The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Affiliate Series | Dave Aisenstat of CrossFit 845

Episode Date: January 21, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Attention all soccer fans. From Orlando to Los Angeles, take to the fields of the USA for your next vacation. Ready to kick off? Discover exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much,
Starting point is 00:00:18 you'll want to extend your stay beyond the matches. Get the ball rolling on your soccer getaway. Head to This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. BAM! We're live. Oh, I can't do the... I can't get it lined up already.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Son of a gun. I don't even know where the sponsors are again. Shit. Oh, like that? No, not like that. Good morning, guys. What's up? I made it.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Idaho. I made it. I made it, I made it, I made it. Rosie, what's up, girl? Competing today at Redemption Fitness. I'll be wearing the CEO shirt, baby. Yeah, let me know how that goes for you. I bet you that. I made it. Rosie, what's up, girl? Competing today at Redemption Fitness. I'll be wearing the CEO shirt, baby. Yeah, let me know how that goes for you. I bet you that makes you 20% stronger. Rambler. I was at the CF gym last week. Guys were wearing cologne. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Vomitous. How does anyone think that's okay? Listen, if you have cologne, just throw it away. Just throw it away. Just throw it away. The reason why I started early, early, we have a great guest on today. Owner of CrossFit 845. i don't know much about him someone said hey you got to check out this instagram account actually no they said hey actually actually it started off with hey i work out at this gym this place is different
Starting point is 00:02:17 i'm like okay and then i went to the instagram account and i'm like oh yeah oh yeah that place is different. Hormone disrupting because of the cologne, that's not the reason. I just don't like the smell. I don't want to smell anything really off of somebody, you know what I mean? Like I don't want to smell your breath, I don't want to smell your cologne, I don't want to smell your makeup, I don't want to, like I don't want to, you know what I enjoy the smell of when someone lights up a cigarette, you know what I mean? Like they're like just that first, that, that first hit off the rest of it. I hate for some reason, but when someone first lights
Starting point is 00:02:55 up a cigarette, I love it. We started early today. Cause something really disturbed me yesterday. Uh, I don't know. About two weeks ago, Greg's like, hey, dude, it's only a matter of time before you get kicked off of YouTube. I'm like, really? He's like, yeah. I'm like, okay. And I don't have a second screen, so I'm going to be using my phone more often
Starting point is 00:03:18 than you've ever seen me use it during the show this week. I forgot my second screen. But something crazy happened yesterday. Really crazy. And if this guy got kicked off of this guy got kicked off of YouTube, Mark Bell got kicked off of YouTube. I cannot, I don't even, I don't even understand this. He got a letter from YouTube and it says, hi, Mark Bell's Power Project. We've
Starting point is 00:03:45 received your appeal for the following. We've reviewed your channel carefully and have confirmed that it violates our harmful and dangerous policy. We know this is probably disappointing news, but it's our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place. How this affects your channel? We won't be putting your channel back on YouTube. How this affects your channel? We won't be putting your channel back on YouTube. When I think of Mark Bell's podcast, I think of it as the exact opposite of harmful. It's a place where there's honest conversation about things that might be harmful so that people can make educated decisions. I need to talk to him. I wonder if once you're off of YouTube, they never let you back on.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Can he make another channel? Yeah, I know. It's crazy. Hey, I'm going to tell you this, though. Oh, it's funny. I haven't seen this post, but I guess Zach Tillander made a post about it on his Instagram, and Mark reposted it, which is weird because in my conversations with Zach and his roommate, Chris Williamson, they've always talked about skating the lines. Now, I haven't talked to them in years. Maybe they've changed a little bit. It sounds like they didn't want to fuck with the powers that be. Man, this is some scary shit.
Starting point is 00:05:13 This is really, really, really scary shit. Holy cow. Thank goodness this show, although we don't have traction there, this show like like right now we're publishing to Facebook, Twitch and Twitter simultaneously. And then in like three days after we're done, it automatically goes over to Rumble. And the only reason why we're not using the other platforms, well, two reasons, obviously, because YouTube is the biggest and they get the most traction and most eyeballs instantaneously because everyone's, you know, they were first to the game. But the second reason is StreamYard doesn't have good interaction with the other platforms.
Starting point is 00:05:54 But we're going to have to figure it out. I'm going to start doing one show every week that's just on Twitter. I got to start building. I got to start building another home. Yeah, I got it. Maybe, maybe. So, so today we have a Dave, Dave Eisenstadt on owner of CrossFit 845. He'll be on in two minutes, but maybe, maybe I'll, and then I'm going to a, I'm actually going to an ex affiliates 10 year anniversary today with Greg. And then when I come back, the only thing I have left for
Starting point is 00:06:32 the rest of the day is to sit around and watch UFC fights. So somewhere in there, I'm going to do another pop-up show and I'm going to try to call God. I wonder how risky I'll try to call. I'll call Mark Bell and I'll do a live stream and I won't stream it to YouTube. I'll try to call. I'll call Mark Bell, and I'll do a live stream, and I won't stream it to YouTube. I'll stream it to all our other platforms. And I'll go live. I'll have Sousa go live on our Sebon Podcast Instagram account before we do that so that you guys are notified. Also, there's one more thing. Dan Thiessen.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Dan Thiessen is doing an insane ride today on an assault bike to raise money for kids in Haiti. We talked about that before, so hopefully we'll get a minute to call him today and show him some love while he's on the bike. Man, I can't tell you. This thing with Mark Bell rocks me. Hey, dude, what's up? What's up, Siobhan? Yeah, it's scary. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Oh, hold on one second. My audio – no one told me. You guys, this is a team effort. No one told me my audio was ass. How's that? I can hear you. Oh, better? Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Can you hear me? Yeah, I'm very disappointed. I'm very rambler. 20 extra burpees today. Ernie, 20 extra burpees. Rosie, 50 extra burpees. How can you guys not? This is a team effort. Tell me when I sound like
Starting point is 00:07:48 shit. Thank you. Graciano, what's up? What's up, baby? What's up, man? Yeah, I saw Dave Lipson posted something last night, too, to his Instagram about Mark Bell. And I reposted it. He was like, oh, they
Starting point is 00:08:04 took him down because he was telling us healthy ways to eat. That's weird. You know, tripping. Hey, he's, he's ex strong man. He's an ex strong man gone doing things like walking 50 miles now.
Starting point is 00:08:20 He's yeah. It takes a lot to inspire me. That guy was an inspiration to me. Yeah. Just from growing up in Cross inspire me that guy was an inspiration to me yeah just from growing up in crossfit too he was an inspiration just existentially you know between the the two crossfitted what he was doing it sucks it's awful it's only a matter you know savannah it's only a matter of time i think before you know i'm toast yeah exactly i mean yesterday i dare say that hey yesterday i said some crazy shit yesterday i said that i found it disgusting to put penis in my mouth and i know for some reason that's not a um that makes me a bad person in some people's eyes well that's
Starting point is 00:08:55 gonna get you taken down but let me tell you i really i'm glad a lot of other people don't think it's disgusting i appreciate like i mean i walk barefoot in parking lots i would walk barefoot in a parking lot at the dead concert i know other people find that disgusting and and they're welcome to tell me that holy cow a dave eisenstadt are you jew uh there's a heritage behind it um i wasn't raised jewish but I was – You got a mom? Yes. She's Jewish? No.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Oh, all right. Then you're not. You're not. You're not. No. You're not. My father was half Jewish. He passed when I was 13.
Starting point is 00:09:38 But no, my mother is not Jewish, no. Oh, boy. We already found why you serve people. Holy shit. One minute into the podcast. How did your dad pass? By the way, Dave, Sousa, Sousa, Dave why you serve people. Holy shit. One minute into the podcast. How'd your dad pass? By the way, Dave, Sousa, Sousa, Dave, you guys have something in common. You guys service people in the world to help them with the world's most vexing problem and to make the strongest people in the world because you also work with Tip of the Spear. I appreciate all of it. What happened to your to your mom?
Starting point is 00:10:07 what happened to your uh to your mom my father my father's father yeah he was uh he was a heavy smoker growing up my entire life um switched the cigars because he thought that was better and then um he had two heart attacks he survived both of them and then he was a diabetic awful health and at the time i didn't know any better. And then pancreatic cancer took him. Wow. 1999, yeah. That'll just change your whole trajectory as a 13-year-old boy, huh? Yeah, it did. It was, you know, I suppressed a lot of feelings throughout growing up.
Starting point is 00:10:40 And then in 2008 is when I actually found CrossFit. That changed everything well how old were you when or what year was it when you when he passed when you were 13 99 oh you're young how old are you 37 oh yeah wow and um uh how how he passed in night in in 99 um did you did you act out? Did you get it crazy? Did you end up going to jail or anything wild like that? No. I just kept, and to this day, just keep it to myself.
Starting point is 00:11:14 And my mother thought I should do therapy, but I just didn't want to do it. I don't know. And it wasn't, you know, back then it was kind of like taboo right in 1999 um but for me i just kind of dealt with it i just you know i had two older brothers who were also i looked up to and they're role models and so i just felt like i i guess i had to toughen up and that's still like it's a fault of mine like, it's a fault of mine. You know, it's a, it's a weakness of mine, but yeah, just kind of. Tyson said something once they said, Hey dude, you need to go to therapy. You have something wrong. You know, you have something wrong with you.
Starting point is 00:11:57 And he said, yeah, I know I have something wrong with me, but that's what fuels me. Why would I want, I don't, I don't want anyone tinkering with that. I don't want anyone to fix it. Do you, does it fuel you? Yes. Yeah. fuel you? Yes. Yeah. Every single day probably, and I think that's why we are where we are here at the gym is because there's a lot of deep-rooted shit that just comes out,
Starting point is 00:12:19 and for that reason, I want everyone to thrive. Yeah. Do you know Matt Schindeldecker? No. God, why can't I remember the name of his gym? He's been on the show. He became a dear friend. He has, I think he has two gyms.
Starting point is 00:12:39 And he's about to expand to probably like 30 gyms. It's crazy what he's doing. But he had a wild ride when he was a kid. He was on a bus, and his mom came on the bus and shot the bus driver. Wow. Yeah, and so basically he ends up losing his mom. But 30 years after the incident or 40 years after the incident he now runs he's about to he's embark he's running he's running one of the most successful juvenile crossfit juvenile delinquent
Starting point is 00:13:08 crossfit programs in the world and within i think we're within months of it being 100 everyone will say it's the most successful he's going to open up like 30 gyms just in the state of ohio that are going to be at um correctional institutions yeah and And when he was on the show, he's like, wow, now I know why that happened. Like I find like he's 30 years after the incident, he's like, wow, all of that prepped me for this, for helping these kids. It's why, ooh, I felt my tear ducts turn on. Yeah, it's a wild, what a wild ride. Because I think there's a sense of gratitude that comes with losing
Starting point is 00:13:46 someone so close to you at an early age like that and and you people take a lot of things for granted but if you go through a hard time so young then the rest of your life seems like not easy but you don't take things for granted, right? And from there comes gratitude. Do you have kids? I have two. Oh, how old are your kids? Three and a half and two.
Starting point is 00:14:19 I always wondered this because my whole perspective on my parents' death changed when I had kids. When the kids came into the world, did you feel some sort of healing on that wound that was the loss? Yeah, immediately. And there's some sadness too because you don't get to share that with your father. But there is – as soon as – yeah. As soon as they're born, everything changes. I just always felt like I was preparing for some crazy lonely feeling if I ever lost my parents. Then when I got that kid, that thought just went away.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I never had that thought again. I never worried about my parents passing ever again once I had kids. Yeah. Yeah. And then your, your mission changes. Well, it doesn't change. It gets better. Right. It gets more, more serious, more impactful because now it's like, well, you don't want to be like your father. You know, you don't want your kids to have to ever go through that. Right. How did your mission change? Tell me some other things that happened when you had a kid specifically.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Consciously or unconsciously, things that have unfolded. I reel it back like in the gym. Like instead of going, you know, a hundred percent and chasing PRs all the time, right. Going maximal effort. I'm, I'm like settling in at 70%. I'm okay with that because I just want to be healthy. I don't want to be, I want to be around forever, obviously. And I don't, I think that the focus was allocate time to yourself, to me, myself, put enough effort in so that you become a better father, happier and can manage your time much better.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Because now, especially with two kids, it's a lot of time management, you know, especially with running a gym. So it's like finding that balance was a huge thing when they were born. And do you miss chasing the PRS at all? I don't. And actually one of the greatest shifts that I ever had before kids was when I realized that I wanted to stop chasing PRS and I wanted to start chasing impact. And I think a lot of gym owners, that's where there's, I see a ton of gym owners posting PRs of their snatches and their cleaning
Starting point is 00:16:52 jerks when they should be working on their business. That there's the people might think that the takeaway there is, is that he he's working out at 70%, but for me, the part that I heard that that's the most impact and the part that I went through too, that I'm so happy is you accept where you're at. Yeah. You're a complete, you're a complete and utter piece with it. And people will think, oh boy, this is silly.
Starting point is 00:17:21 You're trying to make it so deep. But that exact same thing happened for me. All of a sudden I was like, okay, I used to, I used to like want to do everything RX then. So once I had kids and I had, and I had a bunch of back issues, I decided, okay, I'm going to do the women's weight and then I'm going to cut it in half. And I, and I would never been happier. Never, never been happier. Because I think we get jaded too. Like we're doing so much more than anyone else in this world. Even if you do a women's weight at at half you know yeah and then yeah that's yeah yeah that's exponentially more than what the entire world you know yeah yeah occasionally occasionally it's fun i don't do anything crazy anymore but occasionally it's fun
Starting point is 00:18:05 um you know uh the other day uh obby did um squat squat grace yeah and i showed i showed him he that i could clean and jerk 135 but i just did it for one then i was more than happy and i was like you just just as a um not even to show off but just to show him hey that you're to be a man one day you're going to be. And he's like, am I going to be that strong? I'm like, dude, you're going to be twice as strong. He goes, I know I could tell by looking at you. Got a zinger in there too. But I, but I, but I'm okay with other people still going for PRS. I have no judgment against them.
Starting point is 00:18:40 I'm happy to see the human beings pushing themselves to maximum capability. I'm inspired by it still. I think for me, it's just a gym owners. Cause we're, we have a, we have such a huge opportunity, uh, to like really go in on all of our people that give us money, you know, and they trade us money for service and experience and support. And if you're more focused on how much you can snatch, me personally, I guess probably goes back to me losing my dad, is that we have more to offer, right? And if we spend more time and dedicate to our thing, which is the gym,
Starting point is 00:19:19 then the people inside our gym are going to never leave. And I think that's where it all comes from. people inside our gym are going to never leave. And I think that's, that's where it all comes from. And you said it, it's the part, the way, the reason why I take this show so seriously is because I know people are giving me their time, which, which is, which is just one degree above money because of the social contract we have our time. We get that paper for it. And then that allows us to buy services and things from other people. But I, but we, we, you nailed
Starting point is 00:19:49 it. If someone's giving you their money, you, if you're a healthy person, you want to then give them your best. You know, it's, it's weird, Dave, this is off subject a little bit. I want to say this really quick and then go off subjects. the greatest instagram account on crossfit today by far is crossfit 845 there's there's there's no there's your crossfit account there's no second place to tell you the truth i um i need to show it to greg because i think it's what greg probably wanted crossfit's instagram account to be you, um, the, the fat old person thing bores the shit out of me. And, but I could, I could doom scroll through your shit all day. And, uh, and it's, it's, it's, it's, it's so beautiful. It's so fun. You've chosen the right, you know, Dana White,
Starting point is 00:20:39 um, audio overs and the right music and the right inspirational quotes. And it's, it is, uh, and that's why I knew when someone suggested that I have you on the show, I went to your Instagram account. I'm like, Oh my goodness. I cannot believe this guy's account. He is, he is absolutely murdering and you must spend it. Uh, do you spend a ton of time on media? Yeah. I, it's my passion. So I went, I picked up my first camera when I was, shortly after my father passed and I started documenting my high school friends and just sort of like that jackass style back in the day.
Starting point is 00:21:17 And we were just kind of like misfits that were growing up in the same neighborhood. And then I started editing and that's when I found my true passion was editing. I ended up going to school for film and media, ended up in the city for two years. And that's when I found CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Where did you go to school? So I went to school at Hofstra here on the East Coast in Long Island for one year. Then I went to a community college for two. Then I finished up at Hunter College in the city in New York City um and then that's when I found CrossFit in 2008 and I went to New York City uh CrossFit
Starting point is 00:21:54 NYC the black box court wing yeah yeah court wing was my first coach and I'll never forget him. You found CrossFit in 2008 at the black box gym. Yes, sir. So for those of you who don't know, I've never said this out loud before, but the black box was kind of a weird CrossFit HQ of the East coast. We were really West coast centric gym, but there was this place that everyone knew that was called the black box i think allison nyc was there yes and jen marshall was there yeah
Starting point is 00:22:32 harry singh jen harry singh yeah jen marshall went on to go open up garden city she does um she's our flow master here for the seminars. Yeah. Wow. What? Man, this is always such a small community. And I went to that gym once and I got in an elevator in a building and it went up to a floor. And when the doors open, you were in this, uh, not even a nice gym. It was, it still was a gritty, even though it had its own elevator right into the place and it was New York city. it was gritty as shit.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Yeah, that's where I was. But before the elevator, because they had a lot of problems with the other tenants up below and above them, before the elevator, it was a dark alley, a smaller gym, dark alley. In the back, there's like two pull-up bars and that was my first workout it was half a cindy and what would you guys do you guys would go down to the bottom floor do a workout and then run outside in new york city yeah yeah yeah crazy dude what what a trip and i had him on the on the show he's he's quite the character which one harry harry the owner
Starting point is 00:23:40 Quite the character. Which one? Hari. Hari, the owner. Yeah, Hari Singh. Is that boxed? Yeah. Yeah, nice to meet you.
Starting point is 00:23:52 He's just – he's not your typical gym owner. When I interviewed him, it was like I was interviewing a guy who – like I was interviewing Snowden or something. He was like in a room full of books and shit. You know what I mean? He just didn't – he just doesn't come across as your typical gym owner. It really felt more like he was there for the revolution yeah yes which crossfit was yes that's a good way to put it yeah he was a free freedom fighter yes which which back then who knew that we would need freedom fighters now? Yeah, crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:24:26 Yeah. Tell me about your introduction to CrossFit. Who introduced you to it? Like how did you – those moments, those hours, those minutes where you intersect and someone's like, you know about CrossFit. Jim Jones somehow was in the same sentence of of crossfit back then oh oh mark twight's thing correct and um my buddy of mine i was living in the city at the time i was i just found out my girlfriend was cheating on me and then so i went to like a mini depression so he and my other buddy was going into the seals so it was like i felt like a big bag of shit and then another buddy of mine said why don't you look into jim jones so i googled it and then next thing you know was uh crossfit
Starting point is 00:25:13 came up and they had they had a free saturday class and i went there and it was a never look back moment when after the i went through the so you went there by yourself you saw having a free class oh wow that takes balls yeah and then um i did half of cindy and that was just a 10 minute cindy workout and i was like this is fucking awesome i was on my back and i was like i've never felt like this before this is the most humbling thing i've ever done and been through i'm in did everyone else do full Cindy? No, it was a Saturday free trial class. Had you ever done 50 pull-ups in a workout before that? No, I know. Insane, right? Insane. It used to just be three sets of 10 pull-ups and you were
Starting point is 00:25:57 like, damn, I'm a beast. Yeah. Well, I walked in there like, Oh yeah, I was, I'm coming from the, you know, Justin tries era. tries era like five pull-ups i can do that ten points problem and i got through i don't know two and a half rounds and i was like this sucks but this is awful so i did the on ramp at crossfit nyc the next two weeks i would i would take the train to the gym i would would be feeling so sick, like throwing up. I would have to take a cab back to my apartment. I would have the window open in the cab like a dog. But I was like, that was awesome.
Starting point is 00:26:37 And do you remember the adaptation you got in the early years? I'll never forget the adaptation, just the stuff, how my body was changing. I was like, whoa whoa this is a trip because i went from being a young 20 year old 22 year old to becoming like feeling like an animal right yeah um uh how did you find out your girlfriend was cheating on you uh before she was going off to college, she told me. Oh, she told you? Yeah. Wow. Okay, so you didn't walk in on her.
Starting point is 00:27:09 It's always good to hear. It's always good I walked in on her and she was on all fours. I was really hoping. She could have just gone out to college and been done with it. She had to leave you. That's awesome. That's it. A parting gift.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Yeah, that could have been a viral clip. Yeah, ask me that again. Yeah, I walked in on her. She was balls deep. A huge yoke dude behind her. I don't know what he was doing. Did that affect your ability to trust people moving forward? Kind of, but it's funny because I put a lot of trust in people today, these days.
Starting point is 00:27:48 A lot of people that I'm close to, I put a lot of trust in. Like my staff, for instance. I put a lot of trust in them. Do you read your wife's cell phone text messages? No. Not at all. Not at all. Trust is such a weird thing. I try not to do the trust game at all i try not to do the respect game at all and i try not to do the trust game at all by that i mean i try to stay above them transcend them so that it's like hey it's always on other people yeah you steal from
Starting point is 00:28:19 me it's like i'm cool with it like that's on you or or like you cheat. Like I tried to, or I don't respect or disrespect people. I just try to, to, to, to, I don't care if people respect me or disrespect me. I tried to just stay, you know what I mean? Above it. Yeah. But it does make you, you kind of have to be like Forrest Gump. You know what I mean? You just have to have your head down and grind and be like, Hey, everyone, I can only, I can only be in control of what I can control. Yes, correct.
Starting point is 00:28:48 You stole money from me? I'm not mad at you. I just got to change the lock on the drawer. Right. And you can't come here when I'm not here, but I'm not going to hate you for it. I'm not going to make any – I don't know. Yeah. I'm going to try to transcend that shit. But if a girlfriend cheats on you, that's hard. Yeah, I mean, I was doing it back then. I mean, I was – Were you cheating on her?
Starting point is 00:29:12 Were you cheating on her? No. No. But I was also in the city at the time. So, like, you know, let's just say I turned it around just fine. Yeah, yeah, the city is crazy. Didn't slow them down at all. Yeah, yeah. The city's crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Didn't slow him down at all. New York City is the only place ever that I can ever remember where I didn't have to hustle to get a girl. Like I could go to a bar. I could go to a – not a bar, but I went to a party once, and I went home with a girl. And that had never happened in my life, my entire life. I'm like, wow, New York City, there's a lot of – there's like some desperate people here to go home with me. And I look like a Jew, so people are kind of into that like in New York City. I think you got money. Yeah. That works more than California.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Big nose, short Jew kid. Even though I'm not Jewish, but I could play one on TV. So you're in there, and you do the workout, and do you start just going to the website every day at 5 p.m. to see the workouts? When did you get introduced Yeah, it was awesome. I was introduced right away and that's where a ton of the inspiration, like that's where the love for Greg began, you know, and that's still to this day. the love for Greg began, you know, and that's still to this day. And it just like the fact that I carried over into my business since that beginning, just as,
Starting point is 00:30:34 just as love and attention for his craft and also the people that are taking his craft, you know, that are saying, Hey, Greg, I want to, I want to try this thing with you or try this this uh modality with you called crossfit i mean i think that's one of the greatest compliments that you could ever receive is people doing your thing um and now they're paying money for it so uh yeah the dot com was you know even still looking back and i remember yeah the dot com was you know even still looking back and i remember sev when you when you did that video with him coach and you asked him like do you enjoy your job and he said sometimes a lot that's exactly what it is when he said that that kind of resonated
Starting point is 00:31:20 with me early when i became an owner um Tell me about that love for him, because I think a lot of new people and the reason why the culture is shifting is they don't, they don't realize how vital he was. Like, how did you know he was vital? I mean, it's just a workout program. Do you remember what made you realize he was vital? The journal, the journal, hands down the videos, um, all that stuff, you know, unfortunately with this new age, people don't, don't know that side of CrossFit. And so the way he ran CrossFit was, was just like the way that any good leader should run a company, right? A leader who doesn't care about the numbers. They care about the people that are inside this entity that are saying, hey, I'm interested in this, right?
Starting point is 00:32:15 And so the knowledge that he put out from the journal is timeless. Like that is never going to get old, you know? And you have to dig deep sometimes some of the links don't even work these days to get to the journal which sucks you know um because that's a disservice to to a lot of new gym owners i think if they went back and they studied study some of the journal stuff and even the excerpts in the videos that were made around Greg, you know, including the ones that you made would give people a new opinion about CrossFit, I think, and the deeper meaning behind it and the deeper meaning behind the culture
Starting point is 00:33:00 within the affiliates. You know, when you have, you have you know unfortunately I don't know if we want to get into this when you have an outsider that comes along and buys into CrossFit that you know barely knows the culture of what's going on here you know Rob Orlando's right you're gonna weed out the people who've been around the smaller gyms you know without any care in the world and now what that's not fair that's the problem that i have it's interesting you say that um uh suza gave me a fucking 15 minute monologue the other day about weeding out the smaller gyms he's like oh shit dude and i'm like what it goes i gotta tell you something do you remember that suza yeah yeah do you want to give a synopsis yeah maybe give a synopsis of what you were telling me you're like you call me and you were like fuck i just realized something
Starting point is 00:33:54 yeah i just basically realized like 50 of affiliates are out of business and they don't even know it yet really smaller gyms that you're talking about yeah because with the cost of everything coming up so high and crossfit continuing down that path that those the part-timers the hobbyists the people that are doing it out of passion you know they're they're not going to be able to keep up with it they won't want to keep up with it in terms of pricing and everything else and um so i i think that those gyms are already gone they just we just haven't seen it yet they just don't know it yet and we'll know at the end of this year that That the culture isn't suited. Well, when I asked you, I said, how long do you think it takes? And you go, maybe one, maybe two, maybe three years, but we'll know. Basically, the
Starting point is 00:34:32 synopsis that I took away is the culture is going in a way that's not going to the people who are like truly passionate, passionate are going to get weeded out. Yeah. They're no longer being honored the same way that they were before. It was like, you know, you were welcomed in just as much if you were only running three classes out of your small gym because you had a full-time job and a family, but you were just doing it out of passion. Like now it has, you have to do it as a business. You have to create meaningful revenue just to be able to sustain that. And you know, that was, that was decisions made by CrossFit as well too. So it's like now what? Now what's going to happen with those smaller affiliates?
Starting point is 00:35:09 That's the question, right? I think that's everyone's question. Whether you're an established affiliate or you're a small affiliate, I think that is the question. What's going to happen this year? Yeah. To give a data point for something that you said, and it really excites me
Starting point is 00:35:25 that, you know, this as an affiliate owner, when, when we had this massive media department and Greg would always say, people would be like, Hey dude, these videos that you're making, um, aren't there. They're not, um, they're not talking to people who don't do CrossFit, aren't going to understand them. And Greg would always say, dude, I don't care about people outside of our circle. I'm not trying to get more people. Every video should talk to affiliates. Every video should be a tool an affiliate can use. And that's it. Is it good for the affiliate? Yes. I don't care about like the, the, the people in the affiliate. I don't care about the people like outside. I want video. He make videos that
Starting point is 00:36:01 are good for the affiliates. And sometimes the Venn diagram, they cross, right? Of course. You got Dan Bailey doing Grace, and you get a little bit of everything, right? It introduces new people. It's good for the affiliates. But he wanted us as the machine talking to our affiliates, giving them quality content. And he wouldn't have these. And he would just straight up say hey we're not
Starting point is 00:36:25 we're not going to save everyone we're not even going to save most people yeah like the life people just aren't going to swim out to the lifeboats yeah so yeah very very uh very um interesting culture um do you enjoy your job i love my job um you know, when when I was in the city is when I stepped away from again because I was going to school for video and film, film and media. And I got away with it once CrossFit came in the picture and I ended up moving back home upstate New York, about an hour and a half away from the city. And I started doing CrossFit out of my garage.
Starting point is 00:37:07 This is your classic CrossFit story. And, um, you know, it started with my best friend who lives across the street. I was like, Hey, do you want to come over and try this CrossFit thing? And he was like, yeah, he turned into 30 people come to my, you know, 300 square foot garage. And my mother, she had moved even more upstate. She was going to put the house on the market. So I had to make a pretty big decision. And this was at the end of 2011. And then in May of 2012, I opened up CrossFit 845. And in that area where your gym 30 was? Yeah, about 18 minutes, um, away from my house, but that we were in a great location. When did you take your level one? If you found CrossFit in 2008, when did you take your level
Starting point is 00:37:57 one? 2011. Okay. So, so you did it because you consumed everything you needed from the website, your ravenous, and then finally in 2011, you want to open a gym. So you took your L1. Yeah. I don't even know if I wanted to open up my gym at that time in, in, in 2011, it was early, it was January of 2011. So it was, it was pretty early. Um, cause I didn't know I wanted to open up a gym. I said, I thought that I had something going good with my garage. And then I had no idea I would be having to make this decision to, well, what am I going to do with all these people now? I want to keep this thing going. I don't want to shut this thing down and shut them down because, you know, I don't want them to be sad and without a place to work out. So I quickly was like, yeah, this is, this is good. And I had another girlfriend at the time who helped me out even more
Starting point is 00:38:47 because she gave me this ultimatum that basically said she was in medical school. She got accepted down in South Carolina. She was like, you either come with me or we're done. And I remember laughing on the phone. I was like, all right, we're done. And that gave me even more credence to go ahead and open up the gym. What do you think about ultimatums in general? Do you have any thoughts?
Starting point is 00:39:07 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's been great. And then. Pass the test. You pass the test.
Starting point is 00:39:16 I like you more. When you went to the L1, you said you weren't interested in opening the gym. Was that just because you were hungry for the knowledge of the methodology because of what you were seeing through the journal and everything else yeah yeah it's funny in fact and back then i i believe that people should do three things and this was like when i was 20 young 20s they should um uh go to vegas because i had been to vegas at the time it's awesome they should jump out of a plane because i just jumped out of a plane and they should take their L1.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Those were my three things at the time that people should do before they die. That has slightly changed. When you had those 30 people in your gym, were you charging them? I think they ended up making me charge them
Starting point is 00:40:03 $40. That was it a month yeah yeah yeah it was all cash yeah they would just yes there's no systems yeah and and then and then and then so you take your l1 and then tell me how the thought creeped in like hey um i'm gonna get a space yeah and i'm really to pull the trigger on this. And was that scary? Oh, it was super scary. It was this moment in time of like, oh, shit, I need to do something. I was working at a pizzeria at the time, was doing nothing but film and video,
Starting point is 00:40:40 had no job. What did you do at the pizza place? What was your job? I was a pizza maker. I was a delivery guy. I did it. Yeah. Yeah. I did those two. Yep. Okay. That was, that's a dope job. We'll come back to that. Okay. So you're a pizza maker. Yeah. I did that too at Bronco. What was the name of the pizza place? Danny's pizzeria. Shout out to Danny's pizzeria. Yeah. I did Bronco Billy's Pizza Palace. It was dope. Man, it was dope. Yeah, I worked there from 16 to 26. I was there a decade.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Wow. Were you the manager when you left? Yeah, some may say. Did you get some business acumen there? Definitely not. Okay, all right, all right, all right. You learned how to make a mean pizza. Yeah, wasn't it fun making your own personal pizzas? You could be like, you know what? experiment and i'll make whatever the fuck i want yeah i love that shit yeah put two pizzas on top of each other i'll show i'll make the best calzone ever yeah yeah yeah those are great all that crazy shit was the golden age um i let and then i maxed out um
Starting point is 00:41:40 a credit card for ten thousand dollars and i kept maxing out smaller credit cards cause I didn't have any credit, not good, you know, smaller limits. And it took me a while to pay all that off. So, so you max out the credit card so that you could get the space and you can start buying the equipment, all that stuff. And, um, so when you, when you get this space and you start getting the equipment, um, are you, can you tell me about it? Are you teaching all the classes? Did all your members come over there? Tell me about the early days.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Tell me about that first year. Yeah, we opened up in 2012. I was the only coach at the time. Someone who was coming to the garage also got her L1, and then she was helping coach. So I had two main coaches, then another guy, and then another guy who's still with me to this day, coaching out in the class right now, Big Rob. So I had, by the end of 2012, I had close to three or four coaches.
Starting point is 00:42:40 We had 100 members by the time. Wow. Yeah, they were just piling in i met i met my wife early in uh 2013 in the gym too that's cool did you know when right when you saw her you're gonna like this so yeah yeah good we used to hold these free Saturday classes, the classic free trials come in. And I was working with someone in the back of the gym. And two girls came through. And I stopped and looked at – there she is.
Starting point is 00:43:19 I stopped. Have you ID'd her? How old is that girl? Is that 18? How old is that girl? That girl right there? She's 41. All right. All right. If you say so. I would check her ID. She doesn't look a day over 16.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Yeah. She's a smoke show. And she walked through the door and I told the girl that I was working with, I said, I'm going to marry that girl. When I first laid eyes on her, I said to the girl that I was working with, I was helping her out. I don't know whether squatter, whatever it was. And I said to her, I'm going to marry that fucking girl that just walked through the door. Wow. And not only did you marry her, but you gave you two kids. Yes. Yeah. Wow. That's nuts. How long did that take? How long did that take for you took her out on a date?
Starting point is 00:44:16 So funny, more, you know, we ended up doing the free trial class. Of course, I put my best, you know, charisma on and whatnot. And then I ended up when she was done, I ended up following up with her. And I never done this. I pretended like I do it all the time. I like it. I like it. She elevated your game. Yeah, I emailed her and her friend to make it seem like I do this all the time. Oh, nice. Solid, solid. your game yeah i emailed her and her friend to make it seem like i do this all the time oh nice solid checking up on her just seeing hey you're gonna come back potentially and then you know um later on that night i don't know why but i emailed her again i was like yeah i'm out with a bunch of people from the gym and i actually was she was just getting back from a um i don't know uh like a hinge day i forget what it was back then uh in the city so she was on her way back from this what did you call it a hinge day what's that is a hinge what is we don't have that on the west coast like a dating app yeah
Starting point is 00:45:17 oh in there whatever it was caleb hi how dare you go over my picture caleb how dare you i'm so far removed from the dating world that i have no idea what they are anyway Caleb, hi. How dare you go over my picture, Caleb? How dare you? I'm so far removed from the dating world that I have no idea what they are. Anyway, she was on her way back from an awful date in the city, and she ended up meeting up with me that night. And then we just took it from there, and we started talking, and it was awesome. Dude, that's crazy aggressive. Two emails in one day. That's crazy aggressive. Well, she responded back to. Two emails in one day. That's crazy aggressive.
Starting point is 00:45:45 Well, she responded back to the first one. She did. She did. She's like, I'm not interested in the gym. Thank you. And you're like, well, I'm not with the people. Hey, who was the coach that worked with her that day, that on-ramp her that day at that first free class?
Starting point is 00:45:59 Me. Oh, it was? Okay. So while you're working with that girl, you also then took care of that? Yeah, it was like a couple of minutes before the actual free trial class started that you're working with that girl you also then took yeah it was like a couple of minutes before the actual free trial class started that i was working with your girl and people were just kind of piling in for the free class and then i stopped what i was doing i was like i'm gonna marry that fucking girl that just walked in hey was it was it was it weird like
Starting point is 00:46:20 like there were 10 people in the class and she got 80% of your attention or were you playing it cool? Yeah. Yeah. She definitely got a lot of the attention. You weren't playing it cool. She's just a dime piece. And did you ever have to – did she ever have to pay? Yes, she had to pay.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Oh, damn. Well, up until we became an item. Right i like that holy shit wow he runs a business right yeah he's a businessman here okay no free passes around here damn okay so you get into crossfit so this is the journey i'm thinking and you you unfuck me um young man enjoys the gym uh finds crossfit loves the uh way it makes him feel and the physical adaptations he's getting and feeling like an animal we all had that you know feeling when we first started we're like fuck i can do anything now i hope someone tries to rob something around me i'll fucking chase their shit down now and um and and then so tell me about the the culture of your gym then and in the games were in the games were in there that's in the games crossfit games heyday and tell me about this
Starting point is 00:47:32 evolution to where you're at now to the cure for the world's most vexing problem okay uh so back in 2012 very gritty, still grassroots, tried and true. It was the golden age. It was the golden days of CrossFit where – Two girl wads in one day, whatever. I'll try it. I don't give a fuck. Absolutely. Hero wads, back-to-back shit, wild shit, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Zero mobility. Zero fuck mobility. Yeah. Every beta. Yeah. Drinking after hours. know, after hours. Deadlift day and weighted pull-up day every day. And shotgunning beers.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's what it was. It was great. Carb up. Yeah. It was great.
Starting point is 00:48:16 It was great. We did a lot of social events. We still do. But it was like a very close-knit group that, you know, was kind of, it was chaotic, but it was organized. You know, there's a lot of love there. That's where like, that's where the true community started. And it's still to this day, the vision and the passion is still there.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Like the love that each member has for another member is still there. But yeah, that was 2012. We're cruising. And then the worst thing, not even COVID was the worst thing. The worst thing happened when I was presenting with an offer from from a member. I can't say go into all detail just because we went into litigation, but I ended up partnering up with somebody and it ruined. Let's just say it ruined the majority of the community. How quickly? What's that?
Starting point is 00:49:18 How quickly? Very quickly, because this person. This person was the opposite of me. Okay. He ended up telling me things, presenting these big picture things, multiple gyms, so much money, swimming in money, all that stuff. That went on for a couple of years. Jewish. Was that guy Jewish?
Starting point is 00:49:40 Was that guy Jewish? No, no. I don't know. That's why that shit didn't work okay uh i'm just swimming in money and i'm like yes my boy that's your people this is in uh 2015 2016 when this all went down lost a bunch of members in the in this main spot here can you give me some examples of like some examples of how the culture was damaged? What went wrong?
Starting point is 00:50:07 The way he talked to people. The way that he... It really came down to mistreating people. And also my staff. I go to war for my staff. I will protect them at all costs. And the disconnect with their... And by the way way my wife is a very good judge of character and she told me this this is not good but it was negligent on my part because i was just thinking
Starting point is 00:50:35 this you know i was just thinking yeah um and i don't blame you for that either you're because at this point you're working 80 hour weeks you. You love the place, and you're like, shit, okay, everything is great. Might as well fucking get rich while I'm doing it. I'm like, yeah. Yeah, and that's kind of like – I let JR and Taylor on the show shut up and scribble so I could get more sponsorship. I'm chasing the money now. I hope they don't fuck it up for me.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Which I understand. Yeah. Which I respect because we're not – we're also in this business to create a living for ourselves. But it was a bad way of going about it back then. He was – again, I got to be careful what I say. But basically – Are you still in litigation with him now? No.
Starting point is 00:51:19 But we have in our terms when we settled, we can – Not to talk about it. Right. Is he still in the community? Is he still – No. No. Was he a CrossFitter?
Starting point is 00:51:32 He was. He was, okay. And was he a member at the gym? He was. He was. Okay. Basically, what it came down to ultimately was like he said to me, he was like, Dave, I'm not here to have a beer with your members after class.
Starting point is 00:51:49 And I'm like, motherfucker, I am. That's when I truly realized this is not going to work. We settled and I had to do a ton of rebuilding and emotional rebuilding with the people that I let down from the early days. And that's where like I'm still. How would you do that? Would you call people? Tell me that you call people and be like, hey. I was basically begging and pleading them to come back.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Not for money. Excuse me. Not for money. But not for money but because these people were really important to me they were my friends you know we were you know we'd go to events together you know we'd um hang out together we text each other on a daily basis and basically they're just like this is fuck you for doing this to us to me and you know that was a personal thing and you brought someone into their club where they went for the best hour of their day and and you and you wanted to take responsibility for
Starting point is 00:52:53 fucking it up for them and make amends with them did you know right away that you were fucking up for them i kept convincing myself that this was going to turn out to be okay i kept telling people don't worry about it. It's going to be fine. And I was the one that fucked up. Yeah, and good on you for taking responsibility. Yeah, and I always – Don't give that power away.
Starting point is 00:53:14 But also, I don't regret not doing it because if I had not gone through it, we wouldn't be where we are today. Yeah, it was a pretty crazy time period did the gym ever close nope but close um not necessarily but i remember between i had three locations at the time i remember a really low moment in in in my life was when during this time was when uh i looked at my paycheck and it was just like 523 bucks between three gyms like what the fuck am i doing what is going on and that's when i had to really like that's when i really had to like have this fucking mentality i'll do it whatever it can to get this place back and to get my life back, to get my happiness back and to get the people that I really felt like I lost back to. Do you have one gym now?
Starting point is 00:54:16 I have one gym. And is it the original location? It's the original location. I'm so happy here. I don't want to get you in trouble, but what happens? You call him and you're like, hey, dude, I need to buy you out. I'm done with this partnership. I basically found something.
Starting point is 00:54:33 And it was alarming. And then I called him in face-to-face and addressed it to him. And that was the beginning of the end. But he didn't want to let go. He stuck around. He tried to fight you for it. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:48 And there were lawyers involved. Yep. I was going to say it's probably the other half of his paycheck. It was another $520. Speculation on my part, of course, not factual. Yeah, we know what it was. We know what it was. Holy shit, dude.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Wow. And what year did you have closure to that? 18. 18. And then, wow, wild. A lot of rebuilding, you know. Tell me what city you're in. The city is called Wappingers Falls.
Starting point is 00:55:19 In what state? New York. And how far out of Manhattan is that? Hour and a half. we're in the Hudson Valley we're in the beautiful Hudson Valley it is beautiful because we got all four seasons here oh you know one of my friends just
Starting point is 00:55:34 opened a gym on that skinny part yeah CrossFit Chief Nation yeah the skinny part the skinny island there called Long Island? Yeah, yeah, yeah, Long Island. Yeah, that part.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Yeah, that thing. That thing looks like a leg. Yeah, Long Island. Jethro just opened a gym out there. Yeah, that's awesome. Wow. So you get through that, and then basically it almost sounds like um uh some alcoholics anonymous shit so then like you started going through the 12 steps and you
Starting point is 00:56:11 tried to make amends with the people that got burned yeah they got like that their house got fucking yeah yeah some people will still not come back which i don you exactly and it's okay right what exactly happened can you tell me exactly what happened that made those people um like someone was rude to them and then they came to you and you kind of dismissed their complaints was as simple as that you could put it that way yeah it's just we just, we're, we're complete opposites. And for me, it's like, you know, my members know that I'll do anything for them. You know, it's day in and day out here because they understand that again, the level of experience care that they have to have here has to just be over the top. And he was more like, oh, how many members do we have currently?
Starting point is 00:57:06 Oh, we're not hitting our numbers? And I'm not into that shit. I'm just not into that shit. So you can see the disconnect there. Is your wife a coach now at the gym? She's not. She's a real estate agent. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Okay. That's cool. That's smart. Diversify. You think that's smart, smart uh susan one person has a different job yeah or just a separate income in general of course yeah reducing volatility right someone's bad month at the gym no worry baby you got it yeah another house i want to dig in more dave that because your gym really is, the way it presents on Instagram is this is the place for people to get healthy. And in your pictures, you have all the ages and all the body shapes and all the different levels of health and weight. When did that become, I'm guessing at some point that became a passion of yours to be more, to be helpful in that way, as opposed to just
Starting point is 00:58:06 like a club for like, for already fit people. Yeah. I'm, uh, I'm very fortunate with a, with a video and editing background. And that's where, um, my true passion is through storytelling. And if I can tell as many stories as I can through our members here, because every member has a story. And I really think it is my job to put our members on a pedestal as much as I can. And that's what I love doing. Because everybody who walks through these doors needs some type of help. Otherwise, they wouldn't be here. And so if we can one day get to the point where they're confident enough to share their story, it may take a couple of months, it may take a couple of years, but who they were before
Starting point is 00:58:55 walking through these doors to who they are now is a story that will be going on forever and will have constant content because of that. And if I can display that through a screen, in this case, Instagram or YouTube or Facebook, and somebody gets inspired, even one person to reach out to us um to see what we got going on here at the gym then we've done our job and that's a really big compliment to um not only that person but to the types of things that my staff here is doing that picture of that girl right there um with the gray shirt on and the black hair that that screams uh i want to go where she is yeah she's that's it that's what a great picture that's like that's a cool ass photo that's like hey what a great i don't even need to i just wherever she works out i bet you it's a dope place you can just tell she's a cool person you did a
Starting point is 00:59:57 great job with the photo absolutely but but what i'm pushing at dave is this i'm guessing at some point you were you were like hey i want everyone to get a PR in their deadlift. And I want everyone to get their first pull up. And I want, and then another point that there was this shift in your mentality. I'm just projecting this onto you. You can tell me it's not true to, to now what it portrays more is, is come in and let's get better. Like there, there became a less of a, um, and let's get better. Like there became a less of a... hydration so you can live a more extraordinary life. Live more with Liquid IV Hydration Multiplier. Available in refreshing lemon, lime, passion fruit, and strawberry flavors. Buy a stick in store at Costco, Walmart, Amazon, and other Canadian retailers.
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Starting point is 01:01:50 but at some point you transition to like okay i want to i i'm uh 50 years old and i and i and i want to be able to just still do all the stuff i could do when i was 30 that are the regular things that everyone else can do carry all my groceries up the stairs, throw, throw kids up in the swimming pool. You know what I mean? Still do a backflip off the diving board. Like you still just want to be able to do. When did you make that, that shift that that was more your passion? Um, I think after I had gone through that business divorce, but at the same time, I realized that I didn't want people to be like my dad, as far as health goes. Oh,
Starting point is 01:02:28 did you have that the whole time? Or did it? No, I didn't. But I think I did. Okay, so so it was it was from it was it was it was cooking, it was there it was it was cooking. Until I matured my own mind because again at 22 25 i was chasing prs right but then as i matured and i was like wow let me go back to the things that greg was truly saying i think there's a big connection that i it was just hidden and I, and I had to bring it out. And after 2018, when I took back, my gym was when I was like,
Starting point is 01:03:10 I'm going to fucking go all in on my people. And that's when that shift occurred where it's like, let's put these people on a pedestal and let's give them the best service we can ever give them in order to give them no option to ever leave this place. This needs to be their home for the next, not five years, but decades to come because that's what this place is all about. If they move, you want them to cry. You want people to be like, fuck, I'm going to lose my CrossFit gym. Maybe I shouldn't move.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Yeah. I'm going to lose. Yeah. cry you want them you want people to be like fuck i'm gonna lose my crossfit gym maybe i shouldn't move yeah i'm gonna lose yeah yeah because that's again we're given like such a huge opportunity to change lives like how great is that you know there's there's no other arena where we have this great modality called crossfit that's going to exponentially you know not only physically change your life but now look at after covid people are coming in here. So mentally fucked up that it's like the two go hand in hand. And that's where we changed our slogan to where physical health meets mental health. And, uh, pretty cool. Everything that we've gone through. And I say, we, it's not just me. It's my entire staff was suffering through the divorce, the COVID thing. Big Rob made it. Big Rob made it.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Big Rob made it, of course, yeah. Wow. It's cool. He survived. That thing about putting people on the pedestal, when I was making Pooling John, I remember Travis Bajent saying something to me. Man, he's had such a huge influence on my life. He said something to me about glorifying people, the importance to glorify people. And when I came to CrossFit, I knew that's all I wanted to do. I just wanted to glorify people. I just wanted to just show the light in every single person I could. That's Seb. If I had more time, I had more time.
Starting point is 01:05:16 All I would do is create content around this gym and it's, it's your muse. Congratulations, by the way, for being able to integrate both. Thank you. Yeah. It's and if I, I want to, I wish I could help others. I wish I could do more, you know, more, more with the gym ownership side of things, but, um, I just don't know how, you know, um, uh, something I had never thought of before until you, you just said this. So those of us who came in in 2006-7-8 yeah and i think this is accurate our perception of crossfit changed as greg's perception of crossfit changed yeah meaning we started as young men i started at 34 and then as we got older by the time i was you
Starting point is 01:06:01 know 50 now it was the cure for the world's most vexing problem and it was always that but not it wasn't like so much in your face it was more forging elite fitness which i still think should be like front and center i i love focusing on the tip of the spear fucking love it as a brand absolutely love it but that that evolution other people aren't going to be able to take that evolution with the company anymore they're going to just have to do it in groups right like if you find crossfit now i understand if you think the cure diabetes thing is dumb but when you're 26 and your uncle john gets diabetes you're going to be glad that you heard it in the back of the mind you're like oh this shit that makes my body looks like this also cures diabetes maybe i should get fat uncle john in here right so but we did you feel like that
Starting point is 01:06:45 like your journey is also the journey of the company greg's journey yeah and yes and i'm scared to see what happens when you know if i'm being transparent i'm scared to see what happens because if there comes a moment where i have to disassociate with CrossFit, I'm going to be spending tens of thousands of dollars having to rebrand. And that's scary to me. And I've fallen so much in love with this word CrossFit. And if I ever have to disassociate with it, that's going to be heartbreaking, you know, not just for myself. Jason was on the show or maybe I was talking to him in private.
Starting point is 01:07:33 And basically when he defiliated, he said something like and they had high and they had like something like functional fitness or high hit training in front of his gym. He said it made him feel dirty. He said he said he said I can't explain it. It's not a business decision. It was like, I just didn't like seeing that on my, on my wall felt dirty. That's, that's a good way to put it. And I'm not, I don't plan on being there because I love, love, I have nothing else to do. Nothing else to do. Nothing else to do. But I am concerned. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:08:11 And why are you concerned? Is there something you've seen that makes you concerned? I just see a lot of this. I'm going to probably follow Greg with whatever he does. I'm curious to see what these outlets like yourself are doing. I don't know what this affiliate collective is doing. I'm going to be kicked off of YouTube soon. I know, but then – Guys, stop saying that.
Starting point is 01:08:37 That's the thing. It's like what happens. Am I going to be like one of these outsiders or disruptors like, like Hiller is, you know, and I'm still like an OG CrossFit where now if the, if five years from now I'm looked down upon because I, you know, I still believe in the morals and values that Greg instilled upon me, but now you have these investors that are running this company. Am I going to be these investors that are running this company am i going to be outcasted you know or do i do i step away from that i don't know hmm yeah fascinating is there any one thing you have in your mind that it would take for that to be tipping point to happen or is it just a collection
Starting point is 01:09:17 of a bunch of small decisions that made you feel that it wasn't going in the direction you wanted it to anymore i'm very curious to see what happens with greg let's just say that roger that it is interesting um uh you know uh cooper does the uh largest i don't even know what you want to call it he calls it a survey but it's more than a survey but it's the largest report on the industry worldwide for uh boutique gyms, 15,000 participants. State of the industry. Yeah. State of the industry. And do you have a hard copy of that?
Starting point is 01:09:50 Have you ever seen that thing? I have the PDF. Yeah. It's, it's absolutely beautiful. The hard copy is insane too. There was a question on there. How do you feel about the current state of CrossFit?
Starting point is 01:10:01 And it was like 89% said they liked it. And then there was another place that just had an open line line greg's uh cooper told me that greg's name is nowhere in the survey nowhere in this whole survey but there was an open line other and nine percent of the participants wrote we wish greg would come back that's pretty fucking gnarly. Nine percent. That's crazy. That's crazy. It wasn't even an option on there. I have some really firm beliefs and thoughts on what he contributed that's so vital. Could you put it into words what you think he contributed that's so vital? Not besides the whole thing, but I mean in the day in and day out of what nurtures you to go forward, what he offered?
Starting point is 01:10:49 I think it is his stance behind creating the excellent experience and the care. If I could put in one sentence, it would be that. Why can't anyone else do that? Why can't we find someone else to do that? That's where I get frustrated. That's a good question. I think as an entire world, we would be better off if people put more effort in. And I think we are unfortunately living in a time of complacency where things become easy and people expect handouts.
Starting point is 01:11:27 And the work ethic has diminished so much that I think people are just expecting for their right time to happen without them having to earn it. And that's really what it boils down to. I think they think there were I think NBAs think that they're working, by the way. They just have a different definition of what working is like. What I'm guessing you liked about Greg is the constant reinvention of the of the constant reframing of what CrossFit is. That's what I always liked. Yeah. Tip of the spear cure for the world's most vexing problem. We cure diabetes, the five buckets of death. It was always saying the same thing over and over, most vexing problem we cure diabetes the five buckets of death it was always saying the same thing over and over but reframing it and reframing it
Starting point is 01:12:09 so keep us all on task all on task and so he was actually working he was putting pen to paper he was making videos and i feel like the uh mbas don't know how to do that like they can't even like why is your instagram account better than That doesn't make any sense. You don't, you don't have the resources they have. And it's because you're a doer. You know what I mean? You're a field worker.
Starting point is 01:12:32 You're a peasant and peasants do shit. You sweep out the corners of the bathroom and you're like doing shit. And that's the, yeah, the bathroom thing. The bathroom thing is where it all started. That's a good point. I've totally forgot about that that bathroom statement stuck with me when i first opened
Starting point is 01:12:50 up the affiliate explain that to me remind me what that is greg said um you'll know the true markings of a great affiliate if their bathrooms are clean right along those lines yeah right that stuck with me forever um that that carried over not just into the gym but also at my own house you know presenting everything and just going that extra mile um yeah vindicate right sorry stop waiting for greg he's not waiting for my interpretation no one's waiting for greg in terms of to stop doing the excellence what he's saying is is that he knows greg's non-compete is up in um yeah uh august basically we're we're all on a boat and this is what i'm hearing from uh dave from crossroad 845 that he sees a hole in the boat and the boat's taking on water and he wants to he's with one eye he's
Starting point is 01:13:43 watching um who's going to patch that hole and with one eye, he's watching who's going to patch that hole. And with the other eye, he's watching the potential of the guy who built the first boat over here is making rumblings. And is he going to build another boat? Because you are attached to the name. You really love the name. You like what it stands for. for but if if if this boat goes down you you you're interested in being part of a community that was um that's equal to the one you're part of now right that can carry on the the staff you'd rather have and if greg's gonna rebrand something by the way he said he's not but
Starting point is 01:14:16 um but but but who knows um but if greg's gonna rebrand something um don't sorry hold on. Don't go up and down the stairs with that knife open. I love you. You're a good dude. Excellent in parenting right there. That's how calm he was. I love you.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Thank you. That was for Dave. That wasn't for you, Susan. I say it a little more sincere when i say it to you um uh the the thing is is that you and i'm also going to throw this in there you don't you're not interested in rebranding you're you're totally comfortable someone else rebrands so you can keep your head down and focus on your gym yeah that's the main thing like Like, I'm not, I'm not waiting for Greg, but, you know, my, my brand here and in this, this community is, is pretty, pretty popular, but it's popular because, the way that we showcase them, um, leukemia, you know, someone who's, who's biomarkers are off the charts right now, better in a
Starting point is 01:15:30 better direction. Like that's the shit I'm into. Um, and you know, if we can continue to do that, regardless of my name, regardless of the name on the, on the building outside, um, that's what I want to continue to do. That's all I care about. Um, uh, I'm, I'm, I'm pivoting here real quick. So if I'm a gym owner, would you say I'm never take a partner? Uh, yes. Never, never take a partner, start the gym by yourself and do it by yourself. It's tough. I've been, I really got, you know, again, it was a rough go.
Starting point is 01:16:09 I don't know if I would ever want anyone to go through those two or three years that I kind of went through. And that's not a woe is me thing is that. No, lawyers suck. If lawyers are involved in anything, that means your life's bad. Your life's not good going good. Right. And a lot of people didn't know at the time that all this shit was going on wild yeah absolutely wild hey um what year was your
Starting point is 01:16:32 first child born 2020 covid 2020 okay so all that shit was over by the time your kids came in yes yeah the litigation yeah um you at one point you said that um you have people in your gym who got uh uh fucked up from covid what do you mean by that you mean like mentally they some people had a rough go of it can you give me like a a generic example of what a client like that would look like um you know ssris a lot of that came through what's that what's that like antidepressants you know okay okay one who've been stuck in the house remote work killed a lot of people they were became extremely sedentary um and they realized that they needed to do something and um that was the majority of the mental health side of things. You know, the other factors were the sedentary lifestyle of getting heavier,
Starting point is 01:17:32 more medication, blood pressure, high cholesterol, but mostly it was the fact that they were stuck inside for, you know, however long that fucking pandemic was. And then coming out of it, they were just fucked up. And we, they're now so much better. Thank God. And when they, when you would get clients, would they come in and tell you that?
Starting point is 01:17:55 Or you would just figure it out? They would be like, hey. Yeah, every, every member who comes in, we conduct a new member meeting. We sit down with them for a good 45 minutes to see what's going on. And do you do those yourself? Yeah, myself and my, uh, my customer success manager, Kate, who's currently watching this right now. So shout out to Kate. So we do these meetings and we get, we get to know them. We ask them questions. We ask them hard questions.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Look at this Jedediah loneliness yeah Hiller loneliness yeah Hiller loneliness they came for the community what do you think finally gets those people to come in do they come in for that are they coming in to get fit I think it's
Starting point is 01:18:41 how they initially reach out to us yeah why what breaks the camels back that they're like okay I gotta do something I think it's like how they initially reach out to us. Yeah. Why? What breaks the camel's back that they're like, okay, I got to do something? Honestly, I think it's the marketing that we put out there, the videos that we put out there. They see your Instagram. They see some woman or man on there, and they're like, oh.
Starting point is 01:19:04 I made a video of a girl doing 10 pull-ups my wife thought crossfit was completely stupid this is like 06 or 07 and she saw some girl doing 10 pull-ups and she said hey take me down to the track right now so we went down to the track she's like if that girl can do it i can do it and we had a track and a pull-up bar by my house and my wife got like her first three pull-ups she just warred because she saw someone else and she's like if she can do it i can do it but up until then it was dumb and dumb is just probably was just a placeholder for i'm scared yeah right we have a lot of uh you know we our population is 70 women and out of those 70 women we have a ton of mothers we put a lot of our member of the month videos are moms and the way that mothers speak from the heart
Starting point is 01:19:47 is something that you cannot write a script for and every time i sit them down in front of a camera and i get them to open up it is unbelievable the message that they get across the screen and then you have all these mothers who watch these videos and say i'm going through the same shit and that's when they reach out um yeah i wonder if um i wonder if only you can do this because you're the owner of the gym or you're the coach of the gym like i wonder if someone could do this like i wonder if you can hire people from the outside to do this. I mean, well, I mean, this is, this is by the way, this is so much work he's putting in for those of you who don't know, this is like, you got to make sure your camera batteries are charged. You got to put the right lens on,
Starting point is 01:20:36 you got to wipe, like there's 15 minutes of busy work. And then, and then you got to, then you got to film it and that could take a couple hours. And then you got to go back and you got to upload it into your card while your two babies are over here wanting to be fed. And then you got to log through all the footage. I mean it is so tedious, every one of these videos. I guess every gym can't do this. No. And they don't have the skill set or the talent that he does too.
Starting point is 01:21:03 So that's like assuming you have all the hard skills, like you would also have to possess the soft skills knowing how to tell the story you're not editing videos if you're not passionate about it it's tedious like that because and for people who don't know when you edit videos you're editing them the way what software are you are you using final cut pro so you you go through 1 30th of a second at a time. So when you see those cuts from one cut to another, people don't realize this. He has to make a decision that's 1 30th of a second. No one's just like, okay, right there.
Starting point is 01:21:37 It's not like that. You're like, you scroll back one frame, then forward one frame, and then you're just trying to get it perfect. I mean, it is wild. And the music, just trying to get it perfect. It is wild. The music too. The music selection can take a long time. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:53 Do you know any other gyms that are doing what you're doing at the level you're doing it? I don't. Your shit doesn't look like you're paying for it. Your shit does not look like you hired someone. It doesn't feel corporate or you're paying for it this is your shit does not look like you hired someone it doesn't feel corporate or um uh you're not trying to speak to everyone that's you know that's another problem that i think uh suza's pointed out about hey guys stop trying to talk to everyone like your videos are not trying to talk to everyone right they're like focused yeah i just you know that the one we put out yesterday like
Starting point is 01:22:26 that's gonna that is like the most competitive video you may ever see from us maybe you know all year round because this guy's competitive we have a uh can we watch is it this one yeah how long is this it's short it's less than two minutes okay can we do you mind if we watch it real quick go ahead go ahead okay let's let's let's watch this uh here we go not come back in just it was just easier to stay on the couch and watch tv and not come you know work out than it was to like get out you know get off my butt and come back to the gym when i came back just saw kind of where i was prior to back to where i was now and it like really kind of fueled some fire under my butt my name is dave ramirez i'm a member at crossfit
Starting point is 01:23:16 845. i've always been like a very competitive person low-key i'm not like that big showboat like you know like i'm gonna you know kind of thing. But I played rugby in college, so I've always had, like, this competitive drive to, like, win, try to be as best as I could be. Whatever I did, that's kind of where my drive is. I have a future kid involved coming in in March, so I just want to be as healthy as I possibly can and be here as long as possible and be active
Starting point is 01:23:43 and not, like, not be able to walk when I'm 80 years old. I'm very like shy person. So it took a lot for me just to walk in 10 years ago into a CrossFit gym, not knowing anything about it, not knowing anyone. It was so intimidating, but I am so happy I did it. 10, 11 years later, like I love it. The community is awesome. Any CrossFit gym for the most part, they're gonna have awesome members. This gym is like, you know, like no other that I've been to.
Starting point is 01:24:11 So it's awesome. First step is coming through that door and like everybody's gonna embrace you no matter what level of fitness you're gonna be. You're gonna find people in your same kind of fitness level and you're gonna create like a little community within like your class. And you know, you're gonna make some awesome friends outside of this
Starting point is 01:24:27 okay listen listen guys non-stop it's easy it's easier to not come in it opens with then we find out he has back surgery then he tells us his name and he has a very distinct voice we know he's like a real person he was competitive at a young age he's a sports guy and not a bitch um he has a child he has a child he has a child coming he doesn't want to die early because he has a child he's shy he's shy um once he got here the people were nice and and you're going to meet people like you and he actually made some new friends i mean bang bang hey why not export that man 16 why not export that in a 16 by nine and send to crossfit hq so they can so they can put on dot com so as far as i know um they well that is 16 by nine so uh no that's four that's uh what is that that's four by that's uh whatever that i'm talking about like as a let me see that again was that okay so okay so
Starting point is 01:25:40 sorry so sorry why not export that so that they can put that on YouTube? So it is on YouTube, and it is formatted correctly on YouTube. But no, why not give it though so they can use it? I mean they would pay five grand for that. I mean not anymore. They commented on it, so they saw it. Oh, they did? Yeah, they did. Yeah, so why not just be – like do you have a contact over there?
Starting point is 01:26:01 Why not – like there's a guy over there named Keith Knapp. Why not export that and be like, hey, dude, this is for you for free? They reshare it to their story. Fuck that. That should be – you should pin that on me. They should – can you go to real quick? Like, that's – why not just pin that right – like, when you go to my page, like, we got – I think it starts up with the video tyson bajan they should just pin that right uh no sorry sorry they're you well they should pin it there too instead of this fucking orange theory shit but um why not go to their youtube page sorry youtube
Starting point is 01:26:37 kayla's taking sorry sorry kayla sorry sorry kayla put the away. Take the gun out of your mouth, Caleb. No, don't do it, Caleb. It's my fault. No, Caleb. TikTok. TikTok. No, no, no. MySpace. Twitch. Right there. Instead of that muscle-up
Starting point is 01:27:00 video, right there, when you land on the page, they can have that just play there. Yeah, I don't know why that would be their first video. I mean, when you're trying to – I do. I'll tell you why. Why? Because you want that – that's going to get people in the door.
Starting point is 01:27:15 If he wants to increase – if he wants to do this thing where he increases the – if he wants to change the perception of CrossFit, that's it. increases the uh if he wants to change the perception of crossfit that's it like well i don't know what he wants to change it to but that's what that's what i want the perception to be of crossfit that's everything right there shy person uh out of shape uh has his reasons for oh i'm friends i mean looking at your screen right now why crossword would have their first video about muscle-ups oh okay okay okay what's wrong with you i agree yeah yeah and i'm okay with tip of the spear ship being in the front first video too i'm okay with uh putting graciano there fucking it's a thrustering 405 one week also i'm okay with it all but dude like so back in the day we would have paid you uh ten thousand dollars for that video that's what we paid ten thousand dollars and we and we tried
Starting point is 01:28:11 to do one a week yeah i mean more videos yeah yeah yeah so we would call mike costlop or michael dalton and be like hey we got this guy over here and uh he's uh new to a gym can when we heard he's really he has all checks all the boxes what we think would be good to can you go investigate a story you have 10 here's 10 grand you have a month to get it to us yeah that would have been awesome i i seriously don't know how that's not hey you should export it and give it to him i'm serious just send it over you should export it on put it to him. I'm serious. Just send it over. You should export it. Put it on YouTube with a private link. Send it to Keith Knapp at CrossFit. Do you know him?
Starting point is 01:28:49 I don't. Oh, yeah. Send it to him. Or send it to Dave. I don't know. Send it to Dave, Nicole, Keith Knapp, and Don. Send it to all of them. Dude, that's gold.
Starting point is 01:29:00 That video is gold. Seth, there's so many more though look there is keith nap jumped into a weird spot in the conversation but now i know i have to go back and watch oh see there he is he's on the show yeah there he is yeah yeah that dude's so passionate that dude has like oh that dude wants crossfit to succeed as much as anyone i've ever met like he's so fucking passionate about crossfit send it to him yeah he gets it that dude gets it yeah that thing's crazy dude that thing's so good there's a lot of good ones they uh crossfit did repost one of our girls jumping on a 12-inch box the other day which
Starting point is 01:29:36 was awesome that went nuts that went on on their instagram account in the story or that was the main one that was on their feed. Yeah. Yeah. So it's cool. Listen, I listen, I own, I repost people on the story only to make them feel good stories where like,
Starting point is 01:29:53 Hey, like that, I just like, it's a pad on the head. Yeah. Pad on the head. Atta boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:00 Jeffrey Birchfield, like, you know, deadless 500. He gets to go on my story. That's it. A little story. Just so he knows knows like i'm his friend or something story fuck your story only person whose story that actually means anything is danielle brandon story the rest of you guys your fucking story it's a joke man her story's wild her story's wild you see that story the other day susan i did she got a yeah she got a gold
Starting point is 01:30:25 tooth and she talks like she's from the hood now it was a little concerning that's what i travel that as concerning it's a trip um how did you survive uh covet you have to close your gym yeah oh yeah we're here in new york i mean it's it's scaredy cat central oh yeah we uh cnn central yeah blind faith yeah he's the god seeing don lemon's their god yeah i gotta be careful what i say um we um we ended up the people you're a man of the people yeah we ended up so for that reason i was like i'm not shutting this place down. And we ended up, uh, putting paper on the front doors. I mean, the front windows, the front doors, locking all that stuff
Starting point is 01:31:10 up. I didn't advertise that we were open online at all at all. Um, and I just let people who knew about what was going on, let them through the back door. The cops were called on us four times. They came, they showed up, but they had to show up just to say that they showed up. They said, don't worry about it. Keep doing what you're doing. We understand what you're trying to do. We just have to show up. So we had a lot of Karens during that time, but we made the best of it. we were doing workouts you know no one was working it was a it was a tuesday in the middle of the gym we would do a workout then just bring out the cornhole boards and and like just kind of get after in this space where it was like closed off to the
Starting point is 01:32:00 rest of the world and meanwhile inside the space we were just having a ball it was kind of cool people needed you more than ever yeah it was cool though it was very cool and we did zoom zoom workouts um and we had a lot of cancellations and it was tough i still had to continue to pay my rent out and i'll forever be grateful for the people who continue to to pay their membership to what did you think Did you think that there was ever a chance you were not going to make it and that you were going to close down? Yes. And how close did it get? It got pretty close,
Starting point is 01:32:36 but I will do anything to keep these doors open for these people. So I just did whatever it took. Some people, you know, when I reached that point, some people made donations. It was crazy. And then in 2020, we reopened our doors. Thank you, Governor Cuomo, for that. You say so. Did they threaten you with fines or anything like that did you get any like official letters or did you just get stopped like we just got stopped yeah never got to that point
Starting point is 01:33:09 yeah that's too bad because i got a letter now it's i got it framed up a little hard little hard copy hard copy of the times that's right back at those times yeah you knew that people needed you more than ever and yet you you this is kind of full circle going back to like what greg stands for you knew you knew what the right thing to do was and so you did it yeah i had to i had to do the right thing i was not going you weren't doing it to be a rebel you weren't doing it to be a dick you weren't doing it to be a contrarian you just knew like oh shit this has to stay open for people's health yeah and not only that it's just like take it back two years prior to the that business divorce it's like well now i got
Starting point is 01:33:54 some people back in 2019 and now what i'm gonna shut them down again like i'm gonna force them or leave again like i'm not gonna do that and, I just, I'm the type of person that if it, if it comes with good values and morals, then I'm going to put my time and energy into it. And so this gym and these people were worth all of that stress and doing whatever it takes. And not only that, my, my staff, staff i cannot i have a really good staff yeah uh dave give me one second here i want to bring in uh dan thesen if i can uh can we make it can we make dan big what's up buddy hey what's going on savannah uh dan tell me that how do you pronounce your gym radix yeah radix, Radix Gym. Radix Gym.
Starting point is 01:34:46 And tell us what you're doing right now, buddy. I am five hours and 26 minutes into the eco bike ride. 3,270 calories. My pace is about 57, 58 RPM. Wow. And we're going for 12 hours. We raised, I don't know, people have been just dropping in and dropping money so we're like way over eight thousand nine thousand dollars now uh for the kids in haiti
Starting point is 01:35:11 and uh yeah no the uh being on the show with you guys is awesome we got lots of attention and people donating like it's been really incredible savonant. I'm so grateful for you, dude. Hey, dude, you're one of the classiest, most genuine people I've ever met in my life. There's a handful of you guys that I've had on the show that I've said, dude, man, I wish you were my neighbor. You'd make a fucking great neighbor in the neighborhood. And you're that guy. Good luck. Where can people continue to donate? So if you go on the okay there's a donate button
Starting point is 01:35:45 right there like as soon as you click in and you can donate i'll be riding for another six and a half hours and those kids could use every bit of that yeah yeah right there hey and dan are you live streaming this anywhere like to your youtube channel or so um we've been going on and off live stream on instagram on the radix gym instagram okay and then we have a documentary team here doing a little documentary on the whole process so that'll be coming out too love that yeah awesome hey is someone holding the is someone holding that camera right now i got the um dude i got everything you could ever possibly buy for an echo bike. So it's sitting in the phone holder on the echo bike.
Starting point is 01:36:29 Awesome. Is there anyone next? Can I show you something? Yeah, I'd love to see just what's going on around you. Yeah, that's what I want. Oh. People wrote notes and they put them all over my echo bike. Just like notes of encouragement.
Starting point is 01:36:41 And then this one of my guys, joe he's on the bike beside me i've got a gray shaver over there he got the cold gray shaver shorts yeah and then this is my buddy dave over here he's uh actually like a world-class endurance athlete so he uses uh he uses crossfit to um stay in shape for like he competes at the velodrome he's done double ultra ultra marathon stuff so he's been an awesome resource for me so he's been he's going to be riding for the last six hours with me or six and a half hours wow and then wow there's just people on assault bikes everywhere cycle bikes getting in their calories supporting the cause everybody's got one of these hope shirts on and then at the end of the day for the finale the whole gym will be here and uh we got one of these hope shirts on. And then at the end of the day for the finale,
Starting point is 01:37:26 the whole gym will be here. And we got one of our members who's a chef. He's cooking up a big barbecue for everybody and have a grand finale there. It's just been, it's been amazing, Siobhan. People are awesome. Hey, it's true to the character that you depicted when you were on the show. You are a giver at the highest level.
Starting point is 01:37:48 Thanks for being you and thanks for contributing to humanity, man. I'm glad I know you. And Matt, thank you. Thank you, guys. I really, really appreciate you guys. All right, dude. I'll be texting with you today. Keep at it.
Starting point is 01:38:01 Yes. I'm not even joking when I got that text saying you're going from you today. I went a little bit faster, Saban. Good, good, good, good. I'm glad I could help. Oh, yeah. All right, brother. Love you.
Starting point is 01:38:16 I'll talk to you guys. Yeah, love you guys. Bye. Have fun, man. Bye. Crazy. That's cool. What a wild group we roll with, right? Just what a wild group we roll with right just what a wild group of people
Starting point is 01:38:28 we roll with yeah that's awesome that's the type of shit that you know is still around someone's getting carjacked right now someone's shooting up fentanyl someone's getting robbed on the subway and dan thesen's riding a bike and inspiring people around him to push hard and make themselves better and uh and also at the same time raising money for kids on an island that's just fucked that uh that we'll never see or know yeah that's cool and you know what's cool too is like i'm not a big charity guy like i don't trust charities but the charity he's raising the money for is his brother's charity so his brother brother actually goes over there to Haiti and makes sure that the money is spent right. Oh, that's awesome. It's not like this 90% admin
Starting point is 01:39:10 and 10% actually going to work. Audrey, meanwhile, I'm going to Target. Everything's free in Target. You don't have to pay anymore. Just grab your shit. Less than $1,000, you're good to pay anymore. Just grab your shit. And, um, less than a thousand bucks. You're good to go. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:26 Grab your shit and just, uh, walk out. Hey, um, uh, Dave, is there,
Starting point is 01:39:31 is there any, is there anything you want? Is there anything when you came on here, you're like, Hey, I want to make sure I say this. Is there anything that like any agenda or anything you wanted? No pressure,
Starting point is 01:39:39 but no, I just, I appreciate what you're doing. I do. Cool. Thank you. Um, and to be on this podcast and to share it with the likes of the legends that you've had on means everything to me so i couldn't leave you know and shout out to rich rich haas he sent you the videos originally he
Starting point is 01:40:03 said you need to check this gym out and if it wasn't for him i don't know if us three would ever have met so no no not at all yeah and you're just in this you would have been you're in the sea of just uh life lifeboats and yeah and i would i would have totally missed you yeah but i just appreciate you guys and what you're doing here and i think this is what is going to hopefully keep the grassroots of what happened back in 2008. Hey, I'm sorry. I'm actually going to an ex-affiliate's 10-year anniversary now with Greg. We're going to an affiliate party, so I'm pretty excited.
Starting point is 01:40:41 You have my number. We've been texting a bunch. Please continue to text me. Congratulations on having a fucking super hot wife um and one who has good radar congratulations on the kids uh stay in touch you ever want to come on again and just shoot the shit or talk about stuff you're always welcome dude you're like thank you guys you're a homie and your knowledge and and what you know what you can contribute to a conversation is like so like evident. So you're always welcome, dude. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:41:10 Thank you, guys. Thank you. All right. Later. Dave Eisenstat. Oh, that he's cool. Kevin, Haiti is a shithole. Very true.
Starting point is 01:41:23 One of the amazing island, probably one of the best islands in the world. But the situation there is a shithole. Very true. One of the amazing islands, probably one of the best islands in the world, but the situation there is a shithole. One of my business partners started an orphanage there. Her husband was in the military and was stationed there after the earthquakes. Yeah, what a fucking disaster. Only successful slave uprising. Only slaves in the world who were able to uprise and get away from their captors. Haiti. Get away from the French.
Starting point is 01:41:45 I don't know if you guys know this, but that's how we ended up with the Louisiana Purchase. The French had to make that sale to the United States to raise money to try to get Haiti back. It fucking did not work out so good for them. Now look how stupid they are. Yeah, they didn't get Haiti. They lost two-thirds of the United States just for Haiti. Yeah. Losers. Okay. get 80 they lost two-thirds of the united states just for 80 yeah losers uh okay uh thanks everyone i'm off to uh an ex-affiliate's 10-year anniversary right now
Starting point is 01:42:14 with greg we're headed over to washington um i i do i do uh i do want to try to do another show today there's some things that are like uh on my mind i think i want to try to do a show that's just exclusively on twitter and see what happens, see how you guys react to it. So I'll be, I'll be texting with Caleb and, um, Sousa today to see if we can do that.
Starting point is 01:42:33 Uh, I do want to start figuring out just one show a week to do exclusively on Twitter. Maybe it'll be our CrossFit games update show. I don't know what it'll be. Maybe it should be, should be something more controversial. Maybe it'll be,
Starting point is 01:42:44 I don't know, focusing just on maybe it should be should be something more controversial maybe it'll be i don't know focusing just on medicine who knows but we are we are this mark bell thing uh has rocked me um all right i love you guys caleb thank you suzy you demand for holding down the fort you too caleb thank you guys so much i am situated now in idaho looks awesome that sunrise coming up behind you was really cool it is uh i wonder if i oh yeah so that's the way oh yeah yeah it's still a little whitewash but you can see it looks good uh all right talk to you guys soon do we what is today friday today sat is Saturday We got Dylan Lone Dylan Lone lined up Tomorrow morning
Starting point is 01:43:28 Who is? And then Dylan Oh yeah yeah yeah Wow okay cool And then we have Kyra Milligan In the evening Okay fantastic Okay so two shows tomorrow
Starting point is 01:43:37 Yeah We got a run of the week So if you want to know What it's like sleeping With Ariel Lohan Tomorrow morning Is your show. Third fittest woman in the world.
Starting point is 01:43:50 Bye-bye.

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