The Sevan Podcast - Dubai CrossFit Championship - Final Day Live Commentary

Episode Date: December 18, 2021

Saturday - Final Day of Competition Dubai CrossFit Championship The Sevan Podcast is sponsored by Follow us on Instagram Epis...ode Videos Sevan's Stuff: Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:42 We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply ready to rock too damn we're live. Good morning. 5-25-8. Goodness gracious, you're up, Sousa. We got a link sent over to the guys.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Yes, sir. Hop on any minute. John Young and Matt Sousa. I'm going to go over to the dubai fitness they got a live i'm at uh the 2021 dubai crossfit championship day three 3100 people watching uh looks like they started the live stream 104 minutes ago we got up at 3 50 a.m 3.50 a.m. It's going to be a long day again.
Starting point is 00:01:49 It's going to be a long day again. After the show yesterday, I was basically a vegetable the rest of the day. What's up, Brian? I felt similar for a little while. I took a 30-minute nap and was good to go. I tried to do that. I think I hit a spot where I was so tired that I couldn't even nap. Okay, let's refresh that leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:02:14 What are we? We've completed four events, Brian. What? Well, no, more than that. Actually, they've done six scored events. Okay, including one A and one B? Correct. Okay, so we just watched event five this morning,
Starting point is 00:02:35 which was the muscle-up and thruster workout. Everyone did much better than I imagined. I thought that we would see people get stopped on the set of ten, and the dudes just absolutely destroyed it. Should we start with the dudes? Sure. Well, I mean, maybe. Maybe we should start with the women because we definitely have those results.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Okay. Then to the women we go. Yeah, they haven't updated the men's yet. And we have a very impressive story over there with Emma Lawson, don't we? Sure, yeah. I mean, I thought that a majority of the women in the second heat would beat her. Her time was obviously good and clearly better than I even thought. She took third in that workout, moved up into a tie for ninth, I think, overall with Terry Helgutdatter. And, I mean, look, five-scored events is, like, that's all you got for how many semifinal workouts were there?
Starting point is 00:03:27 Five, four or something like that. And you're talking about being tied with Terry Helgedotter, who was 13th at the CrossFit Games this year, two points behind Emily Rolfe, who made the top 20, and 15 points behind Sarah Sigmundsdottir. So she's right up there in the mix with games, obvious games, little athletes through five events. And that's pretty cool. in the mix with obvious games, little athletes, through five events, and that's pretty cool. What do I need to do to see event number four and five? There's an arrow towards the bottom.
Starting point is 00:03:55 You're going to have to scroll down. So there it is. I don't see that on mine. Well. By using this website, you agree to – to oh i have to click okay ah i have to agree to using the website and then i can scroll over okay okay here we go and any surprise any surprise here at the top after five events good morning john we have uh laura horvat kristin holte sam briggs gabriella magawa j Jacqueline Dahlstrom. How are those five treating you?
Starting point is 00:04:29 I mean, I think Laura, you know, really the only question we had about Laura coming in was, would there be a handstand push-up standard she couldn't do? There wasn't. So she's expected to win here, I'd say. And she is. Kristen Holte is doing great. We thought she would be on the podium. It looks like she's in a great position for that. Sam Briggs, actually, Emily Beers wrote
Starting point is 00:04:50 an article for Morning Chalk Up yesterday. I encouraged her to look into it and just write about Sam's history at Dubai and how often she's done well here. So if you're a big Sam Briggs fan, you can go check that article out on the Morning Chalk Up. But once again, at 39 years old, You can go check that article out on the Morning Chalk Up. But once again, at 39 years old, she's right in the mix at a high-level off-season competition. And it's incredible. I thought that 6th to 10th was probably going to be where she'd fall, but now it's looking like 5th at the worst.
Starting point is 00:05:22 And I know I poke fun at her a lot. She's been around forever. She's 39 years old. But in actuality, she is the only CrossFit Games champ on the roster, correct? That's right. That is right. Well, in the elite division. But we have Andrea Nistler, who's won on the team, and Emma Lawson, who's won as a teenager.
Starting point is 00:05:38 But yes. Good points. Good points. And we know that that's no joke, winning the CrossFit Games. Not at all, but it's also been eight years. Correct. Let's talk about Emma Lawson, 16. Are we just over here going, oh, my God, look how great Haley Adams,
Starting point is 00:05:57 look how great Mal O'Brien, look how great Emma Carey is, and then we're all going to have the… I mean, it's hard to say. There's certain things that you look at with someone this young. I mean, one of the things that really jumped out for Emma Carey and Mal O'Brien in the build-up to the games this year, the qualifying stages, was how strong they were at that age. And, you know, Emma Lawson took a middle-of-the-pack ninth-place finish
Starting point is 00:06:22 on the lifting event here. We know it's not the top end of a women's field that we've ever seen, but there are a handful of the best European women here, and she's fitting in. She doesn't look out of place. She's not being embarrassed. It was risky for her to take the trip over there from Canada. It was risky for Dubai to invite her, but everyone, I think, is happy that she's there because it is showing us yet again, that there's a teenage girl. And, um, and I think there are even more coming, honestly, who are going to be relevant factors in the season for
Starting point is 00:06:56 the next couple of years. And crazy stuff can happen between the age of 16 and 19. And I just think, look at the, look at the girls ahead of her like emily rolf sarah sigmund's daughter gabby uh jacqueline dollstrom even andrea nistler these are games people that are ahead of her and they're not very much ahead of her and she's ahead of people like jerry helga daughter and she's only going to get better uh and you know what's fascinating is these these people in front of her are stallions these are the thoroughbreds and so she has so much mental um i don't know what the word is mental latitude she has so much mental space to justify well to justify her placement she's the top pony everyone in front of her should 100 be in front of her. Andrea Nistler's a
Starting point is 00:07:45 fucking grown-ass woman. Sarah Sigmund's daughter. And yet she's hanging with these. I mean, she is a pony running with the horses, with the really big horses. And I think that what will, you know, although she's done great through these events so far, the next question is
Starting point is 00:08:01 can she match the power output of women that are 10 years older than her? Because it's kind of like a different way to test strength or capacity. And at the games, we saw Mal O'Brien's worst event, I think, was when one of the echo bike and Emma Carey. That wasn't like great on that either. We saw them dominate events like thrusters and wall walks. And we saw him lost and very good on our hands, very good in a thruster workout. So now we're going to have two workouts coming up with machines in them where it'll be like the next question answered for her.
Starting point is 00:08:36 It's interesting. What did you how many years, 10 years older? You bring up a really good point. I mean, Sam Briggs could be her mom. That's like very like like very like very easily like that's i mean she would be an old mom for if this was alabama hold on guys tell us john tell us what's going on oh we're going where are we going live uh we are going to do this next one live for you guys we're going to take another shot at it katie
Starting point is 00:09:04 thanks for the 10 bucks uh thanks everyone for live for you guys. We're going to take another shot at it. Katie, thanks for the $10. Thanks, everyone, for tuning in. You guys are piling in quickly. Have y'all talked about Jacqueline Dahlstrom yet? Wait, let's bring this up real quick. Can you bring up the live feed real quick, Susan? Let's see what this lady's saying. Did someone pull out?
Starting point is 00:09:19 Ah, we missed it. That was the medical manager for the Dubai CrossFit Championships who was talking. No, we haven't talked about Dahlstrom. Go ahead, John. I mean, she's got a shot at podium. And I don't think anybody saw that coming. She has no shot at podium. We know what the next workouts are, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:37 There's no chance. You think they're going to crush her on the bike and the roller? Yeah, and the final. Well, we don't know what the final is yet. Well, for sure, mathematically, John, what you were saying is accurate. And Brian is saying if you have an IQ over a cricket, no, she doesn't have a chance. The way he's kicking you around. All right, good.
Starting point is 00:10:01 That was easy. But I will say that her impressive or her performance this morning or the first workout was very impressive and overall she's doing um she's doing better than i thought not you know i thought she'd be toward closer to 10th and 5th john what do you do when the dog starts barking do you kick it or do you yell at your girlfriend those seem like the only two options yo get your fucking dog or wham. He's got attachment issues, so he has to be in the room with you. So I just kick him out of the room. He's fine.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Yeah, you probably shouldn't use that word kick. Oh, come on. Come on. Come on, Heidi. I've been awake since 350. Let's talk about the men here. How many minutes do we have before this thing kicks off? I think five. Okay. Let's cruise on over about the men here. How many minutes do we have before this thing kicks off? I think five.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Okay. Let's, let's cruise on over to the men. Uh, we had, they still have not updated the leaderboard for the men. Okay. We had a,
Starting point is 00:10:53 we know the top three. We had a text thread going and I thought for sure we would see at least one or two of the men get stopped and just be standing around under the rings. And I was so wrong these guys were flying no one was no no one got stopped why did you think that i just i guess i'm used to just seeing that in in crossfit events when you when you have something that's five rounds especially increasing especially with the pressure to do well i thought we'd see someone you know get stopped at like eight at eight have to jump, you know, at six muscle-ups and just get stopped.
Starting point is 00:11:27 But I couldn't have been more wrong. When it's broken up like that, it's just not a limiter for the guys. And you just think about the total volume. You know, 30 ring muscle-ups in a workout is extremely normal for men and even women at this point. If you start pushing that number towards 45 muscle ups 60 muscle ups then you're going to see a like a drastic drop off at each of those like extra 10 to 15 reps and what was braunislaw's time he was the slowest guy in the pack he probably cruised
Starting point is 00:11:57 over he was 530 yeah yeah and that's still incredibly fast. And what was the weight on their thrusters, 135? Yep. Yeah, and the thrusters honestly seemed like a non-factor. I mean, in one or two cases, maybe the barbell cycling speed allowed Roman to edge out Adler type thing. But for the most part, no one struggled with the thruster. I like a workout like this. I don't think the thruster should be heavier. I don't think there should have been more the thruster. I like a workout like this. I don't think the thruster should be heavier. I don't think there should have been more muscle ups. I like a sprint. I like it when transition times become a huge factor. I think that there's a
Starting point is 00:12:33 mental fortitude piece that's tested here. That's a, that's pretty cool. You guys think that any, any of those things should have been different. They should have gone to 12. They should have gone to one 55 or one 85 on the thruster.uster i would i would have been a fan of a heavier thruster but i'm i'm biased i usually like to like for things to be heavier than they are i just think when there's a movement that everybody can do and nobody has gets an advantage on it it's it's for a five minute event it's kind of negligent it's fun as a spectator to also for there to be events that like you can get your head wrapped around you know like i can do that i can do that workout at 135 it might take me fucking all morning and a sandwich break but but at 185 i can't so
Starting point is 00:13:17 there is that also that fun piece too i think you know you can't, when you're talking about a competition, um, eight or nine events, whatever it is, and, uh, you're asking about a workout like that. You have to look at it in the context of the rest of the workout. So now we know that's a four minute workout, basically five minutes for the women. And for the, um, we just, we had a, I mean, I guess a two to four minute workout on the first day running up and down the Hill. I mean, I guess a two to four minute workout on the first day running up and down the hill. We had yesterday a workout that was rounds of things that took basically 90 seconds.
Starting point is 00:13:52 So average it out. Average amount of people did three rounds. Again, you're looking at five minutes of work. We have two workouts coming up, both of which have a six minute time cap. So and they had allowed a 10 minute time cap here and no one even really needed even any more than six minutes except for one woman. So I would I think that it would have been a good opportunity for them to increase the weight or the reps to a point where the the average finisher was closer to eight minutes, because so far we don't have anything in that time domain. Thought like a true mathematician. I want to point out something, how important the transitions are and how important it is to go fast.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Ricky Garrard is in third place by one point. And yet he lost five points in that last workout by two tenths of a second. So if he would have beat Caravass, if he would have just stumbled across the finish line two tenths of a second faster, Ricky would be in second place right now. Instead, he's in third place behind Jeffrey Adler. He actually made up a lot of points in that workout. A lot more. Jeff. Well, 15.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I mean, that's a lot considering because they were very— It's a third of the points available, really. They didn't seem that far apart. I didn't expect them to make that big of a jump. It's close, man. The men's competition is close. Lazar, Ricky, and Jeff are all in it now. They're all. And Lazar, you can almost mark it down in pen,
Starting point is 00:15:22 is going to win the first part of the next couplet. Is it Lazar or Luzzer? Lazar. I think the bike will be more important than the toast bar. Mark it down as a win for Lazar, John. I'll take the field and you can take Lazar or you can make a bet on something. We're just minutes away from heat number one of event number six starting. It looks
Starting point is 00:15:48 like we're going to get another chance to see Emma Lawson in this heat. Oh, they're not reseating. Gosh. That was a long enough break where I think they could have reseated the athletes. Close to an hour after a three-minute workout, five-minute workout. For sure. Would an athlete rather be
Starting point is 00:16:03 reseated or just keep getting the same amount of rest i i think i would sacrifice the rest um i think it's an advantage to go in the last heat i mean even if you think about what you just said about ricky if he was racing against yorgo scott down the finish line he probably beats him um but he was in that previous heat he's racing a time it's a lot more difficult to do if you're in the first heat you're racing a ghost you don't even know uh what you're really competing against the women i have just started by the way susan can you get the stream up for the um go to the dubai uh crossfit championship
Starting point is 00:16:37 youtube station boy man roman looked big crossing the finish line after Ricky in that last workout, didn't he? Is he 20 pounds? Does he have 20 pounds on Ricky? I don't know. I don't know what Ricky is weighing these days, but it sounds like Roman's gained 20 pounds himself in the last year. Ricky is like 190. And I was actually, between events, I spoke to someone who's out there in dubai and talked about roman for a little bit and they said yeah man he looks thick which is he's been strength
Starting point is 00:17:12 training so i and i don't that's what he needed to do to cover up his holes because he had one hole and that was strength and i think he's done a well good job even if it's hurt his endurance a little bit i think he's done a good job of covering it uh what what are we looking at here what what's this event number six can you run us through it real quick yeah so this is the one that the athletes got to choose so technically Andrea Nistler got to choose this workout out of six workouts that they gave her but she deferred to the rest of the athletes there and so they have 21 15 9 ecobike calories and toes to bar. And then they have
Starting point is 00:17:47 at the seven minute mark, regardless of when they finish, well, it's a six minute time cap. So if you're not done, you stop anyway. But at seven minutes, they're going to start a second couplet that's also 21.59 calories rowing and bar face burpees. So this is, I did these two workouts yesterday and
Starting point is 00:18:03 the first workout is, I think, is basically all about the bike. I'm expecting all the men and majority of the women to go unbroken throughout the toes to bar. And then just be whoever can push the bike. Do you think Lazar is going to bike better than Roman? John, just watch. Okay. All right. I have Roman.
Starting point is 00:18:25 What? Oh, okay. So they All right. I have Roman. What? Oh, okay. So they have to advance their little cone. Says a little execution error by Emma Lawson right there. Just cost her a few seconds. Why? What did she do? Oh, is he getting off the bike?
Starting point is 00:18:36 Oh, oh, oh. Yeah, that's tough. That's not, I mean, it's tough, but you know, you're like, they, they obviously know they're supposed to do that. So you just have to remember. Hey, so, so what do you think about that? Should the judge tell her that? Does the judge tell her?
Starting point is 00:18:52 Does the judge tell you that? It's his responsibility to tell her. Yeah. She's going to say, move your cone. You can't get any calories. So you move your cone. Well, she had already jumped on the bike. Either you're going to tell her in the right time or you're not going to tell her at all.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Do you know what I mean? Like, what if he just wouldn't have told her and she just got fucking DQ'd? I think he's supposed to give her the opportunity to do it correctly. And as soon as she doesn't, then he course corrects. All right. And that is what happened, I guess. And that did probably cost her five seconds. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Those are the kind of errors that you may have seen a young Sarah Sigmund's daughter make. And it's more than just losing five seconds. It's a mental trip too, right? Certainly. You're like, you know, you're going to just, that's the type of thing where you'd be on the competition for and you'd say, God, that was stupid, you know, and then you have to recover from it. So it looks like Julie Hugar, who has not had a great competition so far. She's been the fittest woman in Denmark before, is first to the toes to bar in round two here. And we're seeing the first round, most of the women were pretty even.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Now there's a little bit more strung out where it looks like Julie might even get off the rig before one of the other women gets back to the rig. Did you see these new overlays, Sous uh will made crazy right i mean let me play with some of these so in these when this event is over the majority of the workouts will be under five minutes that they have done more than half yeah and i mean we've talked about on here before how it just goes that way in competitions these days like three to ten minute workouts you have to be good um and once again we have a competition here where about half of them are going to end up in that range yeah we're like a real show now we have a subscribe button so julie hugo is still in the lead going to the last set of toes to bar it's only nine
Starting point is 00:20:53 then they'll sprint down the floor emma lawson and i think rebecca vidasin are in the blue shirts so it's just about who can cycle the toes more faster you see Viticen's actually like pulling her legs down. So I think she might end up a rep or two ahead. Yep, there it is. Someone in the comments said that they have plaques now. I didn't see those. Where are those? They're up over the – they're on the rig? Brian, you're ahead of the stream a little bit.
Starting point is 00:21:21 No, I'm watching on ours. I don't see any flags. Race to the finish there, but all the women under five minutes. So they'll have a... Oh, I guess there's still a couple out there. Still under five minutes. So they'll have two minutes here to reset for the second
Starting point is 00:21:42 part. And both events are worth a hundred points. So what I'm curious about here is if there will be like, I was trying to see who made a finish, who's this finishing last. And maybe if there's someone who knows that they're not that great on the bike, but they're really good at burpees.
Starting point is 00:21:57 If they're like, well, I'll just accept kind of a lower finish in the first one. And I'm going to really try to hard on the rower. I think, I don't i think that this next workout's about the burpees actually no i know but if you're really good at i i agree but if you're really good at burpees you would go hard on the rower
Starting point is 00:22:16 did we ever you know what i mean like you see what i'm saying because you took the bike easy did we ever find out if someone if what the payout is for event wins? $3,000. $3,000, $2,000, $1,000, I believe. It would be interesting to see if you were one of the last place people just to do the minimum work requirement on that first workout and then crush that second workout. I think Pat Barber did something like that in the 2010 games.
Starting point is 00:22:43 It was the end one it was the end one like the end one and two and three and he won the end three but if and it was very it looked very impressive but if you look back he kind of what sandbagged the first he dogged the first two just so he could win the last one yeah i'm okay with it i'm okay with it. I'm okay with it. Did they get money for winning events back then? I'm sure they got something. It was probably very little. Didn't they get like a Panda Express box? Panda Express. The winner got that.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Yeah, probably. That sounds right. And a wad of cash. Handful of cash. So I don't know about heat to heat, but I think that event to event, you will not see the same winners from event six, eight to six B, um, that were the first one. I think favors the bike a little bit, which favors the heavier, powerful athlete. I think this is going to favor the lighter athlete that can, that can cycle the burpees. I don't think, I think that the rowing will be not negligible, but, uh, you know, a small range. Um, and then
Starting point is 00:23:44 you'll see some athletes who are really good at bar facing burpees, be able to make up a you know a small range um and then you'll see some athletes who are really good at bar facing burpees be able to make up you know 10 to 30 seconds on those i agree i think somebody like roman will win the first one brian's got lazar and then i think i i think like ricky could win the the second one on the rower because it's more about athleticism just who's the fastest doing burpees yeah and like uh you know ricky's a great pick for, just who's the fastest doing burpees. Yeah, and like, you know, Ricky's a great pick for the second one for the men. Also, like someone like an Alex Katoulis type that's just like, you know, quick, fast moving, but still able to hold his own on the rower. But for the girls here in this first heat, what I really want to see is if like Ait Gilford daughter, you know, she's a very experienced and smaller athlete in general is able to do well against this heat when she finished last on the first one.
Starting point is 00:24:29 And maybe she was just holding back a little bit. Good. Good morning, Kevin. I don't think you even know what the word professional means just by you asking that question. What do you say to that? What do I say to that? No, I say to that? No, him. I think he was pretty close. Well, there's no comment, Brian. No, I don't think so. Uh, I don't know. I was five or something, but I didn't have to do the transitions that they did in the running down the floor at the end. Trying to see.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Brian, you didn't beat any of these women. What are you talking about? I beat the time caps. I was happy with that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's good. I think that's good, too. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:25:23 So this would be, you know, pay attention here to what happened. Remember to Emma Lawson. They'll have to do their last burpee and then go move that cone. And this is the type of mistake you don't want to make where you accidentally start running back to your rower because then you have to go back over the barbell twice more if you make that mistake. So looking for the first woman to finish. I don't see anybody doing speed burpees, though,
Starting point is 00:25:40 which is kind of surprising to me. What are speed burpees? It's just up, down, over, up, down to me. What are speed burpees? Um, where it's just up, down, over, up, down,
Starting point is 00:25:47 over. Everybody's doing the step up over. I think, I think that's judges hand in there for Emma Lawson. First again. Good. You're a good dude, Kevin.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Good dude. You're a good dude. Kevin Carnette. I did. I've done commentary at filthy one 50 on a couple of events and I did it with Bill Grunler at water Palooza a year or two ago, but no one probably heard that because it was behind the flow elite paywall. That's a powerful wall.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Speaking of flow elite, I did see that waters of oblivion i saw that wilts he did get some sort of panda express thing going i can't tell if i'm happy happy for him or feel sorry for him you know it'd be interesting to see how hard they're pulling here in the second round i think that you know this is the gut check round so you have to decide, do I have it or do I need to just hold back a little bit for that round of nine? But it looks like they're putting a pretty good effort into every pull. They're not separating as much as they did the first event. Well, I think one person is separating.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Did anyone get pulled out of the event last night while we were sleeping? Is Emma Carey the only one? Yeah. Everyone else took the floor for the event five this morning. That's pretty impressive. Okay, we got a... What's impressive about that? I mean, these guys are going hard.
Starting point is 00:27:24 These are cars going full speed. This is like they're letting, you know, trying to let the wheels roll. It's actually, it's a good opportunity to talk about something that we've, we mentioned in the buildup. What Dubai has done here this year is hopefully rewriting the script in terms of what kind of competition they run. Like they're get like the workouts are hard and the competition is challenging. And I think that the programming, but by the time you see it all is fairly well balanced, but they also have allowed for enough time for recovery and rest with this 4. PM start time,
Starting point is 00:27:53 4. PM start time. They had 30 hours between days one and two and 18 hours between days two and three. And that is for athletes of this caliber, plenty of time to get everything in order to be able to execute again. So I think that actually the format here is great for the athletes to allow them rest and recovery and therefore better performance on the floor, which I know that there's an element
Starting point is 00:28:15 of testing them when they're fatigued or tired or not prepared or different times of day that sometimes people like to do. And there's a place for that. But I think here we want to see the athletes at their best as much as possible. And the schedule this time is really giving us that opportunity. You've mentioned over all the events we've done together, Brian, you, you've really emphasized the difference between events that have like, you know, 13, 14, 15, 16 events versus seven or eight events. And I can hear it and i've always believed you but now that we've done these two this year i really i see it and it is it is different to see it and witness it and to see wow difference the difference in those outcomes so emma lawson just won that heat and
Starting point is 00:29:01 i mean this what i really really hope now is that they recede for the final because i want to see her go against the the top women and at least one of them daughter got second in the heat so she was holding back now who's watching the stream that's ahead john well this one this one's all laggy regular youtube's not laggy but that is a great point so ache was last in her heat in the first one second in her heat in the second one. And don't be surprised if you see. We may not necessarily know who that's going to be. But if we see that happen in every heat or something similar to it.
Starting point is 00:29:35 But, Sevan, do you see the last nine burpees, how they were going faster? Yeah. I was just surprised nobody did that from the 21s. And I think not all the women finished that right i'm not sure it was close brian if you could add a workout to this or john add a workout to this uh this weekend what would you guys add something in the 10 to 15 minute range, it probably be a rounds for time. And then you could just pick movements that you haven't done already.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Um, maybe, maybe something where barbell cycling is the limiting factor. Like, I don't know that we've had that necessarily, where we have had a heavy lift, we've had power output. I think the ring muscle-ups were the factor and the last one primarily. But I don't, you know, last time they had like that snatch,
Starting point is 00:30:37 that really quick snatch workout. I don't know if we need to be that fast, but maybe something where- I think they could do like a clean pyramid, but you have to run 400 meters in between each set so you could do 10 cleans at whatever weight run 400 meters and then eight cleans run 400 meters and it ends with two cleans at a heavy weight they've never done that before that it's been a clean pyramid or it's just been like one lift. And I think that would be cool. What percentage of these ladies are going to make it to the games this year?
Starting point is 00:31:12 What percentage of these ladies are games caliber athletes? In this first heat? Just in the whole field, in this field of 20. Well, the obvious ones are Laura Horvath and Gabby McGowan. Those, I would say, are pretty much locks outside of extenuating circumstances. Kristen Holter's retiring. Sam Briggs is going to go for it again one more time. But I think it's going to be tough for her. I mean, even with Kristen Holter out of the picture,
Starting point is 00:31:34 it's still really difficult in Europe to make it with only 10 spots. I'd say five. And then, you know, some of them, Turi might make it. Sarah hopefully will be back and healthy enough to make it. Jacqueline Dawson will be in the mix. Emily Rolfe is a good candidate. Is it a common theme of the reason why the other 15 won't make it,
Starting point is 00:31:59 or is it a whole variety? Some don't have the engines coming strong enough. I think John's low on his projection there because you also have Emma Carey who is in this field that is probably good enough. I'm not thinking about the people that are withdrew. The people competing. Okay, and then you have
Starting point is 00:32:15 Manu Naganese and Evie Hollis who were both sixth place at the semifinals last year in Europe. So they're right there knocking on the door. So I think that you could see half of this field make it to the games next year and the other half what's their limiting factor the limiting factors for the other half are that they're competing as a team or they're retiring or they're just not good enough they're not good enough for a variety of reasons okay so it's not one thing it's not like hey the over the overwhelming number of them just aren't strong enough. It's just a whole smattering of missing elements.
Starting point is 00:32:48 No, it's just fitness. Some people are fitter. It's not just one thing. And is the men's competition tougher here in Dubai or the women's competition? I actually think they're very similar. We basically have four people at the top that are well ahead of everyone else. And did you think that coming into the weekend, or has your opinion changed? No.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I mean, we basically thought that it would be Laura, Gabby, Kristen, maybe Sarah Sigmundsdottir. We weren't sure. And then we didn't know about andrea niss or emma carrie and honestly i wasn't considering sam briggs for a podium spot this year so she's been the surprise on the women's side um for me and then for the men the top four guys right now are the exact four that i thought would be up there and um if there was a wild card it was willie george just not knowing how he would be in his first competition back he's been pretty good um so not too surprising at the top some of the guys in like the six through
Starting point is 00:33:50 ten range and some of the girls in that range are doing a little better than i expected why isn't um jamie simmons in this competition. Was she not invited? I would, I don't know. I would imagine. Um, she's at the top of the food chain, right?
Starting point is 00:34:12 She has surgery not too long ago. Yeah. She took off. She had to, she didn't compete last year because of, injury and surgery. And I don't know. I haven't really checked in to see where she's at coming back, but she's there.
Starting point is 00:34:25 She's supporting Elliot. All right. We got the second heat. Sam Briggs should crush the first one. Okay, John. Get him. Get him. Get him, Brian.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Get him. The biking and toes the bar you have to be consistent john if you're gonna call the power athlete to win for the men you can't call the finesse athlete to win for the women different reasons i think i think briggs's toes the bar are better than everybody else's and so are lazars okay all right brian we'll see i'm just saying be consistent if sam briggs is going to win one of these workouts uh power output And so are Lazar's. Okay. All right, Brian. We'll see. I'm just saying, be consistent. If Sam Briggs is going to win one of these workouts.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Power output does not matter as much for the women. No woman is out there crushing 100 RPMs. So it doesn't matter as much. When Roman's out there and he goes 120 RPMs. That's where we need Colton Mertens to chime in. We'll see. Right. But if everybody's at 90 at their max for the women, it doesn't make
Starting point is 00:35:28 as much of a difference where Roman's going 120 and Lazar's going 100. Can I tell you how... Go ahead. Sorry. There's a bigger difference in that gap for the women. I think it's more important who tows the bar the fastest. For the men, I think it's more
Starting point is 00:35:44 important who bikes the fastest. I'll take Laura Horvath here. I mean, that's also a good call because she has the best advantage on the bike. How beautiful is the stream today? It's clearer than it was yesterday, right?
Starting point is 00:36:04 I mean, their stream's the same. I mean, the stream we're ripping off and inserting in here. It's less grainy. Are we giving credit to Sousa for that? No, no. Sousa's computer shit the bed. This is mine.
Starting point is 00:36:20 This is my fucking... God, you guys should see my sale. Your computer better not shit the bed after all the money you spent on it. I mean, someone spent on it. Right, right. We haven't reached out to Christoph. We should get Christoph back on today. That's a good idea. I asked him about Jacqueline Dahlstrom's sandbag yesterday,
Starting point is 00:36:38 and he's like, dude, the thing just blew up. I like stuff like that. All right. I like stuff like that. All right. So. I just got a confirmation for a podcast next week. That guy, Dusty Tuckness. Sousa.
Starting point is 00:36:57 The the rodeo champion. He's in. He's in. So let me let me ask you something, Brian. It's a good day. Let me ask you something, Brian. Let me ask you something. Go ahead. Okay. Okay. Do you want to ask me something or do you want me to go?
Starting point is 00:37:12 No, you go. Wait, wait, wait. Real quick. Look at that rig shaking. Look at that rig shaking. Wow. I want to see that thing fold in on itself. Your thought process for the women is my thought process for the men. So why do you change that thought process the other way around?
Starting point is 00:37:33 I just don't think you're giving Lazar credit for his capacity on the bike. It's not about Lazar. It's the capacity I'm giving credit to for Roman. Yeah, and Roman's a great pick I think he's gonna finish second well I mean Laura's murdering this one that only makes me think Roman's gonna do that well in the men's well I took down the quality I took down the quality just now to fourth from 1080 to 420 is Is that better? Is it less laggy? I'm not seeing any lag on my side. Are you guys seeing any lag?
Starting point is 00:38:08 I want to. Yeah, it's lagging on the stream. It's not lagging on YouTube, but it's lagging on ours. In a second here, they're going to show Andrea Nistler biking. And this is a good lesson for people. See how her knees are going to the outside like that? You do not want to do that. And you probably see some people at your gym.
Starting point is 00:38:23 But if you can keep your knees more neutral over your toes that's going to be much probably better for your body overall if you're biking aggressively and i to be honest with you i don't like the hip pivoting back and forth i don't think that's good for you either on the seat barbara used to do that a lot spieler used to do that i don't think it's good for you i think emily is in is emily in the lead right now for you i think emily is in is emily in the lead right now i can't tell with the stream like this but i think it's well the camera work you know i've had to explain this on a few episodes if i'm not talking that means someone's interrupting me it's your paradigm of thinking is all fucked up, RB, but I'll help you out with that. I'll keep helping you. Okay, so
Starting point is 00:39:13 what do we have? Five minutes was the time to be here, John? No. Did we mark it down? No, we didn't. So, Emily... No, we didn't. So Emily. It's going to be Emily and Laura. Yeah, and Emily Rolfe won the running toes to bar workout at the games. It's obviously a very different time domain.
Starting point is 00:39:44 That was 22 minutes or so. This is only four, but obviously she's very good at toes to bar and she's oh wow what oh sam briggs no no not that what are you oh wow this sprint to the finish here between laura and i can't tell if that's sarah or andrea wait they beat the time from the previous heap over a minute i think it's andrea yeah i think i think it was andrea too his hair looked just a little bit blonder and i think she's one lane for closer than sarah so andrea nistler and laura horvath we think had a very close race to finish there so if you go back and watch it andrea is ahead of her and then she like slows down and laura like gets right even on the run on the run the sprint to the finish and if you remember
Starting point is 00:40:41 back to the games this summer there was a workout where laura was crossing the finish line and someone chased her down and the crowd starts cheering and laura starts raising her hands like she's saluting the crowd as this person is races past her so maybe she got an opportunity to be on the other side of that in this one so the fastest time in this heat was over a minute faster than the previous heat i don't i don't think so i think that i don't think so because i'll go back i think that john had said i didn't beat anyone on this workout from the first heat and i was the ring muscle up ring muscle up thruster no oh you're talking about you yeah i think all the girls were under five minutes in the first year, at least under 515. Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:31 And Laura's already getting over to a row or getting ready. Oh, they start at six minutes. At seven minutes. Okay. The winning time was 427 for the first heat. Are the men doing the exact same thing same distance on the row same distance on the bike same okay that's cool we're gonna get to compare apples to oranges it is cool it's a little like you know they've had some slightly different time caps for men for women and it's interesting that they don't in this case when you know it's it's pretty obvious that the men have a higher capacity on the machines. And I don't think that there's the gymnastics is really high enough quantity to favor, you know, the women over the men.
Starting point is 00:42:15 So I could have seen a workout like this where the men's time cap was five and the women's was six or six and seven. But it seems like all the women can beat it anyway. And so I think it's going to work out. Okay. And 517 was the record. It looks like according to this guy and Gershwin for the second one. Okay. So the first four or five women that finished were all ahead of the first
Starting point is 00:42:40 heat time for the bike one. Hey, Will, is this thing still stuttering? Was it better that I lowered this to 480? So I'm thinking that Sam Briggs is going to do better on this one than she did on the first one. I think she overpaced the first one. Well. If you watch her on the 21, she wasn't trying to, she wasn't killing it on the bike.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Is Matt O'Keefe going to let us do this for Wadapalooza? He actually asked if we were going to. Just pirate their stream? He really wants you to come to miami it's free on youtube right they say that again yeah water palooza is free on youtube this year yes it's the first year that it's free i'm just thinking that they would want to aggregate all the viewers onto their youtube channel and they wouldn't want us pirating it but it would be really cool to not only pirate their stream but send someone there with with an iPhone and a little gimbal and just be doing interviews on the floor, our own special interviews.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I mean, we could be doing that right now. Dubai should have given us the resources to do that. That would have been awesome. We could be bringing all sorts of post-event interviews. So let's see who's coming off the rower first here. It looks like most of the women are about the same.
Starting point is 00:44:12 This is beyond who burpees the fastest. Yeah, so that's a good example. So Michaela Norman, it looked like we couldn't see the whole floor was the first one off the row, but I do not expect her to be the first one done with these 21 burpees. It was actually like, I was surprised in the one done with these 21 burpees. I was surprised. In the middle of this set of burpees, I was
Starting point is 00:44:28 like, oh man, I don't know if I'm going to hit the time cap in this workout. There'll be some men and some women that can cruise through the burpees here, and I think we'll see a little bit more separation. Nistler, I think Nistler's going... Is that Horvat in lane 3, three up from the bottom? Her and Gabby are, I think Gabby's in the black pants and Laura's in the green.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Nistler and Holtz are going the fastest right now on the burpees. I think this first round, everybody's going to be really close. When did Emma start separating? Was it the 15s? Yeah, she definitely pulled away in the 15s. Sam Briggs came off the burpees first. Yeah. And there she goes. Sarah's having a good pace.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Seven, just got a message from someone offering to be your iPhone person at Wadapalooza. Oh, that's awesome. Dang. Laura must have sold her soul in the first one. She is behind. I mean, this is what we talked about is that there is the potential not just for someone to do great on the first one and not as or bad on the first one and good on the second one but the other is way behind though yeah i just figured three minutes
Starting point is 00:45:56 would be enough to recover i guess not oh someone matt burns is saying the lag sucks it's i'm sorry because i can't see it i I don't see a lag. For me, it's smooth as shit. No, I got regular YouTube streaming right next to our video, Sevan. Let me see if I can lower the quality even more, take it down to 360. How's that? Too grainy? So these are the type of workouts we talked about.
Starting point is 00:46:34 I think we mentioned yesterday, like the ringer one, ringer two. Only we have more athletes in the field here. And what you're going to see is someone like Sam Briggs, who might do really below average on the first one, win the second one, or Laura Horvath, win the first one, below average on the second one. But I'm looking at someone – I'm looking for the athlete that can take third and fourth or second and fifth, and that's the athlete who's going to make up a lot of points on the field here. And Briggs was – she was like fourth. Fourth or fifth on the first one.
Starting point is 00:47:07 She was in that first group. Is that Gabby right there we were seeing? Is that Magawa? Gabby's towards the middle, white top, black pants. Okay. She's one lane. Kristen Holt is in the red shirt. One lane away from us is Gabby McGowan.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Okay. And then the other side of her is Laura. So that's Jacqueline Dahlstrom in the gray pants with the ponytail? Oh, no, I got it wrong. Laura's in the dark pants. Laura's in last place. Laura's in last place. Oh, so, oh, my God. So that was her coming off the r pants. Laura's in last place. Laura's in last place. Oh,
Starting point is 00:47:45 so, oh my God. So that was her coming off the rower. She's not ahead of everyone. She's way behind. I haven't seen somebody blow up like this in a while. Yeah, that's bad.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Everyone was off and she was either way. So we're looking, it looks like a race here between Sam. Is McKinnon, Kristen Holta. Holta just beat Sam. Is that secondlin Holt? Kristen Holt? Holt just beat Sam. Is that second Dahlstrom on the outside there? Dahlstrom or Norman?
Starting point is 00:48:10 Holt was first. Holt and then Sam. And it looks like Turi Helgedutter on the bottom of the screen is close to finishing. She was towards the back of the first workout. There's Norman beat Dahlstrom there on the outside. So, great finish and bounce back for McKaylin Norman. Dahlstrom with on the outside, so a great finish and bounce back for Michaela Norman. Dahlstrom with another good performance. These are past some of the times from the first heat, though,
Starting point is 00:48:30 so there's a lot to be up in the air. Looks like Emma Lawson took third, though. She'll climb even more. She's either third or fifth. Do you think this event can make it possible for somebody to beat Laura? I don't think so, but she's a scoring system. She's so she's got a hundred points in the first one. She's going to get a worst 49 points here.
Starting point is 00:48:51 So that's one 49. So you need to average, you know, all you have to do is average 75 to equal that. Yeah. There'll be some girls that do that, but there won't be a lot that have much more than that. And she was coming in with a 35 point buffer.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Yeah. I don't know, buddy. I don't know, buddy. I think John's onto something. Dude, Kristen Holta took first in that and she's only 34 points behind Laura. She made those up right there, didn't she? She may have made them all up there, but how many did she give away in the first one? Oh, I don't think many.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Gotcha. Gotcha. Yeah. If she was in that first group, she didn't. We will have to see. Because five women finished within 20 seconds of each other, of the winner. And if Holta was in that one. So that's not accurate.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Why are they putting that up So that's not accurate. Why are they putting that up? That's not accurate. These were the standings and points coming into these two workouts. There are 200 points available that we just saw, but we don't have the results for that yet. So there's quite a bit of shifting that can happen when you have back-to-back events that are both worth 100 points. And it wasn't 100 points. She got 95. Emily Rolfe
Starting point is 00:50:08 won the event. Oh, she did? Either 95 or 90. I don't know between Nistler because Nistler was right there with her too. The sprint to the end on that first event. Laura. And then I'm looking
Starting point is 00:50:24 when Holtz finished someone asked an interesting question here just because I haven't seen any no reps at this event said did Briggs just make did Briggs's judge just make her do an extra rep I haven't seen any no reps have you it's similar to Rogue they're pretty lenient
Starting point is 00:50:44 on that stuff here actually that's not fair for me to say i don't know if they're lenient or just everyone's really doing well here i'm assuming it's lenient so halter got around seventh i know i don't know what it was around seventh i don't know the exact placing around seventh on the first one so so maybe maybe john is right let's say that that's let's say she got 173 points and let's say laura got let's say she did she lost in this she got 90 and 49 and that's worst case scenario so 139 to 173 is exactly 34 points which is exactly the amount of points she was behind her Ah, that's so best case scenario. It could be tied going into the final between Holta and Horvath.
Starting point is 00:51:28 That would be exciting. That would be fun. Do we know what the final event is yet? It's on. I don't think it's been announced, but you know what it is. Yes. Who wins it?
Starting point is 00:51:39 Does Laura win it? Yeah. I mean, compared to Holta, I would favor Laura. Yeah, probably. We'll talk about that one later on it'll make it fun though it'll be still be a fun race yeah and it'll be a fun event i don't know how much time they'll have between the men. So they updated the men's leaderboard since event five. Yes,
Starting point is 00:52:06 they have. They're going to come out fast. I think trying to pull up the men's leaderboard heading into this event, seven, because they have updated it now. Yeah. Maybe. Do you want to do that?
Starting point is 00:52:16 Sousa, the men's leaderboard and I'll just keep the stream going over here. Okay. Since Lazar is only 14 points away from third third do you think he has a shot at podium oh for sure um you know yeah and he's got i mean he's in a situation where he has really nothing to lose he's so far ahead of willie george 45 points or something and he's not i mean he was fifth in this competition last time they had it you know he's ninth at the games he probably wasn't happy with how Rogue went this is an opportunity for him to you know get on to a podium at a high level competition I know that's really
Starting point is 00:52:54 important to him so I'm expecting him to go pretty hard and try to get a lot of points on these two the only problem for him is that the guys ahead of him aren't going to give anything away easily i mean adler has proven now over several competitions that he might not be the best at any individual workout but he's pretty steady across the board um and so he's going to be in the mix and it's hard to make up a lot of points on him ricky ricky's the one i'm watching here because he's you know ricky should do good in both of these you would think maybe the biking one just because it's more of a power output but i still think he should do good in both of them yeah the you know the the the problem with a workout like this is if you go for it on the bike to try to get two extra spots it can
Starting point is 00:53:47 it can affect you we saw how laura was completely incapable of recovering from that apparently um and ricky's the guy that uh even though he's got you know it's been he doesn't have a lot of competition experience and knowing yourself in competition here can matter. Like that kind of gut check I talked about in the rounds of 15, you have to ask yourself the question, what's the price that I pay for going this hard compared to this hard? So I think this is a good opportunity for us to see how he manages that in an environment where, just like Lazar wants, I mean, obviously Ricky wants a podium this weekend.
Starting point is 00:54:29 He does seem like the type that are just send it on the first one and just trust his ability to recover. The morning chalk up a leaderboard is, is prettier than the competition corners. I kind of look for Jeff. I'm it'd be interesting to see if he's conservative on this first one. Jeff Adler. He probably has a lag, though. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Adler might do what Kristen Holt did. He might take a seventh to tenth and follow it up with a top three. That's probably his smartest play. Yeah, but it's tough. And these workouts, both of these these workouts there's the propensity for someone from this first seat if you go back to the stream they have the um first seat of men listed up there and we see guys like um that you might not you know they're obviously not a factor for podium or top five in the uh in the competition overall but on these
Starting point is 00:55:23 workouts as we've talked about the scoring if you can place in the top six, it's really valuable. And let's just say that a Fabian Benito and maybe a Mahmoud or Mohamed Alomza like burned this first workout down and put up some good times or Luka Djokic or something like that. Suddenly, those guys in the second heat are saying, wow, I mean, those times were fast. I know there's a couple of guys in my heat are fast. I have to go a little harder than I thought. Hey, Luka's got to be proud that he's beaten Houdet.
Starting point is 00:55:51 That's a good sign. He's got to look for something positive. It's a tough field. Yeah, you know, Luka Djokic, he's really young. He's 22. This is his first, like,. This is really his first season, off-season combination where he's a factor. He's getting invited to these competitions. I know that he would have loved to have made the top 20 at the Games this year. He didn't, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes you have to have those little setbacks. This is a good opportunity for him to say, to show that on the last day of a competition like this, he's still fresh or even maybe getting better compared to some of the other guys.
Starting point is 00:56:32 So I think he's got a lot to prove right here. I think that at least one of these workouts, he'll be in the top five. It is. Go ahead. Go ahead, John. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Well, I was going to say it, anyone who's here who hasn't been to the games, who's putting it to Sam Stewart or Houdet or Luka, I mean, it's a victory, even if you don't win it. Who are you talking about, though? I don't know. It doesn't look like there is anyone.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Has Elliott Simmons ever been to the games? Yeah. I guess Bronislaw, he has been to the games, but it was in 2019 where everyone was allowed to go. And then the next guys down that haven't are Catullus, Montilla, and Morikino, but the only one of the guys you mentioned they're ahead of is Sam Stewart. I guess all I'm saying is that there is a – it's not just about – Actually, Simon Montilla also did go to the games in 2019.
Starting point is 00:57:23 All right, then Lucas should kill right. Then Lucas should kill himself. Then Lucas should kill himself. I'm sorry. He's ahead of all those guys, though. No, he's not. Did Kerevis go to the games in 2019? Oh, he is. In 2019?
Starting point is 00:57:37 Or was that left Harris? The eponitis? The steroid guy? I think that's the guy who went in 2019 right yeah and he finished like 70 something yeah did we see was it Luka Jukic off the bike first in that
Starting point is 00:57:55 first round I think so there's two guys with white shirts in the middle of the floor but I thought it was Luka not Jorgos and this I mean... I feel like... Sam Stewart's wearing something that looks like Daniel Brando would wear. What is that shirt? It needs to be shorter
Starting point is 00:58:13 or longer. It can't be just stuck in the middle there like that. Yeah, there's Luca. So he's out to the lead here in the first round. Pretty significant lead through just one round. And this is the type of thing where he's probably thinking to himself, I have to put up a good score because the second heat is coming. And so he's like beating these guys at this point is not what he's thinking about. He's thinking about getting the fastest possible time.
Starting point is 00:58:40 You know, Lazar won that total bar. So he saw Emily Rolfe do really well on this workout. She won the total bar running workout at the games. Lazar won that Toto Bar. So he saw Emily Rolfe do really well on this workout. She won the Toto Bar running workout at the Games. Lazar won it for the men, but he had said that his brother was kind of injured or not feeling his best coming into that workout, and that in a different circumstance, Luka could beat him on that. So knowing that about Emily Rolfe, Lazar, and what he said about Luka, this is a workout that does set up for him, I think.
Starting point is 00:59:04 I wonder if Lazar watches Luka do events, and if Luca does well, he's like, okay, I know I'll do well. Yes. Yeah, they're really similar body types. Daniel, I've been bugging Josh a lot lately. We're going to have Eddie Penny back on. That's the SEAL Team 6 operator who we had on a couple weeks ago on the Sebon podcast. I'm trying to get a podcast going with Josh and Eddie at the same time.
Starting point is 00:59:34 So we'll see. For a while, Josh was real gung-ho. Just bang him in the DMs and tell him to get back on. I know he wants to, but I think his life is pretty impacted right now. Does Tolo take last? I mean, Luka almost lapped someone in this heat. Do you think Tolo is demoralized after a competition like this that is a good question and i'm a little demoralized by what i've seen from him
Starting point is 01:00:15 i'm not kidding i mean that was i projected to take fifth place overall at this competition i know the conversations i've been having with people, the work that I know he's been doing, but, um, watch it, watch how this, uh, ends up finishing up.
Starting point is 01:00:30 So we saw Luca Jukic put up a really fast time. If anyone caught his time there, he let us know I was watching something else, but I think it was two 20 years, something like that. And towards the end of this heat, we had Tola. And I think also Alex Cotullis.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Yeah. Here is struggling on this one. I expect Alex to be the guy who has the inverse performance on the second event. I think that he'll be top three in his heat on this next event, if not win it after taking probably last on this one. Tola's got the curse of the demo team, man. Once you see someone on the CrossFit Games demo team, you can write them off. Paul Tremlay, Allison Scuds, Taylor Self. I mean, he couldn't even hang on the demo team.
Starting point is 01:01:11 He got folded in half at the ranch. So, Luca's time was 3.04. 3.04? Yeah. Okay. That makes me feel better. Yeah, you said 2. Yeah. Okay. That makes me feel better. Yeah, you said 220. I'm like, no, Brian.
Starting point is 01:01:30 I don't know what you're thinking. So what was the record? Did Luca win that? Who won that? He won that. He won that. It was 304. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:39 But three minutes. So he's going to have four minutes to recover. And when we talked about this earlier if you can finish this event fast enough a one to one recovery you should feel fine especially guys that are this fit
Starting point is 01:01:54 what about Travis Mayer what about Travis oh it was Travis Mayer was he on the oh you're right he was on the demo team holy cow do you remember what year that was i don't 2017 uh i think it was 2018 because remember i remember that they had him do the parallette handstand walk live on the cover on CBS as a demo that year. Did he shit or did he do it? 2018.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Is that the year they had that? I think it was. That was the year they had that. Yeah. And since then, you know, he's made the games every year. He's finished 12th,
Starting point is 01:02:41 19th and 12th. Go Travis. Colton Mertens is going to end up on the demo team. That's bad. Are you surprised Laura fell off so hard? Yes. I wouldn't have been surprised with a 10th place finish, but I think she got last or like bottom three.
Starting point is 01:02:59 I think she got second to last. I went back and looked and see if anybody was ahead of her. There was one girl that was still on the road. I am too. Dude, what if Kristen Holta wins this competition? That'd be a great walk-off. She should stop doing competitions and just retire. I feel like Laura would be demoralized
Starting point is 01:03:28 if that happened. If the handstand push-up event was not the reason she lost, then it's just a fitness thing. Shit, I lost the leaderboard. Oh, there it is. There it is. There it is.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Who you got on this one between Lazar Djukic, who took first in that one, and Alex Katoulis, who took last? Luka Djukic? Luka, excuse me. Yeah. I think it'll be closer than you think. I don't disagree. I don't disagree with you. I don't disagree with you. I't i don't disagree with you i think
Starting point is 01:04:05 alex will do he probably will win but i bet it's closer than you think yeah you know you think about the women um the last heat of women i thought was a really good example of this this particular couplet the rowing and burpees is nice because you saw the top four women was kristin holta and sam briggs who although they're both have good engines, but different body types, one's a little much longer than the other. And then another close race for third and fourth at that heat between Michaela Norman, very long and Jack and Dahlstrom, who's lighter and leaner. So it could be one of those where, you know, it's not necessarily the bigger or the smaller athlete. Um, this is a good, just a good overall test. When's the final event. did they give us a time
Starting point is 01:04:45 they did post a time i can't remember oh i actually i think a picture of it so i could pull that up easily for you 720 oh awesome that's pacific standard time that's Pacific Standard Time and Gulf Coast Time. You just have to change the a.m. to a p.m. So it's in 50 minutes. So it's almost right after this one. And what's the time cap on that? They haven't announced any parts of the workout as far as I know yet.
Starting point is 01:05:19 You already admitted that you knew what it was. Yeah. What's the time cap on that one? I 65 minutes oh please tell me you're joking i would love i'm just i'm just kidding i'd love for this to be over by 8 30 and i could go to my kids tennis it's at atlanta actually at atlanta yep that's actually a very tight time cap then for that workout yes it is i saw a guy at my gym do it with a weight vest under an hour and it was crazy i couldn't believe that i it's what is that 30 minutes just to do the pull-ups i was like this is ridiculous oh is that the one that from the
Starting point is 01:05:58 games uh at the ranch yeah that last one yeah that was nuts. So buckle up, Savan, because we're doing two heats of that. Two heats of that Atlanta. Please, no. For men and women. What is the longest time? So who's in the lead here after the first round? That is Alex Katoulas, isn't it? Yeah. Or Pat Barber, I can't tell.
Starting point is 01:06:18 I don't think Pat Barber's here. It was a joke, Savan. I know, mine was a joke too, John. Okay. Yeah. And he looks, I mean, look,
Starting point is 01:06:34 he looks composed. I think that he knew what was coming here. And I think he just basically just finished the first workout, knowing that he had a chance to win this workout. Catullus. Yeah. I mean, if you have a chance for three thousand dollars it's smart it's smart to do that not yeah not only not only the money but if you're even just from a points perspective like taking a first and a last is better than taking a 12th and a 12th yeah he's all alone no he's ahead by a lot yeah look at how fast his burpees are. So these are the speed burpees that John was talking about, and he's been doing this from the start.
Starting point is 01:07:08 And I was surprised none of the women did that. These are sprint workouts. I just figured everybody would. Yes, but consider also what you said is that the amount of time to recover was one to two minutes less for the women. The amount of output required on the row is more for the women. So even though the workouts are identical, the feel of them could be a little bit different male to female.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Oh, two-second error, maybe three seconds. He forgot to move his cone, and then when he did move his cone, he dropped it. If he loses the event by one second he's gonna be really mad one second one thousand dollars one thousand dollars for one second when you push that hard it's stupid to make those kind of mistakes i mean that's a it was two tenths of a second for a thousand dollars for ricky gerard in the last event and that's the type of thing when you see people running across the finish line i think it um gosh he's ahead by a lot yeah so we should track his time for a month that's supplements for a month but if you tell if you can see you see
Starting point is 01:08:14 his burpees here he's not rowing faster than the field like extremely fast in the field it's just these burpees that making up that are making up all the time do you say lucas time in the first part was 304 yes okay so 304 and about four so he should be sprinting to the line here man yeah you should have 421 422 something like that and he did it and it looks like there's gonna be yeah so now we've got a close race in the middle there between Luka and Yorgos. I think Luka's further away from us. Oh. Yeah, Luka's in the darker shorts.
Starting point is 01:08:53 This is really close. Oh, Luka said he won. Oh. Yeah, I think he did. And what was his time? 4.45-ish. Okay. So we got 4.22 and then 4.45.
Starting point is 01:09:14 These dudes are wounded. These dudes are wounded at the finish line. I mean, it's two four-minute sprints. That's a long sprint. According to Hinshawaw anything over three minutes you must pace it and they're not this um so that was a really good back-to-back workouts for luke jukic first in your heat second in your heat um you know even if some guys beat that from from the second you're talking about probably something like, you know, fourth and eighth place
Starting point is 01:09:47 finishes. That'll go a long way in heat to go yeah we got the top guys so i i got roman in this first one and ricky in the second one brian who do you got you got lazar in the first one and who in the second one You got Lazar in the first one, and who in the second one? Cthulhu. I already told you. That's going to be the winning time, what he did? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:10:35 But if you wanted me to pick someone from the second heat that's not Ricky, I do think Ricky is the pick for the second heat for the second workout. But if I was going to pick someone else, I would go with Adler. I think Adler, yeah. Okay. And then, Sevan, who do you think? I think those cones are too small. I agree. I like that. I like it. And they're the wrong color. I mean, I know they match the rest of the shit in the stadium, but we need to see them as the viewer. It's just so funny. I have no idea. I fell asleep 30 minutes ago.
Starting point is 01:11:03 I have no business getting up at three 50 in the morning. I just, I'm just reading the comments. I just so funny. I have no idea. I fell asleep 30 minutes ago. I have no business getting up at 3.50 in the morning. I'm just reading the comments. I just like it when people talk shit about me. Sebon's talking to himself. I like all the analysis of you guys bickering. All the people in my DMs are like, man, the tension between you and Brian. Or I can't believe John said this. Or I can't believe Brian said this.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Or you should just kill yourself, Sebon. You don't contribute shit. It's just like, dude, I just love that shit. I'm like, wow. They don't, you know, the people who think that you're not contributing anything obviously have not watched
Starting point is 01:11:35 the movie about Ray Kroc. They haven't, they haven't asked their mom what I contribute. They need to go over and talk to their mom. Okay. I was was saying you know the value of a name goes a long way the john podcast is just doesn't going to cut it it is i have 700 followers seven that's what i'm bringing to the table and 70 and 70 million people with your same first name and but you probably get so probably and And last name, probably. And people think you're Korean.
Starting point is 01:12:09 The thing is that I might as well have 100 followers because of my shadow ban. By the way, did you see the Dave Castro gets now shadow banned? Try finding that out. For what? What did he get shadow banned for? Killing pigs? Yeah, killing pigs. But what's even crazier is he kills those pigs and gives that food to people who need that food. Is that really why he got shadow banned?
Starting point is 01:12:25 For hunting stuff? All of a sudden he's shadowban for affiliating with greg glassman or maybe whatever if that's the case colton mertens better be careful what he puts on instagram then i know how about how about tyson tyson foods or whatever the company he kills pigs for yeah hey seven can you tell dave to unblock me oh you're blocked he he blocked me like a couple years ago oh i'm gonna have to block you too bye uh you must have said something crazy that's this yeah i don't even i don't because i don't even i never say anything john is a very contentious man. My mom said you contributed shit.
Starting point is 01:13:10 All right, all right, all right. I'll have a talk with her. I think I just said something critical about a time cap or something. And thank you, RB. I appreciate it. I mean, I like it that people are invested. I like the analysis. I like the comments. I mean, I like it that people are invested. I like the analysis. I like the comments.
Starting point is 01:13:28 I mean, shit. Sneaky pick to watch in this first workout here is Henrik Hapalainen. I had someone from Finland message me and inform me that any Finnish name, the emphasis is on the first syllable. So I had it right. Henrik Hapalainen. Hapalainen. You did so great last time with his name.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Even though you had to help me read, I wanted to call it Hapalinen. Hapalinen. Hapalinen. And I bet you people at home don't call him Ricky Garrard either. I bet you in Australia it's like Rippy Garrard. You got it all wrong. Dang. Hey, guess what Craig Richard just snatched, Brian?
Starting point is 01:14:13 I wouldn't be surprised if he's snatching close to 275. 330. What? 330? Yeah, he's just doing weightlifting now. I haven't been paying attention to him too much. That's a crazy. 330.
Starting point is 01:14:32 That's crazy, right? Good for him. What's crazier, that he snatches 330 or that anyone watches his videos? Every time I go to this fucker, it's all fucking clickbait and every time i go over there it's like have you heard about sarah sigman's daughter and the video is 12 minutes long and it's 11 minutes of him jerking off in his house and then like 30 seconds like sarah brushed her teeth today i'm like oh my god i fell for it again no i agree completely but i keep up with my instagram and now i'll tell you this nate you're on the same, Nate. You're on the same fucking path, dude.
Starting point is 01:15:06 You're on the same fucking path as that knucklehead. One thing is I – I don't want to watch you work out. At least the guy from South Africa or whatever, Wiki, at least he's handsome. Wiki? Oh, Wiki. Wix? Wix?
Starting point is 01:15:21 From Australia. Yeah, that old bald dude. Yeah, I like him. At least i like looking at him all right they are sending it on this bike oh let's go roman yeah all those dudes all those dudes all those fucking knuckles and and and and and marston and heber do the same thing but at least the uh-oh do you oh that's is that my stream or your stream okay i'll stop pouting for a second uh whose stream is that john is yours playing um yes i got cursed oh i say i'm sorry i stand corrected that was that was his clean and
Starting point is 01:15:59 jerk it was 290 sorry either way it's. He deserves a pat on the back for it. I was in the lead. Can we, do we know who's in the lead? Oh, okay. It looks like this is caught up. There's a,
Starting point is 01:16:12 it's a pretty close between three or four guys. I think it's sending it. Yeah. I think it's Lazar, Hapa, Linen and Roman, which are the three guys that we were keying in on coming in. Ricky's up there too.
Starting point is 01:16:25 Um, I just think that compared to these three guys, Ricky's not going to quite have it on the bike. Dude, Hapalainen is doing it. I've never seen anyone ride a bike like that. That was crazy. Okay, he's going for it. He's really going for it. Yeah, Lazar's right there, though.
Starting point is 01:16:44 Right there where? With Hapalainen. Ahead of who? He is currently ahead of Roman Krennikoff. Oh. Interesting. I cannot believe Hapalainen. That was nuts.
Starting point is 01:16:59 It looked like it was sped up. He looked like Frankenstein. Listen, where is Hapalainen from? Finland. He's basically a Finland Roman, okay? That's Miko Salo 2.0? No, no. Happilainen, I think he's a pretty big dude.
Starting point is 01:17:20 I mean, three or four inches taller than Miko. Where is he on the screen? I don't see him. Is he back on the bike? He's near the top. He's near the top. He's in a white shirt there. He's getting off the bike there in the background.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Nine toes to barge. Lazar is going to be right behind him. They're both chasing down Lucas time of 3.04. I think they'll both beat that. It'll be closer between Roman and that. So hopefully they stay here on the screen. Wait for Hapa lining. Oh, he's doing it.
Starting point is 01:17:49 He's doing it. So that'll be an event win for him. And there's Lazar. Where's Lazar? And there's Roman. Oh, Roman and Ricky? Lazar second. 558.
Starting point is 01:18:02 Roman and Ricky, I think. So that's really tight with Lucas. So your top five will be Henrik, Lazar, and then Roman, Ricky, and Lazar, and Luka Djukic all in some combination in the third, fourth, and fifth spot. The only person this hurts is Jeff Adler. Has he come across yet? I haven't seen him. Who's that in red right there?
Starting point is 01:18:23 S. Simmons Simmons Willie George Oh, dude, 11 points Oh, man 11 points between Horvat and Kristen Holta There Adler is This updated? Yeah So that hurt Adler a lot
Starting point is 01:18:38 Unless they all die and he does amazing on this next one Holta went third and 17th. No, Horvat did. Oh, yeah. What did I say? Yeah, Horvat. Yeah, sorry. So it was almost worst case scenario then.
Starting point is 01:18:52 Yeah. So third was the worst that she could have possibly done on that. And 17th was the second worst. You were right about that one. Holta did one spot worse than we thought on the first one. She got eighth and then she got second. Oh, so sam clipped her on that on that one so it was actually was kind of worst case for both of them relative to
Starting point is 01:19:11 what we weren't sure about halta has a shot yeah but if she takes one spot higher on each then she's only like five uh and she'd only be two points back. So either way, 11 points. She has to be there by three places, right? Two spots. Depending on the law. Three, three. That's assuming that they're in the top six, which I think we can assume. Wait, why do you say the top six? Because then Sam could take them?
Starting point is 01:19:40 No, there's smaller points between places as you go further down the leaderboard. So if they were 10th and 13th, it wouldn't be enough points. But if they were third and sixth, it is enough points. And you're saying that you know this workout and it looks good for Laura? I would think so, but, you know. Holt is not going to be bad at it, though. Like, she could send it and be right there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:08 Well, let's talk about that one in a minute. So here we have, uh, the men have ample opportunity, like we know to rest and recover here. They still have almost two minutes before the next workout starts. Some of them have been done for two minutes and what we're really, I think what we're really looking for here is can Adler basically do what Katula listed. So he didn't have a last place finish in that workout. You know, he's probably going to be, I'm thinking 10th to 12th overall,
Starting point is 01:20:30 but, uh, he's going to need to back that up with basically a top three finish at worst. Um, otherwise I guarantee you, he wants to be Ricky. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:20:41 for sure. But, but it's not, but at this point, it's not even only Rickyicky because lazar also just had a top finish you know a second place finish there and the 15 points he was behind are wiped away like heading into this next workout both lazar and ricky have now overtaken adler in terms of points so he needs to basically punch back yeah um and it's gonna be fun watching have a line in now did you see him
Starting point is 01:21:07 shaking out his legs as he walked across i hope that was him shaking out his legs either that or he's walking really funny now this will be this is gonna be i think this hits him this event this workout and this heat is going to be real tight between about five guys. And what was the time that we said? For this one, upcoming is 421, and then a big drop-off to 445. Right. But I kind of think that the top five guys here are all going to come in between those two times. 420 and 445? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:38 I think Katoulis was so slow on the first one that I don't know if anyone can match his output on this one. So I think that time is going to win. But I think that five men in the seat will finish ahead of Luka Jukic's 445. Just because that first seat's just not as fit. I kind of missed that, but are you saying that Toulas gamed it?
Starting point is 01:21:59 Yeah, he gamed it. Yeah, I think so. And we talked about it. For the money, for the points, it made sense for him. He sees a workout like that where everyone's coming off of killing themselves on the bike. And it's basically, for him, it was burpees. He went on the burpees. Yeah, he went on the burpees. And I would say he did exactly what I would have done if I was him in this case, too. Do you like all the who whoopie lives seven you can see the heart rates of the athletes i unfortunately do like it i know it's just complete horseshit but i but i enjoy it
Starting point is 01:22:38 i enjoy like i like them all contextualized within each other i did get really excited when we saw someone's heartbeat hit 200 yesterday holy shit man okay so this is another guy who did not do great on the first part of this back-to-back workout and he just wrote 21 calories in 41 seconds roman who's amongst the best rowers if not the best rower in crossfit was 10 seconds behind that but even basic like a little entry level crossfit coaches can tell you that going 10 seconds faster on a rower is not always the best idea so let's see maybe some simone montiel knows his his pace and strategy here really well but it's very possible that that was too fast well he also could have gamed it we weren't watching him in the first he could 100 like just like Cthulhu. But sometimes you can game that and come out and still overdo it on the roll.
Starting point is 01:23:29 Maybe if he backs off five seconds there, look how hard these burpees are already looking for him. Yeah. I would say that I don't think he's going to hold on to the space. I think he should have rolled. They don't look any harder than everybody else. Oh, he's turning into concrete, dude. Look at him.
Starting point is 01:23:43 He's snaking. He's doing burpees ready like a girl yeah but if he can get through the 15 still in the lead what's not he'll win yeah maybe will what's not good right here is that both roman places both roman and lazar are ahead of adler so adler doesn't look good. This is a problem for him. In terms of podium finishes, I mean, Roman and Lazar are putting the pedal to the metal on these workouts. Ricky is
Starting point is 01:24:12 struggling here too compared to what we thought. But I mean, if Adler's also struggling, it doesn't matter. Lazar could be second place. That's right. Did you see what Adler was doing? He's jumping over the bar and then doing a burpee. He's losing a split second where the other guys are jumping over into the burpee and that he's taking that little rest he's lost that mental edge
Starting point is 01:24:32 so simone's still in the lead going into the set of 15 burpees and i think john's right has died these are the slowest burpees dude he's just getting through the workout he looks like he's in an affiliate he looks like he's oh my gosh seven you would beat him at this workout holy shit holy shit oh man hey so roman roman's killing him on these burpees this is romans yeah and look i mean mean, Montilla, even if Montilla doesn't hold on and beat Roman, he still might take a good finish on this workout. But I'm going to stick by what I said.
Starting point is 01:25:11 I think he could have conserved about five seconds on that first row and had an overall better performance in this couplet. And it is. So Roman's past him here. And Lazar is probably going to be one or two calories behind him. I mean, Lazar looks really fresh relative to Simone, at least on the running portion. Oh, here we can actually see. So Roman's –
Starting point is 01:25:35 1,600. Yeah, 1,600. I bet he's going to get up to 1,800 to 2,000. That was probably the first couple pulls. Hapalainen is getting lapped. Wow, that's tough. I can't believe you didn't take the opportunity there, John.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Hapalainen. Hapalainen. Oh, my God. Okay, this is a race to the finish between Roman and Simone. Let's see. He's got a kick. Come on. Show the whole floor. It's the guy on the far end and one of the guys in the middle.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Yep, there goes Roman. Yep. But if you think about it – And he's smiling, dude. That is the best that Mantilla could have hoped for. You know what I mean? No, I disagree. I think if he would have gone five seconds slower on the first row
Starting point is 01:26:20 that he could have beat Roman on that workout. I don't think so. I don't think he's going to be upset with the second place. Oh, hey, hey, Lazar came like right after Cotullis' time. Yeah, so I was wrong. And both Roman and Simone beat Cotullis' time. Alex will finish third. Lazar will finish fourth.
Starting point is 01:26:34 And I think that was Elliott Simmons coming in in fifth. And now we're looking at 445 as the next finisher from the first week. We're looking for Ricky and Jeff. So these guys coming in on the bottom are all going to be right there. 445 is passed. We have Ricky beat Jeff. Adler is not going to be in a podium position. I'm not sure how Willie George did,
Starting point is 01:26:52 but Adler did so poorly on those two workouts that Willie might be close to him even for the fourth spot. Dude, watch when Happa Linen stands up. He's like a newborn horse. Like his legs aren't even working. But he just made $3,000. legs aren't even working but he just made three thousand dollars they don't even bend look at he just pivots at the oh my god that looks painful he's seasoned up he just pivots at the hip you see that he has to drag his legs up
Starting point is 01:27:15 like he's like that dude in forrest gump the bubba shrimp guy look at oh my goodness. He's broken, dude. Oh, man. He's still got to go back and row. That was his set of 15. He's not rowing anything. He's just getting time kept. That's the way Colton Mertens looked in the wall climbs at the games. Like, he just didn't pivot.
Starting point is 01:27:41 What do you think about this face right here? Good job, Apple Liner. Good job. He doesn't even articulate. Oh, I would just be yelling at him. That's an embarrassment. I'm not okay with that. Come on, man. He sifted on that first one.
Starting point is 01:27:52 It was everything he had. I hear you. Well, I mean, that's a perfect example of what we said could happen, and it could happen in either direction. Have a bad first one and a good second it could happen in either direction have a bad first one and a good second one or a good first one and a bad so roman in that got third and first correct hey that just goes to show you you can't he was right after lazar so i want i want everybody
Starting point is 01:28:18 to think about this roman got third and first everybody else did really good and one except lazar did pretty well in both of them when lazar did second and fourth i think so lazar got second and fourth and roman got uh first and third everybody else did pretty good in one and really bad in the other it's a great point and i was gonna say that it's impossible to do that and you got you got your your piece out first because just look if you sell out even if you're a world-class fucking crossfitter like hapa lining three minutes isn't enough to recover like we just saw it it's just not no and we and you know and we've we've seen it's not but the the thought about it being impossible is not true we've seen it done before.
Starting point is 01:29:06 We've seen Fraser do it in ringer one and ringer two. He got second first. And he was only a few seconds behind Newberry in the first one. And Newberry did what Happeline did on the second one. He just completely imploded. And if somebody sells their soul, you can't beat them and then expect to still win the second one. Because you would have to sell your soul to beat them. And this is, but this is the, like, at the highest level of fitness,
Starting point is 01:29:30 this is what separates the Frazers, the Toomeys, and in this case, the Krennikoffs, from the rest of the field is the quick ability to recover. And in this case, it's really fast, three minutes. But even now you have an hour before you have to go again on maybe a difficult, high-skill, heavy, whatever the test ends up being. And that ability not to do that workout. It's not that heavy. No, I'm saying whatever the next workout is when you have to go take the floor an hour later. It's not an hour though, right?
Starting point is 01:30:00 It's 20 minutes? 26 minutes? I'm just talking about in competition in general. You or I could go. We in general, like you or I could go, we could say like, okay, you know, yesterday I showed up to the gym and I did these two workouts, but I was totally fresh. I was, you know, I warmed up as long as I wanted. I hadn't done any working out yet that day. I took a nap. I had a good meal, all these things. I haven't done six other events in the competition and I have my time. And if I'm sitting at home saying, oh,
Starting point is 01:30:22 my time beat two of the women. It's like, no, I didn't because the circumstances under which I did that workout is completely different to what's happening here. And they're really, really what's always been tested in CrossFit is not just your ability to compete on the floor, but then it's how do you recover and do it again? How do you recover and do it again? And the difference in time of, of how much time you have to recover is variable. And in this case, what we saw is Roman could do it in three minutes and Henry could not. No, if people want to compare, if people want to compare,
Starting point is 01:30:50 do a full training day and then do that workout. And then it's, and then it's kind of close, but that's what you would have to do. You know, what else is comparable is what Kalipa did. Kalipa got two first he did the he won the 2000 meter row and then he won the marathon row i think that's a little a little different but yeah it's even harder it's even more impressive ah okay
Starting point is 01:31:18 now do you think anyone could have got a first do you think roman could have done it the other way around got a first and you're saying roman got a second and a first well lazar did it the other way around what did he get he got second in the first one and fourth in the in the second one um yeah yeah i mean it's not as good as first and third but lazar basically did the same thing the other way around yeah i hear you thanks heidi you're awesome thank you so what's the plan here seven we got i think we got drink coffee pee eat are we gonna hang up and come back we're gonna what are we gonna do i um i think we just take a two-minute break and pee, and we just keep the same stream open. Can we flip over to the women's leaderboard right now?
Starting point is 01:32:12 Yes. I actually just went over there. Because a couple, I would say, pretty notable things heading into the final workout. So, I mean, now, like we we talked about 200 points were available there oh you switched over to the morning chalk up so you don't work nice we can see everything on one page except for their times that's okay thank you caleb so obviously uh we we talked about laura and kristin being within 11 points of each other but drop down from that sam briggs now has almost a 30 point lead ahead of gabby
Starting point is 01:32:45 mcgallow and jacqueline dalstrom one second brian caleb will you scroll down a little bit so we can see that that top line no sorry scroll up i apologize scroll up just go sam briggs there we go great competition for her go ahead brian sorry and you know she talked yesterday after winning the chipper workout she said this, I think they're briefing the final event by the way, and they've pushed it back to seven 30 from seven 20. But, um, she said this day, the day two of competition is a heavy lift. I'm obviously not going to be great, a chipper, which I need to make up my points on. And then a power output work workout, which she's just like surviving it. And she took 16th on that workout, but she comes into today and she,
Starting point is 01:33:26 and more, I mean the ring muscle ups. She, uh, I've done it with, I can't remember who was with Bill and chase her with Tommy and Sean, but I, one of their podcasts,
Starting point is 01:33:33 we talked about how Sam Briggs and muscle up workouts over her career has an incredible resume. So we'd expect her to do decently on that workout, but these are four or five minute workouts, three of them back to back. And she's right there in the workout. But these are four or five-minute workouts, three of them back-to-back, and she's right there in the mix. Not just in the mix, but pulling ahead of Gabby McGowell, who just got third at Rogue, and separating herself from anyone else
Starting point is 01:33:55 who's trying to challenge her for that podium spot. I don't think that any of these girls can make up 30 points on her on the last workout. I agree. For the fans out there, you can kind of see how the competition biases things just slightly. I'm not saying that Dubai's had an unbalanced fitness competition. They have. But the people who do well at Dubai is just different than the people who do well at Rogue. The competition's just biased towards a certain type of athlete.
Starting point is 01:34:26 Sam Briggs has always done good at Dubai, and she's still cranking it out. And for her to beat Gabby Magala is pretty incredible. That's what I was thinking. Gabby, her greatest competition is probably a Rogue Invitational. Sam's greatest competition is a Dubai CrossFit championship. It shows how different competitions just bias towards different athletes. Not a lot, but a little bit. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:34:58 Look at Sam's not just a hit against Gabby, but Jacqueline Dahlstrom, Andrea Nistler, and Sarah Sigmund's daughter, Emily Rolfe. I mean, Thura Helga daughter. I'm saying you put her in the Rogue Invitational, though. I'm pretty sure she was. Was she in the Rogue Invitational, Brian? Sam? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:20 If she was, it proves your point because we can't remember. She finished tied for last with Jacqueline Dahlstrom. Look, she finished tied for last with Jacqueline Dahlstrom. Look, she finished tied for last with Jacqueline Dahlstrom. That's my point. And now she's beating Gabby. Hold on one second. Let's listen. Yeah. Thank you, guys.
Starting point is 01:35:37 So they just announced the workout. We didn't want to hear it anyway. Go ahead and talk. Do you want to finish their point, or do you want to talk about the workout? Ladies and gentlemen, let's give it one more time for Saoud Deshamsi. That was Saoud, your boy, Savant. Oh, that's Saoud. That's not the prince?
Starting point is 01:35:57 I don't know if he's a prince or not. I just know that he is heavily involved in programming the competition and has been for a long time. He could be a prince. He looks like a prince. We'll talk about the workout in a second. But, yeah, when you talk about Sam Briggs and Jacqueline Dahlstrom placing last, tied for last at Rogue and now being in third and fifth here and basically being on either end of Gabby Magawa, who took third at Rogue, and all of a sudden everyone's giving her all this attention. If you haven't yet, go check out the article that John and I put together
Starting point is 01:36:30 on Morning Chocolate that talks about this. We know what Rogue bias is towards. It's not a problem. It's just you have that understanding. And when Sevan earlier was discussing eight event competitions compared to 15 event competitions, there's going to be things like this. But there's also people like Laura Horvath who, let's say she wins here. I mean, the fittest will always rise to the top. And we've always said that with every competition,
Starting point is 01:36:57 the fittest will rise to the top. But for everybody that's not the fittest person in the competition, there are little biases in every competition. Rogue is strength and Dubai is endurance. So you take Laura fourth and first, makes sense. You take Gabby third and let's say she finishes fourth, makes sense. These are still two of the top five to ten women in the world, no matter who's showing up to the competition. But Sam Briggs and Jacqu jackson dalstrom are a good example with certain set of eight workouts they can be in the top five and with a different set
Starting point is 01:37:29 of eight workouts they can be in the bottom five that's why i wish hayley didn't drop out because she got fit that rope i think she would have been amazing i think i really do it would be it would be if it would have been fun to watch Haley Adams here. Like as bad as Laura just did. I think Haley would be right there with Holton and Laura. It'd be a three-way race for the top. And for Haley to have that kind of opportunity, that'd be awesome.
Starting point is 01:37:56 And I agree. And imagine if she were able to beat Laura here to get a win on Laura for Haley would be huge. Yeah. And Haley's just, you know, she's similarly to, to what we were talking about with,
Starting point is 01:38:11 with Adler or Lazar is she hasn't had that breakthrough podium finish. Oh, Adler. Did Adler just have Adler got third at rope? Yeah. Yeah. So she's looking at, and if Adler gets third in Dubai,
Starting point is 01:38:21 that shows how good Adler is because. Yeah. But Haley would be looking for that. That's a confidence thing. She's been so close at the games. She didn't quite do it at Rogue. But she could have done it here. I think that it's safe to say that she would have podiumed
Starting point is 01:38:34 if not won this competition. When I see what Guillermo says, that he shows up to mayhem and hayley just pounds him for fucking three days straight and fucks him up i imagine it being this programming right here just this shit that we just saw that's what guillermo needs so and so i i you guys it would have been amazing i'm kind of bummed now that you guys brought up her name that she isn't here it would have been really really cool to see of bummed now that you guys brought up her name, that she isn't here. It would have been really, really cool to see her.
Starting point is 01:39:06 All right. Well, let's talk about the last event, Ryan, you want to talk about it and then I'm going to go to the bathroom. Sure. Um, no,
Starting point is 01:39:14 no, he did it. He said, you let, you're going to talk about it and then he's going to go to the bathroom. He went to the bathroom and then you're going to talk about it. So yeah, this is a one,
Starting point is 01:39:23 one round workout. So it's a, basically a mini chipper you got nine rope climbs uh do not think that there's any leg lifts or anything like that so just get to the top anyway 15 jerks which basically you can read as a shoulder to overhead i think and 100 kilos 70 kilos we'll talk about that in a second 21 dumbbell dumbbell deadlifts. Those are now in pounds, 90 pound dumbbells for the men, 60 pound dumbbells for the women. And then with the same dumbbells lunge across the floor to the finish. They haven't, I don't know if they specify where you have to hold the dumbbells, if they're at the side or on the shoulder, maybe someone who was
Starting point is 01:39:57 listening earlier heard that. Um, and I don't know the distance of the lunge, but it's basically the length of the floor. Questions about that? Yes. So you just do nine rope climbs up and down, and I'm assuming you can use your legs. Yep. That's what we think. And the jerks, it's 15 jerks at 225. Do you have to take it off the ground?
Starting point is 01:40:22 I would assume so, yeah. Okay. Can anyone do that on broken? So, you know, I think that this is the crux of this workout, the rope climbs, there'll be some people, um, more likely women than men that, that are a little bit behind, but I think you'll basically see everyone within 30 seconds coming off the rope climbs men minute 30 to two minutes, women, two minutes to two 30 is my is my guess and then the um doesn't matter how you hold it oh the the dumbbells okay thanks renata um the the jerks what i immediately think about when i see this weight for for shoulder overhead cycling is the first workout from
Starting point is 01:41:01 the 2020 stage two crossfit games where they had to do the row buy-in and then the pull-ups with the five rounds of seven-shouldered overheads, which I think was 235 for the men, maybe just slightly heavier than this. But if you remember, it wasn't that easy. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling. Winning. In an exciting live dealer studio.
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Starting point is 01:42:05 for one that's cheaper craving chips the app will suggest some on sale to get started just open the app it's as easy as that see the pc optimum app for details like people even in the first and second round a couple of the guys and there were only five guys there were struggling a little bit with that weight so i think you might see one or two guys who are able to do 15 in a row, but I think that a majority of them are going to take two sets with a quick break. I say no fucking way. John, two questions I asked Brian. Do they have to take those jerks off the ground?
Starting point is 01:42:39 I would assume you have to take them off of the ground because that gives more leeway to people who can do it unbroken. Because if you have to break it up in two sets and you have to clean it again, that's just an added five seconds. I think more than one or two people do it unbroken. Oh, you guys are crazy. Because you think about it, I think more of the daughter workout they did in Dubai. Okay, let me ask you one more question. Have you ever seen
Starting point is 01:43:05 anyone go shoulder to overhead 15 reps to 225 will this be the first time you've ever seen that no i i if i go in the gym right now i could do that all these guys all these guys could do that he's not allowed on the show after this but beat up after a whole dubai event and then after nine rope climbs the thing is after nine rope climbs i couldn't And then after nine rope climbs, the thing is after nine rope climbs, I couldn't do it after nine rope climbs, but just one set of 15. Yeah. It's a jerk too.
Starting point is 01:43:31 Dude, you know what we're going to see? We're going to see some people drop that bar. So I'm assuming it's a front jerk, right? How many, how many reps, how many reps did they do in that event?
Starting point is 01:43:41 Brian, the one you're talking about. Five rounds of seven. So 35 reps. Yeah yeah i just 35 reps and three of those guys went 34 unbroken with 10 bar muscle ups in the middle it's only 15 it's one set and then you don't have to do anything all you like with the jerk i'm saying we're gonna see like some like 10 11 13 lowerings, 14 lowerings that are going to be just brutal. Like dudes just dropping it in their front rack. It's going to be nasty.
Starting point is 01:44:15 Maybe. I mean, we've had thrusters with 225 before. And people did nine thrusters unbroken. Nice. In the middle of a workout. nine thrusters unbroken in the middle of a workout. Um, so I think, I don't think everybody will do it, but I think like five to seven people will do it. Unbroken. I wasn't really sure how hard, um, this workout would be. I reached out to a friend of mine who's a competitor in CrossFit and asked him, and they, um, seem to think that this jerk's going to be a little bit more of a problem
Starting point is 01:44:46 than anything else in the workout. So maybe they'll be doing them unbroken. But I think for a lot of the guys, if that's the case, that those last three to four reps are going to look very difficult. They're going to be taking some time in between reps, holding it on the front rack. And I wouldn't be surprised if we see a couple failed 14th and 15th reps like savon's talking about um we're gonna see something nasty i hope we get to see it i bet we see a ton of fails too i just i bet five to eight guys would be able to do it hey uh susan can you go to roman's
Starting point is 01:45:18 page real quick roman's instagram hey so we're all we going to see any grip issues on those 21 dumbbell deadlifts? That's 180 pounds. I think for the deadlifts, uh, I think that people can mostly just grind those out. I think what you'll either see is that they'll do a set of 20 drop and then do a set of the last one before they lunge, or that you'll see, uh, one, one additional break or that you'll see uh one one additional break like you'll see him do 10 rest 10 rest one go well this guy wants to know look at look at this comment could rich do it i'm broken dude you say some great shit you've got to change your name all right go down could of course rich down down down down down okay to the left to the left right here that one this is 330 for five oh my gosh we can't you can't play it he does that's hitting on him he does 330 pounds for five push for five push jerks
Starting point is 01:46:18 okay let's tell me 225 oh let's see a problem a problem. He couldn't play it? I'll play it. Hold on. That's insane. John, you know, we're talking about Roman. We're talking about Roman as a top five fittest guy in the world. Is Roman one of the strongest guys in the field? I'm going to see if I can play that. He was fifth strongest on the lifting i'm not saying who
Starting point is 01:46:46 will do it the fastest i'm just saying more than you think will do it unbroken oh he got it he got it this is 330 yep oh my goodness oh my goodness now listen roman is not one of the strongest guys in the field he's strong he's worked on it a lot we've talked about it a lot is he standing up all the way at the top at the in between those what's going on with that posture i'm saying if he could do 330 for five you think 25 for 15 that can't be good for your back it's going to be a problem hey that's why this stream is better than all the other streams because we get to see stuff that can't be good for your back. It's going to be a problem. Hey,
Starting point is 01:47:25 that's why this stream is better than all the other streams. Cause we get to see stuff like that. Sorry. I said it. I said it. Fine. Good job, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:47:33 That was dope. I don't know. Does that translate? Uh, what is that? So you're saying 50, you're saying we watch that. And so a hundred,
Starting point is 01:47:41 he's going to do it. We're out. We're asking him to do three times the work with 105 pounds less with with one third the way oh the math works out kind of nicely it's one it's it's we're lowering the weight by one third but we're trip we're tripling the work and i could be wrong i just think i think more than you i think more than one or two guys will do it unbroken okay this is good so here we have the the men's leaderboard well whether you're right or wrong it's cool that you had us look at that because that really fucking helps the conversation.
Starting point is 01:48:07 Yes. Thank you, John. So, but it turns out Roman also could do singles on this workout and still win the overall competition because even if he takes last place, even if he took last place twice, I'm not sure that anyone could catch him. that anyone could catch him. This is a victory lap for Roman, which is not the case on the women's side. Really what we're looking at here is Lazar and Ricky for second and third. I think with the points that Adler just gave away that he's locked into four. He's 40 points behind Ricky and 40-something points ahead of Yorgos. He gave up so many points on that. 15th and 11th, is that what that says? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:47 Yeah, that was not good enough. And when I was talking about him prior to that workout, I said that I didn't think he would do that. I thought if there was anyone who wouldn't do that, it was him. That was surprising. Anyway, so Lazar and Ricky are going to be kind of, I would say, the featured matchup here to watch. Lazar and Ricky are going to be kind of, I would say, the featured matchup here to watch.
Starting point is 01:49:06 And I, you know. I kind of think Lazar's got a decent enough gap. For Lazar, it's about the shoulder to overhead. He needs to. And all that he needs to do is manage that, those 15 reps in the optimal way for him. And not worry about anyone else. Because he does have a little bit of a cushion. So if Ricky's two spots ahead of him, that's fine.
Starting point is 01:49:29 If he risks it and blows up, then that's where that's the, that's where Ricky, I don't, I don't think Lazar will go on broken. What's the time cap. What's the time cap. I'm not sure if,
Starting point is 01:49:41 if they've, I'm sure they've posted it now on that, whatever page you're looking at before, but I wasn't able to see. Is it eight minutes? Let me ask you a question. If Jeff wins this workout, what would have to happen for him to be third? Because I think Jeff has a fair shot to win this workout. 29 points.
Starting point is 01:49:57 Hey, dude. Eighth place gets 71 points. So he would – if Ricky took eighth and Jeff won, then they would tie on points and default to tiebreaker. I think someone could get themselves in a position where they get tied. And Ricky would win then, correct? Well, Adler would have this event win, and his next best finish was third. And Ricky's got two firsts. And Ricky had two event wins, so yes.
Starting point is 01:50:20 But if Jeff won and Ricky took ninth, then Jeff would get back on the podium. And Lazar is pretty much locked into a podium. I don't know, man. Not necessarily, but it'd be pretty tough. Let me play this situation for you. He gets to the 10th rep, Lazar does, and he goes for it and he fails. That's an execution error and that would that's on him that's my that's my point and it takes him a minute and it takes him a minute to regroup
Starting point is 01:50:50 and he tries to finish again and he can't and he fails again and it takes him two minutes now to regroup uh you know we're gonna see someone really like get like five fails in a row i just think it's a real possibility. This is a good workout for Jeff. Jeff's a great rope climber, and he's very strong. I think it's a good possibility that Jeff could win. I kind of think Roman will still win the event. But Ricky comes in eighth or ninth, and Lazar has one of his worst finishes.
Starting point is 01:51:21 I think all of that could happen. This is a good example of where guys like Ricky and Lazar specifically are hoping Roman wins because that's five points that Adler can't get, which makes it that much more difficult for him to climb back onto the podium. Let's talk about number
Starting point is 01:51:38 12, 13th, and 14th place taking first, second, and third in this workout. Let's talk about Houdet, Tola, and Bronislaw being in the top five. The rope climbs will hold them back enough, I think. Well, let's just say this. Combined, the three of them have three top five finishes or four top five finishes on the week. And the three of those four came in the one rep max
Starting point is 01:52:06 lifting test and braun took a fifth on event four so i don't like the chances of finishing the top five combined why what do you think that what do you think the limiting factor is for them they're going to be good at all of that lunges shoulder to overhead and uh deadlift They're just not fit enough, Sevan. Oh, okay. Even Houdet? This has been a bad competition for Houdet. I thought he would do a lot better than he has. I'm going to say two of those three guys will be in the top five. I'm just going there.
Starting point is 01:52:45 Okay. And one of them will be Lazar. Heard it here first? Yep, you heard it here first. Man, Mahmoud's not doing so good. He's still got a cool name, but... So how do we think it's going to play out for the women have we talked about that oh what is the weight for the women what is the weight for the women is it 70 kilos 155 and this is notable because uh we talked about that first cut event from the games where that's a smash
Starting point is 01:53:25 sam briggs into the ground well heavy dt but crossfit intentionally left the women's weight lighter for the barbell for the shoulder to overheads and that workout relative to the men's and a lot of people were were pointing that out in the build-up to that competition saying why is this the case? Why don't they have the usual spread weight-wise? And then we saw the workout play out and it turned out to be perfect. And obviously Dave had done his homework there and understood that that was the appropriate weight relative to the men's weight for them to have a similar expression on the floor. Here, the weight for the women is heavier than it was for the women at the games that year.
Starting point is 01:54:05 So I would expect the women to have a harder time with this barbell relative to the men than they did at the games. I disagree again. Wait, wait, wait. Before you talk, John, I want to understand what Brian's saying. You're saying that 155 is going to be heavier for the women than 225 for the men? We're going to see less women make it unbroken? Okay. And I think that John is only thinking about the top women.
Starting point is 01:54:30 I'm talking about the field as a whole. Well, I think the field as a whole is a weak field. Ouch. It is. I mean, well, you think it's very weak. I think half of the women are Games caliber athletes at least, but there's a big spring in it. Not weak i think half of the women are game caliber athletes at least but um there's a big spring not we can do it it's not we can fitness like we can we can strength is what i'm
Starting point is 01:54:50 saying gotcha any of those women do it guys can you name even one woman so i mean brian's right brian's right i am just thinking about the top women because i think of workouts like heavy dt and if you could do heavy dt and all those push jerks unbroken, which is one 55 for the women. And Sarah was able to do that. Laura is going to be able to do that. Even somebody like Holta, I think could do that.
Starting point is 01:55:15 I think you will be able to do these 15 jerks unbroken. Gabby's going to crush this. No, I disagree. You don't think Gabby's going to crush this workout. She might crush it. I don't think any of these gonna crush this workout she might crush it i don't think any of these women i'm i'm leaning more towards what you're saying i don't think any of these women are gonna do 155 unbroken and if anyone does it's gonna be like nistler it's gonna
Starting point is 01:55:33 but i don't know this one will crush this i bet i bet 10 oh i'll say eight women eight women will do an unbroken the push wow what do you say hey hey there's people who aren't going to finish this in the women's class but i mean that's also possible uh what's her name norma norman mckayla norman she's not finishing this she might even sit on her bar and pull up a bag lunch she's not she she, she not finished. Oh, what about third? What about three? What about three?
Starting point is 01:56:10 She's an excellent weightlifter. I don't know how this weight will feel for her because they're not single reps. It's kind of neat. Yeah. It's going to be important here, huh? I think I, well, I think brute strength goes,
Starting point is 01:56:24 uh, goes a little bit longer way when it's just one set. Who has the max shoulder overhead in this group? Is it Laura? Probably Laura or Nistler, but probably Laura. Laura and Nistler are both similar. It would be fun to see the, um, the results from whoever tested this from their demo team.
Starting point is 01:56:50 It would, I don't know if they have a demo team because we've seen a bunch of workouts that have not gone planned correctly. Really outside of the, outside of the first two. Well, I think they thought the ring muscle up and thruster workout was going to take a lot longer because of the 10 minute time cap and it was under five minutes for everybody and then the time cap was super tight for the men on the chipper workout oh was that event number two i think it was event three event three yeah that was you're you're right
Starting point is 01:57:25 you're right you're right you're right yeah a lot of dudes got capped unnecessarily thank you for allowing us to quit our day jobs and work full-time talking. You quit your day job yet, Brian? You full-time podcaster? You know, the opportunity was just so lucrative, I couldn't turn it down. No one wants to talk about how Sarah will do, I think. Sure.
Starting point is 01:58:00 I think Sarah will be really good, really good at this one. Cancel that. Go ahead. Tell me. Tell me. Brian, how many girls do you think could do it on Broken? sure i think sarah would be really good really good all right cancel that go ahead tell me tell me brian how many how many girls do you think could do it on broken laura gabby sarah and maybe andrea is could the same as will if ns maybe uh, and possibly like, um, I'm going to say five. So I'll say,
Starting point is 01:58:32 I'll say five to eight on both men and women. Like I'm probably overshooting it when I say eight, but five to eight on men and women, I think. who do you think i think you think laura's gonna win this one i think sarah might have a shot it'd be a nice it'd be nice if sarah could win yeah i think this is one of those workouts that uh i mean i'm hopeful that the you know it'll be kind of a little bit of a lunging race to the finish i would say laura gabby and sarah are the top three for the women on this one yeah i agree you know and this is now you know still we're assuming these are allowed to use
Starting point is 01:59:24 their legs on the rope climbs. But if that is the case, Gabby McGowan is pretty good on rope climbs with her legs. And we're still waiting for another competition to see if she's improved her legless rope climbs. Probably won't happen until the games. I don't know. The qualifier had it. Yeah. And there's always, you know, like we don't know what's going to had it. Yeah, and there's always
Starting point is 01:59:45 a... We don't know what's going to happen with the semifinals next year. We don't know if it'll be uniform programming or custom programming depending on where you go. And especially if it's custom programming by the event organizers, then I think pretty much everything's on the table. Seven. Eric, seven is uh eric i was referring to an event not not the competition as a whole what do you say oh
Starting point is 02:00:17 i don't think that walking lunges are an issue for Sarah. I think that she's past any of the stuff that's really problematic for her. That split jerk that she did on the clean and jerk, I think was the biggest test for her, that running downhill. John, if Sarah finishes, let's say she finishes right where she's at. Let's say she finishes seventh in this field. Is that a successful weekend for her? 100%. I really think she was just trying to test her body out in an atmosphere that was a competition atmosphere.
Starting point is 02:00:55 Because it's hard to trust your body fully after a surgery like that. And I think after this competition, she will. And she'll just be able to train all the more harder for it. Yeah, and just look at her overall results. Seventh, 14th, fourth, 11th, fourth, seventh, fourth, sixth. So she's got a lot of finishes that are fourth through seventh. Very consistent. Which, you know, and you do keep in mind, you know, Laura Horvath is arguably the second fittest woman in the world.
Starting point is 02:01:27 And Gabby McGow is the top five right now. And Kristen Holta is still obviously very good. And those women are up there in the top of a lot of these workouts. So for Sarah to be just behind that on several of these tests is a great place for your first competition back. So I agree with you. This has been a positive weekend for her it would be cool if she won this event or is right right towards the finish of it and a nice little way to end her weekend i would love for her to win i now i'm rooting for it i didn't even really think about her winning but now i really really want her to win yeah and you know and then
Starting point is 02:01:59 it's something that she can build on she doesn't you know she doesn't have to do a ton of off-season competitions just being able to do one to do it well to do it in a place where she's comfortable and happy against some women that she's used to competing with um i think it's it's really a really good thing for her and for the women's field this season upcoming yeah and i i do think she i mean i don't know her mindset but i think she could train without any limitations mental and physical after a competition like this um doing that uphill and then downhill run is literally the scariest thing for somebody to do coming back from an acl injury so the fact that she was able to do that she was able to clean and jerk like and that run that that run up and down the hill i mean that was her worst
Starting point is 02:02:51 event finish right so it's not and it's not that surprising because she's gonna be the last person who's willing to kind of leg it out on a downhill snow run yeah oh eric's throwing a dagger in our heart did you guys already talk about this uh we haven't talked about it yet yeah we do think hayley would do really well at this competition as a whole but not this workout this would crush her right i think she could do it she would do it in two sets yeah so she just have to you know, kind of like we talked about with Lazar, is approach that barbell with your plan, execute your plan, and then just, you know, do your thing on the rope climbs, do your thing with the dumbbells and the lunging, but don't screw it up on the barbell.
Starting point is 02:03:36 And so Haley would have to implement something similar. Yeah, I think she could get top 10 in this workout as long as she executed her plan. Thank you, Melissa. Thank you. Thank you, Melissa. Hey, listen, guys. Brian will never be a professional the way he treats that microphone. Don't ever anyone to ask if he's done professional broadcasting again.
Starting point is 02:03:58 Look at that. Disrespectful to the mic. You think this is good on the side like this? Could be. Everything's good. Everything's good. Everything's good. But Haley's very good at moving anything that's not a max weight for her. As long as it's not a max out, Haley's very good at moving a barbell.
Starting point is 02:04:18 It's the top end strength that she doesn't have. Yeah, that's what MJ Miles is saying also. Do we have any Instagram clips of her, John, doing some crazy shit? 225 for reps, yeah. No, not for Haley. Should be looking about two minutes out, and I am hoping that they've reseated for the final. What is this?
Starting point is 02:04:43 What is this guy saying? So they gave Briggs the win in Athlete's choice part b because they made her do an extra burpee i mean we're not i'm not listening to the coverage so there could be some information like that that we don't have um i think they're wearing chip timers and i mean i would assume that that's what they're taking the results from. Well, it isn't. They do have her in first place over Holta, but she crossed the finish line before Holta.
Starting point is 02:05:13 They're saying that they made her time like two seconds faster because she had to do an extra burpee. I think that's what the comment is saying. I don't know if they actually did that. So what I think, Savan, is that on the floor, Holt crossed before Briggs, but she might have appealed it and said, well, my judge made me do one extra burpee. And if that's the case, usually, I mean, they'll have rules in place for how to handle appeals that the athletes and coaches will all be familiar with.
Starting point is 02:05:41 But assuming that that's a legal appeal, then they'll look at the footage. They'll go back and they'll say, yes, she did have to do one extra burpee. A burpee takes her two seconds, so we're going to credit her two seconds. That's something that could potentially happen. And the difference between them is just over. Do you want to pull up the live stream? Tommy and Derek are previewing the final event. Sure.
Starting point is 02:06:00 Let's do it. I see what you mean about the stickers. I didn't know what you were talking about. We've got a time cap of eight minutes, and you see the weight. It's 100 kilos for the men. Can you guys hear it? For the women on the push jerks, 90 pounds, 60 pounds on the dumbbells for the men and the women, respectively. It should be an exciting one, Tommy.
Starting point is 02:06:24 Yeah, for sure. I mean, the crux of this really feels like those 15 jerks. I was talking to a few athletes backstage just now during the break, and a lot of them I asked was like, hey, how do you feel about this finale? They're like, man, 15 jerks? They couldn't have made it 12? I'm like, wow, if you're really worried about those three extra reps, that must be
Starting point is 02:06:45 significant based on how they're feeling right now especially after that back-to-back so that's you know basically what he's saying is what we were expecting is that the barbell is going to be the crux of this workout and the athletes feel that and know that going into it you won't see a ton of separation on the rope climbs because most people will be thinking about that and those last couple reps are going to be the make or break for several athletes and you'll have to have i mean a couple people will have to risk it like adler has to go for an unbroken set and gabby probably has to do the same um but guys like like lazar and sam briggs they can kind of game it a little bit to their own because they know they have a little bit of a points buffer.
Starting point is 02:07:27 And Holta could go for it just because she has a chance and she has a buffer on Magawa and Sam. So she probably will go for it. I don't know if she can or not, but she probably will. Oh, no, that's not the heat heat assignments this is just the overall standings it's you know we were talking about the fact um you know that that if roman wins with a workout that's five less points that a guy like adler can get and so you know the nice like i i like the fact i like it when competitions, when the athletes are able to finish all the tests,
Starting point is 02:08:07 because there's still the potential that there's someone in the first heat that has a relevant performance that makes it that much harder for someone or that much easier for someone to make up, uh, whatever they need to in the, in the last workout. So I want to see here, Ron make a difference between Lazar and Adler and Gerard.
Starting point is 02:08:26 It will make a difference. For sure. And I just want to see. I'm really hopeful that they've reseated the athletes here because I think, especially in the last workout, that that is something that you've earned. You know, you earned the right. If you're in the top 10 going to the last workout, I think you deserve to be out there on the field with the top 10 athletes. Seems like they're a couple minutes behind here in bringing the athletes out.
Starting point is 02:08:50 But we should have that answer soon. I can't believe I can't see my breath. My room is so cold. Hey, I think Lazar's in trouble. He really has to be smart here. He doesn't fuck himself. Where's your red hoodie? I know, I almost put. Like, he really has to be smart here. He doesn't fuck himself. Where's your red hoodie?
Starting point is 02:09:08 I know. I almost put it on. But I got, like, a hoodie on. I just need to bring a heater in here. My office is detached from the house. They don't. They relegated you out there? Nah, I came out here.
Starting point is 02:09:21 Yeah, maybe. Maybe. Okay. So, the girls are taking the floor. No, I come out here. Yeah, maybe. Okay, so the girls are taking the floor, and I think I did see Michaela Norman in this heat, which means that, yes, they've reseated for the final. So of the women that are in this heat, John, any ones that you think could impact the top five?
Starting point is 02:09:44 Manon Anganese. I think she could go unbroken on the push jerks, and I don't think anybody else will, but I do think she will. If you all remember, she was the one who was doing the sandbag unbroken or big unbroken sets in the chipper. The touching goes. Yeah, she's very strong. I mean, if girls cannot do it unbroken, that will be a big difference. Assuming that the rope climbers are mostly negligible here, I'm curious to see how Evie Hollis does. You know, she's I would say has had an underwhelming performance to what I was expecting or hoping from her this weekend.
Starting point is 02:10:17 She was sixth placed in the semifinals, almost made the games. We've talked about it this year, how hard it is to make the games as a woman in Europe. So that performance was incredible. And she's you you know there's there's got to be something that she's pretty good at she's not the tallest athlete she's she seems to be pretty strong so maybe this is a workout where her where she can cycle that barbell well a little bit less range of motion on deadlifts and and lunges so i wouldonese is one to watch and maybe evie hollis i think five girls get time capped in this one in this seat yep it's i mean it's very possible seven's known known to overestimate the athlete's abilities
Starting point is 02:10:55 overestimate or underestimate you know now i don't i don't want people to underestimate these rope climbs because they will finish close to each other after these rope climbs i don't think anybody will have a significant lead but the amount of out of breath that you will feel after i mean go do nine rope climbs for time it's not easy you're out of breath after even if you can go nine in a row this is a this is a great shot here where you can see how tall and long Michaela Norman is she gets that little jump up she pulls her knees high to her chest and she's going to be able to stand up and touch the beam and two two and a half pulls at most for a majority of these rope climbs where a lot of the other
Starting point is 02:11:39 women are going to need three pulls how tall is she do you know she's 5 10 yeah two pulls make such a big difference for the women yeah i pretty much like i'm always trying to do as few pulls on rope climbs as possible martin solheim also fairly tall both these are um they're from she's from norway michaela's from sweden uh so you know they should look pretty good on the rope but i still think that you won't see you'll see 30 seconds at most between anyone on these nine rope climbs but they're going to be taxed differently is what i'm saying sure yeah what do you mean differently than the men no no from each other like other they're gonna finish close to each other after the rope climbs but other some will be very out of breath and very tired and some will not
Starting point is 02:12:31 i think this is the last rope climb for norman here so 145 ish you should walk into her barbell you think we'll see single cleaning jerks? I think you're going to see her struggle right now with the barbell. Look at even that clean. Squat cleaning. It was so wide. Oh, my bad. Yep. Oh, she's going to go for some more.
Starting point is 02:12:56 What if Michaela Norman did it unbroken? I would laugh so hard. She's not going to, but I would laugh so hard. 15 split jerks in a row? Yeah. I mean, this is a good example she's gonna have a plan for this barbell and we won't we won't get to see here how many reps she ends up doing but probably going she might she might think she can do it in two sets but that's what i'm saying look at the bottom of the screen look at the bottom of
Starting point is 02:13:22 the screen in the white here's's someone who's got it. I think that's Julie Hugar. Oh, my God. They're so much more impressive than I gave them credit for. This is nuts. But remember what Tommy said, is that it's not the first three reps. It's the last five reps. See, they're still breaking it up. Nobody's just cranking it.
Starting point is 02:13:41 It's the amount of breakups, too. It's why Michaelaan is taking her time and trying to get that huge set because if she can do it in two sets she did not lose very much time it's the amount of breaks that you take and you're thinking about rope climbs nine rope climbs it's not like rope climbs are not pull-ups it doesn't happen instantaneously and that took almost two minutes and now we're looking at the barbell and let's see here it seems like it's gonna be a similar amount of time look at anganese in the dark the dark uh dude mayonnaise is killing it oh my goodness that's how i do 65 pounds yeah but even her even she put the barbell down there in the back so so far why why did she do that? She was killing it.
Starting point is 02:14:27 And it might just be, you know... There is someone... She did a smaller set than Norma. So Julie Hugar, who was looking good at the bottom of the screen earlier, seems to be the first one to advance to the dumbbells. And it looks like they have to advance them. I'm guessing they have to advance them every seven reps. So far, she's held on the entire time. I wonder... I think she'll drop them yeah in some
Starting point is 02:14:45 point in this set because you want to set i would want to set myself up okay mckayla norman did make it through the barbell and she's still towards the front of this heat so it's hugard norman and manu nango nice and um what i'm thinking is that they're going to do the last rep before they start lunging oh they have to advance it to this oh okay so i don't know how often they're advancing because now they've advanced four times and four definitely does not go into 21 evenly. So for, what's her name? Norma Michaela?
Starting point is 02:15:13 Michaela? Michaela Norman. Michaela Norman. For her, this was a rope climb test. She just finished. She just finished her. So she might finish the workouts, Evan. Yeah, she's killing it.
Starting point is 02:15:23 I'm crazy impressed oh but if you look at anganese we could see that fail did you see your fail right there yes that makes me wonder if we were given inaccurate information if they could hold the dumbbells any way they want it's it seems like they're why would she be doing that if she doesn't have to so i'm guessing they have to put them in the front rack yeah julie Julie Huger's got them in the front rack. So this is the standard. And now they've got 60-pound dumbbells on each shoulder, lunging down the line. And that far line should be however, whatever that distance is,
Starting point is 02:15:56 how far they have to go. Hey, hey, she cannot put it down. If she puts it down, she's not going to get it back up. Yeah. Kayla Norman. That's right. I mean, yeah, no one's going to want to put this down if they don't have to. And this is what we're kind of hoping for and what an event program or organizer is hoping for with this kind of finish.
Starting point is 02:16:19 Well, that girl is catching her on a lunge. What's the weight on those dumbbells? I think that's Rebecca Vitteson. They're 60 pounds each. So Julie Hugar finished. We have no idea what her time was because we couldn't see it, of course. But then Rebecca Wittesen is going to take second here. 5.44.
Starting point is 02:16:37 Several girls right behind her. Norman, Angonese, both underneath. So Michaela Norman finished at 5.50. Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy. Who would have thought? Not me. But, so we might just be underestimating the workout. Because Anganese did not need to put it down.
Starting point is 02:16:55 And she still split it up in two sets. And that was just, I think that was just for the workout. So, she wouldn't, you know, to manage it the best that she could. Like, because she was able, she was definitely capable. She was cranking those. Well, it's going to be interesting to see what Sam does, huh? Sam Briggs here. I mean, she should do this similar to Michaela, I would think.
Starting point is 02:17:26 I'm going to, I'm going to kind of assume that Julie Hugar was in the five 35 range based on what we saw there. And so we've got four times, basically five 30 ish to five 51 that could, you know, those are the things we're going to be looking at in terms of potentially relevant for the final heat and the podium races. Five 30.
Starting point is 02:17:44 Five. Yeah. Yeah. Renata apologizes, Brian, for the final heat and the podium races. 5.30? 5, yeah, yeah. Renata apologizes, Brian, for the misinformation. That's okay. It was not, that kind of information is the stuff that Dubai is notorious for withholding until the last minute. So we knew, like I knew two weeks ago that there were handstand pushups and there were a set of 10. I had no idea what the standard was.
Starting point is 02:18:07 I knew until today that there were rope climbs and lunges, but I didn't know what kind of rope climbs or lunges until they started working out. I mean, we would have known obviously if we'd listened to the announcement, but they like doing that where they have a majority of the information out there and then they withhold one little detail here or there
Starting point is 02:18:22 that's usually a critical or important detail until the, right before the workout starts. Look, look at this girl closest to us on the screen. She's actually just has the dumbbells resting on her shoulders by the grip. Yeah. If that's allowed, if that's allowed, that is the easiest way to hold them. Oh, that must hurt so bad. That must be so uncomfortable.
Starting point is 02:18:43 You did see there. She shuffles her feet a little bit in between reps. Like that's the type of thing that you would not be allowed to do at the games that you are. You often do get away with in competitions like this. And obviously she's towards the back of this heat and just barely beating the time cap. But when you're looking at the overall judging,
Starting point is 02:18:57 like that's the small stuff that wouldn't wouldn't go at the games. Good point. Great observation. You're talking about in between lunges, like regrouping your feet and then scooting ahead a couple inches instead of just stopping exactly where your feet are planted?
Starting point is 02:19:14 Yeah. And do they tell them in Dubai? Do they tell them ahead of time? Hey, like I think in Rogue, in the Legends event, the judges are told, hey, chill, be chill. You think they're told here, be chill? No, I just think that it's, you know, probably the people who are judging at this competition only do, you know, one or two a year.
Starting point is 02:19:37 And this is like clearly the highest level one that they'll do. So it's not, everyone knows, it's not easy to judge ever. And it's especially difficult when you're doing it for people who – athletes that you know or respect or have heard about or are the best in the world. Shoveling your feet, not going below parallel on squats, just do my stuff. Ouch, Will.
Starting point is 02:20:00 Ouch, ouch, ouch. This is a – so this is a really – This is a cool shot right here. Two from Denmark, one from Norway, one from Sweden. So that's Scandinavian representation, and they're all having a good time. Brian, when you went to this event, was the crowd- Oh, it looks like they're going to go the first heat of the men men and then the final heat of the women, final heat of the men. That is true, actually. It does look like that.
Starting point is 02:20:33 How was the crowd when you were there, Brian? Was it more or less than this? Similar, though. When I was there, I was never once on the floor during a workout. I was in the production truck helping with the broadcast. But similar in terms of crowd? Yeah, like that back area always fills out. And then the sides are like, you know, 50%.
Starting point is 02:20:54 And then where this camera is, there's probably no one in those section of seats. And who are these people in the crowd here? Do these people live in Dubai? Are these expats? Are these people who live in Dubai here are these do these people live in are these are these expats are these people who live in dubai americans canadians australians i think this year more so than in previous years most of the people attending are probably local to if not the city the the area um and then you know family and coaches and friends who've made the trip but i don't think that there's a lot of fans who just decided to
Starting point is 02:21:25 go over there for this this year compared to previous years and and they do this event is this because the crown prince or whoever's got the the dollars he is a crossfitter i don't know if he's a crossfitter or not but i know that he enjoys um watching high level crossfit competitions and so he you know years ago wanted to make this one of the events that he could bring to Dubai every year. And he does a couple others. I think that they might do a horse racing event and a falcon hunting event. And it's probably one of, if it's not one of the guys that's sitting in that red area you were talking about, then it's one of their relatives or something like that so it's not directly because it's right hey what's up bosses and i wonder what that means that one of the guys in a brown robe that means he's single and the dude in the white robes are married i bet you
Starting point is 02:22:18 it's something like that what would happen if somebody's running up them stairs and just spills a drink on them. Hot coffee. Yeah. Then you would read the stain on their robe like tea leaves. It would be just like you would tell the future by the way the stains hit their robe. Or you would immediately run from there and get on the internet and go to If I did this, bam, If I did this, bam, bye-bye. Ah, yes,
Starting point is 02:22:53 the crown Prince is very fit. He does a lot of fitness events. That's what I heard. That's what I heard. That's a pretty cool thing. Hey, his Instagram, if that's the guy,
Starting point is 02:23:03 man, he's, he's a, a beautiful man. He's got his guy man he's he's a uh a beautiful man he's got his shit going on and he's a dad and he just seems like like he's got it going on let's see if we can get an overlay here bam oh seven when have you ever had your hair like that where what like how in the uh the little thing that will puts up oh like the man bun yeah i never never so that's not supposed to be you then
Starting point is 02:23:39 no that's definitely me. I definitely recognize me. Maybe it's not a man, but maybe it's a yarmulke, even though I'm not Jewish. I thought that was your chakra. Ah, yes, it's a chakra. He's a runner mainly, but does a lot of other sports. Say that again. Such a powerful chakra that everyone can see it, regardless of your spiritual enlightenment. Look how pretty this lady is, Melissa Odear. That's Armenian for you.
Starting point is 02:24:04 Look at it. She could be one of the Kardashians. She probably didn't like that, though. All right. I think the first seat of men is getting ready to start. And they hopefully have reseated. So, John, you're liking Tola and Braun to maybe put up the time to beat here? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:30 Maybe Houdet. Yeah. And, I mean, this is the type of thing where, like, I would love to see someone like Fabian Benito or Moritz Fiebeck, like, take a risk. Yeah, just try it. Why not? What do you have to lose?
Starting point is 02:24:43 Do what Hapalainen did? Sure. 100%. I feel like Bronislaw will go unbroken no matter what, even if it was 315, he would try to go unbroken. Moritz is pretty strong too yeah yeah you know it's like you know I honestly like it seems like they should be able to move this barbell well but I just think that end of the weekend the combination of everything that it's just a little bit heavier than than you're
Starting point is 02:25:25 expecting and i have to do in thrusters and ring muscle ups you feel that on your on your muscles that's all the same muscles i hope they keep this wide shot for a little bit so we can see different rope climb techniques like you saw more it's just run and jump up there and now his rope's all over the place you saw andre just run and jump up there and now his ropes all over the place. And you saw Andre Houdet very calm and meticulous approaches rope and set his feet before jumping. Houdet kind of reminds me of a very young Fikowski.
Starting point is 02:25:54 Yeah. And watch, I mean, if you're watching him, he's there in the middle of the screen with the red shirt. Like this is a very efficient rope climbing. He's made, he's,
Starting point is 02:26:01 he's not, he's only doing two pulls, but they're aggressive and fast. So his time under tension is low. Like you can do two pulls like mckayla norman but you're on the rope for twice as long as who days two pulls this month dubai government is giving 125 for any one kilogram loss by a person wow i feel like that's uh you know that's well whatever i'll just let that let that one go so i'm thinking 90 seconds is going to be the time here for most of these guys to do um nine rope climbs i think that like six per minute is
Starting point is 02:26:37 kind of a an expected thing for elite level men with rope climb and there won't be a lot of separation i think everyone will be over to the barbell by the two minute mark i i i wonder if the united states has ever done anything in the last two years to help promote health i mean we know it's done massive to promote sickness and death and mayhem and suicide and anything bad. I wonder if it's done a single thing to help its citizens like that. I'm surprised Tola is not better at things like this, like high-volume rope climbs.
Starting point is 02:27:16 Dude, he's barely moving. And I know. And, like, the way he moves on these, they just don't look good. And I know he's good at this stuff so these guys a little slower than i expected getting to the barbell and you see i think that's sam stewart he's actually strapping up a weight belt moritz has got a weight belt on so these guys are definitely um a little bit wary of this barbell but now sam's i mean sam's repping this out pretty good so this looks like kind of how manu andese or Julie Hugar was moving it. They still did two sets.
Starting point is 02:27:46 So we'll see if he goes for it. Five bigs on 11. I hope that they go for it here. Look at Houdet. Houdet's just smashing this. Yeah, but he's putting the bar down. He did. You're right.
Starting point is 02:27:57 Look, five big went slow, and he just went unbroken. More it's five big. And he was slow and controlled like the whole time he did all 15 yeah wow and but you know not very many of the guys have sam stewart cycling the bar well andre huday cycling the bar well neither one of them is opting to go for 15 you know it might just not be it might not be the smartest thing to do it unbroken maybe not but i think for this whole and and five bigs made a mistake here he's he's moved his dumbbells way too far and now this guy's telling him move him back and he's not happy about
Starting point is 02:28:31 but that's you know execution error and competition um no i think these guys here like why not like we said before the heat started why not risk it so i love that moritz did that even if it even if it doesn't work out for him, I like that he took the chance. I think that when you were talking earlier about Sam Briggs potentially overpacing, Houdet looks like he's overpacing this workout for me, especially compared to where he is in the competition. He's probably not that happy that he's not in the final heat for this one. And he has the opportunity to reassert himself and get into the top 10.
Starting point is 02:29:03 Look how far back he is. But not going at this pace. Yeah, it's only a five-minute workout. You got to push it a little bit more than this. He looked fitter at the games than he does now, like a lot fitter. Well, and keep in mind that he did withdraw from Rogue, whether it was illness or injury, whatever. Oh, that's right. But you look how that paid off for Feibig.
Starting point is 02:29:26 He's in the lead. As long as he doesn't put it down, he's going to win. Stefan, do you know this guy who's lunging to the finish is the world champion? For what? International Functional Fitness Federation. Oh, no shit. He was first place there. And Christian Holta was also first at that event.
Starting point is 02:29:44 I saw that Christian Holta was. He doesn't do CrossFit, though. He just does place there. And Christian Holta was also first at that event. I saw that Christian Holta was. He doesn't do CrossFit, though. He just does functional movements. That's not true. How come it doesn't? He's cracking jokes. He's cracking jokes. Same thing.
Starting point is 02:29:56 Well, I wonder why we don't hear more about that. Well, that's a bit more broad conversation. well it's actually that's a bit more broad conversation you know it international function fitness federation has taken some steps to do things that make the sport much more predictable and i don't um and what i mean by that is there's a certain number of tola is going to have a pretty good finish here actually well he went unbroken tola tola and moritz five big went unbroken i don't know what bron did look at sam's weight oh his dumbbells so bummed right and sam sam did not go unbroken and he's finishing up here so we've seen that both strategies can work moritz went for it got the heat win sam
Starting point is 02:30:37 intentionally broke took second and i think if you want to have a good time though and place high you have to do it did anyone catch um if anyone caught the top finishing time let us know i couldn't have been more 443 and then when did sam and tola come in around five let me i'll double check hold on yeah i thought it was pretty close to five oh seven you're gonna like this. Watch on the left side of the screen here. Seven. Oh yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:31:06 Yeah. Mahmood's weights are fucking coming on hands. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Good race to finish there. Yeah. Let's do. Oh,
Starting point is 02:31:15 time was four 43. Man. He almost dropped that 90 pound weight on his toe right there. Then Sam came in at 459. Tola came in at 501. This is cool. These guys, although they're finishing towards the bottom of the competition, look at how jacked this guy is.
Starting point is 02:31:37 Yeah. Oh, my God. Anyway, the International Functional Fitness, Sevan, they have defined the list of movements that are acceptable within their competitions. They've defined a format for their competitions, and they've defined movement standards that are consistent at all their competitions. CrossFit has done none of those things. There's more movements out there that we've never seen before that could show up. The movement standards are liable to change from competition to competition and they do regularly change we've even seen in the open where the standard for burpee changes or the standard for a few other movements might
Starting point is 02:32:13 change now there are some that are always the same like a chest bar pull-up or a toes bar but um and then the competitions always change whereas those competitions have a fixed number of workouts or a fixed number of days and they fit into certain categories oh isn't that that shit that like in hunter mcintyre does something like that it's like a crossfit event but it's always the same fucking thing it's like huge in germany what is that thing he does uh high rocks yeah high rocks this is different high rocks is kind of the same it's even it's even more rigid than what brian is saying yeah so high rock is one test it's the same test every time yeah international functional fitness what they'll have is they'll say we're gonna have six tests two of them are gonna fit inside this time domain two of them
Starting point is 02:32:56 are gonna be this time domain one's gonna be long one's gonna be a lift but the lift can change the long one can change and the movements within can change do you know why they're they're doing basically it's basically crossfit yes it's all it's all cross it is crossfit but you can prepare for it differently a function the functional fitness thing is a misnomer it it's just all it's all sport it's actually it's it's all sports same with that high rocks thing that's not what's going on with crossfit that's where that's where the fucking misunderstanding is. CrossFit is not the games. The stopwatch
Starting point is 02:33:30 has given us a competition element that wasn't there before in weightlifting. But CrossFit's about being healthy. And then this is sort of its bastard child. This is the... This is what happens when you have people with pathologies.
Starting point is 02:33:47 I don't even think we were having that conversation. No, we weren't. We weren't. We weren't. I'm just saying that's the distinction. I'm okay with high rocks and this other thing too. But they're on, they're, they're, they're totally different. And maybe we'll see CrossFit go that way too.
Starting point is 02:33:59 Now that venture capitalists owns it, you know? Well, it just depends. I mean, one of the things that made the sport of CrossFit really was like people loved about it and are very proud of it is that tagline unknown and unknowable in international functional fitness has said that unknown and unknowable is, has a, like they think their view, or at least how I would interpret it, is that that's leaving too much freedom or whatever. I mean, I don't know how they would describe it. But we need to rein it in.
Starting point is 02:34:32 Here it is. Here it is. They have a goal. They want to go to the Olympics. Yeah, that's what I should have said, too. They have a goal that's other than being healthy and fit. It's to go to the Olympics. And do you know what I think of the Olympics?
Starting point is 02:34:44 Go on. Sorry, Brian. Sellouts. to the olympics and you know what i think of the olympics go on sorry brian um sell out to be an olympic sport you have to meet certain regulations and so part of the reason that they do have a specific set of weight of movements that you have to have and a specific set of movement standards for those that for those exercises is because you need that to check a box to be eligible to compete at the Olympics. Right. Can't use the name CrossFit for the Olympics since it's owned and trademarked too. Yeah, I wonder how long that's going to last.
Starting point is 02:35:20 Have you ever done a podcast with Gretchen Kittleberger? No, but I used to work with her. I think that's her who's like one of the lead, if not the lead, people behind that IF3 movement. She was an attorney for CrossFit. I did a photo shoot once with her. I wonder what happened to those pictures. i should see if i can dig them out somewhere so we have uh you know we have some of the top times for the first seat of men and women and kind of as expected you know we thought that the men would handle the weight a little bit
Starting point is 02:36:02 better maybe they're you know actually they weren't even that much faster on the rope climb. So I think it probably just came down to the barbell, but, um, top men's times are close to five minutes, whereas the top women's are like five 40. And now we're going to go back to the women's final heat. Maybe,
Starting point is 02:36:18 maybe they might probably not. If I was running the competition, I would do the men's final heat now because one less change of equipment on the floor and it's not the closest race for the title. We know Roman's going to win already if he just finishes the workout. So he can go and do this and we can have excitement between Ricky and Lazar and Jeff, obviously. But you want to save, I would want to save the women's final for the last event because it's only 11 points between Laura and Kristen. Good point. Cause it's only 11 points between Laura and Kristen. Good point. Knowing what the workout is though. I think it's safe.
Starting point is 02:36:51 I'm Laura, Laura's Laura's pretty safe. I mean, you just never know. You just never know. I think she is. I would not, I would never have believed that she did that poorly on that rowing burpee workout.
Starting point is 02:37:03 And so who knows if maybe something's bothering her, she just something's bothering her, something flared up or she's not feeling well, there's always those little possibilities. But assuming that she's fine, yes, this should be a very good workout for her, and she should be able to beat Kristen on it. But they have not taken my advice, and they've reset the floor for the women, so we will see the women's final first it was good advice though you were right i think you were right ryan i think you should make a crossfit competition and it's just sponsored by the sevan podcast i don't know how many seven podcasts can't sponsor anyone they need sponsors yes yes yes featuring featuring them featuring
Starting point is 02:37:47 the seven on podcast and just you know call games people up and just do a backyard throwdown whoever shows up speaking of arrows and hopper there you could do it we had a i don't know if you'd come free, but maybe my boy, Velner. Hopper and Velner. We had 185,000 downloads on iTunes alone in the last seven days. Just pretty amazing. Pretty damn amazing. You think these women are nervous? You think they're getting the butterflies?
Starting point is 02:38:24 You think this women are nervous? You think they're getting the butterflies? You think this is like... I think Holt might be a little bit nervous. I think Laura is not nervous. Honestly, Holt is probably going to go for it here as best as she can. So there's probably no nerves in because then you are what you are. If you got it, you got are. If you got it, you got it. If you don't, you don't. I completely disagree. I think every one of these athletes gets a little bit nervous, different degrees, but for every competition. I mean, the only thing I
Starting point is 02:38:54 can draw back on is when I used to compete at the highest level I could, whether it was a swimming race or a soccer game, you know, in that one minute to one second buildup before any, any kickoff halftime, starting a race, starting the whistle blowing the three, two, one, go any top level athletes going to have a little bit of nerves. I don't think that, I think what John's saying is they're not any extra nervous for this. Like they know what this workout is. They probably have a plan. They understand they're where they stand on the leaderboard. And now it's just about executing.
Starting point is 02:39:23 Yeah. I mean, everybody, I mean, you're going to, I'm not talking about just the knots in your stomach before one, two, three, go. Everybody has that just, I don't think someone did that. What if someone did that? They just started doing one, two, three, go instead of three, two, one, go. I'm sure it happens. Can any of these events take over the crossfit games i think rogue is the closest to it um other than them i don't think i don't think anybody's close take over the crossfit games you have to keep in mind what we said about why the John podcast would not be as popular as a seven on podcasts or why Ray Kroc wanted to buy the name
Starting point is 02:40:11 McDonald's instead of buy, make it Crocs is because the CrossFit. That's so great. The CrossFit games name, the CrossFit name carries a lot of weight. That's why no one's talks about the IF3 relative to the CrossFit games, even if of weight that's why no one talks about the if3 relative to the crossfit games even if the structure that they have is way better which i'm not saying that it is it doesn't sound like you did it sounded like you but brian let me ask
Starting point is 02:40:33 you this if the winner of the rogue invitational got five hundred thousand dollars and second place got 200 and third got 100 and five make it five million two million and one million it still isn't the title fittest on earth it still isn't the crossfit games i would disagree in three years that's the competition that the fittest people would go to or want to go to and that's what they would value the most they would peak for that and they would not peak for the crossfit games maybe well you could also sign at that point you know you could you you could get um you could sign an athlete who's the fittest let's say you sign someone like justin madaris and said hey you can only compete at my competition i mean look there i've thought this for years there are certainly
Starting point is 02:41:18 how the fight game is no nobody's ever had more money than the crossfit games as far as the handout goes so it's a hard competition it's a hard conversation to have. But if it was twice as much money, every all the fittest athletes would peak for that competition. And there would be way more athletes who just said, I'm not going to do the CrossFit Games this year because there's a whole bunch of hoops you have to jump through to do it. Instead, you could just peak for rope. Let me also just clarify one small distinction. It's not that no one has had more money. It's that no one has put up more money. There's definitely people who've had more money. They just don't put it in the price pool.
Starting point is 02:41:53 But I know what you mean, but I just wanted to be clear on that distinction. I think it would take a couple of years, but that's what would have to happen for an event to take over. But it wouldn't last without the affiliates behind it i'm telling you it would not last without the affiliates behind it and at the end of the day that's the only people who are watching the games people who who are affiliates or go to affiliates you don't think they would watch rogue they they would but if they didn't get behind it and rogue would need an open and it would need to be this thing doesn't stand up on its own the affiliate stand it up or a crown prince or a rogue i mean i agree with that too
Starting point is 02:42:31 but i also think that's the reason why nobody has been able to put up more money okay oh little little error there from laura but she's so she's starting out pretty aggressively on this workout. And this is the battle. I mean, we were watching Kristen Holta in her supposedly last ever individual CrossFit competition against the reigning second fittest woman on earth. She's only 11 points back. And I think that even if you implode, if you're one of them and you implode, whatever happens, happens. You got to go for it here.
Starting point is 02:43:06 So I think, and I want both of them to sell out and try to win this competition. I want Laura to win. I want Sarah to win this event. In terms of the overall event, event win or heat win. We'll, we'll,
Starting point is 02:43:23 we'll know more about that. Once I finished the rope climbs and start moving the barbell but in terms of overall winning the dubai crossfit championship this year there's two women who can do it it's laura and kristin and um man i hope it's close do you think justin or hopper would have won this event this particular event or the overall competition i think this competition. Sorry. Justin's the fittest person. Justin's the fittest person in the world until somebody beats him. That's my opinion. Yeah, and if you're going to put someone else against him,
Starting point is 02:43:57 it's not Hopper that you're asking that question about. You could say Justin or Roman. You could say Justin or Vellner, someone who's been close, someone who's winning this competition. But putting Hopper in that conversation right now is something he hasn't earned that's what i was that was going to be my first response brian but then i thought i would need to see this compared to the mac first who is in blue brian next to laura uh uh this oh no well i don't know i can't see maybe gabby yeah gabby's in blue but there's other people gabby's in blue andrea's in blue so laura's got five left let's see if we can see the first person have they broken up yet
Starting point is 02:44:43 no they haven't no one's put it down red red just did blue just did blue yeah gabby's moving forward which we expected her to do well on this laura's done when you keep him when you think about how well look at how fast laura's cycling those deadlifts and this isn't surprising like this workout is heavy the heavy implement is a factor halter is is defeated. She's done. And it looks like Sarah's in third. So the three women that we expected here, Gabby, Laura, and Sarah, seem to be in the lead.
Starting point is 02:45:13 We've seen Sarah win lunging workouts at the Games before, specifically in 2017. A lot of people remember that it was Cara Saunders and Tia Toomey battling for the overall win, but Sarah Sigmundsdottir actually won that workout by out lunging Annie Thor's daughter and Katrin David's daughter. So she might be able to make up a little ground on the lunges. On the flip side, Laura's obviously beating Kristen on this workout.
Starting point is 02:45:39 And if she holds up Gabby. Yeah, that's Gabby. And Gabby wants these points. Gabby's getting her. This is massive for Gabby because they're two's Gabby. And Gabby wants these points. Gabby's getting her. This is massive for Gabby because they're two minutes ahead of the fastest time from the women's first heat. So that's totally irrelevant. So every position here. So Gabby's going to take first.
Starting point is 02:45:55 That's 100 points. Now we're looking. Laura's going to take second. She's going to win the overall competition. Kristen Holt has got enough points that she should be fine. So we need to see where Sam Briggs finishes because Sam Briggs was, Sam Briggs was what? When Gabby and Laura finished.
Starting point is 02:46:11 What about it? Gabby didn't come over and give her a hug. Gabby finished first. Then Laura finished. They didn't make eye contact. They didn't hug. There's something there. That's where he loves.
Starting point is 02:46:22 So this is Sarah and Jack. There are 28 points. There they go. They hug. My bad. They hug. They hug. he loves. So this is Sarah and Jack. There are 28 points. There they go. They hug. My bad. They hug. They hug. My bad.
Starting point is 02:46:29 Sorry. Go on. They bet. They hug. Go on. Sorry. So this is a great finish for Sam in this event or for Sarah in this event. She's going to get third.
Starting point is 02:46:38 And Jack and Dawson is going to take fourth, which is actually doing a huge favor to her training partner of Gabby McGowan, because Andrew Nistler is going to come in here. We still haven't seen Sam Briggs. There's Holta. I still don't see Sam Briggs. And so all these points. Is that Briggs to the far? I don't think so. Who is it? I think it's Emma Lawson. Look at Holta's lunges, how big they are.
Starting point is 02:47:03 Nistler's in. So that's one, two, three, four, five. Holta will be six. That woman up in the top there will be seven. You said 28 points, John? Yeah. It's a wrap. And we know that eighth place is 29 points from first place. So that's sixth.
Starting point is 02:47:20 That's seventh. So Briggs needs to be the next finisher after whoever that is in blue right there. And this isn't even counting the times in the first heat. They haven't passed yet, but it doesn't look like Briggs is. Unless that's Briggs. No, there's no way. She would have been close to the center of the floor. That's three.
Starting point is 02:47:38 That's three. That might have been Emily Rolfe who finished. It was either Emily Rolfe or Emma Lawson. So Sam was on the shoulder to overhead then. Yeah. So yeah, Sam Briggs pretty much just imploded on this. We can expect,
Starting point is 02:47:54 we can assume that it was on the barbell. And as a result of that, Gabby McGowan will end up in third place on the podium. Briggs will end up in fourth. Maybe. Jacqueline Dahlstrom was only four points behind Gabby. Oh, my gosh. No, you're right.
Starting point is 02:48:09 I think Jacqueline – where did Jacqueline finish? Fourth. Yeah, no, because she's dying. All the girls in the first seed are passing her right now. Look, she's taking breaks on her deadlifts. Those lunges are going to be hard. Jacqueline Dahlstrom is going to be fourth. Well, you get 49 points for last.
Starting point is 02:48:28 Dahlstrom is going to have 85. And she was only four points. She's only 32 back. So, yeah, she'll barely overtake her for the fourth spot. She can't get the dumbbells up. She just tried. And this finish for Jacqueline Dahlstrom is excellent. Huge.
Starting point is 02:48:43 When you think about this season for Jack and Dahlstrom, she makes it to the game, she makes the top 20, but she basically takes last out of 20. She makes it to Rogue by making it to the top 20 of the game. She shows up there, she takes last. And so even as good as she's done, it's probably not that great of a feeling to be like 19th and 19th out of 20 in those two circumstances.
Starting point is 02:49:03 But to come to Dubai here and only finish behind Horvath, Holta and McGawa and take fourth is a, it's gotta be a huge boost of confidence for her. This is the best competition she's ever had. Yeah. And a reaffirmation that making the games wasn't a mistake and that she is actually competitive at the top end of the sport. I feel a little bad for Sam.
Starting point is 02:49:25 Wow. Look at is Gabby's taller than Laura. That's pretty deceiving. I think they're about the same height. She's like two feet back. It makes her look taller. A big round of applause for Sam Briggs and for all the women. I mean, I think the competition was well structured, but the, the, in,
Starting point is 02:49:50 in terms of the rest, but then having the condensed schedule like that, I mean, they got, they had four tough workouts today. None of them took over seven minutes and all of them were challenging in different ways. So I hope so. different ways so i'm so glad this isn't the games and there's five days left i hope the men's race is exciting like that like that was like if lazar struggles and jeff just runs away with it ricky's middle of the pack it's just gonna be really really fun to decipher all that hey will they announce the winner right here before the men go like the
Starting point is 02:50:26 games probably someone will come out and be like and the fittest i don't know if the leaderboard will be updated but they'll announce that laura won there's pc patrick clark my boy he's in the cargo shorts and blue shirt right there oh what's the he's a photographer too yeah he does uh he takes a lot of pictures of these competitions i usually try to use his pictures for my articles anytime i can he's athletes eye photography is his stuff on instagram um there's someone here saying that emma larson is lost and is 17 but she's 16 correct she may have turned 17 it's sometimes it's hard to tell if you're just using the game site for that information.
Starting point is 02:51:06 So, yeah, she might be 17 by now. Okay, so they are doing some sort of ceremony right here, right? Mm-hmm. I'm guessing the – oh, here, let's see if we can get the audio for this. Can we get some audio for this, Caleb? I'm guessing the, Oh, here, let's see if we can get the audio for this.
Starting point is 02:51:23 Can we get some audio for this? Caleb? Oh, doing a little tribute for Kristen Holta. I really wish they put Jacqueline, um, like to the side of the podium, the way they do reach.
Starting point is 02:51:37 They did region. Can you guys hear that? Okay. Can you guys hear that? We can. Thank you. athletes of all time. An eight times games athlete, she has finished in the top seven the last five years. In 2019, applause applause
Starting point is 02:52:13 applause In 2019, she finished second at the Games, representing her Norwegian flag proudly on the podium. She last competed in Dubai in 2016 and wanted to make her last
Starting point is 02:52:31 competition at the place she said she had the most fun. Let's look at some of her accomplishments. Eight times Games qualifier. Does she have plans to do team, Brian? Five top ten finishes at the games.
Starting point is 02:52:47 Watch on. Does she have plans to do team? She's going to compete on a team at Wadapalooza. Besides that, I don't know. It'll just be a team of three women, all from Norway. Fittest woman in Norway. Five times event winner at the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 02:53:04 The 2019 silver medalist, and the second fittest woman on the earth. And the 2021 German throwdown semifinals would like to thank and give a big round of applause to Kristen Holt. The German semifinal throw down. What the fuck was that? She won that event.
Starting point is 02:53:35 They did not mention that she was the IF three world champion though. Thank you so much. We appreciate it. Were there any other big names besides her in the female division there? Not really of the caliber that you're thinking. Okay, not like her. No. All three women who podiumed there were from Norway, actually.
Starting point is 02:53:58 The other two are Matilda Garns and Seher. I'm not sure how to pronounce her name. So she just went over there and fucked up shop. She went into the B-League and just smashed people. But she also won it last year. She has competed in that before. She consistently is taking candy from children. It'd be fun for her if she did team.
Starting point is 02:54:23 I hope she would do that. That'd be fun it'd be fun for her if she did team like i hope she would do that to be cool it's been an honor to be in this community for so many years and to be able to participate in so many competitions and i'm just really honored to be a part of this to be out there on the floor with other athletes they're amazing and i'm so excited to watch the young stars come up and show everyone what they can do in the future. So I'm rooting for you guys. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:54:59 Wow. What a special moment we all got to share. Wow, what a special moment. I wonder if she'll... Maybe she strikes me as the type of person who might transition into like a coaching role like Michelle LaTondra did. I think she likes the sport. I think she knows a lot about it. I think she knows how to maximize potential within the sport.
Starting point is 02:55:19 So I would be – I'd be interested to see over the next year or two. Are there any guys in Norway close? Not really, but it doesn't have to be. I mean, LaTondra coaches Ellie Turner. She lives across the world in Australia. I know, but if there was a guy in Norway that was even breaking through, I could— There's some women, younger women that are probably closer to breaking through than the Norwegian men right now. There's a guy in Norway who's breaking through,
Starting point is 02:55:47 and that's why she's retiring. You know what I mean? I think you're right about that, yeah. You know what I mean. Okay, let's see what these guys got to say. Eight years have been spent at the very tip-top of the sport. She showed up in 2014 as a rookie, made her mark by winning the Triple Three, got her first event win out of five.
Starting point is 02:56:07 She would win four more over the course of the next seven years. Five consecutive finishes inside the top seven. She made the podium. She got a silver medal around her neck and really set the tone for the next few years for her country in Norway, who has now since put a team on the podium this past year. You've seen multiple athletes, including Jacqueline Dahlstrom, make it to the Games as individuals and really set the tone for the rise of a sport in an entire country.
Starting point is 02:56:34 And she's been such a good representative across the board. Just a great send-off and a tremendous person through and through. Yeah, and what a way to end her weekend. Caleb, can you pause this for a second or just mute it for a second the podium obviously uh look at those boxes sitting on their table i see a power cord plugged into them and then nothing else plugged into them are those just props or those like really do those really do anything i'm trying to figure out what those boxes are on there y'all feel bad for laura a little bit she yes so unlucky about every single competition she does there's some emotional thing that just overtakes her and he had a hilarious kristin's retiring
Starting point is 02:57:16 t is one or seven thousandth title you mean like there's always something so big going on that she just can't get any love. It just keeps happening. I don't know. I don't care. If you're not in first place. She is in first place. She is in first. She just won the competition and they didn't even mention it.
Starting point is 02:57:37 But they will obviously have a ceremony where they'll recognize her as a champion later on. But I think that that was kind of weird. I'm not upset that they did that. But to not at least announce Laura as a champion and then do something like that on the floor... I could get it if she was from Dubai. Like if Jamie Simmons was retiring or something. I know, but...
Starting point is 02:57:58 Sevan, if you could find somebody to sneak it on there, I bet he wouldn't notice. Just sneak it right over the butt of the gross one. Sneak it on his laptop somehow. It would burn a soul. It would burn a hole in his soul. He would feel like if someone snuck in his room at night and stuck it on his laptop,
Starting point is 02:58:16 he'd wake up from a deep sleep. He would feel it just eating away at his soul. Trust me. Trust me. You need to send one to Brian in the next competition he sees him at he'll just he'll just somehow get it on his laptop if uh so resetting for the men here we've got the final heat coming up we know that the fastest times from the previous heat were 443 451 501 we'll see if they're relevant it didn't it didn't really factor in for the women roman krennikoff far away
Starting point is 02:58:44 in the lead here. This is basically a victory lap for him. I still think that he's going to do very well in the workout. Top three at worst is my expectation. But I should be on Lazar Jukic, Ricky Garrard, and Jeff Adler. Only two of them can make the podium. Adler is the odd man out right now. He's 29 points behind Garrard and another 14 points behind Lazar.
Starting point is 02:59:04 So he needs to go for it. He needs to just, he has to try to go on broken and hope that the other guys can't. Okay. Let me ask you this. So Adler's in fourth place. Can he be Ricky Lazar or Roman? Can he be one of those guys in this workout?
Starting point is 02:59:20 He could, he could potentially win this workout, but he's, but I'm just, what I'm saying is he has to risk going for the win here if he wants to make the podium okay he's playing it safe is not in the car to beat ricky and lazar by a good amount to beat them in the overall competition yeah he needs to beat him and and get help it's the situation that you don't really want to be able to come ninth for ricky and then uh like 15th not ninth not ninth he needs
Starting point is 02:59:47 five or six places wow yeah yeah you're right sorry so adler needs to come ahead of ricky by five or six places here ricky needs to shit the bed and adler needs to kill it yeah which means that likely what we're looking at is is lazar and and Ricky battling for the second and third spot. Okay. And look at Adler. He's ready. Look at him. You can tell.
Starting point is 03:00:09 Look at him. He knows. I mean, he knows that he didn't do it in the last two and that this is his only shot. Why have the judges back there? Why not have them waiting for them at the rig? Why do the judges have to run with them? What am I missing here? You know what I mean? Like, watch this. They're going to say go, and the judges have to run with them what am i missing here you know what i mean like why like watch this they're gonna say go and the judges trot down too
Starting point is 03:00:28 i keep wanting to see a judge trip over one of these bars when they do this and then you were completely right about that it's unnecessary is 15th place he'd have to get 15th place and Jeff would have to win. Okay, to take second. That's to tie, but I don't know who wins on tiebreakers. This is going to be fun to see what Roman's mindset is here.
Starting point is 03:01:07 Roman's mindset is win. Yeah. He'll be composed. You have to like, think back to 2017 final, the Fibonacci finale with Fraser. He didn't need to go all out. He just kind of methodical,
Starting point is 03:01:21 methodical, methodically ended up towards the front. That's what probably will happen with Roman here. It doesn't look like he's moving as fast as Ricky and Lazar and Jeff, who have to, but he's probably not far behind, and that actually might pay off for him by the end. Hugo, I was actually – check for false starts maybe. I thought I saw some false starts in the women's event too. I think there's a delay between the video and the audio that's just enough.
Starting point is 03:01:46 I think it's like tenths of seconds that's making us think that. So I think they're on their last rope climb here. Yeah, moving forward already. It looks like Lazar and Jeff were the first two. They're both in blue. Jeff's towards the top of the screen. Lazar is closer to us. Roman's in the white advancing there just past Lazar.
Starting point is 03:02:02 But that was like a minute 10, minute 15. So already they're 30 seconds ahead of the entire first heat. And Adler's in first place where he needs to be. Yeah. But this barbell actually looks a little bit harder for him than I expected. Maybe it was just a rep or two. But hopefully they keep this wide enough where we can see. Look at Roman.
Starting point is 03:02:20 Yeah, he's fast. Here, this is a good shot. So Jeff put it down, which I'm shocked to see that because I felt like he needed to go for it but he you know he didn't spend very much time with it on the ground so i would say it was a calculated break for him ricky's killing it too i don't think ricky's put it down he must be approaching 10 here's roman just nice and easy ricky and roman oh my gosh jeff failed ricky and roman both went unbroken wow Jeff failed. Ricky and Roman both went unbroken. Wow.
Starting point is 03:02:50 Oh, Roman got a no rep. That's a wrap. Here comes the star. He's not going to beat Ricky once they're out of this push shirt. Right. Or find up points. So it's, you know. It's Roman. We thought that it was these four guys coming into the weekend and basically
Starting point is 03:03:06 just on events, six a and six B Jeff didn't get the job done. And as a result of that, he's going to miss the podium to these three guys, but all credit to these guys. I mean, Roman's obviously been the best throughout the weekend. It's still a race between Ricky and Lazar though. Ricky is, if Ricky meets Lazar by three spots, then Ricky will be in second. Hey, uh, it seems unlikely, but yes. This is kind of homage to the last workout
Starting point is 03:03:27 of the games, huh? This year? Yeah. There are some elements of it that are similar, sure. I mean, you forgot about the row in that workout, of course. And the 90 chest-to-bar. The totally irrelevant row. 90 chest-to-bar could be comparable to nine rope climbs, I suppose.
Starting point is 03:03:46 And then you move a barbell and lunge a little bit. One is way more than the other. I said, you know, I'm trying to help Sevan out with the fact that the comparison is not that good. Aside from the fact that he lunged into the finish. It's finishing with lunges and it's got deadlifts in it. It's great. It's a great course. There were no deadlifts in that workout.
Starting point is 03:04:04 And I appreciate it. Yeah, dumbbell deadlifts. Oh it's it's it's great it's a great there were no deadlifts in that workout and i appreciate there were yeah dumbbell deadlifts oh you're talking about the final sorry sorry another finish uh event win for ricky's gonna get second so we have to watch lazar here the times from the first seat are irrelevant so as long as ricky finishes second as long as lazar finishes what do you say, within three spots? Three spots. So if he gets – Ricky's in, second place, 95 points. Jeff and Lazar – Lazar's going to get third, 90 points. So Lazar's going to be second place. And that's awesome, man.
Starting point is 03:04:40 I actually talked to Lazar before this competition, and he was like, dude, you left me off the podium? And I'm like, oh, I know. I know you love to prove me wrong. So go do it. So he'll be super excited about that. That's a big finish for him. Like I said, he was fifth here two years ago, taking second this year. And the only people that were ahead of him other than Roman that year aren't competing this year for Kowski, Vellner and BKG.
Starting point is 03:05:09 So this is, you know, about what to expect in a competition that, as John talked about, is a little bit more favoring the endurance and the strength and and kind of like you saw with Jacqueline Dahlstrom maybe not as extreme but when you think that he's taking second place here and at the Rogue Invitational he was 12th place you can see that gap in performance based on the relative programming dude how how happy is Ricky he just hung with with lazar and roman and i actually think he he expected that i i think they were hoping he was closer to roman than he was then then he was you know this was a dominant competition by roman roman just beat everybody two two top 10 games athletes by a lot but there's no surprise because he also beat it's bkg two years ago he beat bkg by 100 points in this competition right it's not a surprise but i think ricky wanted to be closer to that than to be just he's doing the he's gonna do do the out again.
Starting point is 03:06:07 He just went and did another rope climb. Just pretended. This is now five straight competitions that he's won, that he's entered. We have to move the CrossFit games, guys. I'm telling you. Call the right people. Get them in. Do you know anyone? Do any of us know anyone who works at the games?
Starting point is 03:06:23 I used to. You could start get started petition No, but I mean, in all seriousness, it is at this point, it's, it is really a travesty that we can't see him compete in the U S or haven't been able to,
Starting point is 03:06:36 because there's nothing that he's shown us when he has shown up to competitions. That makes me think that he's not a legitimate contender for the podium, especially now. Or if like the road road i know they won't do it but if the rogue invitational could move you know all the top games people do that one too i just want to see him in a game that's got to stay in the u.s that road yeah i know that was i know but the games is not moving anytime soon i just want to see roman against all the top guys just once where everybody's in the same place. This, I mean, honestly, this upcoming year would be the best time to see it because
Starting point is 03:07:10 Fikowski and Vellner are approaching the end. BKG is still relevant. You have Medeiros coming up. You have Jukic coming up. You have Ricky coming back. You have Adler who's in the middle of his career. There's a lot of good guys right there, Yonikoski, Guimayeros. And if you insert Roman into that conversation, it only amplifies the quality of the final heat of the games. And I just want to see it once. Well said, Teddy. So I can see this is where Roman is. And we know from years and years of experience.
Starting point is 03:07:40 What if he's better than Medeiros? And we just don't know because we can't see him. Exactly. And he has a skill set that gives him an advantage over Medeiros, which is his ability to win workouts, to be the best in the world at a specific workout. Now, that might change for Medeiros. We did see him win one workout this year,
Starting point is 03:08:03 and we remember back to Fraser's first year where he only won one only one one the exact same way yeah not the exact same way fraser had seven seconds that year justin maderas did not have seven second place i'm saying that you know you know what i'm saying are we gonna stick around for another 20 minutes watch this award ceremony see i say we wait till the leaderboard uhes before we tap out. We talk a little bit more about this. I mean, we know who it is. Are you in a rush to go get a workout, John? Yeah, very specific training blocks. As soon as we're done here, I'm going to the gym, yes.
Starting point is 03:08:39 But I'm fine. I can wait for whatever. Let's see what's going on here. Let's hear what's going on here. He's going to try and do it the right way this time. He's hired the right coach in Justin Kotler, who I think is the right guy to get him on the straight and narrow. Talking about Ricky. You can see a difference in his demeanor here, you know, all weekend long.
Starting point is 03:08:59 And the result is going to be a podium finish here in Dubai. Yeah, solid performances all around, especially your top three that were going into this final event on the men's side of things. Lazar Drukic, Roman Krennikov and Ricky Gerrard. You just touched up on him as we take a look at some of the women waiting for their podium announcement as well. On the women's side, what were some of the things that impressed you, and what did you like from this weekend? Man, you know, obviously there was the emotional moment there with Kristen Holta. Wait a second, wait a second. That's one of Tommy's highlights?
Starting point is 03:09:40 That would just be a great tip of the cap. You know, I was encouraged by Sarah Sigmundsdottir's comeback coming back from injury as well. A strong performance from her. Emily Rolfe, she doesn't get enough credit as an athlete. You know, she is an athlete who's won events at the Games and starting to break into the top 10 range overall in this elite field of women is a great performance from her i mean there's a ton to talk about emma lawson and nine nine you know coming into this
Starting point is 03:10:10 event potentially sticking around in the top 10 when all of this is said and done this is this is my guess liz i was guessing it's some sort of criminal record and i don't even know if it's a real criminal record it might just just be some weird shit. They got some weird, weird shit going on in Russia. Like as weird as the shit that's going on on our social media. Like people getting banned for hunting pigs and giving the food to poor people. And you getting shadow banned for that. That's the kind of weird shit that they have going on there that they've had going on a long time. I remember there were a lot of arm wrestian uh not armenians uh arm wrestlers
Starting point is 03:10:45 in chechnya they couldn't fly around the world for arm wrestling tournaments because chechnya was considered just a bad spot uh so um let's go over really quick what who your guys's choices were before we saw the event for first second and third place uh men and women brian who did you have uh men and women for second and third place and then we'll do john men i think i had roman ricky jeff lazar i think we should go through uh one through four okay uh roman well it's is significant in this conversation. Yeah, I think I had Roman, Ricky, Jeff, Lazar. Jeff, Adler, okay.
Starting point is 03:11:31 And Lazar. I was Roman, Jeff, Ricky, Lazar. Roman, Jeff, Ricky, Lazar. Okay, so same guys, just a little movement there. And then how about the women, Brian? Well, just based on the fact of the unknown handstand push-up standard, I hadn't picked Laura to win. If I had known what that handstand push-up workout was, I probably would have picked her, but I think I had her third or fourth.
Starting point is 03:12:01 John, you know that that's true. Other than that, in the top four i had gabby laura kristin and sarah gabby laura kristin and uh sarah just really quick before you go john i want to answer this question here i had this question too but it's pretty the answer is pretty obvious once i thought about it why is andrea nistler competing under timberberwolf instead of Mayhem. I believe Timberwolf is the gym she owns. And so she's just giving some love to her peeps at home. But she is a Mayhem athlete.
Starting point is 03:12:32 Okay. John, who are you winning? I had Laura winning and then I believe I had Gabby second. Do you have it in front of you, Brian? John had Laura, Gabby, Kristen Do you have it in front of you, Brian? John had Laura, Gabby, Kristen,
Starting point is 03:12:48 Emma, Carrie. No. I had Sarah. What am I missing here? That may have been me. I said Emma, Carrie. Oh, you did have Sarah third. Why did something weird happen on this spreadsheet? I had to remove
Starting point is 03:13:03 Karen Frayn. I think I accidentally removed your third place back so he had laura gabby sarah kristen so we we had the same people and on both things on top four they were just um uh a little reversed order and so it looks like you guys did pretty good it looks yeah but not that, but not that surprising. Like we said, these couple people at the top were the top, yeah. And it was more of a question of how they would sort themselves out. So we could say that we missed on Lazar. We both had him fourth.
Starting point is 03:13:37 He took second. And that I did not pick Laura to win, and she won. Other than that, I'd say we did pretty well. I picked Laura to win. If you weren't on the show, I would have picked her to win too. That's no fun. I usually try not to pick as often as I can not the same person. Who goes on to Waterpalooza from here?
Starting point is 03:14:04 When is Waterpalooza? Is that the next big event? It is. Do you have the roster list, Brian? Yes. Are you allowed to say? I don't think so. What's the date on Waterpalooza?
Starting point is 03:14:19 Do we know? Do they have a date yet? I think it's January 16th, right around there. Holy cow. So it's January 16th, right around there. Holy cow. So it's coming. Yeah. And that's why you don't see a lot of top athletes in particular from North America at this competition is because for most of them, it makes sense to choose one or the other.
Starting point is 03:14:37 There are a couple of people that are doing both. Ricky Garrard is doing both, for example, but it actually isn't that odd for him. Like he traveled from Australia to Dubai. He's going to travel from Dubai to the United States. I hope that the rumors are true that he's going to stay in the United States throughout the entire season. I don't think it's worth it for him to risk going back to Australia if he can legally stay here. Therefore, doing another competition, getting some more experience, I think would be good for him. Who else in the men's field is going to Guadalupalooza? Is Medeiros doing Guadalupalooza?
Starting point is 03:15:13 I don't know. Vellner is doing Guadalupalooza, he said on Instagram. So Vellner will be there. Ricky will be there. Hopper will be there. From this field, I think Luka Dukic ricky might be the only two who are who are here and also doing that lazar is not no oh and fabian benito and yorgos karvis wait so luca's going to miami but um lazar isn't
Starting point is 03:15:39 tbd he hasn't confirmed okay and Haley I would think that they would but I don't Haley's doing a team with Nistler and Taylor Williamson I'm going to run to the bathroom real quick and then we'll come back I want to circle around and talk about the women going to Waterpalooza and Caleb if
Starting point is 03:16:00 they start to do the awards ceremony will you give us a little audio on that? Just looking at some of the comments here. I don't think Kara Saunders will go, but I'm not 100% sure. I don't think Tia will go because I think she's training for Bobsled. Liz Myers, if Felner and Justin were in Dubai, who do you think would have have done better I'm going to pick Justin Medeiros in every competition until someone beats him and unless I just
Starting point is 03:16:30 feel like picking a different pick from John unless I feel like just picking a different pick than you do you think I don't know with the events rowing and biking high output you think Justin would beat Roman oh would beat roman oh it would be roman um yeah like let's just put velner and justin in in this event what do you think would happen
Starting point is 03:16:54 i think they would definitely beat uh lazar but roman is i think it'd be a good race yeah i mean by the, is this updated now? The leaderboards do appear to be updated online. Basically, Roman won by almost 100 points. I think it was 92 points that he beat last time. That's almost two whole events the way the scoring system is.
Starting point is 03:17:17 You have to think about that. It's almost a 200-point lead to what you're used to hearing. Right. That's significant. If youpoint lead to what you're used to hearing. Right. And that's significant. And if you go back to two years ago, he was also 100 points ahead of BKG and just 10 points or 9 points behind Vellner. So in this competition, yeah, I think that he would have been in the mix with Vellner or Medeiros if they'd showed up here.
Starting point is 03:17:41 If you think about the events specifically, you have to think that Roman would have gotten the better of them in the snow. You have to think that he would have been right there with them on the lifting. And he ended up hitting 160, 350 too. I've seen Vellner hit 160 and I've seen
Starting point is 03:17:58 Justin do it, but I've only seen him do it once. If they are better, it's not by a lot. And especially in that format where you only get two attempts you don't know like right how much risk is risky and honestly in in that scenario maybe roman doesn't go for 160 with those guys in the field like you know but either way i mean i think he wanted to make a statement he's that's all he's been working in the offseason and he's been working it hard why would you not show it i think he would do that
Starting point is 03:18:24 regardless but you go forward from there after he finishes the lifting he's first in event four and the way that he executed that it's like would those guys have been there i don't know so on that one i'm not gonna say he would win that because i think they would look exactly the same you know what i mean yeah then he takes third in event five third in events 6a first in event 6b and first in event 7 and basically what we're saying is there's not a lot of room for error there and even if those guys are beating him in these workouts he they're they're giving they're gaining five to ten points so if they had even had one bad workout of the nine events scored events then probably then Roman
Starting point is 03:19:05 could have beaten them here yeah I'm just thinking of the events because he did those shoulder to overhead unbroken I do think Medeiros would do it unbroken I think Velen would do it unbroken too but like I don't know who would win that right because he beat everybody. But in the double event where he came first and third, I don't know if Valder Medeiros comes first and third. Right. No, so this very well could have been a competition that Roman could have beaten one of those guys at, if not both. Hey, I bet you at Mayhem would be my guess that they do some of these
Starting point is 03:19:51 and they beat up on these scores. I wonder if – what? Say that again, Brian? Irrelevant. I don't put any stock into it. Like when Ricky was banned for four years and he was doing all the workouts at home and he's like, this is my time, this is my time, take is my time take that Matt Fraser it's like listen bro that the environment is totally different that's why I don't put a lot of value in online competitions compared to any person if I go to the gym and clean and jerk 365 I can't say I'm stronger than Tola you know what I mean it's just it doesn't work that way I I get that and and I wasn't implying that. I'm just saying, and I wonder, they're going to do some of these, I bet, just to see.
Starting point is 03:20:31 A lot of people would. Even lowly people like us have done them. Right. I'm wondering if they're going to do the same thing, if Matt and his athletes are going to do it. I wonder if Hopper's going to do it. I wonder if Matt O'Brien's going to do it. I wonder if they see these and they're like, okay, because even if you can't say it, if, if, if one of them does this event, let's say this event that like you guys are just saying that, that you're not sure if
Starting point is 03:20:54 Medeiros could beat Roman. If, if Medeiros goes home right today or later on today, and he does this final event at his house and he gets 259 it does something to him psychologically that's good i think it does more if he goes home and he gets 331 i think it could only like if he beats that score he should he's in a comfortable atmosphere he didn't do a whole competition um you could do whatever you want to it the transitions aren't the same he should beat that time he has a time to beat too that's it's way easier to get a faster time we know the time to beat but if he didn't beat the time i think that would hurt psychologically because you have there's no reason you shouldn't and and light a fire under your ass it's all it could only i mean that could
Starting point is 03:21:42 happen i think it could only be detrimental though oh you mean if he doesn't beat it it's bad like don't do it lose to it and feel like shit yeah uh jacklyn i it's funny i just started following bryce bennett again that's that's the guy the giant man that i interviewed at the crossfit podcast right the olympian ross ross lewis has the best comment of the day. Matt Murski would have beat all these times, correct? That is correct. That's great. I am not a fan of the MC, James.
Starting point is 03:22:23 Who's the MC? Is that on the floor at the place? Yeah, James Quigley. How would that guy know? Are you at the event? Brian, what do you think about how would Fikowski have done here? Were these events good for him? They would have done well. Against this field, either first or second.
Starting point is 03:22:47 In one of my least favorite conversations, but I'll give it some time, do you agree with the scale point system once you get below top six? I think the scoring left a little to be desired at this competition. What do you think, John? Yeah, I'm a big fan of the just 195-90 all the way down. So if you finish 20th, you get five points. I think that's how it should be. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:23:18 This scoring system favors a specialist. It leaves because they can win events, then if they don't when they do bad they don't get it's not a detriment it's not as big as a detriment when they do really bad what is this what does this comment mean uh brian can't ricky qualified wasn't an invite so there are two different ways to get to be in the water palooza elite field one of them is if you did the online qualifier and finished in the top 20 which is that's how ricky made it into that field and that's and everyone knows that so it's fine for me to say that but when you ask me if justin maderos is competing he was invited and if he hasn't declared whether he's competing or not then it's not my place to share that
Starting point is 03:23:59 information has wadapalooza revealed who has been invited? No. No, but there are people on Instagram that said they're going. Like Patrick has said he's accepted his invitation. And we just assume Medeiros has got an invite. No, we know he's got an invite. The people who are invited to Wadapalooza is public. The people who accepted that invitation is not. That's what I was asking. Okay, so Wadapalooza does tell you who they invited.
Starting point is 03:24:24 Yeah, it's on their website, and they invite a lot of people. They invite games winners going back five years. They invite top three from the semifinals last year. They invite top 30 from the quarterfinals. They invite anyone who was at the games this year. I mean, if you're somebody, you've got to invite. Wadapalooza invite list 2021 can i just google that did mertens get an invite
Starting point is 03:24:52 that's a good question did he did colton mertens get an invite did he qualify ah colton mertens everyone who's at the games this year got an invite. Okay. Deepest Waterpalooza men's field ever. That's an article I wrote. Oh, it is? Yeah. Oh, it is by Brian Friend.
Starting point is 03:25:21 So these are the people that we know, correct? What is that what are you looking at why is why is jake marconi on that list that's mal o'brien's coach right no what is this i'm pretty sure it is no this is not with him he trains with them um i think he's the coach of them i think he he is the HWPO coach. No, Brian? I thought Marconi was an athlete. He is. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:25:50 But he's also a coach for HWPO. He's the coach. This is very confusing. Okay, this is not the article that I wrote. This is an article that Patrick Clark is organizing, and I would disregard this, and I don't want it up on our screen. Yeah, Caleb. Get this built off of our screen.
Starting point is 03:26:15 Let's see what's going on over. There's some people talking to Roman. He's got a clean shirt on. He's got his whoopee shit going. Let's see what's going on over. Can we, Caleb, on? Is it going to show his heart rate during the interview probably what are these guys saying for the award ceremony for both the men and the women who lands on the podium let's send it down to the floor and await that announcement is that sigmund's daughter's agent right there sign oh brian brian is Sigmund's daughter's agent right there? Oh, Brian.
Starting point is 03:26:45 Brian, is that Sigmund's daughter's agent? Is that? Yes, yes, yes. Does he also represent Roman? Yes, and he's the guy who's working very hard to try to get Roman to the U.S. this year. Brian, Jacqueline Dahlstrom was two points away from fourth. So it was very close.
Starting point is 03:27:06 Yeah. Hey, anybody with a G5 can come. Andrea Nistler did pretty good in total. Yeah, and I mean, we had projected her, I had projected her, I don't know, fifth or sixth, and you'd had her... Dude, this is not right. What am I looking at?
Starting point is 03:27:33 Have you guys given the final results yet? Caleb, can you put up the final results? It looks like all the scoreboards have been updated. Do you have a tab with the women, Brian? Because the only thing I can see is the men. The results or our predictions? Our predictions. Man, something seems off with that.
Starting point is 03:27:51 I don't know. I gave you a link in the private chat. Yeah, I have a tab with it. Okay, so we got Laura Horvat clearly in first. Kristen Holta clearly in second. And Gabriela Magal, they're about equ Horvat clearly in first. Kristen Holta clearly in second. And Gabriela Magal, they're about equidistant from each other. And even fourth place.
Starting point is 03:28:13 They're all 20 points away from each other, more or less. 30, 30, 20. Yeah, and look, Sarah Sigma's out her one point away from sixth right there. I think this is a good finish for her. John and I talked about it while you were using the bathroom earlier. Healthy competition, fairly consistent, no amazing performances. Her worst performance was on a downhill snow run, which makes sense given the uncertainty around her knee.
Starting point is 03:28:45 Emily Rolfe, eighth place, kind as expected Emma Lawson great competition for her in 9th I think that this was probably go a long way in terms of her belief in herself of being a you know capable of performing in this sport going forward Turi right in the middle there so pretty
Starting point is 03:29:00 much what we'd expect I'd say that there's outliers here the surprises Sam Briggs, Jacqueline Dahlstrom and Emma Lawson, I would say, all punched up a little bit. And the lowest first place finish is 13th place overall finisher, Manon Anganese. And she got first place in the third event. I always find that fascinating how far down someone won it first. Yeah, that was a lifting event. And so it's a specialty event. I always find that fascinating how far down someone won a first. Yeah, that was a lifting event. And so it's a specialty event. And you look at the person in 11th, Michaela Norman, she didn't win, but second in the first workout. And it's just because this
Starting point is 03:29:34 format, you know, getting a first or second goes a long way when you're competing against the bottom half of the field. Let me take a page out of brian friend's book this is the kind of stuff that you learn while working with brian friend look at fourth place samantha briggs she has three first place finishes and no one else even has two and she's the only one who is a crossfit games champion laura doesn't have two she does not now she has she has three second place finishes a first place finish in a third place finish oh okay so so but but it but it is fascinating how good sam is still if the if the work i mean she's still competing with the best i certain workouts it is it is crazy and i'm i'm
Starting point is 03:30:22 happy for sam briggs but it's a bit But it's a bit about how the competition is. I don't think she will do as good as she just did in any competition but this competition. That's no offense to her. Will she go to Wadapalooza? I would probably not. Now, let's look on the men's side. You got Roman Krennikoff, who's in first place, and he also has three first-place finishes.
Starting point is 03:30:54 How many second-place finishes? One, two, also three. How many third-place finishes? Two. Is that all the events? No, you had a fifth. You had a fifth. Pretty damn pretty damn close oh you had a fifth oh that's lifting the lifting which is a great come on now and and then uh and basically basically between roman lazar and ricky they got all the first place finishes there's a couple other outliers out here
Starting point is 03:31:21 uh just on the lifting just just gonna be whoudea or tola and bronislaw on the lifting event and yeah and then there was ricky on the running events and then it's just all roman and lazar well roman all of them and then lazar won and uh and that and that stunt uh hapa line and pulled an event number uh i forgot about hapa yeah, that was, but that was just a, then he took a 19th and the, and the sister workout to that workout. Yeah. Backed it up with the sixth on the finale though, and a sixth place overall in this competition.
Starting point is 03:31:53 Henrik up a line. And it was probably the least known and least talked about guy who made the top 20 at the games this year. This is a good result, a good finish for him. You know, he maintains that, that status ahead of Yorgos
Starting point is 03:32:05 Karevis by a few points ahead of Elliot Simmons, ahead of Luka Dukas, Simon Montal, Alex Katoulos. All of those guys are guys who will be contenders to take one of the 10 spots at the games next year out of Europe. Most of them were in the semifinals this year. And I think all of them were actually, so that's a good, like, it's good for him that he's backing up his game's performance by staying ahead of of some guys like that this guy is the uh uh
Starting point is 03:32:32 what was the guy's name i don't know if he's still in the crossfit scene anymore but he's really good no one knew him uh ben stoneberg or is that his name stoneberg yeah yeah this guy henrik hapa hapa linan is the ben stoneberg of two of 2021 37 inches taller than ben stoneberg though oh and he's got some hair man what's cool about the is the last event was all the top six people and it's almost in perfect order yeah just one little flip wait say say that one more time again. In the last event, it is the top six fittest people, and it's almost in perfect order. Wow, wow. And traditionally, you'll see the fittest guys always do better at the end of the competition because they recover better than the rest.
Starting point is 03:33:22 they recover better than the rest. For me, the two biggest pieces here are actually all four. All four of them are nice and confirming. It is really nice to see Roman, Lazar, Ricky, and Jeffrey all one, two, three, four. It makes you feel good about what we're going to see from them at the games. It makes you want to see all of them compete again. Yeah, it's good. It's good for them. I would have liked to have seen Sam Stewart finish up a little higher.
Starting point is 03:33:52 I'd like to have seen him represent that game's pedigree a little better. Why did Sam do so poorly? Is this a participation medal? Yeah, they always do this in dubai um dubai no dubai is always valued very highly participation and people who regularly show up to their events uh so they do some nice things for the athletes this being one of them but sam stewart you know you have to keep in mind he's still pretty young 24 25 years old he did have to withdraw from the games due to injury you don't we can assume that he's healthy enough to be competing in something like this i would say that you know this is about as as poorly
Starting point is 03:34:38 as he could have done and uh you know the points are kind of tight. He had 576. And if you just go like three or four spots up, it's only 10 points difference. But something that he'll build off of, I think he's and his team, he's working with Max Elhage, are probably looking like they're there now. They're relevant and competing, but they're not competing to win or to podium yet. So I think you're still looking at two to three years for this guy to be where he maybe wants to be. And you also called my, uh, Muhammad and Mahmood, um,
Starting point is 03:35:10 to be in, uh, 18th and 19th. Yeah. Yeah. Even though they were fun to watch this week and they did great. Sure. I actually,
Starting point is 03:35:20 I love that, that those guys and guys like that are often at this competition when there's, when they're able to have 30 to 40 athletes compete, you'll see these guys in the field, and you'll also see a couple of women from the Middle East in the field. And I think that that's extremely important. And like I said, these guys are very fit. They're not bad.
Starting point is 03:35:44 It's just the majority of this field are games level or have games experience. Actually, those two guys do too from 2019, but, you know, they're just, it's like they're regionally good. Well, I will say this about them. That year is 2019 the year at the games when they let everyone go? Like you just had to be from a country to go? Was that 2019? It was in your country, yeah. Okay. Well well there were people there who embarrassed themselves and these two guys did not embarrass themselves in the slightest at this event
Starting point is 03:36:12 so that i mean that definitely just they definitely belong there it wasn't like someone's cousin the prince's cousin who just got in and and that's the way the game felt in 2019 it was an embarrassment for some of those people yeah like the people who made who were organizing the sport that year them too no it's i don't even think it's fair to say them that was a one man one man's decision that year. And you know what? It's okay because he has regularly taken risks and a lot of, and, and done things that were against the grain. And more often than not, they were in the benefit of humanity.
Starting point is 03:36:57 I agree. But if I finished 20,000 places below someone who's in the same competition at me and there weren't and there were only 200 people in the competition I'm not going they did get like a thousand dollars worth of free Lazar Jukic turned down his invitation that year for that reason yeah and he would have been in the top
Starting point is 03:37:18 third of the men there that year I'm not saying I don't judge those people who did go send that five dollars to Hopper outside of you embarrassed yourself but I'm not saying I don't judge those people who did go send that $5 to Hopper outside of you embarrassed yourself but I'm just saying for Brian's comment what was Brian's comment
Starting point is 03:37:32 I don't remember I don't remember Briggs is a masters athlete right in the mix. Does Krokoff have a chance at Masters? The answer is no. Thanks for doing this. Chuck.
Starting point is 03:38:03 Oh, here, you want to see Brianrian get all fired up here we go is europe getting more game spots in 2022 so your question is not specific enough because i have not contended that europe should have more game spots it's specifically the european women and in in and very specifically it's that the european women have significantly outperformed the American women, and yet the American women are still getting twice as many spots, whereas the last five years of relevant data and realize that the performances of the women from Europe at the games have earned, have warranted extra spots to be taken away from the North American women that, you know,
Starting point is 03:38:58 but that can fluctuate. It doesn't have to be a permanent change. We're going to start a war in the CrossFit community. Yeah. You mean by separating the men and the women?'s a horrible idea everything brian no it's not no everything everything that brian is saying i agree with except that one of the weirdest things about our sport is that there's no distinction between the men and the women in terms of being a fan none i've never met anyone who's like i like the men's competition more i like the women's
Starting point is 03:39:23 competition more i mean there's some feminist kooks out there who get off on that, but everyone's pretty much equal. So you're saying let's give two more spots to both the men and the women so we can make the men's field weaker and the women's field stronger? No. We're still going to have 40 and 40. It's just let's try to get, if we're going to do it based on regions across the world, why wouldn't we try to get the best group of people there?
Starting point is 03:39:48 Okay, fine. You win. But I still want to go back to the subject. I think you just take the two – the last two – like for the last chance qualifier, just take those two spots and give it to Europe. I've written an article about this, and it's on the Morning Chalkup for those who are interested. And I lay out what I would do this year based on the results from the last five years what is the most with brian the way brian's talking is to him i think he's saying the most important thing to him is to get the best people there at the games and that will facilitate the best competition and let's validate the the the you're the fittest man in the world and it's hard to argue that am i right brian that's what
Starting point is 03:40:23 you're saying hey let's just get the best people there. And this is one of the ways to do it. Yeah. And when you have the lat, like you can pull up the games leaderboard from this year, if you want, and tell me where the bottom five North American qualifiers finished. And Karen Frey would be better than all of them.
Starting point is 03:40:40 And Karen Frey lost to five women in Europe in the semifinals who finished all five of those women finished 13th or better at the games. And I would favor Karen Frey in a live competition over at least two or three of those women, meaning I think that she is good enough, and it's very sad that she didn't get to compete this year at this competition, Dubai CrossFit Championship, so people could see her in a live competition
Starting point is 03:41:02 who maybe haven't seen her in a couple of years. But I think that she was fit enough to be top 10 at the games this year, but because of the way that the spots are distributed, she didn't get in at the expense of five women who finished in the bottom eight. How many spots do you think are getting left out? I think I would have given three more spots to Europe.
Starting point is 03:41:24 Yeah, and the difference in caliber is not that great. But I'm fine with what Brian's saying, but I think it's splicing hairs. But I think if we're going to claim to be the fittest, it should be the fittest. My point was this, and then we'll get back to this. In gymnastics, no one gives a shit about the men in the Olympics. They watch the women. In basketball, professional basketball, people watch the men. No one gives a shit about the men in the olympics they watch the women in basketball professional basketball people watch the men no one gives a shit about the women this sport is not like that and i don't know any other sport that's like this we're like we're at the seat
Starting point is 03:41:53 of our pants for both men and women we have no preference we don't care that the men lift more or that the or that the women may run faster it's just the whole thing is just dope. So whole thing is dope. Spiegel, Danny Spiegel, Carolyn Connors, and Reagan Huckabee. You would rather their spots go to Karen Frey. Who else?
Starting point is 03:42:16 Good point, Danny. Good point. Sorry. One more thing. He's Danny says tennis, tennis is accurate. That's it.
Starting point is 03:42:22 You're, you're right. I apologize. And I'd like, and I'm sure people can think of a couple more tennis we go back and forth between men and women too danny spiegel is not a good example she got injured you want to go next one up um so reagan huckabee
Starting point is 03:42:37 and the mckinsey riley is the next one up yeah yes i would rather see younger more competitive women from Europe than – Or no, it would be Caroline Connors, Reagan Huckabee, and Jessica Griffith. Yes. But I'm asking who are the other two. I agree completely with Karen Frey. Who are the other two? Well, Evie Hollis got six on the other side,
Starting point is 03:43:04 and I can't remember exactly the format that i laid out of how you would finish uh select the third uh which semi-final would get an extra spot but like i said i wrote i wrote the article and detailed all of that there if anyone's watching the live stream from dubai still there they are just about to finish up with uh announcing everyone other than the podium and then they'll get to the podium finishers. And then we can go eat breakfast. I think we probably could do that now. I mean, are you planning to watch the podium announcement live?
Starting point is 03:43:37 Is that what we're doing? I don't know. I don't care. I don't care. I mean, we can. How is Brian not involved in the games planning? Way too much knowledge not to use. Some people don't like me.
Starting point is 03:43:48 That's as simple as that. No, why would they pay for it? He's associated with Savon. Why would they pay for it? They just watch this show and steal it and say it's their own idea. I have worked for the games. But they have a very... They have a team that's been working together for a long time.
Starting point is 03:44:13 What do you mean? It just opens up just a massive door. There's just so much detail he doesn't want to go into. Oh, it's so much. I want to see this shot of Lukeuka laying in his brother's lap. That's so sweet. I would love to. I want to see that.
Starting point is 03:44:30 That's so awesome. That's so big brother, little brother shit. I see my boys doing that all the time. I'd love to see them still be doing that crap in their 20s. Just a team. How stoked are they that they get to compete in the games together like that where did luca finish it was eighth or ninth yeah he finished ninth um about 20 points behind simmons
Starting point is 03:44:57 caravis and hapalainen so pretty good i would say it's pretty good performance for him about what we expected yeah i would say is like is probably probably the like the best case scenario was maybe a sixth and the worst case was a 15th so just in the middle hey you know what i think the stream is fine all the shit we bitched about fucking or that i bitched about no placards the whatever no score board just blah blah You know what? The camera work, making fun of the camera work, the picture quality has been fucking great. And we're lucky we get to see anything
Starting point is 03:45:31 fucking at all. So hats off to you guys. Thank you. Sorry for being such a whiny bitch and yelling at you guys. You guys did fuck up by not letting Brian be in charge. Brian should be president. No, I chose not to go this year. Oh.
Starting point is 03:45:47 But, no, the one thing, it's not easy to cover across a competition. And, but even having said that, you can catch the finishes of events. And when you miss the finishing of the relevant finishes of heats or events, that, I think, is the most disappointing thing. And it's not just Dubai that screws that up. Other competitions do the exact same thing.
Starting point is 03:46:16 It's an easy fix, and nobody's fixed it yet. Yeah, nobody's fixed it yet. It's crazy. Even in the CrossFit Games, when the first guy finishes, fixed it yet it's crazy even in the crossfit games when the first guy finishes they focus on that guy even if there's a race left second and third how about all the downtime in between all the crossfit games footage that could have been just playing affiliate commercials there was so much downtime that was wasted so much downtime nuts absolutely nuts that would be a fun open announcement danny what did he suggest or she he said spencer and saxon versus lazar and luca just have the four of them i um i had organized uh and i had started organizing an event that was going to be the
Starting point is 03:47:02 panchic brothers versus the Smith brothers versus the Anderson brothers, and I had started penciling it up and getting it ready, and it just never went off. But that would have been awesome. Yeah, that would have been awesome. And Luka and Lazar would be great against Spencer and Saxon too. All right, are we done here? I think so.
Starting point is 03:47:25 Caleb, thank you. You killed it today. Susie, you killed it. Will, I hope you're having a safe drive wherever the hell you're going. Everyone, thanks for tuning in. Seeing Roman in the games will be as disappointing as seeing Hopper in the games. I don't understand that comment. I just want to say one thing to you guys really quick.
Starting point is 03:47:49 If I can tomorrow night, we are doing the new show at 6 PM. Emily Abbott will be stepping in for Kate Gordon as she is stepping out for two weeks while she escapes a certain part of Australia, where the quarantine is too fucking stiff to live in. People stop texting me and sending me shit, talking about how it's free in Canada. And,
Starting point is 03:48:15 and, and, and, and someone the other day, I don't know why you dog Canada. As long as you're vaccinated, you can go everywhere. Like,
Starting point is 03:48:23 did you hear what you just said? Fucking knucklehead. So we got Emily Abbott on tomorrow at 6 p.m. On Monday, we have Dave Lipson from Thunder Bro. On Tuesday, we have Hunter McIntyre back on to tell us how many CrossFitters are doing drugs. On Wednesday, we have Dr. Asim Malhorta. He is basically the Sanjay Gupta of some of the television stations in the UK. He has been vaccinated and he has also written a book on 21 days to immunity.
Starting point is 03:48:57 And now he is very, very concerned with mandating vaccines, especially for kids. On Thursday, we have a podcast with Sage Bergener. That one's going to be awesome. That's Mike Bergener's daughter. On Friday, Christmas Eve, we have a live call-in show. And then on Christmas, I will circle back around. And Christmas, we're going to do a three-hour special with Brian and John, where we get you guys all prepped up for Guadalupalooza. And that will be on a Christmas special that the three of us will be doing. Christmas morning. Just seeing if you assholes are listening.
Starting point is 03:49:29 All right, guys, thanks for tuning in. Bye.

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