The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Update Show w/ Young, Watkins, Howell

Episode Date: June 29, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you. I'm watching the, uh, remember the crazy Hawaiian I had on the world heavyweight in the power slap competition? Oh, yeah. Yeah, he's going right now. And it is fucking wild. It's round three. They've each hit each other. He's been hit three times and the Russian's been hit. I think that's a Russian, Polish dude, whatever. Non-American. Oh my god. They've each been slapped so hard three times i can't even believe i can't imagine getting
Starting point is 00:00:26 slapped that hard oh my god how many rounds is this shit welcome to the crossfit games update show john young in the center uh well it's kind of i don't even know if it's across the games update show i was thinking the other day if jr wouldn't come on today it would just be the rip off of the spin show how many weeks have you guys done consecutively now? It's over 52. You guys are fucking. What? For a spin? Yeah. Spin show.
Starting point is 00:00:49 We've never missed a week. We've never missed a week. Wednesdays. You can't even say that. You can't even say that about kill Taylor, Tyler. He sees it. Down in the bottom of the red shirt.
Starting point is 00:01:02 See beaver upper left-hand corner. Who Jr. Doesn't even look like you. What's going on, where are you buddy I'm in my office but we've had a lot of Renovation done lately so it's a little bit Disheveled in here Didn't you normally work out In front of the
Starting point is 00:01:17 Or do podcasts in front of like a fireplace Or a window or some shit Living room I have before, yeah I only do that for big shows like when rich was on okay this is this is your more casual show correct hopefully we'll be firing this back up we'll be regular on Fridays
Starting point is 00:01:37 I just have to we have too many like passion projects going too many shit too many shows going tomorrow 8 a.m. kill Taylor 8 a.m uh kill taylor uh 8 a.m pacific standard time prize money this week 1500 uh best live calling show we've ever done was this morning caleb and i did it absolutely amazing uh we had it was pretty good we had dalton rostel and thank you tyler we had dalton rosta on and uh alex kazan the first bit of the show uh absolutely wild show so fun so many so many great topics
Starting point is 00:02:06 and we got down we really uh i understand the demographic of the audience do you feel like you we you don't understand the demographic much better now boy do i yeah i i figured out pretty quick they say you're supposed to i i've completely alienated 50% of my fan base. At least. That's just the loud minority. Those are the ones that are willing to admit their relationship with the Cheerio. There were several times today I was in a coffee shop listening, and I laughed out loud.
Starting point is 00:02:40 I was that weirdo just giggling. I was like, wow. You know it's good when you just go ahead and laugh anyway oh my goodness my dad wanted me to send him a link to a show just a random show that he should listen to if it was going to be his first one should it be that one yes oh absolutely yes you should tell him to start at the 90 minute mark if he's not into ufc and crossfit okay boy oh. It was a show about politics and human behavior. We had a poll. We had a poll going. The whole show was insane.
Starting point is 00:03:10 That was probably the tightest poll we've ever had. Tightest poll. It was. We had like 2,000 live viewers by the end of the show. Did the poll have something to do with tightness? Yes. It was comparing two things that what what uh what what do
Starting point is 00:03:27 you think is more gross this or this and i thought it was like a shoe win it was fucking 50 50 i was like wow it was contentious it was contentious i thought maybe caleb and i was gonna be the last show we did together because caleb and I were on opposing opposing sides We went at it man. Yeah shows the Republicans and Democrats can get along. That's right Which one's which? No one knows. I think I was definitely on the god. It's hard to say It's hard to say I think I know Okay, um, uh okay um uh let's let's start with the um uh the the drugs first um people popped
Starting point is 00:04:11 are we surprised so so four people have popped so far yep and just so far good catch on that so far four four people pop so far okay what do you mean by that tyler have they said that there's more coming or that it's not? They haven't said that. South America hasn't came in yet. Right. Okay. And does anyone care? Like, what are the implications?
Starting point is 00:04:33 Like, I personally don't care other than outside the implications that it shuts people up who say that we don't test. But, like, I don't judge these guys. Like, whatever. You're doing what you have to do to win. And then after that, do you care or not care? Is it weird that three of them are from the Asian continent? I don't even know if they're from the Asian continent. They're from the Asian semifinal.
Starting point is 00:04:53 JR, do you care that people are doing drugs or not? You're kind of a purist, right? You're a competitor. You don't like them doing it. Well, I would never be so naive to think that whenever money and competition is involved, that people won't do what they can to get an edge. Okay, so you don't hate these people. They could still come to your house and have dinner and shit.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Yeah. But also, do you think it's important that they get caught or weeded out just to level the playing field? For sure, I think so. The show me and Taylor did about about an hour ago you guys have a show he said he said he said something about um these athletes getting popped and i was like uh are they gonna send an invite to you and seth because if so i'm all for it oh okay taylor probably hates cheaters like i he does does, but he's become a huge Ricky fan also, which I think is pretty cool. Oh, interesting. Yeah, because I've heard him say one time it came up about whether someone cheated on their wife or not, and right away he just fucking hated the guy.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Oh, yeah. He doesn't tolerate – he doesn't like cheating in that realm at all. he doesn't tolerate, he doesn't like cheating in that realm at all. Okay. Uh, John Young, um, uh,
Starting point is 00:06:09 the guys that got caught, uh, surprised that they're all from Asia. And, uh, does it give you a faith in the testing, testing process? Um,
Starting point is 00:06:18 well, I mean, I think we'll, I don't think, I think if we'll see more pop drug tests, not the fact that they're all from Asia. I don't think that's a true statement. I think Asia's are just the first to come out.
Starting point is 00:06:31 They were the first semifinal that went, weren't they? Maybe, but the conventional wisdom, I don't know if that's right. The popular line to say about drug testing is that the top guys don't do it. Only the bottom guys do it. And here we have the top three guys do it. But since they're from Asia, they're really the bottom 1,000 guys. As a dear friend of mine says, the Asian athletes are cocksuckers. Meaning in his vernacular, let me translate for you, they suck.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Those aren't your words. I really don't care about anybody that popped. I just think that they've lost their right to have that many people be sent to the games. You had this is the most people they've
Starting point is 00:07:19 ever gotten to send to the games. I don't care what the method was to get there. This was the most people that they got to send to the games i don't care what the method was to get there this was the most people that they got to send to the games and they wasted that chance and i think there should be one person from asia for the next four years and that should be the punishment because y'all can't freaking get your stuff together you're fucking wild you're insane you are wild john young why are you kidding me you are wild tell me why i just i mean i i i it's it's a it's a pretty big slap down there's a process in there those individuals it's some it's like you you want to punish the group for uh the what the individuals
Starting point is 00:08:01 did the top the three of the top four. Very southern of you. Is that what you were going to say? No, it's very North Korean of me. Listen, that's what the liberals do. That's what the liberals do. If it was one person, if it was Ivan and that was it, and he won, right? If it was one person, then that's fine.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Give that guy a ban. But the fact that it was already too many people you're the reason heat one is gonna suck at the games right and three of the top four guys like the person at backfields too we can't even go to that person because he popped too it was the same way with like the team it was the same way whenever the the top, like seven teams in South America pop, they lose their right to have a team. Then I don't know where you want to make the line. I think you can go case by case.
Starting point is 00:08:51 If you're CrossFit, if they've done more weird things than that, I literally think Asia should get one spot. And if three of the top four South Americans pop, which I'm guessing they're going to, they should only get one spot too. John, John, there's like a shaming component here you're going for. Let me give you an example of where I see where I see it play out my day to day life.
Starting point is 00:09:12 My kid goes to tennis practice. There's 10 kids in the class. If you show up late to tennis class, all the kids have to run lines. And what that's to do is it's to put pressure on everyone to show up on time. Or if you talk while the teacher's talking, he stops and everyone runs sprints. So what you're saying is that as a continent, they should all be punished. They should all be on the same team and be policing themselves. I'm trying to understand your rationale.
Starting point is 00:09:41 It's like let's say your wife's sister cheats on her husband and your husband has to slap her across the face he's like John you slapped your wife too because she's she's related to her like wait I disagree with that you'd be like wait a second all the girls in the family need to be slapped because sister a cheated that's a way different okay all right but same but still same. Thank you, Tyler. Same thing. Okay. Let's not go too far into this.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Tyler Watkins, what do we know? You were saying that all the tests haven't been in. Have they said either way? Are we just making an assumption or do we know? We're making an assumption based on time. John's right. Asia was first. What I think is most telling, or there's two interesting parts of this for me,
Starting point is 00:10:24 is one, that most of them pop for gw um it's a cheap drug that that's the one that ricky did is that and you're a ball yes yeah okay well except ivan ivan was sold as a thousand drugs oh whatever he got spiked with it was like yeah he was doing things that spiked his drink did he have did he have trend in his hill told me Tren's so strong that you could be in the room with your girlfriend for 24 hours and still accuse her of cheating on you in the last 12. He says it's just a fucking crazy drug. Yeah. Was he on Tren?
Starting point is 00:10:55 I don't know if he was on Tren. He was on a lot more than everybody else. Okay. He was on a 1516, a 15... Androstan 171. He was on a one five one six a one five Androstan 171 he was on a 3a hydroxy to methyl. Oh, is that what you're on? No That's a that's the fourth place finisher. You got to go up for Ivan. Oh And then There Ivan was sulfolone sulfoxide
Starting point is 00:11:23 Endurabal, LGD, dehydroxyl LGD, and metabolites. He's on all the stuff you can get on. He don't give a fuck. They're all cheap drugs. And so it's like, yeah, you're saying the low ones get caught because they're using cheap drugs. You could play devil's advocate and say, well, the top guys don't get caught because they're using cheap drugs. You could play devil's advocate and say,
Starting point is 00:11:46 well, the top guys don't get caught because they know how to play the game. They're doing expensive drugs or they're cycling off correctly, different or a combination of all that. Or you could say we have a different culture here. You could also say that. Where we're of a higher integrity. Well, I don't even think it's higher integrity. If you sign up to play for the sport, I don't care what your is i agree it says you cannot take this if you take it you're done
Starting point is 00:12:09 you're i agree but but but these countries they're selling this shit at 7-eleven yeah they sell cocaine on the street in detroit that doesn't mean i can just buy it okay okay let me so the the second thing that I think is interesting about this is Tyler Lee popping because he's on a team that has Mayhem in its name. That would chat my ass a little bit, and I would start putting restrictions on Mayhem in the name. Oh, if you were rich. Yeah, I'd be like, nope.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Oh, for the team, for for the team how do you decide that you pay what do you mean programming yeah but it's you're to me representing the programming and and representing the gym are two different things i don't i would be a lot more restrictive on it if i were rich i don't want to tell him how to run his business what do you mean tyler they pop once now they can't use the name Mayhem now. I feel like you should have to apply to use the name. And it's just not good publicity. No.
Starting point is 00:13:15 You have to be vetted every time you want to apply to be a Mayhem team. Yeah, it'd be the same if I said that I worked for C4. It's like, I can't just say that. Am I supposed to talk? JR, I was interested in what JR might think about this. Using the Mayhem name, JR? Yeah, I think it's a cool point that you bring up, where
Starting point is 00:13:38 you have all these people tangentially who you're kind of connected to. If any of them reached out and said, hey, we want to come do games training at mayhem he would welcome them all with open arms just not even knowing who they were and this i would say maybe more than anything else would call into question like should i be that way should i be so um should i be so welcoming should i be so like carefree about anyone slapping my brand on their team name and not really knowing what kind of morals and um how they're made up ethically does that mean we need to bring the affiliate cut back
Starting point is 00:14:19 i i don't think anyone's taking us uh jeff Bako how can all of you guys be so anti-steroids are you really that soy I don't think anyone's anti or pro steroids I think everyone is pro rules well I mean on my part I would agree with that I don't care what you do
Starting point is 00:14:41 like I remember Fraser he said it in the documentary whenever they threw Ricky under the bus I don't care what you do like i remember fraser he said it in the documentary whenever they threw ricky under the bus i don't care what you do if you want to do all the steroids in the world go get it the second you sign up for a competition that says you're not allowed to do this then you're a bad person okay uh so these guys popped and uh more to come. And there's no one surprised that it came, that it's from Asia. Have we ever had a top three of the top? These are three of the top four, right?
Starting point is 00:15:12 South America had the top seven teams pop. Oh shit. That's the, that's the most we've ever seen. Like on the teams, they had to go to the seventh place team to find a team that didn't was somebody wasn't on stuff. All right.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I bring this up just because people like to post right away about their issues. And Jessica collegian made this post. She says, when arriving to athlete check-in syndicate crown, I was informed Northern spirit. They did not have my registered information or my clothing questionnaire. Northern spirit said they had several athletes that slipped through
Starting point is 00:15:46 the cracks and would do the best they could for the uniforms for the weekend i was told i would eventually receive the athlete tanks with my name or them or on them just as the other athletes i reached out to syndicate team a week ago and this was kyle's response um and the response was our team reached out to northern spirit unfortunately they aren't they aren't able to fill the request request. Sorry, we weren't able to make that happen for you. And then it says it's your mess up. Just do what you say you're going to do and fix it for fuck's sake. Now. In the end, what we ended up finding out was, is that Jessica Collegian turned in her information late. finding out was is that Jessica Collegian uh Collegian uh turned in her information late that there was a deadline for her to put in her shirt size or bra size or a cup size whatever
Starting point is 00:16:29 and she turned it in late and so that's why it fell through the cracks and there are systems in place for these people but this thing where people rush to post stuff uh it was the same thing with uh Sean Woodland I think it was a, even though I'm really disappointed, and I still don't believe that he's actually not going to do the games. This rush to post, I think everyone should take a page out of Paige Power's book when she got that huge penalty for the step-ups, and
Starting point is 00:16:56 she held back. Go ahead, and don't talk about it. Or just chill. Or just chill. She sent her response asking about it, and they never Or just chill. She said her response to asking about it, and they said, sorry, can't do anything about it. What are you supposed to do after that? You mean besides just run out and post?
Starting point is 00:17:16 Yeah. You're like, I tried to resolve the issue, and they said they won't resolve the issue, so what do you want them to do? She went the professional route first. I'll side with Caleb on this one. But she was wrong. She misrepresented. She asked for the solution to be provided. They said there would be no solution.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Right. And so she said, okay, what the hell? But the error was her fault. She may have. Yeah, sure. Right. I would say 50-50. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Yeah, she may have responded late and they didn't get it to her right away. If your dog's missing, go ahead and make an Instagram post about it. Put a picture of your dog up. You took 40th place at the semifinals. Just chill. Well, hey, how long does your dog need to be missing before you post? Two days. How long the number of coyotes in your neighborhood? You've got a responsibility.
Starting point is 00:18:05 To your dog? You go out there and you find that dog. Yeah, I'm coming to the streets, baby. I'm on foot. I'm in the car. I got you, JR. Our dog at 8 o'clock at night we noticed was missing. At 1 in the morning, I got all of its bowls and shit together and its leashes and its
Starting point is 00:18:25 food and i put it in a bag and i was getting ready to throw it away i'm like fuck the dog got out that fast though yeah that fast and then in the morning i got went out and opened the car and the dog was in there shivering fucking mess for almost frozen to death i fucking got locked in the car overnight you're not allowed to tell dog stories ever again south at least i didn't shoot my dog but you did have to you did have to ride with him dead in the car for a really really long period of time oh it's worse yeah yeah i think about that dude that story that's ridiculous it is ridiculous and about two hours after the dog died, like it dropped to just a big runny deuce on my wife's lap.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Cause she was holding it. I've had a dog. I've had, I've had one of my dogs die in my hands. And like, I watched his eyes like fade and it was, it was dramatic. I would much rather do that 10 more times than have to go through what you
Starting point is 00:19:20 went through. It's a seven hour car ride home. And the kids are like, it's a seven-hour car ride home, and the kids are like, he's got to spend one more night in the room with us. Oh, my goodness. I'm like, no. Cry. Okay. Friday night, 8 p.m., Farrington Field.
Starting point is 00:19:37 The free workout on Friday night. I have questions. Is this the first workout of the CrossFit Games? It's not said that it's the first event and I don't think it will be. No. Do the games start on Thursday, JR, or Friday? Friday for individuals, correct?
Starting point is 00:20:01 Yeah. Thursday for games? They've been advertising the 8th to the 11th i mean that doesn't mean that individuals have to start i i would be shocked if this was the first scored event of the 2024 crossfit games august 8th is a thursday i think it'll be the amount that would be so you think they'll have two events before we go out on the first day. They'll have three events at least. I think it'll be the – actually, you know what? I think the swim is going to be first,
Starting point is 00:20:31 and then they will have two scored events during this workout. The alleged swim. Okay. How many events are going to be at the CrossFit Games this year, bare minimum? Let's agree on a number, bare minimum. Twelve. Twelve.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Okay, so you're saying that if the games don't start until Friday, they'll be four, four, and four? Four on Friday, four on Saturday, four on Sunday? Not necessarily. I would say like three, five, four. I think there'll be at least one time where they take the floor and get scored for two events. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:06 But maybe only one. Why are you guys so sure there won't be an event on Thursday? I think there will be on Thursday. Oh, okay. So that gives us four days. So that gives us four days. Yeah, I don't think Friday will be the first day of competition. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:19 So you think there'll be a competition on the 8th, and then there'll be a competition on the 9th. Okay. So do we agree that won't be the first competition, first event? Yes. Okay, then my next question is this. If they're going to have all these people come out here to an off-site venue? It's going to be a spectacle. And it's going to be free.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Or it's not. John? Okay, we'll start with you, jr what are the implications of that does that mean it's going to be for sure a 30 minute workout or it's going to be two 10 minute workout i think i think the idea that they're going to open it up to a huge crowd and do it for free that the because of that it's going to be something crazy like sexy and cool i think is not simple you don't know the games if you think that yeah but i don't think they are talking about what do you mean i then i don't know the games why not you're not gonna do dave has doubled and tripled and quadrupled down on this idea especially in the last few years because he's been a lot more forthcoming with information and he's been much more willing to talk about things that it is not about the things in the event that he wants to focus on
Starting point is 00:22:31 or that ever should be the focus it's the athletes and their performance that will make the show what it is so they could they could run a mile on that track and they could do it in three or four heats and it could just be run a mile for time and that would be as exciting okay as some crazy amount of workouts and that's what i mean by spectacle i'm saying whatever is that what you mean by spectacle that it's gonna be really simple whatever they do i think it's gonna be awesome that's what it's gonna be a crowd pleaser though it's gonna be a crowd pleaser though It's going to be a crowd pleaser They're not going to do broad jump I think it will be Really really really exciting and fun to watch
Starting point is 00:23:10 But I don't think that that means That it won't be really simple What's the definition of a spectacle? Where we get to see them basically Some sort of good climax We're going to see a foot race at the end It's going to be tight There'll be a mass start
Starting point is 00:23:23 There'll be opportunity for them to make contact just things things like that where there's good every seat in the house is a good seat um there's people there who this will be their only chance to see crossfit live at the highest level because it's free and so there has to be some sort of attention tension spectacle there'll be observable tension and easy to follow what if it was just an elimination style bracket of the oklahoma drill no they all get pads and we just let them go well our fort worth community will love it that's about it listen that whatever video that comes on youtube we have the most views out of any crossfit event ever if they ever post it if yeah uh good point uh jr do you have a prediction for this event do you have to assume
Starting point is 00:24:12 that the track will be used the 400 meter track i don't think you have to assume that um but one of my predictions is that there would be a hill or stairs used at the games this year. And, I mean, this venue makes that very possible, having stairs. It would also and could also be a way to get the fans a little bit more up close and personal with the athletes. I know being at West Coast, seeing them exit the floor, going up the steps and being able to like high five the fans was really cool experience for them. In years past, we had the berm, so they would have to kind of run in between the fans getting up and out of wherever they were going to go to run the berm. Like that would be that would be a scenario where they could have the athletes working out really, really close to the spectators. But no, in general, I think this workout will be very simple i could
Starting point is 00:25:07 see it being a like rounds of cindy slash murph whatever style with like possibly with a ruck um where it's like it's very very easy to watch you could have a progression down the field but i i could also see them doing something really, really simple like a Pyramid Double Helen type workout where they use the track and it's just pull-ups and kettlebell swings, something like that. I could see it just being really simple. You think they could do like a track triplet 2.0? Yeah, I think Brian Spinn has said that he could kind of see that being revisited.
Starting point is 00:25:43 I think that would be awesome. Something like that would be really, really cool. I mean, as far as moments go at the game, Sevan probably remembers filming it, the finish between Spieler and Holmberg, where they basically dove across the finish line. I mean, that was one of the most memorable finishes ever in an event. I agree. That was wild.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Heidi Kroom, Lamp Fund. Is that for JR? Peter's not on the show. Oh, it's for me. I agree. That was wild. Heidi Kroom, Lamp Fund. Is that for JR? Peter's not on the show. Oh, it's for me. Thank you. Very kind of you, Heidi. Okay. Mass start event, boys and girls together? I don't think so. So it's starting at
Starting point is 00:26:19 9 Eastern, correct? Yeah. Do you think that's more to get? Yes. Do you think that's more to get? Yes. Do you think that's more to get? Because I'm interested what you guys think about this. Is that more a, hey, let's get it as cool as possible for the athletes? Or what I think it is is it's going to be a mass start. Either all the guys and all the girls together or all the guys in one heat,
Starting point is 00:26:42 all the girls in another heat. I think the temperature does play a big role. It could be both. If it's's a long event like you think it's going to be like a murph cindy style and it's you know 30 minutes of them doing you know working out on the field like it might be a mass star and they wanted to wait for it to be cool the first thing i think about when you have a venue this big is watchability though so if you have a mass start with 80 athletes it needs to be perfect to where all the all the fans can see what's going on and i i think that's hard at that venue yeah really uh with with i think that that that venue is going to offer great uh visibility with just with that many athletes is all i'm saying with the stands it's perfect but you know it just gets it gets jumbled when there with that many athletes is all I'm saying. With the stands, it's perfect, but
Starting point is 00:27:25 it just gets jumbled when there's that many athletes. You can't track anyone. Time domain? Time domain? I think it's going to be long. 20 to 30? Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. If I had to bet,
Starting point is 00:27:43 I would say long, but also, I think the shorter, the more fun it is to watch as a spectator. I think you could see multiple short events. Oh, multiple? I mean, I would like that. Like two scored events, but they're just shorter, and then they stack on top of each other however you end up doing it. With the cost-cut saving measures, with just the logistics,
Starting point is 00:28:09 we don't expect to show up there in the field to look any different, right? We've ruled out anything besides boxes or some slugs or piggies or whatever. We don't expect any rigs, right? We don't expect pull-up bars, things of that nature. I think you could see that stuff. Why wouldn't you be able to? Just because it's going to be a one-time event, it's going to be there. That seems like a lot of extra work and cost
Starting point is 00:28:36 to get that over there. Or no, it's nothing for Rogue. They just load up a semi and drag it over there. I think Rogue has done more for less. They made a whole obstacle course for an elimination two-minute event. Yeah, but they owned that entire facility for that weekend at that time. But as far as work power and stuff, I think them putting stuff on the field is not going to be that hard to do,
Starting point is 00:29:00 especially if they take it off. This is on a Friday night. especially if they take it off. This is on a Friday night. And then what about maybe this is the event what about this being the event where they introduce a new piece of equipment? Like a snail. They usually
Starting point is 00:29:16 wait till later in the weekend to unveil new equipment, right? Is there a norm to that? Yeah, they typically don't do it on one of the first two days it's usually on saturday where they do something new well sunday's usually crossfit and saturday's usually like we're gonna do unique stuff if they use the field as a way to tell the story which i'm sure that they will the chances of seeing them use it lengthwise is a lot lower than width-wise. I think that view that you just showed, there's a lot more likely scenario that you have that split into 20 lanes
Starting point is 00:29:57 or even more, and you do it that way, versus having something done on a 100-yard plane. I think it's more likely you see it with the field turn the other way. I didn't even know dogs that small could bark. Do you think we could name all of the announcers for individual events from the last five years
Starting point is 00:30:20 at the CrossFit Games? Who's we? The five of us. Like broadcasters? Yeah, broadcasters. Yeah, for sure. Tell me who they are. Sean? Bill?
Starting point is 00:30:36 Bill's done it in the last five years. Individual events? Has Bill done it in the last five years? Has Tommy done it in the last five years has tommy done it in the last five years individual okay uh so we have sean and tommy uh who else has done it adrian adrian adrian he's done individual yep uh is so uh chase is in there Is Bill in there or not Last five years Katie come on help us out here Katie I'm gonna say yes
Starting point is 00:31:10 Yes fuckers That's confirmed 2019 Who's Jason Kalipa What's the most people We could have in a poll Caleb Oh Oh, okay. What's the most people we get? What's the most people we could have in a poll?
Starting point is 00:31:27 Caleb thanks, probably. Oh Hold on. Did y'all say the Stacey Tovar Tovar? Oh, yeah That way Tovar did in has done individual last year. Y'all remember complaining about I remember 24 7 I don't think Mike Arsenault, I think, hasn't done. He's an on-the-field guy. That's not a commentator. What's the most people we could have in a poll? Let's load this up, Caleb. We're going to do a poll.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Best. Four. We can get four. Okay. Best CrossFit Games commentators. Let's do Sean. Don't do Tommy. Let's do Sean and Stacy Tovar.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Let's just do two. You just want two? No, I'm joking. Are you going to come up with a Mount Rushmore? What if we use Sean, Tommy, Chase, and Bill? That's good. Let's do that. That's probably the best four.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Tommy Marquez, Chase. And Bill Grundler. It's too bad you can't rank them. You just have to pick the best one. Yeah, correct. Yeah, that's too bad. We had to pay extra for that on the Heat One app. For ranking?
Starting point is 00:32:39 Okay, and we'll check that out. Okay, this show, the meat and potatoes of this show are going to be Dave Castro's interviews that he's been doing. Which I cannot believe. I cannot believe how much I'm enjoying them more than I thought they would. I'd waited until today to really start powering through them. There's some crazy implications. Wow. We're today to really start powering through them. There's some crazy implications. Wow, we're off to a start. There's some crazy implications of Dave doing these interviews
Starting point is 00:33:13 that I've witnessed right away. Just because of Dave's reaction and his response. JR, do you agree with me before I go into more detail on what they are? Have you watched any of these yet? And I'll be playing some clips. Yeah, I have watched some of them. And what do you think is happening to Dave? Do you think he's going through a transformation?
Starting point is 00:33:35 No, I think he's having a lot of fun putting people in uncomfortable situations and seeing what they'll say. John Young, do you have any thoughts on have you watched any of these uh yeah i've watched two of them i feel like dave is trying to buddy buddy to the athletes a little more than he normally has in the past like a lot more like he's learning their names and like not insulting them yes yes uh tyler uh what do you see happening i had some theories about this first but it seems more genuine than i than i expected much more genuine it feels like he really wants to do this basically he's gotten soft yes
Starting point is 00:34:21 to do this. Basically, he's gotten soft. Yes. Wow, really? Hang it up. I disagree. I 100% disagree. He's gotten very soft, but I don't think it's a bad thing. But go ahead, JR. Why do you disagree? I don't think it's a bad thing either, guys. JR, why don't you
Starting point is 00:34:37 think he's getting soft? I think he kind of just wants to see what they're working with. Mentally. I think he wants to see if they'll ask him questions. I think he wants to see if uh they'll ask him questions i think if they ask him questions he'll deduce from that kind of where they might be worrying about things or what they might be um hoping does or doesn't come out like i think he's i think he's just assessing a little bit i don't think he's the research you think it's a fishing expedition yeah i think it's a little bit of a research think he's a research you think it's a fishing expedition yeah i think it's
Starting point is 00:35:05 a little bit of a research like i think a lot of people um when they compete can know the guys that they can just scratch off the list of guys who may be potential threats just based on how they react after one workout or after an announcement or because of the weather or because the pull-up bars are slippery or because they said we can't use grips this year or whatever. So I think he's kind of doing the same thing. Who do I want to keep an eye on? Yeah, Caleb? Do you know how devious it is to just have a friendly conversation with somebody you have essentially ultimate control over?
Starting point is 00:35:42 You know what I mean? He's the director of the CrossFit Games. He's the one coming up with all of the workouts, all of the events that these people have to go through. If you know the psyche of all of these individual athletes,
Starting point is 00:35:57 you have an understanding of what they're scared of, what they feel like they're ready for, what they've been training. Oh, no. no starlink ladies and gentlemen elon purchase your starlink now no 1-800 starlink when he gets back i have a question for him code caleb here's what i think uh thank you caleb caleb do you think that's why he hasn't interviewed Tia then because Tia is kind of like you ain't nothing bro
Starting point is 00:36:29 I don't know I think that I honestly I think he's trying to keep it random he's very random about it I think yeah I think he's gonna get to Tia he went he just had the way he was talking with Saxon he's like oh I'm at the airport you want to start this he's like yeah sure fuck it let's go so he's just I don't think it's, sure. Fuck it. Let's go. So he's just... I don't think
Starting point is 00:36:45 it's a sequential thing. I think he's just trying to talk to people. He's like, hey, if you're available, let's do it. Which seems anti him that he would think this out a little bit more than that. And that's... You don't think he would?
Starting point is 00:37:02 I just think whenever he has time, he just goes, he's like, hey, fuck it. Let's do it. I agree with that. I agree with that with what Caleb is saying. But like Dave's always been colder than he is now. Larry Young, poll answer.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Bill motherfucking Grunland. Bill motherfucking Grunland. Get him out there. That should buy Bill like 100 votes for 10 bucks. Grunland bill motherfucking Grunler. Get him out there. That, that should give by bill, like a hundred votes for 10 bucks. Someone paid money to get bill. Yeah. Bill's the shit.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Okay. Uh, here's what I think is happening to him. I think that maybe what Jr is saying is true and what Caleb is saying is true, but I think they are affecting him more than he expected. And, uh, I,
Starting point is 00:37:44 I, I, this is a pretty interesting version of Dave we're seeing. This is with Sahar Khai. She's tickled to be talking to Dave. Here we go. But I don't think we've met or spent any time talking, have we?
Starting point is 00:37:58 No, actually, I saw you because you said you were talking to someone and I was like, Oh, I really want to talk to him. So this year I will be tougher. Yeah. We'll, we'll talk more this year. This is cool because this is kind of like the intent of this series that I'm doing for me personally and professionally is to actually get a moment to
Starting point is 00:38:24 spend time and talk to some of you the people that i don't know um before actually showing up there in uh in texas for the games jr she touched his heart yeah you could tell he was flattered by that i think more than go ahead sorry john do you think it's just him evolving as a person and just wanting to connect? He's like, no, he's never wanted to connect with the daughter now.
Starting point is 00:38:53 I mean, he, that kind of shit. So yeah, sure. Yeah. I mean, he's never wanted to connect with the athletes before,
Starting point is 00:39:00 except for the best ones. And he knows, he knows it's over. And now I'm like, now he's trying to's over and now i'm like now he's trying to connect with uh you know he's trying to get through as many as he can this is the last train he's he's just gonna enjoy it on his way out oh no shit you think it's the last train wow you think this is it you think he's just like this is last train moves if you if you think about it through that lens no you've never smelled the flowers
Starting point is 00:39:25 before and you're like you know what i'm gonna smell the flowers they made a documentary about brooke and she's still going she's uh that's she's very resilient that day very interesting perspective uh tyler yeah in your final years you look more you spend more time looking at sunsets uh jr you think they're having any you think they're having an effect on him that he wasn't expecting? No. Okay. Saxon Pancheck interview. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:39:54 This is fascinating. This is really good here. Here we go. Do you think we should do a 30 to 34 year old division? Nah. Nah. Do you? That's do a 30 to 34-year-old division? Nah. Nah. Yeah. Nah. Do you?
Starting point is 00:40:08 That's good. No, but I've thought about it. I've thought, like, because there is a gap. So, like, let's say you stop at 30, 31. There's a competitive gap of three to four years before you can come back and do the 35. I guess taking the time off might be nice and or switching and doing team or something like that. I got a question for you. Did you ever consider doing team? Would you ever consider doing team in the off season and letting individuals make their own teams and do both? Yes. Yes. I guess I've never really talked about it, but I thought, I guess this is the first time I've talked about it.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Seriously, separating the teams completely from the games. Yeah. And like, just the games and just the individual athletes. And that is definitely things I'm thinking about and we're thinking about as a team. And doing the teams at another phase. And so again, guys, like you could do both if you wanted to. Yeah. That's what everyone always talks about.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Everyone always talks about then the individuals could do both. No one ever says this. You're ready. It'll allow the people who do team to do individual. So it'll, you know what I mean? It goes the other way. The implication is, is that the people who are on the teams now, they can't hide.
Starting point is 00:41:31 They can't be like, well, I'm just going to do team. Well, they won't make it. Oh, they won't make it, but it will make it more competitive.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Don't you think there's less at risk. There's nowhere to hide. Go ahead. Yeah. Yeah. John's telling the show this week. If, if they were fit enough,
Starting point is 00:41:44 they would have made it already. I think some of them just use it as an excuse. Let's say team and individual were separated. You think Noah would be doing both? Maybe not when you're in your retirement phase, but like Valner and Fikowski might do team. It would be like, I think a lot of the individuals would do team. It would be like Wadapalooza.
Starting point is 00:42:06 It would be fun. How about going the other way? No. Most of them can't make it. Noah could, but I think once you retire from your individual career, I don't think that changes. Noah's an edge case.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Chandler? I guess that was last year. Jorge Fernandez would be doing both. I think for the Chandler The year that I guess that was the last I guess it was last year Jorge Fernandez would be doing both Devin Kim probably would be doing both You could say the same about Rich And Rich could have done individual
Starting point is 00:42:31 As long as he wanted to He didn't want to He wanted to do team I agree with Rich I agree with Rich I agree with Matt Is Tola in 2023 The highest
Starting point is 00:42:42 Placing Open Finish from a team, from like a, hey, I'm going team? Is he the highest finisher from an open ever? Jamie Green. Who won it? 2017.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Yeah. Or 2016, she won it. I'm just saying, I wonder if the years that Taylor and Andrea were strictly team, could they have qualified? I think they, they could have, or come really,
Starting point is 00:43:08 really close. Yeah, for sure. I think they're the only two in the women's field. If you got five from, if, if you got 20 of the highest level female teams, athletes, all of a sudden entering the individual competition,
Starting point is 00:43:21 it's going to mix shit up. You mean the individuals entering the team yeah the other way no no no no the team the team can if you separate that's what i'm saying everyone always thinks about the individuals they wouldn't be there seven what i'm saying they would it would be irrelevant they would be in the semi-finals they would be five of them in the bottom 20 there are 10 there are yeah and then be what jorge fernandez was how was he i'm not saying that they would necessarily go to the games. He won the CrossFit Games as a team, and he was trash.
Starting point is 00:43:50 So was Devin Kim. But they made it to the semifinals. So? That's all they would be. But I'm saying it would change the competitive nature. It would elevate the competitive nature of the semifinal if you freed up all those people to enter individual? I don't think it would at all.
Starting point is 00:44:07 I think they're heat one. If five made it in every semifinal, that's a significant addition to the mix. Yeah, heat one would change a lot. No, but I think to Sevan's point, it would
Starting point is 00:44:24 make making semifinals as an individual even more prestigious prestigious because those because those team athletes are going to take five to ten of those spots i agree with that but i mean does it i feel like it's pretty prestigious already. Yeah, I mean. I do. I do, too. I agree with you. I agree with you. I agree with you on that.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Anyway, I don't think that they're anywhere near separating those. They go on to talk about how it would affect attendance. I think it would affect attendance dramatically. Do you agree with that? Do you think this is the last year that the teams are competing at the CrossFit games with the individuals? No. 100%. Tyler said that the last five years, though. No, I have not.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I have only said it this year. It's over, dude. No one cares. It's a joke. It's over. So what do you mean? You mean the teams are over? Well, then, hey, you know what they're going to end up doing?
Starting point is 00:45:24 Then they should end up just having the games at a local high school. That's how many seats they're going to need. They already are with the football. They already are. No shit. JR, do you want to weigh in on that with the teams thing? If I had to bet an amount of money that mattered to me, I would say that the teams either join the age groups or they just have their own standalone like world championship.
Starting point is 00:45:53 I don't think CrossFit is going to part with them like the way they did adaptive teen and old folk. I think if they had it at a different point in the season, like what Dave was talking about, though, and the individuals wanted to do it, it would be really, really, really cool. But then you have to find the right and appropriate spot because there's already competitions, big competitions that are in that perfect six months away from the game spot. Like what happens to Tier Waterpalooza? What happens to Rogue?
Starting point is 00:46:24 You know what I mean? It has to be in a good spot for that. I think if they did something new and they switched it up and they went to same-sex pairs, so you had a male team champion and a female team champion, they could
Starting point is 00:46:38 leave it with the individuals. I think a lot of the people that have stepped away from team competition or haven't really considered it would consider coming because they wouldn't have to deal with the opposite sex at all. Hey, what do you think about that? I like that a lot, too. I think they should separate the sexes.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Would you do two males? Or three? I think something Tyler's been screaming for a long time is, one, to have bigger teams and let them actually be a team where you say hey you have to play a minimum amount of times but you get to sit out certain events you're not going to be good at because that's what you do you you sub in and sub out based on scenarios and other team sports but I think also if you told Tyler hey sorry dude it's going to be either two or three.
Starting point is 00:47:27 But if you have three, you can bench someone. He would say, yeah, let's do three then. Yeah. I think just dropping it to two and divorcing the sexes just goes deeper into a route where people don't care anymore. You don't care about who the two fittest people are. What does that mean? You only care about who the fittest person is. That's why we don't care about teams right now. Oh, I care about the four fittest people are that what does that mean you only care about who the fittest person is that's why we don't care about teams right now oh i care about the four fittest people on a team what would be really cool they didn't coordinate they were all just four fit people that doesn't mean anything i will tell you i will tell you this really quick john i do think
Starting point is 00:47:59 and uh no offense to jorge fernandez andvin Kim. I really liked the both of them, but them going both from the championship team to not doing so well at semifinals, I don't think did the team competitions any favor rich leaving. I mean, it just confirmed everything that I've said the last year, right? About it. The caliber that you are,
Starting point is 00:48:21 you would have been doing it already. If you were that fit, you wouldn't gone team, Andrew Nistler and taylor williamson with standing i what i think would be awesome is if like you announced like like they said at the beginning of the year like right after the games let's say in um september hey we're gonna do the team thing different it's gonna be in January early January she's always injured that's not an excuse okay Alexander Caron is always injured and he did fine John's reading a comment that says Devin Kim was injured oh it still needs to be said it still needs to be said okay okay I don't care I don't care at all um then don't enter the competition like I don't know what you want from me um but like is if you announce that and then you had to announce the month pre
Starting point is 00:49:12 before that you are in you want to do team and then there's a draft and then people can draft and you would draft each other into the teams I think that'd be awesome and then you're forced to work with people that you might not And then you're forced to work with people that you might not necessarily thought you were going to work with within your region. She's got it backwards. Katie just nailed it. What are those events that they do at Guadalupe
Starting point is 00:49:38 that just any Ding Dong can sign up for? Community events. Yeah, that's what teams are. Ding Dong. That is what teams are. that's what teams are. Ding dong. That is what teams are. That's what they are now. Yeah, that's what they are now. Individual is the competition,
Starting point is 00:49:54 and teams are just like, just sign up if you want to work out while you're at the games. I agree with that. Yeah. Larry Young, Masters are more uh interesting than teams uh i agree without rich or big names i wish they would have uh done it the other way and let masters be the opening act this year oh don't get carried away larry just because you had one good point don't don't try to squeeze in some old motherfuckers onto the floor okay here we go
Starting point is 00:50:21 uh this is now jr and myself and tyler and caleb will see the total uh uh insanity of this next clip that i'm about to show you just uh it's it's preposterous but but john has already shown that he thinks fucking because some people popped in asia we should just wipe out the fucking continent we should drop a nuke on him so maybe john will like this. We did it before. Do it again. I hope that girl ain't watching the show. John will probably like this fucking harebrained idea. I love myself some Saxon, but this is just harebrained.
Starting point is 00:50:54 And Dave's a harebrained for going along with it. Here we go. All right, all right, all right. What would your thoughts be on you couldn't get paid from the CrossFit games unless you had your L1? I love it. I think Ben Bellmer wouldn't get paid from the CrossFit Games unless you had your L1. I love it. I think Ben Bellmer wouldn't get any money. Why not either?
Starting point is 00:51:10 You couldn't get paid from the CrossFit Games unless you had your L1. I love it. I think Ben Bellmer wouldn't get any money. Why not either? I know Bellmer refused. One of them has not gone to the level one. I think Bukowski has. I don't think Bellman has. John,
Starting point is 00:51:27 you can't pick up your 300G paycheck. You got to show driver's license, social security number, and your level one. You like that idea? No, I hate it. They pay for all of them. I like this idea. You like it, Caleb? Tyler, you like it? Yeah, I love it.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Wow. Also, I like that, Brent or Pat, whoever have not got tyler wow also i like that brent i don't think i don't ever have not got their l1 i like that you continue to not get it at this point don't ever get it please hold out i don't think you should have to jump through a hoop that hq says you have to do to get the money that you earned that's the entire crossfit games john what do you want yeah that's a sport dude no that's earning No, that's earning the money. That's earning the money. That's going through. Like, you proved this is where you are in your fitness.
Starting point is 00:52:11 You are the second or third fittest man in the world. Like, or woman. You shouldn't have to jump through an HQ hoop to get that money. They give it to you for free. It's free, dude. You still have to do the course. They give it to you for free it is so fucking easy to take an l1 and do it just take two days go to your fucking seminar take the course do your fucking strict
Starting point is 00:52:39 ring muscle up for the crowd to see that oh my god you can do Strict ring muscle ups take the test On Sunday evening Boom L1 you have zero excuse not To take your L1 you don't even have to pass the test I don't I don't disagree Caleb I don't disagree With the point that you're saying I Still don't think you should require them
Starting point is 00:53:00 To do that what are you doing In this sport then The sport is based off the methodology. John Young? Methodology. I don't disagree with the points you're saying. I just don't think you should require them to do it. And listen, Bill,
Starting point is 00:53:16 they're not separate, the methodology and the sport. Quit saying that. Everyone who says that, quit saying that. Same thing. Just stop watching a bunch of people running around in their bra and underwear. If it was me and I was a games athlete, I absolutely would get it. JR, please tell me you see the insanity of requiring them to take their L1. I see both sides. I appreciate Caleb's passion.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Yes. But I also understand why John's saying they shouldn't be required to uh do anything other than what's happening on the competition floor to get paid for that uh by the way speaking of paying money you should get your uh ceo membership now we have uh new episodes of the behind the scenes from knoxville and west coast classic coming out regularly and you should just support the podcast especially this morning show is fucking amazing you should get to CEO memberships Heidi
Starting point is 00:54:09 Kroom how come sometimes when you post Heidi it's green and sometimes it's just like you're just normal human steak Heidi the games have nothing to do with the l1 or affiliates anymore question mark why would a pro athlete take a trainer's course question mark NFL athletes don't need coaching cert content
Starting point is 00:54:24 idea because they don't have need coaching cert. Content idea. Because they don't have a coaching cert. They just start putting on seminars for everybody. I'm a fucking wide receiver in the NFL. You know what I'm going to do? Put on a seminar for some ding-dongs at a local high school. I don't even have to have a cert for it. I just do it.
Starting point is 00:54:39 When my sister gets angry, her accent shows up too. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet.
Starting point is 00:54:43 I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet.
Starting point is 00:54:44 I bet. Listen, I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. I bet. angry her accent shows up too i bet very very country yes listen i bet velner teaches people how to do cross certain things in crossfit he doesn't have an l1 he just does it that rv's starting he has no idea what he's doing someone should call the cops someone should call the cops on velner hey you remember that that um that video they did at Mayhem where they all hiked across the woods? There were a bunch of athletes. I just had that same idea, but if you took all of the CrossFit athletes, games athletes, and did an L1, like just film the whole weekend,
Starting point is 00:55:17 you would get great content. Insane content, dude. You're welcome. Insane. Listen. Don't worry. They won't do it. Listen, the thing is there's insane content at every oh every everybody came except belner he's got a kid he
Starting point is 00:55:31 must have come at least once just the whole time belner's just bitching in the corner i hate this uh brent fukowski and tdc in the same space very fun so confused uh dave looked like he used a conditioner today his hair has fallen way flat what a part the professor speaks uh they they did have some pushback there dave dave earlier in the in the um interview dave said something about standardizing movements he's all i know you would like to standardize them more but we and dave said something about standardizing movements he's all i know you would like to standardize them more but we and dave just uh challenged him head on and uh fikowski met him halfway but uh you'll have to watch the interview to see that
Starting point is 00:56:15 fikowski anymore we drop that when he was on this show he said his name was fikowski fikowski he said the correct pronunciation was Fikowski. I just want to get it right. I just want to get it right. You should just have fun saying his name. Okay, all you level one nerds, here we go. One thing is definitely like movement efficiency and technique. And then the other thing is sort of like.
Starting point is 00:56:42 He asked him, how have you stayed healthy so long? He asked him earlier. I'll rewind it. Dave says, Hey, are you broken? And Pekowski says, no fucking healthy as hell.
Starting point is 00:56:51 It's on movement patterns and stuff. And so I'm just like always just trying to kind of like mold my, you know, this, this year I've worked a lot of my upper back strength, which I think has just helped them. Even my handstand pushups and keeping my shoulders healthier when I press upside down. And so that's one thing is definitely like movement efficiency and technique
Starting point is 00:57:09 and then the other thing is sort of like you know I don't do trying to think of like an example like I do a lot of strict pull-ups you know and then and then I'll and then leading up to a comp I'll do a lot more kipping chest doors and you know same thing with like kipping handstand push-ups i'll do a lot of like tempo handstand push-ups throughout the year maybe strict or like you know dumbbell pressing or whatever that is and handstand holds and then leading up to a comp like all right you're gonna do kipping and so do was this the inspiration for andrew hiller's uh strict uh fran no jr howell uh i do a lot of strict pull-ups and i don't do Fran? No. JR Howell,
Starting point is 00:57:48 I do a lot of strict pull-ups, and I don't do the kipping until we get closer to the games. Sounds like someone who's trying to preserve his body to be. You like that? Yeah, for sure. Just as someone who's not high-level at all, once you have a skill, you have it. You don't need to do it every week to know that you can still do it.
Starting point is 00:58:09 But what you can do is continue to get stronger in certain positions and make connective tissue more resilient. And doing things like strict work, tempo work, loaded work will do that. Did you do strict fan, JR? No, I haven't. Are you going to? Maybe. I'm just really interested to see. I wonder if you could beat the top time. I bet you'd be close.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Can you beat it, JR? It'd be close. Max Holloway maybe, you know gotta be top five greatest ufc fighters of all time still fighting to this day i think his last three fights he hasn't sparred before the fight he says he's just done sparring i don't spar uh john young uh what do you think about that strict strict strict right before a competition uh start working the kip again yeah i mean i think exactly what jr said is correct like especially with these guys once you have a skill mastered or you can just flip a switch and and and then you like it doesn't go away um then the only thing holding you back is your strength endurance and that's going to get the best by doing a strict work and it was probably
Starting point is 00:59:26 a little bit irresponsible for me to put that um in such a like simple absolute but for a lot of people who aren't at the level that Brent's at especially aerobically something like a set of 30 chest to bar what it does to some people metabolically, they need to feel that frequently and they don't need to like do it three or four times a year. So like I, I said that, um,
Starting point is 00:59:55 but at the, at the highest level, which he's at, then I think you can, you can do that. And, and that's, that's assuming that a movement like that
Starting point is 01:00:05 isn't something that compared to the best in the world isn't a weakness. I bet if like Dave would have countered and said, you know, you're a bigger guy, you're a longer guy. Are you refining your ring muscle ups throughout the year, trying to get them a little bit faster in cycle rate, trying to still get some capacity there he would probably say oh yeah absolutely that's that's that is something that i try to
Starting point is 01:00:29 touch weekly or i try to touch every other week or whatever uh tyler what do you what do you think about it uh you think that that that's as profound as i think it is you think a lot of people uh every once they learn how to kip they're're basically just kipping 90% of the time. These guys are training for the games. Yeah, I think Brent's been doing the sport as long or longer than I have. There's some things I just don't have to do very often. Like I've not mastered them, but they're in the pocket. And so especially like with handstand pushups, kipping handstand pushups, the cost isn't worth the reward on training them all the time.
Starting point is 01:01:04 So it's like you know you can do them uh you can do pressing or versions of it to where you save your body i don't think it's crazy what i do want to note about this though is this proof that dave watched pedro's show because on that brent said he's beat up all the time and then not a couple days later dave asked are you beat up oh he might ask that to everybody though they are games he hasn't asked that from everybody he asked specifically with brent so you think it's so you think it's contradictory uh fukasi's answer here is contradictory to what he said on page he's saying he thinks dave watched pedro i heard that but i'm also asking, is it contradictory? It is contradictory.
Starting point is 01:01:46 And that's awesome. That was one of those events that not many people finished that year, right? Yeah. Like a handful. Yeah. Yeah. After all these years of qualifying and training, right now at this stage, how broken are you? Not at all, really all really no and that's
Starting point is 01:02:07 that's awesome to hear because i think that we've talked about this tyler you're saying that he was on how recently was he on he said he was on a week or two ago and he was talking about like we're like i'm hurt like we're always hurt that's one of his things is like if you do the sport for very long you're just going to be hurt i know i know i've heard it too like if you ask them how you're doing everyone's like yeah everyone's uh got some you have something yeah i think i'm looking a little too deep into this i don't know i'm just trying to give pedro some shot in fact checking he's a biden supporter he's fact-checking. Does Sevan like that Fikowski is working with Shelby Neal? I didn't even know that.
Starting point is 01:02:51 They are? Yeah. They share the same coach, but I think he has some input with Shelby. Jerry, you leaned in, but you didn't hold your mic up. So you sent me one signal. That's right. All right. Jerry you leaned in but you didn't hold your mic up so you sent me one signal. That's right. I Like the mic cuz now I know when you want to talk like you just pull it up your mouth Yeah, but that time you threw me off
Starting point is 01:03:14 I was like mother Yes Finally He interviewed the fittest man in America, Mr. Dallin Pepper. And he reveals to us what we already know, because if I remember, JR told me last year that every year Dave has programmed the games. He has included two years older than me.
Starting point is 01:03:43 And like seeing a number like that one by like 30 pounds or something. Yeah, it's wild. We're getting ready to announce the cut schedule for the games. We're getting ready to announce the cut schedule for the games. Did I did I remember that right, Jared? I feel like you told me last year that every year Dave has done the games. There's been cuts. I don't think I said that.
Starting point is 01:04:03 That may be correct. 2016 to 2018. There wasn't any cuts. I don't think I said that. That may be correct. 2016 to 2018, there wasn't any cuts. There wasn't? Okay. So that's a reveal. Did CrossFit put anything up on there anywhere today? Was that an announcement, or is that you have to watch Dave's channel? Is that going to upset people because they got information?
Starting point is 01:04:22 They've said nothing? You kind of did the opposite thing right there. Caleb, can you go over to the crossfit games instagram account is where does the games announce things i know they announced it on the barbell spin there's nothing here's a warm workout from invictus yeah they haven't they haven't said anything well by dave saying we're getting ready to, is that them doing it? Oh, the announcement. Yeah, maybe. I can just see a lot of people being pissed off.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Why is it announced? Chris Madigan is going to get a bunch of texts, or people who have Don's phone number are going to text him out. Why are they releasing information on Dave's account? Wadzombie, I'm glad Tyler got his power back on. Me too. So, cuts. Do we like cuts, JR? I love on. Me too. So, cuts. Do we like cuts, JR?
Starting point is 01:05:07 I love cuts. Do you like cuts, JR? No, I'm not a huge fan of them. And the reason? Because of how they affect scoring in the final days, final three workouts? That used to kind of be my argument, and the guys who are really good with numbers kind of helped me understand that it's all relative anyway because with the scoring table changes after cuts then me saying something like no i think everyone should be exposed in the water if they can't swim they can't swim so they need to make sure they do the swimming workout as one
Starting point is 01:05:39 of the first few workouts before there are any cuts but then people like john kind of helped me understand that if it's if they do it on day three when there's only 20 people left and they still take a 19th, it's basically like they took a 39th because of the way the scoring works, it's really close. I just think that this is something Bill kind of always drives home. If you don't think that the bottom 10 really matter in the scoring then just send 10 less people to the games damn and the more i think about that maybe it's just
Starting point is 01:06:15 because i'm getting older and that's what happens when you get older you just you you start you you start making making claims like that and you start agreeing with them. But no, I think everyone should be able to take the full test. Do you think that they should make the game smaller? Top 30, not top 40? I like 40 for the world. But, yeah, I think a lot of times, depending, people like us will talk a lot about the order of the events and how they really do matter with how certain people will place.
Starting point is 01:06:46 And I do believe that is true. I know Dave's pushed back on that before, but if you take all the athletes and you let them do the whole test and that arguments out the window, which is, which is nice from that standpoint, John, are you going to make your pegs dance,
Starting point is 01:07:02 steal a show from Jr. from that standpoint. John, are you going to make your pegs dance? Steal a show from JR? I'm doing it. It's a Sebum Podcast Show. It's a Sebum Podcast Show. I'm done with that.
Starting point is 01:07:15 All right. You could tell I was getting aroused, and he stopped. John, do you care if there's cuts? I agree with both camps um like because i do think it brings excitement i think events set like event seven when they cut that 30 to 20 people like the if the event is correct on that last event where anything can happen i feel like you get the same excitement you do with the last event in semifinals where, you know, some people destroy themselves and some people are successful and
Starting point is 01:07:50 they make it and they went for it. They sent it and it was, and it happened for them. And then they made the cut. Um, I do think that event is very important, but if done right, um, it's brings a lot of excitement. And I think it makes the middle of the competition matter a little bit more as far as the spectator. Like it brings excitement where there wouldn't be excitement. It would just be another event. And I think all those reasons, I'm with it. And then it's the top 20 guys.
Starting point is 01:08:17 Every heat matters. You're in it the whole rest of the way for the whole competition, every heat. Because the top 20 guys and girls are all pretty good they're all going like there's home run hitters in that 20 there's contenders not disruptors you've gotten rid of the disruptors correct and then the but like what jr said um i think 2016 to 2018 were the wonder years as far as programming in the CrossFit games goes as far as far as like the the whole test goes. For me, anyway, those were the most fun years of watching the games. And now that they are their own thing, I know you still have teams there, but it's really just the individuals like because the teams will get finished before the
Starting point is 01:09:06 individuals like are like a quarter of the way done you you theoretically you could have all 40 people there the whole time because it's just centered around them um i and i'm not i know more resources and more time now correct okay One still like nobody would watch heat one. It would be all of the people that popped or didn't pop, uh, all the countries that got a, a pity pick. Um,
Starting point is 01:09:36 and then we would watch the people that matter, but I 100% agree with Jr. That I think it's more fun when everybody gets to take the test because maybe Jawan young is a freakish swimmer and we got to see that and we wouldn't have gotten to see that if she wasn't there right yeah that was yeah I mean that that was the last point I kind of wanted to drive home is that for some people this is their only moment this is the only opportunity for that moment and if they are really really good at something especially if it's something new that comes out and all of us are looking around like, who do we think is going to be good
Starting point is 01:10:08 at this? You know, that's something you ask us all the time. Do we think it's going to be the gymnast? Do we think it's going to be the athletic person? But we, someone just has a niche that no one knows about and they come out with a climbing wall and everyone's just like oh laura's gonna crush everyone on this but there's somebody who also has a climbing background we didn't know about her they at winning the event but they got cut and we never knew about it so we never knew that not only that they middle her and tia yeah maybe her better chance to beat tia the chances of something like that happening are very slim but when there is a specialist type event we want to see the freaks do it the best and there have been situations where because of the order of the events and because of cuts like the year
Starting point is 01:11:00 in 2019 where they did the split triplet and they did the dumbbell hang split snatch and split cleaning jerk with pegboard and double under we didn't see Brent and Pat do that they would have probably been top three on that workout and would that have affected where Noah and Matt placed overall maybe we'll never know but I'm just saying when you don't have the full field sometimes to do certain workouts, it is kind of a letdown. And I mean, there's examples of that.
Starting point is 01:11:29 Like you think of like 2015, the soccer chipper, Elizabeth Akinwale killed everybody. And I think she was like 33rd place at the time. She would not have been there if there were cuts. Um, 2016, I think Zach Karketty,
Starting point is 01:11:43 like in the first heat, won the pegboard event. Like he won the pegboard event like he won the pegboard event matt fraser was second um we don't get that without with with the cuts there so like i would 100 like get the reasoning that jr's coming from and i'm gonna i feel like i'm on the fence because i could see both sides and i'd be happy with either one and and on the other side let me argue the other side obviously the tension when you're at the games and when you're watching them is pretty wild during the cut events so basically it feels like sunday twice so every time there's a cut it's like everyone circles around that event and they're like oh shit and everyone all of a sudden is trying to put on their math hat but but i do i at
Starting point is 01:12:24 first jr i was misunderstanding you. I thought you were saying that, that everyone should get to go. So if there's a specialist, they can, they can, you know, feel good about themselves,
Starting point is 01:12:30 but you're right. When you get someone who sets a fucking world record, that's so far out of beyond everyone else, it rises the bar the next year for everyone. And so look at like, we had Daniel Brandon, who is the best at handstand walks. And now there's people who can beat it.
Starting point is 01:12:44 Right. Yeah. I think it's just it's i mean i think the point you're trying to make is it's kind of like the four minute mile no one thinks it can be done until one person does it and then five people do it yeah there's so many do you think that daniel brandon did that to handstand walking like because of her everyone's okay, we can run on our hands. No, I just think that was a, I think that was a one-off event that the road mattered a lot more on. And I think that just handstand walking for speed is not, if you had to rank Danielle's prowess inverted would not even be something
Starting point is 01:13:20 that, I mean, John would probably disagree, but I would say she is the more skilled the more she separates and that's about as uh because you've said before that you still think she can fly on her hands well yeah but seven as you know the junior analyst in crossfit has said people have caught up to her and handstand walk speed and i agree with him with that but um i agree with what you said too what i like the more she separates junior i like it seven uh seven elaborated and explained the point of z score without ever using any of the words so good job seven hey i would if there were no and i know yeah 2019 is a bit of a one-off right like? Like, we can't do 2019 again. But if there were no cuts and Hunter got to do that ruck run,
Starting point is 01:14:10 I bet he ranks pretty darn high at the end of the week just because of that. Oh, if he made that cut, it was a whole different week. He would have made the next three cuts if he would have got to do that event. If Colton, Katie Gannon, if Colton went team, would you like it again? No, I would start not liking it. You'd call Colton and be like, what are you doing? Yeah. Fuck Colton.
Starting point is 01:14:33 Okay. Speaking of Colton Mertens, tomorrow's workout will be posted at 830 on the Real Savant podcast for Kill Taylor. Then at 9 a.m. And then at 9 a.m. the show will begin. 9 a.m the show will begin taylor will do the workout and then there'll be a phone number down below and then you can send in a text and then you can try to win the 1500 i don't think anyone's going to beat him it's going to be our first time the show goes to two thousand dollars the following week i'm pretty excited
Starting point is 01:15:01 what's the workout this is the best show on the internet i wanted to see if you would say i did i did know there's no way sebon knows it i did see it somewhere it did pop up this i don't need hey let me tell you i can't i don't when i look at the workout i don't know what it is like he wrote it and the first thing i wrote back was what is that so like i don't like i don't even know oh i forget yeah everybody's in that thread everybody's fucked there's no way how long is it how long does that workout take john john will give it a go 10 minutes that's a 10 minute workout you would like this you will think that you could give it a go yeah you will think it is it is good for you you know the workout jr i'm gonna put it in the private chat do you know the workout jr yeah i know it okay is it no don't because john i please tell
Starting point is 01:15:59 me john to be able to do it no i don't think so what listen Listen, if I legitimately think I can beat Taylor, I will call him. Oh, I know you will. I did not think I could beat him in the handstand push-up snatch workout, and now I know he's not that good. You can say you can beat him for weeks now. I've never said that once, okay? People put that word in my mouth. That live chat don't lie.
Starting point is 01:16:26 Live chat lies about me 24 7 i don't think it's over seven minutes seven oh god if it's over five i'm gonna be pissed i i don't think it really is so i'm going seven because i'm going long just jr build a buffer i agree with him there's no way of the work on seven minutes i have a chance to beat him what are you talking about about? I said I agree with Tyler. He said about five. Oh, okay, good. I really don't like – I really don't want to watch five people do seven-minute workouts. Anyway, this show is going to be nuts.
Starting point is 01:16:56 It's going to be world-class beatdown. That's what we said, pace gates. If you fall too far off base, we just cut you preeminently. Listen, the Tour de France starts tomorrow. That's where my head's at. It's not on to kill Taylor. What else? John's about to lean out, baby.
Starting point is 01:17:12 Dope heads ride around in bicycles and tight pants. Yeah, it's my thing, man. It's John's favorite time of year. It really is. Is there anything else that I have to say? I feel like there's something. I'm about to beat seven pounds lighter in a month. You just watch.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Hey, Sevan, you don't know about this, and i haven't asked you about it but i'm gonna ask you on the spot on please yeah ask me i like it uh would you be cool with us doing tour to taylor where me and taylor road trip from here to the games and we make a stop like every three to four hours and do like a train with taylor type thing but we can just like do podcasts and put it on the channel. I'm pretty sure they're supposed to pick me up on the way. Yes. Hey, you know,
Starting point is 01:17:50 it would be even crazier is do competitions at the gyms you stop at. And if anyone beats them, like they get a free case of fit aid. Okay. We can drop people to the gym. So anyone who like, he stops at a gym, he'll do a little workout.
Starting point is 01:18:06 And then anyone who beats it, we have like a plastic pitcher that we're just going to people to the gym. So anyone who like he stops at a gym, he'll do a little workout. And then anyone who beats it. We have like a plastic pitcher that we're just going to put in the gym and say, Hey, if anyone wants to donate to the gas, to our gas. Oh yeah. Yeah. Or the fit age, you're supposed to give away free. You can sell, or we could just have the, whoever has the fastest time closest to beating him gets a free case of it.
Starting point is 01:18:23 Okay. But yeah, we're thinking about like leaving on Tuesday, you know, making like stops at two gyms on the way so people could kind of put in the comments hey if if we're going to be on your route let us know and we'll come to your gym and just do that for the are you going to the games for sure no matter what you have an athlete going no this would be what this would be me going to the games. Are you pretty sure you're going? Yeah, I mean, I'm going to go regardless. Is Taylor going regardless? No, he's not going regardless. If we do this, he's going to go. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:18:53 Because I don't know if I'm going. I think you should go. Yeah, every day I want to answer that question. It is killing me. day i want to answer that question yeah it is killing me i really want to go just fucking go then i should reserve an airbnb now i think i have a hotel room now dude it's an involved process getting media credentials i know but you manifest it i mean i filled out the application today and then I followed it up immediately with like
Starting point is 01:19:26 Hey I need more I actually think if you Showed up you might could like Create a protest To just let you in no matter what It didn't work out so well for Hiller during the Nobel protest Yeah
Starting point is 01:19:41 That just Don't know anything about football. Like we'll get the seven nieces just to block the entrance. I don't want to do that. Until they let you in. Guess who loves Israel? CrossFit. Follow me.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Listen, Sevan, Sevan, you don't have fans. You have soldiers. Yeah, I know. Use mine. Thank you. Thank you. I don't, yeah. But I just want, I just want, I want to be appreciated.
Starting point is 01:20:03 You know what I mean? I want to have my head pushed down there. I don't want I want to be appreciated. You know what I mean? I want to have my head pushed down there. I don't want to have to like, you know what I mean? Not my head, like just push down there. I want, I want it,
Starting point is 01:20:11 I want it to sit on my face, not me bag. I remember last year, I literally saw you one time. I know. I thought I was going to spend time with you. And like, just,
Starting point is 01:20:23 I saw you at the end of the weekend and then we hugged and I never saw you again in the media room. Yeah. Yeah. You're you. I seriously, I would put you up. You're less proportionate than Colton Mertens.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Pretty close. I don't know how to take that. I just, you're, you're just, I just never seen a human being really shaped like you. You're like, you're like, like, like there's Danny Spiegel
Starting point is 01:20:47 There's Colton Mertens There's John Young You're like how the G.I. Joes are just a little Yeah it's like who made the shoulders on these things Yeah I mean don't get me wrong It's not weird It's not like
Starting point is 01:21:01 Yeah don't get me wrong But it's different You don't look like You wouldn't stand out just walking through the mall Yeah you would I want to be there When John John's processing
Starting point is 01:21:17 When John and Spin meet for the first time I want to be there for it I think that has potential to be awkward They haven't ever met before? Never in person It was awkward the first time i met spin you're the most you spin tall yeah he's like six years old spin is spin is super laid back and like easy to talk to he's not awkward at all i thought it was awkward but we've known we've known each other for so
Starting point is 01:21:41 long and we hadn't met that the first time it was like, how do we do this? What's more awkward, meeting Spin or JR? I think Spin. To me, I knew JR was going to be cold. But did JR come to life? JR can come to life, though. He's like, you just pull the string and he just goes, right? Does Spin ever turn on? I mean, he's Spin i don't think jr was
Starting point is 01:22:07 awkward at all meeting for the first time thank you john thank you jr was super oh jill did you want tacos let's go get tacos fuck it tyler met me though like when i'm like a day or two always busy yeah that was that was i was more it doesn't help j JR's always mad at me, so that's true. John reminds me of Larry the Lobster from SpongeBob. That's pretty. That's kind of. Yeah, I see it. I would argue I'm more thick down low than I am up top, though.
Starting point is 01:22:42 Yeah, that's true. You're pretty thick up top, though, dude. You're fucking huge up top, though. That's true. You're pretty big up top, though, dude. You're fucking huge up top. I'm not saying your legs are skinny either, but that is you. Yeah, that's good. I've graduated from the Goonies guy to Larry the Lobster.
Starting point is 01:23:00 That's definitely moving up. Larry's cool. He gets all the bitches. That's the best phrase that's ever been said on the show. Katie's full of great one-liners. She's one of the best when she shows up in the comments. She's doubling down. Look at no biceps, all four arms.
Starting point is 01:23:26 John's got the biceps on forearms. No, John's got the biceps. Larry doesn't have any delts either. Katie makes up for Patrick Clark being like, where is Patrick? I haven't seen him in a while. What happened to him? He's went into a cave since the Asians got popped.
Starting point is 01:23:41 He's protesting. He's like, you know when the Joker was in a deep depression right before he snapped? Yeah. I imagine that's where PC is at right now. Hey. I feel bad for him. He's the only one who loved them,
Starting point is 01:23:58 and then it's like they cheated on him. Oh, really? Are you not joking? He really is? He did get his like heartbroken oh i don't i don't know i don't know i haven't spoken to him i don't know double down john say yes 100 i don't know anybody who doesn't who loves the continent of asia and their fitness more than patrick clark um i mean that as a compliment i don't mean that in any other way i think it's yeah speaking of getting softer you guys concerned at all that Taylor's getting soft?
Starting point is 01:24:26 Did you see his fucking Instagram today, his story? I did. I had to men in black me after I saw that. I had to erase my brain. I felt bad that he had to defend himself. I'm like, what are you doing, dude? Why don't you double down? When he texts us, he goes, like, guys, I screwed up.
Starting point is 01:24:42 I was like, oh, God. Like, something really bad happened. And then he was like, he said when he's dead. Oh, please, no, like, guys, I screwed up. I was like, oh, God. Like, something really bad happened. And then he was like, he said when he's dead. No, no, no, no, no. I was like, you've said way worse stuff than this. I know. He has. He said way worse stuff.
Starting point is 01:24:53 I was like, this is like a five. Someone accused him of being racist, and he's trying to defend himself. It's like, dude. Like, you can't be racist towards the whole continent. Like, that was ridiculous that's one he doesn't like just say sorry and move on but or don't say sorry but it's it's 15 minutes of him explaining i was like oh my god are you gonna fucking does that mean we're losing the money tomorrow all i thought about the fuck is i was going i was going to repost like what one of what he said because i agreed
Starting point is 01:25:26 wholeheartedly with him but i i was trying to find one of them that didn't say what he said like because it's a bit crude and uh he said it in literally every single one so i couldn't i couldn't post it hey i want to show you guys something uh i watched the debate last night and and and after i watched the debate usually you know usually the screen doesn't go black right what happens is is um this was amazing the cameras on, and you see the families come up there, and they kiss, and the combatants shake hands. You know what I mean? Usually it's like that.
Starting point is 01:26:11 And as soon as the debate was over, it went black. They shut her down. And I was like, fuck, what happened? And this is what happened. So look, the debate's over. And D-Tr Trump rolls off. Can you put the sound on or no? No.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Hey, so is that Secret Service right there? That lady in the front and that guy right there, that Secret Service grabbing him and taking him to wherever he's going? Probably just some sort of producer from CNN or something. Okay. And now look at this. You're not even gonna fucking believe this a curious brought on a wheelchair for biden they were joking that
Starting point is 01:26:51 all you had to do all joe biden had to do for the debate to be successful was stay upright you're not even going to believe this watch this here we go his wife walking him she's in high heels now this is live no no that's a four inch step dude that is a step that's fucking one quarter the size of my penis he had to step down everybody's doing the math they're like wait a minute Yeah yeah crazy Hey and You can't be held by a woman in high heels You can't You can't
Starting point is 01:27:35 That's the definition of transgender When a woman helps you with high heels I fell today Tell me Tell me about that. Oh man. Brooke Wells felt, Brooke Wells felt. So I had the bright idea before we left the beach.
Starting point is 01:27:53 I was like, you know what? I've used all this gym equipment, but I haven't used the ruck yet. So why did I bring the ruck? All right. I haven't used a ruck. What am I going to do? Go ruck up and down the beach. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:01 Yeah. Whatever. So I was like, all right, right my kids are are in the pool i got 20 minutes 30 minutes the pier is 1.5 miles away i'm just gonna ruck a 5k all good on the sidewalk just go so i put it on i go shirtless uh no tank top actually okay so So I get, I don't know, 1,200 meters in. And, you know, when you ruck, they say it's more about your cadence. It's more about how many steps per minute is going to be more indicative on speed. Not everyone can run like Lucas Hogberg, right, at the games.
Starting point is 01:28:39 Just, like, stride it out with a ruck on and still kill everybody. So I'm like, all right, I need to think about – and i walk on my tiptoes if you didn't know that like i'm very much like walk on my tiptoes always like all the men who worked at abercrombie so you see where i'm going here so i'm like all right i'm trying to increase my someone grabbed your ass some dude grabbed your ass lots of construction going on lots of different uh levels of sidewalk lots of gravel and i just freaking ate it i well like like not heavy 30 pounds and i mean it was one of those slow motion like my my toe clipped but all my momentum is forward because i'm a little bit bent over rucking and i'm like catch yourself catch yourself and i take like one two three four five and then i just slide on gravel and i look
Starting point is 01:29:27 i'm like i'm thinking to myself whoever saw that has got to be laughing harder than they've ever laughed before and so i kept going a little bit and i was like you know what dude this is the good lord kind of telling you hey buddy why don't you go ahead and take it back to the house to your phone let's turn around and walk walk the other way so i saw about face and i i i ran back yeah oh my god 30 pound ruck that's pretty gnarly falling down with 30 pounds on your on your back that's a lot of weight the only thing that let's be clear my elbow is kind of gnarly like but the only thing that was hurt was the ego for sure did you look back or did you run for a while how long did you run before you turn oh i got up and like kept going like just i had been kind of taken out like by a sniper but i was still alive like i just kept going you know but then i looked down and like it was bleeding a lot
Starting point is 01:30:16 and i get back and this is how savage becca is i get back and she goes did you have your tooth in and i said and i said yeah why and she was like because if i would have seen you and i would have looked at your face and seen that you were missing your tooth i'd have been like that dude fell and knocked his tooth out oh yeah all right sorry sorry for the long-winded story i I'm just picturing this 10-second fall. It was exactly what it was. Like Looney Tunes, dude. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:52 Crazy. Can we see the poll? Oh, yeah. Good call. Now, this is not in any particular order. Sean Woodland, 58%. Chase Ingham, 27%.
Starting point is 01:31:07 Bill Grundler, 14%. Tommy Marquez, 1%. The poll was like, who is the best CrossFit Games commentator? That's a good distribution. It's like Chase is double, or Sean is double Chase, and Chase is double Bill, and Bill is 14 times Tommy. 272 votes. That's a lot.
Starting point is 01:31:29 There's some recency bias in this poll, I think. So if Sean's gone, I guess Chase and Bill should be up next. Well, you didn't have Adrian in there. Hey, listen, we can only have four. We didn't have Lauren Khalil. We didn't have Stacey Tovar. We didn't have Lauren Khalil. We didn't have Stacey Tovar. We didn't have Justin Judkins. We didn't have Brandon
Starting point is 01:31:49 Domingue. Alex Parker. Did Alex Parker do it? Did she commentate the games? I didn't know she commented. Tanya Wagner. Tanya Wagner.
Starting point is 01:32:06 Katie Henniger. Oh, freaking... Annie Sakamoto. She ever do it? Lynchpin. Did Sherwood ever do it? Sure would, yeah. Well, I guess he did.
Starting point is 01:32:23 He did those... He did the desk. Yeah, he did well i guess he did he did those uh he did those yes he did the desk yeah he did the desk things and no but where they put the big setup the update shows yes they put those big those big setups looking down on the soccer field you remember those between events they would do that and they would like this jay shouldn't you sleep this is the best group of guys to be on the show seven calm insightful fun that's it all right go to bed john's insightful he called you insightful john 8 a.m uh the group inside the oh wait hold on uh one more thing and then we'll go. I think the trailer is up. Where is it? Videos? Oh, is this it?
Starting point is 01:33:14 Kill Taylor? Oh, nine hours. Okay, here we go. And then after that we're leaving. Here we go. Enjoy this. Everyone enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy. even here we go enjoy this everyone enjoy enjoy enjoy the workout is a two-minute amrap 40 toes bar then max rep sandbag to shoulder and the time remaining rest one minute then another two-minute amrap starting with 20 sandbag to shoulder in the time remaining. Rest one minute. Then another two-minute AMRAP starting with 20 sandbag to shoulder. Max rep
Starting point is 01:33:47 toe to bar in the time remaining. Got it. How many was that? 34. 34. Are you going to quit halfway in again? I'm going to try not to, no. He's got that type of body watching him. He's got that
Starting point is 01:34:06 type of body where he's like 20, 19, 20 years old. He never eats. His mom makes him breakfast, but he leaves it on the counter all day. If I looked like him, I'd jerk off myself too. That's a little Nazi-ish on that hand. No, look at the back. Zeke Heil.
Starting point is 01:34:21 That's not allowed. We're going to get canceled for that. We have a tie, people. We have a tie. Anyone who says they'd rather be a CrossFitter than a fucking machine is lying. There's the bar way too slow. We'll find out.
Starting point is 01:34:37 What is your diet? What is your diet? Whatever mom makes for dinner. Taylor's it out. He's going to blow up right here. 11. Wow. 12.
Starting point is 01:34:49 Oh, boy. 29. He ain't got it. Put her on her break. Eat a dick. Great job, dude. Yeah. Yeah, did you think you had a chance when you started?
Starting point is 01:35:04 No, I did five total bar and five sandbag to shoulder to warm up. Okay, perfect. Next week, will you do the workout in a thong? As long as I get paid. $1,500 next week. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

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