The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Update SUPER Show - November 4, 2023 - Pedro, Self and Young

Episode Date: November 4, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Imagine you're in Ottawa strolling through artistic landscapes at the National Gallery of Canada. Oh. Then cycling past Parliament Hill. Ah. Before unwinding on an outdoor patio. Oh. Then spending an evening on a cruise along the historic Rideau Canal.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Ah. Exploration awaits in Ottawa. From O to Ah. Plan your Ottawa itinerary at Heard Pedro? Yeah. Hey, dude, they have a new feature where you can just hit B. Oh.
Starting point is 00:01:03 And it stamps it. And then when you go back into the videos, it shows you, bam, we're live. That's cool, right? Oh, that's really cool. B for butthole. B for I'm buttfucked. Welcome to the show. We already have a yellow warning on
Starting point is 00:01:18 the show. Great. We are already jacked the algorithm. No Caleb or Sousa behind the algorithm. No Caleb Borsusa behind the scenes. I'm sweating profusely. To get your CEO jersey, go to Vindicate.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Get it now. They have crash stuff as well. Sorry to piss on your... They just launched it today. Moment of silence for Pedro's death. And so up in the – now you know who Pedro is from Coffee Pods and Wads. The guy who pulled together Matt Torres, Taylor Self, and Marconi Jake. Wow.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Why did you do that? Let's start with – oh, above him, the bald guy is a self-made training programs. Very own Taylor self, um, uh, respect the guy, uh, more and more every day. What a fucking stud.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I think I'm going to put him on the Pantheon of CrossFit's most important thinkers. Very, very soon. Why did I not get an intro like that? What made you say, what makes you say that about me? Well,
Starting point is 00:02:22 introduce John. Who is that? John, John Young. Um, that? Who's the bottom line? John Young, the 7-1 Podcast official across the games, analyst, senior analyst, and a guy I respect dearly for his ability to present his games, ideas, thoughts, his passion all in one he's not only a critical uh thinker but he also allows in moderation emotion to present his uh his thoughts and it's a it's a um it's not douche nozzle steven smith but it's also not fucking ai fucking michael halpin sorry michael wow it's a nice blend you're not quite steven a which is that's over the top yeah yeah thank you chevron you're welcome and You're welcome. And if you want, and he's the strongest guy in the group. Is that true, Taylor? Is he stronger than you?
Starting point is 00:03:10 No, but I did, I had an epiphany today. Whose total's more? Whose total's more? What total? Let's just say bench press, deadlift, and back squat. What was your other total? What were your numbers on the other total? The other total is a clean and a bench press.
Starting point is 00:03:24 You didn't do quarterfinals that year? You didn't qualify? I don't think so. For quarterfinals? That was two years ago. Stop it. You qualified for quarterfinals, you fool. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:03:37 I think I was sick during the open and I was like, Oh, okay. So there's your answer, Sevan. It doesn't matter. Taylor's fitter. I'm stronger. I will claim stronger. I had an epiphany today that I take feedback.
Starting point is 00:03:52 You know the saying, like, water off a duck's back? Yeah. I'm more like water on a dry cotton ball. Let's go through this, Taylor. The internet's going to destroy you. You're going to be in fucking internet recovery camp with Mal O'Brien in no time. Let's go through this, Taylor. Oh, the internet's going to destroy you. You're going to be in fucking internet recovery camp with Mal O'Brien in no time. Let's go through this, Taylor. What's your other total?
Starting point is 00:04:11 It's not what we're here for, dude. Shut up. You want to play this game? Mary said she'd give $5 for everyone that's wearing their toe spacers. Oh, dude. I don't have a toe spacer on, but look at my fucking grippers. Oh, yeah. Those are nice. Those are nice toes.
Starting point is 00:04:25 What if I wear my toe spacers up here, just in my glasses the whole show, like this? Yeah, you need a spacer. Do you ever pull your testicles in between them and space those out? Totally. Oh, totally. You have five testicles? Hey, I wrap this around. I put my penis in here all the time.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Mary doesn't even know. I've actually been reselling these on my website, Sevan Cockerings. Oh, gosh. Okay. I have no... So we missed a show because of the... Rogue.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Rogue. God, it's so nice here today in California. I can't believe I'm not in. It is. It's so funny because about five minutes ago, I was like, it's fucking freezing in here. It's so nice here today in California. I can't believe it. It is. I like it so funny because about five minutes ago, I was like, it's fucking freezing in here. Like, it's so cold. I was just texting with Greg's on his way to Africa,
Starting point is 00:05:11 and I was just texting with him, and he's like, how nice is it there? I'm like, dude, beyond nice. Beyond nice. So we missed a week, so I want to go back and go through my old notes, and then we'll get up to speed. So let me go. Oh, look it. There he is.
Starting point is 00:05:27 There he is. Lucky camera straps. Taylor takes feedback like water on a feral cat. That's better. Fuck you, dude. Okay, bear with me here. These are old notes. Let me get through these really quick.
Starting point is 00:05:47 I didn't get to go through these. I prepared for the show last week, and then we didn't get to them because – Rogue. This feels like such a throwback. Tater Tot, it's not official until you post a picture with your fittest on earth medal, right? I think the second one is even more rewarding than the first. So it looks like maybe this guy didn't get his medal until just now this guy was a guest on the show i'd like to have this guy back on soon actually he was a cool dude and i also noticed
Starting point is 00:06:11 this i he was doing it he runs an adaptive class at his gym and i asked him if there are any other dwarves there and there was just one but now i think where did? Oh, maybe it was in his story. Oh, no, look at this. Look at this. Now there's two. There's three. The dwarves are taking over. I repeat, the dwarves are taking over. I can't tell you all. They got seven of them.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Oh, shit. Wow. They need a, they need a, a day to day white girl there as well. They need a black guy and a girl. And they get seven of them. Hey, look at the guy's name is Elijah Ayer seven. Anyway. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Does anyone know what that is on that dog's nose? Do you guys know what that is? That's called a. Muzzle? No. A gentle, a gentle a... A gentle leader. A gentle leader. It looks aggressive, but it's not.
Starting point is 00:07:10 It's a very gentle way. Anyway, congratulations on finally getting your medal. I did hear that the Games athletes have not been paid their prize money yet. Has anyone else heard? That is insane. It's pretty typical. I mean, it's typically shit. How can it take them this long?
Starting point is 00:07:27 I've heard that it's pretty standard to take them this long. How did I not ask Jason or Pat Vellner that? They're scared that if they speak out against it, they won't ever see it. Well, I should have asked them. Jason and Pat aren't scared. Well, then Colton didn't tell me ass crash that he hasn't been paid it took wadapalooza like seven months to pay me wadapalooza is the worst one out of everybody i texted uh matt o'keefe every single day until i got my money i'm not
Starting point is 00:07:56 i'm not hwp owner bro leave me alone do you want me to do you want me to should i call colton you should call fucking Dave and ask him what the fuck their problem is Oh god Just call Dave and be like hey why haven't you paid your athletes Let me call Colton first and be like hey dude have you guys been paid Let's see
Starting point is 00:08:16 Call Laura and ask her Can you guys hear that? Yeah Don't listen to that. I heard you can, like, figure out what Colton's number is by just hearing me punch in the number. Jeez, I just heard my own past with that noise. This isn't what your phone sounds like in Game of Thrones. Colton, hey, this is Sevan.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Sevan, the hell are you doing? We're live on the air, and we have a question for you. Okay. Has prize money been paid to games athletes yet? We got paid for semifinals like a couple weeks ago, but haven't heard anything for the games prize money yet. And is this normal from your previous games experiences? No.
Starting point is 00:09:07 It seems to be a little bit later. I think last year we got an email to fill out paperwork. Like mid-October. So we haven't even gotten that yet. And after that, it's usually like a month from there. Are you frustrated? Or is this just the life of a professional athlete? It's okay.
Starting point is 00:09:26 What's a couple months? Like, whatever. Or is it like, come on, dude. This is fucking three months ago. Let's do this. It's kind of, it's not too far outside the typical timeline yet, but it'd be nice to get paid by now. But it does make you, like, wonder if maybe there's something going on with drug testing that's causing the delay. Because it is a little bit later than last year.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Ooh. Wow. Colton stirs the pot. Colton, and one more question. Have you been paid for Crash Crucible yet? Yeah, I got paid for it. I didn't left. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Really? JR gives you the money right there? Ask him what he thinks is causing the drug issues. Who do you think's causing the drug issues who do you think pedro wants to know if you have any thoughts on who might be causing the drug issues all of them fair enough all right love you buddy can't wait to have you back on hey your clip uh your your trip to pedro's house uh the ped Pedro podcast was amazing. Congratulations. Some great stuff there, man. Thanks, Ron. Talk to you soon. All right, bye. As they say in the
Starting point is 00:10:30 hood, he's a legend. Hey, what do you think about running with the dumbbell, Savon? You don't even laugh. Running with the dumbbell? Yeah. Just one? One dumbbell. It'd be like a sandbag i don't know i don't have an i don't have an opinion on i think i do i honestly do think you have to be careful though if you're
Starting point is 00:10:53 gonna do shit like that in an affiliate especially with one heavy dumbbell because we did a story one times for the crossfit uh journal mariah i don't know i think this dude was carrying like a 50 what's the is there a 53 pound kettlebell? Yeah, I can find it. I can find it in the journal, but, but basically the guy turned a corner and something happened from the way to the dumbbell and it fucking threw his back out and fucking paralyzed the dude. And he didn't want my God, dude, cancel the fucking show, dude. Go off the air. Exactly. What the fuck dude? You think I'm just like a worried, dude. Go off the air. That's exactly what he wanted to hear. What the fuck, dude? You think I'm just like a worried, like a worried sissy dad?
Starting point is 00:11:28 Like, come on, quit being a pussy. It's $100 million. What's more functional than moving an object from A to B? How heavy is a dumbbell and how far is you? It's a 50-pound dumbbell. Yeah, I think for you and Jason to run with it, it's... For an elite athlete. Yeah, I think it's fine.
Starting point is 00:11:42 How far is the run? A couple half miles at a time. Two half mile runs. And you can carry it wherever, like in your hand or on your... Yeah, you can fucking squeeze that thing between your butt. Fikowski told the athletes to roll up a towel and tape it under your shirt. But what he didn't know is we're actually providing... We have a special piece of equipment.
Starting point is 00:12:02 We're actually providing for athletes and other pussies like him these wow you are not providing no i'm not providing that is that charlotte classic you're running with 50 pound dumbbell you're like is that leaked out is that first time you've announced that no i've been announced it but there's a reddit thread and the reddit thread about it fukowski was commenting. Fikowski called it stupid, and it hurt my feelings. Oh, really? Did he?
Starting point is 00:12:30 Fikowski's on Reddit? I know. That's odd, huh? And the fact that he's like actively- Hey, dude, there's no way Fikowski's on Reddit. It is him, yeah. I bet he set up an account for an Ask Me Anything on Reddit, and then he just kept it just to lurk and see what topics he found. When I think of anyone who goes on Reddit,
Starting point is 00:12:49 I think of them as the same kind of people who use glory holes and don't care if it's a guy or a chick sucking their dick. I swear to God, I think of Reddit as just like this. I just think it's the most vile place on planet Earth. It's pretty tame. I was never on it before I joined it because I kept talking about it. What Reddit thread are you on? Anytime anyone sends me there, it's fucking gross.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Reddit's a place you get what you're looking for. The only one I'm on is the CrossFit one. Yeah, the only one I've been on is the CrossFit one, too. It's fucking mean, and it's coward. It's coward central i i personally would never i never go there i don't go there or facebook if anyone sends me a link to either of those i don't go to either of those the facebook for different reasons i just don't want that shit like populating in my phone like i read a couple of uh sports reddits like the mizzou football reddit page and it's just it's just it is it's clean it's clean it's not like i don't fuck that guy's mom and blah blah blah either the crossfit you
Starting point is 00:13:53 read it uh pages oh yes they are like tears lift tear lifters to say it is it bad is beta alanine bad for you do you ever see the suggestion ones that come up you know like pages that you don't follow and they're like adverts in between. One of them just came up there. His suggested stuff is not good stuff. I don't even get suggestions. This one, our CrossFit is pure garbage. Yeah, that thing.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Yeah, that's the one I'm on. Well, let's go back to my feelings. Do we think that... First off, is he allowed to comment and call that stupid when he takes smelling salts before a CrossFit workout? Fikowski's allowed to comment and call that stupid when he takes smelling salts before a crossfit workout fukowski's i'd say i don't think he wants he has aged like a fine wine has he yeah he has i think he's aged like a big he said running with a 50 pound dumbbell stupid
Starting point is 00:14:37 yeah like he said everybody's in battle to their opinion he said he said verbatim let me read it you're not gonna be able to see it i still don't believe it's him though no it's 100 him dude there's no way someone of his um uh persona or like perceived sophistication goes on reddit this is how you know it's truly him it's because the username is fikowski pfaa whatever so he's even got his like wow his doctorate and his name is not his name is brent kowski ama which is ask me anything which solidifies my point that he'd send up for and ask me anything oh my didn't he say he would never do ghds after he quits competing i also think that people who do ask me anything for the most part are douchebags of the highest level or someone goes by a sponsor
Starting point is 00:15:27 that that's a at least that's a little bit better if you're paid to do it by a sponsor but these people like who post um on their uh um you know like i'm on a plane i'm about to board a plane ask me questions and i'll answer them for you i just just think. I just want to vomit. He did that? I just want to vomit. God, you're a douche, Pedro. God damn, you're a douche. What, like three people asked you a question? Who the fuck wants to know anything about you? Your mom.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Oh. It was like 12 from my mom. When are you getting here? Still up. I left a key here. When is the behind the scenes? Good question. I left the key out. When is the behind the scenes? Good question. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:09 When the athletes get their money. That's when the behind the scenes are on. Yeah, thank you. I've seen two of them. They're absolutely amazing. I've never done an AMA, Alex. Mary Monsoor, Daniel Brandon does this like twice a week i know trust me i know what do you ask her who me yeah i don't ever respond to those i nothing i ask is would be
Starting point is 00:16:34 appropriate someone asked me the other day i mind if i was annoyed that you said that you didn't like the programming show oh oh yeah you said you didn't like our show what the fuck dude i couldn't make it halfway through it on my dishes hey at least i watched it i've never even watched shut up and scribble wow which is well i've watched like three of your shows they've all had me on it ask well you asked. Didn't you ask Pedro why he did the show? And we did. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Well, let's get to that in a second. Hold on. Let me make that. So. OK, so we already talked. This is about Rory was on the Lone Ranger podcast. We talked about that. Did we talk about that?
Starting point is 00:17:17 Rory was on another podcast yesterday. He was the Lone Ranger podcast. He was almost weird. I think we I think we already fucking. We did talk about that. Yeah. the lone ranger podcast he was on was weird i think we i think we already fucking we did um uh okay so that's that okay then let me um so then there's this i want to show you guys that's the entirety of the notes yeah oh i i don't know if i i don't uh i showed this to you guys already you guys beat me up for sure okay here let me show you this this is a jump roping
Starting point is 00:17:43 these are this is the fastest i think this. This is jump roping. This is the fastest, I think this is the fastest jump roper in the world. Buddy Lee. And I've never seen anyone use this technique. Oh, it's some Asian kid. Oh, that was racist. I've never seen anyone use this technique in the games.
Starting point is 00:18:02 And so why is that? You ready? here we go dude that's because all these guys suck at jump roping bro if they knew what they were doing they would look like that how how come it looks like he could how do you count i heard you count four at a time. It's counting fours. Hey, so how easy would it be to fucking pick this technique up and just fucking destroy every one of Double Unders? Well, those are single unders. Yeah, but you can just work that a little bit. I don't need Double Unders. John, if you do them that fast, no one's going to doubt us.
Starting point is 00:18:55 That's fair. Yeah, nobody would doubt you. I think that Annie girl, do you know the Double Under Annie girl? Hey, let's go into your messages. Do you know? Do you know? She had 10 minutes straight, 10 minutes straight. Worse than red.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Of double unders, a thousand double unders in a row. I do kind of want to show you my, I do kind of want to show you. How many did she do? What's the word record for double unders? A thousand. I mean, I think she has it. A thousand unbroken? it like a thousand unbroken she does a thousand unbroken once a year every year she just goes 10 minutes straight without
Starting point is 00:19:29 stopping oh i can do that travis mayor took lessons from her a long time ago um she's called double under annie if you look her up on youtube there is nobody better at double unders than this girl taylor if you did a thousand double-unders on Broken Tomorrow, you wouldn't be able to walk for like three weeks. Is it all one word, double-under Annie? I guess it has to be. I don't think it's one. I don't know. I can't find her.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Double-under Annie. I might pee myself. Annie. You pee yourself when you're doing double-unders. Double-under Annie. I see bend over Annie. I don't see double-under Annie. Are you on Reddit again?
Starting point is 00:20:02 I agree with Mason. I think the world record for double unders has got to be way more than a thousand it might be i just i she's the best double under person that i've ever seen like when you look up people who are really good at double unders there's a um there's a uh instagram account called double under wonder anyway um hey that could be that could be what sets the training camps apart i missed it what did someone say it was a visual people who are good at double unders that's what that's what comes up when you local people are going to double unders i was like who searches that yeah she came
Starting point is 00:20:40 up she came up yeah oh my god okay That's how I learned to lift. People who are good at snatch. It came up China. That's how you learn how to snatch. Why not? In all seriousness, Taylor, why don't we see athletes doing them like that? If that's the faster way to do it.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Double unders? I don't think that's a fast... It might be a faster way to do double unders, but when you're all hunched over like that, there's no efficient way to breathe. So as soon as you have to mix something else with it – So you're saying that those people who set the world record don't actually have the fastest times. You're saying you know better than them. No, they probably have the fastest times at double unders, I would imagine,
Starting point is 00:21:19 but mix it with something else. All right. I think you should look into it. I'm sure Fikowski has. It could be what sets self-made training apart from proven. Okay. Danny Spiegel went to a pickleball court, I heard, and was wearing a top that was too small.
Starting point is 00:21:39 This is so funny. All these stories are like two weeks ago. It's all that we missed to show. And someone reports, a man said he felt uncomfortable, and so it was inappropriate, and you reported her. The facility asked her to change or leave. And what I heard was then she left, but then posted a bunch of angry stories pointed back at the facility.
Starting point is 00:21:59 They didn't like my boobs. Oh, my God. And then I heard that she pulled the story down. And I was thinking, hey, she probably pulled the story down because unlike Hiller, who had his Instagram account taken away and it's no big deal, he just starts another one. I think she would be devastated if she lost her Instagram account, right? So if someone reported her for bullying and she went down from her 1.8 million just got taken from her, you think she would be devastated? I think she'd be fucking reeling. That's livelihood. Yeah, she'd lose all her money that's hey and i and i don't think
Starting point is 00:22:29 she'd ever go up over 200 again what do you think i don't think she'd get past oh she'd 100 get past it dude she doesn't she doesn't have a crossfit following i don't have to make it past 240 i don't think she would pass 240 she would go back to a million in like a week the algorithm all she does is post a picture of her ass yeah all right and every dude but i don't think she makes it past 240. She would go back to a million in like a week. The algorithm, all she does is post a picture of her ass. Yeah, all right. And every dude. But I don't think so. I agree with Taylor on this.
Starting point is 00:22:51 It's like. Pedro, Pedro. Yeah, she's rocked up. God, I wish I knew how to do a poll. Do you know how to do polls? No. Just take a butt shot and you'll get a million followers. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:23:03 I'll do that tonight. Just do that. Okay. Same thing, John. You want more followers? What do I need to do? Put them panties on, boy, and bend over. Take a picture. Take a selfie. Molly Metz. This show has taken a turn.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Double under Molly. Molly Metz. That's her name. You ever heard of her? I have heard of her. She's got what Zombie said. She gets $500,000 per cheek. God, he's funny. Mike McCaskey, she's right.
Starting point is 00:23:33 I don't think so. I don't think so. Do a dumbass poll. Put why in the comments if you agreed that she'd rock it or follow it. I will take the first 20 votes as a strong poll. I don't know how to make a poll. No, just say it in the comments. Why if they think she the first 20 votes as a straw poll. I don't know how to make a poll. No, just let them say it in the comments. Why if they think she would and if they think she wouldn't and then just
Starting point is 00:23:49 count the first 20 comments. How many followers would I get if I posted my tuck shot? Hey, this... Is Frazier wearing rads in here? Yeah. Is he sponsored by rad? No. Explain. Someone explain to me. Isn't he a Nike athlete? No. Explain.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Someone explain to me. Isn't he a Nike athlete? He was. No, his contract is up, man. He's locked up. It's a great photo of him. Where is that? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Is that the Running Man thing? 5K? I think only one person. No no nobody's agreed with you yet um savannah everyone's saying yes yeah but they don't know shit you ran the poll all right so so fraser wears rads they're a good shoe you think? I think so yeah You have them? Yeah I have the running The running Runners
Starting point is 00:24:48 And the like Gym You know the Or like the rad ones And the R1s I like them both You have them They're the only shoe
Starting point is 00:24:56 I've ever worn That I could wear You know like Traveling airport Whatever And not Have a yearning To take them off
Starting point is 00:25:03 You know not be like Oh fuck get these off. You know, like, when I get home. Do you have skinny feet? Could you wear the Metcon? I could, but I didn't like, it was very, like, slappy, or I don't know, like, I just didn't like, um, just didn't like it. Yeah, I can't wear a Metcon.
Starting point is 00:25:17 The older Nanos. Metcon, I can't even get my foot in a Metcon, it's so skinny. Yeah. Hey, Peter. How many pairs of shoes do you guys have? Fifty? Probably have, like, fifteen. Sixty? foot in a metcon so skinny yeah hey how many pairs of shoes do you guys have 50 probably have like 15 60 that you consistently like wear no one three two okay hey peter have you ever heard of naked martin don't tighter it sends me him the whole time. Don't show this. Don't look it up, Seth.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Is it games related? I'm not. I'm not. No, it's full on not games related and it's actually naked wiener. So if you're in the comments, don't look that up. I want to try the strike movements.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Dude. So do I. Brian has a pair, wears them to the gym all the time. I really got to get a pair of those. Yeah. I want to show you them. I want to show you a – this is old also, and this is the last old thing I'm going to show you. And then we'll go to new stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Okay, you ready? This is from Brooke Wells' Instagram account. It says, why did you leave proven? Okay, a lot of these. So here's your brief answer. Oh, this is like an ask me anything why do people do these you think this is good for like you and you're in your house she wasn't getting individualized programming don't ruin it don't ruin it jesus roll caster is ticking oh thank you
Starting point is 00:26:45 okay a lot of so here's your brief answer I need individualized programming at this level and I wasn't getting that anymore also a very large group of training partners is not for me and had become that I prefer one to two daily training partners max
Starting point is 00:27:01 Taylor go ahead you're astonished you're great you're you're like whoa you weren't getting individualized programming that you're shocked at that yeah are you kidding me mass tell me shocked why she's too good to she's too good to be doing like at her level fine-tuning the machine it needs to be specific for her she's reached such a high level that it needs to be someone who's working with her strengths and weaknesses. For the most part. Yeah. For the most part,
Starting point is 00:27:26 if her goal is to win the game for the camp to not give her individualized training, right. It's best for the camp. It's not best for her. If she, if her goal is nuts that the camp does not doing that, I think it makes it easier for them.
Starting point is 00:27:38 If all their athletes are doing the same workouts, she's the second best girl they have. Like, I feel like everybody should be divvied up in their own thing well they clearly fucked up up you just but you agree with that like you're elite athletes shouldn't be doing the same things they should all be doing things individualized to their weaknesses individualized to their deficiencies individualized to their deficiencies, individualized to their strengths, individualized to their nicks and boo-boos. Because at that level, you carry those around
Starting point is 00:28:09 and you have to work around them. And you ask any training camp, that's a hard part about training partners. It's like, oh, this person's feeling weird here. I feel fine there. And trying to come together and do something that both of you are going to benefit from is challenging. I think that's
Starting point is 00:28:25 fucking crazy that she was not getting individualized programming do you think when she says that she knows she's taking shots and she's opening up a can of worms like does she know like hey i mean it's the honest truth of why she left i agree i think it's uh does it heap on pressure then for this year because Because now she will be. So then it's like, if she doesn't have a better season this season, do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:28:48 It's like adding more pressure to her. I would have just said nothing, to be honest. I mean, I don't think people care about her near as much as they used to. What's the best, what do you think is the best,
Starting point is 00:28:58 just quickly, just off the top of your head, what is the best place of training camp out there, Taylor? The best training camp? Yeah, if you had to go to
Starting point is 00:29:05 one which one would you go to i wouldn't go to one uh john which one would you go to brute strength yep me too me too i'd go straight to towards pedro where would you go the camp you'd go to torres yep yep the camp where everyone just left yep yep all right yep let's see how they do next year okay let's see how they do next year. Okay. Let's see how they do next year. Fine this year. Let's see how they, let's see how all those athletes do next year. Dude, I'm telling you, it depends on what you want. Not for, not for, I would send Jason Hopper over to Mayhem. Mayhem. Listen, Mayhem has a culture where those athletes are in.
Starting point is 00:29:42 I don't, this could be completely not true, but it strikes me that athletes like Samuel Kona, Luke Parker. Yeah. Have enough of a head on their shoulders to know when they need to be working on one particular thing over another. And they make the adjustments that they need to make. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:57 They don't wait to get told what to do. Right. Yeah. You only do this look. And at the same time, if you're at that level and you don't have a brain to think for yourself good fucking luck winning ever how about when jr how about when hopper said today on the podcast did jr send him work sent him workouts all the time did that get your little fucking antenna up
Starting point is 00:30:20 anyone that got my fucking antenna up what what do you mean i don't know it just made me a little just made me like just like like i needed to maybe read into it a little bit or something i think jr just cares about him wants him to do well he sends where jr sends workouts to me all the time yeah but you're not with the training camp you're not with the fucking best training camp in the world hwpo is it the best training camp in the world? No I just told you Matt Torres is That's not either none of them are the best Listen listen
Starting point is 00:30:51 I'm gonna acquiesce and say that Danny Spiegel might get a million Instagram followers again If she lost her account today You guys are fucking out of your mind How did she get her following in the first place have on but but it does but it does it's very replicable what she does no no it's not posting posting really hey i had a hundred thousand instagram followers on my last account now i have 14 you do not look like danny's but you but here's what you know i agree i agree but here's what you didn't do in that period of time
Starting point is 00:31:24 but you didn't do another behind the scenes that's been released. So when this next one gets released and we see how much you grow, then we can say, okay. Where was Hiller? Where was Hiller? How many followers did Hiller have when he lost his Instagram account? Well, he would have to go back and repeat all of the videos that he put up and put out the same volume that he did over the course of that year. But she doesn't because it's just asked? No, I didn't say she doesn't.
Starting point is 00:31:44 She just has to post 10 butt pictures. same volume that he did over the course of that year. But she doesn't because it's just asked? No, I didn't say she doesn't ask. She just has to post 10 butt pictures. Hiller's at 10,600. I want to say he was at 50. That's crazy. No, he was at like 60,000. But that's crazy growth still. That's so frustrating that he started that account a fucking month ago
Starting point is 00:31:58 and he's already past 10,000. Bullshit. Mary Monsoor, another professional like myself nah you guys are wrong there was a time period where it was easy to blow up on Instagram I'm sure she would know I don't know shit about it 43k
Starting point is 00:32:18 he was at 43k when he fell from grace I just think there are a thousand girls that do what Danny Spiegel does with the following that Danny Spiegel has. And there's a reason. There's so many of them. Burby Dude also throws this in.
Starting point is 00:32:34 She got most of her following when she was in the Titan Games with The Rock, and she was also going to every comp. Yeah, dude, she doesn't make it over 240. She didn't get those followers from the competition she went to. Yeah, or the Titan games too. And she got this.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Oh my God. Okay. How long, how long do you like, what's, what's the time window that it would take her to get to what? So he is. No,
Starting point is 00:32:55 never again. She never, she'll never get, she won't never. It would take her three years to get to two 42. So he's at a million now. And you're saying the two 40, she's at 1.8, dude. She she's at a million now and you're saying the $240,000? She's at 1.8, dude.
Starting point is 00:33:07 She's at 1.8. Yeah, you know, I'm kind of coming around. That's a lot. Yeah, 1.8 million is a lot. I'm kind of coming around. The only reason I think that she might is because...
Starting point is 00:33:18 Please don't come around me. If it went... I usually do it when you're asleep. If it went that she started getting people with big accounts to say, oh, poor Danny's account got hacked, blah, blah, blah. That's the only way I feel like she could balloon it quickly.
Starting point is 00:33:34 I don't know. She's friends with Josie Hammond and those type of girls. She would just take pictures with them and they'd be like, go follow my girl, Danny Spiegel. Or she could ask Bryce who his dealer is and just fucking buy a couple mil hello hello did you guys hear me dial someone's phone number i heard it dial but nothing since you're calling danny no yeah dude i would pay you 100 bucks i'd send you 100 right now i don't think he has her number. I have everyone's number. He's just going to keep guessing. Hey.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Hello. Hey. What up? I got a question for you. Taylor. Sure. If Danny Spiegel were to have lost her Instagram account for picking on the pickleball guy, for bullying, bullying, Did that happen? No, but let's say it did. My theory is that she pulled it down because someone's like, dude, if you lose your account it did My theory is that she pulled it down
Starting point is 00:34:25 Because someone's like, dude, if you lose your account You're fucked So she pulled it down so she didn't get busted for bullying So let's say that's right How long do you think it would take her to get back to 1.8 million? Never What's the highest you think she'd go? In the next three years?
Starting point is 00:34:43 400,000 Wow, why and why? Because she will post a lot of stuff that will get her to a certain point, but she's never going back on the Titan games, and she's never going to make as big of a play on the CrossFit stage. You think that got her most of her followers? It's what starts the avalanche. I think she starts promoting
Starting point is 00:35:09 OnlyFans and she gets there in a heartbeat. I don't think that her promoting OnlyFans will have anything to do with her Instagram following. I don't know, dude. Search up a porn star. Think of a porn star. Search them up on Instagram, see how many followers they have. I don't know. I'm not on the porn star. Think of a porn star. Search them up on Instagram, so many followers they have. I'm not on the show.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Are you guys going to do that? Hey, someone said Brook End says Nordic 2 million, but she has 1.5 million. If that's not a porn star's name, it should be. That was amazing. Hey, I think Hiller showed me one time Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet's engagement.
Starting point is 00:35:54 I think she has over a million followers, and her engagement was less than someone who had 60,000 followers or some shit. How? Somebody sent me something today saying that basically... Go ahead. Go ahead. how somebody sent me something today saying that basically go ahead go ahead go do it basically the algorithm determines whether or not based on the algorithm will take your piece of content that you put on the internet and it will determine whether or not it's any good within the first
Starting point is 00:36:16 couple of seconds so basically if your engagement's low either your followers are fake or your post or shit oh shit but or no no but i think also i think also is like people skyrocket you get a lot of followers and then they fucking they follow you but they don't fucking they don't ever end up at your account like i never see my wife's account never she like did you see my post i haven't seen a post for my wife in three years unless she sends me a link to it. I just don't. I put up three or four videos a week. I put up one this week and it's gone. It's heading for 200,000
Starting point is 00:36:51 views and I have no idea why. It's not good. It's not particularly special. It's just something stupid I put together and put up. And every time I check back, there's an extra 40 or 50,000 views on it and I don't understand. You should tell Hayley that her content sucks. I was going to say that.
Starting point is 00:37:08 I did see a girl get a pair of fake tits within a month. She had 60,000 followers, and she got a pair of fake tits and put on 500,000 followers. There you go. It sounds like a better investment than buying them. Maybe that's what...
Starting point is 00:37:23 All right, stop, Sebi. Okay, thank you, Andrew. You bet. Andrew Hilar. Better investment than buying them. Maybe that's what... Stop, Sebi. Okay. Thank you, Andrew. You bet. Andrew Hiller. We have him on retainer. I can call him.
Starting point is 00:37:33 And who else did I call? Colton Mertens. Mora. In case anyone was wondering, I just wanted to let you guys know that Emily Rolfe has spent the week toe spacing and ocean gazing. Is that a cruise ship? No, it's a perfect woman. Wait, what did you ask?
Starting point is 00:38:01 Her boob stick? No. Have you asked? No, I i know it i know what you look at the responses to daniel brandon's comment right oh daniel oh are those real oh shit wow i'm totally talking about the views wow oh my goodness uh, the view is 100% natural. So wait, so you think that maybe those aren't real boobs? I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:38:37 It was just a genuine, innocent question. God. Jesus Christ. I'm crying. I'll look at this later when I'm off the air You're disgusting Emily Rolfe How did she do at Rogue Invitational That's what I meant to say Oh my god like 20th
Starting point is 00:38:59 She did better than that She didn't do much better than that Congratulations Tia is back She did better than that. She didn't do much better than that, though. Congratulations. Tia is back. What do you have to say about that, Taylor Self? The fittest, most accomplished CrossFitter who ever lived, back in action.
Starting point is 00:39:16 We got to see her this week. Tell me what your thoughts are, Taylor. If you're not first or last, those are my thoughts. So, back? I don't know. Pedro. Yeah, I don't know. Iro um yeah i don't know what kind of mixed feelings on it but i'm a man so probably shouldn't really have an opinion on either way but i know my wife's a bit pissed off about it oh why what'd she say what do you mean she's just kind of like is it putting undue
Starting point is 00:39:39 pressure on other mothers coming back when she came back so quickly to such a high level and that kind of stuff i don't want to put words in her mouth but along those lines i think the how quickly she came back to the way that she was training um didn't sit easy with her like not in a she should do what i would do kind of way i don't think she meant it that way but just like she when she was coming back after her our her our first child there was a lot of like oh you're fine you know like going back to training and stuff and she was like well i'm not like and it was like you know there wasn't much um there wasn't much uh adaption adapting being made for her she felt so then when she sees she's like, well, that's just going to cement that
Starting point is 00:40:26 for some people that like, well, if Tia could do it, like you can come back and do burpees. What's the big deal? And what do you say? Do you straighten your wife out and be like, hey, listen. She's on drugs. No. God damn it. Hey,
Starting point is 00:40:42 Pedro, I had this friend and he would order a salad when he would go out with his chick, and his chick would get mad at him. Everyone stop and watch John Guzzle. She would get mad at him because he would order a salad and make her feel bad. Was your wife just venting to you, or does she really care? I mean, undue pressure. No, I think it's you're
Starting point is 00:41:06 in big trouble like why i don't know go ahead i just told her like my response was you need to just like get over it basically like it's not you so just get over it but i think she was just i think it brought up stuff for her that frustrated her when she was pregnant and finished being pregnant both times i think that was the... Okay, so we have a hater who thinks she's juicing. We have a man whose wife is pissed because Tia's so amazing and made her feel like dog shit. John, do you have an opinion?
Starting point is 00:41:37 I think she's going to win the 2024 CrossFit Games running away. Man, you guys. I don't think it'll be close. Dude, we just had a weekend where the fucking, we got to see the greatest fucking CrossFitter who ever lived fucking compete against the previous year's champ after a fucking year off.
Starting point is 00:41:55 And that's what you guys fucking have? How is what I said negative? Who do you think? It's not negative, but dude, that was fucking incredible. Like if we can't get excited about that, we shouldn't even have a sport. Dude, what are you talking about? We were excited.
Starting point is 00:42:08 We were excited all weekend, brother. That was a week ago. Okay, so you're just hung over a little bit. Dude, brother. I don't know if I want to say that. I do want to know who takes care of the baby when they're at the games, dude. Or who takes care of the baby when they're training. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Dude, I'm just curious. What a fucking bunch of dickheads. Can we sound woke? Somebody said you sounded woke in the comments, Peter. Yeah, like people are like, this isn't, I'm sharing someone else's opinion. So people are saying like, oh, Pedro, it's actually this.
Starting point is 00:42:40 I don't give a fuck. Like, I don't care. Let her do whatever the fuck she wants. I was just giving someone's opinion on it. Hey, and listen, it's easy to sit here and criticize Pedro, but if you had to pull your pants down and put your dick next to mine,
Starting point is 00:42:49 you'd feel bad too. I would feel bad for you. Uh, the greatest female CrossFitter alive right now at 4 42 PM Pacific standard time is Laura Horvath.vath agree or disagree pedro like on current fitness levels right now yeah if we could teleport them if we could teleport them right this second to a fucking to my house to my garage to the three plane brothers empire she's the fittest fucking female crossfitter alive today alive today. Alive today, yeah. Yep. I think if they did the CrossFit games and not Rogue, Tia wins.
Starting point is 00:43:26 No shit. No way. No way. Not now. Not right now. Not when they get Rogue. You're talking about when she was at Rogue? No, we're talking about right now.
Starting point is 00:43:35 He knows. He knows. Her current fitness. No, you're high. Yeah, you are high, but I like it. Laura won by five points in a competition that had no strict handstand push-ups and is freaking geared for her to win.
Starting point is 00:43:49 It's a heavy competition. It's geared for her to win. The games is heavy, dude. Not every single event, and you're going to have gymnastic-only workouts. You're going to have a swimming workout. I know they didn't have one. They had gymnastic-only workouts. One.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Right, not gymnastic-only. One. Right. Not gymnastic only, but... That is true. That is true what Taylor said. There's going to be a handstand specific workout. You can say the snatch one, but that was more about the power snatch than the handstand push-ups. For most people. I know Laura Horvath was still last place because she freaking
Starting point is 00:44:19 sucks at handstand push-ups, but if you have a strict handstand push-up, she's taking last place in a field of 40, right? Instead of just 20, 40, that hurts you more. And then there's going to be a swim workout. There's going to be a run workout. This is also way more monostructural, like stuff that Tia can just chew.
Starting point is 00:44:40 I'm saying the games is going to have more events for Tia than the rogue does stop this and also this dickhead in the comments five point by a competition where everything that was modified benefited laura bull fucking shit if the final was heavier like it was supposed to be that benefits laura not the lighter barbell it takes seconds stop stop lighter barbell does does not benefit laura it's switching to handstand walks instead of pegboards does not benefit Laura. Taking rope climbs out of the fucking duel
Starting point is 00:45:10 does not benefit Laura, you idiot. All those things detract. If it was rope climbs in the duel, she beats Danny. Danny's not even in the top 15 in that workout. If there are pegboards in big cat, she does way fucking better. If the barbell's 175 pounds, not 155, she takes a fat steamer on tia
Starting point is 00:45:26 hey i do want to say this hold on let me just say one thing this is me really quick john and then you go that is true we really should stop saying rogues heavy but the games are heavy too it's it's silly not to think the games are heavy okay go ahead john did she not did she not do that in the event anyway the The last event anyway? No, she didn't dump on her. She would have crushed. Right, right. And it would have been a matter of five points.
Starting point is 00:45:51 But every girl would have known more girls would have gotten in between had it been 175%. I really don't. I really don't think so. Plus, T only had about a week of skull and reins. Now, by the time the game's come around, she'll have finished at least two full cans. So she'd be like chomping at the bit ready
Starting point is 00:46:10 to go. Didn't Hiller make a video disagreeing with you and now he's saying Taylor's? Oh, Taylor's incorrect. Oh, okay. Fuck no, dude. I'm correct. What's incorrect mean? What am I incorrect about? Incorrect. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:26 You think Laura would win at the games if they had it right now and i think tia would win at the games if they had it right now i do think maybe that's what i'm incorrect about yeah i do think it's close but right i don't have games i think i'm less passionate about that response i'm more passionate about the fact that the changes didn't that benefited her somebody in the comments yeah that's not true at all about her beating you with that about tia beating her if the games were held right now the same events that just happened no no no the the next crossfit games it doesn't matter what it is uh whatever you know swimming's gonna be in it because it wasn't it last year but laura's a good swimmer is she not it's an automatic win for tia is it automatic win yes automatic the choppa's on no swimming's gone there's no more swimming at the games they can't afford it yeah
Starting point is 00:47:16 you don't think they'll have indoor they if they raise the affiliate fee this year they'll afford it um i don't know i don't know who wins head to head at the. I don't know. I don't know who wins head-to-head at the games. I don't know. I think that by the time the games comes around, coming second at Rogue is going to, whatever fire already was under Tia is going to be like fucking crazy. But the other half of that is now Laura knows
Starting point is 00:47:42 that Tia's beatable. No one ever beat Matt in a competition until, well, okay, he was like a rookie, second, second. Then Rich retired, no one else had beat him. Or Ben beat him. But after that, it was like. At 2016, nobody beat him. Right. And then no one could beat him, period.
Starting point is 00:47:59 And that's how Tia has been. But now there's this young gun, Laura. She has tasted blood. She took a fucking bite out of the monster. She chewed on the fucking meat. It's like a dog that tastes blood. Now it just wants to fucking kill everything in sight, dude. That's what I think Laura is.
Starting point is 00:48:15 She's like a fucking dog that you just gave blood to. She's fucking hungry. I don't disagree. That dog can't tear up to you. I think that dog is going straight for the groin bro have you ever heard about when a hen eats its own egg and goes fucking nuts
Starting point is 00:48:30 no mad cow disease a grizzly bear for those of you so what do you think Pedro you're the tie breaker or you're not the tie breaker me and Taylor think Laura is the fittest female CrossFitter alive as of right now. John thinks it's Tia.
Starting point is 00:48:50 What do you think? As of right now, I think it's Laura. But I think in another month and a half, two months, I think Tia's going to start to see Klipsner again, I think. Jeremy, world, unless Tia allows Shane to drench her vagina with the baby batter prior. Excuse me. I'm reading.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Excuse me. Excuse me. Unless Tia allows Shane to drench her vagina with baby batter prior to next year's game, she will set a new points gap record. I disagree with that. No, I disagree with that. i disagree with that you're disgusting dude who baby batter oh what do you call it no the word drench was life source jesus christ holy fuck okay uh uh yon clark uh uh drench the vagina was uncalled for. All right.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Okay, sorry. God damn. I just was resentful that he used the, if she allowed. If she allowed. Okay. For those of you who didn't know, two CrossFit employees were let go today. I believe that they were former. They were either on the affiliate team where
Starting point is 00:50:06 the fuck knows who's running the affiliate team I'm just gonna say it's canceled or they were on what's called a support team I can't figure out what the fuck is going on over there I so want to know so bad but basically they lost two more employees today they were fired I know for sure of them We're on what's called a support team. I can't figure out what the fuck is going on over there. I so want to know so bad.
Starting point is 00:50:26 But basically, they lost two more employees today. They were fired. I know for sure of them was an original staff that was there when I was there. I don't know the reasons, but it is interesting that they let go two people. Every time you let go people like that, it rocks the boat and rattles people it would be weird if they just brought on this guy who is absolutely incompetent to do his job to coons as uh as hillar so uh easily pointed out to us he he doesn't have an l1 and yet he's running in a department that sells gym uh gyms that you can't run unless you have an l1 i mean the whole thing is fucking batshit crazy. But what's even worse is they sent out an email to all the affiliates
Starting point is 00:51:08 telling them that this guy didn't have an L1. It's just, it's bizarre. Bizarro world. Don must be just tripping balls. However that got out. But anyway, I think that department fired two people today. The whole thing is bizarre. If I'm an affiliate, I'm tripping. Ready to start my own affiliate program i think right now at 4 50 p.m pacific standard time the fittest male crossfitter in the world
Starting point is 00:51:36 is pat velner right now beam them to my house let them work out against each other. This will be fun. I agree, dude. Pat won a heavy test. He won Rogue. He won the heavy event. And dude, it's time to get off. I don't mean to be
Starting point is 00:51:57 an asshole, but it's time to get off of Roman's dick. And also, he is another one who fucking for sure did not benefit from the changes. All the upper body pulling taken out so benefits him. All the overhead, huge hit to him. He's better than Reddit Fikowski. He's better than—I apologize, Brent.
Starting point is 00:52:21 I know that's not you on there. The glory hole champion. I don't know, dude. Peter thinks it is. No, it's not. Let's not you on there. The glory hole champion. I don't know, dude. Peter thinks it is. No, it's not. Let's have him on Shut Up and Scribble. Brent. Who do you think the fittest guy in the world is right now, Peter?
Starting point is 00:52:35 Yeah, I'd say Vettel. I think Brent Fikowski. I'm saying that because I want him to come on Shut Up and Scribble. I don't think it's Jeffrey Adler, and I don't think it's Roman Krennikoff. I don't think it's at jeffrey adler and i don't think it's um uh roman krennikoff i don't think it's ricky garrett i think it's roman you do what you think it's roman what did he get like 13th at rogue what did he get he got like he got fifth stop that third we got third he was between fukowski get out of town i do i don't i don't think i don't think he can beat um jason hopper in a one-on-one fit wars I don't think he can beat Jason Hopper In a one on one
Starting point is 00:53:07 How was Roman and Rogue last year? Not good He got fifth And then he ended up third And probably should have won the games The games is different than Rogue It's different The games suits Roman better
Starting point is 00:53:21 Are the games a good test of fitness? I think it's the best test of fitness that we have. Do you think it could be better? Yeah. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan
Starting point is 00:53:51 every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at less mileage misery. It's a road less traveled for a reason. Say no to gas stations and gassy passengers, and yes to Sunwing Savings. Book with your local travel agent or... Pat Vellner, Jeffrey Adler, Roman Krennikoff, Brent Fikowski, Ricky Mack, Travis Mayer, and Jason Hopper, Dallin Pepper.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Those are your top eight. Nine is Jake Grouch. You think Roman's the fittest guy alive right now at 4.53 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on November 4th, 2023? I do. And I think he'll win the 2024 CrossFit Games. I think year-round, probably Noah is fitter than anyone. And I would say second to that, Pat. Maybe Pat. Maybe Pat year-round is fitter than anyone and i would say second to that pat maybe maybe pat
Starting point is 00:55:06 maybe pat year round is fitter than anyone like at this time of the year if you had to put like in in 2020 where is noah coming from dude he's always he's always no stop this is last time i think he needs a break from this show you know you mean relative to his peak or straight up? Yeah, relative to his peak. He doesn't really peak. He's always at a particular level. Yeah, I follow. Whereas
Starting point is 00:55:35 two months after the games, Matt doesn't have abs anymore. I agree. He can't even see his dick if he took his shirt off. You can see your dick if he took his shirt off. I agree with his statement about Mello. There's no way Pat ever can't not see his dick when he takes his shirt off.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Okay, let's take a vote here. I think Pat's the fittest man alive right now. What do you think, Taylor? Yeah, I agree. Pedro? John? This is risk for none of y'all picking him to win Rogue. I'm the only one who picked him to win in Rogue
Starting point is 00:56:07 and I'm telling you, Roman is bitter. It's a benefit of hindsight. Well, benefit of hindsight I think Roman's bitter. Merv wants to give Jake... Hold on, hold on, hold on. Y'all think he's going to win? You think he'll win the games? Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Yes. I think it's his best shot. Yeah, yes for four years straight four years straight i've never picked him he's gonna win now he's winning every madero's year i thought pat melner was gonna win the year after it i said this is his best shot four years straight and he just always finds a way to come up short wouldn't't it be so funny, though, if every year you said it, he didn't, and then the one year you say it, he did? John, what if he wins
Starting point is 00:56:50 Wadapalooza? Pat? Yeah. It won't change my opinion at all. He's done that before, too, hasn't he? Wadapalooza's a party. No. I booked my flight yesterday for Wadapalooza. Sorry. No wonder your wife hates to you sorry no wonder your wife hates you
Starting point is 00:57:05 no wonder your wife hates you okay look at this does anyone think that this is a cool post no I think it's fucking dumb as shit are they trying to make Adler a villain he is a villain
Starting point is 00:57:21 dude what is going on who is running this account he's a villain but he's definitely not darth vader he's more like fucking i don't know some autistic mega mind but why are why like does anyone like does anyone think this is cool do you know what the worst part about this is if i was o2 hydration or if i was go what i'd be like that's the paid partnership post that like we are paying you to put that dog shit out on the internet yeah if I'm Scott Panjik I'm pissed where was Amanda
Starting point is 00:57:52 Barnhart this year did she even go to the games no didn't she why don't is there anyone in the comments that likes this that like thinks it's cool to like have these guys be like superheroes and like in and Star Wars guys? Does anyone find this cute?
Starting point is 00:58:07 What's actually funny is... How old do you have to be to enjoy this? Gabi Magala looks more like a superhero than her superhero. They did a really, really, really shit job of what Nick does really well. They took his idea and did a terrible job at it. So AI
Starting point is 00:58:23 makes Roman look like a steroid-infested gorilla. Yes. But it makes Gabby Magala look like an anorexic schoolteacher? Yeah. What? What is this? Yeah, this is stupid. It makes Gabby Magala look like Anna Kendrick,
Starting point is 00:58:39 and it makes Roman look like Chase dressed up as Thor. If Chase was on a 10-year cycle of steroids. Again. I do not know. Hey, look, somebody did jump like that at the games. Oh, my goodness. Sorry, bro. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:59:03 And he wore it. I just thought it was. Never mind. And what's up with these filters that they have on all their pictures? Will is right in the comments. They turned Jeff Adler. It's not even him.
Starting point is 00:59:13 It's just like, fuck it. It's a guy in a mask. You can't even see that it's him. It's just regular Darth Vader. It's just like Darth Vader. You can't see any face. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:59:24 It's so stupid. It is so stupid. It is so stupid. Don't hire him. He's down for the count. Oh, my God. Hey, it's like an AI posted it, too. It's like, hey, will you make this and post it? It's like no one checked it.
Starting point is 00:59:36 No one verified it. The same with the email that went out to the affiliates. Jay DeCoon is an enthusiast. He'll be getting his L1 next month. Don't worry. He's in charge of your gym that you put food on your table with to feed your kids. Are you buying
Starting point is 00:59:50 an affiliate, Taylor? You open an affiliate? A CrossFit affiliate? Yeah. No idea, dude. Maybe a Glassman affiliate. Maybe a Broken Science affiliate. God, this is so bad. Does anyone like this? Is anyone excited when CrossFit Games posts? Any of you guys get excited?
Starting point is 01:00:08 No, they suck. Yeah, so bad. Sorry, whoever's running the account. Not sorry. No, not sorry. Not sorry at all. You fucking blow, dude. Danny Spiegel has the same amount of followers as you.
Starting point is 01:00:21 You're the league she competes in. What are you doing? There's none of the... I mean, look the league she competes in. What are you doing? There's none of the... I mean, look at this. Look at this. Fuck, dude. This is a post on fucking CrossFit Games. Adler challenges Inter Miguel at the Rogue. Who the
Starting point is 01:00:38 fuck is Miguel? It's that guy. No one fucking knows who it is, dude. El Dorado. Eldorado. Out of here. I'm with y'all. I know who that guy is though. I'm baffled.
Starting point is 01:00:55 I'm baffled. I'm going to try one more. Let's do this one right here. Let's click this one. Denise Thomas. She's cool. Let's see what she has to say. There is a six word phrase that we say. What is CrossFit?
Starting point is 01:01:10 CrossFit is constantly varied functional movements that are executed at high intensity. It's a definition of five seconds that says everything, but doesn't satisfy anyone. I'm not talking about this part here. It's a strength and conditioning program that mixes weightlifting, calisthenics, powerlifting, running, rowing, biking, and a whole bunch of different ways so that you get a broad, broad, broad range of fitness and you're never bored when you do a workout because they're changing all the time. At the end of the day, it's just working out with a good bunch of people, having a sweat, letting off some steam,
Starting point is 01:01:48 and getting healthier and sexier at the same time. It's family, it's community, it's fitness. It's a no BS approach to bettering your life, not only inside the walls of the gym, but also outside the walls of the gym. He's a fucking G, I love him. Yeah, all those people are. Nicole Christensen, Stephon Roche.
Starting point is 01:02:06 You're not just seeing the fittest. Oh, isn't that the guy from Death By? Shut up, dude. You're seeing athletes that are just like you or me. The beautiful thing about CrossFit is that absolutely anyone can do CrossFit. Regardless of any demographic, age, ability level, or background. It is designed for anybody to take part in. If I looked at each individual person that walks in every single day here,
Starting point is 01:02:39 it's like everybody's absolutely different. It could look like my 80-year-old dad. It could look like my kids. There's an option for you that fits you exactly where you are in your fitness journey. It'll meet you right where you are at and it'll take you to places that you never even thought you could go in terms of your fitness. I've seen people change their life. I've seen people lose 50 kg. It's like relationships be created babies being born for people who've met at the gym Oh, that's Ollie from UK man, they got it all they got a fucking
Starting point is 01:03:24 I can I can honestly say hand heart, that it will change their life. Not because it's just a fitness program. Not because of the community. But because the greatest adaptation that occurs in CrossFit happens right here. Let's fucking go, Chuck. Yeah, boy. That sizes me up. And you know what?
Starting point is 01:03:43 You know what? That also does. Erases the Darth Vader post? No, it proves that running with a 50-pound dumbbell is not stupid. Oh, my goodness. Listen, anyone who posts shit on Reddit is a dipshit, and just know the opposite is true. That's a good commercial,
Starting point is 01:04:03 but I don't believe anyone at crossfit meet uh instagram who has any control that had anything to do with that video they just clicked post i think 80 of their posts should be like that and right right 20 not darth vader oh my god dude i'm not even full chub i have a hammer right now dude i just got a boner well here let me kill it for you oh my god this is fucking this looks like some 15 year old meme account i just want to say that people in texas don't dress like that yeah they would resent that they would resent compared to barbie and that fucking douche canoe. Ryan Gosling with his bleached hair.
Starting point is 01:04:49 Maybe Austin. But that's not fourth word. No. I think it's like. But here's the thing. Someone who works there thinks that this is appropriate. Like this is somehow good for the brand. More than one person.
Starting point is 01:05:03 More than one person. Because someone is making them. And then someone is okaying it. No, good for the brand. More than one person. More than one person, because someone is making them, and then someone is okaying it. No, it's the same 13-year-old. It's two 13-year-old girls doing this. There's absolutely no oversight. I think Chalk Llamas does their
Starting point is 01:05:17 memes. That's the name of the page. He has his own page. I think he does the memes. He's like 38, 36. He has his own page. I think he does the memes. He's like 38, 36. He has his own page? Yeah. Chalk Mamas. Really?
Starting point is 01:05:30 So you think he's the one making memes for CrossFit? Yeah. You know that. Someone just told me. Who told you? Hey, look at Casey Acree's nub looks just like the snout of a fucking elephant. Like he could drink water through that thing and spray it across the street. Doesn't it?
Starting point is 01:05:51 I'm trying to zoom in. Wow. It really does, dude. It looks like an elephant snout. That's crazy. I wonder if he can drink water through there. Do you think you can do that thing where you can grab like loop around and
Starting point is 01:06:02 grab a girl's titty with it? Like they do on the Instagram. Search rolls a lot. You do that thing where you can grab like loop around and grab a girl's titty with it. Like they do on the Instagram. Uh, search rolls a lot. It's probably the chick that ran Bud lights marketing. Probably. Oh my goodness. So dumb.
Starting point is 01:06:18 It is. It's, it's bad. And it's been going on forever and ever. Um, I will say this, you know, what is interesting is CrossFit YouTube in the last two weeks has published like four or five videos.
Starting point is 01:06:28 What's frustrating is like when Chuck Carlswell said it's a no BS approach. Yeah. Like that's – that is – Yeah, the person who makes these Instagram posts definitely doesn't get that message. Right, but it's so anti what the methodology is. The methodology is a no BS approach. Right. Instagram is total bullshit.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Yeah. The Instagram is someone who Googles like currently trending pop culture references. Yes. Yes. And then just make something, even if it's not related to anything, even if it makes no sense,
Starting point is 01:07:01 if the timing is off, if it's just dumb and then they make it, and then another person who's in charge says, good job, buddy. Post it. Did any of you guys go see that Barbie movie? No. My girlfriend tried to. My wife. Girlfriend, maybe fiance at the time. Wife now tried to get me
Starting point is 01:07:18 to watch it at home. Yeah. Got through 25 minutes. I was like, fuck this. It's a musical. I'm out. I don't like musicals. Oh, it is a musical. It's very against men. Is it really? From what I've heard, yeah. Yeah, apparently it's like, oh, women have such a hard time type of wokeness.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Like Barbie. I don't condone that shit. To have independent lives because men try to control everything. Maybe if we watched it, we'd find that meme. Absolutely. We'd be rolling around the ground laughing. That's why Chuck doesn't have an Instagram account. Yeah. Ken Walters, my wife went and saw it. She couldn't stand it.
Starting point is 01:07:54 I just can't imagine. Yes, it was anti-men. I just can't imagine thinking that any part of my life would be worth giving to that movie. Oppenheimer was better. It's not. Oppenheimer was good but not the best i watched i watched i watched 20 minutes of justin madaris's um uh ask me anything video speaking of you mean the darling the darling of crossfit people who do ask me anything uh um him and ellie were in
Starting point is 01:08:21 the same video you know what i struggle with him him and Ellie in the same video with is I have Justin on this tier that she's not on. Yeah. Like game shop. That's okay. I know it's okay, but I struggle with it a little bit. I don't mean this in any derogatory way,
Starting point is 01:08:40 but I struggle with it. Like if, um, if someone came on here and they were started asking taylor oh like pedro when pedro pedro was telling his stories when he had torres and um uh taylor and um uh marconi on he's got three fucking world-class athletes and coaches and he's like when i did the assault bike i'm like pedro shut the fuck up no one gives a fuck about your assault bike ride you talk about your bike ride all the time.
Starting point is 01:09:06 You talk about how shit. I'm not perfect. I'm not perfect. I'm not perfect. What I'm saying, look at these guys. Come to your defense, Pedro. When I hear the two of them talk, it's just like, hey, they're just not the same tier.
Starting point is 01:09:22 I don't know. I guess I just put more value to what Medeiros is saying because he's the champ. And it almost like it's not, there's a lack of continuity with the both of them answering questions in a video. Do you guys have any of that? She's better at the videos than him though.
Starting point is 01:09:37 She's great at the videos. I agree. She's great at the videos. She's very charming, confident. I don't know if she's better, but she's awesome in them. Yeah, I agree with that. I get what you're saying, but I thinkiot's at a lead enough level where they're on this they're not the same tier of fitness but i mean what they're feeling what they're experiencing
Starting point is 01:09:53 is probably on the same tier like um like putting garrett clark in and do you think garrett clark and um uh pat velner if they were in videos together answering questions together you think people would be like yo garrett shut your mouth and let pat talk probably but like what they're getting what they're experiencing in the workout is probably the same pat's just better he's just fitter he can't like garrett can't last as long as pat it doesn't mean they're doing different workout they're doing the same workout like if if uh will's right yeah what it will say justin got 13th they're on the same tier oh no come on no that's not right so like like if if
Starting point is 01:10:41 peter was doing the same let me let me give you this example real quick. Let me give you this real quick, John. So she says at one point in the video, she says, it's good working out together because sometimes I'm good and sometimes he's good. I'm like, no, no, no, no. You have fucking major holes, Ellie. We've all seen them. And Justin does not. His major hole was everything this year, dude.
Starting point is 01:11:03 He just sucked. And suck is a relative term. I'm so harsh. I'm saying in general, the guy is fucking world fucking class across the board. And, like, I'm not buying it that, like, sometimes you basically said, sometimes when I do good, um, uh, or when he does good against something that I'm good at, he says he knows that he'll, he'll be competitive with his guys in it. And I'm like, Justin does like what?
Starting point is 01:11:33 No, come on. Like, I'm just not buying that type stuff. She's she's world-class. I agree. I agree. There's some stuff that she's like 13th, go to the video. If he's gauging himself over her fitness at any point during his training, he's an and that's why he took 13th the games i mean i'm i kind of agree with that too you should be fucking pile driving anyone you're a training partner with
Starting point is 01:11:54 every single day or trying to probably probably oh gosh oh wow i wasn't i wasn't ready for that i didn't i was i was thank you pedro thank you you're a good dude do you think you could reach the same stimulus taylor if you scaled if you scaled your partners i know they won't do this but like if you scaled your training partners workout to where you don't think that you could beat them like it's but and then you're racing them with that or no wait what like if you scale the workout for them whatever workout you're doing you scale it for them where they should be faster than you people do that working out with me all the time and it makes me want to beat them even more
Starting point is 01:12:35 but i'm saying can you not reach a good stimulus that way a good training stimulus that way no it's a horrible stimulus because my mind if they beat me i have an excuse and there's and i get it as an excuse and i get nothing out of beating them so it's not it's not bad training it's nice to have people that train with me but if they scale it just to beat me they're not doing the same fucking workout uh bryson del monte there's still workouts that are home run hits for her that she could beat him at i i i'm not saying that there aren't i'm just saying that i struggle a little bit when they're both talking sometimes i'm like hey like let the champ talk it would it would be like like i don't want to hear if t is talking
Starting point is 01:13:14 about something like there's very few other women that i want to hear fucking chime in on it when she's talking about it like i don't like i like i'm here to watch the champ you just put them on different tiers of status you just don't care for what she says. It's not that I don't care. If I was watching her just alone in a video somewhere, I would. But there's just something about, like, putting them at the same. Like, it clouds the value of what he's saying, I think, to me. Let me keep going through my notes, and maybe I'll give you a specific example.
Starting point is 01:13:40 Or next week, because they do a lot of these together. So maybe I'll start getting clips. Madera says, on rest day, they only do swimming, golfing, or mobility. He says he didn't feel like himself at the games, but he feels great now. He looks amazing. They both look amazing, actually. And he would have loved to have gone for Rogue, but he doesn't know how well he would have done
Starting point is 01:13:59 or if he would have felt great because he didn't ramp up and train for it. But actually he feels great, and he would have wanted to go um ellie same thing said she really wanted to go but she's still tending to a back injury it sounds like it says justin's bill sounds like it she's got a lot of back issues yeah justin's doing team at wadapalooza um and she's going to try to do individual but she's once again she's waiting to get the uh clearance from back. He's not doing individual, too. He's just doing team. He's doing team. She's going to try to do individual.
Starting point is 01:14:29 But I mean, he's not doing individual. Doesn't sound like it. Like Pat's doing both of them. No, doesn't sound like it. He didn't say. Or if he did, I didn't hear. Do you think Pat could win the games if he just decided not to do Waterpalooza and to spend that time training for the games? No.
Starting point is 01:14:44 I think he's going to win the games regardless. You don't think it would make a for the games no i think he's gonna win the games regardless you don't think it'd make a difference john i think it may i think you'd have a better shot yeah come on come on what do you think he gains by what do you think he loses by doing i don't think he gains something because he can win wadapalooza i mean you're he loses two months full months of training for the games. Two months. Yeah. To taper, compete,
Starting point is 01:15:09 deload, rest, then ramp back up and get back into a rhythm. I think he loses like three weeks. No fucking way. At least, at least a month. How long?
Starting point is 01:15:19 I agree. I agree. Yeah. Pedro two and two, I think two individual, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, I think. Two individual, two team.
Starting point is 01:15:25 He'd have the best chance to win the games. He'd have the best chance to win the games if he didn't do a lot of losing. Yeah, I agree with you. But money-wise… Explain that to me. It's really that impactful in a negative way? What about in a positive way? What if he gets fitter?
Starting point is 01:15:40 Taylor's saying is right, and it's a month of not training. That whole entire month, you could be getting fitter. You could be filling holes. You could be working on your weaknesses that you're not doing because you're worried about a different competition. I also got the impression that people don't. I think a month is way too much. I think it's the week of the season.
Starting point is 01:16:03 But Jason said he doesn't even really start training for the games until semi-finals okay everything you do everything you do in the gym from this point forward is for the games they that is such a fucking misnomer and it's misleading when he says something like that because it's bullshit it's fucking stupid it's not true good i'm glad to hear that everything he goes into the gym and does sorry to interrupt you john you're good you're good if he goes if he starts training again today or tomorrow that is preparing him for the games i'm not training for the games oh what are you training for dude golf do you get what i'm saying yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what you said what you're saying makes total sense for instance if his shoulder to overhead is still super not super
Starting point is 01:16:56 weak because he's not super weak but like if that's he's not on par with the best that there is overhead positioning he could have worked that this whole time, and that could be a strength of his. This is what Frazier did so well. You're talking about Belner. Yeah, if there was a weakness in Frazier's game, he would work it nonstop until it was a strength. And not everybody does that.
Starting point is 01:17:19 And Belner has had the same weaknesses. Granted, very few. And he's world-class at a lot of things, but he's had the same weaknesses granted very few and he's world class at a lot of things but he's had the same weaknesses his whole entire career am i wrong and saying you're not wrong i don't believe it's execution he always mis-executes on the same workout at the games the long workout he fucking blows on the running yeah he whips it and then i think he's just not a good of a runner though i don't think he whips it i think that's what he is that's bullshit look at his body type you think he's a better runner than what he shows
Starting point is 01:17:56 i think he could be we're going yeah but i'm saying what he is right now his shoulder his shoulder overhead right that's always been an issue swimming so like fix those i mean i guess the shoulder overhead thing that might be from his blown out bicep tendon that he had or whatever that 2016 regional right i don't know if he ever got that fixed so like there's there might be some instability there that's like okay you have what you have and live with it i'm good with that but the running and the swimming fix the long event fix the biking fix you are a savage at crossfit clearly he blew everyone's hats off in that uh 21 15 9 9 15 21 workout which is like as metabolic as it got probably this past year, clapped people. So run a little more, swim a little more.
Starting point is 01:18:49 Do you like his vernacular, Pedro, when he says slap dick and clap? And do you like that? I'll tell you what, I really like what he said. He blew everyone's hats off. I don't know why I like that so much. It's not like this is just for a year. That workout was bussing, dude. It's not like this is just for a year.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Like that's been the case every single year. Oh, God. For the last five years. No cap. Somebody asked Justin, why don't you compete anymore? Real talk. And has asked me anything. And I just want to say to that person who asked that,
Starting point is 01:19:22 you are a fucking moron. And you made Justin dumber. And that's why anyone who does ask me anything are a fucking moron and that's why and you made justin dumber and that's why anyone who does ask me anything is a fucking moron because basically you're taking a net and just skimming the top for fucking retards he just competed three months ago you fucking idiot what i mean why aren't you competing anymore like he's retired yeah how dare you fucking talk to the champ like that you douche nozzle i just um who are you talking about someone in the questions asked uh justin what's your favorite thing about australia and he didn't say ellie and then someone asked ellie what's your favorite thing about america
Starting point is 01:19:57 and she didn't say justin i feel like they just didn't understand that that was an answer in the question well someone asked you what your favorite thing about America is, which is, would you say your wife? No. What's your favorite thing about California, Savan? The sun. Dave, yeah. Listen, he fucking, don't undermine me.
Starting point is 01:20:22 I'll call Hiller again. Ellie said that they asked her when she's going back to Australia again, and she said maybe for Torian. She's not going to have to go back there, is she? Does she have residency in America? I mean, it looks like she lives in Justin. At one point, someone said, you and justin getting married and justin said not until i win another couple crossfit games i guess they're not getting married then ever oh shit
Starting point is 01:20:53 you guys i thought they would have gone to down under that's in december i thought they would have gone there but if her back is up maybe maybe. If he's doing Waterblues, actually, no, never mind. Justin will be on the podium this year. Do you think this is Justin's first girlfriend? Yes. It probably won't last, right? Do you really ever get it right the first time? Rare. He did. With Australian Girl,
Starting point is 01:21:19 you do. What's up? Australian Girls, they can do stuff that regular girls can't do. He's in. John, what'd you say? I said my best friend did. Right, but it's like... Very rare. Very rare, yeah. We'll see them parting ways.
Starting point is 01:21:35 My mom was my dad's first girlfriend and they're divorced. Yeah, my parents were. My parents were too. Okay, here, since we're getting really edgy, you ready? It's one thing to have a female training partner. Right? Like, we know it's worked, right?
Starting point is 01:21:56 It's a good idea. It can work. It can work really well, right? Likewise for them if they have a male training partner. But it's also different to have a training partner that you're sleeping with. That transcends the fact that it's... So he's in... Has there ever been...
Starting point is 01:22:13 Has there ever been a champ... How do you know they're sleeping together? Who's sleeping with his training partner? Good point. Good point. Could we just hold hands? Dude, if they weren't sleeping together. He could be waiting for me.
Starting point is 01:22:27 If they weren't sleeping together and they were letting that tension build until they got married. It gives him a testosterone edge. Yeah, he'd have won the games last year. This is a play. Jesus. I think it's,
Starting point is 01:22:38 sometimes you just need like to go and train alone and like blow off steam. And like now, right and like now right like now he doesn't have that separation between home life and training life it's like you're always you're always in little bitch mode no
Starting point is 01:22:54 Justin's first he had girlfriends for years prior okay but here's the here's the thing Pat's not Pat's not banging with his training partner Adler's not banging his training partner. Adler's not banging his training partner. Roman's not banging his.
Starting point is 01:23:09 What? Adler's banging his coach. Adler's banging his coach, yeah. Dude, there was a comment earlier that I fucking lost. If he wins the games, he'll be the first games athlete ever to win who is banging another games athlete it ain't gonna happen dude there's too much going on there emotionally
Starting point is 01:23:31 there have definitely been like affairs and shit in CrossFit like definitely right but Rich and Matt and Tia weren't banging people oh was Katrin banging Street Horner? Were they both at the games banging?
Starting point is 01:23:48 Maybe. Did she win 2017? Street, yes. Street made it one year. Did she win it? No, she didn't win in 2017, though, because that's when Street went. Yeah, Tia won in 2017.
Starting point is 01:23:59 Yeah, so it fucked her up, dude. Because she won 2016, then 2017 she came back and was like, damn, I had that game's dick and now I can't handle it. God her up, dude. Because she won 2016, then 2017 she came back and was like, damn, I had that game's dick and now I can't handle it. God damn it, Street. You fucked it up for her, dude. Look what you did. The emotional aspect of that, of having no, like, okay, this is my space.
Starting point is 01:24:19 You get what I'm saying, Savant. You get on the podcast like this is your fucking space, dude. It's your jam. People are like all the time, bring your wife on here. I'm like, Savant. You get on the podcast like this is your fucking space, dude. It's your jam. Yeah, people are like all the time, bring your wife on here. I'm like, are you fucking kidding me? They're like, fuck no. What if she had to co-host your show then? Hey, here, let's look at pictures of Emily Rolfe together, sweetheart.
Starting point is 01:24:37 No. What do you think I am, some sort of scumbag? Never. Savant, talk about who's banging at the cfhq gyms man there were some hold on matt i want to answer this madison's question no i do not think that because i wait listen you listen listen you have to read the question first dude you do you understand how podcasts work i'm sorry go ahead madison perkins do you think the games are like the olympics everyone rubbing fronts with everyone rubbing front tails is that what you wanted to answer john yeah wow john that is not like you to uh pursue a question like this go ahead do you think people everyone at the games is fucking john
Starting point is 01:25:23 no i do not i do not think so because everybody is mad tired they're trying and they're trying to save energy as much as they can they're doing an event and then they're recovering doing an event and then they're recovering does that happen in the olympics they just a lot of the olympic village because a lot of times a lot of times olympic teams there's like 10 people who are backups who don't do anything they just get to go to the olympics and that that's for every sport and your event is like you go to the olympic village and the whole olympics is like four weeks long three weeks long or something like that your event is one day so yeah it happens a lot it's a big story like it's a big thing. I know someone at HQ who sucked dick and got a promotion.
Starting point is 01:26:09 And then I know someone at HQ who got their dick sucked and got fired. So it depends on if you're on the receiving or giving end of how that works out. Usually if you're on the receiving end. Oh, this is a great one. Emma Lawson and Jack Farlow. Oh. Oh, yeah. Two games athletes.
Starting point is 01:26:34 Wow. But when I think of them dating, they don't even hold hands. I guess Emma Lawson hasn't won the games either, so it still stands. Yeah, have they ever kissed even? No. Right. Not in my they ever kissed even? No. Right.
Starting point is 01:26:46 Not in my world. Not in my imaginary world. That's like their parents don't let them hang out in the same room alone. They're not allowed to talk on the phone after 10. Yeah. Or they're both real shy. The only time they're not spent together is on other people's podcasts. That's why they always do them in pairs.
Starting point is 01:27:10 Sebon, you got fired i know i i so wish it was because someone sucked my dick but it was he just didn't suck dick good enough yeah oh i so wish it was because of that but i have nothing that good i was just told that my services weren't needed anymore anyway a good video i made it like 20 minutes through justin looks great uh ellie looks amazing they both had good heads on their shoulders i also i switched over to the mayhem video after that about halfway through uh emma it's emma carrie's first i think appearance in a mayhem video at a competition um she's in there. A page looks as charming as ever and awesome. I did see this in this. This did trigger me in the mayhem video. It's it's a dunk tank video with Rich and some other guys in the dunk tank.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Right. And there's nothing I hate more than someone, even if it's a little kid. I think they were Rich's kids, but they hit the button on the dunk tank. Oh, not the ball. Yeah. Like someone ran up and hit the button on the dunk tank and Rich went in. Good. I just hate. No, not good.
Starting point is 01:28:16 Yeah, that's funny. I think that's more despicable than doing steroids. Oh, fuck off. Yes. Fuck off. Yes. Do never. No.
Starting point is 01:28:24 It's just off Listen, listen Never hit the fucking button on the dunk tank Don't even get close It's just stupid It's stupid Why? Because it defeats the whole purpose of the excitement That someone's up there
Starting point is 01:28:39 And that you're throwing this ball from 60 feet away Why 60 feet? Why are you obsessed with 60 feet? You know Stefan has a thing're throwing this ball from 60 feet away. Why 60 feet? Why are you obsessed with 60 feet? You know Stefan has a thing about throwing the ball at a direct, accurate target. From 60 feet. Why? What's your obsession? No, I don't give a – no, Mike, I don't care if they're children.
Starting point is 01:28:56 Even more reason not to do it. Those children need to be disciplined. I would spank a kid for that. This is why you – Running up and hitting the button. When someone gets up in the chair of a dunk tank, usually it's someone who you fucking want dunked.
Starting point is 01:29:07 So what matters more than anything is that that bitch gets dunked. I have this more proven way to do it, Taylor. You call Savan and you ask him to come and throw the ball. After he walks off 60 paces. It's so wrong to do that.
Starting point is 01:29:25 That's wronger than steroids, I say. Yeah. All right. You're not going to pull the video up, though? I could. I thought that's what you were going to do. No. I don't know if it's Rich's kids or something.
Starting point is 01:29:37 I don't want to upset Rich. Dude, you couldn't throw a strike if you had fucking 30 chances with a baseball from fucking pitcher's mound to the home plate. Coach Josh in the video, his shirt is too small again, but he does look like a good coach, and a lot of people vouch for him. Josh who? The Mayhem coach who was in the other video that they made there.
Starting point is 01:29:57 I was critiquing where the shirt was too small. And finally, I'd like to bring up this subject. What do you think has happened to roman stock because of rogue do you think roman do you do you think roman has yeah went down right i said the same thing happened last year though he finished better this year than last year yep no. No, I think he's fucked. It stays the same for me. Yeah, I think he's fucked too. I think that's it. He's going to win. I think now he's just –
Starting point is 01:30:32 I'm telling y'all right now. Now he's going to be always somewhere between Travis Mayer and – He was – And, I don't know, Guy. He's just – he's fallen into this – into the bubbling froth of the second tier. I don't even think Roman's in the first tier anymore. Who's in the first tier? Vellner and Adler.
Starting point is 01:30:55 That's it? Yep. Who else? No. I want to say Ricky. I want to make an emotional bid for Ricky Who do you think is in the first tier? I think
Starting point is 01:31:11 Valner Ricky, Roman Adler And then there's one more guy I can't think about right now I will say this This is going to be the most exciting Just like Rogue was the most exciting competition we've ever seen this now games is going to be the 2024 crossfit games will be the most exciting crossfit games in the history of the sport both sides men and women
Starting point is 01:31:32 you guys agree yeah yeah you just said there's one more guy i can't think about right now did you mean that you can't think of right now or you're not letting yourself think about a man like for some reason who John said it I don't know I had this I was having this talk with Brian the other day and I was like there are five guys that could potentially win the games maybe it was Justin he just fell off
Starting point is 01:31:56 oh yeah Justin I put just okay I'll put Justin in the top tier you put Justin but not Roman okay I disagree wholeheartedly dude how Justin had one bad weekend You put Justin but not Roman? Okay, I disagree wholeheartedly now. Dude. How Justin had one bad weekend? For all you know, he had explosive diarrhea. No, he did bad at semifinals too.
Starting point is 01:32:16 He was like seventh or something. Oh, that's true. All right. That was easy. That was a good one, Taylor. I think I could still see Justin potentially podiuming. I don't think it's likely. He would be my pick, but I could see it happening.
Starting point is 01:32:32 I wouldn't be surprised. So we got Pat, Justin, Ricky, Adler, and Roman. I think that's the top tier. That's the top tier. And maybe I'm giving respect. Maybe I'm giving respect to Justin for what he's doing. Is that Jeffrey? Is this the real Jeff? It's not the real Jeff. No? It's not the real Jeff.
Starting point is 01:32:45 What about Fikowski? Mr. Reddit. Mr. Gloryhole. He's the top guy in the next tier. Oh, that's rough. No, he's podiumed enough times that I think he's in the top tier. It's not what have you done in the past, it's what can you do next.
Starting point is 01:33:04 Then why the fuck would you put Justin up up there ding dong he's irrelevant now no i do know one bet uh julia fikowski uh if i can uh julia was the one that called uh um uh tyson bajan an affiliate hero not a games hero that's a great line that was great kowski called him that no julia this chick oh julia julia julia great julia i think she's a foreigner too i don't think she's she's not american she's like uh fikowski has only podium twice in his whole career i don't give a fuck he's top tier okay no fikowski's not not idgaf dude what about what about who's hired dallin or fikowski's not. IDGAF, dude. What about who's higher, Dallin or Fikowski? I think Dallin. I would put Brent higher, but I think Dallin's in the same tier.
Starting point is 01:33:51 Wow. Eat a dangling, dude. Shut the fuck up. I'll say this. It butt hurt me that he said that was stupid workout. It made me butt hurt that he called my workout stupid. But Fikowski is arguably better than Ricky. He's done more impressive things for longer than Ricky.
Starting point is 01:34:09 No shot. Longer than Roman. Fuck off. Yes, he has. No, for 2024? Dude, I'm saying, is he top tier? I can't believe it. I think we have different definitions for top tier.
Starting point is 01:34:21 He finished fourth in the games and fourth at Rogue, and he finished among the top tier that you keep talking about. So surely he's in the top tier. Thank you, bro. You guys. You're skipping over him in the last two competitions to include other people after him,
Starting point is 01:34:37 even though he finished ahead of those people in the last two competitions. Two years in a row, and Ricky, I think it's just bitter. I think Ricky has a shot to just fitter. I think Ricky has a shot to win the games. Fuck off, no. Yeah, I think so too.
Starting point is 01:34:53 Ricky does choke at the games that we're going to have to talk to him. Then he'll drop a tier. Oh shit, look at this. Look at this. Look at this, Taylor. Adler, Vellner, Roman, and then look at Fikowski and Pepper.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Yeah, but where's Ricky? He's at home sleeping. All right, so fuck off. Fikowski's in the first tier. Can you do the year previous, please? And Justin? You got Justin in the first tier when he was 13? We talked about what happened with Justin last year.
Starting point is 01:35:24 No, stop it. What's Fikowski's worst ever finish? 16th. Yeah, 21st. Well, 2019. That doesn't fucking count. He got 16th in 2022. Damn, Jason Hopper's good.
Starting point is 01:35:40 Now, look at this tier right here. So, look. Go up a little bit, Savon. So, you got Justin, Roman, and Ricky, a clear cut top three. And I get a year makes a big difference. Jeffrey Adler's the fittest man in the world right now. But Vellner's down there too. Quant's nowhere to be seen.
Starting point is 01:35:57 This year was the year Brent Fikowski got 16th. He usually has a bad year and then a good year, and a bad year and then a good year. Hey, where was Quant? What? Where was Quant? He didn't do Rogue Is this the invitational leaderboard? No this is 2022
Starting point is 01:36:13 I'm asking where was he at the games 15th Not bad but it's not Half as many points as Adler Hey it's not half a half as many points as adler hey and you and you know who else is going to be in the second tier no yep nope yep yelly hosty very soon no very soon not i don't here's the thing. Where was he at Rogue? He wasn't bad. Boy, when he has to snatch and clean and jerk, the guy is going to have an issue.
Starting point is 01:36:51 It's bad. I agree. Is it that bad? He's just not strong enough yet. He's Wachowski before Kapowski made the games. But think of how far he has to move. Shit, where is he? Oh, that was last year.
Starting point is 01:37:04 Oh, I see. I see. I see. The snatch and clean and jerk are going to be very challenging for him. And they put him in a workout, even more challenging. He's a focal coach. I mean, Brantley's able to get stronger.
Starting point is 01:37:14 I'm not saying he can't get stronger, but I agree with Taylor. Houdet is an amazing coach. Amazing coach. He moves so good. Andre Houdet. Jelly has a 19th too. Jelly and Hopper had 19ths at Rogue.
Starting point is 01:37:31 Where's Johnny? 19th was on the 10th inning. Yeah, you can't have. So do you think Hopper's in the second tier? Do you think Hopper's in the second tier? I would put Hopper in the second tier. He has a 19th place finish and he can be a second tier guy? He beat Dallin
Starting point is 01:37:45 Yeah You're calling Dallin second tier Yeah but 19th is just ass Out of 20 Especially when the 20th place guy Fucking didn't do anything He tied Janikowski By the way
Starting point is 01:38:07 Get 5 items for $5 shipping At Rogue now While supplies last Alright Who is hashtag rebuild I don't agree with this what do you think about this um it is absolutely unacceptable they have not figured out how to have a more meaningful how to make more meaningful events per season you cannot have a sport like this it's so stupid
Starting point is 01:38:40 you need way more events per season is this tyler garner account yeah i don't like i the i don't like the way that he said or they said you need and not we need yeah and i asked who it was and they go a smart person that's something a retard says this i fucked with is a good comment good comment thinking feikowski is second tier is like Taylor doesn't tuck. Okay, when I say first tier, in my head, it means do I think they could win the games with a perfect run? With a perfect run, Fikowski could fucking for sure win the game. I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:39:17 Stop that. I've never seen it even close. Get out of town, dude. Tell me the year that he could have won the games with a perfect run front fukowski is one of the greatest athletes there is in the field at optimizing his own performance so he doesn't make mistakes he does not make mistakes oh he's first here no i'm saying and it's partially just his anatomy like it's he's always going to have events that are just going to he's not going to do as good as the other guys because he's longer and taller and it's just debate me debate me taylor debate me debate me hey listen what's funny though is like he says
Starting point is 01:39:55 debate me but then he calls you a retard oh that's funny i'm obviously correct there's never been a year where i thought he could win the games. There's been multiple years where Belner, if he didn't make a mistake, could have won the games, but he always finds a way to make mistakes. Medeiros has shown that he can win the games. Roman should have won the games. Adler did win the games. Ricky, when he's healthy, looks like he could win the games.
Starting point is 01:40:20 Oh, this is Mike Halpin. He called me a retard. Oh, it's 100%. 100%. Or Heik Mappen. No, I fuck with Mike, actually. I changed my mind, remember? oh this is Mike Halpin he called me a retard oh it's 100% or Hike Malpin no I fuck with Mike actually I changed my mind remember it's not Mike it's just some other woke douche to use your
Starting point is 01:40:36 famous vernacular thank you everyone any final words Pedro thank you for staying up till 2 in the morning my pleasure enjoyable as always. Taylor? I love you guys. Love you too, buddy.
Starting point is 01:40:51 You're a good dude. Thanks, man. This was a hard hitter. I like you a lot, Taylor. It was a hard hitter. Oh! Sorry. Can I love you a wee time?
Starting point is 01:41:04 John Young, is there anything you'd like to finish with? No, I feel like it was a good show. A lot of everything. I had Jake Taylor and Matt on because I told Fitter when they came on to sponsor the show that I'd do a roundtable with coaches and they were the three coaches that I picked.
Starting point is 01:41:19 I just wanted to circle back to that because, yes, let's start. Bam. Eat that. I do have something I want to say before we go that's okay okay all right all right i just want to give a shout out to my wife she just qualified for the fittest experience it was her goal all year to train for it it's a big deal for her it's just a competition in texas it's not a big deal to a lot of people but i'm very proud of her
Starting point is 01:41:41 leslie did a great job shout out John's wife Mrs. Young good job rebuild relax relax good I'm glad you dusted the entire panel good job what does that mean I don't know I think they're on hallucinogens yeah
Starting point is 01:42:01 yeah this dismantled me thank you hey but I do like I do like the theme though because rebuild is dismantling you're rebuilding and dismantling that's good
Starting point is 01:42:16 okay Pedro always up late for us yes thank you Carl Kaplan with the final comment Okay, Pedro, always up late for us. Yes, thank you. And Carl Kaplan with the final comment. How many times has Rebuild watched the Barbie movie? Talk to you guys later. Bye-bye.

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