The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit West Coast Affiliate Gathering Review w/ Zia Rohrbaugh #972

Episode Date: July 14, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:00 Tonight's show will probably be pretty short. 40 minutes. You got 40 minutes? Awesome. You're awesome. Thank you. Bam, we're live. Zia.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Zia, what's your last name? Roarba. Roarba. Yes. Did I pronounce it right? You did. Hey, how's her connection, Mr. Sousa, for you? It's fine for me right now.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Okay, good. Good for you too, fine for me right now okay good good for you too caleb guys hi thank you everyone uh for joining us uh i heard about um uh i hadn't we had an affiliate series where we had an affiliate on uh once a week for a long time and we let it lapse it's kind of weird we let it officially lapse but we were still having affiliates on i felt like uh pretty regularly, right? I mean, every time you have Rich on, it's an affiliate owner. We had a handful of other people on who ended up also being affiliate owners.
Starting point is 00:01:54 And then a couple days ago, I heard that there was a West Coast affiliate gathering. There was. There was of West Coast. Okay. And I kind of hadn't heard of really too many affiliate gatherings. Basically. I just had a flashback to what we used to do in Montana. And so I, uh, through a mutual friend, I actually know Zia from the past. We'll get into that in a second, but I threw a mutual friend there. I was like, Hey, do you know anyone who was there? And they said, Oh yeah, there's a long time successful gym, um, in Southern California
Starting point is 00:02:22 called CrossFit counterculture, which of course I've been to half dozen times in my life. And, and the owner was up there and I was like, holy shit. Okay. So here we are. Before I ask you about the trip to Portland where the affiliate gathering was CrossFit Counterculture, how many years you guys been around? 14 years. You guys must be in the, God, I want want to say i was going to say top 100 for sure top 1000 first gyms right first 1000 yeah and now as time evolves and people you know gym cycle through you got to be getting down probably i'm guessing you're closer to one than you are to a thousand i'm guessing you're under 500 even i mean mean, I would hope so. I would think so. Yeah. Um, unfortunately, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:03:08 rocking and rolling down here in SoCal. You're Zia. How old are you? I am a 40 years old. Are you kidding me? You look so young. I'm going to say something completely crazy. You look like you could pass. Like, do you get carded? Yeah. I was 12. So yeah, I was going to say, say something completely crazy you look like you could pass like do you get carded yeah I was 12 so yeah I was gonna say I'd card this shit out of you you're not wow that's nuts well
Starting point is 00:03:33 I appreciate that yeah for a foot and um and how did you find CrossFit I found CrossFit out of college um kind of going to the gym you know by myself now doing team sports and kind of like, this is it. I had some injuries back from college years, sports, and my orthopedic surgeon actually was like, you should be really strong or you're going to be in a life of pain with the type of injuries you have. What did you have? What was your injury? I have a ruptured L4 and 5 S1 and they have like noted a little stenosis. And so he was like, you need to be really strong or you are going to be, I was getting epidurals at the age of 26. And he actually was like, there's this thing called CrossFit and that would be really good for you. I do it. You should do it. And I'm just so fortunate to find back in 2007, a doctor that was like, you should do this.
Starting point is 00:04:32 And, um, I haven't had an epidural since. Do you remember the doctor's name? I wish I did. I've, I've tried to look, but it was literally, you know, 17 years ago, but it was literally you know 17 years ago but it was back in Maryland it was in Baltimore Maryland I know that and I looked up a CrossFit in the area and joined one right away and loved it and moved to California and now I'm doing this never looked back um when you do you know the injuries that hurt your back like did you fall off of something or honestly you know it was bad strength and conditioning coaching from okay middle or high school college you know just not necessarily doing things properly most likely my story is very similar i was hurt except i didn't have anyone tell me that but i was hurting my back four times
Starting point is 00:05:21 a year doing like dumb shit like like sit on a toilet and my back goes out. And then I started doing CrossFit and my back started only going out once a year. And it was also doing dumb shit, but it was like doing too heavy of deadlifts or stuff. And people would say to you, well, you hurt yourself CrossFitting. I'd be like, dude, I used to hurt myself four times a year taking a deuce. Now I hurt myself once a year and I know what I did wrong. Right. Yeah, same thing.
Starting point is 00:05:47 And all that shit where they tell you not to carry stuff in the frontal plane if you have a bad back. It was like if I wouldn't have had the CrossFit methodology to tell me, dude, you got to carry stuff in your frontal plane to fucking make your core strong. I'd be screwed. Yeah. A hundred percent. It's changed my experience for you. Same. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:05 I mean, it was a rough road at first, like getting strong, realizing what I can and can't do, my limitations. But then, you know, I'd have those younger years where I'm like, well, I can do that. Oh, I should put more weight on the bar. And I would have a setback here and there. But honestly, it's a non-issue now. I never had that. And you were at the 2007 CrossFit Games?
Starting point is 00:06:22 I was. I didn't compete. I just watched. Yeah. Well yeah well what's crazy there were more competitors there than there were spectators that's even more rare tell me how you ended up there that's nuts pardon me life is prescribed i was there selling t-shirts all in your wow already and how many vendors were at that Games? Not very many. I think three, maybe four. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:06:50 You drove up to the ranch. Where did you sleep? I can't remember. There in a tent? No. You think in the truck? No, you got a hotel somewhere. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Watsonville. Crazy. By the way, this is Matt Souza. He's one of your fellow uh California affiliate owners he owns uh CrossFit Livermore yeah hello hi good to meet you and um and so you're you're doing you you get introduced and do you remember the first affiliate you went into that the surgeon told you to go to I went to CrossFit maryland okay and and it was uh love at first sight it was successful oh my gosh yeah i was all in right away like this is you know from playing team sports going into this
Starting point is 00:07:34 this is so much more fun and i was all in right away and did it full like every day all day any chance i got and then when I decided to move to California, I immediately started looking for a gym and got, you know, I was in right when life is prescribed was starting and counterculture was just a baby. And right away I was like, this is what I want to do. I'm quitting my job and this is what I'm doing. And that was a, that was a wild gym. That was a cool gym, right? Uh, young young people people the coach is sleeping in the gym they're training during the day weird they're posting weird videos like laying out mouse but this is like way before like the nelk boys and shit those guys were already like laying out
Starting point is 00:08:15 mouse traps and like trying to do burpees and mouse traps and crazy shit walking through the mouse traps yeah yeah yep yep what was the fish oil challenge i just remember those guys were way ahead of their time um they would do a shot of fish oil and then 100 double unders and then whoever made it the longest yeah there was crazy stuff like deucing themselves without dropping a deuce uh without puking that was i think oh puking all right did you ever do either any of those, the fish oil challenge or the mousetrap? Nope. Nope. I was an observer during those ridiculous times.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I'm sad to report nobody is currently living in our gym. Oh, that is sad. Zia, I believe, is Swedish for mine. It is. Oh, I thought that was just some guy hitting on you. Yeah. I thought that was just some guy hitting on you. Yeah. I thought that was just a line. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Okay. And then, so basically you show up there as a client and quickly decide you want to become a coach. And at some point you take your L1. Yep. First thing I did when I was in California. And what year was that? 2009. Okay. first thing I did when I was in California and what year was that? 2009 okay so
Starting point is 00:09:27 just a year or two after basically Greg had kind of relinquished the throne do you remember who your L1 coaches were? Nadia Rory I can't remember the others Todd was it was at USD when Stefan was down there.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Wow. And there was no test. Of course not. Test is ridiculous. Hey, that's crazy lineage. Naughty affiliate owner, Rory, obviously over at Mayhem and Todd big shot at the games, developed the kids program there and Big Shot in the training department and in the games. Crazy. And they were your L1 instructors.
Starting point is 00:10:12 And Castro and Greg were there, but they weren't teaching it. They were just kind of hanging out. Did Castro say anything crazy? Like, you know, like he said at mine, anything crazy? I don't think he spoke at all the guy in the corner i think he was truly just observing i remember being very nervous he was there excited to meet him but i don't think he spoke at all i don't think either of them did honestly i'm still nervous hearing that he was there go ahead suza go ahead i said interns don't
Starting point is 00:10:39 speak he's just an intern yeah yeah i think he was uh i think he was judging he was i think he was watching the the crew assessing them how about nicole was she there and um and you'd already been doing crossover for two years it obviously saved your uh your back uh changed the quality of your life and then you and then so you take that. And what did you think of the L one at the time? Did it still blow you away or were you like, nah, no. I was such still like a new baby CrossFitter,
Starting point is 00:11:13 especially going from the East coast where it was still really new and the translation of how different it was on the West coast. I was all in, I was so pumped on it. I loved it it and then when i found out i had to take it again because they enforced the test i was like great this is going to be awesome um so back then yeah i thought it was the greatest thing ever did you do fran on your first one yeah they did fran on my second one too they need to bring that back they need to figure something yes yes there just needs to be like okay 10 people are going to fall off the pull-up bar every year just bring it back it's just 10 hey it just shows how successful the program is we just have so many
Starting point is 00:11:58 people coming through um and then uh and then have you ever strayed in 14 years in a long time? Never. No. You've never been like, okay, I'm switching to something else? No. My affiliate has been CrossFit, tried and true, from day one. Always has been. Always will be.
Starting point is 00:12:21 And is it the same location? Same location for now. You're thinking thinking about moving i'm outgrowing it i'm gonna in the process of moving or trying to find it god i'd love to hear that are you the sole owner no the um alex my business partner is still involved okay so the two of you own it and is it the most successful it's ever been in the 14 years? Oh yeah, for sure. Holy shit. What do you attribute that to? Especially like in an alien economy where like people are like, Hey, I'm going to cut off my Sirius XM. I'm going to cut off my gym membership. I'm like, yeah, I, two main things. One, I feel like, I mean, COVID was like a breaking point for a lot of, a lot of all businesses, actually, not just CrossFit, but those who were running it like
Starting point is 00:13:12 a business and those who were running it like a club. And we've always very much run our gym like a business, which has allowed us to help more people. And we have a very strong community as a result of that. So I have a business background. I'm very big into business and I brought that to the table and Alex does all the programming. We do our own programming, always have, always will be. So we feel like we have something unique to other affiliates. That's our product that we're selling. So the combination of those two things, I think is just a winning combination. That's our product that we're selling. So the combination of those two things, I think is just a winning combination. What's the distinction between club and business? A club is like something you invite your friends to, to hang out and, you know, maybe make a little
Starting point is 00:13:56 bit of money and a business is running for profit. This is my passion, but it's a business. I run it for money. I chose CrossFit because I love it. And that's what I want to do. But first and foremost, it is a business. It feeds me, it supports me and I run it as such. And you know, that the people being that it was a orthopedic surgeon who sent you to a gym, you know, the power of what you're wielding and you know this kind of you need to take it serious meaning there's other surgeons now and i'm assuming you have surgeons also who are members at your gym you there are other surgeons now recommending that people like you come to your gym and then now you need to be in their care and so it's it's a it's a job and it
Starting point is 00:14:41 should be taken seriously and you know that's Did you have to wake up to that? Was it not always like that? Did you go through a transition where you're like, oh, this is just fun and like, oh, shit. I mean, I feel like at first there was a lot of fun involved and it was like... I was fortunate too where like CrossFit was very new when we opened our gym.
Starting point is 00:15:00 So there was no expectation when people would walk in the door of what they should see, how it should look, what it's, you know, what they're going to do when they get here. So we kind of defined a little bit what their expectation was. And so at first, I don't feel like it was as defined as it is for me now, but very quickly, you know, I think it went that way just with before when there was a lot of CrossFits in our area that we had to really set expectations and goals and treat them like they're giving us money. We have to treat them with that professionalism. So, yeah, I think we did that almost from the beginning. I mean, the first few years were a little, you know, rocky as far as figuring it out, but we figured it out pretty quick.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Is that my phone doing that? It's my computer. Sorry. Okay, it's no as far as figuring it out, but we figured it out pretty quick. Is that my phone doing that? It's my computer. Sorry. Okay. It's no big deal. I don't care if it's you, it doesn't bug me, but I just don't want to, if it's mine, I can turn it off. And then, did you have a business mentor? Did you have someone who helped you? Business wise? You know, honestly I would lean on other affiliate owners that were older than me i would um talk a lot to you know craig has been somebody that i talked to a lot howard the
Starting point is 00:16:16 pleasanton guy um cj and i opened our gyms close to one another and he's been invictus CJ Martin. Wow. Okay. He's somebody that, you know, I've talked to and I just try to get on the phone with as many other affiliate owners as I can throughout the way. I've never hired like a official firm or anybody to help me with that. But before this, I was, I did accounting for Outback Steakhouse. So I have a little bit of an accounting background that helps me a little bit with the business side of things. Hold on. I'm not sure if I'm going to fight with this guy or not.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I don't know how I should take this. Extra sloppy, 1999. Affiliate content is your best stuff, Seve. Well, tomorrow I'm going to have a show at 7 a.m about how covid's a bioweapon so maybe you should wait until you watch that okay sorry uh back to on subject um uh so you're you're affiliated with um some ogs too you're you're entrenched i mean i'm trying to think of like uh when i think of ogs of california i feel bad if i leave i'm gonna leave people out but i think of um uh who's the guy to think of like when I think of OGs of California, I feel bad if I leave, I'm going to leave people out. But I think of who's the guy, I think of Craig Howard, obviously.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I think of CJ. I think of the guy at Dogtown. Who's that? Dusty. Dusty. Highland. Yeah, Dusty Highland. Max Mormont.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Oh, we had Max on. Yep. Yeah, just a couple weeks ago. Okay, so you got your you got your kind of your crew you there's the you've been around and you know you guys can share war stories and um when you say you're about to outgrow your uh space what does that look like how do you know like when you look around you're like uh-oh what do you see? No parking or. Well, I live in Southern California, so there's never parking. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:08 But you're in a pretty good spot. Isn't there like a five guys in a big parking lot over there by you where people can park like a huge or no. We do have a good over. I mean, I, I joke, but for San Diego, we have a pretty good parking situation. Okay. Okay. So it's not the, it's not the best.
Starting point is 00:18:23 It gets pretty crazy. But when I get, I see that like when we have 20, 25 people in a class and I can't, I can only add so many classes a day, we're already running 10 classes a day. We're running out of time to run classes and we can only, you know, get creative with programming for so long. So I would say by the end of our lease this time, I would like to be in a new one. Okay. Yeah. That's our masters. That's our 60 and up class. Okay. So if you have that many, okay. Okay. Got it. Just crowded. It's just too many people. And that's how you know. And that class, yeah yeah too many people and not enough like usually if you're like oh this class is getting full we'll add another one behind it and you know i don't want to start having to alter my programming to the
Starting point is 00:19:14 point where people aren't getting as good of a product because i'm like look there's 25 people in this class so we're not going to use barbells anymore or you know something like that the older folks we kept that class just for safety so they're always going to use barbells anymore or, you know, something like that. The older folks, we kept that class just for safety. So they're always going to be fine, but the traditional classes get pretty big. That's a, that's a beautiful gym. Great doors, great colors, great pull-up bars, great floors. Would you open a second location or, or new spot? I mean, I would be open to that,
Starting point is 00:19:44 but I would love to move this gym across the street in a 10,000 square foot facility with all the bells and whistles. But as we're looking for a space, that might end up having to be it. But I think one bigger location would be my preference. How much square footage is this one? This one is 6,000 square feet.
Starting point is 00:20:04 What you're looking at, we have two separate rooms. That room is 3,500 square feet. Yeah, that's beautiful. Wow. Oh, you got like an upstairs loft so you can just sit up there and judge. That's awesome. Is that a mirror down there or that's an opening into another room? That's an opening into another room, which we use for the kids' class.
Starting point is 00:20:24 It keeps them from running into the street. We use it for open gym, overflow on the bigger classes. Wow, congratulations, Zia. That place is dope. Yeah, it looks amazing. That's the kind of place you look forward to going to. I like to think so. It's my favorite place to be.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Yolanda Jennings, always love hearing from other affiliates. Thank you, Yolanda Jennings always love hearing from other affiliates thank you Yolanda okay and then so flash forward to when do you find out about this affiliate gathering and what's your first response what's your first thoughts
Starting point is 00:20:56 does CrossFit HQ send you an email how do you find out about it's a West Coast affiliate gathering West Coast affiliate gathering so all the affiliates are broken up into regions now and we are part of the West Coast affiliate gathering, right? West Coast affiliate gathering. So all the affiliates are broken up into regions now. And we are part of the West Coast, obviously, region. And so Katie Hogan, who is our West Coast rep, emails us regularly content, helpful things, articles. We do once a month calls, Zoom calls together. And then we have twice a year an affiliate gathering,
Starting point is 00:21:25 a regional affiliate gathering. And so- Once a year? Did you say once a year? Sorry. Once a year. Twice a year. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:35 And it's kind of a lot like Montana. It's structured. It's a day. It's all day. And they have different people come and speak each time. And we basically get to sit and talk to other affiliate owners and there's always topics and they're great. I love any opportunity to talk to other affiliate owners, new and old.
Starting point is 00:21:54 I think it's the best thing. And I love how much we're getting to do that nowadays. So I don't care where they are. I'll fly anywhere to go talk to, to do those. They're so fun yeah that's crazy that you're saying that too so that was gonna be my next question it's not a drag you're not like oh fuck I'm gonna go there and it's gonna be just a bitch session from affiliates it's like you're looking forward to it you're gonna go there it's gonna be fun there's gonna be cool
Starting point is 00:22:17 people it's gonna be your people yeah oh yeah it's it's great I've one of them was local which was nice and when this one was up in Portland I I didn't hesitate. I mean, I will go anywhere. They're they're a great time. They make it they make it fun. And there's usually content there that will benefit you. This last one had a ton of good content. They're doing a lot of new stuff with H, you know, home office. And it's nice to hear what it is because sometimes a lot of times we don't really know what's going on in the big picture and the back end of it. And we were fortunate enough to have Don, the CEO, come and speak to this one. So we got a lot of insight of what CrossFit's been doing and what they're going to do in Q4 and things that are coming. of what CrossFit's been doing and what they're going to do in Q4 and things that are coming and a little bit of why things are going the way they're going. And that's something that we've never had in CrossFit, right? Affiliate owners are just like blindly follow us. And of course we do because we believe in it, but he spent a lot of time explaining the nitty gritty of what they are
Starting point is 00:23:24 doing with and their initiatives and where they're putting their money and for once i feel like i walked away and i was like okay cool i'm super pumped about what crossfit's doing no shit you walked away from their pumped yeah i was super excited because there's some things like i walked into it with this whole push to get everybody l3 certified and i'm like oh this is a money grab and i walked away from wait wait wait give me you you walked in there thinking i wanted to like they're really pushing the l the certifications right now there's okay revenue and then i walked out of that with kind of a different view of that like okay no i get why they're doing this. The,
Starting point is 00:24:06 the whole idea that they're, they're really pushing every CrossFit you go into has an excellent staff and that everybody walks away from CrossFit trying it saying, well, that might not have been for me, but they know what they're doing. I really respect that craft. And he asked us all like, who feels confident in that right now, that no matter where we drop in, in the United States, that that level of competence is happening. And it kind of put things into perspective. So focusing on coaching, focusing on making every affiliate better will benefit all of us as a whole. And I, to hear that perspective and the amount of time and effort they're putting into it at home office, um, really opened my eye and it
Starting point is 00:24:53 was great. And that's what I wanted to hear. Honestly, like I'm on board. I totally get it. There's always this, this voice out there. That's like, Hey, reduce the barrier of entry or increase the barrier of entry to open an affiliate. Make it an L2, make it an L3, make it that you have to be a coach at some gym for five years. And there's always this feeling of like, but that's not, first of all, that's not how anything's done.
Starting point is 00:25:15 That's not how cops are done, lawyers, surgeons. But what you're saying, go ahead, Reese, go ahead. They're not doing that. They're just urging us as affiliate owners to invest more in our coaching and like continuing education and never settling and really pushing that, you know, virtuosity and in our staff, not just us as business owners. And that that will create a better outlook on CrossFit, help with some of those, oh, CrossFit is dangerous. It's kind of the whole Kennedy thing. Don't ask what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.
Starting point is 00:25:54 If every affiliate toes their way, gets their L2, gets their L3, then CrossFit doesn't have to lay down some law saying you have to get it. And then the brand value of everyone's affiliate rises simultaneously that you right yeah he broke down all of that they're putting into main site they said they got before we go there but before we go there i'm gonna ask you okay i'll make a note i'm gonna ask you i mean say this is this is really interesting this takes a lot of balls for don to do yeah right he's the new ceo he comes into this click everyone's clicky everyone's talking and yet he has to try to tell you um make yourselves better even though we know you're already fucking the best in the industry so you
Starting point is 00:26:36 so he has to overcome that ego obstacle that he's of the people he's talking to and then on top of that he has to get past all the affiliates being like oh you're just trying to make money off of us so he earned your respect he disarmed you for thinking it's just a money grab and you heard the message for what it was like hey dude this is a win-win everyone susan are you buying this yeah 100 yeah yeah absolutely i think that's how it should be incentivized and i think that the the differentiator between CrossFit and all the other like, like things is the education piece is the L1, the L2, the L3, the L4. And I love the fact that they're pushing that. And I think they should have incentivized affiliate owners with other things that would help push them and their coaches
Starting point is 00:27:18 into the courses. Give me an example of something he said in regards to that. Can, can you use anything pop off the top of your head, Zia, in regards to upping your, uh, your amount of training or your, or your knowledge? I mean, he said that he, CrossFit is going to start offering more coaching programs, mentorship programs for affiliate owners to get their coaches where they need to be to help affiliate owners with that. There is a mentorship program for coaching now to help coaches become better. And it's not just on the affiliate owner. Now CrossFit is helping us with that, which is huge. It's not just saying, this is the new standard, do it, but we're going to help you. And this is how we're going to help
Starting point is 00:28:03 you do it. So we're, you know, the newer this is how we're going to help you do it. So we're, you know, the newer affiliates, like they're not on their own anymore. They have people to turn to, to help them where they feel like they need help, which is huge. Um, who, who else was there? Uh, uh, that's our, was there, um, the nutrition, was there. Who runs the affiliate department now? Who runs the affiliate department? Austin. Yeah, was Austin Maliolo there? Austin was there.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Austin was there. So Austin, Dawn and Katie. Yeah. And the best hour, that's Jason Ackerman. Best hour was there. What was he doing there? Isn't he a competitor to the... He's actually on the affiliate portal now as a partner of CrossFit to
Starting point is 00:28:53 help CrossFits with their... Okay. And we had some lady who went through his program on the show. She talked about his program, right? Didn't we? From the East Coast or something? What was that, Sousa? Yeah, shit.
Starting point is 00:29:09 I didn't mean to tease you, but yeah, we did. Trish. Trish. Like a month ago. Yeah. God, that program sounds intense. Remember, she was like, I would go home and cry and shit like that. Yeah, I don't want anyone looking at my life like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:23 No crevice of my life no facet okay uh so so that was good and um before i want to talk about what he said about main site um but what about um was it was there was there those those meetings can often turn into bitch sessions did anyone try to ambush don or try to bitch him and bitch at him and he kind of had to nip it in the bud no i i mean he, he was super professional and positive about everything. People had questions for him and he had answers,
Starting point is 00:29:50 genuine answers for everybody's concerns or questions that they had. But the amount of information that we were given on the topics was very thorough. So there's a little bit of questions, but no real pushback because like I said, there's a lot of great information that was given.
Starting point is 00:30:08 How many affiliates were there? There's 120. Holy shit. Great turn. Again, that's awesome. Wow. It's a big region. Yeah, we had about that same number at ours here in the Northern California one.
Starting point is 00:30:22 And Katie's amazing. Been around forever. She's awesome. in the northern california one and katie's amazing been around forever yeah yeah one of the last um the last two l1s i filmed when i was trying to save my job she was the instructor there and she was i just she blows me away she's incredible yeah she's incredible wow so she got the whole west coast yeah huge region for her and she's killing it like a rock star. Yeah, she's great. And she's a resource that we all have on a weekly and daily basis to email or text her if we have any questions or we need help with anything. Like they put the right people in place to help affiliates more regularly than I've ever seen. She's super responsive, too, which is which is great because she has a lot a lot of uh a lot of the ground to cover with her region yeah dude if if 10 affiliates email her a day she's she's
Starting point is 00:31:12 swamped host yeah yeah and it's got to be at least 10 i probably 20 texture today so say that again zia i text her like three times today okay and um uh so so main site what did he say about main site he covered a lot of ground huh Like three times today. Okay. And so, so main site, what did he say about main site? He covered a lot of ground, huh? He covered a lot.
Starting point is 00:31:31 He let us know what they were doing. Cause that was important to him. Like, this is what I'm doing so far this year. They have really worked on search engine optimization working on, no matter what people are going on the internet for looking for fitness somehow it was going to take them to he mentioned that he was working on if somebody googles what is a deadlift he's like our goal is for the first
Starting point is 00:31:55 website to come up to be like really trying to get people to the main site and then re-engineering the site so that filters into okay cross is pretty cool where do i do site and then re-engineering the site. So that filters into, okay, CrossFit's pretty cool. Where do I do that? And then filtering it down to the affiliate. So essentially we're teeing it up. Now when it gets to your door, kick some butt. And so that was kind of where he was going with that, with let's all grow together and things like that. So. know that is something i if i'm gonna be completely frank i don't know if they're gonna get there oh there it is nice nice did you just put in deadlift uh uh caleb yeah i googled what is a deadlift and that was yeah awesome okay pop up wow and it might be the first one that go the other one might be paid let me see the other one
Starting point is 00:32:44 i mean he said it's his goal, not necessarily that they achieved it. But that's what he's – that was one of the things he mentioned. Yeah. Yeah. I bet you that other one – I bet you that thing – let me see. Forget the Wikipedia one. That one doesn't count. Washington Physical Therapy.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Is that sponsored? I can't tell from this, but – Here's the thing. That's going to be really hard to do also without just starting up the media team. I mean, basically that, I mean, it's great that it's on the first page. I mean, that's huge, but basically they have to, it used to be like that. You just type in push up or pull up or anything. And it was just CrossFit all the way down.
Starting point is 00:33:20 And it was because there was content coming out every single day. Main sites. Does anyone use main site anymore does anyone even use websites anymore did he say anything about that do you know what i mean by that like do people go here and get the programming no the his whole their focus is to go to main site to figure out where to find an affiliate is the new focus of what they're trying to do with mean site is you know that 30 million strong they want 30 million crossfitters so the way of doing that is getting them to find a local gym and so talked about that and their marketing plan for q4 as far as
Starting point is 00:33:56 you know getting when your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later. Because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at What's 2FA security on Kraken? Let's say I'm captaining my soccer team
Starting point is 00:34:35 and we're up by a goal against, I don't know, the Burlington Bulldogs. Do we relax? No way. Time to create an extra line of defense and protect that lead. That's like 2FA on Kraken. A surefire way to keep what you already have safe and sound. Go to and see what crypto can be. Not investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See
Starting point is 00:34:56 slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. The website and marketing app, which will hopefully help affiliates locally i mean google leads so many of us around i'm i'm for sure one of those people by the nose right anything like i like i don't comic book store get your dog a haircut um oil for your chainsaw you just google and and and follow the way right you got to be on the first page or you're, or you're toast. Yeah. Cool. Yeah. Um, did you, what do you think, do you think you're an outlier or do you think a lot of people left like you? A lot of people were pumped. It was, it was an overall great, to me, it was an introduction to who he truly was other than other videos and things. First time you met him him first time I had met
Starting point is 00:35:45 him. Yeah. And so I was, I left super pumped. We broke off into little mini round tables and we all got to chat. And, um, there was a lot of positivity that came from that. Uh, there was a young lady. I don't want to mention her name because I don't know if she wants to be, um, broadcasted, but she actually came because her gym was just right down the street, but she, her gym was for sale and that she was going to go here because go to the gathering. Cause it was just right down the street,
Starting point is 00:36:15 but she was actually done. She was out and. She didn't want to run a gym in zombie land anymore with. Yeah. And after that affiliate thing, she's like, I'm not selling my gym there's too much good things about to happen and she was a 10-year affiliate and she's like
Starting point is 00:36:30 wow it's next year I'll see you here again I'm not selling my gym like she was pumped so I mean if nothing else it was a success because it kept one more affiliate going and just to be there with all that positivity and everybody having such a good time. I, I can't imagine anyone left upset. So, so basically it sounds like it was a bit of a state of the union from Don and he invigorated the base. And not only did you come back home being like, fuck yeah, I'm ready to kick some ass, but someone who was ready to jump ship and Hey dude, Portland's, I don't know how much you saw the city the city is a complete train wreck to run any business there let alone a gym is crazy i mean it's it's it's anti anything healthy or positive the town is i want i would be curious how they chose portland um i mean they're 10 years old
Starting point is 00:37:19 so she probably didn't choose it back when it was it'sarray, but I mean, I like my sunshine. So I would have had a hard time with Portland just to begin with, but. Was the city in disarray? Did you see? Oh yeah. I was so, it was so sad. We went downtown and there was nobody there, no one, homeless people, but there was no regular people there. And I mean, the things that we saw on the one day we were there, I, we, it was all we needed to see. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:50 So I'd never been there. Hey, Oh man. And it was, it used to be such a cool city 15 years ago. God, it was so cool. So cool. Um, that's awesome. Anything else that's stand out there? Did, did, did the, is Austin permanently in that position? Did they talk about that? Is he completely. He spoke on behalf of it and did not mention anything about that. But overall the takeaway from that was, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:19 CrossFit's kind of back in the game. Like they're here, they're paying attention. They, they understand that the success and the health of affiliate owners affects CrossFit as a whole, and it matters. And they're putting a lot of effort into that. Also on the other side of the coin, they said that they're putting the games as equally as important. The sport of fitness also is important to the growth of CrossFit. So they're not going to take their eye off that ball either. They're going to equally make sure that the games
Starting point is 00:38:51 is as important as it's been in the past. And it was, it was positive. Hey, on a side note, what do you think about Dave coming back? Does that invigorate you? Does that like, I'm a fan of Dave, back? Does that invigorate you? Does that like, I'm a fan of Dave, right? He's still in Southern California. I mean, he was around from the beginning. I am a huge Dave Simp fan. So yes, I am glad that he is back. He visited every, you know, I think more than visit. I think he worked out in every single gym in San Diego County. Yeah. A hundred, a hundred plus.
Starting point is 00:39:23 He lived two miles from my gym. So I know he, he's come into mine many times, but I was just up at the ranch a couple of weeks ago for a broken science event. And he was there and he was just, you were there for that. That sucked. Did you and I talk? Yep. I mean, we said, hi, we were briefly chatted.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Was it after he spoke? Had I started drinking? Oh yeah. I had Justin Medeiros' mom gave me a margarita. We briefly chatted. Was it after he spoke? Yeah. Had I started drinking? Oh, yeah. I had Justin Medeiros' mom give me a margarita. I forgot my name. Yeah, I forgot my name there. Yeah, I didn't stay for much of the drinking. I had to catch a flight home.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You didn't miss nothing. I got the Marriott brand, so we were fine. Oh, perfect. Some tacos, you're good to go. Yeah. What would you, um, do you think all affiliates should, are affiliates missing out by not going?
Starting point is 00:40:11 It sounds like it's a, it's a cost to go up there. Should affiliates go to the affiliate gatherings? Yes, they should. If they have it in their budget to, if it's a fly, I mean, they really should. Um, or you know what? Just email Crossfit and talk they gave us all don emailed me the night after the event thanking us for being there uh we spoke a little bit so he responded to things that i've talked it was not a generic email um it wasn't like dear john thanks
Starting point is 00:40:40 for coming and you were like oh this is z he Z. He's like, Oh, we were like, we talked. And so he's very receptive to talking to any affiliate. And there was a couple of people there that were like, talk to us anytime. If you have any questions about what we're doing, let us know. And the affiliate portal now like has so much for affiliate owners. They just, They just need to ask. And the OGs, I think sometimes they're just like, well, we didn't get any help. Like this is, you know, what is CrossFit doing for us? Well, they're going above and beyond now to what the
Starting point is 00:41:14 affiliate contract says, because still at the end of the day, it doesn't, they don't need to do anything. So now all this effort that's being put towards, I mean, gosh, if I had the affiliate toolkit or the mentorship program that they just started on helping affiliates, you know, create a business plan and get good coaching. If I had that, it would have saved me a lot of mistakes because I definitely made, you know, I have a very successful affiliate now, but I made sure to check every mistake box along the way. So people don't have to do that anymore. Chase, this isn't a place to advertise affiliate. Chase Ingram, South Central Affiliate Summit coming to Dallas, Texas, November 11th. What month is it? It's so far away.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Chase, why don't you come on the show the week before and we'll pump it up. Do you have to buy tickets for that, the affiliate gathering? No, it's free. It's free. Yeah. Awesome. Hey, I'm really tripping on the Don went out there and kicked ass. That takes balls to do that.
Starting point is 00:42:20 It really is. It's like being the new leader of a gang. Yeah. Having to be like, like i mean he can't show any like uh um uh jinx in his armor no he did it was great i was i left feeling super confident in the next five years of my business damn stoked to hear that that's awesome are you going to the games uh yeah you are oh yeah all right i'm flying out sunday night and i'm gonna stay the whole time It's awesome. Are you going to the games? Yeah. You are? Oh, yeah. All right. I'm flying out Sunday night, and I'm going to stay the whole time. Sunday night, the 30th?
Starting point is 00:42:51 Yeah. Oh, cool. Yeah. I do have an athlete competing in the Masters, so I'm going early to watch him. Oh, who's that? Sean Patrick. What age division? 50 to 54.
Starting point is 00:43:03 He won it last year, so he's coming back to defend his title no shit yeah out of crossfit counterculture wow sean patrick can we see him uh caleb see this see this young man how old was he when he won it do you know he was 53 hey isn't it kind of interesting? You're the back injured, told to go do CrossFit by an orthopedic surgeon who was not an idiot, went there, got better, recognizes the immense value of CrossFit as the cure for the world's most vexing problem, and yet you have a master's athlete. Yeah. Dang. That's incredible. Yeah. Dang. That's incredible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:48 And he doesn't even look like he's on steroids. That's crazy. He just looks like a normal, healthy, strong dude. Crazy. He's very strong. He's very tall. I swear he's like one of the tallest athletes at the CrossFit Games. Hey, look at that box jump fuck up on his right ankle.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Might be a real clam burn. Oh, nice. Wow. Can I change it as a rope climb? He's right. Right. Zia. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:10 It's a rope climb thing. God, you affiliate owners are so much smarter than this podcast. Next time. Don't correct me on the air, Susa. Thank you. Zia.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Thank you so much. This is great. This is exactly. I just was just so curious. is great I was just so curious I was so curious what was going to happen with this it pumps me up I'm stoked I'm stoked it was good
Starting point is 00:44:33 I'd crash everybody just to talk to more people you would? I would crash someone else that's awesome could you do that like yeah what are they gonna do uh no you can't i don't know i mean they want they're not it's capped on the amount of people that can actually attend and i don't want to probably just have to
Starting point is 00:44:54 sit on the floor yeah it's true just let them know all right uh good good talking to you, and I'll see you in a couple weeks in Carson. See you in 18 days. Yeah, perfect. All right. Thanks, Zia. Thank you. Thank you. Bye. Zia from CrossFit Counterculture. I don't dare say her last name.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Uh-oh. I tried to ring Caleb. Uh-oh. What happened? There it is. What was your last name, Caleb? Roher? Roherbaugh. Roherbaugh. Roherbaugh. Roherbaugh. I tried to bring Caleb. What happened? What was the last name, Caleb? Roh-her? Roh-er-bah. Roh-er-bah. Roh-er-bah. Roh-er-bah.
Starting point is 00:45:29 You got it right the first time. That was good. Thank you, Chase. I was really hoping there would be something squirrely in there. Nothing squirrely. I kind of empathize with Don. I picture myself having to go into that room and just like – oh, there she is, Katie Hogan. Yes, everyone is allowed at all region summits.
Starting point is 00:45:51 You do not have to sit on the floor. Oh, 10 pull-up minimum entry requirement figures. If you're an affiliate owner, you can go to any other region summit. Oh, interesting. Dude, I'm going to get an RV and just and just take my i'm gonna affiliate and just go to each for three thousand bucks just go around and get free food how many regions are there in the united states we should go to chases i think there's like five five regions twice a year that's 10 that's 10 uh parties that i would go to if i bring my whole family extended family
Starting point is 00:46:20 and we eat uh eight hundred dollars worth of food at each event. Get to go, Trace. You can't leave with that. Please come back. Oh, shit. Did I say see you in Carson? Yeah. Oh, you're going to be in Carson, so that's fine. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Oh, my goodness. See you at the StubHub Center or the home. I don't even remember seeing Zia at the fucking ranch. But I wouldn't have known to know her fucking ranch. But I didn't. I wouldn't have known to know her. I just met her right now. Hey, that's how I felt leaving the one in Pleasanton when they had it up here. Remember when we came back and I talked about it?
Starting point is 00:46:57 I said it gave tons of energy. It felt like there was life behind what they're doing over at HQ. I still won't call it home office. I have to call it HQ. I don't think they call it home office. Thank goodness. That title's beta hey um those could go horribly wrong yeah i feel like to what you're saying when don steps up there they're either gonna love you or they're gonna throw tomatoes there's like no in between right yeah he's he's he's quite the um looker though like you know what i mean he's's tall. He's handsome.
Starting point is 00:47:25 He's in shape. His voice brings like a calm and like equanimity to the audience. He's got a little Buddha in him. Definitely. But still, that could open you up for attack. Like if someone – if like some of these fucking alpha affiliate owners smell that shit and start attacking. It's like zombies, right? He doesn't really know what a chest of our blood yeah well he crushed the workout with us he did yeah and it was hard i almost died twice it was a partner workout yeah i got paired with fucking
Starting point is 00:47:59 neil maddox oh like it's not really a partner workout but you're like you're switching you're going one part is going and one part was was resting and i mean i couldn't let neil down and he was like i'm taking it easy and i was like me too and he's probably 10 years older than you yeah mama madaris got some strong margaritas dude i swear it was like I got roofied. It was really like that. Having a good time. Listen, I don't wear those pants outside the house, those long johns that I posted on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:48:34 It's just me doing a muscle-up. Everyone chill. Equanimity. Yeah, isn't that a word? Is that a word, Caleb? Equanimity? Equanimity? Equanimous? I think equanimity.
Starting point is 00:48:47 I do not What do you mean you don't I just don't like the layout of it. But maybe I don't even know what it's used for. I just don't like the layout. I mean – There's a lot going on to it. I mean it's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:49:03 It's beautiful. I just don't, I want to go there. Um, it's beautiful. I just don't want to, I just don't see any reason for me to go there. I need something that's like,
Starting point is 00:49:18 I think the only reason I use it is to like, check my, my open scores. Like, like once a year when I check my i like input my scores that's it yeah yeah that would be the game yeah yeah not but broken record ship but there should be a button up there that says the journal and then right there should be a new video every single day and a new workout just straight looking at you and i get it maybe it sounds like uh what
Starting point is 00:49:44 his vision is, is to make it as a place for people who are looking for affiliates to come in. But I think it can be that too. And, you know, it was very interesting. I mean, I know you guys have heard me say it a thousand times, but that really is what she said that he said, making it. So anytime someone Google something, CrossFit pops up. Yeah. Regards to isn't. I mean, that is it. That was our big bragging, right? Going back to the day Google started. I wish, too, that when you did it, somehow it really populated the education piece of it.
Starting point is 00:50:19 So like what you said you were doing when you're trying to save your job, you just went back into the L1s and started filming you know and the story like the education piece though right no but i mean like it just always leads you to that like if you search what is deadlift it gives you that and like the next way it somehow it prompts you to education you go to the main site and it's just like the first pictures are showing people through the education and what they have to offer it's under my personal belief that i think like the health of the L1, meaning like how many people are attending those each weekend, the health of your L2, your interest in your L3
Starting point is 00:50:50 is going to be the health of CrossFit's future. Because that's kind of the pipeline to new affiliate owners. That's the pipeline to coaches. I know for me, the thing that I'm hurting on for the most is resource-wise is coaches. Like I need people that want to come in and want to coach. And there were 2014, 13, 2012, there was like a lot of excitement. Like it was like, I'm going to go get my own. I want to coach here. I want to open my own gym. And, um, once education gets pumped more and more and more and more and more, and it's really put on a pedestal to how awesome it is. I think that
Starting point is 00:51:18 that will start to happen again. I agree. Media and media is going to be the path to that for sure. Yeah. So this is kind of weird, right? You type in how to do a pull-up. Yeah, this for sure should be owned by CrossFit. Let me see if I go to videos. This has a good comment here he says that is our quality control continuing education yeah that's right
Starting point is 00:51:49 are you trying to see how far down you have to go for it yeah i mean yeah it yeah so so that this is the space that he wants to own being that he's a tech guy. He's, it sounds like he's going to go through search engine optimization. Yep. I don't think you need to do that. I think you, you, you, you content feedback.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Yeah. Yeah. Open up the journal back up again, get the journal running, start getting traffic through there and just start making content, invest all your energy in content. And it's so easy to make so much content fast and dirty and shit's eventually going to hit.
Starting point is 00:52:23 I mean, that's. Yeah. That, that was, that was my goal when we first met back in 2018 or whatever at that DDC. And I said, we should convert all the journals into audio files because I thought like Alexa and these voice things were going to kind of be the next thing. And that's why you say, Hey Alexa, what is fitness? Hey Alexa, what is this?
Starting point is 00:52:41 Those journal articles, the audio versions would be the first thing to populate through that and that's getting out ahead when alexa first came out or i had gotten the same company that made the ott that was never released apple also made a demo run at alexa for me which was never released so that anytime you at you could ask alexa what the workout of the day was and just all the shit about crossfit and it would pop up yeah it was crazy that got shot down also even though all that just needed to be the trigger needed to be pulled oh i'm starting to get pissed i feel my blood boiling oh back tightening backs tightening uh uh extra sloppy okay so extra sloppy
Starting point is 00:53:19 is a do you know who this is yeah this is an affiliate owner i didn't realize that until just now we're starting a piece after two years we're starting a piece together yeah i don't know i don't know for all we know they're probably at the ranch too oh jay wick there's no need for that crossfit socials are a joke compared to mayhems there's absolutely no need for that why because they serve uh lucky charms at mayhems, there's absolutely no need for that. Why? Because they serve a lucky charms at a mayhems. I've seen the, the, their cereal section. It's, uh, you know, it sounds like they're on the right path. I'm really curious as to how they're actually going to measure and track all this. I hope they don't. And if they do, well, I hope they don't. How would you know? Measure and track what measure and track what?
Starting point is 00:54:04 If their IDs are working. Are more people going to the website? Is the traffic increased? Have the clicks on those affiliates on the map increased? How much has it increased by? What are the goals? They have all of that. They have all of that.
Starting point is 00:54:17 And I bet you they claim it's increased. And I bet you it's completely fucking irrelevant. I swear to God. Why do you mean it's irrelevant? Why, why why why i think that there's like a uh what's the term uh the phrase paralysis by analysis analysis paralysis analysis paralysis it's it's like this ab thing it's just all fucking tech talk mumbo jumbo get a bunch of people who really want to fucking work for crossfit as your media team
Starting point is 00:54:45 like who really and they and they're workers they're not they're creators they're not managers get rid of all the management get what the fuck those guys throw those guys in the game now we're playing a different game okay you got the board okay what are we doing can i see it can we track it can i measure it the money but the money will come in. You'll see it. There's only two metrics that matter. Seminar sales and being a little too basic. And then around affiliates, it's affiliates signing up. Obviously, part of that's retention. But dude, there is a kind of a conventional wisdom that I forget what the numbers are,
Starting point is 00:55:25 but for every nine people that take the L1, one of them is going to open an affiliate. So basically, right? So, so for, and there's, you start seeing that and you're like, okay. And the code is already being cracked. All you have to do is go back and look at what the media was from 2007 to 2010. To watch the growth there. from 2007 to 2010. To watch the growth there,
Starting point is 00:55:47 then watch what the media is from 2010 to like 2016 and see what happened, what we lost there, and then see why it spiked up again in 2017 and 18. And of course, there's other factors too, but... So look at the metrics, find out what works. Okay, okay, okay. You win, you win. Look at the metrics. Okay, full circle, full circle, full circle.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Yeah, and that's what I mean. I mean, I'm not saying live or die by it, but just say, hey, here's what we're trying. Here's the outcome we're looking for. Here's the inputs that we're doing. What happens in between? And are we getting the outcomes that we're desiring? That's all.
Starting point is 00:56:15 I'm not saying like live or die by your KPIs or all this other stuff, but just be like, hey, look, if our goal is to get more clicks on the map, have we accomplished that? And then those other numbers that you were talking about, meaning like have more people started to sign up for seminars? Are we seeing affiliates growing? Are they becoming more profitable? You know, is that working? And, and you could bounce it off of that.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Okay. So you just nailed it. When I hear search engine optimization, I'm hearing you want more clicks, more clicks. Cause you've got to, and I and i and it's like no more clicks is the um i don't want i i want to work out to get more girlfriends i don't want more girlfriends do you know what i mean like but you got to have more eyeballs first before you get that one girlfriend so you got to have that was a that was a horrible uh simile hold on let me let me to lock it. I'll go out there. Let me rework that. Measurable, observable, repeatable, baby. The goal should not be more – okay, here. I'll use the – I'll steal the example that Greg used to use.
Starting point is 00:57:17 If the success of an airline can be measured by how much – if the correlate is how much fuel it's burning, you can't just fucking go out onto the tarmac and just start burning gas and be like look how successful our our airline is we went through all this gas and there's a there's a component to like hey we're just trying to increase increase clicks but not but we're not trying to increase the value the quality the amount of information we're not adding value to the ecosystem. And just by making money and dumping good media out there, all sizes of content, you're adding value to the ecosystem. And so that's what I mean. Yeah. And what I'm just saying is let's just look at where that's funneling. And the only reason why I am saying that is because I'm just backtracking from what they claimed as their goal. So that's all I mean by that.
Starting point is 00:58:06 If your goal is to get more people to the affiliate map because then in hopes that we want those people to go to affiliates, well, let's start. How many people are going to that affiliate map? What have you done to increase the visibility of the affiliate map, increase the eyeballs on the affiliate map? And then we have to actually say, did that actually translate to what we wanted it to? Because then if it didn't, we have to have a new strategy. But with that being said, I completely agree that if they just, if they really just focus on all the media, all of that would happen on its own. So we're kind of saying the exact same thing here. I'm just looking at it. If I were sitting on a board member and I on the board and I dumped a bunch of money into it, I would say, so what happened? Where'd it go? And, and for them, clearly they're not investing in the music side of it.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Because if I were on the board and I said, Hey, we dumped, you know, a hundred thousand dollars a month into media, where'd it go? You're going to say, look at the media. And I'm saying, Oh shit, we own this ecosystem. We own these searches. We own YouTube. We are fucking everywhere now. And we're killing it. Then the rest of those things take care of themselves. But since they're not doing that and they're saying, oh, well, we're trying to drive more people to dot com. So then we could get them to the affiliate map. So then we could get them into an affiliate, which, by the way, I'm not saying I agree with that strategy. Yeah. They're rubbing me the wrong way again. So much fucking friction there. So much friction, especially with how the website is. There needs some simplicity. But I'm just saying that if that
Starting point is 00:59:23 is their goal, they have to they have to track it measure it somehow i guess the takeaway from this though also talking to zia is that that dude invigorated the base yes and he did when he did it up here in northern california too at least for me personally i felt yeah and and really that i mean that hasn't been done since greg was here that i haven't heard that and like i mean invigorating the bases it's huge yeah those guys are fucking ride or die people like zia yeah greg howard you need that base you need the gregs howard you need everybody else because what ends up happening and it's hard to invigorate those guys those are judgmental fucking dogmatic fucks like yeah and he did it don did it but when you do when, if you invigorated Craig Howard, you just invigorated 15 other affiliates. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:00:10 They're all going to come at least at least 15 directly. And then another 30 outside of that. And then another, because people are coming to him asking him, what'd you, what'd you hear? That's right. And so if he's like, Hey, I'm on board with this, this seems good. Let's write it out. I feel there's a good, you know, this is good stuff happening. Then all those affiliates down the line are going to say, okay, cool. If he said it and we're on board with it. And so it's super important.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Just like you said, I mean, you've been saying that since we started this and big rate, the base create more media and let the rest of it happen. Chase Ingram. We are a media company. Great glassman. 2013 CrossFit media summit. Yep.
Starting point is 01:00:43 All right. I said that in my one. Caleb, thank you. Tomorrow, Jonathan Cooey, PhD, lost his job for speaking the truth. Immunologist, biologist. I know for those of you who like science, the science people. He's also now on – works over at RFK's Children's Defense Fund. Great guy, Smart guy.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Anyway, I got to start doing research for that podcast tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. Then in the afternoon, 11 a.m., we have the guys, I mean, fuck. Their last show killed it. Their last show doubled their previous show. These guys are going to take over
Starting point is 01:01:22 the 7-on-1 podcast YouTube channel. Taylor Sell from SMTPZY Plus and JR Howell. And special guest. Who? Oh, is Ryan coming on tomorrow too? No.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Tomorrow? I think so. I saw him in the picture. You think he's really coming on? Let me see that. Let me see the picture. You think he's really coming on? Let me see that. Let me see that thumbnail. You think Vellner's coming on? I thought they were just using his look to get people eyeballs over there. CPMs. 1034, click, baby.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Let's go. And then if that's not enough for you right-wing nutjobs having we talked about tomorrow morning, 7 a.m., bio-COVID, the bioweapon. Please be careful with the C word. I know we don't have it. Sorry, sorry. I got to be that guy. I'm sorry. Look at our lineup. The Size Matter featuring Patrick Vellner.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Holy shit. Clickbait. Tune in to find out. Our Canadian Pat Vellner, sober and intelligent Pat Vellner, will be meshed in between the 49ers as a bioweapon and hibbler productions if you haven't watched the hibbler movie on flat earth yet you have to watch it stop being closed-minded just roll over there don't be afraid pull up some popcorn hang out put your arm around your wife your girlfriend your boyfriend your dog your globe yeah yeah for you globists out there
Starting point is 01:02:47 i brought my globe when i watched i held on to my globe no you're right a few times no no they can't stop us uh it's a great show the last flat earther we had on was probably one of the most sober guests we had he was cool as shit so this guy's gonna be cool and he's a filmmaker and he's and he's highly prolific and um uh he's highly prolific he's disciplined he cool and he's a filmmaker and he's and he's highly prolific and um uh he's highly prolific he's disciplined he's young he's ambitious like if even like if the subject doesn't interest you at all who cares just come over and um and check it out oh yeah bring your bible oh yeah why is that funny yeah in order to believe that the earth is flat you also have to believe in god all right fine um and then uh and then and then friday morning if i make it to
Starting point is 01:03:34 friday is uh greg last one's coming on at 7 a.m we had a bit of a love fest on about dawn when greg was on last time too greg's huge fan of don uh and then um and then friday and then friday night uh crossfit games uh crossfit update show the the the best show in on all of youtube the show so might be like it it's true and we got a grunler back uh brian spin and john young and uh we're gonna be uh we'll be coming in hot with the show. We'll be starting at 6.30 with special guest CrossFit Games champion and then after that we have another special guest
Starting point is 01:04:12 who is going to tell us who basically, whose lungs impress him the most in the entire history of the CrossFit space and brace yourself. Bring your fanboy, fangirl shirt because this one's going to make a lot of you really happy.
Starting point is 01:04:28 You're going to be really shocked. All right. See you guys tomorrow morning. Love you guys. I'll see you, Caleb, in a couple weeks. We've never met in person. Never. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:04:39 I'm going to get it on film. So cute. Slow-mo, run up. I'm going to put my nose right in Caleb's belly button when I hug him. Wait till you see how tall he is, dude. Love you guys. Bye-bye. Bye, Rosie.

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