:53:08 That's it. Bar muscle-ups are a pretty good skill. No, no, no. I'm not talking – yeah, it is. You're right. Up to this point, we've had zero skill, zero weight. Give me an example. What do you want to see?
Starting point is 00:53:19 A pistol? No, no, no, no. I would have wanted to see heavier weight. Just a well-balanced test. No, the skill. What in the skill? What in the skill category? What in the skill category? This is fine, but then the other test should have tested something other than gas pedal for at least one other thing. For this one, if it's the way that it is, it's going in, then they shouldn't have started off with chest-to-bar pull-ups. This isn't a gas pedal workout for me.
Starting point is 00:53:43 No, you're right no higher skill than what they've put across as we're trying to be inclusive well so then the first skill you start at is a chest to bar not a regular pull-up right that's stupid you see what i'm saying it's like it's it's the same thing as like when we started like okay you guys we're gonna start off in this event starts off with a ring muscle up. Well, I can't do that. All right. So then what about the people that can't do a chest to bar? Like build it up. I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Yeah. It's like a lot of people who have done every workout RX and I'm really happy with themselves. They're just like half of the population are going to do 10 reps in this workout and be done. Now, granted my predicted workout was wall balls. Cause I just thought that like, they're not going to do anything heavy because they're just going to blow that off. But I said 50 wall balls, 25 pull-ups, 50 wall balls, 25 chest-to-bar, 50 wall balls, 25 bar muscle-up. That's what I said.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Which would be great. That would be cool. Everyone can play. God, I must not be listening to you guys very well. You're not. Because I thought you guys would be ecstatic with the 135-pound thrusters. It's big boy time. This is a fun event.
Starting point is 00:54:51 It's cool. I get it, but it doesn't fit. You got to either say, okay, it's going to be everyone can play, and it's super inclusive for everyone, or it's like, hey, we're going to sort of put the carrot out there to test you at some point. There's been no test other than the people that have gotten a double under for the first time. That's it.
Starting point is 00:55:10 There's been no test. Gas doesn't check your test. And then when you take the test, it's like calculus three and you thought it was going to be algebra two. Right. We went up high on our gymnastics on this one. I love the workout. I dig it. I dig it. I don't know why they had the one-minute rest in one. I love the workout. I dig it.
Starting point is 00:55:26 I dig it. I don't know why they had the one-minute rest in there. I don't think they really needed that. Caleb, ready? To bait people. I think they're ready, Caleb. I know, but still. This is dumb.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Here we go. Sevan Gergelin. Seve Gergelin. Andrew Mora. Seve Gergelin. It couldora. SeveGurgling. It could have been a hyphen right there. That Dave cock. SeveGurgling that Dave cock on programming,
Starting point is 00:55:52 which I'm totally okay with. I like the parentheses. Sounds like you have marbles in your mouth. Oh, Caleb. You're fucking breaking my heart, buddy. Jesus Christ. Okay, one more time. my heart, buddy. Jesus Christ. Okay, one more time. What?
Starting point is 00:56:07 He's ready. Gurgling. Gurgling. Oh, gurgling. Andrew Mora. Okay, take five. Hold on. Caleb's got a great gurgling sound that he...
Starting point is 00:56:21 I thought you were going to shut it up again. Dang. I can only do it when I'm on the screen. Were you a voice for SpongeBob? You can't even tell. Seve gurgling that Dave Cockham programming, which I'm totally okay with. Fine.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Thank you. I just love the workout. I love all the workouts. I think they're great. I think they've tested a bunch of shit um the 135 is going to be fucking really heavy for me granted when i was 34 i would just fucking grab the bar and just fucking start ripping 135 thrusters that's not me anymore i'm excited about it um i am excited also because i think that we're really wondering how many people are going to be able to do this unbroken i think people are like scratching their heads like fuck is someone really going to be able to do this unbroken. I think people are scratching their heads like, fuck, is someone really going to be able to do this unbroken?
Starting point is 00:57:08 With what they've had so far, what do you think the purpose of the scaled division is? If this is supposed to be an all-inclusive, easy for everyone, everyone can play, doing all the stuff. And we have a, because when they put the scale division in there,
Starting point is 00:57:28 do you remember what the whole purpose of this thing? You got me in the corner. You got me in the corner, but I think I can get out. Keep going. Okay. No, I'll stand there and just wait. I want to watch you now. Okay, listen.
Starting point is 00:57:35 So you got me in the corner, but here's the thing. First of all, I've never liked the scale division. Why? I thought it was just fucking stupid. Why? I mean, because I think, because I just want to do what was programmed, right? And I don't know where I fall in the worldwide open. I'd say, I'm just going to guess.
Starting point is 00:57:52 And sorry if I fucking arrogant asshole, but I would guess I'm in like the 20 percentile, right? And I can do it and I can do it, right? So I don't know how many people can't do bar muscle-ups. I happen to be able to do them. I'm not good at double unders, but I can barely do them, but I can do bar muscle-ups. I can do chest to to do them. I'm not good at double-unders, but I can barely do them. But I can do bar muscle-ups. I can do chest-to-bar pull-ups. I'm going to be able to squeak out, if I make it to it, a couple 135-pound thrusters.
Starting point is 00:58:12 So I like this because I can do it, but I also like it because I think 135 pounds is challenging for the fucking meatheads like, what's his name, John Young, J.Y. Barbell. But I don't want to do the scaled shit i i feel i feel bad for the people have to do the scaled shit okay because then i'm outside the group i'm i want to be able to i'd like seeing that i'm third in the 13th percentile and in taylor's in the one percentile well dude how outside the group are you if you can't do a single fucking rep and you're just sitting in the gym watching everybody do a workout that you can't even begin so what you guys are saying is is that they should have if they should have done pull-ups then bar muscle-ups or pull-ups okay that part that's a that's a i think that's
Starting point is 00:58:55 a fair criticism but i still think it's a great workout but i think that's a totally fair criticism no i was just arguing with you on why why you think the scale division is dumb i don't because there are people that are there i don't think it's dumb like they shouldn't have it I just don't want to do it I would rather only get five reps In the regular division What I'm saying though is this If we are
Starting point is 00:59:16 Easing up On the weights And the technical work In the general Competition If we're easing up On that And the tech in the, the, the technical work in the general, in the general, uh, competition. If we're easing up on that, then why are we having the scale division? Because if it's making it easy, I have P I had people that they didn't have to scale anything on that last event because the weight wasn't, the weight wasn't heavy and they could
Starting point is 00:59:40 do double unders. They'd just jump up real high and wing the rope under their feet a bunch of times. Like they could make it work. So you and John dislike it for different reasons? You and John dislike it for different reasons? I don't think they said they didn't. They didn't say that they didn't like it. I just don't understand if we are bringing everything down because we're trying to be all inclusive and everybody needs to play.
Starting point is 01:00:02 And it doesn't matter because we're only pushing. We're pushing 25% up anyway. If we're doing that, then why do we, then why, then what is the scale? The scale division, is it easy? Like we, I got, that's what I don't get. That's what I want to explain. Don't say the goal is we're not programming for the elites.
Starting point is 01:00:18 That's why I said, I think you have me in the corner. You're right. I see exactly what you're saying about the scale division. You're right. It's not, it's not, it's not that it's shouldn't be programmed for the elite, but how do we program in CrossFit? Ladies and gentlemen, breaking news. The CrossFit stream is down, and I'm hearing from the show now that they want me to release the workout on the Sebon podcast because their stream is down so please allow me to tell you what 24.3 is wow this is incredible guys this is what i call teamwork and collaboration uh 24.3 four time with the running clock five rounds 10
Starting point is 01:00:58 thrusters at 95 10 chest to bar pull-ups rest minute, then five rounds of seven thrusters at 135 pounds, seven-bar muscle-ups with a time cap of 15 minutes. This is 24.3. Shortly, you will see Bryson Del Monte do this at CrossFit Charlotte. Bryson has become a superstar in his own right. We will cheer him on as he tests it out. And then tomorrow, you will see born primitive CA peptides CrossFit Charlotte 24.1 open a 24.3 open Taylor self versus the world and it's really worse than the world. It's Colton Mertens and
Starting point is 01:01:36 That's gonna be a fucking wild show tomorrow. Uh Bryson Del Monte is fueling up now. What do you think's wrong with the stream? It's fucking frozen I think they fucking froze it on purpose so they could change the workout Since it got leaked They're changing the workout right now Plan B, they're pulling an audible ramp Fucking wall balls, baby, give me something Give me a chance
Starting point is 01:01:57 Do you think the CrossFit dropped the ball By not having Colton and Justin Do this workout? Fuck yeah, they dropped the ball, dude They'reton and Justin do this workout. Fuck. Yeah. They dropped the ball, dude. They're dumb as fuck with these open match. Oh, this would have been a great workout to see the two of those guys go head up
Starting point is 01:02:11 against each other. Obviously I still think Colton wins, but just, you know, Justin would smoke this too. Uh, how did it get leaked? It did not get leaked.
Starting point is 01:02:20 It was passed off to us because they're having troubles with the stream. That is, uh, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So help me God. No, not that part. get leaked it was passed off to us because they're having troubles with the stream that is uh the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me god no not that part okay uh how how close are we to bryson going maybe we just maybe we just roll with uh how close are we to bryson run them at the same time do we want him to go where is where is uh will in the house is will ready no it's just me what are you talking about so so are you gonna so you're gonna point a computer at him and then a camera
Starting point is 01:02:49 i was gonna we got some new cordage we got some new uh we get some new cordage here you know got one of these got a couple uh got another one somewhere announcement right now oh okay hold on hold on i want to hear i want to hear what dave uh says let's hear oh they got rich froning in the back daniel brandon back he's fist bumping. Let's see what's going on here. Can we pull it up? Is Dave's wrist hurt? He got that from Tia. Oh, shit. Jocko's in the dark.
Starting point is 01:03:24 As always. Oh, it's on the whiteboard already. You can see it. They just showed it. They just panned it over. There it is. Yep. Leaked.
Starting point is 01:03:43 My wiener's leaking. My wiener's leaking. You know what's bad Taylor what dude what's bad is that this is a good workout for you like you're gonna be really good at this workout like that's what's bad Wow, he's got his can of Jocko Go. I like the way he's dangling his pinky off there off the off the bottom of the can
Starting point is 01:04:25 I gotta say jaco great guy big fan, but the energy jinx kind of suck. Uh They should sponsor andrew Hiller, dude, he would never drink those It's like 30 grams of caffeine, but they're not good though. That's the thing horrible I drank 20 of them at the games. I fine with them Yeah because there's no caffeine in them You can just chug them all Is it on Dude
Starting point is 01:04:51 Boz was talking to him Are they all gonna go at once Or are they gonna do this community thing first I don't know So 24.3 Is live Adrian Bosman Has the crowd the hair is looking good on Adrian
Starting point is 01:05:06 the crowd is huddled around him the crowd meaning Roman Krennikoff Sidney Wells, Jay Crouch Dave looking good with his hat looks like he got another haircut there's a bunch of people I don't recognize I guess that's the community people I also don't
Starting point is 01:05:22 oh there's Ariel down below I wonder if they are all going to be oh i see dylan in the background all right guys listen we will be back i would say in about 30 minutes we will fire up a new stream and uh i will be back here hopefully with uh john young taylor bill grundlerler and Caleb and a superstar, Bryson Del Monte. Bill, thanks for coming on. John Taylor, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:05:48 We'll see you guys all soon. If you're not signed up for a CEO membership, sign up now. Bye.

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