The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Semifinals WEST | Day 2 Recap

Episode Date: May 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Caleb, hang out until that Ford Square fills up. Caleb, you can hang out. Can you mind hanging out until someone more important than you comes? It would be my honor.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Okay, thank you. People think Spin has put a reverse curse on Brent Fikowski because he said he wasn't going to make it, and he's dominating. Dude, go Brent. Don't forget, as much fun as we're all having, don't forget. Are we live? Yeah, we are. Oh, there it is.
Starting point is 00:00:58 In the old days, we got to see people diving across the finish line. We got to see Chris Spieler and Graham Holmberg fight it out at the finish line. We got to see at the starting line Rich being an alpha and pushing dudes around. We got to see Garrett Fisher take an enormous lead in some fucking crazy race around the grounds in Carson. And this time, all we get to see, we get to see one of the greatest programmed events completely butchered
Starting point is 00:01:28 is we have to see the great Katrin David's daughter barely beat Emily Rolfe but we don't know until the last three seconds. What a fucking waste of one of the best. I mean that could have been a fucking highlight reel.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Watching Emily Rolfe go after Katrin David's daughter. I mean, and instead it's like, get off the fucking line. And Belner and Fikowski. Isn't CrossFit the thing that's functional fitness? Oh, look, they're getting off another fucking machine. It is. We are. And we accept it.
Starting point is 00:02:02 And we accept it. What do you mean we accept it? We don't have a choice in that. You know what I mean. It's like we start to and we accept it what do you mean we accept it we don't have a choice in that you know what i mean it's like it's like we start we start to get excited about it like we're making the best oh just be positive you know shut the fuck up what is it was so frustrated i was so happy for catrin and yet it it's ruined by that fucking machine who is the who's in charge of making the event layouts i don't know what you tell me You guys tell me Do you think you could have done a run around that venue
Starting point is 00:02:30 At least for the final heat You have to think about all the venues You gotta think about all the venues Okay Run around the venue You definitely could have done it in Orlando And then just put a weird cone in the middle of nowhere run to the cone i mean even now i've been totally against i've been totally against all the shuffle
Starting point is 00:02:55 run bullshit that we've been doing but like if you were going to put the shuttle runs in you could have put them in there then you don't have to change anything let them run on their fucking lanes i agree they shouldn't have been they shouldn't have had them on there because nobody knows the race then everyone's just kind of independently running and so you miss me i need them i need my elbowing i need it i don't even want them having their own lanes i mean i want to see someone try to fucking pass catrin right if they could have had if they could have had a loop that would have been fun that would have been really fun little little crit track around the. That would have been fun. That would have been really fun. A little crit track around the thing. That would have been super cool. 200-meter lap.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Yeah. I want to see Emily Rolfe try to pass her on a fucking turn and catch her and be like, not today. The coverage from top to bottom is trash. Scrap the entire game as we need to start over. Aye. Aye. Wow.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Come on, buddy. Come on. Jesus Christ. I lit a match and you got throw gasoline on it tom my god you're you're the kid like we're throwing snowballs at fucking cars and you put a rock in one huh we're dry firing bb guns at each other and you're the kid who puts a little rock in there and shoots one of the other kids a lucky camera straps killing this weekend lads did you see the polynesian dance show on the torian stream insane no i didn't that'd be cool i didn't uh that's the one where they make all the crazy faces and like send evil spirits and shit back and forth to each other drop the
Starting point is 00:04:15 elbow that's one oh our leaderboards up yeah men's is updated i don't think women's is updated but their their placements are in there though so if you click on it you can see everybody's placement the actual leader's not on there though i did did justin just take a a crazy bad finish did he just take like a 20 something 24th yeah in a running event it's a it's a a fitness oriented. He got 24th in, too. Was he limping when he came off of that? Was he limping when he came across the line? I thought it looked like he limped a little bit.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I hope not. His legs might feel heavy. He just sprinted 800 meters. Well, yeah. Well, I mean, I saw other people, like, doing the little Bambi walk, but he looked like the, I thought, and it is kind of like from one of the wide shots. It was hard to tell,
Starting point is 00:05:07 but, um, I looked like a limp. I don't know. I hope not. I don't want him to be like, I'm just this bad. Cause I'm hurt.
Starting point is 00:05:16 You know what I mean? How many events are left to, to, to, how many, how many guys do they take? 11, nine, uh, nine for the men oh nelly man justin wants to play play that notice notice no he's fine no he's fine he's got he's got a 30 point cushion 30 plus 35
Starting point is 00:05:37 here's the thing you say he's fine but he just took 24th in a workout we would have never imagined to take 24th in correct yeah but there's also a lot of things that could happen in that one too. I mean, you have one little stumble somewhere. You don't start the runner as fast as someone else. I mean, someone gets ahead. You're talking like seconds, hundreds of seconds. So, I mean, there's a possibility of a lot of things coming in there. Whereas like the next two events, I think that there are places he can move.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Yeah, he should do – even if he's not in his best, he should be able to handle himself with the rest of the field. Yeah, look at it. And that's a good point. To show what Bill's saying, slap me around a little bit. There's a great look right there. Nick Matthews only beat him by five seconds, but it's 12 places. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Okay, I see what you're saying. And then look at Samuel Quant beat him only by 10 seconds, and it's 19 places. Yeah, but how much did Belner beat him by? Almost 30 seconds. That's a three-minute workout to beat you by 25 seconds. That's a big dick move. Hey, and that's all in an 800-meter race? Well, with eight snatches. Well, the snatches, too. But what I'm saying is they all get on the runner at the same time
Starting point is 00:06:45 Right Essentially yeah Yeah Uh Vellner's kicking ass huh A 15 to 3rd a 3rd to 6th and a 1st He's crushing These next two aren't gonna hurt him either No
Starting point is 00:07:00 Well look at that spread between Him and Brent and then Cole I mean she's We had a whole day left and those guys are like 50 points ahead No, not even close. Well, look at that spread between him and Brent and then Cole. I mean, we had a whole day left, and those guys are like 50 points ahead. And after the gymnastics event, I think he's going to have a good gap on Brent. And then I think he's going to win this easy. And so I looked at how Adler did because Adler seemed like he kind of won easily. And Hopper, we were really, really impressed with him the same way we're impressed with Tchaikovsky.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Vellner has beaten Adler on every single event except the first event. And he blew up on that event. Which I think, dude, that's pretty fucking cool. That is baller right there for him. Let's say these workouts Were the other way around We haven't talked about Pat much this weekend But if he would have came out with a first
Starting point is 00:07:50 A sixth, a third, a third We'd probably be talking about him a lot And then a fifteenth Isn't it interesting the way that plays out He comes out on a fifteenth and he just didn't get the love Well Fikowski was in first place After day one And that's why he got all the love.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Vellner was like fifth after day one. I would have thought after seeing these two second places, Fikowski would have been in first place. But Vellner's got him by 13 points. 26 plays. I mean, he's had a third, third, sixth, first. And the last show we did, Cole Grayshaber was in first. Yes. Yeah, he was.
Starting point is 00:08:34 And now he's 50 points out of first. Crazy how fast that happens. And Cole will be fine, but I feel like he's probably going to drop from here too. I still think Medeiros can get third. Well, yeah, look at that. Look how close 3, 4, 5, 6 is. Yeah. And what's funny is Medeiros, there's a 30-point jump down there.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Honestly, he could win 6 and 7. Medeiros could. I still think he's got a shot to be on the podium here. But, yeah, 5 through three are separated by three points. Three points. Give me a fucking break. 379, 378, 376. So there's basically a three-way tie for third place.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Yeah. Crazy. And then Matthew's only seven points behind. And Nick Matthew's going to have a good two events also, right? Yeah, well he's good at He's good on six He's good at the skill stuff and that's what six is And seven, you know, he can handle himself with a sandbag
Starting point is 00:09:36 Yeah, he'll be fine I don't think he's going to dominate event six though I wouldn't pick him to beat Pat or Brent or Justin in that event He'll be fine No, he'll be good He'll have a good score on it though Yeah, I just don't thinknt or justin in that event he'll be fine no he'll be good he'll have a good score on it though yeah i don't think i don't think he'll be top tier yeah but event six he could be he should do very well on event six uh scroll down a little bit please notice whose name we don't see right now john wood colton mton Mertens. Oy, oy, oy. Okay, 291.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Colton Mertens with 291. And he's five points and two places out of going. So notice there's a 30-point drop-off between Justin and Jack. I think the tops, and there's like a 30 or 20 point up to number six. I think the top seven are solidified right now. Their names might jumble, but they are every, anybody in the top seven,
Starting point is 00:10:32 I don't think is dropping out of the top seven. So eight through 13, eight through 12. I think those five guys are going to fight for the last two spots, eight and nine. And Cole's going to do pretty well at those. You can't count Sager out. I was tempted to say eight through 11,
Starting point is 00:10:56 and then I looked who the 12th guy was. And Cole Sager has pulled a rabbit out of his butt so many times. So many times. So many times that you just can't leave him out. I know Mertens will crush Event 6. He will. But I don't know how the other guys are going to be. Can you pull up Event 6 for us, Mr. Beaver? C. Hill, Event 6 is Colton's chance.
Starting point is 00:11:26 What is that In your avatar Is that Chucky At the beach Like just did a fresh kill Before we look at this What the fuck is your name Komenzide Komenzide
Starting point is 00:11:40 Komenzide Here's what's crazy We're going into day three And if Justin somehow had a big mistake tomorrow He could totally miss out on the games I know that's what I'm thinking I'm tripping He's not going to
Starting point is 00:11:54 I'm tripping Even if he does If he stays middle of the pack He's got enough of a cushion I think To stay above that top nine. Because they would have to beat everybody in the top seven, too. You have to think about that. They would have to win event seven or win event six.
Starting point is 00:12:14 And I don't think any of those guys are winning both of those events. There's only so many points to play with, and Justin's got a 30-point gap on the next guy. I have the same sentiment as Dan T here I feel like Roman didn't get this much questioning when he didn't finish on the podium last week I think he's referencing like we're more concerned about Medeiros than we are about Roman
Starting point is 00:12:36 Roman didn't win the games but that's what I mean we should feel more secure about Medeiros like hey it's no problem Roman also was in seventh he was third for most of the competition and then ended up fourth because now and won the seventh event i i think this is um well let me ask you this uh seven let's say there were 15 events let's say there were another seven events would you feel very confident about uh events would you feel very confident about uh justin justin for what placement for first no but like if we're at the crossfit game no like if we're at the crossfit games i mean i wish this
Starting point is 00:13:16 was the crossfit games because i think velner would finally freaking do it and it's not going to be it's going to go so opposite justin's going to be fine and velner will swim and then it'll be over um but uh you know you know what i mean but okay let's more advanced i don't think justin would win no okay let's pull up event six and uh and walk this through uh everyone close your eyes and listen this is uh our take on how colton mertens is going to do on event six tomorrow uh 20 overhead squats with 185 awesome three handstand walk pirouettes he's good two seated legless rope climbs not good right talk to me like like failure not good no he'll he's just gonna be slower than everybody like
Starting point is 00:14:07 like if i was colton i'd be very smart with the two legless rope climbs no i'm one of the only guys who can do the 20 handstand push-ups on broken and then be very smart with the last two legless rope climbs if he just runs his race he might not win the event, but he should be top five. If he gets in a race and gets, you know what I mean? He could get baited for sure. That happened to Sam Cornway last week. Sam Cornway is one of the very good at gymnastics, one of the best in the field, and he got a no rep on his fourth rope climb and ended up like 15th in that event. And that's what he cannot have.
Starting point is 00:14:46 It would be so much better for Colton to hang out for 30 seconds and make sure you're going to get it. Because if you get a no rep on the rope, done. I mean, it doesn't matter who it is. You get a no rep, you're done. Who was the girl that missed the one thing, started back down, and started climbing back up again to finish it up Alexis badass unless you're gonna do something like that and he's capable of getting through them he just has to be smart it's not not a lack of ability
Starting point is 00:15:16 he just can't make a mental error at the bottom or anything right into doing them faster than he wants to like or have something stupid happen like where his feet touch you know on the way down you know gotta get your feet up in the air so your butt touches like all those all the those little things i wish we could hear the briefing okay two seated legless rope climbs and then 20 strict chest to bar wall handstand push-ups that'll look yeah that'll be the fastest rebounding off the ground done he could even get a dozen no reps yeah i wonder if he can put his hands wide enough in that square to where his head's just touching the ground and they just count it's just as fast as the the guy can count.
Starting point is 00:16:10 And then why do we have to go back to two-seated legless rope climbs when that's the one that scares you? So he has to do two. He's capable, but he's slow. So he's going to do those two, maybe lose ground on some guys, then get it back on the handstand push-ups, and then back to the two-seated legless rope climbs. And Vellner's going to kick ass at this too right so velner and madero's both are going to be amazing on everything except the handstand push-ups both of them are going to have to break that up probably two to three times um
Starting point is 00:16:37 so like yeah they're going to get it velner madero's going to get ahead of everybody and then mertens is going to just obliterate them in the handstand push-up probably tetlo too and then they're gonna catch back up on their other legless world climbs and then it will be a race to see who can finish 20 overhead squats first oh shit here we go i'm risking i'm risking it all Unbroken or die Is that the real Colton? I don't think he has a dog as his avatar
Starting point is 00:17:10 No it is He's peddling puppies these days He's peddling wiener dogs Damn Roll the dice No don't Be smart I want you to go to the game I want him in Damn. No, don't. Be smart. It's a workout.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I want you to go to the game. I want him in. I want him in. I want him in. Okay, let's keep going. Colton, go do something. We're talking about you. Go somewhere else. Okay, the three handstand walk parrots, he can do those?
Starting point is 00:17:37 He's going to look good on those? He's good upside down? Yeah. And then this 500-meter row? It's not long enough to really mean anything And nobody's Sprinting it either because you have that 20 overhead squats At the end of it
Starting point is 00:17:50 And then these 20 overhead squats which you have to do 10 and 10 Right you have to do 10 and then do 10 Yes it's two different barbells Okay and will he do those Unbroken Yeah I think he's probably the best overhead Squatter in the whole field when it comes to reps with the weight. Go back to Rogue either 2020 or 2021. I think it was the online one. It was 21-59 deadlifts and overhead squats. He beat everybody by almost two minutes. It was amazing. And Vellner was second. And Vellner's like, there's no catching that guy. Well, there's no way. No way.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Like the range of motion on each one of those reps. I mean, but he has the power. And he's solid overhead. He's not shaky. There's no wobble. There's no wobble. So he can rapid fire those. If him and even Medeiros get there at the same time, I think Colton will win. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Now I'm going to give you some names, guys, okay? And you tell me if Colton can beat these guys at this workout. Jonathan Wood. I mean, I think Colton can beat all of the guys you're about to say, and I don't even know their ability on this workout. Mitchell Stevenson? Jack Rosemont? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:02 All the guys in the bubble I think he'll beat. What about the champ? Can he beat the champ at this, I think he'll beat. What about the champ? Can he beat the champ at this? I think that'll be the race. I think him, Belner, and Dresden. Yeah. Okay, so this next workout, Colton's got to get some points. He needs points because of the last one?
Starting point is 00:19:23 Because of that run. No, no no the bike The bike and the bag Carrying the bag Oh shit you're right Although there was something at Rogue that he did well But he was slower than the other guys I think it was some sort of like Husafil bag carry or something
Starting point is 00:19:39 He can carry the bag Fine It's just He's not going to bike as fast. Well, he won't bike as fast compared to the field at all. He doesn't have the leverage with it. And he might have to take extra time to get a hold of it. There's just places where he's going to lose time.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Right. Kobe Bryant, is it heats of 10? Because if so, Colton won't be in the last heat, so he may have to risk it because he won't know where those guys are. Shit. Hi, Heidi. Do we know, did they reseed them for the very last test? Last week?
Starting point is 00:20:19 You know what I'm saying? Anybody that was not in the top 10 but they got in the top 10 after the gymnastics event, did they recede them? I hope so. It's the final. Hey, let me throw this out there. If he does go in that second 10, there's two dudes in there that are going to push him like a mofo. Cole Sager and Tetla is going to fucking go balls to the wall. Actually, Cole will be a good rabbit for him.
Starting point is 00:20:45 That'll be a good pace horse for Colton. For seven or six? For six. Seven is going to be a weird one for him. He should theoretically be one of the only guys that can go unbroken on the toe spot.
Starting point is 00:21:05 How's Tetlow at all those things? Can Tetlow go, oh, really? You think Colton can go unbroken on those toes to bar? Yeah. He was the only one who went unbroken on the chest to bar in the grand games. Those type of gymnastics, he's amazing. 185 pounds.
Starting point is 00:21:22 That's a lot of fucking meat to be dangling off the bar for 20 reps twice. I think he was one of the's a lot of fucking meat to be dangling off the bar for 20 reps twice. I think he was one of the first ones off of the toast, the bar at the games workout where they had to do 75 and then bike and then 75 pull-ups and bike. I think he was one of the first ones. I think it was him and Ricky. How did,
Starting point is 00:21:39 how did Colton do on that bike event? Did he not ride a bike? Uh, not very good. that bike event did he not ride away uh not very good oh my goodness oh my goodness okay all right uh his tetlo any chance tetlo sitting in 17th any chance he makes it so i think he i honestly these next two events i think should go very similar to Colton, but he's too far outside. Too far down. Yeah. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Mr. Davis? No. We're past the best part of his week. Hey, so. And he got 15. Hey, so – And he got 15. You have a guy like Fikowski who's like, I'm at home, and I put 390 on a sled because I just wanted to experience the frustration of when you pull on it, and it doesn't move, and what I would do. And I'm like, fuck, this guy is meticulous. Then you have a guy like Anthony Davis who has 20 seconds left and is fiddling around with weights and misses his last lift because he's fiddling around with weights.
Starting point is 00:22:47 He didn't attempt it. What? He didn't attempt his last lift. No, because he ran out of time because he was fiddling with the weights. It's the exact opposite of Fikowski, right? Anthony Davis almost seems like a guy like he's not even preparing for the comp. He's just at home getting as fit as he can and showing up. I mean that's just a crazy error he made, right?
Starting point is 00:23:11 Yeah. Well, he's a home run hitter. He was looking for the big lift, and he was just swinging. Like there wasn't a strategy other than I'm just going to load it up and go. I mean there wasn't a – even when he missed it, it was kind of like – I mean, you know that there was a young kid that just threw up more than you did, and you're just – I mean, I think he just kind of punked it. Yeah, I mean, I don't think he's –
Starting point is 00:23:39 I didn't think he'd think he was going to, like, make his shot, but it was like, oh, well, I might as well just have some fun. I think somebody actually snatching close to him probably threw him for a loop yeah because i think tutor hitting 325 is insane dude that was sick and then you know for anthony 330 is right up there with the best he's ever done like yes he's capable, but, like, I have to perform my best to win this event. He's probably not used to that because his 90% is the usually can win, right? I mean, that's probably a different experience altogether. I honestly am very impressed with how he did in event five.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Who? Who are you talking about? He beat Justin. Who are you talking about? Anthony Davis. He beat Justin at an 800-meter. I know. That was weird.
Starting point is 00:24:27 That was weird. I wasn't expecting him to come off the runner that fast. Yeah. I thought he was really, really good at that event. Maybe he was really mad that he missed his one-run match. Hey, what's going on with Ellie? Is Ellie wounded? Can we just take a look at the leaderboard over at Torian?
Starting point is 00:24:44 Did something happen to her? Have they done anything since the last time we've looked at it? They go at night, so they're probably getting ready to start their last day. Ellie, okay, she's still in first. Okay. Scroll over. I want to see how she's on that last workout there was just some chatter in the chat about her being wounded okay she seems to be
Starting point is 00:25:10 doing amazing crushing yeah all right uh anthony tpa if seven uses oh here we go here we go if someone uses bill's face for the Sevan podcast picture, I don't want to read the rest of this. On the upcoming show's videos, the show will guarantee to exceed 100,000 subscribers. I'll do what I can for you, man. I'll do what I can for you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:25:37 And thank you for the marketing advice. What does TPA stand for? What does that stand for? Total prick asshole. You knowPA stand for? What does that stand for? Total prick asshole. You know what's crazy? What? I don't think we're going to have a big snatcher that makes the games because Anthony's not making it.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Guy is 29 points out from making it. And Tudor's not going to make it. I mean, as far as the max out event we're gonna have a it's not gonna be like this guy's gonna win we're gonna have like seven guys who could win john's gonna be laughing at the weight that everyone throws and it's like i can do that i did that yesterday i can't i can't i don't think i could run an 800 meter in 256 without the snatches so i hey but but i think in south america you can get 7th through 10th and still uh make it to the games because you know five or six people are gonna pop i knew that was coming hi heidi is drunk bored and in a youtube in a tube top
Starting point is 00:26:41 there send photos uh okay oh to see hill danny spiegel not making it okay let's get over there let's go see she's gotta make it what are you talking about what are we going to talk about no hannah black has surpassed her as the powerhouse woman that makes it dude hannah black did that lift come on she's been murdering the whole weekend too yeah I know she didn't do great on event five, but if you look at her placements, dude, like she's killing. Dude, David's dollars in the second. Who's in first?
Starting point is 00:27:17 Ariel. Ariel. This fucking bitch is going to win. Catrin's one point away from first. Dude, that's insane. If Catrin won, oh man, Barnhart won and then Catrin's one point away from first. Dude, that's insane. If Catrin won, oh, man. Barnhart won and then Catrin won. No, Barnhart didn't win.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I'm sorry. This bitch is going to win. She's going to win the games. Savon, you can't call her a bitch. Yes, I can. Trust me. We're good. Me and her are good.
Starting point is 00:27:38 We're good like that. I call it. Me and her and Catrin are tight. Ariel will blow by her on the next two events. Come inside me. Jake Douglas at atorian is so jacked no homo it's fine your name's come inside me so you can do it be all the homo you want but maybe a little okay fine i've not seen someone in crossfit be such a unit yeah he's a brick shithouse totally Can't wait until Hiller talks about him. Ben
Starting point is 00:28:07 Lett. Australian $2. Marry, fuck, kill, Vellner, Fikowski, Colton. Kill Fikowski. Okay. I'd marry Colton. Fuck Vellner. You wouldn't marry Fikowski? I feel like he's the most secure. I'd marry Colton. Fuck Vellner. That'd be,
Starting point is 00:28:25 that's the, you wouldn't marry Fikowski. I feel like he's the most secure. Like a bread. He's the breadwinner. You know what I mean? Like, I just want to raise,
Starting point is 00:28:35 I'll raise dogs with fucking Colton. Colton, you're, you're, you're getting, you're about to work. Colton, Savon,
Starting point is 00:28:45 and Scott Tetlow walk into a bar. They all get ID'd and told to leave. Hey, you're the tallest person in that room, Sevan. Heidi Krum. Oh, Heidi, get off your fucking high horse. I've been saying Katrin's going to win. Check transcripts. All right. She needs to not blow up in event six. Okay, let's do event six. Katrin's gonna win. Check transcripts. Alright, alright. She needs to not
Starting point is 00:29:05 blow up in event six. Okay, let's do event six. Katrin versus Ariel. Bring up the workout please. Imagine Katrin and Ariel are side by side, gentlemen. And I'll keep a tally here. Let's figure out
Starting point is 00:29:21 who's gonna win that workout. 20 overhead squats. Who comes off first? let's figure out who's going to win that, uh, that workout, uh, 20 overhead squats. Uh, who comes off first? Tie. Bill, you happy with a tie there? Uh, that first set. Yeah. I don't think anyone's going to go out. Uh, dude, come on, Bill. It's sure. Sure. Uh, Hanny, Hanny, come on, Bill. Sure. Sure.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Hanny. Hanny. Hanny beat Dana without crumble cookie and eyelashes. God, Hannah. Speaking of unit, Hannah's like five women in one. She's something spectacular. Okay. 20 overhead squats. Ty, this is Ariel versus Katrin David's daughter.
Starting point is 00:30:06 500-meter row. Ty. Three handstand walk pirouettes. Katrin. Katrin. Okay. Point Katrin. Two seated legless rope climbs.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Ariel. Ariel. Okay, point Ariel. 20 strict chest-to-wall handstand push-ups. It's irrelevant because Ariel will be so far ahead at this point. After that, it will just grow. Oh, so it's a crash and burn for catcher at the two-seeded? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Phil? Versus Ariel. Between those two, yeah, Ariel's going to make a jump on the ropes. Okay, then back to the two-seated legless rope climbs. Ariel again. Okay, that's two points for Ariel. Three handstand walk pirouettes. Catherine will do great on them, but she'll be behind on that.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Can we give Catherine a point for that? I don't know what kind of tally game this is. Just a generic tally. It's tied. Ariel will dominate Katrin in this workout. It won't be close between those two. Because of those legless rope climbs? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:19 All right. We'll bring up the leaderboard, please. Anyone disagree? Anyone like, no, you guys are fucking crazy? What's this mean? and we'll kill this workout less the single leg rope climbs take the rope climbs out oh yeah
Starting point is 00:31:36 sure Will Branstetter John thanks for ruining the tally game thank you I am writing them down Carla I am I am writing them down. Carla, I am. I am. Look at it. Carla, I am.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I'm writing it down. What about this? Elbow might be bad for the rope climbs. Fair? Poor Hunter? Well, it was fine on the snatches. I think it'll be fine on the rope climbs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:01 I haven't seen an issue with the elbow yet. Training question from Mason Mitchell, always the probing questions from Mason. So Matt Fraser and HWPO didn't have her train legless? He could have, but it's just not one of, she's just not as good as Ariel is on those. It's a different one it's that seated up and down that's it's a whole different ball game
Starting point is 00:32:29 um does catch and beat Gazan in that workout oh I don't think so no Colin Brander maybe probably yeah Shadburn no okay so you're you're saying this is this is just a blip on the radar.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Just Katrin got launched up, and she'll be going back down, back down to fifth or sixth. She's got a nice little cushion there, dude. I mean – I think she'll be – Bill, please, please, not on this show. We'll talk about her cushion. I'll send a nice little cushion.
Starting point is 00:33:01 I think she'll be second or third after this workout. I don't mean to be superficial, but she looks like she's in championship shape. She looks as good as I've ever seen her. She looks great. She looks amazing. I was not expecting her to come out firing the way she's firing. I thought she'd be sitting down at like 6'7", 8". Let's go back to workout two for a second. firing. I thought she would be, I thought she'd be sitting down at like six, seven, eight.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Let's go back to workout two for a second. Let's look at Miss David's daughter a little bit more. Let's go back to workout two, 23rd place. What was the workout? The ring muscle-up workout. Okay. And that one's the most indicative of how this workout will go. Okay. Fair enough. Okay. And, uh, can you put them in order of, uh, of the second workout? So thank you. So Alex, Ariel, the two girls that we're talking about, Christine, Colin, oh shit. So let's keep going down. I want to see all the people who, who she needs to, that's for Christine, Colin, Brandon, keep going. Shadburn is also going to be very good. And she's to – that's four. Christine Kolenbrenner. Keep going. Shadburn is also going to be very good, and she's right there.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Yeah. Oh, Kelly Baker. Where's Kelly Baker at right now? What place is she in? Eight. Eight. Holy shit. Is she going to the games?
Starting point is 00:34:19 Let's put them back in order by rank. Is she going? She did – I think she was the highest mover on that two combo. She was 16th before that, and now she's 8th. Good job, John. Look at you. Even though Tyler and Spin aren't here, you're fucking... Olivia and Hannah are tied. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:34:38 I'm really bummed Mikalyshyn's not going to make it. I really wanted her to go. I just saw her down there at 18th. That sucks. She's a powerhouse. She's crazy capable. This next workout is going to be interesting because so many people
Starting point is 00:34:53 in the top 15 are not going to do well. How's Lauren Fisher going to do? I think she'll be all right. She should do okay in this, I think. Yeah. All righty.
Starting point is 00:35:12 And then let's talk about that last workout a little bit. The last workout is the echo bike, toes to bar, sandbag carry. What is that? That's three rounds of that? Yeah. Between catcher and aerial? Just a bar sandbag carry. Was that, that's a three rounds of that. Yeah. Um, between Catherine and Ariel. That's tough.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Yeah. I don't know. Uh, probably say I would say Catherine. Yeah. I, I mean, I,
Starting point is 00:35:37 I think there'll be very close though. That's like picking between Hopper and Roman. Uh, is Christine Kolenbrand or HWPO? I'm assuming her husband. that's like picking between hopper and roman uh is christine colin brander hwpo i'm assuming her husband programs for that monster doesn't she she's married to that monster dude jared right stevens yeah yeah they're in missouri yeah i bet i bet i think he does jared's been around a long time did you ever ever work out against him, Bill? Did you ever compete against him? Yeah, we used to do, remember Forge, that company Forge?
Starting point is 00:36:08 Yeah, yeah. So we were both athletes for them way back. That's where we met way back in the day. They had the crazy kettlebells. Eventually they did, yeah. The guys that did that, one of them split off and then did the kettlebells. But Forge was the original uh sponsor for the crossfit games like when you got stuff you got forge shorts yeah oh shit what year
Starting point is 00:36:31 is that 2008 2007 2008 oh they're still around those guys were seals right yeah yeah one of the guys was a giant jack dude right he was a super tall guy he was the one that did uh all the kettlebell stuff i think i think he went to um not that guy freeze and freeze sleeves i think he went to to that company eventually no no i think mike was the guy he's the main guy now with forge so they're still around go to their go to their store i want to see what they sell do Do they actually sell shit? Yeah, shirts and stuff like that. They get that Trident stuff. But so me and Jared, we were athletes for these guys. Doesn't that seem – you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:37:16 You can't wear a mask with a Trident on it. Old website maybe. Do they sell a bunch of pussies? Do they sell shorts where you can tuck your penis, too, with a trident on it? Tuck-friendly? Yeah, tuck-friendly trident shorts? Jesus Christ. I just see sellout. My God.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Throw your Carthart shit away. Anthony TBA, did Mal sit out this year because of Catrin? No. Come on. What does that even mean no that makes me feel better that you think bill's more handsome than me you say thanks i happily take your two dollars anthony anthony you've been drinking uh wolverine let's go did you ever did you see the newest thing about wolverine bill
Starting point is 00:37:59 which one oh man buddy i need to break this to to you. This is kind of a weird thing for you and Hiller. You haven't seen this? Let me see if I can find it. This is – I saw this yesterday, and I was tripping. I saw this last night. And I pulled up a bunch of other pictures of Wolverine. It's pretty insane. Yeah, once I show you this, you're never going to be able to
Starting point is 00:38:25 unsee it uh wolverine is actually batman kissing himself oh i did hear about this you see that even anthony davis is tripping look at him oh man you see it right and i pulled up a bunch of other pictures of wolverine and it's like yep it's that yeah that just took a shortcut to making a superhero just had you know it's crazy i didn't i didn't realize like me and hiller swimmer and wrestler like that's that's what i did that was my whole deal swimming and wrestling yeah i mean wrestling wrestling i mean from started both at like five years old and did both all the way through crazy yeah you did water polo no we didn't have that in arizona uh if john can't handle commentating for the weekend of semis he can definitely
Starting point is 00:39:18 he definitely ain't gonna make it in competing in semis one day sorry why did he not do some shows did he I think they started saying I look tired. Oh. Dude, everyone's tired. I feel for John. All right. Do we want to take, let's take a quick look at the teams. Is Jorge Fernandez's injury anything significant?
Starting point is 00:39:45 It sounds like something happened to his hammy. Let's scroll. How many events do they have left? Are they going right now? Are the teams going right now? Yeah, they're going right now. Okay, so they finished today, so he's good. As long as they don't DNF or get, I guess, DQ, they should be fine.
Starting point is 00:40:04 They're fine. DNF or get just I guess DQ they should be fine they're fine sound like he had a old hamstring injury that just kind of flared up before they started doing the cleaning jerks for the clean he just has to go out there and wobble around a little bit
Starting point is 00:40:15 I guess he could get pulled yeah I feel like he could get pulled if they're going gonna continue that trend mason mitchell john let me coach you he's like isn't fukowski's coach your coach uh one of fukowski's old coaches uh don't run john off uh need a punching bag. He's not terrible.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Two compliments, one put down. Two compliments. Every show needs a good scapegoat. All right. I think that wraps it up. I think we come on tomorrow morning just fired up. Is there any stone unturned? Looks like he might not make it. Okay, let's go take a peek over there oh by the way uh like we
Starting point is 00:41:08 said earlier today ceo shirts are available at the paper street coffee booth or or or is it the og booth the sherpa works booth i don't know but wherever they're they are available and and i think that they're he's giving them away free there which is crazy kind of pissing me off but jason cleaver sent me a video of him wearing one uh We did see Hayley Adams at the event ringside. That was pretty cool seeing her. She looked a little embarrassed. She was there with Noah. And one of the athletes, one of the females, I guess, walked –
Starting point is 00:41:35 oh, did Kelly Clark pull out? I saw her name placard, but I didn't see her doing snatches. And then I also saw a young lady with the last name of madison uh they were saying walked off injured i can see that again um oh with an oh yeah yeah here we go uh madison mckay uh mckelney uh McElney? Max and McElhenney? Yeah, it looks like I'll send you a picture here, Caleb. It looks like fire department's there
Starting point is 00:42:13 and her arm is in a sling. I just sent it to you in a text. there she is that's not good right you want to talk about uh i would shoot that's not cool no you never want to see a firetruck, right, Bill? No. Well, firetruck, one thing, but body wrapped up. The arm wrapped to the body. That's what I'm not. That's what I'm a little bit more worried about. Just to clarify, Sebon, you're doing great.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Thank you, Heidi. Thank you, Heidi. Appreciate it. Do you want to talk about Bailey Rail? I'd love to. Because she's hurting. In terms of her score, just shit the bed? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:43:13 I think she's done. I don't think she's going to make it. Okay, let's take a quick peep at her, and then I like her, and then let's go over to Copa, sir. You're right. Let's see what happens. Will that be huge if Guy doesn't make it? I don't think he or augustine is going to make it i know everybody's hyped on g but those two have been the two guys from south america for the last like four years
Starting point is 00:43:35 as long as he's been making it there was some talk that he was it sounded like he wasn't having fun right and then and then there was that interview with him on the mayhem um one of the mayhem videos where he said the pressure is a lot and uh he said he wasn't training much uh okay where are we uh bailey rail 21st place 236 points uh we were saying basically you need 500 points in order to make it uh to be in contention is that true scroll back up to ninth place let's see what ninth place has. Ninth place should have 400 points. Let's see. Ninth place. 313.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Oh, sorry. Not 400. Oh, yeah. No, not 400. How can that be? Were we saying that you needed 500 points to make it to the games? With the magic number magic number yeah but he's saying they should have more than i mean emily's not gonna win and then get third place
Starting point is 00:44:31 but she's also not gonna she's also not gonna get a 90 and 100 and still be ninth place um that's just how it shook out in the east it could be lower lower. We were just... I think Tyler Spinn said that he just took what 10th place was in the East, and that was around 500. I'm going to go back there and look and see. The points are distributed a lot more throughout these
Starting point is 00:44:56 people than they were in the East. The top 10 girls were stealing every point. Paige Semenza made it in 11th place with 386, and Shelby Neal made it with 397 in 9th place. Maybe it was the guys that they were talking about? Or we were off by 100. Oh, no, no, you're right.
Starting point is 00:45:18 It was the guys. 9th place is 507 for the guys. Alex Vigneault. Damn, James sprague they took 12 from the from the east yeah god and spencer panchik holy shit uh so okay back to uh bailey rail mayhem athlete uh toast uh shocked anyone i mean she made the games the last two years so yeah it's pretty big deal yeah i mean those are those finishes are just i gotta say that painful painful well i mean i i mean it is like you expect when you when you when you have an expectation that like not that she's going to be winning all the events, but like 37,
Starting point is 00:46:05 24, 26. Yeah. Yeah. You know, and those weren't that. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:14 I thought she would do really good on event five. Yeah. And she didn't. I mean, would you say event two is the most cross? Oh, except for that rock. I was going to say, yeah. Are there, are there, is there anything in here that you would just say Event 2 is the most cross – oh. Except for that ruck. I was going to say – yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Is there anything in here that you would just say is just straight up like you feel like, yeah, that's a good old CrossFit workout? That's a main site. That's something you'd see on main site. Event 7. Yeah. And I feel like that's probably the only one. Do you think Bailey Rayl is going to do well at that? She should, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:50 I mean, that's a good point. That's a good point that you're making. Because they do CrossFit over there at Mayhem. Yeah. Whatever that means. I know I'm being cheeky by saying that, but bear with me. They do CrossFit over there, right? No, I mean, Linda's a good – Well, shit, okay. If you want to go right no i mean linda's a good it's it's
Starting point is 00:47:06 well shit okay if you want to that's a good crossfitty workout yeah yeah right it's strength biased but it's i mean it's solid as far as uh different domains different modalities there there has been all through the open the quarters the and obviously the semis um the program it's it's coming out different it just is different and you know not to say that it's not quote-unquote crossfit but i mean there's it's there's a lot of different stuff i think and so that is definitely, that's twisting. I mean, you're good athletes are going to do good. They're going to do fine. But still it's going to,
Starting point is 00:47:53 it changes the landscape for a lot of athletes. Go ahead. Event one is kind of, it's pretty CrossFit. I mean, you have, you have aerobic endurance and then doing work. That's kind of a grind. It's not like thrusters and burpees, but that's like OG CrossFit. No, I like that. I don't like the sled material. Being wide. That shouldn't be the difference maker.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Right. No, 100%. I like that event. Actually, I really like that event a lot. Man, that was a mistake not to show that event. Actually, I really like that event a lot. Man, that was a mistake not to show that event. I think a lot of people would have really liked to have seen that, not on the bootleg broadcast, but to actually put it out so people could see it.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Oh, this is brutal. Anthony, Rich is taking barn keys away from Bailey. Ooh. And Tyler. I mean, they've been away from tyler his whole life i wonder how that is uh for for a couple like that like um bailey and um tyler christophal to both not make it have committed so much of their life to it i mean this is the first time for bailey uh yolanda, Jenny, and Sebi, make sure to watch the day two Torian Pro Polynesian dance when you're on the assault bike later. Seven hours and 41 minutes into the stream. Really?
Starting point is 00:49:12 You want to watch it? What? Say it again? You want to watch it? Yeah, maybe pull up a second of it. This is the third person I've seen talk about it. I don't even think Yolanda is Australian. Oh, no, she is. That's Australian money.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Really? Was it that good? Don't you guys see that at every fucking event you go to? Doesn't that shit get old? Whenever I see that, I'm like, these poor fucking New Zealanders. They have to deal with this fucking weird shit every time. Voodoo shit. Let me see this. Okay, I'll go back and look at it
Starting point is 00:49:45 they started doing like muscle ups and shit they did yeah so one of the funniest uh like videos i've ever seen is when new zealand played usa and uh men's basketball and they did they did one of those dances things that they do and they got all up in their face, and the USA basketball players were just like, bro. Like, you want to fight, motherfucker? They did it before the game, right before it was about to start, and tried to intimidate them hard. And, I mean, it was just the onslaught that was coming.
Starting point is 00:50:23 It was so funny. I'd like to see that. sir trolls a lot a bill looks like blue collar seven and seven looks like white collar bill i'll take it i'll take it no more don't talk about us anymore i'll take it let's leave on a good note i don't know if that's a good note actually um Okay. Let's go over to... Where were we going to go? Oh, Copa Sur and Seaport. Check out what the fuck's going on with Guy. Kayake Cerveni and his girlfriend dominating the event.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Actually, not dominating. No, it's her not so much. Her not so much? Yeah. And then all the way down in, where is Guy? Oh, third. Oh, okay. Six.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Okay, yeah. I was looking down low. All right. Hey, what's up? He got it. He's good. I think two spots. No, he's not.
Starting point is 00:51:19 40 points? Only two people go, and he's 39 points out. And the problem is that nobody else is better than those two people. Guy could win these as long as Kaikei and Kalyan get like fifth. Guy's not going. What place have these guys been getting? Have any of these guys dropped out of the top five? No.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Two, three, two, six, four one two three not good weird workout yep caller hi oh you got a call back you got a call back i don't know why that my phone does that every show it has to be reset sorry and you were you you you did have a pretty scary voice. What the fuck was going on with that? Oh, good, Tiago. Tiago has a good information that we've been misrepresenting the whole weekend. Which is what? You want to pull the comment up?
Starting point is 00:52:18 It says Andrea has a husband. That's the girl who's been killing it. Kaikei is single. They're not related at all. They just train under the same training program ah okay fair enough because they got a lot of pictures together where they look it looked like where they're intimate i apologize for the uh misinformation it wouldn't be the first time we've done that no device connected bluetooth home settings oh here we go hold on caller hold on i'm gonna let your scary do you think olivia makes it can you pull people up the girls leaderboard cursed at
Starting point is 00:53:00 her yeah yeah she's kicking ass right yeah well i, just look where she's at, though. It's touchier than you think. Hold on, caller. We got you. We got you. We got you. The top 10 go, right, for the women? Yeah. Hold on one second. Caller, go ahead with your scary ass.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Well, I was just seeing if John has his nipples. Sorry, go ahead. I was just seeing if John has his nipples pierced. Sorry, go ahead. I was just seeing if John has his nipples pierced. Oh, great question. Great question. Thank you. I do not.
Starting point is 00:53:36 I do not. I'm sorry to disappoint you. It's very disappointing. I'm not going to lie. All that work to get in. Is that your mom calling, John? No, my mom would never ask that question. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Okay. Okay, bye. Bye, thank you. Fuck, that's great. Was that Heidi? I don't know who that is, but that's refreshing because... Heidi's been talking about nipples this whole time. Yeah, that's a Wisconsin accent right there. That was a great that was a great question i like that okay uh okay well miss
Starting point is 00:54:10 kerstetter cutting into my tennis time olivia uh 328 this is what you scroll the other way a little bit so if you look five and five and four scroll down so she's basically in a three-way tie for fifth place. Yeah, but I'm thinking of the events that are to come. Okay, and Hannah and Olivia both are, I do not think are going to be very good at event six. I know if those Legless Robocoms are going to be hard for Katrin, they're going to be really hard for those two girls. And if you look down at 10th place, they're only, what, 24 points out?
Starting point is 00:54:51 Yeah. That's, what, six places? Seven places? Eight. I guess it would be eight because they go by three, right? The leaderboard goes by threes. Yeah, but what girls below them are going to get in between them and the girls above?
Starting point is 00:55:10 I could see, like Lauren Fisher, I could see in there. I don't think Danny's going to do in there. Kelly Baker. Emily White. Emily White just won the event five, right? If she's a really good runner, I imagine she's probably okay at legless rope climbs. She'll be one of the lighter.
Starting point is 00:55:30 She'll be, well, she's shit, dude. She threw up 200 pounds. Hey, she looks like she's going to be good at Event 7, I'll tell you that. Yeah. Can you scroll down a little bit? Jeff Sullivan, hot take. Mal and Haley decided they don't do stress of Indy and go team with Noah.
Starting point is 00:55:47 All right. Thank you, Jeff. Stacey Lerum, Abigail Domet, Chloe Wilson. It just takes – I mean, Emily Rolfe, wow. I didn't see her that far down. Yeah, yeah. Wow. We should talk about that.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Goodness gracious, Emily. Look at her score, second, 30th. 19th, 41st, 3rd. How many times has she been to the games? Three? Four? A good amount of times. Dude, she's going to bring it. Dude.
Starting point is 00:56:18 These should be good events for her. Event seven. She could win that event. Who, Emily? Yeah, she's To of the greatest yeah she's toes the bar close the bar best thing especially fast toes the bar and um she's gonna be fine on the bike and she's long she'll be good in the i actually think she's a great pick to win event seven so she could cole sager her way in yeah but um if you look like it just takes a couple girls to be pretty good at legless rope climbs and Olivia or Hannah to be trash for them to be out of this out.
Starting point is 00:56:51 They're not shoo-ins. It's way touchier than you think. I know they've performed great, but their point discrepancy between these places are not very much. Yeah, between Danny Spiegel in 14th and uh getting in at ninth uh place where emily white is is what 30 is less than 30 points 28 points well and then on then all the way up to like fifth place is only 15 more points can we see up to fifth place uh goodwill racing 1999 as promised heidi made my night. Wow. She promised you that?
Starting point is 00:57:28 Mr. Spin tried to say Fikowski wouldn't make the games two days ago. Okay. A therapist doesn't rub shit in people's faces. You're not a real therapist, are you? So if you look, Bethany Shadburn's at 331. Now I think Bethany's going to kill
Starting point is 00:57:44 the next event, so I'm just going to go. Now I think Bethany's going to kill the next event. So I'm just going to go past her because I think she's going to be fine. 328, Hannah Black. So sixth place all the way down to 14th place are separated by less than 50 points. In a gymnastics event where people can get 45th place coming up, like sixth through 14th, we can see a whole lot of shake, and only the top 10 go. What surgery did Rolf have?
Starting point is 00:58:15 That was her hand. Oh, yeah, the clotting. Ah, from the… The jib jab? No, no. The 49ers game. No, it wasn't a 49ers game. They decided it was something else. It was from acupuncture or something.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Oh, yeah, correct. How did Olivia do in the quarterfinal rope climb event? The last one? Yeah. Pull that up. Let me effort it. Where was that? At quarterfinals? Yeah. Pull that up. Let me, let me effort it. Where was that at quarterfinals?
Starting point is 00:58:45 Yeah. Going deep. Like that. Well, that's basically what that, that entire event was for most of the people. Everybody. Now granted it wasn't like,
Starting point is 00:58:56 it wasn't like this. No, it was not. It was not like this. No. Are you guys saying Hannah's the new, um, Danny Spiegel?
Starting point is 00:59:03 Yeah, she is man, but way more likable. We're going to see Hannah at Rogue. Dear Bill and Katie. Don't forget to consider those who just missed the test. What is this? Don't forget to consider those who just missed the test.
Starting point is 00:59:20 The test is coming. Just missed. Oh, I don't understand that comment. This is quarterfinals? Yeah. How did you do in that, Bill? Just curious. I actually didn't do that one.
Starting point is 00:59:37 What workout are you looking at? The last one. I would not like to say. So she beat Colin Branderer she destroyed spiegel is there any other names that are around there hey that's 50 fishers in there yeah uh how did you do where you can look this up by quarterfinals like this yeah how did emily do hold on where's emily there she is emily brolf so she beat her by like five seconds dude i i think with with who she's been around as she's done her training jacob hepner likes
Starting point is 01:00:23 weird shit he always has and i'm not and i'm just talking like old foundation stuff if you take if you take a female athlete and she has been doing rope climbs for any length of time she's going to have one of a one up on the field even though you have a young athlete that hasn't matured into her strength yet i think that she's going to be able to be i think she's she doesn't have to win it all she has to do is stay right in the middle yeah yeah no i think it's not 20 or whatever it's not maturing into her strength i think she's matured too much into her strength that it will hurt her oh with her side no i i hear what you're
Starting point is 01:01:00 saying on that i get it yeah no i get it i get it. The way these are, where you've got to go up and then you've got to come back down. I think weight plays so much of a role in these. It's really hard to listen to you while we're... I don't even know what that movement was that was going on there. That guy's twerking.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Yeah, it was pretty good. Jeez Louise. Imagine them yeah it was pretty good imagine them doing this to LeBron James Carmelo Anthony and all of the NBA guys he is having a good time yeah it looks bad for your back i don't know i i think that she i could see her maybe it's it i really want to see her with the
Starting point is 01:01:57 opportunity who's that talking to i was talking to someone on the thread about this if if she does make it should she go i think so you think i think i think she yeah i think she should go with no expectations and just do your best okay now we had that whole talk about fusile earlier talking about should she take a year off to gain strength to shore up whatever whatever issues she has whatever weaknesses she has i think with olivia i mean she here she is she's doing a thing shoulder to shoulder with the best around look at danny spiegel here she's killing it that's so funny but but to be able to take the year competing, still getting up there, go into the teens group, do her thing. And, I mean, she's going to know at the end of the semis
Starting point is 01:02:54 where her weaknesses are compared to the rest of the field that she needs to work on. And now have a whole year to do that rather than trying to, you know, get ready for the games. Because, I mean, there's a lot of people. They want to go to the games. Because there's a lot of people, they want to go to the games, I get it. But I don't know if you can just go to the games and have fun. Here's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:03:11 It is a meat grinder. I'm saying do that stuff, train that way, and then do the games. I'm not saying just go to have fun. Do your best, right? But don't take it like I'm in games training. I'm going to hype up the volume and I'm going to time to swim a whole bunch and all that stuff. Still work on your weaknesses.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Train as you would to eventually be better than you are right now, right? But still do the games. What's the point of doing the teen division? Why even go? She's so much better than second place. Why? You're saying she should go teens again? You're saying do the teens and do your thing.
Starting point is 01:03:51 I mean, it's a waste of a weekend. Like, I would just train through the weekend. If you're going to do that, you might as well not even go. Confidence. Confidence. For confidence. She's won it three years in a row. She don't need no confidence against the teenagers.
Starting point is 01:04:02 She needs confidence against freaking Laura Horvath. That's a whole different thing i don't i don't know if she's gonna have i mean look okay look what we've already had we've had our young athletes that have already bounced out three years after being in the two years one year after being in the elite division maybe she shouldn't do it i'm not saying she can't do it what i'm saying is is it a waste of time no because she's still a young kid go there and you know pack up that confidence where you just you feel good you you're you're on a high note you're running you run that out giving yourself that one year to do to think okay i'm shooting for that one not to go in and get in there and just get annihilated because then what you're going to think okay i'm shooting for that one not to go in and get in there and just get
Starting point is 01:04:45 annihilated because then what you're going to think when she goes in it's gonna be like well i was supposed to get my ass kicked i got my ass kicked so now when i go against these guys i'm really going to get my ass kicked and believe me i i'm i'm i i like i know there was some chatter about like you know should the teens division even be there? I think competition all the time. I don't like the idea when people go to the easy event. I didn't want to ever do the Masters. I wanted to stay in the open division as long as I could because I didn't want to be a big fish in a little pond. I wanted to line up with the best.
Starting point is 01:05:19 That was me. But she's also very young. No, very early in her career is what I'm saying. She's got a lot of time. So why between young and early in her career? She's young. She's young, man.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Well, I know, but I think it's more important to say it's more important to say early in her career based on rather than young, I think, because I mean, look at some of the athletes that we have in there. 19,
Starting point is 01:05:42 21, 22, 20. I mean, like technically that's all young let me let me let me ask you this though let me ask you this do you think emma lawson is more confident after the games last year yeah she fucking kicked she kicked out right yeah now like my my point i it's not a malin haley thing hey i bet you the first year Haley did the games. She had a blast. Now I don't know where she went.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Haley wanted to get the hell out of the teen division. Right. Didn't not want to be there. She's like, just wanted to be at the big show. Yeah. And the first year, the first year she was at the game, she didn't expect to win. She didn't expect the podium. She was just trying to do her best. And I bet she had a blast at the games that year, even if it was hard, you know, and like a beatdown, right? But we expected nothing of her.
Starting point is 01:06:28 And then everybody was like, man, why is Haley not getting stronger? Why is Haley not getting stronger year after year after year after year? And then mentally, that beatdown, I think, got the best of her. Mal, everybody's telling Mal, you should be the best woman in the world. You're the next. You're the next. You're freaking Tia Toomey incarnate. Those type of expectations, I think, is what
Starting point is 01:06:49 brings that pressure that's killing these kids. What did you say about Olivia for the last... What have you been saying about Olivia for the last two years? You just wrote it to me. It's Laura Horvath. Right. You don't think that's going to be pressure? No. Here's why. Here's why. Laura Horvath is not Tia Toomey. I'm saying she is an athlete like Laura Horvath. It's like a comp. I'm not saying she needs to be second fittest woman in the world and dominate all the machine events.
Starting point is 01:07:25 we've had coming up have been in the mold of like little gymnasty girls or strong gymnasty girls but you know look kind of like tia body wise right or hayley who's very you know small and petite olivia's not like that olivia's a bigger girl like and we haven't had a teenager dominate people like that i think she's in the mold of laura horvath when none of the other teams are and i thought that i think that's cool i don't even think we know what athlete we're looking at with Perstetter. I mean, she's so fucking young, dude. Do you remember what it's like to be 17? How old are you, John? 30?
Starting point is 01:07:54 28. Yeah. I mean, dude. And again, you went to your tenure high school reunion this year. This fucking kid, she has a reunion. Do you remember when people, when you were graduating from high school and you'd hear people talk about a tenure high school reunion this year. This fucking kid, she has a reunion. Do you remember when you were graduating from high school and you'd hear people talk about a 10-year high school reunion? You're like, ew.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Old fuck. Dude, you have lit your belly button older than her. I mean, I don't know. I'm not saying – if she wanted to do it, like if I was with her kid, if she wanted to do it – John is young as growing young as growing on me holy shit well he's having a great he's having a great show i i would say hey if you want to go okay cool i mean i'm not saying don't i'm just saying that if it was up to me i'd be like okay well what what do you want like yeah what do you what are you trying to get is it about being on the floor
Starting point is 01:08:46 or do you know that we have we got some holes that we need to fix for you to come out and smash for 10 years first and fourth isn't that enough bill a first and a fourth that's fucking gnarly well i mean he's looking at the 26th and the 34th right that's what i'm looking at and but then what's tomorrow fourth go a long way. The first event, 20? I mean, this is basically Guy at the CrossFit Games. Honestly, I think worse than 20th. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:15 This is Guy at the CrossFit Games, right? Okay. So if she squeaks in, is it worth it to go? I think it's like you, well, like you said, whatever we like, it's what she wants. I just think there's no point in winning the team division again. I would rather her not go to the games and, and truly train for,
Starting point is 01:09:35 you know, 20 months or to do the next CrossFit games. You know, you see what I'm saying? Yeah. There's no point in doing the team division again. You're going to crush it. It'd be like, Bill, how old
Starting point is 01:09:46 are you? 54. What were the two different names? I just don't say mine. I don't even say. It'd be like you doing the 60 plus division. It's not you going to the
Starting point is 01:10:01 Masters. It's you going to the 60 plus division where you're going to dominate everybody so badly There's no point in you being there Right The Masters It's so hard In the 55 division You use a 35 pound dumbbell
Starting point is 01:10:13 Yeah Oh my gosh 35 pound That's what you're coming up on But James You see what I'm saying Teen athletes
Starting point is 01:10:23 Teen athletes need a good sounding board From parents to coach When they have that sky's the limit. I, I, I agree with that. I think that there needs to be some heavy duty discussion so that there is a roadmap that's set out. And then just no pressure. Whitney Davis, don't get rid of it. Don't don't get rid of it. Maybe get rid of social media so
Starting point is 01:10:46 they can't hear all your stupid comments about them well that's certainly not gonna happen amen but that's the thing that'll never happen if you're olivia's dad there is you have to grab her steal her fucking phone and put her in a car and take her on a camping trip for two weeks yeah you got i mean you got to hit the reset button on kids i do know this i do know that i have uh years ago um my parents said like so i was uh i was like 18 basically turned 18 right when i graduated so i was like a young senior and there wasn't internet back then people just so you know i'm not trying to make an old joke i'm just telling you the truth um yeah and there weren't cell phones and like if it was like if you had a pager i'm serious i remember my my parents said for a lot of years they wish they would have held me back so that i would have
Starting point is 01:11:35 gotten one year more of growth on me i i was a state champ my senior year i was a runner up my junior year i would have won state if i would have been held back i would have been that again i grew my freshman year in college is when i first started getting some size in wrestling yeah could you imagine yeah my senior year i wrestled uh 132 was my weight at least there's weight classes in wrestling it didn't really matter if you were big or not you just uh right now six foot i don't know if you meant like now or like then. Then then then I was probably like I was probably like five, 10, maybe. And you wrestle in what division? 132. That's insane. 119 the year before that. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:12:23 But like I didn't get any size until that next year. So like if, and it's, it's really strange because you know, being in a, being in a combative sport versus like me and John, like me and you can go at each other and like, you're just moving your barbell. I'm moving my barbell. Like I'm going to kick my own ass.
Starting point is 01:12:37 You're going to kick your own ass. You're not going to kick mine or the other way around. So I know it's, there's a difference with that, but man, could you imagine her with like when she actually physically matures? Laura Warbath. Laura Warbath, I know.
Starting point is 01:12:50 And that, by the way, that's the social media piece, too. You get to make sure that her brain can mature, too, because if she finds her identity from this fucking device instead of what Medeiros has, his family, loved ones, and maybe some deep inner work, some values, she'll be fucked just like the rest. Oh, you hung up. I was just about to get to you. Jesus Christ. Pussy. Tiago Cavalsante.
Starting point is 01:13:17 11 rubies, rubles. Take a look at Justin's scores and compare them with Jeffrey Adler in first. Very similar. Test three is very interesting. Medeiros beat Jeff by four seconds, but Adler got fourth. Justin got 12th. Well, I would rather look at Justin's scores versus Vellner's scores,
Starting point is 01:13:38 where Vellner's much more higher than Justin. But this is good shit right here, right? Because last week we saw how good adler looked so basically is tiago this is good stuff tiago saying he's basically saying the west is harder well here's here's the thing though like there was a gap between jeff and the other three guys if i remember correctly and linda there was like a minute gap between those, and that's where all the other guys were placing, between the winner and then Adler's score. First through third were very close to each other, and then there was a minute, and then it was Adler. So I just think there's more guys that are in that gap, per se, not necessarily it's better.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Does that make sense? Yeah. This is workout three. Oh, I see what you're saying. Wow, John. Good fucking shit. Basically, Samuel, Jason, and Roman Krennikoff all got the same time. And then a minute
Starting point is 01:14:38 further, Jeffrey Adler and Noah Olsen and then James Sprague came in. I see what you're saying. Okay. You're talking about that minute gap there. Yeah. Oh, good memory. Thank you, came in. I see what you're saying. Okay, you're talking about that minute gap there. Yeah. Oh, good memory. Oh, thank you, Tiago. I wonder where that's from, R.
Starting point is 01:14:53 I guess he's not from Finland. I think he's from South America because I knew a lot about them. Why would you say that? Say what? John, that he's from South America. Because he's the guy who said Andrea was not married to Kaike
Starting point is 01:15:07 oh good good stuff I thought it was because his name was Tiago and he had a fucking black mop on his head what is that yeah how much South African Rand oh that's interesting that is interesting
Starting point is 01:15:22 50 cents thank. 50 cents. Thank you. 50 cents. Boom. I think it's technically all that conversation. Hey, what is this? Sebon podcast cause.
Starting point is 01:15:33 What is that? CO at what is that? Chief of staff. Oh, I was wondering about that. Point of order. Sebon, don't forget to feed and walk John Young after the show.
Starting point is 01:15:41 He looks hungry and needs to pee. Thank you. Chief of staff. Oh, never and needs to pee. Thank you. Chief of Staff. Oh, never mind. It's the Brazilian Real. I looked up the USD. That's what came up. James Townsend, I've been through
Starting point is 01:15:55 all the pressure at 17 and almost checked out. That's why I can personally relate to these pressures from athletes. I could totally make 132, by the way. Easy way easy i mean it wouldn't be easy but i wouldn't look like emaciated i don't think i can make 182 uh eat eat that's the most i've ever weighed in my life uh eaton beaver uh they call it reclassing 19 year old senior reclassing oh what a bill was saying he wanted to do stayold senior reclassing? Oh, what Abil was saying he wanted to do? Stay back a year?
Starting point is 01:16:26 Reclassing? Wrestling is crazy with cuts, though. What's the worst? It's way different now. It's way different now than back in my day. I mean, they didn't really care as much, but now they try to make it safer. What's the worst? Can you walk me through the worst cut you've ever done?
Starting point is 01:16:52 Like, worst situation? I know some of us are crazy with that stuff um i could easily lose regularly lose like eight to ten eight pounds in a practice without having to wear like plastics and sweats and all that kind of stuff but we would do if we're on a hard cut uh we'd have our practice or whatever and then you'd put your plastics on you'd go run you'd go hop in the sauna uh the trick we always used was you're in the sauna you take like a credit card or your your school id and you'd scrape the sweat off of you so because it replaces oh so that your body would like try to like re-pool that area yeah so it'd be like swipe and sweat off you like that remember that there would be like guys on a on like a a bike stationary bike in there just riding with the burn of the burn of the rocks and like i can't i don't go into saunders anymore like that like that i can't do it i can't do it
Starting point is 01:17:44 can't do it ad Can't do it. Adler did that last week with no knowledge. Medeiros had an extra week in footage of the event to figure out a better strategy shells, extra sloppy. Nah, these guys have an entire other week to strategize and they get to strategize based off the performance of the other high level men.
Starting point is 01:18:00 They already saw. That's what Brent said. Brent said he went back and looked at the videos and watch the split. So he knew exactly what he needed to hit and then used that for himself. Graham Scott, all of these athletes, also had an entire week to study and prep. Are you going to talk to Hunter McIntyre? Yeah, of course, eventually. I mean, I've been texting the hell out of him.
Starting point is 01:18:19 He hasn't responded. I'm assuming he did a bunch of fucking heroin and blow and passed out somewhere and got taken to the drunk tank. I'm guessing Danny T. But don't quote me on that. Danny T. I think the point is more just would probably be on the podium if he was in the east. But doesn't take away that doesn't isn't doesn't take away the fact that Vellner is crushing it.
Starting point is 01:18:39 Vellner's crushing it. I don't think he'd be on the podium in the east right now. I think he would end up on the podium. But I don't think he would be on the podium in the East right now I think he would end up on the podium But I don't think he would be on it right now If he finishes 7 The pundits are going to be fucking talking shit about him Between now and the games I guarantee you no one's going to be putting him as champ
Starting point is 01:18:56 Except for me Oh I think most people will still put him as champ Fuck that Everyone wants to jump on the Well it did fuck everyone up that Roman ended up taking fourth. I think that fucked a lot of people up too, the Romans. Yeah, Romans didn't dominate either. Caller High, can you turn your YouTube off, High?
Starting point is 01:19:15 Yeah, I turned it off. Hey, Zach from Michigan. Just wanted to say it's interesting. Jones has been talking a lot about uh to relate with younger athletes he used to be matt bold's coach yeah um just kind of an interesting thought there something about consider you know and what i am i would you want me to read into that i don't know what you mean by that oh like so he's he's been a lot about mal and she's been stepping out he was mal's coach right previously before user um so don't you think that's like interesting that like he's
Starting point is 01:19:51 talking about you could relate to that is he i don't think he's necessarily saying that matt isn't um but that's a skill that a lot of coaches need especially with some of these younger athletes kind of in a parental role right i agree with that 100 yeah you have to be a multi if you're going to be a good coach you have to have a be multifaceted with how you're going to handle each athlete not like we do it like this but like how do you what do you handle barnhart the same way you handle mal exactly for sure well and even we look at health as a whole i mean like bring it back across in general mental health oh is is a piece of of well-being and managing an athlete understand some of that growing you know it's it's it's an encompassing thing sometimes we look at the sport
Starting point is 01:20:38 of fitness as just like the games and competing get rich retired early because he's the hardest part is you know the mental game um and sometimes we forget the weight that that has us 17 18 year olds it's funny when i think of rich retiring because uh because of the mental gamer matt i think of it just they get tired of going to the pain cave it's funny i never thought about the pressure from the outside world i'm not saying i right. I'm just saying that's the way I always interpret it. And I probably interpreted it wrong. I mean, I'm sure that's a piece of it. You know, those guys are all older.
Starting point is 01:21:13 They can lock out some of those things about the brain not fully developing. Young kids can maybe shut it off from the pain cave a little bit easier. Haley talked about how Rich doesn't like to suffer and he's just in that fit um so i think it's an interesting thought to think maybe i don't know yeah okay thank you good stuff yeah all right thank you bye yeah i gotta fix this phone thing every this this uh oh yeah you That's interesting. She says, like what he said about rich. Cause Haley did say that rich doesn't like to suffer, but I mean the mental suffer of just hitting the grind day after day after day,
Starting point is 01:21:56 rich is probably one of the best ones ever. Um, you know what I mean? And people don't really think about like you wake up, you're hit by a train. You decided train or not, you know, in't really think about it. You wake up, you're hit by a train. You decide to train or not. And the way he did it, like most other athletes, they have their plan. It's like, okay, I guess I'm doing these things today.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Because you already have your plan. It's already set up. Your coach has already set it up for you. Whereas Rich would always do it. All right, what are we doing today? Let's see what we want to do today. Let's come up with something. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:23 Which, I think a lot of people would be really hard because if you don't, if it's, one of the things about being an athlete is it's nice just to shut your brain off and just do, but then he's having to decide, okay, how am I going to put myself into the pain cave today? Do I want to do it with some heavy weight? Do I want to do it with some crazy road? Do I want to go and run? Am I going to go swim?
Starting point is 01:22:49 I really don't want to do this. I weight do i want to do with some crazy road do i want to go and run am i going to go swim uh i really don't want to do this i guess we're doing that today like you know you you're the master of your own domain of how bad you want to make it hurt and he did his own yeah he did all his own programming too right so he's got i feel like it's hard to improve that way when you're the when you're the one making your programming. 100%, because there's always going to be a bias to it. Yeah. All right, we milk this cow. Moo. Kayla, what time do we come on tomorrow? Oh, there you are, right there.
Starting point is 01:23:18 Shit, I don't have to yell at you. There you are, right there. We're scheduled for 8 a.m. tomorrow morning, Pacific Standard Time. 11 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Okay. 8 a.m. So the first event's at 9 a.m.? Correct. God, I hope we do this right. Okay, 8 a.m. tomorrow morning, Pacific Standard Time.
Starting point is 01:23:40 I'll see you here. Bill, will you be here? I'll be here. Mr. Young? I'll be here. Caleb? I'll see you here. Bill, will you be here? I'll be here. Mr. Young? I'll be here. Caleb? I'll be here. All right, and I think tomorrow also Mr. Spin gets – I think he was off doing family stuff.
Starting point is 01:23:52 It's really disgusting. And he'll be back tomorrow. All right, guys, thank you. Have a good night. Thanks for tuning in. See you later. Bye-bye.

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