The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Semifinals WEST | Event 1 Recap

Episode Date: May 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Caleb, did you send the link over to the main superstar thread? Yeah, everybody's got it. They want it.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Okay, awesome. You demand. Welcome, everyone, to the 7-1 Podcast, where people who are interested in CrossFit Games broadcast either get their start or come to die? I'm not here to die. What about you guys? I'm dead. I'm already dead.
Starting point is 00:00:56 I'm trying to drag you down into the grave with me, Mr. Grundler. I'll watch. Some people pull a sled. I'm trying to pull Grundler to the grave. Hey, before we start with the magnificent event that is the Northwest semifinal, let's go over and look at the Australian leaderboard. We forgot to do that this morning. I was like, man, why didn't we do that?
Starting point is 00:01:18 We got some favorites over there. I have some personal favorites over there. Before we get started, I'd like to reiterate that the scores may not be exactly comparable because there are some thoughts that the floor in Australia was much, much, much, much, much easier to pull the sled. But we have a tremendous performance regardless by Caitlin Van Ziel, Jamie Simmons, Madeline Sturt. And in fifth place, are we surprised and should we be concerned the great Ellieie turner anyone that she's in fifth or she's in that top five or what oh that she's in fifth yeah that she's not that sort of everyone has sort of picked her to be uh the first place finisher to win this thing
Starting point is 00:01:57 i think it's a little early yet i mean yeah i mean a third and an 11th okay the 11th not that spectacular but she's got a lot of other events. And Ellie's a badass. I mean, I don't think we're done watching her anymore. I don't think she's going to drop out of there. She's in there. But if it were over now, just to say, I agree with everything you're saying, only three go from Australia, right?
Starting point is 00:02:22 Yeah. Correct. And those are some powerhouses up there right you got you could i mean madeline sturt is just a straight-up veteran right four games appearances and i think it's crazy with the on with the australian women like they these guys all know each other so well you know so like you kind of know where everybody is when you're when you're shoulder to shoulder with these other athletes. I think they do. So Anthony TPA, Bill could pass his seven son.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Hey, dickhead, you know, he's a year older than me. I'm only 38. I don't know what you're talking about. Son of a bitch. J.R., any any concerns for Ellie? Is there should we be like is she injured is it like that when you see an 11th like that and the girl is supposed to win it no okay no not at all i actually thought she might be a little bit lower after two workouts with the max snatch and linda looming like i think she's only gonna climb i agree okay uh mr spin are you in agreement do you see anything here that concerns you or do you just be a good event with a bunch of, uh, hardcore athletes getting after it?
Starting point is 00:03:29 Yeah. These are just probably two of her not best, uh, workouts here. Um, did well on the, on the first one, but I don't think anybody expected her to be at the very top on the ring complex. Okay. That was the second event, the ring complex. And, um, uh uh the good news is is right they all finished right so that's it that's a good sign you mean got got reps on there oh uh
Starting point is 00:03:55 oh right right right it's your total a number of burpees is that what we're looking at for this one yeah the burpee box okay okay okay yeah. Is there anyone who got zero reps here in Australia? All right, quite a few. Yep. So half the pack? Well, I think that's one of the problems with the scoring of it.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Explain, Mr. Bill. Because they're only counting the burpee box jump overs. Like, you did all that other work, and none of that even counted, so now you have all these ties. And that's a big problem. Because now that's going to – that disrupts the – you want your scoring to be appropriate to whatever that position is, and now we have – how many zeros were there 10 it is it is scored differently though you notice how 25th 7 20 there's three 25th
Starting point is 00:04:51 and then there's a 28th so they get a tie break on there yeah how many ring muscle up complexes you got okay but even that like it's just loaded as zero reps yeah okay yeah and john so like as far as someone being in the same position as sydney last weekend would you say it would have to be like laura clifton is she the highest ranked athlete coming in that was supposed to do pretty well that could possibly move up with a zero similarly to how sydney did yes yeah because there's she's gonna have home run events just like sydney like event five is almost the only reason sy made it. It's not the only reason, but event five single-handedly made that 58th possible. And I think she's the only one who has the ability to do that as well as what
Starting point is 00:05:35 Sydney did. Yeah. But with a field of 30, and I think, you know, if you look at the South America leaderboard too, it's, you don't have as deep of a field, and it's tough to make up some ground if everybody in the top is – the top five are better than the rest. They're just going to be trading spots the whole time, and it's going to be tough to make up that many points with only five score events left.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Magnus Holmgren, JR, is back in the toilet room he is i noticed that uh myself uh bane uh sebon looks like someone's first attempt at drawing bill like before they put the muscles on it they drew in the shoulders and shit uh and there's one more good comment for jr uh jr uh stop crying it's okay and finally richie rich uh john is so g team my goodness i'm back on the hate there it is there it is i was feeling good this morning there's too much love too much normal uh okay and let's cruise over to the when do these guys go next how many hours are we away from um these these australians going uh three. Are we close? It's later tonight.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Okay, so five or six hours, seven, eight hours from now. Let's go over and look at the boys. Wait, wait, sorry. One more second. Let's do the girls one more time. Who's Emily DeRoy? Does she belong in there? Who is she? She was on a team last year, I believe.
Starting point is 00:07:09 No, she or seventh in the uh zeroth uh brian's been dropping some big bombs on us zero yeah it's good zero uh this year um no she was seventh at torian last year uh wow okay wow. Okay. Hold on. This is going to be a long show. I think someone looks like if you bought your bill Grunler off a wish, I'm not sure I get that, but I interpret it as not looking so good for me. Oh, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Yeah. I saw her. Uh, she, she actually, they, they, uh,
Starting point is 00:07:39 didn't interview with her. Yeah. She's young, huh? Young, promising, uh, future of Australia.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah. There's a bunch of them in australia around that age all right uh let's go take a peek eric don't get ahead of yourself buddy don't get ahead of yourself that's exciting news though about china cho being an let's go look at the boys in australia real quick Zach Thomas, Jay Crouch in second, Riley Smith, Bailey Martin, William Kearney in fifth. A first and a fifth for Zach Thomas, Jay Crouch, a third and a fourth. Any surprises here? Not for me. Not really. I don't even know who any of these guys are where's uh where's
Starting point is 00:08:27 our buddy jane where's mr newberry oh there you go yeah there you go i mean even that not really is he still in it yeah he is he can still he can still make that the top three for sure all righty all right uh that is australia uh if you'd like to see the uh in australia is also streaming events all the events with their main broadcast team i was able to watch some of it last night um pacific standard time i think it was like 9 10 11 that shit starts okay let's go pop over to the uh leaderboards over here at the north america west semi-final i don't even know who that is oh so we don't have workout two in yet no they just we haven't done it started even better even more reason who the fuck is that
Starting point is 00:09:20 who is that stacy larum uh she finished 14th at the atlas games last year um really don't know too much before before that so she's very good at slide pulling very good she's not very big if you go look uh at her instagram so what's interesting is so she she performed at atlas games which was the worst semifinal last year, really, right? Basically North American out of the competitive ones. And she took 14th, but she was an American competing in Canada, which is kind of weird. I always feel like that's an insult to send Americans over there to compete. And here she went. Does that tell you that she's an endurance athlete as soon as you see that?
Starting point is 00:10:03 A no-name who wins an event like that? I wouldn't say that because we saw how much difficulty people were having with the sled. I think that she's a decent endurance athlete. I mean she was in it on all of the machines, but where she made her move was on that sled. Who was the strong girl who trained at UC Berkeley? She was always – she wanted to go to the game. She had a big Instagram account. I think she may have even been dating like the strength and conditioning coach at UC Berkeley.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Do you guys know who I'm talking about like three or four or five years ago? Maybe someone – Did she ever – She's a NorCal girl. Did she ever qualify? No, I don't think she ever made it to the games you guys will know her big Instagram account I think I might know but I can't remember her name Colleen yes yes yes yes yeah I'm getting a little always just missed
Starting point is 00:10:58 yeah I'm getting a little Colleen Fotch from uh that girl that we just saw Bob Sled Bob yeah is that where she went is that what she ended up doing she's doing now yeah Colleen Fotch from that girl that we just saw. I can see that. Bob Sled? Bob Sled Crow? Yeah. Is that where she went? Is that what she ended up doing? That's what she's doing now, yeah. Colleen is huge. She's a beast. She's very strong. She's a monster. Well, so her background, she's a swimmer too.
Starting point is 00:11:14 So she's got that endurance piece. She can hang in that zone where it just sucks just enough and kind of hang out there for a while. But she's just so dang strong. And she's been to the games twice. Once on a team and once individual. No shit. What year did she go individual? 2019.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Oh, that doesn't count. Is that the year like 300 people went? Yes. Okay. Which country did she represent? She's American. Yeah. And then she was on NorCal CrossFit Redwood city in 2017 finished fourth at the games. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:52 I figured, but who knows, maybe she went from Zimbabwe or something. She got like a, okay. Back to the women's leaderboard here. So we don't know. So we don't know who this is. We don't know who this is we don't know who this is who's
Starting point is 00:12:08 sitting at the top uh emily rolf uh no surprise right a lot of us were picking her to be in the top three yeah yeah no she murdered it uh any any problems with the uh sled or does she look strong there also no she looked great the whole time great yeah uh we had questions about bethany shadburn uh taking six does that help us answer any questions mr young and i'm i there's no answered questions on her till the end of the competition no shit you don't i think that i think between this one and the next one we're gonna know a lot you you agree you agree with me bill yeah no totally i mean it's like it's always it's kind of a crap shoot every single time so if she's when she's good she's good but then what happened that back locks
Starting point is 00:12:52 up when she's when she's broke right broke and when she breaks something she breaks something katrin and olivia i was very impressed with on this event i did not know how different reasons yeah for different reasons but they both especially if you look at the women above them this was kind of a weird event ariel lowen is like 20th like a lot of the top women did not or that we think will be the top women did not finish super high i know emily did but if you just if you keep on going down, their names are not at the top. And Kat and Olivia are both ahead of the women they need to be ahead of to eventually qualify because this event, too,
Starting point is 00:13:34 is not going to be good for either of them. But I thought they both did themselves a lot of favors. I think I was more impressed with Olivia on that one. And it was interesting listening to Chase and, and Adrian talk about it, about how she's so known for her strength, but her training coach is Jacob Heppner. Who's not, I think she's been proven now.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Is she proven now? Like her whole, her whole background has been all this stupid, crazy volume, long drawn out, like type of things. This was actually a great event for her. I'm not going to say test. I won't do it.
Starting point is 00:14:11 It was a great event for her. It was really fun to watch her work. And she really looked... I mean, and again, this is going to be the thing we always talk about Olivia, is she performs with the poise of someone that's been in the game
Starting point is 00:14:26 for a while, even though she's only 17. And it's really cool to see that. Yeah, she looks very within herself. She's doing her workout, her pace, not worried about anybody else. That takes maturity. You know? I mean, you can't just... She doesn't... I don't think that they racehorse
Starting point is 00:14:42 her and put blinders on. I mean, it takes maturity to kind of stay in your lane and do your thing. And I think it's really cool to see her do that. You got the old dog at 8th, the medium dog at 9th, and the young dog at 10th, right? Yeah. Olivia finished last on the trail run at Rogue Invitational. last at on the trail run at uh rogue invitational so i mean i don't think anybody expected her to be in there in a long long endurance event and i also throw out like she beat people like danny spiegel who we thought would kill this and has improved her running and if the endurance was
Starting point is 00:15:18 that hard that danny couldn't just muscle everybody like she beat her which i think is a testament to her fitness going forward jr do you have my back on this i suggested that we would know everything we need to know about bethany shadburn after event two boy slapped me around and said nobody sorry that that but that boat's made out of balsa wood and could break or not break. What about Katrin Davidsdoter? If we see her finish top 10 again in this next workout, do we know that she's going to the games? I would bet a lot of money that she's going to the games if she finishes top 10 in the next workout.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Yeah. But I want to – Like I think the people coming in that we need to really keep an eye on and see how much they climb or don't climb after day one going into moving day where there's 300 points is Freya who's in 37th Bailey who's in 26 like to me coming in like Ariel in 20th like 20th with a field of 60 you know juxtaposed to Oceania that only has 30, you know, you know, spin already talked about, it's gonna be hard to make up points.
Starting point is 00:16:29 It's not going to be here. So there's going to be, so there's going to be big swings and they're going to be people that qualify that have maybe like a 30th to a 40th place finish. So just keep an eye on Bailey and Freya. I'm really interested to see how they have bounced back and how much they climb going into day two. And why Freya? Kelly Baker, too.
Starting point is 00:16:48 I mean, Kelly Baker's 23rd. I'll be interested to see how she does. Like going in, most people picked both of those athletes to qualify for the games. So I'm just looking for the people who we all expect to be there in the end, where they are after the first workout. And Freya is a games athlete, right? Correct. In front of the big crowd last year, throwing the sandbag around. She's the real deal.
Starting point is 00:17:13 What do you think this does to her mindset? 21 years old, 37th place. I guess that's where the test is going to be for her, huh? Forget this workout and move forward? Is that the game plan? I think her coach, Michelle, probably does an amazing job with mental frame of mind, event to event, just focusing on the next task at hand.
Starting point is 00:17:35 So I don't worry about her in that aspect at all. Tell me, does anyone know anything about Olivia going to Proven? Does that mean – did she move? Did she move did she move to tennessee no she's she's still out west or with heppner but um i think she's doing all of and she still trains with heppner it's just kind of like handed her over to shane i'm sure i'm pretty sure they've talked and you know and decided that was the right move yeah that happened right in between wadapalooza in the open you know hefner's doing the tactical games now too like he's not all up in crossfit 24 7 he's got his own you know he's
Starting point is 00:18:10 doing a whole bunch of stuff he's not all about crossfit 24 7 and olivia is she's so damn strong what um what how significant is it that ol Olivia did well on this being what we heard Danielle Brandon say last night that, hey, you know, the machines don't really test your running. Do you think that if this was would have been outside, Olivia would have done just as well or somehow she figured out how to take advantage of the machines, the runner in particular? I don't think that it, I mean, as we saw from last week and then even into this week, I saw, I think looking from last week to this week, the athletes that came in this week all know that it's not about the machines. It's not a machine race that's there. You have to be able to hang with the machines. You've got to be able to hang on that run since that's the longest piece,
Starting point is 00:18:59 but it really comes down to how you move the sled. I think. JR, do you think Bailey and Freya are going to bounce back? Yeah, I think so, especially Bailey on this next workout. She would be one I would expect to be in the top five on this. With just how much we know the density of the pressing, especially with the ring dip, is going to affect the females even more so than the males. I think her muscle stamina there is going to be great and she'll bounce back.
Starting point is 00:19:30 What I think is really interesting about Olivia is what she's going to snatch tomorrow. We assume she's going to do well on Linda. There's a lot of weightlifting there. Sometimes we see younger athletes for some reason not be so developed in that plane of press with the bench press so maybe she doesn't have that type of pressing strength with an external load but two years ago at the game she snatched more than any individual at the competition as a team so i think she's gonna i think she could really put on a show tomorrow it's kind of it's kind of sad that uh i guess it's not sad but if danny and christine colin brander weren't here i think more eyes would be on on her because those two girls i think will snatch more
Starting point is 00:20:12 than like they're like there's an abnormal amount of heavy snatchers in the north america west on the mid side too like we have two guys who are over 315. There's an abnormal amount of insane snatchers, and Olivia is one of them, but it kind of takes eyes off of her. And I am excited to watch her too. Let me ask you some questions here, guys. I don't understand some of these comments. She's with OPEX. Who's the OPEX athlete they're referencing?
Starting point is 00:20:43 Okay. I don't know. Potch, I think, was. Oh, Savon, get her coach on already, Sam Smith. Oh, is that all about Colleen? Okay, I don't know what they're talking about. Barry McOchner, why isn't Boz at the West Semis? I believe he is.
Starting point is 00:20:57 I think he commentated one of the heats I saw, right? Yeah, he was with Chase, wasn't he? Yeah, he got a haircut. Let me cruise down here there was one more um uh carpet getting slower over time early heats uh placings oh meaning that the early heats did better uh any any truth to that or that's just no vikowski was the last heat of the day and he had the fastest time. Jason Miller, Canada, 699. Who do you think is the biggest named female in the East that will not qualify biggest upset in the East?
Starting point is 00:21:32 Well, that was Brooke Wells, but I think she means West. Probably Fusilet. Yeah, she's done. Oh, man. Ay, ay, ay. Poor Fusilet. She just couldn't move it. Gina Bartoli, thank you for the coverage this weekend.
Starting point is 00:21:45 I saw Colton walking around and said hi for you. Sevan, also a big fan of John Young. Well, who isn't? Thank you. Thank you. Listen, there's two kinds of people in this world, people who are fans of John Young and people who are in denial. That is the fucking truth.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Okay. Oh, look, a little note for Grunder. For Grunder. How about my boy R little note for Grunder. How about my boy Rafa Skansen Grunder? Grunder knows him from the Central Valley Throwdown, Mexico's national champion, a Monterey, California boy. I've been telling Brian Friend to keep his eye on him. It was really actually cool to see him win his heat.
Starting point is 00:22:20 So I've seen him kind of come through. He's one of the Valley guys, and he's always been kind of hanging around really really good local guy um i saw him last year he was at guadalupalooza on a team with a couple other local guys and they were in the elite division so it's good to see him bounce up there he's been he's like a good regional athlete and i think with some of the events that it would be fun to see him up in that i think you can say stay in the top 15. That would be really cool. Does he speak English? He's a good dude.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Yeah, totally. This is Mexico's national champion. Wasn't he the national champ in 2019? I think when they did the rankings like that, yeah. He was born south of San Diego? I don't know where he was born, honestly. I've only known him since he's been up here. He's been in the Valley.
Starting point is 00:23:02 He now coaches at, man, it's a long name. It's a box that's on a winery. Richard something. I'll remember. Sorry, you guys. Let it go to that box. My bad. Alexandra Berry, $79.99, Australian money.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Thanks, Devon, on Real Media. Great coverage as always. That's fantastic, Alexandra. Thank you for the money. That's a lot of money. I will now not be sharing my grave site with bill and i will buy him his own site with that money uh richard russell that's what it was sorry can we cruise back over to the ladies a lot of unfamiliar names in the top 10 or people maybe we didn't expect uh china cho uh in eighth katrin's daughter in ninth uh
Starting point is 00:23:47 tenth olivia kerstetter as we head further down 14th danny spiegel that's that i mean we expect her to be higher than a lot of girls but still we expected her to be higher probably alex gazan 15th 16th colleen uh christine colin brander 18th cindy mccullish and i thought she looked great on the runner man for all the shit i talk about her running, I thought she looked good. And from the footage I saw, I thought Christine Kohlenbrander in that final heat looked the worst on the running. Any thoughts on that? Anyone get a peek at that?
Starting point is 00:24:17 Can you judge someone's running by the runner? Yeah. Yeah. You can see their cadence, their stride, how comfortable they look running. Ariel Lowen, 20th. Should we be concerned? No. Or is it good news that so many good girls are down here?
Starting point is 00:24:34 I think that'll be our worst event. Okay. Kelly Baker, 22nd. Bailey Rayl, as JR was mentioning. Where was she? Did I miss her? 22nd? Bailey Rail, as JR was mentioning. Where was she? Did I miss her? 22nd? 26th.
Starting point is 00:24:49 She's going to climb for sure. Now look at that. Bailey Rail and Allison Scudds, you wouldn't think that necessarily they'd be side by side, right? Do you think Allison Scudds? We haven't even mentioned her name. She really wants to go to the game. She's been trying for a long time.
Starting point is 00:25:03 The demo team captain. Does she have a chance? She really wants to go to the game. She's been trying for a long time. The demo team captain. Does she have a chance? Yeah, anyone who's in the top 30 for sure still has a chance with a field 60. Like it's not even – It's just one event. Number 30, Lauren Fisher. Probably second most Instagram followers in the bunch, right, after Danny Spiegel? Or maybe Katrin Davidsdottir.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Man, there's some heavyweights in here in terms of their CrossFit popularity. You've got the kid Trista Smith in 33rd. Right next to Kelly Clark. Maybe one of the older athletes besides Chyna Cho. Oh, maybe she's the same age as Chyna. How old is Chyna? 36. There you go.
Starting point is 00:25:45 And I think as we go down here, there's Freya Moosberger, JR was talking about. Yeah. When I did the correlation analysis from the east, actually day one had the least correlation to the overall finish. So you're going to see a lot of movement after today. had the least correlation to the overall finish. So you're going to see a lot of movement after today.
Starting point is 00:26:11 So I wouldn't put a whole lot of weight into where they are after this event. I think some of them will bounce back, and if they're in striking distance, they'll be fine going into Morrow if they're one of the stronger athletes. Can we see the next page? And finally, Rebecca Fuselier. So she's cooked, huh? That's it? Yeah, I think she's done.
Starting point is 00:26:35 And I think she's going to kill the next event. Can she win it? She could, but I think it's not going to happen. She's going to have to win one, which she definitely could on six. And then she's probably going to have to have two more top tens. Sydney's worst finish was 58th, so only one spot better. And she also had a 34th, but she had a first, a ninth, and a ninth. So, Linda, Linda is not happening.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Wait, Sidney Wells had a 58th? Yeah. The muscle-up workout. Oh, nice. Got zero. So this still has to happen. Let me ask you guys this. Who's a better CrossFitter, Mr. Spin, Sidney Wells or Rebecca Fuselier?
Starting point is 00:27:23 I'd say Sidney Wells with one hole. Bill Grundler, who's a better CrossFitter, Sidney Wells or Rebecca Fuselier? I'd say Sidney Wells with one hole. Bill Grundler, who's a better crossfitter, Sidney Wells or Rebecca Fuselier? I think depending on the programming, what you have, Rebecca Fuselier is going to be. Good, thank you. Okay, 1-1, JR. Rebecca Fuselier or Sidney Wells, who's a better crossfitter? For what we know, Rebecca. one John Young don't make me be the tie break Rebecca Fusli or Sidney Wells who's the better crossfitter yeah I kind of agree with Bill uh it depends on
Starting point is 00:27:56 the programming right um if it's if it's more in the gym CrossFit uh then I think Rebecca. If it's outside, more athletic stuff, which the games is, then I would say Sydney. Oh, shit. That doesn't agree with Bill. That agrees with fucking Mr. Spin. We got a fucking 2-2. Bill, didn't you pick Fuselier?
Starting point is 00:28:17 I said Fuselier. You agree with Bill, but you pick... As a CrossFitter, I think in the gym CrossFit workouts. I think Rebecca's better in that. Oh, Nelly. You got to look at the – Other than muscle-ups, Sydney did amazing.
Starting point is 00:28:32 You just named how many times Rebecca's not going to do well this weekend. She didn't do well this time. She's not going to do well in Linda. She's not going to do well in her one-rep max snatch. You think Sydney Wells snatches more than Rebecca Fuseli? Please tell me that. Brian, we can flip it back to last year. 10 lengthless rope climbs for time, and then Sydney doesn't make the games.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Like, it's that simple. And Rebecca does. It's very on the programming between those two athletes. Like, Sydney had some home run hits. You're talking last year, yeah i know but i'm saying this year sydney with the program we had home runs and rebecca's not gonna have it so i don't think rebecca's going to make it but as far as who's better i really think it just depends on what the programming is the second 10 legless rope climbs comes out sydney doesn't make it
Starting point is 00:29:22 eric wise uh who's been on the podcast oh rebecca wins uh anthony tpa uh call brian friend uh d squad is blowing it brian's not allowed to uh call in he's he has a link if he wants to come in uh uh everyone snatches more than rebecca uh what are you talking about 127 pounds bill that's a problem yeah that's a problem huh yeah it's a problem that's a problem in that that's with the way that the programming is set up it's not that uh i mean we all we all know how rebecca moves we've seen her do amazing things we know that she's getting stronger if you look at her instagram and stuff like that, you'll see.
Starting point is 00:30:05 It's like, oh yeah, this way it's going up and that way it's going up, but you get against the field and if she did this bad in this event where she had to pull that sled, she's going to have Linda, which is going to be tough. She's going to have the one that's not snatch, which is not going to happen. It's like the cards
Starting point is 00:30:21 aren't playing to her favor at all. Even the one where she has to rep favor at all. Even the one where she has to rep the snatches out, she may be able to move the bar okay, but if she can't touch and go, you're out. You're out.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Those little legs don't run fast either. That's the hard part. That's what I mean about the programming part for her specifically. If you you're if you're 145 pound uh female athlete who's 5'6 and you put a 10 pound ruck on you you know it takes you up to 155 pounds if you're 176 pound athlete and you put the 10 pounds on you that's a problem and if you're 127 you put the 10 pounds on you that's a problem too do you kind of see what i'm drawing here like she really is fucking small 137 would be small yeah but but there's there's no there's no gifts for her in this what and she's the same height as
Starting point is 00:31:15 carrie pierce carrie pierce was 135 140 and that's what it takes to get i think that's what it would take for her to get as strong as she would need to get. Ten more pounds of muscle? Yeah. God, she would be fucking a brick shit. I mean, look, you could take it with a different example, too. Roman was 200 pounds forever. And then he was like, I'm not strong enough.
Starting point is 00:31:40 I'm going to take the chance. I'm going to put 20 pounds on and be the biggest dude out there. And then it paid off for him. Now he's the second fittest man in the chance. I'm going to put 20 pounds on and be the biggest dude out there. And then it paid off for him. Now he's the second fittest man in the world because he, his gymnastics did not fade and he's 20 pounds heavier and he lifts a lot more than he used to before. He just wasn't strong enough to compete with the top tier guys. His engine was always good enough, but he wasn't strong enough. And it's a matter of, and then that-off of like okay so maybe i can only i can do one less muscle up because of that extra weight but i'm able to move 30 more pounds like that that's going to get you more points and when that's the reason it keeps you out especially right um oh that uh blade walker wow this is this is a fucking... John Young looks like... John Young looks like the long-lost Hodgman.
Starting point is 00:32:29 No, it's this one. Blade only thinks you look like black guys. John Young looks like he could be Elliot Hulse's brother. That's a compliment. Do you know who that is? I don't. Yeah, that's a great dude. I love him a lot.
Starting point is 00:32:43 That's an amazing guy. Yeah, you'd like that guy. You guys know who that is? Elliot Hulse, one of the first fitness guys ever to make it to a million YouTube. Whatever it is, it's better than the Goonies guy. This guy's great. This guy's amazing. This is a very, very wise man.
Starting point is 00:33:03 I'd like to hang with Elliot. he's a cool dude uh parker hunter won high rocks if anyone cared i cared i already sent him a congratulations it's pretty always wins high drugs yeah it's like saying if the cows he's gonna win the sled pool event right twins are attractive so it's a compliment all right um let's go back to uh the let's go back to the leaderboard check out the um boys when when is the uh event individual event two starts at uh 12 35 no three oh 3 35 p.m why so late oh because we're west okay we're west coast that's in pasadena okay so we have a little bit of time uh brent fukowski first place no surprise there right Oh, because we're West Coast. In Pasadena. Okay. So we have a little bit of time.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Brent Fikowski, first place. No surprise there, right? As long as he's healthy, this is his event, right? It surprised one of us on the panel. Who? We weren't talking about specific events. There's still time. By the way, I won that bet.
Starting point is 00:34:00 You got to do that workout now. Ryan told me that Chandler Smith would beat him in this workout, would beat Fikowski really he he bet me like like he felt very confident about it hey uh how do you know how does he know uh how do you know elliot hillary if you're moving to florida he lives in florida move near him he's got a homestead there do you still think he'll miss out, Brian? It's less likely than it was before a couple hours ago. Didn't Brian Friend think he would miss out too? No. Ryan had a third.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Oh, okay. Rafael Sanson. Is this the guy that they mentioned earlier? Yeah. Okay. Cole Grayshaber. No surprise there, right? Matthew Green. Samuel Quant. No surprise there. Justin Medeiros. Let's stop on the champ for a second. Everything looking good. Good. His pacing is otherworldly. It is so amazing. Like I thought down there was why, what did you see? Why do you say that? that what did you he was behind velner by a full sled length and i was like this is great like because i had picked velner to beat him so i'm i'm rooting for velner here right and i was like he's ahead of him this is an event that could
Starting point is 00:35:13 go either way and then velner starts blowing up and justin all of a sudden shoots by six people on the last sled pool like he the way he and brian's talked about this before brian friend the way he he comes out at his whatever pace he comes out he's there's nobody better than him at pacing an event and it's every single event it's not just one type which is incredible it's no matter what type of uh endurance strength whatever bias it is he is the best pacer of the whole field and that's why and then he ends up in sixth place i mean he could have seven six places and he's gonna and then he'll win because yeah that's what he does watching justin and pat next to each other on the bike uh i mean looked like maderos was in slow motion like his cadence was just way slower and all of a sudden there he comes pat
Starting point is 00:36:06 blew up bad bad hard yeah oh we'll get to pat in one second bill do you agree with this whole pacing thing this is this madaris is yeah he's the 30 minute event he's like okay this is where i need to be this is how is it this is how i need to feel i think i think he's able to he's able to do it by feel like he and just instinctually being an athlete for a long time knows that like okay i need to be able to close hard well you can't close hard if you come off the first implement first you're just not going to be able to do it we we see it time and time again nobody wins round one you win round one you're not winning the event it doesn't usually work out that way but he just knows to be able to hang with everyone and knows what he has in the tank and we i think that we've seen that sort of um sniper mentality with a lot of the greats that we've had rich was the same way
Starting point is 00:36:57 matt was the same way they just they're right by you until they need to make that switch and what are you good i was gonna say what i always think about with justin is if you go back to the aromas games not the old school rooms games at the 2020 uh when him and matt had to do the turnaround on the run or him and yeah him and matt did the turnaround the run i think that was the first time where he's like okay i know i can hang i know i can hang and then there was that switch and it was like now he had to realize okay i have to be able to be ready for something like that so he's always in that pacing mindset of i'm going to be towards the front if i need to go faster i will if i need to go faster i
Starting point is 00:37:35 can and then just like you said with this race john that like at the end he he put the pedal down when he needed to put it down he waited till the sleds because that's what is that you could make a lot of room up on the sled i mean someone was going to take one of those big pulls and you saw how long it took for some of those athletes that they do one big pull and that recoil as they're kind of you know getting themselves back up to get the slack out of the rope was a lot of time for some athletes and he just didn't there wasn't that at the end for him and i like the fact that he had that confidence where it's like okay i'll hang right on your was a lot of time for some athletes. And he just didn't. There wasn't that at the end for him. And I like the fact that he had that confidence where it's like,
Starting point is 00:38:09 okay, I'll hang right on your shoulder. It's almost like he was swimming, like he was drafting and just waiting. And then when he needed to go, he's like, okay, now I'll race. And that was really cool to see. You think Dave scarred him? I don't think Dave scarred him. I think Matt left a mark is what I think because he wasn't able to catch matt but i also think i was like okay i see what you're saying i see what you're saying right with literally the fittest dude ever i can hang with
Starting point is 00:38:37 that guy then i'm never gonna be hurting if i just go the speed of everybody else and then i'll be able to turn it on when i want to like to have the fitness to do it too oh yeah it's a whole nother thing well yeah you're right that's not just lip service you have to have the fitness to be able to do that 100% but you're confident you can hang with Matt you're you're there's nobody who's going to just bait you and then you're done you know what I mean well I think I think the fact that Matt was able to turn that on and he didn't have that extra that extra gear which i mean which after we saw i mean that's what we saw him training with matt after that game season so it's like okay how do you get that i want to i want to have that whether it's a confidence thing or it's a training thing or if it's just a
Starting point is 00:39:22 patience thing i think you know the thing that's really cool about Justin now is he has a, um, a level of experience. He, he had the fitness, but now he has the maturity of that being the best. So he can, he's got the ability to run his race. He wants to run. Have you, have you seen, have you looked at this guy matthew green's instagram account who's the california hormones athlete number four bill have you do you know about this guy no he's a freaking freak dude i forgot about him hillar's right dude i he might be like a fucking like a pan ams fucking jujitsu world champion or something like he is fucking gnarly he's he's he's cut from the same cloth you are he's i think he's a collegiate wrestler he was i think he's a state
Starting point is 00:40:10 champ nice he's gnarly he's a big fucking dude is this the dude who was wearing the um look what uh did he have the green head he was wearing those those shorts on those shorts he's got in that uh that uh yeah those are the same green was showing his whole cock on the live stream. I love cock. Well, all right. Fair enough. Here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:40:33 I'm scarred from this phone. Caller, hi. Don't ruin this show, please. Hello? I think I'm having phone issues. I apologize for hanging up on you, caller. I'm damaged goods. Let me disconnect the phone and reconnect it.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Oh, there it is. That's the Matthew Green shirt? Yes. Have they tested Matthew Green? No, they need to. He's a fucking monster. If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying. That's his fucking slogan
Starting point is 00:41:08 on his shirt. He better triple test his ass. You can't. You can't what? Triple test a guy? No. You can't be like
Starting point is 00:41:24 hey, I'm doing I'm probably doing drugs. Test me. I don't know. I'm okay with it. A weird shirt to wear. All right. Let's go back to that. Let's go back to this list of the dudes.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Okay. John Wood, number 11. Nick Matthew. Let me ask you one more thing about Madeira. Is that his worst finish of the week? You think six? No, I think no. I don't know. The snatch. He'll probably, he'll probably be lower than the snatch. Okay. Other than that, uh, he'll be around that the whole week. I don't think he'll, he's amazing at how consistent he is.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Nick Matthew. Good. Patrick Vellner. You guys said he blew up. Why was he in the lead? Was he like going to take third or fourth or something? And then all of a sudden you saw a slid stop. He was second.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Yeah. He was right there with Brent for the most part. Yeah. Either he was trying to hang with quant and beat quant or uh and then just couldn't do it and like seven guys passed him i heard the i heard the boys on the um i heard uh chase and adrian saying that um or the that afterwards velner and uh fukowski were over there talking about the sled you think it was that he blew up or something happened with the sled no he blew up he wasn't pulling oh cool and just like and then pulled again like like you know he was taking breaks he blew up uh zach ritter uh hannah black will turn heads on the uh snatch event call her hi i hope i fixed it
Starting point is 00:43:01 sorry for hanging up on you hey what's up man up, man? No, you're fine, man. Can you hear me okay? Yeah, thank you. Okay. All right, so we're talking about Belner here, right? Yes. We're talking about him blowing up on that event? Yes. This is a Canadian, isn't it? I can hear an accent. You're hearing a canadian accent
Starting point is 00:43:25 well i'm from boston so good oh okay all right my bad my bad no no you're good so what do you think that what happened with belner here because it seemed like on the run he was holding a good pace and not only did he hold it he was actually like speeding up his pace over the course of the run. It looked like he was pushing for a top spot there. Where did it go wrong for him? Too much creatine. I don't think his lungs blew up. I think his
Starting point is 00:43:57 forearms blew up and he couldn't hold on to the rope. Whenever you're pulling, your pulling muscles blow up. If you did the quarterfinals workout, the very last workout, you'll know what this is like with the nine rope climbs at the end of it. Um, well, so his forearms just blow up. You can't pull the rope. If you can't pull it, you can't open your hands. What are you going to do? I think as long as we're fine, I think it's just pulling muscles blew up.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Caller. Hold on one second. Listen to this caller. This is an interview that uh scott weitzer did uh 17 minutes ago with pat patrick velner let's listen in here we go the life of an elite athlete how'd it feel oh it wasn't very good but it's nice to have one done so i don't know that was a bit of an unpredictable one just because we don't know what that equipment feels like right and it's a bit it's a bit different depending on your lane on like what happens with the slides so you have to deal with frustrations in the middle of the workout which is not as common in a semi-final final setting that's like something we see more at the games but uh you know so you
Starting point is 00:44:58 haven't used that piece of equipment that slides piece no no i don't think anybody really had and there was not in the back so the first time you got your hands on it was after the bike. Well, I appreciate your time. I'm going to let you get recovered. I am excited to see you on the back too. You're my pick. Thank you. All right. Sorry. That was Jamie. I think that was Jamie Latimer actually posting on the Clydesdale media. What do you guys think about that?
Starting point is 00:45:19 It sounds like he is giving two factors, that maybe there was a hiccup with the equipment. He had never tested and he had never tested the equipment before. I think that was a standard Pat answer to a result, whatever it takes. I think I personally, I don't like that sled. I don't like what they're using on that. I don't like that you should have to have a possible wrinkle pop up because you're not testing fitness anymore. You're testing the chance of something getting messed up. And I don't think that that's i don't think it's right
Starting point is 00:45:49 i don't think it's fair i mean but it is what it is and everyone's gonna have to deal with that so um i think you know something to what you were saying john uh about the his his forms being blown out so you figure if you if you get overtaxed on the run you start you're blowing out all that oxygen where you need it so now you have those smaller muscles that if you if you take out all that oxygen to those muscles you're right you're not going to have that pulling power so i think if he was going too hard on that run which i think is a mistake because as we've seen from that last week, this is not about the run. It's about what you can do.
Starting point is 00:46:28 So you have to have a pace on the run so you can come off that and feel okay. And he didn't feel okay. Cause he didn't, it wasn't like he pulled, pulled, pulled, pulled and it slowed down. He took a couple of pulls after that run.
Starting point is 00:46:38 And it was like a lot of time was wasted. So I think that, I think that run did a lot more than, than, uh, it just being a wrinkle in the... Oh, maybe it's a wrinkle in that, I think, probably, too. Sorry. Well, yeah, I was going to say, Bill, I totally agree with you that it clearly did something more. But you think about this guy's pulling ability, right?
Starting point is 00:47:04 Like pulling comes into the gymnastics you you look at ring muscle this guy's you know one of the best in the world right you'd pick him in any event so the pulling isn't the issue so is it his efficiency with the the sled pull that was the issue here or you know because it performs low, you know, this should be a posterior chain focused workout. Right. At the end of the day, this is a well, one, it's a different pull. Like this pull does not mimic a ring muscle up or it's not biceps and wax. Yeah. I mean, I think if if he if that was an issue, I mean, I really wish I could get my hands on this sled to try it. Because I was watching the race, and I was actually here in the gym right before the class started.
Starting point is 00:47:53 And I was testing all the different ways to pull the sled here. And I stacked six plates on my Rogue dog sled. And I was hand over handing that one. And I don't know why i didn't see more of that to at least kind of go back and forth so you're not blowing out just one piece of your machine as you as you're working so i i don't know i i just think that if he was having that much of a problem because he got stuck in the mud it stopped and i think the reason it was that because he just couldn't hold on to that there's no way that that was going to be too heavy for him i think he wasn't
Starting point is 00:48:23 able to hold on to it and the only thing I think the way that that happened was because he went too hard on the run, tried to make up too much distance on the run or too much real estate on the run. Which is fair. I mean, I think honestly, at the end of the day, you got to think about this. This isn't a normal sled, right? I mean, you can see this as like, you know, you got a pool cover. You're pulling this piece of canvas that has 225 pounds on it. It's not going to slide normally. You saw that with Oceania, right? They're pulling and they're flying with that thing.
Starting point is 00:48:57 But, you know, the friction component of this thing, especially when you can't turn the sled around it causes a major issue especially in you know north america east and west right so you know it comes down to the friction component it's not it has nothing to do with the weight at the end of the day i don't think i don't necessarily disagree with you on that one i i don't that's why i don't like the sled i don't like watching that thing jerk around when people would like when they would lurch the the sled and it would stop and you see that whole stack kind of like lunge forward getting that wrinkle underneath or you go to turn it and you see athletes starting to pull then they have to run back out to reset up everything like i think i i think all that shit's bullshit that was a
Starting point is 00:49:41 justification for it you know it's a weird standard at the end of the day right so you know why can't you just tweak it at the beginning it should be based on the pull not on your orientation of the sled but you know uh i'm not i'm paying 120 for a piece of canvas at the end of the day but okay thanks guys yeah thank you very much thanks for calling uh katrin's creepy fiance velner is a canadian uh neanderthal uh bill you kind of are saying something that's making me think i need to ask you a question personal question what do you got uh I recall you being one of the best athletes in the world at one or two events, regardless of what they were. But because of your age, your recovery was making it so you showed up at regionals and did amazing on day one for a couple years. And then the recovery wasn't there.
Starting point is 00:50:44 for a couple years and then the recovery wasn't there and that's when i think the conversation started that as gentlemen get older they can still perform at one or two events really really well but their recovery becomes an issue did we see is i know it's only one workout but did we see that in velner that maybe his capacity is waning because of his, what the fuck do you know? You're 22. No way. Not yet. Let me let this old guy answer. Let your elders speak, young one. I don't think that that even enters in.
Starting point is 00:51:15 He's 30. How old is he? He's 33. Is that a right characterization of what we saw with you? You would show up to regional? I was in my 40s. All right right shit he's only 42 when you walk down the floor with your cane and you would and you would hand your cane to the judge hey i had brand new tennis balls on my walker when i came out it was fine it was fine um no i don't i don't think that that's an i don't think that that's an element yet for him i think where you'll see the older athletes have to deal with it will be on the third day.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Coming to the end of the second and the third day. That's right. This first event, nah. And it's seven events. He's used to 15. Right. The volume is not going to be too much for him. No.
Starting point is 00:52:02 I think he's fine. I think what it was is he saw where people were and I think he just hopped in there. He tried to hop up too fast. Or tried to catch people where he shouldn't have. Seve, stop using my comments without crediting me.
Starting point is 00:52:15 I'm scrolling back. I don't see what you said that I stole. Don't worry. He'll get second place on event two and then all will be right in the world.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Totally. Alisa, Alisa Carr-Ridau. Colton will get first. Where can I find the scoring table breakdown for the events? I don't even know what that means. I got you. I think I just commented. It'll come through.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Thank you, Rismadau. Lydia, Subban over here being an ageist to the athletes when he remembers where he was when the Hindenburg went down. Asshole. Listen, I remember. I remember I was standing there when Bill jumped off the fucking rope and fucking his Achilles fucking shot across the fucking Del Mar.
Starting point is 00:52:59 It was my knee. Del Mar Stadium, whatever. Some body part of Bill's fell off. Got that shit on camera There's my, see that right there That was my ACL right there Snap God, I loved being there when the Hindenburg Went down, that was great, thank you
Starting point is 00:53:18 Okay, back over to the boys one more time And then let's do a quick pick Of who's gonna kick ass in event number two. Do we have a Rebecca? Oh, Cole Sager? Chandler Smith, they're hanging in there? Yeah, I mean, I think they're fine. I think they would have liked to do better than this, but I think ultimately they're fine.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Someone was driving the Hindenburg. I was putting on my toe spacers when it went down okay let's keep going I'm curious do we have a Fuselier here Logan Ewing I'd love to see him go oh no Daniel Cook
Starting point is 00:53:59 oh shit how come I haven't seen Colton yet he's coming is he competing Anthony Davis you would have thought he would have done better on this one How come I haven't seen Colton yet? He's coming Is he competing? Anthony Davis You would have thought he would have done better on this one Okay, where's JR when you need him? Is Colton Mertens the Freya Moose Bruger
Starting point is 00:54:15 And Bailey Rail Does he fall under that same category That JR was talking about? Colton's the Sidney Wells Is what Colton is Meaning he's going to make it. I don't know. I hope he makes it,
Starting point is 00:54:28 but he's going to have home run events and he's going to need to have them. If he doesn't have them, he won't make it. But like he gets first in event two and then, you know, he'll be like 17th going into day two, ready to move. Alrighty.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Let's keep going South Mitch McClune Will Leahy I think Brian has him in That's me that's like Brian's boy He loves
Starting point is 00:55:01 Him Okay Only 14 points for him okay let's go Page two Boy, he loves him. Oh, no. Okay. Only 14 points for him. Okay, let's go page two. Mertens could be adaptive. Not cool. Not cool.
Starting point is 00:55:18 But true. But not cool. God damn. And I'm in trouble for taking a phone call talking about Daniel Brandon's nipples and you call colt merton's adaptive my god uh tutor to uh what time is it shut it heidi shut it i don't understand what are they talking about with the piercing stuff no i don't want to talk about it you can go back to worst day of my life. Watch this day's show. No, don't. Fuck that show all up. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Thousand shows, I fucked two of them up. It's okay. I'm okay. Tudor Magna, 57th. Oh, no. Yeah. That breaks my heart. I told you that his conditioning is his biggest weakness.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Yeah, but I mean, this is because he can't move his sled. It's not because of his – I mean, his conditioning is not good. But, I mean, you don't get 57 just because bad conditioning. I don't know how he snatched 320 pounds and can't move this freaking sled. Because I think he had to push himself too hard. I feel like I could be Tudor in this workout. Nah, he's better than i am maybe maybe i i think if you're if you're falling behind early on and you push that run
Starting point is 00:56:33 and you're not as good as velner is that those last two sled 99 percent of the field i think you would make the call hey velner's probably better than me. I'll run my pace. He's a young guy. I don't know. I don't think he paced. He obviously didn't pace well enough. I think Bill could beat Tudor in this workout. I think I could beat Tudor in this workout. I would have finished this.
Starting point is 00:57:03 That's what I'm saying. You just got to pull the sled. I just got to pull the sled. Dude, I don't know. I want to get my hands on one of those sleds because I want to see what that – That's how bad the bag is. I want to see what it is because it just – it doesn't make any sense to me that it should have been that hard for these guys. Freaking Mertens can do it.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Right. He's adaptive. He's adaptive. He's adaptive. Lionel, Lionel Franco took a big hit. I had him making it, Bill. I did not think he would have had that much trouble as he did,
Starting point is 00:57:37 but he could not move the sled either. I didn't think he would either. That stupid thing. Wait, let's just pause for a second. Let's just pause for a fucking second really that is dumb really seriously at this point just put like just pull tires just tie a rope around a tire and have them pull a fucking tug or a concrete ball i don't i don't
Starting point is 00:58:01 understand i don't understand the reason for for pulling out. Even if it was like, okay, we don't want a lot of equipment, fine. They have just the flat sled plate. It doesn't have to be some big full dog sled style. Oh, right, like the ones that Jimbrow is carrying in the back of their car. Yes, yes, yes. What if they just did a 45-pound plate push? Just one plate, and you just got to push it on that ground. That's shitty, too.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Because that's way harder than you think. That's way shitty. Yeah, that. Wow, Caleb, you are hard. It's just a grind. You know what I mean? Nobody can really beat anybody. It's just how long do you want to do it?
Starting point is 00:58:40 Hey, they chose the cloth for a reason. I'd be curious what it is I mean I like the pull I like the pull I do I think it's fun I wonder what Bill and Katie think about it Like here this is a problem Anthony Davis is too strong for the sled
Starting point is 00:58:57 Sorry go ahead Kayla watch this shit He's just too strong for this fucking sled I think he ripped it And they replaced it going into the final heat He pulled the rope off the no no the the the carpet was actually like ripping i got a video sent to me of of one of them i believe it was his that should not be the case no i agree this is this is that's not your fitness this is crossfit 2011 doing the uh sandbag wheelbarrow where the wheelbarrows are breaking.
Starting point is 00:59:26 What the fuck are we doing? Home Depot 30 minutes before the event. I mean, I love the idea, but give me a break. Come on. Matt Chan still remembers that. M1, I ripped the curtain off my window and put 225 pounds on it. That's awesome. I want to say something else to you, M1.
Starting point is 00:59:48 that's awesome i want to say something else to you m1 uh is that uh i i uh don't i much rather appreciate you guys um uh ripping on me here about things than ripping on me in the youtube comments because when i see him in the youtube comments i want to fuck you guys up so if you in here it's all it's all fun and games go ahead. We can do all the piercing big nose talk we want. You do that shit over on YouTube, I'll put you on a little list. Put you on a little list. All right. So we don't approve of the carpet.
Starting point is 01:00:15 No. No, yeah. Too many issues. I mean, I know that once you're in competition mode, when you're an athlete, you can't give a shit about what it is because you just have to make it happen. So you can't spend your time thinking about that.
Starting point is 01:00:29 But for everyone else that's watching, us that are analysts or coaches or programmers or ex-athletes or whatever watching this, it's just a big, fat, dumb question mark. Why? Why did you pick that? You didn't need to pick that. And all it did was mess things up now i would think it would be not as i still would have problems with it but at least if you were going only one way and not have to turn that thing but you have a cloth thing that you need to turn with 225 pounds on it you're gonna get a weird wrinkle in it stupid hey i think that they did it
Starting point is 01:01:01 because yeah i'm a dog you know you, dog, you know Fucking sleep outside today I think they did it because They wanted all the equipment to be the same And they were thinking of Australia Yeah, this is fucking hilarious That is fucking dumb That is so dumb They brought out a new sled
Starting point is 01:01:21 For the final heat after that Is it ripping right now? really, really pull it, like really get some distance on it, it won't let you. Hey, this looks like this is crazy. This looks like some event at an affiliate. Like, hey, just deal with it, guys. Yeah, hey, we don't have the equipment, but we're going to go ahead and make it. Like, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 01:01:41 This is CrossFit 2011. Let's make something. This will is, this is CrossFit 2011. Let's, let's make some, it'll be, this will be cool. It's really cool. Like you make a class workout and then you're like, man, that didn't go how I thought it was going to go.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Sorry, I'll do better next time. Hey, that looks like it's made specifically for AstroTurf. I don't know. I've heard, I've heard a couple of army guys say that they'll use this for like uh some rotc testing or whatever but it's not those guys aren't moving weight like this
Starting point is 01:02:12 all right uh let's go ahead and pick the uh what do we have we're uh hour and four minutes away from the start of the next event let's go uh take a quick peek at event number dose. This is the complex. I was actually pretty excited about it. And after watching week one, I'm, I don't like the event at all. When I see the complex, I kind of want to turn away. Like, like when I look at, look at the carpet, I'm not, I'm not happy with the rock. I finally get it. I was a little slow to the game. I don't like the rock. I don't like the, I don't like all the extra shit.
Starting point is 01:02:45 You think they're getting too gimmicky? I don't know what the word is, but I just, the way I've been hearing you guys describe what a, the way a competition should look and what it should be, what the athletes should be tested on
Starting point is 01:03:00 in the competition against each other. It's, there's too many things fucking going on. Well, Rebecca Fuseli is the perfect example of it, right? She can't excel at this because they got the fucking ruck on her.
Starting point is 01:03:16 She should excel at this. I hope so, but if they took that 10 pounds off her back, she would definitely excel at this, I think. My opinion on this is the, okay, we're working for three minutes. The idea is that you want people burning through this.
Starting point is 01:03:32 So why put a weight on them? You don't need a weight. You're not gaining what you're wanting to get out of this by putting the weight on them. You want these guys to go blazing fast for three minutes and see what they can recover in that one minute rest in between. So don't add right. It's kind of what Spieler said.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Muscle-ups, 20 pistols would be better. Say it again. Sorry. Say it again, John. Just 10 ring muscle-ups, 20 pistols. Max burpees. Yeah. I mean, I'm fine with the complex, whatever. I think that get them moving, do the pistols.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Time-wise, when you look at the complex versus the pistols, I don't really know how to do it. It takes about 30 seconds to do five unbroken. Yeah. I would be fine with that. I'm fine with this if you take the ruck off because I don't think you need it. I don't think it's needed.
Starting point is 01:04:31 It's kind of cool. I get what they're trying to do, but then it's like I don't know. It's like you're complicating it for not the right reason. I think you punish people who are really, really efficient with their kip. Well, having a weight to the back definitely changes the movement.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Because then it's more muscly. Right. Because the more I watch it, everybody who's got that, especially girls, who have that really big swing. Brooke's got a really big swing. I'm scared for Katrin because she's got a really big swing. Laura has a really big swing um you know brooke's got a really big swing i'm scared for katrin because she's got a really big swing laura has a really big swing laura horvath um it's been punishing those like those are the girls that end up can't doing can't annie and not able to do swing yeah but i watched annie and she was fine doing it on instagram
Starting point is 01:05:21 but but like people who have a shorter, like have not had as much of a problem. Like I watch Nick Matthew, his kip is not very big. I did this workout and I didn't have a problem with it. So I was shocked when people were having a problem with it. Because obviously they're much, they should be much fitter than I am as this stuff and um it's just i think the big swingers the big kippers are the ones who have uh problems with that and that's kind of like they're efficient at muscle-ups they're able to do these muscles because they figured out a way to get up there easier you know they use their momentum easier you're punishing those people like we have all these athletes that are used to using uh the weight. Why not just go five ring muscle-ups, weight-vested?
Starting point is 01:06:06 You have your pistols, and then you do your burpee box jump-overs. I just don't understand. Do you just don't like the ruck? I don't understand the purpose of it. I mean, at least if we're doing five and it's weighted, okay, and then you have the vest on, whatever. I think all these athletes have done that. And again, we're trying, I think at this particular level, we're trying to not,
Starting point is 01:06:33 I don't think this is a place where we test all the weird stuff. That's the games. It's the weird stuff. That's the games. This is too weird. This is even too weird. I think that we don't need to have it. It should be common stuff here. You just want the fittest people to pass through,
Starting point is 01:06:47 not ability to adapt. Make it heavy, make it fast, make it whatever. I don't know. I mean, that's still a lot of pistols. And they still have to have a big burpee box jump over that? I don't think they need it.
Starting point is 01:07:03 I'm going to pick Colton and Vellner for the boys. Okay. I've been picking those two for this event this whole week. Perfect. You didn't know you had a huge influence on my life.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Literally my first and second place. Mr. Bill. I want to see Colton do really well on this one but you don't think but you don't think you think there's a hiccup somewhere you think he's gonna get stuck somewhere uh well okay what the how about over the box the points account is over the box so it's like you know you don't you don't he doesn't get to use his short range of motion on the first part like it doesn't count for anything. So you really get there sooner.
Starting point is 01:07:47 True. Not going to lie with that. That's totally true. But are you going to be able to get that many more of the purpose? I don't know. I hope he does really well in this one. Vellner, I think is an easy pick.
Starting point is 01:07:58 I think it's an easy pick too. Obviously. Nick Matthews. Yeah. I don't even want to say Justin, cause I think he'll be right in the mix too. I think Nick Matthews has a good shot at this one too How about Fikowski? I think it's going to be too long Yeah, I don't think he'll beat those guys
Starting point is 01:08:16 But I think he'll be like 10th I think he'll be fine because I think he'll manage his fatigue better than almost everybody But I bet he has a game plan on this when to break up those complexes if he needs to break up the complexes um how many does he want to do on event one like i bet he has i want to hit 17 burpees on the first one 14 burpees in the second one 17 on the third one i bet he has it built out to those types of numbers you know what i mean uh and i bet he'll be able to execute every gymnastics event for the most part other than triple g chipper he's found a way to execute to his best abilities when a lot of other people don't
Starting point is 01:08:59 and so i bet i don't think he'll beat the top people but i think he'll get like 10 through 15 and be just fine. Yeah, I think the thing that will hurt him in this – we've seen him in Murph and we've seen him in the other ones where it's high-volume gymnastics really affects him. This is a short amount of gymnastics in a short amount of time, but I still think that because of the length that he has on him compared to some of these other athletes, he will get to the box last. Last, you know what I mean? He'll get there slower. Then he gets to use his height on the jump. has on him compared to some of these other athletes he will get to the box last uh last
Starting point is 01:09:25 you know i mean he'll get there slower then then he then he gets to use his height on the jump that's one time so managing that and i think he'll be very smart about that which he always is and i like that i he would he would be one of those guys that would fit get to whatever 15 box jumps on the first one and decide to stop before the time because like well that's my time i hit my limit i'm good and then have 15 seconds to go or something look at the madaris clan right here who uh who b2 in this workout chandler smith or fikowski fikowski wins who do you think brian i have to go with chandler otherwise like my pick is... I think they'll be... Because Chandler's got some fast burpees, man. If he decides to turn it on on the last minute, if he saves some,
Starting point is 01:10:14 I think he can get seven burpees in the time it takes everybody else to do four on the very last minute. When you said it was too long, do you mean that the third round he's going to be just broken? He's not going to be able to do the complexion? No, he's too long. He's too long. Oh, he was too long, do you mean that the third round he's going to be just broken? He's not going to be able to do the complexion? No, he's too long. He's too long. Oh, he's too long.
Starting point is 01:10:29 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so you think his feet will hit the ground like we saw James Sprague's feet look like they were scraping the ground? No, like his range of motion is too long. It will take him longer to do – he's so funny. It will take him longer to do pistols than it would someone that's shorter than him. Mertens will do three pistols at a time. It takes him to do one. Right.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Okay. Spin, you got picks for this? I'm going with Quant and Medeiros. Oh, I like it. God, it'd be great to see Quant win that. Bill, did you pick? There's no way Quant's going to win that. Okay, let's go over to the ladies.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Who'd you pick, Bill? I like Nick Williams. I didn't do Medeiros. I said Nick, and I said Colton. Nick and Colton. Colton's a heart pick for him. A heart pick. All right, this one will be interesting.
Starting point is 01:11:32 The women will be interesting. What if I tell you that Katrin David's daughter... No, what if I tell you Chyna Cho is going to be top five in this one? I wouldn't believe you. No. How are Katrin's muscle-ups? I wouldn't believe you. Nah. How are Katrin's muscle-ups? This will be an event that we will... She theoretically should struggle.
Starting point is 01:11:54 Her past has said that she will struggle at this event. If she gets 10th place, like you said, what if she gets 10th place? I think she's a shoo-in for the games. This is one of the events that will make or break her weekend. Scroll down. Tell me when you guys see your winner. Man, this is going to be a tough event.
Starting point is 01:12:13 Bethany should be really good at this event. But I'm not going to pick her. Okay. How's Gazan? How's Gazan's muscle-ups? Fine Ariel Owen? Yeah, maybe
Starting point is 01:12:36 I'm gonna pick Rebecca Fusile Gonna need it I'm gonna pick Bailey Rayle And Ariel Owen I'm going to pick Bailey Rayo and Ariel O'Hagan Mr. Spin Bailey and Ariel Lauren Fisher's been doing muscle ups for 10 years she should kill this shouldn't she I'd say Dark Horse Marissa, just because she's a gymnastics freak.
Starting point is 01:13:10 I don't know how much the ruck is going to affect her, but she's 4'10", and she's going to be like a piston on the pistols. I like that alliteration there. Is she really 4'10"? Yeah, she is. She is, and her range of motion is shorter than everybody if she's um able to do it with the rock like i don't know if she is or not but if if she is then she could be a dark horse on this event i find her uh
Starting point is 01:13:40 you don't think emily rfe will do well on this? I think she's going to do great on this one. For the reason you said Fikowski. Too long? Yeah, I just think she'll move slower than the rest of them on this particular thing. This chick, Marissa Flowers, is the one that did the sub-two-minute Fran.
Starting point is 01:14:02 She had 145 Fran. 145?. 145. Jeez, oh man. It was pretty legit. It's as legit as the world records get. It was crazy. She's like jumping off from one leg to the other leg. Okay, so she's special.
Starting point is 01:14:17 All right. All right. And she just, I mean, her and Rebecca both just did terrible. And this is an event where they can make a statement. I kind of see them going for it and selling their soul on this event and not caring what happens later on because Linda's not going to be good no matter what. All righty.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Event number two. This is broadcast no longer on the CrossFit Podcast website but you're going to go over to the CrossFit Games main YouTube channel we are 51 minutes from go time and they will start with the
Starting point is 01:14:57 with the women and then we'll be back afterwards cool gentlemen thank you. Great show. Good luck to everyone competing. If anyone has any funny pictures they want to send to the show, send them to either
Starting point is 01:15:15 CBever or do you check your DMs? Spin? Send them to Spin or to CBever. Anything. Send them to Spin or to Beaver. See Beaver. Anything funny you see, videos,
Starting point is 01:15:30 anything that you want us to show at the semifinals, Wes, please send our way. It'll make our job easier. You are our content creators. All right. Bye-bye.

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