The Sevan Podcast - Elcanah Senouvor | Coach El

Episode Date: May 22, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's I know it's almost showtime, and for you to do this last minute, I really appreciate it. Really, really, really, really appreciate it. Of course. Thanks for having me on. Yeah. Coach L, is it chaos right now in your life, or are you in the storm, or is the storm subsided and you're getting ready to drive into it? What's going on with you? the storm or is the storm subsided and you're getting ready to drive into it what's what's going on with you uh i think quarterfinals is chaos um this is pretty simple this is this this is easy uh quarterfinals is a lot more chaotic than right now at least and and why is that what's
Starting point is 00:01:20 the distinction i do remember um when uh torres and dallin and fee were going to uh charlotte to do the quarterfinals i was like hey man thank you so much for coming out and he's like no man thank you so much he goes why he goes one less thing i have to set up is it kind of like that is it because of that you go there and your horses just have to run on a track yeah i mean semifinals it's i have three athletes um and i have one in the west and two in the east so i just have to manage those athletes uh quarterfinals it's all of my athletes at once so i'm trying to help everybody while i have people in town doing the quarterfinals and making sure everybody is taken care of and giving everybody enough attention coach how many athletes do you have 50 50 and and you've had as many as 65
Starting point is 00:02:16 uh the highest i got was 57 and um who's going to the west and who's going to the east of your athletes uh i have kelsey in the west and i have danielle and spencer in the east and what's spencer's last name paintrick oh shit no shit i didn't know spencer was with you yes uh very recently uh congratulations and i guess that's nice too, right? One boy and one girl. So it's not like the delineation with your time is nice. For sure. Like I'll be wrapping up with one as I help the other
Starting point is 00:02:56 and I don't have to share my time between the two. We have like a bunch of coaches back there. So it usually works out to where everybody is getting enough attention at least. I hope you have serious problems at the games this year. I hope so, too. That would be a good thing. I hope you have serious, serious problems this year. I know.
Starting point is 00:03:18 It's funny. I always remind myself most of the problems in my life are good problems, but they still feel like problems, but I hope you have some really good problems. Coach L, this morning I saw you had the picture of a flag in your bio on your profile on Instagram, and I had to look it up and see what it was. And then I saw the name of the country and I couldn't even say it. And then finally Google kind of unfucked me and they called it Ivory Coast. Yeah. What's the actual name of the country?
Starting point is 00:03:54 Cote d'Ivoire, which is just Ivory Coast in French. Cote d'Ivoire. Yeah. Is there a V, Cote d'Ivoire? It's like a, it's a D apostrophe I-V-O-I-R-E. And are you born there? I was born there. Wow.
Starting point is 00:04:14 You're first generation in this country? Yeah. So me and my family moved here in 2002. And we've been here since. With your mom and your dad? Mm-hmm. Yeah. So how old were you when you moved here?
Starting point is 00:04:33 I was 12 years old. It's a French-speaking nation? Yeah, so they have... French is like the main language, but they have like 20 or 30-something dialects. So for the most part, if you stay in Abidjan, which is the capital city, everybody speaks French. But when you venture in like the outskirts and stuff like they might not speak French and they'll speak like whatever their dialect is. And what was your first language? French. I hear no accent oh thank you i've been here for 20 years now 23 years so i would hope i wouldn't still have an accent i mean my dad's been here for 60 years and he's still got an accent from lebanon did you work yeah did you work to get rid of it
Starting point is 00:05:27 or it just went away no i think i think part of it is probably because i learned english um really really young like i learned english when i was in first grade and so that probably helps a little bit. But yeah. And what did your parents do in the Ivory Coast? What was their vocation there? So my dad worked for the UN. So he was a coordinator for the World Food Program. So the cool thing about that is we never actually lived in the Ivricos for longer than a year at a time. So we got to move around a bunch.
Starting point is 00:06:09 And I actually lived in Jordan. And my brother went to school in Lebanon, actually. Two days in a row, guys from Lebanon. Yesterday, the guy was from Lebanon, too. That's crazy. Or had spent some time there. Yeah, that's nuts. Lebanese guy, assemblyman. and what did your mom do uh my mom didn't do anything she took care of us yeah she would have like uh she'd have like side businesses where she'd like go buy goods
Starting point is 00:06:39 from wherever we were living and then go back home and sell them um but she she really like took care of us and took care of like a lot of people back home at the same time that's your mom and your dad yeah and my wife is sorry and your wife and um and is your brother tall like you uh my brother is like six foot. Yeah. He's not as tall. And how tall are you? Six, four.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Holy cow. So you're just at that height where like you're, you sort of stand out in a crowd. Like you're just at that, like people, if you walk in your room, people stare at you. You're like crossed over that six, three line. Yeah. I'm too tall for crossfit. Yeah. That's wild.
Starting point is 00:07:27 How did you get so tall? If you're a chemo, could my kids be tall? I don't know. My dad was five, eight. My mom, my mom's pretty tall, I guess. My mom's five, eight. So that kind of, that kind of helps. Um, yeah, I don't know. I just got lucky. Uh, ouch. Um, I'm also look, Heidi says seven. He's also six, four don't know. I just got lucky. Ouch. Look, Heidi says Seve's also 6'4". Thank you. So you're born there, but you travel around because your dad has a UN job. And you split your time, it sounds, between Jordan. Is Jordan the primary country you guys went to, and the Ivory Coast your first 12 years uh so we lived in Jordan for two years two three years uh lived in Angola for two three
Starting point is 00:08:12 years and lived in Central Africa for two three years so it was cool to travel but it was also like traveling to like really poor and um war-ridden places so like it's it was fine to see those uh those cultures but it's also like it would have been better for going to like france or something i don't know how do you think it affected you as a kid do you remember it vividly uh as as a kid you just oh we're moving again like it's not a big deal so i think i got really good at uh making friends um so you kind of just learned to like assimilate yourself with like the culture um the language part was probably a little bit tough uh when we lived in jordan we didn't speak arabic but we went to uh international school where half the school was in Arabic and half of it was in English.
Starting point is 00:09:08 And that's where I learned English. But I think it just allowed me to see different cultures and see different types of people early on to where I have a little bit better perspective on people in general. You speak French fluently still uh yeah yeah i say that i say like that because uh it's it's not the best like it's it's leaving me if i don't keep practicing yeah uh armenian was my first language and it has left me. I mean, not totally, but it's, it's pretty, my Armenian is pretty bad. Like if you went back, could you, could you speak? I could talk to them. It's the opposite. You know, usually people will say I can understand it, but I can't talk it. For me, it's the opposite. I can talk it, but when people talk it and they talk it fast and it gets, it gets, it gets squirrely. Yeah. I look at them like i'm deaf do you have uh do you have ways of like practicing it like does your wife speak it no no i married a jew i'm armenian my parents are around we just don't speak it but everyone else in my family
Starting point is 00:10:18 speaks it fluently but no who do you practice french with uh so i speak to my speak to my cousins who are back home my brother who's still back home. My sister lives here, but we speak in English. But with my mom, my cousin, and brother, it's mainly French. And I just try to, if I'm listening to a podcast, I'll listen to it in French. If I'm watching TV, I'll listen to it in French. Do you ever yell at Kels in French? No. No. No, I need it to be effective. I need her to hear me. How did your brother end up back there? If the whole family came here, how did your brother end up back there? So the good thing is my dad worked for the UN,
Starting point is 00:11:04 so we had like pretty much free access to get visas wherever we wanted, whenever he was about to retire. And it was either Canada or America. But when we went to do the visa request, my brother is 11 years older than me. So I was 12. I could say, hey, I'm going going with my parents i'm going to go for my education my brother was 21 and you can't just come to america because your parents are coming because you're considered an adult so he didn't energy great uh and they denied him the visa request did that bum that was all the way back in 2002. Two.
Starting point is 00:11:47 And did that bum him out? Was that hard on the family? It was hard on him. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do you go back? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:57 I just went back in December. Went back for three weeks. Oh, so you really go back. You hang out. Yeah. I mean, it's such a long trip. like you can't go for like four days like and you have like so many people to see um so when when i go i try to go at least minimum two weeks um the little bit i read on wiki it sounds like an absolutely beautiful place like it sounds like a travel destination and tourism is like a huge part of the economy. Is it like that there?
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yeah, it's awesome. It's awesome. Um, it's think of it like, uh, I don't know if you've been to like Mexico. Yeah. So it's like you have like the resorts and like the, the really wealthy places, but on the other side of it, you have also like really poor places. And it's like everybody is living together. And there's no issue. Crime is low. Yeah, it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:12:54 It's a great place. Warm water, great beaches, all that stuff. Yep. Yeah. It made me want to go there. Reading the wiki, it made me want to go there. I was like, ooh, me want to go there. Reading the wiki, it made me want to go there. I was like,
Starting point is 00:13:06 Ooh, I want to go there. Yeah, you should. A safe country. Yeah, definitely. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Um, I mean like most countries, like don't go around like flashing your money and you probably will be fine. So, um, growing up like this, did you you play sports were you an athletic kid yeah so uh i was my parents were very were joel's witnesses growing up so sports was like kind of takes you away from the congregation um and so my parents didn't support it fully but i love sports and i played soccer football ran track i'll try to do as much as i could are you still a jehovah witness
Starting point is 00:13:54 i remember the kids who were jehovah witnesses like they didn't do christmas or birthdays or any of that stuff right yeah and And what was the point of that? I never looked into what the point of that is. It's considered a pagan holiday. So like celebrating your birthday, Christmas, all of those are like pagan holidays and you try not to support anything pagan. So all your attention and anything you give glory to has to be to God.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Okay, fair enough. Sounds very dedicated. And what sports did you play? I played football, soccer, and I ran track. Okay. So a wide breadth and depth. And did you enjoy all those? depth and um and what did you did you enjoy all those yeah uh I was mainly when I was growing up I was mainly playing football um I probably should have put my attention in soccer because I think I was better at that but uh I think girls like football players better so I kind of shifted and put all my energy into that. And yeah, it was great. And then you come and did you excel at them? Yeah, so I actually had a scholarship
Starting point is 00:15:12 to play at University of Louisiana Lafayette. But it was a partial scholarship. I had other smaller offers, but I thought I was hot shit, so that I couldn't possibly go to a smaller school. And so the offer was partial, so I still had to cover my, what is it called? My state, like where I was going to live. And my parents were like, no, we're not paying for that. And I had no other way of paying for it. So I ended up not playing any sports in college.
Starting point is 00:15:49 And what position did you play? I played safety. And were you fast from the track and field days? Oh yeah, I was blazing. And how did you guys pick the US over Canada? And are you glad you made that decision uh yeah i mean i think i would have been i would have been fine in canada too found my way uh but the it's it's really funny story my mom hates the cold and so canada was immediately out
Starting point is 00:16:22 and so we're trying to find a place in the U.S. to live. And this was like pre-Google where information was like free flowing. So pre-cell phone basically too. Yeah, pre-cell phone. And so we're looking on a map and we're looking for places to like essentially live. So Louisiana obviously stands out with like uh the French background and then we saw a place called Baton Rouge and like Lafayette and the little information we could find was basically that this is where you're going to find like the biggest like French community
Starting point is 00:16:55 and so that's kind of how we settled uh in Baton Rouge and then my dad happened to have like a former colleague that lived here that um that kind of helped us when we first got here as well. And that's home for you today. So you got you got rooted there and you're there. You think you'll be there your whole life? You like it? I hope not. But I like it right now.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Where would you want to go? I don't know. The good thing is like my wife's family is like all rooted here and they're like very close. And then it makes life a lot easier, but also know that there's a lot more to the world than where we live at the moment. So I kind of want to make sure that she gets to experience that my daughter
Starting point is 00:17:43 gets to experience that. And so I would like to move one day, but maybe not right now. And how old is your daughter? My daughter is turning three in like a week. Oh, congratulations. You enjoying that part of your life, fatherhood? Yeah, it's great. She's awesome. Yeah, it's cool. You having more? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. A lot more lot more like would you like oh no no
Starting point is 00:18:10 i was struggling between like having one kid and having two uh i think two is probably the sweet spot yeah unless you get twins then you'll have three yeah that that'd be a nightmare how many do you have i have three we got we had one really late like we weren't we weren't gonna get married or have kids but we had been together forever and then my my wife got this idea that she wanted kids and we had one and then that just led to all sorts of bad practices in the bedroom and then we ended up with three was it twins are the twins yeah yeah yeah were you thinking this this last one is my last one and then i'm done and then you got twins no i i knew when i had the when i had one i was like oh shit i'm made for this
Starting point is 00:18:56 like yeah like i really enjoyed it like i enjoyed all of it i enjoyed like yeah i i was 43 when I had my first one. When I had them, I was like, oh, this is fun. I could really get into this. But I think she was happy with one. And then with two, she was kind of okay. And then like you said, when she found out she was pregnant with twins, she fucking panicked. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Yeah, she panicked. But now it's like great now it's three boys and it's just like it's like having three dogs in your house that are just always fucking shit up it's crazy it's fun how old are they uh seven seven and nine oh awesome it's a good age yeah so they they just roll together in a pack you know what mean? They got a great older brother and he takes care of them. And then, yeah, it's fun. So tell me, so when you're in the States, do you end up going to college even though you don't play football there? I went to LSU, which was in town so I could live at home and still go to school.
Starting point is 00:20:01 And what happened after college? What did you study there? Sports management. Okay. go to school and and what happened after college what did you study there uh sports management okay and so i finished college barely straight by because not don't love school and so with sports management i wanted to be a sports agent and so what they what i didn't learn or what i didn't do my research on is like sports agents are basically lawyers because you're just dealing with contracts. So to kind of do it at the level that I wanted to do it at, I would have to essentially have to become a lawyer and go to law school. And so I knew that wasn't going to work.
Starting point is 00:20:39 So until I could figure out what I wanted to do next, I was just hanging around. I was personal training at the time. And they had like one of those like living social deals where you could have like, I think the deal is one month of CrossFit for like $50. So I was like, okay, seems like a pretty cheap membership. I'm going to try that out and see how it goes. What year was that? This was in, I think it was either, it was like early 2013. Like early 2013 was when I started.
Starting point is 00:21:28 like early 2013 was when i started and between 2002 and 2013 when you first came to the country and then were you a globo gym guy where you just go in and bench press and back and bys and some squatting stuff like that yeah so i would obviously playing sports like you do like power cleans and like you lift i started lifting like when I was 13 years old. And then once I got to college, it was basically like global gym. Like I would still play like five foot ball, like intramural soccer and stuff, but it was basically just trying to look good and stay in shape. Right. Okay. So you cruised into a CrossFit gym in 2013 by yourself? So you cruised into a CrossFit gym in 2013 by yourself? Yeah, by myself.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Just showed up. Amber was the owner and the coach at the time. And she kind of just, like, we kind of clicked. And I kind of basically just showed up because I was like, oh, I got a little bit of a crush on her at the time. And so I just kept showing up. And then I think once the deal expired, I didn't sign up for a membership, but I came back like four months later. To see her again? No, to do CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:22:41 To do CrossFit. To do CrossFit. At that time, I think once I did the living social deal, a bunch of stuff just started popping up on, like, my Facebook page. And, like, one of the videos that kind of made me go back was it was an old video of Kenny Leverage and I forget the other guy's name, Ryan Fisher doing Diane and like going head to head. And it was, I was like, Oh, that's pretty cool how they're doing that. They're doing handstand pushups and deadlifts.
Starting point is 00:23:15 So immediately like piqued my interest. And I went back to the gym partly for that reason. Coach, what are you saying? Living social. what's that it's like groupon oh okay okay yeah it's like one of those like hey pay this amount and you get this month of like crossfit okay and at the time are you still living at home yeah i was living at home but my parents had moved back to Ivory Coast, so I was basically staying in their house for free.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Oh, and are they in the Ivory Coast now? Yeah, so my mom lives partly in Houston and partly in the Ivory Coast, and my sister lives in Houston. Oh, okay. Oh, you have a sister also. How many siblings do you have? Oh, okay. Oh, you have a sister also. How many siblings do you have? I have two sisters, one in Canada, one in Houston, and my brother is in the Ivory Coast. How did one of your sisters end up in Canada? She just moved there like a year ago. Yeah, she just finally applied for the visa and everything kind of worked out for her. And she ended up in Canada.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Is she older than you? She's, uh, 11 years older. How did she choose Canada? How did she, how does someone decide to leave the States and go to Canada? She never came to the States.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Oh, she went straight from Ivory Coast. Yeah. She was in a similar position as my brother where she never got the visa just because she was also older and didn't have a plan for what she was going to do in America. And so it took a while before she got married, had kids, and then they all together decided that they were going to move to Canada together. And she's been there a year? Mm-hmm. What did she tell you about it?
Starting point is 00:25:07 Does she like it? She said it's cold. Yeah. Dude, you did good. Louisiana is a good place. Yeah. It's chill here. It's warm.
Starting point is 00:25:16 You know what to expect with the weather. Yeah, the people are nice. It's a good place. Do you accept the heat? Like, wake up in the morning, feel fresh, step out the door and be a sweaty mess? Are you cool with it? Yeah. I mean, the thing about the heat, it's like it doesn't really matter.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Like most of us do everything indoors, right? Like it's not like you're walking outside, you're having to like bike to work or walk to work it's like you get in your car with the ac on you drive to work you get out the car for like 10 seconds go in the gym with ac on it's like it doesn't doesn't really like impact that much to me but i don't mind the heat so i maybe i'm a little bit different in that sense. Yeah. I feel like those places there was, I don't know what age I was, but at some age I just realized, Hey, never let the heat bother you. Like if you're going to go outside and get perfectly sweaty, so is everyone else just roll with it. Right. Just accept it. It's not like one of those things you can change. So. Right. Yeah. And then, um, so you, so you go into the gym and you fall in love with it right what
Starting point is 00:26:27 would you remember the name of that affiliate uh go crossfit it's the same one i'm still at oh no shit you've been there for 11 years okay and i think i saw a picture i think i saw a video of the lady um yeah okay same lady wow so you have you have really you have roots there and good relationships there you you landed in a good spot yeah definitely definitely and then did you have games aspirations yourself as you started doing it you're like okay i'm gonna compete uh yeah but not not games as aspiration whatsoever um i think I wanted to try to compete, but I was never good at it. So I don't think I ever got to the point where I thought, oh, I can go to the games. That never crossed my mind, which partly probably shifted me more towards being a coach because I realized I couldn't do it as an athlete.
Starting point is 00:27:27 And when you started CrossFit in 2013, were you still coaching? Were you coaching at other gyms? Yes, I was still doing personal training at the time. And then what led to me getting my level one was the gym that I was in personal training at was near LSU, which is about 30 minute drive from where GoCrossFit is. And so I was driving a lot back and forth. So my solution was, okay, let me combine the two, become a coach at GoCrossFit, then I can move all my personal training clients to here, make my life easier. And that's kind of what led me to get my level one. And I needed, I needed it in order to be able to be a coach there. And was that, is that what you did? Did you implement that plan? You got your level one
Starting point is 00:28:15 and then you moved all your training over there. Yeah. Except when I moved over all the clients were like, yeah, that's too far of a drive. So that didn't work out how i planned it to and um when you went so when you started coaching did you start teaching classes there so uh i think to become a coach they had like you had to like intern for like i think it was 50 or 75 hours so you had to shadow somebody for 75 hours Once you did that, you got put on the schedule. That's like, what does that end up being? That ends up being 75 classes? Yeah, it's like three months or so. You do like four or five a day, do as many as you can.
Starting point is 00:28:57 And then once you kind of like, after like 50, you start coaching, but they shadow you, making sure that that like you know what you're doing and then from there uh if there's an opening like at first you're just kind of uh you're just kind of picking up where people don't want to work um and then if there's an opening like you might earn a class or if you're a good enough coach somebody might get bumped off of the class and it's now your class um l that that's a shitload of classes did you think oh that's too many i'm not gonna do it i mean you know you were dedicated yeah i i don't even think i was thinking of it as like this big burden i was like okay that's just what i have to do is 75 hours. I'll just shadow, learn as I go. And then I'll, I'll deal with it as I go.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Damn. Okay. And so you made it through that process. And the first class I actually like taught was the, the gym sent a team to regionals at the time it was 2014 regionals. And obviously the whole gym left all the coaches so I was the only one that wasn't going so I ended up coaching um all the Thursday classes and all the Friday classes and did you love it yeah it was great I was having fun. Do you still love it? Coaching classes? Yeah. I don't do it as much now as now I just pick up when someone doesn't want to work. But every time I do it, I enjoy it. And so it was a competitive gym also. There were people there who did have games aspirations. were people there who did have games aspirations yeah at the time we had a lot of like uh elite athletes at the time and then they went to they went to regionals it didn't quite work out as they planned meaning they didn't do so well uh and then when they came back that's kind of when i
Starting point is 00:31:02 i decided that i wanted to help them. So they're all following Comtrain, and he followed Comtrain until I could see. So when he came back, I was able to get, I think, two or three of them and start programming individually for them. And did you like that even more than classes? At that point, were you like, ooh, I love this? Was there a transition in you? Yeah, because I immediately realized like how out of my depth I was. And like if I wanted to do it right, I needed to just learn more about it. What I used to do at the time was I would go on, Misfit, and CompTrain.
Starting point is 00:31:46 And I would just see what they're programming and try to learn patterns from just looking at how they do things. And then I would take a little bit here, a little bit there, and then kind of just give it to people based on what I thought they needed. The strength work was kind of easy because I had more experience with that. So I could program that. It just came down to all the energy systems stuff. What I'm taking from you is you have a ton of self-belief in yourself and you have a ton of focus and passion. So when you get into something you jump in
Starting point is 00:32:25 uh full steam and then you also believe in yourself is your ability to do shit i do believe in myself yeah yeah but you know when you're when you're doing things like maybe this might be different for you like when you were starting the podcast like did you think of it as like a burden or like did you just think oh this is just what i'm doing right and you just keep doing it until you're not doing it but one of the things that's different is for me if i fail i only let myself down for you you have like someone else's life in your hands yeah for sure so um like i can i feel like i could probably let doubt um my my doubt is probably easier to manage than your doubt like if i have doubt in myself like you have to you you can't really yeah how do you manage that how do you
Starting point is 00:33:22 manage your own doubt like like if one of your ass like yeah like if one like like so we're getting we're getting ready to go to semi-finals now and you have and you're like oh shit did i prepare them for xyz or or i think probably with the step ups i think a lot of coaches probably went through a lot of things blaming doubting blaming themselves blaming others like it there's just a ton of things, blaming, doubting, blaming themselves, blaming others. Like there's just a ton of, I feel like you have more responsibility than I do. Yeah. I think, I think like the timing of everything is, is great. And the reason I say that is a lot of the mistakes that I was making five, 10 years ago, I'm not making them now. And so I would say at the time, like if, if I let someone down, uh, the biggest letdown is, oh, they didn't do as well as they thought, right? Like the athletes that I was working with were not fighting for a game spot, just trying to be in the conversation for
Starting point is 00:34:30 regionals or semifinals. So I think the stakes were a lot lower then. And then now with where I'm at, it's more about just holding myself accountable and making sure that i'm doing i'm not making the same mistake and i'm doing all the things that i know i'm supposed to be doing and i think if i mentally if i know i did everything i know i'm supposed to do i can accept that um and like i can learn from whatever mistakes i made and continue moving forward I can learn from whatever mistakes I made and continue moving forward. Last night, I was listening to a handful of podcasts you've been on before, and I thought I heard something. I didn't go back and listen to it, but I thought I heard something that Matt Torres said or you said or Micah said. Someone said it, but that the people who work at Brute, that they have a strong lineage coming from training ThinkTank and OPEX.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Did I hear that right? Yeah. So I don't know if many people know this, but when you take CCP, which is the OPEX course, right? The old CCP course, Max Elhaj is the person demoing the videos and he's in the videos yeah yeah so obviously like he took it and made it his own and continued to like grow as a coach and like build this really amazing company that is doing amazing things for CrossFit. But when in the process of like trying to help those athletes, once they came back to
Starting point is 00:36:14 regionals, I got an OPEX coach myself. So I was trying to see how does he do it? How does he program for athlete? And Brian Foley was my coach at the time and he actually like taught me a lot was like a really big mentor for me l he coached you like you were one of his athletes is that what you mean you wanted to see what okay yeah so i was an athlete at the time and i got to learn um through that process and so just to go back to max again so max uh has a significant role in developing opex and then he moved on and started training think tank and um and then and then so
Starting point is 00:36:59 but you yourself went to opex also at some point point. What year was that that you went to OPEX? So I was an OPEX client from 2015 all the way to 2018. Are there a lot of people in the space who did that, who came into CrossFit, went over to OPEX, absorbed a lot of the information, and then sort of, I guess, migrated back? I guess when I say migrated, I guess just only in terms of titles? Yeah, I think OPEX gave us, like, a little bit of a foundation, and the good thing about OPEX is, like, you just take it, understand the principles, and then you still have to put like your own sauce and spin on it. And like you still have to understand it the way you understand it and apply the way you apply it with the experiences that you have. But I would say there's probably a significant amount of coaches that are coaching elite athletes that have that same background.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Hey, what is the difference? What do you learn there? I don't know if difference is the right word, but what did they add to your quiver going to OPEX? It gives you like structure. So you have like an understanding of, um, movement patterns. You have an understanding of like energy system and you have an understanding of like energy system and you have an understanding of like program design so it gives you a foundation like program design uh the big thing that it teaches you is basically how to individualize like your training so like instead of thinking about a avatar which is like just a random character you think about somebody specific and you program for that person specifically yeah when i was listening to the podcast i think one of the takeaways and maybe this is probably oversimplifying it but i think one of the things i heard you say that resonated
Starting point is 00:38:56 with me is if i wanted to get fitter i would just do more and you learn at the level that the people you're coaching that doesn't that that's not you're coaching, that doesn't, that that's not the most efficient way. More doesn't mean you get better. If you're slow at burpees, you don't just double down on them and you get better at them. You actually have a plan that has more than the element of doing more. Yeah, exactly. And it's like, and I think that's pretty common. I think a lot of CrossFitters think that, Hey, I'll just do do more i'll just do two a days or i'll just add more burpees into my workouts yeah i think when you're first starting in fitness and you have like a lower training age and you haven't been in it as much doing more will undoubtedly get you fitter and get you to reach your goals. When you reach a point where things are a lot more specific,
Starting point is 00:39:47 um, like I don't think giving Danielle more burpees is going to make her better at burpees. Like that's, that's not the issue. You know what I mean? Cause she's done so many of them to where there's something that's happening.
Starting point is 00:40:02 It's either, okay. If I do front squats going into burpees, my legs feel different than if I'm doing deadlifts going into burpees. And you have to get more specific as to like what those limiters are. And I think that's the, that's the difference in like what we're trying to do at this level compared to someone that is a little bit newer where you can just say, do more bur burpees you'll get better at it like if i want to see a better at burpees i would start by doing more burpees because that's
Starting point is 00:40:32 where i'm at you know also i'll never forget um i i don't remember what year it was probably 2009 or 10 but i remember spieler saying that now that he's older too, that he can't work on as many things. So like you, you, you have to choose. It's not like you're 17 and you can, in the morning you can work on burpees and afternoon you can work on double unders in the evening you can work on back squats. Your window now is, is like, Hey, you have to choose one. Yeah. And you have to work on that one. So, and I heard you mention age and that's what reminded me of it because your recovery is not as good, and so therefore you're more limited.
Starting point is 00:41:08 It's interesting. I think a lot of people forget that. Yeah, for sure. They want to just go in. Are you a UFC fan? Me? Yeah. I'll watch a little bit.
Starting point is 00:41:20 You really see it, unfortunately, in some really tragic ways in the UFC as guys get older too. Because you get guys out there who are 38 years old. And the consequences for not being able to train at the level that the younger guys do is brutal. I just watched a fight yesterday that was just fucking horrible. It was brutal. There's a famous guy out of Brazil named Edson Barbosa and he's 38. And he was like one of the greatest ever. But you just see he got in the ring this weekend and the sports evolved and he just took a he took a beating in his domain so in crossfit it would be like if we saw colton losing burpees but this
Starting point is 00:41:57 guy's a stand-up guy and a boxing guy and he got in with a young kid from europe and fucking the kid's boxing was insane and had gone to the next level and just beat this poor 38 year old dude up yeah um you you um so so so you you go to the gym for yourself you end up coaching then you you want to serve the athletes come back and they don't do as well and you think you have um something to offer you're like did you what why did you think that is that just in your nature why did you get something to offer them i think i i knew a lot about like just strength and conditioning and like mainly weightlifting right because i'd been lifting since I was 13 years old. So maybe it was maybe a little empty arrogance there. But I thought I could help them.
Starting point is 00:42:52 And yeah, I don't know why I thought that, but I did. And did they trust you? Just some guy rolling into the gym? Some new coach? Not everyone. Some of them did, just because I was genuine about my approach and what I was going to try to do. I think, yeah, some of them did. Not everyone. And did you have the people skills at that age? That was 10 years ago. Did you have the people skills for that? Yeah, I've had people skills for a while.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Yeah, all right. You learned those from your dad? I think so. Yeah, I think so. I think moving around a lot and dealing with different types of people. I think the biggest thing I learned moving around was there's only like five or seven, five or six different types of people uh i think the biggest thing i learned moving around was there's only like five or seven five or six different types of people and you just kind of see them in like different packages but they're all the same and so once you learn what those five or six different types of people are kind of just learn how to how to like interact with them and like what what's the best way to get the most out of them is going to be are these like archetypes that you built in your head i don't think i'm like are you read them in a book no i don't think i've read them in a book um i haven't like named them or anything, but like there is, there is a girl that I was coaching at the time that reminds me of Danielle Brandon.
Starting point is 00:44:32 And I feel like it, it helps me now because I dealt with that way back then. The personality type, what motivates her, how to communicate with her, things like that. Yep. Do you, could you tell me the types of people? The personality type, what motivates her, how to communicate with her, things like that. Yeah. Could you tell me the types of people? Is it that clear to you? No. No. But you just know.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Yeah. It's not like a perfect box where it's like, oh, this person is doing this or that. But you have the people that are going to be, they're going to have like negative self-talk, but deep inside, they really care about it and that's just a way of like protecting themselves. You have the people that are overly confident without like having any skills or have done anything to like make you understand why they're so confident in themselves and then yeah I think there's just different types of people but there's not that many different types of people and you've learned to uh work with them to once you figured that out you can start working with
Starting point is 00:45:39 that and and present to them what they need to work on in a way that's palatable to them and gets them moving forward yeah i think it it allows me to kind of like mold myself as far as like how i speak to them how i try to motivate them how i try to like get the best out of them um it just gives me gives me like some type of structure because i can't just be myself with ev i can't be the same person towards everyone like how i am with my wife how i am with um with amber or spencer is like completely different and they're they all like require a different type of person to to get the best out of them and like as a coach you want to write programming and you want to help them from that aspect like that's that's a given that's a part of the job but like you also need to find a way to like motivate your athletes so they believe in you and like believe in like what you're trying
Starting point is 00:46:35 to get them to do um i have a bunch of questions about spencer is he pretty is he pretty unique i mean that guy's been around forever, and he has seen everything. Did you sense that from him when you work with him? We've only been working together for a month now. He's a great dude. Yeah. He's, like, a great person. I think that's my very first impression of him so far.
Starting point is 00:47:05 He's a genuinely good person. And how did he find you? So I think it started with Fi. So he reached out to Fi. Oh, because Fi used to train with Scott. Okay. And they all went to, I think, CrossFit Mentality is their gym. And they all went to, I think CrossFit Mentality is their gym.
Starting point is 00:47:31 And then Matt couldn't take another male athlete at the time. So he asked me if I was interested. Interesting. And is he your highest profile male athlete? Yeah. Is it, is your career like really taking off now like in terms of danielle and kelz and now spencer do you see like something happening yeah i i mean i'm on your podcast that's a big deal right yeah sure yeah um but my my kids my kids think it's a big deal i'll add you to the list uh as far as like day-to-day stuff no it's still the
Starting point is 00:48:17 same like i'm still coaching my people and going to work and taking my daughter to soccer practice so i don't i don't think anything is happening i'm just doing my job uh so so so when you take on these um you take on these clients uh 2014 and is that is is that sort of like now you're a coach and you draw from the well of payment from the gym but you're also a personal coach and you have some sort of deal with those athletes to be your personal coach. Yeah, so the way it worked out is they had – so I did it for free for a long time. I did it for free for maybe a year, year and a half. And then eventually I was like, okay, more people are asking me to do this, so I'm going to start charging. The way it worked out was the gym just got a cut, the same cut that you give them for personal training.
Starting point is 00:49:12 It was similar to that. Then started getting more attention with more local people in the state, and then it kind of grew from there. No issues with the gym owners like they they enjoyed your growth they were cool with it uh there are some issues at first but like we most of the issues were from like lack of communication is like as things are happening you're just kind of moving along but you never like have conversations about what's going on, what's happening, what if this happens. But once we had those conversations, everything was fine. I would say they've all been like really supportive. It was just a little bit of like lack of communication that caused maybe a little bit of friction.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Yeah, it speaks volumes of the owners that you've had this crazy growth there and that you never left. It, it, it, it is pretty, um, it is pretty amazing. And then who was the first,
Starting point is 00:50:13 um, have you ever had an athlete go to the CrossFit games before? Mm. Um, so who was your first? So I had teams before. So I've had, the first team was,
Starting point is 00:50:23 uh, the central beast. That was the year where they had like all the sanctionals and you could name all your teams, whatever you want. They were the first to go to the CrossFit Games, but also had Ryan Souder. He finished in 30th and I had Zach Watts after that. And what year was Ryan? Ryan was 2019. And then tell me about your relationship with Brute. Do you work with them, for them?
Starting point is 00:50:58 You're part of them? I heard in one of the podcasts that you're the director of online programming. Yeah, I don't know what that title means but uh i i'm the head of coaches you can say but like i that just means that i help the coaches and i whatever they need um i'm kind of like the link between Matt and the coaches essentially. So, and how many coaches are there? So we have seven coaches now, including Matt.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Uh, I think not including that. And, um, tell me about how, how did you, how did you first come across brute? How did you end up?
Starting point is 00:51:42 I don't know what the, how did you end up working with Brute or for Brute? Yeah, so at the time, I was interning locally. I don't know if you know who Matt Bruce is. No. Matt Bruce was a world team member, weightlifter, was an alternate on like Olympic team. And he lives like 15 minutes away from GoCrossFit. And so I was trying to learn more about weightlifting.
Starting point is 00:52:13 So I went and interned with him for six months. Did that- What year was this? This was 2017, I think, 2017. And he's the founder of root, right? So him and Mike has you founded group together, instantly group, Matt Bruce. Um, and so forth. And so, uh, they started like a one-on-one program and I just saw it in like one of
Starting point is 00:52:42 those like email things like, Hey, we're hiring one-on-one coaches. So I applied, sent them a text, told them that I was applying, and then just went through the interview process and got hired. Wow. Congratulations. That must have been – was that pretty exciting? Yeah, it was exciting because at the time, I think I was struggling a little bit, meaning I wasn't seeing much growth outside of like the state. So I could get people within the state and I can coach the people at my gym. But obviously I wanted to do more than that. So that kind of gave me an opportunity or a way to like expand myself beyond like what the gym had to offer. So he was an Olympic weightic uh weightlifter but
Starting point is 00:53:26 he was also teaching crossfitters he had a shitload of crossfit athletes uh matt bruce so the the way brute used to work is we had subject matter experts so you had matt bruce was for weightlifting chris henshaw was for energy system, Nick Sorrell was for gymnastics. So we had like all these experts and then essentially like they just created like this program together. And that's what the Brute like compete program was or games prep. And then they wanted to do something beyond that. That's when one-on-one started. And I think it was started by Nick Fowler was like the person that kind of like suggested that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:13 And I remember him. He was based out of Utah. I remember him because I would see him in videos with Brooke Entz back in the day. Exactly. Okay. So he was actually coaching all the, basically all the elite athletes that brute had at the time the crossfit athletes yes okay and then did brute have athletes and other like did they still have people who were just focused on weightlifting who wanted to go to the olympics things like that no they at that point they were all in with crossfit uh at that point i think they
Starting point is 00:54:40 still have like they had the guy from columbia this fast kid. I think it's like Luis Javier. I don't know what his last name is, but I think at the time they had him and like a few others. But right now we don't do that. Okay. And that was a track and field guy? That was a weightlifter. Oh, weightlifter. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:01 When you said super fast. Okay. Okay. And then, and then was Torres there at the time? Yeah. So Matt was actually in my like initial like meeting with Nick, like Matt was, I think Matt was working with Nick already. Um, so he was like in that meeting interviewing me. So he was a senior person there. And then, and then at some point something happened and torres ended up owning brute and when when he bought brute you stayed with brute yeah uh the the thing about brute is it's great because it gives you like freedom as a coach
Starting point is 00:55:42 and kind of just work for yourself, right? Like the way we get paid is you do a good job, you keep all your clients, you get results, people stay with you, you pay your bills, whatever. But with that being said, there's not a lot of, there's not a need for like accountability. And if things just went off the rails to where people just kind of stopped doing their job. So I was kind of thinking about leaving and I was like calling around to friends, seeing like what's out there. Um, Hey, is that, is that because, so meaning you were thinking about leaving because if you were a great coach and then there was some ding dong on the, on the coach on the roster, you, that could tarnish your reputation did it basically just
Starting point is 00:56:26 come down to that like hey i want to be with i want there to be everyone to have accountability so that we're all high level and we maintain the name i want to be with a group where they maintain the name yeah it was that and mainly because we weren't like growing like we were we're doing the opposite of growing i think the on the floor, like we were doing just fine. Like we had really, really good coaches, right? So at the base, like that was still happening. But the name Brute was not doing well. So it's like you have, I think.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Like in the marketplace, like with CompTrain and HWPO and Mayhem, you guys just weren't getting your name out enough. And so it wasn't drawing enough clients just by the name. Okay. Exactly. So it's like we have Dolan and he's crushing it or Roman and he's crushing it. But like nobody knows that he works with Brute. So it's like no one's going to go sign up to work with Brute nobody knows because we don't have any marketing okay um but the the reason i ended up saying was just kind of just trusted matt's vision
Starting point is 00:57:31 for what he wanted to do and him and i already had like a bunch of conversations about the changes that needed to happen we kind of aligned there so i just kind of decided to ride it out and kind of just see what happens. So that's interesting. I never even think of the space in terms of that. I always just think that the athletes will just figure out who is the best. So now that I think about it, like HWPO, I'm guessing their bread and butter is not games athletes. And when I think of Mayhem, I'm guessing their bread and butter is not games athletes. And when I think of Mayhem, I'm guessing their bread and butter is not games athletes. And when I think of Comp Train, I'm guessing maybe more so them. But what you're saying is to be a successful company, you have to have a good funnel.
Starting point is 00:58:19 You can't just rely on three athletes to carry the financial burden of the entire company. No, the athletes like cost money. Yeah, okay. But it's – Because you have to travel and tend to them. You have to travel and – okay. Yeah. But think of the athletes as like they do a good job of like representing us and that brings us more clients.
Starting point is 00:58:46 So they not saying they don't have value, like they have amazing value and kind of allows you to like continue growing as a company. But, um, the thing that like pays the bills is all of the clients, you know? And you, so this is going to sound maybe derogatory, but, but it really is not. It's like, um, it's like when Greg put it in 2008 in the documentary, every second counts when he puts his arm around Jason Kalipa and he says, this is our mark. This is our, I don't know if he said marketing, but he said, this is our product. so your best your best athletes are your product and so yeah so you want a good relationship with them because they're when the business does well you can spend more time with them it's a symbiotic relationship exactly exactly the the more i can help my athletes more if i have more clients and i can travel to them and I can help harder.
Starting point is 00:59:47 I need to help if everything else is going well. Um, a couple of years ago, um, you know, there was the, Danielle went from underdogs to brute, uh, and, and she ended up in Florida and that was obviously, you know, the the the media frenzy around that. And everyone was all excited to talk about it. And she was a big name and promising. And she had all the the the covid talk around her. I mean, she's been on quite the run and she's just an incredible specimen. So she goes there and then at some point it was almost like in the middle of the night, you know, she snuck away and she ends up in Knoxville and she has this new coach named Coach L.
Starting point is 01:00:30 And there's this, you know, well, is she brute? Is she not brute? But can you tell me about how you is she or is she your first like really high profile athlete? Can you tell me how that happens? really high profile athlete. Can you tell me how that happens? Like you're just outside in the backyard playing with your kid and you get a call and you're like, yo, uh, now Dan, Matt tells you, Danielle's yours now. How does that happen? Uh, no, uh, Matt asked me if I would be interested. And I said, um, I think I took some time to think about it. I said yes. And then we had, like, many conversations before we actually, like, started working together. And we were actually just kind of, like, on trial until, like, Rogue. And then after Rogue, we kind of, like, decided, okay, we're doing it for the season at least.
Starting point is 01:01:20 But the thing about, like, elite athletes, it's,'s like I always feel like I'm on trial like I I don't think I'm like comfortable enough to go okay they're my athletes and I'm gonna have them forever uh I think the pressure is higher so you kind of have to do your job and you have to make sure you're doing your job well um so from from that perspective like I'm still on trial with Danielle, and I'm on trial with Spencer, I'm on trial with Kelsey, and everybody else that I coach, essentially. Did you have Kels before you had Danielle? Mm-hmm. As a team athlete? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:09 Yeah. And so, um, so you, so you, when you take Danielle on, what does that look like? Um, you start doing her programming, you start digging into all of her numbers. Like, what does that look like to take on an athlete, especially someone like her? Uh, so lots of conversations with Matt. Um, so he could kind of like break down a little bit what he saw, what he's been doing with her and kind of where she was at and then having conversations with her, getting her perspective of the story, what she thinks she's bad at,
Starting point is 01:02:37 what she thinks her limitations are. And then you do a little bit of testing and like kind of just see like where things are at, get some assessment numbers, and then you just go from there. Were there other coaches in the running when she? I'm sure. I mean, I don't know about it, but I'm sure they did their due diligence and looked around. From the outside, it looked like a seamless transition. I mean but um from the outside from the outside it looked like a
Starting point is 01:03:06 seamless transition i mean just from the outside like one day matt was a coach and then one day you were a coach yeah i think i think that's good right like yeah yeah it's great you wouldn't want like a lebron documentary like the decision um well we would we would love it we would actually love it do you think that would actually happen where like the athlete just goes uh i'm gonna make a decision on who i'm going with because that's that's what it is after the games every year it's like oh this person is like thinking of leaving and you kind of just wait and see um and then if you have like connections to that person you try to like reach out and ask if if they can like connect you and stuff like that but um
Starting point is 01:03:53 i don't know do you think that would be cool very cool yeah probably wouldn't be too fun for the athletes and the coaches but as the audience as the audience, we would love that. We would love that. I'm sure. I'm sure. Even as an animation, it would be good. Shows you guys on the chopping block. So,
Starting point is 01:04:15 so you, has that changed in any, has that changed your, what you do day to day? I'm having such a high profile athlete or an athlete that requires such fine tuning, who's already like at the absolute top of the game, who's in striking distance to win the games at all times. Has that changed you at all? Like in terms of your programming, your day to day, your time allotment? No, that didn't change much.
Starting point is 01:04:41 I think so. Danielle is like really, really good at communicating. So it makes my life a lot easier. Meaning I don't have to like reach out to her to like ask, how was this? How was that? Like she gives like amazing feedback and she actually like, like she knows her stuff. So she's able to like communicate her experience during the workout that allows me to program a little bit easier and we can like have those conversations about what she felt
Starting point is 01:05:13 and like what i was expecting and kind of like continued like bridge that guy did you meet your wife in the gym yeah my wife was actually like one of those people that came back from regionals that trusted me to a program for them. Yeah. And who liked who first? What was that courtship process like? I think it was like
Starting point is 01:05:39 just good timing. Yeah, I think I think it was just good timing. So I had a girlfriend maybe like a month before we started dating. And I think she had like a boyfriend like a month before we started dating. So the timing just kind of like worked out. Um, and I was dating her before I started coaching her. So maybe she didn't have a choice. started coaching her so maybe she didn't have a choice um okay because i was gonna ask you know how like um there's that just that wall that you that you just that men and women just put up like you know what i mean like i don't know when it grows but you just at some point in your life
Starting point is 01:06:18 you just put up a wall and you're like okay i'm not letting any of those vibes or anything come to me i'm gonna i'm gonna be blind to them and then i'm also not gonna give them off and i'm not letting any of those vibes or anything come to me i'm gonna i'm gonna be blind to them and then i'm also not gonna give them off and i'm guessing as a coach you have to be steadfast on that yeah you know what i mean like yeah for sure but somehow but that's for everybody that's like yeah for everybody if i'm if i'm going to walmart and i see cute girl like right see it. Right, exactly. Like you might even choose a different aisle.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Like there's like four girls in bikinis. Like you're at the beach and there's four girls in their fucking bikinis on aisle six and you need something on aisle six. You're like, I'll go to aisle two first. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Exactly. But somehow one got past the wall and you married her. Oh, you're talking about that.
Starting point is 01:07:10 Yeah. Like you're like your wife. You know what I mean? Like, how does one get past the wall? Like I was, uh, I was dating her before I was coaching her. Okay. Okay. The wall.
Starting point is 01:07:20 And what's fucked up is they don't have to do the wall. Like the clients don't have to do the wall. Like it's almost like, it's almost like some client's job. You think it't have to do the wall Like the clients don't have to do the wall I think they do It's almost like some clients job you think it's like to break the wall down Like the whole time you like got the wall up And they're just like banging on it No I haven't You haven't experienced that?
Starting point is 01:07:37 I haven't had that experience maybe other coaches You get a call at 2 in the morning Hey my fire alarm is going off can you come over and change my battery Yeah I haven't had that at all You get a call at 2 in the morning. Hey, my fire alarm's going off. Can you come over and change my battery? Yeah, I haven't had that at all. Which is a good thing. Yeah, that's a great thing. Sevan isn't the best listener.
Starting point is 01:08:07 I would challenge you, Christine, to do what I do and see if you can even listen to one-tenth as well as I do. That's crazy. You're in the picture with him. Oh, am I? Oh. Oh, yeah, I think I remember that. I think I remember that. No, he's clueless like a typical man. that i'll accept but to say i'm a bad listener is fucking crazy you're you're out of your fucking mind i'm on the fucking show fucking five hours a day fucking communicating with people fucking bad listener do you get tired of that pardon me do you get tired of being doing a show all the time like how do you keep yourself like going
Starting point is 01:08:44 like every day i never want to do a show ever ever but then like when i come in my studio and then i like like last well so last night when i was researching you i was really excited to do the show and then when i wake up i'm kind of like terrified i'm like oh i don't want to do it like i don't want to like but then soon as about 30 seconds before i it goes away and I'm just really excited to meet everyone. It's kind of weird, but it's never it's never like this. It's like it's like all of these, you know, like I had Kells on and I had two shows before her and I was fasting and I was just like, you know, I felt like I was really going to let her down. Like just not do it. Yeah. like not do a good show with her and i was like fuck i took a huge dose of caffeine before and i and even afterwards i told my wife she goes how'd it go i goes it was
Starting point is 01:09:34 good for 45 minutes and then i fucking collapsed and i let her down so no yeah but i love it it's cool do you like after your shows do you just go dark room no i'm gonna go in there and my boys will just jump on me they literally attack me okay and the reason why i wanted to have you on specifically is because i'm this year i'm doing the behind the scenes at in carson are you going there yep yeah so I'm trying I was I was like okay I want to build relationships with people now who I think I'm going to put the camera on and so that that's why I was like okay uh I really I'd like to meet this guy now so that like it'll get us you know through any like it expedites the awkwardness of just seeing people for the first time live for sure yeah but no i don't ever get i i feel pretty um i'm tickled like i think i'm cool you know what i mean like i like even though like no one ever recognizes me like when i walk around
Starting point is 01:10:37 like my neighborhood and shit i'm like yeah i'm the shit you know i got a podcast with 200 people watching. I'm the shit. It's a big deal. Until I see some fucking 12 year old who has fucking more views on one video than my entire channel has. So you you you you're going to go. Let's let's talk about that. You go into semifinals. So you'll go to semifinals and you'll have Kells there. And Spencer in the west also no east east okay um are are you ready for that do you feel comfortable for that are you chomping at the bit i got the impression that she's like ready now oh kelsey yeah yeah she's ready. She's ready. And are you ready? Are you chomping at the bit to get out there?
Starting point is 01:11:28 I mean, yeah, kind of. I feel like my job is done, right? There's nothing left I can do besides just support and making sure that she's doing everything she's supposed to do on game day. Basically, on the competition floor, we're just chaperones right like you just start warming up do your cool down eat your food like that's that's basically like the extent of it like we there's not much we can do as far as like programming or changing anything so um i'm happy with the work we've done this year and now it's just up to her
Starting point is 01:12:07 to like compete and like show what she has but the the thing that i love about kelsey is she will rise to the occasion like however she needs to like she's a like she's a definition of like a gamer like you know there's there's people that are great at practice people that are great in games like she is she is the best on my game day like her best version is going to show out um it's going to show up on the floor and the the biggest noticing of that is um so Brandon Luckett's been coming to like train with her uh over the last like six months and when brandon used to first come brandon and bill they used to like spank her like it it wasn't close and then as we're getting um closer and like she's been around them more i think she's like kind of like raised her level in order to like meet the challenge and things are a lot more competitive now where there's workouts she'll win and there's workouts she'll lose and it's not like that constant.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Oh, I'm just losing every time they come here. Like what's the point of this, you know? ESC sounds this dude seems very cool. That's that's nice. Thank you. Yeah. When she was on the show, she talked about the roller coaster of getting the penalty. When she got the penalty, were you one of the first people she called? I think she texted me and then I called her.
Starting point is 01:13:41 And how did you process that? Calder. And how did you process that? So remember at the beginning of the show and I said the quarterfinals is like chaos. Yeah. So I had like five or six other athletes. I had six athletes that were in qualifying position and four of them got penalties and are not going anymore. Four of your athletes would have gone to semifinals. Holy. Or six total, but four more. Yeah. And so that weekend week was chaotic and very stressful. Just waiting to hear about penalties.
Starting point is 01:14:26 If they got reps back, was it going to be enough was it not writing um appeal letters and you just kind of like you're in it you just kind of do it but um i think i i try to give everyone enough attention but there's also like nothing i can do. Like we just wait. Like people were freaking out before the penalties came down. So it's like, just wait. You might get penalized, like watching this video. Like it could be this, it could be that. And I think everyone knew like when the penalty started coming out,
Starting point is 01:15:02 like you watch your video and you knew if you're going to get penalized or not. And if you're nervous, it's probably because there was something off about it. Like I don't think CrossFit handed out any like penalties that weren't like deserving. Maybe the, I hate the 15% or the percentage. It's like, no, count my reps, take those away. Right? Like that's, to me, that would have been a much better solution.
Starting point is 01:15:26 You can say you had exactly 15 no reps. We're taking 15 reps away. And to me, that would have been a more fair way to do it, but that's just how sports goes. I don't think that could be argued, what you said. Definitely would have been a more fair way. And then I'm guessing, like, as as the coach you can't express any you have to if you're pissed or you're anxious you have to push all of that away right because you have to be the rock yeah i i don't show any emotion yeah it's not your place
Starting point is 01:15:56 to throw a temper tantrum like yours you have to be wow no i i don't think you saw any coaches like speak on on the issue at all. Like it is just is what it is. And the thing about CrossFit that people want it to be fair, but it's like every sport in the world, there's always somebody that's getting the short end of the stick. the short end of the stick. You just kind of take it and deal with it and take responsibility and make changes. I think one of the big changes I'm making this year is essentially next year, I'm going to have my own video review team. They're going to send their videos and these people are going to go redo this workout um you're good here this is questionable like whatever the case may be and just making sure the athletes like know that so that this never happens again and we don't keep making the same mistakes in 2009 i think it was during the hill run i remember asking rob orlando hey do you think that the workout these workouts are fair because he was a shorter stronger athlete and he said hey man nothing about crossfit is fair
Starting point is 01:17:11 and i just really liked that mindset of his like that like that that's not even a like uh who cares like right there's nothing there's nothing fair unfortunately though for him he was talking about the programming which is easier to accept as opposed to judging because the right. So what did you think about the programming this year in its totality so far with what we've seen? You've been around a long time open quarterfinals, semifinals, like as the package. like as the package? I think I wasn't a big fan of the open programming just because I know they try to like simplify so everybody could do it. I thought they could be a little bit more creative
Starting point is 01:17:56 and still be inclusive to everyone so that everybody at the gym could do it. But because they took 25% of people to quarterfinals, you kind of have to say like, inclusive to everyone so that everybody at the gym could do it. But because they took 25% of people to quarterfinals, you kind of have to say like the program really didn't impact that too much, right? You didn't miss out on quarters because of the programming. If you missed out is because you just weren't fit enough. I thought quarters was a little bit better than I expected. It was really balanced programming. I thought quarters was a little bit better than I expected.
Starting point is 01:18:27 It was really balanced programming. I probably would have liked to see more interference as far as like the workouts that they did. It was like all gymnastics, the barbell was separate. Then you had like your mixed modal tests and then you had like your muscle endurance tests and then you had your muscle endurance test. You can just put them in those categories. I thought it was pretty good, and I loved the semi-final programming. Did you watch the European event?
Starting point is 01:18:56 Mm-hmm. Yeah. As a spectator, I just absolutely loved it. It was so cool to watch. It was so easy to watch. It was so easy to watch. Yeah. I love that. Um, also funny.
Starting point is 01:19:09 All the reasons you don't like it are kind of like, as just like as a spectator, I think we, we agree. Like I liked them for those reasons, but I agree. I liked the open because it was so simple. Like it was so easy and I liked everything being separated in the um in the in the quarter final but i totally i you're all i'm not suggesting any of your points aren't valid because i saw it exactly the same way you did but those are just things i liked about it but i like i want to see it i like to see it from um uh just from the fans perspective whereas i think also you're also seeing
Starting point is 01:19:43 it from like the test perspective right i think a lot of the guys i hang out with see it more like how you do whereas like i don't give a fuck about that i just want to be able to sit back and have a sparkling water and enjoy it yeah i don't want to be i don't want to be confused at all i'm a horrible listener that one really stuck i need therapy for that one you're gonna you're gonna be like chilling at night and it's gonna come up and like you're gonna go to bed pissed off just from that that comment it's um uh i'm really enjoying this um uh uh tussle dave you probably don't have time for this but dave does this thing weekly review and then and him and andrew have been fighting a little bit on the internet and it's really fun i've been really enjoying it it's fun to watch but there's these people there's these comments where people always say oh so-and-so's and so-and-
Starting point is 01:20:34 so's head it's like motherfucker they're both in each other's head how is one person in one like they're like what do you like they're talking to each other like everyone's like uh yeah it but but it's but it's uh it's really fun do you have time for any of that drama do you get to enjoy any of the uh social play or drama or do you you don't get a chance to enjoy that uh i don't get like too deep into it i mean i just know about like what people share and like what people talk about yeah um but i don't i don't know the details of like their their beef but i did watch andrew's video in response to dave this morning yeah i really like did you like it yeah i that
Starting point is 01:21:14 i didn't realize what a good guy was he's my friend and after that i liked him even more i'm like damn your propaganda is good yeah i i Yeah. I think Andrew's doing good stuff for the sport. You need those people. But I also understand HQ's like, he fucking ass pounded a couple of their executives. It's like, dude, it's both. I think they need to not respond to him. It's like one of those where you just let him be a commentator and speak his mind
Starting point is 01:21:48 and like you don't need to like engage in it right because not you're always going to look bad in that situation look at look at uh uh Andrew my man Al look there he is there's the bad guy yeah uh uh yeah i got i um i said some i i was uh beating up on um i was making fun of one of uh danielle sponsors and i heard about that yeah and she pulled a fucking uh dave castro on me now she yeah i mean now now she yeah now i don't get i have to I have to text her 274 times to get one text back before before it was just like 87 would you apologize no I didn't do anything apologize no I didn't do anything what the fuck you talking about I didn't do nothing I didn't do nothing I love Danielle she's just upset because of fucking I picked on one of her one one of her boys. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:46 Everything I said was factual. I didn't say anything that wasn't factual. Yeah, I don't know the details. But I do know that she was like... Fuck this guy. He's fucking with my money. Fuck this guy. No, she was like, I don't think I can go back home so long. I think is what she said.
Starting point is 01:23:02 I call her every once in a while. She doesn't pick up. She can. Danielle, you can't danielle you can you can't i love danielle brandon i gotta get her on before i gotta get her on soon before the games i can't go to the games and like and not be like we can't we have to have made up fucking hey how do you how do you make up with like people that are not like in your direct like circle that you have like access to i i to be honest with you i like to like i've had some hiccups with rich and i've had some hiccups with jason and like kelly starrett and just people in the space and then event and what's cool is
Starting point is 01:23:41 they've come on the podcast and we've just kind of like felt around in the dark and she i could do that with her like she's open enough like i i mean i think people would love it if she came on here and was like you fucking asshole why'd you say this you know what i mean i think people would love that i'm and i'm open to taking a fucking public fucking flogging you know yeah um you'll you've been working with spencer for a month but you will be his coach in um in the east um what is that going to be is that going to be weird like are you close enough to be his coach i'm guessing you have to be? Is that going to be weird? Like, are you close enough to be his coach? I'm guessing you have to be pretty close to someone to be their coach at a big event like that. That's so emotionally charged.
Starting point is 01:24:33 No. So we've been like talking like almost every day. So I think we're, we're a little bit past that. The awkward stage you're past the awkward stage. Yeah. I think we're past the awkward stage you're past the awkward stage yeah i think we're past the awkward stage the thing that i've been like expressing to him is a lot of times like athletes put a lot of like thoughts into or a lot of power into like what coaches say and there are coaches that are like this is exactly how you need to do this and this is how it will turn out and some athletes need that but I think for Spencer a lot of it is him taking ownership and like understanding
Starting point is 01:25:14 like his voice is like like he's heard and so he can speak his mind and say hey I don't like that idea or this is what we need to do and like like, we can have like discussions, which is what we've been having. So when, again, when it comes to like game day, it's like, the workouts have been out for two weeks now we've tested, like we know exactly what we need to do. Like we're not going to go there and like change anything. So we're already going in with like a game plan and he knows like what he has to do and it's just staying in his lane, doing what he to do and then everything else is just how is this drink your protein whatever the case may be
Starting point is 01:25:51 so to me game day is like easy like game day is probably the easiest part of my job what's his deal what what what's up with uh spencer so i'm gonna i'm gonna put him in a hole he was the youngest brother he was the uh the least capable of the three and then over a couple years he was the weak brother and then he fixed all those holes he's not the fucking weak guy anymore you can't count him out anywhere he's like the he he felt he patched in all his what it looks like from the outside is he patched in all of his holes but he's for some reason he's still not he his level hasn't risen what is what does he need to do it's it's like hard to look at him and be like hey man you're not you you've turned yourself into the perfect crossfitter yeah uh i don't i don't want to speak on it too much because
Starting point is 01:26:42 again i've been just with him for a month I think I mean he's eminently capable he's eminently capable of a top 5 I mean fuck him and Saxon and it's always weird to me that I don't see them in the top 5 I think for Spencer
Starting point is 01:27:00 it's going to come down to again just like believing in himself and believing like, the training that he's doing and making sure that, like, he's actively involved in, like, the programming process. And, like, I think if he can have trust in, like, what he's doing and he genuinely believes this is going to get him closer to winning the games potentially. I think that's, what's going to lead to like the best performances out there because the dude is so strong and so fit and so good at gymnastics. Like it was genuinely like hard to like find his holes and like weaknesses. But like once I found them, we've been like actively working on it and it's going to take more time.
Starting point is 01:27:46 But I think, I think he's headed in the right direction for sure. Is that the Caleb? Is that the games I'm looking at Caleb? No, this is quarter. This is West East quarterfinals. Oh,
Starting point is 01:27:59 okay. All right. Yeah. He's the man I always, you know, who everyone loves the Panjik brothers. It would be great to see him. I mean, I mean, All right Did he make it to the games last year? Yeah, I think so. Did Saxon make it? One of them didn't make it, right? I don't know. Don't know. And then what about the difference between men and women at this level?
Starting point is 01:28:39 Any, like, clear distinctions as a coach that you, how you handle them, men and women? That you can just, like, be know stereotype uh i have to deal more with emotional support with women and i can be a little bit more straightforward with the guys and what is what's can you define that for me what is what's emotional support or like what's like how does that uh manifest in them uh like when my wife needs emotional support i go to the store you go to your car and just listen to music when they need emotional support no but i'll i'll give you an example um kel Kelsey does the handstand walk part of like the handstand walk event. It doesn't go as well as she thought she's crying. And so when I talked to her, I don't need to like spit about a whole bunch of facts
Starting point is 01:29:39 about like rowing and handstand walking, like why it went poorly. Like it is just a matter of like making her feel like it's okay and it's just one workout and it may just be the day and like kind of like bring her back down to base um i think with spencer or a male athlete i can just go uh your handstand walks suck today and it's okay because it's only today you know or this is the issue we can just this is these are all the things that we're going to do to fix this so it doesn't happen on game day um that's yeah so what a great description you gave ones like um men have like an inch maybe like an intellectual hiccup like they're just like
Starting point is 01:30:26 two plus two is seven two plus two is seven you're like dude it's four it's okay we'll talk about it later you just and with the girl it's just pure emotion not pure emotion i mean eventually it comes down to like me saying hey this is what we're gonna do to fix this so it doesn't happen like we do work our way there but like i have to bring the energy back to like base before i can have that conversation because it's hard to like have that conversation when they're like up here and you just want them to be like down here god i hope i hope spencer cries at uh semi-finals and fucks all your shit up. Give me a second. I don't foresee that happening.
Starting point is 01:31:11 Are you... How long have you been with Kelsey? Three years in November. So that's a long time. And do you feel that investment in her now that you've been three years versus someone that's like one month like spencer like like um you know when spencer might be on the field you'll be chill and watching him when kelsey's on the field you'll be clenched fist as a you know i mean like the no i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna be be clinched fist. The whole time anyway. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:58 I think the difference is, and I told Kelsey this, it's like she could write a day of her programming just because she understands how my mind works. So I could tell her, these are the things I want you to work on. And she could write her own programming and it would look like similar to like what I would write um and I think that's kind of like the goal and where you want to get to with your athletes is like they understand like how you think and then they can kind of like start um they can start like making those decisions based on like what you would see in there and like what you would say about stuff um and then at that point it doesn't take as much work. Um, I, uh, from the, from the podcast that I watched, it doesn't sound like you have a compartmentalized life. It sounds like you're like you are all in and you'd be willing to take on,
Starting point is 01:32:42 you know, 15 games athletes. Like some coaches, I get the impression from them that they don't want that or they can't do that you almost from the listening to you talk you're willing to uh do less for coach l and do more for them like you're in your sweet spot when you're just like okay i'll sleep one hour less and I'll, I'll do more. Is that describe you pretty well? Like, are you just, are you just completely immersed in your coaching life? Yeah. I mean, the way I look at it is, um, I'm 33. Like, when am I going to work hard? If I don't work hard now, like I don't want to be working hard at like 60. So like there's no reason for me to hold back. Um, so from, from that mindset, it's like, yeah, I can be tired, but like we're,
Starting point is 01:33:32 we're all tired. Um, I think I'm, I'm pretty good at like comparing, I can't say that word. Compartmentalizing. Yep. That, that word word i can't say it um you can say it in french yeah uh i think i'm pretty good at that meaning i can that actually allows me to work with different types of people just because i'm able to have this thought process with this person and then shift it and go have this conversation with someone, someone else. Say that last part again. I wasn't listening good.
Starting point is 01:34:15 I'm able to have a conversation with like, uh, someone like a girl and then immediately shift my brain to talk to a guy but i mean but so okay and it's interesting you say you're 33 because i remember from when i was about 30 to when i was about 45 yeah i just put my head down and never looked up and i just get that sense from you yeah that's that's what we're supposed to do yeah and that is what you're supposed to do yep and those really are your best years that's like when you're physically waning and like you are uh most capable with all the skills you've built up from when you were zero to when you were 33 now it's the time to put them to use like the
Starting point is 01:34:55 i don't want to say the learning's over but um it's different yeah it's it's not it's not like textbook learning you know it's like right learning learning. It's like learning through experience. Yeah, on the job training. Exactly. Man, you're in a really exciting spot. I'm so happy for you. It seems like you're an exciting spot and you know it and you're taking advantage of it and dude, you're striking when the iron's hot and that's awesome. When someone like a um when someone like spencer calls you are you like holy shit what a great compliment uh because yeah he could go anywhere right for sure for sure um i think it's i i know i'm doing something right if people are trusting me right um from
Starting point is 01:35:41 from that perspective it makes me feel like at least i'm i'm a decent person if if people are saying good things about me it means i'm treating people the right way uh not i think that the general like message about me out there is a good message and i think i've treated people the right way throughout my life and knowing them. And I think that means more to me more so than like, uh, L is a good coach. It's like, I was a good person first and then good coach after, you know, Um, you had a Kelsey come out to, to, uh, live there to get your, you know, like FaceTime with you and to actually train with you net positive oh yeah yeah um she I think this allowed her to like grow into like who she is now and I think she's she's made like
Starting point is 01:36:40 so much progress with her fitness uh I think she's she's always like had it in her psychologically like she's still strong and resilient mentally um i think we've actually like made her the fittest version of herself at 33 which is really really hard to do with someone that has like the training age that she has and has been doing fitness for as long as she has could you say uh just across the board that anyone would get better that that um spencer and danielle would get better if they move closer to you too could you just could you say that yeah for sure being with the coach yeah yeah That's cool. Hey dude, I can't wait to see you in person.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Uh, for sure. Uh, don't be surprised when I walk up to you and you hear me and you have to be like, Oh shit. Like try to hide your shock of how little I am. No,
Starting point is 01:37:39 I think I've seen you, uh, at the games before. You've already been through the shock. It's not shocking. Oh, okay, good. I mean, CrossFitters aren't like giants.
Starting point is 01:37:49 Good point. Yeah, I know. I know. I feel like I'm with my people when I'm with the athletes. Yeah, it's like you're, everybody's like
Starting point is 01:37:57 5'8", 5'9". Like, it's not like you're at a basketball game or anything. I think I probably stand out more than you, if anything. Yeah, I think you do too.
Starting point is 01:38:06 Listen, Trish wants to say you're a beautiful chocolate man. He's not made of chocolate. No one tried to bite him. Does that mean she paid $2 to make that comment? Yeah, there's no fucking way I would have said that if she didn't pay.
Starting point is 01:38:21 But I got a little whore in me. Jeffrey I would have said that if she didn't pay. But I got a little whore in me. Jeffrey Birchfield. I saw L at Rogue. He's a good-sized dude. Good-sized. All right. All right, brother. Hey, thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:38:37 And I'll see you in a few days. Awesome. Thank you, Savant. Okay. And put in a good word with Danielle for me, please. I'll do my best. All my friends wear rad please i'll do all my friends wear rads tell her all my friends wear rads i'm sure she's gonna watch this okay good all right talk to you later buddy bye coach l that's cool that was fun
Starting point is 01:39:00 all right well my son had a temperature of 103 last night and then my and then my wife goes and puts the thermometer under his arm and it goes to 107 so now i got a fucking distressed mom and a sick kid i'm just like what the fuck don't put it under his arm do it rectally that way you get the most accurate temperature she so she starts the sentence caleb with uh um i heard that putting it under the arm is the how you get the most accurate temperature well no she goes i heard you get the most accurate temperature i'm like if this bitch says putting her his anus i'll fucking file for divorce and she goes under his arm and i go oh i think for kids yeah that's the right way to do it i'm like there's no way he has 107 no but he did say last night uh um it was probably like
Starting point is 01:40:00 six o'clock and he climbs into bed and i go hey Hey, do you want me to turn the TV on for you? He goes, no. And like on a Monday night or whatever last night was to ask him to watch TV. And he says, no is crazy. That's how you know it's bad. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:14 I was like, wow, you must be fucked up. I had to tell the grandparents they're supposed to come today. Like whatever he got might kill you. Yeah. Lice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:24 You want like lice my kid's 70 still doesn't know how to blow his nose he'll just sit there and just blow out his nose and just let it run out i'm like dude that's fucking disgusting oh my god it's crazy is he hallucinating yeah he called me dad shit like that reminds me that i just i'm not ready for kids yet dude it's like snotty and like he'll just blow it out he'll blow it out and it'll be just these huge rockets and then they'll drip past his lips and he'll be like can you get me a napkin oh dude oh dude i have a i I took like a stack of 10 washcloths and I put them just
Starting point is 01:41:07 by the side of the bed and he just uses those to yeah and I'm like go for it buddy he called you dad instead of Heidi no you know what they call me they call me savvy sometimes oh yeah isn't that crazy oh that hurts yeah and they do it on
Starting point is 01:41:26 purpose to fuck with me that's super fucked up no i'm like hey let's go to the beach no savvy like if it's like you know what i mean if they're getting ready to put up a wall damn i got this uh text i want to um um let's start calling my kids dickhead uh oh JR sent me a screenshot of um what it looks like when someone from the HQ affiliate
Starting point is 01:41:53 map inquires about your gym oh that happens that's cool that's the follow up email sent after the fact i just said i called my dad jason once and i remember it i called my dad by his first name once and i do not remember it oh you you personally like i got fucked up after that
Starting point is 01:42:21 i i for one time, I can't remember what one time my mom really pissed me off as a kid. I can't even remember what it was, but I called her Rosemary for like a week. No way. Yeah. And it hurt me more than it hurt her. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:38 You know, you're like, you try to experiment. You're like, yeah, let's just, let's fuck, let's fucking try.
Starting point is 01:42:43 Yeah. All people by their first name. And then you it and it's like i immediately regret saying that jesus danielle what are you doing apologize he said do i need to apologize yeah danielle made it seem or uh l made it seem like you like listen here's the whole story here's the whole story the rad dudes her her sugar daddy was complaining about not getting to sell shoes at wadapalooza and i told them it was dumb quit being a pussy and so she got mad at me i think i think that's what it is yeah that sounds right don't let don't let another man come between us danielle it's I think that's what it is.
Starting point is 01:43:26 Yeah, that sounds right. Don't let another man come between us, Danielle. That's fucking crazy. Don't let a shoe cobbler become between me and you. Me and Danielle need a children's nighttime story about our relationship. But it's got to have a happy ending. And right now it's like, it's not a, right now it's like, yeah. There was this man and this woman.
Starting point is 01:43:57 They got along great. Then a shoe cobbler came and spread the hate. You know what I mean? Like something like that. Okay. Yeah. Like a children's story. Yeah. That's good. Maybe we can have? Like something like that. Okay. Yeah. Like a children's story. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:05 That's good. Maybe we can have Heidi. Write it? Write it for you. Oh, yeah. That'd be great. I heard she's a very accomplished children's book writer. Five-star reviews on Amazon.
Starting point is 01:44:18 And listen, all my friends. All my friends. Listen. And like, JR has 12 pairs of rads. And Sousa has 36 pairs of rads, and everyone loves the rads. I have one pair of rads when they're falling apart. Oh, yeah. Caleb loves the rads. You love them.
Starting point is 01:44:32 They're your go-to training shoe, right? When they're not falling apart, yeah. Here's what I think you should do, Daniel. You should have Ben send all my friends rad shoes. That would teach me. Well, they're sending them to Dave Lipson. I mean, they can send them to Dave Lipson. You can send them to us too, right?
Starting point is 01:44:53 Oh my God. Those are so fucking ugly. Do you think, you don't think those are ugly as shit? I don't like their running shoes, to be honest. They look pretty trash. Their training shoes are not so bad. Where's my shoes? Do I have shoes in here?
Starting point is 01:45:06 I don't have any shoes in here. Oh, Jesus. You want to feel bad about your You want to feel better about your post that got four likes yesterday? Yeah, you got one with three? That would be awesome. Yes! Oh, no, that Oh, yeah, that's tough.
Starting point is 01:45:22 Jesus Christ. With 106,000 followers? See the bottom of the shoe? Yeah. That's what I can't do. Like, for me, that's strictly a girl's shoe at that point. Oh, because it's just a thick sole? Yeah, it's like Jilla Host's head.
Starting point is 01:45:41 It's just too much jaw, not enough forehead. You know what I mean? It's the Lord. Hey, Trish,, not enough forehead. You know what I mean? Hey, Trish, stay in your lane. Stay in your lane. It's just a fucking shoe. Stay in your lane. Stay in your lane. Be cool. Don't break character. My rads lasted two years.
Starting point is 01:45:59 Yeah, my nanos lasted fucking 15 years. Mine lasted like three or four months, and then all the soul started feeling apart it would make you a few inches taller that's interesting oh god i just could never wear that what what please tell me my foot doesn't my heel doesn't actually sit at the top there does it it actually oh my god yeah i'm getting those helping I'm getting those, Alvin. I'm getting those for sure. That thing will make me.
Starting point is 01:46:28 They look like Skechers. The pump-up Skechers? Or just whatever. I just thought those shoes were just the most hideous shoes too. Okay, scroll down. Scroll down so it hides some of that sole. Let me see it without the sole. Scroll down and hide some of the sole.
Starting point is 01:46:42 There we go. There we go. There's my shoe. all right there's my shoe dude it just looks ridiculous it looks like something they accused tom cruise of wearing to make himself taller really it looks like yeah dad shoes it's just bigger than the actual like upper i swear to god david weed nailed it those are dad shoes that's like something my dad wears uh or is it new balance dad shoes new balance uh if they made us a 14 what's an m um medium i think there's like or there's like a wide and I don't know maybe regular look at Dick Butter size 14
Starting point is 01:47:31 my god that dude's huge to be honest you've seen him in person he's massive cool guy yeah that's totally the old dad shoe yes i think my dad owns those dude oh 76 76 000 five-star reviews
Starting point is 01:47:53 what's funny is like i know people who will buy like multiples of these like they'll have a closet of like 10 pairs and so whenever they go mow the grass and their shit gets all fucked up they and they or the soul starts peeling away they just go back to their closet crack another one open and crack another one open hey dude dude when you subscribe to aarp they ask you do you want a pair of rads or a pair of fucking new balance. Get up there with the first description of the magazine. Oh, shit. It's the exact opposite of like... Can I see an Air Jordan?
Starting point is 01:48:37 Yeah. I'm really confused that JR wears them. I'm so confused. I thought so. Either. What do you think Jr wore? Because you know he wore Air Jordans. Yeah, I'm sure strikes me as a low-top kind of guy He wore Air Force Ones Air Jordans. He wore all that shit. He didn't even have any white friends at all Hella good about yeah thosepin uh Laura wore Adidas
Starting point is 01:49:06 Yeah those are sick dude Yeah I like those a lot Those are my favorite Pair of rads right there I mean I personally Wouldn't though I personally couldn't let me see Those I personally could not wear those The toe would just destroy My foot yeah yeah I'd feel
Starting point is 01:49:23 I'd feel neuropathy Uh Laura Laura I had these pair of uh would just destroy my foot. Yeah. I'd feel neuropathy. Laura, I had these pair of Nike Cortez's forever. The heel was too much cushion for me too. It was too narrow in the front, but God, I loved them. I would just suck it up.
Starting point is 01:49:40 Laura wore Adidas all weekend. I asked and she is no longer with Rad. Maybe she will come back on the show now Yeah That was the least of my problems With Laura I think or no I don't have any problems With her that was her least of her problems with me But thank you I appreciate the positive thing yeah those were sick
Starting point is 01:49:57 But look at the heel on those too That was ridiculous You think that heel is big I mean Compared to what I wear now my born privative is in my born that's why i like the um i mean when i'm on those i feel like when i wore those i feel like i felt like i was wearing marshmallows wow okay so maybe i'll buy another pair of those and try so let me see the green ones nah let me see the black ones again i don't remember my black ones having
Starting point is 01:50:30 yeah i guess that's what they look like i always felt like a little i felt like tough in those i felt like i was like it had a little bit of thug in me i'd put on like a thug life, fucking temporary tattoo and throw on my, do my, do my, uh, do a teardrop.
Starting point is 01:50:57 Um, so I was wearing those shoes and I was at someone's house who you guys all know. Everyone, everyone knows this person in the chat. Everyone know everyone everyone knows this person in the chat everyone everyone listening knows this person and they had they had this person had a bunch of dogs i don't remember if it was three or if it was five but it was fucking a lot of dogs yeah those are for sure the cholo shoes. Yeah, and that's why I felt hard on them, the Cortez. Joe Biden, great guess. Let's go with Joe Biden.
Starting point is 01:51:30 Joe Biden. That's a great guess. Very close. And I was at this person's house, and they had like three or four or five dogs, and I was in their kitchen, and the kitchen had a back door that opened into the back to their yard. Right. Okay. And I was, and I was in the kitchen and I was kind of like,
Starting point is 01:51:50 I was talking to someone in the kitchen and someone goes, Hey dude, watch out dog shit. Famous last words. And I'm, I was probably like five feet from the door in the, and I, in my mind I thought,
Starting point is 01:52:04 Oh, the person thinks I'm walking fucking outside. And I have my Cortez's on. And I'm walking backwards. And all of a sudden, I'm like, oh, shit. I just stepped in shit. And I look down and I'm by the back door. And there's like 25 piles of dog shit.
Starting point is 01:52:23 What? And the person goes right in front of everything. The kitchen had like six people in it. And they're like, dude, you fucking idiot. I just told you to watch out for dog shit. I'm like, listen, dude. How the fuck was I supposed to know that it was in the fucking kitchen? Like who the fuck like thinks of that?
Starting point is 01:52:39 Like I thought for sure they thought I was going to go outside. Yeah, right. And I literally, I had a flight that day. I think it was on a private plane, though. But I just took off my shoes, and I just put them in the person's trash in their kitchen. And then they lived like two blocks from a shoe store, and I walked to the shoe store and bought a pair of shoes.
Starting point is 01:53:03 Barefoot? Greg, you know exactly who it is greg was with me you know who it is exactly that's not really greg for anyone who's listening but but i caught shit for from like how the the the jury was like 50 50 half the people were like you're a fucking idiot i warned you and the other half were like like understood what i was saying. Like, how the fuck was he supposed to know that this shit was actually in the house?
Starting point is 01:53:32 That's super annoying. Bernie Gannon, someone could have avoided this situation if he was a better listener. Fuck. He's right. Dude, it wasn't some poop in the kitchen. It wasn't some poop, Eric. Remind me one of these shows.
Starting point is 01:53:54 I want to show you. So I went to the shoe store and I bought a pair of shoes. I'm going to show you guys the pair of shoes I bought. And I couldn't even wear them. I put them on. I walked like a block. They were so tight on my fucking feet I took them off I went got home I gave them to my wife
Starting point is 01:54:07 What were they I can't even remember I just remember they were so fucking cool looking But I can never even wear cool clothes Oh shit What Wad zombie what shoe is that you sent me Is that a noble
Starting point is 01:54:24 What the fuck shoe is that you sent me? Is that a Noble? What the fuck shoe is that you sent me? Or is that a New Balance? What is that bottom part of a shoe called? Like the sole? I think the sole's the inside, right? Or, like, what if you... Oh, that's the rad one? Oh, my God. god i mean come on guys
Starting point is 01:54:47 oh my god go to the rogue website and look at the rad one like that plus plus i need to look at the top oh the top is nice I need to look at the top. Oh, the top is nice. Oh my goodness. Look at this fucking pink one. It's absolutely crazy to heal. You talking about this?
Starting point is 01:55:16 Yeah, any of those. What do the reviews say? I mean, you love them, right? Yeah, I like them. Let me see the reviews. What do the reviews say i mean you love them right yeah i like them let me see the reviews what did the reviews say by the way i can't fit into the metcons either i tried a pair of metcons once and i was like how the fuck does anyone let me let me uh so sorry let me see uh first uh i love my new rads great lifting running shoe awesome for crossfit they They also look cool while being somewhat understated. Understated? But the deal breaker was the they rub my heel pretty bad.
Starting point is 01:55:51 Oh yeah, that's always a deal breaker. I've had a pair of shoes like that once. That's normally people who have weird shaped feet though, right? They have like a bump on their heel. Yeah, probably. I'm extremely disappointed in the pair for $150. Oh, shut up. Can start coming apart within three months. I don't give a fuck about that.
Starting point is 01:56:08 Shoes come apart, man. That's what they do. Especially if you wear it. What? No? Not as quick as these do. When I first started buying Victos, that's true. They came apart quick.
Starting point is 01:56:20 I like a snug, tight sneaker. Oh, okay. So they are tight. Been doing CrossFit for 12 years now. I've worncons noble and now rads these are the best as well as they're well rounded well rounding meaning you can do every workout of matt now shut the fuck up the bottom started to come apart and i had even had them four months yeah yep uh these are hands down the worst pair of training shoes i've ever owned in the past 10 years. I've worn Nanos, Metcons, Tear, and just regular sneakers during my workouts.
Starting point is 01:56:49 Not a single has come apart like these. I don't know. Like, here's the thing. This guy fucking beat the shit out of them. I will say that. Look at that. I don't really care if they can't. For me personally, I don't care if the shoe comes apart.
Starting point is 01:57:01 I need it to just feel good. If it comes apart, I'll buy another pair. I don't think that the shoe comes apart. I need it to just feel good. If it comes apart, I'll buy another pair. I don't think that deserves a bad review. It's like if the ball, it's like, you know, when something comes late and you give it a bad review, I just don't think that's fair.
Starting point is 01:57:12 If I'm going to spend $150 on shoes, they better last a year at minimum. Like they better be, I'd be able to better be able to wear them every single day and work out in them and do all the things that I need to normally for at least a year. Wow. The only shoe. You're pretty hard on your shoes too maybe wow i beat the shit out of my shoes i think you're i think you demand too much i think you need to go easier on your way i don't know there's only the only shoe that i haven't okay i'll say two shoes that i haven't had an issue
Starting point is 01:57:40 with are the the what the nanos that you like whatever the number two's i've you can wash like a hundred times and they're yes banana twos and then uh i had i have a pair of go ruck boots and go ruck trainers that i wear and i've had i've had the go ruck trainers for over a year now and i wear them every day other than my rads and they haven't come apart at all the only thing that's come off is like maybe some color on one of the eyelets. How long does the sole last on the rads? The Victos, like you could wear them for a month and you're now like there's no, you're just on ice.
Starting point is 01:58:17 The sole lasts a while. It's just the connection between the sole and the upper. Shoe. That like starts to peel away like the whatever adhesive or whatever they use to connect the two it just starts falling apart i like them but they didn't last me long enough for me to but they fit but they fit your foot good they fit my foot good yeah yeah i'm so excited i i love the Born Primitive shoe. Really? I fucking love it.
Starting point is 01:58:47 I just love how wide it is. My toes feel great in it. I don't even know once I put it on. Like, I'm happy to put it on. What's the next pair I'm thinking about ordering? What size are you? Ten and a half. Oh, what?
Starting point is 01:59:04 Can you send me your address right now?'ll send it to claire right now well i don't forget send it in the avocado thread okay and i'll just grab it right now i have to call claire today too over at born primitive i think you would love their shorts i like other shorts they're dressy and they're stretchy. You could still work out in them. Yeah, those shorts are great. I probably have four pairs of them. And they don't cut into my waist.
Starting point is 01:59:36 Like if I eat a big meal, like I don't feel like a fat ass in it. Right. And the drawstrings are just long enough that they don't like hang out the bottoms. Oh, I don't think I have the ones with the drawstrings. Oh. I have some with't like hang out the bottoms oh i don't think i have the ones with the drawstrings oh i have some with the drawstring then they're they're not bad their shorts ripped on me yeah i could that's interesting i could see that did you get um they wouldn't be garden friendly shorts like if something sharp snags it you're they're toast oh wow yeah their jorts are great too unfortunately i really like those i think
Starting point is 02:00:06 vindicate shorts are coming out too i love those shorts too yeah uh he said he sent me a pair i wonder if he what i did with them i don't know if you find them they're really nice i had a pair i have a pair of the ones that out of the sweat material i wear those i own i only own bp leggings the best no shit. Really? I don't know anyone who wears the girl shit. Yeah. Yeah, I don't have those I have this color such a fucking military dude. That's such a military thing to wear. That's what do you mean? Yeah, the drawstring and that that's like 1970s gym coat shit. That's how I picture what everyone wears in the military. All right, fine. How is that 5.5? You wear a 5.5 inch. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:52 Jesus. Good. Your dog doesn't hang out. It's too small. You sit down and there's a fucking testicle that can hang out. No, it's all shriveled up inside me. It's okay. Perfect.
Starting point is 02:01:04 I bought my husband the stretchy dress pants his ass looks amazing yeah i want to try the pants wow really uh just sign one of my athletes to a born primitive view fuck that sucks he probably took from our pool of sponsorship money i mean congratulations uh Hiller wears 4 inch Hiller doesn't only just wear 4 inch Hiller wears like ones that are 3 sizes too small if you can't see the fucking dimples
Starting point is 02:01:35 in his testicles um then they're not tight enough for him oh ok I see Caleb Beaver you're 10 and a half yeah Then they're not tight enough for him. Oh, okay. I see. Caleb Beaver. You're 10 and a half? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:51 Oh, it says. What should I go do? The show's yours for 30 seconds. Oh, cool. yours for 30 seconds oh cool so i'm um we're planning we're thinking about buying a buying a camper van and um because my wife and i want to go travel and we're going to have some time off and show me a picture i can't wait to see this so we haven't really found one yet but um we're not really sure if it's even feasible to do but we not like a camper itself more like a van with a bed in the back kind of thing um if anybody knows anything about camper mans that'd be really helpful
Starting point is 02:02:41 um but they're so expensive did not expect them to be so expensive there are some of them are more expensive than trying to buy like a pull behind just really oh yeah yeah yeah if it's got like it yeah oh shit wow yeah and then just like go park somewhere and why aren't why aren't you getting one that's like an rv that's one of your style That's more your style. That's more Nebraska style. Because RVs are huge, and I don't know. It's just massive.
Starting point is 02:03:12 They're just too much. Yeah, I thought about getting that. I sent this text. Can you send this guy 10.5 shoes? A 10.5 shoes? He's my right-hand man on the show. Aw. That's sweet.
Starting point is 02:03:28 Yeah. Oh, shit. I just saw the preview for next week's Kill Taylor just came. Oh, that'll be cool. Yeah. I'm excited for that this weekend. Go watch it. The workout is 7, 9, 11. By the way, we went back and look at Colton's reps, his handstand pushups, and there were three of them that were no good.
Starting point is 02:03:53 So we did not pay him. I'm joking. How much is that? For the review, that's a 15% penalty. Yeah, Taylor wins. How much is that van? Oh, that one's like $150 yeah it's insane we'll see though have you ever driven one um not like a not like a camper version but i've driven like 15 passenger vans before like that they are gutless yeah they're not great to drive do you think of a video leaked of me
Starting point is 02:04:31 having sex with another guy reddit would leave me alone no you actually probably turn reddit would probably like you after that they'd finally be like wow sebon's sebon's gay we know we should have known this whole time. How did we not know? Gosh. Now we have to leave him alone. One of my friends thinks that cloud seeding is like a right-wing conspiracy theory. So yesterday I sent him like ABC News reporting on it CNN reporting on it MSNBC
Starting point is 02:05:05 reporting on like dude even your idiots know it's not fucking conspiracy theory people know did you like L yeah I thought he was cool he's he's very subdued he's very mellow but I liked him i think um
Starting point is 02:05:29 what do you think uh he what's interesting is so i i had these friends in college who were from new mexico and they were just different and someone and then someone told me he's like hey dude they and they grew up just like in a small town in new mexico and he goes hey dude the reason why they seem so different is they grew up in the desert and they just have a different gaze to them because of the way their eyes have been trained to look at their surroundings and i was getting that vibe from him like he had like he's got foreigner eyes you know what i mean like he's seen a different world than we've seen you know what i mean like his eyes are less um i don't know his eyes say something different
Starting point is 02:06:06 than than other people's eyes like he had foreigner eyes like it was nice yeah he's chill seems chill he had like a softer softer vibe yeah his face wasn't like scrunched up and like stressed he just seemed like chill like he'd been just out at sea staring at the ocean Or in a desert landscape and the horizon goes The landscape just goes to the end Yeah Have you talked to TDC in the last 12 to 24 hours Only 12 times
Starting point is 02:06:34 I don't know what it's any of your business Who I talk to by the way Ask what you really want to ask. Don't ask loaded questions, you douche canoe. Thank you. Thank you, Greg. So what are you doing later, Greg? What are you doing?
Starting point is 02:06:57 Home free, Chevy. Cool. You know, can you help me clean up my yard? Come over to my house and do some yard work? Oh, no, no, I'm busy. Sorry. I'm busy. I forgot. Actually, I only have 20 minutes. I have to go. I got a plane to catch. Do I? Does this? Oh, darn it. Yeah. Oh, that's the guy from yesterday. I need to use the voice thing more often.
Starting point is 02:07:24 Hello? No. Hello? No. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hey, Sammy, this is Greg C. What's up, buddy?
Starting point is 02:07:33 How you doing? Dr. Dave in the last 12 to 24 hours, buddy. Greg, you need to lay off the estrogen supplements. Seve, that was fantastic with all that internet buzz y'all manufactured.
Starting point is 02:08:08 I don't know what you're talking about. No fucking clue what you're talking about. What's propaganda? Oh. oh uh you don't need to change your voice while you're on the voice changer okay um i'll just talk in my regular voice and uh yeah i think you're right. It's like when you take in helium as a kid. Yeah. But what do you expect from Sevan? He's a real douche canoe. He doesn't listen good.
Starting point is 02:08:56 He doesn't listen good. He's a bad listener. What'd you say, Caleb? I don't remember. Alright. Tomorrow, no show. Yeah, tomorrow I don't have a show. Oh, tomorrow the show's at night.
Starting point is 02:09:15 You can get in tomorrow? Yeah. Nice. I think. The plan is I'm going to go pick up my rental car right now. And, um... Oh, shit shit did you guys have a falling out Audrey I can't believe you said that even if it's a joke wow
Starting point is 02:09:30 some trouble big trouble in little China uh Sebon did you see Taylor's going hard in Danny's comment section oh fuck let's do it let's do it let's party. Danny Spiegel?
Starting point is 02:09:47 Yeah. Oh, I think I saw that first comment. That was great. Oh. Here we go. Is it in this... What's... What's up with this blurry photo?
Starting point is 02:10:04 Is that supposed to be like that? Yeah. Right. Here we go. Is it in this? What's up with this blurry photo? Is that supposed to be like that? Yeah. Right. Why is that supposed to be blurry? I don't know. Aren't those the shit you're trying to sell, too? I don't know, but I'm confused. Is that a post blur?
Starting point is 02:10:23 Because that's not a real bouquet. That's like done. Like if a picture is blurry, it's supposed to be blurry because of depth of field. Her shoulders would be in focus if her hair is in focus. Anyway, whatever. Do not sexualize women's bodies, you guys. What about critiquing the photography uh just keep scrolling just keep scrolling i don't get it taylor hmm taylor self the hypocrisy is thick i don't know what that means either uh what the what the what the what the heck what the hell? What the hell? The heck?
Starting point is 02:11:06 Taylor self. Is that why anyone who works out works out so we can have our bodies sexualized? I don't, I don't even get what a D bag. You're a pedo or a bot. Are you are being serious right now calm down ginger calm your pepperoni nips bruh this is imagine a room full of like like instagram commenters eight retarded fucking golden retrievers just in a room.
Starting point is 02:11:45 And Taylor just threw like a piece of pizza in there. That's what I feel like it's like. And they're all just like, I love it. I, let me see the picture again. I'm just going to just, it's going to make me hate humanity. If I see the comments again I'm just gonna just it's gonna make me hate
Starting point is 02:12:06 Humanity if I see the comments like listen go to that JSM that guy that's your fucking profile pic and you're a man What the fuck Here's another thing he has zero followers and he posted 300 times what what's the point teeth sticking out from his lip what is no that's his tongue is he like this like he has two crooked teeth sticking out he's in a bathroom taking a selfie it was fat tricep yeah yeah that's good that's yeah that's exactly what he's doing good that's a good one i swear to God,
Starting point is 02:13:06 fucking men are just fucking have turned into a mess too. Just as much as women. This one's going to fucking hit home with somebody, but stop wearing watches. Like if you, like if you don't use a watch, like stop wearing a watch. Like that dude's watch uses him.
Starting point is 02:13:22 You, everyone has a phone. You don't need a watch You wear watch Caleb, yeah, I do but there are times when I can't have my phone on me so I need to have my watch Yeah I'll give some military guys the pass Jesus criminy I almost like
Starting point is 02:13:43 Those anyone who's in the comments and yeah, i don't want to i'm gonna i don't want to say anything mean i like the gray picture i like the picture next to that picture that's a great picture of danny uh oh with the straw yeah that's a good picture yeah it's cool it's really good does it say who took it um nope it doesn't that's their sponsor alright let me see
Starting point is 02:14:21 find another good picture I like in here dude she's got better triceps than that guy It's crazy I like that video of With Chandler Smith picking her up and throwing her down. Oh, this is a cool picture Here we go. Scroll down.
Starting point is 02:14:49 It's on the left. When she's on the field and her hair's all disheveled and shit. Keep going. It's like she's looking at it like an assault bike or a sled or something. Being like, what the fuck? Keep going. Keep going. Keep going.
Starting point is 02:15:01 That one. That green one. That one's good. Yeah, it's a good shot yeah and then I cannot believe that she like this is insane to watch
Starting point is 02:15:23 every time I see this it's fucking nuts did she win this yeah he smoked people in this I cannot believe that she, like, this is insane to watch. Every time I see this, it's fucking nuts. Did she win this? Yeah. It smoked people in this. But just the way she got over all those logs was insane. She got an athlete in her, huh? Big time. All right. All right, huh? Big time.
Starting point is 02:15:47 All right. All right. I'm done here. Probably say something stupid. I might have to reconnect the phone. Call her. Hi. Gabe, what's up?
Starting point is 02:16:02 Hello? Gabby. Gabe. Oh, hold on, Gabe. Sorry. My phone's fucked up Hello, Gabby Gabe. Oh Hold on Gabe. Sorry phones fucked up. Of course always always the first callers a fucking mess So I'm gonna be the game thing hey, what's up, dude? Yo, yeah, oh There's two yeah there we go buy $100
Starting point is 02:16:29 hey how much do they have to buy exactly if they use the code word Sevan is it $117 no like before you check out if your order is over $100 you're good to go just don't be that person that checks out and the order isn't a hundred dollars
Starting point is 02:16:46 i know but but if you put if you buy like 106 dollars worth of stuff from paper street coffee and then you put in code word seven on then you're and then you go to checkout and then if your order doesn't equal to over a hundred dollars a hundred dollars over then you just won't get anything but if you are over a hundred dollars you get entered into a contest uh to win two tickets to to over $100, $100 and over, then you just won't get anything. What the fuck does that mean? But if you are over $100, you get entered into a contest to win two tickets to the CrossFit Games. Great seats. Epic seats. Amazing seats.
Starting point is 02:17:13 Here it is. These are the most expensive seats. Some of the best seats I've ever had. Pretty much. I need at least 50 orders to come in for me to break even for these seats. Cause we had to go on the secondary market together. Oh damn.
Starting point is 02:17:30 So, so the odds also are pretty good of winning too. I mean, theoretically, if a thousand people buy, make place orders, you're up against a thousand people. Unless you make two orders,
Starting point is 02:17:42 then you're only up against 500. Exactly. There you go. So there's you're only up against 500. Exactly. There you go. So there's no minimum. There's none of that. Just make sure your order is over a hundred bucks. And then the last week of semifinals is what, in two weeks or so?
Starting point is 02:17:57 Yep. We'll announce who wins those awesome seats. And don't be one of those people like, oh, I won the tickets. I just don't know how to get there you get there on your own you guys don't get like four thousand dollars worth of tickets which is two two tickets you can smell danny spiegel sweat if she makes it like that's how close you're gonna be wow wow her sweat isn't it isn't it crazy how i met that guy this weekend?
Starting point is 02:18:25 Oh, yeah. Real quick, though. So are you predicting Danny Spiegel is going to go to the games this year? Sure. Why not? All right. Yeah, that's a small world. I meant to call you and ask you about that. What a small world. Verbatim, I was just like, hey, if I can get in front of your board, I would just tell them how retarded they are if they let this opportunity go back.
Starting point is 02:18:48 Oh, my goodness. And he just left. Or she left. Oh, yeah, good answer. Hey, we know what seats Hiller will be in. Yeah, Andrew better buy. He better try to win the contest. He better buy some coffee.
Starting point is 02:19:07 Because he ain't getting a media pass. Oh, dude, I'm 100. You want to bribe me with a little extra something something? I'll give you the ticket. There you go. Hey, and you could win the tickets and then sell them for $6,000 maybe. The day of? Probably.
Starting point is 02:19:24 Yeah. Yeah, you can scout the tickets. Go ahead. Do your thing. Dick Butter thinks that Danny Spiegel smells good. I bet she does smell good. She probably does smell good. Yeah, sure. Why not? Especially Dick Butter. I'm pretty sure all he smells is ass.
Starting point is 02:19:46 Are you excited about doing the behind the scenes In Carson again? I am I stayed up really late last night Packing all my camera gear I'm gonna go in the house and pack my clothes I'm pretty fucking pumped I'm gonna go get a rental car
Starting point is 02:20:01 My wife rented me something I told her to get whatever the biggest rental car is And I'm pretty excited I'm pretty excited to get there and car. My wife rented me something. I told her to get whatever the biggest rental car is. And I'm pretty excited. I'm pretty excited to get there and do a live podcast with all the guys. Yeah, I'm pumped. I'm pumped. The problem is, is the way I work is I'm dreading driving there.
Starting point is 02:20:17 And I know when I get there, I'll be dreading driving home. But at least when I drive home, Suze is driving with me. So that's cool. I mean, I'm driving to Tennessee inessee in like two days how far is that 26 foot truck 13 hours oh wow fuck i rented a 26 foot truck to load up a bunch of cabinets and countertops we got driving from new jersey to tennessee i i also i'm hoping that andrew comes home with me i invited him to come home with me. Are you nervous about sharing a house with Taylor? Yes.
Starting point is 02:20:49 No, not with Taylor. It's so funny you mentioned that. I do not want, like, I just don't, I'm not nervous, but, like, I don't like to be bothered. And so, like, I just, I'm just, like, I like to be alone. And so I am a little, like like the situation of being in a house with nine other guys and like two of them bringing their wives and like i am a little uh like someone could touch something of mine and i could have a fucking meltdown you know what i mean yeah i mean i totally get it if my ocd kicks in i could flip out i was more coming up like
Starting point is 02:21:28 approaching it in the sense of how many times you think taylor's gonna want to like show you his ass oh no i'm excited about that don't believe the hype on uh on reddit i'm as gay as they come i'd love to see some butthole that would actually offer offer me... That would be nice. I mean, I'm excited to see what you guys do and how everything turns out. I hope he does the podcast tucked. You know what I really hope? I really hope that Dave comes to the house Friday
Starting point is 02:21:55 and does a live podcast with us, because that would be so funny to have us all in the same house. We'll invite Hiller over. It'll be so funny. What's the possibility of that happening? I think it's high. It's probably, I think it's all schedule dependent. I think like he's in and out.
Starting point is 02:22:12 I think he's just there for a minute. And so like if, I'm not sure if he's staying the night in Carson. So if he does stay the night, I think he'll try to do it. I know he'll want to hang out. Like he'll want to hang out as much as he wants to do anything. Like, I mean, he's not a very social person either, but I think he'd come over and fuck with
Starting point is 02:22:30 us. He's a good dude. Nice, man. I'm excited. I can't wait to see all the content and everything you guys put out. It's going to be really, really crazy. How about I'm going to get to see Alex Gazan? You going to see her, Kyra, Ariel, Colton,
Starting point is 02:22:47 No, I won't see Colton. Colton's east. Is he east? No, he's west. Oh, shit. Wow. Crazy. Yeah, I'm pumped. You can tell I've done my research. I just wrote down Ariel's name. I didn't know I was gonna see Ariel there either.
Starting point is 02:23:04 If I would... Yep. Kyra, Ariel ariel fulton yeah that's awesome that is so awesome yeah the more people how are you gonna go ahead how are you gonna divvy up the uh the manpower back when you have so many athletes you're gonna want to like focus on i'm really just gonna focus on just the bubble athletes um basically maybe the first day or two yeah basically focus on just the bubble athletes. Basically, maybe the first day or two. Yeah, basically just focus on the bubble athletes. The games athletes, I mean, obviously I'll talk to the high-profile athletes. That's what will get the eyeballs on the video. But, like, the day, the tension, I'm hoping I can build relationships
Starting point is 02:23:40 with the people who are the bubble athletes because that's where all the tension is going to be. And of course you know there'll be plenty hopefully of colton and uh gazan and ariel and kyra and just the people that i already know so hopefully it'll be good there's i'll just be working my ass off some people are like hey can i come over to the house and party with you i'm like dude it's not like that i just present it that way on the podcast like hey we're the cool kid it's just miserable the whole time it's get up it's get up at five crash at three drinks way too many energy drinks get back up 11 o'clock uh be like fuck i should have been in bed an hour ago yeah 100 a lot of people think it's it's hanging out but when you're there you're working you're
Starting point is 02:24:26 busting your ass and yeah i'll try to make it look like i'm cool but really you should know inside i'm just dying slowly i'm excited to see it did you get the tumblers by the way i did yeah i did get the tumblers they're awesome i'm bringing those with me. All right, cool. Just bring one. One's for your wife. Just bring one. All right. All right, man. All right, dude. I'll see you. I'll talk to you.
Starting point is 02:24:49 Have fun. Okay, thank you. Later, Gabe. Bye. Bye, Gabe. That's it. We could premiere the... We could premiere the...
Starting point is 02:25:00 This new commercial too so Dang. Beautiful. Patrick Rios. I feel like we need a 15-second one. How long is that one? 25 seconds. Now we have a 47-second one and a 25-second one. You guys want to see
Starting point is 02:25:45 the kill Taylor preview preview is it in there oh no it's not in here no it's in a YouTube I haven't seen it either that was so loud yeah that was loud sorry should i have them lower it low ad um uh a paper street coffee commercial ball volume is super loud
Starting point is 02:26:22 you guys can all stop watching now. Now we're in the work phase of the show where Caleb and I just work. No more unhinged rants. We're just working now. I don't know. Unhinged rant could come at any time. True. Do you want to watch this?
Starting point is 02:26:40 Yeah, fuck it. Let's watch it the workout is 7 9 11 reps for time squat snatch 135 parallette handstand pushups 14 inch for boys 12 inch for girls 409 409 the time to beat tired been up since 4 30 but i have to go already making excuses
Starting point is 02:27:10 why you go no rep should we give this guy a shot at it just wait what's the workout oh fuck off what's the workout are you stoned uh no dude someone counting for you i suspect you're not so good at counting. We have our second contestant. Pig Farmer. Oh, stop that! Oh, my God. Get the fuck out of here, dude. Hey, Colton, do you have a plan?
Starting point is 02:27:35 Fucking win. No, he's not winning. Hey, you want to tie that shoe before you get going or no? The other one. The one that's open. Do a deadlift high pull to a fucking still smiling oh shit two reps for that he gets two reps for that he's doing great this is worth watching look at that smile on his face oh my god and last one for the $500. No! Fail it! Take it. No!
Starting point is 02:28:07 Oh, shit. It would have been disrespectful to not do it when it's set up so well for me. All four shows, you're the best guest we've had. Thank you. Yeah, I'd agree with that. Next time, I'll tie my shoes and beat you guys. All right. Damn.
Starting point is 02:28:25 That was cool. Damn. That was cool. Damn, damn, damn. That was probably the best one yet. Yeah, I think each one's gotten better. I like that one a lot. God, I'm so happy with that show. Guys, that show will be Thursday now. This Thursday. The next two weeks, it'll be on Thursday,
Starting point is 02:28:41 and then it'll move back to Saturday, I think. So what's cool is we'll be on Thursday and then it'll move back to Saturday, I think. But, uh, so what's cool is, is we'll be getting it, um, sooner. That's June 20, uh, uh,
Starting point is 02:28:52 no, May 23rd. I don't know the time yet. And, uh, I heard it might be in Jamie Hayagia's gym. I mean, that's just such a rumor.
Starting point is 02:29:02 Oh, wow. She's cool people. Yeah, she's great. But, but there, uh, She's cool, people. Yeah, she's great. But but there I think J.R., I think her and someone else. I think there's two gyms that were that are candidates. Oh, Born Primitive got back to me.
Starting point is 02:29:19 Yes, if we have his size in stock, I know men's are really low in the 10 and 10.5. Do you want to connect later or tomorrow about Kill Taylor's show next three weeks? Oh yeah, they're a sponsor for the next three weeks. Thank you. Yes. That's sick. I was supposed to call her
Starting point is 02:29:42 yesterday. I fucked that up. Oopsies. Who is this? Oh, that was L. You'll take a nine. Jamie Higaya for the DEI. Yeah, whatever it takes. Thank you. Sure. What time Thursday? uh jamie higaya for the dei yeah whatever it takes thank you sure oh what time thursday that's a great question i don't know judy um i don't know i'd like it to be
Starting point is 02:30:15 early this might be interesting christian keller can people show up live and do it in front of you guys that i don't know i do know that we are in discussion with doing a live version at the um wadapalooza event in socal that tier wadapalooza event they're doing we want to do a live version there and there basically every person that doesn't beat him we're planning on making the money double so we'll get like a five thousand dollar sponsor and pick 10 people to try to beat him from the crowd and every person who doesn't beat him it goes up 500 bucks and if no one beats him no one wins it yeah that's kind of cool right that is pretty cool oh close the show okay fine uh see you guys tomorrow oh uh matt sues is coming on at 11 right yeah i think so i think he's got one up there
Starting point is 02:31:06 yeah matt sues will be here at 11 is today thursday no tuesday i don't know what other shows there are okay talk to you guys soon bye

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