The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit vs The Olympics / Shut up and Scribble

Episode Date: August 3, 2024

J.R. Howell and Taylor Self discuss the CrossFit Games Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Buddy. Wow, buddy. What's up guys? Uh, as you can see different backdrop. Uh, we've got some new sponsors. We've got some friends. We've got a couple of things to talk about before we start the show. First off, some crazy info just dropped. And that's why we're five minutes late. Everyone. We're, we're, we're already, we're already dissecting this, uh, I E four. It looks like we're going to get to do another show, naming all the workouts. Taylor will have to be on that show since all the crowd just wants to hear crass
Starting point is 00:00:27 humor. Yeah. So since we're not going to talk about trans men boxing in the Olympics, and we're going to talk about actual CrossFit games workouts here we are. So to start right above me, see this QR code right here. This is a for crash crucible online qualifier August 15th to 18th 15th to 18th Opens up next Monday 8 a.m. If you guys want a chance at me
Starting point is 00:00:53 Colton cuz listen Colton can talk all the shitty want he can win all the online workouts He wants when it comes to running flipping a sled spanking that little butt. See you in October. And then over here, right above Jr. Uh, other way, buddy. Yeah, there you go. Hey, we're good. You're going to have to practice that bro and make it look way better.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Okay, dude. 14 day free trial for Sentinel training. The best programming you can buy online. And if you're at the games, come find us. I'm giving out free months, one free month to each person of Sentinel Training. So come find me. I spent a shitload of money on these little cards.
Starting point is 00:01:37 They're like credit cards. Sorry, my mic's doing something weird. There we go. They're like credit cards. They look great. They look sick. If you They're like credit cards, they look great. They look sick. If you look at my story yesterday, they're up there. So let me just give you guys the rundown.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Is that like a, is that like, was that like part of your business plan when you first started out Sentinel? Like, did you sit down and you're like, okay, this is the first month phase, this is the six month phase, this is the year phase, and then I'm gonna start getting some really sick business cards made.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Dude, I had no plan. It's interesting that you say that because most of us scribblers, maybe we have a business, maybe we know someone that does, we know we should have a good business plan. We know that's a crucial phase in the development of any business. But when do you have time to do that? I don't have time. Do you have time? That's why you need someone like proven business plans right down here right below Taylor, bottom
Starting point is 00:02:30 left on the screen. If you're watching, contact Corey Pulido. These guys are amazing. This is what they're going to do for you. They're gonna sit down with you and they're going to do all the all the all the hard work for you. They're going to get some information from you. They're going to scale your business plan based on need. So they offer super, super wide range of packages based on a small business, big business,
Starting point is 00:02:52 anywhere from $500 to $3,000, depending on where you're at, what phase you're at. If you don't wanna write down little things on a notebook like Taylor does, and you actually wanna have a professional business, contact these guys. Just for being a loyal listener of Show Up and Scribble, 30% off at checkout. That's it. All you got to do is listen, put in the code Sue as Sue as that's S U A S all caps. He's dude. He's like a more ripped Howard Stern without the stupid political takes too.
Starting point is 00:03:18 That's crazy. The only thing I take notes on is smacking people like Tanner shook around. So just just so you know. The other cool thing about Corey, he has a, um, American Foxhound rescue kennel, American Foxhound rescue kennel, some beautiful dogs. It's crazy. It's called Scarlet Oak farms. He's a cool dude. He dropped in in Charlotte several times. Actually, crazy thing. We've got a guy who's been a member of Charlotte for like 13 years and his daughter, uh, is one of Cory's students,
Starting point is 00:03:46 Cory teaches, but it was crazy. So we were at the gym one day and he was like, yeah, I teach here. And the other guy was like, oh, my daughter goes there. And then Cory was like, holy shit. Anyways, crazy. Just wanna give a quick shout out before we start to State Farm,
Starting point is 00:04:00 Patrick Mitrovich and Homegrown Relief CBD, sticking with us since day one. These guys have been our supporters from the start. Well, all you guys have been our supporters, but they were, you know, these are original guys. We love these guys. And then real quick, Two Brain is sponsoring Sevon and Behind the Scenes of the Games and Sarah Cox of California Peptides.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Since we got our media credentials denied denied because JR can't keep his mouth shut. She gave us somebody. Sorry guys. Sorry. Maybe next year. All right. Next.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Here's what we're going to start with today. Initially, I wasn't sure what we would talk about. We had some leaks, leaks. There's all this stuff going on with the Olympics, which honestly we weren't going to talk about. I just wanted to use that thumbnail. The games is better than the Olympics. And then the whole Tanner Shuck thing happened and the most unsuspecting person in the world invited me to collaborate on a reel with them. And that is the Wall Street weightlifter. And man, was I touched was my took is touched when I saw that? So just,
Starting point is 00:05:05 uh, were your feelings toward him immediately swayed just like when yeah, you know me on that show and said that, said that your content for kill Taylor was like the best in the space right now. And you immediately were just like, I love John. He's a great guy. Dude, stop. Did I've been a wall street weightlifter guy since day one? Okay. I've actually never had a beef with him other than he can. He just knows how to get your goat dude. He knows how to get my goats so bad in the comments. Uh, but anyways, that was funny. All right. So let me pull
Starting point is 00:05:35 this up. Uh, is that on Instagram, sir? Yep. This, uh, might be a real keyboard that's that's some nerdy shit right there and it's on Dave's account yep just go to his not school Presidente I assume okay hold on I'm gonna have to do some work back here I have to remove this overlay for us give this us a sick background. And then I'm going to share that screen. I get it. Hey, I'm still learning, still learning how to get all this stuff done. All right.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Here we are. You guys ready? This is individual event for Jr. You said correct numero quattro. That's, and if you guys didn't know that Spanish, that's four for the lay person. All right. I E four. Okay. That's a dumb name. I just want to say me and Dave are kindred spirits. I do all my programming,
Starting point is 00:06:31 all my notes out. Come on. So do I, but this is not where he does all his programming. He just couldn't figure out. I don't know about the singularity though. Are you a deadlift rope climb guy for something? Yes. Yes. Yes. I don't add an S. I don't make it plural wall ball shot comma. Stop. I love that. And, Oh man, you know what? I love more than anything else on here. He doesn't capitalize GHD. I hate it.
Starting point is 00:06:52 It makes me so mad. Also, scare is one word, capital S capital E. Stop. What about biker? What about Ro erg? I find myself, um, torn every single time I write Ro because I can write skier and biker with no problem, but writing erg? I find myself torn every single time I write Ro because I can write ski erg and bike erg with no problem, but writing erg after Ro makes me feel
Starting point is 00:07:11 like such a, right, whatever insert, whatever word you like a weenie. Wow. Sheesh. This is going to be down via. Okay. Is this event four? What's event? Is event a six, no event seven is Chad event event. Uh, six, no event.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Seven is Chad event six, three, four. So 20, 25 road climbs. Hmm. Wow. Okay. 30 cows for women. Oh, yeesh. 50 dads.
Starting point is 00:07:40 So a hundred dead lists, a hundred GHDs. I got to pause this. Let me see if I can do that when it's done being typed out. I just wanna leave it typed out. Wow, this is not the CrossFit workout Danny Spiegel was hoping to see, I have to say. And I don't hate her at all. Honestly, I hope she makes the cuts.
Starting point is 00:08:01 So that's Friday morning. Friday morning. Are we sure? So if you go to the schedule, you'll have three for Thursday. And then the slot for Friday morning is a spin show me this yesterday is the biggest time slot for any individual workout. I think there's like three hours for the completion of that workout. So just keeps going. Yeah. I mean, this is, it's going to be long.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Um, for sure. That's well, that's first off, before we talk about time domains in the years past, especially in, well, in Madison, this is an event that would happen on the field outside on the field. Where does this workout happen now? It happens in Dickies. This is going to happen inside Dickies arena. How are they, dude, the rig's gonna have to be massive
Starting point is 00:08:50 to do 15 foot row. Dude, I bet they're putting Zeus or something like Zeus still in there. Really, you think they're gonna put Zeus up? Or something like it and have a different name for it. I don't know who's one of Zeus's children. Maybe one of them. Okay, we can still kind of read it. This is, this looks so weird. I got to do a, I have
Starting point is 00:09:08 another overlay without the little red squares, but I didn't finish it because, uh, briefly we also have another new sponsor. Yeah. I was going to say, it seems like you might need some, uh, help with the backend, whether it be, whether it be, uh, whether it be web, whether it be whether it be whether it be web whether it be web design or optimizing your search engine Contact Brooks Manley, right? This is what Brooks does right? He's he's he's gonna specialize in Getting you more results from Google searches, right? So if someone searches crash, which they did for a really long time You wouldn't get any hits and I realized I should probably have my keywords,
Starting point is 00:09:48 um, worked on. So someone like Brooks can come in, make sure that CrossFit and crash are attached to that search, um, optimization. He's offering 20% off new websites for the first two affiliates that reach out to him this month. So if you're listening right now and you own an affiliate or you know that your affiliate owner could use some help with all things tech savvy like me, that's crazy. Tell them the first two, you know, huge discount here.
Starting point is 00:10:12 And the thing is, Hey, most of your affiliates, your guys websites suck. I gotta say ours did for the longest time. Will fixed it, but Hey, call Brooks. Um, anyways, no, I don't need help with the backend. I just didn't have this new sponsor yet. He was waiting to get his logo. And so I, I only sent this overlay to stream yard until we have everything set up and ready to go. This is all me, baby. This is, this is your boy on Canva pro anyways. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:37 This workout is happening in Dickies according to Jr. If that is the case, I think it's going to be a massive spectacle. Super cool. Um, it's like a midline madness, mashup chipper of years past. I love the workout just on paper. Oh, it's beautiful. Gosh, that's a beautiful workout. Love it.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Love it. Tremendous. I mean, you got only volume really that we know of is Chad going into the day. So everyone's like, hey, when's the gymnastics coming? When's the when's the mix modal stuff coming? You got your what you got MWG and that's going to get so sticky there in the middle with the fifty five, fifty, fifty, GHD five rope climb, fifty GHD. I mean, that's one hundred GHDs in a really, really convinced
Starting point is 00:11:26 period of time. Um, and who knows too, like, I just think it's awesome that Dave put the weight up there because we haven't gotten full details. This is the, this is the most full detailed workout we've gotten description for you. Is anyone going to try this workout this weekend? I think most athletes have kind of gotten into the mode of, Hey, like I hit some intensity for the last few days and that's probably all the intensity I'm going to do. I could see some people coming in and getting antsy and wanting to do intervals. I wouldn't necessarily recommend you, you, you test that. So to me, I'm just going to walk through and break down how long I think this workout's
Starting point is 00:12:03 taking. Uh, I'm going to give two minutes. The only thing we don't know is is the rope is the right? I'm assuming it's a 15. I think it's a regular climb. Yeah, I think it's a regular rope. Okay, I'm thinking ah Man would you like it if it was a cut rope? Huh, because I love me a cut rope. I mean, of course, I mean that word. Of course I want to say that it's going to be a cut rope or a thick rope just because I think it's cooler.
Starting point is 00:12:36 But after they did a bunch of legless it semis, I think most people I know me and you were just like, hey, I think they just need to bring back a really dense regular rope climb workout. This is this is that this is this is 25 I don't think it needs to be anything cute I would love to see a cut rope but I don't think I don't think it's gonna be I think it's gonna be regular road could just be a higher one because this rig is used like 18 18 right I'm giving I'm giving two minutes for the deadlifts to start. That might be a little, oh, Matt's calling me. Sorry, Matt. I'm hitting ignore.
Starting point is 00:13:09 50 deadlifts. I'm going to be generous and say two minutes. Five rope climbs. I know that most athletes should be finishing this in a minute. Let's just say a minute. So we were at three minutes. 50 calorie ski erg. I want to give two and a half minutes.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Let's go 245. So we're at 545 for men. We're at another minute, so 645. Now we're at 50 GHD setups. I'm gonna give two minutes for that. So now we're at 845, five rope climbs, 945, 50 GHD setups. Let's say 215 this time. So now we're at, uh, 12 minutes. Then another minute for the last, or sorry, this fourth set of rope climbs.
Starting point is 00:13:52 So that's 13 minutes. Correct. Two and a half, 15 and a half minutes, 16 and a half minutes. Oh my God. And then absolute destruction. Um, I would say another two minutes. So 18 and a half minutes, I think is a, I think 18 minutes, I think sub 18 is going to be a moving time. Maybe the top 10 are all sub 18. It's probably probably going to be, it's probably going to be a 25 minute cat. 20, 20 to 25 minutes. I love this. I, I, I so love this as a long time domain test that's not running. It's not monostructural. You know, you have the run swim and then you have Chad, which are both super
Starting point is 00:14:33 long. And then to me, this is okay. You're good on the long time domain after this workout, everything else, there should probably be two 12 to 15 minute workouts. And then I think everything else sub 12 sub 10. Yeah. If you just looking at day one, um, we got the run swim, right? If you go, can you go to the schedule? Can you get the games website? Pull that up. It's really easy to look at. And like I said, spin show me this last night. It's really cool that event four came out because he steered me to the schedule
Starting point is 00:15:02 and was just like, Hey, you can look at the schedule at this point and kind of start to figure out, you know, what the long ones are, what the short ones are. On-site info. This looks different than it does on the phone. Go all the way up to the top and just click on individuals. Yep, now.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Okay, so we know, like, there's an hour block there and then the next one, there's a three block there and then the next one there's a three hour block and then the opening ceremony and then late at night, there's another I think maybe like a 2.5 hour block. Wow, so three events Thursdays, one, two, three on Thursday, now Friday. Yup, and then Friday they… One, two, three, so that's gonna be… And that's four, go up.
Starting point is 00:15:43 So the very first one, that's the one we're looking at right now. Yup. That's a 5-hour – that's a what? 4-hour window? So yeah, that's the – that's the workout that we're looking at right now. So if you say 4 heats of 10 for men and women, yeah, it's probably like a 20 to a 22-minute time cap. Love it.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Really, really short one next though. Love that. So that's event five. Then we have six is going to be basically that sprint into the run sprint into the run. And then that next morning we have Chad. So it's cool that this is like pretty updated and you can at least go in and look and be like, okay Well, unless they're doing huge heats, you're probably gonna have a you know Oh, wow, there's only two events or two blocks and they're short on Sunday There's got to be something missing there you think I would say I would say there's not gonna be a four-hour break So yeah, I think you're right. I
Starting point is 00:16:43 Don't know let's count them up. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. Maybe there's room for one more. Yeah. Or if one of the ones we're looking at, it's like a back to back or something. Back to back, right. So yeah, I think it's good that we got some, I guess for these guys, even for a hundred reps, just call it moderate barbell cycling after the clean ladder was announced. We know that's probably going to be on the heavy side.
Starting point is 00:17:17 And then some dense gymnastics work. And I like the ski being there. I mean, you kind of always expect to see the skier only at the games, but I like that. Similarly to the two, two, two, three intervals. There's the ski like create some good interference here. And here it's just a super, super, super redundant midline and pulling workout, which is cool. Lot of hinging trunk flexion.
Starting point is 00:17:42 If you're doing this workout on the deadlifts, if you're doing this workout, are you cool. A lot of hinging, trunk flexion. If you're doing this workout on the deadlifts, if you're doing this workout, are you going to pick one or two of the movements to make your move on? And the other ones you don't really care about. Like for instance, even if you can ski a 1400 for 50 cows, do you think it's, do you think you need to do that? Or do you think most guys are just going to settle in somewhere over 1200 and just know that there's not going to be that much separation there.
Starting point is 00:18:05 To me, the skier and the rope climbs are where all the separation happens. Okay. So I don't think enough second GHD as well. It's my opinion that at this level, a set of 50 GHDs, if you're going fast, doesn't take two minutes. That takes like a minute 40. Right. Um, so at a very steady pace, that's two minutes on the game's floor.
Starting point is 00:18:30 That's two minutes going at a, that similar pace on the skier is a two 30. So I think you have more room to make up on a skier and same thing on the road climb between reps, the amount of time you're resting, they are way more likely to be lulled into an extended rest on a rope climb than you are a 225 deadlift. So to me, the places to make your move are 100% the skier on the back half and keeping your rope climbs very disciplined from start to finish. If you can, if you can not be a dumb dumb on the opening set of deadlifts, I think personally, I'm probably, I would imagine it's 10 reps.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Roll your bar. Maybe we'll see. So, um, I'm definitely doing tens on that and I can do a lot of 225 reps on broken, but I'm doing tens and then the rope climbs. My goal is one rep every, every 12 seconds, about like five in a minute, maybe a little faster and then relax on the GHDs. On the SkiErg, I'm holding a 1350 to 14 and I'm relaxing on the GHD setups
Starting point is 00:19:30 because I can do 50 in two minutes at a relaxed pace. Then on the back half SkiErg, I'm trying to push the pedal down and move on the rope climbs. When you get to the last barbell, it's pedal to the metal. I don't personally, I don't think Roman wins this workout. So, Jeremy's in the comments saying, Roman pushes the SkiErg, personally, I don't think Roman wins this workout. So, you know, Jeremy's in the comments saying Roman pushes the skier, blah, blah, blah. I think he's too slow on the GHD,
Starting point is 00:19:51 too slow on rope climbs to be able to win the workout just on the skier. I think this type of workout benefits someone who it's not just one element, but those places are places to push. Like if you're not fast on a GHD, it's not going to be a good workout for you. Yeah. And I think athletes that really, really, really are experienced and understand that the back half is where the separation occurs, will not come out too hot. They won't get pushed by the other athletes. If this were a legless rope climb, I think there are obvious favorites
Starting point is 00:20:22 because there's so much separation there. There isn't, which I like. Even the skier, like you said, we talk about it all the time. If this was distance, guys, if this was like a 500 meter, it's a completely different workout. And people will push back and say, it's not that much different. It is. If you can pull a 1400 versus a 1200, you're going to beat that person by like 10 calories. If you're pulling a 145 versus a 150,
Starting point is 00:20:47 that's nothing, that's five seconds, and you're putting out so much more effort. So the fact that it's calories is, God makes me so happy. Amazing. Justin Maderas has got a great shot to win this workout, I think. Yeah, because at the highest level,
Starting point is 00:21:02 and you've talked about it before, I think we saw it, I think back to the rogue workout with the log bar muscle up that went log bar muscle up, ski, GHD, and then back down. Someone that can do 50 GHDs in a minute 15 versus someone that can do it in a minute 20, minute 25, minute 30, minute 40. That's a huge separator. So if you're someone that has a really, really fast cycle time on GHDs, I think it really will matter, especially on the back half. Yep. Wow.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Uh, the great debate happened yesterday between me and Tanner Shuck. If you guys have, you know, like an hour or two hours, sorry, or sorry, but maybe it was an hour before, uh, Dr. Rocket got on to, uh, listen to two buffoons arguing about working out. Go check it out. Wow. That's crazy, dude. That's a nasty chipper.
Starting point is 00:21:56 What else do you think we see? So we've got about one that's run swim. We've got event four that's ski, GHD, death of rope climb. Uh, we've got event six, which is sprint, carry sprint, one mile run, field sprint, one mile run and then we've got Chad, which is seven. So we've got— There's got to be—got to be squatting and pressing. Squatting and pressing is what I'm thinking about.
Starting point is 00:22:18 So there hasn't been any of that yet. We don't know—we don't know if the clean ladder is squat mandated but it doesn't matter. It's event eight. So there's going to be some squatting, there's gonna be some pressing, I would say pressing overhead. A handstand course makes a lot of sense with what we've gotten so far.
Starting point is 00:22:32 We have some single modality in there. So Dave usually really, really, really likes single modality handstand course workouts. He's done it every single year, but at 20, 20, using the obstacle, and that's because they did it at the range. So I mean, that makes sense to me. Um, yeah, squatting and squatting and pressing is kind of where we're, what we're left with.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Gymnastic pressing you think? Yeah. Or I mean, still, still could be loaded pressing. Uh, are you, are you, No handstand pushups at, at semifinals at all. So there needs to be a fuck ton of handstand pushups. So whether there's handstand walking, I want a hundred parallel handstand pushups. See you, Laura. See ya. Do you think if they, what do you think's the most dense?
Starting point is 00:23:17 What was it? Atlas games that one year that came out with a fuck ton. Was it like 30? Uh, I think they did. Six. No, I was at 21, 59? Oh, it was 45 or 30, 2010 maybe. No, you might be right. Skier parallel handstand pushup and front rack lunge, I think is what that workout was. Pat, if you're listening, I know you're not. You tell us. Was it full depth
Starting point is 00:23:37 too? Yeah, I think so. That's hilarious. God, I love that. Um, opinions on the freestanding handstand pushup. I think it's the most gimmicky thing ever. And I, I hate watching it. I think a parallel at handstand pushup just looks visually way cooler to me. And at the end of the day, if we're just trying to test a handstand pushup, pick the thing that looks cooler, not the thing that looks gimmicky. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:02 At this point, if we're doing freestanding, I wish they would just say they have to be strict. Oh, so that you could actually like, you know, there's some, there's obviously some balance and some coordination involved, but it's not just like go down and just kick your feet and then keep walking. Right. Right. Watching the skill speed medley last year and seeing those freestanding versus when they did the six, 10, 14, four or five deadlift, um, the first or second year, Justin one. Um, I don't know. I just, I think standards wise, the closer together you put the repetitions with the lines and stuff, the, the, the reps get kind of blurry with what's a great and what the
Starting point is 00:24:44 matter. But when we are testing that at the ranch with Alison Scudds, I remember asking a question. I first off, I remember thinking, this is so dumb. This is the dumbest movement ever. Stupid. Um, I was also hurt. So I was, but hurt and physically hurt at that point. Um, but I remember asking a question about the standard and Alison Scudds
Starting point is 00:25:03 giving me the most, no offense, Alison brain dead and completely condescending response ever. And I was just like, I'm going to, I don't think, I don't think it really matters that you said no offense before that. Whatever. If it's offensive, it's your problem. Anyways, it was just, I just don't want to see, I don't want to see freestanding handstand pushups anywhere else and I can do them a lot in a row.
Starting point is 00:25:26 I mean, like I was having a conversation with Brent too, about like, he sent me a video of a movement and was like, have you ever done these? I was like, no, they're stupid. And he goes, oh, well dude, we compete in CrossFit. So, um, anyways, parallel handstand pushup would be very pleasing to me. I don't know that. Do you think that that's a movement or a skill that they aren't going to test early on with before Kip's?
Starting point is 00:25:52 Do you think or sorry, cuts? Do you think they wait until after cuts? Historically, they've programmed them very late in the competition. I mean, Fibonacci, when they redid Fibonacci, what day was that? Is that a Saturday or a Friday? very late in the competition. I mean, Fibonacci, when they redid Fibonacci, what day was that? Was that a Saturday or a Friday? Maybe I think it was a Saturday or I don't know. I think it was a Saturday, but when did they do the sandbag carry parallel to hand standpoint with the games? Is that 2013, 2014 or 2012? D ball. Yeah. D ball. That's 2011 or 12. Yeah. D ball to shoulder with the carry and the parallel. Yeah. So yeah, I mean, that's, um,
Starting point is 00:26:26 they've been around for a long time. The first time they were ever used was with that triplet. I think it was an AMRAP of GHD, kettlebell swings and parallel handstand pushups. And you saw most people doing them strict, but I wonder if they just didn't know how to get back then. Right. Um, no, I mean, that, that's a movement that we both wondered why it hasn't made its way into like semi-final competition because it is a big separator. Um, and I mean, dude, I think we should see a strict deficit this year. I mean, online stage one, they did damn Diane, right. With the strict deficit. But other than that, I mean, regionals 2016, I think is the last time they had a
Starting point is 00:27:00 strict deficit handstand pushup. I really don't count the echo press workout because that's such a different strict deficit handstand pushup. I really don't count the echo press workout because that's such a different strict deficit handstand pushup. But I think I don't want to see that again either. If we see wall facing, I just want to see regular wall facing. I don't care for our deficit. It's an easier, it is an easier, strict handstand pushup without a doubt to a point, um, meaning like there's a margin of like, uh, there's a margin where the regular
Starting point is 00:27:26 strict becomes easier, but if it's like 10 reps to 15 reps for me, wall facing is easier. A hundred percent. If it's like 20, 30, I can sustain a regular strict hands and push it for longer. Maybe not, not sure why. Um, I do think this is comp this comment from Shane Estrada, I'll work out with progressions of handstand pushups would be cool. I agree. I think that'd be, that'd be a great way to introduce them because I don't
Starting point is 00:27:48 know that the games, I don't know that I like the idea of the handstand pushups twice in the week across the weekend. You know what I mean? In two different events. It's not like running to me. Like you can test pressing in so many different ways. Running is like, it's a staple. So I don't want to say, uh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:07 And you can, I mean, what do you think? I don't know why I feel that way. What do you think about handstand pushups in two different events? I definitely think, no, I don't want to say handstand pushups twice. I don't care. One's one's skipping one's one's strict. I mean, and I, and I shouldn't say that because I don't mind seeing a squat clean in a wall ball.
Starting point is 00:28:24 They're right. Right. They're, and I shouldn't say that because I don't mind seeing a squat clean in a wall ball. Right, right. They're two different squats. I think there's just something some some weird thing in my head that just says, No, no, no, you can't do that. I do think hand balancing and handstand push ups are two completely different movements. And they typically should be in the same competition. If you have more than six or seven events, you should do a handstand walk of some kind or maybe a wall walk. And then I think you should still do a actual press like a handstand push up. Yeah, I mean, push pull, dude. That workout gets so overlooked because of how iconic the finish was. But the sled got heavier, the reps went up and the deficit went up. That is that is games. And I would love to see a reboot of something like that.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Um, and yeah, just, I mean, bring back the strict handstand push-ups. Like that's, that's a skill that most people have. And there's a lot of separation without a lot of volume, which I think is cool. Kyle Dotson says acid bathroom, Dubai should show up. Love that workout. Dave will never do an event from another competition. Just will never happen ever, ever. And I don't know that that's necessarily a good thing.
Starting point is 00:29:29 I think it would kind of be cool to have acid math in the games. They all know what that shit is. It's notorious. Uh, no Ian Adams ring handstand pushups. She shoot me now. No thanks, dude. Again, I've done them, but they are just stupid. Yeah, actually, okay, Logan Mars,
Starting point is 00:29:51 in honor of the Olympics, I heard Sevan was going to paint himself blue and flash his blueberries to everyone before the event at the CrossFit Games. Yeah, he's gonna dye his beard red. We're gonna put him on the kitchen table of our Airbnb. He's gonna be in a pair of undies, and we're gonna spank him.
Starting point is 00:30:04 We're all gonna stand around like those drag queens. I'm gonna be dressed up as a drag queen and we're just gonna spank Seb on for 30 minutes. And that's gonna be our intro. So if you guys wanna sponsor that show, that's a special different kind of, that's a different kind of sponsorship if you know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:30:22 What else, what else do you think we see? What do you think the next announced event? Do you think we'll get another announced event before the weekend kicks off? Yeah, I think so. I think some stuff will come out. I mean, they're not doing the athlete dinner anymore and they usually, they're not Dave would you, yeah. From what spin and other people have told me they're not doing that this year as a big group.
Starting point is 00:30:39 So they didn't do it last year either. Did they? I don't know. I have no idea, but I know they, they would typically release some of the details of events that group. So I'm they didn't do it last year either. Did they I don't know I have no idea But I know they they would typically release some of the details of events that they didn't know or maybe even event that no One knew about I think they that's when Dave announced cyclocross was at the athlete dinner that year I
Starting point is 00:30:58 Don't know. I there was a year. I thought where they didn't do it. I think they didn't do it last year Maybe it was yeah, I mean maybe it was last year I don't know because they got I know but the athletes they didn't do it. I think they didn't do it last year. Maybe it was. Yeah. I mean, maybe it was last year. I don't know. Cause they got from the athletes. They didn't want to fucking go do that. Not a blame at all, but I know they're not doing it this year. So that's a, that's another opportunity that you would have everyone together to make an announcement. Um, no, you're not odd. No, you're not. I would rather, I would rather get details of events we already know than get more details, incomplete details,
Starting point is 00:31:29 which one would you rather have? Would you rather have details of stuff we already kind of know, or would you rather just keep getting partial? Yeah, well here's another thing we already know. We know we're gonna have triple unders thanks to ever the fuck leaked that. Let me ask you a question.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Do you think that was an intentional, they're gonna trickle out a leak to make sure that athletes don't make themselves look foolish? What do you think? I didn't even think about that. I think that's what happened. And let me tell you, if that's what you guys did, Dave, I know you listen to this stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:56 You say you don't consume content, you're a liar. You listen to it. You listen to Hiller, you listen to Savon. Anyways, if you're gonna see this clip, if you guys leaked triple unders intentionally or let it trickle out or say, Hey, tell a couple of people, let it get around. Then you can't for one second be upset about unintentional leaks. You guys are just stirring the pot. That's look, just don't want to hear it. I hate, I hate the notion of that. I think if they did it intentionally, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:32:26 If they did it intentionally, I like it. No. Stop. Stop that, dude. Dave hates us already, okay? You're not going to win him back. I buried us. I buried us for you.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Win him back. Let's talk about Triple Unders. I think you got some pictures, I think. Oh, do I? You should have 23 of them. Oh my God god 23 pictures. Or my work or my work has been very much been in been in vain. Now you triple runners guys let's talk about triple runners real quick if we see them at the
Starting point is 00:32:55 games if we see them at the games. It is not a waiting. It has been. It has been on main site since 2013. Yes, that's 11 years. The first time it was programmed was in the workout. Cameron, a hero workout. Taylor's got all the times that it was ever programmed on main site. It's been programmed 23 times on main site throughout the course of the 11 years. There's a, to me a famous video, I know most people probably haven't seen it. I just sent it to Taylor also, we can pull it up on YouTube and watch it, of Tommy Marquez demoing Triplunders in 2013.
Starting point is 00:33:40 So it was, it's been a movement that's kind of been around for a while. Let's watch this video of Tommy I'm waiting for that a file to airdrop to my computer and then what we can do is I Can just give you dates if you want to search it or whatever on a main site. Yeah Yeah, the video of Tommy that was posted by CrossFit I think is from 2013 the first year year that Triple Unders made their debut on main site.
Starting point is 00:34:07 And I mean, that's a skill people have had for a really long time. I personally would rather see it than CrossOver Double Unders, but I do think most of the athletes have them in the bag, essentially the same. It's just a matter of, I don't know, which one you think looks better.
Starting point is 00:34:22 When you see someone that could like really do Double Under CrossOver as well, like do sets of 50, it does look really smooth. the And I do think it's a skill that can separate and that's usually what they want. Just put in a Tommy Mark, just put in CrossFit, triple unders. It'll come up. Wow. You know who's going to hate being associated with a Tommy Marquez doing from wonders. Uh, as this isn't Tommy Marquez, dude, it is. Hold hold on hold on Are you sure? Yeah, he's wearing some pumps some Reebok pumps. If not your other wrong video
Starting point is 00:35:15 You can just click on the link in your text too if you want Hey, I'm getting there. I'm getting there. Oh All right turn this down That's still too loud Okay, that's well, oh Wow, what? Dude, look how Tommy first off Love the shoes
Starting point is 00:35:42 Love the board shorts Love the shoes Love the board shorts The glasses the hairdo but dude that shirt is tight, bro Sheesh. Yeah, I mean god is that a small is that a kid's small from gap? Okay, let's play Double oh, oh, oh Damn Look at that butt sticking out when he freaking pikes too. Yeah, he's smooth.
Starting point is 00:36:12 I mean, he's obviously he's had it for a long time. It'll be it'll be really cool if if if they redid this video with Tommy, that'd be cool just to put it out again. Whatever workout comes out with triple unders, we're gonna make Bryson do it live. Can he do like 50 easily unbroken? He can do like 100 unbroken, it's crazy. That's cool. So yeah, I mean, this is, it's definitely a movement
Starting point is 00:36:34 that's not new to CrossFit. I mean, it was programmed the very first time in a hero workout that also had like two for one wall balls and some other like kind of crazy movements in it. I mean, I think just doing, I think this was a main site workout, but like 21, 18, 15, 12, nine of echo bite cows and triple unders would be a nasty workout. And it's simple. You have a lot of separation triple unders do in my opinion, like comparatively to a drag rope or any other kind of heavy rope
Starting point is 00:37:05 They fatigue the legs like no other jump rope variation does That is true Wowzers, okay, let's go back dates I got like I got I got two minutes until I got a coach. Oh my gosh, dude All right. Well, give me a date. Give me a cool triple under workout that you wanna look up. Let's go. A month and day, month and year. Let's go October 20th, 2014.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Everything but the hip extensions is pretty gnarly. the 11 foot wall ball targets in 2014. I love it. So yeah, there's a triple under there. Um, another, another good one that they've, that they've programmed. This is a great workout by the way, just to say, okay. Another workout. Yep. Go to, uh, February 17th, 2014. Cause I think this is like, it's not a workout you want to do, especially at the games, but as far as trying to be moving for seven straight minutes. Oh my God. I mean, if, if you can do triple unders at all, it becomes just a, it's just seven minutes of thrusters, but I mean, super simple, but yeah, I mean, it's been around for forever.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Go to October 19th, seven minute AMRAPs on back to back days. Hold on. First off five. But look, this was one of those. This is one of those. You have to keep talking about this is 359. I got to go coach. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Okay. Well, you just go coach. I got to keep talking about this. See it, Jay. I'll boot you off this dude. Just get out of here, man. Okay. Guys.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Uh, if you watched our last episode, I think it was our last episode. We reviewed blocks of main site programming or micro cycles, mini cycles, where they just basically repeated the same exact format of a workout, but change the movements around, or did the same workout five days in a row with just different orders of movements, same movements. This is one of those micro cycles. And I didn't think they were doing this as recent as 2014, but this, if you look at that Monday, seven
Starting point is 00:39:29 minute AMRAP five triple unders, three thrusters. So seven minutes, five monostructural three weightlifting. You've got another seven minutes the day before five sub one 30, 500 meter pace pulls on a C two rower, three deadlifts. So monostructural, very challenging monostructural exercise for five reps and then three deadlifts. Let's see if it keeps going. Nope, it doesn't. Let's see if it keeps going after that. Oh my gosh, it does. This is crazy. I can't believe we just happened upon this. I, uh, there's something hot and sticky in my pants. Um, another seven minute AMRAP, another monostructural exercise, five box jumps at a challenging height, 30 inches and three heavy weightlifting reps.
Starting point is 00:40:15 That's crazy. Let's go to Wednesday. Okay. They stopped. It was just a three day micro cycle. Fuck. That's cool. Um, sorry guys for that.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Uh, sorry, sorry. I just get so crazy. Wow. I can't believe we happened upon that. All right. Anyways, before you guys go, I'm going to make myself look stupid by pulling up this two person overlay for one man. Let me get back on this side of the screen real quick guys. If you have a CrossFit affiliate and you need your equipment to be in tip top shape, check out gym maintenance, J I M maintenance. They're on Instagram. We're going to get their phone number up there, but they do preventative
Starting point is 00:40:58 care for your gym equipment. They also do fix gym equipment. They do welding, all sorts of other stuff. Another new sponsor to the show. We're very grateful. They are welding, all sorts of other stuff. Another new sponsor to the show. We're very grateful they are working with us for the games. So we're just super stoked about all these new opportunities for sharpened scribble. But also just briefly to tell you guys what we're going to be doing at the games. All right. I'm going to get this out of here. Don't worry. The overlays aren't done. I'm going to make them better. We are going to be doing basically four shows a
Starting point is 00:41:27 day. And when I say we, I mean, me and JR, and we're going to have our own Caleb fucking Beaver ish person. And that's going to be Bryson running the back end for us, we're going to be doing shows every day at the games, me and JR are going to do a pre show before competition starts each day. And then we're going to do a post event recap. And let me tell you, if you guys have been, uh, desiring some of the best event coverage ever, we're not going to disappoint. We're going to murder it.
Starting point is 00:41:55 You guys are going to get the most crazy insight to workouts, insight to athletes performances in these workouts, insight to how these workouts shape up, add up together, coalesce into one cohesive competition that crowns the fittest on earth. Me and J.R. Howell are going to be talking about it. So we're not going to be doing cap or no cap. We're not doing any of those stupid segments. Sorry, they're not stupid. I, other people love them. We're only going to be analyzing the day of competition, the previous day of competition on our pre-shows, and then each event, post-event recap. We're just giving you guys as much information that we can possibly get.
Starting point is 00:42:40 One of our bonus shows is actually going to be that episode of Savon painted blue naked on our kitchen counter with all of us spanking him. Um, so if you want to see that as well, tune in, shut up and scribble. Love you guys. Have a good day. Deuces.

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