The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Semifinals WEST | Event 6 Recap

Episode Date: May 29, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Guys, what's up? Hey. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:35 106, Event 6, Northwest, semifinal, in the books. I really, oh, darn it, I forgot to put this to rumble. I really enjoyed the chat., I forgot to put this to rumble. I really enjoyed the chat. I'm going to tell you, I really, really, between the chat and the semifinal thread that we're all on, this is so fucking entertaining. And I'm really enjoying knowing that when we're watching the broadcast, that it's not just going away so they get to come over here and hang out with Grundler Halpin, watching the broadcast that it's not just going to waste they get to come over here and hang out with uh grundler help and spin young beaver um jr whoever shows up townsend whoever ends up
Starting point is 00:01:10 being on the show uh it is truly a blast um at the end of the day it feels uh great that we're adding value to people's life and we're bringing you guys something fun and charging uh the community that being said if for any time i felt like we weren't adding value i would be outside playing with my kids and i'll just fucking throw this thing like a wadded up like a pot of water paper and throw this shit away like i don't give two fucks so anyone who's don't don't buy any 99.9 of the comments are fucking amazing and funny and entertaining but that one percent of people who says dumb shit like well he's never gonna get um more subscribers because he does he talks about vaginas and this like dude you don't get it this show is not for you like i
Starting point is 00:01:56 this show is not for you you're getting you're getting subscription increases right it's it's it's fucking crazy we picked up like six new sponsors i bet you we have more sponsors than fucking crossfit i bet you we have more sponsors right now than all the people in the space combined it's starting to be like that um and we can't even keep up with the requests i know it's fucking weird to say that but it's like that and so uh the the retention on the show is amazing and and i'm just having a blast. I'm just enjoying everything. Okay. Yes, let's start with the champ, even though I want to start with our homeboy.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Let's start with the champ. The champ deserves respect. What did you see out there, Mr. Grundler? Is it him? Is it the nature of the workout? Is it the crowd? What did we just see Justin Medeiros do? I think it's easy to do the whole, well, that's the Justin that we're used to seeing
Starting point is 00:02:51 because he wins or does really well or whatever. That would be an easy feather to pull. But I think what it was is he even said it. He's like, I am aware of the leaderboard. I think he just needs to in his camp is telling him like hey you just got to get to the games you're not you don't peak he's not a guy that needs to peak for semis yes he's the champ yes he's expected to win yes he wants to win but he doesn't quote unquote have to win now he has to win at the games that's where the pressure is
Starting point is 00:03:21 really going to be there so i think what it was was okay look i've i've played the um working through this struggling through that okay i don't really need to do and then it's like fuck it i'm just gonna go and do what i do and i loved the way he attacked the fucking ropes holy shit right off that first uh the pirouettes right off the first set sat down boom right up the rope right away and i put that really put the pressure i think on pat hasn't felt that hasn't felt that uh this this competition yet i think when there was the race between them justin was either far away or already kind of faded back so he hasn't really had that push yet so that was kind of that was a classic push after we get through justin here i do want to ask you guys some questions about pat shoulders it seems like they seem to be at the center of uh a few of pat's uh
Starting point is 00:04:14 issues even though they're crazy strong when they stop working they stop working but we'll get back to that uh mr halpin uh thoughts on uh mr madaris yeah i mean we talked about it a few times over the weekend. This is sort of like that sort of just sitting and waiting through some of these events and just staying in the hunt for Justin that he's done his whole, well, in the last few years at least. So, and I think I even said yesterday, if you see him go win an event, like everybody should be a little bit more scared. Now he's, I don't think he's going to go win the next one here and all of a sudden be on the podium.
Starting point is 00:04:49 The numbers don't really show that. But this is the Justin that we keep hearing about. To say something they'd probably say on the broadcast is like, this is the Justin we're used to. Well, the Justin we're used to is the guy that just hangs back and waits for his moment. And here it is. good well said uh mr young uh thoughts on mr madaris's performance oh wait hold on hold on anthony uh you would have more followers using bill's face i'm willing to and i am they have ai for that stuff it's okay and i am willing to do that uh okay uh go ahead mr young uh on madaris yeah i, I think he's the best legless rope climber
Starting point is 00:05:26 in all of the CrossFit elite world. Wrestler. Especially, you know, that probably has something to do with it. I don't deny that. But any legless rope climber event, he's always been amazing. I do think Pat tried to stay with him, Bill. I think they were close enough he could see him and tried to stay with them and it hurt him more than uh more than it hurt justin um as far as it's the justin we're used to i don't buy that for a second this was a
Starting point is 00:05:58 dominant win this is the justin i can get behind justin never does this he doesn't have dominant wins this was fraser-esque how much he killed everybody in this workout um and and i think he's got a shot to win event seven uh in podium i really really do um but no it's amazing it was amazing i do i think he's the best legless rope climber in all of crossfit um yeah i mean, I mean, he just, he killed it. How do I, how do I get this to, uh, Oh, I got to go up here to overall. Okay. Uh, um, uh, Mr. Spin, uh, thoughts on, uh, what we just saw. Oh shit. Are you kidding me? Oh, okay. Good. Uh, uh, Mr. spin thoughts on mr madaris uh so i think this workout was right up his wheelhouse um i could see him potentially maybe pacing too much and just trying to get through it and then these guys kind of you know gave him the
Starting point is 00:06:59 first punch and this was his chance to really kind of flex his muscle and show off that he still is there. And I do think that Pat did try to keep up with him. And Justin was, you know, showed that he still is the champ. And, you know, it would be tough, I think, for these guys to catch him when it gets to a 15-event, four-day competition. He's just warmed up. Hey, what about this? Jan Clark, 1999. Jan, you have the most memorable comment in the chat during the event six,
Starting point is 00:07:37 I will say. I will give you the award for best comment. There were some great ones. You were in some tough competition. What would you say bill if i said well the reason why he did well at that is because adam knifer's his coach and he's old school crossfit and that was an old school crossfit workout uh no no i mean i i like i like what the event was i mean to say it was old school i mean maybe we didn't do like pirouettes
Starting point is 00:08:03 and all that kind of stuff i think it was it was it was a good race for him i mean maybe we didn't do like pirouettes and all that kind of stuff i think it was it was it was a good race for him i mean it was one that you know he's good at those movements he knew he could go he knew he had to go um i i just love the fact that that pat the gymnast i mean and we know he's a gymnast and granted he's been a CrossFitter for a long time now, but that, that muscle memory where he got pushed to where he was failing and failing and failing on the pirouettes that blew my mind. That's how deep, that's how, that's how deep he followed Justin.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Eighth place, two minutes, two minutes behind Justin. Yeah. At the end. Well, I mean, he was more like a minute behind Justin.
Starting point is 00:08:43 If he didn't, if he just five like a minute behind justin if he didn't if he just five fails just walked correctly oh i don't know he was 10 seconds behind justin if he didn't have that fail right he was with him uh he was well if they would have just made that a handstand length it would have been about 10 seconds it would have been a length would have been about 10 seconds. It would have been a length. Would have been a length. Hey, so what I'm referring to about Pat Vellner is at the CrossFit Games, there was the shuttle shoulder to overhead event. And no one – and how many reps did Pat get? Two? I think he got three.
Starting point is 00:09:20 He was failing reps. Yeah. And we were all shocked, right? It's not like Pat's weak overhead. He's strong overhead. But when it turns off, it's off. Is that what's going on? I would say his endurance, his stamina is bad.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Shouldered overhead. Yeah. But not weak. After the weekend that he's done, I mean, this is the sixth event. I mean, well, with all he's done so I mean, this is the sixth event. I mean, well, with all he's done so far, you could see it just start to work.
Starting point is 00:09:53 I wonder if he's shocked. I wonder, I wonder, I wonder, I would love to hear his evaluation of what happened. Well, I was trying to look it up. Was it, it was 2019,
Starting point is 00:10:01 right? Pat first cut. Pat tried to hang with Matt Fraser. Mm-hmm. That's what I felt like watching this, was Pat tried to hang with somebody that was just on another level for this workout, like Matt did on that first cut, which was run, legless. Was it overhead squat or right snatch?
Starting point is 00:10:21 Yep. It was that same sort of thing. He was neck and neck with him through the end and then he tried to make a move and that move just caused him to go from yeah again like second to eighth or something like that uh betty with the giant smile y'all bring great value to this space thank you seven and crew you're welcome we're having a blast it's awesome jody lynn holy shit bam good afternoon all my sevenistas uh such a fun weekend. Great job. Y'all.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Thank you. Do we split that five ways or no, no, no. I tell you, it does happen a lot. When he decides to go for it, he usually doesn't pay off.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Like unless he's in control of the event, like there's events where he just knocks out of the park, but he's in control the whole time. He's leading front to end. If it's, if there's a situation where Pat where pat's like i'm gonna go for this like i if i was pat anytime i thought of that i think i would be like don't do it just back off what do you think fourth place what do you think was the break do you think it was the rope climb he's trying to chase him there do you think it was a hand because i just don't think that was enough handstand push no i don't think it was smoke those guys? Because I just don't think that was enough handstand push-ups to smoke those guys.
Starting point is 00:11:29 I think the almost touch-and-go legless rope climb that Medeiros did, and then Pat is capable of doing that, but he's not capable. It hurt him in the handstand walking just by moving too fast. His muscles just needed a little bit more time to recover. That's what I think. He could have spent 10 seconds and then got second in the event. And then would win the whole event easily and not have this
Starting point is 00:11:51 one-point race with Pekowski. You know what I mean? And I think Justin's very good at that, knowing, hey, I'm going to blow. I'm not going to go for this. I'm going to back off and then just get fourth or fifth. Pat likes to go for things, and it bites him a lot like like you look at rogue rogue if he was just like when he got like 26 reps in the cleaning
Starting point is 00:12:14 jerks he was two reps ahead of justin he could have just been like i'm gonna wait for justin to pick up the bar and then i'll pick up the bar and then i'll wait for him to pick up the bar and then i'll pick up the bar he just needed to beat Justin. Instead he'd like try to get second place and win the, or, and go right after Adler failed two reps, freaked out and then got like fourth place when he was up, which could have won the whole thing just by managing that last 30 seconds better.
Starting point is 00:12:39 I totally agree with you. I totally agree with you. I think that that's, it's really interesting headspace-wise. If Pat is not racing anybody, he does so well. When he's like in his own space, the dude crushes. But I feel like every time he goes to a race, he loses the race. Let me ask you this, Bill.
Starting point is 00:13:02 People were like, oh, if Colton was in the final heat, he would have done better. And that kind of makes me nervous. But what you're saying, which I've never heard said in 15 years, you're saying if Pat would have been in the heat, Colton was in, he probably would have done better. He would have placed better. I think so.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Because just for the same reason John was talking about, if you wouldn't have rushed that last rope climb to get, to get back, to try to stay shoulder to shoulder with Justin. That would have saved him 10, 15 seconds, and he would have been able to race the end of it with him. And there it is, Dick Butter, Colton. And thank you, Dick, for your fantastic contribution as always.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Colton in the final heat now, going to fuck these boys up. That makes me actually nervous because all weekend we haven't talked about this much it's really obvious that there's a difference between the heats it is really fucking obvious like when we everyone in colton's heat i feel like everyone did the pirouettes beautifully but they stopped at each at each section and this last heat everyone was just one two three one two three you want. You want to go through the leaderboard? It's updated. I do.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I want to finish talking about the men in workout six. We're going to go to the women in workout six. Then we'll come back to the men overall, and then we'll go back to the women overall. We'll bounce around here a little bit. So what do you guys think about Colton going to the final heat? Go ahead, Halpin. Well, yeah. the next um to the final heat go ahead alvin well yeah i i'd love if these heats were 12 people um or something like that you saw some different sizes between torian and and then what crossfit's
Starting point is 00:14:34 doing in these like especially with where the cut line is there's just cut lines that are like well it'd be great if all the final heats were right where the cut line was. But in this case for men, there's going to be an extra person, which makes it a little bit more dramatic. In some of these cases, it's been like, okay, well, there's two people that are racing everyone else, but they're not actually in that heat. So you have the same thing that Bill's talking about, or you have the same thing we've talked about for years.
Starting point is 00:15:00 It's like, if you're not going against, um, who you're actually competing against for these cut lines then it's it's harder it's harder to do that race because all you're seeing is yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna take a break where they do uh and then i'm gonna go on to the next but it's sort of pulling people back a bit uh kenneth de lapp uh halpin found some great wi-fi good for him no actually it's just that he's in a hotel and most of the people have a life and aren't using wi-fi in the middle of the day and they're out but everybody's at disney right now yeah helping this i'm actually trying to find a charger now freed up some bandwidth ken walter seve i noticed the last six podcasts since i changed my shirtless photo you aren't giving
Starting point is 00:15:39 me the attention buying my way back oh shit that's impossible that isn't i want to deny that that i'm not biased towards 60 year old men with their shirts off but i uh it could be ten dollars thank you mr walters uh kelly um uh van uh kelly van and dinder dinder a foreigner right oh yeah canadian yeah she looks norwegian as shit right 20 canadian thank you i really appreciate it look at you you just got your hair done all fantastic and shit uh katherine uh katherine katherine schaefer pounds those are pounds 10 pounds a brilliant coverage all weekend thank you guys 9 21 p 9.21 p.m. for her. Eaton Beaver.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Good afternoon, boys. Colton Nowen. Colton? Colton? Colton Nowen? Colton Nowen. A system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object. Colton and 8th. Yes, we're going to get to that.
Starting point is 00:16:44 We're going to get to that. We're going to get to that. Is Guy out? Guy's out. No Guy Maheros at the games this year. Unless Kaike or Kalyan pop. The last part of his statement there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:02 You know what was interesting is the chat was ripping on the way justin showed up to the start line oh my god he looks frazzled he looks like shit blah blah blah and they quickly changed their turn tune after a few um seconds seconds uh magnus holmgren from mexico seven you are the glue that keeps the world together thank you i i i'm some sort of glue i don't know about for the world. He kind of looked like he was on like a thousand grams of pre-workout. Oh, who? Justin? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:31 The Asdot. Does anyone? Spin? Can you pronounce that for me? The Asdot. Okay. Are you going to add value next week for us in European hours? Oh my God. Hey, I've been tripping, dude, on how we're going to do that
Starting point is 00:17:50 because Greg's coming into town on Tuesday for like a month, and I just want to play with him. I want to go over to his house and play every day with my kids. Tracy Heffner, if Colton stays top nine, I'm sleeping with my Mertens trading card tonight instead of my wife. Whoa. Hey. Me? Hey, I'm not sleeping. nine i'm sleeping with my merton's trading card tonight instead of my wife whoa hey me hey i'm not listening i'm not instead of my wife i'm doing a threesome threesome right under the pillow where it all should be yeah thank you thank you helping that you
Starting point is 00:18:19 how the fuck did i mean i not had that i get your uh col Colton Mertens trading card at WadZombie. I also think that there is a... There's a Samuel Quant and there's a Pat Velner. What's up with your hair? Me? He got like a bunny animal at the same time.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Just say, just text me on the side and be like, dude, don't turn your back to the camera. He's rolling his inner Gene Simmons right now. He's thinking he's a samurai of some kind. Batman has a great post on Crumble Cookie. Oh, okay. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Thank you. Let's make sure we do look at that. Hiller's concerned about Spiegel's reps. And I don't want to defend Spiegel, but there was someone yesterday we were criticizing for not doing their squats. And then when the camera went to the side, they were more than low enough. I can't remember who it was. It was one of the ladies.
Starting point is 00:19:15 That's why I think, honestly, like live competition stuff, I don't think it matters. Was it Oceana? Yeah. I mean, the judge is the judge. You play to your judge. Fuck, I would. I did. I do it matters. Was it Oceana? Yeah, I mean, the judge is the judge. You play to your judge. Fuck, I would. I did.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I do. Right. Meaning, if the judge isn't calling it, you're good to go. Totally. Yeah. And that's not cheating. That's just racing. And that makes you question all the open and quarterfinal penalties that were handed out.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Those are different because those are at home where you can, I mean, that's all like, well, I got my best friend judging. It's close, but again, you see the same thing. If it's close and you're going to call it, you just never know. Yeah, but if your judge is letting you get away with it, there's a head judge also that would say, hey, you have to start calling those.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Live competition is wildly different those like live competition is wildly different than not live competition i i think i mean i'm not the camera can show can show different things that's all i'm not i'm not saying that uh you should cheat or anything like that what i'm saying is that once you have your judges that are all out then you have someone that is not attached to you. It's not your coach. It's not your wife. It's not your friend.
Starting point is 00:20:29 It's not your gym person. It's not someone that's afraid to say boo to you. You have someone out there that's judging. If they let it go, then they let it go because that's the same exact thing that's going to happen all over the place. No matter what sport you're going to, they're going to have that. Granted, there's, you know, and Hillary's kind of played with this a little bit the uh the whole um review process and all that kind of stuff where you do like the uh what do they call that like the highlight you look back at it but whatever i think for the most part instant replay we're going it's rethink god dang thanks get your cult hat where can people get their cult hat at uh the og the og um culture the dot og culture
Starting point is 00:21:07 andy why is someone saying spiegel like smiegel from lord of the rings and then uh keep going says because he hates her i absolutely do not hate her and i would like to uh do a photo shoot with danny where we're in a bathtub together and it's just filled with bubbles and it appears that we're naked so anyone can i think that would be a good i think that would be good for the community like she'd have her arms wrapped around me i'd be like late you know what i mean she's laying there and i'm laying with like against her my back to her chest okay see that you can see it right everyone close your eyes just see it thank right? Thank you. Thank you. See, Jan gets it. Thank you, Jan.
Starting point is 00:21:50 And I'm serious. I don't hate her. I absolutely don't. I would love to do a bathroom photo shoot with her. Okay, I want to look at these scores, and then we're going to go over the women just for workout six. First place, feel free anyone to jump in if there's something crazy you want to talk about. Medeiros, Quant, so stoked on Quant. Colton mertens in third
Starting point is 00:22:07 uh brent kifikowski fourth cole sager fifth tetlo sixth allure oscar mora uh seventh velner eighth nick matthew ninth a gray shaver 12th can we talk about 10th please real quick who justin rhodes uh yes yes yes yes justin rhodes is the i i think that dude could have beat maderos if he could do one more pirouette he was flying and then just got halted um he was like three yeah it was ridiculous he was so much faster than everybody. And then he took two minutes to do the last pirouette. Very Pat Belner-like on the last pirouette. Jake Chapman, one-upping me. Absolutely, I'd rather see her in a mother pose
Starting point is 00:22:55 bathing you in a sink. That would be sick. Can you see me? And Danny standing over me, bathing me, like sponge-bathing me. Oh, fuck. Please, let's do that. That would be amazing.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Alex W., good for the community. So selfless of you. Thank you. That's me, Mr. Selfless. Teddy Williams in the house. This is Colton Merton's hype man. Looks nothing like he does in the picture. In this picture, he looks like an adult.
Starting point is 00:23:20 He looks like a fucking 18-year-old kid with a camera when you see him in, in, uh, photos. Yeah. Don, uh, camera angles change everything. Don't blame anyone for questioning. Okay. Uh, so Justin Rhodes, but he's not going to the games, right? No, he just had like, uh, he would have, I think he would have definitely be everybody besides Justin.
Starting point is 00:23:42 And I'm telling you, I think his time would have been close to that time. Had he just been able to do one more pirouette. Yeah. He wasted, he rested like 45 seconds before he finally got it. So, but that's, but that's classic sports.
Starting point is 00:23:56 So like, what if I would have done? Yeah. Yeah. No, no, for sure. So,
Starting point is 00:24:01 but the speed of his gymnastics, the rope climbs and the handstand push-ups like justin's was amazing i'm just saying this guy was also amazing at that middle part uh dave castor sighting at the venue yes i hear dave castor is there don r we will get to this i think i think you're going to be right katrin david's daughter the story of the weekend i think you're absolutely going to be white uh katrin uh looking like a different athlete shades of 2015 yeah i mean she she looks like a fucking hungry dog with 13 ribs showing she looks fucking amazing um let's uh let me ask you this well we'll get to that one second i'll talk about mitchell stevenson his his rosema 27th mitchell ste Stevenson 22nd. Are these guys toast?
Starting point is 00:24:45 They shit the bed. They're buh-bye. I mean, if they can pull a miracle out and invent seven, yeah. A cold saver like a mid-seven. Spinn's got some hope for Mitchell Stevenson. Stevenson's only 22 out. Go ahead, Spinn. Yeah, no, that was tough.
Starting point is 00:25:04 I mean, he's probably going to end up being just outside the cut line like he has been. Was it last year? Maybe the year before. That was tough to watch him keep snatching over and over and over again for that last rep and couldn't get it. Hey, when you look at workout number one and you see that Mitchell Stevenson got seventh, can you also look at the last workout? Are people who are doing good at the first workout also in general doing good in the seventh workout? Is there some correlation like that or no? No. Workout one has always been the least correlated for both men and women.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Okay. Mitch McClune. John Wood, 34th. Toast, right Wood, 34th. Toast, right? Done. Stevenson was eighth last year at MAAC and then sixth in the last chance. Tudor Magda's not looking like a games athlete.
Starting point is 00:26:02 The thing is, if you fail a rope climb and you try to rush it you're done and that's what happened he failed and failed and failed and failed and i mean shit two fails in a row on a rope climb you might as well just sit there like literally well he tried to do that touch and go after the first no rep and that killed him that killed him that was it that's what i mean like once you go once you roll that dice okay so that was calculated he knew he knew he needed a first place and so he went for it i i think so i mean yeah but i mean it was a while ago right right oh what does this mean sebi is the wish version of bill like i'm the make a wish foundation version i think it's which is like a off-brand website
Starting point is 00:26:49 wow why do you know that wow oh helping you are money it is look at that one dollar lighter and shit fuck you that one hurt who said that oh my god he's got his dagger out $1.30 for that 18 karat gold wow that's dude that has 12 dollars of plastic on it like it's like the titanic diamond i think right there oh my god that's going deep. Event seven has started. Really?
Starting point is 00:27:28 It's like that? Okay, quick. Okay, fine. Let's go over the women. Fuck these people. No, no, sorry. Let's finish the men really quick. We'll do this really quick, guys.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Let's go to, let me get this overall up and then we will. Do you want to talk Cutler? Let's just do the, oh, Caleb's here. Shit, Caleb's here. Let's just do the boys here really quick. Okay, we got Patrick Vellner with 5'12", Brent Fikowski 5'11".
Starting point is 00:27:51 Obvious what's going on there. Whoever finishes ahead will be the winner unless one of them shits the bed. Then we have Samuel Quant. He's in it. Cole, Gray Schaber. He looks like he's good. Keep going. Nick Matthew looks like he's good.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Now we're getting into Chandler Smith, 4'40". He looks like he's good. Keep going. Nick Matthew looks like he's good. Now we're getting into Chandler Smith, 440. He looks good. Eighth place, Colton Merton's 385. He's got to finish 12th or better. Colton needs to finish 12th or better, and he's in. Okay. That's if Luis Oscar wins. Yes, correct.
Starting point is 00:28:23 That's how you have to do it. You mean if Luis Oscar Moya gets first? Yeah. Yeah, that's how you kind of have to do this cut line math is that saying like the person at the cut line gets 100, what would you have to get to? I just think like he's 34 points. So you just do like 34 divided by four
Starting point is 00:28:43 because that's the point spread or three. And then you can say it's around this many places difference. He has to be. And this workout is going to be tough for Colton. Yeah. Yeah. So you're saying if Colton doesn't get 12th place or better, he's out. No, no guarantee.
Starting point is 00:29:02 He's got to be within 12 places of Luis Oscar Okay Hey and all these other dudes are going to crush Vellner, Fikowski Quant might be able to pick Colton up And run with Colton and beat Colton's time Huh This is good for him
Starting point is 00:29:19 Because all of those guys are taking points away From Luis Oscar Or Mitchell Stevenson That Oscar or Mitchell Stevenson. Because Mitchell Stevenson has to beat all of those guys to make that gap happen for him between him and Colton. And if he gets 10th and Colton gets 20th, Colton's in. And the gaps get smaller too. So Colton has even more room if he finishes 10th. Colton can finish 25th, 28th.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Tell me some of the bigger jumps. We had Will Morad jump 81 points or something one year? Last year, yeah. This isn't a workout where that can happen, though. Okay, good. Are you guys nervous? Spin, are you nervous about Colton? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:30:08 I think it's because what John said. I don't think that – I don't think Luis or Mitchell can beat those guys ahead of all of them, and some of those guys behind him are still going to probably sneak in there that we aren't talking about. So I think as long as Colton's in the top half of the field, I think he's probably going to be safe. Gronlar, are you nervous? I like the cushion that he has over Luis.
Starting point is 00:30:32 I mean, he's got that, and then with all the same talk, Luis has to win, which I don't think will happen. And he has that. I mean, I'm also looking at where Cole is, the fact that he's popped into that top nine too. And this is an event that I think he could do really well in. He's the one that's only, what's his weight? 10, 13?
Starting point is 00:30:50 It's like four or five spots. He is 13 points above Lisa Osomura. Yeah. I think it's going to be really fun to watch both those guys because they're right on the line. But I think that they're safe on that spot. Okay, let's cruise over to the women, the women's leaderboard. First heat of the women is going.
Starting point is 00:31:10 It looks like they're wrapping up there, the first heat. Ariel Lowen, 455. Katrin's David's daughter, 451. Alex Kazan looks like, oh, Alex, she got first on that. Yeah, she murdered it. And she can murder this next one too, huh? She can, yeah. If she gets fourth or better, she murdered it. And she can murder this next one too, huh? She can. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:25 If she gets fourth or better, she clinches a podium spot. Wow, this is crazy. Kerstetter, is she going to the CrossFit Games? I think so. I think she did it. Well, she'll have the opportunity. She'll have the choice. Yeah, she'll have the choice.
Starting point is 00:31:42 But was that not, I mean, did you do 12th on that event? No, her and Katrin both were amazing. Amazing. Amazing, amazing. Like Katrin, that might be the most well-executed event she's ever done, honestly. Yeah, it was incredible what she did on that event. And then Olivia as well. And they both,
Starting point is 00:32:05 they, they both weren't racing. They just kind of stayed in their lane and did the best that they could. And that's how it shook out, which was the best thing they could have done. Cause if they would have done it any other way, man, I was bummed that like,
Starting point is 00:32:17 we, we really couldn't see them at all. Like I'm trying to like scan past like Bethany to see if I could see Olivia way back in the back, but I just couldn't tell what was happening. Yeah, I watched Olivia's first rope climb worried out of my mind. Yeah. And then all of a sudden I hear Olivia Kerstetter's on the rower. I'm like, yes.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Yes, I know. Because she had that huge kip right out of the gate, and I'm like, uh-oh. That's not good. So let's go uh the top nine go uh so in spiegel is 10 for the women 10 for the women okay okay and spiegel's 11 points out hannah black is also uh 18 points out so like they're and they're two of the same kind yeah and this is the one of those. It's the battle of the old and the new, Danny.
Starting point is 00:33:16 The thing is, look at Danny, Cindy McAlishan, Chloe Wilson, Abigail, Emily. They all kind of mitigated the damage. Olivia Kerstetter, that last event could have done. Hannah did not. She fucking took one on the chin. 46. 46 place uh yeah yeah i think my wi-fi my wi-fi died again i was just gonna say on olivia because she has some options here if she qualifies and she decides to go team they will backfill or the at least the rules say they can
Starting point is 00:33:40 backfill from the next spot down. Wait, say that again? If who does? Oh, oh, I see. Olivia, if she qualifies right here, she'll have two tickets. If she takes the teen ticket, it could go to whoever is the next place down, so 11th. That's very important for people like Danny and Hannah. Yep.
Starting point is 00:33:59 That's badass. I wonder if Olivia – No, there's not any Masters athletes out there, right? I wonder if Olivia's got a bunch of friends right now circling her up. Hey, buddy. Hey, what's going on? Hey, you want me to buy you that drink over there? How about – hey, you like that top?
Starting point is 00:34:14 I'll buy you that top over there. What do you think about – No, but it's Olivia Kirsten. It would be like, hey, do you want me to get you that Cabbage Patch doll or that Barbie set or – Whatever. I don't think Danny would care, and I don't think that Hannah will either. Mute John.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Hannah is not the same as Danny. Oh, wait. What did Anthony bring up earlier? Anthony brought up a point earlier I wanted to bring up. I know we're running out of time here. We've got to get back to the show. What was it? Does anyone remember?
Starting point is 00:34:43 God, Jody, thank you for the money. You're so awesome. Where is that? Oh, there it is. Thank you. Batman has a great... Oh, okay. Let's go look at that. Oh, we talked about that already. Okay, we don't need to do that. We can do that. My biggest concern looking at this leaderboard is Abigail Domet.
Starting point is 00:34:59 She's not one of the bigger athletes. That's the one that I'm... She's 5'7". I can see. not one of the bigger athletes i i that's the one that i'm five seven see she's yeah i think danny's about to send this workout yeah yeah hey it would be impressive it'd be impressive if she won it be great for the the old uh the hype train we've seen the people that send this out the gate though not do great caitlin van ziel sent it uh and then died and that was the reason she did not make the games i mean they need danny and hannah both i think are capable of doing very very good in this workout but they don't need to come out of the gate blazing they
Starting point is 00:35:40 just need to go ahead you know who else is gonna katrin consent katrin can hurt katrin knows how to hurt here katrin yeah this is a good one for her for sure she's only four points back from the win and um she's already clinched so i mean she could she could just try to see if she can win the whole thing uh kelly baker she good to go i think think so. Seventh place? Yeah, she's like 40 points up. Yeah, I think she'll be fine. Christine Kohlenbrander is good to go. Man, this is going to be a fun game this year. I wonder if Bethany makes it to the games, even if she qualifies.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Emily will kill this workout. I mean, yeah, 9 and 10. I think 9 and 10 are the spots up for grabs. I think Emily is going to murder this workout, so I don't think that spot is going to happen. workout i mean yeah nine and ten i think nine and ten of the spots up for grabs i think emily's gonna murder this workout so i don't uh think that spot's gonna happen but you know what though i have to say i thought she was gonna do better in the last one and i have there was no reason for her to be conservative like she was so i'm wondering if that's gonna play in this one too she's one of the best totobar people in the game no i get it and i agree but she also should have
Starting point is 00:36:44 done really really well on that last one and on those overhead squats. It's like, I'm just going to take my time. I'm like, what are you doing? Like, you need points right now, man. Pick up the damn bar. So I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:57 But you're right. She's going to crush this one. I just want her to throttle down and go for it. Hey, Emma Carey, can I see ariel lowen work can you can you scroll down a little i want to see what how the workouts are um let me see the top of that uh okay 11 50 okay so uh just emma carrie got uh on workout six she got 12.18. Ariel Lowen beat her by 25 seconds. On workout five, Emma Carey got 3.11. I think she's the best one other than Sydney.
Starting point is 00:37:38 They tied 1.90 for the snatch. Workout three, Emma Carey lost to her by uh 40 seconds 30 30 40 seconds 30 seconds workout two ariel got capped no no 54 reps emma carrie got 58 and uh well oh and i can't see workout one let me me see workout one. It's right there. Cat 5. Oh, okay. And she got 28.37. Man, this is going to be a – the games are looking to be something.
Starting point is 00:38:13 So they went like back and forth. But workout seven, Emma Carey obliterated. And we'll see if Ariel does the same. I tell you what, if Katrin wins this whole thing, there is no better advertising for our hard workers or marketing. I tell you what, if Katrin wins this whole thing, there is no better advertising for our hard workers or marketing. I agree. Totally. I think the same.
Starting point is 00:38:31 We broke one. We drowned one and we saved one. We resuscitated one. We drowned one and we resuscitated one. We brought one back from the dead. Yeah. Rambler, let's go! Katrin for the win. I can't say that. It will be good for the sport if she wins.
Starting point is 00:38:47 I would love to see Gazan or Ariel do it. All right, guys. Mr. Beaver, when do we come back? 345s around? 345. Okay. We will see you guys in two hours. Thank you, everyone. Great show. Gentlemen, I'll see you guys in two hours. Thank you, everyone.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Great show. Gentlemen, I'll see you guys in a couple hours. Okay, cool. Bye.

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