The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Semifinals Programming Predictions #905

Episode Date: May 5, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card, other conditions apply. And bam, we're live. Mr. Self, hi. Good to see you, Mr. Friend. I did see JR on here, and then he vanished when I told him we were going to go live.
Starting point is 00:01:12 I don't know if that threw him off, but I don't see him in the back room waiting either. Brian, I haven't heard you say a word. I've been on with you for two minutes. Can you hear me? Check, check. Yep. Good.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Mr. Self, can you hear me? Good to go go what do you think of brian's shirt uh it's a yellow shirt yeah okay it's cool it's yellow i can't read it i don't have great eyesight what's it say strike movement shirt oh dude you know i've been really wanting to try the shoes there's a couple people at my gym that have them now so it's piquing my interest and you said you love them and that's carl paoli right i'm not sure about that but it's all i wear the haze trainer i think carl pay he's fucking paid to say that yeah but if i'm right and it is carl paoli is the guy behind the shoe then is it really him i'm pretty sure sure. Who's doing back end?
Starting point is 00:02:05 Is anybody in the back end? No back end. I saw JR. You don't know if that's true or not, Brian, the Carl Paoli thing? No. Oh, because that is a trusted name in the biz. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, before we get started here, you are here to hear predictions from three devout Catholics. No, devout CrossFitters, programmers, people who are interested in programming and watch the CrossFit games and the CrossFit space and CrossFit competitions in general and stay up to speed and on the cutting edge.
Starting point is 00:02:47 I don't know if it's a cutting edge. The Razor's on some sort of edge of knowledge when it comes to what movements, time domains, equipment, number of workouts, et cetera, will be used in order to qualify and then become crowned the fittest human being on planet Earth. Taylor, not stealing luggage tonight huh i'll be stealing luggage in a week bitch oh my goodness you know what that's in reference to brian yeah that bald tranny with lipstick yes he's on the biden administration who got who's
Starting point is 00:03:19 in charge of nuclear uh waste who got caught stealing luggage for the third time at airports barry mccockner, I appreciate you. Why don't you change your thing from Lucas Parker to Taylor Self? Dude, you look like you have gender dysphoria with that haircut. We're not even three minutes in. That's the best line you're going to have all night, and you already blew it. Okay, listen, people, all seriousness, I want you to see this. There are levels to this shit.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And this promo video you're about to see pointing at the great Emma McQuaid. If this doesn't make you like Emma McQuaid, then I don't know who you're going to like. There's a lot of great editors and filmmakers in the space, man. And for me to see this in – I watched it like three times already, and I just ran into it. Have you guys seen this? No. Have you seen this, Brian? It's relatively new.
Starting point is 00:04:13 This dude is a beast who edited this. This dude or – I don't know who the person is who edited it. We'll go to their account in a second. Okay, here we go. JR, what's up, brother? You good? Shaking your head? You pregnant?
Starting point is 00:04:25 Can't hear me. JR. Say something. JR's frozen. Okay, fuck him. Okay, ready and action. Whoa. Got you. No, JR, test. Got you. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:04:48 No, JR. Dude, who did that? guys pulling out all the tricks this dude's good hey i love it how he pays homage to himself too do you see that how he cut yeah dude this dude is a how he pays homage to himself too do you see that like he cut yeah dude this dude is a beast yeah that is badass editing right bruce this dude is a beast i'm sold on emma uh the guy's name is uh uh uh mike yaldridge media mikey mikey yeah you know do you know who he is i just wanted to make sure that you read as as Mikey Aldridge instead of Mikey Aldridge. Oh, Brian, let me get away with something. He's a foreigner. He's a fucking foreigner.
Starting point is 00:05:55 You sound like a South Park redneck. He's a foreigner. He's a foreigner. Dude, I clicked on some other shit on here too. This dude can do it clean. shit on here too this dude's uh this dude can do it clean i mean this is this guy is timing and this is a special cat hey i don't mean to uh fuck it up for you too emma because this dude only has uh like no one's riding this dude's jock yet but someone's gonna get him man this dude is good you do you know him? Have you seen him around, Brian? You know who that is?
Starting point is 00:06:27 Not sure. I wonder if he's getting immediate credential. Probably. He needs to. He's up there with Rick and that guy from Proven. I forget his name. Sebon, you heard of BeFriendlyFitness yet? LFG. Let's fucking go. Hell yeah, I have.
Starting point is 00:06:44 But he didn't do an article on today's show. Actually, we did do one. Oh. But it's coming out tomorrow. Oh, there you go. We want you to suffer through it first. Fine. Understood. Hey, I listened to several podcasts. I don't know if they were podcasts, but
Starting point is 00:06:59 I listened to... Actually, JR and Taylor and I collaborated on the article. We all contributed to it. Seriously? Do they know they contributed? Yep. You could have just plagiarized. The website that it will be showing up on is... Where is it? Do I see it? Oh, here it is.
Starting point is 00:07:18 It is. I'll give you guys a quick screenshot of it here. Beef. Go ahead. I was going to ask if Will's comment is real. Can you not get into events to record this year at semifinals? They have pretty strict rules in place. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:07:36 You have a disc golf tab? Yes, under construction. Oh, you're a beast. That's sick. Tomorrow there will be an article after Brian, J.R., and Taylor, and myself school Brian, he'll be taking those notes from today's show and condensing them down into a piece of written material.
Starting point is 00:07:56 He'll be stealing our shit. So that's one piece of house cleaning I wanted to do today. Maybe I will add a section at the end, Savant's expectations for semifinals. Yes, that would be great, the tab. And so I want to do a little housecleaning. We are going to be talking about the semifinal workouts here very shortly. There's one other piece of housecleaning I wanted to do in regards to something Brian and I spoke about this morning,
Starting point is 00:08:24 of housecleaning I wanted to do in regards to something Brian and I spoke about this morning. And it's about Zach George. And there was just some criticism and some thoughts about him being on a team and then not being on a team. And I want to point something out to you, and it's this. This is a baby. Okay, it doesn't matter. And he has a fucking baby to take care of. So you can take your team shit, crybaby shit, and eat a dick. It doesn't matter. And he has a fucking baby to take care of.
Starting point is 00:08:48 So you can take your team shit, crybaby shit, and eat a dick. I'm assuming that the guy needs to make a buck, and he's doing what's best for his family. Is that even his baby? Fair enough. I don't know, but I'm just telling you that once you got that, it's all – I know Sporty Beth was upset at him or whoever his teammate was, but I'm cutting him some slack. Look, at the end of the day, yeah, is that a baby or is it me?
Starting point is 00:09:17 I agree. I mean if he's got a kid, he's got to take care of his kid, but he did it in a terrible way. No notice? Three days? Fuck that. Come on. Shit happens. It's a, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:30 And who knows when they told him. Do you have any insights, Brian? Do you have insights? Can you tell, I know you know stuff. Are you allowed to talk about what you know? No, but I was just thinking about if, you know, if you have to answer to someone, you're going to answer to the,
Starting point is 00:09:46 probably the mother of your child's over the teammate and you just deal with the teammates being frustrated yeah i have a friend i have a dear friend who i love having on the show who has to ask his wife before he comes on and he admitted it the other day on the thread with a shitload of us on there i don't want to say any names but um it's not even his wife yet fiance Or no. Yeah, fiance. Okay. Enough of that. So to set the stage, we are going – there will be how many semifinals? And will they all be the same workouts? And when do they go down?
Starting point is 00:10:19 Do you get the text message I sent you like five minutes ago, by the way? It says image attached yeah oh yeah here we go yeah i see it do you see barry updated his profile picture oh shit um congrats on the engagement taylor oh yeah that guy who has a fiance that's good yeah that's great jesus christ hey you definitely had a hemorrhoid when you released that air out of your mouth right there. Dude, you know what happened one time? I took a huge shit before I had rowing intervals, and then I went and did rowing intervals, and I got one of the biggest hemorrhoids you would not ever believe, dude.
Starting point is 00:10:56 It was like a golf ball. Wait a second. What do you think the shit is, the just shitting is in relationship to the hemorrhoid? Well, I was probably pushing hard because I was going to go do a workout right next. And then it was like 40 minutes sitting on the rower. And I had to get it cut off my asshole. Yeah. And this was – listen.
Starting point is 00:11:15 This was in 2018 right before Granite Games. So I went in and I told the anal surgeon, whatever you call those guys. And I was like, dude, I'm in the middle of this qualifier and I have a, the, the like anal surgeon, whatever you call those guys. And I was like, dude, I've got, I'm in the middle of this qualifier and I have a workout to do on Wednesday and I have to do it. And what's the best course of action, leave it or cut it off. He's like, dude, you're not, you can't do that workout. I was like, I'm doing it. He's like, we'll probably just cut it off then. Aren't you afraid someone someone's gonna cancel you talking about those types of things on this show no so i had i had the workout was three six i bet if colton's listening he'll remember this workout from 2018 i thought you were gonna say if colton's listening he's also
Starting point is 00:11:55 had hemorrhoids cut off no no he'll remember this workout he won it he annihilated it but it was three six nine twelve nine six three hang squat cleans I had 135 and bar-facing burpees, and I did this whole workout with like a pound of gauze in between my ass cheeks. Ladies and gentlemen, although it may sound funny, this is a real issue for men. Hemorrhoids are a common problem with elite-level men athletes in the Cross crossfit world this is something we need to talk about we should have hemorrhoid month men's hemorrhoid awareness month uh brian what's this picture about you sent me it's uh the 2023 open and then the quarterfinals what is this well you
Starting point is 00:12:39 said you wanted to kind of set the stage for the semifinals okay so this is a table that we put together that just kind of simplifies what we've already seen up to this point in the season so we can kind of narrow in on what we are missing and what we're expecting to see in the next stage of the season which is also the last qualifier before the games okay uh fair fair enough um before before and I like this This is going to be great We'll get to this in one second Can you tell me Someone give me a layout of where we're at
Starting point is 00:13:11 In the season What we're doing What's coming up Tell me about these semifinals Well the open has happened The quarterfinals have happened There are 300 men and 300 women Remaining in the
Starting point is 00:13:24 Eligible competition to try to qualify for the CrossFit games. There will be seven semifinals. They start on May. The first week starts May 18th and the last one ends on June 4th. And at that point we will know all the qualifiers to the games. So it's a three, three weeks for seven events.
Starting point is 00:13:44 So basically a a three two two um two three two two three two combo and um one of the things that was interesting about this is some of the people will some of the athletes although the workouts are the same some of the athletes will do the workouts over four days some of the athletes will do the workouts over three days is that no okay help a brother out what why am i thinking that north america west east and europe have a deeper field and so they're going to spread the teams out they're not going to spread the teams out over three days but they'll run like the teams the first three days so like say thursday friday saturday and then individuals will go friday
Starting point is 00:14:20 saturday sunday is what my understanding is b Okay, so they'll all have three days, and they'll all do the workouts in the same order. Do we know how many workouts there are? No, we're going to speculate tonight. Okay. And so I like that 600 athletes left, seven competitions, and then from there, 40 and 40, correct? 40 teams, 40 individuals, men, 40 individual women.
Starting point is 00:14:46 38 teams. We're not focusing on the team programming tonight. We're just focusing on individual, and there will be 40 and 40. Correct. Okay. Fantastic. And no last chance. Okay. So this is huge. This is huge.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Most of the people who participate in the games at the highest level, this is it for them. They're done. What? Most of the people who participate at this level, this is it for them. They're going to go home. Only a few are going to move on. Okay, so this is huge. Okay, a couple things, big-picture things i want to talk about real quick um before we get into like actual movements and whatnot and by the way it really fucked me up because i listened to bill and um chase's podcast uh before i came on and theirs is so fucking organized they basically lay out the workouts one two three four five six what they think they're going to be
Starting point is 00:15:39 and chase alone brings more energy than all three of you boneheads together, and so does Bill. No way, dude. Yeah, yeah. Single-handedly, each of them has more energy than all three of you fuckers combined. So that threw me for the... Does he talk about his hemorrhoids? No. Okay, well, I keep getting beat up on my own podcast.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Is he missing a central incisor? I guarantee you he's not. Is that why the lights are dim? Oh, that's incredible. JR spelled his name like Mike Tyson pronounced it. Crop it. Crop it.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Oh my god. Brian was checkmating my ass all over the place this morning. Now I'm getting fucked up again. Okay. A computer was fine. I just did this. I just stalled because I was nervous. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Well, your picture looks great now. And we can't see into your mouth. So, so far, you're lucky. Okay. A couple of big picture things I want to ask you guys before we get into the actual, like, implements and movements and what you guys think some of the programming will be. What's the distinction between Adrian Bosman programming and Dave programming? Is there,
Starting point is 00:16:48 if there were some big picture distinctions between these two guys that you guys would like to wax poetically about, what would they be? Go ahead, Mr. Self. The one that comes to mind with most immediacy, I guess are two things. One, and I think there's – well, Boz talks about this all the time, but like minimum effective dose. I think Boz is a huge proponent of like doing the most with the least. And Dave has this military background where in the military, they just fucking hammer you and hammer you and hammer you. And it's, you know, historically, some of Dave's workouts have had, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:32 gnarly amounts of volume in them. And to this point, that doesn't seem to be the case with Boz's volume. So I think that's one key difference, in my opinion. And I was just watching one of of their podcasts him and um uh mr wood yeah mr wood um very not random where uh adrian actually spoke about that he basically they were talking about how hey you can just do dot com you can just do helen you can just have minimal equipment and still be uh achieve elite level fitness so fitness. So I like that. Uh, Brian, uh, any, any major distinctions that you think are important to point out between the guy who's
Starting point is 00:18:08 been doing it the previous 15 or 16 years and the guy who's now doing it for the second year? I mean, there's obviously, you know, like specific things that you could point to, but I, I, I think about what you just said as being extremely relevant is that Dave had 15 years to paint the picture and Boz is just starting to drip paint on a canvas. So we might not really know where his mind is at. And who knows if you'll have the same breadth of time and opportunity to do that that Dave did. But, you know, especially kind of in light of what Dave talked about the other day of having this continuity across the entire company when it comes to programming. That was something that we saw throughout the era that Dave programmed, is that things that would show up at the games would trickle back down through the season.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Things that showed up would show up at the games or in the open. And there were these kind of opportunities to look for patterns. And when it comes to Adrian's programming, we have so little right now that we, relatively speaking, that the patterns might not be as obvious to see. And so that's why I think a show like tonight is kind of fun because as JR will probably talk about, is we've seen a little bit more of Adrian than some people realize. And we might actually have some hints that can help us potentially predict
Starting point is 00:19:23 what is to come either in the semifinals or the games. Was that just like a generic statement when you said Adrian hasn't had time to paint a full canvas yet or as much time with the brush as Dave? Or are you actually hinting at the fact that with Dave's new role involved in just CrossFit's umbrella programming that Adrian won't get the chance? I think we don't really know that question, but, you know, I think just saying just based on time, this is only a second year. Yeah. And it's, you know, it's, it's really nice sometimes to look at the totality of the programming. You know, Sean, when Woodland talks about this, sometimes
Starting point is 00:20:00 it's like, once you see the open and the quarterfinals and the center of us in the games, then you can really address the programming for the season in the same way that the programmer had the opportunity to envision it and we haven't actually seen him carry that through beginning to end and um obviously we saw dave do it many times uh uh fair uh i hope we get shuttle runs and torque tank couplet uh steven floyer two dollars but torque tank's not gonna come uh mr howell uh the great adrian bosman no short of experience understanding of the methodology um years put in and um versus uh the great dave castro uh thoughts on what, what, what, what the differences are. Yeah. Two big thoughts. One being, um, toward the later years of Dave's tenure, it felt like, um, it was more of a, what can you endure as an athlete? How much can you take? And
Starting point is 00:20:58 Boz's program so far seems to be how well can you execute? That's kind of like a really easy distinction I try to make between the two of them. But the big thing I've seen in the last couple of years, and we'll get to it, 2021 was the first time Boz was actually in charge of the programming at one stage. That was actually the quarterfinals 2021 were all his. So 2021, 22, and 23 have all been his quarterfinals tests um and one thing that he spoke about on a couple of the run the test videos for people that haven't seen this on youtube they're actually like gold like he talks a lot about his programming methodology and about what how he how he views fitness in a lot of ways. And one thing that really stood out to me is that he's trying to get everyone
Starting point is 00:21:48 to think about fitness a little bit more broadly and not so sports specific. Like it's not about, it's not about what is the test going to be? How is the movement going to be tested? It's how can I do this movement in as many ways as possible so that no matter how it's tested, I'm ready for it. And that's the best way I can describe it. It's a little bit more about what can I do today that's going to
Starting point is 00:22:17 get me better at this one thing and then also still carry over to other things. So staying in that second wave adaptation that we've all been in before, where we, we do, we, we snatch every week and we PR every week and then we stop. But then when we start doing handstand work and hand balancing, we come back to our snatch and it's gone up, but we haven't been working on our snatch because there's a lot of carryover
Starting point is 00:22:40 between movements and he's pushing people. He's pushing the community at large to do that more. Hey, this jump rope isn't just the thing you do double unders with dude, like do other things with it. Hey, you see the wall over there. You don't just kick upside down with your back against the wall and go up and down. You need to be facing the wall. You need to be on top of things. You need to have no wall. You need to do all that stuff. So I think that's the biggest thing that stood out to me. Taylor, he said one of the things
Starting point is 00:23:12 he described there, which I really liked what JR just said is Dave may have been a little heavier on the endure side and Boz might be a little heavier on the execute side. When choosing a lover, do you prefer one that wants to test your endurance or your execution uh i'm gonna answer this in terms of programming not lover i oh my goodness imagine if your lover was just really good at fucking testing your endurance i like both okay i like i'm partial to i'm not partial to either i like both i like i like the execution aspect of the one rep lift especially in 2021 was it like the snatch at semifinals you had a 20 second window i like the execution of
Starting point is 00:24:02 that um you know that's a little bit different than a workout format. That's highly dependent on execution. Um, but then I also like events where you have to endure. I think they should both be tested. I don't think it's one or the other. I like both. And, and, and, and fairness to, to both of them. Also, when, when I see the, when I see here, Jr talk about that, I imagine execution on one side and endurance on their side. And I imagine just small adjustments back and forth to the left, leaning back and forth to the left. I don't imagine just like these, these massive swings, although, although, you know, the half marathon on the rower is pretty, um, well, there might be massive swings.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Like you think about it, like someone put in the chat earlier, Atalanta, which was with a weight vest, one mile run, 100 handstand pushups, 200 pistol squats, 300 pull-ups, one mile run, insane amount of volume and load with the vest. And then you think about a workout like hat trick at the games or the crossover single under the crossover single under unbroken legless pegboard event. Like those are so biased towards execution and atalanta is so biased towards endurance or volume um so there are some some big swings yeah and this um this this pegboard uh double under crossover um press to handstand off the parallettes are those both like equally um off in those directions biased in those directions yeah i would say those are probably like at the extremes margins yeah uh do um uh here we go uh next question uh do um do locations like africa south america limit the scope of the test uh
Starting point is 00:25:42 based on the implements are available when you guys are thinking about what's going to be in the semifinals? And will there be exceptions? Do you think that maybe when actually showtime comes, we're going to see that actually Africa has a couple workouts that are different because they weren't able to get implements there? Can you repeat the first part of that? Basically, I'm suggesting that there may be some equipment they can't get to uh africa logistical issues right and will they let's say they wanted um god i always forget the name of this thing what's that thing that you walk around with the rest on your shoulders a yoke the yoke let's say they want to put yoke in there and they can get it into six of the seven do you think that they
Starting point is 00:26:18 just scrap it if they can't get it to africa or they say fuck it africa is not doing the yoke they'll do farmer carry. I mean, I've, uh, Jr and I have had this conversation less than a week ago, I would say, and we were kind of brainstorming some ideas. And, you know, if you start thinking about a yoke is a great example, a handstand walk obstacle course, maybe a specific type of bike or rower air runner or something like that. Those are the types of things that even air runners, how you think they could be limited in Africa. Okay. Fair. I think of that yeah i mean if you're you know we don't even know what size heats they're planning to run in some of the hurtling homeless people in the streets high on fentanyl like if you have to run outside they probably don't have
Starting point is 00:26:56 that in africa they have fentanyl in africa i don't know and you know and i think the states you know some people will remember when there was an issue getting equipment to South America's regional or some, you know, back in 2018. And then they had to make a caveat to that event. But I think you're specifically asking if they know that they can't get something there, will they just not program it? And my leaning is, yeah, they probably won't program it if they can't do it at all seven that depends like if it's um if that if if the african semifinal is using the brand rebel as their fan bike provider and it's fairly similar to an echo bike i don't think they're not going to program an echo bike workout i think they'll use that if they have a different brand handstand walk obstacle but the dimensions are
Starting point is 00:27:45 still the same on the ramp and the stairs i think they'll still use that um but again i think there's levels to it like someone would argue that well in brazil they did push press instead of bench press but it didn't affect the leaderboard just because they didn't do linda as written because all of them took the same test but part of the fun in having uniform programming is being able to compare across region and if you can't do that at least really similarly like an air runner versus a rogue woodway runner then it's it you know it is difficult to say oh yeah keelan henry would have actually finished 30 over 30th overall in the world on that workout because he used an assault bike and not an echo bike like i don't think you can just automatically say that i i i personally think that if it's just one um region and just one or two workouts that they have to change that they'll do it that they'll that that especially if it's
Starting point is 00:28:35 africa that i personally think that and it doesn't bother me at all um does it bother any of you guys if they change it for africa depends on on the change. A couple of workouts, right. Okay, fair enough. I'm coaching someone competing there. Fair enough. So you have an athlete who's going – how many athletes do you have going to the semifinals, Taylor? Eight. And JR, do you have any from your gym?
Starting point is 00:28:59 Yeah, two teams will be in Orlando. Wow, okay. So that's – and all the athletes on those teams go to your gym chair yeah crazy oh my favorite guest uh uh luis lemos nice to see you brother nice to see you 50 american dollars thank you um how about dave's new role uh is this will this influence uh semifinals at all? Or you think that's all, everything's in the bag already with semifinals? Well, I don't, I don't think that any, you know, major, I think semifinals programming
Starting point is 00:29:33 has been done for a couple of months or damn near close to done for a couple of months already. And the only thing that I think he could potentially have an influence on at this point in the, in the process, if anything would be on like the, the way that workouts look or flow on the floor, not the overall like tests or, you know, that's written. Okay. Uh, anyone else have any thoughts on that? Yeah, I tend to agree with Brian.
Starting point is 00:30:00 I don't think he's going to come in and try to change anything. I don't think he could or would want to at this point. A more political question along that same lines is, do you think C.C. CrossFit's relationship with Rogue has changed with Dave's position changing, and that affects the equipment at all? What's Dave's relationship, and what's Boz's relationship? Yeah, it's a good question. Do you have an answer?
Starting point is 00:30:30 No, I don't have an answer. I don't know. But today as I was for three hours fiddling around in my garage pretending to work out and listening to different podcasts, I thought of that. I was like Dave had a very, very close relationship with Bill and Katie. And so if he had an idea for a piece of equipment or to do something, they were on the quick speed dial. Right. And I don't, and I don't know what the,
Starting point is 00:30:50 I don't know what the, I don't know how that relationship has been influenced with Dave coming out of that position. Well, think about the alpaca sled from the games. That seemed like a pretty tight knit relationship between Boz and Bill. Fair enough. Okay. So, so little to no, no impact. I don't, I don't think so. Not in that sense. And that's the other thing that, you know, people should, should keep in mind or if they're
Starting point is 00:31:10 not aware, understand is that, you know, Dave and Boz worked closely together for a long time. So it's, you know, even though the roles might look a little bit different, it's, it's probably not that uncomfortable or unfamiliar situation for either of them. Yeah. Very close. Like I can't, I can't ever remember being at a test, a testing time. When you went to the test, was Boz there, Taylor? Yeah, he was there. Yeah, all the tests I went to, and I went to dozens and dozens, Adrian was always there.
Starting point is 00:31:37 On one of Adrian's podcasts on Very Not Random, Adrian mentioned he goes to a new affiliate every week. Adrian mentioned he goes to a new affiliate every week and I was wondering how you think if that influences his programming at all that he's in the community he's doing the workouts
Starting point is 00:31:55 that are at affiliates there's no wrong answer no one be afraid how much travel does that demand it's nashville there's got to be like 50 within an hour though right of him two hours there's 40 in charlotte close to 50 wow what were you gonna say jr it is a big assumption but it does seem like just on surface level that Boz is really like up for anyone's influence. Right. Like it seems like he's really open to anything. Like if he saw something really cool in a gym two hours away, he might be like, you know what, I'm going to go back to my garage.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I'm going to play with that. That might be something I want to use. I never really thought about doing that before, whether it's like a workout structure or a certain movement um like i'll just use um something that's pretty fresh on people's memory like like the the pogo jumps right at wadapalooza right um they had those jumps over a hurdle, you know, over hurdle. And we can kind of dig into that a little bit because Boz has said a few times now how much he values jumping as a form and expression of athleticism and fitness. But if you saw that and you just thought, you know what, that's a pretty cool idea. Um, maybe I'll play with that, but make them a little bit higher and I'll put it at the
Starting point is 00:33:25 begin, uh, you know, like at the beginning of a sprint workout, like a zigzag sprint, but I'll have them do 30 of those to start. And that'll just light the legs up going into a zigzag. Like, I don't think he's, I don't think he's beyond his own ideas. I think he's really open to people's suggestions and to other people's creativity. Um, I. I want to respond to that in one second. What changed with Dave's position? So Dave was, I think, in charge of something called growth. And he was working very closely with the military and some big military contracts. And now he's been put in charge of the training department where he has his roots. He was in charge of the training department with Nicole Carroll for, I want to say, more than 10 years.
Starting point is 00:34:03 And now he's gone back there to lead that team once again. But part of that that was mentioned is that he's going to be involved in some umbrella that's called programming. And what is that programming? I don't know if that necessarily involves cap, a main site, games. But I think he's in charge of some sort of continuity within all of the programming at CrossFit Inc. And I'm not sure what that does to him and Adrian's relationship.
Starting point is 00:34:28 But as Brian was saying, that they are very close. Going back to what JR is saying, I will say this. Dave's probably going to kick me in the dick for this. I would say that Adrian's way more open to stuff than Dave. So I heard Chase on chase and bill's program today get with the programming uh suggest a workout for um and it was uh it was a snatch speed ladder five four three two one with 225 pounds for the men and 155 for the women and in between each was a uh rope uh rope climb two rope climbs legless rope climbs yeah and fuck i when he said that i was like wow that's fucking amazing like
Starting point is 00:35:13 we would see some just and and i think if i think if adrian heard that and he liked it he put it in there and dave would be like fuck you no even if dave liked it i just i just don't think he'd pick it up i i haven't and i'll ask ask Dave that the next time I see him, and hopefully it'll be on the air. Maybe he'll be like, fuck you, I am open. But I think he took great pride in the programming being his. I agree, and I have an assumption that I want to see if it's near correct or from what you can understand of Dave, if it is.
Starting point is 00:35:41 But I was always under the assumption that Dave didn't really look elsewhere. And with that thought, if it is but I was always under the assumption that Dave didn't really look elsewhere and with that thought I don't if that is correct I don't understand how he was so original all the time like I feel like he has to have eyes on everything to ensure that he's original in his programming it's weird he he does come across openly as being closed-minded like or closed to maybe not closed-minded I don't look at anybody else's stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah but how are your videos i don't watch other competitions fuck the grid like you know yeah it's um dave had a vision yeah this is not a shitting on dave this is just uh yeah i'll have him on in a few days hopefully and uh i can't wait to have him on to talk to him about the jocko podcast did any of you guys listen to that i I did. I haven't yet. Personally, I love how creative and original Dave is in his programming. I appreciate that a lot.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Did you like that? Were you impressed by him on that podcast? Yeah. I thought – When he calls Goggins and Jocko. When he calls them a pop seal. But I don't think he – The thing about it is I don't –
Starting point is 00:36:41 One, they have swam the same waters, and they have a mutual respect for one another. And I really don't think he meant it in a derogatory sense, even if some could construe it that way. But I think I didn't construe it that way either. But but but with two men with prideful men, that it was a hell of a statement. He's Yeah, I think it speaks to his confidence in himself and his beliefs and and who he wants to be and that's a powerful thing i think he knows who he is and who he wants to be and he knows what he believes and he has a lot of confidence in that and i think jaco is similar
Starting point is 00:37:14 uh dave was great on the podcast most open he has ever been about his it was cool past and i'm gonna read that book too what is the world war one book are you gonna read that oh what was the heart of the book that Jocko recommended? Yeah, it was by Bob. Fuck, I just bought it. You know what book I'm going to read next, believe it or not? When Dave read Gone with the Wind, he said it was the best book he ever read. And my sister's reading it now, and she's like, holy shit, this is the best book ever.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Fucking go figure. So I'm going gonna read that okay uh i want to pull up uh this graphic that brian was uh generous enough to create although brian probably has people who created it for him um let me see oh god i oh i don't think that's the right window. Entire screen. Ooh. Can everyone close their eyes for a minute? I just want to make sure. I just, shit, I hate this part.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Oh, God, thank you, Lord. Okay, here we go. What are we looking at here, Mr. Friend? Basically, these are just a simplified version of the test that we've already seen in the CrossFit Games season and the stimulus that was limiting for the athletes, or for the most part, the stimulus that was limiting for the athletes that will be taking the semifinals test. So 23.1 was a – you want to go through these 14 minutes of rowing no no
Starting point is 00:38:49 below is the time cap so in the case where it says a specific number like that it was an amrap and then the ones that say a range is like most of the athletes who are qualifying for semifinals were finishing within that range. And obviously, sometimes the range is smaller or wider. But in the Open, we had a 14-minute test where the main factor for almost everyone who will be at semifinals was ring muscle-ups or secondarily potentially rowing as they most of them finished on the rower. The second test was a capacity test, 15 minutes, shuttle runs, burpee pull-up. The third test was a strength test, squat and press in a thruster form. And the fourth was mostly limited by snatching for the top-end athletes
Starting point is 00:39:33 in the 8-10 minute time domain. That was the first part of the season. And then we move on to quarterfinals after we culled the herd from several hundred thousand to less so like maybe ten thousand or twenty thousand yeah and then they have five tests here the first one again for these athletes is mostly limited by gymnastics pressing in the six to ten minute range the second test was a capacity test unless you didn't really figure out the crossovers. And then that skill was a limiter for even for some athletes that made it this far as a 12 minute AMRAP.
Starting point is 00:40:10 The third test was just how well you can move a moderately heavy barbell in the clean and jerk four to six minutes. Fourth test is either a capacity or a core test, maybe a combination of the both 20 minutes. And the last test was mostly limited by grip shorter time of a four to seven minutes uh fantastic uh and uh just so oh that's not good um uh i just realized i have a hemorrhoid look you've set people free you've you've set you've set that's not even hurt dude that's not even a joke you've made it okay to talk about your period that's the equivalent uh pulling up this graphic brian made uh pulls up screenshot of excel sheet that's a graphic isn't it i feel like will's taking a shot at me uh how we do it this graphic is uh mesmerizing
Starting point is 00:40:58 uh yeah people can't get over it the human human thumb. I said, people cannot get over you, dude. Jay Hartle, the strong man, moderate my ass. Barry McCockner, JR, please invest in a lamp. Look, Jay, you don't know what's going on. After the show, I'll tell you what's going on with JR. I don't want to say it now, but everything in JR's world is perfectly planned except for one thing and everything else is planned around that one thing that wasn't planned. I'm going to take it out in a second. We're going to go with me saying two sentences without laughing.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Okay. Uh, how do you, how do you guys want to do this? Um, do we, I got screwed up because I watched Bill and chase and they actually went through the workout. We're not doing that, right? No. We're just going to talk. We're not going to do that, right? Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:50 So let me ask some big picture questions, and then I'll feel you guys out, and then we'll go in. Let's start with how many workouts do you think there will be in totality? Brian, go ahead. And will they all be worth 100 points? Do we know how the scoring is working? We don't. We do not know how the scoring is working? We don't. We do not know how the scoring is working.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Obviously, we just had the age group semifinal that had two different scoring tables. I think that there is a possibility that we see a similar. Remember that scoring in general is something we know nothing about for this stage of competition yet. There are certain semifinals that have 60 individual men and women 40 teams and there's others that have 30 and 20 so you know while we are you know going to be doing the same workouts they most likely will i don't see how they'll possibly be using the same scoring system unless they just double it to try to give a relative score that makes sense if you're comparing you know jay crouching oceania to jack farlow in north america
Starting point is 00:42:46 east you know what i'm saying so unless the scoring system is just like let's just say it just goes down by two from 100 to two and everyone else gets zero just arbitrarily speaking then and the other one would have to go from 200 down by four all the way to four and then zero for the rest of the people and that way you could actually say that a score of, you know, 848 is comparable to a score of 424. Outside of that, I don't know how they're planning how that'll look. Wow, I never even thought of that. Does that matter? Potentially.
Starting point is 00:43:17 It could matter. Okay. There's a lot like, you know, when they first announced the 60-30, there were many, many logistical thoughts that ran through my mind. But I was like, well, I can't do any better than anyone else. I just have to wait and see. And we're still waiting to see. But in 2021, I wrote an article.
Starting point is 00:43:35 I tried to look it up earlier today, actually, but it's behind the paywall on a different website, so I can't see it. On another media outlet, can we say which media outlet it is? Let's be brave. Let let me guess Morning Chaka yep I love a paywall I'm putting this podcast behind a paywall but specifically what I wrote about was the difference between having 6 and 7
Starting point is 00:44:01 tests in a semi-final competition and I remember that the significance, I remember that. I remember that the significance of that one other, other day, extra data point can be extremely relevant. So I am hopeful that there are at least seven scored events over the three days of competition. I really think that you're not, I think if you're doing two, two and two, and you can tell me any logistical excuse that you want, there's only so many time in the day and whatever else. No, you can be creative with the programming. I think if you're only having two, two and two scored events that you are not not doing all that you
Starting point is 00:44:32 can to vet this group of athletes for the for the next stage of did J.R. qualify for the age group qualifier? This, by the way, this is a phenomenon you don't see very often. Usually, it's American dollars being made that are sent down to Mexico to help stimulate the economy down there, but look at this. This is money from Mexico coming to the United States. God bless you, too. Did you qualify for age group qualifier, JR? For semifinals, no. I finished
Starting point is 00:44:58 like 41, 42, something like that. You had to be top 30. Damn. Could you have? If I could have, I would have. Fair enough. Thoughts on how many workouts there will be, Mr. Self? I like Brian's assessment.
Starting point is 00:45:16 I would like seven events and maybe eight scores. I think six to seven events, seven to eight scores is ideal. I think six to seven events, seven to eight scores is ideal. So like if you have six events, one of them is a two scored event with two data points or two events within that one, you know, time domain or whatnot. That's OK. I think I would prefer seven events with eight scores. JR, six, seven, eight, nine. I hope for more like the, the better for me. I ideally, I would say that there were six, 100 point workouts. And then there were three 50 pointers, almost like in single modality tests where you have,
Starting point is 00:45:55 um, 50 point and you have 50 point and you have another 50 point. Um, but what I think is going to happen is they're going to have six 100-point and then 350, so I think there's going to be 750 total points. Why do you think that, 350? Has that ever happened before? It's happened where they've done three-parters, but it's been since the 2011 games or 2010 games. I think they may do something similar to skills one and skills two.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Is that the games? You saw that in the regionals? No, this is at the games. Right, okay. Last year in the age groups, they did something similar to this, similar to those skills workouts of the past where they did a biker calorie test, a max front squat, and then a weighted pull-up. And I don't think anything is done like that unless it's almost done as a test, as a testing part to see if maybe that would be something that he wants to use down the road with the individuals. What about handstand walk sprint plow 2016?
Starting point is 00:47:10 Yeah, those are good. Those were two 50 point events. Three back to back Sunday morning at the games in 2016. And what were, and what were they handstand walk for distance? Yep. And then a sprint suicide sprint and then the plow wow okay because the ones i was remembering were the way to pull up the broad jump the softball throw and the l-sit so skills two skills two was one rep max chest of our pull-up snatch and a max jerry can carry skills one was a softball toss the l sit and the handstand walk i hate how they call it a toss
Starting point is 00:47:53 a fucking retard toss was what that event was dude you had guys pushing the ball the toss but it is really interesting like like to Brian's point, because I love the idea of them doing that in an MWG setting. So maybe you do like a 100-cal row for time, and then at the seven-minute mark, you do a max L-sit hold, and then at the 14-minute mark, you do 100 heavy wall balls for time. So you have a weightlifting component, a gymnastics component, and a model structural component.
Starting point is 00:48:29 John Young, Nate Schroeder won jerrycan and broad jump. Did something happen with the broad jump? That would be Nate Schroeder. Nate Schroeder. Did he train at your gym? Impossible to know, though. I'm pretty sure that the same guy in the NBAba is called dennis schroeder with the same spell uh something something happened with the broad jump that year i don't remember what it either
Starting point is 00:48:54 rained or but they had to do it inside under the venue yeah remember what happened i just remember it was like fucking crazy like they just fit it in in. Yeah. There's no, there's no footage of it. They did it like underneath this. There's very sparing footage of it. Yeah. I filmed it. It's in the behind the scenes. I just remember like all of a sudden it's just like, just ghetto.
Starting point is 00:49:14 It's just like happening just like on some concrete, like, like some school game. Yeah. It was bizarre. I wonder what happened. There was a timing issue or was there rain that year? What happened?
Starting point is 00:49:23 Does anyone know what happened? I think it was because of rain. Okay. Taylor, would you like it if they did something like this or you could call it like some kind of like CrossFit combine where instead of doing a broad jump, they brought out 10 or 15 of those vert test little things where you jump in touch.
Starting point is 00:49:43 And that was one of the, that was one of the that was one of the 50 pointers was just this was just testing a vertical jump you had like three attempts at semi-finals yep and do i like that format or i do do i like the vertical jump as a test just as a test because you know we've heard boz say like many times now there's more to this stuff than just your engine it's not all about engine i think about i suppose i think about the functionality of a vertical jump and i don't know that that is super applicable to what we're trying to test like think about 50 points 50 points it's only 50 yeah but i'm just saying when we're talking about crossfit we're talking to test. Like think about 50 points, 50 points. It's only 50.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Yeah. But I'm just saying when we're talking about CrossFit, we're talking about functional movements that carry over into everyday life. Like that's a big, that's a big part of what we talk about. It's a big part of what methodology is. And when you're talking about getting over something in everyday life, is there going to, you know, how we say there's no, you know, life doesn't make the distinction between strength and conditioning. Is life going to make the distinction between you using your hands or not using your hands to get over an object? So I don't know that like a max vertical, I don't like it. How about max box jump?
Starting point is 00:50:54 We do it our way. I like that. Yeah. all night but like do you think that it's more valuable to show a hip explosion jumping or doing a max clean and why is one more than more important than the other i i suppose that's that's a good that that's a good argument. Jumping is very important. Being able to lift external loads are very important.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Maybe equally so. So with that argument, there's a case to be made. I don't think in terms of the spectacle, the vertical jump is good. But the interim might be the over the head med ball toss. That might be the step in between those two things. Cause basically when I hear you jump, talking about a jump, like, you know, there is that similar movement propelling the weight off the ground. And then you're gonna have the med ball in between. And I think about maybe something that's a simple, like a burpee, but in the, at least in the OPEX methodology, there's a, you'd have no business doing a burpee if you can't do a certain number of pushupsups and you don't have any business doing push-ups if you can't hold a plank for a
Starting point is 00:52:07 certain amount of time. And so you could work backwards from a clean to a vertical jump or from a burpee to a plank hold. And maybe we could see something as simple as that being tested. And this is a really good conversation because it segues into one of the things that, you know, I think Boz is trying to get everyone to do. It's like, oh, you see that box and all you think about doing is jumping up and standing up on it. But you don't think about jumping all the way over it or you don't think about using your hands one time and then not using your hands the other time. Or you don't think about how you don't have to always jump up onto something.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Why aren't you jumping for distance? Like back to that point of do we think Boz would use ideas from other areas? I mean CrossFit was just made up of a bunch of different things that already existed. Why wouldn't he do a burpee broad jump in a workout? Dude, I just had – Where you did like a 100-foot burpee broad jump for distance. I just had a really interesting idea. You know when Will sent that picture to the group text of the
Starting point is 00:53:05 Africa semi-final floor where they had those double horizontal lines towards the rig? What if it's not a jump over a box? What if there's like a nine foot or an eight foot distance and you jump from line to line? That would be a visual spectacle. You know where this showed up in programming? Where?
Starting point is 00:53:22 If you remember, it was during the early onset of covid yep the covid opened hello that loud and live i think put on and a lot of what was it i'm having trouble visualizing what so so think about a handstand walk block where you have a five foot block and you're the rep starts behind the line and finishes across the line right what if that's for jumping so you gotta jump you gotta jump over it and then jump back, jump over, jump back. Jump from line to line. And there's like a six-foot gap in between. Wow.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Wow. So instead of shuttle runs, it's shuttle jumps. Yeah. Jumps. I mean, think about jumping across a creek. That's what came to mind. You're talking about jumping for distance. And I'm like, what in life is applicable to jumping for distance?
Starting point is 00:54:02 Like jumping across things and how could we do that on a competition floor? That would be cool. Okay. With that, maybe we should dive into just in general what new movements – first of all, let me ask you this. Are we going to see something that's going to make everyone go, yep, I didn't practice that? Is there something new coming? I think Adrian takes pride in that. And while a lot of people think that the trickle down should be slower,
Starting point is 00:54:32 and maybe they're right because that's what we were used to with Dave, we saw something like the wall-facing deficit handstand push-up at the games, and everyone thought, okay, maybe at semifinals they'll just do wall-facing to a pad. Well, surprise, surprise, they did maybe at semifinals, they'll just do wall facing to a pad. Well, surprise, surprise. They did it in quarterfinals and it was at the very end of the workout and it stopped a lot of people in their track. We saw crossover double unders at the games. So everyone thought, okay, maybe they'll use the jump rope at like a semifinal level and
Starting point is 00:54:58 you'll have to do a new skill. So we should probably be practicing that or he'll retest it at the games. Well, he made people do crossover single unders in quarterfinals. So I would say the trickle down is much steeper, right? Much. It's just much, much faster. He's like, all right, community, here's this movement. It's up to you to do something with it. So in that respect, I mean, he's, he's talked a lot about the rings being more for more than just something you
Starting point is 00:55:24 do muscle upsups on. So my contingency, since I heard him say that for the first time, is that something really, really, really OG, like a back roll to support, is going to finally show up at the CrossFit Games. And then at the semifinal level, there's going to be something like he'll bring back the ring dip that hasn't been in competition since – Everybody tore their pack. With the dumbbell snatch ring dip workout and before that the 50s chipper. Or what I think is more likely is that he's going to find a way to standardize a ring row or a ring push-up. Ring push-up. So new JR, not new.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Yeah, not new. Just new to you because you don't do it. What about Bill? new yeah not new just new to you because you don't do it what about bill and bill said this fucking crazy one and i i got me into a frenzy i think this is brilliant uh on get with the programming he said what about the twofer the two for one muscle up no no no one wall ball two for one wall ball and chase is like how would you judge it and he's like who gives a fuck like you don't even have basically range of motion it's basically just speed like who cares if you do it without dropping it you're good to go but but you have to have range of motion right okay i guess i guess
Starting point is 00:56:35 maybe he said just at the bottom or just at the top he said just to judge one maybe it was just at the open at the top or just at the bottom maybe that's what he said maybe i misinterpreted but you've got to have range of motion for the second squat otherwise somebody can just do a fucking push press dip and drive and there's your two for one right right so judging would be a nightmare do you guys like that outside of the judging piece well i thought two for one muscle up and i like two for one muscle up what i don't even know what a two for muscle up is you do a ring muscle up plus a ring dip or or on the other side a toe to ring plus a ring muscle up uh would that ring dip, or on the other side, a toe-to-ring plus a ring muscle-up. Would that be so the twofer I could see both men and women
Starting point is 00:57:10 doing, ring muscle-up twofer, women do that too? I program them for my athletes. Fewer reps? Would they do fewer reps? They didn't do fewer reps in regional NAIT. Brian, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that going to be the
Starting point is 00:57:24 WOD Wars, the first workout instead of burpee muscle-up? It was going to be – Fit Wars? It was going to be that. WOD Wars? Wasn't it? Cock Wars?
Starting point is 00:57:36 Maybe. Maybe it was in the conversation. Jessica Pearson, $1.99. Hi, thank you. I love this gang. I love this gang. Thank thing i love this gang thank you brian you think we see anything new at semis or you think it's just there's just callback movements like og movements or anything anything like the first time it's ever been programmed in competition
Starting point is 00:57:56 show up well i mean first of all if it feels it feels to me just by watching on instagram but also in some conversations that i've had with athletes this year that, you know, coaches, you know, especially the people that are coaching a majority of the top end athletes, they're digging and they're like making their athletes practice things that they haven't made them practice maybe at any other point in their career. And that's been going on this past six months. So, you know, the, I, the concept of
Starting point is 00:58:26 Boz finding something new to test is going to be getting harder and harder, even if he loves, loves doing it, because I think that everyone's looking in, in all the corners. The one thing that bothered me of this conversation is if you take the judging out of it, you cannot take the judging out of it. You have to consider the judging, the floor layout. Can the judges effectively do what I want them to do? And can the athletes effectively do that? I want them to do. And I've said this many times before that if both part, if the answer for both parties is, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:58:54 then that's not good enough. At least one of them needs to know. And then, and so if, if there is something like that that's coming, that's difficult to judge or as a new movement standard, my hope would be that Adrian is being proactive and communicating that to the judges so that they know what to do. So that if it's new for the athletes,
Starting point is 00:59:10 that they're the only party that it's new for. Let me ask you this. This is a little bit of a strange question. I liked everything Brian just said. Do you remember the obstacle course that one year in Madison and it was freezing and there was some trippy shit out there. There was the rope swing to that log. And there was kind of, there was a bit of a no man's land there, right? Where you had to commit to the swing because we weren't just going to hold the rope and
Starting point is 00:59:31 just get off. And then at the end of that, there were some, actually some logs you had to, some stumps you had to jump on. Like stepping stones. Yeah. Yeah. Which was, which was hairy. Could you see something like that at the semifinals where it's 20 feet of low balance beam or 30 feet of low balance beam
Starting point is 00:59:50 and it's narrow? It's like basically running on a curb as part of the test? I think logistically that would probably be more of a nightmare than any other piece of rogue equipment, I would think, setting up like an obstacle course. Right. We've never seen an obstacle course in semifinals, correct? No.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Or regionals at this stage. That's a thought. But again, logistically. Go ahead, Tiago. No, I was just saying that's a thought, which I really love, but I think logistically hard to do, and I don't think semifinals is the place for it necessarily. Let me give you another example of it.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Two boxes to jump over instead of one. So they always jump over one box, but what if it was two boxes? You know, it's like two 48 inch boxes right next to each other. You jump over one, you bound over the other one and it's back and forth, something like that.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Gimmicky, ridiculous, or I don't think so. So basically it's like two get overs back to back. Yeah. But, but the, but the more efficient athlete who can rebound would be rewarded as opposed to
Starting point is 01:00:46 the guy who's just like chugging over him i don't think anyone's rebounding over a 48 inches fine maybe it's 24 24 and jr was saying get over because if it's that high then it's going to be called a get over not a jump okay lower it then but somehow rewarding the people who have who have uh well why couldn't you just have 10 boxes and you just jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump. Think about lanes at semifinals. Manny Spiegel, gimmicky.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Shut up, Manny. I think if balance is tested, I think there's a really good chance we see the handstand walk obstacle come back. It's not been programmed at a semifinal that's been put on by CrossFit since 2018, but yet we've had some sort of handstand walk obstacle course in the game since 2018. So it's shown up at the games every year, but not before. So people can be tested on it. I think they'll bring that back. Or this is the first year in three years that bosses program quarterfinals that we haven't had pistols.
Starting point is 01:01:49 The first year had 180. The second year had 90. And I think there's a really, really good chance. It's only been programmed once before in competition at the CrossFit Games on the finale. But I think there's a good chance that the kettlebells are for weighted pistols. that the kettlebells are for weighted pistols. I apologize. This is just in. I just read that the three-quarters of the San Francisco Giants have diarrhea after a special road series in Mexico City. Reminds me of the regionals in Utah. Daniel Garrity, I just actually fact-checked that,
Starting point is 01:02:20 and that's actually true. The Giants did go to Mexico, and the New York Post reports it as an actual shit show this is this is a sports show brian this isn't just we're just not just focused on crossfit this is like eclectic go wide range uh and any anything else you guys see that's like yeah for sure it's going to be there the turkish get up finally adrian's going to do it pull the trigger on it no not the not the Turkish get up. I know Chase has been really adamant that he believes as long as Bob is in charge, eventually he will find a way to standardize that movement.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Yeah, I think so too. Ryan? I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility. But that's one of those things that I would say, if you're going to put it in there, make sure that you have a really sound plan for how it's going to be judged. Go ahead. I was just going to say the last,
Starting point is 01:03:15 the last thing that Boz has talked about on a couple interviews that he's done, I think on a couple of podcasts with Chase, maybe one with, with Pat, is, and this was shortly after the V-Up came out. And obviously it was a really polarizing topic to think about, you know, how you move was judged. It wasn't just get from point A to point B. It was how you got there. So that opens the door to really, like, endless possibilities when it comes to just judging movements and competition. But he made a big point that, and he's right, almost everything we have in CrossFit is hip
Starting point is 01:03:52 extension. It's like any weightlifting movement, right? Deadlifts, kettlebell swings, dumbbell snatches, everything is trunk extension, but we have very, very little trunk flexion. So when you think about those movements, you have toes to bar, you have V-ups now, you have GHD sit-ups, you have weighted GHD sit-ups. A lot of people will say a skier gives just a lot of trunk flexion and they're right. But I think about Boz's affinity for things that maybe people don't train anymore that they should. And that's why I go immediately to L-sit and to knees to elbow. Knees to elbow has never been programmed in a CrossFit games competition. You can teach a judge to say, hey, if patella doesn't touch olecranon, it's not a rep.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Patella, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. If a patella doesn't touch your labia, no rep, dude. What was the – what was the, a rep, the what? I'm pretty sure it's a lecronom process, but I'm not sure. But anyway, it's elbow bone to knee bone, right? To kneecap. And if it doesn't hit it, if it's a tricep, and anyone that doesn't train those,
Starting point is 01:04:57 they're in a lot of old, like Paul the Hero workout has knees to elbows in it. They were programmed a lot back in the day. I never see anyone train them. We did them a few weeks ago. You essentially have to do half of a pull up every single time. And thinking about doing a movement like that with interference, like with a legless rope climb would just be devastating to people.
Starting point is 01:05:20 So we did, I do knees to elbows quite a bit and they're from time to time. I remember there was a 20 minute AMRAP I think it was strict knees to elbow, a wall walk and something else. I can't quite remember, but no, I think it was just a couplet for 20 minutes. Oh, strict knees to elbow and wall walks. Yeah, we did that. So there's a funny story. Andy, my boss goes, he's at the whiteboard briefing this workout for knees to elbow and
Starting point is 01:05:43 everybody walks up and he's a, he's a standards Nazi. And so everybody's at the whiteboard briefing this workout for knees to elbow and everybody walks up and he's a he's a standards nazi and so everybody's at the white andy hendel yeah we're running back for the ramps one of the oldest seminar staff linebacker linebacker but he goes uh he goes all right everybody do this and everybody does this he goes now everybody do this everybody taps their elbow and he puts him up he goes now everybody do this he goes that's not a fucking knees to elbow the whole class erupts in laughter. And I think when a lot of athletes do that, they hit their kneecaps to triceps. And that's exactly something that I could see Boz putting in there. Athletes are just haphazardly doing knees to elbows and not doing the proper range of motion or the proper standard.
Starting point is 01:06:18 And they get hammered for it. So I love that thought, the knees to elbow. We did a workout earlier this week that was 2223 intervals. 110 calories for ladies 150 cal row for men with like, each buy in was alternated between 25 knees to elbow and 25 toes bar. So round one needs to elbow around two toes bar round three needs to elbow around four toes to bar. And the combo at first for me needs to elbow, round four toes to bar. And the combo, at first for me, knees to elbow are easier than toes to bar. The range of motion, I think, is lower, so I can do this very muted kip and just bend the elbows slightly and pull my knees straight up
Starting point is 01:06:52 and hit the elbows. Good to go. And then after the second round with the row combination, they were nuts. Super, super disgusting. I like that idea. I would love to see them. I had this comment that Anthony made I would love to see them. I had a, this,
Starting point is 01:07:06 this comment that Anthony made about the knee tucks in the army for their PT test. There's a guy who he was, when he was in high school, he was training at the gym over here and then he went to the army and he comes back every once in a while. And sometimes they'll just walk into the gym and just do one thing just to see if he can do it. And then he's doing that because he knows he's going to take a test for the army of some kind.
Starting point is 01:07:26 And one day he did this thing where he was holding onto the bar and he pulled up his knees and touches elbows on one side. And then he did the other side and he had been maybe five or six on each side and he felt, okay, I have that one. I'm good to go. And I was asked what he's doing. And I, and I had this thought when he told me about it and I'm like, you know, to what Taylor said, like we've never, or maybe JR, we've never seen these programmed.
Starting point is 01:07:45 And it's something that has some roots, not just in CrossFit, old workouts, but also in the army. So it makes me wonder if it's something that Dave and of course, because Adrian's been right there with him for so long, have talked about in the past. And either one of two things, maybe congruently, they decided there's no good way to judge it or to implement it in a competition. Or Dave didn't think there was, but maybe Adrian did. Because Adrian's mentioned that he's had certain ideas in his mind for a long time that he wants to bring in, you know, over the years.
Starting point is 01:08:15 So maybe, you know, either one of those two things could be true. Hey, there's no, hearing you guys talk right now too, there's no, it sounds like there's no better example than the fact that scaling doesn't mean you're getting less of a workout because how often is knees to elbow, the scale for toes to bar or a kipping knee raise, not a true knee to elbow, but something similar. And what you guys are saying is, is no, that's not true. This is, it may be the scaled version of a toes to bar, but the, it's a potent form of exercise and valid. And another good example of that is the kipping pull-up. I know a lot of competitive athletes don't train them, but when you designate a workout to be that gymnastics kip, especially a chest to bar, they're brutal, devastating. Explain to people what a gymnastics kip is. So you're going from a tight hollow to arch. And instead of falling through the bar or
Starting point is 01:09:00 cycling through the bar in a butterfly motion, you're going up to the bar, back down and through up to the bar, back down and through. And and you know and a lot of people mistake that as a strict pull up too just so you know so i use a gymnastics kip all the time and uh people will be like wow your strict pull-ups are amazing because they they basically i mean i do it very subtly with your knees yeah i'm getting just kind of a stretch in here and then stretch reflex. Yeah. Yeah. Time under tension. It's a lot more time. I mean, I love this idea as a,
Starting point is 01:09:28 as a, as a progression of some kind, you know, imagine if you program a workout, that's three rounds for time of 20 pull-ups and the first one's, but has to be butterfly. And the second one has to be kipping. The last one has to be strict or,
Starting point is 01:09:39 you know, nasty. Is that the order you would do it? Yeah. You wouldn't start, you wouldn't start, you wouldn't do it the other way around to hook a brother up start with the strict start with chest to bar or maybe start strict and chest to bar kipping and then and then kipping and then butterfly or some shit really you
Starting point is 01:09:58 do uh i mean maybe the reps maybe the reps, but at least in those 20 weighted at the end. You know, that's, it's funny you say that, you know, like I mentioned the thing about the age groups doing a one rep max weighted pull up. And last year on the game's prediction, that was one of the things I actually thought the individuals were going to do and they didn't. But we think about testing strengths and people always assume it's barbell. Last year he brought out the sandbag and he was like, there's more to strength than just what you can do with a barbell. And so I will still think that the possibility of something like that at the semifinal level to me, whereas a dense legless rope climb workout will weed out those that don't
Starting point is 01:10:47 have good strict pulling capacity so will a weighted pull-up so if they did that as the strength test and not a traditional barbell test it wouldn't surprise me at all but but i think the way to pull up would have to be a higher volume of reps i don't know that a weighted pull-up for a one rep correlates well to a dense amount of strict or legless rope climbs do you i think it'd be three to five reps yeah were wall walks considered a scale for the handstand walk oh interesting okay um uh so so some of these things that we've come up with is uh knees to elbow is uh you think there's a serious possibility of that guys serious one yeah i think that or else i think i think i think trunk flexion is going to be tested for sure
Starting point is 01:11:30 yeah that's that's good stuff uh this uh this is i just this is off subject a little bit someone said did you think um do you think adrian is a positive force for the future of game, the games, or do you think Adrian's programming is where, where was that? I was, as I was pushing the sled around my, Oh,
Starting point is 01:11:55 here we go. Jimmy gross. Curious to get y'all thoughts is boss, a programmer good for the future of the sport. I, as I was pushing the sled around my neighborhood this afternoon, I was thinking about the games last year and I, I loved the programming last year.
Starting point is 01:12:07 Like absolutely. I, I, I thoroughly enjoyed every single bit of it. I even enjoyed the, the one I was most critical of with the, the, the,
Starting point is 01:12:19 the crossovers. And that wasn't so much the workout. That was just the way they executed that competition, eliminating people that I, that I really would have wanted to see it i will also like to say this the game do you guys think the vips was stupid i think that i don't think that the like look the vip in that workout was relevant it was it got it was hard and for a lot of people it was the hardest vips that they've done in a while or maybe ever. I don't like that it was introduced with such a vague description to such a broad group of people taking the test.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Super vague. And this is what I was basically thinking the whole time you were talking too. The programming was not, for me, from Adrian, has not been the issue. It's been the administration of the execution of these things that maybe aren't as well thought out as we were used to getting with Dave, whether it's from the movement standards, the way it looks on the floor, the way that people are able to digest what's happening in terms of the race. There's many other elements of programming than just writing a good workout. And whether it's at the open quarterfinal, semifinal or games level, those are the areas more so than the workouts themselves
Starting point is 01:13:23 that I think adrian can refine and i would just to back up what brian said i did have a private conversation with brian a couple nights ago and this is a little out of context but he said we don't have a problem with the programming adrian's done the programming's been you i don't have any issues with the programming and it was these other things how it's executed the scoring the some of some of the stuff like that, who gets to actually do the workouts. But the programming isn't something that needs tweaking. I think the programming has been great. Here's my one concern, and Halpin kind of hit on it here,
Starting point is 01:13:53 and then I'll let you talk, Mr. Self. Halpin said, V-ups with actual judges to prove a point. I'm concerned that they'll do something just to prove a point. One of the dumbest workouts in the history of the CrossFit Games, if not the dumbest, was when they had the sledgehammer and you had to hit that thing between your legs. And they didn't just do it once. I had that thought. That's a strong flexion.
Starting point is 01:14:14 They did it fucking twice. And it was fucking horrible. It seriously was like looking... It was horrible in every way. And we could do a whole show on how stupid it is and take clips. But they did it twice. And I feel like they may have done it. You thought the salt hanger was a dumb workout?
Starting point is 01:14:32 Completely dumb. Just because it was unable to execute it fairly. There were so many like when it was over, you were never like, yeah, the winner really won. There were two people who cheated. There weren't so many. I don't know if I would say they even cheated. I just thought it was – I wasn't impressed by it. I didn't think that it was a fair test.
Starting point is 01:14:52 Well, when we were talking about trunk flexion, how there are very few weightlifting movements in trunk flexion, that was a thought that came to mind was the assault. That one? You don't think that was dumb? You think that that was worth having in the CrossFit Games twice? Let me put it this way. The first time was a failure. Worth having twice worth having twice no do i think it's entirely
Starting point is 01:15:09 do i think the concept is stupid no maybe there's a different way to involve it but i don't think hitting three times if you count the steak drive yeah i mean at least the steak drive there was there was kind of no way of cheating you You were just – everyone was just – Yeah, but you might have a fucking root under your fucking dirt pile, and the other guy doesn't. Well, what they did do there is they dug out the trench there and then poured the sand in, and it was supposed to be fair. Yeah, right. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Anyway, I just get – I hope that they wouldn't redo something just to prove a point that it wasn't dumb. I would hope the same. I like Boz's programming as a whole. One thing I just don't like at all was that there wasn't a burpee in the games last year. To his credit, it's the CrossFit Games, and you know all 40 of those athletes on either side can do burpees. But at the same time, god damn, bro. To his credit, it's the CrossFit games, and you know all 40 of those athletes on either side can do burpees, but at the same time, god damn, bro.
Starting point is 01:16:09 Come on. I know, and they didn't even do a plank hold. Okay, dude. Fuck you. Do you guys think – would you guys be surprised if crossover double-unders are not at semifinals for the individuals? I would be surprised. I would too. semifinals for the individuals.
Starting point is 01:16:22 I would be surprised. I would too. Isgak Ujdanzidji says, your government is pursuing fascism in its foreign policy in Ukraine as well as in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Russia will win. Hey, suck my hemorrhoid. Thank you. Brian, jump rope variations you've specifically asked about the double the crossover uh double under i think that we will definitely see it at either semifinals or the games in a capacity where the entire group of athletes taking the test gets to gets to do it i could also see him not putting it in semifinals and just throwing people for a loop yeah or everyone thinks i mean a lot of people feel strongly about this and it chases one of
Starting point is 01:17:10 them in the negative direction everyone's been practicing crossover doubles and what if he just has people do triples does exactly i've had a lot of people do triple i've had a lot of my athletes practice or maybe he just he just goes uh oh you guys got a jump rope? Okay. 1,000 double unders for time. Just goes back on everything that he ever led us to believe about what a jump rope is meant to be for. By the way, good point, by the way. You forgot to say our government is actively pursuing young children also, which is also a problem. Let's take care of that, and then we'll figure out the rest of it. How about that?
Starting point is 01:17:42 You think parallel bars, either for just traverses or for dips, will trickle down, or do you think that just will stay at the games as something they bring back every once in a while? Again, I think a logistical issue there, potentially. I think so, too. No fucking way we see parallel bars in the...
Starting point is 01:18:00 If we had someone good on the back end tonight, they would have pulled up Taylor doing a jump rope crossover progression while we were having that last conversation it's a sick video dude it's a dope reel oh is it on his uh instagram it's on uh program instagram pull it up dude uh dave newman did a session with me and michelle self-made did he come to the place he lives in, I don't even fucking know where. San Diego. Okay, San Diego.
Starting point is 01:18:29 We did a Zoom session. Self-made what? Training? Come on, dude. It's literally this. Man-bond training program. Oh, wow. Wow, look at this.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Okay, here we go. Wow, your Instagram, your Instagram's looking uh fierce it's heating up a little bit yeah geez louise dude look at this and there's a there's just some sort of theme going on here some continuity between all the look at the javelin throw blue hue i saw it it was stupid i saw you dude it was it was it was like it was if if liver kings was a four years was a 4.2 well at least i beat that bucker yeah uh let's see this uh here we go this is hard as fuck hey you should have put something in your pants so we could see it
Starting point is 01:19:18 flopping around in your sweats i was thinking about that when i was like dude why does it look like i have a camel toe and that other guy has a fucking kielbasa in his shorts? What the fuck, man? Hey, what are those pants you're wearing? They're fucking Under Armour sweatpants, dude. I know. Don't ever wear those.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Those are like from the 70s. Those things probably, you could wash those four times and they'd still stink that is disgusting the fuck hey you know what's funny too is when you do the crossover you look like you're a crowded fuck you i had two pair of those sweatpants and i wear them every week no stop hey what roman wears is fucking more masculine than those. Listen, listen, look how crowded you look right there. He tells you to fucking hollow when we're doing the cross motion, bro.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Take the fucking drill video with Dave. Okay. Learn your shit, son. You know what it actually does? I know a lot of people that need to see this video, by the way. You know what,
Starting point is 01:20:18 you know what it does though? For me, he was talking about, we talked a lot about shortening the rope and keeping the hands within the strike zone and crossing over and reaching down and dude my tits are just way too like they get in the way and my chest was cramps when i do these drills i'm great at crossover double unders but dude like drills like this like this smokes you your tits get in the way they do look at how how like you said my chest is crowded. My pecs cramp up.
Starting point is 01:20:45 I did a bunch of ring dips before this, and my pec was cramping. I clipped that. Well, 118 to 120, my tits get in the way. It's fucking brilliant. Only on the Sevan podcast. Wow. Hey, this is a nice Instagram account. It really is.
Starting point is 01:21:01 Thank you. Crazy. You can credit Will. Sevan, let me throw this at you at the table table here and i want your opinion as well please i want to see real running at semifinals no treadmills no shuttle runs yeah like um so if you saw the layout of let's just say like north america east like what the venue is going to look like and you have two competition floors. You have another area.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Do you think there's a possibility they could barricade almost like a 400 kind of around the perimeter of the competition floors? And then they would enter back in to where they could go out and run a mile and they would run four laps and then come onto the floor into their lane and do something. I would love it if they made that happen. Give me minimum distance brian give me a minimum distance 400 maybe 400 meters at a time it's just what about going 200 to 200 back what about turning around at a 200 meter mark sure okay what about turning around at 100 meter mark i'm just trying to see if they can get it done inside yeah Yeah, I mean, I think... You don't want a shuttle run.
Starting point is 01:22:06 That's 100 is close to a shuttle run. Yeah, no, I don't. No, no. I don't want any... I mean, I just... Like, once you get to the games, you know that running's going to be tested. Actual running's going to be tested in three or four different ways. It always is.
Starting point is 01:22:22 I think that they should test it at least once before they get there. It's a lot easier to test than swimming. I love the thought of running being there. I absolutely love it. The machines, every time I see a machine, I have a subtle adverse reaction to it. I just don't like the machines.
Starting point is 01:22:41 I just don't like the machines. I love the idea of real running, but I also think semifinals are a perfect place to market the new Rogue Runner, and I'd be surprised if they didn't use it. I don't think that they are under pressure like that. No, I don't either, but I think they're good friends. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:04 And if they've used a runner for however many years and rogue's now coming out with one has anyone seen that runner yeah it's a woodway runner but rogue is now partnered with woodway and woodway i think pretty sure woodway has the original patent on the curved runner they do we had them at my high uh college gym is there lawsuits around that then they have the patent for the original uh curved runner i think so but but i don't think there are lawsuits around it woodway treadmills interesting just go there as if it's fucked they're like fucking 10 grand is it on the rogue site yeah
Starting point is 01:23:46 what would I call it rogue runner just put in rogue treadmill or rogue woodway it'll pop up I see true form runner is that it no keep going god damn the true form runner is 7 grand yeah fucking total waste
Starting point is 01:24:04 wow treadmills keep going god damn the true form runner is seven grand yeah fucking total waste wow um treadmills yeah yeah it's in there that's oh here it is oh wow look at that screen on that thing affordable too dude it's it's four grand as opposed to a seven grand yeah that's not a that's just a car hey why is that one so expensive Hey, why is that one so expensive? Why is that one so expensive, that $7,000 one? It's gender neutral. Oh, understood. Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Hey, I have one of these. I have one of these. Not the Woodway one. I have one that they don't even sell on here. It's the Assault Fitness one. Yeah, I like that one, the Air Runner. It's dope. This thing's beautiful, though.
Starting point is 01:24:52 Who has this? does anyone have this no is the action on it going to be different between the like the assault bike and the echo bike i think that rich has one of those the nice woodways woodways have a couple woodways have a couple at least the brand of models and they have one brand that feel or one model that feels a lot like true form where it feels like there's almost resistance when you run. And then there's one model that feels like an air runner, but more free. So whereas like the difference between an air runner and a true form, the air runner feels like you're not pushing anything. You're just kind of carrying momentum and the true form feels like you're pushing resistance. This woodway, one of the woodway models feels like there's less resistance
Starting point is 01:25:25 than an air runner. Like it's super free. Uh, you, you know what else too? The, the one, the salt one I have is really cool, but in, in all reality, um, I probably shouldn't say this. I'm going to get hammered in the comments, but I'm too short to really see the monitor. Like I have to like run up to the front and like look at like you know what i mean yeah yeah yeah i have to like i have to step on the gas and get up to the front to like see it i gotta do i think i'm peeking over the top this this monitor is dope okay that is a monitor all right ken walter's that short it's five five'5". I'm just 5'5". We've got to play around with JR.
Starting point is 01:26:07 We've got to play around with ChatGPT. I've got some stuff to tell you about that. It's very interesting with programming. I was at dinner one night, and I had a buddy. Me and my buddy asked ChatGPT to program the CrossFit Games, and it was terrible, to say the least, what it came out with. I'm not surprised. It was like pull-ups and thrusters and deadlifts and four and the four first
Starting point is 01:26:28 workouts in some different format or another. Because we have a, because we have the most recent sample of programming being the age group semifinals workouts. And I think it's really, it it's pertinent here because you wonder when you see the formats of the last few years, outside of the sandbag ladder and the barbell complex, that was a streamlined program workout.
Starting point is 01:27:16 Strength has always been tested under fatigue with boss, always back nine shuttle to overhead. with boss always back nine shuttle to overhead um uh age group clean and jerk was right after death by wall balls age group had a snatch ladder with a one minute rest in between loads um 23.3 ended with a moderately heavy snatch 23.2 a was a one rep max thruster after a bunch of shuttle runs and burpee pull-ups. 225, 155 snatches for reps was right after like a mini triple threes type workout for the age groups. Like, are we going to see this kind of format where strength is tested again at a high heart rate? Or what a lot of people would argue is that the people that are now taking the test deserve to be able to showcase their strength when they're not out of breath. What do you guys think about that? Or eventually will we see,
Starting point is 01:28:10 or eventually will we see the opposite, you know, where there's a, maybe you, you have an opportunity to lift in some capacity that leads into something that demands, you know, a certain amount of capacity after having hit the nervous system with a heavy lift or complex or three to five rep max. Yeah, and the last time I can think about that happening is one of my favorite workout combinations at regionals, right? Wasn't it three rep max overhead squat from the floor right into 30 burpee ring muscle-ups? Yeah, and even you think about, I'm not sure if you listed it off in that,
Starting point is 01:28:44 but the shuttle to overhead workout from the games. It was get out of breath, then lift. Are we going to see the opposite at any point? What announcements are coming or what will we see? We're 14 days away from the actual event that will take place on May 18th. What is coming down the pipe that would give us enough fodder to have another show? We're 14 days away from the 18th. Does that mean it's May the 4th? Isn't this one of your favorite
Starting point is 01:29:10 days, Sevan? Dude, Sevan doesn't watch Star Wars. Tomorrow's Cinco de Mayo? Sevan next. It's such a... Come on. Sevan, next Thursday we're doing a show because the programming is supposed to be released next Thursday. Okay, or is that on the schedule? Oh, that's, I love these shows too. Cause I don't have to
Starting point is 01:29:28 do too much prep for them and I'm going to be out of town. Okay. So that is, so we are doing another prediction show or more semifinals programming part two. Well, the idea was that this was our predictions previewing what we would expect to see in that a week from now at the same time, we should know the programming. And so we'll evaluate it. And you can obviously from your notes today, you can say, hey, you guys had expected this and we saw it. Or, you know, we didn't even talk about this and it's showing up. And when you say we'll know the programming, that could mean, hey, we know four of the workouts and two of them are going to be announced there at the event.
Starting point is 01:29:59 I don't see that happening because they should release all the workouts so that every set of athletes gets at least some amount of time to prepare whereas if they at least it released some at the event some at north america east and africa then those athletes would have zero chance to repair whereas week two three etc would all have a chance to repair for those tests uh andy someone only watched star wars for the chick with three tits wasn't the chick with three tits. Wasn't the chick with three tits in that Schwarzenegger movie, Total Recall, and not Star Wars? I'm pretty sure it's only allowed to have happened in one movie. Someone, did Caleb get fired? No, he was pissed because he had,
Starting point is 01:30:39 Taylor's a better looking bald guy, so he's not coming on. Okay, any risky i like this uh knees to um elbows we know for sure you guys can pretty much write that in that is going to be there for sure uh brian uh it said running outside uh um running sorry not with a machine um taylor do you have anything that you want to throw out there that's, hey, this is going to be there? Guys, get ready. He's got to do some sort of weird object thing too, right? So Adrian is an eclectic motherfucker, right? He likes boxing.
Starting point is 01:31:15 He likes odd objects. He likes gymnastics and pistols. He likes overhead. He likes old school CrossFit shit. He wants to show stuff we've never seen because we didn't look back into the past. I think kettlebells are a very realistic option. JR mentioned the weighted pistol, but I think a dual kettlebell hang snatch is a likely option. And maybe even something where they truly standardize the kettlebell front rack i know at the games in 2018 they they there were mixed standards or seemed to be on the shoulder to overhead workout with the row and handstand walk where some athletes lowered the kettlebells to here other athletes just brought
Starting point is 01:31:53 down to the shoulders and went overhead i think that's another thing that plays with boz's theme of having athletes do things correctly and standardizing that kettlebell front rack position and there are various movements to perform with the kettlebells in that proper rack position that are devastating. I don't see him doing a kettlebell hand clean and jerk again right after the games, but I could see him using them in some other form or fashion. So for semifinals, you see in kettlebells, you could get to Africa.
Starting point is 01:32:21 Yeah. And you could do running outside in Africa, and you could do knees to elbows in Africa. I think we'll, I think we'll still see the rings, but I think it is going to be used in a way that people think they're too good for ring pushup. I really, I like that a lot and I could really see a ring pushup cause they're brutal and that's not too difficult of a standard. I don't think you standardize, you you know you have the rings at a uniform height an inch or two inches off the floor um and your shoulder touches the top of the ring at the bottom of the rep and your elbows reach full extension they're in line with the body
Starting point is 01:32:54 um i think the tough part about that is do you decide to get into the weeds of standardizing you know hip or midline stabilization, shoulders and hips rising together, or a saggy hip. Can you standardize that, Brian? Saggy hip. It's where if you do push-ups, your dick stays on the ground, but your chest comes up. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:17 One of my kids does that. That's how all girls do push-ups. That's how all girls do push-ups. That's how all girls do push-ups. Samantha, I'm still voting for women's perspective on this topic. The patriarchy is too strong here. Listen, you call in tomorrow morning at 7. We'll fucking fight this out. We're going to call this show Mansplaining with Sevan.
Starting point is 01:33:37 Mr. JR, go ahead. They did hand-release push-ups for the adaptive division to make it to the games. And if they can judge a rigid body line on a hand-release push-ups for the adaptive division to make it to the games and if they can judge a rigid body line on a hand release push-up they can judge it at an individual in-person event they had that was a standard rigid body line the athlete must maintain a rigid body line throughout the movement that's so vague i don't i don't know brian what do you think again i think the v-up is a sets of precedents that anything you think can't be standardized and judged, you need to think again.
Starting point is 01:34:09 But is that a good idea? Well, that's not the question here. You're right. You're right. You're right. But I don't think that's – yeah, I don't know. I think you just say top of the shoulder touches the ring and elbows reach full extension. And, you know, something else I thought about the rings was maybe they do like a 21-15-9.
Starting point is 01:34:27 Let's just say like they do an Elizabeth variation where they do 21-15-9 dumbbell squat cleans and strict ring dips. But you have to do them from a muscle-up station. So you get up onto the high rings and you do them. And maybe the rep scheme is such to where you can't go unbroken or it's ascending. So the penalty for not going unbroken is just doing more muscle-ups. do them and maybe the rep scheme is such to where you can't go on broken or it's ascending so the penalty for not going unbroken is just can just doing more muscle-ups uh here's the thing daniel uh it's not uh it's not taylor who doesn't understand it it's not binary you fuck it
Starting point is 01:34:57 that's what a standard needs to be easy day easy don't beat up on my on my uh one of my regulars uh mr mr garrity i for Mr. Thumbs outburst at you. Why does Taylor not, it's not him that doesn't understand it. He's it's, it's the rest of the world. The judges, the athletes, are they all in sync? What is, what is rigid mean? Where is the yes or no it is rigid or it isn't. And where's that line? I think that line can be blurred too much. Just like feet are together. Feet together is not yes or no. Well, my feet together could mean they're moving in in sync with one another or they're close together. It doesn't say touching like the V up standard.
Starting point is 01:35:36 So I just think that a standard needs to be binary on off. Yes. No. So, so do you think a ring pushup or a ring row is easier or harder to judge than a strict ring muscle-up which one's more likely to come back oh no i think they're equally as difficult i just think you have to have the proper standard is it worth trying to standardize a rigid body line or do you just stick with what is binary shoulder touches the top of the ring elbows reach extension and if you want to fucking leave your dick on the floor do it i don't know i think the rings would be elevated to like 12 inches and they and they'd be given a ballistic block to put their feet so their feet and the bottom of the rings are the exact same height
Starting point is 01:36:19 yeah and they can they're they wouldn't they could look at the torso and the hip. And hips and shoulders have to rise together. I just, again, I don't see how you can – because they can kind of rise together. They can kind of not rise together. And what are you going to hold a fucking level on their – I don't know. I mean – Mess around with it in the gym this week. Try it out.
Starting point is 01:36:43 Let me prod you guys a little bit more. Let me see if this guy any any crazy anything strong man shit uh like the sandbag um are we gonna see any i think a d-ball has a has an opportunity to come to make a reappearance you think there'll be a cut at the semifinals a cut you know this cut no go yeah go to the go to the final event and it's a it's a you know 200 pound there's six or ten 200 pound d-balls out there and they got to carry it you You know this cut? No. Yeah, go to the final event, and it's a 200-pound. There's six or 10 200-pound D-balls out there, and they got to carry it 100 feet.
Starting point is 01:37:09 It's like some shit like that. Brian sent me workout a few – maybe it's been a month now, and it really kind of stayed with me because it's a workout we usually see at the games, but it could easily be done at a semi-final it would just require a lot of sandbags so let's just say that they had um 100 pound sandbag a 150 a 200 and 250 they said all right the workout is to get them all carry them to the end of the floor when you get them all down there carry them back and that's that's it. And I think this workout was done with like a plyo box and a barbell and some plates. It was like get as much weird stuff as you can find that equals 1,000 pounds or whatever.
Starting point is 01:37:56 Move it 50 yards and then move it back. And that's like – that's pure work. And that would be something really cool I think at a semifinal level. I did a workout like this. I just loaded up a weight tree with as many weights as it could hold. I saw when you posted that. Unload it on the sled in any way you want, push it across. And when they get all the way over there,
Starting point is 01:38:15 then load them any way back and build the weight tree back up. Like it does take a lot of equipment, but it's a, you know, it's reminiscent of the wheelbarrow and sandbag moves from times in the past, but you could do it with a variety of different things. And I definitely think that there's a possibility to see something like that, even something that's a little bit maybe simpler instead of needing four sandbags. But you think back to it. What was the name of the workout at the games where they carried three different objects across the floor?
Starting point is 01:38:43 Oh, yeah. The yoke and then the cans. Way before then, way before that. No, they carried a slug. It was like 100 pounds, like a cylinder. And then they carried a sandbag. And then they carried like a feed sack or something like that. And that's reminiscent of Baz's philosophy, again, with the alpaca workout.
Starting point is 01:39:03 Load up whatever you have, move it. But I mean, and again again you could do something so if there is a test like that it could be a buy-in for something else and it could be scored separately or as a you know a partially scored event uh hey i don't think that that's ever going to see the light of day. I don't know, man. I, I, I don't know. I just looked up the word Orient, Brian. I should have fact checked you. I should have fact checked you this morning. Oriental or Orient?
Starting point is 01:39:43 He got all fucking puffy chested on me. Brian was slapping me around this morning. Dunking on me. Dunking on me. Getting crazy. I don't think he, I don't think, I looked up Oriental and Orient. And I don't see the definition that you were. A granny basketball shot. You were proposing to me.
Starting point is 01:40:04 Okay. Thank you. Anything else? Fantastic hanging out with you guys and you three also. Everyone in the chat, love you. Anything else you'd like to add? Anything crazy?
Starting point is 01:40:20 Anything weird with the rings we might see? Anything weird with ropes? Last question I want to ask is, what is the appropriate long test for a semifinal? That's a good question because we had two different kind of bases. Shit, Brian's going to have his own show soon. Patrick Clark's going to be like, see, you were great at asking the questions.
Starting point is 01:40:40 At the end of the show there, you really did a fantastic job. I really hope there's something over 30 minutes. 30. 30 is the number for me. Because you know at the games they're going to do at least one, maybe two there on that time domain. Hey, I don't think that's the problem with how long they are. I think that there's not enough really, really short ones.
Starting point is 01:41:00 And that's why I like that's why i liked like that's why i like chase's um idea of that i like ones where you can really sprint but it's still some crazy shit i think you know when i put my what we need to see at semifinals in that article that brian had i i i put the minimum needed to be 18 minutes and i think for generally speaking, an athlete who's going to win an 18 to 24 minute workout is probably pretty similar to the athlete that's going to win a 30 to 25 to 35 minute workout. So so for me, the difference is, I also think it's important when that workout shows up. Yeah, you know, because not only do I want to obviously test that time domain, but I think that something happens differently to the body after 25 or 30
Starting point is 01:41:50 minutes. And those are the two numbers that I was kind of flirting with that I would want the fastest to be in a test like this and the long test. And I think it needs to show up in the first half of the test and, and preferably not as the last test of a day. So maybe, you know, So Monday morning or Friday, Saturday morning. Friday or Saturday morning.
Starting point is 01:42:07 Open up with it maybe, yeah. Yeah, either Friday or Saturday morning. Because then there's not just that test, but there's how do you respond to what happens to your body after that test. And we saw this, and Boz has talked about it in the case of the capital, is that choosing what workout to put after that at the games last year was not something that he did absentmindedly. He knows that that test was going to have a devastating effect on athletes. And then to be able to rebound from that and do explosive jumping and high and high
Starting point is 01:42:36 skill gymnastics, the ring muscle up was something that he wanted to test under a different kind of fatigue, not, not at the end of the-minute workout, but two hours after finishing an hour-long workout. Yes, I signed the pair of shoes and sent them back to you. It's someone's man bun, his midlife crisis Corvette. Brian, that has been the tradition to start the games with a long workout. Why not do it the other way too? Why not invert that and be like, Hey, put it at the end, make it a 40 minute work.
Starting point is 01:43:07 I did that without a lamp. And I think it showed you why they, it's not a great idea to do that. Why? What happened? The athletes just all kind of just did what they had to do. There wasn't really any intensity behind it, except for one athlete.
Starting point is 01:43:21 Who is that? Carrie Pierce. Hmm. I think setting the tone with it is, is a, I like that. What's too long, Brian,
Starting point is 01:43:30 what's too long over 40. I mean, this depends on, on how you run that test because you, you know, if you have 60 athletes in the field and you come up with something where you can run them all at once,
Starting point is 01:43:42 I think you can go a little bit longer, but if you're restricted to heats of 10, then that does become a logistical problem. Do you think if they run a long workout, I guess in my opinion, at the semifinal level, even a long event needs to test a combination of movements that's outside of simply monostructural so like like a triple triple three for example like the time domain is great but i don't want to see triple three at regionals i would like to see some other weightlifting gymnastic movements involved in that test a chipper um or something like the capital where there's a lot of monostructural but but there's some other stuff in there too.
Starting point is 01:44:26 Some carry some other things. I love that format. No, I'm not vaxxed. Fuck. No, that was easy. This is the first time ever.
Starting point is 01:44:44 Michael C says that Sevan tried to end the show and Brian kept it going search for oriental vs occidental like I told you in the private chat after this after you search this Sevan can we mention what me and JR's plan is
Starting point is 01:45:00 JR are you ok with that what we talked about, dude? You guys are going to try to have a baby? Oh, my. I'm pregnant. Oriental versus Occidental. The United States is an Occidental country. The word Occidental is uncommon these days,
Starting point is 01:45:20 in part because it historically has been the opposite of Orient. Oriental. A term for eastern countries of the world, mainly asia which has come to be considered offensive do you know do you know why words become offensive do you know because people are bitches yeah well it's it's not because they are offensive it's because it's it's just all social control conformity it's just a fucking it's bullying social bullying just to get everyone on the same page to be afraid to be fake it's fucking insane i'm gonna you start using the word oriental all the time it's a beautiful word but this is this is patrick clark is oriental
Starting point is 01:45:56 oriental is referring to an eastern area and occidental is referring to a western area that's cool i didn't know i had never heard ox and that stuff I told you this morning about Mexico is true also, that they have two mountain ranges, and they're called the Oriental and the Occidental. And they're not offended by it. Mexico City is a valley, and those are the mountains on either side. And then on the other side of those, you have two bodies of water. JR got the munchies.
Starting point is 01:46:21 Here we go. Seven on a rant. I'm chill. I'm chill. Okay. Anything else? I think we did an amazingies. Here we go. Seven on a rant. I'm chill. I'm chill. Okay. Anything else? I think we did an amazing show. Oh,
Starting point is 01:46:27 it's a listen. Go ahead, Taylor. Tell him this is never even going to happen. Taylor doesn't, Taylor doesn't have the hootspa and follow through. He's got too many things on his plate. He's too busy.
Starting point is 01:46:37 Fuck. I've been begging. Go ahead. I've been begging for this. Here we go. You say it. I want to say, yeah, tell him I want to hear it. Can I talk been begging for this. Here we go. You say it. I want to say it.
Starting point is 01:46:45 Yeah, tell them. I want to hear it. Can I talk about it? Sure. Yeah, I want to hear it. Sevan's going to be gracious enough to lend us his platform to do a programming show, a short programming show with me and JR from time to time. So we're pretty excited about it.
Starting point is 01:47:00 We're not sure. On a regular basis, a monthly basis. Yes, for sure. For sure. At least a monthly basis. But sure for sure at least a monthly basis um but i can't make the schedule jr doesn't want me to do that so i'm not going to we're just going to talk when we want to talk which will be and when does it start it's after semi-finals it starts right it's the week i get back from africa we're going to do our first one that's september no no no dude may that's uh that's june may okay may jr wants to call it shut up and scribble oh i like it really is that really consider the name pretty good name yep how about
Starting point is 01:47:37 um there's a few different reasons for that here we go cornholio i told you the seven network is coming hey listen if someone if you're on the show and someone asks you that question, you can't answer it. You can't talk about that. If I'm – When you and Jay are on the show, whatever that – Don't do any – There's going to be people who are in the comments who are going to try to get you to talk about shit. It's going to give me a strike.
Starting point is 01:47:59 Just don't resist. Okay. We're going to be engaging in only the shit that you don't like to talk about i love talking about that we don't interfere okay great you guys can talk about whatever i love it it's gonna i can't wait i'm so excited thank you i can't wait till people throw money at the show and we get in a fight because you're gonna ask me for it no that's not gonna happen i know the show's good for me uh samantha h you need to have a woman's perspective. Oh, here we go. Again? God. I identify, Samantha. I'm a woman.
Starting point is 01:48:27 How dare you assume Brian's gender. Samantha H., you need to have a woman's perspective on your programming show. Find a woman. Oh, look, and there's steps to it, too. A, find a woman. A real woman. Any woman, as long as she's a real one, not a fake one with a dick. Fine.
Starting point is 01:48:42 Okay. Yeah, Will's going to answer Sarah's question. Will's going where me and Will are flying together. So we're going to document the whole thing. The 18-hour flight is going to be crazy. Taylor is a woman. Thank you. Thank you, Magnus.
Starting point is 01:48:56 Thank you. Okay. Savon is pimping out Taylor. Fair enough. Did you see Kate Gordon got a haircut? Did you see that? Kate Gordon? A couple weeks ago. Is that her name, Kate Gordon?
Starting point is 01:49:08 She shaved her head. The British girl? Australian girl, yeah. She shaved her head? Completely shaved it. I mean, not... Brian, take your hat off. Is your hair shaved? Head shaved?
Starting point is 01:49:23 No, not now. But it might be for semifinals. I'm considering it. Not big. Do it. Why don't you shave your fucking head? I did. I shaved the sides. Oh my god, dude. You have the lesbo cut. Yeah, that's what one of my lesbian friends said. I look like a Viking dyke.
Starting point is 01:49:39 That's what Garrett told me. I look like a Viking dyke. Alright, guys. Thank you veryke. All right, guys. Thank you very much. Tomorrow morning, live call-in show. I'm super excited about it. Who knows? Maybe Greg will call in again.
Starting point is 01:49:54 We've been rocking the house with that. Fortunate with that. Actually, I would love to get Dave Castro on. I'm going to bug him right when we get off. I'd love to get him on and find out. I have some questions about the Jocko podcast, but most importantly, tomorrow night at 6 PM Pacific standard time,
Starting point is 01:50:10 Mike Halpin will be here and we will be discussing his favorite subject with Brian friend, which is, we're going to be talking about the, the strength of field number and worldwide rankings and some of the issues are with it, but more importantly, how to remedy the situation.
Starting point is 01:50:27 A no, a remedy. We came up with a, it's not necessarily the best, but everyone's been asking, well, you guys said that you have a better solution. So we tried something and we're going to show you what we came up with.
Starting point is 01:50:37 Okay. Perfect. Oh, you did send that to me in the chat. Thank you. All right. Uh, see you guys tomorrow morning and I'll see you guys in 11 hours and 8 minutes. Bye-bye. Oh, thank you, by the way. I should say thank you. Thank you, CrossFitCraft and Self-Made Training Program and BeFriendly Fitness.
Starting point is 01:51:01 Thank you. And Caleb and Sousa for not running the back end of the day.

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