The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Update Show | Saxon, Hiller, Young & Pedro + Watkins - The Super Short Episode

Episode Date: September 16, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:00 And so I'm like, oh, I invited you and you said no, but I even told him, I was like, hey, that's awesome. no but I even told him I was like hey that's awesome I still get credit right you know what I mean bam we're live hey what were you going to say I don't think I was going to say anything I was just looking at
Starting point is 00:01:13 cards behind Blackman's head dude crazy I didn't realize the cards were that big yeah they come stock like that you know what's crazy i think you showed us those last week and the big ones and i when i saw them i i didn't i didn't even know that they were big i was like god those look awfully big is that what am i looking at i should have inquired i know
Starting point is 00:01:37 there was nothing in the picture for reference and after i sent it i was like maybe they'll figure it out i don't really care i remember thinking it was either a really small table, like a really small desk or massive cards. Hiller, did you get your Instagram account back? No. Crazy. So basically someone reported you for not having a business account. That's what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:02:01 But then when you click on the button, it says everything about community guidelines. It legit says bullying in three separate versions of what could have gone wrong. I was told by someone that in order for that to be like an instantaneous thing and not like a real investigator, you know, you've been reported kind of thing, you need like 20 plus people like, you know, you've been reported kind of thing. You need like 20 plus people like,
Starting point is 00:02:28 you know, simultaneous here within a half an hour reporting it. So right. You think there's 20 plus people who are willing to report an account? I don't know, man. I mean, if I had that kind of intelligence,
Starting point is 00:02:38 I'd be saying aloha to how clever I was. Andrew Filler, Hiller, Andrew Filler, Andrew Hiller from Hillerfit, YouTube, no longer Hillerfit, Instagram. Oh my god. Hey guys, eventually
Starting point is 00:02:54 it comes out who does that stuff and it's going to be, it's like so bad for you to attack people's livelihood. Like do some other shit. Don't attack people's livelihood. Eventually it comes out. It's going to look so fucking bad it will be uh around diminishing last month on instagram 30 made what i made 33 last month on instagram and that was from me i'm kind of pissed i don't mean in terms of the money but i just mean in terms of the fact that it's your reach right so
Starting point is 00:03:21 like i lost mine it was i had a hundred thousand followers i didn't someone's gonna correct me no you didn't you had 91 000 or whatever um i most of them were males if you paid for them most of them were males in india but still it it it's just it's just stupid to do that to people uh but uh the the youtube station is absolutely murdering it um over there at hillar fit his numbers have doubled since last year if not more i remember when we used to joke around can you imagine if you got 10 000 views on every video and now it's like that video yes that was one of the best experiences i've had watching anything that someone made. That was, from start to finish, from start to finish, that was just, like, it was just perfect. Like, I laughed, even though I knew what was happening,
Starting point is 00:04:15 even though I had seen it, I laughed so many times, like, as hard, if not harder, as when I was watching it live. And, like, the little things that often go unnoticed, like there was a lot of really fucking obvious stuff in it, but the little bits that often go unnoticed, I just howled laughing at the, like part of me. You mean the most humble man in CrossFit video?
Starting point is 00:04:37 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Part of me wanted you picture in picture. Like part of me wanted you, wanted to see you watch it and respond in time, but then I also appreciated the cutaways
Starting point is 00:04:49 and the like, what? It was just magnificent. I legitimately turn into an owl when I say who sometimes. I've watched it four times and I watched it for the first time this morning when I got up. That's two hours into that, dude.
Starting point is 00:05:04 That's a lot. Thank you. I appreciate it. Have's two hours of that, dude. That's a lot. It's very good. Well, thank you. I appreciate it. Have you received any negative feedback on it? Isn't that crazy? It's got over 400 comments on it and not one of them is negative at me. I wonder how he's processing that.
Starting point is 00:05:19 If there's any part of it he's enjoying or if it's all just like, fuck. The thing is, I wouldn't have done it had he not had to talk about me on your show, man. Man. Man. That's not like Stephen Hyde. But even if it had been brought up, you know, like even if it had fucking hell, even if it had been put to him, but the fact that it was instigated,
Starting point is 00:05:43 do you know what I mean? That made it worse as well. The fact that it wasn't like, Savan was like, hey, what are your thoughts? You know, like he brought it up because he wanted to talk about it because he, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:52 he jumped in the pool like. Yeah, I didn't have on my question list, what do you think about Andrew Miller? It's like Aristotle's walking around and then all of a sudden, wait a minute, I had to talk about this guy that's how i felt oh shit it was out of freaking thin air you went from aristotle to tmz
Starting point is 00:06:11 very quick uh uh uh chris giles whoever reported hillar's a bitch well yeah that's for sure uh karina rain thank you hey what's up what's up picture and that's for sure. Karina Rain, thank you. Hey, what's up? What's up? Picture. That's her house in the background. No, she didn't see the picture. That's church. The rest of us have real monitors. We're not on a 13-inch MacBook
Starting point is 00:06:37 Pro or whatever you got. Do not start mocking the fucking laptop. I love that he made you cry. Oh, my goodness. We don't know what happened to Andrew's Instagram, but we're speculating. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:06:57 Speculating? Okay, go ahead. Sorry. Go ahead. Someone said some stuff. Can you see that? No, no. Tell me. Read it to me. Read it to stuff. Can you see that? No, no. Tell me. Read it to me.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Read it to me. It just says we're reviewing your info. Oh, oh. I don't know. There's no way that it wouldn't know who I am considering I have that blue checkmark and they need your driver's license for it. So they know who I am. Oh, what do you mean? Like it's a verified account meaning. yeah it's been verified all right uh it's downtown miami oh i thought karen i actually thought it was like in front
Starting point is 00:07:33 of a church or something god you got great hair um all right uh now mock him into getting a 4K monitor. Slowly, slowly, slowly. I'm going to send you a 4K monitor. I'm going to send you a 32-inch monitor. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, does your computer have USB-C? Look up if your computer can power a monitor. I think we're going to switch these shows to 4 o'clock
Starting point is 00:08:01 so Pedro only has to stay up till midnight. I'll take that over a monitor. Okay. This is going to be a very short, short, short, short, short,
Starting point is 00:08:12 short, short, the shortest show across the games update show yet. Just so you guys know, um, Scott Pancheck will be coming on in 23 minutes. Uh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Take two. Saxon Pancheck will be coming on in, uh, 22 minutes i'm very curious what's going on over at proven i did see oh before we talk about proven i do want to talk about that i watched their it said the athlete may put out a video yesterday or a couple days ago or 19 hours ago that basically says the athletes are rolling back in and training has started i only recognize one of them taylor williamson but before we get to that i want to show you something.
Starting point is 00:08:45 I have no proof of this, but we have the expert Andrew Hiller in the house. And I want to show you this video of this guy. This is 170 kilograms. This is not fair what I'm about to say about this guy. So I apologize to Igor Klimtine for saying this in advance. I'm going to text him for a minute. Is this proven? No, this is not proven sorry sorry dude holy hell i think that these kind of behaviors that we're witnessing are indicative
Starting point is 00:09:16 of steroid use i know there's no i know it's's just completely, look it, look it. I don't, like, this is the kind of crazy shit you do if you're juiced up. I never did that. But I think it's called something. I don't know. Is there a translation button? But I saw this and I'm like, okay, you probably got to be, like, this is the kind of place your brain goes when you get juiced up. Getting our muscles toned after the week.
Starting point is 00:09:42 And reminder, soon there will be information on our competitions with non-standard lifts. Oh on our competitions with non-standard lifts. Oh, that's a non-standard lift. That's amazing. Should I try it? Please be careful. Hey, his technique is remarkable. I don't even
Starting point is 00:10:00 know what the lift is, but I can tell how remarkable it is. The fire elbow is like what is happening there yeah he's a brain surgeon there's something like technical he's doing that's crazy realize that he's turning the bar that's what he's doing but he was wiggling but he's turning the bar it's rolling up his back so let me ask you is is is is he's clean is that okay all right fine all right cool so it's just done that's just dumb i don't think i don't is. He's clean. I already know where you're going. He's clean. Okay. All right. Fine. All right. Cool. So that's just dumb.
Starting point is 00:10:26 That's just dumb. I don't think that dude's clean. But what do you think? Do you think when you start seeing guys do weird shit like that, that that could be a. That there's like no, they didn't have anywhere else to go. So they're just like. It's just a correlate for too much testosterone. No.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Okay. But I like it. Okay. All right. I like it. There's no truth to it, but you like my thinking I do, yeah, and I'm willing to go with it So next time I see something, I'll just ask him
Starting point is 00:10:50 Hey, are you on? Okay Fair enough, okay, Proven Athletes rolling back in There was a guy named Will I think it was a young lady Named Jordan, I couldn't tell exactly And then someone named Brandon I didn't know any of them.
Starting point is 00:11:05 The great Taylor Williamson from Mayhem Team Fame was also back at the Proven. She's kind of bound to go back, though, right? Well, here's what's... Johnston. Who? Say that again? She's married to Nick Johnston, right? And that's the coach?
Starting point is 00:11:23 Yeah, so she's like... Or he has to go back because she goes there he's the ceo of oh okay much for that um uh so the ceo trumps uh i should have known better uh top athlete so they're saying that athletes are rolling back in. I did not recognize any of them. And on top of that, in the video, it sounds like Taylor Williamson is not even going to be competing. It sounds like, to me, that she's retired. That's how, off the back of last year,
Starting point is 00:11:56 that's what I thought was happening. Yeah, she kind of alluded to work. Like a job. I don't mean she wasn't working before. Sorry, Tyler. No, it's okay. Go. She alluded to that for about the past year, year and a half. And the other person I saw working out there was a guy named Will,
Starting point is 00:12:16 and he was a coach. So it's a bit of a misnomer to say that the athletes are rolling back in because one of the guys is a coach, one of them is someone who's retired, and the other two I'd never heard of. Will Carney was a semifinalist Torian. He just missed out on the games last year. Oh, okay. Is it supposed to be on Zach George's team or no?
Starting point is 00:12:34 Someone else. No. No. Never mind. Okay, you'd know. That's from your side of the ocean. No, it's the far side of my side of the ocean. Will Carney's Australia. He's a Torian. Roger. No, Will. from your side of the ocean no it's the far side of my side of the ocean will carney's australia
Starting point is 00:12:45 he's a taurian roger no well both islands both islands and then um and then also in the video they said that they were going to be uh there's going to be some water palooza qualifier uh testing going on at the camp there so that means some people they're probably going to try to go to water palooza and they have to do the qualifier. And then I think he said rogue prep. Is there anyone in the proven camp that's doing, um, is there anyone in the camp that was doing, uh,
Starting point is 00:13:13 going to rogue? Crouch. Well, he's not there, but a better question would be, is there anyone left in the proven camp? Well, that's what we're going to find out.
Starting point is 00:13:21 I guess when, um, Saxon comes, we're going to find out at least where, where, uh comes. We're going to find out at least where he is. He jumps on the show. Hey, is there anyone left over there? There, there, there, there. I saw that – I also watched the Justin Medeiros video, Justin Medeiros coming back.
Starting point is 00:13:45 And it's his first video. It Madaris coming back. And it's his first video. It's his first week of training. It's him and Ellie and a couple other people I didn't recognize. I see something. Justin looks serious as a heart attack. Looked cleaned up. Looks a little older. Looks mature. Looks, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:00 I'm back. I think I'm going to put him as number one again. You are so fickle. I'm putting him as number one again. You are so fake-o. I'm putting him as number one again. I'm telling you just from watching this one video. Him and Travis Mayer. Both Travis Mayer top five and Justin Medeiros.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Top one. Game chance. Yeah, he's going to win. So what does it for you? The hair? His hair looks good. Everything. He? The hair? His hair looks good? Everything. His hair looks good.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Did you guys watch the video? He's calmer. He looks good. His face looks more mature. His hair looked better. His movements look good. Ellie looked calm. Ellie's like a real adult when she talks.
Starting point is 00:14:41 As opposed to? They're not just too. Like, I want to be like, hey, it's two goofball kids who work really hard but they shouldn't have got together that's kind of the camp i started in like what are they doing they're going to be a distraction for each other and then after seeing this video video i recalibrated i'm like wait a minute these are two mature seasoned athletes that are um that are going for it. Look at you, Haley. They're dancing with the dog on Justin and Ellie's story, just to
Starting point is 00:15:09 undercut what you're saying. Thank you, Pedro. His hair does look good. It does look great. That's what I wanted to say. I just wanted to see his hair. It looks great. That's top 10 hair right there.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Yeah, there's a calmness to him, a calmness to Ellie. He just seems comfortable. What is Ellie? Ellie mentioned that she's going to. That's what I said right there. Pardon me? Comfortable. One more time?
Starting point is 00:15:43 You said the word comfortable. Yeah, comfortable. You said he looks comfortable. looks comfortable comfortable that's not a good thing i'm comfortable in his own skin that's you also have to consider the fact that like say where they are there now that facility didn't exist like they've built that they've moved they're like all the change has already happened so there is that element as well that like all of the upset all of the you know imbalances or whatever like okay fucking i'm kind of moving over to savannah side and being like yeah maybe he's right because like now things are settled now things are like there is no more change now everything's kind of done that it's like they can focus on what they need to focus on apart from the dog let me give you some other data points um uh he's entering a uh
Starting point is 00:16:30 on december 16th justin's entering a power lifting meet awesome yeah and you know what that tells me he don't give a fuck he's confident he doesn't care what if he wins or loses oh go ahead tyler what you don't like it? Finish your thought. Okay. It just makes me think that he knows he's the best at what he does in the world, and he's going over there humbly to enter his hat. He knows he probably has no chance of winning, but he's still going to do it. And I just like it.
Starting point is 00:17:00 It shows out of his comfort zone. It's the kind of things that you might hear like a Miko Salo or Matt Fraser do. Hiller, you're a coach. You got an athlete who's worn out. What do you have him do? Probably a powerlifting competition. Oh, no, really? You're saying?
Starting point is 00:17:19 It's fun. It's something different. It's fun. He likes lifting. Lifting's not nearly as stressful. He can go. It's not, it's not his environment in which he takes over.
Starting point is 00:17:30 It's just, I'm going to go and compete and, and do something I don't normally do. It's still competitive, but it's fun. And so he also turned out rogue, didn't he? Just to be clear,
Starting point is 00:17:40 are you saying it's a good thing or a bad thing? It's a bad thing. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It's fun to be a good thing or a bad thing? It's a bad thing. Okay, yeah. It's fun to be a good thing. He's like overworked, so this is fun. So it's stress relieving. To me, it signals something to watch. Either he's so stressed out that he needs to take that time.
Starting point is 00:17:58 He needs to go have fun versus I'm tuned in and I don't need to go have that fun. It could be a good thing in that. Hey, bro, take your, take your rest and like get rejuvenated. Dude, you're going to be fine. Like, or it's,
Starting point is 00:18:11 Oh shit. We have to totally retract for everything we've been doing. And you need to go Galvan off for a little while. Do you think that's the only time we'll see him compete before semifinals? I hope not. Yeah. So either way you're saying it's probably a good thing but i'm
Starting point is 00:18:28 saying that it shows a lot of confidence and that he's he's ready to put it on the line and you're saying oh no it might be that he's just he's he's doing something that's a little easy and that's why hiller threw in well he's not doing rogue yeah and which kind of which kind of fits with your narrative. But either way, you're saying it's probably a good thing to mitigate something, but we're saying it's for different reasons. I think it's something to watch. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I don't think it's good or bad. It's just after you'll be able to tell, I think. His next competition, you'll know. Chris Giles, he's taking the pressure off and getting his hunger back. Yeah, yeah, okay. Okay, go ahead, Hiller. I like the idea of seeing what his lifts are going to be. Squat, bench, deadlift, or what's the order of that?
Starting point is 00:19:17 Bench, squat, deadlift, deadlift, bench, squat. It's all those. I don't know which one's last and first, but it's going to be cool. And I always thought that these events would be great to have in the CrossFit Games system. Somewhere like a semi-final, the quarterfinals. They have the other total, but a powerlifting total would be very cool. It's like five minutes to do each lift or something like that. What do you guys think about this?
Starting point is 00:19:37 He's been on the show before, and he's like, I just ran my mile or something, and he PR'd it or something. He ran a mile. I said, what's your mile time? He kind of joked, wouldn't you like to know and then we joked throughout the show i think and i was asking what his mile time was and he didn't want to say and i appreciate that i don't blame him what do you guys think yeah tell me what so now he's gonna go he's gonna do his bench squat and deadlift or whatever those three movements are and you know every fucking tom dick and harry
Starting point is 00:20:01 in the world is gonna do it right after he does it. To be like, okay, I can beat him. Right? I like that about him. I think he had to change something. You like that about Justin that he's like, fuck you, I don't care, you can beat my numbers, I'll still beat you, doesn't freak me out? Correct, yeah. I mean, everyone kind of really knows what everyone's
Starting point is 00:20:20 capable of. I mean, Brian has almost made a living off of just sitting there knowing what every they can do. So you'd imagine that the athletes have those people as well, especially when it comes to the lifts. If you have to do a lift, you're at the CrossFit games and you're buying for a top 10 spot. And you kind of know what you have to do based upon the history of the
Starting point is 00:20:39 sport. Everyone's got their numbers everywhere. Wad Zombie says... What's Wad Zombie? It's cool. In the same way that, like, Fraser reached out for powerlifting help at one point in his career
Starting point is 00:20:51 because his deadlift sucked and still does. Wad Zombie. I drove by Wad Zombie, the creator of the new James Sprague card, which you can see behind Tyler Watkins there. It says, I drove by his house the other day. It's beautiful. It looks beautiful. It looks really cool. Andrew Cleary, thank you, brother. Appreciate it. I'm going to make the assumption you're a boy. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Harry Paratestes, he's entering his influencer years. The name. What? Harry Par of testes. He's entering his influencer years. Oh, the name. What? Very fair. It has these. Oh, this is crazy. Did you write this?
Starting point is 00:21:31 Yeah. He was calling me an NSYNC member and I'm a backstreet boys member of myself. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Okay. For a second, I was like, dude, I always thought that was you. And someone's writing, uh, Thomas,
Starting point is 00:21:42 uh, Stroud. Uh, he got last in the total in 2020 He's going to get buried Another loss in competition isn't good for his mental health Hey Thomas Calling it how he sees it
Starting point is 00:21:52 Well 2020 there's only 5 dudes there And it also wasn't a bench press It was a straight press I know it was 4 years ago Or 3 years ago I don't know I think if he beats one person there it's's a win, to be honest with you. He's going to get special field.
Starting point is 00:22:09 He totals over 1,500? 1,500 is like the bare minimum mark for a good power lifter, I feel like. Dude, there's no way he does that. No way. Six, five, four? He can't double a six. He can't back squat five. He can't back squat 5. He can't bench 4.
Starting point is 00:22:27 He'll hit like a mid-5 deadlift, like 550. I'd be shocked if he could bench over 335. And then his best squat will be 465, 475. Pedro, what's your all-time best deadlift? In kilos or pounds? Pounds. Fuck all. Does that mean a lot?
Starting point is 00:22:52 The bar is full. No, I'm not very strong. I'm trying to think. Have you deadlifted 300? What's that? Yeah, that's like 150 kilos, is it? Yeah, I can go over that yeah well i don't know about now but like give me five minutes
Starting point is 00:23:08 365 in the tank right you can do that what's the most what's the most you've done hillar 615 615 yeah what's the most you've done tyler 420 I have a terrible deadlift I think I've done 374 and yes I did it on purpose I did what 374? 415? oh 420 you did 374 Pedro? I think yeah
Starting point is 00:23:38 like about 170 kilos that's about 374 I think my best ever is 315 which is 300 pounds less than Hiller's about 170 kilos. That's about 374. I think my best ever is 315. I was going to ask. Which is 300 pounds less than Hiller's. That's cool. That is not cool.
Starting point is 00:23:53 That's not cool if you're me. I wanted you to pull 300 pounds and you wouldn't do it. You're terrified of it. I'm terrified of it. Jeez Louise. Rambler 445. Oh my God. I love the honesty. 374. Because that's supposed to be a shit lift. It is a shit lift.
Starting point is 00:24:12 I'm so proud of my... That dude moved up on his back, you know. Say that again? 374, 170 kilo. Yeah. Same number that guy shimmied up his spine. I lifted it up to his asshole and he did the rest i think my i think i also did it in a workout and i did like i ended up doing 10 of
Starting point is 00:24:36 them i did seven and three or something something weird like that my max i did for seven reps which is kind of weird hey seven how Seven, how fast are you? Like, if I had told you I'm the assault runner, how fast do you think that thing could get up to watts? Oh, I don't know. I'm challenging you. I want to know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:55 For how long? Just see how fast I could run on it. There you go, yeah. Okay. Max it. I'll put a camera on it so I don't even have to look at it. We all have to start doing these challenges and mixing them together, by the way. The baseball throw, the frigging
Starting point is 00:25:08 going outside and running as fast as we can. I was so proud of my baseball throw. Hitting a guard in the head with a frisbee, all that shit. All that. Enola Kai made a post recently saying that was he going to make it into Rogue?
Starting point is 00:25:25 My stats are 500 deadlift, 500 squat, 500... Right. What's going on here? That's your background. That's his face. But it's edited into a female. That's what I look like when I shave. Yeah, when the hair is down. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:25:45 I've told you guys a million times I'm non-binary. I walked by the mirror the other day with my man bun, and I thought I looked like a fucking woman. I was like, wow. As I get old, that happens. In Olakai, is there any other names? I have never just said his first name. Never.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Or just his first name. I always say the whole name every time i say his name i feel like if i met him i'd say hello anolakai how are you anolakai so i just can't separate it some people are like that like i have a buddy whose name is mike brown and i've never called him anything but mike brown but every time i see him hey my friend i uh it looks like so this is uh his post uh i took on the rogue invitational qualifiers with two aims to stay true to myself during the workouts and to earn a spot among the elite at the competition i felt in control during the qualifiers pushing my limits
Starting point is 00:26:34 while balanced uh balancing mind body and spirit and he taught ending tied in the sixth position i awaited the outcome of video review with confidence. For those unfamiliar, this process requires a thorough display of movement standards. However, I was hit with a significant penalty during my third workout due to clear oversight on the final lunge. Oh, yeah. I wanted to show you guys this. Have you guys seen this? What? This is fucking tough, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:00 This is a fucking hard way not to make it to Rogue. Look at this. So tell me what happens here. He doesn't stand up. He didn't stand up all the way. Is that right? Just that last one, yeah. Look it.
Starting point is 00:27:14 He's just there now. His right leg. It's the rule, but it's so harsh. It's the rule. Oh my god, dude. It is the the rule but it's just harsh on him like it's a hard pill to swallow but he took a like a champ in fairness oh my god you know there where he says i waited my video video review of confidence that's where the morgan freeman voiceover comes in saying he should not have been confident dude that's brutal dude I'm not saying that like Rogue did anything wrong But that's brutal Harsh but fair
Starting point is 00:27:47 Hey You tried to send me that but for some reason I just kept on getting pictures of it And then I went to go check my Instagram And I can't fucking get in there Can you Can you When you see that and you're Rogue
Starting point is 00:28:03 Or you're running a competition Do you change it after that? Do you be like, okay, on the last one you don't have to stand up, you just have to get over the line? The line has to fall on somebody, as in the judging line. I think this is always Bill's point. You have to put the line somewhere, and that's the line. Bill Grundler?
Starting point is 00:28:24 Yeah. It's like, let me play it for you again. Like, that's even hard to catch as a judge. I mean, this happened so quick. I had to watch it like three times before I saw exactly why he didn't. No, dude, his shoulders are never over his hips.
Starting point is 00:28:40 And like, it sucks, buddy. Is he standing up? Would you say he's standing up in all the other ones? No. Well, that's interesting when you put it that way, because no, he's not really ever up, but he's especially not up on that last one. Oh God, that's just fucking brutal. So this really was what kept this dude out?
Starting point is 00:29:01 That is unfortunate. Don't worry, Pedro. Very soon you're going to have a 32-inch monitor. You're going to see exactly what the rest of us are seeing. Don't worry. He's like a TikTok on your screen too, right? So it looks like the submitted score was 1021, so he got a two-minute and three-second penalty.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Is that how that works? At the end of the... So, the thing that the CrossFit game season has done pretty well is for stuff like that, they add seconds, but this is two minutes for that? That seems like
Starting point is 00:29:40 a bit much for me. Was there just one set of lunges? Did he do that multiple times? Oh, I don't know. To me, multiple times. I don't know what the workout is. Hey, and kudos to Rogue, dude. That's giving the athletes a lot right there. Right? That's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Here we go. It says you did not meet the movement standards for the dumbbell suitcase carry, specifically at the end of the 25th 25-foot section, but that doesn't mean... That means that every single one potentially is doing
Starting point is 00:30:12 that, but they're pointing out that one spot in particular. That's kind of how I read it. I really like, though, how he said, despite deeming the penalty a bit harsh and committed, he's just saying okay, yeah, whatever, move on. It's not a sob story or it's not a oh, fuck this, let's cancel Rogue. He's like, you know, he's just saying like okay yeah whatever move on he's not like it's not a sob story or it's not a oh fuck this like let's cancel rogue he's like you know he's just taking his medicine yeah oh yeah he handled it well i love i love i love seeing what rogue gives the athletes
Starting point is 00:30:36 too it's beautiful the whole thing is clean there's no no one take this as complaining the whole fucking thing is clean it's nice uh someone in here says, Saber and Kelly say, where is John Young? He told us where he was at. I think he's really disappointed. Coaching. Coaching, okay. I think he's really disappointed. I moved the show from 6.30 to 6.00 to 5.30 to 5.00.
Starting point is 00:30:56 To 4.00. To 4.30 to 4.00. Yeah, I kept moving it back. I got a friend in town who's leaving for five weeks tomorrow, and I want to hang out with him one last night. There's that. Alright, Enola Kai. Sorry, brother. Thanks for sharing that.
Starting point is 00:31:11 It's cool to see what's going on. He podiumed in Madrid, so not all bad. He's on a team. Who beat him? Noah and those guys, Los Niños. Hey, what do you guys think about Ricky winning Rogue? Guy with a fucked up shoulder, still in rehab, wins Rogue.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Can guy with fucked up shoulder beat guy with fucked up foot? Who's the guy with the fucked up foot? Roman. Oh. That's what you think? I like it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey. Hi. Oh, hey. Oh That's what you think I like it Yeah yeah yeah Hey Hi
Starting point is 00:31:48 Oh hey What's up Saxon What's going on man Good to see you dude You too Yeah I try and stay out of the sun but It's kinda No it's busy
Starting point is 00:32:01 Good time Saxon could you rotate your phone? Will it still have a place to stand propped up? How's that? Yeah, now you've conformed. You've completely conformed. Kind of looking down, but we'll make it work. That's good. No, we won't look up your nose.
Starting point is 00:32:19 We won't look up your nose. Welcome to the show. Hey, how are things? Let's dig right in. Are you getting at it are you uh has the season started for you are you are you looking at 2024 like yep i'm going to the games i mean yeah that's all i mean it's been that thought you know all summer and and the foot the story that i heard is that you had plantar fasciitis you and you were dealing with that and that's basically what kept the story that I heard is that you had plantar fasciitis, you, and you were dealing with that.
Starting point is 00:32:46 And that's basically what kept you out of the games. Is that a fair assessment? Yeah. So what happened was I had a little plantar fasciitis going into semifinals. So I was really trying to avoid running, jumping, things like that. And as we got closer, obviously it was still hurting to where – it was actually a lot that happened this whole season. I guess I'll start at the beginning.
Starting point is 00:33:12 During the Open, I ended up getting a bulging disc in my L4, L5. So I lost feeling in my left foot. So I actually wasn't able to, like, move my toes, which was a pretty big concern considering it was like two weeks out from the open. So I ended up having to go get that looked at. And so for me going through the open, it was like, okay, let's get through, give it up my best effort, but don't put myself in a position where I'm going to make things worse and just focus on starting to just get healthy. So that happened through the open.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I didn't lift a barbell all the way through quarterfinals. So we got to quarterfinals. Because of that disc? Because of the bulging disc? Yeah, I just needed time to heal. So going into quarterfinals didn't really lift much heavy weights in general and it was just get healthy um so I ended up getting through quarterfinals and it was like all right time to throttle down and really crank things up and you know I was doing a lot of running and I remember I was running at the track one day and um my left foot just started to get a little uncomfortable uh and I actually had a it was a we were at a college campus and an athletic trainer came
Starting point is 00:34:25 over and she's like, Hey man, you're running, you're running. It looks horrendous. I was like, cool. I appreciate that. So I ended up stopping just cause I didn't, I didn't know what it was kind of assuming like I've never really dealt with any injuries throughout my career. So kind of dealing with those two things. So I started to dial back on the running, um, got through, got two semifinals and we, Saxon, hold on. Sorry. Let me, let me stop you here real quick. When she said your running was horrible, what was causing that the plantar fasciitis or the bulge, you were doing some sort of weird compensation because of the bulging disc and the numb foot. No, it was the plantar fasciitis because I was doing running up to that point. You know, I was starting to put in the volume
Starting point is 00:35:08 and that started to happen. So as I was running, I was like, all right, get through one more interval. When I felt my form starting to break down to where I looked like a gazelle that was shot and, you know, it was just kind of like limping through the 400 and I knew it looked bad. So I was like, And, you know, it was just kind of like limping through the 400. And I knew it looked bad. So I was like, okay, let's just chill out and let that heal a little
Starting point is 00:35:31 bit. So we ended up finding out, you know, two of the workouts were had running in it. So, you know, my goal was, let's get healthy. Let's make sure that we don't get that worse. You know, I'm not too concerned with those runs. It's more about just, yeah, take one, take, take one leg off. Um, so, uh, I ended up dealing with that a little bit. Um, so got to semifinals. I felt pretty good. Obviously I didn't feel, you know, a 100% like confident that, you know, it was going to, everything was going to look great. So I ended up getting to semifinals. First event is what it was.
Starting point is 00:36:12 I had some issues with my sled, but that's, you know, I think everybody dealt with that. Running felt pretty good. And we got to that box jump workout. And as I was running, or I'm sorry, as I was doing those jumps, I still didn't have the feeling in, I actually wasn't concerned about the plantar fasciitis at the time. But I still didn't have feeling in my toes as much. So when we had to do those single legged pistols, the stability on the left leg was just horrendous. So I had to take those pretty slow. So I was like, okay, let's focus on the pistols.
Starting point is 00:36:48 And I ended up going on those box jumps. And when I landed on a box jump, like on the ground, I felt like just this cooling sensation through my foot that I was worried about jumping up for the next repetition. Luckily, I was worried about falling on my face, but I ended up making it, I think I had another rep or two. And then we ended up hitting the time cap in that. So finishing that event, I couldn't even get off the floor. I had, well, more luckily was in the lane next to me, my training partner, and ended up helping me get off the floor after that. Wow, that's serious.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Yeah, and I couldn't put weight on my foot. And I didn't know what it was. I ended up talking to the medical back there a little bit, and they said, if you want to continue, you can continue, kind of like a judgment call for me. So I ended up lining up for the next workout the next day, which was Diane. And I ended up having to wear lifters for that just to take a little bit of pressure off that plantar fasciitis. And what they were worried
Starting point is 00:37:58 about was there being a stress fracture and they didn't even think it could have been plantar fasciitis. because i couldn't put any weight in my heel and i couldn't put any weight in the sole of my foot either so i was pretty much living on the outside of my foot um and you know that's that's how i walked around you know for the that night and that day i remember that night i couldn't even stand in the shower i had to kind of sit there and in the shower and um you know take a shower that way it hurt so bad can you tell people what it felt like for people who've never had a plantar fasciitis yeah it's hard to explain it's literally like you do everything you can to avoid putting any weight
Starting point is 00:38:43 on your midsole so i ended up because it feels like there's a tack in there right it feels like you're stepping on a tack and then when you touch it with your hand there's nothing there but you can swear when you walk that there's a nail in your foot right right it's bizarre it's so bizarre so we were taping it and you know brooke had a very similar injury so her tape like her tape i mean she was able to tape that and I think feel pretty good I don't I don't want to say good um but she's like I was she was moving around great everything I'm like man like am I just being soft um so I was like put that tape on tighter and ended up going out and taking the floor for the next event and um just a lot of compensating you know leaning more to my right side um so we came to
Starting point is 00:39:27 um the point where you know we had to do a back-to-back run and a heavy snatch um and as i was warming up for the snatch i wasn't hitting over 185 and that was just because i couldn't put any weight in that foot at all that you know i wasn't going to be able to snatch more than that and if i did chances are you know i could have blown my shoulder out blown my hip out because the compensation was so horrendous what is your all-time pr on the snatch 295 oh shit okay um so he would have been on it not only that but it was also the run. It was, it wasn't a run. You know, it was a limp. And it would have looked real.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Yeah, it would have, yeah, shot Gazelle. It actually looked worse than that. But, so I ended up making the hard decision that, you know, even if I wanted to take the floor, yeah, you know, I could have went out there and sucked it up. But what damage was going to come from that? Like, you know, am have went out there and sucked it up and but what damage was going to come from that like you know am i going to rupture it completely is there something else going on in there um that i knew it wasn't it just wasn't a smart decision to do that you know i
Starting point is 00:40:37 wasn't going to hit over 185 i wasn't gonna run something super crazy um that you know out of a seven event weekend you had two back-to-back events right there. So I ended up coming up with that hard decision to have to pull out of semifinals, ended up going and getting some scans. And I ended up having a, I want to say it was a nine by 16 millimeter tear in my plantar fascia. And then in in my heel it was a level under a stress fracture so because that stuff was going on in the heel the tape wasn't doing anything because are those two related are those two related yeah i just think it was just compensating from the plantar fasciitis that you know i was putting more weight in the heel and the heel was taking more and then all
Starting point is 00:41:20 of a sudden the heel couldn't take any more so it started to go the outside of the foot and it was just a hot mess wow so so the heel the heel had a fracture yeah it was like i don't know did they x-ray it did they x-ray it yeah i did x-rays and mris on it um it wasn't a complete stress fracture i don't i don't exactly remember what it was, but they pretty much said it's a level under being what a stress fracture would be. I take it your back's better. Yeah, the back feels good. Even going into semifinals, the back was fine. I had that stuff in the toes, but I just felt like the doctor said that's just going to take time more than anything. It's just be smart, avoid compound, the doctor said that's just going to take time more than anything. It's just be smart, avoid compound movements for as long as I can. And I feel like the last about six to eight weeks, it started to really clear up to where, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:16 I was able to do pistols for the first time on one foot. I'm back to running and jumping somewhat. And yeah. Have you ever hit a fish before? No. No? It just kind of popped up this year? Mm-hmm. Do you have any idea why that would have popped up this year?
Starting point is 00:42:36 I would say overtraining. Overtraining, I would say whether it would be jumping rope uh running you know box jumps you know i we had those movements i remember you know i did a jump rope clinic um so obviously i like i was really bad at the crossovers um so the athlete i am i'm like okay i want to figure these out so spend some time jumping rope and then you know we have a track day um you know we have box jumps so yeah obviously you know you get that from over training but you know that's the sport we signed up for you know injuries are going to happen um and for me doing this since I was 12 years old for me to just face these injuries over the last year I would say I'm pretty lucky and blessed that, you know, that's all I've had to deal with so far.
Starting point is 00:43:26 And now it's, okay, what am I going to do moving forward to keep myself healthy? And to make sure that that doesn't happen again. Because, you know, being 27, I would say, like, I'm right in that prime year. Like, you know, I lost a year that I'll never get back. And that's something that doesn't sit well with me. So for me, it's, you know, creating some changes in my training and, you know, setting myself up in the best position to have the best year yet this upcoming year. Changes in your training. So just less volume. having more input in what I'm doing and just having better communication, you know, with what feels good, what doesn't feel good,
Starting point is 00:44:10 not this is what needs to happen. There was a good chance you were going to break the top 10 this year, healthy sacks and pan shake. Very good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's hard because, you know, I would say last year I came off, what I would say was probably one of my's hard because you know i would say last year i came off what i would say was probably one of my best years you know doing the open and quarterfinals and semifinals the games weren't the best um even though that's really what matters but you know i felt like i was on a trajectory to having the best year yet to having my worst year uh so it was kind of a roller coaster over these last two years.
Starting point is 00:44:51 And for me, it took a lot of reflecting as to, okay, what works for me, what doesn't work for me and how do I get back on that path of, you know, having an amazing season. Um, was that your, was last year, your first year with, with proven? Yeah. So I moved down to Nashville. Um, it was like a week before the open. And where did you, where were you training before that? Cleveland at home. You were, you were training at home.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Yeah. Me and my brother. So you were at the, at the, at the pan chick training Academy that no one doesn't get, doesn't get much publicity. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:24 And like basically between your gym and like mentality getting at it. Yeah. I mean, so Spence and I, we have a gym. Oh, Spencer or were you training with Spencer? Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Sorry. So we had like a 2000 square foot spot where it's just, it was just us training. Didn't have to really, like we had an affiliate up there and we ended up, you know, really wanting to pursue being a competitive have to really like we had an affiliate up there and we ended up you know really wanting to pursue being uh competitive athletes uh and really like not have any regrets
Starting point is 00:45:51 so we ended up jumping into that and stepped away from running the affiliate for that year and really just focused on being athletes um and just surrounding ourselves like you know i'm very big on you are what you surround yourself with and you know i really tried to limit the people that i was around and really try and put myself in the best training environment possible uh saber and kelly uh saxon is actually humble saber you don't have to put actually like no one no it's not like holy shit everyone says he's a dick but actually he's humble no no no one says the word actually is talking about someone else not you know because there's been use of the word humble oh oh thank you okay sorry my bad right right i right damn i'm so over his head i'm so in the present uh saxon is humble got him uh we we accosted uh. Saxon Panchik at CrossFit East Nashville
Starting point is 00:46:47 after he packed up to leave. And like douchebag fans that we are, we accosted him. And after he did a lot of hard work and a hard workout, he stayed to talk to us and take pics. He was very genuine. You're good people, Sabre and Kelly. Good job. Do you remember them at all?
Starting point is 00:47:05 I know faces he was the guy that grabbed your butt in the group photo now do you remember so you go there had you ever been to a camp before had you ever trained no that was your first one and
Starting point is 00:47:24 what we're hearing is you're done there too you had one year there got the experience and now you've left is that correct absolutely and and can you tell where are you going yeah i think um his coffee pods and wads on here and he called it uh oh yeah he's, look, look, he's this guy in the corner. Yeah. So I'm back working with Facundo. Um, he was who I was working with prior to proven, um, the relationship that we had and the communication we had was, was incredible. Um, it was something that, you know, I feel worked for me. I liked the trajectory we were on. We really had, we had two seasons. We worked together. One was the COVID games. We want to call it. And then we had,
Starting point is 00:48:08 um, 2021, 21. Yeah. Um, where I ended up taking fifth. So that was my best games performance with him. So back to that.
Starting point is 00:48:21 No shit. In 2021, you took fifth. Sorry. I didn't know that. That's fucking crazy. Yeah. I got to break that top 10 yeah shit wow hey thanks for thanks for throwing thanks for someone throwing that john if you would have been here on time you would have you would have been you would have said that
Starting point is 00:48:37 what you said wasn't true it wasn't true he was on you didn't say for the first time you just said i know but i was trying to jerk him off with like saying he did great as an 11th and it was really kind of an insult because he had a fifth i would have pulled up 2021 if i would have like been a little more on my shit i know zachary cadets fifth is crazy yeah fifth is crazy let's let's see let's see who's whose company you were in it's not that hard to type in saxon panchik and all of his things come up yeah but caleb's not here, John. Let me bring this up, guys, so you can see. Wow, you are in good company.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Hey, so are you on like any kind of like – did you spiral from that? Are you in any kind of depression or you're on Xanax or anything from going from a – No. No, okay. Patrick Vellner, Brent Fikowski, Björgvin, Carl Gudmundsson, Saxon Pancic, Yann Acosti, Guillermo, Guillermo Malheros, Alex Vigneault, You beat the great Scott Panczyk by 100%. Yeah. I think he was at 50%. Damn, dude.
Starting point is 00:49:43 And when you – there is a lot of talk that the proven people really that there might be some overtraining going on there a matter of fact i think dave said what dave visited there in one of his videos he said holy shit these people are training like crazy and i think that those of us we heard that you had a plantar fasciitis and brooke had it and so us pundits are like well shit they're fucking maybe they're overtraining their athletes there is there any truth to that analysis that like hey this has to be this the the training there's tailored for fucking tia the great and and um here's the thing i think i think something's going like it's not a one-size-fits-all um i think for some athletes a training camp's great for them i think for other athletes it might take them further away from it
Starting point is 00:50:27 but you don't know unless you try and that's kind of where I was it was okay well Dia won the game six times Shane has an incredible resume I want to put myself in an environment with people that have done it before
Starting point is 00:50:43 and that I wanted to explore something new. You know, I've, what I've grown up with in the sport is being in four walls with my brothers and just beating our heads against the wall and absolutely like just pushing the limits every single day, um, and pushing each other. And, you know, we have the ability to call each other out and really, like, go at each other and be healthy. And, you know, we could say one thing and forgive each other in the next minute. To now you go into a training environment with multiple games athletes, males and females, that it's just different.
Starting point is 00:51:24 It's different. Um, you know, was there a point that you knew it wasn't for you before the end of the season? Um, I think it's very easy to get lost in because as an athlete and when you have a coach, you know, you trust the process that you're going that, you know, the only thing that I was thinking about was show up at the day, you know, rest, be healthy, eat, fuel, train hard and go home and repeat that, you know, I'm not thinking about programming. I'm not thinking about, you know, what's tomorrow or, you know, how this workout went. You know, I give my faith whenever I work with a coach to that coach that, you know, they're overseeing everything and they make sure that you're on the trajectory of where you need to go. Now, I think like this is where I think every athlete becomes different.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Like I've grown up in the sport since I was 12. I've coached classes when I was 15, 16 years old that I've programmed for the last seven, eight years, you know, I went to the games two years and program for myself. And I think the best year I took when I was maybe like 22, 23, I took ninth programming for myself, that I know how to coach, I know how to program, I know my what my benchmarks need to be in order to go into a competition with confidence. my what my benchmarks need to be in order to go into a competition with confidence um that you know whenever i start to work with a coach i kind of let all that stuff go um because it was new for me and i think so what's facundo's role then if you're going to do the programming well it's not an in-person coach so he's he's still he's going to do the programming um he's
Starting point is 00:53:03 going to oversee hey you, you know, this is where your times are. This is where we need to be and really oversee that stuff. But I just, I think the one thing that I enjoy is that distance where, you know, I'm in a gym by myself. It's, it's kind of like I'm, I'm chasing ghosts. I don't know. I don't know where anyone is at. I don't know how hard they're working. All I know is I need to work harder. And, you know, whether that's me going to the games and taking 40th or whether that's me going to the games taking first, you know, it's me versus myself every single day in the gym, not me versus, you know, five, six, seven, eight training partners where, you know, you're constantly, you know, trying to trying to win and trying to gain that confidence through beating your training partners. I think there's a time and a place for that, but I think to do that through an entire year, I don't think that's
Starting point is 00:53:52 sustainable mentally for an athlete. Were there any other men in the training camp? Yeah, I mean, there was multiple people. So we had Will Morad, Luis, Oscar, Mora. Oh, right. Cole Grishbauer came through there for a little bit yeah one year you were there too was the year tia took off right uh no so yeah i've been there with two
Starting point is 00:54:13 years okay so first year was the year um i ended up winning the open my semi-final so everything was looking like solid uh very happy and then obviously i went through this year and you know i ended up getting hurt so it was one extreme to another okay and go ahead go ahead pedro well so saxon i'm i'm the oldest of three brothers so i like i recognize with you and your brother's situation and i've always thought that we were all three best when we were together and so i wonder why like forgive me if I'm pushing too far, but I always wondered why you wouldn't go back home. Because I'd imagine you probably feel the same way.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Absolutely. I think I want to explore everything. I want to know, you know, Scott came through the sport. I watched everything that he's done to train. I know his work ethic. I know his work ethic. I know the work ethic. You need to go to the games nine, ten times. That's not something that I'm missing.
Starting point is 00:55:13 What I'm looking for is those missing puzzle pieces that are going to take me to the top. Fed up with road rage, gas guzzling, and backseat battles of road trip vacays? Beach, it's time for a reality check. Shift gears to seamless serenity with Sunwing's all-inclusive getaways, which can actually be cheaper. More margaritas, less mileage misery. It's a road less traveled for a reason. Say no to gas stations and gassy passengers, and yes to Sunwing savings. Book with your local travel agent or...
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Starting point is 00:56:13 Find us at How does the conversation initiate back with Ficundo? Do you go back and say, hey, sorry, I messed up? Does he approach you? How does that happen? Yeah, we've stayed in contact for the last two years. Any time, I mean, Facundo was the first real coach that I've worked with that I wanted to keep that relationship.
Starting point is 00:56:42 He's never done anything wrong to me. You know, he's always wanted my success when I, when I approached him and told him, Hey, you know, I'm looking for more. I'm looking for a training group. I'm looking for people to push next to every single day. Can you provide that? And it was something like, no, like I'm a remote athlete. Like, how are we going to do that? Um, and it was very respectful. And, um, it was just something that I wanted to explore as an athlete of like, Hey, is this something that I'm missing? That's going to move the needle one or 2% or 10%. Uh, he was very understanding of that. And he supported that all the way through and checked in with me through the past two years and we just kept that relationship rolling uh make wads great again saxon had his best year when i was still training with him i've also heard that to be true uh mr woolley has some
Starting point is 00:57:35 great stories about training with you uh chris giles fifth and close to third that is correct uh brent fukowski had 1028 points that year. Saxon had 996. Fourth place was just 1,004 points, only eight points ahead of him. So, I mean, that was a really close year. I want to say this real quick. There's this comment here. I don't know what all the hype for Facundo is. And, I mean, other than the things that Saxon said right here, every conversation that I've had with Facundo,
Starting point is 00:58:04 he is super invested in the success of his athletes and absolutely we all you got to say about that i i've never been with him that's with anything other than something to benefit his athlete he's always looking for that i want to say one thing before you answer that uh saxon um uh good tony uh fair question um because it is hard to see what what value facundo adds because you're on the outside right we're all on the outside um and you write don't know what the hype is for facundo kind of strange and sounds like he has way too many athletes to actually be beneficial i want to say this it's a crazy resume the guy has so it's weird to question whether he's good at rubbing backs whether he's good at programming whether he's a good hype man i don't know what it is but or
Starting point is 00:58:51 whether he's good at programming but here's the thing he's got a ton of great athletes but listen to this saxon panchik is going back to him so i mean that screams louder than having a massive stable that someone's actually coming back to you. So go ahead, Saxon. Yeah, I think, I mean, it's going to be different, right? Like I said before, it's not one size fits all. You might have an athlete come into a training camp and, like, it's the piece that they were missing. Or they might come into training camp and be like, Oh, no, like, this is taking
Starting point is 00:59:25 me further from it. And I think it just depends where athletes are. I don't think I don't think enough. Like, okay, so here's an example. If I was to go work with, you know, somebody that won on the male side or the female side, does that mean, you know, just because they're my coach, I'm going to win? Absolutely not. Like, okay, so say they were your competition. You think if you did the same training with them, you're going to get the same result? Absolutely not. Everybody has different backgrounds. You know, you might be great at gymnastics and running and monostructural things. But you know, you step up to a barbell, and you can't move the barbell, you know, just because you're working with somebody that won
Starting point is 01:00:11 the games or a coach that has created a, you know, one time champ, two time champ doesn't mean that that's what's going to be good for you. And I think it just depends. I think athletes need to look and see, okay, what am I missing? What have I changed and what have I tried and what worked and what didn't work? I think it's important for athletes to be honest with themselves and figure out what that missing piece is and be willing to try different things. Who was your coach there? Who was your coach at Proven?
Starting point is 01:00:46 It was Shane. And did you see him a lot? When they lived here, yeah. So there was a team? It changed. It's kind of changed throughout the year. So, you know, we had moments where we all did the same program and we pushed each other and we created this, this training environment where, you know, you're, you're pushing the limits, but there's
Starting point is 01:01:10 also times where, you know, I think they have three coaches where, okay, in the off season, you're going to work with your coach on filling some different gaps. So yeah, it just, it changes. I think there, there's a lot of athletes improving. And for me, I just wanted a coach where I just have that communication on a day-to-day basis of you understand what I'm doing. It's not what's good for everybody, it's what's good for me. And I think there's so much more to the sport than just the fitness. I think there's a lot to how you train and your nervous system and recovery. Hello? Hold on one second, caller. Go ahead. Finish, Saxon.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Sorry. Like you can't go and you can't beat your head against the wall every single day. You just got to find what works best for you. Caller, hi. Go ahead. Hey, Seve. It's plumber. Uh, quick question for Saxon here. Just wondering, um, what were those like one to 10% things you took away from, uh, your time at the proven camp? If you have any that you can share.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Great question. Well, thank you. Yeah. Um, honestly, you know, this is going to sound crazy, but I think the one thing that I picked up on was more than just fitness. It was the ability to grow mentally, to read, to seek more. I think that was something that I was actually missing in my life to grow as an athlete as well as a man. as well as a man that, you know, I started to explore, okay, how do I move into a direction of, of confidence in my training, confidence in my ability and confidence to, to take the competition floor. That's something that I faced a lot through my career, you know, where I spent my first three years going to regionals and did I feel like I belonged there, you know um and i felt like i was able to gain that knowledge and that confidence of like okay this is how you take the competition floor with confidence and the ability to back your fitness and the ability to back yourself
Starting point is 01:03:18 what uh do you know was there an exodus there we're also hearing that all sorts of people are leaving we're hearing that brooke wells left that sydney left was there were there a lot of athletes that left you know ah i don't know you know i've really just kind of focused on myself i think like i said everybody needs something different um that i'm going to put myself in the best position moving forward and you know what everyone else decides to do that's completely up to them um but for me you know it involved me making these changes awesome and so so when you say facundo is your coach is there a chance you're going to mayhem like actually physically or you'll be staying in uh you're in ohio nashville nashville sorry oh you're in you're you're not leaving
Starting point is 01:04:06 nashville no i just bought a house with my wife and uh congrats dude congrats so yeah no we're staying in nashville okay so you're close so you can go up the road to the to the barn absolutely and i think nashville is the closest airport so when fukundo comes into town, swing by, pick him up, and head out and train. Awesome. Hey, dude, thank you so much. Look forward to talking to you again. Excited that you're back in the saddle. It sounds like all the metrics are headed in the right direction.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Absolutely. I appreciate it. Hey, man. Hey, man. You and Hopper have a similar haircut. I know. I know. It's just who makes it look better. You do. Who have a similar haircut. I know. I know. It's just who makes it look better. You do. Who keeps it fresher.
Starting point is 01:04:49 Don't touch it. Don't touch it. Yeah. All right, dude. Cheers. Thank you so much for joining us. All right. See you guys.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Ciao. Saxon Pancho. You better go. I'm good for a minute. I want to hear what the fuck's going on with Jon Young. What's up, dude Young What's up dude What's up What you got what are you bringing to the show
Starting point is 01:05:09 What are you bringing What do you want I'm ready to go I'm ready to leave That's an hour and three minutes I want to do a very short Short short show Okay I'm sure I got something else in my notes You have Focondo coming on like soon right i had to reschedule um but we do have him coming on soon he i chatted
Starting point is 01:05:31 him a little bit in madrid he is man he's fucking cool like one of the things i really like about him is that he's nerdy about it as in like he's like us where he's like hey did you hear that such and such or like hey what do you think about such and you know like he's like gossip us where he's like, hey, did you hear that such and such? Or like, hey, what do you think about such and such? You know, like he's like gossipy and he's like, he's got his finger on the pulse and he cares. He's got his finger on the pulse, that's for sure. He was, one of the things I really like about him, and Saxon kind of, what do you call it, echoed it there when he was like, oh, he stayed in touch with me when I was gone.
Starting point is 01:06:02 He was coaching Lazar lazar jukic and like the whole way through the weekend was basically coaching luca jukic like he doesn't actually coach him but he was like hey can i get you anything he's getting food he was you know like just good dude-edness that i was like that's fucking cool like he could easily just be like looking after lazar then heading off and finding cara frae but he was like hanging around and like even even when Lazar wasn't in the room he'd go into Luca and be like hey can I get you some food or do you need some whatever I just thought that was cool it sounds like
Starting point is 01:06:32 piggybacking on Facundo Pedro it sounds like Facundo is very accommodating as a coach that if you are someone who has special needs this fucking guy will accommodate you like you want to do some of your programming you can do some or if you want this fucking guy will accommodate you. Like, you want to do some of your programming, you can do some.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Or if you want him to do it all, it sounds like he's a big picture guy and he gets in where he fits in. He sounds like the perfect fit for Saxon. Kenneth DeLapp, I heard rumors that John Young hates mayhem. John, true? That's not true.
Starting point is 01:07:01 It's not true at all. Not even a little bit? You don't hate Rich Froning and Posse even a small little bit? I dislike how much people like Rich Froning.
Starting point is 01:07:18 God, I love Rich. No wonder you hate me. Are you sure you don't like anybody that's going to Mayhem and not HLBPO. Don't read the comments, Tom. We're talking to you. Jesus Christ. He's trying to find the one that says he isn't gay.
Starting point is 01:07:37 He's looking for that one. You're not going to find one. Hey, I made a living riding Rich's nuts. I don't appreciate it. Okay. Emma, let's talk about mayhem. not gonna find one hey i made a living riding rich's nuts i don't appreciate it okay uh emma thank you good thank you uh emma and nate and don uh emma carry uh nate ackerman uh the kid with games aspirations and and don or dom dom dom from uh bro i saw a video somewhere that those guys have arrived in Cookville, and I'm excited for them.
Starting point is 01:08:06 I'm excited to see how that turns out. I'm really excited about Emma Carey. Anything you want to say about that, Mr. Young? Will Emma Carey be the most successful female athlete ever at Macon? Who is currently? Who is currently the most successful ever? Oh, oh. Hey hey that's an interesting I would argue the Nistler and
Starting point is 01:08:29 Williamson but I agree I guess if we're talking about only individuals oh no Haley was 5th place hey Emma, Paige Powers, Bailey Rael and Haley Adams that's a fucking
Starting point is 01:08:44 that's a fucking... That's a stable of animals they got over there. I'm sure I'm leaving someone out. Who else they got? Women? Yeah. Victoria Campos.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Oh, yeah. But those other four are like staples. I think if you go there and you open the door, you're like, yep, there they are. She lives there now, or she did last year. I wonder if there's any threatened-ness
Starting point is 01:09:13 by Emma Carey, any cattiness. What do you call it? She'd have no experience of that. Facundo said that he pairs them off and doesn't't pair like he's he worked with fucking un or whatever in diplomacy and shit like so he's pretty good at this shit but he like paired them off he's he has all the different athletes paired off with other athletes that he
Starting point is 01:09:39 thinks will complement but not threaten but will work male male female weaknesses some male male um that i guess logan and roman are paired together uh well i think they're yeah from what he said they were kind of paired together because roman will say like let's go gym and logan will say okay they'll go um but i think he's pairing people with like, oh, that guy's really, really good at weightlifting, and that guy needs to work on his weightlifting, and the guy that needs to work on his weightlifting is insane at cardio, and this other guy needs to work on his cardio,
Starting point is 01:10:13 so let's put them two together. But then in other instances, he's pairing a male with a female to avoid that kind of button of heads. One of my sponsors reached out to me the other day and they said, holy shit. And I said, what? And they said, on the buildup to you filming the behind the scenes for the games, I thought you were joking or exaggerating when you said that people were trying to get it to stop you from going to the games and film the behind the scenes. I go, no, not at all.
Starting point is 01:10:47 and film the behind the scenes i go no not at all and um the the sponsor then said to me well i know you're not joking now because also of all sorts of shit that's swirling around right now with people calling your sponsors and trying to get you um us to stop being sponsors yeah so i just want to say to you the same thing happened when my instagram account was shadow banned people thought like i was just making it up and then all of a sudden they would follow me they would unfollow me or try to follow me or send me a dm and it would say are you sure you want to make contact with this person it is real dude like they're i should reach out to c4 and go hey guys have you been talking to anybody there's people out there who actively spend their time trying to hurt other people so it's not even like a little bit.
Starting point is 01:11:26 It's like a lot of it. Thank God for me it doesn't work. Dude, they're going straight to the sponsors. That's like me walking out of my house now, walking past a neighbor's house and seeing them jerking off in their living room and
Starting point is 01:11:41 standing looking in the window pointing and saying everyone come look at this. Hey, look at this guy's disgusting. And instead of just walking past the window and be like, oh fuck, I shouldn't have looked in there. And then maybe going home and telling my wife. Or reach in and pull the blinds. I don't like the metaphor because I'm not jerking off in my house.
Starting point is 01:11:58 I was hearing you say they're not even jerking off. Oh dude, I got a better one, Pedro. It's like you're walking around and you see the husband in his minivan jerking off and then you go inside one, Pedro. It's like you're walking around and you see the husband in his minivan jerking off and then you go inside and tell his wife. And his boss. Don't jerk off in the metaphor. Huh?
Starting point is 01:12:13 When have you ever been anti-jerking off in a joke? I just don't understand why it's the one place in your life where you have total control over what you see and don't see and what you have to look at and don't have to look at both to kiss a second instance but like you like they have full control like just unfollow block whatever you want to do but this shit of
Starting point is 01:12:39 like all right let's get out let's sharpen the pitchforks and like hey why are you not sharpening your pitchfork what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you a bigot? It's like, no, I just don't agree with what you're saying. It's like, well, fuck you. I'm going to burn your house to ground too. Hey, the pitchforks is a very good illustration. The pitchforks in front of the houses are a very good illustration. Yeah, who does that? Exactly. Who does that?
Starting point is 01:13:01 Not the good guys. The good guys don't ever come to your house with a pitchfork. All right. I think the show's over. Oh, let me ask you guys this. What do you guys think about Saxon Panchik's comeback? I mean, does he do it? You got a donation question there.
Starting point is 01:13:18 I think he's... Don't tell me what to do, Pedro. Don't get all fucking controlling. What? Say that again, yeah? What deems does he do it like what would be a comeback top 10 uh yeah I think he has to do more than come to the games I think we've expected him he carries the
Starting point is 01:13:36 name the Panchic name he if I'm going to be completely fair this isn't a dig at Spencer although it could be taken as one he was the heir apparent to Scott, right? And so is he going to do it? You know what I mean? Does he – yeah, is he going to do it?
Starting point is 01:13:53 Is he going to get back up and be a top 10 guy for the next five years? He's on the seven-year journey. I think he's capable of top 10, but it's right in that range, like 8 to 15. I know it's a big range, but that's what I see when I see Saxon. He's very well-rounded. He doesn't have very many holes. Yeah, but that 8 to 15 range. The top, I don't see him getting better than that, though.
Starting point is 01:14:24 But I do see him being top 10 around for the next five years unless he gets better. Hiller, do you see his injuries causing a problem? Does any part of you go through the same thing? The further away he gets from proven, the better. It's like Superman getting closer to the sun.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Why do you say that? Why don't you like they produced the greatest CrossFitter who ever lived? Training like Tia Toomey runs the greatest crossfitter who ever lived. I don't know if you guys can say it, but training like Tia Toomey runs the normal human being on the freaking floor and breaks their teeth. Joe, did you feel the same way at Mayhem when Rich was training there?
Starting point is 01:14:57 Who was running to the ground over there? I'm saying when Rich was training there. Well, he's admitted to running people into the ground Yes yeah You don't think Haley Has run into the ground No I think that she's been training for her entire life
Starting point is 01:15:14 And it just caught up to her You think she was retrained running to the ground I don't think she was Not by him But I think she takes responsibility for it I think she did it to herself. I think they were actually trying to tell her to train less. Uh,
Starting point is 01:15:28 yeah. Damn. I let no one talk shit about rich on this show ever a fucking again. Hiller made me look like a douche bag. When, when you pulled that clip that made, when, when,
Starting point is 01:15:44 when, uh, one of my guests said something about Rich and I didn't fucking stand up for him Tyler what do you think I don't want to talk about it Saxon
Starting point is 01:15:53 I mean Saxon Tyler Watkins from the Heat 1 app what do you think any concerns is this a new beginning for Saxon or is this the beginning of the end the Heat 1 app. What do you think? Any concerns? Is this a new beginning for Saxon, or is this the beginning of the end? He's been competing for 11 years.
Starting point is 01:16:12 If you count every year he's done the Open since 2014, this will be his 11th season. So you're getting towards the end of anyone that we know has trained that long and still remain competitive. To me, I like that he is training alone. I'm leaning more and more towards that being the style in which you train. You can go into a camp and get with some athletes and like, you know, play around for a couple of weeks and then come back out and go,
Starting point is 01:16:38 go back to training alone. I think that's, that's probably the way to do it. I think ultimately he needs to go home. I think they have a winning formula there, and he needs to go back under Scott's tutelage. But I understand why he's leaving. It's not. It's in Pennsylvania. It is now.
Starting point is 01:16:58 That's not where home is. That's where they're doing. That's where you sleep. Andy Schneider. Hypothetically, someone wins the games, then the next year says no to people training with them. Will they be scrutinized for it or praised for it? Hypothetically, someone wins the games,
Starting point is 01:17:15 then the next year says no to people training with them. What are you saying? Like if... Sorry, hypothetical. Is it Fraser? I've been doing it for years yeah if alexis you're saying that basically you win the games and all of a sudden you're like okay everyone who is here now you got to go i want it and i don't want you near me anymore that's what he's saying
Starting point is 01:17:35 or it's that you were training alone and then people want to train with you and you're like no thanks so my fraser yeah i think, I think it's fine. Whatever you do year to year. Yeah. I mean, it's your journey. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:52 But I'm okay with that. Yeah. Uh, big, uh, big, uh, Baca 99.
Starting point is 01:18:00 That's Susan. This is, it's female Susan. It's Suzanne. I thought it was Asia. I thought it was Asia Barto for a second. I got a better one. It is Sousa. That's female Sousa. It's Suzanne. I thought it was Asia. I thought it was Asia Barto for a second. I got a better one. You see a movie clip someone posted and call out that person to the world saying they're toxic.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Oh, shit. Who's the hybrid girl? Steffi Cohen. Female Sousa looks like Steffi Cohen. Oh, wow. Hybrid girl. That's the name of her company okay no her her company is called hybrid yeah yeah i know yeah it took me a second yeah i knew where that was going jesus uh rich posted
Starting point is 01:18:35 um blm's black square on ig and tried to burn greg rich can oh no no no no no did they take the masks off of the mayhem website yet did rich really post black square i don't think he did i don't remember that i remember can i address the mayhem hater thing real quick yeah yeah go ahead go ahead i know you're not i know you're not a mayhem hater by the way go ahead i just said saxon's perfectly capable of top 10 rome roman's gonna be my pick to win the games all year unless something crazy happens. And I'm the only one who's talked about Paige Powers as if she's not a back note.
Starting point is 01:19:11 I'm not a Mayhem hater. I just don't care for how much Rich gets sucked off by the rest of y'all. That's the only thing. I think it's getting crowded down here around his cock and balls. What's that Shakespeare quote from me? Think the lady doth protest too much? It's like he's making way too
Starting point is 01:19:34 big of a deal. I'm like, I don't hate them, I swear. I swear I don't hate them. Kenneth DeLapp, read the comments before you pull them up. I can't. I can't read them before I pull them up. I legitimately can't read them before you pull them up. I can't. I can't read them before I pull them. I legitimately can't read them before you pull them up. Question for Hiller. Mary Fuckkill.
Starting point is 01:19:52 Mike Wittius. Mikey Wittius. Michael Wittus. Michael Wittus. The Fittest Victim. Danny Spiegel. I like that one. Theest victim or or mr uh uh i think it's hip and steel happen steel sounds like he's hepatitis hip and steel i'm marrying hip and still he don't have long to live so i get whatever i'm marrying
Starting point is 01:20:20 hip and steel as well i'm relative relative to group, Tyler. Relative to the group. Yeah, that's fair. That's fair. You're going to go with Spiegel to bang because, like, female. And then the dwarf is done. Sexist. And she can make money off of that, too. So it's a win-win.
Starting point is 01:20:40 How? I'm not paying. Oh, OnlyFans. OnlyFans. You'll be a part of it. How? I'm not paying. Oh, OnlyFans. OnlyFans. God, a Hiller Spiegel OnlyFans. Holy shit. That's Fit Wars, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:20:55 Stranger things have happened, dude. Like what? I'm just telling you. I literally don't think they have those, Ivan. I don't think anything stranger than that has ever happened. Dude, stranger things have happened, I'm telling you. I would love to watch just Hiller hit on Danny Spiegel,
Starting point is 01:21:12 and just see what happens. That would be so funny to me. All right. I appreciate you guys being on, quick show tonight, thank you very much. John, thanks for, seriously, thanks for being on. Quick show tonight. Thank you very much. John, seriously, thanks for coming on. Pedro, thanks for staying up.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Mr. Watkins from Heat1App, thank you. Hiller Fit, I'm really, really, really looking forward to your next video. Dude, the intro. I'm really, really, really, really looking forward to that. It's the movie I Am Legend. Is that with Will Smith? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:53 What are you doing out here, Fred? It's funny. I think it's funny, of course. How long are you in the penalty box? I don't know. Probably maybe forever. They might dump it forever. Kenneth DeLapp, what the hell happened to the catcher And coming on the show it seems so close
Starting point is 01:22:10 So in all fairness Like I have to get up pretty Fucking like high That's your cancelled account Oh we're reviewing your info Oh that's cool I have to get pretty high like when I approach her And every time I approach her she's like something happens all legitimate shit so like the last time i
Starting point is 01:22:29 approach her you know what i mean by i have to get pretty high like it it's gonna be like you take you take crack yeah it's gonna it's gonna be like uh yeah it's gonna be like doing right before i do fran to have her on it's gonna be like this this um you gotta take a little bump coming yeah it's gonna be like this coming to jesus moment right facing like you know a character high profile it's in my life yeah like that but different but like that yeah it's in the flight fight or fuck you know kind of category of like where you get that adrenaline burst so um so then right after the games we talked and then she's like hey i'm going to africa and then she told me the date she was coming back and i said okay we'll do something then she said yeah that sounds great and then i've kind of locked it out because i feel really good where the relationship's at and
Starting point is 01:23:11 i kind of don't want to fuck it up or like just never talk to her again i don't know i just like where it's at like it's good it's good and i'm just kind of cruising on autopilot i'm just chilling just chilling just just fighting the good fight. Spreading the love. All right, guys. Very disappointing 15 seconds here. She's like, oh, hi, guys. It's like, all right, we're done.
Starting point is 01:23:32 All right. Hi, Audrey. What the? Stefan, come on the show, catch, and I can't. I'm going to Mars. Love you guys. See you guys tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:23:46 You guys gotta see this. What? Oh. Oh, shit. Wow. Wow. Oh, shit. I forgot to end the stream. Okay.

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