The Sevan Podcast - Colten Mertens and Andrew Hiller - All the Drama

Episode Date: March 6, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Talking to me? Yeah. When you say they.
Starting point is 00:00:35 CrossFit Games. And? Oh, yeah. We're live. No, I had no idea. What a fun turn of events. I'm really enjoying the soap opera. it is better late than never right it's it's just the soap opera is just world class so we've been having this fun little drama uh regarding this epic explosion of a video that hillar's done uh with
Starting point is 00:01:01 hayley adams and um there's been some like, hey, how come it's not getting reposted elsewhere? It's good, it's good. And then this morning it got reposted. What happens? How does that even work? You just open up your phone. Did that happen this morning?
Starting point is 00:01:13 Walk me through it. You woke up this morning, you pick up your phone and there's an offer for a collab. I actually had no idea. Somebody had pointed it out to me that they had accepted it. And I don't know how because-
Starting point is 00:01:23 Oh, you sent it to them. Oh, you sent it to them as an offer Yeah, yeah so when I first put it up I put the people in it that might want to have a feature on their page one of them was CrossFit Games and I Didn't see any reason why they wouldn't accept it and it wasn't until this morning that they did Dang, that's cool Yeah, the video is cool. How's the video doing? Is it still is it still putting on putting on views what i would be curious oh yeah so right now it's still getting about three four hundred
Starting point is 00:01:49 an hour that's wild dude yeah right now it's at 3 22 in the last hour it's a lot of 150 000 it's got 1.3 million impressions that's cool yeah 100 000 unique viewers that's amazing oh that's like the whole thing everyone's pushing them to share my stuff this video not even my stuff it's it's it's uh it's all about her i tried to make it all about her that was the goal i want to make her right and i thought that i knew that it would do well. It's got 1.3 million impressions. The reason I say that is because it doesn't need CrossFit to do anything for it. I think it's good for her. Hey, how did you get the idea to work with Haley Adams?
Starting point is 00:02:34 So let me pigeonhole you for a second. You're this guy. You make videos. They're usually in the realm of 5 to 20 minutes long. They are hot takes or kind of deep. They're on in the realm of five to 20 minutes long. They are hot takes or kind of deep even. They're on both ends. They're hot takes or deep examinations of something. You'll spend 15 minutes breaking down someone's squat and showing how they did it wrong or something.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Or something else will be like claiming someone maybe was taking substances. taking uh substances and and then all of a sudden there's this deeply intimate piece on uh we we get a will lahey hayley adams and a couple tyson bajan pieces what what happened what was the what was the shift just as a filmmaker as a creator as a storyteller like tell me and why hayley adams why her of all people and what made you think she would do you there was a little bit i would say i would say there was a little bit of uh she was incredibly trusting with me from the onset of all of it i think we just started talking through snapchat at one point which is if you've watched the video, her main means of communication with a bunch of people,
Starting point is 00:03:48 um, through that. It's, it's, it's one of those are, I think I've told you this. I like to reallocate followers. So let's say that,
Starting point is 00:04:00 uh, Danny Spiegel has got 1.8 million and I want to try to give some of them to bill Leahy. I tried to pump to give some of them to Bill Leahy. I tried to pump up his subscribers. Danny Spiegel, I can get a whole bunch of traction for her not going below parallel on a squad. If I can throw Bill Leahy a couple thousand Instagram followers, and he's an up-and-comer, I think he has some stuff that's worth watching.
Starting point is 00:04:24 That's kind of my purpose. I try to gain as much attention and energy as possible just to throw it into places where I think that it should be. And you can put Haley Adams into the exact same camp. Not that she needs me to throw attention at her because she can gather plenty of it on her own. But my goal has been to point it at things that I think need to be pointed at.
Starting point is 00:04:45 And Haley totally fits that. She actually said that to me at one point too. If I was talking to her for a couple of weeks or a month at that point, at one point she goes, I remember when you were first coming up and you were just trying to do good. And I kept on checking it. I'm like, hey, just so you know, I'm not going to screw you with anything I put out there because I could see how some people would think that I'm negative.
Starting point is 00:05:08 This is before you went and filmed with her. You said, hey, can I film with you? And she said, yeah. And then you're like, wow, okay, just so you know, I got your back. I'm not going to paint you in a bad light. Correct. I'm not going to go there and make a whole expose on how you don't squat deep enough or something like that. i because i can perceive how people would see what i've been
Starting point is 00:05:28 up to yeah she never put any of that back at me she's just like yeah i know i know you're good i know you're cool i know that you won't try to screw me that was cool so you and so you go out there and did you plan on it being that kind of a piece, that intimate? Did you plan on? I did a lot of research on different styles of editing, if you will, and putting things together. And I watched a couple of different things. And I know I've told you this, but I'll watch things and see how I can kind of turn my own stuff into it. And I had a look that I was going for and a style and a flow, and I tried to grab as much stuff as I could to fit those things as I was there.
Starting point is 00:06:10 I didn't know if intimate would have been the correct word, but I knew that I wanted to get some stuff out of her that maybe people wanted to hear. That's my whole goal. I would watch this stuff back in the day when you would make stuff like the Froning Day in the Light videos, and he would say some things, and I'd go, oh, that's cool. I really like that, and I wanted people to watch her talk and go, Oh, that's cool. I really liked that. And I wanted people to watch her talk and say, Oh, that's cool. I've never heard that as, as often as possible. Yeah. That's a cool, that's always a great compliment. When you see that in the comments,
Starting point is 00:06:35 I've never heard that. How about when she starts crying or, um, when she's, um, doing deep reveals on herself, you know's she's revealing herself were you comfortable in that did you get excited did you want it did you like to continue it did you so i mean for some filmmakers that shit's uncomfortable she's she's she's a little bit practiced in it which is cool because it's i would say a lot of the stuff is stuff that her and i had discussed already and what i mean is she's practiced is when I ask her a question, she could say, you already know that,
Starting point is 00:07:08 or where are you going with this? But she knew that it was kind of going for other people at that point too. It wasn't uncomfortable for me and I'm happy that she would, she was ready to give it. She was right. Yeah. And also when, when I gave her the video,
Starting point is 00:07:24 I go, Hey, I just want you to be able to watch this before I put it out. And she was just yeah and also when when i gave her the video i go hey i just want you to be able to watch this before i put it out and she was just cool with it like she didn't say remove any of it as far as the uh the words she had said had or to you know you know i didn't yeah i thought maybe potentially the part on her being a skeleton she might be a little bit iffy with because of the things that she said in the past but no she was cool with all the sorry i coughed and fucked that up the part where she said what uh there was a part in there where maybe three quarters the way into the video
Starting point is 00:07:53 she goes i'm not a skeleton anymore i used to compare myself to all the girls up and down and i i thought maybe that'd be something that she wouldn't want featured in there and i was skeleton is that the word you're using? I'm not a skeleton anymore? Skeleton, yeah. Meaning she was so skinny? Correct. Wow, okay. And then she immediately goes into,
Starting point is 00:08:11 I don't judge people's bodies. And that's one of the biggest pieces of feedback I've gotten. People liked how she pushed back on me there. Looking at people's bodies. What'd you think of that? Oh, I love it. And I think when you watch it you can see that i didn't like give in to her at that point i'm just like well i do that how do you feel about
Starting point is 00:08:30 this i i tried to like push back and it was just cool is my mic okay people are complaining about my mic fine sounds okay it's just different than what it is normally uh crossfit using to refusing to use any of hiller's content is like not allowing a firefighter to pull you from a burning building because they called you the wrong pronoun boy well um uh do you have plans to do another one with haley with anyone did you have someone else anybody who would be willing to let me you know what's interesting is i'm about to put up this thing on emma lawson and i was finishing up with her you feel yeah yeah uh not for anything quite like hayley's it was much quicker i was finishing up with tyson at columbus at the arnold and right as we were about to finish i turn around and i see snorri
Starting point is 00:09:19 her agent who i know and i'm like hey dude and i look and Emma's also there and I just kind of start rolling with them for an hour or so and how is she was she cool she's cool hey do you think that um had they seen the Haley piece here's the thing I'm thinking I'm thinking that this is gonna yeah that's it Snorri said he goes I really think there needs to be more of this do you want to hang out with us this weekend and I go I'm leaving tonight he goes well come with us now I'm like all right do you think that if you wouldn't have put out that hayley adams piece and they hadn't seen it that he would have been as warm and receptive to you coming along he said that of the athletes he represents i've only come after one of them and after him and i had spoken i did a piece kind of taking it down a little bit
Starting point is 00:10:08 it involved gabby magawa and her handstand push-ups and a misinterpretation of a rule that while it still was a rule he appreciated that i uh made made her look a little bit better when it was all said and done as it wasn't really her fault at that point while it is it isn't you know one of those how do you pay for this how do you pay for the hayley adams piece you don't you don't um me that's on me so you took all the costs on that i drove out there i mean it was just like gas and food and lodging so i paid for it but i mean that's expensive it probably cost me i don't know 1500 bucks yeah Yeah. Yeah. So I paid for it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:47 I mean, that's a mortgage payment in a home in Alabama. Yeah. But it's totally worth it. It's, uh, I don't know. You do as much as you can to get as much as you can out of a certain part of
Starting point is 00:11:01 your life. And then hopefully it pays off later. What is going on? Ground control to major major sebi is my shit fucked up someone tell me no i don't know see that's the thing man like it's it's a pretty big risk on hiller's part to do that those things when you don't have sponsors so you remember the other people who have money or who are making content have money coming in that um subsidizes the making of their content you know what happens when i don't accept money i can do whatever the hell i want that's true i don't have to plug a shoe or hey that's true that's true cole mertens what's up dude how's it going? Good. Oh, good. Are you sick? No, I just have some sniffles.
Starting point is 00:11:49 If you were sick, you wouldn't even say it, would you? I don't know. My body feels good. I just stuffy. Okay. All right. You have COVID-12. Where are you?
Starting point is 00:12:02 At the Minneapolis airport. We had to get on a plan to head to Boise for the open workout. Isn't it a little early? The workout's not until, what's today? Today's Monday. The workout's not until Thursday. Tuesday. Oh, today's Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Okay. Yeah. We're going to get out there around midday today, and then I think we have a lot of media stuff tomorrow, and then we have the workout a lot of media stuff tomorrow and didn't wear the workout thursday are you pumped yeah i'm excited to be it's a good opportunity um i'm excited to be able to go to justin's home gym and beat up on him in front of his closest friends and family so it'll be a unique opportunity hey are you sore from last week you are sore uh yeah i was that workout messed me up really bad it wasn't it honestly didn't hurt
Starting point is 00:12:57 uh like all that bad during and then like the next day the next several days, I was really sore. I think just from the adrenaline dump and not being – I did it out in Nashville at Proven, so I didn't have my normal recovery routine and nutrition set up and things like that going on. So I think that played a part in it too. How long did you – You're still messed up still. You're still messed up from the workout.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Oh, you think that you think that did that to his voice he'll are you think oh no I mean hey there was a component of it and he went two minutes faster so yeah definitely probably put a hit towards my immune system if we weakened it a little bit hey um how long were you on the ground afterwards? Come on. I never lay down. I'll put out the video. I'm hoping to put out the video sometime this morning.
Starting point is 00:13:55 But, yeah, no, I didn't lay down. I almost quit during it, but I didn't lay down. Oh, really? You almost quit during the workout? Yeah, it was like, it just hurt mentally. like the first round at 15 on the snatches i probably like a 10 or 15 second conversation with myself um i almost dropped the dumbbell and walked out but i didn't i always say next to. She just looked at me. Hey, Allie. Hey, Colton, you know what's fascinating about that? I mean, I'm so shocked.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Taylor said the same thing. Taylor said that in the round of 15, he saw Dallin was like a rep ahead of him, and he was like, fuck it. Why am I even bothering pushing this hard? I can't even believe you guys have those conversations. Do you actually have the conversation, or do you kind of more like just watching it happen inside you like the good colton and bad colt um those conversations happen
Starting point is 00:14:52 actually a lot it's usually not to the extent of like i want to quit and just be done with this completely it's usually you enter that you get to that point in the workout and then you have to decide if you're going to hold that pace or slow down it's usually not to the level of I just want to quit entirely but those conversations happen a lot pretty much every time you're in a workout
Starting point is 00:15:16 like that where you're going at max intensity and I guess people like me and Taylor we just decide not to quit yeah that's wild. Jody, Lynn, Colton train, keep the steam rolling. Yeah. And so when you're done, you just act chill and you walk off, but slowly over time as the day went on and the next day went on, you felt it.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Yeah, I definitely felt it. There's a lot of triceps and chest. My whole body just had a gentle ache, even in my lats and my legs that weren't really targeted that much. Those movements, I think, just kind of hurt. Hey, are you on your
Starting point is 00:16:02 phone? I wonder if you tried point. Oh, yeah, but then everyone could hear us. Okay, never mind. I was going to say maybe if you pulled out those ear pods, it would sound better, but I get it. Hey, is there tension between you and Justin? Are you guys not friends? I don't know if we're friends.
Starting point is 00:16:21 I just haven't talked to him very much. I kind of have tension with everybody. I think so. But I wouldn't say, like, Justin. I just haven't talked to him very much. I kind of have tension with everybody, I think, though. But I wouldn't say, like, Justin and I dislike each other or anything. Have you talked to each other leading up to this at all or no? Not really. We've had a few messages, like maybe three or four, on Instagram leading up to it. And we've talked at the games in the past,
Starting point is 00:16:41 but we don't really have a relationship beyond that. And do you have any expectations of what the workout will be or won't be? No, I really have no idea. It's so hard to predict this stuff. It would be kind of fun if there's a heavy lift at some point in it. But I just feel prepared. I'm ready to be tested no matter what that looks like uh augustus link uh how many wiener dogs is colton going to buy after winning the workout i think he's definitely i think he's gonna let me buy anymore oh hey dude that's a good
Starting point is 00:17:18 woman right there that's my my wife puts the uh her foot down on dogs too how many you got right now how many do you guys own? Still five? Yeah, five. And then Millie just had four puppies, so she's taking care of those right now. So we got nine total. How have the last few weeks been for you? Leading up to the Open, it was really good. I feel really, really fit and strong.
Starting point is 00:17:50 I've just been hitting like a PR on snatch and a PR on a run there lately. And then, you know, obviously last week was pretty rough. My mom passed in unexpectedly. But, you know, dealing with that and getting through it and just trying to stay focused on my goals and my purpose and things like that um i obviously have a lot of questions for you about that but you're at the airport i don't want to uh um cause a scene there but um let me ask you this are you able to stay focused are you staying focused yeah um it's been you know some of the things in the routine got thrown off just with some stuff you have to deal with but um so when i haven't missed any training um everything's still been at good intensity
Starting point is 00:18:38 all the things like that i'm still trying to get good sleep stay on top of my nutrition but um yeah i'm still focused uh you know i predicted that i was still trying to get good sleep stay on top of my nutrition but um yeah i'm still focused uh you know i predicted that i was going to win event one before the opening started just for fun and i did and now this week i'm done playing games i'm here for business yeah all right um and um how did ally end up coming was that a non-negotiable? Or how did she end up coming with you? She didn't want to come with me at first. What? So I get a CrossFit offer, a plus one.
Starting point is 00:19:14 But she coaches at the CrossFit gym in town, and she has clients and stuff like that. And we were just gone for a water polo. So she wanted to stay so that she could coach them, and I interrupt their training routine. But the owners told her that she had to come. So she wanted to stay so that she could coach them and I interrupt their kind of training routine. But the owners told her that she had to come. So she's here. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Hey, Hiller's always available as a plus one, just so you know. Yeah, I would have driven out to Iowa and come with you. But were you at Proven still? Are you leaving from Proven or were you back at Iowa? No, I got home Sunday evening and then we left Monday night and drove to Des Moines for our first flight this morning. Doesn't all this traveling mess you up? Isn't that kind of out of your routine?
Starting point is 00:19:56 Yeah, a lot. I'm pretty exhausted right now, but by Thursday I'll be dialed in. But actually it's good for me because I've struggled with traveling in the past, especially at airports and planes and things like that, because I'd never really done it before, CrossFit. So it's just a lot of added stress, and I wasn't good at adapting my routine to it. So this is a lot of good practice for me, just as we get ready for semifinals and the games
Starting point is 00:20:24 to get some more preparation for traveling and figure out routines to keep my nutrition recovery and things like that in check. Hey, you took third in the world last year in the Open. And is the plan to win it? Is that how you go into it? The plan is always to win no matter what competition I go to. I know the open quote-unquote doesn't matter, but, you know, honestly,
Starting point is 00:20:50 a lot of people saying that are – I think a lot of them say it because they are scared to really hurt on these workouts. They want to eat it out so they can say, oh, it doesn't matter, so I shouldn't put that harm. But honestly, you know, we're racehorses. It's time to go. We all want to win once that workout starts. So don't let these idiots fool you when they keep telling you the Open doesn't matter
Starting point is 00:21:12 and they're not peaking and not trying hard. None of us are peaked, so you can't keep using that as an excuse for why you get beat when other people aren't peaked either. Right. And especially those of you who are doing the open announcements it obviously feels significantly better to win than to lose yeah yeah i'm not coming to you know take second place i'm i'm here to win i want to win really bad i think justin wants to win and um you know he better be preparing because i'm bringing my game yeah damn all right dude hey thanks for
Starting point is 00:21:46 checking in uh what an amazing showing it was great um hopefully uh after the open we can have you on and do a whole debrief uh i know it was it's been a crazy couple months for you i'm very curious how you're managing uh all the emotions i know emotions play an important role of energy expenditure, and I'm sure you are doing some magic inside to keep your shit together. The Savant podcast loves you to death, dude. We appreciate all your always being available for us, and we got you back, and we'll be watching, and we're super excited for week three also when you come and put the smack down on Taylor.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Taylor's head's gotten so big, dude. It's crazy. Taylor, sorry, Taylor. I had to beat you on this one. If it was any other workout, maybe you could have had the world record. But, yeah, he called me, I think, Saturday morning to ask me what my score was because he was worried about it. I honestly felt bad telling him that I beat him.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I had to do it to him. I'm not showing any mercy, though. When he did the workout on Friday, had you already done it? Yeah, I did it Friday morning at Proven around 10.30 in the morning. And so you showed restraint and didn't even say in the comments, hey, i beat you you just stayed quiet that was pretty nice of you i text you i'm like hey thanks for letting us have our moment that was pretty crazy i think he wrote in the comments is it quit being a pussy taylor
Starting point is 00:23:17 when he was rolling on the ground i think i remember seeing that yeah i told him to quit being dramatic hey colton i got a How many open workouts have you won? This is the first one. I've been top five in a few before, but this is the first one I've won. What does it feel like to know that you're the best on the planet at something like this? It's almost like a specific version of being the best at the mile. When someone sets, like, the world record mile,
Starting point is 00:23:44 like, I am the fastest person at this thing thing is that something that you think about at all or is it kind of whatever yeah that um that means a lot more than just like the prize first for winning or something like that just because i also because i won by a lot um so there's a big separation there it's like that's also the friend by however much you did you won by a lot. So there's a big separation there. It's like you're a friendly friend by however much you did. You won by 20 seconds. Yeah, and it's also a kind of workout where nobody outside of the CrossFit space would be able to put up an elite time on that. You know, it's pretty certain to me at least that, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:21 nobody in the world is capable of putting up that time, even on their best day with how much I won by by or you know some open workouts especially like the strength stuff obviously people outside the crossfit space could potentially win those if they sign up but um yeah that's when it feels good knowing that you know there's nobody on the planet that could touch that time legitimately nobody on the planet it's cool i know taylor said it's a bucket list goal of is to win one of them. You got it. It's cool. Good job fucking that up. He's got more chances.
Starting point is 00:24:51 All right. Colton's showing his soft side with an apology to Taylor. All right. On that note. Colton, thank you so much. Good luck. We'll be watching. Thanks so much for coming into our lives. Tell Ali thank you too. All right. Thanks, man. See you. All right. Ciao. Safe travels.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Bye, Ali. That, thanks, guys. See ya. Alright, ciao. Safe travels. Bye, Ali. That would be so cool. Six, seven. It's like when Halftor set the deadlift record. Right, right, right. No one touching Colton on that workout, and he knows it. No one's picking up that amount of weight like Halftor did. Yeah, it's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:25:24 It's true. It's cool it's cool uh taylor taylor said if he was colton tight he would have gotten on 532 good thing it wasn't 530 it was 519 or something 518 right but we for right 518 519 hey but um these haven't been verified either yet right times could change up until Wednesday. Yeah, I think there's somebody in first place right now who's probably just fucked up their score because they said they got a 418, and that's a whole minute faster than Colton did it. So I think there's still some validation that needs to go on.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Yeah, it was Tim Murray. Mitchell Anderson. Colton did the whole... Oh, Tim Murray. Colton did the whole workout three times before i finished it once wow i'm still doing it actually okay shut up let's not talk about it okay let's move on yesterday dave castro put out a weekend review um did you watch that yet i watched that and then i watched three quarters of your review of it and what what do you
Starting point is 00:26:27 think what do you think um what do you i mean people were telling me that it was gnarly i didn't think it was too gnarly i got three text messages about it not from the group chat just and usually when that happens i'm like ready to but kind of like you were saying right you're expected to be gnarly and then i'm listening to it and it's like, what do you expect him to say? I mean, I mean, I listened to it. I kind of shared my two cents worth, which was, I don't know how it is that he can always say that he never watches any content specifically my own, and then go into what my tone is. Change your tone, change your tone, change your tone.
Starting point is 00:27:04 I'm like, like well what is it how do you know you don't you can't if you don't watch any of it so there's two truths you're lying and you do watch it or you don't watch it and someone's telling you what my tone is okay that's that's what i said i mean someone's telling him something because it's getting on his radar at which rate right and people talk about videos i don't even mean that in a bad way people talk about videos i tell people about your videos all the time right i don't talk about stuff that i i i try not to talk about stuff that i haven't done due justice to due due diligence to okay weird he's he was but i also just think he's standing up for people around him he's the leader he's taking
Starting point is 00:27:46 charge people are saying he's like woke and i'm like i don't know he's just uh imagine if you had a whole bunch of people imagine if people were talking shit about uh the locker room group chat you kind of go to war for him i go to war yeah for sure so i mean hey when they fired dave i went to war i went completely fucking ballistic that's that's as hard as i can go so um so i didn't i just didn't i thought it was pretty mellow i thought it was like hey if you guys are assholes to us by the way i the whole time i thought he was just talking to Mayhem. I thought it was interesting that he used your name. And what's even more interesting, he used your name. You know what the Batman quote is, right?
Starting point is 00:28:30 Say that again. The Batman quote from The Dark Knight is, like, send the dogs after me because you know I can take it. Oh, interesting. He used my name because he figures I don't care. And I don't. I sat there watching it, and I'm like, yeah, whatever. And also, i've never had behind the scenes access right so he couldn't have been talking about you i've never wanted it i've never asked for it like he he had to have been talking about either obviously me craig
Starting point is 00:28:56 ritchie uh heber marsden hwpo or or um the mayhem guys but he's obviously talking about the Mayhem Guys because the Mayhem Guys put out that podcast and that reel and that got so much attention. Do you feel any sense to need to retaliate? No. I also don't think I was talking shit.
Starting point is 00:29:23 He kept on saying stop talking shit about CrossFit. And I go, well, I don't think that you would even think that I was doing that. You would just say, all right, Dukun said CrossFit is dangerous. Is it true currently? I don't know. I haven't made a piece since the day you hired him on Dukun's. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:42 But at that point, it was the truth. He said it was dangerous, and that's not talking shit uh looking at people's depth and extensions and and his own mess up at the announcement maybe it wasn't his maybe it was bosman's but somebody was on the floor not telling the athletes to turn around it's their own rule and that's not talking shit i don't know right maybe my tone is like this because i'm making videos but like dude hey what about him did you see the mayhem video the podcast i did but what did you think about that do you think that if you ran um crossfit in the crossfit games and people use that tone or that talk are you talking about scott spander yeah they kind of turn the camera at him and he's talking
Starting point is 00:30:26 they start off with him yeah um the most damning thing is when he says i mean if i if i put myself in dave's shoes is when they said basically they do they they've they've been fucking up for so long and they're not fixing it and like if you're if you're dave are you like okay well i mean do you think that that's too harsh i'm amazed that he even hears that stuff who dave dave right yeah i mean probably a lot of people told him probably i'm guessing oh i would always wonder what and and they made it a real and they made it a real once you make something a real you're like you're telling the world to look at it it's called melanotan too and i've been using it from cf peptides for about two and a half months now so if i look darker that's why does hillary like fake tan or
Starting point is 00:31:19 i used to fake tan and i stopped because Alexis would stop sleeping with me. That's only half true. If you don't stop taking fake tan, I'm not going to bone you anymore. Melanotan from CA Peptides. Use code word Hiller. Why is CrossFit so soft when they get criticism? Any sport that made it gets criticism. Here's the thing
Starting point is 00:31:45 it's criticism from people though that want also access from crossfit right it's not i think that there's i think that there's a fine i think that there's a fine access though right isn't that what happens when you're a sponsor wasn't mayhem like a partner of the games? They did pay for that access. And it was a... I don't think CrossFit's being soft and not taking criticism. I think all those people who were back there have criticized CrossFit at a pretty high level. I have...
Starting point is 00:32:23 Craig? He said CrossFit is dead he did he also said that he lost money going to the games this year well that was same same thing same same one i just i mean maybe not maybe not heber and marston play it pretty um straight they got you know they do the the peewee herman bit there's not a lot of room for them to be negative or critical. But I don't know. I don't know. And here's the – yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I didn't really hear anything too bad about the Mayhem video.
Starting point is 00:32:59 But in the past, I think that they've done stuff like that as well, and it kind of comes out of left field. From them. Right. past i think that they've done stuff like that as well and it kind of comes out of left field from them right here the the good thing is is that obviously dave and rich have a really long relationship and it can and they can get on the phone and they can talk and they've had their ups and downs and uh i have to read the mayhem video to give that full justice. Were you surprised this morning when you woke up and you saw that the – Yes. You were? Yeah. I mean –
Starting point is 00:33:32 Especially coming off the back of Dave's show yesterday. Do you think Dave told them to post that? Do you think that the right hand knows what the left hand is doing? Do you think that someone saw that and go, there's a different meaning to what Dave's saying here? Dave chooses the messages he pulls up on the show, doesn't he? Yeah. There's hundreds of comments.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Do you think that there's any purpose to the comments chosen? Yeah, exactly. I think he wants to face the hardest ones like head on. He wants to show he's not afraid. Hey, I love the weekend review. I think he wants to face the hardest ones like head on. He wants to show he's not afraid. Hey, I love the weekend review. I think it's great. I think it's something that everyone's wanted in CrossFit for a long time. Have questions answered like that from somebody who knows.
Starting point is 00:34:22 I don't know. I don't think he talked to anybody. i don't know i don't think he talked to anybody you don't think he you don't think after the he made that show he's like okay go ahead and collab with hillar you think just i mean the only the only possibility there would be he says he hasn't watched the video with hayley adams and then he's like well maybe i should go watch it and he turns it on and then he turns to his, he goes, Hey, uh, what the hell? Why aren't we posting this? Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:48 This is great. Maybe, maybe that's something that happened. Someone go ask Dave in the comments. Hey, that was interesting. And the funny part was, and I talked about it in the weekend review yesterday and you and I talked about it last night on the phone. It is, we can't be stupid when he's saying, Hey, why would we repost his shit? Although I did hear it was good.
Starting point is 00:35:05 I mean, at that point he is reposting it. He's reposting it in the weekend review by saying, Hey, it's good. Yeah. Hey, I heard it's good.
Starting point is 00:35:14 I mean, the whole point of reposting. Yeah. Thank you. Hey, listen, the whole thing about reposting is giving something attention. That's the only reason why you want to repost it, so it gets more traction.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Well, that's what he did. He talked about it and gave it more traction. And so he's not stupid. Interesting. Did he delete? Go ahead. Go ahead. What were you going to say?
Starting point is 00:35:37 No, no, no. It looks like he deleted my comment on his video. No, he doesn't know how to do that. He doesn't know how to do that. I know, but it's not on there. From his, on his video. No, he doesn't know how to do that. He doesn't know how to do that. I know, but it's not on there. From his, on his YouTube page? Yeah, man. Guys, Dave had a deck of cards.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Poker is being played. He loves you guys. Tone matters. It's funny. All right, look at this. I don't see an Andrew Hiller comment on this page. I know for a fact he doesn't know how to erase stuff, and he doesn't have anyone helping him.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Okay. I'm just saying. I got eyeballs, and so do you. So there's something going on with YouTube. I know, but sometimes that shit happens on YouTube. I see it online. You do? Oh, you do?
Starting point is 00:36:20 Yeah. Sometimes that shit happens on YouTube. Okay. The poker thing is an interesting observation. There it is. Oh, so you're saying you do? Yeah. Sometimes that shit happens on YouTube. Okay. The poker thing is an interesting observation. There it is. Oh, so you're saying you watch my videos. If not, I'd be curious how you know about my tone. After all, you've stayed quiet a bit in the past
Starting point is 00:36:32 that you do not consume any of my content. Yeah. Some people go at him in there again I figure he can take it hey the poker thing is an interesting observation I like that that is very interesting
Starting point is 00:37:00 right he's playing poker oh by the way on the heat app, I just saw the results. Right now, Will Branstetter's winning. Holy shit. Shut up. And Tyler Watkins is in second. Yep. That's the expert analyst right there.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Branstetter. Expert analyst. Yep. Will Branstetter. Expert in the space. Better than most. Heat One. Hey, he also promoted the Heat One app by saying he didn't know what it was
Starting point is 00:37:27 yeah exactly everyone's gonna go look it up on the app store now uh dave posted that comment from hillary in his stories yeah dave's dave's having fun i'm in 57th on heat one that's okay all right i really got nothing else i just wanted to hear you talk i want to talk to colton i wanted All right. I really got nothing else. I just wanted to hear you talk. I want to talk to Colton. I want to hear a little bit about Haley. You don't seem riled up about anything.
Starting point is 00:37:52 I don't get riled up about much. All right. I try to stay plus or minus one. You're not offended. No. You're not worried if they let you go, if they give you access to the games or not. I'll make videos either way right right right and honestly it's much easier to make videos
Starting point is 00:38:10 like right here right it's uh gotta go down there and like the haley thing i gotta pay my way to get there it's cheaper and i probably profit sitting here and i and i lose like i lose money going out there right right there you just you're just eating your costco uh ground beef and just have to pay to have your computer on i make two videos a day here i can probably i'll make money on those two videos a day over five days it's 10 videos let's say it's crossfit games weekend they make 150 bucks a video by 10 make a thousand bucks and set or uh be down 3000 for travel and stay adam blakesley uh hillary is the dexter of youtubers i like that little that's my favorite tv show uh oh uh shea dance loved your hailey video hillar unreal uh oh uh just the dexter thing a serial killer guy right yeah i could see it i didn't like the great show
Starting point is 00:39:13 not so much but the original definitely good i gotta show you a picture of my shower downstairs i have it all plastic wrapped during the pandemic there was no sauna steam room, so I bought a steamer off Amazon and I plastic wrapped the downstairs shower and I turned it into a makeshift steam room. Whenever anyone goes down there, they're like, who'd you kill in here? It's just funny.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Hiller, did you watch Coffee Pods and Wads yesterdayads yesterday that fellas reminded me of you when he went on about youtube analytics oh who is that who was on no i don't know some kid i was watching yesterday too he's very interesting he basically does the same thing that hillary does except he's irish and you can barely understand him shut up dude hey dude that um one casey that video that pedro made the fake news yesterday, is off the chart. Do we watch it? Yeah, let's watch it. It's wild.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Sean Casey, our first man for the Cincinnati Reds. My Instagram is not working. Killer, can you possibly bring it up? Yeah. I can do it too. I don't know. It's not letting me see anything other than it also appears like mine is not working.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Is it saying something went wrong? Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Wow. Wow. Instagram is down. Hey,
Starting point is 00:40:34 it also looks like YouTube is down. YouTube. Oh, I can't go to coffee pods and wads YouTube. Oh, now it's working. I was going to go look at Sean Casey. Wow. This is fascinating about Instagram. I, now it's working. I was going to go look at Sean Casey. Wow, this is fascinating about Instagram.
Starting point is 00:40:48 I wonder if it's not working on phones, too. That's actually why CrossFit Games collaborated. It was a glitch. It's a glitch. They didn't mean to do it. Oh, it is working on phones. No, it is not. Oh, that's weird.
Starting point is 00:41:03 The gram is down. Yeah, gram is down. Great. What am I going to do with my life? What am I going to do? Hey, that movie on Netflix was awesome. It was like Leave the World Behind or something. And there's this ship that drives up onto a beach and everything shuts down and people need to figure out how to live without.
Starting point is 00:41:24 It is a good movie. Are you serious? No, you won't. No, it's probably like the beekeepers. Okay. And did you know about this other movie that I saw on Netflix with the guy
Starting point is 00:41:36 from the wire where no, I don't think so. I think it's on Netflix. God, it was fucking horrible. You don't watch anything that I think it's on Netflix. God, it was fucking horrible. You don't watch anything that you like. That's true. I like the UFC.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Yeah, it's not a movie though, man. That's true. Hiller, watch Spaceman. Hanush? I've never seen Spaceman. I was watching Dune yesterday. Have you seen Dune? Dune seen dune dune is good no it is the original one is good the first one okay the new one just came out yeah that's why i'm re-watching the first one actually i don't think alexis has seen it so i want to go see it in theaters but she's got to see the first one okay i'll watch
Starting point is 00:42:21 dune i need something to watch dune is good and adam blake says dune 2 is great hey the the have you seen the dune 2 popcorn bucket no yeah yes i was i went to uh where they filmed dune 2 and they had a guy which is in the middle of jordan by the way in like the middle of the desert and uh they had a guy with a leaf blower with no shirt on, just tied around his head, standing on top of a rock, blowing sand off of the rocks. For the movie set. For the movie set, yep.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Oh, it does look like it. So it's a pocket pussy. Yep. Caleb, did you find it? Yeah. Wow. Wow. Yep, the dune 2 popcorn bucket who's gonna put their hand into that thing to get popcorn out of it that's like from saw did you ever see the saw movie where they have the little contraption you stick your hand in
Starting point is 00:43:17 i've seen saw too many times what's crazy is that there's an article um on the bbc oh yeah they do they even mention in here it's because it looks like a pocket what do they say about it not they're just saying it's they say it raked in millions i don't know not much yeah. Yeah, they don't... That's what sucks about the media. Just say it. That's what TikTok does. I saw it on TikTok. You're scrolling
Starting point is 00:43:53 through and then people are making videos about the fleshlight popcorn bucket. It's unique. It resembles a sandworm. It sure does. There you go. That's what the video says. Extra butter.
Starting point is 00:44:09 No popcorn. Can I get a Dune II popcorn and hold the popcorn? Extra butter. It's so funny. There you go. We need that lid for Matuthean. Dale King. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:44:23 It only says it's suggestive. That's it. You can recycle the metuthian powder as another object when you're done. Which one do you use, the unflavored one or the peppermint one? I only have the peppermint one. I don't have the unflavored one. I probably would use the unflavored one, but I do like the flavored one. If you got the unflavored one, could you flavor it with whatever you want?
Starting point is 00:44:45 I don't know. That's a good question. You know how they have the cheddar flavoring you can put on popcorn? You can brush your teeth with cheddar. You get the cheddar cheese. Parmesan cheese. I could put some Eno Explode in there. It would be like Eno Explode in there. It'd be like Eno Explode flavored Matoothian. That's right.
Starting point is 00:45:10 C4 flavored Matoothian. Brush your teeth and get a caffeine high. That'd be good. Alright. I'm done. Thank you. Short show today. Yeah. Thank you. Caleb, thank you. 11am
Starting point is 00:45:24 Susan will be coming on to do his show uh tomorrow tomorrow we have andrew zara uh goes on i i'm sorry i told you he would be on today and i had my shows backwards so that that's a disaster who eats a hot dog at a movie theater and then thursday we have hayley adams on and um that's that all right talk to you guys soon bye

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