The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Semifinals WEST | Finale

Episode Date: May 29, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:04 I don't know how everything started I guess uh people are born I guess that's the only reason why people die but if I had to start a story there was a man who didn't own a car he owned a bicycle um he trained people he was frequently kicked out of gyms for telling them to eat low carb diets um and for uh he had them do deadlifts and was kicked out of gyms for uh letting people drop weights on the floor and this man um uh started he had a very wealthy client and his wealthy client would often ask him to come to his house uh to train him and then his wealthy client would leave him downstairs in the gym and his personal hours would never show up
Starting point is 00:01:42 instead of complaining and being a bitch or fiddling around on his Instagram back then, this man began to write articles. And those articles became journal articles. And from those journal articles became subscriptions, became a gym, became people who saw that the power of this workout methodology, this lifestyle, this curation and aggregation of all of this information, which brings us to where we're at today. And we should all be so fucking thankful we found this.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Because if we hadn't found this, what we'd be doing to medicate in the best of conditions would be jogging all of us would be fucking joggers and triathletes and we're not we found crossfit we found that methodology we found out how to do things that are not only better for you but that we can do by ourselves or that we can go to a local affiliate and do or we can do anywhere ourselves or that we can go to a local affiliate and do or we can do anywhere in the world. We should be incredibly thankful that we found this, every single one of us. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Sometimes I think, what would I be doing? What kind of dumb shit would I be doing if I never found CrossFit? What a fucking powerful fucking tool and hobby and mechanism that we've all stumbled upon. So congratulations to all of you because the vast majority of the world still hasn't fucking found this thing. They haven't found this group of people who just wants to go out and play with their bodies and be the best version of themselves and hang out with similarly minded people. Go ahead, Bill. I know you're thinking something. Please. I was just going to say, I wouldn't be a runner.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Fair enough. I was going to say, I would be a weightlifter. John wouldn't be a runner. Okay. Fantastic. I am so glad it played out perfectly. i'm a little sad that uh uh i will say this that i was uh surprised at how sad i was that danny didn't make it i wish she wouldn't have made it uh as a community we've invested a lot of uh energy into her it would be cool it's
Starting point is 00:03:58 always fun uh taking the whole party along with us um I'm shocked she didn't make it, but she was saying some things early on in the year that she wanted to do bigger and better things and life's bigger than CrossFit. When I hear that, I know a lot of people pat those people on the back. I'm kind of disgusted by that. I don't believe in balance, and I don't believe in doing anything half-assed. I think if you want to be the tip of the spear
Starting point is 00:04:22 and play in the CrossFit Games, you should fucking burn it all down. Like they said, Arnold Schwarzenegger in Pumping Iron, when they said, hey, are you going to go to your dad's funeral? He said, no, I have a Mr. Olympia to win and he's already dead. And I'm of that mindset. I am. I am. I like that. But any thoughts, anyone on Miss Beagle not making it?
Starting point is 00:04:48 I think there's a lot of second-guessing on her trip to Saudi Arabia one week before. That's just a lot of traveling. I mean, one place she goes, and does Saudi Arabia and all the traveling contribute to one less finish? Potentially. Ten more pounds on her snatch. Hey, five pounds. Five pounds. And hey, for those of you who don't do international travel,
Starting point is 00:05:13 I don't want to hear you pop off because I've done a lot of international travel and what Mr. Spin is saying I think is extremely relevant. Thoughts, Halpin, on Miss Spiegel not making it? She's kind of a staple. We expect her to go, right? She could still if olivia turns turns down her invite she could still go she'd be the uh wait yeah there's 10 women yeah she'd be nice yeah she'd be the backfill uh the 9 10 thing with all the all this really throwing everybody off i self-included um but yeah i think the international travel i think the other things she has going on with with all of that like it's i mean you hear about i mean
Starting point is 00:05:52 not everybody's gonna be matt fraser and not touch a steak knife for nine months or whatever he does but like you just see these athletes that are just going like non-stop towards this goal of making the games and then you see athletes that are like, yeah, I have quote unquote bigger and better things that I could be doing, or I'm going to go and do whatever that happened to be for a few days right before this. I mean, Brian and I have seen it with other athletes. There's athletes that will do a comp like two weeks before, before a semifinal. And you just kind of scratch your head a little bit.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Like how serious are they taking this? It goes well for some of them. It doesn't go well for others, but yeah. You got, you guys remember when Noah and Chandler more at all those guys went to Dubai or in the open to do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Yeah. Yeah. They all got sick. They all got sick up there. That's the open. It was fine race yeah they all got sick they all got sick out there that's the open it was fine but they all got sick right i mean that was a lot of risk to go out there travel do all that i mean who knows she could have been sick i don't know um it's just a big risk to take to do that grunler any thoughts uh is and is this a eulogy maybe for Dani? Is that it? She's now gone.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Completely gone? I don't think she is. I mean, she missed going to the games by five pounds on a movement that she's one of the best out of the entire field at. So, I mean. And 205 is a bad snatch for her. Right, right. So, I think what it comes down to is you are what you put your energies to. You are what you put your intentions to. And if you're just kind of cruising around, it's like, oh, yeah, I'm good enough that I can kind of be in the mix.
Starting point is 00:07:33 And I always get in because I'm just kind of good enough. Like we have athletes, depending on the athletes that come up, depending on the program that comes out, if you aren't, if that's not the top, if that's not your top priority, then you're not going to be able to perform your top performance. And then you're rolling the dice. And if you, whenever you leave it up to chance like that, there's always a chance that you get a bad role. And I think that's what happened. I mean, she said the first day was not what she wanted.
Starting point is 00:08:02 The second day is what she needed. And then she just was too far down to, you know, didn't perform the way she needed to. So bigger and better things. Okay, cool. If that's her number one priority, then cool. Go do your bigger and better things. All the time in the world now. I mean, yeah, you're fine.
Starting point is 00:08:20 And you can compete and still be a name and still do stuff and still have Instagram followers. You can do all that. But, I mean, I'm an athlete and a sports purist. And if you want to be the best, then the people that deserve to be out there doing the best are the ones that put everything to it. That's their first priority, which kind of may be getting back to what you were talking about with Ellen and Justin. I don't know. Relationships. Before you go, because I'd like to hear from you too, John,
Starting point is 00:08:49 and I don't know if I even mentioned his name. The person I was referring to was Greg Glassman. Anthony, seven on you left some Greg on your list. Thank you. I appreciate that. Fuck, at least someone's looking out for me. Okay. And I'll be blowing cold necks.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Thank you, Anthony. Jenny, another great weekend of coverage. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. I am acutely, I appreciate it a lot. And I'm acutely aware that we fucking absolutely destroyed it and ruled the space. Thank you. John, Miss Spiegel, thoughts on, I personally think it's a eulogy. I think she's gone.
Starting point is 00:09:23 I think she's going to have a rude awakening. The what have you that this sports world is what have you done for me lately lately she's gonna fade into the darkness and she'll try to come back and she won't but your thoughts uh mystery on i think i think she'll do what she's been doing for one more year and then if she doesn't make it again next year then then then that's probably the beginning of the end as far as her crossfit career goes but one year it can be a blip in the system you know she missed it by two points i know you feel bad for her but i'm kind of thinking about kelly baker yeah she if she so say say danny snatched 210 right and got it was had those points kelly baker fell down on her lane on her sandbag and took like 20 to 30 seconds to pick it up and finish if she dropped out of the top 10 because
Starting point is 00:10:15 of that that would have been just just destroyed her i could imagine because like she made the games her fitness made it and then her falling down would be the reason she didn't make it i i mean this is a great video yeah who grabbed this oh uh will i think will brandstetter damn hey dude she's pretty athletic too can we see that again that that is uh somehow so this is kelly baker in the final event look at look at gazan is already partying with emily rolf like yeah what are you gonna wear baker's fighting for her life boom yeah real athlete she's a real athlete and can you imagine like uh you know trying to make it to the games that all like for a long time never never was good enough close a lot but never good enough to make it and then this year you were good enough but that's why you're out that right there
Starting point is 00:11:12 like i think that would have just mentally destroyed anybody um so like i'm i'm happier for kelly than feeling bad for danny danny's been. Yeah, gotcha. And it was powerful when Kelly Baker said she's been trying to get to the game since 2015 or 16. I just figured she took some time off. She's been on team. She was on team last year.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Yeah. I never know how to say this name. Kumside me. Kumside. Colton Cole Bailey with truly incredible comeback. That was not it. Come and zide. Come and zide.
Starting point is 00:11:51 You're getting closer. Come and zide. Yeah, some great comebacks. I agree. Thank you for the loot. I hope you're using contraception. John or Anthony TPA. John, you make Brian pay you in ones
Starting point is 00:12:05 for gold John which Brian are we talking about I made bets with both of them did Colton win three events no no no I won every single bet of place this weekend except the one with Brian friend and he didn't win that bet either it's just a push
Starting point is 00:12:20 I was two places off in a tie break from winning that bet. I said he went three events and he thank God he won Linda because then I would have had to pay. I break the Tetlo. Oh, man, that would have made me so mad. But James Townsend facts. But a lot of these athletes don't honestly know nor understand what it truly means to be an athlete the sacrifice to say no you know and there's these as your day rolls upon you i've heard you know people say hey every decision you make decide does that decision get you one step closer to your goal or one step further from your goal but you have to be conscious in order to even play
Starting point is 00:13:00 that game and i think a lot of people maybe aren't conscious. Although I'm not taking a shot at all the athletes. I'm truly impressed by everyone who was fucking there. It was amazing. Luis Lemos. Holy shit. Thank you brother. You're always exceedingly generous. And I truly appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Who was I going to ask? Colton. Let's start here. We'll start with john with you colton and mertens and scott tetlow they so they're not sager mertens and scott hello well i know i just mean colton mertens and tello they're not the same athlete right where did no after we saw tetlo compete the text messages blew up and it was like we were all i i swear to god i was fucking about to cry because everyone
Starting point is 00:13:45 was predicting and what i what i was also predicting like oh shit mertens is gonna shit the bed on this because tetlow shit the bed on not shit the bed on it but what did he shit the bed on it what did he take tetlow on that workout not good uh let me see can you scroll over it's like 46 46 okay so he did shit the bed on it. Holy shit. Okay. Yeah, so we were terrified because we knew that Colton, to be in control of his own destiny, had to finish in the top 12.
Starting point is 00:14:13 So, Young, they're not the same guy? No. I mean, people just think they're the same guy because that's the only other guy that is the same height. He's an inch shorter. So, like, every anatomical deficiency colton has scott has worse and he's about 10 pounds lighter than colton um he struggled with the bag and he's gonna struggle with the bike way more than colton's going to just because colton's bigger he's a he's
Starting point is 00:14:38 a smaller version of the smallest thing we've ever seen. Like, you know what I mean? Like, it's not, they're not the same. Like, there's a... So Colton ain't got shit on Tetlo. Tetlo is the record holder. As far as being the shortest person, yeah. Thoughts, Bill? They're not the same person?
Starting point is 00:14:58 Did you, I mean, were you in the same camp that I was? Like, oh, fuck, Colton's not going. Look what happened to Tetlo. Well, I think the fact that he, we knew knew where he we knew where both those guys would struggle um we then we saw which was what the bike the bike the bike would be tough compared to the field compared to the field of athletes that if he wanted to stay at that line um and then the way that scott really struggled with that bag like he wasn't even i mean he was holding on the outside of the bag he didn't have his hands around his arms were too short he couldn't get around well yeah i think
Starting point is 00:15:29 colton's lifting hay bales every day that bag's gonna be fine for him he does it every day so i mean so that so that definitely plays to his favor so yeah were there some similarities uh anatomically sure but um i mean we've seen we've seen colton do some pretty amazing things and you know that that event six he did really well in and he needed that that cushion and so i i mean i was impressed that he did i didn't think he was gonna do terrible i didn't think he was gonna do as bad as scott did but I was impressed that he was right behind Medeiros. I was like, where the fuck did that come from? I need to apologize to Fikowski because this is obviously a short man's workout
Starting point is 00:16:14 since Mertens beat him on this. It's not a big man's workout. Did anyone get a picture of those two guys doing the congratulatory hug? What happened to Fikowski? I thought he was neck and neck. What happened? He imploded somewhere? Blew up.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Yeah, just like event six, when Valner was trying to keep up with Medeiros, Fikowski was trying to keep up with Valner, and he just couldn't do it. Did he blow up on the bike? Round two, they were close. But round three, he just blew up. Yeah. Where was it? Toast to bar or the bike? Toes to bar.
Starting point is 00:16:50 He was slower on the bike, but the toes to bar, he was really slow on the toes to bar. You could see it hurting him on the second round, too, right towards the end. Susie Tell in the CEO shirt, can I get a fuck yeah for Colton? Fuck yeah. You totally can.
Starting point is 00:17:05 What a great character to rally around. Aaron Scheibel. Great coverage, gentlemen. And Sevan can't wait for next week's coverage already. Oh, you're scaring me. I'm going to get the broken science thing next week. I don't know if I could do another week of this. Jeff Giardina.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Justin looked like he was up late watching torian on event six uh that's funny uh seve uh aren't you happy it was a chubby versus crying oh boner versus like i got a boner instead of crying that colton didn't make it i would have been truly bummed about covering the games if uh colton didn't make it, I would have been truly bummed about covering the games if Colton didn't make it. This was great. And I guess, so he's sick also? That's what he said. He said he wasn't feeling well on day one.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Before we switch to the women, I want to talk about what's going to happen with Pat Vellner now. Are we going to start? I know we're going to brian start talking about how pat velner always beats fikowski and comp and it's another win for pat velner and pat vel this is gonna affect the worldwide rankings that brian does and all this stuff is the chatter really gonna start up that pat is a serious threat this year yep i don't i honestly don't think it's that much different than any
Starting point is 00:18:25 other time. Pat always does well at the semis and the regionals. He always does. This is the first time he's beat Justin in a competition. Well, head-to-head. That's true. Head-to-head. Dominated. Yeah, true.
Starting point is 00:18:42 I mean, he almost beat Justin by 100 points. Yeah, you can say I still... I mean, he almost beat Justin by 100 points. Yeah, yeah. You can say that. He did? He did? I think it's one competition. I think it's one competition.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Wow. I agree. Bill, Bill, 100% I agree, but I'm just saying putting them on the same talking point of can you win the games. You see what I'm saying? Okay. Patrick Vellner has 612 points.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Justin Medeiros has 519. Yeah, that's... I don't think anyone would have predicted that. Predicted what? That Vellner would be 100 pence ahead of Justin at the end of the semis. No. I don't think so. And almost 200 points within the cut line. Hey, dude, look at this.
Starting point is 00:19:21 The word going into the street with Justin Medeiros – madaris now granted there's 60 people in the field but we're going in uh the the the talking point on madaris was is that he never falls out of the top 10 right well this was an uncharacteristic weekend 6 10th 12 13th 24th first and a fifth yeah that's can you go down – can we see how many points 9th had? So he was closer to missing the cut than to Belner. How did Colton beat Nick Matthew and Fikowski on this workout? What a fucking trip. That's what I'm saying. Colton does things that just mind-gling you i wish we could have seen
Starting point is 00:20:06 his last 20 toes to bar because he was a whole time and he flew through that they finally showed up carrying the sandbag you're like where did he come from yeah there was one wide shot i think when justin was uh moving the bag and uh or maybe he was uh just finishing up his toes to bar and um martin got on there martin's got on there on the bar that was the only time i saw that last round though uh pat uh come come inside me come inside obviously it's worth the money to get you to say it like this every single time inside me thank you There's not another M. I know. That's why it's like it's come inside. Come inside?
Starting point is 00:20:49 Yeah. Yeah, it's an old English name, yeah, I'm sure. Come inside. Why is he using your picture, John, for his profile picture? What's going on? Pat bent the champ over this weekend through a seven event in person comp my goodness that's significant that that's a apostrophe yes significant that is significant uh uh mr spin is it did he bent bent bent the champ over i mean this competition
Starting point is 00:21:21 yes um again something changed though between one and two and then three. Like, Justin was a different athlete today than he was the last few. His hair looked like he used conditioner last night. His hair was different today. The workouts were better for him, too. Yeah, I mean, so I'm not that worried about it. At 15 events, he's going gonna be consistent throughout i think um i think maybe just these workouts just didn't line up for him he maybe strategized incorrectly
Starting point is 00:21:52 and uh burned early you know what's crazy if you go back and watch the snatch event because he missed 275 like three times and then he hit it and then he hit 285 right after that like at the at the buzzer that 285 snatch was so clutch for him if he didn't hit that he'd be he'd be right around where mertens and sager are which is it was just insane but if he didn't hit that i mean he'd be ahead, I think, still, but, like, it'd be 10, 15 points. So I just got this text from an athlete that's 6'4", saying, I was in the bathroom when Colton Merton walked in, and I asked myself, will he choose the kid's urinal? Colton did not disappoint and went straight for the low rider.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Yeah, what the fuck do you expect? I have to use the kid's urinals in some of them too. What do you expect? That's hilarious. That's good. Spies everywhere. Colton, you can't even pee without someone judging you. spies everywhere colton you can't even pee without someone judging you uh cole sager making his uh 10th um games um i know this isn't fighting where like you feel bad
Starting point is 00:23:14 when a guy's gone past his prime you know and he's just in there getting his ass beat but is this is any part of you like okay like like you just squeaked it in are you feeling different about it no like it's almost like sad like sad that he made it yeah i don't know i just just like you know in sports like when a guy goes longer than he's supposed to no it's okay all right no no it's exciting it's happy it's like good job it's a hard task. You're still doing it. Do you feel that way about Travis Mayer? No. Not yet, but that day could come.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Or PKG. I put them in the same category. It depends. It depends if they just barely make it. Is Travis just barely making it? Travis did some impressive shit at the games last year. Cole didn't do anything impressive. Well, I guess the final event was impressive. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Last two events. Fair enough. Fair enough. I didn't know I was in a Cole Snigger fan club. Kind of getting where you're going, would you like to see him limp into the games and then finish 20 to 30? Is that what your mentality is? Go to the games and not do anything?
Starting point is 00:24:31 Yeah, or I mean, you want to see people retire on top. Is that what you mean, Savant? No, I don't know what I'm saying. I'm just proposing it. Did he, though? Meaning did he limp in? Maybe not. You're right. Maybe he came in with a bang since he won that last event. Look how many times he's done exactly what he just did.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Yeah, that's true. This is not like, he barely made it. He passed his prime. He's done it, what, three times? Four times like that? Right. He did it when he's young. He's doing it when he's old.
Starting point is 00:25:00 This is how he rolls. He's still making it into the games, yeah. I would say he's in his prime. His prime wasn't as high as other people like because he's still getting 10th through 20th in the games that's what he's always done i know he got sixth one year but you know 10 through 20 is what he's always done uh nick matthew's the real deal now now now he's bona fide right this what is this is Is this going to be his second games? Second.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Yep. This is his first one he made easily, too. Like, I'm going to the games. It wasn't like a hard. Last year someone popped and he squeezed in or something. Yeah. Yeah. Good job.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Congratulations, Nick. Good job. Chandler Smith. Good to see. Kind of unpredictable, right? But there he is. Sixth place. That's a good job. Congratulations, Nick. Good job. Chandler Smith. Good to see. Kind of unpredictable, right? But there he is. Sixth place. That's a good finish. I don't know if you'd say unpredictable. He had a bunch of issues last year
Starting point is 00:25:53 at Granite Games that just sank him. He lost a finger one year. Tank falls on it or whatever happened to it. When's the last time he went to the games? Cameron? Yeah, was he there last year?
Starting point is 00:26:09 Two years ago. Two years ago. Okay, good on him. And that's proof that you cannot make it. And how old is he? 30. 30. All right, that's inspiration for Danny.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Medeiros, we talked about Medeiros, 24, 519. I'll ask you this, Bill, what. Medeiros, we talked about Medeiros, 24, 519. I'll ask you this, Bill. What's Medeiros? Is he going to have fun tonight, or is he beating up on himself a little bit? Yeah, I think he's pissed. I don't think he would be happy with that. A competitor likes to do well. And, I mean, he's going to say what he needs to say in front of the camera
Starting point is 00:26:43 or whatever, but I'm positive that he's going to go back and be like, okay, I did not fucking like that. That is not going to happen again. Whatever I was weak on, those are not – two months I'm smashing those things out. And do you think he's going to be able to pinpoint the reason like, oh, shit, I had the runs last week or I was doing too much strength training coming up to this or do you think he's going to be able to pinpoint the reason like, oh, shit, I had the runs last week or I was doing too much strength training coming up to this?
Starting point is 00:27:07 Or do you think he's going to be able to pinpoint it? And as an athlete, would you want to be able to pinpoint it? Fuck yeah. Yeah, I think you would too. I don't know that he was up in the middle of the night, but I would say not having his training partner and having his coach pulled in a few different directions has to play a role. All right. Yeah right yeah yeah totally also being his girlfriend so emotional support what would he even improve on though like if you look at his rankings um like linda you're kind of going to be whatever your bench press is going to be right i mean we're going to bench more he's been doing that already snatch 285 that's his
Starting point is 00:27:43 that's his max. I'm not like he can get a little stronger, but that's not going to randomly go to 300. And then the 800-meter run, he's going to sprint 800s. Like the stuff that he did bad in, it's not like fitness. No, your one rep max is your one rep max. I mean, I get that part. I get that part.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I think with Linda, it's not a matter of like, are you going to work on bench press? I think it's a matter of, okay, how are you going to pace something like this? It's high volume, high rep in a position that you aren't very good in. If pressing is your weakness. Do you think he's going to work on pacing, though? Because I think that's the one thing he doesn't need to work on. Well, why did he blow up on that? You're the one that was like, he blew up on it.
Starting point is 00:28:24 He blew up on it. Well, how do you stop from blowing up on it though the only way you stop from blowing up is you have to pace earlier more correctly or understand it or get more a slight bit more brent fukowski like or to try that again and be like all right well how do i fix that how do i fix that thing that happened that was a lot of points no you're absolutely right do you think you look heavier someone said he looked heavier i thought he looked leaner i thought he looked thinner i think i thought he looked the same as he always does the same okay all right but if you're adam if you're adam like what's the approach other than like what is the approach besides what they've already
Starting point is 00:29:01 been doing i think he's attacked things more like he did today. I mean, he was confident. Yeah. I think he held back a couple times. He was very strong finishing on Friday. I think he needs to be a little bit more aggressive at times. Parker, top two in last year's games do not podium for semi-finals who's he talking about roman and justin uh does this say more about the programming or the
Starting point is 00:29:34 athletes wow great fucking question i wish i would ask that uh mr spin that could be good i was gonna say that could be indicative of the programming too i mean if you look across if you look across the board and i i think like what adam would do like what i would do if i was a coach is i would look at all of the events we've seen open quarters semis and then a possibility what are the things that we're seeing where are you failing in those not just in the semi but across the board on all of those things. And be like, okay, now, because you have to find the trend. And as much as everyone thought that they knew what Dave's trend was,
Starting point is 00:30:14 it's like, okay, we got the new Adrian trend in there. Can you already see a trend? I see a trend. In the programming you're saying? Yeah, absolutely. How would you describe that? I think that there would be more of a, he's pushing the gymnastic or the skilled element to it.
Starting point is 00:30:32 I mean, there'll be the classic, you know, the heavy stuff or whatever. But I think generally speaking, I mean, pirouettes and the, you know, wall face and handstand push-ups, and the seated. I mean, all of those things were, the things that we're seeing now are items that we saw versions of at the games, crossovers, whatever. We didn't see that evolution, and Adrian has said out loud on Chase's podcast and other things we've seen, where we lack as athletes is high-skilled gymnastics.
Starting point is 00:31:04 We can't say that a ring muscle-up is a high-skilled gymnastic. We can't say that rope climbs are high-skilled gymnastic. That's not high-skilled gymnastic. So what we're seeing are these, and granted, we are in a testing phase to find out if it's a high skill or a gimmick. I think that there's a fine line on that, especially with gymnastics. But I think that that is something, that's where you can make that tweak, John, I think, where you can look at. Does Justin have a weakness as far as an athlete goes?
Starting point is 00:31:33 No. Can he do the skilled stuff? Totally. Is he a pacing guy? Absolutely. Is he strong enough? Well, not as strong as everybody else, but he's decent. Are you going to get that much stronger in a month and a half two months
Starting point is 00:31:45 probably not uh just live bro great great input he said he's 10 or 15 pounds heavier in a vlog a few weeks ago uh and uh there was a guy boat bo is saying i was in the athlete uh area all weekend with justin i can confirm he's looking a bit thicker um uh mike m uh every guy gains weight after finding a girlfriend friend a fittest man on earth is no different uh gp uh i bet stefan's man bun that danny spiegel gets a wild card to the games you're out of your fucking mind uh someone said uh here's here's one for you um jb uh john young why would olivia turn down her spot i think this is more of a question for Bill. I think he's on the side of the turn down. All right. Pass from John Young to lateral to Bill Grundler.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Okay. I'm not saying that she should turn it down. What I'm saying is that if you have a young athlete who has the ability, obviously, physically right now with her talents, she's going to be in this game for a long time why not let her shore up all of the weaknesses that she has and then go into that build on the the success and the confidence you know in the team division even though you're right she's not going to go there and really get pushed by anybody but i still think that it would be she wouldn't lose anything by waiting a year,
Starting point is 00:33:09 shoring up whatever else, letting her body have one more year of maturity, and then coming out and just smashing people in the face. So, JB, it depends on how deep you want it to go, but why would Olivia turn down the spot? Well, because she's already qualified for the game. So does she want to go in and just fucking crack heads, or does she want to fucking get her head cracked? M and one the trend leads me to believe that the games will include a workout where the athletes pull a buggy with square wheels uh mr spin too harsh too harsh
Starting point is 00:33:35 no that's not happening only if they're made of canvas only if the wheels are made of canvas yeah i mean to say oh god sorry go ahead. Sorry, Sven. I think going back to Olivia, I think she ends up going. I don't think there's this illusion that she's going to finish on the podium, but she can go learn. I think she learns way more by being tested by the elite competition than the team.
Starting point is 00:34:04 She's going to go to the team competition and take first on all but one. And if she goes in there with the right mindset that she's there to learn and understand where she can work on for the next 12 months, I think it's a great idea to go. This is what I said to every girl that I ever asked out. There's no guarantee I will ask you out again. So you might as well say yes. No guarantee.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Olivia will qualify again for the games the following following year. She shouldn't turn it down. I haven't heard that argument, but it's fucked up. That hits like a hammer. Yeah, I was thinking, I just didn't say it.
Starting point is 00:34:41 He got the chance. I mean, she just saw what she would do against Trista Smith, and that's going to be her competition in the teams. And what place did that – okay, we'll get to that. We'll go see how she did. I know. But if you're Olivia, I think you're confident you're going to make it again.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Yeah, like she's got a longer career ahead of her. I was talking with Nick Johnston a little bit. I mean, he said she has a killer mindset. So like the things that you would start to bring to mind is the current situation with teens going in and having too much weight put on them too early when they have what should be a very long career ahead of them. So I think there is a little bit of hesitation. I think she should do what she sees best and what her coach sees best,
Starting point is 00:35:24 of course. is a little bit of hesitation. I think she should do what she sees best and what her coach sees best, of course. But like, if she could sure up a few things that obviously were not too much of holes this time around. I was crazy impressed, man.
Starting point is 00:35:35 I was crazy. It's how, I don't know how she can impress us anymore, but she did it right. Yeah. Event six spoke miles about her. Yeah. Intelligence, pacing and strength, right?
Starting point is 00:35:47 Yeah. Event six was probably her best event of the whole weekend. And probably her worst event or her worst finish. And all that being said, if she's like, no, fuck it. I went in. Okay, cool. But I'm saying that I don't think she needs to be pushed to go one way or the other. She should feel comfortable to go
Starting point is 00:36:07 wherever she wants to go because wherever she's comfortable that's going to be her best year. That's what I think. And then get her camp on board. Zachary Blackman Olivia said in an interview that she wants to go individual. So there it is. One more piece on that. She's at Proven now.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Obviously Proven doesn't have Tia, doesn't have Brooke competing this year. If they can put a real focus on her and Sydney and really push those two and have them working together in the next three months, I think she could go a long way. I don't see the Emma Lawson place, but I think she could do better than we do.
Starting point is 00:36:43 No, she's not Emma Lawson. Who's not? Olivia Kerstetter. What do you mean she's not Emma Lawson? You think Emma Lawson has more promise? Emma Lawson was 17 last year, right? Emma Lawson is better than Olivia Kerstetter is what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:36:57 That's 17, yeah. Now what they will be in two years, I don't know, but right now Emma Lawson's a lot better than would be a curse that are have you looked at the numbers for that go ahead and look them up i know i know it to be true but but that's it but but but that i would like to see that i'd like to see that i i i i was just blown away by curse that are what what a fucking savage and and maybe i should be blown away that much by Emma Lawson,
Starting point is 00:37:25 but I saw it last year. That's what I'm comparing it to. I'm not comparing them this year. Okay. One final word, of course, for the man that I pick on endlessly that deserves so much praise, Brent Fikowski.
Starting point is 00:37:44 He's back in the talk, huh? He's back in the game. I know people are going to be like, Savon, he was never out of the game. Well, in my mind, he was. I'm with you, Savon. I was very impressed by his performance this week. I did not think he was going to do as well as he did.
Starting point is 00:38:02 I think I'd said it before. He was sixth amongst these guys at the games last year. And so, I mean, the events that he was not favored to do well, he did well. And even the last one, I mean, he started to blow up. But, I mean, he minimized any of those pretty well throughout the entire weekend. This is going to be crazy what I'm going to say, but I think Fikowski took that risk knowing. I think he could have taken fourth in that event if he wanted,
Starting point is 00:38:32 but he wanted it all, and he knew he was going to the games already, so he's like, fuck it, I'm going to see what happens if I fucking throw a brick on the gas pedal. Why wouldn't you? I mean, if you're pretty much going to be second no matter what um why would you not uh it's the thoughts anyone grunler is that is that crazy to think that that he he he just threw a brick on the gas pedal and took a crazy risk knowing that he could have just been you know fourth fifth or sixth i think i think it was it was a great test i mean he doesn't he's extremely
Starting point is 00:39:05 meticulous when he trains um he's very calculated with everything that he does and i think that was a very safe position a very safe situation for him to all right let's see what this does and just do it because if he did completely blow up he'd still be okay and it's a workout that you can blow up, he'd still be okay. And it's a workout that you can blow up and still get through. There's nothing holding you up. You just slow down. He needed a point for an extra $3,000. Why not go for it? Scott Tetlow finished in
Starting point is 00:39:35 16th place. I don't even... Mitchell Stevenson finished in 10th, just outside by a significant amount of points. 30 points. Cole Sager did fine. Ward Anthony Davis finished at 20th with 324 points. All points. Cole Sager did fine. Where did Anthony Davis finish at? 20th with 324 points. All right. Oh, Tudor Magda,
Starting point is 00:39:49 a games athlete from last year, 286. Wow. You skipped two people at four and five? Yeah, we should talk about Cole Gray's neighbor. Yeah. Yeah. We don't have time for that. We don't have time for that shit.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Okay, fine. I love myself some Samwell Kwan. Go ahead. Go ahead. Three and four. Go ahead. I mean, Kwan's been doing it. People forget about him all the time.
Starting point is 00:40:13 He's just not super flashy. But if you look at his rankings throughout the whole entire week. I think I called him to win the semifinal. That was my pick. He's super consistent all the way through. But Cole Gray shaver has not been here before and he's eventually essentially did the exact same thing sam quant did uh which is very impressive and uh i'll give spin credit he thought he was going to do really really well
Starting point is 00:40:37 this weekend and he picked him to do really really well and i i don't i think i picked him to like barely miss out um and he just murdered it. He didn't really have a weakness. You know what Cole Gray Shaver is going on in his head right now, the mantra, right? I beat Justin. He should. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:58 I don't blame him either. And that's the problem. That's the problem with Justin getting a fifth. I don't think Patrick, Brent, and Samuel, Quant, maybe are thinking that too much. I mean, they thought it a couple times, but I think that they know what they need to do. But Cole Grayshaber, he's fucking,
Starting point is 00:41:11 he's just throwing gasoline on the fire. Quant beat Justin at the games in 2020. Right, that's what I mean. I mean, Samuel, Quant, Brent Fikowski, and Patrick Vellner, I think know that they can be CrossFit game champions. I think they all believe that. But Cole Grayshaber just beat Medeiros, andaris and now madaris it's like oh fuck like he let one more guy like sneak in and get delusional aspirations that he has to deal with now yeah that's not justin won't think about that cole's gonna think about that that'll be yeah
Starting point is 00:41:39 that'll be that'll be the thing that wakes cole up every single day dude i beat the champ right i beat the champ they don't they don't single day. Dude, I beat the champ. I beat the champ. They don't even talk about me, and I beat the champ. And so, is that good for Cole Gray-Shaber and Samuel Quant? Yeah, it's fucking good. For what? Like mentally?
Starting point is 00:41:59 No, no, no. I mean, are we done with them? Is this a Sevan podcast? Sure. Good job, Cole. Amazing weekend, no. I mean, are we done with them? Is this a Sevan podcast? Can we go move to the women? Sure. You kind of have to say that. Good job, Cole. Hey, and by the way, Cole. Amazing weekend, Cole. I'm sorry. Great job.
Starting point is 00:42:10 I would feel that this podcast is a success if we could put so much pressure and love on Colton Mertens that he pulls out of the games because he can't handle the pressure. So fucking keep it on him. Listen, the day Colton Mertens says that he needs to take a mental health break, there is something crazier in the world going on because I don't think that will ever happen. Yeah, just keep the pressure. Just love Colton to death.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Make him – just love him to death. Let's keep the pressure on that fucking guy. Alex Gazan, fuck. Beast. Is there anyone who doesn't like her? What a fucking special creature. Alex Gazan is there anyone who doesn't like her what a fucking special creature great person too she's a old soul
Starting point is 00:42:53 in a kid's body right well not a kid's body but you know what I mean that body's only been on planet earth 21 years she's been through a lot already married got her head down picked up her life went to Vegas to fuck around with CrossFit a couple years ago and now she's been through a lot already married got her head down picked up her life went to vegas to fuck around with crossfit a couple years ago and now she's she she's she's becoming a darling you think the fans like her you think she's gonna get a big fan base alex yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:43:16 i think she's gonna be huge she's very likable and she's a home run hitter yeah like she's pulling and pushing she's one of the best in the in all the world all the crossfit world and pulling and pushing that is a rare combination to be one of the best people in both of those categories she has a first a second a first and a third. That's pretty impressive. She's not very good at weightlifting, but I'm – Or at least – No, you're right.
Starting point is 00:43:52 You're right. You're right. That is fucking actual. Actually, that is pathetic. It's crazy that she won with a 43rd place. Wow, that is pathetic. That's less than Fusile. That's less than Fusile, That's less than Fusile.
Starting point is 00:44:06 What's going on there? Fusile snatched more than Alcindor. What the fuck's going on there? Is that because she has bad overhead position? What is that? That can't possibly be. Why does she only have a 165? Did she miss? She had to miss.
Starting point is 00:44:23 We need to ask Kotler. That's some Sam Briggs shit. Yeah, but Sam Briggs doesn't bench 270. No, but she runs faster. She does. Sam runs a good bit faster, yeah. Katrin, is Gazan top 10 at the games? I know I asked that yesterday. She's 24th last year.
Starting point is 00:44:47 She definitely makes a big leap. Yeah, 24th last year, I think she makes a big leap. I think this is fuel on the fire for that. Katrin, Tanya, David's daughter, second place. Crazy impressive. Let me ask you this. Is this an easy semifinal for the girls? Is this an easy place to qualify?
Starting point is 00:45:11 Lots of people. Don't got to deal with Annie. No, I don't think it was. I mean, you don't got to deal with all the doters. I think it's equal hard as East or Europe. It is equally as hard. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Yeah, I haven't looked at it yet. So we do have to say Katrin's the real deal. This isn't like she slid in with a bunch of fucking chumps. The only reason you would say it is because there's a couple new names on there. But some of the names that we expected who have been there before didn't perform nearly as well as they should have. So it speaks to some of these, you know, it speaks to Abigail. It speaks to Kelly Baker. Olivia is now in the mix.
Starting point is 00:45:53 I think the field of this women was, you know, I wouldn't say just as good as the East, but they are qualifying was just as tough. Yeah. I would say East is top heavy. The top six might be a better top six than this region but depth of field i would say this region is better than the depth of field at the east and then europe's probably a mix of the two and uh matt torres uh by the way this isn't really matt torres people but anyway i'm not going to repeat that again i'm just giving you that one freebie matt torres people but anyway i'm not going to repeat that again i'm just
Starting point is 00:46:25 giving you that one freebie matt torres catrin's comeback is truly impressive i give kudos to the second best coach out there uh her max is 185 that's referring to uh gazan um good benchers have bad shoulder mobility that's some conventional wisdom um i disagree rcw uh matt fraser being the safety net for catron is so fitting, and you can see he reassured Cat that she is still elite. Well, yeah, and I think she is. Look at James. Even he knows.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Yeah, I think I believe her. I believe that she's the real deal. I believe she's the real deal. Circle back on that East versus West thing. I'm definitely going to take a look at it. There are athletes that you could tell played the game that was, if I can go out West and think that it's easier, I can then qualify. Bailey did it.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Oh, my camera just moved. Bailey did it. Danny didn't. I mean, just by one spot. And then Katrin got an exemption, which is good for her. Not going to go back down that road. So there is going to be an interesting look when you look at these semifinals against each other, although they're hard to do in certain circumstances. It's like, what would Bailey do in the East
Starting point is 00:47:43 or what would some of these athletes do differently but yeah i think there's places where it might have been easier for bailey actually in the east with her whole crew around her to to take it that way versus i mean the gamble worked for but it didn't work for danny so it i I don't know why this, maybe it's because of all the unknowns, but I was feeling suspect of this division, but I need to see the times. But the fucking competition was crazy impressive.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Ariel Lowen, number three, did a fantastic job, did what she needed to do. Does she go into the games with a lot of confidence? Do you think she's disappointed with where she's at or she's pumped no she was one through three the whole entire competition after a workout two second fifth 14th 10th 6th 11th yeah i mean she does what she i mean this is how she normally performs she's super super consistent doesn't really have a lot of holes doesn't really have any home run hits. I think
Starting point is 00:48:46 she feels even keeled. She's probably happy for Alex. They're good friends. Yeah, man. They look like two sisters out there, right? How are they good friends? How do they know each other? Ariel never trained
Starting point is 00:49:01 at underdogs, right? Gazan's from the Pacific Northwest, and I think Ariel's like some southern state. I get a sense that Ariel's probably can be friends with anybody. Right. Well, they were on the same team together. They trained together to do the Guadalupalooza, Gazan, Ariel,
Starting point is 00:49:18 and Gary Pierce. Yeah, they did. And they probably came together. Jessica Valenzuela, the great question, will we see Katrin wearing the leader's jersey at any point during the CrossFit Games? No. Depends on the first workout. What do you mean by that, Spin?
Starting point is 00:49:37 I mean, she has some of the abilities to do well on a longer distance workout. She's usually been up there early, so we'll see. Now that Sam Briggs is gone and Tia's gone, is Emily Rolfe the king dick over there in the women's category for running? For a long distance, yeah. Because Haley's not in there either. Yeah. Right, right. Sorry, you're right.
Starting point is 00:50:04 That was a shame that I didn't say her name, Haley. I haven't even thought about that. Yeah. I guess Daniel Brandon. You got Daniel Brandon. She's not in that category, though. Here's John's point that he was making earlier in the competition is we don't have any strong snatchers going to the games
Starting point is 00:50:18 because everyone's been, at least out of this semi, because everyone's being cut. Christine. And we don't have any big runners either. So early center runs have been minimized. So we're shrinking our group down to just CrossFitters now. Okay, cool. I think that'll make the scoring a little more interesting at the top, though,
Starting point is 00:50:36 because those guys have a legitimate chance. Like, Vellner could get third in a max snatch. You know what I mean? Just all the top guys are going to be higher on the lifting events. I'm not going to be on the, you know what I mean? I think parity will be even greater because of that. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do.
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Starting point is 00:51:27 Katie Gannon, there's no way West is easier for the women one less spot my dudes uh not my dude don't say my dudes that's too informal a one less spot gentlemen uh look at the bottom of the east scores versus these well we will be doing that and thank you i said this already uh john m are we going over Z scores? No, because fucking Tyler abandoned you guys. Tyler Washington abandoned you guys. He will be on the Spin podcast on Wednesday. Oh, fuck me. So many podcasts. He'll be on the
Starting point is 00:51:59 Froning podcast on Tuesday, the Spin podcast on Wednesday. You didn't see Brian once this weekend. Brian didn't make it over here to the B team. Kicked us to the kizer. Christine Kolenbrander. I had never even heard of her until the Zellos games. She was on the show.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Awesome. I really enjoyed hanging out with her, interviewing her. She's cool as shit. She's married to that dude who looks like he fell out of a cigar aficionado magazine. Or a Viking ship, one of the two. Yeah, that too. Yeah, total Game of Thrones looking dude. His beard is rad.
Starting point is 00:52:32 He's got a rad beard. Yeah, he's rad looking. Christine Kohlenbrander, impressive. Yeah. Okay, here I'm going to say it. Here's what I see. I just don't recognize a lot of names, and I feel like there's just a lot of old dogs that are coming
Starting point is 00:52:46 in because the fucking competition is so weak. It's a bunch of fucking little kids and old dogs. Let me just talk to you about the old dogs. You got little kids like Alex Gazan and then old fucking dogs with patches of hair missing like David's daughter, Ariel Loewen, Emily Rolfe, fucking Bethany Shadburn,
Starting point is 00:53:02 and then you got these fucking, Christine Kohlbrander, and then you got these kids hanging around. Kerstetter and Gazan. It just doesn't, I don't see this, maybe I'm wrong. I don't see this middle ground. You know what I mean? Where's the middle class? No? Am I seeing it wrong? Just old, Kelly Baker.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Kelly Baker, what year was she born? 1947? 1947? These are people who've been, Danny Spiegel what about bailey i just feel like bailey who rail yeah she's in there yeah okay there you go i guess abigail oh i go okay there's abigail okay 25 holding it down all right you'll see it again next week there's a good amount of mid-20s.
Starting point is 00:53:46 All right. All right. Dang, Emily's old. I didn't know she was that old. Yeah, this is kind of what I'm saying, Mrs. Dytro. Such a shakeup of games athletes this year. Yeah, I just feel like there's some extremes there. There were like 30% of the field last year were rookies.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Oh, that's good. That's a good stat. It was one of the field last year were rookies. Oh, that's good. That's a good stat. It was one of the highest years, yeah. And then this year. And this year it's 30% moms? And this year it's 30% moms? It's about the same, well, that and same percentage right now. I think we had three men and women last time.
Starting point is 00:54:20 I haven't done the count yet, but pretty close to the same. Bethany's in the middle. I know she seems yet, but pretty close to the same. Bethany's in the middle. I know she seems old, but she's in the middle. Yeah, I'm definitely going to look at the turnover rate year over year because I think, well, all things considered, either qualifying this way or just not competing this year, there's quite a turnover, which would then lend itself to rookies coming in. I think decisions like childbirth affect that age range for women.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Okay, possibly. We'll go over and check out the dudes and see if there's any – that's an interesting point. Steve Rogers, I vote Katie Gannon on the Sevan podcast. I hate consensus and voting but thank you you want me to send her a link no i think she has i think katie has a point i just just walks on whenever she wants she doesn't need a link uh one more one more and then we'll get back to katie uh this year is 30 less insta models m1 okay go ahead kat Katie has a point yeah she has a point I think Bailey rail actually would have
Starting point is 00:55:27 had an easier road in the east for a lot of reasons but one of them is that what she's calling out is that the bottom qualifiers didn't do as well so it was an interesting gamble for Bailey but it worked out
Starting point is 00:55:44 where's TR and jailer wow So it was an interesting gamble for Bailey, but it worked out. Where's Tayar and Jailer? Wow. It's been a long weekend, hasn't it? Will someone call my wife and be like, hey, we think someone had a stroke on the air? Okay. I do want to have Rebecca Fusli back on i i think she uh i'm normally not interested in exit interviews but it would be cool to hear her perspective i really like her and it'd be cool to hear perspective and you know who else i'd like to have on the show i'd like to have china cho on
Starting point is 00:56:18 the show i'd be curious what her perspective was of the uh semifinals good job adrian okay um shadburn let's talk about my shadburn amazing weekend yeah injury-free weekend savage right yeah i like she's you know she's this fit um like if she if you could tell me that she was going to be healthy this is what i would expect of her and like like in the games, I think she could be fringe top 10 if she could be healthy the whole time. They're in the early years, guys, when gymnasts would come into the CrossFit ecosystem, we would always trip on them because like they would finish workouts and they wouldn't fall on the ground like the rest of us. Or they would do handstands and they would point their toes. Do you remember that shit, Bill? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:08 And we would critique them and be like, dude, you're not going hard enough if you're not falling on the ground. I was getting that effect even though she took second place in workout seven. Bethany was so composed. Like almost to the point of like, hey, dude, do you not have enough urgency? I mean she took second. Who the fuck am I to say? But when her and Katrin put the bag down the first time, the first time they carried the bag down, she beat Katrin there. But Katrin beat her back to the bike.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Do you mean Emily? Was it Emily? Yeah, that's who you meant oh emily okay sorry emily but basically um uh bethany didn't seem to be in any rush just like yeah okay this is the first time she's been in live competition for a while she's done the open she's done the quarterfinals where she could really control her situation and make sure that everything was managed exactly the way she needed to be it and here she's thrown out out on the floor and then having to perform i don't know if she i honestly don't know if she really was intending to try to make it to the game i think it was more wow
Starting point is 00:58:18 well no i here's my story though though. Spin it, I love it. If she made it on accident, I love these stories. I'm not saying it was on accident. What I'm saying was that she didn't put any pressure that when before and I'm talking pre injury, I think there would have been more of a mindset of I'm fucking going to go in and I'm going to wreck shop because she was a dude. When she first came on the scene, she was smashing events and getting out there and just ripping people's heads off. So all said now, she she's got that injury. She posts all over her Instagram.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Haven't put any weight up. I'm really nervous about this. Oh, this is it's fun to have a barbell again with a colored weight on. That's not like a training plate, whatever. And then all of a sudden she's got to go shoulder to shoulder with everyone out on the floor. It looked to me not that she wasn't trying, but that that wasn't the emphasis. The emphasis was, am I still able to do this? So the urgency wasn't racing to go all out.
Starting point is 00:59:16 The urgency was, can I still do well, but not break anything? Is my body like she's feeling that out in a competitive situation rather than being at a home situation. Hey, Bill, that's what it's like getting out of bed at 50. Maybe I've been doing that for a while and I just forgot that that's what it is now. It's very, very, very possible though. It's true.
Starting point is 00:59:38 It's true. Mr. Tetlow. Hey, what's going on fellas? Look at you, buddy. Yeah. Look at you, buddy. Yeah. Look at you. Hey, we were rooting for you, dude. I thought you were going in.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Did you think you were making it? The last one, I mean, there was always that chance because I was only like – I was 35 points behind. Not going to lie, the seventh event wasn't going to be a home run for me, but I was talking know i was talking to some people and i'm like well i'm either gonna qualify or i'm gonna finish in 30th place trying so um so i went for it you said you're in the first round party tell tell us tell us about the seventh event tell us about like what like you're sitting there and they say go do you just
Starting point is 01:00:21 jump on the bike and you're like fuck it just reckless abandon any pacing no actually i tried to uh the first round was like it's kind of like a trap i don't want to go come out too hot and then really blow up for a second and third but then at that point i saw everyone else getting off the bike at like one dude got off the bike i swear i didn't think he jumped on the bike i just thought that he was and i was like get out of here and you're not even joking right it did look that fast like you looked down you looked up and there moved on i swear uh i swear that i thought he literally skipped the bike and was just like fuck it i want to ride the bike today i'm just gonna go and uh so then i got to the second round i was like all right i gotta catch up here and i pushed it and that's where i picked up the second sandbag i was like oh god so uh so yeah i kind of blew up but left
Starting point is 01:01:11 it out there so um oh what is the what what's the plan for you looking forward like i feel like two years ago you said was your last year then you just had an amazing year and wouldn't you say this is an amazing year i I would say that this is the way I feel physically and mentally, I would say that this was an above average year for me. I wouldn't say it's the best year because it's a great year
Starting point is 01:01:36 because otherwise I would have probably qualified. But as far as looking forward to now, I'm still going to try to compete. I'm still going to compete because that's who I am That's what keeps me healthy That's what keeps me young and feeling good But I think I might shift focus
Starting point is 01:01:53 A little bit more and try to be a little bit more Family oriented Versus Dude this is a replica of the interview we did two years ago That's it Don't tell my wife that Don't tell my wife that don't don't tell my wife that scott do you have a big do you will you have did you have a big cry or anything do you have any like release
Starting point is 01:02:11 any any like massive disappointment or if even if it's not disappointment any like breakdown after something like this just from just being so emotionally fatigued yeah i mean yeah of course i was i was super upset afterwards um you know it's mostly whenever the people that come up to you and say, hey, we're super proud of you, and they give you the hug. It's like, hey, you did well this weekend. That's what gets me. I don't know, just knowing that I have the support there and that they came out of their way to come watch support. So, yeah, it's an emotional rollercoaster, that's for sure. Any crazy stories from the weekend? Any funny stories? Anything, you know, did you see anyone wet their pants, shit their pants? Any almost fights between – I heard Colton Mertens and Fikowski stepped up toe-to-toe, almost got into it. Yeah, so Colton actually pulled up like six 6-inch risers
Starting point is 01:03:07 to get eye-to-eye level with him. Pekowski took a step back, said he didn't want that. Yeah, I guess he goes, wait till after, wait till the end. I tried to get to your – I told Colton at the end, you know, I stayed around and congratulated everyone who qualified. And I told Colton, I was like, hey, meet me backstage. We've got to take a picture together. Get Savon this 10-foot-7 picture of Savon doing.
Starting point is 01:03:33 And he was like, all right, all right, we'll do it. But he never showed up, and I was like, I want to go get a beer. So let's roll. We'll get it one time. Do you see Colton talking back there much? The guy fucking doesn't talk at all. I want him on the podcast, but I'm afraid that I'm going to run out of shit to say to him. hey we'll get it one time do you ever do you see colton talking back there much the guy fucking doesn't talk at all i want him on the podcast but i'm afraid that i'm gonna run out of shit to say to him no i have i you know this is the most he's ever talked to me i would i would
Starting point is 01:03:54 up to him a couple times you know talk to him and then i mean yeah i mean he talked to me and maybe it's just maybe it's just you guys that he didn't talk to his his interview was crazy afterwards when he said he they said how do you feel he said like Maybe it's just you guys that he didn't talk to. I don't know. His interview was crazy afterwards. When they said, how do you feel? He said, like, shit. That was fucking amazing. Which one?
Starting point is 01:04:16 Was that the Clydesdale one? Or was that the actual CrossFit Games one? No, the CrossFit Games one. Right on the live stream. They walk up and Nicky Braziers is like, hey, how do you feel? He's like, like, shit. I feel like the north end of a southbound pig or something like that. That's great. I mean, that's going to be a classic interview.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Go down in history there. The European men go next week. Any advice for them? Any words you would give to them? Just, I mean mean the sled that don't overthink the sled on the first event you know it's uh it's gonna suck for everybody you gotta pull it no that was i think that was that was definitely a mind uh mind trickery going into event one no one knew no one knows how the sled's gonna feel bottom line it feels heavy for everyone so really they don't have one in the back that you can tug on?
Starting point is 01:05:07 No, they didn't. The first time we touched that sled was when we stepped out on the floor. Wow. Is that scary, going into the event, knowing it's going to be really, really bad, and they don't let you try it first? No, because I just assumed it was going to be it's going to be heavy for everyone that's how i that's that was my mindset i said well it's heavy for me it's going to be heavy for everyone and you know whenever i got on the first pull though and i
Starting point is 01:05:35 pulled it it was it was a sigh of relief and said all right cool i'm not gonna move it i can move it pretty well i feel like i'm gonna move this thing pretty well. What about the complaints about the sled, the carpets, and the different floor textures? Did you have any of that complaining? Do you have any complaining to do? I'll take notes right now. I'll take your complaints. No, I don't have any complaints about it.
Starting point is 01:05:58 No complaints. Every athlete had to deal with the same sled. The front part of that sled flipped over, every athlete had pretty every athlete had to deal with the same sled um you know the sled the front part of that sled flipped over and it just made it 10 times harder to pull however if you take the i i took the time to try to fix it once and then i go for my next pull and and it freaking went back flipped up under again i said well fuck it you fuck it. I'm just going to roll with it for the rest of the event because I'm not taking the time to go undo that, to make it flat again. It's like damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Starting point is 01:06:33 It's going to make it harder, or it's just going to take away time from the workout. You're doing Mayhem programming? I am. And how long have you been doing it? I started that after around January, beginning of the year. Oh, wow. After Rogue, I started doing, or leading up to Rogue, I was doing my own programming. And then it just got, I was like, oh, I'm over too much thinking involved.
Starting point is 01:06:58 So I jumped back on to Mayhem. So you had been on Mayhem, then you did your own, you went back to Mayhem. No, originally I was with Zeus Method And then I started doing my own programming And then I just jumped onto Mayhem You're 5'3"? Yes Is there anything that you do different Because you're 5'3", you think?
Starting point is 01:07:22 Like when you see the programming Do you talk to anyone at Mayhem over there and be like, yo, like, like these are some are going to be some of my shortcomings because of my stature. Um, I need to work on this. The only, the only, uh, like obviously the, uh, like that strict hands, the wall facing handstand pushups, whatever you want to call them, chest facing. Um, you know, I might be, those are a little bit easier for the shorter guys. And the overhead squats, knowing that I can make up time on the
Starting point is 01:07:48 overhead squats on that, on that workout, because, you know, my, my, my rep speed is so much faster because I don't have the, I don't have to go as far down. I don't have to go as far up every single time. So the range of motion is shorter. So I think it's more or less like, Hey, I'm going to take advantage of this and use my, use my height to an advantage. And then, so I can kind of pace the, the rope climbs a little bit more because I don't, I can't reach as far as some people,
Starting point is 01:08:15 the taller individuals. So you kind of got to take your, you got to take your advantages in the workout and then to kind of set you up for success and other stuff. When you look at someone like Rebecca Fuselier she's uh 52127 uh do you have any advice are you just like yo girl you gotta just put on 10 pounds of fuck like you got better figure it out better put on 10 pounds of muscle you're fucked i mean i i've been trying to put on weight because i weigh 170 pounds and i feel like i can't do it.
Starting point is 01:08:46 So I don't know. Yeah, it's crazy that Colton weighs 15 more pounds than you, isn't it? It's fucking nuts. Does he? I didn't even know that. 185. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Yeah, I weighed in. I did the whole, like, the Navy PRT thing, and I had to weigh in, like, three weeks ago. Before, I was weighing 172. I'm like, gosh darn, I'm trying to put on weight here. But, yeah, no. But you're still super thick, right? Who? was weighing 172 i'm like gosh darn i'm trying to put on weight here um but yeah no uh which is still super thick right who 170 at 5'3 that's that's still ridiculously thick i don't think people realize how thick that is at 5 that's crazy thick yeah and you're lean as shit too i wouldn't say that i got a pretty good dad bod going on right now notice how no shirt came off
Starting point is 01:09:23 this weekend oh the last time i saw you, you looked lean as shit. What's the most you've ever weighed, Scott? I weighed 205 pounds my senior year in high school. Holy shit. I was a defensive nose tackle, so I had to put on some weight to throw the— That's right. I remember that. Wow.
Starting point is 01:09:42 All right, brother. Well, thank you so much for coming on here. You seem like you're in fucking amazing spirits. Thanks for coming on here you seem like you're in fucking amazing spirits thanks for coming on here and sharing some stories with us yeah of course anytime guys all right brother take care bye have a good one scott that's a good dude caleb thank you i'm assuming that was you that was awesome Oh, wow. Wow. I just got a picture from Manny wearing a CEO shirt with Bethany Shadburn. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:10:15 All these CEO shirts. Where do you think she could place in the games? Laura Sexton for Scott Tetlow. Thank you. Where do I think who could place at the games? Laura Sexton for Scott Tetlow. Thank you. Who do I think could place at the games? Chadburn. Top 15?
Starting point is 01:10:35 Hey, dude, you guys proposed something that was kind of crazy. If she's going there, if she competed at the semifinals and she was tentative and did that well, I mean, she's podium coding material if you look at her open the max thruster she did 157 pounds she just matched 175 so this whole thing i i was going to agree with bill on it is i don't think she was saying she didn't care if she'd made it to the games or wasn't going to try as much, but it was her whole thing is I'm just going to do what I can and,
Starting point is 01:11:12 and not sacrifice or risk injury. So I think she has more in the tank, but didn't want to wake up because she went too hard on Linda. And so she knew where she was and i think she paced that perfectly throughout and you know happy with where she ended up i guess i guess what i'm trying to say is like like i agree with you bill i feel like she has no scinded ability and it's just not going to be there and not not like because she can't do it but she's not because why because of injury a mentally scared or because of her background and whatever her
Starting point is 01:11:50 background is they didn't send it was she a gymnast yeah yeah no no i mean because of her injury and and the mentality mentality that she has had to adopt because she's had so many injuries like there's just not going to be any ascendant ability for her. And I feel like that's not going to change at the games. You know what I'm saying? This injury isn't new. She told me she had chronic back injuries since she's, like, 12. So, like, she's had to figure it out.
Starting point is 01:12:20 She was out in 21 because of the COVID whole thing. And then – sorry, i said the word uh and then a 22 because of a back injury so like this really uh sparking up she changed coaches she changed where she um like her whole perspective i'm hoping that we're seeing the fruits of that now and that she would be back to where she called i think she got like eighth one year like she could potentially be back where she was 2021 me and brian both pictured to be on the podium we both pictured like the third place in 2021 she looked freaking nasty at the west coast classic and i guess it's a travesty that she was not able to compete that year yeah chronic chronic
Starting point is 01:13:04 pain is one thing when you're an athlete, you're, you're kind of used to that, but when you get leveled and you can't do anything, it scares you bad. And so I think that like when you have that and then, you know, you're wanting to get back in here,
Starting point is 01:13:19 she's, she's 29 years old. Like all those voices in your head, they get, they do get loud where you're like, shit, okay, so how hard can I go? Or you start to pull something. You're like, did I feel something? Did I not feel something?
Starting point is 01:13:31 So I think this was an amazing test run for her to give her some confidence back to be like, okay, you know what? My body is okay. It'll be interesting to hear what she says like on you know whatever she leaks out like how how she really feels after this weekend uh barry mccawkner uh rebecca needs a new coach i i don't know anything about her i don't know they seem to be doing pretty well she's pretty young and pretty little and she's gone pretty far uh i want to say one but can we pull up uh the bethany can you close bethany shadburn's thing again and look? I'm not sure if what I'm about to say is necessarily true, but look at number one, Alex Gazan.
Starting point is 01:14:10 I suspect that the best real athlete, real athlete, that's not a fair word. I suspect that the most athletic person on there might be Bethany Shadburn. I don't know what her background is, but she seems to. Why would you say that? She just seemed, I can't tell if I'm going from memory, but I'm thinking, like, what do you think, how many sports do you think Olivia Kerstetter has played? She's a lifelong CrossFitter, right?
Starting point is 01:14:33 And a lifter. Yeah, but, I mean, Ariel Lowen's pretty athletic. Who? Katrin's, Ariel Lowen. Katrin's pretty athletic. What did Katrin do? What was Katrin's background? Because she's been doing CrossFit for 10 years.
Starting point is 01:14:45 What was she doing? I mean, she did everything that people do in Iceland. They do a lot of things. They're like throwing snowballs and stuff. I'd be curious. Yeah, you know, all the Icelandic stuff. I don't know if they do American sports. I'd be curious to see what they –
Starting point is 01:15:03 like Bailey Rail looks like a – what's the thing where they run around on the field with a stick and the ball? Field hockey. Lacrosse? Lacrosse, yeah. Thank you. I just get this vibe from Bethany or I heard in an interview or somewhere that she's very, very, very, very, very talented.
Starting point is 01:15:23 I think most gymnasts have a very acute sense of body awareness. If they've been doing it for any length of time. So they're going to move well, they're going to be, they're going to have an athletic appeal to what they can do because they can move around well. So I'm talking about Catherine or Bailey. I was talking about, uh, Bethany. Who were you talking about?
Starting point is 01:15:43 I was talking about Beth. I was talking about Bethany Shadburn. Can someone about i was talking about beth i was talking about bethany shadburn can someone explain to me the obsession with bethany shadburn sure i'll take a shot at it really quickly uh bethany shadburn's been around for a long time and she had a lot of promise and people thought that there's people in here who think she can win the games there's people who thought that she she she was going to win the games. Did she ever make podium? No. What was her highest? Eighth and 19.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Okay. And then a couple years ago, she was coming in strong with an insane team of women around her. Carrie Pierce, Danielle Brandon, and herself. And at the last minute, 24 hours before the event started or 48 hours before the event started, she tested positive for the common flu. And she wasn't allowed to participate. And so I think the obsession with her is real. I think she's a fantastic athlete with a shitload of potential and a long history with the sport. Go ahead, Bill.
Starting point is 01:16:45 I was going to say, I think she's one of those athletes that you just want to see what she's capable of. I want to see her at her best and just see what she's able to do. So bad. And that's why I was really excited watching her out of the West Coast Classic.
Starting point is 01:17:02 Like, oh man, here we go. All cylinders are firing, you know? She's like Derrick Rose if people are basketball fans. Like lit the world on fire and then got hurt over and over and over again. Did you say basketball? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:18 Cindy McAulish out. He's done. Hannah Black out. Rebecca Fusile out. I think I may have said it right. Chyna Cho out. He's done. Hannah Black out. Rebecca Fusile out. I think I may have said it right. Chyna Cho out. Trista Smith, 17 years old, took 26th. She should be pretty impressed with herself, right?
Starting point is 01:17:35 I mean, I think she's going to be happy. If Olivia's not there, I mean, it looks great. Right. Good point. Miss Allison Scuds didn't make it. around forever, demo team captain 33, Freya Moosebruger I guess she falls in that camp Of
Starting point is 01:17:51 Who was it of the men She's kind of landed in Tudor Magda territory Tudor Magda territory That's a good comp A promising games athlete Who struggled in the semifinals Once again, let's revisit it. Is it the programming?
Starting point is 01:18:08 The reason they did not make it, I don't think it's the programming. If you're 33rd place, you just got to be better. Spin? Programming? Yeah. I mean, maybe here and there, but you couldn't change the programming enough just incrementally to make her get into the top 10. There's something else going on there.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Wow. Big Nick Energy Moose Bruger is 21. Is that true? Is that true? Crazy. Okay. So she gets – yeah. We haven't seen the end of her.
Starting point is 01:18:41 She's going back to the games, right, if you're a betting man? Moose Bruger. I wish so bad it was Moose Booger. It would be so much more fun to say. Kelly Clark. Did she end up pulling out of the comp? No. God, I feel like I didn't see her out there on the floor during the snatches.
Starting point is 01:19:09 Were you watching Heat 4 or Heat 2? I saw her name on one of the placards, and then I thought I saw someone at empty. Jen Ryan, Masters athlete. Kelly and Jen are going to the games regardless. Oh, she is? Kelly's doing Masters regardless? Yep, so is Jen Ryan. Jen Ryan took 47th, 43 years old.
Starting point is 01:19:41 All righty. I don't have any um major complaints i thought it was a fantastic weekend my only complaint is the the one i've been dragging from week to week i just think events um four and five especially five needs the the runner is just a complete fucking nightmare disaster other than that um congratulations to CrossFit. What a great show. Andrew Hiller, Derek Rose blows. He's from Chicago. He's just mad. Any final thoughts, gentlemen? Anything you want to say about the
Starting point is 01:20:18 semifinals here in 2023? Northwest semifinals in Pasadena? I don't know if this came up, but Boz told Brian and the crew last week that four and five is his litmus test for the athletes for who's the fittest. Who does well in both of them?
Starting point is 01:20:36 Yeah. Well, Gazant took 43rd and 11th. Katrin David's daughter took 11th and 2nd. I'm saying what Boz told us. I'm not saying it's... Right, right. I'm not... Melner and Bacowski are the fittest guys, then.
Starting point is 01:20:52 Melner was... Abigail... Well, then, you know, Abigail did the best, then, probably. Abigail or Katrin's daughter. Katrin's daughter took 11th and 2nd, and Abigail Donut took 9th and 4th. Don't mint. Yeah, Miss Donut's 9th and 4th. Don't miss.
Starting point is 01:21:06 Yeah, Miss Donut's going to be fun. She's new to the scene. What do we know about her? I've never seen her before. So I did an article on her three years ago. Earlier this year, she started in 2020 and picked it up and
Starting point is 01:21:21 has kind of improved very quickly in the sport. Can you give us a cliff note of your, I think you just did, of your, that's it? She has an athletic background. She was like a model, was pretty thin, and she's gained a lot of weight, strength in a short period of time. And I was pretty impressed by her that she was up there. gained a lot of weight strength in a short period of time. And this, I mean, I was pretty impressed by her that she was up there.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Hey, check this out. She's a, she's Wolverine. Isn't, isn't Colton Merton, Wolverine. Oh yeah. She looks like a fucking model. Look at her. Yeah. She is a model, huh? Colton's in the chat by the way I sent him a link I said pop on for oh there he is motherfucker hey what's up dude
Starting point is 01:22:14 how much we got back to the hotel holy shit you did it I know hey dude when they called your name were you you going to cry out there? I was like, oh, I was just studying your face like you were going to just break down and just be like a gelatinous sack of shit and weep, stare up to the heavens. Were you tripping?
Starting point is 01:22:36 I knew once I finished that event that I had probably done enough to make it. I knew who was in 10th place going into that event, and I beat them. So I figured I probably had a good enough cushion. I'm not sure how much I ended up qualifying by, but I thought I probably did. It was easy. Yeah, but when they say your name, isn't it, like, overwhelming? Like, it's like, holy shit. Yeah, it's a bit of a relief for sure.
Starting point is 01:22:58 I mean, I kind of just always felt like I was going to make it the whole time. You did. We saw Tetlo implode on that final workout, and the fear that went through all of the text threads I was on was crazy. Everyone was like, oh, he's fucked. Did you watch Tetlo implode and start to panic? Yeah, I could see him from our corral area. It looked like he was going to finish pretty well.
Starting point is 01:23:27 I don't know what happened on that last round. It looked like the tow-to-bar or the sandbag was giving him trouble for that last round. Yeah, the bag, he started kicking his ass. Yeah, I knew once I got probably two rounds through that I was going to be okay. I had set a pace that I could maintain. I knew the tow-to-bar was going to be unbroken and be a a pace that I could maintain. I knew the toes of our were going to be unbroken
Starting point is 01:23:45 and be a bit of a recovery, and the bag wasn't an issue at all. Were you surprised that Nick Matthew was behind you and that you passed Fikowski? Did I pass Fikowski? Yeah, you beat him by 12 seconds. Yeah, you beat Fikowski. You didn't see that out of the corner of your eye? You're like, what the fuck's wrong with him?
Starting point is 01:24:03 You didn't. I knew I beat beat Chandler. Oh, fucking tall pussy. I knew that. Okay, so you saw Chandler, and when you beat Chandler, you're like, okay, that's a good sign. I must be doing pretty good. Yeah, I knew I was at least top seven or something in that heat,
Starting point is 01:24:21 so I knew that would be good enough for a decent score overall. And you knew going into that, who tells you like, hey, Colton, you're in charge of your own fate. If you finish in the top 12, no one can push you out. Did someone tell you that? No, I had taken screenshots off Barbell Spins articles they wrote for the scoring table or whatever. And I just compared that to how many points I was
Starting point is 01:24:45 in front of the cut line. I knew I had to be top 12. I knew a general time range I needed to be in. That was about a minute faster than what I did in training, I think. Wait, wait, wait. That was a minute faster.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Say that again, John. Sorry. Say that again, John. I said you would not have made it if you were going to, if you were a minute slower. So thank God. Colton, you beat your training time by a minute. Yeah. I mean, those training times though, are usually like post farm work and then an hour ride to CrossFit Kilo 2. So, I mean, they're not, it's kind of hard to really go off of them sometimes. If I would have told you, hey, you need to beat that time by a minute
Starting point is 01:25:32 after you did it, would you have thought that was possible? No, not the day that I did it, no. That's crazy. I beat my time on event five by 30 or 40 seconds too, so I knew I'd be able to pull it out when I needed to. Where do you think you made it up on event five? Well, I guess on the run. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:55 Obviously, right? Not on the snatches. No. We were wondering, we really wanted to see your last round of toes to bar, and we didn't get to see them. Can you tell us, did you break up that last round? No, they went unbroken the whole time. The toes to bar, that was a rest for me.
Starting point is 01:26:14 I was able to catch my breath a little bit going into the bag each round. That helped me push the bike a little bit. But, yeah, there was never a question on whether or not I was going to go unbroken on the toe to bar. Gentlemen, have we heard of anyone else who went unbroken on toe to bar yeah i think pat when i'm broken um there's been a few guys that when i'm broken yeah and when you go into that colton do you know are you like okay the bike they're going to beat me by a few seconds on the bike i have to do stay on the toes to bar yeah i knew my toes to bar would be a little bit faster i knew i'd be one of only a handful of guys to go unbroken and i knew i'd
Starting point is 01:26:50 be quick enough on the bag that there wouldn't really be any separation there so i just had to maintain a good pace on the bike and not get too far behind and i knew that most of the guys were gonna break on the total bar at some point i'd be able to catch him there um uh you were nice enough yesterday to tell us um i think you said it in the chat uh it's it's uh die trying basically on event number or was it six um tell can you tell us about the the rope climbs as you approach the rope climbs was there a strategy um yeah you just kind of have to really know your body because with those you can hit a point where you know the first one feels good then the second one you're almost failing and then you go back up for your third and you're done and you're sitting there for 45
Starting point is 01:27:36 seconds staring at the rope so you have to really know your body and i do i almost only do legless up and legless down, rope climbs and training. So I practiced that a lot, and I knew kind of where I was at. And, you know, they didn't really feel too bad. I was more worried about the pirouettes. They just felt really shaky and unstable. But those didn't go too bad either. Dan Guerrero, Colton's a boss. What a show.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Thank you. Yeah, of boss. What a show. Thank you. Yeah, of course. This is awesome. Where during the week, where did you sense the wheels coming off the bus, the closest the wheels came off the bus, where you're like, uh-oh, maybe you felt like this shit could collapse? And did you do the entire comp sick? Are you sick?
Starting point is 01:28:24 Yeah, I got a fever this week during travel. I've just been having a lot of sinus problems. Saturday morning, I was actually thinking about withdrawing before event three. I just decided to tough it out.
Starting point is 01:28:39 Beat the world record by a minute. It's like MJ's fever game right here go give it a try and not worry about the results too much and just fight as much as i could and see where the cards fall so it was like that so you you're you're how close were you to pulling out um in the warm-ups i was thinking about it a lot but i don't know if i i don't know if i would ever pull out it'd have to be pretty bad for me to actually pull out um you know i just had some thoughts creeping up and was not feeling like i had a chance to
Starting point is 01:29:15 perform as well or a qualifying at that point but um yeah i wasn't I don't think I would ever actually pull out. And, and, um, careful, uh, and going back, um, to that, um, that question, where did you feel like you were possibly going to get stopped the most during the weekend? Were you going to say that it was during the bench press? No, the bench press were fine. Um, the hardest part of Linda was the deadlifts, my back, we're just getting a bit tight. I haven't been doing a ton of high-volume deadlifts or squatting, really. I had a back injury about six or seven weeks ago, so I've been dealing with that. But, no, the bench press was super easy on Linda. After I had shoulder surgery in high school, I did only dumbbell bench for, like, two years after that.
Starting point is 01:30:02 So I'm pretty well acquainted with the dumbbell. bench for like two years after that so i'm pretty well acquainted with the dumbbell and it was kind of interesting seeing some of the guys techniques for getting the dumbbells for their laps and over their chest um so you know that experience it definitely paid off for me uh what what's the heaviest dumbbell you've benched in the last year have you have you ever benched have you benched the 90s in the last year no i honestly don't do much bench at all anymore in the past uh probably a year just because i don't have many um sets of heavy dumbbells in my home i have a set of 70s and that's it so it's crazy imagine how strong you have to be to not do bench in a year and then grab 90 pound dumbbells and do fucking
Starting point is 01:30:46 55 of them. It's fucking nuts. Are you sore? Are your tits sore? Like if you go like this, are you sore right now? My left side is a little bit strained from the muscle I've worked out, but no, I'm not sore at all. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:31:02 Did the fever ever break? Are you better now or no? You're ever break are you better now or no you're completely are you spent now are you good i do not feel good right now but um this is what it is it takes it feels like it takes me forever to get better after i get sick like i'll be sick for like two weeks probably just how it always is with me will you train through it or will you actually take a break will you sit at home and just drink water and take vitamin C or will you keep training? This next week I'll probably just be farming and working on the house and seeing if I can make some big strides there, get that place ready to move into and train in.
Starting point is 01:31:38 Did your girlfriend's team make the games? They got four. Yeah, they did really good. Awesome. They finished outside the top 10 crazy crazy crazy crazy and where was your girlfriend uh when you did the final event she was there in stands and are your mom or dad there nope just me and ali i think her team took off last night when they got done competing or maybe this morning.
Starting point is 01:32:07 Did your dad watch? Yeah, I think so. You haven't talked to him yet? I haven't talked to him. I would fucking come over there and kill you if you were my kid. He called me this morning but I didn't answer because I didn't want to.
Starting point is 01:32:23 Oh, Colton. What would he say to you? Did he say something silly to you like hey don't hurt yourself or hey 2 000 pigs ran out into the street colton you feel like you bring up some shit that's just irrelevant is that why you didn't answer no he'd probably just tell me do my best whatever have fun whatever fun, whatever, things like that. But I just wanted to stay focused on what I needed to do and I don't think
Starting point is 01:32:51 he would have just stressed me out if I talked to him. Spin, Colton's internet is better than yours, in case you were wondering. Colton, how hard did you slap... What did you say? You have California internet? Colton, how hard did you slap Brent in the back? What do you say? You have California internet? Yeah. Colton, how hard did you slap Brent in the back? What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:33:11 Good answer. Judy Reed, Colton, what do you need from the community to support you? We're already praying for you. Yeah, what do you need? What could people do to help you? Are you going to do a fundraiser? No. Buy my puppies.
Starting point is 01:33:25 The breeding's going well? You're breeding dogs? Are you going to do a fundraiser? No. Buy my puppies. How are you? The breeding is going well? You're breeding dogs? Yeah, we had our first litter like five weeks ago. They're about five weeks old now. We've got a couple still available in that litter, and we've got a pretty good waiting list for the future litters. The dog market typically in the summer is not great.
Starting point is 01:33:42 People are busy going on vacation and things like that. Very nice of you, Judy. Hey, when you – oh, there's the Instagram right there. Merton's Teenie Weenies. And that's for – those are dog pictures. Don't anyone get that twisted. Colton, you gave a speech after one of the event wins, and you said something about feeling like – did you plan that,
Starting point is 01:34:12 or are you just hearing that for the first time as it comes out of your mouth? I don't think you're supposed to say, I feel like shit. I mean, I liked it. I personally made your stock go up for me. And then you gave a north – you feel like the northbound of a southbound pig, and then you threw in the jacoos. Tell me, does that just come together? Like, how did that all come out? That seems like, I mean, obviously I don't know you
Starting point is 01:34:37 because I'd have never expected three fucking zingers from you. No, I don't really know what I'm going to say until it's already been said, usually in those interviews so sometimes it kind of catches me by surprise too but i had to give a little shout to adler after beating his record on that workout god dude it was so good hey does ally laugh at you does she do you make her laugh like when you get off does she give you a big hug and is she dying laughing because you said all that crazy shit. He's over there spinning around in circles. Hey, is he funny? Allie, is he funny?
Starting point is 01:35:08 No. No? He's not funny? No. Oh, because that was, you're the funny one? Yeah. All right. Well, he's stealing your lines then because he killed that.
Starting point is 01:35:21 Don't you think he killed that speech? That was 11 out of 10, wasn't it? Yeah, it was a surprise to me as well okay oh good all right okay maybe i do know him all right good that makes me feel better hey congratulations on making it to the games thank you awesome good job um uh mr merton's uh coach do you have a coach uh i'm i mean kind of i don't know do Kilo trained programming and then some of my own stuff. So Luke Schaefer does that. I do some programming from Armand McCormick, who was my coach.
Starting point is 01:35:55 He's kind of – he lives in Florida now. So he's still like – we still talk and he mentors me on stuff. I don't have anybody like watching me train or anything like that. Like I don't have anybody watching me train or anything like that. I don't have anybody to give my coaches pass to here. You don't have anyone to give your coaches pass? Did you not give your coaches
Starting point is 01:36:14 pass to anyone? How about Teddy? He didn't get his media credential. Oh, you were going to give it to Teddy? Yeah, I was going to try and give it to somebody, but they said your coach has to be with you at registration or whatever. Let me know if you need a coach. I'll come coach you.
Starting point is 01:36:33 You let me know if you need a coach. You would not. You would not leave your house. You'll be the one to make him get out of that chair. Fuck. Hey, one more question. You're a Swolverine athlete still? Yep.
Starting point is 01:36:51 And I saw that Abigail Donut's also a Swolverine athlete. Do you know her? No, I don't think so. All right. Well, she made it to the games too. Yeah. Well, dude, congratulations. I can't believe we got you.
Starting point is 01:37:04 This is fucking nuts. You da man. Thank you you so much you made this weekend besides Bill Grundler you're in fifth most six most important important in pertin you're the sixth most in pertin in pertin person to me besides the cast that helped me with this podcast man love you to death
Starting point is 01:37:20 good job dude thanks guys appreciate all the support talk to you later yeah later man congrats Colton the great Colton Mertens holy shit that was so fucking funny she's like no I'm the funny one he's not incredible
Starting point is 01:37:38 I mean I was like wow it was three zingers it was three zingers great question judy i wish i would ask a great question uh judy reed colton what do you need from the community to support i'm sure he's gonna need something uh we'll uh i bet you uh travis over vindicate makes him a shirt and we can uh we can get on that colton train uh why didn't he stay and take a pick with uh tetlo good question sorry brother sorry great question scott's too short um all right thanks colton congratulations seven on the coach god that'd be fucking hilarious uh great job getting them
Starting point is 01:38:17 yeah just sent them that that was crazy got so lucky i kind of don't want to bring the athletes on because then this whole show becomes about them so i kind of don't want to bring the athletes on because then this whole show becomes about them. So I kind of don't like sending them links. God forbid it become about anyone besides me. It's the Sevan podcast. All right. We were talking about Abigail. And then when he came on, we talked about Bethany Shadburn.
Starting point is 01:38:44 I guess we got a bunch of games. Gale, and then when he came on, we talked about Bethany Shadburn. I guess we got a bunch of games. What do you got coming up? Are you doing the Get With The Programming show? Are you and Chase breaking down the... Oh, no. I guess you've probably already broken down the programming. It's the same programming every week. We talked about the changes
Starting point is 01:38:59 or the things that came up when we saw them, but we're going to do a whole analyzing the program and a retooling of the program. So yeah, we'll do some good stuff with it. After week three. Yeah, I want to wait for the show to settle. Do you have any shows coming up this week? Yeah, we'll be on Tuesday.
Starting point is 01:39:16 We'll probably talk about what we saw, some of the things we saw, issues that we saw. Yeah. Bill's just going to have a bunch of stories about being on this podcast. I'm just going to say, I was hanging out with Sevan. It was so cool. Yeah. Bill's just going to have a bunch of stories about being on this podcast. I'm just going to say, I was hanging out with seven. It was so cool.
Starting point is 01:39:27 Yeah. Seven. It was awesome. Yes. Yes. And Mr. Spin, what do you have coming up this week?
Starting point is 01:39:36 Wednesday night on Tyler, I will be shared how, how good or bad we did on our picks and, and give predictions for Europe. And what time is that Pacific Standard Time? Pacific would be 4.30 Pacific. Awesome. All right.
Starting point is 01:39:52 Great show. Oh, and by the way, I want to give a shout-out to Katie Gannon. If anyone wants to watch the Morning Chalkups live content this week, they'll be going on – oh, no, sorry. I forgot you guys don't do that anymore. All right. Sorry, I forgot you guys don't do that anymore. All right. Sorry. I couldn't resist.
Starting point is 01:40:08 God. That was such a shot at Katie. Katie, I love you. Come on. Come on. Come on. We'll talk about the Nogi. That's for future shows.
Starting point is 01:40:22 Okay. Guys, thank you. Great show. It was awesome, guys. Thank you. Are you around next weekend, Bill? Next weekend's show is going to be crazy hours. Yeah, it's going to be weird. I'm going to try. Okay, you're a good dude. The rest of you guys,
Starting point is 01:40:37 you going to try next weekend? I'll do my best. Alright, it's going to be weird hours. Oh, you wasted your $4.99. Alright, you got a free question coming up sorry I'll send you a dick pic I'll see you guys tomorrow morning 7am pacific standard time
Starting point is 01:40:51 talk to you soon buh bye

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