The Sevan Podcast - Brock Johnson | World Record Stunt Bicyclist

Episode Date: August 20, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian"...: 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 See if the TV actually goes in real time too. Bam, we're live. What's up, guys? Good morning. Good morning from Brock Johnson. All right. Let me see. How come the TV is not working?
Starting point is 00:00:15 Oh, shit. There we go. All right. All right. Let me see now if I can choose the right. There I am. And then that thing's on a little bit of a, that thing's on a little bit of a day.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Oh, don't worry, Kenneth. We're gonna learn a lot about bike surfing. I don't have too many people in here. Thanks for doing this. This is dope, man. I appreciate you taking the time to reach out after a world record. You want to bring that closer? Super stoked to be out here this morning. The closer it's at, if you talk like this, you get all sexy. You know what I mean? Oh, wow. Oh, hello.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Yeah, you know what I mean? Yeah. They start Yeah. Oh, hello. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. They start swooning when you put your lips close to the mic. I know just like many other things. Um, yeah. Uh, we do a lot of crazy stuff in Santa Cruz. You know, when I heard I was going to come on a podcast, you know, I didn't know what to say, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:25 Do 19 year olds listen to podcasts? Do you guys even know? No, I mean some nerd does. Yeah, but you know, not to be subjective or anything, but You're not being too judgmental. No, not judgmental or anything. Hey, I love it that a 19 year old doesn't listen to a podcast. You shouldn't be right. You should be outside doing stuff. You should be going off what you think every day when you wake up and do it right away. When you get that instinct to do something
Starting point is 00:01:56 and you do it right then, that's what makes something so spontaneous and fantastic. You're the youngest of three boys? Yes, correct. That was cool. Your dad dropped off. You don't own a car? Right now I'm kind of in some stuff where I actually can't drive right now. Oh yeah. You got busted? Busted. Yeah. Serious? Yeah totally serious. I'm sorry that sucks. Super bad. Kind of a big wake-up call for me. Yeah. Santa Cruz, gnarly.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Yeah. We're a, we're a gnarly town here. You know, it's all, you know, picture perfect on everything, but it's gnarly, you know, and it can get gnarly. And I think, you know, sometimes a big wake up call can be huge. Yeah. One week after getting in trouble, I got against world record. Now I'm on here on your podcast. I got an interview with a magazine in an hour after this podcast. Dude, I love it. Manifesting shit can happen in a matter of days.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Oh, I'm so proud of you, dude. Good job. It's stoked and it's huge, you know. And yeah, sometimes it just takes that one little step. Just that one little step. And like I said, just doing stuff. Did you get a DUI? Yeah, correct. Fuck. Yep. Damn Damn damn. Oh look at I think you're behind the exerciser. Hold on. What if I put you over here? Oh better The exerciser is one of my sponsors. It's a penis pump. Oh Well, what yeah, and so your face was stuck behind there. But look, I moved you out from behind the past. I was penis pumped. Well, I'm always pumped. So no need. Yeah, you're 19. You don't need you don't need a penis. I don't think I would need
Starting point is 00:03:35 no no one wants to Brock. No one wants to take them as a sponsor. I guess they think it's weird. Yeah. So when they came out to me, they're like, Hey, well, you can we give you some money and you push the penis pump? I'm like, Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So when they came out to me, they're like, Hey, well, you can we give you some money and you push the penis pump? I'm like, yeah, absolutely. Yeah, no problem. Any. Yeah, like say, yeah, I had it's a safe device. Well, I don't know if it's safe. I've never used it, but it's FDA approved. instructions it says don't put your balls in here don't don't plop your balls in there don't put your balls in the p.m. are you born and raised in Santa Cruz born and raised here in Santa Cruz yep grew up on the east side kind of surfing and skateboarding was sponsored by O'Neill surf shop stretch surfboards is a garam kind of grew out of that phase everyone's kind of sponsored in
Starting point is 00:04:22 Santa Cruz when they're 13 years old. And is the east side like considered like the point? The east side, yeah point. I grew up on 26th Avenue, 25th to be exact. Right across from Nelly. He's a professional photographer here in Santa Cruz. He's actually one of the best surf water photographers in the world. That's Dave Nelson, total legend. And they call him Nelly? Nelly, yeah. And then so, Brock, born and raised here, went to school. Where'd you go to school?
Starting point is 00:04:53 Growing up on the East side, I went to Dalmar Elementary. Kind of transitioned, moved into kind of Capitola area. I went to New Brighton Middle, and then kind of with the whole action sports thing, I couldn't really do have time for high school. So went to Natural Bridges. Were you homeschooled or you just dropped out? Well, I kind of just homeschooled.
Starting point is 00:05:20 It was an independent studies program. It was the best one in town. Natural Bridges. It's great. Teachers are super cool. It's not like they're trying to force you to do anything you don't want to do. So were you like a full time athlete basically? Full time athlete, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:36 When I was about 13 to... I don't know, I want to say 15 years old. I would go up to Tahoe just about every weekend. Four days a week to six days out of the week, training my ass off in and out of cold ass Lake Tahoe when it's minus 40. And you know, back in the hot tub, you know, just full, full scale training. And I still push that to this day. I go out to whitefish Montana and I jump in the river and I love that.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Cold punches are huge, like huge. So snowboarding was your game? Snowboarding is still my game to this day. I'll push that more than the bike surfing. Okay. And you're raised with three brothers and I think your dad said he's about to be a granddad. So your oldest brother's 26, he said? That's correct. I'm about to be an uncle. Congrats. Pops is going to be a granddad. Yeah. Uh, it's a huge, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:26 That's my older brother, Logan. He's got on Navy a few years and, um, made, made some stuff happen. And it's pretty exciting when the little, little one coming into the world. Yeah. Hey, did you think about going into the military? Uh, I've thought about it like heavily, uh, especially recently. I bet. Uh, when shit goes sideways, it's like sideways.
Starting point is 00:06:48 You're like, what do I do? You know, that's a great alternative. Um, I read a lot of things where action sports guys, um, compared to, you know, someone that's done a sport their whole life that hasn't so much. You don't get as beat up. I mean, I get beat, dude. I've almost broke my neck several times, broken many bones. And I read something where it was like those action sports dudes, that, that
Starting point is 00:07:17 barrier where they break you down and they try to get you, you feel your body shutting down, you know, you feel you're, you start losing vision and stuff. We've been there. Us at Heavy Action Sports guys have been there. And that's what people don't see. They don't see those long nights, those blood, sweat and tears that go into just a simple video on the local news channel, you know.
Starting point is 00:07:40 You mean from like actual crashes? From actual bad crashes to just the way we train in general because we're not just, we're not always out there just, you know, extorting ourselves. We have to put in the time and build up the muscle. So when we make those bails, make those falls, we have that mindset to get up and keep going and not you know Not anything stop you did you do my kids are big into skateboarding and now they're getting big into surfing Was that your route also that was here in Santa Cruz totally my route. Yeah huge, you know, I still skateboards this day I still surf to this day. Do you skate the parks? Oh, yeah huge. I do huge airs over
Starting point is 00:08:24 Monte skate park. I'm like one of the few guys in town that can actually air out a half pipe back into the street section. Where's Monte? Monte is just right down the street. It's the new Capitole. Monte, I'm not quite sure on the full name, but we just call it the Capitole Park. It's been there for a few. It's right down the street from New Brighton Middle School. Oh yeah. Right there in New Brighton. Is it all Torah? Is it weird?
Starting point is 00:08:52 Is it in a neighborhood? Like wedged between some houses? Like when I think of it, I know the New Brighton skate park. I forget what people call it, but it's the one with the half pipe. And then I know it's Seacliff. I just don't know any. I'm trying to think which one's in Capitola. I wonder if I've never taken my kids there Yeah, it's right next to the state park there. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah with the wall
Starting point is 00:09:12 Correct with the wall on one end and the ship on the other end. Okay. What do you do? Where do you air out of? Well, that's that's see see see cliff see clip. That's a new one. That one's super rad Yeah, we got world-class skate park builders here in Santa Cruz. So they dial our parks in. Which is the one though? So Monte, if you just go right down the frontage road, like a mile or two or so. Yeah, it's got the little dog park there. The little dog park. Yeah. There's a half pipe.
Starting point is 00:09:38 I air out of the half pipe. I just had a filmer out there. He's a local filmer. Skim Shady, Skim Doctor, total legend out here in Santa Cruz. I aired over, he's all, I'm all doing, he's all, let's do one, you come over me. And we got a super mental shot. Got the edit out. Over the little chain link fence too? So there's a barrier. There's a barrier. And there's a little, there's a, there's two like fence posts and they let you, there's a deck where you can get up on the half pipe. And that itself's like three feet.
Starting point is 00:10:11 So then once you air out of the half pipe, you know, you're, you know, four feet above that. And then once you come over that ridge, it's like you're dropping in off a corner, it's on a snowboard. You know, you're eight feet in the air. And then there's a little bit of transition, but I just kind of fly right over and just stomp. Damn, dude. I've been to that park and watched my kids fucking 500 times. I've never seen anyone even remotely consider that. Yeah. If you're not committing, you're bruising your heel and you're out for three months. I've done it. It's not fun.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Do you have the same friends that you've had since elementary school? Oh yeah. Oh for sure. Yeah. Same crew down to the root. You know, you'll lose some friends especially in a gnarly town like this but you know my true friends are sticking with me and I know who they are. Hey, in the beginning of the show you said something about, you're basically saying, I'm paraphrasing, but when you wake up in the morning you need to seize the day. If you have a thought you need to act on it. Who taught you that?
Starting point is 00:11:17 Wow. Wow. Or does it just work for you? Is it something that's just always worked for you? It's something that I think I've developed because there's been so many countless times where I missed the opportunity to do something and that's just aggravated me so much where I just wanted to get out there, do it even more and do it harder, you know, and shit will like drive you mad if you don't do it.
Starting point is 00:11:48 So if you do it, you, you, you can excel yourself, you know, you're all, oh, I can do that again. Oh, I can think, oh, I can do that again. You're not restricting yourself from your true capabilities. You say, oh, I didn't do that. Maybe I'll never get it done. You know, you're, you're going to think about that every time some big problem or, or, you know, something comes up, like you got to go, I've never been on a podcast
Starting point is 00:12:15 before I was stuck to come on, you know, I'm happy to be here, you know, you know, to talk about just what, whatever, you know, so you're saying that maybe a party was tempted to be like no, I don't want to do that But you're like, nope needs to be done needs to do it. Oh Absolutely and kind of Starting to think like this, you know Like I said, it'll it just becomes more and more easier Because I do shit super impulsively,
Starting point is 00:12:46 like almost too impulsive, like getting myself in trouble and shit. Where I gotta reel it back and shit. Oh, like loading up everything in my truck at three in the morning and saying, I'm taking off to Montana, I'm gonna go film bike surfing the whole way there. Once I get there, I'm gonna film some like paddle board
Starting point is 00:13:04 fishing and document the whole way there. Once I get there, I'm a, I'm a film some like paddleboard fishing and a full document the whole adventure, you know, off-roading. I got a rad, uh, four by four Ford Ranger. Um, the things took me to Montana and back super rad truck. I love those things. So basically you're at, you're at a place in your life where you're free enough and the goals are big enough that you will impulsively do that. You'll be like, Hey, nothing's stopping me. I just, it's 3 a.m.
Starting point is 00:13:28 I'm going to load the truck up. If I don't do it now, I'm never going to do it. And you're saying that like something like that be like, uh, maybe that should require a little more planning. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. You kind of go through trial and error with stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:13:40 You know, you're halfway across California, almost out of the California state border up by a Shasta lake. And you're like, uh, okay, I can go, you know, 10 more hours, almost to Montana, but I'm going to be fried when I get there, you know, and it's, it's just stuff like that, which I truly makes you grateful for the moments where you're, you're truly locked in. And I think, you know, there's a kind of balance with that, you know, you can't just be like, I want to go do everything, you know, kind of that second little thought, like when you kind of try to word something, you're like, Oh, kind of,
Starting point is 00:14:18 eh, I'm learning to kind of reel. I'm still, you know, I'm 19. I'm still trying to learn how to reel it back. You know, it sounds like you're off to a good start. Yeah. What about your brother's big influence being the youngest brother? Oh yeah, huge. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:31 What's it like being the youngest brother? Are you chasing them? Oh, not really. I mean, you know, when I was a kid, you know, just classic younger brother stories and such like that. My older brother is a rad surfer here from Santa Cruz too. He's a great barrel rider, Quinn Johnson. I've just always looked up to him and we've always just gone surfing and been great bros. My older brother, he's a big Navy man and I've looked up to him and he's got a wife now.
Starting point is 00:15:05 know, and, and he's got a wife now kind of, you know, different, different kind of structures, you know, it's kind of cool to just have a nice family here in Santa Cruz and, and get to see them. You know, my brother is actually in town visiting right now from, um, I believe Colorado is in flight school. Wow. Yeah. Is he going to be an airline pilot? Oh yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:15:23 He's, he's like top of his class right now Tell him to stay away from the Boeing's Yeah Holy cow, okay. I want to show this this is so I in my Google alerts. I have world records Well, so this popped up the other day in my email and it just said Santa Cruz Yeah, I was like what really someone in Santa Cruz said a world record. And so I'm going to pop this up. I'm going to show the people at home.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Yeah. I don't know. I'm not sure if you're going to be able to hear it, but, uh, where is this? What, what track is this? So that's Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz high school. Oh, okay. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Here we go. I got the volume turned off, uh, but tell us what's going on here. All right. So this what you're gonna see here is is pretty basic. I had to do this on a official athletics track no more than 0.01 gradient. Self-propelled too. If you can't see in the video I was pedaling about 25 miles an hour and that track slows you down significantly that bike I had is fully stock and it's one of the newer se bikes super super heavy
Starting point is 00:16:36 SC is that sse it's who makes those se racing they've been making bikes for years they used to make race bikes for you, all the BMX racers and Todd Lyons. Uh, he's a SE brand manager. He kind of brought the big bike BMX thing. That's a 29 inch bike right there. Um, and yeah, I basically just did the kind of straight thing. Cause that's what I had to do to follow the rules. I was also in the sixth lane.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Everyone's all, Oh, I'm coming after his record. That wasn't just 200 meters. That was 200 and like 25 meters. I just said it was 200. Right. Cause I didn't want to deal with measuring the extra 25. Sure. Sure.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Yeah. Okay. So you, so you get up to, so basically what you're about to do is the world record was 80 meters for bike surfing. Yeah, it was 80 meters. I do that just about every time I get up on, on the bicycle. And I can self-propell myself down a road, just pumping. I got a way radder bike than that.
Starting point is 00:17:32 It's a special Santa Cruz specialized P three. Okay. We'll look at that in a second. Oh yeah, we will. How much is that bike right there? And that's you right now. SCU probably retail about 800, I believe just for a stock one just for a stock one Yeah, and it's just your basic bike
Starting point is 00:17:50 It's a big version of a bike a kid would ride with free wheel BMX bike you create a big version of a BMX Yep, okay And how do you know when you're going fast enough you're like, okay, I can't pedal any faster now is the time Oh, you're you're g fast enough? You're like, okay, I can't pedal any faster now is the time. Oh, you're, you're gassed. You're gassed on the fourth try. I barely, the first try I went 10 feet across the finish line. Oh, and the, and the fourth try I'm all, oh, I'm running, you know, you can only sprint so far for you got to take a nice break and we didn't have too many breaks.
Starting point is 00:18:21 We had the football team ready to practice. So the first try you broke the record, but to practice. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Yeah. So the first try you broke the record, but you just said, hey, I can break it by even more. Oh, yeah. Oh, I broke it. I went 10, 15 feet past the... I broke it more the first time I did it than what they published, which is hilarious. I just wasn't quite sure if I had my hands up away from the bars before the starting line, but then we went back and reviewed the footage after the news did their thing and I was like, oh dude, that one was like one, you know, 230 or something, dude. So when does it start?
Starting point is 00:18:58 When does the measurement start when you have your foot on the back seat and on the handlebars or as soon as you take your hands off the handlebars? As soon as well. Yeah. Once the hands are off the handlebars, the feet are on the seat and the handlebars. Okay. Cause you get up holding on. I jump straight from the pedals straight up. I kind of get my back foot kind of just jump up and then I'm just straight in like a, I kind of like to pop up. Like I'm on my surfboard and make it look, cause that's really what we're doing. We're trying to make it look like we're surf street surfing and There it is. Damn. I want to watch the pop up one more time. Yeah So that's that's max that you're sprinting right there that's just max sprint Oh on that bike Yeah, I could go right
Starting point is 00:19:44 Yeah, I don go for it. Yeah. I don't want to say another bike is going to do this and do that, but I know, I know it well, cause I've seen what other bikes can do. Oh, you're saying that if you want a different bike, a lighter bike. Yeah. My, my P three is like, is like, um, probably like 10 pounds lighter than that bike. So this is probably not the last time you're going to set this record. Oh, no. Oh no, no. No. Not at all. I set the bar kind of low and it's super funny. All these kids are,
Starting point is 00:20:11 oh I could beat that. I could do this. I could do that. It's like, okay. Do you surf in the forest here in Icy Marks? Do you go build your own trail and and bike surf in the forest not a lot of people are doing that I do that I go out in the Redwoods do that going down a mountain and use my snowboard skills to apply it there and go over logs and totally get bucked but at least I'm falling into just some some brush rather than the pavement you know yeah Let me show people this video here. This one's pretty cool. And then we'll go back to the setting the world record God the dismount is crazy. Oh That one's sick. I call that one the cowboy kick-ass How long have you been doing this oh
Starting point is 00:21:04 I think like six years now. Not quite. I'm not good at math, but I don't know, probably like 12 or 13 years old when I first started doing it. Whose idea was it to jump up on the bike like that? There were some local kids from Stockton that came over there. We're doing it at a local ride out. I saw it. They were just kind of doing it in a straight line.
Starting point is 00:21:29 And I was like, they're kind of turning a little bit. I was like, I could probably get up there and, and whip the thing and, and do like surf maneuvers and like, you know, it wasn't far off. I picked it up right away. I mean, like my buddy just said in the interview with KSPW, like six months after I learned the stunt, I went over to Miramar, it's the biggest hill in Santa Cruz and I went straight down surfing it.
Starting point is 00:21:57 I've done it like 10 times since then. I've done it just by myself, no spotters. There's gnarly consequences to that hill. They call it so-called death hill. I guess they put that in the interview. It's gnarly. Some of the gnarly gnarly's pro skaters in Santa Cruz have bombed that hill. So you've been doing it six years now.
Starting point is 00:22:17 About six years. Yeah. Are you diligent in your practice? Oh, oh yeah. When I'm not, you know, in the snow, I'm on the bike and I've actually bike surfed in the snow. I'm actually looking to get the local resort. I work out in Montana to groom me like a nice little hard pack snow.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Yeah. And they get some studs in my tire and set a world record on the snow. Oh, that'd be awesome. No one's ever, no one's ever seen someone surf down a snow run before. You know, as I'm sitting here talking to you, is there anyone else in town that bikes surf? I'm now remembering, I think I saw some, I go down to the point a lot and hang down there with my kids. Yeah. And I think I've seen people go down that, what is that road? What road is that? East cliff? Yeah. I think I've seen kids cruising down my kids. Yeah. And I think I've seen people go down that. What is that road? What road is that?
Starting point is 00:23:05 East cliff. East cliff. Yeah. I think I've seen kids cruising down east cliff. Yeah. There's, there's, there's, there's a huge influence in with bike surfing now. You think there's 20 dudes who do it in town? Oh, I'd say more. Really?
Starting point is 00:23:18 That can do it. Yeah. No, that just like who are practitioners. Who liked it. Well, we have kids that come out to riders, riders actually smoke kids that come out from Watsonville and Stuff like that, which is actually really cool. It's a great thing to get kids on bikes and stay out of trouble Yeah, you know that's my main goal when I ride the bike you know Yeah, I think
Starting point is 00:23:40 There's kids that can do it, but they're going in a straight line. And it's actually kind of dangerous. I actually suggest not to do it. If you are just doing that, and to... Especially in the streets, that's super dangerous. Go to a parking lot. Learn how to control the bike before you throw your bike into a car. Yeah. I don't know when the phenomenon kicked off, but it kicked off...
Starting point is 00:24:04 I mean, maybe it's six years ago when you were 13, but all the wheeling, and that's when I started seeing all the SC bikes around, right? Yeah. And once a year, they'll even be like this huge crew of kids that I feel like descend on Santa Cruz, and they'll just be everywhere.
Starting point is 00:24:18 I think it's crazy cool. Yeah, we were out riding yesterday. We were out critical mass yesterday. Oh really? And how many, how many do that? So like you said, you've seen a lot of people, you know, we've had 1500 people, 2500 people here in Santa Cruz plus here in Santa Cruz, absolutely hectic. So we kind of tried to tone that down this year.
Starting point is 00:24:43 I'm part of a local bike crew called the Santa Cruz Maniacs. We didn't host the ride out this year because we don't want to be any any part of that, you know. Why did it get crazy? It got crazy. Yeah, the cops are breaking stuff. You know, it's just when you get into a big mob like that stuff happens. You know, you can only do so much control something. There's that many people you you can't control everybody, you know, you can only do so much control something. There's that many people you, you can't control everybody, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:06 stuff's going to happen. So, you know, we totally toned it down this year. I think we, uh, didn't have too many over 150 heads, but that was pretty cool because it was super tight. And the people that were actually there were down to ride bikes and, and weren't really, you know, messing off and messing up our town. I told some guy through his trash right next to a car. I went right up to him and I go, here's your trash.
Starting point is 00:25:32 And he's all flips out on me. I'm all no, dude, we just don't do that in Santa Cruz. You know, he's all, yo, you know, I'm making it. I'm all no, dude. I heard what you said. You said, oh, we can't litter in Santa Cruz. Haha. And you threw your trash right down right next
Starting point is 00:25:45 To me, you know good on you. Yeah, and the guy totally flipped his lid and He later came back and apologized which was super cool. Very cool, which takes a lot You know the guy it was not good the way he reacted but I Kind of wanted to get that message out there, you know, you come to Santa Cruz, you got to show respect. Dot litter. Kids will want to like swerve cars and shit. That's super dangerous. I've totaled bikes doing that.
Starting point is 00:26:13 I tell kids, I'm all not worth your bike and definitely not worth you. You know, what's the worst injury you've seen from that? You're talking about when people do the wheelies right at a car in the last minute. Yeah, kids have died. They have died. Died wheelies right at a car yeah kids have died they have died Swerving buses and stuff yeah, they've died I believe so or or or really really messed up I mean critical condition and such like that What do you think about I'm shifting subjects you real quick
Starting point is 00:26:42 What do you think about all these kids on electric bikes now? Oh, that's totally ridiculous. I'm glad you said that because you know this road, I live on Old San Jose Road and it's these 13 year old girls in little fucking crop shops and booty shorts with their friend on the back going up and down. One word, sketch. Oh, I'm so glad you said that. And I'm like, am I just turning into an old fucking old man?
Starting point is 00:27:05 But this is so fucked up. Yeah, here's just my simple take on it. Yeah. And they're totally radical. Those bikes go, are range from 30 to 60 miles an hour. Oh, I didn't know they went that fast. The Suron things, you take the sense. I'm talking about like the big ones,
Starting point is 00:27:23 but they are still going 30, and they got like one or two kids on with them. There are three kids. Yeah. And one of them's hanging off the back with their legs dangling. Yeah. All it takes is that foot to get in the spoke and your legs ripped off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:38 You're not going to walk straight the rest of your life, you know? And what they don't know is they've never ridden bikes their whole life they don't know that split second where it just takes to just stack I mean stagger dude and you know is every high school like that cuz I'm right everybody soco high yeah and it's just a pouring of electric bikes I'm like whose parent would let your like first of all no boy who's going through puberty should be on a fucking electric bike. They're expensive too. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:06 And dude, that's like one of my main points. I see like these kids, you know, they're not necessarily super fit or anything. No, no. And they're on the freaking bike. A lot of beautiful kids in town though. Yeah. We live in a beautiful town with beautiful people. Totally.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Rad town, you know, but it's like, and even, you know, if you're just some grom, you know, get on a bike, pedal, that shit builds muscle. Right. You know, like you said, a growing boy doesn't need to be on an e-bike. And I'm just concerned they're going to, because if I had one of those, as I'm sure you did, you'd be doing crazy shit. Yeah. Crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:28:42 But I could do way crazier shit just on a pedal bike. Pedal bike. Pedal bike, yeah. Pedal circles around them. And pedal way farther than them. That e-bike only goes 30 miles. We've ridden, we've ridden 45 plus miles, close to 60 miles down in LA. We did a marathon crash ride a few years back. We went and crashed a marathon on our BMXs.
Starting point is 00:29:02 There was like... Oh, that's awesome. ...most heads I've ever seen. I think there was like, like plus 15,000 people there. Running or bikes? Bikes. They're all in their spandex with their nice, you know, super expensive bikes and we're cutting and swerving wheelies and surfing through them.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Some guys were totally pissed off. Other guys were like, yeah, that's rad, you know. I think it's cool when I see the kids doing wheelies all surfing through them. Some guys were totally pissed off. Other guys were like, yeah, that's rad, you know? I think it's cool when I see the kids doing wheelies all over town. I love it. I always like honk at them and wave. You know what's funny is their first instinct is to think that I'm mad. Like, turn around. I'm like, nah, dude, it's cool. Yeah. I'm giving you props. I'm not honking at you like you're a douche. I'm like, it's fucking cool. Everyone thinks wheelies are cool. Jody Lynn, the three playing brothers got to be a fan boy.
Starting point is 00:29:47 What a refreshing guest. The trash man. Thanks, Sevan, for the show. Oh, yeah. He could be that could be his nickname. Brock, the trash man Johnson. Wow. You know what I mean? Like, fuck you. Don't be throwing trash on. Yeah. Fuck you. Yeah. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Don't come to Santa Cruz and throw your trash. This was on a state park, too. We're right next to natural bridges. This guy went and throws his trash on one of our state parks. I snapped on him. Yeah. And he's all trying to explain himself. I live on a boat. I live on a boat. I know to pack my trash. If you live on a boat you know not to put your trash in the corner of a boat because it's all gonna blow out when you hit the throttle and go right into the ocean. You're not actually trying to recycle, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Cycling is putting in the garbage, putting it in the blue bin. I think it all goes to the trash. Anyway, it all, yeah. I don't believe they actually recycle the stuff. Yeah. I don't know what the hell they do with it, but at least I can see an effort. I don't mind it all being taken to one spot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Oh, I live, I live in Montana. I know it all goes to one spot. We don't have a recycling bin in Montana. Just goes to one big dump. It just goes to one dump. Yeah. Good. Hey, um, I want to go, I want to talk about, uh, you started getting into the
Starting point is 00:30:55 nuances of setting the world record. So there was, tell me some of the things. So, um, the, it had to be flat. There was a limit to the gray. What other, what are some of the things. So, um, the, it had to be flat. There was a limit to the grade. What other, what are some of the other things rules around that? Well, there was like a lot, so a lot that minus it out was having it on official athletics track. If not, I would have had to, you know, hire a surveyor to come out, right.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Um, which was a lot of expenses, you know, What about the bike? Did you have to... The bike? Did like the wheels, they couldn't be bigger than 29 inches. Oh, it had to be fully stock. Yeah. Stock bike. Yep. Fully stock bike. And was that your bike that you did it on? No, that was actually not my bike. Just your buddy's bike. My buddy's bike. I don't have my bike right now.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Oh, that's cool. Okay. Did you get your bike taken from you too? I got my bike taken from me, which is absolutely Kind of ridiculous, but I kind of deserved it because I was just being an absolute was your DUI on a bike it was It was not good. Yeah, I it wasn't in a car. Well, I was kind of running from the police Oh, okay, you know, all right. Yeah, which is um, not good not good at all I thought you were allowed to just do whatever you wanted post George Floyd. I guess not. Well, you know what? I'm kind of seeing and it's... I don't know dude. It's sad. It's really sad. It's like what? I was like a mile from my buddy's house with my bike in the back of my car. And I was going to go there. I had a you know, I had a drink, you know from the beach. I was gonna
Starting point is 00:32:26 go there, you know have some more drink and ride my bike totally safe and I just got totally targeted. They said I was gonna try to street race someone. No that that was absolutely not true. I was saying you would race someone on your bike. Oh no in a 20 year old truck and the dude next to me was also in a 20 year old truck and You know In the back of the car. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Did you bike it impounded? Yeah. Oh fuck. I'm sorry Yeah, but I get it back soon and you know like I how long does it take to get that off your like? So it's do you have to do like a year of classes every week? Oh, I'm still in trouble I don't know the consequences of this yet. Oh, that's sad.
Starting point is 00:33:05 I have no idea. Right. Did you go to jail? Oh yeah. I was a front-line drunk thing. But like I said, this is a huge wake-up call for me. You know? I haven't been drinking since the incident.
Starting point is 00:33:16 And like I said, something was a wake-up call. That was it. That was it for sure. And it kind of woke me up in a big way, like huge. Like I said, I'm letting the incident go to waste. Oh no, not one day. I'm, I'm wreaking every, you know, aspect of it where I can just excel myself. I want to do better.
Starting point is 00:33:39 I don't want to be in trouble. You know, I I'm over that, you know, I've been a rascal, my, my whole childhood, you know, and I'm looking to move past that, but you know, like I said, you know. I'm over that. You know, I've been a rascal my whole childhood, you know. And I'm looking to move past that. But, you know, like I said, you know, I was just so close to being at my buddies and biking home and I fucked up, you know. And it's been like a ever going on thing with alcohol where it's like, oh, I was so close to that. I was fucked up. You know, I was just reading a quote by Aki Aka Lupo. He's like a, you know, legend surfer. And he's like, Oh man, you know, like it's just this quote on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Like imagine talking, Oh man, you know, it's firing, you know, swell and you know, you're hung over, you know, the next day and you can't be out there surfing. Right. Yeah. It's like devastating, right? Especially as like a high, if you're, if you're somewhere up, you know, where you know you're top of the world, one of the world's best and you're not out there doing it, it tears you, tears you right down to the core. Hey, I don't remember how old I was
Starting point is 00:34:37 probably in my late twenties, but that's why I quit smoking weed because there was like, should I want it to do, like I would want to write something or Read or there would be like something I wanted to do and I was too stoned to do it and I was like yeah It's not worth it totally not worth it like and it started happening like in a on a frequent basis Or I would be like too. I wouldn't want to see anyone so I'd stay at home instead of go out Yeah, and finally I'm like this I can't do this anymore. Yeah, this is like impacting my life in a negative way This was supposed to be fun. Dude, that's huge. Yeah This world record things like four months in the planning, you know, I was I just you know, oh I'm gonna do it this weekend. No wouldn't happen. I'm gonna do it this weekend
Starting point is 00:35:18 I'm gonna get this I'm a call Laguna Seca this week No, not happening just because drinking or just because I was just fucking down. Yeah Yeah, and you know drinking is really bad, dude And and like kind of a surf town and it's it's it's almost like inhabited as part of the culture, right? Right. Yeah, I mean I your age I drew I was in college and I drank every day. I'm sure you know, I think every day It's like I'm trying to you know, I said screw that kids are to go laugh at me my age You know but it's like the sooner you wake up the sooner you try to get a hold of something get a grip on it sooner you're gonna excel sooner you're gonna have a Huge future, you know a lot of kids I see the future they have in front of them. How old are you?
Starting point is 00:35:58 19 so you're gonna love this story at 34. I found CrossFit Yeah, and I was smoking a lot of cigarettes at the time. I smoked cloves and American spirits. And I was like, this shit's holding me back. I really like smoking, but this is fucking up my training. And up until then I hadn't done much training. Now at 52, a thought that I have once a week is what if I like, what if I could trade all that partying to be 19 years old again and feel what it was like to become the fucking baddest man ever? Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:36:34 And I can't go back. It's like 0% body fat and stuff like that. Or, or just like, I know your body's producing testosterone and shit that my body's not anymore. But if that window closed, like why not just get drunk when you're 70 get all the tattoos Hey drinking and do got blow. Yeah, man. Yeah, but when you're 19 your body's like hey fuck with me And I'll make you stronger. Yeah. Yeah, you know what I mean fuck with me, and I will I will respond for you I will adapt I will be there for you and that window fucking closed for me, dude And so like that's what I'm trying to do with my boys
Starting point is 00:37:05 I want to like give them as much fucking stimulus as they can because that is um, I Think the I think the problem with the world I wonder what you're gonna think about this I think the problem with the world is today I think every man at some point or another wants to know how man he can be But most men are afraid to try it. Try it. Do it. They're afraid to try it. So that's why we have all these men who are kind of headed in the opposite direction right now. They're trying to embrace their feminine side
Starting point is 00:37:34 too much. You know what I mean? It's like, hey dude, don't be afraid. No. Go out. Just go out to the track and try to run your fastest for one minute. You were born with a pair. Use it. Yeah. Oh, I like that. You're born with a pair. Use it oh i like that you're born with a pair use it yeah and it sounds like it sounds like you're waking up you know 15 years before me dude like he's like that's funny you say that because you know i still you know kick myself in the ass every day and go like you think you're already what could i fuck i fucked up at 17 what could i do to do better you know yeah people go well you're kind of like mature for your age and shit. It's like I just like laugh at him. It's like I'm still a kid, dude. Right. And I love that mentality.
Starting point is 00:38:13 I want to stay a kid forever, dude. But at the same time, I want to have my shit together. Right. You can't be a kid forever. You got to have finances. You got to have, you know, right. Or not a fucking have a house and shit I want to have a boat dude. I want to go bass fishing the Delta man. Oh, I saw your bass. Yeah Oh, yeah, big bass. We catch big bass here in California. Okay. I want to go back to the world record So tell me yeah, how'd the idea pop you said you were at four months in the planning
Starting point is 00:38:39 So how did it pop in your head did? um, I was just like, what can I do to get this out there? I'm doing crazy stuff. I surfed down three stairs on top of the bike, went down all three of them. The bike's bucking back at you and I'm putting forward pressure. I think there's a video of that. Oh yeah, there's a video on my Instagram. Snowboarder. Yeah, you can scroll down. back at you and I'm like putting forward pressure. Is there a video of that? Oh yeah, there's a video on my Instagram.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Snowboarder. Yeah, you can scroll down. Okay, so you went down the stairs and that inspired you to be like, what else can I do? What else can I do? Also the forest one, that's like one of my latest posts. That was crazy. I went out in the forest and I'm like, okay, can I do this? You know?
Starting point is 00:39:21 And I did it. You know? Just put your mind to something. You can achieve it. You went down the stairs around around a turn. It is. Yeah, that that bail not too chill. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Around the turn straight down the stairs. Hot out of the gate. I love how you grab your butt. I see my kids do that skating so many times like rabbit hip or the yeah, just walk it off. Get the blood flowing again. Is that your bike? That's my bike. That's the P3 Santa Cruz bicycle. That's the sickest bicycle I've ever rode.
Starting point is 00:39:51 That thing is so rad. Okay. So you go down the stairs and you're like, what else can I do? So you go on Google and you said Guinness Book for surf distance or you looked up something? Yeah, I looked it up. I was like, what can I do? What kind of how that's huge. World record's huge. That's going to get a shit ton of media.
Starting point is 00:40:13 And I'm like, I want, I, I've been thinking about this for years. I'm like, oh, I can get the world record. I've done these world records. That's like steepest Hills, most cones ever swerved, you know, surfing in the snow. I'm like, I could just do the simple distance record. And it was only 80 meters. I applied to them. They said the, the wait time was like six to eight months.
Starting point is 00:40:37 They got back to me within a week, just on their standard wait time. You, uh, online you did online. Yeah. I was probably up there with, you know, thousands of requests. Yeah. But you know, I was probably up there with you know thousands of requests Yeah, but you know, I talk shit, you know, I tell them I'm the best and I'm gonna do it And I did I thought I could do hundred meters. I went double that, you know I was you know, that's the thing to do is just say I got this I I think I can do it You know, I know I can do it and you go out there and crush it You do more than you can do. I had this guy on the show Charlie Lawrence. Yeah, and he called a
Starting point is 00:41:10 he called a 50-mile race he called them and he said hey make sure your clocks and shit are all right I'm gonna show up there and break the 50-mile world record Wow, and he showed up at the race and fucking ran 50 miles faster than any humans ever done that. And that's what you did. You called your shot. You're like, listen, I'm fucking breaking the record.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Yep. So, oh yeah, that's you. When you know, you're going to do something and you have all the confidence to, to pursue it, you're going to crush it. Yeah. You're going to absolutely crush it. So, so, um, do they send someone out? They, or do they tell you, Hey, you have to film it from three angles or what?
Starting point is 00:41:50 They're expensive. It was like 10 grand to have a, the, the author or whatever come out and fully like a certifier, the Guinness certified guy, some old guy with glasses, fully published the thing. And it's like, you could also do it yourself. It's not going to be like blah, blah, blah, total certified, but it's going to be in our books and it's going to be a world, a world record, but it's not going to be like, we sent our official out. Okay. But it's a, it's the certified world record, but it wasn't like down to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:13 I follow. I mean, it would have been a world record if no one saw it is the truth. Oh yeah. Really? Right. I mean, even if you would have just gone there at two in the morning, it still would have been done before it's, it's been seen. And like I said, many of the other stuff I've done, I've done, really? Right. I mean, even if you would have just gone there at two in the morning, it's still would have been, it's been done before it's, it's been
Starting point is 00:42:27 seen. And like I said, many of the other stuff I've done is also world records. Just hasn't been written down in the book yet. So you tell your buddy, do you have two people filming with iPhones or something? Yeah, I've just had my buddies filming on iPhones. Kind of, that's just kind of how we've, how we filmed, you know, it's easy to stick the phone in your pocket and you keep writing. KSPW is out there with a huge camera. That was huge because that's super hard evidence. It's like a super nice red camera or something like that.
Starting point is 00:42:54 You called them and you're like, hey. Dude, it was crazy. Yeah. So I called. Whose idea was that to call him? Did me. I set this whole thing up myself. I'm like, I fucked up.
Starting point is 00:43:04 I got to show the world who I am and show them I'm not the type of person that belongs in our jail system. There's scumbags out there that do belong in our jail system, not just some young, hardworking kid like me that strives to do great in our community. I'm just trying to talk myself up. Right, right. I'm with you, I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:43:23 I had a friend held up an ATM by gum by knife point Yeah, and on Pacific and the guy got out in 24 hours. Mm-hmm. You should not be in there with him, but go on Yeah, exactly. So yeah on and on but you know, I I was like this station. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah that case Maybe I called the station they call my Thursday night the day before the world record and I was like Because Santa Cruz sides athletic coach called me like two hours before that and he's like, okay Let's just get this done tomorrow at five o'clock. I'm like, okay
Starting point is 00:43:56 What I do? I'm like, I'm just gonna call the new know him because you had to coordinate it with the school I know dude. I called two schools. I called soca. Hi, so Ohio like no we don't want to do it And then I called I called a Santa Cruz and the guy and I mentioned community and the guy got back to me like Yeah, you mentioned something about community and I like that and I want I want to do this for our community What was that dude's name? Oh That was a brief Greg Brock. He had a similar name to me Brock. Yeah, it was a cool He had it reversed cool cat I think that's how that's really cool. Yeah, it was to him for fucking and then another The local football I think it's sacrificed football. Go Sergio. He was out there super cool guy
Starting point is 00:44:36 He was actually coaching me on the track like he was like He's like i'm like, can we do a few more tries like i'm locked in now, dude You know all those all those miles on the bike, all that, all those buds, you know, he knew what it takes to be out there doing a world record because he's a coach. Yeah. He's all now is your time to show the world, you know, really? So you had never met him before, but he became your height.
Starting point is 00:45:00 He came here. Hi, man. I think I might've met the dude. Like when I tried out for like pop order or like three years old, I might know like recognize the guy or something. But like, um, he totally like locked in with me and that was super cool. That was, that was community right there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:16 That was, that was like full, full community. And so I lined that all up with Santa Cruz high. It took like, you know, no more than you know, five minutes on the phone I called him again the next day make sure you know, everything was okay and got the rules How you know kids these students can't be filmed and KSPW I knew that because they're professionals, right? So I called them Thursday evening, you know I'm like, you know, I'm all I'm like all barely slept last three nights, dude I've just been so pumped on this thing dude, right and
Starting point is 00:45:50 So like Thursday night Get in touch with just some random guy, right? At the station and he's like, okay cool, you know, no, I probably no idea what bike surfing actually is He's all oh, we'll send a photographer out if we're in the if he's in They're in the area at the time, you know, like totally nonchalant. I'm like, all right, you know They're not going to come out, you know, right? Yeah, that sounds like a yeah like a blow off. Yeah So like I wake up friday morning Uh just had a cup of coffee, you know, and I get I see i'm like, whoa
Starting point is 00:46:25 that's KSBW and dude that actually did the Interview on me on KSBW. He calls me all pump all pump like Super pump like wanting to get the story like out there. He's like yeah, we're coming down interview you in like an hour Oh like before but it wasn't until five o'clock at night. We're coming to interview at 1 30. And it was like 12. I'm like, what? I'm like, alright, I'm jumping
Starting point is 00:46:56 go. I'm on my, I got my bike. I'm down at the bike shop getting stuff ready. Buying lights and stuff to try to advertise safety. I don't know if they put that in there, but I got you know helmet within the few days to you know secure the world record Just kind of that one of the rules you had to wear helmet. Oh, yeah for sure and safety gear Oh, which I'm gonna be wearing my helmet right? Pursuing my professional your dad would like that your dad. Oh, I'm sure yeah But that was that was yeah, that was crazy, man. Having KSBW call me an hour before the thing full butterflies jitters.
Starting point is 00:47:34 You know, you can be, you can be really good at something. You're, you're still going to get those butterflies on that starting line. Right. Anytime. And if you don't, you're doing something wrong. You know, that was huge. I was like, oh, my gosh, now I'm not only I'm like, what are they going to do? They came down camera, microphone.
Starting point is 00:47:53 I'm like, shit, because I'm like, first time I met a news reporter. And he's like, all right, you know, you know, my my my uncle's over at my house. I was like, dude, you're talking like an Olympic athlete on that interview. Like what, dude? I was just like, yeah, dude, I'm stoked to bring this. And it's for Santa Cruz, dude, you know, besides the bike. Bringing something to Santa Cruz.
Starting point is 00:48:15 We're like not only one of the meccas of mountain biking, but we're like the surf city of USA too. So. Oh, it's such a great place Hey, let me ask you. So if they came at 1 30 to interview you What happened? What did they hang out for three and a half hours or they left and then you met them back at the track? Yeah, they hung out with me. They were down They were like so pumped on this story and not like they were psyched on my vision for it
Starting point is 00:48:42 I'm like I want to do this for for the community I want to bring back unit, you know Because we are we are a super tight community here in santa cruz and we we hold it locked down And we can kind of regulate it as locals And and and and I mean hold it down I like bad, yeah, like bad Starting to see bad things not happen anymore is what I would like to see eventually.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Right. But that's really, really hard. Especially nowadays. You can't even go punch someone in the face if they do something, you know, talking, you know. Back in the day, you'd do that on the surf. You'd go right to the beach and you would scrap. You would... And that's just kind of surf thing. And you know, it's kind of, but you know, it's kind of excelled. And it's modern day world. Everything's on camera. Everything is on camera. I kind of learned to watch that myself.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Everything's on camera. Everyone can see every text and every email. Just kind of chill. But you know, as locals, I think we can portray our message kindly. We don't have to punch people in the face. Like I gave that guy his trash yesterday. It was firm. But I didn't want to, he wanted to punch me in the face after I gave him his trash, but I didn't want to punch him in the face. Right.
Starting point is 00:49:59 No, that's not how I want to resolve conflict here. I want to just do everything I can to make you, like that person's stuck, that person's struggling. When someone comes at you like that, you think you got problems, they probably got a whole whirlwind of problems. Right. Yeah. That's good on you. Yep.
Starting point is 00:50:21 So do they do the interview at your house? No, they did it at Santa Cruz High. So I had to be at Santa Cruz High like three hours before the record, like pacing around in circles, like popping up my tires and stuff. I didn't know what to do with myself. Right. Once that camera got it, I just locked, locked in and the coach is like, okay, we want you at five, you know, PEs out of here in like 30 minutes. Let's just do it.
Starting point is 00:50:47 And then we did, like, like I said, I did on the first try. How long did it take to do all four tries? Oh, under in less than 30 minutes. And they were cool with you being there that whole time. They were cool with it. Yeah. And, and, and those guys in the, in the news story, those were your homeboys? Yeah, that was my homeboys.
Starting point is 00:51:05 My buddy, Keith, he's a super cool rad cat. He used to ride with the SC crew and my buddy Phoenix. Yeah, both super good childhood friends. We grew up riding. They've seen me just start out on the handlebars and excel this thing into actually physically surfing the bike. And did this guy right here with the camera, did that he and did he circle with you the whole time to film?
Starting point is 00:51:36 He circled with me. Yeah, he's a badass. He's got all around the world traveling and riding with us. He's 50s, hundreds of miles, you know, so he's a, he can keep up with me. And so that's not a distraction. You're like, that was all part of the plan. Hey dude, film the whole thing. Oh yeah. I mean, I got super gassed on one because I was trying to keep up with him. I sprinted down the first 100 meter, went all the way around. And by the time I got the starting line, I was just like gassed, you know, you know, on one of the trials. And I'm
Starting point is 00:52:03 like, okay, we'll dial that in where you'll be right next to me, you know, kind of as a, as a pacer for me. He's stoked for you. Oh yeah. There's Sergio. That was a Sergio there. That was the coach. And then Keith. Yeah. He's super stoked. I should have gave him a high five right there. And then this is the, uh, it'll take a second to pop up there, but this is the news guy right here.
Starting point is 00:52:27 The dude with the dress shirt on. Yeah. Super professional dude. And he was like super pumped. Yeah. He had asked me right when I did it, like no, not on camera or anything, just came right up to me and he's like, I can't imagine how high you feel right now. Just high on life, you know?
Starting point is 00:52:45 Right, right. And you know, I'm totally sober right now. I looked him dead in the eyes and I'm like, I don't need any alternatives. That's for sure. Yeah. Do you have your eyes set on another world record? Oh, for sure. I got my eyes open to, dude, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:02 Like I was talking to, you know, one of my coaches were leaders of my bike crew And he's saying dude like yeah This is a gateway dude. He's all watch out for the hate to you. Those those guys are coming dude You know, they're gonna come and they're gonna say oh I can do that, you know, I can beat that but they gotta put in the time This is like months in the process and like I said, I got that that split second Instinct to do something a lot of like I said, a lot of people don't have that or haven't developed that something You can develop easily. Do you have a girlfriend? Um, no, not really guys stay single for the Beautiful ladies in Santa Cruz. that want to come and join me
Starting point is 00:53:46 Yeah, fair enough fair enough and there's no time for a girlfriend when you're 19 years old and you know, I've had a lot of I've had a lot of people on the show Who really excel and who like want it want to really push the limits? Yeah, and it almost seems like when I was a kid I chased girls, but it seems like the people, especially the men who excel, they don't chase girls because they're too busy focused on what they're doing and sort of girls come to them. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:54:19 If my advice for someone that is super good, pro dirt bike rider, anyone, like people that are really like gnarlier than the shit I do even, like they get caught up with women and it sucks them right down to the fucking core dude. And not that it's the woman's fault, it's their fault for becoming obsessed and preoccupied with- Preoccupied. I just think you should focus on what you're doing. Like you said, the women will just come, they'll come flocking actually, you know? Right. It's like, I don't even got like try to get chicks numbers. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Like I, it's like ridiculous. Like what dude, you're like 19. You'll ask for girls numbers. It's like, dude, like I got so much on my mind. Like, I don't really like care about like, I'm 19, dude. Like I have plenty of time in my like I'm 19, dude. Like I have 20 a time in my life to focus on on women and you know, like finding a nice girl, you know But like right now I'm just trying to lock it, you know And you have to assume that people who?
Starting point is 00:55:18 Work hard. Yeah have goals dreams Walk the walk the path of excellence and virtuosity that you're just going to attract people. People are going to want to come to you. Yeah. Um, right.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Everyone, everyone loves a hardworking person. The law of attraction. Yeah. Oh, is that what it is? Okay. Law of attraction. Well, I kind of think so. Yeah, I like it.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Yeah. Um, I like it. Well, I have a podcast studio and it attracts people to do podcasts. Well, there'll be some really bad people too. They'll want to come into like coaches and stuff because you know there's countless acts where it's been someone where like the parents have trusted so much and that person betrays not only the parents trust but the trust in that student and which is super sad because a lot of students will look up to coaches like father figures and such so like that's super sad you mean like
Starting point is 00:56:22 really creepy shit like actually exploit them there's ped sad. You mean like really creepy shit like Sexually exploit them. There's pedos in Santa Cruz like like it's all oh Santa Cruz is cool, dude So fucking dark place behind the curtains and a lot of people won't say that but I'll expose that right now Yeah, you're welcome to all expose that to the limit because and because, um, and a lot of these guys, they don't, they don't get in trouble. They're out, they're out doing what they do. They're, they're in another state doing the same thing. So a friend of mine the other day, not to take the show to a really dark place, her daughter is a, um, uh, you know, one of the best surfers in town.
Starting point is 00:57:02 I think she just won like maybe a national title in Huntington Beach. She's, I want to say the girl's like 14 and her and her friend were, you know, on one of the side streets by the point changing into their wetsuits. And a dude pulled up in a car and started watching them. Oh yeah. And I'm just like, what the fuck? Weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Now there's a lot of registered sex offenders in Santa Cruz, like countless where I like, no, and they're back on the streets, like probably multiple offenders. I just stay the fuck away from those people. I strongly encourage parents. Just get a, you know, it's a pretty gnarly world. Be close to your kids. kids spend that time with your kid be yeah be right there Like you seem like a really active dad. Yeah, I home school my kids home school Yeah, I'm with kids. I strongly recommend strongly strongly recommend that the school is not a good place for kids nowadays Isn't that amazing hearing that from you? Hey, um, do you think you're? Do you think you're
Starting point is 00:58:09 When I was your age I was kind of like fuck it if the curl the world goes to hell in a handbasket What do I care like I'll just oh I care I care more. I'm so glad you hear Yeah, because now I have kids and I care now I kids like it enrages me so much when I see bad Something goes off in my head. I see red dude. Yeah. Like you want to bring bad into my fucking city, beat it. Get out of here. Never come back.
Starting point is 00:58:38 This town is full of love, respect, unity, you know, all that stuff. I can go on and on about what we're about, but we're really just about keeping it tight as a community. And when people, you know, fuck fuck it up that portrays trust and trust is huge you know that's like yeah I'm so glad to hear you say oh I'm so glad you um and you still live at home with your parents yeah I live at home with parents which is you know I this point of my life I think you know I've had a lot of setbacks where I think I could be totally out of the house right now you want to be out oh I do for sure I want to accept oh I wanted I was I don't
Starting point is 00:59:13 want to live with my when I was 30 yes up until I was 34 I was in and out I was 34 the last time I was kicked out okay now look now look at you're a badass yeah why don't you want to stay at home and just hang out? Um, because. You know what I mean? Kind of use it as a home base. Go to Montana, come back. You just want, you want to try your own thing.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Like I said, doing stuff in the instinct, hanging out is rude. I stopped playing like video games years ago because I'm like, what am I doing? I'm just sitting here. Like, like if I'm doing, you know, doing something every day that keeps you young, that keeps you active. Right. And that's gonna give you that active mindset. Right. To lock in and push through, you know, cause a lot of people they just are like, oh, they get so frustrated.
Starting point is 00:59:57 It's like, dude, just lock into something. Like, your dad seems cool. He drove you here. My dad's rad, yeah. He's a legend surfer. My dad. Your dad surfs? And his That's rad. Yeah, he's a legend surfer My dad your dad surfs and his brother. Yeah, my dad Alex Johnson toward Johnson They grew up surfing local surf breaks like world-class surf breaks like the harbor mouth, you know, actually great You know well respected renowned surfers in Santa Cruz. I get a lot of respect from that like oh, I know your uncle, right? You know, like I know you I know your uncle, right? You know, like, I know, I know your dad, you know, they're, they're epic surfers and, you know, we surfed with them our whole life and like, that's what I love about San
Starting point is 01:00:30 Chris. It's like, and then people want to come mess with that. It's like, did work second, third gen, right? People that have been here. It's like, don't come here with your bullshit, dude. And, you know, I try it. I'm just kind of vivid right now just because of like all the shit that's been going on and I'm just like You know you mean you've had your wake-up call and you're like you want you're you're in a phase right now
Starting point is 01:00:54 Where you're ready to attack life just I head on dude. I have my like head down so like to the point where I'm I gotta You know find the bulletins and, and go work. Cause I have so many things I always do. I, action sports enthusiasts. I think I could be pro by some, I could be a pro at something right now. If I were to just do that sport, but I'm like, I want to, I want to snowboard. I want to bike surf.
Starting point is 01:01:20 I want to surf. Oh, and maybe I'll be a pro skateboarder next day. It's like, dude, you know, you just got to find that balance. I like to do all those things and I still like to do all things and I still will do those things till I'm not capable to do them. When my kids got into the skate scene a few years ago, I was a little hesitant, right? Because when I was a kid, the skate parks were gnarly and like all my friends who skated, it was like a pretty crazy scene. And now the scene seems like, and, and, you know, we went to,
Starting point is 01:01:50 we went to Scotts Valley a lot and we went to new Brighton. C-Cliff, there were some fucking shady kids there. There were like 15 year old kids, 16 year old kids there who would bully my fucking kids when they were six. It was, it was kind of crazy. Yeah. But, um, lately we've been going to Mike Fox and I thought that place would be fucked up. That's actually, um, there's some cool dude people there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:09 You like Mike Fox? I do. I do really like Mike Fox and it's right by the boardwalk. No, that's why I thought it would be sketchy. Yeah. So there are like some occasional homeless dudes that'll stagger. I saw a trank guys there. I saw people washing their needles. It's sad, but yeah, I'm not worried about those. Yeah, I'm worried about bully kids the boy kids. Oh kids Sorry. Yeah, the Like a park like that. That's a super local park all the kids that go there. They're rippers. You know, yeah They're they shred like yeah one of local guys Deandre he's like
Starting point is 01:02:43 Super gnarly dude the kids like pro he does like tre flips. Is it Asian DeAndre, he's like super gnarly dude. The kid's like pro. He does like tray flips. Is it Asian kid? He's like a African American guy, super tall kid. And he like stopped skating for a few years, I think. And now he's back out there just absolutely crushing it. Like he never left the park. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:00 I just want to shout that guy out because he's, he's gnarly skater and I want to see him skating more. I really do want to see, because like I said, this town can drag you down and if you lock into something, you can really excel. When you say drag you down, it just ends up at the end of the day, it's just drugs and alcohol. It's just drugs and alcohol. It's alternatives. It's alternatives to this high adrenaline lifestyle. And it's super sad. There's, you know, gnarly stories of, you know, a lot of the guys that pioneered Mavericks, they would go out there really high. I'm not talking about on pot, you know, they were really high, like on, uh, molly coke or like Vicod, they were really hot like on gnarly No, I coke. Oh, we're like like it ends in Oxycontin gnarly shit, dude Yeah, like gnarly stuff gambit the whole whatever that you know, whatever
Starting point is 01:03:55 And that's like gnarly because those guys are like suit Big wave surfing is no joke. I mean, you get beat, you have to be in tipped up shape and they're going out there, you know, super high. You ever gone out there and watched the Ma- have you ever been up to Mavericks? I've never been up there. Mavericks? No, I haven't really been up there.
Starting point is 01:04:18 I've seen a lot of footage and stuff. Of course. I actually know personally, like one of the kids that's like doing it big. He's not really a kid anymore. He's got like a wife and stuff. Willem Banks. I've known the guy since I was a little kid like writing for O'Neill and stuff and he just like went out there and surf Mavericks one day and like absolutely like crushed it. Like he like does the biggest drop-ins and like he's super gnarly the way he does it and he's like a super cool cat. Do you know Jack? Jack
Starting point is 01:04:51 Conti? Tall blonde dude looks like Ken. He serves Mavericks he teaches surf he has something called the Waterman's course he teaches at privates like Jack Snyder's surf school maybe something maybe I'm sure he's course he teaches at Privates. Uh, like Jack Snyder's surf school, maybe something, maybe, uh, I'm sure. He's like, he's like twice. He's like 34. Yeah. I know most surfers in Santa Cruz. A lot of them where I'm like, I don't really know you, but I know your face
Starting point is 01:05:16 and I can say what's up to you. You know, kind of like, yeah. Hey man. You like Privates? Privates the like slab barrel. The, is that what it is? I just, I just found it's funny. I lived here eight years and my kids took a surf camp.
Starting point is 01:05:28 That's the one with the steel gates and it's in the neighborhood and you go down those stairs. Oh yeah. Um, that was actually private. That's why it's called private because it was a private beach for years and we'd all sneak into it as, as kids, you know, that was like a, it's like a 12 foot climb over it. Yeah. Yeah. I cannot believe that. I've just started going there this year now it's all public it's super cool they're still no one there there's still no one
Starting point is 01:05:52 there and that's no parking and every time I go there I'm like this is the great this is like Hawaii right it's rad and it's like there watch out there's some creeps down the way they're all nude yeah I saw the naked guys I saw whatever yeah, whatever. They can go stick their thing out in the sun. I don't give a shit. Don't come anywhere near me, man. Right. But whatever.
Starting point is 01:06:11 No, I think it's super cool they brought that to the public because it was like, these kids are like sneaking in there and going and vandalizing and shit. And it's like, that's just because you're saying oh they can't do this, right? You let them in there, you know, they could have all the time to do that and you got all the time to go and say Hey, you can't do it. Yeah, right and it's like Like plenty of places like oh you can't fish there. Oh, there's fish in there. It's like right You know, it's some things are just funny to me, man I see the world in that in a really really cool way
Starting point is 01:06:48 Yeah, I could tell and it seems like you're harnessing that perspective to um, yeah, dude, what's this coffee man? It's really good. It's paper street coffee. They're my sponsor forever paper street. They were paper coffee is like totally killer I've ever had it first time having it. It's like a great taste I really I'm a huge coffee drinker I put you know what I did so I was a little concerned because I put one shot of espresso mine and fill the rest up With no strong. That's great And so I told my wife like I'm gonna put two shots in there for him or he's gonna think it's too soft Yeah, okay. Good. I'm glad you love it. Yeah
Starting point is 01:07:21 Let me see. Let me see some of the comments here Sevant This guy's name is Eaton Beaver Sevant brought him to the studio to pretend to interview him So he can get some free lessons for the boys. Yeah, so what? Yeah, so My kids are gonna be bikes or if you need a day, yeah Jedidiah Nelson former motocross Professional high on life bra. Yeah high on life. Yeah one word high on life brah. Yeah, I have life. Yeah one word hi on Wait, no, that is not one more just life. Dude. You could just put it in perspective life Sebi trying to talk himself into the three plane brothers won't leave the house. Yeah, I don't want my kids ever to leave
Starting point is 01:08:04 Dick butter isn't Santa Cruz full of libtards? I don't know man I think it's starting to I think people are starting to wake up a little bit. I think people don't want them. I think people need to wake up. Yeah yeah I think people want the boys back in the boys bathroom and I think that they don't want people stealing from small businesses anymore and Mm-hmm The thing is is here and I'd like your perspective on this even though we're surrounded by all this craziness You know like San Jose San Francisco Berkeley because of highway 17 our shits kind of so protected still like I still don't see the crazy
Starting point is 01:08:40 Shit, I see on Instagram or that I used to see in Berkeley I just don't feel like it's coming here of course we have the drugs and the fucking pitos and but it's still like that's gonna Be everywhere right that's me every way. Yeah, but like the point has never been safer. Oh No, you know what I mean? It's like we lock it down. Yeah Capitola's safe as shit. Oh Yeah, the couple I mean relative there. They are more than safe. You know, they're super super serious super on it Which I was I just respect that I respect that authority Because there it's a place of not a lot of crime and they want to keep it that way and I respect that
Starting point is 01:09:18 Yeah, and it's tooken me a lot. You know, I got in some trouble recently and Sometimes it takes that really heavy slap on the wrist. I've had countless wake up calls. I didn't wake up. I, I kept fucking up countless. When you go in front of the judge, are you going to have to, are you going to be like, Hey dude, I can't break, I can't break world records in jail. Yeah. Are you going to be like, Hey dude, I fucked up. Thanks for the wake up call. Appreciate the whole experience. Never fucking do it again. I broke the record. That's kind of how I want it. You think like me. That's kind of what I'm thinking. But obviously you can't go to a judge and kind of, you got to state facts, but I have those
Starting point is 01:09:57 facts. I broke a world record a week after my arrest. I haven't drinking a single drop of alcohol. Well, you can also, and what's cool though is you can tell him, be like, hey, I leveraged this horrible experience. Absolutely. To turn my life around. Dude. And I, and you know, as weird as this sounds, thank you. Thank you. No, honestly, I want to go to the cop that busted me that day. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:20 Because he said he's all, because I was, you know, kind of enraged though. He's like, you know, I'm sorry it's happened to you, you know, and I'm like, and he said,'s all because I was you know kind of enraged though. He's like, you know, I'm sorry It's happened to you, you know, and I'm like and he said next time I see you I hope it's a well-equated handshake and I said, oh it's gonna be more than what I hope it's more I said, I hope It's I want to see that guy and I want to shake his hand and I want to say thank you Yeah, you go what? Thank you. Okay, just got busted and like, you know, all this shit could, could be the potential consequences.
Starting point is 01:10:49 But I don't see it that way. Cause you know, I truly believe in a, in. You can make someone, you can make something out of anybody and anybody can do better. Even you can just get out of that rut and just do better Just start thinking that way, you know, I've been I had to go to like a few AA meetings already Oh, I just did it just cuz I want to like show show them, you know I've had like that you're taking that you're you know, you're trying countless. It's like ridiculous. It's like people are like, oh, here's a beer
Starting point is 01:11:22 I'm like no, dude, like I've gotten like a bunch of people like this week, you know, cause the world, you know, here's a beer man at the right. Here's a beer. I'm like, you know, denying that. And I like in front, I'm still in the same environment I was in. And like, it was really hard for me to build up that sort of, you know, resentment or I'll drink that. Yeah. But it was kind of that wake up call where I have to do, I don't have a choice. I have a problem with this.
Starting point is 01:11:53 Yeah. And if I don't wake up now and today, I'm going to be fucking up for the rest of my life. And I, I fuck no. I don't want that to be me. And hey, you know what else? Because I can tell you, you want to be me. And hey, you know what else? Because I can tell you, you want to be a good influence on people. Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 01:12:10 That's kind of the thread of your character. And I do say the F word too much. You can say fuck all you want. But the thread of everything you're saying is this community, hold down the city. Well dude, there's people you're influencing in your group. Yeah. Who you don't even know. Oh, yeah. That you're influencing. You know what I mean Who like, you don't even know. Oh, I know.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Yeah. You're influencing, you know what I mean? That's what's amazing to me. It's like there's. You're going to be influencing people and changing people's lives in these, in these ways you can come in here Ari. Yeah. You know, I think, um, like just yesterday in the right out, like 150,000, the top
Starting point is 01:12:43 going right down, uh, downtown our main main strip just some local do total local Santa Cruz guy He's biking the opposite way, you know, he's totally smiling, you know, a lot of people in Santa Cruz see those hundred feet bikers go Run out of the way, you know, it's just like Embrace it you have fun. Yeah, have fun with it. And this guy totally recognized me I get like a hoot from here. A world record. Oh shit. I'm on my handlebars in a surf, right? And you know, another 15 feet later, I look over my left,
Starting point is 01:13:14 this guy's coming right at me on his bike. I'm in the surf. I can high five anyone, dude. He's all, congrats on the world record, man. Stuck his hand out. And that was like, dude, you're waking up and you're doing you're changing people. You're giving hope to this community Yeah, and and like people that are just down right, you know they see someone kind of striving like you need to do better and that just
Starting point is 01:13:38 That can even make someone want to do better, you know, yeah Ari you want to shake Brock's hand? This is the Ari I I have 20 Ari. So I seven. Ari. Wow. Ari is going to be a world champion someday. Yeah. Rad, dude.
Starting point is 01:13:51 He's a great skater. Yeah. So you guys have a half pipe in the back. He's a Jiu Jitsu fucking bad ass. Yeah. Piano player. He's a what else do you do? So like me when I was a little kid, dude Yeah, everything do everything find out what you're good at
Starting point is 01:14:08 What were you gonna say Ari? Oh? Tennis all right tennis. Yeah tennis is rad. You got a Machiavelli tattoo on his Machiavelli honest. Hey do kids your age on listen to Tupac still? Oh yeah. We are super down with like the old school early 2000s, late 90s rap. Okay. Yeah. Andre Nickatina. We listen to Bay music here in Santa Cruz.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Rad, rad music. Look at that. Look, they're all coming in. Hey, Avi, this is my oldest son. He wants to, two weeks ago, obviously he wants to set the world record in, um, yeah, for burpees. Burpees. He did a for burpees.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Burpees. He did a hundred burpees in three minutes. The most grand burpees. Is that part of the thing? Maybe. What? Avi, you want to shake a brock to him? Avi, Brock.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Nice to meet you, man. What an honor. Avi, he just said a world record bike surfing. You did, you saw it? Oh, even the, even the kids are seeing it, you know, and that's that I, I really, I think that's cool. You know, that's, I'm a snowboard coach out in whitefish, Montana. I've worked with the youth, you know, uh, three to five year olds.
Starting point is 01:15:16 And when you light up a kid's face, it's, you know, it's huge, dude. It's so huge. And parents come and you go, thank you Thank you for you know teaching my kid this I brought a crazy skill set out to Montana and showed these kids not only how to ride a snowboard But actually how to balance because I have crazy Balance skills like obviously you see what the bike's are from that doesn't take any ordinary balance that that's very selective few people Like gnarly. Do you know Luke as he holds down the Scotts Valley Park?
Starting point is 01:15:49 Yeah, he's like a coach. Yeah. You know what I love about him? He also teaches my kids how to behave like skate culture. Dude, that's what I like to do that to when I'm coaching. Right. Like support other people, cheer people on. When people come in the park park give them a fucking head nod Uh-huh, you know, you always yell bored if your boards loose Respectful park rules are huge as you get back such a good skater, but be like a total doosh doosh
Starting point is 01:16:16 Exactly like and and if you have that Respect about others and letting people get their run, letting people have their turn. Right. Cause not only you're out there to have fun and do good, but everyone else is out there to have fun. Right. Hey, be careful. Don't trip on any cords. Don't start touching shit.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Be good. Oh yeah. You could have that. Did you offer Brock one? What do you got? Oh wow. Thank you. Listerine strip for Brock.
Starting point is 01:16:43 I might use this later at the next interview This is crazy a lot of things have just lined up within the last 24 hours actually it's been Hey, not really a few times in here. I thought I saw you getting emotional. Where you getting emotional Oh, yeah, dude. This whole thing is just like a whirlwind of emotions, dude. And like I just want to just like express my condolences to the community and say I'm sorry, you know, for messing up. But I want to show them. It just takes that wake up call, dude. Is it hard being this vulnerable? It's hard. It's super hard, you know, because I'm super well renowned in this community.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Right. Everyone knows me. I'm just going to say that hands, because I'm super well renowned this community, right? Everyone knows me I'm just gonna say that hands down and I'm not trying to talk myself up But it's like that's why midtown if you set a record in this community Yeah, I know you're everyone knows and I want to show the world that I'm not afraid to hide truly who I am Like I you know, I've opened up to you and she on this podcast where I probably would think twice You know, I was like what I am I gonna say that, you know, right? But I don't up to you on this podcast where I probably would think twice. I was like, am I going to say that? But I don't want to hide that.
Starting point is 01:17:49 I want to kind of just show people just what you can do in just a week. Cleaning your shit up. This has been four months in the process. I believe so. We're getting the fourth month. Don't trip over that cord, boys. Be very good. You guys go stand back there behind the couch, okay? Four months in the process. Or I believe so. We're getting the fourth month. Don't trip over that cord, boys. It'll be very good.
Starting point is 01:18:07 You guys go stand back there behind the couch, okay? Or to the side. Don't trip on this. Four months in the making. About just getting there. I think I got it certified in about three months or something like that. But like I said, it was countless days. And I'm like, I'm going to go do this.
Starting point is 01:18:23 I got it. I want to get it done. And I don't think I probably still wouldn't have gotten it done if it wasn't for that wake up call. Right. I'd be probably, I wouldn't be up right now. I'd probably be in bed right now. Not, not feeling too well. Right. And that's what's really sad. I'm 19 years old and I'm not feeling well. Are you feeling better already? Oh, I feel huge the like the next day, you know I didn't really have a huge problem with you know
Starting point is 01:18:48 Addiction or alcohol or anything like that, but a noticeable problem. Yeah felt better just having that Having something a week of sobriety like not fucking around for a week. Just not fucked yet, dude. Just like, just chill. It's been a gnarly summer. I came back from Montana and I kind of just started my summer early spring. That wasn't a good idea. Hey, how did your parents respond?
Starting point is 01:19:17 Did you call your dad from jail and you're like, fuck dad, I'm in jail. Well, yeah, I kind of had to because I had to get bailed out. I don't have time to be in jail. I actually. I have no time. I I need to excel myself right now. Was he pissed? How does he pass?
Starting point is 01:19:34 Oh, yeah, like, you know, and but he kind of understood my I think he kind of saw my mindset, he doesn't he wouldn't want to see his son like ended up being just some some beach bum, you know, right, right. Or something like that. mindset, he doesn't, he wouldn't want to see his son like ended up being just some, some beach bum, you know, right. Right. Or, or something like that. And he knows I'm not that at all. And he's, you know, and he's, I, I don't know, like this whole thing, I almost, we've almost come closer through this whole thing.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Cause you know, my dad's kind of a very, you know, forgiving dude. And, you know, I really thank them for that because, um, if I had, you know, like, what if parents like, dude, no, we don't want us like, what if they pushed you away bug off, dude, that had brought you closer. Yeah. And that was huge. It's like, okay, my family really cares about me. Like community really cares about I got countless phone calls.
Starting point is 01:20:26 All my friends were hitting me up after, you know, I got trouble and like, everyone's like, dude, like, oh, I'm so sorry. You know, all this stuff. And it's like, you know, that may, that sure, you know, gives me some confidence that I'm going to push through this and dude, like, I don't want to drink right now. Like that's Like I don't want to drink right now Like that's the last thing I want to do right now is just go get all bloated off of you know I have time to like you said
Starting point is 01:20:53 You know like you're 60 years old drinking a Coors light on the porch. Yeah, you like yes There's plenty of time plenty of time. There's plenty of time. Hey, and I truly mean it you will only Look like no one's like oh my god. I'm so glad I partied. No one does that. Oh, no Fuck what if I wouldn't have done that? Yeah instead I would have gone outside and set a world record I never at 30 at 19. I never went out onto a track and tried to run my fastest 400 ever I'll never know what my fastest 400 meter time is. Cause I was off getting drunk with my friends and it's like, there's plenty of time to do that. And like I said, a lot of people won't say that it takes a lot to just like admit that.
Starting point is 01:21:34 And you know, yeah. Oh no, I was the main, I was the coolest party animal. It's like, no, dude, you're probably like a douche. Dude, you know, you don't know. You can't even do 10 strict pull ups. Yeah, exactly. You can't even juggle three balls. I can do five inverted sit ups like a Navy SEAL workout. I can do like 15.
Starting point is 01:21:52 Hey, can you juggle? Fingertip pull ups. Oh, that's good. I train gnarly like you said, CrossFit. I do I do all kind of calisthenics, gnarly stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Smart. So you do keep yourself. Oh, absolutely. When I mean, you look likenarly stuff like that. Yeah. Smart. So you do keep yourself... Oh, absolutely. When I...
Starting point is 01:22:05 I mean, you look like you're in great shape, but you're 19, so I can't really tell if you're just a fucking, you know... Yeah. When there's distractions, you know, you'll go in and like, I stay at my weight when I'm locked in. Like a UFC fighter, dude. Like I don't fluctuate pounds, dude. And I can eat whatever I want.
Starting point is 01:22:27 And I train my ass off. I mean, I go hard. I ride 13 miles almost every day, just for fun. Just on a single speed BMX, which is like you're pushed. The brakes are dragging against the rim in order to do those wheelies and stuff. You're like hauling the thing around. It's not like to there. They're like hauling the thing around. It's not like to they're they cruise across the pavement but like
Starting point is 01:22:50 you're Pushing yourself. I mean like and i'll go i'll dehydrate the shit out myself. I will do i'll push myself to the max in order to know when I get out on that on that track or I get out on the streets and uh, Uh, thousands of people come from LA all over the world to see me do this thing and they do they come to santa cruz local bike crews I want to show them the shit dude. I want to be sprinting 25 miles an hour in front of everyone And you know ripping yesterday dude. I was going 60 miles an hour in a surf 60 miles an hour I'd on a boat No on my on my bike on top of the handlebars doing that going down a hill yesterday
Starting point is 01:23:35 Yeah, I got towed in by a motorbike. Is there a video of that? I'm not sure and I don't know if anyone would see it because it was like a little Where did you do that? This was go On our ride out yesterday come on that sounds insane. You were holding a rope while you were bike sir Oh, no, I was holding on the back of a bike motorbike dirt bike and
Starting point is 01:24:00 The kid kicked it up into third gear looking at me. I'm all And the kid kicked it up in the third gear looking at me. I'm all You know cuz some guys you know, we're we're out there on Just like their legal moped and stuff and they were telling me and going like 45 miles an hour Hey, I think you should put Brock Johnson in your um Brock Johnson in your Instagram Yeah, because when I search Brock Johnson, I can never find it. Uh-huh I think like you should have it somewhat, you know what I mean? Like you have to know that your Instagram is snowboard you should have it somewhere. You know what I mean? Like you have to know that your Instagram is snowboarder. Uh huh.
Starting point is 01:24:28 You know what I mean? But yeah. Is that for a reason? Uh yeah. Oh. It's the kind of snowboard thing. I know it's snowboard, but like when I like there's so many. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 01:24:38 Whatever. What do I know? What am I telling a 19 year old how to do Instagram? I like the way it's spelled. It's kind of like niche. Yeah. Yeah. You know, totally.
Starting point is 01:24:48 We can't, a lot of guys in Santa Cruz kind of have those like kind of little it's, it's snow border, but it's felt like bird, you know, it's just like, Oh, this looks like my ramp. Were you skating at my house? Um, maybe. Doesn't that look at just like my ramp? Oh, that ramp's rad. That's a like an Eastside ramp. Oh my god are you seeing that
Starting point is 01:25:09 Avi? Avi got disasters and slides but that that uh how he jumps out right here damn that's next boy. Yeah little reaver um yeah dude i got some crazy skate edits out there Um, whoo. Yeah, dude. I got some crazy skate edits out there Bigger than that stuff. That's just a mini ramp. Oh, yeah here new new writing damn, oh Yeah This is like a few years ago All right. So you're on a board. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:48 I'm on the board. When I'm on the bike, I'm still on the board. Okay. And here's a snow bike surfing. Oh, geez. Oh yeah. That's not okay. So you have Mad Wheelie game too.
Starting point is 01:26:01 Oh, Mad Wheelie game. I don't even showcase that. Oh yeah that that was in the snow was I love your snow suit was fun. Oh that's rad. It's like the the the white ranger. So this guy the local skate park calls me. He's like the white power ranger in the snow with that thing on. Is this one going to scare? Total hackle, but I think it's hilarious. Oh my God. Oh, yeah. There's another 60 mile an hour surf. Oh my God. No shirt. Oh, no shirt. Oh, I didn't have socks in my shoes because I wanted to get the full grip. Oh my God, dude. This is insane. That's my buddy right there.
Starting point is 01:26:48 He's a legend here in Santa Cruz. What's the bail plan? Oh, you fall doing that. You're not good. I've actually at that very Hill. I fell one night going about 45 mile an hour because I wasn't getting towed in, but just going down that you go 45 miles an hour without getting towed in. I bailed right at the bottom
Starting point is 01:27:05 My bike flew 15 feet one way I was 15 feet the other way a full yard sale Luckily, I had like a beanie on and my snowboard goggles on the back of my head Because I think my head would have been fucking split wide open another thing is is once you commit there's no like hey I'm gonna put on the brakes The thing is, is once you commit, there's no like, hey, I'm going to put on the brakes. Or like I want to stop. Or like I want to stop. Or like I want to ride. Some of the times I do this shit, I'll disconnect my brakes.
Starting point is 01:27:28 No brakes. Absolute. I'm going to ride that shit out or eat shit. Like eat it, dude. Like I said, when I bailed that night, it was so gnarly. Dude, my neck hasn't been right ever since, dude. Yeah. The chiropractor's like, dude, you're like second second for everybody up like you kind of almost like fractured the thing
Starting point is 01:27:47 I could feel like you know, he's like how long ago is that? Oh, this was probably like two years ago, maybe That was on one of those big 29 spikes to I totaled the thing was totaled I like bent the head tube wheels were all bent. I could said the bike was like 15 feet one way. I was ejected 15 feet the other way. My beanie and my goggles got blew off my head. Is there anything that you're at 19 you won't do anymore? Is there anything like you're like, hey, I'm just not doing that trick anymore? No. No. You're still young enough to where that your whole, what's that called? Your whole arsenal is still there. Backflips on the snowboard. I've actually is still there back flips on the snowboard I've actually been like learning news on any moves you would still bomb all the hills you've always bombed Miramar Yeah, like I said it ten times that last one was definitely like within the last year or last like five. Yeah
Starting point is 01:28:38 Miramar is gnarly dude. I don't know. I don't know where the death hill thing came from But they threw that in the article, but it is pretty oh shit. I know Miramar Rio del Mar Mir no Miramar on the west side so just imagine bombing in from like the West of heights up there to where I'm trying to think where that is it down into that parking lot That's a you know where Safeway is The Safeway on the west side? Yes.
Starting point is 01:29:06 On Mission? It's just that road that goes straight up the hill. Oh, oh, oh. Up towards Westlake Pond. Yes, yes. Okay. Super steep. You're going up and you feel like you're in San Francisco or something.
Starting point is 01:29:15 Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. People used to like jump cars going down that such. I wonder, oh, is that steeper than, I guess Rio Del Mar, there's nowhere to bail. You just go, you know what I'm talking about, where it goes into the roundabout. I think I've thought about doing that, but the speed I'd have, I wouldn't, that would be nuts. Where would you roll out? I'd have to shut down the road.
Starting point is 01:29:35 I do stuff, I go down roundabouts, there's like the boardwalk one. I'm super familiar with it though. I know when to hit the brakes in case there's a car in the way. Yeah. And I can, I have the railroad tracks there, which are pretty hairball. I hit the brakes on top of the surf because I have no time to get back down the pedals. You just got a lot. I just get my hands back on the bars, but my feet are still in a surfing position. And then I'll just rip the brake and I can actually use my back foot to push out the back tire. Oh, really start to slow me down. Yeah. One of the buddies out the ride out yesterday. We're just talking about something like what if we invent a foot break for you, dude? Yeah, so you don't reach down you just stomp down your toe
Starting point is 01:30:12 Yeah, and start like skidding around in the surf thing. Well, I can do it. I've been learning to Take get that heel toe and in a weight and for absorbing that impact Yeah, especially with like a my my p3 can't wait to get the thing back I get that heel toe and wait for absorbing that impact. Especially with like my P3. Can't wait to get the thing back. It's like, what? You know, like all this stuff, dude, I want to go do. It's like innovation, bikes with suspension, you know?
Starting point is 01:30:36 That was like just coming up when I was a kid. You know, it's like now it's, you know, huge. Hey, Brock. Thanks for coming in. Thanks, man. Really appreciate it. Thanks for coming in. Thanks, man. Really appreciate it. That was nine. That was 90 minutes.
Starting point is 01:30:47 90 minutes. Wow. It felt like 30 minutes. Yeah. Good. I was just blabbing. I hope I talk someone's ear off. I hope somebody's annoyed.
Starting point is 01:30:54 I'm glad you love the coffee. Coffee's so good. And I'm glad you came in. Yeah. All right, guys. Thank you everybody. Uh, maybe I'll go live again later today. Uh, Brock Johnson set the world record
Starting point is 01:31:05 for bike surfing. Shares life experience with us. Fuck, what a cool dude. Your dad should be proud. Onward and upward. Thanks, man. Really appreciate you having me out today. Peace.

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