The Sevan Podcast - Chris Cristini | Affiliate Series

Episode Date: September 13, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Where you're at? Uh, 11 a.m. Oh, okay. So you're on the, uh, eastern... Eastern, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Toronto.
Starting point is 00:00:10 I'm, uh, geography challenged. Geography lazy. Okay. I don't want to argue my limitations, just that I'm lazy. Uh, hey dude, congratulations on your 15 years, man. Thank you. Thank you. It's, uh, went by fast.
Starting point is 00:00:23 I can't even believe we've been around this long, to be be honest with you You look too young to have 15 years of experience I tell people it's CrossFit that made me look young believe it or not I'm my turn 40 a couple months ago. Oh my goodness. Yeah Hey, and you were at the games this year. I was did you can did you compete? Definitely not at 40. No, okay. Well, I've competed, you know, I've been to, I've actually been to the games before, um, been to regionals from before it was even regionals when it was like sectionals in 2009, all the way up until 2018, then I had shoulder surgery and then whatever.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Um, but yeah, no, I've been around it. I've been around it, but I was actually working for, um, um, a software company. Um, they made their own version of Sugarwatt. So we helped actually develop that and consult with them because we thought we could help improve a bunch of functionality for them. So we worked with them for about a year and a half, almost two years, to put that into place and they hired us to just go there and just talk to affiliates. So it was good for us because we got to really go on the front lines and
Starting point is 00:01:31 see what's currently trending right now. What are things that we're not gonna see until the data comes out and we're gonna start talking about in a couple of years. So it was pretty interesting. And when you mean trending, you mean in regards to fitness tracking? No, no, no, no. I mean like just how's CrossFit affiliates doing because up the other day, you know I'm an affiliate owner like I want to learn about other affiliates because if I can see what they're doing Well, I want to do it as well, right and then vice versa
Starting point is 00:01:57 Like I just want to talk to them, you know one-on-one Just obviously selling or helping them with the the software is great because we truly think that'll help them But just for my own sake to see you know, what's what's what's trending? Obviously, selling or helping them with the software is great because we truly think that it'll help them. But just from my own, say, to see what's trending, what's going on, what are we not aware of yet? You know what I mean? Being affiliate owners, you know. Now that I'm 15 years in it, there's a whole other stage
Starting point is 00:02:19 that, you know, CrossFit hasn't been exposed to because it hasn't been around that long. Like as an affiliate over, right? So it's kind of, it's interesting, we'll say. So when you say that, I start coming up with, by the way, the name of your gym, is the name of your gym Christine? Christine Athletics, we rebranded Christine Athletics,
Starting point is 00:02:40 but our affiliate is CrossFit Markham and CrossFit Eastwood Bridge. We used to be actually a Reebok gym back in the day and then we decided to walk away before everybody else started to walk away from Reebok. Is it Cristini or Christine? Cristini. Cristini. Italian? Yes. Cristini. Cristini Athletics. And tell me the name of the CrossFit gyms again. CrossFit Markham and CrossFit East Woodbridge. And you have two locations. Wow.
Starting point is 00:03:14 And how close are they? We're part of the GTA, so the Greater Toronto Area, like Toronto is literally 800 meters from this location. About a half an hour apart from each other. One's on the east side of the GTA, one's on the west side of the GTA. Oh, okay. I wanna go back to what you were saying
Starting point is 00:03:33 about being there and kinda like getting on the pulse. So like I thought of two examples recently. I was talking to Suze recently and he was telling me like how he was running ads on, I don't know if it was Facebook, let's say it was Facebook, and he was using me like how he was running ads on I don't know if it was Facebook, let's say it was Facebook and he was using some ads with the word CrossFit in it and some without and comparing the differences and then comparing that to the cost of affiliate fees and how many clients he could bring in versus the affiliate fees and he's kind of
Starting point is 00:03:56 running some stuff to some experiments right? And then is that what you mean like to run into affiliates who are doing that and shoot the shit with them and chop it up and be like, exchange things like that? Or are you talking about more things like some guys like, Hey, dude, I got this new water machine in my gym. It's amazing. Everyone loves it. And it takes credit cards and people can fill up their water bottles for $1. And it's it's the cleanest water ever. Is it like that? Or am I totally off the mark here when
Starting point is 00:04:23 you say trends going forward? Oh, trend just, you know, trying to see like, you know, this year cleanest water ever. Is it like that or am I totally off the mark here when you say trends going forward? Well trends just you know trying to see like you know this year they all the affiliate owners got to wear a what's it called? What do they call it? A shirt. No those little clothes. Oh lanyard. Lanyard there we go. And then if you had a gold sticker you're a 10 year or older affiliate
Starting point is 00:04:43 right. Oh that's cool. So obviously seeing them like oh my god congratulations because that's a big deal right. a gold sticker, you're a 10-year or older affiliate, right? Which is great. Oh, that's cool. So obviously seeing them like, oh my God, congratulations, because that's a big deal. Right? Yeah. Well, there's not a lot of OGs, I don't think, out there.
Starting point is 00:04:52 And I started asking, that's amazing, 10 years, you know, you're an original owner, like, no, we're not an original owner. What do you mean, you're not? Oh, we're the fourth owner. I'm like, you're the fourth owner in 10 years. And then, you know, starting to ask another one, oh, 10 years, tell me the fourth owner. I'm like you're the fourth owner in 10 years and then you know starting to ask another one Oh 10 years tell me the original owner. They look at me like I got two four eyes. Are you kidding me? And then
Starting point is 00:05:12 More often than not everyone who's a 10-year affiliate owner is not actually a 10-year affiliate owner They've been like two times or three times or more So typically we're seeing a trend, they are getting burnt out, realizing the money's not there, and then they fall off, right? And it was more common to see that. I met two people and I talked to
Starting point is 00:05:34 well over a hundred affiliate owners because we have to collect emails from them for the... For the app. What's the name of the app? Tell me the name of the app. It's called it's called Fit Builder right? It's powered by Wellness Living is like a software company it's you know similar to like Zen Planner. Okay. Right. Okay. So go on with your story. So you talked to over a hundred affiliate owners as you were collecting these emails and the
Starting point is 00:05:59 10-year affiliate thing. The whole weekend from experience, I talked to two people. One was an original owner for 10 years. I'm sorry, 15 years. And another one was an original owner for 17 years. That was like, holy shit, that's OG. And they and you know, they're OG because you know, they they know everybody, right? So it was awesome. Like they took their L one from Greg when he took Yeah. Was the first thing I said, like, so Greg was your L1?
Starting point is 00:06:25 They're like, yeah, obviously. Yeah. Right? So there's only two. Like that was like, like clearly there's a big problem. So when you look at, you know, the numbers is crossing, growing more, you know, look at how many 10 year affiliate owners we have, the numbers are skewed. It's like, man, like we don't know how to nurture and help these OG affiliate owners
Starting point is 00:06:43 because there's not a lot of them out there. Are they getting the attention that they need or we're just going to continue with the trend? Because I'm into fitness. I love helping people. This is what we've been doing for 15 years. I've been in the industry for 20, but I want the fitness industry to move forward. And one of the biggest problems is that people aren't in the game long enough to actually make a difference, right? So what happens is that these new affiliate owners are just repeating the same five years that the last Don't know until they got burnt out or until their their leases up But right and it just keeps going over and over and the problem with me is that I've been around for 15 years
Starting point is 00:07:21 They represent what I represent Right. I don't want to be held back there. I want CrossFit or fitness in general to take another step forward. But it's hard one. No one's staying in the game long enough. And you start contemplating, why are all the people that I know from back in the day not in this?
Starting point is 00:07:40 They're brokers of some sort, real estate agents. They've gone to other aspects of, you know, work. And I'm like, maybe there's something wrong with me. Maybe it's time for us to leave or maybe we're doing something right. Right? You start, you know, contemplating like, why am I the last one standing? This is not normal. And it's not a good feeling.
Starting point is 00:08:01 You know, it could be, but it's not what I want personally. Chris, I want to go back to you and that line you said, take the fitness industry a step forward in one second. But I want to tell you another story. I have a friend who owns an affiliate. They've had it for nine years. And I said, hey, why are you still affiliated? And they said, well, right now, the only reason why I'm still affiliated is because I want to make the 10-year
Starting point is 00:08:28 mark. And I said, hey, it's kind of the opposite of what the example you were giving. I think your example is more prevalent, obviously, about multiple owners in a 15-year affiliate. But I said to him, hey, dude, no one, like, no one, you can still say you're, I personally think Hey, dude, no one like no one you can still say you're I personally think You can still say you're a 10-year affiliate if If you're only a CrossFit affiliate for 10 years 9 years and then the tensor you're not an affiliate like at that point You get to the 15 year mark and I can say I think you can say it because you're the because you're the one owner And I think calling it an affiliate is a nuance or a legal technicality That being said but before I get to that step forward,
Starting point is 00:09:08 I think a lot of people in the space too that maybe owning a gym is something you get excited about when you're 22, right? Yeah, that was me, I'm 24. Right, okay. And that maybe some of them also, 24 right okay, and that may maybe some of them also At least from the era that you and I come from I Think that the general story is we did CrossFit and we were like, holy shit Yeah, I would say it's it's tantamount to what I hear people who find religion, right? Yeah, like oh my god They're like in one month. My whole body composition has changed, my mood has changed, I'm meeting all these cool new people. I got to like, I need to share this with people.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And then somewhere, and you know, we've all seen this evolution of the athletes. You see with CrossFit athletes, you with with people who get into CrossFit they They they some they lose that passion right they for sharing or they want something else or I think even more realistically you touched On it. They want more money, right? $32,000 a year and you realize to have a family in California bare minimum You need $382,000 a year or else, you know know and then you're still you're gonna be driving a minivan. Anyway I just wanted to like put that in context of like the characters that I see as opposed to I'm sure you've been around so long and I and you've seen just people who just straight
Starting point is 00:10:39 fail right like they end up they just live at home with their mom and after five years they're $50,000 in the hole Yeah, no, it's it's it's more similar than not. Everyone has the same story It is okay, like there's three stories and those are the ones yeah, like back in the day You could start I started my parents garage Doing like I was you know, obviously in the fitness industry I was a manager and a big box gym and all that good stuff started my garage because I could because there's nowhere else You could go right so I got
Starting point is 00:11:05 To do that og phase and you know start off with like small small Investment and then you know build out to you know one location into another and then upgrade my location to 6,000 plus square feet blah blah blah now It's a big investment, and it's it's a different game where you you need business sense You can't just be passionate like you were before especially most affiliate owners when you talk to them. What's the number one problem? Real estate fees, right? The price has gone up. So everyone's rental fees have gone up. Like in Toronto here, it's been not doubled. But when we jump on the Canadian affiliates talks, everyone's like, all the old OGs like, yeah, our rents have gone up like crazy. Rents have gone up like crazy.
Starting point is 00:11:46 like all the old OGs like yeah our rents gone up like crazy. Rents gone up like crazy. Go ahead. Let me fall into the weeds here really quick. Why are rents going up? I thought like with COVID and Amazon brick and mortar became crazy available but that is the story I'm hearing everywhere. Rents are skyrocketing everywhere even though there's ample space for everyone now that there's just like I mean you know you can drive through Cincinnati and the whole fucking town is vacant Well I think it's a different market there than it is here like we live in a in the big city in in obviously you know a big part of Toronto the greater Toronto area um we've got a big population we have a housing crisis we have you know people there's there's not enough to rent here right so it's it's not basic economics it here right so it's it's not
Starting point is 00:12:25 basic economics like there's more there's more people than there is places to rent or to live okay price is going to go up interest rates obviously inflation like has just crushed everybody over here right and that's why there's still affiliates closing down because of that so it's um it's it's been significant in the in significant in the bigger metropolitan areas feel at the most here. In the beginning, I'm going back to your thing about you'd like to see the fitness industry take a step forward. In the beginning, Greg did not see CrossFit as something that would save everyone. He viewed the affiliates as lifeboats out there that people could swim out to and get on and be saved But he didn't see it as like hey, we're never gonna have a what did he call it a mass?
Starting point is 00:13:11 When there's a whole change in mindset like a mass There's a move a word he used but you know like Like a big shift a tipping point so when you, when you think of the fitness industry moving forward, obviously everyone knows my position. I would have liked it during COVID instead of making masks, they would have given assault bikes to everyone. Yeah. Like just a hundred million assault bikes.
Starting point is 00:13:38 It was totally affordable relative to like having aircraft carriers off the coast of the United States that were as hospitals that were never used. You know what I mean? I would have liked this thing that give everyone a salt bike and put it up to them. What do you see is moving the industry forward? Keeping people well, you know what most people can't just like, you know, California here, if you're not making I think they said like to have a family of two if you're not you don't have a combined income of like $275,000 annually now you're below middle class This is just to you know have the basic necessities and if you want to have a decent okay life, right?
Starting point is 00:14:12 So this is not to go above and beyond yeah poverty in my town for a family of four two kids is 150,000 a year yeah blow that you're but you're in poverty to buy a now, like here, townhouse you attach to another house, they keep it down, the noise, they can hear your neighbors. You're looking just over a million dollars, right? People are like, what the hell? Cause I was in Texas, I was asking if it's true to buy a house for like 400,000, does that exist? They're like, oh my God, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:36 But you can buy condos here, thousand square foot condos, they're a million bucks. And that's not even like the downtown court, that's outside. Yeah. And in the morning, when you go to get your newspaper, your neighbor's like, were you hanging up a picture or making a new kid? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:14:50 They're part of the family. So think of the fees that we actually have to charge here to make it an actual career for coaches. What you actually need to change. And you can only shift so much. Yes, inflation has gone up, but you're not going to go from like you know $175 a month to $375 a month within two years you can't make those jumps even though you know rents been doubled and all these other fees have gone up so it makes it difficult for the industry but also because of COVID especially here was a disaster compared to most
Starting point is 00:15:21 places we were closed I don't even know like I think it's a big blur I think a year and a disaster compared to most places. We were closed. I don't even know. I think it's a big blur. I think a year and a half, two years we were closed down, right? They went they went psycho here. And it crushed the industry. So if you were, you know, a contractor with which most trainers are, whether it's CrossFit or working at other gyms, they're not working, they want to be COVID proof, right? So anyone who's in the industry, they left. So we lost a big chunk, whether it was CrossFit or anything involved in fitness, anyone who's OG
Starting point is 00:15:51 or more mature in that age, in that experience part, they left. So the fitness industry, in my opinion, took a big hit. And then nobody wanted to apply. Like we were hiring for frigging two years trying to find people. Nobody wants to work because they want something COVID proof. Right? I'm just Well, and in the United States, they printed so much money that
Starting point is 00:16:13 people just didn't want to go back to work. We trained our society to just to sit around. It was great. It's pretty crazy. And then people to get people to show up to work five days a week. It's like, no, no, no, no, no. Three or two days in person is the new five days. Then they feel entitled to that, which is just like, holy shit. And it's not just, it's not fitness. It's nationwide and it's culturally changed
Starting point is 00:16:35 like the newer generation because that's what they know now. So it's, I feel like we're almost like in a rebuilding phase to learn from this, make these mistakes. It was a disruption to see all the flaws, I think. And then obviously, you know, invisible hand took place. The people who, you know, crossed their T's dotted their I's were able to survive COVID. Within REEs, I understand there's unfortunate things that some people couldn't deal with which caused them to close down.
Starting point is 00:17:04 But now, like I like to say the cream of the crop are around and ready to take it, you know, take that step forward. But you need the people to support that too. So it's I think it's a big, a big shift that has has happened within the last year or two because of this world with enough things that everyone had to deal with. And not to pile on but but to pile on on when you have the rock climbing CrossFit gym here in my town That's closed for six months, but Baskin Robbins is open It's the only food place open in town selling ice cream and they're an essential business
Starting point is 00:17:40 It causes people to rethink their goals shit. Maybe I should open a Baskin Robbins. It's bulletproof It's bulletproof as opposed to the same thing Yeah, maybe yeah, you should open up a grocery store because you're just you never ever ever have to worry yourself toilet paper Yep, it's crazy. Yep so going back You said you started in your parents garage That was a time when if you made $100 a day, you were stoked, right?
Starting point is 00:18:06 Because you could take your girlfriend out, fill up your gas tank, and then now you have two locations in one of the largest cities in the world. So, I want to go back and kind of like, I know we only have like an hour, but I want to talk about kind of that journey. Why did you, how did you find CrossFit? I think I have the same story as everybody else. You had some friend who told you about this crazy thing. And at the time I was a Thai boxer, I was Canadian champ, traveled over the world, blah,
Starting point is 00:18:36 blah, blah. We fought and I was young, full of testosterone thinking that nobody trained harder than me. Yeah, that's cool. That is our mentality. All of us think like, Hey, I can, I train harder than me. Yeah, that's cool. That is our mentality. All of us think like, hey, I train harder than everyone. Exactly. So that's, oh, we found that.
Starting point is 00:18:51 That's my, me, my, actually after 15 years, I thought I was, it was 10 years of me hitting pads. It's been 15 years since I smashed pads. And that's me getting back into it a couple months ago. Little bit heavier. Congratulations. That must feel good. Yeah, a couple months ago. A little bit heavier. Congratulations, that must feel good. Yeah, a little bit heavier, a little bit slower, but it feels good actually.
Starting point is 00:19:10 I kind of miss it. But going back to the original story, my buddy brought me to CrossFit Gym. Saw a bunch of four-year-olds at that time. I thought they were old, but they're young. Shirts off, not wearing shoes. We did a seven-minute workout, you know, I was wearing my shirt off, not I got my ass handed to me by a bunch of old dudes or what I thought were old dudes, right? And I'm like, okay, these guys are ripped got abs. They crushed me and
Starting point is 00:19:49 Clearly I'm doing something wrong, right? So then obviously starting to dabble into it more and realize that I thought I was that like the pinnacle of fitness Right, you know running every day and then doing my weight training do my Thai boxing And realized that there was a whole other level. I've never been exposed to it, right and and realized that there was a whole other level I've never been exposed to, right? And within the time that I fully went into CrossFit, it was the time that I decided to kind of retire from fighting. And then the rest was history. I'm like, I can get fitter, faster, and I'm getting stronger. It was just a no-brainer to me, right? Isn't it interesting too? Now every fighter fighter does CrossFit whether they know it or not
Starting point is 00:20:26 They they they all do it. It's crazy. Yeah, like I Remember when I first started watching the UFC I would see and I haven't been watching that long like I came in right as Who is the great Canadian fighter like the best fighter here? Yeah, George St. Pierre I came in to UFC right as he was leaving so I've been around only like, I don't know, eight or 10 years or something. But I remember watching the videos of them training and I would see rings hanging in the gyms and more and they'd be like, Oh my God, look, this fighter can do this thing called a muscle up. I'm like, Oh shit, it's completely it's like Greg said, he taught BJ Penn, and that trained BJ Penn um, and it went from there. Um, you, so you, you started training people in your mom's garage. Did you just start training in your mom's garage and then people started coming? How did that, how did the fire start? A couple of things I was, I was already working, I was already in the fitness industry. So we got a big box gym, like, uh,
Starting point is 00:21:21 like teaching people to fight, like holding pads and stuff. No, I did that too. I've kind all over the place. I had a, I went out of studio and then I would teach at another studio Thai boxing, but I was a personal trainer, like regular personal trainer, I was a manager for for personal trainers as well. And they had this amazing space, this place, it was like a lifetime, right? And um I had this space and I wanted to
Starting point is 00:21:48 implement CrossFit in there. I gave him a whole business plan, blah, blah, blah. And then uh next day I see that the owner ended up giving the whole space to his buddy who put in a boxing gym for free. So I said, you know what? I was
Starting point is 00:22:01 kinda pissed off and I was doing a little like mini seminars of educating people about CrossFit and I was doing with my my clients of educating people about CrossFit and I was doing it with my clients and most people are looking at you like, why are you having a seizure on a pull-up bar, right? So obviously it was kind of different. People weren't used to it back then.
Starting point is 00:22:13 And then people were more intrigued to say, you know what, let's do it in your garage. I was like, you know what, I'm gonna start my garage. I started with one person, two, and then we ended up having a membership base of 27 people paying monthly, it was like 150 bucks or 130 or 150 bucks. Um, and I knew that they had no other options. Like you can't go anywhere else because it doesn't exist anywhere else.
Starting point is 00:22:33 So, um, this is in Toronto also. This is in the Toronto area. Uh, yeah, the greater Toronto area in Markham. Um, so yeah, people ring the doorbell because we were on like, uh, yellow pages and Yelp and stuff. They were confused.
Starting point is 00:22:47 They're like, I'm looking for a cross gym. Open up the garage. Like, here it is. And then, you know, the rest was history. You know, start from one location to another and grew that way. How many locations between your two gyms have you been in? The mark when we started in the garage, then we went to like a 1600 square foot place.
Starting point is 00:23:09 And then we graduated to a 6,000 square foot place. And then the one that I'm in right now in Woodbridge, it's 5,500 square feet. We just opened up here and stayed here. The reason why we stayed opened up here was because Reebok Canada was down the street. So they needed, they wanted like a flagship gym when they moved from Montreal to Woodbridge. So that's how we got started in this location actually. We partnered with them.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Are both your gyms like originally your gyms or did you own one and then purchase one that was failing? No, no. They're ours right from the beginning. Wow. Is that an uncommon story, Chris? I feel like more commonly I hear someone has a gym, and then the gym next door, two miles down the road, is selling and they buy it. 100%.
Starting point is 00:24:00 It's people stepping in because they don't want to lose the community. It's not even like they might have money. It's like, this is not my real job. I'm just going to put money in to keep it going. And we want the community together and I have my real business or my real job. That's going to kind of, you know, fund this, uh, this passion project. So you're right.
Starting point is 00:24:20 I have heard that story. So I own, um, uh, uh, CrossFit 7, and I'm gonna close it down. So four people are like, okay, we'll each chip in $10,000 each and buy it from you, and they think they're gonna run it. Yeah, they do it until then they realize, oh, it's actually a job, and I actually gotta watch my KPIs. I gotta pay my bills at the end of the month,
Starting point is 00:24:41 and then after the lease is up, they usually close down. What are KPIs? Key Performance Indicators. Okay. Yes, I was media director for 15 years and I still work on KPI. I remember I would meet with other marketing officers from other companies, like wherever, Red Bull or UFC or whatever, and they would start using all these acronyms like that or Yeah, and and and I would be like, oh we don't do any of that
Starting point is 00:25:12 Like they're like you don't I'm like no we just make content that and we don't do marketing either We just make we're not allowed to use the word marketing. We're only if we're not providing If we're not providing value, we're not allowed to do it I mean if we're not like like we we're not allowed to do it. That was when the journal was around too, so we didn't have to do any search engine optimization or anything like that because the journal was such a savage on the internet. I was living on that back in the day. All the links really were super valuable.
Starting point is 00:25:41 You make that leap to the 1600 square foot gym scary Because I mean if you're at your mom's garage and you have 27 playing paying clients and you're only 24 years old you're rich Well, no, no, but you know what I mean by Every weekend partying and I was oh yeah Like you can buy like At 24 most guys go into the gas station if they're thirsty They don't they don't buy a bottle of water right because it's like fuck That's three bucks. I'll save that But if you're making two thousand dollars a month or three thousand dollars a month like I'll buy a bottle of water and a coffee here
Starting point is 00:26:14 Right yeah exactly so life was good was that scary making that leap um well yeah because you know what While I was doing that when I did like l, it actually motivated me to go back to university. I'm not a school guy, I got every single learning disability you can think of. I'm like anti school, I hate it. Right? But I like the girls, I like the girls and my friends. or helps with the motivation to show up to class. But it decided, I'm like, you know, I wanna know everything about the body. I wanna know like to the cellular level because if I wanna take this to the next level, I don't wanna just feel like I can't converse with someone who knows more than me.
Starting point is 00:26:56 So I decided to go back and I took kinesiology part-time while I was working at the gym, at like a global gym, had the marketing location, didn't know what we were doing And then at our peak we opened up the third location the second location while I was trying to do school and all that stuff So is that it was pretty intense. So I was definitely scared When you open that first location what so so it did really well right away is what I'm hearing There was no competition because it didn't, there was nothing else existed, right?
Starting point is 00:27:28 People were intrigued by something different, something new, and then because you don't know enough about it, you make your own story behind it. And people were like spreading the good word, I guess, or the good news, right? That like, look at what I'm doing. I've never done these things. I thought only high performance elite people that we don't have access to would do these things and we're finding this that we can do
Starting point is 00:27:50 It at this location. So it drew in drew in all kinds of people Canaan Stanley, I'm 24 and own an affiliate awesome CrossFit never forget awesome. Well, then this shows for you Okay, so then you have that gym, 1600 square feet. What do you think if the success of that gym was? I know you're being humble by saying there was no other game in town, but how many hours a week were you working and what do you think besides the fact that it was the only gym? What do you think that was the... I think timing. There's a couple things. think besides the fact that it was the only gym? What do you think that was the?
Starting point is 00:28:25 I think timing. There's a couple of things. Again, it was cheaper to open up an affiliate. It was cheaper to buy equipment. Rent was way cheaper than now. It was not significant. It didn't matter. It was like a passion project.
Starting point is 00:28:41 And having my other real gym that was paying my bills. So I was like one of those people, right? I went in there to open it up, but during the day we were closed because I was at my real job training people. Okay. Oh, you were training, and where were you doing that at? The Lifetime place? It was like a lifetime. It was called the Pavilion, but like of its time back then, it had the courts, the pools, the saunas, blah, blah, blah. So I was making my money there So it didn't matter like that. We were just kind of just reinvesting reinvesting that money. It didn't even matter um Like we were literally we had
Starting point is 00:29:13 So bad, but we didn't even forward the phone to our cell phones because we didn't care We were probably losing out on all kinds of money, but we're like we're busy enough. It didn't matter We were over 100 people so it didn't matter and close throughout the days so yeah it wasn't it wasn't we weren't business oriented let's just say was the goal to get out of your other job and make that gym your full-time job yes it definitely was it was like where am I gonna head right it was just trying to see how how at what point am I gonna make that leap and try to make it Make it a full-time job, right? But also going into
Starting point is 00:29:53 Doing that. I wasn't a business guy. I was a fitness guy, right? I knew everything about fitness, but I didn't know, you know, what point is a good point? It can it was actually me my mom and my brother who were running the place, right? Is there enough money and revenue to generate for three of us to actually live on one location with the lifestyle that we want? You know what I mean? So we didn't know.
Starting point is 00:30:17 So we're like, let's just keep doing what we're doing until we're forced to make another step where we feel the time is right. And then when you open the second location, how long has the second location been open? This November will be 12 years. Oh my goodness. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:36 So you have a 15 year and a 12 year. Yeah. Wow, that's crazy you didn't lose at least one of the gyms during COVID. That hats off to you, dude. That's nuts. We're stubborn people. We're very stubborn. So when you owned both those gyms, were you also training at that other place and going to school and had two gyms? At my peak, yes. That lasted about, when I had that all happen at once, that lasted for about three months
Starting point is 00:31:07 because I was on coffee, adrenaline, and I was in no sleep. That lasted for about three months, but it was all kind of timed where I knew that it was all gonna have an end, whereas I kept on school. I'm leaving that location, the other gym, and now I'm going full time into the new location. Do you have partners in the gyms? Me, my brother, and my mom.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Just the three of you? Yeah. Wow, and they're still involved also? Yeah. Wow, that's cool. And then how many kids do you have? I have three. And you have three kids. And what's your oldest? He's nine. Oh man, you've had a busy 15 years. Yeah, I think it's a personality thing though. I've never, never been able to sit down and just, you just go. What a full life. And that must be great having your mom around when you have, she must be ecstatic with three grandkids. Oh my God. I love, she loves it. She, you know, sometimes when I go pick up my other son, my son who's at the other location training, she's
Starting point is 00:32:06 there watching the grandkids and it's nice. So you really got that family feel but I also think because we have that as part of our core values of who we are in family, that's why we're still around today because you know, that's, you know, our extension of our family is our community, right? We tell everybody, you know, welcome to the family when they when they're a part of, of Christine athletics. So world champions are professional athlete, turn crossfitter, then went back to school to learn more about the human body, how it functions. And but what about the business side?
Starting point is 00:32:46 Did you ever go back to school for that? Who taught you that part? Self-education. Me and my brother were like, clearly we're missing something. We're trying to see how come we're not growing. We don't want the next five years to do the same thing as the first five years. Because once you start looking at your KPIs, you're looking at certain numbers, okay this is not enough, what are we doing to, what do we got to do to get to that next level? The good thing with us, with training and you know building programs, those principles are the same thing in anything that's involved in life. You want to get to the next step, something different has to change in order for change to
Starting point is 00:33:22 occur, right? You can't keep doing the same thing and expecting, you know, different results where it's not big in here. We don't know how to get to that next level. What are we going to do? We're going to have to educate ourselves and then, you know, um, find different people. And throughout the years we did different, um, um, programs. Uh, we did, uh, remember, uh, barbell business with Marcus curzy back in the day. I don't know. He had, what was the guy's name? Marcus curzy from, uh, barbell business with Marcus Gersi back in the day? I don't know he had
Starting point is 00:33:52 what was the guy's name Marcus Gersi from barbell business. What year was that? I don't even know 2010, maybe even older. I was too busy filming the Tahoe Throwdown. Okay, right on. Yeah, obviously. With the innovations, right? Yeah, that was, what were the names of those companies? Rogue versus, again, Faster, yeah. Right, that's right.
Starting point is 00:34:15 I forgot, now I lost my thought. Oh, we were talking about Barbell Business. So the first person you, so you were at a stage and you're like, oh, who's this Barbell Business guy? I'm assuming you found him on the internet. Yeah. What's my glean off of this cat? Exactly. So we worked with them for two or three years and then realized that they were great at the time for trick teaching affiliate owners that have been around for five years.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Anything past that it was just redundant. We felt that we outgrew them. And it was pretty understood that we did from both parties. And then we tried, a couple of years later, we tried Mad Labs. He was friends with Greg, actually, at the time. I don't know. Was that a European company? No. No, they're from Canada that from your was that a European company? No, no, no. Canada from BC. Oh my god. Oh, oh, oh, the guy who was in Vancouver, the wire.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that guy had a business. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Yeah. So we felt that it helped the time that that we were with them. You know, you can learn something from everybody, you know, and we we worked with them until we felt that, you know, we needed to continue growing. Are they still around? Yeah, they're still around. Mad Labs. Wow. I didn't know he had a.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Is it Mad Lab School of Fitness? Exactly. Wow. I had no idea that he had a business like this. Yeah, he actually helps coaches graduate like in a accredited program that's recognized as getting a college diploma. Like recognized by some government organization in Canada.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Wow, crazy. Okay, so you went to them. You know, we learned a lot from them. And then, you know, now in a different stage in life, we feel like we're... You know, we know a lot more. And we're just, you know, trying to see who we're going to be working with. We're working with a couple of people right now. We're talking to them and seeing which direction we're going, you know, trying to see who we're going to be working with. We're working with a couple of people right now. We're talking to them and seeing which way, which direction we're going to go with. And just going from there.
Starting point is 00:36:31 You mean you're working with another outfit like… Yeah, we've been talking to a couple of different consultants, right, that we see is a good fit for us. So this way we can take it, you know, a step further because I think at all points, you're never too good fit for us, so we can take it a step further. Because I think at all points, you're never too good for a coach. If I said I was too good, I'd be ignorant. It's like me telling our clients that you don't need a personal trainer. You don't need a coach, you can do it on your own.
Starting point is 00:36:57 You can only go so far, but for you to take yourself to the next level, you need to be with someone who's actually been there. So they've been exposed. They know the secret sauce and they're gonna be able to pinpoint unbiasing what you're doing wrong, right? Chris, are you for these, when you interface with these groups like Mad Labs and Barbell Business, are you the guy from your gym who interfaces with them?
Starting point is 00:37:24 Me and my brother. You and your brother both. Yeah, we do everything together. Yeah, absolutely. Is he older or younger? Younger. And how much younger is he? He's six years, but sometimes you think he's actually the older brother. Gotcha. Yeah. And you know somewhere in the United States has to be, or somewhere in the world, has to be the most successful CrossFit gym. Yeah. Right? I mean somewhere has to be like, somewhere has to be, or somewhere in the world, has to be the most successful CrossFit gym. Yeah. Right. I mean, somewhere has to be like, somewhere has to be, there's the gym that makes the least amount of money, and then there's the gym that makes the most amount of money. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Yeah. Um, and I don't say that like, um, uh, there's a necessarily that there is a goal, but it wouldn't hurt to be at the top. But at some point, now you've had so much experience that you must be have feel like you're one of the thought leaders in that space. Oh, yeah, just through experience, right? You've been around long enough. So when I talked to certain affiliates, I already know what they're doing wrong.
Starting point is 00:38:22 I know what they're not doing, what they should be doing or what they're doing but don't realize that the intention isn't there so they need to just fine-tune different things because Either I'm doing it or I've made the same mistakes, right? It's not it's not because I know everything It's just that I know what it's like to not do it and I know what happens when you do it I see all of a sudden well money's coming in on my retention is better people are happier people are working for you longer Right so and that just comes to experience The two brain guys I heard some crazy stat from them. I actually heard Don fall say it that 90% of their clients Have
Starting point is 00:39:01 Make more than they spent on the on the business have make more than they spent on the business. Meaning, if you spent 5,000 with TwoBrain, you end up making, for 90% of the people, it pays for itself. Yeah, well, if not, they wouldn't be a business, right? Like, I know Chris really well. He's awesome. All the things that he's doing,
Starting point is 00:39:17 he's more organized than most of the people that I've talked to, to be honest with you. The way he has a system, one thing that I like from them is that they have a map of how they plan on helping your business. A lot of times when you talk to consultants, they go like, let's just talk about it,
Starting point is 00:39:34 let's see how it goes, and we're gonna, as things go on, we'll figure things out. But you wanna have a plan because then, after you fix those plans over the first six months, what's the next six months looking like? What's the six months after that looking like? If you can't explain that to me, why am I going to be working with you? Right? And they're pretty well thought out with their systems and organization, what they're offering.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Can you give me an example of this map? Like when you said that I kind of pictured a flow chart. Yeah, pretty much. It's like these are the stages based on, you know, you need to focus on, you know, the basics could be like, let's see your website, let's see your schedule, let's see your coaching, and let's see your income, and let's see where you're falling, like what's the biggest issue, just the same way you would look at someone for closet, like if you are, you suck at squatting, you suck at cardio, you suck at pull-ups, and then let's dig a little deeper.
Starting point is 00:40:28 And then we're gonna figure out, based on order of importance, what needs to be done. And then based on that, like if you got your marketing down, okay, now let's take a look at your operating systems. Let's take a look at how you handle your front desks or every single thing that needs to be done for the business. Like who's looking at the... Like leads.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Like, hey, you got a lead. Who's in charge of that? How many follow-up calls are you making on leads? So they'll actually be like, hey, this is how you deal with leads. Here's someone who is interested and you didn't call them back within seven days. Maybe you should have called him back within two days. It goes into minutiae like that with them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:09 And then like if here's a breakdown of this is how to talk to them, how to rebuttal when these things come up. So he's done a really good job with that. Right. And then obviously you look at that and maybe, okay, let me look at that. Let me improve on that because you know, you have your own experience. But yeah, they seem really organized with their operating system. How did you meet him Chris Cooper? He's OG. I have my first
Starting point is 00:41:42 CrossFit competition it was in 2008 or 2009. I just showed up first time ever it was that in Toronto. We did a workout. He is a video or we have a video of each other doing a workout beside each other. I didn't even know until he was actually on one of my podcasts a couple weeks ago. I was like, what year was that? 2008 or 2009. Wow. Okay. Oh, so you had him on your podcast. Okay, so you really know him. He did a bunch of and when he was working for HQ he
Starting point is 00:42:09 He did he did a bunch of articles because I used to be regionals every year, right? And then he did an article my wife did on my father-in-law. He did on my mom He did on everyone and published it for for each year and so and so That was when if it was 2008 or 9, that's when there were like very few gyms You probably knew all the gym owners or yeah Everybody in Ontario we I knew everybody it was like even the people when I used to compete at regionals Like it was just meeting up with friends like okay It's these guys and Bob the boss we shoot the shit and it was it was a it was a great time where it didn't feel
Starting point is 00:42:37 like a professional sport like now, right? Hey, dude does the Does the way you do you operate both gyms identically? No, we don't. Different spaces allow us for different options with programs. We will offer the amount of programs. One is 500 square feet bigger. We can the way it's spaced we can have we do like semi privates, right? So we have groups of four or five. Sorry two to four
Starting point is 00:43:09 Groups of whether it's Crossfit or training or if it's sports specific training, right? We can do a bunch of those Or have two classes going on at once The other location it's just personal training going on and just a class. We can't do semi-privates and whatnot. It's a little bit different space. When you... I'm going to come back to that about the two gyms in a second.
Starting point is 00:43:34 When you started, how long before you went to your first coach, this Mad Lab guy? How long? Cool. Mad Lab? No, sorry, not Mad Lab lab barbell business how long honestly so many years now it's happened I want to say after three years three years maybe and maybe four I don't know three or four maybe and would you recommend someone go sooner I think the reality that we see, the current trend that's over and over again, people are
Starting point is 00:44:09 going into CrossFit because they want to change lives. They want to make a difference. They want to impact the world. They want to go to heaven. They're not going because they're like, I know business principles. For some reason, because we're doing a good thing and we're so passionate business principles don't matter. People are gonna just throw money at us, right? Right. And that's so far from the truth. The longer you in it, you're in it, you realize that if you don't have business principles, you don't
Starting point is 00:44:37 you're not gonna last. And or if you are, you're gonna be really fucking unhappy. Because before I used to be like, oh come to our gym, we're gonna teach you the best technique. We're gonna teach you the best squat. Well, you're into fitness. This is the bare minimum, right? I'm not going to, I don't know, what's it called? Carpenter and saying like, I know how to nail the best wood together.
Starting point is 00:45:00 It's like, it's your job. You know how to cut it. Like, you know what I mean? It should be a no brainer. You know what I'm hearing from you? The reality, you know how people will be like you know what I mean it's just a no-brainer you know what I'm hearing from you the reality you know people be like well they're shitty CrossFit gyms they're shitty CrossFit gyms the reality is from the business sense there's never been more great CrossFit gyms ever on the history of planet Earth there's more people who've
Starting point is 00:45:18 been doing it longer and so people expect more and so what you're saying the baseline is risen and like hey you better be able to do all the CrossFit shit great because that's who you're saying, the baseline is risen and like, Hey, you better be able to do all the CrossFit shit great because that's who you're going to be competing with. Don't worry about the shitty gyms. They can't like, they're going to lose COVID took him out. COVID took him out. And so what you're saying is, is then you better figure out the, the, the, the cheapest place to buy toilet paper, the best way to vet new coaches, the best way
Starting point is 00:45:44 to maintain your equipment, you better like dial in, you better have systems in place. You know what it kind of reminds me of too? You're kind of when you said you won't be happy. Basically, you're what it's like raising kids, like it can be really, really fun if your kids are really well behaved. And the only way they're really well behaved is if you have crazy boundaries. And then inside of those boundaries they're just free and so it becomes you can take them anywhere right they're so enjoyable to be around and raise and what you're saying is is if you don't have a fine-tuned machine you're gonna burn out and hate your job you have no
Starting point is 00:46:19 control yeah fat fascinating so if you were if you let's say let's say if you were to start a new gym, let's say you were 22 again, would you would you just go straight? Who would you go to? Would you would you use two brain on day one? Honestly, you know what? Probably I would actually because it just the faster you can learn systems and there you can replicate them and pass it from one person to the next person probably yeah, because Organization and systems is number one and you hear about it when you you know, I'm a part of an entrepreneurial group and it's called our pay and you have like at my lat and you have and your frazzella and
Starting point is 00:47:02 They talk about it for so long and you don't realize the significance until it's too late. Like shit, why did I start when it was easy? Sometimes you, you know, you hear things but it's not significant enough until you're like, oh shit, if I started that then when the processes were so simple and I had one person and now I have like, I have literally 30 people working under me. Wow. My god. You have 30 employees between your two gyms between coaches. We have a physio clinics as well Wow, and then you know our desk operators and all that. Yeah Hey, can you tell me what what does it mean?
Starting point is 00:47:37 Can you give me some ideas of what systems are like the most mundane kind of? Systems you need to have places it like hey if someone has to clean the bathroom three times a day, all leads have to be checked, someone has to be checking leads within 24 hours. What are systems? Honestly, if that when you come in, what is your check off list? But not only that, how are you going to do it? Because what's like common sense to you is not common sense to everybody. Right? Right. And if you're not saying anything to them, they're going to do it the way they think it's right. But you don't realize that there's step by step, like how you're going to respond to an email, right?
Starting point is 00:48:07 Say someone's inquiring and you don't have a phone number on there or you don't have like say someone's calling for physio. You don't have the actual link for them to click on because you have to make it stupid proof. If you're not acknowledging their actual name, not just a hey, thanks for reminding inquiring is hi, John, I appreciate you, blah, blah, blah. Little things are the big things. And if you don't have it in a system,
Starting point is 00:48:29 what you're gonna do is you're gonna have to say the same thing 30 different times to 30 different people. And you know they're not gonna do it the first time, so you're gonna have to do it again. You're like, man, here's the manual. Do it like this, don't screw it up, right? So this way you can be doing more impactful things. When you first opened your gym, had you ever even heard of those words, KPI or systems
Starting point is 00:48:50 or anything? No, I had no clue. I didn't know anything about anything. But you don't realize it until you get to a point where, shit, I'm not having as much fun or I don't have the money that I need or that I want to have or I'm not where I was expecting to be in five years. We had to get to a point that it hurt, like, okay, that's enough, we need to change.
Starting point is 00:49:11 It's kind of like you first open the gym and your first trip to Costco to buy toilet paper and bottled water is fun, but after five years of that, you're like, hey man, this is not- $500 a shot minimum every time you go there, right? This isn't a good use of my time. Yeah, exactly. Like I have to figure out a way that this flow is better.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Exactly. I'm losing three hours a week. I'm going to Costco. It was fun the first time me and my brother went and we dribbled the ball down the aisles too and got kicked out, but now it's not. And that's what it is. It's letting the newbies know that
Starting point is 00:49:40 if you're taking time off, the sooner you do this, the longer you're gonna have more fun because you're in more control Right. It's like going to a regular gym. I'm got a new membership at a really good place It's gonna be a lot of fun and then you realize okay. I did it. I'm doing I'm taking time out of my life It cost me money. I'm not getting results now I'm kind of the same fuck. It doesn't even matter if I come today or not now I'm just you know, it's not for me right if you're on a schedule and you're on a program and your plan everything's planned and Intentional you know that every day is gonna be a good day because you're moving the needle forward right and
Starting point is 00:50:15 Those principles should be how you're showing up to class and why you come to a gym right and It should be the same reason why I'm showing up to work because I know there's a purpose. I know my goal. I know what I'm trying to do to get to my goal, right? If not, if today is the same as yesterday, who fucking cares? I might need to work early today because it doesn't matter. There's kind of like phases in life. Like there's the gathering phase and then there's like the getting rid of phase, right? So at one point in my life. I had 12 motorcycles and It's a full-time job having registration and insurance and you need an extra job to pay for registration insurance when you have 12 motorcycles It's complete fucking idiocy you never think about it as you're collecting them and then one day you're like what the fuck I don't even ride these fucking things. I'm paying all this money
Starting point is 00:51:01 I've lost that I'm now standing in line at the DMV with my life. Like this is fucking it's like if you ever have to like a pile of like give a whole bookshelf full of books you haven't read in 10 years. And every time you like you reorganize your house, you got to move those books around or something or old records and finally one day you're like, I'm just going to get rid of them. I'm thinking like across that's one of the components of doing a CrossFit gym to like, you're like you're so excited to buy a cold tub
Starting point is 00:51:28 That's gonna be so great. And now all of a sudden you have three cold tubs that now take 15 hours a week to maintain and clean Yeah, and you didn't figure that out at all and you're fucked. Yeah. Yeah, and you don't realize we know based on your hours What's the ROI? And is that the best place for me to put my energy in, especially when you have, as you get older, you're probably going to have a family, you're going to have kids, you're going to be running out to soccer or hockey every freaking night. Is that where I want to put my energy, right? Or can I put it somewhere else that's going to make everybody happy? Was there an aha moment you had where you kind of like the first baby step you took
Starting point is 00:52:09 into these systems or how to think bigger picture about things like that that you were like oh shit? You know what I think there's multiple aha moments the longer in the game because you realize okay well you need a goal. If you don't have a goal there's no aha moment. Or be you know at the end of the year when you do your taxable What did I just make right now? What's the point? So no change or it could be like you know what this is what I need to do This is my my personal goal whether it's inside or outside of the gym say a financial goal
Starting point is 00:52:38 Right of buying a sec a property or buying something right now. It's like you What do I need to do to get there? and then you realize I don't even have the system in place to a property or buying something, right? Now it's like, what do I need to do to get there? And then you realize I don't even have the system in place to support that actual goal because I might in order for me to make X amount of dollars, I need X amount of trainers. So even though I'm trying to grow my business, I'm actually not even able to grow unless I get more trainers, right? And if you didn't have that goal, you can't kind of scale back and realize what needs to be done. So there's, there's a bunch of aha moments, right? Obviously, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:06 investment, making more money, and then how can I, the next one would be, you know, I have three kids, I want to be involved, like heavily involved in their lives, how can I continue doing the same growth or more growth that I want with not being there necessarily as much? Like, I'm always on the phone, but how can I be like not actually have to be at my physical location as much? Is that possible? Right, now I gotta look at that. How am I gonna make that happen?
Starting point is 00:53:34 Systems is a great way to start, right? You know what's crazy about your business is you can't, a gym with 30 people out of your garage is pretty fucking cool. But you have 30 fucking employees. You can't even be the point of contact for all your employees. You just don't have enough time in the day. Exactly. Exactly. It gets overwhelming. And then, again, systems is one of the ways to take care of it. And it's not an everyday thing. It can't be.
Starting point is 00:54:02 You have to be kind of organized and know when to talk to who and organize that. How many direct reports do you have in those 30? How many would come directly to you if they had a problem? Like, and by a problem, I don't mean like something crazy. I mean, just like day-to-day minutia. I'd say like 10 to 12, 10 12 at the other location, more people, you know, if but the thing things don't come up every day. That's why we look at
Starting point is 00:54:30 our KPIs because I see something significant that's off kilter, my K let's nip it in the butt before it becomes an issue, right. So you can monitor that and then you know, you might have a couple people daily to come up to you and talk to you. So it's not overwhelming. Wild. If you were to, do you like the way you started? Do you think that's the best way to start? Like if someone wanted to open a business?
Starting point is 00:54:54 No. No, absolutely not. I would have some kind of consultant. But even, I'm talking about before we get to, I got you on that part, but I mean just like in your mom's garage. Like, like that OG like cuz I used to just train at the park and Within like a month. I there were like I met like 10 random people down there at the park who were training with me Oh, no, I wouldn't I wouldn't change it Like I think I'm lucky that I was able to do that because I don't know if you could do that now
Starting point is 00:55:21 Right, but especially with the competitions before there's no competition. Okay. Like for us to be able to do that and have that experience, I thought was amazing because you get creative, it teaches you how to how to deal with your space too, right? How can I deal with, you know, what kind of equipment do I need? What's not going to take up the most space? How am I going to schedule and pick my programming according to my space based on the amount of members. So you get to do this at a small, like something that's not significant because you need to think about those things when you own a box, right? And then you're neighbors complaining parking. Oh, they sat down on their porches and just watch the man.
Starting point is 00:55:59 They thought we were not. They loved it. Yeah. Oh, they did. They actually told us like we miss watching you guys. We miss the crazy music. The community is a lot quieter because of it. So, no, it was welcoming, which is great. When you first paid your affiliate fees 15 years ago, were you in the $500 bracket? No, we missed it by like a couple months. So you were in the $500 bracket? No, we missed it by like, like a couple months.
Starting point is 00:56:26 So you were in the thousand dollar bracket. Yeah. Yeah. And since you have two affiliates, you pay $9,000 a year. Uh, it's going up, right? So it's going up. I forget, honestly, I forget the price. It's gone up now to like, what is it?
Starting point is 00:56:41 Six grand or something like that. Oh, because it's Canadian. Yeah. Sorry. Like for every dollar US is like $3 Canadian right now. It's our dollars now to like, what is it, six grand or something like that? Oh, because it's Canadian? Yeah, sorry, like for every dollar US is like $3 Canadian right now, it's $100 crap. It's like, it's like what? 25 cents, sorry, 75 cents of the dollar, I think. So why are you still staying affiliated? You know what?
Starting point is 00:57:02 We have this conversation all the time, to be honest with you. Do we see value in it? Do we not? It's something that we've constantly battled, to be honest with you. Especially where it's like, are we paying more money? Are we getting more value? Right? And then they, you know, we can see that, you know, talking to the affiliate, Canadian affiliate leader. She's trying to- Is that Paul Tromblitt? Oh, no. It's a she- No, he's not. He's not doing it anymore. It's Carrie Anne. Okay. She has the same core values as us. She wants to make a difference. And she's like, guys,
Starting point is 00:57:38 just hold on. They're trying to do good things. We're trying to grow with them. So they're trying to take steps in the right direction. They know. I think that they're having growth issues and there's just a lot going on with HQ. But we're like, you know what, let's try it out and see how things go. As long as we see change. And that's one of the biggest things we sent her. And she's like, listen, she hears us and she's, she's said, let's start, you know, kind of jamming together and see if we can create more value for the Canadian affiliates. Right? So the fact that
Starting point is 00:58:13 she's, she's willing to try her best to do more, I'm like, you know what, I respect that. And I think that we, we owe it to them and ourselves, because we do believe that the methodology of CrossFit works. It's undeniable. I'm biased towards fitness. If you show me something that's going to get me fitter than CrossFit, I'm not biased because CrossFit is the best. I haven't found anything else that works better. I really haven't. To hang out with like-minded people who, I believe in personal accountability responsibility who will put social pressure on you to eat right and to show up to and put in the hard
Starting point is 00:58:50 work and then movements that are as Greg would say part and parcel with our DNA and not invented by anyone taught by a world-class coaches to keep you safe and like fuck like you know could you say no right right I mean I'm not want to be a part of that would be kind of ignorant. So. Oh, Chris, Christian says just use steroids, that's fair. That would help.
Starting point is 00:59:11 That would definitely help. Quick returns. Oh, there we go. Look at those doubts. Oh, okay. So I want you use the word change, trigger word for me. But so, but what, let me recap before I go to what kind of change like ask you for some examples of change. So basically
Starting point is 00:59:28 what I'm hearing is something that you preach. You like you're staying an affiliate because of your relationship with your rep. Right now 100% it's all there again right now you can give her a lot more money because because of her. And that's what I hear from, I feel like, 100% of the affiliates I've asked, I can't remember one that hasn't, I'll say 99%, is that is a, even well thought out, very logical owners like yourself,
Starting point is 01:00:00 there's an emotional relational piece to the word CrossFit, to your history and to your relationship with people at the mothership that are keeping you there. Correct. Yeah. You just because it would have been so easy for you to say, dude, are you fucking kidding me? I, um, I, their media is a great tool and we're always using it to teach our clients a new shit. But you didn't say that. No, But you didn't say that. No, no, the media is not the greatest right now. So we're at CrossFit Media by talking about them for them right now, to be honest with you.
Starting point is 01:00:33 So that was one of the benefits when they had a media team. They were our marketing team, so I saw value in that. And not anymore for the first time ever for us, because we track why people on the internet are looking are coming to our website. Before it used to be they're looking for CrossFit and just two months ago it's changed for the first time that people are coming to us because of CrossFit. They're coming specifically looking for our brand because we've been around long enough and that for whatever reason they're not
Starting point is 01:00:59 there because of CrossFit. So it's actually seeing less value in that than we've ever had because of those metrics, to be honest with you. When you say, when you said change, is there anything in specific, is, are there some things that you have in mind that you'd like to see them do differently, CrossFit HQ? Um, I think right now the change that, you know, they're providing, you know, I see Ky see Kyrian going above and beyond she's trying to do extra meetups with affiliate owners you know on on her own time to discuss like how we can create more you know how we can strengthen our community but also her recognizing that there's I think
Starting point is 01:01:43 there's a big gap with If I'm an affiliate owner 10 year affiliate owner I see cross that's trying to do cap and trying to do those things that we're working but not really It helps the newer affiliate owners, but what about the OGs? What value provided me do we not matter because we've been around we don't need help. It's the same thing if you were a 10 year Member you've been around long enough, I'm actually just going to forget about my most loyal person who's been showing up. It's like, no, I need to find ways to show more value for them to continue staying. And then if you're like, I can't help you because I don't actually know, that's when
Starting point is 01:02:19 I'm like, I'm not paying you anymore because you're not providing any value. She recognizes that and we're going to put a plan with how we're going to actually evolve this, right? Like how, how we can help affiliates like myself and show more value to the OGs and be like, this is what you should be doing. Cause if I'm going to jump on a call and say like, this is how you're going to scale across the workout of the day. My eyes are going to glaze over my, but I've been doing that for way too long. Right. Um? But you don't know there's a problem until you know, right? And she's aware of that. The OG affiliate owners in Canada know that. You know, the more we talk, the more we realize that there's something needs to change. And hopefully we're still around and, you know, to make it to our
Starting point is 01:03:02 20th year. So the parallel I'm seeing in the in the example you gave I'm not gonna let you off the hook that easy though I'm gonna circle back is that you'll be standing next to a client who's been at your gym for three years and you'll hear them say to another client oh my god I can't believe your abs and then maybe later when they're walking by the bathroom you you'll say to them hey dude I heard what you're saying about the abs I know doesn't so-and-so have a crazy walking by the bathroom, you'll say to them, hey dude, I heard what you're saying about the abs. I know, doesn't so and so have a crazy body?
Starting point is 01:03:27 By the way, that's all nutrition. And if you want any help with nutrition, I'll help you. And we can start working and you can see those abs and you can try it out. We'll switch up your diet a little bit. I can help you with the diet plan and you can get abs. You're saying that that's adding value to someone who's been there for three years, right. You're saying that that's that's adding value to someone
Starting point is 01:03:45 who's been there for three years, right? You hear something that they want and then you service it, right? Correct. Yeah, we have. You're saying that CrossFit's not doing that. They're like they would say to that client, hey, just come to the gym twice as much. And we all know that that's not the that's not going to get you the abs. You're not working away the bad diet. No, exactly. You need that. It's intention, right? Again, it takes you to, like, you know, day one is showing up. Okay, we've been showing up. We've been putting in the work.
Starting point is 01:04:11 But then after that, it's like, it's all about the smart work and it has to be intentional, right? The fine tuning. But I also think that CrossFit is at a different stage because we are older. There's a lot more people that have been around for 12, 10 years. You don't realize at the 10-year mark, okay, now we need to develop something new for these OG affiliates because they're at 10 years. Like, we don't know until the 13th, 14th, 15th year that's like,
Starting point is 01:04:33 well, how do we provide value for these people? We never actually thought about it because we've never actually been there long enough to realize that, that there's an issue there. If not, they're just going to sell it to someone else, right? So I think it's just a change in times right now. I have some bad news for you. Do you think that in the consulting space, do you think Chris is the best? Do you think that in the consulting space, do you think Chris is the best? I think he's one of the best for sure. I don't know because I haven't talked to everybody in the space, but right now he's got his T's across the nice dotted, so I definitely give him a lot of respect.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Okay, for sake of argument, let's say he's the best. Just for the sake, doesn't matter. Let's say he's the best just just for the sake doesn't matter Let's say whoever is the best so that let's say that That box has been checked right and then we know the methodology is the best sure right? So that box is checked and I remember Craig Howard saying all we want from HQ is just not to fuck up the brand I Would help right? I remember Craig Howard saying, all we want from HQ is just not to fuck up the brand. That would help. That would be, that would help. I, I don't think, so when we had Greg Glassman at the helm, we had someone for 15 years who just keep reiterating the vision over and over but with different words, right? World's most, cure the world's most vexing problem, constantly very functional and executed at high intensity.
Starting point is 01:06:05 We live in a sickness economy. I mean, he was just like, kept just pointing and pointing and pointing. And every time you hear him talk or the five buckets of death, you would just be just like, you could just be constantly taking stuff from him, right? And there was no one, there was no board or private equity to whip him or anything, right? He just could just go go go I'm just explaining this with you I I when you say change I think what's happened is is that the brand has become paralyzed oh there's there's been no
Starting point is 01:06:43 growth it's a slow decline. Yeah, and not for the affiliates, but just from HQ, there's a paralysis and no risk. So you know ESPN, I don't know if there's a guy there, Pat McAfee? Sounds familiar, but I'm not. He has a podcast. He's pretty crazy.
Starting point is 01:07:00 He's pretty wild. Says wild things during quote. Nothing like you? A little bit like me, but he's much better than me and heat and I don't believe that And he had Aaron Rodgers on over and over and over and Aaron Rodgers would openly speak against forcing the NFL players to take the injection but but basically ESPN signed him that's fucking Disney, right? Yeah, and they signed him for 150 million dollars in his first two weeks there He said he basically said something to the executive they started talking shit about him and he said hey fuck you guys either fire
Starting point is 01:07:29 Me or shut the fuck up. Yeah, I Feel like that's what the brand used to be Like fuck you come to my gym and do Fran against me Yeah, I mean, well, let's let's each take a grandmother and see who can get her fit fastest. Yeah, and I just I Just think that was the the things that people didn't like about CrossFit including myself in the beginning them saying you're pussy If you use a 65 pound bar, I was definitely Yeah, I mean Dave said that at my L1 We have 95 pound bars for men and 65 pound bars for women and pussies.
Starting point is 01:08:05 That's it. And I fucking went and hid in the corner and hated his guts. That was amazing. The thing is, is I think you can have both. I think you can have a really, but now my mom does CrossFit and she's proud at 82 years old
Starting point is 01:08:18 because it's fucking hard. Sure. So when she goes to her book club, they're like, holy shit, my mom comes in with her CrossFit shirt, right? Everyone was is proud to be a CrossFitter and I first I just feel like the herd is gonna have to get cold a little bit to get back to that That that kind of I don't know. I just think it's it's um, I
Starting point is 01:08:40 Think the change is in I don't think that there's any it's like Greg said the cat's out of the bag and They're in all the affiliates are just paying a loyalty payment And so basically just the brand has they have to go one way with the brand whatever it wants to be they could try To go the opposite way to just go full curves, right? Do you have any thoughts on that? I mean because some people be like step on you're so inconsiderate The the affiliates can't handle that you You're going to push away so many fucking members if they go that hard. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:09 I think it's just we it's there. I don't know. From what I see, it's like. Because there's the directions, not the same as was before, they're trying to not change or, you know, they're not trying to elevate CrossFit, and I don't think they know because they don't have direction. Maybe I don't know what it is because I'm sure it's
Starting point is 01:09:27 different when you have people like a board saying like let's just not tip the boat over here if our numbers are the same let's just keep everybody happy but if you stay the same like working out you slowly fall behind you don't stay yeah right yeah I think that is it they're trying to keep everyone happy and you I don't think they're gonna and it's like these people you know who have two million followers and they never post anything of substance because they're afraid if they post substance of substance if they don't walk that tight line they're gonna lose some followers. Yeah. And then eventually you just scroll past their shit and then eventually you just unfollow them. You're like this is just bullshit. Yeah there
Starting point is 01:10:02 hasn't been a big significant change or anything that has strengthened the community other than the affiliate owners themselves. Right. Not necessarily that it's a bad thing because it gives you an opportunity to take control. But you're speaking on their behalf. People used to come because they used to see media.
Starting point is 01:10:17 The information that they put out was great. But now it's like you see more shitty information by big media companies about CrossFit the only thing you see good are the people that are actually doing CrossFit in affiliate owners, but it feels like You're paying them and they should be putting out that content because every time like you know the the games uh Netflix uh movies came out that was one of the best things for for CrossFit Oh, I wanted to do what they're doing. People would flock to our gym.
Starting point is 01:10:46 I'm so intrigued. I want to do this. Or I saw them posting this or with the media team and the movies were freaking amazing for our affiliates. But once they'll stop, people stop coming in for those reasons. Right. We saw a direct investment because you're showcasing what you want. You're controlling what you want people to see from CrossFit, not just what people put out there. Because even still, people put like, oh look at my ripped hands, I don't want people to see that because they're going to be like,
Starting point is 01:11:12 I don't want to do that because I want my hands to rip, right? Right. So the direction is, I don't even want to say it's changed, there's just nothing happening right now, right? I just Googled push-ups. So when I worked there, the whole goal was to make so much content of value that if you looked up push-up, pull-up, muscle-up, it was always a CrossFit video that came up first. Now I just typed in push-up and it's calisthenic movement is the first video it suggests, then a video from National Academy of Sports Medicine, NASM, and then the third one is from something called AthleanX.
Starting point is 01:11:47 So let me type in now, Pula. And the videos are from fitness, FAQs, calisthenic movements, calisthenic movements. So they've lost the mantle on the search engine, one before it was all CrossFit. Yep, I remember. And what's interesting is I think before we just made stuff that added value and now they are actually thinking what's the best return on investment. They're like, I think that they've lost their way
Starting point is 01:12:22 that YouTube's the biggest search engine in the world and they have to own it with content Yeah, it's right simple. It's right Be available for people to see and educate them and be like it's not like you're trying to trick someone It's like it works. It works show them show them your mother at 82 working out, you know, I mean like yeah impactful I don't know what is right like we have a video in it of this guy I'm Philip. He's 73 years old doing a 30 inch box jump You know is that on your is that on your Instagram?
Starting point is 01:12:51 It's on it's on the Christine athletics He would bridge job Instagram. How far back is it? It was a couple months ago But I don't know if you're gonna find there's so much stuff out there But it's like man like a 30 inch box jump that's 33 or 73 years old, that's everything to me. Who cares about seeing someone rip 20-year-old abs? I expect that. I'd be like, wow, this guy's not going to break his hip in his 80s. He's not going to die a month later because of that.
Starting point is 01:13:18 He's going to live quality life until the day he dies. He's actually riding, he leaves left today, he's riding a motorcycle up to the highest point he's allowed to from Mount Everest. Like you're nuts. Wow, that is nuts. 73 years old. Yeah, you have a huge array of people showcased on here. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:43 It's wild. Yeah, 73 on a, did you say a 30 inch box, John? 30 inch box, yeah. It's crazy. Yeah, that is nuts. Yeah, I mean, it's the opposite way. But I don't know where it is. Yeah, that's great. Hey, so what happened?
Starting point is 01:14:04 What happens, you see him do it, and then you walk over and're like, hey, dude, can I film that for my Instagram? Oh, yeah, I'm like, can you do that again? Because that is beyond normal. Maybe it's my though we have like three different account names. It's okay. Yeah, it's okay. I should have been more prepared. It's not on you. No. Oh, and you have testimonials. Yeah. And you have dudes with good hair. Yes, that's me. That's my brother. Oh, that's you. Right. He always has good hair.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Oh, this is your brother on the right. Yeah. Yeah. Dang. Hey, did he compete also? Yeah, we actually competed together at the games as a team. Six years younger. Yeah, 2006. We were at the games. Did he ever get better than you? He was always stronger than me.
Starting point is 01:14:55 He was always stronger than me. And then, yeah, he got better than me. I think the more kids I had, the less sleep I had. He wasn't having as many kids. But he's now, for the first time ever, he's feeling I had. He wasn't having as many kids. But he's now for the first time ever, he's, he's feeling the effects. He's 34. He's like, shit, now I actually have to stretch more than I than I work out. I'm like, welcome to my world, right? Yeah, no, he's, he's, he's fitted me now.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Right, right. Is it is it did you meet your wife at the gym? No, met her at a club. That's a whole other story. Oh, and then you got married and you have three kids? Yep. Her brothers would come to the gym. Her dad came to the gym. And was she into fitness when you met her? She was in university at that point. She, not so much, because she was in university. She was like doing acting in the theater and all that stuff. But she was active when she was younger.
Starting point is 01:15:52 She was a sprinter. My father-in-law was, he went to the Olympics for 100 meter sprint actually. And he has like, he still has the, I think the 100 meter record. He's from Syria. And he still holds the record actually for the fastest 100 meter sprint there. So I'm like, if we put our genes together, I'm gonna come up with some really good kids.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Yeah, awesome. Did she think you were crazy for doing CrossFit when you tried to introduce her to it? Did she think it was crazy? She wasn't a big fan at the beginning. She was like, this is just too much. Like, this is nuts, right? Yeah, my wife thought it was an absolute madness. Yeah, she was like, I just want to feel better, like just chill out here. But then, you know, once you get involved in the community, and you know, you realize you control your own intensity at the end of the day, right?
Starting point is 01:16:41 She liked it, she did it. And she now she's a trainer. She does online coaching, she does personal training as well. And she's like, it worked for me. She actually did bikini competitions. And- After you met her because you got her into fitness? Yeah, I got her more involved in fitness. So after I met her, and she ended up winning her like a bunch of competitions actually. a big one was that fitness fitness insider Which is a media and magazine company and all she did was cross fit Wow, and I'm we're not ignorant to be like Kate you need to respect the sport You need to do what you're doing, but 80% of her training was was cross fit
Starting point is 01:17:21 she was lean because of cross fit and she had a well balanced diet. And luckily she didn't have to take any you know take any diuretics or do any like you know any enhancements because she was always she was in such great condition without even knowing that she was four weeks pregnant actually once you want. Oh my god. Oh yeah like which is pretty cool but it just goes to show if you try to be as healthy as you can. Thank god because who knows what what comes up right. I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, second. Second. Wow. That's that's amazing. Yeah. Yeah. She's uh hey was that scary at all because like because she had to get so lean and she was pregnant was she like oh ****
Starting point is 01:18:12 that wasn't smart. No because she um she uh she balanced. She's she's not like me like I'm fat at heart like I don't have an off switch. So it wasn't like she didn't drink water for two days before she got no, no, no, like she was one of those people like she's out with like her team. And her coach is like, you need to eat a Mars bar and drink a glass of wine the night before your competition. Well, other girls are like, they would die for
Starting point is 01:18:39 that. They're not allowed having any water and they're just like, like licking rice cakes. They weren't the killer actually. Hey, does she speak Arabic? She was born in Syria. She moved when she was like seven or eight, I think to Canada. So she's she's oh yeah, she's like full fledged Habibi. Wow, that's awesome. Yeah. I drove. I drove one time. I didn't drive. I took a cab from Beirut all the way through Syria. I spent a couple weeks in Syria and to Turkey. And then I crossed the border in Syria
Starting point is 01:19:17 and then hung out in Syria for a few weeks and then ended up in Turkey to see where my relatives used to live in the mountains like the mountains of Turkey Yeah, before the the war before I guess it was World War one it was crazy. It was amazing. Have you been to Syria? It's fuck I mean, I don't know how it is now, but it was it was like a time warp It was like I was an Indiana Jones movie the coolest fucking people the best restaurants in the world Yeah, I mean it was it was insane. Well, tells me about how amazing it was. She wants us to go back but obviously every
Starting point is 01:19:48 time she wants to go back there's a war or something like that right. So she said at least go to Lebanon. She wants she wants us to go to at least supposed to be a bit safer but Lebanon is not as cool as Syria like not even Lebanon is more modern. You go to Peru. It is but it's a shithole. It's like we have plenty of shithole cities in in the United States like Syria's like Cobblestones in like markets in like fucking the craziest looking people and shit for sale You never seen in carpet and last yeah, you could just get lost. Yeah, Damascus was insane when I stayed there it's nuts it's uh like um like at the mosque you'd be walking by a mosque and there would be this giant mosque but just this one little tiny hole in the wall and just for hours people going in and out
Starting point is 01:20:39 you know like oh it's just crazy it is is Indiana Jones movie. It was so cool. Yeah, I'd say one day when they're doing a little bit better we'll show up. Yeah, are they at war right now? Is Syria at war right now? There's always things going on, but it's not even that. Well, because of the sanctions, there's like their electricity's turned off
Starting point is 01:20:57 and on throughout the day. Yeah. You know what I mean? So it's the same thing with their water. They said it's not super fun right now to go to Yeah Yeah, I would do um I would do Syria over. I mean Lebanon I mean obviously there's tons of beautiful places there, but Syria is just on the history in Syria is unreal
Starting point is 01:21:17 It's one of the oldest or is the oldest city in the world Damascus, right? So yeah, there's a lot of history there Third gym any chance of a third gym? No chance. No chance. And then why is that? We get asked all the time. Um, you know what, because this is a people driven business, right? It's not like I'm selling a product, okay, go buy my product. And when you need to buy a new one, then I'll talk to you. You need to maintain relationships.
Starting point is 01:21:42 And obviously, if you have better systems, you could do that. But we wanna put our energy elsewhere, to be honest with you. So I think we were pretty strong and adamant about not doing it. We've had, like, it's amazing how many people ask us to open different ones
Starting point is 01:21:59 or be partners with them in other areas in Ontario. But right now we have our bandwidth is spread so thin that we don't want to put our effort into that basket right there. When you say it sounds like you're the entrepreneur and you is pretty fired up at all times. Are you thinking about doing something in the fitness space or outside of it? In the fitness space. You know, we own two physical clinics, right? That's where like they work on your body, like you're firing and you lay down on your stomach and they... Acupuncture, they'll do ART on you, you know, you're rehabbing, you had a shoulder surgery,
Starting point is 01:22:39 you have to see a physiotherapist, right? Okay. And those are inside the two gyms? Correct. Yeah? Okay. And those are inside the two gyms? Correct, yeah. Okay. Yeah. That's gonna be our focus, I think, going forward. You know, for making sure that this, gyms are legit and still growing,
Starting point is 01:22:54 and then the rest of the energy we have is going towards the clinics. Would you open a third clinic? Yeah. Oh, okay. Interesting. Yeah. Wow, that. Interesting. Yeah. Wow, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:23:07 And you probably would have never thought that 15 years ago. No, like everything. You know what's funny? I always told my brother, owning across the gym is not going to make us millionaires, but it's going to give us the opportunity to meet so many people. And you meet so many different bright minds that are
Starting point is 01:23:25 either gonna spark something or provide some kind of different opportunity to take another step forward in life right it's a stepping stone only a gym is not beyond and all for us right but we know that there's other opportunities that that having a gym has provided us which has been which has been so valuable right and you know based on our experiences, those are one of the areas that we want to focus on. Hey, have you, as you do, as you, I mean, obviously you were a fighter.
Starting point is 01:23:57 And then you were a CrossFitter, and then a businessman, and an entrepreneur, and then a father. Have you made any monumental leaps in your views or values of the world as you go through all of this? In terms of things maybe you wish you would have known when you were younger? I think, again, the experiences that you go through make you who you are, right?
Starting point is 01:24:23 But I think having a strong understanding of your North Star or your purpose or your core values. If you don't have something to stand on, you become like everyone else. That's all they say. Go left, I go left. If they say go right, I go right. Put on a mask, don't put on a mask.
Starting point is 01:24:38 I think you have to be able to be true to yourself and know what your North Star is. Because especially when you're dealing with people, people are quick to judge. And people are like, well, why don't they think this way? Why aren't they doing this rule? Or why aren't they putting up this? I have to be strong enough to be able to be like,
Starting point is 01:24:54 this is why I choose not to do it, and this is who I am. And that means I'm going to create a culture that understands who we are, and they're going to be more with us, and they're going to be more loyal to us because we all stand for something. So I think understanding who you are and that will, you know, everything else should take care of itself
Starting point is 01:25:14 because you know what you want after that. Hey, you know what's interesting about you saying that? The sooner you realize that. Support for today's episode comes from Oneskin. Did you have a little too much fun this summer? You know what I mean, a little too much time in the sun. It's no secret that UV rays can take a toll on our skin, leaving it dry, tired, and less vibrant.
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Starting point is 01:28:15 The more you'll be have a healthy growth in your life. So I hate to use Rich Froning as the example, but you know, he likes to hunt and bring food home to his family. And so he shot an animal, put it on his Instagram, and he lost a hundred thousand followers. Yeah, and it's like, it's like that's who he is, and the sooner that you realize that, the sooner that like, and I think that's kind of like the paralysis that corporate America is in and whatnot, because they don't have, they don't know, their value is just to chase the dollar. And so they get so big and they're afraid to fall off. Right. And so, like, I guess the sooner that you realize
Starting point is 01:28:59 that as a gym owner and someone who runs a family, that's basically what you run, relationships and family, you'll attract the right relatives. Exactly, and they're gonna be loyal, they're not going anywhere. And it's funny, because I think that's the same course that people can learn from through Reebok, right? How did that whole thing start and then what happened? Why did it start getting diluted and started not working? Like
Starting point is 01:29:25 not only did they not, you know, resign with CrossFit, but why did they get sold? You know what I mean, Mike? Oh, you mean the company Reebok? Yeah, Reebok. Yeah. Yeah. And you started to realize people stood for something at that time and saw the benefits and wanted to take it to the next level and collabed and because they truly believed in something, it wasn't about the money, it's that we see something special that are going to help people and create a strong culture. And then as those people moved on to different areas and different businesses and had their own personal growth, new people were taking over who didn't have
Starting point is 01:29:56 a strong culture. Right. And then you had people like, you know, when we were here, you have people in charge of this brand. And we see that you're representing CrossFit, but you don't even do CrossFit. And you're saying what shoes should be going out, you're putting posts of like, put these shoes on, they're going to help you for the best kipping pull up. And it's like, it's a total bug person just did. And it's like, okay, it's a ticking time bomb when you get people who are up high and like, you know, director levels and whatnot. I mean, I mean, if you work out, right, right, you start to realize that it's like nothing matters and then you're slowly going to die,
Starting point is 01:30:34 right? You have to stand for something and then, you know, if something doesn't change, you're just going to be left behind. Right. Like if you haven't like... Like I personally think like my indoctrination came from the fact that I used to film L1s So I had to listen to the L1 fucking a hundred times. Yeah, and I feel like if I feel like And I'm not picking on Don here say but like I feel like Don should have to take a hundred level ones I feel like he should be able to have to teach the level one on his own Because not because the instructions there but because that's where the culture is that's where do you remember your l1 learning the culture there? Were you like in the whole people would cheer you on you're like what the fuck is going on here? It was literally it was so impactful like I said I decided to you know
Starting point is 01:31:18 I had a great gig with working at a gym that I was at To be like you know what I'm gonna go apply as a mature student my grades were shit So I couldn't actually get him because I was smart enough, but they're like, okay, he's mature if he's not smart He's gonna try really hard because if not, he's losing out a lot of money I decided to give up half my income to go to school to learn everything when I like again, I was anti school but because that L1 was that impactful to me? But like I'm gonna try to do something that I know can take me to the next level.
Starting point is 01:31:49 Knowing that is probably going to be the most challenging thing I could ever go through and that's, that's going to sitting in a class and trying to, trying to, you know, learn. I do think it's understated. People call it the community, but I do think, I've never thought of community like this. And maybe that's why it's a trigger word for me whenever people say the community community, but I was profoundly moved by what I would call the culture of CrossFit. Couldn't find that anywhere else. I never felt that. It was very subtle, but profound. Like, and whenever I would
Starting point is 01:32:21 go to an L1, I would see that right like the the old fat lady Who's there has no friends the first two hours and by the end? She's fucking chopping it up with the most buff dude there, and they got their arms around each other. I'm like wow yeah in two days Yeah, yeah Exactly and they're people who are willing to become uncomfortable willing to expose themselves on a daily basis do all the things that they don't Want to do but they know that it's to take them to where they want to be. Like, how could you not want to be around that person? Right?
Starting point is 01:32:50 It doesn't matter if it was CrossFit or something else. That's where you want to surround yourself with every single day because life can get tough. Like, you need to, you know, re-center yourself. So it becomes a no-brainer. CrossFit or not, that community alone is where everybody should want to be Because it's going to change your mind And you know people people are coming to the it's like oh hold on Jake Jake
Starting point is 01:33:13 It's like selling women's underwear and not wearing them not that no no we'll talk about no Jake you make a good try though I appreciate the simile you tried to do, but no that's not The people are coming to the gym because of the other people there and because of the staff there, right? So like all these people, you know, people will be like, hey, I don't want to go to the gym. I don't want to lose. Or my mom used to say when she, you know, after a couple of years across, she didn't like to go on Saturday because it was partner day and she didn't want to slow the younger people down. But the thing is, is everyone's going there.
Starting point is 01:33:45 50% of the reason they're going there is to see all those people. Yeah. And so it's like, Hey, just go like no one, when the workout's over, no one cares. You know, what's funny again, being around long enough where people come and go over years, right? Yeah. You only have this retrospect because you've been around long enough where we have people that were like, listen, I've been gone for five years. I actually had two days, two
Starting point is 01:34:07 times, two people one day actually last week which is this is not normal at all. This one guy shows up, Chris, I haven't been with you for four years. He goes, I'm fat, I'm miserable. The only time I was actually happy, he goes, and I'm going to a gym wasting my time and money, goes the only time I was happy was when I was at your gym consistently. I missed the people that were there and now I'm like introverted and this guy was so like bubbly and extroverted right? He's like I need to come back because I need this place to keep me in line because this is the last time I remember being happy. It's been four years. That same day I had another guy message me on Instagram. He's like Chris I'm a fat fuck. It's been two years.
Starting point is 01:34:43 on Instagram, he's like, Chris, I'm a fat fuck. It's been two years. How like a fat fuck. I love guys like that's such a cross hitter. I love that. He's like, I can't afford it. What can I do to get back into your class? I'll do anything. It's like, how many, like, where do you get that?
Starting point is 01:34:59 And that's true. I love that story by the way. I love that story. Right? He's like legit, he's like, I can't afford it. And that's why he stopped coming. But he's like, what can I do? Like, where could you do that? Where can you get that? You're not going to message a global gym on Instagram and say that.
Starting point is 01:35:14 They can't get lost, right? It's impactful, right? And to have that in one day like this is clearly we're doing something right. Some guy was gone for four years, another guy was gone for two. Right? And you see that. You see it. And it's more common than not that they miss the community. People are coming back because of the community. Right? So it's... Hey, if someone says that to me, and I don't fucking own a gym, but let me take a stab
Starting point is 01:35:37 at that. I would say to him, okay, you can come work out here for free under these stipulations. The first time you miss, you come less than three times in a week. You're fucking gone. That's exactly what I did Oh, did you? Say hi to every new fucking person and introduce yourself. I see you creep on one fucking girl You're out. Yeah, pick up any trash you see on the fucking ground and be cool as fuck. Yeah. Yeah, there's stipulations Like if you're not tomorrow, I go I'm getting the person sign you up right now. I gave him a bunch of different things. Yeah. You know, like for it because he can be my marketing tool, right? Yeah. Right. But I'm like, you better add value. I'm going to use you. You ready to get used? Exactly. Yeah. You're
Starting point is 01:36:16 starting tomorrow. If you're not here, you're done because I mean, you don't care. And sure. Did he come? Did he come? Oh, he came. He's so thankful. So happy. He's telling his friends, right? So there's you know, I mean, so like, potentially, if he's used properly, he can provide way more value than that, that monthly membership that he's paying, right? Yeah. And he's thankful for that's how you can have lifers, right? So it's, it's, it's, it's amazing. Oh, Dick butter says you can creep on two girls per month. No, no plenty enough creepers. We reached our quota for creepers Hey, dude, I love having you on I appreciate your time Congratulations on your success your family your life. You sound like just a great dude and a great role model for humanity
Starting point is 01:36:59 Thanks for being you. I appreciate you having me on because once I told people I was on your podcast Like you're gonna really be on this podcast. I'm like, you reached out. Like that's amazing. I think they're more excited to meet. So, uh, you know, your brand speaks for itself and I appreciate you having me on. Cool. Yeah. Thank you, dude.
Starting point is 01:37:12 And, um, we have each other's number. Let's stay in touch. Oh, you're a WhatsApp guy. I'm you guys. What's that mean? Oh, we did WhatsApp you. Yeah. So I'm, I'm a whatever guy.
Starting point is 01:37:22 So anyone we WhatsApp, we think less of. I can't believe we WhatsApped you. Thank you. Do you have an do you have an iPhone? It's probably probably thought you're in a foreign country which I guess kinda you are. Are do do iMessage? I do. Okay. Does it call? Okay. I'll probably I'll probably switch our comms over to iMessage. Whatever you want. Okay. Thanks a lot. Alright, dude. You're the man. Talk to you soon, Chris. Ciao. Okay. Thanks a lot. All right, dude you the man talk to you soon Chris. Ciao. Bye Chris Cristini Cristini athletics cool, dude
Starting point is 01:37:51 beautiful kids beautiful wife Fucking killing it changing people's lives I messages so shit. All right After these messages we'll be right back. And to tell you that, dog, I've been so satisfied. Honey, since I've met you, baby, that I've been around And all the good looking girls I've met They just don't seem to fit in
Starting point is 01:38:58 Knowing this particular sand But it seems so natural dog just talking over cigarettes and drinking for go sit down, go sit down. Big Joe. Listen, Rios and Gabe, you guys can't use songs like that on a commercial. The fuck are you guys thinking? That's definitely going to get me a, uh, hey, what are you doing? Go sit down, make your debut.
Starting point is 01:39:33 You've never been on the show. Come on, make your debut. Let's do it. Big Joe, big Joe. Yesterday, Joe did, uh, D ball slams, three, three pound, single-arm D-ball slams, right hand, left hand, right hand, left hand. He did death by 50 second clock. He got 30 rounds.
Starting point is 01:39:52 So by the end he did 30 slams. It's a pretty cool move. You just take a small little D-ball that weighs three pounds. You can use any weight you want. You slam it down with one hand, catch it with the other hand, and you squat and you do that full extension at the top he did 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 rounds he had to get he had to finish as many as he could on the 52nd clock and then did you do any other anything that? Or that was the workout?
Starting point is 01:40:28 I think he walked forward on the assault runner, one minute on, one minute walking backwards for 10 minutes. And then from there, he went straight. So that, I don't know, that took, he probably trained for an hour in the garage. Then he went over to maybe a little more than an hour then he went over to Tennis Academy played hard tennis for an hour and straight from there
Starting point is 01:40:52 Jiu-Jitsu for an hour and Then the last and then stayed an extra 15 minutes in class and got in competition rounds come show them show them your fucking guns Joey you never been on the show Joseph Mtocian. Yeah, ladies and gentlemen Joey, you've never been on the show. Joseph Mtocian. Yeah, ladies and gentlemen. 30 rounds for 30 reps. The first round you do one rep, so it's kind of like a death by, you know what I mean? It's a... and so by the time he got to... Did you do 30? Or 38? I can't remember, but it was a shitload. He did 37. Oh, 37. He made it to 37. So it ends up being a I mean
Starting point is 01:41:28 You end up squatting a lot and then Ari has a hurt arm. So he just did a hundred with one arm. What did you say? Oh 34 So first first 50 seconds you do one second 50 seconds. You do two third 50 seconds. You do three one second, 50 seconds, you do two third 50 seconds, you do three. We double book today. We booked two affiliates. We got so much fucking going on. Excuse me. So many of you reached out
Starting point is 01:41:54 after Greg's podcast yesterday and wanted to know about the event in Scottsdale. I can't do that now, but like as we get closer and Greg comes on and talks more and more about it. It's in December. Just hit me up I appreciate all you guys hit me up D and me or whatever But just start if you're like a little like you guys are little birds in the nest and you want to get fed just wait Until I'm flying back with some food. I ain't got nothing now but like hit me up like in December sometime
Starting point is 01:42:26 and then um And then we'll figure it out I don't know if you guys can all come but I'm telling you the events at Greg's house are crazy You never seen anything like it like never seen anything like it like nobody It's crazy buddy. It's crazy. So I think Graciano has been to a couple events at his house, he'll tell you. It is, yeah, will you chew it up for me first? Of course, spit it right in your mouth, baby. There was a crazy question yesterday. What's the downside of organizing of CrossFit?
Starting point is 01:43:10 Working with the PFAA, you know what I realized after watching Andrew Hiller's video yesterday The PFAA is like noble before they had shoes. They're just like a nothing I'm actually dm in with this guy. We're thinking about starting an Instagram account. That's called like professional athlete association or something, you know, just leave out one of the F's or something. Yeah, PFAA could be a part of it. They could totally be part of it. It's crazy. You're asking me what would be the downside of partnering. What's, let me ask you this, what would be the upside? They're just nothing. They're just a brand. They're like nothing. Why would you be this far? Let me tell you a story. I don't see any value in them. I see them as just noise
Starting point is 01:44:01 in a sheet of paper. The only value that I see from them is those three demands. So why would I want to bring someone on who wants to fire one of the last bastions of hope for the company? Yeah, there's no upside. What's the upside? It takes more time. It's like babysitting someone's kid when they're like a child. They're a nuisance.isance bringing them on I don't see any value they add you're making this presupposition that somehow they bring some value is it just to get them to shut the fuck up if I wanted them just to shut the fuck up I put my cock in their mouth like why I see they're just all they do is complain and take why would I you think that somehow it's going to make it so the haters go away?
Starting point is 01:44:48 How about I just get rid of all of them? How about I be like, Oh, those are all the dudes who fucking have always hated fucking CrossFit and always been complainers. Good. Thank you for showing yourself. Wouldn't it be great if it was just a Psyop and Dave was behind the PFAA the whole time just to get everyone to poke their head up so we can see who the haters are. Yeah, I don't, I don't see any, you're making this pretty supposition
Starting point is 01:45:14 that there's some value. I want to show you just truly how clueless people are. This is, this is, this is nuts. This is it. There's a montage in there in Andrew's video where he just says, the trust has been broken, the trust has been broken, the trust has been broken, the trust has been broken, the trust has been broken, the trust has been broken, the trust has been broken, the trust. And they never tell you what the trust is. It's been broken. And one person in the comments is like, Lazar died.
Starting point is 01:45:51 That's where the trust has been broken. Okay. Like, I get that. We all get that. That doesn't mean you fire them. That's where you go back to the George Floyd thing. So some cops have broken trust. So you get rid of all cops and fucking now black dudes are getting fucking capped
Starting point is 01:46:06 at fucking record pace. Is that your goal? Like tell me you're, uh, tell me you're making emotional decisions without telling me you're making emotional decisions. Is that, is that how that line goes? It's absolutely nuts. As Bernie Gannon, we can make a professional Sevan Chad Association. Yeah, let's name it after me.
Starting point is 01:46:31 No, I don't want to name it after me. What if someone dies? I'm going to get Ben Alderman and Blair Morrison on and we're going to talk about the Northern California Classic. What a great event. But I also want to ask them why they even bothered partnering with those fucking ding-dongs. Like what value did that give you?
Starting point is 01:46:54 But listen to this, listen to this. This is bat shit crazy. And by the way, someone in the comments said, a couple of people in the comments were like, Sevan's lying, Fikowski doesn't want Dave's job. Don't you remember a month ago when I told you about there was going to be a problem with that line? Luca gave his blessing for the event.
Starting point is 01:47:19 I told you that a month ago. I go, they think they have a secret weapon up their sleeve and they're going to fucking make another emotional plea with this best Lucas family gave a blessing. You think I just made that up? You think I'm making that up? That Fikowski wants Dave's job? You think I'm just like, I know there's about 200 of you who really get it. You guys know me. It's scary. Maybe even better than I know myself. about 200 of you who really get it you you guys know me Scary, maybe even better than I know myself Because you guys read through the lines. I'm like fuck they caught that like things that i'm trying to explain to you guys But without revealing my source sources Dude when I do a whole podcast and the first thing I start with is i'm going to be disingenuous this podcast
Starting point is 01:48:00 That's my way of saying Like hey, I can't spill the beans because I can't fucking bury some of my sources. You're not even going to believe what I'm about to show you. This is this is it's crazy. I watched that video and then I kind of blocked it out. And then I watched Andrew's and my first takeaway was, oh, my God, they're noble before they had shoes, they're rad before they had shoes. They're just a brand. They're nothing. They don't even know what they are. They're just kind of like, oh, my God, I're noble before they had shoes. They're rad before they had shoes. They're just a brand, they're nothing.
Starting point is 01:48:25 They don't even know what they are. They're just kind of like, oh my God, I'm gonna start a nonprofit. Well, what are you gonna get behind? I'm not sure. They're just, I don't know if this is for me, yup. And you're gay too, fine.
Starting point is 01:48:47 Oh, wait, hold on. Theresa Rochford. I was thinking about this last night. There's one athlete that has been quiet and watching behind the scenes, seems to be close to Lazar. That is someone who's not making it about themselves. Savon, you can spill the beans. It's offensive to my brown people.
Starting point is 01:49:13 Oh, sorry. It's not spill the beans. Sorry. Spill the baklava. Oh, Adler. Jeffrey Adler. I don't think he talks to be honest. I think his wife does all is talking for him and she has been talking.
Starting point is 01:49:37 The great Caroline Lambre. Very strong, very strong human being that miss Lambray. Okay, here we go. Hey, Shiner, Roger Goodell. And CrossFit Games is different than the NFL. Someone's got to write the freaking workouts. Someone's got to have a vision. The last time I heard of someone's having a vision, it was like Wadapalooza 2018.
Starting point is 01:49:57 That thing was a nightmare. Tom Train, Tom Train, Tom Train. I don't even remember the other thing. Tom Train program something. Okay, here we go. Get ready. Here it is. How I feel about that. I don't even remember the other thing. I'm trying to program something. You know? Okay. Here we go. Get ready. Here it is.
Starting point is 01:50:06 How I feel about that. One major part of Dave's role in the sport team is he programs workouts. And we have a lot of competitions and a lot of other people with a lot of experience doing that, and I think a team of people working together could, uh, could achieve what he does at it. Fikowski starts tweaking. We have a team of, he writes workouts and we have a team of people working together could, uh, get together and work together. And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing.
Starting point is 01:50:27 And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing.
Starting point is 01:50:35 And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing.
Starting point is 01:50:43 And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing. And I think that's a great thing. team is he programs workouts and we have a lot of competitions and a lot of other people with a lot of experience doing that and I think a team of people working together could Ficausi gets the double blink fired up could achieve what he does at at least the same level. I asked this the other day on a live podcast with Sevan and the crew and I'm like guys what's Dave's job? Hey what is Dave's job? What does he do? He runs the uh oh he programs the games that's his number one job. Taylor shut the fuck up you don't know I know. Did I scare you? Quiet Taylor. He runs the training department, tell me what Dave does.
Starting point is 01:51:26 Dave is the programmer. What he cares about more than anything else is the test, the spectacle of the test and programming the test. And look at, Susa looks at me. He's like, Oh shit, here we go. And tell me I'm wrong. No, that programming. I fucked up. I should have just fucking gone berserk right there. You're saying like 90% of his role is right there. Yes. No, no, it's not. And all the other all the other.
Starting point is 01:51:52 HQ or you mean just for the game? Just for the games. At HQ, he runs a seminar department, highly respected. And Pat just says the same thing here. Like, what does he do? One major part of Dave's role in the sport team. I fucked that up. I should have gone berserk. But here we go. Is he programs workouts and everyone's role in the sport team. I fucked that up. I should have gone berserk, but here we go. Is he programs workouts.
Starting point is 01:52:06 And everyone's like, he writes workouts. That's what he does. He writes workouts. And I'm like, okay. He had just said it's a major thing. That's all this could say. And like, this is why it's so necessary, vital, if you will, that third party freaking thing wraps up and they give as much of it to us as possible. Because if Who do you think flies out and does a workout with Homeland Security and teaches them because he's head of the CrossFit Games who do you think interfaces with all the big sponsors when they come on who do you think has the relationship with rogue who do you think hires all of the heads of the
Starting point is 01:52:41 different factions or departments within the CrossFit Games. Who do you think responds to the budget and manages the budget for the CrossFit Games? Like, you think Dave only does the fucking programming? What kind of fucking retard land do you live in? You think they just like, they can just pluck Dave out and it's just like nothing? Oh yeah, he's one of the highest paid guys at HQ, but all he does is sit around at the fucking ranch and write programs for the fucking games. Workouts for the games. Are you out of your fucking mind? Who do you think keeps fucking morale high there?
Starting point is 01:53:22 Who do you think makes sure that everyone fucking has leadership and knows what they're doing and stays in their fucking lane? I mean, these people are imbeciles. This Taylor Self cat, Pat Velner and what's the other guy's name? Brent. Imbeciles. Moronic. Naive. Naive at best. Dave was fired because he was part of the toxic culture. In my opinion, there was this list that Emily O'Hern and Jonathan Haynes had, allegedly, I've heard from several sources. I was on the list, Dave was on the list, Justin Berg was on the list, Tyson Oldroyd was on
Starting point is 01:54:19 the list. They had this list. That's why Don has got to get rid of fucking Annette. He has got to fucking get rid of her. Just imagine it was they just fucking weaponized fucking human HR. Oh, the of course, the woke, hate him at HQ. They fucking of course they hate him. They fucking hate his guts.
Starting point is 01:54:51 They fucking hate him. Uh, clock, Don needs to get rid of Annette before Annette gets rid of him. I know. Hey, listen, before Don came there, there was a lady who worked there, Allison, and the rumor has it that she wrote the restraining order for... The way I heard the story was that she wrote a restraining order for this chick, Emily O'Hernes' husband to stay away from her when Emily was supposedly banging Jonathan Haynes. So she married this guy and supposedly she was banging him and Haynes and then it caused her to get a divorce and then she had this other lady, Alison, who worked at HQ.
Starting point is 01:55:35 And this chick Alison had the job of CEO, CMO, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, and Chief Financial Officer all within like a fucking one year period. I mean just imagine how fucking crazy that is. Meanwhile fucking Tyson Oldroyd can't fucking hire his wife Mariah because it's somehow a conflict of fucking interest. Even though she's a little brown girl and she's been at the fucking company and she's fucking directed and produced movies and she's been at the company for fucking 10 years. It's fucking insane. I just wish Brent and Pat would just fucking leave and start their own
Starting point is 01:56:13 fucking thing. They can come on my show. I'll help them promote it. You're not going to come on. Are you coming on boy or not? Come on dude, come on sit down. Let me ask you a couple of questions. Come on.
Starting point is 01:56:30 No one can even see you. I won't turn on the camera. I'll just turn on your mic. Look it. I won't turn on your camera. Just talk to me a little bit. What Pat said here is true and like the major thing that Dave does is write workouts. Just talk to me a little bit. What Pat said here is true. And like the major thing that Dave does is write workouts.
Starting point is 01:56:49 Then why do you want him fired? Because you don't like the workouts? Because if he's a work... No, they never even said that. They don't know what they want. They're like fucking noble or rad. They're just fucking confused. They're just like a brand.
Starting point is 01:57:02 We're just a brand. We're a lifestyle brand. We don't offer anything. We only take. You fire them off the basis of not liking the workouts. How major is major? 80% 90% 99% then the other 1% is what? You brought up trust earlier. It's just interesting. That's why I think that everything in relation. I love how tempered Andrew is. Sex lies and DEI. Yeah. I heard another one, great one today, that Annette and Haynes and Emily went on vacation together. Who knows if it's true. Man, Annette must be so bummed that she lost two of her fucking primary assets. It's like Putin losing his two best spies it's fucking crazy
Starting point is 01:57:56 those those two probably worked there I don't know let's say six or seven years I bet you I did more my worst two in my least productive two weeks than they did in the whole six years. Rambler loves Rad's. Good job, dude. Happy for you. Suza loves them too. I can't wait till OG Fit launches. The athletes coaches, they'll not be able to launch their own predictable standardized professional sports league sponsored by Coca-Cola without the support
Starting point is 01:58:27 Of actually CF members. Yeah, of course not Someone in the comments wrote the athletes the only one idiot wrote it in the comments and did in Hillers video comments Why would you get rid of Dave the athletes are more important? It's like come on dude, are you are you kidding me? Ningenu John John Jones, Conor McGregor. Leaving the UFC, getting busted for drugs, and blah, blah, blah, no one gives a shit. Bring up the next one.
Starting point is 01:59:00 Greg's talked about this for like 15 years. The only cool thing about being a professional athlete is your ability to fucking influence what? things that you can influence and one of them is not the fucking the the trajectory of this company It is not And Maybe maybe this is gonna be unpopular Maybe Lazarus death will fucking fucking give the company from some finally some fucking swagger back and some brand value back and be like, fuck that shit is fucking hard.
Starting point is 01:59:34 They can't even go there in their brain. They're like, oh my god, that would be so offensive to even think that. Oh really? So now you're the thought police too? I already knew that. I already knew that. I already knew that you were the thought police. Because you don't have any of your own shit. The PFAA's entire identity is about hating on CrossFit. It's not about what value they add. Just imagine that. CrossFit's doing all these things, all these things, and your whole identity is just about judging them, and you're not adding anything. Even Hiller has a fucking successful training program
Starting point is 02:00:11 with hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of members. Even Hiller does long-form content and does documentaries and glorifies people. Even Hiller does long-form content and does documentaries and glorifies people. The great Will Leahy. Yeah, OG fit. Where all the Crossfitters go? OG fit. No, I don't have a sore leg. Good guess though. I was itching something back here.
Starting point is 02:00:56 I did do, the other day, I can't believe I'm not sore. I did 50 squat cleans with 95 pounds. I still got it. I can't, I couldn't fucking believe it. I still got it. The first 10 were slow. Who they were slow. They weren't even, the first 10 weren't even squat cleans. I just, um, uh, power clean front squat. But the last 40, I did a triplet. I did, um, five squat cleans with 95 pounds, uh, three chest to bar pull ups strict. I only do strict pull ups with 95 pounds, three chest to bar pull ups strict. I only do strict pull ups and I almost only do chest to bar pull ups. And then I did, what was the other movement? And I did, I can't remember if it was, I think I did seven burpees.
Starting point is 02:01:41 So I did five squat cleans with 95 pounds, seven burpees, three chest to bar pull-ups for 10 rounds. I always do 10 rounds. Always. No assault bike. I warmed up with the assault bike. I did 120 calories in 10 minutes. And then for 30, it took me probably like 30 minutes to do that other workout. 90 minutes of no intensity. You're lucky, wear a CEO shirt. Marlo, you've douche canoe. I wish you would stop watching this show, dude. I really would. Go do something else, dude.
Starting point is 02:02:29 So the last two years didn't exist, run smoothly. Dude, say something. That's the kind of shit. Do you like, do you see what you're doing? Just say something, dude. You're not saying anything. Say something. Be like, how about this?
Starting point is 02:02:43 Last year at the games, 50% of the tickets that were assigned, there were no seats available for and the people got ripped off. Like say something dude. You're just part, you're just a fucking, like my crickets communicate at a higher level of function and fidelity than you do in my backyard at night. Say something. Dude, they don't make my platform bigger. They do not make my platform bigger. You're fucking confused. Let me tell you the list of people who won't come on the show. Let me tell you. By the way, for anyone who thinks, so do you know why? Listen very
Starting point is 02:03:20 carefully here. Do you know why they why the athletes keep saying that there will be retribution? Do you know why? Does anyone know why? Someone tell me why the athletes keep saying that. Do you know why? Do you guys know why the athletes keep saying that? I'm going to tell you now. We're going to make this a sub clip.
Starting point is 02:03:37 Why do the athletes keep saying that there'll be retribution? Who knows why? Who knows why? Triggered on 1 to 10. How high am I triggered? I'm not triggered. I'm inspired. I am NOT triggered. I'm inspired. I do get triggered, but I'm inspired. You ready? You guys ready? Why why why do they keep why do the athletes keep and by the way if you're gonna do it triggered like a 2 Thank you. I always like the ratings of the trigger
Starting point is 02:04:06 to trigger ten inspired Why do the athletes say that there will be retribution? Why do they say that do you know why does anyone know why it's so easy. It's psychology 101. It's textbook Why do they say that? Tell me someone why do they say that? Tell me someone. Why do they say that? Come on guys Come on guys tell me You ready you know why they say that
Starting point is 02:04:39 Because if they were in charge that would that's what they would do. You're very close You I mean i'm gonna give it to you I'm gonna give it to you. You ready? That's it daniel. It's very close Because that's not what they would do. That's what they do do. Let me tell you who won't come on this show You ready? You ready? This is the biggest podcast by far in the space by far There's no one there's no one even fucking close to the numbers this station does Hillary can pull it up for you Not even close And do you know why do you know why they want do you know Daniel Brandon
Starting point is 02:05:19 Punishing me by not coming on retribution Tia to me Punishing me not coming on retribution. Tietumi punishing me not coming on. Brent Brent Fikowski punishing me because they won't come on. Justin Maderas punishing me with retribution won't come on. Who else? Help me out here. Chandler Smith punishing me won't come on retribution. Noah Olson punishing me because of retribution. Who else? Come on, who else? That's why they keep saying Matt Fraser won't come on punishing me for retribution. Tell me! They think they have the... Danny Spiegel, thank you. Danny Spiegel.
Starting point is 02:05:58 They think they have the power. Laura Horvat, thank you. Punishing me for retribution. Don, yeah Don, I've invited him on last three times. He hasn't come on. He hasn't told me he won't come on but... I'm not saying that Justin's mama's in the chat, she's cool. I'm not saying that these people aren't cool. Hobartart punishing me. Retribution. Oh my god what's gonna happen to my podcast? Tia won't come on. Another podcast in the space had Justin Maderas on and it got fewer views than when I had fucking Almond Dinger on. A guy named Almond Dinger. Russell Almond Dinger. Almond Dinger on a guy named Allman Dinger Russell Allman Dinger Allman Dinger no knifer will come on oh Justin explained it to you has nothing
Starting point is 02:06:50 to do with punishing you that is correct she's right she's you're right well kind of punishing me but you're right I give Justin a pass but don't ruin my story Shannon please don't ruin my But don't ruin my story, Shanna. Please don't ruin my story. Don't ruin my story. Brooke Wells won't come on. Yeah, okay. To be fair, Heppner will come on. To be fair, some of these people just don't want
Starting point is 02:07:13 to come on the show and that's fine. I'm exaggerating. Some of these people, they have some other reasons why they don't want to come on the show. But you get my, Chandler Smith told me that it's because his grandmother wouldn't want him on a show with so much swearing Shane said that it was because
Starting point is 02:07:33 I'm Pedro's podcast. He said it would be very delicate. He didn't say that they wouldn't come on I've invited them on a bunch. I'm Danielle I don't even know if she's ever told me she won't come on but she just ignores me now But you have to assume I think it's fair to assume I'm open to being wrong that it's because I pointed out that her beloved friends at rad were fucking cock woke victims When they were complaining that they couldn't tear sell shoes at the tier water Palooza games Tola I don't know if I've ever invited Tola on I Don't I don't Meredith and Alex might come on
Starting point is 02:08:06 As much as I fight with them, I don't dislike them. I would never fucking invite Tommy on. Hi, Shanna. I saw a beautiful Shanna Maderas and her super hot daughter at the Northern California Classic. That was cool. I thought she'd have a margarita for me. She did not. I have on who I want to have on. You know, I was thinking, I was talking to someone the other day and I was thinking,
Starting point is 02:08:43 boy, it's never been a mission of mine to grow the sport. It's not like I don't want the sport or CrossFit to grow. It's never been a mission of mine for CrossFit to grow. That was not something that Greg instilled in me. Like it was my, my mission was singularly focused on adding value. It's just like, it's just like when I have the adaptive athletes on, like I'm not trying to like, I'm not trying to support the adaptive community. They have an event coming up and I'm super fucking curious. I have no fucking experience with fucking having one arm or a neurological fucking error in the system that makes it harder to move.
Starting point is 02:09:23 I don't have any of those Although that six months that I was vaping fucking I start I picked up a stuttering problem vaping so bad Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'll take Colton Mertens. Oh Jason Hopper remember when he couldn't remember when Jason Hopper couldn't come on for? This is a spam call. Remember when Jason Hopper couldn't come on for a year? Hello caller. Hello. Yeah, that's what I thought. Oh, oh wait, here we go. Oh no, they hung up again. It says spam call. Is anyone here, Joseph? That's why they say the retribution thing because that thing, because that's the only thing that they offer. Who?
Starting point is 02:10:14 Avinaria, okay. Oh, she did? Did she teach you guys piano? You want me to come out and end the show? And play with you? Okay, I'll do that. Anyway, you get it. It's just so obvious. It's what they do. It's what they do. It's their power. It's their retribution. The glowing example of what someone's doing with their powerful influence that they should be doing is James Sprague. Vaping is gay. powerful influence that they should be doing is James Sprague.
Starting point is 02:11:00 The glowing example is James Sprague. He uses his platform to talk about what he's singularly focused on, which is God. He talks and his dad and his wife, those are the people that, like, you could, how do we know that? Because he's always talking about them. I met his brother at the games. His brother's cool as shit. I'm not suggesting that I made anyone, by the way. I'm not suggesting that in the fucking slightest. I'm not suggesting that I helped anyone get to where they're at, even in the tiniest bit. But for God's sake, those people aren't helping me and I sure as fuck don't need them and
Starting point is 02:11:49 I would also absolutely love to have any of them on. Pat's always welcome on the fucking show. I love Pat Velner. He's just confused. He's a project. He's been great, great to the show, always easy to work with, great when he comes on. Love the guy. Justin's always fucking welcome on the show.
Starting point is 02:12:14 Fucking Noah's always welcome on the show. Noah's been an amazing guest. But I didn't, I'm not suggesting that I made anyone. I'm like, if they don't want to come on here, that's their prerogative. Don't, don't like flip the script and stand on the opposite side. I'm just using that. I'm just using that as an example of that's why they think that Dave would do retribution because that's what they have. They, they leverage their existence to, they think that would, that they bring certain
Starting point is 02:12:44 stuff to to to I don't know brands or whatever Right do I have time to ask pound one more guy Joseph I want to ask pound Brian friend for a second Do I have time for that you guys want you want to ask pound Brian for a second? Dude I've had some fucking huge names on the show that they don't move the needle at all What time is kill Taylor tomorrow is kill Taylor tomorrow. Oh shit 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Oh, yeah, we got a great sponsor Who do we have we have the? Not positively fit adventures, that's the following week. We have
Starting point is 02:13:27 Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Hold on. Hold on. The Wolf Pack. Stay Hungry Pack. The pack, the pack fit. The pack fit. The pack fit. Jake Chapman. That's what I do to your mom, pack fitter. If you know what I mean. Pack fit tomorrow. Performance and fitness coaching in person
Starting point is 02:14:03 remotely our goals to motivate, educate, and inspire you to live a healthier lifestyle. Performance and fitness coaching in person remotely our goals to motivate, educate, and inspire you to live a healthier lifestyle. Followed by Tom Guerin and Papers Free Coffee, plus four more people I follow. Oh, Tyler Watkins follows them. Sugar Free Revolution, Karn Thompson, endorsed by Greg yesterday. Coach L follows them. Pit Teen Throwdown follows them.
Starting point is 02:14:22 Affiliate Collective follows them. First Form Monster Games follows them. Wow, they got some good followers. Mark Moss from Uplift follows them. Okay, that's enough. Yeah, people, they're just projecting their own shit, their own insecurities, their own entitlement. Retribution. Please. Yeah, people, they're just projecting their own shit, their own insecurities, their own entitlement.
Starting point is 02:14:46 Retribution. Please. I used to work for the owner of PacFit. Ha ha. PacFit. Oh, back to Brian Friend. Yes. So I guess Brian said on his podcast that I guess he was complaining or pontificating, I'll give him a little leeway, on the fact that he goes to Serbia and he goes to all
Starting point is 02:15:21 these places for these tiny little events and that other people aren't covering them and That before I said something that he I like the fact that he did stuff out of the box or whatever it's like dude Only focus on the good stuff that I do I I Only focus on the good stuff that I do. I... I... I'm on the air every single fucking morning. I share my platform with other people who want to fucking work hard. Don't ever fucking mention my name in any way that makes it seem like somehow you're doing something that I don't do and that I should be doing what you do.
Starting point is 02:16:06 I do not want to like... You're tainted. I come on here every morning. I have a huge variety of guests. How about the fact that I say you never support affiliates? What if I said that? I have a fucking affiliate fucking video competition. I mean my fucking my resume is so crazy. It's embarrassing to say it my active resume and My contribution shut your fucking pie hole, dude Only say fucking nice things about me Don't ever say anything fucked up about me ever again. Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 02:16:50 Wait, no, hold on, this needs a voice. Hello? No. No. Hello? Hello? Hello? Sabot, this is Sunny K. Are you fucking kidding me, you narcissist?
Starting point is 02:17:04 Wow, Sunny, you sound like God. Sonny K. Are you fucking kidding me you narcissist? Wow Sonny you sound like God. I would like to explain to you, I would like you to explain to me how that's being a narcissist. I'll wait for a second even though my kid wants to play narcissist. Maybe shitty dad, but someone who has personality style characterized by an excessive focus on themselves and Their needs often at the expense of others. Holy shit. Well, you Have definitely not nailed me Maybe self-promotional is what you meant No, this is fun. I like this you're getting sidetretracked. Oh, because you want me to go back to ask pounding Brian?
Starting point is 02:17:51 Oh, not you dummy the professor. Well, fuck. Not- Not you dumb shit the professor. Fucking moron. You're not nice since you're a moron. Okay, okay, settle down. Settle down. So I'm a moron, fine. Oh, shut it, Elizabeth. Disseldinger. Where is she? Where's Disseldinger?
Starting point is 02:18:27 Where did she put? Oh, Elizabeth. Disinger. Oh, quiet. So I'm dumb. Whatever. You shut up too. 49er Chica.
Starting point is 02:18:35 Fucking going on a rampage. Pack-fit all of you. Only a narcissist would think that was about him. Oh son of a bitch, Bernie. Even Bernie's turned on me. What is that? Is that a pocket knife? You guys want to see how big my arm's getting? What do you think? Is it big?
Starting point is 02:19:02 Fucking crazy. Ow, fucking I hurt my bicep I think. Alright. That's enough narcissism today. Oh where's Graciano? Is he ass pounding me too? Where is this fucker? Pfft. Uhhhh. He'll give you the shirt off his back and lice from his head, you hoe.
Starting point is 02:19:29 I'm changing my name to Disseldinger. Alright, love you guys. Be good. Brian, just do your thing. Don't worry about what the rest of us are doing, buddy. It's all good. You chill. Go do your, go to events all over the world that have, and cover them and do your part. I'll do my part. Seve, do you teach your kids mythology? You mean like about Dionysus? How he used to drink
Starting point is 02:19:59 wine and pimp girls? I'm going to. Wanna learn about Dionysus today, Joey? I fancied myself as a Dionysian. As Dionysus. When I was homeless, I fancied myself as a Dionysus. I hung out with old guys and had fucking a harem. It was great Pound Brian, no, that's it. That's done. It's just it's just ridiculous to like don't focus on what I'm not doing It's just stupid like like cuz I'm not supporting you or whatever like dude Shut up. You had full access to like I fucking I had your cock in my mouth further than I had Dave's cock in my mouth. You fucking squandered it like a dipshit, you're selfish douche.
Starting point is 02:20:53 Listen to the wrong fucking people. He said he was just saying like that, like somehow being critical that like, I don't cover small events and he does and like, not just me, but other people in the space aren't covering these small events. It's like dude, we're full throttle. Uh, Glenton today, Glenton things today at 5 30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Starting point is 02:21:16 People be there or be on my shit list. Kenneth, what you need? What's up Hans? Yo, what's up Savon? What's up dude? Great meeting you in person dude. You're cool as fuck. Great meeting your girlfriend or fiance or wife or whoever your chickie was. Hey, likewise man. I appreciate it. We're getting you scheduled to come on soon.
Starting point is 02:21:36 Yeah, I texted back to Suza. Suza texted me a couple of dates. Okay, cool. Bitchin'. Awesome. Hey, so I wanted to say cause you're so cool. I'm gonna go get some coffee. Yeah, I texted back, Susan, Susan, a couple of dates. Okay, cool. Awesome. Hey, so I wanted to say, because you're since you're talking about Brian friend. Last year, no two years ago, when you
Starting point is 02:21:55 had all the athletes on that who were going to the games. Yeah, hold on one second. I got a little pop that happens in my phone. Give me let me reset the the phone so I can hear this good. Hold on. Reset, Bluetooth, reconnect. Okay. Are you there, Hans? There we go. Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 02:22:13 So let's start over again last year or two years ago. Yeah, so is it a little bit better? Can you hear me? Yep, that was my fault, much better. Okay. Yeah, so two years ago when you had all the athletes on before going to the CrossFit games. Yes sir.
Starting point is 02:22:27 During, yeah, during that time it was really cool because I, I, I, I watched a lot of CrossFit, CrossFit media and Brian friend. He's always talking about all the athletes. And so one of the things that I thought was really cool is, I mean, you were putting out more media than he was during that time and you were, you had all the athletes on and you were interviewing a bunch of people. And one of the things that was awesome is that I was out of town with one of my buddies who was getting married and we were watching the CrossFit games. And during that time, it was a bachelor party. And so my buddy who was getting married had all these friends who didn't do CrossFit. They didn't know anything about the CrossFit game.
Starting point is 02:23:06 They didn't know anybody in the space. And so from your videos that you made from all the interviews, I was able to tell all the dudes at the bachelor party that, yeah, so and so he lives here and he does this and they're like, how do you know all that? And I was like, oh, well, well, there's this guy's name is Sivan and he has all these athletes on. And so I was able to learn so much about the athletes that were competing, but I was able to give that information to the dudes that I was hanging out with over the weekend. And it was funny because they were starting to remember the athletes that were competing
Starting point is 02:23:41 from the stories that I was sharing from your podcasts. And so I was able to pretty much make fans of people who were competing through the information that you were gathering from the podcast. So I thought that was really, really rad. That's cool. Make sure you tell them about Gracie Walton next. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Gracie Walton's working with, uh, she was working with the underdogs at one point.
Starting point is 02:24:04 I don't know what's going on now, but yes, she was working. Are you with underdogs? Yes, sir. Oh, that's cool under Kotler Somewhat somewhat I don't do personal training I don't do like personal programming one-on-one stuff But I mean I've been with underdogs since the first day that they started. Oh, that's cool Slap Kotler around a little bit. I like Kotler. Tell him to fucking get off fucking PFAA's dick and get on the Dave train. Kotler is a passionate man. He's going to fight with whoever's in charge. He needs to know that.
Starting point is 02:24:35 That's in his character. It has nothing to do with Dave. Oh, absolutely. I mean, he speaks his mind on Instagram comments. He's throwing shit around. Yeah Are you gonna try to win the 500 you tomorrow What time is it cuz I got I got class I coach at 830 in the morning 11 a.m. Pacific Standard time Pacific Standard is that that's us right? Yeah, that's 11. Oh shit. That's right there in my training session. Yeah Yum, get it. Hell yeah. Hey, did you meet Stu? You know what, I did.
Starting point is 02:25:12 Funny enough, I was in the handstand walk workout right next to him, and Hiller walks up in between me and Stu, and Hiller is looking at me, or he's looking at Stu first and then he puts his camera down and he goes, Oh, hey, what's up? And I'm like, Hey, what's up, Hiller? And then I tell Hiller, I said, Hey, who you got? And he was like, for what?
Starting point is 02:25:34 And I was like, for the workout. And he was like, for everyone? I was like, no, between me and him. And I had no idea who Stu was. And so Hiller looks at me, he looks at Stu, and then he goes, all right,, you're not gonna like this answer because it's kind of a cop-out answer But I think you're gonna beat him on the gymnastics and then he's gonna beat you on the handstand. No, they're okay That's that's okay. I'll take it and he was like it might be a cop-out answer Until I'm right and sure fuck enough. He was right
Starting point is 02:26:04 Stu's cool as shit He is he is a cool dude. He reminds right. Oh Stu's cool as shit He is he is a cool dude. He reminds me of my old haircut My old oh you used to have that haircut I Used to yeah, I used to have long hair with it right before I went on kill Taylor Yeah, you guys would you guys would have kicked my ass even more right before I went on kill Taylor. I had a man bun Oh awesome. Yeah, I really like Stu. I like his hair I just like everything about him. He's cool. Did you meet his chick? His chick looks like the Hawk to each chick. I Did not but I heard you talking about that. That's hilarious. Yeah, it's crazy
Starting point is 02:26:38 Alright dude, well, thanks for calling and hopefully see you tomorrow and thanks for the story Yeah, absolutely. I'll talk to you soon. Okay, bye Hopefully see you tomorrow and thanks for the story Yeah, absolutely. I'll talk to you soon. Okay. Bye Anyone can call in and tell me how great my show is anytime they want. All right, Barry McAulkin or says the show is over Normally, I hate that but it's over Joey ready to party Let's party talk to you guys later. Oh 11 a.m. Tomorrow Pac-fit will be sponsoring kill Taylor 11 amp 6 standard time. I don't know, is Shut Up and Scribble on today?
Starting point is 02:27:08 Let me see. I don't see them on the calendar. Oh. No, I don't see them. I don't know if they are or not. Oh, I just saw pop on the schedule. A week from today at 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, Rich Froning. Ooh, that's gonna be good guys
Starting point is 02:27:27 All right Talk to you guys later Mmm, buh-bye

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