The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Talk | Live Call In w/ Matt & Caleb

Episode Date: March 9, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Good morning, gang. Hope everybody's doing great. We're hanging out today. So I'm in travel mode.
Starting point is 00:00:39 He's on the road right now as we speak. At least I'm pretty sure. So we're going to hang out. Caleb and I welcome in, dude. I think we got the phone line for you. Good morning. Good morning. How are you doing? Good. How are you? I'm great. I'll have somebody give us a little test ring here in a minute let me turn it on and hopefully uh hopefully works out just the last time we tried it savon forwarded it to his own personal phone oh he did yeah and so i was just helpful i started getting calls from uh hayley and i was like i don't think she's meaning to call into my show. I don't answer to. Oh, hi, Haley. Welcome to the show. How are you? Yeah, she's like, um, I meant to call stuff on. I was like, oh, snap. Oops. bring this up here okay we got it going no savanta show you guys are rude i had to i had to take an emergency uh mercy shit before i started before and uh you know how
Starting point is 00:01:57 some toilet paper rolls are like the thing that goes in the wall whatever you call that it's like too small for the toilet paper roll. We've gotten to the point where consumerism has created toilet paper rolls twice the size of normal, like what they used to be. Well, our toilet paper rolls don't actually fit into the thing yet. You have to really pull maybe three times before you can actually get a reasonable amount of toilet paper and uh so i
Starting point is 00:02:26 was like really rushing really trying to like i was trying to like push it out and get going uh so when i went to go pull the toilet paper it was like rip every time i would pull it it would get stuck oh no square by square yep and so that was me for the last 45 seconds until amazing all right i think we do have the uh phone hooked up so if anybody wants to give a test run let's see if this uh bad boy's fired up we got the call line going across athena good morning been loving all the stuff you and uh hillar are doing it it's awesome really cool to see glad you guys are incredible yeah and thank you for sharing it with uh all of us right um taylor is still in the lead he is does he still have the first place on the leaderboard i think so i imagine wow if there's anybody who has a better score it won't get until 4.59 tonight or something. Yeah, you're absolutely right.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Which I fucking hate. They're gaming it, huh? It's kind of some bullshit to be honest. You don't like the gaming era? If you don't think the open matters and you're going to wait until 4.59 to post your score, then you think
Starting point is 00:03:42 then the open matters. Because you're worried about what other people have on their scores. Don't you think? That's true. That's true. They're competitive. They're going to hold out to that last minute. But then at the same time, when it's their convenience,
Starting point is 00:03:54 they're like, ah, it don't matter. Caller, good morning. Welcome to the show. What's happening? What's happening? What's happening? How we doing? I'm outstanding, brother.
Starting point is 00:04:03 I was just giving this a little test run. Thank you. Just to see if we was good to go. Yeah, it worked. First try. Nailed it. So this ain't going to be my typical call because I'm going to be quick. I got shit to do with the girls.
Starting point is 00:04:15 But real talk, if I didn't see Taylor's motherfucking score myself, I'd be like, ain't no way that motherfucking got no money. Goddamn. Let me see that. Remember back in the day before people who knew Josh Bridges was? Ain't no way Josh Bridges got 493 reps.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Yep. That performance was up there with that. I saw it. I still am like, hey, did y'all sure y'all sped that up a little bit? And edited the clock. That motherfucker was all gas, just straight cooking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Yeah. Hey, he wanted it. He had the odds stacked against him a little bit. Everybody was favoring Dallin quite a bit. And so I know Taylor wanted to put on a show and make a statement. Yeah, no, I went Taylor on it once. Because he got a dark side to him and people who got like that that dark side they just got something different about him
Starting point is 00:05:12 but all right man this was just a test call and so i'll let you man you have a good one it's all up all right thank you bro talk to you soon bye awesome yeah somebody always gets to hit the first uh call to where it's just low pressure you could just say you're like hey i'm just calling to check it that's how that's how i bait that's how i get a little money going in the chip the tip jar you know what i mean people feel comfortable you know come on in that's the call it don't matter low stress just hang out uh will said something up here in these comments that I thought was interesting. Oh, here he goes. All right.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Let's get down to it. He's going to bet FitLab is going to buy CrossFit. Oh, is that the company that just bought RPM and Assault Fitness? Is it? I think so. Yeah, we were looking at them yesterday, and they own pretty just weird studio fitness stuff like one of them is like nike studios which i've actually never seen a single nike studio anywhere um i guess those are like gyms like really oh it's because it's in newport beach that's why
Starting point is 00:06:17 oh yeah like that would look like a fucking newport it's only in newport all right i imagine a gym like that with the size that it is like you're only like how many people are really working out there at one time you're probably only doing a class yeah you're doing a class of like three people so it's the size of the shattuck and basically like you get one person who can work out in here and that's it you got to split it up by hour by hour you get your mom in here and that's it and then your dad can come to like two hours later or some shit is this the the fit lab site yeah this is what they uh this is like their what they own i guess which is some training company for mcgregor fit plan another kind of training app i think it's a bunch of really good looking half naked people
Starting point is 00:07:05 on that photo of course right just hot a lot of boob jobs in that picture there yeah racked is a great advertising team for sure i like that another boutique gym there you go ragnar which we hadn't heard anything about ragnar in a long time i don't think are people still doing ragnar races yeah that's interesting well what was it again can you remind me i remember like hearing about it but ragnar was like uh it's like what spartan races are they do like obstacle course stuff and they have like you run to through a fire pit at the end and like a you traverse wooden obstacles and rope swings and ladders and shit like that i think it's like american ninja warriors type thing yeah but like you could it was like a weekend thing like instead of doing a 5k you go do an obstacle course kind of thing and then you get
Starting point is 00:07:58 a medal and shit like that rpm this is rpm and assault were all where the two that they just they just recently bought yeah wow sanctuary fitness you know safe space for people who want to work out uh mason mitchell uh ragnar and spartan is rainbow okay cool okay oh it's a relay race oh there's a relay race okay okay well i stand corrected thank you see it's so good no one knows what the hell it is that's right oh dang gary the audacity of hunter mcintyre to go live at the same time as you gentlemen he has a show i thought i think he does oh can we troll him you know when you when you Google Hunter McIntyre, it says he's a TV personality.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Oh, really? Yeah, it has nothing to do with him being an athlete whatsoever. He's just a personality. Yeah, yeah. He's got a catch-up show with Parker. He's an industry plant. Okay. How's that going?
Starting point is 00:09:02 34 people watching. Oh, wow. It sounds like... Yeah, go... Braylon, Trish. I mean, Braylon, go... Yeah, go talk to him, please. Let him know. Yeah. He's in another... a new bedroom,
Starting point is 00:09:17 just like every other time we see him. Tell him he could... He can wait until after we're done. We'll send people over his way. I was going to also just rip off live call-in notes that Sebon had last time. Did we have those in there? I mean, I had some stuff, but like...
Starting point is 00:09:37 So tomorrow we have the producer and technical producer, meaning he also sets the whole thing up for Mark Bell's podcast, Andrew. Super stoked to have him on. He's been sending some stuff back and forth as someone's going to do a little revamp of his studio as he likes to do. I think specifically
Starting point is 00:09:57 around the new show, which is absolutely crushing. Yeah, it's pretty good. Fuck, that show is doing so good. It's short short 15 minutes just bullshit for a little while about specific things yeah i like it it's it's great and it really it's funny too because this is like it's like news but you actually could just watch just those and you would really have an idea of everything that's going on in the space in like under 14 minutes
Starting point is 00:10:21 which is awesome and he's been cranking them out knowing sebon it was like oh i'll do like one a week and then it turned into like every day it's like holy shit all the time i can talk about anything we can do this forever that's right once you get going and you look for it you end up finding it right um professor ks i like this he's a show thank you that's really nice of you great if i hear absolutely crushing it one more time from this who do you want us to say that's our saying we're beating this shit up dude we're taking it down we're going we're really rolling dude he has a point though because you always say absolutely crush again. What's the alternative?
Starting point is 00:11:09 Give us some new, give us some synonyms, you know? Yeah, help us out. Catch phrases. He's not wrong though. New shows are crushing because people have zero attention span. And that's why everybody likes shorts and reels and
Starting point is 00:11:24 etc. Mason approves, Caleb. Alright, I like it. So we got it. We're really dicking it down, dude. The new show's just been dicking it down lately. Oh, that's hilarious. Okay, I have
Starting point is 00:11:39 my notes. These notes that I had in my... I just searched live call-in notes and it said like march 1 but then the call-in notes look like they're from january 27th oh yeah i think he copy pasted it and then i opened the whole message and there's a shitload of them oh okay cool do you want to just pick a random one are they numbered no they are he stopped oh they stopped numbering them yeah okay all right well fuck it throw one up there let's let it fly let's react to it here's what we're gonna do guys caleb's gonna pick the uh topic
Starting point is 00:12:10 the video whatever we're gonna throw it up on the screen in a minute here and uh we'll watch it we'll consume the information and then we'll uh we'll have you guys give some opinions on it oh and this pen just exploded on my hand. Oh, nice. Awesome. Love that. Good time. Shit. We'll let Sousa figure that out. I think I'll just wipe it on the chair. It's black.
Starting point is 00:12:35 It's a black chair. Fuck it. My wife's going to be pissed. She won't. It's fine. Ken, you're late to class, buddy. If you would have showed up in the first 10 minutes, you would have known where he's at. Don't you worry about to class, buddy. If you would have showed up in the first 10 minutes, you would have known where he's at. Okay? Don't you worry about where he's at.
Starting point is 00:12:50 No, Savant's traveling. Weird, Matt. Thought I wiped it on the chair. What do you want me to do? Just get up and leave? This is, we're in the middle of a show. Show must go on. Show must go on.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Absolutely crushing that. Absolutely crushing it. That's right. Maybe that should be the title of the show absolutely crushing the space absolutely absolutely oh absolutely crushing with caleb dang okay all right yeah i like it it's good this is absolutely crushing it show with caleb all right i just went to the bottom and just i'm just going to roll through from bottom to top okay did we listen to this one already i don't know we did okay let us know if we did i can't remember all of them all right here we go whenever there's research that talks about the benefits of social media and minimizes the harms you can follow the money to find that it was nearly always backed by a big tech firm. Let's take a look at
Starting point is 00:13:45 this article, which was published two days ago. This article was prepared by Professor Andrew, sorry, Professor Przybylski. He works for the Oxford Internet Institute, which prides themselves on producing world-class research to understand our life online. So let's take a look at this recent research article that was put out by this Institute and let's go to the funding section You will see that this research was funded by the Hugh family foundation And if you look up this foundation, you can see that the first trustee listed is dr Yon Hugh who is the managing partner of Capulet investment management now? Let's look at the investment fund of Capulet investment management
Starting point is 00:14:23 management. Now let's look at the investment fund of Capula Investment Management. 7% of their portfolio, over $100 million in shares, are in meta. So the research from Oxford Internet Institute is not, in fact, objective. The research is funded by a foundation that benefits from positive news about meta. And this isn't the only it sounds a lot like the NSCA and Coca-Cola right sounds pretty funny to me I thought yeah it's funny that started and I was like I don't think we've seen this one then partly through I was like oh yeah we have
Starting point is 00:14:55 it's the fact checkers the same fact checkers that also tell you that men can get pregnant so they're really checking those facts out thoroughly I wonder if they've that men could get pregnant. So they're really checking those facts out thoroughly. I wonder if they've ever seen somebody, man,
Starting point is 00:15:08 get pregnant before. That's a great question. I'm willing to bet. No, we already know. We already know the answer to that one. Does anybody want to call in and talk about that? No,
Starting point is 00:15:20 they probably just want to talk about CrossFit. Probably. Did you guys already do the open? Is anybody, is anybody waiting to last day did you do it caleb yeah i did it i did it on friday morning okay and so so my wife and i've been training a lot lately like together we actually end up normally we don't have time to do it because she's working or i'm working, whatever. But since we moved back, we've been able to work out a lot. And it's been really nice.
Starting point is 00:15:49 And so we did it together. But we had a whole thing. I was like, are you going to do it first? You want me to do it first? And she goes, well, I don't want to do it first. I was like, okay. Then I'm going to go first. Which was a mistake.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Okay. It was a total mistake. So I went first. And I'm going to go first, which was a, was a mistake. Okay. It's a total mistake. So I went first and I got 1229 and I was like dead. Like, I don't think I could have gone any faster. It was rough. Oh, and then, uh,
Starting point is 00:16:16 so then your time now, exactly, exactly. You know where this is going. Yeah. So then, and I know we've been like, when we train together,
Starting point is 00:16:24 we're like pretty similar in times and percentages and that kind of thing like she's pretty strong she's pretty fit and she's like she's improving at a rapid rate and uh so then she goes and she fucking like middle of the workout like her feet started cramping whatever she ends up taking her shoes off and still beats me by 30 seconds wardrobe change yeah it takes your time in the middle of it still beats me by 30 seconds and just absolutely smokes it so yeah i mean it was good i definitely it was it hurt like my my lungs were pretty like i was coughing for probably an hour after the fact. But it was good.
Starting point is 00:17:06 How about you? Did you do it? No, I haven't done it yet. I finally just got use of my arm all the way back in full strength. Oh, shit. I don't know if you. Yeah. So holding the camera like I did at the CrossFit for Health Summit in this weird angle, interviewing
Starting point is 00:17:20 and filming. And then I fell asleep on the airplane. And when I woke up, I had compressed the nerve. And I went to go reach to grab my bag from the overhead and like this arm was like fell asleep and then the next day it was like even worse and then it took about three weeks just to get the range of motion back oh to be able to do this and so then i started saying like okay i'm pressing you know one five pound dumbbell and a 10 and so by friday i was able to barely press a 20 pound dumbbell and i could snatch the 50 because i could just use the momentum yeah like trying to like
Starting point is 00:17:51 control it on the way down is a little sketchy so i was hoping i could use that as an excuse to just not do the first workout um but today it actually feels pretty good and the strength's pretty much all the way back so well you got till five you could take you could do it like an hour before or whatever and just i know that is a kind of shitty if i'm gonna do it or not gosh dude we had uh we had uh a couple people at our gym that did pretty well um one of the one of the members nicoa got a 647 time on his and um he was fucked up afterwards it was exactly like taylor like he finished and it was like all right for a second and then as time went on it just got progressively worse to the point where i was like generally like worried i was like are you sure
Starting point is 00:18:33 you're good like do we get you some water and he's like yeah and he was just like in the corner just jacked up oh my god it was crazy um matt burns uh suza scale at 35 so what would you tell your athletes yeah you're gonna get you're gonna get sucked into it now now now it's a thing i know well i could do it you know what the funny part is is like in my mind because of my ego i'm like well if i do with 35 i'm gonna crush it like that's probably not even yeah yeah yeah right he's like now my shoulders and then the next day your shoulders will be extra fucked and you're not gonna be able to crush it. Like that's probably not even. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. He's like, now my shoulders. And then the next day your shoulders will be extra fucked and you're not going to be able to move it again for the next two months. Did you see what,
Starting point is 00:19:09 what Hiller's a Hiller's girl did? No. Oh, with the five pound weight or whatever. I don't think she even used a weight. She was just like touching the ground and touching overhead with her left arm. I think she had surgery or something here.
Starting point is 00:19:20 I'll pull it up. Yeah. She was just, she was just moving through. Hiller ended up redoing it. If you, I don't know if you saw that, but yeah, it up. Yeah, she was just moving through. Hiller ended up redoing it. I don't know if you saw that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:29 He was... Let me see right here. Annie did it with a giant belly. You better do it. I mean, okay. Magdalene says I should. Oh, yeah. She's just rolling through the motion oh it doesn't have a fine final weight you're right
Starting point is 00:19:48 or maybe not even maybe that's even just like a one pound or a two pound yeah you're right Hilly did much better his second time he looks he looks better than this one then it was funny someone's like what did you do different
Starting point is 00:20:04 he's like warmed up hey that's a lesson for all you jokers out there if you're not warming up you're wrong yeah yeah look alexis is doing it she's scaling it i should all right okay yeah there give it a try the workout that i had uh programmed at the gym today it seems so much more fun than that one was it power cleans and toes bar or something no no it was uh kinda it was um uh am rap 15 15 push press at 95 pounds 15 pull-ups 15 squat cleans at 95 pounds 15 box jump overs oh nice was that that was an am rap am rap 15 minute am rap yeah it's the class the class workout for today ernie i did it saturday and still feeling at 11 21 nice job dude damn nice um will my back still hurts not worth it okay so there we go i'm just gonna take will's comment last week guys last
Starting point is 00:20:59 week taylor programmed like a bunch of uh on sentinel training he programmed like a shitload of light power snatches like it was like a emom uh on sentinel training he programmed like a shitload of light power snatches like it was like a emom kind of thing with just light cycling power snatches and for like two or three days after that my back was fucked up like could not like i couldn't bend over without you know how like spreading you like spread your legs and you're like really trying to reach the ground like i couldn't pet my dog and uh my dog's really short and i'm really tall so that could have been part of it but yeah so and then when i saw that program or that was the open workout it's like i'm fucked my back have you been following taylor's program have you are you on his
Starting point is 00:21:38 yeah i do nice i do his 60 stuff so i'm not super crazy i would like to do more i just don't really have time for it but i'll get up in the morning and i'll do the sentinel 60 at the affiliate i would train at and it's really good it's like it's actually 60 minutes so you're not like because you know sometimes there's like a oh there's a it's only an hour whatever it ends up being like 75 minutes or 90 minutes and it's i just don't have time for that so yeah yeah i follow and it's like almost to a t 60 minutes like i get there at 7 30 and i'm done by 8 30 and perfect time it's cool i like it that is cool i'm gonna check some of his uh stuff out i always said like if i stopped programming my uh myself i'd either go with like what he's doing or what what what what Heller's doing.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Braylon Tender, fitness competitor, task priority is greater than time priority. You're not wrong. You said work and time and I wasn't going to bring that one up, but then when you did it with the correct vernacular terms, then I was like, okay,
Starting point is 00:22:43 we'll pull it up. Braylon. I like it. It's good zach smith uh 953 good job sub 10 sub 10 is is good is good uh matt burns here centennial is well thought out out excellent programming i mean taylor puts a ton into his stuff. There's no question about that. What's really cool about it is he'll program something, and I'll have a question in my mind of like, okay, what's the intent of the workout? Or what's the intent of this strength session or whatever it is? And I'll go into the app.
Starting point is 00:23:24 I'll pull up the notes because he has it broken down. So there's the 60, there's compete, and then there's notes for both of them. So you can go into the notes and you look at the notes and nine times out of 10, actually I would say 10 times out of 10, my, the answer to my question is in the notes. So like without it, so anything, and I haven't had, I know I can like text him and ask him or whatever, but I've never had to text him and be, see like, what do you mean by this program?
Starting point is 00:23:46 What do you mean by this session or whatever? Yeah. Always. It's always thought out. It's really cool. I've never had that with any other program I've ever, ever used. Like I've tried everything.
Starting point is 00:23:56 I've done all of them. Yeah. And not to mention getting the, uh, current, uh, uh, fastest time in 21.1, pretty much solidifies if it's working or not, right?
Starting point is 00:24:09 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Even Philip Kellogg agrees that Taylor does a good job of giving stimulus in the notes. Caleb, I want to see you in the chat more often. Oh, yeah. There's also a chat on the app. I don't talk. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Okay. I see people in there i don't do that i'm sorry i was like in the chat he's right in front of your face i'll chat with you right now i'll tell you right now how the session went i pulled a 365 deadlift and i got a sub 10 on the workout today and my wife still beat me so there you go that's what happened today you're gonna start putting her in first heat make her go yeah no shit i gotta have somebody there you go that's what happened today you're gonna start putting her in first heat make her go yeah no shit i gotta have somebody else judge her that's fucked up uh mark moss 848 for me took a 15 second break in a 22 second break dude are you one of those guys that like
Starting point is 00:24:59 sprints the workout and then like takes a knee and like takes a really long break then like sprints it again i always feel like those people are gonna like burn out and they don't they beat me and i'm pissed i'm like fuck i when i when i took the level one uh last month or a couple months ago whatever that was one thing that joe westland talked about he goes he's like what's the point of sprinting if you're just gonna rest for 40 seconds like if you're like it'd be better off you'd be better off if you made a consistent pace the entire time i'm paraphrasing obviously but you'd be better off if you uh stayed consistent throughout the entire workout and then you would probably likely finish faster than if you were
Starting point is 00:25:34 like i'm gonna do a 30 seconds on 10 seconds off kind of thing yeah yeah that's interesting there when you took your l1 what was the was what was the workout like thrusters and burpees is it the same workout every time same thing yeah it was i think it's 15 and 15 for three rounds 15 thrusters 15 burpees and it's just regular burpees not even like over the bar yeah i think so yeah it was easier it was rough man they were like oh pick a weight that you can like go unbroken or whatever and i'm yeah i can do 95 pound thrusters i can do that yeah and i did i think i got through one round and i was like yeah i'm not doing that i was like it flies and i was just dying on the burpees dude it's so funny like i remember one of the first l ones like i took way back in my day and it was still fran at the time right so you did the
Starting point is 00:26:27 you did fran that was the workout on the first day and man i remember i i was like part of that group that just like cared so much about what my time was going to be in that l1 like i was like okay matt you got this you if you get a great time they're gonna see you and then and this was done at norcal crossfit like back when that was the hype with like kalifa moran dude i was like they're gonna they're gonna see my time and they're gonna be like we need to invite this guy to work out with us he's going to reach out seminar staff that guy it was so funny and i i did fucking terrible in the workout i'm sure i don't even like remember but
Starting point is 00:27:05 i'm positive i went out way too hot and the other thing too there was like at that time the like safety feature was that you had to like wrap your thumb around the pull-up bar like you couldn't like monkey grip it oh okay and they were like okay you can't monkey grip it if you do it this way and i also think they might have even said like no butterfly pull-ups at that time oh so it was just skipping yeah in the room i guess yeah i think it's just all safety stuff right so like if you have somebody who's on there who's like not paying attention who's new and tries to do a whatever a butterfly pull-up and slips off also too this was at the time when like the l1 sold out like crazy like you would this was uh probably late 2012 early 2013 and um
Starting point is 00:27:48 you would just go on there and you would click and you would see like the next fucking year sold out right all across the world and uh i so i did my first l1 at norcal crossfit when it was like that whole norcal crew of miranda jason pat barber garrett fisher neil maddox and all those guys were actually in the um uh in the l1 they taught it not garrett fisher at the time he was younger and just working out with him right but there was probably like 60 people uh inside that l1 dude oh my god the way that the gym was set up like they had a pretty decent like lecture hall spot um inside the gym that jason had and uh and then outside they have this big open room in norcal crossfit in fact i bet you there's um i bet you if we type in uh norcal crossfit we could probably find like a shot of it but 2013 but uh the the inside of that gym was
Starting point is 00:28:49 like it was huge it was one of the biggest ones in the area and it was still like wall-to-wall people it was nuts and so you couldn't drop the barbell like there was just a bunch of uh a bunch of stuff that they had put in place for like safety issues oh is this it flow sports back in the day um oh yeah we got it you guys sports dude oh man oh check it out gang and this might have been okay let's see uh oh yeah the chris henshaw era look out dude look at how the young chris looks right there too baby dang so this is at a track in like san jose yeah this was it um the norcal gym oh we only get to get to see that portion of it yeah so this was like that big room um yeah this room right here dude damn we can't see a lot of it like i was hoping the rest of it's in
Starting point is 00:29:45 there in like a swimming pool or something but yeah so this was the uh this was the space and um they had that basketball hoop there yeah so you guys could see that back spot there was like this office there's a big so it used to be like a normal like globo gym like way back in the day and i think uh jason got it because he like knew the guy or something like that um but it was crazy the amount of like uh space that they had in there yeah that was one of the most impressive physical speeds i've ever seen that armin hammer yeah it is.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Oh, shit. You used to work for Arm & Hammer. We're digging deep. Anyway, that particular gym and stuff was cool. That's awesome. And to see it at the time. But anyways, I was all set up to do my fray, and I was in like
Starting point is 00:30:45 second heat there was a couple other studs that were second heat with me just came out hot in that round of 21 and died and we had one guy so this was back like in that time too they would literally ask like at the l1 like how many of you guys um are currently doing crossfit and what would happen is like there would be a uh probably% of the room would raise their hand that they're currently doing CrossFit. So there'd be like 20 to 30% of the people in your L1 that had never done a CrossFit workout. They were like personal trainers. Um, they were working at other gyms and stuff like that. And they knew CrossFit was like on the rise and so they literally just went as a continued education to like learn about the methodology and um there was this one uh uh filipino dude i'll never forget and so it's him and like a buddy of his so they went and did the
Starting point is 00:31:34 l1 together neither of them had done uh crossfit but they worked uh in the fitness industry obviously and were like personal trainers and stuff and they were super like juiced about all of it and basically had just kind of been introduced to the whole thing and so they do fran for the first time and this poor guy and i don't know if they still did this in year one but when it came down to the last person they started bringing everybody in to like applaud them oh yeah no they did not do that they don't do that anymore when i did it i had like i think we had 12 people in the class. So like if it was super small. Okay. I think the last time when I did it in 15 or 16, I think they did that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:13 And so they would, they were bringing everybody together. And I mean, again, this was like group of 60, right? So this guy's like just struggling to get his last like kipping pull-ups. And he was definitely like a stronger fit person. So he's like doing all of his 21. And then we go over and just do fast,ipping pull-ups and he was definitely like a stronger fit person so he's like doing all of his 21 and then we go over and just do fast strict pull-ups right like you know no lack of effort on this dude's part at all fit guy um so everybody crowds in everybody's like yelling to go he finishes his uh uh last set of nine pull-ups drops down and just right there just collapses and so everybody kind of applauds like give him the high five and he's like doing one of these like oh yeah thanks and 10 minutes later and they had
Starting point is 00:32:49 the beer social then did you have a beer social in yours too i still do that yeah so then it was like after after we finished up they're like they're you know cracking beers at the ice chest and calling everybody over it was done for the first day and um you look back and homeboy's like still there in the same spot under the pull bar so at this point like the staff members are all they're like around him and like checking on him and they're trying to bring him a water somebody's bringing like a fit aid maybe they're thinking like get a little like sugar or something in them yeah um people are kind of trying to see if they can get some stuff to eat and then after we kind of do that the beer social
Starting point is 00:33:21 for a little bit everybody hung out we go back into the lecture hall and they just say a couple closing remarks and everybody gets to go home. Well, they had to kind of like, his buddy had to like help him into the fucking lecture like area. And he's just in the chair, just like, just dead, right? And so it turns out as I go to to leave everybody's like leaving and you know how it is it's like summer camp so towards the end of the first day after everybody worked out you kind of got buddies there and stuff and you're talking so a bunch of us are like leaving i'm kind of talking with the group at the door and i get my car it turns out i'm parked right next to him and his buddy and i look over in the passenger seat and homeboy is just still just
Starting point is 00:34:00 laid out in the passenger seat they got it late the seat reclined he's got some sort of cold like towel over his face and i like lean i'm like hey you good dude and he's like kind of gives me the thumbs up and his buddy's like i'm taking him home blah blah blah so they leave we get back the next day and everybody is kind of like wondering what happened to that dude um and so we start off the we start off the the and Miranda, I forget, she like asked him and she was like, so how many guys like first time doing Fran enjoyed it? And the guy like raises his hand
Starting point is 00:34:32 and everybody kind of recognizes that's him. No prompting. He just stands up in the back of the class and goes, yesterday I saw Jesus. And then just sits back down. Yesterday I saw Jesus and then just sits back down. But he was like as serious as like, oh, get out. And I'll just never forget.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Like everybody just starts like busting up and he just kind of shakes his head and they're like, okay, that was your first official CrossFit workout. And he's like, it was. He came back. He's like, yep. You've been indoctrinated. It was. It was solid. Yeah. Mason, the golden era dude it so was man uh phil kelly that's where i did my l1 oh interesting wow that thing that thing that gym i think he ended up having to uh i don't know when but he shut that gym down and started
Starting point is 00:35:21 like consolidating into some other uh new spaces cave dasher i forget how old suze is sometimes cool looking out buddy thanks dude two stories of back marty when i got my l1 and then right continuing off the story that i couldn't lift my arm above my head um he was not okay no he wasn't okay no he wasn't uh somebody else said the thing um they did that to us too susan the dude uh wanted to quit so bad guy hated every second of it yes that's the thing like you could just tell people are just fucking miserable and are like let me off the ride caller hi good morning good morning susan good morning b-man um while we're on the subject of uh everybody dying at their l1 we had one dude at mine two years ago who had never done crossfit before um same type deal like it seemed like he was in
Starting point is 00:36:11 a reasonable enough shape or whatnot and we were all like why are you here and he's like well i heard about it and i was like so you heard about it and decided to be a good idea to spend a thousand dollars to come hang out with us for two days. Cool. It's commitment, baby. We're getting ready. Yeah, absolutely. Let's bring him on in. So we get ready to do the thruster burpee workout, and he is lined up right next to me. And I'm just looking at him going, this is probably not going to end too well,
Starting point is 00:36:42 but whatever, moving right along. this is probably not going to end too well but whatever moving right along we get done and he is just laying on the ground in a complete puddle heap whatever you want to call it just looking up like nothing for a good solid 10-15 minutes after everybody was already done yeah he comes up to me afterwards and he goes, man, you could have told me something. And I was like, no, some things people just have to learn on their own. Hey, the thing is, even if you would have told them, he would have said like, okay, sure. And still got caught up in the moment. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Correct. Correct. Correct. Now, was that, was that Fran or was that you, Fran or was that the thruster burpee workout? Thruster burpee workout. Yeah, yeah. Thruster burpee workout. We did not do Fran at all.
Starting point is 00:37:31 I wish we would have. That would have been cool. Yeah, I wonder what year they stopped it. When did you get your L1? Two years ago. Oh, awesome. And how was the overall course for you in general? Oh, I enjoyed the shit out of it, dude.
Starting point is 00:37:44 I enjoyed the shit out of it dude yeah i left i mean i had read a lot of stuff from the journal and just the manual and whatnot before i went but it's still an eye-opening experience whenever you go just being able to put all that stuff into practice it was phenomenal yeah yeah it's kind of cool especially if you've been doing crossfit for a while and then you see the method to the madness and you and all the puzzle pieces fit together when you really learn the deeper side of the methodology, right? Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely. It was amazing.
Starting point is 00:38:17 My L1 is just about up. I'm going to go and do the L2, and then do the same thing probably when it's time for the L3. Oh, nice. Yeah, you'll really enjoy the L2 and then do the same thing probably when it's time for the L3. Oh, nice. Yeah. You'll really enjoy the L2. I like the L2 because you just get to spend a ton of time kind of like working the craft specifically, like coaching and working, you know, on your seeing, your verbal correcting movement, visual tactile cues. Yeah. It's awesome. Yeah. I want to be as good of a coach as i possibly
Starting point is 00:38:47 can to the members at my gym so there's no reason for me not to do it yeah 100 good on you too i love that motivation you're doing it for the betterment of all the people in your community uh absolutely absolutely well we got i'm blessed dude So the guy that owns the gym did his, got his L3 this past year, 2023. Another one of our coaches took hers, passed it, got her the L3 last year, which was, that one was hilarious because she failed the L2, I want to say six times and she passed the L3 on the first try.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Oh, wow. it was crazy yeah wow and then one of the other coaches who is uh basically my mentor and whatnot is going for his L3 this month as a matter of fact in like two weeks I think the week that we got to the open oh that's awesome your what yeah what gym what gym is at? CrossFit Virtus in Gonzales, Louisiana. Nice. Oh, cool. That's awesome. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Hey, thanks for calling in and sharing the story, man. Really appreciate it. Absolutely. Y'all have fun. All right. Thank you. Great. Yeah, it's cool.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Everybody, they got some sort of story about their workout now. One, let's read a couple of these comments here. Kevin M. There was a police union rep in my L1. Looked like he had never worked out, let alone done CrossFit. I think he's still trying to finish. Geez. Austin Hartman. I saw a couple of people get the grittiest slash deepest in the pain cave I've ever seen them for 24.1. Really cool moment to see them hurt like that for the first time now that they know what intensity is. the open this year at the gym and it's funny because a lot of them kind of kind of do rx and some workouts kind of don't you know push themselves but don't really like find that extra gear and the open really does that like it's just a normal workout you would normally do at your gym at the spot but you get a judge you get a group of people around you you kind of build those nerves a little bit and when that three two one go hits everybody comes out shot shot out of like a cannon
Starting point is 00:41:04 it was so weird find a like a cannon it was so weird find a new gear yeah it was so weird when i so me and my wife just did it just the two of us in the gym by ourselves and uh we know i mean we've we've been training regularly for i don't know how long but as soon as i started doing like i was warming up like the burpees over the dumbbell and like the dumbbell snatches like that kind of combination into like right before I started I started like feeling those butterflies in my stomach and I was like getting antsy and I started pacing a little bit I'm like I'm the only one I'm really the only one here she's gonna judge me or whatever and count my reps and all that but I'm like this is it there's nobody no eyeballs on me there's nothing but
Starting point is 00:41:43 I felt the stress and I mean I've had that every what I think I've done it this is it. There's nobody, no eyeballs on me. There's nothing, but I felt the stress. And I mean, I've had that every, what I think I've done it. This is my eighth or ninth year. Every year is the same thing. I still get the, still get the nerves, still get the excitement. And it's weird. It's like, there's like another level of psychological meaning to it. I guess what I feel when I, when I start warming up for these kinds of things, it's so. It's cool. Right. It's like, it's so it's it's cool right it's like it's why it's what it's what makes it front fun um we're trying to decide on when they started doing burpees versus fran uh oh weird i did fran in 2015 um mason said he did it in 2014 they were already doing burpees um andrew said in uh 2014 at rogue they had stopped doing fran at least they didn't do it
Starting point is 00:42:26 in there and i wonder too there might have been like a weird period in time where they like did it but they did it so they kind of moved away from it but i think i think jake said jake chapman said something about it used to be about rig space here we go it's all based on rig space i did mine in 2012 and for the 50 of us there were only five rig spots so they did burpees i wonder if there was like some like overlap like you were saying we're like okay well we only have an affiliate with so many spots and we have so many people in the gym so we have to do burpees yeah like logistics more so than uh safety issue here we go joe westerlin said i can tell you and that's actually joe westerlin so oh probably know the best joe what's up dude yeah maybe for a minute yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:43:13 yeah he's uh tyler walk-in said um i did mine at mayhem dre storm was there with me no one knew who he was at the time and i was dead set on finishing first i looked over and he had been done for at least a minute i've been trying to find the video of dre doing a thousand ghd sit-ups because at one point he did like it was like emom for 90 minutes or something or however long it takes to get a thousand ghd sit-ups but uh he was he was just cranking them out and i don't for the life of me i can't find that video i dm'd him but he doesn't read his dms yeah i would say geez do not do a thousand g sit-ups ever that's like a death wish right there i did 60 today i'm not gonna be able to straighten my front side for the next week yeah i yeah i stay away from that thing uh Cody, the L2 is the best course that exists for coaches. Yeah, it's really great. Last month, and we're trying to get on a more monthly schedule with it, with everybody's trying to line the way they run it at the L2 with the L2 handbook. And I get, uh, all of our coaches together and we'll set a timer and we'll teach
Starting point is 00:44:29 each other the movements and we'll have two people that'll kind of watch and give some feedback. And we kind of build it off of the curriculum that's on the L2 book. Um, so you guys that are, you know, if you've got a couple of coaches and stuff at the gym, I really suggest, and you've taken the course because you kind of have to know how that runs the L2 course. But if somebody is taking it, get together with a couple of coaches and like practice, like there's just, there's not enough time. I think in coaching where we're not practicing in real time. So what I mean by that is like, we're always coaching and watching people's movement and,
Starting point is 00:45:01 and, um, giving feedback and what have you in classes. But there's a certain, there's a different element of that when you just get together with a group of coaches and you're working just on honing in your craft, just on getting more precise with your progressions in your movement, more precise with the cues and the words that you're using, using less words to convey complex things that you want them to do. And, and the other thing too, is just that it's just getting like comfortable managing the group, which you could see like, a lot of people that first take the L2, they'll, they get like super nervous and then they start coaching people and they'll like leave them in positions for a really long time or end up doing
Starting point is 00:45:43 like too many reps and different things like that. So there's just a lot of, um, a lot of great stuff that comes out of just getting together with a group of coaches and saying, Hey, let's spend the next hour, uh,
Starting point is 00:45:53 practicing some of our movement, bust out that L2 book and start rolling through it. How often do you do that with your coaches? Like not enough, not enough. Um, we've done it quite a few times. You should do that with your coaches, like a quarterly thing, monthly thing.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Yeah. I, I would love to be able to do it on a, uh, a monthly basis. Um, we have coaches meetings on a monthly basis, but a lot of times we're getting in there and it's talking about housekeeping items or different things that we're trying to improve upon or whatever. Right. So it's not just like, Hey guys, we're not going to discuss anything besides working on coaching. Um, we've done that once this year. And our goal is to try to do that once a quarter. So four times within this year.
Starting point is 00:46:33 And hopefully that that's just the baseline goal. And hopefully we can do more than that. We've also done it where I've done like a fake L one. And, um, we did the first, uh, uh, 30 minutes was lecture on movements. And we just did like strict press and I think squat or something that day. And then afterwards we did breakout groups where we had our coaches that were there kind of leading each breakout group of, of getting better at the moment, just like they do at the L1, but we opened it up free to anybody who wanted to come in. And so it was really cool. Cause a bunch of members brought like their parents and stuff like that because they're like no it's not a workout we're just gonna like learn about movement and hopefully you could move a little better at the end of it and um so we've done we did that a couple of times too and i want to get back to
Starting point is 00:47:16 opening it up to more people because those are really really fun to do yeah i like that yeah i like that what is this my husband judy judy reed my husband never strips down and wait my husband never strips down in around eight minutes took off his shirt so i knew he was hurting oh okay i get it okay husband does uh crossfit too i didn't know that that's dope yeah that's really cool yeah um man i'm so far behind on these comments oh good you start a few of them awesome joe westland um okay so this is talking about when they switch from fran to burpees here pull-ups were removed because of the number of people uh falling off the bar um for a time we allowed them and if there are mats underneath uh the rigs eventually for uniformity um in compliance with uh credentialing with the help me out with that word credentialing
Starting point is 00:48:14 credentialing yep is that right wow that didn't sound right credentialing everybody would end up doing the same workout from there on out that makes sense that makes sense um same workout from there on out that makes sense that makes sense um somebody else just said that they had somebody uh fall off the pull-up bar in their group oh really yeah oh right here right here was it heather my first l1 in 2009 a participant flew off the pull-up bar during fran and shattered her wrist oh my god. I wonder if they like turned sideways and tried to catch themselves or something. He put a hand down. Have you ever seen that happen? Like has anybody around you like went to go do a pull up and fricking just flop off the bar?
Starting point is 00:48:54 I almost did it to myself when I was doing toes to bar last week, but I like my hand like slipped off the bar and I just kind of like threw my hand into my face and I hit myself in that. Oh, oh, nothing. I face and I hit myself in that. Oh, Oh, nothing. I haven't seen anybody actually do that. Like actually fall off a bar though. Chase,
Starting point is 00:49:11 give it to probably. Yes. There's a reason we stopped doing friend. That was people flying off bars. And what Joe said makes perfect sense to it. Like if you're going to, if it's a credential thing, like you have to uniform,
Starting point is 00:49:23 like, so everybody does the same thing and then go through the same course and achieve the same stuff right but i think to your point about like you seeing the people coaching your l1 or like running your l1 like i felt the same way and i imagine a lot of other people feel the same way so if you like if you know anything about crossfit you know like there's these seminar staff people and there's seminar staff. People are like legit CrossFitters, right? Like they were like the OG fire breathers.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Like in mine, I had, uh, chase, chase Ingram was my first, uh, L one seminar staff. And then Stacy Tovar was there.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Joe Westland was there. And I can't remember the other person's name, but like when you get there, you're like, Holy shit. These people are so fit i've been watching them on youtube for my entire freaking crossfit lifetime and then you just you want to you just want to show out so you i mean you amplify that times 60 people in your class and
Starting point is 00:50:17 you're like now you've got 60 people who just want to show out to these trainers and it was and like jacob heppner's sister was there and i was like i'm gonna be so fucking fast and jacob heppner's like she's gonna go tell jacob that i'm freaking fit and i'm gonna go down to kansas and i'm gonna train with freaking jacob heppner just like just a whole workout yeah dude like i'm a freaking shitbag i just i don't know what i'm doing i just want to work out fast dude that's it's funny that we have like similar thoughts about like oh jason's gonna notice me on fran and invite me to work out that's like me and 60 people nobody cares nobody cares in fact nobody's probably even looking at you a little time
Starting point is 00:50:56 exactly maybe my partner but that's it you know phil kelly susan can i can drop in for one of those days yeah absolutely we the we're gonna do next one. We decided that we're going to do it public for people that have their L ones. Um, we have a couple of people in the gym, uh, as we call them kind of like aspiring coaches, because like I told you guys before, we have the handbook of stuff that you have to do at CFL. So even if you have your L one and you want to come in and coach for us, we still have you kind of go through our, our process. Um, so we have a couple of people who aren't coaches, but are also going to be going through the process that will be there. But, uh, yeah, Phillip, you're definitely welcome. Anybody who's in the area, actually, that's a L one, um, that wants to come to one of those. I'll post it up on my Instagram
Starting point is 00:51:38 next time we do them. It won't be until April. Uh, but you're more than welcome to come down. That would be a lot of fun we do them on saturday mornings at least the last couple times we we did it um okay we're just peeping through some of these uh comments here did you come up with that thing yourself what the this handbook that you've given for your liver your gym like you've you like kind of pulled things from there and you've developed it into like hey this is what is expected of all of my coaches or all of my staff yeah yeah that's exactly it it's uh right here still and the last time yeah so it's this this little number here and um it has like so i'm explaining this from before but it has like an onboard process. So then that way, as you're going through, like, you know where you are in each stage.
Starting point is 00:52:27 So it's like, you know, we have just the entry stuff, like reviewing the company culture. The thing that I call the mature coach model. We talk about your personal goals, preferred schedule. We go over the job description, expectations. Then we calendar day one, collect the appropriate credentials like a w9 l1 coaching certs whatever phase one is like orientation training so we teach them how to do like the on-ramp stuff and like if somebody new walks into the gym how do you handle that what's the expectation there we teach them how to use the software and that then we do some observations phase two they lead the warm-up they
Starting point is 00:53:00 lead a whiteboard debrief phase three they lead some barbell drills they give feedback on strength they roam the floor so it's like this whole kind of system and then uh at the end of it we sign it all off and then we just kind of have like our different like standards that we want people to hold to um the mature coach model is actually built a lot a lot of this stuff is like just like you said plugged and pulled from other things right yeah so it's like the mature coach model is actually written kind of loosely based off of like some steven covey stuff if you guys are familiar with the um seven habits of highly successful people and then uh this has like classroom procedure so like what's expected in each section of the class and yeah there's a whole little a whole little deal we have them go through and that's just to make sure that everybody is on the same page because whether you're coming from another
Starting point is 00:53:49 gym or whether you're just getting started out we like to make sure that like everything is existing i suppose yeah that's it right there that's the book so and we call it the mature coach because i based it off like what um step Covey is decided like what he calls maturity, which is the correct amount of like consideration and courage. And so when we rely that to coaching, we say like, Hey, do you have the, um, do you have the consider, do you have the courage to go over and tell people like, Hey, your standards slipping or Hey, that movement's wrong. Or like, Hey, that weights too heavy or like, you know know whatever the case may be but do you also have enough of the consideration piece to handle that tactfully right and so like you've all seen that coach where they're like hey you're doing 95 that's way too
Starting point is 00:54:36 heavy for you dude take that bar down like you're fucked up dude exactly like it's not that's not the way you would handle that right so like um how do you have the correct amount of courage to get them to do the right thing but enough enough consideration to where you're not harming the relationship and then it's funny because majority of stuff in that book all has to do with handling like conflict how you talk to members like communication or expectations around that um because the coaching and seeing and correcting movement, like is something that takes the reps, but, um, um, just to get comfortable with it and get more time on the floor, but the personality side of it and the way that you conduct yourself
Starting point is 00:55:14 is something that needs to happen immediately. Right. So like I square everybody away on that, because in my opinion, that's the most important part of the coaching is like, can you communicate really effectively? Can you like lead with empathy? So that way you can develop the relationship and opinion, that's the most important part of the coaching is like, can you communicate really effectively? Can you like lead with empathy? So that way you can develop the relationship and trust with that person. Because once you have those two things down and you built the relationship, like you could coach them through anything and you get away with a lot. Like I could say, like if I have a really great relationship with you, Caleb, and you've been in the gym for six months and I've given you a ton of feedback and everything else, I could look over at you and be
Starting point is 00:55:43 like, Caleb, dude, 225. We just had this conversation. You're going 185 today, dude. Come on, come on. And you'll be like, ah, all right. And it's not going to harm the relationship because I built that foundation. Right. Um, and you know that I'm saying it out of your like best interest, not, um, not necessarily just because like, uh, you know, whatever, I'm trying to flex on you or something in class. Yeah. So that's what that is. I'm stealing your flex on you or something in class. Yeah, so that's what that is.
Starting point is 00:56:05 I'm stealing your ideas. Oh, dude, I'll bring you the book. You can have it. There's like a slew of things that I find wrong with things that are going on within the affiliate. I hate seeing
Starting point is 00:56:21 problems and not having solutions to them. So in an attempt to try to improve the gym. I don't even coach there. I'm a straight up member. Yeah. But like taking the trash out, picking up stuff after people like that kind of thing. And I'm like ensuring good movement quality.
Starting point is 00:56:37 And those things are like, I see them all the time when I do go in there, when other members are around and I just want to fix it so bad. Yeah. I'll be happy to share with you. And I have this one, which is like the general manager, like head coach position. And so what this did is like, this book's obviously much thinner, but it just lays out like what exactly is like the expectation. And so there's a whole like little list of stuff and like what exactly is your responsibilities and how are these how are we measuring success like that's a big thing too like if you're um leading an affiliate or a head coach an affiliate and you have an expectation
Starting point is 00:57:15 with your members like have you made that expectation clear so then that way i mean with your other coaches so then that way we all know like before this whole thing starts like hey caleb it's supposed to look like this. This is what we want it to do. Blah, blah, blah, blah. And then you're like, okay, great. That makes sense to me. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Um, and so just, just managing expectations right from the get go is super, super, uh, important. Um, cool. We'll go through a couple more of these. Um, I created my own test and and i gave it at the end of the weekend what was that test raylan raylan can you send us the test yeah joe westland uh thinking of the brutal feeling in the forearms at the conclusion of fran now imagine having your forearms in that state and then having to do a violent kip to yeah you know
Starting point is 00:58:04 that's one of the most underestimated thing like is like having that forearm burn and like impressing strangers next to you is the best because that's kind of sums up exactly what i don't even know these people i just know i want to do do good for them oh my gosh um lawsuits are you a best hour guy sounds like it they're saving crossfit gyms through better coaching yes they are good on them too no i'm not don't work for them um susie you could totally capitalize maybe i don't know it might like that's built really off the culture of my like my gym specifically in the type of member and audience that I want to curate. And so that might be different than other gyms. And you guys have heard me talk about this before. I'm way more bound to people being introduced to CrossFit in a manner that is focused around
Starting point is 00:58:58 methodology and not focused around competition. And I think a lot of other gyms are. And what I mean by that is some gyms will say, hey, on your squat and then the member will say why and the coach says because it doesn't count if you don't and then i'm like what it doesn't it doesn't count what does that even mean right so then because they're they're only frame of reference is like competing that's a no rep it didn't count it's dude, they're not in a competition. You're not the judge. You're the fucking coach. So go over and have the conversation.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Hey, Caleb, I love that last squat. Do you think you could get a little lower? Can you show me like full depth here? That's it. And then I coach them through it. Good. A little lower, a little lower right there. You feel that?
Starting point is 00:59:39 Good. Chest up. Now drive those knees out and stand up for me. Perfect. Can you give me two more reps right at that depth? Awesome, dude. That looks great. Here's what I want you to do. You're going to stay in that nice full range of motion as much as you can. So that way we could always live in
Starting point is 00:59:51 that range of motion and we're going to strengthen it. All right. So don't put so much weight on the bar that it's going to start to shallow out that squat because I know you could go deeper and that's what I want us working on today. That's, that's something I've had to reframe conversation constantly been trying to reframe for myself. Cause so me i'm like i like to compete i'm like not very good at it but i like to like have a race against somebody you know so for the longest i was uh i would just look at it from like my perspective of racing so then when i would see other people i'm like how do i tactfully get them to squat deeper row better press with full range of motion things like that in the frame that will improve now i'm looking at it from the frame of the how will it improve
Starting point is 01:00:35 their life rather than how will it like how will they do better in the open without having to miss redo a bunch of reps because they don't squat deep enough or they don't touch their chest to the burpee or whatever you know so that's a good point i like that yeah and and as we do get closer to the open when when i see the members that i have signed up to then it changes a little bit because i'm like hey opens coming up like let's make sure that you're following these standards have you looked through the standards and everything else to like make sure you have it have it right yo yo hey you're live on there you know that right c okay all right cool i just didn't know if you're calling me or if you call c c hey yo um this isn't the official announcement but I wanted to let you guys know that we shortly after the open,
Starting point is 01:01:29 we'll be launching the Mattoothian two brain business affiliate film festival film contest, $5,000 for first place, five grand, $5,000 for first place five grand five thousand dollars for first place and for those of you who are aspiring filmmakers successful filmmakers tell a story in your affiliate we'll be releasing details soon five thousand dollars for first place three thousand dollars for second place and a thousand dollars for third place we'll be posting your videos on our YouTube station, probably at least 10 of them. We'll be critiquing the top three live. This is most likely. Nothing's official yet, except that we are going to be doing it. And then we'll have one big show where we watch the three, we talk about them, we let everyone
Starting point is 01:02:20 in the community vote on them. But I think it's an awesome, awesome opportunity for affiliates to get their stories out there, to help the entire CrossFit space. And once again, Two Brains putting its money where its mouth is and supporting the affiliates. And Chris Cooper is a huge proponent of media. He believes that the heyday of CrossFit was because of media.
Starting point is 01:02:47 And I'm pretty excited for you guys. Really, really excited. There'll be short films. There'll be some criteria. Like it has to be like, you know, based on some sort of affiliate story. It'll be open to everyone in the world. And five grand is no joke for a first place film. Yeah, if you're enough. And I bet you there won't be a lot of entries.
Starting point is 01:03:06 I bet you it'll be less than like 50 entries. So the chances of winning are pretty high. Yeah, that's what I say too. It's not going to be huge. There's not going to be like hundreds of them. So your chances of winning are big. And if you're an affiliate owner, that's paying for your whole entire affiliation for the year if you win.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Plus 500 bucks you get to throw in the pocket and celebrate. So that fucking no or or de-affiliate and keep your money no i'm just joking and hey and here's here's the thing too we will we will that thing can will live on our podcast channel so you may only have 70 subscribers to your YouTube channel. We have 27,000 voracious viewers who will be talking about your film. Yep. And even if your film's ass, even if you just have anything from a short to something, probably 15 minutes, we'll probably have some sort of time limit. It's just a really, really cool thing. I'm crazy, crazy, super excited about it. And then the other thing that's happened is we've started using AI for anyone who speaks Portuguese
Starting point is 01:04:11 or anyone who knows any people in Portuguese affiliates. There's a Sevan podcast Portuguese station. And I believe the behind the scenes 1A launches on there today if it hasn't launched already. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. All right. So my last interview with Dave Castro is already up there and has been dubbed with Portuguese. And the behind the scenes will be coming up too.
Starting point is 01:04:37 So those are two really cool things. Yeah. I got super excited about the translation stuff because we do have plans to kind of make this available in a couple different languages. So, yeah, please promote this, guys, to anybody who speaks Portuguese so we could send some love to our friends in Brazil. And don't forget, guys, Friday,
Starting point is 01:05:00 Jason Hopper versus Taylor Self. Taylor Self's 1-0. He's repping hard. The Born Primitive CA Peptides CrossFit Charlotte Open 24.1 is going down on Friday. Thursday, we will also have a show right after they announce the Open. Then we'll have another show in the evening. And then Friday, and I think we're going to go an hour earlier. It's not confirmed yet, but I think we're going at 4 PM Pacific standard time this week. So be ready.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Yeah. I'm pumped. I'm pumped. I'm pumped. And also make sure if you're in New Jersey, go visit Gabe at his new shop. God, he's releasing content from there. It looks so cool. The paper street coffee store in the Crest Hills. Yeah. It looks amazing. So that, that place looks. Yeah. It looks amazing. So that, that place looks so nice. The only, the only thing that I dislike about it is it's not in my neighborhood and I
Starting point is 01:05:51 can't walk down there and like have coffee and hang with Gabe. Oh, I saw he's only, he's only opened them in bougie neighborhoods. These are not inclusive stores. There has to be a Whole Foods and within five minutes where else paper street one. There's a bougie. There's a bougie part of Livermore.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Maybe one will open there. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. There is. There is. We could see that happening. Maybe by Ruby Hill out here or something. You know? Dang.
Starting point is 01:06:15 We're showing it now. The place looks crazy, dude. It looks so cool. And guys, also, the Matuti is selling like crazy. The orders are taking about a week to get out uh i've received feedback from 20 people all amazing i haven't seen one negative thing and and there isn't anything negative about it that's why you're gonna you are absolutely i was talking to somebody about it last night and they're like holy cow you're right my teeth actually
Starting point is 01:06:42 feel like clean and you kind of don't know what that's like until you use a tooth powder. I'm excited to try it. And so, yeah, if you haven't got that, I highly, highly recommend it. One of my buddies got it and his wife doesn't want to share the jar with him because you have to put your,
Starting point is 01:07:01 actually you have to touch your toothbrush in there, right? You get your toothbrush wet and then tap it out on the side. She doesn't want to share the same jar. My whole family shares the same jar. Yeah. We're disgusting. But that's how we keep COVID alive in my family. Keep the dream alive, baby.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Yeah, keep that shit circulating. Keep making sure the virus is mutating at a quick speed. our petri dish that is the metuthian yes yeah quite a few people eric wise metuthian coming today my metuthian uh cory leonard my metuthian powder is outstanding um my metuthian powder is getting delivered today yeah yeah yeah uh uh get with the program chasing and my only negative thing is that my order hasn't arrived yet it's good stuff yeah each each jar is um basically handmade right there's no there's no factories there's a doc spartan you got to go over to doc spartan um and hey and that's the other thing, too. Every single person making the matuthing and participating in the process is a CrossFitter. Every single one and every single one is out of Portsmouth and every single one has gone through, you know, a year of rehab and had to work out their year.
Starting point is 01:08:19 And there are people who are really supporting a good cause and a good group of people. Yeah. You haven't seen the documentary that Dale King put out. You've got to see it. What's the name of it? Remember the name of that documentary? Small Town Strong. Yeah. Small Town Strong. If you want to see the people who are making the Matuti and you can watch that documentary and you can see it.
Starting point is 01:08:37 Yeah. It's like, we're like, we're, we're almost like FUBU dude for us, by us. Yes. And, and all the products are are uh the the the eggshells and the bentonite clay they're all sourced from places that have been vetted at the highest level so i'm pumped yeah monica says it's different for sure but my teeth have never been cleaner damn yeah is that a compliment it's different for sure. Yeah. That's a compliment. I mean, there is, there is a, there is a component of it. Just, you know, we joke around about just throwing a handful of dirt in your mouth and brushing your teeth. Right. I mean, it's not,
Starting point is 01:09:13 but I mean, the first couple of times you do it, you're like, wow, this is not what I've never, I've never done anything like this. I'm excited. Whitney Davis ordered hers on a Friday. So she's pumped too. Yeah. Where she lives, it won't get there until another three months. I sent her a Slack box, cost $300 and was delivered by Camel. Holy shit. God, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:36 I wonder where she lives. Monica confirmed it's a compliment. Oh, okay. Just so you know. Hey, I saw this thing last night in my, uh, it pops up in my algorithm that the United States is only a 2.3 miles away from Russia. And there's this, uh, two islands that sit in between Alaska and whatever that part in Russia is. Oh yeah. I read the wiki articles on those islands fascinating right yes yeah and uh there's
Starting point is 01:10:06 a town right on the edge of the one in the u.s and apparently the one in the bigger one in russia like is only inhabited by you know military personnel but there's a town of 80 people on that island and um and it's right on the edge of it. And when it freezes, you can obviously walk across. Yeah, right there. The, how do you say that? Diomede Island? Diomede Island, yeah. That's where Whitney Davis lives.
Starting point is 01:10:33 And even she received her Matoothian tooth powder. Guys, no excuses. Order yours today. It'll even make it to the little island of 80 people. Hey, let's find someone who lives there and get them on the show. You think they have internet there? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Dude, when they show it, like in the thing that I watch, and you zoom in, it's like literally, it's just this small fucking collection of houses like right on the edge of the island. Yeah, I got to get someone on the show who lives out there.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Yeah, it's crazy. Also, as Susan said, tomorrow is going to be a very interesting show. Tomorrow is going to be a really fun show. The producer of the Mark Bell podcast is coming on, Andrew. Yeah. And we'll get to ask him about what happened to Mark Bell's YouTube station, how it got taken down, how they got it back up. We'll talk to him about all the different guests that they've had on how he started the podcast um mark bell was a pioneer in uh talking openly about uh doing steroids and uh it's it's pretty cool i'm really really excited to have him on i don't know if any of
Starting point is 01:11:38 you guys watched ufc fight pass last night but craig jones uh fought last night um he's a jiu-jitsu practitioner and uh one in his post-game speech you know when they put the mic up to his mouth they said hey craig uh anything you want to say and he goes yeah and he flexed his muscles and i go i want to thank my steroid sponsor i wouldn't be here without steroids you know as much as i'm I'm not a proponent of steroids by any means, but the honesty, I commend the honesty. Do you think he was being serious, though? Because he says a lot. He also calls it like Mexican ground karate and claims that like the cocaine helps him. Have you seen all his bits? Do you think he was being serious?
Starting point is 01:12:22 With all the ladies in Thailand or whatever? Do you think he was being serious with all the ladies in Thailand or whatever? Yeah. I do think Craig Jones has been open about his use and he's being honest. I mean, that jujitsu sport at the highest level is, I mean, it's steroid haven. Yeah. The foreheads on these guys are insane. And Caleb just brought it up here. I could, like, looking at him now in this photo,
Starting point is 01:12:49 it's, yeah, he kind of looks a little thicker here. All right, guys, thank you. That's all I got. All right, cool. And safe drive on the rest of it. I'll call you after the show. Okay, bye. All right, bye.
Starting point is 01:13:03 I like how it does like a beep beep beep at the end here today without the power of steroids thanks to my sponsor Everton 5% off here's a coupon code B team coupon code B team if you want some fucking steroids
Starting point is 01:13:18 oh my gosh that's hilarious that is hilarious I guess that's what Fubu stands for yep sure does learn something new or something what's that what's fubu like a wasn't that a clothing brand fubu yeah yeah yeah yeah um the dude who's also on shark tank started it dream is it dream on yeah yeah i think it is last name but yeah he that was a company he uh started with uh susan here you talk about trainers drew several parallels between fire
Starting point is 01:13:51 service training in crossfit check out the book attention and motor skills learning by a little one of two cool i'll check it out thanks so cool jaymon john is his name that's the guy who owns it uh monica is going to order her husband his own jar as well okay cool cool i look through validation by affiliate owners have to be in by wednesday mark moss asks i think so but do not do not take that from I'm not. I just do them when they come. Find the check. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Joe Wessler, I believe Craig Jones uses TRT, but does not use testosterone analogs.
Starting point is 01:14:39 Okay. I'm guessing that's other versions of testosterone, maybe. Yeah, I don't know. I'm not all up to speed on all that stuff. You want to know who probably does steroids? Who? This guy. This guy, right here.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Two-pointer who doesn't miss leg day pushes hail bay off-road. Those things are like 1,000 pounds, by the way. That's not light. this is in the middle of missouri on a highway police officer i'm guessing some some tractor trailer dropped to hay bale on the road yeah i'm gonna come pick it up this guy's out here by himself damn he's worn with it too like he's trying to get get a knee under it. It's like a tire flip. See, that mistake right there is the same mistake Taylor
Starting point is 01:15:29 used when the pig fell on him. That's right. But this officer was able to handle business. Pretty impressive. Pushing that dirt off your shoulder. That's awesome. Definitely on roids.
Starting point is 01:15:48 I support it. To be part of their medical yeah i agree yeah we should the fire police military should all get trt yeah cave dash agrees all cops should be on steroids government funded not Not wrong. I like it. Maybe we should show Taylor this video. Yeah, probably Mason. He tried the technique. I bet you a few people have sent it to him. You probably know.
Starting point is 01:16:17 We got it 20 times. I guarantee somebody else got it. He got it at least once. That's funny. All right, let's, uh, let's land the plane, huh?
Starting point is 01:16:24 You want to just um pick one more thing off that live call on list and we'll uh use it as our parting parting notes here man whenever i like wake up early in the morning at 4 45 for whatever reason the very first thing i think of is like fuck i also have to close the gym tonight it's like the first thought that came to my head like it was just one of those situations like i woke up and i was like super tired and i was like man i have 5 30 a.m class and then a bunch of stuff between now and the middle of the day then i go back and coach the afternoon so i'm there for 4 30 class and then i'll hang out for 5 30 then i'll coach 6 30 and close it down you have do you have like a nap couch in your gym like in your do you have like an office and
Starting point is 01:17:08 you got like yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely there's a couch in there definitely big enough to take a nap i haven't really like that often it just depends on how long i'm there for but honestly albert is there throughout the day longer than i am like he'll get there like a little bit before eight and he's there like the whole entire time and he uses the nap couch probably definitely uses the nap couch that's right i always i just saw that said sean strickland and i like what he's been doing lately so okay is this old though is it old if it's i don't know let's play it let's just play it let's see what's let's see what's cracking. We've got a pretty supportive gay and lesbian community in this city. I did want to ask you
Starting point is 01:17:48 something you wrote a couple of years ago. You said, if I had a gay son, I would think... Oh, look, another... I'm saying the swamp, you guys. The swamp. You become a champion. You become a star. Let me ask you something. Are you gay? I haven't had the chance to interact with a more diverse family. Let me know. Are you gay?
Starting point is 01:18:03 Can I get an answer? Are you a gay man? I get an answer? Well, no, I'm asking. This is a part of the question. Are you a gay man? I'm an ally of the community. Okay. If you had a son and he was like, you know, you had a son, he was gay, you'd be like, oh man, you don't want a grandkid?
Starting point is 01:18:14 No problem with it. Oh man. Well, dude, you're a weak fucking man, dude. You're like, you're part of the fucking problem. You elected Justin Trudeau. Like, when he sees the bank accounts accounts like you're just fucking pathetic and and the fact that the fact that you have no fucking backbone and and has he shut down your fucking country and sees bank accounts you ask me some stupid shit like that go fuck yourself move the yeah so this guy he's been he's been on a tear lately I think uh he was gonna do some like
Starting point is 01:18:44 nitro cross thing where he was like, I don't know what Nitro Cross is exactly, but you drive cars around and like dirt and shit. Yeah. And around the same time, he had run into Megan Fox's boyfriend or husband or whatever the dude. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Machine Gun Kelly.
Starting point is 01:19:02 Is that that guy? Yep. And he's like like he runs into him he's like i don't know who the fuck you are like what's your deal i don't know like you look like a fucking phony or whatever he calls him and uh then like after that everything everybody's just like oh yeah we can't touch sean strickland now we don't we don't we don't align with his ideals and so a lot of stuff was like being pulled from him he's like do you know he's like in his tesla just talking about how it's like, do you know, he's like, and his Tesla just talking about,
Starting point is 01:19:25 Oh, it's like, this is ridiculous. All you guys are just being woke assholes. And yeah. And he's definitely not standing for it. Like you could tell this in Sean Shirklin, just a different creature.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Like, I mean, he's the type of dude too, that clearly, and he's done it before where you say a couple of the wrong things, and he'll just smack you in the face. Yeah. And be like, fuck off. Do you see where he beat up that dude, Sneeko?
Starting point is 01:19:50 Yes. In that sparring match? Dude. He's like, I wouldn't treat anybody, anybody different. Like, he said he wanted to get in the cage with me, so we got in the cage. And guess what? I beat the shit out of him, because that's what we do when we spar. But you can kind of tell he had some respect for him afterwards when he was like,
Starting point is 01:20:04 damn, you didn't go down,eko you wouldn't fall down and it's just like face all bloody just kind of pacing around the cage and he's like i'll hand it to him that's good he's just like fuck i don't know where i'm at um katie gannon welcome to the show can someone catch me up on why there were like three workouts at the open announcement that made any sense yeah the golden barbell katie they were they were trying to win the golden barbell it's like welcome to the club yeah i think communication could definitely be something uh communication when it comes to the games team is an opportunity for improvement there let's just say that yeah i like that that I like that. There's a strong opportunity for improvement in communication on the
Starting point is 01:20:48 games team side. We look forward to that opportunity being fulfilled. Katie, I don't know. I feel like this is kind of like how Siobhan took Monica's comment. Is she insulting us? Is this a troll?
Starting point is 01:21:03 Or was this meant to be as a compliment? Caleb and Susan, my favorite podcast sidekicks. Thanks, Katie. And then she follows it up with a question as if I'm going to fucking answer that after that one. You should reverse the order on that bad boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Cave Dastro. Yeah. I'm an ally of the community lizard a fan of that that statement um now i have your mom yeah see chase nailed it back into the compliment that's what i was thinking too it's like when someone's like oh how's your little business doing your little business doing good how's the podcast how's the house coming along I know that stuff
Starting point is 01:21:51 yeah it's fucking horrible dude it's everything sucks oh my gosh oh she said y'all on the G team is a compliment okay okay okay it actually it actually is. If you looked at the title of the show with Kim,
Starting point is 01:22:07 Matt. So there you go. There you go. The spawn pocket announcers was where it's at. Just wish it wasn't during Friday night lights. Yeah. If you're on the West coast, as am I,
Starting point is 01:22:23 you're juggling the Friday Night Lights at your gym or doing the workout or being a part of that and then trying to watch it. We just threw it up on the screen at the gym and just let it run where I was and checked in on it as much as I could. But yeah, managing both those things are a bit tough.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Opportunity for improvement. Great coaching. Yeah, you like that? See? It wasn't being like rude or nothing. you know um i like when they were when the time frame for the open announcement was like in the evening classes so you could just show up at like your 5 p.m class or whatever and then you watch the announcement and then immediately after everybody would go do it the midday thing i didn't really i don't like that but i liked when everybody could watch it at one time and then you get heats together and then everybody goes and does it immediately yeah i used to do it that way um just because like managing the friday night light stuff it's like i never would have a chance
Starting point is 01:23:20 to do anything for myself yeah and so for a while like grace and i or albert and i would just do it right after we'd like see it announced we'd get the standard like whatever the standards were and then we would just do it and and then we could just we'd give us more insight on you know how to help coach other people through it or whatever and at the same time then we got to do it on our own time because when i'm doing the friday night lights or grace or albert like everybody's like answering questions helping people get warmed up like doing all these different tasks and like all of a sudden like hey it's your heat time and you're like fuck okay i'm just i guess i'll just start like no warm-up nothing then you get into the workout and you're
Starting point is 01:23:59 like gassed and then you're like pissed off because like you didn't have a fair shot at it and then you know your score comes in and you're all upset or maybe that's just me but that's how it goes competitive katie suza doesn't have a first name exactly he's suza suza oh my goodness this is sergio and sua's show is pretty damn good. Yeah. Sergio. Yeah. Did you hear? Were you?
Starting point is 01:24:27 Oh, okay. So the, gosh, I can't remember his name. The GORUCK product designer, the head of product at GORUCK. Yes. Paul. Yes. Paul Litchfield. That's right.
Starting point is 01:24:38 Yep. He came on. He didn't know that I was on the back end or like who was on the back end, but he just knew that somebody was there. And I think he remembered your name, but not exactly remembered your name. So I pulled something up, and he goes, oh, great work, Sergio. So then everybody kind of ran with the fact that Paul Lishfield called me Sergio. And so now I'm Sergio. Dude, that's fucking great.
Starting point is 01:25:05 I don't know how I missed that. I think it was pretty funny. But yeah. But afterwards, he remembered my name. He remembered my name after that. Yeah. Oh, that's Caleb. And he's like, oh, thanks, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:25:15 Great job, kid. Said that a lot. He's like, where the fuck's Sergio, though? Yeah, right. He's a nice guy. He did not do that on purpose. That's hilarious. Katie, are open redos cool or douchey good question i used to be down for redos the only time but the only time i did a redo and
Starting point is 01:25:36 got better was the time that i did the open workout after like a night of drinking and was dehydrated and no food and then i felt like absolute shit so then waited two days and i did it and obviously i got a better score because i wasn't fucking dumb but every other time i've done a read on a workout it's been like one or two reps better if not like a couple seconds it was never yeah it's like once you run the race you kind of know this is where it's gonna get hard pace it better here like you you have your whole like game plan right um yeah i don't i don't mind the redo especially like if you don't feel like you put your best foot forward or you weren't able to and like you know you could get a better score like maybe you misspaste it or you let just the anxiety of the 321 go like you know get to you
Starting point is 01:26:19 so you just started out too hot and once you go through it the first time you're obviously going to be able to have a better story the second time. I don't think I've redone many open workouts. Maybe like a couple of them. Because I just also think too, I've like seen it and I'm like, do I really want to go through all this for like four more reps, which is like, you know, 40 more spots on the leaderboard? Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:26:44 Yeah, I'll make it up with like a heavier clean or like being able to do gymnastics in the next workout or something you know yeah that's my thought we're all gonna be together this weekend for 24.2 are we gonna do it are we all gonna do it together i think so did you see what uh i don't know if it was in the comments here like where i saw but dale basically was like all right boys all of us are doing it, right? I was like, oh, shit. Well, now I just got a little nervous. Yeah, me too. I got to go out for Dale. Dude, I'm going to have my list of excuses that I'm going to email everybody ahead of time.
Starting point is 01:27:14 Like, hey, guys, Matt here. Just look at my arm. You guys heard about my arm. Sleep hasn't been great. Workouts, you know, I've been real busy. My workouts haven't been that much. So, you know, I'm not going to do as great as i could have but i gotta travel you know i gotta fly there i gotta fly time zones and shit it's crazy i still gotta get my 10 hours 10 hours
Starting point is 01:27:36 you know i don't know if i'm gonna have the same pre-workout yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm not regular in my bowel movements you know there's a lot of there's a lot of different things scrap it before i get there katie what about a scaled open redo i definitely wouldn't if you scaled the workout the first time and you think you do it rx then do it oh what but if you just i mean no offense but if you just scaled it and you're gonna scale it again fuck it it doesn't really matter yeah i kind of i agree i really like what you said the first time though caleb like if you did it scale then you're having second thoughts like maybe i should have just done this rx like i think i could do it and then you decided to redo it i i like that i'm for that like if some if a member came up to my um come up to me at the gym and asked i would i would say
Starting point is 01:28:21 yeah you should go for it if you're feeling good your body feels good and you want to try an rx because you already did scale, get after it for sure. I do think that there is something to the other part of what Caleb said too, which is like, hey, what are you really kind of doing it for? If you just did it for scale, then you just wanted to compete it and be on the leaderboard and have fun. There's probably not too much of a reason to take yourself
Starting point is 01:28:42 through that stress of trying to figure out another time, and then you have to get your judge on your own time and all that other stuff that comes with it so i yeah i probably would not recommend somebody redo the skilled workout twice um do it and live stream it we've been kicking around some ideas we've been kicking around some ideas be a big group of us doing it. It'd be kind of crazy. Yeah. Yeah, you should have Heats, Sousa versus Dale,
Starting point is 01:29:11 and no, it should be Caleb versus Dale. I think you guys realize, like, did you hear all my excuses? You thought those were jokes? That was real. Like, unless you wanted to see me, like, rusting for the... But I do think we have plans to That was real. Unless you wanted to see me I'm not lying. Resting. But I do think we have plans to film some cool stuff. I've been really
Starting point is 01:29:31 pushing to try to make sure we have some cool content out there that we can drop for members only. By the way, we'll drop our members and eventually it will become public. But hopefully we do some cool stuff. I'd love to do a little behind the scenes of the Broken Science event. I don't know what we'll have time for and how that all goes. So no promises, but it's definitely in the thoughts there.
Starting point is 01:29:56 We'll have to do it at some point. Yeah. Or I'll have, I mean, at least I want to do it. My wife wants to do it too. So at least two of us will want to do it. Yeah. And I will be there to judge you guys, so we're good to go. I'll be crew and support.
Starting point is 01:30:10 Olivia, this photo you got is kind of interesting. I can't tell what it is. I think it's a bathtub or a hot tub or something. I don't know. I was expecting to see boobs in there or something and there's none yeah like foam yeah definitely oh paulina's gonna be there oh okay so she'll judge uh it's an outside bath oh wow okay fair enough um but no i haven't i haven't tried the pep did you see the video that pillow put out like a year ago where I filmed him getting blood and I almost passed out?
Starting point is 01:30:48 And then I was supposed to get my blood taken. And then the phlebotomist was like, yeah, we can't deal with him. He has no color in his face. And I was sitting there like, I feel really weird. I don't know why. So yeah. My lips are tingling and I feel like I'm going to pass out. Yeah, no peptides. No peptides for me. Oh, yeah. My lips are tingling and I feel like I'm going to pass out. Yeah, no peptides.
Starting point is 01:31:06 No peptides for me. Oh, dang. I love you, sister. What if my husband has it? Oh. Well, for the rest of us, it'll be only in our imagination. Kristen, Sousa cries post-sex. Okay, dude, look. look look you said you weren't
Starting point is 01:31:27 gonna tell anybody okay you promised you promised damn dude did you comment on here it was a rough day i was feeling a lot of emotions christian i just need you to hold me it's just a historic moment jeez suan that story lives on at ca uh hormones the phlebotomist is still laughing at you yeah you're probably right but i was able to what did you say i did that to a guy when i was deployed so we had to like pull blood from him and i stuck him and tried to get some blood from him, and almost immediately, the dude went flush, and just like... And then I'd carry him to a stretcher, and then lay him down, and then put the railings up,
Starting point is 01:32:13 and then what was even worse, is he just started like, just Taylor self-type vomiting into a trash can. Oh, really? Yeah, I was like... Oh, shit. See, I tried to stay away from that i didn't do it like that bad but i definitely got a little it gets easier each time are you talking about
Starting point is 01:32:31 giving blood or having sex or our other story uh susan excuse machine and honestly same yeah it's just like i said i'm i'm going through a lot for this open workouts shit's hard man i'm a survivor i'm a survivor all right i gotta jam i gotta head out for the day uh uh jesus carried by caleb uh after you passed out he's a big guy stuff yeah what a bitch. I was like, sorry, dude. When it hit Wally, he was vomiting. Oh my goodness. Okay, we'll be back at the... Savant will be back at his normal time tomorrow, 7 a.m.
Starting point is 01:33:16 We have Andrew from the Mark Bell Podcast. You guys heard unofficially announced we're going to be doing our affiliate... What did Savant call it it i don't even remember the two brain business film festival the matuthean two brain business film festival you guys will be able to highlight a story inside your affiliate and submit it and we will be posting them on the channel and then voting first place prize 5 000 second place 3 000 last place 1 000 so you can make some serious money doing it too.
Starting point is 01:33:45 So if you guys are creative and want to tell a story inside your gym, please do so. Or if you know a creative, reach out to them. Let them know we're doing this. We're hoping to get some cool stuff. Cool. We'll see you guys tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:33:59 I'll be on 11 tomorrow too. I didn't use any of my material for this show on purpose. That's right. Alright guys, we'll see you tomorrow at 7am. Thanks for hanging out with Caleb and I today. Adios. Later.

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