The Sevan Podcast - Darian Weeks | He's BACK | UFC

Episode Date: February 5, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions bam we're live look at you new spot what's up brother how you been yeah great living the dream living the dream hey did you paint the house what looks different something looks different or you're normally in front of that bookshelf with all the games or something looks yeah i'm normally in front of this bookshelf right here. Yeah. I'm on the kitchen table normally. But I bought this $4,000 couch, so I thought I might use it. Hey, it looks like a $4,000 couch. How many cows did it take to make that thing?
Starting point is 00:01:35 No, it's freaking like, it's got this whole freaking lazy boy, and then it wraps all the way around. Did you get a new TV also? No, no, I've had the same old 70 inch tv for oh 70 okay that's good i approve for i approve yours yeah hey we live in a time when it's um there's no excuse to have a uh small tv anymore literally especially not a little box tv yeah i mean you could go to costco and get a 70-inch TV now for under a grand easy, right? Yeah, flat screens, flat screen TVs are,
Starting point is 00:02:09 I mean, are the cheapest things out there now. You know what I mean? We're living the dream. It's the best time, it's the best time ever to be alive,
Starting point is 00:02:17 even though the world's gone to hell in a handbasket. Best time to feel like you're rich. Right. The stuff they give you. Look at you, you even have an insulated cup.
Starting point is 00:02:26 I'm out here making it now. Hey, I got a very interesting question to start with. Did you end up getting the shot, Darian? No. Oh, yeah. Me neither. I didn't want my balls to explode on command. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Let me ask you a question. Now, take a step back if i were to say to you hey man i'm losing my patience with you that would you that that's kind of a threat right like so let's say your neighbor's like right let's so let's say your neighbor's like hey dude uh let's say your neighbor comes over and he's like hey dude your lawn you haven't mowed your lawn in a month you're like yeah i'm gonna get to it next week say your neighbor comes over and he's like, hey, dude, you haven't mowed your lawn in a month. You're like, yeah, I'm going to get to it next week. And then he comes over. And after he says that to you five times, he comes over and says, hey, I'm losing my patience with you. So that means he's either going to beat your ass or call the city on you.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Yeah. Like it's a threat, right? Yeah. What? This happened to you? Well, I just saw this. I hadn't seen this in a long time. Well, I just saw this.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I hadn't seen this in a long time, and I saw it this morning on the internet, and I'm going to show this to you, and I'm just like, holy shit. I can't fucking believe our fucking president of the United States said this shit to us. Listen to this shit that he says to us here. I don't know if you remember this. Listen to this shit. Okay okay here we go here we go uh this is joe you recognize this dude that old guy joe biden in the white house yeah i think everybody knows that guy all right here we go over 200 million americans have gotten
Starting point is 00:04:01 at least one shot i I do remember this. But our patience is wearing thin. Our patience is wearing thin? I want to see him say that to Darian Weeks' face. I want someone to walk into your gym while you're training. I want to see this fucking dude walk up to you and be like, yo, Darian, everyone got the shot but you. I know I'm 80 years old and all fucked up and got botox but my patience is wearing thin i would like you to just fucking punch him in the stomach
Starting point is 00:04:31 that's the thing like my patience is wearing thin how about fuck you who know i would never talk to anyone like that like nobody that that would make me negate more from thinking, oh, yeah, I'm going to get this shot. Then, oh, I don't need to get it. You know what I mean? Like, like your patient is wearing thin. What are you guys trying to do? What are you trying to force us to take the shot for? What are you trying to why is your patients wearing thin?
Starting point is 00:04:58 You know, you guys got your own agenda with a shot. Like, that's why your patient is wearing thin. The only reason, like, your neighbor wants you to cut your yard and their patient is wearing thin is because they want a certain image to uphold or you know right right they want the neighborhood to look good they don't want ticks jumping on their kids they got like some sort of reason yeah and so there's a reason behind oh our patience is wearing thin for you guys not taking a shot that's why it's fucking there's a lot of people who and who knows i'm not saying this from the shot but there's a lot of people who've gotten the shot who just passed on out of nowhere you know what i mean um come to think of it like uh who
Starting point is 00:05:35 just especially young male athletes yeah yeah hey dude i personally know and i'm sure you know it too i know easily 20 male athletes who've told me, hey, dude, ever since after I got the shot, I've been having chest pains. I've known in the last three years, more male athletes or more males in physical fit shape have had heart attacks and died. Before you didn't know any, right? Before you didn't know any. I? Before you didn't know any.
Starting point is 00:06:05 I didn't know like, yeah, second to none. But like maybe if they had a medical issue. But now like it just pops up where they're like, oh, yeah, this guy just had a heart attack. I'm like, he was 25 and he freaking went to the gym four days a week. What do you mean he had a heart attack? He had a, and now everyone has a heart, what's it called? A heart malnormality or something. Every time that they look in there, like, oh, he had some sort of genetic issue.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Like, come on, man, you know? Like, and so, I'm not saying, like. I am. I'm not saying they're trying to kill us. But I'm saying, like, regardless, when they created that, it was a rush process and there was no time to ever test for, oh, is there going to be side effects or no side effects? They didn't. They were just like, hey, we made this little stuff here. Let's jab it in you and then we're going to figure it out in 10 years if that was the right choice or not hey they admittedly didn't test it
Starting point is 00:07:05 on uh pregnant women which would you think would be an important group of people to know if it's safe for and and you know and the number one thing that they always try to because my buddy was having a a child he had two children during this whole covid thing and they like shoved that on the the woman at the hospital like we need to you know give you the shot so that your baby will be fine you know what i mean like what no hey what did he do was he able to stand up to them no he wasn't yeah that sucks and and and what really sucked is he wasn't the only reason he wasn't able to stand up to them is because his wife is like no we need this you know you know how
Starting point is 00:07:45 sometimes women get about pregnancy and about oh we're having a baby you know and the doctor told me this would be the safest thing and so she just bit that full full chunk and i mean forced his hand and i was i was like oh my gosh and he ended up even he ended up getting the shot because she forced him to do that does he regret it not yet not yet he hasn't i i don't think he's i wouldn't sleep well at night if i got it you know i wouldn't sleep well you know i i would i would be on uh web md more than anything if i got that you know i mean any flinch Any flinch or murmur, I'm like, what was that? Yeah, exactly. What do I have?
Starting point is 00:08:27 Exactly. If I farted, if I felt like some gas passing through the large intestine, I'd be like, oh. I'm telling you. I mean, I will say it'll be a crazy next few years to see, you know. I mean, everyone who's had the shot see what it comes down to because there was this um who just died yesterday uh the dude who played apollo creed i forget yeah uh carl weathers yeah they said he was healthy as can be and he got the shot and then he just you know uh
Starting point is 00:08:59 i mean it's been two years now since he's got the shot but he passed away right in his sleep just so so i'm at the skate park the other day i'm 51 years old i'm at the skate park the other day with my kids and the skate instructor's there and i'm like hey dude you get a new ride and he's like no my other car got totaled i'm like oh what happened and he goes some dude pulled into the parking lot here ram my car bounced off the concrete wall and shot over into the ditch. I'm like, no shit. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:09:26 what happened? He's like, I ran over there and looked in the car and he had a heart attack and died. And I'm like, no shit. And he goes, yeah. So I've never heard of that ever happening to anyone while they're driving,
Starting point is 00:09:35 having a hard time. I'm not saying it hasn't. If you're a firefighter, you probably hear about that shit once a week, but I'd never seen it or heard it. And, um, and I go,
Starting point is 00:09:43 was the guy fat? He goes, no, it looked healthy as fuck i go how old was he because i don't know maybe 60 at the oldest yeah and here's the thing whether it's true or not the fact that my brain goes there like and i live in an area with just all just just all liberals right and so like i know they all get the shot they they're still masked like i can go out my town and everyone's just masked to the gills still so i'm in california so i immediately think that and then other people will say to me well hey dude you can't just think every heart attack is from the injection i'm like yeah i can i it doesn't i don't need to see a lot to know
Starting point is 00:10:22 plus i'm 51 i've never heard of anyone driving their car and their arms lock out, and then they just have a heart attack while they're driving. Have you ever heard of anyone having a heart attack while they're driving and crashing? I'm not. I've not ever heard of it. But like you said, it's not to say it hasn't happened, but we definitely, you know. Right, right. If you're a firefighter, you probably hear that shit once a week.
Starting point is 00:10:43 But I will say frequently in more media and the news, it's more frequent to hear about people having heart attacks. The NFL has like a myocarditis foundation now. Yeah. It's like, what? You're a football team. I will say I've never heard of somebody getting hit so hard their heart stops. Just like last year where that football player got hit like that. Denard Hamlin.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Hey, and you saw the guy ask him on the news too, right? Hey, you think it has anything to do with the shot? The famous football player guy, the real handsome dude who's got the space between his teeth. Oh, yeah, Michael Strahan. Yeah, yeah, he asked him. And he's like, hey, I don't want to talk about that. Good on Michael Strahan for asking him that, too. That was pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:11:32 You know what I'm saying? So, I mean, well, if everyone starts dying from heart attacks, we'll know that Savant was correct. Let me play this one more time just to be funny here. Let me play this one more time just to be funny here. Let me play this one more time. And your refusal has cost all of us. But our patience is wearing thin. And your refusal has cost all of us.
Starting point is 00:11:58 You know what I think? Dude, that's like, I swear to fucking God, dude, you keep fucking selling fentanyl in front of my house, Darian. My patience is running thin. I mean, that's like a threat. Our patience is running thin. Like, who would you say that to? They'd have to be doing some fucked up shit to you. The thing I always freaking revert back to is when I see stuff like this, and especially people forced to COVID shot and everything like government officials i always go back to that one thing where i don't know where
Starting point is 00:12:29 it's built at but you know how they have that stone little tablet that says you know like one world order and they're trying to like get everything yeah the world economic forum the wef people cloud yeah yeah and one of those on there is get world population down to so little you know what i mean like what open but hey they want open borders reduced population and digital currency those in like they're getting it yeah digital currency is on the rise i guess population's dropping now because you know what you're doing not along with oh we'll give people these covid shots and may or may not them affecting people's health you definitely are trying to push abortion so they don't have born any humans no more you know i mean let's let's yeah baby killings baby
Starting point is 00:13:15 killings totally being normalized you know i mean and then not only that then now you're surging you're surging femininity you know i'm saying a feminist movement so that they feel like they don't need men and now they're like oh we'll focus more on our careers or ourselves and then we don't even need to have kids we just want to live our lives the way we want to live them and i'm like there was just a college tournament in canada and one of the girls teams had three dudes on it stop three dudes on a five man or six man woman's volleyball team oh okay so yeah speaking of canadians did you see what that uh that woman had said about that canadian woman said about sean strickland no what did she oh was it a reporter no it was just some tiktoker so she
Starting point is 00:14:02 tell me what to tell me what to look up and I'll find it. Oh my gosh. You should just literally look up Canadian TikToker talks about Sean Strickland. She goes ape shit. How awesome is Sean Strickland? Yeah. She finds his videos and she's like, why is this dude have not been banned yet? He is the most egotistical, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:14:29 And I mean, she goes freaking crazy. God, what would I look up? I just put in TikTok Sean Strickland Canadian. You showed it on the show once. I showed Sean Strickland talking, but I didn't show. Yeah, no, this girl. Oh, oh man i don't know even her name but i went to her page and i mean she's like the total trish foxwood no is she's as left as you can get is she interviewing him no she's just bashing his video like you know how you know that last
Starting point is 00:15:02 press conference he was he was wearing that t-shirt uh a woman in every kitchen and a man and a gun in every hand no i didn't see that but i like it no he was wearing that on the thing and and meanwhile like he was like going in like he told like this one reporter which granted i'll give him this you know i'm saying he went a little heavy but yeah i agree i agree he went heavy too he went heavy but yeah but but he should be allowed to say what he wants he didn't say anything he didn't say anything like uh my patience is running thin yeah he didn't say nothing like that i know and then he freaking like she was like like she's like why is this guy not being canceled he's a chauvinistic pig he just hates all women and he's freaking and he it was when he was talking about um they said oh what would you do
Starting point is 00:15:53 if your son was gay yeah yeah yeah and he was like i don't remember what his response was but he said he basically said he basically said he doesn't want a gay son. And he explained it because he wants his genes to carry on and on and on. It's a totally fair position. I would love my son whether he's gay or straight, but I don't want a gay son either. Yeah. And then he went to just, and the reporter's like, oh, yeah, well, I support that sign. He's like, you're what's wrong with America. You're mentally handicapped if you think that's the right decision.
Starting point is 00:16:22 And she fucking flipped. Hey, the crazy part is during your, you would be allowed to say, I don't want a straight son. Period. And no one would say shit to you. And so that's the thing. You would be allowed to say, oh, I think every, every kid should have a different gender. You'd be allowed to say that. What the, then why can't we say, no, we don't,'t refuse to be OK with kids being able to pick a gender.
Starting point is 00:16:47 It's the same thing with it's the same thing with Islam. Like, let's say you don't like that religion. Let's say you're Christian. You're like, hey, I don't like Islam. You'd be considered Islamophobic. But but you're allowed to say I don't. There's everywhere people are saying I don't like Christianity. And no one's calls. You never heard the term Christian Christian phobic. Christianity and no one's calls it. You've never heard the term Christian, Christian, uh, phobic. And it's like, they can, they can, they can bash it. They can bash it at any movie or any TV show that they want. You know, be blasphemous against it in every cartoon and not one word is peeped up. But if you do it to any other religion, then I'm like, Oh my gosh, I can't believe you. What kind of, what kind of person are you? Why don't you like Buddhism? You're you're dumb. Like, don't don't make fun of those people.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Like what? You guys sit here and bash Jesus Christ and God every single day. Like, this is crazy, you know, and I don't I don't even understand. And but what that does give me security in is it gives me security in knowing that obviously this is a strong and correct religion, like period. Like this is, this is- Because it's threatening to so many people. It's threatening to so many people. The only reason that you would, you would bash something or try to belittle something is because it was the truth, especially in America. Like America is known to, oh, if this is the truth, let's bash it and belittle it so no one will ever have that idea.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Anything else will rise because you know why? It doesn't matter. I don't even understand how people can't see that. Yeah, just like you said, it's right in your face. You do anything else to anybody else, they'll call you a heretic or they'll call you, oh my gosh, get this guy out of here. But oh, if you want to bash Christianity or make God in a cartoon, sleeping with women in heaven and make it all cool. Yeah, that's fine. It's funny. You know, we we we love that show. Get out of here. Anytime anyone draws a picture of Mohammed, the head of that movement puts out a death hit on him. You're not allowed to draw Mohammed. And so as soon as you draw Mohammed, they try to kill you or they put out a death history hit on them you're not allowed to draw muhammad and so as soon as you draw muhammad they try to kill you or they put out a death hit on you and it's like
Starting point is 00:18:50 i don't know i think that's enough for me not to like that religion you know i think that's like hey if you're putting death hits out on anyone yeah fatwa fatwa fatwa how about how about the football player recently did you see he they said hey, hey, how do you feel about your victories? First, I want to thank Jesus Christ. And then he went straight to the next thing and they cut it out. Yeah. And, I mean, there's a lot. There's so many more that's been doing that.
Starting point is 00:19:15 And then you know that, like, Dana White hates that. Fighters have been doing that for years. You know what I'm saying? Like, John Jones, Yoel Romero. It's kind of – the best who does it is you. I'm not even Christian, but I love it when Yoel romero um it's kind of it's cool the best who does it is you i'm not even christian but i love it when yoel romero does it yeah i love it he's here yeah i know and it's just like it's it's just crazy to i mean it's crazy to think how how much they just is dana over that? Is Dana over that?
Starting point is 00:19:45 He doesn't care anymore, does he? I don't know because he never commented because there was a guy that just this last year did it in the Apex. They had a fight night in the Apex. And, I mean, he went into depth. He went into like... Who was that? I think I remember. Who was that?
Starting point is 00:20:04 I can't remember what the guy's name is. Cause he's just like a, an up and comer, but he was like, I found my calling. It is in Jesus Christ. If you're ever wondering about your calling, like he went into a bump bump. And I mean, they even, they didn't try to snatch the mic from him. You know what I mean? They did or didn't they did it, you know, finish every part of it, you know? And I was like, bang. Oh my gosh. And then the, the, you know, finish every part of it, you know, and I was like, bang. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:20:27 And then the of course, you know, Michael Bisbee, he never said anything after he took the mic. You know, he just tried to ask the next question. But yeah, Dana White never commented on or nothing. So, hey, speaking of Dana White, you have a fight coming up, huh? Yeah. What way? Speaking of Dana White You have a fight coming up, huh? Yeah What weight? It's at 185 Because I'm a fat piece of crap
Starting point is 00:20:52 No, you're not You told me you were going to go to 185 Is that home for you now? Yeah, this is Down the street No, I mean is 185 home for you? I think I can do 170. okay okay right now um since i'm you know back working the ladder you know i'm saying to get back to ufc um
Starting point is 00:21:14 there's no reason to kill myself to make a weight cut against these fighters you know i mean i can beat the best fighters at this level at a weight class up. There's no problem. I can probably, to be honest, I can compete in the UFC at 185. No shit. It'd be no problem. But I think once I get back to UFC, I think I will do 170. I think you'll even see me do 170 before then.
Starting point is 00:21:45 LFA is looking for a couple fights. LFA, man, think about LFA, man. I've been trying to get a fight for nine months, okay? My last fight was nine months ago. Who did you fight nine months ago? I fought that dude in Kentucky. Remember on B2. Did you win?
Starting point is 00:22:03 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, that guy was really good. He he was a good guy i'll give him that he was 15 and 4 15 and 6 or something okay what did you fight at you fought at 185 fought at 185 yeah um and the thing about this dude he pissed me off so much so me and my coaches had a game plan to go in there. Game plan, go in there. We're going to take him down. We're going to smash his head in with freaking elbows. You know, we're going to get him out of there. Meanwhile, this dude, I hear him talking to these interviewers and everything,
Starting point is 00:22:36 and he's sitting there like, I know what this weak-ass dude is going to do. He's going to try and shoot on me and take me down and just hold me down there because he's scared to bang with me. Okay, don't ever call me scared in your life was it this dude no i wanted to fight that dude that dude that was supposed to be lfa fight and that was gonna be awesome because this dude was like so this didn't happen no that dude was okay yeah because the post right after that like they're like the fat one where i look fat with my arms crossed you don't look fat ever dude and i told everybody like oh he freaking he said he for some reason like literally four days out from the fight
Starting point is 00:23:17 he said oh there's something wrong with him he can't't do it. Four days out. Yeah, that's a little jujitsu match. I think if you go. So you've been busy. Yeah, I think if you go that guy right here with the red. Yeah, there we go. Okay, so this is the guy you fought who's 15 and four. Yeah, 15 and four. Okay, sorry. Keep fucking up your story.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Tell me about this. He was just talking a lot of mess about how, oh, this dude doesn't want to see me standing up. So I didn't take him down at all. I just stood and banged with him every bit. I controlled him on the cage, made him feel like, made him know, like, I'm stronger than you in every way. I will hurt you. Those leg kicks, I was bruising him. He hated that.
Starting point is 00:24:00 He hated that. He hated it. And if you go back, go back just a little bit and i'm telling you that oh i mean i catch him with spinning freaking bad kicks i mean oh i guess you can't go back i guess i can't go back on that yeah but i mean i i mean and then right here at the third round that's when i was like bad i can do what i want i'm shooting on you come here boom and i could have did this the whole time and just effed him up you know but? Hey, what happened? You saw his engine run out? You saw him take a deep breath and you're like, oh, I'm taking you down?
Starting point is 00:24:27 Oh, yeah. I saw him terrified. Like, we went into that third round and he was just literally like, you see how he was up against the cage? Like, literally like, please don't, you know? And I'm like, oh, yeah, come here, you know? And he just, and I showed him right there, like, you wouldn't have been able to do anything.
Starting point is 00:24:43 I could have did this the whole time to you and just dog walked you, you know, and it's freaking, oh, look who I meet at this. I met little Sam Alvey too. He was commentating. Watch. Oh, wow. Wow. Hey, that's the guy. That's the TikTok guy who's been on the show with us.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Buddy too. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's him. Yeah. I remember.
Starting point is 00:25:03 And I was like i i went in and i was like oh sam let me uh let me get a couple pictures but yeah this when you see this elbow off the cage he was in pain after this um how far is this from your house this was in kentucky so it was seven hours drive you drove there yeah we drove yeah we drove and it was freaking crazy like this elbow right here sick off the cage and he was he was running the whole time i mean just time freaking spinning back face like it was just it was a clinic i put on a clinic on him hey he's a big dude too oh he's tired he's tired he's tired he didn't want any more and and you know the crazy thing about it in the first round um i couldn't find uh all the video in the first round there
Starting point is 00:25:51 were so many more combinations in the first round i was throwing combinations at him so much he shot a takedown on me like went and shot as hard as he could and i just peeled his ass off and i was like no stand up this is what you wanted is that your first fight since leaving the ufc yeah oh well not not technically no um that was my first mma fight but i had a boxing match against a guy named pacino hill how did that go i'll beat the dog shit out of him but they gave i i fought him in his backyard and Oh, I think I saw that fight. Yeah. A judge had it ruled as a – it's probably on my gram at the same time too. It's probably a little further down.
Starting point is 00:26:33 It's like a black and white video almost. One judge, the out-of-town judge, had it ruled as a draw. And I'll give him that. You know what I'm saying? We went back and forth. out of town judge had it rolled as a draw and i'll give him that you know i'm saying we went back and forth um and then two of his judges that are from his gym rolled it for him so oh they're from his gym they're literally they literally work out with them yeah go up and up and up and up i'm pretty sure it's here. Keep going.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Oh, this dude's bigger than you, huh? Yeah. Did you beat up? Yeah. They all think they're bigger than me at 185. Oh, go down. I think it's down then. It's way further down. Right there.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Yep. Go back up. Go back up. Go back up. Here? Up. One more. Up again.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Up. And then all the way over to oh yeah yeah yeah yeah sorry hey why did you take a boxing match because i i love boxing i love boxing i love boxing best this dude chino was 10 and 10 and 1 and uh he thought he was getting like a little easy fight he's like oh yeah because i was one and two at the time or one and one at the time he's like oh yeah you want to take this boxing match and they offered me like four grand for it oh he's good he's fast yeah and i mean we was just i mean he couldn't touch me normally in the outside and i just kept a pressure on him just because you know i'm an mma fighter anyway so i just like it close and i mean i just stayed close to him and just, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Yeah, he didn't like, so he's probably not used to being hit that hard either, huh? Oh, yeah, no. Like, he, so he walked in, and we were posted away in at 174. I did only make it to 175. I couldn't drop lower than that for some reason. But you know why? You know why I couldn't? Because I was on this stupid vegan diet.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Because I was like, oh, maybe I should be vegan. You know how you got Nick Diaz and Nate Diaz. They don't eat. Yeah, yeah. Like, yeah, let me try. It was the worst decision of my life. You know the number one thing? Well, good on you for trying it.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Good on you for trying it. I agree. Worst decision of your life, but good on you for trying it. Yeah, I did it for a month and a half. No meat. Only vegetables. No eggs either? No animal shit?
Starting point is 00:28:44 No animal nothing and you know the craziest you know the craziest thing that i remember happened to me right before this fight i walked into the ring and i was about to cry oh like you were all emotional yeah for no reason i was about to like break down in tears and i had to like get a hold of myself like what are you doing dude snap out of this and i'm like i felt the strongest urge just to sit there and just weep it was crazy i'm never crazy i've never felt that in my life and i was like that's that's the main decision what made me like i will never do this again no how many rounds was this fight um I think six rounds.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Hey, did you see the Tyson Fury-Nganou fight? I saw clips of it. What do you think about that? I mean, basically, the spirit of the fight is that Nganou won, but Tyson Fury got the points, right? This is the argument. He won for the MMA community, okay? That's a win for the MMA community. To go into a boxing match against a champion.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Maybe the best ever. Maybe the best ever at heavyweight, ever to do it, and not only last with him, but get him knocked down once okay i'll give it but so far as like boxing standpoint and technicality like he lost the fight you know there's there's a lot more punches that tyson fury put on him you saw that he could not create a jab. In boxing, creating a jab is the number one thing that judges score on. If you're able to create a jab and keep it on somebody, you're controlling the fight. Francis Ngannou had no creativity with his jab. Rightfully so.
Starting point is 00:30:40 You're an MMA fighter. You just throw punches until you knock somebody down. Getting the knockdown, big win for the MMA community. I mean, Tyson Fury's a great boxer. Tyson Fury definitely went into this fight camp, though, underestimating everything about Francis Nagano. I mean, underestimated him to the utmost. I guarantee he didn't train like he was supposed to.
Starting point is 00:31:00 He didn't train like he was fighting Deontay Wilder. I guarantee he didn't train that way. Oh, wow. He trained like, you know, he was fighting some MMA guy. Just because, and I think he was mostly seeing it off of, because of Mayweather fighting Conor McGregor. Oh. He's seen how sloppy that was.
Starting point is 00:31:21 You know, he's seen how the MMA MMA fighter, how he died down quick. And Francis Ngannou didn't. Francis Ngannou trained like he was fighting a world champion, the best of the best. Okay, so you're going to give the win to Tyson Fury? I'm definitely going to give the win to Tyson Fury. But Ngannou should hold his head high. He should, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:40 That was a win for the MMA community. Okay, what about, let me ask you about these two fights, speaking of jabs, Israel Adesanya and Sean Strickland. That blew me out of the water. I don't like Israel Adesanya, to be honest. I didn't want Sean Strickland to win, but I don't like Israel Adesanya. What happened? How did Sean, in your words, how did Sean Strickland win that fight? Should every athlete be like, man, it's always the fundamentals? Is that the?
Starting point is 00:32:09 I mean. You said if you got a jab that can land, you control the fight. That's true. And he was training with Alex Piera. So Alex Piera, you know, could have gave him those techniques of, oh, this is what Izzy shies away from. I don't know. But he beat that boy's butt and and it seemed like and he only dropped him or almost dropped him in just like the first or
Starting point is 00:32:31 second round but it seemed like izzy was like nervous the rest of the fight about i don't know about getting knocked out or i don't know so far as what but it was all jab all jab again hey is is sean strickland fighting like floyd mayweather is he a jab and a shoulder roll is that what we're seeing yeah but the uh yeah and i think what that does too i use that just recently in practice what that does that little that little bit of shoulder roll right there to block is what it really does is when they jab and it brings your right hand so fast i did that in practice against the boxers and i was finding so much so much success with just throwing that right hand right after and then that's what sean strickland ended up like kind of dazing izzy with
Starting point is 00:33:18 is he's here he's here and then he's here and then boom, just because you have that shoulder all the way loaded. Wow. So it's open. It's open season. It's freaking. It looked good. It was a. I mean, it was a great showing by Sean Strickland. I think Sean Strickland should have still remained the champion after a duplice. Oh, yeah. Tell me about that. Why? Which rounds do you think he won? I think if it's not definitive, if you can't make a definitive argument and say oh you beat the champ no problem then you should not get the belt i think he won the first second and fifth round i think sean won that fight too yeah and and especially especially the fifth round i feel like he did you can see duplicities was tired and he was just throwing gimme shots and just i mean colliding with his body i feel like
Starting point is 00:34:09 sean was the cleaner fighter in that fight i just i don't know oh wait no wait this is what i want to bring up on the podcast so speaking of the mma fighters yeah ian gary i should only just have to say the name oh my god what is going on we just have to say the name what what is happening did you see the book that his wife wrote tell me he didn't know about that before why did he not know about that before does any party feel sorry for him i do and then i don't because you know what he made his bed with insulting people non-stop on any type of remember when he did that thing to neil magny oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what did he oh yeah he tried to point out that neil magny
Starting point is 00:35:00 beats his kids or something yeah yeah yeah yeah. Just because he says he whoops them. And then when people burn you on this one, now you freaking cry. He turned off, you know he turned off all his comments on his Instagram? On any post he posts. No shit. You can't comment on anything. Oh, wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:35:20 You can't comment on nothing. So for those of you who don't know, I'll catch you up to the story. Feel free if I forget something, Darian. This guy was an up-and-coming fighter with a lot of hype behind him. And Darian fought him. And I thought you won the fight. But this guy ends up,
Starting point is 00:35:39 it gets leaked out that he changed his last name to his wife's last name. So that was kind of his first ding uh in this community that's not really uh that's kind of frowned upon and you know what like whether you agree with it or not it's totally fair to make fun of a guy who changes his wife his name to his wife's name totally fair like get this my wife is is years older than me and she had a business before we ever got married and i did the manly thing and she's like oh i'm not gonna change my name so we have two different last names her last name is smith my last name is weeks i didn't put motherfucking smith in my name that's
Starting point is 00:36:19 for damn sure like what yeah i i honestly i don't think a woman should want that either that that's you you're you're doing something to your man that you don't want uh yeah you're demasculating him you're literally emasculating like yeah now you're you're my property as a woman you want a king just like as a man you want a queen so so treat your wife like a queen and treat and treat your man like a king and you'll get that if you don't then you won't get that so you're just basically shitting in your own kitchen so but but then so so he changes last names to his wife's last name because she has a kid with another guy and that's that i think it's that guy's last name which is even fucking that guy's last i know which is just fucking weird so he took on another guy's last name. I know, which is just fucking weird. So he took on another guy's last name to help his wife's kid.
Starting point is 00:37:06 But then it comes out. His wife, I think, is like 13 years older than him. And she has a book specifically written on how to bag a professional athlete. Yeah, how to be a wag. Yeah. Is that what it is? Let me see if I can find that. Yeah, that's the name that they call it, like a wag.
Starting point is 00:37:25 I guess it's like – How to be a wag, Ian. Or no, I'll just type in Machado. Machado. I'll just type in Machado. The book How to Be a Wag by Leila Machado. Gary provides a thought-provoking insight into the world of wags and the challenges they face, while the controversy surrounding the book has sparked a passionate debate.
Starting point is 00:37:49 I mean, his wife is smoking. She's so hot. And it's just freaking – it's super ridiculous that that even is a – he should have known that that was going to come to the light not only not only the wag part let's say he doesn't know about the wag book okay let's say you never know about the wag book yeah but the fact that you took the last name of another man you should have known that that was gonna be a terrible terrible fuel to a fire that was going to come and start recently. Like what?
Starting point is 00:38:31 And not only that, here's the, here's the part you left out. He lives with them. Oh shit. Really? The husband, the other dude lives with them. And they're like, oh, but he's the nutritionist. He has to look other dude lives with them? And they're like, oh, but he's the nutritionist. He lives with them.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Wow. So you're telling me the dude who banged your wife before you stays down the hall? Wow. Stop it. Stop it. Hey, chapter one. Okay, so I'm going to read the book Wag to you guys. Okay, so everyone just kick back and listen.
Starting point is 00:39:13 I'm going to read you How to Be a Wag. Describes by many as a gold digger's guide to locking down young and successful athletes. Chapter one. Reach into his pants, put your mouth on his dick and blow him into the next uh universe that's what the this is chapter one that's it oh my goodness some fans and fighters have a hard time buying that considering the 14 year age gap between the future and uh annalee hey man she's god she is so beautiful his wife it's crazy anyway it makes for fun it's it's like there's so much uh he does he have a fight coming up he does right yeah against jeff neal and i'll jeff neal impales his cat back blow hey do you
Starting point is 00:40:02 know do you know jeff neal have you trained with him no i've never trained with him but he is a freaking vicious of a fighter he okay who's that guy that also is in 170 that has the long last name that he looks chinese but he has like a russian last name oh oh god the undefeated guy the scary guy yeah rob schnott or something jeff neal fought him i'll give it to that guy like Like, that guy walked through some damage. Because Jeff Neal was throwing all heat. And, I mean, they were hard punches. And that guy just kept walking forward.
Starting point is 00:40:32 And didn't end up beating Jeff Neal until, like, the beginning of the third round. He ended up choking him out. But Jeff lasted until the third round? Oh, and was throwing heat. I mean, massive heat. And that guy was throwing back. But, I mean, they were going head to head hard it was crazy look at Jeff Neal's picture I don't know if you can oh it's so small yes I've seen it
Starting point is 00:40:52 I've seen it where he has the weird like he kind of looks like Jordan Levitt there you know Jordan Levitt's always the monkey he's always like I know I can't stand Jordan Levin. I love Jordan. Hey, how about... God, you know who needs a haircut? His hair is horrible. Yeah, the guy who just won. He's a beast. Neil Magny.
Starting point is 00:41:20 I get him and Jeff Neal confused because of their fucking names. One of them is Neil Magny and Jeff Neal. Neil Magny. Dude, I think his haircut is holding him back. He's terrible. I think it's because he's losing his hairline, and then he's trying to keep it long still. Oh, that's why he lets it, like, you know those dogs where the hair is in their eyes? Yeah, like, dude, motherfucker, it looks like you got poop in your head.
Starting point is 00:41:40 You know, like, when there's poop on the back of those little dogs? Yeah. His hairline is like this. Yeah, then shave that shit. I'm like, bro, kill that. Kill that hair. You're done with it. I swear to God, it's hard to like him because you can never see his face.
Starting point is 00:41:54 And it's crazy that he did that to the Canadian, but then he gets walked down by freaking Ian Gary. I was so pissed. Who? Oh, yeah. He fought that new up and coming Canadian guy. Mal. Yeah. God, I'd like to see you fight him.
Starting point is 00:42:10 That Canadian dude. I'd like to see you fight Neil Magny. Oh, and I guarantee you Johan Leones is out of the UFC by now. He got dog walked in three fights. Four fights, actually. But whatever. They said he was a split-decision winner of mine. But three fights, for sure.
Starting point is 00:42:27 What about Arnold Allen? Arnold Allen, Arnold Allen. That's the guy from, oh, shit, he lost in this last fight. It's the guy from the UK. This guy is fucking tough, man. The 155-pound dude. He lost in his last one? Yeah, he lost to this one.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Oh, yeah. Yeah, in a decision. This guy, this guy is so tough. He lost in his last one? Yeah, he lost in a decision. This guy is so tough. He is a dog. You know, when he started losing, his first loss was to Max Holloway. Oh, what? He lost to Max Holloway?
Starting point is 00:42:56 Max Holloway beat his ass in Kansas City right here. In a pro fight? Yeah. They headlined that Kansas City card. And Max Holloway, I mean, put it to him. And people swore up and down, like, oh, yeah, Max Holloway's going to get beat by this guy. And he just beat the grass off of him. Oh, and it was his last, wow, okay, it was his last fight.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Yeah. And he beat the grass off of him. I mean, dude, he beat Sadiq and Dan Hooker and Calvin Cater. Yeah, and Calvin Cater. Beating Calvin Cater, that dude is a freak. He's a menace as well. But Max Holloway beat him as well. That's why I'm so hyped.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Are you hyped about Justin Gaethje versus Max Holloway? No. Why? Because I don't want Max to get. I don't want Max. get... I don't want Max... God. Here's the thing. When I think of Max Holloway, Darian, I think of... Who's the boxer from the Philippines? Oh, Manny Pacquiao. Yeah. And I just think of dudes who are just volume punchers.
Starting point is 00:44:02 And I just get concerned that I mean I'm just afraid that Justin Gaethje is going to punch him and fucking he's got a hard head he's freaking Samoan like I know that head is hard like his head is hard I think it'll be a surprise I think
Starting point is 00:44:19 he's going to defeat Justin Gaethje I hope even though I like Gaethje I hope you're right hey I like Gaethje, I hope you're right. I hope you're right. Hey, I'd rather see Holloway and Conor McGregor fight. That'd be awesome. They already fought once. Just fucking, that would be main card.
Starting point is 00:44:35 That would be bad for Conor McGregor. Oh, speaking of Conor McGregor, you've seen the preview to the new Roadhouse. No. He's in the new Roadhouse. What? He's the heel. No shit. Yes. And he is... It looks badass. I ain't gonna lie. Conor McGregor.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Yeah. He is... Roadhouse. And he has a way bigger part than I thought they would give him. He beats the shit out of Jake Gyllenhaal. Let me see if... Is there a trailer for it? There's definitely a trailer. Is it out?
Starting point is 00:45:09 It's not out yet. I think it comes out like... I don't remember when it comes out. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Is it going to be on Amazon Prime? On Amazon Prime? You don't even have to go to the movie theater.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Just grab it on your TV and go. Do you have insurance? What? It's actually pretty dope. Oh. And that's... What happened? Is that the good guy, Jake?
Starting point is 00:45:34 Jake is, yeah, Jake is Patrick Swayze. Is he all juiced up in this? Bro, he has to be juiced. He looks incredible. How long is he on nearby? Is it like too far? About like 25 minutes, I'd say. I just slapped you. Are it too far? About 25 minutes, I'd say. I just slapped you.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Are you all right? What? Not really. You ever slap guys when you're fighting them? Oh, yeah. If I'm in a street fight, I definitely slap people. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:46:04 It feels like you get He-Man power when you can just slap the crap out of a man. Yeah. He knows he doesn't want to hit you back. Yeah. You're like, yeah, get out of here. It's just crazy disrespectful. You just took his balls from him and put them in a jar. Literally, it's crazy disrespectful. But if you jump,
Starting point is 00:46:28 if you jump to like a further part down here, you'll see Conor McGregor. I didn't know if you wanted to watch the whole thing. I just don't want to get in trouble for showing it. They don't want to like you promoting their shit. Oh yeah. Jump further down. See,
Starting point is 00:46:38 and he, and so this scene where he did it in the, you and the, in this cage, he did it at an actual ufc card you remember that yeah that was like two or three years ago right yeah he went into a actual ufc card away in and in the cage on a ufc night when so they paid to get as real as they possibly could right there you know and i remember dana saying he hated doing this shit but he did it
Starting point is 00:47:03 yeah that was that was crazy. Get to just the middle like this. Just the middle. I can pay you good money. Judge him by your- Oh, yeah, he's on something, huh? Bro, he's jacked. He has 15 abs.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Dude, they have the real fucking girls. Yeah, he was at the real weigh-ins, bro. He was at the weigh-ins, like, flexing, and they were videoing him and everything. Hey, I think that black girl's boobs are real. The one right here? Yeah. Why do you think that? Because I just think she's the only UFC girl with real boobs.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Did you see? Okay, wait. Hold on, pause. Did you see how big of a deal they're making over a ring girl retiring? Oh, you mean like when you say big deal, you mean like the UFC is putting her in the Hall of Fame and shit? That's exactly what they did. Hey, but you know what? She won ring girl of the year.
Starting point is 00:48:00 This is no disrespect to any woman, okay? Yeah, okay. I'm going to push back on this. I'm going to push back on this, but go ahead. How do you win Ring Girl of the Year all you do is hold a card? Like, granted, I might be wrong, but
Starting point is 00:48:15 all you see them do is they hold a card and then sit and you know, and then that's it. How are you Ring Girl of the Year? Let me just say this. I think the ufc has the most uh uh natural beauty looking ring girls of any sport and they always use the same ring girls like like these chicks that like have you seen these fucking barbie looking chicks that like that do the um uh the boxing matches you know that one blonde girl and her face is like stuck like this
Starting point is 00:48:45 and you're just like dude that looks terrible yeah you just yeah and she's been doing it for 10 years and it's like dude like and she's getting just more and more fake and her teeth are so fucking white i like the ufc ring girls they got a whole they got a whole variety of them they're the same chicks over and over i just feel like they're part i guess i just feel like they're part of the family i don't think of them as like hookers or strippers like i do the other ring girls i think of those bitches as like hookers like i think those guys are sucking bob aaron's dick after the fight you know i mean like i don't think well maybe they're sucking dana's dick but but i just don't think of them like that I just think of them as just a classier group Now I don't know
Starting point is 00:49:25 Because it just feels like family I just I mean granted I'll give you that Yes you know the ring girls are A noticeable thing About UFC Like look how cool these chicks are These are like
Starting point is 00:49:41 Stunning beauties They're gorgeous. I'll give them. Yeah. I'll give them that. But I just don't understand their award, I guess. I don't understand the ring girl of the year. So she's the prettiest ring girl then that there is?
Starting point is 00:49:58 Oh, no. I thought maybe it was because she retired. Oh, they have her. Well, who gave her ring girl? Let me see this. UFC. Ring girl of the year. Yeah, there doesn? Let me see this. Ring girl of the year. Yeah, there doesn't need to be a UFC ring girl of the year. There's only like six ring girls. UFC ring girl.
Starting point is 00:50:11 You know what I mean? Are they fighting each other backstage and then she won? I think just the one chick retired, she couldn't... And this is going to sound brutal, but when ring girls retire, I just assume it's because they can't stay skinny anymore. Or, yeah, they want to eat Doritos. Yeah, in want to eat Doritos.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Yeah, in her career as UFC octagon girl, Palmer was featured at some of the biggest fights, events, and franchise history. She now has won the Ring Card Girl of the Year Award at the World MMA Awards. Oh, yeah, yeah, that's stupid. What is that? What award is that? What did she get for that? Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 00:50:43 I agree. I mean, I just didn't understand what they were awarding her for and and i'm not saying just for women i'm saying they people have built like a ton of miscellaneous awards for sports that don't have anything to do with anything you know like why why are people getting awards for just being just just showing up? I really want to know why she retired. Like what, I mean. She said it was because of her art career. She said once her art career took off as much as her UFC career,
Starting point is 00:51:17 which I'll give her granted for that. Like if she's honestly like an artist and it is gotten as famous as she is a ring girl. Yes. Then cool. You you're you're going into a different business that actually makes money for yourself you know so that works she's been doing it 16 years so let's say she started when she was 25 that means she's 41 she started when she was 20 she's 36 oh she is okay, she's 36 years old.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Can you believe that? 20 years. So basically, she makes a living being confident and showing off her... Being confident, keeping a body that's in shape or toned and flaunting her implants. I mean, that's Spring Girl of the year for you yeah she made it congratulations the ring girl of the year that just but yeah don't get me wrong i don't ever want to disrespect any of the ring girls for sure brittany palmer instagram let's see her art what does she do she does art she's a painter i don't know she's just said her art career's see her art. What does she do? She does art? She's a painter? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:27 She just said her art career. Is her art pole dancing? Could, you know. Oh, by that first video, I thought it would be. Oh, shit. Joe, grateful and thrilled to have shared this unforgettable moment with this amazing human, Joe Rogan, a cherished friend for years, graced us with his presence, and I'm humbled by his support. Oh, do you think she drew that in the back you think she drew joe rogan in the back i think she might have that's all right though that seems that's that's pretty good yeah that's legit oh she got a third eye on him i didn't know that but yeah i bet maybe she drew all those
Starting point is 00:52:59 who's that juiced up dude i see him with dana white all the time that guy like yeah if i ever see dana white out in public like i've seen dana white at a couple of boxing events and everything and that guy's always next to him oh so she is painting look at her that is an awesome painting right there yeah look at her look at the jawline on that chick. Oh, shit. Joe's signing his photo. Damn. Shit. Yeah, that's real good art. Well, she did it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:36 I respect her more as an artist than as the ring girl of the year. You're not just a pair of sweet tits. I mean, ass. I mean... Yeah, that's awesome. you're not just a pair of sweet tits. I mean, ass. Yeah, that's awesome. Hey,
Starting point is 00:53:53 look, this other lady's rocking is not working. The boots and the rolled up jeans and the phone in the back. Yeah, and she got to work on her strut a little bit. Her strut's off. This blonde lady. That's a little bit of lazy yeah yeah yeah you don't want your legs to ever lock out all the way when you kick your leg forward like that listen hey it's those boots it's those boots doing it it's like you know when you ever ski
Starting point is 00:54:14 have you ever been skiing no but i know what you mean like yeah when you're when you're in too heavy of shoes and it's just like lagging your legs yeah yeah your shit's all fucked up hey look how the camera tracks her ass too like it's into her someone's in someone did it someone was it was like yeah let's keep it on her for a little bit yeah that's awesome no uh you see uh oh speaking because this woman just reminded me that because she she's tiny. You see old Molly McCann went down to 116? No, she fights tonight, right? Yeah, no more meatball Molly. It's like slim, slender Molly.
Starting point is 00:54:55 I didn't see that. I was looking at the card today, and I was actually, there was actually. You should see her weigh-ins. She's shredded. Oh, she is? Shredded. Molly... Oh, wait, hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Before we go that... Okay, hold on, because we got time. You got time? I got a little bit of time, yeah. Okay, let's find Connor on here. We got distracted by the beaver. Oh, here we go. Right there, yeah, go back. Okay here okay yeah connor let's see hell yeah
Starting point is 00:55:31 hey fellas looks like you're having a oh he loved doing this huh huh? He loved it. I guarantee it. I got a tip for you. Don't let no one get this close. Come on, bro. Oh, that was tough. That was tough. I will have to say, that part. But yeah, he's all in it.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Like, they'll even have him, like, right here. Oh, yeah, go back a little bit. Back a little bit. It takes a lot to get me angry, but when I am... He fights Conor McGregor right here. Look, he punches him
Starting point is 00:56:15 through the window. Like, yeah, they have him in there as the bad guy. Damn, I need to watch the first one again. I know. It's about to be tough. And I like how they did this one, and they didn't make it the same story. You know?
Starting point is 00:56:35 Well, kind of. Like, he saves the bar. Same thing. But they didn't, like, go word for word. When's the last time you saw the last one? I'm just going to say 10 years ago. 10 years. Maybe 15 years ago.
Starting point is 00:56:54 15 years ago, I saw the last one. Bernie, Sevan doesn't have enough artists on the show. Sousa doesn't count. Listen, Bernie, look at this. Oh, what's that? I drew that with pencil. You didn't draw that. You don't know how to draw. I do. I'm a drawing machine.
Starting point is 00:57:12 You draw, you do freaking CrossFit and podcasting. You're just a triple threat. You're just a triple threat. I should start showing off more of my art that no one knows about. Start showing off.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Okay, let's look at Molly's body. What do I type in? Molly McCann. Molly at 116. Molly Meatball. Molly at 116. That's what I'm putting. Molly at 116.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Nope, that didn't work. That gave me an address. Molly. Molly Weigh-In. Just do Molly McCann Weigh-In. I don't know how to spell her last name. That's why I'm. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Here we go. Meatball Molly McCann. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. God, that's an easy. How do I not know how to spell that name? That's an easy name. Let me see if I can actually. Molly McCann was hyped.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Let's see if I can actually. Oh, fuck. It's on Facebook. I don't do Facebook You can do you can go to Instagram On the UFC's Instagram Oh perfect thank you Yeah and they'll go and they'll show it That's what I usually look it on anyway
Starting point is 00:58:14 Um you You still have You still want to go back to the UFC Yeah I have unfinished business I can't not go back to the UFC Alright Yeah, I have unfinished business. I can't not go back to the UFC. All right, I love that. And do you know the road there? I do.
Starting point is 00:58:30 We've got the path mapped out. All right. They want me back in the UFC. Good. They just need to see me finish them. They need to see me more finishes and more fights. Is this it right here? No. What's happening, guys? It's me. Oh me oh yeah but you can already see her face right you already see yeah go down her teeth look so much bigger now that
Starting point is 00:58:52 she's skinnier oh why don't they have it uh it should have just been last night on the way in let me see maybe they do and i and i have to click through some pictures oh yeah get there yeah that's gonna be a good fight too yeah that'll be dope no not there uh try um fuck it let me try again Let me try over here Maybe I can try Molly McCann's Instagram Yeah, you can do that, I did that
Starting point is 00:59:31 That was a good one Meatball Molly Meatball Molly, big meaty Okay, here we go I got it Yeah, she's freaking shredded I got it, Yeah, she's freaking shredded. I got it. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Oh, shit. Wow. Wow. Yeah. So she was fighting 125 and now she's fighting 115? Yeah, 116 or 115. Yeah, 115. 116 for Molly McCann. Dude, she looks fucking great.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Yeah. Meatball Molly McCann Dude she looks fucking great Yeah Meatball Molly McCann Hey how's that gonna affect her fighting Look at this She doesn't even face the girl Yeah like fuck you bitch Look what she says right there She's like no more No more making emotional
Starting point is 01:00:22 Times out of the face offs I'm just there's a new calm and steady something to me or whatever. I'm over being emotional at the stare downs. It's cool, calm and collected from here on out. Can't wait to dance with you tomorrow, D. I wouldn't have got here without the guidance and support of my team. Hey dude, you know what's crazy though? Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:00:43 And I'd love to get you to weigh in on this uh there's these there's these you know there's these like hey you need to be the warrior and you need to be peaceful and you need to show control and blah blah but man that's not for everybody yeah there are people who have that spirit and have to go reckless and they have to go reckless and it's like hey everyone's judging them like everyone's like will be like conor mcgregor's an act i don't think conor mcgregor's an act that's no that he he was he was the first one to do it there's nobody that showed him there was nobody that came before him that showed him to act like that way and in crossfit there was
Starting point is 01:01:20 this athlete uh named noah olsen and i remember one year he was always fooling around and super light-hearted and joking around and then one year he was i was interviewing him and he was all calm and chill i'm like hey what's up you okay and he's like yeah i'm just trying something new and then after like four events he's like fuck that yeah that's not me no yeah now i get it to be respectful and blah blah blah but don't be like man if if your inner being is act asking to express itself you go savage go let it fucking express dude especially in those times of like high intensity or or or you know you know where you have to where you have to have that you know what i mean you have to let that out yeah well we'll see though so you'll see if molly if it works for molly mccann how about this is her this is uh isn't this um tyson
Starting point is 01:02:11 fury's uh agent that big guy oh is he i think so i see that guy at all the fights now he's kind of like the new um look how tiny she is, bro. Dana White's not that big. He's the new... God, who's that? Don King. That's like the new Don King. Yeah, like I've... That's crazy
Starting point is 01:02:38 how tiny Molly McCann is. 116 pounds is tiny, dude. That's 70 pounds. But I'm saying like short. Look how short she is. She should have always been fighting at 116 pounds is tiny dude that's 70 pounds i'm saying like short like look how short she is she should have always been fighting at 116. she's going to go in the ring 70 pounds less than you went in the ring 70 pounds less gosh that's crazy the drop was because i was outsized um and i think you can all see that was always the deal. I'd always get in there and the girls would be so big. And I remember doing a DEXA scan years ago.
Starting point is 01:03:12 You like what? I love the way she talks. You know when I first met Molly McCann? No, when? It was on her – I was going to the Contender Series. And so we just landed in Vegas and we went to the hotel that they were making all the UFC fighters stay at because, you know,
Starting point is 01:03:29 COVID and stuff. And, uh, I was walking in and she had just, I guess, won her fight. She fought at the apex and I was weighing and she was just talking to me about something.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Audie had a big boy. Now I see, you know, and she was just like, I was kind of hype, bro. I'm like, she's kind of hyped me up i see you know and she was just like i was just like i was kind of hype bro i'm like she's kind of hyped me up i never knew who she was like and she was i obviously seen she was in her ufc gear and and she was talking to me and i'm like damn that's dope but then after that she'd like now then i seen her everywhere but i didn't see her before that but
Starting point is 01:04:00 she seemed like a cool person up close you know i'm saying like she said she was smart she rode the paddy train in she was smart she rode on his coattails in a good way i don't mean that even as a dig like she was smart yeah and that was and i think well i think she was in the ufc before paddy and then like when he came in she like their little duo thing that they did together blew her up. Blew her up. She took off. Her jumping the cage after she knocked that girl with that spinning elbow, her jumping the cage and doing the shot of Howler Monkey whiskey. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Blew her up.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Took off on it. I'll tell you what wasn't good for her is, I think it was her last fight, she got in a ring with a black belt in jiu-jitsu. Oh, yeah, and that was a clinic. She was beat up. She was getting ran through. It was terrible.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Ruled her. Terrible. Owned her, yeah. That's why i'm a little concerned when she when she says that she was too small for the division i don't know if she was too small for the division that chick wasn't bigger than her that chick just fucking schooled she fought a chick bigger than her you remember that one girl that's super buff remember that nunley put on her freaking only fans on our thing thing, and we were like, oh, shit. I'm trying to remember who it is.
Starting point is 01:05:27 She's in the UFC? Oh, oh. Do you remember? Yes, yes, yes, yes. The blonde chick who's married to... She's married? Isn't she with... She's in the PFL now? No, not Paige Van Zandt.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Oh. Remember, he freaking... It was that real buff chick, and he freaking went on her freaking OnlyFans while we were on the podcast. Gosh, what's her name? She's super buff, dude.
Starting point is 01:05:54 She's super yak. And Molly McCann beat the dog out of her. And she's a UFC fighter? She was. I don't know if she still is. I'm scrolling through her account. God, Patty's fat, dude. He's just a fat son of a gun. God, he's fat.
Starting point is 01:06:10 His head even gets bigger when he gets fat. Hey, wasn't he supposed to fight Max Holloway? Hey, he also looks juiced up, by the way. Oh, you think in his last fight? Yeah. Yeah. He's on something. He's on something.
Starting point is 01:06:25 You know what's crazy? You know what's crazy? The biggest hit to your testosterone is to overly gain that much weight and then lose it every time. Did you know that takes – that hits your testosterone more than anything. Like to gain so much weight and then lose it and then so much weight and lose it. Your testosterone like takes a huge hit i believe it i believe it damn i can't find the chick what is this uh sebi just got uh an alert 37 million at risk of flooding in cali you good i know dude it's so funny they are hyping
Starting point is 01:06:59 up this weather that's supposed to come in the next two days so crazy they basically sent out a uh an alert to everyone's phone in cali and it said if you live between like los angeles and santa barbara you should be prepared to fucking evacuate it's like uh that's 20 million people i mean like like no one's gonna go like dude no one's evacuating anywhere it's just bullshit. What are they? It's like a storm coming in or something? Yeah, they call it... They got this new term. They call it atmospheric river. Doesn't that sound scary?
Starting point is 01:07:32 Like a river going over your head? Yeah. You're not worried about it? No. I'm in a good spot. I'm in a good spot. He said, I'm on a hill. You're on a hill, huh? Yeah, I'm on a hill. I'm in a good spot. I'm in a good spot. He said, I'm on a hill. You're on a hill, huh?
Starting point is 01:07:48 Yeah, I'm on a hill. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I literally have this girl's name in my head, and I can't think of it. Anyway, that girl was bigger than her. She was buff, and Molly McCann beat the crap out of her. So I don't think she was small for the division.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Molly McCannon told her the same thing that uh joe biden told us she said my patience is running out is running out is running out patience a 20 million people us can handle that we're already doing that yeah what i mean is is that there's just 20 20 million like in southern california i bet you the state has like 40 million people. So they're basically saying all of Southern California could get flooded, which is fucking ridiculous anyway. Let me type in California weather and see what it says.
Starting point is 01:08:33 California. Do you watch a movie every week, Darian? Yeah. Like what do you mean? Like a movie. Like we used to sit down and watch a two-hour movie every week, once a week. You think you see 50 movies a year? Maybe.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Maybe I can see that. I can see that happening, yeah. Why? Because yesterday I was just thinking just because you knew about that Roadhouse movie. I saw three movies in the last two weeks, and that's like more than I've seen in the previous year. Really? Yeah. What do you do? I don't know. I guess I just – I don't know what I – that. Really? Yeah. What do you do? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:06 I guess I just, I don't know what I, that's a good question. What do I do? I like movies. I just don't know why. Like yesterday I put on born Jason Bourne for my kids. I watched like three minutes of it and then just got up and walked away.
Starting point is 01:09:17 I'm like, I can't even. Yeah, that's all right. I would have walked away on Jason Bourne movie too. I can't stand that shit. Los Angeles area at risk of life-threatening flooding. As six months' worth of rain...
Starting point is 01:09:28 Oh, here we go. Listen. Six months' worth of rain could fall during three-day storm. All right. No way. Let's see it. Bring it. If this happens, then people will die.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Listen to this. Some regions around Los Angeles area could receive up to a foot of rain by Wednesday. If that happens, yeah, people will get washed away. A foot of rain. What's that video of? This thing? Yeah. Is it just normal rain?
Starting point is 01:09:57 Yeah, I guess it's just normal rain. Unless we see that swimming pool. Yeah, it's just some rich dude's house. Why? Well, I hope that it doesn't happen. That'd be crazy. What if it does happen? What are you going to do? You have a boat?
Starting point is 01:10:17 They call me Noah. I'm telling you, it may not. It may happen. You know, hey, have you ever read you've never read the bible at all, huh? No, i've listened. I listened to the bible twice on tape Well from end to end. Yeah from end to end. I I had like it was like a 104 cassette tapes I had it when I was in college and I listened, you know what happened and you know, why? Why it was a flood in noah, right? He was tell me he was pissed. I forget god was flood in Noah, right? Tell me.
Starting point is 01:10:45 He was pissed. I forget. God was pissed at something, right? Yeah, because of how everybody was living, how they were doing what they wanted, their selfish greed, having sex with each other, malicious game. And then now you live in California, and six months of rain is going to fall in three days. Holy shit. No, but he will never flood the earth again. He already said, but he did.
Starting point is 01:11:08 Did he, did he say that? That's why we have the rainbow. You know how all these gay people are using the rainbow? Like, oh yeah, cause we're gay. That's a huge blasphemous and disrespect to God. Because the only reason that he created the rainbow is to, is for a promise that says, I will never flood the earth again. And did you also know that the rainbow is not just like this?
Starting point is 01:11:29 You know the rainbow goes around the whole earth when there's a rainbow? It's a circle. I didn't know that. Yeah, it's a circle to show completeness. You know what I mean? His promise was completed. He will not ever flood the earth again. You think it's a good omen? Whenever you see a rainbow, do you think it's a good omen? You know what I mean? His promise was completed. He will not ever flood the earth again. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:45 Do you think it's a good omen? Whenever you see a rainbow, do you think it's a good omen? I would like to say so. Yeah. I don't feel like I... Yeah. I would like to say that... Well, I don't say...
Starting point is 01:11:57 I mean, good omen, I don't know. But does it give me security and a good feeling about like, oh, bet. What's that? I saw this two days ago about like, oh, bet. What's that? I saw this two days ago. Yeah, that's wild. That's a vivid rainbow. That's a vivid rainbow. Yeah, it's sick, right?
Starting point is 01:12:14 Yeah. I was so happy when I saw it. It brought such joy to me. Yeah, see? And that's what it's supposed to do. It's not supposed to make you think of homosexuals and transgenders. Yeah. Oh, like yesterday I drove by Live Oak Elementary, one of the elementary schools here, and they got the American flag, the California flag. And then I like the same genitalia as my own stuffed in my face flag. And I'm like, why?
Starting point is 01:12:41 What kind of that belongs on a bar Or on someone's garage door To let your friends know they can come over And pound your ass Or at a bar, hey this is where all the gay dudes are hanging out Not at a fucking kids school At a kids school? Elementary, elementary school dude They have a sex flag
Starting point is 01:12:59 They have the sex flag up at an elementary school They have a video going around Somewhere in California for elementary students of about, oh, it starts off like, oh, when you're born, you're either male or female. But that's your sex. But gender is a totally different thing. You can be whatever gender you want to be, however you feel inside. I'm like, and it's a cartoon that they're just blasting for these kids to watch i could probably pull it up for you but by the way that's one of the main reasons why my kids don't go to uh public schools public school because
Starting point is 01:13:35 or any school like they're just they're homeschooled because i don't want them being taught lies period yeah i just don't want them i just don't want them being taught lies i want them to be taught how to think i want them to to treat other people how they want to be treated. And I don't want a straight sex flag or a gay sex flag at my kid's school. I don't want any sex talk at my school. There should be no sex talk until the age of 16 when they're in their boiling hormones and they're like, I don't know what to do. Yeah. Or when they're 10 and you see them jerking off on the couch you're like nah not here go to your room not here bro go to your room get out of here i know and it's freaking it's just hey i'm already my i have a two seven-year-olds and a nine-year-old and i've already like like i have to have rules like
Starting point is 01:14:22 uh bedroom doors can't be closed. Like I hear them talking like, have they kissed? I hear them already in the back. Have they? And my kids aren't exposed to a lot of shit, but they're already like they want to know they want to kiss girls and shit. They're already. Yeah. I mean, they got they got plans.
Starting point is 01:14:39 They got plans. I hear me on plans. I wanted to do that since like I was like 11. My first kiss 11 was the awkwardest weirdest thing i ever did in my life she's still in your town is she still in your town yeah she is but she never wanted to see my face again oh my that was me too my first kiss was in the seventh grade night she knows she's like after she kissed me she looked at me she goes i want you to know that that meant nothing yeah sent me to a tailspin sent me to a tailspin darian i wanted to cry like you get in the ring she made it seem like i was weird but i was trying to kiss her and you know you know how you close your eyes and you kiss you know what i'm saying when you're a kid yeah yeah i did that a normal kiss closed mouth kiss
Starting point is 01:15:21 she had her mouth open ready to like tongue me but i didn't know that yeah so my lips went into her mouth and i was like oh that probably wasn't good so we never talked again after that i don't even i don't even know what she does now but she does still live here yeah how long did you like her how long did you like her? How long did you like her? Did you like her like for two years after that? Oh, I liked her for a long time. She was a very, very, like, and the older we got as we matured, she got more and more beautiful.
Starting point is 01:15:57 Like, the way she looked, her body, she was like this tiny little Mexican. And I'm like, oh, my gosh. I ruined that. Yeah, mine was a mexican too my last name was it was munoz yeah see look at that my my last name was so many mexican names i don't know remember her last name maybe she didn't mean that much to me then but her first name was brenda oh man yeah i was i was devastated but mine told me right up right after we kissed hey that means nothing to me yeah that's a stab in your heart at least at least mine had the audacity to tell her best friend the next day to tell me
Starting point is 01:16:38 that she never wanted to talk to me again i was like cool. I can deal with that. That's hilarious. Seve, when did you lose your virginity? 21? No, 18. 18. Hey, good man. Yeah. There you go.
Starting point is 01:16:52 I lost mine when I was like 15, but it was an accident. It was an accident? Was she your girlfriend? Nah, she wasn't my girlfriend. It wasn't an accident. It was purposely done. But you know where it was? It was in a walmart parking
Starting point is 01:17:05 lot wow in a car in the car what kind of car i don't remember but you know what was crazy people that i knew from school were in the walmart parking lot and they came up to the window and they're like is that darian and they're like knocking on the car i'm like oh what are you doing get out of of here. Like, chill out. What is going on here? Hey, was it just once or was it multiple times? Like, did you keep dating her? No, she was not one of those girls that you keep dating.
Starting point is 01:17:34 You know, she was one of those girls where you're like, she can punch my ticket, so I need that. You know what I mean? No, I would have been. I've been devastated. I was desperate. If a girl looked at me, I would have been, I've been devastated. I was, I was, I was desperate. If a girl looked at me, I wanted to keep around forever. Like if she knew my name, that was enough for me to want to, I was desperate. I was desperate.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Oh, really? No. Yeah. I was trying to, when I was younger, I was just trying to get every girl I could. Like once I had a taste. Yeah, me too. Me too. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:59 Next, next. Oh no, no, no. I had to keep them all. I was a collector. I was the, oh, okay, cool. I felt that. i want to see what this feels like now okay yeah what does she feel like now i mean then i didn't discriminate at all a couple big girls in my bed of course of course of course hey no healthy man discriminates hey i when i see a man be like yeah i have a type i just think you're gay as soon as i hear that as soon as i hear that girl's too fat or i don't do brun have a type i just think you're gay as soon as i hear that as soon as i hear that
Starting point is 01:18:25 girl's too fat or i don't do brunettes or anything i just think you're gay just right you're gay yeah i know like just the women essence is enough for me like oh hey yeah what's up yeah daring tell me when you're where can we where can we watch your next fight you can watch my next fight on This will be at the Boonville Casino here in Missouri. It's called the Isle of Capri. I'll be fighting a guy named Chris Crosby. Feb 17th?
Starting point is 01:19:03 February 17th? February 17th. He's a black belt in jiu-jitsu, and he's 12-5. And three rounds? Three rounds, yep. MMA? MMA. MMA.
Starting point is 01:19:16 He has seven first-round finishes by submission, and he has five losses first round by finish. Oh, shit. So it's either he finishes or he gets finished. So his chin is suspect. His chin is suspect. His whole striking game, I think, is suspect. So we're going to see how good he is at jiu-jitsu
Starting point is 01:19:41 because if he's not that good at jiu-jitsu, I'm breaking his teeth out of his face. Basically, how's your takedown defense? Oh, I got one of the strongest takedown defenses. It still is in the UFC. I have 100% takedown defense. So this guy, if he can't take you down, he's in big, big, big, big, big.
Starting point is 01:19:58 If he can't take me down, it's a bad deal for him. And then even if he can take you down, it could be bad news for him. Yeah. And the crazy thing is, he doesn't have any wrestling takedown. He has like jujitsu, like pull guard takedown, you know?
Starting point is 01:20:11 So that's even harder to take somebody down than like being able to wrestle and, and get on their back. Like he is going to try to pull me forward on top of them. So I'm pretty, I'm pretty stoked. I'm pretty happy. I'm pretty energetic'm pretty stoked I'm pretty happy I'm pretty energetic to get in the cage like and you're ready you're ready I'm so
Starting point is 01:20:31 ready I'm so ready I just want to freaking clobber somebody Clinton death let me ask you about this fight Renato Moishan Moicano against drew dober who do you think is gonna win that oh i'd like to say uh drew dober i think that drew dober chose some uh 27 and 12 i can't believe he's been around that long already he's been around a long time and his and and just in the last few years he's like been on a win streak you know what i mean like yeah he's won like three from starting with he beat terrence mckinney after he beat terrence mckinney he went on like a a little rampage like three fight four fight win streak and for sure someone's going that doesn't go the distance someone gets now they're going to sleep somebody's going to bed okay and then
Starting point is 01:21:20 let me ask you about this one right down here. Lee Jong Yong versus Blake Builder. I have no clue who either of those guys are. I had Blake Builder on the podcast. He was so fucking cool, man. Really? Yeah, he was so cool. I'm going to go Blake Builder. Let's go Blake Builder.
Starting point is 01:21:36 All right, all right, all right, all right. Hey, look at all these canceled fights. I wonder why. Nuts, right? So how many fights are on the card? I wonder why nuts right so how many fights are on the card looks like 1 2 3 4 5 6 on the prelim 1 2 3 4 5
Starting point is 01:21:54 6 on the main card oh but it's apex huh do you watch this will you stop and take time to watch this or no to be honest with you I don't watch any UFC cards no why not tell me why because I don't want to be honest with you i don't watch any ufc cards no why not tell me why because i don't want to be a fan of any fighters oh okay all right i want them all to i want to come after all of them right you know and and also uh i don't know just
Starting point is 01:22:20 i don't want to build it up in my head i think that's where I messed up the first time that I was in the UFC. I watched UFC all the time. You know what I mean? So once I was on that stage, I was like, you know, fairytale land. You're like, oh, my gosh. I can't believe this happened. No, when I go out there, I want it to only be another stage that I fight on. I don't want it to be like, oh, I've seen this arena so many times.
Starting point is 01:22:42 No, I don't want that. Hey, I came here. There's a crowd of that. I want, hey, I came here. There's a crowd of people. I come here to do business. Boom. I'm dropping, buddy, and I'm getting out of here. Hey, Darren, do you think that your best chance of getting into the UFC is a last-minute call-in? Like, I feel like I hear a lot of those, like dudes who are in the UFC,
Starting point is 01:22:58 and then they're looking for a fighter for a last-minute call, so they call you back. And you just have to do it. I definitely think so. Especially, you know, more wins that I achieve on this this level i think that's what they'll try to do is shove me in there they'll try to oh hey would you fight anyone at 171 let's say they wanted you to go against um um uh gilbert would you just get would you take the fight let's go i just talked to gilbert a month ago. I was down at his gym. I was training there for a few days down in Florida.
Starting point is 01:23:30 And I seen Gilbert and I was like, yo, what's up, man? I just want to introduce myself. And he already knew who I was. You know, he was like, oh, yeah, Darian Weeks. I know who you are, bro. You're a freaking great fighter. Keep working, bro. You'll get there.
Starting point is 01:23:42 And so, yeah, they called me to fight Gilbert Burns. Let's go! Anybody. Because of how my first last-minute call-in went. You know what I'm saying? When they called me for Barbarina and Three Days Notice, they were like, you trying to do this? And I'm like, yep.
Starting point is 01:23:58 And boom, boom, boom, boom. And it was a good fight. You know what I mean? And they loved it. You got Three Days Notice? Oh, yeah. Three Days for Barbarina. Yeah. They called me off and they love you got three days notice oh yeah three days for barbara yeah they called me off the couch i got three days and i was 198 pounds that's crazy dude and i was like and not only that like when i had to cut weight they flew me out there i had to cut weight and go to every one of my medicals in vegas so i had to go to the brain scan i had to go get blood taken i had to go get a physical i had to had to go get blood taken. I had to go get a physical. I had to do all of this, run around town while having to shed 28 pounds.
Starting point is 01:24:31 And you made weight? Made weight on the dot. Crazy. 170.5 on the dot. All right. I'm pumped. I'm going to be watching Feb 17th. Hey, thanks for coming on, dude.
Starting point is 01:24:46 It's been a while. It's been too long. It has. We'll have to schedule another one after this fight win. I should have some fight news about other fights, and then we'll get it cracking. Love you, dude. Thanks, Darian.
Starting point is 01:24:58 Love you, my man. Talk to you soon. Bye. Darian Weeks. Good to have him back. 83 minutes with the man. Talk to you soon. Bye. Day and week. Good to have him back. 83 minutes with the man. Oh, I didn't even get to ask him about his haircut and business.
Starting point is 01:25:17 How are the shops doing? Damn. Damn, damn, damn. All right, guys. 8.26 a.m AM Pacific Standard Time I wonder if I'm taking my kids to tennis this morning should we call Haley and find out no tennis oh
Starting point is 01:25:39 yeah of course why not we're moving it to 10 of course 1 PM tennis Yeah, of course. We're moving it to 10, of course. Of course, of course, of course. 1 p.m. tennis moved. all right um savvy did you give it to caleb and suza give what to them give what to them what do you mean hog chat you want to talk about hogs patch the boat, Sevalon? Patch what boat?
Starting point is 01:26:27 More Colton watch along? Oh, we could do that. I'm ready to chill though. Um, um, um, um,
Starting point is 01:26:40 where is it? Uh, I didn't see. Oh, I know. I can't give it for last night's fuck ups. No, I mean, they didn't. I mean, fuck. They ain't.
Starting point is 01:27:02 I can't give it to them. They ain't getting nothing. They're just. I can't give it to them. They ain't getting nothing. They're just. It's not like they're fucking. I'm paying them fucking $100,000 a year. They got their lives too. I ain't putting any of that blame on them. I just.
Starting point is 01:27:19 I just. I'm just. I'm comparing it just to myself. Shit. Maybe it's the blames on me. Maybe I should have. Maybe I should have a huge calendar on the wall that says, okay, make sure you help promote the, uh, health summit two days before, uh, make sure that there's a promo code in the YouTube comments.
Starting point is 01:27:35 It would just, it wasn't, it wasn't, I mean, there's a lot of things I just want to support and I want other people to carry the, um, the, the ball. That's all I'm saying. Like if I, if I knew I was in charge of the health summit, I wouldn't have fucking given Morning Chalk up a better code than we had. I wouldn't have had no code on the bottom of ours. And I sure as fuck would have promoted the last two days before to watch it live online. I mean it seems like a fucking slam dunk. And that's all I'm saying. slam dunk. And that's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:28:05 Like, like, like, but, but it's not, I don't, I mean, I don't mean to,
Starting point is 01:28:09 I don't mean to blame, uh, I'm not blaming Caleb or Sousa or, uh, just, just frustrated. I don't know who to blame. Maybe just blame myself. Uh,
Starting point is 01:28:20 that sounds very corporate savvy. You mean, no, it's the exact opposite of corporate. It's taking personal responsibility and accountability and follow through with something. We started the events today. That sounds very corporate, Seve. No, it's the exact opposite of corporate. It's taking personal responsibility and accountability and follow through with something we started. The events today. And I don't feel like fucking like supporting or pushing an event that no one gave me a promo code to when the fucking shit rag down the fucking road has a fucking promo code.
Starting point is 01:28:43 So I just got like, what the fuck? I just thought it was stupid. And I go on Instagram and i see them promoting the shit and i'm just like like what like like you fucked up i'm just being critical like i don't really care i don't really care it's not it's not my fucking event i just would like to be my my portion of it to be fucking a plus so maybe I'm just projecting my insecurity that maybe I dropped the ball. Maybe I should have asked for a promo code. But I ain't fucking going
Starting point is 01:29:11 like, I don't got time for that. I put too much pressure on myself. It's chill. It's fine. It's good. I'm good. Did we get confirmation where Sousa was last night? Was he drunk? Was he in drag? No, he's working.
Starting point is 01:29:28 He's working his job. He's working the health summit. I don't even know how he got that gig, but somehow he's involved with the health summit. That's why that's how. And then he was able to parlay his relationship with the seven podcast right into promoting it and carl thompson's my friend i mean they're both dear friends of mine i love them it's okay savvy what's okay get a kiss from hayley oh he's banging karen oh it's okay that he's buying banging karen instead of me sus Sousa?
Starting point is 01:30:06 Maybe you just need to get laid? I don't even know what you guys are talking about. I don't know what you guys are talking about. It's okay as opposed to something wasn't okay? I don't know. I think maybe you guys are being overly sensitive. I can go off on a... How fucking stupid it is
Starting point is 01:30:43 not to have fucking follow through where your biggest promotion was to the lead of the fucking event it's okay for me to be like what the fuck are you guys doing it's okay it's okay for me to say that without you saying
Starting point is 01:30:58 that it's okay Seve it's okay Brooke Ence is coming on next week. Pretty pumped. What day does she come on? You got bumped? I got bumped. I don't even know what that means either.
Starting point is 01:31:15 I don't know what you guys are talking about. I think you guys maybe are misunderstanding me. Let me see. Oh, I am going to try to do Tommy Hackenbrook Sunday night by the way Oh tomorrow listen to this Listen to this tomorrow morning David from
Starting point is 01:31:35 CrossFit Bison is coming on I do believe That that affiliate Has the most open signups than Anyone in the of any affiliate anywhere. So if you're an affiliate owner tomorrow, we're going to crack the code. This guy's going to tell us how he did it,
Starting point is 01:31:51 which is huge, right? Huge. That Burby dude, a hundred percent agree with you. Seven seat though, but Hey, upwards,
Starting point is 01:32:02 onwards. Hopefully the podcast takes off someday. Oh, thanks. Asshole. with you seven sito but hey upwards onward hopefully the podcast takes off someday oh thanks asshole okay so this is what i'm gonna do i'm gonna tell you what i'm gonna do today oh i'll tell you what happened last night so yesterday i felt like shit all day i don't know what was going on so weird i thought but last night in the middle of the night i broke a sweat so. So that means I guess I must've had a bug, right? I must've had some sort of, like just in the middle of the night, I was just soaked in sweat. So I got a towel,
Starting point is 01:32:32 laid it down on the sheets and went back to sleep. And I woke up, felt good. My throat feels a little weird, like almost like numb. Like I, like I was sucking on some sort of weird lozend or I was breathing through my mouth or something. But and it's really dry here. So there's that. So I'm healthy. I'm 100 percent again. And then so today what I need to do is I'm actually going to do this right now.
Starting point is 01:32:58 I'm going to go watch the Colton Mertens video. I'm going to watch the whole thing. And then I'm going to give any feedback I have to Rios, and maybe I'll have none. And if I have no feedback for him, fuck, we'll just make that thing public today. Not public. We'll make it just for members today. So there's that. I'll do that right now. So maybe that will go public soon. And then I'm taking the kids to play tennis at 1,
Starting point is 01:33:24 and then I'm going to watch the UFC tonight but maybe I'll come back on this evening and try to do another 20 minute show. I really want to practice doing those. There's a, we can do an update. You want to do an update on the, on the attacks the US is doing on Iran? You guys want to do that?
Starting point is 01:33:47 It's kind of interesting. Do a 20-minute show on that. All right, guys. Have fun. UFC starts at 1 p.m. Pacific Standard Time today. Do a watch-along thing with the UFC. Oh. Man, that's a
Starting point is 01:34:07 huge time commitment. I don't know if I can do that. Yeah, World War III. We can talk about the beginning of World War III. No, not World War III. I don't think so. Alright. See you guys soon.
Starting point is 01:34:27 Bye-bye.

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