The Sevan Podcast - Dallin Pepper | Live Call In

Episode Date: April 21, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of americam express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions Bam we're live Good morning Let me see what's going on here Oh okay Alright great It could be
Starting point is 00:01:21 Dallin could be coming in any minute Dallin Pepper fittest man in America It could be, uh, Dallin could be coming in any minute. Dallin Pepper, fittest man in America. If you didn't see last night's show, we had a blast. Tyler's fun. Tyler and Hiller, what a great combo.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I'm surrounded by so many good people, I always forget when I have them on the show how fun it is. And Tyler stayed up late. I bet you he's tired as shit right now. Hey, my favorite Armenian. Why, thank you. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Good morning, Christine Young. Wait, where is that? Shit, where's that comment? Augustus Link. Augustus Link. I would like to live. I would like to live call into Jake Chapman's tent. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Is he out? Is he out camping? Positively fit adventures. Oh. You know, that's a sign of mental illness. When you got like some dog reference in your dog or cat reference in your name, but we shall move forward. A few shows late, but back to the trans convo. I have a friend who competed in D1 collegiate sports at Clemson as a female.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Nobody knew this person is trans. Does this negate any success the team had? Yeah, all of it. All of it. I'm hey, did your friend who's trans? Did your is your friend the tranny do they feel bad at all for that i always wondered about that like don't they feel bad like i mean it's just straight cheating
Starting point is 00:02:55 masquerading there was a um there was a height i saw a story recently I don't know if we talked about it on the show, but I saw a high school basketball coach. She was coaching a 13-year-old in basketball, and she pretended to be a 13-year-old and went out onto the court. Fucking nuts. I'm tired as shit also. Good thing I have my Paper Street coffee to wake me up.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Yeah, I woke up so tired too. I was up so so late last night i was just up late fooling around i i um uh i got off the show and then i went and i had a shitload of brisket we had a ton of brisket left over from the ufc fight that we got from a barbecue place in town and then so i ate a shitload of that and then my mom had uh been at the house and she'd made a ton of brussels sprouts so i ate a shitload of that and then my mom had uh been at the house and she'd made a ton of brussels sprouts so i had a ton of those and then i watched them i watched this show if you guys know a show called kill tony i watched a little kill tony man talk about i watched it at 1.25 time and then some of it i watched it 2.0 boy that show makes me feel uncomfortable boy that's a weird show boy that is a weird show it has uh it's just it's just two hours of just crazy awkward moments i laughed once in two hours so funny i laughed once in two hours
Starting point is 00:04:19 man uh it was joe rogan and tucker carl were on it, and I couldn't even stop. I couldn't stop watching how awkward Joe is on the show. I can't believe how awkward every – the only person who's not awkward is the guest, is the host. It's just a – I swear it's two hours of train wreck. No, I didn't enjoy – you know what, Thomas? I didn't enjoy it. You know what Thomas I didn't enjoy the roasts I Did I did not I did not enjoy the roasts I Don't know call me soft for some reason I thought I mean there were some some parts of the roast I definitely enjoyed
Starting point is 00:04:59 There was some parts. I didn't we'll get back down. What's up, dude? Oh, what's up? Good morning? Hey, do you do you know this show called kill tony on um youtube like it's like yeah the largest live show have you ever watched it uh i just see clips on like instagram yeah the clips are good i saw i don't know who it is uh but he actually can't speak and he just types his stuff and it's probably one of the best jokes i've ever heard oh he went on stage and doesn't talk he just typed his stuff. And it's probably one of the best jokes I've ever heard. Oh, he went on stage and doesn't talk. He just typed his stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:26 He has some sort of disability. But. How does the audience see it? How does the audience see it? So he types it on a computer and it'll broadcast like a Siri type voice, like a computer voice. Is he in a chair? I can't remember if I'm being honest. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I sent it to everybody I thought it was hilarious Hey am I interrupting your training? No it's deload week I got to the gym a little bit early So we're doing this and then I'll head over to the Gym side of the gym and Get to work
Starting point is 00:05:58 Okay I'm not going to accept that answer Let me follow up question If we didn't have this event coming this week 7am is not normally a good time for you. Well, it's 10 a.m. here. Oh, 10 a.m. is not normally a good time for you. Yeah, normally I get here. I start warming up right now. So you've made an exception because of the event.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Absolutely. Yeah, I appreciate it. You are awesome. Hey, how are the new training facilities? It's awesome. I mean, we have a super cool gym. It's super awesome to be back in an affiliate because when we were down in Naples, we were next to CrossFit Naples, but it's still very separate. It was a couple of doors down, and we didn't see much going on over there.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Just how Naples is, it's typically an older community but here it's a super awesome to be an affiliate we've got we also have like an office side where we've got chiropractors massage therapists um actually the owner of the gym is a don't want to butcher this i believe she has a doctor in psychology so there's therapists here um they're big in incorporating fitness into all sides of health but um physical but Torres doesn't even have his client that needs their mental therapy anymore James yeah James yeah um and and Fi Fi when we had Fi on the show she's loving it too yeah it's been it was it's been a good change just coming up here. I love Naples, but it was just time for something different.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And when you say there's older people in Naples, you are not joking. I have been there twice. And I guess I'll start with they're remarkably attractive older people. They're the most attractive gray-haired people you've ever seen on the planet. But literally everywhere you go, you can play that game where, OK, where's someone without gray hair? I mean, it's really like that. It's it's old people and money. Yeah. You can't drive down the street without seeing. Ten sports cars like super nice Lamborghinis just everywhere.
Starting point is 00:08:02 And like you walk into a restaurant and it's like all those old gray-haired people but yeah you you know they have money too hey um and um i i used to live in berkeley i lived in berkeley for years and years and it has the worst drivers in the world and i i always thought it was because um it was a it was the they were just people who were trapped in their head just really smart people who were like all 40 or 50 pounds overhead uh 40 or 50 pounds overweight and just people who were trapped in their head it's a it's a call everyone just looks like a dork right yeah like all they do is hang out with a protractor are they pretty shitty drivers in naples too because it's just shit loads of old people like did you notice that
Starting point is 00:08:42 i would say when like all the snowbirds come down i'm not the ones that like live there all the time it's like most the roads are like 45 but everyone in naples knows you just go 60 everywhere and it's like people are going 35 and it's just like one lane's completely stopped and you got people cutting everyone off and yeah it's pretty bad driving yeah it's wild you and you have to be you have to be extra patient you can't really my mom taught me this you can't really honk at old people it just makes it worse you start getting like road rage because someone's driving too slow or they're not using a blinker and then you swerve around them aggressively and you look over it's like some 85 year old woman yeah now if not i feel bad and you hear you hear god go i'm gonna remind you of that yeah exactly
Starting point is 00:09:24 when you come up here you're fucked no you're just that night you just go to sleep and you hear you hear god go i'm gonna remind you of that yeah exactly when you come up here you're fucked no you're just that night you just go to sleep and you just think about that fuck i honked at an 85 year old lady what's wrong exactly um uh it's very interesting watching this thing come together because um we're making we make the crossfit games look like they're organized no one knows that we prize money No one knows the prize money. No one knows when the events are going. And I'm enjoying it. It's kind of fun. And you were on a text thread with Colton.
Starting point is 00:09:55 So JR is basically organizing how the prize money is going to go. So I think he decided $5,000, $2,000, $1,000, $1,000. I think he's going to – we'll know for sure uh wednesday and then um and then i think we know how the workouts are gonna go in terms of i think it's just like one and done i think like if you in order to win the money yeah i think it's first of sense okay so that so you've heard that too okay and i think we'll know that for sure on wednesday too but you were on this thread with jason and colton um and uh and taylor and jr how how is that thread going how like does is everyone getting along in there or how how is that how are things going on in there i think there's i've heard about your thread and some things can't be shared from that thread and i'll have to say the same
Starting point is 00:10:43 thing about this thread but colton is definitely out of his shell he came bursting through it he's always got something to say um there's definitely some arguments on how we're going to do the workouts when we're going to do the workouts i think jason's a little nervous to he doesn't want to overdo it doesn't want to hurt twice in a day so he wants to to do one Thursday, two Friday, one Saturday. Some of us are thinking two Thursday, two Friday, and then we'll livestream some of the redos, even though they won't count. It's just entertaining. But yeah, it's been interesting. I think with all the trash talk happening, I think everybody means every word,
Starting point is 00:11:21 but we all respect each other, so it'll be fun. What I heard, i had a very brief conversation with a jr yesterday and he basically told me that he didn't give me any details about the thread like specifics other than you and colton are just like okay whatever give me the workout and i'll fucking do it and taylor and jason are just like they got a fucking opinion about everything and they're just like, it's gotta be like this. It's gotta be like that. They have a, they have an opinion about everything.
Starting point is 00:11:49 And it always has to be different from the other persons. No matter what they actually think they have to disagree. It shows, it shows, uh, who's soft and who's just here to work. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, are you feeling pretty confident absolutely bunch of pansies um he also told me that Torres told him that you're you are a one and done guy yeah honestly I've done I've redone workouts in the past um and like I'm always within just a few seconds or a few reps no matter if i do a
Starting point is 00:12:27 completely different strategy like usually i get about the same thing unless something goes super wrong or say a camera shuts off for whatever reason or i don't like the way my squat depth looks but for the most part i'm able to do it right the first time so you don't know and that is what jr said he said yeah i the impression Dallin doesn't redo a workout unless like he approached it totally wrong or or yeah like you said like something was wrong with the pull-up bar or something like that in regards to the judging but as far as your scores you come out hard and you get it done on the first try yeah that's the goal. But maybe for entertainment purposes, we'll throw down one extra time this weekend. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Do you think you're going to win that? You think that you'll be $5,000 richer? I plan on it. I already made purchases knowing that I'm going to get five grand. Who's coming down with you? So we're going to drive up tomorrow morning. So me and my wife will drive up with the dog, and then Matt and Coach Jaden, who's here for the month,
Starting point is 00:13:35 and Fi and Al will be driving in another car. We'll all just drive up together. Shouldn't be too bad. It's about five and a half, six hours, and we'll leave in enough time to go get a sweat in that crash and hang out and just get settled. What about your pops? Is your dad coming? No, I mean, he's in Utah.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Oh, okay. Was he coming? I mean, he's coming to – he'll be at semis, games, everything else. Okay. I must have misunderstood. When we talked, I thought maybe you mentioned your dad was coming and um why the dog why does the dog have to come is that a good thing uh yeah i think it's a good thing and jason wanted him to come hang out with his dog we're so i'm staying at jason's house all weekends wow that's gonna be an interesting dynamic right yeah wow um
Starting point is 00:14:26 what if you're what does your dog need to get walked like at three in the morning or anything or is it it's already broken and dog and does the ropes he sleeps all day all night and my wife does the morning i do the night so yeah i never she's she's incredible she she makes sure that i will have zero responsibility all week okay okay good the dog the dog um makes me nervous hey um what what about the concerns early on um people were saying hey you'll never be able to pull this off people aren't going to want to do the quarterfinals live because basically you know and this is I think this is a fact tell me if I'm wrong but the fact is is that other athletes will be watching you guys in order to get better scores and that's a real thing right or no
Starting point is 00:15:16 yeah and especially I think you're 100% right um anytime you can find out a score gives you some idea of a pacing, especially. I think we have a good group of athletes with different strengths. And so, like, everyone's going to get a top time from some sort of workout. And when you have something like that, you're able to get your splits out, know exactly how to pace, what not to do. And something with quarterfinals where the days have or they've extended like the window like people can literally just wait until we do it and then do the workout but i think the way the four of us are approaching is go ahead and watch us but then you still have to have the fitness to beat us and just because you see our score doesn't mean much and tell me some of the things like when if you
Starting point is 00:16:01 watch someone else do a workout before you did it what would be some of the things like when if you watch someone else do a workout before you did it what would be some of the things you do anything else besides pacing you'd be looking at set up pacing set up like where it starts to fall apart a little bit and that can fall under pacing but like the perfect example is when James and I did quarterfinals or the group the whole group of us did it last year we would take turns who would go in for who would go first based on the workout. And then we know, say Emma sets this crazy time on a workout.
Starting point is 00:16:32 We know she'll do well on, then we can put our splits based on where we think we need to finish and have a, have a confident strategy when you finish or, and feel confident that your time is where it needs to be. In that, in that documentary that I time is where it needs to be in that in that documentary that um i think it was in the documentary or in some interview um danielle did she basically said that her and who was the other girl over there at underdogs it was um
Starting point is 00:16:59 carrie or bethany oh bethany sorry her and bethany would do do the work for work. They knew that Kerry had the best chance of making it. You had to be in the top five that year to go to the game. There's only five people got to go. And so her and Bethany had decided to be the Rabbits, and then Kerry got in, and not to take anything from Kerry. But that's huge, right? Absolutely. And I've talked with Kerry, Bethany, Danielle,
Starting point is 00:17:22 about that situation. Coop, he was there. And I've talked with Kerry, Bethany, Danielle, like about that situation. Coop, he was there. And like Kerry has the most like gratitude and respect that they did that to help her out. And I know those guys are all real tight. And I only bring it up for the fact like that shit is real. Like you guys are really – you're really putting it on the line to do this. Do you have any concerns?
Starting point is 00:17:45 Because they're only taking, if I understand correctly, last year they took 60 people and this year they're taking 40. Do you have any concerns about it coming to bite you in the ass? No, I think that comes with confidence over time, something that we've all earned. But it is interesting with the 40 because last year with the 60 there were people that fell in the 40 to 60 in europe and i think one or two of the north american regions who actually made the games yeah someone yesterday i think was saying
Starting point is 00:18:18 yellow hosta was i mean he did great at the games not a dig at him incredible guy but he was one of those people yeah absolutely and i think i i want to say it was because of a penalty. So that becomes down to like perfect execution. And I would rather be five spots lower with zero question about any of my movement standards than be sitting there worrying that I'm going to get a penalty just because I was cutting the line. So what, so what is the deal here the the countries north america split up into two and you're you're on the east side right yep east oh and for anyone who's uh listening tickets are available now for uh the syndicate semi-final over and it's in knoxville yes sir okay so tickets are available for that. And that's a great event.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Wilson throws an amazing event over there. So basically, they take all of the men who qualified for the quarterfinals, they take your quarterfinal scores, and those are the people on the eastern side of North America, and then the top 40 are the guys who get invited?
Starting point is 00:19:22 Yep. God, that's hairball. God. Yeah yeah it's aggressive yeah wow and especially like uh i think someone did like a worldwide comparison based on regions from quarterfinals last year and like the east in europe the field is deep like you could take 80th in europe and be 30th in the West. Oh, wow. You're in quarterfinals based on simply based on scores.
Starting point is 00:19:50 So I'm pretty sure Europe has the most stacked and the stacked field from quarterfinals to semifinals, like to make the semifinals, you've really got to like be on your game, um, just to make that top 40. Well, then I'll in my head, I'll quit shitting on them.
Starting point is 00:20:06 I always just think it's easy everywhere else. So you're saying the European men do have a tough road to hoe. Yeah. I mean, especially it's like the, it's, it's all based on like different levels, right? Like obviously the top European men are incredible, but especially in Europe, i think it's the um like 30 through 60 in the quarter quarterfinals that are so tight and so close on every single workout um
Starting point is 00:20:34 the the way it's going to go i think is all four of you guys will all go at the same time yeah that's the goal i think for every workout and and we still don't even know if all the workouts are on thursday and friday or if you guys are gonna let it spill over to saturday right we don't even know yet we'll know wednesday i think we're gonna decide we made the decision to call that once we know the workouts um in case there's maybe there's one that's gonna absolutely destroy us and maybe there's some easy ones but easy uh and the workouts come out tomorrow at 3 p.m i think so yeah and then um jr was saying by 8 p.m i think by 8 p.m eastern standard time you guys will have it locked down yeah at the latest i think
Starting point is 00:21:20 how did you do last year at the quarterfinals uh i believe i won the east and was third overall and um third third in the world wow and so i've heard some people say hey quarterfinals are made for dallin is there is there a reason for that is there something about these workouts that that make it so they fall in your wheelhouse would you agree that those are good workouts for you or is it like hey dude listen i'm the fittest guy in america they're all good for me i was gonna say every competition's good for me like i know i know that's coming from jason too so um i i didn't remember who it came from but i think you're right i think you're right jason yeah he's out here complaining that I'm just gonna walk away with five grand but um I think it's it's very classic CrossFit for the most part when it is online um it's just maybe it's a barbell and some burpees or some rowing um they can't do anything too crazy
Starting point is 00:22:19 uh I like to think I'm good at that but I'm also good at the stuff that's going to show up at the games. So Jason is just good at complaining. Just to be lazy, so you're really good at CrossFit? Yeah. Yeah, so it's kind of like the Rich Froning thing. Yeah. Last day of the games, when they start doing CrossFit, you're happy. You're like, okay, I do CrossFit. Yeah, I mean, same thing happened at the games this year and Rogue.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Those were my best two days. Oh, interesting. Someone in here is trying to sell you a dog with your money. Let me see. Oh, look, yeah, Colton Lurtons, the dog salesman. After I beat you this weekend, I'm going to take Millie. Is that his personal dog? I think so.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Put Millie on the line. Oh, my God. How horrible would that be if you guys bet each other's dogs and one of you took the other dogs home? Oh, my God. I'm pretty sure we all love our dogs. That'd be pretty brutal. Yeah. So you'll come here and you'll and you'll and you'll do these
Starting point is 00:23:28 workouts um when when this came up you didn't hesitate at all no way i think especially after the open um and the feedback and some of the dms i got some of the stuff that was happening on the show. And, like, it felt like old school, open announcement, CrossFit, the community gets to be so involved. Like, what's really special, I think, about this community and the athletes is if we're able to give them stuff that they enjoy watching and, like, they want to support us and we can give some entertainment, like, and then they're giving back support us and we can give some entertainment, like, and then they're giving back to us by it's little stuff following,
Starting point is 00:24:09 subscribing on YouTube, grabbing a shirt or a belt, whatever it might be. And just like dropping a comment, all that stuff helps us so much. And so it's a, it's a give and a take for both sides. And I think it's pretty cool that I got the opportunity that you asked me and that the community wants something like this. And so I'm I couldn't I wouldn't hesitate in a million years to do something like it. It'd be it'd be silly not to. So you feed off the energy.
Starting point is 00:24:37 It was good. Like you came you came you came to you did the open. What did we do for that? We did the open live, too. Yeah, I was the first week. OK. Oh, did weeks one two three I was like I don't remember the four of you in place okay and so you do that and then you and then and then there's in the feedback loop it's a net positive you're motivated it gives you it energizes you the people are pumped and so the same for this come here do this put on a great show um maybe not maybe take a
Starting point is 00:25:08 little more risk than the other athletes who get to do it behind closed doors but it's a net win because of the the energy you get from the crowd that yeah that it extends for your entire career like there's people who are going to watch you now who will become down fans who will give you love that you can feed off of for the rest of your career. Yeah, it gives me a platform to show who I am and people can make connections. Hopefully I can be personable to all these people and continue to just grow the sport and grow the community. So definitely a win. Like I know there's prize money, but that's not even I would have said yes without the prize money. But don't take it away. Yeah, no yeah no no we won't take it away but that but that but that is true um uh i think all of you uh i think jason colton you um and taylor didn't even know that there was prize money when we asked
Starting point is 00:25:57 you same with the open you guys didn't know that there was going to be any uh pocket cash and you guys didn't know which is kind of crazy that you guys do that i'm already thinking like how do i i don't i've never sent anyone five thousand dollars i guess i'll just tell sarah from ca peptide she's putting up the five grand and born primitive she's putting up all sorts of stuff during all that burpee stuff i know wasn't that wasn't that crazy would you call that like one of the coolest shows you've done uh yeah for sure it was cool for a lot of reasons it was cool because we got to piggyback off of what the barbell spin did yeah and that the two you know i was promoting his event he was promoting by my event it was cool because we got tim murray we got the fittest man in america in in the short stature division yeah um it was
Starting point is 00:26:41 cool because you got got to see the community like i had no idea that they were gonna pump that much cash and then of course my relationship with the sponsor yeah dude it was it um it was fun i was just telling the guys today sponsors for the show now are like coming out of the woodworks like crazy yeah i yeah i can't believe it i was told i'll never get a sponsor a year or two ago and now they're just pouring out of the woodworks it's kind of hard it's kind of hard um having multiple options for sponsors because i want to stay i want to stay real to to what i preach but i also need money to go to semi-finals to to film and yeah it's it's tricky do you have that issue have you ever had to turn down a sponsor you're like damn i want your money like, I don't know if I can do that. easier because you could take a video or a picture of me anytime in training or throughout the day and i'm like like i'm just i don't want to say i'm a walking billboard but i use the products
Starting point is 00:27:50 that i'm pushing um which makes the job that much easier so yeah yeah you want to just be like you want to be like drinking a can of rain before a workout and then just because that you you get caffeinated before a workout and then that's it it's done yeah someone at the we did a brute camp like two or last weekend i can't remember but like had had a rain and someone was like oh it's good to see that like you guys actually drink that stuff like like you you don't know because i don't think everyone in social media or even like in the crossfit space is holding to that same standard where maybe they're just looking for a little cash grab.
Starting point is 00:28:31 The way we have our sponsors on this show is we have the sponsors we talk about on the show. And then we have sponsors that like, I think DraftKings is one of our sponsors. That's just like an automatic recording in our iTunes and our Spotify. Oh, yeah. I've heard that. But I don't gamble. Yeah. I don't know the owner of DraftKings.
Starting point is 00:28:53 I don't even know the first thing about DraftKings. I don't even know if – I don't even understand those numbers plus and negative. So we kind of keep them kind of in the outer loop. You know what I mean? Yeah. They just get to put their recording in there as opposed to like birth fit like god i believe in everything they're doing yeah it's like i mean you don't choose what ad comes up when you start a youtube video
Starting point is 00:29:13 right like i don't think the person chooses that it's just that just happens to be how it is and yeah i think that's totally fine yeah and then and we get paid for that too so they may like they yeah there could be a uh in my youtube, there could be an ad for a dialysis center. You know what I mean? It's like thank you for the two pennies for running that ad. Yeah, seriously. And I think the people accept that too. I don't think that they're like – I think they accept that.
Starting point is 00:29:39 But it would be weird to – I don't know. it would be weird to, um, I don't know. There, there are some that could get, there are some that could get, uh, there are some that could get squirrely.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Yeah, absolutely. Do you have, do you have it set up? So you got like your sponsors of the show and then people are coming in for like very specific events. Is that how you're, you've been doing it? Um,
Starting point is 00:30:09 well, the relationship we have with Born primitive is just building right so they they they had dude that was kind of crazy so they're basically like um i had that guy the owner on the podcast and so then i called him and i said hey um i'm first i reached out to someone else to sponsor the event and they said they didn't have the money to sponsor it. So then I reached out to born primitive and they were like, I, I, this, I think the spirit of what I'm saying is right. Don't quote me on this exactly, but they were like, Hey, can we see your numbers? And I'm like, Hey, I don't really want to show you our numbers because our numbers are so low that you're not, you're not going to think what I'm asking for is worth it.
Starting point is 00:30:42 And so, um, they're like're like okay that's weird right i mean because they want to know so they can get the return and so we asked for the money and we didn't we actually we asked for let it cost us more money to do the open than than the money we brought in but just like you it doesn't matter because it adds brand value so it like just energized the podcast right we got an extra 100 subscribers um other sponsors saw it and so we took that opportunity so they gave us the money we used the money to fly you guys out and get hotel and a little pocket cash and then um they saw the they saw the response and they're like holy shit they couldn't believe it but it was easy because I wear Savage Ones. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Yeah. And I, and I, and I wear their, their, their joggers like crazy. Right. And so, so, so it was easy. And that's why we reached out to him. We reached out to him because it was like, Hey, I like that shit. Right. So I'm sure your agent does that too.
Starting point is 00:31:39 You're like, Hey, I really like, this is my favorite vacuum cleaner. Fuck me. I love, I actually like vacuuming because like, because of this vacuum cleaners can you reach out to them so um so then that happened and so then when we did the quarterfinals they're like fuck dude we're in yeah so but if they want but ideally i'm going back to your question i'm not partitioning it like hey these are for the year and these are for events i'm just like send me your fucking money you know what i mean like i don't care for sure yeah because because we're just trying to make the ball keep rolling yeah authentically as things pop over the horizon yeah for sure that's interesting you bring up
Starting point is 00:32:18 like your numbers because but i feel like the people that are what they call themselves the Savonistas. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Those guys are as loyal as it comes and it's so cool. Yeah. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Cool. It's crazy. It's crazy. Crazy. Cool. I can't really express to them their, um, their,
Starting point is 00:32:41 in their influence. Right. So I'll have guests on the show, just a friend of random ding-dong. And then a day later, they'll be like, dude, you have the nicest listeners ever. Yeah, they'll eat it up. It's awesome. Yeah, because they go over to the DMs and thank the person for coming.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Like it was their house. They thanked the people for coming on the podcast. And yeah, it's pretty cool. That's so cool. Did anyone in your camp express concern about you doing the quarterfinals live was like matt like oh i don't know if this is a good idea or maybe your wife be like you know dallin did anyone express concern about just because because of the fact that you're doing it live and other people will get to see it no i mean when i told matt he was right on board uh my wife was like as long as you kick their ass then sure
Starting point is 00:33:25 but everyone was pretty stoked he was all about it um yeah and like we we enjoy being around the people that we're going to be around this weekend and like crash is an incredible gym um so there it was it was a no-brainer for sure for everybody yeah. Yeah, it is good. As much of a shit show this podcast is, how lucky are we to have fucking JR, dude, right? Like a real adult. A responsible adult. Yeah, a responsible adult. Takes care of business. And Will Branstetter.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Do you know him? I love Will. I talk to Will quite a bit, actually. Yeah, crazy. By the way, anyone who is at Crossfit crash uh this week just walk right up to will and say thank you yeah just squeezes big old fucking badonkadonk like just like hey i think it's inevitable um that you win the games it just yeah the trajectory is just there it's weird that only me and you know that i feel like
Starting point is 00:34:26 um everyone's just afraid to say it for some reason where are you compared to last year can you tell us like can you tell us like can you give us something i know you guys like to kind of hide your numbers but can you be like can you tell me like hey i put 10 pounds on my deadlift or my mile time has gone down by 10 seconds is there anything you could share with us that you're like fuck watch out people yeah so if you look at the games last year 5k bad helen very average um of course the ski bag that was also bad but we won't go into that i got no reps a bunch and ended up failing so i pushed it right to the limit but the the main takeaway the last three years has been running it's honestly been really frustrating like Matt and I will finish a competition or finish an event
Starting point is 00:35:10 that has running and it's like we just look at each other there used to be conversations about how we'd approach it we think we get better come off the floor and like no words need to be said because we're both just like confused and disappointed why it hasn't been working but if you look at last year's games again the 5k and helen was not great so we took a whole new approach to running and my 5k ipr by a minute and 40 seconds two months ago wow so wow and how did that feel were you were you devastated at the end of that 5k or how'd you feel yeah i i went for it like i was shitting myself the rest of the day honestly like that did not feel good but it was exactly what i needed to
Starting point is 00:35:52 just like continue that momentum and that's something uh we've worked very hard on and finally getting some results so oh was it scary to take a different approach? Absolutely. And I guess yes and no. I mean, I got to, like, Matt's been incredible. He's been researching and studying, reading, just all things running. And we found this book that he's been going off of and the programming and just a different style than we've ever done together. And we've been together for six, seven years now. Um, and we've had to try something new to get it to work. And luckily they found that thing and we'll just keep going with it. Does he, does he, um, do you guys,
Starting point is 00:36:39 does someone call a meeting for that? Like, like, does he say, Hey, Dallin, when you get here today, let's, uh's i want to talk to you and you guys sit down or is it just you're just hanging out and it just comes up casually when you talk about like reworking something like that uh both for sure um we usually have like a sit-down meeting during a deload week to plan out the next cycle um i enjoy that for my brain um after the competitions we'll have a sit-down meeting as well but it'll also come like when we're hanging out playing games having dinner whatever it might be um we'll be talking about like a running workout that's coming up in two days and that type of thing so yeah
Starting point is 00:37:17 the the the the camp who's in it now? In Jacksonville? Yeah. Right now it's just me and Fi. And is that significantly better? Do you feel like you get more quality coach time from Matt as opposed to having Emma there, Danielle there, Nate there? Yeah, and I think that's simply just a number versus time situation. It's not anything where anyone was taking more time. It was just like, let's say there's an hour and there's five athletes. We all get even time. Now there's two athletes. It's like, it's like, that's just how it is. Um, but it has been good. It has been really
Starting point is 00:37:54 good. And how about not having James there? Do you feel like that maybe that you don't have someone to push as hard with now that James isn't there? Yeah, I do. I do miss having James around and he was here for 10 days, and that was awesome. I would love for him to eventually make it back over here. I think that's completely up to him and Danica, but I think they're looking into that. I definitely miss having James out here. This weekend, do you have an idea of how the placements are going to happen?
Starting point is 00:38:23 Can you tell me how you think it's going to place between you, Colton, Jason, and Taylor? Honestly, no, not until the workouts come out. Because, like, what's really interesting about competing against someone, say, like, Colton, sets almost two world records in the Open. Like, there's some workouts that you are, you will not beat Colton. And that's just how it is. And then there are some workouts where Colton will not beat the rest of us. And that's,
Starting point is 00:38:50 that's just the statistically speaking. But, um, I do think I actually have a great shot of winning and that's the plan. But other than that, I have no idea, um, what order we might fall.
Starting point is 00:39:03 That is what makes him a crazy outlier right um uh i mean t is fucking as good as they get right and yet ariel in that workout at the games i don't know it was last year the year before just comes out there and beats her on the um uh oh the traverse right yeah the parallel bar ones just fucking nowhere right but and so but they're like you said you can i don't know if you can say that about any other athlete in the entire crossfit space there is just shit that colton just can't be beat at yeah it was uh what was the front squat deadlift dip burpee at wadapalooza like during one of the behind the scenes things, it's like, Oh yeah,
Starting point is 00:39:47 Colton's going to win this. Or there's been times where there's like a squat, muscle up handstand pushup. I remember it was my first year at Wadapalooza. We're going on the floor and like Pat yelled, soak it in Colton. Cause we just know, and that's okay. Like the dude's a savage and right i have a lot of respect for colin so yeah yeah it is it is trippy watching him right before our eyes he's been generous enough to just show uh his whole like we got we've got to see his whole kind of evolution just as a as a person like someone said he just came out of his shell and i don't think um the way
Starting point is 00:40:28 the way you said you worked on your running i think he works on coming out of his shell like that like for him it's not just like he's getting older and more mature it's like yeah like i really don't want to do this shit but since i'm here i'm going to embrace it i'm going to learn how to fucking talk and crack jokes and like he probably has a joke book at home he writes down all his thoughts throughout the day yeah not dude yeah tons of respect for colin all right do you think anyone's feelings have been hurt colton's gone pretty hard at jason you think jason has i've enjoyed that i've got i've got another video coming today i'll film it after this session, but no, no.
Starting point is 00:41:05 If, if anyone's feelings get hurt, then that's on them. They're too soft. Or Hey, your feelings were supposed to get hurt. Yeah. Or maybe,
Starting point is 00:41:14 maybe it hit home just a little too deep. This is crazy. It's crazy how clean, uh, it just fit right on there, right? Yeah, this one's unsettling. The other two are funny. This one is just...
Starting point is 00:41:32 Wadzombie made these for you? Yeah, Wadzombie and then Micah Shoemaker helped me out a little bit too. I mean, these are... And then look at this one. Tyler noticed even the detail in the Photoshop putting Colton's head behind this dog right here. I didn't even notice that, honestly. I just took the picture and posted it. That's clean.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Yeah, right? Give it a little depth. And then poor Jason. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. That one is the one I hesitated. I did hesitate. Too close to home.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Like, Jason, you really do look like that dude. Only when the face is all distorted. There is. So that. Do you know where the first time this came out was actually from Danielle? There's a picture of Jason swimming at Wadapalooza. And, like, no one looks good swimming. Cause you're like breathing like out of half your mouth and faces all twisted
Starting point is 00:42:29 up. And that's where, that's where that all started from is awesome. Yeah. John Young's probably pretty happy because he gets made fun of for being that same guy. So he's probably like, fuck you can have it.
Starting point is 00:42:38 I should have just put John Young and tag Jason. Well, thank you. I look forward to your next piece of content. I really appreciate all you guys. I mean, at the end of the day, all you guys are doing is promoting the event. It's going to be really fun. It's the only game in town for the quarterfinals. And so I really appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:43:03 And thanks for taking the time to come on here, dude. absolutely i also do want to mention yes i'm bringing micah out to greenville this weekend we're going to do full behind the scenes during quarterfinals awesome awesome we're going to get the youtube going you guys will be able to see everything so i would appreciate if we get some subscribers over there. Will it just be you or he'll be doing a full behind the scenes of the entire event? Specifically me, but we'll make sure that everyone's involved. We'll get interviews and we'll talk to people as long as they're cool with that. Yeah, I think everyone will be cool with that. Unfortunately, the guy we were sending out to do the behind the scenes, his wife's pregnant, so he needs to stay close to home.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Yeah. So tell Micah, thank you so much. And I look forward to seeing it. And I'm sure you'll get cooperation from everyone. Yeah, it's going to be awesome. So appreciate you all.
Starting point is 00:43:56 All right, dude down. Thank you. Talk to you soon, buddy. Later. Talk to you soon. All right.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Hey, oh, and thanks for bringing fee. It's going to be, it's going to be a great show with her and Lindsay Lane. It's going to be dope. Yeah, they're going to crush it. They're going to go at each other's throats, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:44:10 All right, dude. Have a good day. Later. Later. Lindsay Lane and Fee Sagafi will be going head-to-head, and the Glinton Podcast is giving $1,000 to the winner. $1,000. That winner. $1,000. That was crazy. Crazy generous of the
Starting point is 00:44:28 Glinton Podcast. For those of you who don't know, Garrett Glinton and her wife Colleen hosted this show a couple Saturdays ago. Hopefully they'll be hosting another one soon. I don't know. Bernie Gannon, when people have fun with you, it's really usually a sign of affection.
Starting point is 00:44:49 I hear you, but man, I mean, this one's crazy. That's the kind of thing, if your wife sees that picture and then she can't get that picture of your face out of her head could have ill effects this one's just ridiculous this one actually makes me uncomfortable and the picture of uh taylor's insane imagine how giddy uh you must be when you post something like that. Like right before Dallin posts that, he must be so giddy to release that to the world. Jason had a funny one today, actually. Actually, let me see if I can find what Jason posted in his story.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Jason posts a video. This is Jason Hopper's account here's a video of Jason setting up a he says I'm excited to host Colton Mertens at the CrossFit crash this week just making sure everything is good to go for him and he's setting up a pull up bar for Colton oh my goodness And he's setting up a pull-up bar for Colton.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Taylor gonna finger bang the world. Jake Chapman, where are all the funny female athletes? Daniel Brandon's pretty funny. Jamie Doran, this is all such a step up from when Dallin tried to poke the bear wearing jason's old football team shirt uh judy reed uh go get yourself a guardian shirt from vindicate a guardian shirt what's that no get yourself a seven podcast shirt from vindicate sean lenderman uh jake you know women can't play like that. Oh Fusli a good point Wow
Starting point is 00:47:07 Man, she may Wow what I wonder what she's up to. Let's just look at her Instagram account She may be at the top of the heap. I would I need to have her on again Rebecca Fusli a I Hope she'll come on again. I feel I feel like every time she comes on there's like some sort of backlash But she's a great guest the show does great numbers let's see what Rebecca's up to so for people like her
Starting point is 00:47:39 going to the semifinals I wonder if it's going to be extra hard for her right because she's been a bubble athlete for so long. She's doing her thing. She makes training look fun. 315 000 followers dang a little recap of my favorites that we didn't post from the open wow look at this jumping
Starting point is 00:48:28 yeah she's funny I could see her doing WWE Dead lifting I could see her doing WWE. Deadlifting. That a girl. Oh, that's another good point. Seth, Alexis Raptus is funny. Yep. All right. I'll give you that. That's point. Seth, Alexis Raptus is funny. Yep. All right. I'll give you that.
Starting point is 00:49:07 That's two. That's two. That's a good idea for these shows that have multiple guests on. Like Get With The Programming has that game show. Pedro has that. Pick three funny girls. I wonder if they can be funny together. Who else?
Starting point is 00:49:25 Who's on more? Ariel's very creative. Ariel Loewen. Very creative. But Rebecca and Alexis are funny. Dildo. I would fight a rabid grizzly bear in a handicapped bathroom stall with nothing
Starting point is 00:49:46 but a shake weight strapped to my forehead as a weapon just to hear alexis wrap this fart through walkie talkie i guess i can't take that back listen i don't read these beforehand uh do a version of kill tony show is so uncomfortable do you get used to it like if you watch the show i was thinking that maybe if i watch the show over and over i was feeling a little uncomfortable watching it and my wife's like because i was watching it last night and uh my wife was like the the people who come on there know. I mean, they know ahead of time, right? They had this Assyrian lady on last night who had to do a 60-second skit.
Starting point is 00:50:34 It was her second time on. And she looked like a man. She looked like a tranny. And, yeah, it was a trip. Oh, Emily Rolfe is funny. The thing is, very good point emily rolf is funny and sharp and witty oh that so that's the show wow that's a great idea for a show for pedro uh alexis raptus emily rolf and uh rebecca fusli all right that's pretty good i bet i bet you um uh shelby
Starting point is 00:51:10 neil uh when she comes out of her shell she'll be funny too i i i don't watch kill tony i watched it yesterday it's the second time i've watched it in in three or four years you know i watched it i'll be completely honest i was just thinking oh i need to find some comedians to have on the show. It's been a while. And I got Hans Kim and David Lucas from that show the first time I watched it. And then I saw Tucker and Joe Rogan were on it. But, man, dude, it is awkward. Tucker looked awkward.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Joe looked awkward. Tucker looked awkward. Joe looked awkward. The only person who wasn't awkward was. There was this black dude on the show. Who was a returning stand up. And he wasn't awkward. And the Tony dude wasn't awkward.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Everyone else was just. That's the best part. The awkwardness. Alright. If you say so. I guess I don't like horror movies either. Do you like horror movies I guess I don't like horror movies either. Do you like horror movies, Mason? I don't like horror movies.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Oh, Cam Patterson, yeah. Dude, can you understand that guy? I couldn't understand. I could only understand. At one point, I looked over point i looked over to my wife like are you having trouble understanding him she said yeah man he's hard to understand he needs one of those computers but he was funny he was funny and sharp and he was comfortable i was i was i was super comfortable around him yeah i horror movies i don't enjoy horror movies i don't enjoy horror movies i don't enjoy horror movies or just like um i don't know oh there was another there was another
Starting point is 00:52:55 dude who was uh comfortable it was this androgynous looking mexican dude was on the show but he had been on before too. Enrique. Enrique something or another. I can't remember. So. There's that. Oh. Someone just texted me and said my show is hilarious. That's fucking that's exactly what I need to hear oh yeah Enrique Chacon
Starting point is 00:53:28 yeah Enrique Chacon I guess that's the I guess that show falls that Kill Tony show falls under podcasts and it's the largest live podcast on youtube which is um interesting oh shit please please oh please tell me i have this. I wanted to show you guys this clip I saw. I just saw it this morning. Let me see if I can... Oh, okay. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:54:26 It was a theme from like a year or two ago where i was basically saying like hey the the irony is that the only people who can save that it's gonna it was it was during covid and i was like hey we're gonna have to deal it's gonna have to be someone who's just completely fucking obese that comes out and says hey this is our fault we know it's only us who are fucking dying people who fucking smoke cigarettes like they're going out of style and chain smoke and chain drink coca-cola and that the rest of you don't need to worry about it and fuck the lockdowns we will take personal accountability and responsibility stop taking the injections like i was like hey we need someone to just we need a whole horde of those people like 10 000 fat motherfuckers to come out and say that. And that's the exact same thing that needs to happen with DEI and racism.
Starting point is 00:55:10 It just needs to be just a whole fucking horde of really fucking self-confident, melanated people who are like, hey, dude, we know that racism only lives between the years. And quit it. Like, we don't care. Like, fuck it. Stop it. Stop with the DEI shit the dei shit stop feeling sorry for us like that's the only way because we are in some sort of weird uh version of a uh civil war right now some cultural some cultural fucking civil war unfortunately a shitload of people are fucking dying also and the effects are crazy how they trickle down the boeing thing's another fucking disaster and then we got you know
Starting point is 00:55:50 witnessing it firsthand with our own beloved crossfit but this this was great the problem with this is for people who aren't um christians or who don't um believe in god this this shit for the vast majority of this shit fucking bugs them. I wish they could just get over that part and just be like, hey, it doesn't matter whether you believe in God or not. This shit works. No, Vindicate,
Starting point is 00:56:18 Savon, did you see Glinton Things' latest podcast about their school and DEI and CRT? No. Yeah, I wish you'd have done that on my podcast. their school and dei and crt uh no yeah i wish you'd have done that on my podcast i'll go over and check it out yeah we need people like her to speak out okay uh here we go listen listen to this this is great good percentage of people will not accept an offer with a company that doesn't have intentional DEI programs and initiatives. Talk to me, Pastor. Preach on, brother. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, a few things.
Starting point is 00:56:57 If DEI works anywhere, it has to work everywhere. Let me tell you where DEI does not work. The NBA and the NFL. Where are the Asian, Latino, and Hispanic basketball and football players? Where are the black guys in the National Hockey League? Those businesses are performance-based. It really comes down to, Dr. Phil, the issue of justice. And if you really want to go deep to the heart of this, and when I say that DEI treats the symptom but not the sickness, America is in a new civil war right now. The first civil war was the North versus the South. The new civil war is a war of ideologies concerning justice. And it's really going to come down to who gets to define what justice is, whether that's biblical justiceologies concerning justice. And it's really going to come down to who gets to define
Starting point is 00:57:46 what justice is, whether that's biblical justice or social justice. When moral law stands alone and DEI initiatives are based upon that, somebody gets to pretend that they are God. That's a problem. It's fascinating too, as we know that the entire South, those were the Democrats and the entire North were the Republicans and not a single Republican owned a slave. And we know who won, the North won. We know that the war was, civil wars primarily fought over the fact that they knew the slavery thing was coming to a head, that it was either going to go one way or another, that the country couldn't be split.
Starting point is 00:58:33 And so the war was fought, and the North won, the Republicans won. And here we are all over again. And the Democrats are overtly racist. But because it's supposedly on the side of the people that had been formerly oppressed, this time it's okay. And they want to take away the rights of the individual and give them to groups. And they want to take away the rights of the individual and give them to groups. And when I say this shit out loud, I cannot believe this is a fucking reality in 2024.
Starting point is 00:59:17 It's so clear. Brady Libby, can you imagine turning down a job because the company didn't have DEI department? It's fucking crazy. Hey, the truth, the absolute truth is this. If someone does that, you don't want that person. That is not a hardworking person. Here's the thing. If you're a boss and you run a company, you don't want if someone walks into a place
Starting point is 01:00:07 if a 22 year old boy walks into a place and he's 5 foot 9, 165 pounds and on his resume it said that he was a high school wrestler for 4 years and that he loves going to church that's your hire. If the same kid walks in and he's 200 pounds overweight and he is he's proud because he's part of the local BLM chapter, that is not your hire.
Starting point is 01:00:43 And not for any reasons because of the affiliations with those groups or because of political ideology or nothing like that but just the fact that those are markers that show that like you're going to have someone who plays the victim who gets sick uh who can't who can't be as efficient i mean i mean it's just so – it's not discrimination or prejudice. It's discernment as an employer of just trying to get the best work out of someone. If you were picking a car to win the – just pick a race, the Daytona 500, and you had a legit Daytona 500 car and then a Honda Accord and then a Toyota pickup truck, what would you pick?
Starting point is 01:01:35 Augustus Link, 23 years old, 5'11", 200 pound, wrestled through high school, one year college, does CrossFit and goes to church. Yeah, thank you. Please. college does crossfit and goes to church yeah thank you please no i'm not i'm not suggesting that dude you really don't know enough about the people that go to church you think they're all hard-working saints no that's not true i don't think that they're all hard-working saints i don't think that they're all hard-working saints but let's just look at our previous guest, Dallin Pepper.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Full-blown Bible beater, works hard. Great body. Hey, dude, I did just list that as one of my criteria, but what I'm saying is I'm not suggesting that everyone who goes to church is great. I'm not suggesting that at all. I'm not suggesting, hey, dude, I know tons of bad kids that wrestled. You can choose any one of those things. I know fat people who are the fucking hardest workers I've ever fucking met. Yeah, Jeffrey Birchfield. Here's another one one don't hire a smoker vapor either how many productive hours are lost to smoke breaks
Starting point is 01:02:51 yeah that's one guy that's but but you also pat said that you're also talking about yeah that one guy when you say that they're all not all saints go to church, you're also talking about that one guy. Matt Fraser is not an atheist. I think he went through the 12-step program. Yeah, listen, listen. That's another good thing. to a fucking bar if you walk into a bar and it's a uh and you see a hard-working bartender that is probably a good fucking hire that is bartender that is a good fucking hire especially if you go to the bar every day for fucking a year and you realize the bartender is not a drunk and that they're always there that is a good worker. That is a hardworking person.
Starting point is 01:03:45 I think bartenders are good to choose from too. Uh, call her. Hi. Seve. How's it going? It's plumber. Hey, what's up dude? Uh, not much. Just wanted to call in. You were talking about hiring people and, uh, it's funny. You use the 22 year old kid reference. Um, I now, right. I was an intern last year at my place and then i took the guy or the guy that i was interning under ended up leaving so i took his job but this year i'm getting um emails from people now wanting to intern with me um and this one guy
Starting point is 01:04:21 had a pretty good resume with like it it said that he was working at Nike. And then, but like just in the store, nothing like training wise. And then he had like a couple of shadowing experiences. But then I asked him about it. And I asked him, I'm like, well, do you like, are you training for anything? Do you exercise? Like, what do you do? And he's like, well, I work out, you know know two to three times a week just to stay in shape and i'm like you're applying to be a human performance trainer and you like train
Starting point is 01:04:50 two to three days a week yeah and what would you what did you want to hear fuck dude i'm obsessed i love this shit i love moving my body you you have to hear that right like if the coach doesn't hear that like hey and how dumb is he for not knowing that it's an iq test he failed the uh the superficial credentials and the iq test well and he wants to go and he was pre-physician assistant which it's kind of like odd but i get it he wanted the experience and he wants to be in sports but it's like dude like at least fucking lie to me right Like tell me you train five days a week or, or Hey dude, I train two days a week, but really I want to train five days a week.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Right. Yeah. Yeah. I'm, I'm just like, you can't expect if you're not, if you're not passionate about it, right. It's not one of those jobs where you're not passionate about it right it's not one of those jobs you're gonna make yeah it's just i mean you you want to pick you want to hire people who are reliable who are reliable who are hey there's even a pro there's even a profile for um for people who you know who are gonna uh um uh apply for workman's comp. Like, you know, them. I used to work at this home for disabled adults and there was,
Starting point is 01:06:09 I could just profile people. I could be like, that person's a workman's comp. I'm going to be on workman's comp before, before they're here a year. And I w I was fucking like 12 and oh, it's like, so it's so obvious.
Starting point is 01:06:20 So fucking obvious. He also, he like towards the end, he asked, and it was kind of i i mean i guess it's a valid question but he's like well what would like you know what would my role look like like what would i be doing and i'm like i can tell you what it's gonna look like over the phone all you want but like you're not there yet you haven't even seen the building and like to whatever i tell you it won't really explain a whole lot. Yeah, that's another thing.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Yeah, like, I don't really. All those questions are red flags for me. All those questions are red flags for me. What's your role look like? You show up and you say yes. Yes, exactly. Yes, exactly. Yeah. like you show up and you say yes to the first thing exactly yes exactly yeah i will do fucking anything i want to show you i'm the fucking i i just want to get my foot in the door i'm so excited i know what you do over there will it's so awesome if i can glean a little bit of knowledge or
Starting point is 01:07:20 insight from what you do that's great i have nothing else going on i don't own a dog i don't have a girlfriend i'm just pumped i'm just in the stage of my life where i want to be a fucking sponge and and my uh and you know i i do only work out two days a week but i want to do five did you think i could work out with you a couple days a week how about that i actually uh i hired my um one of my friends or one of my classmates on as an intern this year, but brought him on. Hold on. Sorry. Hold on one second. We'll get right back to this. So, Pat, I didn't even read this whole thing that you wrote, but I want to say this. Disregard anything I said. All I'm saying is, how about this big picture? People should use – there is discernment you can use when hiring people.
Starting point is 01:08:04 I have my discernment. You have your discernment, Pat. If you're not using your discernment, then I donment you can use when hiring people i have my discernment you have your discernment pat if you're not using your discernment then i don't know how you're hiring people i think we can all agree that you should use discernment and i think that the worst kind of discernment you can use is the color of their skin unless you're picking for a sports team or um or uh or who's um who's genitalia that they want to put in their mouth relative to their own unless you're shooting porn. And besides those two things, I don't think that that should be a call for discernment of choosing to hire people. That's all I'm saying. Yeah, physical attributes and con.
Starting point is 01:08:35 Yeah. If you don't like church people, Pat, you have a bad experience with them. You think they're a bunch of fucking losers. Fine. Don't use that as your discernment. Big picture. Let's go up to a hundred thousand feet. I'm saying that there are things that crazy, brilliant, humble people like myself can use to discern how people are going to behave. And the patterns are easy to spot. Thank you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:53 Well, go ahead. So the buddy of yours, you just hired. Uh, yeah, he's been working with me since January, but, uh, it's funny. You said the dog and the girlfriend, he had a girlfriend and then he's like, I think I'm going to get a dog. And I'm like, don't get a dog. And girlfriend he had a girlfriend and then he's like i think i'm gonna get a dog and i'm like don't get a dog and he got the dog but but it was funny that you you said those two things because that's it's funny when you're 20 something right those are the things that it's like oh what do i do but he's doing fine with it he's making it work yeah i don't i this is going to come out totally crazy but but here's the thing i haven't just said it on the show right now so um my beloved patrick rios fucking such a g pat if you're listening this is not a dig at you at all he fucking murdered it the water palooza behind the scenes he did was fucking revolutionary he's
Starting point is 01:09:36 a beast and he has a fucking wife that i absolutely love who i got to meet. Who's the greatest support ever. So when I, when I see Pat, I'm like, or Patrick Rios, I'm like, wow, you got this fucking wife. And it could,
Starting point is 01:09:51 like I said, but like the way I example I gave, it could have been a ding, but he got a fucking muse. Like this chick is amazing. She'd never filmed before. And he just brought her to the games, which would be a red flag,
Starting point is 01:10:02 but handed her a camera. She worked her fucking ass off and got a ton of great footage for us. She brings food. She drove the car. She just makes sure she got in where she fit in, right? This bitch fucking rocked. But that being said, he can't go to fucking the Taylor Self versus the world because she caught a load of baby batter and she's pregnant now. So now he got to stay home with her. Oh, yeah so you know what i mean so it's like it just those are the those are the
Starting point is 01:10:29 things um and so i could have put if he would have gone there and um and and filmed that i could have put that behind a paywall and fucking milked another twenty thousand dollars from the listeners yeah so um so it's just big picture shit. Yeah. How you talked about discernment, right? If you're, if you're in a position, right, where you're, where you are hiring and firing people and bringing people onto a team or looking at that, right. That means whatever, right. Your company trusts you and expects you to use your discernment to bring good people in. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Right. Or, and hopefully your company isn't one that does it based off of right. Skin color, pigment of your skin. Right. Right. Like that's, it should,
Starting point is 01:11:14 it should be always performance based and what's going to fit your needs best. Right. But that being said, if you can't watch them play basketball before you pick the team, you pick the black you pick the black dudes the Asian dudes, the white dudes and then the Mexicans, sorry
Starting point is 01:11:29 but that's the order you pick them in yeah, I mean that's fair but if you can't see them play then you throw color out the door exactly and so you can't see so you can't see people at work work first
Starting point is 01:11:44 but if the guy says he has a dog and it's pregnant and it's about to have babies, you know that this motherfucker is going to miss a lot of work. This dude tells you he's had his fourth booster. You know this motherfucker gets sick a lot. Yeah. All right, Seve, I got to roll. Good talking to you. Yeah, thanks, Sean. All right, bye.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Yeah, Asian basketball players. Not at the pro level, but at that – I'm not talking at the pro level, but at that I'm not talking about the pro level, but at that fucking street park level. Yeah, Asians all day. Asians. Here's the thing, too. The black guys will get tired. Black guys and white guys will get tired.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Mexican guys get you a lot of fouls. Yeah, Asian guys. Like you're doing a pickup game at the park and you got to pick dudes. Pick a nice, nice mixture of blacks and Asians.
Starting point is 01:12:33 Skinny Asian guy. Point guard. I don't even know basketball. I just made all that up but I felt like I sounded smart as shit. Tell me. all that up but I felt like I sounded smart as shit tell me tell me tell me how accurate I am I see Johnny Mexican guys do foul a lot thank you thank you I
Starting point is 01:13:02 I was at the when Yao Ming was just a kid I was at the uh you know how weird I am I I was um I was at the uh rec center at UC Santa Barbara University of California Santa Barbara and he was at the pool it was during the summer there was a Jordan camp there he came he got there a few days early I had no fucking idea who he was. And I was playing Frisbee in the field. I was playing Frisbee in the field that's adjacent to the pool at the rec center. And there was, there's a fence there and no one was in the pool. It was kind of early in the morning, eight or 9am. It was during the summer and I was playing frisbee and i saw him walk out onto the pool deck and lay in a uh a pool chair and i just fuck i i i think i when i saw him i thought that like his uh
Starting point is 01:14:00 is your femur the one um that's between your knee and your hip is that your femur the one that's between your knee and your hip? Is that your femur bone? Whatever that bone is that's in there with your hamstring and your quads, I thought that bone in his body looked like it was as tall as me, just that one bone. I remember just seeing him. I walked over to the fence. He was fucking nine feet away from me, 10 feet away from me, the chair. I walked over to the fence and just grabbed the bars turned my back to the guys i was playing frisbee with and just uh um looked in the bars stared at him like he was a zoo animal yes that's the femur thank you Thank you, Bernie. Thank you, car. Thank you. Wow. Wow. Your hair is outstanding. Oh, my God. I'd like to see more pictures of you. My goodness. Hubba hubba red hair
Starting point is 01:15:07 yeah yeah i was it was it was a trip he was ginormous this this this must have been like This must have been like... 2000. Could that be right? Was Yao a kid when he was 2000? Yeah, probably 2000.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Oh, who's ginormous? Hi, Audrey. Heidi looks like the... Heidi looks like Kiki Dixon there. Like the non-only fans version of Kiki before whatever happened to her happened to her. That's a great picture, you guys. Hi, Audrey. Yao Ming is ginormous.
Starting point is 01:16:10 Yao is a giant. Ginormous. ginormous oh uh listen mason mitchell uh both of them are christian who who are who are both christian uh heidi and um audrey or uh yaoming and and myself i would consider myself christian don't believe in god uh callerer, hi. Hey, Savvy. Hi. It's Jess. Roseview Photography.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Oh, hey, what's up? Hey, Savvy. Hey. So. I think you have to turn down the YouTube. We have a crazy echo. Oh, sorry. My bad.
Starting point is 01:17:00 My bad. How are you? Dude, I'm living the dream. I was so excited to get yeah you are man i was so excited to get down on this morning because i've been bugging him like at 10 o'clock at night for a few days being like hey can you come on in the morning i was just being a douche just bullying him and finally last night he's like fine i'll come on but i knew i knew that like i mean these guys are addicted to their or not addicted their discipline to their schedule so it was really cool that it came on.
Starting point is 01:17:26 And I'm getting really nervous about this week coming up. Like, but good nervous. Oh, you shouldn't be nervous. Good nervous. You're going to crush it, dude. I know, but I'm still nervous. Like, I just wanted to go off without a hitch. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 01:17:37 That's how I feel whenever I go to, like, shoot a wedding. I'm always, like, super nervous. And then I shoot a wedding, and then I'm like, oh, it's still a big deal yeah it's no big deal yeah just another day like you're gonna get home and your card's gonna fail or something don't say that okay fine no i was so i was calling just because uh you were talking about um just like hiring people and all the things maybe i didn't catch the whole conversation i was driving home from the gym uh i know every job that I've ever applied for. Whenever I put on my resume, like, you know, so I grew up on a dairy farm. And the very first thing people ask, like, oh, you're a dairy farmer.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Like, you know, like all the things like with that. You get up early in the morning. You show up. You're strong. Yes. Yeah. Yes. you know how you you you can learn new shit have you ever used a pallet jack before no can you learn no problem like you're a self-starter you're not afraid of shit shit can smell shit can get hard there can be flies yeah you're totally you're eminently capable totally right dairy farmer higher yeah i don't give a fuck and that's all i need and by the way for any people who don't know like so at that point
Starting point is 01:18:49 you don't need to be a christian you don't need to be fucking working out you don't need to be skinny i already know i already know how long were you a dairy farmer four years why'd you quit the farm went out of business hired fucking hired yeah yeah pretty much so that's yeah that's why like that's why like you know with like um with colton mertens like people people still understand like farm kids just we're different we're just you know we're built different but no we seriously are yeah like i mean colton i he he gets up early in the morning to go work on the farm and then goes and trains the way he does. And then probably has to go do more farm work later.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Like dairy farming. Like you have to get up. I like 4. AM. I go up, get up at 4. AM to go to the gym at 5. AM come home,
Starting point is 01:19:40 milk cows, and then go on with my day. And then milk cows again at night. Like it's, it's a constant you're constantly working so most people you know they woke up in the morning and the first thing they did they stepped in shit they would fucking call in sick and their day would be ruined oh yeah dairy farmer stepped in shit you're like today's gonna be a good day dude yeah absolutely yeah i look at pat lang even pat lang look at look at me look at me in 12 daily doses just fucking open mouth kissing each other i'd fire a farm kid i'd
Starting point is 01:20:13 hire a farm kid all day yeah yeah and there's not many around now there's now yeah there's a certain age though where the farm kid turns into an alcoholic now listen these farm kids have a short life listen you got to get them early i mean you do you got to get them but when you find really good hard-working ones then that's they just know how to work hard and that's about it uh rosie uh extra sloppy wants to chime in nothing is done on your time on a farm it's all done now because shit happened and we have to fix it now doesn't matter what it takes hallelujah yeah and that's just like in workouts uh you know like if a workout gets really hard like i don't complain about the workout i don't complain oh my gosh this is gonna be so hard
Starting point is 01:21:02 you just put your head down and get the shit done. Yeah. Someone needs to say some animal needs a fucking 45 slug to the head. No problem. Got you. I'll let my brother handle that. Anyway, I was just chiming in, had to give some farm talk,
Starting point is 01:21:20 you know? All right. Thank you. Love you. So good to hear from you. Absolutely. Love you too. All right. Bye.
Starting point is 01:21:24 Bye. Rosie from Rosie photography. I work side by side with her at the games last year. It was good shit. I don't know if I could handle the fucking slug in the, in the animal's head. I'm not made different. I'm so normal.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Member of missionaries. My favorite position. They also studied the way gay and straight people talk. Hey, how's it going? I drive a Chevy C10. Sounds straight to me. And is straight. I'm saving the world by driving an electric vehicle. Gay.
Starting point is 01:22:00 They also studied the way gay and straight people talk. Hey, how's it going? I drive a Chevy C10. Sounds straight to me. And is straight. I'm saving the world by driving an electric vehicle. Gay. Well, there you go. There you go.
Starting point is 01:22:17 Now we know. I saw the nicest Tesla ever. I'm not even a fan of Teslas. I saw one yesterday. God, it was nice. It was so stout. It looked like a kind of a stretched out 911. And it was a really it was a matte green.
Starting point is 01:22:38 So nice. God, it was nice oh oh oh damn it i screwed this bit up okay uh the um the the maker um liz collins is coming on the show she's the producer of the fall of minneapolis if you haven't seen that movie you have to see that movie you have to see that movie liz collins it's on youtube it's free you'll be so happy you saw it and then if you want a a wild book to read read her book um i forget the name of the book but you can just look up liz collins fall of minneapolis and and listen to the. It's such a fast listen, but it will blow you away.
Starting point is 01:23:29 And for those of you who live in Minnesota or Minneapolis, brace yourself. Cause man, you live in some corrupt shit, man. You guys make California, you guys make California look good. What a fucked spot to live in.
Starting point is 01:23:41 Quit jerking off. I don't want to stop, but I do it so much that one of my buddies told me holding you have to quit choking your chicken I never heard this before but I choked mine so much that I gave it a name you guys were here the name I named it George Floyd I love that joke, by the way. I don't think you need a tag on that.
Starting point is 01:24:15 Me and Rich Voss made five seconds of eye contact after that going like that. That's a pretty good sign. What does that mean? So what does that mean? You don't need a tag on that. They kept talking about jokes yesterday. You know how you're talking about grammar and you'll be like oh that's a verb or that's a subject or that's a preposition they kept referring to jokes that have tags what does that mean um
Starting point is 01:24:34 what is that what is that oh dude you are fucked ken if you're in minnesota you are fucked, Ken, if you're in Minnesota. You're fucked. Dude, your shit is so fucked. Well, until I see the movie about California, your shit is fucked. What does that mean? A tag? A tagline? A disclaimer? No, no, no, no. It's some component of comedy that the Tony guy kept talking about it. When he was talking to another comic, he's like, oh, you've been on the show before and you didn't you didn't have any tags in your setup tags. What are tags? A follow up line after the joke.
Starting point is 01:25:31 a follow-up line after the joke tag is a follow like like what a chaplain said a great joke only comes after a good joke like was tim murray a tag like uh um colton and jake berman were the joke and then the tag was tim murray a laugh line It's a laugh line that follows the original punchline of a joke A tag are the comments you say after the punchline to keep the laugh going. Oh, okay So it's just a follow-up joke to piggyback piggybacks off the first joke, okay, so it's okay There was a there was a guy who had a great one then yesterday okay uh saying saying the joke was already complete it didn't need the tag at the end. Sevan, maybe Greg can take you to a comedy show.
Starting point is 01:26:36 Wow. You choke the chicken so much that you call it George Floyd. Have to quit jerking off. I don't want to stop. But I do it so much that one of my buddies told me, Holden, you have to quit choking your chicken. I'd never heard this before.
Starting point is 01:26:53 But I choked mine so much that I gave it a name. You guys want to hear the name? Yeah. I named it George Floyd. The go. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. The go. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. I love that joke, by the way. I love that joke too. Uh, um,
Starting point is 01:27:17 um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um,
Starting point is 01:27:18 um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um,
Starting point is 01:27:18 um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um,
Starting point is 01:27:19 um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um,
Starting point is 01:27:19 um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um,
Starting point is 01:27:19 um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um,
Starting point is 01:27:22 um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um,
Starting point is 01:27:23 um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, producer of the fall of Minneapolis will be coming on the show going to blow blow blow your mind going to blow your
Starting point is 01:27:36 mind now listen very carefully listen very carefully pro-Palestinian Muslim says quiet part out loud. Sharia, quiet part out loud. Pro-Palestinian Muslim says quiet part out loud. Sharia law coming to Canada.
Starting point is 01:27:54 You will have no choice. And then the interviewer is going to ask a question. What would happen if there were gay people in Gaza? Listen, listen to this. Listen, listen, listen, listen. What would happen to a gay couple in Palestine, sir? What? What would happen to a gay couple in Gaza? Executed according to Islamic law. Islam doesn't endorse gays. Islam doesn't endorse homosexuality. What would happen to a gay couple in Gaza? They would be executed
Starting point is 01:28:22 immediately under Sharia law. Maybe you didn't hear it. Maybe you guys didn't hear that. Maybe you didn't hear it. Maybe you didn't. Listen, listen. Gay couple in Palestine, sir. What? What would happen to a gay couple in Gaza?
Starting point is 01:28:35 Executed according to Islamic law. Islam doesn't endorse gayism. Islam doesn't endorse homosexuality. Just like Canada doesn't endorse a lot of things. Did he say gayism? Islamic law doesn't endorse homosexuality. Just like Canada doesn't endorse a lot of things. Did he say gayism? Islamic law doesn't endorse gayism? That's a pretty cool word. What would happen to a gay couple in Palestine, sir?
Starting point is 01:28:54 What? What would happen to a gay couple in Gaza? It would be executed according to Islamic law. Islam doesn't endorse gayism. Islam doesn't endorse homosexuality. Just like Canada doesn't endorse a lot of things. So would you like to see Sharia law in Canada replace Canadian law?
Starting point is 01:29:09 At some point it will. You know, because we have families, we are making babies. You're not. Your population is going down the slump, right? And by 2060, by 2060, according to Pew Research Institute, your research, by 2060,s will be the biggest religious group the world over what are you going to do then actually post sharia is even then you know what i'm very appreciative of the honesty we don't usually get that one day we can have a muslim majority nation
Starting point is 01:29:37 here in canada right in your face what happened to a gay couple in oh my god What happened to a gay couple in? Oh, my God. So that's the thing. That's the thing. That's the thing. Whatever you want to say, who the puppets are, who are running the show, and there's no difference between the right and the left and all that stuff. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Fine. There's the 100 hundred thousand foot view fine but don't forget that these people in Gaza 86% of them thought that October 6th or 7th whatever the fucking day that happened was totally cool
Starting point is 01:30:16 and it was United Nations money teaching those people that Jews are to be killed and that that that country on a regular basis their leaders there in Iran and everywhere chant death to America. And and. And this and. This guy, this guy, whatever that guy, wherever he went, he lets you know, remember, execute the gays. remember execute the gays um so uh listen uh um uh most most muslims don't endorse sharia law first of all you don't know that you don't know most muslims i would probably argue that you're way way way way way way off there but second of all most people in this country don't endorse DEI either, I think. Seve, what's your point?
Starting point is 01:31:12 I don't know. I don't know what my point is. I don't have a point. Do I need one? What's your point? Jews are not in a sad state around the world. What the problem? Most Muslims endorse other Muslims.lims with testosterone endorse sharia yeah i mean it's just yeah most nazis did not endorse the killing of the jews did you know that
Starting point is 01:31:57 the the the the the the nazis are not in a sad state around the world. What's their problem? I don't know. Pat's deleting comments. I'm okay with people deleting comments, just so you know. I'm okay with people getting called out for deleting comments, but I'm okay with deleting comments. I personally don't delete comments, but I would delete a comment like if i called your mom a whore and then i found out that she read it and i felt bad i'd
Starting point is 01:32:33 probably delete it oh kenneth de lapp a fine piece of insight i heard most nazis weren't even nazis they were just doing what they're told that's awesome i know you're not deleting comments but i'm just saying how dare you accuse me of deleting comments uh judy reed i delete mine sometimes if if if i have a huge grammar error etc and retype it yeah that's it. We've talked about this before. That's a Chinese affliction. I wonder if I have to go. There's more I want to show you guys. Shadi, Shadi Allah.
Starting point is 01:33:20 Okay, here's this. You want to balance it out? You got, I know, I know those those fringe crazy sebon podcast listeners will love this one here we go here we go i should have anomaly on soon and i haven't made that many instagram reels recently is i just feel like republicans are complete controlled opposition most of the things that people are talking about is just pointless and circular and i don't feel like arguing in the comment section. So I've just
Starting point is 01:33:48 been going to the gym. Yes, Joe Biden sucks. He's awful. But the last president infringed on the first amendment, the second amendment, the fourth amendment, and nobody seems to care that the entire Republican party all this year is warp speeding through anti-Semitism hate speech laws, which create hate speech phrases, are begging to police rhetoric, create safe spaces, and revise free speech policies. And one of the hate speech phrases literally includes the word Jesus. Personally, I feel like Republicans, including Trump, DeSantis, Kemp, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and pretty much all of them except for Thomas Massey, are so sold out that they're literally working to slow roll the outlawing of the Bible and Christianity in America. Sounds crazy, right? I believe it's happening. And I think that Republican commentators are
Starting point is 01:34:35 incentivized to never talk about this topic and just constantly run you in circles because the second that they weigh in on this topic, they know that they'll probably get Candace Owens and they might not want to lose their stability, money, and fame. And for those wondering who are going to ask me, well, what about RFK? Don't care about him either. God bless the guy. He's pretty cool. But I don't think he's running a serious campaign
Starting point is 01:34:56 to actually be the president this term. And all signs point to him selling out on this topic as well. Appreciate y'all. God bless. Have a good week. The reason i have uh two things that i really like about this well i like anomaly but uh also but um making laws against hate speech is fucking batshit crazy
Starting point is 01:35:17 and i like the fact that uh he says he's going to the gym listen to this i haven't made that many instagram reels recently is that just feel like Republicans are complete controlled opposition Most of the things that people are talking about is just pointless and circular and I don't feel like arguing in the comments section So I've just been going to the gym. Yes. I've just been going to the gym Deliverable wearing a wife Peter. I know i just love it god i love it god i love it oh pat you oh i thought you would like what this guy said uh doses you think he's just too far off you think he's just out there you think he's just like
Starting point is 01:35:58 i don't know what the word i can't think of anything that you like I don't know what the word is anymore like if you're a flat earther are you out there you believe in the red shoes are you out there like I don't know I don't even know what's out there anymore I've lost my I've lost my uh context or relativity of what's crazy oh he's a fear monger I don't know I thought that's that's weird I misread you I thought you I thought you Oh, he's a fear monger. I don't know. That's weird. I misread you.
Starting point is 01:36:30 I thought you would have loved that. Bernie Gannon, a problem is that all sides are using the same tactics, tricks, or influence. No one steps back to be an adult anymore. Hey, oh, someone made a comment earlier that Sousa only works out two days a week or something. First of all, I don't give a fuck. But second of all, he's so fucking busy.
Starting point is 01:36:47 But I don't think that's true. Excuse me. I don't think that's true at all. I got so much. I'm getting so much. I thought I was going to get fucking crazy shit from the Jason podcast. A guy walked up to me yesterday. A parent at the Jiu Jitsu studio who was his first day there with this kid.
Starting point is 01:37:23 And he walks up to me and goes, oh, I saw you. I saw you on Jason's podcast. And I really liked it. I was like, wow. I thought that was going to get me some fucking hate mail. Egypt, why are you off the mat? Because I need to take a break. Why do you need to take a break?
Starting point is 01:37:41 Because my legs hurt. Can you still run? Yes. Why are you crying? There's a reason for the tears okay there we go does it make you feel bad you're not ready to quit you got more energy it's the emotions is making you want to quit so this is the place to get all of this out tears release stress hormones the same big boys don't cry is a lie. Every man I know who doesn't cry, cries in other ways. Can't keep a job. Always on the edge, ready to fight someone. I want you to get focused. Look at me. You do want to fight
Starting point is 01:38:17 and push through this lap. Do you understand? Good. Give everyone a minute. What do you do now when you're overwhelmed with your emotions and you want to quit i push through them and i don't let them control me good he's your why you off the mat man i uh my son ari is the uh he's so fucking tough and he's so good at jiu-jitsu and he pushes so hard and he he's and he's very emotional he um he's very uh i don't know what the word is i don't know if it's sensitive or not but like i could say something and he'll start crying or or birthday parties he always cries when people sing happy birthday he cries isn't that wild because they're getting a year older somehow he's not he's that makes him emotional and i see it and he pushes through
Starting point is 01:39:10 he pushes through it all but i see it and i'm just so excited every time i see him cry because i'm like man at some point he's gonna figure out like an alchemist how to transform all of that emotional energy like right now it's it's just so it's so uh it's his energy is so raw and and uh and he's not at that age where the mindfulness is there to observe emotions and so as they come up you're experiencing them right and so you just fully embrace that experience and you run with it just like anything like when they eat a cake or get a remote control car or win a prize they just really take their experiences to enjoyment to the extreme and i see him doing that with his crying but man what a uh i'm so every time i see him cry seem crying so excited about it i'm just
Starting point is 01:40:07 like yeah i walk over i'm like yeah you demand look at that emotion someday you're gonna get that shit fucking like streamlined you won't you won't you won't let that energy just get completely absorbed by emotion he's such a good dude. My son Ari. Anyway, I love this video. I love seeing just good people working with kids. It's awesome. Great stuff people sent me. Sometimes I
Starting point is 01:40:39 worry about all the stuff people are sending me. It's just like, fuck, so much dark shit. Here's another just great one. Here's another great one. You know, the Amish graduate school in eighth grade and that's when the learning really begins. They learn to build, knit, run a farm,
Starting point is 01:40:58 use tools and start apprenticeships. And this comes after a childhood of doing business because the focus of their education is to get their kids ready for the real world. I'll never forget when I visited the Amish in Pennsylvania. There were eight-year-old kids running food stands by themselves. And there were thousands of customers. So they start young with reading, writing, penmanship, and math.
Starting point is 01:41:19 They learn to speak three languages. And their first graders learn right alongside their eighth graders. In fact, the older kids are expected to serve as mentors and chores and responsibility are just a part of the school day. In fact, there's no janitors because the children clean the school as the Amish use school to teach their children their culture. Because why would you send your kids to an institution that hates everything you believe in? You would think this is common sense. That's why I write books. Why would you send your kids to an institution that hates everything you believe in. You would think this is common sense. It's why I write books. Why would you send your kids to an institution that hates everything you believe in?
Starting point is 01:41:54 How is anyone sending their kids to school? My God. Sebi, there's good schools out there. All right, all right. I'm sorry. All right, all right. All righty. All righty. All righty.
Starting point is 01:42:06 I, I, I, I, uh, I, all right. All right. I believe you. I'm, I'm, I believe you. I believe you. I believe you. I believe you. I believe you.
Starting point is 01:42:20 Sugar in a baby's brain is called ADHD. Sugar in an adult's brain is called dementia and Alzheimer's. Sugar in your eyes is called glaucoma. Sugar in your teeth is called cavities. Sugar on your skin is called aging. Sugar in your sleep is called insomnia Sugar in your blood is called diabetes Excess sugar in your body is called cancer Sugar and alcohol kill good bacteria in your gut So now that you know this, how do you detox from processed sugar? in your gut so now that you know this how do you detox from processed sugar probiotics with lactobacillus help metabolize sugar and increase the good bacteria in your gut l-glutamine helps reduce sugar cravings and obviously cutting back on processed and packaged
Starting point is 01:43:23 snacks and foods. Sugar in a baby. I remember I was in South Africa, and I was at this dinner with all these doctors, and there were these two, what are they called? Ophthalmologists, is that? Ophthalmologists diagnose and treat all eye diseases okay yeah there's an h and ophthalmologist oph am i pronouncing that right ophthalmologist it's oph th they don't need that h in there silent h H. Ophthalmologist. I was at dinner with these two ophthalmologists, and the guy was saying that one of the things that people notice from going in ketosis is with the reduction of inflammation, the lenses in your eyes go back to the shape that they're supposed to be in, and so people's eyesight gets better. better. So I guess your cells hold more water if you eat too much sugar
Starting point is 01:44:26 and it causes the bending of the lenses in your eyes. Crazy. Christian Kettler retarded probiotics equals waste of money. I've heard that too.
Starting point is 01:44:50 Yeah. Mason Mitchell, I do insane amounts of sugar and eyes are suddenly going to shit. I wonder how old you are too. My eyes are going through some sort of transformation. I've been going out more and more without my glasses. What sucks is I actually enjoy wearing glasses. I don't know why. So why do you wear glasses, Yvonne?
Starting point is 01:45:16 I don't know. But when I look at my phone now, I don't wear my glasses, which is a trip. I take off my glasses every time I look at my phone. Probably from eating sugar. And my lenses are all fucked up. Like I bent my lenses.
Starting point is 01:45:30 I don't know. I quit sugar. And my vision markedly improved. Yeah that's cool. Yeah 38. I think my eyes started doing some weird shit. That's when I like I. Started really the hunkering down on prescription glasses oh interesting uh jeffrey birchfield after 45 the lenses begin to
Starting point is 01:45:53 dry uh dry out and the shape changes oh interesting oh uh christian kettler there are peptides for that sebi oh for uh gut health ca peptides i did notice though that when i when i go into when i on my days that I fast I do see better. My eyes feel better. Alright. Well we covered all the bases today I think. Little crossfit. Excuse me. Some burping.
Starting point is 01:46:37 Talked about sugar. Made fun of Muslims someone sent me this this is kind of cool remember that girl the basketball girl Caitlin Clark I didn't know who she was Caitlin Clark officially gets drafted overall by the Indianaiana fever i guess that's a
Starting point is 01:47:06 professional woman's basketball team swipe to see the impact she's already having on the wnba was this yesterday she's six feet tall she's 22 years old uh i guess that's the video of her getting uh. So Indiana, last year they had one nationally televised game. This professional team called Indiana Fever. Indiana Fever? That's the name of the team? Indiana Fever. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:47:42 That's a stupid name. And this year with this girl, Caitlin Clark, they have a contract for 36 televised games. So I guess people want to watch her. So that's a pretty big impact. And then check this out. A typical WNBA prices versus games against Indiana Fever. So if you're... i guess there's a team
Starting point is 01:48:06 called chicago sky i wonder women's basketball sucks the names are ridiculous they have a um chicago sky normally the tickets to go see that fabulous pro team cost 25 but when this caitlin clark chick comes to town it's 125 and there's a team in las vegas to watch women's basketball in las vegas las vegas aces that's it that's okay i dig that name um it's normally 15 to see that team wow that's cheap but when when caitlin clark comes to town it's 114 and then there's a team called the new york liberty it usually costs 33 to see them play on average but when caitlyn comes to town it's 88 and then the phoenix mercury go figure hottest city in america maybe the world phoenix mercury at 23 normally to go see those chicks uh dunk dunk uh when caitlyn comes to town will be 109. oh please women finally pull their weight in professional sports the fuck they do
Starting point is 01:49:09 this doesn't mean shit this chick will fucking this thing will be i bet you her salary ends up fucking bankrupting the team she's on this thing will just come and go like it's nothing this is just the flavor of the week this is just the flavor of the week we're one we're no I also saw Tyson Bajent reported to training camp
Starting point is 01:49:36 did you guys see that that's kind of cool Chicago Chicago Bears. Let's see where. Oh, here it is right here. Chicago Bears. Look at.
Starting point is 01:50:02 Yeah, boy. Yeah, boy. Look at him. Look at him Look at him Look at him Don't mind if I do It's awesome Awesome awesome awesome Uh guys I will be headed down to
Starting point is 01:50:24 Carson Oh You wanna hear something crazy Awesome, awesome, awesome. Guys, I will be headed down to Carson. Oh, you want to hear something crazy? I have fucking no business saying this. Don't start a stampede. Here's two things, some things that you should know. I'm headed down to Carson for the semifinals. I will be filming the behind the scenes. I have, I think JR and Taylor will be there also doing a Games Day podcast.
Starting point is 01:50:44 So that show will be live, like, from the venue. They may even do it from the field. And there is a good chance, some chance, there's a chance that I will be, but a lot of the Sevant Podcast team will also be in Knoxville. Those tickets are on sale now. So you can buy those tickets now if you want to go. And there's plenty of Airbnbs and hotels and tons of shit available in both places. I also heard, and I'm not supposed to say this so don't get crazy,
Starting point is 01:51:14 but that Greg is going to be doing a BSI event near here, near my house. And it's going to be a small event and it's going to be dope. And I'm going to be there for that too, for sure. And that is going to be a small event, and it's going to be dope, and I'm going to be there for that too for sure, and that is going to be a fucking party, I'm telling you. Those two days. And I think he's going to make it available to the public, but it's going to be fucking quick and rabid. It's basically going to be a popularity contest.
Starting point is 01:51:41 It's going to be basically just who you know and how to get in i suspect i don't even know if like an official list will open but basically we're going to film those um i think he's going to start wanting to try to do those regularly and um and he's going to do them in this area and so he can start getting more and more footage of his lectures his lectures are really getting tight and smooth and basically the whole thing's coming together sort of like the L1 came together. And so him and Emily Kaplan have both let me know and they've given me a date for one that's going to pop up
Starting point is 01:52:17 really quick around here. Heidi, you should text me and I'll try to figure out a way to get you out here. You should text me. And I'll try to figure out a way to get you out here. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Yes. Oh shit. Uh, yes. Uh, some dad just said, uh, sent me a text and said he would take my kids surfing at 10 30.
Starting point is 01:52:55 Oh, that's fucking awesome. Uh, I gotta call my wife and tell her that. These events that Greg has has are so um they're just they're just dope i just can't explain it it's so fun oh shit i called my own number jesus christ What a weird job I have that I have to call my wife and all the people I work with get to hear the call. It's kind of a strange life I live. Oh, oh, Susan's coaching till 8. Can you fucking believe how many sponsors are reaching out? Can you believe how many people are reaching out? Can you believe
Starting point is 01:53:45 how many people are reaching out? Hey. Hey. Oh, I hear my mom's there? Yeah, they're doing our meeting. They're doing our meeting? Am I on speakerphone? No, but you're in my ear
Starting point is 01:54:05 and I'm right next to everyone. Oh, God. It's loud. Hey. Sorry. Oh. Jeff just texted me and said that they're going surfing at 1030. Surfing at 1030.
Starting point is 01:54:24 Oh. Cool. They don't have anything until one okay but but i'm such a jackass like putting their wetsuits on and all that i want to be there at 10 before them so they don't have to like wait for us and shit i want to leave here like at 9 30 and go down to the beach and just get set up and like get the boys all ready. So when he comes, he can just take them out in the water. Okay. I'm so excited. Yeah. That's all these scopes.
Starting point is 01:54:51 Yeah. It's sunny as shit. Okay. Yeah. I just assume it's, it's Capitola. We're going to. Okay.
Starting point is 01:55:02 Maybe just double check, but I can't usually, that's where they go. Okay. Okay. Is there any food left? Breakfast food? Eggs.
Starting point is 01:55:15 And I can heat up some steak if you want. Okay. You're hungry. We should go see if the neighbors are still selling eggs. Okay. And buy their eggs. Okay. Yeah. I love you.
Starting point is 01:55:24 Okay. Love you too. Bye. Bye bye bye all right that's cool i'm at the beach i'm basically at the beach i'm just too i'm my my road goes just straight into the beach i don't know two miles at the most just straight downhill two and a half miles the most so like i could be there in three minutes could run down there oh Jeff I saw your workout the other day that was good shit
Starting point is 01:55:53 the half mile rock and the pushups and all that okay so I'm actually going to call Emily now and find out the details and find out how I can help with the event but Emily did say in the text she goes hey I think it would be nice
Starting point is 01:56:14 if a lot of people if you opened up to people who listen to your podcast which was really fucking nice of her um I already invited one person from the podcast but i'm sure i'm sure it's going to turn into a fucking shit show the good thing is is that um uh there'll be multiple of these like if this if this goes off good which i think it will i think that he might start doing these one or two times a month so that um we can get content there'll be multiple of these. Like if this, if this goes off good, which I think it will,
Starting point is 01:56:48 I think that he might start doing these one or two times a month so that we can get content and just keep in and use that content to help building out his, his vision for where BSI is headed or him and Emily's vision is. So, all right. It's getting close to rocket shit time, uh, it's just uh, Wednesday tomorrow tomorrow's gonna be nuts. I think tomorrow i'm doing three shows thursday. I'm doing six shows friday six shows um, and Uh, suza is not suza is flying out to
Starting point is 01:57:21 charlotte today crossfit charlotte To begin the setup for the live stream so there is no Sousa show today alright love you guys talk to you soon oh wait a second is today
Starting point is 01:57:42 Pedro's show I always forget. Is today Pedro's show? I always forget to talk about Pedro's show. Or is that Wednesday? Anyway, check out Coffee Pods and Wads. Talk to you guys soon. Wait, what's happening? Bye-bye. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:58:01 Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

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