The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Open 24.2 Taylor Self vs Jayson Hopper presented by Born Primitive

Episode Date: March 13, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Good morning, everyone. No, me too. Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to Taylor Self versus the world 24.2.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Will it be better than last week? Why, yes, it will be. The tensions are high between Jason Hopper and Taylor Self. But before we get to the show, let's do a little business. There was a comment on this morning's show. It said, Stevon, I didn't know that you were a racist and MAGA nutjob. I responded, now you know. I didn't know you were a radical liberal pedophile.
Starting point is 00:00:59 And that is a little brief look at how my morning went. The relationship between man and iron is the ultimate metaphor for life. The iron doesn't care how busy you are or how much sleep you've got. It offers no refuge to your excuses or your self-pity. You only get what you earn. 315 is always 315. Just like life's burdens, some days the weight is going to feel heavier than others. But you still have to show up. You still have to put in the work. Because anything truly worthwhile in life requires hard work and sacrifice. No shortcuts, no handouts, no entitlements.
Starting point is 00:02:21 People can make excuses all day long about why they aren't successful But let's speak a hard truth At the end of the day The only one stopping you Is you So what's it gonna be? Born primitive. Made for the modern savage.
Starting point is 00:02:51 We don't make excuses. That dude is badass. We don't make excuses at the Sevan Podcast. We don't make excuses at all. Today, I kicked ass on that workout. I got four rounds plus one. My body looked like a fucking Greekreek god you wouldn't believe what i looked like after that i was fucking jacked what did you get hillar nine plus 15 and you did
Starting point is 00:03:14 them in the savage ones what did you get mr young all right eight plus 35 handling our business here we are kayla what'd you get i haven't it yet. I'm hoping to do it this weekend. Some of us have excuses. Listen, this is going to be something epic. First of all, thank you to Born Primitive and for
Starting point is 00:03:37 bringing the athletes out here, paying for their travel, paying for their hotel, supporting us, giving us the signage, giving us the backbone we need to get this done. Thank you to Andrew Hiller from Hiller Fit and John Young from JY Barbell, and of course Caleb, who's always there running the show. There was talk today that tensions, even though these guys are friends, that tensions are running very, very high.
Starting point is 00:04:03 There was a story that came out that taylor herself uh told people hey i don't want to be at the gym at the same time taylor's there let me know or uh i don't want to be there at the same time jason hopper's there so taylor was saying hey i don't want to be at the gym when jason hopper's there i don't want to interact with them i don't want to talk with them i don't even want to fucking see him and uh this is indicative of what we saw last week taylor is there to fucking war he doesn't want anything breaking his concentration uh thoughts on his approach uh mr young i like it i like it our taylor is one of those people that can hurt more than anybody else and uh he's trying to get in the zone and he's going to need it to be hopper
Starting point is 00:04:46 because it's going to be a tall task. I'm, I'm hoping for it. I will be so hyped to Taylor beats hopper. I don't see it happening, but I am hoping for it. And Hiller, when,
Starting point is 00:04:57 when John says, um, Taylor can hurt when I did this workout, I mean, it wasn't about hurting. It was like, Hey, I was going to throw up and I couldn't breathe.
Starting point is 00:05:06 How does he push through that? What does Taylor do when that happens? I think he does it more frequently than you do. I mean, I think you said yourself after that workout, that's not something that you're all that accustomed to. No. From what I understand, Taylor kind of does it a lot, if not multiple times a day.
Starting point is 00:05:24 And when you do that as often as he does, your capacity drives up pretty high. John, when you say hurt, where is he going to feel it? His legs? His lungs? His soul. His soul. I would probably say his lungs, but maybe grip even. And if he feels his grip, I mean, that's hard to kind of push through.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Did you feel your grip at all in this, Hiller? I've heard a couple people. A little bit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't feel my grip at all, but that could just be because I wasn't going fast enough. If you do four rounds, you don't feel grip. When you do four rounds, you don't feel grip.
Starting point is 00:06:10 four rounds you don't feel grip when you don't see your double unders unbroken your forearms don't blow up no no i put my traps got blown up oh um hillar when when why do you think you do you think jason hopper's the better at these movements better at the deadlift better at the row better at the double unders I mean from watching Colton and Medeiros you would figure the only thing that would be beneficial for Hopper or for Taylor in relation to Hopper would be the height because the barbell doesn't move as far and the the rope doesn't have to turn over as far but the row seemed to overcome that however I think you have an opinion on that yeah let's talk about that yesterday uh when we were talking about this in the days previous we were talking about how this is a rowing workout but i think this is a transition workout john what do you think we i think this is going to be won and lost in the transitions i think all elite athletes
Starting point is 00:07:02 should probably have the same time on transitions. And if they don't, it's on them. I saw the spin thing. I saw the spin article too. We all saw that off of the first round, Justin had two seconds on Colton. He can say it's transitions. If you are top-tier games athletes, you all should transition as fast as possible the whole entire time.
Starting point is 00:07:28 That's what I have to say about that. Like as far as transitions, we're eight minutes away from the start of the CrossFit Charlotte, excuse me, the CrossFit crash, 24.2 CrossFit open Jason Hopper versus Taylor self, Taylor self, what took second in the world in the first workout?
Starting point is 00:07:46 Do we know what Hopper took in the first workout? Not second. He did much better than I would have figured. I think his time was six Oh three. I just don't know where that puts him. Probably like 24th, something like that. Pretty good.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I'm going to go look. And although there's, there's frequent talk that the open doesn't matter. I also had a small talk with Jason Hopper, and he says, I can't get done like Dallin. Is Jason Hopper here to win? What did he get, Hiller? He took 50th in the world.
Starting point is 00:08:13 His time was 6.08. Okay, so he's no chump. Out of a couple hundred thousand people, he took 50th. That's impressive for his time. Oh, super impressive. Sprague was right there too, though. As far as times go, I think he was 6.02. We have a beautiful setup. Will
Starting point is 00:08:31 Branstetter set this up at CrossFit Crash. We'll also set the setup at CrossFit Charlotte where we will be doing 24.3, which will be Colton Mertens against Taylor Self. Workout still to be determined. Are you guys both convinced that both these guys are going to go as hard as they can, that this is not against Taylor self workouts still to be determined. Do you, are you guys both convinced that both these guys are going to go as hard as they can,
Starting point is 00:08:48 that this is not just the open, that this is like, Hey, they know it's all eyes on them. Time to win time to put the smack down on. Dude, this is bragging rights for as long as they're going to know each other. This is what this is.
Starting point is 00:09:01 If they know each other for five years, they'll be talking about for five years. If one of them dies at the 70, they're going to be talking about it until they're 70. I disagree so much. I think Hopper has everything to lose on this. I think the world expects Hopper to win. If you're picking Taylor,
Starting point is 00:09:16 it's because you just want him to win. I think if Taylor beats Hopper in a rowing workout, Taylor will never let Hopper hear the end of it. I'm telling you, dude. If Taylor beats Hopper in a rowing workout, Taylor will never let Hopper hear the end of it. I'm telling you, dude. If Taylor beats Hopper, it will be worse than his 31st place at the CrossFit Games. Okay? Which is not, and he didn't make the cut. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:38 How do you guys think, Andrew, how do you think the pressure is for Hopper versus Taylor? Would you say that Hopper's had more experience with high pressure? Yes. How has he handled it? Arguably not incredibly well, because he had all that hype going into the games after he won that semifinal in his first year. And then he did well, but he's faltered a little bit.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Has he had more pressure? Yeah. But does it mean that's going to help him out i don't know we're four and a half minutes away from the start uh you have time to use the code bp open 20 the born primitive site and get 20 off on anything there the savage one is the best shoe their joggers are amazing and also if you're ready you're ready to go to the next level ca use code word hill or seven uh john what do you think about the pressure the pressure difference i think hopper is significantly more comfortable in these high pressure situations no if they are hopper shit the bed already yeah hoppers had way way more opportunities to be in high pressure situations, 100%. But I agree with Hiller. He's either, he either thrives or he crashes. Hopper is one of
Starting point is 00:10:51 the most rollercoaster people in the entire field. Will Branstad, are we still on schedule for four minutes and 30 seconds for the start of 24.2 Taylor self versus the world? This is Mr. Hopper. Oh. We are. We got JR on the roaming handheld mic. He can hear you guys. So 4.30 and counting, guys.
Starting point is 00:11:11 4.30. Okay, fantastic. JR, will you weigh in on this? You know both of these gentlemen very well. What's the headspace on these guys? I think they're both in a great headspace. They're just tired of waiting around. They're ready to go. I will not comment on who I think is the winner.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Do you have someone who you think is going to be the winner? You just don't want to comment in order to jeopardize the relationships, stress the relationships? Yeah, he coaches one of them. No, not at all. But I will say that, like last week, home field advantage I think is a thing. And where I said I wouldn't pick against Taylor and Charlotte, I wouldn't pick against Jason here.
Starting point is 00:11:44 See that? See that? How I manipulated J.R. Everyone, that's how it's done. You're so political, J.R. I hate it. You're welcome, John. You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Dude, that setup is awesome. J.R., can you weigh in on this about the transitions? How important do you think the transitions are? Yeah, you know, it's a really interesting workout, watching some people do it today, watching some high-level people do it. Something as small as just taking a breath before you pick up the ball on a deadlift, that's one to two double-unders.
Starting point is 00:12:17 That's two reps total in the workout. So if these guys are finishing round 10 and they're almost into round 11, that one second is going to be the reason why one of them win and one of them lose. So you have to think about it by the repetition. That's, I would say the most valuable, the most expensive. And that would, in this workout, be the double under from a standpoint of execution. Everyone wants to talk about the row paces, which I agree with. The row paces are really important, but at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:12:43 one trip on a double under that's three seconds. So that's six double unders later in the workout. Really cool. I didn't know we were going to have such a celebrity status shit going on in the house. Hey, what about the tension between these guys and that they are notorious for being competitive against each other? Is that going to be a deciding factor? Is someone going to like fall out of their game because they're going to come out too hot? They're going to get caught, swept up in the competition with the other guys that are running their own race. If they didn't have such a rich training history i would say yes but because they have trained head-to-head so many times i don't think it's going to feel much different i don't really think either of them as silly as this is to say is going to be pacing off of each other they know the pace they need to
Starting point is 00:13:39 be starting off at on the row they know the pace they need to be kicking at on the row to finish the workout. And at that point, it's just really who's got it in the tank and who doesn't. I think they're going to be pay attention to one another a lot less than you think on this workout. If we pull out and we see the crowd here, who are these people? Do all of these people know Jason Hopper of all of these people met him, shook his hand, done a class next to him, etc. They all know of Jason Hopper that trains at crash. Some of them are probably 5 a.m. people, you know, maybe I've never even seen him before. So it's pretty cool that this many people wanted to come out and do this on a Friday night.
Starting point is 00:14:17 I'm really, really, really happy to see all these people out here. And Taylor, does he have any support there? Like is his wife there? Oh, yes. A ton of people are here andy's here his wife's here i mean there's a crew here from charlotte they came out to support him and honestly guys like taylor's here so much that a lot of these people here think of jason just like they think of taylor like they're kind of one of us one of us do you think that this uh how do you think that there will be like they were saying bragging rights for the remainder of their relationships for whoever wins this? Do you think this will be the kind of thing that they use to poke at each other?
Starting point is 00:14:49 No, they'll only poke at each other about this until the next time they work out together. And then it'll be the most recent workout that they remind each other of. Have either of these guys, Taylor or Jason, trained today? No. No, they both came in and did like two or three rounds at a pace that they hoped to execute the workout. And then after that, they've just been sitting around waiting. But we're about 20 seconds away, guys. So I got to start them up on the clock.
Starting point is 00:15:15 All right, great. 20 seconds, guys. 24.2, Taylor Self versus the world brought to you by Born Primitive, creator of the best shoe in the CrossFit space, the Savage One. They also have a new swim line and CA Peptides. JR has Vince McMahon vibes with that microphone. Yeah, it's so clear. He needs to go in the middle. He needs to go in the middle and just say,
Starting point is 00:15:41 let's get ready to rumble and then start the – Just to make sure. Just to make sure. Just to make sure. Thank you, Rich. 99. What? 10 seconds. You got to count up to 99.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Oh. What does that mean? I don't get it. On the clock. You can't just set it for 20 minutes. We're off, guys. 24.2. Taylor got started better than Hop 24.2 He's fine
Starting point is 00:16:07 The hopper's already in the dirt Oh this monitor camera is clutch Bryson Del Monte Framing the CEO shirts Which I approve of Oh I didn't even see the monitor there Get your CEO shirts at
Starting point is 00:16:23 Taylor's going about the same pace that Justin came out at. Tell me why you're laughing about that 142. Well, I'll only be laughing if he can still do it in eight rounds. Yeah, Justin. He very well might. Jason's holding at a 139. Okay, I should probably laugh at that one too, but the visual hit me hard.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Jason will hold it. He's going to hold that the whole time. You think so? Yes. I think it's really foolish on this workout with these two guys to make any assumptions about how it's going to finish up until at least the halfway mark. I feel like I don't disagree,
Starting point is 00:17:04 JR, but I feel like the don't disagree, JR, but I feel like the rowing in this feels like the rowing in 19.1. Like, can you keep a pace, whatever pace you are holding in the wall ball rowing workout? And Jason had the world record in that workout. Ladies and gentlemen, 24.2, 300 meters on the rower, 10 deadlift at 185 pounds, 50 double unders, as many reps as you can get in 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:17:30 You're watching the event at CrossFit Crash. J.R. Howell's gym. J.R. Howell's on the mic. He's the man who you hear but cannot see. Also in saying that, you know, one trip and then holding that 139 means nothing. What was that? 142 for the first round for Jason Hopper. Yeah, that's decent. 147.
Starting point is 00:17:51 145 for Taylor. Okay, 145 for Taylor. Like I've been telling some people, rounds one and two, they're going to have some juice. They're going to have a lot of adrenaline. They're probably going to row a little heavy, but they'll settle in. They should settle in by round two and three. And we shouldn't see a whole lot of deviation with the experience level here until maybe
Starting point is 00:18:10 that 16 minute mark. That's where you start feeling sorry for yourself. That's when you start letting yourself row a little easier if you're in the lead, or maybe you're feeling bad about yourself because you're getting beat. So I think these guys are going to be super consistent, and you'll see like a three to four second maybe deviation from here all the way through like round eight or nine. J.R., talk to me about the placement of the rowers. Why aren't they side by side so they can scope each other's speed at?
Starting point is 00:18:38 I specifically didn't want them to be able to game off of each other. I think that takes away a lot from them not really knowing how hard the other is rowing. And I think pacing off of each other is a lot easier. And not knowing where the other is at really adds to the drama, adds to the race. Jason is faster on the rower and faster on the deadlifts. No, he's not faster on the deadlifts no he's not faster than the deadlifts he's just so jason is at 10 double unders right now when when taylor starts so let's just say that's a five second lead let's see at what time they both get on the rower does someone have a little faster
Starting point is 00:19:17 cycle rate on their double under or are they about even currently they are both on pace for a thousand reps if they were to hold this pace which like like jr said i think they'll both fade a little bit but they're on pace for a thousand reps hopper finishes at 329 332 when he started 334 337 when taylor started his five second lead yep uh who are the judges j. How did you choose the judges and are they stressed out? They're not stressed at all. Caroline Taylor and Zach is judging Jason, Jason and Zach have a lot of back and forth banter on a daily basis. Zach's, uh, one of our coaches here and Caroline has been judging since the very first crash crucible when Taylor and Jason were both competing in 2020. They're like two of the,
Starting point is 00:20:08 two of the best that I have that I knew were available tonight. Taylor self is wearing a born primitive shirt and he's got the savage ones on. Do you remember, do you remember Hiller the round that Justin started to fade? Cause we saw this like similar number for him. And then randomly we saw one 48. Do you remember if iter, the round that Justin started to fade? Because we saw this similar number for him, and then randomly we saw 148. Do you remember if it was round five? I know it was later than that. It seemed like it was probably seven.
Starting point is 00:20:35 So Jason was just off the row at about a 141 pace, at about a 141. So now he's about seven seconds behind, eight seconds behind. Taylor is. I see Hopper picked up that Tia Toomey deadlift working over at the HWPO camp. You know, I've been seeing a lot of people today. Taylor was just doing it on the last two where they have that one-two bounce, that one-two bounce.
Starting point is 00:20:59 And I really don't think it's purposeful watching so many people do it today, like just average members doing it. I don't know. I think it's purposeful watching so many people do it today, like just average members doing it. I don't know. I think it's just like they favor one side when they deadlift, and they just kind of lean to one side. Maybe one arm is slightly bent, so it makes one side of the barbell hit early. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:18 5.17, Hopper. First pool at 5.20. I'm going to do the math for you guys 525 for taylor it looks like he lost three seconds on the roll at 530 so he's 10 seconds okay so but taylor is transitioning very well they're transitioning as well as hopper well no i think they're transitioning the same he's just picking up ground on the rower every time. AJR, can you tell us what Hopper's rowing at? Because we see Taylor's, and I'm curious what Hopper's holding still. Yeah, so Jason is right now at a 140.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Okay. 141. He's faded one to two seconds. Taylor's faded two to three seconds. Stay in between a 140 and a 141. Okay. We're six minutes into the workout. What round is this?
Starting point is 00:22:06 Four. Still on pace for 1,000 reps, both of them. Taylor's hanging on. He's right there. Which would be a world record. Remember, all it's going to take
Starting point is 00:22:24 is stopping on the 49th double under or getting the rope tangled up a little bit when you go to start a set. You know, those three to four seconds. That's all it takes sometimes. Is Jason standing up all the way, JR? It looks like he is from here. He's really bow-legged. So, I mean, I think just in general when he locks his knees out,
Starting point is 00:22:43 it kind of looks like there's a slight bend. Now, pretty sure just you're not allowed to comment on his body dude thank you i'm sorry yeah yeah you're good i'm pretty sure justin colton both each had a trip by now too yeah and guys remember also like they like, they're probably four to five feet closer to every employee. Yeah, I'm not comparing them, but just, like, how their body's doing. You know what I mean? I'm not comparing times. 7-11 for Hopper on the first pool. Jason is at 30 meters right now.
Starting point is 00:23:22 He did not lose time on that round. No, that was nine seconds. did not lose time on that round. No, that was nine seconds. Taylor gained a second on that round. So Jason's about 100 meters in, settling back into a 140. Currently looking at this, Taylor is going to need an error. Jason Hopper will need to commit an error. Taylor's at about a 145 right now. They're both kind of fading from their original at the same rate.
Starting point is 00:23:47 They got freaking 12 minutes left, guys. Yeah, and I mean, you know, a lot of people ask me this today, like, what kind of advice do you give me? And I said, from minutes 12 to 16, don't be soft because that's when it really starts to hit. And you have that little bit of adrenaline kick at the end. But when you get to minute 10, you're like i'm halfway i'm good but then for some reason when you get to that two-thirds three-fourths of the way through that's when it really starts
Starting point is 00:24:13 to get tough and you start to want to get sloppy with transitions oh i like the camera move over there that was good it looks like it looks like zach just told him to stand up all the way he looks like he's being a little bit more deliberate with that. Zach's a good dude. For those of you who didn't know what Hiller was talking about, you can see that the weights on the right and left and the deadlift are not hitting the ground at the same time for either Taylor or Jason. Is Crash a lopsided JR? Is the whole building on one slant, which is why your members did the same thing?
Starting point is 00:24:45 Yes. The walls are the same thing. Yes. The walls are definitely not square. Investigative journalist Andrew Hiller, always at work. This is actually Savon's headboard. All right. First first pulls at 903 about the same was that fell back two seconds and gained two seconds on that they're both so professional with the way that they do things every single time Taylor stops with the rope with
Starting point is 00:25:26 his heel he does a little semi-circle with both hands he lays the handles down perfectly he gets on the rower one foot goes in grabs it by the middle part of the oar second foot goes in or starts to pull with two hands Jason gets off the row one two immediately starts like they're just they're very very very polished and disciplined with their transition. Are they on identical rowers, JR? Yeah, other than lifetime meters, absolutely. I have no idea who's got the newer rowers. Stop trying to conjure up nefariousness.
Starting point is 00:26:06 That's a great movie. Picks up at 10.08. Jason Hopper picked the bar up at 10.08. It was on this round that Taylor's pace fell back about two seconds. Yeah. For 500. 10.22. 14 seconds.
Starting point is 00:26:29 two seconds for 500 10 22 14 seconds so this was this is larger than any gap we saw between colton and justin is that no no it wasn't it was similar i think we're seeing a very very similar race it's just these two are both at a faster rate uh luke stone i got 480 reps how crap is that or is that okay it's perfect man you're a beast good job depends on uh what you would have gotten last year if you would have paid one pound i'd have told you a shit but for two pounds it's great dude both both of them have been perfection though no trips every transition's been tight. Look at what little swoopy swoopy did at the end. It's just the difference in the rowing pace right now. It's almost like you said it was a rowing workout.
Starting point is 00:27:15 I know. We don't like to listen to me. Ross Lewis, $1.99. Let's go, Taylor. Untuck it and speed up, dude. Jason's at about a 145 now. So throttle back a little bit. It's hard to do once you know you've got
Starting point is 00:27:29 10 to 20 second lead. 148 for Taylor. Don't let it hit 150. Sounds like the crowd's getting into it a little bit, JR. No, that was Jason talking crap at him. Oh.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Have they said a word since they've started, JR? No. Sousa was talking to me during the second round of our workout today, and I told him to stop it. Jason's getting off at about a 141 here, so he's pretty much holding the pace he started out at. 1204. Picked out at 1204 hopper's impressive yeah man oh what the hell was that 12 18 still 14 seconds it's still holding on that yeah i don't know if you guys noticed
Starting point is 00:28:26 that transition it was very that might be what hillary's talking about but just the facial expression changed a little with jason the back step was just a little bit slower um you know they're definitely starting to feel it now we're just over that 12 minute mark so 12 to 16 minutes i think is the most painful part of the workout. And then these guys can start at home with about two rounds left. What round are we in? Seven, finish seven. I don't know. December 31st was 20 kilograms heavier, so less.
Starting point is 00:29:00 I don't know. Oh. I asked how he would have done last year. So I think that's him saying he would have done worse. So his score is fantastic for you. I like the one-arm grab by Taylor. I don't like that. Only a 50-meter lead.
Starting point is 00:29:14 So Taylor started pulling. Jason was at 50. Ooh. Why don't you like the one-arm grab, Hiller? I don't know. It just looks a little bit awkward. I don't know. It's not powerful, looks a little bit awkward and I don't know. It's not powerful and it kind of looks like a waste of time.
Starting point is 00:29:32 The rowers already reset and turned on. So it works. Uh, some texts are coming in. Jason's face looks like an impending explosion. Do you see any signs Jr. One of these guys hitting a wall and just turning off? Jason looks like he's hurting. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like that little transition last round going from the deadlift to the double under. Yeah, I think he probably came out a little hot on purpose.
Starting point is 00:29:56 And this is the kind of workout, though, guys. Like when you get a 10 to 15 second lead on one, unless you mess up on double under, you're probably not going to relinquish that lead oh taylor's gonna get him come on dude i think taylor sees the pain in hopper's face though yeah that's jr's fault still about a 10 still about a 10 deadlift lead it's still 14 seconds it's it's held steady at 14 seconds last last two rounds. Eat him, Taylor. Eat him. Taylor's doing his deadlifts faster now. Yeah. Than Jason.
Starting point is 00:30:28 He can sense him slowing down, though, for sure. Taylor can sense him. He's like a shark, Taylor. Still, neither one is gripped. 40 to 20 right now, so a 20 double under difference. 24.2. Oh, that was huge. That was a good call by Zach.
Starting point is 00:30:56 He said 49. He tripped. Jason knew it, did it right away. That was huge. So our first error, our first error by Jason Hopper. Now, Colton was not able to capitalize on Justin's error. He's getting in the rhythm. He'll get it.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Now, will Taylor be able to capitalize on it? Well, here's the thing. Like, if Jason's right now at a 147, you know, unless Taylor is able to row a little bit harder than he was rowing on the last round, he can't take advantage of that miscue. Can they hear you, Jr? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:31:31 It's just, Mason Mitchell, Hopper, Hopper is wounded. Luke stone. A good job, lads. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Jay Hartle, the lifeless shark eyes of Taylor. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. 148 right now. 148 pace. Guys, you're what I'm talking about. Jason's at 148 right now. 148 pace. Guys, you're watching 24.2 at CrossFit Crash. CrossFit Open brought to you by Born Permanent.
Starting point is 00:31:53 He's going to have to row at like a 144. These guys know the kick is going to have to start if they have any kick at all, right? If you're on the rower with a minute left, you're going to sprint it. But right now, if they don't start the kick it's probably not going to come until the last 60 seconds of the workout how do you know that they think it's at 16 minutes did you talk to him about that jr no that's just what i felt when i did the workout and 12 seconds what what a lot of
Starting point is 00:32:20 oh jason hopper's slowing down, man. Yeah, man. He's going water buffalo mode. But Taylor can't capitalize. Taylor's at a 150. He feels he's in the same pain cave. He can capitalize by not taking his sweet-ass time picking up the jump rope. What round is this? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:39 This would be nine. This would be finishing nine at about 17, under 17. They're still on world record pace. Currently, the world record is 10 double-unders in the 11th round. Jason Hopper back on the road. By the way, guys, you can go to Born Primitive and use BPOPEN20, BPOPEN20 to get 20% off and then head over to
Starting point is 00:33:07 Taylor, let's go. Move your ass. Jason's at about 50 meters again with Taylor starting. Why is Jason's judge watching Taylor? He's learning, man. He's trying to learn why he watches. All right, one hand. Okay, Savon likes it too.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Taylor's picked it up a little bit. He's holding at learn why he watches. All right, one hand. Okay, Savon likes it too. Taylor's picked it up a little bit. He's holding at about a 146. Yeah, he is. All right, guys, 1738. Kneel down behind Taylor. Right behind him is his wife, and she is chattering. Yeah, she's telling him he can't come home tonight if he doesn't beat Jason. Jason just had a 155 on the screen.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Oh, my gosh, and Taylor's at a 146. I always knew Jason had a small little wiener. If he makes it past this round, though, I think it's just not enough time. This is going to be pretty close at the end, guys. This is going to be pretty close. Hopper's mouth is wide open. A stute observation. Close that
Starting point is 00:34:14 mouth, Hopper. Oh, here comes Taylor. He is going to get him. He is an angry man. If you're going to trip on a double under, it's right now, guys. If you're going to have a trip, it's right now. And how long is the rest? If you do going to trip on a double under, it's right now, guys. If you're going to have a trip, it's right now. And how long is the rest? If you do trip, how long do you rest before you start going again?
Starting point is 00:34:30 Come on. If Hopper trips, Taylor can get him. I don't think you can get him unless he trips, though. Hopper's got boots of lead. He's going to trip. 80 seconds left, people. 80 seconds. We're in the 10th round.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Don't you trip, Jason. I'm willing Hopper to trip. So finishing 10 right now, people. 80 seconds. We're in the 10th round. Don't you trip, Jason! I'm willing Hopper to trip. So finishing 10 right now, guys. We're Snaping the audience, casting spells on ropes and stuff. He chucked the rope! He knew he won it with that.
Starting point is 00:34:57 He chucked the rope! Here we go. It's a rowing race, people. Here we go. Don't need the rope, idiot. 55 seconds left. Alright, it's a row off race people here we go guys don't need the rope idiot 55 seconds left all right it's a row off that's not a good thing 142. jason's at one taylor's at 137. jason's at 204. jason's 100 meters in at a 143. get closer to your mic john 1922. guys if anybody can touch the jump rope, this is going to be really close. 30 seconds left.
Starting point is 00:35:31 We're going to catch him here. Yeah. Jesus is dying. 135. 135 for Taylor. He's at about 200 meters. Oh, I'm cramping. Jason is at 200 meters.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Holy shit. Neck and neck, guys. 15amping. Jason is at 200 meters. Holy shit. Neck and neck, guys. 15 seconds left. 237. Dude, he's going to beat him. Thumb, thumb. 10 seconds left. The crowd's getting unhinged.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Five seconds left, people. Move your ass. Oh, my God. One deadlift. He beat him by one deadlift? No. Did they tie? Did they say no on the deadlift?
Starting point is 00:36:11 They tied! No, Hopper. I mean, you give that to Hopper. You don't give it to Hopper if you didn't get it. You don't give it to Hopper? What the fuck is wrong with you? No, you don't call it tie. Yes, you do.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Yes, you do. All right, so guys... Hold on. Let's get some feedback from JR. Let's see what's going on here. We'll fight in a second. Here we go. Zach said he did not complete the deadlift before the time ran out. Well, next time I see Zach,
Starting point is 00:36:38 tell him I'm going to punch him in the face. Ladies and gentlemen, we will be back in one minute. We will be back in one minute. We will be back in one minute. There are places in this world at the edge of the unknown, protected by nature's ruthless beauty and our own self-doubt. Places that connect us to something bigger, that remind us to appreciate the bold and applaud the fearless.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Places that remind us how similar we all are at the core. Explorers and dreamers. Places that bind us to what we could be if we went just a little bit further. There's more to you than imaginable, hidden out there in the unknown. Go find it. ladies and gentlemen welcome back 24.2 the crossfit crash open you've watched a neck and neck battle between hopper and taylor stuff we still don't know who the winners we're about to find out soon you're here with andrew hiller from hiller fit john young from jy barbell caleb in the back and uh uh what's his name uh mr suza on the couch making sure
Starting point is 00:38:07 everything works out right uh we uh jr howell on the floor let's go to jr and find out what the fuck happened look at it yes they're both finishing up bang bang both at, went to get off. Jason went to grab the barbell. Zach said he didn't complete the lift. So we're tied? Correct. They've tied 30 reps each in what? The round of 12? Is that 11?
Starting point is 00:38:35 Okay, John, go nuts. Let me hear why this is bullshit. I just think it's stupid. If we're going to have, like, It could be a tie on the leaderboard That's fine But bragging rights, bro to bro You end up with the same thing Whoever got off the rower first wins
Starting point is 00:38:53 Caleb, really Who got off the rower first? You gotta give Jason some credit I mean, that's some fucking hard doing That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life Okay, okay, okay. How about this? How about this?
Starting point is 00:39:06 They both completed 300 meters and no deadlifts, right? Sure. Who completed the 300 meters in the fastest time? No, dude. If I clean and jerk 315 and you clean and jerk 315, it doesn't matter who did it faster. Totally different things. It's the exact same thing.
Starting point is 00:39:22 It's a test of fitness, you dum-dum. No, it's an am- No, on the leaderboard, it's fine. It's a tie. Let. It's a test of fitness, you dum-dum. No, it's an am-right. No, on the leaderboard, it's fine. It's a tie. Let's keep the name Cowling Down, Hiller. That was mean. That was mean. That cut deep to his throat.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Ragging rights, one-on-one. I'm like, I beat you. I'd be curious to hear what they have to say about it. He doesn't really know what it is right now. Jason said he did. JR, what really know what it is right now. Jason said... JR, what's your take? I am impressed that... If I'm Taylor, it's a tie.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Right? Obviously. If you're anybody, it's a tie, John. If you're anybody, it's a tie. But I am impressed that Jason went over to try to give it a tug. Yeah. Yeah, and chances are he jumped off his row a couple meters early, too. I wasn't there to look.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Oh, boy. Oh, my goodness. Hey, don't try to start nefariousness-ness. Oh, my goodness, JR. What are you saying? You know I'm saying that talking to you. Okay. No, I actually just went over to Jason and said,
Starting point is 00:40:20 Honestly, dude, I didn't think you finished the rep. Like, you just kind of stood it up with bent knees. Maybe I'm wrong. I thought he got it. I thought he got it. I didn't see it. I thought he got it. Caleb, is there any way to check the tape?
Starting point is 00:40:34 I'll go back and look. Okay. I thought he got it. Have either of them talked yet, JR? I mean, Taylor was just over there sitting next to him, so I don't know if they've talked to each other. Taylor seems in much better condition than Hopper does right now. Hey, if the clock on the stream is correct,
Starting point is 00:40:52 then absolutely not did he not get that rep. If the clock on the stream is the clock that's on the floor, then no, he didn't get it. It's very close to the clock on the floor, then no, he didn't get it. It's very close to the clock on the floor. Dude, that's a beaten man. Oh, really? Sousa's peeping the
Starting point is 00:41:21 replay over here, and he says it looks like he got it. it does not he's wrong well let's let's see if you go off there's a you're wrong here hold on oh you can't unless you're looking at a different clock can we pull it up yeah you want me to pull it up god caleb you got it you want me to do it i have it i think if you pull it up it might mess the screen up all right i'm not going to do it then. That's all right. I can reorient. Wow, that was good. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Pull it up, Andrew. I don't think it'll do it. There we go. Are we going to get copyright strike? Oh, shit. Anthony Joshua knocked out Nganou. That's not even close. That's at 20 minutes, and he's not even above his knees yet.
Starting point is 00:42:06 No, it's not even close. Frame by frame, please. Frame by frame. I want to know what Taylor's looking at. Look, 11.59. As soon as it hits 20, it's over? Or does he have until it hits 21? No, 20, it's over. Taylor's looking up at the clock.
Starting point is 00:42:22 There's a clock above their heads on the floor. I wonder what Taylor's looking at. I wonder if he's looking at 20. I think he's looking at 20 right now. I wonder if that clock is a second slower or something. JR, let's start with Taylor's self. What do you
Starting point is 00:42:40 think about Taylor's performance? Did he gain this properly? Was this executed to perfection? Or did he have a little more in the tank? Did he mess up and he could have gotten one more rep? JR took his ears out, I think. All right. What do you think about that question, John Young? Do you think Taylor executed perfectly? Yeah, I think Hopper did not. And I think Taylor did. And Taylor about caught him in the end. I know I'm complaining right now, but if that workout goes 10 more seconds, I think Taylor beats him anyway.
Starting point is 00:43:11 I don't know. Jason seemed committed and grabbed the bar first. No, 10 more seconds, no, he'd have to do multiple reps, and Taylor could, and Hopper couldn't even. He doesn't even know where he is. But how about this? This was my take on it that maybe taylor did not execute perfectly because he had a little more left in the tank that he could have jumped the gun maybe
Starting point is 00:43:33 you want to be able to send it at the end of this i think he did that intentionally yeah but do you think maybe he should have sent it a little bit sooner maybe at 15 minutes instead of 16 minutes i think that's easy to say in hindsight right right okay uh thoughts on that hillar uh thoughts on execution by both jason and taylor i'd rather be taylor than hopper right now that's for sure i would rather be taylor than hopper because because i think jason was holding on for dear life with about three minutes left and taylor was sprinting to the finish that's why jason's down taylor's not and yes probably wants to go faster sooner and he's standing there like damn i could
Starting point is 00:44:11 have gotten it jason blew up here here's the thing let me tell you what i see i see more of the uh the heart of a champion and jason hopper because he went over to try to get that extra rep like that's a winning mindset the fact that taylor was looking up at the clock, no bueno. That's a weakness. That's a weakness for sure. Thank you. Thank you, Caleb. I love Hopper for that.
Starting point is 00:44:33 It's great. He did great. Hopper's the man. The boys are sitting next to each other. We do not have a mic on them. We will get both of them. Do you want them to have a mic? That would be great if we could get them to
Starting point is 00:44:45 talk a little bit. Do you think Taylor takes this as a win? For sure. No, no, no. They got to say it's a tie. Taylor just said, Mr. O'Keefe is in the house now. Taylor just came over and said, undefeated still. I think Taylor takes it as a win, guys.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Absolutely, he does. What's their total reps? What was that? Was that 11 rounds? It was the row of the 11th round. So it's 930. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:20 You guys want Taylor? He looks like he's the best coach here. Anyone would be great if we could hear what's going on yeah we'll take taylor because i don't want to lose to a fucking douche canoe like justin and all these other guys we should have been it we tied him douche canoe oh who did you tie taylor who did you tie great. What a show. Two weeks in a row you have stolen the show. You've made Jason Hopper a superstar. First you made Dalton Pepper a superstar
Starting point is 00:45:49 and then you made Jason Hopper a superstar. You're a star maker, Taylor. Can you hear me? Saying good shit. You know what they gotta do? They gotta repeat it now. Yeah, tomorrow. Rest five minutes and then redo. Let's watch Hopper's legs.
Starting point is 00:46:08 What's up? What's up? Look at O'Keefe hasn't even wiped his hands off yet. Let's watch O'Keefe. There it is. He got a little sweat on his jacket. There you go. It's always fun to see that.
Starting point is 00:46:17 I always try to act cool when I hug the athletes and I'm covered in sweat. I don't want anyone to see me wipe my hands off. I've never seen Nikes with a backward swoosh. Be good. Be good. Be calm. Taylor, can you hear us? Be calm. What's up, baby?
Starting point is 00:46:31 For last week, you made Dalton Pepper a star. This week, you make Jason Hopper a star. What are you doing here, buddy? What do you mean I made them a star? I mean, you just warred with them. You gave them the fucking championship caliber competition, bringing out the best in both these guys. I feel, to be honest, like that fucking fucking sucked if we both had a better game plan i think we both get
Starting point is 00:46:48 into the double unders but we both said this is so annoying and this happens every time we work out together we're both like oh we're not gonna do anything stupid or come out hot five minutes in i'm looking at the clock like, what the fuck is going on, dude? And does Jason think the same thing? Does he think he came out hot too? Yes, big time. At one point, Taylor, he had a 14-second lead on you, buddy. I've got pretty good composure.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Tell me, though, were you freaking out? He had a 14-point second lead on you. I was thinking about about coming over your house and taking your girl from you at that point. Oh, I was thinking in my head, like, well, I kind of knew this was going to happen. He's one of the best in the world at rowing. But I also knew that I could see him slowing down a little bit. And I knew that as long as I stayed fast on my transitions and deadlifts, my row was going to fall off a little bit from the pace that I went out at. I knew that. So I knew as long as I kept the deadlift and the double under transitions fast that, you know, it would be what it was going to be. And I also kind of knew that there was a chance that he'd trip up and he tripped up. Hey boys. Did slowing down help you speed up?
Starting point is 00:47:57 No, I did not speed up at any point until the last row. Well, he did speed up on the last row. He tried and he did not have it. Oh, there's Jason. 132 on the last row he tried and he did not have it oh there's jason 132 on the last row hey taylor at some point i want to say probably at the 16 minute mark um jr said oh uh and these boys noticed too hillar and john noticed that um jason like took a uh like his face winced and they all thought that maybe you saw that too Did you see him with his mouth open and his posture break and think I need to attack? Was my face not fucking broken? Dude,
Starting point is 00:48:30 I felt like there was drool coming out of my asshole. No, you look pretty normal. Oh, Jason. That's how you normally look, Taylor. Jason Hopper.
Starting point is 00:48:41 What's up? 14 second lead on this chump. How did that feel? Were you just like, yeah, I got this? Yeah, that's kind of the game plan. This is the opportunity to test the limits. I wouldn't necessarily say I would come out that aggressive in any sort of live competition,
Starting point is 00:48:59 but this is the space to really test the boundaries, and I did it. So, yeah, 14 seconds but i mean i i pretty much felt it so i wasn't too thrilled could you hear his rower in that final round were you like oh fuck this guy's getting at it no my eyes were shut to be honest you couldn't hear your eyes were shut and you couldn't hear i couldn't hear. Your eyes were shut and you couldn't hear. I couldn't hear. I was honestly, at that point, I was just praying for the clock to just speed up. Because I knew I had a few pulls on them, and I knew I had at least one more minute in the tank. At what point did you think it was going downhill? I would say probably 11 minutes in
Starting point is 00:49:47 11 minutes in i looked up at the clock and i said i'm in i'm in deep water this is the thing unfortunately for jason it's going to show a nice big old fat tie on the leaderboard but in competition he for sure had the W. He got off the road first. If that's a finish line, thank you. What? We had this argument. We're not putting it in. They reviewed it. You didn't get it, bro. I'm putting that rep on.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Taylor would, so I'm going to. We had this argument. Had the replay as a no rep. Taylor, why didn't you grab? He would, so you will. Hey, you watch your mouth. You watch your rep. Taylor, why didn't you grab... He would, so you will. Hey, you watch your mouth. Jason, you weren't close to getting that rep. We watched the replay.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Yes, he was. What do you mean he wasn't close? He was very close. Taylor, why didn't you grab the barbell? I was still two feet away at 58. So I set up on the bar and then time expired. I just knew that I wasn't getting that. Look at it. Hold on. Play it.
Starting point is 00:50:48 No, that's at 20 minutes. Look at the clock. That's 20 minutes. I think you're standing there, Jason. I think you're standing. It's just a bad camera angle. You look like a pooping dog. You look like my dog taking a dump in the backyard. Honestly, with the black shorts, I can't really see if my hips are extended. You're right.
Starting point is 00:51:03 He has a point. In competition, that's a point. He has a point. In competition, that's a W for Jason. What'd y'all think? Tell me the commentary while that was going on. I just want to know what you were thinking to grab the bar. You rushed off the road. Can we watch that? Jason, let's watch that last four seconds.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Let's watch how fast you do that transition while Taylor's already fucking checking his fucking DMs. Oh, shut up Is there a replay? Yeah, we're gonna get a replay here in a second. Caleb can do everything How dare you and hey, all right while that's getting put up, let's see it here Wow, I look like i'm hurting bad. Oh, bro. Your whole posture was broken. You're the hunchback of Notre Dame. That's what you look like the last seven minutes of the workout, Jason. Look at that, dude.
Starting point is 00:51:49 You've got to count that. That's a buzzer beater lift right there, dude. That's a buzzer beater lift. That's a buzzer beater shot and a big old freaking jam. 12 daily doses. So Taylor Self has to be thinking games or busts this year. This dude's legit as fuck. I'm already upset I'm not competing.
Starting point is 00:52:10 What? You're not? I want to hear y'all's commentary. What were y'all thinking? Well, we thought you were running away with it about 10 minutes in and then you tripped and then Taylor kind of of it felt like he smelled blood in the water i felt like i smelt him smelling blood but then you were holding steady at 10 seconds for the longest time and then like three minutes in that that lead got littler and
Starting point is 00:52:40 littler and then uh and then i looked at tay and I thought you had it fine. Cause you got in the rower. You just, you smashed your jump rope. Like I've won. I didn't trip. Now I just got to hold on a row and you're Jason Hopper. And then we saw Taylor send it on the rower and you weren't sending it. And I,
Starting point is 00:52:57 and then I thought Taylor was going to catch you. And then it was a time. I'm sorry. Jay Jason, basically around the 16 minute, around the 16 minute mark the 16 minute as we approach the 16 minute mark we thought taylor had no chance and then about 1605 things started changing and we were like oh shit taylor's chance and then at the 1805 mark it was like oh shit we have a foot race
Starting point is 00:53:18 to the finish line like we the last two minutes were so intense honestly i'm just giving the fans what they want they wanted a good race i'm sure at home they were on their feet watching it so that's all you could ask for your transitions dude those started to slow down quite a bit right around that point your rope got further away from your rower i feel like there was one round where i stood at the last deadlift and like stumbled back i was like oh yep i dropped the bar once i think i made a comment on you at that point you'll love that going back to check it out. How the hell is it Bryson gets more live viewers?
Starting point is 00:53:49 What's the surprise? What the hell is up with that? Ladies and gentlemen, you are watching 24.2, the CrossFit crash. CrossFit Open. You have Andrew Hiller from Hiller Fit, John Young from JY Barbell, and in the house joining us, I don't know if you can hear us, Matt O'Keefe. What's up, man? I can hear you.
Starting point is 00:54:08 How are you guys? That's good. Good. How did you end up there? How did you end up there with young journeyman Jason Hopper? He's giving me a Nike contract. I was sitting in Nashville, watched Brooke do the workout this morning, and drove over.
Starting point is 00:54:22 I hit a little traffic, so it took me about six and a half hours. So I got to watch the broadcast and listen to you guys pick on my boy. Awesome. They were picking on me. You did. It's honestly, that was awesome. I really enjoyed that. And these guys did exactly what you should have done,
Starting point is 00:54:40 which is see what your edge looks like in the open. You know, I don't think a bit of either of them. I mean, maybe Jason gets a little more out of this with a little slower pace out of the gate. But what's what? I mean, it's the open. This is where you should be testing that. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Hey, O'Keefe, what was your sense of the vibe between these two? Were you there before? Was it tense between them? Was it weird? No, but I know it would have been for sure. A hundred percent. It is is we didn't talk if they're working out against each other uh on a normal day I think it's pretty tense right right boys yeah I mean that's the thing that would normally be right I did make a concerted effort before this workout to go and be like hey love you
Starting point is 00:55:20 dude um and he goes how are you feeling I I was like nervous. He goes, why? And I was like, well, because both of us are capable of. It's not going to be very comfortable at the end. I do think I'm frustrated because I know I'm going to look at the leaderboard and I don't think it's going to really reflect what I'm capable of. And I think Jason would probably agree with that for him. But like what Matt said is right. This is a good opportunity to just push it pretty hard. But to be honest,
Starting point is 00:55:47 to be honest, I watched a Dallin and Taylor go last week and I saw them come out so hot. So I was like, they inspired me a little bit. I was like, Hey, let's do it again. The same thing happened last week.
Starting point is 00:55:58 I saw that we had to go 18 more minutes or a couple more minutes. Yeah. At least. Jeez. Wow. Did either of you feel like you were going to throw up the the at the end there no it's a different feel it's way more uncomfortable during to me but the after the aftermath is when you're sad i felt like i was gonna throw up watching the broadcast while i was driving oh good especially in that asheville area
Starting point is 00:56:22 with all those turns i will say that the last time i felt the way that i did in that asheville area with all those turns i will say that the last time i felt the way that i did in that workout was 2021 games sandbag ski rope climb oh i remember that watch that that was probably i think in 11 minutes in i was like i i remember this feeling and it's from three years ago we knew literally a minute minute into that workout or round into that workout when he looked to his left and right. And he's like, why are Pat and Brent so far behind me right now? Too fast. Hey, Jason, a lot of people say that the open doesn't matter. Obviously, we're doing Taylor self versus the world.
Starting point is 00:57:00 So Taylor is going to fucking bring it to everybody. versus the world so taylor's gonna fucking bring it to everybody um when would you normally if you weren't doing this in front of thousands of people um uh taking it slower just been like okay and instead i mean there there is a level of just adrenaline and you know anxiousness and feeling the nerves and everybody around and so to be honest um i feel like i'm experienced enough on game day and live competition to be able to handle those nerves to the point where I'm able to, you know, not come out too hot like a lot of people would. And so today was I had those same nerves, same adrenaline. And I wanted to see I want to ride the line a little bit more. I wanted to see how close I can get to the sun without getting burned.
Starting point is 00:57:40 And I got burned. Would you would you say that this was a good training day for you? Like that was a good training workout that you, that you will be fitter from that workout that you'll get good adaptation from it. Yeah. Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 00:57:52 I feel like I wouldn't do that on, or I wouldn't do that even in training. Um, because I would want to, I'm, you'd want to pace it like you want on game day. And so you don't really get these opportunities where you're feeling these, this adrenaline,
Starting point is 00:58:04 you're feeling this nerve, you have a fan, you have a crowd. And so these, these opportunities are few to none. And so I honestly, this, the open does mean nothing. And yes, it, it's really just pride. And so you got to put that to the side and just kind of send it. It means something in the sense that anytime you put yourself on a leaderboard, you want to put your best foot forward. I feel that way. I i know you feel that way you don't ever look at a workout and be like oh the open doesn't matter so i'm not going to try that hard like i know you don't do
Starting point is 00:58:32 that no no i don't i don't do that but i do see it as an opportunity to kind of like yeah send it test when i necessarily wouldn't send it that hard or i'd be a lot more conservative and trust my trust the pacing and just trust that I'm trying to build throughout. And honestly, when I wrote, I was like, Hey, I'm going to,
Starting point is 00:58:47 I'm going to commit to this pace. And even though it's, it is aggressive and we'll see what happens. Maybe I will regret it. Maybe I won't, but I'm committed to coming out a little hot and, and doing it. Hey,
Starting point is 00:58:58 where's a little Colton at? You're going to have some work to do next week. This is not Colton show. I have some work to do next week. He asked about you guys. He did. You get some thrusters with Colton next week. This is not Colton's show. He asked about you guys. He did. You get some thrusters with Colton next week. Did you see Saturday's cap workout?
Starting point is 00:59:11 100 front squats. That'd be ugly. They don't want to squat in the open. Matt O'Keefe, you run a facility. You're the CEO of HWPO. Don't interrupt me again. You're the CEO of HWPO. Don't interrupt me again.
Starting point is 00:59:31 You're the CEO of HWPO, and you have these camps up there, and you have multiple high-level athletes hanging out together. Do you warn them about this? Do you tell them, like, hey, there's five of you in the room. Don't start acting like jackasses and just destroying each other. Honestly, we've evolved this year you know already we learned a lot last year with having a lot of them in the same cage specifically this stage i mean we talk a lot about trying to de-emphasize the open but do things like this which is like hey you know don't overemphasize this for the full three weeks, but that day let's go compete and see where your edge is,
Starting point is 01:00:08 which is what Jay did today. I mean, it's a – honestly, these guys together all the time can be dangerous, and we experienced some of that last year, right, Jay? I mean, you know, when you're running these guys against each other for six, eight weeks to lead up to competition, they want to go and there's another great competitor next to them. So you've got to be strategic with that. And we learned a lot about that last year particularly.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Colton Merton's in the comments. How did you dorks barely beat me in a rowing workout? He continues with an advantage setup. Because we unzipped and flopped it out from the start, dude. Sorry, we didn't sit there and play it safe like you guys come on man we gave the people what they wanted i'm coming for that ass taylor next week guys we are we are less than seven days away from what is going to be the most intense open workout in the history of the sport. Brian Friend. Hello, my friend. Does Taylor think he can win the World Wide Open?
Starting point is 01:01:07 No shot. I don't know, dude. That's two impressive performances in a row. I mean, you're going to be in the mix. Gymnastics next week. If it's a lot of gymnastics, I'll have a shot. Yeah, tell me what you mean. Pull that back up.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Hold on one second. I want to hear John Young's take on that. John, what do you mean? Tell me what you would – if something came up. Give me a quick workout off the top of your head that if it happens, you think, oh, shit, Taylor is going to win the Open. I mean, if it's light thrusters and toes to bar, chest to bar, bar muscle-ups, I think he has a shot.
Starting point is 01:01:39 And what is a light thruster? I mean, 95 pounds. 75 pounds. Randy, but thrusters i'm good trevor gentry colton might smash him on that but taylor's got better scores than colton in two of the and one of the workouts yeah listen that i did not drag jason hold on hold on taylor there's people watching hold on tuck and chill uh trevor gentry i'm not i'm not pretending that he didn't listen jason j boys boys i gotta read this there's people watching this isn't you and snapchat people listening to your boyfriends listen
Starting point is 01:02:14 listen uh trevor gentry stop pretending like taylor didn't hawk jason on that final row taylor dragged jason into deep water on a workout hopper should win taylor's the real deal oh my can i can i chime in on this please please please yeah problem with the internet right here this is the problem this is the problem these two had no idea where either of them were at that point and weren't paying any attention but what the next poll felt it looked like for themselves so nobody trapped anybody at that point they're all just trying to get that row to continue to move. I mean, you guys get it, but that is not even close to the case. I would say Jason took a head first dive into the deep end and I didn't
Starting point is 01:02:54 drag him into that. He went full in himself. At the end of the day, y'all can, anybody can say what they want to say. I'm confident enough that performance would never happen when it matters. This is the only time you can really send it like that. And I and so you can believe me or not i mean it's not a bad performance anyway i did get hot down i'm not i'm not i'm not saying i didn't i'm just saying i know like i'm confident enough that if this mattered and there was money on the line if there was you know this qualified me to the crossfit games i would have been a little bit wiser in the approach oh hillar
Starting point is 01:03:21 what's jason saying we saw jason with the hususserfell stone. He was fucking, he could barely walk. He looked like he was on fentanyl. What do you mean you know how to pace? We already know you don't know how to pace. You're a fucking... Shut up. You have one speed. I am curious, considering we would always hear, I mean, it's intensity.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Intensity is defined as work done within a time domain. And if you're trying to get the best score, why not pace it from the beginning, knowing that would give you the best score? I saw you at a 138. You thought you could hold that? At the end of the day, I'm not saying, hey, I'm not going to be able to hold this. Before I start, I'm committing to a pace that I believe I can hold,
Starting point is 01:03:59 but it is a little bit aggressive. I'm not going to be not gonna be you know as stupid when it when i wouldn't know if i can hold i didn't know if i could hold that this is the time to like like go out there hey i thought you could hold it if that means i mean i thought i did too or else i wouldn't right i wouldn't have done it i didn't think let me articulate so like i did this is a relatively moderate amount for someone at like jason's level or the top level but i did 20 cal row 20 biker for 30 minutes several months ago. And that's a benchmark I've done several times in the past. And that's holding like a 1450 to a 1480 Cal per hour on the rower
Starting point is 01:04:34 for 30 minutes alternating. So I'm thinking, okay, that translates to a one 41 rower. I did that for 30 minutes or 15 minutes rowing at a one at a 141 quote unquote pace so i'm like all right for this workout i can hold a 143 for sure he's probably thinking five seconds faster than that which would be appropriate because he's probably five seconds per 500 better than me on the rower so we probably had the same idea coming into the workout i'm like all right 143 i got that round eight i'm at a 150 thank you we just lost 500 listeners because of your fucking numbers and rowers and fucking shit listen this is someone else appreciate ladies and gentlemen we are lucky enough bill tough we're lucky enough to have jason hopper here matt o'keefe taylor self we just finished 24.2 the born
Starting point is 01:05:17 primitive crossfit crash open thank you jr how for letting us use your gym john young andrew hiller of course matt o'keefe jfe, Jason Hopper, Taylor Self. How will you guys feel tomorrow? Is this just a training day for you? Just like whatever. I don't think it will have an effect. It was a lot more aerobic, so we shouldn't feel it. I think you should run it back and decide who wins this tie.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Shut up, John. Absolutely. I got one rep on him. I'm counting that rep, dude. I think it's legit. You can make a video, Hilarion. I'm pretty sure week one is the tiebreaker. Hopper, you should give yourself
Starting point is 01:05:54 that extra rep and see if they... You should give yourself that extra rep and see if they call it back. Isn't the tiebreaker when you exit a station? Isn't the time at which you exit... Is that part of this? I tried to say that they wouldn't, they wouldn't buy it.
Starting point is 01:06:08 No. Was there a tie? Was there a tiebreaker in this? No, usually it'd be like time completed at two rounds, but they don't have anything like that. Why don't they have that? Cause there's 900 reps in the workout.
Starting point is 01:06:19 They want us to not be able to figure it out. There you go. Jason. You heard it here. Jason. Let me see if I can find my phone because I out. There you go. Jason, you heard it here. Jason, let me see if I can find my phone because I got a video of it recorded. So if I did it 20 minutes on the clock on the wall, then I'm counting it. I mean, how good of an open workout is this, though? I mean, this is really well-performed.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Thank you. Steph and I were talking about that. Agreed. Thank you. John Young disagrees with you, O'Keefe. I think it's amazing. I think talking about that. Agreed. Thank you. John Young disagrees with you, O'Keefe. I think it's amazing. I think this workout by itself is fine. No, you don't like it, John.
Starting point is 01:06:51 I don't like it because of week one. I think if you're going to do week one the way, then this shouldn't be the way it is. I don't like it. 25% of the field's moving on. It's like not really like it matters at the top end here. I mean, this is because I can look at this and say, y'all, I can do this. It literally not really like it matters at the top end here. Because I can look at this and say, y'all, I can do this with these guys. It literally is 1929.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Your clock, by the way, on the broadcast was off. Look at it. Look at it. For sure. Bam. Taylor. Can you put it up to the camera? No, you're going to have to clip it. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. And listen, this is what I was talking about. This is why Taylor should have gone and grabbed the fucking bar.
Starting point is 01:07:29 Sevan, the rep is not going to count. And if it does, I'm redoing on Monday. That's why these two dudes are badasses. Either you redo this year. Idiots. Justin, do you think our clock was off? Our clock was off on the show? I think that from what I was watching on the broadcast, they said
Starting point is 01:07:51 go and started rowing and then you started the clock just to spend time after. Oh, he's being very protective of that cell phone. Get the right angle. Get the right angle. It looks like you got the right one. Locked out. Oh, shoot.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Dang it. Taylor, while we're waiting, Taylor, let me ask you a question about your body. Hey, how is everything holding up? I know it's been two years of coming back. Are you feeling you push yourself really hard two weeks in a row? How's the body feeling? I feel fine. Neither of those workouts really take any toll on me at all.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Joints, everything, legs, knees, everything's good to go. Yeah, nothing that leaves any sort of residual effect the first two weeks. And how are the Savage Ones today? I love them. Yeah, they're light. Hold on, where's the camera? I can see it. Oh, this is not very helpful.
Starting point is 01:08:40 We gotta focus. You put it so the camera's facing your butt during. Dude, I'm going to go ahead and say none of these are going to count. Oh, my God. Wow. The knees aren't an extension. Look at those knees.
Starting point is 01:08:53 Your knees are not an extension. Hey, take a screenshot of that. Wow. Wow. Take a screenshot. Put it on Instagram and let people vote. Wow. I think we have a winner
Starting point is 01:09:09 here. Wow. Ben, it looks like he's sitting on the toilet. Let me hear from John Young. John, we got a clock in the shot that says 1959, and what we have, it appears to be Jason Hopper standing at full erect position. As the senior analyst in the space, please tell me what you think. Come on, John john i think you give it to him man the open doesn't matter
Starting point is 01:09:28 you can't use that as the reason john young his listen listen i swear on my freaking hey uh you know i'm boatlegged i'm boatlegged that's natural yeah yeah he's boatlegged. That's natural. Yeah, he's boat-legged. The Heat 1 app heavily influences my pick here, but I'm going to say it counts. If you can go screenshot another deadlift rep and compare the two, that's what I want to see. That's fair.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Show me another completed deadlift. I want a video to Hiller, and he'll decide. Just send it to Hildy. Hildy. Jason, let me ask you this really quick. Do you have another angle also? Nope. God, you're fucking a lunchbox.
Starting point is 01:10:12 Why you? He's so quick to say no. I know. It's because of the clock. It's probably the only one he has with the clock in it. Dude, my judge is a certified CrossFit judge. And he didn't give it to you. I trusted him.
Starting point is 01:10:22 That's a good point. That's a good point. Yeah, you shouldn't give it to you. I trusted him. That's a good point. That's a good point. Yeah, you shouldn't have used that argument. And I say, never mind. I'm not going to say that. All right. This is literally my first rep. Just because your first rep was Bob,
Starting point is 01:10:36 doesn't mean that one counts. It literally is the same. Yeah, screenshot those and send those to Hiller. Literally is the same. Oh, my God. Yep. Dude, I'm with you. I'm with you, Hopper yep based on this camera they look the same i think you give it to me based on this camera they're the same dude thank you hillar and jr did confirm that those reps were good one of 2022 and do you want to talk about that do you remember that what happened jesus you got my number if you want to
Starting point is 01:11:01 the box jump over dumbbells taylor's like an ex-girlfriend bringing up the past like this. Yeah, Jesus. He didn't love her, Taylor. He didn't love her. I'm sorry. The only workouts you remember are open workouts. Taylor, he didn't love her. He didn't look into her eyes, Taylor.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Listen, you guys, I got to thank you guys. Taylor, you are an absolute savage. All eyes on you, you dude you are a king maker you did it for dallin you did it for jason matt o'keefe thank you for showing up born primitive c.a. none of this would happen if you guys didn't fund uh bringing these guys out will brandstetter you are a fucking god everyone everyone love on will jason do you think will yet have you thank him yet okay good all right him yet? Okay, good. All right. I just hired Will.
Starting point is 01:11:47 Sorry about that, sir. What? No. Can I say one more thing? Not joking. Can I be myself? You can't have Will. No cuss.
Starting point is 01:11:55 Yeah, well, hold on, Taylor. I'll give you the last word. Give me one second. Andrew Hiller, thanks for coming on. You're the man. You always bring the viewers. You are the true influencer. John Young, you're the smartest guy.
Starting point is 01:12:03 I know. Thank you so much. You stand by your word. You have great conviction. Love you, buddy. Caleb, Sousa, you guys rock. Go ahead, Taylor. Eat shit, Juana. No context.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Zero. Thank you very much for entertaining us. Great work, guys. This was awesome. Every morning, we wake up knowing what's at stake. Freedom. that was fun great work guys this was awesome every morning we wake up knowing what's at stake freedom
Starting point is 01:12:29 honor duty this is more than a mission it's the oath we took it's the flag we wear on our sleeve and everything it stands for we don't do it for money
Starting point is 01:12:42 glory or fame but for something deeper. It's for our families, for our freedom, for our way of life. And to anyone who tries to take that away from us, good fucking luck. Forward! Good fucking luck. Even when the mission is complete, training is never over. We are constantly honing our craft
Starting point is 01:13:34 and sharpening our axe. That is the warrior mindset. This isn't just a brand to us. We're a part of these stories because we've lived these stories. And while we might have hung up the rifle and body armor one last time, our new mission is to outfit our nation's heroes with the best apparel on the planet.
Starting point is 01:13:58 By the operator, for the operator. To those still standing on that wall, we salute you, the damn few. Born Primitive Tactical, for those who defend. And we're supposed to be done, but we're not, because someone has to pick the winner. Born Primitive and CA Peptides give us stuff, but someone wants to give you guys something. Someone wants to give you $200 giveaway of Paper Street Coffee.
Starting point is 01:14:34 So if Taylor or Jason could do the honor, scroll through and just randomly pick a name out of the chat, then you will DM me and Gabe at Paper Street Coffee, and you will get the easy 200 bucks. Hey. There you go. Damn. A regular Kenneth DeLapp, by God, hopper's cut of granite, and that's enough to make you-
Starting point is 01:14:58 $400 at Paper Street. That is a comment. Yeah, 3% body fat, right, Jason? Dude, we did the in-body test. He said to Disney.

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