The Sevan Podcast - Dave Castro - Answers ALL 2024 CrossFit Games Questions

Episode Date: February 11, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of americam express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply um bam we're live i what i think's gonna happen oh look at that so it's not i went live but it didn't go live on that tv i wanted to have that tv going so that uh is it as soon as they're like managing behind the scenes so you could um no where is suza i want to do. Oh, there we are. Okay. So then I can, I think I can, I think I can pause this and then scroll. Okay, look. So there, can you, is that too far away for the chat?
Starting point is 00:01:33 Can I make that big? How do I make this chat big? Are we live? Yeah, we're live. Hey, do you, do you want to have a signal if i ask a question that you don't like that you just wave me off you ever played blackjack is that where you go like this well yeah do this if you see me do this then then it is that's uh that's next that's like give me another card give me another question okay let me let me zoom in a little bit
Starting point is 00:02:06 So I can't see your your okay. So if you do that so now just barely yeah, you got to be just like sly about it Okay, what about you do it here too? What if you say? Oh, yeah, that's good What if you start getting fidgety and I just start like I'll be clear. I'll be clear about it. Oh my god No one thought you were gonna come like What's what's frozen up there? Is that us? I'll be clear about it. Oh, my God. No one thought you were going to come. I can't even believe it. What's frozen up there? Is that us? I just froze it so it wouldn't stream. But if you wanted to look at the questions, like if you just wanted to see, it's like
Starting point is 00:02:31 if someone says something. Look at this. Look at it. Here's already a good one. Dave looks thick in the core. Thick in... Oh, that's not a good... Who said that?
Starting point is 00:02:38 Hobart or something? No. Pool boy. Pool boy. He didn't say thick in the core. He just said Dave looks thick. Hey, how about me how do i look do i look like i'm all juiced up you look good i look like i'm on trt or anything you better not be
Starting point is 00:02:50 the setup's much better oh this is good now listen i'm a um are we so do they see me now i'm a clean yeah they see yeah they totally see i'm a clean but why is that frozen on ours? Oh, do you want to, I can make that. No, I just want to just get a little. The chats, all I wanted you to be able to see is the chat. Got it. And I wish I could make it bigger. I don't know how to make it bigger. Can you see that far?
Starting point is 00:03:15 Yeah, I could use, oh yeah, someone said Dave's looking thick. I've got a sweatshirt on. Yeah. And I've been using creatine. I am, no, have you really? Yeah, I just started started 50 years old and you just for the first time i'm not 50 years old 49 and a half i'm not 49 in your 40s in my 40s and you've never used creatine before no i used creatine when i was a kid like in high school
Starting point is 00:03:36 yeah and then you heard all those things about how you know what was the um retained water and what was all the things we used to hear that just heard retained water but back then in a negative way and so like I stopped and just haven't done it since and then recently just talking to some crossfitters and friends and they were talking about their creatine use and how
Starting point is 00:03:58 essentially you would hang out with Thomas DeLauer and he's like listen there's so many studies that the PubMed says that. And so finally I said, okay, fuck it. I'll try creatine. It's not like the shit you're thinking about doing or have dabbled in. It's not the stuff that.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Listen, I am as clean as a whistle. Hiller does. So I decided to give it a go and just started a few weeks ago. How much are you taking? Do you know? Just the scoop. Momentous. I'm using Momentous sent me a little package. Nice plug. Look at that little you know? Just the scoop. Momentous. Momentous sent me a little package.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Nice plug. Momentous. Cross that off the list. Dave doesn't think I look juiced up and he's not juiced up. Just creatine. What about the olive oil? I noticed you got it back in stock.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Yeah, I'm excited. Why are you swiping your hand? You want me to stop talking about the olive oil? No, I didn't swipe. I didn't swipe. Hold on. Hold on. I can get out of my way. Oh, look at you. Why do you think I have a backpack? Look at you.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Oh, shit. Wow. That's what happens. Everyone who buys... So, I wrap it in this construction paper. Yeah. put my stamp on it yeah and then i write in this case thanks sebon and then i put tdc and a little uh black hey piece of tape open it up that's the new 500 milliliter would you i'm having some problems with one of my friends and this might be a good gift to give to no no that's for you i know but i'm struggling with this is a high value item
Starting point is 00:05:30 i'll we'll talk after okay you know her she's a games athlete i'll give you hot hot games athlete i'm struggling the relationship's struggling i need to send her something open it okay well this is nice but then i have to put bubble wrap around so. So then I have to pat it, and then I put it in a USPS mail thing and ship it off. For you foreigners, USPS is United States Parcel Service. Jesus, you're out of the shot now. God damn it. Be honest. Was child labor used to wrap this?
Starting point is 00:06:00 No. No, I'm doing it. I shit you not. At this stage, I'm doing all of this. We're cute little Mexican girls in Watsonville who live at your house. Not yet. Why don't you have your daughters do it? Not yet.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Let's see. This is cool. I want to savor it. Oh, if I had a spoon, I would drink a spoonful right now. Just keep on, keep on. I can take a swig right out. Yeah, just pound it.
Starting point is 00:06:28 It's yours. It's like a little present. That's your handwriting? Yes, I did that. Look at that. I opened it upside down. I'm going to save that. That's going to become some sort of prop, that wrapping paper with your signature on it.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Look at the front. Look at the front. Look at the can, though. Look at the can. No, you touch it. Turn around and look at it. I see it. That's one of the defective ones.
Starting point is 00:06:57 How many defective ones are there? A couple. It got dented. So I can't ship those to anyone. So I figured I'd give one to you. I was wondering why you pressed me open it. Can I get botulism from... No, it's just on the external.
Starting point is 00:07:11 It's just the can's a little dented. No, take a hit. Drink it. Good fats. Good quality fat. Oh, shit. This is stupid. So that's the thing. Like several years ago, all these guys were selling.
Starting point is 00:07:30 We had Bridges and the Good Brothers, whatever they called themselves, doing coffee. We had Margo doing. She was doing wine. Then we had. This smells great. Rich was doing tobacco, jerky. And, you know know and all these guys had their little things i'm doing toothpaste you fucking have toothpaste now and i was like
Starting point is 00:07:50 okay nobody's doing olive oil in our space i'm like i'm gonna do hit it i'm gonna do olive oil it's good huh oh yeah i gotta take a shit now oh that's really good of course it is that's the point holy shit and and it's extra virgin olive oil. True. Extra virgin olive oil. Do you know if you do a blend or a fusion, it's no longer extra virgin olive oil. You can use extra virgin olive oil for the fusions or the blends, but it's not once you mix it with anything. I do have a couple coming out. I have a lemon variety and a garlic.
Starting point is 00:08:20 But anyways, go back. I want something spicy. How about jalapeno? Eventually. Not yet. I'm going to do a Spanish flavor to it. Mexican. And so I was like, go back. I want something spicy. How about jalapeno? Eventually not yet. And so Spanish flavor to it. And so I was like, I'm going to do olive oil.
Starting point is 00:08:29 But dude, I said that like maybe even a decade ago. And I said that a really long time ago and it just became this running joke. I'd always talk about I'm going to launch my olive oil. I'm going to launch olive oil. Then a couple years ago when I was up here. Yep. That's the first batch. That's that's when through street parking. I was up here, yep, that's the first batch. That's when through street parking.
Starting point is 00:08:47 I was like, you know, I just need to fucking do this. I contacted a guy, local guy, 30 minutes away from the ranch. And actually, let me even back up. The original intent was I'm going to grow the trees on the ranch and I'm going to do top to bottom. Well, once I looked into the trees, it takes like anywhere from three to five years to get them where they're actually producing fruit that you can use for olive oil. And I was like, oh, well, that's going to take too long. So I met up with a guy in Hollister who has a small operation. Hollister is about 30 minutes away from the ranch.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And we started talking and then eventually purchased some from him and had it packaged and bottled. And so he does it completely organic. I'm getting the oil from him and had it packaged and bottled. And so he does it completely organic. I'm getting the oil from him. He gets it milled 45 minutes away from his place, which is about 45 minutes to an hour away from the ranch. So it's all the chain of custody, as I like to say, is all within an hour. And you're doing the driving. Yeah. And I'm picking it. I'm not picking it at this point, but I'm making all of that i'm connecting all the dots and then i'm getting it packaged purchasing all of that and then obviously at this like i said at this point it's a small operation i'm shipping everything it's just
Starting point is 00:09:54 a little side thing for fun it's just all it was about honestly was to execute on this the fact that i had that idea and so once I said I was going to do that, at some point I said, all right, stop talking about it and just do it. And so within the last year and a half, I decided, okay, here, just do it. The first batch went really fast. So now I'm on the second batch. And how much, how many, how many, uh, in the first batch? So I purchased a 50-gallon drum. Were you concerned that you were going to be stuck with 50 gallons of oil? Yeah, for sure. Now I've purchased 200.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I'm sorry, 100 gallons. So I have 100 gallons now that I'm selling. So this will last me, I think, for a while. What's your wife think? She's supportive. Does she use it, though? Yeah, we use it. She's the cook.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Yeah, yeah. I mean, you have a professional kitchen in your house, and so she says it, though? Yeah, yeah, yeah. We use it. She's the cook. Yeah, yeah. I mean, like, you have a professional kitchen in your house, and so she says it's good? Yeah, absolutely. I feel like my tongue's moving around in my mouth better. You could use that even in fucking for your hands. I just lubed my mouth. All right, cool. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Thank you. The site is up. TDC. What's wrong with your headset? It's all like cracked. And it's just old. Just old. Come on.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Get a new one. I have lots of new ones, but it's just the one I've always had. And it's kind of, I don't know. Can they see that? Do people see that? Does anybody else ever comment on it? I know how the internet works. Thanks. Appreciate it. I know how the internet works. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Appreciate it. But I'm also going to put some other things out there soon. A little side project. Like salt and pepper shakers? No, better. I can't even find the fucking site. Just put it in the actual... I don't think
Starting point is 00:11:41 I can Google there. Your SEO is like CrossFit's SEO. You guys have the same tech team. It's not nice, Davey. You know, I've thought you've come in, you've come to this. Is this the third time you've been in here? Yes. You kicked my ass last two times you've been in here.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I was like, you know what? I'm not letting him kick my ass this time. This the second time it was so fucking hot. Um, but you were just like, you bullied me in my own office. And it was like, I'm like, I'm not tolerating tolerating that it was like it was last year like fuck that hey um i'm big time you want me to put your instagram account look at there it is leather belts that i hand made from scratch so over the past several weeks i took a hide i have a big hide that actually i'm pretty sure this came from bill years ago he gave me a big black hide from weaver leather they're one of the premier
Starting point is 00:12:31 leather um sources bill henninger the owner of rogue just gave you just well at the time i was doing a lot of leather work and he he's like hey here's a cow but just just the skin it's a hides for you to do leather work okay and because i was doing a lot of belts and little stuff like that at the time i actually made him a sheath for his um 30 30 lever action rifle for his uh ranger in austin that he saw in texas that he still uses um so i was doing a lot of projects for friends and stuff so the other day we had a meeting with um some of our leadership team from from my uh training team. And I was like, I like when I have meetings with people in person,
Starting point is 00:13:09 I like to make some sort of gift, leather or sewing, to give to the crew. And I was like, I'm going to do some belts. So I took the hide, cut the hide, cut a side of it with a straight edge, straight. Where were you storing the hide in my leather sewing room it was a damage at all the way you start no okay and a high just basically cows d hair just uh like one of those carpets you'd see at like greg's house but all
Starting point is 00:13:35 the hair's taken off no yeah exactly okay okay okay and then i uh it's it's probably like seven to eight ounces that's the that's the size the width. You stored it in the shed where the spider bit you on the back and you almost died. But that's when I first moved there. I know. I'm just trying to like place the stories. Since then, I've really cleaned it up. I know, I know. But you had this weird thing on your back.
Starting point is 00:13:56 And so I made the belt strips. I cut the belt strips. Then I trimmed all the edges. Then I painted all the edges. Then I burnished the belts. What's burnish mean? It's where you basically take the edge of the leather, the unfinished leather, and you have this little machine that spins with wood and you put some substance on it and it just finishes it. It's a finish. And then cut the template, cut the holes,
Starting point is 00:14:22 constructed the belts. And I'm using titanium buckles so i'm a big fan of titanium things my other watch is titanium this one's made with titanium i have a few i have a time mask knife that um the guys at half blade half blade knives half face blades made me so titanium's something that i really like a metal that i like so the belt buckles are titanium and anyway so from this whole hide minus the ones i gave away to my team i have like 12 belts 12 belts that i'm going to put on the site probably in a week or so and sell you gave this the sound they sound expensive they're going to be fucking expensive i put a lot of fucking time in them Who's someone who has one? Do you give them to boys and girls? Yes, so Sarah Hopping
Starting point is 00:15:07 Megan Way Joe Alexander Our leadership team that came out to San Jose A few weeks ago EDU Training leadership team They're They're just belts that boys and girls can wear
Starting point is 00:15:23 Well, that's the thing thing so they're inch and a half and i was worried that they wouldn't that the girls wouldn't wear them but the girls wore them and they loved them and they looked great the belts um different sizes like 32 inch 36 inch so here's the thing so it's like 55 inches long and how i'm gonna do this is since i'm only selling 12 i'm gonna post it and you're gonna select size and I'm going to fucking cut it and film it just specifically for the size you chose. And then I'm going to email the person like, Hey, here's me making, Hey Mike, thanks for ordering. Here's me finishing your belt off. So basically if you order 34, then I'm going to cut it to 34 just for you. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. And for an extra $50,
Starting point is 00:16:04 you'll turn the remainder part of the belt into a keychain well that's actually so this is oh oh shit so with a lot of the scrap i will make these and i won't charge let me see that and i'll put the you've got stuff like this before let me see let me see and um i've made something like this before. Not this nice. And so I'm going to do that with a lot of this scrap anyway. Hey, why not? And I'll charge way less for those. The belts are going to be almost $200. But I've also like a hand fucking crafted leather belt for me.
Starting point is 00:16:37 That's taken like several weeks of every night or every other night spending 30 minutes to an hour and a half in my leather room working on this project the best thing you ever made was the um uh let's see look so these are great for the gym was the air pod on your yeah that's nice yeah the air pod holder is that a go-rock bag you're rocking no this one's actually yeti so yeti oh you're in trouble caller hi hey dave i appreciate the uh the intensity you put in those belts i want one please jethro uh owner of crossfit uh chief nation oh nice jethro good to hear from you new affiliate new affiliate thanks just like uh watches belts i need a really really nice belt i want you to put one aside for me please yeah you're gonna you're gonna dig this one it's got a fucking see actually the brown one what was i. It's got a fucking... Actually, the brown one.
Starting point is 00:17:25 What was I thinking? It's got a super cool titanium belt buckle. You can come on the show again and peddle your belt. Is it black and brown or black or brown? So that's what I'm doing. I'm going to have limited runs. This run, this first hide is all black. So the belt's going to be black. The buckle is...
Starting point is 00:17:43 Hold on. Look it. People are into this, uh, the video cheese. What video? Look at a saber. Saber makes a guess. These belts will be worth more than $200.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Uh, by, by almost 200, Dave means 199 99. I didn't even hear you say, did you throw out a number? I've had, yeah,
Starting point is 00:18:02 I said one, one, they're going to be close to 200. I've had internal pressure that 200 might be too much. I don't think so. Oh, those are nice. Wow, you got to back it up just a little. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:15 All right. Those are the ones that were given to the lads on your team. Wow. Do that. And look at, hold on. eBay. Hate to break up your riveting convo, but what does Dave think about Don's talk to defund the games? Jesus Christ. Yeah, that's nice. Wow. Do that. And look at, hold on. eBay. Hate to break up your riveting convo, but what does Dave think about Don's talk to defund the games?
Starting point is 00:18:27 Jesus Christ. Yeah, that's nice. Wow. Wow. The TDC logo. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is on the buckle. And that's a titanium buckle?
Starting point is 00:18:35 Titanium. Does that mean you can walk through a metal detector with that? You have to take that off? Yeah, I wear mine through the metal detector. All good. Look at. Here's a picture of the ladies from the meeting wearing them. Wow.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Okay. It didn't turn them into dudes. That's nice. All right. Look it. Hey, look. Listen. Oh, horrible question, Jeremy.
Starting point is 00:18:58 You're a douche. Okay. Next question. Don was on Kettlebells and Cocktails. He didn't say he was going to defund the games, but he did say that there would be significant cuts. I don't even know if he used the word cuts. Have you seen it? I have not.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Okay. He said, I wrote it down. Let me see if I have it. Seve, I'm going to go listen. Bye, Dave. Bye. Thank you for calling. Yeah, thanks for calling.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Hold me a bell, please, Dave. I want one. Yeah, hit me up. Hit me up on email. Dave at CrossFit. listen. Bye, Dave. Bye. Thank you for calling. Yeah, thanks for calling. Hold me a bell, please, Dave. I want one. Yeah, hit me up. Hit me up on email. Oh, okay. I don't even want to hear it. I don't even read it.
Starting point is 00:19:31 I just want to say this, though. A meaningful amount of money. That's all he said. A meaningful amount of money that will be taken out of the games, I think. Put elsewhere and put elsewhere to help affiliates. As if the games don't help affiliates. I mean, you have to make some presuppositions there.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I didn't like it. So let's say we are spending, I'm going to make this number up, $5 on games content. Can you say 10? So it's like a, I like 10 or a hundred. Let's say we're spending $5 on games content and we're spending $1 on affiliate content and we're spending another single dollar on edu content over the course of the year and then we're gonna take some of that five and maybe reduce it to two
Starting point is 00:20:14 or three let's say three yeah and then make the others also two or three like i'm all about that and very supportive of that and i think like we we should have a better balance of the type of messaging and content that we're putting out there. I don't think it looks out of balance now. I don't think it looks out of balance. I'm not saying it's out of balance now. I'm just saying a hypothetical. In the past, it has been very out of balance. Like how far back?
Starting point is 00:20:41 2017 or 18? When you were around. Yeah, that's what I mean. Greg, of course course corrected it by doing what he did. Listen, I don't think anything's out of balance now from just from the what's forward
Starting point is 00:20:54 facing. Good. That's good. Like I'm not inundated with content from CrossFit like I'd like to be. No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying CrossFit games specific content only. Okay, we're not done that. I'm saying CrossFit Games specific content only. Okay, we're not done.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Caller, hi. Hello? Caller? Hello? Hey. Who's Larry Wills and what's his latest video? Oh, please, please do not ever address Tom Landry. I never address Tom Landry.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Damn it. Tom, you won. He left that note there about Larry Wheels' thousand shows in a row. Who's Larry Wheels? I don't have no fucking idea. Google him. Okay, fine. Caller, go ahead. Look, with Dave here, you got what you wanted, Tom Landry. Caller, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Why didn't you Google Tom Landry? Oh, man, I love CrossFit. You know, CrossFit is like, I love the game. I've played it, like, I've got 220 hours in it. I love CrossFit. Cross've played it. Like I've got 220 hours in it. I love CrossFit. CrossFit all around is just really fun for me. I'm a six foot three white guy outside of Ohio.
Starting point is 00:21:55 And man, I just play the CrossFit games all the time. I love it. I love CrossFit. Thank you. Thank you for the support. What do you mean 220 hours? Go ahead. Go ahead. Crack the joke. I What do you mean 220 hours? Go ahead. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Crack the joke. I know there's a punchline. Go ahead. No, no. There's no joke. I'm honestly a really big fan of the CrossFit games. I play all. I have my Kinect set up and everything.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I just got the new 2024 and everything. I love the game. For the 2023, I had the 2023. I'm thinking about the 2023. But I about what do you when you say i want to ask i want to ask what you mean when you like are you watch what do you mean watching the games and stuff no i play the game what's the game you play i'm an active player like you're crossfitting yeah it's like some crossfit game on the connect i'm like insane at it i think i could go pro tell me about it i've never i don't know this game you speak of.
Starting point is 00:22:46 So there's this, I don't know what the game's called. It's an old Xbox 360 game, but I crunch it out. You got the sit-ups. You got push-ups and everything. It had a game version for the PS3. I had that too. I have a PS3 camera and everything. I'm an amazing player.
Starting point is 00:23:04 I haven't gamed in a long time Actually? Actually Larry Wheels pivoted Larry Wheels pivoted to arm wrestling I think Oh yeah it didn't Oh Larry Wheels? I actually know, I love Larry Wheels
Starting point is 00:23:18 I follow him on everything Where are you right now? You follow him on Xbox? I wish I followed him on Xbox. Imagine them kind of party chats with Larry Wheels. All right, brother. Thank you. Peace.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Love you. Larry Wheels. Yeah, I've seen this guy pivot. So this guy's whole story was he was all – he was juiced to the gills, and then he got off the juice. I think he's like in Dubai or Abu Dhabi or something. Wow, what's this? Jeez.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Can people see what you're looking this? Yeah, yeah, yeah, this is I don't see what we see oh no you don't see only see the comments Oh, you can you see it over here and see that yeah, yeah Jeez Anyway, that's who Larry wheels is I'm surprised. He doesn't have any arm wrestling stuff. What's it? Anyway, that's who Larry Wheels is. I'm surprised he doesn't have any arm wrestling stuff. What's it? 91-year-old bodybuilder Jim Arrington.
Starting point is 00:24:08 We have matching torn biceps. His is the world's oldest. Wow, the world's oldest torn bicep. This truly is a fitness. Jacked. Yeah, he got off the juice. He's still jacked. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Wow. What is going on, you guys? I have an interview to conduct. You can't just be all calling in and shit. Caller, hi. Howdy. Hey. Do you screen these or do you know who? No, no.
Starting point is 00:24:37 This is Russell Berger. Just called up. Show's crazy. How's it going? Yeah, go ahead. Good, great. Oh, yes, come here, Dave. What? It's good. It's going good. We're go ahead. Good. Great. Oh, yes. Come here, Dave. What?
Starting point is 00:24:46 It's good. It's going good. We're having fun. Who's this? Oh, this is Matthew Hawks out of Kansas. Oh, very cool. Is it cold out there? It is actually not.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Is this in California, I'm betting? Yes. Damn. What do you got? Let's entertain us. Say something. What do you have? Okay, listen, listen okay listen listen listen listen
Starting point is 00:25:06 this is this is game changing i'm listening you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna look out into the street after this after this podcast is done and you're gonna be like wow matthew hawks from kansas just changed my world view go i'm listening here it is i can't believe Dave hasn't gotten up and left yet. You better hurry the fuck up. This is why you should probably screen these guys.
Starting point is 00:25:33 That guy was a CEO. Who the fuck's gonna screen it? I, fucking Sousa. Have Avi screen it? Have your staff screen him. No, I like it.
Starting point is 00:25:41 This is a performance, everyone should call in and do their performance thing. You got to steer them along quicker, though. You got to get them to get to the point. That's what I was trying to do because you weren't. How are open signups? They're good.
Starting point is 00:25:52 They're doing really well. When Chase had Adrian on the podcast, he said that out the gate, it was the best ever. Better than 2018. And those things usually trend. Could we see a year? I don't think we'll hit. Wait till the behind the scenes becomes live. When does episode one go live to the public?
Starting point is 00:26:19 Not for a few days, five days or six days. Call or hi. So episode one goes live in five days? I think so. You haven't even approved episode 10 yet. Maybe a different event. Like what about a legit powerlifting meet? Three lifts, squat, bench, deadlift?
Starting point is 00:26:41 God, that just makes me think of the 2007 games where we had the Cross crossfit total and uh the guys running it but not not a crossfit i know just let me finish my story i know i'm just saying let me finish my story when you said a legit powerlifting event they wanted to run this like a legit weightlifting powerlifting event with all the judges and we had this insane schedule for saturday or for whatever day it was to finish we were basically going to start at eight and go to like nine at night to get 60 or or 50 50 50 60 athletes through this crazy um official application of the, and it was ridiculous. And hold on, let me say this, but let me say it was ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:27:28 So what we did was we said, Hey, only the top 20 guys are going to go through like the legit lifting and everyone else is going to go outside and they're just going to do it CrossFit style and they're going to lift, they're going to back squat and they're going to deadlift and they're going to press and they're going to have one judge and no platforms. And this is 07, so this was the first games. And the outside vibe and everything that went on there was super fucking cool.
Starting point is 00:27:51 And the inside vibe, it was super competitive, and it was just too much. Hey, that was the fallout of you and Mark Ripoteau. You said it. 2007 CrossFit Games began. That was for you to say, not me. Dave and Mark Riboteau are fucking thick as thieves. One event. One.
Starting point is 00:28:12 And that's it. That was it. Our friendship got destroyed over one event. One fucking event. And so when you say have a fucking powerlifting competition, I go back to that period and I think of that. And do you know why it was destroyed? Because Mark Riboteau, because Dave doesn't want anyone saying more than three sentences to him. Dave, how's a Bible reading coming?
Starting point is 00:28:37 I mean, all you need to do is just have God be like, hey, I made this shit in seven days. You're like, good job, buddy. And that would be good for you, dude. I just finished Judge, the book of Judge. I guess that's what you say. And now I'm on the book of Ruth. So what are the chances of this event
Starting point is 00:28:54 actually going down? How close is CrossFit to doing an event where it's just three big lifts? We'll go broad. Very low. Very low. Very low. Very low, bro.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Sorry. Especially with me back that's uh hey let me tell you how it could be done let me tell you how it could be done if you if you really want to see it find a sponsor who will put half a million dollars behind it bring the sponsor to dave dave will be like all right we'll do it uspa uspa yeah have five hundred thousand dollars get the it guys aren't they all juiced up i know people say that about our guys no they U.S.P.A. U.S.P.A. $500,000. Get the IT guys. Do they test? Aren't they all juiced up?
Starting point is 00:29:28 I know people say that about our guys. No, they. Power lifting is all juiced up. They're all weightlifting, power lifting. Let me guess. You're a power lifter. I used to do power lifting. Now I do CrossFit. What?
Starting point is 00:29:43 Unaffiliated CrossFit gyms. Very cool. Good on you. Hey, I want to ask you to do this. Ready? Can you hear me? I'm ready. Okay. In your gym, really take care of people and help your affiliate owner and help your other trainers and really coach and make sure people are moving correctly because you have a vast experience with these movements so you also even if you're not a trainer take it on you to help make your your uh fellow classmates and your trainers and your affiliate owner better at the lifts so bring uh spread your education spread your knowledge from your past experience as a power lifter onto them in a productive and respectful way. Can you do that? Of course. Yeah. Of course. Yeah. Awesome. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:30:31 All right. Thanks, scholar. Hey, where are you calling from? Where are you calling from? Angleton, Texas. Shout out backyard gym. Good voice. Hey, so if he's at a backyard gym, everything I just said is irrelevant. All hail Greg Abbott. All hail Greg Abbott. You're doing a good thing over there. All right. Love you, buddy. Bye. So what are people seeing?
Starting point is 00:30:49 Because I don't see what anybody's seeing. Are they seeing me in this camera? They're seeing. See, that's for. Just show me once. I don't even know what's going on. This is what people are seeing. You want to see.
Starting point is 00:31:02 You want to actually see what they're seeing? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. hold on. So he has the screen frozen, so I can't see what people are seeing. I'd just like to see once. There it is.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Oh, look. Yeah. Wow. This would be awesome. At first, I was pissed people are calling, but fuck it. I don't have to do shit. Just people are calling, but like, fuck it. I don't have to do shit.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Just people just calling in. Caller, hi. Hello? Hey. Hey. I was just wondering if you could tell me what 24.1 is. I'll tell you this. So in a couple weeks, tune in to and I'm going to look at the camera and I'm personally going to tell you what the workout is.
Starting point is 00:31:54 When I say it, I'm going to be, I'm speaking to you and I want you to know that I'm speaking to you. What's your name? When I say it. Oh, thank you. My name's Nick. Nick. I'm going to be like, Nick, 24.1 is. That's right. I need you. I need you to look me in the eyes through that camera and just tell me how beautiful, effective, and unique it's going to be. Yes, absolutely. Hey, Nick, what do you think about, he said this idea where there's going to be more than
Starting point is 00:32:22 one workout. Like we saw, it's going to be Fikowski and Gazan. no but so that's not that's not for like the masses that's just for those four athletes there yeah you know what i mean yeah um do you understand that no i don't but i'm telling you i'm and i'm listening to you so guz and feikowski who are the other two you're doing good adler and uh oh the the awesome girl a raptus raptiso uh now nick yeah i'm struggling with this idea that dave has what if they end up doing the three workouts before the open workout then i'll hate the open because then we'll see them doing the workout that we're all supposed to do but we'll see them doing it tired now it's no but they're gonna have so they're gonna have plenty of rest and they're gonna have plenty of time let me tell you a funny story okay nick you want to hang out for
Starting point is 00:33:13 this feel free to interject interrupt dave he loves it i mean no i mean y'all go ahead and get another call it on but yeah fuck yeah i sent it so the third the second so the first open we ever filmed was all pre-recorded. Actually, no. Yeah, so the first open, we went to Valley CrossFit. We filmed the workout there. A film that announced it pre-recorded. That Christian Clever and like Rebecca Voigt and stuff? Yeah, and then so we went to, from there we went to Mayhem.
Starting point is 00:33:41 And we filmed, it was the snatch workout with Dan Bailey and Rich Froning. Okay. Yep. And so we filmed that on Thursday. So that day they did, they filmed the open workout. They filmed it. And this was like the era of when we were doing stuff like the week of. Then they did the, it was the seven minutes of burpees.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Then they did the seven minutes of burpees later, like an hour or two later. Wow. And, and set the highest, some of the highest scores in the world. And prior to that, they did heavy front squats.
Starting point is 00:34:17 And at that point, so here I was like, when they filmed the workout, this is early, this is like 10, 11. I was like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:34:24 you guys just want to do one thing and save your energy and not do kind of like what you're saying. They're going to be fatigued. And they're like, no, we're good. And that was then. That was 15 years ago, 14, 15 years ago. My point is these athletes with their ability to handle multiple events and recovery in between is at such a high level that old men like you and I can't even comprehend. I can't comprehend. So they will be fine.
Starting point is 00:34:52 So they're going to... Caller high. Hey, guys. Thanks for being patient. Hey, good. Hey, Dave, I got a quick question for you. First of all, I would love to see you back
Starting point is 00:35:03 on the open announcements. Me too. That's one of the reasons that I really got into CrossFit when I did get into CrossFit. Those open announcements with Rich and everyone. It's looking like I'll do one for sure. The first one. Oh, that'd be awesome. Yeah, that's the plan. Thank you. That's awesome. Appreciate the support. Yeah yeah those were yeah those were amazing those i think got a lot of people in i don't take the wrong way but originally we were thinking like i was thinking man this is kind of corny but now i look back and i'm like
Starting point is 00:35:37 this was the reason like they were just amazing you know obviously the things that stevan did with the um behind the scenes and what you did with the open i just got to say that those things were amazing look it is corny look it is it is corny it's over the top it's fucking it's entertainment it's theatrics and that's like some people can't get their head around it greg never did greg fucking hated the announcements that i did he never understood like what the intent was with that and like and a lot of sport and a lot of things that happen at the games it's fundamentally it's a show and like playing up to the show is completely fine and absolutely necessary to make it 100 and and like hey and in
Starting point is 00:36:21 that i get fucking uh torn up by critics or by people or by my own community, sometimes from my own team. So like to do a lot of the things, the things I have done with announcements and even at the games for the sake of the theatrics and the entertainment puts me in a very vulnerable position, which takes a lot of fucking guts to do because i know like sometimes when i do these announcements and the things i'm going to say or the way i'm going to say it or the things i'm going to do it's going to draw a lot of criticism but it's also going to be really entertaining oh 100 percent um hey yeah isn't that i just want to add this under what you were saying it It's interesting, too, because the people who didn't like it didn't realize, a lot of them didn't realize that that's what they liked about it, that they didn't like it.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Yeah. And it sounds like you were in that camp, and I get that. It's the fighters in the UFC, or it's the athletes we love to hate. How fun is it to see an athlete you don't like Fucking eat shit at the finish line It's awesome Yeah he was Dana White before there was Dana White I agree Alright brother thank you
Starting point is 00:37:33 Thanks a lot You were Dana White before there was Dana White You were Dana White at the same time there was Dana White Shut the fuck up Cortez sorry showed up late Who y'all taking Talking taking on the Super Bowl Saludos from Texas
Starting point is 00:37:47 Damn Hey you know it's funny I'm not a Niners fan I can't stand the Niners But I want them to win Oh yeah I want them to win too Okay go on what were you going to say Hey Dave's after this Dave's going to be like Wow that phone call thing really works that was cool
Starting point is 00:38:03 I know it. I see it coming. Hey, do you know what? Caller, hold on a second. Do you know what this is? Do you know what this is? I can't see. You don't recognize that?
Starting point is 00:38:18 You don't recognize what that is? Is this your fucking cheating? Is this your cheating? Am I going to have to disqualify you like i disqualified hiller dude this is what they send you when you're 50 years old this is a they want me to they send me a cloth to lay down in the toilet and take a shit on and then they want and then they want me to stick this in my poop oh then i didn't and stir it around and then mail it back to them to see if i have colon cancer. So you're not 50?
Starting point is 00:38:46 No, I told you I'm not 50. Something came out of that. Keep this to yourself. I don't want to see that. Hey, dude, I'm educating you. This is health. This is stuff that you didn't talk about at your little health summit.
Starting point is 00:38:58 How many things of floss do you have on your fucking desk? You need to clean up a little. Call her, hi. Go to my story on my big account. I'm going to show you guys what I'm looking at. So my story on my big account. Go ahead, caller. He's listening.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Okay. I just have a question for Dave about the CrossFit game. So I'm a 34-year-old. I smoke a whole lot of weed, but I do lot of crossfit hold on one second one second there's something you should know dave has never done weed ever just so you know okay go on so he has no clue what you're even saying let me tell you dave let me tell you dave you just put your lips on one bowl and you'll love it that's the problem that's why i haven't done it because i'm afraid i will no but i love it man i smoke so much weed all the time i even eat the gummies i'm just asking if i go to the game will i be allowed to get you know blazed up before and after during
Starting point is 00:40:00 whatever what do you mean what do you mean mean? Like in the campground area? Yeah. I want to hotbox your entire... No, that's not going to happen. I mean, go do it in your hotel room. Why not? Do it in the hotel room. Do it outside. That hotbox idea isn't going to happen.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Buddy, he fought for your freedoms. You can do whatever the fuck you want, Texas. This is why the call thing is a bad idea. Look how many of the calls we've had that have been a complete waste of time. I see that hat that you're wearing, Taylor's Hot Dogs. Yeah, yeah. I went there with Greg. It looks like you're kind of biting some of Greg's style.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Because Greg used to go to a coffee shop in San Diego, and he would always— Do you want to know why I'm wearing this hat? And I think that you are, as you get older and maturing, you're, you're, you're falling into some of these, uh, the ways of the old man. No, you want me to, you want me to tell you why I'm wearing this hat? Yeah. So I've been wearing my new olive oil sweatshirt around a lot today for this past few days. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:00 And, uh, I put it on and I was walking out of the house and I grabbed my normal hat, which is also has this logo and i can't have two logos i can't have the sweatshirt and the hat with the logo so i went back into my closet real quick and i saw that red hat and i'm like i'll wear a red hat and i went and grabbed it and put it on and it was it was this hat i wanted you took me to taylor's before you took me to taylor's the three of us went. Yeah. Okay, okay. So it's a color choice. No, it's not a color. It's about not having too many logos. Over branding.
Starting point is 00:41:30 All right, all right. Call her hi. What's up, Seve? Hey, what's up, dude? Hi, it's Richard. Oh, hey, Richard. What's up, dude? Been a minute. Oh, not a whole lot. Yeah, it's been a little bit. what's up dude been a minute yeah it's been a little bit
Starting point is 00:41:43 what's the odds of Seve getting back the all access to the games again this year listen it's trending low the odds are low right now listen listen listen Richard
Starting point is 00:41:59 they don't have a media pit and if they don't give me floor access I'm not going I'm not going to go there to sit in the fucking stands and some fucking chair where I'm trapped. That's like, that's like, uh,
Starting point is 00:42:12 most of your content isn't even from the media pit. It doesn't even matter. I need the access. I need to be able to flow freely to get the behind the scenes. Look at, look at Dave's. Dave's already pissed. He's already pissed he's like he's gonna he's gonna call me on the way home he's like oh you want to call my bluff are we
Starting point is 00:42:31 going to war oh yeah we are i told you i told you we're i'm i'm not this is not the nice seve the first two times he's been here if i listen this is a nice dave i'm not i'm i'm totally docile today i'm not going hard at all rich Richard, in five or six days, the behind the scenes is going to come out, and it's going to be free for the world. Why don't you do one tomorrow? Why don't you do the first one on Super Bowl Sunday? And the numbers are going to be massive, and Dave and Don are going to be like,
Starting point is 00:42:58 oh, Seve, we'll give you whatever you want. Come back to me. You'll see. You'll see. Why don't you do the first one tomorrow night? Do a little special. Launch the first one tomorrow night. Do a little special.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Show you how flexible I am? Yeah, do something for the Super Bowl Sunday. Why don't after you leave today I make episode 1A and 1B just live? Why do you have to not support my idea? Whatever. What time do you want it? What time do you want it to be? Do it tonight when I walk out of this room.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Push out episode one. I'll do it while you're here. Yeah, let's do that. That's better. But notice how I gave you ideas and each time you had to own it. This is clearly Dave's idea. I don't mean to try to make it better.
Starting point is 00:43:44 His idea is simple and clean and we will release episode 1A and 1B to make it better. His idea is simple and clean, and we will release episode 1A and 1B to the world tonight. Okay, Richard, thank you. Thank you. So there you go. What do you think is going to happen, Richard? Do you think I'm going to get all the access I want?
Starting point is 00:43:56 I'm staring at Dave when you answer. I think so. Where are you from? I think it would be worth it for CrossFit. Where are you from, Richard? it would be worth it. CrossFit. Where are you from, Richard? Alabama. What part? Southeast.
Starting point is 00:44:15 I love your voice. Call more often, please. Thanks for calling. Y'all have a good one. How does the deal work with rogue how's what do you mean like do they do do
Starting point is 00:44:30 like I'm thinking most sponsors like pay money right but they bring like I don't know one or two or 17 or 300 semis there with all the shit and like how does that work do they pay you money or you just it's just a trade so you're just like bill set this shit up and then he's like all right we're
Starting point is 00:44:51 even how's the rogue can you give me the inner details of the rogue sponsorship tell me about how your family how do you guys how's your uh where are you making money tell me how you invest it what are you guys doing Tell me how much money Haley's making. Tell me what's going on. She's making $32 an hour teaching breathing classes at the- Well, I'm glad you're so open with it. At a CrossFit affiliate rehab. Caller, hi.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Hey, what's up, man? How are you? Good. I'm just- All right, Scott. I just want to know how the rogue deal works. Yeah, I'm going to- Look at your little fucking feet.
Starting point is 00:45:24 No, she's just climbing me. No, I'm going to put that on. Let me see your little feet. Look at your little fucking feet. No. Jesus. No, I'm going to put that on. Let me see your little feet. Okay, Collar, go ahead. Saban, I have a little challenge for you. Yeah, go ahead. I'm up for a challenge. I can do anything.
Starting point is 00:45:35 I'm special. I know you can. I know you can. You can tell a great story. So how about this? Okay, so let's say Dave doesn't give you full access to be on the field. Or be on the floor, rather. What if you go tell the story in the stands of those fucking lunatics that are like calling into your show,
Starting point is 00:45:48 you know, but you know, and you should, I mean, it's still behind the scenes. It's still what I'm not seeing as I'm on, you know, watch it on YouTube from fucking Delaware,
Starting point is 00:45:55 you know? Yeah. But it's still behind the scenes. There's still a story to be told just because it's not what you've told before. Tell something new, tell something that hasn't been seen before. You're awesome.
Starting point is 00:46:06 You can do that shit. Listen, in episode 1A and 1B, you will see that I'm in the fans talking with a lady, a 15-year-old girl who's standing next to her mom who's cheering her grandmother on. And there's tons of stories like that in the behind the scenes. So I have three generations of CrossFitters and the grandmothers on the floor competing,
Starting point is 00:46:23 and that's me in the stands. But I also need to be able to go out on the floor whenever the fuck I want, and I have to feel – I have to feel – You never went out on the floor last year. I never let you out on the floor. What is – I didn't need to. I feel that. I feel that.
Starting point is 00:46:35 I feel that. And listen, there's also this. I'm going to tell you this. I'm going to be very vulnerable now. You ready? I have to feel like I own the place in order to – I have to feel like really high and place in order to perform. I have to feel like really high in my, I have a solution in order to like talk to everyone. I need to have like a really false sense of like how great I am.
Starting point is 00:46:52 I got a solution for that. What, what if, all right, you get Dave to give you some, okay, there's a, I'm a CEO.
Starting point is 00:47:04 I've watched no surgery. Rhinoplasty. Yeah. Ones that light up, all right, you get Dave to give you some, okay, there's a, I'm a CEO, I've watched them all. Platform shoes and nose surgery, rhinoplasty. Yeah, ones that light up, you know. I watch, I forget which one it was, but I'm a CEO, I've watched them all. And there's a part where Madero says something to the effect of like, it'd be cool if like people weren't asking me the same questions over and over again. What if you limited the behind the scenes access to certain access where you only Stefan got in or whatever, give the buddy Rose a bone too, or whatever.
Starting point is 00:47:31 But you still get that feeling, but there's not 10 other people fighting over like Medeiros' pissed off attitude. He's only going to give the pissed off attitude once, and then he's just going to get pissed off, you know? But then you get that story, you get that exclusive. What do you think of that attitude or that statement from someone like Justin? Tell me what you feel about it. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Every single athlete and every single person there should, as soon as media walks up, that's just a piss poor attitude. And I don't want to shit on Justin. I love the access he gave me and it's beautiful for the behind the scenes and it works for me and I turn that into gold. But every single athlete, your time is very small. The media is going to be there forever. We work our asses off.
Starting point is 00:48:14 We leave our families. We pay our own money. We're there basically just to glorify you. And if I wasn't just such a transcendental fucking enlightened human being i would take offense to it but i'm an alchemist that makes shit into gold and it doesn't bother me but it's a piss poor attitude if i'm if i'm uh justin's agent i'm like dude be so fucking nice to the fucking media at all times that's yeah okay but put yourself in his shoes like i am i am he's a champion it's a dude it's a competitor. He's a champion.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Dude, it's a small window, and the only reason why people ever are going to see any of these people are because of the media. What do you think, Dave? What do you think? I like what you said. Okay. Yeah, that's the thing. No one will know he's a champion unless he talks to us morons.
Starting point is 00:49:02 He has to talk to us regardless. But he's done that for two years. He's talked to you guys for two years. Kalipa mastered it. Hey, dude, he has to just get zen with it. I hear you. And he just has to be like, yo. I agree.
Starting point is 00:49:17 There's an aspect of just not being able to control the external forces as an individual. And he just needs to accept it. He just needs to accept like hey guess what these guys aren't going to all coordinate they're not going to all say hey you ask him this you ask him that and what might end up happening is they're going to end up asking all very similar or in some cases the same question and that's just like yeah that's the reality of it he doesn't he doesn't have control or nobody has control over forcing all of these guys to have different or interesting questions or questions that fit his ideal end state.
Starting point is 00:49:53 You know, dude, that's amazing to hear you say stuff like that. I love when you get into that. But I'll say this. I think I'm missing... I'm not getting my point across. I think what I'm trying to say is what about the supply and demand of the moment you know if you if you limit the people down there those moments are limited they're hey listen no one was following i i hear you but no one was following justin besides me and and half the time danielle brandon came off the court there was no media around here it's here's the thing you i think you they have to
Starting point is 00:50:25 flip the script and be like anytime media comes up to me i should be really cool to them and you've seen the people who've mastered that right the like josh bridges is was the first gen and so first gen and so just it's like dave says you have to accept it that's part of the uncontrollable part and just parlay that into making it work for you. You just have to parlay it into making it work for you. And hey, here's the thing. No one down there is being an asshole. Do you know who the biggest asshole down there is?
Starting point is 00:50:55 It's Dave. And he has to be that because he's keeping control. And do you know what he told the media? I better not see you guys fucking sitting down here, not fucking working. This isn't a place for you guys to just fucking come hang out and be seen and be the cool kids. And it's like, yeah, like you better like you're down there to do a fucking job. Well, that's the other problem now, too. It's not a problem, but it's the other reality is we have media people like him and like others who their role isn't media.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Their role is also to highlight themselves and so you you do have people who use the access down there to highlight their own uh journey or mine is significantly less i i i if i was if i wasn't enlightened i'd say i'd resent that mine is significantly less than the others and And I'm okay with them doing that too. And don't, don't let me, don't let me up with those guys. No,
Starting point is 00:51:50 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:51:52 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:51:52 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:51:52 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:51:52 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:51:53 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:51:53 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:51:53 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:51:54 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:51:57 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:51:59 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:52:02 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, there next year so listen the amount of outside media listen on the floor so what sevan is saying
Starting point is 00:52:06 we got to listen to the language sevan is saying floor access that is a unrealistic ask no it's not we do not get look look i'm going to say this we're not one of the things with the games we're not like all these other events out there where when you look at the competition floor you see five athletes and 15 or 20 fucking cameras. We have the minimal amount of cameras needed on the floor to tell the story. And we try to really highlight and let the athletes be the center of attention on the floor. So floor access, generally speaking, is two cameras, two broadcast cameras. And then we have some fixed cameras not on the floor and maybe one floater from our team who's on the floor.
Starting point is 00:52:49 And there's some other photographers and shit. You will never see someone like Sevan or any of those guys on the floor. Not true. At our event. That's not true. You weren't on the floor this year. I know, I know. But there were guys like me on the floor.
Starting point is 00:53:02 They were working for us. I understand. I can be working for you, too. I can do whatever you want to do, but I need like me on the floor. They were working for us. I understand. I can be working for you, too. I can do whatever you want to do, but I need to be on the floor. Hey, I'll behave. I've locked the clock once. It'll never happen again. Remember that?
Starting point is 00:53:16 Let's move on from this topic. Okay, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate you. Hey, I appreciate you guys dueling with me. Thank you. Okay, thank you.
Starting point is 00:53:26 You didn't like that one. No, I liked it. doing with me. Thank you. Thank you. You didn't like that one. No, I liked it. I liked it. I feel like I call. It's weird. It's just feels like there's like, I feel like I was a plant. So you bought the vision pros,
Starting point is 00:53:35 Apple vision pros. Tell me about that. First of all, why did you buy that? That seems so weird for you. Rather than tell, why not show? No shit.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Holy shit. seems so weird for you rather than tell why not show no shit yeah i came prepared holy shit they're fucking wild they're yeah fucking crazy wow dave i got them for one reason oh they're beautiful i'll tell you that i don't want you touching them yeah i don't blame you i don't i was touching the poop stick a second ago. Wow, that's beautiful. How long does that battery last? I don't know. I hope it's charged. How much were those? Fucking out the door, almost four grand. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Yeah, it's crazy. It's crazy. You want to see me do it? Yeah. Are you going to do the thing where you pinch and you drag and stuff? I don't know. Hey, will those go clear so I can see your eyes still? Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 00:54:23 I got to turn them on somehow. Okay. Let me put these on over. You don't need those. You don't need those. You don't know. Hey, will those go clear so I can see your eyes still? Hold on, hold on, hold on. I got to turn them on somehow. Okay. Let me put these on over. You don't need those. You don't need those. You don't need those. Oh, yeah, you do need those if you're going to talk to the caller. You really don't like the callers?
Starting point is 00:54:33 I can turn the phone off. I think the callers are fun. Caller, hi. Hello. Hey. Hey, Dave, let Siobhan get on the floor. Perfect. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Okay, go ahead. But, no, this on the floor. Perfect. Thank you. No, but... Okay, go ahead. But no, this is the power lifting guy. Oh, you can't call twice, dude. Oh, man. I just want to... I just... I just want to... I think I might have to plug him in.
Starting point is 00:54:59 See, I can see it happening. What do you want? I can see it being good for CrossFit. Oh, no, no, no. No, no, sorry. Next show. Thank you, though. I love you. Bye. He do you want? I can see it being good for CrossFit. Oh, no, no, no. No, no. Sorry. Next show. Thank you, though. I love you.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Bye. He wants to debate the powerlifting. He wants to talk about powerlifting. Sorry. No more. No more. Yeah, no more powerlifting. Here, plug this in somewhere.
Starting point is 00:55:14 To charge it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think I'm out of juice. You came totally prepared. Hold on. Hold on. Dude, do you see any available? Look at.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Careful, dude. This place is. Is there any back here? Hold on. Hold on. Dude, do you see any available? Look at. Careful, dude. Is there any back here? Hold on. Hold on. Let me see. Hold on. I'm going to plug in for you. Call her.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Hi. Oh, it's. Hey, man. How you guys doing? Good. I got it. So now I can see you. Can you see me?
Starting point is 00:55:38 No, I can't. I got to enter my password. So watch this. So I look at the screen. Hold on, caller. And I pinch. Hold on. Let me remember.
Starting point is 00:55:44 I don't even remember. Oh, shit. So your eyes are. I saw. Hold on. Let me remember. I don't even remember. Oh, shit. Your eyes are... I saw a blue glow. Bring the microphone kind of close to your mouth if you can. Reach out. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:52 That's good. Okay. You pinch. Yeah. Oh, your eyes are blue. You look like a superhero. Do you see me? Hold on.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Hold on. Do I see you? You're serious right there. No. You can't see my eyes because this is a screen in front of me. No, no. But see, so I have something right here. That's why I'm looking around at you.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Yeah, so I see you. That thing doesn't pop up for me. This is the demo? This is a hell of a demo. You aren't going to sell Apple shit. So now I have my apps right in front of you, and you're right there. Yeah. And so I bought these for one reason.
Starting point is 00:56:23 I wanted to do Zoom calls on them. Yeah. So when I the store i told the guy hey i want to check out the apple vision pro and they're like okay um we have to schedule an appointment and luckily they had one in 15 minutes and they're like the appointment's 30 minutes long and i'm like well will i be able to experience and try out the zoom function and they they were like, well, actually... Like Zoom calls. Like Zoom calls. Okay. They're like, no, because they don't have Zoom. And to create the Zoom, it has to create an avatar of your face. Zoom just got rid of its DEI department last week, by the way.
Starting point is 00:56:56 And so... Were you actually just doing stuff right there? Yeah, I'm swiping my app screen. Oh, okay. And so I can open something up okay and so i can i can open something up and then you could move it it's fucking nuts dude you can move them all around and like have them around you and behind you but anyways so the zoom function they couldn't let me demo it they said but you could buy it and you have two weeks to return it so i'm like hmm
Starting point is 00:57:23 interesting so we start the demo and this is a 30-minute demo. Within two minutes, I tell the dude, hey, I don't fucking care about all this shit. Let me just buy them and I'm going to walk out of here. He's like, really? He's like, yeah. So I bought them and I walked out and went home and instantly tried doing a Zoom.
Starting point is 00:57:42 I texted Parisa from our team and i said hey send me a zoom link and it created the avatar and it's so fucking funny looking and then i facetimed you and you saw what it is yeah you look like you look like tommy hackenbrook so the next day i wish there was a way we could see you could facetime me so that people could see the, what you look like? Yeah. Okay. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Call her. Hi. Um, anyway, so then I did two zoom calls the next day, not high to zoom calls the next day at work. Each one was like 30 minutes long. Were the people tripping on you? Oh yeah. They hated it.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Yeah. Boz was one of them and, uh, people did not like it cause it looks so strange, but I'm walking around and have you done it with dawn no not yet try with dawn i'm dying to hear that story and so i do the zoom calls and i'm walking around and moving things and talking and it shows an avatar of me that looks kind of like me but not really like me and it was just weird and then eventually it does get fucking heavy and so the thing on your face, it was just a lot. And I don't game. I'm not a gamer. I think the technology is incredibly cool. It's really rad.
Starting point is 00:58:52 I think it's just, I'm not ready for it yet. I think they need to come up with a more lifelike image to present of me or anyone for the Zoom or FaceTime function and they need to reduce the weight. So I think the technology is amazing. Everything you can do with it is super cool, but I don't know. I might just be, it was too, I might be too early in this. I will say this though. Um, reading, I think it could be great for sitting in your bed and reading your book and just instead of having your iPhone. Have you done that? No, but I played around with that function. I just sat down and
Starting point is 00:59:32 it's right in front of you. You can make the book big or small, bring it forward. It's really cool. Are you going to return them? I might. I'm not just like... Here's the thing. If you were a gamer, I could see the functionality and I could see like this being a really cool thing the the weight sounds like it's going to be a real issue
Starting point is 00:59:51 Dave if there isn't any room for me to work at CrossFit says Ernie Garza I'll be happy to work at the ranch shooting my shot also Savon turn off the calls I've learned that whatever anyone says to me, the opposite way is the best to go. Caller, hi. Sometimes, not always. Caller? Hey. Hey.
Starting point is 01:00:13 So, hey, Dave, real quick, man. Appreciate everything you're doing, bud. But do you have any intentions of doing more of your shooting content on your YouTube channel at all or kind of just keeping it to your weekly review type thing Yes, I just haven't been making a lot. I've been really busy and I haven't made a lot of shooting content so yes, but I post a lot of that still on my Instagram account and I'm gonna start putting more of the content i put on my on my
Starting point is 01:00:46 hunting instagram which is really my shooting instagram uh i'm gonna put some of that on the youtube channel but yeah i need to get it i want to try to do like one shooting instruction or shooting overview or shooting review piece a week for the youtube channel But that stuff also isn't like, um, it's not, it's on YouTube, especially like everywhere that stuff gets filtered and blocked. And like, it's not incredibly, they,
Starting point is 01:01:13 they make it difficult to, to succeed with that type of content. Thank you. Right on. Hey, look what this guy said. So I said, I do the opposite of whatever people say.
Starting point is 01:01:22 And someone wrote Seve, don't turn off the calls god i love this group uh wadapalooza did did you guys did you guys uh cooperate with the pfaa last year what i don't even know what i'm asking but did was they were they are they affiliated with crossfit did you were they involved with the crossfit games in 2023 yeah we talked to them on a regular basis we have people from our team who communicates did they walk around with you and did you run the event the workouts by them and all that stuff no no okay okay so you was there a formalized i mean how could we do that talk about a major conflict of interest a number of
Starting point is 01:02:00 them are athletes who compete in the crossfit games. Okay. And so like any aspect of sharing workouts or sharing any of that with them is like a no-go. And I will say it's not like they suggested or have asked for that. Right. Okay. At least I don't think they have. And if they have, there's no way we'd do that. I hear that they have like a safety, like a guidelines manual or like a best practices manual. Do you guys follow that? Well, we have our own internal policies and our own internal lessons learned that we follow.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Would I say that we follow there? I don't I personally haven't even looked at theirs if they have one. OK. Doesn't mean doesn't mean someone from our team hasn't. doesn't mean doesn't mean someone from our team hasn't i i just to be clear my my big reason why i don't like the thought of them is i just think of them as another uh drain and i know i have a bias too but i think it was another drain on the system like i and i don't know this i haven't talked to anyone over there but i think i would presume that their long-term goal is to charge people to put stamps on event pfaa approved and i hate that shit i don't know if that's the case i don't know
Starting point is 01:03:08 if that's the case either but that being said you got crossfit's received a lot of criticism for just shit that's happened at events just what you know just whatever you know what i mean uh but the the did you follow wadapalooza at all not really but i've you know heard some of the chatter about it fucking fikowski looked like he knocked himself and i love and i'm starting to really like like fikowski and i like i'm like like not that i ever disliked him but like i'm i feel like i'm in a courtship process with him so i don't mean to pick on him directly but i think he's head of the pfaa and he was on a rower and he banged his fucking head on a bleacher behind him. Well, what's interesting about that is like that's one of the functions at the PFAA.
Starting point is 01:03:50 They care incredibly and we do too. And here's the thing. They care about safety. Yes. But guess what? We fucking care about safety. Right. And as you know from the very beginning, we always have.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Have things pushed the limits? Absolutely. But that doesn't mean we don't care about safety or don't take safety into consideration. That's amazing to me. There's other stuff too. On the wall walks, when they came down,
Starting point is 01:04:15 their head... But that's exactly the type of thing the PFA is trying to prevent from happening. People hitting their heads while rowing with what you just described and it happened to fukowski yeah and it's i mean they must have been barking about it and screaming about it no that's the thing but that's thing and i mean i and i'm a huge fan of water palooza love dylan but that's the thing i it didn't seem to well maybe just because it's the
Starting point is 01:04:40 event the the nature of the event all eyes are on crossfit you're the big dog so you're going to catch the i feel like any if that would happen to your event yeah i feel like they would have been yeah that'd be front page news on on everyone's page um yeah that's strange that's strange that there wasn't more talk of that and that just seems like a rookie setup rookie move they're in very tight quarters Still, you have to take that in consideration when you're laying out like something else then is sacrificed. Hey, having plenty of room during the row,
Starting point is 01:05:12 if that means something downstream, further down the field, is going to get thrown out or reduced or changed to accommodate. That's what you have to do. Let me tell you one more thing that happened too. In the wall walks, the taller athletes, when they would walk down, their head hit uh one of the uprights that
Starting point is 01:05:27 held the pull-up bar up on metal so imagine something coming down off a wall right like this and they go like this but there's a pole here so their head hits it hopper's head hit it it's crazy yeah and here's the thing i wouldn't bring it up, but the PFAA was there. So, anyway. So, how are they working? Do you have plans to work with them in 2024? Yeah, we talk to them on a quarterly basis, monthly basis. Depends on when it is in the season. Do you recognize them as a legitimate entity in the space?
Starting point is 01:06:02 I mean, they're legitimate in that they exist. You know what I mean? Like, hey, they exist and they have top athletes and they communicate with us, so we're not going to block them or not talk to them or not acknowledge what they're
Starting point is 01:06:21 trying to do. And they're cool people and they seem like at least Pat and Bren are smart people and they seem and they like at least pat and brenner smart people yeah yeah cool gentlemen yep pleasant to work with yeah okay right uh the unknown look at i just made a hundred bucks look that's just uh um well you can't see it though oh it says uh you can't see it it's too bad sorry you can't see it because only i can see it. The unknown. This person gave $100, so listen up carefully. Ready? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Given the adjusted scoring tables, a consequence of the cuts, does Dave believe the final day tests are a better examination of fitness than those on day one? Can I tell you how I interpret that question? Please, please. I think what they're saying is if you had to pick a day to represent the CrossFit Games, if you had to get rid of all the days, would you always pick the last day? Is that day always the best representation?
Starting point is 01:07:21 Let me read it one more time. Given the adjusted scoring tables, a consequence of the cuts. So I think of, do you guys change the scoring tables when there's cuts no it doesn't start over oh yeah yeah the way each play okay right does dave believe the final day tests are a better examination of fitness than those on day one that's an interesting question i don't look at him in isolation ever really from the rest of the weekend. And there's no reason to because it is all thematically one event. There are points where people aren't able to advance to continue on in the competition. And at that stage, they're totally arbitrary moments based off of some decision we make several months in advance, sometimes and their inability to advance on to do the rest of the big picture. Whereas the focus is on those who will advance to do the entirety of the event
Starting point is 01:08:35 through the four days or five days or however long the games are. So meaning I'm not focused on those on the tail end. We're programming and focusing on those who are like going to make it through the entire competition and participate in everything. That's something you said there is concerning to me. You can't be like you have to. You can't. That answer can't be true or else you're going to end up cutting people like Fikowski every year. Like he got cut that one year early, you know, or Annie Thor's daughter, right? I mean, you have to make sure you are the first two days, but his question, like I'm
Starting point is 01:09:12 answering to his question about like, is the last day the best test of fitness day? Like what I'm saying about the last day, I'm not looking at the last day in isolation, in isolation, independent of the rest of the day. I'm looking at the last day, how it played off of the day before and how it played off of the first two days. Did you not like what happened that one year? I don't remember what year it is, but I want to say it was 19 where like all sorts of great people got cut.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Did that bug you? No, but I don't know what year you're talking about. And I don't know what, like who's great. wasn't there a year that like in the first two days like annie fukowski and velner all got cut and it was like holy shit maybe someone will say in the oh yeah look at mason mitchell says the 2019 disaster disaster hey the big those guys getting cut does not make it a fucking disaster well it means that that's i'm now i'm taking his question and i'm bending a little bit you wouldn't put you don't want to put you wouldn't put here's the thing about the first cut let's just say that those six those in this case six workouts two days of workouts are well rounded and a complete test
Starting point is 01:10:27 prior like if you're getting cut at that point guess what by the sunday you're not jumping from 35th to the top five or top 10 you know what i mean and you've been well you've been completely tested through a number of events with very different I think I don't I don't think that's accurate about those three people that I mentioned if that's you hold on hold but hold on yeah but you're making an assumption that so you're making an assumption that if three big name athletes don't advance not just big name but like really high caliber probably like always programming yes they didn't yes that they didn't make a mistake or that they
Starting point is 01:11:10 weren't at the best yes their ability yes that's bullshit I don't know that at all we can review it's it's that's bullshit it's not a fact it's not a fact but it's concerning if Annie Pat three people like how 60 yeah but you but these aren't
Starting point is 01:11:26 fucking normal dude these three are fucking in their own their own their own tier they are let's pull it up let's look okay you can go on a different show and do that no let's analyze okay hold on uh the un this guy gave another 100 bucks ready i know you're like fuck i should get in the podcast game ready yeah if the event order of ride and helena were swapped with muscle up logs and p bars all else equal lawson would have won should the title of fittest on earth be this vulnerable to event order? Oh, I think, yeah. I don't know if what he said is true, but yeah, the event, I do think that.
Starting point is 01:12:11 So he's basically saying, why is that? If the event or, oh, because the scoring would have been different for those events. Okay, let me repeat it one more time. If the event order of Ride and Helena were swapped with muscle-up logs and p-bar bars all else equal lawson would have won uh should the title of the fittest be this vulnerable to event order meaning that there's going to be fatigue and and whatnot and plus that the points you get it right the points are the points for what place you take are different as there's cuts correct yes so he's saying if you swap that shit around emma Lawson would have won.
Starting point is 01:12:45 It's like so many hypotheticals in all of this. We could play hypotheticals all day. If you didn't make this cut, if we had everyone go through, to his example, if you made the changes, if you didn't have the bike, if you didn't have this, you know, like we could play that game all day long. At the end of the day, there's still some sporting element and aspect to it that is like, Hey, show up and perform and execute with what's given. Right. You know?
Starting point is 01:13:11 And so like, there is that we have to deal with. Do you like that question though? It's interesting, right? No, I don't like flipping things around or playing that game at all. Cause it's too much.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Um, I like people should do it. He should do it. I don't ever do it. I don't, I'm not going to play around with what ifs in terms of flipping or moving or. Dennis O'Leary. Hey Dave,
Starting point is 01:13:36 any chance that instead of just trying to find the fittest on earth, the focus should switch to finding the 40 fittest at the games and also get rid of the cuts. I don't even, I don't understand the question. He means just being inclusive and having everyone go through the 40 fittest at the games. Oh,
Starting point is 01:13:51 uh, what do you think about that? I don't like it. Yeah. I don't like it. I like cuts. Hey, the cuts add a significant,
Starting point is 01:13:59 like, can you hear me? Yeah, but I don't want to get an aspect of pressure and of having to perform and perform consistently at a high level to advance through the competition. And as I said before, the cuts also depressurize the system incredibly, allowing us to have a very spectator-friendly sport where we're not doing all these fucking heats. By Sunday when we haven't had cuts and you're doing the final heat and you're doing a fourth heat or a first heat for 40 through 30
Starting point is 01:14:38 and they're just going through the motions almost, and it's like, what are we really getting there other than the goodwill of allowing them to compete on on behalf hold on caller hold on on behalf of all the spectators there including the ones who said that they hate the cuts they fucking loved them and it added a ton of tension and don't change anything we love the fact that we even love the fact that it annoys us that people are getting cuts and it makes us clench our hands and it makes us feel alive and thank you dave sporting tension of it is is incredible tremendous and necessary meaning like shit i'm at fucking 23 and if i don't perform in this workout i'm gonna get cut yeah and we like it the fans like it too we're so bummed when our dude gets cut
Starting point is 01:15:19 and what people don't so happy when they don't of the events we do, this fucking janky system. Knock the camera off and the show is going to be over. Just be cool. Be cool. Work with me. Work with me. Caller, go ahead. It's squeaky.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Yeah, I like it. I like it. I don't like it. Go ahead, caller. Appreciate what y'all are doing, Dave. Fan, don't take this bad or anything. I'm just going to ask you straight, man to man. What's up with this crossovers?
Starting point is 01:15:55 Like, how much, how far, let's push this out. How much of this is going to be added of new stuff coming up in the next two to five years? Like, as far as, I mean, you may say it's progression, a new movement, something that requires coordination, always an element of unpredictability. Sissy shit. I agree with you. Sissy shit. Sissy shit and stuff that maybe it's just a prop to say, let's get some new stuff in there, man. The viewers something to watch. But I'm like, damn, I don't want to. Do you want me to juggle a teacup and hold it up and jump a rope i mean i i just want to fit not that the fittest have not been crowned i agree i think you guys have done a job but just when how where dave where do you want to
Starting point is 01:16:35 take it where do you see it going from here as far as progression of new moves added to the the open slash quarterfinals slash games there's definitely a limit to all of that stuff before you're quickly um leaping into this realm of gimmicky and so you know when you look at some of these fucking combinations that people are doing where it's like pull up toe to bar into muscle up or like those weird like there's some part where you're getting really gimmicky with shit. And that's a fine fucking line. And that's like, hey, we have
Starting point is 01:17:11 a lot of core movements and we have a lot of core things that we can do and we can do on a regular basis that is going to be an incredible show and an incredible test. And we don't need to become too gimmicky. Now, should we have some things every once in a while that we throw in? That's a twist. Yes, that's okay. But should there be
Starting point is 01:17:34 six or seven things in one given event? Probably not. So in all of this, in the program, you have to balance that all out. Crossovers have a place. Should they be in every level of competition? Should they be in it if there's several other things that are also new and twist? Probably not. So you have to balance it all out. And when I try to program or when I program, I really think about a couple of things. One, staying pretty basic and fundamental. I like to think of the workouts as an opportunity for the athletes to express their excellence. And what I
Starting point is 01:18:14 mean by that is there's times where you can make the workout, and I've done it, but I've learned through it all too. There's times where you can make the workout the center of attention. And really what you should strive to do is make the workout what enables the athlete to show how great they are. And they'll make themselves the center of attention through their great performances. And the workout is just a mechanism for that. I like to use the workouts to let them express their brilliance instead of rather than trying to be really complex and make the workout such a loud talking point. Even when you think of like marathon row. So that right there was a big, loud, very boisterous type of thing. But it's completely fundamental and completely simple and allowed the athletes ironically enough to really throw out some amazing performances on a on a basic simple fucking test
Starting point is 01:19:14 i like i like the marathon row like your answer i feel like a fit person would kill the marathon row but a fit person might not kill the crossover you know free ball free-balling. I loved his answer, too. I think we heard what we wanted to hear. Thank you, caller. Great question. Great, great, great, great, great response, Dave. See you. Later, brother. Hey, fuck you guys who don't like the calls. I like the calls. I'm enjoying this.
Starting point is 01:19:38 I'm really enjoying this. Don't fuck it up, Valentin. Don't screw this up. Do these people know your number, or what are they calling into? Dude, don't you ever watch the podcastine don't screw these people know your number what are they calling into dude don't you ever watch the podcast no just call her hi hey guys so this is dennis i'm the one who uh had that super chat the first part of my question about the 40 fittest versus trying to find the fittest is and i and i'm with you guys on the cuts now that made made a lot of sense but it was a lot from my Brian friend.
Starting point is 01:20:08 He made the point about bringing the 40 fittest instead of just trying to find the fittest, if that makes sense. And I'll take it off the air. Thanks. What do you mean? Just like if the 40 fittest happened to be in San Diego, just grab those and fuck the rest of the world? No. So I'm going to say this about that statement.
Starting point is 01:20:21 That's just a different approach. That's just a different strategy. Yeah. There could be events and there could be people who want to do that and that's great but that's not as long as i'm running the crossfit games i'm not creating an event that just celebrates the 40 fittest i'm looking for the fittest alive and i have a way to accomplish that that's going to um that's going to have this drama and this necessity of cuts and people are going to have to really earn their way to get to the next level.
Starting point is 01:20:47 And at the end of the day, and here's the thing, man, at the end of the day, the top 10, 15 have nothing to worry about except apparently in 2019, but they have nothing to worry about and are going to make it through. Do you think,
Starting point is 01:21:00 let me say this, let me ask you this caller and or anyone else listening, Dennis, do you think fucking Froning, Frazier, Tia ever worried about the cuts? No. Exactly. And that's because they're the
Starting point is 01:21:14 fittest alive and that's who I'm testing for and we were testing for. I'm just brainwashed by Savant's pundits. I guess. I don't know. That was a good answer. Anytime you hear anyone say anything, by Savant's pundits. I guess. I don't know. That was a good answer. Thank you, Dennis. Anytime you hear anyone say anything,
Starting point is 01:21:28 question it and challenge it in your own mind and think of what the opposite is. I'm serious. Like even Savant or anyone else you listen to, you got to pressure, you got to press on these ideas and see what they're really trying to accomplish with their agenda
Starting point is 01:21:42 or what the other side of that statement really means. All right, cool. Thanks guys. Appreciate it. Thanks dude. Get with the program and chase Ingram. Hypothetically, Dave, if you need someone to step in to announce 24.2, if you retire after 24.1, I know a guy. Look at this. Someone just sent me this what is it um who's your goat matter rich 20 bucks they're giving you 20 bucks i'll answer that question if they go buy a can of olive oil wait wait what was it wait what was the question what was it
Starting point is 01:22:22 it says who's your goat, Matt or Rich? Oh. So look, Rich, all the way. And here's why. So that was an era. Wow, that was easy. You jumped to that answer quick. I mean, it's a no-brainer for me, personally. Rich was of an era where it was a much different competitor.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Rich was an affiliate owner. Rich was a trainer. Rich was a CrossFit seminar staff trainer. We did a lot of events back there. Rich did a lot of our opens, did a lot with CrossFit, was always around. So through that period of the development of the games, Rich was a big ambassador for all things CrossFit. Now, when you look at Matt, by that point, when he started coming around, less athletes were affiliate owners. Less athletes are trainers.
Starting point is 01:23:20 Less athletes are on seminar staff. Less athletes are involved with CrossFit or the CrossFit ecosystem. And to Matt exactly, to what I just said, Matt never owned an affiliate. I think he might be an affiliate now. Matt wasn't a trainer. But he's asking who the GOAT is. Dave, who's your GOAT? And I'm telling you, this is why in my mind, because Rich is a GOAT bigger than just fitness.
Starting point is 01:23:44 He was like the community part of the community it still is you know what i mean yeah that's how i'm answering in my own mind yeah and and people don't have to agree with that and i will say this and this also in my mind settles the goat argument and fucking people aren't gonna like this but rich also never lost to matt at the crossfit games well okay what about a statement of fact right right and what about his team's performance your place is falling apart what about what about the team's performance do you add do you add um no i think that's just another angle of like how much he's been involved in the community really disappointed in rich for
Starting point is 01:24:20 not doing the masters i mean i think he should have won there too he qualified last year but he's in a different place in his life and he he just isn't interested disappointed in rich yeah that's like i can have that state like i can feel that way like i really wish he would have done it he's done so much disappointed so strong hey dude hey you better chill dude you're gonna make you're gonna ruin it for everyone you're making disappointed so strong. When I say I'm disappointed, I'm not like, Rich, I'm so mad at you. I'm just disappointed.
Starting point is 01:24:52 Hey, do it. Why not? Don't make it bigger than it is. I'm just disappointed he didn't do it. I'm disappointed he didn't do it. How about that? You personally, Dave Castro, are disappointed. Yes, yes. Not CrossFit. What I'm saying is you're not disappointed in Rich. You're disappointed yourself.
Starting point is 01:25:07 As a fan, you would have liked to have seen him. You're not rich like oh you let me down little boy not like you let me down but like hey dude i think it would have been cool if you would have done the masters you know that's hey are you gonna invite me over to your house tomorrow for super bowl no i'm disappointed i'm really disappointed i'm going to colorado i'm really disappointing you that sucks i think you've invited me over before. 12 Daily Doses, thanks for the question. Rambler, Dave, opinions on Nordic Curls in competition? Pull that shit up.
Starting point is 01:25:34 What a Nordic Curl is? Yeah, Google Nordic Curl. Probably wrong. I don't disagree. I disagree with them in competition. Nordic Curls. Talk about gimmicky. Oh. Oh. Yeah, I didn't even know what this was.
Starting point is 01:25:49 Okay, here we go. God, what the fuck's up with your mic? Dude. Just tighten it or something on the top. No, not that. Oh, that's good. Don't touch it. But I keep moving. Don't touch it. this is a nordic curl
Starting point is 01:26:05 this thing i'm gonna show you how to set up perform and program nordic hamstring curls provide hey that's something i would totally do with obvi though i think that's like a good training tool a good accessory tool but not a good competition tool look i mean it move large loads long distances quickly you shouldn't be doing that quickly And then by putting it in a competition, you're forcing that movement to be done quickly because people are racing. And so, no, I don't think that should be in competition. Curtis Manson, $4.99.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Thanks, dude. You're never going to fucking believe this. Remember I told you there was someone who gave $100 twice already? This person just gave $200. You got to come over more. Tell them to my website. You need to get some olive oil for this person. p 200 you got to come over more tell them to my point on my website you need to get some olive dave the point of the hypothetical which was accurate is to demonstrate that something as simple as event order plays an outsized role
Starting point is 01:26:58 when you adjust the scoring tables a byproduct of cuts. There's a presupposition there. Ultimately, that type of outcome fragility undermines your pursuit of the fittest alive. The point of the hypothetical, which was accurate, meaning he's saying if you swap the order, which would cause a different scoring for the different events, which would have given Emma more points because she did better at those events, right, is to demonstrate that something as simple as event order plays an outsized role when you adjust the score. But you know, to that same thing,
Starting point is 01:27:29 even rewind from that hypothetical, and let's look at the hypothetical where Emma had a bad event. Imagine if Emma didn't have, she's going to tell you herself, there was probably event six, or I'm just making that up. Oh, I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:27:42 Event six was a bad event for her because she made a mistake on this or that. I mean, that's my point with the hypothetical game. You can play that and you can unwind it. But there's hypothetical. What if we take the event she did really shitty at? We made those ones the ones with the most points. And what if.
Starting point is 01:27:57 Okay. I mean, that's my like you can play that, especially when you look at individual specific performances. Especially when you look at individual specific performances, because Danielle Brandon had a bunch of, by her own admission, poor performances on specific events. And so, yes, changing the order is a making sure that the test plays off of everything else. With it also being entertaining in a show. Incredibly, yeah, entertaining. also being entertaining in a show incredibly yeah entertaining and there's some things we do there's like um the bike thing we've played around with having the bike later or bike early um swimming events most of the times we've had them early in the competition rather than later
Starting point is 01:28:58 so more people can do them and succeed or not succeed. There's a lot of just, um, there's a lot of this aspect of where we're creating the test and it is what you're going to see there. And it might be different than it was years before. And that's okay. Specifically when you think of like, and what I mean by that is some of these, these ideas of having runs later in the week or swims later in the week, versus what everyone gets used to when swims are earlier. And there's an unknown and unknowable aspect to all of this that is just part of it
Starting point is 01:29:46 when you made that post with andrew hiller um when you boot him off for getting you admitting to being juiced up he put on 3 000 followers i wish did you tag him? No. Oh, it's fucking crazy. Danielle and I are having a lover's quarrel, and she's not tagging me in any of this shit, and I'm not putting on any fucking followers, and it's fucking bullshit. I need some... Yeah, hey, go ahead. Can you hear me yeah okay uh question for dave here um especially with the conversation of revelationizing uh the games or games movements has uh dave considered using a two inch pull-up bar uh for any pull-up workouts because i feel like for the past couple years pull-up workouts have been pretty stale what's the standard pull-up bar for any pull-up workouts. Cause I feel like for the past couple of years, pull-up workouts have been pretty stale.
Starting point is 01:30:47 What's the standard pull-up bar? Is it one inch? What's like the rogue one? I would guess 1.25. 1.25. Yeah, that's good. Yeah. That's a good idea. I mean, playing around with stuff like that is not a bad idea. I'm not saying that it's common or that we're going to do it, but, but that's definitely things to look at or things to play with.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Like, you know, at the Invitational, they used a big fat log for people to do muscle-ups on. Playing around with stuff like that is cool. Yeah. Well, and I would almost think, too, like having it as a surprise because, you know, you might throw out a workout where it's, Oh, you know, whatever kind of pull ups amount of pull ups, people be like, Oh, I can do that. But maybe like smoke their grip on like the workouts to all of
Starting point is 01:31:33 a sudden, you know, it's just a complete mess. Yeah. Almost kind of how you had the, uh, um, what do you call that? The, uh, the not the Jacob's ladder, but the, um, the pegboard. There we go. Yeah someone's calling the pegboard there we go yeah yeah the pegboard was awesome yeah they should use they should use sticker handles on the pegboard too or some balls even yeah oh yeah pretty much but hey really quick question or a quick story for dave too um on uh an experience i had in selection um So if you're up for this one, it's kind of a stab at you. But I had a roommate who was dogging on CrossFit
Starting point is 01:32:14 and I was like, why is that? He's like, well, have you seen the freaking Dave, you know, Dave doing a deadlift? The guy, you know, it's like the guy lives like a bitch and then and then i remember i was like man is that really what people are pulling out of crossfit and then so you do know he's a team guy right and he what no he's like no no effing way and i'm like no dude the guy guy was an sqt instructor meanwhile you know like while we're over here like you know going uh now i'm trying
Starting point is 01:32:45 to trying to get on a team for dry side so it was uh i i thought it's completely shut them up with that one but it you know definitely not a good video for you for you to have that on the internet oh please it's fine it's fine i don't know what that's funny that happens all the time i appreciate you sharing that story um dude i i don't care about that video being out there. It's one of those things like, hey, that was the reality of that lift. And I fucking don't care and I own it. And you know what? I was fighting really hard to get it.
Starting point is 01:33:16 And I missed it. But I've also pulled 465 before. So I'm happy with my deadlift. And I love that that video is so controversial even to this day It just makes me laugh. Hey Are you a team guy? Are you in the military? No, it's just in selection so I'm buds dead You're what? They would know what a buds dead is
Starting point is 01:33:43 Okay Okay. thank you Thank you for calling Thank you It's so funny what people think is a good look And not a good look It's like I'm gonna chill
Starting point is 01:33:58 I'm gonna chill People care so much about That look Like I don't know I think I'm getting annoyed by the calls oh yeah we're done anyway i'm gonna call will branstetter and um sorry caller i'm gonna um oh this is uh britney spears um hey oh shit Oh hey Uh oh
Starting point is 01:34:26 Now Susan's calling me too Hey we're live on the air Hey can you turn on Episodes 1A and 1B And make them live Yeah you got it We good We good
Starting point is 01:34:33 Dave with that Yeah You the man will Thank you buddy Yep no problem Bye Uh hey sorry Oh I just
Starting point is 01:34:41 Fuck I lost Susan What are you doing You're all over the place Focus Cause I Cause you're leaving And I wanted to turn it on while you were here. I'm not leaving yet. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:34:52 There's this, going back to that thing about the Justin Medeiros thing and about what media does and all this. And someone wrote in the comments that, hey, cause Danielle said she's not ever going to come on the show again. She made a post about that. And someone's like, Oh, that's going to, that's why so-and-so doesn't come on. And you're in now all the athletes, no athletes should come on. And you're toxic. You're, you're like, aren't you? You're dangerous. People are afraid of you. Aren't you concerned that no athletes are going to come on? And I'm just like, the thing is you don't need any athletes come on and you'll be fine yeah and you know that i want to do a whole diatribe on it but i don't know how to do it and be cool so i'll stay chill but i mean the listeners know if you voice your true opinion on some of this shit, you would fucking... Get cancelled? Yeah, let's just say.
Starting point is 01:35:48 Look at... I love that video. I love that video too. Listen, when you're an inside dog, you love that video. When you're an outside dog, you hate that video. And let's be fair, the caller wasn't saying he didn't like it. He was just highlighting that someone else... That word that it's a bad look, it's like...
Starting point is 01:36:04 Oh, he did say that. That's right a bad look it's like oh he did say that that's right yeah it's like no no actually actually no it's not it's not actually a bad look hey hello yeah that happens that's the reality of lifting and that's the reality of honestly fucking fighting and like hey one of the takeaways from that should be like fuck man this guy really fucking fought to try to make that lift happen and that's like hey guess what that's who i am and like that was i was in a fucking die on the floor to make that lift i missed it that reminds me of another time um check this out that reminds me of a time when i was working with dave tate at crossfit san diego we were getting him involved and he was gonna run a seminar for us and uh he put on a power lifting clinic i was there he was teaching deadlift and he had a bunch of he just kept
Starting point is 01:36:53 throwing weight on the bar kept throwing weight and i was dead lifting and then there was one bar put all the weight on and same thing probably not as long as that video this wasn't filmed but did the same thing and deadlifted and fought and fought i got it right to above the knees or right below the knees and wasn't no where did i get that yeah about the same place and was fighting and trying to get the full no i got this one above the knees that's it i got above the knees and was trying to stand all the way up and i didn't make the lift and i dropped it and uh dave tate goes hey do you know what um you i can't even say the word but he goes hey if you ever get
Starting point is 01:37:31 a lift above the knees and you fail you're uh and he said something pretty derogatory and so um it when i was doing that lift in the video i was thinking of dave tate he was in my head and i was like i can't put this down because i made it above the knees and if i fucking fail like and josh everett when he did his deadlift at the 07 games he told me the same thing he's like hey once you pass the knees you're not failing the lift so those things were going through my head back to that lift with dave tate i then after i missed this lift i go hey how much is on the bar he goes 490 so i was like fuck i almost had a four night i missed it so i didn't but like um in my mind with dead lifting when you make it past
Starting point is 01:38:13 the knee now because of those guys i'm like you don't put it down and that's what was going through my head on that lift and you were a young man collar high what's up what's up? What's up, dude? What's up? It's Dat Boy. How are you, brother? I'm good. I'm pretty excited that Dave's here. I'm pretty happy. I'm tickled by it. Who's this? And I have Denise Moore on tomorrow morning. I'm really excited to talk to her, too. She's a badass. Who's this?
Starting point is 01:38:39 I don't know who this is. It's Dat Boy, ARC. We talk on IG, but it's been a minute, so how are you? I'm good. I'm happy, like I said. Looking at Taylor's hot dogs. Two things. Regarding the DB,
Starting point is 01:38:58 the Danielle Brandon thing, at some point, fallouts with camps, fallouts with coaches, and now she's going to be like a child in a way and take her ball and go home. I'm not coming on Sebi's podcast anymore because you happen to have a different opinion on a sponsor. Hey, I respect the fuck out of her loyalty to her sponsor. I don't blame her at all.
Starting point is 01:39:22 respect the fuck out of her loyalty to her sponsor. I don't blame her at all. Right? I mean, like, if someone said called, like, one of my friends a bitch, I'm like, I don't know. You're talking yourself out of it. I don't know. But I'm not, like,
Starting point is 01:39:38 I'm like Mother Teresa here. Here's what someone's doing, though. He's milking the attention for all it's worth. That's what he's doing. He's going to keep milking it until she acknowledges him. She comes on the show or he's getting people like you to engage
Starting point is 01:39:54 with him on it. And I appreciate what you're saying. But Sevan's just milking this moment. But keep going. I want to hear what you're saying. Caller. I mean, just in this same space, I mean, look how much you've done with like No Plan B, CEO, you know, the whole media aspect and your own brand in a way.
Starting point is 01:40:15 Like what now we have to like, you're almost at the point of like, even like athletes like DB, like what we have to like, like you to come on the podcast I mean And you know Take it a step further You know Catch heat for this And I Cause I know she's almost got
Starting point is 01:40:30 You know she has too many followers On IG And like No shit Is she She's like 700 Go girl God damn
Starting point is 01:40:38 Daniel Brand Super Super fit Super cute You know Super everything But at some point, I mean... Naughty. She's naughty. Super naughty.
Starting point is 01:40:50 But what... I mean, and you guys are super cool. Every time you come on, like, you know, you guys are super... You're, like, tight. And then all of a sudden, she's going to be like, I'm not coming on. Stop asking. It doesn't make sense to me man it's a turnoff
Starting point is 01:41:07 in a way like oh you know like i follow her like i'm rooting for her yeah i'm rooting for her too you know fallouts with underdog athletics fallout with justin and like but now like fallout with savvy i'm like stop what's crazy is how much people like their lives are out there like this like you know what I mean like everything he just said like that's out like she's living her life out there and like people
Starting point is 01:41:36 choose to do that she's choosing to do that as much as I'm in the public eye there's so much you fucking guys don't know about me or my life. We don't know all the people you've had a falling out. Yeah, exactly. It's just funny. It just made me think about that when you were saying all that. I didn't even realize she's had these falling outs with all these people, but it's like,
Starting point is 01:41:58 damn, there's so much control we have over what we want out. And it's just a generational thing. I'm in my 40s she's in her 20s you know people that are younger live their lives on their social media um it's a trip it's a different approach i'm not saying it's wrong i'm not saying it's right i'm just saying it's different it's foreign to me it's too complex it's it's not right yeah complex we're staying we're staying in the space of things that she's discussing in in these places social media interviews podcasts like we're just talking about the stuff that's out there we're not prying and going beyond that like everyone knows what happened
Starting point is 01:42:37 at the end of the day love the girl respect the fact fact she wants to stand up for the shoe cobbler. Fucking badass. He came out and did some filming with me. He's a cool dude. The Ben guy. Yeah, dude, listen. I've only heard great shit about him. I've only heard.
Starting point is 01:42:59 Well, that's not true. I haven't only. He competed in regionals. Oh, he did. Yeah. Okay. So I've only heard. But listen, but my thing is just to spot when people go out into the fucking town square
Starting point is 01:43:09 and start whining and complaining that something's not fair. I'm fucking like a dog to a bone. I agree. You should be. I'm going to be like, you motherfucker, you're crying. And so that's it. And so Danielle's like, fuck you, bitch. I'll fuck.
Starting point is 01:43:22 And so she came over. I was picking on her little fucking friend. She came over and slapped me around. Fucking respect fuck you, bitch. I'll fuck. And so she came over. I was picking on her little fucking friend. She came over, slapped me around. Fucking respect. Oh, man. Respect. Well, you have to come. You have to do that.
Starting point is 01:43:33 You have to smack. You have to hold people accountable for what they're claiming or saying where others won't. Because some people are afraid to piss anyone off. Oh, that's he's the owner of such and such brand. We don't want to ruffle his feathers. And, you know, it's probably not the popular perspective, but people like you and Hiller are popular because you guys aren't afraid to rattle the boat.
Starting point is 01:43:59 Are you and Hiller friends? No, I'm not his friend. And I don't say that in like a... Like you talk to him on the phone? No. No. I mean, I've Like you talk to him on the phone. No. No. No. I mean, I've had a conversation with him on the phone.
Starting point is 01:44:09 He's been to the ranch. A year ago. Okay. I mean, I wouldn't say he's a friend. I'm cordial with him. Yeah. And I, if I have an issue, I'll reach out to him. Right.
Starting point is 01:44:18 Okay. I've reached out to him with some questions before. He's reached out to me, but I don't have an issue issue with him i think the way he treats people sometimes is fucked up i don't like the way he's treated people on our team or in crossfit but um but i also get it's his little thing and he's leveraging it i also recognize he does he does oh look at this is gonna pain you to say no it doesn't pain me to say it it's just it's counter to what like the popular narrative is around him but he does care about crossfit and he cares about people in crossfit he cares about um helping people to some degree like the thing
Starting point is 01:44:56 with athena yeah for sure yeah and uh and you know i said this a couple years ago and it was controversial even internally like and it was controversial even internally, like, and it was repeated and almost weaponized against me. But this notion of like, yeah, he's necessary. And I still mean it to this day. People like that.
Starting point is 01:45:15 People like you are necessary. Um, because if it was just all these yes, yes, voices and just everyone fucking repeating all the right things it just becomes so fake and disingenuous and so like there is an aspect of i fucking hate i'll say this again how he talks about people what he's done to jay or josh or fucking people on the sport team and how he fucking makes people feel i don't like that i don't like his style and i wouldn't do it but i fucking get it like you know what i mean like that he's on the outside and he's and you were
Starting point is 01:45:49 considered a hero for kicking him out of the open internally like did your fucking phone blow up and be like no i wouldn't say i was considered a hero but that was also the right thing to do and like yeah um and and i still fucking respect the dude How did you decide to do that publicly? Someone hit me up on our team and said, hey, so Hiller is publicly juicing and he's registered for the Open. And I'm like, how does that work? And they're like, well, we have a drug policy. And basically the same as last year,
Starting point is 01:46:20 we let it go through. But what do you want to do? I'm like, hey, last year I wasn't in the same position I am. This year I am. I'm not going to fucking let it go through, but what do you want to do? I'm like, Hey, last year I wasn't in the same position I am this year. I am let's, I'm not going to fucking let that go down. So there was some dialogue and some research on the rule and just like everything, just checking our backstop essentially.
Starting point is 01:46:36 And then we decided, Hey, let's, let's fucking do this. And then I'm like, Hey, we're going to do this, but I'm gonna play a little bit of his game and I'm going to fucking put a
Starting point is 01:46:43 message out as soon as we email him. so we can fucking control the narrative a little. And that's why I did that. I wanted to just, you know, a lot of times we give people like him or you the ability to take the news and control it by getting out there fast. And I'm like, I got this. So let's email him and then I'll film a little message. And that's how we did it. I wouldn't have done that for anyone else. I did that just to play his game,
Starting point is 01:47:11 to play at his level. But I was also incredibly respectful and didn't take any shots at him. And I still am not taking any shots at him. Right. And he was incredibly respectful in taking it. Yeah. And I knew he would be. That's the thing. This guy, I know he... incredibly respectful in taking it yeah and i knew he would be that's the thing like this guy i know
Starting point is 01:47:25 he um sometimes he's not incredibly respectful but for the most part he respects he'll respect things like that he respects you i don't know him that well so i'm not going to say that i know that he respects me but i think he does yeah i would. I would say he does from a casual fan perspective. I would say, of course, he's in the space. I mean, to be in the space, people definitely respect you, Dave. Thank you. Hey, I'm going to ask you this. Why do you think people respect Dave?
Starting point is 01:47:59 Even people who like him or dislike him. Why do you think people respect him? Me as a CrossFitter? Yeah. Or just as a human being. Why do you think people respect them? Me as a crossfitter? Yeah. Or just as a human being. Why do you think you respect them? Why do I respect Dave or why do people respect Dave? Either.
Starting point is 01:48:12 Either. One of the things, when I was cut, you and I are the same age. I'm a 73 baby. Okay. And I've been crossfitting since 2010 Okay And I didn't
Starting point is 01:48:31 One of the things that Oh dude you gotta spit it out dude You said one of the things twice You said one of the things twice Let him go I did not know that Dave Was a Navy SEAL till five or maybe five years ago. And that was one of the things like when they started to really, you know, delve into Dave.
Starting point is 01:48:59 You know, I've seen the Tom Brady shirt and the jersey and the open announcements and the mic you know like three two one go i was like you know but then when you when you peel the onion back and like you go to the ranch and this is going to segue into my second question that has to do with greg when you start you know when you're really taking like the hopper method and the ranch. And this guy was a Navy SEAL who went through major shit. He's not just this exercise dude who's announcing some programming that he whipped up. This guy has layers, and there are some heavy duty very respectable layers like that's really where i was like you know well thank you for that and i'll tell you this much too like it means a lot to me when i hear people who like you said you started crossing in 2010 and five
Starting point is 01:49:59 years ago you found out a seal so that's nine years into your journey you found that out to me that means i did it the right way in my eyes and like what i mean by that is i didn't lean on that as my identity to come up through crossfit i i kept it separate and um i'm very proud of that i'm very proud of that my identity in crossfit maybe it's for a fucking 40-second deadlift. But it's not Dave Castro, the Navy SEAL. It's Dave Castro, the CrossFit guy. Yeah, I heard you talking. Hit me with your second question.
Starting point is 01:50:33 What about the hopper? So to tie in the old-school posse with you guys, you know, and like specifically Seve, Daveave and greg like and i know that and my said you're my favorite podcast and i find myself re-watching them is when greg is on he's one of those guys that i can listen to indefinitely i just happen to think he's like a genius and
Starting point is 01:51:06 you know he's definitely a genius yeah he definitely is you know um do you ever think there's a space where greg could come back and contribute um and take that genius to the and take that genius in the biggest way or even the smallest way, you know, and not even being directly involved with CrossFit or corporate. But like I said a second or two ago, like the Hopper method and the and the functionality of everything and and the well-roundedness and the and the crossfit in 100 words in the journal like is there a space for greg to come back and like contribute great question thank you let's let's give dave a shot at it and hey thanks dude i appreciate it thanks for all right i'm gonna
Starting point is 01:52:04 give you one quick answer no he doesn't doesn't. I don't think so. Cause Greg doesn't want to come back. Yeah. That's where I was going to take it. Like Greg's not interested in this stuff anymore. Like Greg, Greg's moved on and he had moved on while he was with CrossFit the last few years, intellectually in terms of what was stimulating him. It wasn't fitness stuff anymore. And so I don't think Greg wants to. So in my mind, it's just a big no, because I know he doesn't want that. Or I think I
Starting point is 01:52:34 know he doesn't want that. I don't know for sure he doesn't want that. I assume he doesn't want that. He's really happy doing what he's doing and pursuing what he's pursuing from my interactions with him. So I um, I don't get the impression that there is an outcome that where that happens. It would be cool if he, it would be cool if there was a way that he could work with us and continue to be involved in fitness and helping us spread the message. Um, but I don't think that's going to happen. I apologize if I missed anyone's super chats tonight. What's a super chat?
Starting point is 01:53:09 Like when people pay money and like, oh, here, like here's one I missed. Dave, how did you get your swim cardio up for buds? I started swimming. I didn't swim through high school. I knew how to swim, but I would go to Monterey to a local pool and start just swimming.
Starting point is 01:53:26 There was something called the Bud's Warning Order back then. So this was 97. It was an online PDF that they put out and it was basically how to train for buds. And it had push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, and it had a running protocol, which is just basically progressive overload and swimming. So you started with a few miles and then you increased everything every week and just followed that. The thing is, by the time you get to Bud's, at least back then, I don't know how it is now.
Starting point is 01:53:53 It's better now. Going through boot camp and the several weeks there, you actually get out of shape. So, and here's what I tell guys all the time now too. I don't know if this person's asking because they're interested in going, but obviously you have to be able to swim and swim well. You have to be able to run and run well and you have to be in shape, but it has nothing to do with being in shape. I say that lightly. Of course it does. But just being in okay shape is enough
Starting point is 01:54:21 shape to make it through. Really what it fucking takes is this. You need to be really wired tight mentally, and you need to know that that's what you want to do. And no matter how hard it gets or how cold you are, you're not going to quit. And so buds, it's mental. It's 90% mental. Shit, 1A is live.
Starting point is 01:54:44 I wonder if he's going to make one be live too. He should fuck. Okay. Um, uh, next question. Uh, Dave,
Starting point is 01:54:51 would you be open to doing something with the 10th group here in Colorado? Maybe next year? What is the 10th group? It's a special forces group. Yeah, for sure. Absolutely. Hit me up.
Starting point is 01:55:00 But what do you mean doing what? All right. 10 special forces group. Hey, thank you. Come on on you man you were chill came in easy yeah the most chill you ever been thank you i'm not chill i gotta pee so fucking bad you're all spun up yep uh hey um tomorrow 7 a.m denise moore i may do the news tonight i'm not sure but uh behind the scenes 1a and 1b is open to the public run check it out see what all the hype's about buh-bye

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