The Sevan Podcast - BREAKING: Live Shows from Miami -- Come Pre-Game With Us // Shut Up & Scribble Ep 27

Episode Date: December 22, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:08 First off, it's been a week of being canceled and things aren't that bad. I will say this. A new study came out concerning protein. So previously, you know, scientists and nutritionists, oh, you can't consume more than 40 grams of protein at a time. You're just going to pee it out. It's not going to do anything. And this new study comes out that says within an hour after intense exercise, you can consume potentially up to an unlimited amount of protein, or let's say 100 grams. And it increases your immediate anabolic response and that sustained hormonal response to your exercise. So I just, we're past 30 seconds. I just fucking yammed. I would say probably about 80 grams of protein it's all i've had to eat today got home at 1 15 was gonna stuff my face with some beef and rice but i didn't have time so i took this bad boy i filled it three quarters of the way up with protein powder
Starting point is 00:01:56 one quarter of the way with milk and got after it that's thick this is a very viscous shaky man super viscous and with that ladies and gentlemen this is the main event of the week so keep the political commentary to yourself or as someone once said shut up and scribble. It's time! Welcome to Shut Up and Scribble, the most viscous of all podcasts. Hey, shut the fuck up, Bryson. It was good.
Starting point is 00:02:48 First off, Lizzie buys this where I bought it, this bougie-ass 50-50 casein protein blend. It's amazing. Now I'm going to crush my second one of these for the day. You know what I'm saying? Increase some gastric motility there with some caffeine. Gastric motility or mobility? Gastric mobility? Dude, my colon is bleeding more motility.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Motility with a T. Yeah. Why is it motility motility with a t yeah why is it motility not mobility i would say if my if my colon had like if it was like you know like if you compared my colon to a car uh mine would be the kind that's half out of the garage it's not in all the way in the garage bro it's half in half out i think i think the i think the adjective motel is like um movement simply all right cool we're gonna make a couple announcements i think two weeks ago i was like pumping shit up i was like we've got some crazy announcements coming up and then the announcement was me getting canceled and that wasn't supposed to be the
Starting point is 00:03:45 amazing announcement the amazing announcement is we're going to be doing live shows on site at waterpalooza it's going to be a twist on kind of this college game day-esque format of show where we're doing picks to start the day 30 to 45 maybe an hour long show before the events start i think maybe on saturday we'll be going while the slap dicks are starting the competition. Maybe, maybe not. So we're doing live shows. It's going to be sick. We need everybody that's at Waterpalooza.
Starting point is 00:04:16 If you F with our show, even if you don't, if you are excited about crossing. If you hate Taylor. If you hate me, show up. You can throw rotten vegetables at me on a stage whatever you want to do dude we need the audience we need to fire the heat up uh we're going to be pumping up the workouts talking about them talking about who we are picking for the day's events it's going to be sick it's going to be nothing like it there's there's already a couple of workouts out where we're still, I mean, it starts in the 11th and I actually was curious.
Starting point is 00:04:51 I asked Pat, this was like, do you feel like these have come out a little bit early? He said he thought it was about the same as it's usually been. I kind of wondered if the partnership with the PFAA was just like, Hey, can you start to get these out earlier? Can we have all the details? Can we have all the workouts? Can we have all the workouts? And that was just kind of something that was something they vouched for. So it'd be interesting to see if we have all the workouts and details
Starting point is 00:05:12 by the time we get down there to start, or if there's still going to be some unknowns, if the final's not going to be announced until the last day, or all that kind of stuff. Listen, sorry, wrong comment. What's up, Zach? Shut up, dude. We're going to do it better, I'm sure they do a great job, but this is our test run. We're running it at Wadapalooza. We're going to kick it.
Starting point is 00:05:32 We're going to kick it out of the park. Um, and then just imagine, dude, we have this format of show that kicks off the day's competition. There's nothing going on for you guys to be excited about, except for us talking about athletes. It's going to be sick. If we could get Lee Corso to just put a big helmet on of Pat Vellner's face, that would
Starting point is 00:05:54 be even cooler. We can get Sevalon to do that from his palatial estate. From his palatial estate. Okay, so that's announcement number one. Announcement number two, I am going to be running affiliate classes at 7.15 a.m. Friday, Saturday, Sunday at Wadapalooza at CrossFit Wynwood. Noah's dad's gym, right?
Starting point is 00:06:16 Noah's dad's gym. It's going to be an hour class, me and another coach. I'm going to have an assistant coach there. We're going to be running these classes. You're going to get to work out with J.R. Howell and Pedro the Great. So we're getting our freaking fitness in every day, 7.15 a.m., getting that freaking ish in. And if you show up to take one of these classes,
Starting point is 00:06:35 you're going to have to pay a drop into Wynwood, which is what it is. But you'll get a free month of SMTP, limited to one month, meaning if you show up all three days, I'm not giving you three months. But you'll get a free month. and i'm working on hill or two you know he has this firm policy where he doesn't make decisions to do anything over 48 hours in advance that's how he lives his life so uh i told him i'm going to keep asking him every single week if he if he would go to water palooza and like crash with us and uh if so yeah he'll be in those classes too because i'm not gonna let him turn down the workout yeah it'll be sick so come get a freaking savage workout coached by me and my other coach listen with this fucking bullshit
Starting point is 00:07:16 fuck you that's not true and also yeah this month didn't trademark SMTP. You can't trademark that. So I can say that all I want, and I have until technically January 12th because this guy has been so generous. We're not going to take that long. We have some ideas. We have some potential names. Maybe sooner than later you guys are going to find out, but we will for sure have a new – before Wadappalooza. I hate the word fucking brand. God, I hate that. Just real quick before we start. I know I've been talking for a while, but I saw this post by proven and Nick Johnson. Sure. He's a great guy, but the post was talking about how we've got all these sweet initiatives to continue to grow the brand. And I'm just thinking like,
Starting point is 00:08:02 who gives a fuck about your brand growth? Give me a cool workout, bro, and shut up. So it's not going to be about the brand with SMTP. It's about giving you guys the best fucking training you can possibly get anywhere else. It's my favorite thing to do. I love working out. I love programming workouts.
Starting point is 00:08:21 I love coaching workouts. I love doing workouts. You know what else you love saying fuck you love the crossfit journal i love it and if anyone saw our uh late teaser post uh made by the great pedro it was a uh adam and eve depiction of taylor and i with uh none other than seven trying to lure us to some forbidden fruit. If you were Adam and I was Eve, would you fuck me? Sorry, was that too far?
Starting point is 00:08:51 A little too far. Yeah. Anyway, yeah. Something that we kind of want to start doing is we want to start doing a reading, a reading from a reading from the Old Testament, a.k.a. the journal. So we kind of want to start this segment at the beginning of each show. We're really into programming. There's a lot of stuff out there in the journal written by Greg about programming, about what it should look like. And that's what we do here. So we'd love to kind of pick a quote, pick a paragraph, pick something we can dig into, stay there for a few minutes, and then move on each and every week. All right, JR, I did not read this yet. You read it. Is
Starting point is 00:09:30 there anything that you want to pick out? I did not read it, actually. Oh, you didn't? Okay, savage. Then let's go. All right, introduction, CrossFit Journal. If you guys are looking for some of the best journals, specifically if you're looking for a lot of stuff written by Greg, there is a journal article called The Glassman Chipper and The Glassman Chipper Part Two. And I think they have like 50 articles each that Greg wrote. Awesome stuff. Lon Kilgore is also another amazing author of the earlier articles. So we'll start with this introduction.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I'm going to interrupt you one second because I've been bombarded with a couple text messages about where we're doing the podcast. We will be doing the podcast at Wadapalooza at the venue on the stage the podcast stage yeah so if we mess it up everyone's gonna see it yeah look we're not gonna mess shit up dude you can throw rotten fruit we're gonna be cooking burgers and dogs dude we're gonna have some oscar meyer weenies on stage grilled up up, ready to go. Just kidding about that, but it's going to be fun. It's going to be like tailgate vibe. We're psyched about it. All right. So for the online listeners, a theoretical template for CrossFit's programming written by Greg Glassman. What year is this from? This is from 2003, February, two years after CrossFit made its debut on its website debut.
Starting point is 00:10:48 All right. So let's not try to put everyone to sleep. Let's just – you pick a paragraph that you think has gold in it, and then we'll just break it down. Well, I haven't read it, so how am I going to know which paragraph has gold in it, bro? Come on, dude. All right. I'm just going to say template macro view. Let's start here.
Starting point is 00:11:09 In the broadest view, we see a three-day on, one-day off pattern. We found that this allows for a relatively higher volume of high-intensity work than the many others that we've experimented with. With this format, the athlete can work at or near the highest intensities possible for three days straight. But by the fourth day, both neuromuscular function and anatomy are hammered to the point where continued work becomes noticeably less effective and impossible without reducing intensity. Intensity is power. Intensity is power. Intensity is power. This is the most important aspect of your training after you have hammered home your mechanics
Starting point is 00:11:44 and consistently can perform your movements with good mechanics. If you're not working out with intensity, you are missing the point of CrossFit. You're not doing CrossFit. So three-day on, one-day off. Opinions they are, I train Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, rest Thursday. Sometimes I might do a little something. I train Friday, Saturday, and I rest Sunday. So theoretically, that would allow me to get even more intensity than three on one off because I'm not going three on every block. I'm going three on one off, two on one off and alternating. Sure. Yeah. And I think I do it a little bit more based off feel. I think it's safe to say that my training volume is significantly
Starting point is 00:12:19 less than yours. Um, and I'm especially not moving as much external load as you are from day to day. So I usually feel like I can, I could do four days, but if I do four straight days, like you're saying, it's typically very low impact and very non load bearing. So it might just be some cyclical work on machines. It might just be body weight gymnastics. Yesterday, or yeah, yesterday actually Chase sent me a workout and I was a little bit beat up and I did it with the class, like supplementally. And between the two workouts, it was bike, row, push-up, pull-up, air squat, burpee.
Starting point is 00:13:00 So very, very low impact type training. What's interesting to look at, those of you that can't see it, if we scroll down to this sample template to kind of break down what Taylor just read about if you really push it needing a day on the fourth day because your CNS and your body is probably pushed past its limit. Let's just look at that. So it has day one, single modality, monostructural only day two, gymnastics and weightlifting day three,
Starting point is 00:13:31 MWG really simple, right? So let's just say Monday is 10 K run. Tuesday is Elizabeth, of course, with squat clean, because that is Elizabeth. So squat clean ring dip. And let's just say that Helen day three is Helen. Sure. That's, that's awesome. So very classic days, right? So you've got a single modality, monostructural, a classic couplet, classic triplet, two days of running. But yeah, one day was long and slow. One day was short and fast. If you're hitting those at 100% effort, you've hit what they used to call a medium time domain. You've probably hit somewhere closer to the short time domain and then a long time domain. For a lot of people, Thursday needs to be a day off there. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Cool. You know what I also love about this is you see, okay, this first block, M, is your single – it's each block theoretically here. It looks like single modality, couplet, triplet, which is so classic CrossFit and so simple. And each three-day block is going to alternate. Okay. On this first one, we have our single modality is monostructural. The next one, it's going to be gymnastics. And the one after that is going to be weightlifting.
Starting point is 00:14:49 So we're staying varied. Our first couple is gymnastics weightlifting. Our next is monostructural weightlifting. Our next is monostructural gymnastics. Also super cool. So you have – Is that cool or is that not constantly varied? Let's get into that.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Is that cool or is that not constantly varied? Let's get into that. So are you saying the structure of variance is not varied? Sure. Like there's a lot. It depends on who you talk to and it's like a discussion. You can go down so many rabbit holes. But is part of the variance not being varied sometimes? Like I don't really subscribe to that, but I think a lot of people do.
Starting point is 00:15:21 the variance not being varied sometimes. Like I don't really subscribe to that, but I think a lot of people do. Like we've talked about stretches before and we went back and found some where three straight days of a block would be a 20 minute AMRAP of a weightlifting movement in a gymnastics movement.
Starting point is 00:15:37 So having three straight 20 minute AMRAPs of couplets with weightlifting and gymnastics, how is that constantly varied? And then someone may push back and say, well, you never know. Sometimes you may have to do something like that. And that is the variance. The fact that it is redundant and not varied causes the variance. So I'm interested in the semantics of it a little bit from your standpoint, would you ever do something like this? It's very easy to see this chart and say, okay, I see what they're doing now. They're, they're making sure that you get in like a heavy day because typically a weightlifting single modality day is going to be a heavy day.
Starting point is 00:16:12 And I want to make sure you go long with something aerobic. And when they want to make sure that you're just focusing on your body weight, like if we do 30 rope climbs for time maybe that's the single modality gymnastics day do you think something that patterned is good now or do you think that only holds up in 2003 um i what holds up in 2023 do you think that like the sand this sample of that kind of uh okay i know what's coming tomorrow is not going to be a monostructural movement because we just did one today. Do you think that kind of pattern holds up 20 years later? I think this pattern for GPP, this as written for GPP, you could do this on repeat for what is this? 10 days. You can do this on repeat for a month.
Starting point is 00:17:07 for, what is this? 10 days. You can do this on repeat for a month. And that is probably about as effective of fitness program you can write. Then what you could do for the next month is you could make each three day block kind of undulating in terms of which day the single modality is on, um, or, or change the single modality. It's not necessarily like, it's not a 10 K run. Let's say your single modality, it's not necessarily like, it's not a 10K run. Let's say your single modality, monostructural intervals, your single modality, weightlifting is grace. Your single modality, gymnastics is, you know, 50 strict handstand pushups for time or JT. I don't know if you'd call that a triplet or not, but it's still single modality. You're doing gymnastic, gymnastic, gymnastic. This, I think, A, it's important to note, it's template, macro view, theoretical.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Two, it's not like I don't subscribe. I don't like randomized variants. I do not like that. I also do not like what you mentioned before is redundancy for the sake of being redundant, just because you may have to experience redundancy in life. I think if that's what you're going for, do a workout like JT where the movements themselves are redundant. Don't do like we looked back. I found a week that Greg had written that was the same exact three movements with the same exact rep schemes, triplet written in seven different ways for each day of a week. So for example, day one, one K row, seven muscle ups,
Starting point is 00:18:33 15 clean and jerks. Day two, 15 clean and jerks, one K row, seven muscle ups. Day three, a different order. Day four, a different order. And I'm just like, that's fucking dumb. Part of, I don't like that. And I'm sure there's a reason Greg did it. My gut tells me he did it just to say, fuck you, you should be able to do this. And I, you know, I don't know. I guess, you know, I'd have to have Sevan ask him, but I don't like that. I just don't think it's necessary. So I don't subscribe to that. I do think this holds up for a class format or for someone just working out alone in their garage. You are going to experience an insane amount of variance that your body can continuously be adapting. And you're not going to fall into a rut with this.
Starting point is 00:19:17 It's not like what cross. So it's so it's interesting you say that I'm going to push back on it a little bit. And single modality, and let's just say in this case, we're saying single modality, single movement. So one movement, one modality. Okay. Twice in five days. So every five days, you're doing that twice. If you look at competitions, slightly different conversation, but that's always a hot topic.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Unless it's the game, should we be doing anything single modality, single movement? Does that have its place whether you do a monostructural that's balanced out with a weightlifting test, whether you do a gymnastics that's balanced out by a weightlifting, whatever. Is that like, can you test fitness that way? Well, in the same light for GPP, if you're doing just one thing twice every five days, you think that's enough variance? Well, it's not saying here it has to be a couplet it's not saying that it's what i'm saying is though the single modality so the n by the m by itself the g by itself or the w by itself if you're just saying that it's only one movement so you can only do a run here
Starting point is 00:20:39 well it doesn't say mm it just says m, but that doesn't mean single modality is just monostructural. That could be a run, swim, run. So if you're saying – and that's the deal here. I mean if you're saying you're doing one exercise each of these single modality days, then is it varied enough? I mean enough is subjective. Is it varied enough to give you devastating fitness? Yes. You will still have elite fucking fitness if you follow this template and you give intensity.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Key here. That'd be an interesting experiment for you and Andy or for me or for anyone listening that owns a gym, especially ones that have been a little bit more curious about programming. anyone listening that owns a gym, especially ones that have been a little bit more curious about programming. Like, I don't know about you and Andy, but I'm probably a little bit more reluctant to like run little experiments. And I think back in the day, like 2000, 2001, two, three, four, Greg was probably doing a bunch of play. You should be. And so then again, yeah, it's like, I'm probably a little bit more rigid rigid in the no, I have these principles. I have these things that I need to hit every week. I would be less likely to say something like, hey, guys, we're going to run this for a month because we talked about it on the show. I'm just curious how it goes.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Yeah, I'm going to talk to Annie about doing this because I would love to experiment with that. Wow. Nothing programming-wise, aside from our insistence that variance is key and intensity is key, which look, the results speak for themselves, but there are no studies that say, okay, this six-month block of CompTrain with this 30 group of athletes, the control group, and this six-month block of Misfit and this 30 control group athletes, the control group, and this six month block of misfit and this 30 control group athletes. And we sent them through this, through this fucking block of training. They all ate and slept the same. Like there are no studies like that showing what's better than something else. So again, this is a theoretical template and what you see or what you need to focus on
Starting point is 00:22:41 or what you need to look at with your programming is simply the results. Like, look, it's efficacy. Test. Do your programming like this for a month, and then you need some benchmarks to test. Test a single modality monostructural. Test something weightlifting. Test something gymnastics. Test some classic CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:22:58 And see the trend in your gym and the score. So it talks a lot about this in the online programming course for CrossFit, is that if you're going to program a certain way, you have to try something for a month or two months or three months, and then have some tests or some benchmarks to test your members and say, Oh, wow. Well, looking over the past three months, I thought I did a lot of gymnastics, but no one can do a sub 10 JT in my gym, no one. So I'm going to have to make some changes or no one can run a sub six minute mile at my gym. I'm going to have to make some changes or no one can deadlift 400 pounds or whatever. Um, so you have to test, but I think the, the thing about CrossFit is the proof
Starting point is 00:23:36 is in the pudding and look at the results of the athletes that you have. Um, yeah, we're, we're kind of in the middle of this um eight tests that you know we're going to do in six months we'll do them again in june something i used to do years ago and i brought back because some of the og members said they missed it they missed just that having that thing to chase having that um level of accountability that they know they're gonna have to retest and they're gonna have to come to terms with um the fact that they want to see improvement or else they haven't been going as hard as they should in the gym. So it's been pretty eye-opening for me, six tests in of the eight. And we're going to skip a couple of weeks because of Christmas and New Year's following on
Starting point is 00:24:15 a Monday this year, and we'll finish them up the following week. But it'll be interesting when we get through all of them. And I kind of look at everyone's scores and just be like, wow, we really don't do enough of strict pulling or we don't do enough barbell cycling or we don't do enough you know that kind of thing just listening to the feedback of the athletes um saying whether or not they thought it was going to be easier than it was or harder than it was or you know just paying attention to little things like that it'll be it'll be. So this would be a cool test to run. Let's go, go, go, go, go.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Cool. Here we go. Workout structure. We'll just stick to – oh, here we go. Wow, 10K run, JR. Sure you didn't read this? I did not, I promise. But what I said was single modality
Starting point is 00:25:06 single movement that this is what it's showing here so it's not like what you're saying well the m day could be a mini triathlon it's like no it's either just rowing just running just stairmaster which comes up a lot in the early journal days which is pretty pretty funny um journal days which is pretty pretty funny um i think what's key to note is that this was written in 2003 and greg was a big proponent of the coaches and athletes and programmers that were performing crossfit to continue to advance the art and programming behind crossfit like people putting their own twists on things and experimenting and moving the methodology forward. It wasn't just him saying, Oh, this is the style of workout. And you shouldn't do that style of workout. I was like, No, anything is fair game. So I think
Starting point is 00:25:55 like we're here, they might not have been thinking, Oh, I can do multiple things for a single mentality day. But you can't like this could be 30 ring muscle ups for time. You're getting a ton of metabolic intensity and practice with the ring muscle up. And for an athlete like me, that's intensity and it's short. And for an athlete like somebody else that might be an EMOM for 30 minutes of one rep and it's practice. Um, so this is super geeky though, dude, but I mean, you need to go back. We need to go through some of these workouts and talk about them because talk about like old school programming and how some people can read some of these workouts and be like, that's stupid or whatever. We probably need to clarify what we know or what we think
Starting point is 00:26:35 Greg was thinking, right? So we have day one, monostructural run 10 K super classic. Okay. We'll move on from that day to five rounds for time five handstand push-ups five deadlifts at 225 but you go up 20 pounds every round now to a lot of people they think that ladder format is like a new thing dude this is 2003 i know and greg's already doing stuff that's crazy it's really cool to see and people see five handstand push-ups well that's kind of silly like you go to 25 to 45 to 65 to 85 through a fight it's just a deadlift workout dude i bet you when he wrote that he either wrote it for his gym and said if you have to use the wall, you can scale by using the wall. Oh my God. I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Like if you go back and look, these are probably freestanding. Or if you go back and look at the parallette handstand pushups that were programmed, he would put in the comments, use a wall if you must use a wall. If you must like, I mean, some of those comments are, are so good and so humbling. Like, that's just a perfect example of like, I mean, how many people right now, if he said, that's the workout, that's the workout for the day, five rounds for time. And no, one's going to say that deadlift is heavy. And that's the point he's saying, well, I know it's not heavy, but this is a basic gymnastics movement. Being able to do a freestanding handstand pushup is not difficult.
Starting point is 00:28:09 So you should be able to real quick. We'll finish with this on this article. And then I have one more quote from a different article. The template encourages new skill development, skill development. If your training doesn't incorporate skill development, if you don't see that in your programming that you're paying for, it's fucking junk. Generates unique stressors, crosses modes, incorporates quality movements. I can't remember who said they hated the term for quality. Is that a Sherwood thing?
Starting point is 00:28:42 I don't know. I don't want to call anybody out. He posts it. Sometimes he'll put for time or not. Right, for time or not. Look, this is from the fucking archive. You should be practicing new things that you are not good at. This morning I spent 15 minutes practicing parallette press to handstands,
Starting point is 00:29:01 and they frustrated me. And this hits all three metabolic pathways. It does this within a framework of sets and reps and a cast of exercises that CrossFit has repeatedly tested and proven effective. We contend that this template does a reasonable job of formally expressing many CrossFit objectives and values. So if you're looking for a theoretical quote unquote template for programming for your own training, this is a great place to start. Also go to, look up online courses, buy the programming online course. You're welcome. CrossFit, spend some money. It will teach you how to do something you probably don't know how to do.
Starting point is 00:29:41 I took the programming course and it was like a huge shift and like, whoa, I should try this. I should try that. It's just an amazing bit of information. Okay, the last thing I wanted to mention, we have like probably, it's probably like spent like a couple minutes talking about this.
Starting point is 00:29:57 I talked about this with Andy this morning, but I was reading what is fitness yesterday. I reading a part of it and the quote, did I send that to you specifically, Jarrett? Yeah, here we go. It says, this is very important with interval training. We get all of the cardiovascular benefit of endurance work without the attendant loss of strength, power, and speed. So what it's saying here is with interval work, as opposed to something like, say, zone two, a long, slow run, you get all of the cardiovascular benefit without the attendant wasting of muscle, which you naturally get when you're going over 40 to 60 minutes of steady
Starting point is 00:30:34 state. So typically on Thursdays, I would do like a two on, one off, or a three on, two off, three on, one off, which are still intervals. Um, probably targeting more of that oxidative pathway, maybe some of the glycolytic pathway. Um, but today I did every two minutes for 20 sets, 10 second echo bike as hard as I could. And it was disgusting. And the last set we did 20 seconds instead of 10. Let me tell you, buddy, you don't feel like that after you do a two minute biker for an hour. It's a waste of time i think this trend of zone two uh you know peter retia talking about it oh matt fraser zone two it's just it's fucking busy working you know why people like zone two this is my theory people love zone two because it's fucking easy and we should probably um we should probably acknowledge the fact that most people...
Starting point is 00:31:28 Planning for a summer road trip? Check. Luggage? Check. Music? Check. Snacks, drinks, and everything we can win in a new game at Circle K? Check. With Circle K's summer road trip game, you can win over a million delicious instant prizes and a grand prize of $25,000. Play at or at participating Circle K stores. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Mmm, how's that spicy enchilada? Oh, very flavorful. Y dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run!
Starting point is 00:32:19 Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Over half that think they're in zone two are not. So they're not wearing a monitor and not over a certain number. They're just doing an easy flush, right? Like to truly get the benefits. I mean, you can go back and listen to Chris Henshaw talk about it. A lot of people talk about it. You know, there are a lot of people that swear by it as a way to, let's just face it, make the base bigger. So the pyramid
Starting point is 00:32:49 can grow higher, right? Because you can only get as high as your base. However, I don't think, I think it's overly used and I agree with you for sure. Think about something as simple as improving your mile time. That's a relatively short run run you don't do that by practicing running slowly you do that by running fast and running faster than the mile pace you hope to run at so that eventually you increase your threshold and you're able to do that so it's uh to your point to achieve the fitness that a lot of competitors are trying to do i I think we could take a big step back from the long and slow and just acknowledge that,
Starting point is 00:33:29 hey, maybe this is just another tool and this can be used once or twice a week, but you don't need to end every single day with a really, really long machine session, which it feels like a lot of people are doing now. It's this desire for a quick fix or an easy fix. It's this desire for something easy. People love zone two because it's easy to sit on a bike and go at a moderate pace that you're breathing at a moderate effort and you're
Starting point is 00:33:59 sweating a moderate amount. It's not easy to say, I'm going to sit here for 40 minutes and I'm going to fucking jam my dick into the concrete for 10 seconds as hard as I can on this echo bike. That's not as easy and you feel much worse, but the fitness return is much higher and your loss of strength and speed and power is none. You gain your strength and speed and power by doing work like that. And you also see the attendant cardiovascular and respiratory gains. It's just, I don't know. And look, there's a place for long and slow. Like if you know you're going to the games and you're going to get tested on a marathon row, maybe you should do long and slow. Sure. Yeah, I think a big of it is who you are too.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Right. It's who you are. The time it takes to perform effective zone two is much better spent for 99.9% of people on muscle ups on handstand walks on heavy deadlifting on squatting on echo bike sprints. Like you have all these other things you got to get better at. Don't waste it doing a slow cardio people. And if you're a bodybuilder, it's even worse. Get your fucking big fat ass off the treadmill, walking up an incline and just do an assault bike sprint every minute. Do a Tabata assault bike Tabata. Like, I don't know. Crazy. Anyways. Waterpalooza. Yeah. Waterpalooza. Let's, uh, let's give our sponsor a shout out before we move on to some waterpalooza workouts that are announced. Um, we've talked about in the past couple of weeks, Patrick Mitrovich, um, South Carolina,
Starting point is 00:35:25 North Carolina, Georgia. Any of you guys are looking to save money on personal or business insurance, contact Patrick, super good guy, OG in the CrossFit space. Uh, phone number is 803-818-6980. Again, that's 803-818-6980. Patrick at Dan, you increase your aerobic capacity by doing aerobic intervals as well.
Starting point is 00:35:48 And you don't experience the muscle wasting and the loss of strength, power, and speed. Yeah. And Dan, I don't think anyone is arguing the merits and the things that you can gain by doing zone to work. What we're just saying is it seems like it's getting the priority over weaknesses
Starting point is 00:36:07 and holes that a lot of athletes have especially at a not world-class level so someone who's a quarterfinals level athlete who wants to make semifinals they're probably going to get tested long in one of the six or seven events but yet they can't clean and jerk 300 pounds or snatch 275. So you still have to be strong enough. You still have to be skilled enough, and it shouldn't take priority over the other things that you need to be doing.
Starting point is 00:36:41 I think that's what we're trying to get at here. There's definitely things that can be gained from, from zone two work for sure. Try to figure out how to zoom in so people can see this better view, zoom in view. What's the, okay. Command plus trying to figure out the old boom. Okay. Interval training, the key to developing the cardiovascular system, right? Aerobic base without an acceptable loss of strength, speed, and power is interval training. Come on people. And this is crazy too. He talks about intervals of 10 to 30 seconds of work, followed by 30 to 90 seconds of rest, 25 to 30 times listen fuckers go to your gym and do two do a 10 second echo bike sprint every two minutes i i did 20 sets go do
Starting point is 00:37:35 it for 25 or 30 dude you're obliterated that is i mean you tell me, Jay. That's savage. Yeah, dude, that's a lot. I mean, on Tuesday, we did a crash combine where we just had six stations that you had to make your way around in 40 minutes. And two of them were max wattage on a rower and an echo bike. So the biggest number you can see. So for most people, that's a 10-second or less test. And they only got two attempts to do it, but just a true 100 hundred percent effort. And it was really cool to see who excelled and who didn't because a lot of people, whether it's what they did in their life, they're awesome at
Starting point is 00:38:14 moderate. They're awesome at hard. They're awesome at easy, but they don't know what a hundred percent really feels like. And then you see the people who do one sprint of 10 seconds and they lay on the ground for five minutes after. So I think this is important to note. This is why you see the people who do one sprint of 10 seconds and they lay on the ground for five minutes after. So I think this is important to note. This is why you see a lot of these big name athletes doing a lot of zone two. Oh, you can do it and not be beat up. Great. If you are Matt Fraser and you're training eight hours a day and you need your Thursday to be really, really easy, low impact on the joints and you're eating 6,000 calories. So you're not going to lose any muscle, and you just need something more to do to get more of an edge, great.
Starting point is 00:38:49 But I still contend that you can get on a biker or a rower and have very low impact on the joints and work for two minutes, then rest for a minute and get a lot of intensity in a 40-minute window and still not be beat up by it, and you get way more metabolic return. Cool. Okay. So Wadapalooza. Can you pull these workouts up real quick?
Starting point is 00:39:12 Am I doing that? Are you doing that? You're doing that. You know I don't have the backend stuff. Wadapalooza. And while you're pulling that up, the year that you competed. Are the workouts on their website? I'm not sure if they're on the website.
Starting point is 00:39:32 I know they're on Instagram. Here we go, workouts. When they did the 10 down to one devil press toe-to-bar in the qualifier, and then they had a workout at Guadalupalooza that was 55 and 55 do you remember if they announced that late did they like announce that on Saturday night that you were doing that on Sunday announced like an hour before okay so I'm wondering if they're going to be some workouts we don't know until the event actually happened so there's's a couple of them, at least, at least two that I know of. Am I saying that right? What does that mean? Stinky butt?
Starting point is 00:40:20 Dude, I'm serious. I don't know what it means. Okay, cool. Maybe someone, Hey, can somebody in the comments't know what that means okay cool maybe someone hey uh can somebody in the comments tell us what this means hey in someone else in the comments you have all right what time are we at we're at 39 minutes in yep yep you have you have until you have until 39 30 so 30 seconds if you can tell me the name of the forbidden fruit in the garden of eden the thing that savon is handing taylor if you can answer that in the next 25 seconds in the comment section i will send you a crash hoodie you cannot google dude i know what it is 25 you cannot google it you cannot google the actual name of the fruit 15 seconds apple team 10 seconds is that right
Starting point is 00:41:02 no oh wrong i want the actual name. Wrong bitch. Three, two. Ooh, it ain't a dragon fruit. The correct answer is a quince. A quince? A quince. Q-U-I-N-C-E.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Wow. That was funny, Chris G. Dragon fruit. Fuck. You should send – don't send him a hoodie, but that's fucking hilarious. Okay. Workout one at Guadalupalooza. Go.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Four time. 21-15-9. Parallel bar dips. Hang power cleans. 185-125. Right into 15-12-9. Shoulder to overhead bar muscle up. What I'm hoping here would uh, would be a nice
Starting point is 00:41:47 twist. Talk with Kiefer a bit about this. You look at 21, 59 parallel bar dips, hang power cleans. And I'm thinking, wow, uh, 21 bar dips for me, like those bar dips, easy unbroken. And that's like, uh, the equivalent of a one 35 hang power clean. So one 85 seems super hang clean dominant. What I would like to see is seven bar dips, traverse seven bar dips, traverse seven bar to traverse five, traverse five, traverse five, traverse just like they did for Elizabeth elevated games. That would be awesome. Thoughts on the workout, Jr. I agree with you for sure. Um, I think that would balance the two movements a little bit more. Yep. I think when you look at the workout as a whole, and I'm curious what you think about this, let's just say that the, the, that the P bars they use are pretty
Starting point is 00:42:33 short. Let's say they're like three or four feet. So they're, they don't take up a lot of room. They're, they're not going to be able to do true. You're not gonna be a traverse and they're allowed to Kip. So the first one is mostly dependent on how you cycle the hang clean. Going into the second workout, assuming that's true, do you believe that the shoulder to overhead or the bar muscle up is the deciding movement in that couple? The bar muscle up. I mean it depends on the athlete, but to me, without a doubt,
Starting point is 00:43:04 the bar muscle up is the deciding movement. Okay, so you're saying that, but to me, without a doubt, the bar muscle-up is the best. Okay, so you're saying that, and if Kiefer's listening too, do you think it would actually be better if it's just as we look at it? So the first couple, it's a little bit more biased to weightlifting, and then the second couple, it's a little bit more biased to the gymnast. Yeah, I mean, I think that's cool. I think no matter what, just because of the redundancy and what you're going to be fatiguing in the parallel bar dip and hang power clean the bar muscle ups are going to
Starting point is 00:43:28 be fucked dude like i'm the the pressing the the pressing stamina dip shoulder to overhead and the grip and the press out of the muscle up and the grip yeah so this is cool i mean to you to y'all's point i was wondering too if do you think it would be easy i think it would be really easy to make the dip strict and just be able to judge that without any issue i don't think i would like a strict dip in this oh it depends on what time domain they're looking for yeah that would fucking obliterate women a strict dip you think so for 45 and you're and you're starting with the dip so you do almost half of them without any interference but but look at what you're going into i think it would make that second part of the workout for women a bear um i think it's for sure kipping i'm i'm just kind
Starting point is 00:44:16 of talking through it as we look at it um no i think i think it i think it has uh potential to be awesome i wonder if there'll be two bars on the floor, the flow of it. I always think about those kind of things too. So excited to watch this. This is going to be fucking sick. Now, the year you went was Celebrate 10, right? And that was a back-to-back couplet. Do we know?
Starting point is 00:44:36 I don't know enough about Waterpalooza history. Have they done a back-to-back couplet every – like two back-to-back couplets every year? couplet every like two back-to-back couplets every year they did that one that one year with uh the hang snatch toe-to-bar hang something chest-to-bar um i don't i don't know i don't know i don't know enough because your year they did right so i'll break down overhead squat handstand push-up at light and then heavy overhead squat ring muscle up sure right back to back um oh okay three minutes dash five minutes four time oh look at what first off okay let me just uh suck my own a little bit uh charlotte classic we did three three then five minute intervals so it's pretty cool i'm sure they had i'm sure they had no idea i did that well this is based this is based off their qualifier too which i know but i just think it's cool that uh other people
Starting point is 00:45:30 are doing bigger intervals like that um so three minutes on one minute off five minutes on right that's how it makes sense because it says two scores though two scores which is but it says but it says eight minute cap so that would infer that it would be four minutes on here or it would be a nine minute cap am i right anyways dylan anybody if you're watching please uh unfuck us here but what i'm thinking is the eight's probably a typo. It's probably a nine-minute cap. Three minutes on women, off five minutes on cap. Four time.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Yeah, read it out. Read it off. Okay, so 25, 20 assault calories on the rower, assault rower. 30 wall balls, standard weight, 2014, 35 chest to bar, 30 box jump overs, 30, 24 inches,
Starting point is 00:46:29 25 dumbbell snatches, 170 pounds. Two scores, total reps across all parts. And then time on part C. What is part C? The fuck? Do we need to watch this?
Starting point is 00:46:45 Yeah, let's watch it. Can you hear that? Yep. Sick. Stevon, if we get a ding, sorry, peace and love. Sorry, bro. We're not going to lie.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Okay. Four reps and time. Okay, so it's two intervals, Taylor. Right. It's a three-minute interval with a one-minute rest and then a five-minute interval. Ah. So your first interval is the three-minute score, how many reps you get, and then the five-minute then you start over
Starting point is 00:47:25 okay oh okay all right I get that I get that now I fuck I kind of like that so three two one go you get as deep into this chipper assault row wall ball chest of our box from over dumbbell snatch and then during the five minute window it's
Starting point is 00:47:41 your time and they're assuming any everyone's going to finish. Yeah, no, I think that's a fair assumption. You do. Five-minute window, let's go 20-count assault row. You're going to have to get that done in 40 seconds. I mean, let's just call it a minute. And let's just call the wall balls a minute.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Two minutes. Chest to bar. That's under a minute. You think so for everyone. For everyone. Not for everyone. Right, so most of them you think so for everyone for everyone for not for everyone right so i'm saying this is not for everyone i'm saying they're gonna be people who don't finish so look one minute two minute three minutes 30 boxing bovers four minutes 25 dumbbell snatches they're gonna be people who don't finish this in five yeah i'm i'm wondering
Starting point is 00:48:18 if it's written so that you pick oh so that you say hey hey, I'm going to try to win the first one, and I'm just going to let the second one be what it is, or I'm going to slow play because I only have a minute to rest, and then I'm going to try to win the second one. Oh, fuck, that's nasty. Well, dude, look, I mean, in the first one, you're not getting to the dumbbell. There's just no way.
Starting point is 00:48:41 You're not getting to the dumbbell in the first one. Do you think? Well, the thing about the assault r're not getting to the dumbbell on the first one. I don't, do you think? Well, the thing about the, the thing about the assault rower comparatively to the bike is you don't get that same, you don't get that same sprint output exponential like gain like you, like you would on the bike. And I've, I've only done sprints on the air rower a
Starting point is 00:49:05 couple of times, but it doesn't seem like I can ramp it up and get the caloric return. Like I would on a concept too. Um, but I mean, yeah, the tall, really fast squatters, right? Fine. 33 to 34 wall balls in a minute is doable, but with the transition, we're just going to say 30 wall balls is a minute. So you're looking at people ending on the box jump over. The only thing, of course, I worry about, maybe just because I'm a little bit soft, is if they're ending on the box, no one is not bounding. And I just don't know if I really like that. I don't like bounding.
Starting point is 00:49:38 But they might make them do a step down. I don't know. I just. Yeah. For the qualifier, I think I saw a lot of people bounding in the qual the qualifier videos which is fine i mean it's a sport you take the risk i get all that yeah um but you you kind of have to like you can't say well you're forced into a situation where like if you don't want to bound you know you're getting the dong in the butt so one minute rest is is nasty brutal brutal for sure okay love that double or
Starting point is 00:50:06 nothing two attempts of the following only two attempts okay one snatch one hang snatch and your tie break is max overhead squats at that weight i'm assuming so for the qualifier, and someone can correct me in the comments, I know a lot of people probably did this. Was it not almost the same complex? I think it was. It was a one snatch.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Or maybe one snatch, one overhead squat, one hang snatch? Yeah, I think it was one snatch, one hang snatch, one overhead squat. I knew I was going to say it. No, it was one snatch, one hang snatch, one overhead squat. I knew I was going to say it. No, it was one snatch, one hang snatch, and then you held the bar overhead and you did max reps at your weight for overhead squats as the tiebreaker for your weight. So you did a snatch and a hang snatch, and as soon as you finished the hang snatch, you went into your overhead squats for as many as you could. That's sick.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Okay, so here's their repeat. Cool. I like that. I kind of like that. I don't mind. You know what I loved about the games is in 2017 when we had 17.5 and they went heavy in person. I thought that was super cool.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Worm Fran. So this looks like a team workout. We want to go over it or we not give a F? Oh, this is cool. Yeah, let's go over it. It's pretty cool because I think something that after the games did the ring complex. If you're like me and probably you, I was expecting a bar complex. Time out.
Starting point is 00:51:33 We got to rewind. Okay. Here. Did someone correct us? Yes. So look. Three minute AMRAP. Then a five minute AMRAP.
Starting point is 00:51:47 And then straight through for time. Okay. So the, for time is the eight minute cap. So everyone, right. Right. So it's three minute AMRAP of these movements, then a five minute AMRAP of these movements,
Starting point is 00:51:56 and then you get a minute of rest and then you go straight through this for time. So when it says across all parts, does that mean that if you finish the third one you that you get credited for that so it's right right i think so that's that's nasty okay all right we just unfucked ourselves or someone bryson unfucked me thank you for letting us know okay um we're in frame but yeah what i was gonna say I think after the ring complex at semis, a lot of people were wondering, would they do a chest to bar,
Starting point is 00:52:27 toe to bar, bar muscle up type thing, pull up chest to bar, bar muscle up mandatory unbroken requirement at the games. It didn't happen, but a lot of people are probably thinking that that's something that's on the table now. So I think it's cool to see other competitions doing it.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Yeah. So we got 21 thrusters with the worm. Remember, these are three-person teams, and then each person has to go 8-7-6, chin over, chest to bar, bar muscle-up. Then they have 15, and each athlete has to do 6-5-4, and then nine, each athlete has to do 4-3-2. And then another set. So you got 21-15-9, and then 9 each athlete has to do 4-3-2 and then another
Starting point is 00:53:06 set so you got 21-15-9 and then there's still a 6 after 3-2-1 I love it and you know the tough thing about it is these two athletes are going to stay on the warm and hold it while that athlete's working on the rig I think is a nice spicy challenge
Starting point is 00:53:20 is this teams of 3 as well okay 4 time 1-2-3 challenge um is this teams of three as well okay four time jt uno dos tres mr worldwide jt type redundancy wall walk strict hspu um then 60 hspu One holds handstand. One works. One rests. Woof. Yeah. So for those of you that can't see it, four-time 20-wall walk, 40 strict handstand push-ups,
Starting point is 00:53:53 60 kipping. Just got to get through the chipper. One holds. One works. One rests. Into 240. Synchro double under. Let's stay there.
Starting point is 00:54:05 How do you, how do you feel about that? Uh, God, stop texting. Jeez. I'm not texting dude. I'm closing my eyes and saying,
Starting point is 00:54:15 uh, cotton. Like I'm trying to figure out how that would work as a judge. Uh, I'm fucked dude. I don't, I don't know if I'm judging, I'm fucked dude i don't i don't know if i'm judging i'm fucked i'm good at counting double unders with one person but you introduced two no i right yeah so two work one rest on that and then is it okay kind of like a up and back um rep scheme format but like a true chipper 60 deadlift 40 hang clean 20 front squat and that is everyone so we got three people working but you get to pick who takes the heavier load who takes the moderate load who takes the lighter load so 135 155 165 or that means each way everyone does the deadlift at 165 then every i don't think so
Starting point is 00:55:08 i think it's there's three there's only three bars on the floor a light and medium heavy and you got to pick and if that's the case i fucking love it that's really cool yeah last so remember last year we were wondering how it would look kind of about the barbell ring muscle up bar muscle up and bar muscle up. And I ended up working out pretty well. But then the next part of that workout was one person is squat snatching. One person is squat cleaning and they could kind of rotate the, the weights were different.
Starting point is 00:55:36 So this is kind of a, a spin off that same concept. I love the fact that all three have to do work the whole time. I think it's cool. Cool. So there's the waterpalooza workouts um if you want to show up to waterpalooza if you want to have a sick workout then come watch us talk shit about the athletes before they're about to exercise buy your ticket to miami buy your ticket to wza It's going to be a sick trip. We're going to work out. We're going to talk about working out.
Starting point is 00:56:07 It's going to be so much fun. It's going to be Miami. Okay? So, you know, if you don't go, you're dumb. We're broke. We're both. It's all good. Yes, someone mentioned Mayhem at Rogue, and I actually spoke to Jake Lockert, asked him if he was going to be down there, asked him if he would want to jump on and talk programming.
Starting point is 00:56:29 He said absolutely. So, yeah, any suggestions to get people on with us to talk about some of the workouts and stuff would be cool. Jake Lockert, do you think anybody at Mayhem knows what a quince is? Absolutely. For sure. Cool. Wow. For sure. Cool. Wow. Quench.
Starting point is 00:56:46 I thought it was queef when you guys were texting about it in the group chat. I thought that was the forbidden fruit. All right, guys. Sorry. See you guys next week. Another huge announcement. Have fun. Goodbye.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Please end the show. I didn't mean to leave. It was just my big face on the screen. We're still alive.

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