The Sevan Podcast - Born Primitive Open | Underdogs Sessions | The Aussies

Episode Date: March 3, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:39 You have a wide back, or maybe that's just a narrow door. Maybe that's what that is. That does look like a narrow door now that I think about it. Those are five-foot ceilings. I'm sorry. God, your back is huge. Hey, guys, there are people here that I am deeply aligned with who help keep the lights on here. There's a company called BirthFit who's been very generous in helping us keep the lights on here at the Sevan podcast. I highly recommend it if you are fornicating without prophylactics or using any contraception that you look into them.
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Starting point is 00:01:56 and for a lot of the other beloved media shows. Oh, look at Hiller representing. A lot of the beloved media, my homeboys in the space, they also rep them, so you can go over there and get gear. And then finally, of course, Born Primitive has gone above and beyond. They've given us a discount code, 20% off. The shirts fit great. I've talked ad nauseum about how amazing the shoes are. If you don't believe me either, just look in the comments.
Starting point is 00:02:24 No one in the comments is saying, no,'t like my shoes or no the shirt doesn't fit good shirt fits good if you have broad shoulders and if and if you have a cannons like me so they're did you go find the dirtiest pair no i wore the shit out of these i got them on black friday and i've worn them basically every day since. I don't wear the white. I wear the black. The difference between those and mine? Oh my God. Come on.
Starting point is 00:02:52 I often have trouble spawning shirts that fit my wide back. Born Primitive is fitting great right now. Yeah, it's great. I have a big back too and it's for a little guy and it's great. It doesn't. I have a big back too. And it's for, for a little guy and it's great. And it doesn't pull too tight on the, on the titties. Looks like you stepped in shit and it smeared up on the side. us takes care of my family takes care of so much of everything that i do so many aspects of my life checks in on me regularly sarah cox the owner of ca so it is a um it is a fantastic
Starting point is 00:03:33 crew also uh we it is it is an honor that um the people over at underdogs athletics uh keifer and justin kotler trusted us with these videos to show on our platform that does require a a great amount of trust to let us let us look at their videos critique them have their athletes on the whole shebang so i really appreciate that and and i'm excited to continue the the open shows from thursday to fr Saturday. So, so we're pumped before we get to business with the open is, is Tyson Bajan, the fittest player in the NFL, John Young.
Starting point is 00:04:14 I'm going to careful, careful is Tyson Bajan, the fittest player in the NFL. I'm going to say yes. Why do you say yes? I don't think any other NFL player can put down what he just put down in 24.1.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Isn't that impressive as hell? It's pretty darn impressive. Yeah. He's like 6'3". 6'3", 6'4". He's crazy tall. If you guys are wondering what he's talking about, if you go over to the Hiller Fit YouTube station, not now. His freaking banded workouts that he does for his balance stuff does not make you good
Starting point is 00:04:48 fit. Is that where you bounce? They're on the rig and they like, just do that stupid. Yeah. And I'm going to tell you right now, I can do all of that stuff. Hey dude,
Starting point is 00:04:57 the fact that it was even more impressive about this is that he jumps up and down on all of his burpees afterwards. I go, Hey, do you know, he goes, what's stepping? And I go, it's's how you think it's how you take a minute off your time this is truly an incredible video the first video that andrew made with tyson has caught on fire in the last week it's it's probably 10 days old but in the last four or five days it's caught on fire
Starting point is 00:05:19 um i think it's gonna go has it gone over a hundred thousand, Andrew? It just hit a hundred and two, I think. Yeah. Wild. And then, so Andrew, uh, Tyson was generous enough to invite Andrew out to the Arnold. Andrew drove,
Starting point is 00:05:32 uh, five hours in the morning to hang out with Tyson for the day and then drove five hours home and presented this to us the very next day. This is Chicago bears quarterback, Tyson Bajan hanging out with Hillary. You are so stupid. Your fitness and the NFL cannot measure fitness differently because there's hanging out with Hillary. You are so stupid. It doesn't matter how you measure your fitness. And the NFL cannot measure fitness differently
Starting point is 00:05:48 because there's only one way to measure fitness. They measure athleticism. I think people mistake athleticism for fitness sometimes. Being athletic is not. Fitness and athleticism are two different things. Jeffrey Adler, I would not say, is super athletic. Because being athletic, you can adapt to things on the fly. I think Patrick Feltner is very athletic.
Starting point is 00:06:14 They're two different things. Yet, Jeffrey Adler is the fittest man in the world right now. Rich Froney is very athletic. Yeah, I wouldn't say Rich is athletic. They say Juan Barkley is not beating Seth Adler at the CrossFit Games ever Saquon Barkley couldn't beat me in a 5K And that's bad
Starting point is 00:06:32 Andrew Hiller Is Tyson Bajent the fittest man In the NFL Yes Tyler Watkins Is Tyson Bajent the fittest man in thefl i won't spoil his time on hiller's video but if you're putting up a time like that and you do all the things that he does for sure do you guys think that there's anyone we could go to their house and just in the nfl
Starting point is 00:06:57 and be like hey do this workout and they could beat tyson's time i bet there's a random kicker out there that's like shit that we don't know about. Just does CrossFit. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, and maybe he like does CrossFit, too, that we just don't know about. But I'm going to say Tyson's the fittest guy. I just think, you know, there's probably somebody close to him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:14 So the fit is surprised. It's pretty impressive, man, because it's a great cohort of athletes, a very explosive, highly trained athletes. And I do suspect that he is also the fittest uh player in the uh nfl chicago's quarterback tyson bajan did you see tom brady ran a faster 40 like two days ago than his combine i did see that i didn't see it i heard about it crazy but is he way like like he he's got away quite a bit less oh Oh, I think he weighs more. Now? Dude, go look at his compound.
Starting point is 00:07:50 He was like the string bean of all string beans. Oh, what mic are you using, John? The computer mic. Oh, now it's hollow again. That's weird. Do you want me to switch back to the regular mic? Sure, let's try. Let's see what happens.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Okay. We are lucky enough to have video of one of the greatest CrossFitters alive today. One of the fittest men on the planet, for sure top five. He is a complete savage. Ricky Mack. Everyone loves to see him compete. He's fun. He's personable. He's cool as shit. He's beautiful. And he's going up against Zayane Healy. Never heard of him.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Mutopia? This is 24.1. This is the workout we saw the boys do last night. I believe these are their final scores that will be submitted. The gentleman with the green folder next to Ricky is also a former games athlete, Benny Garrard, Ricky's older brother, 18 inches shorter. Zane got second at the down under in the pro division or their elite division. Who made this layout? Why is my nose cut off? That would be me.
Starting point is 00:09:05 It would be me. It would be you. Is someone telling me something? I went after Will's layout. I did the best I could. Should have gave it to Will. This is them doing 24-1. I believe these are the times they're going to submit. Let's let the tape roll.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Feel free to chime in anywhere, boys. Oh, they've already done this? Yeah, where's Sandy Gerrard's pants? There they are. Okay, they're behind the clipboard. I'm hoping Ricky gets 539, and we have two world records on our two podcasts. At this point, Zane has no shot. No.
Starting point is 00:09:46 You don't think so? You thought he had a shot beforehand? I mean, unless Ricky just explodes. Hey, check this out. Zane started with his left arm. How many people did that? That's a good point. Did you?
Starting point is 00:09:58 I did. Yeah. Why? It's my weaker arm. Because I think Rich did the same thing when I watched his video is zane lowering it too slow is he getting too is he using too much energy to lower the dumbbell he's just going slower yeah i think he'd try to be a little more conservative is ricky uh going behind her over the dumbbell he looks like he's going over oh it's so hard to judge it is but it's not like
Starting point is 00:10:26 they're going to be watching him anyway so he's clearly showing the capacity to jump over the dumbbell hey so what's the rule both both his feet aren't landing at the same time do they need to no no okay what is the rule both feet have to be you just have to jump at the same time you just have to jump. You can jump off one. You can jump off two. You can land on one. You can land on two.
Starting point is 00:10:49 You just have to jump and both feet can't step up. Can someone tell me whether or not this was even supposed to be close? No, it wasn't. They don't have anybody that can be close to him. I think they should do a handicap. Ricky has to beat Zane by like a minute that would be positive i think that's how you should do it in the setup it was a bit difficult because it was like once we knew ricky was was in the game it was like how do we make this fair by doing a handicap yeah but we didn't think
Starting point is 00:11:22 of that at the time john i just thought of it up top of my head what are you talking about just make it next time okay 50 pound dumbbell uh by the way for those of you who don't know the workout by now it's 21 snatches 21 burpees 21 snatches 21 burpees then the same thing with 15 and the same thing with nine you have to start with your back to the dumbbell and you have to do all the snatches with one arm and then the other set of snatches in each set with the other arm that's basically the rules of the workout i think i rated the workout in a one to ten as a ten absolutely loved it john what do you think the handicap should be a minute yeah a minute he's already 19 seconds he's got a 19 second lead on Zane right now. Do you know the scores already, Tyler?
Starting point is 00:12:06 I know Ricky's. Ricky does not look like he's going over that dumbbell on a lot of them. Okay, so we're at 239, and Ricky has slowed down. So to put this into perspective, Taylor has a 14-second lead on Ricky right now. Holy moly. Which is what? Which is what? Which is what? Which is 10 reps?
Starting point is 00:12:30 On the snatches? Ah, not 10. It's 7. Yeah, but Ricky is tanner and has better abs than Taylor. It's not. Taylor's got the North Carolina to battle with. Ricky's got that sun.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Right. Hey, do you guys watch that Mayhem video where they've got the Elite and the RX and then the Regular and then the Scaled People Foundation? I watched them last year. Yeah. I feel like I'm watching one of those right now. Oh, damn.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Zane, I apologize. Zane, I apologize. Hey, tell me about Zane. Has Zane been to semifinals before? Yes. So he's a top-tier athlete. Yes. He was like middle of the pack.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Will he finish top 1,000 in the Open? Yeah, 100%. Damn. And what about this fan on Ricky? Do we like this while he's working out? Some people say that helps a lot. It stresses me out. I don't like it. I don't either. What do you not like
Starting point is 00:13:30 about the fan? I don't want anything blowing on me. I don't want like external shit going on around me when I'm working out. I don't even want music. Taylor was done with the burpees at 424. And Ricky just started them. It's crazy how well Zane's moving. Like, I don't think he slowed down all that much.
Starting point is 00:13:50 It's just Ricky's so fast. He's worming now. Zane is worming now. Yeah. When I was, I kind of went through like a period where I worked on my burpees for a long time, and that was something they taught me that Travis Mayer does, which is push up with your chest
Starting point is 00:14:06 to keep your hips on the ground. It does save quite a bit of energy. I like that. Who's really, really good at that and long burpee workouts is Lazar Dukic. Lazar Dukic does burpees like that. It looks painful almost how he does it.
Starting point is 00:14:22 You're wasting time. What did he do? I missed missed it i was looking at zane and also he was gonna use the wrong arm at one point and then i'd correct him oh damn i'm gonna say ricky's time is 608 all right what are you gonna say zane's time is under seven no 908 no he started i know i know i'm messing he's gonna be probably 745 40 how much did you guys think about lowering yourself i tried to stop like i tried to remind myself to stop doing that every chance i could but it was so hard not to do it doing what lowering to the ground on the on the burpee yeah see how it's going right now? Yeah. You mean as opposed to just letting yourself slam to the ground?
Starting point is 00:15:06 Dude. Yeah. When I got to the 15s, I was like, I just want to survive this. I already did it wrong. I already did it wrong. How about what Taylor told us yesterday? He had the thought, why am I even pushing this hard? Dallin's already ahead of me.
Starting point is 00:15:24 He's going behind that dumbbell oh ricky oh ricky i don't know dude he's over the front he's over the front of the back i don't know dude you know it doesn't look great man 603 i'm on hillary's side on that go zane so we got he's got to finish in.03 Does it count if his score is invalid? Does Zane win then? I don't think it's invalid Hey, the one thing about Zane Is he's pacing it perfectly
Starting point is 00:15:53 I mean, he's just staying right on track Yeah Yeah, he's doing great Is he in the round of 21? You can't put him against Ricky That's where I was about this point Is he in the round of 21? You can't put him against Ricky. That's where I was about this point. He's got last nine left.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Yeah, I think so. Oh, dude, this is great. Okay, he's doing great. Yeah. 7-15. All right, so notes for Heat 1 is we need to figure out how to give handicaps. A minute handicap here would have been perfect. And Ricky still wins, but here would have been perfect. Ricky still wins, but that would have been perfect.
Starting point is 00:16:28 They would have never done that to him. It would have destroyed his confidence or something. He had a comment in here. He wouldn't have done that. It doesn't. Let's see if I can find it. I'm sorry, Zane. You're not one of the fittest people in the world. You're not top three fittest guy in the world.
Starting point is 00:16:47 I think he knows that. He picked up. Yeah. How old is Zane? Do we know? I don't know. 723. 723.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Hey, John, if I were to give you a three-minute handicap against Ricky, would you have thought you could have taken him? No. Cav against Ricky, would you have thought you could have taken him? No. What did it look like? Upon doing it, upon having done it, my answer is no. I mean, before even.
Starting point is 00:17:13 So let's put that in perspective a second. Yeah, I probably would. Would you have taken that against Taylor? A three, yeah. Before I knew Taylor had that in the bag, yeah. And I mean, Taylor, he just wins. I didn't know he had a world record time in him. 23. Hey, before we – who's gotten faster than – who's gotten slower than Zane?
Starting point is 00:17:34 Jack Farlow did 745. Yeah. Is that the slowest time we've seen from games athletes so far? Didn't Guy get something worse? No, I think that was a fake score. Fake. Misinformation. Yeah. Games athlete so far? Didn't he get something worse? No, I think that was a fake score. Fake? Misinformation? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:50 I heard Jack Farlow is not feeling well. No one felt well after that workout. Okay. Gracie Walton and Kaitlyn VanZiel. What's Gracie Walton's deal? She showed up on the scene at Wadapalooza, and that's where she's had her greatest success success did she win wadapalooza she won one i don't think she won one of the uh swimming swimming event yeah which we sort of knew probably going in if you knew anything about her no she was uh i think i screwed this up
Starting point is 00:18:23 third in the tour down under she was third in the tour down under. She was third in the tour down under. First was Maddie Sturt, and then second was Annika Greer. She swam for a long time. She was super humble about it. She was like, I'll probably do okay. And I was like, yeah, you want it. What's the highlight of Gracie's CrossFit career,
Starting point is 00:18:45 her CrossFit competition career? Probably that swim event win. Yeah, I would say. She's just somebody that's on the rocks. Yes, I would expect. She probably is getting close to being in games contention from the Oceania region. And where's Zane competing out of? Oceania.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Oceania, okay. So Zane,? Oceana. Oceana. Okay. So Zayn, the Oceana division this year, who are the top gals there? Ellie Turner? Maddie Stewart? Maddie, yeah. I mean, you know them all. You're saying them really well. Who else?
Starting point is 00:19:17 Ben Ziel. Oh, she's right there. Okay. They have a lot of girls that are going team. If Tia got the exemption, right? We assume. So we don't know that for a fact, girls that are going team. If Tia got the exemption, right? We assume. So we don't know that for a fact, but she's not there. So out of Kaitlyn VanZiel, Gracie Walton, Maddie Sturt, and Ellie Turner,
Starting point is 00:19:34 all four of them can't go, right? Only three can go? At the moment, but it will reset. And if all of the girls who are going team in Oceana, also the pros like Kara Webb and all them, if they sign up for quarterfinals, they'll likely get another spot. Emily DeRoy, Jamie Simmons. And what's the highest Zane has finished?
Starting point is 00:19:55 Does anyone know over there? I'll check in a second if we don't know. Fifth in my finals. Okay, okay. Right there. So better than middle of the pack. Venzio was fourth last year. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Okay, so these are all, if we saw any of these people at the game, it wouldn't be, it shouldn't be surprised. Okay, here we go. Gracie Walton, Caitlin Van Zyl, underdogs, athletics, athletes, both vying for a spot to get to the Torian pro and then make it to the games. Hey, do we ever say why we're doing this? Cause we're cool. Isn't this on the Heat 1 app? Yeah, this is on the Heat 1 app.
Starting point is 00:20:30 People were able to pick. Download. Sorry, and I got mine open. Download the Heat 1 app. This is a game we are all playing. Anyone who's cool is playing. You can be any kind of person. Boy, girl, anything.
Starting point is 00:20:45 So Caitlin has to get a minute as cool as playing. You can be any kind of person. Boy, girl, anything. So, Kaitlyn has to get a minute. How many seconds did Zane finish in? I would say these two are more even in fitness. 7.23? So, she needs to get a minute and 23 slower
Starting point is 00:21:01 than Gracie for them to win. That's stupid. Yeah, just give Zayn a handicap next time, and then this will be fixed. What's the highest Gracie's finished in a semifinal? Last year, Walton was sixth. Oh, so this is right there. So this is fifth and sixth from last year's Torian Pro.
Starting point is 00:21:21 No, ironically, Zayn, Kalin, and Gracie are all underdogs in the Oceania region to make it to the games. They could make it, but they're underdogs to make it. Kaelin came out way faster than Gracie. Kaelin's also on that
Starting point is 00:21:41 what is it? That old show where you have to battle against the bodybuilders and all that. The Titan games? No. It was like in the- Gladiator. Gladiator. She's in the Australian version of the Gladiators.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Oh, with Khan? That one? Yeah. I have seen that. Where they got to dress all up? Yeah. Where do I find the- they got to dress all up? Yeah. Where do I find the leaderboard? I don't even know how to find the leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:22:08 I keep thinking the girl next to Caitlyn is Gracie, and it's not. But they're dressed like the same. They are. I don't know who that girl is, but be proud. You're on the show. Oceana. Oh, this is team. Give me a second.
Starting point is 00:22:25 So Grace caught up right there. Kaitlyn came out way higher. I don't think Grace was behind. I think we were looking at that girl next to Kaitlyn. So these are the names of the pipe hitters from the women in Torian Pro. Ellie Turner, Jamie Simmons, Emily DeRoy, Kaitlyn VanZiel in fourth, Madeline Sturt in fifth, Gracie Walton in sixth. Okay. And Jamie Simmons and
Starting point is 00:22:48 Emily DeRoy are going team. Oh, okay. So Grace is going with the double foot. I mean, that's the difference here. Well, Kaitlyn was in the beginning. She went to the step-up. She backed off. I heard Cara Sondas is making a comeback this year.
Starting point is 00:23:03 She's in team. She is not. Yeah. That's is making a comeback this year. She's in team. She is not. That's not making a comeback when you go to... Yeah. Don't tell that to Rich. It wasn't a comeback for Rich. It was just a continuance. Four-second lead, Grace.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Eat me for Seve. Great getting your job, your score your score logged i know i'm really actually i'm tyler are we doing this for week two as well yeah okay i will try to come up or hillary can try to come up or we can with a with a with a handicap for the handicap we could probably include that same athlete for no yeah no different athletes oh okay different athletes we're just showcasing the underdogs athletes i gotcha hey the handicap is needed if a handicap is needed we'll issue i'll let you know is that hey van ziels van ziels turning it up at 332 she's yeah accelerating grace had a four second lead to the dumbbell, so we'll see.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Grace still looks good. Yeah, she does. One, two, three. Stefan, are you sore from doing that? Yeah, Grace is fine. No. No? No.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Interesting. I figured. She made up eight seconds on the burpees. Maybe tomorrow. Do you remember when – was it 17-1 the first time we got dumbbells? Mm-hmm. I got super sore from that one, but not from this one. Well, it's twice as many snatches almost.
Starting point is 00:24:38 That's a good point. It's 150 snatches versus 90. Yeah. And you have 40 and 50 in a row at the end. Yeah. Down to nines. Wow. How is Walton so far ahead of, of Van Ziele?
Starting point is 00:24:50 Van Ziele looks like she's moving so fast. It's the, it's the burpees. The double foot is saving her so much time versus that step up that Caitlin's using. Ah, I like how you call it the double foot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Yeah. I just never heard of it called that the double foot she's doing the double foot hey how fast can adler go if he doesn't step every burpee you think he goes way faster i think he goes sub six but i don't know if he goes much faster than that pretty good upper body pressing are these guys uh is this going down in uh las vegas this is a really good point it It is really dry. No, this is going on on the Gold Coast, and I can't remember where Grace is. They're all over.
Starting point is 00:25:32 I just feel like John absolutely sent it, and he was 557. What about BPC 157? I use BP – someone asked, what did you do to heal your arm? I use BPC 157. That hasn't been giving you any issues has it maybe like yeah it hurts a little bit but it didn't hurt at all during that workout and i heard it doing dumbbell snatches so so that's pretty cool it's grace on her grace is on her nines right yeah yeah last set of nines i think she looks like she's moving for the last set
Starting point is 00:26:03 dude she looks like this the whole time. And this girl's strong suit is her swimming? Yeah. Yeah. 35-pound dumbbell for the ladies, 50-pound for the boys. Kaitlyn was slamming the... If she gets sub-6, that's wildly impressive. Come on.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Nope. six that's so that's wildly impressive come on nope well you can get the bpc 157 at wow that's a that's a fantastic time for her yeah it's pretty good she's not gonna it's not gonna be enough for saying what is what is the fastest woman's time now someone said feet yeah like 551 so the weights are perfect right we're seeing times that are really uh comparable the 15 well i would say the burpees are generally slightly harder for the women but the dumbbell is slightly easier which makes the workout perfect uh what was it i would argue it's more of a burpee workout than a snatch workout, which is why the elite times are – 628, I think. The 530s are the men. And then 604 for –
Starting point is 00:27:16 6002 for Gracie. She beat him by a second. I checked my heat one. And then do you remember Ricky's score? 603. And then do you remember Zane's score? 723. Good job, guys.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Damn, you guys are good. And you guys think – we're saying that you think this is a burpee workout? Yeah. You had to choose one? I think it's a – well, I just think it's all lungs, period. It's just lungs. Yeah. But way more of a burpee workout than a snatch workout.
Starting point is 00:27:48 You don't really ever have to slow down on the dumbbell. It's totally dictated by what you want to do on the burpees. And here they are live in person to be ridiculed. Zane. Hey, guys. What's up, guys? Hey. Zane Hey guys What's up guys Hey Hitler was talking so much good things about you Zane He was listening
Starting point is 00:28:12 We were listening from the stop Oh hey We have a really bad crackle Could we use the speaker on your phone Yeah yeah of course Thank you so much Hey Grayson congratulations On the I tell you what I could not see him that good looking Thank you so much. Thank you. Hey, Grayson, congratulations on the –
Starting point is 00:28:26 I tell you what. I could not see him that good looking from afar. He's a really good looking guy. Are you guys a couple? Don't try to fluff him now. He was going really slow compared to Ricky. Oh, you guys are? Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:39 That works. Good looking people together. You guys chose appropriately. You guys did good. No one's batting up. You guys chose appropriately. You guys did good. No one's batting up. You guys met perfectly. Zane, how was the workout, buddy? Zane, how did you finish in the semifinals last year?
Starting point is 00:28:52 I was 14th, so I made it back. How was the workout? I probably just went out a little bit slow, to be honest. I was throwing out whether or not I should have gone with Grace because I knew how far she was gonna be and i was like i'll just kind of run my own race but i probably try should have got tried to go out a little bit hotter and hold on then just kind of hold one pace for the whole thing um because by the end of it i was still standing up like i wasn't dead on the floor like i probably should have been so yeah it's rather do will you give it another shot or are you happy with it?
Starting point is 00:29:26 No, I'll just leave it, yeah. So we just did it on Friday with a few of the guys from the gym and then just basically got straight back into training. And when you say you think you should have gone faster, what would that have looked like? Faster on the burpees, faster on the snatches? The snatches looked like they were going to fatigue you because of how slow you were controlling it on the way down.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Yeah, I think the dumbbell snatches, you probably just have to try and cycle a little bit quicker. I think most of the time it's probably made up on the burpees, as you just saw with Grace and Caitlin. Like, Caitlin was moving the dumbbell really fast, but Grace's burpees were just crazy quick. So I think the dumbbells, you could probably move a bit quicker, and then I should have just stayed a little bit lower over the burpee,
Starting point is 00:30:02 rather than kind of standing up as tall as I did. Grace, how did you choose to do the the double the double what we call the double leg jump up as opposed to what uh Vanzeel was doing the single leg did you have that planned ahead of time and how'd you make the decision yeah I've always been good at like the double leg and I feel like when I do one leg I get confused so it was just easier to do the double leg yeah I think it's confusing too I'm glad to hear you say that. I would have never said that out loud. Thank you for making this a safe space.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Yeah, it is. It's confusing as all shit. Are you happy with your score, Gracie? It was a pretty amazing performance. Yeah, I don't think I could have gone any faster. My worst part from that workout is I don't know how to drop to the floor. As you can see, I lower down really slow. And I'm trying to work on it.
Starting point is 00:30:48 But for now, I feel like that's the slowest bit for me. Gracie, you took sixth, 521 points. And they took three last year from the semifinals? Yeah. And so you were about 30, you were 35 points behind third place. Yeah. Have you looked at that leaderboard and gone and played the game with, oh man, if I just would have sucked it up here,
Starting point is 00:31:15 I would have moved up two places and I would have like gone. Have you done that game? I feel like everyone's done that. And I feel like, you know, like I definitely would have qualified if it wasn't for my legless rope climbs. And I've looked at that, assessed it. And then we've obviously I've started individual programming with Kiefer. And so we've addressed that a lot more. And looking back at it, I'm kind of almost glad that I didn't make the games
Starting point is 00:31:39 because I feel like I would have got destroyed at the games with that workout. So it would have been the same with the legless. Hey, Andrew, how hard of all the things to improve on, it seems like legless rope climbs would be a really hard thing to fix. Yes? No? Yeah, but it's also not something I would have guessed she would have been poor at considering she's a good swimmer. I would have figured she would have been good with the legless rope.
Starting point is 00:32:01 You mean because of the upper body? Hold on one second, Gracie. Because of the upper body, because of this motion, you think she's got a good back? Her lats are so strong. Is it a grip strength issue for you? What did you ask? What did he ask?
Starting point is 00:32:13 If it was grip strength. If grip strength was the limit. Yeah. I feel like it's not my lats. It's like when I'm fatigued, my hands let go. It's not necessarily. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:23 And do you agree with hillar's assessment that swimmer strong back strong lats good pulling power that um it is it is just grip for you yeah what did you all do to work on that did you just do more rope climbs or did you start grabbing sand like what was the method there um so keepers put a lot more accessory work in for me now so like rope hangs and like i don't even know just hit all of my accessories just have more stuff feel like if i can't just like put more legless in because then i'm going to get like elbow pain and stuff like that so just putting it in my accessories and little things where i'm not really even thinking about it just stuff adds up adds up. You got to get a giant thing, a newspaper,
Starting point is 00:33:06 and just crumple up every single page in it every day and throw out the paper one sheet at a time. And then make Zane uncrumple it so you can crumple it. Yeah. How did you two meet? Through training. So basically she used to live about an hour south from where we live in Western Australia, and she used to drive up to the gym
Starting point is 00:33:33 that we train at now. And then the gym owner basically after a local comp offered me to come down and train as well on a Saturday afternoon, and we basically met there and then kind of just hit things off and then just kind of just hit things off um and then just kind of jumped straight into it training together did you know right when you saw her Zane or did you just see her and you just started pursuing her you're like yep I feel like we did a workout and we both were like going head to head there was two parts and we were both
Starting point is 00:34:04 like really close on the first bit and I feel like the second part we both were like going head to head there was two parts and we were both like really close on the first bit and i feel like the second part we both couldn't do strict handstand push-ups at the time we both smashed the first bit and then we got to the second bit and we both couldn't even do handstand push-ups i feel like we kind of bonded over that oh yeah it was pretty yeah it happened pretty organically like didn't pressure anything and then we just started training together and it kind of just led on from there. Pride in each other's arms after the failed handstand pushups and never let go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Zane, event number at the semifinals, event number, oh, that workout number one. What was workout number one that you just absolutely destroyed second place on? It was a sled pull event. So it was like echo bike sled um run sled ski sled and why did you do so well with that uh oh i come from playing australian football so i've got quite like a good uh endurance like longer piece um kind of conditioning is what i really kind of thrive in um but then also i think in australia a few people know like probably the mats were a
Starting point is 00:35:05 little bit slicker and just the pulling was a little bit easier we had some of the top times over here um so i don't know if i would have held against like the guys in america if we had gone there but i knew that um i definitely could have just kind of pushed the pace on that and jay was coming for me at the end but i had to just try and hold on i'd say you're talking about aussie rules football right aust? Australian rules, yeah. Oh, is that rugby? It's my favorite sport of all time. No, it's a little bit different to rugby.
Starting point is 00:35:30 It's like a hybrid of rugby and American football. But you're running a lot. You don't stop and do plays. You're running a lot. Yeah, basically, yeah. So it's probably if you play as like a midfielder or as a center, it's probably like anywhere from 12 to 15 kilometers a game. Wow.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Running. So you get second place there. I was having mile seven. You don't know kilometers, guys. Thank you. I appreciate the conversion. I'm doing the math. That was your job, Tyler.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Hey, when you take second place at the first event, are you like, okay, I'm doing this? Confidence. Yeah. I was so ready to jump in last year i was just so excited to be there it was probably a little bit overwhelming um but you know after coming second in that i guess you take a lot of confidence from it there was a lot of mistakes throughout the weekend but to start off the weekend like that was pretty cool
Starting point is 00:36:18 and uh gracie i'm looking you also uh let me see. Oh, you, did you have two second places? No, you had a second place and a third place. You had a second place in workout five, which was that? Was that the snatch running? It was the snatches and the 800 meter run. And, and were you surprised that you got a second place in that? Or did you know when you saw that workout come up, you're like, okay, I'm going to fucking crush this field. second place in that or did you know when you saw that workout come up you're like okay i'm gonna fucking crush this field i don't know i feel like i was gonna do well um i wasn't expecting to get second in that run i didn't think i was that good at running well not good but yeah i just sent the run and wasn't expecting that and you go in and you go into the final event and you know you have to do really well to make it and you do do really well you take third place what was the final event workout seven right um how about that one did you know that
Starting point is 00:37:16 you were going to crush that and when you got third did you think you had done enough she should have won it she dropped the sand She dropped the sandbag halfway down there. Dropped the sandbag. Was that the reason you didn't make it? No, I don't think that. I think the legless rope climb seated one, I came last in that, and that just ruined my chances, really. Well, I'm glad that you were so bad enough that that wasn't the reason you didn't make it, because that would have been heartbreaking
Starting point is 00:37:43 if it was within two spots, and the sandbag was the reason you didn't make it because that would have been heartbreaking if it was within two spots in the sandbag was the reason she got the first of the two legless and then she went a little bit early on the second legless so the first two and just basically blew her grip up if she had have made that second one she would have made the gains because she only had to get like 10 of the wall facing hand sample shops to make up the difference so it was just she went a little bit early and just kind of blew up with a couple of other girls and that was well those are heartbreaking uh it was it was cool that you were able to push at the end as opposed to just being like i'm defeated what did you have to do like a lot of self-talk to get yourself back in the game or you were like it's fine i'm i'm good moving forward no i feel like um like after i saw that event and i knew that i kind of like lost the the points that i needed
Starting point is 00:38:31 to qualify for the games it kind of just took away any pressure that i had left on myself so i kind of just felt like training and it was like i love training and i love sending it in training and there's you know when there's no pressure you're just having fun. I felt like I was in the zone. It was just a really fun event. How did you guys end up with Underdogs Athletics? It's based out of Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, and you guys
Starting point is 00:38:55 are on an island somewhere. I don't know. What ocean is over there? What island are you guys on? Australia? They're in the Indian Oceanian they don't even know you're in the australian ocean australian ocean uh how do you guys we're on one side of australia we're like the other side of the world we're isolated yeah how did you guys end up how did you end up with the underdogs? So we became quite close with Rick and Michelle when they first came over here for like one of his comeback camps before touring in 2022. So we just kind of met them over here, and then we actually went over
Starting point is 00:39:38 to Down Under in 2022 as well to go stay with them for just the kind of pre-comp just for like a week or two and then we just started slowly we I did the I think it was like a free trial for the underdogs to kind of see what it was like for a couple of weeks just to kind of get a glance at it and then we just slowly started incorporating a couple of the accessories and things and then basically just shot a message to Justin Kotler and asked him kind of what the go was. And they basically just got us on the right track. By then, both of you were doing the same training. You guys wanted to stick and do the same kind of training. Yeah, I feel like we were doing our coach from our gym owner.
Starting point is 00:40:25 He was programming for us. And then Zane swapped to underdogs and I was a bit hesitant. And then I just decided to follow. That's how it worked with my wife as well. I switched coaches and then like she kind of went around about it for about a month. And she was like, okay, I'll make the change. Yeah, once i saw like um the the layout of it and obviously one of my biggest things is gymnastics under fatigue after
Starting point is 00:40:51 i looked at how they had that programmed in i like kind of realized that changing to underdogs was going to be pretty it was going to benefit me quite a bit and i think it has so that was something you needed to work on you're saying gymnastics under 15 our coach that owns the gym he's really good at like old school crossfit so he's been about around the crossfit scene for like nine or ten years now he's been to a few regionals he went to the um asia asia championships in like 2018 or 2019 so he's really good at that old school CrossFit but we kind of just needed um that little bit more the new the new kind of stuff that's happening nowadays so I think Kiefer and Justin have a really good sense of what that is and it's been
Starting point is 00:41:36 massive and when you switch coaches do you do you have to find a new gym or you just do it at the same gym no he was super understanding yeah and and what about the other guys who are in um australia do you see the other the other people do you see uh you know jay or ricky or cara or maddie or any any of the people do you mean like in person so last year yeah yeah like like do you ever train with them do you ever do you guys cross paths dude yeah so the only people we really stay with is ricky so we go over and stay with ricky and michelle um and then because they're in wulongong whoever's kind of around there sometimes they come and train with us or who have also like zach thomas um what who was the other guy the big strong guy um he didn't Jake Douglas done oh
Starting point is 00:42:29 Royce done Jake and Jake Douglas do you see them back in Brisbane yeah no we don't like we don't see them like we've spoken to them Royce has come over here for a comp um a few years ago and we we've kind of spoken to him and stuff but it's basically just Ricky Michelle I think we stayed with them two months out of yeah two months last year so we've become quite close to them and we try and get over over east as much as we can to train with a few other people do you like that well and gone that's like the country of australia right it's just a really small town it's really nice you know you know what jaws how there's like that harbor yeah they've got they've got like a harbor in inollongong,
Starting point is 00:43:06 and it's just like a really small town that just gives me those vibes. But it's really lovely over there, and the people over there are really cool. And I apologize for asking these questions. I don't think I grasp how big Australia is. So when I think of you guys, I think of all you guys like working out like within an hour drive of each other, which obviously is not the – It would be the equivalent of Jasonason going over and training with rich oh okay that's pretty good yeah the way around the west coast and then you got to fly four and
Starting point is 00:43:38 a half hours to get to sydney and then melbourne and br and Brisbane and all that are probably within like two hours of each other what do you guys do besides CrossFit do you guys have jobs no we're both all in now we have a dog yeah awesome alright so the goal so Zane the dog's a job
Starting point is 00:44:00 Zane and Gracie so you're you the goal the aspiration is um no shortcuts um all in and the goal is to get to the games this year yeah yeah I think for Grace that's I think she should be aiming for the top this year I can't see why she couldn't even win Torian to be honest I've seen such growth in her this last year I think for me like realistic goals we're trying to just uh get in that like top top seven top six um just with the holes that i've kind of been closing over the last year as well and then recently with keifa so i think you've got to be realistic about the intentions going into each comp but i think for grace you can definitely push for the win this
Starting point is 00:44:39 year awesome well i really appreciate you letting us uh look at your workouts uh congratulations uh it sounds like you guys are focused amazing overachievers great to have you on the show great to meet you guys and uh congratulations and good luck man thank you so much thanks guys you know that technically you won because i don't think ricky was jumping over his dumbbell wow technically although i was talking crap, I think you won. It's all right. It was a pretty shit performance,
Starting point is 00:45:09 so maybe next week, this week, or the next week, you can see something a little bit more impressive. Well, as they say in the hood, Zane, the open doesn't matter. Yeah, okay, there we go. In the hood. I'll jump on that train.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Yeah. Hey, thank you. It was beautiful talking to you guys one more thing one more thing dude would you have been pissed if they give you a handicap of a minute nah
Starting point is 00:45:32 because I probably need it thank you that's what we're saying okay nah I'm missing a race yeah I've trained with Ricky enough to know
Starting point is 00:45:40 how good he is so I mean I wasn't expecting to beat him he's freakish huh yeah he's um he's crazy yeah it's it's it's impressive to see yeah wow okay thanks guys thank you what's up what hey what's up what's up tyler
Starting point is 00:46:00 it's our show now i'm gonna give I'm going to give those two a thumbs up. I like them a lot. If they fooled me, I think they're cool as shit. We had a blast at Waterpalooza hanging with them. What's interesting is every other person you haven't said that about now, I'm going to assume is a thumbs down. That's fair. Fine.
Starting point is 00:46:24 I'm going to give them a thumbs up. I'm going to give them a thumbs up. I'm going to give them a thumbs up. And then you just don't say anything. It's like, well, we all know that. I don't know what it is about the Aussies that's so easy to like. They're like your cool cousin that you see once a year or something. They're all buried down to earth. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:39 It's the same way that when Pedro does the fake news, you know it's all fake no matter what because of the accent. That's it. The accent's small. That's the opposite of what John and Tyler were saying, but I like it. Hey, anything so far – we'll start with you, John Young. Anything so far that's been a shock to you with the Open? Any scores, the way it turned out, what the workout is, anything that stands out that you're like,
Starting point is 00:47:11 maybe shock's not even that word, but just a highlight? I mean, honestly, I think Taylor's performance was the biggest shock, and I can even say shock. I don't even, it's not that he did well. I did not expect a world record time. And like, you know, somebody might beat it once it gets all shaken out. But I did not see that coming. And it was kind of like a blown away performance from him. Everybody else like, you know, Chandler doing a 549. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Chandler's really good at burpees and snatching. Like it's not like it's, it's awesome, but I did not expect that from Taylor. I thought he'd get around six minutes, which is still an elite score. Um, but that's the only thing that I've been shocked by. And in a very good way. Let me read some of these. Hold, hold, let me read some of these really quick. Uh, Taylor sell 540, uh, Wilmore at 547, Taylor Sell, 540. Will Moore at 547. Bailey Martin, 546.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Chandler Smith, 549. Austin Hatfield, should I say that? 547. Jay Crouch, 550. Noah Olsen, 551. Patrick Vellner, 601. All the scores obviously are in. Tudor Magda, wow, that's impressive for Tudor.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Wow. I think you called that, didn't you, John? What? You said Tudor would do well on this workout, didn't you? I don't remember saying that. Oh, Taylor Wade. You guys know who Taylor Wade is? Yeah. He works out at Crash. He's got an engine for days.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Stupid fit. Hey, let's go back up to Tudor Magda real quick. I want to ask you a question. Isn't he notorious for not having an engine? I think he's notorious for shitting the bed in live competition. He blows up in long workouts. He's still a semifinals fit, and I think semifinals fit, you're fit enough to just send it no matter what.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Like, you pass the test as far as going as hard as you can for six minutes. How will Colton do? Colton will win the workout. I think Colton will have a world record. I think Colton will be sub 530. Wow, let's look at that. James Sprague, 6'11". That's a lot of man.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Wow. That's a long dude. That's a long dude. I would like to see that video. I can't believe I just, I actually wouldn't want to watch anyone do this workout, but I'd love to see that. He beat Adler believe I just, I won't actually want to watch anyone do this workout, but I'd love to see that. He beat Adler.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Well, Adler got a three second penalty because he didn't turn around. Yeah. Even when that, that L on Bosman, then yo, Dane Smith. You know what?
Starting point is 00:49:37 You know what is a funny highlight. If you go watch riches, riches, uh, workout. Yeah. It's funny to see how pissed off he is at like, it's just, you can't, you just go. It's workout. It's funny to see how pissed off he is. Like, it's just, you can't, you just go.
Starting point is 00:49:48 It's stupid. Yeah, did he not like the workout? I was trying to read him after the workout. It almost, he seemed annoyed that he did it. He did seem annoyed. And I mean, because he went unbroken the whole time, never stopped, kept his same pace the entire time, was very fast, and it was 6.54.
Starting point is 00:50:07 How about this lady here at the top of the women's leaderboard? Thanks for bringing this up, Hiller. Mirjam Von Rohr, 5.47. Do we know who that is? It seems realistic, but no. Fee Sagafi, 5.52. Kristen Holta, who's not competing. Or my cousin.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Not competing, 6.02. Ellie Hiller, 6.05. Not surprised. Oh, yeah. She's a My cousin. Not competing, 6'02". Ellie Hiller, 6'05". Not surprised. Oh, yeah. She's a monster. Emma Lawson, 6'16". What do you think Holta's doing? Is she team?
Starting point is 00:50:33 I thought. Or no, that's. Is she doing team? She's either team or retired. Didn't she just have a kid? No, not Holta. No, not Holta. 38 years old.
Starting point is 00:50:49 That's amazing. 6'05". Hey,indsey lane she just won uh crash yeah the crucible yep wow okay good good memory hillary that was a good fool uh kyra milligan 619 underdogs yeah elisa fuliano 6, 621. Oh, wow. So Kara still has it. Wow. Told you she's making a comeback. Wow. Shelby Neal, 623. Laura Clifton, 627. Danny Spiegel, 629.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Incredible. Good job. I can see her doing that. That makes sense. I wonder if she jumped over the dumbbell. Brianna Wallen, 6'32". Andrea Solberg, 6'35". Ariel Loewen,
Starting point is 00:51:32 6'35". Julia Blajowska. Ooh, trains in her garage. Sorry. Third fittest woman in the world, 6'35". Where are we looking? 635. Ariel Lowen.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Ariel Lowen. Hannah Hardy. Alexis Raptus at the bottom, 50th currently, 639. By the way, I think the Open is tracking right about where it was last year. As far as signups go? Yeah. As far as signups go? Yeah, as far as signups go. I think it's very, very, very, very, very close. Hey, it's so different just seeing these scores with days ago.
Starting point is 00:52:16 I'm so accustomed to having it populate in an hour after the leaderboard shuts down. Yep. What do you mean? I'm not following you. In years past when the opening football mattered, then the athletes would wait until then to have their scores validated by the affiliates they would do a mat that way you couldn't you know there's a lot of names there's a lot of names uh yeah so people don't people aren't gaming it as much right they're just yeah uh
Starting point is 00:52:43 simon hernandez uh taylor is a beast unreal how fast he went redid mine judge air yesterday i was yelling like a baby towards the end today so fun i felt like throwing up so that means i did it right yep all right uh if you don't have the heat one app downloaded on your phone you can you need to uh you can do it at the apple store or google play it's super easy to play super fun there's loads of people in there it's basically there's just athletes and you just pick which one you want to win and then you accumulate scores did we just find out in real time who won that time who won between them was it uh ricky and then tay beat Dallin. So far, I think I'm undefeated. Wow, John Young. He's up
Starting point is 00:53:28 there. Yeah, John Young is a number one on the Heat One app right now. Wait a minute. So there's only about... Yeah, you're tied for first place. There's 169 people who have all correct picks. I don't think that's going to
Starting point is 00:53:44 last much longer. Wait a minute. I'm tied for number one as well. Don't ruin every story. Good job, Miller. Yeah, fuck Miller. 168 over your... Alright, alright. I'm going to turn fourth. It went down fast.
Starting point is 00:54:00 At the end of day, after Taylor, there were only 200 people who had all correct picks oh because no one chose taylor yeah i can't believe john chose taylor after all that crap he was talking switched at the end i did i did i i uh and now he's saying after i said we'll see a sub 530 score he's, he said he thinks Colton will go sub-530. No, no, no. He's backtracking bad, man.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Upon seeing data, listen, blind predictions and real-life predictions when it matters is a whole different thing. So who's unconfirmed at the moment? Information was given to me, and now I'm going to make my prediction upon that. The bracket matchups. Everybody below that is unconfirmed. We'll wait until the leaderboard closes to confirm those. If this isn't filled in,
Starting point is 00:54:52 does that mean that it didn't choose between those? Son of a... Did you just lose again? I chucked my phone. I always end up doing that. John Young's going to beat me now. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:55:07 I was shaking. Or if you do beat him, you can brag about it because you screwed up. I want to tell you some things that are coming up. March 4th. What is it? Is that Monday? Yes. March 4th, Coffee Pods and Wads will have a nutrition expert CrossFit noob, Sean Casey.
Starting point is 00:55:28 He has that scheduled. Get With The Programming has a Wednesday show all during the Open. It's called Inside the Leaderboard. That's at 10, 15 a.m. Pacific Standard Time on Wednesdays. We, of course, will – the Open will be on Thursday. That's from Cross crossfit games hq then on uh thursday evening we will have a show i guess you could call it crossfit games update show we'll be talking about all things that we've learned about the open after they announce it
Starting point is 00:55:57 we'll be talking about friday and then friday of course what everyone's waiting for the born primitive crossfit charlotte open 24.1 thank you andy hendel crossfit oh yeah and uh it will be it's taylor versus the world and the world will be represented by jason hopper on friday he's a he's a hell of a world representative, isn't he? Yeah. He did really well on the forehand, didn't he? Didn't he put that away? Yeah, he did. What'd he get? 608. Damn.
Starting point is 00:56:31 That was crazy. I did not expect that. No, I wouldn't expect that either. He said something like they hate big dudes or something like that. Yeah. I was to expect like a seven-minute time from Hopper. 630-something was where I had him. I don't where i had i don't respect i don't respect them are you are you repeating it seven uh repeating what the workout no uh no no i you know i was uh
Starting point is 00:56:57 i got ill again after i did it i was sick and then the day i did the workout i was perfectly fine and then and then the day next morning i woke up I was all fucked up again kicked you back yeah threw me back still hacking up shit I but I but I will do version that I will incorporate that into versions that I do regularly like I really like that workout I'll do iterations of that probably now for the rest of the year but 21 good like that yeah it basically snatches burpees practice jumping over the barbell you know what i mean on the minute stuff three minute sprints rest three minutes i'll start incorporating that i'll start trying to i like good alternating uh what did old bill get uh or old bill old oh that young Bill. Oh. House of Bill.
Starting point is 00:57:47 What if I told you he had nothing? I can't tell you. He's on my score to give. I don't think he's posted. That's fair. Tell us what's going on. Is there a drama around his score? I don't know, but he just asked a question. I just think he'd be really fast at it.
Starting point is 00:58:00 So you know the score, Hiller, but it's not posted. He had texted me and i just read it for the first time okay so so maybe he didn't even want you to say that you should text but now we know and you can i say it live on air can i say it live on air 452 incredible hey will any will anyone break five minutes? No. Will anyone break 5.30? Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:30 5.30. 5.20? No. I don't think so. I think Colton Mertens is going to get 5.28, and that's going to be the best time in the world. I was watching Taylor's performance, and I was like, it's going to's performance and i was like it's gonna be almost impossible to get sub 530. you got to be like seven inches shorter or something yeah uh i did
Starting point is 00:58:53 text with colton yesterday he did not share his time with me i didn't ask but he did have some about Taylor. Very, very funny. All right. Any closing statements? No. Covered it. All right. Tomorrow morning, guys, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time.
Starting point is 00:59:20 The great Matt O'Keefe, CEO, HWPO, will be here just kicking it. He's always fun. He's easy. Find out what the champ's up to. Find out what they're doing up in Vermont. The champ? The champ. Five times champ. Yeah, five times champ.
Starting point is 00:59:34 It's like the president of the United States. Once you're the president, you're the president. You stay the president. Okay, that makes sense. Would you call James Fitzgerald the champ? Yeah. You've called Katie the champ. I call Katie the champ.
Starting point is 00:59:55 She is a champ for many reasons, though. Please go over and check out Hiller's newest video with Tyson Bajent. You won't be disappointed. It's really fun. Good one. Yeah, it's like hanging out with the boys. Was it cool? Sorry.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Was it cool hanging out in the spot? Because I'm pretty sure Dan and Rich filmed a famous video there in that spot, right? They did an open workout a couple years back in there, from what I remember. And I also think I remember seeing Fraser do that wicked heavy squat clean in that location as well. It was their opening workout after the dumbbells and the – 380? Yeah. Yeah. I think that was the spot.
Starting point is 01:00:34 But they have moved, so I don't know if that location is moved. Right. It looks very similar. Yeah. Is that where Dan and Rich did the snatch workout? I think the 30 snatches at each weight? I think. What year was that?
Starting point is 01:00:53 13? No way. I mean, I don't think so. You know what workout I'm talking about? The open workout? Yeah, it was like 30 snatches at 95, 30 snatches at 135, 30 snatches at 165 and then in most reps what'd you say isn't that 12.2 and then they do that at
Starting point is 01:01:15 the tech whatever i'm asking you that's not 12 i don't think i think it's i don't remember what it was i just remember they were together in a video on that one it might be because the weights are weird because it ends at 210 right yeah max yeah it's 12.2 i just redid that one let's get a repeat of that one huh i think that's a great conditioning workout you do you don't you don't test me on stuff like that this is the workout you're talking 12.2 I think that's a great conditioning workout. I bet you do. You don't test me on stuff like that. This is the workout you're talking about, 12.2. I wasn't saying you were wrong.
Starting point is 01:01:52 I was asking you. They did that at Tech, for sure. JR's somewhere screaming at his computer, it is 12.2. It is. Sorry, I completely derailed the segment. You acted like you knew, so I was asking. You gave me time to remember this. Listen, if you want the cleanest teeth, the freshest mouth,
Starting point is 01:02:12 you don't want to put neurotoxins in your body. You've done five seconds of research and realized that you've been brushing your teeth with fluoride, which is completely retarded. Go over to Doc Spartan. Get them a tooth powder. I love it. My kids love it. Everyone loves it.
Starting point is 01:02:28 My teeth are white as shit. I'm stoked. Wish I would have found it 30, 40, 50, 50, 51 years ago. How strong is the taste of the peppermint? Mellow. I think it's mellow. Yeah, I think it's mellow. Athena was telling me today that she felt it in her mouth like an hour later. I don't feel
Starting point is 01:02:45 it at all. I just barely put the tip in there. I just can't even believe how clean my teeth feel. I thought neuro black John Young. I thought neurotoxins gave you superpowers. Look, I love it. Yeah. You've used some
Starting point is 01:03:02 melanotan. I can't believe how dark you are. You look like you just came back from miami athena's weight loss picture was crazy crazy everyone from today good job athena yeah crazy body transformation tyler body transformation body transformation yeah watch your words you don't want to be sean woodland is she Is she picky about that? No. No. We're messing with you. What's up, Athena? Yeah, dude. She's crazy.
Starting point is 01:03:33 She's down 35 as of this morning. So cool. Love you guys. Tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Tyler Watkins from the Heat One app. If you want to get strong, J.Y. Barbell. Look up John Young. It's no joke. And Hiller Fit. The content's exploding. The channel'sm. Pacific Standard Time. Tyler Watkins from the Heat One app. If you want to get strong, J.Y. Barbell. Look up John Young. It's no joke. And Hiller Fit.
Starting point is 01:03:46 The content's exploding. The channel's exploding. Get over there. Subscribe. Like everything. Bye-bye. I should like everything.

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