The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Semifinals WEST | Day 1 Pre-Show

Episode Date: May 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. In the comments. Bam, we're live. Hi, welcome, welcome. Oh, shit, I forgot to put in my toe spacers.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Mr. Watkins, Mr. Spin, hi. Nice to have you guys on the show. I see John Young in the back is still getting dressed. Uh, we are 55, 54 minutes away from event one at the Northwest semifinals. Uh, incredible caliber of athletes, a super quick, let's review the workout that will start in 54 minutes. It looks like that is going to be broadcast on the, you're gonna have to go to the CrossFit podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:08 And in order to watch this. Mr. Weed. I'll fuck you. I'll deal with you later. Never mind. I'll deal with you later. Okay. We're going to go over event number one.
Starting point is 00:01:22 It's not going to be broadcast by the traditional team. Like it wasn't last week. They're going to be doing the sort of gorilla. Hey, what's up, John? They're going to be doing the gorilla stuff. Same that they did last week. This week, as we found out in a few hours, Chase will be doing it from home. Adrian will be on site and they're going to try to up their game, which is always, which I'm glad they're doing right.
Starting point is 00:01:46 But it's always risky. So we're gonna have to be uh patient uh it looks like they're gonna they've upped their camera game and they're gonna up their mic game a little bit by having some people roaming uh who are able to maybe call in um but either way i'm excited for it uh i think adrian and chase killed it last week the workout is 3 000 meters on the echo bike then a sled pool and then uh where do they go from there they go to the air runner for 2 000 meters then more sled pool and a thousand meters on the skier and then more hand pool um this morning i had the opportunity to speak with brian friend and i was like holy shit can you believe how amazing kate van uh caitlin van zeel is in australia uh setting the world record on that. And he pointed out some very interesting facts to me.
Starting point is 00:02:27 And he didn't want to take away, by the way, anything from how well those women did over there. But he said you cannot compare these events from region to region to region because obviously the floors are so different. Because I can't remember exactly what the numbers were, but he was saying how many women finished in Australia versus how many women finished in North America East. And there's no way that if they were pulling on the same floors, those numbers would represent that, meaning so many more women in a weaker class in Australia finished, I guess, than in North America East. Thoughts on that, Mr. Young? Yeah, I mean, if the flooring is that much different, it's going to be way different. The way we watched North America East,
Starting point is 00:03:12 the whole event was the sled. And if that was not the case in Australia, then they're two different events. Cumminsidey. Good morning. I'm very excited to watch all of these shows throughout they. Good morning. I'm very excited to watch all of these shows throughout the weekend. Thank you. Use contraception, please. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Can we pull up the list of... Who goes first here, the men or the women? The women will go first. Okay. or the women the the women will go first okay and so let's pull up the uh women's list um do we know anything about the floor in this place are we expecting the sled pull to be uh fast like it was in australia or a little slower like it was in the northeast i'm imagining they transitioned the same flooring that was in the east to the west so you mean loaded up in a semi and took it across country?
Starting point is 00:04:07 Yep. All right. Lauren Fisher. Oh, that can't be right. Is China Cho here? Yes, she is. No shit? Going down with the young girls.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Okay, someone explain that to me. She's making a shot at the games? I meant to reach out to Seth. Spin, did you get a hold of him? Her coach. I meant to reach out to him and see why she was there because I thought it was an odd move too. This is the first I've seen her name or heard her name.
Starting point is 00:04:37 We just overlooked her? No, I haven't heard anyone mention her name. No one has. No, I mean, I don't think she's – she's already got her ticket to the games in the Masters division. I mean, I don't think she's – she's already got her ticket to the games in the Masters division. I mean, I think she'll go for it. I just don't think she'll be in the top.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Was it 11 for the women? Yeah. God, that would be something else. Okay, Lauren Fisher, China Cho, Kelly Clark, Katrin, David's daughter. Let's talk about Katrin for a second. We are excited to see her come out, right? We don't know where she's at. There's a question mark over her head.
Starting point is 00:05:11 She didn't make it to the games last year, two times champ. This is our first look at her in full go mode, right? We'll see how a year under HWPO has worked for SGA. I think why Katrin is so weird is how good is Katrin?
Starting point is 00:05:34 It's because Annie has been so good. It has kept the train going from the old guard to the new guard, and Katrin's been a roller coaster. So it's just we have no idea where katrin is but i think it's so weird because annie's been so good and i mean i put those two kind of together i don't know what you guys do but like when i think of them uh i i actually hope uh katrin does uh does absolutely fantastic at this. I hope someone maybe keys her car in the parking lot,
Starting point is 00:06:07 but I would love to see her go to the games. Tremendous athlete. I love the comeback stories. It would be fucking awesome, and I think it would really add a lot of tension if she could finish top five here. Any of you guys think there's any chance of that? Top five? Yeah, top five.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Okay, so it really is unknown. Why lose so much faith in the two-time champ? Clearly a hard work ethic, good smarts, a vast history of great training partners, good pedigree. She has everything. We're going to have to skip ahead, but
Starting point is 00:06:43 the one rep max snatch and event six with the seated legless rope climb, very concerned about those. Why are you concerned about the snatch? She snatches 200 pounds. It'll be fine. I disagree, John. She doesn't have the mass to throw that weight around reliably. I mean, what was the argument we use with Amanda Barnhart? She's heavy enough that she could throw the weight around if,
Starting point is 00:07:10 if things got bad for her, not same equation for cash. Snatch is literally her best lift. I don't disagree with you. She's not brute strong. You don't need to be brute strong to be great at snatch. I'm not worried about it at all. I'm not worried about her at all as far as the max snatch goes. Legless rope climbs, absolutely. Absolutely. But she's going to be fine on the snatch. As you guys talk about some empirical stuff, John George brings up the abstract. And this kind of ties in with her boyfriend and living the good life in Idaho.
Starting point is 00:07:45 I don't think she, John George, I don't think she can go in that dark place any longer. She just seems to crumble now when it gets dark. All right. Can you give me an example, John George? All right. I think she'll be fine in any of those types of workouts. I think event six is going to be a disaster on the legless rope climbs.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Like a DNF? Mr. Spence? I could unfortunately see it unless she's figured out a way this last six months to get there. It's only four. You saw how bad those uh let me ask you this i understand but she needs to know herself though if she needs the rest she can get four done she'll just be slow hey hey let me ask you a technical question i don't think it's that she's not strong enough i don't think um uh it's she's accessing the right muscle
Starting point is 00:08:41 i don't think something's not right you can't be that – you can't be as strong as her and be that bad at pulling. Can you? She must not be – she must not be – do you think she's going to do shitty on the sled pull? No. I mean it's that same – it's those same muscles, right? Just the same, same, but different, different? Mm-mm. Sled pull is all posterior chain
Starting point is 00:09:06 okay you are pulling but i mean it's how it's your posterior chain that moves that not so as far as like getting it started um all right um yeah go ahead uh ariel lowen um uh definitely crowd favorite uh podcast favorite, beast of an athlete. Event number one, is it something she goes for a victory or is it survival? How does she look at this? I see it as a top five. I kind of equate her to Adler in that she's probably not going to have any home run workouts. I mean, obviously, Adler won, I think, two last weekend.
Starting point is 00:09:48 But she's going to be top five, top eight every single event, and she'll be just fine up there near the podium or on the podium at the end of the day. I was talking with a friend about this yesterday. To me, there are no standout leaders in this group there are no solid first place athletes in this group but if there is one it's ariel what do you mean by that like she's a winner she's the leader she's the alpha female she's the alpha for the competition as a whole only bear yeah competition as a whole um only barely like she
Starting point is 00:10:22 doesn't like she's a great athlete none of these events i think are great or terrible for her um but the same is said for the rest of of the field i mean there's just no dominant force in the women's field here uh mine sweat what i'm taking what you're saying is is that mindset why she's got gonna have that veteran swagger. She's going to feel confident that no matter what, she's always in it. Yeah. Isn't that crazy? And do you think Katrin has that as a two-time champ? I think she used to have it.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I mean, from Ariel to missing regionals year after year, and then the last two, now three years, I think. She's a phenom. Something's switched, and she's figured it out. Look, I just saw a typo in the comments. John Young, really, I'm his groove this year.
Starting point is 00:11:22 In his groove this year. It must be a typo. You mean isn't in his groove this year it must be a type of is you mean isn't in his groove this year there was another typo i saw uh in here too someone said i love john young it's like what the fuck is going on in here does everyone get dosed with molly guys you can't love the foil what are you doing listen goonies is a great movie there's so many people loving on you what the fuck's going on what? What's wrong with this? Oh, you're his. No, you're his. I'm his groove. Okay, fine. You're his groove.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Okay. So Ariel Loewen, top five you guys are saying for event one. What about it? The sled pull, the machines? Go ahead, John. I think Brian nailed it on the head with the Adler. I don't think she's as good as adler comparatively but she's just i she does not have weaknesses she's just very even
Starting point is 00:12:14 keel you know kind of like maderos like she's the fifth best at everything but i mean a little less than maderos in the games field but amongst these you know, I think she'll be around fifth and up on every single event. And there's just not one thing that she's going to murder, but she's not going to be weak at every anything. It was just top five and everything. That's that, that, that, that means she's going to win this event, this, this contest, this, this regional, the semifinal. Yep.
Starting point is 00:12:39 I think she'll be first. What? Damn. Oh, Jessica Valenzuela is telling us the cadence. It's a few days of bashing John and one day be first. Damn. Oh, Jessica Valenzuela is telling us the cadence. It's a few days of bashing John and one day of loving. Okay. So it's kind of like day back day. Okay. We're on the love day. That's good. No loving
Starting point is 00:12:54 talk, please. Comes in Indy. What the fuck this name is? Kat, I appreciate the attempt. I just can't help you out. You got to add a letter in there for me or something.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Kat's done at – Katrin David's daughter is done as a games athlete. Her time has come and gone. But it would be great to see the former champ return after sucking for years. Yeah, that's kind of where I'm at. Thank you. I don't think she's done. Here's the thing. I think we lost faith. I think a lot of us are, what have you done for me lately? And I fall under that camp too. That's why I'm hoping last night's interview falls back into the past as fast as it can.
Starting point is 00:13:44 fitness girl i think captain's gonna do fine and and i and i hope she does uh muscle and fitness girl are you guys on drugs ariel's a former gym let's address that first are any of you on drugs no uh not currently no antidepressants mr spin nothing no no no i'm good it's caffeine count the drug the drug of jesus okay john's on jesus god john i love you Are you guys on drugs? Ariel is a former gymnast and won. Please, no religious talk on this show. Are you guys on drugs? Ariel is a former gymnast and won. Elizabeth elevated at the games. She's going to do great at the gymnastics, chipper, and pirouettes.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Wait, wait, didn't they just say she's going to fucking kill it? Top five in everything. I'm not sure what you mean. I said she wasn't't like there's no overall like standout leader but we all think she's going to be top three yeah uh wow yes thank you renee thank uh olenza olen on it olenaz olenias thank you renee uh john young Show the champ some fucking respect and pronounce his name right. You're always saying Medeiros. It's Medeiros, bitch.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Thank you. Love the show. I love this. She was correcting John on how to say Medeiros' name, and you can't say hers. No, that's not even that. She has a typo. Her name is a fucking typo.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Sound it out. Comes in-eyed. Comes in-eyed. Comes in-eyed. Okay in i'd come comes in i'd okay thank you comes in i thank you you pay me to pronounce your name right you're a good dude okay uh sebon uh take a sip of coffee you're struggling to get your words out i'm frazzled a little bit i've had a weird morning i'm unsettled i. I'm insecure and unsettled. Okay. Let's go back to the girls. Let's scroll through this.
Starting point is 00:15:30 We have five more minutes with the ladies. Six more minutes with the ladies, and then let's get over to the dudes. Allison Weiss, Madison Drader, Emily Rolfe. Best endurance in the group? Best runner in the group? Yep. Yeah. Yep. I. Yep.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I have her doing really well this year, or this weekend, better than what John and Tyler think. Obviously, we've not really seen her really for the last year since she withdrew from the games and from Wadapalooza. But when she is healthy, she's one of the best in this field. But those are some incredible pictures. What is this picture right? Go to the upper right-hand corner. What is this picture?
Starting point is 00:16:10 Up higher? Just like shooting down at her feet? What is that? I want to see what you write. Showing how good she is at Toast-A-Bar. Oh, okay. Oh, it's her light thing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:22 All right. Fine. Is she going to win this this win the first event yeah look at she got we got it we know she can run fourth picture down she's pulling the sled can we look at her pulling the sled just yeah thank you is she gonna? Hey, she looks more jacked than ever, too. My God. Right? She's always been pretty ripped. She just doesn't get as much notoriety as other people,
Starting point is 00:16:54 but she's always been pretty darn shredded. I do agree, Savon. I think that she's leaned out over the past couple of years. I think she used to look a little more fluffy, and she's definitely gotten shredded. Master Bader, nice to have you. Awesome podcast with Castro. I just finished it.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Thank you. Appreciate it. I need more of that. Lots of love today. Let some of that love fall off of John and land onto the rest of us. Okay. Let's keep going. Does she win the event?
Starting point is 00:17:24 No. I do think so. I think so. I think so, too. Okay, let's keep going Does she win the event? No I do think so I think so Okay, let's keep going It depends on the flooring Let me put it like that That's a good take Zoe Warren, Bailey Rail
Starting point is 00:17:38 Top 10 in this event? I don't know My gut says no, but she could surprise us Especially Rod top 10 in this event? I don't know. My gut says no, but she could surprise us. Especially broad. Is she going to the games? I think so. I think so.
Starting point is 00:17:55 No. I think she'll be right there. One of the last ones out. First ones out. Bethany Shatner, one of the first ones out, you think? We're going to know early. Three events in. No, she'll be fighting on sunday but she'll she'll just miss out oh okay i see what you're saying a bubble athlete uh bethany shadburn huge unknown we don't know what to expect right same with cat like catch and we'll just wait and see yeah bethany could win this event or
Starting point is 00:18:19 she could break her back on this event it's you don't like she's i give up on trying to predict anything from her somebody in the comments needs to be bethany shatburn's back oh no oh no uh christine colin brander uh easy day right on the sled easy day i think she'll murder the sled yeah i'm interested to see how she does on the other equipment um my fear for her is always her aerobic endurance but this might be good for her um i i hope she is improved throughout the year that that's she'll be yeah she'll be just fine yeah This event is so weird with the sled being how it is. Because, you know, you first look at it, it's an aerobic event all the way.
Starting point is 00:19:15 And then the way North America East went, now I'm like, well, I just think all the biggest people will do good. Like that's kind of how it looked in the West and in the East. That's how I'm thinking. But now it's like, I don't think Emily Rolfe is going to do good because I know she's not strong, even though she should murder it. And then Colin Brander, who's trash at cardio, is probably going to do really, really well because she's a monster with weights. And so it makes this event so – I don't think this event is what they intended it to be when they made it.
Starting point is 00:19:46 No, it's tough. It's tough on the flooring. And you look at it by that. It's not, it's not what you intended. You think that they intended some sort of stimulus that they're not getting from it or some sort of challenge. It's more power. Yeah. I think they intended this to be the endurance test of the week. And it's not, I think that's what you got in Oceana. Yes. Right. You look at, look's what you got in Oceana. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Right. You look at, look at the leaderboard on Oceana. And I think it, that flooring in the way that it was able to be pulled. That's, that's what they were looking for because there's no way that Danielle Brandon finishes seventh compared to the Oceana women's times.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Right. So it's a completely different workout. Do you agree with John though, guys that um they want that this is not an endurance event based on the where the flooring was in the north america east yeah i agree with it it's it's less of an endurance event than they meant it to be it's still an endurance event but not as much as they intended meaning meaning the sled's going too slow and they're getting a rest. It's just the stronger people, the stronger and more powerful people are pulling that sled
Starting point is 00:20:50 so much faster that it negates their endurance efficiencies on the machines. Trish, correct. Not an endurance event. There you go. Trish has spoken. Okay, that's interesting it does
Starting point is 00:21:06 make you wonder if at rogue i bet they tested this event at rogue and i bet rogue has really expensive flooring that's kind of smooth and they got cheaper flooring for the event and it wasn't it wasn't the same texture that you would think and now we're having difficulties pulling it just just a theory and that's why having difficulties pulling it just just a theory and that's why they won't show it on a live stream because they know their floor is trash uh ken walters uh with his shirt on today that's weird uh and i don't know if that's your daughter your wife but she looks good uh yes i agree with spin and aussie announcers were hyping how these athletes were crushing the week records i don't know if it was spin who said it but i was brian
Starting point is 00:21:44 friend that i spoke with this morning, if you got your Bryans confused. But Brian Spin also probably agrees. Danny Spiegel, top five for her? That's like, I don't know. Like, maybe. But it should be like a bottom
Starting point is 00:22:02 20, and it's not. She's going to be very good in this, just like she's going to be very she's going to be very good in this just because she's going to be able to pull that sled better than everybody else i like top five i like top five you do yeah yeah you're gonna see her mind she's like hey i just got to survive this no no i think she's gonna come out aggressive and try to try to do really well yeah you're gonna see her get off the bike and just murder that first sled pull and get on the run probably first. Then it'll just see how it goes from there.
Starting point is 00:22:32 That's a great take, by the way. You think that she should be bottom 20, but someone else thinks she'll be top five because of the floor. Okay, I like it. Kelly Baker, dear cameraman at CrossFit, please have a biased towards Kelly.
Starting point is 00:22:49 We want to see her compete this week. I think she's going to kill this event. Good. I hope so. She's strong. She's a bigger girl, and I think her endurance is very good. I'd like to see her and Ariel on the podium this week. That'd be
Starting point is 00:23:04 awesome. It's wild to me that her and Ariel are listed to weigh the same, but there's two inches difference between them, and they look like very different athletes. Ariel's two inches taller? Those weights aren't accurate. Shorter. Ariel's 5'2"? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:23:19 No. There's no way. Go. Go up. There's no way she's listed. Her down, wherever she is. I don't think she's 5'2", either. There's no way Go up There's no way she's listening There's no fucking way Oh my god
Starting point is 00:23:32 Holy shit But she doesn't look like Kelly Baker at all I can't believe how short these girls are The weights are very accurate though I think they filled this out Like when they first started CrossFit. You think Ariel's more than that or less?
Starting point is 00:23:48 No, I don't know if she's more or less, but I think both of them are wrong. Does that make sense? I don't know. Sure, they're probably wrong, but they're both brick shithouses. I'm not surprised at any weight that they weigh. Kelly looks 150 to me. Ariel does not.
Starting point is 00:24:07 This is not true. I'm saying if Ariel was 125, Kelly's 155. Oh, I see what you're saying. I see what you're saying. All right, let's go down. Let's keep moving past Danny Spiegel, past Kelly Baker. Let's keep going. Keep going. Let's keep going. Keep going. Let's keep going.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Miss Kazan. We know she's strong. How's that endurance piece going to play out for her? Fine. Miss Kerstetter. The easy top 10 for her. Kerstetter. You can't answer, John. You're not allowed to answer.
Starting point is 00:24:46 All right. No, you can answer. Go ahead. He's biased. He's too biased. He thinks she's going to do well or not well. I like Olivia. I want her to do well.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Yeah. I honestly have no idea what to expect on any of these events. I just want her to do well. We haven't seen her enough to like, I mean, we know what she's weak at and what she's strong at, but we don't really know what she's like versus a field like this. I think Danny has enough metabolic conditioning to do fine on this. I think Olivia, the run is going to,
Starting point is 00:25:22 she's going to lose a lot of time on the run and I'm not sure she's going to be able to make it up on the, on the sled poles. Probably 15th, 20th is my kind of guess on this event. I think she'll take that all day. Richie rich. If Baker doesn't make it, bring her on the demo team. Yep. That's for sure. Sydney McEllish. I think she's going to do great at all of it except the treadmill, right?
Starting point is 00:25:51 But the runner is going to at least be better for her than if she was out running in the open. She'll be just as bad as Danny Spiegel on the runner. Oh, I think Danny runs better than her. She does. She's been working on it sydney has you got this sydney yeah i hope i hope that would be a great
Starting point is 00:26:14 slap in the face i would love to be wrong about that you're 100 correct like her being her being 155 like that helps on the runner more so than when you're out in the real world running. Well, Danielle was basically just saying it yesterday to me. It was the first time I actually heard it. I don't know why, but basically the runner is easier. The runner is the equalizer. Like Danielle can run good outside and inside, and some people can't run good outside, and the runner helps them. She says basically you can go harder on the runner than you can outside.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Basically, you can go harder on the runner than you can outside. Rich hinted on this. All the things that short or thinner, smaller people are better at have been messed with by how they've been programmed. So like the ring muscle-ups, you get 20 pounds. So your advantage is gone. The run, you would traditionally do well if you're thinner, shorter, better. Nope, because now you're on this machine. So all the things that are good for smaller athletes, gone.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Interesting. Legless rope climbs. Yep. You guys, oh. I'm saying that's not going. That's the one where it's the opposite. Yeah. Wall-facing handstand push-ups.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Hey. One event. The rest of the events are all big people events. What about... Did you guys watch Rich's podcast? Yes. I didn't. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Rich's voice is so deep, I can't even understand what he's saying. I need subtitles. I think it's the best I think it's the best CrossFit related content that I've heard in like the last six months that includes you wow that includes the 3,000 shows I've done in the last week
Starting point is 00:28:00 sorry it's not what it's not what he's saying it's that he is saying it right right right right i get all the things he said have been said it's just that he is saying those things now yep i agree like it's it's a it's a fantastic podcast i'm not even offended in the uh least uh it was good yeah i and i bring it up because 20 people are like holy shit you got to go um you got to go oh watch rich's podcast uh i love rich's commercial breaks yep i've heard that too i heard it's hilarious when he's reading the commercials um yeah is crossfit a streaming event
Starting point is 00:28:38 one um miss hill it will be over at the CrossFit Games. CrossFit Podcasts. Yeah. And I can't tell what's going on in your profile picture. Are you sitting at the – is that a Muppet sitting at the beach? What is that? A doll? I can't tell what that is. Is that animation?
Starting point is 00:28:56 Is that Chase Hill? No, not Chase Hill. Oh, okay. Yeah, so you go to CrossFit – it says Cross podcast i always search my crossfit games podcast uh and then you click that chase will be sitting i think in his kitchen uh doing it adrian will be there on the ground and uh they're already it looks like oh yeah so this is what it looks like they're already doing teams it's the top of it's the best heat too i guess last heat uh rich even talks about hillar's video franco franco yeah he pumps hillar i'd love to see rich pump hillar okay uh let's go over to the uh boys list oh i did want to say this uh i reached out to seth page while we've been on the show um china's
Starting point is 00:29:46 coach and he says she's strictly doing it for the experience um throwing down with friends visiting with friends family and callie and having fun with it all uh her expectations are much lower than in past years but anyone that knows her she'll be going 110 percent um low pressure it's all about having a good time i And I said, watch her qualify. And he goes, I know, right? I would be so stoked. That would be awesome. John George, there are five machines very biased towards bigger athletes.
Starting point is 00:30:14 I do want to show you a little video that popped up on our radar yesterday. It's of James Newberry on the air runner in Australia. You want to take a deep breath and just enjoy, enjoy this video. Did you, how, how did Newberry end up doing in that event? He did well in the first event. I don't remember exactly where he finished, but he did well in the first and not as great on the second. What did he do? He he did well in the first and not as great on the second. What did he do?
Starting point is 00:30:46 He got fourth on the first. Now, you think you're watching James Newberry in this video, but I recommend you watch the young man behind him with the stopwatch and keep sort of James as a side character, a supporting cast. Action. Here we go. Newberry takes his shirt off oh
Starting point is 00:31:15 it stuttered damn it stuttered it's so good that still shot's pretty good still though everyone enjoying their job. It's important to find a job you love. And this judge absolutely found his sweet spot. What is the difficulty level of that,
Starting point is 00:31:36 taking your shirt off like that while running on the air runner? Oh, I've tried to do it. So it stresses me out every time I've done it. I'm like, I'm going to die. I'm going to clip the side, and I'm going to do it, so it stresses me out every time I've done it. I'm like, I'm going to die. I'm going to clip the side, and I'm going to die. Kyle Landis, that dude is rock hard. I don't know. Oh, Manny Spiegel watching his hog.
Starting point is 00:31:58 All right. If you can see the hog from the back, that's impressive. If you can see the hug from the back, that's impressive. Devin, I got like 20 minutes and then I have to go. Oh, me too. I have 23 minutes and then I have to go. So we're on the same. Are we going to the same place?
Starting point is 00:32:19 Where are you going? My wife needs her computer. Oh, okay. Johnny's on his wife's computer that's so cute okay it's like last john do you own a computer yeah but i can't it's broken right now like it won't it won't do the podcast it says my microphone and cameras won't connect i've tried a million things and I can't get it to work. What is it? Is it an old computer? Yeah, it's an Acer. I've had it for like seven years.
Starting point is 00:32:55 It was my college computer. Stop. I got it in 2017. Oh my goodness. It has a 56K bod modem built in. It was one of a kind. Eaton Beaver, $5.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Oh, he's enjoying more than just his job from the look in his eyes. It's Sevan looking into Dave's eyes. Oh, please stop. Okay, let's pull up the men. The event, event number one will start in 21 minutes. You will go to the CrossFit Games podcast and listen to Chase and Adrian and crew commentate it. It will be shot gangster style, guerrilla style. It is not a part of the main broadcast, obviously supported by CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:33:38 It's one of CrossFit's platforms. It is in Pasadena, California, where the event is completely sold out. Congratulations to CrossFit for that. And we're going to see Samuel Quant, Brent Fikowski. Well, dude. Wow, this is it. We're going to have to go through this fast. No wonder you said you only had a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Samuel Quant, top 10? Yep. I think he'll be top three in this event. Mr. Fikowski? I think he'll be top three in this event. Mr. Sager i think he'll be top three uh mr sager i don't know top 10 yeah don't you think of cole sager as a being a good combination of power and endurance yeah but that that sled affected a lot of people in ways i didn't think he was going to so and i think he i know he's not the strongest guy. He is
Starting point is 00:34:26 powerful, though. He could either do really, really good or, like Tyler said, around 10th place. Brent is the best sled puller in the pack, correct? He's the best one we've seen. Brian doesn't think so, but I think so. I don't think
Starting point is 00:34:44 he's going to have a great weekend. Sevan, Brian thinks he's not going to make it. That Fikowski's not going to make it? Yeah. Does he think – wow. Well, he knows something then. Get a spouse that looks at you the way Newberry's judge looks at him. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Good stuff. Patrick Vellner, the great Vellner. Good of him. Doing well. Dude, this is kind of – Vellner's – I kind of feel like we have to be watching Vellner too, right? We have to see is his heart waning? Is his endurance waning? Is his strength waning?
Starting point is 00:35:22 Is his desire waning, right? I mean, he's a's he's i mean he's a veteran he's been here a long time is that how you guys see him that's how i look at velner i'm like he's almost a master yeah that's he is that's good that's how i that's why i'm that's why i think what i do on fikowski i think pat is holding on a little bit better than what brent is doing right and the strength and the endurance or in the mental? Just in general. I mean, obviously every athlete has to, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:52 they can't keep getting better and better and better. And I just think that Brent finished 16th last year at the games. He finished sixth amongst all of the North America West guys in this field at the games. There's only nine going to the games out of this, the semifinal for the men. So the only a few people have to go jump and leapfrog and get better. And some of those are Cole,
Starting point is 00:36:18 Grease, Shaver, Colton can do well in this Chandler. You mean do well at what? At this event? Just all weekend long. Oh, okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Right? It's not like he finished second or third against the guys that he's competing against at the games. And a whole bunch of guys have to get better. But, I mean, you add in Chandler. I think Chandler's going to do great this weekend. I think Cole Griesheber has improved a lot over the last 12 months. And I think Col Griesheber has improved a lot over the last 12 months. And I think Cole Colton will do fine.
Starting point is 00:36:46 So I think Brent will be just outside the cut line. I don't think it's fair that I look at Vellner like that. He hasn't shown me anything that he's waning. I just, I just suspect it because of age. Okay. Oscar Mora. Is he, is he going to be a bubble athlete this week? Yep. Yeah. Okay. Have bubble athlete this week? Yep.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Have you seen this guy? I have. He's a brick shithouse. His upper body is bizarre. Brick shithouse weekend. You mean with a lot of guys? No, you've said it like six times already today. Is this a survival event for Colton Merton?
Starting point is 00:37:26 Someone says a paper street. I think so. Yeah. Says Colton will do well, but you guys think this is a survivor. This particular, this is not a flexing workout for him. Top 20.
Starting point is 00:37:35 I know in training, he needs to be. Yeah. He needs to be. He did this workout with a two 90 pound sled to prepare because the sled felt a lot heavier than 225 for the athletes at west um and he said he did fine that's that's all he said he said he was fine i don't i don't know but uh so we'll see um but he's not he's not worried about it i think if he got top 20 in this event, he would be thrilled.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Top 20 for him in this event, knowing you have home runs that are coming, top 20 doesn't kill you at all. That would be a great event for him if he got top 20. He has to avoid the 40th places. All right. I love the comments for Colton right now. It's like there's this diehard spirit for colton and i totally get it guys but he's not doing himself any justice if he deludes himself into thinking that this this weekend isn't going to be probably one of the hardest tests he's ever had to do to
Starting point is 00:38:36 qualify for the games this particular one this set of tests is his probably his hardest barrier he's ever come across. No shit. I don't know, though, man. We said that for games. Not only because of the workouts, but because of who he's going against? Yeah, Justin Rhodes. I don't get it. Justin Rhodes is going to knock Colton off a qualifying spot. Tyler doesn't think Colton's going to make it.
Starting point is 00:39:02 He thinks Justin Rhodes is going to beat him. Man, I got Justin Rhodes. Chandler Smith, another guy we're uncertain of, right? Good events, good competitions, bad events, uncertain. For most everyone, it depends on how you feel about this wrist injury that's reported to be going on. I would also like to admit Colton's girlfriend is on a team, and I think they're currently in fourth place.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Yeah. That would be weird if she went and he didn't. Okay, let's keep going. I think Chandler, as you scroll down, I think Chandler will do very well This weekend just from a power output Perspective You think he's going to qualify
Starting point is 00:39:49 Yes Tetlo who wins in this event Tetlo or Mertens Mertens Okay Mertens has like 10 pounds on Tetlo They're the same size I know it says 180, but he weighs more than 180. He also is a game
Starting point is 00:40:07 day athlete more so than Tetlow. I think he's just fitter. How about this? Be more worried about Smith not making it over Colton. Chandler Smith has an injury? He hurt his wrist back in the open. I think it was
Starting point is 00:40:23 open or quarters. I think it was. Open or quarters. I think it was open. He was fine for quarters. I think he'll be fine. Jonathan Lane, I think this is a joke. Do you think they'll pull Chandler out? I don't think they're going to pull anyone out. I think they know.
Starting point is 00:40:38 That's a good one. He might do it. If anything, they'd keep him out there. No, so you'd have to stay on the field. It would be so funny. It wouldn't be funny, but. If anything, they keep him out there. No, so you have to stay on the field. It wouldn't be funny, but... Scott Tetlow's head weighs as much as all of Colton's. Colton is going to pick Smith up and pull him on a sled. All right.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Let's keep scrolling down Hold on Scott Tetlow is shorter than Colton He might be They're close Tetlow is 5'3 and Colton is 5'4 The reason why you always hear about Colton and not Tetlow Is because Colton's made the games multiple times
Starting point is 00:41:21 He's gotten fifth place He makes the games in these crazy fashions where he just barely makes it and tetlow has uh he doesn't perform as well uh hey the strongest dude in the world who's five three and shorter right yeah i mean there's got to be no he has no peer right there's a bunch of olympians that are much stronger than him in the crossfit world yeah and you think there's olympians who are five three who are shorter stronger than some of the short stature every single person that is in uh olympic little weightlifting camp i would love to see that i've never seen a human being like tetlo in person you know that have you guys ever seen a
Starting point is 00:42:02 five three person who's like it you have yeah i have not pocket hercules was four foot ten i never even see dude two or five three unless they're like field workers like aren't you close to five three no i'm five five like dude five three is small i'm just saying you're saying it like it's so small. You're two inches away from it. Dude, it's time. Sevan, don't be so ignorant.
Starting point is 00:42:30 I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. There's a difference between 5'5 is short, 5'3 is small. Listen, it goes like this. If you're 5'5, you're in like the top, you're like in the 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 percentile. You go to 5'3 as a male and like all of a sudden there i do not see men i do not see men around who are five three ever i don't see men shorter than me around and if i do it's like some it's like i'm like it's some like uh um like at home depot or something and it's it's some like indigenous people waiting to get a job or something if somebody's shorter than you that's your immediate
Starting point is 00:43:02 thought yeah yeah one percentile i'm telling you you could walk around and try to look someone yeah i look someone looks down on people who are five three yeah exactly i look in the mirror shut it olivia have you ever been to guatemala seven and i i have uh several times and hey listen um um uh no i've been to china too i'm fucking a midget there too. I'm telling you. You guys don't know. Someone who's 5'5", tell me. Telo has never seen someone shorter than him unless they're a dwarf. Dwarf or Guatemala.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Yeah, Guatemala, there's a lot of people really little. Their average height's 5'2". So here's a great comment. Seve, think about being jockey i am giant compared to a jockey yeah jockeys are really yeah yeah i would love to dude there's this the other i was in newport beach and there was a girl there who was six foot three in a bathing suit and the whole beach was completely wide open and she was a fucking ucla division one one of the best um softball players in the that ever lived and the whole beach was completely wide open and she was a fucking ucla division one one of the best um softball players in the that ever lived and the whole beach was open and me
Starting point is 00:44:10 and her sat there for fucking four days standing next to each other i'm five five she's six three i just look up talked to her the whole time my neck started fucking hurting yeah i love it the fucking giant woman you could stand next to me all you want i'm too fat to be a jockey that too but if you're not five five how tall are you uh mr spin six foot oh no shit no you're that tall holy fuck you look tiny in that chair everyone feels a different way about you now i do okay uh back to the boys. Logan, Medeiros, there he is. There's the champ.
Starting point is 00:44:53 He'll be fine and everything. Really just fine and everything. Any rumors about the champ? How's he doing? Does he look big? Does he look skinny? Does he look happy? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:04 He's been pretty low key. Since the back rumor at Waterpalooza, I haven't heard anything. What was the back rumor? Did he got a tramp stamp? Yeah, when I was streaming the gauntlet, when he and Ellie and Daniel Robbins were out there, he stopped on the, was it the Cleans? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Oh. He just didn't go heavy at all. And they, they went and talked to each other and, um, Pedro was standing next to me and said he, he saw them kind of talking about his back. So. Oh, interesting. Okay. Yeah. All right. Uh, Nick Matthew, uh, important event for him. I think he'll be middle of the road. Top 20.
Starting point is 00:45:49 In this one? Yeah. Yeah. Top 20, not great, not bad. He's strong as hell. So this lead, I think, I mean, it'll only give him a problem because he's not as tall as some other athletes, 6'9", 5'. So that's 5'9".
Starting point is 00:46:03 He's not short. He'll be fine. Yeah. I keep thinking... I keep thinking he's shorter than some of the other athletes. He's my size. Exactly. He's going to be just fine
Starting point is 00:46:25 I think he'll be 7th, 8th in this one, that's all you need to do on this event for him The average height of a man in the Netherlands is 6 foot, Germany is 5'11 China is 5'8 Oh, I need to go to the Philippines, 5'4 There we go.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Tater. I went to India and I was wearing a tank top. I was wearing a Warriors jersey. And people would just come and want to touch me because they thought I was all buff and shit. You're a Warriors fan? No. Tudor Magda. you're a warrior no um uh tutor magda uh
Starting point is 00:47:08 the the strong man uh any endurance uh workout uh who who wins between him and colton i think he beats colton in this workout no no this one no i'm side with ben tutor
Starting point is 00:47:24 is not good at the endurance side at all. That's where his biggest weakness is. That sweat is heavy. Hey, is that the difference? When you think of Colton, is Colton Mertens a CrossFit Games athlete? I'm saying in this event. Tudor is not. Not in the competition.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Yeah. I think Colton will do better. To answer your question, Savant, there are times at the games that Tudor could shine, but Colton's always in the battle at the games, and I just don't see that for Tudor. He's either top five or he's bottom five. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Okay. Can you think of any other athletes like that? I'd have to think on it for a second. Is Guy like that, but he's got more... Guy's a better version of Tudor. But he's fitter.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Hey, and how many years can Tudor... It's basically an engine are you just saying that tutor needs a better engine yeah he needs a few things yeah yeah but he's only 19 i mean he's got plenty of time he can get one of those yeah he came out he came out kind of a little bit more impressive like think about jack um farlow like he came out a little bit more impressive than jack farlow but like we don't put a ton of expectation on jack right it's like we've been Think about Jack Farlow. He came out a little bit more impressive than Jack Farlow, but we don't put a ton of expectation on Jack, right?
Starting point is 00:48:49 It's like we've been just watching him grow, watching him grow. For some reason, with Tudor, people are more antsy to get him on the field. No, he's 19. Just let him grow for a minute. Right. Okay. Okay. I like that.
Starting point is 00:48:59 I like that. That's well said. He's only 19. Yeah. And he's a boy. Yeah. Slower only 19. Yeah. And he's a boy. Yeah. Slower development than the girls. It's interesting that he says that, guys, these are tests.
Starting point is 00:49:12 The laughing emoji, because today I had the TV on. I can't remember if it was my wife or my mom, but it caught me totally off guard. And they said, why do they call these tests? I was like, fuck, I can't tell you i can't do it and i also i i think i asked dave that question after we got off the air is there a difference between tests and events or events or tests and competition or something and he said there's a huge difference so he's's pro-test? No, I don't think he is.
Starting point is 00:49:49 I didn't drill down, but I read into what he was saying. He was not pro-test. He did not like that word, I don't think. I think on Twitter he made some comment about how he still thought of them as events, not the tests. Who makes semifinals first, John Young or The Thumb? Are you trying to go to semifinals, John? We'll make it next year. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:09 At the same time, right? Taylor is much fitter than I am. It's just something always happens to him. I'm on my way up. All right. I heard Andrew Hiller likes Tess. He does. He loves Tess. He loves Tess. Very pro-Tess.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Okay, let's go back to the boys. Let's wrap this up with the boys. I'm excited. I can't believe we're going to get to see the champ compete in four minutes. I'm so excited. Actually, the champ will be in the final heat, so we won't get to see him right away, right? How many heats?
Starting point is 00:50:35 Three heats? Three heats. So you have three women and three men, so it'll be a while. How about this dude, Roland Goldbaum from Mexico? He's very strong he is any chance in hell he makes it no no i really want him to make it all right why just so you have a line of jokes ready yeah well he's i just i think he's jewish and we need more jews i agree with uh parker's comment, I thought you were going to say you agree with me.
Starting point is 00:51:06 I was like, oh, that's cool. All Tyler's fault. Justin Rhodes is getting dead last in this event. I don't know who that is. I love Goldbaum. Someone find out if that dude speaks English. Let me pull up that guy's Instagram. What's his name?
Starting point is 00:51:23 Roland Goldbaum? Roldan. Roldan Goldbaum. All right, Sevan. I got to get out of that dude speaks English. Let me pull up that guy's Instagram. What's his name? Roland Goldbaum. Roldan. Roldan Goldbaum. All right, I got to get out of here. All right. You're a good dude. John,
Starting point is 00:51:31 will you be on with us in two hours or whatever when all this shit's over? It'll be on my phone, but yes, I will be. Okay. All right. Awesome. All right.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Thanks dude. Yes. Another brick shit house. He is. Is that goldbaum right there? Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah. He's fucking huge.
Starting point is 00:51:51 His arms are long. Go to one of his posts. I want to see if he writes in English. Let me see if he writes in English. Someone wrote outfit on fire. It's fucking shorts with the sleeves pulled up. Is he right? Why would I stop?
Starting point is 00:52:12 Okay. There we go. Oh, uh-oh. Estoy listo para disfrutar y agradecer. Uh-oh. Habla ingles? Yeah. Oh, is he? is he ajkenazi
Starting point is 00:52:26 are you just fucking with me he don't he don't look ajkenazi he hit a 317 pound uh thruster in the open wow damn a hungry man eats okay he doesn't have to speak english that good. Damn, look at his back. Did you see that picture?
Starting point is 00:52:47 Did you see his back? He's a monster. Scroll. Yeah, look at that picture. Yeah, humongous. It's like him and Pat are in the Big Backs Club. Oh, Velma? And Luis.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Yeah. Damn, that dude's back is crazy. Oh, yeah, Luis is crazy. Luis got crazy chest, too. Crazy chest. His traps are nuts. Hey, Seve, randomly pick an unknown in the men's field and break down his potential.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Okay, we'll do that in the next show. That'll be cool. I think we got to go. Caleb, can we go over in the next show. That'll be cool. I think we gotta go. Caleb, can we go over and see what's going on with the CrossFit podcast stream? Take a peek there. Did you guys hear that peeing? No. Do you think John Young just...
Starting point is 00:53:38 There's not peeing in my room. I don't think there's peeing at the WeWorks room that Ben's in. No, I'm good too. Must be Caleb. Okay, so they're getting ready. Who, Annie Thor's daughter? Ashley McMains?
Starting point is 00:54:00 She does have crazy back. Annie? Yeah. But I think you can't – you don't see it for her abs. Oh, your eyes just go straight to her stomach and they steal the show? Yeah. I hate that she's self-conscious of them because it's like – they're amazing. And they've always been like that.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Yeah. It's fucked up all the comments. Oh, I see this picture that there should that they're um uh talking about her at her back i think if this is it this is nuts wow i'm afraid to click on it because it's going to play a video and take it away it's this one right here on the right hand side in the middle of your screen wow god look how tiny her waist looks in that picture too yeah that is nuts these are her traps right here yeah that's the thing because like um gold bomb like his his hips are wide so it makes his back look wider but where she's so thin in the hips it like the ghost of the injustice
Starting point is 00:54:59 dude that's the best i've ever seen her run I know it's from the back but holy shit she looks good there doesn't she yeah it'll be interesting to see how she does next weekend holy shit whatever happened to Alex Anderson he was a beast he was all the brothers all the Anderson brothers were beasts right and the dad I think three brothers and the dad all went to the games
Starting point is 00:55:20 damn Annie looks like she's running good this is a fucking sweet video god human beings are amazing aren't they say that again it was glitchy the first time but not the second time you play it yeah that's cool i always think it's so generous of them to show that like they have these bodies and then like you just get to see them run this is nuts too this uh hey should they not be practicing this a lot you're seeing corona i would say that but especially if you're in the third week there's a lot of opportunities to practice that that you probably shouldn't be
Starting point is 00:56:13 you have to this has to be this has to be tempered so you don't injure yourself i'm not a coach but i i don't know that i would do it more than two or three times. Hey, is it disproportional? Is it unfair the 20 pounds on the men? Is that the right weight, 10 for the women and 20 for the men, double for the men? It seemed like it. It seemed pretty even when they got off the rings and went to the pistols it was pretty similar time domain so i think it i think the the weights were good i think if you had thrown on 14 pounds um
Starting point is 00:57:00 there have been a lot of women that couldn't have done it there have been a lot of women that couldn't have done it. How much? 14? Another four? Wow. All right. Great show, guys. It looks like we will be back.
Starting point is 00:57:18 I don't know when we'll be back. I saw it was scheduled already. See if I can find it. Can you guys hear that dog barking a little bit just faintly it's all right my cat keeps screaming so um it looks like the next show is scheduled for i can't i don't see but it is 4.30. I'd guess like in 90 minutes. Do you see when it is, Caleb? 4.30. 4.30 Pacific? 4.30 Pacific?
Starting point is 00:57:50 Oh, sorry. That's my time. 1.30 your time. Oh, okay. Good. Fuck. Okay. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Huh. God, the game. Shit's about to get squirrely. Okay. I have some, it's going to get, it's going to get, it's going to get tense as we get closer to the games, people, the politics are going to get weird. Okay. Everyone. Thanks for tuning in.
Starting point is 00:58:19 We will see you guys in about 90 minutes after event one, I will be myself, Tyler, Mr. Spin. I believe John Young will be here. And I mr spin i believe john young will be here and i also think bill grunler will be joining us at that time um which will be fun and add some spice to the conversation talk to you guys soon bye-bye

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