The Sevan Podcast - Dave Driskell | CrossFit Wanderlust - Affiliate Series

Episode Date: October 3, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
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Starting point is 00:01:18 months ago i was like you know what i'm just gonna chase this dude's look i swear to god oh that's amazing that's amazing i'm gonna shave my hair i'm gonna get a man bun i oh let me see the back i wasn't sure how to do the back let me see the back okay so it's a mohawk not all the way around okay good okay yeah it's basically just the lazy man's haircut i think i've had it for like i don't know seven years so yeah i didn't go all the way around either i left the patch in the back too okay great and then do you you have to grow that in the back long enough to be able to eventually pull it up so you don't got a bunch of stragglers of course yeah exactly all right if i was a real
Starting point is 00:01:56 i mean if i had patience i would have let this grown out the whole thing but i just got lazy and started shaving the sides dude i go back dude it feels so it felt so good to shave the sides it felt so good yeah it is nice yeah it works it works well out here because it's hot as balls in bali sometimes so um yeah right now the air con just went up we're in our new um upstairs recovery zone massage physio room and uh i had a race over here because, like Bali is, we had construction this morning next door to my villa. But, you know, of course, today is the day they have hammers and guns and banging and everything.
Starting point is 00:02:34 But it's been quite nice construction so far. Okay, bam. Okay, I put your Instagram under there. Are you cool with that? I'm very cool with that. Thank you. Okay, good. I think I'm shadow banned as well.
Starting point is 00:02:46 I've been at 100k for a steady full year now. It goes up and down, but I've never seen it really tick anymore. I don't really give a shit. Dave, you correct me. You're the owner of
Starting point is 00:03:01 CrossFit Wanderlust. Yeah. We kind of rebranded a few years ago wanderlust fitness village and also crossfit wanderlust is inside of that so yeah i started cross wanderlust in 2015 to affiliation 2016 and where are you a native where are you born yeah so i'm from sort of your neck of the woods. I'm from Orange County, California. So just below Los Angeles, you know, the old OC. Yeah. Hey, but I think I hear an accent.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Sorry. But I feel like I hear an accent. Yeah, I think over 10 years I've kind of picked up some, maybe the colloquialisms that are happening in you know there's so many australians here in english so wow and you found crossfit while in the united states i did yeah the uh very long time ago i think it was more like i stumbled across it you know remember the movie 300 about the Spartans? Yeah, I saw that pre-production, I think it was Mark Twight and Jim Jones, all that stuff, and I was, you know, I was just more of
Starting point is 00:04:12 like a bench press kind of running, trying to be skinny guy, and I love that comic, and then I was like, oh, I've watched the pre-production, and then I saw this stuff, and they're doing like burpees and sprawls, and you know, and I was like, that's pretty cool, and then I started trying stuff and they're doing like burpees and sprawls and you know and I was like that's pretty cool then I started trying to in you know research and I found oh he was attached I think I don't I don't even know the whole story with CrossFit and then I'm like what's CrossFit googled that started downloading the pdfs back in the day remember it was and you had like the little you could click a wave file or something like that yeah that's old school that's crazy yeah so I was like really interested in it because it was new. I didn't actually start it until years later because I was in Orange County right after that recession.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I went to the CrossFit gym. My friend showed me. It was like, oh, it's $100 a month. I'm like, what the fuck? I only pay $14 here at 24-Hour Fitness. Whose gym was it? Do you remember's do you remember whose gym it was yeah yeah it was orange coast crossfit if you remember and years later i ended up working there a little bit helping out with you know kenny kenny leverage and ryan fisher the old boys yeah crazy yeah so i was like it wasn't until i
Starting point is 00:05:23 moved to i moved to texas in Texas in 2010 that I was dating a girl. And she goes, oh, I'm doing this thing called CrossFit. I'm like, oh, I know it. I follow it. I don't really know how to do it, but I've been following them for years. And then so I went and I was a bartender kind of manager at this new bar that we opened at that time. And the people that own the crossfit gym there's only a few in houston they were bartenders as well so they actually had a noon class which was really
Starting point is 00:05:50 rare so i was able to go that because it's the only time i could actually train and it was like my favorite part of the day obviously they were brand new you know coaches i think eight maybe eight months into it so we're all new like figuring out the power clean and all that crazy stuff i remember watching someone do a 225 clean you know and we were all like that is fucked up man no i will never do that you know i was dead lifting it at the time going this is crazy you know like that's that's what's cool about the sport like you know i was talking to someone the other day like you look back at the original games and things like that, and you're like, oh, I could do that. That's super easy. But the evolution, seeing it to where it's gone now,
Starting point is 00:06:30 is just so impressive. People forget that no one used to squat below parallel and that there were no ropes and no rings and no one deadlifting. There's a whole generation now that just accepts that as just normal, but it's like, wow. Or low carb. Dude, you go to jail for talking about that shit. Oh as just normal but it's like wow or low carb dude you go to jail for talking about that shit oh i know it's so silly i actually did paleo before i did crossfit like one of my my good friends in america he was a crossfit kind of
Starting point is 00:06:55 guy i didn't really know about it he was kind of in there he goes oh i do this kind of paleo diet and i did this and i started it like in 2009 and I like I went hardcore like in that first 30 days was like I didn't even put salt on shit because I thought you know I was just being good you know I did pepper and mustard my only thing and then I uh you know next the next month next one I got pretty shredded up leaned out you know I was just doing lots of running and stuff then too but yeah but I've always kind of I've still kind of adopted that same diet for the last well i guess it's been 14 years so you know i go back and forth i go through different things when i was competing a bit more i was trying all the heavy carbs and stuff but i was just uh sometimes it doesn't do me as well it bloats me up and fills me full of
Starting point is 00:07:40 inflammation sometimes but i do see a need for it i've changed my diet so many thousand times you know it's fun it's fun changing the diet i like it yeah absolutely yeah yeah it's a great adventure oh lucky camera straps uh i visited wanderlust in june and got coached by dave and his team thanks for taking the time to chat dave oh that's of course no worries yeah i had a lot of nice people reach out this week saying, oh, I'm excited to listen to this podcast. And, you know, it's cool. I'm I'm super happy to be on here finally as well. Like I know we chatted years and years ago during the crazy COVID. I don't know if you're allowed to say that online. The crazy. Yeah. You know, virus times. OK, so Bali is a smack dab between vietnam and australia correct yeah it's in it's a state
Starting point is 00:08:29 in indonesia okay it's a state okay okay and uh a lot of people don't know about it i didn't know about it even when i was first backpacking that brought me out here you know you always just hear bali but you don't hear you don't hear what is that exactly. Is there a nonstop? 280 million people. How many? 280 million? In Indonesia, yeah. I think Bali is around 6 million people. There's that many on Bali?
Starting point is 00:08:58 It's a lot of people. Yeah, a lot of people. Can you fly nonstop from the United States of America to Bali? No, like right now, no, generally not. You'd fly either to Australia or maybe like to Singapore. And then Singapore is only an hour and a half, two hours away from here. How about to Hawaii? How about straight to Hawaii? No?
Starting point is 00:09:23 No, you'd still have to go hit Singapore or Australia or New Zealand or something. Yeah, like I've tried to break it up a little bit generally the the main shots are you know because i'm from la area i'd go la to singapore singapore bali or china or taipei something like that dude this island right here has six million people on it are you kidding me i think that's i think that's what it is i don't hold me to it but i'm'm pretty sure it's a pretty large island. So, I mean, it's not massive, but there's a lot of people here, yeah. Where are you on this island? So, if you look at that little thing called Denpasar at the lower end,
Starting point is 00:09:57 we're kind of down that way, a little to the left. Over here? Yeah, actually, see where it says Dalu next to it? Yeah. I'm kind of like just a little below that you'll probably if you zoom in onto that where it says dalung a little bit lower you'll see the gym it'll probably pop up um keep scrolling in yep let's see yeah pretty close is it on the beach uh We're about three kilometers from the beach, maybe a few miles. Oh, that's nice. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:28 You have to go up a little bit. You see up the corner left, it says Finn's Recreation Club. Then you got to scroll up a little bit. I'll show you. And also, you can just type in Wanderlust Fitness Village or cross Wanderlust. This is more fun. Yeah, this is true. Okay, go up towards that street.
Starting point is 00:10:45 You're kind of actually at my house right now. You're hovering over my house. And just go up a little bit more. Yeah. Don't give anyone my exact address. That could go funny, right? A little bit more. Keep going up towards the right.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Yep. Up, up, up. I see Pepito's Market. Nirvana Fitness and Wellness. Oh, I see it. Holy shit,vana Fitness and Wellness oh I see it holy shit dude yeah that's it wow
Starting point is 00:11:09 funny little place there so yeah it's my most favorite thing I've ever done I'm very proud of it it's just cool to connect like we get so many it's obviously very transient here we get so many different people
Starting point is 00:11:23 from around the world and just new faces every day. Every class we ask if anyone's first day and, you know, five to 10 hands shoot up saying, oh yeah, it's my first time here. So it's pretty, it's impressive in the sense that we get to meet and kind of touch these many people and hopefully kind of put them into their either first CrossFit class or put them into something, yeah, something positive or healthy and leave them, leave them going. Are you, are you an active affiliate? Are you still an affiliate? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I'm like, I, I fly the CrossFit flag pretty,
Starting point is 00:11:55 pretty hardcore. You know, we only changed it once I expanded and I had the, um, we started offering so much more than CrossFit here. We, we, we started with a small hall and then I added on an open gym and then I added on a second studio. And then we've added on now MMA and we have boxing and fighting and all this stuff. And now we have a hotel and a pool. So it really took on this kind of village style. So I was like, that's kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Call ourselves a Wanderlust Fitness Village. You know, we're also home of CrossFit Wanderlust, that kind of thing so we have so many uh different caveats here and or facets i should say of fitness so it's kind of a if people get here and they go oh okay it is kind of like a little village you have everything at your food you got cafe your hotel you know i have dreams to kind of open up a barber shop tattoo shop and then have kind of like a whole food store or something so you could kind of spend your whole day or whole week here if you want to just this is it right here this place yeah yeah that's our on-site hotel which is pretty cool yeah this is this is nuts yeah thanks man i'm i'm super proud of that that was we just finished that about a year and a half ago. We built all that during COVID, the pool and the hotel.
Starting point is 00:13:09 The hotel's new. You built the hotel? Yeah. Well, we found – I kind of got cheeky. I found an old kind of homestay hotel that was right near the gym, and I had the land in between the gym and that homestay for the pool. And so I went over there during COVID and there were, you know, it was a bit run down. No one was there. And I got a pretty good deal of a lifetime, renovated all the rooms, put, you know, brand new furniture in
Starting point is 00:13:33 there, new walls, new everything. And then we basically have a pool or a hotel and a pool on site now. Okay. Uh, 2000, you went there in 2000. Why did you go there originally? Why did you go to Bali originally? So I was backpacking in 2012 I left the States in 2012, like February Left Texas? Yeah Heartbroken? Girl kick you to the curb and you went to Bali?
Starting point is 00:14:00 No, no Probably the other way around maybe Okay No, I was single and mingling and living my life, I guess. Yeah, I just had this desire to travel. Long story short, I was planning on leaving in 2009. I got real sick in California. I had an E. coli bacterial infection.
Starting point is 00:14:23 It almost killed me. I was out in the old hospital for 11 days. Just kind of ravished my entire body, like my intestines and everything like that. So I took a little departure from, I was supposed to go to Thailand later that month. Obviously the doctor's like, do not, do not travel. You're still coming back. Like I lost 10 kilos of weight. I was like, it took me months and months to even get back to where i could run you know a mile so i uh i always had this desire to travel and then i i'd already minimalized my life quite a bit i'd you know got into this minimalistic thing i sold my car i sold this i was just like trying to like you know after that recession in
Starting point is 00:15:01 2008-9 it was a bit i didn't know what i wanted i was like i'm almost 30 what am i going to do i just want to like figure out some stuff and someone's like did you lose anything in that did you lose a house in that yeah i uh you know i was younger so like well i was only what 29 and um i bought a house with three of my friends in costa mesa you know only a couple miles from the beach you know it was awesome but we, after all that stuff went upside down and flipped around and I had a job that was quite good. I lost it. My roommate had a good job. He lost it. And it was just that triple of that, what's it called? Waterfall effect. So anyway, long story short, I, I, I got a job in Texas with one of my best friends. He wanted me to run a bar. I was kind of the front man
Starting point is 00:15:43 and learned the bar business. So that was quite fun. But I said, I'll give you two, I'll give you two hours or two, two years of my life. And then pretty much the date I left and went to Thailand. If someone's like, go to Thailand, it's cool. It's cheap. You can do some fitness stuff and, you know, just travel around. I'm like, okay. So I saved up like 25 grand and then just started going. Then I did about six months. By yourself, by yourself. Yeah. Well, the first two months I brought my best friend, Matt, with me. I said, you got to go with me. He goes, I have no money. I'm like, I'll pay for your ticket. Just, I want a friend because I didn't know what it was. You know, there was no Instagram. No one was really
Starting point is 00:16:22 talking about these places so he went with me for two months he left and then i was on my own for the first time in my life and i was just like i have no emails to check i have no employees to talk to i have nothing to do except do me you know just oh god might sleep in or i'm gonna go to the gym or i'm gonna go eat some food and it was a very very big part of my life. I think it shaped a lot of things at that point in my life. And as we are, when we're young, we really rely on, I think, friendships and talking to people. And, you know, I used to remember we'd call up, hey, what are you doing today? Okay, cool. Well, maybe we'll meet up later. It's like,
Starting point is 00:16:57 you always want to see what's on for the day. And this was the first time I had nothing, but it was quite freeing. It was weird at first, but it opened up my eyes a lot and it made me work on myself, which was, I think, exactly what I needed to do at that point. So yeah, I think after Thailand and Vietnam and all these places, someone told me I was in a hostel down in Sri Lanka. I was in Malaysia and I was going to go to Sri Lanka. I still want to go. I haven't been. This guy, Frazier, I met him. He's from Canada. He goes, oh, are you going to go to Bali? Oh, I know him, Matt. Matt, his parents
Starting point is 00:17:33 are professional ice skaters. That's right. He's pretty big. He's big on the internet. Yeah, it was this guy I just randomly met and he goes, oh, are you gonna go to bali and i was like oh i don't know i heard it's really touristy he goes yeah because it's fucking cool i'm like oh okay i should go so i booked the flight the next day went down to bali not knowing what it was
Starting point is 00:17:55 about also sorry i'm sweating my tits off because it didn't like the the power went out apparently up here so all our cool guests are shirtless don't worry all the cool ones i've been doing it longer than hiller being topless i think so it's okay nice nice the amount of podcasts i probably did back in the day with no shirt on was just i guess that's bali you know i just don't wear shirts anymore too much and i want to ask you about that but so keep so keep going with your story so you go to bali and you get there. Is Matt, is that guy still with you, the guy you brought from the States, or no, he's done? No, he came out and stayed for a while, actually, back the next day or the next year.
Starting point is 00:18:33 He's still one of my best friends. He's out in Montana now. But, yeah, so I got to Bali and stayed for, I was only here for like two months. You know, there was no CrossFit gyms. There was one small gym down at the first park in kuta um and i would do crossfit there and i was real new at it you know i'd only been a coach for about maybe half a year but i hadn't really you had taken your l1 yeah yeah i flew out i flew out to la uh to california and i had kalipa over there as my as my remember him and um what's her last name katie hogan yeah yeah old school
Starting point is 00:19:07 they were they were my coaches it was just super cool yeah um and i just you know i just wanted to learn more about the sport because you know it was so new no one really there was no no one put that stuff on instagram so i learned the sport but i was like i gotta learn this i don't think i'll ever coach i don't really want to be a coach. I don't know if I could do that, but I just want to know about the sport. So I went out there and got my level one in January of 2012. And then, uh, yeah, then of course, when you're traveling by yourself, I was just trying to come up with my own workouts and I would, I'd actually write them down on my notepad on my Instagram and I would paste them on my Instagram. Instagram was brand new, right? I was like, Oh, it's kind of like a diary. I'll just put my shit on there. And then I would tag
Starting point is 00:19:48 my coaches if they had Instagram and say, oh, this is because I wanted to kind of get their approval. Did I do a good job writing this workout? This is kind of what I did. And that's even back then is when I started hashtagging Wanderlust Wads, which is kind of like where I got the name. So I guess you could say i was manifesting it a bit in that sense and it was just kind of one of those things that was real organic i met some people showed them a few things i was this kind of bearded dude that had tattoos and looked probably different and uh back in the day now everyone looks like me but that's okay um but oh yeah i was just like i loved it i loved going across but but I'd ride to workouts.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I'd post a picture of me and in Thailand doing a workout with a rock or something and just shit like that. And I was like, oh, this is kind of my thing. And then it kind of, some people picked up on it on the Instagram world and were like, oh, you should follow this guy. He's interesting. He travels and does fitness and yeah, you know, it was early days of social media. So I think because I was an early adopter maybe people gravitated and i was not sitting at home in an office i was finally giving a fuck and leaving and trying to do something different with my life so i think people were interested in that um yeah and that kind of brought me to bali for that two months six months i went home for six
Starting point is 00:21:01 months it's funny i had a conversation with my mom and she goes oh you feel it doesn't seem like you feel very settled or satisfied i'm like no i'm not i want to go see more and she goes oh then you should go i'm like yeah i should i still had some of my savings left that i'd saved up over the years and then uh i came back here uh they had opened one affiliate here in bali uh so i was how long how long were you in the states you went home you were in bali for two months okay and was that the first time you'd been home during that whole trip? Yeah. So I was gone for about six or seven months and then I came home. It was actually at that point, I should give you the full story. I bought a old Ford Econo line van. I bought a bunch of, uh, equipment from get RX, put barbells and kettlebells in there, and
Starting point is 00:21:45 I started doing some of these boot camps at the parks, like a CrossFit workout. So I'd bring everything out to the park and just put on my Instagram, hey, I'm going to be at this park. If you guys want to come out, it's 15 bucks. I'll teach a class. And I had a lot of good support. Like in the beginning in Houston, I had 20 people show up at a park and I was like oh this is interesting and they like what they're doing and then I started
Starting point is 00:22:09 helping out at my friend's gym then of course you know went back to to Asia and stayed this next time was staying for 10 months you know I found a gym here they asked me to work like the first day I showed up they're like oh are you a coach I said yeah they're like oh you want to work here I said hell yeah I'm in Bali why wouldn't I said, hell yeah, I'm in Bali. Why wouldn't I? So I worked in Bali, and I worked in Jakarta, which is the capital for a bit. And yeah, just kind of started rolling with it, and I loved it. I kind of had this thought, I can do this better.
Starting point is 00:22:40 I think I have a better vision of what I'd like to teach and how to approach it. Hey, quick question. Why did you go back to Bali? Or why did you go back to Jakarta? Why Indonesia again? I think Bali was the last place I left in Asia of my travel, and it just felt really good. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:00 And people, if you ever come here, people say the same thing. There's something about it. You feel good here. So it doesn't hit everybody. For me, it really works, and it went well. And I was like, I'd like to go back there. I think there's something there. And the food is good.
Starting point is 00:23:13 The people were nice. I like the way of life. And then I did have that little brain child in my head saying, I think I can do this. I think I can do my own gym. No idea how to open a business in another country or, you know, how to do it. Where do I get the money? I have nothing. I was trying to figure it out. So I did. I left in 2014. I was gone in 2014. Lived in Dominican Republic for a few months working as a coach down there.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Someone found me on Instagram saying, we saw you helped open a gym. Can you come to help us open our gym? I said, sure. And then in my head, I was like, maybe I'm the guy that teaches other gyms how to open and how to be good. On small islands in the middle of nowhere, yeah. Yeah, that's the caveat. You must have a scooter and rum and an island vibe. So, yeah, I was like, I don't know. I don't know what to do with my life. But I knew that traveling was very fun and interesting to me. And then fitness was like I did it every day and I really loved teaching. And once I actually started teaching, I was like, I think I'm OK at this. I think I'm good at this. And I think I'm actually impacting someone's life, as any coach would say. And then they're like, then you're just enamored by it. Right. All you want to do is like fix people and it's helping. then you're that annoying bloke at the gym at a global gym and you're like hey man you know it'd probably be better if you
Starting point is 00:24:27 like widen your stance and your hips go a little lower you know i was that guy probably for a little while at the 24-hour fitnesses like well you should try this or maybe try this you know but and they're probably like who are you why are you telling me stuff but i was just interested in in in finding how to fix people you know i'm not the most i know i wouldn't be the most knowledgeable about the skeletal system or the muscles and all that stuff but i know how to make people move at least in a functional way i believe after this many years and so at that point you're like i'm gonna open my own gym like after you do those 10 months in jakarta you're like i'm gonna go to bali and open my own gym yeah yeah i was like i think no did you have any contacts in bali like uh uh any friends or
Starting point is 00:25:11 girlfriends yeah so i did three months in jakarta and then i did six months in bali like where i was coach the head coach of the first gym okay and then i kind of met some people we've got some land that didn't really work out and And then the guy I was going to do it with, he got another job. And he goes, oh, I need to put my money into this. And I'm like, okay, no worries. A local? I know he was an English guy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Yeah. So then when I got back, I got back early, January of 2015. And I was like, you know, I had a conversation with a friend like a month before and he goes, Hey, you talked about opening a gym, just go do it. And I'm like, I will, I'll go do it. I'll figure it out. You know, again, I've not, I never thought about it then, but maybe I was kind of manifesting something or trying to get it off. I had no idea, man, how to do this. I didn't know how to open a business in another country. It didn't have much money. And then, you know, the word kind of got around. It was a smaller community out here. And everyone was like, oh, you're the CrossFit guy. I'm like, yeah, yeah, I'm the CrossFit guy.
Starting point is 00:26:11 And then another gym out here, up where we are now, you know, they messaged me and said, oh, we'd love to have you cover some classes. They weren't CrossFit or anything. And I said, okay, I can do that. And then it was extra cash. And then they said, oh, we might, you know, we might be moving along. Would you want to bring your CrossFit gym here? Because we heard you were trying to open somewhere. And I said, ah, first, no, I'm not interested. I don't want partners. I think I want to do everything myself.
Starting point is 00:26:38 And then we had another sit down and it worked out quite well. We discussed, you know, I i asked for you know profit share i asked for a little bit of a cash injection i asked for a small salary to start i said look i'll do everything but it's got to also be my brand it's got to be my name it's got to be my ideologies and my vision and they were like no worries cool you know it worked out very well for them in the end and very well for me but it was able it was a way for i could for myself to do a kind of a turnkey operation you know we only had eight barbells but i had eight barbells in volley and i had you know 10 wall balls a few plyo boxes no rubber floor a horribly designed rig that's which i re took took apart and rewelded and made it
Starting point is 00:27:20 proper because they just didn't know what they were doing. Was it a ground floor location? Yeah, it was. It's the same place we are now. Oh, shit. I've just taken over the entire complex. The first little bay we had, there was about four, if you can imagine them, indoor soccer fields. It's a big warehouse with four indoor soccer fields.
Starting point is 00:27:46 And we took the first one. And then a year later, I took one next door that was a empty warehouse that I turned into the open gym only. So the open gym only was kind of, it looks like a normal CrossFit affiliate now, but it's just for people that want to do open gym during classes.
Starting point is 00:28:03 And then since then, and just this last few years we've taken over the entire complex so there's no more warehouses left um so i think we'd we'd probably be on the largest side of any gym in the world i would say of an affiliate um just on square footage of rubber it'd be your mind would be blown dude look at this picture right here this is crazy rubber, your mind would be blown. Dude, look at this picture right here. This is crazy. With Alistair Overeem. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:32 That was way back in the day. Crazy. Have you just been scrolling? Yeah. I was like, hey, I got to find out. I got to see pictures of this early, early place. Sarah Cox, hi. Hi, Dave.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Hi, Dave. Oh, hey, Sarah. I thought of you this morning as I jabbed my stomach. What are you taking? She gave me some BPC and TB. That's the only thing I've ever actually done. Like I did it a few years ago during a shoulder injury and it was incredible. So I met her a few years back at Chalk CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Yeah. Yeah. And then I know damien as well over there and then i met with him uh last time i was there a few months ago so it was nice uh yeah i want to give it a go again i every periodically i'll do like a two month or three month kind of cycle pretty low dosage but like i had a torn supraspinatus in my shoulder. Everyone told me I should, this was a few years ago, I should get surgery. And then I ended up doing rehab. And then I did a BPC and TB 500. It was amazing. Is it all better? Yeah. Like it'll, it's funny, like the right one's great. And now the, I think the left one, I get some inflammation, but a lot of us guys, you know, we're so internally rotated, like that opening it up, helping out. So every once in a while I'll do it as just kind of some maintenance stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:51 But for me, you know, like it seemed like it was incredible. Like so I applaud it. I've been researching that stuff for years and looking into it. You know, I was that moral quandary thing back in the day, too. I opened up to one of my coaches years ago going, am I bad if I do this? Am I a cheater if I do this? Because it's that whole, you know, I don't know if I'll make the games ever. But, like, I don't want my accolades for 10 years to be tarnished by the last two years of me doing a therapeutic kind of be a peptide, if that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:30:22 I don't want people to be like, like oh that's why you're so fit and i'm like well you know i don't i think it's also the diet and the crossfit for 11 years probably helped quite a bit too yeah i don't think the bpc and tb500 is going to make you any more fit no that's like zero i'm not bigger at all i was bigger when I was training more, eating way more. And yeah, but I do find it, you know, I'm 45 in 21 days. Or no, 19 days. So I'm trying to stay, you know, I'm trying to stay healthy. I train a lot differently too. I don't go as, I don't do three hours in the gym like I used to do, all that kind of stuff. Do you miss that?
Starting point is 00:31:01 Do I miss it? Not really. I mean, this year I might give it a crack a little bit i did well last year i was i think i was 107th in the world in my age group which wow wow over the yeah over the moon there was that's crazy yeah yeah i was i was quite happy i mean i've been doing this a long time and last year all i did was my morning class i'd usually jump in the 9 a.m class and then i might do kind of an accessory row or some kind of zone two in the afternoon or maybe a skill sesh.
Starting point is 00:31:29 But, yeah, and I feel better. I'm not hurting. I'm not bloated. I'm not, like, you know, just trying to cram a bunch of oats in myself while I'm working out to maintain. So I feel good. You know, I'd rather feel good, look good for my age, and then also maintain my mobility
Starting point is 00:31:46 and all those things so yeah I still love it man I'm like a CrossFit frother I know I should be probably working on my squats or my lifting but I'm like no I want to do burpees over the bar and toes to bar that's what I love you know like so yeah Yolana Dave is
Starting point is 00:32:02 a cool dude thanks for creating an epic tourist destination for fitness monthly subscription thank you Yolana, that's so nice yeah, it's crazy it's my favorite thing to see people here like I said, we get right now we're about almost 300
Starting point is 00:32:19 people checking in for classes per day holy cow yeah, it's a monster how many of those are tourists? 90%. I'd say I looked at the numbers a few months ago. 90%? Yeah, it's huge,
Starting point is 00:32:36 man. You have the variance of the person that's here for just one day. I'll give you an example. A few months ago, we sold 900 one-day drop-ins about. In a month. 900 in a month. And then we might have another two, 300 week long members.
Starting point is 00:32:57 And then we have monthly, we have two weeks, we have three weeks, that kind of thing. So yeah, there's a good old, big old class. What's that oh saturday smasher that's what we got 110 people that's crazy we maxed out that room well sort of we got more room to go oh there's old zach thomas good old people there okay so crazy right so 900 in a month and were you going somewhere with that sorry no just i think i'd say yeah we're probably in that range of having you know a thousand unique faces in the gym for a month that could maybe that would be better i won't say it so that many new faces every day
Starting point is 00:33:37 because you know you get people out there just for a week just for a day um and it's crazy that the first time man i am sweating like a hog right oh no one can tell i can't tell yeah it's crazy that the first time, man, I am sweating like a hog, right? No one can tell. Yeah, it's good. It's perfect. Just looks like you have olive oil on your tattoo. I should. Um, yeah, it's, uh, what was I going to say? It was, uh, it's, it's incredible, man.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Like there's that many new people. It's just fun to like get to impact some people, you know, a lot of, we're kind of known as the gym on the Island too, that, that, oh, you can go to, you can go there. Even if you're not a CrossFitter, they'll teach you all the new movements. We scale everything. You know, we have three or four coaches in every class, you know, our general class is around 45 people. So we'll have three coaches on, you know, the 7am, 8am, 9am. We also have classes at 10, 8, 830, you know, there's, and now we have the boxing, kickboxing, jiu-jitsu going on. I walk in here and I'm like, this is mental, man. This is crazy. I started with eight barbells and
Starting point is 00:34:33 was just teaching local people. I'd be down at the bar and be like, hey, you got to come in. I own a CrossFit gym. You got to come in. You got to try this thing. It's crazy. You got to try this thing. That old school hustle because you're just so excited about it. You want to teach people and then it's grown into something like this. I'm very proud of it. And then I'm also honored like that people want to, they want to take part of their holiday and come here, which is cool. Like it's the first time someone said, Hey, thank you so much. I'm here to train for a week. I'm like, are you, you mean you're in Bali for a week and you're just dropping in? He goes, no, I flew to Bali to train at your gym. And I'm like, that's like, what an honor.
Starting point is 00:35:10 That is so nice. You know, like it's just, cause I think it's kind of got a reputation now. It's kind of like a Disneyland of dude. It's a bug. It's a bucket list thing. I hear people talk about it all the time. Bernie, what's up, dude. Thank you. Hey, so how this, this first gym, you get it up and running. It's in the location you're in now. And how many square feet is it? That one?
Starting point is 00:35:31 Let's see. Do you do any more American talk? I can't anymore. I think it was around 400 square meters. Okay. That should be around 3,500, 4,000. Okay, so a good-sized gym. Yeah, still very decent. When I opened when i opened it i was like this is big because i'm all used to like
Starting point is 00:35:49 old school small garage gyms well well received 4300 square feet well received people can afford that uh the the the rates there for yeah we well see like again like the local balinese here would be very struggling to for them to afford the price i'd say we say we price we price it at but what is what is the monthly what is what what's what's the monthly like if i were to come in there today i moved to bali and i wanted to sign up yeah it's about 180180 now, $170. Okay, so competitive with California. Yeah, yeah. And like for Australia, because we get a lot of Australians over here, you know, I'd say it's roughly $55 a week.
Starting point is 00:36:33 That's how they always talk about it. So that's what, $210 Australian dollars, or $220 Australian, which isn't bad at all. I mean, there's 60 classes here, man. There's boxing, kickboxing, everything. 60 plus classes a week. It's mental.
Starting point is 00:36:51 We're adding next week a flexi yoga stretch. We used to have it. We brought the person back in. We want to have mobility, gymnastics-based classes, everything. We already have our weightlifting. We have Metcon. We have a booty builder class that's, like, gone crazy. Like, right now or tomorrow, there will be, like, 40 girls down in this group.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Not just girls, of course. Guys, anyone. Any gender of all 128 genders may join our booty class. And build a booty. Yeah. That's weird. Did you just start being inclusive? Is that something that they forced on you?
Starting point is 00:37:24 I know before you only let just dudes in with Mohawks. That's right. Yeah. That's weird. Did you just start being inclusive? Is that something that they forced on you? I know before you only let just dudes in with Mohawks. That's right. Yeah. That's what's so funny. Back in the day, 2020, the crazy times. Remember when they're like CrossFit needs to be more inclusive. And I'm like, what the fuck? If you have $200 and you show up to a gym, every gym owner is going to be like, thank you. I want to make you better. They don't give a shit if you're black, white, green, you know, gay or whatever. Like, that's what I told people. People said to get into it.
Starting point is 00:37:49 People are like, you need to be more inclusive in Wanderlust. I'm like, I'm literally the most inclusive gym in the world. You'll have an Indian guy here next to a gay guy next to a black guy next to a white guy and a gay. I'm like, how could we not? Like, I don't care. If you want to come here and get fit, that's i care about i'm happy to have you and um it was kind of funny like people be like you never it's not like this is a funny thing you don't feature enough black people on your instagram i'm like well i don't know how to say if there's not as many black
Starting point is 00:38:19 people visiting us like it's not my fault that it's just one of those things i was like okay well i don't know that was that was a time of the year when no one could be happy about anything i think oh it's crazy yeah but i was happy that we are like any crossfit gym and i tell anyone in the world like we are inclusive like it's anyone can come here if the goal is to get healthier and fit any if you have a good coach and a good owner that's all they want to do they don't give a shit who you are or what you do hey I just looked up what is the race percentage in Indonesia I don't even
Starting point is 00:38:50 know these races dude I know Sudanese and I know Chinese yeah there is a lot of Chinese descendants and then there would be like just I mean it would be from way back in the day but then you also have this really closer
Starting point is 00:39:06 kind of Chinese Indo that more I guess the recent generations would be that'd be more the affluence I think. I thought Sudanese was from Sudan. I just clicked it images. Nope. Those people aren't from Sudan.
Starting point is 00:39:22 The guy we had on yesterday Brian Friend brian friend he went to gym in norway and i go and i quickly looked up the race breakdown in norway and you know it's like there's just no black people there and i go let me guess there were black people in gym he goes yeah how'd you know because there's no black people in norway i'm like because crossfit gyms are fucking inclusive like people, everyone comes there. It's amazing. Yeah. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:39:46 It's crazy talk. It's good. It's good. You got any dwarfs in your gym? Oh, no. No, we don't. I don't know. You better start a huge marketing campaign to get some in there.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Huge. Spend every, go broke trying to do it. Let's hope I don't get canceled either, you know, for not having one. But yeah, we, I think we've had, I don't know if we've even had any dwarfs visit us. You know, I've had people with, you know, limb issues and adaptive stuff. That was actually pretty cool. I had a guy on my retreat two weeks ago, and he was adaptive. But he was gung-ho on everything.
Starting point is 00:40:18 He wanted to give a shot. He had an arm issue. And, yeah, he was going with the show. He was jumping on it. He was just happy to meet other people that wanted to get fit and he didn't want to be you know he was giving me lots of advice on how to coach that and learn that so maybe that's something we add to our you know repertoire i guess if you would say but um yeah it's cool man anyone can do this shit you know i mean i i applaud those people it's insane what people can do. I had Tim Murray on a month ago,
Starting point is 00:40:46 and he's the 2022 and 2023 fittest dwarf through the CrossFit Games. Yeah. Yeah, so that's why it was just fresh on my mind. Is he the other guy that was in the picture? That got erased out? Yeah, he's the guy that got erased out. Oh, I'm good. I'm good.
Starting point is 00:41:04 You've been following a little bit of the the fun stuff we do here yeah i do i follow a little bit of it i gotta i gotta brush up more on everything that's happening don't fall out of the soap opera dave no i love it and i've been talking to what's the andrew for a long time when he first kind of started up and i was just like oh i just got it's like he was real new. And I was like, man, that was super funny. I appreciate you. Like, cause I'm like, I'm the no rep kind of guy too. Like, it's not like I'm a dick about it.
Starting point is 00:41:34 I'm just like, I really hold the truths of this, like fitness regimen that like changed my life and others. And, and I'm, you know, I hold, I did even like a little speech about it before he went off on his stuff and about like why it's important to have standards and why I did this in front of my whole gym. And I was, I recorded it, put it up and it was just important to me because like you know these there's too many easy things in life and there's too many things that we can go around a standard in life and i said this is why we come here to like you know hold this together because it will change someone's life eventually if they can kind of hold the standards and do what they're
Starting point is 00:42:02 asked to do as opposed to saying well it's easier if I step over the bar instead of jumping over the bar, you know, well, tough shit, you know, like you want to have, you know, I did say that to, you know, you know, someone, it wasn't an, you know, not a negative way. I said, look, no good. A hard thing is good for you to get to because you're going to get better from it. You know? Um, uh, we're going to get back to the story so i do i want to know how you made the the first leap outside of the gym but um max uh holmgren a seven ask about his girl
Starting point is 00:42:31 already that's what we're here for okay fine uh you got it you got it you got a specimen that you've been uh parading on your um instagram how did you her? She's the love of my life, man. I'm excited to spend the rest of my life with her. I haven't asked her yet, but maybe keep this private. Okay. Just between us? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just between us and everyone watching.
Starting point is 00:42:57 But yeah, we met actually through kind of a mutual friend. She'll say the story differently. But yeah, we met and i uh it was a friend out here she goes oh this girl sharni i think you guys would be great together i think she's single now there she is that's at our villa she loved this you watch her watch her face she gets super scared here in a minute she just broke her elbow poor thing and she's been just training at home and just trying to do as much as she can oh okay dave hold on where that's go back to that video again that's where you live that's where you sleep at night yes sir that's where we both sleep at night sir and and what is that a swimming pool
Starting point is 00:43:36 what is that yeah that's a swimming pool and then we live right on the rice fields there so that's about two or three minutes from my gym that's's crazy, dude. That's your view. That bike just stays out there. What was that? Oh no, I put the bike inside just so it doesn't, cause it's kind of humid. I don't want it to get all rusty, but you know, easy, easy promotion. Maybe concept will throw me another one.
Starting point is 00:43:58 What a life, dude. It is good, man. I'm very blessed and very happy. You know, I worked my ass off as well, but like these are the kind of cool things in bali you could do too like i got that house during um during covid and i got a really good deal you know i think i picked up that place for about eight thousand dollars a year so it's a lease um and then i renovated it myself and did all the nice stone and tile and put the glass there and made it a little bit more my style and then yeah it's you
Starting point is 00:44:25 know i never knew what if i would have a girlfriend and then uh you know we we live here together which is amazing it's a little one bedroom two bedroom kind of place uh kitchen we got this view which is sick yeah her ass is also pretty sick yeah it's pretty crazy okay um. We'll come back to the girl. Sure. So when you say this is your villa, this is at the gym too? Well, right now I'm upstairs. So we have our pool. I can give you a little spin around if you want to see. Sure.
Starting point is 00:45:00 So that's where I'm sitting right now. That's the pool and the hotel. So that's CrossFit Wanderlust. That's the Wanderlust Village. I'm looking at it right now. You're there. Who's normally in the room you're in? Is that where people eat?
Starting point is 00:45:11 Well, I just opened this up. So we're opening it next week. On that side is the gym over there. Okay. And that is the hotel and the pool. And I'm kind of in the middle. So this upstairs area, we're launching next week. It's got three physio rooms right here. So we got physiotherapy, sports massage,
Starting point is 00:45:26 we'll have red light therapy, we're gonna do the vitamin drips and all that kind of stuff. Yeah. And then kind of the rest up here is going to be kind of a co working space. I just kind of designed it all it's still a bit bare bones. So we'll have co working and you can kind of hang up here and use the Norma tech boots and relax. You know, if you're a member up here, it's fine. Like so I just try to create more spaces where people can kind of hang. boots and relax you know if you're a member up here it's fine like so i'm just trying to create more spaces where people can kind of hang and obviously you know the old adage is like the longer they're here the more they're going to spend not that i'm trying to gouge people for money but like it's is there booze there is there alcohol there
Starting point is 00:45:57 so i can come there is a bar over there so i could come it's like a honeymoon place i could come there work out in the morning get get drunk, work out again, and just hang out. Yep. If you want. Bring my computer and get some work done. There's internet, Wi-Fi? Yeah, good Wi-Fi. Obviously, today is a bit off.
Starting point is 00:46:18 I'm streaming off my phone, but it works just fine. So we'll actually have dedicated Wi-Fi up here for more of the coworkers that want to work. There's so many transient people that live here that visit here and want to work. So that's kind of why we do it. But yeah, man, this I'm excited to launch this next week.
Starting point is 00:46:33 It should be pretty cool. And then yeah, just get people up here. How many square feet is the property? Is it, do you do hectares or acres or like the, the, just the,
Starting point is 00:46:44 I think I got to show you, I should have sent you this. I have this. Do you do hectares or acres? I think I got to show you. I should have sent you this. I have this. Is it more than an acre? Is it more than an acre? Yeah. Well, I believe so.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Let's see. I'd say there'd be. An acre is 20,000. An acre is 40,000 square feet, which is, I don't know how many. An acre is 40,000 square feet, which is, I don't know how many. I've learned meters now, but I still have the conversions got me a bit. Caleb will do it for us in one second. He'll tell us how many square meters 40,000 square feet is. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:47:19 How many rooms is the hotel? There's 12 rooms. They're like boutique rooms. We also have some villas on site or villas like offsite, maybe 500 meters away. So we have some villas as well. We're trying to get more and more because the, uh, the accommodations gone nuts.
Starting point is 00:47:33 It's like full all the time. Uh, Seve's going to leave the country. I'm thinking about it. Uh, so that's, it's, it's 3,716 square meters is one acre.
Starting point is 00:47:44 We might be. So, Oh no, that's, that's a, wait, 716 square meters is one acre. We might be. Oh, no, that's a, wait, I'm trying to think right now. Maybe close to it, yeah. I think just in like flooring, I have almost 2,000 square meters. Holy shit. Wow. Yeah. And then you add like the pool and all that.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Like it's a pretty big imprint. Maybe we're right about there, which is pretty cool. I should actually get a proper survey of that going, which would be pretty interesting. Are you glad you're doing this? Are you scaring the shit out of yourself how big you're growing this? No, man. Like I've always just kind of rolled with it. Like I think, you know, I've got that kind of wild i would say entrepreneurial mindset where i i enjoy the creation i enjoy the what's the
Starting point is 00:48:30 neck what's next what's next it's probably my adhd as well like what can i do what can i do you know i want to keep myself busy um you know sometimes like it's overwhelming you know like i had something this week where a couple key of managers that got a new job and I was like, oh, no, everything's going to blow up. And then I'm like, no, no, it's going to be all right. We've been here before. But like I went from 30 employees, local employees about two years ago to about 85. So we have 85 employees between the hotel staff, the food and beverage, the cafe. I mean, we sell a ton of food here. It's insane. We also have food like uh online so people it's
Starting point is 00:49:06 kind of like uber eats so we sell a ton of food here you know that's it's it's mental how i won't go through all the numbers but it's a lot of food let's just say so there's a a physio place there's a gym there's a hotel there's um uh the the classes like the like the fighting classes and shit like that. And then there's restaurants. And then there's a delivery service. You think there's people who eat your food who've never stepped into the hotel? Yeah, we kind of built a pretty good. This is great.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Yeah, thanks, man. We also have another cafe down towards the beach just called Wanderlust Cafe. It's a standalone place that does quite well itself. So we kind of had this idea. Well, I met a really amazing chef from Australia. He did a consultancy for us, kind of went through our food. And I just asked him, like, I don't know how to cook anything. I can cook a coffee. That's about it. And he he I just said, hey, man, I'm kind of against the seed oil thing. I like you to just cook with, you know, olive oil, coconut oil and butter and like find the freshest ingredients and do like a healthy twist. And let's try to do without calling it health food. And then he did it all and came
Starting point is 00:50:14 up with macros and people love it, man. Like the food's insane here. Like, and it's a fraction of the price, right? You can get a, like we have avocado on toast with eggs that's freshly made. We have avocado on toast with eggs. That's freshly made. I think we sell that for about $7 US, $6.50 US. It's pretty cheap. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What was that? Go back to the girl real quick.
Starting point is 00:50:37 We're going to come back to the business. I got to make sure I close it. Your friend says- Yeah, she's good. This girl, Sharni- There's this chick. You got to meet her. She's good. This girl, Sharni. There's this chick. You got to meet her.
Starting point is 00:50:47 She's single and you're single. Good job. That was fast, Caleb. Good job. And what did you think? Did you think, yeah, I've been there, done that? No, I mean, I was single. I was like trying to, you know, I obviously love to find the love of my life.
Starting point is 00:51:00 You know, you can have a lot of fun in Bali being single. You can meet people, but it's very transient. And people, after a while, you kind of like want a little something, you know, more real. And, yeah, so I messaged her on Instagram. Where did she live? She lived in Brisbane, Australia. You were hitting on a girl? Oh, God, that's, yeah, that's too far away.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Digital slide in, bro. It worked out pretty well. But, like, no, it was like, she was cool. Like, I was just like oh i really like your energy i think it's i like the vibe you had she was a she's an online pt she also does like in-person pts and she was just you know all about work business and she was just i don't know i like i like there was something about her i was really new obviously she's gorgeous too but i was just i was into it and i I messaged her. We went back and forth.
Starting point is 00:51:45 We started texting every day and videos. And I said, hey, I got to come visit you. So this was right when they lifted the restrictions in Bali for flying out and no quarantine bullshit. And so I was like, I got to come. I got like sick one day. I couldn't go there. The next week, I just got back from America. I wasn't able to go see her.
Starting point is 00:52:03 And finally, like the third try, I'm like, I'm coming to see you and she goes oh is this really going to happen so i went out there we had an amazing date um and then i went down actually down saw cara saunders and maddie other they're good friends of mine down in gold coast oh that's cool yeah i went back with went back and then had another date with her it was just like yeah this is so good and then we kind of went back and forth she flew over to bali for my birthday a month later and i'd go over to brisbane for a week or so and then come back and then uh come january i was like this is you know we we've already been seeing each other like every couple weeks like it was a lot of flying back and forth and she was already transitioning online so she goes i wouldn't mind living in bali i'm like i wouldn wouldn't mind either. Like, that would be pretty cool. And, um, yeah, man, she weren't nervous at
Starting point is 00:52:49 all. That didn't make you. Oh yeah, of course. She just, even this morning she jokes, she goes, remember that you told me you wanted me to like live in a homestay when you first moved here. So we wouldn't be too close. And I was like, yeah, I was an idiot. Um, but like once, you know, I was like, man, I don't want to spend any time away from you. I really love you. And in January, we like we kind of made it more official. And then like she moved here a month later, a month and a half later. So she's been here about five months now and we've already traveled to see the states. She met my family.
Starting point is 00:53:19 I met her family. It's it's all good, man. Like it's it's crazy. And you'll see if anyone's probably followed me for a while. They'll know that like I was always always just talking about CrossFit and travel. Now I'm just talking probably annoyingly about love and this and that stuff. But I do both. It's so obvious you're in love with her from your Instagram account.
Starting point is 00:53:34 You're so happy. Yeah, man. It's like Instagram. My Instagram is my diary. I don't really care if people like it or not. If they're into it, fine. But it's good. It's funny.
Starting point is 00:53:44 The amount of people that told me, too i'm so stoked for you like i had ex-girlfriends message me going hey man i'm really happy for you like it seems like you found the love of your life i'm like yeah thank you that's that's pretty cool yeah that is cool when you go when you come to the states um who watches the the empire yeah i got some really amazing people in place. One of my head coaches is named Sam. He's kind of like my eyes and ears, and he kind of runs all the coaches, and the coach is developing now. So he's been working with me for eight years.
Starting point is 00:54:16 He stumbled in here when I first opened. Yeah, he was a small, young English kid. Came in here, and he had nanos. I was like, oh, do you do CrossFit? You want to work out with me? And he was like, okay. And then, you know, one thing led to the other where he helped cover a couple of classes and helped me out. And then now he's like, you know, my full-time head coach. And he's a good friend of mine, obviously as well. I just gave him a small piece of the business and I want him to like really grow and thrive with us. Like, you know, I'm not,
Starting point is 00:54:41 I'm not greedy at all. I want, I want our business to grow and do amazing things for everybody, you know? And so he'll watch it. And then I have the key managers in place of all the heads of departments for food and beverage, for hotel, for recovery. It's still about a bunch of me looking and finding and fixing and cleaning and say, hey, do this, let's do this.
Starting point is 00:55:02 It's a big operation now, but I love it. It's my baby, right? Farmer fit. I'm stoked for you, Drew. Lovely. Thank you, brother. He's a legend as well. You know this guy?
Starting point is 00:55:17 Yeah, I met him years ago. I did a photo shoot in Melbourne, and he had a clothing brand, so we did a photo shoot. That was the first time I went to Australia, actually, in 2014. What's his name? Oh, now you put me on the spot. Now that I've looked at his name, Farmer Fit, for this many years. Yeah, that's how I know him, too.
Starting point is 00:55:39 That's why I was curious. I don't know his name either, but I want to know his name. He's a nice guy. He's around. Oh Oh the Fit Farmer Oh nope that's not him Good guess though Not Mike Dixon No it's not
Starting point is 00:55:52 Hey Caleb Don't lose that sight The Fit Farmer I want to have that guy on Farmer Fit Journey That kind of looks like him That's him yeah He lost so much weight
Starting point is 00:56:00 He did so good I think he was on a big challenge And he lost a ton of weight But um Why does Not Damo It's a veryian name i'll think of it sorry mate let me ask you a weird question um uh why hasn't um batroni done this at mayhem i don't know i mean i mean he's pretty his place is massive too i mean in the sense but the hotels the restaurant the pool why why hasn't he done um let me give you a stat that's
Starting point is 00:56:31 just fascinating um there was a time when uh and it may still be this way there was a time when l1 sold faster in cookville than anywhere else in the world more than paris more than la more than i mean it was the spot and i'm not talking like one month or just one year he won it's like fuck year after year and not only that but you would hear stories of people who would collect ten thousand dollars from their friends and then go three hours out of the way to swing by mayhem and buy clothes for people so you know what i mean someone dropped 10k on shirts and shit so it's a it's a it's a viable business for sure yeah i wonder why have you ever talked to him about it have you been like yo dude what's up why no hotel yeah man i mean i'll i'll suggest it to him next time i see him are you friends with him are you friends i've met him a
Starting point is 00:57:18 few times he's really really nice like uh yeah i talked to him a bit down at rogue last year because i was hanging out with Cara again. She's a good friend of mine and Maddie and her daughter and her new son. But yeah, he was super nice. He goes, oh, I have heard. I think he came to Torian a few years ago as well. And yeah, I was like, oh, I'd love to get you to Bali sometime.
Starting point is 00:57:41 He was like, oh, that'd be cool. I think he heard of Wanderlust, which I was like, oh, that's so cool. But yeah, I mean, to get you to Bali sometime. You're like, oh, that'd be cool. I think he heard of Wunderlust, which I was like, oh, that's so cool. But yeah, I mean, it's a cool business. I think Bali obviously has the tourists. People are always going to kind of come in. And so if you do want to come here, you're going to be like, oh, I'm going to go surfing.
Starting point is 00:57:56 I'm going to hike. I'm going to do this. And then I'm going to also go to Wunderlust. It's pretty cool. I'm proud of it in the sense that people want to come here and train, right? I can't think of anywhere else can you think is there anyone else doing this you know do you know dave chaffee dave chaffee i think owns a gym he owns one in paris but he also owns one what's the famous beach in in france um normandy no that's one uh not that one. What's the city?
Starting point is 00:58:27 Nice? No. The Riviera? French Riviera? Yeah. Anyway. I'm not sure. I think it...
Starting point is 00:58:37 So I've been asked many times. What's this? One piece of solid business advice. We'll come back to her. We'll come back to Ms. Rain. Go ahead. Finish what you're saying. You've been asked many times. Many times, like, can you duplicate this? One piece of solid business advice. We'll come back to her. We'll come back to Ms. Rain. Go ahead. You finished what you were saying? You've been asked many times? Many times, like, can you duplicate this? Can you open somewhere else?
Starting point is 00:58:50 We'd love to do one in Ibiza. We want to do one in Dubai. We want to do them here. I mean, I've entertained the ideas. I've tried a few different satellite kind of ideas before. We actually have a second gym in Java, which is near Jakarta, and that's kind of locals only. It's a locals only gym, but it's branded Wanderlust. We send them the programming every day. And it goes okay. It's not anything to write home about, but it's cool to see that I've impacted another part of Indonesia,
Starting point is 00:59:18 and their locals are getting something out of it. So it's really cool. It's a bit hands-off for me now. I set it up and got it going. out of it. So it's really cool. It's a bit hands off for me now. I just have, I set it up and got it going. So that's interesting in the sense that I can, you know, I thought maybe what if this goes well, I could implement these over Indonesia, just in the sense that that could really help the culture and help fitness here and health. But ideally, you know, ideally it'd be cool to set up a big one like this in another country you know surrounded by a hub of
Starting point is 00:59:47 hotels or rooms or this and it creates this kind of culture or village you never know things are going that way right people are going less and less into they want they want to make their own food they want to make their own health they want to do these things they want to live off the grid you never know it could go somewhere pretty interesting in the few years. So I'm always open to ideas. So if anyone's got them, send them on to me. It's kind of a fun thing to do. I've had a lot of failures too. And I've a lot of good, some good hits. You know, I've had many businesses over the last few years that I thought would be good. I implemented, put some money in and didn't go, you know, and then, you know, COVID hits. I'm still digging out of a hole for that. But, you know, the most part, I mean, I'm getting into this kind of, you know, in my head, I'm 45 and I still got more years ahead of me.
Starting point is 01:00:31 I want to try some new things. I want to try some new businesses and ideas. But I'm also super happy where I'm at. I'm very lucky and blessed, too. Karina Rain, could you, Dave, give us one piece of solid business advice? Hmm. Should I go first? Yeah, I'm not going. You go, it's your show. Um, I don't know. I mean, lately I've been having these chats with my employees and other people about giving a shit, which sounds so basic and real, but like, honestly, if you have a business
Starting point is 01:01:01 that you're interested in and you like, this is what Alan Watts said back in the 60s or 70s. He said, you become a master of what you love and eventually you can start to sell that to people or you become a master of your sport. And people relish in that and they want to learn from you because you are the best. And then you can start a fee for that and charge for that. So like loving what you do is very important to business. Being passionate about it. Also doing it because you're doing it. You love it, not because you're just trying to turn a buck. I think that's kind of how for me worked very well. And I still hold that truth to myself. Like, you know, I'm in the CrossFit. I like CrossFit. It changed my life. I
Starting point is 01:01:40 want to fix other people. Okay, cool. There's eight people here. Oh, man, there's 20 people here. Okay, I can raise the prices a little bit. I can do this. And then I've never stopped, even with all the expansion here. And the back of the day, people go, Oh, why are you expanding? You don't need to do an open gym. I'm like, well, I think it would be cool to have a proper open gym for people that don't want to do classes, and we're getting bigger. Okay, and it worked. And then I opened again, it got bigger and got bigger. so it's kind of one of those chicken and the egg scenarios you got to kind of foresee it but i did it because i wanted to give the customer something better how do i make their experience better and i think giving a shit goes a long way and a lot of people get stuck up in the numbers and crunching it obviously you have
Starting point is 01:02:19 to make enough to to make a business work but in the in the crossfit gyms and you know gym business it's not it's not easy anyway especially in the states and other places with rents and that kind of stuff and most of the crossfit owners and gyms do it because they have a passion for it you know their work of the morning shift and the night shift you know i think here's a bit of an anomaly when i have this many employees and we can share shifts and move back and forth and not to say that i'm still here pretty much every day eight hours a day um but that's because i like it i'm having fun i'm creating new things so yeah i think giving a shit and like you know listening to your listen to your client listen to the consumer and and trying to make their experience the best possible in the gym sense um i remember in the
Starting point is 01:03:01 early years watching dave as he would build the CrossFit games. And just to use one example, he would never let the judges or the volunteers just walk out onto the field. It was never like, okay, move those weights over there because they could have done that. It was like it had to look good. He gave a shit even though like half the audience was gone and people were getting hot dogs and taking a shit and like whatever. Moving to the next venue. He still cared l everyone marched out everyone marched off everything went in a single file it needed to look good when even in the back where the weights are stacked it needed to be perfect when i watched like him and katie and bill walk around the venue like they give a shit like um there's a stairwell this year where the athletes walk up right no one's
Starting point is 01:03:44 gonna see it and the walls were dirty and dave goes either clean the walls or have them repainted he told the venue that i don't want the athletes going through and they repainted the walls for him wow yeah because like you know what i mean like you like give a shit like give a shit it's crazy that doesn't come um that doesn't come easy you said something like you have to like uh what it comes with doing with what you love i think is what you said and so it's kind of weird you kind of can't fake giving a shit no you can't and yeah yeah you can't you know even if you fake it till you make it they say kind of thing but like as an owner and operator like i i find this is
Starting point is 01:04:23 i've told this to people, I'm probably ADHD or anal about every thing. I'm very meticulous on the paint like that as well. Probably similar to Dave. And I, it's because it's a reflection of me too. And my, and what I do, like I want someone to come in here and go, wow, that place is very well put together. And you know, the barbells are stacked nicely and they're clean. And you know, every morning is the same and it feels good to come in there because i used to be a member of the different gym right you go in and you want to feel like it's that's your best part of the day it's a lot of people's best part of the day that's all they got um and and also if someone would be like well that that session was okay then i'm like oh that i'm not a good human i did not do the best to give
Starting point is 01:05:04 them the best experience so like you're right it is. It is like, I'm, I'm pretty meticulous about that. Like we're always cleaning, painting, changing stuff, making sure like we have a pretty, I let the coaches like on the coaching side, I let them do a warmup. I let them, I don't write the warmup because I still do all the programming. So I don't, I don't do, I don't specify unless it's a specific, specific thing. Like I want you to do the Bergener warmup. I want you all the programming. I don't specify unless it's a specific thing like, I want you to do the Berkner warm-up. I want you to do this. I'll let them do their own version of it, but we do have
Starting point is 01:05:31 protocols. There's certain ways we're going to be doing it. We do definitely a brief in the morning. We explain the workout. We ask an introduction. I'm Dave. This is Sam. This is Holly. We're going to be your coaches today. Some gyms don't do that.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Can you fucking believe that? Some gyms, the coaches don't introduce themselves. It's atrocious. I've been to many gyms now, and I, yeah, it's sad. Doctors don't introduce themselves. You ever go to a doctor? He's like. Wherever you're going,
Starting point is 01:06:00 you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy a room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of american express visit slash ymx benefits vary by card terms apply like i've never been to a doctor's
Starting point is 01:06:31 visit where like they shake my hand i'm always like hi i'm seven and like i gotta fucking put my hand out like motherfucker you're about to stick your finger in my ass yeah true how about hi how are you a little eye contact a little just like basic stability yeah crazy sorry i just so many people don't do that just a fucking high just in general man everyone's eyes are down now i agree yeah so i think that goes along and uh you know we started this thing about three months ago we're because the classes are so big on the way in we kind of have the there's the waiting area and there's you's 40 people waiting. So they don't just come in at 9 a.m.
Starting point is 01:07:08 At 9 a.m., the coach goes over, opens up the kind of barrier, and on the way in, we fist bump every single person. We're like, hey, good morning, good morning, good morning. How are you? Good to see you. Bienvenidos. Welcome. You know, like all these things, we just kind of have a little fun with it. Inclusive. Bienvenidos. Inclusive. What was that?
Starting point is 01:07:26 Bienvenidos. Inclusive. Exactly. yeah yeah i try to do it i go guten morgan i try to do all my things i can remember but that's gone a huge that's gone a huge thing for us like and people like that was so cool you just fist bumped at 110 people on the way you know and it was like they feel automatically connected to you and the coach even if they're brand new and some of them are scared to death they're like wow i just learned that you know not all gyms can adopt that but even at the end i told the coaches at the end when they're all on the ground dying you've got to walk up to them you fist them good job man thanks a lot you know we're the gym that's known for fisting uh and this sounds like a super spreader event fisting everyone more bacteria the better so
Starting point is 01:08:07 you go from basically a one room gym to expanding your gym in size you're kind of living some sort of weird affiliate dream right I mean this is like this is the ultimate I know there's people who are going to hear this and be like oh shit i want to
Starting point is 01:08:26 do this and you know and some people are like look at ken walters is like yo dude savvy cook feels a swamp it's not an aqua blue ocean yeah okay i i hear you i i stand corrected um what is there is there an um end to this like how much how much uh like are you looking across the street and being like, I'm going to eat you? Like you're going to get that building across there? Yeah, I mean I did that here. I've taken all the space we can.
Starting point is 01:08:53 There is some rice fields behind us, you know, probably a good 10,000 square – how would it be, 100 square meters? I can't remember, 1,000 square meters or so. I could take that over. We're probably going to do that, let's say, in the near future. We'd like to. I'd want to add on top of my offices behind us, I want to add, like I said, the barbershop, tattoo shop, whole food store. Above that's going to be a Pilates slash pole slash yoga kind of studio. And sky's the limit on that. I also would like to build like a 30 person hotel,
Starting point is 01:09:26 a 30 room hotel next next door, because like, because we have this kind of community here that stays all day long. If you have 3040 people staying, there's always going to be someone to talk to, there's always something to do, have a chat, have a lunch, have a dinner. And it just creates this like hub, you know, I've seen people sitting here after classes, even before we had the hotel, and I saw a business being made, you know, they, they interacted, Oh, where are you from? What do you do? Okay, cool. Let's go grab a beer. I'll have this idea. And that's even cooler to me, because we're, you know, my, my tagline is building better humans. So I'm like, Oh, how can we do that on all levels? You know, if people are coming up here in this working space, and get to meet and talk and advance their ideas you know it only helps me but it also helps them
Starting point is 01:10:10 and it's a i don't know sky's the limit right i'm not stopping until i need to stop i'm still enjoying this i'm still enjoying creating spaces if i had more money i've had all the money in the world i'd be all i'd be doing is expanding and doing more stuff like i didn't open this to make money i opened this to create like a life for me and i i was like super happy i'm like oh man i remember the first time i got my little paycheck it was like two grand i was like i can live in bali and i can have a beer at the beach and i can eat some food i'm styling man this is cool yeah and i didn't have to stress about you know maybe i was stressed in my last life or i didn't add stuff i was like you know now i'm actually more stressed probably because i have all these people to make sure we're okay but it's a good kind of it's a good kind of feeling
Starting point is 01:10:53 um yeah a lot of people depend on you what's the community think about you do they like you for all the job opportunities and the people you're bringing there yeah yeah i think so i mean we we're all above board here too we pay taxes we do everything right and we employ a lot of the local that live in the area you know even last last night i had meetings with um some of my head managers on how do we you know i want to be now that we have 85 employees how do we make them more appreciative how do they love their job more you know even like recently i i had changed all their shirts they used to say staff and now i have them say crew and i say crew serving instead of building better humans serving better humans and i you know i think crew is a little bit more inclusive it makes them feel like we're all on this team together as opposed to staff you know yeah yeah i like it yeah and i
Starting point is 01:11:40 think i never thought about that until recently someone kind of suggested i'm like that's an amazing idea i'll take that for, that's an amazing idea. I'll take that for sure. That's a great idea. Crews, a team, staff, it's like go pick up the trash. Right. Yeah. And this is, you know, some of the job isn't the most glamorous
Starting point is 01:11:53 if they're mopping the floor or serving food. But, like, I want them to feel like they're part of this family. So I'm really working on kind of regaining a little bit of that. I think as we expand so quickly, maybe I didn't see as much and I want to make sure that, so I sat with each staff head and said, like, how do we, how are your employees? Are they happy? Are they whatnot? So I'm learning to manage a larger team right now. You know, this was all off my back in the beginning and now I'm trying to figure out how to do it better, you know? When, when, when, I don't even know what to call it anymore but when all the world
Starting point is 01:12:29 governments were like hey you got to shut down what happened in bali i'm assuming you were there and you basically got stuck there but you were okay with it it wasn't like being stuck there you're like okay i'm home yeah so it wasn't it wasn't bad um i actually was stuck in australia you think people had oh you were away from your gym yeah so oh that must have been horrible why didn't you take a boat there or something you couldn't get you couldn't escape it wasn't a way no it was so it was that uncertainty right it was march 2020 when it all kind of started falling apart i was visiting cara saunders and maddie and little scotty at the time and um you we, I'd stayed with them many times before. And, you know, I was like this, all this COVID shit's happening. We're like,
Starting point is 01:13:10 what's going on? What's going on? Sorry. If I said that, I hope it doesn't ruin any algorithms. It's set on every show. Okay, cool. So it was funny. Like, you know, I called over here and I was like talking about one of my business partners. He's not really as hands-on, but, um, he was here. He goes, Oh, it should be fine. Like things are a bit weird. let's just wait a week or two to see what happens and then of course they shut all the flights down so they didn't have flights for almost three and
Starting point is 01:13:33 a half months and then once the first flight opened up i flew back to australia so i was managing it from afar at least for the coaching programming but you lost 2700 at 900 visitors a month you lost 2,700 at 900 visitors a month, you lost 2,700 visitors if there were no flights coming in. Yeah, it was pretty bad. It was dismal for a minute there. We got down where we had maybe 50 people
Starting point is 01:13:56 coming in a day and it would be like we were used to... So they didn't shut you down? They didn't shut you down? They did only for about 10 days, 2 weeks two weeks wow is that because they're muslim do you hear the prayer bells like three times a day or whatever like like like you hear you know like that's what's good and bad here like well uh not good and bad but like uh bali is the state that's primarily hindu so back in the day i don't know the full history but the indonesia is a muslim country
Starting point is 01:14:25 right right in bali that i'd say 85 percent of people are hindu uh there'd be some muslims here now because all the travel and whatnot but um so we don't have we don't have all the mosques like you would have in jakarta so that's the only part before and it's very there's always the prayers so it's it's quite loud all the time. Yeah, when I was in Jakarta, I remember my hotel room had an arrow on the ceiling telling me which way to bow. I was like, oh, that's a fucking commitment. Towards Mecca or whatever, right? Yeah. People in the States were wearing masks while they were having sex.
Starting point is 01:14:59 You're telling me you were only closed down for like— Ten days. Wow, what a great country. Yeah, we had to close they they gave i mean we were pretty good with the government there i mean we applied as much are we we complied as much as we could or as much as we had to um and you know we had to have some squares and x's on the tables because that helps and then you have you know but there's a thousand there's a thousand square meters of space if you everyone could have had their own little room, and they'd be fine.
Starting point is 01:15:27 There's so much room anyway. And we just kind of said, hey, guys, wipe your barbells down after and keep it clean. We said, if you don't want to come to the gym, it's okay. You don't have to come to the gym, but we're open. We're here. We're going to be teaching. And Bali didn't get hit too hard. I think Indonesia lost 50,000 people, 60 people 60 000 people not a lot in the grand
Starting point is 01:15:46 scheme of 280 and i'm not belittling anyone's death of course but we know the the math and we know how this works anyway with what we don't really know the numbers because the flu disappeared that year and on the entire planet which is weird yeah that's the funny one right yeah so it wasn't too bad i think the year later or when there was the second variant or whatever we shut down for 10 days uh and even just 10 days that's quite costly but even through the 18 months we were open through covid we were uh we were hemorrhaging so my pockets got very very very very done they were done at the very end so i luckily i had about my runway ended about two months before i had to borrow a couple bucks from my father just to kind of get it up.
Starting point is 01:16:27 It was a worthwhile... How was that? Was that weird? Is a grown man borrowing money from your father? Are you cool with that? Yeah. It's humbling. Obviously, I haven't done that since I was 18 years old. I've always been very independent. It wasn't a lot. It wasn't a not lot. But I...
Starting point is 01:16:43 It's funny. Thank God your dad's not a drunk passed out somewhere in Portland It wasn't a lot. It wasn't a lot, but I, I, uh, yeah, I, it's funny. But thank God your dad's not a drunk passed out somewhere in Portland, uh, taking fentanyl. Exactly. Exactly. So yeah. Still being a dad, still being a dad. I mean, I lived at home until I was 34 when my mom finally kicked me out for the last time. I mean like, I get it. Yeah. I mean, you gotta be, I'm gonna, and I'm gonna try to do the same to my kids. I'm going to always like,
Starting point is 01:17:04 I'm going to raise my kid till I die. There there you go try to be there for him yeah that's as you should that's so cool that's really cool that's what i want to do too i'm excited to have some little ones here and there oh you got you're very inspiring with your your sons i was told recently that i'm a uh a know-it-all-all and I think my way is the only way. And my response was yes. Correct. I've been told you're very opinionated. I'm like, yes, I am.
Starting point is 01:17:35 That is correct. I mean, what are you if you don't have an opinion? It's even worse if you can just go along with the punches, which we saw half the world do a few years ago. You and I had many chats back during that. It was quite fun. Yes. Just silly, you know, so silly. But it was a good time in life.
Starting point is 01:17:54 I think it opened up my brain and eyes to a lot of things. Me too, sir. Me too. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Expedited my awakening. If I was coming out of a cocoon slowly, it ripped the whole cocoon off and I had to fly away. I hear you, man. Yep. Expedited my my awakening. If I if I was coming out of a cocoon slowly, slowly, it ripped the whole cocoon off and I had to fly away.
Starting point is 01:18:08 I hear you, man. Same. And it was good. Like you had to take a time and like look into some of these things that were miss misspoken or missaid or, you know, propaganda stuff. And you're like, wow, OK, I didn't realize that, you know, so my my ideology is changing a lot of things. you know so my my ideology is changing a lot of things not that it was always and i'd say i'm you know as you get older everyone goes a little bit more conservative values you know growing up you want to you're young and you want to break into a pool and do all these crazy things and you know um but like you know i'm kind of in the middle of the road but like it's just there's just two extremes now on on right and left you know it's crazy so um i just want to be a good person get it you know get people moving get people healthy and you know i i bounce off a bunch on instagram every once in a while i think that's
Starting point is 01:18:50 why it doesn't move as much as it used to but also the algorithms all change now right like it doesn't seem to help people that are already 100k it looks like i just literally stay i'll have a real go to 80 000 people and then 100K. It doesn't stay. My followers go up or down 100 or 200 a day. It doesn't make sense. I've been watching Josh and Dave have basically been at the same amount of followers for five years, I feel like. Really? Yeah. You know they took my account during that. i had an account with like 80 or 90 000 yeah and they they yanked my account yeah sucked yeah but i wasn't making money on it i
Starting point is 01:19:31 was just fucking rattling cages with it but it was still fun yeah sometimes i hold my breath i don't know i've done so many if you if anyone watches as it goes back and googles me there's a hilarious a bunch of hilarious things I've done. What's his name? There was a guy. I remember Armin. Armin? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:51 That was my first celebrity. He did a thing back in the day about me. He goes, famous CrossFitter desecrates a Jewish memorial. So no offense. I did not. If you Google me, it's bad, man. Like I, I was in Germany. Okay. This was 2015. Oh, you did a handstand at the Holocaust museum or something. Hey, blame CrossFit gymnastics. No, that was you. That's awesome, dude. Wow. I didn't know he was,
Starting point is 01:20:21 was he serious or was he joking? No, I think he was just like having a little fun because it was he would just do those talking points. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But it went viral, man. I had like all these people fucking hating me. And then a lot of people were like, Dave's a CrossFitter. Like he's just he was in Iceland doing handstands. He was there. He's not like a dick. You know, he's a nice guy. He helps people. But man, it was funny. And there was even in Orange County ktla was like dave driscoll does a handstand on jewish memorial and i'm like good god my parents are texting me and you know but i nailed that handstand it was a really good handstand but it was like you know
Starting point is 01:20:54 my own fault for not looking into like it was a big park right it's like a square mile park or something and they only had some entrance signs here and there you could just enter at any time and there's people snacking and kids are jumping on all these little pillars and having lunches there. It's kind of like a park. And I was like, this is beautiful. And I went to this rad handstand, posted it, walked away. Six hours later, I'm at the airport, turn my phone on. It's like, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. And I'm like, that doesn't seem normal. And yeah, I wrote a, I was flying to Sweden that night. I wrote an apology on the plane going, look, yeah, I wrote a, I was flying to Sweden that night. I wrote an apology on the plane going, look, you know, like I have Hebrew tattooed on my
Starting point is 01:21:30 leg and my best friend growing up were Jewish. Like I wasn't, I didn't know that. That was a handful of Jewish girls. I used, I used a condom with, I used a condom with all the Jewish girls. My penis is kosher. My penis is kosher. Yeah. One of those things I've been in the media a few times i
Starting point is 01:21:46 think before that the last one was i was tanning a lot naked during covid probably in some article in australia wrote a scathing uh famous crossfit athlete tells his fans to sun his balls you know sun their balls and i'm like yeah i did say that should. It wouldn't hurt. Why keep paying the affiliate fees? What does it bring to your business? What value do you get by paying those? Well, I used to get a bloody Christmas card. I don't even know if they send that anymore, do they? I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:22:19 I don't know. I mean, like, for me, obviously, financially, the the three thousand dollars isn't going to crush it. I also like being part of the club. I'm a CrossFitter. I got into it. You know, it changed my life. I like I like being part of that club. I don't know. I mean, I why not? I didn't care about, you know, the drama that happened a few years. I mean, CrossFit as a methodology is incredible. You know, I know some people got upset with Greg, what he said, or some things were misconstrued. I said that I wrote a statement that doesn't define what CrossFit is.
Starting point is 01:22:53 That doesn't define what one of those fitness villages. We are here to teach people fitness. You know, like how many times has the CEO of Sony or another big corporation probably done something awful. Of course, nowadays, everyone's trying to boycott everything, but man, the amount of things we say or whatnot. I don't even mean for that reason.
Starting point is 01:23:15 What do you get from it? Does it help your Google search? You said you like to be part of the club. When you say you like to be part of the club, it's kind of like a tithing. What you give to the church or or like you want to support the mothership just so that like it kind of keeps us all connected as one like it would suck if hq went away and like every gym just all of a sudden had its own name right yeah i agree i mean that was the beauty of it i was like this is cool you can be part of this club for three grand a year and they'll fly your flag for you to an extent.
Starting point is 01:23:48 You're on the affiliate finder and you get a little open poster every year or used to and a Christmas card. And that was that was it. You know, like you can use the word, you can use the name, this like coveted CrossFit Wanderlust. I don't mind. I thought it was cool. I didn't sign up and give them three grand a year to get help. I knew that we weren't going to do much for three grand. It's cheaper than a franchise if you're going to do that route.
Starting point is 01:24:17 I think it's cool to be part of it. Why not? I don't have any problem with it. I did speak to... i met the i met don last year he seemed real nice the new guy yeah oh yeah yeah yeah he's cool he's very nice i yeah i i think he's very nice yeah he's a gentleman and i'm sorry i missed you at the games i uh i was out there this year i actually saw you and andrew in the car and we were next to you and I tried to roll the window down in time to yell out your name. I got sick. I think I got
Starting point is 01:24:49 some kind of flu-y disease while I was at the games. I was out for a few days. I didn't get to really hang out too much. You went out there just for the games? Yeah. I brought Sharni out there. She's not even a CrossFitter yet. She's new at it, but she was having a good time.
Starting point is 01:25:05 We did a couple workouts out there and watched all the games. It was fun. I would like to sleep with your owner. Who? What? Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:25:20 I'm sending your... Oh, sorry. You can't even see. I thought you could see this. I'm on the affiliate map and I typed in CrossFit Wanderlust and now I'm filling out the contact form it says I'm interested in I put other then I put my name great there's my phone number great
Starting point is 01:25:36 my phone number just went out to the world and then I'm going to email you and I put a note i would like to sleep with your owner dave let's do it hopefully it gets forwarded to me yeah how do i how do i oh i got a fake number in shit i'm just putting my number in fine i just put i just had to see it okay funny it says okay what does it say level seven years our seventh year ends in like a month no yeah you have an L4 at your gym is what it says
Starting point is 01:26:15 is it oh wait I don't know what oh wait shows the CrossFit credentials of the gym higher level coaches three and four have spent thousands of hours training people check the courses Oh, wait. I don't know what. Oh, wait. Shows the CrossFit credentials of the gym. Higher level coaches, three and four, have spent thousands of hours training people. Check the courses. I can't tell if this means you have zero or if you have.
Starting point is 01:26:34 I'll take it. I mean, I have a level two that's expired. They're going to get on me for that, aren't they? I need to get that redone. They were cool about it. I said, look, we live in Bali. My thing expires during COVID. There's no way I can fly anywhere to get a level two. I've been doing this for 10 years.
Starting point is 01:26:49 And they're like, no worries. Yeah, just get it done this year. I'm like, okay. So I got to get that done. I'll fly somewhere fun and get it done. Sevan is a retard. That word went over pretty well a few weeks ago, right? I had Lauren here.
Starting point is 01:27:07 You know, Lauren Fisher was here during all that. She's great. I like her. She's great. Her and Rasmus, they're good people. Oh, yeah. Rasmus is amazing, huh? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:16 Yeah, they've been out here a few times. This time when they stuck around a bit, me and Rasmus just talked for hours. He's so cool. He's like, tell me about this, and how did you start it, and what do you do with pillows, and how do we do this? Because I'm hoping they come out and stay with us for a bit. They're pretty cool people.
Starting point is 01:27:30 Hey, is Cara Saunders, or what's her last name? Yeah, Saunders now. Is she going to compete again? Oh, I don't know. I mean, I won't speak for her. Oh, come on, dude. Oh, come on. What do you think?
Starting point is 01:27:46 Why wouldn't I? She's a born and bred athlete right she's just so good at it i think um she would want to i mean i think she's like obviously taking her her family as a priority which is so cool but she did it last time with scotty she came back and like demolished you know yeah so i would love to see the comeback you know she's so fun to to watch she's a good she's a good human we uh obviously got real close i lived there for four months i kept bringing them bottles of wine i'm just like hey i'm staying one more week here's two bottles of wine one more week here's three hundred dollars here's four like let's like and i'm your roommate now um but they're lovely so like when charny and i go to australia like they don't mind if we stay with them we go down to gold coast um and and
Starting point is 01:28:24 they're lovely so it's fun and they just have their their son i don't mind if we stay with them. We go down to Gold Coast and they're lovely. So it's fun. And they just had their their son. I don't know if you watched their vlog, but Maddie did a vlog of her entire birth. Like she's like on the table, you know, having a baby fall out and he catches it. Cool. It's crazy. Did they do it at home? Yeah. Yeah. I think they were planning on all the home stuff and then maybe go to the hospital. But like it was coming off so quick and the baby just dropped on out. It's I was crying. I don't know because I know her and I love them very much. They're dear to me.
Starting point is 01:28:54 But they were like it was she's like screaming. I've never seen, I guess, a live birth. And like she's like, you know, moaning and pushing and waiting. And like, it's cute, man. It's really cute. And yeah. Wow. Wow. Full set. Wow. look at maddie down there maddie's like catch and receive buddy yeah yeah it was
Starting point is 01:29:13 beautiful though i was like crying man it's i think everyone should watch it and then my girlfriend was like i'm terrified now i'm like no no no it's gonna be amazing wow that's incredible right there when did that come out i think uh last week or something yeah or did it when did the baby come out or when did the vlog come out the vlog yeah um i think oh send me that link send that link to the chat caleb i'm bringing that up on the crossfit games update show this week holy shit it's good man it's real good wow it's like it's beautiful the way he edited it like i was like crying at the end i'm like and you feel like you're like on a roller coaster the whole time
Starting point is 01:29:48 and then the baby's there you're like yeah it's it's full on man so um what's what's next for you uh in terms of you said you're gonna get the rice field uh across the street possibly what would you build there more rooms i think more rooms you know, like, like I said, I want to have the kind of like stretch area of mobility, like a yoga, maybe a proper like reformer Pilates studio. And then we're also adding like a bodybuilding style gym as well. So inside one of the units, it's about 700 square meters. We could,
Starting point is 01:30:21 we want to add like a full on air air-conditioned like bodybuilding gym with all the you know weights and then that'll kind of it connects to the crossfit room so you'll be looking in through the window at the crossfitters crossfitters will be looking at the bodybuilders and then there can be that overlap my goal was always to like bring that kind of aspect in and then they'll be fundamentally wanting to try maybe some crossfit after doing it and i'll be the crossfitters can do the accessory work in the bodybuilding area um obviously that kind of genre has become a bit cool again right a lot of people are going to gyms and just doing bodybuilding or accessories so why not have that there's a lot of gyms open
Starting point is 01:30:59 in bali a lot of open since i've opened and there's like fierce competition sort of but we're still just fine like I think we have kind of the the forefront of this and we have the community that's the one thing I hear all your vibes are amazing here like the community is good it's always just like feel like there's energy people want to hang out here and train because there's just a lot of people doing cool shit right so I think we're okay in there I've never really been worried about it but it's funny it seems like everyone under the sun is opening a gym here hey dude it's great meeting you uh thank you what time is it there uh it's 11 a.m here in bali awesome uh 8 p.m here 8 p.m 8 p.m here oh wow i've kept you up late, haven't I? No. Well, I've got a long night ahead of me.
Starting point is 01:31:47 When's the next time you come to the States? Do you know? Yeah, December 21st. So I'll be out there for Christmas. To Orange County? Yep. Yeah. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:31:57 We've got a house up in the – Charny is Australian, so she's never been in a white Christmas. She's never been cold, you know, and for Christmas time. So we got a house up in the mountains up in Big Bear. Oh, sweet. Yeah, my whole family, my sisters, my mom, my dad, all the nieces and nephews. So we rented a big old place. And I'm going to take them up there and maybe go snowboarding, hang out. And just like, yeah, I haven't also, I haven't been in the mountain, in the snow in ages, man.
Starting point is 01:32:23 So I've always just been hot and sweaty. So that'd be kind of fun. And then we might jump over to, like, New York. She's never been to New York. And then maybe Mexico. And maybe we'll pop up to Santa Cruz, hang out with you. That would be awesome. You're more than welcome.
Starting point is 01:32:37 We almost drove up there last time, but she went roller skating, broke her elbow. So we had to fly back to Australia for surgery. Them's the breaks, right? Yeah, and sometime in December, I will be down there. I'm going to hang out with Sarah for a couple weeks in Newport. Oh, yeah. Yeah, so I'll be coming down there with my family. I think we were going to try to have lunch a few times ago, but it just didn't work out.
Starting point is 01:33:00 I had to go or something. But I'd love to connect, man. It's been really cool to finally have a good conversation, good chat. know i talked the whole time but you know that's the way it should be and i feel like i know you anyway beforehand it's weird i didn't even have to prepare for this podcast i just felt like i know you and i'm usually stressed out and i wasn't stressed out at all it's a late night podcast i just walked in from my kids doing jujitsu and i was like oh cool i'm gonna get to meet dave this is cool oh that's cool man yeah yeah yeah the only last thing i'll plug if you want please please what i am doing is like i do retreats as well we have the on-site hotel here but we also do retreat packages where people
Starting point is 01:33:34 were like it used to be just people asking hey what do i do what should i go and i'm like well i guess i could charge for this so but we it's very reasonable we have you know people come in for a eight-day adventure and we have have hiking, surfing, the CrossFit training. We do like a pool workout. We do pool wads. We do yoga at the sunset, at the beach, all these kind of things. So that's just called Wanderlust Fitness Retreats. Everything is called Wanderlust.
Starting point is 01:33:58 It's very easy to find it. But, yeah, we do that. And amongst a bunch of other things, I've kind of launched a clothing line with that stuff too that's working on it, mostly like knee sleeves and accessories. It's it's it's kind of cool to see how many people want to wear this little Wanderlust insignia. So I'm stoked that people want to buy that little piece of memorabilia and take it home. But other than that, you know, I won't plug anything else, really. you know i won't plug anything else really hey um if um if you ever uh want to just come on for um 10 or 15 minutes be like we have a new retreat coming up or we've released i'm always open to
Starting point is 01:34:37 like that's what i want to do that like like i want to be this portal for like i just went and hung out with ath All Day Saturday up north. She did a Scaled Nation large bodies seminar, and I just went up there and filmed and hung out and I helped her promote it ahead of time. And so like anyone who's like in the space who has stuff that – I want to be that. Tell me about it. I want people to be like, oh, yeah, shit. I saw on the Sebon podcast there's a retreat coming up. Or hey, you got this new knee sleeve that's from – you're always welcome on the show.
Starting point is 01:35:08 We can shoot the shit or whatever. Yeah, any bullshit you want to chop it up with. It doesn't – we do shows three or four times a week that are just like 10 or 15 minutes with different people. You're always welcome. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, reach out to me. I'll take you up on that. That would be a fun way to do it.
Starting point is 01:35:23 And it's fun to have this kind of of chat i like being a part of this i might try to like everyone's telling me i should do a podcast or some kind of thing and um it's more like the back-end support i don't know if i have yet to do that or maybe if i get someone to edit and do all the things um because i love go live go live if you do it yeah like this yeah yeah this is live as soon as i'm done with you as soon as you hang up i'm done oh yeah like this yeah yeah this is live as soon as i'm done with you as soon as you hang up i'm done oh yeah like this shit's on youtube right now yeah it's good okay cool all right good yeah yeah that'd be all that anything it's crazy and do you do like if what if you have two people in a studio you just put it like this um like so if you if you had someone
Starting point is 01:36:01 else there in your facility that you wanted to do with it, you could get a box where you hook up two mics or, and hook it up to your computer, or they could just be on a computer, uh, in a, in a room next to you. Or if you get headsets, you guys can be in the same room. Yeah. But it's so easy. Like when we went to the games, we just, everyone went to their room and we did podcasts from our hotel rooms. And even though, yeah, it was dope. Oh, cool. We tore shit up.
Starting point is 01:36:24 Yeah. Yeah. It'd be fun because we get so many people in here and everyone's like man there's so many cool stories you could do and i'm like everyone does a podcast obviously but i was like oh that could be kind of fun it just creates more into this one or less ecosystem that a lot of people are actually quite interested in so and maybe next time i'll interview you on my podcast i'd love to do that and i don't and i don't say that lightly because I don't like that. I really appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:36:46 I respect you as well, man. I, I love what you say. And I like just that you're very real. You're like me. I don't really give a shit. I care.
Starting point is 01:36:56 I care about so much stuff, but I also, I think it's important that we, you know, you have your opinion and it won't change, you know, because that's, that's what we need.
Starting point is 01:37:04 There's enough soft people here in this world that we need more people to out to say more, I guess. Wait till you have kids, dude. You're going to become fucking 100 times more opinionated. Sevan, stop kissing ass. Why? I'm so good at it. Why?
Starting point is 01:37:20 Why? That's nice. Well, we can both kiss some ass, but for sure. Let's hang out. I'll hit Yeah, when I'm back, let's hang out. I'll hit you up when I'm in California. I might come out in November. I'm not sure if I make the Rogue thing and I go in there and watch them and then jump over to California for a bit. But I don't know.
Starting point is 01:37:36 I'm pretty busy with some stuff. So we'll see. I'm going to Brisbane tomorrow. I'm there for a week. Oh, wow. It's amazing how much you get to get out while you still have to manage the empire it's crazy yeah every time i feel stressed out knowing now that you're going to brisbane tomorrow i'm like oh that stressed me out yeah i mean i got a good
Starting point is 01:37:55 team in place man i gotta say i gotta say thank you to them because they they allow it to still happen and i set up those things you know the first three and a half years i didn't leave bali i mean i left for a minute but i didn't go to, I didn't have a Christmas with my family for almost four years. So I put in the hard yards, you know, it was just me coaching every class, managing, hiring, everything. And now the point, like I, I only coach three to five hours a week, you know, so I'm, if that's because I want to coach and I want to be involved, I still want to, you know, be part of the community. I don't want to, I've never been the guy that would just like hey i'll stand back and you know count money or whatever like i want to be involved because this is my name it's my business it's my everything it's my brainchild so i still like i said i program every week i have someone else program
Starting point is 01:38:39 the weightlifting i have someone else program the booty builder class but i program the crossfit stuff and i've been doing that since we've opened you know hq needs to do a retreat there yeah man i think we we had we had like crossfit gymnastics we've had crossfit weightlifting um you know i talked to uh dave about it like he he knew about us which is super cool i gotta get out there one day i'm like man we should do an open announcement back in the day when they're doing open announcements i'm like how good would it be here like we did so many australians come over here we'd have 150 people standing around watching you know uh i think it was like logistics and you know making sure wi-fi and media and all that would
Starting point is 01:39:16 be good enough but nowadays you could almost do anything so we'll put that in the back thought for for them yeah but it'd be good to get CrossFit to come see this or the stories. They used to do the stories. I mean, maybe it was you doing them all. Like those exposés on these life-changing gyms and stuff. Like this is one of those, and I'm proud about that. Not to keep going on and on, but like at the end of the day, we're still an affiliate that's here to change people's health and their mind.
Starting point is 01:39:41 And I hold very, very true to that. You know, like and if we can do that then I'm stoked like it's the first job I've had that that I'm helping I guess I used to be a bartender that kind of helps people but kind of also doesn't help people but this is like my everything it's cool man and if I can lean on a little
Starting point is 01:39:58 something that helps people better than themselves I'm fucking stoked yeah Dave Driscoll thanks brother uh i look forward to our next encounter for sure and uh thanks for everyone that's actually watching this and gives a shit keep giving a shit absolutely all right dude have a good day safe travel tomorrow bye-bye all right bye takeaway number one open gym in bali takeaway number two get hot chick
Starting point is 01:40:28 takeaway number three give a shit give a shit oh yeah i forgot about that dude i can't believe how why does yours sound so good and uh john young sounds like ass i feel like he doesn't have his plugged in all the way he He doesn't something's not right with his he's not even he's not even using his dude No, I think I'm pretty sure I've heard Come through his laptop, so Yeah, it's fucking unacceptable we you Fuck where it wonder if he's awake
Starting point is 01:41:01 John young are you awake John are you awake do you have the password for Dale King's movie yeah okay I have it too I'm gonna watch it now tonight I still have to it's 8 10 I still have to work out and watch a fucking hour and a half movie
Starting point is 01:41:22 before tomorrow it's a really good movie. You'll like it. Okay. I watched the first 10 minutes. It's good shit. Oh, what is this? I'm so excited for this. October 28th, San Jose, San Francisco. We are going to... Oh, this is Karin with... Oh. Karin Thompson.
Starting point is 01:41:52 Can I play this on my podcast? Can I do this? Hey, it seems like he's living a pretty good dream. Like, the dream yeah i people who like our family would go visit bali or like indonesia in general and just doesn't seem like a real place i mean they say that about their experience there doesn't seem like it's real to you it doesn't seem real to me like when they explain it to me your nose looks crazy with those glasses on let me see you turn to the side
Starting point is 01:42:29 no that looks small when you turn to the side it looks better you you got like you got fake nose thing going on with those glasses and you look like uh you look like um one of the sesame street characters like we're burt and ernie i'm pretty sure they were gay i don't care which one you are right yeah okay sorry so so so what about bali just that that seems surreal like this guy owns a business that probably uh employs like it seems like half the city dude 87 people that's nuts dude oh mr potato head jeff baco yeah there you go that's the first funny thing you've said all day thank you finally i was getting worried about you hey dude to say that a guy with tattoos in a man bun is cliche is cliche
Starting point is 01:43:20 your line saying that's cliche is cliche. Son of a bitch. He is like, you see what I did there, Mr. Baco or Mrs. Baco or whatever you are? Fucking inception your ass. I don't even know how that movie works. That was the Leonardo DiCaprio movie, right?
Starting point is 01:43:42 Back to back shows of Leonardo DiCaprio references. It's a thread. It's a thread. the leonardo dicaprio movie right yeah dude back-to-back shows leonardo dicaprio uh references it's a red it's a thread oh snuffle up i guess um uh his hyper masculinity is toxic also valid valid i need to um okay i need to watch this movie uh it's a Dale King has a movie about his gym, about the whole city of Portsmouth, about how it was like the mecca for some drug. I forget which one. Opiates in general. Fentanyl.
Starting point is 01:44:18 And so he's coming on tomorrow. Oh, my God, dude. This is crazy dude I apologize to the fit farmer like the R1 but dude dude I don't even know what it is
Starting point is 01:44:40 dude look at his forearm dude it says former pro natural bodybuilder turned farmer and sharer of good foods. I gotta have this dude on. How random. He's got a yurt. Look at this yurt. My wife wanted to live in a yurt with me.
Starting point is 01:44:58 I'm like, let's get a house. Maybe I'll put that up on our property. We'll have a yurt. Are you familiar with that term? Look, his kid's got like the little Buddha. Like Buddha colored. He's raising a Dalai Lama. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:18 Oh, this dude's in heaven. This dude has a kid and he's living off the land in a yurt and he just does he have four kids one two three and then he got a baby jeez louise damn i want to hear him talk hold on let's see if we can find a place where you talk oh here we go sorry i hate him do something about it Oh, this is a good video. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:46:10 Do you think he's huge on TikTok? Probably. That's probably. If you're huge on TikTok, you just download your TikTok and post it on Instagram. God gave humanity the instructions to tend, keep, and exercise dominion. Nowhere are we ever given permission to recreate nor genetically modify as we see fit. God said that everything he made was very good. What about chop your penis off if you don't feel like a man? Can you do that?
Starting point is 01:46:43 Oh, I fucking love this dude. Choking your chicken? Oh, it's a man. Can you do that? Oh, I fucking love this dude. Choking your chicken? Oh, it's a duck. I love chickens. I love our goats. I love our cats. But there's definitely something special about having ducks. Dude, ducks are dope. These ducks were khaki camels. The longer we had these ducks on our homestead,
Starting point is 01:47:01 the more and more I began to really enjoy them. They were good egg layers and they didn't attack me. That's what they're called? Khaki Campbell's? I guess. Wow. You want to Google that? Khaki Campbell and see if duck comes up?
Starting point is 01:47:15 If it's kind of duck? Look, he's friends with a version of me that just eats a little more carbohydrates than me. Yeah, it is. It is a duck okay campbell is a breed of duck it was such an honor to speak at the weston price oh this dude is wow oh this is the guy people anyone who wants to learn about uh uh fluoride uh in in dentistry like the way dentistry is really supposed to be done follow this dude Weston A. Price this is the dude I'm supposed to turn
Starting point is 01:47:48 um uh shit I gotta follow these people yeah this is what I needed to turn Tyson Bajent um onto shit yeah this this organization yeah uh Weston A. Price this dude cracked the code on dentistry this organization yeah Weston A. Price
Starting point is 01:48:07 this dude cracked the code on dentistry yeah yeah look at the look at our article timeless principles of healthy traditional diets is one of the simplest ways to learn about us what we teach who we are and what we do and this is this is some kid who's
Starting point is 01:48:29 these are like probably four kids who's probably never brushed their teeth in their life and they have perfect teeth and he goes on to explain why damn those are perfect teeth my god alright so be it Damn, those are perfect teeth. My God. All right. So be it. Fluoride. Fluoride.
Starting point is 01:49:01 Neurotoxin. Yep, neurotoxin. Good job. Fluoride. Fluoride fluoride yeah big healthy jaws that is a good point that is if those are uh you think that's just just eating healthy just good hormones in the kids like their their hormones aren't all fucked up i mean sugar yeah this dude in the upper right looks like the black version of my friend nick he looks exactly like my friend nick from college but my friend nick was like white and covered with moles on his face they had the same hair too it's crazy hairstyle my friend obviously he was white he didn't have that hair but just like that
Starting point is 01:49:47 yeah it was just like all off just shoveled and off to the side he was always smiling like that he was a good dude that's awesome I found the black Nick yeah Weston A. Price Wow
Starting point is 01:50:14 Wow that's a really good looking watermelon I know that's crazy dude What a Wow Hear me out I pureed the watermelon Crazy, dude. What a... Wow. Hear me out. I pureed the watermelon, stirred in some sea salt, molasses, and raw tuppelo honey. Oh, my God. That sounds good.
Starting point is 01:50:34 That does sound good. Now, this part doesn't make sense. Then I added a heap of beef gelatin that I boomed and then loosened up with a little boiling water. Waited till it was barely warm and then loosened up with a little boiling water. Waited till it was barely warm and then stirred it in into the watermelon mix. Poured it all back in the rind. Oh my goodness. And let it sit in the fridge.
Starting point is 01:50:54 Wow. Wow. Did you hear that? Like remade the watermelon with better stuff. Oh my god. A repost. Is it possible to repost on this? How do I repost?
Starting point is 01:51:09 I can't. So darn it. Oh, this guy listens to the show. Jeff Ferguson listens to the show. Yeah, he's a good dude. Yeah. my fucking phone number got given out on this show great
Starting point is 01:51:34 I don't give a fuck where's the last guy I had this guy follow message where's the last guy I had? Um, this guy follow message. Oh shit. There's all my fucking. Yep.
Starting point is 01:51:52 There's all your DMS. Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry. Everyone. If you had something written in there that outed you as a homophobic, racist, transphobic Jew hater. I apologize. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:52:12 Okay. Dear Mike, I would love to have you on my podcast. It's another God dude. What's up with me and the God people? I would love to have you on my podcast. There's just so many of them. It's another God dude. What's up with me and the God people? I'd love to have you on my podcast. There's just so many of them. That's good. Let me start more.
Starting point is 01:52:39 Oh. I'm trying to rekindle. I'm thinking about having Claire Bayesays or i don't know if she'll come i think about inviting claire bays back on the crossfit games um a podcast update show really yeah that could be cool we only had her on like once or twice yeah that was like feels like a long time ago yeah she's cool though I liked her someone of you had dehydrated liver I think I I ate
Starting point is 01:53:10 dried liver and it was disgusting I ordered like liver beef jerky it was un-fucking-edible we ended up feeding it to my dog and I bought so much of it I think I remember that you tried to pawn it off on the rest of the audience like I was gonna send it to him
Starting point is 01:53:26 Yeah God that was horrible Patrick Clark that will make John Young nervous Just cause it's something with a vagina Claire Bays Claire Bays Claire Bays Oh really
Starting point is 01:53:42 Just I don't have a D I just have mine's just this oven That's just, it's just this thing, that thing in the garage I have. Where you slice the fruit and then you turn it on and it blows hot air over the food. I can put liver in there. I think you can put anything in there. Just like a timing thing. And just dry that shit out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:02 I wonder if I, what would happen if i put just like hamburger meat in there that's not cooked oh no blend it up with a date just dry it sure fuck it ken walters savvy it's a sign one christian after another on your shows and in your chat. Jerky, too. Tell me, send me somewhere where, send me, or Danish models. Sevan, do you know famous softball pitchers? I do know a famous jenny finch i know um the i know this girl that i made friends with on the beach i'm gonna show you her instagram account she's fucking over the top
Starting point is 01:54:58 she's such a she's she doesn't know it but she's kind of an inspiration to me She doesn't know it, but she's kind of an inspiration to me. Not kind of. She is. Jen Schroeder. I met this lady on the beach. It was fucking ridiculous. It was just me and her on the beach.
Starting point is 01:55:21 This is like, I've told this story before, like a year ago in Newport Beach. And she's a fucking giant, dude. She's over six yeah oh she's a catcher she was a catcher for ucla i think all her sisters were catchers or all division ones uh softball players and she's on the beach and i'm on the beach and it's newport beach and there's no one else right and she has her daughter there and I have my boys there and like, we smile at each other. And then slowly we gravitate to each other and we're talking, we just shooting the shit. Right. But I'm like this dude, it's seriously, it's like the female version of you, Caleb, like the whole time. I'm just trying to act cool. You know what I mean? Just with just shirt off and my fucking muffin hanging over beside of my pants and just like spitting drinking a fucking white claw and spit sunflower seeds out but i ended up
Starting point is 01:56:12 going to the beach with her and um and her dad ends up showing up and her mom and my wife and i end up going to the beach with her me and her like kind of hold down the beach every day for like a week down there but anyway i find out and i actually i would like to become really good friends with her dad her dad was cool as shit but she teaches um she has like the most prestigious softball academy in the world she has by the way she has no idea how well i throw no idea did you bring out your 10 gallon bucket and throw a tennis ball at it no i should have i i didn't want to brag i didn't want to brag because she's actually is uh she actually is good her husband's cool her husband's a cop i went out to dinner with her husband a couple times yeah she's cool shit i
Starting point is 01:56:56 really enjoyed her and her dad i really enjoyed her dad i want to have her dad on the podcast he got four daughters if you think he's probably a more of a know-it-all than me he had four daughters played division one um uh sports awful yeah yeah crazy i think all maybe at ucla or usc it's like anyway brothers you got two you have brothers that are in the nfl by the way they just won uh the p way, they just won. The Pfizer scientist just won. Nobel Prize. Yeah, Nobel Prize. Softball is her thing.
Starting point is 01:57:32 Sevan doesn't want to show her up. Yeah. Magnus Holmgren, Sevan, I love you, but you throw like a girl. Sexist. Canceled. Canceled. As if there's something wrong with throwing like a girl that's disgusting my wife can throw better than me that's for sure i didn't uh i seven uh jen and seven at
Starting point is 01:57:58 the beach and seven with this cardboard box so i did not even i didn't even like it i didn't i'm a happily married man and i didn't even for a second flirt with her. But I was really, I did have, oh, and she's an ESPN analyst. Like she's on ESPN regularly during the season. She might be like their big softball analyst. But she got all this other shit going on too. She got crazy shit going on. Let's look at her academy.
Starting point is 01:58:21 Let's just scoop her shit. And her dad's a real estate mogul cop turn her dad's a cop turn real estate mogul i spent a lot of time with him when i was down there that's cool yeah it's dope right i feel like my wife knows who this is and i'm downplaying the fact that she's probably way cooler than i think that your wife's cooler than you think no no that she's way cooler than she thinks yeah well she keeps kind of unfolding and being cooler every time i go down there we try to hook up with them and every time i like learn about her she's i think she's cooler and cooler
Starting point is 01:59:00 that's awesome and my boys love her daughter. It's cool. Yeah. I made a friend. Wow. Good for you. I made a friend with some giant six foot tall chick on, um,
Starting point is 01:59:14 at the beach. The husband is a cop. I do not throw like a girl, by the way, I have crazy core to extremity, brother. Crazy. Crazy. I could flick.
Starting point is 01:59:29 Dude. I could flick a bean. He's got the wrist motion and everything. Yeah. I can. And I flick both ways. Core to extremity. I know I suck at networking.
Starting point is 01:59:44 Trust me. I am fucking ass at it do not think I am not I am not a good networker I fucking I don't want to be around anybody fucking oh here we go I am okay cool uh you are okay cool how about fucking ding-dong What the fuck, John Young Up? This is going to be so crazy here. Come on and let's fix your headset, please Be hilarious if we couldn't actually fix this headset
Starting point is 02:00:38 Something is wrong with it. I'm so glad you said it cuz like I'm not feeling confident about it, but it's for sure Something's wrong. Yeah, I mean your yours sounds perfect. Let's see. And hurry up. I have to piss. So bad. Who did the Bears play, by the way, this week? I just typed in Bears this week Denver Bronco
Starting point is 02:01:08 that was last week the commanders official website who's that what is that a team yeah it was used to be the Washington Redskins and then they said it was racist and now they're Washington commanders but now the
Starting point is 02:01:24 Indian tribe of which the commander or the redskin was modeled after is saying that they need to change it back to honor their past chief who was the model for the redskins logo dude that's awesome is that true are they gonna put it back I don't know they're like pushing some like lawsuit or something against them right now wow he said he'll be here in two minutes
Starting point is 02:01:57 bring your headset bring your headset it's so crazy. Full circle racism. Full service racism. Dude. Dude, it's for sure. It's for sure.
Starting point is 02:02:19 All the words. Oh, it's just... Retardville. It's just Retardville. Just complete fucking... It's because they're DC's football team. Idiocy. Imbecilic.
Starting point is 02:02:37 Catering to the lowest IQ people on the planet. Oh, look. Go ahead. It's a D.C. what? It's because they're the Washington, D.C. football team. I think that's why they said it was
Starting point is 02:02:55 racist so that they switched it away. Because for D.C., they're supposed to be more proper there because it's a racist capital. More pressure. More pressure in D.Cc you know hi seven congrats on reaching out to crossfit wanderlust we've sent your information to them congrats on uh keep in mind that each affiliate has its own process and how they handle inquiries whether you're looking to drop in find a new, or just want some more information, we hope that CrossFitWonderList can help you out.
Starting point is 02:03:29 I don't need... You don't need to send me all that. Just... Your message has been sent. Thank you for your interest. We can't do anything about this email, but we forwarded it to somebody else. Oh, shit. Wow. Someone's just ripping the Berkey Wow
Starting point is 02:04:11 Yikes The Berkey Yeah someone I've been telling people that the Berkey is amazing Hey Um Uh The Berkey's amazing. Hey, that last show with Taylor, he won the hearts and minds of the people back. Wow. John, hi.
Starting point is 02:04:41 What's up? Don't say anything crazy like you always do when we get off the air. Keep it clean. We're live. We're live, please. Okay. Can you tap your mic with your finger? Did you hear it?
Starting point is 02:04:59 Son of a bitch. Son of a bitch You are a weird dude Is that a weird room? Is that a weird room? No, it's our office Dude, that thing's working And he still sounds like he's in a tin can kid listen to caleb talk caleb tell john about uh your new house a little bit tell him well john i bought a house but it's not really a house it's more like a shattuck in shatty dadakin i don't even
Starting point is 02:05:39 get that my wife thinks that's so funny i came home my wife came home my wife's like you want a shattuck and i know you do you're so excited that caleb bought a fucking house it's the fucking and i like i didn't my wife's loving i'm like i don't even know what a shattuck is does he does he sound good john do you yeah he sounds great it's soothing mine doesn't sound like that no yours sounds like hey like maybe i should leave you alone until you're done shitting like do you want me to call you back well how do we fix it oh god I wish you were hostile
Starting point is 02:06:12 back saying no I sound great or something you're being too accommodating I don't know I thought tap your mic again but hold it right up to your lips I want to see what happens and then say and count to three how about now is that better maybe is this better And it's a encounter three. How about now? Is that better? Maybe is this better
Starting point is 02:06:34 That that did get a little better when it got a little closer, but but Caleb's isn't close at all Hold on. I'm trying if I adjust them. Will that make it better? Adjust what the mic audio volume? Like how about now? that's probably too loud before it was just set to auto yeah it was at it's at 100 but i just made it like 150 oh i'm going to edit mike same uh as opposed to here i just i just switch yours back to um i'm turning off your echo cancellation and all that okay that should john is an ai no i saw him in person he's real dude real weirdo i'm weird i feel like i'm the least weird person on the show wow's bold. That's good.
Starting point is 02:07:25 You disagree? Keep thinking that, dude. That's good. I think you're the best at not hiding how weird you are. Okay. All right. Okay. Well, we're wrong.
Starting point is 02:07:44 All right. Well, thank you for joining us tonight it was nice having you surprise guest i'm excited to have you you're on for friday night again yes sir we got and we got grunler yep as far as i know and stop doing so good on barbell spin shit his numbers are growing i try i have a little more freedom on that podcast i let my you know fiery side out a lot more. So I'm holding you back. And so they're getting better shit out of you. No,
Starting point is 02:08:10 I don't want to interrupt you. I feel very comfortable interrupting Brian. Oh, fuck. That hurts. I know that sounds bad, but I do feel like I have more freedom. No,
Starting point is 02:08:23 I hear you. I hear you. I'm a tyrant and an asshole. I get it. I get it. I'll put freedom. No, I hear you. I hear you. I'm a tyrant and an asshole. I get it. I get it. I'll put it through a dictionary. No, not you. But if there's like six people on here, I'm just kind of like, I'll wait until I'm called on.
Starting point is 02:08:35 It's me, Grunler, and... You know what I mean, though? Last time, one of the times, there was like six people on here. Right. It was just, you know. Well, this week, it's just me. This week, we've swapped out Tyler Watkins for Grundler. All right.
Starting point is 02:08:55 Good. We can debate how to answer a burpee workout question. Burpee. What question was that? I'm talking about the text thread. Oh, okay. okay, yeah 17 Yeah, didn't think I'd get chewed out for that You idiot, John
Starting point is 02:09:13 I know I feel like that came out of nowhere Alright, John, thank you You're a good dude, thank you Alright, I just wanted you to know we're committed to making you sound better and better. All right. Do I sound better now? Yeah, I guess.
Starting point is 02:09:29 Now I'm just all fucking flustered. I need to get you off the show so I can commiserate with Caleb. Okay. Okay. I'll leave. Okay. Bye. The fuck, dude?
Starting point is 02:09:42 I don't know. That's weird. I wonder if his cable He has the wrong end of the cable It's that room dude Yeah it's probably the room And I thought I sent him I thought I sent him foam
Starting point is 02:09:54 And he said he didn't get it Okay I'm gonna send him more foam 68% better that's what I was thinking I was thinking somewhere between 65 and 69 I was thinking more 69 But it works too. I don't think it's inappropriate to do a handstand at Auschwitz. I mean, maybe it's not ideal or maybe it doesn't make for a good pose,
Starting point is 02:10:16 but I don't think it's like offensive. Even like even a tiny bit. I did one at a like civil war battleground, like on a stop sign. Yeah. And my dad just about lost his shit. He thought I could see being a dad and being like, don't do that. He thought I was going to get canceled. I'm like, I was like 16 years old.
Starting point is 02:10:38 I wasn't even using the Internet. Canceled. Oh, do you, Caleb, do you have carpet on the floor yeah but caleb moves from location to location and he always sounds good he sounds it's his voice is smooth i have carpet in the floor here right now a clock it's not like he did it in a gas chamber it was outside jesus it was outside Jesus alright
Starting point is 02:11:08 thank you everyone I'll see you tomorrow morning Greg Glassman, Dale King from Portsmouth CrossFit we'll be talking about the new movie that's coming out and do we have a podcast tomorrow night too I feel like there's just so many podcasts going on
Starting point is 02:11:24 no there's nothing tomorrow night too? I feel like there's just so many podcasts going on. No, there's nothing tomorrow night. And then on Wednesday, Brian Friend and Facundo will be back. And then on Thursday, Helen Taylor will be here. J.R. Howell and Taylor Self will also be doing the Shut Up and Scribble show. Oh, Travis Mayer and Devin Kim on Friday. Crazy. Bye-bye.

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