The Sevan Podcast - David Attaway | CrossFit Oviedo | Affiliate Series

Episode Date: November 5, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:02 Are you eating just meat and, um... Fuck, I wish I could just eat in general are you eating uh just meat and um fuck i wish i could just eat in general are you eating just meat and vegetables nuts and seeds yeah yeah yeah are you doing constantly very functional movement executed at high intensity yeah laying on the couch laying back in bed hey dude i'm tripping on two things are you you own crossfit livermore for people who don't know yeah if i'm on should i turn on my mic i just didn't want to cough into it because it was gonna sound like shit no you could you could do do whatever you want but hey david what's up dude hey what's up man i'm i'm tripping that um can oh oh we don't have three across oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm tripping that um can can people just pay money to show up in an affiliate gathering and
Starting point is 00:01:58 pitch products to affiliates i saw an email today and i asked someone about it and they go dude it's been like that for a long time so like you could just pay oh I hear an echo hold on maybe that's me oh shit Sousa's dying you're a cop you're not a medic
Starting point is 00:02:20 breathe I don't know drink some water as a police officer i know some fundamental uh life-saving procedures drink water that's all i got is the echo me i have my other phone pulled up youtube i have the sound down so i don't think it's me whatever it is it's better now okay cool um oh no it's there again maybe it is your maybe it is your it's better now. Okay, cool. Oh, no. It's there again. Maybe it is your phone. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Okay, thank you. Try now. How about... No, it's still there. It's weird. That is weird. Is it me? No. No, I'm pretty sure it's David. David, did you pause the video on YouTube?
Starting point is 00:03:04 I got out of it I turned it on Oh yeah so it is him That's so weird that it's causing that echo Maybe it's Can you try without your headphones Well let's just go for a little bit And if it still goes we'll try without your headphones
Starting point is 00:03:19 Okay let me know and I can always go outside It might be the office It's only when I talk Oh Hey if it starts annoying you guys And I could always go outside. It might be the office. It's only when I talk. Oh. Hey, if it starts annoying you guys, let me know. We'll fix it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:33 I could always go outside if I need to. So I'm hearing that people can just go, like, you guys have these affiliate gatherings, right? You guys have these people, like, who represent. Oh, it's bad. It's bad. Maybe, or just take off your earphones, maybe, David. Oh, yeah. It was the headset.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Is that better? Yeah, much better. Thank you. Okay, I can hear you guys good, so we're good. Okay, cool. You can hear me. So, you have an affiliate, local affiliate representative, right? We do. It actually changed recently.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I guess they, it seems like they cut down, And it's like a region Instead of having one They like Cut down less Affiliate Reps Than they used to have So it's somewhat different They have a bigger area
Starting point is 00:04:11 I guess now And your CrossFit Oviedo Oviedo yes Oviedo What's that mean? It's the city Okay
Starting point is 00:04:19 I'm not sure what it means And We're right next to University of Central Florida And like Disney Disney World We're near there And who of Central Florida and like Disney World. We're near there. And who's your affiliate rep or your regional rep?
Starting point is 00:04:28 I don't know. It was Shay Tozo, but she was recently relieved of that duty. And I was pretty close to her. I don't know who the new rep is. So I heard, not I heard, I saw an email that was like, hey, hey I mean let me read it to you this it's fucking it's kind of crazy I can't even believe this is real um it is it says um happy Friday my southeast affiliate owners are you looking to add additional revenue stream to your affiliate have you ever tried selling supplements and it did not work or interested in
Starting point is 00:05:06 selling supplements to your community? I actually did read that one. I do remember that going by. Not, not really. How long has this been going on? I think that's the first time I've seen it to be honest. I mean,
Starting point is 00:05:20 those, I know they're a good resource, but for us, I mean, I don't pay attention to too many of those. What's crazy, too, is it says, as we're joined by Kerry Hare, that's a dude who used to be our building manager over at HQ in Santa Cruz. I mean, I worked with him for over 10 years. We're joined by Kerry Hare from Momentus.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I'm guessing that's a supplement company, which is the nutrition and supplement partner with CrossFit. So these people pay money to then get access to affiliates to then sell you shit. And our only benefit is if we choose to sell their stuff. And it's not because it makes your community better. It's just to add additional revenue. I'm tripping on that's yeah does don know that that's a complete shift in the model that greg programmed you guys to work with like the excellence model i can't imagine so wow i wonder what uh it sounds like content for hillar yeah hey i'm all for them helping you i'm all for i'm all for them for finding ways to generate revenue it's just as the sole reason
Starting point is 00:06:34 to sell your um clients shit yeah generate revenue just seems off the mark yeah i mean again like i said i don't know this could be a negative but i haven't found a lot of use out of a lot of those emails for those affiliate rep stuff and the gatherings it's good to meet and know other people in the area but it's i'm not going to sell something they push to us the the implication is is that you should sell anything that makes you money and not and not under and yeah that's the implication i wonder if hq has vetted all of the supplements and vets all the people that come in i wonder how they do that i wonder if any of the supplements would pop an athlete positive too i mean they're basically like are they bringing
Starting point is 00:07:16 wolves to their own um god it's such it's such a trip. Anyway. I scanned and deleted. Welcome to the show, David Attaway. Police officer straight out of high school. Yes. Can you still do that to this day? Yes, you can. Yeah, it's...
Starting point is 00:07:39 Well, you have to be 19 where I'm at. So it was about eight months after I graduated high school. I turned 19 and I actually applied for I it was about eight months after I graduated high school I turned 19 and I actually applied for Home Depot and law enforcement and Home Depot didn't hire me so I went with being a police officer I guess it's a better long term yeah and probably less crime as a police officer than in a Home Depot probably dude how crazy the crime at home depots is crazy yeah yeah we're i'm lucky to live in a smaller town so it's pretty good around here but it's it's seeing the effect everywhere else is pretty sad um uh how how old are you david i just turned 39 uh wednesday and you've been a cop for 18 years. Almost 20. 19 years. June will be 20.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Crazy. And how long have you owned Oviedo? I've owned CrossFit Oviedo. This is our 10th year. And I took on a co-owner after two years. So now me and my partner run it. We're in our 10th year. Are you glad you have a partner?
Starting point is 00:08:44 Oh, it was a blessing it was uh i went through i herniated the c6 and 7 disc in my neck went through surgery was gonna quit crossfit i opened the gym just kind of jumped into it with five thousand dollars opened an affiliate way over my head as far as business aspect goes but i know i wanted to help people and spread what crossfit was and i was in love with it and uh about a year and a half then he was a 5 a.m guy he's like hey man you need some help with this and you look stressed out and can i help you with anything i was like yeah you know you waited a month or two and he offered again and i brought him in he started helping and before i knew it i had a partner and we've been grooving since it was a blessing
Starting point is 00:09:21 We've been grooving since. It was a blessing. So you were a cop for basically nine or ten years, and then somewhere in there, you decided to open a gym. Yes. I went to several other affiliates, and I don't think this is egotistical, but I saw the way some of them were running things, and I was like, I think I could do this better. And I think I could do it in a way that Greg would probably like and meant for it to be. And we all need to make money and it's a business. But I think there's more than just the business with owning a CrossFit affiliate. And so I guess I had just enough to try it myself.
Starting point is 00:09:59 And I started in my garage after my surgery. I talked to eight of my friends into giving me a thousand bucks each. And I built out my garage after my surgery. I talked to eight of my friends into giving me a thousand bucks each and I built out my garage. So I was, and, uh, I was like, Hey, you guys can come from two to five and five to four, you know, four to five in the morning. You just buy this stuff, come anytime you want. That went pretty well. I ended up with like 15 people coming and, uh, I was on Craigslist and saw a little, a little 800 square foot warehouse for rent for 500 bucks a month, then I'm like, I could afford that myself. So if worse comes to worse, I just pay it. And now I'm in 4,000 square feet, small to medium CrossFit gym, anywhere between 70 and 100 members,
Starting point is 00:10:39 depending on the time of the month, you know. But it's been a ride. we've gone ups and downs but it's been i wouldn't have changed it for anything is that your second location or third location home the 800 square feet and then yeah so it's funny uh home then the 800 square foot and then moved across the street in the same area the landlord had some fire coding issues with the building we got so we got told we had to be out in 30 days so we went back across the street to the 800 square foot started looking immediately and then found this place and we've actually expanded two bays over since owning it it was originally one bay and then we took the neighbors and the neighbors left we took that and we're hoping to
Starting point is 00:11:20 get the whole building once our last group the last neighbor leaves so that'll be a positive for us yeah that's crazy that so it's basically your fifth location basically yeah like you divorced a woman and went back to her yeah yeah yeah it was uh it was that was a stressful time and right about after that is when pat came on my co-owner and he's like you need help i was like i do yeah that's it and dav, how long have you been married? Seven years. And I've got a little four year old girl. Yeah. Congrats. That's awesome, dude.
Starting point is 00:11:51 It doesn't get any better. That's the only reason I do everything I do and work as many jobs I do is for those two. So, hey, I want to I want to go back to high school. When you're in high school, did you want to be a cop? And why did you want to be a cop? No, not at all I wanted to be an NBA star Oh yeah, how tall are you? I'm 6'4", I was tall then
Starting point is 00:12:14 And then halfway through high school I realized I didn't want to play basketball anymore So I started just doing all the extracurriculars Having fun, played volleyball How did you realize that? Why not? Too hard work? Or girls? Or lost lost focus do you wish someone would have kept you on track or what happened no i will so i don't i mean i had a dad but he wasn't in my life so it's just mom working a bunch of jobs and it's just you know a teenage boy trying to figure out his life and uh if i was
Starting point is 00:12:39 now if i was then the way i am now i could have been whatever i want in the world i just tell me to. And that's not an excuse. And I coach a bunch of high school athletes as well. Not an excuse. That's on me. But I definitely think if there was a father figure around, it would have been a different start. But still wouldn't change it.
Starting point is 00:12:58 I had no idea what I wanted to do in high school. I was the guy checking the GPA to see if I'd be eligible for next week's game. So school wasn't really my thing either. I just like to play sports and have fun with friends. And that's one of the athletes I coach. So this is a high school kid that you are now coaching? No, she actually is in college there now. So she went on and got a scholarship to Lyft at Lindenwood University. And I coached her in high school crazy yeah he's so proud oh you have no idea she's starting her second year now she's it's one of the most fulfilling jobs is working at the high school so i'm the school resource deputy of the high school but i'm also the weightlifting
Starting point is 00:13:35 coach i coach flag football and i'm an assistant athletic director at the school as well hey i i know we have like five stories open let Let me keep drilling down on this one. So you say that if you knew now, I want to keep going with the high school thing and figure out what happened for kids who do get derailed because it sounds like you uncovered a diamond there. So you're in high school. You want to be a pro basketball player.
Starting point is 00:14:00 You change your mind around your sophomore, junior year, but now you're saying if you knew what you knew now, you would have known that you could be anything you wanted to be. What did you eventually figure out? So I really didn't figure out until I got hired at the sheriff's office, and I started to get some peers and some people I respected, and I learned how to be a man there. So when you get hired at the sheriff's office, I started at the jail. So at 19 years old, at 150 pounds pounds i was working a max security in a jail six four just as your sheet of paper like this yep yeah yeah noodle if they blew i would fall
Starting point is 00:14:33 over so their sneeze would knock me over yeah but working for the police department the sheriff's office is what raised me for for the most part and i had some some other guys and some uh some bosses that really kind of developed me into who i was and showed me i could be whatever i wanted to be and one of my partners was a power lifter and he's like we're gonna start lifting weights you're gonna stop you're gonna eat you're not gonna go to the bathroom and you're gonna lift weights and you're gonna get big i was like all right so I never heard not go to the bathroom. I like that. That's a fucking secret sauce. They said, cork it, bro. Cork it and eat and lift.
Starting point is 00:15:09 I'm like, all right, let's go. Hey, did they know? Do you think that they knew that they were mentoring you? Did they? I don't think so. Yeah. Isn't that amazing that those are the best mentors? They don't even fucking know.
Starting point is 00:15:21 And you're just, they're just how they carried themselves what they said how did you how did you they impart their information onto you well it was one getting me in the weight room for the first time and then just the way they were i just watched i i like to watch and learn so just seeing how they were how they respected people in a jail you're working with not necessarily the best clients and they would show respect but they did hard work they did their job they didn't slack on anything and i just kind of followed followed the lead so which i guess is lucky because if you had a different person that didn't do that i'd follow that lead as well so i was very fortunate to have good people in my life
Starting point is 00:15:58 that helped me develop into what i am now and it hasn't stopped i started the school 10 years ago and same thing i started learning different aspects of doing your job and being organized and how to run events and how to do things and don't slack and don't complain and call out your biggest thing is i learned how to call out my friends if they're slacking keep the accountability for everybody around me so i mean if your friend won't tell you you're slacking they're not your friend so that's a special skill to be able to do that. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:26 I work with someone that does that very well. She will look at you dead in your face and go, you should have been over there. It doesn't matter, you know. So, it's just I've been fortunate in my life to have this family. I moved out my junior year of high school, lived in an apartment. So, I've never really had family as an influence in my life after sophomore year. So, it's just I've been very fortunate to find the right people to show me how to be. And you know, it's interesting.
Starting point is 00:16:50 I'm not sure what blade's referring to out there, but he's saying that could have gone South. Glad he learned from hard chargers. And I guess what he's saying is, is when you're a young man and you in you're open to being influenced, if you would have met the wrong crowd, you could have been misdirected. Absolutely. Especially in that line of work, you can get the wrong crowd and not the, I'm not talking the extreme where they're doing illegal things, but there's lazy and there's not lazy. So very fortunate, hard charging for sure. I know blade knows. So it just, I was very fortunate in
Starting point is 00:17:20 my life to every, every step of life that went to was a a good person to learn from that's 150 pounds so you're you so when you graduate from high school how does um being a cop pop on your radar at the same time as a home depot job uh so my uncle worked uh drug rehab program in the jail locally and i was working out of walgreens and uh put in for home depot and he's like hey david listen they pay 25 000 a year you get insurance and you have a retirement then you know in 2004 that was yeah yeah so i put in for it and found out i was physically capable and i guess i had enough of a good person to pass all the polygraphs and everything else and I could pass a drug test and they gave me a shot so I feel very fortunate
Starting point is 00:18:10 and then and then and then you you go to a police academy yes I actually went to two so I went to the corrections academy and then after a year I enjoyed I met some great people there but I knew patrol was probably where I wanted to be. That'll rot your soul, right? Eventually, like you can't, if you stay in the prisons forever, it would break you? It can.
Starting point is 00:18:32 It depends on who you are. We have some people that have been there for 35 years and they're still- Wow. Oh yeah, yeah. God, I just can't imagine that being good to be around locked up humans. You learn a lot though.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Yeah. They're not all bad. I agree. I just mean the idea of locking a human being up is a very um well and you're locked up yeah yeah right a lot you have your hallway with your people you're over and you have your office sit there for 12 hours so yes yeah it's it's the organization I work for, too, from the bottom down is just rock star, too. So, you know, if you lead correctly and there's things and our sheriff started in the jail, too. OK, so the boss has been there. But yes, it was good. So when I decided I want to leave, they have what's called a crossover academy.
Starting point is 00:19:19 So you can go to be a deputy sheriff as well, not just a detention deputy. So I went to two academies. And then, so when you're at the Correctional Institute, do you go to the new academy simultaneously? Yes, I did. I actually worked- So it's 80-hour-a-week shit? Yeah, I would work six at night till six in the morning, take a nap in the car till eight in the morning, and go to class till five. And then take a nap in the other parking lot and go back to work dang and and how long was the second academy the sheriff's academy
Starting point is 00:19:49 six months and then so you you finish that and you become a sheriff for what county uh i'm in seminole county and are you still a sheriff there i am no shit you've been with the same group that long yeah so uh in the state of florida i'm sure it's probably the same group that long. Yeah. So, uh, in the state of Florida, I'm sure it's probably the same in California, but we have Florida retirement system. So if you stay in a sheriff's office, you'll be in that FRS. And I always say I'll never be homeless if I retire. Yeah. At least have 60 K a year coming my way regardless. So I could always live in a box. Um, and I'm, I got lucky again. Like I said before, every step of my life, I was, I was guided. I don't know how, but I was guided, and I got the right one.
Starting point is 00:20:27 So still there. But I've worked in corrections. I've worked in a courthouse. I've worked on patrol. I now work at a high school. So it's lots of jobs to do. So you go from the jail to street patrol, and then how does the option for high school pop up,
Starting point is 00:20:43 and why did you take that? You actually go to – when you suit up and then go to a high school every morning? Yeah, yep. Oh. It's fantastic. It's like the loophole, the secret nobody knows about. So actually I herniated my neck, went down for three months until I could get surgery and all that. How did you do that again?
Starting point is 00:21:05 Several things. One was I was working out on a bench press and I felt something pop. And they said it was like a slight herniation. And six months later, I was being vague. I was on a bicycle working and went over the handlebars and finished off the other side. Ah, okay, okay. Doing some stuff. Because you don't normally hear about it up here in our community
Starting point is 00:21:25 you don't usually hear about neck stuff no so it had nothing to do with crossfit okay the initial was when i was doing jujitsu i did jujitsu for 10 years okay doing you know normal bro workouts and it's just lots of guillotines and neck cranks and i think it just kind of went and then um so while i was doing my surgery, I did a proposal to bring CrossFit to my agency because I was sitting in an office all day just doing paperwork. So I put this whole proposal together,
Starting point is 00:21:52 proposed it and ended up, it went another way, which is cool. You know, no hard feelings. And I'm sitting in my hospital bed after my surgery and I'm looking at this proposal. I'm like, well, shit, I could just do it myself. I could myself I could like my own gym I have here's the template that I've created and uh that's when I did the garage deal and then it kind of just escalated into now I have a gym so I I kind of live in the moment my whole life I I plan but it's pretty much just where I'm at and
Starting point is 00:22:20 that felt right at the time so I did did it. Those, those original investors, are they, are they still members at your gym? A couple of them are, but not, not the original, original, but I, they still talk to me all the time and reach out and tell me congratulations. And I tell them, Hey, anytime you want to come. Yeah. Yeah. You got a lifetime membership. Yeah. It's amazing that like basically started with a couple thousand dollars and that's still no debt. Never been in debt. Just keep reinvest.
Starting point is 00:22:49 I'm going to come back to the high school thing in just a second. I want to ask you a question. How did you meet your wife? At the gym. At the CrossFit gym? Yeah. Oh, shit. That's amazing. So she can you give me more detail? You're you're training there one day and she walks in and you're like, hey, girl, what's up? You want to take a class?
Starting point is 00:23:04 Yeah, there she is. Yeah. no. So she actually came in with a couple of her friends and she's, uh, she's super introverted. And so she got some friends to come and she was there for, she was there for a couple of months and she was dating and I was dating and, um, I don't know what happened, but someone just, Oh, so I was talking to her about, um, it was her birthday and I'm like, what are you doing for your birthday? You're going to go have some drinks. He goes, nah, I think I'm just going to relax. I'm like, Oh, so I was talking to her about, it was her birthday. And I'm like, what are you doing for your birthday? You going to go have some drinks? She goes, no, I think I'm just going to relax. I'm like, oh, well, I'll just take you somewhere.
Starting point is 00:23:30 And she's like, well, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is this, you know, guy at the gym. You know, I don't really know. And I got a message from her on a Sunday. And she goes, hey, stupid. I got tickets to Orlando City Soccer. I'm going to pick you up. And I was like, all right.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Wow. She picks me up and And I was like, all right. Wow. She picks me up and she tells me she'll kill me, but she basically says when we get there, don't be blocking me if any cute guys are trying to talk to me at the, at the game. Wow. Wow. Wow. I was like, it, she's like, I was joking. I was into you then, you know, she tells me later, but then I was like, Oh, well, damn. All right. That's good shit. I'm crushed. I guess I'm all right. I got a sidekick here.
Starting point is 00:24:10 By the end of the night, the rest is history. We have not been away from each other a day since. How fun. How cool, dude. We got married in three months. No shit. Mm-hmm. Wow. Lusa, you approve of that? I don't approve of that that's too soon he gave it one of these he's like uh well i've done things the right way my whole life and the
Starting point is 00:24:36 norm and uh she kind of did too and once we met each other we're like she's i think one day what did her parents say what did her parents say? What did her parents say? They're cool about it. They were cool with the three months. I mean, obviously now it's awesome. You guys, I mean, you've left the whole, your whole tribe with the daughter, but what, um, if some chick wants to marry my son after three months, I'm like, dude, are you fucking nuts? Something's wrong with this girl.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Yeah. They probably thought we were crazy, but they were super supportive, but it was just, we, we got five of our friends We jumped in a car. We drove up to nashville. We got a marriage certificate We got married went down broadway after and just had the time of our lives. God. You're a big dude, man What do you weigh now? Uh between 210 and 220. Yeah, you are a fucking big man. You like being that heavy um, so now i'm i'm i'm i'm trying to be a good crossfitter, I guess and Between 210 and 220. Yeah, you are a fucking big man. You like being that heavy?
Starting point is 00:25:29 So now I'm trying to be a good CrossFitter, I guess. And I'm hanging around 208 to 210, and gymnastics feels a lot better, obviously. And my strength is holding on. So it depends what I'm doing or what stage I'm at in the year. Yeah. Go back to the high school thing. So you're a cop for nine years, and then this thing pops up. Like, hey, you could work to the high school thing so you're a cop for um nine years and then this and this thing pops up like hey you could work at a high school yeah i would just think that you're there just like searching people's lockers and shit not well so our um so this was before
Starting point is 00:25:57 the stone and douglas shooting happened i don't know if you know about that so that was a major major school shooting very very bad lots of people died in florida yeah yeah and um that was before this happened this was back when we had one deputy at every school so i was just working into high school and the biggest thing our agency pushed is you got to kind of become family with the admin and get to know the people and be in the community don't just be the cop there yeah i kind of took that to heart and that's why i pushed and started coaching and started getting some jobs there, so I'm employed by both. And then Stoneman Douglas happened, and we were already ahead of the game.
Starting point is 00:26:33 We were already on campus. We added another deputy. There's two of us there. And it's way more about developing relationships and being a positive role model than it is just arresting people. Did anyone try to stop you from having the two jobs or like, no, that you can't do that? No, they, they loved it because that's cool.
Starting point is 00:26:49 That's what they push. I was fortunate. Yeah. So because you actually have to apply for other jobs, like you have to request permission. And so I did for all of them and they're like, absolutely. So flag football coach and what'd you call it? School resource counselor. I'm a school resource deputy. That's just the top of the school. And then I'm an assistant athletic director.
Starting point is 00:27:09 So my boss is over all of athletics and then the weightlifting coach as well. When I was in high school as a boy, like I didn't think. Yeah. So like if I just wanted to drink at school, I would just bring a bottle of Jägermeister. Or if I just wanted to sell weed, I would just bag the weed up and come to school. Like I didn't think. I wasn't like these are the consequences. I didn't think this is bad.
Starting point is 00:27:34 I didn't think. And that's just the way boys are. If you don't keep them busy, they will, especially the entrepreneurs, they're just going to find they're going to want to do what they want to do i'm guessing that that's just rampant in school that there's just really talented boys who don't have direction and and you just see them being expressed in in impulse the stuff we see i'm like do you realize you could run a Fortune 500 company if you just weren't an idiot? And I'd like to think we all have a lot of impact on those kids. We're at a very, I'm at a very, very good high school.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Oh, you are? Yeah, they're, yes, they're, yeah. And by good, you mean they have both their parents at home? The lots. Top scores, great athletics, great staff. So I'm very fortunate. It's not like gangs running around our schools and such but even worse than all that is social media so if you and i i'm sure if we were
Starting point is 00:28:32 in high school when social media was oh my god oh my god it'd be so bad and it's oh my god like so back in the day you know when two boys hate each other you go fight and then yeah yeah fight and then they talk shit about each other every day forever and it just gets worse and worse oh on social media can't get away from it that's why there's so many issues with mental health and stuff when it comes to those age groups you can't go home and just be at home and they can't call you on the hard line you know so yeah and you just can't get away from it what about um uh people sending nudes uh kids sending nudes i can't imagine giving kids cameras yeah you can send pictures around i just can't even fucking like my boys will i would never i i think it's almost abusive to put that power in a boy's hand
Starting point is 00:29:19 as a parent but it's funny i always boys are because of just by nature what we are well i i use what you say all the time When I tell people, my boys are different Like you said before, girls aren't in the park Grabbing guys and pulling them in the bushes And when you give that power And the immature status The maturity level is just
Starting point is 00:29:37 Zero, I barely have maturity now I have to fake it Yeah, 100% And like you said, that power they get through those phones and do it. And kids don't go to school anymore either. So like you have seven periods in a day. The majority of our kids go like three and then they'll have like virtual classes and college classes and OJ off campus shit.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Everything. Yeah. On and off all day long. So it's like, and I'm like, you might, we homeschool our daughter and we probably will forever yeah but if you are gonna do public school there was
Starting point is 00:30:09 something to having standards that you had to follow yeah yeah early in the morning and having to stay all day and having to do what you told and when a substitutes at school you still went to school when you sat in the class now 500 people will call out because their subs and we're not doing anything I'm just gonna go home so there's no like rules anymore i always say those small rules matter the little things the dress codes the stuff i dress code i there's a high school and a junior high on my street that i drive by every day i i literally have to avert my eyes yeah it's bad i i cannot fucking believe what I see Yeah it's tough
Starting point is 00:30:45 It's I have a little girl And she'll be at home And if you had a boy Why would you send your boy to work in that environment Outside I'm not projecting any morals or anything onto it I'm not saying like what's appropriate
Starting point is 00:31:00 I'm just saying that as a boy You have enough trouble focusing And if the girls are coming dressed to school in bathing suits yeah um do you remember that fad i don't see it anymore it was like five or six years ago but girls shorts were made to look like lingerie yeah yeah what the fuck was that i don't know and it's i you know i pray which we know it's not the deal but i pray that it's just the parents don't see it but you know they do right that's that's the worst part it's like your parents watched you walk out of the house greg glass one time we were talking about
Starting point is 00:31:36 dress codes and i'm like yeah dress codes are fucking stupid for kids and he goes no no let me explain it to you and i go okay he goes kids are gonna push back wherever they can they don't care they just want to push back so what you do is you set a dress code and then you make it so the skirts have to be below the knee and so the whole entire battle is whether the skirt's too high or too low you make the boys have to wear cords that are black and now they're trying to get away with wearing dark blue because if you don't have that fight becomes, can you have a revolver or a fucking Glock at school? Yeah. It makes it tough.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Like, set the bar somewhere. They'll still be happy they can fight with you. But set it somewhere you can control it. And I was like, oh, shit. Yeah. The foundational rules. Yeah. The small things matter.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Like, we just get speeding. Oh, go for it. Just drive 100 miles an hour. Then they're going to rob a bank. Then they're going to shoot someone shoot someone then they say you got you know yeah we're there we're there by the way oh you yes you are yes we're there yeah we are but it's i had a i had a talk with suza last night and he was like telling me that um with the with the massive and he was just telling me that he basically buys the same thing at Costco every single week or month or whatever. And he said basically in a nutshell, he said, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:49 He said two months ago it was $150 for this stuff, and now it's $231. And he goes, it's crazy, inflation. And so he's like, so basically with the inflation, the price of everything is going up. And he says as the price of stuff goes up, the have-nots will start to steal. Yes. And then I said, oh, that's interesting. And then I was was like but at the same time that we're not even enforcing stealing he goes correct he goes but hold on i'm like yeah he goes eventually the middle class he well he told me this story he said he was in a fucking nice like safeway or whole foods the other day he says
Starting point is 00:33:19 this fucking just normal looking fucking indian guy just walks out with a bag of groceries and steals them and no one stops him. He's like, it's happening, dude. He's like the have not starts, start, start stealing. We don't stop them.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Then the, then the middle class who's getting pinched by having to deal with inflation eventually is like, fuck you. I ain't paying either. Yeah. I certainly don't feel like there's a middle class anymore as I think I used to be in it,
Starting point is 00:33:40 but now I have five jobs and work overtime every day just to do what I was doing before. So, so, so you're, you're a high school uh a teacher you're a cop and you're a entrepreneur gym owner yeah entrepreneur coach coach athletic director oh my god yeah and then overtime and that's just to do what i was doing a year ago two years ago well let's see two and a half years ago yeah and i bet you david that you um you feel you probably also feel fortunate and thankful 100 yeah yeah look at at least everything i'm doing i love doing yeah and again i didn't plan that it's odd it's obvious you're thankful for how hard you get to work oh yeah and i'm surrounded by good good people and like you know same for you the people that make it really easy right right yeah um so
Starting point is 00:34:34 eventually you're you're five years away from kind of having a decision to make oh no it's it, 5 years, 7 months 10 days, 14 hours Something like that You'll retire from being a police officer Yes, so You'll be young enough to become a cop Somewhere else and get another 20 year pension
Starting point is 00:34:57 And do two pensions Yeah, it couldn't be in FRS though So My thinking is retire Get a job as a security guard Or a, I couldn't be in FRS, though. My thinking is retire, get a job as a security guard or, I don't know, work at a 7-Eleven with medical insurance, supplement it with what I'm already making, run the affiliate. So we'll see. But you can't give up being able to retire at 44 years old. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:21 So with a full retirement. Yeah, that's awesome. And who knows what other opportunities. I mean, there's opportunities around every single corner, right? Oh, yeah. Yep. And coaching is I love coaching. I don't think I see myself leaving the school.
Starting point is 00:35:38 There's some sort of capacity there. I would stay. Is your does your wife work? Yeah, she works on the weekends so she can stay home and watch our kid That's awesome, what does she do? She's a respiratory therapist Oh, no shit, how long has she been doing that? Did she do that through this fucking weird thing we went through?
Starting point is 00:35:55 Yes Wow She's over 10 years now It got a little squirrely here But obviously, you know, Florida did pretty well through the whole thing Yeah I mean, she's still, yeah, but it's good. It was interesting, but she's a savage.
Starting point is 00:36:12 She pushes through it. What's her take on it? Was she freaked out at the beginning and then she came to her senses? Or what was her take on it from the beginning, from like December of 2019? We were pretty much just living our life normal And doing whatever Doing whatever we usually do There was nothing, no
Starting point is 00:36:31 Wasn't her community freaking out? Yeah, I think everybody was But We're pretty sensible Yeah Without saying much And did your jobs try to get you to do things That you didn't want to do
Starting point is 00:36:47 No Oh that's awesome Yeah no Cause I got friends who are cops who are like They're the only dudes who didn't do it Yeah And like it got weird Yeah
Starting point is 00:36:57 It got weird for them There's some other counties that had some issues like that But we were fine It was Man I never What were you going to say? I never even got asked.
Starting point is 00:37:08 No shit. Dude, that's amazing. And we have our governor really covered us too. That's the DeSantis dude. Yeah. He supports us really well. So, you know, everybody has opinions on the next level for him, but my last last couple years of
Starting point is 00:37:27 living here because of him were way way better where were you born uh in oviedo you were okay okay wow born and raised around here god that how many people live in oviedo uh i actually looked i knew you're gonna ask that It's right around 40,000 Crazy But we're right next to Orlando Which is larger Fergie Show Mr. Attaway Are you benefiting from all the people moving to Orlando?
Starting point is 00:37:56 I guess that means you're a CrossFit gym Yeah So it's funny Most of our new clients are from Venezuela Okay So a large group are from Venezuela And it's funny. Most of our new clients are from Venezuela. Okay. Yeah. So a large, a large group were from Venezuela. Yeah. And it's cool because they're very like-minded with us, you know, because they don't want that socialism shit.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Yeah. They've been through it. They've been through it. It's some of the best people that I've ever met. And when you talk about hard work and pushing through and not letting bullshit push you around, what they've gone through is just hopefully not five years away here, but it's been bad. And,
Starting point is 00:38:30 and, um, uh, they're family oriented. Yes. Oh yeah. They, yes.
Starting point is 00:38:36 A hundred percent extended family. The whole thing. They, they, they come here, they work. I've had a few work for me and still do. And,
Starting point is 00:38:43 um, they come live in a house, try to get the next one over try to make money to get the next one over until they can get their whole family safe and they will it the status and what we're used to here and what cars we have and what we look like and our you know do we have an iPhone or an Android them they're just surviving getting out of a bad situation and and they work hard as hell. There's a guy in Florida that we had on the show. He's the only person that I've ever heard apologize to Greg. Really?
Starting point is 00:39:20 And he's an affiliate owner. Did he opt out? What? Say it again? Did he opt out or whatever or put the screen up and say, I'm leaving. Yeah. I don't know if it was that bad, but, but he basically was like, he was, he was really disappointed in, in 2021 when he, he got swept up in it and I had him on here for the affiliate series. He's an awesome dude.
Starting point is 00:39:39 And I was so impressed because there's probably 10,000 people out there that need to apologize. They need to be like, oh my God, I am a a like just straight up i'm a fucking idiot i'm so sorry yeah and this guy came on my show and fucking appalled hey i'm so sorry i got greg's back fucking good for him yeah i heard you tell me the other day that's yeah good for him who was that guy and i think he's venezan. He's definitely something South American. Handsome, strong accent. I have to look back. I can't remember who that was.
Starting point is 00:40:11 I feel like I saw that show. I watch most of your shows. I'm going to scroll. I'm way behind in the comments. Let me see. Someone will say in the comments. Jedediah as Nelson, do you have any adaptive athletes or am I thinking of another box in that area?
Starting point is 00:40:29 I actually don't. I've always thought it'd be really cool, but I've never had one walk through the door. You don't have any dwarfs? No. I did have one gentleman who, it was like a paralyzed shorter arm and we worked with him for a while,
Starting point is 00:40:43 but he and his wife moved. But other than that, no. No dwarfs. Oh, this guy. This guy. This guy's a stud. Yeah, Carlos. Oh, from Life.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Yeah, yeah. I still wear that shirt, the blue shirt. Oh, okay. Yeah, this dude's cool. Is he Venezuelan? Carlos Mejeas. What a stud. But basically put his whole life into opening a CrossFit gym.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Like, you know, yeah. Those guys, that's, yeah, you got to do it right. That's for sure. So what ends up, so you start the gym in your garage small, probably the way Greg would say to start it. And then it grows and grows. And now you're a 10-year affiliate and you have a partner and what would you say is the reason um you do it the day-to-day
Starting point is 00:41:33 i mean obviously a lot of you know everybody has that selfish factor you have your place to work out and you love crossfit but number one i love to coach people i love coaching i don't get to coach as much as i used to because of how much I have to work. But coaching people and then giving everybody else really is just giving everybody else the opportunity to have a place that has the same mindset as I do. Providing a good place for them to work out. Positive, teaching new things and really just having a CrossFit gym for people. just having a CrossFit gym for people. We only have two in the area. And for 50,000 people, we're fine. We split. But I just love CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:42:11 I love to support it. And another thing I hear a lot where people say the games don't matter for their CrossFit gyms or what the CrossFit Games does, it's funny because here everyone loves the Open. Everybody watches the games. It's like ESPN. Nobody cares about football or basketball. It's who won Rogue and who won the open and who won this and who won that so i i would we don't have any like games athletes but we have lots of people that compete and so i'm very competitive guy and it's cool to provide a place for that where they can come we've
Starting point is 00:42:39 got a bunch of masters athletes that go win a bunch of local comps and it's just i i drink the kool-aid every day and i hope it never changes i want to be 75 years old still doing ring muscle-ups that's the goal your gym has a very og feel to the um instagram account it's dogs and babies and american flags and um crossFit game stuff. Yeah. That's, that's it. No bootcamps, no yoga. No. And I don't hate on any of that because a business is a business and I've just, I liken it to my garage still. So we get the new equipment we need.
Starting point is 00:43:18 We just got a new wall rig that roll that rogue rig is new, but I, I want it to be, you know, the know the og guys you see if they ever walked in i'd want them to go damn this place is cool you know and uh so it's good we like it it fits our people yeah i'm looking at this picture i'm looking at this picture i got of the this this was the as i quickly scrolled through your instagram this was like the thing that stood out to me the most, the dog. Yeah. We had dogs and babies. Yeah, dogs and babies.
Starting point is 00:43:55 We have a little lady who brings her a little gate and has her two-year-old run around in it while she does her WOD at 4 o'clock. And then lots of dogs. But that pretty much sums us up there. Hey, how did you handle the closures hard on you? How long did you close for? I hate to tell people this, but, yeah, no, it was not hard. We had to close for eight weeks. He shut it down, and then DeSantis got it open as quick as he could. And we obviously, we didn't, so working in law enforcement in the area where I own my gym,
Starting point is 00:44:18 I wasn't going to be the guy that was like, you're going to arrest me before I close, obviously. Sure, sure. We waited until the last minute. I had all my members come in. I let everybody take a piece of equipment. My gym was completely empty, even the floor mats, aside from the rig. Everybody took equipment home. I did Zoom classes a couple days a week.
Starting point is 00:44:38 A couple of my coaches hosted some from their house, and I gave them stuff. We got all the PPE, PPP loans to pay all our coaches the whole time and pay our rent. So we never fell behind. I think my co-owner would kill me. I don't know this. I want to believe 80% of my members kept paying. That's awesome. Yeah. So we actually put us in a really good place. So when we reopened our gym, we were able to purchase some new equipment. We've got a bunch of echo bikes and stuff so we were able to it's kind of a way to think then we obviously my co-owner I don't take a salary for our gym we just reinvest and we bow jobs and we you know we do our
Starting point is 00:45:16 what's he do what's he do he's yeah he used to be in the military and now okay defense contractor he's in charge um like apache and helicopter simulators all over the world so okay yeah so we we make our own jobs and we we love to do it and he's the same way man he's just all in loves it he works 14 15 hours a week i try to do you know between 8 and 10 on what i could do and we just love to do it. Do you have a full-time head coach? No, actually we don't. So him and I both coach. I've got five coaches that go for membership and then I've got three other kind of main coaches
Starting point is 00:45:57 that pick up a good chunk of the hours. But I'm very lucky. Everybody's really good and everybody kind of falls into their slots and all the hours get filled. And we've been hosting the L ones lately. So we get these fresh, new, excited people that come in and we, you know, we show them and we show them how we do things and teach them. And then they just grab up hours and they just love to do it. You know, they're like, you don't have to pay us. And we're like, we're paying relax. So it's just, they're awesome. I have a really good group. Um, how did you get to host an l1 what a cool thing
Starting point is 00:46:28 yeah so my co-owner does all that he uh he just applied for it and we want to do more but so we are old school we don't have ac no central air and it is florida so we're kind of we're in that like august to january phase where we're kind of eligible to host it. But he puts in for it and we've done two. First one was okay. It was, there was some things that, you know, kind of were here and there.
Starting point is 00:46:51 And then the second one was much better. And it was just, when you say, okay, you mean on your part, you wish you would have done better for HQ. Not that they fucked up. Nah,
Starting point is 00:47:00 I guess it was, it wasn't what I remembered. Oh, oh, you sat through it. You sat I remembered. Oh, oh. You sat through it. You sat through it. In my office, a little around. I have cameras everywhere, obviously.
Starting point is 00:47:12 But it was good. It all ended up well. The next one was really good. And it was cool to be able to. That was probably one of the peaks of owning a CrossFit gym is getting to share and let other people come to my gym and learn and get their L1 was pretty cool. I don't want to I don't want to put you on the spot because I know you don't want to badmouth them but when you say. Wherever you're
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Starting point is 00:48:35 for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. Tell me, but you're saying that when you went to your L1, Magic. Magic. Yeah. Yeah, it was like that for me too. It like literally magic it was like holy shit actually the first 10 i went to i was just i couldn't fucking believe what i was hearing and i did at my l1 yeah yeah is so what didn't you like about can you say what was disappointing you was it was it not as hype you don't think they disseminated the um uh culture
Starting point is 00:49:03 you you don't like has it been watered down like what i wouldn't say that i think it was more for me my communication with them i think the people that went experienced the magic okay okay good okay good yeah no nothing i mean i had three members go and they're still smiling and that was a a year ago, you know? So it was still, yeah, but it was good. And then, and, uh, and you know, when you host something, you're working together, so you got to mold and work together. And then, uh, we got it. And I think we're pretty set now and we want to, we put in for everything, specialty courses, L2s, L1s, whatever we'll host, whatever.
Starting point is 00:49:40 It's, I don't think people, this, this doesn't get said enough and um if i with zero humility matter of fact i don't think i've heard anyone say it besides me but when you have a crossfit gym in your community and an affiliate in your community the repercussions and the ripples from it are immeasurable and it's really it's like when people were donating money um to causes i was like why don't you just give money to your local affiliate they all and people were like why would we do that it's a business what do you mean you're it's like tipping the gut first of all they barely make it by like you said you don't take any money you tip
Starting point is 00:50:19 the guy if the if you pull up to a hotel and the guy runs over and opens your door and and lets your wife out and then the next thing he does is he has your kid like a teddy bear or something, welcome to the fucking Four Seasons, you're stoked. Yeah, yeah. And you tip that guy big. Why wouldn't you, if you have a thousand, if you want to raise money, why wouldn't you raise money for your local CrossFit gym instead of your, so that they could buy new equipment? Because what that's going to do is that's going to make everyone in your community healthier. And what does that mean? Those people are going to require less resources from your community.
Starting point is 00:50:51 As a matter of fact, they're going to become contributors instead of takers. It's crazy the power that these gyms have in terms of everything, mindset, physicality, the way people carry themselves, the happiness, the lack lack of the resources they don't take from hospitals Just all that shit Yep yep You're not sick you're not issues you're not obese You don't have no injuries It's just You're nicer to people
Starting point is 00:51:16 Like if you just leave your CrossFit gym And you just got done doing Fran And you pull up to a fucking Safeway And someone takes your parking spot You don't give a shit You're like no problem I can't walk You're high as a fucking Safeway and someone takes your parking spot, you don't give a shit. You're like, no problem. I can't walk. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're high as a fucking kite.
Starting point is 00:51:29 It's amazing. Yeah. You go to pull out a shopping cart at the store and someone grabs it ahead of you, you're like, no problem. Go ahead. I mean, you're so confident. You're so in yourself. Yes, and that's the biggest thing I try to tell the high school kids.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Confidence. There is no drug better than confidence. There's nothing. Yeah, yeah. You basically feel like you're conquering the world in your crossfit gym right the stuff we do is insane so when you go out like you said you go in the real world you're like okay whatever that's i got it i got confidence i could do anything yeah so um uh um uh tom i think this is a question for you. Is Patrick, is this your partner, Patrick Trevino? Yeah. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:52:07 He said we're the head coaches. He's probably right. What's up, Patrick? Hi. I think this is Tom. I hope it's a great affiliate. But man, people who do it for free make it impossible for others to make a living doing it. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Impossible for others to make a living Doing it Hmm Um Well we I think some don't provide the same Service like if they discount They don't take a pay and they discount everything They do because they don't take a pay then yes It could slight but we give the
Starting point is 00:52:38 Same service the same opportunities as everyone Else would be my yeah well And you're not doing it for free for We I think what you're saying tom is this um he could shut the doors down and walk away yeah and it'd be no sweat off his back just more free time that he could spend with his daughter but he's still charging his members and his members are subsidizing keeping keeping the doors open, paying the electricity, the Internet, the equipment, the toilet paper, the water machine, all that shit. Keeping the parking lot clean, shit like that.
Starting point is 00:53:14 It's not that he's he's not he's not giving it away for free. He's basically the he's basically the guy who just collects the money and keeps the lights on. He's doing that for free. I get out what I need from it, what it does for me and what, what coaching and, and I work out really hard. Like, you know, you would think I'm trying to be a games athlete as hard as I work out in the career I work out with. That's my payment. That's, that's what I need. That's my fulfillment. And I can see where he's coming from.
Starting point is 00:53:42 I can imagine people probably think like, I don't give a shit factor comes in because I don't get paid. And we never feel that. I would be devastated if I had to close this place and didn't make it. And I scratch for every penny to keep it open and do what I got to do. Right. But I get what he's saying. I can imagine if you're, you know, someone just gave you a million bucks, you open a gym, and you just have it as a toy a toy shed for yourself and you prepare but that's where we work very hard to to keep it going and doing what we
Starting point is 00:54:09 can are you friends with the other gym um i try to be yeah it's kind of different i don't know how it is around there but there's people get i don't know they get territorial here sure like i'm really close with the guys that are 45 minutes away you know i've competed with a bunch of them um i'm if they were watching here they'd probably comment say some nice things but the you know i try i i have no hard feelings for anyone i've gone to one of them i went there as an affiliate um and i left and was gone and i've i don't we don't do any really advertising we did groupon a little bit and you know we post things here and there but it's all just very they just flow in they come people tell other people about it we don't go hunting members so but nah it's very territorial around here are you the only two coaches, you and Patrick? No, no, no. L1s. We're L2s, and we've got nine coaches.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Oh. And then a lot of them do it. Some of them trade membership for coaching, and we pay a few. But, yeah, we've got a lot of coaches. Oh, okay. So people are getting paid to coach there. Yes, yes. No, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Okay. Three or four we pay. Okay. Others that trade for membership. Awesome. Yeah, yeah, yeah so that that helps out a lot and we work we work a good amount i had someone tell me yesterday my god what was the story
Starting point is 00:55:35 there was a coach there and do you like do you like your coaches will you talk to your coaches if they're being um uh uh as taylor self says slap dicks if they're fucking off will you talk to them yeah dude you can't be sitting on a box on your phone like get up there and coach some shit so i like to approach it kind of like a broad like you know if you're coaching a class and someone's doing something wrong you explain the right way to do it that'll fix them but everybody else can hear it i try to start that way and then yeah i'll talk to them and say hey dude you got to make sure you lock the door yeah oh yeah the younger ones so i've had um two people i coached in high school that now have coached for me i'll tell them hey get off your
Starting point is 00:56:13 phone and go talk okay let's go yeah and it's not not to be mean i'm trying to teach them of course of course 100 like i said before if your friends don't tell you you're doing wrong then you don't have friends no no one's paying for a membership somewhere so that you can be on your phone. Yeah, no, no, no bueno. Unless it's taking a clip for social media for the gym. Right, right. Exactly. Do you do you ever think that you would do you ever think when your affiliate fees are due that you want to stop paying them is or is it easy to pay them financially it can make it hard sometimes but um it hasn't yet we definitely because you're running it you're breaking even then all of a
Starting point is 00:56:59 sudden a three thousand dollar bill comes in yeah and then you know hearing that it's going to go up and and like you i mean i watch all shows yeah you guys point out it's not exactly the same um however even with greg and dave and you guys all run the show i ran the affiliate the same way as i you know it didn't really affect me when you guys left it just bummed me out because i'm a fan yeah and i've never gotten anything from headquarters they've never like helped me fan yeah and i've never gotten anything from headquarters they've never like helped me pay a bill they've never sent me a member ever so i'd have a really hard time it's amazing what the word crossfit means you know what i mean like i'd have a hard time taking that off and rebranding but you know i'm not gonna lie we talk about it every year
Starting point is 00:57:42 you know we do our finances and we we assess and we see what we can do better and where we're at financially. But it would be a cold day in hell before we changed our name, if that makes sense. Yeah, yeah. I wonder what you think about this. So this is – they hired this guy, this new affiliate director, right? Oh, yeah. And before they had this big, beautiful, fucking black dude as the affiliate director who was like a 10-year CrossFitter, right? Strong, smile, went to CrossFit gyms, Gary Gaines.
Starting point is 00:58:20 When I think – and then they had Austin Maliolo as the interim affiliate director. When I think of the affiliate director from where I stand, the affiliate director is just a cashier. What they do is that they go out into the community, and they collect all the money from everyone, and they bring it back to the mothership. And that's what they do, and they do it with a smile on their face. Oh, you're a little late. Oh, your gym closed, or you need help changing your name. But this guy, Gary, to me was like the ideal affiliate director big beautiful strong and he made you feel confident like while you're while you're working here he's he's got it and he and he and he drinks the kool-aid and maybe he every weekend he goes to a different
Starting point is 00:58:59 gym and works out around the country you give him like four weekends off and that's it that's all he does so you feel so you feel like there's some like fucking stud right yeah representing us but who actually should be representing the affiliates and taking care of them is the media team and the ceo's office and the ceo's office is like imparting the vision and just keeps reiterating the message that greg glad the philosophy yeah and the media goes and visits these gym and shows examples of it. Yes. But the affiliate director should just be a cashier. Like, like just like, like, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for your money. Yeah. Here's your receipt. Thank you. And smiles makes you feel like, like it's a well-dressed con like I liked this Gary dude just because he's a
Starting point is 00:59:42 stud. Like I want to give my money to a stud 100% yeah They're not bringing me members or No no thank you my money The media team in the CEO's office is Going to provide and then The L1 team in the games are also going to Provide stuff to content That's going to that the media team can then go out
Starting point is 00:59:59 And get and then yeah and then being an affiliate You get like cool perks like you get to purchase games Tickets first but other than that you're part of a fucking club like you said you pride this name out of my fucking cold dead hands yeah yeah god it seems so simple it the media team would be the biggest impact i think that would help because you know as far as it comes from me the only thing that I've ever gotten from being an affiliate other than the name is regionals a few years ago. I got an affiliate owner tent I got to go hang out in one time, a lounge. Aside from that, other than the name bringing people in, headquarters really hasn't affected anything on my gym that I'm aware of.
Starting point is 01:00:40 There are things I missed, but it would be nice. I go to work, and I hear people once a year when the games Are on TV. Hey, don't you do that CrossFit thing in that, you know, but aside from that no one Even knows what CrossFit is. There's no commercials. There's not a big social media presence. There's no YouTube There's no Instagram really worth anything It's like so we're used to being on our own and we just feel like it almost feels like Greg made something amazing. He taught it to us.
Starting point is 01:01:08 We pay for the name and we've run with it. Yeah. On our own for the most part. So, yeah. I like the fact of it too, of it like being on YouTube and social media as opposed to, like some people are like, we need a commercial for the Super Bowl. I'm like, fuck that. I like this kind of whole, even though we're massive, this underground feel to us to like, hey, we know we do shit that like all the other people in Starbucks can't do. Well, and the commercials are dead. Let's be real. Social media is everything.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Yeah. So that's where that's where everything because that's all anybody looks at anymore. Social media. I don't watch the news. I just open Facebook. Oh, wow. There's a bombing yesterday okay cool you know so i um uh i saw on yesterday on facebook um who's the kid he used to be a games athlete he's probably not even a kid anymore he has a gym in washington cody he was on the show is that cody mooney no oh he he's that's a cool dude too but that's from the northeast oh i know you're talking about the little guy gymnastics but he's strong as hell. Yeah, the other day I just fucking, I saw he deadlifted 510 pounds on Instagram. I think he has 400 clean and he weighs like 160 pounds or something like that.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Yeah, like that's all I want. Yeah, yeah, look at him deadlifting. This is all I want to see. Yeah. This is it. This is like, fuck you, we CrossFit. Like, here's our guy. Look at him.
Starting point is 01:02:23 He's tiny and he's huge. Yeah. Like, that should be repost you, we CrossFit. Like, here's our guy. Look at him. He's tiny and he's huge. Yeah. Like, that should be reposted, I would imagine. Yeah, that's... Cody Anderson, yeah. What a stud. He was fun to watch. He won, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:35 He won one of the muscle-up biathlons or something at the games, and he was always fun to watch. So, you're... There there's you you the the you like being in the club it's like i feel like that's um you like being in the club you like the name you don't want to see the price raised i would prefer not right and and if they did rate would you be okay if they raised the price that they grandfathered you in? Yeah, but I don't know. I listened to a lot of stuff from Greg, and the reason why he kept it so low is a reason.
Starting point is 01:03:13 He wanted that low barrier to entry, and basically everybody has a chance to play. But, I mean, if I'm just worried about myself, I guess, yeah, that's fine. And I believe they have. Didn't the affiliate fees get up to $5,000 or something at are they suza suza shaking his head no but there keeps being rumblings so supposedly they were going to raise them a couple months ago oh uh suza's saying 4 000 he's got four up okay yeah and i'm yeah is that what they are now suza they're 4 000 if i want to open a gym they're 3 000 okay so there's rumblings of $4,000. Okay. And then supposedly because of some, whatever the mishap was with the Coons now,
Starting point is 01:03:49 they've pushed it off till January. Yeah, that was kind of weird. Yeah, it really was. That really was weird. Well, and it's funny, if it wasn't for your show or Hiller, I don't think anybody would have known about it. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Well, they have a new media director that no one knows about I see nothing about CrossFit Aside from your show and Hiller And Coffee Pods and Wads I think that's it That's all My members watch
Starting point is 01:04:17 That's where we get our CrossFit media from You understand when Pedro talks? I do He's hilarious CrossFit media from. You understand when Pedro talks? I do. He's hilarious. I watched your CrossFit update show this morning, making sure I didn't miss anything. He's fantastic.
Starting point is 01:04:37 You ever think about opening a second gym, David? No. I think if I ever opened something more, it would be another smaller kind of competitor style gym. Yeah, I really like competing. Does that even exist? Does that exist? I don't think so. A lot of the gyms in my area, it's just one big gym.
Starting point is 01:04:57 We're very fortunate. We have like a big bay. And then you go through a doorway and I have another smaller bay. And we generally, the competitors will kind of go over there and do open gym gym or I have weightlifters that will go do their weightlifting over there but nothing in this area that I know of but and again I'm not going to be brute strength but I'd like to have another like maybe 800 square feet with like three of everything and just have like hey if you want to go hard and follow the programming here's your spot you know because you never want it to take away from your affiliate either but that's probably what i'd be interested in or like a you know a
Starting point is 01:05:29 pseudo weightlifting crossfit gym so i could push my team there over the summers and stuff um have you ever been to img the academy down there uh only to work a game just to see the outside they're like seven turf fields and they're, it's amazing. You mean that you went there like as a, as a, as security? Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. It was, we had a lacrosse team go play there. So I went and watched and hung out and they have like a turf practice field and then their
Starting point is 01:05:59 football field and then their lacrosse main field. And it's, it's an incredible facility. I think you guys have a lot of stuff like that there though don't you in california yeah yeah i i guess i went to img in florida once and it was crazy impressive i mean it's basically it's it's like a fucking national park with a bunch of athletic shit going on there yeah and the guys they get there they have like a 450 pound like guy from samoan guy who's like 16 and can run like a four five or some crazy thing like that the athletes they get they're incredible yeah everyone's been through there from the kobe's to the serenas right yeah yeah yeah i wonder how do you know
Starting point is 01:06:36 this is kind of a weird question to ask you but how does someone how do these training camps like how does matt torres make his money i have no idea I would be interested to see I don't know If does he get a cut of What they pull in or I assume The athletes don't pay him but I have no idea I always watch hoping I hear from you guys So let's say he has 10 games athletes and they each pay him a thousand
Starting point is 01:06:57 Dollars a month so that would be That would only be a hundred and twenty thousand Dollars like how that that you That doesn't that I don't know how he does that Especially where he was living There's no way The cost of living there is insane In Naples
Starting point is 01:07:10 Yeah he couldn't even That wouldn't cover the cost of the gym I mean his apartment alone Had to have been $3,000 or $4,000 a month Like it's incredible there I don't know I wonder if he gets his own sponsors I don't know
Starting point is 01:07:23 Maybe his Brute has sponsors. I don't know. Brute brought to you by Philip Morris. And they and they're like, yeah, I don't know. Do you know how they do it, Sousa? Do you know how camps do it? So so it makes sense, right? What what Fraser's doing, right? Because he's put he's selling podium. So you run a camp and it's subsidized by And he has his memberships For his different levels Oh right right right right of course So that's all subsidized
Starting point is 01:07:50 That's even smarter His programming and his supplements It's almost a virtual gym for him basically But I'm trying to think I guess Brutel's programming too Because John Young does their programming Oh okay So that must subsidize it too I'm really impressed with matt torres
Starting point is 01:08:05 are you impressed with him yeah i think it's pretty cool he's he's i'm curious to see what this next step is i you guys probably have more some some more insight but from outside looking in i don't really know who's there honestly i didn't understand it at all he says he's rebranding i didn't even know that you had to brand training i thought like just people came out and if they were good we liked you. And if you suck, we didn't. My assumption is branding means you lost something that was a major part of your company. Like if you are branding?
Starting point is 01:08:33 If you're rebranding. Oh, rebranding. Like if I lost my partner and he took half the gym and I would rebrand with my own. You know, so I don't know. Again, I don't know. I'm not there. Well, the listeners bought me this And so I kind of rebranded
Starting point is 01:08:47 Yeah I just branded He's got a He's got a good bunch of athletes It definitely matters What happens And who's still there And who's
Starting point is 01:08:57 Five complete weirdos All through the game Fisa Goffey Emma Carey Dallin Pepper James Sprague And Daniel Brandon What a
Starting point is 01:09:04 And then the kid nate ackerman they got just like weirdo centro down there and he did it i mean james sprague is a giant giants don't go to the games yeah i actually reached out to him to talk to him a while ago and he said he would um but yeah for your podcast yeah yeah yeah he's great yeah get him on you'll love him he's dope Yeah, I love doing it We did a couple episodes And just life got kind of crazy And then he said we'd reach out after the games
Starting point is 01:09:30 But he seems like a good dude And he's cool Emma Carey's not there anymore though, right? No, she went up to Bayham, right? Yeah Yeah, it sounds like she went with her boss too Her coach
Starting point is 01:09:40 Yeah, maybe that's part of the rebrand I don't know Tell me about your podcast. It's just I started initially I was just started to kind of introduce all the coaches and locally. It was like a meant for like a local a local deal and for my gym only. And I had a couple of members, a few members come on and it was like, I'm fortunate. One of my members is a Hall of famer for softball at mississippi state so i got to talk to her about her story another one of my members is from
Starting point is 01:10:10 venezuela and like escaped venezuela came had a really cool story and she's been kidnapped and basically walked on the ucs campus just trying to yeah that's her she walked on ucs campus said i want to go to ucf i'm from venezuela i had a i had a master's degree there i was an engineer i want to start here and she met a professor who sponsored her and now she's an engineer here it's just an incredible story holy dude her dad was kidnapped she was kidnapped held for ransom just incredible stories and so i was just fortunate to get to to get to talk to them and then but yeah she's that's an incredible human
Starting point is 01:10:48 that story was cool are you going to keep doing it? It's a lot of work yeah that's the goal it's not a lot of work it's just a significant amount of time I love to talk to people
Starting point is 01:11:04 and getting that you know getting who some of my coaches were a little scared to get on and do it so my original plan with them kind of fell through um but i had some few people lined up i was going to talk to and i just saw work got really crazy no excuses got laryngitis got all this other bs but i'm going to get back on it i really enjoy it i just like to talk to people show people their story nobody would know about her If you know If I couldn't talk to her
Starting point is 01:11:27 And a thousand people Or whatever saw it on On YouTube So I thought that was kind of cool But I dig it And hey That's one of those things Really that got a thousand views
Starting point is 01:11:35 I think it got more than that actually It did Imagine the inspiration she is to Venezuelan people who saw it Oh man And it's funny Because after she came on A few of them reached out and thanked me. And they basically all have the same similar stories.
Starting point is 01:11:50 And it's wild. Like, if you ever want to talk to us, I'm like, absolutely. Like, absolutely. So it's been cool. It's good. I'm going to keep going. And my co-owner is the one that talked me into doing it. He's like, you should do a podcast. I'm like you're crazy. Um
Starting point is 01:12:07 So yeah um, uh uh I had joely joely gentry on here and then and then one of my friends who's a Local cop was telling me that that's basically I think that's basically the job of being a cop that no one ever talks about You're really it's it's it's all talking it's all getting to know people that's like the the foundation of the job well it'll say it saves your life explain oh i mean there's been especially working in a jail i've had a bunch of situations where i had to
Starting point is 01:12:36 talk my way out of situations where you end up and there's five people there that might not like you much and you can fight your way to talk fight your way out or talk your way out. And talking is the safest way. And going to domestics and going to, you know, the crazy stuff you hear about and you talk them down and get them hugging each other by the end of it or at least get them in the handcuffs safely. But there's nothing more important at all. Be physically ready, but if you can't talk,
Starting point is 01:13:02 you're just, you're not going to make it. Are there any stories in the jail that you could share where you were in a weird position i in five years have me back on okay okay perfect i'll write the book jail is a horrible place huh to be in yeah i can't think of anything I would want less. Yeah. And you know these days you can't get away with it being a bad condition. It's a wonderful condition and they take care of them and they're fed. But just being in jail, I couldn't imagine. I don't know, man. I've seen some videos of like these jails in Florida.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Yeah. Where there's like a hundred dudes in one room. Well, yeah, that's jail. It's a big open like living room it looks it looks so scary yeah yeah i mean yeah like your just head would always be on a swivel 100 yeah it's and everybody has their role there so you find your role and you hope it's good um uh wad zombie uh i can almost guess how she votes in our elections After seeing how Venezuela is
Starting point is 01:14:07 Yeah bring in the Venezuelans Every person I've ever met from there Is very in line with Us So I mean they even talked about They started tearing down their statues And their memorials
Starting point is 01:14:23 And their history was one of the levels that they did and then when we started doing that a couple years ago i was like oh wow yeah it's it's it's crazy yeah it's if you read about it i'm sure you have it's it's scary it's almost like uh we need to read their history to make sure we don't end up in the same way Dude you know What I was tripping on the other day This is way off Subject but there are
Starting point is 01:14:54 There are 464 Million Arabs Really There's 1.8 million Muslims There's 15
Starting point is 01:15:11 Million Jews Oh wow Leave them the fuck Alone Yeah yeah oh all the stuff going on over there Right now leave them the fuck Alone just leave there's only There's probably only six million in that country. Leave them fucking alone.
Starting point is 01:15:31 Yeah. There's two billion of you combined between the Muslims and the Arabs. Leave them. There's 15 million. Yeah. That's how many Mormons there are. Yeah. Like leave them fucking alone. It's crazy
Starting point is 01:15:45 It's hard to understand really what's going over there You know there's so many things from different sides And there's You know in my simpleton mind I'm like can we just pull back And like sure up our country Oh that too Yeah
Starting point is 01:15:57 Can we pull the aircraft carrier into the Gulf of Mexico Yeah Just fire on the border Yeah there's like naval you know different companies Can we pull the aircraft carrier into the Gulf of Mexico? Yeah. Yeah, I keep seeing the different – Just fire on the border. Yeah, there's like naval different companies and aircraft carriers and soldiers and Marines and landing over there. I'm like, hey, guys, can you guys hit Texas first? So it's, you know, what could happen here?
Starting point is 01:16:20 David, your cute ass will do fine in JL7. All right, thank you. I appreciate you having you i appreciate you having um i appreciate you running the show in there you'd have a poker game in your cell good good something i needed you something to keep keep me busy yeah uh so um no no no no second gym uh really really focused on this one uh what about pursuing a more um like like a level three or level four interest you at all yeah absolutely and how come why like whenever i hear about i'm like why would anyone want to do that isn't it enough like you love coaching you're good at what you do yeah i mean
Starting point is 01:17:05 it might be as simple as like if you're doing jujitsu right you just stop at blue belt or you try for the next one right okay okay keep it very simple in my head both my coach my coach and i or owner and i um we're both l2s and we're like why do we keep renewing this let's just try to take the test you know so we'll give it a shot am i too far far from my mic, Sousa? Is that, are you signaling me? No. Oh, oh,
Starting point is 01:17:27 you're coughing. You're coughing. Okay. Hey, what did, what would you say to someone who wants to open a gym? Uh, good luck.
Starting point is 01:17:35 And if you don't have passion, don't. Hmm. It's really financial. And you think it's just going to be, you want to do it to make a living. You're going to make money. And it's a business decision. Don't, and you think it's just going to be you want to do it to make a living, you're going to make money, and it's a business decision.
Starting point is 01:17:46 Don't. What percent of gyms do you think make money? Do you think half of them make money? I wouldn't guess that. I know there's some huge gyms and major backing and had a big head start, but I don't think if you start from the ground up, I think five years is a good spot to where you're making some good money, hopefully. And if not, it depends how you push, but you have to have the passion.
Starting point is 01:18:10 What would you do if you and Patrick wanted to start making money? Is the only option to get more members? Probably, yeah. Yeah, and we're getting close to filling here, too. We'd probably have to get a bigger place. But in our area, the real estate boom is insane. So for us to get a bigger place, we would have to get some, we'd have to bring someone in and get some financial backing. And we're just not interested in that. We love our community, what we have. And when you say there's a boom, is that a California? Why is there,
Starting point is 01:18:42 is that all the Californians are coming? I don't know what the heck it is, but it's getting expensive. So we bought our townhome four years ago, and it was $200,000, and it just appraised for $360,000. So it's doubled. Yeah, more. Or yeah, a little over. Yeah, it's bad. It's a lot. Yeah, that's crazy.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Well, you're stoked, right? That's good. Yeah, but what good does it do? If I want to upgrade my house and get my family into some property, I could sell it, but I can't afford where I want to move. So, in a park, $2,000, $3,000 a month. Right, so everything went up. Yeah. I'm trying to figure out, do you think that the people,
Starting point is 01:19:21 did you ever meet Greg? No, I haven't. You never met him? No, no. Have you ever met any of the new leadership? No, I haven't. Nobody comes down here. Yeah, too far away.
Starting point is 01:19:33 Yeah, no, nobody gets over here. I – no. Matt Schindeldecker says 80% of the CrossFit affiliates profit less than $30,000 a year. I can see that. What's his name? I'm really excited. On November 13th, Chris Cooper's coming on. Do you know who that is, the Two Brain Business guy?
Starting point is 01:19:56 Yeah, he's a rock star. Yeah. Do you ever use any of his services? I haven't. We've kind of just done it our way, but it's something we look into. We pride ourselves in kind of doing it our way. I don't know if that's stubborn or stupid, but that's just kind of how we've always done it. Maybe we'll make a big push for that, but I just, I love the community we have and I love what we have.
Starting point is 01:20:28 I like coming here in the morning. I get up at three 45. I'm here at four 15. I work out for two hours, coach, go to school, go home. You don't drink. No, no. Me and my wife, if we go out, you know, or once every six months we get to go out, you know, we might have a drink here or there, but generally not. It doesn't pay dividends at four o'clock in the morning when you're trying to ring our bell. Yeah, I don't think anyone who gets up at 4 drinks. No, no.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Yeah, crazy. Or probably who's working three jobs. Yeah. No, you can. I just don't. I mean, you never would recover. In, you know, in 2008, 2009, the CrossFit thing really exploded, and the economy was in a fucking really bad spot. So I always thought that some of the reasons why is that people weren't working.
Starting point is 01:21:13 They got to pursue their dreams as maybe being a trainer. They took their L1. There was a lot of fucking commercial property available for people to move into places, all that stuff. It was just a colliding of perfect scenarios for CrossFit to explode. And we're kind of in that situation now where society is kind of in upheaval and there's all this economic turmoil. But I don't ever remember inflation being like this. Nate, I guess it was the last time, right?
Starting point is 01:21:44 I don't even remember 2006 at least in Florida the housing market Crashed and we had like a 60% Short sale rate or foreclosure rate But do you remember inflation Do you remember ever food or items Like skyrocketing in price like this Oh no other than gas
Starting point is 01:22:00 But that doesn't count you know how the gas is But yeah no I don't It's incredible uh that our food bill went from 200 to 500 a month it's yours did okay yeah all right a week weekly it's incredible so i i i'm i'm i keep wondering what's going to happen to crossfit like if is it going to flourish during this like it did in 2008 and 9 Or it's something different now And it's not going to flourish I think it'll survive
Starting point is 01:22:29 Yeah I can't foresee a time Where we're not going to have CrossFit As part of Star Society I don't know I don't know if it'll be like an American Ninja Warrior Niche market or what But I don't see if it'll be like an american ninja warrior niche market or what but i
Starting point is 01:22:45 don't see it going away what about this i think of crossfit as a and these are my words these aren't greg's words i've asked him about this before and i don't think he saw it this way but i think of it as a libertarian personal accountability, personal responsibility, lifestyle movement, meaning it brings people together who who. Have certain values regarding personal responsibility and personal accountability and that this lifestyle is ideal for that. Right. Yeah. And I don't think that the current i don't think it lives in any other way because it's so hard like i don't think like i don't think dipshits pick it up right and so you can't sell it to dipshits like like like you can sell cigarettes to dipshits yeah yeah like all day long right
Starting point is 01:23:42 and just fucking make a killing you can't sell crossfit to dipshits and so um but i don't think the owners know that so part of me thinks that the that they have to like this is gonna sound fucking nuts here i think they have to give it back to greg i think maybe i think maybe they have to pay him to take it back woody like hey here's 50 million dollars Please take it from us Your fucking wife's crazy Sorry we fucked your wife
Starting point is 01:24:12 I don't want her back I'll give you 50 million It feels like that They got a problem on their hand This Andrew Hillard guy's not helping He's fucking like Every time they try to pull their skirt down over their feet He lifts their skirt up and ties it up over their head Like look it's got a problem on their hand it's not this andrew hillard guy's not helping he's fucking like every time they try to pull their skirt down over their feet he lifts their skirt up and ties it up over their head like look it's got a dick that's accountability i guess right he's holding yeah
Starting point is 01:24:32 they weren't prepared for the community they weren't prepared for any of this i don't know how anyone could be right yeah it's unless they just want to cut unless i guess there is another way you could turn this thing into curves, but you'd have to cut off the head of the snake. You would lose everybody, I think. Yeah, I think so too. Do you see what I'm saying or do you think I'm crazy? I think we have a situation on our hands.
Starting point is 01:24:58 I don't think it's bad. I think it's fun. I mean, from my perspective, it's fun to watch. But I think we've got a problem on our hands. Not a problem, a situation. Escalating situation. Look, Waze, like, 90% of my member base never had done CrossFit before, before they walked in the door.
Starting point is 01:25:13 They didn't come for CrossFit. They came because, oh, you can get fit here and look good in your bathing suit. Yeah. I don't rely a lot, like you said, on headquarters or on the games page or CrossFit's Instagram page. We rely nothing on that. I've never had anybody go, had anybody go oh i you know maybe five or six people i google crossfit and found you it was just i looked for a gym and you popped up on social media or or it was in one of the city affiliate you know facebook pages and they were asking well i need to find a
Starting point is 01:25:39 good gym and people spoke up about it um but and it's also it's like a sport for adults yeah yeah so a lot of our members all played sports and they're very competitive people and what else can you be competitive in because you know beer league soccer beer league basketball or softball i fulfill so much right here and be the main attraction on a local competition. We have one going on now that's in the same place the semifinals was in Orange County in Orlando. What else can offer that? So I guess there's both sides. There's the fitness and healthy, and then there's athletes that want to still have that go. But those people end up falling into – those are the people who come into it at 34.
Starting point is 01:26:23 Like you're at that age now you're at that age where people around you are going to start getting type 2 diabetes and they're going to start dying and shit and you're going to be like oh like like it took even though i heard it every day it wasn't until i'm 50 like oh fuck this really is like this isn't the games this is the cure for the world's most vexing problem now i get it it is also the games and god bless those 25 year old kids who are crushing it but at some point that 25 year old kid's going to be a 35 year old kid and his dad's going to come down with type 2 diabetes he's going to be like oh shit yeah i think i heard coach attaway say that this thing
Starting point is 01:26:54 can also cure type 2 diabetes yeah and they're going to you know what i mean it's this yeah and it's crazy how you don't have to like you said with the alcohol thing you don't have to push don't drink alcohol you just do crossfit right you don't want to do like you said with the alcohol thing, you don't have to push don't drink alcohol. You just do CrossFit. Right, and you don't want to do it. Yeah. You're not going to want to. Right. Yeah, I smoked when I came to CrossFit, and I love smoking,
Starting point is 01:27:13 but it literally came down to like, hey, this can't, this isn't, like I have to choose one. These two aren't compatible. Yeah, no, no. My ex and my current girlfriend can't be together. I got to pick one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it just does everything yeah What Greg made was incredible
Starting point is 01:27:25 And I mean I would love nothing more than him to be back But I mean you know him better than I do I can't imagine that would ever happen He sure as fuck ain't gonna pay for it No And I can't imagine them giving it back But at some point
Starting point is 01:27:40 They kind of I get this feeling that part of hq is just like an ostrich it just wants to put its head in the ground and act like it's not going on but it's going on well the revolution there's something going on and i and i feel it more than ever now and it's like oh shit something's happening in the community i feel like an investment opportunity either Like say that again none of us Want to feel like we're just this investment opportunity Right right
Starting point is 01:28:11 Yeah yeah yeah and there is Yeah they're doubling down On the rhetoric but here's the thing though Even if they convince all let's say They convinced all of you guys That hey this is just about selling Supplements and bringing money making opportunities then you then you're going to accidentally kill it yeah that's why like
Starting point is 01:28:30 even if they convince you that they were right then they're going to have killed i suspect maybe i'm wrong maybe maybe i have too much faith in humanity but i suspect then they're going to kill it it's like um it's like um like I'm just trying to think like when you add too much of something you ever put like too much dressing on the salad and you fucked up your salad it's not a salad anymore or cook your steak too long or yeah then it's charcoal yeah you fucked it up yeah it's not
Starting point is 01:28:57 it's not what it was it's not even a steak oh no I'm in my little town here hoping it all just stays the same yeah well well that's what's kind of cool about you your gym's off the grid yeah very much we're self-sustained you and your you and your um i almost feel bad reading tom's comment because basically what you're doing is is your you're subsidizing health and fitness for your community god dude you're an amazing cop what a good cop you are trying to be just trying to survive yeah what a good human being you are
Starting point is 01:29:32 that's the goal and incredible people around me so you ever seen anyone lose 100 pounds at your gym no um i haven't honestly in the 10 years we've been doing this, we haven't had any morbidly obese folks come in. But I mean, I've seen people come in looking like they go to soccer games and now they look like Xena or your princess, you know? Wow. Yeah. Lots of that. Let's be able to do things that they never did. They were stepping up on an irrigation box at 12 inches and now they're jumping on a 30 inch box. stepping up on an irrigation box at 12 inches and now they're jumping on a 30 inch box yeah you seen anyone quit drinking soda like yes like been like dude i can't fucking believe like like i just don't drink soda anymore as well yeah yourself as well yeah yeah yeah so it's it's more of like the things they could do like again we're not games athletes, but I would say 25% of our members can do a muscle-up with 30%, maybe even higher, a ring muscle-up, which I think is pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:30:31 You know, you go to a lot of gyms and there's five or six, maybe seven. But it's just as long as they're getting something out of it every day, you know, work a little harder, push a little harder. David Weed, guys Guys find yourself someone that Loves you as much as Sevan loves cops Yeah They call me a What are they A cop bunny police bunny
Starting point is 01:30:55 You call us enough don't you Yeah all the time Yes there's trash in front of my house It's completely unacceptable What I was going to ask you about something yesterday about someone calling the cops and someone i got a funny story about one ridiculousness tell me we had a lady call it was one of my last nights and she called and said someone is harassing her and they put a dead fish in her driveway wow so i walk up and i look at the dead fish and it's got four big holes in it and i put a dead fish in her driveway. Wow. So I walk up, and I look at the dead fish,
Starting point is 01:31:25 and it's got four big holes in it. And I hear a bird over my head, and I look up, and there's an osprey carrying a fish from the water over. Oh. And I said, ma'am, I think that's what did it. And she goes, no, that's a different fish. Like, I'm thinking he just dropped this one, and now he's got that one.
Starting point is 01:31:43 And insistent on a report. And, and, and, and, uh, I'll never forget that. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:31:49 no shit. Yeah. Lots of fun stories. Like, could you just take her in for being on meth at that point? No, I think, I just think she looked out of the blinds a lot,
Starting point is 01:32:00 you know, peaked. Yeah. Took a report for her and said, we'll take care of it and moved on but It's the most fun what are the odds you look up There's another one carrying another fish Yeah perfect timing crazy and with
Starting point is 01:32:11 The four holes in it yeah Uh you have You have you already worked out today Uh yes damn Yeah I work out I try to do every day Monday through Saturday at 4 a.m. And then Sundays I'll work out at 2 when I have a couple of clients come in. Awesome. Well, I really appreciate you coming on. It's long overdue. You're a great dude.
Starting point is 01:32:32 That was easy. Easy peasy. I appreciate you having me on. CrossFit Oviedo in the city of Oviedo. David, thanks, man, brother. And obviously stay in touch. We text. I feel like we just furthered the friendship. I appreciate you. Anytime. Thank you so much for having me on. Alright, dude. And tell Patrick thank you also. I will. Thank you. Alright. Ciao. An abrupt
Starting point is 01:32:55 ending to the Affiliate Series this Saturday as I must take Avi to tennis. Oh, yeah. You're almost late for that i was just picturing i was picturing uh that guy i was picturing some guy at a pickleball court excuse me miss your shirt is way too small i wish i was friends with danny so i could hear that story i want to see what she was wearing
Starting point is 01:33:26 When she got kicked out of the pickleball place Damn Dude I can't even fucking talk You look good your color looks good You look good Really I don't even have a light on This is just going through my computer mic right now No you look good hey
Starting point is 01:33:45 i have this show that i want to do that's just fucking war what do you mean like just a full like like like like the state of oregon is going to make it seem you don't have to fucking pass basic literacy competency tests for the next five years to graduate from high school. That's just fucking all-out war because of black people. That's just an all-out war on black people. That's basically the government telling black people you don't have – we're not going to require that you read to be able to graduate from high school. It's like just a war from fucking the liberals on black people. And I got like a hundred things
Starting point is 01:34:26 like that I want to talk about. It's just a fucking, I don't understand how anyone thinks that that's okay. It's fucking, we live in clown world, dude. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:34:38 Shit's nuts. I would fucking, I wanted to do the million man fucking black man march on fucking portland portland's gone portland sierra gone we should just write that off just let it burn let it have it the fuck are they doing and you and i should just move to a different state they straight up
Starting point is 01:34:56 say it's because of fucking colored people that's what they say that's the word yeah because you can't attack it it's all about the packaging. Think about every bill that comes out that the politics do. They probably spend more time packaging it in a word salad that you can't question, even you yeah portland's crazy racist you package it in a way that it can't even be questioned because if you the the simple fact of you saying hey like what is this like what who who benefits from this and why are we doing this oh you're racist what why would you say that they're the fucking racists they're the fucking racist of course They're the fucking racists. They're the fucking racists. Of course.
Starting point is 01:35:47 It's like fucking throwing a black man off a cliff and then saying, well, we did it because the lions were coming. We're saving them from the lions, but we threw them off the cliff. Okay, I have to go. I'm ready to fucking, I got a whole, I'm ready to fucking on the show. Okay, I love you. Get healthy. Everyone,
Starting point is 01:36:03 talk to you maybe later today if Sousa can do a show. I can't do a show. Okay. I love you. Get healthy. Everyone. Talk to you. Maybe later today. If Susan can do a show. Bye.

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