The Sevan Podcast - David Sutcliffe | Emotional Mastery

Episode Date: October 3, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:14 Hannah, welcome. Awesome. Wow, my first time making it before live stream starts after watching every show for over a year. You did it. Yeah, what's up? You got a picture early? Omar, what's up, got a picture early omar what's up dude asymmetric present good to see you all this guy we're having on today is cool as shit i hope i don't screw this one up uh and by screw up specifically i mean i I hope I can keep asking him questions and I don't fall victim to my own self-interest in asking questions about myself. Oh, look, and the self-help book is here, too. God, I love it. You're going to love this. I'm going to dedicate this show to you, girl.
Starting point is 00:02:00 What's up, David? How you doing? Dude, living the dream, buddy. Living the dream. We're live. Yeah. Nice. Hey, thanks for doing this.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Thanks for having me. I watched your podcast with Danny, and I watched your podcast with Zuby, and I watched your interview with Tate, the part two all yesterday. I had the, what did we used to do in high school? Cram. We crammed, right? Right. You binged. Yeah. It turned into binging in college. High school was still cramming. No Gilmore girls. You didn't watch any Gilmore girls. But I studied some Gilmore girls didn't i but i studied some
Starting point is 00:02:45 gilmore girls wikipedia stuff and i and i in them and i watched some red carpet videos nice yeah and i and i liked all that stuff hey dude i uh i'm born in oakland california raised to two lovely uh do-gooder uh democrat uh liberal parents a tree hug do what's best for the world um and somewhere along on the journey uh i ran into a libertarian and uh in in just a whole journey eventually i came to a point where I started viewing L.A. as like a hive. I started jokingly calling it a hive. Yeah. And I'm so impressed at your journey.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Are you still, are you in L.A. still? I'm in Austin, Texas. Oh, right. Okay. All right. All right. I had to get out. I've been very defensive lately about people leaving
Starting point is 00:03:45 california because there's this thing like why the fuck are you still in california i'm like because i'm not a coward i'm not one of those pussies who's moving to florida or texas and i respect that but i'm being but i don't really mean it i'm just being defensive well somebody's got to stay and fight oh my goodness what a journey you've been on, dude. Yeah. It's been, it's been quite a journey and on, on many levels, but yeah, I, I, I got out of LA. Well, you know, when I switched careers, cause you're, when you're an actor, you know, which I was for 20 plus years, you gotta be in LA. There's nowhere else you can be. I mean,
Starting point is 00:04:18 I spent a little time in Toronto, Vancouver, I'm from Toronto, but really you gotta be in LA. And, and so when I officially retired, it was the first time where I thought, wait, but really you got to be in LA. And so when I officially retired, it was the first time where I thought, wait, I don't have to live in LA. I could live anywhere right now. And I moved to the mountains, Idlewild, California for a year and a half. Did you get in the meth up there? Did you get in the meth? I did not get into meth. The meth scene isn't as bad in Idlewild, I think, as it is in some of the other mountain towns nearby. But I loved it up there. I just, I want to live in the mountains. I was like, where do I want to live?
Starting point is 00:04:50 I was like, I want to live in the mountains. I grew up around mountains. So, but then, you know, it was a little too isolating. So I, yeah, I had to move to Austin, Texas. I've been here for two and a half years and I love it. I love Texas. I love the people friendly. Uh, Austin's a, a great city and a lot of energy, a lot of youthful exuberance and optimism. So it's a, it's, it's a good place to be for me right now. Was there any component of, uh, chasing a woman to Austin or was it, did you already have the woman i well it's funny you say that i didn't have a woman i was dating somebody uh who was living in los angeles when i was up in idle wild but it was kind of you know casual let's say and then when i moved to austin
Starting point is 00:05:39 she moved back to miami because she also wanted to get of LA. And I thought that's a good woman. I don't want to let her get away. I'm getting old. And so we've been dating ever since we got engaged in August, getting married in April. And she's now living with me in, in, in Austin. Is this your first marriage? I was married. When was it? 2001. I got married very briefly to a playboy playmate at the Tropicana Hotel in Vegas. It was an on again, off again, tumultuous relationship. And I guess I thought we could solve it if we got married.
Starting point is 00:06:22 That lasted four months. And God love her. She was a good woman. But we were, I don solve it if we got married. That lasted four months. And God love her. She was a good woman, but we were, I don't know what we were doing. Well, that's actually the thing that really got me into therapy. I mean, I realized I had, I mean, it made a disastrous mistake. And I started to wonder, like, how did that happen? How did I make that mistake? How was I deluding myself so badly?
Starting point is 00:06:47 How did I make that mistake? How was I deluding myself so badly? And, um, and yeah, that, that really began my, my serious, uh, journey of, of self-inquiry and trying to figure out what, what the hell was going on for me. Do you have kids? I don't have kids. And how old are you? 54. Oh, dang, dude, you look good. Thank you. Wow. Yeah. I noticed you have this thing going that I'm 51. I thought for sure you were younger than me. I thought you were 44, but the beard made you look like maybe you were 50. But I have this, if I grow my beard, like one more inch, I'll turn into 70, two inches. And I'm like, people are like, dude, you gotta, I got a casket. I want to sell sell you well i i keep the beard because when i shave it i look a little baby faced which is you know good on one level but uh working in the profession that i'm in the beard gives me a little gravitas a little power
Starting point is 00:07:38 people take me more seriously i agree so um i i use it i work with it it's kind of like um i was big into photography for a long time i still am but you can get away with murder the older you are like you like you point a camera at a gangbanger at 18 he shoots you dead at 50 with a scruffy beard he like poses for you you want me to put my gad over here or my gad over here you know it's so true it's so true nothing but because you're everybody's unconsciously you're everybody's daddy oh oh okay and okay so when i walk into a room i'm i have a a dad vibe whether people are conscious of it or not and so there's a a certain respect that that gets afforded to you you um or hatred depending on the person do you i'm totally open to you not feeling comfortable with this next question and i get it because you've made it clear that you're not a shit talker in your videos but i do you have a a any thoughts on your dannyrell interview did you ever go back and watch that I yeah I watched it yeah did you have any did anything jump out at you about that in particular
Starting point is 00:08:51 I know it's I'm asking you a loaded question I know I'm no I'm assuming something jumped out at you it's so different this is not the point of this interview, but I just can't resist. It's so different than Zuby. Zuby's so grounded. He's asking you to define words. You're not dealing. I'm not a therapist and morel's telling you the whole interview how authentic he is and he's convincing you and manipulating you to convince you that you have this authentic relationship from the beginning to the end and i'm and nothing i want to say almost nothing objective objective is said that entire interview it's like i just like hey can we just pull one balloon down and talk about it where zoobie's like i need like hey can we just pull one balloon down and talk about it where zoobie's like i need you to and i just and i have a um i come from that place that morel was at right but i'm now where zoobie's at meaning like i need things defined i understand i'm not letting like authentic be your true self, but go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Like no fucking way. Am I doing that? But it was just a trip. I mean, you navigated both beautifully. Thank you. Um, did you, do you,
Starting point is 00:10:17 but do you feel like, do you have any thoughts on what I'm referencing? Uh, I, I can understand your, your perspective certainly. And I, I think I know, I think I know what you mean. Um, here's the thing I'll say about Danny Morrell. Like he puts his money where his mouth is like he, he, yeah, I, I, I was like, is this guy for real? He was coming off very friendly
Starting point is 00:10:40 and connecting, but you know what? Now we're good friends. Like he's, he's like given me a lot of opportunity. I, I, I, I now, you know, he brought me on just out of pure instinct to, to work at some of his events and, and, uh, he's very generous and friendly. So there's something, um, I don't know. I like Danny like danny yeah okay but i can understand how one would see him as uh i don't know superficial is is the right word or first at first glance but i actually purveyor of miscommunication in order to kind of like get to some lowest common denominator with someone instead of like, like he really wants things to be good. Like one of his lines is like, he uses a lot is,
Starting point is 00:11:32 you know, like we both love that kind of dog. And like, we don't, we haven't defined what love is. We don't even know if you have a dog. We don't know what dog he's referencing. I wish I could think of an exact line, but there was like always including the two of you from the beginning in this. And I was like, wow, this is, but I, I, but I saw a ton of myself in line but there was like always including the two of you from the beginning in this and i was like wow this is but i i but i saw a ton of myself in that i was like wow that's how i used to be well and and you want to make people feel good you want to bond he's excited to bond with people yeah yeah yeah and yeah i don't want to say too much i'm friends with danny i love i love danny okay and he's a good dude but i hear you i could see how one would uh uh take that uh stance and zuby was just drilling down yeah zuby is is got a gift for asking very uh what sound like simple questions
Starting point is 00:12:20 but are actually very complex i think that that is his gift. Even on Twitter, he says these things that when you read them, they feel obvious or self-evident, and yet you haven't quite heard it that way before. And it really lands. He's really got a gift for communication. When I see what he writes, I'm always always like why didn't i write that exactly i wait so many times yeah and it's clear and it's concise how did you meet him um i don't know we were following each other following each other on twitter for a while and he just put out a notice saying like he had some guests cancel uh for his podcast and would anyone like to come on so i was like yeah man i want to come on your podcast it was it was really that
Starting point is 00:13:09 simple and uh yeah it happened like it in 24 hours maybe even the same day uh so it was quick but he i i think he didn't he doesn't know that much about me, but, but again, that's good. That, that was good. So he found out during the interview. I like that. I asked if you had kids because there's this piece of me that cares that because I have kids, maybe, maybe I care about the future, right? If I didn't have kids, I like, fuck, bring Armageddon on. What do I care? I'll move into an RV
Starting point is 00:13:46 and get some guns and like just watch the thing you know and some girls and watch the thing from afar um but I have kids and I care do you know why you care do you care do I care about about the outcome the future
Starting point is 00:14:04 of civilization yeah well i think we're in a fight of good versus evil right now i think it's it's very clear to me that that's what's going on and i want to be on the side of good and i i i like the fight i it's asking uh new things of me i mean you know my generation and I guess we're in the same generation, Gen X, like we didn't really grow up with much conflict. I guess 9-11 was the first real shock. And I was, I think, about 30 at the time. But now we're engaged in what I feel is an existential crisis, some kind of civil war, spiritual war. I think we'll end up in a literal world war. And it's sad, it's depressing, it's scary, but at the same time,
Starting point is 00:14:58 it's exciting because it's asking us to get strong and find some internal fortitude. So aspects of myself that I think have been dormant or may have come out in sports or in business in different ways, but this is different. This is real. And so I'm into it. As I said, it's scary, but I like the fight and I like who I'm becoming in relationship to what's happening. Oh yeah. I liked the way you said that you liked, you like what you're turning into. Yeah. Well, I've, I've, it's, it's brought me closer to God. Yeah. And, and that feels really
Starting point is 00:15:39 good. And now I really understand, I mean, as much as I can, the power of God and the reason that it's made me much more diligent about, uh, how I live and what I think and how I interact with other people, the things that I'm doing. I'm much more intentional, conscientious, and it feels like, uh, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on a mission and being on a mission feels really good. Yeah. You're on, you're on a mission, and being on a mission feels really good. Yeah, you're on a mission fully. I'm going to try a new metaphor for you that I haven't used before. We all have a hand, and most people fill their hand with something, right? And our right hand is what carries God in this illustration I'm going to give you.
Starting point is 00:16:56 And so some people think because they're holding on to CNN, they're not holding on to God, but they don't realize that the truth is that everything that is in this hand that you've grabbed with this hand is your God. Right. The sake of this. So some people have grabbed their mom. Some people have grabbed their dad. Some people have grabbed of this so some people have grabbed their mom some people have grabbed their dad some people have grabbed the bible some people have grabbed cnn but they're holding it's in in the just the nature the objective nature of who we are this whatever's
Starting point is 00:17:16 in this hand let's say is god for the sake of this argument i'm with you i personally prefer not i personally from my perspective if the goal to be with God is not to pick anything up with this hand. Interesting. Just sit right in the unknown. Just have it open like this. I love that. Yeah. The people who grabbed the Bible, they know that they've grabbed a God.
Starting point is 00:17:39 And whether it's a real God or a fake God, they know that they've grabbed it. This other side that some people call evil because i'm really trying to understand what evil is because i really just don't believe in evil so when you say there's a battle between good and evil i i struggle with it separation from god understanding these people that we're calling evil they're in a really weird situation because they've grabbed something that's their god and they but they still say they don't believe in god but the nature of their being is they have they have this thing that turns that if any of us grab it it turns it into our god well they're
Starting point is 00:18:17 worshiping something yeah and they're and they're and they don't know that like i didn't know i'd been like i was worshiping something yeah you're you're worshipping money, you're worshipping social justice, BLM, whatever. Like something, you know, sex. White knighting, protecting something. Absolutely. You become identified with something. You believe that you are good. But if it's not God, if it's not something that's bigger than you.
Starting point is 00:18:44 And I understand people would say that BLM and these other things feel like it's not god if it's not something that's bigger than you and i understand people would say that blm and and these other things are feel like it's bigger than them and it does satisfy that but it's a social movement and if you're believing in something that is on this plane of existence and that becomes your god you're going to become corrupted it's just that simple and so if your god's on this plane, would that be a component of evil? It's a false God. It's a false God. And if you're believing in a false God, you are eventually going to fall prey to evil. You're going to start to act in evil ways. I think, listen, most people think about evil as I have this evil plot and I'm going to execute it.
Starting point is 00:19:20 But I think largely evil is perpetuated unconsciously and often in the name of good, but it's a rationalization. I mean, we have, all of us have unconscious rage from the places that we were hurt as a child. And there's a part of all of us that wants to get revenge, wants to punish. That's why revenge movies are so fun to watch. It's like exercise is that part of ourselves. We feel deep satisfaction in that. But all of that lives in the unconscious. So what we do is we attach ourselves to some quote unquote noble cause, bond with other people, create an enemy. And then because we're good and they're bad, we can rationalize anything to destroy them. And that's evil. That's how it works. I mean, that's my definition of my framework. Obviously there's many ways to talk about it, but that's
Starting point is 00:20:20 how I think about it. I think it was in the conversation you were having with Zuby. You were digging into something that is the most fascinating component of all of this to me is rationalizing, bringing understanding to things that, frankly, I don't understand. So like two plus two is four, and that's racist because there's only one answer. And then I'm like, okay, I want to understand what you're saying. two is four and that's racist because there's only one because there's only one answer and then i'm like okay i want to understand what you're saying i want to understand how it's racist because there's only one answer but you're saying that anywhere there's only one answer it's right i can't make the leaps i'm not making the um i'm not making the leaps and i think you were explaining to zuby how that kind of
Starting point is 00:21:05 rationalization occurs does that does that ring a bell with you or do you have any thoughts on that how people make these leaps of rationalization that are well um those of us who think we're being logical can't make yeah again in that in that i think i think there's something subversive in it. I've spent my last, I don't know, 15, 20 years studying psychology, core energetics. That's what I'm trained in. It's a somatic psychotherapy. And it's based on the work of Alexander Lowen, bioenergetics, and on a series of lectures called the Pathwork Lectures, which were this channeled group of lectures. And- Are those on YouTube? Yeah. Not on YouTube, but they're online, Pathwork Lectures. They're incredible. They're a little bit difficult to read at first, but once you get them, yeah, there they are. They're really powerful. And they have a framework, higher self, which we all know, lower self mask. Right. But the lower self, it's it's that part of us that is capable of evil. And it's inside all of us. And it hides from us. We don't want to know it, obviously, but it seeks expression. And so when it begins to come out, we rationalize it. We create a story in our mind to rationalize our bad behavior. And as I
Starting point is 00:22:37 said, you'll make somebody else the enemy. You'll make yourself good. That's the story you're telling yourself. And in that place, you can rationalize everything. I mean, you're seeing it right now with, with what they're doing to Trump, right? It's just like, they've made him into Hitler. What do you think is going to happen if you label somebody Hitler and all his followers racist? Well, I said this very early on, on Facebook back in 2015, and all my friends went crazy. I said this very early on on Facebook back in 2015 and all my friends went crazy. I said, you can't do that. It's a very fucking dangerous thing to do because once you label somebody Hitler, then you can rationalize doing anything to stop Hitler.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Oh, wow. Wow. And so you can see the setup in that. The people who are actually labeling them as Hitler, they have this evil inside them. They have this aggression. They have this rage that wants to be expressed. It's all about pain from their childhood, right? It's unresolved pain from their childhood. It's just a defense. And we've all been, we all got hurt in childhood. I mean, you know, we could talk about it as trauma, whatever. Everybody has this, right? I mean, just look out in the world, look at all the cruelty, all the, all the, the evil, the murder that's going on all over the world, all the corruption. Well, it's, it's in us. And so the, for me,
Starting point is 00:23:48 that really the work that I do is coming to terms with that part of us to know, to know that that part of that part lives inside everyone. And it lives inside me. And if I don't come into relationship with it, if I don't know the part of me that's capable of it, it's likely almost certain that I'm going to act out on it in some way. Now, am I going to go hit somebody over the head? Probably not. But am I going to punish my fiance when we're in an argument by withdrawing and pulling away my love so that she will suffer because I feel like she's hurt me. Yeah. I'm probably going to do that. That's cruelty. And we don't want to take responsibility for it. We want to, we want to project it onto somebody else. You did this to me, or you're doing this. Therefore,
Starting point is 00:24:36 I have the right to do this back to you. And you, in that moment, you're abdicating any sense of self-responsibility. You're, you're, you're, you're, it's just a free for all. And it's dangerous and it's, you see it going on all over the place. And it's just, this is why it's so attractive to make yourself a victim. Once you're a victim, you can rationalize anything. Well, I've been victimized and it happens every time the victim becomes the perpetrator and the cycle continues. It happens every time the victim becomes the perpetrator and the cycle continues. Everywhere I looked and let's say I'll back down from that a little bit.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Ninety nine percent of where I look, the person who's pointing at someone is racist. It's so obvious to me they're the racist. Yes. It's like, wow, you had to come up with that because you were racist. That's the only way you saw that you you made that up in your head that i don't see that out here it's projection yeah yeah i mean they're not racist in the way that they're accusing other people up listen our brains are racist our brains categorize your mind can't not do that and i think a lot of people feel shame about that. They feel like, oh, if I'm, if I'm categorizing people based on the color of their skin, which you can't not do, right? Because the brain is a pattern recognition machine. Uh, they feel shame about that somehow, or that,
Starting point is 00:25:59 that somehow makes them bad. And they, and so then they need to project the shame that they feel about that on to other people but the truth is that we're all racist in some sense and i think the way out of it the way out of anything is to come into awareness of that aspect of you don't judge it just be curious about it yeah and then um try to mitigate against it because if you're conscious of of how you're thinking and what you're thinking it's much more easy it's easier to control your mind or control your actions in response to it but if it's if it stays in the unconscious you're going to act out on it somehow some way eventually Does that make sense? Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting. There's this, I was thinking about cause and effect and blame, like cause and effect are just the realities,
Starting point is 00:26:54 I guess, of physics and blame is the narrative behind it. You start, instead of just leaving it at cause and effect, you go straight, you add a story story to it i blame that person right so it's not it's not that car hit me and now i have a dent in my car it's i blame that person for blood for whatever reason right yeah yeah yeah i think brené brown says that she says it well like uh you know blame is a discharge of anger and frustration i don't want to i don't want to feel my pain i don't want to feel that here's I don't want to feel that. Here's the thing. Life just is right. There's no right or wrong to it on one level of reality. There's no right or wrong. There's light and dark and things happen and life is not fair. And it just is. And if you can live in the isness of it, right, you're going to have a lot more peace
Starting point is 00:27:39 because then you're just accepting everything as it is. And so if you get in a car accident, somebody, yeah, somebody rear ends you, that just happened. You know, is it somebody's fault? Well, on one level, yes, it's somebody's fault, but on another level, it just happened. And if you can be in the place of this just happened, you're more likely to be in a place of acceptance, but life is also painful. There's no way around that. And, and you're going to suffer and you're going to face tragedy and you're going to fail and you're going to be betrayed. And all of these things are painful. And in some way, we've been told that we shouldn't expect that from life. That's wrong. It's not true. So of course, if that's your mental model, you have to blame somebody else for your pain. And I understand the impulse, of course. And sometimes you have a right to express. I mean, this just, it just is, and this is painful and it's my responsibility to be with and, and feel my pain. That's the only way out of it. Staying attached to judgment and blame.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Well, then you're, you're a slave to your emotions and, and you're, you're at the effect of the world, right? You're just, you're just bouncing around without any sovereignty uh and i've said i've said this to people before too hey i'm not racist you're racist i accept you for being racist i accept you it's okay yeah it's fine like i like i get it you there was a home invasion robbery with five chinese guys and now you're upset at chinese people. I get it. I ain't mad at you for that. Of course. I'm here for you. I helped you work through that shit.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Cool. It's good. But don't think that I hate Chinese people. Don't put that on me. I'm cool. I like chopsticks and rice and all that shit. Motorcycles. What about – are you familiar with Eckhart Tolle? Sure.
Starting point is 00:29:41 What about Are you familiar with Eckhart Tolle? Sure He Going back to where we originally started the conversation This gentleman Has an unbelievable gift At saying nothing but pointing at the unknown The least
Starting point is 00:30:01 This He calls it not nothing but no thing right and he writes book after book pointing at this thing this no thing and i'm completely in love with that ability this guy does it too uh the dao de ching lao tzu does it yeah you know he's just like hey look at that and everyone's like i don't see nothing he's like uh-huh that's what i'm talking about yeah this guy yeah thoughts on uh mr tole are you a fan yeah the uh a new earth i listened to that on uh well yeah whenever you say i listen to it one more time than you well every couple of years i play it. It's just, I mean, I've read the power of now. I haven't read these other books. Oh, I was in, uh, I was in the movie Milton secret. They made a movie out of that. And, uh, I was in that. I didn't get to meet him grandfather. And it's through a children's story. They try to articulate some of these concepts that Eckhart Tolle writes about.
Starting point is 00:31:13 It's good. The movie was okay. Donald Sutherland played the grandfather. So I got to work with him and meet him. And that was pretty fun. He's quite a guy what year was that uh i want to say 2014 15 something like that i wasn't the lost boys a great movie i never saw the lost boys oh man dude i know i know ever i don't know why yeah there it is where am i i'm in there how does steven
Starting point is 00:31:46 hauser build before me what's going on hey i'll tell you why you're at the end i have a theory you do what's your theory bill i'm just making i was just going to do some conspiracy stuff hey dude you're you're not you're not walking the la path you were you are no i'm not well i i i never i was always a little bit i mean growing up in canada uh which is a very liberal place i was liberal and then i got to hollywood and voted for obama twice i thought bush was terrible and i didn't know any better uh and maybe he was bush was terrible but i uh yeah when when my red pill was really in in 2015 um i wasn't like a fan of trump i wasn't into trump i was just paying attention what was going on i assumed hillary was going to be the next president we're all going to get on with it and then i would see these headlines about like something insane that Trump had said. And I'm just like,
Starting point is 00:32:45 what the what? And then I would go watch it. And I was like, that's that's not what he said at all. Right. And I saw that over and over and over again. And I thought that is fucking dangerous. And it's exactly what the right was doing to Obama for eight years, just lying about him, misrepresenting him. And I thought that, you know, why would you do that? You're just creating chaos. And then I saw the left do the same thing with Trump. And then I thought something's up here.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Like this whole thing is corrupt. This is all just a game. And I'm like, why are they going after Trump so hard? I mean, he's a friend of theirs. He's been hanging out with them. He's just a real estate mogul, playboy at a reality show. I mean, this guy's they're calling him Hitler. That's when I thought, oh, he must know something. He must be about something. And, uh, and then I woke up to it. I woke up to, you know, I started, I watched the Cernovich's movie hoaxed that red pilled me. And
Starting point is 00:33:40 then I started listening to the no agenda podcast with adam curry and john c devorek and then that then it was on it's a show that they deconstruct the media and adam curry is just a fucking genius and and and then it was really behind the scenes of like how much the media is uh lying about everything and they have an agenda and they're just, excuse me, pushing propaganda and they're creating stories and narratives. And that's how you win. That's what it is. Yeah, that's what it is. You just pointed something out to me that I wonder if this, how big of a contributor this was to the chaos. So Trump would say stuff like, and this was kind of a big moment for me. I had some people in my house who were talking about how racist Trump was and how bad it was, what he says about Mexicans.
Starting point is 00:34:29 So while they were at my house, I went to my computer and I started digging around looking for what he said bad about Mexicans. And what he said was that he doesn't believe that the Mexican government is sending over their PhDs and their preschool teachers, basically, that they're sending over their emptying their jails and sending over their criminals. And someone made the leap there to say that that was racist. And and like he did say some stuff like, hey, I would rather have a Jew than a black guy is my accountant. And I think that's totally fair. I don't think that's racist. I think that's discernment and uh prejudice just like i would rather have a uh basketball player that's black than jewish i mean i don't think that's racist either i think that's just like some pattern recognition of discernment right um and i don't and i wouldn't want an armenian as my accountant or my basketball player
Starting point is 00:35:19 so it's like i like i can't i can't these and so for me, that was – that's when I basically – that's why I didn't – the second time I did vote for Trump when he ran against Biden. I was like, wait a second. They're lying. But I think what happened is more than it caused chaos, you know how people are always like Trump made it okay to be racist? These people – I'm just learning this now in real time as i'm talking to you these people made it okay to make illogical jumps that's right it's not that he made it okay to be racist they made it okay to be publicly illogical i have a penis but i'm a woman i mean they they've made that okay to say it's crazy yeah this is demonic reality yeah it's a denial of oh you triggered me you triggered
Starting point is 00:36:06 you can't say demonic satanic i just don't know what those words mean dude well i mean they're loaded words well it uh they're i feel like there's so much emotional appeal to them i'm projecting onto you too by the way like i fully get it like it's my issue i just hear dema like i got well you're full of christians who want to see me convert and they try to tell me about satan and demonic oh here we go satan it's it's satan i agree extremely evil or wicked guys i'm he's never coming on again don't get excited thank you thank you for bringing this up a satanicanic characteristic of Satan. See, it doesn't even mean anything. The definition doesn't even mean anything.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Well, they go to Satan. Let's see. Let's see. It's all they're all metaphors. It's all metaphor. Don't take it literally. It's just a word. It has the word has power.
Starting point is 00:36:57 And sometimes you need those words. I understand. Don't talk down to me like my mom does. What are you doing? I'm just explaining to you what how i see it that's what you say too david that's what she'd say you are in a role did you get and get with her before the show get with who i get with my mom i said you're talking like i don't know your mom i'm sure she's wonderful though a satan the angel who in jewish belief is commanded by god to tempt
Starting point is 00:37:22 humans to sin yeah to accuse the sinners and to carry out god's punishment there you go oh he does that too he carries out god's punishment carries i didn't know that either the rebellious angel who in christian believes the adversary of god and the lord of evil uh it's i don't know i i look at all of it as as metaphors uh satanic demonic but i think demons are are real on on some level i mean maybe they're just uh maybe it's not an external force but we get we get captured by things certainly ideas and beliefs that that lead us into uh bad behavior as i was talking about earlier so you know i i understand why back in
Starting point is 00:38:06 the day they would say that somebody was you know captured by some some demon um but it's probably just the our own psyche right our unconscious like we're at war with ourself in some way so it feels like a demonic possession but it's just our own psychology but i think the words have value i think they have utility because something is happening i mean there there is a but it's just their own psychology. But I think the words have value. I think they have utility because something is happening. I mean, there, there is a capture. It's real. There's some kind of, I mean, when, when people are saying that, you know, women can have penises and men can get pregnant and you're just lying every day about everything on the news. I mean, that's, you can call it evil say whatever it is it's it's it's not true and the reason that i know that it's not true is because if you challenge it they attack you
Starting point is 00:38:56 that's it that's what about the fact you can just look down into your pants too? Well, there's that. I mean it sounds – it is funny, but it's that. By the way, I also think the conflation of using words like gender and sex is – which both sides are equally guilty of. I think that's 90% of the problem, the conflation of words. Gender is an inside term. It's made up. It's imagination. And gender is an inside term it's made up it's imagination and sex is an outside term it's something that's an objective reality and when you start conflating the two next thing we're debating is whether who would win in a fight superman or batman
Starting point is 00:39:35 and it's like dude right we all know that that's just we're just making sure it's my what i'm thinking in my head versus what's thinking you're thinking in your head yeah yeah but for gender and sex it's just a fucking mess well and you can get caught in these word games all day long and and and that's what most of the arguments are just defining words semantics and that that again that's the tell because truth is should be should a child can understand truth. And we hear truth. We shouldn't have to figure it out. It shouldn't be some long explanation or rationalization or redefining of words like truth is just a felt experience. And I think those who are, you know, trying to deny the truth, I think it is evil.
Starting point is 00:40:27 And I think there's an unconscious motivating force. Here's what I think it is. I think inside themselves, they feel chaotic. I think they have a lot of pain. They have a lot of rage. I think they're angry at life because they were told it was one thing and it's actually something else. It's not fair.
Starting point is 00:40:40 It is harsh. You're going to suffer. And you got to work hard. And there's no guarantees. And people were not told that. they weren't given that information. So now they're filled with resentment and they want to find somebody to blame. And they, they're going to create a story in their head in any way that they can to, um, to rationalize this place where they feel like a victim. And they're going to, as I said, they're going to create enemies around that and act out on this revenge, the revenge fantasies they have because they're unable to make manifest what it is that they want in life.
Starting point is 00:41:38 When you're on a set and there's sexual tension, any creative endeavor, when you're on a set and there's sexual tension between the man and the woman, is it better not to act on it for the outcome of the play always or the performance? Is that a tool that if you actually have intercourse or intimacy with the person that you've wasted that tension? I think so. It pretty much is, right? I think it's a bad idea to sleep with your co-star. But not for reasons like DEI reasons or HR reasons. I'm just talking for the craft itself. Yeah, I think it's better to stay in the sexual tension of it. You don't know if it's real.
Starting point is 00:42:07 That's the issue. Or by real, you mean it's being felt by both people? Well, no, meaning it's like you're in this artificial environment and your job is to fall in love with each other. Yeah. And so you end up going there to some degree. And when you're working with an actress, very often they're charismatic, attractive people. So they're easy to fall in love with.
Starting point is 00:42:35 So my motto was always, I mean, I made the mistake early on. And my motto afterwards was, I'm not going to- You mean having intimacy with coworkers? Yeah, that's right. Okay. And you felt that tension? Yeah. Until after. If it was over and we were done and time passed and we felt like there was still something there, then sure.
Starting point is 00:42:55 But during the show. By time passed, you mean at the Academy Awards or at the Emmys party? At the wrap party. Yes. Yes. Yeah. at the at the wrap party yes yes yeah my current wife was with a guy for five years and i had been courting her the whole time and she kept me like like at bay and the day she broke up with him she called me really yeah and i went over there and we did it i've had that situation and i had a girlfriend too i just went right over to my girlfriend i broke up with her wow yeah it was like that it was crazy that's amazing yeah it was like oh i think she told me in person because it was before cell phones
Starting point is 00:43:34 and i was like okay hold on a minute and then i just went over to this other area it was in isla vista california how long have you been married well we uh we just got married like i don't even know, a couple years ago. But we've been together for, I'm 51 since I've been in my early 20s. And you have kids together? Yeah. We just had kids recently. Really?
Starting point is 00:43:55 Yeah. Wow. She saw a woman breastfeeding. We were living with a woman who was breastfeeding. And then some woman said to her another woman said to her if you don't have kids you might regret it if you do have kids you won't regret it that's right that sounds and then so so then she's like hey i want to have one and she was 39 and i was 43 and then she didn't want it and then she wasn't going to have any more but by then we'd
Starting point is 00:44:23 been using protection dude for 20 years really and then yeah and then i got at that with no protection and it just it was then we ended up with twins after that you have twins yeah a bay we have a two six year olds and an eight year old good for you yeah it's cool she was 39 when she first got pregnant yeah 39 and then had the twins at like 41 how's that i mean she's we're crossfitters i mean you know what i mean like yeah yeah nuts and meats and in fruit and vegetables and we don't eat ice cream and we think that working out until you fall on the ground and start crying is like healthy i mean yeah that's great we have a pathology that we're acting out and she's a she's a vipassana practitioner oh wow yeah i got my own fucking guru in the house it's crazy that's amazing yeah do you meditate uh
Starting point is 00:45:25 always always I try to always have one at least one um one percent watching the show right yeah um let's talk about this really quick you and Andrew Tate got into a discussion
Starting point is 00:45:43 about him not being present But that needed to be defined because he is present Yeah Even my wife so I was watching it My wife came in the room And she's like he thinks because He's not paying attention to the present That he's not present but he's clearly present
Starting point is 00:46:00 Because he knows he's Not paying attention to the present And he's paying attention to his thoughts He's confused about what presence is She says it much more gently because he knows he's not paying attention to the present and he's paying attention to his thoughts. He's confused about what presence is. You know what I mean? Yeah. She says it much more gently, and I'm like, wow, this – what a fascinating – it's like Eckhart Tolle said.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Some people, he'll be like, hey, you have to stay present. People are like, I'm throwing my calendar away. It's like, no, dude. You can make appointments for two weeks into the future in the present. What did you think about that conversation? That was wild about him, the presence part. Well, he brought it up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Which was interesting. He said, I'm not a present person. He loves you. He loves you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He loves you. Well, because I love him. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:42 You guys loved each other. Yeah, it was cool. Yeah. It was cool. I'd like to see you guys play catch like softball or something. Yeah. There's, there's definitely, I mean, I felt it in the first interview, you know, it took a while, but by the end there was a, I don't know, there was a mutual appreciation.
Starting point is 00:46:55 So which creates a safety and he can see that I'm not out to get him. He can see that I, I see him maybe in a way that other people don't see him and that I admire and appreciate him. And I'm not judging him. I really don't judge him. But the the I don't think and, you know, I don't know. It was what do I think about the presence thing? I mean, I could feel that he wasn't present. Meaning he's answering questions, but I can see that he's taking what I'm saying. He's running it through his super powerful mind.
Starting point is 00:47:33 And then he's answering in a way that will allow him to stay in control of the conversation. And I called him out on that. And he was like, absolutely. That's exactly what I'm doing. But isn't that, maybe, can you define presence for me? Because I thought, I thought he was present. I'm like. Yeah, I think he, in a way, it's a great question, right? He's like, I'm not paying attention to my kids
Starting point is 00:48:00 because I'm thinking about my work. I'm like, motherfucker, that means you're not present with your kids, but you are present. Because you have, because you're watching what's going on well although is it depends what's motivating you right like if you are motivated by some unconscious force some anxiety some fear um and and and you are lost in the action that is trying to mitigate against that, you're not really present because you're not, there's something else motivating you. And so for me, just presence is just, can you come all the way into this moment with no agenda, with no thoughts,
Starting point is 00:48:38 with no expectation, it's you're in the unknown. And most of us, myself included, Andrew included, that's a hard place to tolerate. It's a very, very hard place to tolerate. We'll go search it out in sports and different things, and it feels so good when we get lost in something where almost like time does not exist. something where like almost like time does not exist but in regular conversation like you and me right now like yeah there's a part of my brain that's thinking about what i'm going to say and there's a little governor on like well this is being recorded so you know you don't say this or don't say that i don't want to say anything don't pick your nose don't scratch your balls exactly like it's it's very very difficult to get totally present. But I guess with Andrew, it was more like, can you come actually present with me? Can we just be with each other without any agenda and see what that feels like? And we had a moment and you don't really see it. Like I wish there was a shot that was up close of his face near the end where you see him drop the guard.
Starting point is 00:49:44 I mean, you, you do see it. It's a, it's a wide shot. You see it in his body language. Like he does something like he actually drops the guard. But if you think about his story, I don't, I don't, I don't know that he even knows what it feels like to drop the guard. I didn't when I was that age, my guard was up. I loved my guard. My guard, my guard gave me power. I would go out in the hockey rink and dominate because of my guard. And it made me feel safe. It got me what I wanted in life. And so why would he give that up? Right. And that's the argument that essentially I was
Starting point is 00:50:18 making to him is that you don't have to give it up, but you just, can you set it down so that you're not, it's not always habitually there. And maybe there's other realms. Maybe there's other ways of being, uh, that you currently don't have access to that would be beneficial to you. That would be helpful for you. That would make you more powerful.
Starting point is 00:50:42 And I think presence is, I mean, that's what Eckhart Tolleole is that's what every fucking book is about that be present and it's not easy to do you and i like the way you were telling him um hey dude you put your sword you can put your sword down but it's right there like you just pick it up and just grab that thing and start wielding it anytime you want yeah well we all have a defense all right and when people come to come to therapy, you have to affirm their defense. Like there's a reason that they have a defense. It's a very good reason. And that defense is what helped
Starting point is 00:51:14 them survive their childhood. So you can't just call them out on it and just say, hey, you need to give this up. You have to acknowledge, hey, this is what happened to you. This is why this defense got established it served you well it helped you survive uh but now it's not useful to you anymore and oh wow look at what a crazy frame grab you grabbed caleb of all the frame grabs look at you just giving a few times you did give it to him i was kind of surprised you gave it to him like you danced with them a little bit you put you pushed into him a little bit i was like wow i didn't see that he gave me the opportunity he gave me the opening i mean if you watch the interview he gives me all kinds of openings i mean he he won't i that that told me
Starting point is 00:51:55 that he he wanted to to go there i mean he sat down with me right right it's it. That's all you need to know. Willingness there. You talked about anxiousness and fear as being sort of the motivation to do stuff. I was in a conversation with someone the other day and I said something about being anxious. And they said, why are you anxious? I said, if I wasn't anxious, I wouldn't do anything. And I don't and I don't think that they understood what I was saying. I said, yeah, I would just lie down and die like i i have to i i want um i don't think a lot of people realize what doing nothing really means it's hard to do nothing yeah uh you know i i put laid someone i'm like here just go ahead and try
Starting point is 00:52:48 it and i laid them down and they scratched their head i'm like why'd you do that you're supposed to do nothing and they're like well because i had an itch i'm like no no you didn't have you didn't have an itch you were experiencing that and you acted on it because it was making you anxious or fearful or whatever the word was but you were having some sort of sensation of discomfort and so you acted on it and boy this um this is a and i learned all this from my wife and vipassana and doing my own practice do you know who a guy named pd auspensky is no he's a russian and you shouldn't but he's a russian mathematician from the turn the century, and he's part of that lineage that Madame Blavsky is from and Krishnamurti is from. You're familiar with Krishnamurti up in Ojai?
Starting point is 00:53:31 Okay, and his thing – he wrote this book, all those books. Oh, what's that one that says 2016, The Psychology of – The Possible of man. What is it? The psychology of man's possible evolution. Interesting. checkerboard full of millions of I statements and they're inside of you and they're iron filings. And when they get agitated, they'll start looking for them in the outside world to validate their existence. Right. Yeah. So, and so he draws this and he says, some of the iron filings will like stick together in groups. Some groups don't know the other groups. Some group will be with group A and group B. And he lays out this whole psychological kind of cosmology based on these I statements. And so I won't go into it here, but at one point in my life, I decided that I was going to die, that I was going to kill myself. And I had, and I found this book at the same time
Starting point is 00:54:38 that I was trying to figure out how I was going to kill myself. And so I thought, well, I don't want to hurt the body. I'll just lay down and deny all I statements. And through that process is where I found God. Because eventually there become only two eyes left. And then you see – then when those two go away, then you see what you are. You experience what you are. I understand. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:06 And you have a complete fucking breakdown yeah but it was only years later that i met my wife and i then i learned about vipassana oh so this happened when you were young yeah 20 19 or 20 wow yeah so you've been on this journey a long time yeah i but i needed even after i woke up and this is why i like zoobie so much even after i woke up i i took a very special human being to come into my life to let me know that hey as you rebuild you better define words and things or else you'll build something you won't even know how to deconstruct it right like you didn't this person didn't even know how to deconstruct it right like he didn't this person didn't know they were teaching me that but that's
Starting point is 00:55:49 at 51 now i realize that oh shit don't let people get away with like using words that don't have like um so so from where i'm sitting the left has gender and the right has god yeah right but they're both delusional they're both created they're both created in their minds right and i and and when they talk i see i see them doing the exact same thing so that's why i get triggered by um you know these words that i'm like okay where is that where's satan show me him you know what i mean like i i completely understand yeah yeah yeah words have power i mean i think it's a it's a i'm i'm struggling with this because the middle path is the honorable path and in some way and but war is real
Starting point is 00:56:41 and sometimes you gotta to throw down. You said something about war already that scared me that I'm afraid to ask you about. Yeah, war is real. War is real. And there's a place inside us where, you know, we're just going to take action and that's it. You think we're going there, you said. I do. I think we're there.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Oh, good. We're there. We're there. I think it're there. I mean, Oh good. We're there. We're there. I think it's inevitable. I mean, the, you know, read the fourth turning and Ray Dalio's, the changing world order. They both,
Starting point is 00:57:13 I mean, they look at the patterns of history and the patterns of history suggests that, that war is inevitable. It's just a part of the cycle. And you're just going to have to go through it which makes sense you know in in order for a new society society to be born the old one has to die and it it doesn't die easily and so it takes a war to to make that change did you ever um read this book stranger in a strange land by robert heinlein
Starting point is 00:57:47 no i've heard of it there's this there's this part in there where um this alien comes from another planet he's a dude you would love this book it's like all the religions meshed into one but basically he says this thing that he said man you guys are fucking up and they're like why and he's like because all the other um uh civilizations out there if you want to be enlightened the enlightened people can't have sex right they're all asexual but you on planet earth are human beings and you can have sex you still procreate and you can be enlightened and you guys are just completely fucking that up you're the last civilization that's in that kind of phase anyway it's it's
Starting point is 00:58:31 yeah it's it's a it's an awesome look at matt showing off i grok it that's a term that they use in the book grok oh really yeah it's like i think it means like to fully understand something like to it's it's like kind of like deeper than empathy even i see it's like empathy I think it means like to fully understand something like the, it's, it's like kind of like deeper than empathy. Even I see. It's like empathy on, on roids. I grok it. Okay. Uh, that looks great.
Starting point is 00:58:51 That sounds great. I'd like to read that. I will. The audio books. Awesome. I listened to the audio book. The guy who reads it, his voice is amazing. He's this guy's contemporaries with, um, Ray Bradbury and Alfred Hitchcock.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Okay. And who's the guy who did the Scientology thing? He friends with him on hubbard yeah yeah did you ever go down that path i've uh read some i haven't read all of but probably about 100 pages of is it what's it called dianetics or something yeah dianetics yeah i i thought it was it made perfect sense what they were saying you know it's like they're breaking down things psychologically and i was like yeah that that's a that's a valuable model how they implement that into the religion of scientology i you know that i from what i've heard it sounds insane but but i think the basic principles make sense But I think the basic principles make sense.
Starting point is 00:59:47 What about aliens? Have you played around with the thought of aliens coming to your brain at all? Like that those guys exist or that they're here with us now? Well, I know two Ayahuasqueros, so shamans, close friends of mine who are in the Shipibo tradition. These are the real deal. These guys are the real deal. And both of them claim that essentially aliens are running the ceremony. That they are, they drink the medicine, they tune in, the aliens come,
Starting point is 01:00:29 and then the aliens essentially tell them what to do. And that's what they do. So these guys are in deep relationship with aliens. Now, what is that? Is that their own mind? Is that the framework they use to make sense of something that's incomprehensible? I mean, Bashar, you ever heard of Bashar, this guy, he's like a, he's like a channel. He's all over the place. Bashar Bashar. And he's hilarious. And he's very wise. And, uh, he gets, his, his, his real name is Daryl Anka and he's a film producer. I think he lives in L.A.
Starting point is 01:01:07 But he has this character that he plays. It's a channeled character named Bashar. And as Bashar, he's channeling some alien intelligence and speaking their wisdom to the people who are asking him questions. So he's just channeling this alien. I don't know what alien. Um, and, but when you see him interviewed as Daryl Anka,
Starting point is 01:01:33 there he is. He just says, uh, well, I don't know. That's, that's the framework that my mind makes up, but maybe it's aliens or maybe it's just my higher self.
Starting point is 01:01:42 I don't know. Which I thought was interesting. Oh, he says he doesn my higher self. I don't know. Which I thought was interesting. Oh, he says he doesn't, he says he doesn't know. He said, that's how, that's how Bashar makes sense of it. When I'm in that, that, you know, that's the story. And so we tell ourselves all kinds of stories and they're, they're all pointing to something. They're not, none of them are really real. We can't know what's real, right? It's like there's reality is the, is the source code, right? And then the way that we make sense of it is, is, is through the avatars that we create in our mind through the stories, but the stories aren't, they're not the thing. They're just a layer on top of the
Starting point is 01:02:18 thing. When you, when you say you can't know what's real, can you know what's not real? I think, yeah, I think you can know what's not real, but you can't know what's real can you know what's not real i think yeah i think you can know what's not real but you can never fully grasp the fundamental nature of reality that's what i believe it's yeah i'm with you i'm with i'm with you on that no it's i mean if you're wrong even if even if we're wrong it's like um and i and i'm not one to argue my limitations but uh what a boring life it would be by the way that is why I wanted to end my life because I thought I knew everything. I had reached this state of just like basically ultimate boredom. Interesting. And I'm like, well, there's only one left journey left inward.
Starting point is 01:02:59 And I'm going to I'm going to turn myself off. Yeah. So to become more superficial, like we know that red doesn't mean stop. But yet we all follow that command in order to make things work. But it's not real. It's not real, right. It's a great metaphor. But that – thank you.
Starting point is 01:03:18 I've used it 500 times on the show and no one's ever said that. Thank you. I needed that. Fuck you, Caleb. I see you laughing in the back um but we know that the the thing dangling over the street with the light in it yeah we know that's real what do you mean the the thing that i'm cruising around on planet earth with with five senses if i if i drive my
Starting point is 01:03:47 car into it like it's going to hit it right things things are going to change yeah that's what i mean by we know that's real yeah and even if that's not real i'm perfectly comfortable claiming that it is right i understand and i think we should we i think it's important if we're going to be a civilization that we agree on some of these premises. And I think that's probably the source of the war that we're in. We're not agreeing on these premises. Yeah. It's essentially – it's like every war in history.
Starting point is 01:04:18 It's a war of religion, which is a war of belief, which is a war of ideology, which is a war of the story that we're telling. And so we have – What if they win, dude? Sorry to interrupt, David. belief which is a war of ideology which is a war of the story that we're telling and so what if they win dude sorry to interrupt david what if they win their shit would be so chaotic like if they how does any of their shit function how do they pick food and put it in a basket if there's not a bat like i don't know i how does their shit gonna function i don't think it can win i don't think it can win i think oh thank you it can win. I think it's. Oh, thank you. I think they're deranged.
Starting point is 01:04:46 And I think that kind of derangement ultimately turns on itself. And, you know, evil sows the seeds of their own destruction. So I think it's inevitable. Oh, I like the way you said that. Because that's something else I noticed a couple years ago. The woke have no loyalty. No. Like they just will fucking eat each other they
Starting point is 01:05:06 don't give a shit no they don't give a shit yeah well as i said i think they're in a derangement i think it's motivated by trauma i mean there's i mean there's a lot of factors for it who knows i mean you know um camille paglia paglia claims that that late stage empires always suffer from androgyny. It's a characteristic of an empire in decline, which is really interesting. Apparently it happened in ancient Greece and in Rome. And so now we have this transgender issue, which is essentially androgyny. And maybe it's just a symptom you know you lose polarity once it once a culture loses polarity the balance between the masculine and the feminine
Starting point is 01:05:53 uh that there's no charge anymore and when there's no charge when there's no tension when there's no when no balance in that way things turn to it's kind of mushy you know there's no there's no energy behind it I mean and I don't mean this in any you know listen I I'm incredibly sympathetic to a lot of the transgender people but when you actually look at them physically there's no energy there right there's something energetically that's it doesn't't feel aligned. It's there's something else going on in, in, in most cases. And so I listen, I, I, I'm not all about like purity necessarily, but I do think there's, as I've grown older, I've really started to understand the utility of the balance between the masculine and the feminine and the gender, the gender roles and the utility of them. Um, I don't think it needs to be
Starting point is 01:06:52 rigid. I think, I think it can be a fluid in a way, but there's something real about that. And I experienced it in my relationship, but I also experienced it in my work relationship. Cause I, in my relationship, but I also experience it in my work relationship because I have a partner that I work with who's a woman. And the more that we allow ourselves to, I don't know, just to be in that dynamic, the more power we have. And I find that interesting. And the more we connect, it almost feels like that's a way to God as well. Like I work with the native Americans. I do a lot of work with the Lakota people, you know, in their ceremonies, they're very patriarchal and the men and women are, are separate. Now that's not to say that women aren't powerful in their culture. They are very powerful. I mean, if, if, if a woman is the most powerful
Starting point is 01:07:44 person in the tribe, she may not, she's not going to be the chief, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't have the most influence. Right. So it is egalitarian in a lot of ways, but, but there's a, there's a separation between the masculine and the feminine and it feels good. There's something about it that I really enjoy. I really like, and it, it almost it almost makes, from my perspective as a man, appreciate women and the feminine more and more than appreciate, almost revere and want to inspires me to provide and protect. So it's interesting that we come full circle on that too because i was talking about that that tension in the workplace when you are being creative um if you if you and a girl if you and a girl are painting a mural you've been hired to paint a mural and it's going to take two months
Starting point is 01:08:38 to paint and you show up there every single day and you haven't boned her and you build this relationship while you're painting the mural it's going to be a fucking amazing mural you're going to be on a ladder she's right right you guys are going to be working on you're never going to show up late you're never going home early you're you're not calling in any sick days you're doing your best work to show her how great you are exactly yeah yeah yeah but if you drill her, she drills you or you get a handy, it's toast. It's all spilt milk. Yeah, I fully see it. When that was something else you were sort of talking about with Danny that i thought was interesting i have friends who courted women by being nice to them and they could and and it seems like the duration of being nice to a man can do it this is just my you know anecdotal uh 50 cent psychotherapy but a man can do that for about two years he can be nice to a woman and then he starts not wanting to be nice to her but then um uh she
Starting point is 01:09:48 starts wanting someone else to make the decisions like a woman wants a man to make decisions right yeah and if he's not making decisions it will it'll start to lead to like chaos that's right if you bring kids into the picture you'll see that their kids live under this tremendous amount of stress yeah and uh because they don't have a man around making decisions for them and those decisions lead to you know structure and discipline and and all of those things yeah but but it's pretty it's pretty wild um wherever you're going you better believe american express will be right there with you heading for adventure we'll help you breeze through security.
Starting point is 01:10:26 Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Visit slash ymx benefits vary by card terms apply yeah you but the roles have to be the roles have to be they have to be defined yeah they have to be defined and and generally most men you know are in the masculine most women are in the feminine so like work with those polarities most people are happy in those roles i mean it you know with my fiance it took some time it took some time for me to step into it because i grew up being told that that was wrong opening up a car door for a woman was wrong at men and women really yes wow yes i got shamed in university for fucking trying to be romantic i was men and women are the same that's what i was told
Starting point is 01:11:22 same thing we're being told now there There's no difference. Did your mom teach you that too? No, my mom didn't teach me that. But my mom worked a lot. She was a single mother. I mean, she ultimately got remarried. So I grew up with her. She wasn't a feminist at all, but she was just doing what she wanted. She lived her life.
Starting point is 01:11:39 She was very active in the community and active in, and, you know, active in her job. So I just grew up with that. I never, I never got it. I just thought men and women are different. They're the same or they're, they're equal on, on one level. And this is what life is. But then I got to university, university of Toronto, and it's very liberal college. And, you know, got told all these things.
Starting point is 01:12:03 I was like, okay, I guess I didn't know i was 19 okay and um and then when i actually started dating this woman from texas when i got to hollywood she straightened me out she said what the fuck you talking about i need you to open my car door i need this i need that i need you to be chivalrous and i was like i thought that's sexist she's like no she doesn't need it we fucking need it we need to do it because we're such pussified 21st century men we're not going to shoot a boar for you sorry all we can do is open the door but it's something it's we'll take your luggage out of the trunk we're going to do all that shit yeah of course it feels good we're running the shopping cart back you don't ever run the shopping cart back you don't ever take the trash out that's right hunter i take trash out yeah i mean fuck let us do something right yeah yeah yeah it's it's i think it's a very confusing
Starting point is 01:12:53 time to be it was i was confused for a long time and i'm just coming to this now really and in my relationship it's it's been a bit of a struggle to figure it out we haven't figured out but it took some time because she also was told when she was a young girl, like never rely on a man, make your own money, which is good advice. And I would probably tell the same thing to my daughter to some degree, but inevitably you have to rely on a man.
Starting point is 01:13:17 If you're a woman, you want to have children. There's no way out of it. Do you think you're going to have children? I hope so. We're talking about it. Do you know, think you're going to have children? I hope so. We're talking about it. Do you know how to do it? I think so.
Starting point is 01:13:30 All right. Because my mom wrote – my mom sent me a one-page email. About how to do it? Yeah. My fucking mom. Hey, I go with very powerful woman first. Very powerful woman. My sister was physically extremely powerful.
Starting point is 01:13:48 And my mom was intellectually very powerful. And my mom was the first woman to graduate from her law school. And but dude, you like if a woman comes in the room, you better fucking stand up. I love like you better hold the door open and like and like you don't eat until the woman starts eating and like you pay for shit and like there were rules yeah there were rules about how you treat women yeah i and i think we have a responsibility as men to do that and women have a response their own responsibility in that as well right and what's cool is is you met that lady who retrained you and that's the thing that they don't realize, like how much cues they are, like, you're training us. We're open to being trained.
Starting point is 01:14:32 Right. We'll be strong and powerful and handle our manship, but we're also open to being trained. Yeah. I mean, here's how I see the whole masculine-feminine thing. It's the dance, right? The man leads the dance and he creates the frame, literally the frame, the structure. And in that structure and in the man leading the feminine, the woman can surrender into his leadership and just let go and allow the full expression of herself.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Now, is the man leading independent of the woman? No, he's attuned to her. And so he's leading in response to what she's giving back. So you could argue that they're actually leading the dance together. He's just the one who's holding the frame and actually leading it. He can't dance without you. Isn't that enough? He's just a jackass without you. People get caught up. They're just, they're just roles. Somebody's got to play one role. Somebody's got to play the other. Like that's how a fucking dance works. You can't have two people leading. You can't have two people following so you know you that's
Starting point is 01:15:50 how you do it and i i think it's just that like this you know i think of the sun and the earth like that the sun spends 24 its entire existence is fucking the shit out of the earth and the earth's entire existence is just birthing shit but without the earth the sun what a boring fucking existence and without the sun the earth is just a fucking another rock that's right but but they have such structure such discipline such routine such commitment well i guess someone even call it gravity. And maybe you can apply the same principle to good and evil. Like you can't have, you can't have good without evil. You can't have light without the dark.
Starting point is 01:16:31 And so they both play their part. They both play their role. And so while I'm sitting here saying we're in a war against evil, like I, in some way, I appreciate the, the evil because it's, as I said earlier, it's causing me to, uh, the evil, because it's, as I said earlier, it's causing me to find deeper parts of myself and know myself in a way that I haven't, I've never known myself before and to find an internal strength. So I'm grateful for it. And maybe that's just the cycle. The evil does need to rise. It plays a purpose. There's a great book by Howard Bloom called The Lucifer Principle. book by Howard Bloom called The Lucifer Principle. And it's about the nature of evil. And the
Starting point is 01:17:29 hypothesis, the premise is that evil is real. It's here. We see it. So it must serve some evolutionary purpose. And what is that purpose? And he goes throughout history and again, finds patterns of evil and shows you how it works. But yeah, evil always leads to the evolution of a culture, the evolution of a society, the evolution of technology.'s it's playing its part and so i guess the you know you said that you know i always want that one percent observer self you know and this is what it feels like this is how i try to be in the world i don't do it perfectly but i try to be all the way in life 100 committed and then there's a part of me that's like watching that. And so I'm like, I'm of two parts, but I don't, I don't want to sit back and be the spiritual guy, like in a cave, just observing everything. I want to be in the muck of life. And so if there's a
Starting point is 01:18:17 war, I want to be in it. Right. Right. I want to be in it. And, there's another part of me that knows that it's all just a game. It's real on one level, but it's just energy and consciousness playing out, working itself out in some way that we can't understand and for reasons that we'll never understand. Or maybe we will, but not on not on this plane. And it, it's like David Cho, he talked about if you want to be an artist, you have like, you have to approach your art, like you take it totally fucking seriously. You have to take your art totally fucking seriously. And you have to treat it like it's all just one big joke at the same time and i thought that was just the best advice and if you can find that sweet spot and hold both of those things at the same time in everything you're i think you're free yeah and i think you're actually more in the truth of what life is you know sometimes on this podcast i'll purposely take long uncomfortable silences just to show off that i'm i take it fucking serious but but yet yeah you you seem to have that that i could do what i want but i do it because i'm just showing
Starting point is 01:19:41 off there's this book called your rancher that someone showed me when I was in college. And basically what they said is they said that the aliens are – they live all around us and they harvest energy off us. I've heard that. You have heard that? Yeah. And so the only reason why that makes sense to us, to me, and this is before the movie The Matrix came Matrix came out, but was because I just think of the world is like Legos. Uh huh. And it's just it's just like it's just me. It's just same thing over and over. Just scale. So we harvest cows. Aliens harvest us. Ants harvest aphids. It's like, you know what I mean? It's just like this cycle of just going off into infinity of these – this is going to sound negative.
Starting point is 01:20:30 I don't mean it to be, but this predatory group, right, of just one living off of the other. I'm going to switch subjects here. Maybe that will come back to that one. What do you think about people who are afraid to be emotionally hurt? I'm going to switch subjects here. Maybe that will come back to that one. What do you think about people who are afraid to be emotionally hurt? Like, like, like I'm all in like girls leaving town in two weeks,
Starting point is 01:20:55 who gives a shit, fall in love with her. And when she leaves, you have your heart broken and just experience the whole thing. Go for it. Well, but that, that could be a defense to leave in two weeks. And you're not, you don't have to commit to her and you don't have real intimacy.
Starting point is 01:21:10 And that actually is a way of protecting yourself from emotional hurt. Okay. I'll use another example. My biggest fear in life would be to lose a child. And yet I still had one. I'm willing to face – the real reason why I would do the thing with the girl in two weeks is neither of those it's just because i was just a horned dog and i just like i'm short-sighted it's not that i'm brave it's like i'll deal with that later yeah exactly um uh but but do people really actually protect themselves emotionally is that a real phenomenon yeah i think so what's that like i have friends who like
Starting point is 01:21:47 they took forever to find a girlfriend because they were playing out they were sabotaging it well i don't know if they were sabotaging but um they play out every relationship in their head and be like oh this one's not going to work out even though they're on day three yeah and then they recoil is that protecting yourself emotionally why would do that? I don't get why you'd protect yourself emotionally. Because they feel like the pain will kill them. The pain will kill them. They have a belief that the pain will kill them. Can you give me some anecdotal story of how that happens?
Starting point is 01:22:21 So – It doesn't even have to be real. yeah no i can tell i'll tell you i'll talk about myself so i my mother uh left my father when i was six remarried and then left my stepfather when i was 18 and that and that second one was a scandal in our community because she was having an affair. And I felt humiliated. Now, I didn't know any of this about myself until I started in therapy about 10 years after all of that happened. But what I learned from my perspective was that women can't be trusted and that relationships equal pain. So of course I stayed away from getting really intimately involved with women and relationships. That was my association. And they were extraordinarily painful for me. And there was no space for me to
Starting point is 01:23:26 feel any of that. There was nobody came to me and said, you know, I know this must be hard for you. I wonder what you're going through. It was all just swept under the rug, under the rug. So I also had this belief that women are not, they don't care about your feelings, right? They're not attuned to your feelings at all. And you know, it's not that my mother was a bad mother. She wasn't, she was great. She was doing her best. Obviously I'm here. I got a lot of love from her. She was just very young and she was overwhelmed, but that was the result of it. And so this is why it's taken me so long to, to get married because there was some part of me that was just terrified of opening up my heart because I thought it was going to, uh, I was inevitably that I was going
Starting point is 01:24:13 to be betrayed. I was going to be left. I was going to be abandoned. That was not something in my consciousness. I would make up some excuse. Oh, you know, uh, I haven't really found anyone yet or somebody, you know, I haven't found that person to connect with, whatever. I would always make something up. But the truth was, I was just terrified of having my heart smashed open. And when you're a little kid and your heart is broken, it's hard to tolerate that. So we cut off from that feeling, right? We disassociate and we, this protection comes up and we make a choice in response to the pain. And in my case, the choice was like, I'm never, I'll never trust.
Starting point is 01:24:55 Like, I'm never going to trust. I'll never trust women because of it's, and it's, you think about the logic of it. It's perfect. If I don't trust women, I can never be betrayed and if i'm never betrayed i never have to feel this pain it makes perfect sense the problem is that comes with a heavy cost you don't get the real intimacy that of course we're longing for and so i had to do a lot of work to get on the other side of that and it took a long time i mean i was single for i mean from 38 to 50 i was single and celibate for a lot of those years. And I didn't even know why I couldn't figure it out. Cause I, I'd always had, you know, plenty of girlfriends, you know, date for a year or two
Starting point is 01:25:52 and then break up. And, but I went through this period of time where I just, I, I, I took a break from women and, uh, and it took me that time to, to figure it out. And I, I had to feel the depths of my loneliness and also the depths of my longing. And I had to be willing at some point to trust, to open up my heart and say, okay, I'm going to, I'm going to trust. And, you know, I'm with a woman now and I tested her nonstopstop you know and i probably still do in ways and uh which is not my tester you mean to see if she's going to leave you like you put her in situate you set up situations for yourself to be hurt like okay is this she gonna hurt me yeah well i i think i you walk around the rim of the grand canyon with your back to her if she's gonna push me yeah well if she does anything uh that i construe
Starting point is 01:26:47 as she's not like selfish like if she's not taking care of me she's not attuned to me in some way i'm hyper vigilant about it and it's taken me a long time to get over i would take everything personally so you know her she zones out sometimes she got she's an artist she gets lost in her world yeah and i would take that personally i'm like you you didn't just hear what i said i said we have to go do this thing and now you're asking me like what are we doing yeah and i would get very very angry and and what was that that was just the child inside me that that felt uh neglected by his mother in that moment and that was very painful for me. So, you know, very often in relationships, we're, we're in our history, we're acting out from our history. We're, we're, we're not in, in reality.
Starting point is 01:27:32 And we have to, I think part of the work of relationship is to become completely discerning about what's real, what's actually happening in the moment. Do I, am I seeing this person or am I seeing them through the lens of my experience as a child, through the lens of my pain, through the lens of whatever it is that I projected onto my mother or father, whatever that is. And that's not an easy thing to do because there's such a deep emotional charge to these issues. And that's why relationships are, are, are so important and they are the best opportunity that we have for healing. And you're going to come to know yourself best through relationship. I mean, for me going out in a vision quest,
Starting point is 01:28:23 four days, four nights, no food or water, completely alone, that's easy for me. Being in a relationship, that's hard for me. Yeah. I think it was Ram Dass who said it, or someone said it back from that genre. You think you're enlightened, go move it back in with your parents exactly yeah well it's like the dalai lama these people you know the guy buddhist monks it's in a cave all his life and you know claims that he's found peace i'm like okay go get married have some kids and uh drive to work every day see, see how you do. Like, let's put this to the test. Can you stay Zen through all of that?
Starting point is 01:29:07 I have a lot of compassion for, for people who are just regular people who are in relationship, having kids like yourself and, and, and, and trying to make it all work is that that's the ultimate challenge. I remember being with a friend of mine. I was about to, I was on my motorcycle was about to drive out to Joshua tree to do an ayahuasca ceremony. It was one of my first ones. And he's like, do you,
Starting point is 01:29:31 do you know any of these people? I said, no, but you know, it's become recommended. He's like, so you're going to drive out to the desert and you're going to drink this shit.
Starting point is 01:29:41 That's going to take you totally out of control with a group of people you don't know. I said, yeah, he's like, fuck, you're crazy, man. And,
Starting point is 01:29:49 but he said it with a kind of admiration. Yeah. And I said to him, listen, that's nothing, man. You're married with two kids. You're in an ayahuasca ceremony 24 seven,
Starting point is 01:30:02 bro. Right. Um, I, I want to uh the kids thing i i wonder um what your thoughts are on if a human being doesn't have kids if there is a and now i'm going to use the word satan but i'm going to call it a lotus if the lotus if there is a, and now I'm going to use the word Satan, but I'm going to call it a Lotus. If the Lotus doesn't open up all the way, if,
Starting point is 01:30:32 if the, if the cat, if a woman doesn't have a baby, the caterpillar never turns into a butterfly. Is there, is there a, a piece to the species into the brain that doesn't have an experience that leads to its full maturation without a child? I mean, I've never had a child, so I mean, in some way, I can't answer that
Starting point is 01:30:58 question. I mean, intuitively, it feels true. I would like to have that experience. I would like to know what that is. And my instinct is that it will make me a better person. It will inspire something in me that uh will be move me towards the full expression of of who i am that that's my instinct about it but it moved me closer now that i'm talking to violence oh yeah and what I always had a plan That if someone broke into my house That I would climb out the window And check into Four Seasons And go to the bar and get drunk Like I don't give a fuck
Starting point is 01:31:55 You know what I mean Like fuck you take what you want Now One day I heard a noise in my backyard And I just fucking went and got the gun And went outside ready to kill something For sure And I'm just like I came back in the house and my wife's like where'd you
Starting point is 01:32:08 go I was gonna kill someone in the backyard and I was like holy fuck what happened to me do you know what I mean and like yeah like like I was all I would have like I would have gone to the tranny reading hour at the library and I would have taken a six-pack of budweiser and some viking and just enjoyed it now i'm like what the fuck are they doing doing that why are there men who wanted who have an unquenchable desire to dress up as women being fucking the main readers at the public libraries around the country can't we have navy seal reading hour what the fuck is going on like something any man who wants to dress as a woman and read fucking shit in front of kids is a fucking weirdo obviously yeah but but i didn't care at first i had to just park my motor home in the in the parking lot of the library and just with some friends
Starting point is 01:32:55 and gotten drunk and then you know what i mean like yeah but something that's like so having kids has made me um i think less boy this is hurts to say maybe less enlightened why why it's made me more uh uh attached to um attached like i like i'm protecting like i'm protecting the nest and i'm building the nest and i have like you know like i'm concerned about the world more i'm more worldly why is that less enlightened like i i i say it is is a lion not enlightened there's this daoist saying that says um all all all proud to said this all problems must flourish before they come to an end. And if you stand up against evil, you will cause it to grow, meaning like you build the retaining wall to protect your house, and the waves that crash on either side of it will erode the cliff even faster. And I see that as – I see that bit of wisdom, and yet I –
Starting point is 01:34:07 You're a primate with instincts. I see that wisdom. I'm aware of that wisdom, and yet I consciously throw my middle finger in the air to it. Well, because you have an instinct to protect your children, your family. Yeah. To me, that's enlightened. That's real. You can't deny that.
Starting point is 01:34:24 I don't think that's something to be overcome. It shows a little bit of a lack of faith. It shows a little bit of a lack of faith. Faith in what? God? Yeah. I don't know. In the course of nature, that this thing is unfolding as it's supposed to be.
Starting point is 01:34:42 Which is sort of the core tenets of my success well but aren't you following your own instinct isn't that following god yeah like you have an instinct that comes it's not a thought it's it's it's not an ideology it's an instinct which everybody has it would seem to me that following that instinct is following God. Because where does that instinct come from? It comes from God. So it has to be right. It has to be good. That's how I see it. There's this other Taoist saying that says, boy, I'm remembering them all today. You're bringing the best of me. Only a confused man makes decisions. And I fully see that right i fully see that i'm like
Starting point is 01:35:27 oh god i that's like right eaton beaver just two good dudes pontificating about the meaning of life with a couple hundred friends listening in thank you eaton what about um what about the predicament that gay dudes are in? Which predicament? Like you need someone who's like throttling back the ejaculations. Like you can't just have two dudes just – like if you have a wife, like you got to do shit. You got to bring in the groceries. You got to juggle.
Starting point is 01:36:04 You got to make money. You have to invent a light bulb. You have to – like you got to do shit you got to bring in the groceries you got to juggle you got to make money you have to invent a light bulb if the like she wants a gardening bed you got to go back there and build that shit for like you have to do shit like to to get the pussy not not like it's transactional like that but but right you know you're working out you're you're you're you gotta earn it yeah and and you're and it's part of the fun it's part of the thing and i'm not saying that gay dudes don't need to do that too but like gay dudes were that sexual relationship reminds me of just me and my friends getting a bag of doritos and playing super mario brothers and cutting school for a month right it's like dude there's like no one there like hey uh you gotta you gotta write it's just like they all
Starting point is 01:36:47 want to yeah it's like it's easy it's almost too easy i mean you know gay men are are no not all gay men i don't want to make blanket statement but very often they're they're extremely promiscuous as i would have been yeah had i been gay for sure going to orgies all the time in my 20s sounds great sure that's what you're into how could you not be if you're a dude exactly that's another just important thing i don't hear talked about enough of that important in i just wonder how that how that works a rambler i have gay friends they're horny as fuck yeah everyone's horny as fuck but it's like you need some you got to plant some trees and shit and then come back in the house and like you have sweat dripping off you so your wife's like oh
Starting point is 01:37:34 you look good and i'm not saying that gay guys aren't attracted to each other i don't want anyone to misconstrue this but i just feel like without women there's no there's no regulators just you just throw a brick on the gas pedal yeah you just throw a brick on the gas pedal. Yeah. You just throw a brick on the gas pedal and just let it rip. Right. I mean, I mean, there are guys, you know, Leonardo DiCaprio and others. That's basically what, I mean, listen, I saw Leonardo DiCaprio post Titanic at the playboy mansion, walk into a party. And there must've been 30 girls that just swarmed him, maybe more. And they were all around him. And it was, it was crazy. And I, you know, I don't know what happened, but what I know is that guy has acts, you know,
Starting point is 01:38:21 I'm sure he could have picked any, every one of them or all of them and brought him wherever he wanted to and them all i mean that was the vibe so i don't know what that's like but it has to i mean i actually know somebody another actor i won't mention his name that he was on a movie when he was a teenager um and and we got home from the set every day, it was shot on location in this small town, a small city, let's say. There was women at the hotel.
Starting point is 01:38:55 He was 19, and he just, every night, it was like a new girl that he would fuck, and he said it ruined him. In what way? Well, he couldn't stay faithful to his wife. The sex was so simple it was so easy it was so transactional in that way that he just it did something to him and he regretted it and so i don't think promiscuity is good for anyone i had this i had this friend who she was so remarkably powerful and she was on a softball team with Leonardo DiCaprio.
Starting point is 01:39:29 Yeah. And she basically at every practice and every game, she fucked him in the bathrooms there. That was the extent of their relationship. Yeah. Yeah. I think there's a lot of that going on. Yeah. I mean – What a lot of that going on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:47 What a wild scene. She got with a lot of famous people. Were there women like that? I think she fucked Jared Leto. She had this whole list of dudes. I mean, I had to be friends with her for a long time to get the list. But Starfuckers, someone called them. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:40:04 They're everywhere. I get it. Yeah, I get it too i fuck i get it too i'm i'm a hate yeah yeah but you work at a yeah you work at a fancy bar and or a dinner place in in hollywood and every night it's like george clooney the Rock, Jared Leto, Leonardo DiCaprio. Yeah. He did he. You're a young woman. You're attractive. It's like you have an opportunity to have sex with some movie star.
Starting point is 01:40:34 You want to have that experience. There's some athlete. I get it. Again, I think there's a price to pay for all of that. Nothing's free. There's consequences. But that's a choice um what if the woman makes more money than the man do you think that that is that bad yeah you know my mom told me that recently and
Starting point is 01:40:56 i couldn't believe that was coming from her i could not believe my mom said it's bad for the power dynamic i was like what the power dynamic i think so i i i don't again i don't said it's bad for the power dynamic and i was like what the power dynamic i think so i i i don't again i don't think it's 100 i think if the man is on his mission and he's dedicated and he's purposeful and he feels confident i think that can mitigate against the you know the the financial imbalance but if he's unhappy in his, or he feels like he should be making more money, but can't, and he's got some anxiety and fear about that, I just think that a woman ultimately is going to find that unattractive. Okay. So that's why you think... I think it's an energetic thing more than anything else. It depends on the situation,
Starting point is 01:41:46 i think it's an energetic thing more than anything else it depends on the situation you know but i think most women they want to be with men who make i mean we know this this is just right data just right we want to be with men who make more money than they do as much or more they want to be taken care of i saw something to me that explained a lot the other day i saw this guy it was just a couple interviews but this guy said would you rather go out with an obese guy or a short guy and the women said obese guys and i was like fuck it's crazy because i'm five five i'm i was what i man i had to work for every little how you're tall right yeah i'm tall yeah how tall are you six one yeah it was good the women like you yeah i've been since i was a little boy women have liked me and it's it's been actually it's been a thing in my life it's defined my life in in in a way that
Starting point is 01:42:32 hasn't always been great i mean obviously it's nice to be attractive to the opposite sex but i felt objectified my entire life i mean i remember being god i would love to feel that fuck i wanted i always wanted to feel that i just wanted some girl just to walk walk up to me like just fuck me in the back i cannot believe how awesome why did it wasn't like that i mean i was trying to be treated like a piece of bad boy yeah i mean i had a friend who was the bad boy all the women wanted to fuck him yeah um no i was the nice guy but yeah i remember a girl a gaggle of girls when i got to i was in the first grade they were in the fourth or fifth grade gathered around me and it's like oh my god he's so cute he's so cute oh he's gonna be so handsome when he grows up and i got all this attention i was made special and there was
Starting point is 01:43:23 something about it that obviously I liked, but there was another part of me that felt it was weird because now I'm separate. I'm not like everybody else. And, and then my parents divorced and I was at a Catholic school and that, that made me separate and separate is not a good feeling when you're that age it began it really had there was no didn't give me any power just it was actually humiliating on some level that girls liked you it was humiliating well not humiliating because it it separated me from from everybody i mean obviously as i got older into high school where you know i wanted to get with girls it It was a different situation, but when you're just a little boy and you know, when you have like girls that are older than you gathering around,
Starting point is 01:44:11 it's, it's actually kind of scary. Yeah. Yeah. And, but this, I became identified with that, became identified with being the good boy, became identified with pleasing women, that somehow my role in this world was to make women happy. That's what I had to do with my mother. When she left my father, I became the de facto man. And my strategy was to, my own survival strategy was, okay, well, I'm going to keep mom happy. I'm going to meet her needs. That's going to create stability in this house. And that's how I'm going to survive this situation without my father. But I became identified with that and took it out into the world. And that was my whole career as an actor. I was the good guy. I was the nice guy and who would say all the right things and was romantic.
Starting point is 01:45:00 And, but, and that's ultimately why I left acting because I was, I felt like I was in this box and I wasn't that I wasn't a nice guy and keeping up that appearance, uh, was, it was painful and it was frustrating and I felt resentment and I didn't understand why. I didn't understand why. And when I started in on this therapy that I now do, I mean, it was a group therapy and it gets permission for everything. I, um, I just became a fucking asshole. I let it out and it felt so good to let out that part of me and, And then see, see what it was about. And now I don't I mean, I still struggle with it because, you know, Gilmore Girls and my social media. A lot of a lot of, you know, fans of that show. But it's kind of over now. You know, I was at the trump's speech in january 6th i wasn't at the capitol but there's all kinds of stories written about it and i made some cracks on social media so i'm outed you know i'm out i'm out i'm a bad guy i've spoke up about the transgender stuff i've called i love your transgender stuff is great pro-Trump I'm out
Starting point is 01:46:27 you can't be a Hollywood if you're pro-Trump no I don't think so I really wish Seve had watched all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls this conversation could have been epic could have been I'll watch all seven seasons and then no don't don't bother don't bother um um the uh the the trump thing is is pretty crazy that whole january 6th is another just
Starting point is 01:46:58 crazy preposterous uh thing that was uh um i went back i went back to uh right after that started going down that was another thing that kind of like made me realize that some weird shit was going on i went back and read this transcripts and i and i got them from abc news and i watched all the stuff i could see on cnn i stayed to all the liberal rags yeah and and i couldn't find anything where he even closely incited violence it was actually marched peacefully in the whole thing dude he was so chill the whole there was no aggression or no anger the whole thing. Dude, he was so chill. There was no aggression or no anger. I was there. It was totally chill.
Starting point is 01:47:29 I mean, I understand why people are upset about the whole thing, but I understand people don't like Trump. I get it, but this whole thing is a fucking charade. It's a setup. Sevan, why did Loreurie laurel i laurel i and christopher
Starting point is 01:47:49 not work out are those characters from your show yeah it's a it's a great question you know what i think i i don't well i mean did you know the writers did you know the writers yeah but season seven they uh the main writer left the show. And so everything, season seven was completely different vibe, but we got married. I was the dad. This premise of the show, it's a mother and a daughter. And the mother had the daughter
Starting point is 01:48:18 when she was 16, very young. And so now the daughter is 16 and the mother is 32. And that's when we meet them and they're like best friends. young and so now the daughter is 16 and the mother is 32 and that's when we meet them and they're like best friends uh i played the dad of the little girl so the x you had sex with a 16 year old girl when i was 16 oh you were saying okay good yeah we were both 16 so you were 32 also yeah okay yeah and so yeah the the my character would come in and always create trouble right and because there
Starting point is 01:48:48 was this fantasy i think that oh the family's going to get back together which i think all children have that fantasy when they're when their parents split up but it would never work out because i was kind of irresponsible and all that all this and then she had this other guy who was like a nice guy and she had to get with luke in the end it was just one of those shows you know is it sam and diane situation and what of course sam and diane have to end up together in the end it couldn't be it couldn't have been christopher the other thing is i yeah i there was some contractual shit also going on that i don't know if that had anything to do with it but um there there's, it's funny how shows can be influenced by actors availability
Starting point is 01:49:28 because there was this big moment. I wasn't at her high school graduation and the fans of the show are very upset by that. Like, why weren't you there? I was like, because I was working on another show. Oh, that was just, that's what was going on it wasn't some if i you know it wasn't some decision the writers made but people man they love that show they feel passionate about it's unbelievable it was like in bewitched when i was a kid they switched husbands on us like the husband became a different actor what the fuck is going on here i remember that yeah you know shows like that you should do that yeah i think they did it on a j that jason bateman show they switched mothers or on valerie she couldn't sign the contract they burned her in
Starting point is 01:50:18 a fire or some shit right yeah the three men and a baby lost a dad or something didn't they like it was just crazy actors youors, you know, stuff happens. They become unavailable. There's this – when you're talking about letting the asshole in you out, kindness is so – kindness can be so fake. Being nice can be so fucking fake. Be real. Yeah, yeah. Be real.
Starting point is 01:50:51 And I had a friend teach me that, and basically he has – I realized that kindness comes at the cost of – often comes at the cost of integrity because I have this friend who's not kind, and he has the most integrity of anyone I know. That's right. Yeah. Yeah, I'm, I'm a firm believer in that. I mean, I'm a reformed nice guy, so I have strong opinions about this,
Starting point is 01:51:09 but I, when I'm trying to be nice or kind in some kind of affectation, I, I, I try to notice it and give it up as soon as possible. I almost experiment with going the other way, just being, uh,
Starting point is 01:51:23 direct and not, not unkind, but just not trying to sugarcoat anything, just saying things directly. Right. And what I find is that people like it. People like when you're just direct with them and they appreciate it. They trust it in some way. It doesn't feel like you're trying to get anything from them or you're not trying to make them like you and make them like you. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:48 There's nothing manipulating in it. David analyze people who have random questions, thoughts. Yeah. I have 10 minutes, but, uh, what does that mean?
Starting point is 01:52:00 Do you understand that? Do you understand that question right there? Analyze. Yeah. Well, analyze. I mean, I think what Rambler's asking is, would I, you understand that you understand that question right there analyze yeah well analyze i mean i think what rambler's asking is would i analyze people who have random questions
Starting point is 01:52:12 thoughts i mean i assume he means or she in the chat i don't know i i'm yeah i'm good at analyzing that's what i do i analyze people i know what's going on what what what are you um what are you doing in 10 minutes i got a guy coming i got to teach him some lakota songs so that when he goes to the ceremony he can participate yeah yeah i'm a lakota song carrier i know i know like 150 lakota songs wow you're fully reprogramming yourself yeah the the lakota is changed my life when i discovered it seven eight years ago i started with the music then i started going to sweat lodge became obsessed with the music and uh i had a teacher who would you know he knows like five six hundred songs lived on the reservation and the real deal you know had a drum group sang at sun dances all
Starting point is 01:53:14 over the country so i don't know i just i i don't know why i just became obsessed with the music and then started going to sweat lodge singing in sweat. Then I went on a vision quest. Then I went on another vision quest. And then, and then finally I went to Sundance, which is kind of the Mecca. And, uh, uh, that's a four year commitment. So I've completed two, two of my four years. And, uh, yeah, I'm immersed in the world. It's, it's my, it's my religion. It's, it's what I practice.
Starting point is 01:53:44 It's where I go to pray sweat lodge every, every Wednesday here in Austin. So it's, it's a huge it's it's what i practice it's where i go to pray sweat lodge every every wednesday here in austin so it's it's a huge part of my life when you do the sweat lodge are you taking um no mushrooms or no some people uh there are there are uh ceremonies where people will use peyote but i don't know you're just getting really hot you're just getting really hot it's it's the whole yeah it's the heat it's the darkness it's the cramped environment and the drum and the singing that that creates the effect and hey dude have you have you seen this instagram account um where people go into a cave for like three or four or five days with the eye
Starting point is 01:54:25 covers on yeah and then they come out and they talk to them when they take the eye covers off yeah that's some compelling shit i think yeah i'm curious about that their responses seem pretty legit to me they're like oh yeah fuck the world's beautiful i mean yeah it seems like a deep experience i mean that they're lakota do have that some people vision quest inside of a uh sweat lodge or they'll they they create these they're not graves but they'll bury them in some way but yeah inside a sweat lodge you pull the door shut it's totally black you're just in there for four days it was interesting what you said one of the things i was i i the whole medicinal plant thing and people using that term medicinal plants kind of makes me think yeah i just it's just drugs to me but you said something early on
Starting point is 01:55:17 that muted that thought of mine you basically said for you um being alone is easy yeah yeah and that and for me it's like that too and but to do um mirror work relationship work is hard and i was like wow okay uh i get it because i was wondering why would anyone do medicinal plants before doing Vipassana? Although Vipassana has lost completely lost its way. Those those fucking idiots are now mandating. Oh, dude. Mandating what? Vaccines?
Starting point is 01:55:53 Yes. It's like. Them to. Excellent. Yeah. Mandating vaccine. I mean, I don't know if they're still doing that, but they were. You know what Eckhart Tolle calls it?
Starting point is 01:56:04 The so-called plandemic. He's fucking great. He gets it? Oh, he so gets it. Dude, he so gets it. Yeah. I mean, that's a little rabbit hole. How are you a Vipassana practitioner sitting in stillness and you get up to go get in line to get the injection?
Starting point is 01:56:19 I'm like, what part of meditation did you miss? I don't know. What part of the non-reaction part? Isn't that incredible? They don't take money. You know they don't take money until you go home, and then you can pay if you want or don't pay. You know that's how that works.
Starting point is 01:56:35 It's non-denominational. It's a fantastic organization. Listen, because they want to be seen as good. This is the whole fucking disease. I need to be seen as good. This is good. Getting the vaccine makes me a be good. This is what this is good. Getting the vaccine makes me a good person. That's how they manipulated people.
Starting point is 01:56:49 You get the vaccine, not for yourself, for your neighbor, which was totally bullshit. But that's how they play off people. It's like you need to be a good person. I want to be good. It's like a little kid. It's like Santa Claus. Be good. Be good.
Starting point is 01:57:03 Be good. And that's what the fucking government does. That's how they manipulate government does it's how they manipulate you that's why you gotta get over that's why you gotta get over this party that wants to be kind all the time it's like be real be authentic that's what people respect when someone says sorry i know you only have a few minutes when someone says by the way those guys just won the nobel prize i don't know if you saw that yesterday. Who won the Nobel Prize? The people who created the mRNA vaccine. Fuck's sake.
Starting point is 01:57:28 Dude, and the picture of them is getting the Nobel Prize wearing masks. It's some classic shit. No way. Because the injection works so good that they still have to wear masks. When someone says that's their truth or speak your truth what is does that mean anything to you that was another line that kept getting thrown around in the danny morel thing and i'm and like i want to push back like fuck you i don't give a fuck about your truth like i don't care if you think the sasquatch is real or not you know what i mean yeah yeah yeah well listen you have to speak your truth to get
Starting point is 01:58:02 to the truth it may not be the truth but you have to say what you feel you have to say what you think you have to and you have to be willing for it to be wrong or offensive or distorted in some way or or bigoted or racist somehow some way like you have to be willing to say what's true for you i think that's what i do in my workshops just like say whatever without judgment don't worry about about it. It's just data. It's just information. And once it's out, you can actually see it for what it is. Or once it's out and you have somebody reflect it back to you, you can see where maybe you
Starting point is 01:58:32 have a distortion. But if it's locked inside your head and you're afraid to say it, you're never going to get anywhere. You're not going to figure it out. It has to come out and be dealt with in order for it to get worked out. So that's what I hear when it's like, speak your truth. It doesn't mean that, but on some level, truth is, I mean, I do think there's absolute truth that's real,
Starting point is 01:58:59 but I also think on this plane of existence that reality is clearly a construct and what's true for half the country is clearly not true for the other. I mean, these people who believe in the vaccines, they believe in it. They a hundred percent believe in it. That, that is their truth. And so that, I think that's what we're reconciling to. Like what happens when you have a society that doesn't believe the same stories, doesn't have, doesn't believe the same narratives aren't all are connected by some unifying narrative so if you're over here and the truth is over here you have to keep saying your truth until
Starting point is 01:59:37 you get to the truth you have to keep spitting out like if you don't talk you won't get to it if you don't express it unless you see get to it. If you don't express it. Unless you sit in a cave, you know, and have realization after realization, but even those monks are going to have to come out of that cave and talk to somebody about what they experienced to help them make sense of it. So I think it's really important to speak up and speak out. You don't have to do it publicly, but definitely with your friends. Like I think that's how you, you get, you get closer to truth. And you start to see, you know,
Starting point is 02:00:02 when you say what you think or what you feel, that's how you can start to see what the places where you may have shortcuts in your thinking, or you may have distortions, or it may be informed by your previous experiences, your trauma, whatever, but it has to come out. It has to start somewhere because you can't hold back what you think and feel until it's perfect until you've got some realized perfectly this this absolute truth that's not a thing and it's always changing and progressing but but the only truth is god that's the only truth where are you going where are you going next what's your next podcast my next podcast yeah that you're doing i forget i'm doing uh where can people see you uh yeah i
Starting point is 02:00:52 mean suckle yeah david suckle 33 on my instagram that's the best place to get a hold of me i post there all the time do you have any speaking engagements you're doing any seminars uh i've yeah i've got a workshop coming up called life force. We haven't announced it yet, but it's December 8th to 10th in Austin, Texas. And that's, that's,
Starting point is 02:01:13 and I'm, yeah, I've got a lot of stuff coming up, a lot of media projects coming up. There's people I'm interviewing, um, for my own podcast and in some, some interesting characters. I don't, I don't
Starting point is 02:01:27 want to reveal it. So, you know, the Tate interview has opened up a lot for me and, uh, it feels fun to, to interview these, these controversial characters. And especially now that my, I guess my brand is established as a, you know, you're going to get a, uh, an interview that's going to feel like a therapy session. Um, I think that's interesting. And so I want to do more of that with, with different people and see how that goes. But, you know, Tate's a unique guy and that's unique interview because, you know, he, the whole interview starts off with, he's skeptical of therapy and I'm a therapist. So it's, you know, it becomes a chess match. So you're having Trump on. I'd love to have Trump on.
Starting point is 02:02:06 You're going to psychoanalyze Trump. Wouldn't that be awesome? Yeah, I think he'd be open to it. Oh, he's so fun. Hey, uh,
Starting point is 02:02:14 your description of him. I know you got to go. Your description of him in the Danny Morrell is, uh, was awesome by the way, the way you just, oh, it was so good.
Starting point is 02:02:23 That was the best. That was the first time i ever accepted anyone saying tell your truth be authentic because usually i'm like go fuck yourself i understand i totally get i want to see you run as fast as you can then i'll tell you who you are thank you so much david uh i will i will stay in touch you're a wonderful gentleman and i appreciate your time i know all the listeners appreciate your time appreciate most of them not all of them most of all right have a good one you too bye-bye david sutcliffe
Starting point is 02:02:49 good dude that's cool yeah good dude honest right i'd say so more than most i was uh when i was asking when he didn't have kids and I wanted to ask him that question about kids, I, it was weird. I felt like my, um, I felt like I would,
Starting point is 02:03:13 that was the, that was the only time during the show where I was like, Oh shit, I don't want to offend him. You know what I mean? Why is that? Because like, if he's not going to have kids and I'm asking him like,
Starting point is 02:03:23 but he, he, he disarmed me right away when he's like, yeah, you know, there might be something there because you would think if someone's not going to have kids and i'm asking him like but he did he he disarmed me right away when he's like yeah you know there might be something there because you would think if someone's not going to have kids they're going to be like fuck that i'm not having kids and that doesn't mean shit and i can still evolve as a human you know they'd have some sort of defense mechanism up and i didn't want to trigger that in them so i was kind of but but it didn't even come close he just stayed like he stayed the course of logic yeah sounds like he's still open to it too uh yeah caleb are you in the uh shattacan no i'm not is that a bathroom
Starting point is 02:03:52 no the house that we bought i named it the shattacan like the shitty vatican or the somebody shat in the Vatican. It's a make that up. Yeah, kind of. My dad said it. And then I was like, yeah, that's exactly what this place is. It's all your house. That's what he said.
Starting point is 02:04:18 Yeah, it's pretty much a disaster. The guy who lived in it for the past couple decades neglected it significantly um and so there's just dirt and dude this is crazy did you buy a hotel whose truck is that that's our truck now that's like that came with the house yeah the truck the jeep everything everything you see is came with the house that truck is sick i know and it runs why how did you find this house where are you in west virginia no no i'm in nebraska now so i what's up with that's your kitchen. That's like the kitchen living room I'm telling you god, you must have a cool ass wife. So your wife got a new
Starting point is 02:05:11 Firefighting job at a new fire department. Yeah, she will. Yeah and so You're like, hey, babe, let's buy this house over here and she's like and you guys went and looked at it and you guys Were both like, okay, we can do this. Well, what's yes more or less the this is like our our in-laws are our neighbors what is that that's the yeah the water pump thing it's just out there it should be like recessed back into that little like area but he just yeah that doesn't even look real that looks like a lampshade that thing's not connected to that white thing look at the caulkins in between that and the
Starting point is 02:05:48 right he just put stuff on it like he just placed stuff everywhere okay sorry i keep interrupting so the in-laws so my in-laws live next door and this guy he's like this uh old fucking vietnam vet and uh he owned it and it's like a two acre lot and he just kind of like he lived in it for a couple decades there's another car there was another car yeah yeah there's three cars that we got off of this property and uh so he and that property is like pretty good real estate for like a commercial build because you can build like a gas station or something on it. But that neighborhood is super nice. Like million dollar houses. Uh, like everybody lives there, has a two acre lot. They've got a whole bunch of space, all that stuff. And, um, this guy was like, I don't want to give this to a commercial
Starting point is 02:06:38 company because then that's a gas station and it ruins the neighborhood. So he asked my in-laws if they wanted to buy it. And my in-laws were like, well, no, but we know somebody who would. So we talked to him and he's like, oh, you're in the Air Force. Like you're a military guy. I know you'll treat this place right. And so he sold it to us. Dude, it looks like a hotel. Well, it was actually.
Starting point is 02:07:04 Look at that driveway that thing's massive you have a parking lot huge parking lot yeah so it was actually built to be like a store front so like those three big windows up front like they grew plants in the middle section where that car was sitting that other car was sitting yeah and uh at one point they had like a bunch of trailers out there to sell sporting goods and like i think at one point they also made dolls in there it's like a doll factory what's that field to the see where that tree is to see there's a car and then a tree and there's like a field back there that's just your backyard yep that's our backyard and then over here on the right there's some what about there's another field
Starting point is 02:07:39 over here on the right look at that uh see oh that field back there yeah up to that road is ours that's all wow dude you're stoked yeah dude oh my god i cannot wait to put in some work on that thing so you live there you sleep in there no i'm at my parents house house right now. So I'm going to take probably the next few weeks and just make it livable. When is the bulldozer coming? We thought about it, but the building itself... Is it on a slab? Yeah, it's just on a concrete slab. So we thought about leveling it, but then also it's still a usable building.
Starting point is 02:08:22 And you can just convert it and turn it into something you can use and uh so i'm gonna make that my project and make it like livable and usable but then we're also going to hire a contractor to build a like actual house next like on that same property oh wow yeah we're not going to like dump all of our money into that specifically why not why not just fix that place up why build another one um have two houses rent one out blah blah blah yeah yeah all that stuff also because that house alone it doesn't it's not like adequate for what we would want basically like there's only one room in there to live like sleep in we want to have some more room to have kids and stuff and you know do that thing two acres dude yeah it's stupid i can't believe
Starting point is 02:09:15 that we did it i'm like i'm pretty beside myself about it yeah that's cool and you don't seem overwhelmed you're like stoked no i'm pumped i cannot wait to like like yesterday i was just pulling weeds on that driveway i was just like pulling weeds brushing shit out of the way like cleaning stuff out you know i mean hey um my wife and i bought a house in 2011 and it's on 2000 the lot is square feet, and the home is 860 square feet. And we bought it for $400,000, and we put $300,000 into it, and now it's probably worth like $1.1 million. What we should have done, but we listened to fucking – we didn't listen to ourselves. We listened to other people.
Starting point is 02:09:59 Right down the street, there was a house that took up the entire block. the street there was a house that took up the entire block it was on like 28 000 square feet but the house was a complete disaster like that like your house yeah but it was also it was a two-story it was a big house but a complete disaster dude like scary and uh but it was the same price and if we would have bought that house today, that property alone today is without, with no house on it's worth like 4 million. So I, I wish I, and what's crazy is when we bought that house, we were planning, we didn't move into it for like two or three years and then we still remodeled it, put 300,000 into it.
Starting point is 02:10:39 And it was just, we were just stupid. Yeah. Um, I should have taken the risk. I've never taken risks. I think you're smart. Was this a risk? This is probably taken the risk i've never taken risks i think you're smart was this a risk this is probably the biggest risk i've taken like ever yeah it looks like a big risk but two acres is awesome dude yeah it's it's a it's way more space than i expected it to be like i can under i can like kind of comprehend two acres but like actually walking around the property itself like that was the first time i've actually been able to walk into that building and walk around it yeah and like
Starting point is 02:11:08 i've basically never seen it in person before so yesterday walking around it and seeing it was pretty insane yeah i have i live on a half acre and I feel like it's, it's crazy. It's so awesome. I'm so, I can't, I love all the space. It's pretty cool. So sick. Does it snow there? Yeah. It's a lot of a ton of snow and that's one thing that I've learned. What fruit trees can you plant in the snow? Can you plant apple, do apple trees and cherry trees? Yeah. Yeah. We have a ton of, there's a couple of apple trees on there. There's a walnut tree. Oh, that's cool and i think maybe a
Starting point is 02:11:46 pear tree but if not my mom has a pear tree on her property and she's been able to grow stuff regularly on it so yeah that's awesome yeah caleb bernie gannon yeah caleb has a new mission yeah that's dope dude yeah i feel uh like rejuvenated a little bit. Yeah. Just excited for the challenge. Cool. What do you, what's the first step one? You get a dumpster there and just start carrying stuff out to the dumpster, just start throwing stuff away. Yeah, pretty much. Tomorrow the dumpster will show up and we're going to have to like, yeah, there's a lot of stuff that I'm just going to rip out, throw it away.
Starting point is 02:12:23 And that way I kind of just want to start from scratch, really. Like, I don't want to feel attached to anything that's in that spot already. Cause then it's just accumulation of stuff we don't need. So is there electricity there? Electricity? Yeah, there's the, there's electricity. There's apparently there's no internet, so we'll have to run like fiber optic cable to it and then uh it's like it's so dim that's the other thing the lights are just so dim and not is it is it um knob and tube electricity do you know what that is no i don't what is that god how old's the house oh it's old have you have you seen the wires um i haven't really actually looked that closely but
Starting point is 02:13:15 like this is this is knob and tube what i'm about to show you like this shit's fucking freaky when we bought our house it was like this these were the wires like this kind of shit it's like almost like they're not covered yeah that's kind of scary I don't think I've seen anything like that though that's kind of a relief is my knob and tube wiring safe I wonder what the
Starting point is 02:13:40 answer to that is the fact you have knob and tube wiring is probably not safe. Right. Cave Dastro, how big of a dumpster did you get? Oh, I got, not the biggest one, but close to the biggest one. It's like a 30-yard dumpster, something like that.
Starting point is 02:13:59 Can you carve in the side of it with a pocket knife, dump truck hottie? Yeah. I'll take a picture of it with a pocket knife, dump, dump truck, hottie. Yeah. I'll take a picture of it and send it to you guys. All right. So,
Starting point is 02:14:13 all right, cool. Well, good to see you here this morning. That was a fucking awesome surprise. Yeah. I'm excited to keep doing this. And we have,
Starting point is 02:14:22 are you on tonight's show? I should be able to yeah Okay Dave Driscoll Okay Yeah Dave Driscoll sorry I saw a text come in From my wife Yeah that'll be cool
Starting point is 02:14:37 My wife says the problem with good and evil Is the people we call evil Think we are the evil ones And they are the good ones who's to say who's right i know that's why i don't like it either i need like yeah i did find it interesting that he said that when he uses like satanic and demonic it's like more metaphorical yeah he still couldn't he acknowledged that he couldn't really define it but he just has he uses it in a metaphorical sense, I guess.
Starting point is 02:15:07 I don't know if that makes sense. I just – I don't like emotional appeal talk because that's what the left does. And I just want you to be like, hey, that dude's a piece of shit because he diddles kids. I'm like, yep, I'm with you. Not he's satanic. My wife also wrote this. I wanted to bring this up too. Tate thought you had to be happy to be present.
Starting point is 02:15:29 You don't have to be enjoying the moment to be present. Yeah, that's true too. You know what I was thinking the other day, Caleb? I'm not even a happy person. Like I've transcended happy. I'm like better than happy. Happy is like I'm excited. Like the way probably you are about your house.
Starting point is 02:15:43 You're not happy or sad about it. You're like fucking excited. Yeah. Right. Just like energy. You're just energy. Yeah. Ooh,
Starting point is 02:15:51 I can't wait. Like you probably can't, after this podcast, you probably can't wait to go over there and like walk around again. Right. That's exactly what I'm going to do. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:58 Like start being okay. I could put a hog wire fence here. Oh my God, we can get a dog now. Like your brain's going to be just going off crazy. Yeah. Big time. Yeah yeah that's awesome let's see what else my wife wrote
Starting point is 02:16:11 you can watch the busy mind and that awareness is presence that as soon as you react to a thought you can lose that state of presence god she's so smart thanks she's good with words presence is uh presence is without judgment total clear no thing i was judging the shit out of her yesterday when a couple days ago when she came home from pilates all sweaty and shit boob falling out of the side of her shirt
Starting point is 02:16:39 and you know what it's funny like i see her like that And like her shorts are all fucking Hiked up and shit and I like see her like Getting ready to shower and I'm just like I look between her I see her and it's like just a big old Bowl of mashed potatoes that I want to eat and then I just See my kids there Fuckers I'm getting a
Starting point is 02:17:02 PlayStation Putting it on the complete other side of the house. That's the best way to do it. Get over there. All right. Great show. I'm glad I had him. Yeah, that was cool.
Starting point is 02:17:18 I was concerned I was going to fuck it up by talking about myself too much, but I think I did an okay job. Yeah, it was good. All right. That all right interesting cat um we'll see you guys tonight uh for the affiliate series uh dave driscoll owns a gym in bali uh that's sad i think it's 6 30 so in i don't know eight and a half hours eight hours and 45 minutes adam blakesley uh mashed potatoes probably not the best metaphor okay fine I don't know 8 and a half hours 8 hours and 45 minutes Adam Blakeslee mashed potatoes probably not the best metaphor ok fine
Starting point is 02:17:49 I see her as a bicycle that I want to ride how's that Rambler congratulations Beaver thanks dude Vindicate Dave's gym is at the top of my list to visit. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 02:18:14 Bernie Gannon. Do you think there might be an external intelligent evil beyond individual people beyond metaphor? No. I don't. My sister is probably probably gonna slap me around though you think there's a devil a Caleb like there's actual like a being a sentient being I don't think so that's like anointed like as the devil. Oh, look, there's the devil. Oh, no, that's just Jeffrey Dahmer. Never mind. Go on. Yeah, I guess when you put it that way,
Starting point is 02:18:53 it's more of an idea rather than like a... It's like, oh, there's the devil right there. Yeah. Yeah. Caleb's property can house the CEO shirt empire. Yeah, no shit. Yeah. Start churning out t-shirts in my living room.
Starting point is 02:19:11 Can you say what town you live in? Would you rather not? I live in Omaha, Nebraska. How about that? Oh, okay. Because I want to truly see if I should move there. Yeah, it's nice. Could you have a cow on your property if you wanted?
Starting point is 02:19:33 You think your neighbors would be cool with that? I could, I think. I can have farm animals. You could have just one cow out there fencing your shit and just have a cow out there? Yeah. My parents have a horse. Oh. So, yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:47 How close is your parents house? Like across the street. Well, I say across the street. It's like half mile away. Dude, that is awesome. I know, right? Do they have to drive by your house to get to their house? Um, no.
Starting point is 02:20:03 Will they know if you're home? No, we're a little bit out of the way than that oh even better half mile can't see if i'm home holy shit yeah oh dude hurry up and have kids built-in babysitter no doubt yeah it's so good all right bye everyone thank you see you soon bye

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