The Sevan Podcast - Dale Saran | Holding the Government Accountable

Episode Date: January 26, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much you'll want to extend your stay beyond the matches. Get the ball rolling on your soccer getaway. Head to He was deployed overseas. He was in
Starting point is 00:01:04 the, uh, hold on, Air Force. Indeed. USAF Inc. No, hey, I watched, for what it's worth, I watched the show yesterday just to kind of catch up on current events, keep up with you guys. Boy, you guys had me cracking up. That was fun. Which show was that about? Was it the one about In-N-Out Burger or which one was it about?
Starting point is 00:01:24 It was the one that ended with, it was a show quick show oh yes yes jason hopper you guys talked to him and then a guy frank called in i just kind of caught up on what was going on in the community but i was the the video of uh june cleaver catching the kid rubbing one out and your company on that was certainly yeah appropriate right perfectly accurate i don't want to i don't want to mischaracterize no no the creature that is people get that information i just thought it was nice that caleb and matt got a feel for how you always bring the porn opponent to a conversation i don't think they truly had appreciated that yeah the point in all seriousness the show's not supposed to start this way but when i was first having i guess the word is orgasms
Starting point is 00:02:14 there was no connection to um sex with it at all zero i didn't even i didn't even know the girl was even supposed to be part of that game all right you're're like, oh, wow. It's like a magic lamp. You just rub it enough and the genie comes out and you're like, wow, that's crazy. This thing works? Wow. This thing has a purpose. I had no idea. I love being so naive like that.
Starting point is 00:02:38 What a great world when you're just a naive little fucking six-year-old. I did know that I wanted to bring my kindergarten teacher home and have her spend the night though mrs allen the redhead i know i did know that i didn't know why but i thought it would be cool yeah i'm sorry i didn't work out with that uh girl in sixth grade by the way and that she turned out and got even smoke oh high school that's oh my god yeah oh my god here i thought i was going to be a badass and kick her to the curb. And I'm, I, I re I still remember to this day, I came home and I started crying and my mom was sitting on the couch and I put my head in her lap and she rubbed her fingers through my hair to console me.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Yeah. There's nothing. It's a, it was, I thought it was the perfect analogy at the time, by the way, I got it. Your guest didn't, but I was like, Oh, that's actually pretty good. You know? Hey, do you remember your first, do you remember your first girlfriend? Oh yeah. Was it like something in the second or third grade or did you ever hold her hand? Oh yeah. You did. Oh yeah. I got, I got caught. I got caught in my house laying on top of her with my
Starting point is 00:03:43 pants unzipped. She was years older than me i was six wow story yeah and then when mom and dad caught me i don't know what the hell i was doing you know of course she was 11 i was six man what did i know yeah cradle robber she was twice your age can you imagine that that's like if you were 30 and she was 60 yeah so anyway i got caught and then when i got dragged in front of the inquisition to explain myself um i and i knew for sure i was going to get a beating like i knew for sure i was a dead man when i got dragged in front of dad you know yeah and evidently what saved me was when they asked me to explain what i was doing and why I explained that I was just doing what mom and dad did. Wow. Wow. And mom evidently was like, and my dad was like, uh, okay, okay. You can go now. You can, you can leave. And that got me, I didn't know what I said at the time, but that magically
Starting point is 00:04:37 did got me out of a beating that when I do remember, well, I thought for sure I was a dead man. What did you get spanked with Dale? Did you get spanked with an item? A belt. A belt. Or the old man's backhand, which was just as bad. That's what I got. I got a backhand. It was really weird that it was always the backhand.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Yeah. But the belt on occasion, and then when my mom finally had enough of that, this was right before they got divorced, I remember my mom didn't want my dad slapping us and so i remember he came in and more to this was bad i'm not going to tell this on here my dad i think my dad my dad listens to your show he gets upset if i say anything about my child all right all right all right but i slapped on the back of the hand city he made me hold my hands out oh okay and went i remember not looking and i thought he had split the skin of my hands open at the time my fourth grade teacher uh mr nap camper uh used to hit us you had to put your hands out and he would hit you with a ruler yeah we had a teacher that hit yeah it was pretty crazy so if i was born in 72 now that's probably like 1980, and he would hit,
Starting point is 00:05:47 and it was pretty wild. It was crazy. Kids, like once a week, someone would get hit in the class. Right, so he was getting asked, and he would flip your desk over with you in it. I saw that happen in high school, even in the early 80s.
Starting point is 00:06:00 I had a teacher who was a Vietnam fan, and he used to, some kid was moonwalking on the desks. Uh-huh, oh, geez. He came in and just lost his mind and kicked a desk wham and it went you hit the desk not this kid what color what color was the kid uh moonwalking white white wow okay we were it was a largely white school hey another thing this teacher liked to do is if he was talking and you had you know remember the desk you lift him up and then you put your head in there to dig through your shit? He would come over there, and he would fucking bang on the top of the desk while the kid's heads were in it.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Yeah. I've seen – I saw kids get their hands caught lifting up the desk. They're trying to sneak in, and the teacher kind of thump it down on the back of their – with their hands in there like the piano thing. You know what I mean? Like getting somebody with the... He would use lines like this too when he yelled at you. You cotton picker! I'm just remembering that.
Starting point is 00:06:54 You son of a bitch cotton picker. I went to school in California, Seve, not Alabama. Pacheco Elementary. They raised the school after I left. They put it down. Oh, really? I got some great stories from going out i went to a school that had been an all-black school this is during integration in the 70s had been or was when you went there it we were the first white students bust in wow wow so i was one
Starting point is 00:07:18 of me my sister and the kids who lived in this, this was during integration. This was 1976. This was part of enforcing Brown versus Board of Education. Yeah. You know, I know people, it's famous in South Boston for, hey, they shipped all these black kids in and how horrible it was. They did the opposite other places too. Yeah, I think Haley got shipped. I think my wife got shipped to a black school too. That happened to me like three times in my academic, like in all the different schools I went to. And by the third time in high school, my mom was like, nope, nope, seen this.
Starting point is 00:07:49 That's not happening. Hey, when they ship you in, are the black kids like really nice to you? Do they come on? Welcome. Welcome. Why are you so short, little man? Where are you from? What hobbit are you from?
Starting point is 00:08:03 Where are you from, Mr. Saran? Dude, it was, I still talk about that my sister and i talk about that you know there was that one of the white kids got sent home in an ambulance i mean it was that was the only time this was in the 1970s when moms didn't stand up to dads but my mother gave my dad an ultimatum she was like where i'm going back home and i'm taking the kids and you can come or not, but we're not, you know, we lasted like a semester, you know, nine months in Florida, but it was hell for us. I mean, it made me an all state sprinter, I think, because I spent all of recess running. And what I remember is there was this big, fat, like Aunt Jemima looking black aid, teacher's aid. And she would be out there and she would be like, leave that white boy alone. You leave that white boy alone.
Starting point is 00:08:46 And all the black kids would be chasing me. I would be climbing things, anything to get away. I spent all of recess running. Non-stop running. What if she would have been like, run, Dale, run. Oh, for sure. I mean, they tried to be nice to us. The teachers did.
Starting point is 00:09:03 I was the only white kid in my class. There was one black girl who was nice to me. That's healthy. That'll build character. You know what I also do sometimes? I've done it probably a half dozen times. I'll pull out a belt, and I'll hit the bed with it, and I'll explain to my kids. You know some kids are hit with this. They think I'm lying. Yeah, they think you're a lunatic. Yeah, they think. They're like, there's no way i'm like yes i used to take the belt out and you do the snap with it you know when you yeah i do that all the time yeah it's got a great sound my kids same thing they were like what is the idiot doing they had no concept that that was a threat they were like what you know the dale all the other times you've been
Starting point is 00:09:44 on the show i've interviewed you and you're like in a little nook in your house with a gun on the desk. This doesn't seem like that environment. It is. Still is. It is? You're in that same spot? Did you paint the walls or something? No.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Actually, I'm in a – I moved my office downstairs, so I'm now in the basement. And so I've got my own kind of cave down here, which is also a gym. I have my own little – I got a gym down there, squat rack, pull-up bar. Awesome. So the last I spoke with you, as I recall, just to catch some people up, there was an experimental drug created by Pfizer, a experimental drug created by uh pfizer and they suggested um that the society more than was suggesting that people take it they were basically saying if your kids want to go to school they have to take it this became a worldwide phenomenon if you want to go to restaurants and they brought it
Starting point is 00:10:38 to the u.s military and they want they were insisting that all the soldiers take it and some soldiers were like hey we don't really want to take this experimental drug. And there was ample evidence that basically no one who's under 50 who's healthy even needs what they claimed that this drug did. Right. Right. And so conceivably you think that you have young men who have four or less comorbidities or probably the vast majority of people who are in the armed services so that they didn't need it and that their immune system could fight back any issues.
Starting point is 00:11:13 They were at a near zero risk. They were at greater risk from slipping on the ice than they were from COVID-19. Right. Struck by lightning, all sorts of weird shit right hit get hit by a golf ball you know it was probably a bit higher risk for them and then and then unfortunately uh lots of people have since then um come out and it is unfortunately a young man and we see it now every single day it just i think yesterday um i don't know if it was Cuba's Judah Olympian, but a female Judah, a judo Olympian died yesterday of a heart attack. And people are now suspecting and making this connection to this drug and there's higher mortality everywhere. Anyway, so there were people in the service who've reached out to you because of your expertise. And now you had aggregated. You've had so many clients now come i think it was in the hundreds right yeah so i got in all the cases i
Starting point is 00:12:11 have collectively we've probably got i don't know 3 000 clients now something like that wow i added are they all military are they all mill and you're representing these people and you're suing the government or the manufacturers of this drug? Or who's the recipient of – who are you guys pointing the responsibility at? The US government. The US government, yeah. You told me you have some clients who actually weren't – who aren't in the military also. But around the same issue, right, where they were either blackballed or lost their job because they refused to take this experimental drug.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Yep, that's true. So I have – so people reached out to me. It started with – because I was a pilot, a lot of – and I think they tend to be the first – A pilot? You were a pilot in the Navy? Marine Corps. Marine Corps. Okay. Helicopter pilot. And because of that experience, when I got involved, when I was defending the folks who refused the anthrax vaccine, it. Sorry, one more thing. You were a pilot and you were an attorney, both working for the Marine Corps. Yeah. I started out as a pilot. So my, I had no, I never grew up wanting to be an attorney. I never, I did not grow up thinking about, Oh, someday I hope I could be a weasel. You know, I didn't nothing like that in my life.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Um, and then, uh, but there was this program. I became the legal officer in a squadron. And then I found out about this program with the Marine Corps, you could apply. And if you basically like a competitive scholarship program, and if you've got it, the Marine Corps would send you to law school. And so I applied and I was fortunate. So the Marine Corps actually paid me to go to law school, but I had to intern as a prosecutor. And then I came out and I was a defense attorney in Okinawa. And among the first cases I got, I got handed a stack of files, 13 guys who had refused the anthrax vaccine. This is in 99. And that kind of led me down this path.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Bear with me here, Dale. So if I was in the Marines and let's say I was charged with a DUI off base, the Marine Corps would provide me with an attorney. Or if my wife said I hit her or if I got in a fight with someone else, the Marine Corps would provide me with an attorney and you were one of those attorneys? else, the Marine Corps would provide me with an attorney and you were one of those attorneys? It would, if you had a, if you were facing military criminal charges, not civilian criminal charges, but if you were facing military criminal charges, they were going to court-martial you. Yes. They're required to give you an attorney. Okay. So if I, if I got caught like stealing a grenade. Yes. Okay. Okay. I had a couple of those. You did. Okay. Okay. Oh yeah. I had a guy who, I had a couple of those.
Starting point is 00:14:42 You did? Okay. Oh, yeah. I had a guy who was collecting up unexploded ordnance, and so he had himself quite a collection of – Oh, that's cool. I could see myself doing that, just being stupid and doing that. Yeah, and he was. He was that. That's what it was.
Starting point is 00:14:57 It was largely just like who wouldn't – Look, you go in, people blowing shit up is kind of fun. Nobody really wants to talk about that. But among boys, you know, and so this guy was collecting up, and I don't know what he thought he was going to do with it. You know, he was on the island of Okinawa. But, yeah, I mean, that was one of many, many cases. Bar fights, you know, guys punching each other out at the club.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Monday mornings used to be a line out the office door. Wow. Guys were in there for nonjudicial punishment counseling, and they'd be like i'd be like okay what happened we used to call the club was called the globe and anchor something like that we used to call it the hook and chip or whatever it was always you know every monday was just here we go again were there girls in the globe and anchor sure yeah they were okay yep okay yep okay so so so so you're there and they, and you get in there, they're like, Hey Dale,
Starting point is 00:15:45 these guys don't want to take the anthrax vaccine. Right. And my take was, it was really funny. I remember my boss handed me the files and I was brand new on the island. I don't even think I was over the jet lag yet. And he, um, he made it sound like, and the military perception was, I think what they wanted everyone to believe was these guys were just looking for excuse to get out. And so these guys were no loads.
Starting point is 00:16:10 They were, you know, they were just non-hackers and this was their excuse to get out of their obligation. And so he kind of handed me the thoughts like, ah, these guys would be summary court, board waivers, get them out. They'll be gone. They'll take their OTH, you know? get them out. They'll be gone. They'll take their OTH, you know? And, um, and then, you know, I had a couple of them who, um, kind of bowed up. And, uh, more importantly, one of them was like, well, you talked to my, this, they had some, they were close to this kind of famous cases, air force pilot. He was the first guy, Sonny Bates was like the first real refuser. And one of the guy's wives was close to Sonny's wife.
Starting point is 00:16:45 And so put me in touch. And she put me in touch with their attorney. And really interesting. The guy just said, hey, listen, I know you're going to think I'm nuts. He was a reserve major in the Air Force, but he was a magistrate in his day job. And he said, like administrative law judge. And he said, hey, I'm just going to send you a binder. Would you just give me your word that you'll read it?
Starting point is 00:17:04 And I said, yeah, I'm just going to send you a binder. Would you just give me your word that you'll read it? And I said, yeah, of course, you know. And so he shipped out like a three inch, you know, you know, binder to Okinawa with all this information. And that was that was really the beginning of a huge change in my life, you know, because once I got to reading it, I was like, oh, my God, the whole thing's illegal. I mean, it was like, oh, my God, the whole program's illegal i mean it was yeah i was like oh my god the whole program is unlawful i couldn't believe dale didn't did you have political pressure to to just think these guys even though you even though you were supposed to help them did you have political pressure to like hey like make sure that these guys fucking go to the brig yeah for sure yep yep there was a lot of pressure there I got the shots. I got an intermediate appellate stay, and I got the shots stopped on the island of Okinawa, and that did not make me a very popular person. Did you take the anthrax vaccine?
Starting point is 00:18:06 Well, it's funny. I got part of it. It was this long series. The original formula, what it was licensed for was one shot, you get shot on day zero. Two weeks later, you're supposed to get another shot. Two weeks later, you get another shot. So within the first month, you would get three shots. So zero, end of two weeks, end of four weeks, and then you had to wait six months, and then you would get another or another three shots every six months. That was the original protocol. Because the original shot was designed for folks who worked, it wasn't, it wasn't even designed for the military. It was designed for like people who handled animal pelts and things like that. That was the only place anybody ever saw the possibility of getting anthrax. And then the military tried to kind of turn around and say, oh, no, no, you can
Starting point is 00:18:45 use this as a treatment against aerosolized anthrax, which is to say weaponized, you know, inhaled anthrax. And that's an off-label use. And that's not legal. You can't force someone to take a drug off-label. And that really was the start of my kind of my deep dive into how the fda works and how corrupt the pharmaceutical industry is and how it all um how the history really starting with the gulf war it's and you can go back even further than that but it's really been non-stop the u.s military has been uh experimenting on its troops for virtually the entire history of the republic and i'm guessing just like the the current experimental drug there was also zero tests done on on on women on pregnant women like that yeah none of that you are i mean you know we were the test the military was the test
Starting point is 00:19:39 so anyway the long answer is the short answer is i had the first three and i remember sitting in there with another guy who was a prior combat arms officer, too. We were at Naval Justice School. We were talking to each other, and we had heard kind of some of the rumors that maybe this wasn't legit. And I remember we both were like, well, you know, we know General so-and-so, and he's a good guy, you know, and he's a good leader. And he would never, you know, do that. If only Comrade Stalin knew. You know, like these guys were good leaders.
Starting point is 00:20:04 They would never do that if only comrade Stalin knew you know like these guys yeah good leaders they would never do that and then by the time I got to Okinawa and I learned all of this and then and got into the legal fight I realized that had been extraordinarily naive thinking let me let me let me uh ask you this real quick from from the audience Jay Hartle can anthrax ax mess your digestive system up yeah I would imagine it can do a lot of harms that probably we probably don't even know the full range of harms it can do because it was never tested. It was never meant to be used in the way that it was on a mass basis. Is that historically the first time soldiers at this level had pushed back? Was yours the first case?
Starting point is 00:20:37 Was it the first? Mine wasn't the first case, but I was on that leading edge of, yeah, there was myself, there were some guys in Camp Pendleton, there was a guy who defended some guys at 29 Palms. But I mean, I was part of that kind of leading edge of litigation. And then I think mine and maybe one or two others, we get to the doorstep of the Supreme Court. I think I filed a cert petition after we got denied by the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces or something. after we got denied by the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces or something. And then, you know, that gets denied.
Starting point is 00:21:08 They sent us back. By then, I had left Okinawa. I was now a prosecutor, but I still had these cases kicking around. And one of my clients had testified in front of Congress before the Committee on Government Reform and all this other stuff. And then they shipped us back to Okinawa and they court-martialed his ass back in Okinawa, him and two other guys. And yeah, it was – that was a profoundly disenchanting experience. It led me to essentially get myself passed over to get kicked out of the Marine Corps.
Starting point is 00:21:35 I was so pissed off. Rambler, my scholarship was held hostage until I provided a passport. So I guess Rambler was going to college and was getting money and couldn't get the money until they proved it. What's crazy too, is, is now, now more and more people are comfortable. It's, I feel like once a week, someone tells me a story about how they just printed out a fake passport. Yeah. I hear that now too. And that was, we got that a little bit. And of course, as an attorney, I just, I'm like, ah, I can't, you know, I can't recommend you break the law. Um, I can't, you know, I can't recommend you break the law. I'm, I can't, you know, say anything about that.
Starting point is 00:22:07 But it just shows how, it just shows how weak the system is. It's kind of along the same lines as my kid can't go to school because they didn't take the experimental drugs. And yet millions of people cross the border and they're not, and they're not required to take the drugs at all. I made that, I mean, Mark Brnovich, who's the former attorney general for Arizona, filed a pretty good case. And part of his arguments, you know, when we were kind of deep in the litigation to get an injunction, that was one of the arguments we made. It's like, here's the government saying, everybody, you know, vaccinate Uber Alice. And it's like people are pouring across the border. Nobody, they're not getting vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:22:42 It's like people are pouring across the border. Nobody, they're not getting vaccinated. And Brunovich made a pretty good, he made a pretty good equal protection argument, I thought, in Arizona Federal District Court. We had the leading, the top journalist covering the border in the United States for the last three years on the show. And he said not only no one was taking shots, no one was required to be tested. It's just like bring them in and start flying to other cities yeah spreading that shit around yeah you had your tax dollars hard at work i mean it was insane the whole thing was insane look it was the federal government but not not was is not was is good yeah it's still going well we'll see how that
Starting point is 00:23:22 plays out i mean can you believe it what we're on the verge of Civil War 2.0. You think it's that serious? You don't think it's just like a – Well, the next step will be this. Will Biden do – will he federalize the Texas National Guard and then court-martial anybody who doesn't do what he says? That's the next question. Oh, wow. I didn't even know that was an option.
Starting point is 00:23:48 So that's an option to federalize the National Guard, to basically take the National Guard from Greg Abbott and run under his command. He would federalize them and say, okay, now you're in the federal. You're Title X. You're not Title 32 anymore. You now work for me. I'm now your commander-in-chief and order them in. But there are some requirements. We'll, we'll, hey, simplify brother.
Starting point is 00:24:11 George from the United States Marine Corps. We received the anthrax series prior to invasion of Baghdad. Yeah. Yeah. It was, no, I mean, the funny thing about all, it's not funny at all. The bizarre thing about it is that it was very clear at the end of the Gulf War, what kind of started me down this road was that when I was looking into all of this, you know, the FDA has rules that basically say, hey, you can't force someone to take an unlicensed product. I mean, that was the Nuremberg Code. That's why we hung people by the neck until dead, or I guess you should say hanged.
Starting point is 00:24:46 We hanged people by the neck until dead in 1947 in the Nuremberg war crimes, the Nazi doctors, for forcing, among other things, for forcing people to, you know, experimenting on them, including experimental drugs, all kinds of stuff, you know. And those were part of the charges. And then it was later became kind of, there was something called the Helsinki Declaration, a big thing, all countries signed on to it, the US signed on to it. And then all of the institutional review board procedures that you have that are required, all come out of that. And so they've been codified into US statute and regulation. to U.S. statute and regulation. And so back in the quaint days, right before the Gulf War,
Starting point is 00:25:32 the first time, before we invaded Iraq, the government went to the FDA. So the DOD went to the FDA and said, hey, we want to get a waiver of the rules of informed consent. And the FDA was like, I don't know about that. And they kind of worked this all out. And then in the aftermath of the war, and so the DOD forced people to take all it and gave them all these drugs, all kinds of crazy stuff, including an experimental anthrax vaccine. And then in the aftermath of Gulf War I, we had all these people who had Gulf War syndrome or Gulf War illness and something like 275,000 people, you know, troops complained. And some of them were people who didn't even go overseas. So they were like, how the hell, you know, it doesn't. So Congress did a bunch of investigating and what came out of it was this federal statute that said you can't, that no one can force people in the
Starting point is 00:26:14 military to take unlicensed products. And yet here we are again, down this road again. And that's been at the heart of our cases, you know, and we still can can't get a it's hard to get a judge to to listen known as a cluster of once inexplicable inexplicable inexplicable symptoms gulf war war illness sometimes called gulf war syndrome can include muscle aches joint pain dizziness memory lapses headaches fatigue and insomnia more than years, federal efforts have come up short in deciphering the root cause of these puzzling symptoms. And so you're saying that the anthrax vax is a strong correlate. It's one of them, but it was the combination. So it wasn't just anthrax. It was that they were giving people not just one unlicensed or experimental drug, but three, four, five.
Starting point is 00:27:01 You're making people take combinations that have never been tried together and then going, oh, I don't know, you know, and they, I mean, it's like with Agent Orange, you know, and I'll tell you, you can only, when I researched and looked into this, you can only conclude, there's no honest conclusion other than that this is a standard governmental policy, which is this. For example, Agent Orange, a defoliant that they sprayed all over vietnam to try and get rid of the forest the jungle to make it easier to fight um that was a known carcinogen you know you can see pictures of the canisters of the you know big barrels of it it's got you know the whole cancer symbol all over it so it was widely known to be a carcinogen but then what they do is and you'll love this you know this is something that fits right in with Greg and broken science, is that the VA, when guys come
Starting point is 00:27:49 back and go, ah, my skin fell off and my nuts shrunk and all of that stuff, they go, well, you know, no proof, no proof, no definitive proof. And so for years and years, the VA says no service connection, no service connection, no service service connection and then eventually when the evidence becomes overwhelming the government goes okay there is a service connection but how many people in the interim have croaked and so now of they've essentially you know the only people are like 10 are left alive so they've only got to pay out this small amount for because they delayed long enough that all the people who would be eligible are gone. Were they spraying it on soldiers on the ground like a plane would come over and crop dust the forest with poison? Yeah, or they spray a whole area, and then you're walking through it.
Starting point is 00:28:35 What do you think? Right. No effect. I mean, of course. Of course. A defoliant. I love it. The guy that I bought this house from,
Starting point is 00:28:45 he was affected by Asian orange and he's like in renal failure. He was like catheterizing himself every day. He's like damn near dead. Yeah. It's incredible. Yeah. Extra sloppy. Moral of the story is our government and the Pentagon have no morals.
Starting point is 00:28:59 That's correct. Well, actually I would say that's, you're almost being generous. No, they have morals. They're just not the, they're immorals, you know, that you the DOD. And by the way, this whole thing right now, I wanted to make one correction. What you said, you know, this entire program, the whole COVID-19 thing, you know, Operation Warp Speed, all of that. This has been a military operation. There was no, like, Walmart didn't independently buy any vaccine. The U.S. government was the sole customer.
Starting point is 00:29:28 This was a military-run operation. And Pfizer is now a contractor, a DOD contractor. They got that sweet, sweet, your tax dollars, that sweet DOD, those fat contracts. And it's not going away because it's too good. It's too lucrative. I mean, they got billions. They got immunity. And so, yeah, I mean, my cases right now are for people who were kicked out
Starting point is 00:29:52 and otherwise discharged or dropped. We've got a series of lawsuits in the court of federal claims. Hey, let me ask you this just real quick. So when I go to Whole Foods and the hot dogs are 12 bucks a pack and the black and the and the blueberries are ten dollars a basket but right next door at the cvs it says the vaccine is free which is bizarre you're telling me that i paid for that already on april 15th when i sent in my taxes, and then the government decided to buy those drugs to Pfizer with my money. That's correct.
Starting point is 00:30:28 That they're not free, but I paid for them. Every single dose of the vaccines were bought with U.S. taxpayer money. Hey, Slicky. Fucking wild, dude. Okay, sorry. Okay. Okay. Sorry. So, so then now, now we're here where we're at and there's, there's, you represent all these guys. And how long has this case been going on? I've had cases. I filed the first, I filed the first challenge to the military's vaccine mandate. In fact, three days or five days or something before the mandate was even announced. We saw it was coming. Some attorneys reached out to me.
Starting point is 00:31:06 They're like, we've got to stop it. So I tried to get an emergency injunction. Judge denied. And that case just got bounced from the Supreme Court. It was pending. I didn't do the appellate work, but that was the first case. Robert V. Austin. That went all the way up to the Supreme Court, through the 10th Circuit, and then just got punted.
Starting point is 00:31:28 And then I filed. So where does it go? Where does it go? If it gets punted, where does it go? No, I mean, it's dismissed. It's gone. Case no longer exists. Under what grounds? Oh, these guys must be so bombed. There were only two people on that one. And this is how it goes. In litigation like this, you find yourself, it it's not it's like um this is like tobacco litigation so i'm on like my 12th case you know like you and you get iteratively better and that's how i found my my law partners you know we keep um yeah that's it dan and holly yep yep and and they were basically suing because they got dismissed from their jobs because they refused it? Yep. And then it went and the judge said, hey, I'm not going to hear this case.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Yeah. In essence, yep. Wow. And now – so now where are you with all of these people? Well, so we went into – there's a special court, the Court of Federal Claims. We're there for back pay. We've got three cases there, Bassin, Botello and Harkins. And that's basically covers everyone who was on active duty in the reserves,, that's what I was doing. The little press junkets for in December to kind of get the word out. And, uh, those cases are worth, I don't know, anywhere from collectively the back pay owed. It's gotta be anywhere from five to 15 billion. I would think maybe more.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Yeah. Easy, easy. And how big is your team? How big is the team of lawyers working on it? Well, there's three of us, myself, Brandon Johnson, Andy Meyer. Andy's got his own firm. He's a plaintiff's class action attorney par excellence, and he owns his own firm. Brandon works for, he does work for Defending the Republic as well.
Starting point is 00:33:18 And then we all kind of partnered up together. And so there's three attorneys, and now we've got an intern. I just interviewed another law student who wants to intern with us, my paralegal, Rachel. And sometimes we lean on Andy's staff for some stuff. And we managed to convince a litigation finance company to loan us the money basically to litigate these cases. Were they excited about it? Yeah. Yes, they were.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Because that's a good sign. If you have investors, that means they think you're going to win. They were. Yeah, we had to pitch them and show them that on the back end that we could pay them back if we win. And so if we win, they get a cut of, you know, it's like a mob loan. You know, we're paying credit card interest rates, but, you know, they're great. Our lenders have been amazing. We love our backers. Zach Smith, I'm a sailor kicked out for the VACs. Dale's representing me. Thanks. Hey, Zach. How are you doing? Oh, hey, I'll get you that letter today. I owe him something.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Please not. This is my show. No business here. All right. No business here. He's a good man. We had a lot of great. And so can you tell me where it's at and what the next steps are? Like, is this 20 years away from settlement? No, no. We're really maybe closer than sometimes it feels because we briefed all the motions. I'm just laughing. When Dale gets the settlement, will he buy CrossFit from Coke? Hey, if the settlement's big enough, you know, I'd take a look at it.
Starting point is 00:34:42 He knows some investors too. Yeah, I know some people. Next set of private equity guys. I'd take a look at it. He knows some investors too. Yeah, I know some people. Next set of private equity guys. Yeah, you know. But no, I couldn't because they know how much I love CrossFit. They could jack the price up on me. And plus, they're burning that thing to the ground right now,
Starting point is 00:34:54 at least from what it looks like. I was trying to catch up on your show and I'm like, holy crap, raised affiliate fees. I mean, boy, they are doing everything they can to burn that place down. But it's closer than i think we think it's all brief so we're just waiting on a ruling from the the judge if the judge comes back and says you know the government's filed a motion to dismiss and the judgment if the the court says now you guys got claims it's going forward i don't i don't know that's the last obstacle between us and the finish line as far as i can see i mean we've got
Starting point is 00:35:25 to get discovery we've got to get you know certainly in layman's help me in layman's turn so so basically you say you you say hey on behalf of these gentlemen we were making this claim to the government and then the government said no we're not going to give them the money so then then you take it to a judge and the judge says okay i'll decide whether i'm going to hear this case yeah and so and they and their defense is not they're not arguing anything you're saying they're just saying please dismiss it like yeah typically what the government does is they throw up with the doj you get all of these motions like there's no jurisdiction you don't have standing it's not ripe uh these i mean there's all of these rules and hurdles that the the government can put in your
Starting point is 00:36:06 way that a normal litigant wouldn't be able to like if we were just suing a company we wouldn't we wouldn't have to go through this governmental immune sovereign immunity issues i mean there's a lot that you have to go through when you're litigating against the doj and that's the other thing too is you know we're litigating against the department of justice i mean they've got unlimited you know it's us versus u.s us versus US government. So they can throw lawyers at this by the bucket load. Do they have any strong points? What about this notion – and sorry for the layman's approach – but when you sign up for the military, you sign a piece of paper that says that they own you and that they can just stick you with whatever the fuck they want. It's a mindset. I wrote about that in my book.
Starting point is 00:36:50 It's part of – and I mean I used to feel that way too, the idea that you're basically property. And the logic goes something like this. There is some logic behind it. If I can order you to storm a machine gun nest, you know, how can I how could it be that I can't possibly order you to stick an experimental drug in your arm? human right for everybody, not just white people or not just black people or not just civilians, that in point of fact, we would not allow human beings to experiment on other human beings because of its evil and it leads bad places. So again, we stretch people's necks at Nuremberg over this principle, but the US government has consistently taking a piss on that. So you're saying that that's not something that's – is that an unspoken rule, or is there something in the writing that basically – like when you sign up, do you sign a piece of paper and it says, and we can inject you with whatever we want. Yeah, no, and that's what I said. There's a doctrine in the law that you can't sign on for – you can't agree to criminal things.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Like a criminal – if you and I are drug dealers or like I'm your distributor and you're the drug dealer and I'm your distributor, I can't sue you in court for breach of contract. You know what I mean? Okay. You know what I mean? It's kind of like the nsca case where um their insurance company when they lost the case was like hey we're not paying
Starting point is 00:38:30 for this and they go why because we don't cover fraud yeah it's fraud you were fraudulent similar similar kind of idea is that you know the law doesn't the law is not going to protect criminal acts we're not we're not going to treat it as if it's a contract and you know or anything like that We're not going to treat it as if it's a contract or anything like that. Dale, when CrossFit was doing the NSCA and I would go to these meetings with you guys, it was clear to me that the lawyers on the other – and they went through a lot of different legal teams. It was clear to me that their lawyers didn't care, that they were just there to get the paycheck. You could tell they weren't prepared. I mean it was – I kind of almost felt sorry for the nsca it was like
Starting point is 00:39:05 embarrassing they were just going through the motions they didn't want to be there is it like that with the with the federal lawyers too like can you tell like all you know they care they're trying to win uh yeah i was trying to win i mean because i know you're trying to win but when you go in there they just schleps like they don't even know what the fuck's going on no i would say that they're not. They're not, at least in the court of federal claims. I like our DOJ colleagues. And it's also been for me a personal, I've taken this as a personal challenge.
Starting point is 00:39:33 You know, like at the NACA, I genuinely disliked the other side. And I've tried to, as I've gotten older, maybe a little more mellow, but also for my own well-being, emotional well-being, is to not, like, I fundamentally disagree on a, I think they're doing the whole thing as a war crime. I think our government's at war with the people. I think we just haven't noticed yet. People haven't realized it because they're committing war crimes. And whether it's the border, I mean, you look all over, you just see rampant lawlessness from the federal government. And so people defending that, you know, part of me wants to punch him in the face. But in order to, you know, be a good father and a good husband and not lose my mind, I have to find a way to be collegial with these people who are on the other side while
Starting point is 00:40:21 we're litigating the case, even though we're on opposite sides of it, you know, and that that's been something, uh, actually I get along great with a guy on the other side and I think he's a, he's a good attorney. Um, and so, you know, we, we have a collegial cordial relationship and that's great, but I mean, I, there's no question. I'm, I mean, it's on, I'm not, this isn't the loose case for me, not a chance. Right. right um what about people who are cases you're taking that are non military like i feel the same way these people had their livelihoods taken you know that i told you i was at the emmys i you know that was more of a fact-finding mission for me to go there because there's some there are a number of people in ho who lost their jobs because, you know, who work in set design or makeup and lighting or,
Starting point is 00:41:08 you know, all kinds of different stuff who wouldn't take the shots had medical reasons or other reasons. And they got canned. And so did you follow the Jamie Foxx situation? Oh, for sure. Of course.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Of course. Crazy, right? Yeah. I mean, that guy's maybe the most talented human being on the planet. Can you imagine forcing that guy, like healthy, perfectly healthy, relatively young man, no threat. And there's all kinds of other reasons not to be taking these things.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Like 10% of young black males have something called G6PD deficiency. It's kind of a cousin to sickle cell, less, you know, more benign version. But, you know, that was, I had a client like that during the anthrax litigation, and he had always, they're taught, if you've got G6PD deficiency, they're taught as young men, you know, hey, you should always be very careful about getting any kind of injections, particularly vaccines for people who have, for young Black men. And I had a client who had, that was in that same boat. And so, you know, this guy went to his medic and was like, hey, is there any information about taking G6, you know, anthrax vaccine on G6 PD? And of course the answer was no. And so is, thank God, as Corbin was honest with him and told
Starting point is 00:42:20 him, no, I can't, I can't tell you if there's any effect, no effect, lots of effect. Nobody studied that, you know, it hasn't even been studied who knows so this kid was like well i'm not taking it then and yet you know the same no all of that went out the window here all of those things like g6pd all that and well they're trying to mass vaccinate everybody i mean it's it's the whole thing's just straight up evil well one of the one of the things that's fascinating to me too is um i read that there hasn't been a single study this goes back to kids taking vaccines there hasn't been a single study around um the vaccines being used in conjunction with one another no that's so you make concoction
Starting point is 00:43:00 a may be safe and b and c and d and e but there's never one that's just like, what if you take A and F together? Or what if you take A and B together? What if you take A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, all the way? And now – and I'm like, how the fuck could there be no studies on that? Like you mix Coca-Cola and potatoes and you have something completely different. It's wild that there's no studies like that. Frank, are are there grounds for gym owners or is anyone in the public suing like in California? He's basically asking, hey, all these businesses were forced to close in California. Are there any cases where these businesses are suing the state? Um, I, yeah, there are some, I mean, I, I, you know, I'm kind of the guy doing a lot of that. I mean, me and my partners and we've got, we've got a whole, I mean, uh, we're fully committed now. This has become kind of our life. I mean, we're, we've got a plan. We're looking for other backers to, to fund, you know, we're not, I mean, uh, we're not stopping. Like I'm going to take down Pfizer. That's, I got them firmly in my sights. You gotta get by the prep act.
Starting point is 00:44:05 I mean, we've got, you know, we're working on all of that. I mean, that's, that's a, that's part of the long, long-term goal,
Starting point is 00:44:12 you know, is to crack this whole thing. Cause they're not going to stop. And, and every, are you still taking more clients? Like if people who are in the military come dude, are you still taking new people?
Starting point is 00:44:23 Oh yeah, for sure. Yep. Yep. Yep. Wow. And the military come to you, are you still taking new people? Oh, yeah, for sure. Yep. Yep, yep. Wow. And you seem like you seem very hopeful about it. Like, hey, the fight's on. Yeah, because I know I'm right.
Starting point is 00:44:34 I mean, it's – I'm hopeful in the same way that I was – I don't know if you remember this. When we were first suing the NSA, NSCA, we crossed it. Greg's old man was pretty down on it. He was like, ah, there's no way, you know, you're not, you're not going to thing. And I was like, ah, you know, we'll see. And, and you know, as that rolled forward, you know, he was like, oh, they screwed it up. They missed like, ah, yeah, maybe, you know, whatever. But we, I mean, that rolled forward, you know, when you're right. I mean, it's easy to be confident. I don't, I don't know that I I'm 100% confident that the government won't yank the carpet out from under us at some point. But I mean, we're working a lot of different angles. Ken, thank you. I keep my, listen, I'm well armed and I live in the middle of the country. So I'm at a lot less risk than I think the rest of the folks are, so I don't get ark-incited.
Starting point is 00:45:39 All those gyms that closed – are there any cases that have already gone through that you know of where gym owners have won or any businesses that have won that have been able to sue the city and be like, hey, you closed me down unjustly? Like I keep hearing this thing. I'm not following it too closely, but that whatever Trudeau did, he passed something called the Emergency Act, and now it's been found out that it was unconstitutional i'm not following that closely but i think that's around that he closed some shit down right they're saying it's unconstitutional he seized people's uh bank accounts you know people yeah that freedom convoy the truckers convoy and all that yeah the canadian at least at the trial level the court just found that um yeah that the use of the emergency powers was illegal. Not only that, that it was based on his claims that it was, you know, that there was violence. And that's why he invoked the emergencies. The Emergencies Act was actually a fraud that they just made it up. There was no evidence at all.
Starting point is 00:46:38 It was a, you know, another another fedsurrection case where they just made that shit up and then used it to justify crushing their opponents you know so have you have you seen the videos where claude schwab is basically saying he owns trudeau that trudeau is his puppet i mean he just straight up basically says he's our guy he's a young wef guy a whole bunch of people were if you look around the world and you look at people how many of them were in the young – they call them the young leaders program. The World Economic Forum has this young leaders program. It's stunning how many folks in power came through that program. I mean you would be shocked to see the names, a lot of names you would recognize, a lot of names. STEPHAN KINSELLA I'm going to switch back to the NSCA case for a second. So my understanding is that CrossFit settled that case and that the – whatever the settlement was was sealed. Does that ever get unsealed? Like how – is there any way to get that information? STEPHAN KINSELLA Well, I suppose we could torture Donna Marshall. I was gone by then.
Starting point is 00:47:45 STEPHAN KINSELLA But is there a time when all cases – I'm just kidding, Mark. I'm just kidding. Is there a time when all cases become unsealed? No, but it can't – the way it could happen is this, is if the privilege belongs to CrossFit Inc., that's who owns the privilege. And I don't know what they signed on to with the NSCA and all that. So who knows? I mean, typically when you sign a non-disclosure, it's binding on both parties and all that. So that's sealed forever. But you could imagine a circumstance in which the NSCA went under or no longer existed. And then somebody, you know, an owner of CrossFit was like, well, I'm going to, I'm going to tell here's, here's what it was. Here's what happened. But I mean, the fact that it's all sealed, I mean, I filed that case originally. So I'm pretty familiar with, I wrote
Starting point is 00:48:37 the case. Is it as simple as this? They said, is it as simple as this? The NSCA's lawyers told the CrossFit lawyers, Hey, we're going to give you a hundred dollars um and crossfit said okay and they go but when none of the details about the settlement can be released and crossfit was like okay cool give us 110 and then they're like okay is it like that it's i mean that's how it happens and yeah with non-disclosure sure you know which was was crazy in that case because they're already been terminating sanctions, meaning the court had already found that CrossFit wins. Right, right. Even before it went to trial, CrossFit had won.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Yeah, you already had terminating sanctions, and the only thing left to fight about was how much NSCA was going to have to pay. I mean, they had already— Would you speculate for me why they wouldn't? Why would CrossFit—why would they allow it to be sealed? I just don't see the benefit. They had all the – I have you down on the ground, and I'm holding you by your throat. I don't understand what leverage the NSCA had at all to say anything, especially with the terminating sanctions.
Starting point is 00:49:56 I was explaining that the other day to the listeners, that that's just completely unheard of. But the fraud from the attorneys on the other side was so bad that the judges were like, hey, sorry. We're just bringing a jury in to find out how much they owe you now. Yeah. I mean, they had, they had destroyed evidence. They had one of their, one of their main witnesses admitted to committing perjury. I mean, I was in there for that deposition. I remember that one. I was like, Holy crap. I couldn't believe it. I was looking around the room, like, should we, somebody, cause I was a former criminal defense attorney. So I was like, should somebody read this guy's rights? Anybody here here does the bailiff need to come over yeah like this guy's here we are in deposition this guy's admitting to felonies you know so why so so why
Starting point is 00:50:35 what do let me play devil's advocate here maybe they were like hey this case is only worth 25 million but we'll give you 50 if you settle it if you seal it yeah sure i mean those are the kinds of things that can you know yeah or or it was a bro deal somehow someone who maybe was on the board at crossfit inc was married to someone who was on the board of some company that supported the nsca one of their sponsors right and there could have been a backroom-like handshake. Of course. Of course that's possible. I mean it just – logically it doesn't make any sense. They're competitors, and it doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Yes. Why – can you think of any rational – i mean it has to be something like that it has to be either it was more money or someone knew or someone knew something there was a bro deal going on i'm a big investor in nsca or one of their sponsors and i don't want them to go down. Right. I have no information at all because I was gone, long gone. I had been to China and I left CrossFit in 2018. So then after Greg sold, and obviously this didn't happen when Greg still owned the company. Right. But I can tell you that as a complete outsider, when I was standing back and watched and then, you know, hey, Greg sold.
Starting point is 00:52:08 And then shortly thereafter, the lawsuit with the NSC NSCA was settled. And in fact, Greg and I had just started talking again. I was in the I was in the car with him. And. We were driving around Scottsdale, I remember, and he was the one who told me that the suit had been settled. We both, I think we found out at the same time, like he got a call or he got a text or something. And he was like, he turned to me, I was sitting with him. And he said, hey, they just, the NSCA suit just got settled. And I was like, and I had just been talking to him about, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:43 asking him kind of a little bit about the sale and all that, because I didn't really know much about it. And, and I had been speculating out loud that I've been asking him, where did the money come from, you know, where to buy him up. And then like the NSCA settled that I had, of course, because of all my involvement all the years and being close to Greg, you know, I was like, you know, sounded to me like somewhere, you know, who are the investors who paid to get Greg out of there? Given what happened to him with Floyd 19 and, you know, all of that. I don't think you buy this from him i mean we know that every website has to have a link to the journal and greg could put anything up there so then all of a sudden it can be on 15 000 websites overnight right just every which way
Starting point is 00:54:03 it looks 200 million dollars is just like nothing like whatever that's what we spend on billboards to advertise gatorade you just saw um did you just see that thing that came out with carrie lake where she released that um audio of the of them trying to buy her off the head of the republican um national committee for arizona was trying to buy her off before she was running for Senate. Oh, I'd love to hear it. Is that on her Instagram? I'd love to hear that. Oh, it's out. It just came out yesterday. Just type in Carrie Lake audio. It just broke yesterday. And she released audio. Well, she hasn't admitted to releasing it, but it looks like she recorded
Starting point is 00:54:39 a conversation. And the head of the Republican National Committee in Arizona. This was this is from last year. Prior to her running for Senate, this guy came to her and basically said, I mean, you got to listen to it. It's crazy. But he's like, well, you know, there's some people, you know, and they're just saying, you name the company, you know, wherever you want to go, whatever. And they want to put their money behind it for you not to run for Senate. to go whatever and they're willing to put their money behind it for you not to run for set and so they he they flat out where it's like he's he's telling her that look there's the the people who don't want you to run are willing to make it worth your while not to run you name the company where you you know position you want to be in i mean that's a that's talking about some serious eric carrie lake ran against the lady who hid in the bathroom, right? Yes. They're very powerful people that want to keep you out.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Carrie Lake, I know they do. Jeff, do it. But they're willing to put their money where their mouth is in a big way, so this conversation never happened. There's audio if you want to listen to it. Yeah, yeah. Let's listen to it. Let's listen. This is crazy. I really like Carrie Lake.
Starting point is 00:55:42 She's sharp as a tack. Yep. Powerful people that want to keep you out i know they do but they're willing to put their money where their mouth is in a big way so this conversation never happened is there a number of which i can be bought that's what it's about you can take a box for a couple years no That's what it's about. You can take a pause for a couple years. No.
Starting point is 00:56:04 No. All right, Vaughn. I mean, dude, that's for Senator. That's the United States Senate. That's a guy buying off a woman running for U.S. Senate. And so to your point about, you know, I always from the outside, you with greg i was like yeah okay once the nsca settlement happened i was like okay it tells me caleb can i see a picture of this guy jeff do it so this guy is the chair of the republican national committee for the state of arizona not anymore he resigned right after that came out she and evidently the amazing thing about his resignation
Starting point is 00:56:46 is he wrote this sort of oh this was an edited thing and blah blah blah and he goes and and she threatened me and she's making it you know he's making it sound like carrie lake blackmailed him and she's like i don't know what he's talking about but people were speculating can you imagine what else she must have on this guy what else he said that's just tape number one or how often that's happening oh no yeah yeah come on hey what do you think about this i never even thought of this um uh oh god yeah you don't say oh man i mean why is it always the you know how come it's they never it's never the it's always the, you know, it's, how come it's, they never, it's never the, it's always the soy jack. You know, it's never the chat.
Starting point is 00:57:29 You know? I mean, why? I'd love it if she was Trump's VP pick. Wow, that would be wild, wouldn't it? She'd be, man, she'd be tough to debate against. But that's the, there's talk that that's the uh that's the possibility pandora be love what does be love mean to you i definitely would say my be love role model is for sure my sister unconditional infinite love something that is never ending that you know
Starting point is 00:58:00 is always there never questioned never questioned no matter if you fall off a cliff, she's there to catch you, you know. Be loved. Shop now at Get to know yourself and your roots better in 2024 with Ancestry DNA. Want to know where your family comes from in Northern France? Maybe you'd like to see how your genes influence certain traits like diet, fitness, and allergies.
Starting point is 00:58:29 There's so much of you and your heritage to discover. Visit and get started with an Ancestry DNA kit today. Man. Hey, what did you think of Vivek Ramaswamy? You know, I didn't know what to make of him, but boy, he's saying all the right things. He's very well spoken. How did anyone ever think he lost a debate? Every debate I watched, I was like, even if I didn't like the other people, I was scared for him. And like every, yeah, he was just destroying, he just destroyed everyone everywhere, CNN, MSNBC, the Republican debate. And like, I'd be like, people would be like well carrie lake came ahead i don't care if she came out ahead she she lost yeah he got beat up yeah or not carrie lake
Starting point is 00:59:12 sorry uh nicky haley nicky haley yeah he was tossing he was tossing her up he he called out the republican chair for the united states of america yeah. He's been hammering Rona McDaniel. She's the head of the Republican National Committee for the whole country. He convinced me that she's got to go. Why don't the American people like him?
Starting point is 00:59:39 I have seen some... First, there was his WDF connection. I think he explained that very well. Then there was the Soros connection. He explained that very, very well. Hey, why not? I got the $50,000 from him. I just applied for a scholarship. And why – but I also saw some clips or side-by-side clips where he – it was like 10 things that Obama said, and he was saying the exact same thing. I'm just a dark-skinned boy from blah, blah, blah. You know what I mean? Just these things. Or I'm just a young man.
Starting point is 01:00:08 You can be too polished as a politician. If you're too polished, I think all of us go, if your story is too good, if you're that polished, everybody starts going, man, you look like you're a presentation. You know what I mean? Yes. It always comes back to that, you know, what Greg always used to talk used to talk about man with crossfit what made us who we are is authenticity you know we weren't trying to be something we weren't you know that's hey that's been your success too right right you know people yeah people people respect off you know they don't they don't expect perfection what they're looking for is honesty and authenticity you know and nobody's that polished
Starting point is 01:00:45 there are people out there who say that um uh um they got this hang-up with trump because he was involved in operation warp speed right yeah and and um do you think trump would have mandated the vaccines no nope he said he said he wouldn't and i i don't have any great insight but i do know a lawyer who works for him um and uh in fact you know her too good friend of ours mutual friend oh uh san diego gal yep okay wow wow wow and and then and then i think i think we know someone else also over on the east coast who's like really really involved in what's going on over there in georgia right yep yes for sure yeah i know several people i know a bunch of let's talk about
Starting point is 01:01:32 let's talk about that case real quick um uh are you following that at all the the district attorney okay can you kind of explain to me will you pull up that picture uh caleb i can't remember the name will you explain to me what's going on over there and why that's bad why you can't like why can't you sleep with someone and hire them well the issue you know it's interesting in the explain it to us because a lot of people might not know what's going on so if you yeah so what happened is this the allegation is and it looks like it's unchallenged but fannie willis is the DA who brought the case against Trump, and it's a giant RICO case. And what does that mean? What's the case?
Starting point is 01:02:11 What charges are against Trump? Cracketering and influence corrupt organization. She basically said that when Trump called up about the Georgia election, and I know people who've got ties to this, and you do too. We know lawyers who are involved in some of this and so i know a lot about it for a lot of reasons i can't say but but i'm very familiar with all of it and okay good the thanks i thought i was ambushing you i'm glad i'm not i'm like god you know everything dale i love this go on i know i know people who are involved in it uh tangentially and directly but But the issue is this. There's this big, giant indictment, and they charge everybody.
Starting point is 01:02:47 I mean, a whole bunch of people. And said it's part of this. It's a RICO case, a racketeering as if it's the mob. And they're trying to say that anybody who tried to question the election is part of this racket to subvert the election. And some people took deals because it made sense. In fact, I know a little bit about one of the deals and one of the people who took deals,
Starting point is 01:03:13 and there was good reason to do so. But it's been, the problem is that it's now come out that the prosecutor is using federal dollars as well as local dollars and hired apparently her lover to be one of the lead prosecutors and he has zero um background to be a special prosecutor is basically he he was like i heard he was like a small claims court like his biggest case is like a divorce case right and so and so suddenly this guy's in charge of a of a massive you know he's a he's a special prosecutor in a case of
Starting point is 01:03:52 multiple felonies you know it's this huge thing and so it didn't really make a lot of sense and then one of the defendants said hey it turns out that the special prosecutor is sleeping with the da and the allegations. How do you think they found that out? How did you find that out? They were sending private investigators. They were kissing in the parking lot. How do you catch that?
Starting point is 01:04:13 Well, yes, but also at the same time as there was a divorce case going on. So the special prosecutor, Fannie Willis, is sleeping with the special prosecutor and they're both married. And so the wife of the special prosecutor, I can't remember his name, but his wife had filed for divorce. She found out. And then what he did was he asked the court to seal his divorce proceedings and seal the records there. divorce proceedings and seal the records there. But by the time that happened, somebody had seen it, you know, somebody had seen some filings and a little bit had slipped out. And it was like, holy crap, this guy's sleeping with, they're traveling,
Starting point is 01:04:57 they're doing junkets on the tax dollar, going to Miami, going all, you know, flying here, there, and everywhere on both federal and other dime. And then one of the defendants said, and this is how it all comes up is, and I read that motion. I was kind of curious to see what their basis was. And I was like, it's a good faith basis. I mean, they're saying, look, this guy wouldn't be prosecuting me.
Starting point is 01:05:18 This is a garbage case. There is no case, but he's prosecuting you because it's in his financial interest to do so. His lover hired him. There's not really a case. And he's made over $650,000 on it, right? Right. And so that you've got a real conflict of interest, whether this guy's prosecuting
Starting point is 01:05:32 because there really is a good faith basis to prosecute the case, or he's just doing it because his lover hired him. And hey, man, the gravy train's rolling, you know? Yep, yep. I'm not getting a fair shake as a criminal defendant. I'm not being prosecuted because I'm guilty. I'm being prosecuted because that's how you get paid You know
Starting point is 01:05:48 So you just need somebody to be here to prosecute And so that's Has that lady been interviewed by TMZ or anything yet? What's the guy's name? Nate Wade Nathan Wade Has Nathan Wade's wife actually come out and just sat down And let someone have at her
Starting point is 01:06:04 Have fucking let Tucker Carlson go at her? No, but they the court recently within the last week unsealed the records. And so the court said the media, a bunch of media were like, we want the records unsealed in public interest. Yep. And so, you know, the wife hasn't mentioned Fannie Willis by name, but she's saying that, hey, this guy is getting all this money and he's provided me with Zippo in support. And so, you know, it's OK, well, then where's the money going? So you've got to have an accounting and he's already been held in contempt because he wouldn't turn over any of his financial records. And in a divorce proceeding, you've got to I mean, I think they've got kids together. And in a divorce proceeding, you've got to – I mean I think they've got kids together.
Starting point is 01:06:45 And so… Is the other lady still married? Is the district attorney married? I don't know what her deal is. I thought I read that. And so their shit's unraveling. Now, instead of it being focused on Trump, all the media is focused on who she's banging, who she's under the sheets with. And then she has to answer to the judge on february 15th i heard like so on february 15th so what's that about what's the judge going to say to her and will that be public will we get to watch that on tv oh yeah yep yep and what what were the things kind of things he'll ask her well i don't know about um she she's going to get asked like like, why $600,000?
Starting point is 01:07:26 You know, I mean, account for the money. Will she ask to see a short list of the people? Like, what other attorneys were up for the job? Like, who else did you interview? Who else was a candidate? Yeah, what other kinds of qualifications? Why this? I mean, all of that's going to come up.
Starting point is 01:07:43 And he's going to have to answer for, like, hey, what are your financial records? How come you haven't paid support? What's your excuse? So yeah, that's turning into a giant turd sandwich very quickly. And what would – could the whole case get dismissed? Sure. Does that mean – what does dismissed mean? Does that mean it over, or does that mean that they can retry it? Well, it depends. I mean, there's a lot that could happen. It depends on how bad, what they find. I mean, you could get dismissed with prejudice.
Starting point is 01:08:13 In the same way with the crossover things, you could get terminated. You could get a lot less than that. You could get dismissed with prejudice, or you could get, hey, we're going to get rid of this team, and now we're going to get an unbiased team to come in here and look at this case and then decide whether they're going to re-prefer charges or they're just going to let this thing go. Are they going to let it drop? So you could – I mean there's a lot of possibilities, a lot of possibilities there. … to the news, and they'll be like – they'll be like, how is anyone – how can anyone vote for a guy who's being indicted with 91 charges or something or who's being held up with 91 charges?
Starting point is 01:09:07 And it always bums me out when I hear that. It's like he hasn't even been found guilty. You don't even know what these 91 charges are um yeah this is i mean look for anybody who who's in the legal field i mean i for me when i saw all of this i mean this is all just political persecution i mean we are we're living in crazy times it's the lawfare is a substitute for violence you know me i used to dress up in armor and so i'd love it if we just settled things the old-fashioned way you know and and we'll just Lawfare is a substitute for violence. You know me. I used to dress up in armor. And so I'd love it if we just settled things the old-fashioned way. And we're just – when we took away dueling, we opened the doors to a lot of people running their miles without consequence. Right, right, right. And lawfare is the substitute for physical violence now. Right, right, right. And now that once that door is open, it's like when the Democrats got rid of the filibuster or the rule for, you know, where it was just simple majority for Supreme Court justices.
Starting point is 01:10:13 You know, everybody always thinks it's a great idea until it turns around and gets used against them. And then they were screaming at the top of their lungs about, look at all these judges that Trump appointed. Oh, my God, it's terrible. It's like, well, no kidding, idiots. You guys got rid of the two thirds majority requirement, you know? And so there's a, there's a great play about this called A Man for All Seasons. It was written by a guy named Robert Bolt. And it's about Thomas Moore, who was the lawyer for King Henry VIII. And there's a famous phrase that came out of it.
Starting point is 01:10:45 There's a character named Roper. And he's basically saying to Thomas More at one point, who, by the way, is the Catholic patron saint of lawyers. And he was no saint, in my opinion. But in any event, Roper... Is that true? Is that true? There's a Catholic... Thomas More, yeah, is the patron saint of lawyers. Yep. Sir Thomas More. catholic thomas moore yeah is the patron saint of lawyers yep okay sir thomas moore but um there's a
Starting point is 01:11:07 scene where roper is one of these rebels and he says that he he they have this famous discussion it's a play and uh there's this famous discussion where roper says you know he's willing to do anything to get the bad guy and there's a famous line that in the play thomas moore turns to roper and says and so he's analogizing laws to like trees and he said would you burn down every tree in the forest to get the devil and roper says yes yes i would and then moore turns to him and says and then when all the laws in the land are gone when all the trees have been burned down he goes and the devil turns on you. What do you do then? And so people who are like, you know,
Starting point is 01:11:48 I think the ends justify the means are frequently referred to as Roper rights. And that's where it comes from. Is that play a man for all seasons? And I, what we have now is we're living through a time of Roper rights. I mean, everybody thinks that, you know, they're the just guy. And so anything they do that, you know, they're the just guy. And so anything they do can, you know, the ends justifies the means. We'll burn everything to the ground in order to get the bad guy. And it's like, well, when there's no more rules, I mean, you've essentially
Starting point is 01:12:14 turned it into just a free fall. And that's where we're at, you know, like with moving, removing Trump from the ballot, how long before a red state says, yeah, we're pulling Biden off the ballot here. Right. You know what I mean? We are living through what amounts to just widespread lawlessness. Going to the Epstein case, that lady Giselle is still alive, right? Yeah. Ghislaine Maxwell. Yep. Oh, Elaine. Elaine. Ghislaine. Ghislaine. Gh alive right yeah Ghislaine Maxwell yep oh Elaine Elaine Elaine
Starting point is 01:12:47 Ghislaine Ghislaine Ghislaine yeah I there's somebody on Substack I just read a brilliant article by a woman who's been profiling her for like two years house and habit yeah unbelievable amazing what's really interesting is the woman said the only that Ghislaine said, the only person who said anything, the only two people who said anything nice for her, about her when this all went down, or Trump said, you know, I hope she's well. And she said something to the effect of like, she appreciated that he was the only person who'd been nice to her. You know, and, and the other one, I think was RFK Jr. you know and uh and the other one i think was um rfk jr also said something to the effect of you know it's it's too bad i mean it's interesting you think about all the men who are involved and the only person who's who's serving the sentence is is elaine maxwell so so she was basically epstein's right hand man she was basically was basically and – oh, there she is with Theo Vaughn. Oh, there she is with RFK. Is that her on the right?
Starting point is 01:13:51 No. The writer? No. No. No. So basically she's in jail, and she knows everything, right? Yeah, I would think. Did jail freeze? Oh, you froze for a second. So she must know everything.
Starting point is 01:14:13 I would think, yeah. So she was at the parties, and so there's this list, and the list comes out, but no one – there's no footage of Clinton getting a standee in front of a statue. Like there's no – there's no – I mean I don't know. It hasn't come out, but I would – I mean that whole raid on Epstein's and the – it's pretty clear that anybody who's looked at this carefully enough, have you ever – have you seen – you know Brett Weinstein, right? Yeah. Okay. Have you ever heard his you seen, you know, Brett Weinstein, right? Yeah. Okay. Have you ever heard his brother, Eric? Yeah. Did you hear his brother, Eric talk about his meeting with Jeffrey
Starting point is 01:14:49 Epstein? No. Oh man. You got to look that up. He was on a podcast called modern wisdom and Eric Weinstein. He's a physicist. I got, I want to run into this dude. I just fascinated by him but uh he talked about his meeting with epstein and how the entire thing was staged to be ominous and terrifying and he said and it did it accomplished exactly that what was supposed to be ominous and terrifying he he met with epstein he bumped into them yes i was on i was on this dude's podcast too this guy yeah you gotta watch that one what yeah that's for people who don't know that's zach to lander's uh roommate by the way yeah for those that is one of the most amazing i watched that in fact my daughter rachel was like you gotta watch this she had been talking to me about it for a while and when you hear eric
Starting point is 01:15:40 weinstein talk about his meeting with epstein? I mean, he saw right through it from the beginning, which is- Oh, Epstein's trying to intimidate him. Yes. But he said the whole thing was set up in such a way, like he talks about the American flag was folded like it would be laid out over a casket and it was on the coffee table. He goes, and it was like his coffee was put in such a way, he goes, that it was like, it almost was going to force me to spill my coffee onto the American flag. He goes, the whole thing was bizarre. And he said, the other thing is, here's this guy and who claims to be this, you know, claims to be this big moneymaker mover, you know, he's buying currency and all that. He goes, and he claims to be, and he goes,
Starting point is 01:16:21 but nobody can point me to where's this guy's trades. Where's what, where, if this guy is what he claims he is, every time he makes a trade, he'd be moving the market. He goes, he goes, you know, you can't find any of that. Find the form 16s or whatever they are, you know, the forms. Right, right. The whole thing was a front. The entire thing was an Intel. The entire thing was an Intel operation.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Epstein, Epstein's Island. They're blackmailing big, powerful people. So, wow. So you're saying that Epstein was a… A puppet. Basically an agent for the CIA. basically an agent for the CIA. I don't know if it was the CIA or not. It might have been.
Starting point is 01:17:10 I saw something recently where somebody said, no, he was an Iranian asset, but okay. Basically he was an agent and his job. Oh, and that's so you're okay. So now I'm starting to put together.
Starting point is 01:17:21 Where was his money coming from? He happened to have a shitload of it. No one, no one could really tell. Pulled it out of his ass. Right. But if he could even get five big names on film getting a blowjob from a 14-year-old girl, the $100 million they invested into him can easily be justified because having five big names getting a blowjob on film can lead to moving oceans. Yes. It's not yes, it's not even that the money wasn't
Starting point is 01:17:48 real. It's that the money was a front. He didn't. Yeah, yeah, of course. I understand that. He was propped up to manipulate and hey, when he was flying those people around on that jet, that was before every Tom, Dick, and Harry had a jet. That was before private aviation was even like yeah this is before net jets or whatever or before you know big like you
Starting point is 01:18:10 and i know so you're saying epstein didn't kill himself he did not kill himself he was murdered no no one will convince me otherwise that guy's got his net i mean maybe the only good news is that he probably died miserably. You know, he probably had that coming. But on the other hand, he was, he was a creation, you know, which once you kind of get your head around that, then you got to start asking yourself. So, so Dale, so Dale, if there's three guards working in that, if there's three guards, they're working his jail cell cell basically or his wing and there's cameras on his cell and the cameras go off that night and the guards were taking a shit and he dies that means the three guards are in on it in on it in the sense of look prison like carrie like
Starting point is 01:19:00 like carrie lake like they tried to get carrie on it. Hey, dude, we're going to give you $10,000. We need you guys to just fucking chill tonight. It's not even – it's even more – it's even a little simpler than that. You have to appreciate what jail is like. And I would highly recommend if you want a sense of what jail is like, there's a guy who writes on Substack right now who is a brilliant writer. He's a great writer. He's a convict.
Starting point is 01:19:27 It's called A Convict's Perspective. And he writes on Substack, and he goes under the handle J. Coleman, C-O-L-E-M-A-N. A brilliant writer. I wish I could write as well as he does. And he talks about that essentially everybody in prison is in on it. Like the guards, they're all compromised. Everybody's, yes, that's the guy right there. Jay Coleman, convicts perspective. He has a post about what happens to pedophiles in jail. Read that if you want to get a sense of who runs the prisons, who's really running the prisons. He's great. And the other thing is, he's free to subscribe to. He won't charge money for his stories.
Starting point is 01:20:07 He should. He's that good a writer. But when he talks about how prisons are run, I don't even think that there was some big boss who went to the things. I think it's probably from within the convicts probably told the guards, hey, listen, you know, you guys just to you guys just need to not be around. You guys need to have something else to do between these hours and those guys, but you know, they live in there. I knew guys who worked at Connecticut, um, department of corrections, you know, corrections officers and, and we used to tease them about it, but it's, um, that is a, uh, so it's a, that's a, it's a gang in itself. Yeah, the whole thing is – I mean that's run by the inmates. It's like the Stanford Prison Experiment, but everywhere. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Yep. Damn. Damn, damn, damn. Hey, what about him being alive and taken somewhere? No, no point. Yeah, no. I don't think so he had to go yeah he knew too much he he lived out his his usefulness was over at the point that it all becomes how come they don't kill her how come they don't kill her i don't know but it could be because um they don't see her as a threat she knows how how to keep her mouth shut. She might have... And the other point is her family, her old man was
Starting point is 01:21:26 mad wealthy. And maybe to wire it into Mossad as well, if I remember correctly. I haven't looked at it. She had a fucked up relationship with her dad, right? Yeah. Apparently. Seems like it. Fucking nuts.
Starting point is 01:21:42 Are you coming to the Broken Science event in march yep yep in fact i've got i'm probably gonna go out before that i need to get with craig hopefully he gets free here in the next week and i get free i gotta go out there and get he's he want there's some things he wants me to talk about for that as well and which is how the law helped helped to reify stupid science so i gotta talk about some of the Supreme Court cases that have helped make science shitty and keep it that way. Oh, is that the Daubert case? Yeah, that Daubert's at the end of the long line, but yeah, it's Daubert. And then it starts with Fry and it works its way through. There's a couple of Kumo Tire and all that. So I'm kind
Starting point is 01:22:17 of working on something right now. I've written about that before, but I kind of dusted it all off and I got to do some of the stubby pencil work for that to be ready to talk about it. Have you seen the movie Fall of Minneapolis? No, I heard about it though. Yeah, I saw the movie, and now I'm listening to the audiobook as I drive around. It's crazy, but one of the things that's really wild is the command stopped talking to the police of the city of Minneapolis. So the SWAT team and all the police were just out there, and they had no direction, no command. And when they were guarding the third precinct, they asked for – they said they only had eight rounds of nonlethal bullets, eight rounds.
Starting point is 01:23:04 And they got radio silence and so when the priest then they were told to eventually abandon the precinct and the buses weren't there to get the cops out and it's a it's a fucking it's a wild story of corruption on the fucking highest level it's it's really sad actually hey i i told people you know when i wrote something about this way back and you know nobody listens to me which is probably not surprising but when you know when i wrote something about this way back and you know nobody listens to me which is probably not surprising but when you know people were like oh it's the white supremacist whole derek chauvin thing and i was like yeah if you i think i took a screenshot i looked at his chain of command yeah because you know for those of us who are old enough you know this argument's
Starting point is 01:23:41 already been had in the 60s the big complaint about you know police and what they were doing to blacks was that hey we need to hire more black cops and more black cops and leadership and and all that stuff and so if you look at every if you looked at Derek Chauvin's chain of command when the George Floyd thing happened I mean it's if you look there's not a cracker to be found you know yeah the the chief of police was black, and he went radio silent. Yeah, Keith Ellison was the AG, was the head of the Democratic National Committee. Keith Ellison was the – Charged with beating his wife. His son was a felon. I know all sorts of crazy – I know.
Starting point is 01:24:21 It's every bad thing that you could imagine yeah was happening um in the city there and their mayor was a world-class beta yeah and i don't throw that term around lightly yeah and the same has been true in baltimore and you know which is why in a lot of sense like as this is all as we're watching the world burn you know as i joked with you guys yesterday on text um for me like i live i'm here in kansas now you know i'm in the dead center of the, you know, as I joked with you guys yesterday on text, um, uh, for me, like I live, I'm here in Kansas now, you know, I'm in the dead center of the country, you know? Um, and, uh, you know, things are fine here where I am. Like, I'm not worried about it. You know, like, like these are going to burn and, you know, we're, we're all doing great out here. I'm probably
Starting point is 01:25:00 going to have like, I drive five miles and i can buy a quarter cow you know and split it with my in-laws or whatever my brother-in-law you know so like i'll be in stake but i don't know that it's going to be that good in new york or when i when i drove up here uh from california to idaho i saw stuff that i'd never seen before like house like just houses after houses trump ultra mega flags it was wild i was like wow this is um this is pretty wild i like just houses after houses, Trump, ultra-mega flags. It was wild. I was like, wow, this is pretty wild. I am seeing a significant uptick in Santa Cruz, California of American flags. I am seeing a lot of American flags pop up in front of people's houses,
Starting point is 01:25:37 which is really interesting. Do you think Trump wins? I don't know if they're going to let him. I mean, they painted themselves in the corner. That's the thing that's really a trip for me. When you go this far and this hard against the guy, can you possibly let him get the presidency? I'm not encouraging. I'm just speculating. It's like Greg says, take the chessboard and turn it around and look at it from the other side. If I were playing their hand, it'd be like you can't possibly let that guy get in office. I think they'll whack him. Then it's going to be on. It's really going to be on. Interesting to me, the name calling is going both ways with the same words. So you hear people saying that Trump will be a dictator and a fascist, and every time I hear that, I'm like, do you not fucking see what we just lived through in the last four years?
Starting point is 01:26:32 Right. Like, do you not see what's happening on Twitter and on Instagram? Yeah. You know, Dale, I used to post videos of my sons working out in the garage. And there was like a one-month period where I got like 40 posts reported for child pornography. And someone from Ireland who listens to the podcast who works for censorship – like he works for a company that Meta uses. Yeah, it's called their censorship. Yeah, and he goes, hey, hey dude you know what they're doing and i go what and he goes there's someone going through your account and they're doing that and
Starting point is 01:27:10 if you get enough reports they have to notify the police in your area so i went through all my all my um posts and any posts where the kids were working out with their shirts off were i i removed but recently i went over to the in the president of instagram is one of the worst people you could ever imagine i mean he is a horrible human being and i went over to his and i i went over to his account and he has a picture of four children one of them is a girl and they're topless and they're in there and it's like the most inappropriate picture right just the way they're sitting there in their little tiny bathing suits and yeah it's like how the fuck they it just screamed everything to me yeah dude we're witnessing what we're living
Starting point is 01:27:59 through is a giant um we're watching the mental illness of the people in leadership be projected onto the rest of the country. And we're watching that all play out in real time. It's bizarre. I mean, it's kind of a crazy thing to witness because once you see it, you can't unsee it. You know, everything they accuse you of doing. And, you know, but it's this, if, if all you, if you're obsessed with race, then you see everything through that lens, right? If you're a person who's sex obsessed with children or the transgender issue or whatever, you see everything through that lens. It's the old Abraham Maslow's law of the instrument for
Starting point is 01:28:43 a man who has a hammer everything looks like a nail you know right you can't you can't see anything else and and that's what we're living through right now and you just see it everywhere you know i mean everywhere trump's a dictator they said as they locked people in their homes yeah why do they say that about him what's he done that makes him think that why do they say that about him? What's he done that makes him think that? Why do they say that about him? I can point to 20 things that's happened under the Biden administration that's like, hey, dude, he controls the media. He forced you to lock be registered under some sort of – they have to get some – do you know about that case too? No, I'm not that surprised. Their filter cleans the water so well that it has to be registered with some agency that they can't afford to register it with as a chemical – you know what I mean? It's like fucking nuts dude the
Starting point is 01:29:45 shit that we're going through but and yet i'm i is there anything he did can you think i'm trying to think of i know people don't like him because like he three-point shot the fucking paper towel video i know people don't like it his red hair i know people don't like his his antics as a human yeah it's but it would be like not like in a stand-up comic i can't right what's he done that's what's he done that's fascist nothing trump was he was the no he was the no war president i mean what what's he was when i was growing up i lived in new york city for a year with high school and in 86 when i was going to high school in new york city trump got an award out at ellis island trump was always a moderate Democrat. He was what would
Starting point is 01:30:27 have been known as New Dog Democrat. He was a guy who probably voted for Reagan. But I mean, why do you think there's all those pictures of him with the Clintons? You know what I mean? He was giving people money. I mean, so Trump was never anything more than a moderate Democrat. And then for a lot, and that's why he's so so it's weird. I never liked him just because he's like the quintessential New Yorker, you know, and I'm kind of a boss. And he was the reality show guy too. It's like, yeah, right. you know right but he's he's never been anything but just a moderate democrat and now we're at the point where that's i mean it's it's insane where we are how how far we've gone you know i i saw i saw uh the the georgia what was her name fanny i saw um i heard a recording of her at her church telling the congregation that they were going after her because she was a black
Starting point is 01:31:25 woman yeah of course it's become so trite now it's so i mean everything it's like oh god everything is racist you know it's uh it's become so overplayed to overuse it it's meaningless now same thing with nazi everybody's a nazi i'm a nazi you're you're a Nazi if you like a certain kind of cheese you're a Nazi I mean it's become so abused that it's become meaningless now which is unfortunate well that went by fast 90 minutes yeah we covered that
Starting point is 01:31:58 we got there in a hurry I'm at Greg's now oh are you at the place in in the hoe Idaho yeah that's a great have you been have you been here yeah this is my first time here i've never been in a house like this this is fucking surreal how do you like that transom that goes down to the down to i haven't i haven't done it yet yo you're being were you here in the summer were you here in the summer yes yeah i came through it was's swimming, fishing with the kids.
Starting point is 01:32:25 We had an Epic, uh, you get those dart guns out and let, uh, let just beat the bag out of red. I had a blast shooting. You don't realize how much fun it is to shoot your kids with guns. It was great.
Starting point is 01:32:36 He has the, he has a, he has a dollar. He has the $300 Gatling gun. Oh yes. Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:32:43 I was carrying it through the hallway like $6 Navi. I let, oh, I beat the tar out of those kids with those dart guns. We had a blast. I was with Greg.
Starting point is 01:32:53 We picked him up. He's like, oh, we should get these. I'm like, oh, yes, we should. We let the kids have it. It was great. It was great.
Starting point is 01:33:00 Hey, I appreciate having you on. I look forward to seeing you. Hey, it's always great to see you I'll see you again here in March, maybe sooner Love you, man, it's always good to hear your voice Give my best to your lovely bride and the boys And, you know, we'll see you again soon
Starting point is 01:33:14 Awesome, love you too, Dale Talk to you soon Take care, Cal Thanks, Dale, see you See you, man Dale Subran Former General Counsel of CrossFit Inc Ajkanazi Jew
Starting point is 01:33:31 like like duh right dude it's getting warm here it's like probably 39 degrees it's like 39 degrees yeah i mean definitely on the streets it's melted it rained yesterday and it was like 36 degrees and i think today it's gonna be like 39 degrees greg has these heated floors in his house the whole time i've been here it's been so fucking hot in my room every night so fucking hot and so last night I I saw or yesterday morning when I woke up I looked went to the thermostat and the heated floors were turned up to 80 oh my god yeah so I lowered it
Starting point is 01:34:17 to 70 but last night I went to bed and the thermostat in my room said it was 79 degrees in my room so I opened the door and i let the freezing cold air from the lake blow through and it lowered the temperature from 79 in my room to 69 in probably like i don't know five minutes and then i shut the door and when i woke up this morning it's back to 76 in my room again damn dang i didn't uh frank uh please ask about greg's non-compete i didn't want to go there i don't want to i don't wantete I didn't want to go there I didn't want to go there it's not a bad question
Starting point is 01:34:50 I just didn't want to go there no I should have slept on the floor I slept on a bed it probably would have been 2 degrees colder on the floor this place has beds in every room you can't sleep on the floor here it's crazy Ken Walters This place has beds in every room. You can't sleep on the floor here. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Ken Walters, 40 in Minnesota today. Mellows winter over all of my 60 years. Man, Santa Cruz, where I'm from, we're having our second, like, last year was probably one of the rainiest years of my entire life, and this year it looks like it's going to try to compete with it. We're getting so much rain, California. Oh shit. Sabre lives in Santa Cruz,
Starting point is 01:35:29 Trinidad. Wow. I didn't know that was a thing. Yeah. Yeah. The, it is great. The,
Starting point is 01:35:37 the heated floors is insane. It's so nice. In my house, if I walk around barefoot for in the winter, my, I'll go to bed and I'll be miserable for the first hour because my feet will be so cold. But here, I haven't had that experience here. There's this guy, David, from CrossFit Bison, who I want to have on the show.
Starting point is 01:36:07 He's leading in open signups. Really? Where's CrossFit Bison at? I have no idea. Let's find out. Ooh, New Jersey. Dang, he's got a huge, pretty big gym. Wow.
Starting point is 01:36:41 Yeah, dude. I want to have him on the show and pick his brain and ask him how he's getting so many people to sign up for the Open. Jay Hart, I just signed up for the Open, the Sebon podcast. Am I in that group too? Did I do that? Did I get it or whatever? How would I know if I did that? I would just remember.
Starting point is 01:37:07 No, I think we can find it on the games leaderboard or the open leaderboard we just type in a hashtag let's see look up the seven podcast hey i got this new monitor yeah you're on this oh i am okay good i got this new monitor from best Buy and it's I mean oh okay cool I'm not 52 I'm 51 I think it just rounds up Oh Jake Chapman I got five more people to sign up today damn oh look will oh wow and helping oh geez is there anyone in there i can be colon powell's in our group oh yeah i guess so you probably be colon powell not that colon powell is that really a colon powell there's a 34 year old white colon powell probably colin but yeah fuck you you know what
Starting point is 01:38:03 these people are doing they're just coming in here just to beat me you think so no that's just me being a narcissist um you could be jay hardell no i cannot i'm just kidding yeah can't beat anyone in there i see someone signed their kid up in there or something fucking beat some some kid, little kid. So, yeah. So, I got a monitor. Yeah, I got a monitor. It's a Samsung monitor. It doesn't... I have it so it's like a second screen.
Starting point is 01:38:33 So, when you slide your mouse over, it goes on to the second screen. But the mouse moves so poorly on the second screen that I don't even want to go over there. Is there a way to adjust that in the settings? Poorly like it's slow or poorly like it's it's just it moves just it it it's like delayed or something something's wrong with it there's got to be something in the settings that makes it so the mouse is more receptive but it's just weird that it's not consistent on both screens
Starting point is 01:39:02 it is not nearly as good as an Apple monitor, I'll tell you that. I went to the control center. I don't see it. Appearance. Is there like a mouse? Oh, is there mouse settings? Oh, mouse. Oh, I see it.
Starting point is 01:39:21 Okay. Tracking speed. Fast. Oh, that speed. Fast. Oh, that's too fast. I guess that's a little better. Natural scrolling. I'll turn that off. What's that do?
Starting point is 01:39:39 I'll turn that back on. Secondary click. Smart zoom. Double tap with one finger, setup. Advanced? Maybe I'll go to advanced. Yeah, I feel like I just got a... I feel like I wasted $600. Yeah, so you move it and then it starts moving
Starting point is 01:40:06 you move the mouse and then it starts moving it's a latency issue I guess is that what that's called yeah I think so riveting yeah
Starting point is 01:40:22 okay mouse movement should not matter from different screens. Sounds like a shitty refresh rate. How do I fix the refresh rate? Or can I not? Maybe if I hooked it up with an HDMI.
Starting point is 01:40:39 Directly as an HDMI into the computer instead of USB-C to DisplayPort. HDMI would probably work better, yeah. I guess I can try that. Huge asshole. Huge asshole. That's correct. Latency. What's wrong with you, Jake?
Starting point is 01:41:03 What the fuck is wrong? Would you rather have two fingers on each hand or a giant toenail on your forehead? You can't change the latency that is hard-coded to the monitor. Great. I'm DisplayPort to USB-C, but I did purchase DisplayPort to HDMI.
Starting point is 01:41:26 Us Mac people don't really use HDMI ever I've never used the HDMI port on the side of my laptop it's there though and I got the cable for it no no no I'm using the membership money to buy other people shit I want to make sure that
Starting point is 01:41:45 this thing we're doing for the games is awesome. Alright. Dale's the easiest guest, man. Holy shit. He's so cool. Oh, shut up and scribbles today at 1030am that's in two hours street horner tomorrow
Starting point is 01:42:13 whoa yeah I've always wanted to have street horner on is he dating Danielle Brandon what was it like dating Katrin Davidsdoter? Has it always rained vagina on you? For sure.
Starting point is 01:42:37 Saturday live calling. Sunday Rafa Sankson. You know I have Rafa scheduled on Sunday and I bet you I'm going to be traveling Sunday and I've already rescheduled them once Nick your Ryan car on Monday that might have to be rescheduled due to my travel I hate having
Starting point is 01:42:54 you know I used to never reschedule I think it's like I think I think I'm probably like big time now and now I'm rescheduling more I used to never reschedule then I rescheduled like once every two months now I reschedule like once a month. Oh, Joe Neals. Oh, yeah, because Street worked out at Joe's gym.
Starting point is 01:43:22 Street Horner just interviewed Heat One. Oh, did you see... Did you see Pedro's new weekend review? Or did you see Hiller's video from yesterday? Holy shit, dude. Hiller's wild. Yeah, both of those are pretty good. Hiller's like...
Starting point is 01:43:39 Skates this line between avant-garde college shit and poignant shit. It's crazy. And Hey, the way he does everything and it's all blocky and shit. Like some people would like, it's become his style. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:43:55 Yeah. He's not looking for this. Like he's not looking for realism at all. Is this, is this Hillers? Yeah. This is that trailer that he made. How many views does that have already? 4,100.
Starting point is 01:44:14 Damn. 71 comments. I think that's one of his best videos ever. Craig Paisley, his video is great. I know. Nuts, dude. Absolutely nuts. I wonder how long it took him to make great. I know. Nuts, dude. Absolutely nuts. I wonder how long it took him to make that. Even though it's short, man, there's so much
Starting point is 01:44:29 shit in it. Hey, go to that Annie Sakamoto thing. What the fuck is up with the audio? Did anyone watch this before publishing? Go see if it's still there. Yeah, will you go over there and see if that's still there? Is the video still there?
Starting point is 01:44:49 It is still there. Is the audio? Wow. Hold on. Let's see if the audio is still fucked up. So why do you have two CrossFit athlete profiles? I don't know. Maybe there's a fake one or maybe I signed in with a new name.
Starting point is 01:45:03 Okay. Let's see if it's How many views does it have? Does it have 10,000 views? Not even. Yeah, it's the same one. They're not going to take it down and fix it. Crazy. Listen. Oh my god, dude.
Starting point is 01:45:23 How long has that been up like that? Like a week, over a week. Almost a week, six days. Do you know what would, that would, first of all, that would never happen when I was media director. And if that did happen, that would be fixed right away. If Greg owned the company and that happened.
Starting point is 01:45:43 So they have a video on here and it goes silent somewhere in it for like 20 seconds. And basically everyone knows that when you do stuff like that, you're just asking people to click off. But it's also – it's like how you do anything is how you do everything. I wouldn't have fired someone. Here's the thing. How that would have happened is that video would have been made then it would have been submitted and then and then uh two people would have watched it uh probably um god i can't believe i can't remember her name this blonde girl she owns an affiliate now what the
Starting point is 01:46:15 fuck why can't i remember her name i worked with her for 10 years what was her name anyway she worked for leaf edmondson so leaf edmondson would watch that and the second he saw that then he would send it back to uh tyson old droid or or probably tyson and then tyson would send it back down to the filmmaker be like hey fix this that would net that would never happen that cannot um... No, I'm not frozen. I was thinking. No, I'm not freezing. Am I freezing? You just have a little fuzz, but it's not really frozen.
Starting point is 01:46:52 Yeah, you can't do that, guys. Whoever's running media over there, you can't do that. That's fucking beyond amateur. It just screams to everyone that you don't give a fuck. Especially in the first 15 seconds of the video man it's so sloppy and and the truth is is the filmmaker would be devastated
Starting point is 01:47:13 too whoever put all their time and effort in to make that movie would be so bummed that that's up there like that hey does it say who made it probably not. Could you scroll to the end and see who made it? I would be so fucking bummed. Seve, when you were at the games, did you get dirty looks from the CF Media team? No, not at all. I'm telling you, pretty much everybody was nice to me.
Starting point is 01:47:39 They were only like... Tia was awkward. Even though I was standing right next to her, we had zero zero interaction i did say hi to shane it was a little awkward other than that uh i would say at least half one lady came up to me and i kind of appreciate it she came up to me she's probably my age she had a couple cameras on and she's like hey man i've i've really liked your work over the years but the shit you're saying about CrossFit media is bullshit, you know, blah, blah, blah. And she fucking gave it to me. I was like, Hey, all right. I hear you. I feel you. Thank you. And it was cool. It was, it was a good interaction. Um, but I'd say half their media team came up to
Starting point is 01:48:17 me and said, hi. And I said, hi. And I said hi to anyone that I, that I knew there from when I worked there. Um, it was good. was good. It was not awkward at all. Zero awkwardness. I mean, for me. And there's new people there that there's a ton of new people that I don't even know. Right. So there's this guy there who's in charge of their PR named Chris Madigan. He was cool shit. I was like, I don't normally like people like that, but if you don't carry a camera, you're not like, I can't actively see what you're contributing. But he was cool. He kind of like facilitated any questions we had.
Starting point is 01:48:52 And there's a shitload of media there. I got the hundred dudes. I know. So I did. So what's funny is I was in a, so it probably was weird between me and the Lone Ranger. I was in the back of a golf cart. And he was, the Lone Ranger and Adrian Conway were walking. And I was in a golf cart with Dave and Adrian and the Lone Ranger were walking. And I was going to say hi to the Lone Ranger and shake his hand and be like, hey, what's up, dude? his hand be like hey what's up dude i mean because i i know the guy you know i mean i used to work with him it was and everything was cool um i used to work in the same building with him and uh when we stopped the cart and dave called adrian conway over to talk to him uh the lone ranger kind of
Starting point is 01:49:37 like made sure he didn't come close so i didn't get a chance he's he's he's not a he doesn't want to be involved in the drama probably at all probably would Matt Bischel ever come on the show or too close to the fire I would not I would not ever invite anyone onto the show
Starting point is 01:50:03 at HQ from HQ who I didn't think was bulletproof I don't know if Matt the bulletproof I kind of kind of like stay and I don't because I don't know how I don't know how. I don't know. Like Dave comes on here and it's always edgy. I'm sure it's always edgy. There's always like probably like a handful of people are like, why does he go on there? You know what I mean? I mean, they had to write a four page fucking letter to their staff telling them that to explain why I'm coming to the games.
Starting point is 01:50:42 Yeah. Sorry. Bulletproof. Bullet. Bulletproof. coming to the games yeah boo sorry bulletproof bullet bulletproof so yeah you you can't do that whoever that that's just i mean just whoever's responsible for that like that Going over here to my live call-in notes, see if there's anything that's pressing.
Starting point is 01:51:19 We showed the bird carrying the deer yesterday, right? Yep, we did. Oh, we did oh we did feelings um uh how about this one oh you don't do you do you have the notes from yesterday by any chance yep you see one on there it's called christians yes on the bottom well let's see what that is bottom well let's see what that is oh yeah this one's great what a great way to end the show okay here we go here we go babe i gotta tell you something just please don't be mad okay no talk to me shorty what's up talk to me i used to be a christian christian i thought you were gonna say something serious you know that no i'm not mad okay good honestly, I'm so much happier being a Christina. What?
Starting point is 01:52:09 What'd you say? Babe, I got to tell you something. Just please don't be mad, okay? No, talk to me, shorty. What's up? Talk to me. I used to be a Christian. Christian?
Starting point is 01:52:19 I thought you were going to say something serious. You know that? No, I'm not mad. Okay, good. Because honestly, I'm so much happier being a Christina. What? What'd you say? Hey, that's a black guy with the phone, right?
Starting point is 01:52:34 If you close your eyes, yes. All right. I had to look at the phone again. It caught me off guard. Oh, no. What is this? Extra extra sloppy did you see the guy in the viral video at the border with Azerbaijan leader
Starting point is 01:52:49 you will soon guy yep yeah oh no am I not gonna like this those of you who don't know I'm Armenian and the country of Armenia and Azerbaijan are not in a good place Slicky he sounds like me if you close your eyes I sound like a black guy Armenian and the country of Armenia and Azerbaijan are not in a good place. Slicky, he sounds like me. If you close your eyes I sound like a black guy?
Starting point is 01:53:10 That's because I am a black guy. Your eyes are lying to you. Here we go. Here we go. Okay, here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Okay, here we go. This tall guy is the one who's talking. Okay. If you are smart enough, you will know who I am.
Starting point is 01:53:37 But you are really not smart enough to know who I am. But soon you're going to know who I am. Very easy. Wow, very easy. The entitlement. The entitlement. No, believe me. I'm much better than that. The entitlement, guys. Wow.
Starting point is 01:53:52 By the way, if you are smart enough, you will know who I am. But you are really not smart enough to know who I am. I don't get it. I don't get it. I don't get it. I'm pretty sure this guy is imprisoned for like arm smuggling. And.
Starting point is 01:54:11 He's like a terror. He's like a known terrorist. Like, I think that that's like the I think that's like the main occupation for Azerbaijani men's arms dealing. See if I can find the... I still haven't seen the new Dave Chappelle. Have you seen it? Maybe I'll go upstairs and watch it right now.
Starting point is 01:54:40 Hey, is this really that bad when I do this? This isn't that bad. It's just the... Here's the thing. I could just keep it out here the whole time, but I sound so much more like a black guy when I talk like this. Oh, shit. My internet signal just plummeted.
Starting point is 01:55:00 Yeah, it just got really bad. It did? You saw it get bad? Yeah. Yeah, it just got really bad. It did? You saw it get bad? Yeah. Yeah, it's not... Cave, I'm not saying it's good.
Starting point is 01:55:12 I'm not saying it's good. I'm just saying it's not bad. You gotta chill. It's not bad. Yeah, he's the head of the Islamic Party of Azerbaijan. Served 12 years in prison. And just tried to cross the border illegally. Into Armenia? No, into the United
Starting point is 01:55:31 States. Oh, shit. That's at the border. That's at the border of the United States and Mexico. That's like where Jorge Ventura is? Yeah. Robbie Myers, when are you going to reach out to Dave Smith? Who the fuck is Dave
Starting point is 01:55:50 Smith? I probably did. Dude, I reach out to so many people you don't even know. Listen, this is what happens. You guys are in my DMs. You're like, hey, why don't you get so-and-so on? But then I just DM the people right away. I don't even care. I don't even look who they are. I'm like,'m like fuck it i'll interview anyone i want to talk to anyone
Starting point is 01:56:07 and then those people get my dm and they go to my account and they're like why the fuck would i want to go on a podcast with a dude who has 2500 views who fucking can't get enough of giving donald trump a standee and then they don't respond that's it i probably tried I probably tried hey cross it across it Instagram has this new thing and I guess it's not that new but they have this thing and it's called um requests and and so you just landed someone's request box and they never fucking see you like i got three people in my request box right now oh here's lauren connor what uh yeah i got a new account yep yes see that's a lauren connor and she's like hey did you get a new account she
Starting point is 01:57:02 was in my yeah yeah i lost another account i think i had over, did you get a new account? She was in my, yeah, yeah. I lost another account. I think I had over 10,000 followers on my new account already. You know what's crazy too is when you get a new account, like you have like real followers all of a sudden. Thank you, Forrest. I'm going through my request now.
Starting point is 01:57:23 Get Louis on your podcast. Such a cool kid. Louis. Who's Louis? Randolph wants me to get Louis on. Who's Louis? Who is Louis? Who is Louis?
Starting point is 01:57:38 Dude, when I had the big account, I used to get responses from all sorts of fucking people. I remember I had Serena Williams tennis coach. I was fucking on the hook. Now I'm stuck getting fucking affiliate owners on here. I had Sage Bergner on. Someone's like, you need to get Sage Bergner on. I had her on. I had her on.
Starting point is 01:58:04 I had her on. Someone's like, you need to get Sage Bergner on. I had her on. I had her on. I had her on. Now, maybe I should do a show that's just answering DMs. I can't even see my phone with my glasses on anymore. All right. What's Seth want? Oh, someone sent me the Carrie Lake thing. Holy shit. want uh oh someone sent me the carrie lake thing holy shit seth sent me that thank you uh ryan listen guys do me a huge favor huge favor when you see something i post in my stories don't don't don't respond to it like unless you're gonna say something like if you respond to it with a heart or fire or something then that means you pop up in my inbox and I have to...
Starting point is 01:58:46 It's just one... You just took two seconds of my life. I'm not looking for any validation like that. If you want to be like, Hey, Sebon, you're dumb or you have a huge dong or my sister wants to blow you, all good. But just like a fire emoji or like a thumbs up, don't. Do not.
Starting point is 01:59:04 I want none of that. I don't. I'm not. I'm not. And all I'm doing is reposting shit that the other people have sent me. I don't have time to like find my own shit. I'm stuck. You guys are my algorithm.
Starting point is 01:59:17 You know that, right? No. Yes, you do for the algorithm. No. Not in my inbox. Like you can do it on the post. On the post, go crazy. Please comment on everything in the post. I love that shit. Like and subscribe and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm just saying if you're going through my story and you click something – yeah, party pooper, I guess. I just do stuff. But I've been... I need to be able to sit down for two hours every day for 30 days. Okay. okay
Starting point is 02:00:28 shut up and scribbles on at 1030 here I'll give you a parenting tip one I haven't talked about in a long time once and this one's not for everybody. This one is definitely not for everybody. This is just for fucking super-duper aware people like me. Once your child can hold onto your fingers,
Starting point is 02:00:57 which happens pretty quick, I can't remember, let's say six months, I would never pick Avi up without first letting him hold on to my fingers and i would stand him up and then i would pick him up just a little bit and bring him close to my body and then he would and then he would sort of i would transfer him to my body like that i would never just pick him up i would always make him earn that pickup with a grip and so if i picked him up fucking 100 hundred times a day, he'd get a hundred of those a day. Now, the reason why that's dangerous is if you're not fucking comfortable with your kid, what you're going to the whole time, you're going to be like, what if his fingers slip
Starting point is 02:01:32 and he drops and falls? It's not for everyone, but it's how I always did it. And it forced me to slow down all you've already given this one. I know. I don't got any new ones. I don't got any. Fine. Fuck you. I ain't writing a book. I'm done.
Starting point is 02:01:52 No parenting. Love you guys. Bye-bye.

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