The Sevan Podcast - BREAKING NEWS | Brent Fikowski Asks Dave Castro to Step Down

Episode Date: August 23, 2024 If you own a gym fill this out!! FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam, we're live. I wish we weren't. I just beat my oldest son at tennis. Probably the last 20 times we've played, I've lost and I just beat him. He's pissed. People don't like to be beat. It's good. I guess that means he is a competitor.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Oh, we're late. Are we? No, I'm good. I'm good. What are you talking about? I'm good. Originally, I was new 245. I just I just had to move into 305 with with with personal, personal things, just kids, kids shit, you know what I mean? Prioritize. What's up, everyone? Good to see the regulars. Olivia, what's up? Oh, my mic. Is my mic not working? Sorry. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Microphone. Oh, shit. Of course, of course, of course, of course. I got to start over. Good time to take a potty break.
Starting point is 00:01:11 I got to reboot the road caster. Road caster is down. Let us reboot. Let us reboot. All right, well, the road caster reboots. Let's be good boys and girls. And recognize what this is actually all about. I just assumed doing all the burpees and stuff was what a normal gym did. I had no idea what Crosswalk was or anything like that. My dad went to this gym for seven or eight years and he brought me there.
Starting point is 00:01:58 The more and more I did, the more I got better at it, the more it started to come enjoyable. Maybe it's just because you talk to so many people in here, so you get more confident talking to new people and getting to know new people. I've become way more talkative since I've joined and way more like myself in front of other people. Joining this gym has been the best decision I've ever made. To Brain Business, thank you for the video contest, affiliate video contest.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Of course, the most important thing in the ecosystem is the affiliates, the lifeblood. Let me say hi to some of the regulars. Wad Zombie, thank you, Roadcaster. The Shiz, good to see you. Matt Souza, damn these Roadcasters. Carlos, never seen you before, but I love a Cholo. Hola Cholo.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Hola, I say. Wad, it's Roadcaster. Elizabeth, regular now. Barry McCaulconer, Jedidiah Snellson. Good to see you, buddy. I had a great interview today with, great chat with Tim Murray. I don't know if it's a great interview. Who am I to say? Pat Lang, what's up, buddy?
Starting point is 00:02:58 Good to see you, dude. Ooh, looking strong. Look at you. Looking strong, nice collared shirt. Clydesdale Media, I represent the interest of media and we call for you to be more prepared for these shows. I understand. Fair enough. Legit. Fully legit.
Starting point is 00:03:17 I should have pushed it five minutes. That would have been the right thing to do. Omar Kanejo. What's up? I. to do Omar Kanejo. What's up? I went to Matt Sousa's affiliate CrossFit Livermore. He's like, Hey dude, I'm having a SWAT team come and do a hero walk. I think I believe it was called Cooper or Coop. And I went down to the gym 30 SWAT team members showed up Matt through an incredible event for them. My wife actually jumped in the workout with the SWAT team they did the workout is a long and wrap that finishes with a heavy deadlift and
Starting point is 00:03:52 While the boys do the the SWAT team does the workout There's a component in it that's a run and every time they're running they carry a flag with them And then they pass the flag off back and forth to each other So the flag never sits it was really cool flag with the blue line on it I thought that was that was awesome and Matt gave him a pep talk in the beginning and a pep talk at the end And it was awesome. And Matt was asking me today. Hey Should we because we wanted to offer to CrossFit as a video and he said hey So I really want to publish this should we offer to CrossFit first and I said either way, you know
Starting point is 00:04:29 Do what you want to do, you know, it doesn't matter to me Whatever we'll get the most eyeballs on it or whatever, you know what I mean? It's up to you do what you want to do So I'm not sure what he chose but that might be going up soon. I know CrossFit has a pretty up soon. I know CrossFit has a pretty, like whenever we've offered them stuff before, Andrew has there, they have like, they have a sequencing pattern, a regimented sequencing pattern that they release media. So sometimes it's hard to get in there. But anyway, that video should be up soon. So make sure you check that out. It's a really cool video and the workout is For a cop who did a pullover at 3 30 the morning who shot in the face and I've interviews of there of the cop Who was there when he got shot in the face and his partner of 15 years. So it's a pretty
Starting point is 00:05:18 It's it's a solid. It's pretty wild. It's a wild video So I'm pretty impressed. To my dismay, I saw that Brent Fikowski offered for the resignation of Dave Castro today. From the specific, I'll read it to you, but specifically from the games, oh PFAA, where is PFAA? From his website, I think PFAA stands for, well I'll know in a second, how come I can't find it? Oh there it is. The Professional Fitness Athletes Association. The Professional Fitness Athletes Association.
Starting point is 00:06:07 The Professional Fitness Athletes. I don't even know if there are any professional fitness athletes, but there's an association. And this was the post. Jennifer Milan, thank you for the membership. You're awesome. Love your dog. Love both your dogs. 1000 posts in one hour. I mean, yeah, basically asking Dave Castor to step down is like declaring war on the affiliates. And we'll get into that more. But, but definitely if you're asking Dave to step down, boy, that's like declaring war on the affiliates. And let's say there are some professional
Starting point is 00:06:55 athletes. I don't know how many there are, 10 or 15? I don't know how many there are but there are at least 350,000. There's probably 100,000 people who do the open that don't register. So there's 450,000 people who do the open which is the sort of inaugural kickoff of the CrossFit Games who are not professional athletes, who are not part of the PFA. I don't even know who is a part of the PFA. For me, it's synonymous with Brent Fikowski. And he's been a long time, he's been, I've heard about this thing for like years and years and years.
Starting point is 00:07:36 So it's not like he's just stepping up out of nowhere and just created this thing on a whim. This has been a project of his that I believe he's very passionate about for some time now. So okay, this is what his post says. And I'm not going to read from the writing on the side. I'm going to read from the actual slide. The professional... What does it stand for again? Fuck, hold on. I don't want to say PFAA. Professional Fitness Athletes Association. Okay, the Professional Fitness Athletes Association
Starting point is 00:08:12 represents the interests of athletes competing in the CrossFit Games season. So that opening statement is, I guess, a lie. Just a blatant lie. Because they don't represent me and I did the open. I don't think they represent 99% of the people who do the open. So unless he has a different demarcation than me, that's just dope. That's that's a tough opening line to open with a lie. The sport is built on principle that athletes do not know all the details of the events they participate in. That's a lie too. They do know. It's just, they do know. It's very rare that they don't know. The
Starting point is 00:08:55 only time that I can think that they did not know was like in the middle of that workout where they had Matt Fraser during the COVID games turn around. So for example, the swim event, they were given three weeks notice. And all of the events that I've ever been to at the CrossFit Games, except for maybe two, they were given a briefing before the event, a very thorough briefing, where Pat and others, sorry, Brent and others are notorious for asking loads and loads of questions So, uh So that's not true. The sport is built on the principle that athletes do not know all the details That's absolutely not uh events that they participate in another lie. We're off to a rough start
Starting point is 00:09:38 so, uh Now we're right one more i'm gonna just call this propaganda But we always and I didn't prepare this by the way, I'm just reading this. I'm just reading this. But we always assumed if something went wrong, they would save us. We were wrong.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Okay, so you assumed all these other things that you're stating as facts or lies, but this other thing is an assumption And you know fuck like I don't know what you assumed or not. So I'll just say it's true and we were wrong. So There are many many many I Don't know dozens hundreds of instances where athletes were injured or hurt or something went wrong where the athletes were injured or hurt or something went wrong, where the athletes were accommodated for their issues or where medical attention was brought to them.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I saw a comment where someone brought up Jason Kliepa in the 2009 Games. Don't forget, Jason Kliepa was running that event. He passed out. He got back up, he finished the event, he did not finish last, that's how severe his injury was. Then the second event, it went straight from the first event into the second event, there was no break, and he won that that's a pretty damn good record. That's a fucking excellent record. So it says that these athletes from the professional fitness athlete association demand something. Well, okay, I got some demands for you too. Demands.
Starting point is 00:11:31 I demand you quit calling yourself the Professional Fitness Athlete Association that you represent athletes competing in the CrossFit Games because that's not true. We demand an appropriate level of transparency between CrossFit and the PFAA regarding their third-party investigation as to the death of Lazar Jukic and subsequent changes made to protect all the athletes going forward.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Okay, so you want to know about the investigation. That's fair. I don't know why you say we demand. I don't know what position you're in to demand anything. You're gonna be gone in a minute. And subsequent changes to protect all the athletes going forward. So this is the Professional Fitness Athlete Association. Why don't you say what changes you want? Why don't you tell us what changes you want? Why don't you make a list? We'll start with the swim event.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Why don't you make a list? Why don't you do your job? If you're there to protect athletes, can you imagine the person representing you is just all about blame, but they're not proactive You know one of those golden rules in life that people that all the successful people have is to control what you can control And let go of what you can't control, right? Why don't you post the one sheet handout that you gave all the athletes since you knew about this workout three weeks in advance of
Starting point is 00:13:07 Concerns that they should have our best practices for the workout. Did you do that? Why don't you print that? Where is that or is it easier just to demand someone else do it? I mean Lazar died you guys Lazar died on your watch too, Brent. You were the professional fitness athlete association and you didn't hand out, or maybe you did. Where is it? Instead of writing this, why don't you have another slide that shows us some of the changes you want going forward? Changes made to protect all athletes going forward. You guys all get a water bottle. Pointless first point.
Starting point is 00:14:06 We demand CrossFit create an independent safety team to liaison, to liaise with the Professional Fitness Athletes Association on an ongoing basis. We demand CrossFit create the current safety team? Why don't you have a handout for all the athletes? Hey, if there's an AMRAP and it has this, be concerned of this. These are best practices. If it's hot, this is how you rehydrate. Where are your best practices? I'm going to guess that CrossFit has actually offered you guys a relationship.
Starting point is 00:15:12 a relationship. I'm going to guess that you have met with CrossFit. I remember seeing a video out there where Dawn went to one of your meetings. Why aren't you telling us about your relationship with CrossFit and giving us exact areas on where you think it fell short and they didn't listen to you. Did you warn them about something that they didn't do? Wouldn't it have been great if you had a sheet of paper that said for all... You know there's going to be a swim event every year. You know it's going to be the first event.
Starting point is 00:15:44 This is getting embarrassing. Is that what you do? You're a predatory organization that waited to failure? Is that in your charter? And then you make your demands? Let's wait until something goes wrong and then make our demands While the organization is weak while the mob is emotional We demand that Dave Castro be removed from this position in the sports team. Why do you demand that? Why don't you why don't you write it out?
Starting point is 00:16:23 Let me help you. As the leader of the CrossFit Games or whatever his title is, Lazar Jukic died while he was at the lead and we believe because of that he's ultimately responsible and he should be removed. Why aren't you saying that? These demands reflect immediate steps necessary to begin to restore athlete trust in CrossFit sport. No one cares.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Nobody cares if you have trust in CrossFit sport. The only person who's ever cared about that is Andrew Hiller. And I don't know if he would use the word trust. He's the only person. Why haven't you guys embraced him? You guys don't even trust the fact that when he points out Danny Spiegel doesn't squat below parallel. Why aren't you walking step-in-step with him?
Starting point is 00:17:13 These demands reflect the immediate steps necessary to begin to restore athlete trust and crossfit. Who cares? Think of the presuppositions that's making. Who do you think you are? What leverage do you think you have? Trust in what? They already don't trust you, that's why there's drug testing. No one trusts any of you guys in regards to the drugs. Everyone thinks all you guys are on drugs. No one trusts you guys. Maybe it should be the other way around. What are you going to do to build our trust? Brent explains all this in Men's Health article. I'll take a look, but I doubt that very highly. If it's anything like this, obtuse, dramatic, emotional, demanding, presuppositions, self-importance, self-indulgence.
Starting point is 00:18:25 And men's health is a complete shit rag. Men's health, outside magazine, complete shit rags. And then it just goes downhill from there. Bar bend, morning chalk up, just complete fucking jokes. They write stuff for the sake of writing stuff. They have some sort of demand and need to put out content and they'll just do it garbage. The PFAA is also acutely aware that more must be done to change the culture and strategic direction of this sport. Oh, you guys are acutely aware of that, huh?
Starting point is 00:18:57 That's funny, cause I'm acutely aware of that too. I'm acutely aware that the culture is complete garbage. Think of the difference, Brent, between you guys, the individual athletes and the team athletes. They have no chance of winning $300,000 or getting any big sponsorships. They're just cogs on their team. Man, the self-importance here. The PFA is also acutely aware that more must be done to change the culture. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Immediately, immediately the prize money needs to be taken away. So that the machine, the affiliates, and the are no longer tied to any of the sponsors outside of Rogue. That was what needs to be done. HQ needs to be completely untethered from the prize money so that there's no obligation to the athletes. I mean, that will fix all of the problems. You have to know that. Only those who are emotionally attached to the games will give a shit.
Starting point is 00:20:09 A buh-bye. A buh-bye. What do you think happens if they ditch the games, if they turn it into just a giant party for the affiliates, get rid of the prize money? they turn into just a giant party for the affiliates, get rid of the prize money? You think that that's a net win for the affiliates or a net loss? Let's take a vote from the affiliates what they think.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Wanna do that? I know you guys are big into surveys. The PFAA is also acutely aware that more must be done to change the culture and strategic direction of the sport. Well, we got that taken care of to ensure its future and that it will take time. Its future, huh? You know you're nothing without the affiliate support, right? Do you have anything in here about the affiliates?
Starting point is 00:21:00 Do you guys have any charters or things that you do for the affiliates? Do you have any demands you put on the athletes to make sure they visit at least three affiliates a month or something like that? To share the love, spread the love? Signed by the PFAA board, Annie Thor's daughter, Brent Fikowski,owski Dina Swift no idea who that is Fee Sigafi Leveren Engelbrecher no idea who that is Patrick Velner Royce Dunn Victoria Campos I'm wondering when you asked Dave to step down it must have been some hell of deliberations regarding how that affects the affiliates, right? That must have been your number one concern. Well, how will that affect the community? How will that affect the affiliates? What will they think
Starting point is 00:21:54 being that he's holding down the fort? That he's the heart and culture of this fucking community? culture of this fucking community. Uh, so they aren't mad at Dawn for cutting costs and they aren't mad at Annette for denying them the opportunity to speak at the tribute, uh, black square 2.0. You know what? I don't even, I hear you, but like, I don't even care about that. It's not even a point to me. So costs were cut. Cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Dawn let us know. Good on Dawn. That's the transparency we needed. I don't know who didn't allow the tribute to go forward. The tribute was absolutely fine. If you're caught up on the tribute, you're a fucking... you're lost. The entire event was one giant wake. Imagine coming home from a funeral being like, well, the roses weren't big enough. The stems on those roses weren't big enough. The stems on those roses weren't big enough. I wonder if Brent and Annie and Fee and Dina and Leveren Engelbrecht and Patrick Velner
Starting point is 00:23:01 and Royce Dunn and Victoria Campos know that the changes won't bring Lazar's life back. I wonder if they were like, hey, I wonder if moving forward with Dave is the safest way. Or if it's just like, hey, we need this done just to prove who we are and the power we have. I wonder, did you guys think about that? Did you guys think, oh shit, we might get rid of Dave and end up with Eric Rosa? Did you guys think, oh shit, we might get rid of Dave and end up with Eric Rosa? Did you guys think about that?
Starting point is 00:23:27 Anyone? Anyone? It amazes me, Sevan, how you can talk so clearly with Dave and HQ's nuts all in your mouth. Man, you should hear how fucking eloquent your mom can recite fucking Shakespeare with my dick in her mouth. I'd be curious. I'd be curious in all honesty, Annie, Brent, Dina, Fee, Leveren, Engelbrecht, Patrick, Villanueva, Royston, Victoria Campos, did you think about how it would affect the affiliates? I'm just curious.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Man, this might really hurt the affiliates. Dave is the last fucking heartbeat of what's true in CrossFit. I want to give a warning, not as a threat, but like the warning you'd see on a cigarette box. This is the most people aren't going to have the stomach for what's about to go down. This is like a fucking going to be a gang fight in the street and most of you will not have the stomach for it. Some of us won't even fucking phase us. It's like dude you can like we've been through this a thousand times and back with Floyd 19. We ended up with Eric Rosa We had a fucking autistic fucking Complete imbecile at the not that those are in connection autistic and imbecile separate autistic imbecile at the helm
Starting point is 00:25:23 You remember you remember when Eric Rosa pushed for all the DEI stuff, but instead of fucking going to the seminar for the underprivileged kids that Dave attended and Chuck attended, and he instead went to Mayhem to train with Rich? I mean, I don't blame him. I'd go to Mayhem train with Rich too, but I also didn't push all the DEI shit. None of you are gonna say anything except just fucking attack, because there's nothing to say. You can't say anything except,
Starting point is 00:26:00 we need cultural changes, we want blah. Hey, I'm willing to bet that Brent had this thing right here written by ChatGPT. I swear to fucking God, I'm willing to bet fucking money on it. I'm willing to bet that he had ChatGPT write this. This is nothing talk. Can you imagine posting a letter asking Dave to step down but you don't say why?
Starting point is 00:26:31 Imagine that. Imagine that. It's like putting a condom on in the morning but you have no chance of fucking. It's just complete... what are you doing? What was the point of this? You don't think your time would have been better spent maybe trying to figure out what to make the game safer next year? You posted asking Dave to step down with not a single fucking reason. And you have people in the comments fighting for you, bringing up Jason Kalipa passing out in 2009, should be fucking embarrassed of yourself.
Starting point is 00:27:17 The only reason why your, um, uh, competition has any validity, CrossFit competition has any validity is because it's fucking hard. As Tony Budding said in 2008, you can die. I'm sure you know that. So many of you who are going to want to pop off, you probably shouldn't pop off. And I'll use the example of Mikey Swoosh. probably shouldn't pop off. And I'll use the example of Mikey Swoosh. He stepped into the middle of a gang fight and it just probably just like fuck it wasn't worth it.
Starting point is 00:27:54 So whatever side you're on just know that like hey you're gonna step in if you step out into the street and you want to start fucking throwing tomatoes some people don't like it. I mean, nothing bad is going to happen to you. There's no like. But most people are so fucking their IQ, their emotional IQ is so low that they won't be able to stomach this at all. They'll have though, you know what I mean? Like, I'll turn off my computer and I'll go out and eat green beans off the bush
Starting point is 00:28:19 like I did this morning and chop tomatoes and put them in the dehydrator. Most you won't be doing that. Damn girl, you are PFAA because you are acutely aware. Acutely aware, yeah. There's not even content here for an entire show. I wonder if those guys are all just afraid of Brent. You think Annie and Dina Swift and Fisa Goffey and Levin Engelbrecht and Patrick Velner and Royce Dunn and Victoria Campos
Starting point is 00:29:03 are just afraid of Brent? You think they're like, well, they call him the professor. We better just go with this. You think one of them's like, we're asking for this guy to step down from his job of 20 years. Maybe we should give a reason. Maybe we should mention that the ropes were too long when Justin Berg was running the games but after Scott Panczek hurt himself they cut the ropes from there on out. Maybe we should state some facts. I don't know. Never mind. Never mind. That's stupid. I'm sorry. That's stupid, Brent. I'm sorry I brought that up. Oh, nevermind, nevermind. I don't, that's stupid. I'm sorry. That's stupid, Brent.
Starting point is 00:29:46 I'm sorry I brought that up. You think they're just terrified of Brent? You think that's what it is? You think he's just running this shit like just with fear? I love the athletes and I appreciate all their hard work. Me too. With that said, the games is not a league. Correct. It's an event.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Without the games, we wouldn't even know their names. I guess you could say that about any sports. I love the athletes too. They're fucking awesome. I love talking to them. I love talking to fucking overachievers. people who work really hard to get what they want A new member J. Wade, what's up, dude? Thank you. Appreciate it. I Want I wonder what else Fikowski assumed. There's this story going around I want to tell you guys about. And the story goes like this.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Don't call. Shit, I should pull that down The story goes like this After Lazar died Dave spoke to Luca and he said do you care if the game do you want us to do the games and The story goes that Luca gave the games his blessing. The story continues that Dave shared that story with the athletes. Now the story is being rewritten, which may be true. And the story is, is that Dave said to Luca, do you care if the games goes on?
Starting point is 00:32:09 And Luca said I don't give a shit And I do believe it was Taylor self who explained you guys don't get it his brother died Like he doesn't give a shit. He doesn't give a shit if there's toilet paper. He doesn't care if he eats He doesn't care if the fucking earth ends tomorrow. All he's thinking about is I want my brother back, right? And so many people still can't get their head wrapped around that. Just a singular thought. And the way the story goes is that Luca said, I don't give a fuck if the games goes on and that Dave presented it to the athletes as Luca gives his blessing. And somehow the athletes feel manipulated by that. They somehow feel manipulated by that. Well, today, when Suza said to me,
Starting point is 00:33:20 Hey, should we post this video? I said, I don't give a fuck. Do whatever you want. It's crazy to me. The things that they'll grasp at. I heard that this is like the big thing the athletes are grasping at. They're grasping at the fact that Dave deciphered Lucas saying I don't give a fuck as a blessing and that's somehow that they felt manipulated or that they somehow felt that that was
Starting point is 00:33:55 That was the camel that broke the straws back Like, dude, you guys know Lazarus dead, right? And you guys know you were at the games and you had a choice to go on or not go on. And Dave was processing it exactly how he could process it. And if someone said to me, they don't give a fuck, I'd be like, he's cool with it going on. It's definitely not, it's not, he said he doesn't want you to go on. It's 100% not that. And my point isn't to win this specific argument, but it's to show you the grasping.
Starting point is 00:34:46 That's what I'm hearing that the inner circle is grasping at right now. If I tell you I don't give a fuck, that's a blessing. Closer to a blessing, then he doesn't want you to go on. You guys are going to get what you want. I'm going to promise you that. Dear CrossFit Games, professional CrossFit Games athletes, all 10 of you, you are not going to get what you want. You're not going to, no matter how it plays out. You know that, right?
Starting point is 00:35:40 You're not going to get a safer games. You're not going to get a better games. You're not going to get a bigger games. You're not going to get a better games, you're not going to get a bigger games, you're not going to get a games that makes you more money. You may not get rid of Dave. Maybe he'll leave. But you guys have gone down a path of just clear emotional, I don't know what the word is emotional fuckery. The consequences, someone wrote you they've opened Pandora's box.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Everyone will come out of this better than you. Everyone. This podcast, the affiliates. Well, you may fuck the affiliates too. Not that you care. No one's ever thought you guys cared. I'm just telling you the truth. You care about one thing and one thing only, the games yourselves. In your thoughts, I bet you guys, I'm willing to bet I'm open to being wrong, but you've
Starting point is 00:36:54 never thought about the ramifications of what your actions, what your responsibilities, what you mean to the affiliates. Has the PFAA ever asked, hey, can we have an extra five minutes at the end of every event to sign autographs because they always people always want you to sign Autographs and they never get enough time to sign them you guys ever asked for that to give back Rich Froning posted a story. I don't know if you guys saw it. The fucking breath of fresh air that he is. Head over to Rich Froney's Instagram account. Maybe unpopular opinion right now. Nobody on this planet cares more about the CrossFit Games than Dave Castro. Brent, you think you care? Fee, you think you care? the CrossFit Games than Dave Castro?
Starting point is 00:37:48 Brent, you think you care? Fee, you think you care? Annie, you think you care? Brett Engelbecker, Pecker, you think you care? Dina Swift, you think you care more about the Games than Dave? You think you know more about the Games than Dave? You think you have greater insights into the games than Dave. Everyone turned their back on Greg and shit got worse. What do you think will happen now? Dude, I kind of am excited for it to happen to be honest with you. It'll just open the flood gates. No, no, no details, no facts, nothing coming from these guys.
Starting point is 00:38:41 There's this argument out there that the athletes like to spin that for some reason people should be afraid of Dave. I'm too scared to speak up. There'll be repercussions. I'll be blackballed. Oh, you will, right? You will, huh? Well, let me tell you the most contentious relationship that Dave Castro has
Starting point is 00:39:05 had in the history of the CrossFit Games. His name is Matt Fraser. He's the five-time Fittest Man on Earth. He's also probably the richest man athlete to ever exist in CrossFit also. Isn't that weird? Matt took control of what he could control and made out like a bandit. Fascinating right? Absolutely fascinating. You know what you guys remind me of? You remember in those Portland riots how people would be at the, there'd be a thousand
Starting point is 00:39:49 people trying to burn down the federal courthouse? And I would look at that and I would be like, I wonder how many of those people took some action before they lit the courthouse on fire? I wonder how many of them wrote a letter to their local politician asking for change? I wonder how many of them ran for office? I wonder how many of them ran for office. I wonder how many of them volunteered to make their city better. I wonder how many of them pick up trash.
Starting point is 00:40:16 You guys are thugs, opportunistic predators. So it's really how I see you. opportunistic predators. So it's really how I see you. You're leveraging Lazar's death to push forward some fucking emotional rant that's just empty. When just some ding dong on a podcast can come up with 50 things right here
Starting point is 00:40:40 that you should be doing or should have done prior to the event. I read your letter and it's just, oh, it's just like, it's just blatantly lies. It's chat GPT shit. Who stepped in an affiliate more this year, Dave or Brent? Well, that's not, I mean, that's not even a... Brent wouldn't even, I don't wanna say anything mean about Brent, but I don't even know if Brent would know if he stepped in an affiliate.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Every time Dave goes to a new city, every time he goes to an old city, the first thing he does when he lands is he gets in an Uber and he goes straight to an affiliate and says hi. There's a thousand affiliates that can, what's the word I'm looking for? Contest? Is that the word? Contest to that? Is that the word? Someone help me out here. When he lived in San Diego, he visited every single affiliate. He visited a new affiliate every... Attest.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Thank you. Thank you. I knew something was wrong. Thank you. He visited an affiliate every single day for a year, a new affiliate while he lived in San Diego. Attest. Attest.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Attest. Attest. You guys are good. Attest. Thank you. Attest you guys are good attest. Thank you attest to that what I say contest Ron artis. Yeah Ron artist no Ron arti. a good dude. Hold on, you're not connected. Hold on. I got more. I got more. Oh my God, he's so mean. I can't talk to him. Yeah, give your power away.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Give your power away. It's his fault. It's his fault. I was so scared of him. I couldn't talk to him. I thought I was going to drown, but I just couldn't talk to him. Call her. Hi. Hello. So Vaughn. Hey, love the podcast podcast brother. Thank you. Me too. Isn't it fun? Awesome. Thank you. Hey, so you know, a lot of people were kind of complaining about the heat, but didn't Dave announced like a year ago that the games was going to Texas.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Like if everyone knew that it was going to be there, you knew it was going to be August. Why didn't any of the athletes go there a month beforehand and get acclimated? If that was truly the case. Let me also be very clear. The events took place without sun. It was the coldest part of the night is right before the sun comes up. And when we got there, we got there at 6 a.m., it was pitch black.
Starting point is 00:43:46 And just as the athletes were coming across the finish line, it was daylight. They ran and they must have run in the dark. Or near dark. Yeah, what about all the affiliates in Texas that don't have AC? Right. That are still in a warehouse? Right. Doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:44:04 They must be having people drown at those left, right a warehouse. Right. Doesn't make any sense. They must be having people drown at those left, right and center. Probably falling over. Have you heard if there's like any more, any details that supposedly this professional fitness organization or the seven people that are in a group chat, that they have that they haven't released to the public. Like any other information? Yeah. Like, like, do they know what happened? Like actually happened to Lazar or no, they're circling around things like that thing I told you about Luca. They're
Starting point is 00:44:37 like, Oh my God, he told us that it was blessed by Luca, but Luca really only said, um, he doesn't give a fuck. Well, of course he doesn't give a fuck He doesn't give a fuck about anything. I will tell you this There was a lane there for Luca and the entire media pit was told that Luca was gonna compete We were told he was gonna compete told there's a very good chance he's gonna compete here today No, I don't it was just hearsay. It was just a rumor coming through Told there's a very good chance he's going to compete here today. No, I don't. It was just hearsay.
Starting point is 00:45:03 It was just a rumor coming through. He was that he was at the, he w if he didn't give it his blessing, why did he show up at the tribute, but the tribute wasn't long enough. I mean, it's just. What that was that I seriously, fuck up for me. It was fine. I can't, why do you think it was a joke was a joke who cares how who cares how long it is? What did you want to call it? You're gonna call it if you're gonna call it a tribute
Starting point is 00:45:30 Then why don't you have somebody go up there and talk about it and instead of just everyone march in? Oh, let's have a moment of silence and everyone march out like oh I'm not I'm not uh, someone talking about them. They talked to them. They talked about them at the end. Nicole Carroll gave a nice, uh, presentation. Right. I just think it's kind of, I just think it's kind of a weird thing to be, um,
Starting point is 00:45:59 grumbling over, you know what I mean? The guy's dead and now we're,umbling over the fire the quality of his tribute It's it seems so unimportant to me, but it's all that they have It's everything that they're saying is just emotionally driven. They have no facts. They got nothing The only thing that they know is he's dead and they don't care What they don't like if getting rid of Dave makes the games worse for some reason They don't care if getting rid of Dave hurts the affiliates Which it will they don't care
Starting point is 00:46:28 So it's it may it may it what is the term throwing the baby out with the bathwater cut off the nose to spike the face I mean, it's insane but if they if they I say they the pfa or whoever whatever they they call themselves if they hate it bad enough Why don't they just not compete at the games? Why can't they just compete a rogue and water? Sure in the norcal classic sure there had I mean all of those competitions have big enough payouts where you could probably make
Starting point is 00:46:55 the same That they make of the games sure anymore. Sure and hey i'm win rogue five years in a row And now we got a fucking really cool drama story. Hey, I't compete the games because their ropes are too long and I hate Dave and And now and now we got a real story like oh shit When are we gonna see the games champion go against the rogue champion? Great. I love it Hey, they have some sort of like weird demented ownership over the games that's completely unrealistic. They think that they bring a value to the space because 15,000 people will cheer for them. They don't care. They don't understand the reality of it.
Starting point is 00:47:37 They don't understand that like you could put Colton Mertens and Taylor Self in there and the place would go just as fucking crazy. Like they're confused. Like Daniel Brandon's not confused. We all know why people cheer for her, right? She's not top 10, right? Or maybe she is. I don't know what she is, but she finished something pathetic relative to her cheers. relative to her cheers. Like, hey man, yeah, it's a joke.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Their self-importance is... It's wild, ma'am. It's wild. They don't even feel like they have to articulate their positions. They think that they can just ask, they think that they can just stir the mob to show up to someone's house and hang them without giving any salient points I Mean that's gross. That's gross. That is gross Back in 2013 2014 when I started CrossFit all of your your top games athletes They were all so embedded in the community. I mean
Starting point is 00:48:42 They were all so embedded in the community. I mean, rich has mayhem and Josh Bridges had cost and evictus and like NorCal with Kalipa and Neil Maddox and Miranda or Alcaraz. Like that's why the games were, that was like the golden ages of the games. Cause all the athletes were so embedded in the community and everyone in the community wanted to share for them, wanted to go to their affiliates. And now it's like half of them training in an empty garage or an empty warehouse in Vermont. I hope these games athletes-
Starting point is 00:49:15 12,000 square feet and no athletes. Yeah. I hope they find what they want. Whatever it is that they truly want, I hope they find it. But I swear to to God they're looking in the wrong place. I really want them to find what they want whatever merit that whatever Safety that they want or whatever Success that they want or whatever attention that they want. I hope they find it. I really do I want them to find it if that's a rogue if that's a tear water Palooza if that's at Madrid, I hope they find it
Starting point is 00:49:44 If that's at Rogue, if that's at Tierwater Palooza, if that's at Madrid, I hope they find it. Well, if the DEI council at HQ gives them what they want, the games are going to go downhill. It's going to be just like whenever all of them, the same group was calling for Greg to resign or to sell the company. And now, Cross with HQ is in the worst place they've been in years. We have less affiliates than they have in ever And they have the cultural trust culturally completely vapid
Starting point is 00:50:11 I don't care whether nothing. Yeah, nothing culturally completely vapid. No one's watching the media Dave is the lat Dave is like the last fucking um, uh, uh statue the last, um artifact That keeps the fucking flame alive. He's like the fucking ember that keeps us culturally intact And after that if they take him It's the games are done. Yeah rogue is gonna take over Jessica Valenzuela Dave was very approachable when I met him nothing scary about the man I mean, can you imagine this is the year that Dave interviewed every single athlete.
Starting point is 00:50:47 What if they would have done a totally different approach? What if they would have circled him and loved on him? That's a great idea. Hey Brent, that's a great idea. Why don't you pull that post down and try a different way? Why don't you pull that post down and circle him and love him? Why don't you pull that post down and circle him and love him? Why don't you do that?
Starting point is 00:51:08 Why don't you round up the troops and just circle Dave and tell all the athletes, Dave, we know this must be really hard on you. You're our fearless leader. We got your back. We can't wait till next year. What do you think? Do you think that would get you the outcome you want?
Starting point is 00:51:20 I bet you'd get you way closer. Call her, hi. Hey, how's it going? I just got a one thing that I wanted to kind of bring up and I don't think anybody has. If these athletes are so worried about their safety and with Dave running it, why did they continue on at the games when Dave was running it? Why didn't they just bow out? Hey, Dave is not a safe guy. The games are running really dangerously. So we're going to step away because it's not safe. They felt they felt safe enough to go and win prize money, but not safe enough. You know, it's a step away.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Okay, let's give them the benefit of the doubt. Let's say like they were torn, right? Let's say they were torn and they and they felt like they needed the money and they didn't know what else to do or they were just being unconscious and they weren't paying close enough attention, blah, blah, blah. Let's say all that. Let's say it was the only game in town. They felt loyal to the event. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:52:21 They were going to lose their sponsors. Whatever cockamamie excuse they give up, they give, right? Let's give them an answer. But then why, if there's an organization called the PFAA, weren't they putting out endless information in regards to the safety of each event? Why are they lying that they don't know the events in advance when the event specifically, I mean, the audacity of him to write that
Starting point is 00:52:44 when that event was given three weeks in advance and Lazar Jukic that I mean the audacity of him to write that when that event was given three weeks in advance and Lazar Jukic and Luka Jukic themselves did the event three days before and killed it. Yeah. I mean, but I agree with you. I'm just trying to play. I'm just trying to play a little devil's advocate, but it's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's literally look at all angles. But the fact of the matter is like if you're if you were truly worried about a safety aspect of The event that you're at you would bow out Like there's more than enough reason to walk away or or you wouldn't bow out. I'm emotional and it's not safe I'm leaving what a stake in the ground to make but now it's like, oh no, I've won my money
Starting point is 00:53:19 You know, my wife said the same thing like how much of Brent's money that he won did he give to Lazar's family? You know like put your money where your mouth is like oh, we need to change whatever It's like, you know, you still you still stayed and took all the prize money, you know fourth place or whatever, right? There I think I think he took third Yeah, it's Yeah, it's amazing. Basically what they are is they're really emotional and they become completely opportunistic and they're using every tool in the book to somehow think that this time is going to roll
Starting point is 00:53:57 over like Floyd 19. And it's not. I am telling you, this time it is not. So, yeah, they're just showing that they're completely irrational. I mean, like I said, that opening line, I mean, the two of the first three lines that Brent writes are just complete lies. They represent all the athletes
Starting point is 00:54:20 in the CrossFit Games ecosystem, whatever. No, the fuck you do. Well, and what really needs to happen... Hey, let me even go one step further. The PFA represents the interests of athletes competing in the CrossFit Games season. Exactly. You don't represent my interests. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Like the community needs to step up and be like, no, I don't think this is a good idea. And honestly, Simone, like the problem with you posting about this, like, everybody kind of knows like you're a Dave fanboy, which is fine, like more than a day fanboy. He's my fucking brother. He's more than a fanboy. Yeah, but the fact of the matter is like coming from you, I'm going to punch holes in your story right now is sure people are going to be able to be like your flag is always been Dave and of course you're gonna wave that Flag right you are you are very critical of even your own opinion And I appreciate that by you
Starting point is 00:55:10 But if the community steps up and says I don't know like I don't see how this is gonna change anything or you know Dave like it's gonna affect affiliates the affiliates like same thing you're saying Like it's gonna be more but here's the, the people who say that, I can't convince anyway. Do you know what I mean? The premise, the premise of me speaking about this is so that the people who are, because basically here's the thing, the athletes aren't afraid of Dave. They're lying. We all know it. They're afraid of their sponsors and they're afraid of their Instagram followers. That's it. Those guys only care about Instagram followers and their sponsors. They pretend like they're afraid of Dave.
Starting point is 00:55:48 They are not at all. And they may even believe their own lie. But the point is this time, no one spoke up last time and was like, fuck you, George. You fucking died of a fucking heart attack. And you're a fucking scumbag and a horrible fucking role model for any human being on this fucking planet and thank you Derek Chauvin for getting him off the street. No one had the balls to say that. That ain't gonna happen this time in this space. And so I don't, I'm not trying to convince people. All those people out there who say I'm just riding
Starting point is 00:56:18 Dave's dick or I'm riding HQ's dick, I don't give a fuck. Like I, you're correct. I am riding Dave's dick and I'm right riding HQ's dick. But what I give a fuck. Correct, I am writing Dave's dick and I'm writing HQ's dick, but what I'm doing is I'm creating the space, and I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to say this, I'm creating the space where it's okay to speak up. Our mob is bigger than their mob. We will fuck them up. We will fucking call them out on this bullshit that he's writing. We always assumed if something went wrong, they would save us. No, you didn't assume that. Why did you create the PFAA then eight years ago or whatever you did? Yeah. The sport is built on the principle that athletes do not know all the details of the events they participate in. They do. I can only think of two events where they
Starting point is 00:56:59 didn't know. It's crazy. They have briefings before the fucking events. It's the same thing that Carolyn Lambray wrote when she says they didn't give us time to decide. No. Maybe they didn't give you enough time to decide, but you're fucking lying. You're lying in order to manipulate people, affiliates, who spend every fucking last drop of their fucking money and their life's energy to fucking put bread and water on their fucking table for their kids and you're lying and you don't care if you fucking hurt them. The truth is they give you plenty of time. But if you don't think it's plenty of time, we can disagree there, but we can't disagree that they didn't give you time at all because
Starting point is 00:57:38 they did give you time and everyone knows it's a fucking lie. And so so that's why they can only say stuff like you have dave's dick in your mouth or or um, we want change Or they can't say anything They cannot say anything They're completely all they can be is like well luca didn't say lucas said he didn't care but but uh, but they told us it that he gave his blessing. Would it have changed anything if they knew that?
Starting point is 00:58:10 I don't know. They're grasping, dude. They're grasping as they process their own shit. These are the people who can't even handle Andrew Hiller saying, you're not squatting below parallel. That's half the athletes can't handle that. They're not even ready for the fucking big time. Big time is like we're talking about who you're fucking. Like we all know who you guys are fucking. We just don't talk about it. We all know. We know who fucked what coach and who fucked who
Starting point is 00:58:42 and who fucked that guy and what happened on that team. But we're cool, but dude, let me tell you something that's on a thousand Twitter accounts this morning about Conor McGregor banging that dwarf that dwarf chick and it's awesome and Let me tell you doesn't face him at all and he's married and he has kids You want big time we could play big time Well, I appreciate the podcast. Thank you. Thanks for letting me know I'm writing Dave's dick. Appreciate it.
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Starting point is 01:01:41 Clinically proven to control odor better than the shower with soap alone. 12 hours after the shower, the average men's Grundel order level was five out of 10. With Mando, the average Grundel order level is a zero out of 10. Mando starter pack is perfect for new customers. It comes with a solid stick of deodorant, cream tube, deodorant, two free products of your choice, like mini body wash and deodorant, cream tube deodorant, two free products of your choice like mini body wash and deodorant wipes, and free shipping. Luckily, I have a discount code to help you get hooked on my favorite smelling whole body deodorant on the market. New customers get
Starting point is 01:02:16 $5 off a starter pack with our exclusive code that equates over 40% of your starter pack. Use code SEVON at S-H-O-P-M-A-N-D-O dot com. Smell you later. The fact that Rich Froney made a post against the PFAA defending Dave is everything you need to know. I'm really disappointed this show only has 1600 live viewers. Call or hi. Hey. Hi, how are you? My name is Rakesh calling from Tampa. Oh, hi. Hi, Aakish. Hey. So, you know, you pointed out a good question there and I don't know, I don't even know many people know about this including myself
Starting point is 01:03:05 why the PFA was created. I think again this is all this is just based on what I understand or what I've understood so far is I think before 2020 when or 2021 when a PFA was formed I think there was not a there was not any like a team or a formal like a representation of athletes in CrossFit. So I think they created this so that they can speak up about the potential safety concerns, you know, in the games and whatnot. And so basically, I think TFA is like an association that gives them that platform to address these issues probably more formally and professionally and publicly. I think that's my understanding. If that's the truth, that would be my understanding too.
Starting point is 01:03:59 If that's the truth, I don't know for sure, and Brent's been at it for a while, but if that's the truth, they have failed miserably They have failed fucking absolutely Because because people should you be the the the statement from one of your great countrymen I'm reading into your voice is a be the change you want to be in the world and I made videos for a year free for CrossFit until I became invaluable and that's when they hired me and so if he had been providing I became invaluable and that's when they hired me and so if he had been providing quality information and valuable tools for the athletes and for CrossFit and for the space then he would he would have that role He's not earned that role
Starting point is 01:04:34 Brent has not earned that role. What he's basically doing is he's waited till he's like a lawyer running to a fucking car accident and His first move is gonna be to call ask Dave to step down And his first move is going to be to call ask Dave to step down. How about how is that your first move? Your first move is gonna work with water Palooza and there's gonna be two incidents that you directly fucking bonked your head I mean, it's insane. It's insane. Yeah, I feel like I'm on the set of Sesame Street. I Think it would have been great if there was some they could have articulated I think it would have been great if there was some, they could have articulated exactly like how you pointed out the reason why they want, you know, they want.
Starting point is 01:05:11 They have a reason why they pulled out. You're saying the reason why Lauren Jeff pulled out, is that what you said? No, no, why they want Dave to step down from the position. And I think, you see, so I think, and we all know that, you know, he's seen as the symbol of CrossFit Games, right? Yes, sir. The symbol of CrossFit Games leadership, right? So they think removing him could signal a
Starting point is 01:05:37 shift in the culture or the approach how games is run. So the demand, I think, for that removal, I mean, when you call demand, I don't want to use that word, but whatever, the demand for that removal that they're asking for might be more about creating space for that position for a new leadership rather than about his individual actions. So I think we should not blame Dave. That's for sure. That's 100%. We should never, ever blame one individual
Starting point is 01:06:05 for the tragedy that happened. Unless he drowned Lazar. Unless he drowned Lazar. If he went out there and drowned Lazar, yeah, for sure. Exactly. And the other thing is when Dave left CrossFit, we had a year of games where Boz programmed the entire games. We had great games. It was run great. So I think an individual should not be more than or bigger than the games or the sport itself. So the focus should be on the athletes and always the athletes. So that is where I come from. And I think I hope and very optimistic someone that PFAA and CrossFit can come together and have this open conversation. And I wish that should have been done before this post came out. I mean, ideally, that's how I would have gone about it,
Starting point is 01:06:55 to have the transparent conversations before we demand, quote unquote. I don't see any place for the PFA the P having the PFA involved in the CrossFit games is like me asking my kids if they can Steer the car while I take a nap That that I mean, I appreciate your perspective, but that's my perspective. That's the validity That's that's the level of which they've proven themselves Just because you call yourself the professional fitness athlete association and you have one guy Brent Fikowski everyone calls the professor I don't think that that that doesn't give you any validity to sit at the big boy table
Starting point is 01:07:37 What you have to do is you have to prove yourself, you know, and yeah last thing before I Just you know when you I hope Brent comes on your podcast and you have a, you know, a very honest conversation about this with him and Pat. And I think the entire, the whole crew from TFA on this podcast. And I think that would be, that's how open conversation should happen. And in a civilized manner, and then. And then we get to know more, you know, what are the rationale,
Starting point is 01:08:08 you know, why they took that decision to post this. So I will- Isn't it crazy though? Isn't it crazy that we have to sit here and guess why they posted it? Isn't it crazy that we have to guess what the changes they wanted? Isn't it crazy that we have to guess
Starting point is 01:08:21 what changes that they've demanded for them and clamoring about in the past? Don't you see see like those are the three big drums that they're beating and and all the morons out there and Please please clinically imbeciles Instead of being like asking a question what changes had you asked for or what change would you like to see instead of asking that? They fill in the blanks themselves. They're like well that one time that athlete passed out. Yeah, like so fucking what? One time an athlete fucking passed out in the competition to be the fittest fucking human being in the world They carted them off. They rehydrated him and the person went back in. I mean they got to stop
Starting point is 01:09:01 It's ridiculous there they are like shit that's attracting flies in my opinion. You give them, you are a sober man who gives them more. They have to earn something before I can give that to them in this space, especially when we have someone like Dave who's been doing it for 20 years. To me personally personally someone me and anyone else who calls in your comments We don't have any clue of the work that Dave puts in so I can't even I can't even judge or even even Give him opinion that he should be out or not. So, you know, that's where I come from I'm just giving it wasn't for Dave the game If it wasn't for Dave the games would have been shut down in 2018 or 19 yes I agree he put his ass out on the line yeah anyway okay thank you I appreciate your opinion thank you thank you bye bye it's good for me to hear the outside perspectives uh Brent Salty about that last workout. He seemed pretty happy. He was smiling at the end
Starting point is 01:10:06 Daniel Arnsson, where do we go from here? This is truly 2020 riot and demand vibes. Remember chas chop in seattle Yes, speak your mind Caller Caller, yeah, speak your mind. Hey. Hey man. Hello? Oh, you're breaking up pretty good.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Can you hear me, Saman? Yeah. Okay, sweet. Sorry, you're on like boat speakers. Good ass life, the boat life. Oh, hold on, that's my phone now dropped you. Hello? What? There you go, boat speakers, you're living the good life.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Yeah, no, I really think that everybody is just being overreactive without any facts that we know about the day, and we have no conclusion on the investigation, and we're trying to make Decisions on feelings not facts I'm for that. I'm here. I'm for it now. I'm in there I'm ready. I'm ready. Let's do it. Let's part. Let's party you guys want to do world. Yeah, I want I'm ready I'm ready to fucking to not tolerate it this time. I'm ready. I'm prepared
Starting point is 01:11:24 No, we're more harder to defend a yeah to fucking to not tolerate it this time. I'm ready. I'm prepared. I'm more hardened. We're here to defend Dave. Yeah, not even defend Dave, defend the truth. And at this point it's like, hey, let's look at all the facts. Let's look at all the facts. Everything needs to be released. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Every bit of it. Yeah. How about this? How about this? There's a guy, right? And he just robbed your fucking house, but he's a fucking cancer. he's a surgeon and your kids dying You want him to go to jail or do you want to perform surgery on your fucking kid
Starting point is 01:11:53 Exactly you want to perform surgery on your kid on fucking surgery on your kid It would be it would have been so much easier for these fucking knuckleheads to embrace Dave than to hate on them They're fucking not equipped. They're not equipped to do that. Emotionally. I saw somebody on a comment. I forget who it was. It was it was a might have been Wall Street Weightlifter and he put up a comment somewhere and if it wasn't him I apologize, but I think it was him and he said that that without Dave nobody would even know who these people are. Right. And that really hit home with me because
Starting point is 01:12:27 Without Dave we wouldn't have a sport and he loves the sport more than anybody when this sport was not wasn't able to happen because Everybody was getting jabbed and everything in 2020. He let it come to his home at the ranch and let it happen there He didn't have to do that, but he loves the sport and he loves the athletes and he allowed that to happen. So I want tolerance in Dave Hayes. Yeah, it's something else, man. It's something else. I understand they're upset. I understand they're emotional, but understand they're emotional.
Starting point is 01:13:06 But when you're going to put out stuff for calling his head, you don't give any reasons. You haven't taken the affiliates into consideration. They don't even know their place on the pecking order. They're the fucking low men on the pecking order. They have the absolute least say. No one cares if you leave. No one's like, oh my God, this is your last year. Bye, Brent. Okay, cool. Congratulations. See you. Like, no one cares if you leave. No one's like, oh my God, this is like, it's, this is your last year. Bye Brent. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:13:27 Congratulations. See ya. Like no one cares. I mean, nobody even got to, besides a few got to see Matt Frazier's last year. I mean, think about it like that. Matt Frazier left after 2020. We saw it not live. We didn't see it live.
Starting point is 01:13:39 We saw it on YouTube, wherever you watched it. And he just left. I mean, good for him. He left on his terms, but the sport still continued and he's one of the better the best males of all time him and Rich Froning they left the sport continues the sport will continue to go on look at Justin Medeiros he won the CrossFit Games fucking twice and when he goes on a podcast it gets 1 000 or 2 000 views not this podcast if he comes on here he'll'll get 30,000 views But just a regular fucking cross your podcast. It gets one or two thousand views and it's like there you go That's it. Look at Camille LeBlanc bassinet is fucking Instagram account 1.2 million fucking
Starting point is 01:14:15 Followers couldn't fucking sell fucking a hamster. I bet but she gets less than 20,000 fucking views a fucking post I mean, it's the audacity of how they work and how far they think that they're different or outside the circle is wild to me. That's why everything has to be funneled back through the affiliates. All of the attention needs to be given back to the affiliates. Here's my thing. And I've talked to a couple of people about this. When I signed up for the open,
Starting point is 01:14:47 am I not one of the athletes that's in the pool of athletes that's competing for a chance to make that quarterfinals and semifinals and games? Why is that no voice that we have? We pay that money just like everybody else. Oh, don't worry. The PFAA represents the interest of athletes competing in the CrossFit game season.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Don't worry. They represent you. Yeah No, you must be behind on your you must be in the rears in your dues to them Yeah, I do have a link in the comments that I put out of we're doing like a petition to keep Dave I don't know if it'll work or not. I want people to sign it. Hopefully they will But I mean they have a voice. I don't have a lot of followers. A lot of people don't. I know you do. But I think that we need to start showing our voice that we want him to stay and put that in writing.
Starting point is 01:15:33 There you go. So, well, thanks for having me on. Yeah, thank you. You have a great day. I'm gonna go back to listening. Okay, perfect. Done. I signed it. How do I? How do I copy link? Oh, look at I wonder if I can post a link here. I don't know if this link will work. A petition. And hey dude, I don't know if Dave's not like, fuck you, I'm out anyway.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Although if he was thinking that, I bet you now he's not thinking that. Bet you guys fucked up there. Dave's always up for a good fight color. Hi Hey Savon, this is Hank from from King of the Hill I just want to call in and you know, man, this show ain't racist enough. What's going on here? Well, I've changed my ways Kamala Kamala Kamala I'm sorry, man Let's talk about real sports here right in a situation Tyson Bajan Camila, Camila. I'm sorry, man. Bad joke, bad joke.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Let's talk about real sports here, right? In a situation like- Tyson Bajan, Friday, 8.30 a.m. Big show. I'm tuning in, I'm tuning in. Even though I'm a Packer fan, but I'm tuning in. Real sports, a real sport. Something like this happens. You'll see the fallout typically goes something like,
Starting point is 01:17:10 across the dawn days, after the facts, maybe as the facts are developing, but definitely after the facts are known, they'll do a press conference. They'll do some updates. This is what we know. They'll be hopefully transparent about, let's talk about the water, the safety.
Starting point is 01:17:31 This is what we had, this is what we didn't have. Maybe they cut the budget and they couldn't afford more life. I don't know. If you all this transparency, openness from there, then you have athletes, unions, whatever. Hey, we feel that that wasn't safe. We also have other examples, possibly, of other scenarios where we didn't feel safe. We need to come together. Oh dude, you're asking way too much. They're never,
Starting point is 01:18:06 they can't say anything. They don't have anything. don't think that they just asked for a dude head without saying why it's the exact same Exactly. They can't they can't even just say why It just one reason why don't you just say hey, we think Dave fucking was a critically Critical if we think that if we would have had someone else in charge of the games Lazar wouldn't have died why don't you just say it then they're fucking crazy dude I just it's so hard for me not to call them names it's it's it's it's so fucking bad it's so bad it's so it's so chat GPT it's so Canada yeah well, it's so Canada.
Starting point is 01:18:47 Yeah, well, wow, yeah, I didn't even think of that. That's very true, that's very true. But if you wanna be called professional, you gotta conduct yourself in a professional manner. And professionals don't, unless you're infected by the wolf bug, but professionals don't do this. I still can think back to that Thursday and think, man, it didn't look up just by looking, didn't look like there was a whole hell of a lot of secure
Starting point is 01:19:16 or safety. Okay, all right, we can make, we can talk about that. But at the end of the day, you want to be taken seriously. You want to be professional athlete. You can't be like, you definitely can't do this, but you can't be like, oh, well, this one time in this one year, this happened and we didn't feel safe, or Dave is mean, or you know what?
Starting point is 01:19:39 I don't know Dave that well. Sometimes he seems to come across as a guy that, you know, when he's got his mind made up, maybe his heart's changed his mind on some kind of a level. Let me paint a picture for you. Let me paint a picture for you. Dave does not believe, actually, I don't even know this.
Starting point is 01:19:55 I'm completely making this up. Let me use my name instead. I don't see the CrossFit Games as needing any of the athletes, zero. They don't need any of them I'm gonna tell you a story here real quick so we were getting some sponsors and they were kind of treating us like assholes and I remember asking Suza's like hey why are the sponsors ass acting like this and they're like because
Starting point is 01:20:15 they're used to fucking podcasts who need them I'm like fuck them then we don't need them we're offering a service to them if they want to be a part of us we'll offer service and we'll push their product because we believe in it. I don't need them fucking ghost them. Tell them to get the fuck away. That is the way I feel about the athletes at the Cross Games. You want to participate. You want to use this fucking party and all this money that the fucking affiliates pay their dues for that pays for this fucking shit and enslaves HQ to fucking selling shitty noble. Cool. Then be fucking cool and fucking step in line and shut the fuck up as Opposed to what a palooza they think that they need the athletes so they kiss the athletes ass, right?
Starting point is 01:20:53 I'm guessing right so Dylan's running an event and for him that event the success of that event is determined on whether or not Ricky Gerard goes right and so so the athletes are like really, really confused about their relationship with the community, with the affiliates, with the seminars, and with everything. They need a fucking rude, rude wake-up call. And what's sad is that they're using this tragedy that happened to Lazar Jukic as a time to show their ugly colors. Cool, we got it. We got it because they wanna hide behind it because they think no one will speak up against them because they'll be afraid. They think because Lucas said,
Starting point is 01:21:30 I love this, Lazar loved the sport that didn't love me back that that somehow is gonna be so powerful. It's gonna make us run. Well, guess what? Welcome to fucking a working class human being. No one's job loves them. When you die at McDonald's, they don't name a fucking a burger after you
Starting point is 01:21:49 So it's like it's like They just think they just think that they're somehow I know what they're doing. It's fucking textbook woke shit They're gonna hide behind the emotional charge of the event the tragic fucking event that clearly lies responsive responsibility lies on um CrossFit for not getting them out of the water in time and they're going to use that to fucking to go on a witch hunt well no that's not going to happen especially when you hide behind some fucking ding-dong organization that also failed the athletes can you imagine Annie Thor's daughter Fisa Gaffey that echo better dude uh who are Who are all these fucking ding-dongs who signed this?
Starting point is 01:22:26 Dina Swift, Fisigoffi, Levin Ekelbrecht, Pat Velner, Royce Dunn and Victoria Campos. It's like, what about your fucking responsibility? If you're the professional athlete association, of course they didn't. Blame, blame, blame. Dude, if you guys are the fucking torchbearers, what the fuck did you do? This podcast raised $200,000 for fucking his family within fucking a few hours of his death.
Starting point is 01:22:58 What the fuck did they do? I think people with that mentality rarely think. They wanna cut Dave's head off. Read that and what we put out you can clearly see like you've been saying it I don't think there's a whole lot of zero thinking like sober thinking no chat GPT how I feel yeah and I'm gonna talk just based on how I feel with really no facts no examples but I'll tell you this man, we're to blame, a lot of us are to blame in a sense of why these athletes, some of them, not all of them, but the ones definitely on that list feel the way they feel or feel so important or feel so entitled.
Starting point is 01:23:41 Of course, we love them. Fuck, I don't know. I don't want to hate on Brent But it's like fuck dude, like hey like you're drilling a hole in the boat, dude You're drilling a fucking hole in the boat so that you can drink water like fuck you Go find another place to get water Yeah, we're I don't know man're just, I'm not defending them at all at fricking all, but you think back to when CrossFit games started, you know, barely knew anybody to now, you know, everybody and you're like, Holy crap, that guy's so cool. And that woman is so awesome.
Starting point is 01:24:20 And we put them on these pedestals and go and look at Danny Spiegel's comments or Brett Fikowski's comments. You would think it was Michael Jordan. You would think it was Ronaldo. And it's like, we appreciate, we should appreciate what they can do because they do what we tried it every day at a higher level. But we've pumped these guys up to make them the way they are right now. And they're using that and they're like,
Starting point is 01:24:45 hey, look how important we are. Let's take this tragedy and try to capitalize on it. 100%. Word of blame. Thank you. Anyways, yeah. Oh, totally. I take full blame.
Starting point is 01:24:58 Take full blame. And I still love the guys. I would take Taylor, Selvam, Colton any day, take my money, we work out, no AC every day in Texas. Don't blame Texas. Yeah. And someone was telling me that Lazer did a podcast with Brian Friend, which now is kind of like a misnomer.
Starting point is 01:25:15 Brian Enemy. I should start calling him that, Brian Enemy. Basically laughing at the Texas Heat. Maybe Brent should have pulled him aside. The PFFTA is acting like he forced athletes to skydive for time a ride a shark and blood He programmed an event that is seen year after year. I Don't I haven't seen them complain about the event to be honest I've just heard them complain about exactly what I would complain about, you know
Starting point is 01:25:40 Well, I haven't even heard them complain about it. I agree with all the people that say this fucking guy should have been fucking extracted from water. Someone should have had like one of those styrofoam things and jumped in and grabbed them. There's no doubt about that. Caller. Hi. Hey, so who's the show earlier? It was great. I just want to say that. What you guys do. Yeah, thank you. He's great. Going back to what you and yeah, it. Going back to what you and the, yeah, going back to what you and the last caller were saying,
Starting point is 01:26:08 where do you think that that started to happen with the athletes thinking they have that much influence over the community and what happens with the games and all that stuff? I mean, I've had- Was there a switch? No, it happened right from the beginning. Just whenever social media started to no the entitlement happened from the very first winner all the way to the present
Starting point is 01:26:32 I saw it in everyone. I've seen the pattern a million times like I know exactly how it goes Yeah, I know exactly God and I just hope I'm just praying hope that like James And I just hope, I'm just praying hope that like James and Dallin don't follow that same pattern. But I've seen the pattern. It's just the pattern of how they start to think of themselves and their value to the community and their contribution to CrossFit. They get, they somehow they get confused. And it doesn't seem like they're trying to promote the lifestyle of CrossFit at all.
Starting point is 01:27:01 It's strictly their sponsors and the games. And it makes no sense for the growth and longevity of the sport the company. So, all right. Well, that makes sense. Cool. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:27:15 Thanks. I think if you guys go to, if you want to sign this, you just go to and you can just type in Dave Castro. Got sounds like, that sounds like something I didn't think I would ever be at. But maybe that's what the Wokorotsy at CrossFit needs to see. I don't know. Peyton Gray, there is a change petition assigned to keep Dave.
Starting point is 01:27:51 All right, thank you. I mean, I don't think the petition should have any any any Mr. Photographer, how are you? Mr. Photographer, how are you? Mr photographer, how are you? Hello Hey syvonne, are you on a rower? So No, why can you hear a fan? Oh, yeah, I thought I heard a rower It's all gone. It's better now. Yep
Starting point is 01:28:20 Okay so my I've had people people people keep, there's two points. I don't think you can release a statement like this in demands when you competed the entire weekend. If you felt this way, why do you get to compete the rest of the weekend, get every bit of exposure and whatnot out of the weekend and then come back and say, Oh, by the way, get every bit of exposure and whatnot out of the weekend, and then come back and say, Oh, by the way, we demand that everybody resigns. Or we demand this we demand
Starting point is 01:28:52 that right? That didn't seem very fair. Yeah, right. Right. Thank you very much. I get the fuck out. Exactly. That seems pretty disingenuous. And the second part is, is it just assumed now that You know multiple people posted on their stories How about this because real quick hold that thought have a hold that thought multiple all remind you what you were saying multiple stories Um, yeah, how about this? Hey Dave we can totally fucking relate We felt like we were forced to go forward and maybe you were felt like you were forced to go forward I mean, I don't think he was or maybe he was. I don't know what his boss is saying, but instead it's just like, fuck you. We want your head. Yeah. And I think they should go after his parents
Starting point is 01:29:34 for giving birth to him. Sorry. Go ahead. Yeah, no, I get it. It's just multiple people have posted and shared, shared stuff, which again, I think everybody's entitled to their opinion. But the fact that, you know, Dave's at the helm and now they're saying that multiple athletes have gotten sick during events and years past or almost died. Now someone's finally died and you don't get to keep your job if something like this happens. You just have to go. I hope multiple athletes are getting sick at the events or during the events. It's fucking hard. It's a test of the fittest. You should be... Matt Fraser threw up fucking 200 times at the CrossFit Games. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:30:08 It's like what? I can compete at a local competition and over exert myself, which is totally on me. And again, I'm not talking about this and just in the just in Lazar's case, we don't know the manner of death, which again makes this all much, even much more ridiculous that people are telling me the conclusions. We should wait till we have the details. But the point is, is that if you exert yourself, there is some responsibility on the athletes themselves that is outside of Dave's responsibility.
Starting point is 01:30:39 He can program a very simple event, but if I go max effort and over exert myself, I could cause injury to myself that is that you can't look and just point the finger back at Dave. And I'm talking about like all these other previous examples with Lazar. We don't know everything that's happened, but with other examples in previous years and previous events where people felt like, oh, that was dangerous. It's like, we sure we do know that Lazar had an event that he basically said He I think he said it was either gonna
Starting point is 01:31:09 He thought it was gonna kill him or that he almost died or he said some really fucking gnarly things about it a year ago, we do know that We do know that he drowned we do know that he went underwater and no one saved him I mean there are some things we just know right we know that someone tried to jump in the water and saved him was turned around We know that we know that Lazar tested the event with Luca the day before we know that Lazar had no no There's no fucking way that he played water polo for ten years at the highest level and the thought of him fucking drown Doesn't make any sense. So I mean there's some things we know I just wanted to throw that out there
Starting point is 01:31:41 Of course what I'm saying is that we don't know everything right? I just wanted to throw that out there. Of course. What I'm saying is that we don't know everything right? Right and to come out and make demands when you won don't explain why you're not giving any context to the Demands that you're making I think is premature And I also the demands are or even what they are no context nor we don't even know the demands are what do you want? You want a handjob? Yeah, it's like so I mean I think that's a big part of it. And I think again, this is something that should happen after if it comes out and we find out that there were not, you know, Dave didn't put certain protocols in place or Don
Starting point is 01:32:15 decided not to pay for certain safety protocols. And of course, they get the acts that then if responsibilities pointed in the right directions, then I'm in agreement. But I think when you release demands, and there's it's an open investigation also as a third party investigation So people think CrossFit is Leading this they're not they are most likely just a party to the investigation They're supplying information and handing stuff over to a third party. They're not running it That's why you do an independent investigation is to remove bias if I'm an affiliate though
Starting point is 01:32:44 Let me let me just throw this out there if I'm an affiliate I'm I want them to get rid of the games before they get rid of Dave Because because you are an affiliate owner So you're saying let's say let's say let's say they were like let's say they were like hey They there was a we asked for lifeguards and Dave said, no, fuck you. Let's say that comes out. Instead of firing Dave, I'd fucking get rid of the games.
Starting point is 01:33:16 Because getting rid of the games isn't going to hurt the affiliates. Getting rid of Dave is going to hurt the affiliates. Because at the end of the day, what's the goal? Hey, if they're not qualified to run the games, don't run them. Let someone else run them. Let rogue become the next big event. Let's see how rogue's doing a great job subsidizing the event. Let's see what happens to tier two to a water Palooza in the ecosystem.
Starting point is 01:33:36 Let's let you know what I mean? Like that's the thing. There's so many, there's so many pieces that need to be thought out. I don't need, I, I don't't I reject the notion that the games is fucking important I Reject the notion. Yeah, it's really it's really and Money suck right and I like it don't get me wrong I fucking love it, but I reject the notion those people have a voice that's disproportionately
Starting point is 01:34:01 loud to their contribution by a significant margin. It's like letting a really hot chick who you think is going to fuck you talk way more than she should be. Yeah. No, it makes sense. I just think this is all way too early and the making demands with no content. It's just a lot. And also, the last last point is what and maybe you can educate me on this What is that the authoritative structure of that organization? Like is this the equivalent to me shouting?
Starting point is 01:34:35 In my own apartment some random thing like demands. I think that I think the most gentle way I can put it is that they're in their infancy I think the most gentle way I can put it is that they're in their infancy. Okay. I mean, that's the gentle way I could say it. I mean, I really want to tell you, like, make up a bunch of other shit, but like, it's like, um, like, I mean, it's all made up, right? It's just all made up and everything is made up, but it's just made up. I mean, my perspective on it, my understanding of it is that Brent has a passion that's undeniable
Starting point is 01:35:09 about being involved in somehow the safety and regulations and the workouts. And he has ideas of how the games can be run better. So he fucking organized this PFAA thing, right? I don't know if there was an actual incident that caused the straw that broke the camel's back, but he's been doing this for a long time and he wants to be involved in every aspect of the games. You know what I mean? The times, the locations, he wants this organization to be involved. And it's like, it's like the government wants to be involved in raising my kids.
Starting point is 01:35:37 Like, fuck you. Like, how about you just make, how about you just offer what needs to be offered? Like you offered schooling and now in the schooling I know that they can fucking take my kids away and chop their penis off without telling me if they're 12 and under cool I'm not gonna take that off. You need to get out of you need to get out of California So I'm not gonna take it off right, but but but Brent's doing the same thing. He's not he he doesn't he's doing worse He doesn't even have an offering His offering is to fucking start a fucking riot to be head Dave. He doesn't even have an offering. His offering is to fucking start a fucking riot to be head Dave.
Starting point is 01:36:06 He doesn't even have an offering. So it's like, what the fuck? So basically he wants to have an, he doesn't, he doesn't even want to like, he doesn't even want to work and earn the position of being some authority in the space. It's a fucking joke, dude. It's a fucking joke and it's being conflated with Lazar's death, which should let everyone know regardless of his intentions, that's a fucking joke and it's being conflated with Lazar's death, which should let everyone
Starting point is 01:36:25 know regardless of his intentions, that's a bad person. Yeah, I can, I mean there's a, there is a time and there's definitely a place for having a lobbying body on behalf of athletes. You have the Major League Baseball Players Association, you have the NFLPA. Those things do exist on behalf of their athletes and they serve a purpose. And so maybe this organization will get to that point, but I do think that those organizations have a certain level of leadership and backing and they have a lobbying power that this organization does not have. And I think when they come out and you operate this way
Starting point is 01:37:08 and you make demands prematurely like this, you sort of undermine the sort of the professionalism of the organization you're trying to establish because it just comes off as a little bit silly, in my opinion. I know the subject matters. I'm not calling it- It's not even your opinion, it's a fact. How are they? Yeah, it's a bit silly in my opinion. I know the subject matter is not it's not even your opinion. It's a fact How how are they? Yeah, they it's a fact. It's like it's like the ants
Starting point is 01:37:32 It's like the ants in my yard fucking leaving me a note asking me to fucking buy a different kind of cheese They don't like the cheese. I've been throwing out in the trash like fuck you. I mean, that's really that's where they're at I mean, you're so insignificant But but for some reason they have the audacity to ask these things and they're leveraging this tragedy to do it. Yeah. And they won't point out any facts.
Starting point is 01:37:54 All right, thank you. Happy photography. Okay. Dream vacation if anyone dropped the ball was the PFA. I mean, that's the thing. It's so easy to be like, some idiots are going to be like, Sevan's gaslighting them. I'm not gaslighting them. I'm using the same logic on them that they're using, that they're using on Dave.
Starting point is 01:38:15 Okay. You call yourself the professional Christian association or professional athletes association or whatever the fuck you call yourself. Okay. What did you guys do? Just out of curiosity. Oh no, you guys do just a curiosity? Oh No, you're here. You're here to chaise you're here to To make a land grab caller. Hi
Starting point is 01:38:34 Hello Hello. Hi Hey, so Vaughn what's going on? Hey Love the podcast man. Thank you. I love it, too. I love it podcast man. Um, I love it too. I love it too. I was just calling in because I wanted to give the perspective of an athlete who actually competed at semi-finals this year. Okay. Um, never been to the games, but I, you know, I spent a lot of time in the sport and, um, I don't think this is the right move at all. I don't think asking for Dave's resignation helps anybody really, except for
Starting point is 01:39:06 the points that you made, like unless he's very specifically like, you know, ignored all of these steps whenever the investigation finishes. I don't think that it helps anybody. And something that happens a lot is like whenever there's really high emotions, like when you know, there's a tragedy or a death and like this happens in other sports as well There is like there's this need for people to blame One very specific thing or person Um, like they need an avenue to channel all of their emotion towards one specific thing and right now that thing is dave um
Starting point is 01:39:43 And I think it's just one of those things that happens way too often with high emotional situations and it's I just don't think of this good for anybody I do agree with you that getting rid of Dave is not the answer. Have you read the Men's Health article? Which Men's Health article? Which Men's Health article? Good. Okay. I guess I just looked up.
Starting point is 01:40:14 I don't even know if it says my friend died at the CrossFit Games. Now we demand change. An exclusive interview with Games athlete Bram Fikowsky shares a roadmap to move forward. Oh, I bet you there's no roadmap here That was in men's health. Yeah, I bet you there's no roadmap here Wow look at Dave and right here now the PFA has published a statement with three demands. Oh Yeah, well I have a demand for you. Leave the sport. Brent, leave the sport. How about that? How about I demand that of you? You leave the sport. I've been here longer than
Starting point is 01:40:52 you. I put in more hours than you, Brent. How about you leave the sport too? Man, oh man. Yeah, I just, I really hope. And I've seen a lot of people against this, all the polls, at least on Instagram, like there's a lot of like votes out there. Most of the people tend to be on the don't can Dave side, which has made me feel at least better about the amount of people who don't feel this way Listen to this listen as this is an article cross fittings response over the past four years has been mixed at best But often dismissive we know better and it's in quotes
Starting point is 01:41:35 It's just a general sentiment and common tone and then it's a pattern of behavior. They put it in quotes They don't attribute the quote to anyone, dude. This is fucking garbage journalism. This is fucking propaganda. This is fucking Brent Fikowski's best work. CrossFit's response over the past four years has been mixed at best, but often dismissive. Not true. There's no facts there.
Starting point is 01:41:58 There's no examples there. We know better. It's in quotes. It's just a general sentiment and common tone. How would you put something in quotes without's just a general sentiment and common tone how would you put something in quotes without attributing the quote to someone? No one on that team has competed at a high level or coached at a high level in this sport not true either and many of them haven't competed in any
Starting point is 01:42:18 sport at a high level not true either not even not even close to true there's a there's a there was a guy who was a professional football player. There's a professional UFC fighter. There's a fucking SEAL Team 6 operator who's his decisions actually, unlike anyone in the PFAA, his decisions actually people's lives and deaths pivoted on them. Just imagine that We actually have a guy in the position Who's the only one who's been in a place to make decisions that are life and death for people? And you want to get rid of I mean it's fucking it's Tardville it's it is just complete retarded though Yeah, this article is fucking horrible. I've just landed in like three places
Starting point is 01:43:04 It's the same as the it's the same as this post this thing was written by chat GPT also complete retardville. Yeah, this article is fucking horrible. I've just landed in like three places. It's the same as this post. This thing was written by chat GPT also. And then they end cap it with, was already a great sense of humor. That would always struck me. Big smile, always talking trash in the best way. Why don't you give us some examples?
Starting point is 01:43:17 I got some great examples. He's funny as shit. And look at, here's another one. A lot of times the culture of how competitive organizers treats athletes is mirrored by how CrossFit even portrays in their media. It's this, hey, if you don't like it, leave attitude and it's in quotes. Not attributed to anyone. Yeah, this is, I mean, I knew it was a shit rag.
Starting point is 01:43:39 Fuck all, anyone who pointed me to this. Fuck you. Sorry. Okay. Hi, caller. Hello. Hi. Sorry. Any other pieces you'd like to contribute as a semi finals athlete? That was it. Did you ever feel like you couldn't approach someone there about a concern you had? No, I mean, not because of anything that they like made me feel if anything like I felt
Starting point is 01:44:04 like timid to go and approach somebody like Dave, but not because I was scared of him because of like my own, like, wow, like that's Dave Castro, like out of almost out of respect. Right. Right. Like that's called personal responsibility and accountability and aware of how you feel. Right. Right. So I'm not going to blame Dave because I was like, timid to go up to him out of like a, wow, this is like, you know, the figure that I've been, you know, has been
Starting point is 01:44:30 controlling the sport that I've been in love with for years and years and years. Like that's not going to be his fault. I'm not gonna put anything on him. But as far as the judges, the safety, the people who ran that competition, I mean, everything and I asked a million questions when I was there as well. And people were more than happy to help me out more than happy to, you know, like a collapse on the finish line after a workout. And I'd have three different people come be like, Hey, are you okay? I'm like, I'm just catching my breath. Like, don't don't worry. I'm all right. You know, but. And this is, and this is the year he did interviews with all the athletes and did you see those I thought he was
Starting point is 01:45:05 Nice as shit to them Yeah, it's I think that that was really good for the athletes specifically because it gives them a platform to get their personality out because A lot of the times at the games if you're just me Dave and break down the barrier of this so-called Intimidation or being scary. How about that? true, like if I if I had done a conversation with him like that, like a one-on-one thing, I would never feel in the future, uh, like Tim had to go up and say hi to him, you know, like once you're right, once that's broken down with somebody, once you cross that barrier and an intimate one-on-one setting like that, I think that's fantastic for the relationship
Starting point is 01:45:42 from the athletes and them to remove that barrier. Well-one setting like that. I think that's fantastic for the relationship from the athletes and them to remove that barrier. Well said. Well, thank you. I appreciate your input. Keep it up, Sivan. Thank you. Bye. Baker's built social pressure, force Greg out. Social pressure can keep Dave in. Don't let the dorks win again yeah they think they think that they think that they're going to stir this all up again that's why I support the exerciser uh yeah 20 off make your penis bigger Luis Lemons 100 bucks for a day's work, thank you.
Starting point is 01:46:35 Auden Macau, Dear Bill and Katie, please pull your support for the CrossFit Games if Dave gets fired, thank you. Katie, didn't CrossFit Games drill the hole by costing a life or are we pretending they aren't responsible? Have you not been listening to the show? Katie, have you not been listening to the show, sweetheart? Sweetie poo? Katie dear. Are you having trouble keeping the two,
Starting point is 01:47:12 the two different issues separate? Katie? Hello? Katie? Katie, no one's pretending that CrossFit's not responsible. Okay Katie. All right. Matthew Stripling, Sebi, you know Dave better than anyone. Would Dave even want to stay after this?
Starting point is 01:47:50 He doesn't need this. Damn, the chat's crazy. Dave is the exact leadership of the executives that CF want to get rid of. He's one of the few left that truly knows what CF is. Wow. I don't know if I agree with that, but, but Suza does have some good insights. Everyone be careful what you, everyone be careful what you wish for. Matthew Burgess, can we reverse 2020 and this is called the PFAA racist since David's a
Starting point is 01:48:40 minority and the five signers look pretty white. They got Fisigoffee holding down the Iranian Mexican contingent. What's up with the little fingernails? You know, you got to come around more to know that story. You don't think out of every one day would be more committed to make sure they did things better from here on out? I mean, you're just talking complete sense. And that piece that Fikowski wrote makes no sense. So that's the thing. That one caller brought up a really good point. And someone else told me too,
Starting point is 01:49:25 like, before I got on the show, they're like, Hey, calling them names or retards is just going to alienate them. But here's the thing. I'm not going to convince, I'm not, I'm not going to convince anyone. You either see what, you either see what's happening, and I'm giving you, letting you know it's safe to speak out and you have a safe place to speak out or you're scared. The same way all the athletes are scared. Don't forget, they're terrified of losing Instagram subscribers or the people that follow them coming after them. They're terrified of losing their sponsors. They're completely driven by all of that. And I'm not, I say that with no like implication of it's, if it's good or bad, but anytime you think about what they're doing, that's the thing. I mean, you have to remember,
Starting point is 01:50:14 at the end of the day, that's who they are. That's their main operating mechanism. Everything filters through that. All right. Love you guys. Talk to you soon. Greg Glassman will be on the show tomorrow morning. It will be. Quite interesting. It will be quite interesting. Oh, shit. Last one. No, missed. All right. I love you guys.
Starting point is 01:51:03 Talk to you guys tomorrow morning. Kil Taylor this week, Tyson Baj, love you guys. Talk to you guys tomorrow morning. Kiltailor this week, Tyson Bajan. Chris Cooper! If you've never seen Chris Cooper on this show, he will be on the show at 7am. He is the fucking man. You don't know who Chris Cooper is, doesn't matter. He don't care.
Starting point is 01:51:21 But if you're an affiliate and you don't know who Chris Cooper is. You are missing out. Even Susie's like, I got to get on that show. I got to get on that show. He never says that. Coop's the man. All right. My name is Jose Guacanera. I'm originally from Mexico. I'm 27 and I go to Salted Ive CrossFit. When I came in here I was 195, almost 200 pounds and I had never been that heavy, like ever. And then I got in here, started eating well, you know, we have the consistency is key. That's always, I don't know, like ever since I heard it here, like it was always in my head and it didn't just apply to the gym. I applied to my eating habits, to my workouts, to even like just work, school. Consistency
Starting point is 01:52:13 is key. So I started eating healthier, started avoiding sugars, I started avoiding candy because I love candy. I tried to avoid it as much as possible and I was, I'm now 169 pounds this morning actually and I don't feel, I don't feel skinny either it's like I'm actually fit which is awesome you know. I think it's the most fit I've ever been in my entire life regardless of playing soccer in high school. Actually trying for a while to get my dad in here because he struggled with obesity so So throughout his life, what I tell him all the time is like, you gotta get in here because it's not just a gym.
Starting point is 01:52:50 It's not just, it's not just you get in there and people maybe just judging you for what you're doing. No, it's a community, it's someone that will help you actually improve and not just lose weight and actually get strong and actually get fit. And it's so much more than a gym. That's what I tell him.

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