The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Update Show 08/16/2014

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Mazda. When you drive a Mazda, you'll find out why RSUVs won more 2024 IIHS Top Safety Picks than any other brand as of June 2024. Find out what makes Mazda different at Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash ymx.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Benefits vary by card, other conditions apply. So you want me to add? I don't know if we need to add any. I see Kenneth DeLapse in there. Bam, we're live. I see Kenneth DeLapse in there. I mean, I feel like we used to, I don't know why I thought of it today. I was like, do we need more wrenches?
Starting point is 00:01:00 I guess, I guess Janelle Winston could be, yeah. How about Janelle Winston or Matt Burns all right I'll I'll I don't think we need them we don't have any issues in there but you know what I mean yeah we're getting a little crazy these days so you know that's fine we I'm okay with crazy okay bam we're live J.R. Howell hanging out with the exerciser. Get 20% off. Welcome to the show. Wait, are there people watching?
Starting point is 00:01:29 I think so. Maybe it just hasn't updated yet. Isn't that? Oh, okay. Yeah, there you go. There you go. JR Howell, an HWPO shirt representing crash crucible, crossfit crash. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Yeah, there you go. Taylor says. JR Howell, an HWPO shirt representing Crash Crucible. CrossFit Crash. Oh, okay. Yeah, there you go. Taylor South. JR Howell, a nature...
Starting point is 00:01:52 Could you guys hear all that? Yeah. Yeah, I was really confused for a second. Okay, take two. What's up, JR? What's up, JR? What's up? 20% off the exerciser for you. CrossFit 20.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Like you have time to fucking spend 15 minutes in the shower pumping your dick up for crying out loud. Imagine the time. He doesn't need it, dude. Caleb didn't even miss a beat. John Young from JY Barbell and every podcast in the world saves his best shit for here. Caleb Beaver. Is Tyler coming on? I gave him a pity invite.
Starting point is 00:02:34 JR, I did the worst one first. What's the worst one? They're all horrible. Work out one? They're all horrible. Workout one. They're all good, dude. They're all good workouts. It's just the ones that you like or don't like. Yeah, it's the worst one for me. I have an idea. How about you tell us what you're talking about? The first workout one of the Crash Crucible Qualifier. It's the first one that I did. I'm gonna do five tomorrow. When does the crash crucible qualifier start? It has started. It has begun. And when's
Starting point is 00:03:13 it close? Monday at 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. This Monday? My god. Holy shit the window's so small JR. It's four days for five workouts. Today's Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. So it started yesterday? Started yesterday at 8 a.m. Okay. And are there invites also? Yep. There have been lots of invites from individual games athletes, current and former as well as as well as semi-finalists from this past year down to I think we I think I went down to about 30th who's the shittiest
Starting point is 00:03:53 athlete you invited what's the low what's what's the what's the lowest bar me they're all they're all great oh did you invite John Young no no if we're gonna say John Young then I didn't me because I'm just kidding. If we're gonna say John Young, then me, because I signed up for it too. Let me see JR's face when I ask him this next question. Hold on, let me really make him big. No, no, no, put me back. I like, I like, I like, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:13 all you can see is my shirt. Put him back behind the dig pump. Would you invite Bryson Del Monte? Is he good enough to get an invite? No, invited athletes are... I had to be kind of like stern about this, but, um, like previous podium finishers at Crucible, there are a couple of those exceptions, but otherwise it's like this year's performance
Starting point is 00:04:39 or if you were a past games individual. So like for instance, Sam Stewart is coming from across the pond to do it because he was an individual games athlete. He's coming from Ireland and I think that's really cool that he wants to come. And he's been on the show, he's legit. Yeah, so like there are some athletes like that.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Like Freya's coming and you know, she didn't make it to the games this past year. Freya Moose Brugger. She was kind of victim of one of those big penalties too but like she's obviously a victim a victim did i say that um how jaws she was the recipient of a penalty about that sorry um but yeah censorship for all the guests on the show sense though the
Starting point is 00:05:25 women's field is the women's field is incredible and this is the first year that I'll say even with the likes of Colton and Taylor and like all the guys that are coming the female field is superior for sure wow the female field is really really good yeah October October October, October 11th through the 13th. I am honored to say the seven podcasts will be broadcasting the Crash Cruisable this year with the dream team hopefully of John Young and Bill Grendler as the hosts and Will Branstad are running the production with Patrick Rios doing a behind the scenes psychedelic behind the scenes and Matt Suza on the camera the one camera shoot. Go ahead Jer.
Starting point is 00:06:11 October 11th to the 13th. Yeah, I was just bragging about the females. I'm just really excited to have a lot of them coming There's still a couple more that are supposed to be letting me know pretty soon that are big names So hopefully they're coming too. How about any brood athletes? Will we see a Fee Sigaafee? Go ahead, unmute yourself. Go ahead, speak freely JR. Get ready John, I'm gonna ask you the big question. How about Fisigoffi? JR, any brute athletes coming? Oh, that mic's not even working. JR can't even hear us. JR is down.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Classic. Right when the important questions happen. He's just looking at his microphone. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the biggest podcast in the CrossFit space featuring JR Howell in his HWPO shirt. It looks handsome. John, when you guys did the broadcast from the vendor village and it was closed, did you guys get kicked out of there? No, we just asked somebody if it's cool for the last ones to leave and the first ones there.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Every morning? Yep. And were you guys the first ones there every morning? Yep. Wow, that must have been cool. And that place really filled up. Just based on your just rudimentary knowledge of a vendor village, would you say vendor village was a success of the games?
Starting point is 00:07:51 Yeah, I think so. The only I think the worst part was it was really hard to be let in. The security was just outrageous everywhere you went. The security was outrageous. But other than that, I think it was up the most of the time. Yeah, by success. This is what I mean. Do you think that the vendors got what they wanted? Because that's that is what's most important. You want the vendors who pay money to be there to have the
Starting point is 00:08:18 place fill up? Yeah, no, the place was filled pretty much 24 seven. Right. You think that? Go ahead, go. Do you think the security was so tight because of the trump assassination attempt? I don't think those two are correlated but uh, maybe just wondering Security security and then and then at night, um, how long would they let you stay in there after it closed? I mean me and brian were there until like 11 spin. Yeah On a on that Thursday, but that was the only time we were there that late I think
Starting point is 00:08:54 Oh, no, no Farrington Field. We were there that late. We didn't I mean I didn't get home until midnight You shut that place down to were you guys broadcasting from Farrington? No, we were broadcasting from vendor village, Village, but of the Farrington event. So that was fun. They let you stay in Vendor Village till midnight? Yeah. I mean, there was like one cop there, cop guy, a cop, but like whatever guard for the place. Wow. That's incredible. That's dedication. JR. Hi. I can't hear you. You can hear us?
Starting point is 00:09:24 Okay. Well, we can't hear you. You can hear us. Okay. Well, we can't hear you. You're muted. Nope. Still can't hear you. No, still muted. I think he's muted himself. Trying to go. Hi, JR. Hey, there we go. Are you back? Good? Yeah, I think I'm good. Sorry, rookie. Yeah. Tap your mic. I want to see if it's your mic working. It's, it's, it came disconnected. That's why it kicked me off. Do you want me to try to reconnect it? No, no, it's good. Pull the mic up to your mouth real quick and talk. The mic's not working. Oh, it is working. It is working.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Your mic is working. Okay. Okay. Well, I took my headphones off, so. When when when Colton Merton's Mom died What I believe was two days before he competed against One of the greatest Crossfitters who's ever lived Justin Madaris and Justin Madaris is garage in front of the entire CrossFit community this year. Would it have been justified if he pulled out, Jer?
Starting point is 00:10:31 I would have completely understood. John? Yeah. Completely, right? Yep. And he did not pull out. For whatever reason. And he went there and he competed against Justin.
Starting point is 00:10:53 And he lost to Justin, correct? And we broke down his stats or someone did. We looked at his rowing time, transition time. We played, we looked at all that stuff. Yes. And I remember one of the shocks was is that he actually was faster than Justin on the rower. Yeah, he, yes.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Yeah. And he tripped on one of his double unders. So it made like his transition time slower. And then he could never get it back. Did you ever hear one person say he didn't win because his mom died? No. One, just one. Come on, just one. No, I mean after that day I didn't even hear anybody talk about it JR did you ever did you hear anyone make that excuse for him? No excuse or reason ever no
Starting point is 00:12:00 James Briggs won the CrossFit Games this year The CrossFit Games are the test to crown the fittest in the world. Huge component of the CrossFit Games are the unknown and the unknowable. It always has been. Every year there's been crazy shit that happened. I remember Valerie Vauberell in 2009 or 2000 2009 was coming down the hill at Aromas and there was an opening between the bleachers and she missed the opening and ran underneath the bleachers. No, no, I don't think it was her.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Someone did. Maybe it was her. Someone ran underneath the bleachers and got fucking fucking knocked out. Jason Kaleepa fainted. Collapse like Taylor Self wham went to his fucking three quarter squat and fell on his back like a like a statue. The event the the event is the event is the event. I'm not saying it's fucking Hunger Games. But the event is the event. And, and I, and I ask you guys this question with, um, with, with all of that outline,
Starting point is 00:13:30 with all of that backstory, all, all of the, uh, the precedents, you know, we have with, um, Colton Mertens and with the fact that the games are the games, you show up there and do the workouts. If we, let me ask you this, if we wouldn't have known that those two workouts were originally scheduled, it would have just been a 10 event workout, right? Mm-hmm. You guys, so I'll ask you this and I'll start with you, JR. Do you think that James Sprague
Starting point is 00:14:09 has earned the title for Fittest Man on planet earth? Yeah. Unequivocally. Yeah. I mean, uh, me and Taylor broke everything down yesterday. We just shut up and scribble on shut up and scribble. Right. We just looked at the 10 events that were performed.
Starting point is 00:14:28 We broke down all the geeky stuff, all the monostructural, all the weightlifting, all the gymnastics, and then we went back through, and we talked about what component of each workout mattered the most from our vantage point. And sure, there were things that we would call imbalances, there were things that we would call biases, and there usually are. It wasn't the total test. We know that. To your point, if we didn't know that, then we can just say, yeah, he earned it. And this is what we think about the programming, and
Starting point is 00:15:00 then we could just go back and forth about it. But like I told John this the other day, at the end of the day, James finished first, and everyone that was out there competing against him or competing next to him, or just working out next to him, if you ask him and they say, I wasn't actually competing, I was just there. They had 10 chances to beat him and they didn't. They had 10 chances. They had 10 chances to take it from him and they,
Starting point is 00:15:32 they didn't do it. So. What place was he in going into the final event? Second, second. And he, and, and, and how many points were the final two events, how many points was he behind first place? 30? 20 or 30? And John, let me ask you the same question. Has James Sprague earned the title for Fittest Man on planet Earth? Yeah, I think so 100%. I think he was the best one at the test that was given to those that competed. And if and the winner of that test is crowned the fittest man on Earth.
Starting point is 00:16:15 So absolutely. And would you say that if you looked at all the CrossFit games in the past, is there anywhere that you would rank this with these 10 workouts in terms of balance and competency of picking the Fittest Man alive? Because we had Chris Bieler on the podium one year. That was weird. Sure. And like, I mean, like JR said, that it, yes, it had its biases. I personally think it's one of the most unbalanced games there has ever been. Is it the most though?
Starting point is 00:16:51 Is it the most unbalanced? I think we can break it down and figure that out. We just haven't yet. And that would take like a lot of stats to really look at every movement and every games and see, which there could be one games that was so biased towards squatting that we just don't bring up. You know, I know 2017 was a lot of squatting 2018-2015 was a lot of pulling. Were those more unbalanced than
Starting point is 00:17:11 this one towards cardio, towards engine aerobic? I don't know, we'd have to break that down. Well, there's a reason why we don't know if there was and there's a reason why we don't bring it up because for nine years, at least the same mail, we got bailed out, right? Twenty fifty was Ben Smith. But but but you're 100 percent right. We've gotten bailed out by Matt, Rich and Tia where those questions aren't asked. But I also want to say this, like maybe Dallin beats James nine games out of ten. He did it on this one.
Starting point is 00:17:44 And to me, James Sprague is like the 2007 Giants. Like they weren't supposed to win. Nobody thought they were going to win. But they did. And they are the best football team in the world in that moment. And that's how I feel about James. He's a 2007 Giants. Caller Hi. John Young, you're fully tarted. Whoa. Oh my God. I just have to say, dude, I just have to say James beat gallon at one 35 thrusters and bar muscle ups. He beat him in that workout.
Starting point is 00:18:21 James consistently outperformed gallon in workouts across the weekend. And I don't think you can say it is by far the most unbalanced games that I don't necessarily agree with. Give me the most unbalanced games. Taylor. I think what was it? 20. Was it last year or the year before last where every workout had
Starting point is 00:18:41 fucking upper body pulling. And then 2017, they squatted in six different workouts. There were like 550 squats in 2017 Taylor are you hearing and John didn't say it but it was a slight implication That he thinks that down is better than James. Is that what you heard? And so yeah, he said well He didn't imply he he didn't imply he definitely said nine out of 10 games downwinds. And I would say maybe more like, I would say honestly, 100% of the time, James wins because, or maybe it's 50% where they, they're one to one last year, downbeat James at the games. And this year James beat down. But I also think you can't just look at the
Starting point is 00:19:25 test of fitness or the test of the fittest on earth as just a physical test. It is also a mental test, a psychological tolerance, so to speak. And James was able to stay composed the entire weekend and outperform consistently everyone else. And maybe that has to do with his faith, his conviction faith his conviction but I think what's between the ears also plays a massive role and I would I would argue that there's not a single person on the planet that is mentally or at least not a single cross-fitter amongst those who competed that are as mentally tough as he is fair enough I like it thank you Taylor all right I'll go fuck myself
Starting point is 00:20:03 love you bye kill Taylor tomorrow morning 6 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Kill Taylor tomorrow morning, the best show on the internet, 6 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Going to you, JR, what were we talking about? Regarding James Sprague, well, I lost where we were, but let me also bring this up. There might be someone who would say, hey, he's not the fittest guy on the planet. And I think that the argument, because I was very careful how I asked the question, did he earn it? And then the other question would be, is he the fittest guy on the planet?
Starting point is 00:20:48 And then the, but let's not forget, didn't Maderas win the games without winning a single event? Yes, he won the 2022 games. He won one event in 2021. Right, the final. And so it would be easy to argue that at any time you could find a guy on the planet that could beat Justin Madero at any one workout. Yeah, I mean, Villeneuve won more workouts against him than he won against Villeneuve. And during that time, I'm consistent with saying, like, I think like Justin's earned the title fittest man in the world He is he's the fittest man in the world
Starting point is 00:21:28 I still think Velner is fitter than him, but he doesn't execute on game day Therefore Justin is the fittest man in the world Is it that he doesn't execute on game day or is it that Velner's breath? That that Justin truly is the fittest man in the world because he has a greater breadth of skills and capacity over a broader Model modalities I Mean I think you'd be a combination of the two other than swimming I don't think I think donors better at more things than Justin is better at Velner
Starting point is 00:22:03 but he takes such a big hole in event one, it just didn't matter or Valor didn't execute on a handstand walking workout, which he should have. Like there were multiple things in 2021 and 2022 where Valor just didn't execute and he has some event that didn't go well as it did. He did not perform to the best of his abilities and Justin always does Justin is amazing at executing and therefore Justin is the fittest man in the world
Starting point is 00:22:34 Even though I could think that Velner is still better, but Velner doesn't execute on game day as well as Justin does You know, I don't think James Sprague has ever beaten Dalen in a heavy thruster workout until that heavy thruster workout. That wasn't heavy. Well, 135 thrusters. So I'm just gonna say 135 thrusters. A thruster workout. We'll just say that. And Dalen has said repeatedly, this is the first time James has ever beaten me in nine years. So when Taylor can call in and say they're one to one, James has never beaten Dallin in nine years. And then, but the CrossFit Games in 2024, he absolutely did. Yes, he earned the title of the fittest man in the world.
Starting point is 00:23:19 He is. He is the fittest man in the world. I don't know why people are getting upset about me saying I'm literally agreeing with them Next year if you don't think James is going to repeat next year Then you should stop talking and being mad at me for saying what I'm saying I'm literally agreeing with you but saying I think someone's better. They did not execute as well as James did on game day Fair to say, Jr. Well, you know how I feel about that word, but it's reasonable to say.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Um, uh, the, the, the, um, and I know, I know this is a guy out of there, dude. Stay out of there. It's, it's, it's liberating. I don't, all I see is guy out of there, dude, stay out of there. It's it's, it's liberating. I don't, all I see is you for in the live call and stay out of there. Stay out of there, dude. You're, you're really right. It's just frustrating that people can be closed minded with the biggest opinions. And I, and like, I don don't I don't think
Starting point is 00:24:28 Half the time but it's what did you see you saw something in the chat? Yeah You saw something in the chat. Okay. Hold on one second color Scott Gundrum. Jr. Can my wife and I drop into your gym tomorrow? Absolutely, what time you're gonna be there I'll be there at 8 9 and 10 Call her. Hi. Did you wait? Well caller? Hold on hold on did you see Saturday did you see something in the chat um Mr. Young? No JR's right I'm not as wise as JR is. Say it. Okay um caller hi. John it takes a real man to admit that dude so good on you good on John. Yeah, what's up guys? But hey John, uh, I think the reason people may be upset with you now You're on every podcast ever to podcast known to man
Starting point is 00:25:18 So maybe I've missed something since the games but as soon as James won last week, you said that he won the CrossFit Games, but he's not the fittest man on earth or something to that effect. So that's the last time, that's the last thing I heard you say about the situation with James winning the CrossFit Games, but tonight you're saying saying yes, he is the fittest man on earth He earned it so on it. So well, no, no, he's saying the question Right, I did say that that was my very first reaction, right? But the question tonight was did he earn the title fittest man on earth, which is different than is he the fittest man on earth? There's an important distinction there and that and that's where I was kind of going with it was Justin
Starting point is 00:26:05 Medeiros, Justin Medeiros earned the fittest man on earth also twice. But was he the fit? Was he the fittest man on earth? And, and, and I think, I think John has some, I think John has some issues with that because John is saying when Medeiros won, Velner was the fittest man on earth. And he's being consistent saying, if I hear him right, um, uh, James James Frakes earned the title fittest man on earth But he might not be the fittest man on earth because nine out of ten times down pepper puts it to him Yeah, and he's got dad at the back it I totally yeah, and he's got dad at the back
Starting point is 00:26:38 But I also think what Taylor I also think what Taylor said is profound too. It's like, hey, it is a mental game, 100%. It'd be stupid not to think it is. And James' mental game is fucking on point. And it really is on point, it shows. It is, absolutely. He's impressive, especially such a young man, him and Alan. But I think Taylor was using his exercise and got all excited and decided to call in
Starting point is 00:27:03 and just yell at John like he always does. But yeah, no, John, I just wanted to, I wanted to say, I think that's why maybe people might be getting, you know, upset. It's like, wait a second, you said this and then you said that, but you know, it's been a week. They call him John Hinshaw Young in the hood. Please. in the hood. Please don't. Please don't. Whoa! Oh my god! Show's over. 1999 Show's over. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:27:30 You're right. You're right. I definitely said that and I feel like I don't...I feel like I did not word it properly because I 100% said that and that was my initial reaction and I should have kind of explained what I meant by that because what Savon is saying It's a fair reaction kind of explained what I meant by that because I what savan is saying
Starting point is 00:27:49 Or what a fair reaction is exactly what I mean by that I did not I did not say fittest man in the world I didn't say that title which I think is you know, it's a big title, right? Hey, it's chaos It's pure chaos Adler wasn't there. The event was fucking emotional fucking chaos, the two of the workouts were in and then out and then I mean so so John's we wouldn't bring it up if John wasn't standing on strong ground. Absolutely we all say stuff in the heat of the moment given whatever moment and then three days later maybe three hours later you're like oh crap maybe that wasn't the right way to word something Maybe that wasn't the right way to word something.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Maybe that wasn't the right thing to say. But yeah, after you unpack it a little bit like you guys have, I think it's perfectly set. I think the point is, I think it stands 100%. All right. Thank you, brother. All right. See you guys.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Brother with your name. Okay. Thank you brother Brother was an a okay J very Barry McCalken or Esquire a JR's new microphone fun. No, he's good. But thank you. I'll take the money anyway And Anthony TPA congratulations JR for getting hopper back in it Hold on. I will not let me no, no, no. Okay, go ahead. Um, congratulate Jason for his finish. It has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with his coach Jake. It hasn't I mean, I am very firm on this. Like say it whenever someone tells me in person or whenever someone on the internet says it. But to me,
Starting point is 00:29:23 the only one that did the work is Jason. That's it for a full year. He he he reaped what he sowed. That's it. There are people on the way that help. I mean, like, what? Just scribble some stuff on a whiteboard whiteboard and say here do this dude. Like he's the one that decides to do it. He's the one that has the intention to do it. He's the one that does it and doesn't question it. He's the one that decides to do it. He's the one that has the intention to do it. He's the one that does it and doesn't question it He's the one that Goes to bed at nine o'clock and does an hour of mobility every night that no one else does He's the guy that eats good
Starting point is 00:29:56 He he did it just him That's yeah, I want to thank jason for making jr and jake look so good That's yeah, I want to thank Jason for making JR and Jake look so good I i'll take some credit if I wouldn't have thrown thrown that quarterfinals event at crash Sevon podcast then Hopper's uh, um, confidence wouldn't have skyrocketed. Um, he had been below the cut line. Call her. Hi Go ahead. Yeah. Wait, hold on. Call her. Hold on. Go ahead. Yeah. No. Yeah, I was gonna say I do think that Everybody got a taste everyone got an appetizer if you will of the kind of fitness that he had coming into the competitive season no one saw those workouts for quarterfinals and thought he even had a chance to beat those guys and
Starting point is 00:30:41 That was it should have been a wake-up call to everyone Yeah, uh caller. Hi Hi, can you guys hear me? Yeah, I like how you cleared your throat you better say something important with the throat clear like that I just wanted to make sure my voice didn't crack on on the youtubes. Um Okay to the uh, james sprigg thing I genuinely believe that james sprigg is the fittest man on earth because he was the only one that seemed entirely unfazed by what transpired over the weekend. Where other athletes, it seemed like during certain events that I thought they would have been good at, they kind of faltered. Even in James Sprague after that final event, the on the floor girl or whatever asked him,
Starting point is 00:31:31 hey, it's been a challenging weekend. How did you manage everything? And his instinct was to bring up the hip injury that he had earlier in the year and completely bulldoze over everything that had happened this weekend. And it just seemed like he was not, you know, encumbered by, by everything that had happened, like mentally where other athletes really seemed to be wearing it.
Starting point is 00:31:55 It seemed like he succeeded because he just, I don't know, was not fazed. How about, let me tell you someone who was phased clearly was Patrick Velner. And in that one event, he laid out Lazar's shirt. And then I think Velner won that event, and then picked it up at the end was like, yo, so like he used it. You know what I mean? And I spoke to another athlete who seemed very calm. And I said, Hey, what's up with you? How are you staying so calm? He's like, I have it fucking sequestered in a little corner of my brain. And at three, two, one, go, I let it out. Yeah. And so I'm just arguing back a little bit with like, hey, maybe it could be used also, like for all we know, Sprague was using it. You know what I mean? Like he was just like, okay, okay, okay, okay. Now. Yeah. I
Starting point is 00:32:43 mean, and I don't want to say that like he was, you know, uncaring or he's not a psycho. You're not saying he's a psychopath. No, no, no, no, no, no. And he, you know, again, may have just kind of rose to the occasion, but you know, as a spectator is somebody who like listened to other people speak about it and kind of saw some of the emotions come out of the team athletes and some of the other athletes that they had interviewed, you know, kind of throughout the weekend. He was the
Starting point is 00:33:07 one that seemed like it was not, not playing as big a role in his like preparation for each event, you know, and maybe that's not fair to say. I don't know. I'm not inside his head. No, it's fair. It's fair. It's your observation Yeah, I definitely think it played a part for All right. Thank you Yep Why have all of a sudden all these shows people are calling into it's not just this show, right? People are not like calling into shows
Starting point is 00:33:40 Like on the spin show people are calling in now, right It's just all way on the spin show. I was gonna say they got a bunch of chicks though You guys got a bunch of beaver calling it? That's how you want to word it sure damn that's kind of what I mean Call her. Hi Hey, what's heading in this blade blade? What's up, dude? Hey, so Colin talk about the whole damage thing hop on this real quick.
Starting point is 00:34:05 So as far as people talking about an asterisk, I was, I was actually on the forefront of it. I was comparing this. I was like, which one's a bigger asterisk this one or 2020. But if you run it back 2019, a thousand people got cut after like the first whatever events, 2020 COVID 2021, first it wasn in, like there was an asterisk, no matter what, somebody's judge screwed him over, some cuts were weird, wrong place cut time,
Starting point is 00:34:33 whatever, whatever. And we've all, well, I don't know if we've all had this experience, but if you ever raised somebody and they said, oh, I wasn't ready, my shoe wasn't tied. So then you let them tie their shoes, you let them warm up and you beat them again and they have an excuse. That's how James has to feel because he was bodying everybody and then
Starting point is 00:34:49 goes into the last event with the most, oh no, James is in trouble event. It was literally a workout that you could have drawn to try to program him out of the games. And what he do, he went and he executed, he made it happen, he might dropped and moonwalk off the stage with the gold medal. Mm-hmm 80s baby 80s baby talking moonwalk. You're from me. So now anybody that says oh, yeah, but James ain't the fittest on earth That's that same person. That's like, oh wait, my shoe one died Let's run it back again, and then you run it back and he still beat you and so it is you're right blade I never thought of it like that. You're right that we get we know we believed how great Fraser was so we never put an asterisk by 2020 But truly it does deserve an asterisk, but we don't do it because we know he's he's the best and so you're right
Starting point is 00:35:37 I'm feeling you on this. This is good Yeah, so so all I have to say is like James Frigg Executed in a workout that was almost Unexecutionable. Yes, I said executionable to him and he's and he still made it happen against some of the top dogs that we would consider Would crush him in that workout. And so that's not a time to give him his flowers then I I don't know what he could do All right Alright, man. I appreciate it, man. It's all love, baby.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Lots of love for James Sprague tonight. John, when Blay says that, is he referencing the final workout? Yeah, the final two events. And James's fifth and fourth on those two events, I think is the greatest one-person performance in the whole entire games. Better than Ricky's mile and sprint.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Better from, no, I think it's better than Hat Ricky's mile and sprint better like from no I think it's better than Hatfield's first and first in the same events I think from a single person performance on what they what we would have thought they would have done to what they did. I Think James's last two events were the best in the entire games caller hi Hey, so I got a question. So I agree with John on the whole Pat Velner versus Madero situation and that Pat probably capacity wise is more fit than Madero's. And the reason that Pat lost the games
Starting point is 00:37:07 is because of his inability to execute on certain events and the fact that the guy can't swim. But what I think is an interesting thing is that, I think you can argue that if you can't access that fitness that you have, and your ability to execute in workouts, you can argue that that fitness doesn't exist. If that makes sense. I do but I think there's a big difference between Pat not being
Starting point is 00:37:36 able to swim and not being able to execute. I think there's a world of difference. Pat not being able to swim means he's not the fittest. Pat not being able to execute means that like, goes back to what you were saying, access it in a crowd on a specific day at a specific time. Yeah, and I shouldn't have brought up swimming there, but more so in his other workouts that he doesn't, that he doesn't execute at. Right. You know, you know what I mean? Like what? I mean, he's great at everything. I mean, really, there's a swimming hole.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Yeah, but I do feel like there's workouts where he just doesn't live up to his ability, at least that we think that he has. And I think if you can't do that on a moment's notice, then I think you can argue that that fitness actually doesn't exist. And I know that in the fan's mind, we're like, Oh, well, he's better than that. He can do more than that. But if you can't access it at a moment's notice, like I said, I think you can argue that that fitness doesn't exist necessarily. Because there's not reality. I think a good example of this there's not reality. I think a good example of this for people who are back in the day is Neil Maddox. Jason Kaleepa used to say Neil Maddox would beat him in like 85% of workouts but then when it got to the games it never happened like that and I think that speaks to what this guy's
Starting point is 00:39:00 saying. All right, Caller. Thank you. Thank you. So, so, so, so here, here, here's the big bomb, right? And this gets down to the mental space. James is the champion earn the money or in the spotlight, but it's not the fittest on earth because it wasn't a complete test with all the athletes. So that's thank you for bringing it home. So my argument would be the other athletes dropped out because they weren't mentally fit enough to compete. That's my argument would be the other athletes dropped out because they weren't mentally fit enough to compete. That's my argument.
Starting point is 00:39:29 They didn't have the fucking capacity to compete. They weren't capable of competing. They had an injury. Those athletes that didn't compete had an injury. They had a mental injury. And because they had a mental injury, they pulled out. Those athletes had a mental injury. And that was that. And so that I'm going to come in and just chalk that up as injured.
Starting point is 00:39:54 And the number of tests that I'm going to chalk that up to the unknowable part. There's been other games where weird shit has happened, like with the broad jump. There's been some there where weird shit has happened, like with the broad jump. There's been some weird things that have happened. The baseball toss, the L-sit, like adding in some weird events. Thoughts on that? I mean, that's the controversial one. That's the one. Did Adler pull out because of a mental injury? I agree with you. They chose not to take the test.
Starting point is 00:40:34 They came there to compete, and then something traumatic happened, and they were like... Do you believe that there's a thought that comes before you pull out? It's inspired by a thought, the action of the body. How do you mean? Meaning he had something was going on in his head that he spun up a story
Starting point is 00:40:55 that made it so he couldn't compete. Ricky injured his ankle. And I'm sure he wanted to spin up a story thinking of why he couldn't compete. And Roman was hurt. I'm sure Roman, I'm sure Roman spun up a story on why he couldn't compete, but then they overcame those stories and they took the floor. Absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:14 No, I agree. I agree with that. And that's okay. I'm not passing judgment on them. That's on them. But I don't think that that makes it so, um, if you have an, if you have a mental injury, then you have a mental injury. Call or hi. I was having this discussion with my friends and if these athletes thought 100% in their
Starting point is 00:41:35 brains that they could win do you think they would pull out? JR you want to field that one? That one's tough. Yeah that's tough because of the 100% thing. I don't know that there are many people that 100% believe that they're going to win. I think the idea that most of them don't have doubt or a lot of doubt is not very reasonable. But to his point, the more belief, faith, conviction, whatever word you want to use, that they have in their ability to win, I'm sure could play a role in whether or not they chose to stay on the floor or not. I don't think I really agree. Maybe it's just with the wording of in incapable of, or couldn't
Starting point is 00:42:26 versus chose not to that it was a voice that they could have, but they chose not to. What do you think? What do you, what do you, what do you, what do you think, caller? I think that there's sometimes there's people that just like grab for anything they can to make an excuse to not do something hard. Yeah, but these people aren't those people. Yeah, all of these people are probably the best people at doing hard things in the world. I don't I don't think that's the case. I think I want to tell you this though real quick before you finish on uh caller that thought went through my mind too that the weekend is so daunting that if one crack came in
Starting point is 00:43:09 you know like that happens in our own lives like you're like Powers out at the office and you think you're not going and then and then two minutes later you get a call No, we got the power back on you're like fuck. I don't I was so already like planning my day I like too much is a snowfall and I'm just gonna shut the office down now. Yeah, but then you have to go in. So it could have been a break like that that fucked them up, right?
Starting point is 00:43:32 To like for a second, they thought it was over and they went, and they exhaled and they couldn't get back up. So I see what you mean. It's not as cut and dry as uh is where john and I were taking it Go ahead john what we can say these people are used to doing the toughest shit in the world I think I think and it's like to the point of don't think they can win like what jr said if you're unless you're tia Like there's only five guys that are are really in the running to win it, right?
Starting point is 00:43:59 and I say that with james not being one of the guys that i'm thinking of but um Like everybody does not if you're out of the top ten if you're used to being out of top ten You are not thinking that you're going to win the games. And so the people that pulled out like I think that they They think in their heads and I don't speak for them But like this was the best way to honor Lazar whether we agree with that or not And I know I know where Sevan stands. Um, I know where I stand, but I feel like they think this is the best way.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Lazar just died. I'm not competing and acting like nothing happened. And that's what they're telling themselves. And that's why they chose not to compete. Um, well, however you want to label that it's still their choice not to compete. And I think the people who chose to compete, like what Savon's been saying, they have the conviction to still go out there and compete. And like, hey dude, if it was the Hunger Games, if only the winner survives and everyone else dies, they don't pull out.
Starting point is 00:45:09 So that's the other side of it, right? There is a world where those guys don't pull out. You know, if Laura's guaranteed to win and the prize money's 10 million dollars, she doesn't pull out. I also think that's true. You know what I mean? If it's like that for sure. Yeah, that's my opinion. All right, Caller, thank you. Thank you. All right, let me see if there's any more. And then I'll hit, I got another question for you guys about James. James is a champion, subjectively speaking, doesn't get much better than that, right? Incredible role model for the sport, a big smile on his face, very approachable, loving, hugging.
Starting point is 00:45:59 He's a man of the people. I don't think we've had a champion like this since I mean, I want to say Froning different ways, but I would say ben smith Sure, sure, it's a man of the people sure he is But ben smith is an interesting character. He's kind of like ripening into this like legend, right? He won the games. Everyone forgot about him. And then now he's kind of like reemerging as this fucking like kind of legend, godfathery figure in the sport. I think he is one.
Starting point is 00:46:42 I think I think James is going to be wonderful for the sport. Can you bring up the leaderboard? Yep. Anthony TPA, JR, your leadership led him to do that hard work. Can you accept that, JR? I disagree with that. What do you think, JR's not a leader?
Starting point is 00:47:01 I'm gonna let JR talk. I wanna show you three guys here who are on this list. James Sprague, Dallin Pepper, and Jason Hopper. And the promise for the sport in the future with these three guys at the helm is extremely promising. If we can keep these guys healthy and invigorated and supported and loved we have a real Amazing next five to ten years of just really wild competition Between three and watching them grow up and become full fucking fledged monsters. We're gonna have some uh
Starting point is 00:47:44 It's gonna it's to be a new era. It is going to be something that the sport kind of has never seen before, at least in the men's division, in the women's division too. We are going to see some crazy wrestling for placement. I think that next year going into the games, there's no doubt that everyone's going to be like, okay, who's going to win the games? Jason Hopper, Dallin Pepper, or James Sprague. And then, of course, Ricky said he's coming back and we have the huge question mark around
Starting point is 00:48:12 Ricky because of his injury. I think we have a tremendous future ahead of us if we can keep the games afloat. If people start being realistic of what the games really are in terms of that it is an absolute fringe sport, that it presents much larger than life than it really is, and that people respect it for what it is and don't put it on the pedestal that it's not. John, what do you see in the future of the sport with these characters, with what we're looking at? I mean, I see an open field. I, you know-
Starting point is 00:48:51 Of charismatic young men, right? Right, right. Powerhouses, right? I mean, and Vellner and Fikowski, if they wanna come back, like they can, they're still in there as well. I think as long as they want to be there, they are, and they're gonna be in the top 10
Starting point is 00:49:05 until they don't wanna be. I really feel that way. Quat, you never know what you're gonna get. He's kind of a wild card, will always remain a wild card. Justin will always be the seventh best at everything. And then Ricky, Jeff and Roman, I think can win on, Ricky, Jeff and Roman, I think could win on any given year. And Dallin and Jason are trying to break into the mix of those those three guys
Starting point is 00:49:30 Maybe that's next year. They beat them this year, but like I still don't see them in the light of that tier But we will but they're on the way like like it's I just see an open field and then you got people like Austin and I don't know what to expect of him if he ever got his stuff together He'd be great, but he didn't do great at getting his stuff together this year. So and No, I just see an open field How do you see the future of the sport JR with these three guys, young men, developing personalities, close relationship, fierce rivalry. I mean, what we saw what Jason did with Dallin in that
Starting point is 00:50:10 post event interview was unprecedented in the sport. And for those of you who didn't see it, they asked Jason to do an interview and he called Dallin. He said, Hey, bring Dallin with me, even though Jason won. And he bickered with D with down and it was, it was a highlight of the event for sure. Yeah, actually, I actually have a little story to go along with that and I'm hopeful that both Jason and Matt wouldn't be angry with me sharing this. But I remember a few years ago when Jason went and spent a bunch of time up in Vermont with Matt.
Starting point is 00:50:45 And really taking... Matt Fraser. Correct. Really like taking him under his wing and really just mentoring him in a lot of ways. Like in the gym, out of the gym, all that kind of stuff. And I remember him coming back and saying, I talked it down a lot. I think we want to train together some. I know he's like, I feel like he's going to be my rival one day. But Matt says, I should be
Starting point is 00:51:17 friends with him. And then I shouldn't hate him. And then I shouldn't just be like, it's only like, you know, we can be pleasant with each other, but that's my enemy type mindset because he had that mindset toward a lot of his competitors and looking back on it, he kind of wished that he didn't. Oh, wow. I thought that was really, really profound. And again, it might have just been in the moment, you know, years ago, but I remember
Starting point is 00:51:41 that as like a really interesting piece of advice. You know, you would, you would think someone that's that dominant was just like, no, that is not your friend. Those are not your friends. Like, but it was actually not, it was actually like, no, man, like life goes on and these relationships with these people, you're going to spend more time with these people and the moments that matter the most, like with anyone else.
Starting point is 00:52:08 And like the relationships you have with your fellow competitors is important. So, I mean, I hope I don't get yelled at for that, but I just, that's what I thought of when I thought of him and Dallin after that workout. I don't care if you get yelled at, it was a great story. Is, was Dallin up there training with him at the time or was it just a conversation they had time or was just a conversation they had?
Starting point is 00:52:26 It was just a conversation they had, but I do remember maybe it was before 2021 or 2021 was his first year. So it must have been before 2022. I think he went to Vermont and did like a training camp. And that's kind of where they really started to, to like, you know, be cool and get along well and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Yeah, that's a great story. That bodes well for both of them extra extra sloppy Esquire We all have the same amount of holes Do we though Might need a poll I'm joking. Daniel when what happened during event one was the ultimate unknowable.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Larry Young no different than Laura winning last year. Fucking great point. Another it's another it's like blade said like there's asterisks. Oh, fucking great point. Another, it's another, it's like Bladeset. Like there's asterisks all over the fucking place, right? These are the stories. Yeah, so nobody won outright. Makes sense. Yeah, I like the thought that he brought up as far as
Starting point is 00:53:38 you can put an asterisk on any year that, you know, was not Matt, Tia, or Rich. Well, even the one, even, even, but it's interesting to see you mentioned the one year Matt one though, the COVID. Well, I guess you could, you have COVID in 2019 years too, for sure. Yeah. Heidi Krum, I'd like to apply to call screening position. We don't even have that technical capability. We'll just answer. I remember when we first started taking calls, We don't even have that technical capability.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Just answer. I remember when we first started taking calls, as soon as like, how are we gonna screen him? I'm like, we're not. Wagyu Mama Ranch. Mental fitness is a part of fitness. How can you say it isn't? Many people don't have the mental fitness and capacity, even though they have the physical attributes to win.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Are they the fittest? No. And Rich Froning said that, and I think the 2014 documentary on YouTube, it just says 2014, where he goes, mental toughness is not one of the 10 traits, physical traits, but it should be. And I agree with that 100%. and I think in the 2008 games in the preview I remember for every second counts I think
Starting point is 00:54:52 Dave mentions I don't think a lot of these athletes have it up here What it takes there's an interview with him I think people get in a twist whenever they whenever I say this person is fitter than this person But like Rich himself would say he says there might be is fitter than this person, but Rich himself would say, he says there might be people fitter than me, but they're not as mentally tough as I am. And then that's what comes out in the end. And I think both of those things are true, can be true.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Let's get back to talking about Pat's holes, extra sloppy. Fine. Okay. Hack Janfield. Dropping out is like being fat. Oh, this is going to be wild. Dropping out is like being fat. That's fat with an F, not with a pH.
Starting point is 00:55:46 If you're, if you are fat, I won't treat you different or disrespect you, but it's still in your hands to change and not be fat. You dropping out is still your choice. Oh, I just like this. Sorry. Uh, uh, like when you break up with your girl, but don't want to go through the emotional shit and then you find out that she cheated on you, easy exit. Geez. You ever had a girl cheat on you, John?
Starting point is 00:56:10 I don't, not that I know of. Do you address it right as soon as you find out or do you wait until the opportune time? Oh no, I'm gonna fix everything. Like we need to, if there's a problem, we're figuring the problem out right now. I don't care how long it takes. I don't care where we are the games, we will sit in the middle of the Walmart aisle and we will figure it out. Okay, well, I do not care. And we it does not matter what the problem is, we are going to figure out this problem. And once once
Starting point is 00:56:38 it's figured out, if I'm in the wrong, we need to know why I'm in the wrong. And how do I fix it? And then, Oh yeah. And then move on. I'm a very handled things as they happen right now. You bottle it up. That's how I think that's how anger resonates and more problems occur. What if she's pre-menstrual? What if she's pre-menstrual, Caleb? What do you like? There's no, there's no talking. Like you put in five times five, five times five in the calculator and it keeps coming out 37 That's when you have to accept that 37 is the answer that all right. All right. I'm with you. All right
Starting point is 00:57:13 All right. Okay, so there's a there's a big dose of humility at times. Okay a world where they don't pull out That's what she said. All right Let's not be disrespectful How's the baby coming? Healthy, healthy so far. You called birth-fit yet? We have not, no. Jeffrey Bursfield, first call I made, we talked about...
Starting point is 00:57:41 Those are monkeys, I believe. Oh, Bonobo. Thank you. Bonobo greeting behavior. Okay. Should I give Pat Lang a wrench? John Young is smoking crack. That's not true. That's fucking just a lie.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Wow. It's a good picture. It's a great picture. Chado, for some reason can't call from Canada. Because Trudeau won't let you. Regardless if you win by one point or 21 points or 100 points, you're the fittest on earth. No ifs, and no ifs, ands, or buts. butts okay on to something different do you guys know what this is no okay this is uh deborah cordner carson Deborah Corden Carson The CrossFit game staff knew
Starting point is 00:58:50 That she had some issues with the water She had a condition That made it that they were notified of by her That she had an issue and Because she notified them transparently I have an issue with going in the water at the swim event they gave her a personal escort through the entire event this is not the only time this has happened at a swim event at the CrossFit Games this is the standard protocol if you
Starting point is 00:59:24 have an issue in the water that you tell them ahead of time If you have an issue with the water a Swim event ahead of time and you tell them they give you an escort There it is, let me let me let me play it for you so you can see. Look at it. See that? There she's swimming. Here she is notifying the staff that she has an issue.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Dave doesn't buy it. Yo bitch, get in the water. As she comes ashore, she's greeted by Morstaff. This isn't the only time this happened. There was a master's athlete one year that also expressed concern and they also received received an escort. At the time when this happened I remember thinking this is fucking nuts. If we're crowning the fittest why should this be done? Why did she need getting talking to to get in the water? Why is she getting special treatment? Now in hindsight, I'm perfectly okay with it.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Oh, sorry, phone's disconnected. Hold on, caller, hold on. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Okay, fine, fuck you. It may be controversial, and it was recommended to a friend by a friend that I don't bring this up, but if Lazar Jukic knew
Starting point is 01:01:30 that he might have an issue in the water, should he have notified people before the event? I wonder if anyone notified anyone at CrossFit before the event because the precedents there two times at least there's two videos out there there's another video of the Masters athlete out there. And so these people out there that are saying that CrossFit doesn't care. This is insane. The second they're notified this was notified in real time they didn't have a pre plan for Deborah.
Starting point is 01:02:05 I think it's slightly different. It is. Well, we don't know if he had any issues, but we do know a year ago at the top of the Burj Khalifa, he had a collapse. And I don't know what the cause of that was, but he doesn't remember running up the last 20 floors. And so they're saying- I don't think he would bank on that happening.
Starting point is 01:02:30 I don't think he would let anybody know ahead of time that, hey, this could happen. I think he probably thought it would never happen again. Okay, hold on a second. Dude, nobody said CrossFit doesn't care. Come on, okay, so Pat, there's endless places on the internet. I should have stayed, I took screenshots
Starting point is 01:02:44 I was gonna send them to you. And there's endless people on the internet calling for Dave's firing and it's endless So stop with that shit. Shut the fuck up. Okay, you I let you win half the fights Let me win this one. You're out of your fucking mind Okay, sorry John. What were you saying? I I think that there I So say that again John I'm saying I don't think that he would have thought that that was a possibility of happening. Even if he like, so say he had a heart attack
Starting point is 01:03:12 or whatever, whatever. Say whatever condition he had, same thing under Dubai, I'd say it happened again in the water and that's why. That's why that happened. I don't think he would think that that was going to happen again. Because it was a one, it was it was a freak thing in the first place when it happened.
Starting point is 01:03:28 He's one of the best swimmers in the field. The example you're showing is a girl that can't swim. Well, she can swim, she did swim. She's afraid of the water. Right. And what you're saying is he's not afraid of the water. But what I'm saying is- He's probably the least afraid of the water.
Starting point is 01:03:42 I agree, I agree. And if you read Yellow Hostas... We'll get to Yellow Hostas post in a second. Yellow Hostas said he was winning and then swam off in the wrong direction. Did you see that post? Yeah. Call or hi? I know it's a touchy subject, but if your life's on the line and you think...
Starting point is 01:03:58 I don't think he would have let them know, hey, I need somebody watching me. Right. I'm not saying whether he thinks he would have let them know. I'm saying should he have let them know? You had a previous heart condition maybe, maybe. That's really hard to think. Hey, this might happen again. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:17 You don't think so? I could see why he wouldn't want to bring it up. I could definitely see why he wouldn't want to bring it up. I could definitely see why he wouldn't want to bring it up. And I get why no one wants to talk about it. But I think it's important to talk about because we have the precedent here that athletes who have come to CrossFit and say, I have issue in the water, have gotten the treatment of a nestle. CrossFit would have accommodated for sure.
Starting point is 01:04:38 Yeah. I agree. Call or hi. Hey, so, you know, it's been, it's been a what a week now and still there's a what zero content except for a couple of podcasts that are out there. And I get it. It's a tragedy, but it's a sport. Things happen, unfortunately. I mean, don't we have to get back to what this is, the training? Oh, sure. But what do you mean in terms of topics of shows? You think we're dragging this out too long? No, not that it's being dragged out too long. It's just, it's the only content that's out there right now.
Starting point is 01:05:19 I mean, none of the athletes are putting anything out. There's been a few on Instagram that are doing the stories, but it's like, okay We get it. It's it was horrible. But I mean I've been on a few or that has not been the topic my man. Just just saying He didn't watch this. I mean, maybe just my maybe just my algorithm, right? Um, I just like that I think as we get further away from it, it feels a little more safe to talk about some of the nuanced aspects of What happened?
Starting point is 01:05:51 That being said I hear you I'm I hear you Tomorrow tomorrow we'll do kill Taylor. It's no holds bar and just tearing people new assholes Six a.m and Pacific Standard Time Sounds good. Thanks brother. Why so early? I do whatever Taylor wants. He's a fucking superstar Sounds good. I Don't lose your time on workout one John, what was your time on workout one? Hey, good evening. This is Daniel Wayne. How you doing? Oh, hi, Daniel. Oh, Daniel, hold on one second. I don't want you to save. I don't want you
Starting point is 01:06:31 to save John Young from answering this. Workout one, you did the swim run, John? No, I did not do the swim run. Oh, you mean workout one from Crash Crucible? Yes, I saw my Crash Crucible. Standby. Hold on. Hold on. Go ahead, Daniel. Hey, so on a slightly different topic related to the games, I get it that some of these Okay, stand by. You want to go ahead? Hold on. Hold on. Go ahead, Daniel. Hey, so on a slightly different topic related to the games, I get it that some of these athletes make tactical decisions about where they're going to apply themselves and where
Starting point is 01:06:54 they're going to maybe hold back. But watching Danny Spiegel come in last for the women on the Chad and hearing in my head, tell me you have small legs, without telling me you have small legs over and over again was kind of comical. I mean, again, maybe she did that on purpose for tactical reasons, but it was kind of funny. What you're saying is, is you think with that, with that, the anomaly that is Dani Spiegel, that she should have won that workout?
Starting point is 01:07:21 No, only that if she plays like she did because that's where her fitness is at, it kind of makes a mockery of her whole, like some of you have small legs, but I'm telling you you have small legs thing where she's fucking trash but not form. Again, maybe she did that on purpose because she knew it wasn't her event and wasn't going to burn herself out. I don't know. All right. Cool.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Thank you. I appreciate it. Yep. Someone in the comments said Danny Spiegel. Should she have won that workout with the oomph she got in the dumper? Which one? The Chad? No.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Should she have done better? No. Okay. Chad's an aerobic workout. Okay. And someone said she's selling stuff. What does that mean? Only fans? I'm not. Oh.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Probably not. But I don't know. All right. Jake Barney, I'm out. All right. Adios. Workout one, Crash Crucible. The qualifier for Crash Crucible is now. It started yesterday. It's not too late to join. If you're fucking amazing, if your name's James Sprague, feel free to call, um, Jr. How are you? You want to guess my time, Jr? Hold on one second, please. The workout is 100 calorie row, 100 dumbbell snatches with 50 pounds, a 100 toes to bar, 100 burpees over the erg.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Anyhow. I love that. Thank you, Jr. John Young's time is 28 48. Oh man, dude. I was a lot better than that. That hurts my feelings Basically, I'm basing it on scores that I've already heard and seen based again on scores that I've already heard and seen. I was 2443.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Good. I was gonna say I think I think sub sub 25 would be a good goal. So that's great. Yeah, I was really happy with it. You like that? Okay, would you rather me have given you a number a lot higher than I thought you did or said 21 minutes and then you feel bad that you were four minutes lower? I would rather you said 21 minutes that would make me think that you think high of lower. I would rather you said 21 minutes. That would make me think that you think high of me. Now I think you can be really low of me. No, you might as well just, you might as well just sign up now, dude. That's solid.
Starting point is 01:09:33 Just sign up. I'm commentating. I can't. Oh, pool boys says he got a 1951. Dude, I'm signed up. Do a Caleb. Have you done this one yet? Fuck no Fuck no dude I've been sitting on the range all day. Lone oh so I can't I took uh I took 14 minutes and 30 seconds to do the toes to bar and burpees. But then that's really slow for people who don't know that's's really slow. Caller, hi. Hey, question for JR and John. Each year after the games, based on the programming, we see training camps, athletes in some ways over react to the programming and start to focus on things. In the Boz years, it was the bottleneck
Starting point is 01:10:18 workout. He really started to focus on that. In previous years with Dave, it was volume of just sheer volume of barbell cycling, whatever that was. And then maybe the next year they come back and go the other way based on this year's programming. Do you think athletes are going to go down the rabbit hole of I need you to be better at running? And then they're going to read, correct and go the other way next year with no running in the games. Great fucking question. You want to go first there? Sure. Yeah. I think this is, um, outlier year for a lot of different reasons and this is one of the few years that I think a lot of them, um,
Starting point is 01:10:59 we'll explain their finishes based on unforeseen circumstances, not on fitness. And I think that because of that, knowing that there were two events that were released that they didn't get a chance to do being able to say, Hey, I didn't take the complete test with a complete field. So I really don't know where I would have finished hopefully. And I, I expect them to actually not overcorrect. I expect them to just continue as planned. Because if you look at the totality of the programming, me
Starting point is 01:11:34 and Taylor did a couple days ago, yesterday, and we talked about this briefly, but I also think there were things taken out or substituted for because of the circumstances of the weekend and how many competitors weren't even doing it that were not originally planned as far as the workouts go. But there are what? Five, six workouts that were determined by the monostructural elements. So yeah, I mean, for John's the first one,
Starting point is 01:12:11 I think said this is the cardio games. That's how people will remember it. This from a programming standpoint, it was not heavy at all. There was one heavy implement that mattered in the workout and that was the clean ladder. What about the yolk? It was not that one. It was irrelevant.
Starting point is 01:12:27 It just, even the second yolk, even though you saw some people break it, it didn't determine the outcome of the workout at all. The year previous day, the yolk of 660 and the dumbbell snatch, the dumbbell snatch at this, at this point in the game, that's a moderate dumbbell snatch, especially for eight reps. So all the weightlifting movements, other than the barbell on the clean ladder, were moderate at heaviest. It was probably the lightest games ever. And we know the other two workouts, and neither one of those had heavy elements. Yeah, I don't think the other two.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Go ahead. The only other quick thought we had when we were talking about the game's seamless break and I found internally at our box, if you would have said that this was called the CrossFit cardio games this year, and you would have picked a body type and certain types of athletes, I found it really impressive that you had a larger body type, that the cardio games weren't machine-based. Semi-finals usually have a machine-based tendency and a slant to them. So you see the bigger athletes, a hopper, a pepper, a Roman do really well. If you would have said that the games would have been the cardio games in my head, I was
Starting point is 01:13:42 like Medeiros. I would have thought in someone smaller that was good in that. Ricky, I thought Ricky would have just smashed. But to see some of these big dudes do extremely well in the cardio games was so impressive on my part. I agree. Anyway, thanks guys. Have a good one. All right. Cheers. Some incredible events at the games this year. Some I mean some crazy memorable events. Hey, Hatfield and Wells are both competing at the crucible.
Starting point is 01:14:14 No Austin is not competing. Why not? But I think he's just really set on rogue. Making rogue and that's it. So has he been invited? Will he get invited? Yeah. Yeah. We we talked about it a good bit before the games. I reached out to the podium from last year, not even knowing how people were going to shake out this year.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Like Austin, Jack Rosema, Colton. I reached out to all the podium finishers the previous year and just asked, hey, I know you got the games or I know you're planning on making the games and that you have other off season competitions, but you're welcome to come back if that's something you decide to do. Ask James too. And it's crazy to think James finished fourth there last year and now he's the fittest on earth. Now he's earned the title fittest on earth. But no, it's awesome. And I mean, he even told me back then he was, I think he's either getting married or he's going on his honeymoon, like immediately after the games.
Starting point is 01:15:10 And he was like, ah, I don't know with all the travel and everything, but hopefully I can make rogue. I mean, I don't think there's any question he's going to be invited to rogue, regardless of the leaderboard scoring system that they're using now. I think anyone who finished this first at the CrossFit games is going to get invited to Rogue. Can James just go to Crucible and have fun? Or no? Now that he's the fittest on earth, it's like, it's always on the line. No, he can't come to Crucible and just think he's going to walk through it. No. No, I don't mean just walk through, but just just like not care. Can you be in a mental state? No, that's hard. I don't think any of that. I don't think any of them can do that. I think
Starting point is 01:15:49 on a team is the closest they can come to that mindset. But yeah, hopefully Sydney Wells is coming. I did speak with her just briefly over over text a couple weeks ago. So unless things have drastically changed, I'm really hopeful she's coming. Jesus, you're up. Hey, so this is actually my second question. On Hitler, he did the before and after on Hinshaw. And if you already spoke on this, I apologize, but what's your thoughts on that? Where he was going from this is a safe event, the water temperature is not a big deal, to after when he's talking about how it should have been red flags all over the place. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:16:29 We'll answer that. Thank you. John, you want to take that? Go ahead, John Young. Oh, shit. Hold that thought. Hold that thought. Hold that thought.
Starting point is 01:16:41 We'll get to that question. I will not let you guys off. Argentina. Argentina. Go ahead. Go will not let you guys off. Argentina, Argentina. Go ahead. Do you speak English? Yes, I do. Oh, I love you. My favorite kind of caller. Yeah. I was thinking about this. Even if you continue the sickness, when the sickness continue, it teach you on the level one.
Starting point is 01:17:12 When you put on the downside, say example, your body fat percentage, if it's over 30% of course on your sickness, around 20, your weakness, 10 or less on the fitness side, but the way to lean you're already all the way over to the sickness, right on the other side. That's not good for you. So I was wondering, what is the line of an athlete or a person to be so fit that that fitment will get you sick? Does that make sense? Yeah, it's a topic that Greg's addressed and it's a topic on Coffee, Pots & Wads today with Pedro Down Pepper addressed that basically after the games, sickness set in.
Starting point is 01:18:04 And I think it's pretty common with a lot of athletes right after the games, they, they get sick. It's a great question. He's basically, if I could repeat your question, you're basically saying, can you get so fit that your fucking immune system is compromised and you're actually more susceptible to sickness? Like, like we see with the tour de France athletes and whatnot, like can you be so far out on the edge that you're more susceptible to sickness? Is that what you're saying?
Starting point is 01:18:29 Right, right, exactly that. Because thinking about what happened to Losarans, and we still don't know all the details, how can he be pushed so hard that he will pass some red line? You know, think about an engine when you kick the pedal all the way down and your engines go up and then it blows. We saw that happen to Taylor self too in the quarterfinals. Yeah, that's in
Starting point is 01:18:57 every sport right? JR, you want to talk about that? That's in every sport. Rollerblading is fun until you do stunt rollerblading and then all of a sudden your life's on the line. Yeah I think just generally professional athletes are not the healthiest people in the world and I would say that for 99% of all professional sports. And that's the argument by the way I think along the lines to split the methodology from the sport that's one of the elements of it. I think it's a great point to make when you're talking about the relationship and the perception of the fittest people in the world and the perception that they have.
Starting point is 01:19:44 What compromises do you have? With the people in the affiliates. When they're looking up to them, how do they need to be looking up to them? Do they need to be looking up to them based on body composition, based on fitness, based on frantimes? How should they be an example that those people are looking to? Or should they be at all? I mean, Caller, right? I mean, do you agree with this? How should they be an example that those people are looking to? Or should they be at all? I mean, caller right, do you agree with this? If you have a six minute Fran time,
Starting point is 01:20:10 you're one percenter of the one percenter of fittest people on the planet probably. I mean, it's just ridiculous. And yet in our community, six minute Fran time is just not respected. You're just a fucking Joe. So I'll pick you on the Friday night, uh, then on the, on the round in my run, when I was watching that, I was seeing those times. And it was like super crazy, super tough, at least for me, that's super tough. And some of the athletes that were finished on their on the heat was even less under six minutes and they were seems like they were going so slow compared with the rest
Starting point is 01:20:53 and that's still crazy time fast. And I think that can think of the same thing how far can you fitness go to keep pushing? What's the limit on, and I don't know. Hey, thank you for calling. And that's one of the coolest things about this community and the games. That is definitely what we're doing. I mean, we're testing the fucking, for the first time, the maximum capacity of human potential.
Starting point is 01:21:22 Thank you for calling. Appreciate it. Okay. Appreciate it. Okay. Thank you, guys. John Young, any thoughts on Hinshaw's different perspectives on the water pre and post Lazard Jukic's death? Yeah, I don't know, man. I feel like he is just kind of trying to cover for his athletes a little bit. That's kind of my opinion about it. So you think that's what it is? You don't think it was like a reevaluation or he misspoke the first time or he misspoke the second time? You think it's a... Man he felt, he sounded pretty darn confident if you want to call that a miss misspoke misspeaking thing.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Like he, he, he acted, he acted like it was ridiculous for why Adler pulled out. Yeah. Yeah. I think he's just kind of trying to cover for his athletes. That's that's that's that's how I feel about it. I don't feel. That's a fair assessment. I don't think it was, I mean, and I can't speak for him. Maybe he did misspeak, but I think he's just trying to cover for his athletes. I Jared. Do you have any thoughts on the subject? Basically on one hand he's saying that he basically I'm in a nutshell. He's saying on one hand. Hey Before the event, I don't want to hear anyone's talk about the water being too hot and he does an eye roll and then post event
Starting point is 01:22:43 He's like man, the fucking water was ridiculously hot. It's fucking absurd that they did it Oh, I don't want to play it Breaks my heart and I okay and the part Let's let jr go. I guess i'll you go dude good The part I don't even have a problem with him going back and forth I because I but like the part where he goes Adler knows his pace is through and through he did 555 as an interval on a mile 450 456. He said he ran a mile 456 just doing intervals Well Ricky and he said and he said that's just how fast his pace
Starting point is 01:23:21 He didn't blow up at all people who need people who thought he blew up are retarded. That's basically what he said, that's just how fast his pace. He didn't blow up at all. People who thought he blew up are retarded. That's basically what he said. And I literally was downstairs with the athletes after the event and Adler was proud of his run. He was talking about his run. He was like, I can confidently say I'm the fastest guy and then I ran and then I swam a 22 minute 800 meter. And like literally just said, I just blew up in the water. I was done. say I'm the fastest guy and then I ran and then I swam a 22 minute 800 meter and like
Starting point is 01:23:45 literally just said I just blew up in the water. It was I was done. The exact opposite of what Chris said. It may be it may be Adler misspoke or I heard him wrong but I was this is after Lazar. This is after Lazar passed away and you are you are from him and you heard him talking about that. Yeah. And and and, and he, and if you, if you really think about it, like let's just use context clues. Okay. He says four 56 for a mile on just intervals. Well, Ricky ran a four 55 mile easily could have ran four forties if he wanted to. He's hyping up the crowd on the last a hundred meters. Jeff was distancing Ricky. Like Ricky was like, this pace is too fast.
Starting point is 01:24:26 He was distancing him on the three and a half mile. You mean Jeff was, you mean Jeff was. Yes, Jeff was distancing Ricky, who could have ran 440s in the mile if he was trying to go all out. So I don't think that's just, I do think he ran too fast. And I think he just blew up a little bit in the water and that's okay. And if he did, if he if he didn't say how happy he was about his run,
Starting point is 01:24:52 like he was proud that he think he was the fastest guy. It's like, I'm confident that I'm the fastest guy. There ain't nobody faster than me and running. You would not be proud of that or like, like outspoken about that. If you didn't have a reason that you blew up in the water. You know what I mean? And now all of a sudden the story is the water was too hot and he almost drowned. Right. Is that the story? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:18 And I just think that's the reason why I think I don't believe what what Chris is saying in that moment and maybe I'm hearing it wrong I'm open to that but these are where I'm just telling you what I have heard and the information that I know From Where I was at during the games And it just makes me think he's just covering for his athletes I think I find that part the most interesting that he said Adler was so comfortable in his pace, running a 555, three and a half miles. Right.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Thoughts, JR, on that video, the juxtaposition of those two videos and what seemed to be, or what not seemed to be, what are different messages conveying about the event pre and post? Well, I think it's just important to acknowledge that for Chris to come on before the games and be so outspoken and confident with his opinion of it
Starting point is 01:26:17 and then to go on another show right after the fact is, I mean, for lack of a better word, kind of courageous in my mind because I think I would be a prisoner of the moment like I think might have happened to him and what just happened where you, I mean, if there's something about Chris that I think we would all agree is that he's a passionate guy. I don't know anyone that's more passionate about this stuff than him. And you can tell that it really like emotionally he's invested in it and always.
Starting point is 01:26:51 John's pretty passionate. John, you're pretty passionate. I put you up there with her. But I think Chris is right there. So was it a misspeak maybe? Was it just, I can't believe this happened. There has to be a reason Oh, that's it. That's the reason not even not even thinking about maybe what was just looking for an explanation
Starting point is 01:27:10 I didn't even remember what he said in two days. Hey, hey They have me on here because I'm the expert about this stuff And if I'm the expert about this stuff, I need to give them a reasonable explanation Yeah, I don't that's really all I all I feel about it. I want to be very clear that the athletes were all given a decision. They were allowed to, the way I heard the story is after the event, Dave went out there, gathered all the athletes together. He gave them a, from what I'm hearing from from the athletes as he gave them a plan of what he would like to do moving forward. That it got very, very tense with people
Starting point is 01:27:50 telling each other to shut up and athletes weighing in and athletes started basically fighting with each other, like very aggressively. Verbally, Dave calmed everyone down. He said, well, let's make some decisions. They tried to make decisions for an hour they couldn't. So then what they did is that he said, Hey, since we all some decisions. They tried to make decisions for an hour, they couldn't. So then what they did is that he said, Hey, since we all can't talk all 200 of us, why don't you guys pick teams that represent your groups will break you off into teams, and then send your representatives
Starting point is 01:28:14 and we'll discuss it. Then they did a vote through an email. And basically, the story is a very typical story. There was a vocal minority that was pushing to not do the games or some some version of the games that wasn't the games and the silent majority wanted to do it, but they didn't want to speak up because of the people telling them to shut the fuck up and But they but but even if the games would go on we know that still everyone has a choice It's not a fucking slave trade and we know Jeffrey Adler pulled out. We know that Laura Horvat pulled out with mental injuries and
Starting point is 01:28:44 So I see stuff being posted on the internet, which I, coming from Jeff Adler's camp, Carolyn Lambre says this, and I either find these as biased or disingenuous, this post, you might not agree with me, that's okay. You might not agree or understand why athletes choose to continue or not, that's okay, I'm on board. The point is simply to show that they could have been
Starting point is 01:29:13 another way. And so those options, there were lots of ways presented and the athletes were given control of that. But num seemed to have been considered since no time was given to explore. Now this is just a blatant lie. The time is somewhere between three and five hours that the athletes were given. But even more so than that because it wasn't five hours. They had another five. The incident occurred at
Starting point is 01:29:38 the lake. Then they had five hours and then they met late that night to discuss what they were gonna do the next day. And let's not forget, there's 30,000 people waiting also for these 200 people to decide. So this is either disingenuous, cognitive dissonance, or just an outright fucking lie. And then to put a cap on it, as Dave said himself, in his day in review on August 9th, he wanted the competition to resume.
Starting point is 01:30:01 As if that's like, that's a bizarre place to put that, as if there's somehow,'s a bizarre place to put that as if there's somehow There's some implication there like that that you said a lie But but none seem to have been considered since no time was given to explore absolute Just fucking horse shit No fucking tolerance for that You are now you are now Exempt from any leadership or fucking integrity or fucking authenticity in what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:30:28 It's just bullshit. If you could have said not enough time was given, but you said since no time was given. That's a fucking lie. Fergie300k will throw one hell of a wedding. James Frigg. For you 300k will throw one hell of a wedding James Rake Morning chalk I've just posted a video of dawnfall. I think this is pretty new. Do you want me to pull it up? Please Sydney leaked the workouts. Oh you mean um oh
Starting point is 01:31:02 God tomorrow's fights are gonna be absolutely fucking incredible on the UFC Hold on let me let me scroll down here Is that, oh that's on their Instagram? Yep. Okay, is that on YouTube? I haven't looked at YouTube but this is just what somebody tagged me in on. Matt Souza also Dave is the only one from, by the way, although I have no fucking love for Morning Chalk Up at all. I think they're a complete shit rag. The only thing worse than them is more worse than them. Much worse? Worst?
Starting point is 01:31:33 Worse. Thank you. Is Barbend? What a fucking complete fucking disaster Emily Beers reporting is. But the guys there at the games for Morning Chalk Up were the coolest dudes. The dude I hung out with for Morning Chalk Up was cool as shit. Great guy. Matt Souza, I forget his name.
Starting point is 01:31:53 Matt Souza also, Dave was the only one from CrossFit Leadership that was down in the athlete warm-up area, available, shaking hands, speaking to athletes. The rest of the executives hit up in a box all weekend. That's a little harsh, but Dave was everywhere. For anyone to suggest that he was high, he was everywhere available for the athletes to mad dog and vent their frustrations. He was fucking everywhere. That's correct. Okay. Uh, action. Humor and his love for this community. We know there is nothing we can say that can ease the
Starting point is 01:32:22 pain and sadness, but we are resolved to make sure we do what is required to understand what happened on our Lazarus legacy and make the I'd like to share a brief update on the steps we've taken since Lazarus' tragic death. We know that so many are still in a state of shock. Many members of our team knew Lazarus quite well and our entire team is devastated. Our hearts ache for his family, for his friends, and the other people who loved him. In the days since the tragedy, so many have shared stories of what Lazar meant to them, his kindness, his spirit, his sense of humor, and his love for this community. We know there is nothing we can say that can ease the pain and sadness, but we are resolved to make sure we do what is required to understand what happened on our Lazarus legacy and make the I'd like to
Starting point is 01:33:09 share steps we are taking. We know that many of you are still dealing with the trauma of Lazarus death. We circulated some mental health guidance earlier this week and have been working with outside organizations, including the CrossFit Medical Society, to connect people to additional support resources. We've also taken additional steps in our investigation. CrossFit remains committed to conducting a full investigation. Peter Edge, the former executive associate director of Homeland Security Investigations,
Starting point is 01:33:43 will coordinate the investigation. Mr. Edge and his investigative team have over 30 years of state and federal law enforcement experience and are highly qualified in investigations and security issues. His biography is attached to this email for your review. CrossFit will fully cooperate with the investigation team.
Starting point is 01:34:06 Over the past week, we've heard from many of you directly and on social media. It's clear that many of you have feedback you'd like to share about your personal experiences and the steps necessary for the future of our sport. Some have shared these views publicly and I'm also spending as much time as possible in direct conversations with athletes, coaches, and other members of the community to listen to everyone's perspective to inform the steps we must take. I've had a conversation with a number of you this week. Thank you. I have additional calls scheduled over the coming days. If I haven't spoken with you yet, and you're interested in sharing your perspective, please feel free to respond to this email and I will follow up to connect. I will do my best to talk to as many of you as I can as quickly as I can.
Starting point is 01:34:54 I recognize that we have a responsibility to move quickly and decisively. I also recognize that we have a responsibility to listen and gather the facts to ensure we make the right and necessary decisions. I want you to know that I remain committed to the steps necessary to provide for the safety of our athletes and the future of our sport. Thank you. Don't believe anything you read on barb and by the way nothing. It's just fucking horseshit. It truly is horseshit It's like it's just it's it's just missing so many fucking so much context and details and it's it's it's such trash When it comes to CrossFit stuff, it always has been I'm not Disgusted by them. Okay. If so, I got muted asking questions about Dave
Starting point is 01:35:42 I have no idea talk to one of the Pat Lang says all sorts of fucking wild Shit, and we never mute him So and you've been a douchebag since you got here a couple days ago. So probably you did get muted Probably setting pushing the limits Hope you did get muted. I think I kicked you out a couple days ago Okay Thoughtss on that? Caleb.
Starting point is 01:36:15 You really want an answer? No, no, no, you'd be good. You'd be good. Crazy fucking military dudes. You're going to say something. I'm looking at Peter Edge, Acting Deputy Director of Immigration Customs Forces. He's worked under President Trump. So I guess that's good. Um, I guess that's good. God, I have no respect for Homeland Security these days.
Starting point is 01:36:39 John, so basically, you know, the the the... First of all, I want to say this. If you're bothering dawn fall right now for a fucking phone Call you better be saying some important shit Like he doesn't need to hear any complaining I would love to be on those fucking phone calls with a fucking a Dog call or electrocution ring around everyone's balls Who's talking to him when you say something stupid to him and waste his time? I can fucking shock you you know he's hearing just some of the dumbest shit like the guys under fucking crazy fucking stress right now
Starting point is 01:37:10 I hope people aren't saying crazy shit Okay, I'm sorry. I thought this was a free speech kind of podcast. No you're wrong It's think of this is my living room dude free speech This is my living room if what you saying here. I don't like I don't i'm afraid my mom's gonna hear you say Something stupid i'm kicking you out. You take a shit in the fucking living room. You're fucking out Have fucking john young come over and throw you out over the fence Yeah uh thoughts on uh thoughts on don uh his talk I I just took it as he's
Starting point is 01:37:43 He's appeasing the ding dongs out there that feel like they have to hear from HQ no dig at dawn But but I didn't hear anything like hey, we're doing an investigation. Here's our guy Peter, which is cool Peace out Yeah, I mean I it just I think he's just giving everybody an update I do think he you know talk for three minutes when he could have said the same stuff in 30 seconds. But yeah, I think it's just updating everybody. This is what we're doing. We're listening and yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:16 Nick Fridge, free speech graffiti on the Washington Monument. Yeah. J.R. Howell, thoughts on Don's message? No, just that I do think it's good that he's providing names, that he's providing like some background, that he's letting everyone know that the investigation is like started and going and I think that's what everyone wants to know. Fair enough. All right.
Starting point is 01:38:45 So what did we learn today? We learned that Crash Crucible Qualifier has started. I should take notes here. And it ends Monday. Sign up fucking now. And if you're a badass, just ask JR if you can go. JR, can I go? Depends on the level of that, of that BA as John says.
Starting point is 01:39:11 Yeah, because we're pretty tight right now with invited athletes. You got to be really, you got to be really BA. More, more BA than me. Yeah. Let me ask you, let me ask you, could Daisy McDonald come? Oh, she's not BA enough, Seba. I would. Well, listen, it just registered that she's an Australian.
Starting point is 01:39:32 Like if she wanted to come, I figured out, yeah. Okay, is Shelby Neal gonna be there? One of my favorites, one of my new favorites. I haven't told the Shelby. I did, I wanna say like a comment on one of her stories right before the game. She's like trying to gas her up a little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:49 And I was like, hey, could always come back. Respect for gas and her. I was like, you could always come back after the games and come repeat. And she was like, oh yeah, I know. We'll have to see how I'm feeling after and stuff. But I feel like she's moved on. She's, you know, she cut her teeth a little bit
Starting point is 01:40:08 and now she's good. But at the games this past year, James Bragg, champ, Jason Hopper, Austin Hatfield, Jack Rosema, Luke Parker, Caroline Stanley, Shelby Neal. Luke Parker's gonna be, oh, oh. April Cubs on crack. All competed at the games
Starting point is 01:40:24 who have been at crash and podium or finished for Amy which is pretty which is pretty cool. So Will hopper be a crash I'm sure he'll be around hanging out but not not competing. I don't think he's no he's not gonna be oh great question Is Trista Smith competing? I Reached out to Trista and I don't I don't think she ever even saw the DM honestly Her dad did though. Okay her dad still checks her DMs make that a note people you jackasses you dirtbags So so we learned crash crucibles going up and Adam. Oh, we learned that
Starting point is 01:41:09 JR does nothing for hoppers performance except provide sweat towels for him when he works out just precisely inconsequential and hoppers career I do want to say this Will Morad and Jake Marconi were an absolute fucking pleasure to deal with all weekend. I would have a threesome with those fucking guys. Whoa. They're cool people. They were cool. They were they are so freaking cool.
Starting point is 01:41:40 Jake seeing Jake in person. Yeah, coach. Jake seeing Jake in person. Yeah coach Jason and Brooke was Delightful and made me really feel good about Like writing down some workouts and walking away and being like, alright, I gotta go pick up the kids like he's He is he's the real deal when it comes to like in person coaching managing the athletes He is he's the real deal when it comes to like in person coaching, managing the athletes, talking to him after the workout. Like, yeah, he's just I was really, really fun for me cuz I've never been around
Starting point is 01:42:15 two athletes that high level at the same time, but I've also never been around their coach and like in warm up areas and stuff at the games or at semifinals it's completely different than just like hey they're in my gym they're coming over to my house to hang out and eat like I get to just kind of I could just kind of observe it was it was it was really impressive and I got to hang I got to hang out with Brooke Wells a bit too and I and I hadn't hung out with her in years and that was a fucking delight and I'm gonna tell you she was cool
Starting point is 01:42:45 as shit like And I apologized I guess I guess when her book came out. I had made some comment like god I hope there's some good sex in it and I guess her dad heard it and her dad was like fuck this dude I and so I told I told her that and She blushed a little bit. She's like, yeah, he got he got kind of disgusted by you and so I saw like please tell him I'm sorry but she was she was a fucking consummate professional back there very sweet very real I can I would know she was just a goofy good little girl last time I was around her and she was like just a straight
Starting point is 01:43:25 powerhouse cool woman relaxed there. And I know you got that to hang with her also. Do you want to say something about that? Hanging with her? Did you get that same vibe? No. Yeah. I mean, I mean, the list is not very long for people who have who have stayed in the
Starting point is 01:43:41 guesthouse for an extended period of time. Our friend Caleb Beaver and his wife are two of the people on that list. Oh, Brooke stayed there at the guest house. Yeah. I mean, she, she, you know, she came and stayed, um, for the video that we'll shot for HWPO for like the training camp and then, you know, I told Jason, I was like, dude, you need to keep her around as much as possible. You are so much cooler to be around when she, when she's here. You clean up after yourself immediately after the workout.
Starting point is 01:44:11 He's not a scumbag when... She was a great influence on him in every way. Like just energy and workouts. That's what... Yeah. So I basically was like, hey, you know, if you want to come back and train again, you can just stay at the house. And I would never invite someone to stay around my kids that I didn't really like. And she, I mean, she asked about my kids by name, like two days ago. Like she's, she's awesome. I really, um, I'm a big fan. I hope she doesn't retire.
Starting point is 01:44:44 Yeah. I'm a big fan too. Uh, uh, Jesus, uh, I'm a big fan. I hope she doesn't retire. Yeah. I'm a big fan too. Uh, uh, Jesus, uh, third call today. Wow. Hazel's. Hazel's. You feel like a, a part of the show is appreciate that. But, uh, the question I've had before, I think we are with human potential
Starting point is 01:45:03 and you look at baseball and no one's been able to go over what, 104, 105 for a fastball and that's a one off. Are we already at that 99% where do everything, everything is maxed out already and it's just a matter of who's training the best, I guess? He's asking how close are we to the glass ceiling? Like he says, are we at 99% capacity at this point? I think Matt was at 99% capacity.
Starting point is 01:45:40 I don't know, nobody's been there except him. I know nobody's been there except him And I think I think the sport will evolve to where there are more Like that and then a little bit. I think the sport can get I think people can get better than Matt Fraser, but We have not that's not right now How about Tia? Or or Tia like you can put those two together Tia on the women's side man on the men's side. I mean you see it right now like no woman's close to Tia it just doesn't matter the programming doesn't matter but I think the further the sport
Starting point is 01:46:19 evolves the more people evolve the longer we have crossed the CrossFit Games. I think people I think Tia and Matt are like the 99% and I think we'll see more people that reach that level and then there's not much more better after that there I do think there can be better but like we're talking you know what if what if he and Matt were both two inches taller and three pounds heavier? Three for Tia, six for Matt. I mean that that's the thing too. They don't seem to have the, it seems like a bigger version of them could do significantly better to me.
Starting point is 01:46:59 I mean, I know it's crazy to say that, but, but there, there's, those are both small athletes. Yeah. But Matt would make his his Matt made his height work for him though, like, I agree. I ran a five minute mile, and then he was as strong as all the big guys that you know, it's good to be short and CrossFit if those aren't if your body's not in the way. Right? Like Colton has all of his home runs for a reason, but his body is the reason he takes bottom finishes sometimes. reason but his body is the reason he takes bottom finishes sometimes. Matt was still third in those events. Right. Right I think it's harder for somebody like
Starting point is 01:47:33 Jason or or Dallin to reach that level of where handstand push-up or like 50 strict handstand push-ups they're still strict handstand push-ups, they're still third place. Or like a small guys, a small guy event, they can still get third place. I think it's harder for those bodies to get to that level than small bodies to do the things that big guys do. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it's harder for that, to reach that type of a level.
Starting point is 01:48:01 Not the fittest in the world right now, not where we are right now, but to reach the Matt a level. Not the fittest in the world right now, not where we are right now, but to reach the Matt Fraser level, I think it's harder for a big guy to fill the holes that well where they're still better than everybody else. All the little guys. They beat the little guys in their specialty. I think it's harder for them to do that than what Matt did to the bigger guys. Or Tia, right? Tia, Iia you put when I say Matt I mean Tia as well right Jarrah Howell had no influence on Jason Hopper Crash Crucible has started Tomorrow's Kill Taylor the best show um on the internet and it starts at 6 a.m pacific standard
Starting point is 01:48:41 time sucks for us on the west coast my sister just text me and said, Hi, Caleb. Hi. Anything else we learned today? Open door policy. Love you guys. What? Say that again, Caleb. The open door policy isn't actually an open door policy. Which open door policy? Don Falls open door policy. Oh yeah, leave Don alone. Come on, leave fucking Don. Thank you.

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