The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Semifinals WEST | Day 2 Pre Show

Episode Date: May 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Does anyone do an Irish accent besides Pedro? Nobody can do a good Irish accent. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Pedro, do you do an American accent? Do you do an English accent? I do accents, but they're not very good. Let me hear you talk like an American TV set. Can you do one? Just say, hi, welcome to the Savon podcast. Hi, welcome to the Savon podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Irish is fucked. Hey, you must spend a lot of time in Ireland. I can hear a little Irish accent. I got a bit of Irish in me. Coffee pods and wads. Pedro's in the house. Mr. Spin is here. John Young, Mike Halpinpin the human calculator and of course
Starting point is 00:01:06 crossfit crash nostradamus we are one shy of a full house oh we have caleb running the back end with his cat uh ass pointed at him as i can see uh down below and uh we uh james townsend will be joining us shortly uh something that's really trippy about this sport i don't know if it's trippy but i think it's unique about this sport and you guys tell me a lot of sports you have to win in order to be the winner uh like fighting you really like the the no one wants the oh you want to be 30 and oh you want to be 25 and oh you want to be you know 17 and one and uh in basketball you could probably you can take some losses right in baseball you can take some losses in football not so many losses in tennis you can take a shitload of losses maybe the
Starting point is 00:01:47 greatest athlete who ever lived according to some people serena williams only won 55 uh 55 percent of all of her points right so a lot of losses a lot of losses to in that sport but in this sport crossfit you can lose every single fucking competition. Is that what we call them? Competitive event? Test. Test. Test?
Starting point is 00:02:13 Yeah, test. Okay. And then still win the gold, which is really cool, which is why yesterday I think that there was so little to talk about Justin Medeiros. Can we just go to the men's leaderboard? I just want to touch on the subject and ask you guys what you think. Why are we not worried about Justin Medeiros just sitting there in fourth place? Everyone's just, no one's like, oh, my God, Justin might not make it,
Starting point is 00:02:37 or is Justin okay? Mr. Crash, J.R. Howell, why are we not worried about Justin? Did I explain it? Is that just the nature of the sport? Yeah, I mean, look what happened last week, right? Jeff finished top 10 on every workout and ended up winning the competition. Same will happen this week with Justin, most likely. Adler didn't have a single win?
Starting point is 00:02:59 No. He won an event, too. Yeah, amazing. Halpin, is this a problem with the sport or is this cool? This is just the nature of our sport. This is just how we do it at CrossFit. I mean, there's home run hitters and things like that. I mean, Tia won every event last year, this time last year. But, I mean, this is Justin's MO.
Starting point is 00:03:20 He just sits there and waits and and continues to just do enough uh in the events to be able to either win the entire competition or at least qualify and things like this john any concerns uh for justin um not uh being sitting on the podium top three at the semi-final nope and and uh and mr spin if he doesn't sit top three, will you be concerned about him going into the games? Let's say he finishes this event fourth. I think it draws more questions. I mean, you see there's a lot of guys that are up there. I mean, Adler, I think Hopper last week was stacked,
Starting point is 00:04:01 and they showed very, very strong performances. If Medearis doesn't win and get second i think there are a lot more questions about whether he can win for a third time and then if we go over to australia and look at the female leaderboard uh mr pedro have you had a chance to are you on their time are you able to watch the um australian events in a decent time i can cast the tail end when i get up and then you know i can rewind a bit when you see ellie turner at the top yesterday uh she wasn't at the top and then today she's up there strong right with a 12 point lead it did you ever doubt yesterday uh pedro that she wasn't going to um Pedro that she wasn't going to to win this event to win this competition
Starting point is 00:04:47 yeah I did yeah you did have a doubt well maybe stupidly but I was just looking at how well the players were doing like I was looking at Kate Van Zyl and I was like she looks strong and she's got good endurance she's got the run is coming up you know I was like she's going to do alright
Starting point is 00:05:01 but then you know I think Linda and you know it was just Ellie's day. It was just moving day was Ellie's day, I think. And do you think she holds it? Do you think that's it for her? Ellie now, it's a lock? Yeah, I mean, I can't see her struggling with the sandbag. I can see the other struggling with the sandbag.
Starting point is 00:05:21 You know, like there's things that she won't struggle with that other people will, I think. and see the other struggling with the sound bike. You know, like there's things that she won't struggle with that other people will, I think. JR, do you know who her coach is on the ground there? Do you know who went with her to Australia? No, I'm not sure. But I'm really looking at number five and looking at Jamie
Starting point is 00:05:37 and thinking about the first workout for Sunday being the one with all the gymnastics. And she's still very much within striking distance. And I wonder how Grace and grace and how, um, cat are going to do on that one. It's top three, right? Top three go. Correct. Yep. Uh, so she, she's 12, she's 28 points out of third place. Yep. And I, she will most likely win event six. I think so too.
Starting point is 00:06:03 So, so it's going to be a very, very tight race on the last workout for top three. Between Grace, uh, Caitlin and, uh, Emily DeRoy and Jamie and Jamie. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Yeah. And Jamie. Yeah. Um, okay. Let's just check at the boys really quick, uh, and see,
Starting point is 00:06:22 uh, how Mr. Uh, Crouch, Jay Crouch, did. I could also see event six being Ellie's worst finish. Ellie Turner. Do you think it'll be so bad that it gets scrambled up to where it's like?
Starting point is 00:06:39 No, I think she'll be fine making it because I think she'll blow event seven out of the water. But I don't think she'll have fine making it but because i think she'll blow element seven out of the out of the water but uh i don't think she'll have a a comfortable lead i think every all top three people will be there within 20 points of each other did we see this last night we saw these results last night right we saw workout three okay that's popular okay and so Jay Crouch finally got a 14th something out of the top five that was the is that the max snatch
Starting point is 00:07:12 Jake won that 265 is that a problem going to the games to only have a 265 pound snatch only at the games it is but for the semi-final it'sinal that's what prevents him from being a top 10 athlete like we talked about last night and for everybody that's like listening right and they're trying to you know they they're trying to understand why australia only gets three spots
Starting point is 00:07:40 of the games and why the north american semifinals get 12 or 10 or nine, 265 snatch last weekend in the East would have been a 24th. Wow. Wow. Here, here it's a 14th. So it's just, I mean, in the West, it's probably going to be 30th this weekend. There's just, there's so many heavy hitters. So when you're comparing across regions, especially on something like a lift, it really like, it really is tough to even compare sometimes. It, and while we're here, you can see Jake Douglas.
Starting point is 00:08:12 I think there's a video, Caleb, I sent you. It's ridiculous. Yeah. Three 10. You know of him, Pedro,
Starting point is 00:08:19 you know of that guy. I just know like he's, he's on the HOPO pro and I know Steve Fossick coaches him and does his programming stuff, and he's just – he is an – he looks like that movie poster for Warrior with the kickboxing movie from like 10 years ago maybe. He looks like he should be in that. He's an absolute unit.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Oh, this is the guy with the massive traps, right? Massive everything, I assume. Massive everything, our assume. Mass of everything. Our correspondent from Ireland lets us know. 310 pounds. So this is the current record for the snatch for the men? For helping? Frozen?
Starting point is 00:08:58 Did we freeze? Yeah, 310 is the most that anybody's done so far, yeah. The commentator said at the time that it's a tie for the fourth heaviest at an event. Oh, ever in the history of CrossFit? In a licensed part of the season. Wow, okay. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Action. That's so easy. Oh, man. That looks solid. He definitely could have done, like, 315. You do? You think he has more on the tank, Pedro. Oh, man. That looks solid. He definitely could have done like 315. You do? You think he has more in the tank, Pedro? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Young, more in the tank? By what that looks like, yeah. Can we see that one more time? How's his technique, Mr. Crash? It's pretty solid to me. Like, it looks eerily similar to how easy Jason made 305 look last week. What I'm thinking is what everyone here, who's going to snatch more today, Anthony Davis or Guy?
Starting point is 00:09:53 Between those two? Or is more people going to snatch more than 310? I just think between those two, between Guy and Anthony Davis. Anthony Davis. You think so? Yeah. Anthony Davis snatched 340 and missed his first lift. He is not in the ballpark of Anthony Davis.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Now, he did just lose 10 pounds of weight, so that could make him – Who did? Davis did? Anthony Davis. Yeah, he's almost trying to get weaker to get better at his weaknesses, which, I mean, that's what he needs to be doing. But if he snatched 340, he has never snatched that, never gotten close to that.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I'm pretty sure Tudor has snatched more than Guy. I don't think – I think Anthony Davis will snatch 325, and I don't see Guy doing that. I don't think Guy will need to. Right. Right, he won't. If he's smart, he doesn't go all out. No, sorry.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Anthony Davis has had some... Go ahead. Go ahead, Pedro. That wasn't me. I was going to say, Anthony Davis has... health issues with his shoulders and things like that. So I know from what he told me, he hasn't been on max lifts for quite a while. I'm glad you said health issues and then you alluded to shoulder because I went straight to gonorrhea. And I'm glad you cleared that up so i wouldn't get start perseverating on that um as cornholio uh as 310
Starting point is 00:11:30 can look easy seven and a 315 uh uh can look um impossible i agree and what's interesting is jake chapman says nice shrug shrug shoulders under the bar i love to see it i was thinking the opposite like he was pulling too much maybe he just because he's so massive he just looks like he's shrugged shoulders under the bar. I love to see it. I was thinking the opposite, like he was pulling too much. Maybe he just, because he's so massive, he just looks like he's shrugging all the time. He's just standing normal. That's a good point. His shoulders touch his ears.
Starting point is 00:11:53 But you liked his movement, JR? Yeah, it looked good. I mean, his bottom position for being that big looked really, he looked really mobile at the bottom too. He really didn't have to stay down there with it at all. I mean, it came up super fluid. Scott Perkins, John is all-knowing and lifting heavy. Just ask him.
Starting point is 00:12:12 That's true. I fired at John a little early for that, but okay, we'll take it. Okay, let's cruise over. We are just minutes away from the Northwest semifinal starting, 19 minutes. I believe it will be Adrian Conway doing it with the podcast equipment, Chase Ingram from home, and a couple guys roaming the floor. Can we take a peek at the leaderboard? The workout is going to be Linda, and I just want to dig in right to Gazan.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I would have powered it. James, did you get a link? I sent you a link. Where the hell is James Townsend? James, you got a link? Yes, James. Yes, James. I sent it at...
Starting point is 00:12:58 Oh, look. There he is. He's like a genie. You just rub the lamp and there he is. Mr. Townsend. Where is he? Did he pop up? Bam and there he is mr townsend where is he did he pop up bam there hey just in time what's up dude uh welcome to the show james townsend owner of
Starting point is 00:13:13 the brave gym line brave crossfit and tbo training how you doing awesome i'm excited for this uh easy uh are you familiar with Linda James? You done that one a few times? No, but I had Mal back in the day do it maybe three times. I thought you were going to say, yeah, you've done that workout 100 times. It seems like it would be something you would be. No? You're not a big Linda fan?
Starting point is 00:13:43 No. Why is that? Why is that? I thought that's a big strong guy's workout. I thought that's a big strong guy's workout. It's a cardio workout. Not for a guy like me. I'm fast twist dominant. I'm blowing up in maybe
Starting point is 00:14:00 six to five. Okay, so you want to add 10% and start at five and work your way down. There we go. The 145 squat cleans are the reason he doesn't like this workout. Exactly. Is this just
Starting point is 00:14:18 a runaway for Gazan? How impressed are you with Alex Gazan, James? Man, she's a powerhouse. I like her mindset. I like how she attacks it, right? I think she missed it like two years ago, right? She was just on the Cubs two years ago?
Starting point is 00:14:40 I think you're right. Yes, yes, yes. And then last year, you know, she came full head of steam. So now she's a veteran. So now she has the experience and she has the will to push. And I think she's going to be one of the top five in this workout. JR, when you see someone with a 270-pound bench press, that's like world-class level, right? This is bizarre even for a crossfitter right this is a i mean do we have anyone is there is there anyone else doing
Starting point is 00:15:13 anything world class at that level in the men and women and anything meaning like do we have anyone who can run at the level that's that's equivalent to where she's bench pressing for women or do we have anyone who can snatch in the men's division that's equivalent to what she's bench pressing for women or do we have anyone who can snatch in the men's division that's equivalent to what she's bench pressing i mean i looked at the world record for bench press for women natural women and it was like 308 pounds for a for a 140 pound woman or something like that yeah i mean i definitely think she's an outlier um on this movement you know movement even with the other world-class women in the sport. But like something I look at on a 270 bench press is it doesn't always translate to 55 reps with 60s. Not always. For me, the thing that translates maybe even more so to how clean she made the
Starting point is 00:15:59 ring dips look last night, weighted with all the weighted burpees. and that along with the bench press leads me to believe she's got really good muscle stamina so i think that she is going to perform and kind of back up that 270 bench maybe winning this workout i think it's between her and dan uh young is she sore from yesterday is it gonna is that uh are all those muscle muscle ups and uh ring dips gonna bug uh gazan mr young no she's used to this type of volume. It's only been two events. I mean, she might be sore by the end of the weekend, but not now. Halpin world record for Gazan?
Starting point is 00:16:38 Maybe. It's going to come down to her pacing. Like you asked James and JR brought up as well. It's like, yeah, she can do a two 70 bench, but this many reps. And also you saw it a few times over the years, her pacing of workouts, she can get burnout quick. So I would hope it's not a Brooke. I would hope it's not something like that where all of a sudden it's the way
Starting point is 00:17:02 that should be good at a work blow up a bit, but talking to a few people close to her, that's the focus for this workout. Not how great she is on a bench, but actually making sure she stays at a pace she can control from 10 to 1. I'm having trouble believing that, James. What do you think? She has a 270 max, but she's going to be doing 60 pounds dumbbells. That's less than half her max. That's what I'm saying. I don't but she's going to be doing 60 pounds dumbbells that's half that's less
Starting point is 00:17:25 than half her max that's what i'm saying i don't think she's gonna i don't think she has to pace yeah right right with with a 270 bench like that for a female that's that 60 pound dumbbells is going to be pretty much lightweight for her lightweight Lightweight? Literally probably 30 pounds between her and the second best on bench press. That's so much. At that event, or you mean just pretty much out of female CrossFitters worldwide? The second
Starting point is 00:17:55 best bench presser that's in that elite category. In the CrossFit games, you're going to the games. I'm willing to bet Gazan has 30 pounds in second best i want to say that she benched 230 in high school like as a freshman or something there's a story going around something like that i'm just saying all that is true i'm saying i'm saying the entirety of the workout all the pieces that she has to do going from 10 to 1 is that was the focus that i
Starting point is 00:18:23 that i talked about with some people around her is pacing that entire workout and not just being able to do really well on a piece of the workout. Like Brooke's amazing at deadlifts. She died on the bench press because of the pacing of that workout for her. Same thing here. You can say that somebody is the best bencher in the world in this competition that does not always equate itself to doing a world record on this. I guess what we're just saying is if you could tell whoever told you that to just tell Gazan to go full speed ahead.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Don't worry about pacing. The experts have weighed in and she should. They're probably saying that now because of her over- Yeah, she can do the right thing here. Bethany Shadburn, look at this comeback she's making, James. Any surprise? Lots of injury talk. Got caught in a testing pool that tested her as positive.
Starting point is 00:19:27 So she couldn't compete at the games that year with Carrie Pierce. That's got to be a lot of emotional ups and downs. Are you surprised to see her at the top? No, I'm not. When I was at the games, Coach Amau, she was one of the athletes I was like, you know, worried about. That could podium and place in the top 10. So for her to be at the top now, almost two years later, it's no surprise to me. And it's not just that she's a great CrossFitter, it's that she's a great athlete, right?
Starting point is 00:19:59 Like when you look at her, you're like, holy shit, this is like a well-rounded person. She's going to be good in the unknown and unknowable and and all the stuff that's like just the regular stuff right right overall so for today i mean i don't think she really needs to you know go ball the wall on a snatch or you know um try to win the linda workout because of her back you know if she just stays in the middle of the pack and you know maybe 185, 190 snatch, she's good. You think she's got that? I don't think that's taking it easy for her on snatch. So I think if she just see what the field is looking like, maybe 180, that would keep her top.
Starting point is 00:20:42 She needs to know what numbers to hit to be around 20th place in that. Her coach needs to be on that. She'll be in the last heat. She'll know what numbers people are hitting and not worry about the 200 pound snatchers and just beat whatever the
Starting point is 00:20:58 bottleneck is because there will be a bottleneck number. Right. You mean with all the snatches yeah um that final that final uh workout today uh what is it um five the final workout five is there is there a uh a runaway here pedro is there someone you think in the west okay this is the runner in the bunch of the ladies she's's just going to run away with it. Like not, I'm sure the other guys would know more,
Starting point is 00:21:30 not to my knowledge. There's no one like, there's no one like Sydney and Easter, you know what I mean? Or like, like, I don't know. I think you guys are talking about Bethany and like, it's not that long ago that she was like,
Starting point is 00:21:45 oh, I can't do these movements. I can't do all this kind of stuff. That's my main concern with her is that like, she'll, you know, she has to carry a sandbag that's going to put pressure on her back. She has to do like,
Starting point is 00:21:55 I can't, to be honest, I was very impressed with where she's sitting now, considering she had the sled pull and all that stuff. But it isn't a huge amount of time ago that she was like, just gingerly moving back into doing movements for the first time and squatting to a ball and this kind of stuff um but yeah no i don't know the other guys that know more than me on on who are good runners and
Starting point is 00:22:14 say how could her spinner young and no more than me in there jr i think rolf's supposed to win this i think she knows she's supposed to win this and i think that the problem with that is if she takes a third or a fourth or something like that happens instead of it being a success it's a disappointment thoughts I think she knows she needs to balance out test four so I mean I think that in her head she expects herself to win too and I think putting the pressure on her will probably help uh do you like that but what do you think about pressure, James? If you know, like Colton puts that pressure on himself, like, hey, I really need to go in and win this workout,
Starting point is 00:22:54 and then he ends up taking second in the tiebreak. Does that make it a letdown because you put pressure on yourself to win it? No, not at all. Not at all. And every athlete is different, right? So I would just say, you know, if any athletes that put on, you know, that put on pressure on themselves like that, they just got to ride the wave, you know, find, find that energy. That's going to get you going to even push to the number one spot.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Or if you take second, Hey, that's 95 points. So either way, just be grateful either way. If you, if you have, do you prep your athletes, James, ahead of time, if they like, hey, if you have a disappointing performance, these are the three steps we go through quickly. Five minutes of grieve, a grievance, you know, five minutes of forgiveness and then five minutes to quit being a bitch. Like you have. Is there a plan for. there a plan for failure? Absolutely. Like, um, I give my athletes at least five time to five minutes to, um, express their emotions. Right. So I leave them alone. I let them curse. I let them do whatever they want. And then I'll come back and talk to them and say, all right, where can we learn that? Where can we get better? How can you understand how to improve on the next workout then third step is short-term memory gotta let it go because if you're if you're worried about
Starting point is 00:24:11 test one and two and how you didn't do good then it's going to worry going forward so you got to have that short-term memory same thing of of being a football player short-term memory you miss the pass let it go you still got more to do going forward. This cannot be real. This cannot really be my mom. Rosemary Towson, Halpin needs Wi-Fi. Halpin Wi-Fi needs a booster. There's no way.
Starting point is 00:24:38 There's no way that's my mom making 49er jokes. It's hotel Wi-Fi. There is no way. Halpin, Alex, have I told you the story about the time Seve took a number two? That is definitely not my mom. Assholes. I think Emily is a guarantee to win number five, though.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Wait, say that again. I don't think Emily is guaranteed to win number five. If she can touch and go all eight of those snatches, I think she'll win. I don't know if she can do that. If she does touch and go all eight of those snatches, I think she'll win. Just if she can – I don't know if she can do that. I don't know. But if she does touch and go all eight snatches, I bet she wins that workout.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Even if she's like third off the barbell, fourth off the barbell, I'm a big believer in her on the run. Yeah, even if it's lower eight snatches. Just as long as she doesn't put it down. I went back to 21 and 550-meter sprint. Get us with the facts. So, yeah, you'll look at the 550-meter sprint. Katrin was the fastest of this field,
Starting point is 00:25:34 followed by Bailey, Emily, and then Danny. Danny Spiegel. Danny Spiegel beat Emily Rolfe? It's two at three seconds. Yeah, it's Emily than Danny. Danny was fourth. 500 meters is so much different than 800 meters.
Starting point is 00:25:51 And they were actually racing against each other. A big piece of this is that they're on runners. They have no idea what they're doing against each other. I think Danielle or somebody said it on your show, right, Savant? Is that if they were actually on a foot race, it'd be a much different race.
Starting point is 00:26:08 And that's where I think Emily Rolfe will be a little bit different here, is that she's won a lot of running events, but they've all been on foot, and they've all been long endurance events. On a sprint, I think it's closer to Katrin or some of these others. long endurance events on a sprint. I think it's closer to catcher and, or some of these others. And those numbers,
Starting point is 00:26:26 I mean, it's like six, 10th and ninth, 11th in that five 50 event. Those are all within two seconds of each other. So add another, what? 250 meters onto that. Plus they just did a barbell.
Starting point is 00:26:39 It's literally twice as much though. Like the times is what? One 20 on that workout on the 550-meter sprint? Was it 120, 125, 117? The winners of this event on the guy's side is 306, 310. It's twice as long. That's anaerobic, that workout. This workout is not completely anaerobic.
Starting point is 00:27:02 It's filling your system up real fast and then a three-minute run. Emily Rolfe is faster than Halpin's Wi-Fi. That's for sure. Still great data points that Halpin brings up. Great, great data points that he brings up. Here's the thing. I think that she's putting pressure on herself to win it. I think when she sees that workout,
Starting point is 00:27:22 she thinks she can win it. Not only thinks, I think she thinks she has to win it. She should win it. Not when she sees that workout she thinks she can win it and i think not only thinks i think she thinks she has to win it she should win it not just for this event but for headspace for even going to the games but i agree 800 is is a little different than a 500 i do see what you're saying though i i almost think it'll be like a meat of the two worlds like i could see them all being within you know very close to each other, like the Catrons. But again, if they do those eight snatches, I'm broken. I think Catron for sure will. I don't know if Emily will.
Starting point is 00:27:56 I get what you're saying, though. I don't think it's a definite either way. I just see it's closer than what we're talking about. We agree Gazan for workout. Everyone's pretty – like Gazan's the frontrunner for workout number three. Everyone pretty much agree for the women. Stiegel should be good on it. Christine Kallenbrander should be good on it.
Starting point is 00:28:18 There's a lot of really strong women. I think Gazan is just the fittest of those women. She's not going to be the only one unbroken on the bench press. the fittest of those women. She's not going to be the only one unbroken on the bench press. But like we've alluded to, it's an aerobic workout for the people that aren't worried about the bench press. And who will have the heaviest snatch out of the women? This is actually a really good competition on the snatch. There's three women who have snatched 225.
Starting point is 00:28:45 I would say Colin Brand I say Colin Brander, Colin Brander, Spiegel. And there's another girl. Can you bring up the leaderboard? If I see her name, Hannah Black, Hannah Black.
Starting point is 00:28:53 She's also snatched 225. All in comps. They've done that. I don't think Hannah Black has Christine, Colin Brander and Danny Spiegel both have around 225. Might've been 220. And Madison McElhinney is going to be up there too. She'll be –
Starting point is 00:29:11 Kersetter. She was 202 though. That's 20 pounds. She'll be up top five, but as far as winning the event, 202 is the most she's done. A year ago though, right? Olivia's two years ago. I get that.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Two years ago, Olivia did that. But right now, the other day, she posted a 225, 230 snatch. Olivia did? Can we pull this up? Yeah. Damien Castro, thank you. Semon equals life-giving sweet water. Well, thank you.bon equals life giving sweet water well thank you
Starting point is 00:29:46 it's nicest thing anyone said to me this year uh while we pull up olivia okay let's do it 210 210 oh 210 okay okay that's oh my goodness easier than jake d Douglas. Easier than Jake Douglas is 310. That's very true. Wow. See, and she's just – that's silky smooth. I would love nothing more for her to hit like – Early arm bend. And then – you're a big fan of that, James.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Early arm bend. And then Spiegel and Colin Brander both get like 215 and underperform. And then Carson Carter ties them Colin Brander both get like 215 and underperform. And then Chris Karstetter ties them. I would love that. Were both arms bending early, James? Both arms? Yeah. Dave Harper is going super early on this one.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Ellen Govern, I don't know what – I think that's a Euros. Dot 119 Euros. Oh, that's for me. That's for me then. Oh. Pedro donating to the own show he's on. That's fantastic. Oh, who's this?
Starting point is 00:30:53 Oh, Hannah Black. Wow, okay. Let's see it. 225 snatch PR just in time for CrossFit game semifinals Hannah Black wow boy she's fast under the bar well she looks
Starting point is 00:31:13 confident as all get out that did not look as easy as curse that is 210 though I know it's 15 more pounds but that calendar believes in her look at that. Wow. Where is that? Where is she from?
Starting point is 00:31:36 Oh, so somewhere in California. I think one thing that will be interesting, though, is Danny will be in the fourth heat. And then Olivia will be in the fifth. That's a good point. They're going to know what number to beat. They'll know what they need to go to.
Starting point is 00:31:57 And is Christine in the last heat? Christine is in the last one. She's like fifth right now overall. Christine, I think, will be top three by the end of the day. Colin Brander? Yeah. Russ, Steven, Sevan, let's go over to the men. Sevan, how do you feel about Brent Fikowski?
Starting point is 00:32:13 You had him down decisively as toast. Listen, I thought that guy was done three years ago. And he looks like an absolute fucking freak of nature to me. Don't trust anything I say about Fikowski. I still think he lives in the backyard at mayhem uh fukowski is uh he is a special uh creature does anyone want to have anything nice to say about brent what a special man he is i would love nothing more for him than to win this competition and why is that great because i think a lot of people people have
Starting point is 00:32:42 not disregarded belner they still put him up there with the best, but people have just completely forgot about Brent. I know he got 16th or something like that last year, but that's what he does. He gets second, and then he'll get 16th, and then he'll get second, and then he'll get 19th, and then he'll get third. He's been rollercoastering his placement in the games his whole career. And I think people have just forgotten about him.
Starting point is 00:33:11 They just don't think he's as good. And he's not. He's the same. He's the same Brant Fikowski that he was four years ago. And if he beats Medeiros and Belner, I don't think anybody saw that coming. And I think it would just bring – it would just make games talk really fun. I still think Justin is fitter, but it would make games talk really, really fun.
Starting point is 00:33:38 This is going to break your heart, James. What I'm about to say here, I apologize. Is it better to not be stronger? We've now seen Scott Tetlow, 10 pounds lighter, beat Colton Mertens in two workouts, right? Yeah. Wait for day two. And is it that extra 10 pounds of fucking horsepower that Mertens is carrying around that's giving Tetlow the edge?
Starting point is 00:34:03 He's just too strong? Yeah. Is that a balance? You know, I think that's come with the nature of CrossFit. You got to give a little to be the best, and obviously it's always strength. You know, nobody is giving up their cardio for strength, you know, to make it to the games. It's always you're giving up your strength to get better at your cardio.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Who's going to win this one, Pedro? Tetlo or Mertens? Or do you have someone else who's going to win the bench press workout here? There's Linda. Oh, I think Mertens. I think he's just like – like you can picture him doing it on his Instagram in his half-finished shed. Like he's just – yeah, it's him.
Starting point is 00:34:43 I would say – sorry were you guys are talking about medeiros and that at the start i think i think medeiros not winning this is insignificant i think brent winning this is incredibly significant like for as in it's not significant for the rest of justin's season but it matters a huge amount to the rest of fukowski season because it makes him part of the conversations like john was talking about and I think that shit matters to him. So if Fikowski wins it elevates his stock more than if
Starting point is 00:35:11 Medeiros doesn't win. It just maybe puts a little ding on him and a little question mark but we all still think he's probably going to win again. Yeah, probably lights a fire under Medeiros a bit. Gives him a bit of anger for the next couple of months or whatever but I think Brent you know, I think it matters that he wins it's a big deal especially with that workout yesterday the burpees i think that was a big deal yeah and
Starting point is 00:35:30 something worth mentioning too though is like we don't know the grand plan that adam and justin have we we saw we saw two years ago jason beat him at the mac he still won the games. We saw last year, he won his semifinal, he won the games. We saw last year, and a lot of people have continuously talked about how Roman and Ricky both pushed him about as much as he could be pushed before he ended up winning the games. We're not sure if this is all part of the ramp up you know as long as you're winning you can wait longer and longer to start the climb to your peak and maybe this is just another way that adam has said you know what last year we peaked a little bit too early you won your semi-final and at the games it was a little bit closer because maybe you're a little bit more run down so this year we're going to be
Starting point is 00:36:22 okay with the top five at semis because by the time you get to the games, no one's going to be able to touch you. Wow. I'll also say across, it's only seven events. Across 15 events, Medeiros would only climb. We've already said that this semifinal has been favoring more powerful athletes. I wouldn't categorize Medeiros as super powerful. And across more events, Justin has no holes. He has none. His pacing is the best in all of CrossFit. And the more he gets fifth place, the higher he will rank in the standings. And eventually, if you do enough events,
Starting point is 00:37:04 Vellner will bomb one, Akowski will bomb one, and Medeiros won't. So across a longer competition like the games, he's only going to be better versus a semifinal. It's almost like the opposite of Danny Spiegel. I know she's not doing great this weekend, but she usually does really good at seven events, seven test events. And across the game, she's not doing great this weekend, but she usually does really good at seven events, seven test events.
Starting point is 00:37:27 And across the game, she's not as good because it reveals more holes. She's probably regretting that trip to Saudi Arabia now, I'd say. This isn't true, right? Kristen Kettler, Justin is staying up to watch Ellie, and Ellie will still come top three. He's not staying up at night to watch her compete, is he? He goes to bed, right? Adam Neifer is staying up to do that watch her compete. Is he, he goes to bed, right? Adam.
Starting point is 00:37:45 I first staying up to do to watch it. Well, yeah. Oh, so you think Justin is too. I'm just saying what I'm aware of. Do you think he doesn't care about winning Jr? I think he would say the,
Starting point is 00:37:59 the goal is not semifinals. The goal is the game. I know it's what he would say, but like, I mean, it's, it's his entire thing, right? I mean i mean he he does this same thing he doesn't win events and we can call it an event a competition a test or whatever he doesn't win them but he stays in the
Starting point is 00:38:15 in the pack he does what he has to do you can look at that on a games basis or you can look at that on a season basis and you can see the same thing if he ends up winning an event or a competition great if he doesn't he's still within striking distance of doing what he has to do well i'll tell you this if he does if he does win one of these events it will just strike fear into all the competitors because they're already probably fucking just terrified of just how he paces everything. They probably never feel safe. That's a great point. Like, whenever Justin wins an event, it does, like, shock him a little bit, because that's not Justin's thing.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Justin would just hang back and just do what he has to do, get second, third, fifth, whatever he has to do. All this workout, can I just say? Yeah, yeah, please, please. Cole Sager beat Pat Vellner when you look at the times but side by side obviously different regions back in 18 barbell versus dumbbell is obviously playing a big role there um they both beat brent by almost a minute back long transitions too long long transitions back then in what workout what was the workout and linda linda wow yeah this is going to be tougher for Kowski.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Okay, I want to go around real quick and have everyone pick their Linda winners. I'm going to pick go first. I'm going to go with Matthew Green from California Hormones. Go ahead, JR. I'm going to go with Chandler Smith on this, actually. I expect Chandler to have three top tens today, and if his wrist is healthy, I think he can push Colton on this. Awesome. Pedro? I'm going for the south-facing pig.
Starting point is 00:39:50 I taught Chandler, but then I'm worried about him with dumbbells on his wrist. I think if it was a bar, I'd be like, oh yeah, no problem. But just the dumbbells. Fair enough. Mr. Halpin? Nobody said him yet. I'll go Pat Bellner. Wow. Wow. his arms are fucking
Starting point is 00:40:07 too long how the fuck can you pick velner i said cole sager beat him i think they're two different athletes in 2023 than they were in 2018 oh my god do you think he's gonna win the swim swim at the games this year no helping you're so smart what is has happened to you? The paint on the walls in that hotel room. Mr. Spinn. The Wi-Fi. I'll blend the Wi-Fi when this comes back around. You're sitting on the router. It's fucking scrambled your brain.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Mr. Spinn, do you have a winner for this? First of all, I don't think Mike is crazy in picking Pat. Fair. So, again, Pat finished third in Miami Meat Market. Completely different workout, but he showed strength in the bench press. I'm not sure if he's going to win, but I think John Wood
Starting point is 00:40:54 is somebody else to keep an eye on. He should be good on the bench press. Would you say Jason Carroll? Yes. Okay, perfect. Mr. Young, who do you got? I think Colton is going to go sub-12 on this workout. And last but not least, Mr. Townsend, who do you got? Mertens.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Mertens. Why not Tetlo? Why not Tetlo? Tetlo's not as strong. Yeah. They're different people. I know they're both height challenged But they're different
Starting point is 00:41:28 They're different athletes There's events where they both will do really good on But Colton is stronger And that's why he's better Colton meets them every time there's a strength event In the opener quarterfinals And then let's go back
Starting point is 00:41:45 the other way we'll start with james james uh which which dude is going to win the uh the snatch event uh 800 meters and then get get get to that snatch you want to do both of them at the same time anthony davis oh good that would love it if he won so he really does have a bit a better does he have the pr for a CrossFit event snatches? He snatched three 40 and I think Tola has snatched three 42. They went back and forth for a couple of years. Okay. And do you want to pick the next one or two James for event five?
Starting point is 00:42:20 Um, I got to go, uh, Fiskowski on that. Oh, I like it. Okay. Yeah. So two big men.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Go ahead, Mr. Young. I was going to say the same, too, but I guess I'll change it. Fine, fine. No, it's fine. Pick them. It's good. It's totally good. Anthony Davis should be everybody's pick on event four,
Starting point is 00:42:42 but there is two other guys, guys i think who have snatched over 315 uh so if one of them has a fail tutor could win that event um and then there's another guy i'm forgetting his name y'all know who it is the other guy who snatches over 315 there's one other guy anton false yeah so i mean if he has uh if he misses lift, I think one of those two could get it, but I'll say Anthony Davis. Pekowski's my pick to win event five, but I think Medeiros is going to be very good at that event too. Yeah, what about this dude?
Starting point is 00:43:14 What about Mora? What about the Mexican? He's strong as an ox, right? Didn't he open with some crazy thruster or something and fail? He failed. That was his problem, yeah. Well, I mean he's not short of confidence right no uh formula games five pounds justin was looking around just doing enough he never looked like he got out of third gear he will be top three end of sunday no dramas
Starting point is 00:43:39 no yeah but he's the two-time fittest man in the world. He's the fittest man in the world. Top three. That's not what you're about. Heidi Kroom, John's mom always picks John, even if he's not competing. That's a good mom. Mr. Spin, who do you got? I'm going to go with Anthony Davis with the second for Tudor on the snatch. And I'm going to go with Brent on the run.
Starting point is 00:44:08 So we'll see if I jinx him. Have you come around, Brian? This is the longest run I knew he was going to run. Hey, is Fikowski as good as running as who in the females? Is he as good as Daniel Brandon? Not as good as any of the others. He's kind of like Emily, I feel. Wow. The snatches aren't going to be as hard.
Starting point is 00:44:28 You think he's as good as Sam Briggs? It's different. I just don't see if a – Sam would beat him in the trail run, so I'm going to go ahead and say no and say Sam's better because he beat him. All right. Did you go Alpen? No, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:44:52 I mean, yeah, Anthony Davis, I am concerned because he gave me some comments about his overhead strength. Tudor or Chandler. For what? For the second one? No, for who's in that 300-pound. Yeah, why not Chandler for the second workout? Same thing.
Starting point is 00:45:13 I mean, probably is what people are thinking is wrist injury. He hasn't really shown much about it since he did that Buttery Bros video. He's never snatched like 15. There's three people who have snatched more than him. No, but the second workout. Why not challenge the second workout? How's his running? I think he'll win that second one.
Starting point is 00:45:34 I think John will win that second one. Good job, Pedro. We'll put you down for two. I think he's doing some crazy-looking shit down in Invictus with his training. So I think I can see him ending himself. He mightn't be able to make it to the finish line after he gets off the runner, but I think he'll get off the runner first. Who's your second Halpin for event five?
Starting point is 00:45:58 I don't know that I really have one. Pat Vellner again. He has the best on the 550 sprint, if that means anything. It does. It does. But it's, again, within seconds of each other is like third to 25th. So, yeah, I'll just go for the homer and do Brent. I mean, I'll do Brent.
Starting point is 00:46:22 JR? So I do think Chandler is going to be the first onto the runner. I don't think anyone in that field is going to cycle the 185. No, I don't even think his cycle rate will be as fast. I think Chandler will be first on the run, but I'm actually going to pick Cole on test five because I think he'll have to win it to keep himself in contention after four. I don't know how Linda's going to go with him, but there are a few people in the field that really knows what it takes on something like an 800 meter all out, not racing someone next to
Starting point is 00:46:57 you. And that mental headspace not to run hard at the end, but to run hard right after the eight snatches on the first 200 when everyone else is settling in if he will dig the first 200 i think he can win it no call is a great pick i was thinking about him as a dark horse um do you think he's going to cycle that 185 fast enough to still to still win because like he's the type of guy where i feel like his cycle rate is going to be slower you know what i mean he'll i think he'll be able to go unbroken but it'll be slower i think he's willing to hold a pace on the runner that a lot of those guys are not willing to hold just aren't how much is that right there that's 225 oh he's scary geez Wow.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Hey, guys. I got an update that Hiller will not like. Matthew Green is withdrawing. Oh, no shit. I thought you were going to say popped. That's tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:48:01 That's tomorrow. If you watched last night, he only did the ring muscle-up complex the first round. And then he only won the second. Torn pec and bicep injury. So he's out with medical and he's out. So he's going to try to give it a run this morning. I love mass with the California hormones shirt,
Starting point is 00:48:22 but a torn pec and a bicep is usually indicative of being too, getting too strong, too fast. Okay. You need to repick your Linda then. No, no, I'm sticking with him. I'm picking Tetlo then. I'm picking Tetlo. I'm going with Tetlo. JR, did you go, so you pick you're picking cole um you're picking anthony davis and cole yeah okay uh pedro you go ahead for your picks uh yeah chandler on the sprint and uh anthony on the the lift i think like i brent is my absolute
Starting point is 00:49:02 favorite like i absolutely love him but I know from watching events before where he'll randomly do four and four or something and have everyone screaming at the screen like, what the fuck are you doing? I can just see him doing that with this sprint where he'll break it for some reason. He'll just do something that
Starting point is 00:49:19 just to piss me off anyway. I don't think he breaks these but he'll do something he'll like fucking nasal breathe walking over the runner or something he'll do something like that's hey um uh vindicate a froning call i think froning was specifically talking about uh torn labrum i think he was concerned about that let me let me guys ask you this real quick i'm gonna start with james again if if madaris is gonna win a workout which workout would it have been which workout is it that's left if he's gonna win one of the four i think it's been five okay good so i put that
Starting point is 00:49:54 seven yeah okay yeah i'll say seven seven six or seven six okay i going to go with Tudor and the champ, Justin. Is he going to win one? Do you guys think he's going to win one? Do you think Justin's going to win one? I don't think that's on his mind, but he could win six. Yeah, I agree. It's funny. I don't think that's a priority
Starting point is 00:50:26 to him. I think he'll be in the running to win five, six, and seven. And then I think he just won't. But he'll be right there. He might still win the comp and not win an event, five, six, or seven. Right.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Jay is going to win an event just to remind you all to shut the fuck up who's jay can't believe what are you talking about jay who's jay oh god if you said nothing but nice things about jay i hope so i love jay crouch he also hasn't won an event i mean the through line for this savanni started with it is there are a lot of athletes that are doing really well not winning events right that's the same thing justin does oh jay is justin all right oh jay like that okay good oh yeah that's actually true i think blade used to work out at justin's gym i know that they live pretty close to sorry one If he won more events, I'd like him a lot more, Blade. James is coaching someone, commenting in the comments,
Starting point is 00:51:31 and upholding his end of a conversation. Multitasking. You kids out there that are watching TV and doing Snapchat and TikTok at the same time, you ain't got nothing on. I got a strong 16-year-old here. All right, guys. Uh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Uh, the show has started. Uh, one of the ass heats is already gone. Um, and we will see you guys back here at, uh, I think noon.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Is that, is that right? Caleb? Are we scheduled for noon? I think it's 11.30. 2.30 Eastern. Oh, yeah, you're right. It is 11.30. Travis, hey, what's up, brother?
Starting point is 00:52:14 Nope. My phone's still on. All right, guys. Thank you. We will see you guys at 11.30. That's two hours from now, two hours and ten minutes from now. Thanks, everyone. Talk to you soon. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Bye-bye.

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